Coachella Valley Weekly - May 11 to May 17, 2017 Vol. 6 No. 8

Page 1 • May 11 to May 17, 2017 Vol. 6 No. 8

Todd “TK” Killiam


CV Music Awards


Ann Wilson




May 11 to May 17, 2017


Coachella Valley Weekly


Publisher & Editor Tracy Dietlin Art Director Robert Chance Sales Team Morgan James Classified Manager & Nightlife Editor Phil Lacombe Features Writer Lisa Morgan, Rich Henrich, Heidi Simmons, Denise Ortuno Neil, Judith Salkin, Avery Wood Writers/Contributors: Robin Simmons, Rick Riozza, Craig Michaels, Bronwyn Ison, Haddon Libby, Janet McAfee, Rachel Montoya, Dale Gribow, Raymond Bill, Sam DiGiovanna, Rob Brezny, Eleni P. Austin, Noe Gutierrez, Sunny Simon, Dr. Peter Kadile, Bruce Cathcart, Lola Rossi, Laura Hunt Little, Flint Wheeler, Dee Jae Cox, Janet Newcomb, Patte Purcell, Rebecca Pikus, Esther Sanchez, Angela Romeo, Jenny Wallis Photographers Robert Chance, Chris Miller, Esther Sanchez, Laura Hunt Little, Lani Garfield, Scott Pam, George Duchannes Distribution Phil Lacombe, William Westley

CONTENTS Judith Chapman & Patti Denney..... 3-4 Breaking The 4th Wall ......................... 5 Art Scene - Nasty Women Gallery ...... 5 Todd "TK" Killiam ............................... 6 2017 CV Music Awards........................ 6 Ann Wilson at Fantasy Springs........... 7 ScottsThotProcess at Date Shed......... 8 CV Open Mic Competition .................. 9 Backstage Jazz......................................9 Consider This - Raging Fire ............... 10 Art Scene - Jill Carrey Michael .......... 11 Pet Place............................................. 12



f you are a fan of daytime soap operas and especially “The Young and the Restless,” no doubt you have seen the face of actor Judith Chapman. After a decade away from Hollywood, the Palm Springs resident recently returned to Genoa City as Gloria Fisher Abbott Bardwell, the mysterious and intriguing character on the long running daytime drama. Now, she sets to bring a piece of Hollywood talent back with her with a show for friend and Emmy award-winning make-up artist, Patti Denney on Saturday May 20th from noon-5pm at West Elm located at 2010 N. Palm Canyon. CV: How does it feel to step into the skin of your old character and return to the screen? JC: “There was a writer in Hollywood, who wanted the exclusive story on my “return” and he asked me – ‘What have you done? You’ve committed career suicide!’ And I told him, I have been teaching and I find that to be rather noble. I’ve continued to learn from my students and reignited my passion. I was pleasantly surprised to be asked back to Y&R by the new head writer, Sally Sussman.” CV: Did you think your career was over in pictures? JC: “I stopped going out for everything and thought to hell with going back to Hollywood and…THANK YOU for having me back!” (she laughs) CV: What was it like to get that call? JC: “It was great! Although, I was gluing my fingers together trying to put on false nails for my lip-sync benefit, I’m Lady Gaga, you know and John Callahan plays Tony Bennett. The phone rings and its ‘Y&R,’ IT’S HOLLYWOOD! They want me! It’s such a kick to be back on the show. I’ve watched so many people grow up on this show.” CV: How have soap operas changed in the last few years? JC: “The big problem is the budgets have been slashed. It was once a family business. The hay day was really in the 80’s. HUGE budgets and we would travel all over and shoot episodes in Paris and in Italy. Not anymore. I hate to say it but I think they are

going the way of the dodo bird.” CV: What are some of the challenges with the reduced budgets other than not collecting frequent flyer miles? JC: “The rehearsals are not as long as they used to be. It forces the actor to not be lazy, go home and learn your lines rather than try to learn them while in make up. I have wonderful lines!” CV: How has production of the show changed? JC: “We shoot…we are dark on Mondays but shoot 5-6 shows per week. When you think about a film script, 120 pages, this is like shooting 2 ½ feature films a week! The five-day production schedule can be a challenge. I often have 30 pages of dialogue a day to learn. The independents think it’s great to shoot a film in 12 days. Try shooting a soap! I work with so many wonderful actors. It’s a great day job! And it’s a great way to see my career wind down. I’m moving into my Maggie Smith days!” CV: What have you learned as an actor over the years? JC: “In Europe the older actors are cherished. Not so much here. I work with a lot of young people. I would not want to go back to being a starving artist now. When

May 11 to May 17, 2017


PHOTOS BY ESTHER SANCHEZ I started out I was as green as a four-leaf clover! But then you could take a voice class for $15 and join a gym. It wasn’t like it is now. It’s really a tough nut.” CV: You taught acting at College of the Desert. How did that come about? JC: “I love working in Hollywood but LOVE living in the desert. I was basically hired on the spot. I taught for several semesters and loved it. My students were fantastic. It really recharged my batteries. One student came up to me and wanted me to direct Equus and I thought how can I direct such an intense play and with horses! After a few minutes, I agreed to do it. It’s nice to be stupid enough to know you can’t do something. It helped me go back to the passion and feel eager and hungry again.” CV: What advice do you give to them? JC: “I give them the same advice I was given in college. I had this upstart starlet Gene Mueller for a teacher. She worked in the 30’s and 40’s but in the 50’s with the McCarthy era, she was one that refused to say yeah or neigh, it destroyed her. Several decades later, I would go to her house and she would make tea- it was her Maggie Smith years! She would look at you down her nose and say: If you can live without it, do! If you can’t, make the sacrifices and work hard. Like my friend Patti (Denney) who has a show coming up…” CV: I understand this was your idea to put a show together for her. JC: “She works so hard. She makes the sacrifice. Sometimes, she doesn’t get home until 8-9 o’clock at night and then paints until two or three in the morning and still gets up and comes to work ready to make us all shine! She is the first to arrive and the last to leave. We don’t have a hiatus on our show either. She has such passion and is so talented. She has created a wonderful body of work. You just have to make your own way. I’m really happy to have this show for her. You should have seen her special effects make up for my horrible burn. She used oatmeal flakes and sesame seeds! I’m thrilled to help and to have Vektor Vodka on board as well.” continue to page 4

The Vino Voice ................................... 13 Club Crawler Nightlife....................... 14 Screeners............................................ 18 Book Review....................................... 19 Safety Tips...........................................19 Palm Desert Aquactic Center............ 20 Haddon Libby.................................... 21 Dale Gribow....................................... 21 Real Estate.......................................... 22 Sports Scene...................................... 22 Free Will Astrology............................ 23 Ask Jenny........................................... 23 Beauty with Dr. Maria Lombardo..... 24 Life & Career Coach............................ 24

Background painting by Snake Jagger. Necklace by Renae Madore.


May 11 to May 17, 2017

JUDITH CHAPMAN - PATTI DENNEY continued from page 3

Patti Denney is a three-time Emmy Award winning head makeup artist on the #1 daytime drama, The Young and the Restless. She is also secretly an artist to be discovered. I reached out to speak with her about the upcoming show at West Elm in Palm Springs on May 20th at the urging of the desert’s own Norma Desmond, friend and colleague Judith Chapman. CV: Your friend Judith told me the world needs to know about your art. PD: (She laughs) “Is that what she said?” CV: More or less. She is excited to have your pop-up show in the desert.


PD: “She is so wonderful. It’s my hobby really. I had a picture on my desk and Judith said: ‘Is that yours?’ I said yes and she was so complimentary of my work and encouraged me to have a show.” CV: So how did this show come about? PD: “Judith said she started investigating and the more she started to discover, she told me she was loving every minute of it and said to me, we’re doing this! So, she really just set it up for me in Palm Springs and wouldn’t let me out of it. She’s such a champion for me.” CV: What can we expect to experience at your show? PD: “My art keeps evolving, changing. I go from abstract to impressionism and then to mixed media. It all depends. I have a city series that includes my impression of Ground Zero and a piece on Beverly Hills and one of the Hollywood sign and of course, one of Palm Springs I call Desert Storm.” CV: I love your mannequin portraits! PD: “Thank you. I dragged that old thing out of the prop closet on set. I am a fan of Matisse and definitely inspired and

influenced that work.” CV: What do you want to say with your art? PD: “To be honest, it happens as it goes along. Sometimes I get angry that it’s not working out and I will take a paint brush and start going over a piece and then stop and realize, yes, that’s what I want! I don’t do well having to explain.” CV: Your work is visceral. That’s not always easy to explain but the complexity is reflected in the mediums you express yourself through. PD: “I like to experiment. Sometimes I use acrylic and ink or use alcohol ink to add vibrancy and once in a while, I might add a touch of a digital effect.” CV: I understand you have a show in New York going on? PD: “CBS called and they said they were looking for artists in the company to exhibit at a new upscale gallery at CBS New York. I submitted and the girl said she wasn’t sure the judges would go for it but she really liked it and would push for it. Well, I got the call!

They picked five pieces.” CV: This will be a great opportunity for you and wonderful exposure in the desert. Where can we see your work if we miss the show? PD: “ and on Instagram @MyArtByPatti” You can check out Patti’s art at her show at West Elm at 2010 N. Palm Canyon in Palm Springs on Saturday May 20th from noon5pm.



atire in literature is defined as a technique employed by writers to expose and criticize foolishness and corruption of an individual or a society by using humor, irony, exaggeration or ridicule. It intends to improve humanity by criticizing its follies and foibles. Michael McKeever’s comedy, “Clark Gable Slept Here,” may not do its part to improve humanity, but it sure makes for a good night of fun theater if you’re in the mood for some laugh out loud entertainment. “Clark Gable Slept Here,” currently in production at the Desert Rose Playhouse in Rancho Mirage, sets the stage for a delightful


and humorous expose´ of Hollywood’s dark underbelly. In a business that is all about show, nothing seems too farfetched when it comes to keeping skeletons in the closet. At rise we find the body of Travis, (John Fryer) a dead male hooker laid bare for the world to see in the very posh hotel room of aging action star, Patrick Zane. It’s Los Angeles and the eve of the Golden Globe Awards and Zane, the central character, though never seen, manages to set up a very funny and engaging mystery. In addition to a naked hooker, we find nervous Hotel Manager, Gage Holland, (Winston Gieseke) who despite his actor sounding name, has zero acting ambition,


n the not so distant past a Presidential Debate was held. One participant referred to another participant as “Such a Nasty Woman.” That comment in turn sparked an ember that became a movement that Bustle called “the female empowerment message Donald Trump didn’t mean to inspire.” Long revered and vilified for its power, art entered the movement. Nasty Women is a global art movement that seeks to show solidarity among artists who identify with the Nasty Women movement. Nasty Women art movement has held over forty art exhibitions taking place around the United States and abroad. The Nasty Women Exhibitions seeks to bring awareness to political threats to impinge on individual rights including abortion and birth control. Some exhibitions raise funds to


Zane’s slick talking manager, Jarrod “Hilly” Hilliard (Michael Pacas) and an eager to leave the scene maid, Estelle (Melanie Blue) who made me burst out laughing from the first moment she began to explain the scenario, in very rapid and descriptive Spanish. Blue is a gem and exceptional in her role as the maid, who has more ambition than meets the eye. Hilly, calls in Hollywood ‘Fixer’, Morgan Wright, (Yo Younger), to assess and manage this crisis. Younger is a talent that can lay claim to any role and she owns the stage from the minute she enters. She is just the right mix of funny, sexy and satirically menacing. This script is unpredictable and delightful. It’s a pleasurable romp without any expectations of deep thinking and most certainly a production that is a feather in the cap of the Desert Rose Playhouse. Jim Strait’s direction and set design create an ambience of pure fun and magical theatre. Allan Jensen’s costumes were spot on for these characters and Phil Murphy’s lighting rounds out an excellent and quality production. “Clark Gable Slept Here,” can be seen through May 28th at The Desert Rose Playhouse, located at 69-620 Hwy 111 Rancho Mirage, CA. For ticket information visit This is definitely a show for adult audiences. And

NASTY WOMEN - THE ART OF EMPOWERMENT support organizations defending these rights. In response to this movement, Gallery 62 and Beatnik Lounge are presenting the Nasty Women Art Exhibition, curated by Suzanne Ross. Gallery 62 is part of the Morongo Basin Cultural Arts Council. While this show does not necessarily reflect the views of The Morongo Basin Cultural Arts Council, it is a reflection of the current political climate. The exhibition includes work by female and male artists and presents a variety of artworks in response to the topic. “The individual expression includes a range from positive metaphor to outright rage, while showcasing a united solidarity against the loss of individual rights.”noted Suzanne. Participating artists include Suzanne Ross, Barbara Drucker, Coco Hall and Timothy Hearsum. Artist Barbara Spiller’s piece, Black Winged Virgin, is a 14”x 11” monoprint. The black and white image of a nude female figure simultaneously evokes sensuality and suppression. “The image of the black winged virgin appeared to me in a dream. I had made the made the monoprint some time ago but it immediately came to mind when I heard the call for Nasty Women,” said Barbara. Barbara felt a need to participate. “I think that, although the term Nasty Women may be spoken, as in the Trump/Clinton debate, in seeming reference is to behavior or a presumption of power on the part of the

May 11 to May 17, 2017

if you’re looking for a fun escape, this is the one to see. Dee Jae Cox is a playwright, director and producer. She is the Cofounder and Artistic Director of The Los Angeles Women’s Theatre Project. and


woman. I always hear in misogynist speech an underlying loathing disrespect of the female body. The Black Winged Virgin, however, fills up space and sits comfortably in her flesh. She exudes a kind of ironic contradiction to ‘nasty’, and exists as a ‘taking back’, a redefining of a nasty woman. It is a statement that I will define myself!” Artist Rik Livingston has 3 pieces in the exhibit. “The piece that most represents my feelings concerning the current resistance to domination by the powerful is the displays of 100 free mini posters. Hands Off the P…, Fat Cat! is a symbol of defiance to injustice. I hope the poster makes its way to every refrigerator, car and house window throughout the desert!” “My piece The Dream Screen is 6 feet by 8 feet which features a nude. It was reviewed in the Sunday San Francisco Chronicle and published in SOMA Magazine. But when it was exhibited in The Joshua Joshua Tree Chamber of Commerce, it was first banned, then allowed back with its face to the wall, so people had to walk around to see the image. That inspired a Censorship Show at The 29 Palms Creative Center. The piece was featured face forward. It was all ironic because the painting is, in part, about the objectification of the nude in art.” “It was nudity itself that got the piece banned, so I created a desert version of Henri Rousseau’s Dream, called Desert Dream. That piece will be exhibited at Gallery 62,” continued Rik. “When viewers see these two pieces many


will remember that censorship and all the voices that spoke out against suppression.” Voices speaking out are a central theme to the Nasty Women movement. “It was important to participate in this show because it is no longer about Hillary. Plain and simple, it is about BULLYING. It is a dominant minority forcing their agenda on those of us who are less powerful…for the moment. My work has often touched on social issues, but generally in subtle ways. Not this time. I want my participation to be, like in Hands Off the P…, Fat Cat! a slap in the face! We all need to wake up and resist.” Nasty Women Art Exhibition opens a dialogue of respect and human dignity. It runs through May 28. For more information visit


May 11 to May 17, 2017






odd Killiam, Program Director, Music Director and on-air personality for local rock station 93.7 KCLB has become a driving force behind the promotion of the Coachella Valley Music scene. From promoting shows at local venues to bringing local bands on the air, T.K. has gone far above and beyond the standard practices to give a platform for desert performers to be heard. In a time of corporate regulations that often downright prohibit the mere idea of broadcasting anything beyond their standard list of played out songs and artists...T.K. and the good folks at KCLB are breaking the rules. In doing so they are giving themselves an edge that separates them from the pack and we love them for it. TK: took some time out of his busy schedule to chat with us at CV Weekly. ES: How did you become interested in radio broadcasting and what was the path that led you to where you are today? TK: “I have been deeply in love with music as far back as I can remember. I’ve been fascinated with radio since I was 7 years old. It was a natural thing to get into it. By the time I was in my early 20’s I was doing Rock/ Alt Rock radio in San Diego. Eventually I moved on to radio radio in L.A. My career highlight was working at Indie 103.1 in L.A. I learned everything I know about radio there. Most importantly I learned how to really serve our local music community and put it through the airwaves.

