Successful Women Magazine June 2021

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Crystal has worked in the banking industry for over seven years and is currently employed by a national leading bank. She serves as their Financial Service Licensed Representative and Platform Coach. Crystal uses her expertise to create customized financial solutions for her diversified clientele, whose needs vary in retirement, investment, and financial preparing. She guides business owners from planning stages to understanding their financial reports. Crystal McLean knew that stopping with the present generation of men and women was not enough. Her impactful role at her local assembly as a Youth Pastor solidified her passion for young people and their well being. She believes that financial literacy is essential and every individual deserves to have access to resources that will position them for a successful future.


One main mission that Crystal has is to reach and teach youth the importance of saving, investing, money management, and the impact of it all.

eing a single mother for years and learning how to be creative and strategic financially, this was With the rising generation on her mind, there was no the final catalyst that began her journey of better way to teach about youthful health in wealth than by financial freedom. demonstrating it through illustration. Crystal McLean created Harmoney & the Empty Piggybank, an international Amazon best seller, as a comprehensive Crystal McLean rudimentary guide on what saving, investing, is an alumnus of entrepreneurship, spending, and planning looks like. Fayetteville State It allows young people to know that obtaining and University where maintaining wealth is achievable at all ages. To accompany she obtained her the book, Crystal created the #WealthyBoxes. These boxes Bachelor of provide additional resources to help apply the concepts Science degree in learned from the book. It also allows children to have Banking and items that they can specifically call their own. Finance. With a Crystal’s continued pursuit allowed for the expansion of desire to assist her mission. Partnering with a local nonprofit in the city of individuals on another financial Fayetteville, NC, she was able to host a workshop with the Boys and Girls club that gave the opportunity to discuss level, she the fundamentals of money, debit versus credit, received her entrepreneurship, and how to prepare for each financial series 6 and series 63 licenses goal. from Kaplan University.

Crystal believes that by spreading the wealth of financial knowledge, it will allow others to become financially

“My daughter and I waited by the door for this book! When I say we weren't disappointed! This book lives up to the hype given and then some. Running a business at 10, my daughter needed a little help in the financial literacy department. This book gave her the push she needed to start focusing on saving just as much as she does sales. Kudos to author Crystal for a gem that will forever be placed on our bookshelf!” -P Spratley “Harmoney and The Empty Piggy Bank's book achieves the recommendations for generations to come. I would describe this book as follows, it’s a picturesque learning tool for all ages, it’s captivating, and its execution of a young girl's financial responsibility is phenomenal. Harmoney’s determination allowed me to take this approach to teach my granddaughter. The flow of the book speaks volumes about financial literacy. I read this book in one sitting, and I give it five stars.” Published Author Bessie McDaniel healthy in their own finances. Her commitment to her customers has made way for recognitions and awards within the banking industry. Despite the accolades, Crystal continues daily to assist those in her community to become financially secure. She believes that by reaching and teaching each person, application will allow them to thrive beyond what they could imagine. Crystal hopes that the knowledge learned in this generation will create a domino effect that will empower the generations to come.

”From Broken to Blessed: There is Purpose in Your Pain” & “A Note of Encouragement” Being a black woman raising black children, representation matters to my family! Growing up we did not have many books that depicted our race. So happy to have purchased this book that has a black family teaching their daughter the value of money. It’s a great short chapter book that teaches a valuable lesson on saving, planning, creating and executing. This is definitely a must read. It’s a nice book for a children’s book club. The book is so relatable . The book has so much to offer. Do Yourself and your Tribe a favor and Get your little ones a copy!


Jen is the wife of a Hardworking SelfEmployed Carpenter, Mother of a sweet-nsassy 3-nager and 2 dogs, and has been a formal educator for her entire adult life. From a very early age, she knew she was born to be a teacher. She has always loved helping others and watching the spark ignite because of her assistance. However, she put so much effort into serving others that she almost lost herself.

