Coachella Valley Weekly - October 13 to October 19, 2022 Vol. 11 No. 31

Page 1 • October 13 to October 19, 2022 Vol.11 No.31
David Plenn
John Doe
pg7LGBTQ Women in Desert Theatre pg5 Wright Health Insurance Agency pg6
Photo By Chris Casas
October 13 to October 19, 2022 2


Morgan, Rich Henrich, Heidi Simmons,

Gutierrez, Tricia Witkower

Robin Simmons, Rick Riozza, Eleni P. Austin, Craig Michaels, Janet McAfee, Haddon Libby, Sam DiGiovanna, Dale Gribow, Rob Brezny, Denise Ortuno Neil, Dee Jae Cox, Lynne Tucker, Aimee Mosco, Ruth Hill, Madeline Zuckerman, Ed Heethuis, Daniel Paris, Michelle Borthwick, Nadia Popova, Dennis Shelly

Robert Chance, Laura Hunt Little, Chris Miller, Esther Sanchez

Kurt Schawacker

Bobby Taffolla

Phil Lacombe, William Westley

“Back when I was skateboarding in the 70s and 80s, it really was a time of pioneering and that’s what the El Gato Classic is all about. I had an opportunity to be a part of an era that pioneered pool skating and vertical skating into what it is today. The El Gato Classic is about honoring those from that era, and that is the reason I’m doing the event,” said Elguera.

Elguera wanted to host the El Gato Classic in the Coachella Valley, as he is a resident of the desert. The plan was to also host it at Palm Springs Skate Park as that was the most prominent skateboarding location at the time in 2015.


November 11 and 12, the El Gato Classic Legends Weekend returns to the Coachella Valley in the city of La Quinta. This wildly popular event brings together art, music, and skateboarding as a complete weekend experience that will be enjoyed by fans, industry professionals and skateboarding’s top pros, olympians, and legends.

Since its premiere event in 2015, the “El Gato Classic” Legends Weekend has brought together the largest gathering of Legends from the Golden Age of skateboarding. Those early pioneers of the sport can now witness how far skateboarding has come— even being featured in the 2020 olympics.

The Legends Weekend has drawn fans from around the world.

La Quinta welcomes the return of the fifth

El Gato Classic Legends Weekend at the New La Quinta XPark, home of the new Combi Bowl designed by Eddie Elguera and Lance Mountain.

In January 2015, the “El Gato Classic” event in Palm Springs brought together, in the largest gathering in the history of skateboarding, legends from the Golden Age of skateboarding in what was the first competition bowl skaters from the Hester Series through to the Gold Cup Series.

As news of Elguera’s vision for the event got out, excitement spread with fans and industry professionals. Tony Hawk, clearly the largest name in skateboarding today, immediately signed on and was featured with other top skaters in a demo.

Eddie started skateboarding in 1970, at eight years old. That was his first experience with the sport, back when skateboards were smaller and had clay wheels.

“Around 1975, I saw this guy skateboarding in an empty swimming pool in a skateboarding magazine. Since that day, I was hooked. My love for skateboarding has increased since then and I knew that was what I wanted to do. I wanted to someday maybe skate in an empty swimming pool or be in one of those skateboarding magazines. It eventually came to pass,” shared Elguera.

Elguera became a two-time world champion skateboarder, got on the cover of the same skateboarding magazine he sought after, and invented many maneuvers that are standard in skateboarding today. In 1980, he also became the overall winner of the Gold Cup Series of Skateboarding and was inducted into the Skateboard Hall of Fame in 2016.

He hosted the El Gato Classic on a yearly basis from 2015 to 2018, as they took an extended break caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Now the event is back in full swing and is anticipated to return to its status as a yearly event.

“Our mantra at the El Gato Classic is ‘honor the past, champion the future.’ Nowadays, there’s social media and videos online where people can see moves that are being invented right away, but back then, there was so much that was happening and it wasn’t being documented that well, and if it was in a skateboarding magazine, it would take two months for anybody to see. I want these pioneers to know that because of their contributions in the past, these kids today can go to the olympics,” said stated Elguera.

The El Gato Classic hosts different competitions in various group categories— ranging from the generations contest to masters, pros, girls, and amateurs. Some olympic skateboarders will also be in attendance.

“It’s so cool to see the different eras of skateboarders come together. One of the things to remember is to have fun. If you skateboard purely because you want to be recognized or go to the olympics, I think people really miss out on what skateboarding is all about,” said Elguera.

For more information and to purchase tickets to the El Gato Classic, visit www. October 13 to October 19, 2022 3
CONTENTS El Gato Classic at La Quinta X Park .......... 3 Breaking The 4th Wall - An Evening of LGBTQ Women in Desert Theatre 5 Wright Health Insurance Agency ............. 6 Interview with John Doe .......................... 7 Consider This - David Plenn 8 Club Crawler Nightlife .............................. 9 Screeners .................................................. 10 The Vino Voice 12 Pet Place ............................................. 14-15 Haddon Libby ........................................... 17 Dale Gribow 17 Send Me A Trainer .................................... 18 Safety Tips ................................................ 18 Swag For The Soul ................................... 19 Free Will Astrology .................................. 19 Cannabis Corner ...................................... 20 Health - Keto ............................................ 20 Coachella Valley Weekly (760) 501-6228 Publisher & Editor Tracy Dietlin Art Director Robert Chance Sales Team Kirby, Kathy
Raymond Bill Club Crawler Nightlife Editor Phil Lacombe Head Music Writer Esther Sanchez Head Feature Writer Crystal Harrell Feature Writers Lisa
Website Editor
October 13 to October 19, 2022 4


19th Century American poet, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, immortalized Paul Revere with his famous 1861 poem “Paul Revere’s Ride”, to warn of the British Invasion. Unfortunately, Longfellow got many of the facts wrong. For one thing, Revere was not alone on his mission to warn that the British were approaching Lexington on the evening of April 18, 1775. Two other men were with him and by the end of the night, as many as 40 men on horseback were spreading the word across Boston. Revere never even reached Concord, as the poem inaccurately recounts. Overtaken by the British, the three riders split up and headed in different directions. Revere was temporarily captured by the British at Lexington and never even completed the task.

But you know who did take a ride alone over 40 miles of countryside, over twice as long as Revere’s, On April 26, 1777? A 16 year-old girl by the name of Sybil Ludington, armed with a stick that she used to bang on the doors to rally the militia, warn of the British invasion and fight off the bandits who saw her as easy prey. Ludington, rode through the night from Putnam County, New York to Danbury, Connecticut to warn of advancing British troops.

Longfellow, did not write a poem to commemorate the heroic feat of a young girl who, unlike Revere, managed to elude capture and whose accomplishment was twice that of the man Longfellow chose to immortalize.

It’s the “Ginger Rogers Syndrome.” Ginger

Rogers and Fred Astaire were a famous dance duo in the 1930’s. But it was Astaire who got all of the accolades for being such an amazing dancer. Writer Bob Thaves, is credited with saying, “Sure he (Astaire) was great, but don’t forget Ginger Rogers did everything he did, backwards…and in high heels!”

As with most storytelling, whether it be on the stage, the page or the screen, we have been culturized to believe that male protagonists are universally accepted as being representational of everyone. Women…not so much.

I am by nature an optimist. I love to laugh and I don’t hold on to grudges. I am sincerely hoping that is the key to my longevity and will compensate for the lack of physical exercise. But as a Playwright and theatrical director and producer, I have also had my rose-colored glasses ripped off of my face a time or two.

I try and see the glass as half full, rather than half empty. But imagine that glass as less than a quarter full. Imagine two equal sized water glasses, one that is 80% full and the second that is only 20% full. Stand them side-by-side and visually take in that image. That will give you a picture of gender parity in American theatre … or rather the lack of thereof.

In many ways we’ve been indoctrinated to believe that if we get on our feminist soapboxes and demand equality, we are just ‘angry’ women. But I’m ok with that. We should be angry, it’s a great motivator for change. Theatre is not just entertainment, it is an ageless reflection of our communities, our culture and our lives. If that reflection has historically lacked gender parity and truth, do we simply acquiesce to the status quo?

mission of creating equality in the arts and in our society.

You’re invited to “An Evening about Women… Lesbians… and Gender Parity in Theatre.” Presented by the Green Room Theatre and the L-Fund. Join us for evening that is all about fun, entertainment, education and information and a great way to spend time with some amazing women.

It all begins on Friday, October 14th, 7:30 pm at the Create Center for the Arts in Palm Desert

Join me as I discusses women and lesbians in theatre, as well as theatre diversity-or lack thereof in the U.S. and the Coachella Valley.

Drag King Jesse Jones will give an incredible performance and appearances will be made by some well-known playwrights, Lorraine

Hansberry, (Dawnielle Williams-Smith,) Jane Chambers, (Yo Younger,) and Paula Vogel, (Constance Cilva.)

For ticket and event information visit the Green Room Theatre Company


Email: Phone: (760) 6962546

Dee Jae Cox, is a playwright, director and producer. She is the Cofounder and Artistic Director of The Los Angeles Women’s Theatre Project.

And Co-Creator of the Palm Springs Theatre Go-To Guide, October 13 to October 19, 2022 5
Or do we find the courage to undertake the
"Listen, my children, and you shall hear, Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere, On the 18th of April, in Seventy-Five; Hardly a man is now alive, Who remembers that famous day and year..."



