Coachella Valley Weekly - July 10 to July 16, 2014 Vol. 3 No. 16

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News Community NEWS MUSIC Music ART EVENTSMovies MOVIES DININGDining SPORTS HEALTH &BEAUTY BUSINESSEvents COMMUNITY • July 10 to July 16, 2014 Vol. 3 No. 16


pg 4

Terry Reid

pg 8

3rd Ear Experience & Fever Dog

pg 10

Chuck Films

pg 11

July 10 to July 16, 2014

Palm Springs Tattoo Convention

Coachella Valley Weekly


Publisher & Editor Tracy Dietlin Art Director Robert Chance Sales Team Raymond Bill, Lisa Morgan Classified Manager & Nightlife Editor Phil Lacombe Features Writer Lisa Morgan, Judith Sulkin, Denise Ortuno Neil, Heidi Simmons, Writers/Contributors: Lisa Morgan , Robin Simmons, Rick Riozza, Lola Rossi, Craig Michaels, Bronwyn Ison, Haddon Libby, Rachel Montoya, Angela Janus, Janet McAfee, Heidi Simmons, Dale Gribow, Raymond Bill, Jack St. Clair, Rob Brezny, Amanda Dorta, Eleni P. Austin, Curtis Hendricks, Noe Gutierrez, Jill Coleman, Jennifer Tan, Sunny Simon, Richard Weiss, Dr. Peter Kadile, Dr. Maria Lombardo, Bruce Cathcart, Patte Purcell, Julie Buehler, Flint Wheeler, John Paul Valdez, Laura Hunt Little, Scott Pam, Rebecca Pikus, Richard Noble, Karen Creasy, Trooper Ramsey, Monica Morones, Shawn Mafia Photographers Laura Hunt Little, Lani Garfield, Chris Miller/ Imagine Imagery Distribution Phil Lacombe, William Westley


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July 10 to July 16, 2014

by Lisa Morgan

@ the Hard Rock Hotel This Weekend!

Featuring: Cub Swanson and His UFC Victory Party, Over 75 of the Nation’s Top Tattoo Industry Artists and Vendors at Your Service, Tattoos, Ms. Palm Trees and Tattoos Beauty Contest and $1000 Bikini Contests, Live Entertainment and Drinks All Weekend! he TG Tattoo studio family is blazing a new trail for the City of Palm Springs by bringing them their first ever tattoo convention. The Palm Springs Tattoo Convention will be launched this weekend with nothing less than a victory party for our Palm Springs native UFC champion, Kevin Luke “Cub” Swanson. Swanson will be celebrating his impressive sixth straight win Friday night, complete with a $1000 bikini contest at the Hard Rock Hotel, thanks to the tattoo studio, Tg Tattoo, he chose to give him his victory tattoo. While this may be the first of its kind in Palm Springs, we will very likely see many more in the future, considering that the booths for this event sold out in less than a month. Our local tattoo studios (most of them anyway) have come on board with Tg Tattoo to prove that they are not only


generators of fine body art, but of significant city revenue, even if it is in the middle of summer. Sean Wood, the marketing, promotions and PR brain for Tg Tattoo shared how he and business partner, artist, organizer and multitasker,Tony Francois, began formulating a plan. Their driving reasons for this large, upscale, unprecedented undertaking are bigger than you might think. “Two years ago when we found out the Hard Rock was coming, Tony and I started brain storming,” shared Wood. “It seems like the City of Palm Springs is allowing themselves to become more of a go to destination, out of straight necessity, by saying ‘yes’ to things they

used to say ‘no’ to. We want to be part of bringing back that 60’s Hollywood glam the city used to be famous for. We’re not bringing them a bunch of freaks and geeks. We are showcasing top notch, fine art on the skin with the industry’s best artists. It will be a more upscale event, proving to people that tats are not all about hoodlums and scoundrels. It’s about collecting fine art on your body today. People now shop continue to page 5

Palm Springs Tattoo Convention.... 3 Community - PGA DUI..................... 4 Authors - Josefina Lopez................. 6 Did You Know?- Vacant Buildings... 7 LMS - Terry Reid................................ 8 LMS - Chapman Stick....................... 9 Desert DJs - DJ Trevor Worden....... 9 3rd Ear Exerience & Fever Dog...... 10 Dog Ear Review.............................. 11 Film - Chuck “Films” Ortega.......... 11 Consider This - John Doe............... 12 Art- Sofia Enriquez & Jenn Stern.. 13 Pet Place.......................................... 14 The Vino Voice................................ 15 Club Crawler Nightlife................... 16 Pamp.Palate- Sessions................... 18 Screeners........................................ 20 Book Review................................... 21 Haddon Libby: It’s All Local........... 23 Dale Gribow.................................... 23 Safety Tips....................................... 24 ShareKitchen.................................. 24 It’s Your Nickel................................ 25 Sports Scene................................... 25 Sports.............................................. 26 Free Will Astrology......................... 27 Mind, Body & Spirit........................ 28 Life & Career Coach........................ 29 Beauty............................................. 29 Comics - Weiss Cracks.................... 30


July 10 to July 16, 2014


By tracy dietlin continued from page 3

July 3 marked the launch of the new PGA DUI program And while it has nothing to do with golf... it has everything to do with saving lives


GA DUI stands for Parents & Guardians Against Driving Under the Influence and their tagline is Prevention is Better than Punishment. This program is the brainchild of Dr. Suresh Shah who placed 1 million dollars of his own money in a Charles Schwab bank account through his Shah Family Foundation for Health and Education to start and fund this amazing program that offers free rides home from bars and restaurants when the patrons are too drunk to drive home. “Many people cannot afford to take a taxi to and from a restaurant or bar so they drive and want to enjoy a few drinks and especially with the young adults… before they know it they are too intoxicated to drive home but get behind the wheel anyway,” says Dr. Shah. “We want to help cut down on the number of people being arrested for DUIs. It is very expensive when someone gets arrested for a DUI and it can seriously affect the rest of their life and their careers.” Shah said that by providing this free service it will reduce the DUI rate and save lives from people driving while under the influence. “Drinking alcohol is legal but driving while drinking is not. Until now people didn’t have the ability to get a free ride home and not take that chance. And when we pick them up we give them a brochure that explains what can happen if they get a DUI so they are more informed.” Shah insists that all rides are free of charge and that the drivers are not even allowed to take any tips at all. At this time the program is available in the cities of Palm Desert, Indian Wells and Rancho Mirage. So if you are at a bar or restaurant in one of these cities and you’ve had too much to drink you can call them and they will come and pick you up and drive you home anywhere in the valley even if you live in Coachella or DHS. You will leave your car at the location and pick it up the next day. He also states that if you already took a taxi to the establishment they won’t pick you up and that this service is for those who drove their car. “This is for the local residents of the Coachella Valley and not for people that are staying at hotels.” Shah says that while this is an expensive endeavor, he has enough money in the account to fund the program for about 6 months to a year. From that account he has purchased four, orange Toyota Prius’ to provide the service and he is paying all of the drivers, gas, dispatch and marketing from the account as well. He is looking forward to expanding the service on November 1


to other desert cities from Palm Springs to Indio. He has already ordered 12 more cars to be prepared for the holidays and the upcoming season. “I look forward to seeing what the numbers are when we compare last year’s DUI arrests to this year’s with having this program in effect,” says Shah. “We are working with the police to gather all the data.” When I spoke with Eileen Dryden, COO of Shah Management, she told me that they gave approximately 120 rides over the four day weekend from July 3-6. That is quite remarkable as they just implemented the program. Those were people that did not get behind the wheel drunk and risk other people’s lives or their own all because one amazing and generous man had a vision. Shah has been in the Coachella Valley for 32 years and was an anesthesiologist and is now a developer and has built many shopping centers. “I have made a lot of money in this valley and I feel it is only right to give back to the community. I feel very strongly about helping the young adults to not make a mistake that can stay with them for the rest of their lives.” We at CV Weekly are so impressed with what Dr. Shah is doing that we will be featuring him as one of our Top 25 Men in the CV in our July 24th issue. There is much more to share about his many charitable contributions and we want to let the valley know. PGA DUI is currently available Thursdays through Sundays from 6:00pm until 2:00am. Do not drive under the influence when you can call 760-340-1500 and get a FREE ride home.

by artist and will travel all around having studied a particular artist’s tattoos, and make appointments accordingly. There is so much artistic talent right here in this valley, we wanted to shine a light on it. At the same time I wanted to open the eyes of the City of Palm Springs as to what this is really about.” “When we first opened Tg Tattoo, we had lobbied to be downtown, and downtown said, ‘No’, several times,” recounted Wood. “They gave us about two streets we could open up on. But we wanted to be in the spotlight, right in down town. This convention is a way for us to be able to showcase what has evolved in the tattoo industry... what it’s really about, not just about sideshows and freaks (although they have their place there obviously). More people are starting to realize that they don’t want to get their body art from ‘Joe Shmoe’ down the block. They want to save up the $1,500 to $2,000 to get a piece of fine art put on their body

that they’ll have for the rest of their lives. People have no problem putting out two Gs for a piece of artwork for their living room. I want to change the stigma. I want to get rid of the prejudice. I want to order a burger without getting mad-dogged. I like it when I get people staring at me in restaurants and places. There’s nothing more gratifying than when someone comes up to me with the gumption to ask about, and let me talk about my tattoos. Soon, it’s going to be hard to find someone without a tattoo. It’s going to be harder to not put people in positions of leadership within the work place just because they have tattoos.” (According to Statistic Brain, 45 million Americans have at least one tattoo, and a recent Fox News Poll says 1 in 5 adults registered to vote have tattoos) Not necessarily part of any strategy, simply more of an honest desire to bring education to the format, signing on Sullen artist, Rich Pineda, triggered an onslaught of the nation’s top body art experts and personalities to join the effort. “I owe Rich the world,” said Wood with emphasis. “We gave him a seminar to do on Sunday for people already on top of their game who want to expand their abilities. Once we got him on board, he got the owners of Sullen, Ryan Smith and Jeremy Hanna, to approach me about our convention. They really got behind it and believed in what we were trying to do out here. The Sullen Family really helped make something amazing happen. They’re bringing 20 top notch artists - all the guys you see on TV and are making a name for themselves. Once that happened, everyone else started jumping on board. We ended up having to turn a ton of people away. We sold out within a month, in large part to the Sullen Family of artists getting behind it.” “Here’s one of the coolest parts of this story,” Wood continued. “As a shop owner, you hear things about other shops, rumors about town, gossip, what not. It tends to create animosity or rivalries among the shops. When you start working with the top of artists in the tattoo world, you don’t find any of that. They really support each other.

Well, in spite of the fact that we’re all fighting for the same dollar, I found it to be the same here in the Coachella Valley.” Wood and Francois, as they have always done with their shop, have worked very closely with the health department to ensure clean and safe procedures during the event. “That was a challenge,” Wood expressed. “We worked EVERYTHING out with the health department. We wanted a safe healthy event for everyone. Since there’s no precedence for tattoo conventions in Palm Springs and no previous platform to build on, we had to set it up from scratch. We will be reviewing everything after the convention as well to see how we can continue to improve the plan we developed together.” The entire event will be in the very cool atmosphere and air-conditioning of the Hard Rock Hotel, Palm Springs. Sailor Jerry Rum will be bringing a 1920s rat rod with a large old school gas pump that will dispense their liquor. Coachella Valley Brewing has a vehicle armed with tapped kegs to pour from. A ‘69 Dodge Challenger will be given away (must purchase a very cool souvenir t-shirt to win). Local car and bike clubs are bringing their vehicles for display, the majority of which will all be inside the Hard Rock. The basic itinerary for the event will be as follows: Friday: 10 PM Kickoff Party. $1000 Bikini Contest and Cub’s Victory Party Saturday: 10 AM - 10 PM. Convention including over 75 artists, live music and DJs, tattoo contests (awards start at 6 PM)

July 10 to July 16, 2014

Sunday: 10 AM - 6 PM. Convention awards ceremony at 4 PM, followed by the Sullen Angels Beauty Contest with the naming of the first annual “Ms. Palm Trees and Tattoo”. Special rates for weekend packages and pre-sale tickets are available while supplies last, right up until the day of the event. Those who purchase weekend passes get discounted room rates and a Sullen gift bag. Tickets also will be available at the door the day of the event. You can purchase presale tickets at any local tattoo studio or at If you’re into the culture of body art or have deep, hidden fascination, this is the event to discover a world that represents gutsy artistry and serious commitment like no other format. For more information on the people, places and things mentioned in this article, check out the following links: About Tg Tattoo: The studio owned by Tony Francois and Sean Wood is located at 68186 Ramon Road, Cathedral City. You can call them at (760) 3249828 or check out their website at tgtattoo. com. This studio is powered by a desire to be the best in the business on every level. Tg Tattoo’s artists and their expertise: Tony Francois: Color Realism Big Belli: Fine Line Westcoast Black & Grey John Fonoti: Color Realism/Polynesian Zane Jolley: Neo Traditional Miguel Arreola: Horror/Sci-Fi


July 10 to July 16, 2014


By judith salkin

Real women know how to write

Author Josefina Lopez talks about Hollywood rejection, writing her heart out and A.D.D.


rowing up as the daughter of Mexican immigrants in Los Angeles in the ‘70s, author Josefina Lopez couldn’t figure out why she was depressed and didn’t fit in with the rest of the girls in her family and culture. While most girls her age were being groomed to marry, raise a family and do everything to make her husband’s life comfortable, Lopez chafed at the thought of such a life.

She wanted more. She wanted an education. She wanted to see the world. She wanted a life outside the strict confines of her parents’ generational expectations. “But my parents didn’t understand,” she recalled earlier this week from her home in L.A. “And I was depressed, suicidal and I didn’t know why.” Eventually she wrote a play that made her parents begin to understand her feelings. “It made them begin to see what was going on inside me and why I couldn’t be like all the other Chicana girls,” she added. Lopez became a playwright and author. Her most famous works are “Real Women Have Curves,” one of her plays adapted into the 2001 film starring America Ferrara and “Hungry Woman in Paris,” a novel that looks at the many types of hunger in a woman’s life. She’ll be in the San Jacinto Mountains on Sunday at 3 p.m. at Café Aroma as part of the 4th Annual Idyllwild Authors Series that began in June and runs through mid-August reading from “Hungry Woman” and signing copies of her book. The authors’ series is the brainchild of author Eduardo Santiago, a writer himself, who based the series on the popular “Actors Studio”

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television series. Lopez, who did eventually marry and have children of her own, just returned from a fourweek vacation that included time at her home in the South of France (her husband is French) and a cruise of Scandinavian and Russian ports, is looking forward to the reading and talking to fans of her work. “I’m a writer and performer and when the book first came out (in 2009), I did a lot of readings, which I loved,” she said. “I’m also the artistic director of a theater group here in Boyle Heights and I don’t get as many opportunities to perform so I am really looking forward to this.” What surprised Lopez most was the visceral feedback that she got from readers old and young to the situation of her heroine in “Hungry Woman.” “Younger women loved the eroticism, while older women thought it was too much,” she said. “I think it was partially a cultural reaction, too.” She wrote the book, partially as a way to sort out what happened in her life after “Real Women,” and as an answer for younger Latinas. “I wrote it so that they could see that there are alternatives in their lives,” she said. “The book I wish I could have had to read. I wish I had had a book like this to myself permission to look at my life differently.”

While she expected the audience to question her choices, “I find that when I do these readings I’m often the one posing the questions,” she said. Lopez was born in 1969 in San Luis Potosi, Mexico and emigrated to the U.S. with her parents at the age of five. She grew up in a traditional home, with undiagnosed ADD, not understanding why she felt so different and wanting more from life than being a wife. She attended the Los Angeles County High School for the Arts, where she wrote a play that her parents attended. “When they saw it, my father began to understand me a little more,” she said. She continued her education, earning a BA in Fine Arts from Columbia College Chicago and her MFA in screenwriting from the School of Theater, Film and Television at UCLA. Over the years, she has written and produced plays such as “Simply Maria, Or the American Dream,” “Confessions of a Women From East L.A.,” “Boyle Heights,” “Lola Goes To Roma” and “Real Women Have Curves.” Once “Real Women” was turned into the film and won accolades at Sundance and other film festivals, Lopez believed her Hollywood career would take off. “Am I disappointed that it didn’t?” she asked. “Of course! I couldn’t understand why HBO didn’t pick it up immediately as a series and why no one wanted me as a writer. I think it was because ‘Real Women’ came out at the right time, but in a way10 years too early.” In her dismay at her treatment in Hollywood, Lopez retreated to Paris where she gave birth to her second child and enrolled in Le Cordon Bleu cooking school as background for “Hungry Woman.” But she hasn’t given up on her Hollywood dreams. With more Latinos in leading roles in television and film and the success of “Devious Maids,” Lopez has formed her own production company and continues to pitch ideas for series and films, many based on her own plays. In 2000 she started Casa 0101 Theater Art Space, to fulfill her vision of bringing art and live theater programs to the community she grew up in and where she teaches classes in play and screenwriting. The Boyle Heights theater group that gives a voice to the community and especially encourages young Latinas in finding their own voices in the neighborhood where they grew up. “This neighborhood is coming back to life,” she said of Boyle Heights. “There is some gentrification going on, but unlike some community (organizations), we’re here to be a part of what’s going on.” What: 4th Annual Authors Series When: 3 p.m. Sunday, July 13 Where: Café Aroma, 54750 N. Circle Drive, Idyllwild Cost: Free, only books purchased at event will be signed Info: (323)377-9730

did you know?