Fast forward to 93.7 KCLB. I’ve always loved the desert and would come here every chance I could get. When I joined Alpha Media (owners of KCLB), I was floored by the fact a radio corporation was ALL about their local communities. In fact, it’s the whole point of the company.” ES: Tell me about your vision for incorporating local music and giving a platform for local music on KCLB. TK “It’s a simple one. Work with as many bands and venues as possible to get bands promoted on air at KCLB. Another goal is starting a local music show on KCLB. It all started with our friend Brad from The Hood. He opened his doors and let KCLB book and promote local music nights. That includes on air broadcasts with 93.7 KCLB live from The Hood. We’re grateful to have worked with so many crazy talented local bands in the last 6 months. Some of the bands include, The


Flusters, The After Lashes, Drop Mob, Mighty Jack, The Brosquitos, 5th Town, The Hive Minds, House of Broken Promises and ALOT more! Having them on the air at KCLB was the most fun!” ES: Considering the fact that KCLB is part of a corporation, did you have any difficulty convincing the powers that be to allow you to feature and support local musicians? TK: “We are fortunate enough to work for a corporation that’s mission and vision is primarily to be integrated into the communities we serve. So much so, that our corporate tagline all over the nation is ‘Live and Local.’ The only problems we have featuring and supporting local musicians are their busy schedules and finding a gap to have them in. We encourage all local artists and musicians to reach out to KCLB. Here’s my office number, 760.416.8494. Call anytime. We have two people at KCLB who have really shared in this vision. Katy Treadwell and Stephanie Bergantino have a passion for music and the Coachella Valley. They have opened a lot of doors for us at local music spots around the valley. It’s been a win/win for everyone so far and it’s helped bands get heard on 93.7 KCLB.” ES: Anything coming up that you would like to talk about? TK “We have several events and promotions coming up that feature local artists and talent; one being at The Hood for KCLB Live and Local Fest on May 28th and 29th. It’s two nights featuring all local bands. Another big supporter of local bands is Big Rock Pub. We are routinely out at Big Rock for local events of all kinds. They’re supporters of local music with up to 3 or 4 bands a week, open mic nights and more. The Hard Rock Hotel also has a great music scene that KCLB along with other Alpha stations support. Bart Lounge in Cathedral City has hosted KCLB for several events and features local bands and DJs throughout the week. There are so many great places in the desert to find local music and talent that I couldn’t possibly name them all. But we would certainly love to be a part of them all.”





he CV Music Awards have grown and now we must spread the event between two nights and two venues. We started with just a few categories five years ago and kept growing: in 2015 we had 28 categories and last year 32. This year we have 37 categories in all genres that the valley got to vote on. We also have 2 Trailblazer Award recipients, 2 Pioneer Award recipients, a Lifetime Achievement Award recipient and a new Visionary Award recipient. Combine that with the usual 15+ bands that we have perform and that means we had to do something different this year. So like the Grammy’s, Oscars and Golden Globes, who all have separate ceremonies to give out awards in all the categories (hundreds) that you don’t see televised, we will be doing just that by having an additional separate event this year. Our gracious sponsor, Big Rock Pub, will be hosting the Pre-Party Awards Ceremony on Thursday, June 1 from 7-10pm, where we will announce winners in 10 of the 37 nominated categories. There will also be several performances by nominees. The price for BOTH awards shows will be $25.00 in advance and $35.00 at the door. YES!!! That means $25.00 gets you into BOTH awards ceremonies at Big Rock and The Riviera! The show at Big Rock will have limited seating so I highly recommend you

purchasing tickets in advance as you might be turned away at the door due to capacity. The following categories/awards will be announced at Big Rock: Best Keyboards, Best Bass, Best Local Music Event, Best Jazz Instrumental, Best Club DJ, Best Jazz Vocals, Best Reggae, Best Instrumental Band, Best Duo, Best Club Promoter, Best Adult Contemporary and Best Individual Instrumental. Nominees performing at this event include: Gina Carey, Mikey Reyes & Bryanna Evaro, Derek Jordan Gregg, Mark Gregg, Eevaan Tre and more to be announced. We are also planning a very special VIP after party for the main awards at the Riviera, which will feature a 40 minute collaboration of several of the rap/hip-hop nominees performing, followed by a set from Long Duk Dong and then closing out the night will be a set by Blackwater. For those who have attended this in the past you know it’s an event not to be missed. So get your tickets now as the VIP party will also have limited tickets this year. Not only did we increase the number of categories this year but we also increased the amount of nominees in many of the categories, giving more bands and artists a chance for exposure, to perform and ultimately win an award. For tickets call 760-501-6228.


May 11 to May 17, 2017



CRAZY ON YOU: ANN WILSON OF HEART By Rich Henrich Heart, the American rock band that’s been rolling for over four decades, the band that has sold over 35 million records worldwide, with Top 10 albums on the Billboard charts in the 70’s, 80’s 90’s and 2010’s, the band that has endured the test of time and the 2013 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductees, will reverberate a piece of that artistry at Fantasy Springs Casino Friday, May 19th with front woman, Ann Wilson of Heart, going solo. Ann Wilson is perhaps best known as the lead singer and songwriter for the hard rocking band Heart. The dramatic soprano singer is considered one of the “top heavy metal vocalists of all time” by Hit Parade Magazine and heralded as one of the absolute best female vocalists in rock and roll history. Since launching in 1973, Heart has produced iconic rock and roll hit after hit starting with the 1975 release of Crazy on You, Baracuda, These Dreams, What About Love, Alone and All I Wanna Do Is Make Love to You to name a few of the greatest hits. Ann has also recorded with Alice in Chains, Bob Dylan, Elton John, k.d. lang, Alison Krauss, Rufus Wainwright, Wynonna Judd and the Dallas Symphony Orchestra to name a few of the greats she’s had the pleasure to work with as a solo artist. After touring concert venues and countries for more than four decades, Ann needed a

creative detour from Heart to explore concepts she was interested in as an artist. I was recently able to catch up with the lovely Queen of the Power Ballad and find out what’s in store for her current tour and the May 19th show at Fantasy Springs Resort and Casino. CV: What can we expect from this show? AW: “My husband and I have worked with our Lighting Director, Gabi Scheff, who’s just wonderful. This is her first show where she’s in charge of it all. She’s absolutely talented. It will be a really fun and artistic experience with a lot of visuals. We’ve put a tribe together, a lot of them are not tried and true professionals but a group that really believes in this and we believe in giving them a chance. We just have a wonderful team that puts their talent and passion into all they do to keep it relevant, fun, fresh and exciting! It’s really a total departure from Heart. Actually, the only thing that carries over (from the band) is me.” CV: So, we won’t be hearing you belting out some of our favorite songs? AW: “It scared a lot of booking agents and promoters, too! (She laughs). We will play several songs from Heart but they are completely reimagined. We will also be doing some fantastic covers of songs that have really inspired me.” CV: What will be different about these reimagined songs? AW: “I’ve reworked them completely. Often with rock and roll songs you can’t really hear the words. The arrangements have been structured in a way so we can here the words. We’ve slowed them down to focus more on the vocals. Letting the music and lyrics breathe.” CV: When you talk about being able to hear the words, I think one thing that get’s overlooked about your songs is just what powerful little stories they are. AW: “Yes! That’s exactly it. I want to focus more on the storytelling.” CV: This seems to go back to some of your folk rock days. AW: “That’s true, we’re taking these songs down to the core so you can really experience the moment and the journey.” CV: What songs will you play? AW: “I don’t want to give the show away but we will likely play this great arrangement of What About Love and Alone which really benefits from this approach and allows me as a singer to really get behind (the lyrics) as a storyteller. And yes, there will be a few others. The Booking Agents insist.” CV: You mentioned earlier that this tour initially scared a lot of booking agents. How? AW: “Well, they were the hardest to convince that this tour would work. For them it’s all about butts in seats. What do you mean you only want to do four Heart songs? They couldn’t imagine they could sell it.” CV: How did you convince them to take a chance? It doesn’t seem like we are in an era where anyone wants to go beyond status quo in entertainment but rather remain steadfast in perpetuating what the past risk takers succeeded at doing. AW: “That’s exactly right. We wanted to do something fresh. After the tour with Cheap

Trick and Joan Jett, and playing the same songs night after night for the past forty years, I wanted to break away from Heart’s success. But no one wanted to take the chance so we had to do it ourselves.” CV: Was that difficult for you? AW: “It was refreshing to connect and liberating to play small venues. We were playing a lot of Performing Art Centers and venues at that level. Once we started getting revues and the shows were selling then the booking agents came around but it’s hard to get anyone to take a risk anymore.” CV: Within that tried and true structure, how do you evolve as an artist? AW: “I’m blessed to have the opportunities to tour but it can become a little stagnant and it is then a question of do you want to be a true artist or do you want to maintain your lifestyle. The true artist will revolt!” CV: And these are the times we live in where artists need to express themselves. I

interviewed David Crosby last week and we had a good chat about that. AW: “Ain’t that the truth! I just love David.” CV: Thank you for your time and I do wish you all the best with the family. We all have family dynamics and family matters aren’t always easy to come to an agreement on. Love and prayers that all will work out to the highest accord. AW: “Aw, thank you! We’re fine. We’ve talked. No matter what, we will always be sisters. That will never change.” Note: On August 26, 2016, a family dispute erupted backstage involving Nancy’s twin 16 year-old sons and Ann’s husband, Dean Wetter resulting in an assault against the boys and Dean being arrested. Dean pleaded guilty to two non-felony assault charges and received a suspended sentence of 364 days in jail, meaning he won’t have to serve any time behind bars. Ann said: “My side really hurt her side. Her side really hurt my side. We’ve got to let those heal and get some counseling.” Ann Wilson of Heart performs at Fantasy Springs Casino Friday, May 19th. Tickets for the 8PM Ann Wilson of Heart performance on Friday, May 19, 2017 are on sale for $69, $49, $39 at the Fantasy Springs Box Office, via telephone at (800) 827-2946 or online at www.


May 11 to May 17, 2017





hen you hear words like, “We are stoked about the show. We’ve been cramming and jamming hard to get this pilot in the air!” and, “We are all super excited to play our first show!” You think to yourself, “How can I miss this?” The event scheduled for Saturday, May 13, 2017 at the Date Shed in Indio is a quadruple attack of rock with ScottsThotProcess (A Tribute to Stone Temple Pilots), Alice Un Chained (The Most Authentic Alice In Chains Tribute), Aphrodisiac Jacket (A Salute to the Music of The Cult) and the diabolical desert demons, Mighty Jack. Doors open at 8 p.m. Show starts immediately at 8:15 p.m. Tickets available on-line at dateshedmusic. com or at the door. Entry fee is $10. We’ll break it down further; $10/4 bands=$2.50 a band. Coachella Valley Weekly spoke with David Fleming, the mastermind behind ScottsThotProcess. Point of Departure “One night when I was going over the lyrics I said out loud, ‘What’s this guy’s thought process was anyway?’ I had wanted to keep the STP logo so that’s how the name came about. It’s been almost three years since I’ve been trying to make this tribute happen, even before Scott’s passing. I ran into the former singer of DIRT, now Alice Un Chained, at TerrorFest. I was wearing my Kylo Ren costume and pouring beers when I noticed him in line. We both sang in my dad’s cover band Stone Betty. He said he wasn’t singing in the Alice In Chains tribute anymore. It must’ve been 3 a.m. when I got home and messaged Vince, their lead guitarist and a friend. Vince burst my bubble and informed me that they already


had another singer for the AiC project. So I started really focusing on the STP project again,” shared Fleming. “I had put stuff on Facebook before looking for a band but posted once again and this time an old friend that I had worked construction with replied. It was drummer Anthony Feery. He said he had a guitarist, so I drove over an hour to a town called Phelan. I brought my bass with me and half my PA. A couple months went by and I asked my old friend from high school if he wanted to play bass. I was taking a chance because Jody likes more metal music and stuff like Muse, but he agreed. Jody drove to my house and we ‘road-dogged’ it out to Phelan to rehearse and Darrel joined us from Riverside.” Resemblance & Influence “We sound STP! No BS! Sometimes it’s surreal. Our guitarist is a fucking animal! He is what got me thinking this whole thing could happen. They’re all good dudes! We use LP, Marshall and Fender bass; you know the good ol’ stuff. When we started jamming I was blown away by the guitarist, Darrel! It sounded just like STP!” “Everything has to be pre-planned with this band. There are no casual phone calls like, ‘Hey you wanna jam today after work?’ but we make it work.” “As a high school student in the early 90’s, I was heavily into Nirvana, Alice In Chains and Pearl Jam. Honestly, STP was probably 4th or 5th, beat out by Smashing Pumpkins. Soundgarden was a solid 6th or so.” From Here On “We are really hoping to turn some heads and hopefully drop some jaws on May 13th at The Date Shed! We have a 10 song set and then we will learn 10 more songs so that we can be rocking the Rock Yard at Fantasy Springs Casino or wherever else may welcome our respectful representation of Scott’s genius. I think too often people forget the talents of a truly brilliant artist/ performer. It is our mission to remind concert goers how great Stone Temple Pilots were when Scott was on his ‘A’ game.” Scott Weiland “Having jumped into this tribute, I started watching STP videos and anything else to study. I realized the magic of Scott Weiland! The creativity stemming from his issues are absolutely brilliant. Among grunge singers,

