Coachella Valley Weekly - September 7 to September 13, 2017 Vol. 6 No. 25

Page 1 • September 7 to September 13, 2017 Vol. 6 No. 25

Fantasy Springs Events


Kate London


Desert Fox Bar


Diana Krall


Ben Jasper


September 7 to September 13, 2017


Coachella Valley Weekly (760) 501-6228


PHOTOS BY LAURA HUNT LITTLE Publisher & Editor Tracy Dietlin Art Director Robert Chance Sales Team Domingo Winstead Club Crawler Nightlife Editor Phil Lacombe Feature Writers Lisa Morgan, Rich Henrich, Heidi Simmons, Denise Ortuno Neil, Morgan James, Avery Wood, Tricia Witkower Writers/Contributors: Robin Simmons, Rick Riozza, Eleni P. Austin, Noe Gutierrez, Craig Michaels, Bronwyn Ison, Janet McAfee, Haddon Libby, Dale Gribow, Laura Hunt Little, Jason Hall, Raymond Bill, Sam DiGiovanna, Rob Brezny, Sunny Simon, Dr. Peter Kadile, Bruce Cathcart, Flint Wheeler, Dee Jae Cox, Patte Purcell, Rebecca Pikus, Esther Sanchez, Angela Romeo, Jenny Wallis Photographers Robert Chance, Chris Miller, Esther Sanchez, Laura Hunt Little, Lani Garfield, Scott Pam, George Duchannes Website Editor Bobby Taffolla Distribution Phil Lacombe, William Westley

CONTENTS 5th Town............................................ 3-6 Fantasy Springs Upcoming Events..... 7 Kate London ........................................ 8 Slim Man............................................... 8 Desert Fox Bar...................................... 9 Backstage Jazz..................................... 9 Consider This - Diana Krall................ 10 Art Scene - Ben Jasper....................... 11 Pet Place............................................. 12 The Vino Voice ................................... 13 Club Crawler Nightlife....................... 14 Screeners ........................................... 18 Book Review ...................................... 19 Safety Tips ..........................................19 Real Estate.......................................... 20 Haddon Libby.................................... 21 Dale Gribow....................................... 21 Sports Scene...................................... 22 Ask Jenny........................................... 22 Free Will Astrology............................ 23 Mind, Body & Spirit........................... 23 Ask The Doctor................................... 24 Life & Career Coach............................ 24 Cannabis Corner................................ 27

September 7 to September 13, 2017


he band 5th Town definitely falls into the category of Supergroup, with all five band members also performing in other bands concurrently. Not only that, but several members have also been part of many other desert projects over the years. For these five individuals to come together as a band is a recipe for success. Comprised of Chelsea Sugarbritches (lead vocals), Linda Lemke Heinz (lead vocals, flute, keyboards), Martin Barrera (lead guitar), Josh Heinz (guitar), Troy Whitford (drums) and Armando Flores (bass), they are musically cohesive. Together since July 23, 2015 the band has garnered a substantial legion of fans that attend their shows, singing along to the lyrics of most of their songs. The songs that we all know, and there are many that are radio ready and could already be Top 10 hits such as: “Pretty,” “Road to Nowhere,” “Good Day,” “Ghost,” “5th Town,” and “Magic,” where Lemke-Heinz offers a beautiful flute performance. But this band isn’t resting on their laurels, they continue to write new songs often, including “Hot Stove,” “No Rain,” (Lemke-Heinz) and the latest with the working title of “The Depths” (Sugarbritches). Back on April 8 of this year, 5th Town won the CV Music Showcase Finals put on by CV Weekly at The Hood. In the Finals, where they competed against five other bands they got a perfect score across the board in all categories from all five judges, being the only band in all of the CV Music Showcases from the last few years to accomplish that. As a result of that win, they received $1500.00 cash, a photo shoot, a video production and time in the recording studio with one song produced by the award winning Ronnie King (Tupac, Snoop Dogg, Offspring, Pepper). The last two weekends the band spent time out at King’s studio Chateau Relaxo, recording their first single “Pretty.” 5th Town is definitely the band to watch. They were also nominated in this year’s CV Music Awards in 8 categories and were awarded “Producer’s Pick” for Most Promising Band. Now keep in mind that they’ve accomplished all of that just from their live shows without having a single, an EP, album or video, so just imagine what’s about to happen for this band now. They will be performing this Friday, September 8 at The Hood Bar & pizza for Chelsea Sugarbritches birthday celebration. If you’ve never heard them before do yourself a favor and check them out. The band took

some time to answer some questions for CV Weekly. CVW: You all are in more than one band and some of you in several (please list all bands you’re currently in), how does being part of 5th Town differ from the other bands you’re in? Chelsea Sugarbritches: “I’m also in Long Duk Dong, but we’re currently on hiatus and sometimes Bobby Taffolla and I do some music stuff... we’ll be working on that more this year.” Linda Lemke-Heinz: “5th Town and Blasting Echo. 5th Town is very organic. We aren’t trying to achieve a certain “sound”. The sound we have come about naturally and it is a reflection of the influences and history each member brings to it. We don’t have a gimmick. What you see is who we are. Each member is of equal importance and carries equal weight. Blasting Echo is the same way. I’m very lucky to be in both bands.” Martin Barrera: “5th Town is a great mixture of friends from different genres of music. We all encourage each other to be better. I’m currently part of a Duo with Michael Keeth, doing a mixture of original songs that Michael Keeth wrote, and cover songs. Aphrodisiac Jacket is a Cult tribute band. A band that we can let loose and be loud. Really great players make this tribute band work.” Josh Heinz: “Blasting Echo and 5th Town. For me it differs because I’m not singing in 5th Town, just playing guitar. I can relax a little bit more because I don’t have to focus on doing two things at once. Also, in BE songs tend to be very intense, where as in 5th Town the tone is more carefree.” Troy Whitford: “I am currently in 5th Town and Throw the Goat. Besides comparing the differences in music in the bands (which is

obvious), there is love I have for every member and every song that we write and play. That’s like asking somebody which family member you like best. I love them all individually and musically because each one is different in their own way. They all bring their own steak to the table.” Armando Flores: “In addition to 5thTown I currently play in Blasting Echo, with Courtney Chambers, and in The Sundrug Project.” CVW: What are 5th Town’s goals for the next year and how do you plan on achieving them? Sugarbritches: “Get an album recorded, make more music and have fun.” Lemke-Heinz: “We plan on recording our album, shopping songs, and shooting videos. We will sell merch and work hard to achieve those goals. Looking forward to more great opportunities to perform and grow as a band.” Barrera: “We are in the process of getting the rest of our original songs recorded, writing new material and focusing on more out of town shows. We want to incorporate more networking with different bands and would like to do some collaborating too.” Heinz: “I think the goal I would like to see for 5th Town to achieve is doing a full album.” Whitford: “First and foremost, finishing our single with Ronnie King is top priority. After that we plan on shooting a music video and getting our material out to the public. That has been one obstacle that we have yet to overcome. Besides that, I don’t think we have any set plans except writing music, playing shows, and having a good time. I’d say a full length album will be in the foreseeable future, nothing has been written in stone as to when the exact date will be, however, we assure you it is coming!” Flores: “Honestly, I think my band mates would be better suited to answer that question... I just joined the band, like 2 months ago.” CVW: What do you think sets 5th Town apart musically from other current local bands? Sugarbritches: “We have a flute player. And I guess having 2 female vocalists isn’t the norm.” continue to page 5


September 7 to September 13, 2017


5TH TOWN continued from page 3

Lemke-Heinz: “Catchy and well-written songs, a diverse set list, top-notch players, we truly enjoy working together and have a lot of fun. We also like to make people laugh so we throw in a parody song often and “PRETTY” always seems to get a great reaction from the crowd.” Barrera: “First off, we are fortunate to have two great singers from different backgrounds. Linda has the opera voice and plays the flute and piano, so that in itself is unique. Chelsea brings her soulful, Anne Wilson-esque voice whilst playing acoustic guitar. Troy Whitford brings a different drum feel to the music with sounds ranging from jazz to punk rock. Josh Heinz brings another view to every song we play and he is constantly adding new ideas that make the songs fuller. Armando Flores comes from a vast background and I’ve seen him grow musically first hand. He plays songs in a way that lets the guitarist have the freedom to fill in more leads in the songs. He can play almost every kind of style on bass, plus he’s a drummer and guitarist too!” Heinz: “Certainly have two female lead singers harmonizing is something that sets us apart. You don’t see that very often anywhere, not just locally.” Whitford: “The amount of members we have on stage (hahaha). I don’t spend a lot of time comparing 5th Town to other bands in the Valley. I feel like it can be distracting when you’re focusing on what other people are doing and how they’re doing it, I feel it’s best to keep your head down and keep going. So far so good…” Flores: “Personally, I think it’s a combination of things: Female duo fronting the band, straight ahead songs that offer catchy hooks, and solid musicianship. Does this separate 5th Town from anyone else? eh... maaaaaayyybeee.” CVW: How would you describe 5th Town’s music/style? Sugarbritches: “Arrrrrrrrrg! I never know how to answer this question! TranceFolkRockPoP that’s what we are.” Lemke-Heinz: “Organic and a natural culmination of the influences, history, and skills of each member of the band. Some people say we remind them of Heart, Fleetwood Mac, Pink, or Pat Benatar.” Barrera: “We have so many different sounds that it’s difficult to put us into ‘One style’ of music. People have compared us to Heart, thanks to our two leading ladies, but we still can’t categorize ourselves. Honestly, each song we write turns out differently from the last one. It always feels fresh.” Heinz: “It’s kind of hard to describe. There is certainly a rock-pop element to it, but there can be a little bit of folk to it as well. But the

band is pretty open to have songs that touch on various genres. There isn’t a hard rock or real heavy song yet, but if one comes along, I’m sure we could do it.” Whitford: “Rock and/or Roll??” Flores: “Adult Contemporary ala Heart!” CVW: Who writes the lyrics and what is your songwriting process as a band? Sugarbritches: “Linda and I write all the lyrics. A lot of times Martin will play us something he’s come up with and we’ll write lyrics to it. Sometimes Linda is driving in her car and starts humming a tune and a whole song spews out of her. Sometimes I just write lyrics and say ‘here guys here’s some words let’s make a song.’” Lemke-Heinz: “Chelsea and I write the lyrics. Some songs I’ve brought to the band in whole or in part, Martin, and Chelsea, too. We collaborate as a group, everyone adding their own thing and making changes to structure, tempo, dynamics, countermelody and harmonies, etc. The seriously cool thing about our songwriting is that we all come together with no egos involved. It’s very freeing. “MAGIC” was truly a magical experience for Martin, Josh, Chelsea, and me. Martin had something he started working on that week and brought it to us to hear. The four of us sat at my patio table with Martin and Josh on guitars, Chelsea grabbed her pen and notebook and started feverishly writing the lyrics, I added melody and harmonies and flute, and bam! It was an amazing experience I will never forget. It was magic.” Barrera: “Chelsea and Linda usually have lyrics/poems that they’ve kept from the past and from everyday life. I have ideas that I’ve been sitting on for a few years that I starts messaging randomly, or a little jam song that just comes up during rehearsal but nothing is really set in stone. We all have input to make the song feel and sound complete.” Heinz: “Lyrics are written by Linda and Chelsea; sometimes together, sometimes individually. We’ve had songs that Linda wrote

music and lyrics, brought it to the band and we tweaked it and then it was done. We’ve had songs that started as poems by Chelsea and Martin wrote music around that. And then we’ve had Martin playing a new song for us on the patio while hanging out and it inspired both girls to write immediately. You never know.” Whitford: “Linda and Chelsea write the lyrics. Now as for the songwriting process; Linda is a classically trained musician and has a great ear for harmonies and melodies. Chelsea has a wall of a voice and really helps set tones for songs as well as lyrical patterns. Martin is the “Rico Swave” of guitar players, he can play the perfect guitar line into any song that is brought to him. Josh is a ball of positive energy who knows what makes a good song in its entirety. I’m not sure if Mondo is classically trained as a bass player, but he plays like he is. He’s got a great ear for what’s appropriate in a song, also a great talent for not stepping on any toes. Take all that and put a drum beat behind it, and that’s how we write songs.” Flores: “I’m too new to answer that one, but I would say the ladies write all of the lyrics and Martin and Linda write the majority of the material.” CVW: What was it like recording in the studio with Ronnie King? Sugarbritches: “Ronnie was super cool! We had a great day with him at Chateau Relaxo. We made music, we had chicken and beers...what more could you ask for?” Lemke-Heinz: “It was a great experience. Ronnie is a pro and made us all feel at home. Chateau Relaxo is exactly as the name implies. And you can go down the road a piece for a whole chicken, tortillas, sides, and a 2-liter for just $20! Ronnie insisted. Seriously though, very grateful to CV Weekly for awarding this prize to us and to Ronnie for his expertise, talent, hard work, and patience.” Barrera: “It’s been a great experience and opportunity to record with him. He has been very open to the song we brought over to get recorded. We are waiting on the mixing process and excited to hear the final result of the song.” Heinz: “It was a good time…very calm and chill. Ronnie keeps a very relaxing vibe down at his place.” Whitford: “Ronnie was very welcoming to all of us. He made a very positive environment for us to kind of let us do what we do. He fed us, got us beer, didn’t rush anybody, and for a person whose gone multi- platinum that’s

September 7 to September 13, 2017 worked with huge artists his entire life, he was a very humble person. We are just a bunch of local musicians that were fortunate enough to get an opportunity like this. We never felt small, and he was always on point on getting the song right, which we all respect.” Flores: “Cool.” CVW: You recorded the song “Pretty,” is the song finished? Sugarbritches: “It’s going to be mixed and mastered in the next couple of weeks.” Lemke-Heinz: “Ronnie King will be taking the recording to Orange County to be mixed and mastered. He also invited us to tag along. I’m very excited about seeing how it’s done.” CVW: Do you have a release date? Sugarbritches: “We’re hoping Santa will bring everyone some 5th Town in their stockings.” CVW: What is the next step for 5th Town? Sugarbritches: “We’re hoping to start playing gigs in a galaxy far, far away.” Lemke-Heinz: “We are finishing a new song now and have two others on deck to complete. We’re hoping to get somewhere someday. In the meantime we’ll just keep doing what we love to do. We’re looking into some more gigs in LA, maybe a festival.” Barrera: “Finish recording the rest of the songs that we have completed and doing a full album release show. Start playing out of town and promoting the album.” Heinz: “Getting a video done for “Pretty” I think is the next step. And then getting in a studio and doing a full length album.” Flores: “If I had to guess I would say, finish writing enough material for a full-length album, then record it.” CVW: What one band or artist has had the most influence on you and why? Sugarbritches: “There’s no way I could name just one. I grew up on Jimi Hendrix and The Who and Led Zeppelin and Motown... Janis Joplin… Michael Jackson... Madonna. Everything influences me.” Lemke-Heinz: “That’s so hard! I can never pick just one; of course, Heart, Pink, Pat Benatar. I’ll add Simon and Garfunkle, Dolly Parton, Queen, Def Leppard, and MCR (don’t judge me). There’s so many for me. I love harmonies, countermelodies that weave in and out, the epic and grandiose, as well as a simple 4-chord song.” Barrera: “I have so many influences that I’ve grown up listening to, too many to name. As well as the many local musicians that makes me want to be a better guitar player. continue to page 6


September 7 to September 13, 2017

5TH TOWN continued from page 5

Playing with different musicians and watching their different styles gives you a perspective on how they write and play their music and helps to give you different ideas that you can incorporate to your songs.” Heinz: “Ha. Pearl Jam. Doesn’t everyone know that already?” Whitford: “NOFX: They sort of perfected the whole DIY movement for musicians. They spent the first decade of their career playing house parties, driving Fat Mike’s mom’s car, and doing whatever they could do to play a show no matter where it was or who would show up. Granted, they sucked in the beginning, but they harnessed that and used it towards their advantage. Now they run one of the biggest record companies for Punk Rock bands. They did what they wanted, how they wanted it, and it worked. I admire that.” Flores: “Too many to list!” Who in the business do you most respect and why? Sugarbritches: “My band mates are who I respect the most.” Lemke-Heinz: “I have the most respect for those who work hard, stay humble, share their wisdom with younger artists, and keep their heads on straight. Locals I have a ton of respect for would be Courtney Chambers, Rick Shelley, John Stanley King, and Michael Keeth.” Barrera: “I respect everyone that is in this business as I am, it doesn’t matter what kind of music they play. We as musicians have to help each other to be respected in what we do. Making more connections with bands and

producers will get you more opportunities. It’s a hard business to be in.” Heinz: “That’s a tough question because I don’t feel like I really KNOW people that are in the ‘business’. And the stories I hear about people IN the business usually aren’t that encouraging. I can only say that I respect songwriters who write without gimmicks and from the heart. I don’t appreciate or respect people that lie, deceive and manipulate for their own gain. And unfortunately, even on our tiny little local level, that seems to be a common behavior.” Whitford: “Jackson Browne, Look him up and you’ll find out why.” Flores: “Anyone who’s been able to make a decent living without the assistance of a 9 to 5. Being a full-time musician takes a ton of

dedication and hard work. I respect ANYONE who can do this.” CVW: What is your least favorite genre of music? Sugarbritches: “I don’t know. I try to find something I like in all genres... I’m not super into Christian rock? I really dislike that sort of Florida Georgia Line brand of country pop.” Lemke-Heinz: “Modern Country, because you can hear the ‘formula’ in nearly every song on the radio. I guess that goes for a lot of Pop, too. If a bunch of dudes in a boardroom wrote it while sitting around a table with laptops, I probably don’t want to hear it.” Barrera: “I don’t have a least favorite genre of music. Every style of music inspires me.”

