selected works
Cory Walker B.Arch ‘12
Port -folio
Port -folio Cory Walker B.Arch ‘12 Cal Poly San Luis Obispo 949.633.0977
[--] Contents
[01] Miami Beach Modular Hotel
01 02 03 04 05
Port -folio [006]
[02] Paso Robles Visitors Center
[03] Weaving Urban Fabric
[04] SLO_Gen Table ‘12
[05] Yunnan Kunming 5-Star
[06] White
06 05
Miami Beach Modular Hotel
Prof. Thomas Fowler IV | Fall 2009 Miami Beach, FL Project Concept Essay This hotel is designed for the global traveler that seeks to find a new connection with the complex contemporary world that we live in. Form and gesture reach out to connect the site to the complex global economy of the modern world, while creating excitement for people, places and ideas. This hotel explores its sense of identity in North Miami Beach, Florida, while encouraging social interaction and relaxation. This modular hotel celebrates the arrival of shipping containers into the site by visually expressing the aquatic movement of a shipping container, which denotes the popular method of travel on shipping routes. Recycled shipping containers articulate the building’s module and are transcended into luxurious hotel suites that overlook the ocean and the experiences that these containers once had. This structure is designed to associate itself with the surrounding high-rise buildings, while exploring various architectural gestures to create unique presence at this site. It will connect the traffic from Collins Ave to Miami Beach by the use of a shaded boardwalk that cuts through the ground floor of the site. Visitors will obtain a beautiful view of the atrium space of the building while traveling across this site to the beach, whether they are interested in entering the building or not. This feature is aimed at enhancing the experience of being at Miami Beach.
cory walker } cal poly } fall 2009
cory walker } cal poly } fall 2009
Sun Optimized Skin System [South Face] The skin system and the orientaton of the building respond to the sun angles of Miami Beach. The curvilinear double skin system minimizes heat gain and glare to keep a comfortable temperature in the Mami Beach Heat. The north facade remains open to maximize daylighting and reduce electric lighting inside the building. The angles for each pannel are double curved modules that twise to allow for indirect lighting to enter the building, while shading direct light. A digital script was implimented to calculate the ideal rotation for each panel at a specific time of the day during the summer solstice. This strategy
Curtain Wall Glass
Perforated Metal Panels
cory walker } cal poly } fall 2009
cory walker } cal poly } fall 2009
park below
hotel entry office m/w retail office lounge laundry
retail mech.
elev. lobby reception
atrium view
foyer suite
pool deck
beach access
views to waterfront meeting suite
pool deck
cory walker } cal poly } fall 2009
East Elevation
views to the waterfront
screened from direct florida heat
abundance of northern light
South Elevation
North Elevation
dynamic entry facade
Secondary Structure
Primary Structure
Floor Plates
Elevator Core
Shipping Container Modules
West Elevation
cory walker } cal poly } winter 2010
Paso Robles Visitor’s Center
Prof. Margarida Yin | Winter 2010 Paso Robles, CA
Project Concept Essay The town of Paso de Robles is, was, and will be a geographic location for growth. The growth of this town can be experienced through the renewed and retrofitted Farmer’s Alliance building. The concept of growth is turned into an architectural expression, delivering history, present-day culture, and a future to the guests of the Paso Robles Visitor’s Center, and also a new “hub” for this city. This building has be designed to portray “GROWTH” as an architectural language. This language has informed the buildings form, scale, and materials. This concept was derived into form by creating elements, such as the bridge design, that expand and evolve as they approach the celebration of this design, the Farmer’s Alliance tower. Scale was used to cue the volumes of space to grow volumetrically as they approach the tower. Also, the site is escaveted 10 feet down and a ground level has been added under the Farmer’s alliance building. This added height makes the newly retrofitted Farmer’s Alliance building to appear larger and more monumental, as though it grew in size. The new buildings that house the commercial center, library, and administation center are sunken into the earth and covered with green roofing. Having the roof and much of the landscape grow year around also contributes to this architectural statement. Furthermore, having the greenery of the site cover most of the new building’s Riverside Ave facade creates a sub concept.