July 10 to July 16, 2014

By Denise Ortuno Neil

Looking Into Those Empty Buildings T hey are blatantly visible in some cities around the Coachella Valley. Large scale buildings that once held bustling businesses now sit idly empty, only relics of their former selves. What is the reason that some stay empty for so long, and will they ever come back to life? Is it bad luck, or just the luck of the draw that some succeed and some fall short? As the desert continues to grow, these are questions worth asking and it’s important to look into those empty buildings. We get used to seeing them; they almost blend into the landscape of shopping centers and other businesses that surround them… except…they’re empty. Certain buildings actually do stand out, especially those which have been empty for quite some time. There is a sense of sadness about them, as if they have been left behind in the business world…their vacancy a testimony to their misfortune. There are several barren buildings in La Quinta that have become untraditional landmarks, “Ya, just make a left at the street next to the old Simon Motors car lot,” is a way that one could give directions to Trader Joes. The vast car lot was built in 1978 and housed Simon Motors for most of its existence. But when the Chevrolet dealership moved down the street, it was curtains for the property. It has seen some action in the years since, like when it was home to Halloween Gear several years back. But things are looking up for the former dealership according to Brian Tracy who represents the property. Tracy explained how the owners have plans to turn the property into a retail shopping center, which will call for major rejuvenation and it may even be torn down to accommodate it’s reincarnation. Tracy is optimistic about the retail climate in the desert, “In the last 18 months there has been an up-turn in retail in the Coachella Valley and it’s getting back on track to where it was before the recession,” states Tracy. That’s great news for business and for the building he represents….I guess

there will have to be a different way to guide people to Trader Joes. Not far from the onetime dealership sits another languishing property which was home to Legacy furniture. In the quest to find out specifics of the buildings past, present and hopeful future, I ran into some brick walls…and I’m not talking about the ones holding the structure together. Apparently the agent representing the building found it in her client’s best interest not to share what she must deem as top secret information with me. But, as the wise old saying goes, “If there’s a will there’s a way” really does ring true. The City of La Quinta was much more generous with the public information about the building, and although their version of the properties history may have lacked the intimate details that I could have benefitted from getting it directly from the source, it did provide me with some enlightenment. The 30,000 sq ft building was actually constructed to become a movie theatre back in the early 2000’s. The reasons for it not coming to fruition were vague, but the building was sold in 2003 and became Legacy furniture. The store closed its doors many years back and has stayed vacant ever since. But, the vision for a La Quinta based theatre complex has been resurrected by a different developer. Just down the street off Washington and 47th street, will be the brand new Century Washington Park theatre, which is owned by Cinemark Holdings Inc. The 12 auditorium theater will be part of the Washington Park Shopping Center. It will offer state of the art theatres, 6 of them with Real D 3D capability, a comfortable lobby serving wine, beer and frozen cocktails, a self-serve concession stand, plus many other amenities. The complex is scheduled to open in the spring of 2015. The city welcomes the new project with open arms, “We are very excited for this new opportunity,” said Community Development Director, Les Johnson. As for the Legacy building, its fate remains

uncertain. Perhaps a new furniture store will move in, or someone with ample imagination will find a purpose that will fill its 30,000 sq ft. In Indio, a Spanish style free standing building sits quietly on the corner of Young and Hwy 111, several broken boarded up windows shield the interior from public view. It was once the popular dining hot spot Devane’s owned by actor William Devane. The property was actually built back in 1981 and was utilized as a plant nursery. Its run as nursery lasted until it was turned into the former Knotts Landing star’s Italian food haven, Devane’s. As time passed, Devane’s moved from the Indio location and into Rancho Mirage, and then back to east valley in Old Town La Quinta in 2009 and then they closed all together. The Spanish restaurant La Estancia took over the lovely Indio property in the mid 2000’s and had a short run. There have been no occupants since 2009. According to Juan

Rodriquez, Planning Technician for the City of Indio, there has been some interest in the building, as the owners may be moving towards remodeling the property….a new restaurant could be on the horizon is the word on the street. It will be a welcome site to see new life come to that beautiful property. Thank you Juan for all of your help in researching! There are many more stories to be told about vacant buildings throughout the Coachella Valley. The how’s and why’s of their vacancy’s may never be explained as the mystery of their plight continues. However, I did find that the mood in the desert for businesses is improving, and that’s certainly a positive for our economic growth here in the desert and in our country. Hopefully one day the empty buildings will be filled again, and we will no longer be looking into them, but enjoying the businesses which they house.


July 10 to July 16, 2014

Local Music Spotlight

by Lisa Morgan

International British Rock Star, Terry Reid to Share the Songs and Stories of a Musical Lifetime “British Invasion” to Take Place @ Schmidy’s Tavern, Palm Desert, Saturday July 12 @ 7pm, $10 at Door


“ never liked to be tagged as being one thing,” Terry Reid said, in that British accent that makes every story more melodic and every quip even more entertaining to listen to. “It’s very limiting. Who’s to say you can’t do this or that because you do ‘this’.” This quote from our conversation about the wide spectrum of his many musical stylings documented with decades of recording, also sums up the very character of this resilient artist. Having had to fight for artistic freedom since adolescence, Terry Reid, throughout his musical journey that took him through seasons of sunny fame and times of wintry obscurity, has always, ALWAYS, been true to the artist within himself. Still to this day, after all the bumps and bruises in the music industry that have taken many others out, Terry Reid’s heart and soul overflow with passion for his lifelong mistress: music. Just returning from a European tour that would exhaust a troubadour half his age, Reid has no intentions of slowing down just yet. “Retire? I can’t afford to retire,” he laughs! “The gigs are fine, and I like to play for a few hours and play all the different kinds of songs I write. Once you get on stage it’s the only peace and quiet you get. The only tiring thing is the travelin’. I think we figured out that we did 25,000 miles in England alone. I didn’t even know there was that many miles in England! It was a lot of fun. You see a lot of people you haven’t seen in years. This last tour I saw an old friend, Richy Cole an old road manager of ours who ended up with Led Zeppelin and all kinds of people. He was kind of standing back in the shadows. I turned around and said, ‘Colesy, is that you?’ It was great.” (Richard Cole: heavily involved in the rock music business from the mid-1960s to 2003, and is most famous for being the tour manager of English rock band Led Zeppelin from 1968 to 1980, and author of “Stairway to Heaven: Led Zeppelin Uncensored”). “The road gets a bit grueling, but I just enjoy it too much. Once I get out there, the pain goes away.” The most famous and misrepresented story told about Terry during music’s most influential and significant eras to date, was how he turned down the job to lead the group that eventually became the historic music sensation, Led Zeppelin. Terry did, as is often brought up, introduce Jimmy Page to future members Robert Plant and John Bonham, but Terry didn’t exactly “turn them down” so to speak. CVW: It seems a big story in your life is how you introduced Robert Plant and John Bonham to Jimmy Page, who eventually became super group, Led Zeppelin? Reid: Yeah, they (journalists) always get on with it. I hate to keep saying it. I think they (Led Zeppelin) even get tired of hearing it. I try to avoid the question. It really could have gone either way...they could’ve said, ‘Why’d you introduce me to these two blokes!’ But it didn’t go that way; it worked. CVW: When you were asked to front what was to become Led Zeppelin, did you turn them down because of contractual obligations?


Reid: Oh, it would have been Steve Marriott (Small Faces and Humble Pie) or Steve Winwood (Spencer Davis Group, Traffic, Blind Faith). He (Jimmy Page) was asking everyone. When you’re trying to put a band together you don’t put your eggs in one basket. The only problem was, he was asking guys with 12 number one hits and that sort of pissed them off a bit. If Steve Marriott was still around he’d have something funny to say about it. He called me up pissed off, ‘Did he ask you? The nerve he’s got!’ I was going on a tour with the Rolling Stones and I said to Jimmy, ‘Call Keith (Richards) up and tell him I’m not going on tour.’ Jimmy said, ‘Oh no! I’m not doing that!’ And, well, I wasn’t going to make that call. Fuck no! We’d already agreed; it wouldn’t look too well of me. That’d be a conversation to have on tape though...if he’d have called him. Keith, he’ll come around and shoot you in the leg! (Terry laughed). Everybody likes a good train wreck... that’s human nature. I never had a contract or anything written down with them (Rolling Stones). We’d talk on the phone, talk about the money, expenses were all paid for (cars, planes etc...) and that was the end of the story. They paid me every huge part of money that we agreed on. CVW: So basically, you were just keeping to your verbal commitment, and nobody wanted to have that conversation with Keith Richards. How did the story get twisted? Reid: I think what it was is, Jimmy, after Zeppelin got famous and he was doing interviews, someone asked, ‘Why Terry Reid didn’t come on?’ Well, he’d probably had enough of them asking, so he just said, ‘He turned it down.’ I didn’t turn it down. At the moment I was going on tour for a hell of a lot of money and he was not going to pay me or face Keith. CVW: Is Keith Richard’s that intimidating? Reid: You never know what Keith is going to say. He’s so funny! You can’t believe how quick he is. There was a reporter who asked Mick Jagger, ‘Have you had any facial work done?’ Mick said, ‘These are all laugh lines.’ So then they go and talk to Keith, and well...nobody’s going to ask Keith if he’s had any work done; he looks like Mount Rushmore. They ask him, ‘Well we know you haven’t, but has Mick had

any work done? He says they’re laugh lines.’ Keith sat for a second...’Laugh lines? Nothing’s that funny.’ Another time, we were doing a gig every Monday night at The Joint for a couple of years, and Keith would turn up every now and then. We’re staggering along, Keith’s all over me. We’d had a couple, and we’re just going on about the old days, and this friend of mine standing in front of us said, ‘You know I’ve been standing here for 10 minutes and I haven’t understood a word you’ve said.’ Keith looks at me and thinks for a minute... leans forward and says, ‘And you never will.’ On the other hand, I would not piss him off. He can get really gnarly if you piss him off. CVW: What was that tour like? Reid: 48 cities, all over the United States. Boy did it fly. Before I knew it, I was back in London. It was like a blur. CVW: The internet has changed the music industry dramatically. Do you think that’s a good or bad thing? Reid: If we had then, what we have now, it would have been amazing. You always used to have the problem of distribution: Is the record company really ‘into’ the record. You could really get the smell of it depending on how many they would print. You’d say, ‘What do you mean you only printed 6 instead of 6000?’ Now the record companies expect you to make your own records, and if it picks up enough hits, the record company will come in and make an offer. They spend their days watching the internet to see what peaks. CVW: Do you have plans on recording another album? Reid: I’m dying to make another recording. I’m always coming up with ideas; I just keep writing. I have a stockpile of songs. I wrote one on the road and I wrote one when I got back. CVW: What have been your favorite projects? Reid: Seed of Memory: I did it with a good friend of mine, Graham Nash. It wasn’t like recording; it was like friends just getting together to play with music. It was a great team. Everything went as smooth as butter. Then, I looked up, and all of a sudden it was over. I also really like The River. I worked with producer Tom Dowd (Eric Clapton, Aretha Franklin, Cream, The Eagles, Otis Redding, Chicago, Allman Brothers etc...). When you make an album, it’s a great opportunity to work with talented people who can see what you want to do and not try and change it. Other notable accomplishments include the song “Without Expression” by Reid and Graham Nash, from the album, “Bang Bang, You’re Terry Reid”, was recorded by The Hollies in 1968 as “A Man With No Expression” and by Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young in 1969 as “Horses Through a Rainstorm”, with Nash singing lead on both. In 1971, he got an invite to play at Mick Jagger’s wedding to Bianca in St Tropez. And more recently, Rob Zombie decided to put three of Terry’s songs from Seed of Memory on his film, “The Devil’s Rejects”. One thing Terry did NOT do, was appear at the infamous Rolling Stones concert at Altamont Music Festival as did The

Rolling Stones, Santana, Jefferson Airplane, Crosby Stills Nash and Young. The event is famous for the considerable violence that resulted in deaths, scores of injuries and stolen cars. A muse of sorts, floating in and out of the lives and music of some of Britain and America’s greats, Reid’s list of musical celebrity encounters and tales is endless. He has played festivals and shared stages with The Doors, Jimi Hendrix, The Who, Joni Mitchell, Miles Davies, Free, Leonard Cohen, Joan Baez, The Moody Collaborations of note were with Jackson Browne (still a good friend), Blues and ELP. He’s spent hours with Bob Dylan discussing music and has collaborated with countless others including Bonnie Raitt and Don Henley, just to name a few. The story of Reid’s adventures in life and music are so bountiful, it would take a second lifetime to tell them. But you can gather up the bountiful, golden pieces of his musical journey at every show. Reid says he probably talks too much, but the stories around his music are just and significant as the music itself. Saturday’s show at Schmidy’s Tavern, accompanied by his good and trusted, exceptionally talented friends, will be a musical walk through history and an opportunity that no person who calls themselves a lover of music should miss. Schmidy’s is located at the corner of Fred Waring and Highway 111. The show will start promptly at 7 PM. Entry is $10 at the door and seating is limited to first come first serve. Terry and friends will be followed by our own local rocking blues band, Voodoo Hustlers. Links to follow the musicians participating in the show:

Local Music Spotlight

Music on a Stick?


magine an instrument that gives you access to virtually limitless possibilities for musical expression. Imagine it combines your favorite elements of guitar, bass, keyboards and drums- all in one. Imagine it’s electric- wired for stereo output so you can use any combination of effects, amplifiers, even a guitar synthesizer or absolutely none at all. Well, there’s no need to imagine it- it already exists today and is celebrating its 40th birthday this year. Known as The Chapman Stick®, it was invented right here in Southern California by visionary musician Emmett Chapman in 1974. The still relatively little-known stringed instrument, sometimes simply called “The Stick”, is one of only three instruments ever invented in the United States and has been displayed in both The Smithsonian Institute in D.C. and the Musical Instrument Museum in Phoenix. So far, approximately 7000 of these instruments have been made by Chapman in his Woodland Hills, CA home and they have been shipped to players worldwide. Chapman wanted to play complex harmonies like a jazz pianist does but with the expressive dynamics of a rock guitarist- all at the same time! To do so, he developed a revolutionary two-handed tapping technique on modified guitars in the late 60’s but was not satisfied with how they performed. As a result, he pioneered a radical new stringed instrument specifically designed to accommodate his new playing technique. Thus, “The Stick” was born. Played with both hands at the same time- more like a piano than a guitar, The Stick enables musicians to create multi-part arrangements with both hands simultaneously. Herbie Hancock meets Jimi Hendrix- all on one instrument! The Stick has a pleasant, distinctive tone all it’s own and can be used in almost any type of music imaginable. In the early 80’s it was used mostly as a bass instrument by progressive rock artists like Peter Gabriel, Pink Floyd and King Crimson but was never truly introduced in a meaningful way to the general public. However, since then, independent artists and players around the world have mastered classical, jazz, rock and many other styles using The Stick. The versatile instrument is optimized specifically for a two-handed pianistic playing technique which makes for a powerful musical combination. Available with either 10 or 12 strings, The Stick is played by lightly tapping the strings to the frets- causing just enough vibration and sound energy to be heard by a sensitive pickup. The sound is then sent in stereo to one or more amplifiers. Half of the strings are called melody strings (in the guitar range) and are usually played using the right hand. The other half of the strings are in the bass range and normally played using the left hand. The instrument’s classic tuning of fourths in the melody and fifths in the bass allows for a mirror-like relationship between both hands. Transposing scales or chords can

by Michael Kollwitz

be much easier than on guitar because of the perfect intervals- allowing the player to make big poly chords using both hands, much like a keyboardist does. To make it sound even more dramatic: add the expressive qualities of a stringed instrument- like vibratos, bends, slides and percussive tapping. Although The Stick is an electric instrument, the player is treated to the same intimacy and feel that a classical guitarist enjoys, while at the same time has the chordal and melodic capabilities a pianist uses. Fingers directly engaging the strings, using both hands, allows the freedom to create never before heard compositions while adding expression over a range that covers almost 6 octaves. A pretty full musical palette for an instrument that weighs less than some electric guitars. Back in 1976, I had the good fortune to meet inventor Emmett Chapman at UC Riverside at a concert he gave at The Barn coffeehouse. Out back after the show, he let me try his unusual new instrument and I was immediately hooked! Shortly thereafter, I purchased one of his earliest instruments and took lessons with him off and on for over ten years. Since then, The Stick has been an enduring, lifelong passion and I’ve been fortunate to have introduced many people to the instrument at countless venues over the years. I’ve recently relocated to the Coachella Valley and I hope to continue spreading the music and knowledge of this amazing example of American ingenuity. Michael Kollwitz is a Chapman Stick musical artist based in Rancho Mirage. He can be reached at (775) 220-9866 or

desert djs

July 10 to July 16, 2014

By craig michaels

DJ Trevor Worden


hile most teenage boys are filling their spare time with sports and after school activities, Trevor Worden was obsessed with making mix tapes for his friends. At 14 years old, Trevor wasn’t just making ordinary mix tapes; “I was cutting parts of songs and arranging them to tell stories and adding in vocal samples to make it more interesting. I even took apart my tape recorder so I could manipulate the rubber bands with my fingers to recreate record scratch sounds” remembers Trevor. It was about six years later, Trevor would get bitten by the DJ bug; “I was at a birthday party and a friend of mine had brought his DJ set up with him and was playing music for us. When he wanted to take a break, I asked if I could try it out. The second I learned how that mixer worked, and what I could do with it, I was hooked. From that moment on, I put all my energy, time and money into learning and buying gear. It was like I was an addict. I would go without meals so I could buy more records. I was literally a vinyl junkie.” Trevor likes to joke about how his mother is also partially responsible for his passion of music, “while my mother was pregnant with me, she worked the door at a disco in San Diego. I think that I might have fallen in love with dance music in utero.” One skill in particular has helped make Trevor’s gigs successful and that is coming to each event with an open mind so he can customize the play list to please the crowd. “I don’t play at events for myself. I’m humble enough to know that I’m there to entertain, not to force my music down people’s throats. That’s why my tagline is “Your Friendly Neighborhood DJ,” emphasizes Trevor. While he plays what ever gets the crowd in front of him going, Trevor knows you can’t please everyone 100% of the time. He finds sometimes taking requests is a good way to build a relationship with the crowd Like all good DJs, Trevor enjoys listening to many genres of music but he has a serious passion for house music; “For me, house music creates a vibe that’s unique. Its complex rhythmic patterns, deep melodies and bass

