Hulme Hall Grammar School Year Nine Spreadsheets
Contents CONTENTS .........................................................................................................................2 WORKSHEET 1: ORIENTATION ......................................................................................3 WORKSHEET 2: SPREADSHEETS....................................................................................4 WORKSHEET 3: SPREADSHEET FORMATTING ............................................................5 WORKSHEET 4: FORMULAE (1) .....................................................................................6 WORKSHEET 5: FORMULAE (2) .....................................................................................7 WORKSHEET 6: FORMULAE (3) .....................................................................................7 WORKSHEET 6: FORMULAE (3) .....................................................................................8 WORKSHEET 7: 'IF' FUNCTION......................................................................................9 WORKSHEET 8: GRAPHS .................................................................................................9 WORKSHEET 8: GRAPHS ...............................................................................................10 WORKSHEET 9: PERFORMING CALCULATIONS – MARK SHEET ............................12 WORKSHEET 10: PERFORMING CALCULATIONS – CURRENCY CONVERTER ......13 WORKSHEET 11: PRACTISING FORMULAE – GUESSING GAME AND SUPERMARKET RECEIPT...............................................................................................13 WORKSHEET 11: PRACTISING FORMULAE – GUESSING GAME AND SUPERMARKET RECEIPT...............................................................................................14 WORKSHEET 12: PRACTISING FORMULAE – RESTAURANT PRICE LIST .............15 WORKSHEET 13: ADVANCED TASK – TIMETABLE ....................................................16 WORKSHEET 14: ADVANCED TASK – TAX CALCULATOR.........................................17 WORKSHEET 15: ADVANCED TASK – PASCAL'S TRIANGLE GENERATOR.............18 WORKSHEET 16: ADVANCED TASK – ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT ............................19 WORKSHEET 17: ADVANCED TASK – ANALYSING DATA ........................................20 WORKSHEET 18: ADVANCED TASK – ANALYSING SALES .......................................21
Year 9 Spreadsheets
Hulme Hall Grammar School
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Worksheet 1: Orientation The Excel screen can be daunting for a new user, so taking five or ten minutes to familiarise yourself with the general layout of the application can be very useful. All the commands available in Excel can be found in the menu bar at the top of the screen. The underlined letter is the reference letter to the command when pressing the Alt key to access the menus, meaning that combinations of key presses can be used to run any command not covered by the shortcut keys. For example, to access the File menu, we press Alt+F, since the F is underlined in File.
Task Create a table, showing command in column A, the shortcut key in column B (if one exists) and the menu reference letters in column C for the following commands:
New, Open, Save, Print Cut, Copy, Paste Select All, Undo, Repeat Bold, Italic, Underline Function Keys
Note: These commands are under Cells in the Format menu
Also, try and locate all the taskbar buttons corresponding to the above commands. To do this, hold your mouse pointer over the icon – but don’t click – and in a few seconds a small yellow box should appear telling you what the command is.
Hints and Tips
Pressing F1 brings up Help dialog box. This allows you to ask questions of the Answer Wizard or browse the contents and index. The Office Assistant still exists in Office 2003 but requires activating by selecting Show the Office Assistant in the Help menu. The assistant can answer questions posed by you, jump in to offer you a tip or a handy shortcut via a little light bulb lighting up and can animate for your personal pleasure!
If you begin to find the assistant annoying, and it begins to get in your way, don't worry: clicking with the right mouse button on the assistant and selecting Hide can turn off the assistant. When the assistant is turned off, commands such as F1 still bring up help menus. If you have accidentally turned the assistant off, click on Show the Office Assistant from the Help menu.
Shift + F1 accesses the What’s This? command, denoted by a question mark next to the pointer. If you click on anything that you want to know about, a yellow box appears to tell you what the command is and what is does.
A list of shortcut keys for Excel can be found under Keyboard Shortcuts in the index of the help file.
If you are still stuck, remember to refer to the information section.
Print your table out and keep it as reference!
Year 9 Spreadsheets
Hulme Hall Grammar School
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Worksheet 2: Spreadsheets It is important that you know how to enter data, format it and move around the spreadsheet effectively.
Task 1.
Put today’s date into cell A1, in the form dd/mm (e.g. 27/07).