cory walker } cal poly } winter 2010
cory walker } cal poly } winter 2010
Tower Platform |
+ 60’-0”
17 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Classrooms Storage Shops Auditorium Coffee Gift Shop Library Restrooms Conference Lobby Sculptural Garden Work Stations Interactive Displays Gallery / Installation Permanent Displays Observation Deck Offices Breakroom Bike Shop Bike Locks Farmers Market Plaza Police Center Projection Theater Pedestrian Bridge
Street Level |
+ 4’-0”
2 2 3
2 3
2 3 2 3 22
10 3 2
3 20 3
Viewing Platform
Ground Level |
- 10’-0”
30’ 5’
Interactive Displays
Book Store
cory walker } cal poly } winter 2010
Wine Barrel Storage
cory walker } cal poly } winter 2010
Pedestrian Bridge Entrance Viewing platform performances below
Glass Skylight over Public Library & Study Rooms
Bridge Access to Farmer’s Alliance Building Lobby
Balcony Area and Coffee Shop attached to Library Space
Summer sun is blocked
Winter Enters
Sun Tertiary Glass Skylight Structure Light Metal Roof Secondary Structural for Roofing System Thin Glass Inner Skin Layer Glass Outer Skin Layer: Provides a reflected view to the Farmer’s Alliance Building Wood Floor Glass Block Flooring: Light to below Truss Floor System w/ Mechanical Space Concrete Pannels
Commercial Space Ground Floor System
cory walker } cal poly } winter 2010
Viewing Deck
View to Library below
cory walker } cal poly } winter 2010
Weaving Urban Fabric: Master Plan
Prof. Jim Doerfler | Spring 2010 San Francisco, CA Project Concept Essay San Francisco, California is a diverse and iconic metropolis that is fueled by contemporary expressions through art, culture and architecture. The vibrant and seamlessly stitched downtown area works as a well oiled machine for the community and inspires developments around the world. The same inspiration is captured in this design proposal for a modern livable community in the Mission Bay District. This master plan for Lot 337 and the revitalization of historic Pier 48 captures the energy of San Francisco by weaving together sought after amenities. This design proposes an innovative vision for a 21st century urban environment, informed by a commitment to universal design, sustainability, and a goal to establish spaces that encourage cross generational interaction. The site is located on the waterfront and is within walking distance to AT&T Park, and offers various views
1/32” = 1’-0” basswood model
cory walker } cal poly } spring 2010
cory walker } cal poly } spring 2010
Leasable Unit Types
Accessible Surfaces
Pool Deck
Accessible Retail
Interwoven Green Belt
Regenerative Elevator
Assisted Living Module
Roof Gardens
San Francisco, California is a diverse and iconic metropolis that is fueled by contemporary expressions through art, culture and architecture. The vibrant and seamlessly stitched downtown area works as a well oiled machine for the community and inspires developments around the world. The same inspiration is captured in this design proposal for a modern livable community in the Mission Bay District. This master plan for Lot 337 and the revitalization of historic Pier 48 captures the energy of San
Francisco by weaving together sought after amenities. This design proposes an innovative vision for a 21st century urban environment, informed by a commitment to universal design, sustainability, and a goal to establish spaces that encourage cross generational interaction. The site is located on the waterfront and is within walking distance to AT&T Park, and offers various views.
Section AA
Section BB
Section CC
cory walker } cal poly } spring 2010
15 13 8 11
1 4 3
6 10
1 Community Entry Sculpture | 2 Relocated Giant’s Parking | 3 Muni Bus Stop | 4 High Speed Subway Stop | 5 Monorail Stop | 6 Residential 7 Business High rise | 8 Retail Plaza | 9 Weaving Residential Units | 10 School | 11 Commercial | 12 Proposed Police & Fire Station | 13 Library 14 Community Center & Gym | 15 Handicap & Temporary Parking | 16 Public Greenspace | 17 Private Greenspace | 18 Kayak & Fishing Center 19 Biking Boardwalk | 20 McCouvy Statue | 21 Farmer’s Market & Entertainment | 22 Fish Hatchery | 23 Existing Industrial | 24 Proposed Hotel
Fish Hatchery
Fog Harvesting
Green Roofing
Permeable Pavement
Kayak Rental
Recycled Pathways
Comm. Roof Garden
Photovoltaic Energy
Exercise Trails
Active Sports Fields
Bicycle Lending
cory walker } cal poly } spring 2010
1/32”=1’-0” Basswood Model [Middle]
Muni Stop & Monorail Station Accessible Green Roof Garden [Left]
LA to SF Bullet Train Station Green Parking Structure Geothermal Energy Exchanger Grey Water Capturing Safe Pedestrian Crossing Carbon Dioxide Filtering
cory walker } cal poly } spring 2010
SLO_Gen Table ‘12
Prof. Jim Doerfler | Spring 2011 Las Angeles, CA
Project Concept Essay This table was designed for the lobby of Gensler’s new office in Downtown LA. Through collaberation with R.D. Wing, Buro Happold, and Gensler, this project was brought from initial concept to finalized, engineered, working drawings in November, 2011. The final concept design had a vertical difflection, at the tip of the cantelliever, of 4.25”. To stiffen the sytem, a parametric model was made to control the density of the structural ribs, along with the member thickness, and used for real time adjustments with Burro Happold. The drawings and fabrication model has been completed and sent to R.D. Wing in Seatle, WA for fabrication. The complete table will be finished in January, 2012.
cory walker } cal poly } spring 2011
cory walker } cal poly } spring 2011
Fiberglass Prototype
Solid Surfacing
Wood Structure
1/2” Apple Plywood
Designing for fabrication assembly and material aesthetics. The plywood structure was engineered to uphold the 6’-0” cantilever, and to contour to the solid surfacing. The center of the vertical ribs consist of two components joined at a seam. This seam was hidden under the solid surfacing.
