Coachella Valley Weekly - August 14 to August 20, 2014 Vol. 3 No. 21

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News Community NEWS MUSIC Music ART EVENTSMovies MOVIES DININGDining SPORTS HEALTH &BEAUTY BUSINESSEvents COMMUNITY • August 14 to August 20, 2014 Vol. 3 No. 21

Keith Blum Best Artist of 2014 Photo by Scott Pam

Summer Extravaganza

pg 7

The Monopoly

pg 9

Jazz In The Pines

pg 10

One Shot Thrill

pg 11


pg 18

August 14 to August 20, 2014

Keith Blum - Best Artist of 2014

August 14 to August 20, 2014

Photos and article By scott pam

Coachella Valley Weekly


Publisher & Editor Tracy Dietlin Art Director Robert Chance Sales Team Raymond Bill, Lisa Morgan, Alaina Majiros Classified Manager & Nightlife Editor Phil Lacombe Features Writer Lisa Morgan, Judith Sulkin, Denise Ortuno Neil, Heidi Simmons, Writers/Contributors: Lisa Morgan , Robin Simmons, Rick Riozza, Lola Rossi, Craig Michaels, Bronwyn Ison, Haddon Libby, Rachel Montoya, Angela Janus, Janet McAfee, Heidi Simmons, Dale Gribow, Raymond Bill, Jack St. Clair, Rob Brezny, Amanda Dorta, Eleni P. Austin, Curtis Hendricks, Noe Gutierrez, Sunny Simon, Richard Weiss, Dr. Peter Kadile, Dr. Maria Lombardo, Bruce Cathcart, Patte Purcell, Julie Buehler, Flint Wheeler, John Paul Valdez, Laura Hunt Little, Rebecca Pikus, Scott Pam, Richard Noble, Karen Creasy, Trooper Ramsey, Monica Morones, Shawn Mafia Photographers Laura Hunt Little, Lani Garfield, Chris Miller/ Imagine Imagery Distribution Phil Lacombe, William Westley

Contents Keith Blum........................................ 3 StunTek ............................................. 6 Contact In the Desert Roundup...... 7 Summer Extravaganza 2014........... 7 Wild West Wednesday ..................... 8 Tilted Kilt Open Mic Week 8............ 9 LMS- The Monopoly Reunion.......... 9 LMS- Idyllwild Jazz In the Pines.... 10 LMS - One Shot Thrill..................... 11 Consider This - OFF!........................ 12 Fallen Heros Banner Project......... 13 Pet Place.......................................... 14 The Vino Voice................................ 15 Club Crawler Nightlife................... 16 Pampered Palate - Eureka!............ 18 Screeners........................................ 20 Book Review................................... 21 Haddon Libby: It’s All Local........... 23 Dale Gribow.................................... 23 Safety Tips....................................... 24 ShareKitchen.................................. 24 Travel - Fashion Island................... 25 Sports Scene................................... 25 Sports.............................................. 26 Free Will Astrology......................... 27 Mind, Body & Spirit........................ 28 Life & Career Coach........................ 29 Ask The Doctor............................... 29 Comics - Weiss Cracks.................... 30



ince its inaugural ride on September 12, 1963, the Palm Springs Aerial Tramway has been considered by some to be the Eighth Wonder of the world. The concept of the tram was conceived in 1935, when Francis Crocker was visiting Banning and saw the snowcapped peak while mopping the sweat from his brow. He knew it had to be cooler up at the top of that peak. Through years of planning and construction, and all funded privately, Mr. Crocker worked with local and state officials to get the various permits and zoning required to bring about his vision. Helicopters flew 26,000 missions during the 26 months of construction to construct the towers and the Mountain Station. Nearly 18 million people have taken the 10 minute, two and half mile ride to the top of Mount San Jacinto. I remember going up the tram before the upgrade – I was amazed at the view and could see clear across the valley and into Joshua Tree State Park from the top. The only other view that I could even relate this to was being at the top of the World Trade Center’s South building, where I visited regularly and eventually worked in the 90s. In 2000, the tram cars and facilities were updated so that passengers are now

riding the largest rotating tram cars built. It is a bit disconcerting at first to be moving in multiple directions – up, as we ride the cables, sideways, as the car moves in the wind and from people moving, and then around as the inside of the car rotates to give everyone the enormous view of the valley – but I got used to it as I focused on the view and not losing my cell phone as trying to get a quick shot for Facebook from the windows that are slightly open for the mountain air to cool the car. At the top sits the Mountain Station at an elevation of 8,516 feet. The station has a waiting room, two restaurants and a bar, and has private banquet rooms for special occasions, weddings and corporate events. Up until about 3 weeks ago, the waiting room was a plain white walled room, with a window that looked onto the 120 ton counterweights that keep the tension on the cables as the tram is moving. Master trompe l’oeil artist Keith Blum changed the waiting room into a 3-D log cabin with a stone hearth fireplace and window looking out over the valley on the other wall. Trompe L’oeil murals use realistic imagery to create an optical illusion so that the objects in the painting exist in three dimensions. Visitors are treated to the interior of a log cabin with a hearth fireplace as they enter the waiting room for their trip back down to the Valley Station. The perspective from the entrance makes the fireplace, books, lamps and walls look as if they are real and 3-dimensional. Only upon closer inspection can you tell that the fireplace is a painting and not built into the

log cabin wall. Trompe l’oeil was used by the great Renaissance period painters who used it to create the illusion of objects being real rather than painted. In America, trompe l’oeil can be traced back to Philadelphia and Charles Wilson Peale in 1795, when he painted a double portrait of his sons. Keith recently was nominated and awarded the title of “Best Artist 2014” from the Coachella Valley Weekly readers. While Keith was painting the room, “The Artist”, a new reality series featuring the life of Keith Blum as he changes the “plain” into mural masterpieces, was filming their pilot for the new series. The series focuses on exploring Keith’s life and the impact of art within a community and features David Wright as Keith’s apprentice and Bruce Carson, who is the project manager. Keith started drawing when he was 7. Like some other artists, his parents thought that he would be better off on a different career path. He did his first mural at 29, when he told his wife at that time what he wanted to do and completed it. She was not sure of the outcome and Keith assured her that if it didn’t look good, he would just put a coat of paint over it. He knew at that continue to page 5


August 14 to August 20, 2014

August 14 to August 20, 2014

continued from page 3

moment, that this was what he wanted to do. I got a chance to sit and talk with Keith before the unveiling of the murals in the waiting room. SP: Keith, when did you realize you had an interest in art? KB: My interest in art started when I was about 7 years old. I went to have my tonsils taken out. They put me into a waiting room and the nurse said, “Play with a coloring book.” I said, “I don’t like coloring books.” “Play with one of these toys.” I said, “I don’t like playing with toys.” Frustrated, she got a piece of blank paper and handed it to me, and handed me a crayon and said, “Draw that racecar” and walked out of the room. I sketched the racecar and drew it out really good and the best I could and she came back in a few minutes later. She asked, “Who drew that?” I said, “I did.” She thought my mother came in and drew it. She grabbed my hand and picked up the paper and took me out into the hall where my mother was and said, “Did you know your child can draw this well? He can DRAW!” I’ve been drawing ever since. SP: Did you ever take art courses in grade school, junior high or high school? KB: I took one art course in junior high school and quit it after two weeks. SP: So you didn’t take any art in school, you started basically with just that drawing? KB: I didn’t paint my first mural until I was 29 years old. SP: Do you remember it? KB: Sure! I was married at the time and bought a little house, it was our first house. In the breakfast room I had laid a black and white checkerboard floor with linoleum tiles – the room was so small. I said to my wife, “I have this vision, I’m gonna paint the black and white floor to go on the wall as if the wall is not there with all of this perspective, so when you walk in the room it will feel bigger.” She said, “No you’re not.” We had this big argument, and the way I resolved it was I promised her if she didn’t like it when it was done, I would roll paint back over the wall. I spent the next day and a half painting


this floor with the lighting and shadows. When I was done, she said, “Now you did the floor, you have to put up a balustrade rail, and then you need some tree tops coming up from the other side,” and it turned into this whole mural. I fell in love with doing murals right then and there. SP: From the time you were seven until you were 29, 22 years, did you make any money in art? What were you doing? KB: No. I drew and sketched and did some light canvas for fun, never took it too seriously. I had fantasies about being an artist, but never thought I was good enough. My mom and step-dad used to tell me, “It’s unrealistic to think you could ever make a living at art, so don’t even bother.” So I didn’t bother. I was a hairstylist, a jewelry salesman, a clothing salesman, and did all kinds of other things. I was a hairstylist when I painted that first mural in that house with my wife and owned a beauty salon down in Santa Monica. Within a year I sold the shop and became a professional mural artist. SP: When was your first paid mural? KB: When I was 29. What happened was I did my house and then I did my motherin-law’s house and then did my next door neighbor’s house and then kept doing friend’s places. Then I did a house that my sister owned, and her neighbor saw it, and she said, “Will

you paint something on the ceiling in my bathroom?” They hugged me and paid me at the end. I carried that check in my pocket for three weeks. I kept looking at it. In the memo section it said “Mural Art.” SP: How much was it? KB: $200, it felt like $200,000! SP: How long does it take paint a mural? KB: It depends. If you paint 300 square feet of sky, you could do it in a couple of days. If you paint 300 square feet and it’s a view of Manhattan, it’s gonna take you three, four weeks. It’s all a matter of detail and size is only one element. More importantly is the amount of detail. SP: What kind of paint do you put on the wall? It’s not just house paint? KB: Some of it is like house paint. I use acrylic, which is water based, and I also use latex, which is water based which people use on their houses. SP: Where do you find your inspiration for these murals? KB: Doing a mural is like this: an artist who paints a blank canvas and then he’s gonna sell the canvas later, can paint anything he wants. When I go to someone’s home to paint a mural, I am on a mission. I have a challenge. They have this wall and want the room to look bigger or they want this room to look outside or they want a staircase going up. So my challenge is always to fit the venue I’m at. When I came up here to the Tram, I looked at that room and asked, “What do we need in this room?” The room was so bland and so white. We’re up on top of a mountain; we should be inside a log cabin. If you have a log cabin you need a stone fireplace. Then I did the other wall with the view from the mountain top at sunrise since I love early morning. I thought that would look cool with the little lights from the city in it. SP: Once it’s done, do you use some kind of sealer or fixative to protect the mural? KB: Certain jobs require a sealer like if you do a job in a restaurant, you want a sealer because people are gonna splatter and splash food and they are gonna wash the walls constantly. For an exterior wall

with a Southern exposure, you wanna put a sealer because the sun is gonna fade it and bleach it. Other than that I don’t recommend sealers because they have a sheen to them, and it will ruin the perspective. SP: Has anyone ever defaced a mural? KB: They wrote their name vertically on a fabric store mural. The owners called me up and asked if I could fix it. So I painted a picture of me painting a picture right over the letters. I added another level to the mural. SP: How does it feel to be nominated as the Valley’s Best Artist of Coachella Valley 2014? KB: I was nominated last January, but just a week or so ago, on the 31st, I won. That was really cool. I was really excited. That was a big thrill for me! I loved it! SP: You are also doing a reality show. How did that happen? KB: I had made a DVD at a sound stage facility, the Palm Springs Film Factory in Thousand Palms and the gentleman who was the stage manager directed it. It was a DVD where I teach viewers how to paint 3D illusions. Bruce Carson, our director on the show, had edited the DVD. Bruce called me up and said, “I got an idea after watching you on film, watching you paint, we have to do a reality show on you. Going from one location to another and with all of the challenges you face doing murals.” I said, “I’m in!” SP: How long have you been filming the reality show? KB: About three weeks. This is our pilot episode. SP: What would you tell young people who are just starting out in art or photography? KB: I would tell them, “Go with your guts and ignore everyone else.” If your gut tells you it’s the right thing for you, then you gotta do it. One thing I have learned is your gut is never wrong. Go with your gut, follow your instincts and passions; you only live once. Contact Keith Blum at: phone number (818)437-5617 website email


August 14 to August 20, 2014

business profile

Be Stunningly Safe


he street lights are dim as you move down the street. Maybe you’re just getting off work or walking your dog…and then you hear it, unfamiliar footsteps approaching behind you at a rapid pace. Then you wonder if the sound is emanating from a friend or foe? Or should the question really be…are you protected if it is the latter? Instead of wondering what lurks behind you or in the shadows, don’t even take the chance to roam about without some sort of protection against violence, arm yourself with non-fatal safety…arm yourself with a stun gun by StunTek. It all started back in the 1700’s when static electricity became something more than rubbing your hands and creating a spark. Today it is something more. In an instance you can touch another person who may be potentially harmful and send them into oblivion…if just for a moment or two StunTek, is a new business headed up by Michael Petrucelli, who was brought into the business through a close friend who wanted to promote her new product and bring it into the mainstream public.


Petrucelli saw the need and viability of the stun gun line and decided to run with it, “I saw a need for a product that can keep people safe,” said Petrucelli. The stun guns that Petrucelli represents are far different from the average ones on the market today, with higher amperage at .65 and an ion battery that when charged will last up to 10 months. Brenda Martin, who is leading the sales and marketing for StunTek, is excited about putting the product into the hands of the public, “It’s needed for everybody.” She points out that the devise has many benefits and will aid a multitude of people. There are different aspects that make Stun Tek’s stun guns stand out from the others. Besides the higher amperage and long lasting battery, the stun gun works as a siren as well. There are two varieties of guns that they represent, one is a loaded hand held gun with all of the features and the other is a smaller lipstick sized unit that literally fits in the palm of your hand. The hand held gun, as the lipstick unit, has an ultrabright flashlight that is perfect for guidance

By Denise Ortuno Neil

Photos By Corlyce M. Olivieri through the dark, and has a wrist band that attaches to it. If for any reason the gun is removed or ripped away in a struggle, an ear piercing siren will engage surely to scare away anyone with nefarious intentions… and that is without even having to use the stun gun itself. The only difference between the two units is the siren feature, which the lipstick variety does not offer. The units do come in many colors, and honestly, the lipstick version is pretty cool, as long as the user remembers to differentiate it from the real lipstick and not give her an unintentional lip plump. Although Stun Tek is in a soft launch and in the early stages of sales, interest is

gaining speed, with the product available on the shelves of places like Next Level Fitness. The product has a price tag of $59.95 for either unit. It is a simple and very usable safety product that does not require any license or permit to own or use. In today’s world, it is prudent to have some protection that is non-lethal and that will insure safety. Stun Tek’s stun guns will help the cautious be safe in stunning fashion. For more information and purchase contact Brenda Martin at 707-494-3230