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Heinz: “EDM” Whitford: “Overproduced music that sounds too familiar that makes me wanna bob my head for no good reason. I don’t trust music that gets stuck in my head too easily.” Flores: “Pop.” CVW: What band are you listening to that people would be the most surprised by? Sugarbritches: “I’m not sure what people would be surprised by.... oh I know! I listen to the 40’s junction station on satellite radio. I’m obsessed! Is that surprising?” Lemke-Heinz: “My Chemical Romance. My daughters turned me onto them. And Flight of the Concords, Dresden Dolls and Steel Panther.” Barrera: “I have Norah Jones on my phone. But I have many different artists that help me to work on my vocals. Maybe I’ll bring that into 5th town in the future…” Heinz: “I love to listen to good movie soundtracks: Hans Zimmer, John Williams, James Horner, James Newton Howard, and others. I probably listen to the soundtrack to ‘The Thin Red Line’ in whole or part every other day. It’s beautiful.” Whitford: “Pearl Jam, I can’t get enough of that shit. Josh and I have date nights every week solely for the purpose of listening to Pearl Jam without our wives judging us.” Flores: “Hmm... Flight of the Conchords.” 5th Town perform on Friday, September 8 at The Hood Bar & Pizza with Blackwater Gospel, Throw the Goat and Death in Pretty Wrapping. Check them out on facebook/5thTown.


TOM JONES SHOW RESCHEDULED Fantasy Springs Resort Casino regretfully announces that the Tom Jones concert scheduled for Friday, September 29, 2017 has been rescheduled. The concert will now take place on Friday, May 25, 2018. Following medical advice, Tom Jones has announced that he will unfortunately be postponing his US tour, which was due to arrive at Fantasy Springs Resort Casino on Friday, September 29, 2017. The show has been rescheduled for Friday, May 25, 2018. Ticketholders will have until Saturday, September 30, 2017 to request a refund or keep their tickets, which will be valid for the new show. Tickets for the May 25, 2018 show will go on sale on Friday, October 13, 2017. If ticketholders would like a reprint of their tickets with the new date, the Fantasy Springs Box Office will be happy to do so only after the tickets go back on sale to the public. Tom sends his sincere apologies to his fans and looks forward to seeing them all again next year. Ticket holders with any questions should contact the Fantasy Springs Resort Casino Box Office at 800-827-2946.

MEXICAN POP-ROCK DUO CAMILA SET TO HIT THE FANTASY SPRINGS SPECIAL EVENTS CENTER STAGE ON SEPTEMBER 23 Adored by fans in not only their native Mexico but also here in the United States, poprock duo Camila has played all over the world from their home base in Southern California to the millions that have attended their concerts, and now they’re set to hit the stage at the Special Events Center at Fantasy Springs Resort Casino on Saturday, September 23, 2017. Founded by award-winning composer, singer and producer Mario Domm, Camila made its official debut as a trio in 2005 when Domm signed his first record contract with Sony Music, together with his friends and colleagues Pablo Hurtado and Samo. Camilo released their first album Todo Cambió in 2006 and their second album Dejarte de Amar in 2010. These albums were massive hits that turned the group into one of the most successful recording artists in Latin America. Since their meteoric rise, Camila has soared to the top of the charts in Mexico and beyond. Songs like “Abrázame,” “Coleccionista de

Canciones,” “Todo Cambió,” and “Bésame” have made them big winners in the record industry. They’ve sold over two million albums, have three Grammy Awards, three Billboard Awards, and have both Diamond and Platinum certifications. They’ve played hundreds of shows in 18 countries in front of more than two million fans. Camila has also worked with international stars like Colbie Caillat, Kenny G, Alejandro Sanz, Alejandra Guzmán, and Wanessa Camargo. In 2014, Camila launched a third studio album, Elypse, transforming itself from a trio to a duo. They’ve won four Latin Grammy Awards and have received four Latin Billboard Awards. Today, Mario Domm and Pablo Hurtado make up the group that is so loved by its loyal fans and one that has embarked on a new chapter of success. Tickets for the 8pm Camila performance on Saturday, September 23, 2017 are on sale now for $79, $59, and $39 at the Fantasy Springs Box Office, via telephone at 800-827-2946 or online at

LINDSEY BUCKINGHAM AND CHRISTINE McVIE OF FLEETWOOD MAC ANNOUNCE THEY’RE PLAYING AT FANTASY SPRINGS RESORT CASINO ON OCTOBER 20th On the heels of a sold-out critically acclaimed summer tour, longtime Fleetwood Mac members Lindsey Buckingham and Christine McVie have announced a second leg of their North American tour, and they’ll be making a stop at The Special Events Center at Fantasy Springs Resort Casino on Friday, October 20th. Lindsey Buckingham and Christine McVie’s current collaboration began three years ago, when McVie rejoined Fleetwood Mac for the group’s “On With The Show” tour. The pair went into the studio to record new material prior to rehearsals for the tour and their natural creative energy was reignited. According to Buckingham, “We were exploring a creative process, and the identity of the project took on a life organically. The body of work felt like it was meant to be a duet album.” The result was a 10-song album of all new material simply called, LINDSEY BUCKINGHAM/CHRISTINE McVIE. Connecting their natural singer-songwriter skills together came easily for the duo. Said Christine McVie, “We’ve always written well together, Lindsey and I, and this has just spiraled into something really amazing that we’ve done between us.” The October 20th Lindsey Buckingham and Christine McVie show at Fantasy Springs Resort Casino will feature some of the vibrant new material from their new album, plus they’ll play their favorite Fleetwood Mac classics. It’s not

often that rock legends depart their comfort zones and pair off for experimentation, but Buckingham and McVie have just enough of it, plus just enough of the familiar, to make for a truly memorable evening of music at The Special Events Center. Tickets for the 8pm Lindsey Buckingham and Christine McVie show on Friday, October 20, 2017 are on sale now for $99, $69,and $49 at the Fantasy Springs Box Office, via telephone (800) 827-2946 or online at www.

REGIONAL MEXICAN MUSIC GIANTS BANDA MS WILL HIT THE STAGE AT FANTASY SPRINGS RESORT CASINO ON NOVEMBER 12 Youth, power and talent are three words that are often used to describe Banda MS de Sergio Lizárraga, or Banda MS as they are known to their millions of fans. In their 14-year career, they have become titans of Regional Sinaloa Music and they’re bringing their big sound to The Special Events Center at Fantasy Springs Resort Casino on Sunday, November 12, 2017. Formed in 2003 in Mazatlan, Sinaloa (the “MS” of their name) by fifteen teenagers from various different music groups who decided to form their own band, Banda MS released their first album No Podrás in 2004 after having added a singer to become sixteen members. A year later they released their follow-up album Mi Mayor Anhelo, containing the single of the same name that was awarded Best Song of the Year by a major Mazatlan radio station. Banda MS hit the big time with their 2006 corridos album La Raza Contenta with the hits “El 24” and “Chuy y Mauricio.” Their follow-up album in 2007, Escuela de Rancho, featured the smash hit single “El Bechón,” a song that became a high point in the band’s career. Last year, Banda MS released the awardwinning album Que Bendición featuring the hits “Solo con Verte,” “Me Vas a Extrañar” and “Tengo Que Colgar.” This year, the band released a new love song called “Es Tuyo Mi Amor,” which received praise from both audiences and critics alike. The sixteen musicians who make up Banda MS love to make music with faith and conviction and know that those qualities come through in their performances. Today, the group is not only representative of Sinaloa music, but has become representative of Ranchero culture and folklore. They appreciate that they have come a long way but acknowledge that there’s so much more they want to accomplish. Tickets for the 8pm Banda MS show on Sunday, November 12, 2017 go on sale Friday, September 8th for $109, $89, $69,and $49 at the Fantasy Springs Box Office, via telephone (800) 827-2946 or online at www.

September 7 to September 13, 2017


TWO TITANS OF HIP HOP, JA RULE AND ASHANTI, TEAM UP FOR ONE MEMORABLE NIGHT OF MUSIC AT FANTASY SPRINGS ON NOVEMBER 17 Fans of Ja Rule and Ashanti have something to get excited about this November. With dozens of unforgettable hits between the two of them (including several exceptional collaborations), they’re now teaming up for one memorable night of music at the Special Events Center at Fantasy Springs Resort Casino on November 17, 2017. Queens native Ja Rule burst onto the music scene in 1999 with his debut album Venni Vetti Vecci, featuring the single “Holla Holla.” From 1999 to 2005, Ja Rule scored several Billboard Top 20 hits including “Between Me And You” with Christina Milian, “I’m Real (Murder Remix)” with Jennifer Lopez and “Wonderful” with R. Kelly and Ashanti. Over his career, Ja Rule has sold an amazing 30 million records worldwide and was the best-selling rapper in 2001. Grammy-winning singer/songwriter, actor and author Ashanti first debuted with her smash hit, self-titled debut album Ashanti. With her song “Foolish” from that album, she also secured the Number One spot on six Billboard charts simultaneously. In addition, Ashanti won the Grammy that year for Best Contemporary R&B Album. Her follow-up album, Chapter II, debuted in the Number One slot and spawned two Top 10 singles. As an entrepreneur, she’s created the record label Written Entertainment and as an actress she’s dazzled in such films as Coach Carter, John Tucker Must Die and Resident Evil: Extinction. She is also an Executive Producer with her films Mothers and Daughters (2016), and Stuck (2017). Ja Rule and Ashanti’s reunion is fitting since both ruled the summer while at Murder Inc. Records during the 2000’s. The dynamic duo had several chart-topping hits together including “Mesmerize,” “Down 4 You,” “Happy,” “Wonderful” and the Grammynominated summer banger, “Always On Time.” Tickets for the 8pm Ja Rule and Ashanti show on Friday, November 17, 2017 go on sale Friday, September 8th for $59, $39 and $29 at the Fantasy Springs Box Office, via telephone at 800-827-2946 or online at www.


September 7 to September 13, 2017



ne year ago a shining star emerged in the Coachella Valley’s music scene, presenting her fresh sounding music and a confident stage presence at local open mics and showcases, winning the heart of many fans instantly. Just one year later and Kate London is celebrating the release of her new, self-titled album on September 22nd. Ms. London has worked hard, and with an incredible team, to create an impressive array of catchy songs to hit her already thrilled fans hard, and to surely gain some new ones, growing her ever expanding audience. I spoke with an enthusiastic Kate about the upcoming release of her album and what’s next for the absolutely lovely pop star. MJ: Tell me about the inspiration for your new self-titled album. Did you collaborate on the song writing process? KL: “The inspiration for my new album content-wise is relationships, which most people can relate to. I get into the subject but I still wanted to keep it fun and lighthearted, not so moody. Artisticallyspeaking, I wanted to show growth to higher quality song production and also wanted to take more chances and show more musical range in what I can do. So fans will be able to hear some new styles from me. I cowrote these songs with a multi-platinum team out in Hollywood. I set the artistic vision and content parameters for all my songs. Some of them I’ll write solely on my own, but sometimes I like to bring in a great music team because they challenge me and push me out of my artistic box.” MJ: Are there any particular songs that


D We are still putting together details on the album release party so stay tuned with my social media to find out - I’d love to see you all there!” MJ: What do you love about performing live? KL: “Well it used to scare me, but now I love it so much because I get to let loose and be me. The me that goes all out at home when I’m singing or in the car. The energy of performing live is so freeing and passionate. I get to ‘live’ the songs and put the energy of dancing and emotional expression into it. It no longer just a track off an album, it’s an experience I’m living out in front of people. Also, I just love connecting with other people that love music. I’m a fan myself and love supporting the scene.” MJ: What do you love about recording and being in the studio? KL: “I love recording because it’s a chance for me to create. Creating is such a cool concept because I get to make something out of nothing. It’s an awesome way to express myself and share my message and artistic vibes with the world. I love experimenting with different styles and vocal ranges so it’s fun to learn about myself too and what I like. Being in the studio, especially with other talented producers, is such an inspirational process because there is so much passion and hunger in one room.” MJ: What are your next goals? What do you hope to accomplish ultimately? KL: “My next goals are to just grow as an artist and to continue to building my fan base so I have a platform to promote my music and message. I’d love to do collaborations, keep doing bigger shows, put out more content, and just have fun with it. I started music because I enjoy it and

I still try to live by that in all that I do now musically. Ultimately I just want to be able to keep creating music and hopefully inspire some people along the way. Whether that’s signing to a major label and going on a world tour, or just performing locally, I’ll love it either way as long as I’m able to continue creating. My faith is important to me and I believe in having music with a message so I’ll always appreciate the ability to have a bigger platform.” MJ: Where else can our readers stay up to date with your music? KL: “Please follow me on social media @ KateLondonMusic! And keep an eye out for my album release and release party. Get in touch with me; I love to connect with fellow musicians and music lovers. I’m excited for the next year; I hope it’s a year of continued growth for me to learn and progress as an artist.”


earest Slim People, How are you? How are my Peeps? I know you haven’t heard from me in a while. Well, I’m OK. But truthfully? I’m a little concerned… The world has gone crazy. I mean, it’s always been kinda crazy, but these days, it seems more crazy than ever. There’s some pretty nasty stuff going on out there. It’s hard to stay positive in a world where there is so much negativity. I find the news these days very negative and deeply disturbing… nuclear missiles, hurricanes, earthquakes, famines, fires, droughts… And to top it all off, a woman got bitten on the butt by a spider while sitting on a toilet. The bite was so bad that she had to go to the hospital twice. That news deeply disturbs me. Has it come down to this? Not being able to go to the bathroom because some poisonous insect or other deadly varmint might be lurking below, ready to chomp on your nether regions? A nuclear missile screaming over your


are really special to you? KL: “It’s hard to choose a favorite because I honestly love them all. This album definitely pushed me out of my comfort zone and let me experiment with some new styles. I just had fun with these songs and they are ones I actually love listening to on repeat. I think these songs show progression and growth from my last releases. I’m excited to hear from the fans what song was their favorite so please hit me up on social media and let me know!” MJ: Tell me where you recorded and who produced the album? KL: “I recorded these songs at a professional studio in Hollywood with a great multi-platinum team that has worked with a bunch of top artists. I feel blessed to have gotten the opportunity to learn from people like them and to challenge myself as I grow as an artist.” MJ: Where will your album release party be and when? KL: “The official release date for the album is September 22 and it will be out everywhere including itunes, Spotify, Amazon, Google Play, Tidal, Pandora etc. It will also be up on my website


head is one thing. But a spider biting you on the butt? There’s just too much negative stuff going on these days. It’s hard to ignore. I was listening to a podcast this morning, they were talking about an old book, published in 1935, a book titled “The 7 Day Mental Diet.” The basic premise is...for 7 days, you can think nothing but positive thoughts. Even if something negative happens, you have to frame it in a positive way. Say, for instance, you’re swimming in the ocean. You see a shark approaching. Instead of thinking about how crappy your luck is, think about how fortunate you are to see such a beautiful creature in its natural habitat. Turn a negative into a positive. What if the shark suddenly attacks your husband, and carries him out to sea clamped in his jaws as your dearly beloved screams helplessly? Think positive. might be fun to be single again. I was chatting with some friends last

night who had some very negative thoughts about wild coyotes. They’re a problem out here in California. They were telling me about coyotes attacking small dogs, small children, even adults. You might think getting accosted by a coyote would be a negative thing. I mean, suppose you got attacked by a coyote, and he gnawed off one of your feet? At first glance, you might see that as really horrible. Extremely negative. But let’s look on the bright side! Maybe you could save money on shoes. You’d only have to buy one! How could they charge you for two? Think positive! Suppose you have a huge problem with procrastination. Instead of seeing it in the negative, see it in a positive light… You’ll always have something to do tomorrow. And you won’t have anything to do today. Apparently, laughing is a great way to stay positive. So, instead of crying when something goes wrong, try laughing instead.