his vocal range from low to high notes is unparalleled, aside from Chris Cornell. On stage Scott really had this connection with the crowd and then there’s the megaphone! I started looking for one immediately and found one that didn’t break my wallet. Noe hit me up during Coachella and mentioned seeing another megaphone on sale at a local store in La Quinta. Monday after Coachella I went and bought that one too!” “Scott’s death was a tragedy. We all have our vices, hang-ups, insecurities and egos. After all, we are only human. At the end of the day I think what’s important is to keep it real with ourselves.” Alice Un Chained Alice Un Chained band members are Mike Tillery on vocals, Vince Pacelli on guitars and vocals, Aaron Lee on bass guitar and Jason Piazza on drums. The band was formed in Chicago in 1995 and moved to southern California in 2003. Reformed by Pacelli, Lee and Piazza in 2010, the band took break in 2014 as Pacelli joined Ozzmania thru 2015. He left Ozzmania at the end of 2015 and the band was back on track in 2016 with the new addition of lead vocalist Mike Tillery. Pacelli praises the inclusion of Tillery, “Mike’s look and sound of Layne Staley is without a doubt the next best thing to Layne you will ever see.” Aphrodisiac Jacket The current line-up consists of Marcos Gentry on guitar and background vocals, Martin Barrera on guitar, Benny Cancino, Jr. on drums, Dub Wallace on bass guitar and Noe G. Gutierrez on lead vocals. The band was formed in 2014 and played its first show in 2015. They perform approximately 2-3 shows a year and are rehearsed and ready to go. “We love The Cult and look forward to sharing their music with those who may not know them as well. When we started we reminded ourselves how magnificent the music of Astbury and Duffy is. Each song is chosen to best represent their music in a live setting,” Barrera shared. Mighty Jack Mighty Jack is the Everlasting Gobstopper of desert bands. They not only change colors and flavors, but can never be finished, and never get smaller. They are simply indestructible with Charlie Ellis on lead vocals, guitar and keys, Marcos Gentry on lead guitar and background vocals, Aaron C. Ramson on bass guitar and background

vocals and Jeff Bowman on drums and background vocals. Their one and only release, Russian Roulette, recorded in 2007, is available on iTunes and continues to stand the test of time. We continue to wait for their second album to be released as they have more than enough new material to fill a double-album. Happy 44th Birthday Jeff Bowman! Jeff Bowman has played drums for numerous bands and is one of the most solid timekeepers to behold. Jeff is also one of the most soft-spoken and humble individuals you could engage in conversation with. This show will be memorable for Jeff as he celebrates his 44th year on this earth. On March 11, 1979, Jeff’s father, Hugh, suffered a heart attack and died at the age of 43. Jeff was only 5 years old at the time. Jeff always told himself that a primary goal of his was to make it to age 44. “I’d been dreading my 43rd year since my father died. I’m grateful and relieved to be passed that now, although it feels strange that I’m older than my dad ever got to be,” shared Bowman. Moreover, Jeff’s twin sister Amy passed away at age 19 on October 4, 1992. “I’d also like to honor the memory of my twin sister, Amy, with whom I shared this birthday.” Out of his loss Jeff has forged a full life with his family, business and musical career. So when you see Jeff playing the drums, understand that he plays for more than the passion of performing. He is honoring the memory of his father Hugh and sister Amy. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JEFF & AMY!





May 11 to May 17, 2017





he CV Open Mic Competition 2017 at The Block Sports Bar & Grill in Cathedral City week #11 brought on some enthusiastic fans! Cheers from the crowd could be heard throughout the night after each performer gave us their best song. Plus giveaways kept things interesting as fans cheered for several t-shirts from Brutal Bee Music Group over the course of the evening. The music was thrilling, and needless to say so was the atmosphere! Guest judge, professional drummer and musician- Ed Cellucci, graced us with his thoughtful scoring and once his votes were tallied, it was Joe Montes aka “Cino” who brought an incredibly energetic performance, impressed eager fans, and took home 1st place. Cino chose a $25 gift certificate to Stuft Pizza Bar & Grill and will now move on to the Semi Finals May 17th. If he wins there, the rapper will compete in the Grand Finals on May 24th for an MTV Quality Music Video Production from Desert C.A.M. Studios/Winmill Films and award winning Director Chip Miller, plus a $500 trip to Las Vegas from Crater Lake Rye Whiskey, as well as an Artist Development Session from Grammy nominated Producer Ronnie King, a Promotional Photo Shoot from Rav Holly, and an artist merchandise package from Brutal Bee Music Group including logo design and t-shirts, stickers and more! 2nd place was awarded to Jeremy Goodlander aka 5 Acre Dream who took home a $25 gift certificate to The Block Sports Bar & Grill. While 3rd place went to Ramon Chahia aka “Bounty” who was also awarded a $25 gift certificate to

The Block Sports Bar & Grill. THANK YOU to ALL our performers at the CV Open Mic Competition for putting on a great show AND making the environment so supportive for all of the artists involved: Moses Osmosis, Zero Sum Game, Who Shot the Drummer, Cino, Anthony C Juarez aka Nasty Dawg, Five Acre Dream, Kode Man Ceno, Wrekless, Reign, Bounty, Moonshine, blaine Snow, and Razor J. Also a big thanks to Johnny Carmona, our amazing sound technician. I hope to see you all next WEDNESDAY at THE BLOCK SPORTS BAR & GRILL in Cathedral City! Look for coverage of this week’s event and the announcement of winners in the next issue of Coachella Valley Weekly! SPECIAL THANKS to all of our sponsors: Desert C.A.M. Studios/Winmill Films & Chip Miller, Ronnie King Music, Crater Lake Rye Whiskey, Rav Holly, Stuft Pizza Bar & Grill, CV Weekly, Canyon Copy & Print, Brutal Bee Music Group, Murph’s Gaslight, and The Block Sports Bar & Grill. Be sure to “LIKE” CVOpenMicCompetition for updates! ALL AGES ALLOWED and YOU may compete EVERY week! PLEASE NOTE: Due to our overwhelming number of interested performers, sign in starts at 7pm and will be closed at 7:45pm. BRING YOUR FRIENDS, FAMILY and FANS to join us for excitement, music and fun!!! For questions or information about sign-up, please see or contact creator and host, Morgan Alise James at or (714) 651-1911

e came to dance and we did! Rick Parma and Chi Town Soul wowed the guests at Retro Jam and Dance Party at Zelda’s Night Club in Palm Springs. Disco and the hits of the 70’s and 80’s were the songs of the night. Everyone took to the dance floor where Rick showed them how to do “The Bird”. The entire room lit up when ‘The Prince of Palm Springs” Fleet Easton performed in full disco regatta. He was singing his heart out and dancing like the energizer bunny. DJ Dynamic Dave warmed up the crowd and kept the party going during breaks. There was swimsuit modeling by Lilly of Tantastic. Sponsors including ‘’, EOS Fitness, and Wally Drops gave out gift certificates for their products. There was a great art display from Michael Angelo in conjunction with Harv’s Car Wash. We munched on delicious tacos, quesadilla and Sonoran Bacon wrapped Hot Dogs from Majestic Taco. There were Buzz Box specials featuring 12 oz. of their organic cocktails. Zeldas Nightclub has been a Palm Springs fixture and just celebrated their 40 anniversary. Mark Silver of the 420kitchen was the limo driver for the club ‘back in the day’. It was great to see our friends and make new ones. I’m including some pictures of our guests. Thanks Marco Najera for the great shots!


May 11 to May 17, 2017






ometimes great music just slips through the cracks. That’s what happened with Raging Fire, a thrilling combo from the early ‘80s that was just slightly ahead of their time. Although Nashville was (and is) the Country music capitol of the world, back in the late ‘70s and early ‘80s an underground music scene thrived. It featured disparate sounds from Walk The West, Jason & The Scorchers, (who along with West Coasters Rank & File, invented a genre dubbed CowPunk), Power Pop from Questionnaires and Practical Stylists and the blustery Rock N’ Roll of Royal Court Of China. Raging Fire also emerged from this electrifying environment. Guitarist Michael Godsey and drummer Mark Medley were a part of Nashville’s first Hardcore Punk band, The Committee For Public Safety, bassist Les Shields had fronted Proto-Punkers the Ratz. When Michael met vocalist Melora Zaner at a party and listened to songs she’d written for her band Color Flag, he urged her to ditch them and join forces with Mark, Les and himself. Initially, she demurred. Although Melora identified with the Punk Rock ethos and her musical influences included Punk progenitors like Patti Smith, Blondie and Siouxsie And The Banshees, she also had an affinity for singers like Billie Holiday and Esther Phillips. Studying literature and philosophy at Vanderbilt University she developed a passion for Southern Gothic writers like Eudora Welty, Flannery O’Connor and William Faulkner. Michael wouldn’t take no for an answer, and pretty quickly, Melora joined up with Mark and Les as Ring Of Fire. The fourpiece began intense practice sessions in a basement of a dorm on the Vanderbuilt campus. Stylistic touchstones like the Who, X and Led Zeppelin coalesced along with lyrics that were knotty and erudite. By their third live show they were opening for Psychobilly pioneers, the Cramps. In September of 1984 they modified their name to Raging Fire. (Turns out,

WESTFIELD MALL 72840 Hwy 111 #171 Palm Desert, CA 92260 760-341-2017


another band had already claimed Ring Of Fire), Their first show under their new moniker was in Los Angeles, opening for simpatico L.A. natives the Gun Club. Their debut EP, A Family Thing, was released independently in the Spring of 1985. It received rapturous reviews and led to their inclusion on City Without A Subway a compilation of Nashville Rock bands. They toured relentlessly, crisscrossing the United States. Les Shields left the band in 1985. Initially, his slot was filled by Lee A. Carr, and then John Reed. Raging Fire soldiered on, releasing their first full length effort, Faith Love Was Made Of in 1986. Once again, reviews were enthusiastic, major labels took notice. A&R reps were passionate about the band, but label execs were at a loss as to how to market them. A few even tried to convince Melora to go solo. The following year College Music Journal (CMJ) readers voted Raging Fire, (along with the Pixies), one of America’s best unsigned bands. Always the bridesmaid, never the bride, Raging Fire remained unsigned and the Pixies inked a deal with 4AD. John Reed quit the band and Rusty Watkins took his place, they also added Jerry Dale McFadden (who later gained fame in the Mavericks), on keys. By then, constant touring was exacting a toll. Michael and Melora had become a couple, and the time seemed right to pursue higher education and new career opportunities. As the band was coming apart at the seams, Michael applied and was accepted to Parsons School Of Design in New York City. In 1989, Raging Fire agreed to call it quits. Ironically, alternative music exploded in the next decade, with the advent of Grunge and the rise of independent labels. Raging Fire was just ahead of the curve, presaging ‘90s bands like Geraldine Fibbers and Shivaree. In the ensuing years music remained an avocation for Michael and Melora, they branched out into more Electronic sounds with NYC musicians Giles Reaves and Tony Gilbert. Melora’s job as a graphic design executive with Microsoft took the couple to Seattle and then Shanghai, China. It was there they started their own label, recording young Chinese Rock bands. Mark Medley had also returned to school, although his official profession is curator, he continued to ply a musical trade behind the kit in Nashville bands like Mercy Sanction and Nine Parts Devil. Les Shields became a lawyer. Sadly, as Michael and Melora began to comb their archives to create a Raging Fire compilation CD, he suffered a fatal heart attack in 2012. Three years later, Michael and Melora’s dream became a reality, with the release of a 22 track anthology of songs, (most of the music painstakingly remastered from

old cassettes), was compiled by Pristine Records. Everything Is Roses 1985-1989 arrived in October, 2015. To commemorate the release Melora and Mark corralled Raging Fire’s three bassists, Les Shields, John Reed and Rusty Watkins for a one-off gig at Nashville’s legendary Exit/In venue. To round out their sound they drafted friends and peers from their heyday, singer/guitarist Joe Blanton, (Royal Court Of China, The Bluefields), Jeff Cease, (Black Crowes, Eric Church Band), and added Giles Reaves on keys. The experience was scary, but enjoyable, prompting Melora and Mark to resurrect the Raging Fire band. The Exit/In line-up gathered together at Nashville’s County Q recording studio, and the result is their new record, These Teeth Are Sharp. The album roars to life with the title track. Growling guitar chords buttress Melora’s petulant Baby-doll croon, (virtually unchanged from the band’s early ‘80s heyday). The song dates all the way back to the Ring Of Fire days, building slowly on the verses before the instrumentation lays rubber on the chorus. As the tempo accelerates the guitars go full-frontal Khachaturian, ratcheting up the tension with sabre dancing riff-age. The band’s penchant for Southern Gothic Noir is on full display on two tracks, “A Narrow Sky” and “Hush Angel Blue.” “….Sky” weds a jackhammer back-beat to synchronized Metal guitars that crunch and careen over a Punk-tastic melody. Melora’s flinty vocals crest over the maelstrom as she breathlessly whispers the secrets of a skindeep town; “Faces known and unknown save their changes for you in momentary sins.” Country and Punk intersect on “Hush.” The tune is anchored by a propulsive hihat rhythm, prickly guitar, high lonesome lap steel and shades of Hammond B3. Melora’s double-tracked vocals layer like a one woman Greek chorus offering cryptic observations; “Her face turns, the curtain blows open again, I count the flowers on her dress/So this is how it is now, we’ve come this far, I wish she would leave to think about this, I wish she understood the problem, understood reluctance.” Two tracks, “After Loving One Man From East Texas” and “Free To Be” represent the

earliest and final collaborations between Melora Zaner and Michael Godsey. On the former, instead of Surf n’ Turf, it’s a throbbing blast of Surf n’ Twang. Ricochet bass coils around a pounding Stripper beat, as the lyrics unspool the sad saga of pretty Louise. “She sat back in her easy chair, pin curls were pulling her hair, no more diets for Louise, oh she has found a life that’s just fine/And no more backseats for Louise, oh she is just a simple girl.” On the latter, a tick-tock rhythm connects with slithering bass and stinging guitar riffs. Something of a sideways anthem of empowerment, Michael and Melora packed the arrangement with icy piano notes and included a bridge sung completely in Mandarin. The band fully fleshes out the sound with an explosion of percussion and a strafing guitar solo. The penultimate track here is “Raindances.” Cyclonic guitar riffs cascade over boing-ing bass lines, a Punky pogo rhythm and a wash of keys. Tempos shift wildly, accelerating at locomotive speeds. Guitars pivot from face-melting pyrotechnics to dialed down, finger-picked filigrees. Melora’s vocals swivel from a whisper to a scream and back again. Despite the lyrics collective ennui; “A weather vane in the hurricane, he’s in the same place spinning powerless here and bored to tears,” the frenzied energy on display kind of confirms the theory that old Punks neither burn out nor fade away. The action slows for two tracks, “Hopeful While In Bed” is a stompy waltz that blurs rattle-trap rhythms, sultry keys and guitars that shapeshift from buzzy authority to sparkling grace notes. The lyrics seem to poignantly address life alone after years together. They also offer up a swampy and sepulchral reading of the Rufus Thomas classic, “Walking The Dog.” Rumbling bass collides with a dropped tom-tom beat and spiky guitars that spiral and flange. The tempo trickles to a crawl, and Melora teases out each word, adding shadow and portent. What was originally a playful double-entendre now feels menacing and vaguely ominous. The album closes with the shimmery shuffle of “Dreams From Under The Love Seat.” The lyrics, from Mark Meadows, extol the hypnotic pleasures of the “visionary trick or treat,” and “dreams with that William Burroughs beat.” Back in the ‘80s, Raging Fire’s music broke rules and blurred lines, their Southern Gothic Twang exhilarated fans and confounded short-sighted label executives. Luckily, they have persevered, not only preserving the sounds they created so long ago, but creating new music that embodies that same spirit. Somewhere Michael Godsey is smiling.


