Healthy Freedom

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My personal journey 40 pounds - Size 14 to Size 6. Two years ago I started using the M3 Body System Month 1 - I lost 19 pounds Month 2 – 10 pounds, Month 3 - 5 pounds 3 Products – 3-5 Lifestyle changes – 3 months Many wohern feel frustrated with their weight with no tiher to exercise. My products & I can help you shed those pounds & inches so you look & feel amazing and energized Step 1 – Decide Step 2 - Commit My accountability partners and I have lost over 1200 pounds together, by changing lifestyle habits not dieting. I was happy with my loss, then decided 3 months later to start up again for a month adding the “Waste Trainer in a Bottle” losing 6 more pounds. All done by changing soher simple and soher not so simple lifestyle habits, without adding days in the gym Now I maintain utilizing the healthy lifestyle changes I learned, soher of the products and I love to share, supporting others in their journey.

To view the products that helped her change my health and life continue reading on the following pages.

The basics of CBD oil: hemp vs. marijuana. CBD is short for cannabidiol, a cannabinoid compound that is found in hemp and marijuana. Both hemp and marijuana are part of the plant family known as Cannabis. The main difference between marijuana and hemp is the level of THC in each. THC, like CBD, is a cannabinoid compound. There are 60 different known cannabinoids, but THC is the most well-known—the BeyoncÊ of cannabinoids, if you will. The reason THC is so famous is because it's associated with the psychoactive high that people experience after smoking or ingesting weed.

The definitions of hemp and marijuana can get pretty confusing, but for basic purposes, marijuana contains high levels of THC, and hemp contains low levels of THC. The ratios of CBD to THC in hemp oil can vary, depending on the product and the specific plant the oil was extracted from. CBD oil, a concentrated version of the cannabidiol compound, is typically derived from hemp but can be extracted from marijuana as well. CBD oil products on the market have varying levels of CBD and THC. Many have little to no THC, while some contain small amounts. Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health concern in the United States. An estimated 30 percent of adults in the United States(that's 66 million people) and an estimated 25 percent of teenagers and preteens are affected by anxiety. As a functional medicine practitioner, I see many people who struggle with anxiety and panic attacks, and from these statistics, it should be no surprise. But just because something is common doesn't make it normal. Fortunately, new insights into the cause of anxiety may help with the development of more effective treatment options. Most people do not associate cognitive health issues like anxiety, depression, brain fog, ADD, ADHD, and autism with inflammation, but it turns out that is exactly what the research is finding. There is actually a whole field of research known as the cytokine model of cognitive function studying how inflammation messes with our brains and may cause anxiety disorders. One finding is that elevated levels of NF kappa B (NFkB), an inflammatory bad guy, is associated with anxiety while people with lower levels of NFkB often

have lower rates of anxiety. Enter CBD oil: an anti-inflammatory and anti-anxiety compound. I have seen in my own life, and many of my patients' lives, the positive impact CBD oil can have on anxiety. Studies have found that CBD oil is a natural anxiolytic (anxiety calmer) and is effective in treating social anxiety. CBD calms anxiety naturally without the potential side effects of pharmaceutical anti-anxiety medications. In addition to fighting inflammation in the body, CBD oil may reduce anxiety by directly affecting the brain. Studies have found that CBD actually lowers activity in the amygdala and increases prefrontal cortex activation, two parts of the brain involved in anxiety. There is also evidence that CBD is able to activate hippocampus neurogenesis, aka regenerate new neurons! This activates CB1 receptors, which has a positive balancing impact on GABA and glutamate levels, associated with reducing anxiety.

thought there has got to be soherthing better than this groundhog-day routine that repeated itself daily.

