Coachella Valley Weekly - September 24 to September 30, 2015 Vol. 4 No. 27

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Community Events • September 24 to September 30, 2015 Vol. 4 No. 27

The Adobe Collective

pg 5

Dead Man’s Cell Phone

pg 6

Smooth Jazzfest

pg 7

A Psychopath’s Memoirs

pg 9

September 24 to September 30, 2015

Time to “FLY” with LORIALLA Coachella Valley Weekly


Publisher & Editor Tracy Dietlin Art Director Robert Chance Sales Team Deborah Evans Classified Manager & Nightlife Editor Phil Lacombe Features Writer Lisa Morgan, Judith Salkin, Denise Ortuno Neil, Heidi Simmons, Kira Golden, Rich Henrich Writers/Contributors: Robin Simmons, Rick Riozza, Craig Michaels, Bronwyn Ison, Haddon Libby, Rachel Montoya, Angela Janus, Janet McAfee, Dale Gribow, Raymond Bill, Jack St. Clair, Rob Brezny, Eleni P. Austin, Noe Gutierrez, Sunny Simon, Karen Creasy, Richard Weiss, Dr. Peter Kadile, Dr. Maria Lombardo, Bruce Cathcart, Julie Buehler, Flint Wheeler, Laura Hunt Little, Rebecca Pikus, Monica Morones, Lola Rossi, Dee Jae Cox, Patte Purcell, Esther Sanchez, Janet Newcomb, Angela Valente Romeo, Alex Updike Photographers Laura Hunt Little, Scott Pam, Lani Garfield, Chris Miller, La Maniaca, Esther Sanchez Distribution Phil Lacombe, William Westley

Contents Lorialla “FLY” Music Video Launch.... 3 The Adobe Collective.......................... 5 Breaking the 4th Wall.......................... 6 Open Mic Competition....................... 6 Backstage Jazz - Smooth Jazzfest..... 7 Consider This - Marshall Crenshaw... 8 Art - A Psychopath’s Memoirs............ 9 Pet Place............................................10 The Vino Voice ..................................11 Club Crawler Nightlife......................12 Book Review......................................15 Screeners ..........................................16


mazing things can happen when people work as a team. Huge success can come when a community works together. And when the team and community have a strong leader the sky is the limit. And sometimes you can even make things “FLY”. On Friday, October 2nd from 7:30pm-9:00pm, the band LORIALLA will have a launch party for their new video “FLY”. The event is being held at and hosted by Tesla Motors at 68080 Perez Rd. in Cathedral City and sponsored by CV Weekly. It is an all ages, free event, where people can eat, drink, watch the video, meet local UFC and MMA hero Cub Swanson, test drive a new Tesla, and even help local charity, Christopher’s Clubhouse. This event has been put together by LORIALLA’s fearless leader Esjay Jones. The story begins when South African born, award-winning music producer and songwriter, Esjay Jones met Paul Cotterell and Tom Collins (formerly of the band Pictures From Eden) at an Open Mic at the Riviera in Palm Springs over two years ago. The trio struck up a musical partnership and Esjay began to develop and nurture the project, now known as LORIALLA. Jones broke onto the music scene with her South African based pop rock group Stealing Love Jones. After two full length studio albums, one special edition album, and seven #1 singles, Esjay made her move to Los Angeles, joining with Primary Wave Talent Management and Beluga Heights. Esjay works in the capacity as a songwriter and producer with artists such as Krewella, Alien Ant Farm, Rihanna, Nile Rodgers and Escape The Fate (just to name a few) and started her production room 2 years ago here in Palm Springs to get away from LA.

September 24 to September 30, 2015

LORIALLA is a 2-piece indie rock band from Coachella Valley, who under the development of Jones currently have 8 songs that she has produced along with her Grammy-Nominated partners, Ariel Chobaz (Nicki Minaj) and Josh Mosser (Imagine Dragons). LORIALLA’s objectives are to create and produce music and mnemonics for feature films, commercials, major product brands and sports leagues. “I expressed to Paul and Tom, that if I was going to do this album, I would want to apply all of the knowledge and experience I have gained from working in the Top 40 pop and rock industry and create a project we love while still making money. They graciously gave me full reign and we started working together from there. LORIALLA’s first single “FLY” got picked up just 2 days after being mixed and mastered for UFC’s “Road to the Octagon” documentary,” shared Jones. I asked Jones how she got Swanson to appear in the video. “Amanda Palmer from the Dresden Dolls is a huge inspiration to me as a female performer and business women. She has a NY Times best-selling book called “The Art of Asking” - in this book she talks about how she quit worrying and started asking people for help. Basically, I feel that the worst thing that can happen by asking someone for something is that they can say ‘no’. My philosophy with LORIALLA and everything I do is to ask people with greater influence in the community to get involved. THINK GLOBAL, SUPPORT LOCAL! So I called up Cub’s Tru MMA gym and after a coffee meeting explaining the vision of the band and our love for the Coachella Valley, Cub threw himself head-first into this video with us. He is such an amazing guy who is very active in teaching kids and being a positive role model in the community.” Tesla came on board the same way. “I just kept calling until I got someone’s attention (she laughs) - they’ve been fantastic all the way starting from providing the car for the video to hosting the whole launch party with LORIALLA,” shared Jones.

By tracy dietlin The next part was to find a charity to support. Christopher’s Clubhouse will be receiving all proceeds raised from the launch party. “Paul is friends with Mika, the founder of the charity. I didn’t know much about Christopher’s Club House but after watching the video and sobbing for an hour because of how this charity was founded - I am absolutely delighted that we are supporting such a great cause! Mika will be doing a 3 minute talk about Christopher’s Clubhouse so hopefully we will be able to raise some money for them.” When asked about LORIALLA’s future goals she said that the full album release will be held in November somewhere in the Coachella Valley. “LORIALLA will continue to write songs to be licensed to film and TV instead of spending copious amounts of time and money touring and performing small club gigs. That might sound fun when you’re younger but these guys have families and as a team, our vision has shifted to something bigger. LORIALLA will still play a few select shows that benefit the community and fulfill our passion to perform live music,” said Jones. As for Jones she says she is looking to develop other artists as well. “My next artist will probably be somebody from the hip-hop genre. There is a great music scene and community here and I’m open to working with someone who is serious.” Jones also makes a point that LORIALLA is her baby and that she has put a lot of blood, sweat and tears into developing and building the brand. “It’s a 24/7 thing. I love Paul and Tom like brothers - Unless you’ve played in a band, you can’t understand the connection. I’m incredibly passionate about the music, our vision and the team. I want LORIALLA to not only be effective in our community but to reach the world.” Jones says she hopes to see about 250 people show up for this event to support the launch of LORIALLA’s video, drive a Tesla, meet Cub Swanson, raise money for Christopher’s Clubhouse, eat some food and raise a glass of champagne to toast this amazing community! CV Weekly agrees.

Haddon Libby...................................18 Dale Gribow......................................18 Safety Tips ........................................19 Sports Scene.....................................19 Free Will Astrology...........................20 Life & Career Coach...........................20 Mind, Body & Spirit..........................21


Esjay Jones

Cub Swanson


September 24 to September 30, 2015

Local Music Spotlight

September 24 to September 30, 2015

by Lisa Morgan

The Adobe Collective - An Americana Love Story with a Phenomenal Soundtrack Coming to The Hood Bar & Pizza, Palm Desert, Saturday, October 3rd @ 9pm


f The Adobe Collective was a novel, I’d be anxiously waiting for the sequel. I cannot wait to see what comes next from this tribe of fresh Americana tunesmiths. Their background, like their music, is an amassment of intelligent, thought provoking story lines with unpredictably powerful dynamics, rooted in authenticity and loaded with potential. At first glance, you see a young couple, soft spoken and humble, yet confidently at ease in their own skin. Faith walks through a room and steps onto the stage like she’s been there a thousand times before, with perhaps only her knee length locks and natural beauty drawing attention - that is until she opens her mouth to sing. Like honey, her voice brings a sweet warmth and a fullness to the room along side her husband’s pure, story weaving tenor as the two voices become one in harmony. Tim, her husband and the front man of The Adobe Collective, is quiet, focused, not in the least bit ostentatious, yet commanding all the same. Off stage, he is mild mannered and quiet, always watching and observing. Just another young couple in the high desert music scene. But in these parts surrounding the startling beauty of Joshua Tree, only the legitimately talented and veritable of heart tend to find community and longevity. Though it has only been 4 years, Tim and Faith and their Adobe Collective have found a home among the music community’s best, and the inspiration is contagious. Tim wrote his first song in sixth grade. Tim and Faith had their first kiss in high school, when she was 14 and he was 16. Eleven years of marriage, two enlistments in the Navy and two small children later (daughter, Vera 3 and son, Will, 10 weeks), Tim and Faith Chinnock stand on the precipice of music becoming their central theme, and that, in my opinion, is an excellent prospect. CVW: Tell me a little about your music background. Faith: “My dad is a blues harmonica player – actually most of my dad’s side of the family were musicians and singers.

Photo by Kristina Campbell


Harmony was a big thing in my family, so I grew up singing harmonies with my dad and different people. I remember when I was 8 my mom asked me, ‘Can you sing the part that the woman in church is singing?’ I could. It was easy for me. I have always loved figuring out different parts that could go well with the melody. Melody is nice, but I don’t feel like a solo singer. I want to enhance what Tim’s doing, kind of like a shadow or a second part of his voice - the subconscious part of the music. I try to make it sound like it’s still him, and try to set the mood he’s trying to create. That’s how I’ve always liked to sing. But Tim and I didn’t really start singing together until about 5 years ago, when Tim picked up the guitar again.” Tim: “My family is more classically trained and I grew up with a little bit of that. I wrote my first song when I was in 6th grade and stopped writing. I’d been playing drums more than guitar with other people. But we were stationed in San Diego, living in a building where it was actually written into our lease that I couldn’t play my drums. It’s a compulsion to play, so I picked the guitar back up. I’m not super into learning other people’s songs, so song writing just made sense. I felt like I was at a point in my life where I had something to say, so I made a conscious decision to not question what was coming out. When I was younger, I’d be so critical of myself that it would go nowhere. This time I decided to just go with it. I’m going to see what comes out and trust it.” “The songwriting really deepened when we got to Twentynine Palms. We moved into an original adobe house that was made in the 1930s. That’s where our name came from. The house we rented and now own, is called The Lida Donnell Adobe (It’s in the 29 Palms Adobe Book at Just living between the earthen floors and walls is inspiring. We recorded eight original songs and two covers on our first record, The Adobe Collective, at Red Barn Records in Morongo Valley.” CVW: You recently released a fantastic three song EP, Wonder Lust, recorded with the renowned Chris Unck at High Lonesome Studio in Joshua Tree. How did that relationship evolve? Tim: “I’d heard about Chris a lot when he first moved to Pioneer Town. Our drummer, Caleb Winn, highly recommended him and told us we really needed to check him and his studio out. If you go to events around here enough, you start to see people regularly, and suddenly they’re your friends. I’d heard his album, Chris Unck & The Black Roses, and went to his album release. Our music is right up his alley, and his recording style is right up our alley. Almost all of what we recorded was done live. We had very few

Photo by Dino Archon overdubs; maybe just a bit of vocals and a guitar part here and there. When someone is really good, you don’t even notice they’re really good because it all feels so natural. Not that we took it for granted how great Chris is at all - I saw how many cables were going in and out of all of Chris’ gear. We were able to go in there and get the EP recorded in a week.” “Our title song of the EP, Wonder Lust, has had really great response, and it’s only been out a month. The song is inspired by the openness of Wonder Valley. We are in a location where we are feeling the energies of two places; Joshua Tree and Wonder Valley, where music is developing into a kind of movement. The thing you look at everyday is the thing that shapes your mind, which then shapes your being. The song is the expression of that cycle.” CVW: What’s next for The Adobe Collective? “We have more songs in the wheel house that are marinating, waiting to be recorded, and the great response has really encouraged us to go back into the studio. Our plan in the next few months is to leave the military – it’s been a great experience,

but we are looking forward to enjoying the level of freedom that’s limited in the service. Every struggling musician has to have a day job, I just happen to be a doctor, so I’m hoping to be able to work half a month at Loma Linda, and the other half doing art and music.” CVW: ART and music? Tim: “I’ve delved into contemporary and visual art, and I’m putting together a portfolio to apply for a Masters of Fine Arts. I haven’t actually shown my art; I’ve been doing doctor stuff all along.” The only official members of The Adobe Collective are Tim and Faith. This is by design. They want the music to be fluid - more like a collective than a band. That being said, they do have core players that perform with them live. Those players include well respected artists such as Thom Merrick on bass, Caleb Winn on drums, Stewart Heyduk on bass, Lucio Menegon on guitar, the brass dream team of Clint Stoker (sax) and Scott Kisinger (trombone). More recently, Chris Unck has even joined them for a few gigs. The Adobe Collective is as much an experience as it is a fresh fusion of roots Americana folk, rock and roll. “Collective” is a key word as their collection of players turn their well penned tunes into a rocking symphony of ear pleasing jams that have the ebb and flow of a volatile desert storm, bringing their “folk” music to a whole other level. The Adobe Collective will be performing at the Hood Bar and Pizza in Palm Desert Saturday, October 3rd at 9pm along with Chris Unck and Gabriella Evaro’s band Lucky Bones, Mikey Reyes and Bryanna Evaro’s Desert Rhythm Project, and High Lonesome recording artist Rick Shelley. You can also see The Adobe Collective at this year’s Joshua Tree Music Festival. To follow them and their music, go to or


