Central West Photo News

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PhotoNews Photo News Central West

tEl: l: 02 6361 3575


ORANGE! Have you ever had a song stuck in your head? Well there’s a fair chance 400 local music lovers will be humming “Dooooing the Eagle Rock!” this week after catching Ross Wilson’s performance at the Ex Services Club on the weekend. It was a great sight to see the dance floor full of happy locals singing and dancing along to a barrage of classic Aussie rock!



JUNE 23–29, 2011


June 23–29, 2011 Central West Photo News

from the

Hi friends!

with Bob Holland

It’s a big paper this week with quite a deal of extra features for you to enjoy. Sure hope you enjoy it! On that, feel free to drop me an email with any comments or otherwise to bob@cwpn.com.au Sport has always been something we’ve struggled with in Photo News but that’s about to change. Commencing very shortly we’ll introduce another all new Photo News exclusive called Sports Cam. Each month we’ll bring you hundreds of great sporting images from sporting events right across Orange. No sport will escape the new Photo News Sports Cam and we’ll include everything from junior sport to professional sport. I think you’ll like it so keep watching, we’ll have more details very soon. Still on good things, next Thursday we’ll put our next Online Extra onto our website. It will be called What a town we live in and will feature over 100 great scenic photos taken around Orange. See the Colour City at its best at www. myphotonews.com.au

This week we farewelled one of our long standing staff members who’s off to have her next baby. Sharna Lord is the ladies’ name and for the last two years she’s been a valuable member of our graphic design team. Our sincere thanks and best wishes go with Sharna for happy and prosperous times ahead. We’ll introduce Sharna’s replacement when she starts with us on July 4.

Until next week, happy reading!  bob@cwpn.com.au

GROUND BREAKING: Ronald McDonald House Charities CEO Malcolm Coutts, chairperson of the Orange McDonald House board Joanne Lewis and NSW chief paediatrician Professor Les White (AM) turn the first sod on the site of Orange’s Ronald McDonald House 40 forbes road, Orange ph 6361 8181

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It’s time to turn the sod! Enrolling

The ‘turning of the sod’ for the new Ronald McDonald House and Now! the introduction of the Ronald McDonald Care Mobile were recently celebrated at the new hospital site at Bloomfield.

keep mOre Of The By ZANNA MUNRO exciting shared initiative between Ronald McDonald house charities, Ronald McDonald mONey yOU eArN The Two significanT milestones in chil- house orange and Royal far west to improve te & Achieve Participate & Achieve & access Achieve dren’s health for ruralParticipate nsw were marked with to health services for country kids. The First Consultation Free Let us explain your options to you. Call Daniel today on 6361 8181

a celebration with local residents and health staff, councillors and the head honchos from the Ronald McDonald house charities. The Ronald McDonald care Mobile is an

purpose built 12 metre long vehicle with two consulting rooms, will be utilised by a team of Royal far west clinicians to provide health services to children in rural and remote nsw.




o l s. n s w. e d u . a u

w w w. c a l a re - p - s c h o o l s. n s w. e d u . a u

w w w. c a l a re - p - s c h o o l s. n s w. e d u . a u

nge - 6362 3699

Wentworth Lane, Orange - 6362 3699


There seems to be a growing number of people listening to the 2EL/Photo News Shopping Show each Thursday on Radio 2EL 1089AM. I heard someone in the street re-telling a joke I mentioned on the show last week and also the phone rings off the hook when we run our Cash to Splash Giveaway around 1.30. Tune in from 1pm each Thursday for an hour of fun and cash giveaways.

Wentworth Lane, Orange - 6362 3699

our Ronald McDonald house will provide a home away from home for seriously ill children and their families; construction will begin in the coming months. The project is an example of the wonderful community spirit in orange and the huge success of the recent Titanic Ball is a great example of the generosity of local residents.