By rich henrich



August 14 to August 20, 2014

“2014 Summer Extravaganza” Music, Fashion and Philanthropy



roves of truth seekers packed Friendship Hall at the Joshua Tree Retreat Center this past weekend for the 2nd Annual Contact in the Desert conference on the exploration into extraterrestrial life, ancient aliens, human origins, crop circles, UFO sightings, contact experiences and the need to know and disclose. Attendance for the event doubled from last year and saw about 1,800 people from across the country and around the globe gathering to hear the latest information from thought leaders on the subject. Author and researcher, Jim Marrs gazed out to a standing room audience of hundreds. “Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man to walk on the moon, told me that we have technology from the Aliens,” his voice, straight-forward and Texan. Marrs, an award-winning journalist has worked for several Texas newspapers as an investigative journalist. The New York Times best-selling author and retired University of Texas, Arlington lecturer is thoughtful, thorough and confident in his words. An attendee asks him about his thoughts on the missing Malaysian Airlines flight. “Hijacking is a thing of the past. Jets are run by computers, since around 2000. A flight from Edwards AFB flew to Australia and back with no one on it. If you override the computer, you take over the plane. We know the FAA says we can land a plane safely despite a hijack.” He slips into a question about 9/11. “Four airliners, four separate transponders- and they went off at the same time. How is it possible? It’s not!” he claims before returning to the original subject of the missing Malayasian flight. “Diego Garcia is our most secret base,” says the former JFK assassination lecturer. “What happened to the people? I don’t know. First responders in the Ukraine said the bodies they came across were already decomposing. There are political purposes just like the President knowing about Pearl Harbor and not telling his admiral to prepare.” The logic isn’t as easy to follow as the questions being raised. The crowd is silent, listening intently to any insight that might

answer an alternative inquiry into curious world events. “The question is what kind of people would do things like this? Are they even us?” He guides the truth seekers back to a clue and alludes to extraterrestrial influences over our geo-political activities. Erich Von Daniken, author of “Chariots of the Gods” (and 38 other books), has sold over 63 million copies worldwide with translations in 32 languages. Von Daniken won instant fame in the U.S. as a result of his TV special “In Search of Ancient Astronauts.” His lecture “Unsolved Mysteries of the Past,” was also standing room only. His approach to investigating the curious is archeological, digging into the past of the ancient mysteries. In fact, he focused heavily on the Book of Ezekiel in the Bible to point out the story of Enoch as in Genesis 5:24: “And Enoch walked with God, and he was no longer, for God had taken him.” Von Daniken states, “He learned the language of the E.T.’s and gave 300 scientific books to his son, Methuselah and told him to keep them carefully for the generation after the Great Flood.” The author continued to point to Ezekiel chapter 40 as a reference to study and discussed how a secret speech he gave at NASA lead to a German engineer using the descriptions in the chapter to recreate what appeared to be a “space craft.” He concludes his lecture with an encouraging word, “At just two-percent of the speed of light, we’ll be able to colonize the Milky Way in 10 million years! We must create the first ship and send billions of DNA into space to evolve on the 5 billion other planets like Earth.” Actress and author Celeste Yarnall, PhD., famous for her role on Star Trek’s “Apple” episode drew a solid audience for her lecture on the “Ancient Alien Goddess.” Her goal is to stand up for the feminine face of God. “We must stand in ‘oneness’ all sexes,” she says. When asked what she learned about making love in space that we could bring back to Earth, she offers up “it’s far better to make love than to make war! And gravity definitely helps!”

he Palm Springs area has literally become a summer hot spot in more ways than one. Between Memorial and Labor Day weekends, the hot temperature have usually detoured valley visitors. That scenario is fading out while new summer events are fading in. The 2014 Summer Extravaganza is announced as the desert’s next bid to lure fun seekers to the Coachella Valley. The event will awaken the desert with music and fashion, powered by philanthropy. This year’s Summer Extravaganza is presented by the Agua Caliente Casino Resort Spa and will benefit a number of charities such as the Foundation International established by of the Grammy Award-winning group, Black Eyed Peas. Other charities include the National Alliance for FilipinoAmericans, Inc., headquartered in Palm Springs; Safehouse of the Desert and N7 Fund which serves Native American children from the Indian Tribes of Coachella Valley. The tropical beach themed evening will begin with a luau dinner for preferred guests inside the Grand Palms buffet from 4pm to 7pm. The all-star swimsuit and fashion show/concert, headlined by Apl. de.ap, will take place simultaneously beginning at 8pm inside The Show. Other artists performing include teen rock band Above Seclusion; The X Factor and Season 3 finalist, Julianne Manalo. The swimsuit fashion show will feature both female and male models, including Miss Universe first runner up, Janine Tugonon. The Summer Extravaganza will be the Palm Springs version of the much-acclaimed Victoria’s Secret fashion show.

Following the fashion show they will be raffling off a 2014 Ford Mustang. Proceeds from the raffle will also benefit the charities involved with tickets priced at $100 and only 2500 tickets being sold. Orchestra and loge ticket holders and patrons with box seats will be given exclusive access to an after party with the models and performers beginning at 10:30. Guests can dance the night away at the after party with DJ APEK from Los Angeles (originally from the Coachella Valley). I am honored to be hosting the inaugural Summer Extravaganza and invite you to bring your friends out for and amazing night of music, fashion and fundraising. Ticket and information can be found at www.


August 14 to August 20, 2014


One Man’s Wild West Wednesday W

hat a long fricking work week,” “ he mumbled to himself, realizing it was only Wednesday. As he got in the oven that was his vehicle and began his trek home, it became apparent that people drive a little cranky in triple digit weather himself included. Pulling his hand away from his car horn seemed to use up what was left of his energy and restraint. If he didn’t turn this attitude around, he was going to snap. “Summers are tough on all us desert locals,” he tried to remind himself. What he needed was a little inspiration, and a good laugh. For now he’d settle for an ice cold adult beverage and some good old fashioned comfort food, as long as it didn’t break the bank. Just then, the radio seemed to turn itself up. KPLM, The Big 106, cut to a live country band singing a little jingle: “Whiskey Weekend.” A smoking harmonica solo finished as the singer shouted to the cheering crowd, “You’re looking good tonight!” Too bad it wasn’t “Whiskey Wednesday”. The announcer broke in over the music, speaking of Crater Lake drink specials and a live band. And wouldn’t you know it, they called it, “Wild West Wednesdays at Schmidy’s Tavern in Palm Desert. It started at 6. He looked at his watch. He looked at the road home. He



by Lisa Morgan

looked at the radio. “Let’s do this,” he said to himself as he aimed his vehicle toward the tavern. Greeted by soothing misters on the large patio, he entered what to him, was the ideal man-cave: full bar, more beer selections than he had time to count, and the smell of chicken wings coming from the kitchen. Only this man-cave had girls in it, and that wasn’t a bad thing at all. The guy getting smoked by the woman at the pool tables did not appear to agree, but never the less, it looked promising to him. The $3 Crater Lake Vodka/Rye drinks, $3 well shots, $10 pair of burgers with fries and a $6 bucket of wings told him he’d come to the right place. For less than 20 bucks, he could party for two! That alone seemed to loosen him up a bit as he realized, icy cold IPA now in hand that his toe had started tapping to the music streaming from the jukebox. But wait! Wasn’t there supposed to be a band? Sure enough, before too long, the band had him ready to get up and stomp. A friendly girl handed him some raffle tickets. “What are these for,” he asked? She smiled warmly, looked him in the eye and said, “Just for being here. We’ll be giving away some fun free stuff in a bit, so hold on to them.” With his new found spirit, and half

a glass of courage in his belly, he threw her a line: “Is it me, or do you have the prettiest eyes I’ve ever seen?” She flashed him a smile, gave him a wink and said, “It’s not you.” From the stage, music filled the tavern; everything from some catchy, fun, southern rock songs he’d never heard before, to some well-done Grateful Dead and Crosby Stills and Nash. They slowed it on down a bit when the front man for the band shared a story about a friend who’d inspired him to write the next song, “Sick of Being Stronger.” Man, he sure as hell knew how that felt. “These guys get it,” he thought to himself, as he raised his glass in gratitude. Then wouldn’t you know it, they called the number on his raffle ticket. He won! He now had, in his hand, a gift certificate from Esthetic X Obsession Massage and Wax Bar for a $75 Brazilian Wax. He chuckled to himself and silently pictured handing this to the boss-man in the morning. “Go wax yourself,” he imagined saying. But instead, he was able to trade it for something he could really use... a couple passes to the Wet and Wild Water Park. Suddenly, it occurred to him; he’d walked in there kicking rocks, and now he was getting ready to face the week like a rock star. “Good call, coming here,” he told himself. Just then, he locked on to those eyes

tilted kilt open mic week 8 winners again, accompanied by one of sweetest smiles he’d seen in a long time. “Yep,” he thought, as he smiled back. “Everything’s gonna be just fine.” To be continued... (The above story is true. None of the names were changed because there’s no one to protect and, well, we didn’t use any. Within the story line, there are some titles and phrases to original songs by R Buckle Road, the hosting band of Wild West Wednesdays. For each one you can show us on Wednesday at Schmidy’s Tavern between 6pm and 10pm, you will be given 5 raffle tickets toward the plethora of prizes being given away throughout that night. Good luck!) Schmidy’s Tavern is located on the corner of Fred Waring Drive and Highway 111, next to Men’s Wearhouse. Schmidys-Tavern Follow R Buckle Road- RBuckleRoad KPLM Big 106- Crater Lake Vodka- our-spirits/crater-lake-vodka EstheticX.Obsession Massage and Wax Bar-

August 14 to August 20, 2014

Local Music Spotlight by Lisa Morgan

The Monopoly Reunion Show

with Town Troubles and Robotic Humans @ Schmidy’s Tavern. Saturday, August 16 @ 9 PM


he Tilted Kilt Open Mic Competition did it again in week #8. The audience cheered for their favorite musicians as well as for giveaways from the Mary Pickford Theater such as t-shirts, hats, sunglasses and gift certificates from EstheticX.Obsession Massage & Wax Bar. At the end of the night, the pumped up crowd chose vocalist, Ariss Durazo as the first place winner! Ariss, who played guitar and sang beautifully, took home a set of movie tickets and large popcorn to the Mary Pickford Theater and earned a place in the finals where she’ll compete for the grand prizes of a 3 day/2 night trip to Las Vegas from Crater Lake Vodka, a 1-3 track recorded demo plus 12 hours of studio time from S.I.R. Entertainment Studios as well as $500 of music gear from Musicians Outlet. Second place was again awarded to newcomer to the competition, Phylicia Alice whose soulful original tune caught everyone’s ears. Phylicia chose to take home a pair of tickets to Wet & Wild Palm Springs. Kenneth Ugarte rocked out a great song and in turn was awarded third place and a Facial & Peel from EstheticX. Obsession Massage & Wax Bar. I am so proud that our competition’s performers are really all about the music and coming out to perform for the fun and pleasure of it. THANK YOU for putting

on a great show: Mike Sick-boy, James Velasquez, Johnny Elsewhere, Giorg Tierez, Marco Thoma, Max Schwartz, Jim Holiday, Angel & Tyler of Mental Flow, Father & Daughters: Doug, Sam & Lindsay Molder, Freddy Live, and Barbara Ascencio. I hope to see you all next week! Look for coverage of this week’s event and the announcement of winners in the next issue of Coachella Valley Weekly! SPECIAL THANKS to all of our sponsors: S.I.R. Entertainment Services, Musicians Outlet, Crater Lake Vodka, EstheticXObsession Massage & Wax Bar, Wet & Wild Palm Springs, Vargas Arts, CV Weekly and Mary Pickford Theater. Remember, the Tilted Kilt Open Mic Competition is ALL AGES and runs EVERY WEDNESDAY. YOU may compete EVERY week! PLEASE NOTE: Due to our overwhelming number of interested performers, sign in starts at 7pm and will be closed at 7:45pm. BRING YOUR FRIENDS, FAMILY and FANS and note that the competition runs from 8-11pm so be sure your friends and family know to stay until the end to voice their vote!!! For questions or information about sign-up, please see TiltedKiltOpenMicCompetition or contact creator and host, Morgan James at or (714) 6511911


ike the name suggests, The Monopoly owned it for a while. Having gone through a few transitions and growing pains, by the time this band had it all dialed in 2010, they were playing up and down the California coast including a couple stints on the Ernie Ball stage with Warped Tour. But like many bands, boys turn into men, and men have families and jobs that offer securities that only a select few find in the music industry. The amps, drums and Marshall stacks get tucked away in the garage. Talks of the “old days” over beers and barbecues are interrupted by someone calling them daddy and tugging at their shirt. It was for the most part, a welcome transition for these guys. Not a one of them sounded unhappy. Still, those of us bitten by the small but ferocious gig bug - know that while the craving to play may slumber- it never, EVER dies. So, with the consistent pleading from fans and family, begging for another show, The Monopoly is back. The “post hardcore, indie, blues style rock” original band has pulled it all together for one more big show. Joining them in the farewell, face melting, how-do-you-like-menow, are Robotic Humans and Town Troubles (neither of which have any intentions of retiring soon). Fronting The Monopoly is Matt Clayborn, an extremely diverse and penetrating vocalist. Clayborn is no typical balladeer or screamer. He has the ability to project clean, emotional, melodic lyrics over the hairmoving four supporting him, and shift, full throttle, into death metal screams. Clayborn, as he would be with any band he fronted, is a force of nature and the heart of the sound of The Monopoly. Alex Maestas, drummer, ring leader and thunder maker, backs him with some seriously tasty arrangements that morph from hard rock, to funk, then slip into a momentary jazz break rounding back to pulse altering rock seamlessly. You can hear this for yourself especially in their song, “Smooth Talker” found on Soundcloud (soundcloud. com/themonopoly) along with the rest of the songs on their EP, “Hook, Line and Sinker”. Joining him for this show, on bass, will be Derek Timmons of Town Troubles, an easy fit as Town Troubles share a common thread

with The Monopoly - they are as eclectic as hell. Two guitars will fill the melodic front line that includes Chris Bravo and Matthew Sanchez who support the unique sound of this band like their vocalist, with a skill and passion. “We haven’t played a show in a long time, since around 2011,” shared drummer Alex Maestas. “We are going to play all our fan favorites. We want to give a more proper farewell to this band than we did when we just stopped cold turkey back then. And we want people in this town to see that we can still rock, and that this old band can get together any time and still rock impressively.” Town Troubles will be opening the show at 9:30 pm, showing off their evolution to a more simpler, roots version of themselves. What once was a full stage with horns and a huge rhythm section, will perform a power set as a three piece, one that should sufficiently warm up, if not melt all in attendance. Joey Zendejas of Robotic Humans shared his excitement for the upcoming show: “This is a special night for all of us. We’ve been in bands together, had side projects, all that good stuff. Every member from each band has a great relationship with one another. The Monopoly hasn’t played a show in 3-4 years. Town Troubles as well as Robotic Humans don’t play too often. One thing Robotic Humans is good at is putting on a show for everyone. We love making people feel accepted and bringing some sort of peace to their hearts. We connect through our music. We’ll be covering War Pigs by Black Sabbath that night! It’s gonna be a blast!” Schmidy’s Tavern is located on the corner of Fred Waring Drive and Highway 111 next to Men’s Wearhouse in Palm Desert. Follow these links for more information: The Monopoly (Post Hardcore/Indie) Robotic Humans (Rock/Metal) Town Troubles (Rock)