May 11 to May 17, 2017




oad Tripping” is newcomer Jill Carey Michaels’ solo exhibition of mixed media paintings opening at Simeon Den Gallery on Saturday, May 13 from 5-8PM. Inspired by the uniquely American experience of driving coast-to-coast on the interstate, the canvases are impressions of modern American landscape, as billboards, truckstops and skylines rushed past her car window, coming in and out of focus. Ms. Michaels integrates retrochic women into her panoramic roadscapes, reveling in the iconic symbols, original poems and animated paint strokes layered in dimension. “Road Tripping” connects familiar imagery that is often overlooked, yet upon closer inspection, tells a more complex story. Multimedia Artist, author, musician and the storytelling host of Joshua Tree’s weekly radioshow “Desert Storysongs,” Michaels knew from a young age that she was creative. Her free time was spent drawing and writing in sketchbooks. After receiving a BFA in Illustration from University of the Arts, she went on to earn her MFA in Computer Graphics

from The School of Visual Arts in NYC. Originally from Philadelphia, Jill thrived in the art and music scenes of New York and Los Angeles before recently moving to the High Desert. Whether writing and illustrating humorous books such as “Debutante without a Dress” or “No Customer Service,” she documents everyday life in visual and audio narration with philosophic wit. A former New York University English and Computer Graphics professor, Jill now teaches online for The Art Institute of Pittsburgh. Included in the spaces Michaels has exhibited her work, The Museum of American Folk Art, CANO, Nordstrom’s, and JTAG Gallery in Joshua Tree. This opening coincides with Second Saturdays, the monthly Perez Road Arts + Design gallery walk in Cathedra City and Simeon Den Gallery/Fine & Temple Arts is located at 68859 Perez Rd, I-27. Contact: 310.801.6538 PALLADINO/DEN Photography Contact: 310.801.6538


May 11 to May 17, 2017





lease help find Violet. This small female Terrier went missing on May 3 in the industrial area of Thousand Palms, near Dunham and Varner streets. She was spotted later that day in the driveway of a nearby business. This little white dog weighs about 8 pounds, and may answer to the name “Baby” which she was called by her foster mom. Several of our foster pups at Loving All Animals have briefly escaped from their foster homes, but we found each of them within a short time. Our dogs are immediately collared with an id tag upon entry into our rescue program. Sadly, Violet escaped during a brief moment when her collar was being adjusted. It is possible that one of the employees who works in that industrial area picked up Violet, thinking she was a stray absent an id tag. Most of the people in that area are workers. A pet lover’s worst nightmare is having a dog go missing, not knowing if she is safe, if she’s hungry, and even if she is still alive. We at Loving All Animals are distraught that a little dog who was just getting a second chance after being abandoned in a shelter has now been lost. Her foster mom is particularly sad after lovingly caring for Violet, and seeing her sweet personality emerge. What are some of things you need to do if your dog or cat goes missing? There are several key things you must do in advance of that possibility. Have your pet microchipped, and REGISTER that microchip. Make sure he always wears a collar and id tag with your current cell phone number. Take some good photographs of your pet and keep them on your IPhone. You may save your dog’s life by ensuring he knows the command “Come” if you see him running away. THINGS TO DO IF YOU PET GOES MISSING: Go door to door in the neighborhood where he was last seen. If you are on a walking search and have another dog, take him with you. Bring along some super-smelly food that your dog loves. Hot dogs are a good choice. Call his name. Check areas such as bushes,

underneath cars, and other places where he might take cover when sleeping or frightened. Conduct a drive search over a radius of a few miles from where he escaped. Drive slowly, calling your dog’s name. Make flyers with your pet’s picture and your contact information. Boilerplates are available on and www. Post flyers on community bulletin boards, vet clinics, pet stores, dog parks, on telephone poles, animal shelters, groomers, and wherever permitted. Distribute flyers to postal workers, utility workers, gardeners, and others who travel your neighborhood. Hand out flyers to local school children and others who frequent the area. Place “lost dog” ads in the Desert Sun Newspaper and on Craigslist. Email your dog’s

photo, description, and location to pets@ Utilize social media. Post photo and information on Facebook, Twitter, and other sites. Several local Facebook pages help lost animals including “Coachella Valley Lost Found and Pets in Need”. The website allows people to share information, including lost pets, with their neighbors. Check and recheck local animal shelters. Go in person to look, and go back periodically as your pet could show up there weeks later. Check the shelter’s medical area. Leave an article of clothing with your scent in the area where the dog disappeared. This may encourage him to return. Advise others not to chase your pup if he is on the run. Approach a frightened dog slowly, or sit on the ground and coax him towards you. PLEASE CALL LOVING ALL ANIMALS AT (760) 834-7000 IF YOU HAVE ANY INFORMATION ABOUT VIOLET. You can help by going to my Facebook page and Sharing her post. Thank you to the many volunteers who have helped in the search to bring Violet home.

MEET CRAIG This Handsome Tuxedo boy loves to cuddle and sit on your lap. Craig is just 1-yr-old, and would love to be your “fur-ever” friend. Rescued by Loving All Animals,, call (760) 834-7000.

SWEET TARA Sweet and shy, adorable Tara will blossom in a loving home. Loving All Animals rescued this Mini Pin/Manchester Terrier mix pup from the shelter. She’s 16 lbs of doggie love., call (760) 834-7000.






o my friend, fellow tennis player & Total Wine Team associate, Tom Leavitt, and I both received an invite to taste through an outpouring of wonderful Washington State wines. Actually, Tom’s invite welcomed him to an exclusive private residence over in millionaire-acres up in La Quinta; mine was from Ralph and Jack, owners of the coolest place in town, The Wine Vault of the Desert. Tom and I compared notes. His invite was set for Tuesday evening, mine for Wednesday. Easy to figure out that, no matter the venue, we were ready to jump on board with this Washington wine wagon passing through our valley with their showcase of stellar wines. And we were not disappointed!— actually that’s mis-phrased. We were thrilled with purple smiles on, and, amazed with the outburst of the choicest stuff. It’s no joke about the “purple gang”. The extracted color of wines of Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, and Syrah, especially from the Walla Walla region, are dense with the darkest of fruit. Wine “doctors” are always quick to declare that the darker the wine—the more polyphenols and antioxidants it stocks in the juice. Thus, drink-up and live long! Probably old news for you enthusiasts, but the state of Washington is the second largest producer of wine in the United States. And dare we say that Walla Walla may well represent the best of the Pacific Northwest wine industry. My wife and I traveled to Washington state wine country a few years ago, wondrously winding up in Walla Walla. It’s a very scenic city with that smalltown feel. A walk down tree-lined streets reveals a trendy eclectic mix of vintage shops, boutiques, cafes, bookstores, tasting rooms, restaurants and more. This valley is one of the most fertile agricultural areas in the nation and has been a regional agricultural hub for more

than a century; and it still abounds with crisp apples, juicy strawberries, tender asparagus, and of course their famous and sumptuous sweet onions. Now there’s nearly 3,000 acres of prime vineyards and more than 100 remarkable wineries representing a wide range of varietals. And the stuff that’s especially bowling us over is their red wines: Syrahs, Cabs, Merlots, and red blends. Washington wines have the potential to combine the structure and polish of French wines with the ripeness and fruit of California wines. They exhibit fresh acidity with bright intense fruit flavors. The Cabs, Syrahs and Merlots we just spoke of unveil lush textures with very concentrated berry flavors reminiscent of the wild fruit found in the Pac Northwest, such as blackberries, boysenberries, cherries and raspberries all balanced out with firm and ripe tannins. Our own California vino lovers are being seduced by the Syrahs sweetly singing, and won over as we speak of the New World fruit alongside Old World style. Even though we think of Washington as being a very rainy place, the Columbia Valley where Walla Walla sits, the terroir includes conditions like 300 days of sunshine a year and a desert-like annual rainfall of just 6–10 inches, due to the “rain shadow

May 11 to May 17, 2017

effect” from the Cascade Mountains. And for you vino nerds, the area also boasts an average 40 degree diurnal shift, which is the difference between daytime and night time temperatures. That variance provides the grapes great complexities in the wine. The Washington wine industry has a reach. The Auction of Washington Wines is an organization whose mission is to promote Washington wines while hosting one of the most celebrated wine charity auctions in the country. Indeed, they are very proud to have just made Wine Spectator’s 2016 list of Top US Wine Charity Auctions. This is the 30th year of the Auction of Washington Wines (AWW) and this year’s event will benefit Seattle Children’s Hospital and WSU’s Viticulture and Enology programs. It was this organization that facilitated the wine tasting events here in our Coachella Valley bringing our attention to what the AWW does, the panoply of Washington wineries existing, how we can keep in touch with the certain wineries we love, and providing us the opportunity to taste through a bevy of beauteous beverages, aka, vino! For those lucky readers who will be traveling up to Washington wine country this summer—well, be informed that August is Washington Wine Month, which

means 31 days of celebrating the state’s winemakers, winegrowers, and all the people that comprise the industry. And the good news continues: Simply go on to the colorful and detailed website,, to check out their lists of events for the entire month, and specifically August 17, 18, and 19, and how to make reservations for them that would include the Winemaker Picnic & Barrel tasting auction and Winemaker Gala where dozens of wines will be paired with area chefs showcasing their cuisine, both held at the Chateau Ste. Michelle Winery. Further, we have been invited to reach out to the AWW anytime we’re visiting Washington wine country for special consideration on winery and tasting visits. My current wine love affair is Syrah from Walla Walla. The terroir—if you will, appears to work as a heavenly garden garrison allowing the Syrah to shine with vibrant and complex flavors producing a wine of elegance and balance that’s a splendid match for a meal. The classic profile includes aromas of cured meat leading to flavors of dark fruit, blueberry, black pepper, black tea and earthy minerality backed by smooth, approachable tannins in the lengthy finish. Tom Leavitt and I tasted through a luscious series of Syrah and other varietals, and, will be sharing our notes and recommendations next time. Here’s to purple rain in a bottle! Cheers!


May 11 to May 17, 2017

THUR MAY 11 29 PALMS INN; 29 Palms; 760-367-3505 Bobby Furgo & Co 6pm ACE HOTEL; PS; 760-325-9900 Discoteca w/ DJ Victor Rodriguez 9pm AJ’S ON THE GREEN; C.C.; 760-202-1111 Jazz Trio w/ Francesca Amari, Bill Marx and Doug McDonald 7pm AZUL; PS; 760-325-5533 Piano Bar 6pm BART LOUNGE; C.C.; 760-799-8800 Bricktoyaface Presents: Selena Tribute w/ Porsia Camille and DJs DXSKO and Amavida 8pm BLUEMBER; RM; 760-862-4581 John Stanley King 6-10pm CASTELLI’S; PD; 760-773-3365 Patrick Tuzzolino 5:30pm CORKTREE; PD; 760-779-0123 Michael Keeth 6-9pm CUNARD’S SANDBAR; LQ; 760-564-3660 The Bill Baker Show 6pm DHS SPA LOUNGE; DHS; 760-329-6787 Karaoke w/ DJ Scott 9pm FISHERMAN’S GROTTO; PD; 760-776-6533 Barry Baughn and Bob Gross 6:30pm GADI’S RESTAURANT AND BAR; YV; 760365-6633 Open Mic Night 7pm THE HOOD; PD; 760-636-5220 Red’s Rockstar Karaoke 9pm HOODOO COCKTAIL GARDEN @ THE HYATT; PS; 760-322-9000 Chris Lomeli 7pm HUNTER’S; PS; 760-323-0700 Open Mic 9pm INDIAN WELLS RESORT HOTEL; IW; 760345-6466 Frank DiSalvo 6pm JOSHUA TREE SALOON; JT; 760-366-2250 Punk Rock Night 9pm KOKOPELLI’S; YV; 760-228-2589 Karaoke 7pm LA RUE BISTRO; LQ; 760-296-3420 Slim Man 6pm LAS CASUELAS TERRAZA; PS; 760-325-2794 Hot Rox LAVENDER BISTRO; LQ; 760-564-5353 Live Entertainment 5:30pm LIT@FANTASY SPRINGS; IND; 760-345-2450 Country Night w/ Rob Staley 8pm THE LOUNGE, AGUA CALIENTE; RM; 888999-1995 Quinto Menguante 8-1am MELVYN’S RESTAURANT & LOUNGE; PS; 760-325-2323 Ron Greenip 8pm NEIL’S LOUNGE; IND; 760-347-1522 Karaoke 8pm THE NEST; PD; 760-346-2314 Kevin Henry 6-8pm Tim Burleson 8pm PAPPY & HARRIET’S; PT; 760-365-5956 Le Butcherettes 9:30pm PLAN B LIVE ENTERTAINMENT AND COCKTAILS; TP; 760-343-2115 Intimate Acoustics 9pm RED BARN; PD; 760-346-0191 DJs 9pm SAMMY G’s; PS; 760-320-8041 Evaro Brothers 8pm SHANGHAI RED’S @ THE FISHERMAN’S MARKET; PS; 760-322-9293 The Smooth Brothers 7pm STUFT PIZZA; PD; 760-777-9989 Acoustic Live 6pm SULLIVAN’S STEAKHOUSE; PD; 760-3413560 Dude Jones 6pm TACK ROOM TAVERN; IND; 760-347-9985 T-Bone Karaoke 8pm THREE SIXTY NORTH; PS; 760-327-1773 Anthony DiGerlando Show 6:30pm VICKY’S OF SANTE FE; IW; 760-345-9770 Robert Salisbury 5-6pm, Jersey Gold 6:30pm WANG’S; PS; 760-325-9264 Derek Jordan Gregg 6pm THE WINE EMPORIUM; LQ; 760-565-5512 The Carmens Duo 7pm WOODY’S BURGER; PS; 760-230-0188 Barney McClure Jazz 6:30pm ZELDA’S; PS; 760-325-2375 DJ 8pm



