Coachella Valley Weekly - August 11 to August 17, 2022 Vol. 11 No. 22

Page 1 • August 11 to August 17, 2022 Vol.11 No.22

Bonnie Raitt


The Beatles - Get Back


College Of The Desert


Desert Star Awards


Linda Arbuckle


August 11 to August 17, 2022


August 11 to August 17, 2022

BY CRYSTAL HARRELL Coachella Valley Weekly (760) 501-6228 Publisher & Editor Tracy Dietlin Art Director Robert Chance Sales Team Kirby, Kathy Bates, Raymond Bill Club Crawler Nightlife Editor Phil Lacombe Head Music Writer Esther Sanchez Head Feature Writer Crystal Harrell Feature Writers Lisa Morgan, Rich Henrich, Heidi Simmons, Noe Gutierrez, Tricia Witkower Writers/Contributors: Robin Simmons, Rick Riozza, Eleni P. Austin, Craig Michaels, Janet McAfee, Haddon Libby, Sam DiGiovanna, Dale Gribow, Rob Brezny, Denise Ortuno Neil, Dee Jae Cox, Lynne Tucker, Aimee Mosco, Ruth Hill, Madeline Zuckerman, Ed Heethuis, Daniel Paris, Michelle Borthwick, Nadia Popova, Dennis Shelly Photographers Robert Chance, Laura Hunt Little, Chris Miller, Esther Sanchez Videographer Kurt Schawacker Website Editor Bobby Taffolla Distribution Phil Lacombe, William Westley

CONTENTS In Memory Of Mayor Max II .................... 3-5 Consider This - Bonnie Raitt....................... 8 Club Crawler Nightlife ............................... 9 Screeners................................................... 10 The Vino Voice .......................................... 12 College Of The Desert............................... 13 Breaking The 4th Wall................................ 13 Pet Place .............................................. 14-15 Haddon Libby ............................................17


esidents of the town of Idyllwild and the Coachella Valley area are mourning the passing of one very good boy. On July 30, Mayor Max, II (Maximus Mighty-Dog Mueller, II) passed away after a brief medical issue, leaving behind a nineyear-long legacy of love and compassion while governing the non-incorporated Idyllwild community. A friendly, handsome golden retriever often adorned with a tie and hat at his public appearances, Mayor Max, II was a famous figure within Idyllwild, promoting a campaign of unconditional love and a determination to do as many good deeds for others as possible. Mayor Max, II is survived by his Deputy Mayors, Mikey and Mitzi, along with his Chiefs of Staff, Phyllis Mueller and Glenn Warren. Phyllis and her husband Glenn met in 1981, and are passionate animal rights activists who believe that animals should have the same rights as humans. The couple is even in the top ten percent of worldwide donors for the Citizens Commission on Human Rights. Phyllis and Glenn moved to Idyllwild in 2011 with the original Mayor Max, I. In addition to running the Office of Mayor Max, the two are self-employed and run a full-service marketing agency called Mueller Worldwide that helps companies make sales appointments. In 2012, Idyllwild held its first-ever mayoral election, sponsored by Idyllwild Animal Rescue Friends (ARF). Any local resident was

permitted to nominate his or her dog or cat. Phyllis and Glenn nominated their 12-year-old golden retriever Max. “When I first heard about the election, it touched my heart. I thought it was such an honor to be considered for the Mayor of Idyllwild in a non-political way,” said Phyllis. The election was held over three days at the Idyllwild post office, with buckets for each animal candidate for voters to drop money into, as a fundraiser for ARF. The public was encouraged to vote for as many candidates as they wanted, and were able to contribute funds more than once. Fourteen dogs and two cats were nominated and ran for office. Constituents could cast their votes via $1 donations each, and all $31,000 of the proceeds benefited ARF. Max won by a landslide, with a full twothirds of the votes totaling to $21,133. Max (Maximus Mighty-Dog Mueller) was voted into office during the election held on June 11, 12, and 13, 2012 in Idyllwild, and was inaugurated to a one-year term on July 1, 2012. Max’s popularity moved the people of Idyllwild to appeal to ARF for his continuation in office beyond his one-year term. On February 9, 2013, ARF announced the extension of his one-year term to a second and final year, ending on June 30, 2014. However, on April 2, 2013, Mayor Max, I passed away, leaving the citizens of Idyllwild in sorrow. “When Mayor Max, I died, the community was in overwhelming grief and without me

even contacting anyone, Channel 7 news did a segment that night, saying ‘the tears are flowing in Idyllwild tonight.’ Everyone was devastated and I wanted to create more happiness,” shared Phyllis. The search for Mayor Max, II began, and after a four-month period of time, Idyllwild met the new Mayor Max and his two deputy mayors, Deputy Mayor Mikey, and Deputy Mayor Mitzi, and celebrated with a welcome party. Mayor Max, II was found at EveningStar Kennels in Aguanga, CA, and while Mitzi and Mikey were adopted at Gangway Kennel in Rootstown, Ohio. The three dogs shared a common ancestor with the original Mayor Max. Mikey and Mitzi are siblings from the same litter, and Max was a cousin of theirs. Mayor Max, II shares many similar attributes to Mayor Max, I. The successor for the remainder of Max’s term, Maximus Mighty-Dog Mueller, II, arrived in Idyllwild on July 21, 2013. Idyllwild Animal Rescue Friends approved his mayoral transition plan. “Mayor Max had no idea who was republican or democrat. He’s loved on both sides of any issue. He’s well-loved, not only by the Idyllwild community, but around the world,” stated Phyllis. Since COVID restrictions lifted, Mayor Max, II would visit schools, hospitals and nursing homes, and do charity fundraising for noncontinue to page 5

Dale Gribow .............................................. 17 Cyber Corner ............................................. 18 Safety Tips ................................................. 18 Free Will Astrology................................... 19 Cannabis Corner ....................................... 20 Cannabis Corner - Linda Arbuckle........... 20 Send Me A Trainer .................................... 22 Health - Keto ............................................. 22


August 11 to August 17, 2022


MAYOR MAX II continued from page 3

political charities. Just like his predecessor, Mayor Max, II was a central figure in Idyllwild fully invested in the lives of his townspeople as part of his mayoral duties. He would do wellness checks on those who were feeling sick, or help families in crisis through fundraisers organized by his office. Deputy Mayors Mitzi and Mikey will act as the new co-mayors of Idyllwild on a temporary interim basis while Phyllis begins the search for Mayor Max, III. The process has already begun and Phyllis hopes to have identified the new mayor between the next 3 to 12 months, where he will then be brought to Idyllwild to continue the mayor’s work. Phyllis has trouble recalling a favorite memory with Mayor Max, II, as every day

August 11 to August 17, 2022

together was so special. It was evident, however, that many people loved him. From tree lighting ceremonies in December to Fourth of July events, people would smile as they saw the mayor and his spares dressed for the occasion posed in the bed of their office truck. Hospital visits also made an impression on Phyllis, as she saw firsthand how Mayor Max, II made others’ last moments ones of peace and happiness. “When you see that a dog can create immediate joy for a person who is dying, you know that it’s a special being. Mayor Max, II comforted others and tried to bring happiness in the worst of situations,” recalled Phyllis. As part of the Office of Mayor Max, one of Phyllis’ roles included scheduling visits with

people who recently had a pet pass away. After the death of Mayor Max, II, Phyllis received many calls from people, saying that they felt as though their own dog had died because of how much they loved Max. “Whenever we were out in public and a child would say, ‘I wish Max was my dog,’ I would tell them, ‘Mayor Max is not just my dog, but he’s also your dog. And he promises to love you for the rest of his life and he feels that you are perfect just the way that you are,’” shared Phyllis. Phyllis plans to continue the Mayor Max tradition as a means of creating a movement of love. The Office of Mayor Max’s charter is to make the world a better place with unconditional love and doing as many good deeds as possible. Three years ago, Mayor

Max’s POET (Peace on Earth Team) was created to encourage others to take a stand against hate, and will continue to do so. “I had no idea how much of an impact Mayor Max had until after he died. I knew we had a hundred thousand followers online, and I knew that we created a lot of living angels, but now that he is gone, I realize that we have reached many more people than I ever imagined. Mayor Max wanted to create peace on earth in his lifetime, but now he can create peace on earth in his new lifetime,” stated Phyllis. More information and updates regarding the search for Mayor Max, III, can be found at, or on the official social media pages—@mayormax1 on Instagram and Mayor Max Politician on Facebook.