Use the fill handle ( this bit) to drag the border down so that it covers cells A1 to A7: this should copy the day, date and month of the next seven days into column A.
Copy the dates right into column B. Then convert the dates in column B to the form ddd (e.g. Thu).
You should now have a table showing the days and dates of the next week. Now change the column order by moving all the weekday cells to column A and all date cells to column B by using the cells borders.
These drag and drop methods are fine if you want to move or copy cells short distances but if you needed to move a block of cells to the other side of the worksheet, it takes too long to scroll that far. Also you can’t drag and drop onto different worksheets, workbooks or applications. However, this is easily achieved by using the cut, copy and paste functions.
Try using all the different ways you can think of to move cells around the worksheet and find the one that suits you best. Using keyboard shortcuts are often the most efficient method while most laborious mouse movements can be eliminated.
Press Ctrl + Home to select cell A1. Holding down the Shift key, use the cursors to move the selection down to B7 so that all the data is selected. Hit Ctrl + X to cut the info, select Sheet2 from the tabs at the bottom of the screen, then Ctrl + → to move to the far right of the sheet, followed by Ctrl + V to paste the information. You may have to move left one cell to give Excel room to paste.
Extended Work Think of several ways to navigate between cells. In a new spreadsheet, create a list of methods of navigation between cells and a description of each method. There are some examples to start you off below – see if you can come up with at least 5 more! Some can already be found on this page. Print this list off for me to see.
Ctrl+→ → PgDn Ctrl+End
Moves to the right-hand edge of the worksheet Moves down a page of cells at a time Moves to most bottom-right hand cell with content
Year 9 Spreadsheets
Hulme Hall Grammar School
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Worksheet 3: Spreadsheet Formatting Excel can be used to present tables and charts. This worksheet will guide you through creating and formatting a Gantt Chart. A Gantt chart is a table which shows the scheduling for a project.
Task Your task is to create a Gantt chart for a school design and technology project. 1.
Fill in column A from cell A2 downwards with the headings opposite, leaving a gap between each one (i.e. cells A3, A5 etc are blank):
The project will take 10 weeks, so fill cells B1 to K1 with Week 1, Week 2 etc
Make your text have font Courier New and make it bold. Make sure all your text fits in into the cell.
The Gantt chart will show the estimated time for completing parts of the project with green rectangles and the actual time taken with red rectangles . For example, analysis of problem may have taken 2 weeks when it was expected to take 3:
Headings: • Analysis of problem • Design of solution • Development • Manufacture • Testing • Evaluation
Complete your chart using the following data: Expected time (week no. - inclusive) 1 3 3 5 5 6 6 9 9 10 10
Analysis of problem Design of solution Development Manufacturing Testing Evaluation
Actual time (week no. - inclusive) 1 2 3 5 6 6 10 10 11 12
Extended Work Use the other formatting features of Excel to improve the look of your chart. You could try: •
rotating the Week headings through 90 degrees using the Orientation box:
using the merge cells button to add the number of weeks to the centre of each red and yellow bar. For example:
using the cell borders button
Year 9 Spreadsheets
to create a grid for your chart
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Worksheet 4: Formulae (1) Formulae are an essential part of spreadsheets. They are used to perform mathematical calculations, usually based upon some inputted data. You should understand the concept of a formula before attempting these tasks.
Remember that all formulae should start with an equals (=) sign!
Task 1 1.
Start a new sheet and type in the formula that puts today’s date into cell A1.
Put a formula into cell B2 to work out which day of the week it is today (Excel uses 1 for Sunday, 2 for Monday, etc.). Then do it again to work out on which day of the week you were born.
Hint Use the now() function for today’s date and the weekday() function to find out the day.
Task 2 An example of a quadratic equation is y=2x² - 2x + 3. Treat cell D1 as containing x, and type a formula into cell D2 that works out what y is. Use the following to check your formula: • • •
When x is 1, y should give 3 When x is 5, y should give 43 When x is 0, y should give 3
Task 3 (Harder) 1.
On a new sheet, type Power: into cell A1 and type 2 into cell B1. In cell A3 type 1.
Using Excel's relative addressing, think of a way you can fill down from cell A3 so that you have numbers from 1 to 20 in cells A3 to A22.
In cell B3, type in a formula which will calculate cell A3 to the power of cell B1.