For pretty much her entire life Jen battled massive self-confidence issues and hid behind her shyness and introverted self. She was her own worst critic of her perfectionist nature and spent the majority of her life feeling “not good enough”. Whether it be in the classroom, on the dance floor, with friends, or at work, she pushed herself to be at the top but never wanted to be singled out as the “star”. She loved being part of the team or group, she loved pushing herself to be better and helping others to be better, but was still super critical of herself and didn’t want to stand out.

ty! She used her, “I’m a super small circle of fr sell a pen to a writer” ta ward off the MLM vultu she knew (at least for he jewelry/kitchen gadgets

When she decided that she was going to start her own network marketing business, things didn’t change, in fact they got worse. She was told by several people (especially those closest to her) that she would never make any money because she didn’t have the right personality to sell, and she duplicated that negative selftalk for a long time. She blamed her lack of growth on her personality, her lack of outgoingness to meet new people, her constant struggle with not wanting to sound pushy or salesy, but probably the most damaging was her plain lack of confidence in herself. Had it not been for her team and the transformation person needs. As an in she witnessed in herself with her products, she idea of being forced to m people constantly to gai probably would still be that woman. sale. So how did she ge Jen is not new to network marketing. In fact pyramid scheme trap? S she enjoyed hosting various parties for multi- company and team that ple friends and their products over the script! years. She enjoyed the products and loved having a girls’ night with friends. However, Her story starts just ove sister-in-law came and a she became instantly turned off when a cona class for her new busin sultant would pressure people to buy or host did her sisterly duty, inv their own party so that the hostess could get over and listened to som all these goodies, or worse yet, when she would receive emails asking to join said busi- these essential oils thing heard about. She was a

ness before she was even home from the parnot a salesman… I have riends, and I couldn’t agline as a badge to ures. The reality was… er) there is only so much s/bags/makeup/etc. that a

the uses you could get from one little drop of oil…but as her sister-in-law kept talking, she LOVED how good the house smelled. The starter bundle with the diffuser was the best deal for the price, so she signed up but was adamant she wanted nothing to do with the business. The diffuser was adorable and she loved being able to mix scents for a fresh smelling house. After a month or so, she came down with a minor cold. Long story short, none of her normal over the counter products were working and she was just stuffed up and miserable. Her Sis-in-law kept insisting she try one of the oils. Finally she gave in just to appease her and wouldn’t you know it…was completely clear for a full 24 hours! She tried it again the next day and the funk was gone in just 2 days. That had NEVER happened before with any over the counter products.

After that, she was still skeptical, but would at least try suggestions before reaching for the over the ntrovert, Jen hated the counter stuff. She started to realize that the meet and talk to new in new customers for a oils worked better and faster than any of my et sucked into the MLM “normal” products and wanted to try more. As She was introduced to a her excitement grew to learn and try new oils and other products, she would tell anyone who totally flipped the would listen how these little bottles had blew me away. As their interest peaked (because r 6 years ago when her they wanted to experience the same miracles asked if she would host that she had), she asked her sister-in-law to exness adventure. She plain how she actually made money and how it vited family and friends all worked. me information about Jen was directed to a small series of business gs that she had never training videos made by a Royal Crown Diaa total skeptic about all

mond leader and she realized quickly that particular leader also had horrible experiences with MLMs and originally wanted nothing to do with the business. This was so unlike any other business model. It wasn’t about sales, it was about helping people (which as a teacher, is what Jen knew she was born to do). It wasn’t about pressuring friends and family to host a party or buy products to support her…it was about how she had knowledge (or could easily find knowledge) about products or combinations, that she had either witnessed herself or through testimonials of others in the group, make huge impacts in so many other’s health and wellness. She realized that her teaching background is all she needed to succeed. She also realized that this was an incredible and sustainable business model. This company had products that people use daily and will need to replenish often and products geared for everyone in the family. Though she had a small circle of family and friends, those that started using the products fell in love with them as much as she did and became consistent customers. Jen loved that she made a little extra side cash to cover the cost of the products she was going to buy anyways and she felt great knowing that she had introduced better quality personal care products to people she cared about. She was happy, but she realized she wanted more. She could see the financial independence opportunity available to her, but she knew she had to break out of her introverted bubble if she wanted to grow. She started attending leadership trainings and participated in her business groups. She loved learning more about the company itself and learning from the other leaders she looked up to. She finally got the courage to do her first Facebook Live (after applying a generous amount of Valor!). Slowly, she started building her confidence and making small steps outside of her comfort zone in order to get noticed on Social media and spread her message.

