Coachella Valley Weekly -October 4 to October 10, 2018 Vol. 7 No. 29

Page 1 • October 4 to October 10, 2018 Vol. 7 No. 29

Nigel Dettelbach


Joshua Tree Comedy Selah Poitier Mario Lalli The Wastedeads pg6






October 4 to October 10, 2018


Coachella Valley Weekly (760) 501-6228 Publisher & Editor Tracy Dietlin Art Director Robert Chance Sales Team Kirby Club Crawler Nightlife Editor Phil Lacombe Feature Writers Lisa Morgan, Rich Henrich, Heidi Simmons, Noe Gutierrez, Avery Wood, Tricia Witkower, Jason Hall, Olga Rodriguez Writers/Contributors: Robin Simmons, Rick Riozza, Eleni P. Austin, Craig Michaels, Janet McAfee, Bronwyn Ison, Haddon Libby, Dale Gribow, Laura Hunt Little, Sam DiGiovanna, Rob Brezny, Sunny Simon, Dr. Peter Kadile, Bruce Cathcart, Flint Wheeler, Denise Ortuno Neil, Dee Jae Cox, Patte Purcell, Angela Romeo,Aaron Ramson, Lynne Tucker, Elizabeth Scarcella, Aimee Mosco Photographers Robert Chance, Laura Hunt Little, Chris Miller, Iris Hall, Esther Sanchez Website Editor Bobby Taffolla Distribution Phil Lacombe, William Westley

CONTENTS Erik Griffin Headlines Comedy Night at The Hood Bar + Pizza...................... 3 Nigel Dettelbach ................................... 3 Breaking The 4th Wall - Oklahoma!...... 5 3rd Annual Joshua Tree International Improv/Comedy Festival.................... 6 Theatre - The Understudy...................... 6 Joshua Tree Music Festival.................... 7 JTMF - Selah Poitier................................ 7 *NEW COLUMN* Desert Legend Series - Mario "Boomer" Lalli ........................ 8 Paint El Paseo Pink................................. 8 StickyFest - The Wastedeads................. 9 StickyFest - KARR................................... 9 Consider This - Lenny Kravitz.............. 10 Art Scene - David Bottoms................... 11 Pet Place................................................ 12 The Vino Voice ...................................... 13 Club Crawler Nightlife ................... 14-15 Good Grub - Joe's Sushi....................... 16 Screeners ............................................. 18 Book Review........................................ 19 Safety Tips ............................................ 19 Haddon Libby ...................................... 21 Dale Gribow.......................................... 21 Brewtality............................................. 22 Sports Scene......................................... 22 Travel Tips 4 U....................................... 23 Mind, Body & Spirit.............................. 23 Free Will Astrology.............................. 24 Life & Career Coach............................. 24 Awaken with Lizzy & Aimee............... 26


October 4 to October 10, 2018




rik Griffin is not one to shy away from controversial statements. He tells a room full of giddy fans that, “Black Panther…it was just alright,” in his most recent one-hour Showtime special, AmERIKan Warrior. Erik Griffin is many things: standup comic, movie actor, series regular on several TV shows, but above all else…he is undeniably funny. After quitting his job in 2003 to pursue comedy fulltime, Griffin’s trademark moustache and hilarious takes on anything from Beyonce, to protesting, to white guilt, have been tickling comedy-lovers’ funny bones ever since. Although he is most recognized for his role as hilariously irritable Montez Walker on the popular Comedy Central show, Workaholics, he has most recently starred in the Showtime series I’m Dying Up Here, has made two one-hour comedy specials (also on Showtime) The Ugly Truth and AmERIKan Warrior in the past two years, and has acted in several other TV shows and movies that he’s currently filming or are in post-production, as well as being a nationally touring comedian who headlines comedy clubs and colleges nearly every weekend. It begs the question of whether he has any downtime and I know there is a Workaholics joke just dying to be made

right now, because Griffin does seem to be, in fact, a workaholic. I spoke with Erik ahead of his Sunday, October 7 show at The Hood and asked all the important questions. CVW: How did you work up the courage to stand in front of people and be funny? What if you have a terrible day and then you have to go on stage and make people laugh? EG: “This happens all the time. I remember I was dating someone and right before I was going on stage she texts me, ‘It’s over.’ Then I hear them announce my name and I had to go up and be funny. It’s part of the job and often times I use those emotions to drive the point of view. It’s challenging, but worth the payoff of people enjoying themselves.” CVW: When I go to a comedy show, I cringe when some drunk person in the audience thinks they’re part of the show. The more popular and well-known that you’ve gotten, do you find hecklers aren’t much of an issue? How have you handled them in the past? EG: “Most clubs require a drink minimum and then we turn around and asked them to behave. It’s an ironic and challenging dynamic. I’ve dealt with a few in my time. You have to try and keep control of your emotions and make the situation fun for everyone else. I don’t always succeed.” CVW: In AmERIKan Warrior, I thought your bits on current events were really funny, without getting too angry and ranting. Do you try to stay away from having serious political content? EG: “No, I go in as much as I can if the subject moves me. I think my gift as a comic is that my point of view comes from a fun and honest place. The audience is laughing at how I talk about a subject, not necessarily the stance I’m taking.” CVW: Recently, The Hood (where you’ll be on October 7) has been developing a culture for comedy in the Coachella Valley, so aspiring comedians can get comfortable up on stage. Can you tell a story about your

own experience that might be helpful to young comedians starting out and wanting to hone their craft? EG: “My best advice to comedians is always people don’t fail they quit. Persistence is the only way to hone this craft. You have to keep experimenting with your skill set because the audience and circumstances will be ever changing. I have jokes about gun control and opinions about shootings and one day a group of girls were in the crowd that went to a school that had a shooting. They had a very strong reaction. You can shy away from tougher subjects but you just have to know not everyone will find humor in what you are talking about.” Whether you’re a fan of Griffin’s through his much-loved role as Montez from Workaholics, his comedy specials, his scenestealing characters on cult-favorite shows like Arrested Development, or blockbusters such as Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates, you will be laughing from the moment you sit down for his set at The Hood and long after he walks off the stage. Griffin will perform along with comedians: Isabella Luisi, Jacob Cantu, Dacoda Miracle, Cricket, Benji GarciaReyes, Brandon Praniewicz, Nikki Bon and Chip Nicholson. Doors open at 7:00pm. Show starts at 8:00pm. Tickets are $10.00 at The Hood Bar & Pizza and include a beer, wine, or well drink with ticket.



ost of us know Nigel Dettelbach as the bass player and cofounder for Slipping Into Darkness and as the Talent Booker and Sound Engineer at The Hood, as well as Sound Engineer for the Date Shed, but back in June, Dettelbach took on a new title as Comedy Booker at The Hood. This Sunday, October 7, he is bringing headliner Erik Griffin to the venue along with some local regular comedians. Tickets are only $10.00 and include a beer, wine or well drink. Show starts at 8pm and doors open at 7:30. Nigel took some time to answer some questions for us. CVW: When was the first comedy show at The Hood?

Nigel Dettelbach: “It was Sunday June 10th. Our headliner that night was Frank Castillo. He was the winner of Comedy Central’s “Roast Battle” season 1.” CVW: Have you been in charge of it since the beginning? Dettelbach: “Yes, I came up with the initial concept for a night designated to stand up and then teamed up with local comic and friend Jacob Cantu when it came to booking talent. There is nothing else like it here in the desert.” CVW: What made you decide to get into booking and promoting Comedy shows? Dettelbach: “I wanted to bring in a new element, plus I’m a big fan of stand up and saw an opening to spotlight it at The Hood.”

CVW: How do you select the comedians? You’ve been bringing in some names from LA and out of town. Tell us a little about that? Dettelbach: “I’m very hands on. I drive out to The Comedy Store in LA and hand pick the comics myself. I sit in the audience and every time someone impresses me I get up from my seat and book them on the spot.” “I also go there to take notes on how to run my show. I feel like I have the flow down now. But I still, at the end of every show, ask my headliner about their overall experience continue to page 5


October 4 to October 10, 2018


October 4 to October 10, 2018

COMEDY HOOD continued from page 3

and if they have any notes/critiques for me. So far they’ve all told me The Hood is a great room! Every one of them has said that they’d like to return.” CVW: How did booking Erik Griffin come about? Dettelbach: “Instagram of all ways...” CVW: How often are you going to be doing the Comedy nights? Dettelbach: “We have a show every other Sunday. I want to keep it fresh and not burn the valley out on comedy. Plus, my main focus is the quality of comics. I don’t want to throw just anyone on stage.” CVW: How is booking comedy different from you booking bands at The Hood? Dettelbach: “I found there is almost no difference between dealing with band members and comedians.” CVW: What do you enjoy more… booking entertainment, performing with your band Slipping Into Darkness or running sound for The Hood and Date Shed? Tell us what you get from each one. Dettelbach: “I love them all! I am very grateful to hold the positions that I do. Booking is great because I’ve always had a knack for networking. Playing music is life.

Being the FOH engineer for the Date Shed is amazing. Not only do I run sound for big names, but during festivals I get to manage my own stage. Plus I gained a new family with Empire Music Ventures. (Shout out to the booker, Kristen! She works her ass off and brings in big time artists. Lots of respect!) The Hood is home. That’s all I can say.” CVW: What’s new with your band Slipping Into Darkness? Dettelbach: “Slipping Into Darkness is just a few songs away from finishing our latest album. We’re working with two producers, Pete Dee from The Adicts and Eduardo Arenas from Chicano Batman. Our engineer is Cameron Webb (Motorhead) so it’s going to sound rad. We’re in good hands! We already have labels waiting on it. We are stoked and the sky’s the limit. As far as shows, we only have one booked at the moment. We’re headlining the Concert for Autism benefit at the Tack Room on October 19th. Follow us on social media for updates.” CVW: I noticed there are some changes going on at The Hood cosmetically. Can you share about that?



heatre is often dramatic, comedic, political or tragic. Sometimes it’s all of the above. It can make you think, cry, laugh and feel connected to a hundred other people in the intimacy of a room where a common experience is transcending an audience beyond contemporary place and time. Palm Canyon Theatre opened their production of Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein’s “Oklahoma!” to a packed house and a standing ovation this weekend. It was reminiscent of a fun, feel good, oldfashioned night at the theatre. Oklahoma!, Rodgers and Hammerstein’s first musical collaboration was based on the 1931 play “Green Grow the Lilacs,” by Lynn Riggs. The original production of Oklahoma! opened on Broadway in 1943 and was an immediate success. Subsequent productions went on to win a Tony Award and a Pulitzer Prize. Oklahoma, is a simple love story set in 1906 Oklahoma territory. (Oklahoma became a state in 1907.) It opens with Cowboy Curly

Photos By Paul Hayashi

McLain, (Christian Quevedo,) entering the stage from the rear of the theatre, singing the character’s iconic song, “Oh What a beautiful morning.” Quevedo’s voice is strong and captivating and I dare you not to immediately feel good when this melody fills the auditorium. He kicks off the show with a powerhouse performance that immediately captures the audience. McLain is smitten with farmer Laurey Williams, (Kaitlyn Farley,) who lives with her Aunt Eller, (Suzie Thomas Wourms.) Farley’s operatic voice is truly exquisite. Both Quevedo and Farley, share wonderful stage chemistry and their flirty performances make watching Curly and Laurey’s, ‘come here/go away’ relationship so entertaining. Thomas Wourms, as Aunt Eller is the matriarch of this show and she seems to weave her magic through any scene she’s in, making sure that the outcomes go as planned. Curly has come to ask Laurey to the ‘Box Social,’ a community event where men bid on lunch baskets and whomever wins each

COMEDY NIGHT Talent Lineup from September 30, 2018 (left to right) Sara Weinshenk, Dacoda Miracle, Jacob Cantu, Brandan Praniewicz, Ali Macofsky, Benji GarciaReyes Dettelbach: “Yeah, we’re giving The Hood a makeover. Jesse Jensen (bar manager) and I have been working on the project for the past few weeks. We’re doing everything from painting to demo work ourselves.


We love The Hood and Brad is an amazing boss. We’re more than happy to donate our time to renovate the venue. We really just want to make The Hood more appealing to everyone. Change is good!”


basket will eat the lunch with the woman who prepared it. Curly asks Laurey to go with him, but she refuses and instead agrees to go with her strange and disturbed farm hand, Jud Fry (Paul Grant.) There’s a ballet sequence where Laurie dreams of what marriage to Curly would be like. Mat Tucker (as dream Curly,) Brandy Valentine (as dream Laurie) and Samuel David (as dream Jud) performed an incredibly moving and mesmerizing ballet sequence of Laurey’s dream about her idealic life with Curly and her fear of Jud. I have to admit that two of my favorite performances were by Emilia Jimenez as ‘Ado Annie’ and Anthony Nannini as ‘Will Parker.’ These two captured my attention with their stellar performances. This cast ensemble was especially of note. Thirty-nine actors ranging in age from 8-80, (or thereabouts) sang, danced and brought a whole spectrum of talent and skill to this production. Derik Shopinski directed and choreographed this production and he is

truly a desert treasure. His all around talent seems to know no limitations. Shopinski, makes full use of the theatre with his staging and presentation of this classic show. His choreography is seamless and engaging and even his costuming talent is spot on. The live band under the direction of Jaci Davis is always a favorite part of any Palm Canyon theatre show. I loved J.W. Layne’s set design. It took me right back to the farms and barns of early twentieth century Oklahoma. If you’re looking for a fun, engaging, classic night of theatre, be sure to go see Palm Canyon Theatre’s production of ‘Oklahoma!’ Running through October 7, 2018. The Palm Canyon Theatre is located at 538 North Palm Canyon Drive in Palm Springs. For Reservations: Box Office: (760) 323-5123 Dee Jae Cox is a playwright, director and producer. She is the Cofounder and Artistic Director of The Los Angeles Women’s Theatre Project.


October 4 to October 10, 2018



he festival runs Friday, November 9 through Sunday, November 11 at The Hi-Desert Cultural Center located at 61231 Highway 62, in Joshua Tree (just half a mile from the entrance to Joshua Tree National Park). This year’s festival features entertainment and education by celebrity guests as well as performance competitions by improv groups, sketch comedy groups and stand-up comics. All events are open to the public, with audience votes determining winners. Doors open at 6:30pm on Friday, November 9, for the opening night gala, which includes heavy hors d’oeuvres, desserts, and a full cash bar. Entertainment begins at 7:30 with the ever-popular, Los Angeles-based Nick Luciano and Zach Fairless with 30 minutes of chill sketch comedy that will raise your vibration. At 8pm Adam Yenser takes the stage with his sharp observational humor with a uniquely conservative political perspective. Adam is an Emmy Award-winning writer for the Ellen DeGeneres show. He has performed his stand up on Conan and FOX Laughs, has written for The Oscars, and has been a freelance contributor to SNL’s Weekend Update. He


can be seen on Ellen in the recurring segment “Kevin the Cashier Played by Adam.” On Saturday and Sunday, improv workshops take place from 11AM-1PM. Most notably is a workshop taught by Rob Belushi (son of Jim Belushi and nephew of John Belushi) and Tim Stoltenberg focusing on emotional vulnerability. Rob and Tim met in Chicago touring for the Second City, exploding comedy all over colleges and performing arts centers nationwide. The duo will also be performing Saturday evening, with stand-up comic Sean Grant, winner of the 2017 festival, doing his stand up set as an opener at 7:30PM. Sean was also named “Funniest College Kid in America” On “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” Award-winning stand-up comics, improv groups and sketch comedy groups from Texas to San Francisco will be performing and competing for audience votes starting at 2:30 on both Saturday and Sunday. Tickets range in price from $8 to $75. For more information, go to www.jtimprovfestival. org, or call 760-366-3777. Group reservations accepted and encouraged.