August 11 to August 17, 2022


August 11 to August 17, 2022


August 11 to August 17, 2022


“I don’t ever think we’ll get back how we used to, no use tryin’ to measure the loss, we better start getting used to it, and damn the cost.” hat’s Bonnie Raitt, trying to navigate the rocky shoals of grief and heartache in a (not so) Post-Covid world on Livin’ For The Ones” from her latest album, Just Like That….” Even after a career that spans more than half a century, she remains ageless. Born into a showbiz family, her mom, Marjorie, was a talented singer and pianist, her dad, John, was a Broadway legend who originated lead roles in hits like Carousel and The Pajama Game. Along with her brothers, David and Steven, Bonnie grew up in Los Angeles. As a kid, she studied piano and easily picked up the guitar. Along with the usual suspects, Bob Dylan and The Beatles, she grew up loving Blues and Folk music. That affinity intensified when she began attending college at Radcliffe in the late ‘60s. It was there that she saw Blues idols like Mississippi Fred McDowell, Sippie Wallace and Son House up close, in person. Those legends became mentors and friends. Pretty soon, Bonnie began playing Boston Folk clubs. She ended up taking a sabbatical from school to pursue music full-time. She was something of an anomaly, a flame-haired Hollywood hippie girl who sang and played slide guitar like a Delta master. But that talent and tenacity netted her a deal with Warner Brothers Records. Bonnie’s self-titled debut arrived in 1971. her sound, sharp synthesis of Blues, Folk, Country and good ol’ Rock & Roll, wowed fans and critics alike. It became the blueprint for her next six records. Disinclined to recycle old Blues standards, her albums typically featured a couple of originals, and some Blues, as well as deep cuts from contemporaries like Randy Newman, Jackson Browne and John Prine. Much like Linda Ronstadt, she ended up making these songs her own. Her music was hardly Top 40 material, but it found a forever home on FM and free-form radio. Early in her career, she equated Blues authenticity with hard living; matching her idols and fellow musicians drink for drink, line for line, felt de rigueur, almost a rite of passage. To paraphrase The Doobie Brothers, what were once vices, became habits. By the mid ‘80s, her substance issues were out of control. Just as worrisome, her career had plateaued. Warner Brothers shelved a recent album. Even as label-mate (and mega-star) Prince evinced an interest in producing her, the label chose to drop her. Soon enough, she was burning through her savings in order to stay on the road. Something had to give. Finally, she had an epiphany of sorts. Hard partying wasn’t keeping her authentic, in fact, if she continued on her current path, she would probably end up a sloppy performer or dead. Stevie Ray Vaughan, Blues guitarist nonpareil, had recently embraced sobriety, and the lifestyle change hadn’t diminished his playing, in fact, it improved it. With that inspiration in mind, she found a program, began working her steps and put drinking and drugging in the rearview. Almost immediately, the universe rewarded her. Signed to Capitol Records, she made her 10th album, Nick Of Time, with musician/ producer Don Was behind the boards. Released in 1989, the record was a critical and commercial success. Initially, it peaked on the




Billboard charts at #22, after the album won three Grammy Awards, it shot to #1. Hollywood couldn’t have conjured up a better comeback story. For the rest of the ‘90s, Bonnie could do no wrong. Her next three albums, 1991’s Luck Of The Draw, 1994’s Longing In Their Hearts and 1998’s Fundamental continued the tandem tradition of commercial success and critical acclaim. She racked up a slew of Grammy nominations, winning five. Her hot streak carried over into the 21st century with 2002’s Silver Lining and 2005’s Souls Alike. Sadly, she suffered some loss between 2005 and 2009. Both of her parents died within a year of each other. Not only did cancer claim the life of her beloved brother, Steven, but also one of her best pals, musician Stephen Bruton. Gutted, she decided to take some time off. 40 years earlier, she’d taken a sabbatical that allowed her to forsake academics to concentrate on music. This time out, she was content to listen to other people’s music and just take it easy. Back in the studio by 2012, she recorded Slipstream, co-producing the album with musician/producer Joe Henry. Released that same year, it was the inaugural recording for Redwing, the label she founded once her deal with Capitol lapsed. Debuting at #6 on the Blues chart, not only did it become the best-selling Blues record of 2012, it earned her a 10th Grammy win. Four years later, she was back with Dig In Deep. At age 66, she confirmed that she could still deliver an album rife with emotional complexity, nuanced melodies and stinging guitar work. Bonnie was putting the sex back in sexagenarian. Now, she returns with her 18th studio album, Just Like That…. The record crackles to life with “Made Up Mind” Flick-ofthe-wrist slide guitar riffs swagger atop slinky Fender Rhodes, vroom-y bass lines, vamping Hammond B3 and an insistent backbeat. Lyrics chronicle the dissolution of a relationship; “There ain’t no rhyme, just wasted time, moonlight spotlight shining down on a made up mind and a love gone wrong, there ain’t no rhyme.” The sugar-rush chorus; “The quiet behind a slamming door, the break of a heart that won’t break no more, get-away wheels in a straight line, serenade of a made up mind,” share’s some musical DNA with Sting’s urgent ’93 hit, “If Ever I Lose My Faith In You.” Scorching electric riffs and percolating B3 execute a playful pas de deux between each verse, ceding the spotlight to Bonnie’s slide guitar on the break. Bonnie has never been a prolific songwriter herself, in fact, she has always exhibited an uncanny knack for selecting songs by unfamiliar (Eric Kaz, Libby Titus, Bonnie Hayes, Paul Brady) and celebrated (Jackson Browne, John Prine, John Hiatt) songwriters, practically taking ownership of their songs. So, it’s a pleasant surprise to find that she has written the lion’s share of songs here. The title-track seems to rise up out of the mist, a wash of Bluesy back porch guitars, slowcooked Hammond B3, downcast bass, all wed to a tentative rhythm. Bonnie easily slips into the skin of a bereft mother whose beloved son never reached his ‘20s. She quietly notes nothing can assuage the pain; “And just like that, your life can change, if I hadn’t looked away, my boy might still be with me now, he’d be 25 today/No knife can take away the stain, no drink can drown regret, they say Jesus brings you peace and grace, well, he ain’t found me yet.” But a stranger manages to alter her


perspective when he reveals the reason for his visit; “I’ve spent years just trying to find you, so I could finally let you know, it was your son’s heart that saved me, and a life you gave us both.” Bonnie’s threadbare, raspy “la-la-la’s” coast above braided guitars and warm B3 fills and some wisdom emerges; “And just like that, your life can change, look what the angels send, I lay my head upon his chest, and I was with my boy again, I spent so long in the darkness, never thought the night would end, but somehow grace has found me, and I had to let him in.” Stinging electric riffs usher the song to a close. “Waitin’ For You To Blow” is up-close and personal. As a rollicking backbeat connects with scuttling keys, darting bass and funky electric guitar, lyrics address the nature of addiction, from the addiction’s viewpoint. Like the devil on her shoulder, it gets its say; “I got her where she is today, but do I get respect? She claims she’s so above it now, keeps all that mess in check/Recovery’s a fickle beast, better stick to what you know, cause I’m always ridin’ shotgun baby, just waitin’ for you to blow.” Famously sober for more than 30 years, Bonnie understands that temptation never completely recedes. On the break, feathery keys and jittery guitars mirror the wicked and seductive allure. Thankfully, she has learned to ignore that voice in her head. Meanwhile, the aforementioned “Livin’ For The Ones,” co-written with George Marinelli, is a fiery elegy to the people she’s lost. Hard-charging guitars ride roughshod over thrumming bass lines, polychromatic keys and a stuttery beat. Insistent and slightly Stonesy, the arrangement serves as an antidote to the lethargy and malaise that has her in its grip; “I can barely raise my head off the pillow, some days I never get out of bed, I started out with the best of intentions and then shuck it instead…. go ahead and ask me how I make it through…I’m livin’ for the ones who didn’t make it, cut down through no fault of their own, just keep ‘em in mind, all the chances denied, if you ever start to bitch and moan.” Bonnie rips an incendiary slide solo on the break that’s bookended by plinkity piano and a twin guitar attack. In a record packed with superlative songs, the best tracks stack, back-to-back. “Blame It On Me” is a Bluesy lament powered by churchy Hammond B3, splayed guitars, doleful bass and a tick-tock rhythm. Bonnie’s torchy vocals are suffused with longing, regret and a hint of noblesse oblige as she takes the fall for an unraveling relationship; “Blame it on me, hold up my faults for all to see, truth is love’s first casualty, blame it on me.” The catch in her voice, the ache in her slide solo can’t camouflage the confluence of events that are the real culprit; “Blame it on time, the fugitive, the vagabond, the perfect crime, poured like sand through

your hands and mine, blame it on time.” Originally, “Love So Strong” was supposed to be a duet between Bonnie and legendary Reggae great, Frederick “Toots” Hibbert. Sadly, he succumbed to Covid in late 2020. So, Bonnie goes it alone. Buoyed by a surfeit of carnival keys-Hammond B3, Wurlitzer and clavinetsparkly guitars, akimbo percussion, tensile bass and a rock steady reggae riddim, she remains resolute; “I said my love is so strong. and my mind is unchangeable, take a look at my face, you will see that my future’s still bright.” On the break, she unleashes a keening slide solo that folds into a raucous Junkanoo groove. Finally, “Here Comes Love” opens with a walking bass line, frisky keys, slipstitch guitars and a tumble-down beat. Taking a page from Nina Simone’s book, Bonnie is yearning for a little sugar in her bowl, her come hither vocals convey a flirty sensuality as she entices a reluctant beau; “Ooh, you want to jump off that train and stay a a while in town, but don’t you know long as the world keeps turnin’ love is comin’ ‘round, it’s comin’ around. The arrangement is spicy gumbo, equal parts lilting Latin Jazz and Peacock-y Jockomo Fina A Na Nae, as whiplash guitar riffs lattice fluttery electric piano and slippery Hammond B3 notes. Other interesting cuts include the hypnotic groover, “Something’s Got A Hold Of My Heart,” and the propulsive, gut-bucket Blues of “When We Say Goodbye.” The album closes with another Bonnie original, the magnificent slice of life, Down The Hall. The instrumentation is pared down to lush acoustic guitar and subdued Hammond B3, the opening chord changes echo fleet and filigreed flavor of The Beatles’ classic, Blackbird. Lyrics take their inspiration from a New York Times piece about a prison hospice that really stuck with Bonnie. A poignant study on humanity and simple acts of kindness, it ends with this powerful declaration; “I don’t know about religion, I only know what I see, and in the end, when I hold their hand, it’s both of us set free.” Bonnie produced the record herself, and it features her longtime backing band, bassist James “Hutch” Hutcherson, drummer Ricky Fataar, guitarist Kenny Greenberg and Glenn Patscha on all manner of keys, including Rhodes piano, Hammond B3, clavinet, electric piano, Wurlitzer and Nord. Special guests include Big Easy legend John Cleary on electric piano, percussion and vocals, as well as the late Mike Finnigan on Hammond B3. Mike had been a member of Bonnie’s band until he lost his battle with liver cancer in 2021. Along with Mike, the album (and the song “Livin’ For The Ones”), is dedicated to friends and family Bonnie lost due to Covid and otherwise: John Prine, Toots Hibbert, Mike Finnigan, Ed Cherney, Marty Grebb, Art Neville, Sweet Pea Atkinson, David Lasley, Paul Barrere, Dr. John, Willie Murphy, Oliver Mtukudzi, Howell Begle and her nephew, Miles Raitt. As much as she remains ageless, the music on Just Like This manages the neat trick of being both timely and timeless. A recent recipient of a Lifetime Achievement Grammy and Billboard’s Icon Award, she remains humble. Not content to rest on her laurels, the minute it became (relatively) safe, she was back out on the road. Nearly three quarters of a century in, Bonnie is just hitting her prime.

