Bega Cheddar Cheese blocks are proudly Aussie made and owned, with no artificial flavours and are a delicious source of calcium! Try it grated in your salads, sliced on a biscuit, a cracker or even on its own!
Hazeldenes pride themselves on providing great quality Australian chicken. And their new range, certified by RSPCA Approved, is no exception. The range will roll out over the next couple of months and include all your favourite basic cuts as well as delicious flavoured products, such as Smoky Maple Kebabs. Look out for the orange packaging at your local independent supermarket.
Delicious Ironbark honey is the perfect honey for winter with its rich, nutty flavours and all the beneficial properties of eucalyptus honey. Wild Nectar honey is always raw and cold extracted from the hive to maximise these flavours and keep the honey in its most untouched state. It is also 100% certified organic, made far from any cultivated area in the Ironbark forests of Central NSW. Look out for it on shelf in your local retailer or find it on wildnectarhoney.com.au.
Pauls PLUS+ High Protein yoghurt is created with 16 grams of natural dairy protein which delivers a smooth, thick, creamy yoghurt blended with delicious flavours. With high protein & a great taste, Pauls PLUS+ is perfect for breakfast or an afternoon snack. PLUS+ it’s less than 100 calories per serve!
There’s no right or wrong. You do you. *
Unleash the Wizz Fizz Chocolate Monsters! Dive into 5 thrilling flavours – caramel, raspberry, bubble gum, pine lime slime, and sherbet pops! Each choc monster is individually wrapped, perfect for a delightful surprise in every bite. Available in convenient 12 packs, these chocolates are ready to bring monstrous fun to your taste buds!
Proudly Aussie made and owned for 90 years.
'A tasty breakfast or snack on the go. These Weet-Bix™ Bites Coco Crunch are packed with wholegrains, fibre, contain protein, iron, B vitamins and tasty choc pieces! All toasted for a perfect crunch.'
For these and other delicious recipes go to: copha.com.au and follow us at: copha
If you love Beetroot, you will have noticed the lack of product on Australian supermarket shelves. This problem started about 18 months ago, and slowly made its way the country leaving beetroot lovers up in arms.
A recent ABC report explained that since Golden Circle moved its cannery business to New Zealand the supply has dried up (not literally), partly due to a cyclone that devastated much of New Zealand’s beetroot growing areas.
Australians love their beetroot, and the Australian Growers alone cannot keep up with demand, so we have
often relied on imported products, but as you would expect, they need to serve their markets first, and when there is any hiccup in supply, the imports dry up.
Many people think the shortage must be because our Aussie beetroot farms have been impacted by an environmental problem, but luckily that is not the case, Aussie beetroot farming is
going strong, its just that our growers and markets can not keep up with Australia’s huge beetroot appetite.
Three Three’s, a fourth-generation family Australian owned and run business has been supplying much of the Australian market since Golden Circle moved out of Australia.
Michael McAlpine, owner of Three Three’s, said his factory had been processing about one hundred tons of sliced beetroot and baby beetroots each week, with sales up 100 percent in January compared to the same month last year, despite challenges caused by wet weather.
Mr. McAlpine went on to say the Three Threes’ policy was to focus on supporting Australian businesses “first and foremost,” purchasing produce exclusively from Australian farmers.
The good news is this Winter we should see Beetroot stock returning to previous levels and we can all get back to enjoying beetroot on our sandwiches and hamburgers.
And in even better news many Australian beetroot producers will be growing more, and or bigger crops so we will rely less on imported product and enjoy more Aussie grown beetroot in the future.
Roasting Beetroot is a bit like roasting a potato in foil, you have a few options, the most common is leave the skin on, leave about 2cm of the stem as well. Wrap them in foil until cooked which can take around 45 mins (oven at 180) or until as firm as you like it. Just like a potato it should still be firm, but you can give it a bit more cooking time if you need it softer.Once roasted the skin should peel away easily. You can peel your beets before roasting or just give them a good hard skin rub to reduce the thickness of the skin.
Sounds simple, because it is, just pop into boiling water, it should take about 20-30 minutes to become soft, stick a skewer into it to ensure its soft all the way to the centre. You can put the beets with skin, which will drop off when boiled, or already peeled.
Can you eat beetroot skin?
Yes, you can, its actually packed with nutrients. You can peel the beet and put the skins in the oven and make beet chips.
You must always wash your beetroot thoroughly to remove dirt and pesticides, or anything that has been used in the growing and transport process. When cooking beetroot the colours can run, like beetroot juice, so to avoid skin and clothes getting stained use, gloves, and an apron. Important note.
