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Al‐Fana ateer Culturaal Center | Jubail Industrial City 6 –– 7 March 20 012 Held Under th H he Royal Pattronage of th he

Custo odian of tthe Two Holy Mossques King Abdullah h Bin Abd dulaziz Al Saud

Sponsorss Straategic Sponssors

Pla tinum Sponssors G Gold Sponsors Silver Sponsors

Bronze Spponsors

© CWC Group up Ltd. – Private an nd Confidential Please note that this is a drraft programme, which w is subject too change. Speake ers, as listed below w, are in the proceess of being invite ed, and their names a appearing in the draft d programme does d not necessaririly mean that they y are confirmed. This T programme iss not for general circulation c

Foru um Day 1:: Tuesday 6 March 2 2012 09.00 Registration & Breakfastt hosted by 10.00 Opening Sesssion Reaading of Qu’’ran

Welcome Address from Organnising Committee & Roya al Commissioon Film Eng Abdulaaziz M Atarji, General Manaager Strategicc Planning & In nvestment Deevelopment, Royal CCommission in Jubail

Opening R Remarks & M Message on behalf of Kin ng Abdullah Bin Abdulazziz Al Saud Custodiann of Two Holyy Mosques HH Princce Saud Bin Abdullah Bin Thenayan Al Saaud, Chairma an of the Roya al Commissionn for Jubail & & Yanbu & SABIC

Spponsor Awarrds HH Princce Saud Bin Abdullah Bin Thenayan Al Saaud, Chairma an of the Roya al Commissionn for Jubail & & Yanbu & SABIC

Openinng Keynote A Address H.E. Ali Ibrahim Al‐N Naimi, Ministeer, Ministry o of Petroleum & & Mineral Ressources

11.05 Official Exhiibition Ribbo on Cutting & & VIP Tour Media Interrviews 11.15 Networking Coffee, inco orporating Dhhuhr Prayer, hosted by 12.15 Keynote Address Mohamed Al‐Mady, CEO, SABIC Participation n of Primary Industries in n the Downsstream Indusstry 12.30 Session 1 ‐ P Introducction CMAI First Pap per: PTA/PETT Saleh Al‐‐Nazha, Chief Operating Officer, Tasnee  What is the im mportance of KSA producinng one of the w world’s widesst used petrocchemical prod ducts? of PTA and PE ET polymers  Applications o  Implications o of recyclable p products – hoow quickly is this sector growing?

Second Paper: ABS P Project Richard C Crosby, General Manager ‐ Middle East & & Africa at SA ABIC Innovative Plastics, SABBIC  How will the ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadienne Styrene) prroject enable iintegration off value chains,, utilisation of feedstock and d further job ccreation © CWC Group up Ltd. – Private an nd Confidential Please note that this is a drraft programme, which w is subject too change. Speake ers, as listed below w, are in the proceess of being invite ed, and their names a appearing in the draft d programme does d not necessaririly mean that they y are confirmed. This T programme iss not for general circulation c

 

Associated prroducts from tthe ABS plantt – what value e chains can be e created? What is the significance of the ABS plantt to Saudi Araabia

Third Paaper: Nylon 6 Paul Aeggerter, Generaal Venture Ma anager/Projecct Director, Nyylon & Conversion Projects,, Chevron Phillips Petrocheemical Converrsion Compan ny  What are thee applications of Nylon 6 an d how will its production sttimulate diverrsified industrries in Saudi Arabia??  How is feedsttock for Nylon n 6 productionn sourced? bail Industrial City – Is the pplant’s locatio on important?  Nylon 6 in Jub  What is the significance of having other associated pllants clustered d around the Nylon 6 production facility? Question ns & Answers

14:00 Networking Lunch, follow wed by Asr PPrayer, hoste ed by 15.30 Session 2 ‐ Integration o of Primary Inndustry with h the Downsttream Indust stry Fourth P Paper: Aluminum Industtry Senior Reepresentative e, Maaden Alu uminum Senior Reepresentative e, Alcoa  What impact are Saudi Ara abia’s boomin g infrastructu ure and constrruction industtries having on n aluminum pro oduction?  How will heavvy planned invvestment in uupstream alum minum producction impact oon the Downsttream sector?  With the largest number of aluminum pprocessing facttories in the region, what iss the scope fo or diversification n in the down nstream secto r?

per: Phosphate Industryy Fifth Pap Senior Reepresentative e, Maaden Ph hosphate  What is the scope for Saud di Arabian Phoosphate produ uction and wh hat impact wil l developmen nt of the p reserves have on the sectoor? Turayf Group  What is the im mportance of developing KKingdom‐wide infrastructure to the downnstream phosphate sector?  What is the im mpact of non‐‐oil diversificaation on the Kingdom’s economy?  How are the p provision of fe eedstocks, utiilities and infrrastructure en nabling downsstream phosphate developmentt?  How will the financing and construction plan to maximize phospha ate productionn be develope ed?

Question ns & Answers

16:20 Networking Coffee Break hosted by 16.50 Session 2 – C Continued Sixth Paaper: Refining Industry Fawwaz I Nawwab, Prresident & CEO O, SATORP  Case Study off the SATORP refinery  What is the significance of coke producttion in Saudi A Arabia © CWC Group up Ltd. – Private an nd Confidential Please note that this is a drraft programme, which w is subject too change. Speake ers, as listed below w, are in the proceess of being invite ed, and their names a appearing in the draft d programme does d not necessaririly mean that they y are confirmed. This T programme iss not for general circulation c

How is feedsttock for refining and coke pproduction seccured?