Health Insurance Agency has been awarded the 2022 Better Business Bureau Ethics Award - Marketplace Excellence – Small Business. The award is presented annually by the Better Business Bureau to three companies in three categories located between Madera County, and the Mexico Border. Categories are as follows: Small business (1 to 10 employees) Medium business (11-50 employees) Large business (50+ employees).

Nominations for the award came flooding in from Wright Health Insurance Agency clients, each sharing not only a nomination, but multi-paragraphed reasons why the agency deserved the prestigious recognition. The overwhelming number of nominations set a new standard shattering the previous Better Business Bureau’s record for total number of nominations received for a single business.

Better Business Bureau President and CEO of the Central California and Inland Empire Counties, Mr. Blair Looney,

personally traveled to Indio and presented Doug Wright, co-owner of Wright Health Insurance Agency the award.

The award is a remarkable achievement, and a surprise – certainly nothing Doug and his wife Linda Wright, co-owner of Wright Health Insurance Agency, were ever expecting.

“We entered this business because we saw a drastic need. We wanted to help the ever-growing senior community get the right medical insurance and the right coverage

without complication”, says Doug.

Doug and Linda began their business a little over a decade ago with a dream of helping others with their healthcare needs. What began as Doug and Linda’s leap of faith turned from a slow crawl into a snowball; Better Business Bureau recognized, and thousands of satisfied clients.

During the first decade of the millennium, Doug observed the difficulty individuals had understanding the numerous choices in the healthcare marketplace. He quickly identified that without professional guidance from someone who works in the field that establishing the right healthcare plan and the right healthcare coverage, set up the right way was in drastic need. He subsequently reviewed the total number of independent agencies that were attempting to satisfy the ever-growing senior population in the Coachella Valley and found that there

was a void that needed to be filled.

Wright Health Insurance Agency believes that people dislike being sold, but rather truly appreciate being given knowledgeable advice. This transparency and helpful approach to every prospect or client that works with Wright Health Insurance Agency has made the agency what it is today. To make things better, everything Wright Health Insurance Agency does is free of charge. Clients are never charged for any of the services they provide.

Wright Health Insurance Agency’s extra touch with clients is service as you used to know it. Doug says, “It is service like the old days when doctors would call you back, or even make a house call!”

To round out the team are, Yvonne Abrahamian, Jonathan Smith, and Gabriel Smith, who all live and breathe the “client first” philosophy and are up to date with current industry changes.

Health is a vital factor in each of our lives. We all want to be healthy, and we all do our best. That is why we need the best consummate professionals in our corner. Wright Health Insurance Agency understands the medical insurance world fluently. They make certain that you get the right health plans, and the right health coverage.

Congratulations Wright Health Insurance Agency, Doug, Linda, their entire team, and thank you for all that you do. Well done!

October 13 to October 19, 2022 6


But it will be more impressionistic than chronological.

EPA: There was a 27 year gap between 1993 Hey Zeus and 2020’s Alphabetland from X. Will the next one arrive in 2047, or is there some new X music in the pipeline?

JD: Yes, new music in the pipeline.

EPA: Us desert denizens are really looking forward to your show with the John Doe Trio (which features bassist Kevin Smith and drummer Conrad Choucron ) at AWE Bar in Yucca Valley. They have been booking some cool shows lately and it looks like they’ll be giving Pappy & Harriet’s a run for their money.

JD: In the last eight years, I’ve spent time in Yucca Valley, Pioneertown and Joshua Tree a couple of times a year. It allows one’s mind and spirit to open up. What a treat to play AWE Bar. Please tell all your friends.

EPA: Finally, what music, books or movies are inspiring you these days?

JD: Music: Sunny War, Skating Polly, Shannon & The Clams, as well as the soundtracks from Midnight Cowboy and Chinatown. Books: So Far, So Good, Final Poems By Ursula K. Le Guinn and Killing Commendatore by Haruki Murakami.

Movies: Out Of The Past (1947) current TV shows: Babylon Berlin and We Own This City.

(AWE Bar Presents The John Doe Trio & Starlite Cleaning Company Thursday, October 20, Ages 21 & Over/ Doors Open At 8pm. Tickets via DICE.FM. 56193 Twentynine Palms Hwy. Yucca Valley, CA)

JohnDoe first gained fame as part of X, the seminal L.A. Punk band whose music moved beyond the spit and safety pins that originally defined the scene. By their third record, they began adding trace elements of Country, Blues, Folk and Rockabilly to the mix. Beginning in 1990, John launched a solo career that embraced and expanded upon that sharp mélange of styles. This year, he’s not only released his sublimely satisfying 10th solo album, Fables In A Foreign Land, he and X just finished up a short summer tour with legendary British Post-Punks, The Psychedelic Furs. As he returns to the road with The John Doe Trio, he agreed to answer a few burning questions.

EPA: You began the year touring as The John Doe Trio, in support of your new solo album. Then, throughout the summer, X shared a bill with The Psychedelic Furs. Is it easy to toggle between the intimate trio setting and the harder, Punkier style of X?

JD: Each tour requires different preparation. It takes a few days or weeks, depending on what you have, to practice the songs and getting your muscles back to play bass or acoustic guitar. X is more physical and the solo shows are more emotional.

EPA: It’s been more than 40 years since you began making music professionally, yet you continue to be fully invested. I recently saw you with The Psychedelic Furs at Pappy & Harriet’s and was heartened to see you come out after X finished and watch the Furs’ set as well. How do you maintain that passion?

JD: There’s always something to learn, or simply enjoy. More simply, I still enjoy music. During the tour, we left shortly after our set. So, Pappy’s was a great opportunity to watch the entire set by the Furs. What a great band.

EPA: Over the last 35 years, you have managed to carve out an intriguing acting career in films like Georgia, Boogie Nights and The Good Girl (just to name a few). You got your start in Allison Anders’ 1987 debut, Border Radio, how did that come about?

JD: Allison cast a few other musicians in Border Radio, most notably Chris D, (Chris Desjardins) and Jeff Bailey. She liked X then (and now) and asked if I’d consider playing a part. After watching what had already been shot, I agreed. It’s a beautiful and quite good, especially for a first film.

EPA: You have been making solo records since X took a hiatus in 1990. Those albums have typically been more Countrified and introspective, dialing back X’s raucous sound. However, it feels like there’s a through-line between the two. When you write, do you instinctively think “this is an X song,” or “this is better suited to a solo album?”

JD: All the songs tell stories. They have times, places, characters, smells, etc. Nowadays, I write specifically for one or the other. But many of the songs can be played in either setting.

EPA: On the title track of X’s debut, you and Exene ominously intone “She had to leave Los Angeles,” and then reel off the myriad reasons why. That came true for you when you relocated to The Grapevine and Fraizer Park and then out of state to Austin, Texas. Does the city of L.A. continue to inform your music?

JD: Inspiration comes from current experience or the past, or simply your imagination. Los Angeles doesn’t play the role that it did when I/we lived there. However, X’s music hasn’t changed as much as it has evolved.

EPA: Classic X songs like “I Must Not Think Bad Thoughts” or “More Fun In The New World” spoke to the current events of 1983. How much does politics influence your music these days?

JD: I’d say there’s a similar influence. On X’s 2020 record, Alphabetland, the songs “Free Water” and “Water & Wine” have overt political messages in the lyrics. On Fables… “Guilty Bystander” “After The Fall” comment on issues that persist from the late 1800s through today.

EPA: The songs on the new solo effort, Fables In A Foreign Land exhibit a timeless quality. They sound as though they could have been recorded any time in the last 70 years. Was that a deliberate choice?

JD: The instrumentation was intentionally acoustic, since that’s how the songs were conceived and developed. It’s Folky, without being Folk purist.

EPA: You have co-authored two books, Under The Big Black Sun and More Fun In The New World. Both accurately distilled the L.A. Punk scene. Would you ever consider writing a full-fledged biography?

JD: At some point I’ll write a memoir. October 13 to October 19, 2022 7


“Ever since the world began, every woman every man, face what they know is true, that we’re all passing through, and it’s measured out in time, and the things we leave behind.”

That’s David Plenn, reflecting on the passage of time, the legacies of fathers and sons and what it all means on “The Things We Left Behind” from his new, self-titled album. You’re forgiven if you say you’ve never heard of David Plenn, but isn’t it about time that you got acquainted?

David Plenn officially began his music career back in the late ‘60s, at the tender age of 16, he was guitarist in Thumper. There was enough of a buzz about the band that they were signed to A&M Records. Although they only recorded a handful of singles, they tested their mettle on stage, opening for bands like Savoy Brown, The Grass Roots, The Flying Burrito Brothers and Ike & Tina Turner. It was a heady time, while Thumper never got their moment in the sun, David forged a lifelong connection with their producer, Jerry Riopelle.

A musician ae well as a producer, Jerry had inked a solo deal with Capitol Records and asked David to handle lead guitar chores. Before he knew it, he was sharing stages with Fanny and The Kinks. He spent the rest of the ‘70s and ‘80s making music with Jerry across 12 albums. Despite the fact that he never really broke nationally, he had a passionate following throughout the Southwest. When he passed away in 2018, The Arizona Republic newspaper referred to Jerry as “Phoenix’s Elvis.”

In-between his commitment to Jerry, David carved out a career as an in-demand songwriter. His songs were included on hit albums from Kenny Loggins and Robert Cray, and his music was featured in TV series like Beverly Hills, 90210, Melrose Place and Touched By An Angel. At that point, he and his wife had welcomed their son, Taylor into the world. David began reevaluating his priorities.