oyote StageWorks, the Coachella Valley-based award-winning Actors’ Equity professional theater company, will open its Tenth Anniversary season with a production of “The Understudy” by Theresa Rebeck, who created the hit television series “SMASH.” The show, a hilarious comedy about life in the theater, will star Alex Best, Robin McAlpine, and David Youse and run for nine performances from November 2 – 11, 2018. It will be presented at the Palm Springs Art Museum’s Annenberg Theater and tickets are $45 – $55 for matinees and $50 – $60 for evening performances. A Q&A session with cast members will follow the Thursday matinee. To purchase individual tickets or subscriptions, call 760-325-4490 or visit For group sales, call 760-318-0024. “We are delighted to start our Tenth Anniversary Season with such a smart and hilarious production starring three stupendous actors,” said Chuck Yates, Founding Artistic Director of Coyote StageWorks. “We love the story of ‘The Understudy’ by Pulitzer finalist Rebeck, because it so comically and lovingly explores the existential dilemma of a life on the stage. It is a fast-paced and dazzling look at movie stars and lowly theater people trying to make sense of a senseless play, the fickle nature of Broadway, and egos running wild.” Directed by Chuck Yates, “The Understudy” is a hilarious exploration of the existential vagaries of show business and life. Charged with running the understudy rehearsal for a Franz Kafka undiscovered


masterpiece making its Broadway premiere, Roxanne finds her professional and personal lives colliding when Harry, a struggling New York actor and her ex-fiancé, is cast as the understudy to Jake, and up and coming action movie star yearning for legitimacy. As Harry and Jake wrestle to find common ground, Roxanne is challenged with a stoned light board operator, a malfunctioning intercom system, a missing prop gun, the producers threatening to close the show, and her own careening feelings about the importance and futility of it all. “The Understudy” is a dazzling and rollicking look at people trying to do what they love in the face of continually mounting obstacles, until all anyone can do is dance. The New Yorker described the play as “…a

clever indictment of contemporary theatre while making the characters’ personal circumstances ever more Kafkaesque: They are no more in control of the forces of celebrity, art, money, and Broadway than they are of their own fates.” Alex Best (Jake) is an actor known his roles on “Bones” and “The Anchor and Armenia, My Love,” as well as the recent short film, “Marabou.” Robin McAlpine (Roxanne) was featured in the films “Scent of a Woman” and “The Pickle” and was featured in “One Life to Live,” “Law & Order,” and “Interlude.” David Youse (Harry) was featured in “Chicago Hope,” “Southland,” “Criminal Minds,” and “Days of Our Lives.” The 2018-2019 Coyote StageWorks season will continue with productions of the musical “Honky Tonk Laundry” running February 1-10, 2019 and “Greater Tuna” running from March 22-31, 2019. This popular play about a small Texas town is the first production Coyote StageWorks mounted ten years ago. All productions will take place at the Annenberg Theater. The 2018-2019 Coyote StageWorks season is generously sponsored by David Lee with productions being sponsored by Carol & Ron Fragen, Annette Bloch; Barbara & Jerry Keller; John P. Monahan; Dorothy & Mel Lefkowitz; Dennis Flaig & Clint Moore; Frank Goldstin & Paul Clowers, with other Production Sponsors to be announced shortly. The organization benefits from the expert leadership of its Business Advisory Board, comprised of Barbara Keller, David

Lee, Dorothy Lefkowitz, John P. Monahan, Ann Sheffer, and Martin Wiviott. It receives insights and advice from its Artistic Advisory Board, comprised of Lucie Arnaz, Gloria Loring, Laurence Luckinbill, and Lorna Luft. Coyote StageWorks is a nonprofit, 501(c)3 company dedicated to advancing theatre as a vital art form in the desert communities of the Coachella Valley. During the past decade, the production company has earned 73 Desert Star Awards, two “Best Live Theater” wins in Desert Magazine, accumulated countless rave reviews, and three Coyote StageWorks productions transferred to theaters outside of the Palm Springs community. The mission of Coyote StageWorks is to provide a forum for thought-provoking, entertaining, and culturally significant works in an environment that nurtures the creativity of the individual and the enrichment of the community. These shows are not Palm Springs Art Museum or Annenberg Theater presentations. For more information about Coyote StageWorks, please visit



he 14th Annual Fall Joshua Tree Music Festival (JTMF) starts Thursday, October 4th and runs through Sunday, October 7th. The event is held at the Joshua Tree Lake Campground located at 2601 Sunfair Road in Joshua Tree. While music is a key component to this four day event, JTMF is about more than music – it is about a different way of seeing life. The event is meant for families of any age who are comfortable with the concept of radical inclusion. While radical inclusion can mean different things, at its core it is about being non-judgmental of others and living in harmony with your neighbor and nature. The judgmental types will say that this sounds like a bunch of hooey. To them it probably is. But to the JTMF folks who prefer to live life as happily as possible no matter what their daily challenges may be, it is about turning off a screamy and yelly world that pollutes our brains and world and focusing on the beautiful gifts of love, life and nature. You see, it is an entirely different perspective on existence. As such, JTMF is most certainly not for the judgmental, the negative or those who walk through life in a general state of grumpiness or assholerly.* (* a few words here that I need to copywrite) Let me walk you through a typical day at Shangrala aka the JTMF. At 9 am, Walter Winfield leads participants in Qi Qong which incorporates yoga, breathing exercises and the martial arts. Both before and after Winfield, you will find numerous yoga teachers of various approaches with sessions throughout the day in one of the many shaded practice areas. Where Festival food is usually pretty bad

and awfully expensive, that is not the case here. Speaking from experience, the coffee shop and smoothie bar are easy ways to start the day. Quality food choices abound along with an assortment of goodies for those with a sweet tooth. For those wishing to shop, there are dozens of artisan booths to peruse. There is a full day of activities for the kids in an area aptly named, Kidsville. Micaela leads Dance Freedom while members of the Desert Rhythm Project create concerts using the kids. No, the children are not the instruments but the performers in an impromptu jam session. FlowBox Circus Troupe entertain with their Circus Game. Meanwhile, kids are recruited to perform in their very own talent show. Right around this time, local teens perform songs for children and parents alike. No kids area would be complete without a bus to commandeer or tables on which to create Rembrandts. All of this is brought to you by the non-profit, Joshua Tree Living Arts. Keep an eye open for the “Random Acts of Mindfulness.” Festival organizers make the first gesture with free rice, beans and beer (for as long as it lasts) during the Festival kickoff Thursday night. At 5:30pm on Thursday, Mustafa Akbar raps his eclectic mix of soul, funk, reggae and Electronic of all kinds with Spain’s Raul del Moral. At 6:45pm, Joshua Tree’s version of Bruno Mars’, Gene Evaro, Jr. takes the stage before the evening concludes with Akbar’s return to the stage with the night’s featured artist, Afrolicious. Throughout the Festival, there are “Positive Vibration Stations” which include classes on creative movement, drum circles and the exploration of chakras. You will find the visual arts and artists throughout the



very now and then, you run across a person with the raw musical talent and personal determination to overcome obstacles that overwhelm most. Often discouraged but never defeated, Selah Poitier is one of those people. “My hope is to bring about effective change in my society. I want to enlighten…promote self-awareness…while lifting the spirits of people though my music,” says Poitier. This singer/songwriter who plays the upright bass is reminiscent of a young Diana Krall or Esperanza Spalding. While talent alone never determines the fate of a musician’s career, her personal drive and ability to weather obstacles and disappointments that would crush the spirit of others seem to be what give her a better chance that many others to achieve her hopes and aspirations. With her upcoming performance with a nine-piece ensemble at the JTMF, we get a chance to hear Poitier at the beginning of her wild adventure in music. Selah Poitier’s story is of a passionate teenager living in the Bahamas. Her family included a number of talented artists. They were also quite religious and “rigid in their beliefs” attempting to force their ways on her. Being “naturally free-spirited” she did not want to follow “societal norms”. Looking

back on that time, Poitier says, “I like to use my music to encourage people to think for themselves and question their societal indoctrination including the society in which they were indoctrinated in.” Looking to change her life course, Poitier set her sights on getting a college degree in


October 4 to October 10, 2018



festival. Similarly, the Healing Arts will be on display throughout the grounds. On the southwest side of the lake (yes, there is actually water) are land conservancy efforts known as “This Land is Your Land” which include a talk on the desert tortoise. On Saturday and Sunday, music can be heard throughout Festival grounds. Friday’s music starts at 10am with Sunny War followed by Edith Crash, Tim Easton, Gisella Woo and the Night Owls, locals the Desert Rhythm Project and Earth Arrow. At 8pm, showman Kelly Finnigan leads the Monophonics in their soulful ways before giving way to Evanoff at 10pm and the everinteresting Jessika von Rabbit at 11:30pm. Saturday’s schedule starts at 10am as well with Trevor Green followed by Bells Atlas. At 1:15pm, do not miss Selah Poitier of the Bahamas who is reminiscent of a young Diana Krall or Esperanza Spalding. The day continues at 3pm with Whiskerman and Jungle Fire before global superstar and women’s rights activist Fatoumata Diawara of Mali takes the stage at 6:30pm. She is followed by The Egg of


the UK, Matador! Soul Sounds and Everyman. Sunday gratefully starts later at 10:15am with Gabriella Evaro followed by Myskin Warble. At 1:15pm, do not miss The Delgres who mix their chunky Delta Blues sound with Caribbean influences. The Los Angeles duo, Kolars, takes the stage at 3:30pm followed by the world beats of Jupiter & Okwess from Congo. At 7pm, join the House of Hamsa on their shamonic global odyssey to close out the festival. McCoy and Fraser combine to play such instruments as the Moroccan bass, a Turkish fretless banjo, an ancient Moroccan three string lute, a West Africa harp, a Persian flute, a pan flutes, a bamboo harmonica from the Bronze Age, an African hand piano, the South African musical mouth bow, jaw harps and many more instruments while sampling and looping their riffs live. As you can tell, there is more going on than any one article can rightly do justice to. Visit or just visit the festival itself to find out for yourself!


music. Her target was the heralded and much vaunted Berklee College of Music in Boston. Poitier had a small challenge to achieving that dream. As the single mother to a three year old while living on her own, she did not have the money to afford a plane ticket to her first admission audition with Berklee. Two years later and on her third attempt at leaving the Bahamas, Poitier finally auditioned and was admitted with a scholarship. Missing her son who was being looked after by her parents while she was stateside, Poitier finished the four year degree in two years despite bad technique when first arriving. “My teacher called me ‘frog hands,’” Poitier recalls. After graduation, Poitier got together with Berklee alums to record her original song, “I’ve Learned to Love Me.” She recorded this after having lost her job while facing eviction from her apartment. Facing homelessness, limited musical prospects and missing her son, Poitier thought she was destined to return to the Bahamas where prospects of a musical career were limited. An emotional Poitier felt that her opportunity in music was slipping away. Her mother would have none of that. “She tells me to keep on going no matter how hard

it gets,” says Poitier. Shortly thereafter, the recording which had been posted on Berklee’s YouTube Channel began to get traction. In a relatively short period of time, views reached 100,000 and her life began to change. She performed on the same stage as George Clinton in Everett, Massachusetts. She was invited to perform at a prestigious event on Martha’s Vineyard on Cape Cod. She even met one of her personal inspirations, Indie. Arie who gave her the blueprint to success. Arie’s words echoed those of Poitier’s mother – “keep it going no matter how hard it gets.” Poitier is doing just that. She just finished a twelve night engagement in the Bahamas with fellow Berklee alums including some of her teachers. Next stop: Joshua Tree. “All of the music will be original songs and arrangements,” says Poitier. “The set will be a gumbo of everything I’ve done on this wild journey so far.” We can expect soul, jazz, funk, reggae, hip hop and a fusion of world sounds that Poitier has been exposed to. After that? Poitier is determined to move to Los Angeles to further advance her musical aspirations. Join Selah Poitier on her wild journey Saturday, October 6th at 1:15p at the Joshua Tree Music Festival.


October 4 to October 10, 2018




ario “Boomer” Lalli is often referred to as “The Godfather of desert rock.” This is not an unfounded claim. Boomer has been a part of the desert rock scene since before it was “stoner.” He was a part of the early punk scene which started putting our valley on the musical map. Boomer grew up with punk legends Sean Wheeler, Herb Lienau, Alfredo Hernandez, Scott Reeder, Brian Maloney, Tony Brown, Dan Latham, and Zach Husky. He would also go on to form bands with many of these guys. Punk rock was just the beginning of a storied career. In the mid 80’s, Boomer would form what is arguably considered the first “stoner rock” band, Across The River. Across The River featured Boomer, Scott Reeder, Alfredo Hernandez, and Mark Anderson. This band was amazing, but very short lived. If Across The River wasn’t the first “stoner rock” band, Yawning Man surely was. Yawning Man was more of a


jam band formed by Boomer, Gary Arce, Alfredo Hernandez and Larry Lalli. This was the band which started the legendary generator shows. It was Boomer’s generator feeding the unreliable power to the gear at the early generator parties. Boomer was a huge influence on the next generation of musician’s who would go on to be legends in their own right. This younger group included musicians such as John Garcia, Nick Oliveri, Josh Homme, Brant Bjork, Tony Tornay, Mike Pygmie, Billy Cordell, Chris Cockrell, Nick Nava, Mike Moracha, and Vic Du Monte. He would even go on to form a band with one of these guys. Boomer, his cousin Larry Lalli, and Tony Tornay would form Fatso Jetson. Brant Bjork even joined Fatso Jetson for a bit. Fatso Jetson would go on to inspire many “stoner” bands, and is still active. Boomer is a multi-instrumentalist. His guitar tones are known the world over. His bass groves are replicated by many. His voice is distinct and is easily recognizable. Boomer has been going strong for almost 40 years, and has no plans to stop. Yawning Man is still recording and regularly touring. Fatso Jetson put out a new album recently and still tour occasionally. He keeps busy with every aspect of music. From playing, to singing, to producing merchandise, Boomer is a master. He is a true desert legend. Coachella Valley Weekly: Can you tell us a bit about the formation of Yawning Man? Mario “ Boomer” Lalli: “Basically back in about 1986, Gary (Arce), Alfredo (Hernandez), my cousin Larry (Lalli), and myself all lived together in a house in La Quinta that I had bought for us all to be together and hang out and play music. We all just loved to jam and had jam sessions in the garage every day. Basically there


was no real intent to start a band specifically, we just were jamming making music in the garage and out in the desert because that’s what we loved to do. That’s basically how the band started out. We had no plans of gigs or records, just playing for the enjoyment of making music.” CVW: Fatso Jetson has also been around for 20 years. How did that band start? Boomer: “Kind of the same way; Tony Tornay used to hang out pretty much every day at my club in Indio called Rhythm & Brews. He and Larry - my cousin and partner in the club - just started jamming after hours… making noise. It started to take shape, but again it was just jamming and having fun… no real plan. Obviously, that changed.” CVW: Both Yawning Man and Fatso Jetson are still active. How do you keep these bands relevant? Boomer: “We all love music. We all thrive on creating and exploring. Honestly, I’m not concerned with being relevant. We just enjoy creating.” CVW: What was it like to re-record “Catamaran” after 32 years and having Kyuss cover it? Has the song evolved much? Boomer: “It was fun. We always wanted to record all those old tunes properly… that was a good one to start with.” CVW: This year you’ve finally officially released the original Yawning Man demos, Birth of Sol. What led to this decision? Boomer: “We have had the idea for years to make a tangible release of that stuff. We thought with releasing a new album this would be a cool time to do it and tour with it.” CVW: You’ve recruited Greg Saenz as your live drummer. With Greg’s punk rock

background, did it change the dynamic of the live sound? Boomer: “Greg’s truly a great diverse musician. We had an amazing chemistry almost immediately. We wrote four new songs during this tour just born of improvisations at sound check and jams mid set. He has a straight forward consistent approach with a tuned ear for dynamics in the changes and peaks and flows in the jams. We were really happy with our live performances. We’re extremely grateful to play with him.” CVW: What’s next for you? Any new projects? Boomer: “I’m touring the States and Australia with Yawning Man and recording these new ideas as soon as possible. The new Yawning Man album, The Revolt Against Tired Noises is out on Heavy Psych Sounds, and as you mentioned, Birth of Sol is out on vinyl as a joint release with Cobraside, Ruined Vibes, and Plastic Cactus. Birth of Sol is also available as a double cassette on Solid 7 Records.”” CVW: You’re at least a second generation musician. Your son Dino is also a fantastic musician. There was a project with you, Dino, and Benny Macias. It’s essentially you plus BigPig. Does that project have a future? Boomer: “Well I hope to release the recording we did at some point. The band was called Automodown. It’s an intense crazy instrumental trio. I loved it ... those kids are amazing together.”