September 24 to September 30, 2015

Breaking the 4th Wall

By Dee Jae Cox

Local Music Spotlight

A Stage Review of “Dead Man’s Cell Phone”


Lance Phillips-Martinez, does an incredible job of staging and unifying the scenes in this poetic piece of movement theatre. The umbrella’s and robotic dance movements of the ensemble are so uniquely creative and captivating. The lighting was ethereal, creating a celestial ambiance at times for this poetic piece. Ron Phillips- Martinez, set and costumes were simple and common which seemed to work for this metaphysical dramedy about life and love and the need for communication. I wasn’t sure what to expect when I went to see Dead Man’s Cell Phone, but I left thinking a multitude of complex thoughts. And that is always a good sign with theatre. This is definitely a thinking piece. I highly recommend this play. It has resonated in various ways. Not necessarily recommended for children, but most certainly worth a night out with family or friends. Dead Man’s Cell Phone, a production of Desert Theatreworks, is performed at 7 p.m., Friday and Saturday; and 2 p.m., Saturday and Sunday, September 18th through 26th,, at the Arthur Newman Theatre at the Joslyn Center, located at 73750 Catalina Way, in Palm Desert. For Reservations: call 760-980-1455, or visit Dee Jae Cox, is a playwright, director and producer. She is the Cofounder and Artistic Director for The Los Angeles Women’s Theatre Project and the host of KPTR 1450’s hit radio show, “California Woman 411” in Palm Springs.

open mic competition


eek #5 of the CV Open Mic Competition Fall edition brought on more new talent to grace the stage! DJ Alex Updike kept us all grooving to the music in between performances. Exciting audience giveaways, such as t-shirts and hats from the Mary Pickford Theatre, were awarded to the loudest and rowdiest of the crowd. Once all of the musicians performed and the judge vote (50%) was tallied and added to the audience applause score (50%), it was songbird Courtney Chambers who was awarded 1st place. Courtney chose to take home a 1 hour vocal lesson from KAM Studio and will now move on to the Semi Finals in November. If she wins there, she’ll compete in the Grand Finals for an MTV Quality Music Video Production from Desert C.A.M. Studios/Winmill Films and award winning Director Chip Miller, plus a $500 trip to Las Vegas from Crater Lake Spirits, as well as an Artist Development Session from Grammy nominated Producer Ronnie King, and a Promotional Photo Shoot from Visions Photography. 2nd place was awarded to Lance Riebsomer who chose to take home a Record Alley Gift Certificate. 3rd place went to newcomer, Will aka Brightener, who decided on 2 tickets to the Mary Pickford Theatre. THANK YOU to ALL our performers at the CV Open Mic Competition for putting on a great show AND making the environment so supportive for all of the artists involved:

VersaStyle, Peter Campbell, Jim Holiday, Mike Belli, Allen Earhart, Jude Baker, Amy Hindman, Derek Jordan Gregg, Sean Poe, Matt Styler, Lance Riebsomer, John Michael Montez, Juan Espino, Razor J, Rick Dame, Nuclear CowboysMike Sick-boy, Marco Thoma, Will Sturgeon, Brightener, Jordan Jones, Smooth Alligator, Gustavo Gonzalez, Solus Lupus, and Courtney Chambers. Also a big thanks to Johnny Carmona, our amazing sound technician. I hope to see you all next TUESDAY at SCHMIDY’S TAVERN in Palm Desert! Look for coverage of this week’s event and the announcement of winners in the next issue of Coachella Valley Weekly! SPECIAL THANKS to all of our sponsors: Desert C.A.M. Studios/Winmill Films & Chip Miller, Ronnie King Music, JEM Productions, Crater Lake Spirits, Visions Photography, KAM Studios, CV Weekly, Canyon Copy & Print, the Mary Pickford Theatre, and DJ Alex Updike. ALL AGES ALLOWED and YOU may compete EVERY week! PLUS Schmidy›s has a HOUSE DRUM SET you can use! PLEASE NOTE: Due to our overwhelming number of interested performers, sign in starts at 7pm and will be closed at 7:45pm. BRING YOUR FRIENDS, FAMILY and FANS and note that the competition usually ends by 10:30pm so be sure your friends and family know to stay until the end to voice their vote!!! For questions, updates or information about sign-up, please visit and “LIKE” Facebook. com/CVOpenMicCompetition or contact creator and host, Morgan James at MorganAliseJames@ or (714) 651-1911

September 24 to September 30, 2015

By patte purcell

BMW of Palm Springs Smooth Jazzfest™ is almost here!!



laywright Sarah Ruhl is known for writing surreal fantasies that are filled with average people. She likes to blend the mundane with the metaphysical. Her Play, Dead Man’s Cell Phone, currently in production with Desert TheatreWorks, is a prime example of the writer’s ability to take the audience on a ride through a bizarre, life altering experience that starts with the simple act of answering a stranger’s phone. Jean, beautifully and aptly portrayed by seasoned actress Daniela Ryan, alters the course of her life when she answers the incessantly ringing phone of a dead man who happened to experience the moment of his demise while sitting at a café table eating a bowl of soup. Confiscating the phone, Jean is then taken on a journey through Gordon Gottlieb’s (Luke Rainey) life. Jean meets Gordon’s mother, a hardened soul who never expressed her love when her son was alive, but now is so grief stricken that she swears the pain of losing a child is like “Breathing in reverse.” Brilliantly performed by June August, who knows how to convey the many layers of a complicated character. Rule’s objective seems to be to convey the dual ability of the cell phone to both unite and divide, but Jean’s intent to weave together the pieces of Gordon’s life and glue the fragments back together is what makes this piece so uniquely interesting and astute. The characters and the lines are comedic and yet profound in their discovery of themselves through their relationship with a dead man. “I never had a cellphone, I didn’t want to be there, you know. Like if your phone is on you’re supposed to be there. Sometimes I like to disappear. But it’s like — when everyone has their cellphones on, no one is there. It’s like we’re all disappearing the more we’re there.” Jean’s complex reflection seems to be the crux of the story. Mari Kerber as the ‘other woman’, was sexy and alluring and dangerous, Jennifer Asbenson as Hermia and Stephen Blackwell as Dwight, round out a very cohesive cast.

backstage jazz

fter the sold out success of Summer Jazzfest the iconic Riviera Palm Springs Resort’s Tom Wright (who attended) asked me to hold future Jazzfests at the Riviera. Needless to say, the opportunity to hold my parties in one of the most beautiful venues on one of the most gorgeous stages I’ve ever seen is a dream come true! I’m happy and proud to announce that Monday Oct. 5, from 5-10 pm the BMW of Palm Springs Smooth Jazzfest™ will be officially setting the town on fire! A 42 foot stage, table seating for 600, a huge dance floor and the best music line-up the desert has seen on one night will be just part of the festivities. Dancing is one feature of my parties that I want to encourage so we are having a huge dance floor! Smooth Jazz, Blues, funk and groove headlining some amazing artists will be taking center stage. It starts at 5 pm with one of smooth jazz’s most iconic crooners, Slim Man (13 CDs) who will be opening up the show with his romantic songs accompanied by his band including the smooth sax sounds of Greg Vail. Craig David Chestnut one of the desert’s favorites on drums and celebrated keys player Hans Zermuehlen will round out this smooth

act which will take the show from smooth to sassy. A guest appearance by local sax phenom 16 year old Chase Huna will get this show rocking. Next up is Deanna Bogart; this talented singer, sax and keys player/composer has 4 national blues awards under her belt. She is going to get her boogie woogie on. I guarantee you will be on your feet and dancing! She will also be playing with oh-so-talented smooth jazz guitarist Joe Baldino and his 10 piece band. Joe’s new CD is being produced by uber talented hit maker and bassist Brian Bromberg and some special guests including trumpeter Rick Braun and sax player Michael Paulo. Joe is pulling out all the stops for this one with a full 10 piece band including a horn section and percussionist Guillermo Ysas. Special guest sax phenom Chase Huna will also be appearing with him. Put on your dancing shoes people! This brings us to the headliners; Greg Adams and East Bay Soul. Greg is a founding member of Tower of Power and he arranged and composed most of the Tower of Power hits. Trust me, if you’ve never seen East Bay Soul you are in for a treat. This 10 piece powerhouse of 6 horns, guitar, keys player

Joey Navarro, and percussion by Johnny Sandoval, will knock your socks off! They will be performing songs from their new CD That’s Life along with some of their other hits. Vocalist Darryl Fitzgerald Walker’s impressive vocals along with his sax playing guarantees that you’ll be dancing the night away! Greg Adams is legendary and the band is tight, tight, tight. Our title sponsor, BMW of Palm Springs, will be displaying several cars including their new I-8 electric car with its price tag of $214,000 right in the ballroom! You can check it out and even have your picture taken in/with it in front of a Red Carpet ‘step and repeat’ backdrop. There will be sponsored liquor stations all night long from Southern Wine and Spirits and Constellation brands including: Kim Crawford Sauvignon, Casa Nobles organic tequila, Coppola wine, Aviation Gin, Ty Ku Sake, JR Ewing private reserve whiskey, Manuscript Cabernet and more. Happy hour pricing on drinks and food will be available all night. The Riviera will be presenting carving and food stations at happy hour prices so bring your appetite! One of the hits we had last time was the VIP Lounge for artists, celebrities and VIPs. We are doing the same thing this time but it will include an after party with Joe Baldino and his band and a jam session. We have artists coming in just to play in the jam so it will be a party! That goes from 10:15 until midnight. We’ve got a 3 camera live feed going on all night by Daniel James that will upload to You Tube so you can watch it after the party or be a part of it, live! My friend and actor Dutch Haling will be Emceeing the party and will interview sponsors and guests. Photographers Marco Najera will be on hand to take pictures of the guests for Coachella Valley Weekly. Jack and Mikey Cohen of Smooth Jazz Live will be on hand as well. Mikey and his writer partner of “Museically Inclined” Sheryl Aronson of Hollywood Times will also be on hand to cover the event. Mary Ann Rojo one of the deserts Facebook photography ladies will be shooting pictures all night long and posting them to Facebook.

