Coachella Valley Weekly - August 4 to August 10, 2016 Vol. 5 No. 20

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Community Events • August 4 to August 10, 2016 Vol. 5 No. 20

The Art Place

pg 4

Patrick Evans

pg 7

High Lonesome

pg 8

Cheech & Chong

pg 9

212 Band

pg 9

August 4 to August 10, 2016


August 4 to August 10, 2016


Coachella Valley Weekly


Publisher & Editor Tracy Dietlin Art Director Robert Chance Advertising Director James Theall Sales Team Morgan James Classified Manager & Nightlife Editor Phil Lacombe Features Writer Lisa Morgan, Rich Henrich, Heidi Simmons, Denise Ortuno Neil, Judith Salkin Writers/Contributors: Robin Simmons, Rick Riozza, Craig Michaels, Bronwyn Ison, Haddon Libby, Janet McAfee, Rachel Montoya, Angela Janus, Dale Gribow, Raymond Bill, Sam DiGiovanna, Rob Brezny, Eleni P. Austin, Noe Gutierrez, Sunny Simon, Dr. Peter Kadile, Bruce Cathcart, Julie Buehler, Flint Wheeler, Laura Hunt Little, Lola Rossi, Jack St. Clair, Dee Jae Cox, Patte Purcell, Rebecca Pikus, Janet Newcomb, Angela Romeo, Esther Sanchez, Alex Updike, Jenny Wallis, Uncle Ben Photographers Laura Hunt Little, Scott Pam, Lani Garfield, Chris Miller, Esther Sanchez Distribution Phil Lacombe, William Westley

CONTENTS Lou Ferrigno at Comic Con PS..................3 The Art Place in Palm Desert....................4 Slim Man....................................................6 Backstage Jazz - Cat Lyn Day...................6 Theatre - Coyote Stageworks...................7 Theatre - The St. Joseph Players..............7 Patrick Evans on CV 104.3........................7 High Lonesome Band...............................8 Keisha D.....................................................8 Cheech & Chong at Fantasy Springs.......9 212 Band...................................................9 Consider This - case/lang/veirs..............10 Art Scene - California Locos...................11 Pet Place..................................................12 The Vino Voice ........................................13 Club Crawler Nightlife............................14 Screeners.................................................18 Book Review............................................19 Safety Tips...............................................19 Real Estate...............................................20 Haddon Libby.........................................21 Dale Gribow............................................21 Ask Jenney..............................................22 Sports Scene...........................................22 Free Will Astrology.................................23 Mind, Body & Spirit ................................23 Ask The Doctor........................................24 Life & Career Coach ................................24



ouis Jude “Lou” Ferrigno, perhaps best known to many as “The Incredible Hulk,” brings his brand of inspiration to Comic Con Palm Springs this August 26-28th at the Palm Springs Convention Center. According to their website, Comic Con Palm Springs has brought together some of the most passionate and talented people from the world of comic books and entertainment to produce an exciting new comic con in one of the most famous and fun cities in the world. If Lou Ferrigno and Stan Lee are any indication, this will be an event for the ages! I grew up a young fan of The Incredible Hulk and later in life, I followed the bodybuilding techniques of Lou Ferrigno. He was indeed a comic book character that jumped off the page and came to life no matter what role he played whether fiction of real life. Lou Ferrigno represents an American success story and is known for his love of family, country and the important role entertainment plays in our daily lives. Earlier this week, I had the honor of speaking with “The Hulk,” to discuss everything from bullying to building a better body. I left the conversation feeling inspired and powerful! Thank you, Lou for taking the time to share your journey and inspire me to be more, to believe more and motivate me to become the superhero I ought to be in reality. CVW: Of all your accomplishments, which ones are you most proud to claim? Lou: Well, I’m most proud of my marriage of 36 years and our 3 kids.

CVW: Wow! In this day and age, 36 years of marriage is an incredible feat. So, what is the key to a successful marriage? Lou: You have to have open communication. It’s also about being a good dad and talking with our kids. We have honesty and the communication in our family is open. Whenever we can, we travel with our kids, too and just share passion for life together. It’s important to do things as a family. CVW: Speaking of being a good dad, you recently went into business with your kids. Lou: We started, which is a really great site that will help people achieve their goals. We are all in entertainment but we are personal trainers, too.

CVW: For those people out there who want to “Hulk” out, what advice do you have? Lou: Well, go to our website. There is a lot of information there on diet, training and also how not to over-train. It has to be a routine that you enjoy otherwise you won’t want to do it. So, we make it fun. CVW: You actually have a fitness event this fall in the Coachella Valley. Can you tell me a bit about that? Lou: Yeah, Ferrigno Legacy is a great event that will take place at Agua Caliente in October. We will have a lot of competitors. You should register! CVW: Maybe next year! I think I will need to do your 12 weeks of Ferrigno Fit, first! Is it true you were bullied as a kid? Lou: Yeah, I was bullied my whole life as a kid. That’s why I started weight training so I could protect myself. I started when I was thirteen. I was a fan of Hercules and Steve Reeves, the actor who played that role. (Steve Reeves was also a bodybuilder). CVW: Were you bullied because you were hard of hearing? Lou: Yeah it was difficult. They called me deaf mute and all kinds of names. It taught me how to overcome adversity. CVW: What role did comic books play for you during this time? Lou: It was an escape. I loved Superman continue to page 5


August 4 to August 10, 2016




ucked away in an enclave off of Hovley Lane, you’ll find the best kept secret in original fine art, interior design, and home decor. The Art Place in the Palm Desert Design District has been a destination for designers and homeowners for over 20 years and is a onestop-shop for all your decor needs. As you stroll from shop to shop you will be inspired by the finest selection of art, flowers, fabrics, interior designers and high-end furniture. With the holiday season fast approaching, the center is busy getting

ready for their grand opening parties on October 11, for the general public, and October 18, exclusively for members of the Greater Coachella Valley Chamber of Commerce and the Greater Palm Springs Convention & Visitors Bureau. Make sure to “like” The Art Place on Facebook to stay up to date on other special events and exclusive offers. Every Thursday


will feature special promotions targeting local realtors, builders, and other Valley businesses. Since its inception in 1994, this collection of boutiques has been known to locals as The Art Place, but has recently been rebranded as the Palm Desert Design District. This easy-access commercial building, in the heart of Palm Desert, is a perfect showcase for galleries, showrooms, studios and offices. While the center has enjoyed a group of diverse tenants through the years, they’ve recently had a vacancy in two of the shops. This is an ideal location for a business in the field of design and home décor. With a full season of activities and promotions The Art Place in the Palm Desert Design District is looking for just the right fit. If you’re interested in this rare opportunity to become a part of The Art Place contact Barbara Altomare at: (408) 436-1710. Written by: Craig Michaels Craig Michaels Productions (760) 880-3848

CCPS LOU FERRIGNO continued from page 3

but I really related to “The Hulk.” I was like a real life Walter Mitty. I wanted to be “Hulk.” That’s why I kept training to be like him. I really connected to that character. I was him. CVW: Do you think the rise of super hero films is about escaping or the need for a hero? Lou: It’s about escaping and being able to connect to something powerful. It’s an incredible feeling to connect to a superhero like “Ironman.” It’s a great feeling to feel that you can be powerful. Being a superhero is all about power. CVW: You definitely became pretty powerful yourself. How did you become “The Hulk?” Lou: I was training for Mr. Olympia and I heard about the audition. I knew I had to be “The Hulk.” So, I auditioned and I got the part! I had to give up competition for the role but I knew I had to be this character. CVW: Is this why you were out of weight lifting competition for so long? Lou: Exactly. I was focused on entertainment but then decided to make a come back at 42 years old. CVW: What was the hardest part of making a comeback at 42? Lou: I needed to develop the hunger to compete again. I have always been competitive but the biggest challenge was learning how to compete with that same hunger as before. CVW: I think a lot of people dream about making a comeback in various aspects of their lives. What made you successful? Lou: I had to train and diet and remember the mindset I had to be competitive. Most important for me was to remember the passion I had for weight training and being competitive. I’m really competitive with myself. If I give 100% than I’m happy. Remembering the passion was the most important. CVW: When did you realize you could be an entertainer? Lou: It was during the filming of the documentary “Pumping Iron.” I loved the camera! I realized it was about showing

emotion more than words. I saw that I could make people laugh. It changed my personality and helped me overcome my adversity in a big way. CVW: What advice do you have to those who are challenged by adversity? Lou: Regardless of what people say, you must believe in yourself. You have to find that strength inside. I tell people to embrace your passion no matter what people say. Don’t listen to what they are saying. If you embrace your passion, you will be unstoppable! *** I have that moment in my mind where I just want to “Hulk Out!” The conviction in his voice is resounding; it rings so true, so clear. I am awakened and inspired. CVW: What passion project do you want to embrace next? Lou: I want to be in people’s living rooms making them laugh. I really enjoy comedy and projecting the words off the paper. It’s instantaneous. I had a lot of fun on “King of Queens,” and on “Instant Death,” working with Nathan Fillion, too. CVW: Do you have a TV show coming up? Lou: I want to have my own show. I have some ideas now. Maybe I would be a coach type character or something. It would be a comedy like “King of Queens.” I just want to be in your living room entertaining you! CVW: You’ve done a lot of Comic Con’s. I met you a few years ago at one in Albuquerque. After doing so many, what are you excited about for this one in Palm Springs? Lou: Stan Lee! Stan is 94 years old. He doesn’t get out to many events so this is special. It will also be a rare opportunity to see Stan, the creator of “The Hulk,” and me, “The Hulk,” together at the same time. CVW: Oh, that will be amazing! Lou: The Hulk was the first successful comic book. As a kid, I would read the comic books and wonder what Stan Lee was like. CVW: Really? That’s funny. So, what is Stan Lee like now that you’ve met him? Lou: He’s amazing. So much energy! He has more energy than you and me

The movie “Pumping Iron”, directed by George Butler and Robert Fiore. Screen capture. © 1976 White Mountain Films. Credit: © 1976 White Mountain Films / Courtesy Pyxurz

put together! He’s very energetic, smart and funny, too. Of course, he’s a great storyteller. He’s a joker. He’s always picking on me! CVW: Come on? Stan Lee picks on “The Hulk?” Lou: No, serious. He likes to pick on me. He’s funny, though. I don’t mind. CVW: Why do you think Comic Cons have become so popular? Lou: It’s just part of pop culture now. They are great events. People want to be entertained in a more interactive way. It’s not about blood, sex or violence. They get to see celebrities in a way that makes them feel connected to them. They can interact or just go to Q & A sessions and learn about their favorite characters. CVW: I think it’s great to see so many families coming to these events. I see fathers sharing superheroes with their sons and families dressing up together. Lou: It’s a great opportunity to boost self-esteem. As a kid, I could only imagine what Stan Lee was like, now kids can come and meet him and all the other celebrities. I never met a celebrity when I was a kid. CVW: Why do you think the events boost self-esteem? Lou: Well because they can meet celebrities and see what they are like. Then it’s not so far away for them to become what they want. The dream can be in front of them. CVW: I agree. I never thought about it that way but you are right, just having the ability to interact with their favorite characters in real life can help their aspirations become more tangible. Lou: So much more is possible now. I have a lot of fun meeting people, too. CVW: I promised my friend’s seven year old, Yonah that I would ask you his question. Do you think “The Hulk” can survive in space without a helmet? Lou: YES! CVW: He will be thrilled that you answered that one! In all the years of doing comic cons and being interviewed, is there a question you are surprised has never been asked of you? Lou: No. I think in all the interviews every question has been asked.

August 4 to August 10, 2016

CVW: What is something you think a lot of people may not know about you? Lou: I think a lot of people may not know that I am a sworn Deputy Sheriff for the Los Angeles and San Luis Obispo Sheriff’s Department. CVW: You are also a sworn officer in Maricopa County in AZ? Lou: Yes, I wanted to support them in their efforts out there. CVW: It’s really an important office. Perhaps many don’t realize that the Sheriff takes an oath to uphold and protect the Constitution. Lou: That’s right. I’m very proud to have been sworn in. CVW: Thank you for taking on that responsibility. Lou: You are welcome. CVW: You have overcome a lot of adversity and achieved a lot of success in your life. What do you say to people wanting to know how to be successful in life? Lou: First, success is like Rome…it’s not built in a day. You have to put down your short-term goals and your long-term goals. Then go for it! You have to have the passion for what you want to do. It’s really important to enjoy what you do, to love what you do. You have to learn to trust your mind and not listen to what other people are saying. Trust your mind and your soul and you can achieve anything you dare to do. CVW: Great advice, Lou! Anything else you want to say? Lou: I look forward to a great event. I’ve never been to Palm Springs for a Comic Con. I’m really excited to be a part of this one. CVW: With you and Stan and the rest of the line up, it’s destined to be a great experience! Thank you again for your time today. Lou: You are welcome. Oh, can I be on the cover? CVW: You’ll see soon enough, Lou! Good words from the man who trained Michael Jackson and avoided death in Egypt. Comic Con Palm Springs will take place at the Palm Springs Convention Center August 26-28, 2016. For more info go to:


August 4 to August 10, 2016





t’s been so hot here in Palm Springs, I’m thinking of moving to the North Pole. I’m sure it’s a lot cooler there, and I hear polar bears can make good pets. Bi-polar bears, maybe not... I was standing in line at the grocery store last week. It’s hard not to notice all the tabloids as you’re waiting to pay for your pork rinds and chewing tobacco. I picked up a women’s magazine. I like reading women’s magazines. It’s important to keep up with what the fairer sex is thinking. And they’re not thinking about sex, apparently. The headline stated that “20% of married Americans have not had sex in one year.” I started thinking…If you get married in the USA, there is a one-in-five chance you’ll only have sex once a year or less. That’s not encouraging. Not that sex is the only reason to get married. But I thought it would be hovering near the top of the list. I put the magazine back in the rack, and drove back to the Slim Shack. When I got there, I started doing some research. You know what I found out, Slim People? In a recent survey, Americans stated they would rather go without sex than go without their cellphones.... Seriously. So sex doesn’t seem really important to Americans. It’s almost twice as important to men than women, according to the survey. That’s not a huge surprise. For most men, sex is like pizza. Even when it’s bad, it’s pretty good. But, in general, how many Americans are happy with their sex lives, regardless of gender? Forty-eight percent. So, if you’re standing in line at the grocery store, and you look around at the other folks, half of them are having happy sex, and half of them are having unhappy sex or very little sex. How does America compare to the rest of the world? How do we stack up on the sex charts? I have a friend who lives in Ireland. I thought I’d look up Irish sex surveys. The Irish Times reports that 64% of people in Ireland are happy with their sex lives. Maybe it’s the whiskey... What about other countries? According to Italy Magazine, 64% of Italians are also happy

with their sex lives. The average Italian has sex 108 times a year. Sometimes even with their own spouse. The country that’s least happy? People in China. Only 22% are happy with their sex lives. There are 1 ½ billion Chinese. They just didn’t magically appear. Somebody’s been having sex, and a whole lot of it. They’re just not too happy about it. So…Which country is the happiest about their sex lives? It looks like Spain. Si, Señor! According to a recent Spanish National Sexual Health Survey, 90% of Spanish people are happy with their sex lives. Have you been to Spain? I have, many times. Them Spaniards are some good-looking people! Everybody looks like a supermodel. No wonder they’re having sex all willy-nilly. Viva España! The Spaniards are almost twice as happy with their sex lives as we Americans. That’s unacceptable. We need to get our numbers up, SlimNation. If we’re going to make this country great again, we need to get down to business. We need to roll up our sleeves, or pull down our pants-whatever--and do what needs to be done to make the USA number one! Take a few for the team! Do it for your country! But wait! Before you start making love to random strangers in line at the grocery store for the sake of our great nation, what if you take sex out of the picture? How happy are we, in a non-sexy, all-around way? Denmark is the happiest country in the world, generally speaking. And the sex-happy Spaniards? They are #37 on the world happiness chart. There are 36 major countries in the world that are happier than Spain. Including the USA. We’re #13. The conclusion? Sex doesn’t guarantee happiness. [But that shouldn’t keep us from trying!] Stay happy, my friends. Who loves ya? - Uncle Slimmy Slim Man has a cookbook called Slim Man Cooks. It’s available on his website, and so is his concert schedule.