Now make Excel repeat this function so that cell B4 contains A4 to the power of B1, B5 contains A5 to the power of B1, etc. Note: do not hand type all the formulae!
Now try changing the power value in B1. The whole sheet should update!
Hints • To perform a power of calculation in a cell formula, use the '^' symbol (Shift-6). i.e. 4 ^ 2 = 16 • In Task 3, parts 2 and 4 you will need to use fill down ( drag this down!) • In Task 3, part 4, you will need to use absolute addressing by using a dollar sign ($) in the formula. Year 9 Spreadsheets
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Worksheet 5: Formulae (2) This sheet will show you how formulae can be used to work out useful information when modelling a situation. One of the most common uses of spreadsheets is to predict what will happen in certain scenarios ("what-if" scenarios).
Task 1 Suppose you are organising refreshments for your school play and that you are going to buy: • • • •
A 4-pint carton of milk costing £1 A bag of sugar costing £1 Teabags costing £0.01 each Plastic cups costing £0.02 each
Set up a spreadsheet where you can vary the amount of people buying a cup of tea (for 20 pence) and the total profit is automatically worked out.
Assume that the carton of milk and sugar are enough for every person.
Task 2 Using the information from Task 1, plot a graph showing the income and expenditure of the refreshments stand (using a Scatter graph with data points connected by lines without markers), with the X-axis showing the number of customers and the Y-axis the income/cost. Use this graph to calculate how many customers are needed to make a profit of £10. Your X-axis should have values of up to 80 customers.
Extended Work Try extending your spreadsheet so that you can see what happens if the cost of a certain item changes (use a cell to contain the value of each product). Also, use a cell to store the cost of a cup of tea. How many customers would be needed for £10 profit if more expensive polystyrene cups were used at £0.04 each? How much would a cup of tea need to be if it is required that £10 profit is made from 50 customers?
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Worksheet 6: Formulae (3) Task 1 A gambler puts £10 one week into a local lottery (put Week 1 in cell A1 and the amount in cell A2). The lottery produces a random number from 0 to 1 (use the RAND() function in cell A3). If the number is larger than 0.5 he increases his money by 10%, otherwise he reduces it by 10% (put the formula for this in cell A4). The next week he puts the proceeds from the week before (from A4) plus the same amount again (from A2) into the same lottery the next week (use column B). Repeat this for week 3 (ensuring you use the figures from A2 and B4). The process repeats for all 52 weeks of the year (you will need to repeat this up to column AZ). Use row 5 to calculate how much the gambler would have if he simply saved his money each week. Plot a graph of the resulting monies. Use F9 to re-calculate the random numbers, and see if you can spot a pattern.
An ‘if’ statement can be performed as follows:
=IF(item = value, output1, output2) This says that:
IF item = value THEN give output1 ELSE give output2
Task 2 A shopkeeper is using a spreadsheet to monitor his items. Copy and extend this table by adding at least 5 more rows containing your own items, and using formulae where appropriate. Protect all the cells except those for how many Sold, Item Revenue and Item Cost; they can then be altered if needed. Resource Jam Fruit Cake Shortcake Tea Total
Item Revenue
Item Cost
67 45 107 276
£1.05 £3.00 £0.80 £0.20
£0.60 £1.50 £0.15 £0.07
Item Profit £0.45 £1.50 £0.65 £0.13
Subtotal Costs £40.20 £67.50 £16.05 £19.32 £143.07
Subtotal Profit £30.15 £67.50 £69.55 £35.88 £203.08
Extended Work Using Excel's built-in functions, try calculating the MAX and MIN values which the shopkeeper can use to see which item generates him most profit and which item generates him least. The shopkeeper also wants to know the proportion of sales of each product. Which kind of chart would be suitable for this? Try getting Excel to generate such a chart from the Sold data.
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Worksheet 7: 'If' function 'If' statements can be used within formulae to change a formula depending on some condition. This can be useful in many situations.
Task A building society is awarding bonuses to their mortgage sales representatives. Their bonus is based on the amount of sales they generate for the building society. If they achieve less than £100,000 of sales then they do not get a bonus. If they achieve £100,000 to £115,000 of sales they get a bonus of 10% of their salary. If they achieve £115,000 to £130,000 of sales they get a bonus of 15%, and if they achieve over £130,000 they get a bonus of 20%.