esert Cancer Foundation’s 12 Annual Paint El Paseo Pink will be held on Saturday, October 13, at 8 a.m., beginning at The Gardens on El Paseo. On Friday, Oct. 12, there will be pre-registration at The Gardens, along with a kick-off party hosted by Trina Turk, a blood drive with LifeStream, and other festivities. Those interested in pre-registering the day before the event can do so from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at The Gardens on El Paseo, for $25 per person which includes a pink commemorative t-shirt (while sizes and supplies last). Throughout the day Alpha Media Group has lined up music with three stations conducting live remotes including Mix 100.5, The Eagle 106.9, and U-92.7. Trina Turk will be hosting a celebratory pre-event party at her boutique at The Gardens from 4 to 6 p.m., with champagne and light refreshments for purchase to further raise money for Desert Cancer Foundation. In support of Paint El Paseo Pink, LifeStream is conducting a blood drive also on Friday at The Gardens, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. On Saturday, Oct. 13, the event begins at 8 a.m., with late registration available at 7 a.m. Following the opening ceremony, Grand Marshall Mike Everett of NBC Palm Springs will lead the walk aboard a pink vintage convertible Thunderbird provided by Palm Springs Cruisin’ Association. Along the casual two-mile loop



down El Paseo and back, participants can enjoy select shops that will open early for the walk, and in front of Lululemon will be spin bikes for riding to raise additional funds, provided by PEDAL of Rancho Mirage. There will be live music in the street by Minor Emergency, and Alpha Media is also hosting a live remote in front of Lululemon, and at other locations along El Paseo with The Eagle 106.9, U-92.7 and Mix 100.5. This popular event has grown to over 1,500 attendees, and is dog-friendly. Everyone is encouraged to wear pink to show their support for breast cancer awareness, to celebrate and honor cancer survivors, including those currently in the midst of their cancer battle,

and remember those whose journey was cut short by cancer. Sponsors and in-kind supporters of Paint El Paseo Pink include Alpha Media, BioStrength, Burrtec, Costco Wholesale, Desert Care Network/Comprehensive Cancer Center, Eisenhower Health/Curci Cancer Center, Eko Plastic Surgery, El Paseo Jewelers, FG Creative, JSP Properties, Namaste with Shay, NBC Palm Springs, Nestle Waters, Signarama, The Auen Foundation, The Gardens on El Paseo, The General Air Conditioning & Plumbing, The Walking Company, and Univision Palm Springs. Numerous merchants along El Paseo actively support the event with some opening early, others offering goodies during the walk,



and many donating a portion of proceeds from sales, and more. These include A Gallery Fine Art, Alankara Aveda Salon, All Tressed Up Blow Dry and Beauty Bar, Bellismo Homes Accents, BG’s El Paseo, Blonde Clothing Boutique, Cactus Flower Shoe Salon, Candice Held, Daisy Blue, Dennis Ogas Salon, Desert Dream Dentistry & Spa, Eileen Fisher, Frasca Jewelers, Fresh Produce, Frizzante Fine Jewelers, Giancarlo Salon, Grayse Boutique, Il Corso, Just Blow Drys, LASER MED SPA, Julia Burt Law Offices, Leeds & Son Fine Jewelers, Lorna Jane, New Balance, Saks Fifth Avenue, Savory Spice Shop, Trina Turk, Uno de 50, and Vince. Desert Cancer Foundation is a local nonprofit organization dedicated to assisting residents in the Coachella Valley and surrounding communities who need financial assistance in obtaining screening, diagnosis and treatment for cancer and allied diseases. To register online for the walk visit All proceeds directly benefit Desert Cancer Foundation’s mission to provide financial assistance for screening, diagnosis and treatment for cancer and allied diseases for local residents of the Coachella Valley and surrounding communities. For information additional information about Desert Cancer Foundation visit or call (760) 773-6554.



he Wastedeads are an established San Francisco duo who are new to the desert. They aren’t a typical duo though. They are an in your face zombie duo consisting of Beth Zombie and Shawn of the Dead. Beth and Shawn were amazing while still amongst us living, and decided in death, they’d form a punk rock duo unlike any other. Beth and Shawn both are up front and on vocal duties. Beth supplies the guitar and Shawn plays the drums standing up. Some may shy away from a zombie band, but Beth and Shawn do it right. They are both amazing musicians and amazing and friendly people off stage. They make it fun. Their merch is equally impressive. They take canned pasta out with “Chef BoyArDead Brainsaroni” label’s on them. They also have candles and homemade scar trucker hats. We sat down with Beth Zombie and Shawn of the Dead and had an interview about their pre and post death careers. (Obviously they were



erforming to large crowds at Gadi’s Bar & Grill, The Hood Bar & Pizza and The Red Barn, after only six months, came easy to the members of Karr. Featuring former members of Spankshaft, Machin’, Unheard and Warsaw Poland Bros., this power rock outfit interfuses alternative, funk, rock, sexy roadhouse blues with a bit of punk. With Paul Michael on lead vocals and rhythm guitar, Andy Gorill on bass, Russel Waldron on drums and background vocals and recently added Steve Lavoie on lead guitar, Karr will be performing on November 10, 2018 at STICKY FEST at The Palms located in 29 Palms with desert mainstays Throw the Goat, Sticky Doll, Sleazy Cortez, Brain Vat, Mega Sun, Eboleth, Instigator, The Wastedeads, Generic Response, Drop Mob, Ormus. The DirtBays Satanic Johnny and UU. The outdoor show is an all-ages event and offers free camping. Tickets can be purchased for $12 online or $15 at the door. Members of the military and children under 16 with parent receive free admission with identification. You can purchase tickets now at Coachella Valley Weekly recently spoke with Waldron about his new rock venture. CVW: How are you feeling thus far about Karr? Waldron: “We’re ready to rock! If you mesh Foo Fighters with The Offspring and Pearl Jam you get an idea of what we sound like. We have some mainstream type music and we do some experimenting as well. We dip into the blues

October 4 to October 10, 2018


contained the whole time.) Be sure to catch The Wastedeads October 26 at Gadi’s in Yucca Valley and at Stickyfest on November 10. Coachella Valley Weekly: Can you tell us a bit about your musical past? Beth Zombie: “ARrghhhheeeff aarrrrggghhhh arrrRRRrggghhh — oops, forgot you don’t speak zombie! I have been playing in bands for many years playing bass and guitar. San Francisco punk rock bands -- The Loudmouths, The Womentors and The Meat Sluts were a few I was in.” Shawn of the Dead: “I’ve been banging on things since I was a kid and spent years in Drum Corp. Before my undead life I was a public school music teacher, and before moving to the desert I was drumming in San Francisco bands The Krypters and Fuzz Attack.” CVW: How did the idea of The Wastedeads come up? Beth Zombie: “I randomly went to a zombie pub crawl and found my true calling; I never

realized how much fun being a zombie could be! I’ve always been a horror movie/zombie fan. Dawn of the Dead is one of my all-time favs. I thought it would be funny to do a zombie band where we just made videos that had captions with intelligent lyrics to grunt and groan singing. Becoming a fullon live band wasn’t the idea at first! The two-piece evolved (or de-volved) because I’d been in many bands and was tired of dealing with schedules, personalities… I wanted to try something with just one other bandmate. In the Wastedeads I play guitar through a bass amp and a guitar amp so the sound is full. Shawn plays drums standing up - a first for him! - and we stand next to each other on stage. Like Shawn of the Dead says, ‘Zombies don’t sit down!’” CVW: What brought you two out to the desert? Shawn of the Dead: “The zombie outbreak got cured in SF, so we needed a new place to infect!” Beth Zombie: “The open space, the stars and dirtbike riding is pretty nice out here too.” CVW: You’ve got some of the coolest merch I’ve seen. How did the Chef Boyardee and Vienna Sausages idea come about? Beth Zombie: “It’s Chef BoyArDead and Blood, Guts, Fingers and Toes! Have you tried them? Sometimes they taste like carrots, peas or corn. They are very tasty. Sometimes we put them on shelves in grocery stores… coming to a Stater Brothers near you! We have some really cute Wastedeads panties too, and other zombie apparel.” CVW: Do you guys have plans for an album? Shawn of the Dead: “We have an album,



and hard rock here and there, so each song is so different. We were rehearsing three new songs each practice. We quickly developed a 17 song set list. It’s all ‘A’ material. We just want to have fun. We don’t have to be the best band in the world, it’s all about fun. We will always push ourselves to be the best musicians as long as we’re having fun and people are digging the music.” CVW: How are you connected to Greg “El Sancho” Gendron, founder of StickyFest and member of the band Sticky Doll? Waldron: “I’ve known Greg for a while and I’m so pumped for him. He has a lot of integrity and we’re thankful to him for having that drive in front of us.” CVW: You are all past members of successful acts. How has that helped your approach in Karr? Waldron: “I’m a founding member of Spankshaft. After ten years I felt it was time for

a change and a breath of fresh air. It was my opportunity to expand and move on. I love the guys in Spankshaft and they have continued doing really well. I checked off many things on my bucket list with Spankshaft. I ‘touched the sun’ with Spankshaft. I wasn’t pursuing another band when Paul, my brother-in-law, reached out to jam.” CVW: Tell us more about the other members of Karr. Waldron: “Andy loved going back to the electric bass after playing upright bass for Machin’ for so long. His energy is palpable. Paul is a bad-ass songwriter and has an endless song bank. Paul’s excellent at writing amazing hooks.” CVW: What’s on the horizon for Karr? “We’ll be going into the studio soon. We’ve only been a band for six months and we’re tightening up. We’ll likely record a 5-7 song EP,


Rot-n-Roll, that came out Halloween 2014. You can find it on our bandcamp, thewastedeads., along with some other songs as well. We have it for sale on CD at our shows.” Beth Zombie: “We would love to do a 7” someday, something on splatter vinyl. Vinyl rules! I’m an old vinyl whore.” CVW: How did you get involved in Stickyfest? Beth Zombie: “We moved to Morongo Valley at the end of 2017. A friend sent me a posting by Sticky Doll who were looking for bands to play the fest. We answered it. Let the zombie apocalypse begin!” CVW: Any live shows coming up besides Stickyfest? Beth Zombie: “We are playing a van camp out on Rocktober 20 at the Palms in Wonder Valley. I am a vanner and do a website called DON’T COME KNOCKIN’ -” Shawn of the Dead: “We hope to infect all the dive bars around here that have live music… we need to make friends with more local desert bands. Don’t be afraid of us, we don’t bite… that hard…” CVW: Are there any other musical projects you guys are involved in? Shawn of the Dead: “I’d like to play in a garage band, a la MC5, Sonics, Cramps. I’m looking for some desert rats to start that up with me! It would be nice to sit down and play drums.” Beth Zombie: “We have a couple other bands too — The Hot Patooties which is more of a punkabilly thing, and Motorbitch, a Motorhead cover band is in the works. I’ve always wanted to be Lemmy!”

BY NOE GUTIERREZ and then after a year or two complete a full length recording. We have to keep the momentum going and branch out into Orange and L.A. Counties. I have an almost three year-old daughter so touring at this point, is not feasible. We all have full-time jobs too and we put all our remaining energy into the music. We would like to play shows in Arizona, Las Vegas, and so on to ‘get our fix’ if you will. Our chemistry continues to grow. We are more cohesive with every show and are progressing. There’s no back peddling after spending six months in the garage. This most recent Red Barn show is the best we’ve played; we’re doing it right.” Karr is doing it right indeed. They are impenetrably tight and their previous experience shows in their live performance. Their sound is arresting and undeniably desert rock. Make sure to look both ways before crossing, because Karr is coming. Upcoming shows: 10/12 – Yucca Valley, CA – w/ Bang Tango & HOBP – Gadi’s Bar & Grill 11/10 – Twenty Nine Palms, CA – STICKY FEST – The Palms 11/16 – Cathedral City – Cathedral City Hot Air Balloon Festival 12/3 – Palm Desert, CA – The Red Barn


October 4 to October 10, 2018



ere are some Fun Facts about Lenny Kravitz: He is a musical autodidact. He is distantly related to “Today” show weather man, Al Roker. He is a furniture designer. He has been nominated for nine Grammy Awards and has won four. He’s an actor. He is named for his uncle who died in the Korean War and posthumously received the Distinguished Service Cross and Medal Of Honor. He attended high school with Slash. He’s appeared in animated form on “The Simpsons” and he just curated his own photography exhibit in New York City. Born in New York in 1964, he is the only child of actress Roxie Roker and news producer and former Jazz promoter Sy Kravitz. Lenny began banging on pots and pans as a toddler, and by age five he knew he wanted to be a musician. He quickly mastered drums and guitar, and he experience a musical epiphany in the second grade when he saw the Jackson 5 perform at Madison Square Garden. They immediately became his favorite group. As a kid, his parents’ record collection was a huge source of inspiration, pointing him toward Motown, Philly Soul, Stax, Aretha, Al Green, etc. Because of his dad’s background he was also exposed to Jazz greats like Bobby Short, Duke Ellington, Miles Davis, Ella Fitzgerald and Count Basie. Although his African American mother was Christian and his white dad was Jewish, Lenny was raised without religious affiliation. Following what he described as a spiritual experience, he began identifying as a non-denominational Christian. During his New York years he split his time between his parents’ upper East Side apartment and his maternal grandparents’ place in the Bedford-Stuyvesant section of Brooklyn. In 1974, Roxie Roker landed a role on “The Jeffersons” television series, (ironically, as half of an upper East Side interracial couple). The Kravitz family relocated to Los Angeles and his mom persuaded Lenny to join the California Boys Choir. He received Classical training, singing with the Metropolitan Opera and performing Mahler’s Third Symphony at the Hollywood Bowl. Conversely, L.A. gave him a




less formal musical education, as he delved into the sounds of Led Zeppelin, Aerosmith, Black Sabbath John Lennon, Bob Marley and the Grateful Dead. He also began exploring the music of Fela Kuti, Miles Davis and Pharoh Sanders. As a student a Beverly Hills High School, he enrolled in their prestigious music program. After graduation he started his career working as a session musician. When his parents divorced in 1985, he returned to New York City. It was during his tenure in NYC when he met actress Lisa Bonet at a New Edition concert. Best known for her role as Denise Huxtable on the phenomenally popular “Cosby Show,” the pair bonded over their shared ethnicities. (Lisa’s mom is Jewish and her dad is African American). The couple eloped in 1987, and their daughter, Zoe arrived a year later. Lenny began concentrating on a solo career. Initially, he took the name, Romeo Blue and sported blue contact lenses. Luckily this gimmicky phase was shortlived and he returned to his own name. Holed up in a Hoboken recording studio, he wrote what would become his first album. Shopping it to labels, he was dismayed to hear the perfunctory criticism that his music “wasn’t white enough or black enough.” Fortunately, Virgin Records decided to take a chance on him. Released in 1989, His debut, Let Love Rule, was basically a one-man band, as Lenny played nearly all the music himself. A Psychedelic-Soul-Rock-Funk hybrid, critical reception was mixed, (the consensus was his influences overwhelmed his individual style). It reached #61 on the American charts but the album fared better internationally. Lenny hit the road opening separate tours for Tom Petty, Bob Dylan and David Bowie. A year later, at Madonna’s behest, he cowrote and produced what became her ninth #1 single, “Justify My Love.” An interesting excursion into Trip-Hop, the song was accompanied by a controversial video that featured images of bisexuality and sadomasochism. Predictably, MTV banned the video, and more predictably, Madonna monetized the experience by releasing the video-single on a VHS cassette. Lenny’s sophomore effort, Mamma Said, arrived in the Spring of 1991. Featuring contributions from Slash and Sean Lennon, the album was written and recorded as his marriage was coming apart at the seams. (The couple divorced In 1993, but remain good friends). Despite his emotional turmoil, the album was a success, hitting #8 in the U.K. and achieving Platinum record sales in the U.S. As assured as Mamma Said was, 1993’s Are You Going To Go My Way proved to be Lenny’s watershed record. Adding lead guitarist Craig Ross to the mix, (a collaboration that continues to this day), gave his sound a harder edge. The album’s title-track infectiously channels his Hendrix/ Lennon/Mayfield/Prince obsessions but still asserts his individual style. It became his


