Coachella Valley Weekly - May 23 to May 29, 2019 Vol. 8 No. 10

Page 1 • May 23 to May 29, 2019 Vol. 8 No. 10

Here Lies Man Sugarcane Jane Desert’s Best Fest Granger vs. Azevedo SoCal Cannabis Summit pg6





May 23 to May 29, 2019


Coachella Valley Weekly (760) 501-6228

ARTHUR SEAY Publisher & Editor Tracy Dietlin Art Director Robert Chance Sales Team Kirby, Sheila Rosenthal, Dori Berry Club Crawler Nightlife Editor Phil Lacombe Feature Writers Lisa Morgan, Rich Henrich, Heidi Simmons, Noe Gutierrez, Avery Wood, Tricia Witkower, Jason Hall, Crystal Harrell, Esther Sanchez Writers/Contributors: Robin Simmons, Rick Riozza, Eleni P. Austin, Craig Michaels, Janet McAfee, Bronwyn Ison, Haddon Libby, Dale Gribow, Laura Hunt Little, Sam DiGiovanna, Rob Brezny, Dr. Peter Kadile, Bruce Cathcart, Flint Wheeler, Dee Jae Cox, Denise Ortuno Neil, Angela Romeo, Aaron Ramson, Lynne Tucker, Elizabeth Scarcella, Aimee Mosco, Michelle Anne Rizzio Photographers Robert Chance, Laura Hunt Little, Chris Miller, Iris Hall, Esther Sanchez Website Editor Bobby Taffolla Distribution Phil Lacombe, William Westley

CONTENTS Arthur Seay - Trailblazer......................3-5 Here Lies Man......................................... 6 Fantasy Springs Upcoming Events....... 6 Sugarcane Jane....................................... 7 Desert's Best Fest .................................. 8 Sports Scene - Granger vs. Avezedo .... 9 Consider This - Better Oblivion Community Center........................... 10 Travel Tips 4 U - PS Art Museum........... 11 Pet Place ............................................... 12 The Vino Voice ...................................... 13 Club Crawler Nightlife .................... 14-15 Pampered Palate - The Vine Wine Bar... 16 Brewtality.............................................. 17 Screeners .............................................. 18 Book Review......................................... 19 Safety Tips ............................................. 19 Haddon Libby ....................................... 21 Dale Gribow........................................... 21 Valley Rhythms - Joseph Larson ......... 22 Bianca Rae Foundation........................ 22 Free Will Astrology............................... 23 Swag For The Soul ............................... 23 Cannabis Corner................................... 24 Cannabis Corner - Coachella’s SoCal Cannabis Summit............................. 24 Cannabis Corner................................... 26


rthur Seay is the recipient of the 2019 Coachella Valley Music Award’s Trailblazer Award. Arthur has over 30 years in the music business and has spawned a sound and crusade in the name of the Coachella Valley and heavy Rock and Roll. His mission has been to synthesize the two in synonymous fashion. We at Coachella Valley Weekly salute Seay for being an innovator and representing us all over the world in his bands House of Broken Promises and Unida for so long. In continuing his pursuit, Seay and Vegas Rock Revolution are presenting SOUNDS OF THE HEAVY festival on Friday, May 24, 2019 at 5 p.m. at Gadi’s Restaurant and Bar in Yucca Valley, CA. The show will feature bands HERE LIES MAN, Seay’s HOUSE OF BROKEN PROMISES, KAISER, SATURNA, GREEN DESERT WATER, OMEGA SUN, THE

2019 CVMA TRAILBLAZER AWARD RECIPIENT BATTERY ELECTRIC and DIESEL BOOTS. DJs STREET DRUGS DTLA and ARTY LOVE will be spinning Stoner, Sludge and Doom rock. Tickets are available at All backline will be provided by HIWATT. We spoke with Seay to revisit his past and see where his next aim is. CVW: Describe how you felt when you were told that you had been chosen as the 2019 recipient of the CVMA Trailblazer Award. Seay: “I was very surprised and honored. It feels good to know that your hard work and dedication gets noticed and appreciated.” CVW: You have House of Broken Promises, Death In Pretty Wrapping and Apesh!t in active status. Please give us an update on each project. House of Broken Promises “The HOBP record is getting mixed as we speak. I did about half and now handing over the rest to get mixed. I finally found the right person that understands what I’m going for sonically and production-wise. We have been working on a brand new video

May 23 to May 29, 2019


also for a song called, Under Cover of the Law. We pulled together my good friends on the production side of what I do, Kevin Swank and everyone at CYM Lighting, who let us take over his shop and build a huge set with complete arena production lighting. Brandon Henderson came in for some projection mapping and Edgar Barajas helped me shoot it. HOBP will be touring in Australia this August then just getting ready for a BIG year in 2020 with a new record and world tours!” Death In Pretty Wrapping “DiPW has recorded two new covers, Michael Jacksons “Beat It” and Katy Perry’s “I Kissed a Girl” which I turned into “I Killed a Girl.” I just changed that line in the chorus to ‘killed’. The rest of the lyrics make sense that it’s a serial killer lol. We are also about to shoot a video for it also where I will play the serial killer stalking and killing said victims. I’ve always loved film and I’m finally getting more into the directing and filming side of it. I’m working with Sacrificial Pawn Productions and Stone Mason SFX on this continue to page 4

House Of Broken Promises

Death In Pretty Wrapping Unida



May 23 to May 29, 2019



continued from page 3

video and will be entering it into Indie horror film festivals. The DiPW full-length record will be out by 2020, if not sooner!” APESH!T “ApeSh!t is also in the works. We (Tye Zamora and myself) are busy guys and are doing some planning so we can focus on this and melt your faces! We are just enjoying what’s left of our ‘normal’ life until this hits and blows up! OOH!!” CVW: You are nominated for several 2019 CVMAs. They include, ‘Best Band’, ‘Best Rock Band’, ‘Best Metal Band’, ‘Best Guitar’ & ‘Best Producer’. Of those awards, which one would mean the most to you if you won? Seay: “Best Producer actually. I really love producing and taking a band and/ or artist and their music to the next level sonically and creatively. It’s one of the reasons why I built my recording studio, to help give back to those who need to record and capture what they hear in their head.” CVW: According to the dictionary, a trailblazer is a person who “blazes a trail” for others to follow through unsettled country or wilderness. What types of challenges have you faced in your journey? Seay: “The challenges have been endless! The music business is a horrible business and that’s why I always stress the fact to artists and bands to not to forget it’s called the ‘music business’. We all love playing music and performing but it is way more than that. It’s marketing, promoting, touring and getting yourself out there. It’s retail and you are the product. I’ve done very well and I’ve been screwed over. My biggest challenge mentally and businesswise in my career well here it goes.... I was signed by Rick Rubin to Sony/ Columbia Records. We were living the dream, all our hard work paid off. We recorded our album at the legendary Sound City Studio (watch Dave Grohl’s documentary) with the amazing George Drakoulias who had worked with The Black

Crowes, Sheryl Crow, Tom Petty and all the early Rick Rubin artists like The Cult. Tom Petty keyboardist Benmont Tench played on our record also. “We created an amazing record that has stood the test of time. During this time I met Paul Gray of Slipknot and the rest of the band. They came in to record Iowa and Paul and I instantly became close friends. They were all Unida and desert fans it was awesome! This is where the ‘business’ comes in. The record was finished and mixed by multi-Grammy winning producer and engineer Jim Scott. But little did we know, Rick works in four-year deals and right when we were finished, his deal with Sony was up so they went into negotiations to renew his deal so that took eight months of waiting and then Rick left Sony and went back to Island Def Jam Records for millions and then it was another eight months or so of them figuring out how they’re going to do everything with all the bands that were signed to Rick’s American Records. We attempted to use the clause in our contract where if they didn’t meet deadlines we can get out of our contract so we used that clause to get out it. It was either we get a large sum of money or the record. We all said we want the record. We told our management but our management swore up and down and said many times and guaranteed that they can get both so we said OK get the money and the record. But of course, he only got the money and didn’t get the record. We had five other labels willing to put it out instantly. He got the money, took his 20% and completely dropped the ball after that and didn’t lift a finger. And this is a big-time manager who manages Slayer, Mastodon and Ghost. Management sent out rough mixes of the record to all the other labels to shop the record and to be picked up by somebody else. The rough mixes from the studio when the record was already mixed mastered by the biggest names in the industry and sounded amazing but they sent out the rough incomplete mixes to everybody in the industry. That shows you how much they gave a fuck! It was insane. “So to a point, I’m glad, because it made me wake up and start learning everything that I need to do for myself. I paid attention to every detail and process. From what you do as a recording engineer in mixing and mastering to sitting with the lawyer going through the 80 page Sony contract asking all the questions so I can learn and know what is going on for myself. This is where most bands and artists make mistakes. You have to pay attention. All of these people work for you. You can’t forget that they make money because you’re making them money. “There is a good ending to that crazy story. I’ve met with Sony and our A&R guy from American Records. Sony wants to release that record out they dug through the vault they found it, the record still stands the test of time so when all our schedules coincide it will get a proper release. I will make sure of that. “So it’s been a long journey but we’ve carved out a great niche with HOBP and now DiPW and it feels good that we’ve worked hard and we did it ourselves. If you’re smart and you have the drive to do it, that’s what you need to do. There’s a million kids sitting in their bedroom that play amazing but you have to get off your ass and go out there and do it. Promote and market yourself. Make the videos. Make the recordings. Get out there and do what you need to do. Technology has helped a lot with that but on the other side, technology has made it more difficult with so much content out there you have to figure out how to market yourself to rise above all that content.” CVW: You have this unique and evident personality both on and off stage. With Arthur Seay, it’s either take or leave it and I believe that is why you succeed. What do you feel are your “best” traits? Seay: “I believe my best trait is that I have a great work ethic. I kill myself to overachieve and accomplish things and sometimes it’s detrimental to my personal life because I’m solely focused on music, band, work and art. But I have learned to stop and take a moment or a day to enjoy it because it’s about the journey and enjoying life. You have to enjoy the journey and life now and not worry about what’s after. And I definitely don’t take anyone’s shit and I guess that’s why people think I’m an asshole but I’m actually a really nice guy, I just don’t put up with bullshit. I don’t put up with drama. Do what you say, say what you do or leave me the fuck alone. I work my ass off to accomplish goals and to help other people achieve their goals and if you’re just fucking around wasting time in your life then leave me the fuck alone!” CVW: You’ve refined yourself to include the titles of producer and promoter in the last few years. What else would you like to tackle? Seay: “Director! I’m diving head-first into film and editing! As a producer, I’ve always produced all the music that I’ve ever

done whether or not I’ve gotten credit for it or not. I’ve written 98% of all the Unida music. I’ve always had a vision about the production and arrangement of the songs in all aspects and I love that. I love the production side of it. I hear it in my head and I want to get it on tape or hard drive or whatever you wanna call it. It’s another part of the creative process. “As far as promoting, it’s the same work ethic. If I’m gonna play a show, let’s say locally, I’m gonna make it the best show it can be. I’m gonna make it sound good. I’m gonna make it look good. I’m gonna bring in more audio. I’m gonna bring in lighting if the venue doesn’t have it. This is entertainment! People are paying money to come see you play your music so I want to give them that experience. I want to give them that show that takes them away from their normal boring life or from the drama that they’re going through whether it be at home or at work. I want to give them that experience where they forget about their daily bullshit and negative experiences watching the killer bands that I bring in from out of town, the local bands that I have that are awesome and the music that I play. I want to give them an experience that sounds good, looks good and there’s music everywhere so they can detach from what they’re going through. I know music has always saved my life from whatever I’ve been going through. I’ve recently have gone through the hardest experience in my life and what saved me? MUSIC! Listening to music! Even if it’s just that one song I’ll listen to for a week straight night and day! It gets me through!” CVW: Paul Gray was one of your best friends. He will have been gone 9 years this May 24th. What do you like to remember most about Paul? Seay: “He was the best dude ever I mean I have endless stories of what a great guy he is and was. He saved my life, you know, after the whole Rick Rubin/Sony thing. I was definitely fucked up in the head, living my dream and then getting it ripped out from under me by no fault of my own. It was hard and I was at a point where even financially I was not doing well and he brought me out on tour to tech for him and that’s how I started doing the guitar tech gig. It saved me financially, mentally and I got to hang out with one of my best friends every day and tour and see the world. It helped get my head back on straight to where I could get back to work creating music and building something again musically which was House of Broken Promises. It was an honor to have Paul play bass in Unida and tour with us. It was even more of an honor to fill-in for him on bass in Slipknot for two weeks on a tour where we had to put him in rehab. He was a crazy dude but he was the best dude ever. I remember talking to him before the first show that I played with them and he was like, ‘dude, I’m so glad it’s you doing it. I love you to death and thank you for helping me. I know I’m fucking up but I’m going to be better and I’m so proud of you and thankful that you’re going to play bass for me’. I told him, ‘dude,

thank you! It’s amazing! You played bass in my band and now I’m playing bass in your band! Your band is a little bit more of a bigger deal but I fucking love you brother!’ Best dude EVER!!” CVW: Not many of your fans know about your mastery of the alto saxophone. Any chance you’ll pick up the alto sax again? Seay: “I just bought some reeds actually and gonna def record some sax on some tracks! Sax thru a wah-wah pedal C’mon Now!” CVW: You’ve teamed up with Vegas Rock Revolution to bring SOUNDS OF THE HEAVY on May 24th to Gadi’s. What would you like to share about the artists and the event? Seay: “John Gist is doing amazing shows out in Las Vegas. We made it a point to focus on that market and he’s building a scene that’s kicking ass. I support him 100%. I’ve been helping him since the very first show that he did with HOBP and so we decided to put our heads together and do a show out here in the desert before Stoned and Dusted because there’s so many Australian and European fans that want to see HOBP and we were wondering why we weren’t on the bill so I said I’ll throw my own show! So we have four bands from all over Europe! HOBP, Here Lies Man from LA, Diesel Boots also from Los Angeles, DJs playing rock the whole night I’m bringing in more audio more lighting and we’re gonna blow that place up right it’s a really great venue and we’re just trying to keep bringing shows to get you people off your phones and off your couches so come out and support you are the scene there is no scene without you at that show!” Where does Arty Love go from here? Seay: “Always upward and onward!” CVW: Anything else you’d like to add? Seay: “Come out and support our show

May 23 to May 29, 2019 Friday May 24th and help make this scene!! Remember people; be a good human being. C’mon NOW!” A few of his bandmates shared their take on Seay: Joe Mora (H.O.B.P. vocalist/bassist) “What makes Arthur a ‘trailblazer’? Him being an asshole! Just kidding! The truth? His relentless pursuit of perfection! Being able to seize any opportunity that comes his way! Seriously pulling shit out of nowhere to make videos, tours, our shows better than they can be with ingenuity and minimal amounts of money being used. He’s a self-made guy and jack of all trades.” Mike Cancino (HOBP/Unida drummer) “Arthur pretty much thinks about everything before everybody. He beats you to the punch. Who is the creative guy that thinks of everything before everybody else does? Arthur! He’s a creative person first before anybody and always has the great idea first. He always brings in the riff and we write great music The Best of Wayne-Gro, Coping With the Urban Coyote…all his.” Derek Wade Timmons: My Friend Arthur by Sleazy D “I don’t know if Arthur deserves a ‘trailblazer’ award so much as he deserves a ‘hardworking, stubborn, never quit, takeno-prisoners, professional musician’ award. Arthur is the hardest working musician any of us know, hands-down. He and Mike Cancino have taught me so much about professionalism and hard work in a band. And don’t let Arthur’s gruff approach fool you, that hard-ass has a heart of gold. The same guy who tells people the harsh truths straight and plain when they don’t wanna hear ‘em, is your best friend and biggest fan in the studio. Dude can coach an opera tune out of a Mumble rapper. He ain’t half bad on the geetar either.”