So if your wife is blow-drying her hair, and her hair accidentally catches on fire, try laughing when she starts sobbing uncontrollably. And the next day when you’re living out of your car, think about how lucky you are to have a vehicle. For the next 7 days, I’m thinking only positive thoughts, I’m doing only positive things, I’m gonna surround myself with positive people. Even if it kills me. Stay positive, Slim People. And keep in touch. Who loves ya? Uncle Slimmy. Slim Man is a writer, cookbook author, and award-winning singer; he just released a new CD, Young at Heart, a collection of Rat Packin’ songs, all details at www.



hot new bar just opened in Palm Desert, right in the heart of the Coachella Valley! Although “new” might not be quite the right word as Desert Fox Bar has been successfully serving the Palm Springs area until two years ago when the establishment was forced to close and find a new home. “We had a nice little joint in Palm Springs,” says Mark Green, owner of Desert Fox Bar, “however our lease was not renewed after five years.” Ever upbeat and thrilled at the prospect of the Palm Desert location, Mark gushes “We are in a cool little spot now, very walkable. Desert Fox Bar is a groovy atmosphere- not too loud, not too quiet.” Mark continues to explain that the bar was originally modeled after his upscale bar in San Francisco, Lone Palm, but that this model fits the desert well and that Desert Fox promises to be one of the very few late night hot spots in the valley. Currently open until midnight Sunday through Wednesday and until 2am Thursday, Friday and Saturday, given a few months Desert Fox has grand plans to be open until 2am seven nights per week! Live music is another big plan for Desert Fox Bar as Green is passionate about showcasing “the incredible local talent of the Coachella Valley.” Green raves about all of the talent who have entertained his guests in the past and looks to bring back the best and brightest at this new Palm Desert location on Friday and Saturday nights and possibly even having an Open Mic Night and Karaoke. In fact, the official grand opening this Friday, September 8th, will feature former Posies player Matt Harris. Speaking of popular local entertainers, Desert Fox will proudly feature celebrity bartender and incredible musician, Jesika Von Rabbit, as well as James St James who is as skilled behind the bar as he is behind a drum kit. Other familiar, friendly faces promise to be seen behind the bar as well. Everyone loves a good happy hour and Desert Fox has been running happy hour all day and all night this week. With specific hours still to be determined, Mark looks forward to being the happening place this season for locals and out of town guests alike, to enjoy a drink among friends. Bar fare will include nuts,




cheeses, and olives to nosh on and Desert Fox specific drinks will be rolled out in the coming months. “I am looking into it all, planning for a great season with lots happening in the coming months,” Mark asserts proudly. Former patrons are thrilled with this reopening of one of the Coachella Valley’s favorite bars, and new patrons finding themselves at the new Desert Fox Bar location at 44750 San Pablo Ave in Palm Desert, are sure to come back again and again. Social media posts about the friendly neighborhood bar have already begun circulating and buzzing about the internet. One such post boasting “It’s only the soft opening but you can already tell it is going to be a great neighborhood bar that will begin to fill a void in Palm Desert!” Mark Green definitely planned smart as this particular area is slated for major construction next Summer as the city of Palm Desert plans to create wider sidewalks, a roundabout, and new landscaping. Another exciting feature in the plans for this area of San Pablo will be outdoor street festivals and live music. Prepared for this style of entertainment, as well as for our desert’s beautiful weather Fall through Spring, Desert Fox Bar boasts two comfortable patios- one in the front of the bar and one in the back. With a swank, hip ambiance and only a few minute walk from the McCallum Theatre, the shopping on El Paseo, and even the Westfield Shopping Mall, Desert Fox Bar is bound for a successful first season back on the map and I would bet real staying power long after that. Desert Fox Bar - 44750 San Pablo Ave Palm Desert, CA 92260 Open Sunday - Wednesday 4pm - 12am Open Thursday - Saturday 4pm - 2am

September 7 to September 13, 2017




he Art of Cool’ had everyone chilling out despite sizzling outdoor temperatures. This upscale 420 Industry event was held at the stunning Colin Fisher Studios in the Art District in Cathedral City. It started at 4:20 (the original bill number that legalized medical marijuana). The sophisticated crowd of medical marijuana patients, dispensary owners, business owners, and jazz lovers roamed the different rooms of the gallery viewing sculpture, paintings and art pieces. The Amsterdam Connection, a famous jazz duo from the Netherlands, wowed the crowd with their sax and jazz harmonica chops. Mikole Kaar sat in and rounded it out. “The Laughing Yogi” Guru Yogi Ramesh, an international celebrity and famous guru, got the party laughing and giggling during the first break. In one of the stunning rooms, Ronda Mac Neil gave complimentary oracle card and numerology readings. VIP guests with medical marijuana cards were treated to Melissa Etheridge ‘Know Label’ Wine (tinctures) tastings. Triple J Original Minijoints gave out samples to guests. Coachella Valley Collective had a “Vape Bar” where guests could sample different concentrates including CBD, Sativa, Indica, and hybrids. Maribel Ishtar gave guests complimentary chair massages with her amazing ‘CBD Sativa Oil’ that gives instant relief. Guests were impressed. A selection of cannabis and non-cannabis appetizers were prepared by New Leaf Catering and served by their amazing staff. The comments were over the top on this one. Guests and vendors commented that this was the best event yet. As we head into fall, we are planning more of these Art/Jazz/420 events. If you are interested in being on the invite list, text me your email to 1-702-219-6777.


September 7 to September 13, 2017






uring the first half of the 20th century, phonographs became affordable for everyday folks and Pop music became, well, popular. From the Roaring ‘20s to the Eisenhower era, the most enduring songs came from the Great American Songbook. Written by the likes of Irving Berlin, Hoagy Carmichael, Cole Porter, George & Ira Gershwin, Jerome Kern, Harold Arlen, Richard Rodgers and Johnny Mercer, the songs were interpreted by Pop singers like Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole and Judy Garland. As Jazz vocalists like Ella Fitzgerald, Billie Holiday and Bobby Short also added their distinctive variations. These songs were so ubiquitous they became known as “standards.” Of course, all that changed with the advent of Rock N’ Roll. Bob Dylan, the Beatles and Joni Mitchell (along with Simon & Garfunkel, Carole King, Neil Diamond and myriad singersongwriters), redefined the paradigm. Suddenly, it wasn’t enough to interpret “Stardust” by Hoagy Carmichael, musicians were expected to create songs that mirrored their personal experiences, or cryptically alluded to current events and social change. It was liberating for both the singer and the listener, but there was still something to be said for witty, urbane lyrics like “I get no kick from champagne, mere alcohol doesn’t thrill me at all...some they may go for cocaine, I’m sure if I took even one sniff, it would bore me terrif-ically too, yet I get a kick out of you.” (Cole Porter wrote that in 1934.) Not to mention the sophisticated melodies and haunting refrains that remained indelible. By the late ‘60s the Beatles’ had evolved from the innocence of “I Wanna Hold Your hand” to the efficacy of “Why Don’t We Do It In The Road.” The sexual revolution was in full swing and there was no time for subtlety. But after a while, even Rockers began to miss the nuance and elegance of that bygone era. Released in 1970, Sentimental Journey marked the solo debut of Beatles drummer Ringo Starr. It was a record made up entirely of songs from Hoagy, Cole, Fats Waller and Johnny Mercer. Ringo’s best pal, eccentric singersongwriter Harry Nilsson followed suit. He even employed Frank Sinatra’s arranger, Gordon Jenkins for his 1973 standards album, A Little Touch Of Schmilsson In The Night. And on it went, sometimes the results were wonderful, like Willie Nelson’s 1978 collection Stardust, or Carly Simon’s 1981 album Torch. Linda Rondstadt recalibrated her whole style, morphing from Laurel Canyon

WESTFIELD MALL 72840 Hwy 111 #171 Palm Desert, CA 92260 760-341-2017


Hippie-songstress to Big Band Era chanteuse on a triptych of early ‘80s records arranged by another Sinatra stalwart, Nelson Riddle. Some musicians, like Joni Mitchell, Bette Midler, Tom Waits and Rickie Lee Jones had displayed an affinity for classic songs from the beginning of their careers, others saw it an opportunity to cash in. Linda Ronstadt’s success opened the floodgates, suddenly everyone jumped on the standards bandwagon. Natalie Cole resurrected a moribund Soul/Pop career by recording an album of her dad’s signature songs, (she even included an electronically enhanced duet with her long deceased father). Predictably it soared to the top of the charts and won numerous Grammy Awards. Rod Stewart took it six steps further by aurally raping the Great American Songbook over the course of six albums. Having exhausted His “Do Ya’ Think I’m Sexy” persona (um, no), he reinvented himself as a debonair crooner. The Greatest Generation seemed delighted that these erstwhile long-haired hippies were now eschewing lyrics like “spread your wings and let me come inside” and extolling “the way you look tonight.” He made millions. Any sentient adult weaned on Bobby Short, Blossom Dearie or June Christy was made nauseous by Rod-theMod’s callow appropriation of these songs. This lengthy diatribe (or cranky overture) acts as a preface as a way to introduce Diana Krall, someone who came by the Great American Songbook organically. She was born in Nanaimo, British Columbia in late 1964, (the height of Beatlemania), to Adella, a school teacher, and Jim, an accountant and Jazz enthusiast. She took up the piano at age four and was seduced by her father’s impressive record collection. (Apparently, he owned every Fats Waller album that was available and in print). By age 15 she was playing Jazz piano in a local restaurant. She received a scholarship to the prestigious Berklee College Of Music in Boston. When she finished her studies she moved to Los Angeles intent on a career in music. She was in L.A. for about three years before relocating to Toronto, by 1990, she moved to New York City. It was there in 1993 that she released her debut, Stepping Out on the tiny Justin Time label. Accompanied by up-and-comers John Clayton on acoustic Bass and John Hamilton on drums, she romped through a set of classics From Duke Ellington, Rodgers & Hart and Harold Arlen. She even managed to tuck in a composition of her own. The cognoscenti took notice of her distinctive piano style and seductive contralto vocals. By her second effort, 1994’s Only Trust Your Heart she had jumped to the GRP label and was being produced by Tommy LiPuma. The industry legend had worked with everyone From Miles Davis and Bill Evans to Barbra Streisand. Tommy, along with singer Rosemary Clooney and bassist Ray Brown, became trusted mentors. Then, her third album put her on the map. All For You: A Dedication To The Nat King Cole Trio arrived in 1996 on the Impulse! label (a Jazz imprint that began in the ‘50s). Rather than cover tried and true songs like “Unforgettable” and “Mona Lisa,” Diana dug deep into Nat’s oeuvre, resurrecting tracks like “Frim Fram Sauce” and “Gee Baby Ain’t I Good To You.” The album peaked at #3 on the Jazz charts and went Gold in America and Canada.

Her next two albums, Love Scenes in 1997 and When I Look Into Your Eyes in 1999 defied expectations. Love… hit #1 on the Billboard Jazz charts and was certified platinum. When... was the first Jazz record in 25 years to receive a Grammy nomination for Album Of The Year. Although she lost that category, she won Best Jazz vocal. As the 21st century dawned Diana’s sixth studio album arrived. The music was a mix of standards and Bossa Novas; it was met with critical and commercial success, as was her next effort, “Live In Paris.” On a personal level, 2002 brought heartache and joy. Diana’s mother passed away, following a valiant battle with multiple myeloma. Rosemary Clooney and Ray Brown also died that year. But she also met and fell in love with Elvis Costello. The British singer-songwriter, born Declan McManus, first made a name for himself as an “angry young man” during the Punk era. But the son of a Big Band vocalist, Elvis had successfully crisscrossed genres, recording albums of Country, Punk, Pop-Soul and Classical music. The pair were a perfect match, and married in late 2003 at Elton John’s English estate. Her next album, 2004’s The Girl In The Other Room, was almost a joint effort with Elvis. Taking a hard left turn, it featured songs the couple had co-written, as well as Diana’s interpretations of more contemporary songwriters like Mose Allison, Joni Mitchell, Tom Waits and Costello himself. Although purists would probably have preferred more standards, the album still went to #1. Two years later the couple collaborated on a more personal project, their twin sons, Dexter and Frank. In the intervening years, Diana has released an album about every three years. From This Moment On in 2006, then the Bossa Nova-heavy Quiet Nights arrived in 2009. T-Bone Burnett produced 2012’s Glad Rag Doll which focused on Jazz songs from the ‘20s and ‘30s, (favorites culled from her father’s record collection). She enlisted a fellow Canadian, David Foster to produce Wallflower in 2015. This time she covered Rock songs that she had grown up hearing on AM Pop radio. It was intriguing to hear Diana tackle well-known songs from Elton John, The Mamas and The Papas, Eagles and Crowded House. She also left her imprimatur on what can only be described as “guilty pleasure” songs from 10CC, Jim Croce and Gilbert O’Sullivan. Now she has returned with her 13th studio album, Turn Up The Quiet. Here, she reunites with Tommy LiPuma, for their seventh collaboration, they pared down the instrumentation to trio settings, mostly featuring vocals, guitar, bass and piano. The opening cut, “Like Someone In Love,” completely sets the tone. a classic Jimmy Van Huesen song ,it was originally a hit for Dinah Shore.