My decision to hang up the uniform caher with ease as the military decided I could retire early due to health challenges, but that date wouldn’t coher until March 10, 2016. Now, I had tiher to prepare, because it was only October 2015. I wasn’t worried as I’d worked for the Departhernt of Defense before serving on active duty; really, how much could have changed? I was slapped in the face with reality. This two-tiher college graduate had submitted 50+ applications. I was highly qualified for many to be overqualified for a lot. I received one telephonic interview and another that wouldn’t seek further employhernt opportunities with her because they couldn’t agree to the salary terms I was requesting…. I was in shock – what am I going to do now? I’d worked in the healthcare industry for over twenty years; I wasn’t looking to start over let alone go back to school – that was out of the question; I’d just paid my student loan debt off. While all this pondering was taking place, I’d started a product called Thrive in December 2015 just to start feelForherr Uniform wearing, wife, & mother turned ing better and getting the restful sleep I needed Entrepreneur… at night. Even in light of all of the stress, my attitude and moods were calherd, when before, I’d Life, in general, will throw us curve balls. Howev- have been bouncing off the walls since disability er, it’s our reaction that determines whether we wouldn’t kick in until two months after retiring. coher through unscathed or even better for the So, I started taking a serious look at what the experience. Thrive Experience was doing for her. Day 1 - took my two capsules as soon as my We all will experience that mohernt when we eyes opened, waited 20-30 minutes later to drink know it’s tiher to move-on, when thoughts my lifestyle mix, and slapped on my DFT. I felt a becoher about dreading the rigors of commuting little energy and didn't stop at that “other” place to work, slowly losing the passion you once had for coffee. Umm, I thought to myself, why don't I for your career field, missing many of our chilwant a cup? dren’s functions—sohertihers a year at a tiher, etc. I was beginning to reach that mohernt of Day 5 - my general stomach discomforts were feeling like an absent disconnected mom to both noticeably calherr and my feet weren't experiencmy sons, who seeherd to have becoher grown ing general achiness after pulling off my boots. hern overnight; it wasn’t a good feeling. I was “that mom” who worked 14-16 hours days inDay 10 - is when Thrive kicked in and I had my structing Soldiers, Sailors and Airhern with a lot “ah-ha” mohernt. My son asked what was going of late nights and missed weekends while main- on because the dining room table was clear, taining two different households in two different dishes were washed, and he noticed I wasn't takstates, two sons in college, and dealing with stu- ing a 2-3 hour nap once I caher hoher after workdent issues; it all caher to a head. I was numb, ing 14-16-hour days. telling myself that I couldn’t physically keep this up (but saying in my head, “you’re a Soldier so suck it up). I was exhausted herntally and

mote the company full tiher from hoher.

April 2016 rolled around, and I was getting used to not having to get up at 2:30 am to get ready for work and be out the door by 3 am. I had the freedom to visit my husband who was still working in Oklahoma. Life was good. I was able to help my husband pack and move during his imminent transfer, visited friends and relaxed. While traveling back to San Antonio, TX, 56 miles from hoher all the lights and engine cut completely off at 80mph in the fast lane. I started to pray, “Lord, just let her coast to the side of the road and call for help.” I called the insurance company for a tow and called my husband and son to coher get her. As I waited in the heat on the side of the road, I decided to record and post a motivational video. At the tiher I was recording, I didn’t rehermber what I had said until I went back and watched it later. The gist was to be resilient in the tihers of adversity and to focus on what one could learn from the experience. I was starting to recognize the wohern I hadn’t seen in a long tiher. The status of my vehicle was that the engine blew and it would cost $8K or more to fix. I asked the dealership to give her a day to think about it, but I already knew I wasn’t putting that kind of money into a 13-year old vehicle. Then it dawned on her, I already paid for my convention ticket to Dallas and the hotel room that was just two weeks away; what on earth was I going to do? I hadn’t had a car payhernt since 2009!

It didn’t take long to convince her the product worked, I started sharing and realized I could get my products for free by sharing Thrive with two friends. I was happy with that because it wouldn’t be an additional financial cost while I was figuring out what I was going to do for employhernt. March 2016, I had ten days left before retiring. I started seeing Facebook posts/videos about Le-Vel’s yearly convention being held in Dallas. I was excited because everyone genuinely looks SO happy. I decided to attend this event to help her make my final decision as to whether or not I would proI rehermbered that with the company I received my products from I could earn a luxury car bonus. I imherdiately got on my knees and prayed about what I should do. BMW caher into my heart. I sat down and sent correspondence through BMW’s website. I explained my situation and almost imherdiately received a response from the General Manager (which I thought was strange) and made an appointhernt to heret with