orn in Malibu to a 5th generation show biz family, her grandmother (a former Ziegfield Follies girl) named her “Cat Lyn Day” so her name would fit into the lights. That starts the life and career of the beautiful and talented actress, dancer and singer Cat Lyn Day. I first saw her on Facebook with her stunning “Marilyn Monroe” look. I invited her to be our guest at the Smooth Jazzfest last October and found her to be such a loving warm person. I was impressed. When we held the Celebrity Jazz Jam Standards Night, I invited her to perform. She wowed the house with a dead on Marilyn Monroe. The audience loved her. I saw her again when she was nominated for the Coachella Valley Music awards at the show and again, I just loved her energy. As I’ve gotten to know her, I’ve been fascinated with her jazz chops including vocalist for Pat Rizzo when he did his gala events. So where do I begin? A 2 hour interview was not enough to hear all about this incredible story. She won the Miss Virginia beauty contest and got a scholarship for theatre arts. When she returned home to Hollywood, she road in on her purple and lavender motorcycle. That may give you some idea of the kind of spirit this woman has. Her credentials go on and on, from “Legends in Concert” in Las Vegas to films including “Flashdance,” “For the Boys,” “Ghostbusters 2” and “Indecent Proposal.” Her theatre experience is vast including “A Chorus Line,” “Splash,” “Busstop,” “42nd Street,” “Annie Get Your Gun” and over 50 others. The story that is most intriguing and beyond the pale, is her experience working in “Sugar Babies”. During the rehearsal where she described herself as kind of “clumsy, innocent, and vulnerable” the director Rudy Tronto suddenly yelled “Don’t move!” He came down to the stage and shook her. He told her that he had just seen the spirit of Marilyn Monroe step into her. Cat furthered “And she never left.” Marilyn has come to her many times in dreams as well and she

has learned details of Marilyn’s life that only Marilyn would know. When you see Cat Lyn or talk to Cat Lyn she is the embodiment of Marilyn with her soft gentle way. Her voice whether talking or singing is very Marilyn. We have Marilyn walking amongst us. Aren’t we lucky? Cat Lyn can tell you endless stories and details of Marilyn’s life. Her best friend was Ella Fitzgerald who she loved and helped cross racial, social and career barriers. Cat Lyn produced and filmed “Remembering Norma Jean,” a one woman live show in 2012. She pointed out that Marilyn was actually discovered in Palm Springs by John Huston at the Racquet Club so it’s just ‘purr fect’ that the “Forever Marilyn” statute will have its full time home here. It’s also ‘purr fact’ that Cat Lyn has made Palm Springs her home. Marilyn was a ‘Jazz Diva” and put out many jazz albums that were written by Irving Berlin. Cat’s friend Yve Evans has been helping her record all of Marilyn’s Jazz songs so she can perform them. In addition to Marilyn’s jazz, Cat Lyn has had quite a singing career of her own. She performed with the Pete Barbutti Jazz Quartet at the Riviera Hotel in Las Vegas. She was also the headliner in “Playboys’ Girls of Rock and Roll” at Caesars Palace, and headliner of “Evening in Love” at the Monte Carlo. Here in the desert she was the vocalist for all of Pat Rizzo’s Big band Galas and sang as Cat Lyn. Her smokey growl/prrr smokey tone voice (ala Julie London) in sharp contrast to the light flirty Marilyn Monroe songs she does so well. She sat in with him last Thursday. Cat Lyn has been performing with Fleet Easton and others locally and some new shows are in the works for next season. When Cat Lyn performs she puts 100% into her performance - the mark of a true artist. You can contact Cat Lyn through her Facebook page or




oyote StageWorks, the Coachella Valley-based award-winning Actors’ Equity professional theater company, announced that it received an impressive 12 nominations for its performances of ‘Art’ and ‘Agnes of God’ in the previous season, and that its Founding Artistic Director, Chuck Yates, was selected to receive the prestigious “Michael Grossman Most Inspirational Award” at the Desert Theatre League’s annual awards presentation in October. ‘Art,’ a comedy by French playwright Yasmina Reza, received 8 awards for the show, which ran for eleven performances. The play was about three long-time friends and raised questions about modern art, friendship, and how much truth and honesty human beings can stand. The nominations this play received were: · Outstanding Professional Production – Comedy/Drama · Outstanding Director of a Comedy – Professional (Don Amendolia) · Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy – Professional (Larry Raben and Chuck Yates both received nominations for this category) · Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy – Professional (David Engel) · Outstanding Costume Design – Professional

(Bonnie Nipar) · Outstanding Props and Special Effects – Professional (Chuck Yates) · Outstanding Sound Design – Professional (David Engel) ‘Agnes of God,’ a theatrical mystery by John Peilmeier, received 4 nominations for its ten performances. The dramatic play told the story of a novice nun who gave birth but insisted that the child was the result of a virgin conception. The nominations this play received were: · Outstanding Professional Production – Comedy/Drama · Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama – Professional (both Laura Julian and Marsha Waterbury received nominations for this category) · Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama – Professional (Britt Adams) Since it was founded, Coyote StageWorks has received 62 Desert Theatre League Awards. In addition to the 12 nominations, Coyote StageWorks’ Founding Artistic Director, Chuck Yates, was also selected to receive the prestigious “Michael Grossman Most Inspirational Award.” “I couldn’t be more thrilled about these nominations and the incredible honor of being selected to be this year’s recipient of the



he St. Joseph’s Players Community Theatre of Yucca Valley are holding open auditions for their fall 2016 and Spring 2017 productions Saturday, August 13, at 6 p.m. at St. Joseph’s Church 56312 Church Street in Yucca Valley. Two award-winning directors Rebecca Havely and Abe Daniels will be at the helm. Daniels’ will direct the uproarious comedy, “Kitchen Witches” by Caroline Smith. The two female leads are two rival TV cooking show hosts in their late 30’s to mid-50’s. One has a son Stephen and a female stage manager/tech on the TV show set. Havely’s show choice is Aaron Sorkin’s court-martial drama, “A Few Good Men”. She has pre-cast the role of Lt. Col. Nathan R. Jessep with Abe Daniels. The cast calls for over a dozen men and one woman.

However, woman may be cast in some of the officer roles and some actors may be asked to play more than one role. You may choose to prepare a monologue or read from the scripts that will be provided. Daniels show will begin rehearsals October 1, 2016 and perform weekends from November 12 through December 4. “A Few Good Men” will rehearse beginning January 16, 2017 and run March 4 through March 26. If you would like to volunteer back stage for either production please attend the auditions. Please post any questions for the directors on The St. Joseph’s Players page

Chuck Yates

Photo By David A. Lee Photography

Michael Grossman Most Inspirational Award,” said Yates. “It is so gratifying to know that the hard work we all put into producing outstanding local theater continues to be acknowledged by this important theatre organization, and we are humbled to be included among the fine talent of so many producing organizations.” Now in its 30th year of promoting theater in the Coachella Valley and Morongo Basin, the Desert Theatre League has a panel of judges that view performances of the more than 30 producing members, including local high schools competing in youth categories. They present awards for the most significant achievements, and also select five individuals who receive special awards, including the Michael Grossman Most Inspirational Award, of which Chuck Yates is the recipient. The

August 4 to August 10, 2016


awards will be distributed at a ceremony in October. In several weeks, Coyote StageWorks will announce the details of its eighth season that celebrates ‘Legendary Ladies’ and will run throughout 2016-2017. All Coyote StageWorks productions will take place at the Annenberg Theater located inside the Palm Springs Art Museum. Tickets for Coyote StageWorks’ productions in 2017 are $45 – $55 for matinees and $50 – $60 for evening performances, and will be available at the Annenberg Theater box office. A Q&A session with cast members will follow Thursday matinees. The 2016-2017 Coyote StageWorks season is generously sponsored by Annette Block and David Lee. Coyote StageWorks is a nonprofit, 501(c)3 company dedicated to advancing theatre as a vital art form in the desert communities of the Coachella Valley. It is their mission to provide a forum for thought-provoking, entertaining, and culturally significant works in an environment that nurtures the creativity of the individual and the enrichment of the community. These shows are not Palm Springs Art Museum or Annenberg Theater presentations. For more info about Coyote StageWorks and its 2016-2017 season, please visit Group sales: 760318-0024. To purchase individual tickets or subscriptions, call 760-325-4490 or visit




unnylands Broadcasting recently announced the addition of Patrick Evans as the Weekday afternoon host of the Coachella Valley radio station CV 104.3 FM. Beginning on August 1, 2016 the smooth voice of Evans will be heard Monday - Friday from 2 pm - 6 pm. General Manager Jay White said, “We are so pleased that Patrick has chosen to join this venture. With both Fitz and Patrick on CV 104.3, It’s a powerful one two punch for both the radio station, the listening community and our advertisers.” Evans career roots are in radio and he’s a Frank Sinatra aficionado so CV management added a “Frank at 4” feature where Evans shares his knowledge, facts and trivia related to Frank Sinatra. Evans frequently can be found at local events entertaining an audience singing Sinatra favorites. Morning man, Jim Fitzgerald (Fitz in the Morning) remarked, “I’m thrilled that Patrick will be our afternoon personality! He is much respected in the community, loves music and has been a fan of CV 104.3 since the beginning. We’re looking forward to serving the Coachella Valley together, having fun with our listeners and providing a great local radio community experience like no other.” New to the airwaves in the Coachella

Valley but not new to radio, Sunnylands Broadcasting delivers a variety of Smooth Favorites to the Coachella Valley on CV 104.3 FM. Locally owned and operated with a commitment to community, fair business practices and delivering the best quality radio experience for not only the CV 104.3 listeners but their advertisers as well. It’s important for listeners and advertisers to have a great experience with CV 104.3. Sunnylands also owns and operates Valley 105.1 simulcast on KVGH-AM 1270). For more information contact General Manager, Jay White, 760-340-6880 x700.


August 4 to August 10, 2016





here’s a special kind of magic that happens when four tenured musicians, each with productive recording careers under their individual belts, organically find themselves together and start making music for the simple pure love of it. That magic runs deep in this collaboration called The High Lonesome Band, born, bred and aptly named in the high desert. This vastly talented group of individuals has been crafting songs in an egoless environment, rooted in respect and admiration for the gifts and sound each brings to the table. The result is resplendent. Chris Unck, owner/engineer at High Lonesome Studio, has many personal credits under his belt not limited to co-writing with Lisa Loeb, touring with Butch Walker (where they toured Europe and opened for Pink). Hearing him tell the story of the foundational beginnings of their musical bro-mance, makes you feel like you’re are listening to a cult favorite screen play: “We met on a routine instillation. Actually, the whole connection to why I’m even out here (in Joshua Tree) pivots on one fateful day (insert Richard Dreyfuss narrative). I was working at a mom and pop diner, looked out the window, and decided that I would drive to Key West. Jonathan was working at the same place and we jumped in my jeep and took off after work. We drove all the way only to find it smelled like rotten eggs and that you couldn’t access any beaches unless you paid. Overall it was a lack luster experience, but nonetheless, we were on our own. I knew some friends in Savanna, Georgia, so we decided to hightail it to River Street so we could busk and try to make some money. We barely made it, coasted in on fumes, and hit the street with our guitars. I remember us making $100 in an hour and feeling like the richest people on earth, and for that matter, we were. I think I was digging through the guitar case and heard Jonathan say that he saw the most beautiful girls, so we grabbed the guitars and took off to serenade them. We played Beatles songs until we couldn’t play any longer, and hung out till the sun came up. Come to find out, they were Canadian, and we promised to stay in touch.” “A year or so later, on a routine instillation, I drove to Canada. Back then I wanted to attend a music school called LIPA that Paul McCartney started, so I applied and I made the cut. They wanted an interview, and it just so happened to be in Toronto! I phoned up our Canadian friends and planned another trip. I met Stew (Stewart Heyduk) at a dance party, when I randomly screamed, ‘This is a takeover!’ The mic was plugged into a PA and had delay on it, and just like a Jamaican revolution, it was out with the late 90’s bobba hooba hooba hippy jams, and in with “Songs for Beginners” by Graham Nash. We hung out for days recording in the penthouse high-rise I was staying at and had turned into a recording studio - it was the best of times.” “Later we would connect while touring, and for years we would randomly hang in bars and hotel rooms recording when we could.


Eventually, when we (Stew and I) were both in LA many years later, we would drive out to Joshua Tree and hang with Brenden McGuire, who Stew knew from touring. Brenden was the FOH guy on the road and at Pappy and Harriet’s, and lived in this amazing place in Rimrock. One day while on another routine instillation, we caught wind that Brenden was moving and asked Ron Chalantly if we could rent the space when he moved out. Within a few weeks, we were signing the lease. Jonathan drove across the country, and I spent the better part of a year driving my 1970 VW Beetle back and forth from LA two times a week. We used to call it the «Escape from LA tour.» One day, I just never drove back. I was looking out the window at the clouds over Pipes Canyon when my job called, ‘Where are you?‘ I said, ‘Mars, and I›m never coming back.’ I never did. It seems sometimes that my dreams are framed in beautiful memory museums; I›ve looked out many windows and sometimes the beauty is so captivating and beautiful you just go and never look back, lost on some desert road.” The high desert is fortunate to be part of Unck’s memory museum in the making, as High Lonesome Studios has produced award nominated albums by award nominated artists such as The Adobe Collective, The Desert Rhythm Project and Rick Shelley, to name a few. High Lonesome’s Chris Unck and Stew Heyduk landed music in SHOWTIMES “Shameless” TV series starring WIlliam H. Macy, Emmy Rossum and Jeremy Allen White. The TELSTAR song “Getting Around Town” is featured in season 4 Episode 5. Stewart Heyduk has earned the respect of many music lovers and colleagues over the many melodic miles that have ultimately brought him to The High Lonesome Band: “I’m always trying something. It’s nice to be in this band where you’re not delegating parts and telling people what to do to make the song come together. You just trust them and let them take it however they want. With past bands, we didn’t have much time to rehearse so it was a matter of learning your part on your own and coming in ready to play. I wasn’t a big fan of that process. I came from Toronto, an awesome music community. I learned a lot. I moved here eight years ago. I toured with the band Golden Dogs and recorded with By Devine Right. In The High Lonesome Band, we are simply lifelong musicians working stuff out. Each of us is a strong writer, singer and player. Listening to our rehearsal demos, even

though there are three different writers and voices, it still maintains a cohesive sound from song to song. It somehow just works together, and I think it sets us apart from other bands. I think if people come to this show, they’ll get to watch us grow. This show will be good, and the next will even better.” Jonathan Eller’s return after living out of state was the recent catalyst for the bands resurgence after a yearlong hiatus. Eller started writing when he was 17. “It was therapy for me,” he shared. “My mother passed away; music is something that really helped me. I have spent a lot of my time focusing on the songwriting aspect of music, and have written over 300 songs in the past 17 years. Each song has been a learning experience for me. There’s a healthy competition in this group, so when one guy writes a song the other is motivated to write one too. It’s a constant reciprocal source of inspiration – it’s like an inspiration

machine. We’re like brothers/foster children on permanent tour.” “I hadn’t planned on playing any music when I moved back. But I got roped into playing again, and it rekindled something inside of me. This new batch of songs I’m only writing to a certain point with the idea that the guys are going to help me write and arrange the rest. I want it to be a collaborative effort. It creates a sense of ownership for each person. It’s cool hearing everyone else’s perspective. When you’re playing with guys that you trust and respect, it really takes away all the nit picking, and it makes it so much more fun.” The High Lonesome Band will start at 8 pm at the world renowned Pappy and Harriet’s in Pioneer Town, CA. The show is free, but seating is reserved for diners only and reservations are generally a must. Pappy and Harriet’s has two seatings. The first is an early seating at 5-5:30pm, and the second is from 7PM for the rest of the night. That means if you have an EARLY seating, you will give up your table for the later reservation. That does not mean you have to leave, it just means you will need to find a place at the bar, or just hang out and enjoy the music. Call 760-365-5956 for reservations, and visit for more information. Visit Chris Unck’s High Lonesome Productions at Check out Jonathan Eller’s music at





n Sunday, August 14, 2016, popular local singer Keisha D will make her 4th appearance at the Arthur Newman Theater in Palm Desert in “At Home With Keisha D”. The show is part of the Sundays In Summer Cabaret Series, now in its 7th season. Her musical director is Charlie Creasy, with whom she collaborated for her shows in the last 3 seasons there as well, which were near sell-outs. Tickets for the show are $11 cash, and doors open at 1 PM and show time is 2 PM. The theater is located at 73750 Catalina Way in Palm Desert. Keisha appears regularly in musical reviews and weekly performances at local clubs, restaurants and nightspots. Keisha was seen as Motormouth Maybelle in “Hairspray”, Melpomene in “Zanadu,” and The Acid Queen in The Who’s “Tommy” all at Palm Canyon Theatre. She won Best Vocalist in the acclaimed McCallum Theatre Open Call Competition in 2008, headlines at numerous benefits for various Valley charities throughout the year and is a popular featured vocalist at churches

across the desert. “At Home With Keisha D” will feature an eclectic mix of genres from several decades with something for everyone as well as some duets and solos from her special guest local singer Jerome Elliott, plus Charlie Creasy on piano, and musicians Hayden Vaughn, Michael Menduno, and Nathan Parrott. You may call 760-325-2731 with any questions.