The media will be out in full force. I want to thank my media sponsors first and foremost Coachella Valley Weekly for their amazing support. I also want to thank all of the local TV stations who have been so gracious in their sponsorship. KESQ which owns 2, 3, the CW, Fox, and Telemundo and Patrick Evans “Eye on the Desert” where I’ll be appearing with my production partner Sheree Lillie of Lillie PR will be there along with the great people from KMIR and KPSE. We even have some special sponsors who will be hosting a hospitality room for the artists and staff. I want to thank once again Crater Lake Vodka and spirits, Roman Blas from ‘Over the Rainbow Desserts’ for some extraordinary desserts and Lynn Hammond catering for what promises to be an amazing array of food for the artists! I also want to thank Mindy Reed of Zin American Bistro and Jacky Donnell of Elmer’s Restaurant of Palm Springs for their support. Sheree Lillie is getting sponsors for gift certificates for the raffle for the Palm Springs Symphony Youth Program. We truly appreciate all of the overwhelming support for this event. The desert loves loves loves its smooth jazz. I’m looking forward to growing this into a 3 day international jazz festival featuring all kinds of jazz including smooth jazz, straight ahead jazz, latin jazz, brazilian jazz and the standards. I’ve already got some amazing things in the works and some potential artists who will blow your mind! Don’t miss this fabulous party. Tickets are only $25 for General Admission and VIP tickets are $50 and get you a reserved seat closer to the front and access to the VIP Lounge and After party/jam for artists and VIPS. Get your tickets at www.purplepass. com under BMW of Palm Springs Smooth Jazzfest™. Call me directly at 702-219-6777 with any questions. See you there! Patte Purcell - Muze Muzic


September 24 to September 30, 2015

by Eleni P. Austin

“#392: The EP Collection” Records) MARSHALL CRENSHAW (Addie-Ville


982 was an interesting year for Pop music. It felt like anything was possible. Proven hit-makers like Stevie Wonder, J. Geils and Journey were in the Top 40. So were crap-tastic tracks by Air Supply, Quarteflash and Charlene, (remember the execrable “I’ve Never Been To Me?”) But the top of the charts belonged to relative newcomers like Joan Jett, the Go-Go’s and Huey Lewis & The News. It was rather serendipitous that Marshall Crenshaw’s full-length, eponymous debut was released in the Spring of 1982. The day-glo colors of the album cover hinted at a New Wave sensibility. But the picture of a bespectacled Crenshaw looked like a retro combination of Buddy Holly and John Lennon. The whole package seemed intriguing. The music exceeded expectations. Crenshaw had been working toward his debut since picking up a guitar at age 10. Marshall Crenshaw was born in Detroit in 1953, but grew up in the nearby suburb of Berkley. Throughout high school he played in a series of bands. Following graduation he fronted a band called Astigafa, (an acronym for “a splendid time is guaranteed for all,” a lyric found in the Beatles’ “Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite”). By 1973, Crenshaw had completely lost interest in listening to Pop radio; he found it narrow and somewhat whitewashed. Instead, he concentrated on ‘45s released in the ‘50s and ‘60s. While he was totally entranced by the echo-y slap-back sound of primitive Rock & Roll, he was equally infatuated by the romantic Soul music that saturated the R&B radio stations. Each style informed his songwriting. Detroit lost a bit of its musical cache once the Motown label had relocated to the West Coast in the early ‘70s. By the end of the decade, there wasn’t much of a scene. With his nascent career at a standstill, Crenshaw was searching for new opportunities. After answering an ad in Rolling Stone. He was cast in the Broadway production, “Beatlemania.” Winning the role of John Lennon, he endured several months of “Beatle Boot Camp” before the show premiered. A run in San Francisco and Hollywood was followed by six months in the road company. After a while, performing songs made famous by other musicians felt like the equivalent of artistic asphyxiation, but Crenshaw finished the experience knowing exactly what kind of music he wanted to make. He bought a four-track recorder and began honing his own compositions.

WESTFIELD MALL 72840 Hwy 111 #171 Palm Desert, CA 92260 760-341-2017


Armed with a plethora of demos, Crenshaw relocated to New York City. He recruited younger brother, Robert, to play drums, and auditioned about 30 bass players, before settling on Chris Donato. He actually spent time walking the city, dropping demo tapes to various show business movers and shakers. Journalist/Record label president Alan Betrock was a recipient of a demo cassette. Another found its way into the hands of Rockabilly revivalist Robert Gordon. Both became early and ardent supporters of Marshall Crenshaw’s protean talent. Gordon ended up recording a song, “Someday, Someway” on his 1981 album, Are You Gonna Be The One. Betrock went one step further and released Crenshaw’s first single, “Something’s Gonna Happen” on his Shake record label. The song created enough of a buzz that major labels came a’ callin’ and he signed a deal with Warner Brothers. Initially, Crenshaw attempted to produce the album himself but became bogged down by the minutiae of the recording process. The label suggested he get a producer. They settled on Richard Gotthrer, whom Crenshaw met at a Robert Gordon session. Richard Gottehrer got his start at the infamous Brill Building back in the early ‘60s. By the ‘80s he had produced everyone from the Strangeloves (the original version of his “I Want Candy” composition), to David Bowie, Blondie, Richard Hell & The Voidoids and the Go-Go’s. Released in late 1981, the Go-Go’s debut, Beauty And The Beat, stayed at #1 for six weeks. It was the first “girl group” album to accomplish that feat. Gottehrer streamlined Crenshaw’s sound. When his self-titled debut arrived in the Spring of 1982, it felt like a breath of fresh air. The songs were catchy and concise; there were hints of Rockabilly, Power Pop and even a soupcon of stripped-down Country Western. The first single, “Someday, Someway” made it into the Top 40, and the album spent six months in the Billboard Hot 100 chart, peaking at #50. Crenshaw followed up with a string of excellent albums in the ‘80s; “Field Day,” “Downtown,” “Mary Jean & 9 Others” and “Good Evening.” Although they didn’t rocket up the charts, they received critical acclaim and he consistently maintained a loyal and enthusiastic fan base. By the ‘90s, Crenshaw was still making music, he released three studio albums, Life’s Too Short,

Consider This

Miracle Of Science and #447, plus a live recording, Live…My Truck Is My Home. He also began acting in movies like “Peggy Sue Got Married” and “La Bamba.” In the latter he portrayed his doppelganger, Buddy Holly. He also made appearances on Nickelodeon’s cult classic series, “The Adventures Of Pete & Pete.” Somehow he found time to produce a compilation for Capitol Records called Hillbilly Music…Thank God,Vol.1 and published a book, Hollywood Rock: A Guide To Rock n Roll In The Movies. Along the way, female vocalists like Lou Ann Barton, Bette Midler, Marti Jones, Kelly Willis and Ronnie Spector began covering his songs. He co-wrote “Til’ I Hear It From You” with members of the Gin Blossoms, the song went to #4 on the Billboard Hot 100. In the 21st century, Crenshaw has only released two records, What’s In The Bag and Jaggedland. He co-wrote a song for the “Walk The Line” parody film, “Walk Hard,” he also began hosting his own radio program, “Bottomless Pit” on WFUV. Noting the resurgence of vinyl, he decided to forgo recording a full-length album and just release a series of 10” vinyl EPs. Since 2012, he has sporadically self-released a total of six EPs. Each consist of a new song, a cover and a reconfiguration of a Marshall Crenshaw classic. The new songs and covers have just been collected in CD form and issued as his 11th studio album entitled #392: The EP Collection. The first six songs here are new Crenshaw originals that are so perspicacious they manage the neat trick of feeling familiar and contemporary at the same time. Both “Grab This Train,” which opens the record, and “Driving And Dreaming” offer travel as a sort of emotional panacea. The former is anchored by a shuffle rhythm and strumming acoustic arpeggios. Pining for a lost love, he opts for a train trip as a way to travel back in time. The leisurely ride on the rails allows him to “lose myself in sweet memories of the past.” But even as he reaches his destination, he realizes he can’t out run his troubles. “So now I’m here, but it seems to be, that I tried to run but the blues came and found me/Found me here, on memory lane, so it’s back the way I came to grab the next train.” The latter is powered by an off-kilter hiccup-y beat, a Hammond B3 wash and liquid guitar licks that echo and sway. A lengthy road trip gives Crenshaw time to ruminate about past mistakes and lost opportunities. He has an epiphany, but it gets lost as the landscape rushes by. He’s “fighting a losing battle with the Oklahoma wind/The joy’s gone out of joyride, and I’m still nowhere, Here I am still nowhere/Nowhere near the end.” With “Move Now” and “Red Wine” He adds new colors to his sonic palette. “Move…” is built around ringing rhythm guitar chords and an urgent ChaCha-Cha tempo. Crenshaw plays all the instruments himself and his lead guitar licks spiral and saw, underscoring the lyrics’ incipient paranoia; “Don’t wait until they come, with their licorice gum…their bourbon and rum, their oxycontin guns.” “Red Wine” is a little more mellow and contemplative. Lilting accordion runs gives the melody a Parisian patina. In the midst of a romantic crisis, drinking steadies his nerves and gives him some perspective. “...It still holds true, with everything we’ve been through, it’s still you/ I’m still in the game sitting here with you on my mind.” Crenshaw rips a silver-tongued guitar solo that’s as eloquent as his lyrics. “Stranger And Stranger” tackles themes of love and loss inspired by the death of his father and the Sandy Hook school tragedy that followed. He

art Scene

September 24 to September 30, 2015

by Angela Valente Romeo

Schryer & Major Tom A Psychopath’s Memoirs Marc Films hit HorrorCon


ruefully notes that “time can be a cruel re-arranger.” The propulsive tune, anchored by bongos, conga and vibraphone, nearly camouflage the song’s dire mood. Once again, Crenshaw delivers a stunning guitar solo, tensile and razor sharp. “I Don’t See You Laughing Now” closes out the set of original songs. A loping melody is tethered to a galloping gait. The lyrics offer a stinging rebuke to a morally bankrupt dickhead finally receiving comeuppance. Half of this album is cover songs. In lesser hands, this might seem like a lazy dodge. But Marshall Crenshaw has such an encyclopedic knowledge of Pop music that only the most canny listener will recognize most of these tracks. The songs that receive the most faithful renderings are the Carpenters’ “Close To You” and The Move’s “No Time.” “Close To You” is super corny and somewhat treacly but so what. Written by Burt Bacharach and Hal David, it’s a classic that every Baby Boomer instinctively swoons to. Crenshaw’s rendition is lush and ethereal, the arrangement even includes Bacharach’s trademark flatulent trumpet filigrees. The Move was Jeff Lynne’s pre-ELO band, “No Time” was never a huge hit, but it’s an intriguing slice of Elizabethan Brit-Pop powered by a trilling mellotron and vague doomsday lyrics. The Bobby Fuller Four was a U.S. band that seemed inspired by Buddy Holly and the Beatles in equal measure. Crenshaw’s cover of their “Never To Be Forgotten” jettison’s the original’s Wall Of Sound production. Instead, it hits a sweet spot between Roots Rock jangle and British Invasion harmonies. Crenshaw takes a pass at singer-songwriter James McMurtry’s “Right Here Now.” Stripping away the track’s defiant mien and then adding layers of sitar-riffic guitar. Meanwhile, in his hands, the Lovin’ Spoonful’s “Didn’t Want To Have To Do It” is recast as an extravagantly soulful ballad. It hews closely to the sound pioneered in the early ‘70s by Philadelphia International Records. Other interesting tracks include a live take of the Everly Brothers’ “Man With Money” and a rollicking version of “Made My Bed, Gonna Lie In It” from Aussie Garage Rockers, The Easybeats. The album closes with a demo of an unreleased original, “Front Page News.” This is a demo in name only. Crisp and economical, its stripped-down sound echoes the early Rock & Roll pioneered by Buddy Holly, Elvis Presley and Ricky Nelson. Despite the fact that these songs were recorded piecemeal, over the course of three years, it’s a very cohesive album. Several of the songs on “#392” were co-written with Dan Bern, a fine singersongwriter in his own right. It seems as though Marshall Crenshaw has been around forever. But his music never feels dated. In an era of autotunes and twerk-ery, it’s nice to know that real talent never goes out of style.

or some it is the “the smell of the greasepaint, the roar of the crowd.” For others it is “lights, camera, action.” For Marc Schryer it may have been a little of both. Marc has experience as an actor, writer, and film producer. He recently completed principal filming on his independent film A Psychopath’s Memoirs. “This is not my first film but it was the first film that I am involved from start to finish,” said Marc. “I was writing a book. I shared part of it with a friend who suggested it would be a great script. I started thinking about it and began to view the story line differently. I saw the story as an episodic series. Four months later the screenplay A Psychopath’s Memoirs was ready to be cast.” “A Psychopath’s Memoirs is a psychological thriller. It is not a horror film in the sense that one thinks of when they hear ‘horror’ film even though the film is premiering at HorrorCon International ( horrorcon2015) on September 25 and 26th. The film has twists and turns that delve into the dark side of our psyche. It is not a slasher movie and no sorority girls were harmed in the filming of this movie,” continued Marc. The film was produced by Marc’s production company Major Tom Films (www. “I thought about the movie business. I knew the chance of an unknown writer/producer getting a script picked up in Hollywood was a long shot. I also know that I have a great story with endless possibilities. I decided to go for it. I not only financed the movie but I wrote the screenplay, scouted location, cast the actors, located a crew, worked on the makeup, worked as the soundman, ran craft services – if it needed to be done, I did it.” Marc produced this 26-minute film on an ultra, ultralow budget, under $5000. “I have worked on many projects for little to no pay. While on sets, I met other actors and crew. I always watched the directors, camera – in short I went to film school by watching the workings behind the scenes. I used all those contacts and experience to get this movie shot. Many of the actors worked for no pay and the promise of craft services. For one of my principal actors, this was her first acting role. Most of my crew worked for no pay and film credit. While A Psychopath’s Memoirs is psychological thriller, the making of the film was a labor of love and trust. The people working on this film had to trust me to produce a great movie. They had to believe in

my vision. That trust allowed me to complete this film.” What did Marc learn making this film? “I have been a writer since I was in my early teens and an actor since 2009. When I decided to put my abilities together with local talent to make this film, I knew it would be an uphill battle. To keep costs down, principal filming was done in Corona, Riverside and Norco. I used local talent.” “But I approached this as if it were a big budget film. I auditioned actors allowing them to read for all roles. Like any other director, I wanted to be ‘wowed’. Perhaps an actor would show me a new way of looking at the role. At the same time, it was a frustrating experience. I had a vision from the beginning. Because we were small, intimate crew everyone had an opinion. That was sometimes trying. There were times I understood why actors get blacklisted,” laughed Marc. What is the next step for A Psychopath’s Memoirs? “I am hoping for audience feedback. I want to use that to judge how the movie is received. Are there things that need to be changed? Is the music right for a scene? Are the characters well received? I can sue that feedback to re-edit, if needed, and then present a great film to festivals. After that, I hope to gain major studio attention. This film is just the first in a series. I know it and soon everyone else will know it.” For more information on A Psychopath’s Memoirs, check out For more information on Marc Schryer, check out facebook. com/marc.schryer. HorrorCon 2015 opens September 25 at The Reef, 1933 S. Broadway in LA.