Although he had been earning his keep as a touring musician for decades, he didn’t want to follow his father’s footsteps, as an itinerant trombone player who ended up abandoning his family altogether. David decided to put his music career on the backburner and concentrate on family life. Now that his kid is a full-grown adult, the time seemed right to record his self-titled debut.

The first three tracks get the album off to an audacious start. “What Used To Be (Is Killing Me)” matches growly, bottleneck lead guitar, ringing baritone riffs, sinewy bass and undulating congas with a chunky shuffle rhythm. David’s deadpan delivery and withering bon mots can’t disguise a broken heart; “Today I threw away your toothbrush, things were looking up, I drank my morning coffee from your favorite coffee cup, I started to throw away your picture, and found I’m not so strong. we used to be lovers and most days that’s alright, but what used to be is killing me tonight.” Scabrous bottleneck notes punctuate each verse, detonating like smart bombs. Sugary, shang-a-lang guitars breeze through the break, indicating better days lay ahead.

If Jackson Browne and Marshall Crenshaw ever saw fit to collaborate, it might sound something like “C’mon, Yvonne.” Soaring slide guitar riffs crest atop prickly piano notes, thrumming bass and a rollicking backbeat. David’s mien is playful as he coaxes a sad, cynical girl to throw caution to the wind and perhaps become somebody’s baby; “C’mon, Yvonne, you’ve been bluer than a month


of Mondays, you keep pining your hope on somedays, tonight that’s going to end.” A slide solo on the break blasts into the stratosphere. Although his intentions aren’t completely altruistic, the lyrics manage a moment of clarity; “Just one more thing, don’t let other people define you, if your heart is the star that guides you, you’re gonna be alright.”

On the aforementioned “The Things We Left Behind,” jangly acoustic guitars partner with wily bass, plaintive piano and a ticktock beat. A mordant meditation on the eternal, paternal disconnect, the power that memories wield and the crushing weight of grief. Recollecting his own father’s absence and inconsistencies, David vows to chart a different course; “I’ve got a message for my son, someday you’ll get my money and guitars, that old Gibson came from Joe, it was written in the stars/Did I make you feel loved? Did I teach you to be kind? I hope that tops the list of the things I leave behind.”

Both “Lover’s Lullaby” and “Underneath The Overpass” linger in the shadows and on the margins. The former is smoky and Sinatra-esque, sharing some musical DNA with Squeeze’s gorgeous lament, “When The Hangover Strikes.” Fueled by percolating electric piano, hangdog bass, muted trumpet and piquant guitars, conversational lyrics join the mis en scene in progress. Post-coital bliss gives way to doubts and insecurities; “You got your ghosts, Baby, I’ve got my demons, let’s put ‘em aside for a while, I’m diving deep, tonight we’ll sleep to a lover’s lullaby.”

The latter boasts the blowsiest saxophone wail this side of romeo void’s “Never Say Never.” An angular slice of Noir-ish New Wave, it’s propelled rippling keys, slinky bass lines and shuddery percussion. Originally written in the ‘80s, lyrics paint a vivid portrait of a homeless situation that has only spiraled out of control over the last four decades; “Underneath the overpass, shattered like broken glass, she sits and cries, hands to her eyes, underneath the overpass.”

David deftly leapfrogs through a plethora of styles on this record, so it’s no surprise that the best songs here sound like nothing that’s come before. “Same Planet/Different World” is a lithe, elastic rocker, anchored by propulsive guitar licks, fluttery keys, tensile bass lines and an impossibly catchy handclap rhythm. Droll vignettes indicate in these divisive times, it’s easier to dwell on our differences rather concentrate on consensus; “Turn on the radio dial, it’s just yak, yak, yak, they call it Freedom of Speech, man, it just sounds like talkin’ smack/They’ve all got an axe to grind, or a cross to bear-or a stone to throw, somebody say a prayer, same planet, living in a different world, same planet, different world.” Crosscut guitars singe across the break, followed by a cowbell-riffic bridge, as rapprochement seems impossible; “They’re standing toe-to-toe, they can’t see eye-to-eye, you lost me at ‘hello,’ You’ll find me at the door just waving bye-bye.” Swoopy organ notes and fuzz-crusted guitars race for the finish line on the muscular outro.

Meanwhile, giddyup guitar and do-sido bass are tethered to a clip-clop gait on “Tucson.” This twangy two-step chronicles a journey, that’s equal parts travelogue and restless farewell; “Drove past those San Jacinto windmills, turning like the hands of time, seems like we’re speeding to a standstill, doing our best to read the signs/Feels like this road goes on forever, that’s what they say until it ends, and I’m just headed out to Tucson, to

say goodbye to a friend.” Wrestling with one’s mortality seems to be the record’s leitmotif, truly, the only certainty in this life is death. As chicken-scratch guitars see-saw on the break, one thing becomes clear, it’s up to us to enjoy the ride, wherever it takes us.

Other interesting tracks include the wistful “Memorial Day” and the aching “Mercy For The Child.” The album closes with “Follow Your Dreams.” Filigreed acoustic fretwork gently washes over airy keys, spidery bass and a sturdy backbeat. A tender benediction, it takes a page from Bob Dylan’s playbook, echoing his epochal “Forever Young.” Lyrics offer up a bit of sagacious advice and hoping the best for the next generation; “The future is yours like the rising sun, just remember your past and where you come from, let the strength of your words equal you deeds, follow your dreams baby, wherever they lead,” A poignant and

pragmatic end to a great record.

This is a solo album in name only. David managed to corral a wily wolfpack of pickers, players and longtime compadres to create this true labor of love. Drummers Jay Bellarose and David Goodstein kept the beat. Bassists Jenny Condos, James “Hutch” Hutchinson, Ethan Moffit and Lloyd Moffit held down the bottom (Ethan and Lloyd also added mandolin, violin, viola, kitchen sync, keys, percussion, pink noise and good ice!). More keys were provided by Tom Canning, Danny McGough and Patrick Warren. It was accordion a-go-go thanks to Phil Parlapiano and the legendary Van Dyke Parks, who also threw in string arrangements and repartee. The brass section included Taylor Plenn on saxophone and Mark Hatch on trumpet, and Cameron Stone played cello. Ramon Yslas added congas, shaker and apparently, Jameson’s. Vocal duties were split between Tara Austin, Brad Colerick, Kristin Mooney, Paul Riopelle and David Jenkins, who also added some cowbell. (If Blue Oyster Cult and SNL taught us anything, it’s that life is always better with more cowbell).

David Plenn has channeled a lifetime of experience into 10 songs that are sharp and economical, but still pack an emotional punch. Not everyone is allowed a second act to reignite their passion and follow their muse. David is off to a great start.

October 13 to October 19, 2022 8

Thursday, October 13

Babaloo Lounge – Tony Brandberry

– 6pm

Casuelas Café – Avenida – 5:30pm

Chef George’s – Marc Antonelli – 6:30pm

Coachella Valley Brewery – Open Mic – 6pm

Cunard’s Sandbar – Bill Baker – 6pm

Four Twenty Bank – Ultimate Jam Sessions – 6pm

Indian Wells Resort Hotel – Christine Love – 6pm

Jazzville @ Agua Caliente – Lynda Kay – 7pm

Jolene’s – Desert Crows – 6pm

Lavender Bistro – Scott Carter – 6pm

The Nest – Live Music – 6:30pm

O’Caine’s – Whiskey Sunday – 6pm

Pappy and Harriet’s – Jukebox the Ghost w/ Corook – 8pm

Plan B Live Entertainment & Cocktails – Daytime Moon - 9pm

Pretty Faces Nightclub – Trappea w/ DJs Meena and Dxsko – 9pm

Tommy Bahamas – Alex Santana – 5pm

Vicky’s of Santa Fe – John Stanley King – 6pm

The Village – Rob & JB – 5:30pm, Village Idiots – 8:30pm, DJ Gio the Ace – 9pm

Friday, October 14

Ace Hotel – Takin’ Off w/ DJ Young Einstein – 9pm

Babaloo Lounge – Hitlist – 7pm

Bart Lounge – DJ LF and Friends – 8pm

Casuelas Café – The Myx – 7pm

Chef George’s – Lizann Warner – 6:30pm

Cunard’s Sandbar – Bill Baker – 6pm

Desert Fox – TBA – 9pm

Four Twenty Bank – Live Music – 6pm

Indian Wells Resort Hotel – Marc Antonelli – 6pm

Jolene’s – Leanna and Miguel – 7pm

Larkspur Grill @ Hotel Paseo – Doug and Meg Music – 7pm

Lavender Bistro – Scott Carter – 6pm

Lit @ Fantasy Springs – Forward Nation – 9pm

The Nest – Live Music – 6:30pm

O’Caine’s – Craic Haus – 6pm

Pappy and Harriet’s – Dengue Fever w/ Brazzaville – 8:30pm

Plan B Live Entertainment & Cocktails

– Red’s Rockstar Karaoke – 9pm

Pretty Faces Nightclub – DJs Dxsko and Cielohigh – 9pm

Purple Room – Niki Haris – 6pm Rockyard @ Fantasy Springs –Fandango (ZZ Top Tribute) and Deeper Stills – 7pm

Tommy Bahamas – Alex Santana – 5pm

Vicky’s of Santa Fe – John Stanley King – 7:30pm

The Village – Rob & JB – 5:30pm, DJ Gio the Ace – 9pm, Rapmarz – 9pm, DJ LF – 10pm