conic comedy duo Cheech & Chong defined an era with their hilariously irreverent, satirical, counter-culture comedy routines. Cheech Marin and Tommy Chong have been entertaining fans for more than four decades and now they’re bringing the Cheech & Chong Live tour with opening act Shelby Chong to the Special Events Center at Fantasy Springs Resort Casino on Friday, September 2nd. With nine albums released from 1972 through 1985, Cheech and Chong were nominated for four Grammy Awards, winning the Grammy Award for Best Comedy Album with their third album, Los Cochinos, released in 1973. Big Bambu, their second album, was the biggest selling comedy record of all time in 1972 and remained so for many years. Their stunningly successful comedy streak transitioned to film in 1978 with their first movie, “Up In Smoke,” the highest grossing comedy of 1978, topping $100 million at the box office. Cheech and

Chong co-wrote and starred in a total of eight feature films together, all directed by Chong. Cheech Marin is a paradox in the world of entertainment. Cheech is an actor, director, writer, musician, art collector, and humanitarian, a man who has enough talent, humor, and intelligence to do just about anything. He is truly a multigenerational star, having starred in films like Born In East L.A. and Tin Cup, and on televisions shows like Nash Bridges and Jane The Virgin. Tommy Chong began his entertainment career as a musician in a Canadian-based rhythm and blues band. Chong then turned towards the life of an actor Tommy has appeared in several films including National Lampoon’s Senior Trip. Chong has also starred, most notably, on “That 70’s Show,” and guest starred on “Dharma & Greg” and “The George Lopez Show.” Chong recently released a new book entitled Cheech and


Chong: The Unauthorized Autobiography about the exploits of the infamous duo’s smoke-filled world. Tickets for the 8pm Cheech & Chong Live show with opening act Shelby Chong

material as well as adding new tunes (gotta keep things fresh). It is our intention to be one of, if not THE, best Classic Rock Cover Bands in the Coachella Valley. We were nominated twice for that title in the annual CV Music Awards, as well as in the Desert Sun Best of the Valley Awards.” MJ: At what other accomplishments have you succeeded? CB: “We have played all over Riverside County. We are also proud to announce that we are the only local band to be hired to open for some of the great tribute bands that play the Rock Yard at Fantasy Springs Casino. Our goal for the future is to simply continue to entertain and rock the masses! We love the music scene in the Coachella Valley - and look forward to rocking for many years to come.” ML: “The future is bright with many songs to add, venues to conquer and even expand into the art of making original music.” MJ: Cumulatively, your band has a lot of experience. Please tell me a little bit about each band member’s musical experience and contribution to 212. ML: “212 has had a few incarnations over the past 5 years with the main core


go on sale Friday, July 29th for $59, $39, and $29 at the Fantasy Springs Box Office, via telephone at 800-827-2946 or online at


212 BAND 2

12 Band has been rocking the Coachella Valley now for 5 years, playing a mix of classic rock tunes at various popular venues throughout the area. Boasting an accomplished group of musicians who work hard and play hard, 212 has been nominated for multiple awards locally and are always ready to take on whatever challenge a gig throws at them. 212 focuses on entertaining broad audiences which might just be why they have found success being one of THE go to cover bands in the last few years. I spoke with Michael Labrecque, Chuck Baum, and Allen Ash of 212 about where the band began and where it is headed in the future. MJ: Tell me how 212 formed and the intention of your band? ML: “212 Band formed to blend the flavor of classic rock dance music to the Coachella Valley’s diverse audience. We strive to reach the heart and soul of the audience if it be a touch of CCR, then move to a soft ballad, then make the music crescendo to a solid hard rock encore. The 212 band focuses on dance music from the classic rock genre which has expanded to a more modern feel and of course what party can be complete unless a touch of disco hasn’t been included?” CB: “As for the history... 212 Band started when Jimmy, myself and drummer Buddy Greco left the Susan Oliver Band back in 2011. Mike and Lenny came on board sometime in 2013 and really took us to the next level. Lenny decided to resign two months ago due to work. Since that time, Allen has been working hard learning our

August 4 to August 10, 2016

consisting of Jimmy “Mystery” Thomas and Chuck Baum. Previous members have come and gone but their contributions will always been remembered and appreciated. Jimmy “Mystery” Thomas (lead bass) returned to the valley in 2000 and by 2002 he was playing with a number of successful projects until he formed a lasting friendship with Chuck Baum and started 212. Chuck Baum (lead guitar) has been a music guy all his life but got serious back in 2010 when he landed with the Susan Oliver Band, where he met his music bud Jimmy Thomas. Michael “Mike Mike Motorbike” Labreque (lead vocalist) has been with 212 since early 2013. Chuck put out a feeler on Mike’s Bandmix page and Mike of course didn’t answer it for 2 months! Obviously once he did Chuck was gracious enough to allow him to audition and the rest is vocal history. Michael has been performing in the valley since 2004 with a few notable bands. He truly attempts to include the audience at any size venue that 212 performs- if the crowd is involved it truly becomes a party. Allen “A-train” Ash (lead drums) is the new guy...” AA: “Since I’m the FNG (friggin new guy) in the band, I’ll just answer this question about my musical experience. I’ve been

playing drums since junior high school, starting in the marching band, marched a couple of seasons in youth band and Drum & Bugle Corps after high school. I took an extended break from drumming while establishing a career and family but reconnected with my passion about 10 years ago, playing drums at church and later starting my own bands “Reaction” and “Old Skool” here in the desert. I have also played with several Las Vegas and Southern California based bands. When I got the call to audition for 212 I was excited because I had known Mike and Jimmy for a couple of years and respected the band’s talent. It was a natural fit, kind of like putting on a favorite pair of jeans. We have great chemistry and I truly enjoy playing with these guys!” MJ: What else would you like to include in the article? ML: “Of course none of this would be possible without the support of our families. We also thank the continued support of the Coachella Valley live music scene. All the bands that are here truly are a family and look to support each other wherever possible.” CB: “A special shout out to the ladies in our lives for putting up with this crazy, noisy hobby of ours! Thank you Lin, Diane, Karla and Kendra!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”


August 4 to August 10, 2016



case/lang/veirs (SELF-TITLED) (ANTI- RECORDS)


ncontainable, exquisite to the detail, hypnotizes people, robs them of their social graces, swarming to your glow, burning you with razors.” That’s case/lang/ veirs, they are singing about an elusive object of affection on their song “Honey And Smoke.” But they could just as easily been describing the effect their music has on anyone who listens. It’s tempting to view case/lang/veirs in the same light as Trio. Nearly 30 years ago the collaboration between Emmylou Harris, Dolly Parton and Linda Rondstadt made history when they released their self-titled debut. A seamless blend of their Country and Rock sensibilities, the album shot to #1 on the Country charts and #6 on the Billboard Top 200. It also yielded a #1 single, their Countrified take on the old Phil Spector hit, “To Know Him Is To Love Him.” Despite it’s somewhat utilitarian name, case/ lang/veirs is also an organic match-up of longtime friends, Neko Case, k.d. lang and Laura Veirs. But their sound is less a Country-Rock mash-up, hewing more closely to the quirky sororal style of the Roches, or the lush harmonic convergence of Crosby, Stills & Nash or Fleet Foxes. k.d. lang is probably the best known performer in this silvery sorority. Born in 1961, she grew up in Alberta, Canada. Although she was always musical, she didn’t really find her voice until she was in college. Preparing for a theatrical production based on the life of Patsy Cline, she realized she had found her muse and immersed herself in the late Country singer’s music. Forming her band, the Re-Clines, they quickly made a name for themselves combining camp performance art, Rockabilly rhythms and her incredibly powerful mezzo-soprano voice. By 1986 she was signed to Sire Records, (home to the Ramones, Pretenders and Madonna). The following year, her major label debut, Angel With A Lariat arrived. Although it was immediately embraced by college radio, Nashville was a little slow in appreciating k.d.’s exuberant charms. That would all change in 1988 when she convinced veteran producer Owen Bradley to helm her next record, Shadowland. Best known as the sonic architect for hits from Patsy Cline, Loretta Lynn and Brenda Lee, he pared down k.d.’s eccentricities and highlighted her protean voice. The gamble paid off and Music City could no longer ignore her talent, the album shot to #8 on the Country charts. k.d. quickly realized the narrow confines of Country couldn’t contain her creativity. Her

WESTFIELD MALL 72840 Hwy 111 #171 Palm Desert, CA 92260 760-341-2017


third album, Absolute Torch And Twang returned her sound to the wide open prairies of Western Canada. This time she hit #12 on the Country charts, #69 on the Top 200 and won a Grammy for Best Country Female Vocal. In 1990, an intense need to feel comfortable in her skin led k.d. to not only come out as a proud lesbian, but she also announced she was a devout vegetarian. It was hard to determine which admission was more alienating to the Country Music establishment! But she no longer sought their approval, she was already headed down another musical path, two years later she released her landmark album, Ingénue. More torch and much less twang, the record was inspired by a devastating case of unrequited love. Her style now was more easily aligned with Dusty Springfield and Julie London, less Country and more Cabaret. It was a huge hit, reaching #18 in the Top 200, garnering six Grammy nominations and winning one for Best Pop Female vocals. Although her career has never hit that same pinnacle, k.d. has continued to write, record and tour. The remainder of the ‘90s saw the release of the sleek All You Can Eat, and the sultry Drag. At the turn of the 21st century the Bossa Nova bliss of Invincible Summer arrived, followed in 2004 by Hymns Of The 49th Parallel (a salute to Canadian songwriters). In 2008 she released Watershed. Three years later she not only returned to her Country roots with Sing It Loud, but it was also her first band collaboration, (with the Siss Boom Bang), since her Re-Cline days. Born in 1970, Neko Case grew up in the Pacific Northwest and escaped a desolate adolescence by embracing the Grunge scene. She spent her college years in Vancouver, B.C. before she began pursuing music full time. Her debut, The Virginian was released on the tiny Mint label in 1997. Follow-up efforts, Furnace Room Lullaby and Blacklisted seemed to cement her sound, best described as “Country Noir.” After she released a live album, The Tigers Have Spoken, in 2004, her studio albums grew more ambitious in scope. 2006 saw the release of the stunning Fox Brings The Confessor record. Three years later she doubled down with the brilliant Middle Cyclone. By turns, heartbreaking, sardonic and heartfelt, it debuted at #3 on the Billboard Charts and received two Grammy nominations. Suffering a bout of depression following the deaths of her emotionally distant parents, her next album, The Worse Things Get, The Harder I Fight, The Harder I Fight, The More I Love You, had a gestation period almost as lengthy as its name. But again, she delivered a varied and complex set of songs, garnering a Grammy nomination for Best Alternative Music Album. Two years later she returned with the career retrospective box set, Truckdriver, Gladiator, Mule. Laura Veirs is the least known voice in this tuneful triumvirate. Born in 1973, the Colorado Springs native kind of took music for granted as a kid, her passions were focused on nature, and geology. While she was attending a rural college in Montana she began playing in local female Punk groups. Following matriculation, she relocated to Seattle in the late ‘90s. She began to pursue a career in music, supporting herself as a gardener and ESL teacher. Borrowing a bit of DIY ingenuity from the Punk community, Laura began self-releasing

her albums. Her self-titled debut came arrived at the turn of the 21st century. Blurring the lines between Folk, Pop and Country, her music showcased her wide ranging vocals and idiosyncratic compositions that referenced geology, science and space as often as love and relationships. On her second album, The Triumphs And Travails Of Orphan Mae, she hooked up with producer Tucker Martine. He has been by her side ever since on seven subsequent albums, Troubled By The Fire, Carbon Glacier, Year Of Meteors, Saltbreakers, July Flame, Tumble Bee and Warp And Weft. Along the way Laura and Tucker married and are parents to two small boys. They currently reside in Portland, Oregon. Coincidently, k.d. lang splits her time between Portland and her native Canada. She and Neko added vocals to Warp And Weft and it was then that k.d. proposed forming a band together. She envisioned a sound that mirrored the trio’s Punk Rock roots, but once they began collaborating in earnest the end result was something very different. The album opens tentatively with “Atomic Number. The hushed instrumentation, just spare guitar and a thumpy beat, allow the listener’s attention to focus fully on vocals. They each offer a declaration of independence; “I’m not the freckled maid, I’m not the fair-haired girl, I’m not a pail of milk for you to spoil.” The lush, symbiotic harmony that pours out of the speakers, best be described as musical ambrosia. Like a distaff Crosby, Stills and Nash, this triad splits lead vocal duties while the other two act as a mellifluous Greek chorus. k.d. stands out on “Honey And Smoke,” “Blue Fires,” “1000 Miles Away” and “Why Do We Fight.” The aforementioned “Honey..” is a languid blend of Girl Group “oohs,” rippling castanets and fluttery rhythms as k.d. parses the rituals of seduction, safe from the sidelines. The pianodriven “Blue Fires” shares some musical DNA with “Sylvia Plath,” a deep cut from Ryan Adams’ epochal Gold record. It’s torchy perfection as she wonders “how do blue fires burn in me, yet not in you?” “1000 Miles Away” offers another treatise on obsessive love. Here the arrangement of cello, viola and violin echoes the painterly grace of a classic Burt Bacharach track. Once again, k.d. is on the short end of the romance stick; “I saw a light in your eyes, it was the animal kind, all fierce and bright/Now every color fades, I’m out in the snow, in your golden glow, I feel no heat, from my feet to my face.” On the sultry and somber “Why Do We Fight” fisticuffs serve as a brittle metaphor for romantic discord. The heartache feels palpable as she faces facts; “I can meet you in the ring, where the sweat and punches fly/I can meet you in the ring, where one of us is bound to cry.” Neko’s songs are slightly less intense.