When you are planning a meal of meat and three veg, or a vegetarian dinner, it usually goes something like, carrots, broccoli, potato, peas, cauliflower, corn, or beans. Poor old cabbage rarely jumps to the top of the list.
Cabbage has a reputation as being
Cheap Bland Boring
and You certainly will not see much cabbage on restaurant menus.
However, if you are of
your parents probably grew up eating plenty of cabbage. Cabbage was the king of vegetables as it was so easy to grow in the European climate, was grown everywhere and in abundance, so cabbage formed a key part of the European diet.
Soon after cabbage was introduced to Asia in the 16th Century it took off, it started in India and in the 17th century Japan and China were producing cabbage, and soon became a key part of the daily along with rice.
Cabbage is now one of the top ten most produced vegies grown in Australia (no.10) ahead of Mushrooms, celery, and corn, so we are consuming more cabbage year on year.
When it comes to home cooking Cabbage is a fantastic Winter veg that can add that bit of variety to the Winter roast, meat and three veg or vegetarian dish. Cabbage is super versatile, its cooked leaves are soft, no stalks like broccoli and cauliflower, you can have green, red or Savoy cabbage, each with its own flavour.
Cabbage is no slouch in Summer either, Cabbage is great in salads and coleslaw.
Cabbage is part of the Brassica family (Brassica oleracea), as is Broccoli, Sprouts, Cauliflower and Kale.
1. Coleslaw: You cannot have Coleslaw without cabbage, red and green. Goes great with mayo.
2. Stir-Fried Cabbage: Goes great with other stir fry veg. Even when lightly cooked cabbage softens but retains its flavour. Goes great with ginger, soy sauce, and chili.
3. Cabbage Rolls (Stuffed Cabbage): This dish is popular in Eastern European and Mediterranean cuisines. It involves blanching cabbage leaves, filling them with a mixture of ground meat (such as pork or beef), rice, and spices, then rolling them up and cooking them in a tomato-based sauce.
4. Kimchi: A staple in Korean cuisine, kimchi is fermented cabbage (usually Napa cabbage) seasoned with chili peppers, garlic, ginger, and other spices. It is eaten as a side dish, incorporated into stews, or used in fried rice and other dishes.
5. Roasted cabbage Yes, that is right, you can roast cabbage, it looks, great, smells great and tastes great. Tip, give it a little spray of olive oil before going in the oven, and you can expect some outer leaves to look burnt (and may be burnt), but just remove those as the inners will be perfectly cooked. Cut in half or quarters and serve.
A new study done by the UNSW shows that eating breakfast is important, but it’s not just when you eat, but what you eat. No real surprises here; the study found that eating a healthy breakfast can lead to higher levels of motivation and achievement, while no breakfast can lower the levels of motivation and achievement.
So what about the old saying “SOMETHING
Well apparently eating an unhealthy breakfast is just as likely to cause the lower level of motivation and achievement as no breakfast at all. “Many students make less-than-ideal breakfast choices at the start of the school day or skip breakfast altogether,” says Scientia Professor Andrew Martin, lead author of the study and an educational psychologist from the School of Education at UNSW Arts, Design & Architecture. “Our finings highlight that eating a healthy breakfast each and every morning improves student motivation and academic achievement.”
Read full article here https://www.unsw.edu.au/newsroom/news/2024/04/ breakfast-impacts-student-success-but-not-in-the-wayyou-might-think
With so many different diets, meal plans, tips and tricks available these days it can be a little overwhelming when looking to choose the r i g h t m e t h o d f o r we i g h t l o s s . O n e s u c h method that has proven effective time and time again is intermittent fasting.
In a nutshell, intermittent fasting can be done in a myriad of different ways and the term intermittent fasting can also be analogous w i t h ' t i m e - r e s t r i c t e d e a t i n g ' w h i c h i s a n eating pattern that involves restricting your daily calorie intake to a relatively narrow window of time each day (1). If can be more effective than calorie restriction alone, as it r e d u c e s t h e a d a p t i v e r e s p o n s e s a n d physiological effects that occur with longterm calorie restriction (2).
D u r i n g i n t
replaces burning glucose (carbohyderates) to burning fat as its primary source of energy and fuel. There is a large body of evidence to suggest that intermittent fasting is beneficial for more than just weight management, as it can also improve other aspects of meta bolic health such as cardiovascular health, glucose m e t a b o l i s m , i n s u l i n s e n s i t i v i t y a n d improvements in the gut microbiome (3,4), and improved sleep, the list goes on. It should be noted that fasting requires commitment a n d w i t h d e d i c
anywhere between 2-10 weeks.
5:2 Diet-Consuming your “regular” healthy diet for 5 days per week and fasting for 2 days. On the fasting days, calorie intake should be limited to 25% of your regular calorie intake ( or approximately 500-600 calories). This can be adjust to suit individual preferences, such as eating 3 small meals or 2 larger meals.