May 23 to May 29, 2019





ERE LIES MAN is a Los Angeles-based quartet conceptualized and founded by guitarist/composer/arranger Chico Mann (aka Marcos Garcia) of Antibalas and Daktaris. Here Lies Man’s unique sound marries Afrobeat, a music genre dating back to as late as 1960 which involves the combination of elements of West African rhythms, and the riff-based architecture of hard rock Fuzz creating an intense danceable and first of its kind grouping. Formed in 2017, HERE LIES MAN is Chico Mann - Guitar, Vocal, Geoff Mann - Drums, JP Maramba - Bass, Will Rast - Keys and Rich Panta - Percussion. You can purchase their diverse releases You Will Know Nothing (2018), Here Lies Man (2017) and Animal Noises (2017) EP on their website HERE LIES MAN will be closing out the first SOUNDS OF THE HEAVY festival at Gadi’s Restaurant and Bar in Yucca Valley, CA. The party starts at 4:20pm HERE IS THE LINE-UP AND SET TIMES: OMEGA SUN (Slovenia) 6:10pm KAISER (Finland) 7:05pm Green Desert Water (Spain) 8:00pm SATURNA (Spain) 8:55pm THE BATTERY ELECTRIC (New Jersey) 9:50pm HOUSE OF BROKEN PROMISES (Indio) 10:45pm HERE LIES MAN (Los Angeles) 11:45pm You can purchase tickets on eventbrite. com now for $12 or $20 at the door. Providing full backline for the show is HIWATT. Coachella Valley Weekly phoned Chico Mann (Garcia) to get the lowdown on AfrobeatPsych-ArtRock-Fuzz-Afrorock. CVW: You’re performing at SOUNDS OF THE HEAVY. Have you ever played in the Coachella Valley or High Desert in the past? Garcia: “I’m looking forward to this show. I’ve been wanting to play out there more since I moved to L.A. This is a nice continuation to reach outside of L.A. We played at the Ace Hotel Palm Springs last spring and Desert Daze

in the fall. It’s been one of my goals to try and play as many places in Southern California that will have us. It was definitely a welcome invitation to play 5/24 in the desert. I love it out there. I’ve been out there a few times.” CVW: Where are you originally from? Garcia: “Jeff and I are both originally from New York. Jeff has been living here for 15 years and I’ve been here for close to four years.” CVW: You’re in another long-established band. How much did that influence HERE LIES MAN? Garcia: “I play in a 12-piece African-Funk band called Antibalas that’s been around for twenty years. Around 2005 is when I had the idea to start what would become Here Lies Man. Between Antibalas and producing, it took me a while for it to come together and then it wasn’t until I moved to L.A. and reconnected with Jeff that it finally clicked because he understood the rock references and the Afrobeat references in the music. To me, it’s the music that could have existed a while ago but I don’t think anyone put it together before. Afrobeat is based on riffs too. The guitar parts are based on riffs too. So that’s really where they intersect.” CVW: Tell us more about Antibalas and the balance you maintain between the two bands. Garcia: “Antibalas is the first non-African Afrobeat band and we’re pretty steeped in that music but I love rock and roll. When I had the epiphany that I should do this I was like, yeah, this is a revelation. I tour with Antibalas as well. It’s a lot to juggle but what else could I do. I live to serve the music. It’s my calling for better or worse.” CVW: Are you surprised at the positive response from crowds and fans and their acceptance of the fusion of Afrobeat and Fuzz in HERE LIES MAN? Garcia: “That’s been the most interesting thing to me because it feels like, whenever we play for a crowd most people don’t know us and when they hear it. I’m always pleasantly surprised at their reaction and the acceptance. It’s been really nice. I don’t know what people


make of it, but it’s been positive. The response was very positive like the first release. We have another release coming in August. It’s a 30 min EP. That is a continuation of the musical and lyrical concepts of the first two albums. And I’m finishing up the demos for the next fulllength which I’m hoping I can get to record this year. I need to stay put long enough to do it. I just want to keep putting out music. If it’s 40 minutes or 30 minutes, call it whatever it is, an EP, LP, XP, I just want to keep having stuff come out every year because I have the whole next full-length written and then I’ve already started writing stuff for after that. It’s a little bit of writing every day. When I’m home, it feels good. It’s like you’re exercising a muscle. The music itself is its own landscape. As I’m writing I’m discovering new things regularly, that really just keeps my interests peaking and I keep following the path to see where it goes. I like to say it’s funky and it’s still heavy. There’s no reason you can’t dance to heavy music. All the original heavy bands, they were listening to black music, they were inspired by jazz and African-American music. I think that’s been lost over time but we’re firmly planted in that music.” CVW: What types of music have carried weight in your life/career? Garcia: “I grew up with Punk music. What really turned me on was the first time I heard Soundgarden over 30 years ago. I had heard Black Sabbath and Metal and that was all happening when I was a kid. But when I became a teenager, hearing Soundgarden I would take on that music. That’s what got me curious. I was a teenager in the grunge era,



ere in the desert, Memorial Day weekend is the traditional farewell to “season” — one last chance to celebrate with friends and family before the cruel summer commences. At Fantasy Springs Resort Casino in Indio, you can do just that all weekend long with amazing live music at the Special Events Center, free tribute shows at The Rock Yard, and even a chance to win tickets to see one of the Fab Four in concert in L.A. The fun starts Friday, May 24 with Brooklyn-born singer-songwriter Maxwell performing at the Special Events Center. The three-time Grammy Award winner helped shape the late ’90s Neo Soul movement with hits like “Ascension (Don’t Ever Wonder),” “Fortunate,” “Lifetime,” and “Pretty Things.” His ambitious BLACKsummers’night trilogy, which began in 2009, concludes with the forthcoming third installment due out later this year featuring the single “Shame.” Tickets for the 8 p.m. performance are $59, $79, and $99,


available at the Fantasy Springs Box Office, via phone (800) 827-2946 and online at www. The party continues Saturday, May 25 with a FREE tribute to The Beatles at The Rock Yard starting at 7:30 p.m. Open to ages 18 and up,


attendees will have a chance to win tickets to see Paul McCartney on July 13th at Dodger Stadium. Billed as “Southern California’s No. 1 Beatles tribute show,” Hard Day’s Night has been thrilling audiences with tight harmonies and flawless, note-for-note instrumental renditions of the group’s biggest hits. Three costume changes cover the full range of the experience and beyond, with witty Liverpudlian stage dialogue and a video backdrop. Paperback Writer: The Beatles Experience takes fans on a trip through the history of the world’s most famous group — from the Ed Sullivan Show through Sgt. Pepper’s to the rooftops of Let It Be. Joan Jett & the Blackhearts return to the Special Events Center on Sunday, May 26 with special guest Elle King. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductees are best known for the classic rock staples “Bad Reputation,” “Crimson and Clover,” “Do You Wanna Touch Me (Oh Yeah),” “Light of Day,” and the anthem “I Love Rock n’ Roll.” The daughter of comedian Rob Schneider,

but I will say the only band I felt deeply was Soundgarden. My dad was a record producer at a Latin record label so i grew up with all kinds of influences, Hip-Hop, Latin, Jazz, Rock and Punk. I remember being a teenager and people felt they had to identify with a certain music because that’s what people did. I couldn’t always do that. As a kid my tastes were eclectic. That’s never changed.” CVW: What are your HERE LIES MAN and ANTIBALAS plans for the remainder of the year? Garcia: “There’s a few run-outs for a while in California. We’ll hit Nevada City, San Diego and Santa Barbara and then summer we’re not going to be touring. I’m going to be on tour with Antibalas and recording and then come Aug/Sep/Oct we’re planning a Northwest run and working on a European tour.” CVW: HERE LIES MAN is a fairly new band. What has the musical adventure been like? Garcia: “I moved to L.A. in ’15. The first record didn’t come out until ’17. That took a little while. We were shopping labels with this bizarre music that no one has ever heard before. When Daniel Hall from Riding Easy Records heard it he signed us right away. It was planning the release and getting everything in order so I would say it started as a band three years ago and it really hasn’t been since the last year and a half two years that it’s been a working and touring band. It takes a while to find the right people. The core is me, the drummer (Geoff) and the bass player (JP).”



King burst onto the music scene in 2014 with the hit “Ex’s & Oh’s.” Tickets for the 8 p.m. performance are $49, $69, and $89, available at the Fantasy Springs Box Office, via phone (800) 827-2946 and online at FantasySpringsResort. com. Additional upcoming shows at Fantasy Springs Resort Casino include: George Lopez: The Wall Tour — Fri. May 31 Jethro Tull — Fri. July 5 Don McLean — Sat. July 13 Gerardo Ortiz — Sat. July 27 Howie Mandel — Sat. August 3 Mary J. Blige — Sat. August 10 Lance Burton — Sat. August 17 Boz Scaggs — Fri. August 23 Brian Wilson & The Zombies — Sun. Sept. 1 The Doobie Brothers — Sat. September 14 Rob Thomas — Sat. September 21 Banda MS — Fri. September 27 Diana Krall — Sat. September 28 Experience Hendrix — Fri. October 11 We Will Rock You — Sat.October 12 Paul Anka — Fri. November 22




labama’s Americana sweethearts Sugarcane Jane released their seventh studio album, Southern State of Mind, in late 2018 on Nashville’s ArenA Recordings and remained #1 on the Alabama Top Album Chart (Roots Music Reports-2018) for weeks. The album romanticizes the beauty of living in the South while maintaining a positivity that is electrifying, stimulating, and downright infectious. It’s modern Americana. Long-time Neil Young bandmate Anthony Crawford and multi-instrumentalist wife Savana Lee are the Mobile, Alabama duo known as Sugarcane Jane. Sugarcane Jane will be performing at La Quinta Brewing Co. at 77917 Wildcat Drive Palm, Desert, CA on Saturday, May 25th at 7 p.m. This show has NO COVER! Special guest for this show will be the CV’s own Desert Americana ambassador Rick Shelley. The band is made up of multiinstrumentalist, songwriter, and producer Crawford, who has spent decades touring alongside Neil Young, Steve Winwood, Dwight Yoakam and his multi-instrumentalist wife Lee, who cut her teeth in Nashville co-owning and managing the vintage analog recording studio, Deepfield Studio. Both of whom are members of Americana super group, Willie Sugarcapps with Will Kimbrough, Grayson Capps, and Corky Hughes. Anthony’s songwriting credits include Steve Winwood, Dwight Yoakam, Kenny Rogers, The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, The Oak Ridge Boys, and others. Coachella Valley music fans who attend can expect mostly acoustic sounds, and some of the freshest-sounding vocal harmonies they will ever hear. Coachella Valley Weekly interviewed Lee while they are in the midst of their spring tour. CVW: What’s it like performing as a duo? Lee: “It’s very personal. We are very connected to each other which allows us to turn on a dime, change tempos, and be dynamic.” CVW: Furthermore, as husband and wife? Lee: “It doesn’t get much better, doing what you love most with the person you love most. Our love for each other radiates through the music. It is a total blessing.” CVW: You both use multi-instrumentation in your music. Anthony plays acoustic guitar, mandolin, and a bass drum or stomp box and Savana Lee plays rhythm guitar, tambourine, and snare drum. What has been the biggest challenge to facilitate your live shows? Lee: “The biggest challenge is to keep evolving. I think when you never change what you’re doing, you stop growing as an artist. I’m playing a little uke bass now and loving the bottom end it’s adding to the music. We can literally bring one guitar and my uke bass, focus on our vocals, and still put out some serious sound. That’s actually exactly what we’re doing on this tour.” CVW: How much does living on the Alabama Gulf Coast influence your sound? Lee: “A lot. I mean everything you’re around or listen to influences you; the slower pace, the majestic oaks, the people and their ideologies, it’s a very colorful place to live. Alabama in general has always been a hot spot for music and it’s exciting to see so many

May 23 to May 29, 2019


Alabama artists getting attention these days. There is tremendous talent in the gulf coast region and it’s only a matter of time before it explodes onto the scene in a much bigger way.” CVW: Do you agree that what’s lacking in today’s music is the nostalgia and sentimentality of American Roots songs that make up Americana music? Lee: “I think American Roots songs are alive and well, it’s getting those artists to mainstream radio and to the general public that’s always the challenge. Especially in this day and age, formats are changing and it’s a wide-open highway. We are all just trying to figure out how to get to the people. Will Kimbrough has a great new album, I Like It Down Here, that Anthony and I are on, Anthony just produced a debut album for Honeyboy and Boots, an Americana duo from Mississippi that’s great. He is also working with Arkansas-based duo Ten Penny Gypsy who is nominated for Artist of the Year by the ACMA’s. The music is out there, you just have to find it. People like Buddy Miller and Jim Lauderdale are working diligently to get artists like us heard. We had a great interview with them last year that aired on their Buddy & Jim Show on Sirius XM Outlaw Country.” CVW: Americana continues to grow is a continued holy place for musical inspiration. How can we keep Americana’s integrity intact? Lee: “Americana, or Folk Music, has been around forever. I don’t see it going anywhere. Now, more than ever, we are making strides to put a spotlight on it. There is now an Americana Billboard Chart; that’s huge. Jed Hilley continues to spotlight artists every year at Americana Fest in Nashville and you’ve got Russell Carter, creator of the 30A Songwriter Festival in Santa Rosa Beach, Florida continuing to bring the Americana acts to the forefront. Our own label, ArenA Recordings, and Buzz Cason has been a champion for Americana. Acts like Jason Isbell

and Sturgill Simpson has proven that people like this kind of music so I think the big dogs are taking notice. There is a demand out there for something real. People are tired of the overproduced, heartless tunes that are being fed to mainstream. As Bob Dylan would say, “The times, they are a changing.’” The main thing is that people are wanting something real. And for me personally, I love to hear an artist live that actually sounds like their records; that’s honesty. That’s just being who you are. It’s simple but good. I’m in love with that sound and I think so are a lot of other people.” CVW: What has been the response to your 2018 release, Southern State Of Mind? Lee: “The response has been overwhelmingly positive. We have been pretty shocked that it is has been #1 or #2 on Roots Music Report for 22 weeks as the top Alabama album across all genres, especially considering the artists in our state like Jason Isbell, Chris Stapleton, Alabama Shakes, Anderson East and St Paul and the Broken Bones. That is a staggering accomplishment for us. We still have three songs in the top ten which is pretty incredible being we released this album last October. We are just really thankful for all the support and love that’s been thrown our way.” CVW: How has your sound matured from your first release through Dirt Road’s End and most recently Southern State of Mind? Lee: “Well, Southern State Of Mind really captures that whole Gulf Coast vibe and is a bit more personal than the previous Dirt Road’s End. Dirt Road’s End was recorded at Creative Workshop in Nashville whereas the current one was recorded at our home studio, Admiral Bean, in Loxley, Alabama. They are both products of the songwriting genius of Anthony and Buzz Cason. They had just written the songs on Southern State of Mind and we had not been performing them for years like we had the ones from Dirt Road’s End. It gave it a very fresh and pure sound.”

CVW: You’ve described your art as “Organic Music at its Finest.” Can you elaborate further? Lee: “No GMO’s, no fillers, made with love. Our music is honest and real. We aren’t trying to do anything other than what it is we do naturally. I call that as organic as you can get.” CVW: What’s next for Sugarcane Jane and where do you go from here? Lee: “Who knows; more touring, more festivals. We would love to cross the pond to Europe at some point. Anthony has written over 400 songs that are so good. I just want to try to get them out to people. They should be heard. We have our work cut out for us trying to do that while raising an 8, 6, and 3 year-old is pretty challenging. We’ll see what happens. You can be sure we will be playing music somewhere, it’s just what we do.” CVW: Is there anything else you’d like to add? Lee: “I would love to see some people come out for our shows on this tour. We are driving across the country from Alabama to perform at The Strawberry Music Festival on May 23-24 in Grass Valley, California. We have lots of stops along the way. We’ll also be in Colorado in July with our other band, Willie Sugarcapps, with Will Kimbrough, Grayson Capps, and Corky Hughes. And then in August we are opening some shows for Dwight Yoakam in the Northeast with our full band. It’s gonna be a lot of fun.” RICK SHELLEY “Musically, I’m trying to find the footing for a new record. The mix of a band, playing a lot solo has jumbled in my ear some. So I’ve been getting in the studio whenever possible and recording just to see how things sound. I will be going back to Hi-Lonesome Recording Studio soon to continue work with The Desert Dogs. They’re the band that I’m blessed to record with and that back me up on the full band gigs. As far as my vision in bringing world-class Country and Americana music artists to the Coachella Valley, maybe it could be described as a bit of a co-op. Most artists will not make it to big tours, arenas or festivals like Stagecoach. There are tons of great bands in the region that are going it alone. I want to create a route though the area for tours to book into. I want to help others and I’ll need help from others to do it.” Upcoming Sugarcane Jane Shows: 5/22 - Loch Lomond Roadhouse - Loch Lomond, CA 5/23 - Strawberry Music Festival - Grass Valley, CA 5/25 - La Quinta Brewing Co. - Palm Desert, CA 5/26 - Range Cafe - Bernalillo, NM 5/27 - The Kitchen Sink Recording Studio - Santa Fe, NM