1. Copy the data opposite into a new spreadsheet 2. Devise a formula involving IF statements which calculates whether each sales rep gets a 0%, 10%, 15% or 20% bonus. 3. Fill down to complete the bonus column for all sales reps. Ensure all bonuses are displayed as percentages. 4. Calculate the total salary for each sales rep by creating a formula which adds their bonus to their original salary.
You may need to nest your if statements. That is, use one if inside another. For example: IF(item = value1, IF(item = value2, output2, output3), output1)
Extended Work The company management does not want to spend more than £300,000, including bonuses, on their sales reps’ wages. Extend your spreadsheet so that the management can vary the bonus percentages for each range of sales: • < £100,000 • £100,000 to £115,000 (inclusive) • £115,000 to £130,000 (inclusive) • > £130,000 and see the effect this has on the total salary going to their sales reps. Is there any room to give those achieving < £100,000 sales a small bonus, in an effort to maintain staff morale?
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Worksheet 8: Graphs Excel can very quickly and easily present data in the form of graphs and charts. Attempt to create the following graphs by entering the data into a worksheet, highlighting it and pressing the chart wizard button
Task 1 - A Scatter Graph: Create a scatter graph for the data below. When you have finished the scatter graph, double click on the graph then click on one of the points on the graph. Then select Add Trendline from the Chart menu and pick a suitable trendline. 2 5 6 8 3 6 4 8 9 4 2 4 8 6 9 4 5 7 2 2 36 47 38 48 47 49 82 36 24 54 58 38 27 98 28 26 37 56 53 91
You can view the formula of your trendline either by adding the trendline and going to options or by right clicking the trendline and clicking Format trendline then selecting Options, and then select Display equation on chart. The equation then appears in a textbox and can be moved or manipulated, as below.
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Task 2 - A Pie Chart: Create an exploded pie chart for the data below that indicates the proportion of transportation methods people use to get to school. Car 58%
Bus 19%
Train 8%
Walk 8%
Cycle 6%
Other 1%
If you find the colours on your Pie Chart are not to your taste, you can change the colours individually by selecting Format Data Point on each segment.
Task 3 - A Bar Chart: Create a bar chart to illustrate the number of cars passing a particular point during different hours of the day (using a 24 hour clock), from the data below. 0.00-3.00 3.00-6.00 6.00-9.00 9.00 - 12.00 12.00-15.00 15.00-18.00 18.00-21.00 21.00-0.00 20 55 230 83 174 243 123 23
Try formatting your graph so it looks like the one below.
If you produce a graph in Excel, you can easily use (and edit) it in any Word document by simply selecting the graph, copying it (Ctrl+C) and then pasting it while in the Word document (Ctrl+V).
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Worksheet 9: Performing Calculations – Mark Sheet Excel is commonly used for performing relatively simple calculations. This worksheet requires the use of formulae and formatting techniques to produce a mark sheet for a class' exams.
Task - Class exam results
20 25 62 70 57
21 19 51 63 60
Olive Ranger Sandra Simon
O'Leary Revel Simmons Suller
18 34 31 61
11 32 24 61
Average %
Andrews Bigland Casley Fenna Misselbrook
Exam 2 (%)
Exam 2 (out of 64)
Exam 1 (%)
Exam 1 (out of 70)
Anthony Borris Cory Fred Morris
Using the class data shown here, produce the percentage for the two papers, produce the overall percentage (equal weighting), and show the average and median for the class. Before Simon Suller, insert a new row into the worksheet (by selecting the Simon Suller row and then click Row, from the Insert menu) and add yourself, with your own choice of marks.
You may have noticed that the names are no longer in alphabetical order (if they are still Wendy Weston 58 52 in alphabetical order, arrange them so that Average they are not!). To arrange them in order, Median select the whole table of names, then select Sort from the Data menu, and select to order by column 2, the pupil's surname. Your data should now be in alphabetical order!
The median of a set of values is the value that occurs in the middle of the list: there should be as many values less than, and greater than, the median value.