tion of emotional and positivity supporting essential oils to restructure her mindset into one of abundance. Because of her love and passion to spread the knowledge of her company’s life-changing products, because of the welcoming community of her team support, and because of her new found desire for unlimited abundance of health, wealth, and happiness for her and her family…her mindset and outlook on life has completely transformed for the better. As she has continued to work on her mindset, she has noticed new customers joining her business, and she has won multiple contests that have helped to promote her business for more exposure. The biggest revelation Jen has come to is exactly who she is and who she wants to be. She loves the products she represents. She absolutely loves the company she represents. She is grateful for all of her team (upline, downline, and crosslines) and her own personal transformation because of their support. She is grateful for the opportunity to share her story so that she can help and inspire others to transform their own mental and physical health and wellness as she did. To connect with Jen sign up for a free account on Discover Locate Find and read more about her and her team. Click here to get started. Or connect on Facebook: or email at That is when the naysayers doubled down. She knew their words were coming from a place of protection and fear (keeping her head in reality and not in the dreamland clouds), but it still hurt and she thought that they didn’t believe in her capabilities. She again fell victim to the poverty mindset and the comparison trap. Why are so many others succeeding and she can’t? Why does she post something and gets 2 comments and then someone else posts the same thing and gets 20 comments? She blamed her introvertedness, she blamed her personality, and she blamed her naysayers for the continuous bashing of her dream. She believed in her company, she knew it was a great business model as she had seen so many others ranking up and growing, she knew the products worked, so what was she doing wrong? She attended a training with some of her team members and one of the speaker’s message had her tears. She realized that she was in such a dark mindset of selfsabotage and needed to change if her dreams ever had a chance of coming to light. She went on a major mental journey and with the help of books, meditation guides, great friends, and utilizing her knowledge and applica-




money (mid-6 figures), but here she was! She was able to travel and help build her organization all over the United Julie is a wife, and mother of 2. She was States. In the summer of 2016, She made the decision to leave that company. It wasn’t easy, but some things had born and raised in Washington State, was changed within the company and it was no longer aligning part of a large family with her beliefs and her core values. and was the 6th out of Being her nature to help people…. Julie needed to find an7 children to her par- other company that she could be just as passionate about. ents. She met her hus- In the fall of 2016, She joined a health and wellness comband just out of high pany that had just launched. They had all the core products school and they have now been married almost 30 years! she needed for herself, her family and her customers. And They have 2 grown daughters, ages 26 and 24. Their they had a compensation plan even better than the one she youngest just got married the summer of 2020 and is exhad been with previously for 16 years. Their core values pecting her 1st baby (their 1st GRANDCHILD) in 2021. were the same as hers…. Julie and her husband live in the Family, Loyalty, Integrity, small town, Buckley, WA on 5 Inspiring others to be the acres with their dog and cat. Her BEST they can be! husband is a career firefighter in As a ground floor business their local community. opportunity, that really excitJulie began looking for a way to ed Julie! In the 2nd full year work from home after the birth of business, She had of their oldest in 1994. She had achieved a 6-figure income initially gone back to work at again and currently has over her 9 to 5 job, but it quickly be500 promoters in her organicame apparent, she needed to be zation. raising her own daughter. She In March of 2016, they redabbled in various direct sales launched the company with a companies but never found anynew exclusive product line of thing she could get passionate small 1 inch x 1 inch about. During this time she also “patches” that use nanoran a daycare out of their home. technology for optimal delivery into your bloodstream. JuHer main goal was to be home with their daughters. lie had a full hysterectomy in December of 2018, that left In 2000 Julie found a company that offered a way for her to her sleep deprived and 18 pounds heavier! The new patches improve her health and get her family healthy. So she and their nanotechnology allowed her to finally lose weight signed up strictly for the savings on the products. She had and instead of only sleeping 2-3 hours a night, She was getabsolutely ZERO intentions of building a business. Very ting a full 7-8 hours! When it comes to the business side, quickly she started getting results and sharing and then it Julie shares she has never seen a compensation plan that is happened… the business found her! as lucrative as this one! In addition to the normal payout, Julie was with that company for 16 years, and had worked they also have many bonus opportunities! her way to being the #2 income earner. She had an incredi- Julie has been awarded “Trainer of the Year” (2017) and ble team and together there were almost 10,000 distributors “Most Influential” (2018), “Circle of Excellence” (2018). strong, with sales over $10 Million from 2011 to mid 2016! She is at the top rank in the company as a 100K Promoter.

Julie never imagined she would ever make that kind of

In the beginning, the products were her passion. But over

One of the biggest things Julie is proud of in her business, is the relationships she has built through helping others be successful. She works closely with her team and they are connected in every way possible… phone calls, text, Facebook messages, marco polos, zooms, etc. Connection is KEY to building a successful business!

the woods and completely furnish it! They had sold most of their furniture as they were living in travel trailers on our property for 10 months while they built. Julie & her husband have been able to travel with their girls and by themselves. They have been able to pay cash for Christmases, new cars and even paid CASH for BOTH of their daughter’s college educations at 4-year universities, as well as Cosmetology school for their youngest daughter.

