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Caribbean Youth Intiative

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wenty-three (23) youths, young adults and resource persons gathered in Kingston, Jamaica for the Caribbean Youth Ini�a�ve from 13-16 October. In partnership with the Caribbean and North America Council for Mission (CANACOM), the CWM Caribbean Region staff worked with a small planning group to plan and organize the event. Par�cipants came from the Cayman Islands, Guyana, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica, and Britain with our par�cipant from the Dominican Republic unable to join the event. Par�cipants gathered around the CWM theme ‘Rising to Life’ exploring ‘LIFE’ in terms of Leadership, Iden��es, Faithfulness and Empowerment. The methodology deployed was interac�ve and

included table/group work, input through facilita�on, visits, arts, music, drama, worship and many opportuni�es for ongoing conversa�on through social gatherings and networking. The opening evening of ge�ng to know each other, through games and crea�ve depic�ons was a brilliant introduc�on of the par�cipants, their gi�ings, and their roles in respec�ve churches. The range included: students – den�st – ministerial students – sugar analyst – journalist – musician – youth workers – teachers, and more. Exci�ng bible studies and crea�ve worship focused on leadership, iden�ty and belonging while facilitated input sessions deployed drama and other social media means to explore marginal bible characters and their leadership styles; a variety of methods to explore iden�ty and belonging; and insights into doing theological reflec�ons drawing on a wide range of resources. Our theological reflector used both prac�cal and helpful tools to facilitate grounded reflec�ons and conversa�ons from the par�cipants. And as part of the working outcomes, the group iden�fied a number of follow items, expressed their commitment to cascading the learning points, and came up with a plan of ac�on.

In the open evalua�on and summing up par�cipants expressed their delight on the �mely nature of the gathering; the well-thought-out programme and relevant theme; and expressed both the energizing nature of the event and their commitment to con�nue working in their own contexts to encourage the work of youths in the life of their churches. The event provided a safe, challenging, encouraging, and refreshing space for the young par�cipants.

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