Extended Work To pass the exams, each pupil must gain an average of at least 50%. Add a column after Average which states either Pass or Fail (calculated using a formula that refers to each pupil's average mark). The pupils who fail must retake both exams. Make up a second pair of marks for each pupil who has failed and calculate their average as before. The marks for the year are calculated as follows: • If a pupil passes, their mark is their average percentage. • If a pupil fails, their mark is ¾ of the average percentage of their retakes. Devise a formula to calculate the final marks for each pupil and add this as a column. Year 9 Spreadsheets
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Worksheet 10: Performing Calculations – Currency Converter This worksheet demonstrates how Excel can be used to perform calculations in a currency conversion task.
Task Open a new sheet. Assume there are one and a half Euros to the pound. Type Eu into cell A1 and 1.5 into cell B1. Set up the spreadsheet so that you type the number of pounds into cell A2 and the equivalent amount of Euros are given in cell B2. Also, set it up so that you type in the number of Euros into cell A3 and the equivalent amount of pounds is given in cell B3. If you change currency at a bank, it is likely they will charge a fee. Improve your spreadsheet so that it deducts £3 first, then converts the rest to Euros when converting to English money, and deducts 5 Euros first, then converts the rest to pounds when converting to Euros. At this stage, your formula may rely on a fixed value for the currency conversion. This means, if the exchange rate changes (say, to 2 Euros to the pound instead of 1.5) you will have to edit several formulae to adapt to the changes. Modify your formulae so they rely on cell B1 for their exchange rate. This means if you change the exchange rate in cell B1, your formulae will automatically use the new exchange rate!
You may need to use absolute addresses for your formulae, such as B$1. For example, to calculate the amount of Euros for a specified amount of pounds in A2, you could use =A1*B$1. Although absolute values are not needed in this case, it is useful to use them in case this formula is repeated across several more columns – such as adding a conversion to dollars. Once completed, before printing the table for me to see, display the formulae you have used in the next column.
Remember to put an apostrophe before a formula to display it as text, rather than use it as a formula itself.
Extended Work Try extending your spreadsheet using the exchange rates opposite. The values given are the equivalent of 1GBP in the foreign currency. For example, 1GPB = 1.54USD. Copy this data into Excel and make it so that when the user enters the number of GBP, it displays the equivalent amount in each of the currencies opposite. Also use a cell to hold the charge, in GBP, which is deducted from the amount before conversion. Year 9 Spreadsheets
Hulme Hall Grammar School
American Dollar Australian Dollar Canadian Dollar Chinese Yuan Euro Turkey Liras South Africa Rand Indian Rupee Japanese Yen
1.54 2.73 2.35 12.75 1.56 2,522,618.18 15.46 75.22 182.81
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Worksheet 11: Practising Formulae – Guessing Game and Supermarket Receipt Task 1 – Basic Guessing Game Not everything that Excel can be used for is boring! ☺ Create a simple guessing game, where the value to be guessed is hard coded (i.e. fixed, until changed). Allow a user to type a value into cell A1 and if they guess the number, cell A2 displays "Well done! You got it!" otherwise, it either displays "Too high!" or "Too low!" depending on their guess. It is recommended that you use integers only and the game is limited to values between 1 and 100.
Once completed, print the formula used in cell B1 to show to me. Save this game so we can come back to it later, and make the game more exciting!
Task 2 – Supermarket Receipt 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Type 10 items you would expect to buy in a supermarket into cells A3 to A12. Type in how many of each item are bought into cells B3 to B12. Type in how much each item costs into cell C3 to C12. Type in a formula to work out the total for each item in cells D3 to D12. Type in a formula to work out the total for the receipt in cell D13. Add your name to cell A1.
The formula will be the number of items × price of item. You do not need to type in the formula 10 times: type it in once, move to the bottom right-hand corner of the cell and the cursor will change to a cross. Drag the cross down and it will copy the formula for you.
Remember to make the cells with item costs or total costs display as currency by formatting the cell as such! If you have time, improve the look of your receipt by formatting the text and numbers and using borders and colour (all this can be done by selecting Cells from the Format menu).
Extended Work Suppose you want to compare how much you spend on each item at the supermarket. Create an exploded doughnut chart to show the proportion of the total cost that is spent on each product.
