Every year up to 34 billion plastic bottles enter our oceans and waterways. Fortunately, Lo Bros Not Soda and their partners Seven Clean Seas are removing two plastic bottles from our oceans and waterways for every can they sell.
Lo Bros brewing magic is used to create four delicious flavours: Lemon, Raspberry, Orange and Pink Grapefruit. All are fizzy, refreshing, zero sugar and naturally sweetened. Learn more at lobros.co
Weet-Bix kids, the day has finally arrived, and we are so excited to introduce the newest member to the Weet-Bix merch family: The Weet-Bix Collectors Tin. t’s a limited edition and it’s a beauty, perfectly designed to hold your 1.2kg pack. Weet-Bix tins have been a staple of Aussie pantries for as long as we can remember and now it’s time to get yours. Be quick Weet-Bix kids or you risk missing out.
The New Cadbury Dairy Milk Breakaway Mint combines Dairy Milk chocolate with crispy wafer layers and creme, plus an indulgent choc mint flavoured centre.
One of the great things about Strawberries is that they can be eaten as part of a main meal or desert or even on their own as a snack, and the best thing is they are super healthy for you.
There are over 91 million strawberry plants grown Australia wide. Strawberry growers pick their fruit every 3rd day over the height of summer.
In 14th century France, Charles V ordered 1,200 strawberry plants be grown in the Gardens of the Louvre.
Victoria is home to The Big Strawberry. Located near regional Cobram in the state’s north
Strawberries have been used since roman times to treat inflammations, throat infections and attacks of gout.
According to Roman mythology the strawberry was the symbol of the Love Goddess, Venus.
A punnet of strawberries will have more vitamin C that a medium sized orange.
Strawberry, fraise, fraoules, erdbeere, fragola, fresa … no matter what the language or the culture, EVERYONE loves strawberries!
Strawberries belong to the rose family of plants.
Strawberries are not a “true” berry as they have their seeds on the outside.
Strawberries have been said to whiten teeth.
The most luscious berry you’ll taste
Driscoll’s Sweetest Batch strawberries are something you must taste to believe. These bright crimson berries have a superior sweet flavour and aroma like no other.
Grab a punnet of Sweetest Batch strawberries today. Now available at select supermarkets and green grocers.
The best way to enjoy strawberries throughout the whole year it is to freeze some for the winter months as an ingredient. Frozen berries can be used to make jams, sauces, muffins, cakes, ice-cream and smoothies.
The perfect strawberry should be fully coloured, firm, bright, plump and shiny. Make sure the cap (calyx) is attached, green and fresh-looking.
You can use dried strawberries on cakes, pavs anywhere you would use regular strawberries. Other ideas for dried strawberriesHOMEMADE TRAIL MIX Handful each of dried strawberries, almonds, pepitas, dark chocolate, granola into a clean jar, shake to mix.
ON A PLATTER Fresh and dried strawberries are the perfect accompaniment to cheese and wine so add a handful to your next platter.
Add a handful of chopped, oven-dried strawberries to your next batch of muffins.
short skewers or icy pole stick through the calyx (green end). Set aside.
strawberry into the toffee, and allow to set on baking paper until hard.
2. Combine sugar and water in a heavy based pan, and stir over a low heat until sugar dissolves completely.
Lots & lots of fresh Queensland Strawberries
6. Use remaining toffee to create a toffee serving disc or extra toffee shards (it looks great in a strawberry shape!).
7. Once set, serve immediately.
1. Slice strawberries. Preheat oven to 90 degrees Celsius
2. Spread strawberries on a baking tray lined with baking paper.
3. Place in oven to dry for 2-3 hours.
4. They are ready when the moisture has evaporated, and they can be peeled off the paper with ease. Cool completely and store in a clean, airtight container for up to a week.
Handful each of dried Queensland strawberries, almonds, pepitas, dark chocolate, granola into a clean jar, shake to mix.
Fresh and dried strawberries are the perfect accompaniment to cheese and wine so add a handful of both to your next platter.
Add a handful of chopped, oven-dried strawberries to your next batch of white chocolate muffins for a chewy strawberry burst of sweetness.