May 23 to May 29, 2019



esert’s Best Fest at Plan B Live Entertainment & Cocktails 32025 Monterey Avenue, Thousand Palms will be held on May 25, 2019 starting at 5 p.m. The event features 7 bands and 7 acoustic performers, many nominated for multiple Coachella Valley Music Awards. The show will be recorded and streamed by host and emcee Ben Crawson of ‘Live from Uncle Ben’s’ podcast. The show is 21 and over and there is a $3 entry fee after 9 p.m. There will be food for purchase as well. Coachella Valley Weekly spoke with Desert’s Best Fest organizer Corwin Hendricks and many of the artists scheduled to perform. The music partnership Desert Noise is the promotional arm of Hendricks’ solitary efforts. He shared about its beginnings, “I started Desert Noise almost three years ago as an effort to build a music scene at Plan B and to promote it as a venue in the desert allowing for bands to play and have shows. I do it as a volunteer to make it happen so any money we make on bar sales can go to the performers. It’s not me promoting Plan B as much as it’s the collaboration of all bands and performers involved to support each other and work together in growing our desert’s music scene.” Initially, Hendricks did have a difficult time getting the show on the road. “At first it wasn’t easy. We made an attempt to book the first and last Thursdays of each month. I had two bands, Upper Class Poverty and Hundred Forms performing on alternate Thursdays, and we would invite another



band and acoustic opener to play. During that time, I asked bands I was connected with like Right On, Right On, Sunday Funeral and The Dirty X’s to perform. We would all juggle trading shows to build interest. It was hard to get bands and people to come out to Thousand Palms on a Thursday night so we often only played for 10-15 people or just each other. After a year, a lot of new bands started popping up so I was able to have shows with a more variety of music. Attendance significantly increased. A lot of bands had their first shows at Plan B as a kind of ‘dress rehearsal’ before playing a big event, like Mega Sun did before their first CV Weekly Showcase.” Plan B has become a necessary stop for all Coachella Valley musicians. “At this point bands are asking us to play instead of me searching for someone willing to come out. Once in a while I get a weekend night when karaoke isn’t available and end up having a good night, so this time I wanted to make it a big event and celebrate the whole music scene. I tried to involve as many as I could to show the camaraderie we have and show that Plan B is a great spot for music. I wish I could have more but if it’s a success who knows what we can do in the future!” Hendricks also has had the opportunity to connect further with his multi-talented father, Buz ‘Buz Blvd’ Keplinger. “My dad has always helped with doing sound and being an acoustic opener when we needed to fill a spot. It has been cool watching him perform and improve as well as us having something we can do together. Now we have slowly built what I hoped for, a place for bands to have a good time and bond together.” CAPTAIN GHOST “We are extremely excited to be playing at this show with some of the most recognized acts in the valley. It’s going to be an amazing time watching other performances, while having cocktails with our friends. It will be a night to remember. Captain Ghost is rolling on, and proud of the responses we have had from our live shows and music releases. The video for Poison Skies has been well-received and we have dropped our new single, Raise The Flag, with a video coming shortly. We feel proud to be a part of this scene and are excited for the future.” COURTNEY CHAMBERS “I am always honored to be included in events like this celebrating our vibrant


and diverse music community. Thanks to Corwin for putting this together. Right now, I’m laying low, meditating, writing and recording my upcoming studio album.” INSTIGATOR “We have to say that it’s always a real treat to take the stage among a wide array of local bands, because it really helps the audience of the Coachella Valley with having a good variety of music choice, making the events deservingly recognizable on a larger basis. More specifically, all the bands on the list have always been a real blast to perform alongside and we can’t wait to shred with them again!” JOSH HEINZ of BLASTING ECHO “We are excited for Desert’s Best Fest at Plan B. Corwin has put together a great lineup of diverse bands and artists. It should be a lot of fun. He’s asked us to play at Plan B before, but for one reason or another, our schedules haven’t been able to line up to do it. I’m glad it has finally worked out and we can’t wait for Saturday. Blasting Echo has been pretty busy the past few months. We’ve gotten to play a good number of shows, and meanwhile we’ve started recording our 3rd album with our good friend Rob Peterson. We’re all excited about the sounds we’re getting at his place. It will still be a while before the music sees the light of day, but we can’t wait to share it with everyone.” THE CMFs “It’s wonderful to see the community come together for a pre-show to the awards ceremony with over a dozen local performers and nominees. We always look forward to playing with everyone and to see the effect of the scene work together to brand and promote feels refreshing to the venues we’ve played so often. At the moment we’re still working on our album. We’re hoping to have a lot to give to the people who’ve given the time to listen to us for so many years. Until then, you can still find us doing local shows.” JOSH BALLARD “I’m really excited about it! So many amazing talented bands! I’m just still in a transition, continuing to write and record my own music. I think it’s great that Corwin and Plan B are putting this on.” BUZ BLVD “I’m excited and anxious! It’s our biggest event ever at Plan B! I perform there regularly and I’ll be opening the Desert’s Best Fest! Yikes! It’s gonna be a long lit night of great music and social fun for the Coachella Valley music community.” CAKES AND THE ASSHOLES “The boys and I plan on taking a lot of mushrooms and we are legit going to fuck that stage with our melodies. Is that too much?” MICHAEL ANTHONY “Bottom line, I’m more than happy to be performing for this particular venue because I’m very familiar with it. It’s another one of my homes away from home. it’s a place you can always expect to run into familiar faces like

BY NOE GUTIERREZ everywhere else out here. And I’m excited that Desert Noise will be hosting the show at a venue that deserves the exposure. With my music, I’ve recently been writing more and trying to hit it hard, paying attention to my surroundings and thoughts and making sure I get in the habit of writing it down on anything and everything then take it home.” ROB LAWRENCE “I’m really stoked for such a talented line up at Plan B. Corwin’s been booking shows on Thursdays forever there and it’s nice that we get to have a killer line up like this on a weekend. It’s a big room and deserves to be filled with people! As for my solo music goes, I’ve been really trying to get on stage more and I’m back to writing while we finish recording the Upper Class Poverty album. This is kind of my opportunity to focus on my acoustic stuff for a little while before hopping back into playing and writing for the band.” JETTA KING “We are super-honored to be considered a part of the DESERT’S BEST! These bands are crazy good! We have to share our slutty guitar player with every friggen band that night so hopefully his fangers don’t fall off! Also, we are working on some new tunes and maybe will finally fill a whole 30 minute set! And we still need a band name! We’re stumped! We’ll have Carlyn Park Basore on bass, Tyler Ontiveros on drums and Nick ‘The Whore’ Hales on guitar. Carlyn’s in two bands and used to be in Hundred Forms. Tyler is in two bands and Nick is in nine ha ha!” JEANNETTE KREHBIEL - PLAN B OWNER/ OPERATOR “We are so happy with Desert Noise booking all our shows. The upcoming show, Desert’s Best Fest, will show once again the dedication of Desert Noise to the local music scene. Corwin and his crew always go above and beyond and run a tight show. This show is extra-special in recognizing some of the ‘desert’s best’ in some clever ways. You will have to attend to see what I’m talking about! As far as an update on the bar, I really don’t know what to say except we keep growing and new customers discover us every day. The beers are always cold and the atmosphere is fun and relaxing, especially on the patio with the misters.”



May 23 to May 29, 2019


MIRANDA GRANGER IS IN THE (DANGER) ZONE HELOISA AZEVEDO: HEAVY-HITTER WITH HANDS OF STONE M iranda “Danger” Granger has been making waves in the world of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) fighting, being regionally ranked #1 in the Pacific Northwest women’s group pound for pound and having a current winning streak of 10 wins with a Pro MMA record of 5-0-0. Granger will compete against Brazilian hopeful Heloisa Azevedo in the Cage Fury Fighting Championship (CFFC) 75 at Spotlight 29 Casino on May 25. This momentous match marks CFFC’s return to California and the introduction of the strawweight title, as well as being Granger’s sixteenth fight to date. “I’m feeling very excited about this upcoming fight. I feel very strong; my weight cut’s been very easy, so I feel better than ever,” Granger started martial arts training when she was four-years-old, taking Taekwondo classes and receiving her blackbelt when she was 12. She has trained with the same coach, Charles Pearson, since her youth. “I’ve known him basically my whole life. He was always been there for support and motivation when I need it most,” said Granger. After practicing kick boxing in high school, Granger decided to get into the world of mixed martial arts fighting. She has since dominated every match as a pro, defeating the likes of Jamie Colleen, Jamie Thorton, Ivana Coleman, and Nikkid Lowe, within the last two years alone. Having reached pro status, she has honed her skills and abilities—both mentally and physically. “My mental toughness and the ability to push myself beyond what I thought was possible have definitely grown over the years. From a young age, people have tried to set boundaries for me saying very few become professional athletes. I always knew I would be one of them. That just goes to show that no one can put a barrier on you,” stated Granger. While being underestimated because of her age, Granger also understands the struggle that women go through in the world of professional sports and MMA fighting in a field traditionally dominated by men. Her advice to women wanting to break out of those societal expectations is to never doubt themselves. She also encourages every woman to take any kind of martial arts class at some point in their life. “MMA fighting is not normally considered to be a womanly sport, but at the same time, I’ve never felt more empowered than I do when I’m in the cage, and it’s not just because I’m a girl. I go out there and everyone is a fighter. You turn into a fighter,” explained Granger. While preparing for her upcoming fight, Granger has employed the same rigorous

exercise regimen that she has maintained throughout the course of her career to stay in shape. “I pretty much live at the gym. I would say that a typical day would start with a morning run between two to ten miles long—depending how I feel. I go home to eat before starting my workout. At that point, I usually do some kind of lifting workout with my coach, and then follow that up with some cardio or sparring. I try to keep my body as healthy as possible. I can spend as long as eight hours at the gym,” revealed Granger. With confidence and the determination to push the limits of her mind and body, Granger has prepared for her upcoming match with the intention of taking home the historic title. “I want to show my appreciation for CFFC. They’ve been so helpful and accommodating throughout my journey. I’m very thankful to be part of this event and represent my team through it all,” said Granger. The CFFC 75 will also be broadcast live on UFC FIGHTPASS, with universally respected MMA voice John Morgan and international superstar CM Punk calling the live action. Tickets for CFFC 75 are now on sale at the casino box office,, and


razilian dynamo Heloisa Azevedo will face off against Miranda Granger in the Cage Fury Fighting Championship (CFFC) 75 at Spotlight 29 Casino on May 25 at 6:00 p.m. The two Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) stars will compete for the first-ever CFFC Strawweight (115-pound) title at 6 p.m. live in the Spotlight Showroom. With a Pro MMA record of 4-1-0 and being the #53rd ranked in the Women’s Pound for Pound in Brazil, Azevedo has proven herself to be a worthy contender for the title, even earning the nickname of Mão de Pedra (Stone Hand). Getting the chance to compete in this Championship has been a goal of Azevedo’s ever since fellow teammate Isabelly Varela competed for the CFFC title in 2016 against Katlyn Chookagian. “I train under my coaches Josimar Junior and UFC’s Talita Bernardo. We train in a lot of BJJ, Wrestling and Boxing. We’ve also trained in some Muay Thai for this fight,” explained Azevedo. Azevedo has high hopes for her match against Granger, despite her opponent’s undefeated winning streak of 10 fights and a Pro MMA record of 5-0-0. “I am very confident that I will put on a show and come out with the belt, I believe my

game matches up well with my opponent’s,” said Azevedo. Her passion for MMA fighting derives from the thrill of knowing that anything can happen at any time during a match, always keeping Azevedo on her toes and challenging her capabilities in the ring. In support of female empowerment and testing the boundaries and expectations of women in the ring, Azevedo encourages women interested in practicing any sport or martial arts to pursue their goals with passion and dedication. “Keep training, keep believing and keep fighting. Always take your career step by step and believe that you will arrive here one day,” stated Azevedo. Throughout her successful MMA career, Azevedo has come to realize how strong she is and continues to test herself with every adversity that comes her way, in everyday life and during matches. “I can’t wait to show the USA and the world who Heloisa Azevedo is. My team is growing a lot. Right now we have two UFC fighters in Johnny Walker and Talita Bernardo and I am ready to be number 3!” exclaimed Azevedo. CFFC’s first appearance in California and the inaugural straw weight title makes this upcoming fight one for the books, and Azevedo could be one step closer to making history.


May 23 to May 29, 2019


“To fall asleep I need white noise to distract me, otherwise I have to listen to me think/Otherwise I pace around, hold my breath and let it out, sit on the couch and think about how living’s just a promise that I made.” hat slice of confessional angst pops up on the opening cut from Better Oblivion Community Center. BOCC is a quicksilver collaboration between Los Angeles-based wunderkind Phoebe Bridgers and Indie Folk/Rock demi-god, Conor Oberst. The pair became personally acquainted when Phoebe played at a secret showcase he hosted at the Bootleg Theatre in L.A. It was something of a dream come true for Phoebe, who had idolized Conor since early adolescence. Conor Oberst was born in 1980 and grew up in Omaha, Nebraska, the youngest of three brothers. Music was an early obsession and by the time puberty hit, he was already hawking his own homemade, 4-track Cassettes. He made his bones in the tight-knit musical community of Omaha, releasing his first official solo recording in 1993, through what would become the influential indie label, Saddle Creek. Along with a couple of friends, he formed his first band, Commander Venus, after That came a brief detour in The Faint, followed by The Magentas and Park Avenue. His most long-lasting and best-known band projects include Bright Eyes and Desaparecidos. Briefly, he formed a super-group, Monsters Of Folk, with Indie stalwarts, M.Ward, Jim James, and Mike Mogis. Throughout his career, Conor has distilled influences as disparate as the Cure, Bob Dylan, John Prine, Emmylou Harris, Daniel Johnston, Leonard Cohen, Elliott Smith and Neil Young, into a potent sound All his own. In turn, He has inspired countless younger musicians, including Phoebe Bridgers. Like Conor, Phoebe’s musical ambition started at an early age. Born in 1994, Phoebe grew up in Los Angeles and was weened on a musical diet of Country, Classic Rock and Bluegrass. Although she didn’t stick with piano lessons, by adolescence she had begun playing guitar. One of the first songs she tackled was “Lovesick Blues” by Hank Williams, Sr. Once her mom enrolled Phoebe and her brother at Los Angeles High School For The Performing Arts, she got serious, taking Vocal Jazz classes. She still made time to busk on school grounds and started playing in the all-girl Punk band, Sloppy Jane. Early influences included Tom Waits, Neil Young, Leonard Cohen, Joni Mitchell and Elliott Smith. She also felt an affinity to 21st century artists like Bon Iver, Blake Mills, Sun Kil Moon and, of course, Conor Oberst in all his permutations. An introduction to Rocker Ryan Adams led to some mentorship on his part. (In 2018, several younger female musicians, including Phoebe, levelled sexual harassment allegations at Adams, which he has denied). Inviting her to his studio, they recorded




three songs in an afternoon and he released her first EP through his Pax Am label. The EP created some buzz and Phoebe’s gigs got bigger and better. Pretty soon she was opening for musicians she admired like Julien Baker, the Violent Femmes and yes, Conor Oberst. Signing with the Dead Oceans label (home to Bleached, Destroyer and Slow Dive, to name a few), she connected with producer Tony Berg (Michael Penn, Edie Brickell, Squeeze, Aimee Mann, Replacements, X, Andrew Bird and Cracker) and recorded her long-playing debut, Stranger In The Alps, in late 2017. The album was simultaneously intimate and expansive, featuring nine original songs and a devastating take on Mark Kozelek’s “You Missed My Heart.” The break-out single, “Smoke Signals” garnered airplay on taste-making L.A. radio stations like KCRW and KSCN. The album topped a lot of critics’ Top 10 lists. Her unique vision drove the album, but she received some superstar assists from Ethan Grushka, Greg Liesz, X front man John Doe and, you guessed it, Monsieur Oberst. This new collaboration came about quite organically when both were recording (separately) in an L.A. studio. Phoebe and Christian Lee Hutson were stumped on what direction to take a song. Conor popped in (tripping on mushrooms) and made some surprisingly cogent suggestions. Rather surreptitiously, they decided to create an entire record together, which they completed in between other commitments. Under the completely anonymous sounding, weirdly self-helpy moniker Better Oblivion Community Center, their 10-song set popped up, taking the music industry by surprise. The album opens tentatively with the aforementioned “Didn’t Know What I Was In For.” Wobbly acoustic guitar lattices Phoebe’s opening verse, as shadowy percussion stacks underneath. Conor joins in on the chorus as searing, e-bow adds some verdigris colors. Each verse feels like an emotional snapshot, capturing millennial ennui one minute and cognitive dissonance the next. The lyrics seem to hold a mirror up to these fractious times. Rather than sing to each other, Conor and Phoebe sing with each other, completely eschewing any romantic component to this partnership. (Phew, given their 15 year age gap and Phoebe’s recent #metoo experiences, it would just feel icky). The pair settle in to a sonant camaraderie that hews closer to Simon & Garfunkel than Johnny & June. Take the song “Service Road,” which feels like a barbed reflection on the sudden death of Conor’s older brother Matt. Dour acoustic strumming is leavened by twinkly percussion and tensile bass. His voice is suffused with confusion, anger and contrition as he attempts to unravel how it all went wrong; “Thought that he was doing better, a notice of final eviction and he just laughs/Always had a sense of humor, still joking till the bitter end, well


all those threats he made can’t walk them back.” Phoebe swoops in on the carpe diem chorus; “Say what you mean and say it now, don’t throw a fit quit acting out/Who are you? Who are you waiting for?” Although the arrangements here are mostly spare and acoustic, “Exception To The Rule” completely flips the script, fusing static-y synths and icy keys to a burbling beat. Even as opaque lyrics seem to advocate for delayed gratification the song time-travels back to an early ‘80s soundscape that would fit perfectly on a playlist that includes Human League and the Thompson Twins. The best tracks here feel effortless. “Dylan Thomas” is breezy and economical, floating on a kick-drum beat, fuzz-crusted guitar, bouncing bass lines and slithery synths. Although the song’s title namechecks the 20th century poet and who died in 1953, the lyrics seem like a stinging indictment of the current political climate; “These cats are scared and feral with flag pins on their lapels, the truth is anybody’s guess/These talking heads keep saying the king is only playing four-dimensional chess.” The vocals intertwine on the hushed and quiescent “Chesapeake.” Acoustic guitar notes lap over keening synths and pocket piano. The mood is melancholy and contrite, as cryptic lyrics unspool defining moments; “Even though no one’s around, you broke a leg and the house came down/A smattering of applause, a sliver moon and a cover song.” The melody hollows out

drifting into the ether. The Country Rock jangle of “My City” is powered by a tick-tock rhythm, chunky guitar riffs and Whirly Tube. A backhanded ode to the City Of Angels, the lyrics dart back and forth between the plague and pleasure; “This town is a monolith, this town is a crowded movie, this town is a depot, I come and go, this town is my city/I hate you, I tore you down I miss you, where are you now?” As momentum builds the whirring instrumentation matches the lyrics’ crushing emotional claustrophobia. Finally, “Forrest Lawn” is a minor key charmer that offers a skewed trip down memory lane. The arrangement blends tilt-a-whirl acoustic guitars, pulsating percussion, and rock-ribbed bass over see-saw vocals. The opening couplet; “You used to sing with a straight face ‘Que Sera, Sera’ and drive those perfumed queens back to our place in a velvet box and then make your move” is wildly disarming. It sets the whimsical tone. Conor and Phoebe’s musical symbiosis is on full display in this tidy little waltz. Other interesting tracks include the brittle “Big Black Heart” and the woozy drone of “Sleepwalkin”. The album closes with a version of Taylor Hollingsworth’s “Dominos” that veers from delicate to squally and back again. BOCC relied on several friends to help their vision come to fruition, including bassists Wylie Gelber and Anna Butterss, drummers Griffin Goldsmith and Carla Azar and guitarists Christian Lee Hutson and Nick Zinner. Keys and synths were provided by John Congleton, Nathaniel Wolcott and producer Andy Lemaster. It’s tough to predict if Better Oblivion Community Center will remain a one-off or become a full-time gig. Either way, Phoebe Bridgers and Conor Oberst have crafted a protean debut. For now, that’s enough.