Walking bass lines and Diana’s dulcet vocals sketch out the melody for the first couple of verses. Soon sweet-soul guitar riffs connect with cascading piano notes, The playful tune acts as an amuse bouche for the rich aural banquet to come. Diana eschews the familiar (ne’ time worn), arrangements for three well-known tracks. “Isn’t It Romantic” from Rodgers & Hart is as slow as molasses. It opens with a gossamer guitar-vocals pas de deux that is slow and sultry; as the bass and piano kick in, along with brushed percussion, vibes and a string section, Diana’s subtle caress of the lyrics acts as an aphrodisiac. Cole Porter’s “Night And Day” is recast as a breezy Bossa Nova. Supple piano notes surround spacious strings as Diana insists that “This longing for you follows wherever I go, in the roarin’ traffic’s boom, in the silence of my lonely room/I think of you night and day.” “Sway” gets the biggest make-over. Originally written by Mexican composers Luis Demetrio and Pablo Beltran Luis,’ Norman Gimbel added lyrics in English and it was a huge hit for Dean Martin in the early ‘50s, (it has since been bastardized by everyone from Michael Buble’ to the Pussycat Dolls to Il Divo). Diana strips away the prosaic Rumba rhythms, opening with rustic acoustic guitar and upright bass. Her mien is subtle and seductive. The instrumental coda of creamy strings, feels equally inspired by Burt Bacharach and Barry White. Several tracks simply swing. “L-O-V-E” doesn’t stray from the paradigm set by Nat King Cole. A jaunty piano intro gives way to rumbling bass lines and a tick-tock rhythm. A frisky piano solo is willfully discordant, tempered by incandescent guitar chords. It’s the essence of finger-poppin’ cool. Both “I’m Confessin’ (That I Love You)” and “Blue Skies” take a page from the Gypsy Jazz popularized by Django Reinhardt and Stephane Grappelli. The former, first recorded by Fats Waller in 1929, features prickly guitar chords and sprightly piano shaded by swooping fiddle notes. The latter, an Irving Berlin chestnut, first introduced in 1926, is anchored by syncopated bass, plucked, bee-stung guitar and Diana’s incomparable piano; as the arrangement accelerates it shapeshifts from Gypsy Jazz to Western Swing. Finally, Irving Mills’ dreamy “Moonglow,” (indelibly linked to the William Holden film, “Picnic”), is simply sublime. From the bowed guitar prelude and soft-shoe rhythm to the sawing fiddle and labyrinthine piano runs. Diana’s hushed and intimate vocals add to the song’s romantic frisson. Other interesting tracks include the stripped down piano-bass-vocals workout of “No Moon At All.” Again Diana’s rollicking piano style takes center stage. Meanwhile, Johnny Mercer’s “Dream” is quiet and incandescent. The album closes with a jumped-up version of “I’ll See You In My Dreams,” that is once again a perspicacious blend of Gypsy Jazz and Western Swing. Sadly, Tommy LiPuma died right before the album’s release, Diana has dedicated it to him. Interpreting songs from the Great American Songbook isn’t a calculated career move for her, it’s a way of life. Turn Up The Quiet is an impossibly elegant record that truly swings.


September 7 to September 13, 2017




eing around Ben Jasper is a very Zenlike experience. The man epitomizes the soul of an artist – beauty is not a concept for him. Beauty just is and that is evident in his work. Ben received his degree from the University of Northern Iowa in 1961. He continued his studies, finding himself in Sweden and eventually Japan. He has lived abroad. He has been a teacher. But always Ben is an artist. On September 9, 2017, Ben Jasper will present a new series of work at my gallery, Colliding Worlds Fine Art Gallery. The exhibition features 17 paintings ranging in size from 6” x 6” to 27” x 27”. “That I can show a body of my paintings in one designated space is wonderful,” said Ben. “All of my work is garnered from ideas in places I have seen and see. I can’t say that I am inspired but I am moved to consider ways that I can transfer what I see to paint and canvas.” “My mind is a real thing and out of that reality new realities show themselves as a painting which is a definitive thing. What the viewer’s mind sees in any work may be something altogether different from my reality from which the painting sprang. In other words there is no need for the painting to be other than the thing it is. The painting needs no connection to the past as it has become a thing always in the present. The work stands for itself as an object of colors, tensions, shapes of confined relationships or whatever the viewer cares to provide. Any art work is always a game of participation and that is the defining reason for its existence.” Art is truly the language of participation. “My responsibility is to share my vision. In turn, that work needs to provoke a response that is solely that of the viewer. To provoke a response, a reaction, is what gives life to a painting.” In a world that loves labels, how does Ben see the title of each work in relation to that piece? “The title of each work does nothing more than imply a connection to the encounters I have had. Downtown LA, a Boulevard in Paris or a Canyon in Palm Springs tells you where I have been in some general way,” continues Ben. “If the title tells you everything I have seen then there is no participation by the viewer. At that point the painting has no purpose.”

For any artist it is the viewer that completes the piece. “I would like viewers to see my connection with the real world. I would hope they take away from the work a new understanding of the positive elements of their own lives. I would like those who see my paintings not to think of them as abstract but as an evolution of my encounters with the real world that l inhabit. Each painting is within itself a real thing. Each was grown from a real encounter. Each one can be seen as an interpretation of certain characteristics of what I have seen. In fact I can only paint what I see or have seen.” For Ben, art is that and more. “Art for me is a permanent manifestation of our being in a part of a complicated world. I am one person in a very long line of artists who have gone before me and have left the legacy for all of us.” For the next generations, the art we leave behind will help define our legacy. Ben’s contribution to that legacy? Beauty- beauty in its purest form! Ben Jasper’s exhibition opens September 9. The opening reception is 5 pm to 8 pm. The Gallery is located at 68-895 Perez Road, I-13, Cathedral City. For more information on Ben Jasper, visit For more info on Colliding Worlds Fine Art visit


September 7 to September 13, 2017





he majestic Labrador dogs are a strikingly beautiful pair as they make the rounds on their morning walk. There is a new spring in 11-year old Sandy’s step since 9-year-old Sally joined the family in July. Jeff Cosmos and Eric Jurado became concerned during the past year as Sandy began to slow down and showed signs of advancing age. Jeff diligently followed the website for “Labrador Rescuers of San Diego,” a private animal welfare organization where they adopted Sandy 6 years ago. Jeff recalls, “I am Facebook friends with this Lab Rescue group, and I kept seeing the beautiful face of a dog named Sally week after week. I realized no one was adopting her, and guessed it was because she was a senior dog. She was at a foster home in Chino, not too far from here, and we contacted them to arrange a visit. Our dog Sandy accompanied us on the trip, and it was a beautiful sight when she immediately bonded with Sally.” Eric was not initially convinced about taking on the responsibility of owning a second large dog. He recalls, “That all changed when we met Sally at her foster home. She happily wagged her tail. She won my heart when she approached me and

HANDSOME CRAIG This special 1-yr-old Tuxedo boy is full of love and affection. If you seek a loving lap cat who can still get into occasional mischief, Craig is your guy. He loves other felines. Rescued by Loving All Animals, contact or (760) 834-7000.

MEET BELLA DONNA Sweet and tiny at 7 lbs, Bella Donna was hit by a car and rescued by a Good Samaritan. Now healthy and happy, this 8-yr-old pup is ready to go home with you! Contact Loving All Animals at or (760) 834-7000.


greeted me with happy kisses.” It sealed the deal when they watched Sandy perk up and show joy in the company of another dog. The pair is now inseparable, and Sally’s companionship gives Sandy a spring in her step, a renewed interest in life, and she seems years younger. While it’s hard to tell these beautiful “sisters” apart, their personalities could not be more diverse. Sandy is quieter and calm. She was neglected in her previous home, and then attacked by another dog. A neighbor observed Sandy suffering from serious untreated injuries and reported her plight to the authorities. The Lab was confiscated and taken to the county shelter. Fortunately, she was selected by the Lab rescue group who financed a month’s veterinary treatment to heal her wounds. Sandy is still leery of other dogs until she gets to know them. Sally was relinquished by her family when they told the rescue their 21-year-old daughter was allergic to the dog. The family had Sally since she was a puppy. Lab Rescue discovered Sally had a tumor and took her to their vet for removal. How can someone give up a wonderful dog they’ve had for 9 years when pet allergies can be corrected? At least they did not take their 9-yr-old dog

to a public shelter where senior dogs have a slim chance of being adopted. Today, Sally happily greets humans and canines in her Palm Desert community. Jeff enthusiastically recommends adopting a senior dog, “If you don’t have the patience, the time, or a good size yard for a puppy, the first 3 years they can be a handful. Older dogs are perfect, and they are so grateful for their second chance home.” Senior dogs are almost always house trained and often know some basic obedience commands such as “sit,” “stay,”

“come,” and “down.” Eric adds, “These senior dogs bring us so much happiness. They make me smile every day. If you’re sick, they are right there to comfort you. I was recently ill, and both dogs seemed to know, and they laid down next to me and put their paws on me. Sandy puts her paw on me when it’s 4:00 pm dinner time. Sally dutifully follows Sandy throughout the house carrying one of her favorite stuffed toys.” Senior dogs teach us to appreciate life’s small joys, to live in the moment with love, and to forgive the past. Did you know there are hundreds of private specific breed rescue organizations throughout the United States? They specialize in socializing and finding homes for animals they rescue from public kill shelters and homes where they are abandoned or neglected. Save a life, and avoid spending thousands of dollars at a pet store or breeder for a dog. Locate them on www.petfinder. org or google the breed you seek followed by the words “Rescue Southern California”. You can locate Labrador Rescue of San Diego on their website and find wonderful dogs like Sandy and Sally.





ecently four generations of the Riozza clan made it out-of-Dodge to the cooler weather of San Diego. And as most foodies these days are wont to do, it always settles into a culinary vacation. We stayed around Carlsbad at first, visiting Pizza Port Brewery and of course enjoying—well, delicious pizza and beer, which I’d love to inform you readers about in a future column. When our thirst cravings pursued a vino adventure, in San Diego, I know of no better place than hanging out at the Marina Kitchen Restaurant, Lounge, Wine Cellar & Bar. I’m probably giving it a longer designated name, but it surely focuses on the venue and what it wonderfully has to offer. Last year we discovered The Mariott Marquis Hotel Resort at the San Diego Marina. The beautiful Marriott Marquis, with its existing two high-rise towers, had just completed a 100+ million dollar makeover on their resort property and in record time has become the favorite “urban oasis” in and around the San Diego downtown, marina and Seaport Village area. Check out the beautiful scene on their website at And within the resort walls we found the most impressive “wine lover’s destination” in South County. The Marina Kitchen has been ascertaining/asserting itself with an array of fun fine wine programs that include winemaker dinners, inter-active

wine events and tastings to enjoy both on the weekdays and weekends. Now before you start rolling your eyes and immediately dismissing the idea of venturing into a luxury hotel resort to simply get a nice glass or bottle of wine to enjoy with an assortment of eats, the true vino lover in you will wish to take pause. Many venues in San Diego have a great ocean and bay view, patio dining, stylish decor, great food, or, great wine—but few places have it all! Allow me to present to you, the Marina Kitchen. For the fifth year in a row, it is the recipient of the Award of Excellence in Wine Spectator’s highly coveted 2017 Restaurant Wine List Awards. . The Award of Excellence is given to restaurants with wine lists that offer a well-chosen selection of quality producers, as well as a thematic match to the dinner menu in both price and style. The Marina wine list represents over 500 different selections with emphasis in California, France, Italy, and Germany. I chatted with Head and Certified Sommelier Mike Pickering who oversees Marina Kitchen’s exciting and engaging beverage program, which also includes managing a large team of sommeliers at both the Kitchen and the entire Marquis Resort as well. “Sure—we’re all very proud to continue to receive the Award. It really speaks of the commitment we all have to developing, executing, and constantly improving our wine program”

September 7 to September 13, 2017

Mike continues, “Hey! I’m a Lifer—I love to go out to eat. I’m enjoying the position of a lifetime. I get to share my passion for both food and wine; I truly enjoy my time with Executive Chef Aron Schwartz working on and creating dishes that best pair with our continuing selections of wine available. The modern comfort theme of Marina Kitchen, exhibits a menu that focuses on fresh, sustainable and local ingredients. We’re always working with the resident fishmongers, butchers and produce providers. “Even with the Marriott’s up-scale ambiance, we run a really casual and relaxed lounge and bar. Our “Wine Cellar” room is beautifully designed and is quite a showcase for our varied wine selections from all over the world. Our staffs are true wine lovers and enjoy the opportunity to share tastes with locals, visitors, and groups all around. “One thing wine guests and visitors enjoy is a personal touch. Mike assured me that he and his beverage team are especially attuned to the needs of their guests and encourage our them to cozy down with us; be it a nice glass of wine or a ‘verticaltasting’ of premium world class wine.”

Marina Kitchen’s famed “Uncorked” wine hangout series, taps winemakers from around the country to meet industry professionals, guests, visitors, and travelers in a casual, intimate setting. Upcoming Uncorked Events held from 6pm to 8pm, include Kaitlyn Hite from Foxen Winery in Santa Maria Valley on September 19th; Mark Vlossak from St. Innocent in Willamette Valley on October 28th; and, Andrew & Adam Mariani from Scribe Winery in Sonoma Valley, on November 18th. The Marina Kitchen Wine program includes events and tastings that include: a Tasting Bar Session (inside and outside of the Wine Cellar); other fun activities such as “Flights & Bites”, “Wine Wednesdays”, Guest Winemaker Dinners, Wines of the Month, and “Wines on Tap”—a new take on Barrel Sampling; and, Premium Wine Flight Tastings—where one can enjoy a glass of world class wine, such as from a $600 bottle of famed Burgundy and Bordeaux; For instance, how often have you desired to taste and consider some of the historically famous world class wines out there but have never had the opportunity? With the “Premium Wine Flight Tastings”, mentioned above, we wine enthusiasts have the delight to try a top French, Californian, or Italian wine without having to spend a week’s pay! There’s just too much wine fun here! As I’ve stated before, there is no time like the present to get out and enjoy a winethemed destination. Whether it’s a once in a lifetime experience or something to look forward to periodically—treat yourself! And whether your stay is long or short, or, even if you’re just passing through the area, do yourself a favor and quaff a glass or two and simply enjoy the view. Cheers! For the latest details on Marina Kitchen, visit Marina Kitchen’s Facebook page at or call 619-234-1500. Marriott Marquis San Diego Marina 333 West Harbor Drive, San Diego, California 92101 USA.