Julie often tells people that the biggest satisfaction she gets from what she does isn’t the money. It’s the people... Being able to GIVE BACK is an extra bonus as well. It’s helping others achieve their goals. They have also been able to donate money to their local “I have worked with Julie in Network Marketing for 8 years, high school cross country and track programs several the 1st 4 years I was in her downline and the last 4 years I years in a row, allowing them to purchase much needed have been directly under her. In the time that I have known uniforms and equipment.

her personally, and as my upline, she has gone above and beyond "The Call Of Duty" as you would say. From helping Julie knows how important it is to be part of an amazing me with my first in home meeting to showing me what it is to company and what being part of something like that can be a Leader with my own team. If you don't know Julie then I do to someone’s family. highly recommend you taking time out of your day to meet “My PASSION is helping YOU! This is my her! Julie is the most selfless, caring person I have ever met inside and outside the business world. – Deana Pattison” full time job, I absolutely LOVE what I do and I

am here to help!” “Julie has been such a help to us in growing and building our business. She is one of the top leaders in our company and makes time daily for us and our team. She has helped us by creating "how to" videos and documents on building, prospecting, and running back office and so many other reports. Julie also, on a daily basis , encourages us to get out of our own way and GO! She challenges us to DREAM BIGGER! Thank you so much for all that you do for us and so many more. Chad & Shelly Oelke” “I’ve had the privilege to be mentored by Julie Guenthner ever since we met back in 2014. I was brand new to network marketing at the time. Julie’s support and guidance has proved to be an integral catalyst to my own success both personally and professionally. She still encourages me to do more, be more and achieve more. I’m most grateful that Julie has always believed in me... even before I believed in myself. Her positive attitude rubs off on all who know her. Julie leads by example and provides that kick-in-the-pants when needed to focus and motivate. She has been instrumental in teaching me how to build this business. I’m blessed to have Julie in my life as a mentor and friend. – Jacqueline Moran”

Network Marketing in general has been such a huge blessing for Julie’s family. In addition to the relationships and friendships that she has developed and grown over the years, it has also allowed her family so many financial freedoms and opportunities.

They were able to build their dream home on 5 acres in

Please visit to request more info.

program she just began. Even though Margie was wanting to lose weight, she was skeptical. She tried pretty much every “diet” program out there. But she was desperate and with a “30 day money back guarantee”, she figured she didn’t have anything to risk. She tried the products, loved them and began to feel great. After about 6 months, however, she still had the “diet mentality” and thought she could do it on her own and just go back to “eating healthy”. However, she still continued to order the products, used them minimally but mainly just stacked them on her shelf. In 2017 after planning her 35th class reunion, the stress of that triggered many of her symptoms to return. And she gained excessive weight. Seeing pictures from the reunion, she knew she needed to do something to lose the weight and feel better. Financially, she also needed to do something for extra income. She was praying, asking God to (1) lead her to a program that would finally help her gain control of her weight and health and (2) lead her to a secondary job that would allow financial stability without taking a lot of time away from her son. Her son has been a baseball player since age 5 and one of Margie’s greatest joys his watching him play. She was concerned about a second job taking her away from his games. She felt God was telling her “Margie, the answer is already in your pantry.” So she recommitted to using the nutrition as it’s

Meet Margie Morrison from Pennsylvania. Margie is a single mom to a 20 year old son who is in his second year of college. She is also an animal lover and currently has one cat. Margie is very close to her two sisters and younger brother. Both of her parents died young, dad at 47 and mom at 56 and she believes this helped forge a strong relationship with her siblings. For ten years, Margie suffered from various health issues and was under the care of a neurologist. She had symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis even though the tests always came back normal. Margie had spinal nerve damage from giving birth to her son and the neurologist felt stress was aggravating this and causing many of her symptoms. Married for 24 years, Margie’s life took a turn when she filed for divorce. She wanted stability for her son and therefore, she purchased a home that was for sale in the same neighborhood as where they were currently living even though the price was a little more than she could afford. But she was determined to make it work.