May 23 to May 29, 2019




he Palm Springs Art Museum creates transformative experiences that expand our understanding of ourselves and the world The Palm Springs Art Museum was founded in 1938 as the Palm Springs Desert Museum at La Plaza in downtown Palm Springs. Natural science exhibits, Cahuilla Indian artifacts, and hiking excursions dominated the institution’s programming. In April 2005, the museum officially changed its name from Palm Springs Desert Museum to Palm Springs Art Museum to reflect its emphasis on the visual and performing arts. The museum moved several times within the downtown Palm Springs area before building its first permanent structure in 1958, located on the southwest corner of TahquitzMcCallum Way and Indian Ave. Over the years, fine art gained a greater measure of focus. Accredited by the American Association of Museums, the Palm Springs Art Museum has 28 galleries, two sculpture gardens, four classrooms, a resource centers, an artist’s center, five storage vaults, an 85-seat lecture hall, a 433-seat theater, a 1,000 square-foot store, and a popular local bistro. ADMISSION - Adults $14, Seniors (62+) $11, Students/Teachers $6, Free admission every Thursday from 4pm - 8pm (sponsored by the City of Palm Springs). Free admission Second Sundays (sponsored by H.N. and Francis C. Berger Foundation). Always free for children under 18, active duty military and their family, and NARM and ROAM participants.

HOURS Sunday 10:00am-5:00pm Monday 10:00am-5:00pm Tuesday 10:00am-5:00pm Wednesday Closed Thursday Noon-8:00pm Friday 10:00am-5:00pm Saturday 10:00am-5:00pm 101 N Museum Drive Palm Springs CA 92262 For more information and directions please visit their website at Think Travel and Enjoy the Journey Lynne Tuckers is a travel writer and photojournalist based in Palm Desert


May 23 to May 29, 2019



ailey was adopted from a public shelter when she was an 8-week-old adorable puppy. However, 10 months later her 83-yr-old human suffered a serious stroke and could no longer care for her. No one in the family or circle of friends was willing to take 1-yr-old Bailey. The dog’s future became grim as a family friend desperately called private rescue groups, learning most of them are full due to the endless flow of homeless animals. Fortunately, Eva Fischer offered to foster little Bailey for Loving All Animals in Palm Desert ( Bailey transformed from a despondent dog into a happy pup living with Eva and her dogs. Soon Bailey was adopted by a young couple with another little dog. Bailey is one of the lucky dogs. Sadly, over 500,000 cats and dogs end up in public shelters every year due to the death or incapacity of their humans. Used to being in family homes, many of these animals become despondent or frightened in a kennel setting, and some end up euthanized for a variety of reasons. Some are senior animals who gave many years of love to their families. Now they are older, often with medical problems, and they are passed over for cute puppies and young frisky dogs. The phone often rings at Loving All Animals with a familiar tale, “My mother died, and she left 3 dogs and 2 cats behind. I leave town tomorrow, and my landlord doesn’t


allow pets. Can you take them?” You may tell yourself, “If anything happens to me, my kids will take my dog.” However, when the time comes, your daughter is married to someone allergic to animals and your son has a full house of critters. If you have an agreement with someone to take your pet, check in periodically to see if their situation has changed. Palm Desert attorney, Henry Casden Esq. advises, “The California probate code allows one to create a trust and put assets there to fund care for the pets they leave behind. Those expenses can include food, veterinary care and grooming. If they care about their domestic animals, including dogs, cats, horses or birds, people should make a plan for where those animals will go. They can name a person as trustee who will oversee the distribution of the funds to care for them. I especially recommend a pet trust for anyone who is in

their 70’s or 80’s, as well as anyone who is in frail health.” Casden does pet trusts, and he can be reached at (855) 447-4442. Do you want your beloved pet to end up in a public shelter, heartbroken and alone? Make a solid agreement with a friend or relative to take custody of your pet, and check in periodically to see if their situation has changed. Make sure their housing situation allows for another animal. Consult with an attorney about a pet trust. Whether you are 33 or 83 years old, have a plan in place for the pets you love in case you can no longer care for them. Most people assume they’ll outlive their

MEET PAISLEY Pretty 5-yr-old Calico girl was once a homeless bottle fed kitten. She’s homeless again as her family had a work required move. Paisley hopes to be your new cuddle buddy! Rescued by, (760) 335-6767.



Double the fun when you adopt this action packed pair of puppies. Brothers Starsky & Hutch are 4-moold Dachshund/Chihuahuas, rescued by Loving All Animals Pet Rescue Center from a home with too many dogs., Call (760) 398-7722.

This adorable kitten and her 4 siblings were rescued by Sweet Sahara will curl up on your lap and purr when playtime is over. To meet this precious little girl, call (760) 834-7000.


BY JANET McAFEE pets, says Barry Seltzer, a Toronto-based estate lawyer and co-author of Fat Cats & Lucky Dogs: How to Leave (Some of) Your Estate to Your Pet. Death and disability are topics many people refuse to face. The situation prompted Seltzer to pen a modified version of the Bible’s Proverbs 29:18: WHERE THERE IS NO VISION, PETS PERISH. WHERE THERE IS PROCRASTINATION, PETS PERISH. AND WHERE THERE IS NO PLAN IN PLACE, PETS PERISH.



nyone drinking any amount of wine in the past few years no doubt knows of the Meiomi brand. And most of these folks have indeed tried the wine— especially the Meiomi Pinot Noir, which has a following in the millions. And I mean a loyal following: When I was working at Total Wines in Palm Desert, a beaucoup amount of cases of Meiomi Pinot Noir went out the door on a daily basis. Unfortunately for us wine stewards and salespeople, the management would strongly suggest for us to recommend their “Winery Direct” wines instead, which included Verada, River Road, and the like, when the customers asked for their favorite Meiomi. As you could imagine, we saw a lot of rolling of the eyes! Meiomi’s Pinot Noir became so popular for a couple of reasons or so: (And—keep in mind, the heavens were perfectly aligned.) The young winemaker Joseph “Joe” Wagner, a member of Napa Valley’s Wagner Family of Wine (founders of famed Caymus Vineyards), developed Meiomi while working for the family. He perfected an extremely popular flavor profile. It offered bright, berryrich sweetness, which Americans historically love, plus balance and food-friendliness. In 2006, Joe created a label that was accessible and reliable. And it was an affordable California pinot at exactly the time when everyone in America wanted affordable California pinot.

May 23 to May 29, 2019


Two years prior, “Sideways,” the 2004 film in which two middle-aged white guys drink wine and re-evaluate life against a picturesque backdrop of the Santa Ynez Valley’s rolling hills, made California Pinot Noir a national obsession. Prior to that time, California Pinot was pricy and a third or fourth choice for wine drinkers. “Nobody cared about Pinot Noir [before ‘Sideways’],” Wagner said, “After its release, all bets were off, and you couldn’t make enough Pinot. [It] changed the dynamics of the industry for Pinot Noir.” Meiomi sold 90,000 cases by 2010 — not bad for a label less than five years old. But by 2015, Meiomi sold 700,000 cases annually! Wagner who recently agreed to sell the Meiomi brand of California wine to Constellation Brands for almost a third of a billion dollars said the transition came at a time when his company faced a high hurdle:


continuing to make enough wine to fill fastgrowing demands that may move to a million cases. Constellation is as big as a constellation in the wine biz; they have the where with all to comply with the demand. According to Wagner, Meiomi, which is pronounced “mey-ohm-mee”, not “Mee-OhMy,” means “coastal” in Wappo, the language spoken by the indigenous people of Northern California. Thus, coastal vineyards are still kept in mind, and with Constellation at the helm of the Meiomi brand, we now have a portfolio that includes Chardonnay, rosé, and a bubbly sparkler. Having the pleasure to taste through the recent vintages of the Meiomi portfolio, here are my findings: Impressive. I will admit that a few years ago, I found the Meiomi Pinot Noir to be a bit overlysweet—not sugar sweet but fruity sweet. And that was almost a consensus of us wine snob columnists. But where some remain “haters”— either due to the fact that it had let some snobs down, or, that so much money was made on the deal & why can that happen, but some of us re-tasted (I mean we’re not all that snobbish) and found the recent Meiomi Pinot Noir to be very good again. 2017 Meiomi Pinot Noir: It’s interesting that this pinot still garners the headlines. Everyone in town is eager not only to taste but to talk about the wine: And that is absolutely fine for Constellation wines. Wagner reportedly advised Constellation on winemaking during the transition; and new winemaker Melissa Stackhouse notes that this is a wine made for pure enjoyment, laughter and time spent with friends. All right then: we have a socially acceptable

wine that’s world famous. I was pleasantly surprised and happy about it. I like the bright strawberry, mocha java, and vanilla oak aromas; I like the dark cherry, boysenberry, blackberry fruits and the clove, cedar, and the touch of bitter tea notes in the palate. It was delicious with our pasta Bolognese. 2017 Meiomi Chardonnay—I’m tasting this wine as I write. The nose is like that of a high-priced Chard; very nice with yellow pear dominating the aromas with a little citrus zest, sea salt, and Marcona almonds on the cusp. That makes for a fun anticipation of the quaff: The light-medium body is smooth wine with light layers of pineapple and lemon peel and some custard notes. There is also an agreeable bitter note of dried herbs that add to the complexity; food worthy acidity for the folks who are now enjoying a Chardonnay with acidity and a clean mineral driven finish. It has a perfect alcohol level at around 13.6%. Very good stuff! Meiomi Rosé is delicately pink in color and delightfully dry with vibrant acidity. It was the hit of our Easter dinner. It was so dry and crisp that if someone would have tricked me to thinking it was a French Provincial wine, I’d probably run with it. (Whispering Angel: you’ve got local competition). Aromas of watermelon, orange peel, and subtle hints of rose petal on the nose, the palate offers lush flavors of stone fruit and strawberry with a cool minerality on the finish. Meiomi Sparkling Wine—We tasted this bubbly at the Palm Desert Food & Wine. Made in the same method as French Champagne, this 60% Chardonnay and 40% Pinot Noir wine is elegant with well-structured bubbles that delight the palate. It’s very impressive with aromas of green apple and hints of peach nectar. Everyone agreed that it was like crunching on Granny Smith apples with citrus zest following. With flavors of slight yeastiness and fresh minerality, enjoy this sparkling wine with fresh oysters topped with a classic mignonette sauce, sushi, warm brie, or a fresh mixed berry tart. Cheers!


May 23 to May 29, 2019


29 PALMS INN; 29 Palms; 760-367-3505 Bobby Furgo & Co 6pm ACE HOTEL; PS; 760-325-9900 DJ Mr. Goodboy 9pm AGAVE LOUNGE@THE HYATT REGENCY; IW; 760-674-4080 Tyler Simmons 7-11pm AJ’S ON THE GREEN; C.C.; 760-202-1111 Bill and Doug Duo 6:30pm BART LOUNGE; C.C.; 760-799-8800 “Neurotic” w/ DJs Sugrafree, Endercrash and Zach Hayes 7pm BERNIE’S; RM; 760-202 4499 Chris Lomeli Trio w/ Brian Dennigan and Leon Bisquera 7:30pm BLUEMBER; RM; 760-862-4581 John Stanley King 6-10pm CASTELLI’S; PD; 760-773-3365 Patrick Tuzzolino 5:30pm CASUELAS CAFÉ; PD; 760-568-0011 Johnny Meza and Co. 6-10pm CATALAN; RM; 760-770-9508 George Christian 6-9pm CHEF GEORGE’S PICASSO LOUNGE; PD; 760-200-1768 Michael D’Angelo 6:309:30pm, DJ 9:30pm COPA NIGHTCLUB; PS; 760-866-0021 MOD Squad Variety Show w/ Francesca Amari, Jeff Stewart and Wayne Abravanel 5:30-7:30pm, Lipstick hosted by Bella Da Ball 8pm, DJs Banks and Ax 10pm CUNARD’S SANDBAR; LQ; 760-564-3660 Bill Baker 6pm DHS SPA LOUNGE; DHS; 760-329-6787 Karaoke w/ DJ Scott 9pm EUREKA; IW; 760-834-7700 TBA 8-10pm FISHERMAN’S GROTTO; PD; 760-776-6534 Barry Baughn Blues Band 5:30-8:30pm FRANK’S PLACE; IW; 760-797-8700 Patricia Welsh 6-9pm HENRY’S SPORTS BAR AND GRILL; CC; 760-656-3444 DJ 10pm

THE HOOD; PD; 760-636-5220 Red’s Rockstar Karaoke 9pm HOODOO COCKTAIL GARDEN @ THE HYATT; PS; 760-322-9000 Chris Lomeli 7pm HOTEL PASEO; PD; Michael Keeth 4-7pm LANDMARK LOUNGE; LQ; 760-289-6736 Lisa LaFaro 7pm LA QUINTA RESORT; LQ; 760-564-4111 Steppin Out 6-9pm LAS CASUELAS TERRAZA; PS; 760-3252794 Hot Roxx 6:30pm LIT@FANTASY SPRINGS; IND; 760-3452450 Country Night w/ Christian Simmons 9pm THE LOUNGE, AGUA CALIENTE; RM; 888999-1995 Quinto Menguante 8-1am MELVYN’S RESTAURANT & LOUNGE; PS; 760-325-2323 Ron Greenip 8pm NEIL’S LOUNGE; IND; 760-347-1522 Karaoke 8pm THE NEST; PD; 760-346-2314 Kevin Henry 6-8pm Tim Burleson 8pm PAPPY & HARRIET’S; PT; 760-365-5956 Kyle McNeill and Maesa & The Whole Dam Fam 8pm PLAN B LIVE ENTERTAINMENT AND COCKTAILS; TP; 760-343-2115 MissConstrues and Buz Blvd 9pm PURPLE ROOM; PS; 760-322-4422 Sharon Sills 6:30pm SAMMY G’s; PS; 760-320-8041 Evaro Brothers 8pm SHANGHAI RED’S @ THE FISHERMAN’S MARKET; PS; 760-322-9293 The Smooth Brothers 7pm SULLIVAN’S STEAKHOUSE; PD; 760-3413560 Dude Jones 6:30pm TACK ROOM TAVERN; IND; 760-347-9985 Karaoke 8pm THREE SIXTY NORTH; PS; 760-327-1773 Mike Cosley 6:30pm VICKY’S OF SANTA FE; IW; 760-345-9770 Robert Salisbury 4:30-6pm, Steve Oliver Band 6:30-10pm THE VINE WINE BAR; PD; 760-341-9463 Aaron Alexander 6-9pm WANG’S; PS; 760-325-9264 Trio Envy 5-8pm WOODY’S PALMHOUSE; PS; 760-230-0188 An Evening of Jazz 6:30pm