September 7 to September 13, 2017


29 PALMS INN; 29 Palms; 760-367-3505 Bobby Furgo & Co 6pm ACE HOTEL; PS; 760-325-9900 Discoteca w/ DJ Victor Rodriguez 9pm AJ’S ON THE GREEN; C.C.; 760-202-1111 Jazz Trio w/ Francesca Amari, Bill Marx and Doug MacDonald 7pm AZUL; PS; 760-325-5533 Piano Bar 6pm BART LOUNGE; C.C.; 760-799-8800 CJ Sanchez, Cameron Royce & The Lizards, Soulsex, A. Lara and Pathos 9pm BLUEMBER; RM; 760-862-4581 John Stanley King 6-10pm CASTELLI’S; PD; 760-773-3365 Patrick Tuzzolino 5:30pm DHS SPA LOUNGE; DHS; 760-329-6787 Karaoke w/ DJ Scott 9pm FISHERMAN’S GROTTO; PD; 760-7766533 Barry Baughn and Bob Gross 6:30pm GADI’S RESTAURANT AND BAR; YV; 760365-6633 Open Mic Night 7pm THE HOOD; PD; 760-636-5220 Red’s Rockstar Karaoke 9pm HOODOO COCKTAIL GARDEN @ THE HYATT; PS; 760-322-9000 Chris Lomeli 7pm HUNTER’S; PS; 760-323-0700 Open Mic 9pm JOSHUA TREE SALOON; JT; 760-3662250 Punk Rock Night 9pm KOKOPELLI’S; YV; 760-228-2589 St. James Summer Jams and Showcase 7:30pm LAS CASUELAS TERRAZA; PS; 760-3252794 Hot Rox LIT@FANTASY SPRINGS; IND; 760345-2450 Country Night w/ Hollywood Hillbillies 8pm THE LOUNGE, AGUA CALIENTE; RM; 888-999-1995 Quinto Menguante 8-1am MELVYN’S RESTAURANT & LOUNGE; PS; 760-325-2323 Ron Greenip 8pm NEIL’S LOUNGE; IND; 760-347-1522 Karaoke 8pm THE NEST; PD; 760-346-2314 Kevin Henry 6-8pm Tim Burleson 8pm PALM CANYON ROADHOUSE; PS; 760327-4080 Moonchild 9pm PAPPY & HARRIET’S; PT; 760-365-5956 Ivory Deville 8pm PLAN B LIVE ENTERTAINMENT AND COCKTAILS; TP; 760-343-2115 Upper Class Poverty, The After Lashes and Sunday Funeral 8pm RED BARN; PD; 760-346-0191 DJ Worden 9pm SAMMY G’s; PS; 760-320-8041 Evaro Brothers 8pm SHANGHAI RED’S @ THE FISHERMAN’S MARKET; PS; 760-322-9293 The Smooth Brothers 7pm SULLIVAN’S STEAKHOUSE; PD; 760-3413560 Dude Jones 6pm TACK ROOM TAVERN; IND; 760-347-9985 T-Bone Karaoke 8pm THREE SIXTY NORTH; PS; 760-327-1773 Wayne Boyer 6:30pm WANG’S; PS; 760-325-9264 Derek Jordan Gregg 6pm THE WINE EMPORIUM; LQ; 760-5655512 DJ SafeT 7pm WOODY’S BURGER; PS; 760-230-0188 Elaine Woodard 6:30pm ZELDA’S; PS; 760-325-2375 DJ 8pm



29 PALMS INN; 29 Palms; 760-367-3505 TBA 6:30pm ACE HOTEL; PS; 760-325-9900 The Full House Band w/ Nena Anderson 8pm AGAVE LOUNGE@THE HYATT REGENCY; IW; 760-674-4080 Art of Sax 8pm AJ’S ON THE GREEN; C.C.; 760-202-1111 The Gilmore & Bryan Show 6:30pm AZUL; PS; 760-325-5533 Friday Night Sour Hour w/ Pink Lemonade Drag Show 9pm BART LOUNGE; C.C.; 760-799-8800 Live Music and DJs 9pm BIG ROCK PUB; IND; 706-200-8988 Flashback Boyz 8:30pm BISTRO 60 @TRILOGY; LQ; 760-501-0620 TBA 6pm THE BLOCK; C.C.; 760-832-7767 Karaoke 9pm BLUE BAR, SPOTLIGHT 29; INDIO; 760775-5566 DJ Double A 8pm BLUEMBER; RM; 760-862-4581 The Stanley Butler Trio 6-10pm CASCADE LOUNGE, SPA RESORT CASINO; PS; 888-999-1995 DJ Michael Wright 9-1am CASTELLI’S; PD; 760-773-3365 Patrick Tuzzolino 5:30pm ELECTRIC SPORTS LOUNGE; YV; 760228-1199 DJ Ceddy Cedd 9pm EL MEXICALI CAFÉ 2; IND; 760-342-2333 Cesar Daniel Lopez on the harp 6-9pm FISHERMAN’S GROTTO; PD; 760-7766533 Gina Carey 6pm THE GRILL ON MAIN; LQ; 760-777-7773 The Myx 8:30pm THE HARD ROCK HOTEL PS; PS; 760325-9676 Esjay Jones Presents: Acoustic Sessions w/ The Sol Suns and Right On Right On 8pm THE HOOD; PD; 760-636-5220 A Very Britchy Bday w/ 5th Town, Black Water Gospel, Throw the Goat and Death in Pretty Wrapping 8pm HOODOO COCKTAIL GARDEN @ THE HYATT; PS; 760-322-9000 Bill Ramirez 6:30pm HUNTER’S; PS; 760-323-0700 Live VJ 9pm INDIAN WELLS RESORT HOTEL; IW; 760345-6466 Bob Allen 6pm JOSHUA TREE SALOON; JT; 760-3662250 Dana Larson 7pm KOKOPELLI’S; YV; 760-228-2589 Karaoke 8pm LA QUINTA BREWERY;PD; 760-200-2597 TBA 7pm

LAS CASUELAS TERRAZA; PS; 760-3252794 Palm Springs Sound Company in the afternoon, Hot Rox in the night LIT@FANTASY SPRINGS; IND; 760-3452450 Champagne Band 9pm THE LOUNGE; AGUA CALIENTE; RM; 888999-1995 DJ Jerry 9pm MELVYN’S RESTAURANT & LOUNGE; PS; 760-325-2323 Ron Greenip 8pm MOXIE; PS; 760-318-9900 TBA 5-8pm NEIL’S LOUNGE; IND; 760-347-1522 Karaoke 8-1:15am THE NEST; PD; 760-346-2314 Kevin Henry 6-8pm Tim Burleson 8pm PALM CANYON ROADHOUSE; PS; 760327-4080 Moonchild 9pm PALM DESERT COUNTRY CLUB; PD; 760345-0222 TBA 6:30pm PAPPY & HARRIET’S; PT; 760-365-5956 Trevor McSpadden 8pm PEABODY’S CAFÉ; PS; 760-322-1877 Karaoke 7:30pm PLAN B LIVE ENTERTAINMENT AND COCKTAILS; TP; 760-343-2115 Red’s Rockstar Karaoke 9pm RED BARN; PD; 760-346-0191 Rock-AHolics 9pm RIVIERA; PS; 760-327-8311 Michael Keeth 7:30pm SAMMY G’s; PS; 760-320-8041 Evaro Brothers 8pm SHANGHAI RED’S @ THE FISHERMAN’S MARKET; PS; 760-322-9293 Barry Baughn Blues 8-11pm SHANGHAI RED’S @ THE FISHERMAN’S MARKET; LQ; 760-777-1601 The Carmens 8-11pm SHELLY’S LOUNGE@TORTOISE ROCK CASINO; 29 Palms; Rojer Arnold & Bobby Furgo 9pm SMOKIN’ BURGERS; PS; 760-883-5999 Ron James 6pm SOLANO’S BISTRO; LQ; 760-771-6655 Michael Madden 6-9pm SOUL OF MEXICO; IND; 760-200-8787 Latin Rock 10pm SULLIVAN’S STEAKHOUSE; PD; 760-3413560 Demetrious and Co. 6pm TACK ROOM TAVERN; IND; 760-347-9985 TBA 9pm THREE SIXTY NORTH; PS; 760-327-1773 Pat Rizzo & Dennis Michaels 6:30pm TRILUSSA ITALIAN RISTORANTE; PS; 760-328-2300 Julius & Sylvia Music Duo 6-10pm VENUS DE FIDO; PD; 760-834-7070 Michael D’Angelo 6-9pm, Carl Davis Dance Lesson 7pm

WANG’S IN THE DESERT; PS; 760-3259264 Karaoke 8:30pm WILLIE BOYS; MV; 760-932-4300 Lisa & The Gents 8pm THE WINE EMPORIUM; LQ; 760-5655512 Rob Martinez and Todd Ashley ft. Lisa LaFaro Weselis 6:30-10pm WOODY’S BURGER; PS; 760-230-0188 Rose Mallett 6:30pm ZELDA’S; PS; 760-325-2375 DJ 9pm

THE HOOD; PD; 760-636-5220 Feast of Fuzz w/ Dali’s Llama, Nebula Drag, A’rk and Sleazy Cortez 9pm HOODOO COCKTAIL GARDEN @ THE HYATT; PS; 760-322-9000 Bill Ramirez 6:30pm HUNTER’S; PS; 760-323-0700 Live VJ 9pm INDIAN WELLS RESORT HOTEL; IW; 760345-6466 Bob Allen 6pm JOSHUA TREE SALOON; JT; 760-3662250 TBA 9pm KOKOPELLI’S; YV; 760-228-2589 Karaoke 7pm LAS CASUELAS TERRAZA; PS; 760-32529 PALMS INN; 29 Palms; 760-367-3505 2794 Palm Springs Sound Company,in the Bev & Bill 6:30pm afternoon,Hot Rox,in the night ACE HOTEL; PS; 760-325-9900 Dublab LIT@FANTASY SPRINGS; IND; 760-345Presents: Dayclubbing w/ Leech 11am AGAVE LOUNGE@THE HYATT REGENCY; 2450 Champagne Band 9pm THE LOUNGE, AGUA CALIENTE; RM; IW; 760-674-4080 Art of Sax 8pm AJ’S ON THE GREEN; C.C.; 760-202-1111 888-999-1995 Radio Rave 9pm MELVYN’S RESTAURANT & LOUNGE; PS; Cabaret on the Green Open Mic 7:30pm 760-325-2323 Ron Greenip 8pm AZUL; PS; 760-325-5533 Denise Carter NEIL’S LOUNGE; IND; 760-347-1522 7:30pm Karaoke 8-1:15am BART LOUNGE; C.C.; 760-799-8800 Buck THE NEST; PD; 760-346-2314 Kevin Henry Fifty Presents: Stevie Crooks, Slay Squad, J Rebel, Pollen, DJ Cozy Queso and DJ Point 6-8pm Tim Burleson 8pm 9pm PALM CANYON ROADHOUSE; PS; 760BEATNIK LOUNGE; JT; TBA 9pm 327-4080 30 Miles Out 9pm BIG ROCK PUB; IND; 706-200-8988 Living PALM DESERT COUNTRY CLUB; PD; 760Cover 8:30pm 345-0222 TBA 6:30pm BLUE BAR; SPOTLIGHT 29; IND; 760-775- PAPPY & HARRIET’S; PT; 760-365-5956 5566 DJ 9pm Shadow Mountain Band 5pm, The Reeves BLUEMBER; RM; 760-862-4581 Gina Carey Brothers 8pm 6-10pm PEABODY’S CAFÉ; PS; 760-322-1877 Karaoke 7:30pm CASCADE LOUNGE, SPA RESORT CASINO; PS; 888-999-1995 DJ Michael PLAN B LIVE ENTERTAINMENT AND Wright 9-1am COCKTAILS; TP; 760-343-2115 Red’s Rockstar Karaoke 9pm CASTELLI’S; PD; 760-773-3365 Patrick Tuzzolino 5:30pm RED BARN; PD; 760-346-0191 The Deep Ones 9pm CHILL BAR; PS; 760-327-1079 TBA 9pm RIVIERA; PS; 760-327-8311 TBA 7-10pm DHS SPA LOUNGE; DHS; 760-329-6787 Karaoke w/ DJ Scott 9pm ROCKYARD@FANTASY SPRINGS; IND; Anthem Road and Escape (Journey Tribute) ELECTRIC SPORTS LOUNGE; YV; 7607:30pm 228-1199 DJ Ceddy Cedd 9pm EL MEXICALI CAFÉ 2; IND; 760-342-2333 SAMMY G’s; PS; 760-320-8041 Evaro Brothers 8pm Cesar Daniel Lopez on the harp 6-9pm SHANGHAI RED’S @ THE FISHERMAN’S FISHERMAN’S GROTTO; PD; 760-7766533 Live Music 6pm MARKET; PS; 760-322-9293 Barry Baughn GADI’S RESTAURANT AND BAR; YV; 760- Blues 8-11pm 365-6633 Dana Larson 5-8pm SHANGHAI RED’S @ THE FISHERMAN’S MARKET; LQ; 760-777-1601 The Carmens THE GRILL ON MAIN; LQ; 760-777-7773 8-11pm TBA 8:30pm SHELLY’S LOUNGE@TORTOISE ROCK THE GROOVE LOUNGE; SPOTLIGHT 29; CASINO; 29 Palms; Rojer Arnold & Bobby INDIO; 760-775-5566 DJ 8pm THE HARD ROCK HOTEL PS; PS; 760-325- Furgo 9pm SIDEWINDER GRILL; DHS; 760-329-7929 9676 Esjay Jones Presents: Global Sessions Karaoke w/ Milly G 6pm w/ David Macias, Darlene & Jasmine 8pm


September 7 to September 13, 2017

SMOKIN’ BURGERS; PS; 760-883-5999 Ron James 6pm SOUL OF MEXICO; IND; 760-200-8787 Latin Music 10pm SULLIVAN’S STEAKHOUSE; PD; 760-3413560 TBA 6pm TACK ROOM TAVERN; IND; 760-347-9985 TBA 9pm THREE SIXTY NORTH; PS; 760-327-1773 Dennis Michael 6:30pm TRILUSSA ITALIAN RISTORANTE; PS; 760-328-2300 Julius & Sylvia Music Duo 6-10pm VIBE, MORONGO CASINO; CAB; 951755-5391 DJ 10pm WILLIE BOYS; MV; 760-932-4300 Lisa & The Gents 8pm THE WINE EMPORIUM; LQ; 760-5655512 Chris Lomeli 7pm WESTIN MISSION HILLS; RM; 760-3285955 Michael Keeth noon-4pm poolside, 7-11pm Fireside Lounge WOODY’S BURGER; PS; 760-230-0188 The Stanley Butler Band 6:30pm ZELDA’S; PS; 760-325-2375 DJs 9pm


29 PALMS INN; 29 Palms; 760-367-3505 Bob Garcia 6pm ACE HOTEL; PS; 760-325-9900 Young Einstein DJ Set 11am, Andrew Victor 7pm AZUL; PS; 760-325-5533 The Judy Show 7:30pm BART LOUNGE; C.C.; 760-799-8800 Bartland w/ DJ LF and Friends 7pm

continue to page 20


September 7 to September 13, 2017


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September 7 to September 13, 2017


September 7 to September 13, 2017



No. 281



one are the summer’s blockbuster tent-pole, popcorn movies. Fall is the traditional time for the release of the more overtly artistic, thoughtful and serious film fare. Now that we’re back from vacation or returned to school and with a new year looming ahead of us, perhaps we are more receptive to cinema that explores facets of the human condition with insight and rare artistry. Consider then these two very different up-coming fall titles that have already garnered eager anticipation. LOVING VINCENT

For some months, clips from this eyepopping film have circulated widely on the

internet. Literally an “art film” -- but on oh so many levels -- this fabulous piece of animation is made up of 65,000 frames of images made from oil paintings on canvas! Read that again. This first fully-painted animated film is a haunting exploration of artist Vincent Van Gogh’s mysterious life and death in 1890. The film is scheduled to open September 22. Request this movie at your favorite local theater. BLADE RUNNER 2049 (Wide release October 6.) In real time we have almost reached the fictional time of Ridley Scott’s 1982 noir sci-

fi masterpiece adapted from Philip K. Dick’s 1968 novel, so it’s only fitting, and perhaps than a bit bit unsettling that the sequel is set about 30 years in the future, both ours and the film’s. In the original, hard-boiled LA cop Rick Deckerd hunts down rogue androids while possibly considering much larger, even moral and philosophical issues, like: What does it mean to be human? Director Denis Villeneuve imbues the sequel with the spirit of Scott’s classic. This time around, a young LAPD blade runner (Ryan Gosling) stumbles across a secret that puts him on a quest to find Deckerd (Harrison Ford reprising his iconic role).