August 11 to August 17, 2022

Tuesday, August 16

Thursday, August 11

Alibi – Strange Ways – 8pm Bart Lounge – Open Decks DJ Night – 8pm Chef George’s – Marc Antonelli – 6:30pm Coachella Valley Brewery – Open Mic – 6pm Four Twenty Bank – Ultimate Jam Sessions – 6pm Indian Wells Resort Hotel – Kristi King – 6pm Jazzville @ Agua Caliente – Phat Cat Singer – 7pm The Nest – Live Music – 6:30pm O’Caine’s – Craic Haus Acoustic – 6pm Oscar’s – Hotwyre – 6pm Plan B Live Entertainment & Cocktails – Daytime Moon – 9pm Pretty Faces Nightclub – DJs Trappea w/ DJs Meana and Dxsko – 9pm The Village – Rob & JB – 5:30pm, Village Idiots – 8:30pm, DJ Gio the Ace – 9pm Wildest – Scott Carter – 6pm

Friday, August 12

Ace Hotel – Takin’ Off w/ DJ Young Einstein – 9pm Babaloo Lounge – Live Music – 6pm

Bart Lounge – DJ Drew and Friends – 8pm Casuelas Café – The Myx – 7pm Chef George’s – Lizann Warner – 6:30pm Coachella Valley Brewing Co. – Trivia Night – 7pm Four Twenty Bank – Live Music – 6pm Indian Wells Resort Hotel – Marc Antonelli – 6pm Larkspur Grill @ Hotel Paseo – Doug and Meg – 7pm Lit @ Fantasy Springs – Forward Nation – 9pm The Nest – Live Music – 6:30pm O’Caine’s – Craic Haus Acoustic – 6pm Pappy and Harriet’s – Dopapod – 9pm Plan B Live Entertainment & Cocktails – Red’s Rockstar Karaoke – 9pm Pretty Faces Nightclub – DJs Rich Brandon and Cielohigh – 9pm Rockyard @ Fantasy Springs – Weezerton (Weezer Tribute) and Brobots – 7pm The Village – Rob & JB – 5:30pm, DJ Gio the Ace – 9pm, Rapmarz – 9pm, DJ LF – 10pm Wildest – Derek Jordan Gregg – 6pm

Saturday, August 13

Alibi – Black Crystal Wolf Kids – 9pm Babaloo Lounge – Live Music – 6pm Bart Lounge – Timewarp w/ DJs Frankthadank, Meowsenburg and Gee.Nu – 8pm Casuelas Café – Southbound – 7pm Chef George’s – Michael D Angelo and Tim Burleson – 6:30pm Coachella Valley Brewing Co. – Roast Battle Semi - Finals – 8pm Four Twenty Bank – Live Music – 6pm Indian Wells Resort Hotel – Marc Antonelli – 6pm Lit @ Fantasy Springs – Forward Nation – 9pm The Nest – Live Music – 6:30pm O’Caine’s – The California Celts – 6pm Oscar’s – Oscar’s Cabaret – 6pm Pappy and Harriet’s – Christian Lee Hutson w/ Jodi – 9pm Plan B Live Entertainment & Cocktails – Red’s Rockstar Karaoke – 9pm Pretty Faces Nightclub – DJs Pico and Hymn – 9pm Rockyard @ Fantasy Springs – Don’t Push (Sublime Tribute) Dick the Citizen – 7pm

The Village – Rob & JB – 1pm, Rapmarz – 9pm, DJ LF – 10pm Wildest – Derek Jordan Gregg – 6-9pm

Sunday, August 14

Alibi – Skin Contact 3.0 – A New Desert Drag and Performance Art Experience – 9pm Babaloo Lounge – Tim Burleson – 6pm Bart Lounge – Latina Night w/ DJ LF – 8pm Blu Ember – Gina Sedman – 5pm Coachella Valley Brewing Co. – Acoustic Afternoon w/ Josh Heinz and Courtney Chambers – 3:30pm Fisherman’s Market, PS – Art of Sax – 5pm Kitchen 86 – Jojo Malagar – 7pm Melvyn’s – Mikael Healey – 5pm The Nest – Live Music – 6:30pm The Village – Gio the Ace - 9pm

Babaloo Lounge – The Carmens – 6:30pm Chef George’s – Lizann Warner – 6:30pm Hyatt – Derek Jordan Gregg – 5-7pm Indian Wells Resort Hotel – Christine Love and Johnny Meza – 6pm The Nest – Live Music – 6:30pm The Village – Karaoke – 9pm, Rapmarz – 9pm

Wednesday, August 17

Babaloo Lounge – Maryse Nicole – 7pm Chef George’s – Tim Burleson – 6:30pm Indian Wells Resort Hotel – Rebecca Clark – 6pm Lit @ Fantasy Springs – Rob Staley – 7pm The Nest – Live Music – 6:30pm Pappy and Harriet’s – The Psychedelic Furs w/ X – 9pm Monday, August 15 Plan B Live Entertainment & Alibi – The Soul Rebels – 8pm Cocktails – Red’s Rockstar Karaoke – 9pm Babaloo Lounge – Tim Burleson – 6pm Tack Room Tavern – T-Bone Hyatt – Derek Jordan Gregg – 5-7pm Karaoke – 7pm The Village – Rapmarz – 9pm, Indian Wells Resort Hotel – Larry Banda Revolucion – 10pm Capeloto – 6pm Wildest – Scott Carter – 6pm The Nest – Live Music – 6:30pm The Village – DJ Gio the Ace – 9pm


August 11 to August 17, 2022


No. 539


THE BEATLES GET BACK Peter Jackson’s epic bio pic (all 468 minutes) is a thrillingly immersive look at the Beatles writing and rehearsing 14 new songs as they plan their first live show in more than two years that culminates in their unforgettable rooftop concert atop their Apple offices along London’s Savile Row. There aren’t enough pages in this edition of the CVW to adequately convey and analyze the substance and import of this extraordinary documentary, For some, it may be too much of a good thing for some, but The Beatles: Get Back offers an astonishing look at their creative


process. What emerges is the fascinating, almost dream-like experience of watching four clearly disparate individuals bound by the world famous entity they have created finding ways to communicate their concerns – musical and otherwise -- with each other. This great film is living history as much as it is a celluloid time machine that transports us to another time and place with the familiar music track of our lives from the late 1960s on. It is a mesmerizing experience that can be enjoyed again and again – it would not be a surprise if Peter Jackson releases all 60 hours of additional material. The footage has been meticulously restored; it looks like it was shot yesterday. The film is presented in three chapters. Part 1 covers days 1-7. We see the quartet arrive at Twickenham Studios to create, rehearse and choose from 14 songs for a proposed live show scheduled in three weeks. Part 2 covers days 8-16. John, Paul and Ringo meet with George after his dramatic and sudden walkout from the band. They agree to move the creative sessions to their Apple

Studios. Part 3 covers days 17-22. The Beatles make a major decision: will they or will they not perform in public for the first time in three years. One thing that stands out in this utterly engaging film is how naturally funny they all are and how much they genuinely love each other. But overriding almost everything else is how much the death of manager Brian Epstein impacted the group. By default, they are now their own managers and must find a way to

get along and more clearly communicate their varying wishes for the group. Perhaps the most surprising element of the documentary is the lack of Yoko Ono drama. Although she is a presence in much of the footage, she rarely, if ever, has any input at all other than showing affection for John. This magnificent set is a backstage pass to the inner sanctum of their lives during a time of transition. We hang out with the Beatles and see and hear their familiar personas in an intimate setting and with startling clarity that is fresh and compelling. Finally, the movie experience is profoundly sad because we are witnessing the beginning of the end. Strongest recommendation. A must have. Apple. Blu-ray. Comments or questions? I want to hear from you. Drop me a line. robin@

August 11 to August 17, 2022


August 11 to August 17, 2022





hoever coined the phrase, “Time marchers on!” was right on! Half the year of 2022 already passed last month! And not only in our desert, but with climate change, the whole world is hot, hot, hot. We wine enthusiasts often find relief at these times with a fine chilled glass of sparkles. And life is easy for us, for we don’t necessarily have to shell out the really big bucks to taste some fantastic sparkling wine. California surely produces world-class bubbly and we can find most of the stuff at our supermarkets at any time. Cheers to that! One of our most favorite California sparklers that we recommend regularly is Roederer Estate. And I don’t think we’ve taken the time to enlighten our readership to the unique California history of this wine. As you would expect, there is a fun French/California connection that explains how & why the brand has produced premium sparkles for the past 40 years. Many of us venerable vino heads will remember the onslaught of French Champagne companies coming to California to enjoy the climate and the expanse of vineyard available in the northern part of the state. Names like Mumm, Tattinger, Moet & Chandon all came a’callin when the French wine economists figured out that California was the place you oughta be, so they loaded up their trucks and moved to Napoli—err, rather, just Napa. Of course, the famed Champagne Houses did not move from France, but they founded a new champagne outpost in California wine country. These vintners planted in the beautiful and inviting Napa County; however, the Champagne house of Louis Roederer shunned Napa/Sonoma and headed instead for the cool slopes of Mendocino’s Anderson Valley. The valley offered well-drained and gravel soils, lots of fog from the nearby Pacific Ocean, and really cool nights. Wine critic Tim Fish recently commented, “Now, as the winery marks its 40th anniversary, it’s clear Anderson Valley was the wise choice.” The winery was established in 1982 and the estate vines were planted in 1984 with the vision to make sparkling wine in Champagne’s image by not only following century-old traditional processes but adhering to the philosophy of the parent company’s strict rules with blends and aging. Today there are 624 acres of estate vineyards, a mix of 55% Pinot Noir and 45% Chardonnay. Ask your average French Champagne lover, “Which California sparkling wine comes close to their French counterpart?” The answer usually given is Roederer Estate. From among the Roederer Estate’s portfolio, the two sparklers we write often on, and that are available at most supermakets, are the L’Ermitage Brut and the Brut Multi-vintage. The Roederer Estate Brut $30, is always crisp and elegant with complex pear, spice and hazelnut flavors. It is fresh and lightly fruity with great finesse and depth of flavor. James Suckling recently reviewed the wine, stating, “Extremely fresh and floral with sliced apples, stones and some white peach, bread dough, too. Medium to full body with crisp acidity and a steely finish. Hints of phenolics provide a fine wine texture. Vibrant acidity. About 15% reserve wine (mostly chardonnay) from five vintages. 2.5 years on the lees. 60% Chardonnay and 40% Pinot Noir. Drink or hold.” L’Ermitage, Roederer Estate’s special