Wildest – Derek Jordan Gregg – 6pm

Saturday, October 15

Babaloo Lounge – Off Da Cuff – 7pm

Bart Lounge – DJs Madevza, Kingsy and Axel Alastriste – 8pm

Casuelas Café – Flashback Boyz – 7pm

Chef George’s – Marc Antonelli – 6:30pm

Coachella Valley Brewing Co. –Comedy Showcase and Roast Battle – 8pm

Cunard’s Sandbar – Bill Baker – 6pm

Four Twenty Bank – People of the Sun (Rage Against the Machine Tribute) –6pm

Indian Wells Resort Hotel – Marc Antonelli – 6pm

Jolene’s – Fun with Dick and Jane Band – 7pm

Lavender Bistro – Scott Carter – 6pm

Lit @ Fantasy Springs – Forward Nation – 9pm

The Nest – Live Music – 6:30pm

O’Caine’s – Whiskey Sunday – 6pm

Oscar’s – Oscar’s Caberet – 6pm

Pappy and Harriet’s – Donny Benet w/ Well Well Well – 8:30pm

Plan B Live Entertainment & Cocktails – Red’s Rockstar Karaoke – 9pm

Pretty Faces Nightclub – DJs Sugarfree and Francis Davila – 9pm Purple Room – Niki Haris – 6pm Rockyard @ Fantasy Springs – Twisted

Gypsy (Fleetwood Mac Tribute) and Electric Ash – 7pm

Sullivan’s – The Myx – 5:30pm

Tommy Bahamas – Alex Santana – 5pm

Vicky’s of Santa Fe – Rose Mallett –5pm, John Stanley King – 7:30pm

The Village – Rob & JB – 1pm, Rapmarz – 9pm, DJ LF – 10pm

Wildest – Derek Jordan Gregg – 6-9pm

Sunday, October 16

Babaloo Lounge – Tristen/Flamingo

Guitar – 1pm, Tim Burleson – 6pm

Bart Lounge – Latina Night w/ DJ LF – 8pm

Blu Ember – Gina Sedman – 5pm

Casuelas Café – Mariachi Coachella –1pm, Voices Carrie – 5:30pm

Coachella Valley Brewing Co. – 15th Annual Concert for Autism w/ Mark Gregg, The Sieve and the Saddle, Adam Gainey, Yoves and more – 1pm

Fisherman’s Market, PS – Live Music – 6pm

Lavender Bistro – Scott Carter – 6pm

Melvyn’s – Mikael Healey – 5pm

The Nest – Live Music – 6:30pm

Pappy and Harriet’s – Night Moves w/ Shady Cove – 8:30pm

Tommy Bahamas – Alex Santana – 12pm

The Village – Gio the Ace - 9pm

Monday, October 17

Babaloo Lounge – Tim Burleson – 6pm

Hyatt – Derek Jordan Gregg – 5-7pm

The Nest – Live Music – 6:30pm

The Village – DJ Gio the Ace – 9pm

Tuesday, October 18

Babaloo Lounge – The Carmens – 6:30pm

Chef George’s – Lizann Warner – 6:30pm

Cunard’s Sandbar – Bill Baker – 6pm

Hyatt – Derek Jordan Gregg – 5-7pm

The Nest – Live Music – 6:30pm

Vicky’s of Santa Fe – Slim Man Band – 6pm

The Village – Karaoke – 9pm, Rapmarz – 9pm

Wednesday, October 19

Ace Hotel – Jazz w/ Keifer – 7:30pm

Babaloo Lounge – Maryse Nicole – 7pm

Chef George’s – Tim Burleson – 6:30pm

Coachella Valley Brewing Co. – Trivia Night – 7pm

Cunard’s Sandbar – Bill Baker – 6pm

The Fix – Alex Santana – 5:30pm

Indian Wells Resort Hotel – Patrice Morris – 6pm

Lavender Bistro – Scott Carter – 6pm

Lit @ Fantasy Springs – Hollywood Hillbillies – 7pm

The Nest – Live Music – 6:30pm

Pappy and Harriet’s – The Steel Woods – 8pm

Plan B Live Entertainment & Cocktails – Red’s Rockstar Karaoke –9pm

Tack Room Tavern – T-Bone Karaoke – 7pm

Vicky’s of Santa Fe – John Stanley King – 6pm

The Village – Rapmarz – 9pm, Banda Revolucion – 10pm October 13 to October 19, 2022 9



the never-ending quest to find a good movie that’s worth the price of hiring a baby sitter, filling the gas tank and enjoying a dinner for two at one our great local eateries, it is a rare event to have to choose between two highly regarded films praised by both critics and ordinary movie lovers like you and me.


Currently, there are two terrific films that are only available on the big theatrical screen, so it requires a certain amount of courage to step out and risk health concerns just to see a movie. For many of us, enjoying movies in a theater is a unique communal event that can be healing in its own way.

Without going into a scholarly analysis, the following two films are worth the trip from home to theater. Even watching it at home on an 80 inches screen is not quite the same experience. But it will be weeks until these two films are available for the home theater.


Cate Blanchett’s spellbinding near perfect performance examines the darker, disturbing facets of fame, genius and power. This perfect match of actor and role – both being larger than life will linger in the mind long after final fade-out. This taught, brilliantly crafted masterpiece is arguably the best movie of the 21st century.

Renowned musician Lydia Tar is days away from recording a symphony that will

greatly enhance her reputation and career. When the universe seems to be conspiring against her, her adopted daughter Petra becomes an integral source of emotional support for her struggling mom.

Blanchett’s name and performance will forever be linked with one of the greatest character studies of our time and perhaps the history of cinema. Playing a maestro, she proves to be one herself. But It’s hard not to wonder if an audience would be as embracing of the character if it were a man.

Todd Field’s richly relevant film works on so many levels –it is not to be missed. Don’t wait for home video, see it the way it was intended and under optimal conditions. It’s worth it. Now Playing. Standard Film Company.

BARBARIAN Writer/director Zach Gregger’s clever, perverse, nerve-jangling, unpredictably

dark, disturbing and violent thrill ride of a movie is really scary. I’ll say it again – it’s really scary and unexpectedly humorous. It’s everything you could hope for this 2022 Halloween season. And an especially good fit for bored, burnt-out horror fans. It’s a solid 100 minutes of head-snapping twists and turns.

The plot has a young woman (Georgina Campbell) traveling to Detroit for a job interview. She has booked a rental home (Airbnb) for the duration. But when she shows up, she finds a strange man already inside and booked!

Knowing better, she decides to spend the evening, but of course soon realizes there’s a hell of a lot more to fear than merely an unexpected houseguest.

The less you know the better. Oh, and brace yourself for the ending.

Now playing only in theaters, so there are risks that only add to the atmosphere of dread. 20th Century Studios.

October 13 to October 19, 2022 10
S No. 548
Questions/Comments? October 13 to October 19, 2022 11


When was the last time you bought a “jug wine”? You know what we’re talking about: it’s the Carlo Rossi, the Vendange, or the Leaping Grapes in a big fat 3 or 4-liter bottle that may well take two hands to carry.

If there is a time for die-hard wine enthusiasts to indeed purchase a “jug wine”, it’s probably for a big picnic where a bunch of beer or seltzer drinkers are gathering and perhaps taking a glass or two of wine just to get an extra buzz. Or at least, that’s what the hosting wine enthusiast is thinking, and therefore, he or she is not bringing out some decent wine.

Well, what about those folks who do enjoy a nice glass of wine at the picnic but are simply served-up “plonk”? Actually, these last two paragraphs assume various facts: Are “jug wines” indeed plonk? Are there in fact decent “jug wines”? And how cheap can one be, purposely thinking they’re putting out the “cheapest” wine for their picnic party guests!?

Of course, we’re having fun here. No one is taking this stuff too seriously. Whatever wine you wish to buy, is the wine you wish to drink—and cheers to that!

I remember we were hosting an 80th birthday party for my father-in-law over in Rancho Mirage, and, I had especially purchased about five large jugs of Galleano Winery Zinfandel for the occasion. At the time, it was my favorite table Zin in town. The grapes harvested were from the old Lopez Ranch from the old Rancho Cucamonga wine range-territory that produces a pretty decent complex red.

One of the guests—the senior pastor from a local Lutheran Church, noticed that we were pouring wine from a large glass jug. Whether or not he had already consumed a couple of glasses of wine, he blurted out that we were serving “some cheap red wine from a jug!” Of course, I objected to his assertion and had to defend our “house wine”. I gave him the benefit-of the-doubt however, since perhaps he sped-read the label—thinking “Galleano” was “Gallo”. Anyway, he did come around and drank up more than a few more glasses of wine at the party.

About a dozen years ago, I remember the Wall Street Journal did a piece on the subject with the fine title of “The Joys of Jug Wine”. I don’t really remember all the content of the article but I kept a snippet in my records to perhaps share someday—and that day has come:

“Jug wines are the “Paul Blart: Mall Cop” of wines, lovable yet ridiculed. After all, fine wines in big bottles are called magnums or “large-format” bottles. Jug wine has come to embody a specific meaning and that meaning is “cheap.” Over the years, most of us have had some really bad wines in big bottles. But there’s no reason good wines can’t come in big bottles at good prices.”