You will believe the immersive and cautionary future on display here actually evolved from Scott’s astonishingly detailed visuals, thanks to the incredible production design of Dennis Glassner, Syd Mead’s concept art and Roger Deakins’ extraordinary cinematography.


NEW BLU FOR THE HOME THEATER: THE LOST WORLD (1925) For decades, “The Lost World” could be seen only in choppy, truncated versions about an hour in length. This new edition, completed last year, combines portions of eleven film elements. Now you can enjoy Arthur Conan Doyle’s “stupendous story of adventure

and romance” in the most complete reconstruction (110 minutes) believed possible! Wallace Beery is a perfect Professor Challenger hunting dinosaurs in forgotten South American worlds that may harbor primeval creatures. Clearly, Challenger’s intrepid explorer character was inspired by the real British archaeologist/explorer Percy Fawcett who generated huge publicity when he disappeared in the Amazon during thee the time this film was in production. David Grann’s best-seller “The Lost City of Z” and hit movie made from it recounts Fawcett’s amazing life. No question the biggest draw for audiences on its initial released was Willis O’Brien’s groundbreaking stop-motion animation skills that brought to life Doyle’s vivid animation and provocative themes. Flicker Alley’ Blu-ray edition is one for any cinema buff’s video library. Cool extras include a fascinating commentary by film historian Nicolas Ciccone, deleted scenes and three short films directed by Willis O’Brien. Had it not been for “The Lost World,” there’d be no “King Kong” or “Jurassic Park.” Comments?





----------------------------------------------------tudies have shown that those who read literature are more empathetic than those who don’t. I suppose this is true because literary narratives provide insight, awareness and perspective into people and places we would otherwise never have known and experienced. Alexandra Fuller’s debut novel Quiet Until the Thaw (Penguin, 228 pages) tells a poetic story about the challenges of Native American life. The generational tale takes place on the Lakota Oglala Sioux Reservation in South Dakota. The locals refer to it as Prisoner of War Camp #334, Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, and Oglala Lakota Native American Reserve. During a terribly hard winter in 1944, two boys are born on the rez. Rick Overlooking Horse who is a hundred percent Native American, and his cousin, You Choose Watson, born to an Indian girl and white man. Both boys were brought into the world by their grandmother Mina Overlooking Horse who raises the children. Rick was quiet from birth, so they checked to make sure his tongue was not frozen. The


September 7 to September 13, 2017

BY HEIDI SIMMONS other child was loud, and when Mina asked his father what the baby’s name was he said, “You choose.” The two boys grew up in the same lean-to, with the same poverty and disadvantages. Off the rez, the outside world was changing. There were riots and a Native American revolution. But it did not change the difficult life on the reservation. There was no work, no money and no food. There was only violence, drugs, loss of their Native culture and tribal infighting. When the boys were drafted by the United States government to fight in Vietnam, You Choose ate eight pounds of sugar and failed his medical exam. Rick, with no way out, served overseas and was disfigured in combat. You Choose tried the outside world and ended up in prison. The cousins eventually come back to their home on the reservation where You Choose turned to politics. Rick become a medicine man. When orphaned twin Indian boys are born on the rez, Rick takes them in. He teaches the children the ways of their ancestors and instills in them the beauty of their philosophy and culture. Quiet Until the Thaw is a poetic and thoughtful narrative. Author Fuller drops the reader into the heart of the reservation in the midst of its struggles and changing lifestyle. The story is not only about peace, violence and injustice, but the strength, endurance and significance of Native American people and

their culture. Using an omniscient voice, Fuller writes from the perspective of one living inside the teepee, on the reservation and immersed in the lifestyle of poverty, government repression and dominance. Her story is an honest, touching, sometimes humorous vision of daily life with Mina and her grandsons and finally the twins. The language her characters use is as organic as the Wahupta “herb” that Rick Overlooking Horse grows to use as currency. When a young Indian girl describes the eight men she has “been with,” it reveals the dangers, the chaos, the loss of innocence, and the hardship of having a rewarding and safe life

on the reservation. Never using the word rape, the Indian girl simply states that she did not choose the first five men—an uncle, a drunk, etc. This is just how life on the rez unfolds. The reservation’s nurse who delivered the twins has become jaded and knows that inevitably the drug-addicted newborn children are doomed along with their Indian mother. Yet, she does not hesitate to go outside the “law” to protect the children from the white world and to preserve their Native American inheritance. This juxtaposition is the friction that makes Quiet Until the Thaw such a compelling and beautifully told story of Native American life. There are no casinos, but there is a wealth of wisdom and dignity that comes from being connected to the earth and your ancestors from which we can learn. The chapters are short yet poignant. I am in awe of Fuller’s ability to conjure a rich indigenous life and its spiritual beliefs. She does not judge, stereotype, color-coat or politicize. She just allows the people, time and place to fully exist on the page.





uring a brush fire, it’s imperative that firefighters make quick but wellthought-out decisions that reflect life safety issues for both responders and citizens first, followed by property conservation. Structure Triage is ‘generally’ when fire personnel prepare and set up and defend homes prior to an advancing fire-front approaches. We strategically direct resources (fire engines) at the structures they are assigned to protect. Hopefully by demonstrating how we determine the safest way to protect your property as first responders, you’ll learn how to help us – help you! Just like when we triage multiple patients during accidents, we do the same with structures. Green category: These properties could be likened to the “walking wounded.” The homeowners have put effort into mitigating the hazards of these structures, so they will more than likely survive the event without extensive firefighting efforts or intervention. These homes have a good amount of survivable space around them and feature good ingress and egress routes. With these types of homes, we can focus our efforts on simply stopping the fire from encroaching on the property, if needed. These types of properties can also act as possible safety areas for our folks if crews need to pull back and wait for the fire to pass. Yellow category: These homes may need some attention from an engine company that includes moving flammable lawn furniture away from the property or removing a wood pile from near the structure. Access may be a little more limited. As with the green category, these types

of properties won’t have many issues, so they may also be considered for use as a safety zone, as firefighters may be able to ride out a fire-front without too much trouble. Red category: These are the immediate patients that will require some fast, effective work on our part in a short period of time. This may entail physically removing fire hazards from around the property. Crews will need to be able to go back as soon as possible to clean up around these structures, as more than likely there will be some lingering issues either from collateral fires or embers lodged in vents or decks. Black category: Unfortunately, these are the dead and the dying in the triage system. These structures simply cannot be saved. The homeowner has not done anything to mitigate hazards which makes it impossible for us to save. There is no safety zone or any way for firefighters to retreat quickly if needed. Simply put, these homes will require too much time, effort, resources and risk to affect any positive outcome. We simply cannot risk harm to our firefighters if the homeowners haven’t taken responsibility for their home’s safety and survivability. Which patient does your property categorize in? It might be a good time for that “checkup” from your local fire department and keep you and your property safe and healthy! We maintain situational awareness at all times and think decisively—remember that possessions are important, but they’re not worth yours or a firefighter’s life. Fire Chief Sam DiGiovanna


September 7 to September 13, 2017

CLUB CRAWLER NIGHTLIFE continued from page 15 BIG ROCK PUB; IND; 706-200-8988 SULLIVAN’S STEAKHOUSE; PD; 760341-3560 The Myx 6pm Sunday Brunch w/ Michael Keeth 10-2pm, Labor Day Dance Party w/ DJ Dubb and THREE SIXTY NORTH; PS; 760-327Chad Romero 8:30pm 1773 Darci Daniels and Reggie Vision 7pm BLUEMBER; RM; 760-862-4581 TBA 6-10pm WILLIE BOYS; MV; 760-932-4300 TBA 8pm CASCADE LOUNGE, SPA RESORT; PS; 888-999-1995 Nash with Quinto THE WINE EMPORIUM; LQ; 760-565Menguante 9pm 5512 Rob Martinez and Scott Carter 6:30pm CASTELLI’S; PD; 760-773-3365 Patrick Tuzzolino 5:30pm WOODY’S BURGER; PS; 760-230-0188 John Carey & Friends 6pm DHS SPA LOUNGE; DHS; 760-329-6787 Radio 60 3-6pm EL MEXICALI CAFÉ 2; IND; 760-342-2333 Cesar Daniel Lopez on the harp 6-9pm GADI’S RESTAURANT AND BAR; YV; 760- 29 PALMS INN; 29 Palms; 760-367-3505 365-6633 Dana Larson 6-9pm The Luminators 6pm JOSHUA TREE SALOON; JT; 760-366-2250 AJ’S ON THE GREEN; C.C.; 760-202Open Jam 6pm 1111 Bill Marx 6:30pm BART LOUNGE; C.C.; 760-799-8800 TBA LAS CASUELAS TERRAZA; PS; 760-3259pm 2794 Palm Springs Sound Company, in the afternoon, Hot Rox, in the night BIG ROCK PUB; IND; 706-200-8988 MELVYN’S RESTAURANT & LOUNGE; PS; Karaoke w/ T-Bone 8pm 760-325-2323 Sunday Jam 4-8pm LAS CASUELAS TERRAZA; PS; 760-3252794 Hot Rox NEIL’S LOUNGE; IND; 760-347-1522 Golden Era Karaoke 4-7pm, Red’s Rockstar NEIL’S LOUNGE; IND; 760-347-1522 Karaoke 8pm-1:15am Karaoke 8pm-1:15am THE NEST; PD; 760-346-2314 Kevin Henry THE NEST; PD; 760-346-2314 Kevin 7:30pm Henry 7pm PALM CANYON ROADHOUSE; PS; 760PAPPY & HARRIET’S; PT; 760-365-5956 327-4080 Sunday Night Jam Session w/ Jos Open Mic 7pm Burrell 7pm PLAN B LIVE ENTERTAINMENT AND PAPPY & HARRIET’S; PT; 760-365-5956 COCKTAILS; TP; 760-343-2115 Industry The Sunday Band 7:30pm Night w/ DJ Tone 2pm-close SAMMY G’s; PS; 760-320-8041 Eddie Gee SULLIVAN’S STEAKHOUSE; PD; 7607pm 341-3560 T.B.A. 6pm




ummer came early this year to the Coachella Valley and it looks like it plans to stay late! I for one am anxiously looking forward to Fall and some cooler temperatures here in the Desert. Despite the heat, our summertime sales have been steady which I’ll cover in the sales data below. For this week’s article I thought I would share a little history about shopping for homes for sale or rent in the “bad old days” before the internet and modern real estate search engines were developed and then I’ll suggest a few tips on how to take advantage of the new technologies to help buyers and tenants in their search for a home. When I began selling real estate back in 1982 buyers had very limited access to information regarding homes for sale or rent. Typically buyers either read real estate ads in the newspaper or drove around neighborhoods looking for “for sale or rent” signs and then had to call the listing agent for more information about the house. Eventually a buyer would pick a real estate agent to work with and then relied on their agent to do all of the searching. You see, there were no computers or internet in those days. Once a month (with bi-weekly updates) the local Board or Realtors or Multiple Listing Service (MLS) would publish a book about 2-3 inches thick with all of the listings in the Valley. Only licensed Real Estate agents who were members of this service could obtain these books of listings filled with “proprietary information” which could then selectively be shared with their clients. As agents we had to be diligent in our search and communicate regularly with our clients since they were dependent upon us to find the right home for them. By the mid 1990’s that all changed when the first MLS began publishing their agent’s listings on the internet and real estate search engines (like Realtor.


THE WINE EMPORIUM; LQ; 760-5655512 Dude Jones 6:30-9:30pm WOODY’S BURGER; PS; 760-230-0188 Motown Mondays 6pm


29 PALMS INN; 29 Palms; 760-367-3505 Bill and Bob Duo 6pm ACE HOTEL; PS; 760-325-9900 Ace Karaoke with Kiesha 9pm AZUL; PS; 760-325-5533 Bella da Ball Dinner Revue w/ guest performers 7:30pm BART LOUNGE; C.C.; 760-799-8800 Pleyhouse w/ Alf Alpha 9pm THE BLOCK; C.C.; 760-832-7767 Karaoke en Espanol 9pm BLUEMBER; RM; 760-862-4581 Stanley Butler Trio 6-10pm FIRESIDE LOUNGE; PS; 760-327-1700 Red’s Rockstar Karaoke 9pm FISHERMAN’S GROTTO; PD; 760-7766533 Chuck Alvarez 6:30pm THE HOOD; PD; 760-636-5220 Drag Queen Bingo 9pm HUNTER’S; PS; 760-323-0700 Karaoke hosted by Phillip Moore 9pm JOSHUA TREE SALOON; JT; 760-3662250 Ted Quinn’s Open Mic Reality Show Jam 8pm KOKOPELLI’S; YV; 760-228-2589 Karaoke 7pm LAS CASUELAS TERRAZA; PS; 760-3252794 Palm Springs Sound Company NEIL’S LOUNGE; IND; 760-347-1522 Karaoke 8pm-1:15am


com, Zillow, Trulia, Redfin, etc.) gave buyers and renters the ability to search homes on their computer independent of their real estate agents. Before I offer up a few tips on how Buyers and Renters can take advantage of the internet and new technologies in searching for a home, let’s take a look at the sales data for homes in the Coachella Valley for the month of August. According to the Desert Area MLS as of 9/1/17 there were 799 pending transactions of residential properties here in the Coachella Valley in the month of August. That’s down from the 860 pendings in the previous month (July) but up again when compared to the same time last year when we had only 779 pending sales. In July there were 789 solds and we were back up a bit in August with 811 solds. This slight increase in sold properties is not normal for this time of year and a sign that demand continues to increase here in the desert as buyers are willing to brave the extreme heat in order to find a home. This is another increase over last year when we sold only 727 homes in August 2016. Our year to date sales total for 2017 stands at 7,316 homes compared to the same time period last year when we had sold only 6,443 homes. Statistically we ended our first eight months in 2017 exceeding last year’s sales by over 13%. We are continuing this trend for our third straight year starting off with higher volume of both pendings and solds. According to the Desert Area MLS “Statistics” the average home sale price and median home sale price for ALL HOMES in the Coachella Valley are up about 8% this year when compared to the same time period for last year. This is an excellent trend for our valley and even though I estimate that the majority of the homes here in the Coachella Valley are still about 15% below the high market values that we experienced

THE NEST; PD; 760-346-2314 Tim Burleson 7:45pm PALM CANYON ROADHOUSE; PS; 760327-4080 Acoustic Open Mic 7pm PLAN B LIVE ENTERTAINMENT AND COCKTAILS; TP; 760-343-2115 Ladies Night w/ Rock-A-Holics 7pm SULLIVAN’S STEAKHOUSE; PD; 760341-3560 Demetrious and Co. THE WINE EMPORIUM; LQ; 760-5655512 Acoustic Sessions w/ Lance & David 7pm WOODY’S BURGER; PS; 760-230-0188 Yve Evans and John Bolivar 6pm

WED SEPTEMBER 13 29 PALMS INN; 29 Palms; 760-367-3505 Daniel Horn 6pm ACE HOTEL; PS; 760-325-9900 Brian Whelan 7pm AJ’S ON THE GREEN; C.C.; 760-2021111 Jazz Jam w/ Doug MacDonald & Friends 7pm AZUL; PS; 760-325-5533 Piano Bar 6pm BART LOUNGE; C.C.; 760-799-8800 Totally Radical 90’s w/ DJ Richie Rich 9pm BIG ROCK PUB; IND; 706-200-8988 The Smooth Brothers 7pm BLUEMBER; RM; 760-862-4581 TBA 6-10pm CASTELLI’S; PD; 760-773-3365 Patrick Tuzzolino 5:30pm CORKTREE; PD; 760-779-0123 TBA 6pm ELECTRIC SPORTS LOUNGE; YV; 760228-1199 Karaoke 7:30pm