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Worksheet 12: Practising Formulae â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Restaurant Price List Task A small restaurant wishes to store their price list in an Excel spreadsheet so that when prices change, they can simply print out a new copy. They need 3 columns for each dish: dish name, cost without VAT, cost with VAT. Use a formula for the third column to calculate the cost with VAT automatically (VAT is charged at 17.5%). Design a spreadsheet price list, with at least 3 starters, 5 main courses and 3 desserts. An example of the starters might be:
The owners of the restaurant now wish to have some optional set price menus for their customers. If a customer buys any two courses, they receive a 10% discount on the total price and if a customer buys all three courses, the discount increases to 15%. Using your existing dishes, produce some exciting set menus, along with prices reflecting the discounts.
You may wish to improve the formatting of this spreadsheet so that the restaurant customers will find it attractive. Remember that this price list will be printed, so be careful that nothing goes over the printing margins!
To automatically resize a cell to the width of its contents, double click on the vertical line between the top of the column and the next column. If you have lots of data in the column, this will automatically resize the column to fit the cell with the largest width of data, not the active cell.
Extended Work The restaurant owner wants to compare the price of his dishes so that he can make adjustments to his pricing. Experiment with the sorting features and perhaps create a chart to compare prices of his dishes. Remember these buttons: Which kind of display do you think is best at presenting the information for comparison?
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Worksheet 13: Advanced Task – Timetable Now that you have the basics under your belt, it is easy to create a wide variety of spreadsheets to solve or automate many simple, everyday tasks.
Task Create a schedule or timetable to show: What: what has to be done Where: where you need to do it When: at what time it should be done Who: who it should be done with
Complex timetables can be implemented by using logical formulae to change what a cell displays depending on the date. This means that a small grid of times and days can be made to display your week’s schedule depending on the date. The timetable below also uses a look-up table to show the week’s start and end dates by using the VLOOKUP() function. Locking all the cells apart from input boxes means that the cells can’t accidentally be deleted.
Using the VLOOKUP (or HLOOKUP) functions means that information about the week can be automatically displayed without complex statements
More complex functions can be built up using nested IF, AND and OR statements
The look-up table is placed at the far right so that it is out of the printable area, as it does not need to be seen.
=IF($E$1>=25, "", IF($E$1<1,"NO LECTURES", IF($E$1=21, "", IF(OR(AND($E$1>=13, $E$1<=20), AND($E$1>=22, $E$1<=24)), "ERTS:1.18(Qu)", "IEt:1.7(Qu)"))))
You may wish to save this timetable for future use. Year 9 Spreadsheets
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Worksheet 14: Advanced Task – Tax Calculator This worksheet uses basic functions to create a complicated formula in a tax calculator application. You will create a useful (and updateable!) method of calculating tax returns.
Task Tax returns are calculated based on a person's earnings. If a person earns below a certain threshold value, they pay no tax on their earnings. However, a person that earns more than this threshold only pays tax on their earnings above this threshold, and below the next threshold value. As the earnings increase, there are more thresholds and tax levels. For our model, we shall use the following system: Earnings:
Up to £3,200
Tax paid on earnings within this band:
£3,200 - £4,000 £4,000 - £35,000 £35,000+ 10%
For example, if someone earns £25,000, they will pay the following tax: 10% of earnings above £3,200 and below £4,000: = 10% of £800 = £80 23% of earnings above £4,000 and below £35,000: = 23% of (£25,000 - £4,000) = 23% of £21,000 = £4,830 Total = £4,910 It is your task to create a simple spreadsheet that allows a user to calculate their tax returns.
Hints and Tips • Your spreadsheet should only have one input (the user's earnings) and one output (the tax the user will pay). • The user should not be able to alter the formula to calculate their tax returns. • The output cell should be displayed as a numeric value, with 2 decimal places and groups of thousands delimited by commas (for example, £32,435.34). • You could start by writing a flow chart (or simple text-based draft) of the sequence of functions and checks that the formula must perform and then convert this into an Excel formula. This will help you clarify in what order operations need to be performed. • Use the Excel help on functions and your information sheets to remind you of the Excel formulae syntax.
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Worksheet 15: Advanced Task – Pascal's Triangle Generator This worksheet should enable you to practise creating formulae using relative addressing. It involves creating a mathematics table in an Excel sheet.
Task In 1653, a French mathematician named Blaise Pascal described a triangular arrangement of numbers corresponding to the probabilities involved in flipping coins, or the number of ways to choose n objects from a group of m indistinguishable objects. The first seven rows of Pascal's Triangle look like: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 3 6 10 15
1 4 10 20
1 5 15
1 6
Your task is to create your own Pascal's triangle, going up to 50 rows deep.