August 14 to August 20, 2014

Local Music Spotlight

By judith salkin

Pop the parachutes, it’s time for the 2014 Jazz in the Pines


arachutes strung the treetops that look like giant jellyfish drifting through the pines, people drifting from one venue to another and three stages of the best jazz from New Orleans to straight-ahead and everything in between – this must be the 21ST annual Idyllwild Jazz in the Pines. Long before Coachella and Stagecoach made the valley a draw for alt rock and country music lovers, jazz enthusiasts were making the trek to the mountain campus of the Idyllwild Arts Academy for a weekend of jazz, that was the brainchild of instructor and bassist extraordinaire Marshall Hawkins. In its early years using his connections in the music industry Hawkins was able to bring artists such as Lee Ritenour, Dave Koz, Mindy Abair and Boney James to entice them into the mountains to help out the next generation of up-andcoming jazz musicians. These days, the performers wait for the invitation to perform for the audiences who make their way from the California coast and desert and destinations from across the region. “Marshall (who has played with the likes of Miles Davis, Donny Hathaway, Boots Randolph and Roberta Flack) is the man who created the jazz program at the school,” said Jeff Hocker, of Hocker Productions, who has executive produced the festival for the past several years. “He created Jazz in the Pines to give the students a chance to perform and learn from the professional musicians and raise money for the school.” While the jazz tastes of the audience ebb and flow, Hawkins is involved choosing the musicians who play each year. “Because of funding, we’re always looking for musicians who know the program and can fit our price range.” The big difference between Jazz in the Pines and other jazz fests is the effect it has on the students at the school. The two solid days of music are a classroom of sorts for jazz program. No matter what genre of music the students are enrolled in, all students at IAA are exposed to all the elements of music taught there. “IAA really fosters growth of today’s prodigies,” Hocker said. “Most have some training in jazz, which is why we bring all kinds of jazz to the festival. Unlike sitting in a concert hall, audience members stroll to and from the three stage areas to listen to a variety of jazz and


performers.” In-between sessions, they can peruse the Marketplace that is filled this year with 65 juried artists and the food booths from Idyllwild restaurants. For comfort, the audience is encouraged to bring lawn chairs or blankets for the outdoors stages and a sweater in case the mountain temps are too cool, especially for desert dwellers. Casey Abrams Coming back to play the festival is former American Idol (2011’s 10th season) competitor Casey Abrams, one of Hawkins’ former students. “Marshall was just so cool,” Abrams said from his L.A. home earlier this week. Unlike other instructors, Hawkins insisted that he learned as much about music from his students as they did from him. Abrams added. “He wasn’t Sir or Mr. Hawkins, he told us the first day if we wanted his attention to call him ‘Man’. He really wanted to be a friend and mentor to every student in his class and he encourages all them to explore every type of music.” On Idol, Abrams caught the attention of the judges with his range of music from a soulsearing rendition of Screamin’ Jay Hawkins’ “I Put a Spell On You” to Nat King Cole’s “Nature Boy” to Maroon 5’s “Harder to Breathe.” And while he didn’t make it to the finals, his Idol experience was “exactly what I hoped it would be,” he said. Over the past three years, Abrams has recorded one album and has toured nearly nonstop around the country including a six show run in February at the Iridium Jazz Club and performances at the Panang Jazz Festival. Unlike some performers, Abrams refuses to choose between jazz and contemporary music and doesn’t feel schizophrenic about the dichotomy of styles. “I have so much music in me, I just want to share it with anyone who will listen,” he said. “I keep fighting to get better and to get it all out in front of an audience.” Abrams hasn’t lost his Idol audience either, although some are older women who have a crush on the 23-year-old Chicago native. “They call themselves Casey’s Cougars and they’re the inspiration for ‘Cougartown’ which is the next song I’m recording.” At the moment Abrams is without a record label (he left the Concord Music Group

which released his self-titled first disc in 2012 and management, but he’s looking for new management in NYC. At the moment, Abrams seems to be fine with club dates and a small part in an upcoming Valerie Landsburg film, “Offer and Compromise,” with Tom Cavanaugh, Francis Fisher, French Stewart and Christopher MacDonald signed to star. “I just want to keep a grip on everything I’m going through,” he said. Along with writing music for his next disc, Abrams is pursuing one of his other musical interests in film scoring. While at IAA he scored several student shorts (his father is one of the film instructors at the school) and loved the idea of enhancing the action on the screen with incidental music.

“I’m doing a song for “See You In Valhalla” that’s due out later this year,” he said. “There’s a small, touching scene in the movie and I get to write the song that plays under it.” Coming back to Idyllwild to play Jazz in the Pines is a full-circle moment, Abrams said. “That’s where I learned that I could be anything I wanted to be,” he said. And his life lessons since Idol have taught him, “It’s better to ask forgiveness than to beg for permission because sometimes you really need to do what’s in your head and heart and worry about it later. At the moment, I’m right where I always hoped I’d be.” What: 21ST Idyllwild Jazz in the Pines When: Saturday-Sunday, Aug. 16-17 Where: Idyllwild Arts Academy 52500 Temecula Drive, Idyllwild Tickets: $65 per day; 12 and younger, free with paid adult Information: (951) 500-4090

Local Music Spotlight

August 14 to August 20, 2014

by noe gutierrez

One Shot Thrill Makes their valley debut at The Hood


M Management and The Hood Bar & Pizza bring you another ‘Ghidorah of Metal’ music event: One Shot Thrill, Malaki and Behind The Fallen on Saturday August 16, 2014. Ghidorah was the fictional three-headed monster that ravaged Japan in the 1960’s in the Godzilla series of motion pictures. In the movie a meteor crashes to earth and winds up being the vessel that carries the beast. Like King Ghidorah, One Shot Thrill, Malaki and Behind The Fallen are prepped to land and blast The Hood with their hardcore monstrosity of hardcore heavy metal! The current OST line-up is solid and involves Daniel on vocals, Robby on vocals, Frank on guitar, Jordan on bass and Dominic on drums. Last names have been left out to protect the innocent. OST was initiated in 2011. They have been under the radar and not active on the scene for good reason. Daniel explains. “Although we started developing the band in 2011, we’ve been spending most of the past couple years developing our sound. Robby and I started OST as a side project from a previous local band. We realized that we shared and envisioned the same sound and decided to start writing.” OST are not caught up in attempting to define their sound. It is eclectic as far as

hardcore metal goes. “We’ve been told it’s like Linkin Park had a baby with Bury Your Dead.” “The Let Down” featuring Andy Leo of Crown the Empire was released in January of 2014 and is available on iTunes. In listening to this song I visualized a mosh pit strewn with metal heads smashing each other in the name of camaraderie. The song has great production, drum sound and a mix of hardcore and melodious vocals. In moving forward, OST are treading without trepidation. “The remainder of 2014 and all of 2015 are looking very promising for the future of the band. We’ve invested so much time and energy into writing and recording our debut record, so we’re grateful for all the positive feedback we’ve received from our first two releases. We can’t wait to show you our new stuff!” shared Daniel. OST are also more focused on expanding their sound and continuing to improve quality control. “We honestly couldn’t even tell you what we think our next song will sound like, all we can promise is that we won’t put anything out unless we already love it.” The Hood show will be the debut of OST in the Coachella Valley. “Most of us haven’t played a show out here in over two years. We’re looking forward to our first local show here at The Hood with some other great bands, (Malaki, Behind the Fallen). We can’t wait to show you what we’ve been working on.” Daniel is a desert native and shared with CV Weekly his take on the past and present music scene. “It seems like the past couple of years there wasn’t a whole lot going on. There were hardly any venues to play, especially for this type of music. Lately though, it seems like live music in general is growing and more venues are opening up. As different styles of music continue to mesh we hope metal and all genres of music continue to grow together, rather than apart, and people won’t have to worry about “genres” and just enjoy GOOD music, regardless of its biggest influence.”

According to guitarist Josh Buma, the name Malaki is derived from the Hebrew term meaning “messenger” or “the message”. Buma expands, “Initially, I called the band that because I felt it was finally the kind of music I had always wanted to write and perform. As I put together the band, the others joined and felt the same way.” Joining Malaki in her debut show at The Dragonfly on August 7th in Los Angeles was new vocalist Shauna Lisse. Remaining members are Dave Gentry on drums, bassist Joe Guerra and Michael Breamer on guitar. Buma shared a little about Malaki’s brief history. “We started playing shows in the LA area about two years ago, did a small west coast run and performed a headline set at House of Blues Sunset Strip back in May of 2013. Since then, we’ve been working on the next two EP’s and found a vocalist (Lisse) that was finally a perfect fit for the band.”

Malaki is also taking a diverse approach to their music. “Musically, Malaki combines the passion and songwriting that defined so many of the great bands of the last couple decades, yet incorporates much heavier elements that traditional and progressive metal fans crave. We are trying to be the best of both worlds, which in turn creates a unique and powerful musical statement.” The show at The Hood will be the band’s first foray in performing for the notoriously finicky desert crowd. Buma is well-versed in our musical back-drop and is appreciative of the fan base and their music IQ. “In terms of playing the desert, it will be a new experience for most of us. Coachella Valley gets some of the best musical acts in the word to come visit during the annual festival, and some great bands like Kyuss have come out of that scene. We’re really looking forward to playing for an audience that has a keen musical ear and who aren’t as ambivalent as many of the crowds are in our hometown.” The future of Malaki will present the release of two EP’s over the next 6 months followed by US tours that will help spread “the message”. In addition, Behind The Fallen will be performing for the first time in the CV. Drummer Stevie Peralta, bassist Chris Khaos, guitarist Kyle Ort, guitarist/vocalist David Bruno and vocalist Johnny Presley will be ready to establish a desert following. The show is free!


August 14 to August 20, 2014

by Eleni P. Austin



reak you down, grind you up/Void you out from the land of the free”. That’s the opening salvo from the new OFF! album, Wasted Years. The track, “Void You” is a combo platter of feedback and hi-hat that is also a pointed commentary on the country’s immigration controversies. OFF! is the brainchild of hardcore Punk pioneer, Keith Morris. Not only was Morris the original vocalist for seminal Hermosa Beach Punk icons Black Flag, but he has also fronted his second band, Circle Jerks, since 1979. As Morris and Circle Jerks’ guitarist, Greg Hetson were preparing to record their first new album in several years, they enlisted the help of producer (and ex-Burning Brides leader), Dimitri Coats. Unhappy with the results, Morris and Coats wrote a new batch of songs. Greg Hetson was unimpressed, so Morris and Coats created OFF! as a vehicle for this new music. The duo recruited Steven McDonald, (who still fronts his own band, Redd Kross), on bass. Completing the line-up was drummer Mario Rubalcaba, formerly of Hot Snakes and Rocket From The Crypt. Making their debut at the 2010 SXSW Music Conference in Austin, Texas, they “

WESTFIELD MALL 72840 Hwy 111 #171 Palm Desert, CA 92260 760-341-2017


“Wasted Years” (Vice Music)

drew favorable comparisons to Black Flag. The band immediately released a vinyl foursong 7 EP and quickly followed up with three more. First Four EPs was released in CD format in 2011. The next year, these protean Punkers recorded their self-titled sophomore effort, OFF! 2013 saw the release of a live album, Live At The 9:30 Club. In the meantime, Steven MacDonald toured and recorded with his original band, Redd Kross. Morris played a series of dates in Flag. (A partial line-up of past Black Flag members that were prohibited from using the entire name. Band founder, Greg Ginn was also touring as Black Flag and filed copyright infringement lawsuits against Morris and his successor, Henry Rollins).

Consider This

Now OFF! has returned with their third album, Wasted Years. Following the opening track, the listener barely has time to draw a breath before being hit with the one-two punch of “Red White And Black” and “Legion Of Evil.” “Red…” is pretty Mosh-riffic. Squally guitar fills match a juggernaut rhythm. The lyrics rail against complacency. “Arrogance is bliss, who gives a shit?” “Legion…” weds a thudding, primordial backbeat to scabrous guitar. Here Morris rakes Fox News over the coals. “Manufacturing public opinion, history-proof on a murderous spree/I’m a conscientious objector, encouraging chaos I disagree.” On four tracks, “It Didn’t Matter To Me,” “Death Trip On A Party Train,” “I Won’t Be A Casualty,” and “You Must Be Damned,” Morris addresses his past substance abuse issues. (He’s been sober since 1989). “It Didn’t Matter…” is a study in calibrated cacophony. Downstroke riff-age connects with a pummeling backbeat. A few succinct sentences sketch out a dissolute existence… “It’s 10am, drug dealer is my best friend/My brain’s on mind erase.” Aside from being one of the best song titles ever, “Death Trip On The Party Train,” is a feral and fractious journey to the dark side. Morris repeats the title like a mantra, noting, “third time’s the charm, right into the grave.” On “I Won’t Be A Casualty,” corkscrew licks collide with a relentless rhythm. The melody is anthemic and Morris’ tone is tenacious as he clings to sobriety. Rapid-fire guitar fills and a tribal tattoo frame “You Must Be Damned.” A harrowing depiction of adolescent addiction…”14 and


August 14 to August 20, 2014

by Lisa Morgan

Local Fallen Heroes Banners Project for Palm Springs, Launched by Local School Teacher


now, Alvarado at 3rd/Gotta geezeball as the carpet burns/Watched the house go up in smoke.” The best tracks here acknowledge that the personal is political. Over a metronomic meter and monolithic, search-and-destroy riff-age, Morris spits out bilious couplets of contempt on “Hypnotized.” The lyrics target the kind of celebrity philanthropy that is mostly a photo-op. “A 20 dollar contribution gets a 60 second solution.” “Exorcised” is anchored by a walloping backbeat, throbbing bass lines and soaring power chords. Morris offers this curt dismissal.. “Today’s as good a day as any, to tell you to go get fucked,” as Coats’ unspools a blistering solo. Contrary to what Irma Thomas and the Rolling Stones told you, OFF! emphatically states “Time’s Not On Your Side.” Powered by boomerang guitar shards and shifting time signatures, the melody is as combative as Morris. His tone is menacing, “You fuck with me, I’ll fuck with you.” Finally, “Meet Your God” is propelled by jack-hammer guitar, roiling bass lines and a punishing rhythm. Here Morris insists that “syphilitic bastards” will have a lot of ‘splainin’ to do when they meet their maker. Other stand out tracks include; the sludgey “Over Our Heads,” “No Easy Escape,” which ping-pongs between a plodding tempo and tilt-a-whirl guitar. On the nihilistic “All I Can Grab,” the guitars swarm like Killer Bees. The album remains vitriolic to the bitter end. The title track closes out the album, an unrelenting mix strafing guitar, bottomhugging bass, knockabout drums and Morris’ everlasting sneer. Here he insists “What was done can’t be unbroken, counting off wasted years.” OFF! hews to the Punk paradigm of “young loud and snotty, (well, maybe not so young) “Wasted Years” offers up 16 songs in under 24 minutes. The album is sharp, edgy and economical. With hooks galore and meaningful lyrics, it’s catchy as hell! Even the cover art is perfect, specially designed by iconic Punk artist, Raymond Pettibone. Keith Morris is closing in on 60. He could spend his twilight years waxing nostalgic. As an integral voice of not one, but two, highly influential Southern California Punk bands he’s earned that right. Thankfully, he’s still compelled to create vital music.

he heroics and honor displayed by school teacher, Lee Wilson Jr., are second only to those students from our own Palm Springs Unified School District who gave their lives for this country. The list is much longer than you think as it spans from World War II to current losses in Iraq and Afghanistan. On his own, a former marine himself, Lee launched The Fallen Heroes Banner Project, a project that is gaining momentum all across the United States. Immediately upon contacting them, the City of Cathedral City, the Palm Springs Air Museum and Palm Canyon Road House, among others, jumped on board to be part of this. Thanks to Lee and the passionate participants joining him, Palm Springs and Cathedral City will not be the odd towns out. “I stopped counting after 100 the number of cities in Southern California that honor those in active duty overseas. The difference here is, we are honoring those who died serving our country during war, some of whose stories were never told due to censorship at the time. The purpose of the project is to honor all local residents of Palm Springs and Palm Springs Unified School District who, in time of war, gave their lives for our freedom. These “Hero Banners” will create a “Walk of Heroes” along Palm Canyon Drive in downtown Palm Springs, at the Palm Springs Air Museum, and additionally, in Patriot Park in Cathedral City. Sponsored by the Palm Springs American Legion, Owen Coffman, Post 519, friends and family of our 27 heroes are invited to leave photos that can be used during patriotic events and to keep as a permanent record in our archives. We especially need photos and information about our World War II, Korea and Vietnam heroes.” On Saturday, August 23, local musicians will be turning out in droves to help raise money for this honorable and necessary project. Palm Canyon Road House will be hosting bands starting at 2:00 PM and

throughout the night. Contact Gary at Palm Canyon Road House at (760) 327-4080 or through their Facebook page: https://www. People wishing to donate to the Palm Springs Hero Banner project; please send a check or money order made out to the Palm Springs American Legion Post 519. In the memo portion of the check; please write HERO BANNERS. Mail to: Palm Springs American Legion Post 519 Attn: Dave Stevely, Finance Officer 400 N. Belardo Rd. Palm Springs, CA 92262 Banners cost $70 each, however brackets can cost $300. In the unlikely event they raise more money than needed for our banner project, all additional funds will be made to the Legion Scholarship Program. You can find updated information by requesting to be added to the Facebook group page: Palm Springs Fallen Hero Banner groups/762280353855000


August 14 to August 20, 2014

PET PLACE International Homeless Animals Day C

alling all Coachella Valley Animal Lovers! This Saturday, August 16, animal lovers around the world hold events to commemorate International Homeless Animals Day. Advancing the Interests of Animals will host our Coachella Valley event at the Omni Rancho Las Palmas Resort in Rancho Mirage at 5:00 pm that day. There is no charge to attend. Event organizers Lori Kirshner and Peter Spiegel hope that each of us will be inspired to think about what we can do in the upcoming year to help end the senseless killing of dogs and cats in public shelters. You are encouraged to bring a friend or relative who may not be aware of the pet overpopulation problem. You will meet other local animal advocates and learn about the organizations helping our Coachella Valley homeless pets. International Homeless Animals Day events take place all over the world on the third Saturday in August. From Florida to California, from Switzerland to Mexico, citizens come together to help animals in their communities. Events include candle

delightful Doc

Doc promises to cure whatever ails you! This sweet 6-mo-old Terrier boy will bring you love & happiness. He’s dog ID#A1121083 at the Coachella Valley Animal Campus, 72-050 Pet Land Place, Thousand Palms. (760) 343-3644.