Central West Photo News June 23–29, 2011

The black bra monster By BOB HOLLAND

After 63 years I have come to accept the fact that “sock monsters” do exist. You know the ones I mean, those little monsters who you never see or hear who sneak into your house and like a guided missile hone straight into your sock drawer and before you know it, another sock mysteriously disappears. I reached the stage once where I had more odd socks than handkerchiefs but being the “clever Bob” that I am I’ve since solved that problem. I now buy multiple pairs of the same sock in the same colour. It now appears however that just like a virus can develop a resistance to an anti-biotic, the sock monsters in our house have called in their thieving rellies to keep up the pressure. Our home is now the victim of a new species of household thief, this time it’s a black bra monster. The evidence is a completely gone missing black bra. We’re not talking about a bra that has simply been misplaced or caught up with other clothes in the wash basket or even one that’s fallen down behind a lounge... we’re talking lost, gone, missing in action, never to be found again!

Our home is now the victim of a new species of household thief


Jade Davies This week’s Page 3 girl is a senior stylist at Indulgence Hair Studio! My nickname... Jadey The most challenging thing I’ve ever done is... finish my apprenticeship and becoming a senior stylist at Indulgence Hair Studio Something I’m definitely doing in the next 12 months is... having a nice


holiday If I was stuck on a deserted island the 3 items I would take are... food, water and Mark My favourite ice cream flavour is... mint choc chip I’d be lost without... boyfriend, family


and friends If you could have one super power what would it be? To be able to fly! In 5 years time I want to be... happy and owning my own home. My signature/favourite perfume is... Victoria Beckham One food you would never give up is..... lasagne!


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Thurs, Fri, sat, Tues PM Thurs AM 10.00, PM 2.15, Thurs, sat, Tues AM 10.45, 6.30 Fri AM 10.30. PM 2.45, 12.30, 4.45, 9.00 PM 2.45, 7.00 Fri AM 10.45, 7.00 sat AM 10.15, PM sun PM 12.45, 4.45, PM 2.45 sun AM 10.45, PM 2.30, 6.45 sun AM 10.30, 2.45 Mon AM 10.30, PM 3.00 Mon AM 10.00, PM 7.00 Mon PM 12.00, 4.00 Wed PM 3.15, 7.15 2.45, 6.15 Tues PM 12.30, 2.15 Wed PM 5.30 2.45, 7.00 Wed AM 10.30, PM 2.45, 7.00


no Free LisT

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The hangover 2

The reason I can say this so confidently is because over the years I have built a reputation for being a clear and logical thinker when things go missing. While people around me immediately go into panic mode when a wallet, a purse or watch goes missing, I tend to logically think the situation through and invariably find the missing item just where logic says it will be. In the case of this black bra, no way Jose! I drew on every ounce of my prowess and despite my very best efforts...nothing! I looked in every draw, every cupboard, in lounges, beds and chairs...under lounges, beds and chairs...in the washing machine, both wash baskets and behind drapes before it started to become serious. I then checked a suitcase we used a few weeks ago, a wash bag we use for delicates, in the car would you believe, around the clothes line and so on and so on. Then, having done all that, I did much of the same again and again over the next few days. I HATE being beaten but it seems that on this occasion that elusive bra monster had me done to a dinner. There was however, one place I could not look. Around the time my wife put some clothes into the Salvo’s clothing bin and I wonder if that bra monster hid it among them. If it did, sorry Salvos! It wasn’t us, it was that blasted black bra monster.

no Free LisT

2hr 03m - PG

no Free LisT

2hr 03m - PG

no Free LisT

1hr 41m - PG

Kung Fu Panda 2 Thurs PM 12.15, 4.30, 8.45 Fri PM 12.45, 5.00, 7.00, 9.15 sat PM 12.30, 4.45, 9.00 sun, Mon PM 12.45, 5.00, 7.00 Tues AM 10.30, PM 5.00, 9.15 Wed AM 10.30, PM 12.45, 5.00, 9.15 no Free LisT

1hr 41m - PG

Programme for Thursday 23 June to Wednesday 29 June 2011 Parking available at rear, enter March or Byng Streets • ALL CINEMAS HAVE WHEELCHAIR ACCESS • Times subjecT To change wiThouT noTice • bookings recommended