CHEF GEORGE’S PICASSO LOUNGE; PD; 760-200-1768 Michael D’Angelo 6:309:30pm, DJ 9:30pm COPA NIGHTCLUB; PS; 760-866-0021 Viva Friday’s w/ DJ Banks 9pm CUNARD’S SANDBAR; LQ; 760-564-3660 Bill Baker 6pm DESERT FOX; PD; Symara Stone 9:30pm DRINGK; RM; 760-888-0111 DJ Journee 9pm ELECTRIC SPORTS LOUNGE; YV; 760-2281199 DJ Ceddy Cedd 9pm EL MEXICALI CAFÉ 2; IND; 760-342-2333 Cesar Daniel Lopez on the harp 6-9pm FISHERMAN’S GROTTO; PD; 760-776-6534 Gina Carey 5:30-8:30pm FRANK’S PLACE; IW; 760-797-8700 Frankie DiSalvo 6-9pm GADI’S BAR & GRILL; YV; 760-820-1213 Sounds of the Heavy and Artur Seay Present: House of Broken Promises, Here Lies Man, Keiser, Omega Sun and more.. 6pm HENRY’S SPORTS BAR AND GRILL; CC; 760-656-3444 Karaoke w/ KJ Marjovi 9pm THE HOOD; PD; 760-636-5220 Plastic Ruby and Cody White & The Easy Ride 9pm HOODOO COCKTAIL GARDEN @ THE HYATT; PS; 760-322-9000 Keisha D 7pm HOTEL PASEO; PD; Michael Keeth 4-7pm HOT SPOT@SPOTLIGHT 29; INDIO; 760775-5566 Nacho Bustillos 8:30pm INDIAN WELLS RESORT HOTEL; IW; 760345-6466 Bob Allen 6pm JOSHUA TREE SALOON; JT; 760-366-2250 Karaoke w/ Troy Michaels 7pm KOKOPELLI’S; YV; 760-228-2589 Karaoke 8pm LANDMARK LOUNGE; LQ; 760-289-6736 Various Artists 7pm LA QUINTA BREWERY; PD; 760-200-2597 Alex Rodriguez 7pm LA QUINTA RESORT; LQ; 760-564-4111 Steppin Out 6-9pm LAS CASUELAS TERRAZA; PS; 760-3252794 Hot Roxx 7:30pm LIT@FANTASY SPRINGS; IND; 760-3452450 The Remix Band 9pm THE LOUNGE; AGUA CALIENTE; RM; 888999-1995 DJ Jerry 9pm MASTRO’S; PD; 760-776-6777 TBA 6:3011pm MELVYN’S RESTAURANT & LOUNGE; PS; 19TH HOLE; PD; 760-772-6696 TBA 8pm 760-325-2323 Ron Greenip 8pm 29 PALMS INN; 29 Palms; 760-367-3505 MOXIE; PS; 760-318-9900 Eevaan Tre TBA 6:30pm 6-9pm, DJ Pedro Le Bass 9:30pm ACE HOTEL; PS; 760-325-9900 Mundo NEIL’S LOUNGE; IND; 760-347-1522 Deserto 10pm Karaoke 8-1:15am AGAVE LOUNGE@THE HYATT REGENCY; THE NEST; PD; 760-346-2314 Kevin Henry IW; 760-674-4080 Avenida 7-11pm 6-8pm Tim Burleson 8pm AJ’S ON THE GREEN; C.C.; 760-202-1111 PALM CANYON ROADHOUSE; PS; 760Live Music 6:30pm 327-4080 Grady James 9pm BART LOUNGE; C.C.; 760-799-8800 Dirty PALM DESERT COUNTRY CLUB; PD; 760Cumbieo w/ El Dusty, Dxsko, Million and J 345-0222 The Orlando’s 6:30pm Patron 7pm PAPPY & HARRIET’S; PT; 760-365-5956 BERNIE’S; RM; 760-202 4499 Bill Gulino 4-7:15pm, Horice Miller, Brian Dennigan and Matisyahu 8pm SOLD OUT Leon Bisquera 7:30-11pm PEABODY’S CAFÉ; PS; 760-322-1877 Karaoke 7:30pm BIG ROCK PUB; IND; 706-200-8988 The Gand Band 8:30pm PLAN B LIVE ENTERTAINMENT AND BLUEMBER; RM; 760-862-4581 The Stanley COCKTAILS; TP; 760-343-2115 Red’s Rockstar Karaoke 9pm Butler Trio 6-10pm CASCADE LOUNGE, SPA RESORT CASINO; PURPLE ROOM; PS; 760-322-4422 Jo Anne PS; 888-999-1995 DJ Chase Martinez 9-1am Worley 8pm RED BARN; PD; 760-346-0191 Desert Crows CASTELLI’S; PD; 760-773-3365 Patrick 9pm Tuzzolino 5:30pm RENAISSANCE; PS; 760-322-6000 Live CASUELAS CAFÉ; PD; 760-568-0011 The Music 6-9pm Myx 6:30-10pm RIVIERA; PS; 760-327-8311 Michael Keeth CATALAN; RM; 760-770-9508 George Christian 6-9pm 8-11pm



SAMMY G’s; PS; 760-320-8041 Evaro Brothers 8pm SHANGHAI RED’S @ THE FISHERMAN’S MARKET; PS; 760-322-9293 Barry Baughn Blues 8-11pm SHANGHAI RED’S @ THE FISHERMAN’S MARKET; LQ; 760-777-1601 The Smooth Brothers 8-11pm SHELLY’S LOUNGE@TORTOISE ROCK CASINO; 29 Palms; Rojer Arnold & Bobby Furgo 9pm SOLANO’S BISTRO; LQ; 760-771-6655 Michael Madden 6-9pm SONOMA GRILL; PD; 760-340-6600 Denny Pezzin 6-9pm SOUL OF MEXICO; IND; 760-200-8787 Latin Rock 10pm SULLIVAN’S STEAKHOUSE; PD; 760-3413560 Demetrious and Co. 6:30pm TACK ROOM TAVERN; IND; 760-347-9985 Live Music 9pm THREE SIXTY NORTH; PS; 760-327-1773 Dennis Michaels 6:30pm TRILUSSA ITALIAN RISTORANTE; PS; 760328-2300 Julius & Sylvia Music Duo 6-10pm VICKY’S OF SANTA FE; IW; 760-345-9770 “Meet the Corwins” 5:30-7:30pm, The John Stanley King Show 8pm THE VINE WINE BAR; PD; 760-341-9463 Vinny Berry 7-10pm WANG’S; PS; 760-325-9264 DJ Galaxy and the House Whores 5pm WOODY’S PALMHOUSE; PS; 760-230-0188 Rose Mallett 6:30pm

Cesar Daniel Lopez on the harp 6-9pm FISHERMAN’S GROTTO; PD; 760-776-6534 Jack Ruvio 5:30-8:30pm FRANK’S PLACE; IW; 760-797-8700 Frankie DiSalvo 6-9pm GADI’S BAR & GRILL; YV; 760-820-1213 TBA 8pm THE GROOVE LOUNGE; SPOTLIGHT 29; INDIO; 760-775-5566 DJ 8pm HENRY’S SPORTS BAR AND GRILL; CC; 760-656-3444 DJ Ray 9pm THE HOOD; PD; 760-636-5220 Pottymouth and When Tides Turn 9pm HOODOO COCKTAIL GARDEN @ THE HYATT; PS; 760-322-9000 The Carmens 7pm HOTEL PASEO; PD; Michael Keeth 4-10pm HOT SPOT@SPOTLIGHT 29; INDIO; 760775-5566 Nacho Bustillos 8:30pm INDIAN WELLS RESORT HOTEL; IW; 760345-6466 Bob Allen 6pm JC’S CAFÉ; PD; 760-568-0733 Vinny Berry 3-7pm KOKOPELLI’S; YV; 760-228-2589 Karaoke 8pm LANDMARK LOUNGE; LQ; 760-289-6736 Eevaan Tre 7pm LA QUINTA BREWERY; PD; 760-200-2597 Sugarcane Jane and Rick Shelley 7pm LAS CASUELAS TERRAZA; PS; 760-3252794 PS Sound Company 1pm, Hot Roxx 8pm LIT@FANTASY SPRINGS; IND; 760-3452450 The Remix Band 9pm THE LOUNGE, AGUA CALIENTE; RM; 888999-1995 TBA 9pm MELVYN’S RESTAURANT & LOUNGE; PS; 29 PALMS INN; 29 Palms; 760-367-3505 760-325-2323 Ron Greenip 8pm Bev and Bill 6:30pm MOXIE; PS; 760-318-9900 Derek Jordan ACE HOTEL; PS; 760-325-9900 Mundo Gregg 6-9pm, DJ Pedro Le Bass 9:30pm Deserto, noon, poolside, and 10pm NEIL’S LOUNGE; IND; 760-347-1522 AGAVE LOUNGE@THE HYATT REGENCY; Karaoke 8pm IW; 760-674-4080 Steppin’ Out 7-11pm THE NEST; PD; 760-346-2314 Kevin Henry AJ’S ON THE GREEN; C.C.; 760-202-1111 6-8pm Tim Burleson 8pm Cabaret on the Green Open Mic 7:30pm PALM CANYON ROADHOUSE; PS; 760BACKSTREET BISTRO; PD; 760-346-6393 327-4080 Illusion Stevie Nicks Tribute 9pm Linda Peterson 12:30-3:30pm PALM DESERT COUNTRY CLUB; PD; 760BART LOUNGE; C.C.; 760-799-8800 The 345-0222 Off Da Cuff 6:30pm Block w/ DJ Femme A 7pm PAPPY & HARRIET’S; PT; 760-365-5956 BERNIE’S; RM; 760-202 4499 Chris Lomeli, Stoned and Dusted w/ The Melvins, Fu Brian Denigan and Leon Basquera 7:30Manchu, Brant Bjork, Rezn, Jesika Von Rabbit, 11pm (big) Pig and more.. 4pm SOLD OUT BIG ROCK PUB; IND; 706-200-8988 PEABODY’S CAFÉ; PS; 760-322-1877 Avenida 8:30pm Karaoke 7:30pm BLUEMBER; RM; 760-862-4581 Gennine PLAN B LIVE ENTERTAINMENT AND Francis 6-10pm COCKTAILS; TP; 760-3432115 Desert’s CASCADE LOUNGE, SPA RESORT CASINO; Bestfest 5pm PS; 888-999-1995 DJ Michael Wright 9-1am PURPLE ROOM; PS; 760-322-4422 Jo Anne CASTELLI’S; PD; 760-773-3365 Patrick Worley 8pm Tuzzolino 5:30pm RED BARN; PD; 760-346-0191 Drumhall CASUELAS CAFÉ; PD; 760-568-0011 The 9pm Myx 6:30-10pm ROWAN; PS; 760-904-5015 Lance CATALAN; RM; 760-770-9508 George Riebsomer 6-9pm Christian 6-9pm SAMMY G’s; PS; 760-320-8041 Evaro CHEF GEORGE’S PICASSO LOUNGE; PD; Brothers 8pm 760-200-1768 Abie and Natasha 6:30SHANGHAI RED’S @ THE FISHERMAN’S 9:30pm, DJ 9:30pm MARKET; PS; 760-322-9293 Barry Baughn COPA NIGHTCLUB; PS; 760-866-0021 DJ Blues 8-11pm Banks and Mr. Miami 9pm SHANGHAI RED’S @ THE FISHERMAN’S CUNARD’S SANDBAR; LQ; 760-564-3660 MARKET; LQ; 760-777-1601 The Smooth Bill Baker 6pm Brothers 8-11pm DESERT FOX; PD; Krystofer Do 9:30pm SHELLY’S LOUNGE@TORTOISE ROCK CASINO; 29 Palms; Rojer Arnold & Bobby DHS SPA LOUNGE; DHS; 760-329-6787 Furgo 9pm Karaoke w/ DJ Scott 9pm SONOMA GRILL; PD; 760-340-6600 Denny DRINGK; RM; 760-888-0111 DJ Journee Pezzin 6-9pm 9pm SOUL OF MEXICO; IND; 760-200-8787 ELECTRIC SPORTS LOUNGE; YV; 760-228Latin Music 10pm 1199 DJ Ceddy Cedd 9pm EL MEXICALI CAFÉ 2; IND; 760-342-2333 SULLIVAN’S STEAKHOUSE; PD; 760-341-

May 23 to May 29, 2019

3560 Demetrious and Co. 6:30pm TACK ROOM TAVERN; IND; 760-347-9985 Live Music 9pm THREE SIXTY NORTH; PS; 760-327-1773 Reggie “Vision” Alexander 6:30pm TRILUSSA ITALIAN RISTORANTE; PS; 760328-2300 Julius & Sylvia Music Duo 6-10pm VICKY’S OF SANTA FE; IW; 760-345-9770 Rose Mallett and Co. 5-7pm, Kal David, Lauri Bono and the Real Deal 7:30pm THE VINE WINE BAR; PD; 760-341-9463 Aaron Alexander 7-10pm WANG’S; PS; 760-325-9264 Live Music 6:30pm WOODY’S PALMHOUSE; PS; 760-230-0188 The Stanley Butler Band 6:30pm


29 PALMS INN; 29 Palms; 760-367-3505 Bob Garcia 6pm ACE HOTEL; PS; 760-325-9900 Mundo Deserto noon poolside AJ’S ON THE GREEN; C.C.; 760-202-1111 Sunday Brunch w/ Live Music 11am BART LOUNGE; C.C.; 760-799-8800 Deep House Sundays w/ DJ Zach Hayes 7pm BERNIE’S; RM; 760-202 4499 Bill Gulino 12:30-3:30pm, Patrice Morris 6:30-10pm BLUEMBER; RM; 760-862-4581 Michael Keeth 5-9pm CASCADE LOUNGE, SPA RESORT; PS; 888999-1995 Nash with Quinto Menguante 9pm CASTELLI’S; PD; 760-773-3365 Patrick Tuzzolino 5:30pm CHEF GEORGE’S PICASSO LOUNGE; PD; 760-200-1768 Paul Douglas 6-9pm COACHELLA VALLEY BREWING; TP; 760343-5973 Acoustic Afternoon w/ Josh Heinz, Chelsea Sugarbritches and 5 Acre Dream 2-6pm continue to page 20



May 23 to May 29, 2019



e recently stopped in to a new venue called Vine Wine Bar, which instantly has become our new favorite place. Nestled at the end of the Ralph’s Shopping Center on Country Club Dr. in Palm Desert, this place is surely to win you over too. When you think Wine bar you think flights of wine, and yes, they have many flights to choose from, but what I found both interesting and exciting is the fact that they have flights of Vodka, Tequila, Rum and Whiskey. They also have a good selection of beers, with a tasty one called the Wells Banana Bread beer that is so delicious, even though I’m not a big beer drinker. Owner Cathy Serif, who was the most delightful hostess, actually went next door to Ralph’s to buy my husband a piece of banana bread to eat with the beer. How many owners go that extra mile to do something like that? Cathy does! It’s



obvious how passionate she is about her business by the way she dotes on all of her customers. It was a real treat to be taken such good care of and she had no idea we were going to write a review. Neither did I, but we were so impressed I had to. Our waitress Josie was equally attentive and was at our beckon call. Now let’s talk about these flights. We started off with a red wine flight for me and white wine for my daughter, to enjoy with the food we selected, which was the fresh lump crab meat cocktail (simply divine), the Italian Meatballs (so delicious) and The Mixx, which included 3 cheeses (we chose Gouda, Brie and Goat cheese), and 3 meats (Prosciutto, Salami and Soppressata) grapes, olives and crackers. This spread perfectly paired with the wine flights. Moving on to the hard alcohol flights, I, of course, partook in the martini flight which was delivered to the table in the

most darling little martini glasses and included a mango, white peach, coconut and Godiva white chocolate mini martini, with the latter 2 being my favorites, but all 4 being delicious. So tasty, that I ordered a customized second flight with just the coconut and Godiva white chocolate. My daughter and husband tried out the Whiskey, Tequila and Rum flights and were equally impressed. The menu boasts several other items including an array of meat and cheese selections, paninis, flat bread pizzas, salads, artisan cheese and tomato fondue, along with many other items that will pair well with whichever flight you should choose. They boast over 125 varieties of wine with over 60 that you can order by the glass. And if it’s a sweet tooth you have they have several delectable desserts to choose from as well. Also making this a perfect outing was


the fact that one of our favorite new performers in the desert, Vinny Berry, was playing his acoustic set there that night. They have entertainment several nights a week and you can check their website for the schedule of performers. There is also a separate back room perfect for throwing a private party or event. Yes, CV Weekly will definitely be taking advantage of that in the near future. I could go on and on about this classy, comfy and cozy little place, but you really must see it for yourself. The Vine Wine Bar is located at: 74868 Country Club Dr. in Palm Desert 92260. Call 760-341-9463 or visit



o, there I was, trying to give wine advice to a little old lady in the frozen meal section of the .99 Cent Store. She’d asked me what kind of wine she should get, then made it abundantly clear that she held nothing but judgement and distain for the bottle of Rose that I had picked out for her. Same with the Chateau le Paws Chardonnay (All the bottles of cute pictures of dogs on them!). When I started to pontificate on the virtues of Pinot Gris, she hastily picked up a bottle of dusty looking Cabernet and interrupted me with a “thanks” before shuffling off as fast as her tennis-ball footed walker would allow. Having done my good deed of the day, I was now free to check the Spam expiration dates, which is what I do on Sundays. I go to the dollar store and look at Spam. Sometimes I buy, sometimes I window shop, and it all depends on the expiration date. Anyway. Next to the scratch and dent sale that is their wine wall, was the variety of factory irregulars that is their beer wall. Now, half their stock I’ve had before (not a source of pride, just saying), but new to the stable were single cans of Sapporo for .79 cents, and 6-packs of Goldmine Lager Beer (it’s premium, says so right on the can) for $2.99. I could barely contain my excitement at having new cheap beer to complain about. I loaded up my cart with Mexican candy, pork rinds and Alka-Seltzer because the day was about to get wasted.

