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Sterilos corrosion solutions

Microbial Corrosion In The Petro Industry Presenta(on at the Oil & Gas Summit & Exhibi=on KUWAIT 12 -­‐ 15. February

What Are SRB? SRB are Sulfate Reduc=on Bacteria that are anaerobic and can survive in a crude oil environment. These SRB are causing increasingly expensive and disrup(ve problems in pipelines and pipeline related machinery. There is much discussion as to why all of a sudden so much of these bacteria are found, but currently there are no sa(sfying, concrete answers.

Metal Ea=ng Bacteria As SRB are "ea(ng" the sulfate out of the steel, the structure of the steel weakens, and piLng of the metal begins. Addi(onally, SRB produces H2S in the process, which is responsible for increased corrosion. Once piLng begins, the SRB seOle in the piLng. When the pipeline is pigged, the SRB are, in most cases, undisturbed, since the pig is merely passing over the SRB, without effec(ng it.

Silver Kills Bacteria In ancient history, the Greeks added silver coins to their drinking containers to keep them germfree.

What they knew in ancient (mes has since been scien(fically proven. For example, during the 20th century the Swiss biochemist Nägeli published scien(fic ar(cles about the influence of silver against bacteria.

Silver has come to rival the value of gold. It is increasingly added in small amounts to such products as salves or cosme(cs.

But to date, it has been far too expensive to make a breakthrough in the mass market.

Sterilos Microsilver Eliminates SRB Sterilos’ new inven(on, aXer 15 years of development with Fraunhofer and the Max Plank ins=tute, is a microsilver concentrate, which is 100 =mes more effec(ve than all other nano-­‐ or micro silver products in the market. The effec(veness of silver is thus increased while the cost of raw materials is thereby reduced.

This an(microbial protec(on func(on can now deliver uncountable cost savings and efficiencies for the petro industry.

What is Sterilos Microsilver? Sterilos' scien(sts and engineers have developed a formula for changing the microsilver matrix via a proprietary procedure in the way that they developed a spongy concentrate.

The an(microbial efficacy has been confirmed in several independent tests (e.g. Quality Labs in Germany).

Key Product Features •  Sterilos developed a highly linkable concentrate, which allows our enhanced microsilver addi(ve to evenly suspend in applica(on materials (e.g. pipeline coa(ng, paint, plas(c). •  It has a broad an(microbial effect against bacteria, including SRB and other microorganisms. •  Once deposited it maintains a long-­‐term an(microbial effect over the life(me of the host product. •  Physical process -­‐ no chemical impuri(es (safe and non-­‐toxic to humans). •  It does not affect the proper(es of the materials being applied, e.g. pipeline coa(ngs. •  Highly resistance to harsh and corrosive chemicals •  Stops microbiological induced corrosion (MIC)

How Does It Work? The silver ions (AG+ ions) aOack the cell walls of the microorganism thereby eradica(ng the bacteria. The Sterilos microsilver:

•  prevents cell dividing (mitosis) •  stops the cell producing energy •  stops DNA replica(on (prolifera(on)

Picture: SRB

The Sterilos Effect = vital cells (prolifera(on) = dead cells (no prolifera(on) 0 h

0.25 h

0 % dead cells

80 % dead cells

2 h

99,9 % dead cells

24 h

permanent protec(on

Confirma(on of an(microbial proper(es by independent methods Here: confocal laser scanning microscopy Confocel Imaging: Laser-­‐Scanning-­‐Microscopy Zeiss 510 META Fluorescence coloring: „Live/Dead“ BacLight™ Molecular probes Object lens: Zeiss Plan-­‐Apochromat 63x/1.4 Oil DIC

Effec=veness Timeline 100

1 2 3

living bacteria %


AXer 25 minutes 80% dead bacterias AXer 2 hours 99,9% dead bacterias AXer 24 hours permanent protec(on

As a result, the Sterilos Microsilver stops the growth of harmful bacteria and biofilms on the treated surface and hinders cells from developing defence and resistance.





0 15 MINS







24 HRS

contact =me

permanent protec=on

U=lizing Sterilos Op=on 1

Using your exis(ng coa(ng and enhance it with our Microsilver compound. Op=on 2

Deploy an established and tested petro coa(ng from our Swiss Partner.

This coa(ng is already in use for decades and now including Sterilos Microsilver.

The Company A Swiss company in direct neighbourhood of Novar(s, Ciba and BASF. In addi(on to the petro industry Sterilos offers solu(ons for various markets and applica(ons such as health, food, and the water industry figh(ng successfully against viruses, bacteria (MRSA, E.coli, Legionella etc.) and mold.

Thank you for your a]en=on

Our R&D department looks forward to your inquiry.

Find more valuable informa(on on our website or contact us on booth B12

Contact Sven Donhuysen CEO

Renato a Marca de Donatz COO & Execu(ve Direktor

Sterilos PLC Uferstr. 90 CH-­‐4057 Basel Switzerland Tel.: +41 61 638205-­‐0 Fax: +41 61 638205-­‐5

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