first Top 20 hit in America and reached #1 in the U.K. and Australia. Finally, it was official, Lenny Kravitz was a Rock N’ Roll superstar. In the ensuing 25 years, Lenny has averaged a new record every three or four years. The hard rockin’ Circus, arrived in late 1995, just a couple of months before his mom lost her battle with breast cancer. 1998’s 5 was a sly fusion of Rock, Electronica and Soul. Lenny was released in 2001 and featured mega hits like “Fly Away” and his cover of the Guess Who’s “American Woman.” 2004’s Baptism was originally envisioned as his Funk record, but ended up hewing more closely to the Let Love Rule paradigm. It was also the first time in his career when he received mostly negative reviews. Four years later he rebounded with It Is Time For A Love Revolution, which debuted at #4 on the Billboard 200. Three years elapsed before his long-awaited Funk Album arrived. Black And White America was gripping and deeply personal, the cover featured a childhood photo with a peace sign painted on his forehead and the word “peace” painted on his face. In 2014 he released Strut a collection of carnal Soul songs. In between making music and coparenting Zoe, (now nearly 30 and an actress in her own right), Lenny found time to act in movies like “Precious,” and “Hunger Games,” and the TV series “Star.” In 2003 he opened Kravitz Design in New York City. He’s also managed to date panoply of models and actresses, De rigueur for Rock Stars. Now he has just released his 11th studio album, Raise Vibration. The record opens with the sanctified stomp of “We Can Get It Together.” The arrangement is powered by phased guitar, churchy organ, Moog synthesizer, tambourine, thundering drums and even didgeridoo. The lyrics look inward; “Deliver Me from loneliness, deliver me from selfishness, deliver me from brokenness, deliver me so we can get it together.” But the ultimate message is optimistic. Several songs here split the difference between spiritual and corporeal love. Stacked harmonies connect with rubbery bass and a see-saw rhythm on the keyboard driven “Gold Dust.” It’ is something of an ecumenical pep talk; “The spirit thrives

down deep inside, that’s where it’s home/ So let’s break the ties where evil lies and get in the zone.” Sort of a Zoomba workout for the soul. Meanwhile, “Ride” offers his best approximation of Yacht Rock, as jangly acoustic guitar connects with popping bass lines, squiggly mini-moog, a kick-drum beat and a wash of Fender Rhodes. The lyrics swap out beatific devotion for more temporal concerns; “I could only dream of heaven, when I gaze into the sky/But I know I’ve found my angel here, in this life, in this life.” Over the years, Lenny has taken some flak for his flowery, Hippie-Dippie outlook, but on this record, his gaze feels more apocalyptic. Take “Who Really Are The Monsters.” The arrangement and instrumentation offer a smorgasbord of styles; leapfrogging from dystopian Metallic crunch to a Latin Funk workout, to Hendrixian guitar fantasia. Robotic synths and Linn drum percussion bump up against congas and timbales, shards of electric guitar, rockribbed bass and a wailing sax solo. The lyrics take the Military Industrial Complex to task for perpetuating for-profit wars, noting “It’s all about the money.” Additionally, the title track is half galumph-y minuet, half cri de Coeur. Sinewy guitars wrap around a walloping beat as Lenny offers tips toward maintaining a nonviolent revolution; “Just like Jesus as he teaches, do it like the Lord, just like Martin got it startin’ and without a sword/Just like Gandhi went to war and never used a gun, we can join together and through love we’ll get it done.” The song concludes with a traditional war chant from the Lakota Indian tribe. To paraphrase the legendary George Clinton and Parliament, Lenny Knows that we want the Funk and he gives up the Funk. “Low” opens with explosive percussion, thumpy bass runs, a dry ice rush of whoosh Moog notes, plaintive piano and some boogaloo guitar. His creamy falsetto vocals get an extra assist from the late great King Of Pop (Lenny and Michael Jackson collaborated on and off for decades before his untimely death in 2009), and a peppery horn section echoes the elemental joy of Earth, Wind & Fire. “The Majesty Of Love” is an intergalactic groover that blends Tinkly cowbell Funk with a four-on-the-floor Disco beat. Shanga-lang guitar crests over twitchy rhythms, a strafing horn section and gritty keys. The saxophone solo recalls the nobility of James Brown side man, Maceo Parker. The album’s two best tracks, “Johnny Cash” and “It’s Enough” juxtapose Lenny’s vulnerabilities and strengths. The former opens with Squally power chords before continue to page 19




avid Bottoms lives and works in Joshua Tree. He and his wife, fiber artist, Anja Broenink, will be featured in the upcoming Hwy 62 Open Studio Artist Tours. The tour runs two weekends, October 13-14 and October 20-21. The couple is participating both weekends and is at Stop 57 on the tour. Originally from Tulsa, Oklahoma, David lived in San Francisco and Amsterdam before moving to the High Desert in 2014. He received a Master of Fine Arts degree from the University of California Santa Barbara, following a BFA from the University of Oklahoma. Like many David found a type of artistic solace in the High Desert but deconstructed pixilation gives his work a very urban feel. And somehow it all fits so well along Highway 62. Deconstruction in art is dialogue of questioning and challenging the meaning of what we see or read or hear. Think of John Cage and his composition 4’33” – the silence of not silence. The audience was left to create the piece. Consider the collaborative works of Cage with choreographer Merce Cunningham. Cunningham often left his dancers in the dark until the moment of the performance. These examples of deconstruction are no less challenging then David’s paintings. “These works represent part of my ongoing effort to push painting beyond realistic depiction and towards a more dynamic, abstracted realism,” said David. “I began to deconstruct the imagery I was painting, trying to free-up interpretive possibilities. I wanted to introduce a conceptual element into and onto the picture plane. The result was a kind of organic pixelism.” His work “feels” like a photograph broken into the tiny color dots that combine to create a the image as a whole. It is not pointillism. It is not abstraction. It is a form of pixilation deconstruction. The viewer’s eye pulls the elements together to create a


October 4 to October 10, 2018


familiar image. The discomfort, as such, is the effort the viewer must make to “see” the work as it is. The challenge to the viewer is to trust that the pieces have not fooled the eye. “My first years in art school were modeled on classic training, lots of life drawing, history and theory. When studies abruptly switched to Modernism, I was thrilled with it, but perplexed. How to resolve the traditional approach to painting with the modern? I have always had this push/pull relationship with traditional image making.” “My answer to that is in this work. I break the picture plane apart, reduce shapes to tiles of color, disperse the pieces into the surrounding space, and otherwise disrupt visual continuity. My goal is to create tension between traditional elements of visual art; two-dimensional space versus three dimensional, negative space versus form, color versus line,” continued David. “My interest now is about the constructive deconstruction of imagery. The pieces matter more than the whole. Conceptually, the painted pixels mean more than the painted image. So there is a progression towards more deconstruction, more abstraction, more pure color painting. To achieve this I am a recognizable element to draw the viewer into the very space I am deconstructing. I want the viewer to experience the dissolution a familiar spatial illusion, and hopefully, the realization of a more dynamic one.” David’s work, like Monet’s Nymphéas (Waterlilies) series, is a progression of subject and perspective. Stay tuned because David has just begun the journey of deconstruction. For more info on David Bottoms visit For more info on the upcoming Hwy 62 Open Studio Art Tours visit Catalogues are also available at Colliding Worlds Fine Art Gallery, 68-895 Perez Road, Cathedral City CA.


October 4 to October 10, 2018





noticed a beautiful Bluenose pit bull dog tied up to a post outside Trader Joe’s in Palm Desert while shopping there recently. Assuming the owner was inside, I waited by the animal for someone to return. The young man was polite when I told him about the danger of pet theft, and we discussed how this particular breed would be on the desired list of many thieves. He naively believed his dog was safe because he was in an “economically advantaged” area. The American Kennel Club reports a 70% increase in dog theft in recent years. One woman in New Mexico was arrested and charged with stealing over 50 neighborhood dogs. With so many homeless animals available, why would anyone want to steal one? What are some of the things you can do to protect your pets from this crime? Here are some of the ways dogs are stolen. 1. DOGS LEFT IN CARS There are many reasons not to leave your dog alone in a car, including death from heat stroke. A Coachella Valley resident dashed inside to pick up fast food one afternoon, leaving her automobile running with her two small dogs inside. A thief stole her car with the two dogs inside. Through good detective

MEET POUNCER This precious lively young fellow loves to play with other cats and humans too! Come meet Pouncer at Kittyland in Desert Hot Springs. Call (760) 251-2700.

MEET MONTE Want to play ball? This playful 10-month-old boy loves humans, but wants to be the only dog in the home. Monte, a 9-lb wire haired Terrier, was rescued by www.lovingallanimals. org. Call (760) 834-7000 to meet him.


work, the dogs were recovered. It only takes a second for a thief to force down a partially open car window, or smash a window. A dog can be stolen from a locked car in about 20 seconds, less time than it takes you to run that quick errand. 2. HIGHLY PRIZED BREEDS Pure breed dogs attract more thieves because they can be resold for a large amount of cash. The most targeted breeds include Yorkshire Terriers, Maltese, Pomeranians and Boston Terriers. Sadly, pit bulls may be stolen by criminals seeking to engage in dog fighting.

3. DOGS IN BACKYARDS Keep an eye on them when your dog is in the back yard, especially if you have a doggie door. If you are away from home, it is important to keep your pets inside. If your dog is friendly, a thief can steal him in about 30 seconds from your yard. 4. PETS TIED UP IN FRONT OF BUSINESSES You pop into Starbucks and tie Benji up to a table outside. Thieves assume these animals have a gentle nature and are easy prey. No one even notices when a stranger takes him by the leash and casually walks away. Rather than risk your dog being stolen, risk the ire of the shop manager and

take your dog inside when you run errands. Many businesses will not object to your bringing a well behaved dog inside. 5. STRANGERS AND WORKMEN Any person coming into your home or neighborhood can be a thief surveying your property and the pets living there. Drug addicts, always in need of quick cash, check out the valuable tools in your garage and make a note of your cute Shih Tzu peering out the side fence. They view the animal as an easy $100 bill. 6. WHY DO THIEVES STEAL DOGS? Your worst nightmare when Benji goes missing is to never know his fate. Your beloved dog could end up as bait in a dog fighting ring, or sold to a laboratory for experimental testing. Drug addicts and petty thieves view your animals as a source of quick cash. Sometimes taking someone’s pet is an act of revenge. Keep your pet micro chipped and tagged with identification to facilitate his return if he goes missing or is stolen. Have a good photograph of your pet to use for flyers and Facebook postings in case he goes missing for any reason. Be safe, be vigilant, and treasure your precious pet!





hen it comes to one’s favorite red Italian wine, we of course hear about Tuscany’s great Sangiovese based wines such as Chianti, Brunello di Montalcino and Vino Nobile de Montepulciano. Or, the other fan favorite is of course Nebbiolo with its stately and bold Barolo and Barbaresco. Certainly, for me, these wines have been on the top of my vino list forever. But now it’s time to speak of another red Italian that just knocks my socks off. This one is from the south of Italy, east of Napoli. Perhaps you’ve seen a bottle or label that says, L’Aglianico del Vulture. If the Italian language is not in your wheelhouse, you may have refrained from pronouncing the wine out loud. But we’re in a new day and age where no one is afraid to try saying French or Italian wine names. For you red wine enthusiasts—especially Italian red wine lovers, let’s get this pronunciation down right out-of-the-gate so one can talk about & request this wine, and, absolutely enjoy its qualities for the rest of one’s life. It’s actually quite easy to say. Aglianico del Vulture: “al-YAH-nee-co—dell— VOOL-too-ray”. (Some publications will have it “allee-an-nico”—but no one in Italy says it that way.) Okay—so much for the lesson, time to describe the wine: the general profile you’ll find black cherries, blackberries, black currants, black pepper, coffee, dark chocolate, earth, herbs, honey, leather, minerals, plums, roses, smoke, spices, tar, and tobacco. Young Aglianico wines are known for strikingly savory flavors of leather, white pepper, black fruits and cured meat that when aged, develop soft dusty aromas of dried figs and sun-tanned leather. For those of us who are a fan of rustic, earth-driven wines, Aglianico is a star. Those who desire a bold red wine which weaves complexities with some wonderful fruit, that is quite dry and not fruity sweet, find their camp here: Aglianico del Vulture, grown around the extinct volcano, Monte Vulture, brings more plum, berry and spiced expressions of the grape with an earthiness in the realm of coffee or espresso and sturdy but fine grained tannins. The Aglianico Taurasi

version, grown much closer to Naples, tends to deliver a more floral expression with brooding aromas of rose and sour cherries. It’s high on acidity along with gripping tannins; again this is for the bold and beautiful! And just like Nebbiolo, well made Aglianico come into their best around 10 years or so. Time softens the wines firm tannic structure and enamel-removing acidity revealing lush layers of naturally sweetened fruit and dried floral aromas intermixed with dusty and spiced smoke savory flavors. Knowing about Aglianico’s rigid nature, some producers make it into a much fresher, easy-to-drink style. Given that the grape has so much tannin and acidity it easily holds up to new oak aging and modern winemaking; it may have less of an expression of a particular terroir, but on the plus-side, it’s friendly to drink now and will sop up any beef brisket. Ask your wine purveyor what style they carry; and, these under-the-radar wines sell so reasonably—great bang for the buck, from around $15 to $25. The structure of Aglianico makes for high intensity food pairings. Because of the high acidity, Aglianico does wonderfully alongside barbecue sauce. Also, High tannin wines like Aglianico beg for rich meats with high fat content to absorb the astringency: Smoked Pork, Soppressata, Barbecue Beef, Carne Asada, Seared Prime Rib, Buffalo Burgers, Venison, Beef stew and Chili. As for cheeses: Pecorino, Asiago, Grana Padano, Cheddar, Monterey Jack, Provolone, If you’re a vegetarian, hone in on flavors with a rich umami note, such as black bean sauce, soy sauce, Indonesian temper, lentils, black-eyed peas, and dishes that welcome roasted mushrooms. A couple of columns ago, we offered our condolences to winemaker Shauna Rosenblum, from Rock Wall Wine Co. Her dad, the famed pioneer winemaker of the modern California Zinfandel movement, Kent Rosenblum, died unexpectedly from complications after knee replacement surgery. You know his delicious Zins through the years, and we’ll surely miss his talents. I’m a member of Shauna’s Rock Well Wine

October 4 to October 10, 2018

Company “Club Viva!” and I receive their newsletter. I recently tried her Rock Wall 2016 Heringer Aglianico, $30, and it was the best California version of this Italian grape that I’ve tasted! I totally agree with her comments, “This sexy wine boasts aromas of bright cherry, pipe tobacco, iron, and blueberry, followed by flavors of pomegranate, black tea and plum.” This Cal-Aglianico is food-friendly delicious! Great acidity with complex fruit. It’s a treat and one of my favorite wines this year! You know, even the most seasoned wine snob has tripped over some wine terms or names. Below are some wine names and terms that you may wish to say correctly.

Meritage: MARE-ih-tej, it rhymes with “heritage” A lot of folks like to “French” it up, saying Mare-ih-TAHJ. This word, created to describe American-crafted, Bordeaux-style red blends, is a mashup of “merit” and “heritage.” It’s actually a trademark name up in Napa County—so if you use it on your label, you’ll need to afford to. Gewürztraminer: geh-VERTZ-trah-MEEner. There’s an inside joke in the wine world that if you can’t pronounce GundlachBundschu Gewürztraminer you shouldn’t be driving. If you’re ever in doubt, just use the shortened version: geh-VERTZ. Riedel: It rhymes with “beetle”. It’s that Austrian glassware you see all over with shapes that purposefully match the wine varietal. Most people say “Rydell” as in Bobby Rydell, but the Europeans will be quick to correct you. Beaujolais: It’s Boh-juh-lay. Not really “Booooo-jo-lay” but around Halloween time, maybe. Trockenbeerenauslese: This of course is one of the best dessert wines in the world. In German, “trocken” means “dry”. It is a sweet German white wine made from selected individual grapes picked later than the general harvest and affected by noble rot. “Bear-enowsh-layzr” is do-able after saying “troken”. Cheers!