FISHERMAN’S GROTTO; PD; 760-7766533 TBA 6pm THE HOOD; PD; 760-636-5220 Open Mic Nite hosted by Josh Heinz 8pm HUNTER’S; PS; 760-323-0700 Live VJ 9pm JOSHUA TREE SALOON; JT; 760-3662250 Live Music KOKOPELLI’S; YV; 760-228-2589 Open Mic hosted by Amy Angel 6:30pm LAS CASUELAS TERRAZA; PS; 760-3252794 Hot Rox MELVYN’S RESTAURANT & LOUNGE; PS; 760-325-2323 “Sing Jam” w/ Mikael Healey 8pm NEIL’S LOUNGE; IND; 760-347-1522 Golden Era Karaoke 4-7pm, Karaoke 8pm-1:15am THE NEST; PD; 760-346-2314 Kevin Henry 6-8pm Tim Burleson 8pm PALM CANYON ROADHOUSE; PS; 760327-4080 Roger & Friends 7pm PJ’S SPORTS LOUNGE; YV; 760-2881199 Karaoke w/ KJ Ginger 8pm PLAN B LIVE ENTERTAINMENT AND COCKTAILS; TP; 760-343-2115 Red’s Rockstar Karaoke 9pm SULLIVAN’S STEAKHOUSE; PD; 760341-3560 The Myx 6:30pm THREE SIXTY NORTH; PS; 760-3271773 Katheryn White 6:30pm TJ’S; PD; 760-345-6744 Derek Jordan Gregg 9pm THE WINE EMPORIUM; LQ; 760-5655512 80’s DJ Night 6:30pm WOODY’S BURGER; PS; 760-230-0188 Valerie Geason 6:30pm


in 2006-7, this positive data indicates that the Coachella Valley real estate market and home values here continue to improve. Our inventory of homes for sale was down slightly this month with only 3,172 homes available on September 1, 2017 compared to 3,292 homes available on August 1, 2017. While we usually experience a “seasonal” drop in inventory this time of year as many sellers take their properties off the market for the summer months, this is the sixth such drop in as many months in the total number of homes for sale in the Coachella Valley. With home sales staying strong this year through August I now believe that there is a shortage of homes for sale in our market place, especially in the lower more affordable priced homes. As this trend continues, and if the interest rates remain low, we should see prices continue to move higher into the fall. Today’s buyers have a veritable overload of information and tools on the internet to assist them in their home search. Tip #1 is when a buyer (or tenant) first starts shopping for a home is to have fun! Simply Google “Homes for sale (or rent) in [the city of your choice]”. All the major search engines and some Realtor websites will pop up. Click, pick, browse and “window” shop. Tip #2 is when you start to get a little serious select a trusted real estate agent to work WITH. Your agent will help guide you through the search process and help you to understand the information that you are seeing online. Your agent will show you different properties and help you to refine your search for both what you are looking for and where you want to find it. Perhaps most importantly your agent will be able to enter your search parameters into the local MLS which will automatically send you an email alert and property details of homes matching your desires within minutes of them coming on the market.

Other search engines have the ability to do this, but they rely on the MLS data being streamed to them which can oftentimes be inaccurate or outdated… so why not go directly to the source? Tip #3 is to continue having fun while working WITH your agent to find the perfect home. If you choose to go “old school” and still drive around neighborhoods looking for signs, I suggest you download on your mobile phone one of the many apps currently available that gives you all of the information on every home listed for sale or rent in the MLS by simply touching the onscreen image of the home as you drive by it! When you find something you like text your agent and set up a showing. The best part about working with a trusted real estate agent is that their services to a Buyer (or tenant) are free! So take advantage of their services. I am sure the will have many additional tips to help you in searching for a home. Join me each month this year as we keep a close eye on our Coachella Valley real estate market. If you have a real estate question or concerns please email me at the address below. Bruce Cathcart is the Broker/Co-Owner of La Quinta Palms Realty, “Your Friendly Professionals” and can be reached by email at bycathcart@ or visit his website at

HADDON LIBBY A Parallel in History: Prohibition


ust last week, Wells Fargo announced that the fraudulent checking account ‘problem’ that came to light last year affected 3.5 million accounts, not just the 2.1 million accounts disclosed last year. This means that nearly 2% of all accounts at Wells Fargo were opened fraudulently. While 5,300 employees lost their jobs over this, what would happen to you if you opened a bank account in the name of someone else without their approval? How come no one at Wells Fargo has faced a similar fate? Wells Fargo likes to represent itself as “America’s Community Bank” despite being the third largest bank in the nation. Their claim becomes even more outrageous when you realize that they flunked their Community Lending Exam. Federal banking regulators severely downgraded the bank due to “discriminatory and illegal” lending practices of an “egregious nature” where Wells Fargo directed Hispanic and AfricanAmerican clients toward more expensive loans. This downgrade means that many cities, counties and states may not be able to work with Wells Fargo until this rating improves. Tim Sloan, Wells Fargo’s CEO was “disappointed” with the rating downgrade as he thinks that they have done great work. Sloan might have to rethink who should be disappointed as the bank was fined for discriminatory practices against pregnant women. From 2010 until the end of last year, Wells Fargo discriminated against nearly 200 women who were either pregnant, on maturity leave or who had recently given

September 7 to September 13, 2017


birth. Wells Fargo would require that these woman return to work early as a condition to a loan closing. Wells Fargo also treated our brave servicemen badly too. The bank paid a fine for illegally repossessing 413 cars from servicemen in combat zones over the last seven years. In one case, they sold the car of a serviceman in Afghanistan and then went after his family for the balance owed. The law protects veterans from property repossessions while in combat. Not only did Wells Fargo repossess on these cars illegally but they charged usury interest rates as well. As this article isn’t long enough to cite all recent Wells Fargo transgressions, here are a few more of their most noteworthy:

Charged 570,000 people for car insurance that they did not request or need causing many borrowers to go delinquent and 20,000 to have their cars foreclosed upon. Paid a $1.2 billion for re-papering loan files so that the bank could sell bad loans to the Federal Housing Administration. Changed loan terms on people in bankruptcy without the approval of the courts in an effort to get a better settlement in bankruptcy than other creditors. Charged student loan borrowers unnecessary fees. The payment processing area would often sit on a checks for a day or two in order to cause and charge late payment fees. To make matters worse, the bank then provide inaccurate information to the credit bureaus.

Rearranged the order of checks being processed so that the largest check had to be paid first (or bounce) causing greater NSF charges. A judge has ordered the bank to return $230 million to clients for this behavior. On investment accounts, they allowed investment advisors to change values on consolidating reports in more than 5 million instances meaning that those reports could have had false or misleading information. Fined $5.4 million for firing an employee who tried to disclose illegal account opening practices to management. For as bad as this list of transgressions is, the list could be much worse if Wells Fargo did not require most customer disputes to go to arbitration causing these cases to be private. It is time that you and I stand up to the Wells Fargos of the world take our business elsewhere. There are countless honest and ethical banks, lenders and investment firms out there who want your business. Do your part and frequent the good people and not those who behave as though fines and penalties are simply a cost of business. Haddon Libby is an Investment Advisor, Fiduciary and Managing Partner of Winslow Drake Investment Management. You can reach him at or 760.449.6349.




hen there is an accident with a DUI, the DA often takes months to investigate the case BEFORE filing the DUI charge. The DA does not always send a notice to the driver when the case is eventually filed. Thus many drivers incorrectly assume there was no filing and that they have a current VALID LICENSE. Many drivers go to court on the appearance date noted on their citation and when there is no filing they think they are clear. The California Supreme Court has ruled in essence, that people are not stupid and should know when their license is VALID. If you get cited/arrested for a DUI your license is taken from you and a pink piece of paper is given to you explaining your license is valid for 30 days and then suspended for 4-5 months. You can of course contact DMV and request a DMV hearing within 10 days and request a STAY...which freezes the suspension. However without the STAY, if you drive after the 30 day period you are driving on a suspended license. For this you could be sentenced to 10 days or more in jail for a 14601 VC......driving on a suspended. Thus California does not have to give

a Notice of the Suspension of your CDL. Every state is different relative to the notice requirement. In many states they do NOT have to notify the driver that their license is suspended. After a DMV FINDING from a First time DUI Hearing or after a 1st time Court Conviction, the Sacramento DMV suspends your CDL for 4-5 months. After the 30 day suspension you can get a restricted license to drive to and from work and classes. However the driver must first show proof of enrollment in the 1st offenses DUI’s classes, file an SR 22 and pay a reissuance fee to DMV. After a DUI license suspension of an out of state license, only the driver can request a Termination of Action from DMV to request a SET ASIDE. It is not automatic and the lawyer can no longer request it. DMV believes if they send the paperwork to the Driver’s out of state address the driver will get the mail in another state and not at their local lawyer’s office. The basis for requesting this Termination of Action is that the driver lives in another state and can’t take the DUI classes in California. With respect to notification,

neither the California court nor DMV will contact the out of state DMV. Instead the CA DMV (but not the courts) will enter the CA DUI conviction/finding into the NCIC system/California Driver’s records and it is up to the other state to look it up and PULL IT off the record. This is where it sometimes falls through the cracks. The CA DMV PULLS info on a regular basis but some states do not, though legally

they are supposed to do so. That is how they get their tax dollars. DALE GRIBOW “TOP LAWYER” - Palm Springs Life(DUI)-2011-17 “TOP LAWYER”- Inland Empire Magazine Nov. ‘16 PERFECT 10.0 AVVO Peer Rating


September 7 to September 13, 2017





he Commissioner of the NFL has utilized a power afforded to him by the league’s collective bargaining agreement to save himself from the headaches that have already begun. Roger Goodell has stayed out of the public eye on the matter of Ezekiel Elliott throughout the investigation and suspension process. Now that an appeal is set and the fireworks between the NFLPA and the league’s owners have begun, he is distancing himself from the soap opera even further. The NFL announced that Elliott’s appeal hearing would be held on Aug. 29 and that Harold Henderson would oversee the proceedings. Not Roger Goodell, you know, that guy making $48 Million a year to handle issues like this for the NFL. For the owners, this is the next best thing to Goodell presiding over the appeal hearing himself. Henderson has been hired by the NFL to preside over similar matters on several occasions, including the Adrian Peterson suspension. For Goodell, it allows him to navigate away from the situation,

which has already gotten tumultuous. Darin Gantt of NBC Sports reported this past week that NFL executive vice president of communications Joe Lockhart released a statement that accused the NFLPA of spreading misinformation to weaken the NFL’s case to uphold Elliott’s six-game suspension. Over the past few days we’ve received multiple reports of the NFLPA spreading derogatory information to the media about the victim in Ezekiel Elliott discipline case. It’s a common tactic to attempt to prove the innocence of the accused by discrediting the victim — in this case Ms. Thompson — when coming forward to report such abuse. Common or not, these tactics are shameful. Efforts to shame and blame victims are often what prevent people from coming forward to report violence and/or seek help in the first place. The NFLPA fired back at the league shortly after Lockhart made the statement, denying the claims and accusing the NFL of being the party guilty of spreading misinformation.


Via Twitter the NFLPA Fired back; “The public statement issued on behalf of every NFL owner is a lie. The NFLPA categorically denies the accusations made in this statement” As the appeal hearing decision gets closer, it’s likely that the union and the league will continue to use the media to jab at each other like a couple who is fighting talking to each other like everyone else does a child or pet out of spite. This is the drama that Goodell chose to avoid when he recused himself.




ear Jenny, I have been dating the same guy for the past two almost three weeks. I thought that our relationship was pretty solid and he was looking for a commitment from me. I have not stated that I was looking for a commitment, but it was pretty obvious that I was. It was also pretty obvious that we both adored each other. I honestly did not think anything had to be said. Then a pretty girl moved into the neighborhood. Her and Jax hit it off immediately. I could not believe what I was hearing when he told me they were going out, even though he would not call it a date, he said he was just taking her around to show her the area. Then he said he was only telling me about it because he wanted to make sure that I was not upset. He even asked me if I was bothered. Of course, I told him that I was not. Sure, he was going to go out with her, but come back to me. Unfortunately, it did not happen that way. He went out with her and apparently the two of them had a wonderful time, there was even some romance! I am extremely irritated by the situation, very jealous and feeling quite insecure. I do not know what my next step should be, should I break up with him altogether? Please give me some advice. - Sophia --------------------------------------------------Hello Sophia, If I understand this correctly your


answer is pretty obvious. You were happily dating someone, however, there was no talk of any commitment. When he had the opportunity to date another girl, he asked you if you cared, and you actually told him that you did not. So he went out with her on a date, a date that was pretty fabulous, even a little bit of romance was involved! You are now wondering if you should just break up with him completely. Oh Sophia, isn’t the answer so obvious? Isn’t it staring you in the face? Have you ever heard of the terrible things that can happen when one festers things inside of them? He asked you point-blank if you cared, and you responded, untruthfully, “no.” So he had every right to go out with the other girl. You even stated that you had never spoken about commitment, could you tell me why? You said that it was pretty obvious you two adored each other and you were very happy, but was that ever spoken about either? When things are not spoken about, that is when assumptions, confusion and hurt feelings occur. And the only time they are not spoken about is when someone is afraid of the answer. It is so much easier to call the relationship what you think it is, without taking the other person into consideration. But isn’t it better to have a relationship with two people involved versus just one? Isn’t it better to know the other person’s feelings and no longer wonder? Honesty is a very important quality and necessity in any relationship.

Festering thoughts and emotions is also a great way to ruin a relationship. But funny enough, the two go hand and hand. When you are ready to have a real relationship, you will stop harboring your true feelings, no matter what the other person’s feelings might be. When you break it down Sophia, it is all about you. And if you believe your feelings are worthy enough. I have a hint to tell you; they are worthy, you are worthy and you are enough! - ♥Nameste Jenny Don’t forget to follow Jenny on Contact her at (760) 505-0952

For Goodell, there was no real upside to presiding over the hearing. He would have been held responsible for the result, and no matter what that is, some party is likely to be incensed. If Goodell had overturned the suspension completely, public reaction would have destroyed him as two-faced on matters such as domestic violence. If he had reduced the suspension, he might have been seen as knowingly putting the league in position to be the target of litigation by his employers, the league’s owners. If he upheld it, he risked infuriating Jerry Jones, one of the most powerful owners in the NFL. Goodell’s job security depends not only on keeping his bosses happy but on managing the league’s interests in society. As the face of the league, any criticisms of Goodell malign the NFL as well. That’s why it was the prudent thing for Goodell to distance himself as much as possible from the drama that has just started to unfold.


