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LWF Celebrates 75th Anniversary
LWF General Secretary Anne Burghardt during her address at the celebrations of the 75th anniversary of the GNC/LWF. Photo: TSK/Paul-Philipp Braun
The German Na�onal Commi�ee (GNC), which was founded a few months a�er The Lutheran World Federa�on, marked its 75th anniversary at the historic Wartburg Castle in Eisenach, Germany on 7 October. The celebra�on was a�ended by guests from the church, poli�cs and society, par�cipants of the Church Leaders’ Consulta�on of the Central and Western Europe Region, and more.
During the LWF General Secretary’s address, Rev. Anne Burghardt explained the LWF’s four pillars - service to those in need; joint efforts in theology; joint ecumenical efforts; and common ini�a�ves in mission - star�ng from its founding years and their relevance today. For the past seven decades, LWF has constantly strived for “communion despite the cultural, theological and poli�cal plurality that the member churches bring with them”, added Klaus Fitschen, Chair of the Historical Commission of the GNC/LWF during the event.
LWF, together with ecumenical partners Council for World Mission (CWM), World Council of Churches (WCC) and World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC), have sought to develop churches’ competencies in economics and strengthen their voice on global economics through the Ecumenical School on Governance, Economics and Management (GEM) for an Economy of Life. For several years, this programme within the New Interna�onal Financial and Economic Architecture (NIFEA) project has endeavoured to build economic literacy in churches by equipping par�cipants with the tools and languages to effec�vely advocate for urgent transforma�ons in the global financial and economic sector.