In 2016 a friend of hers talked with her about a nutrition

recommended. However, she still didn’t want anything to do with the generous financial opportunity the company offers. She tried several network marketing companies in the past and it never worked out so she wanted no parts of doing it again. However, as she started losing weight and feeling amazing, friends started asking her what she was doing. It was easy to tell them about the products. And she started earning referral bonuses just for sharing something that she loved and that was working for her. Those bonuses started blessing her and her son. She will never forget worrying about how she was going to afford to pay for his Junior Prom expenses. But her first bonus pay covered the expenses plus some. And then she was able to afford to pay for her son’s travel tournament baseball season with the extra income she was earning. It was truly a blessing. She was invited to go to the Company’s largest annual event in 2019. She somehow felt that one event would change her life. And it did. She learned more about the company, the products and the community and she knew this is where she belonged. So she walked away from that event, committed to giving it her all. She rank advanced to Crystal Executive within a few months and has never looked back. The extra income has covered her mortgage payment each month plus extra expenses. Truly a life-changing blessing for a single mom. When she started, she knew she needed to make a certain amount each month. She has been able to achieve that plus more each month. This was surely the answer to her prayer. And best of all, she has been able to build this in the pockets of her time. She has never had to miss her son’s baseball games, now playing college baseball, because she gets to choose how much and when she works. Margie wants others to know you can take control of your health and finances. And she strives to help them reach each and every one of their goals. Surrounding herself with others who motivate, encourage, and support you are important. Network marketing isn’t always easy. But finding your reason “WHY” is the key factor that will help you push through days of doubt. And when your son, your “WHY”, tells you he is proud of you and what you’ve accomplished, there is no better feeling in the world. To connect with Margie reach out to her on Facebook @margielynn.morrison

My name is Heidi McNall, I am an Executive Field Vice President with Origami Owl. I am a single mom with, three beautiful, talented children. Samantha is 21 and pursuing a Communications degree. Jared, 19, is a Saxophone major, hoping to play full time for a military band, upon graduation. My baby Lynnae is a soccer loving junior in high school. They are all amazing and trying to navigate life and school during this global pandemic. I currently reside in Upstate NY (Mid state really, South of Syracuse NY). It is a winter wonderland in this part of the country, with more snow the past few weeks than we have seen in years. It is not too different from how I grew up in South Dakota and Wyoming. I am a small town girl, who has always had big dreams! Being the oldest of three, living on 500 acres, 5 miles from the nearest neighbor and 25 miles from the nearest town, I had to be a leader. I love leadership. I could spend each day teaching people and love seeing that Ah ha moment my team gets when I am training.

I learned to drive at the age of 10 and would drive my sister and brother to the bus, which was 3.2 miles from our home. I helped my parents in the garden and we sold the vegetables to the grocery stores. That is how I would get new sneakers. I was teased and bullied by the girls in my school, because I was friends with everyone, including the boys, so they would call me names and write mean notes to me. Why do I share this with you? Because this was my life, that is all I knew. I didn’t feel anyone owed me anything. It was just what it was. I will say, I was sad and cried a lot, when I was being picked on, but my mom always encouraged me and said that people were just jealous. It took me a long time to realize she was right. (As mom’s we have such wisdom, it just takes children, learning on their own and growing up to realize that, so “HANG IN THERE MOMS”). I guess all of the hard times in my life made me stronger and made me always strive to be better. BETTER…… what is better than being my own boss? Yes I work hard,

