1 minute read


The unbridled growth and increasing influence of mega-corpora�ons such as Apple and Amazon has given them power to be treated differently, to rewrite the rules on wages, taxes and laws along the way. Google and Facebook’s systema�c exploita�on of our data, and market-driven surveillance violate core democra�c principles, and coupled by the blurring line between the state and mega-corpora�ons, a storm is brewing in both the U.S and Europe. Will the corpora�ons con�nue on this dangerous trajectory or do we s�ll have a chance to rein them in?


The past decade has seen the rise of cyberspace armament, with digital mercenaries selling spy so�ware to authoritarian regimes and criminal hackers tackling targets to profit their clients. Priva�za�on of violence and war in the grey zone is a thriving business, replacing the role of armies in shadow wars when states do not wish to send their official armies into ba�le. Having depleted its military resources in two wars, the U.S is opera�ng outside official war zones, with the U.S Special Forces now conduc�ng targeted killings using drones, hacks and surveillance technologies; Russia destablised Ukraine with digital weaponry and state-subsidised hacking.

Is the priva�za�on of violence ushering us into a world dominated by wars, with the lines between war and peace blurred?


The second series of United Reformed Church (URC)’s podcast explores Chris�an discipleship and mission and what it means to be Walking in the Way of Jesus today. Listeners will hear about climate ac�vism from Rev. Kate Gray; feminism by Philippa Osei and Victoria Turner; An�-racism by Karen Campbell, and on war by Rev. Jacob Bali.

Episodes will be published fortnightly and can be accessed via Anchor, Spo�fy and other major podcast pla�orm by searching for “The United Reformed Church Podcast”.


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