October 4 to October 10, 2018


29 PALMS INN; 29 Palms; 760-367-3505 Bobby Furgo & Co 6pm ACE HOTEL; PS; 760-325-9900 TBA 9pm AJ’S ON THE GREEN; C.C.; 760-202-1111 Bill and Doug Duo 6:30pm BART LOUNGE; C.C.; 760-799-8800 DJ John Paul and Friends 7pm BERNIE’S; RM; 760-202 4499 Barry Minniefield and Brian Dennigan 7pm BIG ROCK PUB; IND; 706-200-8988 Open Mic Hosted by Lance Riebsomer 8-11pm BLUEMBER; RM; 760-862-4581 John Stanley King 6-10pm CATELLI’S; PD; 760-773-3365 Patrick Tuzzolino 5:30pm CATALAN; RM; 760-770-9508 George Christian 6-9pm CHEF GEORGE’S PICASSO LOUNGE; BD; 760-200-1768 Michael D’Angelo 7-10pm CUNARD’S SANDBAR; LQ; 760-564-3660 Bill Baker 6pm DHS SPA LOUNGE; DHS; 760-329-6787 Karaoke w/ DJ Scott 9pm EUREKA; IW; 760-834-7700 TBA 8-10pm GADI’S BAR & GRILL; YV; 760-820-1213 Karaoke 8pm THE HOOD; PD; 760-636-5220 Red’s Rockstar Karaoke 9pm HOODOO COCKTAIL GARDEN @ THE HYATT; PS; 760-322-9000 Chris Lomeli 7pm HOTEL PASEO; PD; Michael Keeth 4-7pm HUNTER’S; PS; 760-323-0700 Open Mic 9pm JOSHUA TREE SALOON; JT; 760-366-2250 TBA 9pm LAS CASUELAS TERRAZA; PS; 760-3252794 TBA 6:30pm

LIT@FANTASY SPRINGS; IND; 760-3452450 Country Night w/ TBA 9pm THE LOUNGE, AGUA CALIENTE; RM; 888999-1995 Quinto Menguante 8-1am MELVYN’S RESTAURANT & LOUNGE; PS; 760-325-2323 Ron Greenip 8pm MOXIE; PS; 760-318-9900 Pedro Le Bass 9:30pm NEIL’S LOUNGE; IND; 760-347-1522 Karaoke 8pm THE NEST; PD; 760-346-2314 Kevin Henry 6-8pm Tim Burleson 8pm PAPPY & HARRIET’S; PT; 760-365-5956 Conor Oberst and The Mystic Valley Band and Phoebe Bridgers 8pm PLAN B LIVE ENTERTAINMENT AND COCKTAILS; TP; 760-343-2115 Desert Noise Presents: Live Music 9pm SAMMY G’s; PS; 760-320-8041 Evaro Brothers 8pm SHANGHAI RED’S @ THE FISHERMAN’S MARKET; PS; 760-322-9293 The Smooth Brothers 7pm SULLIVAN’S STEAKHOUSE; PD; 760-3413560 Dude Jones 6:30pm TACK ROOM TAVERN; IND; 760-347-9985 Karaoke 9pm THREE SIXTY NORTH; PS; 760-327-1773 Mike Cosley 6:30pm VICKY’S OF SANTA FE; IW; 760-345-9770 The Steve Oliver Band 6:30-10pm WANG’S; PS; 760-325-9264 Black Market Jazz 5-8pm WOODY’S PALMHOUSE; PS; 760-230-0188 Yve Evans 6:30pm ZELDA’S; PS; 760-325-2375 DJ 8pm



29 PALMS INN; 29 Palms; 760-367-3505 Bob Garcia Band 6:30pm ACE HOTEL; PS; 760-325-9900 TBA 9pm AGAVE LOUNGE@THE HYATT REGENCY; IW; 760-674-4080 Art of Sax 8pm AJ’S ON THE GREEN; C.C.; 760-202-1111 Sharon Sills 6:30pm AMERICAN LEGION; PS; 760-325-6229 Karaoke 4-8pm BART LOUNGE; C.C.; 760-799-8800 DJ Imdead and Friends 7pm BERNIE’S; RM; 760-202 4499 Barry Minniefield, Brian Dennigan and Leon Bisquera 7pm BIG ROCK PUB; IND; 706-200-8988 Manuel the Band 8:30pm BLUE BAR, SPOTLIGHT 29; INDIO; 760-7755566 DJ Double A 8pm BLUEMBER; RM; 760-862-4581 The Stanley Butler Trio 6-10pm CASCADE LOUNGE, SPA RESORT CASINO; PS; 888-999-1995 DJ Michael Wright 9-1am CATELLI’S; PD; 760-773-3365 Patrick Tuzzolino 5:30pm CATALAN; RM; 760-770-9508 George Christian 6-9pm CHEF GEORGE’S PICASSO LOUNGE; BD; 760-200-1768 Michael D’Angelo 7-10pm CUNARD’S SANDBAR; LQ; 760-564-3660 Bill Baker 6pm

DESERT FOX; PD; Wyldsky 9pm DRINGK; RM; 760-888-0111 DJ Journee 9pm ELECTRIC SPORTS LOUNGE; YV; 760-2281199 DJ Ceddy Cedd 9pm EL MEXICALI CAFÉ 2; IND; 760-342-2333 Cesar Daniel Lopez on the harp 6-9pm GADI’S BAR & GRILL; YV; 760-820-1213 Sleep Signals, Sunday Funeral and Daytime Moon 8pm THE HOOD; PD; 760-636-5220 Sol Suns, Frankeatsthefloor and Special Guest 9pm HOODOO COCKTAIL GARDEN @ THE HYATT; PS; 760-322-9000 Keisha D 7pm HOTEL PASEO; PD; Michael Keeth 4-7pm HUNTER’S; PS; 760-323-0700 Live VJ 9pm INDIAN WELLS RESORT HOTEL; IW; 760345-6466 Bob Allen 6pm JOSHUA TREE SALOON; JT; 760-366-2250 Karaoke 7:30pm KILO’S CANTINA; TP; 760-835-1363 TBA 9pm KOKOPELLI’S; YV; 760-228-2589 Karaoke 8pm LAS CASUELAS TERRAZA; PS; 760-3252794 Hot Roxx 7:30pm LIT@FANTASY SPRINGS; IND; 760-3452450 TBA 9pm THE LOUNGE; AGUA CALIENTE; RM; 888999-1995 DJ Jerry 9pm MELVYN’S RESTAURANT & LOUNGE; PS; 760-325-2323 Ron Greenip 8pm MIRAMONTE; IW; 760-341-2200 Trio NV 5-9pm MOXIE; PS; 760-318-9900 Eevaan Tre 6:30pm, DJ Pedro Le Bass 9:30pm NEIL’S LOUNGE; IND; 760-347-1522 Karaoke 8-1:15am THE NEST; PD; 760-346-2314 Kevin Henry 6-8pm Tim Burleson 8pm PALM CANYON ROADHOUSE; PS; 760327-4080 The Refills 9pm PALM DESERT COUNTRY CLUB; PD; 760345-0222 Orlandos 6:30pm PAPPY & HARRIET’S; PT; 760-365-5956 Angel Wolf 8pm PEABODY’S CAFÉ; PS; 760-322-1877 Karaoke 7:30pm PLAN B LIVE ENTERTAINMENT AND COCKTAILS; TP; 760-343-2115 Red’s Rockstar Karaoke 9pm PURPLE ROOM; PS; 760-322-4422 Marilyn Maye 8pm RED BARN; PD; 760-346-0191 California Celts 9pm RIVIERA; PS; 760-327-8311 Michael Keeth 8pm SAMMY G’s; PS; 760-320-8041 Evaro Brothers 8pm SHANGHAI RED’S @ THE FISHERMAN’S MARKET; PS; 760-322-9293 Barry Baughn Blues 8-11pm SHANGHAI RED’S @ THE FISHERMAN’S MARKET; LQ; 760-777-1601 The Smooth Brothers 8-11pm SHELLY’S LOUNGE@TORTOISE ROCK CASINO; 29 Palms; Rojer Arnold & Bobby Furgo 9pm SOLANO’S BISTRO; LQ; 760-771-6655 Michael Madden 6-9pm VIBE, MORONGO CASINO; CAB; 951-7555391 DJ 10pm VICKY’S OF SANTA FE; IW; 760-345-9770 Rose Mallett and Co. 5-7pm, Kal David, Lauri Bono and the Real Deal 7:30pm WANG’S; PS; 760-325-9264 Live Music 5pm WESTIN MISSION HILLS; RM; 760-3285955 Michael Keeth 6pm SOUL OF MEXICO; IND; 760-200-8787 Latin THE HOOD; PD; 760-636-5220 Reggae Night w/ Unity Frenzy, RazTecAlli and Crucial WILLIE BOYS; MV; 760-932-4300 TBA 8pm Rock 10pm Culture 9pm SULLIVAN’S STEAKHOUSE; PD; 760-341WOODY’S PALMHOUSE; PS; 760-230-0188 HOODOO COCKTAIL GARDEN @ THE 3560 Demetrious and Co. 6:30pm The Stanley Butler Band 6:30pm HYATT; PS; 760-322-9000 The Carmens 7pm ZELDA’S; PS; 760-325-2375 DJs 9pm TACK ROOM TAVERN; IND; 760-347-9985 HOTEL PASEO; PD; Michael Keeth 4-10pm Sugar Daddies 9pm HUNTER’S; PS; 760-323-0700 Live VJ 9pm THREE SIXTY NORTH; PS; 760-327-1773 Dennis Michaels 6:30pm INDIAN WELLS RESORT HOTEL; IW; 760TRILUSSA ITALIAN RISTORANTE; PS; 760- 345-6466 Bob Allen 6pm 29 PALMS INN; 29 Palms; 760-367-3505 328-2300 Julius & Sylvia Music Duo 6-10pm KILO’S CANTINA; TP; 760-835-1363 TBA 9pm Bob Garcia 6pm VENUE@VENUS; PD; 760-834-7070 Salsa KOKOPELLI’S; YV; 760-228-2589 Karaoke ACE HOTEL; PS; 760-325-9900 DJ 11am Dancing in the Desert 7-11pm 8pm poolside, TBA 9pm VICKY’S OF SANTA FE; IW; 760-345-9770 LAS CASUELAS TERRAZA; PS; 760-325AJ’S ON THE GREEN; C.C.; 760-202-1111 “Meet the Corwins” 5:30-7:30pm, The John 2794 PS Sound Company 1pm, Hot Roxx Sunday Brunch w/ Denise Motto 11am Stanley King Show 8pm 8pm BART LOUNGE; C.C.; 760-799-8800 Fusion WANG’S; PS; 760-325-9264 DJ Galaxy and LIT@FANTASY SPRINGS; IND; 760-345Sundays Hip Hop and Latin Night w/ DJ LF the House Whores 5pm 2450 TBA 9pm and Friends Hosted by Ron T 7pm WESTIN MISSION HILLS; RM; 760-328THE LOUNGE, AGUA CALIENTE; RM; 888- BERNIE’S; RM; 760-202 4499 Patrice Morris 5955 Michael Keeth 5-7pm 999-1995 TBA 9pm 7pm WOODY’S PALMHOUSE; PS; 760-230-0188 MELVYN’S RESTAURANT & LOUNGE; PS; BLUEMBER; RM; 760-862-4581 Michael Rose Mallett 6:30pm 760-325-2323 Ron Greenip 8pm Keeth 5pm ZELDA’S; PS; 760-325-2375 DJ 9pm MIRAMONTE; IW; 760-341-2200 Abie CASCADE LOUNGE, SPA RESORT; PS; 888Perkins 6-10pm 999-1995 Nash with Quinto Menguante 9pm MOXIE; PS; 760-318-9900 Derek Jordan CATELLI’S; PD; 760-773-3365 Patrick Gregg 6pm, DJ Pedro Le Bass 9:30pm Tuzzolino 5:30pm NEIL’S LOUNGE; IND; 760-347-1522 29 PALMS INN; 29 Palms; 760-367-3505 CHEF GEORGE’S PICASSO LOUNGE; BD; Karaoke 8pm Michael Lowe 6:30pm 760-200-1768 Lori Yeary 6-9pm THE NEST; PD; 760-346-2314 Kevin Henry ACE HOTEL; PS; 760-325-9900 DJ 11am, DHS SPA LOUNGE; DHS; 760-329-6787 6-8pm Tim Burleson 8pm poolside, Highlife w/ DJ Day 10pm Radio 60 3-6pm PALM CANYON ROADHOUSE; PS; 760AGAVE LOUNGE@THE HYATT REGENCY; continue to page 20 327-4080 Motley Scrue (Motley Crue Tribute) IW; 760-674-4080 Art of Sax 8pm 9pm AJ’S ON THE GREEN; C.C.; 760-202-1111 PALM DESERT COUNTRY CLUB; PD; 760Cabaret on the Green Open Mic 7:30pm BART LOUNGE; C.C.; 760-799-8800 The Get 345-0222 RoadRunners 6:30pm PAPPY & HARRIET’S; PT; 760-365-5956 Down w/ DJs Rich Brandon and CieloHigh Shadow Mountain Band 5pm, Sara Petite 7pm 8pm BERNIE’S; RM; 760-202 4499 Barry PEABODY’S CAFÉ; PS; 760-322-1877 Minniefield, Brian Dennigan and Leon Karaoke 7:30pm Bisquera 7pm BIG ROCK PUB; IND; 706-200-8988 Anthem PLAN B LIVE ENTERTAINMENT AND COCKTAILS; TP; 760-3432115 Red’s Rockstar Road 8:30pm Karaoke 9pm BLUE BAR; SPOTLIGHT 29; IND; 760-775PURPLE ROOM; PS; 760-322-4422 Marilyn 5566 DJ 9pm Maye 8pm BLUEMBER; RM; 760-862-4581 Gennine RED BARN; PD; 760-346-0191 Rage w/ J Francis 6-10pm Patron and Sonstormer 9pm CASCADE LOUNGE, SPA RESORT ROCKYARD@FANTASY SPRINGS; Cougrzz CASINO; PS; 888-999-1995 DJ Michael Rock and Led Zeppagain (Led Zeppelin Wright 9-1am Tribute) 7:30pm CATELLI’S; PD; 760-773-3365 Patrick SAMMY G’s; PS; 760-320-8041 Evaro Tuzzolino 5:30pm Brothers 8pm CATALAN; RM; 760-770-9508 George SHANGHAI RED’S @ THE FISHERMAN’S Christian 6-9pm MARKET; PS; 760-322-9293 Barry Baughn CHEF GEORGE’S PICASSO LOUNGE; BD; Blues 8-11pm 760-200-1768 Michael D’Angelo 7-10pm SHANGHAI RED’S @ THE FISHERMAN’S CUNARD’S SANDBAR; LQ; 760-564-3660 MARKET; LQ; 760-777-1601 The Smooth Bill Baker 6pm Brothers 8-11pm DHS SPA LOUNGE; DHS; 760-329-6787 SHELLY’S LOUNGE@TORTOISE ROCK Karaoke w/ DJ Scott 9pm CASINO; 29 Palms; Rojer Arnold & Bobby DRINGK; RM; 760-888-0111 DJ Guy Worden Furgo 9pm 9pm SOUL OF MEXICO; IND; 760-200-8787 Latin ELECTRIC SPORTS LOUNGE; YV; 760-228- Music 10pm 1199 DJ Ceddy Cedd 9pm SULLIVAN’S STEAKHOUSE; PD; 760-341EL MEXICALI CAFÉ 2; IND; 760-342-2333 3560 Demetrious and Co. 6:30pm Cesar Daniel Lopez on the harp 6-9pm TACK ROOM TAVERN; IND; 760-347-9985 GADI’S BAR & GRILL; YV; 760-820-1213 Fire Hotwyre 8:30pm by Rank, The Volume Kickers and Daytime THREE SIXTY NORTH; PS; 760-327-1773 Moon 8pm Reggie “Vision” Alexander 6:30pm THE GROOVE LOUNGE; SPOTLIGHT 29; TRILUSSA ITALIAN RISTORANTE; PS; 760INDIO; 760-775-5566 DJ 8pm 328-2300 Julius & Sylvia Music Duo 6-10pm

October 4 to October 10, 2018




October 4 to October 10, 2018




et your sushi fix the Cabo Way at Joe’s Sushi in Bermuda Dunes, where east meets west for innovative and delicious sushi creations. The two seats at the sushi bar were quickly occupied by our sushi craving appetites. It had been some time since my boyfriend and I had stopped by the Bermuda Dunes sushi spot, and decided that it had been long enough. Some things looked different at Joe’s. The mural featuring a quaint Japanese village behind the sushi bar had replaced the shelving that once hung on it, and there was a rather awesome floor to ceiling photo of Cabo San Lucas on the opposite side of the room. Fitting visuals for the fusion sushi. The sushi style at Joe’s infuses traditional sushi with the zest and spice of Cabo, a flavor that is reflected in their specialty items with the introduction of different chili’s, and the all-around kick back vibe at Joe’s. Although the décor had been mildly altered, the super friendly service and delectable sushi dishes had not. We started out with our usual go to sushi routine, “One large Sapporo and a large sake with two glasses please,” we asked politely. After the essentials were ordered, we zeroed in on the food. My food memory kicked in to what I had enjoyed there in the past, it was their Che Che’s, deep fried Yellow Peppers stuffed with a Crab mix and topped with a Ginger dressing. While the Che Che’s were frying, my boyfriend went traditional with an order of Hamachi, Salmon and Unagi sushi. Sushi Chef Carlos engaged in conversation with


us as he magically sliced and assembled our seafood candy. The fish was fresh, smooth and almost buttery, with my fave being the cake like Unagi, which I’ve always considered my sushi dessert. Just as I was licking my chopsticks from the Unagi, there were the Che Che’s. As I bit into the stuffed pepper, I quickly remembered why I remembered them so fondly, yum, yum, yummers! We then went a little rogue, and tried something out of our sushi repertoire. It sounded fun, and with the green light from Chef Carlos, we went for it. The Ova Tostada, comprised of deep fried Ova leaves topped with Spicy Tuna, Crab mix, Avocado, spicy mayo and eel sauce. It turned out to be a delectable decision, and has been added to my fave list. The leaf mimicked a crunchy tortilla, and the heat of the Spicy Tuna was gently calmed by the coolness of the Crab mix, then elevated again with the spicy mayo. It’s sort of like a sushi roller coaster. At that point we were ready to throw in our chopsticks and call it a night, our fullness

no doubt aided by the beers and sake. There were many other dishes that we wanted to try, and that are now on our “to do” sushi list. Must try’s on our next trip will be the Baked Lobster (roll with crab, cucumber and avocado, wrapped in soy paper, topped with baked langostino tails, eel sauce and spicy mayo), Cat City Special (slices of tuna, crab, avocado and shrimp with thin slices of serrano chile with their special dressing), Poke Tower (chopped albacore, salmon, tuna, chunks of mango and avocado, over a base of seaweed smothered with spicy sesame oil and special dressing) and for closers, a couple of Spoon Shooter’s (quail egg, smelt egg, green onion, Ebi shrimp and special mustard dressing). Joe’s has many, many more specialty rolls, as well as noodle dishes, and traditional tempura and teriyaki. They even have an

BY DENISE ORTUNO All You Can eat sushi deal for $29.95 before 6pm. The prices are moderate at Joe’s, which is saying something when talking about sushi. Meaning you can stop in for sushi more often than not, even if you’re on a budget. I’m super happy that we stopped by Joe’s Sushi. With its tasty and fun sushi creations, inviting service and relaxed ambience, we will definitely be making the Cabo Way our way again soon! Joe’s Sushi is located at 40-100 Washington St. #131, Bermuda Dunes, CA 92203 For more information visit www.