29 PALMS INN; 29 Palms; 760-367-3505 Alex Santana 6:30pm

ACE HOTEL; PS; 760-325-9900 The Full House Band w/ Nena Anderson 8pm AGAVE LOUNGE@THE HYATT REGENCY; IW; 760-674-4080 Art of Sax 8pm AJ’S ON THE GREEN; C.C.; 760-202-1111 The Gilmore & Bryan Show 6:30pm AZUL; PS; 760-325-5533 Friday Night Sour Hour w/ Pink Lemonade Drag Show 9pm BART LOUNGE; C.C.; 760-799-8800 DJs Sugarfree, Loveday,Devin, Sammi B and Elmo 8pm BEER HUNTER; LQ; 760-564-7442 212 Band 9pm BIG ROCK PUB; IND; 706-200-8988 Flashback Boyz 8pm BISTRO 60 @TRILOGY; LQ; 760-501-0620 TBA 6pm THE BLOCK; C.C.; 760-832-7767 Karaoke 9pm BLUE BAR, SPOTLIGHT 29; INDIO; 760-7755566 DJ Double A 8pm BLUEMBER; RM; 760-862-4581 The Stanley Butler Trio 6-10pm CASCADE LOUNGE, SPA RESORT CASINO; PS; 888-999-1995 DJ Michael Wright 9-1am CASTELLI’S; PD; 760-773-3365 Patrick Tuzzolino 5:30pm CATHEDRAL CANYON GOLF CLUB;C.C.; 760-328-6571 Coachella Valley All Stars 6-9pm CUNARD’S SANDBAR; LQ; 760-564-3660 The Bill Baker Show 6pm ELECTRIC SPORTS LOUNGE; YV; 760-2281199 DJ Ceddy Cedd 9pm EL MEXICALI CAFÉ 2; IND; 760-342-2333 Cesar Daniel Lopez on the harp 6-9pm FISHERMAN’S GROTTO; PD; 760-776-6533 Gina Carey 6pm THE GRILL ON MAIN; LQ; 760-777-7773 The Myx 8:30pm THE HARD ROCK HOTEL PS; PS; 760-3259676 Esjay Jones Presents: Acoustic Sessions w/ Porsia Camille and Sunday Funeral 8pm THE HOOD; PD; 760-636-5220 Eva and The Vagabond Tales w/ DJ Mikey D 9pm HOODOO COCKTAIL GARDEN @ THE HYATT; PS; 760-322-9000 Bill Ramirez 6:30pm HUNTER’S; PS; 760-323-0700 Live VJ 9pm INDIAN WELLS RESORT HOTEL; IW; 760345-6466 Frank DiSalvo 6pm JOSHUA TREE SALOON; JT; 760-366-2250 Live DJ 8:30pm KOKOPELLI’S; YV; 760-228-2589 Complete Bastards 8pm LA QUINTA BREWERY;PD; 760-200-2597 TBA 7pm LA RUE BISTRO; LQ; 760-296-3420 Slim Man 6pm LAS CASUELAS TERRAZA; PS; 760-3252794 Palm Springs Sound Company in the afternoon, Hot Rox in the night LAVENDER BISTRO; LQ; 760-564-5353 Live Entertainment 5:30pm

LIT@FANTASY SPRINGS; IND; 760-345-2450 Champagne Band 9pm THE LOUNGE; AGUA CALIENTE; RM; 888999-1995 DJ Jerry 9pm MELVYN’S RESTAURANT & LOUNGE; PS; 760-325-2323 Ron Greenip 8pm MOXIE; PS; 760-318-9900 TBA 5-8pm NEIL’S LOUNGE; IND; 760-347-1522 Karaoke 8-1:15am THE NEST; PD; 760-346-2314 Kevin Henry 6-8pm Tim Burleson 8pm PALM DESERT COUNTRY CLUB; PD; 760345-0222 Radio 60 6:30pm PAPPY & HARRIET’S; PT; 760-365-5956 The Paul Chesne Band 8pm PEABODY’S CAFÉ; PS; 760-322-1877 Karaoke 7:30pm PLAN B LIVE ENTERTAINMENT AND COCKTAILS; TP; 760-343-2115 Red’s Rockstar Karaoke 9pm PURPLE ROOM; PS; 760-322-4422 A.J. Lambert 8pm RANCHO LAS PALMAS; RM 212 Band 5:30pm RED BARN; PD; 760-346-0191 Shapes of Things 9pm RIVIERA; PS; 760-327-8311 Michael Keeth 7-10pm SAMMY G’s; PS; 760-320-8041 Evaro Brothers 8pm SHANGHAI RED’S @ THE FISHERMAN’S MARKET; PS; 760-322-9293 Barry Baughn Blues 8-11pm SHANGHAI RED’S @ THE FISHERMAN’S MARKET; LQ; 760-777-1601 The Carmens 8-11pm SHELLY’S LOUNGE@TORTOISE ROCK CASINO; 29 Palms; Rojer Arnold & Bobby Furgo 9pm SMOKIN’ BURGERS; PS; 760-883-5999 Ron James 6pm SOLANO’S BISTRO; LQ; 760-771-6655 Michael Madden 6-9pm SOUL OF MEXICO; IND; 760-200-8787 Latin Rock 10pm SULLIVAN’S STEAKHOUSE; PD; 760-3413560 Demetrious and Co. 6pm TACK ROOM TAVERN; IND; 760-347-9985 Off Da Cuff 9pm THREE SIXTY NORTH; PS; 760-327-1773 Pat Rizzo & Dennis Michaels 6:30pm TJ’S; PD; 760-345-6744 TBA 9pm TRILUSSA ITALIAN RISTORANTE; PS; 760328-2300 Julius & Sylvia Music Duo 6-10pm VIBE; MORONGO CASINO; CAB; 951-7555391 The Rick Whitfield Band 10pm VICKY’S OF SANTE FE; IW; 760-345-9770 Meet the Corwins 5:30pm, The John Stanley King Show 8pm WANG’S IN THE DESERT; PS; 760-325-9264 Karaoke 8:30pm WESTIN MISSION HILLS; RM; 760-328-5955 Michael Keeth 6-10pm THE WINE EMPORIUM; LQ; 760-565-5512 Rob Martinez and Todd Ashley ft. Lisa LaFaro

Weselis 5-8:30pm WOODY’S BURGER; PS; 760-230-0188 Rose Mallett 6:30pm ZELDA’S; PS; 760-325-2375 DJ 9pm

LA RUE BISTRO; LQ; 760-296-3420 Slim Man 6pm LAS CASUELAS TERRAZA; PS; 760-3252794 Palm Springs Sound Company,in the afternoon,Hot Rox,in the night LAVENDER BISTRO; LQ; 760-564-5353 Live Entertainment 5:30pm LIT@FANTASY SPRINGS; IND; 760-345-2450 29 PALMS INN; 29 Palms; 760-367-3505 Bev Champagne Band 9pm & Bill 6:30pm THE LOUNGE, AGUA CALIENTE; RM; 888ACE HOTEL; PS; 760-325-9900 Dublab Presents: Dayclubbing 11am poolside, Highlife 999-1995 Pop Vision 9pm MELVYN’S RESTAURANT & LOUNGE; PS; w/ Stronghold Selecta Weekend 10pm AGAVE LOUNGE@THE HYATT REGENCY; IW; 760-325-2323 Ron Greenip 8pm NEIL’S LOUNGE; IND; 760-347-1522 Karaoke 760-674-4080 Art of Sax 8pm 8-1:15am AJ’S ON THE GREEN; C.C.; 760-202-1111 THE NEST; PD; 760-346-2314 Kevin Henry Cabaret on the Green Open Mic 7:30pm AZUL; PS; 760-325-5533 Denise Carter 7:30pm 6-8pm Tim Burleson 8pm PALM CANYON ROADHOUSE; PS; 760-327BART LOUNGE; C.C.; 760-799-8800 Stevie 4080 Blackwater 9pm Crooks, Lootenant, Grizz, Cali Rue Addemup, PALM DESERT COUNTRY CLUB; PD; 760Captain OSIV and Million 9pm 345-0222 Agave Bluesmasters 6:30pm BEATNIK LOUNGE; JT; TBA 9pm PAPPY & HARRIET’S; PT; 760-365-5956 BIG ROCK PUB; IND; 706-200-8988 Big Top Shadow Mountain band 5pm, The Paul Chesne 8pm Band 8pm BLUE BAR; SPOTLIGHT 29; IND; 760-775PEABODY’S CAFÉ; PS; 760-322-1877 Karaoke 5566 DJ 9pm 7:30pm BLUEMBER; RM; 760-862-4581 Gina Carey PLAN B LIVE ENTERTAINMENT AND 6-10pm COCKTAILS; TP; 760-343-2115 Red’s Rockstar CASCADE LOUNGE, SPA RESORT CASINO; Karaoke 9pm PS; 888-999-1995 DJ Michael Wright 9-1am PURPLE ROOM; PS; 760-322-4422 Angela CASTELLI’S; PD; 760-773-3365 Patrick Teek 8pm Tuzzolino 5:30pm RED BARN; PD; 760-346-0191 Throw the CHILL BAR; PS; 760-327-1079 TBA 9pm CUNARD’S SANDBAR; LQ; 760-564-3660 The Goat, You Know Who and The Hellions 9pm RIVIERA; PS; 760-327-8311 TBA 7-10pm Bill Baker Show 6pm ROCKYARD@FANTASY SPRINGS; IND; DATE SHED; IND; ScottsThotProcess, Alice UnChained, Aphrodisiac Jacket and Mighty Jack 8pm Lifetime Rocker and Atomic Punks (Tribute to Van Halen) 7:30pm DHS SPA LOUNGE; DHS; 760-329-6787 SAMMY G’s; PS; 760-320-8041 Evaro Brothers Karaoke w/ DJ Scott 9pm 8pm ELECTRIC SPORTS LOUNGE; YV; 760-228SHANGHAI RED’S @ THE FISHERMAN’S 1199 DJ Ceddy Cedd 9pm MARKET; PS; 760-322-9293 Barry Baughn EL MEXICALI CAFÉ 2; IND; 760-342-2333 Blues 8-11pm Cesar Daniel Lopez on the harp 6-9pm SHANGHAI RED’S @ THE FISHERMAN’S FISHERMAN’S GROTTO; PD; 760-776-6533 MARKET; LQ; 760-777-1601 The Carmens Jack Ruvio 6pm 8-11pm GADI’S RESTAURANT AND BAR; YV; 760SHELLY’S LOUNGE@TORTOISE ROCK 365-6633 Dana Larson & Friends 6-9pm THE GRILL ON MAIN; LQ; 760-777-7773 TBA CASINO; 29 Palms; Rojer Arnold & Bobby Furgo 9pm 8:30pm SIDEWINDER GRILL; DHS; 760-329-7929 THE GROOVE LOUNGE; SPOTLIGHT 29; Karaoke w/ Milly G 6pm INDIO; 760-775-5566 DJ 8pm SMOKIN’ BURGERS; PS; 760-883-5999 Ron THE HARD ROCK HOTEL PS; PS; 760-3259676 Esjay Jones Presents: Global Sessions w/ James 6pm David Macias and Luna Sol 8pm SOUL OF MEXICO; IND; 760-200-8787 Latin THE HOOD; PD; 760-636-5220 Reggae Nite w/ Music 10pm Irie Junctions 9pm SULLIVAN’S STEAKHOUSE; PD; 760-341HOODOO COCKTAIL GARDEN @ THE 3560 TBA 6pm HYATT; PS; 760-322-9000 Bill Ramirez 6:30pm TACK ROOM TAVERN; IND; 760-347-9985 HUNTER’S; PS; 760-323-0700 Live VJ 9pm Stereoflux 9pm INDIAN WELLS RESORT HOTEL; IW; 760-345- THREE SIXTY NORTH; PS; 760-327-1773 6466 Frank DiSalvo 6pm Dennis Michael 6:30pm JOSHUA TREE SALOON; JT; 760-366-2250 TRILUSSA ITALIAN RISTORANTE; PS; 760TBA 9pm 328-2300 Julius & Sylvia Music Duo 6-10pm KOKOPELLI’S; YV; 760-228-2589 Karaoke VIBE, MORONGO CASINO; CAB; 951-7557pm 5391 DJ Hektik 10pm


May 11 to May 17, 2017

VICKY’S OF SANTE FE; IW; 760-345-9770 Rose Mallett & Barney McClure 5pm, Johnny Meza and Co. 7:30pm VILLAGE PUB; PS; 760-323-3265 Ladies Night w/ Dirty Desert Entertainment 9pm THE WINE EMPORIUM; LQ; 760-565-5512 Chris Lomeli 7pm WESTIN MISSION HILLS; RM; 760-328-5955 Michael Keeth noon-4pm poolside, 7-11pm Fireside Lounge WOODY’S BURGER; PS; 760-230-0188 The Stanley Butler Band 6:30pm ZELDA’S; PS; 760-325-2375 DJs 9pm

SUN MAY 14 29 PALMS INN; 29 Palms; 760-367-3505 Bob Garcia 6pm ACE HOTEL; PS; 760-325-9900 TBA 11am poolside AJ’S ON THE GREEN; C.C.; 760-202-1111 Mother’s Day Jazz Brunch w/ Harmonic Voices 11am AZUL; PS; 760-325-5533 The Judy Show 7:30pm BART LOUNGE; C.C.; 760-799-8800 Latin Night w/ DJ LF, Richie Rich 7pm BIG ROCK PUB; IND; 706-200-8988 Mother’s Day Brunch w/ Michael Keeth 10-2pm BLUEMBER; RM; 760-862-4581 Michael Keeth 6-10pm CASCADE LOUNGE, SPA RESORT; PS; 888999-1995 Nash with Quinto Menguante 9pm CASTELLI’S; PD; 760-773-3365 Joe Jaggi 5:30pm DHS SPA LOUNGE; DHS; 760-329-6787 Radio 60 3-6pm EL MEXICALI CAFÉ 2; IND; 760-342-2333 Cesar Daniel Lopez on the harp 6-9pm GADI’S RESTAURANT AND BAR; YV; 760365-6633 Dana Larson &Friends 5-8pm continue to page 20


May 11 to May 17, 2017


May 11 to May 17, 2017


May 11 to May 17, 2017



No. 264


THE RED TURTLE This simple but compelling story of a castaway on a beautiful but deserted tropical island populated by only by turtles, crabs and birds. This masterfully animated fantasy shows how the man learns to live in isolation, tormented in his efforts to escape the island by a giant red turtle. He battles and finally beaches the turtle who dries out and dies but miraculously becomes a young woman, who coincidentally was also lost at sea., eventually the two create a family together. Director de Wit said he hopes the film “shows a deep respect for nature, including human nature, and conveys a sense of peace and awe at the immensity of life.”


