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Get Kids to eat Healthy

At some point during parenthood, everyone struggles with feeding their children the right foods. Is it green enough? Does it have the right vitamins? Will it help support their immune system? Picking the right foods alone is a hard job, but what do you do when your kids won't even touch the healthy stuff on their plates? Here are five helpful tips from Nutrilite senior research scientist, Holiday Zanetti, who also happens to be a mom with a Ph.D. in nutrition.


Try new things

Don't be afraid to try new things and expose your kids to the vast world of nutritious foods. Who knows what your kids might like? Maybe you grew up hating Brussels sprouts and green beans, but there is a chance your little ones might love them. Holiday said expanding their exposure to diverse foods will only help them find more stuff they like. A good way to introduce new foods is by putting food they have not tried next to foods that are tried and true. Placing the new offering alongside their favorite meal may make them feel more comfortable trying something for the first time.

Lead by example

Monkey see, monkey do. Kids learn so much from their parents, including talking, walking, reading, writing and more. Along with all the other traits and habits kids pick up from family members, Holiday said children also mimic loved ones' eating habits.

You don't have to drop your fun and easy family meals like pizza Fridays or donuts for breakfast on Sundays. Just make sure you balance those out on other days with more vegetables and fruits so that your children can get used to nutritious food.

Play with your food

Holiday urges parents to bring imagination into eating to avoid making it boring. She said society has outgrown the "Don't play with your food" mindset and evolved into an era where using your other senses while you eat is more fun and accepted.

Disguise foods they don't like

By far the easiest thing you can do as a parent, Holiday said, is sneaking something your child hasn't tried into something they love. There is a good chance that in the heat of the moment, your kids won't even know what they are eating. For example, cauliflower is rich in nutrients and has a taste that can easily be incorporated into your meals. Examples of fun meals with cauliflower are a garlic cauliflower mash (tastes like mashed potatoes) or cauliflower "fried rice."

Cook with your kids

Lastly, introduce your kids to the fun of cooking. They might turn out to be a huge help in the kitchen. Letting them mix the salad, pour the oil or peel the corn are all fun ways to let your kids get hands on with their food. Incorporating your kids into the process of making their meal will help them connect with their food and make them more inclined to eat it. Plus, cooking skills will benefit them throughout life.

Nutritional supplements

If you are worried about your kids not getting the right vitamins and minerals, consider incorporating supplements specifically formulated for children into their daily routine.

Nutrilite supplements offer a wide range of products for kids that make it fun for them to get their daily dose of essential vitamins and minerals, including gummies, fast-melt powders and jelly splats. Kids aren't always going to be easy to feed, so these fun, tasty and convenient supplements make it easy for parents to fill any gaps in their child's daily nutrition.

Learn more

Between the goodness of nutrient-packed supplements and a few sneaky veggie tricks, rest assured your picky eater will be getting all the good nutrition they need. For more tips on healthy living, visit amwayconnections.com.

Meet Ester from Campbell River Canada. Ester is another amazing lady who has decided to work from home with another incredible company. You have to ask yourself if you like to eat? Yes we know that is a silly question to ask, I mean really who does not like to eat. But seriously the question we should be asking is how healthy is your eating and more importantly how healthy does your family eat?

When Ester decided she wanted to work from home she found a company that fit exactly what she was searching for. A company that focuses on healthy eating, spending more time as a family around the dinner table and enjoying life more. A lot of people don’t realize that the statement “You are what you Eat” Is true. I mean think about it, if you constantly eat fast food and unhealthy choices you will become exactly that. Someone who is sick, looks unwell, as well as other side effects.

But if you are someone who eats healthy and cares about what you put in your body you will mimic that on the outside as well as inside.

Esther works with a company that focuses on several things. Matter of fact if you visit her website you will see it can give you a million reasons why the company she works with is a positive choice. Families now days are starving for healthier choices at home. They are also in need of an extra income. So when you think about the possibilities of helping your family become healthier with food choices and make money on the side it is a win win for everyone. Ester is a wife, mother and grandmother. She loves her family and she wanted to provide for them the best way she could. She chose this company because it allowed her to be a social entrepreneur and meet people like you, someone who needs to work from home, and someone who she would love to help.

With all the companies available online you have to winder why Ester chose this one. And it’s simple really. Just in the USA alone 97% of families are searching for healthier choices. That’s almost 100%. That means almost everyone she comes in contact is a potential customer. This company offers world-class training, and a professional website to help her grow her business.