“Delirium” is a loping charmer, named after a brand of fireworks. Threaded through dense instrumentation are sitar-like guitar licks and a Spector-esque chorus. “Behind The Armory” is slower and more contemplative, recalling the pastoral elegance of Nick Drake. Neko’s soaring vocals weave between a tapestry of viola, cello, violin and guitar. Although she’s ready for love she’s not prepared to let down her guard; “Behind the armory I will never let you see, behind the armory still I want you to love me.” “Supermoon” is equal parts spiky and yearning. Swirly acoustic guitar collides with an opulent string section and prickly baritone guitar notes. A kaleidoscopic roundelay that ponders the phenomenon of Perigee Syzygy, and our extended life expectancy she notes “Nature isn’t magic, it’s just a mystery to us.” Finally, the Jazzy “Down I-5” is powered by a kick-drum rhythm twinkling piano and pinprick guitar licks. The lyrics sketch out a vivid travelogue that celebrates both the provocative and prosaic sights along Interstate Five. Although Laura has the lowest profile in this talented troika, two of the album’s best songs, “Song For Judee” and “Best Kept Secret,” feature her front and center. Much like “Carol Kaye,” her tart and loving ode to the Wrecking Crew bassist, both of these songs are tributes to real (unsung) musicians. The former is a warm and tender encomium for obscure Folk-Rock singer, Judee Sill. The first artist signed to Asylum, David Geffen’s boutique label in the early ‘70s, she struggled with heartbreak and addiction until she was found dead in her car in 1979. But she also made two wonderful records, Judee Sill and Heart Food. Gossamer harmonies envelope strumming guitars, dropped piano notes, cello accents and a shuffle rhythm, acting as a musical balm that almost mitigates Judee’s harrowing story. “You wrote “The Kiss” and it is beautiful, I can listen again and again...You never talked about your past, about the drugs and walking in the streets/ They found you with a needle in arm, beloved books strewn around your feet.” The latter is a pimped-out slice of ‘70s AM Pop perfection. Swoony, Love Unlimited-style strings dovetail with Tijuana Brassy horns, jangly guitars and peppery vocal gymnastics. This sunshiny confection pays homage to Silverlake musician Tim Young. An incredibly versatile guitarist he’s fronted bands and acted as a sideman and session player. Here Laura declares “Oh you can sing and you can really play, You’re the real thing and your heart’s in the right place.” Other interesting tracks include the modal Jazz of “Greens Of June” and the choral carpe diem of “I Want To Be Here.” Aside from “Atomic Number” this is the only song that features the triad completely synthesizing their beatific blend instead of trading verses. The album closes with the surprisingly muscular “Georgia Stars.” As wonderful as the combination of Neko Case, k.d. lang and Laura Veirs sounds on paper, nothing can prepare the listener for the gorgeous music contained herein. The three have hinted that this may just be a “one-off,” and k.d. lang has actually gone on the record stating after 35 years in the music business she is contemplating retirement. Either way, “case/lang/veirs” is one of the best records of 2016.


August 4 to August 10, 2016



Photo By Allison Stewart


hat happens if you take artists who identify with the subculture of the Southern California sun drenched lifestyle and bring them together to collaborate? Through alchemy or miracle you get California Locos. California Locos is Chaz Bojórquez, Dave Tourjé, John Van Hamersveld, Norton Wisdom, and Gary Wong. Each member is an accomplished artist who combined art with the surf, skate, music, pop art and barrio culture that took root in the 1960’s. Their work represents a melding of LA subcultures into a unique form of urban art. And the style is recognizable around the world. Dave Tourjé is the ad hoc leader of the group. Born in Northeast LA, Dave grew up in the skateboard world while straddling the gang turf struggles. Dave’s work references this background as well as the influence of the punk scene. He is best known for his large-scale reverse paintings on acrylic. Norton Wisdom combines live painting performances with music. Creating free flowing yet detailed works on glass, Norton finishes a piece that will exist for a few moments before it is washed away. The ephemeral and impermanence of his work makes the art and the performance a true event. Norton notes “My formal studio painting practice includes a meditative dialogue with trapezoidal shapes and gestural elements, which I return to as a formal and continuous response in my evolution as a renowned third generation abstract painter.” Gary Wong is an influential member of West Coast postmodernism and a wellknown blues musician. Working often in collage based process this combination of influences is reflected in the social and political themes that are prevalent in his pieces. John Van Hamersveld is a graphic artist and illustrator. He is well known for creating the iconic “The Endless Summer” poster in 1966. In addition he designed record jackets

for pop and psychedelic bands. While his psychedelic art is considered to be some of the best work produced during that time. Chaz Bojórquez is known as the “godfather of graffiti art”. He is considered one of the first artists to make the transition from street to gallery, and is credited with bringing the West Coast style of graffiti into prominence, evolving it from a Northeast L.A. gang-oriented form, into an extremely fluid calligraphic style of international importance. His iconic street image, a stylized skull called “Senor Suerte” (Mr. Luck), has become a seminal icon in graffiti art, becoming known as the first stencil tag- a full 20 years before Banksy made the stencil his iconic form. This summer California Locos joined with the skateboard company DUSTERS CALIFORNIA, and its creative director Nano Nobrega to produce two weeklong summer shows. The show is a multi-media exhibition of art, skate, music and film that brings together the work of these five artists. The show also includes screening of the documentary Crazy World Ain’t It—The Life and Times of John Van Hamersveld. The first show opened on June 25 2016 in Venice Beach California. Venice Beach has long been associated with the idealized Southern California lifestyle. The second show open August 13 at Studio 17 in Virginia Beach VA. “These shows are California Locus,” noted Dave Tourjé. “We have always been a part of a subculture that says things no one wants to hear. We say them – out loud and it is reflected in our art. Our works reflects a broader, more universal human experience. Like the idealized Southern California lifestyle it has a local and global resonance - a connection to both L.A’s highart sensibilities and the origins of rebellion.” Rebels with a cause? Yes. And these rebels have the artistic chops to make it so. For more information, visit their website


August 4 to August 10, 2016




aisy’s family was on vacation when their 9-year-old Silky Terrier tragically escaped on June 29th. She disappeared from a home where she was being cared for near 42nd and Adams in Bermuda Dunes. The family is devastated, and their two young children pray for her return every night. A video of the children holding Daisy’s photo on Facebook is heartbreaking. There were two reported sightings of a stray dog resembling Daisy in Bermuda Dunes last week, one of them inside the Bermuda Dunes Country Club. Daisy was wearing a collar with her address and phone number, though she was not microchipped. Daisy weighs about 10 lbs, and her tail is only one inch long. Daisy’s family lives in Orange County, and she got loose in an unfamiliar neighborhood. She is a bit skittish, and may run if you approach her too quickly, but she does respond to treats. The recent sightings, one from a mailman, lead us to believe she is still out there on the run. CALL (714)457-8238 if you spot Daisy or have any information on her whereabouts. There is a reward offered for her safe return, no questions asked. Please keep an eye out for Daisy and tell others about her story. Here are some things you can do should your own cat or dog ever go missing:

CREATE A FLYER Boiler plates to make flyers with your dog or cat’s photo are on or Not computer savvy? Find a teenager to help. Put flyers on local bulletin boards including PetCo, Starbucks, vet clinics, grooming salons, and local shelters. Pass out flyers to postal workers, gardeners, utility workers, tree trimmers, security guards, and others who spend time in your community. MAKE SIGNS Big colorful, eye catching signs can be posted on telephone posts, at dog parks, and at intersections controlled by traffic lights. It helps to highlight the word REWARD. SOCIAL MEDIA Post your dog’s photo on Facebook and ask your friends to SHARE and TAG. Continue

BY JANET McAFEE to re-post on Facebook, and ask local animal welfare groups to post on their pages. Post on the Facebook page “Lost and Found Pets in the Coachella Valley”. GO DOOR TO DOOR IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD In almost every case of missing dogs I’ve helped with, the dog is within a few blocks of the home he disappeared from. Someone took the animal into their home for a variety of reasons. Search a 10-block radius from your home, and knock on doors. Call your pet’s name loudly as he could be in someone’s back yard or be injured. The best time to search is early morning or at night when there is less noise. Check vacant homes, backyards, schools, and under cars. Cats can sometimes hide under cars or under the hood of a car. CHECK LOCAL ANIMAL SHELTERS Go in person every few days to your local public shelter since you are the best one to recognize your pet. All shelters check for microchips and ID tags, but sometimes collars and tags get lost. A stray animal can turn up in a shelter weeks after he disappears. Check shelters within a 50 mile radius in case he was picked up by someone traveling. Look in the kennels, search the “Found” book, the “Deceased” book, and fill out a lost report. CHECK PETHARBOR.COM, CRAIGSLIST.COM, FIDOFINDER.COM & JOIN NEXTDOOR.COM IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD Check Craigslist for “FOUND” animals. Check

SWEET RUE This adorable 9-weekold kitten will add joy to your home with his playful antics. ForeverMoew rescued Rue, (760) 335-6767.

MEET FIONA Sweet Fiona is a devoted, calm dog, loyal & loving. This young Beagle mix girl was rescued by Loving All Animals from the local shelter. or call (760) 834-7000.


the section for “animals for sale”, in case someone is trying to sell your pet for profit. CONTACT THE MEDIA Our local television station, Channel 6 KMIR, has a program to help find missing pets. Email them a photo, description, location where the pet was lost or found, and contact information to Post a notice under the “Lost Pets” section in local newspapers such as the Desert Sun and Penny Saver. MAKE A TRAIL TO YOUR HOME WITH YOUR CLOTHING Cut up a piece of clothing that has your scent, and leave small pieces of the garment over the blocks leading up to your home. Dogs have an incredible sense of smell, and this may lead them back home. ORGANIZE A SEARCH PARTY Gather your friends and family at Starbucks on a weekend morning, and supply them with coffee and flyers. Map out the area each person needs to cover. HIRE A PROFESSIONAL MISSING PET SEARCH COMPANY You can go online to locate a business that will assist in your search. There are many to choose from, and I don’t have a particular one to recommend.


August 4 to August 10, 2016




he hot long dog days of summer are upon us and if there is any wine that can refresh—no news here— it’s the beloved Sauvignon blanc. Add to this info, our nation and parts of the world will be celebrating National Oyster Day this Friday, August 5th—and, I’ll go ahead and throw in the following Saturday and Sunday for good luck. It seems that everyone has an opinion about oysters. And generally it’s thumbs up or thumbs down; since we’re running with an up-beat article, let’s go with the former. Rumor has it that there are a million ways to serve and eat oysters—so hey! there mustn’t be many “wrong” ways to meet, greet, and eat these mollusks: The briny bivalves can be eaten on the half shell, raw, smoked, boiled, baked, fried, roasted, stewed, canned, pickled, steamed or broiled. I’m with those who pry them open immediately when spied out. Touch of lemon & tabasco, and the slurp, chomp & glide down the throat is afoot. At times I’ve been so eager to munch down the mollusks, that even while snorkeling and coming upon a bed of oysters in the Kumamoto Bay, I’ve opened them underwater to get an early nibble. It wreaks havoc, however, with your breathing technique—let’s just say, it takes practice. On the other side of things, when it comes to Oysters Rockefeller—renowned for its rich butter sauce—the prep is elaborate. Foodies love the story about the lothario Casanova, whose typical breakfast included 50 raw oysters. Now whether or not they stoked his sexual stamina, who knows—but, a clutch of American and Italian researchers apparently cared enough to determine that oysters contained high amounts of rare amino acids that trigger increased levels of sex hormones. Andiamo! Classically, the four best wine pairings with raw oysters, is Muscadet, Brut Champagne, Chablis, and Sauvignon blanc. All are perfect crisp and clean whites that bring out the delicate mineral and briny complexities of the just-shucked oyster. I’m certain the simmering summer season will last, so we’ll have time to cover these wines and their stimulating pairings. For now, let’s go down-under—literally —for the oyster, and, figuratively for some New Zealand Sauv blanc. The ever thirst quenching Sauvignon blanc is always aromatic with notes of citrus, grapefruit, grass, lemons, and limes. On the palate, however, added flavors of tropical fruits, green bell peppers, herbs, stone fruits, melons, and slate join in and are highlighted depending on the global locale of the vine. The blended white Bordeaux is light bodied; California oft-times has a bit more heft with a bit of oak and/or rounded flavors; the New Zealand stuff falls in the middle with tangy and brisk flavors.

A couple of really easy N.Z. Sauv blanc recommendations, wines that I figuratively see fly out the door at markets, are the Nobilo—Regional Collection Sauvignon Blanc and its big brother, Nobilo Icon Sauvignon Blanc. Nope—it’s not Italian, but with a Croatian heritage of sorts, that is pronounced way down under as “NŏB-ehLoe”(as in door-KNOB). With 300 hundred years of winemaking tradition, the Croatian Nikola Nobilo came to New Zealand in 1936 to help begin a Sauv Blanc dynasty down-under. In 1994, Nikola was awarded an Order of the British Empire medal for his contribution to the New Zealand wine industry. The Nobilo Sauv blanc is the blessing at only around $11. Such a tasty quaff with aromas of tropical fruit, including pineapple, passion fruit, and guava. The busy bouquet also shows flinty minerality with herbal notes of nettles and freshly cut tomato plant. The flavor profile is fresh, crisp and clean with zesty but ripe tropical fruits noted in the aroma with subtle hints of nettle. When properly chilled, the wine has excellent presence and mouthfeel with a balanced acidity awaiting your shucked oyster. Of course, enjoyable on its own as an apéro, and pairing well with any lighter seafood dish, lemon herb chicken, or summer salads. Next is the sophisticated and delicious

2015 Nobilo Icon. This is the stylish Sauv blanc that deserves a place on the dinner table. It’s that type of wine that impresses everyone. Both cleansing and flavorful, it’s a welcomed change from the dinner Chardonnay when serving light meats and pastas. At around $20, it’s also the perfect wine to bring to dinner parties— and again, even though you’re known for your unassuming conduct, be ready for other guests giving you that ironic glance of jealousy. Winemaker David Edmonds says of the 2015 Icon, “this is the pinnacle of Nobilo winemaking, it’s our flagship, and the best we can make from four special vineyards in Marlborough—the “Napa/Sonoma” of New Zealand A rich, complex, full bodied wine with a striking bouquet of citrus and wet stone, with delicate floral notes. The palate displays fresh and lively flavors of lemon and white stone fruit, with juicy acidity, and minerality on the finish.” When we received this wine, my family didn’t wait for the supper hour. Moderate to lightly chilled, we poured it mid-day and were so happy for doing so! To A Festive Oyster Weekend & Refreshing Cheers! Rick is your somm-about town entertaining and conducting at wine events, restaurant venues and tastings. Contact