Humbled and addicted to his craft

lines can create a mood and environment that’s spiritual in nature. You don’t just listen to house music, you feel it!” Trevor has joined a network of entertainers called, “Desert DJ Entertainment.” The group books and promotes both private and public events. One of his signature events is the art and mixed media shows. It’s kind of like a mini Coachella where art and music collide;”I like to inspire others with unique experiences. These shows also help local artists to grow and become involved in their community as well. I like to take the art experience out of a gallery setting, which can be a little intimidating for aspiring artists. I feel like I’m giving them a vehicle to grow, learn, and build confidence in themselves,” explains Trevor. His plans for the future include working with a few local artists to create interactive art and music experiences that will be unlike anything that’s ever been seen in this valley. Trevor is also very excited to announce that he has recently decided to enter the music production world, “I feel like it’s the next obvious step in my evolution.” If you would like to contact Trevor you can email him at: or like the Desert DJ Entertainment Group on Facebook at: Written By: Craig Michaels Musical Affair Entertainment


July 10 to July 16, 2014

Local Music Spotlight

3 Ear Experience & Fever Dog = DOG EAR rd


3rd Ear Expereince rd Ear Experience reaches beyond the customary rock and jam band stratum. At times defined as space rock or experimental rock, listeners are finding there really is no limit to the band’s horizons. To the layperson there may be an inclination to attempt to categorize 3rd Ear Experience. By human nature we are prone to compare anything new with everything old. It’s what allows us to determine if we like something or not. Like the 3rd eye, the 3rd ear is equivalent to a mythical and profound concept. It refers to an intellectual and undisclosed ear which provides auditory range beyond ordinary hearing. THAT is 3rd Ear experience. “When one looks into life and sees beyond the phantom of form then this is called ‘gazing with the third eye’. When one experiences listening to the soul of things within the sounds and silences of all things then one is listening with the third ear. It is out of this third ear experience that some of the best jams arise. There is no place better to achieve this than in the desert. All mystics have wandered into the deserts to find this experience. Did you know that when Moses went up the mountain the first words he actually heard were “musike musike musike” which means “listen listen listen”. Scholars tell us we get the word music from this word. In jamming and improvising the more one listens the closer one gets to the intimate fire.” You can gather by Robbi Robb’s description of his group and their music that there are no musical boundaries set. Robbi Robb is the guitar and voice of 3rd Ear Experience. “We are a group of friends, a micro community, who have come together to co-create spontaneously. We could be called occultists since we all love venturing into the unknown and unseen. As a result we create musical forms out of this love for the unknown. So I guess we fall under the “psychedelic space rock” genre more so than under the “stoner rock” category. The difference between mushrooms and beer I guess if you are into the category thing. We love it all.” Rounding out 3rd Ear Experience are Amritakripa on synthesizers and voice, Jorge Bassman on bass and voice, Erik Mouness on drums and Eric Ryan on guitars and synthesizer.


“The Ripening Years” Robb is from South Africa and formed the well established group Tribe After Tribe in 1984. With his long history in music comes the reaching of enlightenment and selfactualization. He describes this in depth. “In every way I feel I am ripening. My guitar playing is deepening and all the 120 years of studying jazz guitar and Indian music is now turning into an actual experience beyond mere knowledge and is coming into its own. My spirituality is my blood stream and causing changes in my cellular template and in my brain. And in my private life; my love for solitude and contemplation is deepening. I am fortunate to live in a community I can feel a part of and serve gladly and cheerfully and still maintain my solitude even in the midst of our wild and crazy parties.” Robb is also very introspective and utilizes the holistic approach to life. In watching him perform you see a man who is in the action stage of achieving his full potential or at least close to it. “I believe that life is a great Shaman speaking to me, and teaching me through all things known and unknown, in every phenomenon, in every sound, in every word and especially in the silences between all and within all things.” In 2013 3rd Ear Experience released Peacock Black which was comprised of jam sessions facilitated at the Furst Wurld Art and Performance Gallery in Joshua Tree, CA. The band included Dug Pinnick of King’s X and KXM on bass guitar. Those sessions involved Robbi Robb, Amritakripa, Eric Ryan, Alan Swanson and Eric Mouness as well as saxophone and didgeridoo with Aaron Merc and Kurosh Showghi. “I have worked with Dug for many years. Together we have done albums and toured the world. We were both signed to Megaforce Records and he loved the African grooves that my band was famous for and I loved him as a great sounding bassist and as an extremely sensitive, authentic human being who has an enormous reservoir of strength and courage, just like his bass sound. If you want to understand the true meaning of humility one should stand next to an African elephant in the African wilderness or you can stand next to Dug Pinnick when he opens up the flood gates of

Local Music Spotlight

by noe gutierrez his being.” 3rd Ear Experience are increasingly exposing others to their music. “We are in the final stages of mixing our 3rd album (no pun intended). And Kripa has a band that we have backed at festivals and have recorded an album with her, which is going to be mixed next. This year we had to cancel many gigs both locally and in Europe in order to get these albums done. Hopefully we can pick up where left off in that regard in the New Year. And then there are some really awesome collaborations planned in the very near future with some desert legends; one already in the works. But this I like to keep a little secret for now.” Fever Dog We need to know that Fever Dog is a psychedelic rock band from the California desert formed in 2006. Their members include Danny Graham (Golden Dove) on vocals/guitar, Theremin Joshua Adams (Blue Diamond) on drums/synthesizer and Nathan Wood (Thunder Child) on bass and sound generators. What is not necessarily important is their age. They are all 19 years old. In listening to the music, their music age is definitely older than 19. Fever Dog influences involve Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Yes, Emerson Lake & Palmer, King Crimson & KISS. Fever Dog is the name of a song by the fictional band ‘Stillwater’ in Coachella Valley native Cameron Crowe’s 2001 movie Almost Famous. They released the rock album Volume One in 2012. Fever Dog is getting ready to release their second full-length album entitled Second Wind, which will be available on compact disc via Interstellar Overlord Records, a label run by the band, and on cassette tape via Sunlips Records, a local Indio label. There will also be a Fever Dog comic book released in conjunction with the record. All artwork by Danny Graham and written by Jason Graham. Graham shared with me how the EP with 3rd Ear Experience came about. “Fever Dog met 3rd Ear Experience at a backyard show in Coachella in 2012 performing at a tour fund raiser for the Tribesmen. At a subsequent show opening for the Truckfighters at the Indio Performing Arts Center the two bands began discussing the release of a split album together. Eventually we got together at Robbi’s studio in Joshua Tree and recorded it.” Dog Ear Dog Ear is where the Hi and the Lo desert come together. A courageous experimental collaboration and split featuring the desert stoner rock of Fever Dog and the psychedelic

by jack st.clair

space rock of 3rd Ear Experience. In the chilly winter of 2013, Fever Dog’s drummer Joshua Adams (Blue Diamond) entered Star Lane Studios and stood before a drum kit designed by Robbi Robb comprised of various African and Garafuna drums. To his surprise, with hardly a word spoken, the recording button was activated and the studio door closed behind him. 15 minutes later he emerged disheveled. Then Nathan Wood (Thunder Child), Fever Dog’s bass guitarist, was shoved into the room, plugged his effects in and, with not much spoken, launched into an awesome pad of dark sonic bass over the tribal pagan groove he was hearing for the first time. And so it went, one after the other, each musician entered the studio and got one take. Dog Ear is the result of this free flowing recording session. Only one ‘take’ because in a free form jam one gets a single pass and then it is absorbed back into the universe. So it was that the members from each band got to enter into the fray and into a moment in time that will never return. Jorge Bassman, of 3rd Ear Experience, laid down a groovy cumbia like bass line that brought cheers from everyone. Amritakripa tied it all together with her psychedelic swirling between the guitars talking back and forth across the tribal canyon. Erik Mouness listened and said, “It’s done!” And so not playing and leaving the thing alone was his contribution, the gift of silent drumming. When all were done Robbi entered the studio, trimmed the edges and pressed save. No mixing, no EQ’ing, no effecting. Nothing more than “apple S” - save. Looking up at the tall Danny Graham (Golden Dove) with his long golden hair, Robbi got the nod of approval and the deed was done. Based on this collaborative piece each band then offered a piece of music each to sandwich the Dog Ear Jam. All proceeds of this recording on behalf of Elijah Spike will go to the Human Rights Campaign charity fund and The Botshabelo Orphanage, charity’s supported by Fever Dog and 3rd Ear Experience respectively. 3rd Ear Experience and Fever Dog will be performing live this Friday at Schmidy’s Tavern in Palm Desert to celebrate this achievement and to share it with the ‘Low D’. This is a FREE EVENT.

DOG EAR - Album review

Being critical of jam bands is a tough task. The repetitive nature of jam music can be freeing and constrictive all at the same time. Much of music is so dominated by the framework of lyrics and a semblance of storytelling that our brains are geared for. The lack of such a framework can be challenging. Dog Ear, a three song collection of music from the low desert band Fever Dog and the high desert band, 3rd Ear Experience, is most notable for what they achieve in their collaboration piece and title track, “Dog Ear”, than it is for their bookends – “One Thousand Centuries” by Fever Dog and “Jam with Rosemary and Bees” by 3rd Ear Experience. This is not to say that these pieces are any less engaging. It is only to say that process of arriving to the track “Dog Ear” is brave and inspiring. As already stated in the accompanying piece, these two bands struck up a mutual friendship and respect in 2012 and in 2013 decided to perform an interesting experiment. Starting with Fever Dog’s drummer, Joshua Adams – who laid down a tribal rhythm for the track – members of the two bands followed his lead one by one in the studio, each taking a pass at the song only a single time. They captured the moment without any self-conscious afterthought of what they should have done. It was all about the creation of the song at that instant in time. And that makes it the most intriguing. It would be a safe bet that if they tried it again you would hear something different. Hopefully something as unique as this. Though not for every listener, the songs will appeal to those that enjoy being taken

somewhere by the music. These are long jams, heavy on delay soaked wah guitars and trippy atmospheric sounds. The rhythm sections are locked into steady grooves. Definitely both bands have been heavily influenced by the psycodellic rock music of the late 60’s and early 70’s. Some bits of old Santana, mixed with the jam aspects of The Doors, plus elements from any number of jam bands you may know. It’s free-flowing and top notch musicianship is evident from both bands. But to be honest, if you didn’t know it, you’d think that all three tracks were performed by just one band. And let’s not ignore the Elephant in the room. It has been said that you must be under the influence some mind altering substance to enjoy music such as this (of which this reviewer was not and still enjoyed the listen). I certainly do not doubt that it could enhance your listening pleasure – but it isn’t required. The word ‘experience’ is really the key here. The music is the guide to your imagination. It will dictate the images and thoughts as you listen. Not unlike a good movie soundtrack. Only YOU are the writer to the movie and the script is influenced by the sounds provided. In one way it reminds me of NIN’s Ghost instrumental series that Trent Reznor put out a few years ago. Now certainly the music isn’t the same genre, but the thing in common is that the music sets a ‘mood’ for the listener to be in. If you are willing to be taken there, then this will be worth your time.


July 10 to July 16, 2014

By monica morones

Chuck Films


arlos Ortega AKA, “Chuck Films” has been dominating the music video scene in the Coachella Valley for the last few years and it is clear why when you see his work. Cinematic quality, state of the art equipment, and remarkable creativity distinguish his videos from the rest. With such a high demand for his work, this entrepreneur’s future looks very promising. Carlos, 33, was born in Mexicali, Baja California, but has been a resident of the Coachella Valley for the last nine years. At the age of 15, he picked up his first camcorder because he wanted to look like a “cool videographer.” He started recording family events and noticed that everyone would laugh at his videos. After realizing they were not laughing at him, but at themselves, a filmmaker was born. Chuck knew then that he wanted to entertain people. When Chuck was 24 he made the move to the states where he was introduced to skateboarding. He started to blend the two things that he loved: filmmaking and skateboarding. Learning to ride a skateboard while filming is something he mastered and is one of the things that makes him so unique. It was when filming a commercial for a local skate shop, that Chuck realized his passion for filmmaking was going to be more than just a hobby. “All my videos have a story about me, but there is one actual commercial that I made for a local skate shop (Eye Skate Shop in Coachella) that broke the ice into becoming what Chuck Films is today. That’s how I decided I wanted to make this my profession. The fact that every kid who rode a skate board wanted to be part of my videos made me want to do more and more videos,” Chuck says. Carlos started his company Chuck Films LLC in 2008 and has a wonderful team that he works with. “I am blessed to have the best production crew,” he says. His assistant Eddie Dismaya helps with behind the scenes, editing, and lots of production work. Manny Torres and Santos Reyes whom he calls “Los Pilotos” (the pilots) are his eyes in the sky, and hands down the best helicopter video crew around. His first professional video was a commercial for local car dealership I-10 Toyota. Since then he has made commercials for Honda, General Motors, and many promotional videos for businesses around the valley. Chuck Films has also worked with Telemundo, Univision, and Televisa along with some famous Mexican recording artists such as Banda Los Recorditos, Banda El Recodo, Los Tucanes de Tijuana and many more. In 2010, Chuck went to the Los Angeles Film School and added more technical knowledge to

Photo by Paco FNA

his already extensive resume and graduated in 2013. Having hands on experience was great but learning about high quality video format and the production of high end film editing really gave his company the edge that took it to another level. Chuck loves to produce and direct music videos because it allows him to express his creativity and talent and lets the artistic side of his craft come out. “Making music videos is like making a movie. I apply my feelings when I create and at the same time when I edit music videos I put myself in the artist’s shoes and look at it from their perspective not just from a directors stand point,” he said. Ask any musician in the valley who they would want to produce and direct their video and “Chuck Films” is always the first choice. I asked Chuck how it feels to be so sought after for his work, “I feel blessed. And at the same time its unexplainable, I must be doing something good,” he said. One of Chuck’s greatest inspirations is filmmaker/producer Guillermo Del Toro whom he says is a “genius”. Del Toro has directed films such as “Pacific Rim”, “Pans Labyrinth” and “The Hobbit”. Movies could be in the future for Chuck, if it is the right time “yes, why not?” He is currently in the process of working on four music videos and has six more lined up for the rest of the year, and many more things to come in 2015. Carlos Ortega’s goal for “Chuck Films” in the next few years is to continue working hard and become noticed around the world. When Chuck isn’t working he likes to spend time with his beautiful wife and son. They are his main support system and are the reason why he is where he is today.