Prep Time: 25 minutes Cooking time: 15 minutes Makes : 1.5lt of icecream or 6 large sundaes
1 x 250g punnet Victorian Strawberries, washed and hulled
1/3 cup castor sugar
1 tbsp Grand Marnier or fresh orange juice
1 x 250g punnet Victorian Strawberries, washed and hulled
1L good quality commercial vanilla bean ice cream 2 cups chopped hazelnuts 1 cup extra castor sugar Extra 250g punnet Victorian Strawberries, washed and hulled to serve
1/3 cup castor sugar 1 tbsp Grand Marnier or fresh orange juice
1L good quality commercial vanilla bean ice cream
2 cups chopped hazelnuts 1 cup extra castor sugar Extra 250g punnet Victorian Strawberries, washed and hulled to serve
2. Remove the icecream from the punnet, soften slightly and fold in half of the chilled strawberry puree. Refreeze until firm.
1. Place the strawberries, sugar and Grand Marnier into a heavy based saucepan and simmer until the sugar is dissolved completely. Set aside to cool, then puree and place in the refrigerator until cold.
2. Remove the icecream from the punnet, soften slightly and fold in half of the chilled strawberry puree. Refreeze until firm.
1. Place the strawberries, sugar and Grand Marnier into a heavy based saucepan and simmer until the sugar is dissolved completely. Set aside to cool, then puree and place in the refrigerator until cold.
3. While waiting, place chopped hazelnuts in a small heavy based pan with extra sugar, allow sugar to dissolve completely and cool slightly. Pour onto a lined baking tray and allow to set hard, then crack into shards.
3. While waiting, place chopped hazelnuts in a small heavy based pan with extra sugar, allow sugar to dissolve completely and cool slightly. Pour onto a lined baking tray and allow to set hard, then crack into shards.
4. To serve, place some extra chilled puree in the base of a tall sundae glass. Top with fresh strawberries, then a big scoop of the Strawberry Ripple icecream. Top with more fresh berries, then another scoop of icecream and sprinkle with hazelnut praline. Serve immediately.
4. To serve, place some extra chilled puree in the base of a tall sundae glass. Top with fresh strawberries, then a big scoop of the Strawberry Ripple icecream. Top with more fresh berries, then another scoop of icecream and sprinkle with hazelnut praline. Serve immediately.
With their distinctive pina colada flavour, pink and white strawberries have been purpose-bred by Queensland’s Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, in collaboration with its research partner Hort Innovation, to give strawberry lovers more variety.
Pink strawberries have a peach pink exterior and are white inside.
White strawberries are brilliant white on the inside and, on the outside, are white with a pale pink blush and speckled with red seeds.
These tasty varieties were developed by crosspollinating a naturally white-fruited strawberry species, which has very small and soft fruit, with regular strawberries.
This was done over multiple generations to bring in some of the traits of regular strawberries to produce larger, sweet, white and pink fruit that have better shelf life.
pavlova, by adding white, pink, and red strawberries for visual effect.
Their different flavours mean you can choose the varieties to suit your taste preference.
Pink and white strawberries are the latest addition to the many different strawberry varieties sold in shops each year.
Look for them during winter this year.
Most towns and councils are still having some sort of Australia Day celebration, most are on a much smaller scale than previous years as decision makers are feeling public sentiment is leaning toward a change of the date, and to find an inclusive solution where our first nations people are celebrated.
The Sydney Harbour Bridge will still be having the big fireworks display but they will also be including story telling as a progressive move to include First Nations people in many of the other Australia Day events on the day.
Melbourne has three councils that are now recognising January 26th as a day of mourning, again highlighting the “each to its own” opinion on the 26th of January.
One thing we can all agree on, it is still a public holiday and a fantastic opportunity to get together and celebrate something, even if you think Australia Day is on the nose then celebrate something meaningful like, each other or bringing in the New Year.
SO, FOR NOW LET US SAY HAPPY 26TH JANUARY 2023 PUBLIC HOLIDAYBy Kate Save, Accredited Practising Dietitian, Exercise Physiologist and Diabetes Educator, CEO and Co-Founder of Be Fit Food.