Hints and Tips • Only one value (the first 1) should need to be typed in manually. • Fill column A down to the 50th row with 1s. • Work out the method to generate the next values (hint: look at the cell values above the cell and above and to the left of the cell). • Drag the formula in the second column down to the 50th row and then fill the column across to the 50th column.
Extended Work Excel can be used to perform iterative sequences very easily. Try creating the first 50 values of the Fibonacci sequence (where each value is the sum of the previous two values) using starting values of 1 and 1. Adjusting the starting values should change the rest of the sequence.
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Worksheet 16: Advanced Task – Account Management In this worksheet you shall create a useful account management spreadsheet. This should allow you to familiarise yourself with simple formulae and to address cells not in the current worksheet.
Task Individuals and small businesses alike use balance sheets to manage their accounts. Spreadsheets, like these, offset expenses against income to calculate profit and balance. Set up a simple accounting spreadsheet for a business of your choice. The three sheets should be used as follows: Sheet1: Receipts – Sheet2: Payments – Sheet3: Balance –
This should list sources and amount of income for your business. This should list all outgoing money for your business. This should show all monetary flow for the business including income, outgoings and profit.
Profit = Receipts - Payments Sample sheets for a school are shown below:
The table is organised monthly
Monthly total can be linked directly to the balance sheet so changes update automatically
The ‘money out’ total is compared with the departmental total for error checking
To link to a cell in another worksheet, put the worksheet name followed by an exclamation mark. For example:
=Receipts!A3 This links the current cell, to cell A3 in the worksheet Receipts.
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Worksheet 17: Advanced Task â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Analysing Data This worksheet demonstrates how Excel can be used to analyse data and find relationships in numbers.
Task A student is undertaking a physics project at school and is comparing light energy at different distances from a light source. He has come up with the following results: The student suspects a 1 / d2 relationship, i.e. the light energy increases linearly with (at the same rate as) the value of 1 / distance2. Plot a graph of distance against light energy and give it a smooth curve in Excel. By adding a third column to the data, plot another suitable graph, with trendline, to check whether the studentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s theory is correct.
Remember to format your graphs well, with labelled axes and a title describing clearly what each is showing.
Extended Work The student wants to find a mathematical equation that relates distance and light energy. Which features of Excel would he use to do this? If you are mathematically minded, have a go at finding the equation! You can test your equation by using one of the values in the table above (e.g. d = 0.3 should approximately give l = 90).
Year 9 Spreadsheets
Hulme Hall Grammar School
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Worksheet 18: Advanced Task – Analysing Sales Task A small business designs and manufactures signs for companies and local council authorities. They sell 7 types of standard sign (GH1, GH2 etc), which can be produced in one of 5 different colours. As well as these, they also manufacture custom signs, which come in three sizes and are also done in the 5 different colours. The total cost of a sign to the customer is the cost of the sign added to the cost of the colour paint chosen. They have gathered the following data about their sales for the last year:
For example, the business has sold 14 green FB109 type signs (costing £121.43) during the year. You should copy this table of data into a new Excel worksheet. Using your knowledge of Excel, work out some useful information for the company. Make sure you use formulae containing functions such as SUM and AVERAGE to work out the information. In this way, if one value in the data gets changed, the other information you have worked out is recalculated automatically. The company would particularly like to know: • • • • • • • •
How many signs have been sold in total? Which is their most popular sign? Which is their most popular combination of sign and paint? Which colour is most popular, for standard signs and for custom signs? Are custom signs more popular than standard signs? What is the total revenue for the year? What is the average price of the company's signs? Which is the cheapest combination of sign and paint?
It might be useful to show some of your information on charts. For example, you could create: • • •
A pie chart to show what proportion of their signs were painted in which colour. A bar chart to compare total sales for each kind of sign. A scatter graph to see if there is a relationship between price and quantity sold (each sign and paint combination is a point on the scatter graph).
Extended Work Try to pull out as much useful information from the data that you can, don’t just limit yourself to the list above. You could also try experimenting with stacked column / stacked bar charts or doughnut charts, which can be used to display more than one data series.
Year 9 Spreadsheets
Hulme Hall Grammar School
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