make lots of money but the biggest blessing I have had from Origami Maybe you are desperately trying to figure out a way to get your kids in Owl and direct sales is the ability to help thousands of others, CHANGE dance, or that private school. Maybe you just love shoes and want to THEIR LIVES FOR THE BETTER. buy new shoes without getting in trouble from your parents or your spouse. Things could be tight financially and earning an extra $200$1,000 a month could pay bills and change your families stress level. I was awarded an Army ROTC out of high school. I went to college at That is what I love about Origami Owl, we have the most amazing cusColorado State University and received my BS in Construction tomizable jewelry with the opportunity of owning your own business, Management. I spent my first year of the Army in Korea, then moved and changing peoples lives. YOU can do whatever YOU want it to, for to my next duty station in Ft Carson Colorado. I was first introduced to YOU! Direct Sales in CO, while still on Active duty with the Army. I went to Origami Owl is a company with a strong faith base and was created on a my first direct sales party and said WOW, I can do that, what a great dream of a 14 year old girl. Bella wanted an old beat up white truck for way to make extra income and I always knew that I wanted to work for her 16th birthday and her parents said, “Awesome, get to work”. We myself, making my own hours and to have the ability to make as much are blessed that she and her mom had an even bigger vision. Our money as I could. I knew I wanted to travel as well. I asked a few company mission is: To be a Force for Good; to love, Inspire, & friends to help me get started and I immediately was hitting sales Motivate people to reach their Dreams & Empower them to make a incentives and earning company incentives and trips. I didn’t do Difference in the lives of others. I have seen this first hand. I had a anything special, I was just passionate about what I was selling and gal, who was living in her car with her kids when she found Origami always had fun with my customers and hosts. Nothing has changed in Owl and she ended up being able to support her the past 20+ years in this industry. You sell family and move them to a better place. The stories an amazing product, you help hosts earn great are incredible. My goal in this business is to help products for free or at a discount and you young people and adults, create their dreams and set share the opportunity with others. I am goals and help you make a plan to achieve those blessed to be able to have the time freedom to goals, so that you can reach any dream you set for go to my kids games and concerts, and I have yourself. Our Young Entrepreneur program allows had the opportunity to travel to amazing us to work with kids as young 11 to work with a locations, such as Cabo, Maui, Cancun, the parent or adult to work their own Origami Owl Riviera Maya, Disney and more. business. These young people not only become closer When I found Origami Owl, I truly believe with their parent/guardian but they gain confidence to it was a GOD thing. I was with a company I speak in front of others, get recognition, can earn trips loved and had just hit the highest leadership and earn money for their future. Working with young rank in the company, at the same time I was people and seeing their success is extra rewarding. offered a Direct to Corporate position with another company. Because I am a numbers and career plan person I did the math and knew with the new company I My kids have always had their own dreams and have seen me work in could have ¼ of the team and make 6 times the amount of money and networking marketing all their lives. I never pushed them to do it with had to make a HARD decision to step away from a company I loved. me, but to pursue their own dreams. Last night my oldest daughter Sam Unfortunately the economy took a hard hit and I could not in good came home for dinner and during our conversation she was adamant that conscience sell this product to people that could not afford food. So I she wanted to be her own boss and create a business of her own. I love took a step back, dabbled in a couple network-marketing companies that my entrepreneurial spirit has rubbed off on my own children. when I was introduced to Origami Owl. I was contacted by the person No matter where you live, or what season of life you are in, Origami who was helping to bring Origami Owl to Direct selling and when I Owl’s customized lockets and jewelry could be just what you need in heard the concept and then saw the career plan I said I am in. I did not your life! I would love to work along side you if you would like to take receive my products till Late Nov of the first year during our Pre-launch a leap of faith and see how we can help bless your life, through the love so the holiday selling season was almost over. That didn’t stop me of Origami Owl. though. I made a goal for myself to have 400 people on my team by the end of the first full year with the company, not even knowing the company’s first goal was 750 that first year. By the end of the first year Blessings to each and every one of you! I had almost 3,600 people on my team and the company over 7,000 total by the end of our first full year. I am blessed to have the largest team in the country with an astonishing 42,000 designers in 15 levels, at our DREAM BIG! highest. Origami Owl was one of the fastest Hyper Growth companies Work Hard! ever. We are still going strong. During the Covid-19 pandemic our sales and team growth has actually increased. Social media and NEVER GIVE UP! technology allows us to bring our beautiful jewelry to customers, Heidi VIRTUALLY. For a company started by a 14 year old girl we have been noticed and embraced by Global Giants. We have an amazing partnership with Swarovski and our dream of partnering with Disney, To Connect with Heidi reach out to her on Facebook was just realized this year. Origami Owl is the perfect vehicle to @origamisuperstars supplement your income, or become financially independent.

first company closed and then began looking for a com pany that would be a perfect fit for her. It took her seve al years to accomplish this but finally at the end of 201 she found exactly what she had been searching for 9 years.

A company that paid 50% commissions and had a prod uct that everyone needed and would love.

A way to work from home without having to bother fam ily and friends but a new way to do business. A way to utilize the power of the internet to work your business without all the stuff you hate. To be able to make money your first week in business.

And not only could Wendy do it but it was so simple an yone could.

Wendy enjoys helping others just like herself especially single moms be able to change their lives.

It’s a matter of saying YES, and throwing all fear out th window and just doing it. Wendy Benton, single mom of 4 children. 3 teenagers and one who finally hit 20. Wendy reflects on her life as a single mom since her youngest was in Kindergarten. She always wondered how she would do it and the only option for Wendy was working from home. Of course that left many doors open with so many amazing companies out there. She had found a love for a company when she was still married and sadly that company closed just a few months of her going through a divorce.