June 23–29, 2011 Central West Photo News

smarter shopping 1

Plastic Play Food 50pk


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OPENING HOURS: See your local store or www.aldi.com.au for details. Meat and produce prices valid from 23/06/11 to 29/06/11 in our NSW stores. Produce prices are not available in Ballina, Casino, Coffs Harbour, Grafton, Lismore, Tweed Heads, Albury and Lavington stores. Some items are sold in pre-packed sizes. While stocks last – please note stocks are limited and will vary between stores. Despite our careful planning, we apologise if selected items may sell out on the first day due to unexpected high demand. In the event of unexpected high demand, ALDI Stores reserves the right to limit purchases to reasonable quantities. ALM4090_W25_A


Central West Photo News June 23–29, 2011

Local furniture store to benefit from national magazine A lady from the Central West recently launched a national home style magazine that will significantly benefit a local furniture store.


Arthur Bobeldyk from Orange Furniture One with the new ‘Style your home with Karen Creith’ magazine.



‘Style your home with Karen Creith’ was launched at Parkes Furniture one store last month and orange’s Furniture one retailer arthur Bobeldyk couldn’t hide his excitement about the new magazine. “there is no missing the association with Furniture one; the magazine has two covers, one of which is specially personalized for distribution in Furniture one stores.” arthur said the magazine provides home decorators with lots of tips and advice that will come in handy when decorating their home.

“there are lots of ideas on color fabrics, and different accessories and also the different proportions that can be used.” arthur admitted that he expects the magazine to have a positive impact on his store. “It lifts the profile on Furniture One; a lot of the furniture we carry is featured in the magazine.” “it’s good when it is one of our own and it’s good that she is from the Central west it is great for the region,” he said. if you would like to buy a copy of ‘Style your home with Karen Creith” they are available from the orange Furniture one store at 70 endsleigh avenue.

Now located within the new Orange Health Service General Hospital



tra n sform a tion s

Science smarts! Eager schools from around the region competed in this year’s Orange Science and Engineering challenge at James Sheahan High’s Mercy Hall last week. About 240 students competed in eight fun and interesting science based activities including constructing a Styrofoam plane, building a load bearing bridge and assembling a working hovercraft. Michael Horth from the Orange Challenge Coordinating Committee said the students enjoyed the day. “All activities are designed to show students the practical side of careers in science and engineering. Students became highly engaged in their respective tasks to the extent where many students had their lunch whilst continuing working on their projects!” The day also received major support from the University of Newcastle. Bob Nelson from the University said “We need to inspire young people about the sciences, to show them that creativity is an integral part of any career in science and engineering.” Mr Horth wished to thank all those involved in making the day possible, including the Rotary Clubs of Orange, the Department of Education and Training, Engineers Australia, and significant sponsor the Orange Credit Union. Competing schools included James Sheahan Catholic High, Orange High, Canobolas High, Blayney High, Kinross Wolaroi, Orange Christian School, Molong High and Denison College Kelso.

Orange Credit Union put people first At Orange Credit Union we put the needs of everyday people above everything else and we make it easy for everyone to access the full range of modern competitive banking services. www.orangecu.com.au 6362 4466

The granite top that sits on top Woolworths Carpark, Orange Ph 6360 0022 www.granitetransformations.com.au

Jacob Simpson, Eddie Davis, Ryan Hallett and Matt Foley from OHS building a dish antenna.

Terms, conditions, fees, charges and lending criteria may apply. ABN: 34 087 650477 AFSL/ACN: 240768


Central West Photo News June 23–29, 2011

Crazy hats, crazy kids! Every year in June, STAR FM/2GZ holds a fundraiser called ‘Give Me Five for Kids’, which raises money for our local Children’s Ward. This year, Orange Anglican Grammar school students and staff where involved in this great fundraising event. The kids (and some staff!) wore crazy hats and brought in a gold coin donation, which they used to spell out ‘Give Me Five for Kids’ on the basketball court! Neil Gill from 2GZ was on hand to entertain the crazy kids and thank them for their wonderful donation!

Dr Joanne Lee’s Hill Street dental practice is pleased to announce a new member of our team.