This method involves limiting food consumption to an 8-12 hour window each day and fasting for the remaining hours.
This method involves Fasting for a 24-hour period, 1 day per week. This could look like fasting from breakfast to breakfast or dinner to dinner, depending on personal preferences. This fasting method is for more advanced individuals who have had previous experience with other fasting methods such as the ones mentioned above
Eating Large meals before bed has been proven to negatively impact your sleep. Fasting gives your digestive system a chance to settle down. bringing your body back to optional functioning and homeostasis. This will help you start the day feeling far more refreshed and energized.
Having a good sleep cycle helps improve the symptoms of anxiety
Fasting is known to improve certain blood markers. such as increasing “good” cholesterol (HDL) and reducing triglycerides (TG). which area type of fat present in the bllod that is known to promote heart disease. Intermittent fasting can also reduce blood pressure and heart rate.
There’s more research to show that fasting success fully lowers blood glucose and insulin levels and is therefore an effective preventive method and treatment for the management of type-2 diabetes.
Always speak to your doctor or health care professional before making significant changes to. your diet and/or lifestyle. Any kind of fasting is not recommended for women who are pregnant or people that have type 1 Diabeties. Fasting may also not work well with certain medications.
Keep fasting periods short or seek medical supervision for longer fasts
The 5:2 diet is a good example of this , as you only fast for 2 days and are still receiving 25% of your daily calorie requirements.
You Get 20-30% of your fluids from food, so dramatically cutting your food intake will therefore have an impact on your hydration levels. Aim to drink 2-3 Liters of water on fasting days, your thirst will tell you when it’s time to drink more water.
On your off days, try to stick to a normal eating routing and incorporate as many of the food groups as you can.
Stop fasting if you feel un well
Feeling sick, start to experience symptoms of dizziness, nausea and vomiting, chest pain or stomach pain, diarrhea see your healthcare professional immediately.
Be sure to do your research about intermittent fasting before undertaking it to make sure it is suited to you and seek advice from your medical practitioner especially if you are on any medications or currently have any chronic health condtions.
The Be Fit Food intermittent Fasting program provides you with 4 weeks’ worth of meals that are low carb, high protein and nutrionally balanced. Even if the 5:2 approach is not for you, you can still use our mealts to
Rynders, C., Thomas, E. Zaman, A., Pan, Z. Catenacci, V., & Melan- son, E. (2019). Effectiveness of Intermittent Fasting and Time-Re- stricted Feeding Compared to Continuous Energy
doi:10.3390/mu11102442 Seimon, R., Roekenes, J., Zibellini, J., Zhu, B., Gibson, A., & Hills, A. et al. (2015). Do intermittent diets provide physiological benefits over continuous diets for weight loss? A systematic review of clinical trials. Molecular And Cellular E n d o c
Stockman, M., Thomas, D., Burke, J., & Apovian, C. (2018). Intermit- tent Fasting: Is the Wait Worth the Weight?. Current Obesity Reports, 7(2), 172-185. doi: 10.1007/s13679-018-0308-9 Hoddy, K, Marlatt, K, Çetinkaya, H., & Ravussin, E. (2020). Intermit- tent Fasting and Metabolic Health: From Religious Fast t o T i
10.1002/oby.22829 Activate
Nestlé Australia has announced football star Mackenzie Arnold as its newest Milo brand ambassador. To kick-off the partnership, the star goalkeeper will feature in the new Milo ‘It’s Go Time’ campaign. Announcing the launch, Nestlé Dairy Business Manager Rebecca Dobbins said Mackenzie will help Milo strengthen the belief that sport is a great teacher.
Mackenzie Arnold shared, “If I hadn’t started playing as a kid, I don’t think I’d be the person I am today. Football has helped me grow my confidence and self-belief. It’s helped me build determination and resilience.
“I’m excited to be working with Milo to encourage the next generation of kids to get active and learn lessons from sport just like I did.” The three-year partnership will see Mackenzie join the Milo team for in-store and on-pack activations, giveaways, meet and greets and more.Mackenzie’s appointment follows the brand’s partnership with Football Australia’s MiniRoos program to help provide a greater opportunity for more girls and boys to participate in football.
For Dental Health Week (Aug 5-11) it’s a great time to think about how closely linked the mouth is to the rest of the body - what goes on in the mouth certainly doesn’t stay there.
Follow these 7 easy tips from the Australian Dental Association and you’ll have a healthy mouth for life.
It doesn’t make you look cool. What’s cool is knowing how dangerous they are and then spreading the word amongst friends who vape or are thinking about it.