Week of September 7

ARIES (March 21-April 19): You’re half-intoxicated by your puzzling adventures -- and half-bewildered, as well. Sometimes you’re spinning out fancy moves, sweet tricks, and surprising gambits. On other occasions you’re stumbling and bumbling and mumbling. Are you really going to keep up this rhythm? I hope so, because your persistence in navigating through the challenging fun could generate big rewards. Like what, for example? Like the redemptive transformation of a mess into an asset. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): “Free your mind and your ass will follow,” sings funk pioneer George Clinton in his song “Good Thoughts, Bad Thoughts.” And what’s the best way to free your mind? Clinton advises you to “Be careful of the thought-seeds you plant in the garden of your mind.” That’s because the ideas you obsess on will eventually grow into the experiences you attract into your life. “Good thoughts bring forth good fruit,” he croons, while “Bullshit thoughts rot your meat.” Any questions, Taurus? According to my astrological analysis, this is the best possible counsel for you to receive right now. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): James Loewen wrote a book called Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong. He said, for instance, that during the Europeans’ invasion and conquest of the continent, it wasn’t true that Native Americans scalped white settlers. In fact, it was mostly the other way around: whites scalped Indians. Here’s another example: The famous blind and deaf person, Helen Keller, was not a sentimental spokesperson for sweetness and light, but rather a radical feminist and socialist who advocated revolution. I invite you to apply Loewen’s investigative approach to your personal past, Gemini. The coming weeks will be an excellent time to uncover hidden, incomplete, and distorted versions of your history, and correct them. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Roger Hodge writes books now, but when he worked for Harper’s magazine, he had an unusual specialty. He gathered heaps of quirky facts, and assembled several at a time into long sentences that had a nutty poetic grace. Here’s an example: “British cattle have regional accents, elephants mourn their dead, nicotine sobers drunk rats, scientists have concluded that teenagers are physically incapable of being considerate, and clinical trials of an ‘orgasmatron’ are underway in North Carolina.” I’m offering Hodge as a worthy role model for you in the coming weeks, Cancerian. Be curious, miscellaneous, and free-flowing. Let your mind wander luxuriantly as you make unexpected connections. Capitalize on the potential blessings that appear through zesty twists and tangy turns. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): In Japan you can buy a brand of candy that’s called The Great Buddha’s Nose Snot. Each piece consists of a rice puff that resembles the Buddha’s nose filled with bits of brown sugar that symbolize the snot. The candymaking company assures customers that eating this treat brings them good luck. I invite you to be equally earthy and irreverent about your own spiritual values in the coming days. You’re in prime position to humanize your relationship with divine influences . . . to develop a more visceral passion for your holiest ideals . . . to translate your noblest aspirations into practical, enjoyable actions. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Will a routine trip to carry out an errand take you on a detour to the suburbs of the promised land? Will you worry you’re turning into a monster, only to find the freakishness is just a phase that you had to pass through on your way to unveiling some of your dormant beauty? Will a provocative figure from the past lead you on a productive wild-goose chase into the future? These are some of the possible storylines I’ll be monitoring as I follow your progress in the coming weeks. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Let’s meet in the woods after midnight and tell each other stories about our origins, revealing the secrets we almost forgot we had. Let’s sing the songs that electrified our

© Copyright 2017 Rob Brezsny

emotions all those years ago when we first fell in love with our lives. Starlight will glow on our ancient faces. The fragrance of loam will seep into our voices like rainwater feeding the trees’ roots. We’ll feel the earth turning on its axis, and sense the rumble of future memories coming to greet us. We’ll join hands, gaze into the dreams in each other’s eyes, and dive as deep as we need to go to find hidden treasures. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): I don’t usually recommend giving gifts with strings attached. On the contrary, I advise you to offer your blessings without having any expectations at all. Generosity often works best when the recipients are free to use it any way they see fit. In the coming weeks, however, I’m making an exception to my rule. According to my reading of the omens, now is a time to be specific and forceful about the way you’d like your gifts to be used. As an example of how not to proceed, consider the venture capitalist who donated $25,000 to the University of Colorado. All he got in return was a rest room in a campus building named after him. If you give away $25,000, Scorpio, make sure you at least get a whole building named after you. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Now that you’re getting a taste of what life would be like if you ruled the world, I’ll recommend a manual. It’s called How To Start Your Own Country, by Erwin Strauss. (Get a free peek here: You could study it for tips on how to obtain national sovereignty, how to recruit new citizens, and how to avoid paying taxes to yourself. (P.S.: You can make dramatic strides toward being the boss of yourself and your destiny even without forming your own nation.) CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): There was a time when not even the most ambitious explorers climbed mountains. In the western world, the first time it happened was in 1492, when a Frenchman named Antoine de Ville ascended to the top of Mont Aiguille, using ladders, ropes, and other props. I see you as having a kinship with de Ville in the coming weeks, Capricorn. I’d love to see you embark on a big adventure that would involve you trying on the role of a pioneer. This feat wouldn’t necessarily require strenuous training and physical courage. It might be more about daring creativity and moral courage. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Science fiction proposes that there are alternate worlds alongside the visible one -- hidden, yes, but perhaps accessible with the right knowledge or luck. In recent years, maverick physicists have given the idea more credibility, theorizing that parallel universes exist right next to ours. Even if these hypothetical places aren’t literally real, they serve as an excellent metaphor. Most of us are so thoroughly embedded in our own chosen niche that we are oblivious to the realities that other people inhabit. I bring these thoughts to your attention, Aquarius, because it’s a favorable time to tap into those alternate, parallel, secret, unknown, or unofficial realms. Wake up to the rich sources that have been so close to you, but so far away. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): I’m always in favor of you cultivating a robust relationship with your primal longings. But I’ll be rooting extra hard for you to do that during the next eleven months. I hope you will dig deep to identify your primal longings, and I hope you will revere them as the wellspring of your life energy, and I hope you will figure out all the tricks and strategies you will need to fulfill them. Here’s a hint about how to achieve the best results as you do this noble work: Define your primal longings with as much precision as you can, so that you will never pursue passing fancies that bear just a superficial resemblance to the real things. Homework: Why is this a perfect moment? To hear my reasons why, tune in to my podcast: PerfectionNow. ---------------------------------------Rob Brezsny Free Will Astrology

September 7 to September 13, 2017





ithout a question what we ingest makes a profound difference in how we feel physically and mentally. We’ve all experienced the lethargic and grumpy feeling after eating something really… l’ll just say it… crappy for you. You may experience bloating, laziness, mood swings, and cravings for more junk. However, when you maintain a healthy diet, chances are you feel quite different. You may experience a surge in energy, a more confident and calmer you, and a feeling of personal pride for taking care of your temple. Food should be enjoyed and not abused. Educating yourself on what foods to consume will improve your overall well-being. There are several different food and drink choices of which will help elevate your mood. When it comes to getting a good nights rest you may consider the following; Legumes (especially lentils) more of a comfort food. Mushrooms will aid to better sleep. You may want to add them to your lentils. Try root vegetables. Some are high in Vitamin C and promote weight loss. Then call it a night with some Chamomile or Passionflower tea. Looking to relax? Surprisingly enough you can enjoy a nibble of dark chocolate with a nice glass of wine (in moderation). Or, you may enjoy a cup of Lavender tea and a few berries as your night cap. Need to energize? Old faithful coffee and

green tea will supercharge you. Nuts and seeds are a perfect energizing snack. Any kind of greens will give you a boost. Fish, seafood and grass-fed meats will provide energizing animal protein. Plus, starchy but colorful veggies are fabulous for your energy too. Need to focus? Start your day with warm lemon water, a hint of honey and dash of cinnamon. Olives and olive oil along with some leafy greens may improve your memory. Nuts and seeds do the job as well. If you like liver… it’s said to help your memory and allow you to focus better. Are you a bit moody? Feeling anxious or depressed doesn’t feel great and can make others uncomfortable to be around you. Try enjoying dark chocolate with a friend. Steam some spinach, sprinkle olive oil and add a handful of cooked mushrooms for a delectable side dish to any healthy dinner you are preparing. These are a few helpful hints to get you going and to uplift your mood… anytime of the day! Eating is a part of life. When we eat well, we feel great. Why would you choose otherwise? It’s simple to look and feel great if you educate and make the effort. Happy eating and enjoy! Bronwyn Ison is the owner of Evolve Yoga. and www.bronwynison. com (Online yoga, wellness & balanced living)


September 7 to September 13, 2017



Dr. Peter M. Kadile is Board Certified in Family Medicine. He has an integrative, osteopathic medical practice and is also known as the local, house call doctor; Desert House Call Physician. He is on staff at Eisenhower Medical Center and medical director for Serenity Hospice. His office is located in beautiful Old Town La Quinta, 78-100 Main Street, Suite 207, La Quinta, CA 92253. (760) 777-7439.


Dr. Peter, what is the difference between sea salt and regular table salt? Ervin, Cathedral City Ervin, sea salt is produced from the ocean and table salt is mined from underground salt deposits. Sea salt crystals tend to be larger and have more unique flavors compared to table salt. A common misconception is that sea salt is healthier than regular table salt, but they actually contain the same amount of sodium. Don’t use more sea salt in your food because you think it is better than table salt. You should always try and minimize adding extra salt to your food. Your body needs sodium to perform a lot of vital functions, but too much sodium can contribute to high blood pressure. The RDA (recommended daily allowance) for sodium is 2,300mg a day. If you are above the age of fifty or have medical conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes or kidney disease, sodium intake should be 1,500mg/day. -------------------------------------------------Dr. Peter, I have been trying to lose weight since the new year. I’ve started exercising, changed my diet and even switched my soda intake to diet soda. My friend told me diet soda is bad, so then what can I drink? - Joseph, Coachella Joseph, a big myth is that diet soda is good for you and will help you lose weight. Diet soda will actually CAUSE weight gain. A study at Purdue University found that rats that were fed yogurt artificially sweetened gained more weight compared to rats that were fed yogurt sweetened with sugar. Another study from the University of Texas, found that there was a 41% higher risk for obesity for each can of diet soda consumed each day. There are numerous other studies that confirm the health risks associated with diet soda intake. There is increased risk for diabetes type 2 and even osteoporosis. Now just because diet soda is bad for

you, doesn’t mean you should go back to regular soft drinks. A typical 20oz soda can contain as much as 15-18 teaspoons of sugar in it. Imagine relaxing and watching a sporting event and just spooning sugar into your mouth 15-18 times! Bottom line, soft drinks offer no nutritional value and can actually cause harm with regular intake. I recommend don’t drink this liquid candy. Drink water. ------------------------------------------------Doctor, I am trying to avoid sugar in my diet. Can I substitute with artificial sweeteners? - Krystal, Thousand Palms Krystal, artificial sweeteners such as stevia, aspartame and sucralose may be linked to increased obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. A recent study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal showed that artificial sweeteners did not consistently cause weight loss. There was a connection between artificial sweeteners and high risk for weight gain, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity and other health issues. Beware of artificial sweeteners.




elieve it or not, I still use email. Okay, I realize that’s not cool according to hot-shot techies like Justin Rosenstein, founder of Asana, a work software startup in Silicon Valley. If it’s all the same to you, Mr. Rosenstein, I’m keeping email. Judging from the number of messages in my inbox, others agree. It’s interesting to know you’ve developed a superhot work chat tool, but many of us will still pay homage to this 40 year old digital communication mode. I use email for both business and pleasure. Rosenstein might find this odd, but I don’t find writing in complete sentences and multiple paragraphs the least bit counter-productive. Email as a mode of communication is not only relevant, but civilized. We can express ideas, emote and spread goodwill when we are not shortcutting thoughts and using made-up words. My friend Nancy is one of the kindest people I know. She believes that benevolence and thoughtfulness expressed in emails makes the world a little brighter and I support that notion. Recently I received this message from Nancy “I just want to thank you for role-modeling a kinder form of correspondence. While working for the government for many years my emails were always to the point with no superfluous wording. Sunny, you always take the time to

thank people and to show kindness. I know that in the government the extra wording would not have been appreciated. Now that I am a civilian I use words that make life more pleasant. You taught me that kindness in business is as important as efficiency and facts.” Last week I learned an acceptable way to improve my emails from my friend Kippy, an online business manager. She recommends coupling emojis with the written word. In a blog posting, Kippy advised “emojis compensate for the lack of body language in our digital communications.” Although Kippy doesn’t condone overstuffing messages with those cute little funny faces, she believes that used correctly, emojis “go a long way to ensure our readers interpret our meaning in the tone we intended.” Don’t misunderstand, I am devoted to email but I’m also multi-channeled. Of course I text and utilize social media. Depending on my message, I select the most appropriate form of communication. But, my bottom line is, Rosenstein and company can continue developing the 21st century’s digital answer to Pitman shorthand, but just don’t expect me to delete my email account anytime soon. Sunny Simon is the owner of Raise the Bar High Life and Career Coaching and the author of the blog

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September 7 to September 13, 2017


September 7 to September 13, 2017



September 7 to September 13, 2017




n this article, I will explain the dangers of cannabis that we so often overlook. Cannabis used medically is like any other drug. There are side effects and drug interactions that must be respected and reported to an experienced practitioner. Recreational cannabis (RC) use is NOT the same as medical use and still is considered dangerous. Users who combine cannabis with alcohol, heroin, meth, high dose opiates like fentanyl, or any other street drug can bring lethal consequences. The lack of standardized regulations for testing products is one of the most dangerous risk for adolescents and adults using any form of cannabis. Cannabis ingested by anyone under the age of 21 is dangerous due to its effects on growing brain cells. Studies have shown teens who started using RC are at high risk for developing schizophrenia in midlife. Just like you would not tell children or teenagers to ingest digoxin, oxycodone, dexamethasone, or any cold medications unless under the care of a medical doctor, the same is true of RC or MC. So, the question is can children use MC? Yes, they can unequivocally. There are very beneficial uses for children who have seizures, cancer and other debilitating diseases. But they must be under the care of a medical physician who has experience with MC. Mara Gordon MD with Aunt Zelda’s is one resource (www. I cannot repeat this enough, RC is NOT MC. Cannabis can interact with some medications. Examples are: seizure medications, anticoagulant medications, medications that enhance serotonin uptake, and cancers or diseases that are known to affect CYZ450 enzymes. At sufficient dosages, CBD will temporarily deactivate cytochrome P450 enzymes, thereby altering how we metabolize a wide range of compounds. (www.projectcbd. org/science/cannabis-pharmacology/cbd-druginteractions-role-cytochrome-p450) MC is a self-regulated medication. It is a paradigm shift for both patient and physician. Any cannabis you buy in a dispensary does not have an exact dose, it is not reliable. When you buy a digoxin tablet from a pharmacy you know you are getting the same dose in every tablet every time from any pharmacy. This is not true for cannabis. We are a long way from exact

dosing. Each plant needs to be lab tested, each extracted oil needs to be lab tested. Just being in different light can change the composition of a growing plant leaf. Smoking cannabis, Dr. Donald Tashkin a pulmonologist states, carries an increased risk of opportunistic infections but not an increased risk of emphysema. Cannabis has 50% more tar than cigarettes. The THC dose absorbed systemically in a joint is 25%-28% of the total available THC in the joint. Do you know the content of the THC in your joint? Testing positive for marijuana does not mean one is under the influence of a drug at the time of the accident. In Colorado marijuanarelated traffic deaths increased by 154 percent between 2006 and 2014; Colorado emergency room hospital visits that were “likely related” to marijuana increased by 77 percent from 2011 to 2014; and drug-related suspensions/ expulsions increased 40 percent from school years 2008/2009 to 2013/2014, according to a September 2015 report by the Rocky Mountain High Intensity Drug Traffic Area, a collaboration of federal, state and local drug enforcement agencies.( unpacking-pots-impact-in-colorado) I cannot emphasize enough that Medical Cannabis/Marijuana is NOT the same as Recreational Cannabis/Marijuana. MC is a tested product that gives a micro dose of one or more molecules of the cannabis plant. More often only a 1mg dose is needed in many cases for results. All medical cannabis products should have on the label exactly what is in the product and in what ratio and in what quantity. While cannabis is a self-prescribed medication it can replace many current pharmaceuticals. Reducing prescribed medications should be in consultation with the prescribing physician to avoid withdrawal. Many drugs can produce a rebound effect if suddenly stopped i.e. steroids, antipsychotics, even antihistamines can in some cases cause a rebound effect. A rebound effect is when a drug is stopped suddenly the body rebounds and needs much more of the drug than previously prescribed. In conclusion RC dangerous, MC safe when use appropriately. Follow these informative websites for free info: & Contact with questions.


September 7 to September 13, 2017


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