Dr Malithi graduated from The University of Sydney in 2009. Malithi joins Joanne, Dr Rob Hochstadt and our hygienist Clare. Dr Joanne Lee is now welcoming new patients and we have no waiting time for emergency treatment. Have you considered whitening your teeth? Amazing results can be achieved in under one week with our full mouth bleaching kits – only $350. To make an appointment, please call 6362 4322. HILL STREET DENTAL SURGERY 61 Hill Street Orange NSW 2800 WE ACCEPT TEEN MEDICARE DENTAL VOUCHERS

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June 23–29, 2011 Central West Photo News

God has ticked all the boxes for us By Luke Bracks






Are you a list ticker? Someone who strives to get things done? Do you ever feel like you are swimming against the tide? No matter how hard you try to complete a task, you only seem to get a small bit done. The day has then passed with very little result, and 10 more things have suddenly appeared just to add to the already uncompleted task. It is easy to fall into the habit of trying to find confirmation, assurance or a sense of nobility and success by achieving or completing activities. But in the end, finding satisfaction in getting things done is short lived because there is always something else that needs doing. Isn’t it great that when it comes to being right with God that He has done it all for us? There is no task or list of things that we can do to earn ‘enough points’ with Him, for we have all fallen short of God’s mark (Romans 3:23). But Jesus, through His death and resurrection, has ticked all of the boxes so that we can be friends with God (Romans 3:24). All we’ve got to do is ask for His help. Thank God for Jesus!

Curves Orange and Network Video are calling out for cans!


Can-do attitude! Curves of Orange and Network Video are showing their charitable nature throughout the month of June, by collecting non-perishable items to help out those in need.

By CHRIS BENNETTS CuRveS are holding their 13th Annual Curves Food Drive and will collect non-perishable items for the Salvation Army and Animals in Need. The goal, according to val Myott of Curves Orange is for the community to come together to help people in need. “At the core of our business is the message that women are stronger when they rally together, and that’s the point we hope to bring home with our food drive,” said val. “We want to show our community just how powerful the generosity of our members can be, and even if you are not a member, you can still drop off your donations!”

Over the past five years, Curves all over the world have been able to collect nearly 54 million kilograms of food. Last year, Curves Orange donated 2,000 kilograms of food to the Salvation Army. Network video are also doing there bit, by hosting the Cans4Films Festival. Network stores will act as collection point for all types of canned food that will then be passed onto local hunger relief charities. To date, Network’s customers have already donated more than 180,000 cans of food! Network video have a great incentive to bring in your cans, with one can getting you a free weekly rental, and by donating two cans of food you will receive three free weekly rentals!

Unit travels to hot-spots The Hampton 200 offering instant support This package built on your choice of land $179,860 Display home Open Each Weekend 10am-4pm 3 Murray Ave, Wentworth Estate, Orange

Driving to some of the most crisis-hit locations in regional Australia with a mobile office inside a prime mover is “the best job in CentreLink” Andrew Gregory says.



The Hampton 200 includes as standard: • • • • • • • • • • • •

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1800 200 888 *Drawing shown is an artists impression only and includes optional façade & Panelift door.

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ANDReW is coordinator of the Australian Government’s Mobile Servicing unit that is dispatched to provide help in natural disasters around the country. “Going to the Victorian Bushfires was the hardest time spent on the road,” he said of the 2009 tragedy. “People were coming in with nothing but the clothes on their backs and looking for help.” Andrew says the team aboard the Mobile Servicing unit were able to provide invaluable assistance to those most severely affected by the fires: “It’s about knowing where to go and what to look for, we were really able to make a difference. In life, you don’t know what you don’t know until somebody tells you”. Recently visiting Blayney for the day, the idea for the van developed out of the 10year drought that afflicted eastern Australia. “It started out as the drought bus in 2006 under the Howard Government,” Andrew says. “Many farmers didn’t know where to go and there was a certain amount of shame in asking for help and we found that if they weren’t going to come to us, we would have to go to them,” he explained. The success of the bus led to the Government establishing the unit as a permanent travelling advice office for country people. “We are here for the public, we take it to them rather than expect them to come for us, we tend to have a bit more time with