August 4 to August 10, 2016

­­THUR AUGUST 4 29 PALMS INN; 29 Palms; 760-367-3505 Bobby Furgo & Co. 6pm ACE HOTEL; PS; 760-325-9900 Discoteca w/ DJ Victor Rodriguez 9pm AJ’S ON THE GREEN; C.C.; 760-202-1111 Francesca Amari Jazz Trio 7pm AZUL; PS; 760-325-5533 Piano Bar 6pm BART LOUNGE; C.C.; 760-799-8800 DJ and Dancing 9pm THE BLOCK; CC; 760-832-7767 Reggae Thursdays 9pm BLUEMBER; RM; 760-862-4581 John Stanley King 6-10pm CHILL BAR; PS; 760-327-1079 Sting Variety Cabaret 8pm DHS SPA LOUNGE; DHS; 760-329-6787 Karaoke w/ DJ Scott 9pm FISHERMAN’S GROTTO; PD; 760-7766533 Barry Baughn and Bob Gross 6:30pm GADI’S RESTAURANT AND BAR; YV; 760365-6633 Open Mic Night 7pm THE GRILL ON MAIN; LQ; 760-777-7773 T.B.A. 7:30pm THE HOOD; PD; 760-636-5220 Red’s Rockstar Karaoke 9pm HOODOO COCKTAIL GARDEN @ THE HYATT; PS; 760-322-9000 Chris Lomeli 6:30pm HUNTER’S; PS; 760-323-0700 Open Mic 9pm INDIAN WELLS RESORT HOTEL; IW; 760345-6466 Frank DiSalvo 6pm JOSHUA TREE SALOON; JT; 760-3662250 Punk Rock Night 9pm KOKOPELLI’S; YV; 760-228-2589 Karaoke 7pm LAS CASUELAS TERRAZA; PS; 760-3252794 Hot Rox LIT@FANTASY SPRINGS; IND; 760-3452450 Country Night w/ Whiskey Tango 8pm THE LOUNGE, AGUA CALIENTE; RM; 888-999-1995 Quinto Menguante 8-1am MELVYN’S RESTAURANT & LOUNGE; PS; 760-325-2323 Ron Greenip 8pm NEIL’S LOUNGE; IND; 760-347-1522 Karaoke 8pm THE NEST; PD; 760-346-2314 Kevin Henry 6-8pm Tim Burleson 8pm PAPPY & HARRIET’S; PT; 760-365-5956 Wilderado and Nico Yaryan 8pm PLAN B LIVE ENTERTAINMENT AND COCKTAILS; TP; 760-343-2115 Blues Night w/ Basson, Dr. White and Blue Ribbon Rooster 9pm RED BARN; PD; 760-346-0191 TBA 9pm SAMMY G’s; PS; 760-320-8041 Evaro Brothers 8pm SHANGHAI RED’S @ THE FISHERMAN’S MARKET; PS; 760-322-9293 The Smooth Brothers 7pm SULLIVAN’S STEAKHOUSE; PD; 760-3413560 Dude Jones 6pm TACK ROOM TAVERN; IND; 760-347-9985 T-Bone Karaoke 8pm THREE SIXTY NORTH; PS; 760-327-1773 Anthony DiGerlando Show 6:30pm VILLAGE PUB; PS; 760-323-3265 DJ Khodi Rayne 4:30-9pm, Nite Fixx 9-2am WOODY’S BURGER; PS; 760-230-0188 Laurie Morvan Band 6:30pm ZELDA’S; PS; 760-325-2375 DJ 8pm



19TH HOLE; PD; 760-772-6696 Dude Jones 9pm 29 PALMS INN; 29 Palms; 760-367-3505 The Wonder People 6:30pm

ACE HOTEL; PS; 760-325-9900 Burger Records IV w/ The Zeros, Levitation Room and Wyatt Blair 10pm AGAVE LOUNGE@THE HYATT REGENCY; IW; 760-674-4080 Art of Sax 8pm AJ’S ON THE GREEN; C.C.; 760-202-1111 Siobhan 7pm AZUL; PS; 760-325-5533 Fleet Easton 7:30pm BART LOUNGE; C.C.; 760-799-8800 DJ and Dancing 9pm Open 6pm-2am BISTRO 60 @TRILOGY; LQ; 760-501-0620 The Carmens 6pm THE BLOCK; C.C.; 760-832-7767 Karaoke 9pm BLUE BAR, SPOTLIGHT 29; INDIO; 760775-5566 DJ Double A 8pm BLUEMBER; RM; 760-862-4581 The Stanley Butler Trio 6-10pm CASCADE LOUNGE, SPA RESORT CASINO; PS; 888-999-1995 DJ Michael Wright 9-1am CLUB 5 BAR; IND; 760-625-1719 CVxHC! Presents: Spankshaft, The Kathy’s, Hungry Hearts and Rogue Ogre 8pm ELECTRIC SPORTS LOUNGE; YV; 760228-1199 DJ Ceddy Cedd 9pm EL MEXICALI CAFÉ 2; IND; 760-342-2333 Cesar Daniel Lopez on the harp 6-9pm FISHERMAN’S GROTTO; PD; 760-7766533 Gina Carey 7pm THE GRILL ON MAIN; LQ; 760-777-7773 House Band 8:45pm THE HARD ROCK; PS; 760-325-9676 Esjay & Friends w/ Bri Cherry & The Boys and Pocket Yellow 8pm Lobby, Flashback Fridays in Bardot w/ DJ Paparazzi and Alf Alpha 9pm THE HOOD; PD; 760-636-5220 Black Pussy, Big Pug and Ritual Rastero 9pm HOODOO COCKTAIL GARDEN @ THE HYATT; PS; 760-322-9000 Bill Ramirez 6:30pm HUNTER’S; PS; 760-323-0700 Live VJ 9pm INDIAN WELLS RESORT HOTEL; IW; 760345-6466 Frank DiSalvo 6pm JOSHUA TREE SALOON; JT; 760-3662250 Live DJ 8:30pm KOKOPELLI’S; YV; 760-228-2589 Blue 62 8pm LAS CASUELAS TERRAZA; PS; 760-3252794 Palm Springs Sound Company in the afternoon, Hot Rox in the night LIT@FANTASY SPRINGS; IND; 760-3452450 Karma 9pm THE LOUNGE; AGUA CALIENTE; RM;

888-999-1995 DJ Jerry 9pm MELVYN’S RESTAURANT & LOUNGE; PS; 760-325-2323 Ron Greenip 8pm NEIL’S LOUNGE; IND; 760-347-1522 Karaoke 8-1:15am THE NEST; PD; 760-346-2314 Kevin Henry 6-8pm Tim Burleson 8pm PALM CANYON ROADHOUSE; PS; 760327-4080 80’s Video Party 9pm PALM DESERT COUNTRY CLUB; PD; 760345-0222 TBA 6:30pm PAPPY & HARRIET’S; PT; 760-365-5956 The Farmers 8pm PEABODY’S CAFÉ; PS; 760-322-1877 Karaoke 7:30pm PLAN B LIVE ENTERTAINMENT AND COCKTAILS; TP; 760-343-2115 Red’s Rockstar Karaoke 9pm RED BARN; PD; 760-346-0191 TBA 9pm SAMMY G’s; PS; 760-320-8041 Evaro Brothers 8pm SHANGHAI RED’S @ THE FISHERMAN’S MARKET; PS; 760-322-9293 Barry Baughn Blues 8-11pm SHANGHAI RED’S @ THE FISHERMAN’S MARKET; LQ; 760-777-1601 The Carmens 8-11pm SHELLY’S LOUNGE@TORTOISE ROCK CASINO; 29 Palms; Rojer Arnold & Bobby Furgo 9pm SMOKIN’ BURGERS; PS; 760-883-5999 Ron James 6pm SOUL OF MEXICO; IND; 760-200-8787 Latin Rock 10pm SULLIVAN’S STEAKHOUSE; PD; 760-3413560 Demetrious and Co. 6pm TACK ROOM TAVERN; IND; 760-347-9985 TBA 9pm THREE SIXTY NORTH; PS; 760-327-1773 Pat Rizzo & Dennis Michaels 6:30pm TRILUSSA ITALIAN RISTORANTE; PS; 760-328-2300 Julius & Sylvia Music Duo 6-10pm VIBE; MORONGO CASINO; CAB; 951-7555391 The Rick Whitfield Band 10pm VILLAGE PUB; PS; 760-323-3265 T.B.A. 1:30-4:30pm, Nite Fixx 9-2am, DJ Anwaar Hines 9-2am VUE GRILLE & BAR; IW; 760-834-3800 TBA 5:30pm WESTIN MISSION HILLS; RM; 760-3285955 Michael Keeth 6-10pm WILLIE BOYS; MV; 760-363-3343 TBA 9pm WOODY’S BURGER; PS; 760-230-0188 Rose Mallet 6:30pm ZELDA’S; PS; 760-325-2375 DJ 9pm


INDIAN WELLS RESORT HOTEL; IW; 760345-6466 Frank DiSalvo 6pm JOSHUA TREE SALOON; JT; 760-36629 PALMS INN; 29 Palms; 760-367-3505 2250 TBA 8:30pm Bev & Bill 6:30pm KOKOPELLI’S; YV; 760-228-2589 Karaoke 19TH HOLE; PD; 760-772-6696 The Hive 7pm Minds 9pm LAS CASUELAS TERRAZA; PS; 760-325ACE HOTEL; PS; 760-325-9900 Burger 2794 Palm Springs Sound Company,in the Records DJ Sets 11am poolside, Gap afternoon,Hot Rox,in the night Dream, The Side Eyes, VAJJ and DJ Sets LIT@FANTASY SPRINGS; IND; 760-34510pm AGAVE LOUNGE@THE HYATT REGENCY; 2450 Karma 9pm THE LOUNGE, AGUA CALIENTE; RM; IW; 760-674-4080 Art of Sax 8pm AJ’S ON THE GREEN; C.C.; 760-202-1111 888-999-1995 TBA 9pm MELVYN’S RESTAURANT & LOUNGE; PS; Cabaret Open Mic 7:30pm 760-325-2323 Ron Greenip 8pm AZUL; PS; 760-325-5533 Denise Carter NEIL’S LOUNGE; IND; 760-347-1522 7:30pm Karaoke 8-1:15am BART LOUNGE; C.C.; 760-799-8800 DJ THE NEST; PD; 760-346-2314 Kevin Henry and Dancing 9pm 6-8pm Tim Burleson 8pm BEATNIK LOUNGE; JT; Whiskey & Knives, PALM CANYON ROADHOUSE; PS; 760Drug and Dali’s Llama 9pm THE BLOCK; C.C.; 760-832-7767 TBA 9pm 327-4080 Hotwyre 9pm BLUE BAR; SPOTLIGHT 29; IND; 760-775- PALM DESERT COUNTRY CLUB; PD; 760345-0222 TBA 6:30pm 5566 DJ 9pm PAPPY & HARRIET’S; PT; 760-365-5956 BLUEMBER; RM; 760-862-4581 Gina Shadow Mountain Band 5pm, The Farmers Carey 6-10pm 8pm CASCADE LOUNGE, SPA RESORT PEABODY’S CAFÉ; PS; 760-322-1877 CASINO; PS; 888-999-1995 DJ Michael Karaoke 7:30pm Wright 9-1am PLAN B LIVE ENTERTAINMENT AND CLUB 5 BAR; IND; 760-625-1719 Shurp COCKTAILS; TP; 760-343-2115 Red’s Town Records Presents: Big Pig, Fever Dog Rockstar Karaoke 9pm and Ritual Rastrero 9pm PLAYOFF’S SPORTS BAR; DHS; 760DHS SPA LOUNGE; DHS; 760-329-6787 251-2644 KDHS Presents: Iyah Rootz, Cali Karaoke w/ DJ Scott 9pm Elijah, ORS and Corea Blue 8pm DILLON’S BURGERS & BEER; DHS; 760RED BARN; PD; 760-346-0191 The 774-7131 CVxHC! Presents: As One, Green Beatubums 9pm Terror, Panzram and Vivo Muerto 8pm RIVIERA; PS; 760-327-8311 Michael Keeth ELECTRIC SPORTS LOUNGE; YV; 760-2287-10pm 1199 DJ Ceddy Cedd 9pm ROCKYARD@FANTASY SPRINGS; IND EL MEXICALI CAFÉ 2; IND; 760-342-2333 ; 800-827-2946 Pandoras Rock and Cesar Daniel Lopez on the harp 6-9pm Appetite for Destruction (GNR Tribute) FISHERMAN’S GROTTO; PD; 760-7767:30pm 6533 Jack Ruvio 6:30pm SAMMY G’s; PS; 760-320-8041 Evaro THE GRILL ON MAIN; LQ; 760-777-7773 Brothers 8pm TBA 8:30pm SHANGHAI RED’S @ THE FISHERMAN’S THE GROOVE LOUNGE; SPOTLIGHT 29; MARKET; PS; 760-322-9293 Barry Baughn INDIO; 760-775-5566 DJ 8pm Blues 8-11pm THE HARD ROCK; PS; 760-325-9676 Pool SHANGHAI RED’S @ THE FISHERMAN’S Party w/ DJ Paparrazi and Kid Wonder MARKET; LQ; 760-777-1601 The Carmens 10am, DJ Paparazzi and Kid Wonder at 8-11pm Bardot 9pm SHELLY’S LOUNGE@TORTOISE ROCK THE HOOD; PD; 760-636-5220 Jesika Von CASINO; 29 Palms; Rojer Arnold & Bobby Rabbit, Yip Yops and Herbert 9pm Furgo 9pm HOODOO COCKTAIL GARDEN @ THE SIDEWINDER GRILL; DHS; 760-329-7929 HYATT; PS; 760-322-9000 Bill Ramirez Karaoke w/ Milly G 6pm 6:30pm SMOKIN’ BURGERS; PS; 760-883-5999 HUNTER’S; PS; 760-323-0700 Live VJ 9pm Ron James 6pm

August 4 to August 10, 2016

SOUL OF MEXICO; IND; 760-200-8787 Latin Music 10pm SULLIVAN’S STEAKHOUSE; PD; 760-3413560 TBA 6pm TACK ROOM TAVERN; IND; 760-347-9985 Lisa Lynn & The Country Gentlemen 9pm THREE SIXTY NORTH; PS; 760-327-1773 Dennis Michael 6:30pm TRILUSSA ITALIAN RISTORANTE; PS; 760-328-2300 Julius & Sylvia Music Duo 6-10pm TRYST; PS; 760-832-6046 TBA 10pm VIBE, MORONGO CASINO; CAB; 951755-5391 DJ Hektik 10pm VILLAGE PUB; PS; 760-323-3265 Rob & JB 1:30-4:30pm, Nite Fixx 9-2am, DJ Anwaar Hines 9-2am VUE GRILLE & BAR; IW; 760-834-3800 Chris Lomeli 8pm WESTIN MISSION HILLS; RM; 760-3285955 Michael Keeth noon-4pm WOODY’S BURGER; PS; 760-230-0188 Stanley Butler Trio 6:30pm ZELDA’S; PS; 760-325-2375 DJ 9pm

SUN AUGUST 7 29 PALMS INN; 29 Palms; 760-367-3505 Bob Garcia 6pm ACE HOTEL; PS; 760-325-9900 DJ Dennis Owens and more 11am poolside, Slacker Sunday w/ Adam Salter 10pm AJ’S ON THE GREEN; C.C.; 760-202-1111 Jazz Brunch w/ TBA 11:30am AZUL; PS; 760-325-5533 The Judy Show 7:30pm BART LOUNGE; C.C.; 760-799-8800 DJ and Dancing 9pm

continue to page 20


August 4 to August 10, 2016


August 4 to August 10, 2016


August 4 to August 10, 2016



This terrific twisty 4th edition of the action franchise fully delivers what Bourne fans -at least this one -- have come to expect from the mind-bending roller coaster series. Matt Damon excels as CIA agent Bourne, a man whose memory and identity have been blotted out. It’s been nine years since Damon assumed the star-making role of Jason Bourne. The stage craft of this urgent, relevant film adds immensely to the satisfaction level of this iteration of a story that does not shy away from referencing real world concerns of security and personal freedom. Damon made it clear that he would not do another Bourne movie unless the story played out in the scary world of “full spectrum surveillance.” It has been confirmed to my by an experienced intelligence officer that no conversation is private. Why is that not frightening to everyone? This film riffs on that fear. After all, we are all vulnerable. Damon exudes a kind of crazed obsession that rings true to anyone who discovers his or her paranoia is based on reality . What makes this film work so well is that Greengrass and co-writer/editor Chris Rouse and Damon stayed on the same page and it’s all up there on the screen. This kind of meticulous craftsmanship informs the beautifully staged globe-hopping action sequences by effectively front-loading the energy and emotion of the story and Bourne. New co-stars here included Tommy Lee Jones, Alicia Vikander and Vincent



No. 224

Cassel. I’m not a fan of relentless and incessant fast cutting on display here, but the nervous energy is appropriate and contagious. So much so that I literally held my breath and gripped the armrests during the intricately choreographed Las Vegas Strip chase sequence. The Meta conceit of trying to uncover one’s past before your government kills you works for me. I love this film and do not hesitate to give it my highest recommendation. I am thrilled to welcome Bourne back to the real world. Now Playing at the newly refurbished Mary Pickford Theater in Cathedral City operated by D’Place Entertainment.