Meet Shasta

This fabulous 5-yr-old Terrier will bring a “Mountain of love” to your home. Shasta is energetic, smart, & engaging. She loves playing with other dogs. Loving All Animals rescued this 12 pound girl from the county shelter. Adoption donation requested. Call (760) 834-7000


light vigils, adopt-a-thons, speeches, poetry readings, and workshops. Our event in Rancho Mirage features two inspiring speakers. Los Angeles city councilman Paul Koretz led the battle to ban the retail sale of commercially bred dogs and cats in his city. Animal rights attorney and former LA city attorney, Bob Ferber (pictured here) implemented the city’s animal protection unit to combat animal abuse. Our public animal shelters, which have an open admission policy, are overwhelmed with the number of stray and relinquished animals. Every day in America over 9,000 dogs and cats are killed in shelters. It costs the taxpayers an average of $426 for animal control to capture, house and euthanize one animal. It’s heartbreaking for the animals, and costly to taxpayers. Puppies and kittens under the age of 8 weeks are routinely euthanized, unless a foster home can be located to care for them. Municipal shelters do not have the staff to provide the round-the-clock bottle feeding these young animals require. State

by Janet McAfee

by Rick Riozza

Vino with a Thousand Shooting Stars


law requires all adopted shelter animals be sterilized if adopted, and these tiny ones may be too small to undergo this surgery. What can you do to help? Attend the event this Saturday. Volunteer at one of the local animal shelters or rescues. Adopt an animal from a shelter….they are the most grateful, loving creatures! Not quite ready to adopt? Fostering may be the right option. Don’t have much time? SHARE photos of adoptable shelter animals on Facebook. Make a donation to a local animal welfare organization. Educate your friends and relatives about the necessity to spay and neuter their pets. Many people naively believe it’s okay for their cat to have a couple litters of adorable kittens, unaware that 90% of the cats and kittens entering public shelters are euthanized. The litter of kittens your neighbor’s cat produced results in fewer wonderful shelter cats getting adopted. Visit our large county shelter and meet some of their adoptable animals. The Coachella Valley Animal Campus is located at 72-050 Pet Land Pl, Thousand Palms. Call


them at (760)343-3644. They are offering summer adoption specials of $40 for dogs and $15 for cats when you donate a large towel. Their website is WHAT: International Homeless Animals Day WHEN: Saturday, August 16, 5:00 pm WHERE: Omni Rancho Las Palmas Resort, 41-000 Bob Hope, Rancho Mirage HOSTED BY: Advancing the Interests of Animals, COST: FREE, cash bar available CONTACT: email for information and to RSVP

August 14 to August 20, 2014

ast week’s stellar CV Weekly’s cover designed by Robert Chance (celebrating the annual Persied meteor shower in the Joshua desert), brought to mind that this event is wonderfully observed in Italy/Sicily and is known as “La Notte di San Lorenzo”—“the night of Saint Laurent”, which in Italia is more traditionally recognized as “the Night of a Thousand Shooting Stars”. During my Roman Catholic up-bringing, at Confirmation, my patron saint became San Lorenzo; and, throughout Italy, he is feted on August 10th with scrumptious meals, delicious wines and romantic revelry while the night is continually lit with a myriad of shiny wisps from heaven. The very subjective bucket list of Italian movies to see before dying in Naples, includes, of course, the beautiful Cinema Paradiso— please catch the director’s cut, and, Night of the Shooting Stars, (1982) directed by the Tavilini Bros. where the movie is about the night when dreams come true in Italian folklore. The story takes place in 1944 where a group of Italians flee their town after hearing rumors that the Nazis plan to blow it up and that the Americans are about to arrive to liberate them. I remember reading The New Yorker magazine’s famed film critic, Pauline Kael, go absolutely gaga over this movie: “The Night of the Shooting Stars is so good it’s thrilling. This film encompasses a vision of the world. Comedy, tragedy, vaudeville, melodrama— they’re all here, and inseparable… the film stirs warm but tormenting memories of a time when we were beloved and were a hopeful people.” She goes to correctly describe how this beautifully filmed movie goes off at times quite surreal but never do you lose the real life experience—as opposed to some Fellini movies (which we do love) that can strangely fall off the edge of the story line. I know a lot of you readers are lovers of all things Italian, so this is the perfect time with the sultry night weather and the celestial theatre above (the Persied meteor shower can last a week) to frolic Italian with late-night patio/ backyard dinner gatherings to enjoy gorgeous

platters of Italian fare and tasty Italian wine. The festivity will be characteristically nuanced while Italian actors romantically emote and memoryfilled music play in the background as you showcase the likes of Cinema Paridiso, Shooting Stars, or your own favorite Italian movie on a flat-screen somewhere nearby. Mangiamo! Beviamo! & Diamo grazie al Signore! It’s time for friends and family to prepare and share their favorite Italian meals and vino and thank the Lord for His blessings! And for those Italian wine inspired plates, this is what I’m bringing to the party: (By the way— Barolos, Brunellos, and Super-Tuscans are great wines, but we’re not breaking the bank here, there are so many other reasonably priced Italian wines that match meals magnificently!) With the cheese, salumi & olives Antipasti platter along with crostini and foccacia, the perfect starter for the evening is the lightsparkling (frizzante) Lambrusco. No—I’m not talking about that candied “Riunite on Ice” stuff of a few decades back, I mean real Lambrusco secco, dry, earthy and slightly bitter yet joyous and refreshing, beloved by millions in EmiliaRomagna. This frothy, low-alcohol, wine is like a Beaujolais that takes beautifully to a chill, making it a wonderful summer red. Labels to look for are: Cleto Chiarli Lambrusco at $18; Luciano Saetti at $20; and for a real treat at $27 is the Fattoria Moretto, Lambrusco Grasparossa di Castelvetro Monovitigno, which is exuberant and lip-smacking with just the barest suggestion of sweetness. For a fun but classic pasta plate, let’s do a Rigatoni Alla Norma that is so famous in Sicily. At its most basic, the dish includes pasta with fried (even crispy) eggplant, fresh herbs, Parmigiano-Reggiano, garlic and tomato sauce, baked or served straight from the stovetop. Rich red wines are the forte of Sicily with big but soft flavors of spicy plum, wild berry and a little smoke that come from the Nero D’Vola grape. Trader Joe’s has a bunch of these wines so reasonably priced around $5. For a wine more complex with comparisons to a Burgundy Pinot Noir, look for Firriato Nerello Mascalese Sicilia Branciforti Feudi Bordonaro or any wine

made from the Nerello Mascalese grape. It’s crisp with pure cherry, earth, and spice notes. Ask for it at Total Wine & More, Palm Desert. A very versatile red to enjoy with everything on this page is the Rosso di Montalcino. It’s Tuscan Sangiovese and the “baby brother” of the Brunello with similar classic cherry and roses flavors but less tannic, lighter, fruitier and ready to drink now. Look for Mocali at $18, Le Chiuse at $22, and Altesino at $25 One of my favorite chicken dishes is the Pollo Al Diavolo, (Devil’s style). Brined overnight in white wine vinegar that’s been infused with dried oregano, the chicken is then roasted and half-glazed with a mustard/spice mixture. Perfect for both a red and white wine, let’s have a Campania white from the north of

Naples. Both the Greco di Tufo and the Fiano grapes possess tasty tangy acidity with citrus and melon notes which can get tropical when the wine is aged in oak. The Greco is fullbodied, while the Donnachiara Fiano at $20, or, the Mastroberardino Fiano di Avellino at $25 is lighter with fresh floral profiles and flavors of apples, pear, citrus, blanched nut, wax, pine forest and mineral. For dessert, I’m simply driving over to Buon Appetito Cal/Italian Deli in Palm Springs across from the Ace Hotel, to pick up a few dozen Tiramisu Profiteroles that are the light, creamy, a touch gooey and so incredibly tasty. Festeggiamo!

This majestic Tabby boy could be your new “purrfect” best friend. Mellow & loving, Oliver is 2 yrs old. Cat ID#A1124139 at the Coachella Valley Animal Campus, 72-050 Pet Land Place, Thousand Palms. Special summer adoption fee $15 for cats. (760) 343-3644.


August 14 to August 20, 2014

Club Crawler Nightlife


Scan the QR Code to get the Club Crawler Nightlife on your Mobile Device via the Smartphone Phone Book!

THUR AUGUST 14 29 PALMS INN; 29 Palms; 760-367-3505 Rojer Arnold & Bobby Furgo 6pm ACE HOTEL; PS; 760-325-9900 Reunion w/ DJ Day Amigo Room 10pm AJ’S ON THE GREEN; C.C.; 760-202-1111 Paul Elia 7-10pm AZUL; PS; 760-325-5533 John Bolivar 7pm BLUEMBER; RM; 760-862-4581 John Stanley King 6-10pm CORK TREE; PD; 760-779-0123 Live Entertainment 6pm DESERT FOX; PS; 760-325-9555 Thirsty Thursdays 7pm DHS SPA LOUNGE; DHS; 760-329-6787 Karaoke w/ DJ Scott 9pm ESCENA LOUNGE & GRILL; PS; 760-9920002 Courtney Chambers 5pm THE GRILL ON MAIN; LQ; 760-777-7773 Rob Martinez & Todd Ashley 8:30pm HARD ROCK HOTEL; PS; 760-325-9676 “Flirt” Hosted by Bella Da Ball Music from Disco to the 40’s,80’s and Funk 7pm THE HOOD; PD; 760-636-5220 The Hood Presents “Battle of the Bands” Round 2

8pm KOKOPELLI’S; YV; 760-228-2589 Karaoke w/ Roberto 8pm LAS CASUELAS TERRAZA; PS; 760-3252794 Hot Rox LIT@FANTASY SPRINGS; IND; 760-3452450 Country Night w/ Chad Shelhart 8pm THE LOUNGE, AGUA CALIENTE; RM; 888-999-1995 Quinto Menguante 8-1am MARGARITA’S; PS; 760-778-3500 Live Music 6pm MELVYN’S RESTAURANT & LOUNGE; PS; 760-325-2323 Ron Greenip 8pm NEIL’S LOUNGE; IND; 760-347-1522 Karaoke 8pm-1:15am THE NEST; PD; 760-346-2314 Kevin Henry 6-8pm Tim Burleson 8pm PAPPY & HARRIET’S; PT; 760-365-5956 Layla Lane 8pm PURPLE ROOM@CLUB TRINIDAD; PS; 760-327-1161ext.230 Closed RIVIERA RESORT & SPA; PS; 760-3278311 Martin Ross Starlite Lounge 8pm SAMMY G’s; PS; 760-320-8041 Evaro Brothers 8pm SCHMIDY’S; PD; 760-837-3800 Red’s Rockstar Karaoke 9pm SULLIVAN’S STEAKHOUSE; PD; 760341-3560 Dude Jones 6pm TACK ROOM TAVERN; IND; 760-3479985 Karaoke w/ T-Bone 8-12am TERRA LAGO GOLF CLUB; IND; 760-7752000 The Carmens 6pm VILLAGE PUB; PS; 760-323-3265 DJ Khodi Rayne 4:30-9pm, Nite Fixx 9-2am WESTIN MISSION HILLS; RM; 760-3285955 Michael Keeth 6-10pm WOODY’S BURGER; PS; 760-230-0188 Sharon Sills & Barney McClure 6pm ZELDA’S; PS; 760-325-2375 Beach Party Thursdays 9pm



29 PALMS INN; 29 Palms; 760-367-3505 The Bob Garcia Band 6pm 19TH HOLE; PD; 760-772-6696 Karaoke w/ T Bone 9pm ACE HOTEL; PS; 760-325-9900 Downtown Train w/ DJ Anthony Giancola 10pm AJ’S ON THE GREEN; C.C.; 760-202-1111 Karaoke w/ AJ The KJ 8-12am AZUL; PS; 760-325-5533 Noches Azul Latin Night 8pm BAR; PS; 760-537-7337 DJs 10pm BILLY REED’S; PS; 760-325-1946 Live Music 6-10pm BISTRO 60 @TRILOGY; LQ; 760-5010620 The Carmens 6pm BLUE BAR, SPOTLIGHT 29; INDIO; 760775-5566 DJ PWee 8pm BLUEMBER; RM; 760-862-4581 The Stanley Butler Trio 6-10pm CASCADE LOUNGE, SPA RESORT CASINO; PS; 888-999-1995 DJ Michael Wright 9-1am

CORK TREE; PD; 760-779-0123 Live Entertainment 6pm DATE SHED; IND; 760-775-6699 9pm DICKIE O’NEALS IRISH PUB; PS; 760325-2600 Lassie Jo’s Best Damn Karaoke 7pm EL MEXICALI CAFÉ 2; IND; 760-342-2333 Cesar Daniel Lopez on the harp 6-9pm THE GRILL ON MAIN; LQ; 760-777-7773 House Band 8:45pm HARD ROCK HOTEL; PS; 760-325-9676 “Jump Off” DJ Colourvision 9pm Lobby, THE HOOD; PD; 760-636-5220 T.B.A. INDIAN WELLS RESORT HOTEL; IW; 760345-6466 Michael D’Angelo 6pm JOSHUA TREE SALOON; JT; 760-3662250 Live DJ 8:30pm KOKOPELLI’S; YV; 760-228-2589 T.B.A. 7:30pm LAS CASUELAS TERRAZA; PS; 760-3252794 Palm Springs Sound Company,in the afternoon,Hot Rox,in the night LIT@FANTASY SPRINGS; IND; 760-3452450 Six Hot Live 9pm THE LOUNGE; AGUA CALIENTE; RM; 888-999-1995 DJ 9pm MARGARITA’S; PS; 760-778-3500 Live Music 6pm MELVYN’S RESTAURANT & LOUNGE; PS; 760-325-2323 Ron Greenip 8pm NEIL’S LOUNGE; IND; 760-347-1522 Karaoke 8-1:15am THE NEST; PD; 760-346-2314 Kevin Henry 6-8pm Tim Burleson 8pm PALM CANYON ROADHOUSE; PS; 760327-4080 T.B.A. 9pm PALM DESERT COUNTRY CLUB; PD; 760-345-0222 T.B.A. 6:30pm PAPPY & HARRIET’S; PT; 760-365-5956 Harper Simon w/ Guy Blakeslee, Henry Wolfe and Pearl Charles 8pm PJ’S SPORTS LOUNGE; YV; 760-228-1199 T.B.A. 9pm PLAN B LIVE ENTERTAINMENT AND COCKTAILS; TP; 760-343-2115 Red’s Rockstar Karaoke 9pm PURPLE ROOM@CLUB TRINIDAD; PS; 760-327-1161ext.230 Closed RED BARN; PD; 760-346-0191 T.B.A. 9pm RIVIERA RESORT & SPA; PS; 760-3278311 Martin Ross Starlite Lounge 6pm, Mercedes Moore Sidebar Lounge 10pm ROC’S FIREHOUSE; PD; 760-340-3222 Voices Carry ( Pat Mahon, Carrie Wilson and Lisa Lynn Morgan ) 6:30pm SAMMY G’s; PS; 760-320-8041 Evaro Brothers 8pm SCHMIDY’S; PD; 760-837-3800 Acoustic Sessions w/ Rob Lawrence, Eric Taylor, Symara Lis Stone and Derek Gregg 9pm SHANGHAI RED’S @ THE FISHERMAN’S MARKET; LQ; 760-777-1601 Barry Baughn Blues 8-11pm SHELLY’S LOUNGE@TORTOISE ROCK CASINO; 29 Palms; Rojer Arnold & Bobby Furgo 9pm SOUL OF MEXICO; IND; 760-200-8787 Latin Rock 10pm SULLIVAN’S STEAKHOUSE; PD; 760341-3560 Demetrious and Co.

