CWM Book Publications Flyer

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Council for World Mission

Publications on Discernment - Dr. Jione Havea - Dr Joerg Rieger - Dr Jin Young Choi - Dr Aruna Gnanadason - Joshua Samuel - Samuel Mall - Vinod Wesley - Mothy Varkey - Arvind Theodore - YT Vinayraj - Raj Bharat Patta - Samuel George - Gladson Jathanna - Viji Varghese Eapen - George Zacharia - Jude Lal Fernando - Claudio Carvalhaes - Vuyani Vellem - Patricia Sheerattan Bisnauth - Philip Peacock - Jesudas Athyal - Monica Melancthon - MP Joseph - Huang Po Ho - Victor Hsu -

DARE Global Forum Academic Resources

Religion and Power Dr Jione Havea

Scripture and Resistance Dr Jione Havea

People and Land Dr Jione Havea

Vulnerability and Resilience Dr Jione Havea

Mission and Context Dr Jione Havea

Thelogies on the Move Dr Joerg Rieger

MEDIAting Theology Dr Jione Havea

Faith, Class and Labor Dr Joerg Rieger and Dr Jin Young Choi

Doing Theology in the New Normal Global Perspectives Dr Jione Havea

Bible Blindspots: Dispersion and Othering Monica J. Melanchthon and Jione Havea

Decolonizing Eco-theology: ndigenous and Subaltern Challenges S. Lily Mendoza and George Zachariah

Resisting Occupation: A Global Struggle for Liberation Miguel A. De La Torre and Mitri Raheb

Church as Event: Perspectives from the Margins

DARE Context Reading Resources

Jonah: An Earth Bible Commentary Dr Jione Havea

Losing Ground: Reading Ruth in the Pacific Dr Jione Havea

Church and Gender Justice Dr Aruna Gnanadason

Church and Religious Diversity Joshua Samuel and Samuel Mall

Church and Climate Justice Vinod Wesley

Church and Diakonia in the age of COVID 19 Mothy Varkey

Church and Human Sexuality Arvind Theodore

Faith in the age of Empire YT Vinayraj

Dalitekklesia: A Church from Below Raj Bharat Patta

Church and Disability Samuel George

Decolonising Oikomene Gladson Jathanna

With many Voices: Liturgies in Contexts Viji Varghese Eapen (Ed)

The Word Becoming Flesh George Zacharia

Resistance to Empire and Militarization: Reclaiming the Sacred Jude Lal Fernando (Ed)

Faith in the Face of Militarization: Indigenous, Feminist, and Interreligious Voice Jude Lal Fernando (Ed)

Bible and Theology from the underside of Empire Vuyani Vellem, Patricia Sheerattan Bisnauth and Philip Peacock

Prophets from the South

From the ends of the World: Prayers in defiance of Empire Claudio Carvalhaes (Ed)

Wrestling with God in context: Revisiting the theology and social vision of Shoki Coe M P Joseph, Huang Po Ho, Victor Hsu

Prophet from the South: Essays in honour of Allan Aubrey Boesak (2014) P. Dibeela, P. Lenka-Bula & V. Vellem (Eds.)

The Life and Witness of M M Thomas: Only participants earn the right to be prophets Jesudas Athyal, George Zacharia, Monica Melancthon

Theologies from the Pacific Jione Havea

Religion, Patriarchy and Empire FestschriftIn Honour of Mercy Amba Oduyoye Lilian Siwila and Fundiswa Kobo

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