customers so we can find out more about them,” he said. The Mobile Servicing unit is essentially a transportable office that provides the kinds of services one would usually find within a Centre Link or Medicare office, but Andrew says it is a “totally different environment to offices”. The state of the art facility is one of two which travel across the country visiting rural areas where access to government services may not be as close as in other places. It gives people the chance to interact with and use the services of professional staff from Centre Link, Medicare and the Australian Taxation Office, some of whom travel with the unit and others which come from their local offices who can provide a more insightful understanding as to how things work in that area. The unit, a modified motorhome, contains three work stations and two private interview rooms; one which is sound proofed and therefore can be used for hearing tests. A self-service kiosk is also available, because as Gregory points out “a lot of the stuff we’re dealing with here is less complicated than people think, just showing them how easy it can be is all it takes”. Andrew has been with the project since its beginning, and still feels a strong sense of enthusiasm towards his work, “People say to me ‘how could you be on the road for so long?’ I love it! Meeting different people all the time, travelling rural and regional Australia, I think I’ve got the best job in CentreLink!”


A decade of savings The end of financial year presents some great opportunities to improve your financial situation.

Tax savings are the obvious example, but what you may not know is that you can also make lasting savings on your private health insurance. MBF’s NSW General Manager Justin James says that young people often put off private health insurance, not realising that by delaying cover they could end up paying more over the long term. “Since the government’s introduction of the Lifetime Health Cover initiative, people who delay getting hospital cover beyond their 31st birthday will be likely to pay higher premiums when they eventually purchase cover” Lifetime Health Cover (LHC) was introduced in a bid to encourage younger Australians to take out – and maintain – hospital cover for ten continuous years. It works

by adding a 2% loading to same level of cover as another the regular premium payable 40 year old who has enjoyed for hospital cover, for every the benefits of continuous year you’ve delayed getting private hospital cover.” hospital cover beyond your It makes good financial sense 31st birthday up to a maximum to get in early, but Lifetime of 70%. Once attracted, Health Cover isn’t the only the loading will apply for incentive. People who don’t 10 continuous years of paid have private health insurance hospital cover. The government may also incur the Medicare website privatehealth.gov.au Levy Surcharge will be able to tell if their income you more about exceeds certain the Lifetime levels. By delaying Health Cover the 2011/12 loading. cover they could “For financial year, Justin says you end up paying if a single may be able to person with no minimise – or more in the dependants even avoid – earns more long term this loading but than $80,000 you need to act and doesn’t before 30 June. have private health insurance, “If you’ve already turned 31 they’ll be required to pay a and haven’t purchased hospital surcharge of 1% in addition to cover by 1 July, you may be the normal Medicare Levy of required to pay the 2% loading 1.5%. For a family, the threshold for each year you are over 30. is $160,000 plus an additional So someone who takes out $1,500 for every child after the hospital cover at age 40 might first,” MBF’s General Manager pay up to 20% more for the said.

“In addition to the financial savings associated with Lifetime Health Cover, a private health insurance member also gets the peace of mind of knowing that they have access to choice of doctor, timing, and location.” MBF is part of Australia’s largest privately owned healthcare insurer, Bupa, who operate under the respected brands of HBA, MBF and Mutual Community. Together, they proudly look after and care for the needs of more than 3 million Australians with a vision to help their members live longer, healthier, happier lives.

Justin invites all local residents to visit the MBF team in Orange before 30 June for expert assistance with their health insurance needs.






132 623


MBF Orange, Summer Street

*Based on Active Saver including the Federal Government 30% Rebate on private health insurance. Assumes no Lifetime Health Cover loading applies. ^Only for new customers on new hospital and extras cover policies issued by Bupa Australia Pty Ltd ABN 81 000 057 590 on direct debit who join before 30/6/2011. 2 & 6 month waiting period waiver applies to extras. Other waiting periods and annual maximums apply. Not with other offers.




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WINTER MAGIC There’s nothing better than treating yourself to some beauty and pampering products in this chilly weather and Myer is the place you must visit to smell and look beautiful this winter!