TACK ROOM TAVERN; IND; 760-3479985 T.B.A. 9pm TILTED KILT; PD; 760-773-5458 Kyd Icarus 9pm TRILUSSA ITALIAN RISTORANTE; PS; 760-328-2300 Julius & Sylvia Music Duo 6-10pm VIBE; MORONGO CASINO; CAB; 951-7555391 The Rick Whitfield Band 10pm VILLAGE PUB; PS; 760-323-3265 T.B.A. 1:30-4:30pm, Nite Fixx 9-2am, DJ Anwaar Hines 9-2am VUE GRILLE & BAR; IW; 760-834-3800 Slim Man Solo Show 5:30pm WILLIE BOYS; MV; 760-363-3343 Spankshaft 9pm THE WINE BAR AT OLD TOWN; LQ; 760564-2201 Closed WOODY’S BURGER; PS; 760-230-0188 Yve Evans 6:30pm ZELDA’S; PS; 760-325-2375 Girl’s Night out w/ The Men on the Hollywood Strip 9pm

SAT AUGUST 16 29 PALMS INN; 29 Palms; 760-367-3505 Bev & Bill 6pm 19TH HOLE; PD; 760-772-6696 Karaoke w/ T-Bone 9pm ACE HOTEL; PS; 760-325-9900 Subsuelo noon poolside AJ’S ON THE GREEN; C.C.; 760-202-1111 Cabaret on the Green w/ Les Michaels & Joel Baker 7-10pm AZUL; PS; 760-325-5533 Chix Mix-LAW 7pm BAR; PS; 760-537-7337 DJs 10pm BILLY REED’S; PS; 760-325-1946 Music 6-10pm BISTRO 60 @TRILOGY; LQ; 760-5010620 The Carmens 6pm BLUE BAR; SPOTLIGHT 29; IND; 760775-5566 DJ PWee BLUEMBER; RM; 760-862-4581 Live Music 6-10pm CASCADE LOUNGE, SPA RESORT CASINO; PS; 888-999-1995 DJ Michael Wright 9-1am CORK TREE; PD; 760-779-0123 Live Entertainment 6:30-9:30pm DATE SHED; IND; 760-775-6699 9pm DHS SPA LOUNGE; DHS; 760-329-6787 Karaoke w/ DJ Scott 9pm DICKIE O’NEALS IRISH PUB; PS; 760325-2600 T.B.A. 8pm EL MEXICALI CAFÉ 2; IND; 760-342-2333 Cesar Daniel Lopez on the harp 6-9pm FIRESIDE LOUNGE; PS; 760-327-1700 T.B.A. 9pm THE GRILL ON MAIN; LQ; 760-777-7773 Alyce Bowie 8:30pm THE GROOVE LOUNGE; SPOTLIGHT 29; INDIO; 760-775-5566 DJ 8pm HARD ROCK HOTEL; PS; 760-325-9676 “Solid” Guest DJs, 11am poolside, 9pm Lobby THE HOOD; PD; 760-636-5220 VM

Management presents: One Shot Thrill w/ Behind the Fallen and Malaki 9pm INDIAN WELLS RESORT HOTEL; IW; 760345-6466 Rich Bono & Poupee Boccaccio 6pm JOSHUA TREE SALOON; JT; 760-3662250 T.B.A. 8pm KOKOPELLI’S; YV; 760-228-2589 T.B.A. 6pm, Karaoke w/ Roberto 8pm LAS CASUELAS TERRAZA; PS; 760-3252794 Palm Springs Sound Company,in the afternoon,Hot Rox,in the night LIT@FANTASY SPRINGS; IND; 760-3452450 Six Hot Live 9pm THE LOUNGE, AGUA CALIENTE; RM; 888-999-1995 Circle of Fifths 9pm MELVYN’S RESTAURANT & LOUNGE; PS; 760-325-2323 Ron Greenip 8pm MARGARITA’S; PS; 760-778-3500 Live Music 6pm NEIL’S LOUNGE; IND; 760-347-1522 Karaoke 8-1:15am THE NEST; PD; 760-346-2314 Kevin Henry 6-8pm Tim Burleson 8pm PALM CANYON ROADHOUSE; PS; 760327-4080 T.B.A. 9pm PALM DESERT COUNTRY CLUB; PD; 760-345-0222 T.B.A. 6:30pm PAPPY & HARRIET’S; PT; 760-365-5956 Woodsist Festival Pioneertown 2014 PJ’S SPORTS LOUNGE; YV; 760-228-1199 T.B.A. 9pm PLAN B LIVE ENTERTAINMENT AND COCKTAILS; TP; 760-343-2115 Rap Competition 9pm PURPLE ROOM@CLUB TRINIDAD; PS; 760-327-1161ext230 Closed RENAISSANCE PALM; PS; 760-322-6100 Art of Sax featuring Sax Man Will Donato & Eddie Reddick 7-10pm RED BARN; PD; 760-346-0191 CV Weekly & Sugarbritches Management present: The “Wrap Your Lips Around This” Show w/ Perishment, Bridger and Boycott Radio 9pm RIVIERA RESORT & SPA; PS; 760-3278311 Chiki Pool Party w/ DJ Dirty Honey noon poolside, Martin Ross, Starlite Lounge 8pm, Mercedes Moore Sidebar Lounge 10pm ROCKYARD@FANTASY SPRINGS; IND; Playground and Hollywood Roses ( Tribute to Guns N Roses ) 7:30pm ROC’S FIREHOUSE; PD; 760-340-3222 Voices Carry ( Pat Mahon, Carrie Wilson and Lisa Lynn Morgan ) 6:30pm SAMMY G’s; PS; 760-320-8041 Evaro Brothers 8pm SCHMIDY’S; PD; 760-837-3800 The Monopoly, Robotic Humans and Town Troubles 9pm SHANGHAI RED’S @ THE FISHERMAN’S MARKET; LQ; 760-777-1601 Barry Baughn Blues 8-11pm SHELLY’S LOUNGE@TORTOISE ROCK CASINO; 29 Palms; Rojer Arnold & Bobby Furgo 9pm SIDEWINDER GRILL; DHS; 760-329-7929 Karaoke w/ Milly G 6pm SOUL OF MEXICO; IND; 760-200-8787

August 14 to August 20, 2014

Latin Music 10pm SULLIVAN’S STEAKHOUSE; PD; 760341-3560 Dude Jones 6pm TACK ROOM TAVERN; IND; 760-3479985 “Hot Summer Nights” 9pm TILTED KILT; PD; 760-773-5458 Eevaan Tre and the Show 9pm TRILUSSA ITALIAN RISTORANTE; PS; 760-328-2300 Julius & Sylvia Music Duo 6-10pm VIBE, MORONGO CASINO; CAB; 951755-5391 DJ Hektik 10pm VILLAGE PUB; PS; 760-323-3265 Rob & JB 1:30-4:30pm, Nite Fixx 9-2am, DJ Anwaar Hines 9-2am VUE GRILLE & BAR; IW; 760-834-3800 Jeff 5:30pm WILLIE BOYS; MV; 760-363-3343 Walt Young 6pm, Red’s Rockstar Karaoke 9pm THE WINE BAR AT OLD TOWN; LQ; 760564-2201 Closed WOODY’S BURGER; PS; 760-230-0188 Stanley Butler Band 7pm ZELDA’S; PS; 760-325-2375 DJs 9pm continue to page 24

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August 14 to August 20, 2014

The Pampered Palate

August 14 to August 20, 2014

By Raymond Bill

Eureka! Indian Wells Strikes gold!


hen I think of gourmet food here in the desert, a hamburger does not immediately come to mind. That is, unless one is speaking of Eureka! Restaurant. This upscale eatery has soared to the top of my list of highly recommended restaurants in the valley. When I first dined at Eureka! in Indian Wells, I was quite skeptical and chose to order off of their “House Signatures” section of the menu, which offered signature dishes including Naked Chicken Saltimboca and Pan Seared Salmon. While I enjoyed my chicken entrée, it was a bite of my date’s Napa Burger that won me over. Now, Eureka! has made some delicious additions to their already mouthwatering menu. On a recent visit with a few close friends, I rediscovered why this restaurant is not your typical burger joint.


We had the pleasure of being seated in a spacious and comfortable booth which provided much room for the many dishes we would share throughout our evening. Beginning with some new signature cocktails, we enjoyed their Capuchin’s Greyhound with fresh basil garnish. To accompany our libations, we shared a few appetizers, including my favorite, the Osso Buco Riblets. These tender morsels

of braised pork were tossed in a creamy, mildly spicy aioli and fell off the bone. They were so delicious that I could have made a meal from them. The Bruschetta was loaded with diced tomatoes, basil and goat cheese, drizzled with a sweet balsamic vinaigrette. The starters are unique and great to share with friends. New to the menu is a summer favorite, their Watermelon Salad. This item is great to share as a starter or perfect for an entrée. A generous helping of arugula and quinoa tossed with crumbled feta, crunchy walnuts and sweet chunks of fresh watermelon in a lemon vinaigrette. After sharing this new salad, we all ordered a burger. The Cowboy burger was topped with thick cut bacon, cheddar cheese, crispy onions and tangy barbeque sauce. Our server, Lisa, suggested the Fresno Fig Burger as it is her favorite. Topped with a sweet homemade fig marmalade and savory bacon, this burger is balanced with creamy goat cheese and an addicting porter mustard sauce! Incredible! But the best burger of the night, and certainly the most original, is the new, Bone Marrow Burger. This masterpiece is topped with a bone marrow porcini butter spread that offers a rich earthy flavor that is

unlike anything I have had before. Finished with a mustard aioli, charbroiled onion and roasted tomato, this burger is exquisite! These incredible burgers are complimented with french fries or, for a small additional charge, sweet potato fries or onion rings. The onion rings are huge and crispy, (ask for a side of the porter mustard sauce to go with them, you will not be disappointed). Our entrées were filling. The burgers are made from vegetarian fed, hormone free/ antibiotic free all natural beef. You cannot get a better burger period! If beef is not a part of your diet, ask your server to substitute with a turkey or veggie patty. And speaking of servers, I must thank our attentive and always smiling server, Lisa. This woman made our evening truly special and as one who has spent many years in the service industry, I appreciate her genuine kindness and professionalism. Our meal would not be complete without a couple orders of Butterscotch Rum Pudding with caramel, whipped cream and a touch of sea salt. I cannot visit Eureka! without ordering this little dish of heaven. New to the menu, we also shared a hot Apple Crisp with crunchy toasted pecans and sweet vanilla ice cream. Great for a date night, even better with a group of friends; Eureka! should be at the top of the list of best dining venues in the desert. Visit them online at or call for more information at 760-834-7700.


August 14 to August 20, 2014

Movie Reviews with Robin E. Simmons


Screeners No.125

Book Review


trilogy. He played the real life criminal Bronson in the eponymous film and the anticipation meter is in the red zone for the George Miller’s up-coming “Road Warrior” reboot FURY ROAD. LOCKE is a rad road movie unlike any I can think of. It’s about taking ownership of consequences. And that’s a universal theme. Don’t miss this one. Lionsgate. Blu-ray. DINOSAUR 13 When I took an anthropology class in college, there were a few students who were obsessed with dinosaur fossils, even though the class barely touched on paleontology. We called them “boneheads.” It was an affectionate term, like “gearheads” for car enthusiasts. Todd Douglas Miller’s engaging and often infuriating documentary is a great movie, and not just for “boneheads.” In 1999, Peter Larsen’s team from the Black Hills Geological Institute discovered the biggest and most complete T-Rex skeleton ever uncovered. It was the find of a lifetime. What followed was a 10-year battle with powerful agencies and institutes including the U.S. government, powerful museums, Native American tribes as well as competing

paleontologists. Larsen and his associates found themselves not only fighting to keep their prized dinosaur, but also battling for their freedom. “Sue,” as the T-Rex became known, was seized by the government because it was discovered by a private institute on Indian Lands, is reconstructed by filmmaker Miller into an grossing, complicated legal drama that is clearly an act of not so subtle vengeance by the government against the discoverers. I was spellbound and angered at this incredible story that is rich with layers of deeper meaning. I kept thinking: Who really owns the past? Talking heads flesh out the bones of the story but the best footage is the unbelievable discovery itself. In select theaters and VOD. IN BETWEEN SONGS Joshua Bell’s compelling documentary IN BETWEEN SONGSS follows an Australian Aboriginal family’s struggle to survive. Djalu Gurruwiwi, Yolngu elder, and his sister, Dhanggal, strive to restore their eroding tradition while shepherding the Galpu clan through economic, environmental, and social pressures. Theirs is a sometimes desperate search for new custodians to safeguard their priceless musical legacy. Oscar© nominated actor and activist James Cromwell narrates this powerful and important feature documentary that in places feels like a trip to another planet. Within the small Australian Aboriginal community of Nhulunbuy, Djalu -- famed traditional didjeridu craftsman and player -alongside his sister work hard to keep Galpu clan traditions preserved from the erosion of numerous internal and external forces. Sadly for the clan, when Djalu›s son, Larry, proves to have limited interest in continuing with the family or its musical legacy, the

elders are forced to turn their attention toward the Gurruwiwi grandchildren. Greatly complicating matters is the multi-billion dollar Rio Tinto aluminum mine whose growth has mushroomed over the last few decades. Djalu and Dhanggal’s strategy to move the family out to traditional homelands deep into the bush is further exasperated by the limited infrastructure and lack of formal schooling for the youth. While attempting to shepherd their clan through economical, environmental, cultural and social pressures, Djalu and Dhanggal Gurruwiwi remain firmly resolved in their commitment to maintain their unique tradition. With unprecedented access, IN BETWEEN SONGS examines this family’s remarkable and singular life and culture as they fight to maintain the delicate balance between their ancient musical and cultural traditions and the modern world that’s pressing down on them like an unrelenting vice. Now playing in select venues. Also available on VOD.