October 4 to October 10, 2018



October 4 to October 10, 2018



Set in the stunning Alaskan wilderness, Jeremy Saulnier’s mesmerizing, moody and atmospheric movie begins when Russell Core, a wolf expert and naturalist, gets a desperate letter from a young mom whose son was apparently killed by a pack of wolves. Core travels alone to remote Keelut, where he meets Madora (Riley Keough) the mom and lonely military wife. Core and Madora develop a connection while Core tracks the wolves that took her son and finds something unexpected. But it’s when he returns to Kheelut that things really change. He makes a gruesome discovery,

No. 337


Madora disappears and her husband Vernon (Alexander Skarsgard) is called home from Iraq. The horrible news of his child’s death triggers a violent chain of events. As local cop, Donald Marium (JAMES BADGE DALE) attempts to stop Vernon’s vengeful rampage, Core is forced on a dangerous odyssey into the heart of darkness. Macon Blair’s taught and evocative screenplay is based on the William Giraldi’s acclaimed novel of the same name. This immersive, mesmerizing and unnerving tale dares to enter those dark places of landscape and mind. In select theaters. Now streaming on Netflix. Recommended. NEW FOR THE HOME THEATER: THE LANDING Mark and David Dodson’s clever faux documentary purports to be an investigation into the end of Apollo 18, the last United States mission to the moon. Returning from a successful lunar landing mission, NASA’s Apollo 18 suffers a computer error that forces astronaut Bo Cunningham to fly the spacecraft to an emergency landing in a remote Chinese desert, far from the intended target in the Pacific Ocean. Thirty-six hours later NASA locates the spacecraft, by then the site of a national tragedy. Government investigations explore Cunningham’s actions before, during, and after

BY ROBIN E. SIMMONS Legrand’s fine score is available on an isolated track. Twilight Time Movies. (Limited Edition) Blu-ray. PUPPET MASTER: THE LITTLEST REICH

the mission. The astronaut is declared a hero by some, a villain by others. But what really happened in the desert? In new “interviews” conducted for the flight’s 25th anniversary, fresh mysteries around the controversial tragedy that left two American astronauts dead and almost destroyed an American institution are revealed. A nice mix of new and manipulated footage supports the talking heads in creating an unnecessarily complex and overly-wrought mystery that in better hands might have been far more involving regarding the 1973 “incident” that was all but ignored during the emerging Watergate scandal that ultimately claims the presidency of President Richard M. Nixon. I kept wondering what’s real and what’s fiction until I didn’t really care. Random Media/ Rocket66. DVD.

Edgar (Thomas Lennon), recently divorced, returns to his childhood home where he finds a nefarious puppet in his deceased brother’s room. Needing some quick cash, he decides to sell the doll at a small town convention celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the famous Toulon Murders. Naturally, all hell breaks loose when a strange force animates the puppets at the convention, setting them on a bloody killing spree that’s driven by an ancient evil as old as time itself. Sonny Laguna and Tommy Wiklund co-directed. RLJE Films. 4k UHD. REPRISAL



Charles Jarrott’s adaptation of former CV author Sidney Sheldon’s epic novel about the rise and revenge of French shopgirl Noelle (played by Marie-France Pisier in the movie) starts with a torrid WW II love affair that leaves her abandoned and pregnant. Noelle’s revenge includes becoming a fashion model, an international movie star and the mistress of an unbelievably wealthy Greek shipping tycoon. There’s a sense great style and attention to detail in this secret cinematic pleasure. Michell

Jacob (Frank Grillo) is a bank manager haunted by a violent heist that took the life of a coworker, teams up with his ex-cop neighbor, James (Bruce Willis), to bring down the assailant. While two men work together to figure out the thief’s next move, Gabriel, the highly trained criminal, is one step ahead. However, when Gabriel kidnaps Jacob’s wife (Olivia Culpo) and daughter, Jacob barrels down a path of bloodshed that‘s the catalyst for an explosive counterattack, bringing the trio of men to the breaking point. I was actually kind of embarrassed seeing Willis in this dopey, semi-coherent low-budget, direct-to-video B-movie. Lionsgate. Blu-ray.






hen Mother Mary shows up on toast, a wall or in a church, she can really draw a crowd. In John Sandfords’ Holy Ghost: A Virgil Flowers Novel (Putnam, 373 pages) pilgrims turn a dying town into a deadly destination. The story takes place in a small Minnesota community that has a population of less then 700 folks. There is no industry, no commerce and no money. People have abandoned their homes and business for somewhere else. The mayor, who drinks beer and shoots flies in his house with a gun, was put on the ballot as a joke, and he was elected. His slogan: “I’ll do what I can.” A precocious teen suggests to the mayor a provocative idea to bring life back to the community and make a bunch of money in the process. The Mayor is game and they hatch a plan. When Mother Mary appears with a message at the local church, the cell phone videos are posted on social media and the footage goes viral. Soon the town is swarming with pilgrims. Life in the small town is revitalized. The Mayor and his young partner are raking in the dough selling candy bars, potato chips and potpies.

APPARITIONS AND ABOMINATIONS It’s all-good until two of the visitors are shot in front of the church by a sniper. No one saw the shooter and no one heard the bullet. Virgil Flowers, an agent of the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, is called in to investigate. The shootings that is, not the apparition. As the investigation gets underway, a local believer is killed as she leaves the sanctuary and Flowers is just a block away! The attacks quickly diminish the number of visiting pilgrims, which in turn impacts the city’s sudden financial windfall. A string of local murders follow and Flowers is challenged by the increasingly bloody small town mystery. Is it an angry fanatic or a religious hater? What he thought would be reasonably simple gets complicated. Everyone owns a gun and can shoot well, and the many suspects all seem to have alibis. None of the killings make sense since the whole town is benefiting. Author Sandford is a pro at bringing to life colorful and quirky characters. He weaves his mystery with provocative details that keep the reader engaged and guessing, and he does it with a sense of humor. Appearances of the Christ’s mother are called “Marian apparitions.” But in this story, she not only appears, she has a message about the meek inheriting the earth, which she delivered in Spanish with a Minnesotan accent to the mostly Mexican, padre/preacher-less Catholic congregation. In the book, the reader never knows how the Mayor and his accomplices devised their Mary sighting plan or pulled it off. We

LENNY KRAVITZ continued from page 10 downshifting into what is best described as Country-Soul Psychedelia. Twangy acoustic riffs lap around lush strings, pedal steel and stately piano. Searching for some emotional rescue, the lyrics recall the day his mother died. Staying with producer Rick Rubin when he got the news, remarkably, he was comforted by the warm embrace of Johnny Cash and his wife, June Carter. All he wants his latest paramour to do is “Hold me like Johnny Cash, when I lost my mother, Whisper in my ear, Just like June Carter.” On the other end of the musical spectrum, the latter is the album’s magnum opus. Summoning the spirits of the late Marvin Gaye, Curtis Mayfiend, Bobby Womack and Prince, the track unfolds like the best Blaxploitation jam you’ve never heard. Clocking in at nearly eight minutes, Wah-wah guitar slithers over rumbling bass, Hammond B3, bongos, ominous synths, layered vocals Tough-talking lyrics tackle hot button topics like Black Lives Matter, the Parkland School shootings, war-torn countries and our frayed eco-system. “It’s enough,” he insists, “When the whole wide world is corrupt…and we all are just getting fucked.” A couple of tracks don’t quite pass muster. It’s clear Lenny is hoping “Here’s To

Love” will be viewed as his “Imagine.” But it lands a little closer to Foreigner’s bombastic “I Want To Know What Love Is.” (Yeesh). “5 More Days Of Summer” pitches it’s tent between Huey Lewis And The News’ “Workin’ For A Livin’” and Elton John’s “Philadelphia Freedom,” but a cheerleader chant of “1,2,3,4,5 days till summer” near the end tips the song into icky Bay City Rollers territory. The record closes with the bare-bones Quiet Storm of “I’ll Always Be Inside Your Soul.” Anchored by bloopy 808 percussion, ARP strings and smooth keys, it’s Lover man Lenny to the rescue; “I’m in your eyes, I’m in your mind… just like a tree, I’ll watch you grow.” It splits the difference between soothing and stalker-y. Raise Vibration is Lenny Kravitz’s most satisfying effort since Are You Going To Go My Way. Equal parts “woke” and playful, it continues to honor musical mentors, but charts its own course. Politically and culturally relevant, dark themes are buoyed by trenchant melodies, crisp instrumentation and soulful vocals. Dedicated to the spirit of Prince Rogers Nelson, it attempts to replicate His Purple Majesty’s epochal Sign O’ The Times, and it nearly hits that mark.

meet them, but don’t actually hear the idea. Next, the story flashes forward to the success it has brought the mayor, his cohorts and the town. I liked how the author structured his novel, but I was hoping that just maybe there was going to be an actual mystical moment for the crazy characters of this small community in addition to solving the mystery of the killer or killers. That would have been fun. Investigator Flowers is unconcerned about the Mayor’s scam even when he accidently comes across evidence that could prove the Marian apparition was faked. Sandford also felt the need to bring several more investigators into the story. At one point there are so many of Flowers’

October 4 to October 10, 2018

BY HEIDI SIMMONS law enforcement pals at a stake-out, I felt Flowers was lost in the shuffle. Maybe too much machismo. Although, there is one male cop who is learning he can no longer call the women he works with by pet names such as honey, sweetie or babe for fear of being, not only reprimanded for sexual harassment, but walloped by his beautiful, smart and strong female partner. There is a moment where Flowers considers the community’s demographic of conservative religious right-wing Trump supporters and their potential to do harm, but he leaves it at that, never taking a stand regarding their unhinged fanaticism. Sandford has written over forty books. This is his eleventh in the Virgil Flowers series. Sandford is always an entertaining and fast-paced read. His killers are compelling and fresh, but sometimes I want more meat with my potatoes. There was an opportunity to get to know Flowers’ belief system -- religious and political -- but Sandford didn’t go there shying away from important and timely themes or debate.





here certainly is no better place than the Coachella Valley during the winter season. So many great things to do, see and no shortages of great food and entertainment! The top of my list is Lord Fletcher’s in Rancho Mirage. The reason why is not because of the great food, but the hospitality of the staff that works there. It’s like a “Cheers Bar” where most everyone knows one another. Sandra always greets you at the door with a warm, calm, friendly smile, patiently waiting until the 5:00 hour strikes to allow the patrons in. Sir Andrew is the main man behind the

bar. Like an old friend, he treats everyone with kindness and respect but has one of the greatest senses of humor. Always in a good mood and like a good therapist, listens and accommodates everyone never missing a beat. Michael the owner who looks like a former NBA or NFL linebacker but is a gentle giant who I love to share wine tastes with in between managing his crew. He is very knowledgeable and loves sharing his love and knowledge about wine. If you haven’t tried it, do yourself a favor and get there this season. You won’t be disappointed! Fire Chief Sam DiGiovanna


October 4 to October 10, 2018

CLUB CRAWLER NIGHTLIFE continued from page 15

EL MEXICALI CAFÉ 2; IND; 760-342-2333 Cesar Daniel Lopez on the harp 6-9pm THE HOOD; PD; 760-636-5220 Comedy Night w/ Erik Griffin and more.. HUNTER’S; PS; 760-323-0700 Risque’ Drag Show 9:30pm LAS CASUELAS TERRAZA; PS; 760-3252794 PS Sound Company noon, Hot Roxx 6:30pm MELVYN’S RESTAURANT & LOUNGE; PS; 760-325-2323 Sunday Jam 3:30-7:30pm, Mikael Healy 8pm NEIL’S LOUNGE; IND; 760-347-1522 Karaoke 8pm THE NEST; PD; 760-346-2314 Kevin Henry 7:30pm PAPPY & HARRIET’S; PT; 760-365-5956 Sara Petite 7:30pm PLAN B LIVE ENTERTAINMENT AND COCKTAILS; TP; 760-3432115 Open Mic w/ Rockin’ Ray 7pm SULLIVAN’S STEAKHOUSE; PD; 760-3413560 The Myx 6:30pm THREE SIXTY NORTH; PS; 760-327-1773 Darci Daniels and Reggie Vision 7pm VICKY’S OF SANTA FE; IW; 760-345-9770 The John Stanley King Trio 6-9:30pm WANG’S; PS; 760-325-9264 Live Music 5pm WOODY’S PALMHOUSE; PS; 760-230-0188 John Carey and Friends 6:30pm


29 PALMS INN; 29 Palms; 760-367-3505 The Luminators 6pm AJ’S ON THE GREEN; C.C.; 760-202-1111 Bill

Marx 6:30pm BART LOUNGE; C.C.; 760-799-8800 Meh! Mondays 7pm BIG ROCK PUB; IND; 706-200-8988 Music Video Mondays 6pm CATELLI’S; PD; 760-773-3365 Patrick Tuzzolino 5:30pm LAS CASUELAS TERRAZA; PS; 760-3252794 PS Sound Company 6:30pm MELVYN’S RESTAURANT & LOUNGE; PS; 760-325-2323 Mikael Healey 8pm NEIL’S LOUNGE; IND; 760-347-1522 Karaoke 8pm-1:15am THE NEST; PD; 760-346-2314 Kevin Henry 7pm PAPPY & HARRIET’S; PT; 760-365-5956 Open Mic 7pm ROWAN; PS; 760-904-5015 Michael Keeth 6pm VICKY’S OF SANTA FE; IW; 760-3459770 Deanna Bogart and Friends 6:3010pm WANG’S; PS; 760-325-9264 Nick Sosa 7pm WOODY’S PALMHOUSE; PS; 760-2300188 Motown Mondays 6:30pm

TUE OCTOBER 9 29 PALMS INN; 29 Palms; 760-367-3505 Michael Lowe 6pm ACE HOTEL; PS; 760-325-9900 Ace Karaoke with Kiesha 9pm AJ’S ON THE GREEN; C.C.; 760-2021111 Shelley Yoelin Group 9:30pm BART LOUNGE; C.C.; 760-799-8800 Tequila Tuesday w/ Sounds Driven by Touch Tunes 7pm BERNIE’S; RM; 760-202 4499 Chris Lomeli 7pm BIG ROCK PUB; IND; 706-200-8988 Big Country Tuesdays 6pm CATELLI’S; PD; 760-773-3365 Patrick Tuzzolino 5:30pm CHEF GEORGE’S PICASSO LOUNGE; BD; 760-200-1768 Michael D’Angelo 7-10pm CUNARD’S SANDBAR; LQ; 760-564-3660 Bill Baker 6pm FIRESIDE LOUNGE; PS; 760-327-1700 Red’s Rockstar Karaoke 9pm THE HOOD; PD; 760-636-5220 Drag Queen Bingo 9pm HUNTER’S; PS; 760-323-0700 Karaoke 9pm JOSHUA TREE SALOON; JT; 760-3662250 Ted Quinn’s Open Mic 7pm KOKOPELLI’S; YV; 760-228-2589 Karaoke 7pm LAS CASUELAS TERRAZA; PS; 760-3252794 PS Sound Company 6:30pm LIT@FANTASY SPRINGS; IND; 760-3452450 Brad’s Pad 7pm MELVYN’S RESTAURANT & LOUNGE; PS; 760-325-2323 Mikael Healey 8pm NEIL’S LOUNGE; IND; 760-347-1522 Karaoke 8pm-1:15am THE NEST; PD; 760-346-2314 Tim Burleson 7:45pm PALM CANYON ROADHOUSE; PS; 760327-4080 Acoustic Open Mic 7pm PURPLE ROOM; PS; 760-322-4422 Rose Mallett 6:30pm