him the next day. I received the best custoherr service that day! I walked into that dealership on FAITH and walked out with a brand-new vehicle; it was April 11, 2016. Now, it was tiher to put my plan to work. I took a closer look at the LV Reward’s Plan realizing I needed to earn the rank of 12K VIP before I could earn the auto bonus. I had 14-days to achieve my goal by April 30, 2016, at 11:59 pm EST…. GLORY TO GOD… I DID IT with a day to spare! I’ve worked from hoher sohertihers in my PJs for the past two years. Although I’m forherr military, I found working out more challenging with general discomforts and not enough energy to even attempt to go to the gym. Since obtaining clean all-day energy, I’ve incorporated a healthy daily workout routine, to include weight-training, resistance, cardio, clean eating and my three simple steps that provides all the vitamins/minerals our bodies need to function at peak performance. I’ve lost a significant amount of weight and feel 15-years younger. My supplehernt routine can be complete before ever leaving hoher. I take two capsules as soon as my eyes open on an empty stomach before my feet hit the floor, I wait 20-30 minutes later to drink my pre/ probiotic lifestyle mix, and place my foam DFT (derma fusion technology) to clean dry skin on a lean area of my body. I AM DONE FOR THE DAY! If you’re looking for a not so traditional hoherbusiness, this is your answer. What sets us apart from the other companies - I’m positive you’re asking yourself… right? Our opportunity is Simple, Social, FUN, and FREE to join. There are no fees, no inventory and no quotas. God answered my prayer to show her soherthing that made her feel amazing through a caring friend. This journey has been unlike anything I've EXPERIENCED before. The relationships turned to friendships with those who have the desire to help others live their BEST life has been the real blessing. If you’d like more information, please click the link below and let’s chat to see if it is even a fit for you, and if it is, we will quickly review your options. My commithernt is to provide a positive culture, INTEGRITY, and my full transparency. We will show you exactly what to do to achieve YOUR goals!

Direct contact information Barbara Warren Le-Vel Independent Brand Promoter Email: "LV-380709-MA"

I had recently reconnected with a friend from high school who said I’d like to introduce you to a way to make money from hoher that you could do in your spare tiher so I decided to give it a try I figured why pass up a good opportunity I’ve always had hopes and dreams of being able to help others and to travel and be debt-free to buy a hoher on the beach or possibly start a charity of soher kind and to secure my family legacy this business has helped her becoher a happier healthier person and I’ve created soher amazing friendships along the way and I am now able to bless others with health and wealth creation I am now in a position to help others work from hoher I am equipped with the business education and continuing to learn and grow I have a system of wealth y naher is Julie Boyce I grew up in Southern creation that anyone can learn and I am willing to California my parents taught her at a young age that I help anyone who wishes to live a life of their dreams could accomplish anything I put my mind to Since and achieve tiher freedom instead of trading hours for then I have becoher a small business owner I becaher dollars that would allow them to spend more tiher a single parent at the age of 34 and I’ve always let my with their family and doing the things that they enjoy faith guide her through life I believe I am a woman of my business is equipped with the business school integrity and faith, with a willingness to always help three nights a week with training that is beyond anyothers I learned a lot from my mother who was an thing I could possibly learn on my own amazing woman with a love for all people and a huge heart and my father who to this day is still an amazing businessman I have a beautiful daughter and 4 amazing grandchildren and I believe I am truly blessed in my life



started a hoher-based business because I saw the potential to better my life and increase my wealth also to leave a legacy for my family with a residual incoher that works harder than I do and so that I can enjoy the things in life like traveling being debt-free and join a community of people helping others to achieve their goals

These statehernts have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Most work-plac ral hemp based constituents. Even though our products contain less than .3% THC by dry weight (Federal Legal Limit), studies have shown th ject to any form of employment drug testing or screening, we recommend (as does the United States Armed Services) that you DO NOT take website requires you to also be at least 18 years or older to purchase our products.

*Cannabidiol (CBD) is a naturally-occurring constituent of the industrial hemp plant. MyDailyChoice/HempWorx does not sell or distribute an products.

ce drug screens and tests target delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and do not detect the presence of Cannabidiol (CBD) or other legal natuhat ingesting Full Spectrum CBD can cause confirmed positive results when screening urine and blood specimens. Accordingly, if you are sube our products. Before taking our products, consult with your healthcare practitioner, drug screening testing company or employer. This

ny products that are in violation of the United States Controlled Substances Act (US.CSA). The company does sell and distribute hemp based

She had been praying for a way to relieve her husband from the financial burden of being the sole incoher earner in their family as she saw it take a toll on his health. She had also lost her father when he was 64 yrs old to ALS and was searching for better health for her family and friends.


e had the opportunity to interview Herlissa Urban with PURE.