September 24 to September 30, 2015


Deaf Dogs Rock


he story and photo of Mac Adams, a Virginia police officer and his five handsome white dogs, went viral on Facebook receiving over 15,000 shares. The dogs, Pickles, Nea, Piglet, Opal, and Mortimer are fabulous looking animals, but what makes their story noteworthy isn’t their color or breed, but rather the fact that they are all deaf. Within a week of its posting, this photo became the most commented, liked, shared and viewed post in the Richmond Police Department’s Facebook history. When his pet Mastiff passed away in 2009, Officer Adams was interested in getting another dog. One of his friends who worked at the Richmond Animal Care and Control shelter told him about a dog there that needed a home. When he met Pickles, it was love at first sight. Adams knew that the dog’s chances of getting a home were slim; both due to her bully breed status and her deafness. Animals with disabilities are usually the last ones adopted at a shelter, and frequently are euthanized. Officer Adams explained his decision to adopt Pickles, “She was so cute that I couldn’t let that happen to her.” He had no prior experience with deafness in dogs, but “I was

just like ‘We’ll just figure this out.’” Figure it out they did. Adams and his wife Donna went on to add four more deaf bully dogs to their family. Two of the dogs they adopted were posted on the website of Deaf Dogs Rock, a nonprofit rescue organization. Adams makes his adoption story sound like it was an easy accomplishment. “Deaf dogs don’t know they’re supposed to hear. Once you figure out a way to communicate with them, you’re good to go. They’re very intelligent, very smart dogs, and taking the auditory stimulation out of their daily lives makes them much better dogs.” They use sign language to communicate with the dogs, and touch them or stomp on the floor to get their attention. What causes deafness in dogs? A lot of the same things that impact hearing ability in humans also affect our four legged best friends. A dog can become deaf due to an ear infection, injury to the ear, or deafness may occur gradually in old age. Exposure to loud noises can also cause temporary or permanent hearing impairment. The fact that Mac Adams’ deaf dogs are all white is no coincidence. Dogs with white or merle coats are predisposed to congenital deafness. Most of the dogs who suffer from congenital deafness have some white pigmentation in their coats. Breeds

by Janet McAfee

that commonly have the gene that causes deafness and white coats includes Pit Bulls, Dalmatians, and Boxers. Deaf dogs get along better in the world than one might think. Dogs view the world differently than humans, and communicate with their environment in the following order, (1) Smelling, (2) Seeing, and (3) Hearing. In humans this order is reversed. The sense of smell in dogs is 1,000 to 10,000 times more sensitive than that of humans. For a dog, smelling things is like “reading a book” from which he extracts a great deal of information about the world around him. Once a dog loses his hearing, his ability to see and smell, become more enhanced. A deaf dog, or any other animal with a

Handsome SHepherd This is one of the sweetest dogs you could ever meet! This 1-yr-old male Shepherd is 49 lbs of love. Go see him now at the Coachella Valley Animal Campus shelter, 72-050 Pet Land Place, Thousand Palms. He’s dog ID#A1227942. (760) 343-3644

gorgeous boy Looking for a fabulous, friendly pup? This 2-yr-old Jack Russell mix boy was abandoned in the desert and is now at the county shelter, Coachella Valley Animal Campus, 72-050 Pet Land Place, Thousand Palms. Dog ID#A1229697. (760) 343-3644


disability, should never be pitied. Dogs, unlike humans, don’t dwell on their condition or what they don’t have. Dogs don’t dwell in the past. Everything in their world is happening NOW and what they are experiencing in the moment. They have the ability to read people’s energy and emotions. If their owner is scared, nervous, or sad they will detect this. They need to feel your confidence, happiness and strength in order to respond to you as their pack leader. The ideal way to communicate with any dog is through body language and energy. Deaf dogs in particular need fewer words and more hand signals along with a confident handler. Provide plenty of daily exercise, teach them to heel on a leash, and train them to enter and exit all doorways after their human. One owner of a deaf lab actually taught his animal American Sign Language, and the dog responded to dozens of ASL commands. Officer Mac Adams and his pack are enjoying their recent fame. Adams now serves on the Board of Directors for Deaf Dogs Rock. The local newspaper and television station have featured their story. Deaf dogs are very capable of doing almost everything any other dog can do, including bestowing lots of love on their owners.

September 24 to September 30, 2015

by Rick Riozza

Total Wine & More’s Greatest Hits


ver since Total Wine & More opened its Palm Desert store on Hwy 111 in June of 2013, this Vino Voice column has continued to cover the goings-on there. Actually one cannot help from talking about it because you can’t escape the place! It’s on every horizon in the desert—I’m looking at the mountains right now and I see it! The place is so huge that…well, please allow me to simply quote excerpts from my previous columns—indeed, these may well be Total Wine’s greatest hits: “It’s a behemoth of a wine store that’s taller than City Hall; wider than the Indian Wells Tennis Garden; longer than a locomotive train, heavier than…well, we’re getting the idea. “The fact is that Highway 111 is starting to dip right around the store’s location due to the building’s heft. There is so much wine, beer, and spirits in that place that if the big earthquake hits, we’re in for torrents of libations flowing through our neighborhood streets. I’d better stock up on some very long and durable straws.” “I mean—sure the building is large from the outside, but when you walk in and look all around, it’s like one of those sci-fi movies where one enters a large spaceship and inside you find a complete town with streets and stores and airplanes flying.” “It’s the biggest wine store I’ve ever been in! I’ve always considered San Francisco, Paris, London, Chicago and New York as the wine capitals of the world, but who would have thunk that here in Palm Desert, the largest wine, beer, and spirits depot in the solar system would be sitting.” “For any of you wine lovers who have somehow missed the behemoth of a liquor store, Total Wine & More in Palm Desert, you obviously need a pair of glasses or an atlas. The place is huge, has its own airport and can serve as ad-hoc army base if need be.” “Speaking of the private airport, many of the affable staff who live in neighboring counties, simply fly into the store on their Piper Aircraft. I’ve spoken to many of the sales team who seem to have master degrees and doctorates in oenology, mixology, hopology and general mega-

store mechanics. They literally “cover the waterfront”—I say that because, although I missed it, I’m sure there is a waterfront (like a portal to some Bordeaux dock) located somewhere in that store. I should have brought my binoculars.” “Alright—we’ve heard there was a mountain of wine waiting for us to scale and we were not disappointed—a little disappointed though, realizing we’d be aging a bit while scoping out all of the wine bottles lying in the bins. Numbers of over 8,000 different types of wine available are staggering. One can find vino from every state and country in the universe. But watch your step: you may fall into a black hole of wine. The good news is that you’ll get to taste every great wine in history; the bad news, you’ll return yesterday—it does get messy, but you will come out of it with a Total Wines T-shirt!” “And did I mention that this superstore is the largest beer destination in the Venus/ Earth/Mars triangulation. Their tasting schedule appears like a shoving match of so many craft beer breweries wanting to get in on the scene. I see Stone Brewery, Hanger 24, and Firestone already on the chalkboard menu of upcoming beer tastings.” “By this time I realize I should have taken a shuttle to all of these aisles as I came upon rows and rows of spirits from around the world. Thank God the local security is fairly cool. I can see myself picking up a couple of loitering citations simply hanging around reading all of the wine labels for my upcoming columns.” So—in the slim case you hadn’t heard, you now get the idea. And you’ll surely wish to be on their email newsletter, where all types of beer & wine tastings, seminars and events are alerted. Our Palm Desert store has a new manager. His name is Shawn Richcreek and he’s been in the wine biz for over 20 years. As well as managing other popular Southern California wine stores in the past, he’s also currently on the circuit of wine judges who taste and vote for your favorite stuff. And as it turns out, we kind of know the same wine wise guys around town. Of course Shawn invites you into the store at your earliest convenience to meet him and the affable staff, and, to simply take it easy and get lost in the store. GPS tracking devices are complimentary provided as you walk in—just in case. And as would be expected in a wine metropolis, Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays is the place to be where we can enjoy some wonderful tastes of wine at the rotund wine bar, and can meet and greet with fellow wine lovers in the community. As wine lovers, we all wish to support our local wine shops in the area—and we do!—we love the selections they provide us.

As beer, wine & spirits purchasers, we’re all over the map. And it’s great to have a onestop beverage shop (okay—metropolis) on hand to grab everything we need at once! Total Wine & More, (760) 3462029, is located in the Desert Crossing Mall at 72339 CA-111, Palm Desert, CA 92260. If you can’t find it—just look up, you can’t miss it. Cheers! Rick is your somm-about-town recommending food & wine events. Contact


September 24 to September 30, 2015

­­THUR SEPTEMBER 24 29 PALMS INN; 29 Palms; 760-367-3505 Bobby Furgo & Co. 6pm ACE HOTEL; PS; 760-325-9900 Reunion w/ DJ Day 10pm AJ’S ON THE GREEN; C.C.; 760-202-1111 Paul Elia 7pm AZUL; PS; 760-325-5533 Piano Bar 6pm BART LOUNGE; C.C.; 760-799-8800 Hip Hop 6pm-2am BLUEMBER; RM; 760-862-4581 Live Entertainment 6-10pm CASTELLI’S; PD; 760-773-3365 Patrick Tuzzolino 5:30pm DHS SPA LOUNGE; DHS; 760-329-6787 Karaoke w/ DJ Scott 9pm

MARKET; PS; 760-322-9293 The Smooth Brothers 7pm SULLIVAN’S STEAKHOUSE; PD; 760-3413560 Dude Jones 6pm TACK ROOM TAVERN; IND; 760-347-9985 Karaoke w/ T-Bone 8-12am THREE SIXTY NORTH; PS; 760-327-1773 Tony DiGerlando 6:30pm

THE HOOD; PD; 760-636-5220 Red’s Rockstar Karaoke 9pm HOODOO COCKTAIL GARDEN @ THE HYATT; PS; 760-322-9000 Chris Lomeli 6:30pm HUNTER’S; PS; 760-323-0700 Open Mic 9pm INDIAN WELLS RESORT HOTEL; IW; 760-3456466 Frank DiSalvo 6pm JOSHUA TREE SALOON; JT; 760-366-2250 Punk Rock Night 9pm KOKOPELLI’S; YV; 760-228-2589 Karaoke 7pm


HARD ROCK HOTEL; PS; 760-325-9676 “Solid” Guest DJs, 11am poolside, 9pm Lobby

VIBE; MORONGO CASINO; CAB; 951-7555391 The Rick Whitfield Band 10pm

THE HOOD; PD; 760-636-5220 Fortune Finder Music Group Showcase w/ War Drum and the Bandit’s Eyes Video Preview plus Ideation and Alex Harrington 9pm

SIDEWINDER GRILL; DHS; 760-329-7929 Karaoke w/ Milly G 6pm

HOODOO COCKTAIL GARDEN @ THE HYATT; PS; 760-322-9000 Bill Ramirez 6:30pm

SOUL OF MEXICO; IND; 760-200-8787 Latin Music 10pm

WILLIE BOYS; MV; 760-363-3343 TBA 8pm

THE LOUNGE; AGUA CALIENTE; RM; 888999-1995 DJ 9pm MELVYN’S RESTAURANT & LOUNGE; PS; 760-325-2323 Ron Greenip 8pm

VUE GRILLE & BAR; IW; 760-834-3800 TBA 5:30pm

NEIL’S LOUNGE; IND; 760-347-1522 Karaoke 8-1:15am

WESTIN MISSION HILLS; RM; 760-328-5955 Michael Keeth 6-10pm

THE NEST; PD; 760-346-2314 Kevin Henry 6-8pm Tim Burleson 8pm

WILLIE BOYS; MV; 760-363-3343 TBA 9pm

WOODY’S BURGER; PS; 760-230-0188 Barney McClure Jazz 6:30pm ZELDA’S; PS; 760-325-2375 Locals Night 9pm


HAPPY BIRTHDAY TRACY DIETLIN!! 29 PALMS INN; 29 Palms; 760-367-3505 Kelly Corbin & Co. 6pm 19TH HOLE; PD; 760-772-6696 Karaoke w/ T Bone 9pm ACE HOTEL; PS; 760-325-9900 The Sleepover 9:30pm AGAVE LOUNGE@THE HYATT REGENCY; IW; 760-674-4080 Art of Sax 8pm AJ’S ON THE GREEN; C.C.; 760-202-1111 TBA 7:30pm AZUL; PS; 760-325-5533 Fleet Easton 7:30pm