It’s about looking at your kids and know that what you are doing, the hard work, the blood, sweat and tears are all to make their lives better.

It’s all about having FREEDOM to live your life to the fullest. It’s about YOU!

Wendy believes that if you help enough people get wha they need, you will automatically be taken care of. A quote from motivational speaker and top selling author Zig Ziglar.

Wendy has seen her share of struggles, from being on food stamps, having 4 small children and losing a home Wendy dedicates her life to her family and putting God to foreclosure. She knows how it feels to be at your worst first in her life. and feel like a failure. She works hard, and loves life with everything she has. Wendy also knows how it feels to take your family from Wendy is always looking for others that want a change food stamps to a 6 figure income. That want to work from home and be successful. She is

That is one reason Wendy is so passionate about helping ready and willing to show you the way. other women reach unlimited success. For more information about what company Wendy repr But it’s not always easy, and finding the perfect company sents and how to speak with her personally connect wit for you it the only way to make it work. her on Facebook at Wendy took a 6 year break from this industry after her







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Perfect for making iced tea. Place on your cup to pour - no mess! Makes up to 2 cups of tea. Brews all varieties of tea, hot or cold. BPA free. No direct heat. Handwash only. 1. Pour water into Breazy and add tea. 2. Steep according to label instructions. 3. Set Breazy on top of mug for tea to pour out.


on February 24, Just a few short weeks after starting my Tupperware business. Injured with a concussion, herniated/ ruptured disks in my spine. Leaving me with permanent injuries that will never heal. Fast forward to recently, my Tupperware business has been a bit slowed this past year due to Covid. On December 17, 2020 my family experienced another setback. Our small home for the last four years was lost in a house fire, grateful we were all safe, but we watched in horror as all of our possessions went up in flames. It was devastating and heartbreaking watching as all our hard work was lost. I was crushed, but along with that came many signs from Jesus that he is always there for us all!!

The fall of 2016 my life changed drastically, I became a single mom with five children. Left, with many financial burdens that I was unable to handle. I was working with another direct sales company at the time however, it was just not enough. We were struggling but finding a way to make things work. On February 1, 2017 with faith and the last $50 I had in my pocket for the next two weeks I signed up with Tupperware and ordered my kit. It has been the best investment I have ever made for my family. I was grateful to make more than that back in my first couple of days with Tupperware. Little did I know I would be in a very tragic car accident

I am forever grateful that I found my Tupperware business when I did.

t It is a great fit for my family, with the ability to work my business around my schedule. I am thankful for my Tupperware up-line support family. Although I am not where I would like to be business wise I am not giving up.

I am determined to get myself a Mustang with the Tupperware logo on it. We are Jesus Strong!! We are Tupperware Strong!!

I would love to help any mom work with me, we will have a lot of fun, experience amazing training, and a business that can help you add extra income to your family. To speak further feel free to reach out to me on Facebook @lisa5v

knew it would become this big and fulfilling for me. I joined to get the discount on the jewelry for myself and when I saw that people loved the jewelry and it made them happy that was when I decided I would sell it. I love getting the pictures and messages after they receive their package with a note and a picture telling me how much they love their jewelry. Seeing others smile it is so heartwarming. I have been in network marketing for a total of 13 years together with my last company. I love Paparazzi because it is a Christian company and being a Christian myself it is so refreshing to have so many business partners with the same values . I am looking to add more business partners from all around the United States to my team and help them to become as successful and reach as many goals as they desire. Hi my name is Jo Urian I live in Fayetteville, North Carolina and I have lived here all my life. I am a army To talk to Jo, reach out to her on Facebook. brat and I have been married to the same amazing man for 19 years. We have 2 amazing boys which are my miracle @jolynn.williamsurian babies and I thank God for them everyday. I have always loved making people happy and smile and when I started my home business 3 years ago I never My name is Tina Demack, from Momence Illinois. I've been married to the love of my life since 1986. We have 2 children, 1 daughter, who has blessed us with 2 beautiful grandsons and 1 son, who proudly serves in the US Marine Corp. We are both very active with the outdoors, living on 32 acres that keeps us busy. I have been involved with various MLM off and on through the years, currently with a great jewelry company as well as health and fitness. These different companies were a way to make extra income to support our family and the different sports our kids were in. As a bonus we have gained lifelong friendships. To connect with Tina message her on Facebook @tina.demack