The best thing for you is she is ready and willing to show you everything about the business and see if it’s a good fit for you. All you have to do is reach out to Ester and ask for info. It’s free and you can rest assured that Ester will help you decide if this for you or not. There is no pressure with Ester, only guidance and knowledge. To reach out personally to Ester contact her through Facebook @esterheidel

Whether it’s your child’s first day of kindergarten or the start of middle school, back-to-school season can bring a range of feelings – from worry to excitement – for the entire family. This year may be more emotional as many families spent the better part of the past two school years at home due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“It’s important to remember that even in the best of times, it’s normal for children to express feelings of sadness, isolation or stress,” said Tyreca Elliott, from KinderCare Learning Centers’ inclusion services team. “Learning how to address those feelings helps us build self-confidence, resilience and independence. What’s important is the way adults respond to children’s stress. Offering comfort, reassurance and assisting with problem solving will help children learn and grow from stress in a positive way.”

As an added bonus, Elliott said many of the most effective ways to help children learn to navigate their feelings work just as well with adults. Consider these three tips to help your children (and yourself) manage emotions during the transition back to school. Plan ahead: The fear of the unknown can be stressful. Children who aren’t able to clearly articulate their feelings likely won’t be able to make the connection between new, uncertain situations – like going to school and being around other people – and their feelings. Instead they may become overwhelmed by emotions, which might look like more meltdowns, clinginess or a variety of other behaviors. Talk with your children about how they feel about going back to school ahead of the first day of class. Ask questions to help them determine why they feel particular feelings when they think about school then work together to solve potential issues. That could mean finding a way to meet your children’s teachers ahead of time, whether virtually or in-person, or practicing introducing themselves to classmates.

Build a consistent routine: Routines can give children (and adults) a sense of security and structure, which in turn make it easier to cope with big emotions like stress and anxiety. Try to stay consistent, and if you need to make adjustments, talk them through with your children. Be sure to mention key milestones instead of times, particularly if they can’t tell time yet. Make sure your children have opportunities to ask questions about any changes to routines. They may need reassurance before they’re ready to face something new.

Create special family moments: As important as routine is, it’s just as important to prioritize quality time together. That could mean a vacation or something as simple as Saturday bike rides or Sunday morning pancakes. Plan a family outing or special time together to celebrate completing the first week of school. Family rituals and celebrations can give children and adults something to look forward to. Quality time together also helps families build resiliency.

For more tips to navigate back-to-school season, visit kindercare.com.

Student wellness is a key part of success in school, especially this year. While proactive measures like increased hand washing are widely implemented, it's important not to overlook oral health like a sensitive tooth, throbbing mouth pain or even a cavity. These are signs of tooth decay that can have an incredible impact on kids' quality of life, including their ability to attend to school.

In fact, according to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, kids will miss 34 million school hours each year due to oral health issues. By helping kids learn to properly care for their teeth, you can encourage good oral health so they don't have to miss school due to tooth decay. Here are some easy tips for going the extra smile with your family this year from Crest and Oral-B.

1. Follow the 2 minutes/2x a day rule: Brush for 2 minutes, two times a day. Every morning and night have kids brush teeth with a fluoride toothpaste, such as Crest Kid's Cavity Protection Sparkle Fun Toothpaste paired with an Oral-B Kids brush that's gentle on enamel but tough on cavities. If it helps, set a timer to track the 2 minutes and count down to a healthier smile.

2. Encourage good oral habits: It's never too early or late to improve brushing habits. To make brushing fun for kids, use a habit tracker or reward system. Things like adding stickers on a calendar, checking off a to-do list and celebrating with a movie night can make brushing fun.

3. Be a role model: Lead by example by brushing regularly and prioritizing your own oral health. Show proper brushing technique and help build environmental responsibility such as turning off the faucet while brushing or recycling oral care waste. Children's minds are like little sponges soaking up what they see and hear, so be a champion for oral health.

4. Promote healthy eating: Good nutrition plays an important role in the health and cleanliness of your teeth, gums and mouth. Encourage a nutritious diet featuring things like leafy greens, apples, protein-packed nuts, and dairy like milk and yogurt.

"At Crest and Oral-B, we want to make sure all kids start the school year with a healthy smile," said Carlos Quintero, vice president, North America Oral Care, P&G. "That's why we're proud to partner with Feeding America to donate oral care products to families and communities in need this season to prevent the loss of school hours due to tooth decay."

Meet Real Mom Jen. Jen, is a wife and mother to one adorable daughter. It really shows the love women have for their children when they want to spend every minute with them. We believe this stands true for Jen, and it shows in everything she does with her life. Jen has a wonderful testimony of how she started working from home. It all begins with the desire to want to make your family better. To help them with more time, freedom and of course to do that you need more income.

Our choices today are slim, you either get a part time job outside the home, leave your family and put your time somewhere else, or you find something you are passionate about and you find a company that can help you make that income from home, all while being with your family.

Jen who is also known as the

As found something she is truly passionate about. And she has branded herself in this field. her she won’t make it. She knows how to overcome fear and create success. For you, she can help you enjoy working from home, become part of her amazing team, and work together to help not only your families but others out there that need the extra income too.

To connect with Jen, and hear more about her story find her on Facebook @/OiLoveEducator

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