These environmental themes, which are often at the core of Ghibli films as well, give some clues as to why Hayao Miyazaki personally selected the project to be the Studio Ghibli’s first external co-production. The film is the product of Studio Ghibli’s first external co-production. Though produced in Europe, the film was made under the auspices of Studio Ghibli. London based animator Michael Dudok de Wit created the storybaords at Ghibli in Japan under the oversight of Isao Takahata, who is credited as the films artistic producer. The mostly dialogue free film pushes the stunning, carefully composed images to the forefront. Few films utilize color and light with such acuity - from the near monochrome tint of moonlight on a deserted beach to the boundless shimmering shades of green in a bamboo forest. It’s an exceedingly rare event when a movie succeeds as art. Environmental themes, which are often at the core of Studio Ghibli films as well, give some clues as to why Hayao Miyazaki personally selected this project to be Ghibli’s first international co-production. The beautifully rendered hand-drawn animation creates a personal and very human touch to this visually ravishing film that taps into the deepest of themes and mysteries of our shared existence with the planet itself. This profound, deliberately paced meditation on the many ways we›ve become alienated from nature, our selves and the Earth deserves consideration. Highest recommendation. Sony. Blu-ray.


After their old flat becomes damaged, Emad (Shahab Hosseini) and Rana (Taraneh Alidoosti), a young couple living in Tehran, Iran, are forced to move into another apartment. Once relocated, a sudden eruption of violence linked to the previous tenant of their new home radically changes their lives. This year’s Academy Award© winner for Best Foreign Language film, makes its eagerly awaited debut on Blu-ray. Written, directed and produced by Oscar©nominated filmmaker Asghar Farhadi. This dazzling, darkly funny and riveting tale of love, revenge and forgiveness stars Taraneh Alidoosti and Shahab Hossein as a young married couple living in Tehran whose lives and relationship are forever altered by an unexpected act of violence. Widely praised by international critics and audiences since its debut at the 2016 Cannes Film Festival, where it won Best Actor (Hossein) and Best Screenplay (Farhadi). For fans of bold and thought-provoking world cinema, this dazzling, darkly funny human drama is a must see. Sony. Blu-ray.



LOSS AND LIVING -----------------------------------------------------


----------------------------------------------------rief is a powerful and overwhelming emotion. It is not something easily shared or overcome. It is deeply personal. In Abbi Waxman’s debut novel The Garden of Small Beginnings (Berkley, 368 pages) a mother must come to terms with her loss and the growing changes that surround her. Closing in on four years since the tragic death of her husband, Lilian is still having a difficult time moving forward with her life. With two young girls, seven and five, she is barely hanging on. Working as a textbook illustrator, Lilian’s boss asks her to take a local gardening class so she can better understand how to draw fruits and vegetables. It doesn’t hurt that the book’s author runs the class. It is an important project for the struggling


May 11 to May 17, 2017

BY HEIDI SIMMONS publishing house. Reluctantly, Lilian agrees to get her hands dirty because her children are welcome to attend the gardening class and she knows it would be good for them. Lilian has a beautiful and charming sister, Rachel, who has helped Lilian raise her children while dealing with the grief. Lilian was hospitalized for months after her husband’s death, so Rachel stepped in to care of the kids and they adore their aunt. Rachel decides to participate in the gardening class as well, and the family finds the process of growing plants, fruits and veggies a refreshing and welcomed new hobby. Within the class, Lilian and her family also discover an unlikely new group of friends who all become close as they learn how to tend the soil and plant seeds. Over the gardening course, as Lilian learns to cultivate the earth and grow plants, she also learns about her grief. Lilian is attracted to the instructor and he’s attracted to her. This forces Lilian to come to terms with being a young widow. Questions of how to move forward plague her. How do you know when you are ready for a new relationship? Her eldest daughter insists she is still married. Lilian’s in-laws encourage her to find a new father

for her children and her sister wants her to get laid. Lilian discovers just how selfish she has been with her personal grief. For the first time since her husband’s death, she realizes that her whole family is also grieving and that together, with love and support, they will move forward. Author Waxman writes in the first person voice allowing Lilian to narrate her own story. The character often masks her grief with a strong sense of humor deflecting anything that makes her uncomfortable. She is self-deprecating and critical and selfish, but never the less does her best to maintain her family and household. At times, I didn’t like Lilian. That is until I saw through her façade and struggle to

maintain some kind of life without her husband. It’s like meeting a friend for lunch and when you ask how they are, they say fine yet you know that is not really so. Lilian tries to appear fine – although there are clues otherwise like a messy household and frumpy clothing – clearly, her loss remains overwhelming. The author includes illustrated gardening notes between chapters, which offer some thematic resonance. I like gardening and found that the simple tips for growing veggies were actually helpful. The Garden of Small Beginnings has bits of wisdom throughout. And I was glad that the story didn’t turn too much toward a romantic relationship to save the protagonist. Waxman allows her characters just enough wisdom and insight to overcome their flaws while still being real. I’m not sure there are many people who are constantly as funny as Lilian and Rachel, but I did enjoy their banter, especially as a way to cope with loss.





raduation is upon us and we want to make sure we graduate with our class safely this year reminds Fire Chief Sam DiGiovanna. Let’s start with the first class: Underage drinking can result in tragedy so let’s keep those critical lines of communication open when it comes to talking about the dangers of underage drinking, driving and graduation parties and events. Next, who’s behind the wheel? Are your kids or is a friend driving? Is there a designated driver, or will they be renting a limo? Make sure your teen has a way of contacting you and you can contact your teen; warn them of the dangers of talking or texting while driving. Let’s not have any hidden agendas! Get the evening’s itinerary as well as a list of names and phone numbers of each person with your teen. Insist that no

changes be made to the evening itinerary unless you grant permission. Know who is supervising all events in which your teen is participating. Make sure your teen has money to cover alternative transportation costs (Cab/Uber/Lyft), if necessary. Make sure your teen knows how to handle difficult situations; avoiding or accepting a ride from a drunk driver, rejecting offers of alcohol or legal and illegal drugs, and not succumbing to pressure to engage in sexual activity. And parents, the same lesson here goes for you. Set an example of responsibility and accountability to your children. For additional graduation safety, talk to your local school administrators. Congratulations Grads, let’s do it with class and with safety! Fire Chief Sam DiGiovanna


May 11 to May 17, 2017

CLUB CRAWLER NIGHTLIFE continued from page 15 INDIAN WELLS RESORT HOTEL; IW; 760-345- AJ’S ON THE GREEN; C.C.; 760-202-1111 Bill Marx and Chris Bennett 6:30pm 6466 Ted Herman’s Big Band 6pm BART LOUNGE; C.C.; 760-799-8800 9pm JOSHUA TREE SALOON; JT; 760-366-2250 BIG ROCK PUB; IND; 706-200-8988 Karaoke Open Jam 6pm w/ T-Bone 8pm LAS CASUELAS TERRAZA; PS; 760-325CASTELLI’S; PD; 760-773-3365 Joe Jaggi 2794 Palm Springs Sound Company, in the 5:30pm afternoon, Hot Rox, in the night INDIAN WELLS RESORT HOTEL; IW; 760LAVENDER BISTRO; LQ; 760-564-5353 Live 345-6466 Larry Capeloto 6pm Entertainment 5:30pm LAS CASUELAS TERRAZA; PS; 760-325MELVYN’S RESTAURANT & LOUNGE; PS; 2794 Hot Rox 760-325-2323 Sunday Jam 4-8pm LAVENDER BISTRO; LQ; 760-564-5353 Live NEIL’S LOUNGE; IND; 760-347-1522 Golden Entertainment 5:30pm Era Karaoke 4-7pm, Red’s Rockstar Karaoke NEIL’S LOUNGE; IND; 760-347-1522 8pm-1:15am Karaoke 8pm-1:15am THE NEST; PD; 760-346-2314 Kevin Henry THE NEST; PD; 760-346-2314 Kevin Henry 7:30pm 7pm PALM CANYON ROADHOUSE; PS; 760-327PAPPY & HARRIET’S; PT; 760-365-5956 4080 Sunday Night Jam Session w/ Jos Burrell Open Mic 7pm 7pm PLAN B LIVE ENTERTAINMENT AND PAPPY & HARRIET’S; PT; 760-365-5956 The COCKTAILS; TP; 760-343-2115 Industry Sunday Band 7:30pm Night w/ DJ Tone 2pm-close PURPLE ROOM; PS; 760-322-4422 The Judy SULLIVAN’S STEAKHOUSE; PD; 760-341Show 7pm SAMMY G’s; PS; 760-320-8041 Eddie Gee 7pm 3560 T.B.A. 6pm VICKY’S OF SANTE FE; IW; 760-345-9770 SULLIVAN’S STEAKHOUSE; PD; 760-341Mike Costley’s Showcase 6:30pm 3560 The Myx 6pm THE WINE EMPORIUM; LQ; 760-565-5512 TACK ROOM TAVERN; IND; 760-347-9985 The Mighty Sweet Nothings 6:30pm TBA 3-6pm WOODY’S BURGER; PS; 760-230-0188 THREE SIXTY NORTH; PS; 760-327-1773 The Motown Mondays 6pm Chris Gore Group Pro Jam 7pm ZELDA’S; PS; 760-325-2375 Dude Jones VICKY’S OF SANTE FE; IW; 760-345-9770 9pm John Stanley King and Trio 6:30pm THE WINE EMPORIUM; LQ; 760-565-5512 Rob Martinez and Scott Carter 6:30pm WOODY’S BURGER; PS; 760-230-0188 Barney 29 PALMS INN; 29 Palms; 760-367-3505 Bob Garcia Band 6pm McClure Jazz Brunch 10am-2pm, John Carey & ACE HOTEL; PS; 760-325-9900 Ace Karaoke Friends 6pm with Kiesha 9pm AJ’S ON THE GREEN; C.C.; 760-202-1111 Singer Showcase w/ Carole Hampton 6:30pm 29 PALMS INN; 29 Palms; 760-367-3505 The AZUL; PS; 760-325-5533 Bella da Ball Dinner Luminators 6pm Revue w/ guest performers 7:30pm



BART LOUNGE; C.C.; 760-799-8800 Emo Nite 9pm THE BLOCK; C.C.; 760-832-7767 Karaoke en Espanol 9pm BLUEMBER; RM; 760-862-4581 Stanley Butler Trio 6-10pm CASTELLI’S; PD; 760-773-3365 Joe Jaggi 5:30pm CORKTREE; PD; 760-779-0123 Michael Keeth 6-9pm CUNARD’S SANDBAR; LQ; 760-564-3660 The Bill Baker Show 6pm FIRESIDE LOUNGE; PS; 760-327-1700 Red’s Rockstar Karaoke 9pm FISHERMAN’S GROTTO; PD; 760-776-6533 Chuck Alvarez 6:30pm THE HOOD; PD; 760-636-5220 Drag Queen Bingo 9pm HUNTER’S; PS; 760-323-0700 Karaoke hosted by Phillip Moore 9pm INDIAN CANYONS GOLF RESORT; PS; 760833-8700 DJ Randy Johnson 6pm INDIAN WELLS RESORT HOTEL; IW; 760345-6466 Michael D’Angelo 6:15pm JOSHUA TREE SALOON; JT; 760-366-2250 Ted Quinn’s Open Mic Reality Show Jam 8pm KOKOPELLI’S; YV; 760-228-2589 Karaoke 7pm LAS CASUELAS TERRAZA; PS; 760-3252794 Palm Springs Sound Company LAVENDER BISTRO; LQ; 760-564-5353 Live Entertainment 5:30pm NEIL’S LOUNGE; IND; 760-347-1522 Karaoke 8pm-1:15am THE NEST; PD; 760-346-2314 Tim Burleson 7:45pm PALM CANYON ROADHOUSE; PS; 760327-4080 Acoustic Open Mic 7pm PLAN B LIVE ENTERTAINMENT AND COCKTAILS; TP; 760-343-2115 Ladies Night 7pm PURPLE ROOM; PS; 760-322-4422 Rose Mallett 6:30pm



hether it is family fun you are after, a way to beat the summer heat, or a refreshing alternative to your everyday workout, Palm Desert Aquatic Center (PDAC) has the answers you are looking for this summer. With three pools, multiple slides, diving boards, and a variety of play features designed for water lovers of all ages, PDAC has something for everyone. All or part of the eight-acre facility can be rented for private parties, corporate events, swimming competitions, and other special occasions. Located in Palm Desert Civic Center Park, PDAC is owned by the City of Palm Desert and operated by Family YMCA of the Desert. When the temperatures start to rise and your kids are tired of being cooped up indoors, or maybe you are ready for them to spend some time out of the house, head down to PDAC. The recreational pool is open seven days a week 11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. and the splash playground, slides, and diving boards are open on weekends 11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Beginning Saturday, May 27, all attractions will remain open until 7:00 p.m. on the weekends and beginning June 14, the attractions will be open during the week as well. PDAC will also be celebrating Family Swim Day on Memorial Day, Monday, May 29, 11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Do you have kids who don’t know how to swim? PDAC has you covered there too! Summer swim lessons kick off with Free Swim Lesson Day on Saturday, May 13, 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Kids can receive free 30-minute swim lessons before heading off to the water attractions, which open


an hour early for the day at 10:00 a.m. This is also the first day to sign up for summer swim lessons, do not miss out on the opportunity to have first choice of the summer swim class schedule. If you can’t make it to Free Swim Lesson Day, you can sign up for swim lessons all summer long at According to the US Census Bureau, swimming is the fourth most popular sports activity in the United States and a good way to get regular aerobic physical activity. And let’s be honest, in the Coachella Valley, the popularity of swimming increases dramatically during the summer as high temperatures restrict other forms of outdoor exercise. PDAC offers fun water exercise classes, including Shallow Water Exercise, Deep Water Exercise, Deep Water Boot Camp, and a Basic Arthritis and Injury Rehab Water Exercise class. Or you can skip the classes and practice your favorite stroke in the lap lanes, just make sure to check lap lane availability online before putting on that swim cap. PDAC also offers other options for exercise, including indoor classes such as Restorative Yoga and Chair Yoga. Schedules and fees for all classes can be viewed at

SULLIVAN’S STEAKHOUSE; PD; 760-3413560 Demetrious and Co. TACK ROOM TAVERN; IND; 760-347-9985 Two Step Tuesdays w/ Cinch 6-10pm THREE SIXTY NORTH; PS; 760-327-1773 Douglas McDonald Duo 6:30pm VICKY’S OF SANTE FE; IW; 760-345-9770 Mike Costley Trio 6:30pm VILLAGE PUB; PS; 760-323-3265 TBA 8pm WOODY’S BURGER; PS; 760-230-0188 John Boliver and Tony Granberry Jazz 6pm