August 14 to August 20, 2014

By Heidi Simmons

Dog Days of Summer: Books About Our K-9 Friends


LOCKE At a special screening and Q&A at Cinemas Palme d’Or, I was blown away by writer/director Steven Locke’s incredibly tense and compelling story that takes place on the road and in the car as composed and determined Ivan Locke (Tom Hardy), with a soft Welsh accent, shifts the trajectory of his life. Knight (DIRTY, PRETTY THINGS) shot this cinematic gem in real time, over the course of a week. More specifically, he filmed the entire story three times each night with cameras mounted inside and outside the vehicle. What might sound tedious or boring is anything but. Additional actors were on the phone with him stationed in a hotel room. Locke’s dilemma is personal and professional. The great pleasure of the film is experiencing the unfolding situation’s increasing tension and watching Locke handle the crisis with a calm reserve that may or may not be in his favor. Hardy as Locke is in a class by himself. This highly adaptable, chameleon-like actor can apparently do anything. He was Bane, the memorably fierce villain in Christopher Nolan’s final chapter in the gritty Batman

t is officially the dog days of summer. That time of year when the heat languishes and the humidity builds as we drift in the doldrums. The ancient Romans used the term “dog days” to describe this season when Sirius, the Dog Star, is the brightest star in the constellation Canis Major (large dog). So, isn’t it apropos to have some summer reading where a dog is the star? Here are some old and new books about amazing dogs and their human friends to help you get through these last warm weeks. Lad: A Dog by Albert Payson Terhune (Puffin, 288 pages) was first published as

12 short stories for “Red Book” magazine. Readers followed the adventures about the author’s real-life collie named Lad. Fans mourned the beloved pet when he died. Lad was so popular, Terhune compiled the stories into a novel that was published in 1919. It has since been reprinted 70 times and has sold well over a million copies. Flush: A Biography by Virginia Woolf (Mariner Books, 204 pages) is a mix-genre of fiction and nonfiction. Flush, a cocker spaniel, narrates the story. He is Victorian era poet Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s favorite pet. Published in 1933, the book provides an impressionistic social commentary during crucial years of the

poet’s life from the animal’s point of view. My Dog Tulip by J.R. Ackerley (New York Review of Books, 190 pages) is a memoir about an eccentric British gay man and his German Shepard named Queenie. Published in 1956, the book details their intimate life and adventures together in London society. The author includes Queenie’s doggie admirers and her sex life. Queenie’s name was changed to Tulip for the book because it was thought to be less “provocative.” This adult story was also a 2009 animated feature film. Travels With Charley: In Search of America by John Steinbeck (Penguin Books, 112 pages) is a travelogue by the iconic author who reports on his trip across America for the last time with his French poodle Charley. Steinbeck was 58 years old and in bad health when he took the 10,000 mile journey. Together, dog and man, experience the changing culture of America and discover a deeper bond. The Art of Racing In The Rain by Garth Stein (HarperCollins, 304 pages) is a novel told by Enzo, a lab-terrier mix, who is saved by Denny Swift, a mechanic and racecar driver. Enzo observes the Swift family and the world around him with wise aphorisms, which apply to both driving and ordinary human life. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time by Mark Haddon (Vintage, 226 pages) recounts the story of Christopher, a high functioning autistic teenage boy, who investigates the death of a neighborhood

poodle, Wellington. But Christopher is the chief suspect of killing the dog. Against his parent’s wishes, he gets to the bottom of the mystery. The story is told from Christopher’s point of view. He takes everything literally and doesn’t completely grasp the adult world around him. Christopher has tremendous compassion for the dog and its demise. Through the eyes of the boy, we get another way to view the world. The Other End of the Leash by Patricia McConnell (Ballantine Books, 272 pages) looks at how humans behave around their pets. An animal behaviorist, Dr. McConnell gives advice on how to interact with dogs. She suggests that miscommunication is the cause of what we consider pet disobedience. She includes better ways to connect with your dog by reminding us how a dog perceives human behavior. Travels with Casey: My Journey Through Our Dog-Crazy Country (Simon & Schuster, 352 pages) by journalist Benoit DenizetLewis follows the author and his dog, Casey, as they discover the dog culture of America. Like Steinbeck, the two travel in a rented RV and meet an amazing array of people and their beloved dogs; however, Denizet-Lewis mainly explores the powerful interspecies bond between dogs and their humans. Off the Leash: A Year at the Dog Park (St. Martin’s Press, 240 pages) by Matthew Gilbert drops the reader into the middle of a park for dogs and introduces us to the people who take them there. The author and his rambunctious, yellow lab puppy Toby, go to Boston’s Amory Park where, over one year, they meet dogs and owners that change the author’s perspective -- in a good way -- regarding dogs and humans. In the United States, almost 80 million dogs live in households as pets. We have the highest rate of dog ownership in the world. Even if you don’t have a dog, these books are engaging and remind us how a dog can change and greatly enhance human life.


August 14 to August 20, 2014 continued from page 19


29 PALMS INN; 29 Palms; 760-367-3505 Bob & Allison 6pm ACE HOTEL; PS; 760-325-9900 DJ Casual Touch noon poolside, Slacker Sunday w/ DJ Patrick Melcher 10pm AZUL; PS; 760-325-5533 The Judy Show 7:30pm BLUEMBER; RM; 760-862-4581 Steve Madaio 6-10pm CASCADE LOUNGE, SPA RESORT; PS; 888-999-1995 Nash with Quinto Menguante 9pm DHS SPA LOUNGE; DHS; 760-329-6787 Karaoke 9pm EL MEXICALI CAFÉ 2; IND; 760-3422333 Cesar Daniel Lopez on the harp 6-9pm HARD ROCK HOTEL; PS; 760-325-9676 DJ Colourvision w/ Kid Wonder 11am poolside JOHNNY ROCKETS; RM; 760-674-3120 Pocket Yellow 6pm JOSHUA TREE SALOON; JT; 760-3662250 Open Jam 6pm LAS CASUELAS TERRAZA; PS; 760-3252794 Palm Springs Sound Company,in the afternoon,Hot Rox,in the night MELVYN’S RESTAURANT & LOUNGE; PS; 760-325-2323 Sunday Jam 4-8pm NEIL’S LOUNGE; IND; 760-347-1522 Golden Era Karaoke 4-7pm, Karaoke 8pm-1:15am THE NEST; PD; 760-346-2314 Kevin Henry 7:30pm THE NEW YORK COMPANY RESTAURANT; PS; 760-778-7789 Lili Rose 7pm PALM CANYON ROADHOUSE; PS; 760-

327-4080 Longest Running Jam Session in the valley. Hosted by JB, Sign up 6pm PAPPY & HARRIET’S; PT; 760-365-5956 The Sunday Band 7pm PURPLE ROOM@CLUB TRINIDAD; PS; 760-327-1161ext.230 Closed RIVIERA RESORT & SPA; PS; 760-3274080 Darryl Williams Sidebar Patio 5pm SAMMY G’s; PS; 760-320-8041 Eddie Gee 7pm SULLIVAN’S STEAKHOUSE; PD; 760341-3560 Smooth Brothers TACK ROOM TAVERN; IND; 760-3479985 VILLAGE PUB; PS; 760-323-3265 Scott Carter 1:30-4:30pm, Rob & JB 4:30-9pm, DJ Idol Eyez 9-2am VUE GRILLE & BAR; IW; 760-834-3800 Rodney 11am, The Carmens 6:30pm WILLIE BOYS; MV; 760-363-3343 Line Dancing w/ Tina 5:30-9pm WOODY’S BURGER; PS; 760-230-0188 The Smooth Brothers 6pm

MON AUGUST 18 29 PALMS INN; 29 Palms; 760-367-3505 Bonny Jean 6pm ACE HOTEL; PS; 760-325-9900 HARD ROCK HOTEL; PS; 760-325-9676 “Shake” Classic Rock Night 7pm LAS CASUELAS TERRAZA; PS; 760-3252794 Hot Rox NEIL’S LOUNGE; IND; 760-347-1522 Karaoke 8pm-1:15am THE NEST; PD; 760-346-2314 Kevin Henry 7pm RIVIERA RESORT & SPA; PS; 760-3274080 Hot as Hell Pool Party 7pm

SULLIVAN’S STEAKHOUSE; PD; 760341-3560 T.B.A. 6pm VILLAGE PUB; PS; 760-323-3265 DJ Khodi Rayne 4:30-2am, Michael James & 3sum 9-2am VUE GRILLE & BAR; IW; 760-834-3800 Tony Grandberry 6:30pm WOODY’S BURGER; PS; 760-230-0188 Barney McClure 6:30pm

TUE AUGUST 19 29 PALMS INN; 29 Palms; 760-367-3505 Paul & Jo 6pm ACE HOTEL; PS; 760-325-9900 Ace Karaoke with Kiesha 9pm AJ’S ON THE GREEN; C.C.; 760-2021111 Mikole Karr’s Jazz Quartet 6pm AZUL; PS; 760-325-5533 Bella da Ball Dinner Revue w/ guest performers 7:30pm BAR; PS; 760-537-7337 Vinyl Sessions 8pm BLUEMBER; RM; 760-862-4581 Stanley Butler Trio 6-10pm CORK TREE; PD; 760-779-0123 Michael Keeth 6-9pm ESCENA LOUNGE & GRILL; PS; 760992-0002 Jesse Sweitzer 5pm FIRESIDE LOUNGE; PS; 760-327-1700 Red’s Rockstar Karaoke INDIAN CANYONS GOLF RESORT; PS; 760-833-8700 DJ Randy Johnson 6pm JOSHUA TREE SALOON; JT; 760-3662250 Ted Quinn’s Open Mic Reality Show Jam 8pm KOKOPELLI’S; YV; 760-228-2589 Dana Larson 6:30pm LAS CASUELAS TERRAZA; PS; 760-3252794 Palm Springs Sound Company

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NEIL’S LOUNGE; IND; 760-347-1522 Karaoke 8pm-1:15am THE NEST; PD; 760-346-2314 Tim Burleson 7:45 PALM CANYON ROADHOUSE; PS; 760-327-4080 Eclectic Tuesdays. Singer/ songwriter night. All acts welcome. Hosted by JB, Sign up 7pm PURPLE ROOM@CLUB TRINIDAD; PS; 760-327-1161ext.230 Closed RED BARN; PD; 760-346-0191 Open Mic 8pm RIVIERA RESORT & SPA; PS; 760-3274080 Martin Ross Starlite Lounge 6pm SCHMIDY’S; PD; 760-837-3800 Open Mic 8pm SULLIVAN’S STEAKHOUSE; PD; 760341-3560 Demetrious and Co. VILLAGE PUB; PS; 760-323-3265 Live entertainment VUE GRILLE & BAR; IW; 760-834-3800 Chris Lomeli 6:30pm WOODY’S BURGER; PS; 760-230-0188 Deanna Bogard 6:30pm

WED AUGUST 20 29 PALMS INN; 29 Palms; 760-367-3505 Dan Horn 6pm AJ’S ON THE GREEN; C.C.; 760-2021111 Mikole Carr AZUL; PS; 760-325-5533 Paula Prince 7pm BLUEMBER; RM; 760-862-4581 T.B.A. 6-10pm ESCENA LOUNGE & GRILL; PS; 760992-0002 Jesse Sweitzer 5pm HAMILTON’S SPORTS BAR & GRILL; LQ; 760-698-8303 Karaoke w/ T-Bone 8:30-12:30am

HARD ROCK HOTEL; PS; 760-325-9676 “Shine” Karaoke 7pm THE HOOD; PD; 760-636-5220 Open Mic 8pm JOSHUA TREE SALOON; JT; 760-3662250 Live Music KOKOPELLI’S; YV; 760-228-2589 Karaoke w/ Roberto 7pm LAS CASUELAS TERRAZA; PS; 760-3252794 Hot Rox MELVYN’S RESTAURANT & LOUNGE; PS; 760-325-2323 “Sing Jam” w/ Michael Healy 8pm NEIL’S LOUNGE; IND; 760-347-1522 Golden Era Karaoke 4-7pm, Karaoke 8pm-1:15am THE NEST; PD; 760-346-2314 Kevin Henry 6-8pm Tim Burleson 8pm NYPD; PS; 760-778-6973 Live DJ 9pm PJ’S SPORTS LOUNGE; YV; 760-2881199 Karaoke w/ KJ Ginger 8pm PLAN B LIVE ENTERTAINMENT AND COCKTAILS; TP; 760-343-2115 Red’s Rockstar Karaoke 9pm PURPLE ROOM@CLUB TRINIDAD; PS; 760-327-1161ext.230 Closed RIVIERA RESORT & SPA; PS; 760-3274080 Martin Ross, Starlite Lounge 5pm, Open Mic w/ Esjay Jones, Sidebar 7pm SULLIVAN’S STEAKHOUSE; PD; 760341-3560 Straight Ahead Jazz TILTED KILT; PD; 760-773-5458 Tilted Kilt’s Open Mic Competition hosted by Morgan James 8pm VILLAGE PUB; PS; 760-323-3265 DJ Khodi Rayne 4:30-2am, Nite Fixx 9-2am WESTIN MISSION HILLS; RM; 760-3285955 T.B.A. 7-10pm WILLIE BOYS; MV; 760-363-3343 Karaoke WOODY’S BURGER; PS; 760-230-0188 Brian Nova Trio 6pm

Haddon Libby:It’s all local



ICO Score Changes Starting this fall, your FICO score will not be hurt by unpaid or discounted medical debts to the degree that it was in the past. This change was negotiated by the Obama Administration’s Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and the Fair Isaac Corporation (FICO). In a related news story, 35.1% of all Americans have at least one debt referred to a credit collection agency. That equates to 64 million Americans with an average debt of $5,178. Nearly 140,000 Americans are employed in the credit collection field. They recover approximately $50 billion annually. The areas with the most people having an item in collection are Las Vegas at nearly 50% of all residents while a number of Texas cities including Dallas and San Antonio are at approximately 45%. Twenty percent of all Americans have no debt or credit whatsoever. Bankruptcies There have been approximately 1 million bankruptcies in the United States over the last twelve months of which only 30,000 were businesses. The largest bankruptcy so far this year is Energy Futures Holdings, the largest utility in Texas. They had $40 billion in debt at the time of their bankruptcy in April.

It is interesting to note that most of this crushing debt was taken on in 2007 when the company was involved in a leveraged buyout headed by KKR and Goldman Sachs. Argentina, the third largest economy in South America, recently defaulted on some of their debts. They are blaming U.S. hedge funds calling them “vultures” that are difficult to negotiate with. The amount of the default is relatively small at $1.66 billion. At issue is a U.S. Courts ruling that allows small groups of debt holders to “hold up” an international debt restructuring on a sovereign nation. These vulture funds bought the debt for pennies on the dollar and stand to make substantial amounts from any settlement. The real concern here is for the health of U.S. financial markets. Nearly 70% of all sovereign debt issuances occur in the United States at present. If

only a few debt holders can hijack this debt restructuring, look for future sovereign debt issues to move away from the United States for markets. This will mean billions in fees will leave the United States for the United Kingdom and other financial hubs. Local Bank Sold OneWest Bank which is headquartered in Pasadena and has a branch in Indian Wells recently sold for $3.4 billion to CIT Bank. You may remember that OneWest Bank was created in 2009 by the FDIC from what was left of IndyMac Bank. Big names like Goldman Sachs. Steve Mnuchin and hedge fund billionaires John Paulson and George Soros who have all made over $500 million in dividends each from OneWest Bank to date, will earn hundreds of millions more as a result of the sale. Worth noting, John Thain, the last CEO of Merrill Lynch who spent $1.2 million on an office remodel, is now the CEO of CIT Bank. If you think no one associated with the mortgage loan fraud crisis went to jail, don’t talk to accountant Carmen Denise Mosley of

August 14 to August 20, 2014

Granada Hills. Last week, she was sentenced to 57 months in prison for her help in getting banks to engage in “Liar Loans” back in 2006 and 2007 to the tune of $1,000,000 in total mortgage loans. At the same time, Bank of America paid a fine of nearly $17 billion for its role in the mortgage loan crisis that it inherited from Countrywide. Countrywide CEO Angelo Mozilo paid a $67 million fine for fraud and insider trading back in 2010 and avoided any jail time as did most of his co-conspirators responsible for the mortgage loan crisis. Still, they got Mosley and those couple of loans she helped with.