Tête de Cuvée, $60, is a sparkling wine made only in exceptional years from pre-selected, estate-grown grapes. Carrying on the tradition of Champagne Louis Roederer in France, Roederer Estate produces its sparkling wines in the traditional French méthode traditionelle and adds special oak-aged reserve wines to each blend. L’Ermitage debuted with the 1989 vintage. John Gilman in his View from the Cellar writes, “I know that there are a lot of extremely good sparkling wines now made in the United States, but to my palate, the Roederer Estate “l’Ermitage” bottling is the finest. The 2015 vintage of this excellent wine is composed of a cépages of fifty-two percent chardonnay and forty-eight percent pinot noir. It was finished with a dosage of eight grams per liter in this vintage. The wine delivers a superb and very refined bouquet of tart pear, apple, fresh-baked bread, a complex base of soil, discreet smokiness and a top note of dried flowers. On the palate the wine is deep, young, full-bodied and very elegant in profile, with a lovely core, excellent soil signature, bright acids, extremely elegant mousse and a long, complex and beautifully balanced finish. This is so seamlessly balanced that it is already drinking very well at six years of age, but it has the potential to blossom and improve with bottle age and I would love to drink it a decade down the road! The 2015 is clearly a very, very special vintage for the l’Ermitage bottling at Roederer Estate!” Another sparkler favorite of this column is Schramsberg Vineyards, in particular the Schramsberg Blanc de Blancs $40. I remember back in the day, meeting and chatting with Jack and Jamie Davies, the founding owners of Schramsberg, over at the Sycamore Inn in Rancho Cucamonga. There they were pouring their latest sparkling wines, with the Blanc de Blancs being the best of the pouring. I also met their son Hugh, who is now the winery’s vintner. Inspired by the French, Jack and Jamie Davies set out in 1965 to make the first commercial Pinot Noir and Chardonnay based sparkling wines using méthode Champenoise in the United States. They traveled to Champagne many times to compare notes with top producers such as Louis Roederer, Bollinger and Pol Roger. The Schramsberg style of Blanc de Blancs is dry and crisp. The Blanc de Blancs was the first sparkler the Napa Valley winery produced, and it gained international recognition in 1972 when then-President Richard Nixon served the wine at the historic “Toast to Peace” in Beijing, China. Here’s to sparkles! Cheers!



ollege of the Desert is one of over 115 community colleges in California and a vital part of the world’s largest system of higher education. The governing body of College of the Desert is the Desert Community College District, which has five elected members on its Board of Trustees and a Student Trustee elected by the Student Body. The college was founded in 1958 and opened its doors for the first time in September 1962. As a two-year college, the College offers transfer students an affordable option for starting college and transferring to a four-year institution. College of the Desert is the number one source of transfer students to California State University at San Bernardino. College of the Desert also offers a number of popular vocational and technical programs, including Nursing and Health


August 11 to August 17, 2022


Sciences, Digital Design and Production, Turf Grass Management & Ornamental Horticulture, Advanced Transportation Technologies, Culinary Arts, and a full range of Administration of Justice courses at the Public

Safety Academy training facility. Learn how College of the Desert is creating a brighter tomorrow for students. For more info visit Think…It is Never Too Late to Learn!



ollywood has its Oscars. Broadway has its Tony Awards… and here in the Coachella Valley we are always excited as the summer drifts towards Fall and the anticipation of the DESERT STAR Award nominations are revealed. As the new theatrical seasons are announced, it’s exciting to take stock of the previous season’s productions and acknowledge some of the incredible work that was presented. The Desert Theatre League (DTL), a nonprofit organization that was founded in 1987, and whose mission is to support and cultivate theatre in the Coachella Valley, annually sponsors the Desert Star Awards in order to recognize outstanding achievement in theatre arts. After emerging from the long darkness imposed by Covid, Coachella Valley Theatres were once more alive and producing some of the best shows available. The Desert Star Awards Ceremony will be held on October 16, 2022 at Sun City Palm Desert. Tickets are on sale now. Here is a partial list of the DESERT STAR AWARD NOMINEES. (For a complete list please

visit, • Outstanding Production of a Drama: Crimes of the Heart - Desert Rose Playhouse Cyrano de Bergerac - Palm Canyon Theatre Drag - Desert Rose Playhouse Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner - Desert Theatreworks Sex - Desert Rose Playhouse • Outstanding Production of a Drama Professional: Electricity - Desert Rose Playhouse The Guys - Palm Canyon Theatre The Mountain Top - Dezart Performs • The Michael Cruickshank Award for Outstanding Director of a Drama: Abe Daniel - Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner Desert Theatreworks Kathryn Ferguson - Agatha Christie’s Murder on the Orient Express - Theatre 29 Richard Marlow - This Side of Crazy - Palm Canyon Theatre • The Michael Cruickshank Award for Outstanding Director of a Drama – Professional: Judith Chapman - The Guys - Palm Canyon Theatre

Judith Chapman - The Beebo Brinker Chronicles - Desert Ensemble Theatre Steve Rosenblaum – Electricity - Desert Rose Playhouse Michael Shaw - The Mountain Top - Dezart Performs Robbie Wayne – Sex - Desert Rose Playhouse • Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama: Brent Anderson - The Beebo Brinker Chronicles - Desert Ensemble Theatre Ian Ferris - Agatha Christie’s Murder on the Orient Express - Theatre 29 Jonathan Hatsios – Middletown - College of the Desert Rowan Jordan - Middletown - College of the Desert Jason Reale – Drag - Desert Rose Playhouse • Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama – Professional: Mel England – Electricity - Desert Rose Playhouse Cortez Johnson - The Mountain Top - Dezart Performs Terry Ray - Sex - Desert Rose Playhouse Terry Ray- -Electricity - Desert Rose Playhouse Robbie Wayne - Sex - Desert Rose Playhouse • Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama: Katrina Dixon - Cyrano de Bergerac - Palm Canyon Theatre Laura Martinez - Crimes of the Heart - Desert Rose Playhouse Daniela Ryan - Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner - Desert Theatreworks Virginia Sulick - Agatha Christie’s Murder on the Orient Express - Theatre 29 • Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama – Professional: Judith Chapman - The Guys - Palm Canyon

BY DEE JAE COX Theatre Shante Deloach - The Mountain Top - Dezart Performs Deborah Harmon - This Side of Crazy - Palm Canyon Theatre Elizabeth Schmelling - The Beebo Brinker Chronicles - Desert Ensemble Theatre Alexana Thomas - The Beebo Brinker Chronicles - Desert Ensemble Theatre Emily Unnasch - Crimes of the Heart - Desert Rose Playhouse Yo Younger - This Side of Crazy - Palm Canyon Theatre ----------------------------------------------------For a complete list of catagories and nominees, please visit the Desert Theatre league website. Award Ceremony October 16, 2022 Tickets are $48.-$53 Sun City Palm Desert Community Association 38180 Del Webb Blvd. (Near the intersection of Del Webb Blvd. and Grape Arbor Ave.) Palm Desert, CA 92211 For More information on the Desert Star Awards visit: Dee Jae Cox, is a playwright, director and producer. Cofounder and Artistic Director of The Los Angeles Women’s Theatre Project. And Co-Creator of the Palm Springs Theatre Go-To-Guide,


August 11 to August 17, 2022



ur soaring summer weather can bring distress and even death from heat stroke to our beloved dogs. Summer 2022 began early this year with extreme heat wave warnings this week. Every year this column tells the story of a little Silky Terrier who died from heat stroke on August 15, 2015, in a Desert Hot Springs car lot. The dog sought refuge underneath one of the cars, but the scorching sand beneath her paws raised her body temperature even higher, and the site became her coffin. Help didn’t arrive in time to prevent the horrific and painful death she suffered, her throat parched from thirst. Summer is pictured here just before passing away. Ironically Summer died on International Homeless Animals’ Day. Local animal advocates were alerted to the dog’s plight. Jo Venegas-Cebrun contacted Cathie Coats who was near the dog’s location. Cathie crawled underneath the car only to discover the dog had just passed away from heat stroke. Cathie recalls, “I was heartbroken, this dog is the face of neglect, this dog is the face of what heat does to animals.” The Silky Terrier was another sad casualty in the battle to prevent animals from suffering and dying in the heat. Jo Venegas-Cebrun wanted to pay tribute to the dog she named Summer. This dedicated “rescue warrior” drove to Desert Hot Springs to retrieve Summer’s body, determined she would receive the love and dignity in death she may not have known in her short life. Jo took the dog to a pet crematorium, and kept