Vertical ribs Friction fit into horrizontal
cory walker } cal poly } spring 2011
Opposing sides are joined together
Constructing the cantilever structure
cory walker } cal poly } spring 2011
cory walker } cal poly } spring 2010
cory walker } cal poly } spring 2010
Yunnan Kunming 5-Star
WATG Internship | Summer 2011 Irvine, CA Project Concept Essay This tableproject was designed for thealobby of Gensler’s newduring office in Downtown LA. Through collaberation with R.D. This was completed my internship at WATG in Wing, Burro Happold, and Gensler, this project was brought from initial concept to finalized, engineered, working Irvine during the summer of 2011. I was asked to come up with 5 drawings in November, 2011. The final concept design had a vertical difflection, at the tip of the cantelliever, of options Cochere sequence to theribs,Yunnan 4.25 “. To stiffenofthethe sytem,Porte a parametric model was and made toentry control the density of the structural along with Kunming 5-star Hotel then create presentation the member thickness, and used for realintimeChina, adjustmentsand with Burro Happold. The drawings and fabrication model has been completed and sentclient to R.D. Wing Seatle, WAand for fabrication. tablethe will bemost finished renderings for the toin view use The to complete select in January, 2012. desirable option. The inspiration of this project came from the surrounding geological and landscape features of the area. The sharp jagged cliff faces hovered over a lush undulating landscape. This observation then became a concept with the hotel tower and the porte cochere geometry. The image to the right portrays the final rendering presented to the client. This image was then used on a billboard in china, as shown on the bottom of this page.
Project Inspiration Imagery
Rendering placed on Chinese billboard
cory walker } cal poly } spring 2011
cory walker } cal poly } spring 2011
Option 1
Client Selected Option
cory walker } cal poly } spring 2010
Option 2
Option 1
Option 2
cory walker } cal poly } spring 2010
Karen Lange | Winter 2012 San Luis Obispo, CA Thesis Bookshow Installation This tableinstallation was designed for was the lobbydesigned of Gensler’s newby office in Downtown Through collaberation with R.D. This our and used to Wing, Burro Happold, and Gensler, this project was brought from initial concept to finalized, engineered, working display our first quarter of thesis research. The original concept drawings in November, 2011. The final concept design had a vertical difflection, at the tip of the cantelliever, of began with an aidea of model a large hammock thatof the provided 4.25 “. To stiffen the sytem, parametric was made to control the density structural ribs,seating along with formember bookshow Weadjustments then decided to The create the thickness, andguests. used for real time with Burro Happold. drawingsaandporous fabrication model has been completed and sentfor to R.D.aWing in Seatle, WA forof fabrication. The complete will be finished surface that allowed connection spaces to betable formulated in January, 2012. between above and below surface conditions. The surface its self was constructed out of white plastic and weaved into triangular surfaces, which were then connected to form the overall surface. The diagram below shows the original idea of the supporting structure as it relates to the hammock surface. We used four tension columns, attached to the metal I-Beams to support the entire system. It successfully withheld the weight and force of 25 individuals.
Diagram of the woven structural column. Triangular modules were woven using looms and connected together using a plastic stitch connection.
woven module
cory walker } cal poly } spring 2011
cory walker } cal poly } spring 2011
Conceptual Hammock This diagram portrays the initial concept that our studio had in mind before constructing the plastic woven elements. In each of the “columns,� books were hung and displayed in cases . The books were then taken out of the cases and read on woven floor mats, or suspended atop the woven surface.
cory walker } cal poly } spring 2010
cory walker } cal poly } spring 2010
Fabrication Process 8’-0� diameter circular looms were created to weave together the tension collumns that hold up the hammock. These tension collumns were attached to the steel I-beams in the Berg Gallery at Cal Poly San luis Obispo. Once these columns were in place. We then attached triangular weaves together to form the entire hammock surface.
Friday Build
cory walker } cal poly } spring 2010
Saturday Build
Sunday Build
cory walker } cal poly } spring 2010
troP oilof-
Cory Walker B.Arch ‘12 Cal Poly San Luis Obispo 949.633.0977