Did you know that vapes or e-cigs contain over 200 harmful chemicals including arsenic and the chemicals that go into weed killer and nail polish remover? They harm the inside of the mouth by increasing your chances of tooth decay, but through their cancer-causing chemicals, also in ways dentists and doctors don’t know much about yet.
But what they do know is that they are associated with lung disease, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and diabetes amongst other diseases.
Most vapes also contain nicotine so even if you didn’t smoke when you started vaping, you’re far more likely to end up a smoker as well. And if you vape at school, you’re likely to get caught as schools all over Australia are now installing vape detectors in bathrooms.
You may have seen social media influencers boasting they’ve straightened their teeth with rubber bands or filed them down to a smooth edge with a nail file – or even whitened them with bleach. But all these dental hacks will do is leave you in pain, possibly with permanent damage.
Using a rubber band to try and straighten your teeth or removing your own braces before the orthodontist or dentist recommends it, can actually cause permanent damage to your teeth,
gums and jawbone. Elastic bands and hair pins can scratch, injure and strain the teeth, gums and jawbone causing permanent damage that may require professional dental treatment or worst-case scenario, could result in tooth loss
If you’ve had a sugary snack or drink, wait an hour before brushing. This is because the sugar softens the tooth enamel so if you brush straight away it will damage the enamel. Instead, rinse your mouth with water, wait 60 minutes then brush.
There’s a whole industry of oral health wellness products filling supermarket shelves including fluoride-free toothpastes. But without the essential ingredient of fluoride, toothpaste won’t protect the teeth – evidence shows fluoride toothpastes prevent more tooth decay than non-fluoride ones.
It’s in our water too and Australian studies show this reduces tooth decay in children by 26% to 44%, and by 27% in adults. Tooth decay is a largely preventable disease, and the addition of fluoride to 89% of Australian water is a substantial help in preventing decay.
Despite the claims of minority groups, there’s extensive research that shows there are no adverse health effects from fluoride, a naturally occurring mineral, when used within recommended limits.
Healthy gut tonics including warm lemon water or balsamic vinegar with soda can wreak havoc on teeth due to their high levels of acidity, contributing to tooth enamel loss. Cola and apple cider vinegar are even more acidic and shouldn’t be swished around the mouth to remove stains.
Many DIY hacks lead to irreversible loss of enamel. Once enamel is lost it does not grow back. It exposes softer layers beneath that are more susceptible to damage and acid attack.
Those wanting a whiter smile are warned to consider the harms DIY whitening hacks can do - many have been found to be too abrasive and acidic. So steer clear of crushed cucumbers, kiwifruit and strawberries to whiten teeth which all contain acids that will dissolve tooth enamel over time if applied repeatedly.
The same goes for home-made toothpaste made from rough and scratchy materials like baking soda, bentonite clay, charcoal, cinnamon, salt and powdered eggshellsthey may even cause the user an unwanted reaction.
Meanwhile rubbing your teeth with a ‘magic eraser’ (a small sponge used to remove stains on kitchen work surfaces) which are made of hard plastic, will damage your tooth enamel which doesn’t grow back.
And worst of all is bleach - don’t apply hydrogen peroxide or other bleaches like the ones purchased from the pharmacy to bleach hair, directly to your teeth. They can cause chemical burns to your mouth and throat or worse if ingested.
Professional teeth whitening products like take-home whitening kits from your dentist are a much safer option as they use plastic trays designed to fit the shape of your mouth, accompanied by peroxide at a safe level that won’t damage teeth.
Brush twice a day to ensure you don’t get a buildup of harmful bacteria that cause bad breath and decay, and clean in between as well once a day, for a fresher mouth. Remember brushing only removes 60% of food particles left behind after eating you need to clean between to remove the remaining 40%.
It’s that time of year when the sun reappears and we start feeling energetic and ready to get things done, like the Spring clean. To help inspire you we have a few tips that may just help make the like a Spring Clean a bit easier and more fun.
If you are not that excited by the thought of cleaning and are in the, “but it must be done camp” then perhaps put on some music and have a glass of wine while you clean.
If you think of all the things you think you should do it can be overwhelming. Start with the jobs you want to do, and can do easily, Once you start you may get on a roll.
Take your time, and understand that it may take a few days to get through it all. Plan to do a room or two a week.
Little people that is. Trying to clean while your kids are not running around, in and out. Needing food, and dropping crumbs, could be a recipe for a meltdown. I suggest dropping the kids off at grandma’s for the day or getting Dad to take them out.
Tip 5
Nothing worse than getting started and finding out that what you are using is just not getting it done. Using the wrong products is inefficient, takes longer, is often a waste of money, and aggravating. Make a list of things you are going to clean and what you will need to do it.