WED MAY 17 29 PALMS INN; 29 Palms; 760-367-3505 Daniel Horn 6pm ACE HOTEL; PS; 760-325-9900 Acoustics w/ Austin McCutchen 7pm AJ’S ON THE GREEN; C.C.; 760-202-1111 Jazz Jam w/ Shelley Yoelin Group 7pm AZUL; PS; 760-325-5533 Piano Bar 6pm BART LOUNGE; C.C.; 760-799-8800 Totally Radical 90’s w/ DJ Richie Rich 9pm BIG ROCK PUB; IND; 706-200-8988 The Smooth Brothers 7pm THE BLOCK; C.C.; 760-832-7767 CV Open Mic Competition Hosted By Morgan James 7pm BLUEMBER; RM; 760-862-4581 Michael Keeth 6-10pm CASTELLI’S; PD; 760-773-3365 Patrick Tuzzolino 5:30pm CORKTREE; PD; 760-779-0123 Jack Ruvio 6pm CUNARD’S SANDBAR; LQ; 760-564-3660 The Bill Baker Show 6pm ELECTRIC SPORTS LOUNGE; YV; 760-2281199 Karaoke 7:30pm FISHERMAN’S GROTTO; PD; 760-776-6533 TBA 6pm THE HOOD; PD; 760-636-5220 Open Mic Nite hosted by Josh Heinz 8pm HUNTER’S; PS; 760-323-0700 Live VJ 9pm

S and G


Septic Tank & Grease Trap Pumping Sewer & Drain Cleaning Odor Control


INDIAN WELLS RESORT HOTEL; IW; 760345-6466 Open Mic w/ Rich Bono & Poupee Boccaccio 6pm JOSHUA TREE SALOON; JT; 760-366-2250 Live Music KOKOPELLI’S; YV; 760-228-2589 Open Mic hosted by Amy Angel 6:30pm LA RUE BISTRO; LQ; 760-296-3420 TBA 6pm LAS CASUELAS TERRAZA; PS; 760-3252794 Hot Rox LAVENDER BISTRO; LQ; 760-564-5353 Live Entertainment 5:30pm MELVYN’S RESTAURANT & LOUNGE; PS; 760-325-2323 “Sing Jam” w/ Mikael Healey 8pm NEIL’S LOUNGE; IND; 760-347-1522 Golden Era Karaoke 4-7pm, Karaoke 8pm-1:15am THE NEST; PD; 760-346-2314 Kevin Henry 6-8pm Tim Burleson 8pm PALM CANYON ROADHOUSE; PS; 760327-4080 Roger & Friends 7pm PJ’S SPORTS LOUNGE; YV; 760-288-1199 Karaoke w/ KJ Ginger 8pm PLAN B LIVE ENTERTAINMENT AND COCKTAILS; TP; 760-343-2115 Red’s Rockstar Karaoke 9pm PURPLE ROOM; PS; 760-322-4422 Michael Holmes Jazz Trio 6:30pm SULLIVAN’S STEAKHOUSE; PD; 760-3413560 The Myx 6:30pm TACK ROOM TAVERN; IND; 760-347-9985 Acoustic Sessions 7pm THREE SIXTY NORTH; PS; 760-327-1773 Mike Costley Band 6:30pm TJ’S; PD; 760-345-6744 Derek Jordan Gregg 9pm VICKY’S OF SANTE FE; IW; 760-345-9770 Barry Minniefield 6:30pm THE WINE EMPORIUM; LQ; 760-565-5512 Tony Carmen Trio 7pm WOODY’S BURGER; PS; 760-230-0188 Yve Evans 6:30pm




ou know who I hate? Motorists. Not all motorists - just the ones who go half the speed limit in the left lane. The left lane is for passing…move on over. You know what else I hate? Pre-existing conditions. How can a condition be if it does not exist? That phrase makes no sense! Why not just call it a condition? Want to know what makes me crazy? If I say, ‘thank you’ to you for a service rendered, what would you say in return? If you were to say, ‘no problem’ then I hate you. Okay, I don’t really hate you but please try and respond with the phrase ‘you are welcome’ or ‘you’re welcome’. Either will do. You know who I like?

Aldi. Want to know why? Not only can I get a dozen eggs for 79 cents but I get to put a quarter in a slot so that I can use a shopping cart. Candidly, I’m troubled by the mislabeling of food products. Want an example? Dog food. Want to know why? There is no dog in it. (Note to dog lovers: replace the word ‘dog’ with ‘cat’ and this joke is infinitely funnier.) I have a love/hate relationship with carbohydrates like bread, cake, cookies, pasta and rice. I even found out that beans have carbs…which is just wrong…gassy and carb’d up? While carbs seem to be as addictive as heroin, they make me fat and bloated. As such, I’ve turned to a diet of fat, meat, protein and coffee from which I have lost

nearly 20 pounds over the last three months. In celebration, I’ll be going on shortly to buy a defibrillator. I also hate leaf blowers, edge trimmers and vacuums. If they can make a silencer for a gun, surely someone can do something about these public nuisances. Speaking of public nuisances, cable news is dead to me. Whether it is Fox, MSNBC or CNN, all they offer are biased talking heads intent of misinforming us. Whether you like our current President or not, he is on to something when it comes to the veracity of cable news. I would guess that he can spot fake news in the same way that I can spot investment advisors who take advantage of their clients’ trust. Personally, I like those unscrupulous investment advisors and brokerage firms who overcharge their clients and put them in bad investments. Want to know why I like them? It makes my job so much easier. I manage investments for people and businesses and it is so much easier to get an investor to leave those bad firms once someone like me shines a light on their questionable practices. As a word of advice, if your investment firm has you in mutual funds, structured notes, annuities or some insurance product, come see me. I promise to do my best to make you angry. You know who I like? Father Lincoln over at Sacred Heart Church and School. Whether you are Catholic or not, there are few people whom I have ever

May 11 to May 17, 2017

met who sincerely put their entire being into helping others. The Coachella Valley is a far better place because of him. Like Father Lincoln, there are so many people in our community whom we should all be thankful for. You know who many of them are. They do the little things that garner little to no attention yet make your life and our community better. Next time that you think of one of those local unsung heroes, send them a note or email expressing your thanks for their presence in your life. Too often we all focus on the people and things that we dislike and do not give sufficient thanks and praise to the truly good people. Haddon Libby is a Financial Advisor and Managing Director of Winslow Drake Investment Management and can be reached at 760-449-6349 or via




s a matter of fact ALL parties and especially holidays, can lead to a Black and White police unit. A B&W rolls on the scene whenever there is a DUI or an Accident. Drinking affects your reflexes and thus you could be driving and not stop in time for a red light or stop sign. When you notice to late that the car in front stopped and you rear end the car, your late actions cause a police officer to respond. When the officer stops you, they smell the alcohol on your breath and you are dealing with a DUI on top of a possible accident. A DUI caused accident allows the victim to potentially collect punitive damages to punish the driver. When an accident victim thinks they will be ok in a day or two and/or talks to the insurance adjuster before seeing a lawyer, they are damaging their case to the point that many lawyers will not accept their case. Victims are often afraid of getting in an ambulance or seeing a doctor and running up bills. The victim does not realize the at fault parties insurance company will pay for these bills. Most drivers have medical payments coverage in their auto policy and or Health Insurance that will also pay up to the purchased limits/coverage.

Many prospective clients do not know their policy limits or cannot find their policy. It is important to know this information because the other driver may not have insurance. If so, we would present an uninsured motorist (UM) claim against our clients own policy...if s/he had UM or UIM coverage. It is important to note that a medical provider, like any business, is primarily concerned about getting paid for their work... just the same as a hospital or urgent care facility. If the injured party cannot find their policies they often must resort to using a credit card to pay for treatment until they learn of their coverage. An experienced lawyer can often get treatment on a lien where the doctor gets paid AFTER the case settles. Insurance companies love holiday claims because claimants do the wrong things that ultimately reduce the value of their claim. This is because often cannot find a doctor or lawyer with whom to talk for a few days. For instance, new claimants may call the insurance company and say things they should not have said. On the other hand, the adjuster may write down things they think they heard the party say. The

most important thing the victim can do is to take pictures of their injuries and of their car. They should also take video recordings of the witnesses’ statements with their cell phone camera. They should also take pictures of the other driver’s insurance policy and driver’s license. In these scenarios, typically no one has advised the victim that they should see a doctor right away to document the injuries, let alone have the victim prepare a summary of their injuries. When preparing this summary, the victim should write down their symptoms/injuries by starting with the top of their head and moving to the bottom of their toes. Additionally, the victim should see a medical provider they have not seen before. This is because their current medical providers have records that document prior injuries, alcohol/ drugs issues, psych referrals, SDT’s, abortions etc. Though these records may have nothing to do with the accident, many jurors will incorrectly

think less of the victim on account of these issues. As a PI and DUI lawyer, I always advise my clients to not post anything on social media following the accident. The last thing you want is for the insurance company to find a client’s posts of their playing tennis, golf, running in a marathon etc. while they are allegedly complaining they cannot do anything because of the amount of pain they are encountering. Because of the mistakes and challenges listed above it is harder to maximize the value of a holiday accident case and these cases often result in a smaller settlement. As a result many lawyers will be reluctant to accept these cases. If you have any questions regarding this column or ideas for future columns please contact Dale Gribow 760-837-7500 or DALE GRIBOW “TOP LAWYER” - Palm Springs Life(Accidents) 2011-17 “TOP LAWYER”- Inland Empire Magazine Nov 2016 PERFECT 10.0 AVVO Peer Rating


May 11 to May 17, 2017





he Coachella Valley has always been considered a desert resort community since (by definition) tourism and vacationing is a major part of our local activity and economy. Valley residents know this as they live with and many work at the numerous resort hotels and country clubs that cater to our visiting “snowbirds” that come to stay and play in our desert paradise each winter. In recent years the addition of four major music festivals (2 Coachellas, a Stagecoach and a Desert Trip) to one of the world’s largest tennis tournaments, two PGA golf tournaments, the nation’s best art festival, an international film festival, an international bike race and so many more events has led to a boom in the vacation rental industry. While this has been financially great for many individual homeowners (and cities), it has been a nightmare for many of their neighbors and small community associations. In fact as you read this article many cities are struggling to find ways with which to deal with the new found popularity of homeowners who are renting out their homes and the problems that they are creating… but in the meantime, what can you do to help cope with a neighbor who rents their home out to strangers on a regular basis? Before I get to some suggestions on that, let’s take a look at the sales data for homes in the Coachella Valley for the month of April. According to the Desert Area MLS as of 5/1/17 there were 1,073 pending transactions of residential properties here in the Coachella Valley in the month of April. That’s down from the 1,268 pendings in the previous month (March) and just about the same as this time last year when we had 1,039 pending sales. In March there were 1,047 solds and we were surprisingly down in April with only 910 solds. This is still a huge increase over last year when we sold only 807 homes in April 2016. Our year to date sales total for 2017 stands at 3,351 homes compared to the same time period last year when we had sold only 2,793 homes. Statistically we ended our first four months in 2017 exceeding last year’s sales by 17%. We are continuing this trend for our third straight year starting off with higher volume of both pendings and solds. This is an excellent trend for our valley and even though I estimate that the majority of the homes here in the Coachella Valley are still about 15% below the high market values that we experienced in 2006-7, this positive data indicates that the Coachella Valley real estate market continues to improve. Our inventory of homes for sale was down again this month with 4,206 homes available on May 1, 2017 compared to 4,674 homes available on April 1, 2017. This is the second large drop in as many months in the total number of homes for sale in the Coachella Valley and while we still have plenty of inventory out there at this time, if this trend continues it won’t be long before there is a shortage of homes for sale in our market place. Check back next month and we’ll see if this trend continues and what that will mean for prices and sales for the coming summer months. Your next door neighbor is bragging about all the money he is making by renting his house out to festival goers while you have to put up with 10 to 20 strangers who invade your normally peaceful neighborhood that come and


go at all hours not to mention party at volume until dawn causing you sleepless nights and anxiety worrying about your children and pets. Sound crazy? Unfortunately, this situation has become more common than you might think. So what can you do besides wearing ear plugs and a blindfold to bed or leaving town for the weekend? Regardless of the neighborhood that you live in there are several City or County ordinances in place that can be enforced by local law enforcement officers, code enforcement officers and private security companies if you live in a gated community with an HOA. They include noise ordinances, disturbing the peace, public intoxication (or under the influence) and many of our desert cities now have “hotlines” to call for assistance. Contact your city and see if they have such a hotline and then make a list of these numbers so that you have them handy should you need them at two in the morning! I do not recommend that you confront the occupants, instead call one or all of the appropriate agencies and let them know that you have a problem. In addition, a short video on your phone will serve as evidence should it be necessary. Depending upon the relationship that you have with your neighbor, you might also call them and ask that they contact their renters with a request to cease whatever activities are causing problems for the neighborhood. After the renters have gone you should follow up with your City officials. If you live in a gated community with an HOA you should follow up with your HOA Board and HOA Management Company as well as with your neighbor. When approaching your neighbor I advise sharing your experiences with them and then looking for solutions to be proactive in avoiding future bad rental situations. One suggestion is to encourage your neighbor and/ or their management company to create an information sheet to be given to all renters that describe the local ordinances and any HOA or landlord Rules and Regulations that are expected to be obeyed by the renters. It looks like vacation rentals are here to stay. The bottom line is not to lose your cool during what can be a stressful situation and make the appropriate phone calls both before and after an incident to let the professionals handle the matter. Join me each month this year as we keep a close eye on our Coachella Valley real estate market. If you have a real estate question or concerns please email me at the address below. Bruce Cathcart is the Broker/Co-Owner of La Quinta Palms Realty, “Your Friendly Professionals” and can be reached by email at or visit his website at





ell me if this makes sense; Since Donald Trump is now president, given his history with gambling, doesn’t it now make sense that Sports Gaming will sooner rather than later be legalized outside of Nevada. I say yes. Wagering on sports has effectively been illegal since 1992, when the federal government passed the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act, or PAPSA. The case for a legalized sports betting industry subject to taxation and federal or state regulation has strengthened in recent years, due in large part to public support from prominent figures like NBA Commissioner Adam Silver and most lately the NFL approval of the Raiders franchise to call Las Vegas home. Advocates are calling for Trump, with his background as a casino owner in Las Vegas and Atlantic City, to add his voice to the debate. “We are entering a perfect storm of interests among broadcasters, among owners of individual sports teams, we have what’s clearly been 25 years of a failed law,” Geoff Freeman, president and CEO of the American Gaming Association, told “And now we have a president who is quoted as recently as a about year ago on [FOX Sports radio host] Colin Cowherd’s show talking about the failed law that we have today and the benefits of regulation. I think we have everything coming together to support a regulated environment.” While lawmakers and pro leagues that fought for the ban in the 1990s argued the legislation would defend against corruption in the sports industry, critics today argue it is directly responsible for the creation of a massive illegal sports gambling market worth tens of billions of dollars. The American Gaming Association, a lobbying organization with a strong voice in the nation’s capital, estimates that $150 billion in illegal wagers are placed each year. Aside from NBA Commissioner Silver’s public support for legalization, there are other signs that the sports establishment may be

ready to reconsider the ban. The NHL recently approved the creation of a Las Vegas-based expansion team. The NFL’s Oakland Raiders are eventual move to Sin City, and 28 of the league’s 32 teams have partnered with daily fantasy sports companies like Fan-Duel or Draft Kings. Several teams in the NBA and MLB have similar partnerships. Trump has already in recent reports addressed his stance on the sports betting industry – and his support for legalization – on at least two occasions. “I’m OK with [sports betting and daily fantasy sports] because it’s happening anyway. Whether you have [legalized sports betting] or you don’t have it, you have it,” Trump said during a November 2015 appearance on “The Herd with Colin Cowherd.” In a 1993 interview, Trump, who has owned casinos in the gambling hotbed of Atlantic City, New Jersey, declared that “you have to be” in favor of legalized sports betting. “It is vital to keeping your taxes low, it’s vital to the senior citizens, and it’s vital to putting the bookies out of business,” Trump said at the time. The fight to legalize sports gambling is already underway in some states. Legislators in New York, New Jersey, South Carolina and several other states have either submitted bills aimed at repeal or at the very least bringing the issue to court. The sports gaming industry’s potential as a job creator and revenue driver should be an enticing proposition to Trump, who so far has not expressed any opposition to the idea on moral grounds. One state victory in court changes everything. Contrary to the opinion of some, it wouldn’t take ‘years’ to accomplish a meaningful victory. A state merely needs to avoid a social mess as we’ve seen recently with the various protests (If you call whatever happened in Portland last week a protest) during the early stages of the case. If a state is able to avoid a public backlash, it will have sports betting right away. Food for thought. G’Luck.


