7 minute read
by Catherine Carlson
Astrologically Speaking
Beyond the Shadow—Eclipses in Taurus & Scorpio
The Solar and Lunar Eclipses of 2022 & 2023
By Catherine Carlson
This fall season we will experience two eclipses: The first will be a partial solar eclipse on October 25th in the sign of Scorpio, followed by a total lunar eclipse on November 8th in the sign of Taurus. When we speak of eclipses, we might immediately imagine a total solar eclipse, such as the one in August of 2017. While that was a rare event to witness, both solar and lunar eclipses occur regularly in pairs roughly every six months. Occasionally there may be a third eclipse in a series. Often the eclipses are partial and not observable, either because of our location, time of day, or cloud cover. Even if eclipses are not visible astronomically, they still have an effect astrologically. To “eclipse” by definition means the total or partial obscuring of one celestial body by another, or to pass into the shadow of a celestial body. “Eclipse” generally speaking, means to obscure or darken. A solar eclipse occurs when a new moon passes between the sun and the earth. This can be a time of new beginnings. A lunar eclipse happens when the earth passes between the sun and a full moon. This can represent the completion of something. Eclipses happen due to the position of the north and south nodes of the moon. These are points where the moon’s orbit intersects with the orbit of the sun.
Even if eclipses are not visible astronomically, they still have an effect astrologically. Eclipses are said to bring about great beginnings and great endings, but not every eclipse will be significant to you personally.
Eclipses typically occur between polar opposite astrological signs and they ping-pong between the two every six months for a duration of eighteen months to two years. The exception is when the polarity-point shifts for one sign before the other. For example, last November the Taurus eclipse series began while the previous eclipse series was still finishing out in the sign of Sagittarius. Eclipses are said to bring about great beginnings and great endings, but not every eclipse will be significant to you personally. It all depends on where the planets fall in your birth chart. If your sun is in the signs of either Taurus or Scorpio, the current sets of eclipses are likely to have a big effect on you. It’s also worth noting that if an eclipse falls on or within days of your birthday, it’s a sign to pay attention to your health. Taurus & Scorpio
Taurus and Scorpio are opposite signs, six months apart, with a common thread. Taurus is an earth sign and represents mother nature and the material world. It has to do with what we value every day for our survival or what is worthy to us, such as basic needs like finances, food, and resources. It also reflects our self-worth, as well as beauty, since it is ruled by the planet Venus. The eclipses in Taurus indicates possible changes in these areas. While Taurus signifies basic survival, water sign Scorpio, on the opposite end of the spectrum, can represent survival against difficult odds with the potential for regeneration. Mars, Scorpio’s traditional ruler and the opposite of Venus, gives us the drive and energy for such tasks. Scorpio also has to do with finances that are not our own and what we value at a deeper level. The solar eclipse occurring on October 25th aligns perfectly with the energy of Halloween, All Saints Day, All Souls Day, and Day of the Dead—all holidays that fall in the week to follow.
A perfect and powerful example of the Taurus-Scorpio eclipse energies playing out is the unprecedented rainfall and severe flooding Yellowstone National Park experienced within a month following the spring eclipses. Mother Nature produced an event that was historic, unexpected, and challenging, but all was not lost. Here lies the opportunity for survival in spite of a setback and an opportunity for transformation. Within a few weeks, the park was already re-opening in certain areas.
Talking about what’s happening in your life or hearing from others can illuminate how eclipses might affect people. A friend with her sun in the sign of Taurus ended up having major surgery in the weeks following the first eclipse in Taurus in November of 2021. The positive outcome of this was a previously unknown cancerous tumor was removed and she required no further treatment. This initiated a new path to health for her. Another friend with her sun in the sign of Scorpio made plans to move from Michigan, where she has lived for many years, to Tennessee during the pair of eclipses this past spring. It’s something she had been planning to do eventually but the timing was finally right. For her this represented both a great ending of a chapter of her life and a great beginning in her new location. Eclipses cycle through the zodiac in reverse order and repeat in opposite nodes, but in the same signs every nine years or so. They also repeat with mathematical accuracy down to the degree and day every 19 years. An easy way for someone to see how the current eclipse series will affect them is to simply subtract 19 years from the present and reflect back on that year or time period. That would be the last time the current series would have passed and you may notice a theme. Ask yourself
The lunar eclipse occurring on November 8th in the sign of Taurus has added significance in the United States because that happens to be election day. If that’s not enough to make you take notice, the planet Uranus, known for surprises, is lining up with the eclipse at that exact same time as well. While nothing may actually happen on that day, I would expect the energy of the eclipse to reflect what is happening in our nation in a significant way.
Children yet to be born that experience
if there was a significant ending or beginning during that time, or was there a transition that led to a new beginning? Did some aspect of your life suddenly speed up? This current series will repeat again at the end of 2039. Eclipses in Utero
Another fascinating aspect of eclipses that is not often discussed are the eclipses we experience before we are born. The book Spiritual Astrology by the late Jan Spiller and Karen McCoy examines the eclipses experienced by all of us pre-natal. The solar eclipse sign signifies the lessons a person has come here to teach others and the lunar eclipse sign indicates what lessons are necessary for continued soul growth. Children yet to be born that experience Taurus and Scorpio eclipses will have the gift of showing the world the rightful use of power and energy for tremendous healing. The lessons will be around themes of spiritual principles, personal boundaries, as well as achieving material wealth through spiritual means and measuring self-worth in a new way. After this current round of Taurus-Scorpio eclipses, the moon’s nodes shift into Aries and Libra which will highlight our individuality and relationships. There will be one last lunar eclipse in Scorpio next spring and one final lunar eclipse in Taurus in October of 2023.
Eclipses are dramatic and captivating to watch and they can reflect equally dramatic life events. The effects of eclipses can begin in the months beforehand and last up to 18 months following. Astrologer Chris Brennan of The Astrology Podcast says, “Eclipses always act as catalysts for change and change sometimes can be good or more challenging. But the primary idea is to keep in mind they are catalysts for change in [a certain] area of your life.” It’s not easy to foresee what the change is going to look like because the light, which shows us what we can see, is always obscured in an eclipse. Once the light is no longer blocked, we may be surprised at what is revealed.
Catherine Carlson is an astrologer who offers consultations for adults and children. She is an Ann Arbor native who enjoys living locally with her family. She can be reached at catherine-carlson.com or catenka@mac.com
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Future Eclipse Dates in the Taurus-Scorpio Series

October 25, 2022 Partial Solar Eclipse 2° Scorpio November 8, 2022 Total Lunar Eclipse 16° Taurus April 20, 2023 Annular Total Solar Eclipse 29° Aries May 5, 2023 Penumbral Lunar Eclipse 14° Scorpio October 14, 2023 Annular Solar Eclipse 21° Libra October 28, 2023 Partial Lunar Eclipse 5° Taurus

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