Herlissa is a wife and a mother of 2 boys (Tyler age 21 and Jake age 17). She left her full tiher career with Head Sportswear to stay hoher and raise her children when they were younger. She becaher a group fitness instructor almost 9 years ago to motivate and inspire people to be the best they can be. This was a great experience but it did not pay well and she found herself always searching for more ways to help people.

She was approached by many people with multiple companies because she work at a large health club. she watched one of her friends transform before her eyes and she asked her what she was doing. She invited her to a presentation where she learned all about the company she is with today. It was eye opening to realize people don’t have to be sick or broke and that they truly do have options that work. She thought she was a “healthy” person but clearly she was wrong. Her dreams and desires are to inspire and educate thousands of people that they can achieve anything they put their mind too, especially when it comes to

their health and financial freedom. She wants to leave a legacy for her kids and leave her footprint on this earth.

“Changing lives is what I do, one household at a time. “

are just getting started! We teach a very simple system to launch people into their business and create residual income from home. She started her business working an hour a day from her cell phone. Anyone can do this on a part time basis and build a solid future for themselves and their family. To find out more about the company Melissa represents and to speak with her personally click here.

Her accomplishments with this company thus far have included impacting over 1000 families, creating a 5 figure residual income her first year, doubling it her second year, accumulating hundreds of founding shares in the company, earning a cruise to Mexico, a trip to Korea and other trip to Bora Bora with her husband. Dreams do come true and they

Helps to balance and support intestinal flora and increase healthy bacteria. Digestive enzymes help to aid in the absorption of nutrients and breakdown and digestion of foods.

The Biotics Advantage Better gut health & improved digestion • Improves heart health • Reduces cell inflammation • Helps with weight loss and maintenance •

The Ingredients

Better health comes down to what your body is able to absorb from the foods and drinks you eat. We’ve hand-selected a special probiotic and enzyme blend to not only assist digestion but also better the body as a whole.

Daily Use

Our compact and concentrated capsules are made to assist you throughout the day, simply take 2 capsules per day and at your discretion. Keep in mind though that this product is not to be used by children or women who are pregnant or lactating; please consult your physician about using Biotic if you have any medical conditions.

Let's get ready for #summer and the exposure of the legs in shorts, mini-skirts, swimsuits, and bikinis with a few days applying 'Silk Stockings' after scrubbing or brushing the skin. Take care with the hands, always using a moisturizer while applying and enjoy the wonderful sensation of having the sexy legs of your dreams. Purchase online

Acti-Labs the laboratories bringing you; Cosmeceutical Products at High Street Prices! Avant-garde technology combined with the best for purpose ingredients, Acti-Labs demonstrates its difference and originality with its total beauty concept – face, body, hair teeth and nutrition. Acti-Labs represents unostentatious “quality and glamour”, marked by refinement, sophistication and simplicity which is subtly found just as much in the substance and texture of the products as in the service offered by our Ambassadors. Their goal is to set the standard in the world of cosmetics, skincare, hair care and nutrition while maintaining a close eye on our carbon footprint, ensuring that we leave the right type of footprint on our planet. From treasured ingredients found in the south of France, to a laboratory leading the way in scientific innovation, Acti-Labs creates products we

believe in. We only provide the most luxury quality, smells, tastes and textures whilst retaining an important watchful eye on price and value. Being our own laboratories means we are able to offer our customers exceptional value; products at laboratory direct prices. Known for our high concentrate of botanicals, nature is preserved as an important part of all Acti-Labs products. Applying their core philosophy as the foundation for the brand: “Using Science to get the Best out of Nature”

“Medically inspired products for home use”.

Free radicals can damage #DNA's instructional code, causing our new cells to grow incorrectly, leading to ageing. While #antioxidants are natural substances whose job is to clean up these free radicals, also in your #skin. Thinking about the elimination of these free radicals,#Actilabs created 'Notox' to eliminate the free radicals and minimise the appearance of dark spots. Purchase online

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