Week of May 11

ARIES (March 21-April 19): The process by which Zoo Jeans are manufactured is unusual. First, workers wrap and secure sheets of denim around car tires or big rubber balls, and take their raw creations to the Kamine Zoo in Hitachi City, Japan. There the denimswaddled objects are thrown into pits where tigers or lions live. As the beasts roughhouse with their toys, they rip holes in the cloth. Later, the material is retrieved and used to sew the jeans. Might this story prove inspirational for you in the coming weeks? I suspect it will. Here’s one possibility: You could arrange for something wild to play a role in shaping an influence you will have an intimate connection with. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): “Kiss the flame and it is yours,” teased the poet Thomas Lux. What do you think he was hinting at? It’s a metaphorical statement, of course. You wouldn’t want to literally thrust your lips and tongue into a fire. But according to my reading of the astrological omens, you might benefit from exploring its meanings. Where to begin? May I suggest you visualize making out with the steady burn at the top of a candle? My sources tell me that doing so at this particular moment in your evolution will help kindle a new source of heat and light in your deep self -- a fresh fount of glowing power that will burn sweet and strong like a miniature sun. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Your symbol of power during the next three weeks is a key. Visualize it. What picture pops into your imagination? Is it a bejeweled golden key like what might be used to access an old treasure chest? Is it a rustic key for a garden gate or an oversized key for an ornate door? Is it a more modern thing that locks and unlocks car doors with radio waves? Whatever you choose, Gemini, I suggest you enshrine it in as an inspirational image in the back of your mind. Just assume that it will subtly inspire and empower you to find the metaphorical “door” that leads to the next chapter of your life story. CANCER (June 21-July 22): You are free to reveal yourself in your full glory. For once in your life, you have cosmic clearance to ask for everything you want without apology. This is the LATER you have been saving yourself for. Here comes the reward for the hard work you’ve been doing that no one has completely appreciated. If the universe has any prohibitions or inhibitions to impose, I don’t know what they are. If old karma has been preventing the influx of special dispensations and helpful X-factors, I suspect that old karma has at least temporarily been neutralized. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): “I don’t want to be at the mercy of my emotions,” said Irish writer Oscar Wilde. “I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them.” In my opinion, that may be one of the most radical vows ever formulated. Is it even possible for us human beings to gracefully manage our unruly flow of feelings? What you do in the coming weeks could provide evidence that the answer to that question might be yes. According to my reading of the astrological omens, you are now in a position to learn more about this high art than ever before. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Africa’s highest mountain is Mount Kilimanjaro. Though it’s near the equator, its peak is covered year-round with glaciers. In 2001, scientists predicted that global warming would melt them all by 2015. But that hasn’t happened. The ice cap is still receding slowly. It could endure for a while, even though it will eventually disappear. Let’s borrow this scenario as a metaphor for your use, Virgo. First, consider the possibility that a certain thaw in your personal sphere isn’t unfolding as quickly as you anticipated. Second, ruminate on the likelihood that it will, however, ultimately come to pass. Third, adjust your plans accordingly. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Will sex be humdrum and predictable in the coming weeks? No! On the contrary. Your interest in wandering out to the frontiers of erotic play could rise quite high. You may be animated and experimental in your approach

© Copyright 2017 Rob Brezsny

to intimate communion, whether it’s with another person or with yourself. Need any suggestions? Check out the “butterflies-in-flight” position or the “spinning wheel of roses” maneuver. Try the “humand-chuckle kissing dare” or the “churning radiance while riding the rain cloud” move. Or just invent your own variations and give them funny names that add to the adventure. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Right now the word “simplicity” is irrelevant. You’ve got silky profundities to play with, slippery complications to relish, and lyrical labyrinths to wander around in. I hope you use these opportunities to tap into more of your subterranean powers. From what I can discern, your deep dark intelligence is ready to provide you with a host of fresh clues about who you really are and where you need to go. P.S.: You can become better friends with the shadows without compromising your relationship to the light. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): You can bake your shoes in the oven at 350 degrees for 40 minutes, but that won’t turn them into loaves of bread. Know what I’m saying, Sagittarius? Just because a chicken has wings doesn’t mean it can fly over the rainbow. Catch my drift? You’ll never create a silk purse out of dental floss and dead leaves. That’s why I offer you the following advice: In the next two weeks, do your best to avoid paper tigers, red herrings, fool’s gold, fake news, Trojan horses, straw men, pink elephants, convincing pretenders, and invisible bridges. There’ll be a reward if you do: close encounters with shockingly beautiful honesty and authenticity that will be among your most useful blessings of 2017. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Of all the signs of the zodiac, you Capricorns are the least likely to believe in mythical utopias like Camelot or El Dorado or Shambhala. You tend to be uber-skeptical about the existence of legendary vanished riches like the last Russian czar’s Fabergé eggs or King John’s crown jewels. And yet if wonderlands and treasures like those really do exist, I’m betting that some may soon be discovered by Capricorn explorers. Are there unaccounted-for masterpieces by Georgia O’Keeffe buried in a basement somewhere? Is the score of a lost Mozart symphony tucked away in a seedy antique store? I predict that your tribe will specialize in unearthing forgotten valuables, homing in on secret miracles, and locating missing mother lodes. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): According to my lyrical analysis of the astrological omens, here are examples of the kinds of experiences you might encounter in the next 21 days: 1. interludes that reawaken memories of the first time you fell in love; 2. people who act like helpful, moon-drunk angels just in the nick of time; 3. healing music or provocative art that stirs a secret part of you -- a sweet spot you had barely been aware of; 4. an urge arising in your curious heart to speak the words, “I invite lost and exiled beauty back into my life.” PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Ex-baseball player Eric DuBose was pulled over by Florida cops who spotted him driving his car erratically. They required him to submit to a few tests, hoping to determine whether he had consumed too much alcohol. “Can you recite the alphabet?” they asked. “I’m from the great state of Alabama,” DuBose replied, “and they have a different alphabet there.” I suggest, Pisces, that you try similar gambits whenever you find yourself in odd interludes or tricky transitions during the coming days -- which I suspect will happen more than usual. Answer the questions you want to answer rather than the ones you’re asked, for example. Make jokes that change the subject. Use the powers of distraction and postponement. You’ll need extra slack, so seize it! Homework: If you knew you were going to live to 100, what would you do differently in the next five years? Testify at ---------------------------------------Rob Brezsny Free Will Astrology


May 11 to May 17, 2017




ear Jenny, I recently broke up with my girlfriend who I had been with for two years and one month. I still say to anyone who asks what an amazing person she is. I loved everything about her. I really cherished our moments together. Sounds like a wonderful relationship and you’re probably asking yourself why we broke up in the first place. Well, it seems that toward the end of our time together, probably the last eight or nine months, all she ever talked about was marriage. I almost felt that she was more in love with the idea and hope of getting married than she was with me. I felt this way, but never talked to her about it, sometimes I would make jokes, she just kept having “marriage” on her mind. I got so paranoid that I finally ended the relationship. It bothered me that she acted so surprised, like she had no idea. Some people tell me that I was being too harsh, but I don’t think so, nor do I care….it felt like the right thing to do. Actually, if felt like the next logical step, unless I wanted to step into marriage. Have any advice or an opinion on this matter? -Caleb ------------------------------------------------Hi Caleb, Thanks for writing in. I have heard this situation from so many readers. I actually really like that you voiced your feelings. More often than not when a relationship begins, it is full of excitement and wonder, not only about discovering more about the other individual, but discovering more about the relationship. Unfortunately, like so many other things in life, it is difficult to stay in the preset. After we have found someone who we enjoy being with and enjoy the company of, we tend to imagine our future with this person. When we imagine, we begin to create, to manifest….. when it involves someone else, sometimes it can turn out to be a disaster. It sounds like you were involved with someone who was imagining her wedding and being married,

it also sounds like it involved you, but you weren’t onboard! Or put in a better way, you weren’t aware of what was happening. This is not to say that the way you handled things was the right thing to do. It would have been very easy to discuss with your girlfriend how you felt. But for whatever reason, you chose not to. There are times Caleb, when we feel frustrated and insecure, that there are so many other things going on we need to be part of them. A lot of times we pressure ourselves to do them, in your girlfriend’s case, that’s getting married. Please know that this is not saying she didn’t enjoy your company and this is no way saying that your relationship was less than what it was. Always in relationships there is growth. The two either grow together or they grow apart. From hearing your brief description, it sounds like your relationship grew together for over a year, but somewhere in there it lost the growth. She still grew and surely you were growing, but not together or for the same outcome. You were growing farther away from being a couple and she was growing toward marriage, with or without you. This is why so often people talk about the importance of staying in the now. This is why people so often talk about living for today. Your relationship ended for no other reason than you two wanted different things and were ready to find it elsewhere. Make no mistake Caleb, it was not because she was fantasizing about marriage that drove you away. You simply wanted something else from the relationship and you used the marriage talk as your excuse. You can definitely learn from this situation, you can learn to talk about feelings and you can learn to face your paranoia. Most importantly, as said by the great teacher Ram Dass, “Be here now.” Good luck! - ♥Nameste Jenny Don’t forget to follow Jenny on Contact her at (760) 5050952


May 11 to May 17, 2017



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veryone should be doing a few basics to take care of their skin (and men, this means you too!): AM: wash, moisturize using a lotion with SPF for sun protection PM: wash, mechanically exfoliate and moisturize with a richer/heavier lotion. AND… every 6 months to a year…. Get a chemical peel! (some people more frequently) A TCA (trichloracetic acid) Chemical Peel is a powerful and effective tool for resurfacing your damaged skin to yield the skin you are looking for and deserve. This medium depth peel will improve many of the skin conditions that we all see (and wish we didn’t!) when we look in the mirror. After peeling, your skin will be softer, smoother, with improved texture and tone and greatly reduced hyperpigmentation (sun damage). Those are the differences on the surface of your skin. But the real magic is going on under your skin where collagen is being stimulated. This is what plumps up the lines and scars, yielding a smoother, more refined and beautiful complexion. This light to medium peel helps with the following skin conditions: IMPROVES: Fine Lines, Acne, Sun damage, Blackheads, Improves skin Tone, Improves skin Texture, Rosacea, Milia, Age Spots, Shallow Acne Scaring, Enhanced penetration of topical skin care products (moisturizers, serums etc.) How it works: Chemical peels are versatile

tools that are used to resurface the upper layers of your skin by loosening the bonds between the dead skin cells that dull your skin, while stimulating the collagen beneath the skin to form and align, which in turn plumps up the fine lines and scars from below the surface. They have been around since Cleopatra bathed in sour milk (containing lactic acid!) to make her skin smooth. Fortunately, science has made a lot of progress since then and the chemical peels available now are sophisticated and effective. Peels vary in strength and provide different benefits. Light peels (15% TCA) provide substantial results by removing sun damage and over time will help smooth very superficial lines. These peels have light peeling and flaking, not usually enough to avoid social situations. Medium peels (TCA 20% - 30%) are where the results really start to show. These peels can have heavy peeling, crusting and take 7–10 days to completely finish the peeling process. These are our most popular peels because they make the most difference, helping to smooth lines, plump up skin, strip off sun damage and reveal smooth, even skin. Skin must be taken care of very gently and carefully, but these peels are fantastic for damaged skin. This is one of the most commonly performed chemical peel in medical offices because it is one of the most effective and has the most impressive results.




s a career counselor, I do a considerable amount of coaching on facing fear. Recently I accepted a new, rather complex project causing me to practice some heavy-duty self-coaching. I am not immune to driving myself a bit nuts over looming deadlines, key presentations and most importantly, the overall thought of screwing-up and failing. There is a word for the latter. Atychiphobia is a technical term for fear of failure and sometimes that phobia has its way with most of us. Atychiphobia rarely deters me from trying scary new things, but once I’ve accepted the challenge, those emotional enemies in my head I refer to as gremlins, begin bombarding me with thoughts of self-doubt. Whenever I allow those gremlins control, anxiety sets in taking the form of a sleepless night that morphs into a nightmare depicting me in the starring role. Often in such a dream I’m trying to get to an important meeting but continually get deterred by multiple road blocks. Stress and fear are cozy bed partners, so it is not uncommon to experience anxiety when you’re confronted with a new challenge, but at some point, you need to face your fears and take your power back. Becoming stress-hardy is doable; it just requires practicing some helpful techniques. John Madison, leadership guru and author of the best seller, “Real Leadership: 9 Simple Practices for Leading and Living with Purpose,”

recommends separating the rational from the irrational. Makes sense, as we all tend to exaggerate our fears. Madison advises examining those annoying thoughts to determine if they are truly rooted in reality. I took his advice and reviewed my fears about failing in this project. He was spot-on. Most of my worry was inflated. After processing the overblown fear, I felt a sense of peace and renewed strength. Another way to deal with an intimidating challenge is to review your many accomplishments. Often I advise clients to take stock of the positives before heading out to an interview. Bringing your value and worth to the forefront does much to diminish any thoughts of self-doubt. Battle your trepidation with visualization. Spend a few minutes creating a visual of how success will look and feel. Setting your thoughts on the outcome drives the doubts away. One final thought about overcoming fear of failure. Ever fail before? Well, this might sound counter-intuitive but think about a past short fall. Your world did not crumble right? Sometimes all it takes to drown out the negative voice of our inner critic is to recognize failure is not the bogeyman. It’s the thought of failing that brings us down. Use the strategies listed above and failure will fade into the past not part of your present. Sunny Simon is the owner of Raise the Bar High Life and Career Coaching and the author of the blog

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