670 C E. Foothill Blvd, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 T : 949.633.0977 cwalke01@calpoly.edu
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
‘12 ................................................................................. San Luis Obispo, CA Bachelors of Architecture Alfred B. Berghell and Joy G. Berghell Scholarship Dean’s Honor List Recipient Merit Award, AIAS Livable Communities Competition 2010 Publication, “Weaving Urban Fabric” published in Crit Magazine
Dessau Institute of Architecture
‘09 -’10 ..................................................................... Dessau, DE Six Month / one semester study abroad in Dessau, Germany. Guest studio Prof. Sam Chermayeff from SANAA
Cuesta College
‘07 -’08 .............................................................................................. San Luis Obispo, CA Dean’s Honor List Recipient
Irvine Valley College
‘05 -’07 .................................................................................................. Irvine, CA Two yrs. Men’s Volleyball Scholar Athlete Recipient Billy Idler Scholarship California State Champion 2007, Mens Volleyball
Biodynamic Structures
2 weeks ............................................................................... San Francisco, CA Hosted by AA School of Architecture 11-22 July 2011 Investigating kinetic biomimicry through parametric tools
Work-Wall Workshop
4 days.................................................................................................. Berlin, DE Hosted by Vitra 15-19 Oct 2010 at Phefferburg, Berlin, Germany
Experience *References available upon request
Summer ‘11 , ‘12 ................................................................................................................. Irvine, CA Digital Modeling for design development and competitions Plans, Details, and Sections for production Yunnan Kunming - 5 Star Hotel, Kunming, China Niseko Village Ski Resort Competition, Niseko Village, Japan
Hill Partnership
Summer ‘08 ..................................................................................... Newport Beach, CA Digital Modeling for design development and presentations Plans, Details, and Sections for production Long Beach City College Redevelopment, Long Beach, CA
KTGY Group Inc.
‘05-’07 ............................................................................................................. Irvine, CA Material Boards for design development and presentation Plans, Details, and Sections for production University of California Irvine Student Housing, Irvine, CA
Robinson - Hill Architecture, Inc.
Summer ‘04 .............................................................. Irvine, CA Plans, Details, and Sections for production The Square, Irvine, CA
LA High Table
Digital + Analog
‘11 ............................................................................................................... Los Angeles, CA High Budget, lobby centerpiece for Gensler, Los Angeles In Collaboration with Gensler, Burro Happold, R.D. Wing
Rhinoceros, 3D Studio Max, Revit, AutoCAD, Mental Ray Render, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Sketchup, Autodesk Ecotect, Grasshopper, WeaverBird, Kangaroo, Karamba Vacuum Form Plastic Molding, CNC Milling, Laser Cutting, 3D Print, Fiberglass, Concrete Casting, Plaster, Careful Craft