Photos by Santos Reyes


July 10 to July 16, 2014

by Eleni P. Austin



eginning in the mid-70s, Los Angeles had a thriving Punk Rock scene that rivaled New York’s. It was a backlash to the laid-back music of Fleetwood Mac and cocaine cowboys like the Eagles. Back then, The Germs, the Weirdos, the Plugz and Fear crowded into scuzzy clubs like the Masque, the Anti-Club and Madame Wong’s. The best band to emerge from that era was X. X was formed in 1977 by Baltimore transplant John Doe (born John Nommensen Duchac) and L.A. guitarist Billy Zoom (born Tyson Kindell). During band practice, Doe brought along his girlfriend, budding poet Exene Cervenka (born Christene Lee Cervenka). She ended up joining the band and the line-up was complete when Donald J. “DJ” Bonebrake ditched the Eyes to pound the drums for X. X was one of the first bands signed to Slash Records, a fanzine turned record label. The band released their seminal debut, Los Angeles in 1980. They quickly followed up in 1981 with their sophomore effort, Wild Gift. Both were so critically acclaimed that big labels came a’courtin.’ X signed with Elektra and continued their streak of excellence with 1982’s Under The Big Black Sun and 1983’s More Fun In The New World. All four albums were produced by Doors keyboardist, Ray Manzarek. It was as though he was passing the L.A. music torch to the next generation. X went beyond the confines of Punk. Originally, the music was characterized by short, sharp songs accented by nihilistic doom-tastic lyrics. X had plenty of songs like that, but their sound also encompassed American roots music, like Rockabilly, Country and Folk. The lyrics, written by Doe and Cervenka, touched on real world issues like poverty, drug addiction, death and politics. Doe and Cervenka had married in 1980, and their soulful vocal interplay positioned them as the George Jones and Tammy Wynette of Punk Rock. By 1985, Doe and Cervenka were divorced, but they maintained their professional

WESTFIELD MALL 72840 Hwy 111 #171 Palm Desert, CA 92260 760-341-2017


“The Best of John Doe: This Far” (Yep Roc Records)

relationship. Mainstream success continued to elude X. Switching from Ray Manzarek to Heavy Metal producer, Michael Wagener, they opted for a more streamlined sound on Ain’t Love Grand! The strategy failed and Billy Zoom left the band. X soldiered on, replacing Zoom temporarily with ex-Blasters founder Dave Alvin, and more permanently with ex-Lone Justice guitarist, Tony Gilkyson. They released See How We Are in 1987 and a live record, Live At The Whisky A Go-Go, in 1988. Then the band went on hiatus. X would rebound in the ‘90s releasing a final studio album, Hey Zeus and a live, unplugged collection, Unclogged. By the end of the century, Zoom returned to the fold and the original line-up has been touring ever since. In fact, they will be playing a rare acoustic set at Pappy & Harriet’s on July 19th. In between X tours, the band members all stayed busy with side projects and solo endeavors. John Doe has carved out a respectable career as a character actor. Beginning in the late ‘80s with Allison Anders’ “Border Radio,” and continuing with critically acclaimed films like “Georgia,” “Boogie Nights” and “The Good Girl.” But he has really come into his own as a prolific solo artist. Since 1990 he has released eight solo albums. The Best Of John Doe: This Far is a generous 21 song collection offering highlights from Doe’s extensive discography. The album opens with “Telephone By The Bed,” an urgent rocker, accented by plangent guitar and a jittery beat. The lyrics limn the frustration of romantic miscommunication. Doe mines his Punk Rock roots on three tracks, “A Step Outside,” “Safety” and “Love Knows.” “A Step..” weds a stutter-step beat to scabrous guitar riffs. Doe’s voice feels crackly and filtered as he broods over a relationship that’s “punctured and collapsing.” On “Safety” growly guitar notes see-saw, ricocheting between Jazzy time-signatures. Doe’s yowly vocals underscore the pain of loneliness, noting there’s safety in numbers. Doe is at his most vitriolic on “Love Knows.” Spitting the verses out over dark,

Consider This

circuitous guitar riffs that slash and swirl with menace. The lyrics are a bitter denunciation of betrayal… “love knows what you won’t tell me, time knows where you’ve been spending.” Doe’s warm baritone shines best in a duet setting. Five tracks,“The Golden State,” “Hwy 5,” “Never Enough,” “Forever For You” and “This Far” pair Doe with crackling female energy. Teaming with Canadian singer Kathleen Edwards, “The Golden State” offers a skewed encomium to true love… “You are the hole in my head, I am the pain in your neck/you are the lump in my throat, I am the aching in your heart.” Anchored by a click-clack rhythm and fractious piano, Neko Case accompanies Doe on “Hwy 5,” a Bukowski-esque travelogue…. “Dirty needles in the street, petals soaked in blood and dirt/welcome to this town.” On “Never Enough,” Doe and (original “I Kissed A Girl” girl-kisser), Jill Sobule rail against materialism. A percolating conga beat and Los Lobos’ sax man Steve Berlin propel the action. “Forever For You” pairs Doe with Jane Wiedlin of the Go-Go’s. This tinkly shuffle offers an intimate look at a couple locked in a complicated pas de deux… “we’re not united, but we stand for each other.” Finally, “This far” with Aimee Mann, paints a vivid picture of conquering addictive love… ”Sometimes I miss you, but I won’t be with you/a memory is a terrible thing to waste.” Several tracks here burnish Doe’s Country Rock cred. “7 Holes” is a minor key, cracked Country waltz. Guitar, piano and mandolin intertwine as Doe spins a vivid yarn of regret and co-dependence…”I never did drink like you, but I held back your hair, like a girlfriend would do/When I told you how much I cared,

you turned away with a laugh and a stare.” Doe tries to out run heartache on “Faraway (From North Country).” On “Grain Of Salt” he’s broke down and busted, with only soaring pedal-steel and quiet piano for company. John Doe is at his most beautiful in the quieter moments. “Take # 52” is a bare-bones ballad. Meta and completely self-referential, Doe offers a window into his artistic process, as he sings a song about attempting to record a song. On “Poor Girl” he reconfigures the old X song, stripping the propulsive cha-cha-cha rhythms. It’s just his yearning vocals and acoustic guitar. Doe tries to unravel the mysteries of this enigmatic girl who says “I’ve been very ill and I’ve tried waking up. Now I want to be alone…” but she remains elusive. With a few deft phrases, “Twin Brother” sketches a lonely portrait of two brothers trying to navigating the shoals of an abusive childhood....“Mom’s gonna be mad, probably scream for an hour, put us in our room and won’t give us dinner.” Other interesting tracks include the barbed tone poem of “Catch Me,” the ernest “Tragedy,” the shambolic blues of “Worried Brow” and the Rockabilly thrust of “Dying To Get Home.” The album closes the philosophical “Sueltame,” (loosely translated from Spanish, it means “leave me alone”). Here Doe rhetorically asks “How can anyone know how life cuts you down and it lays you low/How it fills you up and lets you go?” X and John Doe have been around so long that people overlook the stunning songcraft he has been creating for more than 35 years. His economic use of language begs comparisons to California writers like John Fante, Nathanael West and James M. Cain. His melodies are both meaningful and memorable, touching on all idioms of American music. His vocals are soaring, passionate and intimate. Ironically, X and John Doe have been eligible for the Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame for nearly 10 years. The Best: So Far allows new admirers to become acquainted with John Doe’s expansive catalog of songs. Longtime fans are able to view his music in a different light, since the album is sequenced by mood, rather than chronology. So go ahead, what are you waiting for? Dig in.


July 10 to July 16, 2014


he Coachella Valley Art Scene is proud to present a new art show featuring works from two young ladies, Sofia Enriquez and Jenn Stern. Their duo art show, SWAP. SOME. SPIT., is a hot show in the heat of the summer. Opening Reception is Saturday, July 19th, 7pm10pm. Pieces will be for sale at the show as well as online. Hope you can make it out. Support your local art scene. SOFIA ENRIQUEZ Street culture & promiscuity. Illustrations & lace. She’s a Cathedral City native who is up next. JENN STERN Repetition & sexuality. Erotic & grotesque. She’s a Chicago native living in the desert. The Coachella Valley Art Scene 68571 East Palm Canyon Drive Cathedral City, CA 92234 (760) 650-CVAS


July 10 to July 16, 2014

PET PLACE A Session with Cherie, The Pet Psychic H

ave you ever wondered what your dog was thinking when he looks up at you with those big brown eyes? Have you ever sensed he was trying to tell you something, but not sure what it might be? If you adopted a rescue animal, are you curious about his past? Cherie Vergini, the Coachella Valley’s resident pet communicator and psychic, may have some answers for you. Cherie Vergini is an engaging, charming woman with the unusual career of pet communicator. At an early age, Cherie was able to intuitively tune in to both people and animals. Her work with rescuing animals from high kill shelters made her realize that understanding their past was helpful to the healing of these abandoned and often abused creatures. I recently had the opportunity to sit in during a session with Cherie V. and a local dog owner. Her Pomeranian pup, Tucker, exhibited excessive barking and lunging towards other dogs to the point of frenzy, particularly when he was on leash. Tucker was recently attacked and injured by a larger dog, and his negative reaction toward other canines intensified

Cutie Terrier Precious Terrier girl dreams of a home with you! This 3-yr-old playful pup is dog ID#1121554 at the Coachella Valley Animal Campus, 72-050 Pet Land Place, Thousand Palms. Call (760) 343-3644.

Gorgeous Tortie

Strikingly beautiful Tortoise Shell “Tortie” female cat seeks home! This 2-yr-old charmer is ID#1114953 at the Coachella Valley Animal Campus, 72-050 Pet Land Place, Thousand Palms. Call (760) 343-3644.


thereafter. Cherie quickly noted that while Tucker’s behavior appeared “aggressive”, it was actually fear based and the result of anxiety. It was fascinating to observe Cherie bridge the communication gap between human and animal. She relayed numerous messages between “pup and person”. Cherie offered some practical solutions to Tucker’s human. “Take him to an off leash dog park to desensitize him being around the company of other dogs at a time where it is not very crowded with other pups. Give him some Rescue Remedy and try using a Thundershirt (a relatively new anti-anxiety garment available at pet stores) before he goes outside. A few drops of Lavender essential oils applied lightly to a dog’s foot pads and ears, also has a calming effect. Dogs pick up on our anxiety, and so it’s important for you to remain calm. Keep directing him forward when you pass another dog on a leash. While walking, provide him with a distraction to help him get beyond the anxiety trigger, which is the other dog. Find a friend with a dog and practice doing walk bys.” One of the messages Cherie relayed from

by Janet McAfee

Tucker concerned the dog lunging problem. He wanted his person to realize, “You have to keep pushing me to do better!” The fluffy fellow also inquired about getting another haircut because the weather was so hot. His request for “rabbit” dog food brought chuckles from the humans, but the pup looked quite serious. He also wished to have a doggie door installed in their new home…. sadly, he was told this was not possible as they were now renting. Tucker’s human happily reports she is experiencing a more loving bond with him since the session. She noted that Cherie gave an incredibly accurate description of a dog that is no longer in Tucker’s life, adding how much the pup misses him. Cherie believes this is why Tucker is either negative or indifferent to the many foster dogs that have passed through his household. She suggested posting a photo of his treasured companion dog to ease his sadness over this loss. Cherie has lots of good advice for pet owners. “Many people fail to look at the world through their animal’s perspective. Dogs in particular require visual and mental stimulation in a positive way to release their energy. When left home alone for 8 or 9 hours a day, may pets become bored experiencing the stillness and quiet of an empty home. Turn on soft music to comfort them. Just like humans want to be with other people, most dogs also long to be around their own kind.

fabulous Freddie

I will entertain you in exchange for a fabulous home and squeaky toys! I’m a 1-yr-old boy weighing 6 pounds, a Terrier/Chihuahua blend. I love to run & play, and seek a home with another small dog. Loving All Animals rescued me. Adoption donation. Call (760) 834-7000

Doggie day care or outings to the local dog park may provide this companionship.” Cherie offers workshops for pet owners who want to communicate with their animals on a deeper level. Cherie believes that all of us have the ability to communicate with our pets. She explains, “Most people want a deeper connection with their animals. It’s a matter of trusting your gut instinct. You may get a sense of what they are thinking from the way they look at you. You can learn to quiet your subconscious enough to give and receive messages from your pet. Many people just know instinctively what their animal wants. Don’t try to rationalize things, or you will lose the communication.” In addition to dogs and cats, Cherie’s clients have included horses, donkeys, birds, lamas, ostriches, and even a warthog that was unwilling to mate. The solution for the warthog was to bring in a new female warthog! Many of her cases have involved finding a missing pet. Cherie explains, “Giving your pet an opportunity to communicate some of the things they would like you to know can provide real insight into their personality and deepen your relationship to them.” You can meet up with Cherie at the Ambrosia Pet Deli in Palm Desert where she conducts monthly mini sessions. Sessions may be conducted in person with your pet or by telephone. More information is available on her website at Contact Cherie to schedule a session at (818) 577-5247. Cherie may have some amazing information that will increase your joy at sharing home and heart with Fido or Fluffy!

July 10 to July 16, 2014

by Rick Riozza

Break Out Red for Summertime


know—a lot of you red wine drinkers are jonesin because all we’ve been writing about this season are summer white and rosé wines. So to keep our egalitarian wine community happy, let’s indeed take a break from that coverage and plunge into what we can call summer red wines. So let’s say there are at least two types: Red wines that can be chilled when served— maybe not as chilled as a refreshing white, but chilled up none-the-less without affecting the varietal taste of the wine (like sparkling Shiraz, Beaujolais Villages, Bardolino & Valpolicella). And, those reds that are served at the summer dinner table where the classic red and black fruit profile is present, but the wine is more medium-bodied and not a heft on the lighter cuisine of the season. We red wine lovers can handle some pretty full-bodied stuff—and we love it! But we may be a bit over the edge if we’re cajoling with Chateauneuf du Papes, Barolos, and full-bodied heavy duty Napa Valley Cabs when it’s over 100 degrees out! And we know a few of you die-hards are doing just that! But I’ll tell you, some of those 15.5% to 16% alcohol levels in the boot-strapping Zinfandels can take you down. Nothing like bloating up & checking out at dinner time! Our love affair with California Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot is incessant. Yes, we know to pay homage to Bordeaux where these varietals were originally from, and the usual red wine blend there in France is some combination of Cab Sauv, Merlot, Cabernet Franc, Petit Verdot, Malbec, and maybe there’s still some Carménère around. (Cheers to Chile and Argentina where Carménère and Malbec, respectively, are dynamic.) At its best, Cabernet Sauvignon produces wines with deep, dark colors that offer complex scents and concentrated flavors ranging from blackberries, crème de cassis, black cherries, boysenberry, blueberry and chocolate when young, to fragrances of tobacco, truffle, cedar wood, earth, lead pencil and leather when mature. The wines can be rich and concentrated, as well as

tannic. And after quite a few decades of California living, Cal Cabs have shown the ability to age extremely well when grown in good soils and allowed ample time to ripen. I remember in the 80’s, Merlot wine was the sweetheart of the “new wave” of young wine aficionados who loved to drink a wine a little mellower than the tannic Cabernet Sauvignon. And they loved not pronouncing the “t” in the word. The first vintage of the Marilyn Merlot wine brand with its black label and the sultry Marilyn on it, was a hit—I bought a few bottles and should have kept them as they became a collector’s item. The Merlot grape brings a range of fresh flavors such as plums, cherries, blueberries and blackberries mixed with cocoa and black pepper tones. The tannins—those strong puckering qualities are typically mellower than a Cab and the fruit flavors are more forward—a wonderful quaff for those who are just getting into red wines. And for those of us who’ve been drinking the stuff for more years than we can count, Merlot can offer some fabulous flavors. As mentioned in Bordeaux—so too in California, Merlot typically blends with Cabernet Sauvignon and Cabernet Franc. By blending Merlot with Cabs, each varietal works on the other: Cabs are softened, mellowed a bit and the Merlot relishes more structure and definition. Recently I had the pleasure of enjoying a couple of Franciscan Estate Wines, the 2011 Napa Valley Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon and they are the perfect red wines for the summer meal. Both wines are medium-tofull-bodied, as expected—but nothing heavy or bloating. Both wines match beautifully the meal—light cuts of meat, chicken, Asian-style pork and plates with grilled fruits abounding. Taking pleasure in a grilled steak dinner, our family had the Merlot which showed aromas of cassis, tobacco, vanilla and baking spices around sweet herb notes of sage and marjoram. Then a layer of deep black cherry and plum came wafting alongside anise and leather. You could “nose” this wine all evening. A flavorful tasting of dark berries and black currants with mocha, clove, and hints of rosemary carried this velvety vino

into elegance with a great finish of blackberry and a touch hazelnut. Definitely a “Cab-lover’s Merlot for its richness. For around $20 a bottle at Pavilions in Rancho Mirage, I challenge anyone to present me a Merlot that can match this quality and price. The Cab was of course a bit more fullbodied but stylish and Bordeaux-like. I’ll cover this wine in a later up-coming Cab article. But a quick note on Franciscan Estate. It was established in 1973 and began producing wines of true character from their Oakville estate in 1975. I know—so many of you wine country travelers always perk up when you hear about a Napa Valley Oakville Cab. The appellation is located in the heart of Napa Valley and within this small district you will find the greatest concentration

of preeminent producers of Cabernet Sauvignon. The Oakville Winegrowers association writes, “The Oakville district of Napa Valley is so influential that a simple recitation of prominent Oakville winegrowers, from pioneers Robert Mondavi and Joseph Heitz to powerhouse brands Groth, Far Niente, Opus One and Joseph Phelps, through “cult Cabernet” producers Dalla Valle, Harlan Estate and Screaming Eagle, tells the condensed story of Napa Valley wine.” With winemaker Janet Myers at the helm at Franciscan Estate, we get to link up with premium quality Oakville wine at the most reasonable prices. Cheers! Rick is the Wine Steward of Rancho Mirage and somm-about-town entertaining at wine events & tastings. Contact winespectrum@


July 10 to July 16, 2014

Club Crawler Nightlife


Scan the QR Code to get the Club Crawler Nightlife on your Mobile Device via the Smartphone Phone Book!