Low Carb diets are possibly some of the most heavily researched and evidence-based diets available, and with just over half of Australians living with illness which burdens their ability to live a healthy life, this includes Type 2 Diabetes and Cardiovascular disease.(1) We believe this is one of the many reasons why so many Aussies are jumping on board the Low Carb Movement.(2)
So, what is low carb eating? Low carb eating means restricting the amount of carbohydrates consumed overall throughout your day.(3) A low carb diet is typically defined as less than 130g of carbohydrates per day, whereas a ketogenic diet is under 20g of carbohydrates per day. The CSIRO science of low carb, define it as 50 – 70g
of good quality carbohydrates throughout your day.(4) A low carb diet won’t necessarily allow your body to reach a state of ketosis, whereas a diet between 0-70g per day will put your body into some form of ketosis.
A typical ‘ketogenic diet’ (less than 20g per day) is not recommended as it promotes a very high fat consumption, particularly in regards to saturated fats, plus it is unbalanced in regards to other food groups and completely excludes some vegetables, fruits and most wholegrains which play an important role in gut health.
A mild ketogenic diet like those promoted in our Be Fit Food Food programs puts the body into a state of mild nutritional ketosis (50-70g per day). »
This is a state in which the ketone levels in our body are only slightly elevated (0.3-1.5mmol/l), in comparison to other more extreme ketogenic diets that reach higher level of ketosis. Evidence demonstrates that the effects of mild nutritional ketosis on weight loss are very similar to that of the more extreme levels of ketosis, with less extreme side effects.
When choosing products that are packaged look for the nutrition information table. Choose foods which exclude sugar as an ingredient on the label. Be aware that added sugars can be hidden on the label like glucose, fructose, sucrose, raw sugar, brown sugar, cane sugar, dextrose, golden syrup, maltodextrin, malt extract, rice malt syrup, honey or fruit juice concentrate. When reading the nutritional information panel on the label, choose foods with less than 15g per 100g of natural sugars which might come from certain vegetables, fruits, wholegrains and even as lactose which is naturally present in dairy products such as milk, yoghurt and cheese.
Now, why would Aussies be jumping onto the Low Carb Movement? Well, low carb diets have been shown to have many potential health benefits. The research shows that benefits can include, overall sustained weight loss, improvement in insulin sensitivity, can assist with the prevention and management of Type 2 Diabetes, as well as help reduce high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease risk factors.(4-6) Amazingly low carb diets can help with improving your overall metabolic health to0!(2)
The best thing about low carb diets is that they can be suitable for a wide range of people, making the diet just that much more impressive!(2)
1. Australia's Health 2022: In Brief, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare [Internet]. 2022 [cited 2022 Nov 21]; Australia's health series number 18. Canberra: AIHW. Available from: https://www.aihw.gov.au/getmedia/ c6c5dda9-4020-43b0-8ed6-a567cd660eaa/aihw-aus-241. pdf.aspx?inline=true
2. CSIRO. The CSIRO Low-Carb Diet Health Program [Internet]. [place unknown: CSIRO]; [cited 2022 Nov 21]. Available from: https://www.csiro.au/en/research/healthmedical/diets/csiro-low-carb-diet
3. Oh R, Gilani B, Uppaluri KR. Low Carbohydrate Diet. StatPearls [Internet]. 2022 Jan [cited 2022 Nov 17]; Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing. Available from: https:// www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK537084/
4. CSIRO. CSIROscope [Internet]. Australia: CSIRO. Our lowcarb diet: scientifically proven and not a passing fad; 2019 Sept 11 [cited 2022 Nov 21]. Available from: https://blog. csiro.au/low-carb-diet-scientifically-proven/
5. Paoli A. Ketogenic diet for obesity: friend or foe?. Int J Environ Res Public Health [Internet]. 2014 Jan 29;11(2):20922107. Available from: 10.3390/ijerph110202092
6. Feinman R. Dietary carbohydrate restriction as the first approach in diabetes management: Critical review and evidence base. ELSEVIER [Internet]. 2015;31(1):1-13. Published 2015 Jan. doi.org/10.1016/j.nut.2014.06.011
How is your new year’s resolution coming along? If you are still going with your resolution well done, personal challenges are the hardest yet also the most rewarding. The standard line from “the mental guru’s” is that many of our bad habits can be attributed to underlying issues hidden deep in your soul, I prefer to think of them as things that I enjoy that I know are not ideal for my health. Knowing that, if I am ready for change or wish to break the cycle of my bad habit I may need some tools to help me along the way, so here are some tips you may find useful.