May 23 to May 29, 2019


I once again rated these beers in dumpster fires and got to drinking. MADE ME CRAVE GAS STATION SUSHI: SAPPORO PREMIUM BEER – 4.9% ABV, SAPPORO BREWERIES LTD The number one selling Asian beer in America since 1984, it’s sales success might be owed in part to how absolutely ubiquitous this brand is. While it failed to turn up in gas stations and convenience stores in my area, it was available at every grocery store I checked, the .99 Cent Store included. Sapporo Premium Lager is not a true Japanese import; the company owns a brewing facility in Ls

Crosse, WI, which handles North American production along with another brewery that Sapporo owns in Canada. Outside of North America, the beer is known as Sapporo Draft. There is nothing offensive about this beer in the slightest. Clean, crisp and dry, with minimal hopping that balances out the dryness to create a very neutral tasting beer. A slight starchiness comes through at the finish as it warms, reminiscent of rice. While not spectacular, this beer does not suck in any way, shape, or form. A quintessential American style pilsner, without any of the graininess or cloying characteristics found in lesser American lagers. Sapporo Premium from the .99 cent store gets ½ a dumpster fire, and that’s a damn good score. OOF. JUST OOF: GOLDMINE LAGER BEER4.5% ABV, GENESEE BREWING CO While the can says “brewed by Gold Mine Brews”, a little bit of digging on the old interwebs found that Gold Mine is just a name owned by the Genesee Brewery, a regional beer from Rochester, NY, that has found some national success as a contract brewer for many small brands who need mass production of their brews to meet corporate demand. Big Flats 1901 is brewed by Genesee for the Walgreens brand, with the company brewing similar style lagers for Walmart as well. I can’t attest to the quality of any of their other beers, but Goldmine is legendarily bad. This tastes like a beer flavored extract mixed in seltzer water. This

BY AARON RAMSON tastes like beer created by someone who’s had beer described to them but has never actually drank one. This tastes like the stuff that I used to make in my closet with a Mr. Beer kit, no lie. This beer tastes slightly wrong from the way a real beer should taste. This tastes as much like beer as powdered milk tastes like milk. I think you get the point. Unless you ironically want to know what powdered beer might taste like, I’d stay away from this smoldering mess. Goldmine gets 5 fully engulfed, burning dumpsters, making it the new, reigning champion of awful .99 cent store beer.


May 23 to May 29, 2019



No. 370

HELLER’S MASTERPIECE V.3 BY ROBIN E. SIMMONS might hit him when he crossed the street. I didn’t intervene and he survived to finish Something Happened, his “forgotten” 1974 novel. I think Heller would like this latest film adaptation of his iconic novel. It captures the essence and tone but on an appropriately epic scale. Recommended. NEW BLU FOR THE HOME THEATER: ISN’T IT ROMANTIC

There have been three filmed iterations of Joseph Heller’s seminal 1961 antiwar masterwork. Besides Mike Nichol’s 1970 feature, there was a failed 1973 CBS pilot that’s been widely seen online. The new, gorgeous-looking six-episode version now streaming on Hulu nicely captures the essence of Heller’s book; especially it’s sense of time, place and scale.


The journeyman screenplay by Luke Davis and David Michod makes elaborations and inventions in the last half that are not necessarily improvements to Heller’s fundamental tale of Yossarian (Christopher Abbott), a US Air Force bombardier in World War II who is rightfully furious because thousands of people he has never met are trying to kill him. But his real problem is his own army keeps increasing the missions he must fly to complete his service. When Yossarian attempts to avoid his military assignments by claiming insanity, he discovers he’s in violation of “Catch-22”, a bureaucratic rule which specifies that a

concern for one’s own safety in the face of dangers which are real and immediate is the process of a rational mind; a man is considered insane if he willingly continues to fly dangerous combat missions, but a request to be removed from duty is evidence of sanity and therefore makes him ineligible to be relieved from duty. The novel not only gave us the catch phrase for ludicrous and logically contradictory undertakings that one can’t escape, but a vivid and prescient portrait of war’s insanity and the pathetic bluster that accompanies it. Heller, who died in 1999, was a bombardier during WW II. Norman Mailer, who also was a gifted writer of his war experiences, said of Heller: “…[he] carries his reader on a more consistent voyage through Hell than any American writer before him.” Years ago, when I was a film student in college, I was browsing my favorite holein-the-wall bookstore in Westwood when I literally stumbled across a man crouched in in a book-stuffed alcove apparently talking to himself. When he stood up and stepped aside, I realized it was Joseph Heller dictating into a hand-held tape recorder. I couldn’t help but hear that what he was saying was a full-blown and detailed narrative of a novel he was apparently working on. So this was how he wrote his extraordinary prose! He had to verbalize if first. I discretely followed him out the store and down the street, during which he continued his recording. He was so distracted -almost in a trance-like state -- I feared a car

Todd Strauss-Schulson’s derivative riff on rom-coms is kind of funny but mostly forgettable. Natalie (Rebel Wilson) is a New York City architect who works hard to get noticed at her job but is more likely to be asked to deliver coffee and bagels than to design the city’s next skyscraper. And if things weren’t bad enough, Natalie, a lifelong cynic when it comes to love, has an encounter with a mugger that renders her unconscious, waking to discover that her life has suddenly become her worst nightmare -- a romantic comedy! It’s hard not to be reminded of the superior “SHALLOW HAL” (2001), the Farrelly brothers Jack Black magical realism comedy of similar proportions with an equally hart-warming life lesion. This is not really a send-up of romantic comedies as much as it is a by-the-numbers clone.



here are novelists and then there are literary giants. Pulitzer Prize-winning author Herman Wouk died in his south Palm Springs home last week, just days short of his 104th birthday. He was a beloved local and national treasure. Wouk is best known for his historical fiction The Caine Mutiny, The Winds of War and its companion piece, War and Remembrance. He was also a playwright and wrote non-fiction about his Jewish faith and the nature of God. He was born in the Bronx to Russian Jewish immigrants. As a boy, Wouk was taught the Talmud by his maternal grandfather. He was a graduate of Columbia University where he was the editor of the school’s humor magazine. Wouk started his career writing jokes and comedy skits for radio shows. After the attack on Pearl Harbor, Wouk joined the U.S. Navy Reserve. He was an officer aboard two destroyer minesweepers in the Pacific Theater during World War II and participated in several pivotal military campaigns. Wouk began writing his first book offduty aboard his ship. He sent chapters to a college friend who read them to a New York publisher. He signed a contract while still at sea. Wouk finished his tour of duty in 1946 and his first book Aurora Dawn was published in 1947. Regarding his wartime experience Wouk said: “I learned about machinery, I learned

HERMAN WOUK 1915 – 2019

of being a wife and mother. Critics included Jewish writers, religious figures and women’s rights activists. Youngblood Hawke was a novel about the rise and fall of a young writer modeled on the life of Thomas Wolfe. Don’t Stop the Carnival was a comedy about escaping mid-life crisis by moving to the Caribbean. Both were made into movies and “Carnival” had a brief run as a Jimmy Buffett musical. The Winds of War and its sequel War and Remembrance are historical fictions with straightforward detailed accounts of WWII told from multiple points of view of the enduring relationships between its characters. The romances set during a time of war gave the books an epic and tragic tone. Even though he lived through the war, Wouk

how men behaved under pressure and I learned about Americans.” The Caine Mutiny, which won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction in 1952. It was largely based on his military service aboard a destroyer. Wouk adapted the story into a Broadway play and the book was made into a Hollywood movie staring Humphrey Bogart. In 1955, Wouk’s Marjorie Morningstar was published to some controversy. The story is about a Jewish girl from a good family who, as an aspiring actress, changes her name. Failing to make her own dreams come true, she eventually settles on the happiness

May 23 to May 29, 2019

BY HEIDI SIMMONS was meticulous in his research for his books. Regarding the horrors of the Holocaust in “Remembrance,” Wouk said: “[Its] the main tale I have to tell.” Inside, Outside is the story of four generations of a Russian Jewish family and its travails in Russia, the U.S. and Israel. The Hope and its sequel, The Glory are historical novels about the first 33 years of Israel’s political history. Those books were followed by The Will to Live On: This is Our Heritage, a tour of Jewish history and sacred texts -- a fitting companion volume to This is My God. To mark his 100th birthday, Wouk published his memoir Sailor and Fiddler: Reflections of a 100-year-old Author. He believed it would be his last book, but Wouk’s agent said that at the time of his death, he was working on another book! Wouk’s literature came from his personal experience and unique passions. He wrote 19 books and translated his worldview into meaningful and powerful narratives capturing humanity’s strengths and weakness, the likes of which we will never see again. Wouk was a man of faith, a patriot, a true wit, a literary giant, and a beloved valley icon whom I had the good fortune to meet. RIP.





ext weekend is Memorial Day Weekend. “Let’s all take part by being responsible for our self and others,” says Fire Chief Sam DiGiovanna. Here are a few safety tips: Travel Safety: Hitting the road locally or with some distance, remember: • Buckle up, slow down, don’t drive impaired. • Be well rested, alert and patient; give your full attention to the road. Do not text and drive! • Let someone know your destination, your route, and when you expect to arrive. Water Safety: Paddle Board? Jet Ski? Surfing? It’s all harmless fun, right? Fun, certainly. But think before you play. Whatever the activity, observe these three cardinal rules: • Wear a Coast Guard-approved life jacket. • Make sure the water and weather conditions are safe. Let others know when you hit the water and when you plan to return! • Learn to swim. Do not swim alone or leave children unattended! Let someone know where and what time your leaving and intend on returning!

Barbeque Fire Safety: • Never grill indoors or unattended – not in your house, camper, tent or any enclosed area. • Keep the grill out in the open, away from the house, the deck, tree branches, or anything that could catch fire. Hot grease or ashes could spill from the grill onto the wooden deck or into dry leaves or grass. For additional safety tips go to: redcross. org/news/article/Memorial-Day-Safety-Tips Happy Memorial Day and Be Safe! Fire Chief Sam DiGiovanna


May 23 to May 29, 2019

CLUB CRAWLER NIGHTLIFE continued from page 15 DHS SPA LOUNGE; DHS; 760-329-6787 Radio 60 3-6pm 29 PALMS INN; 29 Palms; 760-367-3505 EL MEXICALI CAFÉ 2; IND; 760-342-2333 Cesar Daniel Lopez on the harp 6-9pm The Luminators 6pm FRANK’S PLACE; IW; 760-797-8700 Ted AJ’S ON THE GREEN; C.C.; 760-202-1111 Herman 6-8pm Bill Marx 6:30pm THE HOOD; PD; 760-636-5220 Comedy BACKSTREET BISTRO; PD; 760-346-6393 Night 8pm Johnny Morris 5:30-9pm LANDMARK LOUNGE; LQ; 760-289-6736 BART LOUNGE; C.C.; 760-799-8800 Music Scott Carter 7pm by Touchtunes 7pm LAS CASUELAS TERRAZA; PS; 760-325BERNIE’S; RM; 760-202 4499 Bill Gulino & 2794 PS Sound Company noon, Hot Roxx Brian Dennigan 6:30-10pm 6:30pm CASUELAS CAFÉ; PD; 760-568-0011 The MELVYN’S RESTAURANT & LOUNGE; PS; Mighty Sweet Nothings 5:30pm 760-325-2323 Sunday Jam 3:30-7:30pm, CASTELLI’S; PD; 760-773-3365 Patrick Mikael Healy 8pm Tuzzolino 5:30pm NEIL’S LOUNGE; IND; 760-347-1522 COPA NIGHTCLUB; PS; 760-866-0021 DJ Karaoke 8pm Banks and Mr. Miami 8pm THE NEST; PD; 760-346-2314 Sunday Jam DRINGK; RM; 760-888-0111 DJ Journee Session 2-5pm, Kevin Henry 7:30pm 9pm PALM CANYON ROADHOUSE; PS; 760FRANK’S PLACE; IW; 760-797-8700 Larry 327-4080 Sunday Jam Session 7pm Capeloto 6-9pm PAPPY & HARRIET’S; PT; 760-365-5956 LAS CASUELAS TERRAZA; PS; 760-325Sara Petite 7:30pm 2794 PS Sound Company 6:30pm PLAN B LIVE ENTERTAINMENT AND MELVYN’S RESTAURANT & LOUNGE; PS; COCKTAILS; TP; 760-3432115 Open Mic 760-325-2323 Mikael Healey 8pm w/ Rockin Ray 7pm NEIL’S LOUNGE; IND; 760-347-1522 SHANGHAI RED’S @ THE FISHERMAN’S Karaoke 8pm-1:15am MARKET; LQ; 760-777-1601 Jack Ruvio THE NEST; PD; 760-346-2314 Kevin Henry 6-9pm 7:30pm SULLIVAN’S STEAKHOUSE; PD; 760-341PAPPY & HARRIET’S; PT; 760-365-5956 3560 The Myx 6:30pm Open Mic 7pm THREE SIXTY NORTH; PS; 760-327-1773 PURPLE ROOM; PS; 760-322-4422 Keisha Darci Daniels and Reggie Vision 7pm D 6:30pm VICKY’S OF SANTA FE; IW; 760-345-9770 ROWAN; PS; 760-904-5015 Michael Keeth The John Stanley King Trio 6-9:30pm 6-9pm WANG’S; PS; 760-325-9264 Live Music VICKY’S OF SANTA FE; IW; 760-345-9770 5pm Deanna Bogart 6:30pm WILDEST GREENS; PD; 760-636-0441 WANG’S; PS; 760-325-9264 Nick Sosa 7pm Lance Riebsomer 11-2:30pm WOODY’S PALMHOUSE; PS; 760-230WOODY’S PALMHOUSE; PS; 760-2300188 John Carey and Friends 6:30pm 0188 Motown Mondays 7pm



29 PALMS INN; 29 Palms; 760-367-3505 Bob Garcia 6pm ACE HOTEL; PS; 760-325-9900 Ace Karaoke 9pm AJ’S ON THE GREEN; C.C.; 760-202-1111 Shelley Yoelin Group 9:30pm BACKSTREET BISTRO; PD; 760-346-6393 Live Jazz 6:30pm BART LOUNGE; C.C.; 760-799-8800 TBA 7pm BERNIE’S; RM; 760-202 4499 Horice Miller, Leon Basquera and Brian Denigan 6:3010pm CASTELLI’S; PD; 760-773-3365 Patrick Tuzzolino 5:30pm CHEF GEORGE’S PICASSO LOUNGE; PD; 760-200-1768 Lizann Warner 6:30-9:30pm, DJ 9:30pm CUNARD’S SANDBAR; LQ; 760-564-3660 Bill Baker 6pm FIRESIDE LOUNGE; PS; 760-327-1700 Red’s Rockstar Karaoke 9pm FRANK’S PLACE; IW; 760-797-8700 Terri Olsen and the Perfect Blend 6-9pm HENRY’S SPORTS BAR AND GRILL; CC; 760-656-3444 Karaoke w/ KJ Danny 9pm THE HOOD; PD; 760-636-5220 Drag Queen Bingo 9pm HUNTER’S; PS; 760-323-0700 Karaoke 9pm JOSHUA TREE SALOON; JT; 760-366-2250 Ted Quinn’s Open Mic 7pm KOKOPELLI’S; YV; 760-228-2589 Karaoke 7pm LAS CASUELAS TERRAZA; PS; 760-3252794 PS Sound Company 6:30pm LIT@FANTASY SPRINGS; IND; 760-3452450 Brad’s Pad 7pm MELVYN’S RESTAURANT & LOUNGE; PS; 760-325-2323 Mikael Healey 8pm NEIL’S LOUNGE; IND; 760-347-1522 Karaoke 8pm-1:15am