June 23–29, 2011 Central West Photo News

in in


Janelle Henderson NEW FROM CLARINS Myer would also like to introduce their new Hydra Quench Tinted Moisturizers which combines the benefits of skincare and makeup in one easy step! The lightweight and comfortable moisturizer melts perfectly into your skin leaving it ideally hydrated, fresh, supple and toned. For just $48 and available in four delicious shades; natural, beige, peach and blond, treat yourself and your skin this winter with Hydra Quench Tinted Moisturizers.

Our Woman in Business this week is from a conveniently located hair salon that focuses on making the client feel good—for every member of the family. Business Around the Corner Hair Studio Position Owner/partner with Janet Mackie, and Hairdresser What are your hobbies? Hockey, reading and being a mum

How long has your business been running? Five and a half years What three words sum up the personality of your business? Friendly, convenient and awesome

What is something the public may not be aware of, about your business? The convenient location In business, what makes you smile? Making somebody feel good, having good clientele and great staff How do you unwind, after a hard day at the office? A nice glass of chardonnay


Myer currently have some fantastic gifts with purchase including their Calvin Klein offer. You will receive a choice of a Calvin Klein Eternity Summer 100 ML for women or men with any Calvin Klein fragrance for $80 or more.


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Central West Photo News June 23–29, 2011

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June 23–29, 2011 Central West Photo News


Food For thoUGht

letters to the editor

with BoB holland

Send your letters to; ‘Letters’—Suite 3, 241 Lords Place Orange NSW 2800 or email bob@cwpn.com.au Letters will be published at our discretion and may be edited for space reasons.

THANKS FOR FORUMS With people dying, fighting for their rights in many parts of the world, we here in Orange are so lucky to have a council that throws itself open to the public, as Orange City Council has done with its community forums. After having attended a number of these, I do sincerely thank Mayor John Davis and councillors for taking the time to listen to people’s concerns, some of which I considered quite unfair. On seeing council in action, I‘ve always been struck on how well they all get along with each other and how professionally it goes about its business, this against a backdrop of doing the right thing for Orange, and the pressures that it entails. Mayor John Davis, you’re a champion and the council that you run is a credit to the town. Rod Holcombe

CROSSING CLEARED At the April Council Forum I brought to Council’s attention the dangerous and messy conditions at the first crossing on Ophir Road. During the past week Council staff have removed the danger and cleaned the adjacent area up making the entrance to Clifton Grove presentable. I wish to thank the Council for their quick response and bring to the attention of the residents of Orange that council listens and acts on items raised at the open Council Community Forums. Charles Everett

Discover Orange Back in April when we did our Orange is Great special issue, one of the suggestions that came from a reader for making Orange even better was to stage a big family event during Winter that didn’t centre around food and wine. That suggestion has prompted me to think about another event that could prove to be very beneficial to our community on a number of fronts Put simply, I see a day set aside each year in the tradition of Australia Day but specific to Orange. Orange Day is the obvious name but I think this lacks marketing value. Before we decided on any name, we would need to establish what the day is meant to achieve. My feeling is that it should be a day when we celebrate Orange and as part of that, a whole range of activities should take place, activities that will not only excite locals but also draw visitors from far and wide for the day. It could also serve as a day of discovery where locals and visitors alike discover or experience things in Orange. The name we come up with must say something, it must be a name that works and it must feel right. My best at this stage is Discover Orange Day. It’s simple, to the point and says exactly what we’re on about.