THUR JULY 10 29 PALMS INN; 29 Palms; 760-367-3505 Rojer & Bobby 6pm ACE HOTEL; PS; 760-325-9900 Reunion w/ DJ Day Amigo Room 10pm AJ’S ON THE GREEN; C.C.; 760-202-1111 Paul Elia 7-10pm AZUL; PS; 760-325-5533 John Bolivar 7pm BLUEMBER; RM; 760-862-4581 John Stanley King 6-10pm CORK TREE; PD; 760-779-0123 Live Entertainment 6pm DESERT FOX; PS; 760-325-9555 Thirsty Thursdays 7pm DHS SPA LOUNGE; DHS; 760-329-6787 Karaoke w/ DJ Scott 9pm ESCENA LOUNGE & GRILL; PS; 760-9920002 Lola Rossi, Rob Carter and Denise Motto 5-9pm THE GRILL ON MAIN; LQ; 760-777-7773 Rob Martinez & Todd Ashley 8:30pm HARD ROCK HOTEL; PS; 760-325-9676 “Flirt” Hosted by Bella Da Ball Music from Disco to the 40’s,80’s and Funk 7pm THE HOOD; PD; 760-636-5220 Locals Night 9pm

KOKOPELLI’S; YV; 760-228-2589 Karaoke w/ Roberto 8pm LAS CASUELAS TERRAZA; PS; 760-3252794 Hot Rox LIT@FANTASY SPRINGS; IND; 760-3452450 Country Night w/ Against the Grain 8pm THE LOUNGE, AGUA CALIENTE; RM; 888-999-1995 Nash with Quinto Menguante 8-1am MARGARITA’S; PS; 760-778-3500 Live Music 6pm MELVYN’S RESTAURANT & LOUNGE; PS; 760-325-2323 Ron Greenip 8pm NEIL’S LOUNGE; IND; 760-347-1522 Karaoke 8pm-1:15am THE NEST; PD; 760-346-2314 Kevin Henry 6-8pm Tim Burleson 8pm PAPPY & HARRIET’S; PT; 760-365-5956 An evening w/ Winter with special guest Ted Quinn 8pm PURPLE ROOM@CLUB TRINIDAD; PS; 760-327-1161ext.230 The Guava Jellies 7pm RIVIERA RESORT & SPA; PS; 760-3278311 Martin Ross Starlite Lounge 8pm SAMMY G’s; PS; 760-320-8041 Evaro Brothers 8pm SCHMIDY’S; PD; 760-837-3800 Red’s Rockstar Karaoke 9pm SULLIVAN’S STEAKHOUSE; PD; 760341-3560 Dude Jones 6pm TACK ROOM TAVERN; IND; 760-3479985 Karaoke w/ T-Bone 8-12am TERRA LAGO GOLF CLUB; IND; 760-7752000 The Carmens 6pm VILLAGE PUB; PS; 760-323-3265 DJ Khodi Rayne 4:30-9pm, Nite Fixx 9-2am WESTIN MISSION HILLS; RM; 760-3285955 Michael Keeth 6-10pm WOODY’S BURGER; PS; 760-230-0188 Sharon Sills & Barney McClure 6pm ZELDA’S; PS; 760-325-2375 Beach Party Thursdays 9pm



29 PALMS INN; 29 Palms; 760-367-3505 The Bob Garcia Band 6pm 19TH HOLE; PD; 760-772-6696 Karaoke w/ T Bone 9pm ACE HOTEL; PS; 760-325-9900 T.B.A. AJ’S ON THE GREEN; C.C.; 760-202-1111 Karaoke w/ AJ The KJ 8-12am AZUL; PS; 760-325-5533 Noches Azul Latin Night 8pm BAR; PS; 760-537-7337 DJ Journee 10pm BILLY REED’S; PS; 760-325-1946 Live Music 6-10pm BISTRO 60 @TRILOGY; LQ; 760-5010620 The Carmens 6pm BLUE BAR, SPOTLIGHT 29; INDIO; 760775-5566 DJ PWee 8pm BLUEMBER; RM; 760-862-4581 The Stanley Butler Trio 6-10pm CASCADE LOUNGE, SPA RESORT CASINO; PS; 888-999-1995 DJ Michael Wright 9-1am CORK TREE; PD; 760-779-0123 Live Entertainment 6pm

DATE SHED; IND; 760-775-6699 9pm DICKIE O’NEALS IRISH PUB; PS; 760325-2600 Lassie Jo’s Best Damn Karaoke 7pm EL MEXICALI CAFÉ 2; IND; 760-342-2333 Cesar Daniel Lopez on the harp 6-9pm THE GRILL ON MAIN; LQ; 760-777-7773 House Band 8:45pm HAMILTON’S; LQ; 760-698-8303 8pm HARD ROCK HOTEL; PS; 760-325-9676 “Jump Off” DJ Colourvision 9pm Lobby, DJ Shasta & MC Esjay 11pm Lobby THE HOOD; PD; 760-636-5220 War Drum and Vanagons 9pm INDIAN WELLS RESORT HOTEL; IW; 760345-6466 Michael D’Angelo 6pm JOSHUA TREE SALOON; JT; 760-3662250 Live DJ 8:30pm KOKOPELLI’S; YV; 760-228-2589 T.B.A. 7:30pm LAS CASUELAS TERRAZA; PS; 760-3252794 Palm Springs Sound Company,in the afternoon,Hot Rox,in the night LIT@FANTASY SPRINGS; IND; 760-3452450 Six Hot Live 9pm THE LOUNGE; AGUA CALIENTE; RM; 888-999-1995 DJ 9pm MARGARITA’S; PS; 760-778-3500 Live Music 6pm MELVYN’S RESTAURANT & LOUNGE; PS; 760-325-2323 Ron Greenip 8pm NEIL’S LOUNGE; IND; 760-347-1522 Karaoke 8-1:15am THE NEST; PD; 760-346-2314 Kevin Henry 6-8pm Tim Burleson 8pm PALM CANYON ROADHOUSE; PS; 760327-4080 T.B.A. 9pm PALM DESERT COUNTRY CLUB; PD; 760-345-0222 T.B.A. 6:30pm PAPPY & HARRIET’S; PT; 760-365-5956 Solid Ray Woods 8pm PJ’S SPORTS LOUNGE; YV; 760-228-1199 T.B.A. 9pm PLAN B LIVE ENTERTAINMENT AND COCKTAILS; TP; 760-343-2115 Red’s Rockstar Karaoke 9pm PURPLE ROOM@CLUB TRINIDAD; PS; 760-327-1161ext.230 The P.S. Voice Competition 5:30pm, Tony Grandberry 9pm RED BARN; PD; 760-346-0191 T.B.A. 9pm RIVIERA RESORT & SPA; PS; 760-3278311 Martin Ross Starlite Lounge 6pm, Mercedes Moore Sidebar Lounge 10pm, DJ Dirty Honey Starlite Lounge 10pm ROC’S FIREHOUSE; PD; 760-340-3222 Stacked ( Pat Mahon, Carrie Wilson and Lisa Lynn Morgan ) 6:30pm SAMMY G’s; PS; 760-320-8041 Evaro Brothers 8pm SCHMIDY’S; PD; 760-837-3800 3rd Ear Experience and Fever Dog 9pm SHANGHAI RED’S @ THE FISHERMAN’S MARKET; LQ; 760-777-1601 Barry Baughn Blues 8-11pm SOUL OF MEXICO; IND; 760-200-8787 Latin Rock 10pm SULLIVAN’S STEAKHOUSE; PD; 760341-3560 Demetrious and Co. TACK ROOM TAVERN; IND; 760-347-

9985 T.B.A 9pm TILTED KILT; PD; 760-773-5458 Tilted @ Night 10pm TRILUSSA ITALIAN RISTORANTE; PS; 760-328-2300 Julius & Sylvia Music Duo 6-10pm VIBE; MORONGO CASINO; CAB; 951-7555391 The Rick Whitfield Band 10pm VILLAGE PUB; PS; 760-323-3265 T.B.A. 1:30-4:30pm, Nite Fixx 9-2am, DJ Anwaar Hines 9-2am VUE GRILLE & BAR; IW; 760-834-3800 Slim Man Solo Show 5:30pm WILLIE BOYS; MV; 760-363-3343 Crazy Town 9pm THE WINE BAR AT OLD TOWN; LQ; 760564-2201 Rob & jb 7-10pm WOODY’S BURGER; PS; 760-230-0188 Rose Mallett w/ Mark Hasselbach 6:30pm ZELDA’S; PS; 760-325-2375 Girl’s Night out w/ The Men on the Hollywood Strip 9pm

SAT JULY 12 29 PALMS INN; 29 Palms; 760-367-3505 Bev & Bill 6pm 19TH HOLE; PD; 760-772-6696 Karaoke w/ T-Bone 9pm ACE HOTEL; PS; 760-325-9900 T.B.A. 10pm AJ’S ON THE GREEN; C.C.; 760-202-1111 Cabaret on the Green w/ Les Michaels & Joel Baker 7-10pm AZUL; PS; 760-325-5533 Chix Mix-LAW 7pm BAR; PS; 760-537-7337 Live Music 10pm BILLY REED’S; PS; 760-325-1946 Music 6-10pm BISTRO 60 @TRILOGY; LQ; 760-5010620 The Carmens 6pm BLUE BAR; SPOTLIGHT 29; IND; 760775-5566 DJ PWee BLUEMBER; RM; 760-862-4581 Live Music 6-10pm CASCADE LOUNGE, SPA RESORT CASINO; PS; 888-999-1995 DJ Michael Wright 9-1am CORK TREE; PD; 760-779-0123 Live Entertainment 6:30-9:30pm DATE SHED; IND; 760-775-6699 9pm DHS SPA LOUNGE; DHS; 760-329-6787 Karaoke w/ DJ Scott 9pm DICKIE O’NEALS IRISH PUB; PS; 760325-2600 T.B.A. 8pm EL MEXICALI CAFÉ 2; IND; 760-342-2333 Cesar Daniel Lopez on the harp 6-9pm FIRESIDE LOUNGE; PS; 760-327-1700 T.B.A. 9pm THE GRILL ON MAIN; LQ; 760-777-7773 The Refills 8:45pm THE GROOVE LOUNGE; SPOTLIGHT 29; INDIO; 760-775-5566 DJ 8pm HAMILTON’S; LQ; 760-698-8303 Motown 8pm HARD ROCK HOTEL; PS; 760-325-9676 “Solid” Guest DJs, 11am poolside, 9pm Lobby Splash House 11-8pm THE HOOD; PD; 760-636-5220 Throw the Goat, Accustomed to Nothing and Blasting

echo 9pm INDIAN WELLS RESORT HOTEL; IW; 760345-6466 Rich Bono & Poupee Boccaccio 6pm JOSHUA TREE SALOON; JT; 760-3662250 T.B.A. 8pm KOKOPELLI’S; YV; 760-228-2589 T.B.A. 6pm, Karaoke w/ Roberto 8pm LAS CASUELAS TERRAZA; PS; 760-3252794 Palm Springs Sound Company,in the afternoon,Hot Rox,in the night LIT@FANTASY SPRINGS; IND; 760-3452450 Six Hot Live 9pm THE LOUNGE, AGUA CALIENTE; RM; 888-999-1995 Fresh 9pm MELVYN’S RESTAURANT & LOUNGE; PS; 760-325-2323 Ron Greenip 8pm MARGARITA’S; PS; 760-778-3500 Live Music 6pm NEIL’S LOUNGE; IND; 760-347-1522 Karaoke 8-1:15am THE NEST; PD; 760-346-2314 Kevin Henry 6-8pm Tim Burleson 8pm PALM CANYON ROADHOUSE; PS; 760327-4080 T.B.A. 9pm PALM DESERT COUNTRY CLUB; PD; 760-345-0222 T.B.A. 6:30pm PAPPY & HARRIET’S; PT; 760-365-5956 The Growlers w/ Mr. Elevator & The Brain Hotel 7pm PJ’S SPORTS LOUNGE; YV; 760-228-1199 T.B.A. 9pm PLAN B LIVE ENTERTAINMENT AND COCKTAILS; TP; 760-343-2115 Summer Heat Hip Hop Party 9pm PURPLE ROOM@CLUB TRINIDAD; PS; 760-327-1161ext.230 Kal David & The Real Deal 9pm RENAISSANCE PALM; PS; 760-322-6100 Art of Sax featuring Sax Man Will Donato & Eddie Reddick 7-10pm RED BARN; PD; 760-346-0191 Tattooed Nanny 9pm RIVIERA RESORT & SPA; PS; 760-3278311 Chiki Bar Pool Party w/ DJ Shasta poolside noon, Martin Ross, Starlite Lounge 6pm, Mercedes Moore Sidebar Lounge 10pm, DJ Shasta, Starlite Lounge 10pm ROCKYARD@FANTASY SPRINGS; IND; Playground and Wanted ( Tribute to Bon Jovi ) 7:30pm ROC’S FIREHOUSE; PD; 760-340-3222 Stacked ( Pat Mahon, Carrie Wilson and Lisa Lynn Morgan ) 6:30pm SAMMY G’s; PS; 760-320-8041 Evaro Brothers 8pm SCHMIDY’S; PD; 760-837-3800 Terry Reed w/ Meltdown 7pm Voodoo Hustlers 10pm SHANGHAI RED’S @ THE FISHERMAN’S MARKET; LQ; 760-777-1601 Barry Baughn Blues 8-11pm SIDEWINDER GRILL; DHS; 760-329-7929 Karaoke w/ Milly G 6pm SOUL OF MEXICO; IND; 760-200-8787 Latin Music 10pm SULLIVAN’S STEAKHOUSE; PD; 760341-3560 Dude Jones 6pm TACK ROOM TAVERN; IND; 760-3479985 The Mighty Delta-Tones 9pm

July 10 to July 16, 2014

TILTED KILT; PD; 760-773-5458 Eevaan Tre 9pm TRILUSSA ITALIAN RISTORANTE; PS; 760-328-2300 Julius & Sylvia Music Duo 6-10pm VIBE, MORONGO CASINO; CAB; 951755-5391 DJ Hektik 10pm VILLAGE PUB; PS; 760-323-3265 Rob & JB 1:30-4:30pm, Nite Fixx 9-2am, DJ Anwaar Hines 9-2am VUE GRILLE & BAR; IW; 760-834-3800 Jeff 5:30pm WILLIE BOYS; MV; 760-363-3343 Walt Young 6pm, Red’s Rockstar Karaoke 9pm THE WINE BAR AT OLD TOWN; LQ; 760564-2201 Scott Carter 7-10pm WOODY’S BURGER; PS; 760-230-0188 Stanley Butler Band 7pm ZELDA’S; PS; 760-325-2375 DJ PJ 9pm

SUN JULY 13 29 PALMS INN; 29 Palms; 760-367-3505 Bob & Allison 6pm ACE HOTEL; PS; 760-325-9900 DJ noon poolside, Slacker Sunday 10pm continue to page 24

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July 10 to July 16, 2014

The Pampered Palate

July 10 to July 16, 2014

By Raymond Bill

Sessions at The Hard Rock Hotel palm Springs


f you have not had the chance to visit the new Hard Rock Hotel in Palm Springs, you are missing out on the hottest new venue for dining and entertainment in our desert. The moment you enter the hotel, you are surrounded with their signature memorabilia on the walls. Costumes and musical instruments used by legendary performers like Elvis, Cher and Lady Gaga are showcased for all to see. Most plaques mention the stars’ local connection to our valley and you are sure to

learn something from a quick stroll through the main lobby. After spending some time to admire the collection, my date and I would end up at Sessions Restaurant for what would be a fantastic dinner. The dining room is elegant yet casual with hard wood flooring and modern lighting, while the staff was dressed comfortably in khakis and loose shirts. Every single employee was genuinely happy and welcoming, true ambassadors of their restaurant. We were seated in a large booth

where we could enjoy our private evening together without feeling like we were center stage. We began with fresh seared Ahi Tuna and a Wedge Salad. Portions were perfect and flavors were grand. The salad was topped with large chunks of candied bacon and bleu cheese dressing. It is my new favorite. I have to mention that even though we were not seated at the bar, or even close to the bar, I could see from our booth how talented the bartender is by how she interacts with her full counter while preparing drinks for the restaurant. Our cocktails were perfect, and the atmosphere is fun and lively. The music surrounding us was perfect for the venue. We were serenaded by talented, relevant artists like MGMT, Phoenix and Vampire Weekend. Our entrees arrived, more impressive than described on the menu. I ordered the Steak En Frites and received a large New York strip steak, cooked to order, aside thick Yukon gold potato “fries” with a touch of truffle oil and garnished with large caper berries and greens. The steak was topped with a savory butter that was simply mouthwatering. It was honestly one of the best steaks I have had in the desert, having eaten at every steakhouse. My date enjoyed a slow braised Beef Short Ribs that

were as flavorful as they were tender. Our meals were paired with wine from their reasonably priced wine menu. What the menus lack in quantity, they over deliver in quality! Our server, Cole, was charming and attentive, making our date night memorable. We ordered dessert after his recommendations and shared a trio of sorbet as well as their, “She’s Come Undone” dessert, a deconstructed tiramisu. The lady finger cookies were crunchy, accented with Amaretto Zabaglione and rich Ganache chocolate. Our evening was perfection. If not for the Rock and Roll history and memorabilia, visit the Hard Rock Hotel for the great food and service at Sessions! Check out their menu online along with other information about the Hard Rock at or just stop in and see for yourself. The Hard Rock Hotel is located at 150 South Indian Canyon Dr. in the heart of downtown Palm Springs.