Dale Gribow On The Law Mr. Gribow, Why Won’t You Accept My Accident Case?


or the first time in over 30 years I am being contacted by potential clients who are notably upset when I will not accept their accident case. I explain that any accident case places the Burden of Proof on the injured plaintiff to prove Liability (that someone else is at fault) and Damages (that they were injured). In addition, it is more expensive than ever to pursue a PI case for the lawyer and when the case settles those costs get passed on to the client. I do not want a client that will be unhappy in the end because most of the money went to costs and not them. Unless you are rear ended the defendant often lies and claims you were at fault……..or partly at fault. They will argue they had the right of way……especially if there was no witness or police report. It becomes “liar’s poker”, and a lawyer must evaluate how likely it is that the jury will believe the plaintiff. California has Comparative Negligence and thus if the defendant can show the plaintiff was partly at fault, that degree of fault is deducted from the settlement. For instance, if the Plaintiff was 50 % at fault you would lose 50% of the value of the case. As stated earlier an accident case is made up of Liability and Damages. First you have to show that someone else was at fault and that the treatment received was reasonable and necessary. If you are not taken by ambulance or

go to the hospital or ER within 24 hours many of my contemporaries will not accept the case. This rejection is also true if you have talked to the insurance adjuster. It is not just what you said, but what the ADJUSTER THOUGHT THEY HEARD YOU SAY. Your lawyer will never know if you said something that could sink your case at trial, and the insurance adjuster will not share this information. He or she will sandbag and wait until trial to present the evidence that could potentially blow your case out of the water, if you will. I explain to potential clients that things have changed dramatically in recent years. Today, insurance companies do not want to settle any soft tissue case where nothing is broken. Also, jury verdicts are lower today because the public has been brainwashed into thinking that a soft tissue injury will heal without treatment or that the plaintiff was milking the insurance company. In addition, insurance companies carefully examine the medicals. They look to see if the treatment you received was clearly from this accident and not pre-existing. If you had a prior auto accident or slip and fall in the shower, or around the pool, 10 years ago, they will argue your treatment is from a preexisting condition and not accident related and thus refuse to pay. They may also make a LOW BALL offer. There is a big difference between $9,000 of medicals

comprised of a $7500 medical bill from Eisenhower for a few hours of diagnostic and followed by a few doctors’ appointments and no physical therapy versus a bill that is mostly Physical Therapy. A bill of $7500 for 40 PT visits and $1500 of diagnostic and exams would be worth a lot more. The cost of litigation is the major concern for an accident lawyer. If the insurance company forces you into litigation by offering $6000 on your bill of $9,000, your lawyer has to invest his/ her money on your case. That just happened to me in the last few months. Unfortunately, these cases could cost a fortune as it take 3-5 years of litigation before you get to trial. There are also costly depositions to be ordered. If the judge rules incorrectly on an issue the lawyer has to sometimes hire an appellate attorney to make things right. Due to the fact that the plaintiff has the burden of proof when you get to trial your attorney has to pay YOUR DOCTORS to come to court to testify. Unfortunately this process is not a science. Because a case is set for trial on August 13th does not mean it will go out on that date. Meanwhile the doctor demands $5,000 to $15,000 per day, up front, to testify. The lawyer pays this when the doctor reserves that date and does not schedule patients. When the date is changed or the testimony of a witness runs over, the doctor will ask for the same amount for the second day. We recently had a doctor who moved to NY to join the faculty at NYU but had treated my

client locally. He demanded we fly him back first class and pay him $7500 a day for travel and his testimony in addition to paying for his hotel room at a 4-5 star hotel plus all his expenses. Absent a large case a lawyer cannot afford to lay out this amount of money. It is not fair to a client who would wind up with nothing after the legal fees and costs are deducted. I have been representing plaintiffs injured by drunk drivers, as well as, representing those charged with driving under the influence for about 40 years and there has never been a more challenging time to handle an accident case. This includes auto accidents, slip and falls and dog bites. The insurance companies recognize that lawyers cannot afford to fund these cases and thus low ball an offer or make no offer. DON’T DRINK AND DRIVE THIS LABOR DAY, CALL A TAXI...…IT IS A LOT CHEAPER THAN HIRING ME! Dale Gribow has been Rated ”TOP LAWYER” by Palm Springs Life Magazine from 2011-2015 and received a SUPERB AVVO Legal Rating by his fellow attorneys. If you have any questions regarding this column or ideas for future columns please contact Dale Gribow Attorney at Law at his NEW number 760 837-7500 and or his new email:


August 14 to August 20, 2014

safety tips

by Fire Chief Sam DiGiovanna

Do You Have Class? Back to School Safety Tips


chool is back in session so let’s have class in some basic safety tips. First, use extra caution while driving as excited students will be walking, bicycling, driving, riding buses and may not be paying attention while traveling to and from school. Yes, if we ever needed you to put down those cell phones and pay attention, that time is now, reminds Fire Chief Sam DiGiovanna.” Remember, it’s illegal to pass a school bus that is stopped to load or unload children. School buses use yellow flashing lights to alert motorists that they are preparing to stop to load or unload children. Red flashing lights and an extended stop sign arm signals to motorists that the bus is stopped and children are getting on or off the bus. The area 10 feet around a school bus is where children are in the most danger of being hit. Stop your car far enough from the bus to allow children the necessary space to safely enter and exit the bus. Be alert. Children are unpredictable. Children walking to or from their bus are usually very comfortable with their surroundings. This makes them more likely to take risks, ignore hazards, or fail to look both ways when crossing the street. Do not block the crosswalk when stopped

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at a red light or waiting to make a turn. Do not stop with a portion of your vehicle over the crosswalk. In a school zone when a warning flasher or flashers are blinking, you must stop to yield the right-of-way to a pedestrian crossing the roadway within a marked crosswalk or at an intersection with no marked crosswalk. Look out for children not only in school zones, but also in residential areas, playgrounds, and parks. Now that’s just the first lesson says Chief DiGiovanna. For additional information contact your local Police Department or visit: Fire Chief Sam DiGiovanna



By Denise Ortuno Neil

Desert Heat Escape: Extraordinary OC Shopping



ur strategic partners at the Coachella Valley Women’s Business Center (CVWBC) have begun accepting applications for “It’s Your Time: An Entrepreneurial Training Series for Women” (IYT), a program for women entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs. The deadline for applications is September 5, 2014 at 5:00 p.m. Applications can be downloaded from the CVWBC website at and returned electronically or mailed to the CVWBC office at 77-806 Flora Road, Suite A in Palm Desert. It’s Your Time is an intense business start-up program. Participants will attend ten free workshops, work individually with a business counselor for at least eight hours, and learn the fundamentals of writing a formal business plan. By participating in the program, aspiring entrepreneurs will learn essential information to start and grow a successful business. The program is sponsored through a grant from Citi Bank and has been delivered through CVWBC since 2007, creating upwards of 70 businesses in the process. This past year alone, 19 new businesses were created,

eight were expanded or improved, and 26 jobs were created. The program lasts approximately fifteen weeks from orientation to the submission date of the business plan. During that time, participants gain a solid foundation of business fundamentals, as well as forming lasting relationships with members of their cohort, and mentoring relationships with previous IYT participants. Currently available for viewing on the CVWBC website is a video of one of last year’s graduates speaking about her experiences in the program, her impressions of the program and other participants, and her current success in business. ShareKitchen Client Member Lori Cohen-Sanford of Nourishfoods, is a prime example of what women entrepreneurs are capable of, particularly when they utilize available resources. For more information about the It’s Your Time program, please visit the CVWBC website at or call Kim Scanlan at 760.345.9200. Need commercial kitchen space to grow your small food business? Call 760.459.4259 or visit

sports scene

August 14 to August 20, 2014

By julie buehler

Tony Stewart Should Never Be Able To Professionally Race Again



here’s shopping and then there is shopping in Orange County. The Southern California stereotype of racy expensive cars, high end shops and heavenly bodies are all OC staples. But you will find much more than the superficial while flexing your spending arm shopping in the OC. You will find one of the most outstanding and beautiful shopping havens in Southern California: Fashion Island. And as an added bonus, you will get some cooler weather and a fabulous desert summer heat escape. It’s an outdoor shopping paradise of up-scale department stores, shops and boutiques, with just enough main stream stores to keep it from being too exclusive…it is the height of shopping with an ocean view, it is Fashion Island in Newport Beach (or depending on your budget, Fantasy Island). Built in 1967 on the expansive land of Irvine Ranch, Fashion Island has become the jewel of shopping centers in Southern California. Even to call it a shopping center doesn’t sound good enough for it….it is as if it needs a royal moniker of some sort. If you were to look at it from an aerial viewpoint, it actually does look like an island, perched in a round about setting slightly above everything else. Fashion Island has grown up over the decades, it has made great strides from once only housing 52 shops, 2 restaurants and old school anchor stores which included Broadway, JC Penny, Robinsons and Buffums (now that’s reaching back). These days the island proudly boasts approximately 150 retail shops, and 40 restaurants…plus a brand new 7 theatre cinema. There is a variety of shopping on the island. Anchor stores of days past have been replaced by Macy’s, Nordstrom, Bloomingdales and Neiman Marcus…how times have changed. On the way to the big boy stores are plenty of smaller stores and boutiques to spend freely at such as

JOIE, BCBG Max Azria, Anthropoligie, and the awesome home store Z Gallery, just to scratch the surface. Of course all of that shopping is bound to make your stomach growl for some shopping energy, and the island is more than happy to accommodate. There is something sure to please your palate with the immense selection of restaurants and quick serve eateries. Dining favorites such as CPK, The Cheesecake Factory and PF Chang’s are available, along with Flemings, Roy’s Asian Fusion and the newly opened Blue C. Sushi. There also more casual dining options which include Wahoo Fish Taco, Subway, plus many other quaint places to fill your belly before continuing your shopping excursion. Now let’s get to that cinema! The Island Cinema is an experience all its own. The 7 theatre movie house has ultra-modern Sony RealD XLS Cinema System, wide leather seats with large attached arm trays, gourmet food service which includes champagne, wine and beer. They will even serve you at your seat… that’s right, I said “At your seat”. There’s no waiting in line and clumsily navigating through the dark for your chair while carrying your food…nope, not in Fantasy…I mean Fashion Island. The price tag for this kind of movie experience is not for the thin wallet crowd…tickets go for $19 for adults and $16 for kids. And the food goodies, well, I’m sure you can imagine. One of the best parts of Fashion Island is just walking around it, feeling the soft ocean breeze on your skin as you window shop. It is simply beautiful, no matter what time of year you go (the tree lighting ceremony during Christmas is a must) or how much money that you have to spend. The crown of Orange County shopping awaits you, beckoning you to enjoy the fantasy and have a glorious desert summer heat escape on the island. For more information visit www.

he headline isn’t subtle. Nor should it be. Tony Stewart was behind the wheel of a sprint car when he clipped Kevin Ward Jr. and took the man’s life. Whether it was intentional or a horrible accident is totally irrelevant. Tony Stewart should not make another dime, not spend another moment racing, not sign another autograph ever again. Kevin Ward Jr. can’t. The shock of the incident on an upstate New York dirt track featuring sprint car racing and one of NASCAR’s biggest stars was instant and the details hard to believe. Reports began streaming out on social media about Stewart hitting a fellow competitor who witnesses claimed was motionless on the ground after the collision. Once the story was confirmed, speculation behind intent and fault began pouring out fast and furious. While most tried to be sensitive to the Ward family and Stewart’s inevitable position, no one really had enough information to make any sound conclusive determinations. The authorities said no criminal charges were going to be files “at this time” against Stewart and all we knew for sure was Ward passed away at the age of 20. Here’s more of what we know: The sprint cars, not to be confused with Sprint Cup Racing, which is NASCAR stock cars that look more like every-day sedans, are glorified go-carts with massive back wheels and fins to help them retain some level of control while drivers try to careen out of control. The wheels are exposed, somewhat like Indy Cars, but the vehicle is not as large. Sprint car racing is akin to high-end rec league competition. And as you might guess from the previous description, it’ not the safest form of racing to begin with. In fact, in 2013, there were 3 deaths in sprint car racing and Stewart himself was badly injured in a crash. He broke his leg and missed the final 15 races in NASCAR. But with that much danger, participants live on a steady stream of adrenaline. They race with the knowledge that each move plants them on the razor-thin edge of disaster or victory. Now, add Tony Stewart’s cache to the equation. Consider Stewart’s success, since the mid-90’s in sprint car racing. He is a legend in the sport, at every level, the lowest to the highest, as an owner and driver, as a personality and pitchman. His prestige would undoubtedly have other drivers excited to race him, and naturally, more excited to beat him. So when Stewart bumped Ward and sent his car spinning into the wall, Ward had good reason to believe it wasn’t a rookie mistake and got out of his vehicle to confront Stewart.

That was not the safe thing to do, but again, this sport does attract those who do worry about the petty inconvenience of safety. As Ward stomped around the track, other drivers passed by and managed to avoid hitting him. But as his arms flailed and Stewart approached, the video appears to show Ward getting caught in the back wheel. His body brutalized by blunt force trauma then flung to the ground where he laid motionless. Reading Tony Stewart’s bio on his own website takes some time as the man has amassed an impressive resume in racing, ownership, business and beyond. But reading about Tony Stewart in other publications and a different type of guy is communicated as his background has been one of intimidation, temper tantrums and poor behavior. Not for one moment do I suppose Stewart meant to hit Ward or even hurt him. But I do think, given the background of the sport, Stewarts own past, his ego and Ward’s antics, Stewart tried to scare him. And it went horribly wrong. Horribly wrong. I don’t care how successful someone becomes or what kind of prestige they amass in their field of profession: When you take action, or lack thereof, and endanger the lives of others, it’s time to step away from the profession. When you take the life of another, it’s time to step away for good. If you ever see Tony Stewart racing again, or pitching a sponsor, or engaging with fans, just know that Kevin Ward Jr. will never get that opportunity again. Ever. And Stewart shouldn’t either. Julie Buehler hosts the Coachella Valley’s most popular sports talk radio show, “Buehler’s Day Off” every day from 3-6 on 1010 KXPS, the valley’s all sports station. She can also be seen every morning between 6-7am on KMIR sharing the coolest stories in sports. She’s an avid gym rat, slightly sarcastic and more likely to recite Steve Young’s career passing stats than American Idol winners. Tune in M-F 3-6 pst at or watch “Buehler’s Day Off” on Ustream and for her sports reports.


August 14 to August 20, 2014


by Flint Wheeler

Stop Looking, PGA Tour’s bright future is here now



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Robin Hood Archery ready,” McIlroy said.. ‘’Obviously, it’s quite a difficult time for Caroline and myself,’’ he said. ‘’It was mutual and amicable and we both thought it was the best for us, the best for both of us.’’ However the 23-year-old tennis star says she was shocked and initially thought McIlroy was joking when he called her to say wedding was off. “Obviously, it’s always you know, you’re not prepared for something like this, and it came as a bit as a shock,” Wozniacki said in a press conference. She went on to exit the French Open in round one shortly after their split, but since then has gone from the outhouse to penthouse in her career and is the world No. 12 ranked female. The exes even won sporting titles on the same day after their separation: Wozniacki taking out the Istanbul Cup the same day McIlroy won the British Open. An Irish newspaper had suggested McIlroy could be dating model Nadia Forde, saying he even missed a practice round of the British Open to visit her in hospital. However, they both denied the rumors, emphasizing they were just friends. ‘’Rory and Nadia have been in the same group on nights out a couple of times but they are not dating and they won’t be,’’ a friend of McIlroy’s told the Belfast Telegraph. ‘’He thinks she is lovely but she’s just not his type, he loves sporty girls. He’s not looking for a girlfriend anyway.’’ Forde told the media herself they were just “mutual friends” and nothing more. The golfing world No. 1 is due in Sydney again this summer, to defend his Australian Open golf title. Savor the flavor Rory, must be nice.