TACK ROOM TAVERN; IND; 760-347-9985 Karaoke 8-12 VICKY’S OF SANTA FE; IW; 760-345-9770 John McCormick and Friends 6:30-10pm WANG’S; PS; 760-325-9264 Alex Santana 5-8pm WOODY’S PALMHOUSE; PS; 760-2300188 Yve Evans and John Bolivar 6pm


29 PALMS INN; 29 Palms; 760-367-3505 Daniel Horn 6pm ACE HOTEL; PS; 760-325-9900 Big Horn w/ Soul Jams 9pm AJ’S ON THE GREEN; C.C.; 760-202-1111 Jazz Jam w/ Doug MacDonald & Friends 7pm BART LOUNGE; C.C.; 760-799-8800 DJ and Dancing 7pm BERNIE’S; RM; 760-202 4499 Chris Lomeli 7pm BIG ROCK PUB; IND; 706-200-8988 The Smooth Brothers 7pm BLUEMBER; RM; 760-862-4581 Michael Keeth 6-10pm CATELLI’S; PD; 760-773-3365 Patrick Tuzzolino 5:30pm CHEF GEORGE’S PICASSO LOUNGE; BD; 760-200-1768 Johnny Meza 7-10pm COACHELLA VALLEY BREWING CO; TP; 760-343-5973 Live and Local w/ TBA 5:30-8pm CUNARD’S SANDBAR; LQ; 760-564-3660 Bill Baker 6pm DRINGK; RM; 760-888-0111 S.I.N. w/ DJ Mirage 9pm

ELECTRIC SPORTS LOUNGE; YV; 760-2281199 Karaoke 7:30pm THE HOOD; PD; 760-636-5220 Open Mic hosted by Josh Heinz 8pm HUNTER’S; PS; 760-323-0700 Live VJ 9pm JOSHUA TREE SALOON; JT; 760-366-2250 Karaoke 7:30pm KOKOPELLI’S; YV; 760-228-2589 Open Mic 8pm LAS CASUELAS TERRAZA; PS; 760-3252794 Hot Roxx 6:30pm LIT@FANTASY SPRINGS; IND; 760-3452450 Latin Night 7pm MELVYN’S RESTAURANT & LOUNGE; PS; 760-325-2323 Mikael Healey 8pm NEIL’S LOUNGE; IND; 760-347-1522 Karaoke 8pm-1:15am THE NEST; PD; 760-346-2314 Kevin Henry 6-8pm Tim Burleson 8pm PALM CANYON ROADHOUSE; PS; 760327-4080 Roger & Friends 7pm PLAN B LIVE ENTERTAINMENT AND COCKTAILS; TP; 760-343-2115 Red’s Rockstar Karaoke 9pm THREE SIXTY NORTH; PS; 760-327-1773 Katheryn White 6:30pm VENUE@VENUS; PD; 760-834-7070 Wine Down Wednesdays w/ Johnny Edwards 5-7pm VICKY’S OF SANTA FE; IW; 760-345-9770 The Slim Man Band 6:30-10pm WANG’S; PS; 760-325-9264 Jeff Bonds 5-8pm WOODY’S PALMHOUSE; PS; 760-2300188 An Evening of Jazz 6:30pm

S and G


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ull markets are born of pessimism, grow on skepticism, mature on optimism and die of euphoria,” says John Templeton, founder of the Templeton Funds. The 3rd quarter was the best 3rd quarter in six years with the U.S. stock market up 7.2% for the three month period. The 3rd quarter represented 70% of this year’s 10.5% return. If the past is any indicator, CFRA estimates that a good third quarter means that the stock market goes up on average by 4% during the last quarter of the year for nearly a 15% return for 2018. The United States benefits from one of the strongest economies in the world right now due in large part to tax cuts, lower regulatory burdens (we don’t see those here in California), strong corporate profits and low (but increasing) interest rates. These factors have caused the U.S. economy to chug along at the highest growth rates in decades. Strong stock market returns and a robust employment environment are here today but could be gone tomorrow. Where the forty largest economies of the world were growing one year ago, weakening and recessionary economies are emerging around the world. Italy, Spain, Portugal and Turkey are major headaches to the European Union. Meanwhile, China is bordering on a recession with a banking system that is a fragile as a 50 year-old NFL quarterback (if one

October 4 to October 10, 2018


played). To combat the impact of U.S. trade sanctions, China has weakened its currency making the price of their goods cheaper than smaller countries in their region. By China propping up its economy in this manner, they create a contagion effect that causes other economies to fall into recession. This recessionary draft caused by China is exacerbated interest rate increases here in the United States. Our interest rates make it harder for other governments to reduce their interest rates in combatting their slowing economies. Italy is in this situation now with a potential to sink the European Union. More on that in a future article.


With all of this as a backdrop, CNBC reported that 84% of the market’s 10.5% return for 2018 can be attributed to four companies: Amazon, Apple, Microsoft and Netflix. Leave those four out of the picture and the market is up only 1.7%. Looking outside of the United States, all other stocks around the world have declined by 1.5%. Emerging market countries including Brazil, China, India and Russia are down 9.5% where China is off by 15.6% so far this year. Are we headed for a recession? Like death and taxes, the answer is obviously ‘yes’ - it is just a matter of when, how deep and how long. Interest rates are a great leading indicator when it comes to the health of the economy.

The Federal Reserve proved this when they increased the benchmark Federal Funds rate from 2% to 2.25% last week - the 3rd increase this year. As a result, the two year Treasury increase by nearly 1% to 2.8% so far this year while the 30 year Treasury has risen half of that to 3.2% meaning that the interest rate curve is flattening. While a flattening curve is not a problem, if the 10 year Treasury interest rate were to be lower than the 2 year Treasury interest rate, a recession is imminent. At present, the 10 year Treasury at 3.06% is 0.26% higher than the 2 year Treasury. While everything looks okay at present, there are a lot of downside risk factors out there right now that could change our economic prospects in a hurry. This may be why the GOP are working with the Trump Administration on crafting “Tax Reform 2.0” that would make last year’s tax cuts permanent, double the child tax credit as well as tax cuts on small business. If we are to heed Templeton’s words, was the 3rd quarter that euphoric moment? Haddon Libby is the Founder and Managing Partner of Winslow Drake Investment Management and can be contacted at Hlibby@ For more information on our award nominated services, please visit




o-one wants to be arrested for a DUI and have to deal with jail, costs, stress, time wasted in court and classes etc. However to understand a DUI, please understand you do not have to be drunk. The correct charge is a Driving Under The Influence (DUI). You merely have to be Impaired/ Under the Influence or Buzzed from alcohol and or a drug. This is determined by the Preliminary Alcohol Screening (PAS) Test at the scene or the Breath or Blood test at the station. DUI has always been called a DEUCE. This is because the Vehicle Code violation has always ended in a 2 and thus Drunk Drivers are referred to as “deuced”. A DUI was initially called a 502 requiring a .15 reading. Next it was called a 23102 requiring a .10 reading. Some juries returned not guilty verdicts thinking the driver was not DRUNK because they drove without getting into an accident. Defense lawyers argued to the jury that the driver complied and produced their driver’s license and insurance when asked and the driver did not fall down while exiting the car. Today it’s a 23152 (a & b) thus allowing the DA to file the two counts. One is Driving under the Influence and the second count is Driving with a BA level of .08 or more. Many juries now split the baby and find the driver innocent of one count and guilty of the other. If there is a guilty verdict of either count it is a DUI with the

same sentence. In California you are under the influence if your ability to drive is impaired. Impairment takes place when your blood alcohol reading is .08 or higher with either the Breath or Blood test at the station. Thus, if you are driving on a California road with .08 or higher the burden of proof almost reverts back to you, to show that you weren’t under the influence and/or your blood alcohol was not .08. Sooooo, if you’ve been bagged for a DUI, you don’t need some random 800 number lawyer. You need a hometown attorney; an attorney whose practice focuses on DUI law here in the CV. If you’ve been charged with a DUI, don’t take a chance with remote, outof-town legal representation. Choose Dale Gribow, based right here in Palm Desert for 24 years. You may incorrectly think that once you blow into the breathalyzer the game’s over. But it’s not. And with experienced legal defense, you can assert your rights. Dale Gribow has been defending drivers charged with driving under the influence for over 30 years. So, if you’ve been charged with a DUI, put that experience on your side. Dale is a lawyer who knows the local courts inside-out; a lawyer who knows that even though you’ve been charged, you do have rights. So if you’re looking at a bad DUI that could haunt you for the rest of your life, don’t gamble with some

out-of-town 800 number attorney. Choose Gribow for DUI defense right here in the Coachella Valley. Don’t drink and drive. But if you’re charged, call Dale. That’s Dale Gribow for powerful, experienced, local DUI defense. I look upon my job as protecting the Constitutional Rights of every American who drinks, drives and gets arrested for a DUI or has an ACCIDENT. I do however “Change Hats” when I SUE Drunk Drivers for damages to my Injured or Deceased (Wrongful Death) clients. SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE ARTICLE? CONTACT DALE GRIBOW 760-837-7500/

DALE GRIBOW – “TOP LAWYER” - California’s Prestige Magazine, Palm Springs Life (PI/DUI) 2011-19 & “TOP LAWYER” - Inland Empire Magazine 2016- 2019 PERFECT 10.0 AVVO Peer Rating “PREEMINENT” Rating - Martindale Hubbell Legal Directory BEST Attorneys of America -”Rue” (Limited to Top 100 Attorneys per State) Legal Eagle “Best and Brightest Legal Minds” by Palm Springs Life- June 2016 “DON’T DRINK & DRIVE OR TEXT & GET A DUI OR ACCIDENT... CALL A TAXI, LYFT OR UBER...THEY ARE A LOT CHEAPER THAN CALLING ME”


October 4 to October 10, 2018



f Instagram had been around in the early 1800’s, French Courtesan Therese Charlotte Luise would have been a ‘gram darling. She’d no doubt be posting classy, elegant pictures of herself in the #OOTD, with the obligatory motivational caption that never has anything to do with the photo itself. Therese was known and loved by the people of her city; she was so popular that even Napoleon Bonaparte was interested in wedding her. It was prince Ludwig of Bavaria that she eventually took as her husband, and they were married in a massively opulent and lavish ceremony on October 12, 1810. 40,000 guests arrived, a spectacular 30 horse race was held, tons of beer was consumed, lots of music was played, and everyone partied like it was 1999. After it was over, peeps decided that the royal wedding party was so epic that it needed to be done again, like yearly, and the marriage of Prince Ludwig and Princess Therese became recognized as the first ever Oktoberfest celebration. You probably didn’t know any of that until now because as an American, Oktoberfest just represents wearing lederhosen and getting shit faced. As far as American culture is concerned, St Patrick’s Day, Cinco De Mayo, and Oktoberfest are all reasons to culturally appropriate some costumes and get drunk as a skunk (fighting, falling, and/or emotional crying optional). Drinking holidays massively popular in the states, but why do those holidays all originate from other countries?



BA 2K18 season is upon us and CV Weekly has you covered at the wager window. In the case of basketball, having a reliable offensive scheme that you can roll out every game regardless of the matchup gives you a leg-up. Think Mike D’Antoni’s freeflowing space-and-pace attack, or Jerry Sloan’s nearly unbeatable pick-and-roll offense from the 1980s and 90s. When it comes to betting, you can gain the same sort of advantage by having a tightly defined set of rules that you can apply to every single game regardless of who’s on the court. Fortunately, you don’t have to create your own betting system from scratch. There are already several established strategies that you can try on for size when you lay down wagers on your favorite teams, and there’s no rule against pilfering from the playbooks of those who came before you. We’ve included some of the most reliable systems and moneymanagement strategies below, along with insights on how to use them. When combined with an understanding of the game, these systems can help turn even rookie betters into all-stars. The High Totals System Few strategies are easier to learn and apply than the High Totals System created by Allen Moody, a sports-betting professional and the author of Becoming a Winning Gambler and Sports Betting Basics. Moody discovered that sportsbooks often underestimate game totals



I’ll tell you why. The damn pilgrims. 16th century English Reformed Protestants were sick of the church of England’s shit; they were ready to (figuratively) jump ship and move their grim, humorless, sex-and-alcoholhating asses to the colonies of America. So, pilgrim they did, and the Protestants thrived and prospered in the America’s, espousing traditionally conservative values, and eventually becoming the famed WASP’s of the 20th century. While colonial settlers were of Angelo-Saxon origin, it wasn’t long before other nations began trekking across the seas as well to escape political unrest, strife, famine, and war. The collapse of the Industrial Revolution in Germany was a watershed moment that caused many citizens to flee to the Americas between 1830-1860. Here in the

new countries, these new immigrants found religious and political refuge, freedom from having to join the German army, and the chance to own land. Those who settled in the United States found the Midwest to be much easier to thrive in than the bustling east coast, and soon founded cities like Frankenmuth, Michigan (affectionately known as Little Bavaria). While the neighborhoods and small townships founded by immigrants undoubtedly all celebrated their traditional holidays, it wasn’t until the counter-culture movement of the 1960’s that America began to shrug-off the remaining vestiges of protestant conservatism. The children of immigrants embraced their own cultural roots as well as the cultures of others, and it was in this decade that the celebration of Oktoberfest became widespread and

practiced nationally by those looking to cheer on culture and tradition. The fact that beer flowed so freely at Oktoberfest wasn’t lost on the youth, and many college aged Americans were more than happy to don Lederhosen and Dirndl if it meant laughing and dancing with a Mass (liter) of lager in hand. The appeal of German based partying grew in popularity throughout the 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s, and by the early 200’s, you didn’t have to travel far to get a yearly fix of beer, polka and pretzels. I was 23 years old when friends and I traveled to Torrance for the Alpine Village Oktoberfest held there annually. At the time, Big Bear lake and Alpine Village were the only two known Oktoberfests in Southern California, but oh, how times have changed. San Diego, Orange County, and Lake Arrowhead now host official Oktoberfest celebrations, but Redlands Oktoberfest is where I’ll be this year. Besides authentic German lagers, many craft breweries will also be on hand with their Americanized takes on traditional fest bier. Stein holding contests, yodeling contests, full-brass polka bands, and the expected variety of German-inspired food should all be on hand. The event takes place Saturday, October 6th, so dry clean your lederhosen and get ready to celebrate the 208th anniversary of Therese and Ludwig’s wedding.


for NBA non-conference games, and began taking the over on all games with an over/ under of 220 total points. It’s a simple strategy, but it paid off handsomely as he was correct 63.5% of the time for all games meeting that criteria from 2004-05 to 2008-09. Those kinds of games were rarities a decade ago, but they’re becoming more common now as teams push the pace and drain more threepointers. Back in 2004-05, NBA teams scored an average of 97.2 points per game. That number jumped to 100.0 in 2008-09, and rose all the way to 105.6 in 2016-17. Sportsbooks have become savvy to this trend, but there’s still value to be found by taking the over in games with particularly high total-point projections. The Blowout System When an NBA team wins by 15 or more points, you might think that they’ve got momentum and will win their next game by double-digits as well. However, the opposite is

usually true. The number crunchers at Paradise Wagers have found that home favorites of ten points or more who are fresh off of 15-point victories beat the spread just 42.5% of the time. In other words, teams that hammer their opponent’s one game are unlikely to do so the following night. That statistical drop off could be the result of player fatigue or overconfidence, or a result of the oddsmakers overreacting to the previous game. Whatever the reason, there’s money to be made by betting against a team that just wiped the court with its previous opponent. The Three in Four System The NBA has gone out of its way to reduce the number of back-to-back games in recent years, but it isn’t atypical for games to occur in which both teams are playing their third game in four nights. The experts at Tilted Sports found that teams playing under this scenario exceed the projected point total 58.8% of the time. The most likely explanation is that defense takes far more effort than offense, and most players play D with far less intensity when they’re tired. Whatever the case, you’d be well advised to pick the “over” when this scenario presents itself on the schedule. The Back-to-Back System We all know that NBA teams struggle to win the second game of back-to-backs, but they don’t all struggle at the same rate. The analytics specialists conducted a fascinating


study in 2016 in which they examined the effects of back-to-backs on teams that were above and below .500 in the standings. They found that teams with winning records lost 5% more than their average on the second night of a back-to-back, while teams with losing records lost 11% more often than usual on the second night of a back-to-back. They also found that location played a huge factor in a team’s performance. Teams playing the second game of a back-to-back on the road were 18% more likely to lose. These are invaluable insights to consider when making your next bet. You may also want to consider a team’s average age, its pace of play, and whether the team has had to adjust to multiple time zones during its latest stretch of games. All of these factors can cause a tremendous drop off from one game to the next. With the young season upon us, the above will give the sharps and squares plenty to chew on when thinking about your next wager. As always, the most important tools to survive this betting season are; Only bet what you can afford to lose, stay disciplined to a system and don’t waver, and most importantly - never let emotion run your brain. Have fun and G’Luck!!