THE NEST; PD; 760-346-2314 Tim Burleson 7:45pm PALM CANYON ROADHOUSE; PS; 760327-4080 Acoustic Music Lounge 7pm PLAN B LIVE ENTERTAINMENT AND COCKTAILS; TP; 760-3432115 Game Night w/ Luke O 8pm PURPLE ROOM; PS; 760-322-4422 Rose Mallett 6:30pm TACK ROOM TAVERN; IND; 760-347-9985 Country Night 6pm VICKY’S OF SANTA FE; IW; 760-345-9770 John McCormick and The Shelly Scott Band 6:30-10pm WANG’S; PS; 760-325-9264 Alex Santana 5-8pm WOODY’S PALMHOUSE; PS; 760-2300188 Yve Evans and John Bolivar 6pm


29 PALMS INN; 29 Palms; 760-367-3505 Daniel Horn 6pm AGAVE LOUNGE@THE HYATT REGENCY; IW; 760-674-4080 Azhia 7-11pm AJ’S ON THE GREEN; C.C.; 760-202-1111 Jazz Jam w/ Doug MacDonald & Friends 7pm BART LOUNGE; C.C.; 760-799-8800 Whiskey Wednesdays w/ Guest DJ 7pm BERNIE’S; RM; 760-202 4499 Horice Miller, Leon Basquera and Brian Denigan 6:3010pm BLUEMBER; RM; 760-862-4581 Michael Keeth 6-10pm CASTELLI’S; PD; 760-773-3365 Patrick Tuzzolino 5:30pm CHEF GEORGE’S PICASSO LOUNGE; PD; 760-200-1768 Barry Minniefield 6:309:30pm, DJ 9:30pm COACHELLA VALLEY BREWING CO; TP; 760-343-5973 Uncle Ben’s Open Mic 6-8pm COPA NIGHTCLUB; PS; 760-866-0021 Issa

Wednesday Humpday w/ DJ Ax 9pm CUNARD’S SANDBAR; LQ; 760-564-3660 Bill Baker 6pm DRINGK; RM; 760-888-0111 S.I.N. w/ DJ Mirage 9pm ELECTRIC SPORTS LOUNGE; YV; 760-2281199 Karaoke 7:30pm FRANK’S PLACE; IW; 760-797-8700 Terri Olsen and Patricia Welsh 6:30pm THE HOOD; PD; 760-636-5220 Open Mic Hosted by Josh Heinz 8pm JOSHUA TREE SALOON; JT; 760-366-2250 Karaoke 7:30pm KOKOPELLI’S; YV; 760-228-2589 Open Mic 8pm LAS CASUELAS TERRAZA; PS; 760-3252794 Hot Roxx 6:30pm LIT@FANTASY SPRINGS; IND; 760-3452450 Latin Night 7pm MELVYN’S RESTAURANT & LOUNGE; PS; 760-325-2323 Mikael Healey 8pm NEIL’S LOUNGE; IND; 760-347-1522 Karaoke 8pm-1:15am THE NEST; PD; 760-346-2314 Kevin Henry 6-8pm Tim Burleson 8pm PALM CANYON ROADHOUSE; PS; 760327-4080 Roger & Friends 7pm PLAN B LIVE ENTERTAINMENT AND COCKTAILS; TP; 760-343-2115 Red’s Rockstar Karaoke 9pm PURPLE ROOM; PS; 760-322-4422 Michael Holmes Trio 6:30pm THREE SIXTY NORTH; PS; 760-327-1773 Katheryn White 6:30pm VICKY’S OF SANTA FE; IW; 760-345-9770 The Slim Man Band 6:30-10pm WANG’S; PS; 760-325-9264 Jeff Bonds 5-8pm WOODY’S PALMHOUSE; PS; 760-2300188 Tony Patler and David Ring – Dueling Pianos 6:30pm

S and G


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he United States is under attack by the Chinese government. While the stock market and most news outlets focus on tariffs and trade wars, the real issues are show how the Chinese will do virtually anything to advance their goals and objectives at our expense. AMAZON PRIME VIDEO - As reported by Bloomberg, in 2015 Amazon was looking to expand their Prime Video platform. To do this, they considered buying start-up Elemental Technologies as Amazon needed their software to manage the massive amounts of data that is compressed and sent to end users as part of a videostreaming service. “Additionally Amazon’s AWS..” (Amazon Web Services) could also use Elemental Technologies’ software to help with their quickly growing government business with the CIA’s rapidly expanding drone surveillance programs as well as the U.S. Navy and their onboard systems. In performing due diligence on Elemental, Amazon found some irregularities with the servers that Elemental was selling. At this point, Amazon had Elemental servers sent to a third-party lab for advanced security testing. While running the tests, a microchip smaller in size than a grain of rice was found hidden inside of the server’s motherboard. This chip was not part of the original design plans of the server and was hidden inside of the motherboard in a way that made it


nearly impossible to find. Investigators state that the chip looks more like a coupler than a chip to most security experts thus making it nearly undiscoverable without an advanced review like that taken by Amazon. The motherboards in question were produced in China by sub-contractors to Super Micro of San Jose – one of the world’s largest suppliers of motherboards. A motherboard is the device in your computer, cell phone or server that everything runs through. U.S. intelligence officials say that a Chinese military unit designed and manufactured the microchips for insertion into motherboards that were used in the computer servers of businesses and governments around the world. Once inside these computer systems, China would have open access to those networks. APPLE - As U.S. investigators looked into this hardware hack, they found that




ou say it is impossible that you lost and your lawyer was at fault? Well let’s examine some other reasons. Herein are some of the things that could have caused you to lose your case: 1. You got caught lying. 2. Surveillance: Assume an investigator will do a sub rosa (undercover) investigation. 3. Take down social media: Facebook, Twitter, Blogs or Web pages that show everything you do and who your friends are to interview 4. Don’t talk about your case: The insurance company may try to contact you or your friends and neighbors. If contacted, explain “you would be happy to talk to them if they call your lawyer for permission”. A good lawyer always sets himself up as a strawman........ so always remain the good guy and let your lawyer be the bad guy. 5. Adjusters are paid to minimize the value of your case and pay you as little as possible. 6. Don’t sign anything without consulting with a lawyer. 7. Doctor appointments: Follow the doctor’s directions and don’t miss appointments. The insurance company will argue, “if you were really injured you would have found a way to make the appointment”. Missed appointments are interpreted as “you are ok now”. The insurance company says if you made all your appointments, you would have healed sooner”. At the doctor’s be careful what you

the chips were affecting a major U.S. bank, government contractors and Super Micro’s biggest client – Apple. While Apple denies that these massive security breaches happened, both Bloomberg and the New York Times have reported on malicious chips in Apple devices. Despite Tim Cook calling the Bloomberg report a “100% lie,” Apple ended their relationship with Super Micro completely in 2016 with no reference to potential security concerns. Amazon also publicly denied the Bloomberg report despite six former and current national security officers from both the Obama and Trump administrations and 17 people in total with direct knowledge of the motherboard hack contradicting the public states of Apple, Amazon and the Chinese government. HUAWEI - This brings us to Huawei. Huawei was started in 1987 by Ren Zhengfei, a Chinese military technologist. As Zhengfei owns only 1.5% of the company, who owns the rest? China-based employees own the remaining 98.5% through Shenzhen Huawei Investment & Holding Company, Limited – “a shareholders’ union.” This entity uses a few dozen employees to choose the company’s board of directors who appear to wield all voting control. Management states that “due to prevailing legal issues, overseas employees cannot own (Huawei) shares.” David Webb, a Hong Kong based independent expert

May 23 to May 29, 2019

on corporate governance issues says that Huawei’s ownership is “opaque” and that this employee-owned company is an attempt by the Communist government to hide their control over the company. The real risk with Huawei is that once one of their chips is in a communications network, it can be updated and reprogrammed remotely. Given the recent Chinese motherboard discovery, can we trust the honesty of a company that appears to be an extension of the Chinese government and their military? When you hear about trade tensions with China, discussions are about more than cheap sneakers, clothes and computers. Until the theft of intellectual property and ideas by China ends, our only choice as Americans is to avoid buying from China whenever possible. Where communism is symbolized with a red star, China’s behavior makes me think that a black star seems more appropriate. Haddon Libby is the Founder of Winslow Drake Investment Management, a FiduciaryOnly Investment Management firm. For more information, please visit or email


say. Never say “my attorney said to...” Be sure you tell each doctor each problem. 8. Keep all evidence, pictures, bloody clothes, casts/braces or your shoes in a slip and fall. 9. Pictures: Take pix showing your injuries, both before and after a surgery. Take videos showing how hard it is for you to get around or do chores or get in and out of a car. When the adjuster comes to your home to evaluate the property damage s/he often takes pix of the car. Don’t let the adjuster trick you into getting into the pix with the car and then asking you to bend to show the damage, and at the last minutes says “smile”. Now you are caught bending and smiling when you complained to the doc that you hurt in every way. 10. The Insurance Medical Exam (IME): These doctors aren’t independent and are only hired if they provide favorable reports for the Defendant. They make money finding that nothing is wrong. Your lawyer should attend the IME with you and note the times when the exam started and ended so they can argue the defendants doctor saw you for ....X....minutes. 11. Prepare a summary before you go to your or their doctors from the top of your head to bottom of your toes. 12. Question, call your lawyer first. 13. Don’t admit fault? 14. Call police & take pix of car, skid marks, debris and traffic signs...document everything.

15. Don’t settle injury or car damage to quickly. 16. Remember Silence is Golden! 17. Document treatment and don’t release med records without a lawyer and doctors ok. Don’t see a doc you have seen before because they often have things in their records that can hurt your case.......(prior accidents; drug issues, STD’s, abortion, admission of affairs, psych treatment etc.) 18. Have your insurance company file an SR1. 19. Don’t attend a body shop the insurance company recommends as they remain a preferred shops as long as they do the work cheaply. This means lower PD estimates because they cut corners etc. 20. You pick the wrong lawyer? Choose a local experienced PI lawyer with a great AVVO & YELP rating. Remember: Silence is Golden and Handcuffs



May 23 to May 29, 2019




inner of the 2015 Male Gospel Vocalist of the Year Award presented by Christian Voice Magazine, Vocalist and Evangelist, Joseph Larson, Th.B. from Jimmy Swaggart Ministries, will return to the Coachella Valley on Thursday, May 30 and Friday, May 31, 2019 at 7 p.m. for Anchored 2 The Cross Ministries, located at 44-919 Golf Center Parkway, Suite 10 in Indio. (760) 347-4999. They have Sunday Service at 10am and Wednesday night Bible Study at 7pm. This family oriented Church was started over 10 years ago by Pastor Charlie Amador, his wife, Margie, his son and Co-Pastor Donny Amador and his wife, Candy. “Although we are an independent Pentecostal Ministry,” said Amador, “We are affiliated with Jimmy Swaggart Ministries from Baton Rouge, Louisiana and share in their vision of spreading the Message of the Cross around the World.” Joseph Larson is the Jimmy Swaggart Bible College Music Director and an Adjunct Professor. In addition to his oversight of the Chapel Worship Team, Larson is also a faculty member of Family Christian Academy. He is a very talented Musician along with his sisters; Grace Brumley and Rachel Larson Ford. When this trio sings, their voices are so perfectly in harmony, it gives you chills. Their father, Evangelist Loren Larson, also a singer and President of JSBC, has been to the Coachella Valley many times preaching The Message of The Cross. The Sonlife Broadcasting Network has programs 24 hours a day on Spectrum Channel 470. You can also download the SBN app on your cell phone and computer; watch streaming on FaceBook or listen to 90.9 FM Radio, Palm Desert. Along with Jimmy Swaggart, the Family Worship Center has some of the finest Musicians and Singers in the world today. There are so many videos posted onYouTube, one could listen all day. Getting back to Joseph, he posted a video on his FaceBook page from his appearance at Anchored 2 the Cross last year and introduced his wife, Mary, who gave her testimony and a sweet story of how they met, followed by one of the songs he sings with his sisters, “At the Foot of The Cross”. The YouTube video of this song is amazing along with “It’s My Desire”


and “Touch Through Me”. Pastor Donny Amador posts video of the services on their Facebook page which can also be seen on their web-site: where they proclaim: There is one God, eternally co-existent in three Persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. (I John 5:7 ) The Bible is the inspired and only infallible and authoritative written Word of God. (Psalms 119; Matthew. 4:4; Luke 24:27) The Story of The Bible is Jesus Christ and Him Crucified. The Word of God declares that before the foundation of the world, Christ was. (I Peter 1:18-21) God knew through foreknowledge that He would create earth, life and man. He knew that man would ultimately fall and that a deliverer for man would be necessary. He devised a plan in the form of His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ. He would send His Son to die on The Cross satisfying the sin debt that would have to be paid. (Hebrews 10:5-10) The Bible goes into great lengths and detail, specifically in the Book of Romans, how it is that Jesus’ Sacrifice on The Cross not only satisfied the Sin Debt but also allows us access to God by Faith through Grace. We not only can obtain Salvation through Christ and The Cross but, we also through Christ, can live a Victorious Christian Life over sin, the flesh and the devil. (Romans 8:2) As we continue to Preach Christ Crucified, we are confident that The Holy Spirit will do the work of saving and transforming the lost, baptizing in The Holy Spirit and bringing back the modern church to The Cross of Jesus Christ as the only means by which we can truly live for God. ...and to this I say, Amen...



he Bianca Rae Foundation is excited to announce for the first time ever it will host two Rae of Hope Retreats in 2019, one for girls and one for boys. The Rae of Hope Retreat is an annual one-day leadership retreat for middle school children where they learn social media safety, anti-bullying skills, self-esteem building techniques and more. Over 1,300 children have attended and completed this program in the past. The girls’ retreat will be held Saturday, September 21 at Westin Mission Hills in Rancho Mirage, and the boys’ retreat will be held Saturday, November 2 at Palm Valley School in Rancho Mirage. “We are so blessed to have hosted the Rae of Hope Retreat for so many children throughout the past five years,” said Bianca Rae, Founder of Bianca Rae Foundation. “This year even more attendees will receive solid mentorship and guidance from different leaders in the community in efforts to become their best selves.” Registration information and more details about both retreats will become available this summer on The Bianca Rae Foundation serves as a resource of funding, knowledge, and empowerment for the socially disadvantaged,

the underserved, and all animals. Through its endeavors, Bianca Rae Foundation attempts to make the world a better place through thought, deed, and action, and to encourage people to do the same. For information on the foundation and its programs, visit


Week of May 23

ARIES (March 21-April 19): In the coming weeks, I suspect you will have the wisdom to criticize yourself in constructive ways that will at least partially solve a long-standing problem. Hallelujah! I bet you will also understand what to do to eliminate a bad habit by installing a good new habit. Please capitalize on that special knowledge! There’s one further capacity I suspect you’ll have: the saucy ingenuity necessary to alleviate a festering fear. Be audacious! TAURUS (April 20-May 20): What standards might we use in evaluating levels of sexual satisfaction? One cruclal measure is the tenderness and respect that partners have for each other. Others include the ability to play and have fun, the freedom to express oneself uninhibitedly, the creative attention devoted to unpredictable foreplay, and the ability to experience fulfilling orgasms. How do you rate your own levels, Taurus? Wherever you may currently fall on the scale, the coming months will be a time when you can accomplish an upgrade. How? Read authors who specialize in the erotic arts. Talk to your partners with increased boldness and clarity. While meditating, search for clues in the depths. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): If there were a Hall of Fame for writers, Shakespeare might have been voted in first. His work is regarded as a pinnacle of intellectual brilliance. And yet here’s a fun fact: The Bard quoted well over a thousand passages from the Bible. Can you imagine a modern author being taken seriously by the literati if he or she frequently invoked such a fundamental religious text? I bring this to your attention so as to encourage you to be Shakespeare-like in the coming weeks. That is, be willing to draw equally from both intellectual and spiritual sources; be a deep thinker who communes with sacred truths; synergize the functions of your discerning mind and your devotional heart. CANCER (June 21-July 22): “People will choose unhappiness over uncertainty,” writes Cancerian author and entrepreneur Timothy Ferriss. He doesn’t do that himself, but rather is quite eager to harvest the perks of dwelling in uncertainty. I presume this aptitude has played a role in his huge success; his books have appeared on bestseller lists and his podcasts have been downloaded more than 300 million times. In telling you this, I’m not encouraging you to embrace the fertile power of uncertainty 24 hours a day and 365 days of every year. But I am urging you to do just that for the next three weeks. There’ll be big payoffs if you do, including rich teachings on the art of happiness. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Many eighteenth-century pirates were committed to democracy and equality among their ranks. The camaraderie and fairness and mutual respect that prevailed on pirate ships were markedly different from the oppressive conditions faced by sailors who worked for the navies of sovereign nations. The latter were often pressed into service against their will and had to struggle to collect meager salaries. Tyrannical captains controlled all phases of their lives. I bring this to your attention, Leo, with the hope that it will inspire you to seek out alternative approaches to rigid and hierarchical systems. Gravitate toward generous organizations that offer you ample freedom and rich alliances. The time is right to ally yourself with emancipatory influences. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Don’t wait around for fate to decide which decisions you should make and what directions you should go. Formulate those decisions yourself, with your willpower fully engaged. Never say, “If it’s meant to be, it will happen.” Rather, resolve to create the outcomes you strongly desire to happen. Do you understand how important this is? You shouldn’t allow anyone else to frame your important questions and define the nature of your problems; you’ve got to do the framing and defining yourself. One more thing: don’t fantasize about the arrival of the “perfect moment.” The perfect moment is whenever you decree it is.