I’m a shy 7-mo-old Boxer mix boy hoping for a home at the Coachella Valley Animal Campus. Please come meet me, ask an employee to bring me to one of the visiting areas so I can be your new best buddy! The shelter is at 72050 Pet Land Place, Thousand Palms, visiting hours are 10am to 4pm Monday thru Saturday. I’m dog ID#A1680480.



her ashes in a memorial tribute. Summer had no ID tag or microchip that would have identified an owner. Summer’s death and photographs went viral on Facebook where animal lovers posted sad and angry comments. Her story was featured on KESQ televised news. Rescuers gathered in memory of the little dog they never knew. Countless “outdoor only” dogs are suffering during this scorching 2022 summer. Some of them will perish without any public attention. Summer’s legacy is to save the lives of more animals from the blazing summer weather. Even if it does not cause death, overheating can result in irreversible kidney, heart, liver and brain damage. Dogs cannot sweat the way we humans do, as their only sweat glands are in their nose and on the pads of their feet. Imagine being thirsty and drinking out of a bowl scalding hot water bowl outside. The hot weather only adds to the distress experienced by lonely “backyard only” dogs. Dr. Andrea Walters, a veterinarian specializing in emergency and critical care, helps us understand from a medical perspective why heat stroke can be so deadly for dogs. “Heat stroke occurs when an animal’s body temperature increases so much that it cannot be regulated property and brought down. Dogs don’t sweat like people do. Instead, they pant to cool themselves down. Heat stroke causes damage to proteins and cells, which can lead to severe shock and

cellular dysfunction when blood vessels near the skin dilate dangerously.” Dr. Walters explains dogs’ need to cool through panting is why extreme heat is more dangerous to flat nosed breeds such as Pugs, Boxers, Bull Dogs and Shih Tzu’s. While heat stroke can kill dogs of any breed, seniors and puppies are at most risk. More precious dogs will die from heat stroke this summer, some left in cars, others left on hot patios, some kept as “outdoor only” dogs in yards. This cannot be said enough – – – BRING YOUR DOG INDOORS DURING THIS HOT WEATHER! NEVER LEAVE A DOG UNATTENDED IN A CAR! Your dog needs potty breaks and walks outdoors. What should you do to protect him? What are the signs of heat stroke in a dog, and what life saving remedies can you take? Take your dog on long walks in the mornings and evenings, avoiding outings when the sun is at its highest. Avoid asphalt and concrete when you walk, and stick to shaded areas whenever possible. This is not the time to have him run alongside while you bicycle ride, or allow him to engage in strenuous play at the dog park. Bring a bottle of water to sprinkle on him. Know the symptoms of heat stroke. These can include glazed eyes, heavy panting, and pulling back on the leash. Other symptoms include excessive thirst, hyperventilation, dry gums that are pale or grayish, or bright red tongue or gums. Your dog may quickly suffer weakness, staggering, confusion, vomiting, diarrhea, rectal bleeding, and ultimately collapse. Finally, if the overheating isn’t


There are lots of us kittens here at the county shelter, but someone said I am the cutest! I’m kitten ID#A1684628, just 5 months old and full of kitten antics. Come meet me at the Coachella Valley Animal Campus, 72-050 Pet Land Place, Thousand Palms. Visiting hours are 10am to 4pm Monday thru Saturday. Ask a staff person to take me to a visiting area to bond with you.

BY JANET McAFEE stopped, his breathing will slow, and he may have a seizure or fall into a coma. Dr. Walters advices, “if you suspect heat stroke, it is important to begin lowering the animal’s temperature as soon as possible, even before transporting them to a veterinarian. A hose can be used to cool the animal, focusing on the belly and paw pads. Be sure the water is cool, neither hot nor cold. If the garden hose has been sitting in the sun, the water will be very hot. It’s very important to not cool the animal too fast.” Lay the animal on a cool towel, but don’t wrap them in one as this could trap the heat. Get vet care immediately. What can you do to continue Summer’s legacy? Talk to friends and neighbors who keep their dog outdoors 24 hours a day. Calmly ask them why their dog is always outside, and try not to put them on the defense. Provide them with information on heat stroke. Suggest they get a baby gate and keep their dog in a kitchen or laundry room during the hot days. Give them a copy of this article. Anyone needing additional suggestions to transition their dog from outside to inside can email me. If they won’t budge on this issue, suggest they provide shade and lots of fresh water perhaps with ice cubes added. Share Summer’s story. Meanwhile, enjoy the companionship and unconditional love your best canine friend provides INSIDE YOUR HOME!

----------------------------------------------------Here are some places where you can adopt a wonderful rescue dog or cat! COACHELLA VALLEY ANIMAL CAMPUS – Open 10:00-4:00 Monday through Saturday. View animals online at all 4 county shelters, 72-050 Pet Land Place, Thousand Palms, (760) 343-3644. (Public) PALM SPRINGS ANIMAL SHELTER – Open to the public, closed Tuesday. View animals online at and complete application for the one you want to meet, 4575 E. Mesquite Ave, Palm Springs, Call (760) 416-5718. (Public) DESERT HOT SPRINGS ANIMAL CARE & CONTROL - Open daily 9:30-4:30. www., 65810 Hacienda Ave, Desert Hot Springs, (760) 329-6411 ext. 450. ANIMAL SAMARITANS – Open to the public. View their animals at animalsamaritans. org. Email volunteer@animalsamaritans. org to foster or volunteer. Located at 72307 Ramon Rd, Thousand Palms, (760) 601-3918. (Private) CALIFORNIA PAWS RESCUE - Call for an appointment to adopt. Located at 73650 Dinah Shore, Palm Desert. View their animals at, (760) 656-3833. (Private) HUMANE SOCIETY OF THE COACHELLA VALLEY – Fill out an application online www. and call for an appointment. This shelter has dogs of all sizes and cats, Located at 17825 N. Indian Canyon, Palm Springs, (760) 329-0203. (Private) KITTYLAND – Open to the public to adopt cats and kittens. Located at 67600 18th Avenue, Desert Hot Springs, www.

August 11 to August 17, 2022, (760) 251-2700. (Private) PRETTY GOOD CAT – Foster based rescue for cats located in La Quinta. Contact them at, (760) 660-3414 (Private) LOVING ALL ANIMALS – Call for appointment to adopt dogs. Located at 83496 Avenue 51, Coachella, www.lovingallanimals. org, (760) 834-7000. (Private) ANIMAL RESCUE CENTER OF CALIFORNIA (ARC), Foster based rescue for dogs and cats in Indio., (760) 877-7077 (Private) FLUFFS & SCRUFFS – Foster based rescue for small dogs in Cathedral City. FLUFFSANDSCRUFFS@AOL.COM, (310) 9803383 (Private) SOCIETY’S OUTKAST ANIMAL RESCUE – Foster based rescue for dogs in Rancho Mirage,, (760) 832-0617. (Private) LIVING FREE ANIMAL SANCTUARY – Large outdoor shelter for dogs and cats up Hwy 74, Mountain Center,, (951) 659-4687. (Private) CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ANIMAL SHELTER – Open 12:00 – 3pm Tues through Sat. Google “City of San Bernardino Animal Shelter” for website to view animals and get the ID number of the animal you want. Located at 333 Chandler Place, San Bernardino, (909) 384-1304 or (909) 384-7272. (Public) SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY ANIMAL SHELTER AT DEVORE – Open 7 days a week. Call (909) 386-9280, acc and get the ID number of animal you are interested in adopting, 19777 Shelter Way, San Bernardino (Public).


August 11 to August 17, 2022

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he stock market refers to up markets a bull markets and down markets as bears. Ever wonder why use those two animals versus an eagle or a turkey? To understand how we came to use bulls and bears, we need to go back 300 years to the South Sea Company Bubble. With this story, you will see that society tends to repeat past mistakes. In 1711, the United Kingdom was still a monarchy and headed by King William who had to answer to Parliament. Parliament was created following the merging of the Kingdoms of Scotland and England. The South

Sea Company was a public-private partnership created by the UK to help pay off government debts with profits from trade with the Spanish colonies in the New World. The primary cargo was African slaves. The public-private partnership meant that South Sea Company cargo ships sailed with the protection of the Royal Fleet. Those who invested in the South Sea Company were paid a 6% interest rate. As Spain limited UK trade to one ship per year, income from the Company was far below expectations. With the company floundering, King George took over the governing of the company in 1718. With the King in the top position, the valuation of the company more than doubled. What made this dicey for investors was that the company issued more stock to keep up with growing demand. Two years later in 1720, Parliament sold the South Sea Company national debt that the country was struggling to pay. Creditors ended up selling the Company £32 million