Bettelheim. Oh yes, and keep a sharp eye out for clever archival “cameos” (?!) of everyone from F. Scott Fitzgerald to Adolf Hitler! Twilight Time Movies. Blu-ray (limited edition).




Every now and then a movie fulfills the promise of the premise as well as the poster. Woody Allen’s retro masterpiece is in equal parts funny and moving. It works as a social history, a love story and a parody. Allen’s brilliant docucomedy plays with the tropes of film narrative to great effect. Besides being a meditation on American society and individual identity, it’s an eerie fantasy that plays like a dream. Writer-director Allen’s serious but idiosyncratic take how we see ourselves juxtaposed with how others perceive us is hilariously told via the episodic life of Leonard Zelig (Allen), a highly mutable and malleable character apparently driven by the winds of fate and fame until he becomes a strange sort of celebrity himself. Mia Farrow co-stars along with dead-pan interviews by such notable literati as Susan Sontag, Saul Bellow and Bruno

Fred Zinneman directs Carson McCullers’ widely admired and tender coming of age novel with its three luminous Broadway stars Julie Harris, Ethel Waters and Brandon de Wilde, now on dazzling Blu-ray featuring a fascinating Audio Commentary with singer/songwriter and McCullers aficionado Suzanne Vega. Upon its initially theatrical release, Bosley Crowther of the New York Times said: “Vibrant and sensitive… Miss Harris’ performance gives off a lot of fervid heat… Ethel Waters glows with warmth of personality and understanding… Brandon de Wilde is delightfully mettlesome and humorous.” Time Magazine said the movie is a film poem. Under Fred Zinneman’s direction, it often reaches successfully for that most elusive of movie qualities – the catch in the throat.” The great score from legendary composer Alex North is available on an isolated track. Twilight Time Movies. Blu-ray (Limited Edition).

Al Pacino made his extraordinary starring debut as Bobby, a fast-talking, hustling Junkie in director Jerry Schatzberg’s bleak, intimate drama. Shot in a very loose and semiimprovisational style from a screenplay by the husband and wife team of Joan Didion and John Gregory Dunne. We watch Bobby roam a grim stretch of New York’s Upper West Side and hook up with the mostly innocent Helen (Kitty Winn who joins him in addiction. Their doomed, drugaddled romance is the spindle around which this raw, heroin-fueled slice of-life story turns. Twilight Time Movies. (Limited Edition). Blu-ray. THE BLACK STALLION RETURNS (1983)


This relatively obscure but certainly engaging Western showcases Angie Dickenson in her first starring role. It’s also the first western directed by veteran filmmaker Andrew V. McLaglen who went on to direct 116 episodes of “Have Gun Will Travel” and 96 episodes of “Gunsmoke.” It was producer John Wayne who recommended James Arness for the lead. A lucky break for Arness who went on to play TV’s Marshal Matt Dillon for 2 years thanks to Wayne’s recommendation. Olive Films. Blu-ray.

This thrilling, action-filled and fun sequel to one of the screen’s most beautiful and enchanting movies follows original lead Kelly Reno on a search to recover his beloved Arabian horse, kidnapped by Saharan bandits. When his horse goes missing Alec leaves the peaceful farm where he lives with his mom (Teri Garr) and heads off to Morocco where warring Arab tribes are determined to run the Black under their own harsh rules in a legendary desert race. Reno’s Alec is single-minded, resourceful and in many ways most ordinary. That’s what makes him so appealing and why we root for him and care about his quest. Twilight Time Movies. (Limited Edition). Blu-ray. Note: Twilight Time Movies are limited to only 3,000 units. They sell out fast and when they are gone, that’s it. For more info go to Comments?






----------------------------------------------------lowly but surely science and technology are moving toward cures for human disease. What if a new medicine or remedy became available after one’s death that might have reversed a deadly illness? If a body was properly preserved, could the remedy still be applied? Award winning novelist Don DeLillo, explores a treatment in Zero K (Scribner, 288 pages) that includes a new look at life itself. The story is told by Jeffery Lockhart. He has been summoned by his billionaire father, Ross, from whom he has been estranged, to a futuristic and secretive location in a remote facility near Kyrgyzstan. Jeffery’s stepmother, Artis, much younger than his father, is dying of a genetic disease. She had a career as an archaeologist, and she and Ross have decided to be frozen – or cryogenically stored indefinitely for an eventual scientific and or technological breakthrough and perhaps resurrection! Ross has given money to the organization called “Convergence” and has helped build


August 4 to August 10, 2016

BY HEIDI SIMMONS the cryogenic facility. The compound is stark, windowless and the robed people running it are strange and cult-like. No one really talks but there are lectures that include devastating images of human destruction and mayhem. Artis has chosen to go through the cryogenic process just prior to her death and Ross decides to join her. Jeffery is not on board with his father’s choice. As the only child, Jeffery takes on the roll of supportive son, but only when it comes to the death of Artis. Together, father and son watch as Artis takes her last breath and is put into deep freeze. Jeffery and Ross return to New York and life goes on, but it is not the same for either of them. In only two years, both will return to Convergence. I was fascinated by Jeffery’s character. He is eccentric and markedly different from other trust-fund children. He is not interested in making loads of money and he appreciates the diversity of those living a simple life in New York City. He likes to observe people and enjoys giving strangers made-up names. He is curious about different people’s purpose and their contributions to the world. Under the circumstances of visiting his father and witnessing Artis’s death, Jeffery evaluates his own life. He recalls his mother

and growing up without Ross. Jeffery has OCD and was always the weird kid. But he concludes that his approach to life and living is beautiful. Jeffery wants to celebrate life in his own humble and meaningful way. He likes being a part of this world and isn’t interested in being frozen no matter what the future might be. Zero K delivers thoughtful debate about life on this planet and what the future may bring. “Zero K” refers to the unit of temperature that is minus 273.5 degrees Celsius or zero Kelvin, named for physicist William Thomson who was the first Baron Kelvin. But, in the story, “Zero K” refers to the process of freezing a client before death for cryostorage. As a first person narrator, Jeffery is easygoing and takes in the whole process without freaking out. He engages with the people

at the facility with an open mind, respect and curiosity. Jeffery is not brainwashed, nor is he argumentative. Although he is somewhat detached as a person, he takes it all in as a lesson about life itself. He sees human nature, fragility and mortality in a meaningful but new way. For Jeffery it’s not personal. Jeffery likes pondering what it means to be alive, to be someone, to speak, to hear, and to exist. I especially enjoyed the conversations about the future possibilities of being reanimated and reversing the biochemistry of death. As told by DeLillo, being resurrected by science and technology seems less farfetched than being reanimated by Devine intervention. Author DeLillo allows his characters to self-examine and contemplate global ideas of population wars and human destruction. In fact, it is a big part of what the “cryo-cult” believes is inevitable. The world is facing destruction. Convergence is not only a scientific endeavor; it is a social experiment as well as a philosophy. Zero K reads like a meditative experience. DeLillo conjures a troubled but beautiful world where life is embraced fully -- even in death.





t’s that time of year when we notice large cumulous clouds forming around southern California. And I love a good thunderstorm! But remember, “these clouds can produce lightning, thunder, hail and heavy rain reminds Fire Chief Sam DiGiovanna.” Pay attention to weather forecasts and remember “when thunder roars, head indoors” as a safety precaution. There is no place outside that’s safe when thunderstorms are in the area. If you hear thunder, that means lightning is close enough to strike you. • Stay indoors and away from windows and doors, and stay off porches. • Be proactive. If the forecast calls for possible thunderstorms, you may need to change some of your outdoor plans such as hiking, golf, swimming etc. • If you are caught outside, immediately

get off elevated areas such as hills, ridges or peaks. • Never shelter under an isolated tree. Get indoors or remain in your car for at least 30 minutes after the storm passes. • Stay out of areas subject to flooding. This includes low lying areas, canyons, creeks or washes. • Avoid already flooded areas and do not try to cross a flowing stream either by foot or car. 80% of flood deaths occur in vehicles, and most happen when drivers make a single, fatal mistake - trying to navigate through floodwaters reminds Chief DiGiovanna. During storms make sure you bring in your pets! For additional weather Flash Flood Safety visit: Fire Chief Sam DiGiovanna


August 4 to August 10, 2016

CLUB CRAWLER NIGHTLIFE continued from page 15

BLUEMBER; RM; 760-862-4581 Robert O’Conner 6-10pm CASCADE LOUNGE, SPA RESORT; PS; 888-999-1995 Nash with Quinto Menguante 9pm DHS SPA LOUNGE; DHS; 760-329-6787 Radio 60 & Friends 3-6pm EL MEXICALI CAFÉ 2; IND; 760-342-2333 Cesar Daniel Lopez on the harp 6-9pm THE HARD ROCK; PS; 760-325-9676 Pool Party w/ DJ Paparazzi 10am INDIAN WELLS RESORT HOTEL; IW; 760345-6466 Ted Herman’s Big Band 6pm JOSHUA TREE SALOON; JT; 760-366-2250 Open Jam 6pm LAS CASUELAS TERRAZA; PS; 760-3252794 Palm Springs Sound Company, in the afternoon, Hot Rox, in the night MELVYN’S RESTAURANT & LOUNGE; PS; 760-325-2323 Sunday Jam 4-8pm NEIL’S LOUNGE; IND; 760-347-1522 Golden Era Karaoke 4-7pm, Red’s Rockstar Karaoke 8pm-1:15am THE NEST; PD; 760-346-2314 Kevin Henry 7:30pm PAPPY & HARRIET’S; PT; 760-365-5956 The Sunday Band 7:30pm PETE’S HIDEAWAY;PS; 760-322-6500 The Evaro Brothers 7pm PURPLE ROOM; PS; 760-322-4422 The Judy Show 7pm RED BARN; PD; 760-346-0191 Karaoke 9pm SAMMY G’s; PS; 760-320-8041 Eddie Gee 7pm SULLIVAN’S STEAKHOUSE; PD; 760-3413560 The Myx 6pm THREE SIXTY NORTH; PS; 760-327-1773

The Chris Gore Group Pro Jam 7pm VUE GRILLE & BAR; IW; 760-834-3800 TBA 6pm WOODY’S BURGER; PS; 760-230-0188 The Smooth Brothers 5:30pm

MON AUGUST 8 29 PALMS INN; 29 Palms; 760-367-3505 The Luminators 6pm AJ’S ON THE GREEN; C.C.; 760-2021111 Bill Marx 6:30pm BART LOUNGE; C.C.; 760-799-8800 Mood Deep House Lounge 6pm-2am INDIAN WELLS RESORT HOTEL; IW; 760-345-6466 Larry Capeloto 6pm LAS CASUELAS TERRAZA; PS; 760-3252794 Hot Rox NEIL’S LOUNGE; IND; 760-347-1522 Karaoke 8pm-1:15am THE NEST; PD; 760-346-2314 Kevin Henry 7pm PAPPY & HARRIET’S; PT; 760-365-5956 Open Mic 7pm PLAN B LIVE ENTERTAINMENT AND COCKTAILS; TP; 760-343-2115 Industry Night w/ DJ Tone 2pm-close SULLIVAN’S STEAKHOUSE; PD; 760341-3560 T.B.A. 6pm VILLAGE PUB; PS; 760-323-3265 DJ Khodi Rayne 4:30-2am, Michael James & 3sum 9-2am VUE GRILLE & BAR; IW; 760-834-3800 Tony Grandberry 6:30pm WOODY’S BURGER; PS; 760-230-0188 Trish Hatley & Barney McClure 6pm

TUE AUGUST 9 29 PALMS INN; 29 Palms; 760-367-3505 The Bill & Bob Duo 6pm ACE HOTEL; PS; 760-325-9900 Ace Karaoke with Kiesha 9pm AJ’S ON THE GREEN; C.C.; 760-2021111 TBA 7pm AZUL; PS; 760-325-5533 Bella da Ball Dinner Revue w/ guest performers 7:30pm BART LOUNGE; C.C.; 760-799-8800 DJ and Dancing 9pm-2am THE BLOCK; C.C.; 760-832-7767 Karaoke en Espanol 9pm BLUEMBER; RM; 760-862-4581 Stanley Butler Trio 6-10pm FIRESIDE LOUNGE; PS; 760-327-1700 Red’s Rockstar Karaoke 9pm FISHERMAN’S GROTTO; PD; 760-7766533 Chuck Alvarez 6:30pm HUNTER’S; PS; 760-323-0700 Karaoke hosted by Phillip Moore 9pm INDIAN CANYONS GOLF RESORT; PS; 760-833-8700 DJ Randy Johnson 6pm INDIAN WELLS RESORT HOTEL; IW; 760-345-6466 Michael D’Angelo 6:15pm JOSHUA TREE SALOON; JT; 760-3662250 Ted Quinn’s Open Mic Reality Show Jam 8pm KOKOPELLI’S; YV; 760-228-2589 Karaoke 7pm LAS CASUELAS TERRAZA; PS; 760-3252794 Palm Springs Sound Company NEIL’S LOUNGE; IND; 760-347-1522 Karaoke 8pm-1:15am THE NEST; PD; 760-346-2314 Tim Burleson 7:45pm




WED AUGUST 10 29 PALMS INN; 29 Palms; 760-367-3505 Daniel Horn 6pm ACE HOTEL; PS; 760-325-9900 The Spenders 9pm AJ’S ON THE GREEN; C.C.; 760-2021111 Pro Jazz Jam w/ Doug MacDonald Trio 7:30pm AZUL; PS; 760-325-5533 Piano Bar 6pm BART LOUNGE; C.C.; 760-799-8800 Beer Pong Contest 6pm-2am BLUEMBER; RM; 760-862-4581 Michael Keeth 6-10pm ELECTRIC SPORTS LOUNGE; YV; 760228-1199 Karaoke 7:30pm FISHERMAN’S GROTTO; PD; 760-7766533 Gina Carey 6pm HUNTER’S; PS; 760-323-0700 Live VJ 9pm

INDIAN WELLS RESORT HOTEL; IW; 760-345-6466 Open Mic w/ Rich Bono & Poupee Boccaccio 6pm JOSHUA TREE SALOON; JT; 760-3662250 Live Music KOKOPELLI’S; YV; 760-228-2589 Open Mic hosted by Amy Angel 6:30pm LAS CASUELAS TERRAZA; PS; 760-3252794 Hot Rox MELVYN’S RESTAURANT & LOUNGE; PS; 760-325-2323 “Sing Jam” w/ Mikael Healey 8pm NEIL’S LOUNGE; IND; 760-347-1522 Golden Era Karaoke 4-7pm, Karaoke 8pm-1:15am THE NEST; PD; 760-346-2314 Kevin Henry 6-8pm Tim Burleson 8pm PALM CANYON ROADHOUSE; PS; 760327-4080 Roger Lemieux 5pm PJ’S SPORTS LOUNGE; YV; 760-2881199 Karaoke w/ KJ Ginger 8pm PLAN B LIVE ENTERTAINMENT AND COCKTAILS; TP; 760-343-2115 Red’s Rockstar Karaoke 9pm PURPLE ROOM; PS; 760-322-4422 Michael Holmes Jazz Trio 6:30pm SULLIVAN’S STEAKHOUSE; PD; 760341-3560 The Hive Minds Acoustic Duo 6:30pm THREE SIXTY NORTH; PS; 760-3271773 Mike Costley Band 6:30pm VILLAGE PUB; PS; 760-323-3265 DJ Khodi Rayne 4:30-2am, Nite Fixx 9-2am WOODY’S BURGER; PS; 760-230-0188 TBA 6:30pm To get your Music Lineup or Events in the Club Crawler Nightlife, contact Phill at