Founder of Silex Strategies L.L.C. providing sales and consulting in Insurance, Retirement, Real Estate and Taxes through New York Life and NY Life Securities. PGA Class A Member and T.P.I. Certified Golf Trainer. Host of “The Tilted Sports Radio Show” and “The Odds on Favorite Podcast” on Team 1010 KXPS. Contact at 760-409-4612

ow’s this for a resume; 2 PGA Championships, a U.S. Open, a British Open, a Vardon Trophy, 2013 PGA Tour Player of the year, and 21 victories worldwide. Oh, and he’s only 25 years old. Rory McIlroy is crediting his recent golfing wins to dumping his fiancée earlier this year. The Irish golfer broke up with Danish tennis star Caroline Wozniacki earlier in the year, and told reporters at the PGA Championship it has done wonders for his career. “I think what happened has been for the better in terms of my golf,” he said. “I’ve put a bit more time into it and it has refocused me. I mean, what else do I have to do now?” As cruel as his comments may sound to his former fiancée, his game has improved since calling the wedding off. McIlroy won the PGA Championship in Kentucky, taking his career tally to four major titles including this year’s British Open. The current world No.1, who re-won the title from Adam Scott, says being single has given him more time to focus on his game. “I go to the golf course, I go to the gym and it’s just my life at the minute,” McIlroy said at the PGA Championship. “I worked pretty hard before but the past couple of months I’ve really just buried myself in my game. It obviously works pretty well, so I am going to keep doing it.” McIlroy and Wozniacki had been dating since 2011, and the 25-year-old golfer took their relationship to the next level when he proposed to her on New Year’s Eve in Sydney. Then McIlroy ended the engagement in May this year, a week after the couple had sent out invitations to their planned November wedding. “The wedding invitations issued at the weekend made me realize that I wasn’t

44-901 Golf Center Pkwy Suite 1 Indio, CA 92201


ARIES (March 21-April 19): Researchers in Peru have recently tracked down many previously unknown varieties of wild cacao plants. What that means is that there are exotic kinds of chocolate that you and I have never dreamed of, and they will be commercially available within a few years. As delicious as your Chocolove XOXOX Extra Strong Dark candy bar may taste to you now, you will eventually journey further into a new frontier of ecstatic delectability. I propose that we use this theme as a metaphor for the work you have ahead of you right now. It is time for you to make good things even better -- to take fun diversions and transform them into experiences that engender transcendent bliss. Turn “yes” into “YESSSS!!!!” TAURUS (April 20-May 20): At your next meal, imagine that the food you are eating is filled with special nutrients that enhance your courage. During the meal after that, fantasize that you are ingesting ingredients that will boost your perceptiveness. The next time you snack, visualize your food as being infused with elements that will augment the amount of trust you have in yourself. Then you will be ready to carry out your assignment for the coming weeks: Use your imagination to pump up your courage and perceptiveness as you carry out smart adventures that you haven’t trusted yourself enough to try before now. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): The leaves and berries of the deadly nightshade plant are highly poisonous. If ingested, they cause delirium and death. On the other hand, a drug obtained from the same plant is on the World Health Organization’s List of Essential Medicines. It’s helpful in treating many illnesses, from gastrointestinal and heart problems to Parkinson’s. Is there a metaphorical equivalent in your life, Gemini? An influence that can either be sickening or healing, depending on various factors? I suspect that now is one of those times when you should be very focused on ensuring that the healing effect predominates. CANCER (June 21-July 22): A New York doctor offers a service he calls Pokertox. Jack Berdy injects Botox into poker players’ faces so as to make their expressions hard to read. With their facial muscles paralyzed, they are in no danger of betraying subtle emotional signals that might help their opponents guess their strategy. I understand there might sometimes be value in adopting a poker face when you are in the midst of trying to win at poker or other games. But for the foreseeable future, Cancerian, I recommend the opposite approach. You’re most likely to be successful if you reveal everything you’re feeling. Let your face and eyes be as eloquent as they can be. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): When we are launching any big project, our minds hide from us the full truth about how difficult it will be. If we knew beforehand all of the tests we would eventually face, we might never attempt it. Economist Albert O. Hirschman called this the principle of the “hiding hand.” It frees us to dive innocently into challenging work that will probably take longer than we thought and compel us to access new resources and creativity. To be clear: What’s hidden from us are not only the obstacles but also the unexpected assistance we will get along the way. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): The literal meaning of the Swedish word smultronställe is “wild strawberry patch.” Metaphorically, it refers to a special place that feels like your private sanctuary. It may be hard-to-find or unappreciated by others, but for you it’s a spot that inspires you to relax deeply. You might have had a life-changing epiphany there. When you’re in this refuge, you have a taste of what it’s like to feel at home in the world. Do you have a smultronställe, Virgo? If not, it’s time to find one. If you already do, spend extra time there in the coming week. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): If I’m reading the astrological omens correctly, the bells are about to ring for you. The festive lights will flash. The celebratory anthems will throb. It’s like you’re going

© Copyright 2012 Rob Brezsny

to win a fortune on a TV quiz show; like you will get an A+ on your final exam; like you’ll be picked as homecoming king or queen. But it’s possible I’m a bit off in my projections, and your success will be subtler than I anticipate. Maybe, in fact, you are about to accomplish the Healing of the Year, or discover the Secret of the Decade, or enjoy the Most Meaningful Orgasm of the Century. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): A teenage Pakistani boy decided he wanted to help his country’s government clean up the local Internet. Ghazi Muhammad Abdullah gathered a list of over 780,000 porn sites and sent it to the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority. Big job! Hard work! I would love to see you summon similar levels of passion and diligence as you work in behalf of your favorite cause, Scorpio. The coming weeks will be prime time for you to get very excited about the changes you would like to help create in the world. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Working as a journalist for the Papua New Guinea Post-Courier, Simon Eroro wanted to interview a group of indigenous rebels in a remote jungle. He decided he was willing to do whatever was necessary to get the big scoop. After making a difficult journey through rough terrain to reach them, he was told he would be given the information that he sought on one condition: that he be circumcised with bamboo sticks as part of a cleansing ritual. Eroro agreed to the procedure, got the story, and ultimately won a prize for his report. I don’t recommend that you go quite that far in pursuit of your current goal, Sagittarius. On the other hand, it might be wise for you to consider making a sacrifice. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Kintsukuroi is a Japanese word that literally means “golden repair.” It refers to the practice of fixing cracked pottery with lacquer that’s blended with actual gold or silver. Metaphorically, it suggests that something may become more beautiful and valuable after being broken. The wounds and the healing of the wounds are integral parts of the story, not shameful distortions to be disguised or hidden. Does any of that resonate with you about your current experience, Capricorn? I’m guessing it does. Let’s call this the kintsukuroi phase of your cycle. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Near the end of his career, the painter Henri Matisse created a paper-cut composition he called Le Bateau, or The Boat. It is an abstract piece that does not depict a literal boat. That’s why the Museum of Modern Art in New York should perhaps be forgiven for mistakenly hanging it upside-down back in 1961, upon first acquiring the piece. Fortunately, after a month and a half, a knowledgeable person noticed, and the position of Le Bateau was corrected. I’m wondering if there’s a comparable phenomenon going on with you right now, Aquarius? Is it possible that a part of your life got inverted or transposed? If so, will you be sharp enough to see the goof and brave enough to fix it? I hope you won’t allow this error to persist. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): “I owe my success to having listened respectfully to the very best advice,” said British author G. K. Chesterton, “and then going away and doing the exact opposite.” I’m going to endorse that approach for you, Pisces. In my astrological opinion, I don’t think anyone can possibly give you accurate counsel in the coming weeks. Your circumstances are too unique and your dilemmas are too idiosyncratic for even the experts to understand, let alone the people who care for you and think they own a piece of you. I do suspect it might be useful for you to hear what everyone has to say about your situation, though. Seeing their mistaken or uninformed perspectives should help you get clarity about what’s right. Homework: “You know what to do and you know how to do it.” True or False? Why? Testify at Rob Brezsny Free Will Astrology

August 14 to August 20, 2014

Mind, body & Spirit

by Bronwyn Ison



o you feel as though you cannot complete your multiple tasks throughout the day? You are not alone. Most people feel overwhelmed by their to-do lists. It is possible you feel frantic and are wondering how you can get everything accomplished. Breathe and stay composed. Think about how you can make better use of your time? What is time? By definition time is “the point or period at which things occur.” This is easy enough to understand. The truth of the matter is, there are and always will be 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour, 24 hours in a day, 365 days a year. Time does not change. Time is time and is transcendent. We have felt how time can drag on and on. We have also experienced how time flies. How we choose to mange our time is up to us. You can control your schedule. If you are unorganized and find that you do not have time for myriad tasks, reevaluate your daily rituals. How can you become the master of your time? Truthfully you already are the master of your time. There are some techniques you can apply to help manage your life. First, think about what currently works for you. Can you improve on what is working for you? If so, how? Organized professionals generally have a calendar of their daily events they need to address. So let’s get organized! Here are some tips to get you on your way to productivity… - Rise early and spend the first 30 minutes to plan your day. Your day should not move forward until you have a plan for your day. This will allow you to feel organized. Scheduling your day is the most important part of your day. - When scheduling appointments dedicate a certain amount of time for your meeting. Have a beginning and an end. Strive to remain on task with the schedule times. - Be prepared for interruptions. Therefore, schedule time and realize people

will need your guidance and assistance throughout the day. Business owners are the go-to person and are interrupted numerous times. If this is you, plan accordingly. - If you have an important call to make or have a scheduled meeting, prep for five to ten minutes. Even if you are prepared you will feel more confident in your delivery. - Get a “DO NOT DISTURB” sign for your office door. When you absolutely need time, hang the sign. - Just because your phone is ringing doesn’t mean you have to answer immediately. Unless of course you are waiting for the call. This includes emails as well. - Disconnect instant messaging, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram alerts. Unless these messages are crucial to your business, social networking can wait. - Set realistic goals and appointments. Don’t place 50 items on your to-do list. This will lead to panic and frustration. Managing your time will be the key to your success. Plan your work and work your plan. You can and will be successful and productive. Bronwyn Ison is the Owner of Evolve Yoga. or (760)564-YOGA (9642)


August 14 to August 20, 2014

Life & career Coach

by Sunny Simon

Frog Legs for Breakfast


he other night at a meeting the speaker entertained us with her inspiring story. The premise of the talk involved the strategy of “eating your frog first thing.” The frog symbolizes the call you detest making, the project you haven’t started, the memo you dread drafting, any task you wish would magically vanish from your to do list. The frog concept brought me back to the Dale Carnegie strategy of tackling that big hairy revolting thing as the first call of business. No deliberation, no procrastination, just soldier on and get it done! Most mornings I arrive at my office ready to pounce on Sir Frog. On other days I kind of dance around it wishing I had a magic wand to poof him away. Does this ever happen to you? It’s sitting there in the middle of your workspace. You stare at it not wanting to disturb the creature. So you poke around it, by accomplishing a number of mundane items that didn’t even make the days to do list. Next you take a coffee break or check in with your friends on Facebook, convinced he will go away if ignored. Not a chance! That sucker is here to stay until you muster up the courage to take action. Intellectually we know we should take a deep breath, dive in and deal with it.

Procrastination takes over and we lose precious time. Let me share a helpful process I use to prod myself into doing battle with my unwanted visitor. Recalling another gem gleaned from Carnegie I ask myself what is the worst thing that could happen if I take action? My apprehension begins to diminish. Surely the absolute worst will not happen. A second excellent tactic is to visualize the reward. I imagine doing a happy dance once I deal with the issue and picture myself getting on with my day. Another strategy involves reminding myself of something one of my mentors preached…”even a turtle doesn’t get ahead unless she sticks her neck out.” That little bit of advice prods me into action. Surely I have more fortitude than a turtle! Once the deed is done, it sometimes turns out like the fairy tale. You know the one where you kiss the frog turning him into a handsome prince. Yes, dealing with an undesirable task may bring surprising benefits. The moral of the story is, find a way to kiss that frog each morning and enjoy the rest of the day! Sunny Simon is the owner of Raise the Bar High Life and Career Coaching. More about Sunny at

Ask The Doctor

August 14 to August 20, 2014

by dr peter kadile

Dr. Peter M. Kadile is Board Certified in Family Medicine. He has an integrative, osteopathic medical practice and is also known as the local, house call doctor; Desert House Call Physician. He is on staff at Eisenhower Medical Center and medical director for Serenity Hospice. His office is located in beautiful Old Town La Quinta, 78-100 Main Street, Suite 207, La Quinta, CA 92253. (760) 777-7439.

The Ebola virus


he Ebola virus has been in the nation’s headlines for the past few weeks since two American missionaries contracted the disease in Liberia and have been flown back to the United States. I’ve encountered a lot of different opinions regarding the infected American medical missionaries (Dr. Kent Brantly and Nancy Writebol) return to the United States and unfortunately most of the opinions are based on fear. To help ease the fear about this deadly virus, we need to educate ourselves about it, so let me give you the basics. What is Ebola? Ebola is a virus first discovered in 1976 near the Ebola River in The Democratic Republic of Congo. The Ebola virus causes viral hemorrhagic fever, affecting multiple organ systems in the body often accompanied with bleeding. The World Health Organization says there are five different strains of the virus, named after the areas they originated in. What are the symptoms? Early symptoms include sudden onset of fever, weakness, muscle pain, headaches and a sore throat. These symptoms can appear two to 21 days after infection. Some patients may also develop a rash, red eyes, hiccups, chest pains, difficulty swallowing and difficulty breathing. The early symptoms progress to vomiting, diarrhea, impaired kidney and liver function and sometimes internal and external bleeding (from the eyes, ears and mouth) How is it spread? The Ebola virus is spread through direct contact with the blood or other body fluids of an infected person or through exposure to infected objects like needles. The virus is not airborne and can’t be spread by contaminated food or water. It is believed the virus is only transmissible when the infected person is symptomatic.

Is it fatal? The fatality rate is up to 90%. How is it treated? There is no vaccine currently available and there is no specific treatment. Infected patients are treated symptomatically with supportive care, such as; IV hydration, maintaining blood pressure and treatment for any complicating infections. The two infected American missionary workers were given an experimental drug called ZMapp which may have saved their lives. The drug had never been tried on humans before, but did show some benefit on monkeys. Why were the American missionaries flown back to the U.S.? Well, they are Americans who volunteered to help others and they deserve to be back in their own country where they can obtain the best treatment and be near their families. They were flown to Emory University Hospital in Atlanta which is one of four medical centers in the country with special isolation units. Is there a risk to the general public in bringing the infected missionaries back to the U.S? Unlikely, the missionaries are highly contained in Emory’s Ebola unit on a separate floor from other patients. The medical staff follow the Center for Disease Control protocol for communicable disease. They wear full protective gear such as special masks, gowns, gloves and eye protection.

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August 14 to August 20, 2014


August 14 to August 20, 2014

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August 14 to August 20, 2014


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