Concentrate on what you are gaining rather than what you are giving up.
Write down the benefits of breaking the habit, you should see enough upside to make it worthwhile, change for change sake is not a big motivator so understanding how the change will improve your life is important. If you write this down and refer to it often you can keep your eyes on the end result.
The all or nothing question. A change can mean an improvement, some vices you may need to eliminate entirely like smoking, but others you can simply cut back, chocolate and alcohol for example. Just ensure you set some goals in relation to cutting back- 2 biscuits instead of 5, light beer instead of heavy beer. A reduction is not as difficult as an elimination.
If you have a serious bad habit or addiction the chances of you quitting alone are far less than if you seek help from your GP and get support from friends or family. Big habits need support and accepting this help will assist in achieving realistic goals.
If you can achieve your goal for one month, go and celebrate in some way.
If you have saved money by indulging less use that money to reward yourself, new clothes or dinner, you need rewards to help keep your focus.
Don’t stretch the reward so it’s too far down the track, ensure that’s it coming around soon, its great motivation.
Never give up giving up.
If you have a setback it’s not the end.
If you have done well for a month then lapse for one day don’t let that be the end of the journey, get straight back the horse the next day.
Remind yourself of your victories and take another look at your goals.
TIP 6.
You may look at your social scene and know a few people who may not share your enthusiasm for change. Seek support from those you know your can trust and for those who may try to lead you astray have a strategy in place for those comments or moments that may compromise your goals. Avoiding people who may endulge in the habit you are trying to kick is not necsassarrily the answer, you may find staying away distressing or anxiety provoking which may be worse than your initial habit, and you will at some time have to face them, so get a plan and stick to it.
One thing at a time.
Don’t try to break many habits at once, it’s hard enough dealing with one habit let alone two or three. This is also important for your mental attitude. Breaking habits and changing is not easy, you may need to work through some stress, anxiety or uncomfortable times in order to achieve your goal so take one challenge at a time.
Good luck, believe in yourself and remember it doesn’t need to be new year’s eve to make a commitment for a better you.
Generally when kids return to school it is an exciting time, they have all their new school supplies and gear, and hopefully they are ready to catch up with friends after the six-week break. I always spare a thought for the kids and parents who are negotiating either the first day of school, the first day of high school, or changing to a new school. This is a very emotional time, anxiety is usually pretty high, and it usually takes a few weeks to start feeling comfortable, confident and in the new routine.
If you and your child/kids are in this transition, be mindful that the stress of situation can cause
short fuses or very emotional reactions, so look after each other and reach out for support from other family members, rally the troops around you, just seeing the love and support from family members is important. You do not want your kids thinking they are going through this massive life change alone.
Similarly, if you know your grandkids, or your own kids as parents, friends’ kids are making this transition you should reach out and let them know you are thinking of them, keep a positive, exciting vibe, and just be in there corner for the first few weeks. »
As a parent you can start creating good eating habits early, you are in control of the lunchbox so ensure you include the things they need before the things they want.
You may think it is easy to prepare a sandwich, piece of fruit, small treat and off they go, but try and be mindful of including some sort of veg and dairy along with the fruit so the kids are getting a well-rounded diet. To do this you may need to get creative!
Also, the same lunch day in day out can get mundane, so mix it up, sandwich one day, wrap the next, then some crackers or similar. Apple Monday, Banana Tuesday etc.