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July 10 to July 16, 2014

Movie Reviews with Robin E. Simmons



he last half of 2014 offers a splendid, wonderfully eclectic mix of intriguing films for all tastes. Here’s a random sampling of a few of the more fascinating movies we can look forward to enjoying in the coming months. I think they all offer Academy Award© caliber performances.

Godfather of Soul and international fame. Viola Davis and Octavia Spencer costar. Mick Jagger is a producer along with Brian Grazer. This one has heat. Boseman will be nominated for his intense incarnation of Brown. Bet on it. Universal. August 1.

Screeners No.119

and stripper haunts with the kid. Melissa McCarthy is the lad’s mom and Naomi Watts plays a stripper. Ted Malfi directs. Weinstein. October 24. INTERSTELLAR

this crucial code was cracked has never been fully told -- at least on film. Benedict Cumberbatch (Sherlock Holmes, the voice of Smaug, etc) is cryptographer Alan Turning. This tense, revealing historical drama from director Morten Tyldum offers a personal take on one of the biggest secrets that arguably changed the course of modern history. Weinstein. November 21. EXODUS: GODS AND KINGS



The amazing Andy Serkis is the heart and soul in this reboot of Fox’s more successful franchises. Set ten years after RISE OF THE PLANET OF THE APES, Serkis’ genetically altered Caesar is tougher and much smarter. You may find yourself cheering for a species other than you own as Caesar leads the uprising to dethrone man as the superior species. This is an incredible film that’s even better than its finely crafted predecessor. Matt Reeves directs with a very sure hand. Fox. July 11.

Gillian Flynn’s huge bestseller comes to the screen with Ben Affleck as the husband suspected of killing his wife (Rosamund Pike) on their fifth wedding anniversary. This greatly anticipated suspense thriller has mega-hit written all over it. For many readers, the book was hard to put down and the faithful film adds a few new elements to ramp-up the mystery. The always precise David Fincher directs. Fox. October 3.

Perhaps the most anticipated film of the year, based on my informal poll, is Christopher Nolan’s visually stunning film about a group of astronauts who exploit “wormhole technology” to travel to a “place” that may have answers that can rescue humanity from a depleted planet. Nolan has an uncanny ability to mix richly engaging images with mind-bending notions. So far, he’s has not let us down. We will be in line when this one opens. Paramount. November 7. FURY


Chadwick Boseman (42) stars in Tate Taylor’s funk-laden biopic chronicling James Brown’s journey from his brothel home in impoverished Georgia to the undisputed

ST. VINCENT Debauched vet Bill Murray stars in this comedy about the tenuous but mentoring friendship between himself and a 12 yearold boy troubled by his parents’ divorce. Murray shares his gambling, drinking

World War II still rages – at least on the big screen. David Ayer’s battle tank movie stars Brad Pitt as a war weary sergeant in the 2nd Armored Division named “Wardaddy.” Shia LaBeouf, Logan Lerman and Scott Eastwood are part of a five-man Sherman tank crew on a deadly mission behind enemy lines. Against all odds, out-numbered and out gunned, they are attempting to make a deadly, decisive strike at the heart of Nazi Germany in their tank named “Fury.” Great sustained battle action. Sony. November 14.

Ridley Scott has assembled an interesting cast (Joel Edgerton, Sigourney Weaver, Ben Kingsley, John Turturro, and Aaron Paul) to support Christian Bale’s Moses for his big Biblical epic that recreates the violence, politics and passions of an emerging nation seeking freedom. We think we know the story from Sunday School or Temple, but will Scott’s cleverly nuanced film be embraced by a secular audience and the “faith-based” community? Or will it upset one, the other or both? It’s a delicate balance. No matter, this timeless fable remains mythic and meaningful on many levels. Old school Biblical stories are making a movie come back. And so far, that’s been mostly a good thing. 20th Century Fox. December 12. MR. TURNER



The Nazi “Enigma Code” of World War II still fascinates and the whole story of how

Famed British painter J.M.W. Turner’s life was full of turmoil. Who better than Mike Leigh to bring Turner’s life to the screen in this already acclaimed biopic? Timothy Spall is an certain Oscar contender as Turner (he won the Best Actor prize at the 2014 Cannes Film Festival. Mark your calendar. Sony Classic. December 19. Comments?

Book Review

July 10 to July 16, 2014

By Heidi Simmons

Generations In The Wild


here is a very romantic notion about making a home and building a life in the American wilderness. With hard work and perseverance, many of our ancestors successfully carved out an existence and made communities. Whether in a desert or a forest, they raised families under the most challenging circumstances. In Rebecca Rasmussen’s, Evergreen (Knopf, 352 pages) settling and taming the wild is not only about a place. The story begins in 1938 after the young city girl Eveline is swept off her feet by Emil, a German immigrant, when he gives her a preserved butterfly. Having been raised on the edge of the Black Forest, Emil decides to settle in the thick woods of rural Minnesota. Now, married and pregnant, the couple must make a home out of an abandoned cabin, prepare for a baby and the harsh winter. Eveline does her very best to not complain about their new lives, although it is difficult and extremely lonely. Soon their son, Hux, is born and the love, dedication and hard work of Emil gives her confidence that their future will be okay. Then Emil is called back to Germany to care for his dying father. Instead of going home to her parents, Eveline decides to stay and plant a


By rebecca Rasmussen fiction garden, learn to fish and raise Hux in their cabin home. Quickly out of her depth, Eveline is befriended by outcast and only forest neighbor Lulu and her young son Gunther. They become fast friends. Lulu is an extraordinary outdoorswoman and teaches Eveline how to survive. But just as Eveline thinks she can trust herself and the forest, she is betrayed and raped. She makes the hard choice to give up the baby girl to an orphanage.

Fourteen years later, Naamah, the abandoned child, raised by a brutal nun, leaves the orphanage abused and broken. More years pass and Hux is told about the child and the circumstances of her birth on Eveline’s deathbed. With both his parents gone, Hux sets out to find his half-sister. When he does, he discovers she is a wild child prostitute who sleeps in the woods and scavenges food. Hux convinces her to come home to Evergreen, the place of her birth. After she tests Hux’s sincerity, she decides he’s family. In short order, Naamah meets Gunther. Gunther and Naamah marry and have a child, Racine. It is another Evergreen generation and the wonderful coming together of two closely bonded families. But for Naamah, the pain and self-loathing renders her incapable of being a mom and she abandons her family and forest, leaving Gunther and Hux to raise Racine. The men do all they can to help Racine be happy and healthy in their beautiful forest community. Author Rasmussen does not romanticize the wilderness lifestyle her characters face. The forest is difficult and lonely, but it is also majestic and comforting. The reader can smell the woods and feel the cool moist earth. The forest sounds at night are chilling and the morning sunlight warming. There is anticipation when Eveline triumphs and concern when she fails. Evergreen is a story about good but broken people seeking a life connected to nature -- a refuge from civilization and their tormented selves. For Eveline, Lulu, Naamah and Racine, it is a place where they are freer, less judged and have more gender equality. They are not born strong, but in order to survive the intense lifestyle, they become strong. Yet, as capable and independent as the women are, they are powerless to stop the violence against them. Though this is a woman-centric novel, the featured men in the book are wonderful

-- all except one. They are hard working, supportive and respectful, capable of building partnerships with the women who keep their lives moving forward. Hux and Gunther are a new generation of exemplary males who treat woman better than mere equals. Although the characters live outside civilization and without the basic modern conveniences of electricity and indoor plumbing, these forest dwellers manage a modern equitable existence devoid of artificially imposed gender roles. Rasmussen manages to layer in significant themes over this multigenerational tale. Each family experiences abandonment. Lives are majorly altered because of the violence against women. Modern world conveniences may threaten their way of life more than aid it. There are certainly more haunting and meaningful subthemes lurking in the text. There are times in Evergreen I wanted more interior voices from the characters and more details about everyday life in the wilderness. I would not have minded another hundred pages. But the primitive setting is not what is most compelling about this colorful narrative. How does our environment shape who we are? Rasmussen starts the book with a quote from Ortega Y. Gasset: “Tell me the landscape in which you live, and I will tell you who you are.” The bigger story may be the impact that our parents, grandparents and greatgrandparents made as they carved a life out of this country by their hard work and perseverance -- no matter what part of the nation they called home. We are all in the middle of our own wild multigenerational story. Evergreen is available July 15.


July 10 to July 16, 2014 continued from page 19

AZUL; PS; 760-325-5533 The Judy Show 7:30pm BLUEMBER; RM; 760-862-4581 Steve Madaio 6-10pm CASCADE LOUNGE, SPA RESORT; PS; 888-999-1995 Nash with Quinto Menguante 9pm DHS SPA LOUNGE; DHS; 760-329-6787 Karaoke 9pm EL MEXICALI CAFÉ 2; IND; 760-3422333 Cesar Daniel Lopez on the harp 6-9pm HARD ROCK HOTEL; PS; 760-325-9676 DJ Colourvision w/ Kid Wonder 11am poolside JOHNNY ROCKETS; RM; 760-674-3120 Pocket Yellow 6pm JOSHUA TREE SALOON; JT; 760-3662250 Open Jam 6pm LAS CASUELAS TERRAZA; PS; 760-3252794 Palm Springs Sound Company,in the afternoon,Hot Rox,in the night MELVYN’S RESTAURANT & LOUNGE; PS; 760-325-2323 Sunday Jam 4-8pm NEIL’S LOUNGE; IND; 760-347-1522 Golden Era Karaoke 4-7pm, Karaoke 8pm-1:15am THE NEST; PD; 760-346-2314 Kevin Henry 7:30pm THE NEW YORK COMPANY RESTAURANT; PS; 760-778-7789 Lili Rose 7pm PALM CANYON ROADHOUSE; PS; 760327-4080 Longest Running Jam Session in the valley. Hosted by JB, Sign up 6pm PAPPY & HARRIET’S; PT; 760-365-5956 The Sunday Band 7pm PURPLE ROOM@CLUB TRINIDAD; PS; 760-327-1161ext.230 The Judy Show 5:30pm, Act 2 8:30pm RIVIERA RESORT & SPA; PS; 760-3274080 Will Donato’s Art of Sax Sidebar Patio 5pm SAMMY G’s; PS; 760-320-8041 Eddie Gee 7pm SULLIVAN’S STEAKHOUSE; PD; 760341-3560 Smooth Brothers TACK ROOM TAVERN; IND; 760-3479985 VILLAGE PUB; PS; 760-323-3265 Scott Carter 1:30-4:30pm, Rob & JB 4:30-9pm, DJ Idol Eyez 9-2am VUE GRILLE & BAR; IW; 760-834-3800 Rodney 11am, The Carmens 6:30pm WILLIE BOYS; MV; 760-363-3343 Line Dancing w/ Tina 5:30-9pm WOODY’S BURGER; PS; 760-230-0188 The Smooth Brothers 6pm

MON JULY 14 29 PALMS INN; 29 Palms; 760-367-3505 Bonny Jean 6pm ACE HOTEL; PS; 760-325-9900 HARD ROCK HOTEL; PS; 760-325-9676 “Shake” Classic Rock Night 7pm LAS CASUELAS TERRAZA; PS; 760-3252794 Hot Rox NEIL’S LOUNGE; IND; 760-347-1522 Karaoke 8pm-1:15am THE NEST; PD; 760-346-2314 Kevin Henry 7pm RIVIERA RESORT & SPA; PS; 760-3274080 Hot as Hell Pool Party 7pm SULLIVAN’S STEAKHOUSE; PD; 760341-3560 T.B.A. 6pm VILLAGE PUB; PS; 760-323-3265 DJ Khodi Rayne 4:30-2am, Michael James & 3sum 9-2am VUE GRILLE & BAR; IW; 760-834-3800 Tony Grandberry 6:30pm

WESTIN MISSION HILLS; RM; 760-3285955 Art of Sax 8-11pm WOODY’S BURGER; PS; 760-230-0188 Barney McClure 6:30pm

TUE JULY 15 29 PALMS INN; 29 Palms; 760-367-3505 Paul & Jo 6pm ACE HOTEL; PS; 760-325-9900 Ace Karaoke with Kiesha 9pm AJ’S ON THE GREEN; C.C.; 760-2021111 Mikole Karr’s Jazz Quartet 6pm AZUL; PS; 760-325-5533 Bella da Ball Dinner Revue w/ guest performers 7:30pm BAR; PS; 760-537-7337 Vinyl Sessions 8pm BLUEMBER; RM; 760-862-4581 Stanley Butler Trio 6-10pm CORK TREE; PD; 760-779-0123 Michael Keeth 6-9pm ESCENA LOUNGE & GRILL; PS; 760992-0002 John Stanley King 5-9pm FIRESIDE LOUNGE; PS; 760-327-1700 Red’s Rockstar Karaoke INDIAN CANYONS GOLF RESORT; PS; 760-833-8700 DJ Randy Johnson 6pm JOSHUA TREE SALOON; JT; 760-3662250 Ted Quinn’s Open Mic Reality Show Jam 8pm KOKOPELLI’S; YV; 760-228-2589 Dana Larson 6:30pm LAS CASUELAS TERRAZA; PS; 760-3252794 Palm Springs Sound Company NEIL’S LOUNGE; IND; 760-347-1522 Karaoke 8pm-1:15am THE NEST; PD; 760-346-2314 Tim Burleson 7:45 PALM CANYON ROADHOUSE; PS; 760-327-4080 Eclectic Tuesdays. Singer/

S and G


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songwriter night. All acts welcome. Hosted by JB, Sign up 7pm PURPLE ROOM@CLUB TRINIDAD; PS; 760-327-1161ext.230 The David Ring Trio 6:30pm RED BARN; PD; 760-346-0191 Open Mic 8pm RIVIERA RESORT & SPA; PS; 760-3274080 Martin Ross Starlite Lounge 6pm SCHMIDY’S; PD; 760-837-3800 Open Mic 8pm SULLIVAN’S STEAKHOUSE; PD; 760341-3560 Demetrious and Co. VILLAGE PUB; PS; 760-323-3265 Live entertainment VUE GRILLE & BAR; IW; 760-834-3800 Chris Lomeli 6:30pm WOODY’S BURGER; PS; 760-230-0188 John Bolivar 6pm

WED JULY 16 29 PALMS INN; 29 Palms; 760-367-3505 Dan Horn 6pm AJ’S ON THE GREEN; C.C.; 760-2021111 Mikole Carr AZUL; PS; 760-325-5533 Paula Prince 7pm BLUEMBER; RM; 760-862-4581 T.B.A. 6-10pm ESCENA LOUNGE & GRILL; PS; 760992-0002 Rose Mallet 5-9pm HAMILTON’S SPORTS BAR & GRILL; LQ; 760-698-8303 Karaoke w/ T-Bone 8:30-12:30am HARD ROCK HOTEL; PS; 760-325-9676 “Shine” Karaoke 7pm THE HOOD; PD; 760-636-5220 Open Mic 8pm JOSHUA TREE SALOON; JT; 760-3662250 Live Music