Seventh h Paper: Petrrochemical Industry – Saadara Study (Aramco Dow Co.) Ali A Abu uali, CEO, Sadara  Case Study – Sadara Projecct nstream development in Kinngdom?  How are Sadaara’s manufaccturing units eenabling down ow are Dow a nd Saudi Aram mco collabora ating to ensuree success of the  Working in Paartnership: Ho project?  What are thee benefits of having an integgrated chemiccal facility of tthis size in onee complex?  With the deveelopment of SSadara, what ddoes the future hold for associated induustries and downstream value parks?

Paper: Experience of Dow wnstream foor Yanbu Ind dustrial City Eighth P Senior Reepresentative e, NATPET

Question ns & Answers

17.55 Close of Dayy 1 & Maghrib Prayer 18:00 Drinks Recep ption hosted d by 19:00 Gala Dinner t Dayy 2 – Wed nesday 7th March 2 2012

08.00 Welcome Co offee Break 09.30 Session 3 – Part 1: Pane el Discussion : Downstrea am Industry ‐ Opportunitties and Cha allenges  Improving do ownstream pro ocedures  Incentives  Planning and sound visionss Ziad S Al‐Labban, Pressident & CEO, PetroRabigh h Yassin Al‐Eid d, Director of Investor Relattions, Royal C Commission fo or Jubail Abdullah Senior Reepresentativee, Zamil ChemPlast Senior Reepresentativee, SAGIA

10.25 Session 3 – Part 2: Invesstment and SSupporting Industries Buildingg an Attractivve Investme ent Environm ment  Role of industtrial clusters in creating an attractive invvestment prop position  Decreasing baarriers to fore eign investme nt – do intern national investtors need Sauudi partners?  How can the Government help create ann attractive environment fo or investmentt? er internationnal clusters  Benchmarking against othe p Senior VP, M Mega Projects, The Dow Che emical Compa any Jim McIlvvenny, Group Azzam Biin Yasser Shalabi, Presiden nt, NICDP © CWC Group up Ltd. – Private an nd Confidential Please note that this is a drraft programme, which w is subject too change. Speake ers, as listed below w, are in the proceess of being invite ed, and their names a appearing in the draft d programme does d not necessaririly mean that they y are confirmed. This T programme iss not for general circulation c

Supportting Industryy Developme ent: Utility & & Infrastructu ure Provision  Utility provision – powering downstream m development utility and infrrastructure provision be susstainable  Looking to the future – is u A Al‐Sharhan,, President & CEO, Marafiqq Thamer A Khaled A Abu‐Nasrah, P President of th he Middle Eastt, KBR

Question ns & Answers

11:40 Networking Coffee Break, incorporatting Dhuhr P Prayer, hoste ed by 12.00 Session 4 ‐ D Downstream m Initiatives Tenth Paaper: PlasChem Initiativess Senior Reepresentative e, Royal Comm mission for Juubail  Case Study off the PlasChem m Park and Chhemical Value e Park Projectss Royal Commisssion workingg with its partn ners to ensure e project succcess?  How are the R e to the PlasCh hem complex??  How will inveestors benefit from having ffacilities close em Park development?  What new value chains willl be created bby the PlasChe

Eleventh h Paper: NBD Inittiatives Sami H. A Al‐Mukhaizee em, Director o of Localisationn & Clusters Department, New Business D Development, Saudi Araamco  New businesss developmen nt vision  Ambitious tarrgets in the oil and gas suppport industry ed  Entrepreneurrship and wa’e  Supply chain developmentt opportunitiees and enablerrs

Twelfth Paper: LBD Initiatives Senior Reepresentative e, SABIC  How will the local businesssdDepartmentt facilitate gro owth in the do ownstream seector?  What criteria will the LBD u use in selectinng companies in which to in nvest?  Are their equal opportunities for foreignn companies aalready operating in Saudi A Arabia? opportunities offered by SID DF and SAGIA A?  How does thee LBD Initiative compare too investment o

Question ns & Answers

ed by 13:00 Networking Lunch hoste 14.00 Session 5 ‐ G General Indu ustrial Plan ffor Ras Al Kh hair Industria al City  

What consideerations are unique to Ras A Al‐Khair Indusstrial City bein ng a mineral aand industrial city? Ras Al‐Khair tto Dammam R Railway – how w does this layy the foundatio on for Ras Al‐ Khair Industriial City’s growth? © CWC Group up Ltd. – Private an nd Confidential

Please note that this is a drraft programme, which w is subject too change. Speake ers, as listed below w, are in the proceess of being invite ed, and their names a appearing in the draft d programme does d not necessaririly mean that they y are confirmed. This T programme iss not for general circulation c

How are infraastructure devvelopments inn Ras Al‐Khair Industrial City y affecting thee direction of its industrial devvelopment? Led by ATTKINS Karl Qiu, President, W Worley Parsonss China Senior Reepresentativee, Alcoa Senior Reepresentativee, Siemens Senior Reepresentativee, Marafiq

Question ns & Answers

15:15 Networking Coffee Break, incorporatting Asr Prayyer, hosted b by 15.45 Session 6 – Panel Discusssion: What Does the Fu uture Hold Fo or Downstreeam Develop pment in Saudi Arabiaa? Abdulaziiz Al‐Judaimi, President Che emicals, Sauddi Aramco d Al‐Qurtas, C Chief Executive Officer, Tas nee Moayyed Senior Reepresentative e, Shell Eng Abdu ulaziz M Atarjji, General Ma anager Strateggic Planning & & Investment Developmentt, Royal Co ommission in JJubail Azzam Biin Yasser Shalabi, Presiden nt, NICDP

17:15 Networking Gala Dinner sponsored bby

© CWC Group up Ltd. – Private an nd Confidential Please note that this is a drraft programme, which w is subject too change. Speake ers, as listed below w, are in the proceess of being invite ed, and their names a appearing in the draft d programme does d not necessaririly mean that they y are confirmed. This T programme iss not for general circulation c

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