© Copyright 2019 Rob Brezsny

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): In the coming weeks, I hope you’ll regularly give yourself to generous, expansive experiences. I hope you’ll think big, funny thoughts and feel spacious, experimental emotions. I hope you’ll get luxurious glimpses of the promise your future holds, and I hope you’ll visualize yourself embarking on adventures and projects you’ve been too timid or worried to consider before now. For best results, be eager to utter the word “MORE!” as you meditate on the French phrase “joie de vivre” and the English phrase “a delight in being alive.” SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): According to Popular Mechanics magazine, over three million sunken ships are lying on the bottoms of the world’s oceans. Some of them contain billions of dollars’ worth of precious metals and jewels. Others are crammed with artifacts that would be of great value to historians and archaeologists. And here’s a crazy fact: fewer than one percent of all those potential treasures have been investigated by divers. I bring this to your attention, Scorpio, because I hope it might inspire you to explore your inner world’s equivalent of lost or unknown riches. The astrological omens suggest that the coming weeks will be an excellent time to go searching for them. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): “Some days you need god’s grace,” writes poet Scherezade Siobhan. “On other days: the feral tongue of vintage whiskey and a mouth kissed by fire.” I’m guessing, Sagittarius, that these days you might be inclined to prefer the feral tongue of vintage whiskey and a mouth kissed by fire. But according to my astrological analysis, those flashy phenomena would not motivate you to take the corrective and adaptive measures you actually need. The grace of god—or whatever passes for the grace of god in your world—is the influence that will best help you accomplish what’s necessary. Fortunately, I suspect you know how to call on and make full use of that grace. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Capricorn poet William Stafford articulated some advice that I think you need to hear right now. Please hold it close to your awareness for the next 21 days. “Saying things you do not have to say weakens your talk,” he wrote. “Hearing things you do not need to hear dulls your hearing.” By practicing those protective measures, Capricorn, you will foster and safeguard your mental health. Now here’s another gift from Stafford: “Things you know before you hear them— those are you, those are why you are in the world.” AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): “Love is an immoderate thing / And can never be content,” declared poet W. B. Yeats. To provide you with an accurate horoscope, I’ll have to argue with that idea a bit. From what I can determine, love will indeed be immoderate in your vicinity during the coming weeks. On the other hand, it’s likely to bring you a high degree of contentment—as long as you’re willing to play along with its immoderateness. Here’s another fun prediction: I suspect that love’s immoderateness, even as it brings you satisfaction, will also inspire you to ask for more from love and expand your capacity for love. And that could lead to even further immoderate and interesting experiments. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): You will know you are in sweet alignment with cosmic forces if you have an impulse to try a rash adventure, but decide instead to work on fixing a misunderstanding with an ally. You can be sure you’re acting in accordance with your true intuition if you feel an itch to break stuff, but instead channel your fierce energy into improving conditions at your job. You will be in tune with your soul’s code if you start fantasizing about quitting what you’ve been working on so hard, but instead sit down and give yourself a pep talk to reinvigorate your devotion and commitment. Homework: Make up a secret identity for yourself. What is it? How do you use it? Testify at ---------------------------------------Rob Brezsny Free Will Astrology


May 23 to May 29, 2019


CHOOSING YOUR EMOTIONS “Because you have the ability to manage your emotional reactions based on your perceptions and thoughts, you get to choose which emotions to feel and convey in every situation. Choose love.” - Gratitude + Forgiveness x (LOVE) = Happiness by Aimee Mosco and Donald Ferguson, pg. 70 art of our human (spiritual) lesson plan and greatest opportunity for growth comes from the emotional fuels we choose to generate and experience during life. The degree of love we are able to integrate at any given time is the measurement of our spiritual progress. We often feel at the mercy of our emotions because they are dramatic and can fluctuate so wildly. When our charged emotions influence thoughts that drive our actions, we can find ourselves taking wild rides which land us at unfavorable destinations! Volatile emotions do not feel like products of choice, but from the perspective of your soul, every event in your life (to include emotional reaction) is a product of a choice you have made on some level. It’s important to understand how the spiritual part of you processes emotional energy if you are looking to take on a more conscious and enlightened approach to inviting love into your life. Your core beliefs represent the engine that drives your life experiences. Your thoughts represent the road map to a destination and your emotions represent the fuel that powers the engine of your life journey. If you make a conscious commitment to consider your truest and most pure beliefs, and then allow natural thoughts to form


from those beliefs before you let emotions steal the show, the emotional reactions you generate will be very different from the ones that arise when you feel first and think later. When you actively manage your process for creating fuel, you will begin creating fuel from choice. Choose love. Here’s how it works: If you truly believe that all human beings are here to learn and grow, then it is likely natural for you to think that part of the growth process involves making mistakes. If you consider this belief and allow a natural thought to form from this belief upon making what you perceive to be a “mistake”, the emotional reaction you have to the mistake may be very different than if you simply react without considering your true belief. If you take a moment to connect with your true belief before you react with anger or disappointment in yourself, you may find that feelings of compassion (which are based in love) come more naturally when you follow the trail from true belief to natural thought to emotion. Try it and see what happens! In my pursuit to help you further awaken to your most enlightened self, I invite you to join Facebook group Evolve through Love hosted by Elizabeth Scarcella, BB Ingle and me. Go to evolvethroughlove. Aimee Mosco is an Author, Intuitive Channel, Spiritual Teacher and Co-Founder of Intentional Healing Systems, LLC. Aimee’s passion for helping others inspired her book “Gratitude + Forgiveness x (LOVE) = Happiness”. For more information, find Aimee at


May 23 to May 29, 2019





lmost everyone is familiar with THC, the cannabinoid that gets people ‘high’, and CBD, the cannabinoid that is in the news almost daily, but the cannabis plant is made up over 113 unique cannabinoids. This series will focus on some of the ‘other’ cannabinoids and what we know about them. This week, we will focus on THCA. THCA is the non-psychoactive, acid-based precursor to THC found in raw cannabis. THCA converts to THC when it is decarboxylated (heated) or smoked. It has been shown to have very different properties from THC and to be effective at much smaller doses than THC. The research is still in its infancy due to the fact that cannabis is still classified as a Schedule 1 Controlled Substance by the Federal Government, meaning that it is considered a plant with ‘no known medical benefits’ in the US, and making research nearly impossible. But with the global decriminalization occurring, and countries like Israel and Canada leading the way, we can expect much more thorough and reliable data in the next few years. In the meantime, we have information from a handful of studies that have occurred in the last decade showing that there is a lot of promise in using THCA for a variety of ailments and with very little in the way of side effects. Below is a summary of some of the conditions that THCA has been found to effective in treating: Anti-Emetic – A study in 2013 by The British Pharmacological Society found that THCA was more effective than THC in reducing vomiting and nausea. Anti-Inflammatory and Analgesic - It is believed that THCA may be a COX-1 and COX-




2 enzyme inhibitor (similar to NSAIDs like ibuprofen and aspirin) which makes it effective in relieving pain and reducing inflammation as evidenced in a 2011 study. And, a 2017 study found that the anti-inflammatory properties of THCA were more effective at treating autoimmune diseases such as Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis. Anti-Proliferative – Preliminary studies are showing that THCA may be helpful in treating breast cancer as a COX-2 inhibitor and at treating prostate cancer through its actions on the TRPM8 receptor. Anti-spasmodic – Suppresses muscle spasms. Modulates Immune System – THCA has been shown to both improve and potentially suppress the immune system functions. It is believed that THCA boosts levels of the endogenous cannabinoid, 2AG which modulates several health functions. Additionally, it has been found to inhibit TNF-alpha levels. TNF-alpha dysfunction can contribute to Alzheimer’s, cancer, depression, psoriasis, and inflammatory bowel disease. Neuroprotective – A 2012 study found that THCA may be effective in treating diseases such as Parkinson’s Disease by protecting the dopamine-producing neurons from death, which is what causes the disorders movement. THCA’s potential for treating Huntington’s disease, and other neurodegenerative disorders, was the subject of a December 2017 study. As with any cannabis therapy, it is recommended that you consult with a medical professional with knowledge and experience recommending cannabis, and if you do intend to start a cannabis regime on your own, start low, and go slow!


California Cannabis Czar Lori Ajax, State Treasurer Fiona Ma, Riverside County District Attorney Michael Hestrin and former NFL star Kyle Turley among speakers scheduled for the June 24-25 event at Fantasy Springs Resort Casino Spa and hosted by the City of Coachella in collaboration with the Coachella Valley Cannabis Alliance Network. he City of Coachella’s SoCal Cannabis Summit will bring together leaders in business and government, as well as former NFL star Kyle Turley, to share ideas and unveil new opportunities in the growing billiondollar cannabis industry. The event is June 24-25 at Fantasy Springs Resort Casino and hosted by the City of Coachella in collaboration with the Coachella Valley Cannabis Alliance Network. Local government affairs and advertising firm, Burke Rix Communications, is producing the Summit in partnership with the City of Coachella. Headlining the Summit is California Cannabis Czar Lori Ajax, Chief of the Bureau of Cannabis Control who will give an update on the Cannabis industry in California as well as participate on a panel discussion on licensing and permitting. Riverside County District Attorney Michael Hestrin will speak on the state of cannabis laws and enforcement in Riverside County. State Treasurer Fiona Ma will address banking issues and challenges faced by the cannabis industry. Former NFL star Kyle Turley’s presentation will be open to the public and he will share his personal story of getting off prescribed opiates for football injuries using CBD. Kyle played offensive tackle for the New Orleans Saints, St. Louis Rams and Kanas City Chiefs. City of Coachella Mayor Steven Hernandez said, “The City of Coachella is excited to be hosting this Summit. The cannabis industry is a major economic driver for the region and especially the City of Coachella where it has paved the way for cultivation, manufacturing, testing and dispensary businesses. It is our hope that this Summit will help foster the critical collaboration needed between those who want to get into the cannabis industry, those who are currently in the business and the government entities that create policy, regulate and enforce it.” The Summit kicks off with a bus tour on June 24th where attendees will get a rare, behind the scenes look at the wide array of cultivation, manufacturing, dispensary and lounge facilities throughout the Coachella Valley, as well as learn about new opportunities on the horizons. The popular CannaBus Express Tours will be providing their VIP high-end Mercedes buses for tour. A welcome reception for the Summit will be held on Monday evening at the Coachella City Library from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. and will be open to all summit attendees, speakers and exhibitors. The second day of the Summit on June 25th features a full day of educational programing and a FREE informational cannabis expo showcasing many of the services and products geared towards the industry and everyday consumer. The Expo will be open to the public at no cost from 9am to 6pm on June 25th at Fantasy Springs Casino. The general public is also invited to attend the Summit’s closing speech by NFL star Kyle Turley at 3:00pm and meet him during the closing reception until 6pm.


About the speakers: Lori Ajax: Became the first chief of the Bureau of Cannabis Control when it was formed in 2016. Prior to her appointment by Governor Brown, Ajax was the Chief Deputy Director of the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, where she spent 22 years working her way up the ranks. As chief of the Bureau of Cannabis Control, Lori will give attendees an update on the state of the industry and the future ahead. Fiona Ma: Ma has been at the forefront, helping to pass and implement a comprehensive regulatory framework for MCDs and legalization of recreational use of cannabis in the state, helping to introduce, support and negotiate seven pieces of legislation that has been instrumental in moving the industry forward. Prior to being elected as the state treasurer, Ma represented the 12th Assembly District from 2006-12. She was the 112th woman elected to the California legislature and first Asian woman to serve as Speaker Pro Tempore since 1850. Michael Hestrin: Hestrin was sworn in as Riverside County District Attorney in 2015. Prior to his election, he had spent 20 years in the DA’s office, where he was named Countywide Prosecutor of the Year for Riverside County in 2003, 05 and 10. The Daily Journal named Hestrin one of California’s “Top Twenty Lawyers Under Forty” in 2008. He also won Statewide Prosecutor of the Year by the California District Attorney Investigators Association in 2009 and California’s Outstanding Prosecutor of the Year by the California District Attorneys Association in 2010. Kyle Turley: The eight-year NFL veteran was first-team All Pro in 2000 while playing offensive tackle for the New Orleans Saints. Turley credits cannabis for helping him deal with numerous neurological health issues, including chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), early onset Alzheimer’s disease, a seizure disorder, suicidal thoughts and vertigo. Turley uses cannabis to treat his neurological disorders and credits it for improving his quality of life after previously relying on numerous prescription drugs, which he quit cold turkey in 2015. Also in 2015, Turley founded the Gridiron Cannabis Coalition to help advance policy change in the use of cannabis in professional sports. Tickets to the Summit are $50 per person for the Bus Tour on June 24th and $75 per person for the Summit program on June 25th with both available online through the Summit’s website; CoachellaCannabisSummit. com. The full program, speaker lineup and additional information about exhibition and sponsorship opportunities may be found online or by contacting Josh Zipperman at Burke Rix Communications via email at Josh@BurkeRix. com.

May 23 to May 29, 2019

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May 23 to May 29, 2019







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his weekend at the Oasis Estates in Indio, women from across Southern California and beyond are coming together for the Women Weed N’ Wellness Retreat. Hosted by Trish D, this magical weekend will incorporate workshops such as sensual yoga flow, belly dancing, vegan food preparation, crystal energy, yoni steams, and more. I had the opportunity to interview Lizzy Jeff of Zen & Kush who will be at the event this weekend to learn more about the retreat. CV Weekly: Tell us more about the Women Weed N’ Wellness Retreat Lizzy Jeff: “The retreat is all about bringing women together to intentionally step into our divine feminine energy and help each other thrive. There will be powerful healers from all over the world coming in to share their healing magic. I’ll be hosting a very lovely Zen & Kush Experience where I’ll be leading an Elevated CBD power meditation. I’ll also be performing a high frequency live set with my DJ moonflower.” CVW: How did you get involved? LJ: “Trichome Trish reached out to me to share a performance and from there we collaborated on ideas and created a dope experience for the women.” CVW: What is Zen & Kush? LJ: “ZEN & KUSH is a curated space with the intention of tapping into self-healing via cannabis and other herbs, the Zen & Kush lounge will provide education around herbs, tinctures, topicals and all things Cannabis. You will have the opportunity to experience CBD massage, infused stretch classes, joint rolling workshops, healing sessions and herbal consultations with Medicine Woman @LizzyJeff and other healers of the community. The lounge will be open through the night for those of you seeking relaxation, infused tea sessions, and community vibes during the evening. You’re invited to come explore the healing effects of Cannabis, sensual Damiana, elegant Rose, lung detoxifying Mullein and so much more. This is a place to respectfully and consciously use these plant medicines, as well as a space for sharing and learning, with workshops taught by Lizzy Jeff and others.” CVW: In your experience how does CBD enhance spirituality? LJ: “CBD is the perfect support system when it comes to grounding in your body and bring yourself to the present moment. It helps you focus on your breathing and enhances meditation. CBD on so many levels is incredible and works hand in hand with spirituality. It’s

amazing first thing in the morning before I stretch my body and set my intentions for the day. I love dropping 5-10mg an organic CBD tincture into my tea for a more peaceful vibration. A couple puffs of HarleQuin relaxes me and puts me on the perfect frequency for manifesting greatness.” CVW: What are your favorite strains? LJ: “Blackberry Kush for relaxation. AK Haze for a creative, uplifting vibration. Lambs Bread when I’m channeling the spirit of Bob Marley. Champagne when it’s time to kick my feet up and bask in the sunlight.” CVW: How did you get involved in the cannabis space? LJ: “I started working as a bud tender at a lovely shop not far from the beach. From there I started teaching myself about different parts of the plant and the business. The more I learned, the more inspired I became to build my own empire.” CVW: Where can folks learn more? LJ: “My music is always a really good channel to learn more about using cannabis in your daily rituals and living your best life. Follow me on Instagram at @LizzyJeff and also visit my website” CVW: Is there anything you would like to add? LJ: “There are lots of incredible women doing big big things in the Cannabis industry. It is a powerful time for us. I’m watching people all around me find creative new ways to infuse their lifestyles and businesses with mama ganja. She is headed in all directions and we have no choice but to embrace her magic. I’m so excited to come together this weekend with so many incredible healers, creatives and renaissance leaders in celebration of cannabis and sisterhood. Yay us!” To purchase tickets for the Women Weed N’ Wellness Retreat, go to women-weed-n-wellness-retreat-1046.

May 23 to May 29, 2019

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May 23 to May 29, 2019


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