BY HADDON LIBBY on an imaginary object.” His reference is based on bear jobbers of the day who were typically speculators or fraudsters. As to how a bull was chosen as the positive opponent to the bear, no one is sure for certain. Some believe it derives from a bloody 13th century sport where people engaged in bull and bear baiting. People would gather and bet on whether the bull or the bear would win fights to the death. As bulls tended to do better in battle, the imagery of the bull and bear locked in battle worked. Alexander Pope appears to be the first to reference the tug of war between the bull and the bear as it relates to the South Sea Company bubble in 1720 when he wrote, “Come fill the South Sea (Company) goblet full; The Gods shall of our stock take care; Europa pleased accepts the bull and…puts off the bear.” Haddon Libby is the Chief Investment Officer and founder of Winslow Drake Investment Management. For more information, please visit



here are many important things to do after an auto, truck, slip and fall, or motorcycle accident. However among the most important is gathering all the info and not talking to the insurance company. If you are in pain, then you need medical attention. Go to the ER or any of the many Urgent Care centers in the Desert. Many are affiliated with our local Desert Regional or Eisenhower hospitals. Of course, our office can help you obtain a doctor to take the case on a lien in most situations. Often one of the first things accident victims ask is, what is the value of my case. A case value is based in part on your medicals. Please keep a pain and suffering diary to track all your medical visits and write down what is hurting you. Document what hurts from top of your head to the bottom of your toes. When you are contacted by any insurance company, advise them you would be happy to talk, but your lawyer asked to get his permission before you talk to anyone about the accident. S/he wants to be sure that what I say is understood by you. That way, we are the bad guys for not allowing you to make a statement. The insurance adjusters will tell you anything, to discourage you from retaining a lawyer. They will say, that if you hire an

in government debt for 23 pence on the pound or £7.5 million. This great deal for the South Sea Company led to more stock sales. Speculators entered the fray and began selling shares with the promise of a future payment. By August 1720, the stock price increased by ten-fold over the already lofty valuations experienced only a few months earlier. As the slave trade ‘bonanza’ never materialized, the speculative bubble burst where the stock lost 80% from its peak value by the end of 1720. Many investors were ruined. Investigations followed where corruption and bribery were unearthed throughout the UK government. The directors of the Company had £2 million in assets confiscated while the UK government relieved the Company of its £7.5 million debt repayment commitment. This led to the Bubble Act which banned the creation of these public-private partnerships without the explicit consent of Parliament. Of the 200 public-private partnerships formed during the bubble period, insurer London Assurance was the last firm standing and sold to Sun Alliance in 1965. The 80% decline in the value of the South Sea Company was the 18th century equivalent to the 1929 crash in the United States. People referred to the crash as a bear-jobber market. This is where the bear started to represent a bad market. Back then, middlemen would sell bear skins before shipments arrived from bear trappers as they expected prices to fall prior to the required delivery date. Richard Steele first referenced ‘bear’ in a financial transaction in a British society journal in 1709. At that time, Steele called bears “an individual who places a real value

August 11 to August 17, 2022

attorney s/he will take 40%. That is a lie, as almost every lawyer in the country charges 1/3. However, your attorney will assist you in getting a fair settlement. You don’t want to settle to fast with the insurance company as some medical issues develop over time. By settling right away, you may lose out on getting money for future medical treatment and loss of earnings. However, you must be aware of the Statute of Limitations which places a time limit of 2 years to file an accident claim. For many decades, my personal mission has been to help my Coachella Valley neighbors make great decisions about their legal situations. When we can’t get a fair offer from the insurance company we file a lawsuit and start civil litigation. Civil litigation is usually litigation involving private parties, as opposed to criminal where you are prosecuted by the state. Civil could be because of damages from an accident or money owed. Civil litigation is confusing for lawyers. For non-lawyers…it is a nightmare. Most lawyers, unlike our office, fail to educate their clients about what to expect. An Accident Lawsuit has 4 phases: Initially, a lawyer attempts to settle the matter, but s/he may have to file a Complaint, called a Lawsuit. This is the Pleadings phase,

where the victim explains in the complaint what the defendant did and how much they are demanding. The defendant often files an Answer or a Demurrer (where they claim there is not enough evidence to proceed). The Discovery phase is next, and it is the most time intensive. This is where both sides share evidence. Discovery discloses facts, hopefully resulting in a settlement, dismissal or trial in front of an Arbitrator or Judge. Most cases are settled because trials, on a soft tissue accident case are so costly. The Post Trial Stage comes after the trial. On an auto accident case if there is no insurance or not enough insurance, the lawyer must try to then collect the judgement. The judge’s ruling is just his/her decision and not an order. Now the lawyer has to try to find assets. If the defendant disagrees with the verdict, s/he can hire an appellate lawyer to file an Appeal. It is often said if you have to try a soft tissue accident case you have lost. This is because of the tremendous costs involved. Unfortunately, a court of jury trial, is always a potential crap shoot. SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE ARTICLE? CONTACT DALE GRIBOW 760 837-7500/ Dale Gribow - Attorney at Law Representing the Injured and Criminally Accused 73-061 El Paseo, Suite 220



August 11 to August 17, 2022





ireless local-area networks enable internet connectivity for an increasing number of users in homes, offices, factories, and public locations. There are several options available to home and business owners looking for wireless networking technologies. The two most common options for consumers today are Wi-Fi 5 and Wi-Fi 6 devices. Wi-Fi 5, which was introduced in 2014, was the dominating technology for wireless local area networks for several years. However, since 2019-2020, Wi-Fi 6 has become widely used, with largescale deployments across the world. You might notice from product advertisements or tech news that Wi-Fi 5 and Wi-Fi 6 refer to distinct generations of Wi-Fi, with Wi-Fi 6 being newer and having superior performance. However, a newer standard does not always imply that it is the one you need. You might want to give your options some consideration before purchasing the most recent generation This article describes



will admit, I still dislike all the back-toschool commercials. They are a dreaded reminder that summer is over and soon, back inside a hot, stuffy classroom, mourning lost freedom. As an adult, the back-to-school season brings another warning: Morning and afternoon commutes will now involve throngs of students walking, bicycling, driving, or riding buses (or electric scooters) to and from school. We were all kids once, so we know we cannot count on them to be paying attention. That is why it is important to use extra caution while driving in school zones. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that 75 school-age pedestrians are killed each year during school travel. These are preventable deaths! Let us share some lessons and start a safety campaign in the communities we protect with these safety reminders: It is illegal to pass a school bus that is stopped to load or unload children. School buses use yellow flashing lights to alert motorists they are preparing to stop to load or unload children. Red flashing lights and an extended stop sign arm signals to motorists the bus is stopped, and children are getting on or off the bus.


the distinctions between Wi-Fi 5 and Wi-Fi 6, as well as the benefits and drawbacks of each. The key differences between Wi-Fi 5 and Wi-Fi 6. The most recent generation of Wi-Fi standards is backward compatible with earlier generations. It marks a considerable advancement in both technology and available features. Wi-Fi 6 keeps all of the features of Wi-Fi 5 while adding new ones. Speed of data transfer Wi-Fi speed increases with each generation. The theoretical maximum data transfer speed of Wi-Fi 5 is 6.9 Gbps. In practice, the 802.11ac standard offers an average transfer speed of around 200Mbps. Furthermore, Wi-Fi 5 MUMIMO technology allows only four devices to connect at the same time. Wi-Fi 6, on the other hand, is a significantly superior option in terms of speed, especially on congested networks. Wi-Fi 6 has a theoretical maximum speed of 9.6Gbps. Power consumption

Due to a novel feature called the Target Wake Time (TWT) that was absent in previous generations, Wi-Fi 6 delivers special power conserving benefits. TWT is a technology that reduces the amount of time a peripheral device spends unproductively connected to the Wi-Fi network. To extend their sleep time, devices can control when their Wi-Fi will be active to send and receive data. As a result, using Wi-Fi 5 consumes more power than using Wi-Fi 6. Network security For a secure connection, Wi-Fi 5 supports the WPA and WPA2 protocols. These are major security improvements over the now-obsolete WEP protocol, but it now has multiple vulnerabilities and weak spots. WiFi 6 has raised the bar by implementing the most recent security protocol, WPA3. WPA, WPA2, and WPA3 protocols are thus used simultaneously by Wi-Fi 6-enabled devices. Wi-Fi Protected Access 3 enhances multifactor authentication and encryption. Orthogonal Frequency-Division MultipleAccess (OFDMA) Both Wi-Fi 5 and Wi-Fi 6 use OFDM to control network access. It is a technology that regulates how many users can access a certain subcarrier at once. The same frequency bands’ existing subcarrier spaces are multiplexed by OFDMA technology. By using this, users can quickly locate a free subcarrier instead of having to wait in line for one. Latency Latency is the time it takes to transfer data packets from one location to another. Low latency speeds approaching zero are desirable and show little or no delay. Wi-Fi 6 has lower latency than Wi-Fi 5, making it ideal for businesses and corporate organizations. This feature of the latest Wi-Fi models will also be


The area 10 feet around a school bus is where children are in the most danger of being hit. Stop your car far enough from the bus to allow children the necessary space to safely enter and exit the bus. Be alert. Children walking to or from

their bus are usually comfortable with their surroundings. This makes them more likely to take risks, ignore hazards or fail to look both ways when crossing the street. Drivers should not block the crosswalk when stopped at a red light or waiting to

BY DENNIS SHELLY appreciated by home users because it always guarantees faster internet connections. Frequency bands Wi-Fi 5 exclusively uses the 5GHz band, which has less interference. The disadvantage is that the signals have a lower range and are less capable of penetrating walls and other impediments. Wi-Fi 6 uses two band frequencies, the regular 2.4Ghz, and the 5Ghz, allowing devices to automatically search for and use the band with the least interference and best signal strength. Wi-Fi 6 is quickly becoming the standard in wireless networking and will be essential to IT infrastructure over the next years. Understanding the distinctions between WiFi 5 and Wi-Fi 6 is important for transitioning to a more robust networking landscape and determining which networking standard is suited for whatever use case. As connectivity becomes more important in modern companies and enterprise IoT becomes the standard, understanding these differences and capabilities will be more important than ever. Still not sure which wireless technology is right for you? Or perhaps have some additional questions? We can help! Our Eggsperts are eggcellent in the newest wireless network technologies and are standing by. Please contact us by visiting our website at www., by calling (760) 205-0105, or by emailing us at with your questions or suggestions for our next article. IT | Networks | Phones | Security | Automation

BY FIRE CHIEF SAM DIGIOVANNA make a turn. Do not stop with a portion of your vehicle over the crosswalk. In a school zone when a warning flasher or flashers are blinking, you must stop to yield the right-of-way to a pedestrian crossing the roadway within a marked crosswalk or at an intersection with no marked crosswalk. Remember: Children are the least predictable pedestrians and the most difficult to see. Take extra care to look out for children not only in school zones, but also in residential areas, playgrounds, and parks. Do not honk your horn, rev your engine, or do anything to rush or scare a pedestrian in front of your car, even if you have the legal right-of-way. Now that is just the first lesson. There is much more schooling on safety if you are interested in spreading this safety message. Check out Remember: Community campaigning on safety begins with us! These are some good safety reminders for you to share throughout your community!