Dust the roof and light fixtures, then vacuum the carpet. Start cleaning the back of the house or room first so you are not walking over all the clean bits to clean the front.
Spring Cleaning is not really about standard cleaning, it’s about the annual clean, the stuff you can’t see that’s hiding under the couch and behind the fridge. Start with these areas, if you lose motivation at least the annual stuff is done.
This is a great time to move the furniture around and have some fun with some new looks, perhaps so new pillows or rug.
You want to do the kid’s rooms but the surface mess is in the way, get the kids to clean their rooms, at least the surface stuff. Get them involved by seeing if they want to change anything in their rooms, move old stuff on, or rearrange their wardrobe
Tip 10
Completing an annual task calls for a reward, so before you start pick a reward you can treat yourself with or get those new lampshades and couch pillows.
Lemon & Thyme Roasted Chicken
Crispy Panko Haloumi Cubes
Baked Thai Chicken Wings with Nam Jim
Poached Egg on Potato Rosti with Smoked Salmon and Avocado
Fennel, Apple and Cabbage Slaw with Green Mayonnaise
M&M Chocolate Crackles
Caramelised Onion and Grilled Chicken Tacos
1 x Whole Free Range Chicken
1 lemon, cut into quarters
3-4 sprigs thyme
Olive oil
Salt flakes & freshly ground black pepper
800g baby red potatoes, cut into thick slices
1 small lemon, cut into thick slices
1 tbsp olive oil
2 sprigs thyme
1 bulb garlic, cut in half
200g green beans, topped and steamed
1. Pre-heat oven to 200°C (180°C fanforced). Pat chicken dry and place into a baking pan. Stuff the lemon wedges and thyme sprigs into the cavity. Drizzle chicken with a little oil and sprinkle with salt flakes.
2. Cook chicken for 20 minutes, then reduce oven temperature to 180°C (160°C fan-forced) and continue cooking for 20 minutes per 500g.
3. Whilst chicken is cooking, toss potatoes and lemon slices in oil and season well. Arrange over a baking tray and scatter with additional thyme. Add garlic to tray and bake for 35-40 minutes, until potatoes are crisp and golden.
4. Once chicken is cooked through, set aside for 5 minutes before slicing. Accompany with the roasted vegetables and steamed beans.
Chicken can be served with a ready made gravy, or, cook down the pan juices and mix with a little white wine vinegar and seasoning for a fresh jus style sauce.
180g Riverina Dairy Cyprus
Style Reduced Fat Haloumi
1 egg
1 cup panko crumbs
1. Cut haloumi into large bite sized chunks.
2. Crack egg into a medium sized bowl and whisk briefly.
3. Spread your panko crumbs onto a plate.
4. Dip each haloumi chunk into the egg, ensuring all sides are coated, then do the same in the panko crumb. Repeat until all haloumi pieces are coated in both egg and panko on all sides.
5. Set a medium fry pan to medium-high, add a layer of oil to coat the base.
6. Once hot, add your haloumi pieces. Use tongs to turn each piece gently as they become golden brown on each side.
7. Arrange onto a plate. Serve with a small bowl of your favourite tomato salsa or chutney if desired.
Elevate your occasion & enjoy a meal at its finest with Barossa Fine Foods. Crafted with premium ingredients & hand-blended seasonings from our 100 years of smallgoods know-how, find Barossa Fine Foods products in select Woolworths, Coles, Drakes & independent supermarkets, or visit one of our South Australian Barossa Fine Foods retail stores. For more delicious recipe inspiration, visit www.barossafinefoods.com.au
2kg Chicken Wings
2 tbls Fish Sauce Juice of 1 Lime
4 tbls Brown Sugar
½ tsp Black Pepper
4 Cloves Garlic, minced
1 tbls Ginger, minced
1 tbls Lemongrass, minced
2 tbls Vegetable Oil
2 tbls Chilli Paste with Soya Bean Oil
Crushed, Roasted Peanuts, to serve
1 Spring Onion, finely sliced, to serve Coriander Leaves, to serve
1 Clove Garlic, finely chopped
4 Birdseye Chillis, finely chopped
1 tbls Caster Sugar
2 tbls Fish Sauce
2 tbls Lime Juice
1. For the Nam Jim sauce, in a bowl add the garlic, chillis, caster sugar, fish sauce and lime juice. Whisk together well until the sugar has dissolved. Place in the fridge.
2. To make the marinade, in a large bowl place the fish sauce, lime juice, brown sugar, black pepper, garlic, ginger, lemongrass, vegetable oil and the chilli paste with soya bean paste. Whisk well to combine, add the chicken wings. Toss to coat the chicken wings in the marinade and allow to marinate for 45 minutes in the fridge.