There are some fantastic tips on Nutrition Australia’s website, they run Healthy Lunchbox week Feb 5-11, 2023, but you do not have to wait as there is always content on their website. www.healthylunchboxweek.org or www.nutritionaustralia.org
• Always include a drink bottle, ideally full of water. If your kids can take water to the sporting oval, they will drink rather than having to stop playing and run to a tap. Also, water is best for them so do not be swayed into cordials and soft drinks in the water bottles.
• A mix of cut fruits like watermelon, rock melon, strawberries, and then regular blue berries etc in an easy to open container is enticing, bite size pieces.
• Do not pack the lunchbox with too many options, that generally leads to waste. Just include the goods you want them to eat. You can have a variety like above mix of fruits, which can include five things, but in one container so it is their fruit for the day, rather than an apple, a banana and an orange and then letting them pick.
Let’s face it, we spend a lot of time at school so we may as well make it as exciting and interesting as possible. Easier said than done? Well one of the best ways to get kids excited about school is for you to get excited and involved in their schooling. Being interested in their curriculum, asking questions, being positive about assignments and tasks, checking in, and staying up to date with daily assignments, results and achievements is a wonderful way to stay in a positive mindset.
Many parents hang back and let the teachers do the work, only taking interest in the report card, but that leaves a lot of time in between when the kids are often working things out, not sure, not confident, any guidance you can give boosts their confidence and they know they can turn to you for help.
It is their turn to shine. School years are the first foundations for their lives, and this should be seen as an opportunity to maximise talents and skills - we may find their interests not in line with our own, but it is their turn to shine so encourage their interests and talents. This understanding can also be applied to many things, you may not want them to have their friends over, but that social connection is important for them, you may not like a modern music, but they do, so do not push your likes onto them. Its okay for religion or core family beliefs to be prioritised but the lesser stuff, let them find their own way.
2 x 375g packets Puff Pastry, thawed
1 egg, lightly beaten, for eggwash
2 tbs sesame seeds
Tomato sauce, to serve
Sausage filling
2 tbs olive oil
1 red onion, finely chopped
75g (1 cup) breadcrumbs
450g minced beef
450g minced pork
1/2 tsp dried chilli flakes
70g (1/4 cup) tomato paste
1 tbs red wine vinegar
1 tbs Worcestershire sauce
1 tbs Dijon mustard
2 rashers middle-cut rindless bacon, finely chopped
2 eggs
1. To make filling, heat oil in a frying pan over medium heat. Add onion and 1 tsp salt, and cook, stirring, for 8 minutes or until soft. Cool for 5 minutes.
2. Using your hands, combine onion and remaining filling ingredients in a bowl.
3. Preheat oven to 190C fan-forced. Cut each roll of pastry in half widthwise. Using a rolling pin, roll each piece out on a lightly floured sheet of baking paper to 22cm x 26cm. Lightly prick pastry with a fork, then brush with eggwash. Place one- quarter of filling along long edge, leaving a 3cm border, then roll up to enclose filling. Repeat with remaining pastry, filling and eggwash to make 4 rolls. Place rolls on a tray lined with baking paper and freeze for 10 minutes to firm. Reserve eggwash.
4. Trim 5mm from both ends of each roll, brush with eggwash, then scatter with sesame seeds. Using a finely serrated knife, cut each roll into 6 and place on 2 oven trays lined with baking paper
Proudly Aussie made and owned for over 60 years by:
When easy fire making techniques were developed people began to change rapidly. Fire meant you could now cook your meat, this meant you could hunt larger game, and cooked meat releases a lot more good fats for the brain helping the brain develop, protein for energy not just sugar, you could eat more so you got stronger and faster.
Another key benefit of the prehistoric BBQ is that a big kill could feed alot of people, so a clan would come together to prepare the kill thus acquired skills in butchery, the manufacturing of clothes, tools from bones etc.
Cooking and eating together would have also developed the language and communication skills, social skills and yes, procreation would have gone to a new level as a result.
Proudly Aussie made and owned for over 60 years. See
So next time you are sitting around the BBQ with a family and friends, looking lovingly into those flames remember that the BBQ was the most important driver of early civilisation development, a game changer for all mankind. Not unlike and probably more significant than TV connecting the world, computers, and the internet.