THE LOUNGE, AGUA CALIENTE; RM; 888999-1995 Quinto Menguante 8-1am

BISTRO 60 @TRILOGY; LQ; 760-501-0620 The Carmens 6pm

MELVYN’S RESTAURANT & LOUNGE; PS; 760-325-2323 Ron Greenip 8pm

BLUE BAR, SPOTLIGHT 29; INDIO; 760-7755566 DJ PWee 8pm

NEIL’S LOUNGE; IND; 760-347-1522 Karaoke 8pm-1:15am

BLUEMBER; RM; 760-862-4581 The Stanley Butler Trio 6-10pm

THE NEST; PD; 760-346-2314 Kevin Henry 6-8pm Tim Burleson 8pm

CASCADE LOUNGE, SPA RESORT CASINO; PS; 888-999-1995 DJ Michael Wright 9-1am

PAPPY & HARRIET’S; PT; 760-365-5956 Shannon & The Clams, Cool Ghouls and Death Valley Girls 8pm

CASTELLI’S; PD; 760-773-3365 Patrick Tuzzolino 5:30pm CLEMETINE; PD; 760-834-8814 Gina Carey 6pm DATE SHED; IND; 760-775-6699 The Expendables and Brewfish 8pm

PURPLE ROOM; PS; 760-322-4422 Rose Mallet 7pm

EL MEXICALI CAFÉ 2; IND; 760-342-2333 Cesar Daniel Lopez on the harp 6-9pm

RED BARN; PD; 760-346-0191 TBA 9pm

THE GRILL ON MAIN; LQ; 760-777-7773 House Band 8:45pm


TRILUSSA ITALIAN RISTORANTE; PS; 760328-2300 Julius & Sylvia Music Duo 6-10pm

VILLAGE PUB; PS; 760-323-3265 T.B.A. 1:304:30pm, Nite Fixx 9-2am, DJ Anwaar Hines 9-2am

BART LOUNGE; C.C.; 760-799-8800 DJ and Dancing Open 6pm-2am

SCHMIDY’S; PD; 760-837-3800 Open Mic Hosted by Josh Heinz and Tracy Dietlin’s Open Mic acoustic Birthday Bash 9pm


LIT@FANTASY SPRINGS; IND; 760-345-2450 Common Ground 9pm

LIT@FANTASY SPRINGS; IND; 760-345-2450 Country Night w/ Rob Staley 8pm

SAMMY G’s; PS; 760-320-8041 Evaro Brothers 8pm

KOKOPELLI’S; YV; 760-228-2589 Karaoke 8pm

THREE SIXTY NORTH; PS; 760-327-1773 Pat Rizzo 6:30pm

VILLAGE PUB; PS; 760-323-3265 DJ Khodi Rayne 4:30-9pm, Nite Fixx 9-2am

BAR; PS; 760-537-7337 War Drum, Black Pussy and Ape Machine 9pm

RIVIERA RESORT & SPA; PS; 760-327-8311 Martin Ross Starlite Lounge 6pm

JOSHUA TREE SALOON; JT; 760-366-2250 Live DJ 8:30pm

THE GRILL ON MAIN; LQ; 760-777-7773 T.B.A. 8:30pm

LAS CASUELAS TERRAZA; PS; 760-325-2794 Palm Springs Sound Company in the afternoon, Hot Rox in the night

LAS CASUELAS TERRAZA; PS; 760-325-2794 Hot Rox

PLAN B LIVE ENTERTAINMENT AND COCKTAILS; TP; 760-343-2115 Open DJ Night hosted by The Deep Ones 8pm

INDIAN WELLS RESORT HOTEL; IW; 760-3456466 Frank DiSalvo 6pm

TACK ROOM TAVERN; IND; 760-347-9985 TBA 9pm

VICKY’S OF SANTA FE; IW; 760-345-9770 Flyer 4-6pm, Carolyn Martinez Trio 6:30pm

EUREKA; IW; 760-834-7700 TBA 7pm THE GRILL ON MAIN; LQ; 760-777-7773 T.B.A. 7:30pm

HUNTER’S; PS; 760-323-0700 Live VJ 9pm

HARD ROCK HOTEL; PS; 760-325-9676 “Jump Off” DJ 9pm Lobby THE HOOD; PD; 760-636-5220 Dead Kennedys, Bridger and White Kaps 8pm HOODOO COCKTAIL GARDEN @ THE HYATT; PS; 760-322-9000 Bill Ramirez 6:30pm

PALM CANYON ROADHOUSE; PS; 760-3274080 Mark Gregg & Dude Jones 9pm PALM DESERT COUNTRY CLUB; PD; 760345-0222 Old Skool 6:30pm PAPPY & HARRIET’S; PT; 760-365-5956 Desert Stars Festival 1pm

VICKY’S OF SANTA FE; IW; 760-345-9770 Meet The Corwins 5:30-7:30pm, John Stanley King 8pm

WOODY’S BURGER; PS; 760-230-0188 Rose Mallet 6:30pm ZELDA’S; PS; 760-325-2375 Girl’s Night Out w/ The Men on the Hollywood Strip 9pm


PEABODY’S CAFÉ; PS; 760-322-1877 Karaoke 7:30pm

29 PALMS INN; 29 Palms; 760-367-3505 Bev & Bill 6pm

PJ’S SPORTS LOUNGE; YV; 760-228-1199 T.B.A. 9pm

19TH HOLE; PD; 760-772-6696 Karaoke w/ T-Bone 9pm

PLAN B LIVE ENTERTAINMENT AND COCKTAILS; TP; 760-343-2115 Red’s Rockstar Karaoke 9pm

ACE HOTEL; PS; 760-325-9900 The Sleepover noon poolside,and 9:30pm

PURPLE ROOM; PS; 760-322-4422 Jonathan Karrant 7pm, Martin Ross 9pm

AGAVE LOUNGE@THE HYATT REGENCY; IW; 760-674-4080 Art of Sax 8pm

RED BARN; PD; 760-346-0191 The Hive Minds 9pm

AJ’S ON THE GREEN; C.C.; 760-202-1111 Cabaret on the Green Open Mic w/ Les Michaels and Wayne Abravanel 7:30pm

RIVIERA RESORT & SPA; PS; 760-327-8311 Martin Ross Starlite Lounge 7pm, Hot Wyre Sidebar Lounge 10pm, Starlite Lounge 10pm

AZUL; PS; 760-325-5533 Denise Carter 7:30pm

ROCKYARD @ FANTASY SPRINGS; IND; Thank You, Drive Thru and Hollywood Blondie (Blondie Tribute) 7:30pm SAMMY G’s; PS; 760-320-8041 Evaro Brothers 8pm SCHMIDY’S; PD; 760-837-3800 R Buckle Road 9pm SHANGHAI RED’S @ THE FISHERMAN’S MARKET; PS; 760-322-9293 Barry Baughn Blues 8-11pm SHANGHAI RED’S @ THE FISHERMAN’S MARKET; LQ; 760-777-1601 The Carmens 8-11pm

BAR; PS; 760-537-7337 TBA 9pm BART LOUNGE; C.C.; 760-799-8800 DJ and Dancing, open 6pm-2am BISTRO 60 @TRILOGY; LQ; 760-501-0620 The Carmens 6pm BLUE BAR; SPOTLIGHT 29; IND; 760-7755566 DJ PWee BLUEMBER; RM; 760-862-4581 Gina Carey 6-10pm CASCADE LOUNGE, SPA RESORT CASINO; PS; 888-999-1995 DJ Michael Wright 9-1am CASTELLI’S; PD; 760-773-3365 Patrick Tuzzolino 5:30pm

SHELLY’S LOUNGE@TORTOISE ROCK CASINO; 29 Palms; Rojer Arnold & Bobby Furgo 9pm

COACHELLA VALLEY ART SCENE; CC; 760650-2827 Connected “A Community Open Mic” 6pm

SMOKIN’ BURGERS; PS; 760-883-5999 Ron James 6pm

DHS SPA LOUNGE; DHS; 760-329-6787 Karaoke w/ DJ Scott 9pm

SOUL OF MEXICO; IND; 760-200-8787 Latin Rock 10pm

EL MEXICALI CAFÉ 2; IND; 760-342-2333 Cesar Daniel Lopez on the harp 6-9pm

SULLIVAN’S STEAKHOUSE; PD; 760-3413560 Demetrious and Co. 6pm

FIRESIDE LOUNGE; PS; 760-327-1700 T.B.A. 9pm

SHANGHAI RED’S @ THE FISHERMAN’S MARKET; LQ; 760-777-1601 The Carmens 8-11pm SHELLY’S LOUNGE@TORTOISE ROCK CASINO; 29 Palms; Rojer Arnold & Bobby Furgo 9pm

SMOKIN’ BURGERS; PS; 760-883-5999 Ron James 6pm

HUNTER’S; PS; 760-323-0700 Live VJ 9pm

SULLIVAN’S STEAKHOUSE; PD; 760-3413560 Dude Jones 6pm

INDIAN WELLS RESORT HOTEL; IW; 760-3456466 Frank DiSalvo 6pm

TACK ROOM TAVERN; IND; 760-347-9985 End of Cruel Summer 3 8pm

JOSHUA TREE SALOON; JT; 760-366-2250 T.B.A. 8pm

THREE SIXTY NORTH; PS; 760-327-1773 Darci Daniels 6:30pm

KOKOPELLI’S; YV; 760-228-2589 Karaoke 8pm

TILTED KILT; PD; 760-773-5458 T.B.A. 9pm

LAS CASUELAS TERRAZA; PS; 760-3252794 Palm Springs Sound Company,in the afternoon,Hot Rox,in the night LIT@FANTASY SPRINGS; IND; 760-345-2450 Common Ground 9pm THE LOUNGE, AGUA CALIENTE; RM; 888999-1995 Hindsite 9pm MELVYN’S RESTAURANT & LOUNGE; PS; 760-325-2323 Ron Greenip 8pm NEIL’S LOUNGE; IND; 760-347-1522 Karaoke 8-1:15am THE NEST; PD; 760-346-2314 Kevin Henry 6-8pm Tim Burleson 8pm PALM CANYON ROADHOUSE; PS; 760-3274080 Southbound and Company 9pm PALM DESERT COUNTRY CLUB; PD; 760345-0222 Doug Rogiers 6:30pm PAPPY & HARRIET’S; PT; 760-365-5956 Desert Stars Festival 1pm PEABODY’S CAFÉ; PS; 760-322-1877 Karaoke 7:30pm PJ’S SPORTS LOUNGE; YV; 760-228-1199 TBA 9pm PLAN B LIVE ENTERTAINMENT AND COCKTAILS; TP; 760-343-2115 Green Terror, Facelift, Moribund and Septic Slaughter 9pm PURPLE ROOM; PS; 760-322-4422 P.S. Jump! 7pm, Change Required 9pm RED BARN; PD; 760-346-0191 212 Band 9pm RIVIERA RESORT & SPA; PS; 760-327-8311 TBA Starlite Lounge 7pm, Starlie Lounge 10pm, Hot Wyre Sidebar Lounge 10pm ROCKYARD @ FANTASY SPRINGS; IND; Cougrzz Rock and Which One’s Pink (Pink Floyd Tribute) 7:30pm

September 24 to September 30, 2015

TRILUSSA ITALIAN RISTORANTE; PS; 760328-2300 Julius & Sylvia Music Duo 6-10pm VIBE, MORONGO CASINO; CAB; 951-7555391 DJ Hektik 10pm VICKY’S OF SANTA FE; IW; 760-345-9770 Pat Rizzo Trio 6:30pm VILLAGE PUB; PS; 760-323-3265 Rob & JB 1:30-4:30pm, Nite Fixx 9-2am, DJ Anwaar Hines 9-2am VUE GRILLE & BAR; IW; 760-834-3800 Chris Lomeli 8pm WESTIN MISSION HILLS; RM; 760-328-5955 Courtney Chambers 6pm WILLIE BOYS; MV; 760-363-3343 Red’s Rockstar Karaoke 8pm WOODY’S BURGER; PS; 760-230-0188 Stanley Butler Band 6:30pm ZELDA’S; PS; 760-325-2375 DJs 9pm