3. Preheat oven to 180C
4. Evenly space the chicken wings on trays lined with baking paper. Discard any left over marinade. Cook in the oven until the wings are golden brown and cooked through, approximately 40 minutes. Baste the wings every now and then with the pan juices.
5. Serve the wings on a platter with the Nam Jim sauce, sprinkle over the chopped peanuts and sliced spring onions and garnish with fresh coriander leaves.
Chilli paste with soya bean oil can be found in Asian grocers. This may be substituted with sriracha sauce or, for a milder version, use sweet chilli sauce.
• 1 packet MAGGI Italian Plant Based Mince
• 350g dry spaghetti
• 1 medium onion, chopped finely
• 1 medium carrot, grated or diced
• 1/4 cup tomato paste
• 400g can chopped tomatoes
No need to add extra salt.
1. Prepare the plant based mince by emptying sachet contents into a bowl and adding 1 cup (250ml) of water. Stir and leave for 10 minutes until the water is absorbed.
2. Cook spaghetti according to packet directions. Drain and keep warm.
3. Add 2 tsp oil to a large frying pan over medium-high heat. Add onion and carrot, and cook for 2-3 minutes or until softened. Then, add the plant based mince and cook for 1 minute.
4. Add tomato paste, 1/3 cup (80mL) water and tomatoes and bring to the boil. Reduce heat and simmer uncovered for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
5. Top spaghetti with Bolognese sauce. Serve with green salad if desired. Enjoy!
2 large potatoes, peeled and grated (600g)
1 small brown onion, grated
1 tbsp plain flour
½ cup light olive oil
4 poached eggs
1 large avocado, sliced
200g smoked salmon
Hollandaise sauce, store bought
Chervil sprigs or parsley leaves, to serve
1. Preheat oven to 160C. Place grated potato into a fine sieve and rinse under cold water until water runs clear. Using your hands squeeze as much liquid as possible from potatoes. Place into a clean tea towel and squeeze liquid from potatoes. (The drier the potatoes the crispier the hash browns). Combine potatoes, onion, flour, salt and pepper in a bowl.
2. Heat oil in a frying pan over a medium heat. Form 1/4 cups of potato mixture into patties and cook in batches for 3 minutes each side or until golden and crisp. Transfer to a tray. Repeat with remaining potato mixture. Place tray in oven to keep hash browns warm.
3. Place 2 potato rosti onto each serving plate. Top with avocado, salmon, poached egg and sauce. Sprinkle with herbs and serve.
Some 30 years ago Mary and John McCormick opened a fish and chip shop in Innisfail. From these humble beginnings grew the concept of creating a quality easy-to-mix readymade batter emerged. Their batter allowed a uniform product to be deep fried, and this became the vital difference in attracting customers. As time went by, they realised that the Mary
“Mary Mack’s Instant Batter” can be found on the shelves throughout the Australian Supermarket outlets as well as a growing number of overseas countries.
Mary McCormick Pty Ltd is a 100% owned private Company and the product uses 99% Australian grown ingredients. The product contains no preservatives, no artificial colourings or flavourings and is suitable for many uses domestically and for restaurants or fast food outlets.
Due to increased demand for the products, both nationally and internationally, a purpose-built factory, distribution and marketing office was setup. It now handles all manufacture, marketing and distribution of Mary Mack's products to the supermarkets, food service and export trade.
Mary supplies the base ingredients and continues to manufacture for the local North Queensland market.
Keep an eye out for the new Mary Mack’s Instant Batter packs in your supermarkets, now with great recipe ideas on the back.
Mary Mack’s Instant Batter 150g can batter up to 1kg seafood, chicken of vegetables.