For those who enjoy inexpensive wine, on our wine aisles at Ralphs, there are about eight to ten brands of “large format” bottles that seem to do very well. Livingston Cellars wines seem to fit the bill; Glen Ellen Chardonnay sells out all the time; Vendange

sells all types of varietals, from Cab Sauv to Sauv Blanc; Liberty Creek sells out their very popular Merlot; and Leaping Grapes is new on the block, and it looks like it will be staying on the shelves.

And of course, there is Carlo Rossi. Quoting from The Brutal Hammer of Truth, “The King of the Jug Wines is Charlie ‘Carlo’ Rossi who, though he died in 1994, still reigns over the category today. He peddled a pretty good, mostly honest wine for E & J Gallo Winery until his death at age 90. I say “mostly” honest, because he had less to do with making the wine that bears his name than either he or the Gallo company let on.

“Charlie started out as a grape shipper during Prohibition and had the foresight to marry into the Gallo family when Ernest and Julio’s wine empire began to rise. He went to work for Gallo as a salesman. In 1962, Gallo introduced a cheap wine called “Mountain Red” that became popular because it sold in a big jug with a ring handle for carrying. In the late-60s, the counterculture embraced Mountain Red: a Berkeley, California hippie commune, for example, called themselves the Red Mountain Tribe, after their favorite Gallo product. But Ernest Gallo, not an Age of Aquarius sort, didn’t appreciate the free publicity. He decided that Mountain Red needed a re-branding.

“Re-brand as what, though? Charlie was still on the payroll, now working in the marketing department. He had a fortunate last name in common with the Italian winemakers Martini & Rossi, famed for their sparkling wine and vermouth (although Charlie was no relation). And, as it turned out, the congenial Charlie proved to be good in front of a camera—better than the actors that Gallo auditioned for the new, yetunnamed brand. Why not? Charlie started going by the Italian “Carlo,” and Mountain Red was retired. In 1975, 45 years ago this year, “Carlo Rossi Vineyards” was born.”

If I had to vote on my favorite inexpensive large-bottle wine, it would be the Bolla Bardolino or Valpolicella. It matches and pairs well with any Italian meat & pasta dish on the table. Grocery Outlet fortunately carries the wine every so often at around $8.

Probably the biggest selling inexpensive large-bottle wine at Ralphs Markets is the Barefoot Cellars Pinot Grigio at around $8.

It’s fleshy and peachy, with some weight and true white-grape tastes. It sells like hotcakes—and probably pairs with them as well! Cheers!

October 13 to October 19, 2022 12 October 13 to October 19, 2022 13


The shelter workers are kind to me, and I love the volunteers who take me for outdoor walks. My hobby is playing in the water in the pool in the big dog park with my dog buddies. It would be great if I could get a home where there is another friendly dog or two, but just having a human of my own would be wonderful.

Are you looking for a hiking buddy? That’s me! Are you looking for a best buddy who will lay by your feet when you watch television? That’s me! Are you looking for a friend to play ball with? That’s my favorite game. Whoever adopts me will be very lucky.

They say good things come to those who wait, and that means a very special human will adopt me soon. I pray someone reading this will come for me.

You can meet me at the shelter between the hours of 10am and 4pm Saturday through Monday at 72-050 Pet Land Place in Thousand Palms I am dog ID#A1656983. Ask a shelter employee to take me to a private visiting room for a meet and greet. I might give you a kiss when you arrive. I’m an active dog, but not a puppy which makes me easier to train. More information is on the shelter website, (760) 343-3644.

If you are still not sure about adopting, the shelter has a program where you can foster me! Call the foster coordinator at (951) 358-7376.

Myname is Flower, and I am as beautiful as my name. The shelter staff nicknamed me “Rockstar of the Playgroup” because I happily zoom around outside with other dogs.

On July 23, 2022, an animal control officer brought me to the Coachella Valley Animal Campus, the Riverside County shelter in Thousand Palms. My heart broke when my humans never came looking for me. I am now the longest resident here, residing here for 2 months and 17 days. I pray someone adopts me before I lose hope and become very sad. I am healthy and happy girl. They



The staff at the Coachella Valley Animal Campus love this 2-yr-old handsome Husky boy! Zachery is 55 lbs of doggie love, adores people and other pups. Meet him at 72-050 Pet Land Place, Thousand Palms, 10am-4pm Mon thru Sat. Dog ID#A1686785, Ask to meet him in a visiting room.

estimated I am 2 years of age, which I would confirm if I could talk. I heard a shelter worker say, “Flower has been here so long it’s a miracle she’s not despondent and kennel stressed.” It made me wonder, how long can a shelter dog wait and keep hoping?

I haven’t given up hope as I wait behind the kennel bars and look longingly at visitors. Sometimes the journey to a forever home is a long lone one. Sometimes I feel sad when I see some of the other dogs leave for new homes. I hear some people walk past my kennel and say they want a small dog. I’m 42 pounds of doggie love and loyalty. I’m the

perfect size medium pup. I’m big enough to protect my future family, and the perfect size to go on car rides.

I heard one of the staff people say I am her favorite dog! That made me so happy. Someone said black dogs have a harder time getting adopted. That might be because it’s harder to see our eyes in photographs. Color is a powerful perception tool and people are drawn to tans, goldens, and brighter shades, even when they look at dogs in kennels. Luckily the picture here shows me proudly posing for our volunteer photographer, Cheryl Honts.


I’m a Kool Kat, waiting for a home at the Coachella Valley Animal Campus, 72-050 Pet Land Place, Thousand Palms. I’m cat ID#A1689326, you get to name me. I’m a 5-yrold boy full of fun, already neutered and ready to leave! Come visit 10am-4pm Mon thru Sat.

In happier times, I would be adopted by now. But the shelter is very crowded with many dogs and cats. Some of their owners lost their homes and moved where pets were not allowed. Some of the animals were brought here when their humans went back to work after the pandemic.

My dream is to be part of a happy family and bring them more joy! You can help me get a home soon. Pass this article on to your friends. Share my story by going online at and post this article on Facebook. Put my beautiful photo on Instagram.

I have the heart of a rescue dog, a heart that is grateful and ready to love again.

October 13 to October 19, 2022 14
(Email me if you adopt Flower)

Here are some places where you can adopt a wonderful rescue dog or cat!

COACHELLA VALLEY ANIMAL CAMPUS –Open 10:00-4:00 Monday through Saturday. View animals online at all 4 county shelters, 72-050 Pet Land Place, Thousand Palms, (760) 343-3644. (Public)

PALM SPRINGS ANIMAL SHELTER – Open to the public, closed Tuesday. View animals online at and complete application for the one you want to meet, 4575 E. Mesquite Ave, Palm Springs, Call (760) 416-5718. (Public)

DESERT HOT SPRINGS ANIMAL CARE & CONTROL - Open daily 9:30-4:30. www. , 65810 Hacienda Ave, Desert Hot Springs, (760) 329-6411 ext. 450.

ANIMAL SAMARITANS – Open to the public. View their animals at Email volunteer@ to foster or volunteer. Located at 72307 Ramon Rd, Thousand Palms, (760) 601-3918. (Private)

CALIFORNIA PAWS RESCUE - Call for an appointment to adopt. Located at 73650 Dinah Shore, Palm Desert. View their animals at, (760) 656-3833. (Private)

HUMANE SOCIETY OF THE COACHELLA VALLEY – Fill out an application online www. and call for an appointment. This shelter has dogs of all sizes and cats, Located at 17825 N. Indian Canyon, Palm Springs, (760) 329-0203. (Private)

KITTYLAND – Open to the public to adopt cats and kittens. Located at 67600 18th Avenue, Desert Hot Springs, www., (760) 251-2700. (Private)

PRETTY GOOD CAT – Foster based rescue for cats located in La Quinta. Contact them at, (760) 660-3414 (Private)

LOVING ALL ANIMALS – Call for appointment to adopt dogs. Located at 83496 Avenue 51, Coachella, www.lovingallanimals. org, (760) 834-7000. (Private)

ANIMAL RESCUE CENTER OF CALIFORNIA (ARC), Foster based rescue for dogs and cats in Indio., (760) 877-7077 (Private)

FLUFFS & SCRUFFS – Foster based rescue for small dogs in Cathedral City. FLUFFSANDSCRUFFS@AOL.COM, (310) 9803383 (Private)

SOCIETY’S OUTKAST ANIMAL RESCUE – Foster based rescue for dogs in Rancho Mirage,, (760) 832-0617. (Private)

LIVING FREE ANIMAL SANCTUARY –Large outdoor shelter for dogs and cats up Hwy 74, Mountain Center, org, (951) 659-4687. (Private)

CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ANIMAL SHELTER – Open 12:00 – 3pm Tues through Sat. Google “City of San Bernardino Animal Shelter” for website to view animals and get the ID number of the animal you want. Located at 333 Chandler Place, San Bernardino, (909) 384-1304 or (909) 3847272. (Public)

SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY ANIMAL SHELTER AT DEVORE – Open 7 days a week. Call (909) 386-9280, and get the ID number of animal you are interested in adopting, 19777 Shelter Way, San Bernardino (Public). October 13 to October 19, 2022 15
October 13 to October 19, 2022 16 15% OFF Daily From 2pm - 5pm With this CV WEEKLY Coupon EXPIRES OCTOBER 31, 2022. ONE COUPON PER VISIT.


Ifit seems harder to make ends meet than it did once upon a time, that is because it is. While it may seem counter-intuitive, the Fed is working hard to slow inflation by slowing the economy through increases in interest rates. They are doing this as history shows that inflation begets more inflation. When the cost of basic necessities goes up, it hurts those who can least afford it the most.