August 11 to August 17, 2022



ARIES (March 21-April 19): Tips to get the most out of the coming weeks: 1. Exercise your willpower at random moments just to keep it limber. 2. Be adept at fulfilling your own hype. 3. Argue for fun. Be playful and frisky as you banter. Disagree for the sport of it, without feeling attached to being right or needing the last word. 4. Be unable to understand how anyone can resist you or not find you alluring. 5. Declare yourself President of Everything, then stage a coup d’état. 6. Smile often when you have no reason to. 7. If you come upon a “square peg, round hole” situation, change the shape of the hole. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): If I had to choose a mythic deity to be your symbolic helper, I would pick Venus. The planet Venus is ruler of your sign, and the goddess Venus is the maven of beauty and love, which are key to your happiness. But I would also assign Hephaestus to you Tauruses. He was the Greek god of the metalworking forge. He created Zeus’s thunderbolts, Hermes’ winged helmet, Aphrodite’s magic bra, Achilles’ armor, Eros’ bow and arrows, and the thrones for all the deities in Olympus. The things he made were elegant and useful. I nominate him to be your spirit guide during the next ten months. May he inspire you to be a generous source of practical beauty. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): To be a true Gemini, you must yearn for knowledge—whether it’s about coral reefs, ancient maps of Sumer, sex among jellyfish, mini-black holes, your friends’ secrets, or celebrity gossip. You need to be an eternal student who craves education. Are some things more important to learn than others? Of course, but that gauge is not always apparent in the present. A seemingly minor clue or trick you glean today may become unexpectedly helpful a month from now. With that perspective in mind, I encourage you to be promiscuous in your lust for new information and teachings in the coming weeks. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Cancerian drummer Ringo Starr is in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Though he has received less acclaim than his fellow Beatles, many critics recognize him as a skillful and original drummer. How did he get started? At age 13, he contracted tuberculosis and lived in a sanatorium for two years. The medical staff encouraged him to join the hospital band, hoping it would stimulate his motor skills and alleviate boredom. Ringo used a makeshift mallet to bang the cabinet near his bed. Good practice! That’s how his misfortune led to his joy and success. Is there an equivalent story in your life, Cancerian? The coming months will be a good time to take that story to its next level. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): One of the inspiring experiments I hope you will attempt in the coming months is to work on loving another person as wildly and deeply and smartly as you love yourself. In urging you to try this exercise, I don’t mean to imply that I have a problem with you loving yourself wildly and deeply and smartly. I endorse your efforts to keep increasing the intensity and ingenuity with which you adore and care for yourself. But here’s a secret: Learning to summon a monumental passion for another soul may have the magic power of enhancing your love for yourself. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Musician Viv Albertine has recorded four albums and played guitar for the Slits, a famous punk band. She has also written two books and worked as a TV director for 20 years. Her accomplishments are impressive. Yet she also acknowledges that she has spent a lot of time in bed for many reasons: needing to rest, seeking refuge to think and meditate, recovering from illness, feeling overwhelmed or lonely or sad. She admiringly cites other creative people who, like her, have worked in their beds: Emily Dickinson, Patti Smith, Edith Sitwell, and Frida Kahlo. I mention this, Virgo, because the coming days will be an excellent time for you to seek sanctuary and healing and creativity in bed. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Libran author Katherine Mansfield wrote, “The mind I love must have wild places, a tangled orchard where dark

© Copyright 2022 Rob Brezsny

damsons drop in the heavy grass, an overgrown little wood, the chance of a snake or two, and a pool that nobody’s fathomed the depth of.” Be inspired by her in the coming weeks, Libra. I suspect you will flourish if you give yourself the luxury of exploring your untamed side. The time is ripe to wander in nature and commune with exciting influences outside your comfort zone. What uncharted frontier would you enjoy visiting? SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): When you are functioning at your best, you Scorpios crave only the finest, top-quality highs. You embrace joys and pleasures that generate epiphanies and vitalizing transformations. Mediocre varieties of fun don’t interest you. You avoid debilitating indulgences that provide brief excitement but spawn long-term problems. In the coming weeks, dear Scorpio, I hope you will embody these descriptions. It’s crucial that you seek gratifications and delectations that uplift you, ennoble you, and bless your future. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): “Wish on everything,” advises Sagittarian author Francesca Lia Block. “Pink cars are good, especially old ones. And first stars and shooting stars. Planes will do if they are the first light in the sky and look like stars. Wish in tunnels, holding your breath and lifting your feet off the ground. Birthday candles. Baby teeth.” Your homework during the next two weeks, Sagittarius, is to build a list of further marvels that you will wish on. It’s the Magic Wish season of the year for you: a time when you’re more likely than usual to encounter and generate miracles. Be proactive! Oh, and very important: What are your three top wishes? CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Author Aldous Huxley wrote, “That people do not learn much from the lessons of history is the most important lesson that history has to teach.” While his observation is true much of the time, I don’t think it will be so for you in the coming weeks. I suspect you will triumph over past patterns that have repeated and repeated themselves. You will study your life story and figure out what you must do to graduate from lessons you have finally, completely learned. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): In the film I Origins, a scientist says this to a lover: “When the Big Bang happened, all the atoms in the universe were smashed together into one little dot that exploded outward. So my atoms and your atoms were together then . . . my atoms have always known your atoms.” Although this sounds poetic, it’s true in a literal sense: The atoms that compose you and me and everyone else were originally all squeezed together in a tiny space. We knew each other intimately! The coming days will be an excellent time to celebrate your fundamental link with the rest of the universe. You’ll be extra receptive to feeling connection. You’ll be especially adept at fitting your energy together with others’. You’ll love the sensation of being united, merged, blended. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): My Piscean friend Luna sent me a message that sums up how I feel about you these days. I’ll repeat it here in the hope it will inspire you to be perfectly yourself. Luna said, “Every time I meet someone who was born within like two weeks of my birthday, I end up with the impression that they are the loopiest and wisest person I’ve met in a long time. They are totally ridiculous and worthy of profound respect. They are unhinged and brilliantly focused. They are fuzzy-headed dreamers who couldn’t possibly ever get anything practical accomplished and they are lyrical thinkers who charm me with their attunement to the world’s beauty and impress me with their understanding of how the world works. Hahahahaha. Luckily for me, I know the fool is sacred.” Homework: Imagine what you will be doing exactly one year from today. Newsletter. ---------------------------------------Rob Brezsny - Free Will Astrology


August 11 to August 17, 2022



annabis use is legal in California. But cities and counties can prohibit cannabis businesses, like retail, from existing. The Department of Cannabis Control website notes that the state is a patchwork of areas where it is and is not legal to establish a cannabis business. Can the residents of Indian Wells or Ranch Mirage purchase cannabis in their cities? No. If cannabis is legal in the State of California, why is it prohibited in 78% of the cities in the state? There are 235 out of 539 (44%) cities prohibiting the testing of cannabis. Fifty-six percent (304/539) of cities and counties do not allow any cannabis businesses. Sixty-two percent (334/539) do not allow any retail businesses. Cities may have different rules than Counties Counties can decide which types of cannabis businesses they license or prohibit. But county rules only apply to the unincorporated parts of the county. They do not apply to incorporated cities that are within the county. Incorporated cities can decide which types they license or prohibit within their city. Their rules do not need to align with the rules of the county where they’re located. Licenses with Restrictions Some cities and counties license a type of cannabis business, but also put restrictions on it. For example, they may limit the number of businesses that can get a license. Due to these limits, there are 4.5 retail licenses per 100K people in California (as of July 2022). Alcohol, which is more dangerous than cannabis, is ubiquitous. It is in every restaurant and grocery store. So, what do we do to fix this morass of


inda Arbuckle is the bead whisperer from Twenty-Nine Palms California. Her latest creation “Eyes of the World” a Dream Catcher and Color-Wheel symbolizing the Earths properties; The Sunrise, Sky, Land, Forests, Streams, Lakes, Oceans, and deep within the Earth’s core Lava. Linda has been doing bead work since she was three years old and using this old native American technique that she learned from her grandmother as a meditation to relieve her of neurofibromatosis. Neurofibromatosis is a group of genetic disorders that cause tumors to form on the nerve tissue. Painful tumors that have developed on parts of Linda’s’ nervous system causing great inflammatory discomfort and is a chronic condition that requires pain management. Through this extraordinary form of artwork, Linda uses bead work and cannabis as a form of meditation to calm her mind and pain from the tumors that her body has developed. Linda being in pain “twenty-four-seven; you take your mind to a different place” and that place for her has been volunteering at the 29-Palms Art Gallery Museum where her artwork is on display and for sale. The 29 Palms Art Gallery is the oldest arts gallery in Joshua Tree California next to Joshua Tree National Park and next to the Oasis Visitor Center. The Gallery is run and operated by the Twentynine Palms Artist Guild and is a non-profit organization founded



conflict between the state vs the cities, or the state vs federal laws? State and Federal Legislation Fixes The California legislature has SB 1186: Medicinal Cannabis Patients’ Right of Access Act, scheduled for a hearing in the appropriations committee on August 11, 2022. This bill would “prohibit a local jurisdiction from adopting or enforcing any regulation that prohibits the retail sale by delivery within the local jurisdiction of medicinal cannabis to medicinal cannabis patients or their primary caregivers by medicinal cannabis businesses.” Call Senator Anthony Portantion, the chair of the appropriations committee at (916) 6514025 and express your opinion. The non-partisan National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) has voted to adopt a revised policy directive that expresses support for federal marijuana descheduling and cannabis banking reform. In addition, the directive calls for changes in federal law that would allow for robust cannabis research and access to traditional banking. Currently, in the US research on humans is prohibited. Banking Issues for Cannabis Businesses Under federal law, cannabis businesses in states that have legalized the sale of cannabis are unable to utilize the country’s banking system, forcing them to operate as primarily cash-only entities. The NCSL urges Congress to pass legislation allowing financial institutions to provide banking services to legitimate stateauthorized cannabis-related businesses. This reliance on cash makes cannabis businesses prime targets for theft, burglary, armed robbery, and other property crimes.” Another path to mitigate this morass is for



residents to become active in local politics. When is the last time you called your city councilmen? Do you even know who your councilmen or mayor is? I am embarrassed to say I do not. This I think is disgraceful. I believe in the power of citizen activists. If you live in a city or county that prohibits cannabis businesses, call your mayor, supervisor, or councilmembers, and voice your discontent. The only way change happens is when we demand change. Even if California SB 1186 passes, there will be mayors who persist in defying the law. Our voices need to be louder than the prohibitionist. In summary, cannabis is both legal and