ONE OF THE SMARTEST THINGS THAT I EVER DID… ne of the smartest things I ever did was to buy a home. The original title of this article was “THE Smartest Thing That I Ever Did” but my wife/proof reader made it painfully obvious to me that buying our home was not THE smartest decision I ever made, just one of them! Next week I celebrate my 60th birthday and my wife who is just a single shade of grey more than I will officially retire next June after having been a school teacher for forty years. While doing some financial planning this past week for our future we had a chance to look back at the financial decisions that we had made in the past. Clearly buying our home was the best investment that we have ever made. I have seen a couple of commercials on TV lately featuring Jeff Goldblum talking smack about home ownership and how great renting is. It is understandable why he says this as he is paid to do so by his sponsor, but I’m pretty sure Jeff owns his own home and would not take his own advice on this! I also know that a lot of folks lost their homes in the “Great Recession” due to bad lenders, bad timing and most likely bad advice. In addition, so many young people are still struggling with a large student loan debt, a lousy job market and low wages making it extremely challenging for them to buy their first home. But I urge all of you not to give up on the dream of home ownership! It can provide you with stability and financial security throughout your entire life. Let’s take a look at the

PALM CANYON ROADHOUSE; PS; 760327-4080 Jethro BoDidley 7pm PLAN B LIVE ENTERTAINMENT AND COCKTAILS; TP; 760-343-2115 Ladies Night 7pm PURPLE ROOM; PS; 760-322-4422 Rose Mallett 7pm SULLIVAN’S STEAKHOUSE; PD; 760341-3560 Demetrious and Co. THREE SIXTY NORTH; PS; 760-3271773 Douglas McDonald Duo 6:30pm VILLAGE PUB; PS; 760-323-3265 Tequila Tuesdays 9pm VUE GRILLE & BAR; IW; 760-834-3800 Chris Lomeli 6pm WOODY’S BURGER; PS; 760-230-0188 TBA 6pm

sales data for last month and then I’ll share more about how owning my own home has helped me in my life and how owning your own home could benefit you too! According to the Desert Area MLS (as of 08/01/16) there were 822 pendings of residential properties here in the Coachella Valley in July. That’s down from the 915 pendings in the previous month (June) but still showing good volume and representing a significant increase in pendings when compared to the same time last year. In June there were 911 solds and in July we had 728 solds showing the normal “seasonal” decrease in closed sales. This is another increase over last year though when we sold only 691 homes in July 2015. In summary, we have now surpassed last year’s total sales through July and our monthly closings remain over 5% above last year’s closings. Our inventory of homes for sale was significantly reduced by almost 14% this month with only 3,867 homes available on July 31, 2016 compared to 4,450 homes available on July 1, 2016. That’s about a combined 34% reduction in inventory over the last three months and while somewhat typical for this time of year it continues the trend from a buyer’s market back to a Seller’s market. We have yet to see prices increase due to a shortage of houses on the market but the current data suggests that the combined historically low interest rates with the present low inventory will eventually push prices up. I said it last month and I will say it again, if

you can stand the heat, now is a good time to be shopping for a home here in the Coachella Valley. My wife and I are typical of most folks in that over the course of our lifetimes we have been horrible savers. We really only need a checking account since our “savings” account is liquidated regularly for Christmas, family vacations or some major purchase. If not for owning our home we would likely not be where we are at today financially. We purchased our home in 1982 with a first mortgage at 16% and a second at 10% and we struggled to make our mortgage payments. Eventually interest rates fell and we refinanced to a lower, fixed rate of interest and added a couple of bedrooms for the couple of children that we had added to our family. Eventually we no longer struggled to make our house payments but needed some help paying for college tuition, so we refinanced again this time with a 15 year mortgage at an even lower rate of interest. The end result of that was two graduates with no student debt and a still manageable monthly mortgage payment. Today we have about 7 years left until our mortgage is paid off, unless if we choose to make additional payments. Looking back financially at our years of home ownership it is clear that our home served as our savings account for the future. Unlike rent, our monthly mortgage payments reduced the amount of our loan thus building equity in our home. When combined with rising home prices, this allowed us to borrow against that equity to afford upgrades to our home and college tuition while at the same time keeping us in control of our monthly housing

expenses. Looking ahead to our future, thanks to our home, we have a fixed monthly housing expense that we can afford (even on social security when we get there!) but if necessary, we also have a safety net in our home’s equity that we can use by refinancing our mortgage or even selling our home to cover any unforeseeable catastrophic need. Looking back with my 20/20 hindsight it is clear to see that for peace of mind and financial security buying a home was one of the smartest things I ever did. Join me each month this year as we keep a close eye on our Coachella Valley real estate market. If you have a real estate question or concerns please email me at the address below. Bruce Cathcart is the Broker/Co-Owner of La Quinta Palms Realty, “Your Friendly Professionals” and can be reached by email at bycathcart@ or visit his website at


August 4 to August 10, 2016



onesty and integrity: Two qualities that most of us would like from the businesses that we patronize and spend our hard earned money at. For the last ten years, the Scottsdale, Arizona based Ethisphere Institute has recognized the most ethical companies in the world. Of the 134 companies that received this recognition, 102 are based in the United States. To be one of their awardees, a company must ‘aggressively’ foster a business culture of ethics and provide the oversight necessary to insure that the company does what it says that it does. Only one car company made the list Ford. Many of their competitors have been involved in scandals for price fixing, unsafe vehicles, cheating on emission standards and other unseemly behaviors. Banking is another business where only one American company with a local presence made the list - U.S. Bank. Worth noting, there are approximately 6,800 banks in the United States. While banks may not have made the list, two credit card companies did - VISA and MasterCard. The payment and staffing industry was well represented with Manpower, Paychex

and TSYS. The insurance industry had surprisingly robust representation with Aflac, Allstate, The Hartford, Arthur J Gallagher, Principal Financial and USAA. The money management industry has been under scrutiny for the way that it charges fees on its clients yet CUNA Mutual, MassMutual, Northern Trust, TIAA and Voya walked the walk while others just talked. In a bit of a surprise, only one philanthropic organization made the list The Nature Conservancy. Technology companies like Cisco, Dell, Intel, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Symantec and Texas Instruments embraced and enforced a culture of strong ethics yet Apple, Google and Qualcomm were not present. While Coca-Cola is one of the most notable brands in the world, it was Pepsico that was amongst the most ethical companies. Other notable brands included Starbucks, Target, Kellogg, Levi Strauss, Petco, T-Mobile, L’Oreal, General Electric, UPS, Colgate-Palmolive, Hasbro and Waste Management. Fields where you would not expect representation were the real estate and construction industries yet CBRE, Granite



ou won’t currently read about Bonnie and Clyde robbing banks with Tommy Guns. Today’s thefts are less confrontational as thieves do not have to use guns. Instead they scam us with cons. The CV is perfect for scams because of the unsuspecting elderly who make perfect victims. On July 28, 2016 the Desert Sun stated that there are about 500,000 monthly robocalls, costing Americans $7.4 Billion. The 3 biggest are Google listing scams, Loan related scams and Fraudsters offering free vacations. As our parents taught us “if it sounds too good to be is probably not true.” Robocalls escalate when the phone is answered. The bad guys have call centers, often from out of the country, that make day long calls. They have spoofing software making it look like you are receiving the call from say the IRS or Riverside Sheriffs. The caller may claim to be an enforcement officer acting on behalf of the IRS, the Palm Springs Police, Riverside County Sheriff or the Indio Courthouse. Sometimes the caller ID may even confirm same. Note that the IRS does not call you, they send letters. If this happens to you, call

the IRS at 800-829-1040 or forward their emails to Scammers often alter caller ID numbers to make it look like the IRS or another agency is calling. They use IRS titles and fake badge numbers to appear legitimate. They may also use the victim’s name, address and other personal information to make the call sound official. These scams use threats to intimidate and bully a victim into paying. The caller may even threaten to arrest, deport or revoke the license of their victim if they don’t get the money, according to the IRS. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) reported this week that California remains in the top 10 on their list of states with the highest per-capita identity theft complaints in 2015. Tax-related identity theft is a top source of those complaints, according to the FTC. The vulnerability of California residents to fraud, particularly identity theft, is exacerbated by the ongoing problem of data breaches. A caller may demand that the victim pay a bogus tax bill, and con the victim into sending cash, usually through a prepaid debit card or wire transfer. “Urgent” callback requests through phone

Construction, Jones Lang LaSalle were present. While no airlines made the list, hoteliers Marriott and Wyndham as well as cruise lines Holland America and Royal Caribbean made the list. While some regional health care providers made the list, none serving California were mentioned. Looking at the dark side of business, Monsanto has been consistently ranked as one of the least ethical businesses in the world due to its production of genetically engineered seed, a business practice of unfairly suing small farmers for patent infringement as well as other anticompetitive business practices that hurt small farmers while potentially damaging the food supply. Haliburton is another company that consistently ranks poorly for an assortment of practices that include fraud, doing business with rogue nations and exposing employees to hazardous materials and

“robo-calls,” or via a phishing email are also common in 2016. There are five things scammers often do but the IRS will not do. Any one of these five things is a tell-tale sign of a scam. The IRS will never: * call to demand immediate payment, nor will the agency call about taxes owed without first having mailed you a bill; * demand that you pay taxes without giving you the opportunity to question or appeal the amount they say you owe; * require you to use a specific payment method for your taxes, such as a prepaid debit card; * ask for credit or debit card numbers over the phone; or * threaten to bring in local police or other law-enforcement groups to have you arrested for not paying. If you get a phone call from someone claiming to be from the IRS and asking for money, you should hang up immediately and report the call. The IRS does not call. If you think you are the victim of an ID Theft then cancel your credit cards ASAP, place a fraud alert on them and call the police to make a report. REPORT POTENTIAL ID THEFT to: Equifax 1-800 525 6285; fraud alert 888 766 0008 Experian (formerly TRW) 1-888 397 3742 to place fraud alert

working conditions. Goldman Sachs has been widely criticized for their role in the financial crisis as well as business practices that led Matt Taibbi of Rolling Stone to say that Goldman “is a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money.” While these are three of the worst actors in business, Philip Morris, Bank of America, AIG, Koch, Sears, Comcast, Chevron, Pfizer and Wal-Mart are just a few of the other unethical companies profiting via business practices that are questionable, unethical and often illegal. While you and I cannot avoid all of these ‘bad’ companies in our day-to-day lives, we can encourage good behavior by frequenting local businesses and larger businesses that are recognized as having some of the best and most ethical practices. In the event that you want an ethical, honest and transparent investment advisor, reach out to Haddon Libby who is an Investment Advisor and Managing Director at Winslow Drake via 760.449.6349 or

Trans Union 1-800 680 7289 for Fraud alert Social Security Administration (fraud line) 1-800 269 0271 If you have any questions regarding this column or ideas for future columns please contact Dale Gribow 760-837-7500 or DALE GRIBOW - TOP LAWYER - Palm Springs Life-(DUI)-2011-17 PERFECT 10.0 AVVO Peer Rating “PREEMINENT” Rating - Martindale Hubbell Legal Directory “BEST Attorneys of America” Selected by “Rue” (Limited to Top 100 Attorneys per state) Legal Eagle “Best and Brightest Legal Minds” by Palm Springs Life- June 2016 DON’T DRINK AND DRIVE, CALL A TAXI OR UBER.........IT IS A LOT CHEAPER THAN CALLING ME .........SO DRIVE SOBER OR GET PULLED OVER THIS SUMMER


August 4 to August 10, 2016




Dear Jenny, I recently broke up with my boyfriend who has a heavy drinking problem. He was very loving and attentive, but his drinking interfered with our relationship in negative ways. For example, because he was highly intoxicated he broke my ankle, yet he still won’t admit he has a problem. My question is, do I give him a chance to prove he can be in a healthy relationship or move on? The fact that I’m getting older, still not married and without kids, well that has me freaking out! Men, who needs them? It doesn’t matter what age, they’re all the same. (I say that because my previous relationship was with an older guy and he was no better) Look forward to a response, - Lexi ------------------------------------------------Wow Lexi, Let’s try to slowly break it down. So you were dating a person who is much older than you? Was the main reason you were with him because you thought he would act a little more mature than the others you were used to dating? Actually, let me rephrase that, did you think he would act a different way towards you than the others you were used to dating? And when that proved to be untrue, you ended the relationship, just another failed relationship with a guy who needs to grow up? Is that the conclusion you came to? From there you moved on to another relationship, this time to a guy who was loving and attentive (your words, not mine). Unfortunately, he had a drinking problem, one that resulted in breaking your ankle. And even after that, he wouldn’t admit to having a problem. Well Lexi, would it matter if he did admit it? You would still be where you are. The only thing that these relationships have in common is you. So let’s talk about you for a bit. We have established that you want a successful, loving, happily ever after, relationship. Ask yourself some important questions about what you want. How much do you want it? When we are desperate for anything, we are cutting off any creativity from coming our way. We are no longer open to new ideas, new people, new things, we are just desperate and only able to focus on what we know, what is familiar. That is why the same “type” of guy keeps entering your life. Now that your relationship is over and you are no longer with a partner,


maybe take this time to release some of your old patterns of thinking; the patterns that keep leading you to the same thing. The only way to let go of desperation is to release everything in its way. Things like not having children, getting older, etc. Let go of everything that is fear based, whatever is limiting to you, it is no longer serving you. But the key here is, when you let go, you can’t be attached to the outcome. Meaning, you can’t give something up, in order to receive something in return. The universe doesn’t work that way. Your surrender must be entirely honest with no strings attached. You must give up the relationship that isn’t serving you and risk getting nothing in return. When you give up what you have because you clearly don’t want it, you gain more self love, more self respect, more integrity. When you are willing to trust that you will find a more satisfying relationship or willing to be okay if you do not, that’s when your own personal growth starts taking place. When you start being okay with being alone, you begin to send out new signals to the universe! Get rid of all your old definitions of what a relationship is, get rid of your old patterns of relationships, release them. Let go of everything and grow! Growth is more a process of letting go than it is a process of stocking and saving. Maybe you shouldn’t get frustrated with yourself and your track record when it comes to relationships, maybe it’s just time to grow! - ❤Namaste, Jenny Don’t forget to follow Jenny at www., find her on facebook or contact her at 760-505-0952 “Some problems must simply be lived with, and some simply lived through. Many, however, have overstayed their welcome and are long overdue for release.” - Katherine Woodward Thomas





any of the NBA’s top players decided to skip the 2016 Rio Olympics, but the United States men’s basketball team is still filled with stars. With a 12-man roster that includes nine All-Stars from the 2015-16 season, Team USA is the overwhelming favorite to take home the gold medal. Current Las Vegas odds have the stacked U.S.A. team at -900. That means give the guy across the counter $900 then wait for them to win and get $1000 back. The roster is so stacked that any five-man lineup that Team USA could put together would give them the advantage over the opposition. But who are the best players on the team? LeBron James and Stephen Curry both decided to pass on playing in Rio after a grueling NBA Finals, making it obvious who is the team’s top star. Russell Westbrook, Kawhi Leonard, Chris Paul and James Harden will also watch the Olympic Games from home. Here’s how I rank the best players on Team USA: 1) Kevin Durant He might not be the best player on his NBA team, but Durant is clearly the star of Team USA. A perennial MVP candidate, Durant’s length and shooting ability will make him a nightmare for opposing countries in Rio. 2) Klay Thompson An argument can be made for others at No.2, but Thompson’s prowess on both ends of the floor gets him the nod. He might be the NBA’s best defensive shooting guard, and he ranked 12th in scoring average this past season, even though he had to share the ball with Curry. 3) Kyrie Irving Irving was much lower on the list before the start of the playoffs, but he emerged as a superstar in the 2016 NBA Finals. He’s the best point guard on the roster, and if Team USA needs to score down the stretch of games, Irving is the best option after Durant. 4) Draymond Green His antics during the playoffs and recent off-the-court issues might cause some to forget how good Green actually is. Green might be the NBA’s best defender because of his ability to guard all five positions, and he was the Warriors’ No.1 facilitator with 7.4 assists per game. Playing with four other All-Stars at one time, he might be the glue that holds Team USA together. 5) Kyle Lowry One of the NBA’s most underrated players, Lowry was the star of the team that lost one more game than the Cleveland Cavaliers and entered Game 5 of the Eastern Conference finals with a chance to take the series lead.