To understand how inflation works, let’s look at how prices have changed over the last 80+ years.

Back in 1930, a loaf of bread was 9 cents while a gallon of gas was 10 cents. The cost of a car was $600 or about 30% of the average family income of $1,970 per year. A new home cost two years of income or $3,850. The US population was 123 million.

Moving forward 30 years, bread cost 22 cents and a gallon of gas was 25 cents. That new car cost $2,600 or one-half of a family’s income of $5,315 per year. A new home was 2.5x income levels or $12,700/year while the US population was 179 million.

Only 32 years ago in 1990, a loaf of bread was up to 70 cents while gas was $1.34/ gallon. The new car cost $17,000 which was now 75% of annual income of $29,000. A new home sold for $120,000 or 4 years of income. US population totaled 249 million.

In 2022, a loaf of bread costs $2.50. A gallon of gas in California costs $6 while it is in the mid $3 range across the Southern states. A new car costs about $40,000 ors 75% of the average US wage of $54,000/year. Here in California, the average household income is


job categories above, most job segments are still seeing job growth although it is slowing. Where Government was increasing its jobs at a 3.6% rate in January, that slowed to 2.6% in July before dropping to 1.2% in August. Information/tech jobs were growing at a 9% rate at the start of the year only to slow to 1.6% in August. Overall, no job segment showed declines yet in 2022.

Iwasretained on a new DUI case this week by a young girl celebrating her 21st birthday, and getting arrested for a DUI with an Accident Injury. Most DUI’s result in an OR RELEASE… on your promise to show up in court. With a Felony Bail is usually required. Though my client was arrested for a Felony, we will do everything we can to see this case does not wind up as a Felony.

The arresting officer will send the report to a Sgt. who forwards it to the filing Deputy DA. The reports are sometimes delayed in filling because paperwork has been misplaced or more info is needed. When the filing Deputy DA reviews it, s/he tries to determine what crimes have been committed.

Even though the police officer may have arrested you/cited you for a particular crime, the filing deputy could decide that there were more counts that should be filed and/ or less counts. DA’s often over file, so that they can offer to dismiss a count. However, Some cases are a direct file to the court, by the arresting agency, thus bypassing the DA.

When in custody we have some bondsmen that will get you released with NO MONEY DOWN, if you qualify, and charge 78% for our clients, instead of 10%. If there is no filing of the complaint, on the arraignment date, the matter is continued for 15 days.

Your first appearance is called an Arraignment, for either a Misdemeanor or

$80,000 making a new car more affordable than 30 years ago so long as you don’t need gas.

The cost of a new home here in the Golden State is now $843,000 vs. $429,000 for the United States. That means that the average family looking to buy a home in California is paying 10 ½ years of income for a home while the US average is 8 years. The US population is 332 million – 200 million more than 80 years ago.

California has a population of 39.5 million. This is 5% higher than 10 years ago but 20% slower than the United States.

Of that 39.5 million, the Bureau of Labor Statistics says that we have a labor force of 19.4 million. This means fewer than 50% of people living in the state work with the

rest being retirees, youths, stay-at-home parents, the homeless and others deemed unemployable. After those exclusions, government statistics suggest that only 4% of those 20 million not working people are unemployed. Stated differently, we had 790,000 unemployed people throughout the state at the end of August.

Trade, Transportations & Utilities is the largest job grouping with 3.1 million workers in the state. Education and Health services employs the second largest grouping of people at 2.9 million. Professional and Business services employ 2.85 million followed by the Government at 2.5 million, Leisure & Hospitality at 1.9 million, Manufacturing at 1.3 million and Construction at 919 thousand.

Looking at job growth rates in the various

This suggests that the Fed is going to need to increase rates hire and keep them high for a while if it wants to stem inflation, make housing and life in general more affordable. Like putting a genie back in the bottle, inflation is hard to get back under control once it takes root.

Haddon Libby if the Founder and Chief Investment Officer of Winslow Drake Investment Management. For more information on our services, please visit



Felony. Because of COVID the courts have been backed up and on Friday October 7, 2022, the California Supreme Court ended the 25 Covid extensions. On that date, Judge Dale Walls retired, and 5 new DA’s will be on the bench soon. Thus things are somewhat up in the air as to what cases might go where.

Misdemeanor Arraignments are in Department 2K and stays there until Trial and then get sent out. On Misdemeanors, we can appear on behalf of our clients, pursuant to a Waiver of Personal Appearance under Penal Code Section 977.

On Felonies, the defendant has to appear each and every time unless we can get the judge to allow us to appear on the client’s behalf. In addition, it is often difficult to get discovery from the DA before a preliminary hearing.

When we appear at the Arraignment, we are supposed to get a copy of the police report, which we forward to you. We ask you to review it and let us know what looks correct or incorrect. Recently, the court Deputy DA has not had a copy of the report, and we have to enter a plea of not guilty, and get the report at a later date.

Most DA’s have to go to a supervisor for their authority “to deal”. In 2022, they are making a standard jail time offer on most cases. With the court backed up, we don’t know if the judges will continue cases,

contrary to the Statute of Limitation or whether the DA will offer attractive deals.

The current District Attorney for Riverside County is Mike Hestrin. Both he and the DA had their term of office extended for 2 years as of October 2022, to be in compliance with the Presidential elections. The DA has instructed his deputy district attorneys to not plea bargain and to demand the defendants plead straight up to the charges with maximum sentences. Thus, the court deputies have had limited authority to negotiate. Today the DA’s maintain they will make the best offer at the Arraignment court and the offers go up from there.

On a Felony, after the Arraignment, the matter is set for a Pre-Preliminary hearing or Felony Settlement Conference where you have an opportunity to try to work out a disposition. After that, a Preliminary Hearing will take place where the prosecution has to prove that a crime was committed and that the defendant is connected to the crime. A Prelim is not a stage where you have guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. In the vast majority of Preliminary hearings, the judge rules in favor of the District Attorney, and you have to return to court again for an Arraignment and a subsequent Trial Setting Conference and Trial.

The Indio Courts are backed up with 1700 criminal cases because of Covid. In the past

there have been civil freezes. This means that no civil case goes out to Trial, as all the courts are just handling criminal matters. That may happen again. Because the District Attorney will not readily negotiate a plea, the courts are inundated with cases. Because your case is set for a particular date for Trial does not mean it will go out on that date, nor does it mean the case will stay in Indio at the Larson Justice Center. In other words everything is up in the air.


DALE GRIBOW - Representing the Injured and Criminally Accused

“TOP LAWYER” - California’s Prestige Magazine, Palm Springs Life (PI/DUI) 20112022

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PERFECT 10.0 AVVO Peer Rating


Dale Gribow Attorney at Law 73-061 El Paseo, Suite 220, Palm Desert, CA 92260 Office - 760-837-7500 Fax - 760 837-7502 October 13 to October 19, 2022 17

Getting to the gym consistently isn’t always easy. For many people, it is the single biggest obstacle holding them back from establishing good exercise habits and making consistent progress.

Well, one of the easiest ways to make sure that you don’t flake out is having someone there waiting for you… Especially when it’s someone that you’re paying!

Yup, by hiring a personal trainer you are far less likely to skip your workouts.

So why does having a trainer drastically improve your gym attendance and consistency?

Trainers provide expertise!

A good personal trainer will watch closely to ensure that you are doing the exercises properly to maximize your result and target the intended muscle group.

A trainer carefully watches and corrects minor mistakes in form as a client makes them. A trainer assures a client that sometimes the smallest tweak of an exercise will change the muscle that is targeted, and a

client can tell the difference when following the instructions.

This is something some people could never do on their own, or even from watching a video. Usually, They are not even aware of a mistake in form. Consistently doing an

exercise incorrectly can lead to injury.

They Customize Your Fitness Routine to Help You Get Results

One of the most frustrating parts of working out and changing your diet is feeling like you put in a ton of physical effort –while starving yourself or missing out on indulgences – yet aren’t seeing the changes in your body that you want. This is where a personal trainer’s health and fitness expertise comes into play.

Your physical trainer understands exactly what it takes to lose weight, gain muscle, relieve chronic back pain, or increase athletic performance. They understand nutrition – healthy fats to include in your diet, good carbs vs. bad carbs, and how to determine the right macronutrients for your body. And they understand why your mindset is just as



important as the physical work you put in.

Why do people not go to the gym on their own?

Many people are simply not motivated enough to begin an exercise routine. You may view exercise as something that is too much work, too boring, or something that is just not for you.

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Our team of degreed fitness professionals have specialized training and high-quality certifications that give them the tools and knowledge they need to help people move more and move better.

We offer Free Fitness Assessments and Complimentary Personal Training Sessions. Please reach out to us at (760)880-9904. Or visit our website at sendmeatrainer. com/palmsprings


the month of October, you will be seeing firefighters wearing “pink” shirts and some fire stations lit up pink. No, it’s not a uniform change or to look pretty, but to show support and bring awareness about breast cancer to both women and men!

Most of us think breast cancer is a disease that occurs only in women. But the truth is that it is a disease that occurs in men too. Male breast cancer certainly is not a topic around the fire station kitchen table; however, it should be as it creates a danger if it is found at a later stage and then is more difficult to treat.

As men we also are apprehensive about bringing the topic up for the fear of being ridiculed. But let’s not be a “boob” about it, because as we know, many types of cancer are on the rise!