8 -10 large green cabbage leaves
2 tbsp olive oil
1 onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
200g white mushrooms, finely diced
½ cup finely diced carrot
½ cup finely diced zucchini
250g microwaveable sachet of 7 ancient grains (see tips)
2 eggs
Salt and pepper to taste
2 x 390g cartons Rosella
Condensed Tomato Soup
1 cup (250ml) vegetable stock
Basil leaves for garnish
These vegetarian cabbage rolls cooked in Rosella Condensed Tomato Soup make a great family meal. Filled with rice, grains, mushrooms and more veggies, you can serve with mashed potato and crusty bread to soak up every drop of that tasty tomato soup. recipe supplied by www.myfoodbook.com.au
Serve with mashed potato and crusty bread
1. Steam cabbage leaves and set aside to cool (see tips). Heat oil in a large deep pan and cook onion, garlic and mushroom for 3 minutes. Add carrot and zucchini and continue cooking for a further 5 minutes or until softened. Transfer to a bowl and cool slightly
2. Add unheated 7 ancient grains sachet and eggs. Season with salt and pepper. Add 2 tbsp of condensed tomato soup to the mixture and mix well. Set aside
3. Transfer steamed cabbage to a chopping board and pat dry with paper towel. Cut out thick centre vein from each cabbage leaf. Spoon 2 heaped tbsp of mixture along the base of the leaf. Roll up cabbage leaf, folding in sides, to enclose filling. Repeat with remaining leaves and filling
4. Add condensed tomato soup and stock to a large deep pan. Bring to a simmer and nestle cabbage rolls in the sauce in a single layer. Cover. Reduce heat to low and simmer for 20-25 minutes
5. Garnish with basil and serve with mashed potato and crusty bread
250g (1 block) block Copha
180g packet Milk Chocolate M&M’s
160g (4 cups) Rice Bubbles
100g (1 cup) desiccated coconut
80g (2/3 cup) icing sugar mixture
35g (1/3 cup) cocoa powder
1. Line a 12-hole muffin pan (1/3-cup capacity) with paper cases.
2. Place Copha in a small saucepan and stir over a low heat until melted. Remove from heat. Stand 10 minutes to cool slightly.
3. Reserve 2 tbsp of the M&M’s and set aside. Combine Rice Bubbles, coconut and combined sifted sugar and cocoa in a large bowl. Add in the melted Copha and M&M’s and stir to combine.
4. Spoon crackle mixture evenly among prepared paper cases. Press reserved M&M’s on top of each crackle. Refrigerate for at least 1 hour or until set.
Store crackles in an airtight container the fridge for up to three to four days.
Polly Waffle Bites
Mini Marshmallows (or you could use 1 regular marshmallow per s'more)
Milk chocolate digestive biscuit
1. Take a piece of alfoil approx. 30cm X 30cm
2. Chop a handful of Polly Waffle Bites in half. Stack one milk chocolate digestive biscuit (choc side up), 3-4 Polly Waffle Bite halves and some mini marshmallows in the centre. Top with another milk chocolate digestive biscuit digestive biscuit (choc side down)
3. Wrap individual S’more in alfoil
4. Place on the corner of the campfire to melt and keep warm, while making the remaining ones
5. Eat your delicious Polly Waffle S’more while warm, like a sandwich
500 g chicken thigh
2 brown onions, cut into thick wedges
1 tsp each ground cumin, paprika, coriander, oregano
½ tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp salt
3 tbsp olive oil
1 large red onion, finely diced
1 mango, diced
Large handful coriander, roughly chopped
Juice 1 lime
1 avocado, cut into thin wedges
12 tortillas, warmed
1 fresh jalapeño, thinly sliced
- optional
Extra lime to serve
1. Combine the chicken, onion, spices, salt and half the olive oil in a large bowl. Leave to marinate for 10 minutes.
2. Meanwhile combine the red onion, mango, coriander, lime and season to taste.
3. Place a large pan over a medium high heat and add the remaining olive oil. Add the marinated chicken/onion mix and cook for 5-6 minutes, turning the chicken and onions throughout to caramelise and cook through. Add 1/4 cup water to the pan to deglaze all the delicious bits from the pan and stir that through, then transfer the contents of the pan to a bowl and slice the chicken into thin pieces.
4. Place the warmed tortillas down and top with avocado slices, chicken, caramelised onions, and the red onion, mango salsa. Add a couple of slices of jalapeño if using and serve with extra lime wedge.
Discover our easy, fresh & seasonal recipes the whole family will enjoy
Cats appreciate Winter more than most pets, getting cozy beside a warm vent or on the bed is right up there is one of their favourite to do. Cats also sleep more and eat less during Winter.
When Spring arrives, you may notice a new Spring in their step as the warmer weather and longer days entice them outside more, and they become more active and curious.
If your cat spends a lot of time looking out the window at the garden, birds, possibly other cats, or dogs, and doing a lot of vocalizing and pacing while looking, it’s a sign your cat yearns to have some outdoor time. Indoor cats are generally not well adapted to the outdoors so they could get themselves in trouble if unsupervised, if startled, they could just run off, so your best bet is to get a cat lead so you can go outside with the cat and let it explore the outdoors. Another thing cats love is height. A really good option is a high scratching post near a window, this allows your cat to get up high and get a great view of the garden. Cats love watching, they find it entertaining, and when it’s done in the safety of your house it’s a great alternative to, or will compliment trips outside.