KOKOPELLI’S; YV; 760-228-2589 Karaoke w/ Roberto 7pm LAS CASUELAS TERRAZA; PS; 760-3252794 Hot Rox MELVYN’S RESTAURANT & LOUNGE; PS; 760-325-2323 “Sing Jam” w/ Michael Healy 8pm NEIL’S LOUNGE; IND; 760-347-1522 Golden Era Karaoke 4-7pm, Karaoke 8pm-1:15am THE NEST; PD; 760-346-2314 Kevin Henry 6-8pm Tim Burleson 8pm NYPD; PS; 760-778-6973 Live DJ 9pm PJ’S SPORTS LOUNGE; YV; 760-2881199 Karaoke w/ KJ Ginger 8pm PLAN B LIVE ENTERTAINMENT AND COCKTAILS; TP; 760-343-2115 Red’s Rockstar Karaoke 9pm PURPLE ROOM@CLUB TRINIDAD; PS; 760-327-1161ext.230 Michael Holmes Trio 6:30pm RIVIERA RESORT & SPA; PS; 760-3274080 Martin Ross, Starlite Lounge 5pm, Open Mic w/ Esjay Jones, Sidebar 7pm SCHMIDY’S; PD; 760-837-3800 Battle of the Bands 8pm SULLIVAN’S STEAKHOUSE; PD; 760341-3560 Straight Ahead Jazz TILTED KILT; PD; 760-773-5458 Tilted Kilt’s Open Mic Competition hosted by Morgan James 8pm VILLAGE PUB; PS; 760-323-3265 DJ Khodi Rayne 4:30-2am, Nite Fixx 9-2am WESTIN MISSION HILLS; RM; 760-3285955 Art of Sax 7-10pm WILLIE BOYS; MV; 760-363-3343 Karaoke WOODY’S BURGER; PS; 760-230-0188 Barney McClure & John Bolivar 6pm




Haddon Libby:It’s alllocal



pen Carry Texas, ‘Coal Rollers’, the Anti-Vaccination Movement and participants in the Gluten-free Living fad have more in common than any of them think. Before sharing their common thread, let’s look at each singularly. Coal Rollers are men who customize their diesel-powered pickup trucks to blow thick black smoke into the air as they drive. These ‘patriots’ consider themselves conservative activists using their pollution as a protest against environmentalists and liberals. Many adorn their trucks with stickers that say “Prius Repellent”. One activist named Ryan openly admits to “blowing smoke” at Prius’ drivers as they are “liberals”. One Wisconsin truck customizer who would not give his name says, “You want clean air? Well, screw you!” Open Carry Texas is a group founded by C.J. Grisham (no relation to the writer)

last year. Grisham and his supporters often go into restaurants equipped with assault rifles. At one Jack-in-the-Box that they visited, employees locked themselves in the freezer and called the police as they feared for their lives. Grisham states that they normally call in advance to give the business a heads-up on their arrival and always “engage in friendly conversation”. There is a growing Anti-Vaccination Movement (AVM) in the United States. Despite facts that show vaccinations to save more than 16 million lives per year, the AVM is led by scientific minds like Jenny McCarthy who claims that the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine (MMR) does not eliminate the spread of these diseases but causes autism. Some in the movement base their

July 10 to July 16, 2014

position on a 1998 study by U.K. doctor, Andrew Wakefield, who linked autism with the MMR vaccine. By 2011, it had been conclusively proven that Wakefield’s work was an ‘elaborate fraud’ meant to launch a private business venture. Gluten-free Living is all the rage right now with many people claiming that they are gluten intolerant. Facts prove that only 1% of all Americans suffer from celiac disease - the only medical condition that requires a gluten-free lifestyle. People confuse the reduction of gassiness and bloating with gluten intolerance. The truth is that most of these people are beneficiaries of lower calorie intake, the consumption of more real foods and fewer processed or junk foods. The next time someone tells you that they are gluten intolerant ask them if they have had an intestinal biopsy - that is the only way to know if one has celiac disease. The connection between these four movements is that they are united by ignorance - a condition sweeping America. As such, I think it’s time for us to start a movement that combats all of these ignorance-based movements. Let’s call it the Society for the Mass Advancement of Reasonable Thoughts or SMART. Where to start? We know that fracking causes earthquakes. As such, let’s push for the end of fracking near the San Andreas faultline.

That seems like a SMART idea. Many environmentalists drink imported water in plastic containers. Do they realize how much energy is consumed in providing that water? Let’s push for the reduction of our carbon footprint by drinking filtered Agua de Coachella from reusable containers as those recyclable plastic water bottles are reentering the food supply through the fish we eat. Eating fish that have eaten plastic that is made from petrochemicals cannot be good for us. Let’s push for the use of biodegradable and compostable containers. Drinking local water from reusable containers seems like a SMART idea. Lastly, why is the inflation rate on food and fuel in the 10% range and borrowing rates on credit cards are as high as 34% while interest rates on savings accounts are at less than 1%? Let’s push for the enforcement of usury laws. That is clearly a SMART idea.

similar they are not all the same and they are prepared for that particular community. Must of the language use is “legalese” and is better understood by an attorney. Thus if you do not understand something ask for an explanation and then consult with an attorney of your choice. I tell my clients it is a lot cheaper to spend money on a lawyer in the beginning to keep you out of trouble than retaining an attorney when “you know what” hits the fan. Common Interest Development (CID) are the way of the future and they all have governing documents like Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs) which are the most important. Though you are not expected to memorize these you are expected to understand them so keep them handy in a safe place where you can find them easily. IF you lose them there may be a cost to get a new set. They are often updated regularly to comply with new laws, so keep the updates with the originals.

Take out your HOA paperwork and review them now and place them in a safe place. DON’T DRINK AND DRIVE, CALL A TAXI……IT IS A LOT CHEAPER THAN HIRING ME! Dale Gribow has been “Rated” TOP LAWYER by Palm Springs Life Magazine from 2011-2015 and has a Superb AVVO Legal Rating by his fellow attorneys. Dale Gribow has been Man of the Year 7 times including the City of Palm Desert and the City of Hope and Dale Gribow Day has been declared 4 times. He is the only attorney appointed in December 2013 to the Coachella Valley Association of Government’s Public Safety Ad Hoc Blue Ribbon Committee addressing Drunk Driving. This group consists of the police chiefs from every city and the mayor of each city as well as the Sheriff of Riverside County and the head of the CHP and Border Patrol. In addition Gribow is the only attorney asked to be part of the Clinton Foundation’s Clinton Health Matters Committee addressing Drunk Driving. Gribow is also one of the founders of Shutdown Drunk Driving formed upon the death of his client who was recently killed by a drunk driver while jogging. If you have any questions regarding this column or ideas for future columns please contact Dale Gribow Attorney at Law at his NEW number 760 837 7500 and or his new email:

Dale Gribow On The Law



he Homeowners Association first emerged in the US in the mid-19th century but became popular in the 1960’s when we experienced rapid growth. Early covenants and deed restrictions were exclusionary in origin, and in the first half of the 20th century many were racially motivated. For example, a racial covenant in a Seattle, Washington neighborhood stated, “No part of said property hereby conveyed shall ever be used or occupied by any Hebrew or by any person of the Ethiopian, Malay or any Asiatic race. In 1948, the United States Supreme Court ruled such covenants unenforceable in the case of Shelley v. Kraemer. However, private contracts kept them alive until The Fair Housing Act of 1968 banned them. A Homeowner association is a corporation formed by a real estate developer for the purpose of marketing, managing and selling of homes and lots in a residential subdivision. It grants the developer privileged voting rights in governing the association while allowing the developer to exit financial and legal responsibility of the organization, typically by transferring ownership of the association to the homeowners after selling off a predetermined number of lots. Membership in the homeowners association by a residential buyer is typically a condition of purchase. A buyer isn’t given an option to reject it. Most HOA are incorporated and are subject to state statutes that govern non-profit

corporations and homeowner associations. Unfortunately state oversight of homeowner associations is minimal, and varies from state to state. California has a large body of homeowners association law. The faster growing form of housing in the USA today is Common-interest developments (CID’S). This is a development that includes planned-unit developments of singlefamily homes, condominiums and cooperative apartments. If you live in a community governed by a Home Owners Association (HOA) you MUST read the governing documents of your community. You should technically do so BEFORE purchasing your home. Sometimes the property you buy is on Indian Owned Land and you must understand what you are getting for your money and not be “shocked “years later when you try to sell the property. Remember it is the document that controls not what you were told or thought you were told. In addition the contractual documents like land leases are also of equal importance. You would normally receive these documents from the real estate agent or the escrow officer assisting you in the handling of the sales transaction of the home. The enormity of the papers you receive are overwhelming but you must read and understand what you are receiving. Don’t accept the admonition that “as these documents are standard”. Though most community governing documents are


July 10 to July 16, 2014

safety tips

by Fire Chief Sam DiGiovanna

Classic Heat in the valley


t’s like a heatwave, Burnin’ in my heart, I can’t keep from cryin’, It’s tearin’ me apart…” “What a cool song… But lately, temperatures haven’t been so cool. It’s been hot and humid which put an even greater strain on us. Extreme heat is a potential health concern reminds Fire Chief Sam DiGiovanna.” These conditions can overload your system and lead to heat-related illness and even death. Heat kills more people in the U.S. than tornadoes, hurricanes, floods and lightning combined, according to the National Weather Service. Heat exhaustion is the body’s response to an excessive loss of the water and salt, usually through excessive sweating. Heat exhaustion is characterized by significant sweating, loss of color, cramps, fatigue, fainting and dizziness. Heat stroke is the most serious heatrelated disorder. It occurs when the body becomes unable to control its temperature. Body’s temperature rises rapidly, the sweating mechanism fails, and the body is unable to cool down. Body temperature is over 103 degrees, dry skin, high heart rate, “

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confusion and even unconsciousness. If you see someone affected with symptoms of heat exhaustion or heat stroke, call 911 and get them out of the sun immediately. Cool them down with cool water, towels and fans and loosen or remove clothing. Your best defense against heat-related illness is prevention. For more information on the health concerns of extreme heat visit Keep It Cool! Fire Chief Sam DiGiovanna

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Whole Foods Market is coming to the valley


hat would you say if one of the world’s most ethical and admired companies that was rated as one of the 100 best companies to work for was coming to town and looking to hire? Whole Foods Market is that company. With a Grand Opening scheduled for September 22nd, they are actively looking to hire people who are passionate about great food. Ideal candidates are also passionate about the communities they live in, how we treat our planet and our fellow humans and want to bring this passion into the workplace to make a difference. Whole Foods believes that their team members make the company successful by being who they are. Whole Foods management team is also known for saying that without their team members, Whole Foods would be “just four walls and food.” Go to careers if you want to see what jobs are available locally. As we get closer to the opening date, more and more jobs will populate their website. Always wanted to see your family recipe on a grocery store shelf? ShareKitchen is proud to be working with Whole Foods

in the identification and development of local food entrepreneurs. If you want to know more, drop us a note at share@ or call us at 760.459.4259. Businesses like Whole Foods set a great example for the rest of the retail industry. Not only do they promote health and wellness through the products that they sell but they become involved in the communities that they serve. By sourcing locally from homegrown food entrepreneurs, Whole Foods is helping to grow the local economy in the places where they operate. ShareKitchen is a community economic empowerment program founded on the simple philosophy of sharing. For more information on ShareKitchen, a 501(c) (3) Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation, please go to

it’s your nickel

By john Paul Valdez

A Minimum Level of Dignity


n California the minimum wage is now $9 per hour. By Jan 1, 2016, it will be $10 per hour. 40 hours a week would mean about 20K a year in salary for a 50 week year. Jan 1, 206 is only 18 months away. This much is already signed into law, and there are those pushing for a $12 dollar minimum wage. When you think that wages at $7.50 per hour yield only 15K per year, you can see the amazing difference. When people’s minimum wages bring them up above the poverty line, they often no longer need many different kinds of government assistance like food stamps and other entitlement or welfare. When the government pays out less to the population on those, it saves money, doesn’t build on debt, and the economy grows. This also puts a few more dollars into the hands of consumers, allowing them to make more purchases, and further pushing our economy into a healthier and better condition. It is welcome relief see an important movement on the minimum wage after such a long and overdue delay. Many people will try to use the “welfare” argument against companies like WalMart, but in areas like Desert Hot Springs where there is already higher than normal unemployment and a larger than normal portion of persons on welfare, the having of a new higher minimum wage job at a shop like WalMart keeps them off the public assistance, and reduces unemployment in the town. It’s a win/win. Even the city wins with significant new sales tax revenues. Another recent news article concerns immigration and the buses full of refugees from Central America that were brought to California from Texas. When writing in the media, it has been my experience that the responsible approach is to be sure to separate the subject of immigration from a humanitarian crisis or mass movements of refugees which is a worldwide occurrence not limited to US borders. Let’s help educate everyone up to that level at least. Economically, cheap labor only helps us although unfair to those who provide it. It grows the economy, not shrinks it. People

love to hate and that’s perhaps even sadder than this human tragedy of abandoned children and separated families seeking to do no harm. Haters harm, not immigrants. I am a proud member of a country made of nothing but immigrants in fact. I wonder what so many of our readers would do if one of their homes had no access to a pool man, a gardener, a landscaper, and a child care advocate at a competitive rate? My pool man is paid by the HOA and the dog sitter is paid less than a baby sitter. Lucky me. I hope that calmer minds and the wonderful cultural heritage of this great part of the world save us from allowing ignorance and fear intercede. The US sends billion in aid to other countries facing max exodus of their people as refugees across international boundaries. That isn’t an immigration problem. It’s a humanitarian crisis. Now it is on our shores and borders. I know, let’s send some of that money to the US. There’s an idea. Questions and comments to :

sports scene

July 10 to July 16, 2014

By julie buehler

Rousey: An Athlete For The Ages


epending on whether you move your mouth when you read or not, it may have taken you longer to read this sentence than it took Ronda Rousey to defend her bantamweight title in UFC 175. 16 seconds. The only thing that goes faster is the process of compiling a list of athletes as dominant in their respective sport as Rousey is in women’s MMA. Ever. There was Jordan and the Bulls in his prime. Tiger Woods owning the PGA Tour. Roger Federer proving power and grace could coexist and sufficiently humiliate opposition. Great athletes in previous eras were dominant in competition, but didn’t face the same level of scrutiny, pressure and swirling limelight. But Rousey is in a class of athlete and in rarified company not only because she is a dominant physical presence and undefeated in professional fighting, but she’s also a pioneer in a sport that failed to capture mainstream attention until she came along. She’s had to be the most polarizing character, the biggest target, the loudest mouth and the most talented athlete the sport has ever seen. Her history in Olympic judo is one that most fans neglect to correlate to her current success, but without that background, she couldn’t fill all the roles she currently does. She’s had to be as interesting as Magic and Bird yet add the marketing impact of Jordan. She’s had to be the steady hand of Jack and Arnold, yet be as dominant as Tiger. She’s had to lay the foundation to build a sport’s popularity like Becker and McEnroe and Sampras and Agassi, but then send a wrecking ball through any opposition time and time again like Federer. And she’s had to do so in a sports climate that questions dominance. After Rousey dismantled Alexis Davis in 16 seconds, Dana White, UFC’s CEO- that is Chief Exaggeration Officer- had his feet firmly planted on the ground when he said Rousey was “pound for pound the best athlete in the world,” and “the most unique athlete I’ve ever worked with.” He went on to gush about her importance not just to UFC but women in general, even called her a “game changer” for women sports and beyond. “She could walk down the Vegas Strip and wreck every guy,” White said in the postfight press conference. “There’s never been a woman in the history of mankind that can do that.” And while critics may point out much of White’s histrionics are salesmanship, these comments about Rousey are closer to truth than hyperbole. While women are becoming more vocal and more widely accepted in all circles, so-called male-dominated and others, the first thing you hear about a woman crossing into new territory in sports is how attractive she is, or is not. Mainstream female athletes need to be

ridiculously dominant or pretty. And sadly, we’re still at a place where if a mediocre female athlete is pretty, she tends to procure more attention than her more competitive counterparts because of her looks. Women’s golf, tennis are faced with that dilemma regularly with the likes of Natalie Gulbis and Anna Kournikova racking up more swimsuit calendar shoots than calendar dates for tour victories. But Rousey is a game changer, not because she is pretty, but because it doesn’t matter anymore. Sure, when she was plastered on the cover of ESPN The Body Issue, fully nude and showcased her 6-pack, that made everyone take notice. But she quickly displayed her value and worth is unquestionably her work ethic, determination and fierce competitiveness. People love staring at a Ferrari, but what makes it special is hearing the engine purr. And while Rousey is certainly pretty, she’s proving her value is far beyond such subjective frivolities and THAT’s what is a game changer. People wonder why aren’t there more women to fight Rousey. Do people wonder why there aren’t enough golfers that could dethrone Tiger? Anyone question where the contemporary to Federer was? Or why no one could stop Jordan? Make no mistake, Rousey would be dominant in any era, sport or field because her intensity and dedication, not because there’s no competition. Women’s MMA is still breaking through to the mainstream consciousness and while it does that, the most important contribution Rousey can offer is her ability to work through the pettiness of swirling questions and continue her dominance of the sport. Just like Tiger always had to do. Just like Federer learned to conquer. In short, Rousey just needs to be like Mike. Julie Buehler hosts the Coachella Valley’s most popular sports talk radio show, “Buehler’s Day Off” every day from 3-6 on 1010 KXPS, the valley’s all sports station. She can also be seen every morning between 6-7am on KMIR sharing the coolest stories in sports. She’s an avid gym rat, slightly sarcastic and more likely to recite Steve Young’s career passing stats than American Idol winners. Tune in M-F 3-6 pst at or watch “Buehler’s Day Off” on Ustream and for her sports reports.