Sharon Giordano, M.D., chair of Health Services Research and associate professor of Breast Medical Oncology at MD Anderson. Dr. Giordano reports that male breast cancer represents 1% of all cases of breast cancer. In the United States, 2,190 new cases of male breast cancer were expected to be diagnosed in 2012, as compared to 229,060 cases in women.

Firefighters – We love our food! But ‘weight’ a minute! Nothing beats those greasy “structure burgers and fries” at the station. Add in some ice cream in the evening and weekend breakfast spreads


questions about the effectiveness of these drugs in men.

Get better (and smarter) with age! On average, most men are diagnosed at an older age and at a more advanced stage of the disease than women. However, when comparing patients of the same age and the same stage, the survival rates are similar. Based on a previous study performed, the 5-year overall survival rate was 63%.

- but wait a minute! Though exactly what causes male breast cancer is not known, obesity may increase a man’s risk of breast cancer – so everyone watch your weight and what you eat!

The most common symptom of male breast cancer is a painless lump under the nipple. If a man develops a lump under his nipple, he should be evaluated by his doctor immediately. Other symptoms of male breast cancer can include nipple inversion, pain, bleeding, or skin ulceration.

We know women are at a higher risk of breast cancer than men. If male breast cancer is diagnosed after a man or his doctor discovers a breast lump, he should get a mammogram. If findings are suspicious, a doctor will perform a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis.

The treatment is similar for male and female breast cancer patients. One difference is that a class of drugs called aromatase inhibitors are rarely used in male patients. That is because there are a lot of

Become more sensitive! Being a sensitive topic for most males, if diagnosed, men should reach out to other male breast cancer survivors. They also should feel encouraged that researchers are banding together as an international community to improve our understanding of this rare disease and to work towards improving patient’s treatment options and quality of life.

Now that we have uncovered this information about men and breast cancer, this is a good time to remind the women we know and love and remind them that it is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and it is a good time to get their annual breast cancer screening!


October 13 to October 19, 2022 18
Dr. Lucy Richardson


Thepresence of Angels can be felt in each moment of the day if you are first, open to feeling them, and second, you give permission to your Angels, allowing them to interact with you.

Angels are divine messengers. They come in all shapes and forms, and they are here on divine assignment to watch over each one of us. Most do not see them with their physical eyes, but if a person is paying close attention, she can often feel their presence. When you call on your Angels and interact with them regularly, you may get a visual of them in your mind’s eye, or you may catch a glimpse of them in translucent form with your peripheral vision.

You must build up to that, and you must give your Angels permission to reveal themselves to you, as well as act on your behalf. Your guardian Angels are very respectful. They do not step into your path without a request from you. The reason for this is that your soul mapped out your journey before you came into your body. When you were born into your body, your divine memory was suppressed. You had little or no awareness that you were an embodied soul on a divine mission. Had you remembered this, you would have experienced your life from a vastly different perspective, and perhaps, missed the lessons your soul had planned for you.

Your Angels communicate with your soul. They know what you do not remember and they only desire for you to achieve soul success. If they intervene in your life without express permission from you, they know that they may take from you an opportunity to grow. So, they allow you the space to exercise freewill and make all decisions that determine your growth. If you, however, are in mortal danger, and it is not time for you to leave your body, your higher consciousness steps in and grants permission for your Angels to assist.

Sometimes you inadvertently ask for help, like when you say a prayer in a moment of distress, and your Angels respond. You may or may not notice that

they have come to your aid, but they always come to surround you and send you love if you invite them. When you invite them with conscious and willful intent is when you feel their presence with clarity.

If you have a desire to receive assistance from your Angels or feel their presence for comfort, open a communication with them and ask them to be with you. Sit quietly with your eyes closed and ask them to reveal themselves to you in a way that is most comfortable for you. Do this with regularity to build this conscious connection and make the most of this divine resource.

In my pursuit to help you connect with support that comes from beyond the veil, I invite you to join my Facebook group SACRED Light Code Keys. Go to facebook. com/groups/621727488898099 and bring your light to this supportive community.

Aimee Mosco is an Author, Intuitive Channel, Spiritual Teacher and Co-Founder of Intentional Healing Systems, LLC. Aimee’s desire to help others inspired her first book “Gratitude + Forgiveness x (LOVE) = Happiness”. Aimee serves as Vice Chair to the World Game Changers Board of Directors, a charitable CIC based in the UK. Find Aimee at



ARIES (March 21-April 19): “Magic Realism Bot” is a Twitter account that generates ideas for new fairy tales. Since you will benefit from imagining your life as a fairy tale in the coming weeks, I’ll offer you a few possibilities. 1. You marry a rainbow. The two of you have children: a daughter who can sing like a river and a son who is as gleeful as the wind. 2. You make friends with a raven that gives you savvy financial advice. 3. You invent a new kind of dancing; it involves crying and laughing while making holy prayer gestures toward your favorite star. 4. An angel and a lake monster join forces to help you dream up fun new adventures. 5. You discover a field of enchanted dandelions. They have the power to generate algorithms that reveal secrets about where to find wonders and marvels.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): On February 1, 1976, singer Elvis Presley was partying with buddies at his home in Memphis, Tennessee. As the revelry grew, he got an impetuous longing for an 8,000-calorie sandwich made with French bread, peanut butter, blueberry preserves, and slabs of bacon. Since this delicacy was only available at a certain restaurant in Denver, Colorado, Elvis and his entourage spontaneously hopped onto his private jet and flew 900 miles to get there. In accordance with astrological omens, Taurus, I encourage you to summon an equally keen determination to obtain pleasurable treasures. Hopefully, though, they will be more important than a sandwich. The odds of you procuring necessary luxuries that heal and inspire are much higher than usual.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Gemini writer Nikki Giovanni reminds us, “It cannot be a mistake to have cared. It cannot be an error to have tried. It cannot be incorrect to have loved.” In accordance with astrological omens, I ask you to embody Giovanni’s attitude. Shed any worries that your caring and trying and loving have been blunders. Celebrate them, be proud of them, and promise yourself that you will keep caring and trying and loving. The coming weeks will be an excellent time to renew your commitment to your highest goodness.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): I was born near Amarillo, Texas, where the US Energy Department stores over 20,000 plutonium cores from old nuclear warheads. Perhaps that explains some of my brain’s mutant qualities. I’m not normal. I’m odd and iconoclastic. On the other hand, I don’t think my peculiarity makes me better than anyone. It’s just who I am. I love millions of people who aren’t as quirky as me, and I enjoy communicating with unweird people as much as I do with weirdos. Everything I just said is a preamble for my main message, Cancerian: The coming weeks will be prime time for you to give extra honor and credit to your personal eccentricities, even if they comprise a minor part of your personality.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Author Jennifer Huang testifies, “Poetry is what helps me remember that even in my fragments, I am whole.” What about you, Leo? What reminds you, even in your fragments, that you are whole? Now is an excellent time to identify the people, animals, and influences that help you generate a sense of unity and completeness. Once you’re clear about that, spend quality time doing what you can to nurture those healers. Maybe you can even help them feel more cohesion and harmony in themselves.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Virgo journalist Sydney J. Harris described “the three hardest tasks in the world.” He said they weren’t “physical feats nor intellectual achievements, but moral acts.” Here they are: 1. to return love for hate; 2. to include the excluded; 3. to say “I was wrong.” I believe you will have a special talent for all three of these brave actions in the coming weeks, Virgo. Amazingly, you’re also more likely than usual to be on the receiving end of those brave actions. Congratulations in advance!

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): When he was young, Libran poet W. S. Merwin had a teacher who advised him, “Don’t lose your arrogance yet. You can do that when you’re older. Lose it too soon, and you may merely replace it with vanity.” I think that counsel is wise for you to meditate on right now. Here’s how I interpret it: Give honor and respect to your fine abilities. Salute and nurture your ripe talents. Talk to yourself realistically about the success you have accomplished. If you build up your appreciation for what is legitimately great about you, you won’t be tempted to resort to false pride or self-absorbed egotism.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): In his absurdist play Waiting for Godot, Samuel Beckett offers us two characters, Vladimir and Estragon, who patiently wait for a white-bearded man named Godot. They’re convinced he will provide them with profound help, perhaps even salvation. Alas, although they wait and wait and wait, Godot never arrives. Near the end, when they have abandoned hope, Vladimir says to Estragon, “We are not saints, but we have kept our appointment.” My sense is that you Scorpios, like Vladimir and Estragon, may be close to giving up your own vigils. Please don’t! I believe your personal equivalent to Godot will ultimately appear. Summon more patience.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Poet Charles Wright has testified, “I admire and revere and am awed by a good many writers. But Emily Dickinson is the only writer I’ve ever read who knows my name, whose work has influenced me at my heart’s core, whose music is the music of songs I’ve listened to and remembered in my very body.” In my astrological reckoning, now is an excellent time for you Sagittarians to identify artists and creators who provide you with similar exaltation. And if there are no Emily Dickinson-type influences in your life, find at least one! You need to be touched and transformed by sublime inspiration.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): I’ve read and studied poetry for many years, but only recently discovered Capricorn poet Lizette Woodworth Reese (1856–1935). How is it possible I missed her? Her contemporary, journalist H. L. Mencken, described her work as “one of the imperishable glories of American literature.” She received many other accolades while alive. But today, she is virtually unknown, and many of her books are out of print. In bringing her to your attention, I am announcing my prediction about you: Anything in your life that resembles Reese’s reputation will change in the next 12 months. If you have until now not gotten the recognition or gratitude you deserve, at least some of it will arrive.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Author Sophia Dembling defines a friend as a person who consoles you when you’re feeling desperate and with whom you don’t feel alone. A friend is someone whose life is interesting to you and who is interested in your life. Maybe most importantly, a friend must not be boring. What’s your definition, Aquarius? Now is an excellent time to get clear about the qualities you want in a friend. It’s also a favorable phase to seek out vital new friendships as you de-emphasize mediocre and overly demanding alliances.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Do you or do you not wish to capitalize on the boost that’s available? Are you or are you not going to claim and use the challenging gift that would complicate your life but also expedite your growth? Act soon, Pisces! If you don’t, the potential dispensation may disappear. This is an excellent chance to prove you’re not afraid of achieving more success and wielding more power. I hope you will summon the extra courage necessary to triumph over shyness and timidity. Please claim your rightful upgrade!