We now know ancient Humans have been cooking meats since Ogg was a boy, (Ogg being a caveman’s son) but they say the first records of BBQing were made when Christopher Columbus went to the Caribbean and notices tribes cooking meat then drying them in the sun to preserve it, they called this process barbacoa, which the Americans language pronounced is BBQ.
1 x pack 380g Luv-A-Duck, Duck Breast
5 Tbsp caster sugar ½ cup chicken stock
2 lemons, juice and zest
1 tbsp rice vinegar
2 garlic cloves, chopped
1 Tbsp corn starch
2 tsp chilli flakes
2 Tbsp coriander
1 cup white rice, cooked
1. Preheat oven to 190°C.
2. I n a small saucepan bring the caster sugar, stock, lemon juice, rice vinegar and garlic to a boil and then reduce to a simmer for 10mins.
3. In a small bowl combine the corn starch with 2 Tbsp cold water before whisking into the lemon mixture on the stove. Allow to simmer for another 5mins while the sauce thickens.
4 Cook the rice as per packet instructions.
5. To cook the duck breasts, pat the skin dry, score
and lightly season with salt. Place skin side down in a pan on medium heat using no oil, for 5 mins or until the skin is golden. Turn and cook for a further 2 mins. Transfer duck breasts to preheated oven for a further 8-10 mins. Rest uncovered for 5 mins before slicing.
6. Serve the duck on a plate drizzled with lemon sauce. Sprinkle with chilli flakes and coriander. Serve alongside rice.
Prep Time: 15 minutes Cook Time: 15 mins Serves:
Prep Time: 20 mins Cook Time: 35 mins Serves: 5
Serves: 4-6
Perfect for the entertaining season are Maggie’s Crumbed Triple Cream Brie Bites with Quince Glaze Dipping Sauce!
Crumbed Triple Cream Brie
2 x 200g wheels Triple Cream Brie
1 cup plain flour
2 free range eggs
1 cup full cream milk
3 cups breadcrumbs
Quince Glaze Dipping Sauce
100g Quince Paste
150mL Verjuice
30mL Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1. Preheat a deep fryer to 180c.
2. Cut each wheel of brie into 8 even wedges, place onto a lined tray and put into the fridge to keep chilled.
3. Meanwhile, set up the crumbing process by placing the flour into one bowl, the combined eggs and milk in another bowl, and the breadcrumbs in a third and final large bowl.
4. Remove the brie from the fridge, then crumb each piece by dusting in the flour first, then placing into the egg wash and finally coating in the breadcrumbs. Repeat this process a further 2 times, as you want to have a good coating of crumbs on the brie and no visible sight of brie (this stops the brie from escaping when being fried). Place crumbed brie back onto the lined tray one by one.
5. When you’ve finished crumbing all the brie, place tray into the freezer for 15 minutes to firm up.
6. To make the Quince Glaze, chop the Quince Paste into small cubes, and combine in a saucepan with the Verjuice and Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Stir gently over the heat until the Quince Paste is melted and all ingredients are combined. Remove from the heat and set aside.
7. Remove the tray of brie from the freezer and place the brie pieces into the preheated deep fryer, ensuring not to overcrowd it. Cook for 1 minute, then remove and drain on paper towel. Repeat this process until all pieces have been fried.
8. Place the deep fried brie onto a serving platter along with the Quince Glaze dipping sauce in a small bowl. Serve warm.
Maggie’s Fruit Paste is a delicious addition to many sweet and savoury dishes. Explore more recipes at www.maggiebeer.com.au, or simply add one of Maggie’s Fruit Pastes to your next platter to make your cheese taste even better. Find Maggie Beer’s Fruit Paste range in leading supermarkets today.
Prep Time: 20 mins Cook Time: 35 mins Serves:
Prep Time: 15 minutes Cook Time: 15 mins Serves: 2
80ml Cobram Estate Classic
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
55g fresh basil leaves
55g pine nuts, plus 1 tbsp extra for garnish 15g finely grated Parmigiano Reggiano, plus extra for serving 2 garlic cloves
200 spaghetti + Salt and cracked black to taste
1. Pick basil leaves from the stems and set aside in a bowl.
2. Place a non-stick pan over medium heat. Add the pine nuts, stirring and shaking frequently until golden brown. Remove from the heat and set aside to cool.