July 10 to July 16, 2014


by Flint Wheeler

Founder of Silex Strategies L.L.C. providing sales and consulting in Insurance, Retirement, Real Estate and Taxes through New York Life and NY Life Securities. PGA Class A Member and T.P.I. Certified Golf Trainer. Host of “The Tilted Sports Radio Show” and “The Odds on Favorite Podcast” on Team 1010 KXPS. Contact at 760-409-4612

The greatest 21st Century Invention..


KAY, so I’ve been told this is a slow time of year for sports. No NBA, Football is barely a whisper, MLB is well still just Baseball (yawn), and Hockey, wait, hockey’s never been popular what am I saying. The point is that everyone is wrong. This article clearly shows the ground breaking news stories that slip under the radar while our bratwursts and backsides are searing under the desert sun. It’s not “The U.S. wins the World Cup” or “Americans beating the Russians” in Olympic Ice Hockey. It’s far bigger than that. The Minnesota Twins say Target Field is the first major league ballpark to serve beer from a vending machine. The self-serve beer station debuted Sunday during the game against the New York Yankees. A second station is expected to be added in time for the All-Star Game next week. You can pour a little, or you can pour a lot. The DraftServ is all about options, and the self-serve beer stations are up and running at the Minnesota Twins’ Target Field in preparation for the 2014 MLB AllStar Game. ESPN’s Darren Rovell reports that the machines are the product of a partnership between Anheuser-Busch and global concessionaire Delaware North, which conspired to create a station where sports fans can pour their own beers. Jerry Jacobs Jr., a principal of Delaware North, says the DraftServ was designed to give consumers a controlled, hands-on drinking experience. “It’s a way to engage with the customer and allows the fan to have greater control of what they’re drinking,” Jacobs told Rovell. “There’s obviously some novelty value to this, but it also allows people to pour what


they want. If they want half of a cup, that’s all they will pay for.” The DraftServ will charge fans by the ounce, costing 38 cents per ounce for Budweiser and Bud Light. Shock Top Lemon Shandy and Goose Island 312 Urban Pale Ale are listed at 40 cents per ounce. Buying from the station won’t be like operating a vending machine, however. Rovell reports that fans will have to show identification and register for a preloaded card with $10, $20 or $50 worth of beer money on it. Each station will be monitored by an employee tasked with conducting follow-up ID checks on customers that look under 30 and to prevent fans who “appear inebriated” from purchasing beer. The DraftServ allows a customer to use the card to pour up to 48 ounces of beer every 15 minutes. In addition to the new self-serve stations, Rovell reports that Delaware North will test out some new products during the All-Star Game. Among the items listed are a lobster corn dog and a “Hangover Burger” with two patties, bacon, American cheese and a fried egg with mayo, ketchup and Sriracha sauce. While the self-service stations eliminate the need for an employee to pour the beer, it doesn’t mean they aren’t staffed. There is an employee at each station to check IDs to verify that customers are at least 21 years of age. Sales at the self-serve stations will end after the seventh inning, as is the case with regular beer sales at all MLB games. Most fans at Target Field next weekend will be at the park to see the game’s brightest stars. There’s a good chance, though, that the self-serve beer stations could be almost as popular. Ahhh... America (sigh), hard at work and intuitive as ever. How’s that cure for cancer thing coming along?

California Woman 411 with your host Dee Jae Cox

‘Talking to women who lead and inspire’ Saturday’s from 10 – 11 a.m. KPTR 1450 AM Palm Springs, CA California


Produced by The Los Angeles Women's Theatre Project:


ARIES (March 21-April 19): What are the sources that heal and nourish you? Where do you go to renew yourself? Who are the people and animals that treat you the best and are most likely to boost your energy? I suggest that in the coming week you give special attention to these founts of love and beauty. Treat them with the respect and reverence they deserve. Express your gratitude and bestow blessings on them. It’s the perfect time for you to summon an outpouring of generosity as you feed what feeds you. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Why do birds fly? First, that’s how they look for and procure food. Second, when seasons change and the weather grows cooler, they may migrate to warmer areas where there’s more to eat. Third, zipping around in mid-air is how birds locate the materials they need to build nests. Fourth, it’s quite helpful in avoiding predators. But ornithologists believe there is yet another reason: Birds fly because it’s fun. In fact, up to 30 percent of the time, that’s their main motivation. In accordance with the astrological omens, Taurus, I invite you to match the birds’ standard in the coming weeks. See if you can play and enjoy yourself and have a good time at least 30 percent of the time. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Is there an important resource you don’t have in sufficient abundance? Are you suffering from the lack of an essential fuel or tool? I’m not talking about a luxury it would be pleasant to have or a status symbol that would titillate your ego. Rather, I’m referring to an indispensable asset you need to create the next chapter of your life story. Identify what this crucial treasure is, Gemini. Make or obtain an image of it, and put that image on a shrine in your sanctuary. Pray for it. Vividly visualize it for a few minutes several times a day. Sing little songs about it. The time has arrived for to become much more serious and frisky about getting that valuable thing in your possession. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Since 1981, Chinese law has stipulated that every healthy person between the ages of 11 and 60 should plant three to five trees per year. This would be a favorable week for Chinese Cancerians to carry out that duty. For that matter, now is an excellent time for all of you Cancerians, regardless of where you live, to plant trees, sow seeds, launch projects, or do anything that animates your fertility and creativity. You now have more power than you can imagine to initiate long-term growth. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): The weeks preceding your birthday are often an excellent time to engage the services of an exorcist. But there’s no need to hire a pricey priest with dubious credentials. I can offer you my expert demon-banishing skills free of charge. Let’s begin. I call on the spirits of the smart heroes you love best to be here with us right now. With the help of their inspirational power, I hereby dissolve any curse or spell that was ever placed on you, even if it was done inadvertently, and even if it was cast by yourself. Furthermore, the holy laughter I unleash as I carry out this purification serves to expunge any useless feelings, delusional desires, bad ideas, or irrelevant dreams you may have grown attached to. Make it so! Amen and hallelujah! VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): You know what it’s like to get your mind blown. And I’m sure that on more than one occasion you have had your heart stolen. But I am curious, Virgo, about whether you have ever had your mind stolen or your heart blown. And I also wonder if two rare events like that have ever happened around the same time. I’m predicting a comparable milestone sometime in the next three weeks. Have no fear! The changes these epiphanies set in motion will ultimately bring you blessings. Odd and unexpected blessings, probably, but blessings nonetheless. P.S.: I’m sure you are familiar with the tingling sensation that wells up in your elbow when you hit your funny bone. Well, imagine a phenomena like that rippling through your soul. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Since 2008, Marvel Studios has produced nine movies based on characters from Marvel Comics. They’re doing well. The Avengers earned $1.5 billion, making it the third-highestgrossing film of all time. Iron Man 3 brought in over a billion dollars, too, and Thor: The Dark World grossed

© Copyright 2012 Rob Brezsny

$644 million. Now Marvel executives are on schedule to release two movies every year through 2028. I’d love to see you be inspired by their example, Libra. Sound fun? To get started, dream and scheme about what you want to be doing in both the near future and the far future. Then formulate a flexible, invigorating master plan for the next 14 years. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): While in Chicago to do a series of shows, comedian Groucho Marx was invited to participate in a séance. He decided to attend even though he was skeptical of the proceedings. Incense was burning. The lights were dim. The trance medium worked herself into a supernatural state until finally she announced, “I am in touch with the Other Side. Does anyone have a question?” Groucho wasn’t shy. “What is the capital of North Dakota?” he asked. As amusing as his irreverence might be, I want to use it as an example of how you should NOT proceed in the coming week. If you get a chance to converse with higher powers or mysterious forces, I hope you seek information you would truly like to know. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): In one of her poems, Adrienne Rich addresses her lover: “That conversation we were always on the edge / of having, runs on in my head.” Is there a similar phenomenon in your own life, Sagittarius? Have you been longing to thoroughly discuss certain important issues with a loved one or ally, but haven’t found a way to do so? If so, a breakthrough is potentially imminent. All of life will be conspiring for you to speak and hear the words that have not yet been spoken and heard but very much need to be. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): This would be a fun time for you to brainstorm about everything you have never been and will never be. I encourage you to fantasize freely about the goals you don’t want to accomplish and the qualities you will not cultivate and the kind of people you will never seek out as allies. I believe this exercise will have a healthy effect on your future development. It will discipline your willpower and hone your motivation as it eliminates extraneous desires. It will imprint your deep self with a passionate clarification of pursuits that are wastes of your precious energy and valuable time. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Expect nothing even as you ask for everything. Rebel against tradition with witty compassion, not cynical rage. Is there a personal taboo that no longer needs to remain taboo? Break it with tender glee. Do something playful, even prankish, in a building that has felt oppressive to you. Everywhere you go, carry gifts with you just in case you encounter beautiful souls who aren’t lost in their own fantasies. You know that old niche you got stuck in as a way to preserve the peace? Escape it. At least for now, live without experts and without leaders -- with no teachers other than what life brings you moment by moment.

July 10 to July 16, 2014

Mind, body & Spirit

by Bronwyn Ison

Nurturing Your Mind, Body & Soul


o you find that you are nurturing everyone around you? Are you being nurtured in return? Better yet, are you nurturing yourself? Often we do not take time for ourselves. This can lead to feelings of being overwhelmed, frustrated or reaching burn out. Finding balance in your life is essential. If you are conditioned to giving and doing for others you may find it challenging to stop and do for yourself. Like anything else you need to set an appointment to take a time-out for YOU! I advocate, as a fitness professional that students must make an appointment with themselves to exercise. Exercising tops the list of being kind to your self. Your mind, body and spirit will thank you. Keep in mind that if you are nurturing yourself that you will benefit overall. Retire at an appropriate time. Getting enough rest

is essential to a healthy lifestyle. Our bodies need time to rejuvenate. You will perform better the following day if you achieve the right amount of rest. Take time during the day to meditate. A good way to start your day is taking five to ten minutes to sit and relax. As you sit, breathe! This may be a good time for you to map out your day on paper or in your mind. Incorporating your breath will calm your central nervous system. This may prevent you from feelings of anxiety. If mornings are not best for you find another time during your day. It may be that relaxing for 10-15 minutes mid-day helps you recharge. Ground yourself! What do I mean by this? Literally ground your bare feet on the earth as often as you can. When we are barefoot we are more in touch with ourselves. Our minds are more open. Hence, YOGA! Yoga is done barefoot. Instructors advocate rooting your feet into the earth or on your mat. This facilitates setting a healthy foundation for your practice. Drink plenty of water. Our desert is exceptionally warm and it is easy to become dehydrated. If we are dehydrated we can lose energy or not feel well. Eat healthy foods. If you can, eat organic foods and avoid anything processed. Take time to be with your loved ones. As we know life is very short and precious. Take time to be with those you love. Spending time with family and friends will enhance your spirit. You will feel good as will your loved ones. Live passionately. In fact, LIVE your PASSION. What excites you? When we engage ourselves in activities or work that we enjoy, we are more productive. Do what you love and the rest will follow. Finding balance may be challenging but it is essential to a healthy life. Make a list of how you can become more nurturing to yourself and live out your goals. Bronwyn Ison is the Owner of Evolve Yoga. or (760)564-YOGA

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Every year, the U.S. government spends $25,455 per capita on programs for senior citizens. Meanwhile, it allocates $3,822 for programs to help children. That’s only 15 percent as much as what the elders receive. In the coming weeks, Pisces, I believe your priorities should be reversed. Give the majority of your energy and time and money to the young and innocent parts of your life. Devote less attention to the older and more mature aspects. According to my reading of the astrological omens, you need to care intently for what’s growing most vigorously. Homework: The media love bad news. They think it’s more interesting than good news. Is it? Send your interesting good news to Rob Brezsny Free Will Astrology


July 10 to July 16, 2014

Life & career Coach

by Sunny Simon

Declaring Your Independence


ast week we celebrated our country’s birthday. Our founding fathers made it possible for the people to declare themselves free and independent. They stepped out into unchartered waters with little more than the firm conviction of doing the right thing. Believing in their goals, actions and abilities they formed a new nation. While watching our spectacular local fireworks on the 4th I reflected on being free, independent and goal oriented. Remembering that half the year had already expired, I thought about my list of goals and scheduled time during the week to review my progress. My question for you is, from what are you declaring your independence? As you begin, continue or re-energize actions on the goals you established back in January, ask yourself this question: Am I moving forward with confidence in my actions and abilities? If the answer is not a firm “you bet,” then follow along as you have some work to do. Granted it is not always easy to be truly independent of fears casting off doubts as if they are nothing more than minor annoyances. Moving confidently in the direction of your dreams and possessing bold confidence in your abilities and actions takes conviction. Let’s examine the depth of your conviction by rewinding a bit. No doubt when you established your annual goals you were excited about how much you could

accomplish and what successful execution would yield. Take some time to renew your spirit by visualizing the outcome. If you intended to double the size of your client base, see yourself managing the sizeable growth in your business. If the goal means finding a more satisfying job, conjure up an image of getting up in the morning excited about your work. Next, let go of any fear surrounding your goals. If you are feeling overwhelmed by the size of a goal, break it down into smaller increments. For example, make it less scary by committing to increase your client base in smaller monthly goals versus the twelve month end point. Warning: bumps in the road are part of the process. You may make missteps but the key to success is your ability to get back up when knocked down. No staying out for the count. Come back fighting and analyze your errors. You can move forward, confident in what you’ve learned knowing that lesson will help you next time around. Now is the time to declare yourself free from whatever is holding you back. Remember the fortitude of our founding fathers, press on and take those steps to reach your personal independence. Sunny Simon is the owner of Raise the Bar High Life and Career Coaching. More about Sunny at


July 10 to July 16, 2014

by dr maria lombardo

Dr. Maria Lombardo, Lombardo Cosmetic Surgery is located in Rancho Mirage. She specializes in both surgical and non-surgical cosmetic procedures including (but not limited to) facial, body and breast surgery, Botox, Latisse, and hCG diet program. For a consultation or more information, visit or call 760-610-8990. Dr. Lombardo will be writing a bi-weekly column for CV Weekly.

Look Younger Without Surgery Fillers are Known as “Liquid Facelifts”


hrough the normal aging process we all lose volume or fullness in our faces. Usually the first noticeable sign is a deepening of the naso-labial folds that start at the corner of the nose and end at the corners of the mouth. Replacing the fullness with a “filler” can soften the look of those lines and restore a more youthful appearance. There are several filler options available. Hyaluronic Acid is one that is very routinely used. Hyaluronic acid is compatible with the human body because it is a substance that is found in every single organic living thing. Its main purpose in the human body is to act as a network that transfers essential nutrients from the bloodstream to skin cells. It is most present in the human body in fluids around the eye area and in the joints. In fact, aside from its applications to cosmetic surgery, it is also often injected into joints to relieve rheumatism and other kinds of joint pain. The names of some of the products that are associated with use for cosmetic surgery are Restylane, Juvederm, and Voluma. These are the most popular injectibles that are used to fill lines and wrinkles. In its purest essence, HA is a gel like substance that sits between the skin and connective tissues supporting the skin. When injected, it acts like an inflated cushion to support facial structures and tissues that may have lost volume and elasticity due to aging and other causes. It is also hydrates the skin by bringing water to the surface which helps give it a refreshed and more youthful appearance. The procedure itself is very non invasive and does not require anything but a topical anesthetic administered to the site of injection (to help with any pain caused by the insertion of the needle). The needles used for this procedure are very fine and

tiny and depending on how many areas are being treated the treatment takes between fifteen to 30 minutes. It is considered to be an outpatient procedure and many people return to their normal activities the same day. The results usually last between 3-9 months depending on your life style, body chemistry and the rate at which you are naturally aging. It is important to realize that this is a temporary solution and not a permanent cure for facial problems. To maintain their youthful appearance most people have new injections 1-2 times a year. Call today to make an appointment with Dr. Maria Lombardo (760)610-8990 and discuss if fillers are the right choice for you!

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