Homework: What has been your favorite mistake in the past 10 months? Newsletter. October 13 to October 19, 2022 19
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can be one of the most debilitating headaches that a person can endure. As a migraine sufferer it can almost seem impossible to recover from the excruciating head pain. From the nausea to the throbbing of the temples, the sensitivity to any light, the sensitivity to sound, especially loud music, and bodily fatigue that comes from all the pain.


About 40 million Americans report suffering from migraines as a regular health concern and over one billion people around the world report having migraines as a common health problem. The migraine headache is no ordinary common head cold, but it’s a neurological disease that affects the brains neurotransmitters. However, many health care providers believe that these estimated numbers of migraine sufferers are low, and that there are roughly many people who go unreported and undiagnosed with neurological head pain.

At Risk for Migraines: Women

Hormonal Changes from ages 18-44

People who have a family history of neurological disease

Depression Anxiety Insomnia sufferers

High Stress Levels

Unfortunately, women are at a higher risk for migraines because of their hormonal fluctuations; in today’s high stress lifestyles, women are pressured to work more out of the home, as they take care of their families and their needs. It is reported that 8 out of 10 people who suffer from migraines are women.

Emergency rooms have reported that women in their childbearing ages; is a third most common reason for their visit in the ER.

It is estimated that 1 out of 4 women will have a migraine in their lives that will keep them from going to functions and partaking in family outings’ because women often suffer from severe, and constant migraine attacks due to hormonal estrogen levels. Yet so many suffer from migraines; moms, sisters, fathers, brothers, uncles, aunts, and now our children suffer from migraines!

Migraine Medication:

Taking migraine medication can be just as debilitating- as the neurological head pain stabilizes its brains receptors back to normal.

Yet, many patients have reported that over the counter drug medications do not help them with their migraines, and prescription drugs; specifically for migraines- have a whole new set of uncomfortable side effects when trying to get relief of the throbbing and nauseating pain of a migraine.

Yet, as mentioned in my last article (Cannabis Scientist) the endocannabinoid system contains CB1 and CB2 which function as an anti-inflammatory medicine and that the ECS system helps the neurotransmitters attach to the cannabinoid receptors. This aids the vertebrate and the central nervous system in reducing inflammation for chronic migraine sufferers because the magic and power of the CBD plant has a deep profound history with healing the human body and its nerves, which is a wonderful option for the neurological migraine.

Charlottes Web CBD makes a variety of products that can be beneficial, yet for the unexperienced user please confide in your health care provider before trying anything new. Yet, when introducing CBD products to the body, like Charlotte’s Web 60 mgs of CBD oil; created with love and care. The CBD oil provides beneficial phytocompounds for a full anti-inflammatory and full spectrum plant medicine relief.

CBD is one of the most pleasant plant medicines you can experience with no harsh side effects. The whole purpose of using any CBD product is to reduce stress and inflammation within the ECS system. The 25MG CBD oil capsules by Charlotte’s Web are also helpful with many inflammatory discomforts, STRESS, which is a great contributor to modern day migraines, and a variety of other pain ailments. The unique oil capsules have two ingredients- a carrier oil and Charlottes Web special proprietary hemp ingredients. It’s a simple clean label and a full-spectrum plant extract which delivers the CBD to help the human bodies ECS system de-

stress and reduce inflammation that causes many health problems.

The key to using CBD with and without THC is to reduce the body’s inflammation; because when the body heals from any inflammatory disease the body can repair itself with no harsh side effects. One of my favorite CBD products are gummy candies. The Charlotte’s Web 15 mg CBD helps reduce inflammation, lowers anxiety, helps with sleep, and mood. Many of these ailments can be triggers to a migraine headache. That is why CBD can be a great preventer of migraines and other health problems because its main function is to reduce inflammation and stress.

Healing the body of its migraine triggers is another important aspect to maintaining your health yet eating healthy foods and using healthy products like CBD can help reduce the body’s inflammation, can give you a lifetime’s relief of pain, and maybe save you a trip to the emergency room.

Remember when using any cannabis medicine please consult with your health care provider (Doctor) and many CBD products may have less than 3% THC. When choosing a Cannabis product please read its disclosed ingredients.

Note: Awareness and Mindfulness is key to many of the body’s needs. All my articles are based on patient reports, and company representatives who are trained by CBD scientists and cannabis laboratories.


weight can often be an emotional journey. I’ve felt your pain, frustration and confusion. I’ve been there. I’m not a coach who doesn’t walk the walk. I’ve been coaching and living this lifestyle for 4 years. What I incorporate into my coaching is how to make Keto your lifestyle so it’s not just another yo-yo diet. If you learn to incorporate these 3 things it will be much easier for you.


Simplicity (Learn to do Keto with ease as a natural way of living)

Ease (Allow yourself not to “try” to lose weight.. acknowledge that you are doing it)

Results (Celebrate that the pounds and inches start falling off...effortlessly)

Don’t settle for the information you find online about how difficult it is to lose weight

after 40. This simply isn’t true. If your weight increases no matter what you try I’m here to give you hope.

Have you tried the low-carb or keto way of eating but end up frustrated because you aren’t getting results they want or are comparing yourself to what you’ve read online and feel you are failing.

If you are eating keto/low carb and want better results, I’ve come up with 8 options for you to look at to get you past your weight loss challenges.

1. Don’t eat too much or too little protein

Don’t eat too much or too little protein: Women can much more easily over-consume protein compared to men. If you and your husband are eating the same size steak, you are eating too much. The easiest way to figure it out is to take 50% of your body weight and eat that amount of protein.

2. Don’t eat too much fat

A keto diet is not a free for all to overdo it on fat. One of the great joys of low-carb keto eating is adding back fat into our diet after not having it for a while. However, if you want to lose weight, you must burn your own fat stores for energy, not consume all the energy you need by eating fat. Eat more fat than protein, just enough to keep you in ketosis, then watch the body burn its own fat stores.

3. Intermittent fasting

Add in intermittent fasting. It goes well with Keto and the longer you eat Keto you will be less hungry. Don’t try fasting right away. Give it a few weeks and let it happen organically. Many people naturally stop eating breakfast — they just aren’t hungry when they wake up. The number one rule of low-carb eating is “eat

when you are hungry and stop when you are full.” If you find you aren’t hungry try fasting overnight as long as you can.

4. Watch out for carb creep

Watch for carb creep. If you have been doing low-carb keto eating for a while, carbs can sneak back into your diet, particularly in the form of sauces, condiments, and nuts or snacks. Keep your carbs at 20-30 total grams of carbs daily or less when you really want to lose weight and get the scale moving downward.

5. Cut out alcohol

Cut out the alcohol temporarily and this will fast-track your weight loss. When you drink alcohol your body stops the weight loss process of burning ketones to burn off the alcohol. Even though carbs matter this process will happen every time you drink, and weight loss won’t resume until the alcohol is out of your system. If you are experiencing a weightloss stall or even gaining weight on Keto cut out all alcohol for a few weeks. Once you are ready to reintroduce it stick with no carb or low carb drinks in moderation.

6. Avoid sweeteners

If you have been including keto approved sweeteners like Monk fruit, stevia or Erythritol in your diet daily do your best to cut back and give your body a chance to lose weight faster.

7. Be realistic. Some women are aiming for an arbitrary number on a scale… a number that has no real bearing or relationship to their actual health and wellness. Set realistic expectations. I see this quite often. Women are aiming for a number on a scale, from a long time ago or an idealized weight they have never achieved — a number that has no real bearing or relationship to their actual health

and wellness. If you focus only on the number on the scale you will sabotage yourself. Instead measure your inches and pay attention to how your clothes fit. Keto is the best at burning body fat and reshaping your physicality. Once you look in the mirror and are happy with what you see that is when you are at your ideal weight no matter what the scale says.

Remember that this way of eating isn’t a diet or a fad. It’s an investment in your health. It will give you the ability to age gracefully and have the body you want. Have patience. Your long-term goal is to make Keto a lifestyle change.

If you have questions I encourage you to book a free consult with me and we can figure it out and what is best for you. Don’t give up because of frustration, overwhelm or confusion. I can show you how to make Keto easy, simple and get the results you want.

About Michelle Borthwick: Michelle is a Keto customization expert and coach. Keto weight loss results can be improved with Coaching, Customization, Accountability, and a trusted partner to guide you every step of the way. Michelle offers private sessions, small group coaching, proven Keto diet hacks, goal setting, ongoing support and more. If you are interested in a Keto lifestyle designed to get you lasting results, book a 30-minute complimentary private coaching session online

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