3. Grate the Parmigiano Reggiano.
4. Roughly chop the garlic cloves.
5. Add the basil leaves, toasted pine nuts, chopped garlic, grated Parmigiano Reggiano, salt and pepper to a food processor. Pulse until finely chopped.
6. With the motor running, slowly drizzle the Cobram Estate Classic Extra Virgin Olive Oil into the food processor. Continue to blitz until the desired consistency is reached.
7. Cook the pasta as per packet instructions, reserving ½ a cup of water. Drain, allow to cool for 1 minute. Pour into a large bowl, add the pesto and ¼ cup of the pasta water. Toss to combine, adding more water if necessary. Season to taste.
8. Serve immediately with extra grated cheese and toasted pine nuts if desired.
3. Cook, stirring constantly, over a very low heat until mixture is thick.
4. Pour into a 250ml sterilised jar, seal and set aside to cool. 5. Keeps in fridge for up to two weeks.
Prep Time: 25 minutes, plus 6-12 hours setting time Cook Time: 5 minutes Serves: 12 Difficulty: Easy
Get ready to wow the crowd with this easy no-bake cheesecake! The crunchy white chocolate crackle base goes perfectly with the condensed milk cheesecake filling. Top it with seasonal fruits for a delectable dessert any time of the year.
White Chocolate Crackle Base
125g Copha, chopped 90g white cooking chocolate, chopped 3 cups (120g) Kellogg’s Rice Bubbles
1/3 cup (30g) desiccated coconut
Cheesecake Filling
500g cream cheese, softened and chopped 395g can sweetened condensed milk 3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1/4 cup (50g) melted Copha, room temperature
1 tablespoon gelatine dissolved in 2 tablespoons boiling water, cooled 350g lemon curd 300ml thickened cream, whipped Sliced mango, strawberries, raspberries, passionfruit, kiwi fruit, grapes to garnish
White Chocolate Crackle Base
1. Grease and line the base and sides of a 20cm x 30cm roasting pan. Leaving a 5cm overhang on the two long sides.
2. Combine the Copha and chocolate in a bowl over a saucepan of gently simmering water, stir until melted. Remove from heat and stir until smooth.
3. Combine the Rice Bubbles and coconut in a bowl. Add the Copha mixture and stir to combine. Spoon into the base of the prepared tin and flatten using the back of a spoon. Refrigerate for 10 to 15 minutes or until hardened.
Cheesecake Filling
1. Use a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment and beat the cream cheese until smooth. Add sweetened condensed milk, juice, dissolved gelatine and Copha. Beat until smooth. Fold in lemon curd and whipped cream. Spoon over base. Smooth top. Refrigerate for 6 hours to overnight, or until set.
2. To serve, dollop remaining whipped cream over the top of the cheesecake mixture. Arrange fruit over the top. Cut into slices and serve immediately.
• Melt Copha and chocolate together in the microwave on High in 30 second bursts. Stir after each turn until melted and smooth.
• Cheesecake can be made 1-2 days in advance. Cover with cling film and store in the refrigerator. Decorate with cream and fruit just before serving.
• Keep leftovers in a sealed container in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.
Prep Time: 1 hour Cook Time: 30 minutes Serves: 6
Pie Crust
3 sheets of short crust pastry, defrosted
1 large egg, beaten
1 tsp butter, greased 24cm piendish
4 x 250g punnets Victorian Strawberries, washed and hulled
3/4 cup caster sugar
1 lemon, zest of
1 vanilla bean, slice open lengthways & scrape out the seed paste
3/4 cup of water
3 tbsp corn flour, mixed with the water
1 tbsp icing sugar, for dusting Rice, lentils or pastry weights for blind baking
1. Preheat oven to 180°C and line the pie dish with 2 sheets of pastry, making sure the pastry is pushed down into the corners. You will have to cut and join the pastry to fill in the gaps. Trim of excess pastry with a knife and use the remaining pastry to line the top of the rim, then with thumb and index finger pinch around the edge to form a crimped effect.