Your cat me keen to start exploring, it may go further, be away longer and start scratching trees, eating grass, marking its territory, these are all normal behaviours as your cat enters Spring. Ensure your cat has a small bell on its collar to help keep the birds safe. Take a look around your trees for bird nests that may be vulnerable to cat attack and try to protect them- easier said than done as cats are excellent climbers and problem solvers. Cat fights. This can be a problem as cats start roaming, last year’s local cats me be bigger and stronger, male cats are looking for suiters and get aggressive, even if your cat is desexed. Keep an eye out for intruders in your cat's space/yard.
will groom a lot more in Spring as their Winter coat starts to shed, this can lead to cat coughing as it tries to get rid of any fur balls that may get stuck in its throat. The cat may not be the only one who suffers from the cat's grooming and shedding. Asthmatics, or those who get hay fever or allergies, or people who are allergic to cat saliva can have a reaction. So, at this time be mindful of visitors, if they have any of the above perhaps tell them not to pat the cat or do not get them sitting on the cat’s Favorite lounging cushion.
More activity means more hunger. Your cat might start meowing for dinner a little earlier than usual, if they do, that is a sign of hunger. You do not need to add a lot more, just a little more should do the trick.If your cat is killing birds and mice and eating them, this is not a sign of hunger, this is just their cat instinct kicking in.
These days there seems to be a day to celebrate everything and every cause. Now we can add to the list World Toilet Paper Day on August 23, and personally I can not think of a better product to celebrate.
They, (Google) say that toilet paper was first made commercially in 1857 and was called medical paper as it was believed to dramatically increase a person hygiene, it was not until the 1920’s that the term toilet paper was mainstream and appeared on branding and marketing.
You may wonder what people did prior to invention of toilet paper, we shudder to think of such thing, not sure I really want to know, apparently corn leaves and husks were popular and effective. The Roman’s had a communal sponge that was supposed to be washed out after each use, hmmmm, while leaves and moss were the farmers preferred choice. So, when the Covid pandemic hit, what was the first thing people panic bought, toilet paper, that’s right, not food, not water, but toilet paper. This says a lot about the humble toilet paper's rise to fame as an essential item. Also, without toilet paper how can we wrap up our drunk friends at parties, imaging a world where kids could not roll up wet toilet paper and stick it on the roof of the school toilet.
Cascade flows at the 200th birthday celebrations Politicians, brewery workers, and business representatives gathered at the Cascade Brewery to toast two centuries of endurance, innovation and the spirit of Tasmania.
The Pale Ale flowed as Cascade celebrated with live music, the cutting of a birthday cake and a toast to 200 years of Standing Proud. The 150 guests also heard from Tasmanian Premier the Hon Jeremy Rockliff MP and Deputy Lord Mayor of Hobart Councillor Dr Zelinda Sherlock about Cascade’s journey from humble sawmill to Tasmanian icon and Australia’s oldest brewery.
The Pale Ale flowed as Cascade celebrated with live music, the cutting of a birthday cake and a toast to 200 years of Standing Proud. The 150 guests also heard from Tasmanian Premier the Hon Jeremy Rockliff MP and Deputy Lord Mayor of Hobart Councillor Dr Zelinda Sherlock about Cascade’s journey from humble sawmill to Tasmanian icon and Australia’s oldest brewery.
Cascade has also released limited commemorative Cascade Draught 375mL cans emblazoned with the words “Standing proud for 200 years” that are on-sale until the end of the year. And later this year we’ll launch a unique new Cascade beer for Tasmania and the mainland
There will also be announcements regarding the 200th celebration soon.
Every September we celebrate Organics Month here in Australia. These days we all know what Organic means, and most of us do believe that organic products are better for us, and better for the environment. But is any benefit worth all the extra time and effort required to find the right organic product.
The good news is that if you are considering increasing your organic intake it’s easy, more often than not you will find organic products on the shelves of your regular supermarket. Gone are the days where organic products were only available at the Farmers Market or specialty stores.
You can increase your organic intake without changing your menu. You can find just about any organic substitute for your regular ingredients, the trick is knowing what the key ingredients are, this can be a stumbling block for many as it can soon go into the too hard basket. However, the main foods like vegies, meat, grains are all easy to find, no detective skills required.
Organic tastes awful!! Does it really? Most of the organic product you may substitute for your regular ingredient will taste just the same, it may even be better. The taste will be determined by the amount of the ingredient, and in most cases, you may find you can use the same ingredient, just the organic version not the processed version.
It’s hard enough getting the kids to eat a healthy balanced diet as it is, so try the slowly approach, a little less of the heavily processed product, and a little extra organic. With a bit of trial and error you should find some products that your kids/family will love, and they may not even know its organic.
Including more organic food in your diet won’t transform your family into hippies or mean you have now jumped on the bandwagon for some environmental cause. Choosing to eat more organic foods is just as much about a personal health choice that it is a “help the planet choice”