BY RUTH HILL R.N. illegal in California. The only way to change this is for the silent majority to wake up and become active in local politics. Yours truly will be presenting medical cannabis education to the public at The Vault Dispensary and Lounge in Cathedral City, time, and date TBA. Call The Vault at 760-866-9660, to sign up in advance. For comments, email cannaangel16@


in 1951; However, the Guild is an all-volunteer organization that offers the community monthly art exhibitions, youth, and adult education classes. Originally built in 1936 by Western pulp fiction writer, Tom Hopkins; the Guild purchased this desert adobe home and created todays Art Gallery that has local exhibitions, receptions, fund raising, and a gift shop with Southwestern jewelry. Now on exhibition is not only Linda’s World Dream Catcher, but a beaded Dragon, and a beaded Nemo on display. Yet, with her neurofibromatosis, Linda has always used the


cannabis products created by Heavy Hitters. She smokes, uses the creams, and eats the edibles for her pain that takes her into a peaceful mediation and allowing her to create her bead work. Like many experienced users Linda has preferred using Heavy Hitters for its very potent strains created with ultra-premium cannabis. Heavy Hitters is known for its expert growers and farmers that carefully handle the flower. They are precise in extracting the buds, testing them each time they are picked and distilling the flower for a premium smoke. Heavy Hitters has an “ultra-pure and clean distillate” that is consistent giving a user a strong medicine experience and alleviating a patient of their pain. The company is known for its beneficial medicine that is tested with safety and up graded standards because they use one of the most purified and highly tested cannabis strains in the industry. Heavy Hitters has the Certificate of Analysis or (COA) conducting a high-quality control metrics and state testing standards that meets the State of California strict standards. The Certificate of Analysis standards are tested by

a top leading third-party lab with zero cutting agents, no vitamin E, PG, VG, and MCT fillers. A client can always locate the testing status done in the labs by locating the Batch number on the back of each Heavy Hitters product. Most important is that Linda, can use a product for her neurofibromatosis that can help her manage pain, in a peaceful creative meditation that allows her to create bead work like her World Dream Catcher. On a Sunday morning one can take a drive up to the 29 Palms Art Gallery and look or purchase not only Linda’s artwork but other local art creations that contribute to the museum’s exhibits. Cannabis, Art, and Meditation is an alternative to healing and managing pain. The 29 Palms Art Gallery: 74055 Cottonwood Dr. (at National Park Dr) Twentynine Palms, CA 92277 Regular Hours: Thursday – Sunday | 11 am to 3 pm Summer Hours (June, July, August): Friday – Sunday | 11 am to 3 pm (760) 367-7819 Note: Please be advised to discuss all medicines and the use of cannabis with your doctor.

August 11 to August 17, 2022


August 11 to August 17, 2022





was born and raised in Ukraine where people walk a lot. Till today my 75 years old mother walks every day whether it’s just a brisk walk or grocery shopping trip. As you might know many countries in Europe has its cultural history of people being more active due to every day walking habits. Here is why. Walking Protects your heart. Just like the rest of the muscles in our bodies, our heart needs to be strengthened through regular activity to remain healthy and strong. Thankfully, the simplest of physical activities — walking — can make a big difference. Some may believe that you have to get on the treadmill or hit the pavement for at least an hour to make it worthwhile. However, this might seem out of reach if you have a busy schedule or are not in the routine of regularly exercising. The good news is you don’t have to be an Olympic athlete or marathon runner to experience the heart-protecting benefits of exercise. Two long-term Harvard studies found that simply walking 20 minutes a day may reduce your risk of heart disease by up to 30 percent.

Walking Slims you down. Regular brisk walking, when combined with healthy eating, is hugely effective for weight loss, helping you burn off extra calories. Walking also helps to reduce visceral fat, also known as belly or abdominal fat which is especially dangerous to our health. If you don’t have time to get out for a walk, you can simply add in extra steps to your daily routine. Wearing an activity tracker is an excellent way to track progress and help keep you motivated. To start, go about your daily

depression. Set a goal to walk 20 minutes at least five times a week and experience all the health benefits that a brisk walk can bring you. I hope you can put your walking into your regular routine and it can become your new habit. If you need help with regular exercise please reach out to us. We have excellent team of trainers who come to our clients homes. Nadia Popova

routine as normal for the first couple days to establish a baseline. From there, you can set small goals to increase your daily steps. You may surprise yourself with how quickly these small changes can add up. Walking Improves your mood. Exercise helps release endorphins that instantly improve your mood and trigger a positive feeling in the body. When performed regularly, exercise helps ease stress, anxiety and has even been shown to be as effective as psychotherapy at relieving moderate



aybe it was some special event. Maybe a birthday celebration. Maybe a trip or vacation you went on where you were limited with Keto options. Or maybe you were at a friend’s house for a BBQ, and they had an unbelievable dessert tray, and you caved in…. (been there, done that). Whatever the reason it’s best not to feel guilty or deny it. Temptation is everywhere. No judgement here. It happened. And, trust me it happens to the best of us. I’ve followed the Keto diet nearly 4 years and it has happened to me too. Sometimes it’s planned (gasp!) and sometimes it’s unplanned. I went off my Keto plan this year during my divorce, and it was not planned. This was after living the Keto lifestyle for many years. It was an unexpected chapter of my life I wasn’t prepared for. All I wanted to do was


eat my feelings. I knew a different meaning of comfort food. Not just once in a while but daily. Sugar became my best friend again and took me down a dark road of addiction. Being a Keto coach, I was especially motivated to get back on track but it took me a few months and many stops and starts. My weight started going up while my emotions spiraled. The power of the carbs at one point were winning! I had to completely change my mindset and take powerful baby steps to get back to a new normal and then back to where I started. If anyone here is facing a setback, or something similar, I’m happy to share my process and how I overcame the strong pull carbs had on me to lose weight and manage my emotions. It took several tries and a deep belief in the keto diet for my overall health and weight loss goals. There is no quick fix but there are steps to take. I believe there are others out there in the same situation. I’m telling you this to be transparent and to give you hope that you can make the changes and you NEVER have to give up on Keto. It’s always there for you and will take you back with open arms. Keto is a miracle in my life, and I’ve been very passionate about it ever since I originally Lost 40 pounds reversed prediabetes, migraines, gerd, plantar fasciitis, and more. This love affair I’ve had with Keto kept me wanting to get back on track. Are You Ready to Get Back on the Keto Horse? The beauty about Keto is you can begin again at any time! The sooner you get back on the Keto Horse the better. Go Back to Basics… As if You are Starting Keto for the Very First Time Here are some diet hacks to get back into

Ketosis faster. Cut Way Back on Carbs How many carbs you can eat per day varies person to person. To get back into a low carb lifestyle shoot for 40-50 total grams of carbs per day. Eventually wean yourself to 30. Take as long as you need to but set daily goals for yourself. Check at the end of each day and see how you did. Did you show up for yourself? Did you come close to your goal for that day? Think Fat First Fats are the fuel we crave on Keto to keep us going. Get back to thinking about “Fat First”. Plan your meals around all the healthy fats you enjoyed on Keto. It takes away our hunger and cravings. Make sure fat is at least 50% of your diet. Think avocados, grass-fed butter, olive oil, avocado oil, ghee, coconut oil, coconut butter, and MCT Oil. Beyond traditional fats, enjoy fatty foods such as egg yolks, cheese, nut butters, olives, and grassfed fatty meats. Drink Lots of Water When we start to get back into ketosis our bodies use a lot of water. Plan to double your normal intake for the first few weeks back on Keto. Electrolyte Supplements Beyond increasing your water intake, use a natural electrolyte supplement (with no sugar) to make up for fluid lost. And, to avoid the Keto flu. Intermittent Fasting Start by eating during an 8-hour period during the day, and then fast for 16 hours (a good portion of your fasting can be overnight while sleeping). Be sure to have your last meal of the day by 6 pm and then no snacking after that. By fasting along with eating Keto

BY MICHELLE BORTHWICK foods, this forces your body to use body fat for fuel, which is converted into ketones, and WOW before you know it, you’re back in ketosis! Aahh…Back in the Land of Ketosis With these Keto diet hacks, you’ll be back in ketosis so fast you won’t even remember indulging in carbohydrates! You’ll be back to reaping the rewards of the Keto Diet that you enjoyed so much before like: weight loss, endless energy, mental clarity, focus, lack of hunger, improved moods, and more. There isn’t one size fits all Keto. Your success will depend on how your body responds, how long you were eating a Keto diet prior to cheating and many other factors. Mindset is a huge part of getting back on track and I have many other diet hacks that can be personalized to you. I’d love to hear from you. Let’s talk during a free 30-minute consult. Don’t be afraid to be open about your situation. I know I can help and I’m here to support you. Book an appointment at: Keto On! About Michelle Borthwick: Michelle is a trained Keto Lifestyle coach, a Seasoned expert on Customized Keto. Keto weight loss results can be improved with Coaching, Customization, Accountability, and a trusted partner to guide you every step of the way. Michelle offers private sessions, proven Keto diet hacks, goal setting, ongoing support and more. Follow Keto is Easy coach on Facebook and Instagram @Ketoiseasycoach

August 11 to August 17, 2022


August 11 to August 17, 2022


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