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WCRC to open Ecumenical office in Rome

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Image by WCRC

he World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) will be opening an ecumenical office in Rome, Italy in 2023, in partnership with the Waldensian Evangelical Church and the Church of Scotland to strengthen its ecumenical commitment and par�cipate more fully in the vibrant, important ecumenical discussions held in Rome.

“Today as never before, we are called as churches to rekindle the spirit of ecumenism in the life of the church worldwide, against any spirit of distancing. As Chris�an churches sharing a common confession of Christ as Lord, we are called to work together towards making visible the unity that Christ has already given to us,” said Rev. Najla Kassab, WCRC president.

Created in the spirit of strong coopera�on, the Office will maintain the link between the Reformed churches and their ecumenical partners in Rome and present significant Reformed ini�a�ves to the ecumenical community of the city, while maintaining its commitment to peace and jus�ce, added Claudio Pasquet, a pastor in the Waldensian Evangelical Church and member of the WCRC Execu�ve Commi�ee.

The Waldensian Church will provide the physical space for the office while the Church of Scotland will provide the staff person, whose �me will be split between the ecumenical office and pastoring St. Andrew’s Church in Rome.

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