6) Paul George One of the NBA’s best two-way players, George can do it all. His 41.8 percent shooting isn’t ideal for international competition, but George averaged a careerhigh 23.1 points because of his ability to get to the hoop and shoot three-pointers at a rate better than the average player. 7) Jimmy Butler Butler broke out as an All-Star two years ago and looked like he might be ready to become an elite star in the league. While he remains a top two-way player, he failed to take the next step last year as his shooting numbers suffered and the Chicago Bulls failed to reach the playoffs. 8) DeMarcus Cousins Cousins is the team’s best big man, and he fills up the stat sheet like few in the NBA can. But he’s always playing on losing teams, and it’s not only because of the lack of talent around him. 9) Carmelo Anthony The oldest member of Team USA, Anthony isn’t the superstar that he once was. But he remains one of the NBA’s best pure scorers when healthy, and he won’t have to carry a heavy load in Rio like he does with the New York Knicks. 10) DeMar DeRozan The shooting guard is coming off the best season of his career, averaging careerhighs in points (23.5) and assists (4.0), while posting his second-highest rebounding average (4.5). But his overall game makes him the weakest member of the team’s backcourt. 11) DeAndre Jordan He’s one of just two members of Team USA that’s never been an All-Star, but Jordan is the team’s best rebounder and shot-blocker. His defense is somewhat overrated, but he’ll play an important role as one of the team’s two true centers. 12) Harrison Barnes An important player on the NBA’s best regular-season team of all time, Barnes is clearly the worst of the bunch. Barnes has never come close to making an AllStar team, and he was brutal in the finals with 9.3 points per game on 35.2 percent shooting. This isn’t even close to the bast team the U.S. could have put on the court but that won’t matter one but as Team U.S.A. will win the gold - Easily.


Week of August 4

ARIES (March 21-April 19): I apologize in advance for the seemingly excessive abundance of good news I’m about to report. If you find it hard to believe, I won’t hold your skepticism against you. But I do want you to know that every prediction is warranted by the astrological omens. Ready for the onslaught? 1. In the coming weeks, you could fall forever out of love with a wasteful obsession. 2. You might also start falling in love with a healthy obsession. 3. You can half-accidentally snag a blessing you have been halfafraid to want. 4. You could recall a catalytic truth whose absence has been causing you a problem ever since you forgot it. 5. You could reclaim the mojo that you squandered when you pushed yourself too hard a few months ago. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): August is Adopt-aTaurus month. It’s for all of your tribe, not just the orphans and exiles and disowned rebels. Even if you have exemplary parents, the current astrological omens suggest that you require additional support and guidance from wise elders. So I urge you to be audacious in rounding up trustworthy guardians and benefactors. Go in search of mentors and fairy godmothers. Ask for advice from heroes who are further along the path that you’d like to follow. You are ready to receive teachings and direction you weren’t receptive to before. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): When a parasite or other irritant slips inside an oyster’s shell, the mollusk’s immune system besieges the intruder with successive layers of calcium carbonate. Eventually, a pearl may form. I suspect that this is a useful metaphor for you to contemplate in the coming days as you deal with the salt in your wound or the splinter in your skin. Before you jump to any conclusions, though, let me clarify. This is not a case of the platitude, “Whatever doesn’t kill you will make you stronger.” Keep in mind that the pearl is a symbol of beauty and value, not strength. CANCER (June 21-July 22): It’s your lucky day! Spiritual counsel comparable to what you’re reading here usually sells for $99.95. But because you’re showing signs that you’re primed to outwit bad habits, I’m offering it at no cost. I want to encourage you! Below are my ideas for what you should focus on. (But keep in mind that I don’t expect you to achieve absolute perfection.) 1. Wean yourself from indulging in self-pity and romanticized pessimism. 2. Withdraw from connections with people who harbor negative images of you. 3. Transcend low expectations wherever you see them in play. 4. Don’t give your precious life energy to demoralizing ideas and sour opinions. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): You’re not doing a baby chick a favor by helping it hatch. For the sake of its well-being, the bird needs to peck its way out of the egg. It’s got to exert all of its vigor and willpower in starting its new life. That’s a good metaphor for you to meditate on. As you escape from your comfortable womb-jail and launch yourself toward inspiration, it’s best to rely as much as possible on your own instincts. Friendly people who would like to provide assistance may inadvertently cloud your access to your primal wisdom. Trust yourself deeply and wildly. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): I hear you’re growing weary of wrestling with ghosts. Is that true? I hope so. The moment you give up the fruitless struggle, you’ll become eligible for a unique kind of freedom that you have not previously imagined. Here’s another rumor I’ve caught wind of: You’re getting bored with an old source of sadness that you’ve used to motivate yourself for a long time. I hope that’s true, too. As soon as you shed your allegiance to the sadness, you will awaken to a sparkling font of comfort you’ve been blind to. Here’s one more story I’ve picked up through the grapevine: You’re close to realizing that your attention to a mediocre treasure has diverted you from a more pleasurable treasure. Hallelujah! LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Could it be true that the way out is the same as the way in? And that the so-called “wrong” answer is almost indistinguishable

© Copyright 2016 Rob Brezsny

from the right answer? And that success, at least the kind of success that really matters, can only happen if you adopt an upside-down, inside-out perspective? In my opinion, the righteous answer to all these questions is “YESSS???!!!” -- at least for now. I suspect that the most helpful approach will never be as simple or as hard as you might be inclined to believe. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Your strength seems to make some people uncomfortable. I don’t want that to become a problem for you. Maybe you could get away with toning down your potency at other times, but not now. It would be sinful to act as if you’re not as competent and committed to excellence as you are. But having said that, I also urge you to monitor your behavior for excess pride. Some of the resistance you face when you express your true glory may be due to the shadows cast by your true glory. You could be tempted to believe that your honorable intentions excuse secretive manipulations. So please work on wielding your clout with maximum compassion and responsibility. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Did you honestly imagine that there would eventually come a future when you’d have your loved ones fully “trained”? Did you fantasize that sooner or later you could get them under control, purged of their imperfections and telepathically responsive to your every mood? If so, now is a good time to face the fact that those longings will never be fulfilled. You finally have the equanimity to accept your loved ones exactly as they are. Uncoincidentally, this adjustment will make you smarter about how to stir up soulful joy in your intimate relationships. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): You may experience a divine visitation as you clean a toilet in the coming weeks. You might get a glimpse of a solution to a nagging problem while you’re petting a donkey or paying your bills or waiting in a long line at the bank. Catch my drift, Capricorn? I may or may not be speaking metaphorically here. You could meditate up a perfect storm as you devour a doughnut. While flying high over the earth in a dream, you might spy a treasure hidden in a pile of trash down below. If I were going to give your immediate future a mythic title, it might be “Finding the Sacred in the Midst of the Profane.” AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): I’ve worked hard for many years to dismantle my prejudices. To my credit, I have even managed to cultivate compassion for people I previously demonized, like evangelical Christians, drunken jocks, arrogant gurus, and career politicians. But I must confess that there’s still one group toward which I’m bigoted: super-rich bankers. I wish I could extend to them at least a modicum of amiable impartiality. How about you, Aquarius? Do you harbor any hidebound biases that shrink your ability to see life as it truly is? Have you so thoroughly rationalized certain narrow-minded perspectives and judgmental preconceptions that your mind is permanently closed? If so, now is a favorable time to dissolve the barriers and stretch your imagination way beyond its previous limits. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Are you lingering at the crux of the crossroads, restless to move on but unsure of which direction will lead you to your sweet destiny? Are there too many theories swimming around in your brain, clogging up your intuition? Have you absorbed the opinions of so many “experts” that you’ve lost contact with your own core values? It’s time to change all that. You’re ready to quietly explode in a calm burst of practical lucidity. First steps: Tune out all the noise. Shed all the rationalizations. Purge all the worries. Ask yourself, “What is the path with heart?” Homework: What if you didn’t feel compelled to have an opinion about every hot-button issue? Try living opinion-free for a week. testify at ---------------------------------------Rob Brezsny Free Will Astrology

August 4 to August 10, 2016





ecently I was asked, “What is it that you want in a friendship or relationship?” I pondered for a moment and then asked, “How much time do you have?” I’m being facetious. I proceeded to list my wants and needs. Fortunately, they were well received and my friend concurred and believes my list is rational. In friendships and relationships with the same or opposite sex, we have experienced our share of disappointments. Yet, I am grateful for the lessons. When relationships don’t materialize the way we had hoped, I believe there is always a reason. Thus hoping for something bigger and better. Reflecting upon previous friendships, working relationships, or intimate relationships, when one has not come to fruition as planned I know it has been beneficial. How do I arrive at this conclusion? Simple… I feel peace and trust all is well. This compels me to share my needs and wants in any relationship. We’ve all been duped, had our hearts trampled on, been deceived, the list can go on and on. It comes down to trust. When you or someone violates a trust you might as well say farewell to your relationship. However, there is forgiveness and not

all is lost. When the trust between two people is compromised so is the peace. It is challenging to have peace regarding your surroundings when you cannot trust the people or person in your circle. We are imperfect beings. As humans we make mistakes. Often, people do not think before they act. If you desire to achieve healthy relations with the people in your life it is important to value them as a person. I encourage my daughters to think before they act. The old adage, “do unto other as you want them to do unto you.” I promote and encourage my daughters to be empathetic. Place yourself in the other person’s shoes. Simple communication with your friend or significant other will help you achieve healthy relationships. You will be enabled to maintain trust, which will lead to a peaceful and harmonious relationship. It also comes down to respecting the people in your life. A loss of respect for someone can lead to poor decision making in your relationships. Strive to achieve healthy communicative relationships in your life. You will have a greater peace and trust of yourself. Bronwyn Ison is the owner of Evolve Yoga. 760.564.YOGA


August 4 to August 10, 2016



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have frequently discussed the benefits of Omega 3 fish oil in the past. I have mentioned how it can benefit the heart and the brain. Well, here are some more benefits for this over the counter supplement. Specifically, Omega-3 Fatty Acids can be beneficial for depression. A recent study published in The American Journal of Psychiatry found that using omega 3 fatty acids along with antidepressants was found to be beneficial. Another psychiatric study, the Vienna Omega-3 Study, has shown that high dose Omega 3 fatty acids taken for 12 weeks was beneficial in preventing psychosis. Omega 3 fish oil also has benefits for the skin. Supplementation can help reduce eczema and psoriasis. A study published in the international journal, Acta Dermata Venereologica, in February 2014, showed that supplementation with omega 3 fatty acids and gamma-linoleic acid (commonly known as GLA) can be beneficial in the treatment of acne. After 10 weeks of supplementation with Omega 3 fatty acids and GLA, acne lesions decreased significantly. GLA is a supplement that can also be found over the counter. What about joint pain? Omega 3 fatty acids have very powerful anti-inflammatory properties. A 2010 study found that fish oil significantly decreased joint tenderness and stiffness in rheumatoid arthritis patients. These patients were able to take less of their pain medications, such as ibuprofen or naprosyn, because of their supplementation with omega 3 fish oil. Omega 3 fish oil may also have a similar effect in osteoarthritis. What’s a good dose? Most of the over the counter available

omega-3 fish oil will state “1,000mg” or “1,200mg” on the label, but you should turn the bottle around to look at the rest of the label to determine how much EPA and DHA are in the capsule. Fish oil is rich source of two essential omega-3 fatty acids, EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). Generally, EPA is good for the heart and DHA is good for the brain, so the more EPA and DHA contained per fish oil capsule, the better. Not all fish oil brands are the same so it is very important to look at the label and make sure you pay attention to the serving size. What may seem like a good dose of EPA/DHA could be a serving size of 6 capsules! I generally recommend taking a product that provides at least 700-1,000mg of EPA and 200500mg DHA daily in the smallest amount of pills. Higher dosages are available in liquid form. Molecularly distilled fish oils are naturally high in EPA and DHA and low in contaminants. Side Effects Common adverse side effects are varying degrees of stomach upset, gas or burping fish breath. I have found that higher quality fish oil supplements have less side effects. Fish oil supplements may cause easy bruising and can affect blood clotting, so check with your doctor if you are on any anticoagulant or “blood thinning” medications.

ooking down at my dinner plate I realized the meal was half eaten and I hardly remembered tasting my food. Puzzled, I began breaking down the past few days that I had labeled as my “klutzy week.” Suddenly it dawned on me I wasn’t just prone to spilling and dropping things, I was operating on auto-pilot and apparently my pilot was barely awake at the controls. More often than not last week my body was in the here and now, but my mind was off wandering taking me wherever it wanted to go. Feeling a little mentally mushy I reminded myself there was no need for panic. Auto pilot is beneficial at times as our brains have the ability to guide us through established tasks while our thoughts work problem solving. It’s okay to let auto pilot take control sometimes, but I reprimanded myself for lazily allowing my automated mode too much power. The opposite of auto-piloting is mindfulness. My half eaten meal was my wake-up call. I needed to evoke some strategies to practice awareness. Three such techniques were recommended by Henrik, a Swedish blogger I follow. The first, hardly a profound suggestion, but non-the-less good advice: slow down. Color me guilty for rushing through mundane tasks causing spills and dropping objects while my mind was somewhere in a far off land. It

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stands to reason when we slow down the pace, efficiency takes over. The second strategy I grasped immediately: Tell yourself – now I am. Reminding yourself of what you are doing in the present moment does more than prevent your mind from wandering. By remaining mindful, we capture and fully appreciate the experience whether it’s observing a hummingbird drink from a flower, watching a child at play or sipping a cool lemonade. Ever find yourself ruminating over an issue or beating yourself up for making a mistake? Sure, we are all guilty of that. Reach for the third technique when that happens by disrupting your inner critic. Speak to that mind-gremlin reminding the little voice in your head you are not going down that path for the 17th time. Then bring your thoughts back to the present. Why not take the mindfulness challenge with me. Stay in the moment by using the mentioned techniques. Changing up your routines is also helpful. Take a new route home, or have breakfast for dinner. If you always read fiction, try absorbing a memoir. Stop muti-tasking and start uni-tasking. I wish you a week filled with joy and awareness. Sunny Simon is the owner of Raise the Bar High Life and Career Coaching and the author of the blog,

August 4 to August 10, 2016


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August 4 to August 10, 2016


August 4 to August 10, 2016


August 4 to August 10, 2016


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