SUN SEPTEMBER 27 29 PALMS INN; 29 Palms; 760-367-3505 Bobby Nichols 6pm ACE HOTEL; PS; 760-325-9900 DJ Induce noon poolside, Full Moon Party 7pm, Intoxica Radio Live w/ Howie Pyro 10pm AJ’S ON THE GREEN; C.C.; 760-202-1111 Jazz Brunch 11:30am AZUL; PS; 760-325-5533 The Judy Show 7:30pm BART LOUNGE; C.C.; 760-799-8800 Motown, R&B and Funk 6pm-2am BLUEMBER; RM; 760-862-4581 Steve Madaio 6-10pm CASCADE LOUNGE, SPA RESORT; PS; 888999-1995 Nash with Quinto Menguante 9pm

SAMMY G’s; PS; 760-320-8041 Evaro Brothers 8pm

CASTELLI’S; PD; 760-773-3365 Joe Jaggi 6p m

SCHMIDY’S; PD; 760-837-3800 JE Double F, Lazer Talk and Sleep Beggar 9pm

DHS SPA LOUNGE; DHS; 760-329-6787 Radio 60 & Friends 3-6pm

SHANGHAI RED’S @ THE FISHERMAN’S MARKET; PS; 760-322-9293 Barry Baughn Blues 8-11pm

EL MEXICALI CAFÉ 2; IND; 760-342-2333 Cesar Daniel Lopez on the harp 6-9pm

continue to page 17


September 24 to September 30, 2015

Book Review Jackie Collins 1937-2015

By Heidi Simmons


y first experience reading Jackie Collins’ was in Palm Springs. I picked up a used paperback discarded as poolside fodder. With its cover already warped by water and it pages crinkled by wet fingers, there was no worry of damage. It turned out to be a terrific read while floating blissfully on the pool. Damage, however, was done to my skin because I did not –-could not—put the novel down. I read it in and out of the pool the whole day. The chapters passed easily by as the sun moved across the sky. The splashing ruckus and fun loving guests around me, peaked and waned while I was in a world of colorful characters tangled in scandal and sex. Jackie Collins died Saturday, September 19, of breast cancer in Los Angeles. She was 77 years old. With 30 New York Times bestsellers and over 500 million books sold in more than 40 countries, Collins was brilliant at weaving salacious tales of the rich and famous, the powerful and powerless, the glamorous and pretentious of Hollywood’s elite and all the shady characters who surround them. Collins was born in London. As a teen, she read and then rewrote Mickey Spillane novels in long hand. She would write overtly sexual stories for her classmates who paid to read them. A selfprofessed troublemaker, Collins dropped out of high school at age 15. Moving to Hollywood in the late 50s, Collins followed her older sister, actress Joan Collins.


September 24 to September 30, 2015

She became an insider and decided to write about the strangely addictive world of stardom. Jackie is quoted on her website as saying, “I write about real people in disguise. If anything, my characters are toned down -- the truth is much more bizarre.” Collins’ first novel, The World is Full of Married Men, was published in 1968. When a British Member of Parliament claimed the book was filth, after reading it, the book was catapulted to bestseller status in England. Banned in some countries, the material was not only sensational for its adulterous nature, but because its women characters were strong minded and driven by their own desire for sex and success. This was Collins’ literary forté. She could write about women as they struggled and fought for what they wanted in their male dominated world. Yes, women were abused and used by men -- that happens in real life -- but her women also used and abused men. Collins wrote about modern women who carved out their own way in the world. She showed us their strengths and their vulnerabilities. Collins celebrates the sex scene allowing

women to orgasm without mincing words or avoiding body parts. Many writers today use: “He touched my sex.” What’s that suppose to mean? Collins never had a problem using the words penis, vagina or hard-on. Author E.L. James could learn a thing or two from Collins sexual maturity and prowess. In one interview Collins said: “I’ve never felt bashful writing about sex. Sex is a driving force in the world so I don’t think it’s unusual that I write about it.” Some may consider the sex in her books gratuitous, but Collins took her time developing the relationships before the characters jumped into bed. Like foreplay, the reader is involved and understands the characters first, so when the sex happens everyone is on the same sheet – so to speak. I have no doubt, Collins helped women better understand their body, their partners’ body and the joy of orgasm. One of Collins’ most popular characters is Lucky Santangelo. With a series of nine books, Santangelo could be considered heroic. The woman comes from a misogynistic East Coast mob family and rises to power as a Hollywood mogul. Even though Santangelo is not a saint, if anyone deserves a Glass Ceiling award, it’s Lucky. Collins even wrote The Lucky Santangelo Cookbook in 2014. After all, the character is not only a formidable businessperson, but a good cook, wife and mother. With 34 novels to her credit, Collins revealed an elusive, private universe where the wealthy and powerful one percent with all their money and fame, still have their problems and are just

as flawed as the rest of us. The characters may be beautiful, live in mansions, ride in limos and have elegant and interesting friends, but their lives are still complicated and often treacherous. Collins had a knack for story telling. She could weave the narrative so that every chapter felt like a cliffhanger. Love them or hate them, the characters are layered and full of surprises that keep a reader engaged. Several of her novels have been adapted into movies and television series. Critics considered Collins’ work trashy and lowbrow, yet millions of people around the world enjoy her books. Trashy or not, that is literary success! There is no shame in reading a story if it holds your attention. A wise man told me: “The person who does not read is no different from the person who cannot read.” Highbrow and lowbrow aside, in January 2014, Collins attended the Rancho Mirage Writers Festival. She spoke to a sold-out crowd closing night. The festival is a celebration of the written word and clearly, coordinators appreciated the value of Collins’ contribution. What a wonderful event and special memory for those who attended. Sunshine, water and frivolous entertainment made my long ago Palm Springs visit fantastic! It introduced me to Collins’ work and inspired me to read more of everything. I’m grateful for all the fun she provided. Thank you Jackie Collins. Rest in peace.


September 24 to September 30, 2015

Screeners No.183

Movie Reviews with Robin E. Simmons




Writer-director Andrew Bujalski’s rambling but amiable romantic comedy works because the terrific cast offers so much more than what’s on the pages of the undeniably lightweight screenplay about an off-beat love triangle of sorts. When Danny (a terrific Kevin Corrigan), newly divorced and suddenly rich, randomly joins a gym he says to get in shape and be able “to take a punch,” we see it’s really to lift his depression and boredom. To find out what, if anything, happens when Kat (Colby Smulders), the gym’s ambitiously determined trainer works with Danny during which he inadvertently becomes involved in the nebulous relationship between Kat and Trevor (Guy Pierce), the gym’s buff owner and Youtube guru, is the only reason why I kept watching. Giovann Ribisi, Brooklyn Decker and Anthony Michael hall are wasted in non-essential scenes. I never laughed out loud, but I was semi-engaged till final fade out. Magnolia. Blu-ray.

INDIAN WELLS RESORT HOTEL; IW; 760345-6466 Ted Herman’s Big Band 6pm JOSHUA TREE SALOON; JT; 760-366-2250 Open Jam 6pm LAS CASUELAS TERRAZA; PS; 760-3252794 Palm Springs Sound Company, in the afternoon, Hot Rox, in the night

center of this terrific drama is recounts how this arrangement not only spiraled out of control but stole the soils of those involved and destroyed the lives of those caught in the cross currents as Whitey rose to become the most powerful and ruthless gangster in the city’s dark criminal history. I was riveted as much by the story as I was by the performances, especially Depp’s. Gangster movies have a long history in American films and BLACK MASS takes it’s place among the more memorable. Benedict Cumberbatch and Peter Sarsgaar co-star. Scott Cooper directs with a clear eye for the core conflict. Now playing. NEW FOR THE HOME THEATER: RESULTS

Finally a role for Johnny Depp that reminds of his for formidable powers to pretend and role-play on a grand, visceral scale that sidesteps his recent tendency to embrace essentially white-faced comic characters and foppish villains. Playing Boston’s Irish mob boss Whitey Bulger, Depp exudes an unrelenting and energized malevolence that chills. The movie, set in 1970s South Boston, is based on the best-selling book of the same name, not only recounts the vicious psychopath’s brutal crimes, but also makes clear the FBI was a cold-blooded partner in warning and essentially protecting Bulger in exchange for his cooperation as an informant in their war against the Mafia. In fact, Depp as Bulger actually says: “We get the FBI to fight our wars, and we get to do whatever we want to do!” That’s about as horrifying a line as any I’ve heard recently on the big screen. More so since it’s all based on a real person and true events. When FBI Agent John Connolly (Joel Edgerton) talks Bulger into being an informant, he agrees thinking it will eventually eliminate a common enemy. The


CLUB CRAWLER NIGHTLIFE continued from page 12

HARD ROCK HOTEL; PS; 760-325-9676 “Fusion” Pool Party 11am poolside

MELVYN’S RESTAURANT & LOUNGE; PS; 760-325-2323 Sunday Jam 4-8pm NEIL’S LOUNGE; IND; 760-347-1522 Golden Era Karaoke 4-7pm, Red’s Rockstar Karaoke 8pm-1:15am

MON SEPTEMBER 28 29 PALMS INN; 29 Palms; 760-367-3505 Bob Ballard 6pm BART LOUNGE; C.C.; 760-799-8800 Mood Deep House Lounge 6pm-2am CASTELLI’S; PD; 760-773-3365 Joe Jaggi 6pm INDIAN WELLS RESORT HOTEL; IW; 760345-6466 Ron Kalina’s Jazz 6pm LAS CASUELAS TERRAZA; PS; 760-3252794 Hot Rox

THE NEST; PD; 760-346-2314 Kevin Henry 7:30pm

NEIL’S LOUNGE; IND; 760-347-1522 Karaoke 8pm-1:15am

PALM CANYON ROADHOUSE; PS; 760-3274080 Longest Running Jam Session in the valley. Hosted by JB, Sign up 6pm

THE NEST; PD; 760-346-2314 Kevin Henry 7pm

PAPPY & HARRIET’S; PT; 760-365-5956 The Hot Fudge Sunday Band 7pm PURPLE ROOM; PS; 760-322-4422 The Judy Show 7pm

Writer-director Leonard Kastle’s lowbudget, certified cult classic, is based on a true crime the press dubbed “The Lonely Hearts Killers” for which real life murderers Raymond Fernandez and Martha Beck were both executed at Sing Sing. The no-nonsense straightforward drama, shot in effective black and white, unfolds like a documentary – and that makes it all the more raw and gripping. Tony Lo Bianca plays smooth-talking, Spanish immigrant Fernandez and Shirley Stoler is his sullen, overweight nurse accomplice. After meeting as pen pals while Fernandez was still in prison, they apparently fell in love. The couple’s post-prison plan was to pose as brother and sister and bilk rich widows out of their inherited fortunes. This unsettling movie is as much about the loneliness and desperation of vulnerable women as it is about those who exploit and violate that sad condition. The new 4K digital restoration, with uncompressed monaural soundtrack is crisp and clean. Fascinating extras include a 2003 interview with writer-director Leonard Kastle; “Love Letters,” a new interview program by Robert Fischer, featuring actors Tony Lo Bianco and Marilyn Chris and editor Stan Warnow; “Dear Martha...,” a new video essay by writer Scott Christianson, author of “Condemned: Inside the Sing Sing Death House” and there’s a perceptive print essay insert by jazz and film critic Gary Giddins. Criterion. Blu-ray.

WOODY’S BURGER; PS; 760-230-0188 The Smooth Brothers 5:30pm

RIVIERA RESORT & SPA; PS; 760-327-4080 Art of Sax Sidebar Patio 5pm SAMMY G’s; PS; 760-320-8041 Eddie Gee 7pm SCHMIDY’S; PD; 760-837-3800 SULLIVAN’S STEAKHOUSE; PD; 760-3413560 The Myx 6pm VICKY’S OF SANTA FE; IW; 760-345-9770 Redux 2-5pm, John Stanley King 6-9pm VUE GRILLE & BAR; IW; 760-834-3800 The Toast & Jam Band 6pm

PALM CANYON ROADHOUSE; PS; 760-3274080 Singer Song Writer Open Mic hosted by Robert Poole 7pm SULLIVAN’S STEAKHOUSE; PD; 760-3413560 T.B.A. 6pm VILLAGE PUB; PS; 760-323-3265 DJ Khodi Rayne 4:30-2am, Michael James & 3sum 9-2am ACE HOTEL; PS; 760-325-9900 Ace Karaoke with Kiesha 9pm

RIVIERA RESORT & SPA; PS; 760-327-4080 Martin Ross Starlite Lounge 6pm

LAS CASUELAS TERRAZA; PS; 760-3252794 Hot Rox

AZUL; PS; 760-325-5533 Bella da Ball Dinner Revue w/ guest performers 7:30pm

SCHMIDY’S; PD; 760-837-3800 CV Open Mic Competition hosted by Morgan James 8pm

BART LOUNGE; C.C.; 760-799-8800 Open DJ Night text 760-799-8800 to sign up 6pm-2am

SULLIVAN’S STEAKHOUSE; PD; 760-3413560 Demetrious and Co.