t is the most unique hotel in America. It’s a monastery, a museum, a fine hotel, a home, a boardinghouse, a mission, an art gallery and an aviator’s shrine. It combines the best features of all of the above. If you are ever in any part of California, don’t miss the famous Mission Inn of Riverside.” – Will Rogers Framed by its breathtaking Spanish Mission –style architecture, The Mission Inn Hotel & Spa welcomes you to a destination where rich history and classic elegance exist in perfect balance with contemporary luxury and comfort. This iconic AAA Four Diamond awardwinning hotel has remained faithful to the grand style and ambiance enjoyed by its first guests. Today’s Mission Inn continues the original splendor initiated by founder Frank Miller, thanks to the genuinely caring attention of Owner, Vice Chairman & COO Kelly Roberts and her husband, Owner Duane Roberts. Expanding from its humble 1876 origins to encapsulate an entire city block, the Mission Inn offers luxurious boutique accommodations and amenities, only a quick jaunt from Los Angeles and Orange County, among romantically enchanting, one-of-a-kind architecture including awe-inspiring archways and flying buttresses, secluded garden oases, and soaring domes and towers. With multiple upscale dining options, a modern fitness center, Tuscan-inspired, Conde Nast award-winning Kelly’s Spa, a lushly landscaped pool and Jacuzzi, historic museum, and opulent rooms that transport guests to California’s foregone eras, the AAA Four Diamond property provides a quintessentially Californian hospitality experience threaded with a rich history. Whether you are seeking the perfect backdrop for a romantic getaway, and inspirational setting for your wedding or business event, or an unforgettable family vacation destination, The Mission Inn Hotel & Spa invites you to become part of the legend today. Mission Inn Hotel will kick off the holiday season on November 23, 2018 with their 26th Annual Festival of Lights celebration a free, sixweek-long holiday extravaganza featuring one of the nation’s largest holiday light collections of its kind. Now in its 26th year, Festival of Lights is an annual gift to the community from property owners Duane and Kelly Roberts,

who saved the historic hotel from destruction in 1992. The beloved Southern California tradition recently named “Best Public Lights Display in the Nation” by USA Today creates a magical, Disneyland-like experience in the heart of Riverside and attracts more than 500,000 visitors from all over the world each year, commencing with the famous “Switch-On” Ceremony, a spectacular event in which the castle-like hotel is instantly illuminated with 5 million holiday lights followed by a full fireworks display. Highlights of Festival of Lights include 200 animated figures including angels, elves and Dickens carolers; appearances by Santa Claus, the world’s largest man-made mistletoe, horse-drawn carriage rides, elf tuck-ins, freshly fallen snow, elaborately decorated Christmas trees; and delectable holiday confections at the famous Casey’s Cupcakes, among other festive offerings. It’s America’s Best public display. For more Information, directions, the history of the magnificent hotel and the Festival of Lights visit Think Travel and Enjoy the Journey

October 4 to October 10, 2018


S.M.A.R.T. A


nother year has nearly transpired. Did you accomplish your goals? Are you preparing for new ventures? Are you strategizing how you can achieve your upcoming goals? What would you like to do differently in the ensuing year? If your answers are affirmative responses to the questions then keep on with your extraordinary work. When we set goals we can become the masterpiece we are meant to be. Did you know establishing goals and working towards them make us happier? It does not matter the scope. It is simply a matter of setting something in stone that you are willing to strive for and realize a result. When you set a goal it can boost your selfconfidence and increase your motivation. Setting goals creates a sense of direction. Isn’t it nice to know where you are going? You must also determine your “why.” Why, what, and how are you attempting to achieve your dreams? Initial goal setting is exhilarating. You have big ideas and there isn’t any reason why you cannot achieve your dreams. Now is the time to write them down on a piece of paper. Once you have your goals in place I encourage you to evaluate what you have written. You must work SMART. Some of you may have heard of this handy tool in goal setting.

“S” translates being specific with your goals. Get to the root of what you are attempting to obtain. Have a clear vision. Understand why, when and how you are going to arrive there. Initiating a plan of action will jumpstart your success. “M” translates that your goals must be measurable. If you want to lose weight, then you need to weigh yourself regularly to monitor what you are doing. Tracking your progress will allow you to record your starting, middle and end points. “A” translates to attainment. Your goal must be attainable. Any goal should challenge you at least more than a little bit. If you set a goal that is unattainable you may surrender prematurely or not give it a genuine chance. “R” translates to realism. In this circumstance realistic means do-able. Any project you are working on may challenge your skills but should not be insurmountable. “T” translates to time. We can set goals all day long. Without a time frame attached to your goal it is simply a thought. Plus, you won’t feel a sense of urgency to accomplish your dreams. Enacting your masterpiece will require dedication. Make sure you have a burning desire and take action. Do not allow another day, week, month or year go by without giving your dreams everything you can.


October 4 to October 10, 2018


Week of October 4

ARIES (March 21-April 19): Electra is an actionpacked story written by ancient Greek playwright Sophocles. It features epic characters taking drastic action in response to extreme events. In contrast to that text is Marcel Proust’s novel In Search of Lost Time, which draws from the sensitive author’s experiences growing up, coming of age, and falling in love, all the while in quest for meaning and beauty. Author Virginia Woolfe compared the two works, writing, “In six pages of Proust we can find more complicated and varied emotions than in the whole of the Electra.” In accordance with astrological omens, I recommend that you specialize in the Proustian mode rather than the Sophoclean. Your feelings in the next five weeks could be as rich and interesting and educational as they have been in a long time. Honor them! TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Researchers in Maryland have created a new building material with a strength-to-weight ratio that’s eight times better than steel. It’s an effective insulator, and in some forms can be bent and folded. Best of all, it’s biodegradable and cost-effective. The stuff is called nanowood, and is derived from lightweight, fastgrowing trees like balsa. I propose that we make it your main metaphor for the foreseeable future. Why? Because I think you’re primed to locate or create your own version of a flexible, durable, robust building block. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): The U.S. Secretary of Defense paid an official visit to Indonesia early this year. The government arranged for him to observe soldiers as they demonstrated how tough and welltrained they were. Some of the troops shimmied through broken glass, demolished bricks with their heads, walked through fire, and bit heads off snakes. I hope you won’t try stunts like that in the coming weeks, Gemini. It will be a favorable time for you show off your skills and make strong impressions. You’ll be wise to impress important people with how creative and resourceful you are. But there’s no need to try too hard or resort to exaggeration. CANCER (June 21-July 22): i confess that i have a fuzzy self-image. With odd regularity, i don’t seem to know exactly what or who i am. For example, i sometimes think i’m so nice and polite that i need to toughen up. But on other occasions i feel my views are so outrageous and controversial that i should tone myself down. Which is true? Often, i even neglect to capitalize the word “i.” You have probably experienced some of this fuzziness, my fellow Cancerian. But you’re now in a favorable phase to cultivate a more definitive self-image. Here’s a helpful tip: We Cancerians have a natural talent for inspiring people to love us. This ability will come in especially handy as we work on making an enduring upgrade from i to I. Our allies’ support and feedback will fuel our inner efforts to clarify our identity. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): “I am a little afraid of love, it makes me rather stupid.” So said author Simone de Beauvoir in a letter she wrote to her lover, Nelson Algren. I’m happy to let you know, Leo, that during the next twelve months, love is likely to have the opposite effect on you. According to my analysis of the astrological omens, it will tend to make you smarter and more perceptive. To the degree that you expand your capacity for love, you will become more resilient and a better decision-maker. As you get the chance to express love with utmost skill and artistry, you will awaken dormant potentials and boost your personal power. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Your theme in the coming weeks is the art of attending to details. But wait! I said “the art.” That means attending to details with panache, not with overly meticulous fussing. For inspiration, meditate on St. Francis Xavier’s advice, “Be great in little things.” And let’s take his thought a step further with a quote from author Richard Shivers: “Be great in little things, and you will be given opportunity to do big things.” Novelist Tom Robbins provides us with one more nuance: “When we accept small wonders, we qualify ourselves to imagine great wonders.”


© Copyright 2018 Rob Brezsny

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Libran astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson offers this observation: “When you look for things in life like love, meaning, motivation, it implies they are sitting behind a tree or under a rock. [But] the most successful people in life recognize that in life they create their own love, they manufacture their own meaning, they generate their own motivation.” I think Tyson’s simple wisdom is exactly what you need to hear right now, Libra. You’re primed for a breakthrough in your ability to create your own fate. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Japanese entrepreneur Hiroki Terai has created a business that offers crying therapy. His clients watch short videos specially formulated to make them weep. A professional helper is on hand to gently wipe their tears away and provide comforting words. “Tears have relaxing and healing effects,” says an Okinawan musician who works as one of the helpers. Hiroki Terai adds, “It has been said that one drop of tear has the effect of relieving stress for a week.” I wish there were a service like this near where you live, Scorpio. The next two weeks will be a perfect time to relieve pent-up worry and sadness and anxiety through cathartic rituals like crying. What other strategies might work for you? SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Fling out friendly feelers! Sling out interesting invitations! Figure out how to get noticed for all the right reasons! Make yourself so interesting that no one can resist your proposals! Use your spunky riddle-solving powers to help ease your tribe’s anxieties. Risk looking odd if that will make you smarter! Plunk yourself down in pivotal places where vitality is welling up! Send out telepathic beams that say, “I’m ready for sweet adventure. I’m ready for invigorating transformation!” CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): “Someone spoke to me last night, told me the truth,” writes poet Doeianne Laux. “I knew I should make myself get up, write it down, but it was late, and I was exhausted from working. Now I remember only the flavor.” I offer these thoughts, Capricorn, in the hope that they’ll help you avoid Laux’s mistake. I’m quite sure that crucial insights and revelations will be coming your way, and I want you to do whatever’s necessary to completely capture them so you can study and meditate on them at length. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): As a young man, Aquarian poet Louis Dudek struck up a correspondence with renowned poet Ezra Pound, who was 32 years older. Dudek “admired him immensely,” and “loved him for the joy and the luminosity” of his poetry, but also resented him “for being so magnificent.” With a mix of mischief and adulation, Dudek wrote a poem to his hero. It included these lines: “For Christ’s sake, you didn’t invent sunlight. There was sun dazzle before you. But you talk as if you made light or discovered it.” I hope his frisky tone might inspire you to try something similar with your own idols. It would be healthy to be more playful and lighthearted about anything or anyone you take too seriously or give enormous power to. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): In his book Till We Have Faces, C. S. Lewis writes, “Holy places are dark places. It is life and strength, not knowledge and words, that we get in them. Holy wisdom is not clear and thin like water, but thick and dark like blood.” In that spirit, and in accordance with astrological omens, I suggest you seek out dark holy places that evoke wonder and reverence, even awe. Hopefully, you will be inspired thereby to bring new beauty into your life. You’ll be purged of trivial concerns and become receptive to a fresh promise from your future life. Homework: At what moment in your life were you closest to being perfectly content? Recreate the conditions that prevailed then. Testify at ---------------------------------------Rob Brezsny Free Will Astrology





hile scrolling down the LinkedIn home page, I paused to observe a short video. I guess it was the blond hair with the bling encrusted hair band that made me pause. (Yep, you guessed it, anyshiny-thing syndrome). I did not immediately recognize the female speaker, but I know I will never forget her because her message strongly resonated with me. Turns out the blond lady telling her story to the camera was Ginni Rometty, the first female CEO of IBM. Inspirational rags to riches stories captivate me. Ms. Rometty, a self-made woman, experienced a rough start. At the age of 16, Ginni’s father abandoned his wife and four children with no money and no home. Rometty’s mother was a fighter, she returned to school, became employed and continued to grow her career and her income, while Ginni cared for the children. During the four plus minutes of speaking, the IBM CEO related lessons learned by the struggles turned triumphs she experienced. What struck me most was a refrain my mom drilled into my head during my youth. Both women believed, in this country, where there is a will, there is a way to succeed. And in their own way, both did. By working hard and believing in herself Rometty was awarded a large scholarship from the General Motors

Corporation and attended Northwestern University. After a stint with GM she accepted a position as a systems engineer with IBM and worked her way to the very top. Two important factors are pointed out by Ms. Rometty. Number one, “have conviction about what you believe is right.” And here’s a good lesson based on her journey, don’t think the corner office comes with a great view and side of nirvana. The CEO title did not exempt Ginni from defeat and harsh criticism. Under her leadership the corporation experienced 22 consecutive quarters of revenue decline. Things changed in January 2018 when she announced IBM’s first quarter of year-overyear revenue increase since 2012. Time Magazine named her the 6th most important person in the technical segment. Perhaps that speaks to the second critical factor Rometty highlighted, “Stay the course.” All too offend we complain the road to success is too hard and rather than pressing on we give up too soon. How do you get to the top or even near it? By believing you can, then proving it to the world. Remind yourself this week to do no whining and no quitting. Go out and prove where there is a will, there is a way. Sunny Simon is the owner of Raise the Bar High Life and Career Coaching. More about Sunny at

October 4 to October 10, 2018

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October 4 to October 10, 2018





hat if you had access to a Universal Bank of Wisdom that contained the answers to all of your burning questions? What if you were able to retrieve knowledge with ease to help yourself overcome the greatest of challenges? This Universal Bank of Wisdom actually exists AND, the best part? You have unrestricted access to it. You are entitled to draw from this bank of wisdom upon request. It sounds too good to be true, right? It’s not, and here’s why: The Universal Bank of Wisdom is more commonly referred to as the “Collective Consciousness”. You have probably heard the term but if you’re confused as to what it means, you are not alone. The collective consciousness is much like the cloud or more specifically, like a big, collective brain belonging to all of humanity. All human beings are connected without exception. It is a compendium of our individual thoughts, experiences, wisdom, communications…and the list goes on. We have all shared in populating this collective library. We can intentionally connect with the collective consciousness and ask to receive answers, or support for anything that challenges us. We are not dependent on special equipment, or internet speed to receive and transmit, and it doesn’t matter how technology savvy we are (or are not) when we are looking to tap into the collective consciousness. We are simply connected because we are members of the human race having a collective experience together. The concept of “getting” something for seemingly little effort is not what we are used to! It defies societal norms. It’s important to understand, in this case, that you are participating in an energy exchange even though it feels as if you are getting without giving. You have been depositing unique and valuable information into this field


your whole life. Just by living and breathing on this planet, you are contributing to this massive collective library. You have already given enough to balance any request you make with conscious awareness from now until the end of life. So, ask your questions, ask for support, ask for collective wisdom and know in your heart that you are entitled to receive it with grace and ease. For a deeper conversation on collective consciousness, please watch our YouTube video at Lastly, in our pursuit to help you further Awaken, we invite you to join our interactive Facebook group and watch our show “Evolve through Love”. Go to Elizabeth Scarcella, Brand and Goodwill Ambassador, EFT Practitioner, Weight Loss and Inner Beauty Coach, is dedicated to helping others discover Wellness in all aspects of life. Elizabeth can help you awaken to your best self yet. For more information, find her at info@gogetyoung. tv Aimee Mosco is an Author, Certified Reiki Master and Co-Founder of Intentional Healing Systems, LLC. Aimee’s passion for helping others inspired the collaborative healing movement, IHS Unity. For more information, find Aimee at aimee@ihsunity. com

October 4 to October 10, 2018


October 4 to October 10, 2018


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