This powerful, three-product system works to help weed, seed, and feed your gut to get it back into balance so you can thrive! Get gut-educated and be set up for success with the It’s a Gut Feeling booklet! BIO CLEANSE Magnesium – A mineral important to the body. Vitamin C – Provides antioxidant support.* Citrus Bioflavonoids – Hesperidin (from orange), orange peel powder, lemon peel powder, quince fruit powder PROBIO 5 5 beneficial probiotics – Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium longum, Lactobacillus plantarum, Bacillus coagulans and Saccharomyces boulardii Enzyme blend – Including Proteases, Cellulase, and Serrapeptase SLIM MICROBIOME ACTIVATING

Xylooligosaccharides (XOS) - A clinically-demonstrated prebiotic that feeds beneficial microbes. Green Coffee Bean Extract - A naturally-derived extract that can help decrease the absorption of sugars and thereby supports a healthy glucose metabolism. Chromium Polynicotinate - An essential trace mineral that transports glucose into cells. SLIM HUNGER CONTROL Polydextrose - A calorie smart soluble fiber which helps signal satiety, helping you feel full longer.

Green Coffee Bean Extract - A naturally-derived extract that can help decrease the absorption of sugars and thereby supports a healthy glucose metabolism. Chromium Polynicotinate - An essential trace mineral that transports glucose into cells.* When combined with a reduced calorie weight loss diet plan. Individual results will vary. The results of an in vitro human gut simulator study suggest that Slim’s formula may have several beneficial effects. Further research, including research conducted in humans, is needed to confirm these preliminary findings. For more information click here.

The roomier, the better, right? When it comes to bags, spaciousness is key and this bucket bag brings it. But let’s not forget about functionality—keep everything organized easily with three interior pockets and a separate, zippered bottom compartment with wipeable lining (hello, gym clothes and shoe change). When you’re not using the bottom spot, the inner compartment expands for extra space.

Dimensions: 12 5/8" L x 14 3/8" H To order or for more information and to view other amazing products go to

Our microfiber cleaning cloth combines with our unique BacLock®* antibacterial agent to create an eco-friendly multipurpose cloth that can be used wet or dry to effectively clean with only water, everything and everywhere. The super-versatile and reusable EnviroCloth® microfiber cleaning cloth is the perfect replacement for chemical-laden, all-purpose cleaners and eliminates the need for wasteful paper towels, so it’s also more sustainable for the environment! Highly effective, durable and easy to care for; between launderings, simply rinse, wring out and hang to dry. Contains BacLock, an antibacterial agent for self-cleansing purposes only. The agent is solely designed to inhibit odor from bacteria, mold and/or mildew growth within the product. This product was independently tested for harmful substances according to the strict global criteria of STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX®.

T W t y

T m m L


The gorgeous Storyteller Living Locket® Watch design with Swarovski® Crystals slides open so you can put 2-3 of your favorite Charms inside.

The versatility is endless as you can remove the Black Croc Leather Band and mix and match with other Origami Owl Living Locket Watch styles.

To order click here

What is LipSense®⁉️ Okay, so you’re wondering what this magic tube of liquid lip color is that has swept the internet the past few years causing its own apocalypse we like to refer to as “outastockolips”?! LOL. No really, we’ve sold MULTI MILLIONS worth of this stuff… it’s THAT good. That’s right- LipSense®! LipSense® is Lead free Wax Free

Gluten free Non-GMO Preservative free FDA approved Made in the USA Never tested on animals ✅ & animal byproduct free! Umm YES PLEASE! NOT a stain- Bonds to your lips on a molecular level! Kiss proof & Smudge Proof Lasts 4-18 hours, depending on your pH level Lasts as long as to 4 tubes of regular lipstick because you’re not constantly reapplying it all day! Provides a mechanical shield protection from the sun. Available in a variety of finishes: F (Frost)

M (Matte) S (Shimmer) Layers to create endless color combinations, just 3 tubes will give you 27 different shades! Guess what?! Now we have a FREE app available for you to download and try the colors on virtually! Head over to the App Store and download “SeneLook®” For more info visit Senegence online….Click here

Innov8tive’s MOST POWERFUL PATCHES, we call them the DYNAMIC DUO! Can be used separately, but when combined you will notice much faster skin toning and cellulite reduction as you lose weight!

Simple and easy to use! Slap the patch on and go about your day…. Or night! No Pills! No Powders! No Drinks! No TASTE! Wearable Nutrition you can FEEL! For more information: To order:

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