MELVYN’S RESTAURANT & LOUNGE; PS; 760-325-2323 “Sing Jam” w/ Mikael Healey 8pm

BLUEMBER; RM; 760-862-4581 Stanley Butler Trio 6-10pm

THREE SIXTY NORTH; PS; 760-327-1773 Douglas McDonald 6:30pm

CASTELLI’S; PD; 760-773-3365 Joe Jaggi 6pm

VILLAGE PUB; PS; 760-323-3265 Live entertainment

FIRESIDE LOUNGE; PS; 760-327-1700 Red’s Rockstar Karaoke 9pm

VUE GRILLE & BAR; IW; 760-834-3800 Chris Lomeli 6pm

HUNTER’S; PS; 760-323-0700 Karaoke hosted by Phillip Moore 9pm INDIAN CANYONS GOLF RESORT; PS; 760833-8700 DJ Randy Johnson 6pm


THE NEST; PD; 760-346-2314 Kevin Henry 6-8pm Tim Burleson 8pm PALM CANYON ROADHOUSE; PS; 760-3274080 Kal David 7pm PJ’S SPORTS LOUNGE; YV; 760-288-1199 Karaoke w/ KJ Ginger 8pm PLAN B LIVE ENTERTAINMENT AND COCKTAILS; TP; 760-343-2115 Red’s Rockstar Karaoke 9pm

29 PALMS INN; 29 Palms; 760-367-3505 Daniel Horn 6pm

PURPLE ROOM; PS; 760-322-4422 Michael Holmes Jazz 6:30pm

JOSHUA TREE SALOON; JT; 760-366-2250 Ted Quinn’s Open Mic Reality Show Jam 8pm

ACE HOTEL; PS; 760-325-9900 Melusine 7pm

RED BARN; PD; 760-346-0191 Live Music 9pm

KOKOPELLI’S; YV; 760-228-2589 Karaoke 7pm

AJ’S ON THE GREEN; C.C.; 760-202-1111 Jazz Jam 7:30pm

SCHMIDY’S; PD; 760-837-3800 T-Bone Karaoke 9pm

LAS CASUELAS TERRAZA; PS; 760-3252794 Palm Springs Sound Company

AZUL; PS; 760-325-5533 Piano Bar 6pm

SULLIVAN’S STEAKHOUSE; PD; 760-3413560 Straight Ahead Jazz 6pm

NEIL’S LOUNGE; IND; 760-347-1522 Karaoke 8pm-1:15am THE NEST; PD; 760-346-2314 Tim Burleson 7:45pm

WOODY’S BURGER; PS; 760-230-0188 Barney McClure 6pm

PALM CANYON ROADHOUSE; PS; 760-3274080 Open Mic Jam w/ Jimi Heil 7pm

29 PALMS INN; 29 Palms; 760-367-3505 Spanky 6pm

WOODY’S BURGER; PS; 760-230-0188 John Bolivar 6pm

NEIL’S LOUNGE; IND; 760-347-1522 Golden Era Karaoke 4-7pm, Karaoke 8pm-1:15am

INDIAN WELLS RESORT HOTEL; IW; 760345-6466 Michael D’Angelo 6:15pm

VUE GRILLE & BAR; IW; 760-834-3800 Tony Grandberry 6:30pm


September 24 to September 30, 2015

PLAN B LIVE ENTERTAINMENT AND COCKTAILS; TP; 760-343-2115 Ladies Night and Open Jam hosted by Rob Lawrence 9pm PURPLE ROOM; PS; 760-322-4422 Rose Mallet 7pm

BART LOUNGE; C.C.; 760-799-8800 Beer Pong Contest 6pm-2am CASTELLI’S; PD; 760-773-3365 Patrick Tuzzolino 5:30pm HUNTER’S; PS; 760-323-0700 Live VJ 9pm INDIAN WELLS RESORT HOTEL; IW; 760345-6466 Open Mic w/ Rich Bono & Poupee Boccaccio 6pm JOSHUA TREE SALOON; JT; 760-366-2250 Live Music KOKOPELLI’S; YV; 760-228-2589 Open Mic hosted by Amy Angel 6:30pm

THREE SIXTY NORTH; PS; 760-327-1773 Open Mic w/ Les Michaels 6:30pm VICKY’S OF SANTA FE; IW; 760-345-9770 Lizann Warner 6:30pm VILLAGE PUB; PS; 760-323-3265 DJ Khodi Rayne 4:30-2am, Nite Fixx 9-2am WILLIE BOYS; MV; 760-363-3343 Karaoke 9pm WOODY’S BURGER; PS; 760-230-0188 Deanna Bogart 6:30pm

S and G


Septic Tank & Grease Trap Pumping Sewer & Drain Cleaning Odor Control




September 24 to September 30, 2015

Haddon Libby

safety tips

by Fire Chief Sam DiGiovanna



ast week, the Federal Reserve’s announced that the Federal Funds rate was going to remain at essentially 0% - an emergency rate level that has been in place for six years. In deciding not to raise this key indicator rate to 0.25%, the Fed reasoned that the mix of subdued inflationary factors, a weak employment market due to historically low employment participation rates and offshore economic weakness gave the Fed no reason to act immediately. While three or four rate increases over the next fifteen months remain in their projections, the Fed is acting very cautiously on rate increases. Additionally, Janet Yellen, the Chairperson of the Fed, stated that they would remain very accommodative even after rate increases begin. So what does this all mean? In reading the tea leaves, pay attention to one Federal Reserve Governor who stated that negative interest rates remain a possibility. Negative interest rates? How could this be? Think about the stock market fall last month. It was caused primarily by concerns about the Chinese economy. You see, leaders in that country are hell bent on keeping growth targets between 7.5% and

10% despite past excesses that are making that objective difficult to achieve. As a result, the Chinese devalued their currency. They did this to make Chinese goods more affordable around the world. This negatively impacts companies and countries reliant on sales to China as they will most likely see fewer sales in China as foreign goods are too expensive to the Chinese population relative to their domestic goods. This means that everyone will be selling less to the second largest economy in the world while we all buy more from China. To better visualize this, think of China as a vacuum sucking up our dollars as well and those of workers around the world. Thinking back over the last few years, part of what shook the US economy out

of the Great Recession was a fiscal policy that weakened the US dollar relative to other currencies. This helped the sale of US goods to other countries which helped US companies get stronger and hire more US workers. Unfortunately, the new jobs paid less than the old jobs causing US workers to have less money. US workers represent twothirds of all purchases in the United States. A weaker worker means a weaker economy. Back to fiscal policy, other countries are wise to the currency devaluation approach now. As a result, there is a bit of a race to the bottom as it relates to currency values. This is done by printing more money and running government deficits. This reduction in currency value has the same effect on a domestic economy as an interest rate increase. You don’t see the cost in the interest rates that you pay but the things you buy like food. Think about that for a second in your life - food costs have gone up even though inflation has stayed low. Your dollar

isn’t going as far although this has been offset somewhat by cheap Chinese goods which extend your purchasing power in the near-term but longer-term will weaken our economy. Are you starting to see why rates did not move up? Increasing rates would hurt our economy and benefit a predatory Chinese economy. China is exporting not only goods but deflation. I don’t want you to forget Yellen’s comment about employment. Obama touts a 5.1% unemployment rate as the lowest in a long time. While that is accurate from a statistical standpoint, only 62.6% of Americans of a working age are “participating” in the economy - the lowest level on record. These non-participants are people who have been unemployed over 15 weeks - the magical time period when an unemployed person is no longer counted. If we use the definition of unemployment in effect in 1970, true unemployment would be between 10% and 15%. Haddon Libby is Managing Director of Winslow Drake, an investment management practice focused on individuals and 401(k) plans. He can be reached at the email



he ther you follow Ginger Jeffries or Patrick “Mr. Fulvio Sausage” Evans, the predictions are the same: Rain for the week of September 21, 2015 and the ensuing El Nino weeks. It is a well-known fact that first rains cause the street and highway oil buildups to surface. This results in slippery roads from the oil buildup. That is why there are more auto accidents after first rains.....and during the winter months with increased rain. In addition because you settled your case does not mean you will receive your money right away. Insurance companies make money on “the float”. The insurance companies stall getting your money to you and then you cashing their checks. By doing this to millions of accident victims throughout our country they are making a lot of money on their delay or “float”. Thus they delay not only the settlement but delay again and again in getting the money to you. The insurance companies come up with excuses to delay such as: 1) awaiting the police report; 2) investigating the causation; 3) interviewing the witnesses; 4) waiting to review property damage pictures; 5) reviewing the medicals: 6) awaiting their manager’s approval, 7) the file is transferred to another adjuster who has to go through


the aforementioned factors all over again etc. Because you were in an accident does not mean you will receive a fair settlement offer from the insurance company. You must understand that you did not win the lottery because you were rear ended. Many potential clients do not understand why their case is not as valuable as their neighbors who also were rear-ended. These victims do not consider liability, the amount of property damage, which doctor they saw, whether their doctor was a chiropractor or orthopedist, the amount of the bill and length of time of treatment etc. These are all factors that affect the value of the case. The most successful accident cases have the following factors which the victim did which helps to establish liability and damages. These are the two essential elements of an accident case. The victim stopped and took picture of the scene and the damage to both vehicles. In addition the police were called to prepare a report. Of course the victim should not give a statement and they immediately seek medical care. It is often better if you do not give the insurance company your medical or Medicare information, it can be helpful for the settlement of the case.

Seek legal help asap or within the next day or two, but not longer. Your lawyer will assist you in getting medical care in a lien and getting you a body shop. A client with good insurance coverage is always a plus to the case and of course the victim should not sign anything without their lawyer’s approval. The odds are whether an accident takes place in the next month or so from rains or other factors, some things are certain; either you, a friend or a loved one will encounter one. Next week I will go into detail about why the aforementioned factors help a victim recover a good settlement to fairly compensate the victim for his/her pain. My practice is focused on people and protecting their consumer rights. We deliver results not false promises and get top dollar on our cases. When the case is successfully concluded, our clients tell us we were courteous, professional and caring and that we “DID TURN WRONGS INTO RIGHTS”.

DON’T DRINK & DRIVE OR TEXT AND GET IN AN ACCIDENT, CALL A TAXI OR UBER...IT IS A LOT CHEAPER THAN CALLING ME DALE GRIBOW TOP LAWYER - Palm Springs Life-Accidents (2011-16) Perfect 10.0 AVVO Peer Rating “Preeminent” Rating - Martindale Hubbell Legal Directory “Best Attorneys of America” Selected by “Rue” (Limited to Top 100 Attorneys per state) 2015 Client Appreciation Award/ 2015 Martindale Hubbell Client Distinction Award Only Attorney Selected to CVAG Public Safety and CLINTON Foundation committees 2014-2016 Hosted weekly legal Talk Show and Legal Column “ACCIDENTALLY YOURS” For questions or suggestions for future columns contact or 760 837 7500

Don’t Slip and Slide into Fall!


ere stepping right into Fall this week so make sure you don’t slip or slide into it! Recent rain and more in the forecast will make roads slippery. Go about it safely reminds Fire Chief am DiGiovanna. Get your brakes, tires and windshield wipers checked by your mechanic. Give cars distance. This means Don’t tailgate! Use your headlights. Do not drive through standing water on roads or in parking lots. Automobiles can be swept off the road in 12 inches of moving water, and roads covered by water are prone to collapse. If you come

upon a flooded street, take an alternate route. Drive slowly and steadily through the water. Avoid driving in water that downed electrical or power lines have fallen in - electric current passes through water easily. Watch for debris or items traveling downstream. Cell phone or texting? Don’t even think about it! Use good common sense at all times. For additional tips: Fire Chief Sam DiGiovanna

September 24 to September 30, 2015

sports Scene

by Flint Wheeler

nfl week 2 in review


hat we learned in week 2 of the NFL regular season: • Bills fail to handle Brady • Cowboys lose Romo but beat Eagles • Steelers drop the hammer on 49ers Only when the next week starts in the NFL do you really get the full extent of the overreactions from the previous week. Maybe Peyton Manning doesn’t have a wet noodle for an arm. Perhaps Jameis Winston isn’t going to stink every game he plays. It’s possible that Marcus Mariota won’t be the second-coming of Andrew Luck after all. These things will all work themselves out over the course of the season. For the Steelers, it was a picture perfect day on the North Side for the team to officially embark on their 2015 home schedule against the San Francisco 49ers. Maybe it was the extra four days the Steelers had to prepare since their last game, maybe it was the short week and the cross-country travel that left the 49ers flat. Either way, the Steelers dominated and the city of Pittsburgh went to bed very happy on Sunday night. Rex is all talk, again The Buffalo Bills were coming off of a huge win over the Indianapolis Colts and still Rex Ryan had to make this week all about his personal vendetta against the New England Patriots. Granted, no one actually likes the Patriots, or wants them to win anything. Still, Rex Ryan proved yet again that he’s all talk when it comes to beating the Patriots. Tom Brady threw the ball 59 times for 466 yards and three touchdowns. Brady found profitable matchups all over the field with Rob Gronkowski, Dion Lewis and Julian Edleman, who accounted for 24 catches and 308 yards en route to the 40-32 victory for the Patriots. So much for that ferocious Rex Ryan Buffalo defense, huh. Buffalo quarterback Tyrod Taylor came crashing down to earth with three touchdowns, three interceptions and two fumbles. He also got sacked a total of eight times against the Patriots suspect defense. LeGarrette Blount made his return to the lineup following his one-game suspension with a whopping two carries. Well done.