2. Blind bake – line the base with baking paper and fill with rice, lentils or pastry weights. Bake for 15 minutes then remove the paper and weights. Brush the base of the pie shell with egg wash and bake for a further 10 minutes to crisp the pastry.
3. In a small saucepan mash 1 punnet of the strawberries and add caster sugar. Stir over a medium heat until strawberry pulp begins to bubble and sugar dissolves.
4. Add the lemon zest, vanilla seed paste and the cornflour blended with the water. Stir continually until the liquid begins to bubble rapidly. Let boil for 1 minute until it forms a very thick custard consistency. Set aside to cool.
5. Cut the remaining 3 punnets of strawberries in half lengthways and place in a large bowl. When the sauce has cooled, gently fold through the fresh strawberries.
6. Pile the Victorian strawberry filling into the pie shell. Slice the remaining pastry sheet into 1.5cm strips. Brush the outside rim of the pie shell with egg wash and create the lattice top by weaving the strips of pastry and pressing the ends into the pie edge. Brush the pastry with the remaining egg wash and bake for 15-20 minutes until the lattice top is cooked through.
7. Let cool for 30 minutes before serving dusted in icing sugar and with scoops of vanilla ice cream.
Most pets love routine, if your pet is used to spending many hours alone in the yard, they may get a little shock when suddenly you and the kids are home each day during the holidays. Suddenly with more time on your hands their 10am nap turns into a 10am Power walk, a relax in their favourite space is now hot and light as the blinds are now open all day.
For most pet’s owners spending more time with them is a good thing, stress relieving in fact, but for pets anything different can be anxiety provoking, so keep the walks at the same time as when you were working, keep their favourite space as it was, mealtimes the same, same foods etc.
You may think your pet loves people, and it probably does, but sometimes it can get a little too much. That house party with 20 guests is usually okay for the first hour but sometimes pets have had enough of stranger’s or people in general, so they need to be able to relax somewhere safe. Some pets are wary of people in the first place, for these guys having a house full of people would be extremely stressful right from the start.
Noise can also be a problem, we know many dogs hate thunder, it’s not just thunder, loud sudden unfamiliar noises are disconcerting for pets, fireworks on New Year Eve will send many pets scampering, champagne corks popping, bursts of loud laughter, loud music, these are all things your pets are almost certain to be scared of and can make your pet’s very anxious.
We all love seeing our friend’s pet when we visit, and after a few drinks you may be swayed by their big eyes looking at you, “can I have some” initially you may be strong, but chances are someone will weaken and offer the pet some yummies from the BBQ or leftovers, or even party food. This sounds great for your pet, but it is just not good for their immediate wellbeing, a slight bit of marinate on the BBQ food,
mayonnaise on leftovers, biscuits, cold meats, anything can give your pet an upset stomach, or worse sill a serious stomach issue (spicy food, chocolate in some cases can be fatal.)
Remember, your pet’s stomach is tiny, for your pet one biscuit can be like eating a pie, so imaging if five friends gave your pet a little something a few times, it would be like you eating five or six pies in one sitting. Pets are not like humans; they do not seem to stop when they feel full.
• Cowering under the table
• Ears set back
• Trembling
• Uncharacteristic behaviours
• Excessive yawning
• Urination in the house (if not normal)
• Tail tucked
• Diarrhea
Cats that live outdoors can generally escape and usually have a few go to hiding spots, they still may travel across roads etc to escape a party, and in house cats can usually hide but may still be afraid.
A terrible experience for your pet can cause long term problems as well. If young pets are scared of a person or an event it takes a long time for your pet to re-programme, possibly years and in many cases it can causes a lifelong fear.
If you are planning a party consider having your pet house- sat elsewhere or ensure your pet has a good, safe retreat. This is an effective way to ensure your pet is not suffering while you are having a great time. Any separation anxiety may be a better than a terrifying or health challenging day/night.
So, consider your pets this party season, short term anxiety is no fun for them, and may save you a few nasty clean ups if they get sick or wee or worse.