Oh no Romo The Dallas Cowboys are 2-0 but are down two offensive stars. Last week the Cowboys lost wide receiver Dez Bryant with a foot injury and this week they’ve lost quarterback Tony Romo to a broken collar bone. Thankfully for the Cowboys they were playing the offensively and defensively inept Philadelphia Eagles. For anyone who was hoping to see that genius Chip Kelly at work with all of the changes the team made in the offseason and his crafty ideas of an up-tempo offense. Keep waiting. Sam Bradford had more rushing yards for the Eagles than DeMarco Murray did. As for the Cowboys and what their plans at quarterback include. They still have senior citizen Brandon Weeden hanging out and trying to figure out how to work the offensive playbook on the tablet. I’m sure that will work out fine. Dropping the hammer The Pittsburgh Steelers started the season with some pretty big difficulties getting the ball into the end zone and getting points on the board. On Sunday, we saw what we hoped will be the 2015 Steelers going forward. The Steelers were a perfect 5 of 5 in the red zone and didn’t have to kick a field goal all day. That was good because the only negative to come out of the game is that Josh Scobee doesn’t’ only have issues kicking field goals in New England, he also has problems giving extra friggin points in Pittsburgh. Roethlisberger went 21 of 27 for 369 yards, three touchdowns and no interceptions. DeAngelo Williams broke a franchise record by scoring three touchdowns on the day with 77 yards on 20 carries. The defense made their first appearance of the season with Ryan Shazier leading the way with 15 tackles, one sack and three forced fumbles. Steelers kicker Josh Scobee missed his first extra point but connected on his next three after that.


September 24 to September 30, 2015

FREE WILL ASTROLOGY Week of September 24

ARIES (March 21-April 19): You are destined to become a master of fire. It’s your birthright to become skilled in the arts of kindling and warming and illuminating and energizing. Eventually you will develop a fine knack for knowing when it’s appropriate to turn the heat up high, and when it’s right to simmer with a slow, steady glow. You will wield your flames with discernment and compassion, rarely or never with prideful rage. You will have a special power to accomplish creative destruction and avoid harmful destruction. I’m pleased at the progress you are making toward these noble goals, but there’s room for improvement. During the next eight weeks, you can speed up your evolution. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Taurus-born physicist Wolfgang Pauli won a Nobel Prize for his research. His accomplishment? The Nobel Committee said he discovered “a new law of nature,” and named it after him: the Pauli Principle. And yet when he was a younger man, he testified, “Physics is much too difficult for me and I wish I were a film comedian or something like that and that I had never heard anything about physics!” I imagine you might now be feeling a comparable frustration about something for which you have substantial potential, Taurus. In the spirit of Pauli’s perseverance, I urge you to keep at it. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): In 1921, the French city of Biarritz hosted an international kissing contest. After evaluating the participants’ efforts, the panel of judges declared that Spanish kisses were “vampiric,” while those of Italians were “burning,” English were “tepid,” Russians were “eruptive,” French were “chaste,” and Americans were “flaccid.” Whatever nationality you are, Gemini, I hope you will eschew those paradigms -and all other paradigms, as well. Now is an excellent time to experiment with and hone your own unique style of kissing. I’m tempted to suggest that you raise your levels of tenderness and wildness, but I’d rather you ignore all advice and trust your intuition. CANCER (June 21-July 22): The astrological omens suggest you could get caught up in dreaming about what might have been. I’m afraid you might cling to outworn traditions and resuscitate wistful wishes that have little relevance for the future. You may even be tempted to wander through the labyrinth of your memories, hoping to steep yourself in old feelings that weren’t even good medicine for you when you first experienced them. But I hope you will override these inclinations, and instead act on the aphorism, “If you don’t study the past, you will probably repeat it.” Right now, the best reason to remember the old days is to rebel against them and prevent them from draining your energy. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): You may laugh more in the next fourteen days than you have during any comparable fourteen-day period since you were five years old. At least I hope you will. It will be the best possible tonic for your physical and mental health. Even more than usual, laughter has the power to heal your wounds, alert you to secrets hiding in plain sight, and awaken your dormant potentials. Luckily, I suspect that life will conspire to bring about this happy development. A steady stream of antics and whimsies and amusing paradoxes is headed your way. Be alert for the opportunities. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): It’s a favorable time to fantasize about how to suck more cash into your life. You have entered a phase when economic mojo is easier to conjure than usual. Are you ready to engage in some practical measures to take advantage of the cosmic trend? And by that I don’t mean playing the lottery or stealing strangers’ wallets or scanning the sidewalk for fallen money as you stroll. Get intensely real and serious about enhancing your financial fortunes. What are three specific ways you’re ignorant about getting and handling money? Educate yourself. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): “I feel like a wet seed wild in the hot blind earth,” wrote author William Faulkner. Some astrologers would say that it’s unlikely a Libra would ever say such a thing -- that


© Copyright 2015 Rob Brezsny

it’s too primal a feeling for your refined, dignified tribe; too lush and unruly. But I disagree with that view. Faulkner himself was a Libra! And I am quite sure that you are now or will soon be like a wet seed in the hot blind earth -- fierce to sprout and grow with almost feral abandon. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): You and I both know that you can heal the sick and raise the dead and turn water into wine -- or at least perform the metaphorical equivalent of those magical acts. Especially when the pressure is on, you have the power to attract the help of mysterious forces and unexpected interventions. I love that about you! When people around you are rendered fuzzy and inert by life’s puzzling riddles, you are often the best hope for activating constructive responses. According to my analysis of upcoming cosmic trends, these skills will be in high demand during the coming weeks. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Some astrologers regard the planet Saturn as a sour tyrant that cramps our style and squelches our freedom. But here’s my hypothesis: Behind Saturn’s austere mask is a benevolent teacher and guide. She pressures us to focus and concentrate. She pushes us to harness and discipline our unique gifts. It’s true that some people resist these cosmic nudges. They prefer to meander all over the place, trying out roles they’re not suited for and indulging in the perverse luxury of neglecting their deepest desires. For them Saturn seems like a dour taskmaster, spoiling their lazy fun. I trust that you Sagittarians will develop a dynamic relationship with Saturn as she cruises through your sign for the next 26 months. With her help, you can deepen your devotion to your life’s most crucial goals. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): The coming weeks will be a favorable time to break a spell you’ve been under, or shatter an illusion you have been caught up in, or burst free from a trance you have felt powerless to escape. If you are moved to seek help from a shaman, witch, or therapist, please do so. But I bet you could accomplish the feat all by yourself. Trust your hunches! Here’s one approach you could try: Tap into both your primal anger and your primal joy. In your mind’s eye, envision situations that tempt you to hate life and envision situations that inspire you love life. With this volatile blend as your fuel, you can explode the hold of the spell, illusion, or trance. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): “Go to the edge of the cliff and jump off. Build your wings on the way down.” So advised author Ray Bradbury. That strategy is too nerve-wracking for a cautious person like me. I prefer to meticulously build and thoroughly test my wings before trying a quantum leap. But I have observed that Aquarius is one of the three signs of the zodiac most likely to succeed with this approach. And according to my astrological calculations, the coming weeks will be a time when your talent for building robust wings in mid-air will be even more effective than usual. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): You are being tempted to make deeper commitments and to give more of yourself. Should you? Is it in your interests to mingle your destiny more thoroughly with the destinies of others? Will you benefit from trying to cultivate more engaged forms of intimacy? As is true for most big questions, there are no neat, simple answers. Exploring stronger connections would ultimately be both messy and rewarding. Here’s an inquiry that might bring clarity as you ponder the possibility of merging your fortunes more closely with allies or potential allies: Will deeper commitments with them inspire you to love yourself dearly, treat yourself with impeccable kindness, and be a superb ally to yourself? Homework: Formulate your game plan for hunting down happiness during the last three months of 2015. Rob Brezsny Free Will Astrology

Life & career Coach by Sunny Simon

Life Lessons from a Six Year Old


ot long ago I was playing Monopoly with my two young nieces. At one point, Alina, who is six, decided she wanted to gift some cash to her sister whose bank account was rapidly dwindling. When I inquired of Alina why she would just give money away, she simply replied she had more than enough. At that moment I was torn between which lesson to impart. Was it more important to explain the object of the game was winning, or should I cast the rules aside and let Alina continue with her act of kindness? I needn’t have struggled with the decision because Aisaylnn, her ten-year-old sister, wisely stepped up to field this coaching moment. She very sweetly lavished praise on Alina and made it clear how much she appreciated the gesture. Aisalynn then explained a win was more meaningful if earned fairly. Without missing a beat, the game continued leaving me with a warm glow over what I had just experienced. The life-lesson lingered with me throughout the day causing me to examine my actions. How often have I acknowledged I had more than enough? Do I give generously and frequently? Do I possess the bigheartedness of a little girl? Having pondered this I decided a kindness campaign is definitely something to keep on the front burner.

As I’ve mentioned before in my columns, I’m a tracker. Weighing, measuring and logging results are motivational in my world. Alina’s charitable example prompted me to initiate a Kindness Journal. Knowing at the end of the day I must log in a minimum of five benevolent or thoughtful acts keeps me in grace. Sometimes my actions involve giving physical items away as I truly do have more than enough. Other deeds may be as simple as reaching an item from the top shelf in the grocery for someone in a wheelchair. My challenge for you this week is to take kindness to heart by acting on it daily. Make a caring gesture expecting nothing in return. Typically your kind deed will live on. Here’s some geeky brain stuff: scientists have coined the term, “upstream reciprocity” to explain your act of generosity inspires others to also pay it forward. Another bonus: givers also experience a brain boost in a release of endorphins which are “feel-good” chemicals. Each night when I finish my journal entries I cannot help but smile and think how much you can learn by playing a board game with a six year old. Sunny Simon is the owner of Raise the Bar High Life and Career Coaching. More about Sunny at

September 24 to September 30, 2015

Mind, body & Spirit

by Bronwyn Ison



o you allow your thoughts to predominate you? Do you project what your future may hold? Do you fabricate circumstances in your life? Do you create your own anxiety? It is simple to get caught up in your own thoughts negative or positive. Typically our negative outlook or thoughts will supplant positive thinking. You control your thoughts. Therefore, perception is reality. If you change the way you think, you can become whatever you desire. Our thoughts are powerful. When you awake in the morning I encourage you to set a daily agenda. Look at yourself in the mirror and say, “I am beautiful, I am smart, I am talented and the World needs me today.” Commencing your day with positivity versus negativity will set the tone for the rest of your day. Mind over matter also goes hand in hand with what you intend to manifest in your life. What are your desires? You possess complete power to manifest your desires, needs, and wants. You can project with reference to anything your heart desires. Accentuate about physical and emotional health, financial prosperity, relationships, school, work and overall success. Most of us retain ideas and thoughts looming in our minds recurrently. We have needs, desires, and wants. Nothing is wrong or shameful relating to your desires. So, how to do you progress from one point to the other? Clear your space. In other words

extinguish any disbeliefs you have about yourself. Project positivity and keep a few affirmations nearby to keep you in check. Your personal assignment, show up with a healthy mind. The more you cleanse your thoughts and energy, the more positive experiences you will attract. Not only do you need to vacate your space, resolve to be clear about your desires. You must maintain lucid intentions. If your thoughts are jumbled you may juxtapose a lot of what you do not want or need. Tap into a feeling. Feel what it is that you want. The feeling is what makes the transcendence materialize. Now, you must think it, feel it and believe it! Take your clear intention and accentuate on it everyday. Allow the thought to inform the feeling and let it consume your energy. You must believe it… then instantaneous cognizance. Be patient. Do not get anxious. Trust that timing is everything. You will be in the right place at the exact opportune instant. When you feel it, you can live it. Be close to your desires, dreams and goals. You will hold it in the palm of you hand. Trust that you are in possession of all the ingredients to your delectable reward. Remain committed. Remain true to who you are as a person. Foster only healthy relationships. Bronwyn Ison is the owner of Evolve Yoga.

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September 24 to September 30, 2015


September 24 to September 30, 2015


September 24 to September 30, 2015


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