So, we have a name and we have a purpose, what next? When to hold it? Orange weather can play havoc with events like this but on the other hand, Orange can also turn on days that are just magic. My feeling is a Sunday in either the peak of Spring or Autumn periods would be the go, possibly late February or mid October. What happens on the day? The sky’s the limit but in my mind’s eye I can see a number of things taking place. Among these could be open days at Electrolux, Cadia, Kinross, CSU to name a few. There could be a horse race meeting, a special combined farmer’s and Rotary Sunday market and a big family picnic style event. Smaller family events could also be staged by other community groups at key locations such as Lake Canobolas, Gosling Creek,

What’s hot this week acter r a h ly C Cudd t Packs Hea


Cosy S


134 Summer St Orange • 6361 9355


the Adventure Playground. I can also see all local coffee shops opening for the day to add to the atmosphere. Given the right publicity, I can imagine many people taking the opportunity to do things on this day that they may not do otherwise. Local sporting events, retailers, coffee shops and the streets of Orange generally could all benefit from much higher than normal volumes of people and that will all help our local economy. The flow on benefits of such a day will also be quite significant even though they may not be easy to measure. The fact remains that once people discover something good, they’ll often return. To get a Discover Orange Day off the ground will require a lot of effort but Orange has shown itself to be a community that’s not afraid of putting in big efforts with Ronald McDonald House, Carewest Lodge, Taste Orange, the PCYC and the Adventure Playground examples, just to name a few. All these would have started with an idea and that’s what my Discover Orange Day is at this stage, an idea. Any thoughts or suggestions?

“One of the more common suggestions to come out of the recent Shaping Orange discussions was the need for Orange to provide travellers with a much improved caravan park. Does Council have any plans in mind to address this and if so, when?” Council recognises there is a demand for more quality caravan spaces in Orange. This could include a new quality facility. There are two things happening in this tourism sector. Caravanning is a growing market and there is shortage in Orange. Council is investigating options to fill this gap. Council maintains a AAA star rating at the Colour City Caravan park adjacent to the showground. However the occupancy rate for casual sites is more than 75 per cent and for cabins more than 80 per cent. The total night stays at the park are more than 25,000 annually. There are a range of options available to encourage the establishment of a new caravan park and could include public investment, private investment or a joint venture between the two. Got a question for Council? Send your questions to Suite 3, 241 Lords Place Orange NSW 2800 or email bob@cwpn.com.au


Central West Photo News June 23–29, 2011



LOCAL ARTIST: Michael Carroll’s ‘Horse’ painting is just a taste of what will be on show at Jayes Gallery during his upcoming exhibition.

MIcHAel cARROll This week PhoTo News caughT uP wiTh The very TaleNTed local arTisT Michael carroll. Michael is from Molong and has been painting for 40 years. Although he has travelled all of his life he comes from a farming background and that is the inspiration behind his upcoming exhibition ‘Rurally Yours’. Michael moved to Sydney to formally pursue his artistic career at The National Art School in 1969. Michael is very passionate about animals and admitted there are a few reasons why he enjoys drawing them.

“I enjoy the challenge and I love animals and their personalities.” Michael is not an artist that draws from photographs or from pictures he travels to the scene of the action and captures everything in real life. “Animals are my models and I go there direct,” he revealed. Being able to share his passion of the farm is one of the most rewarding aspects of Michael’s work.

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“Giving many people pleasure and stimulation in viewing my work would be my main achievement and a loyal and appreciate public following.” Michael’s upcoming exhibition ‘Rurally Yours’ is a collection of small inspired works on a bush theme, there will be line drawings of farm animals, little paintings, small works and much more! Michael encourages everyone particularly animal lovers to come along to his exhibition. “It will be a smorgasbord of animals; there will be birds, ducks, chooks, and horses, there will be a farm yard.” ‘Rurally Yours’ opens on Saturday July 2nd at Jayes Gallery in Molong. Michael will be in attendance from 1 until 4PM answering any questions you may have, for more information feel free to call the gallery on 6366 9093.

Ash Brown; traditional bookstores need to get creative to survive.

Imagination will ensure bookstores’ survival Ash Brown sees a bright future for bookstores, all you need is a little imagination. “I think within the next 10 years, bookshops will need to get smarter in how they operate,” the owner of Ash’s Books, formerly Angus and Robertson, says. Despite dire predictions on the future of bookselling and stores, he believes that the independent suburban bookstore offers much more than just print and paper. “Bookstores are entertainment, if they want an experience of browsing and looking through and they can make it entertaining, then there’s a future” he says. His family’s quarter-century of owning and running bookstores in Orange and around NSW leads him to believe that, despite online buying and other distractions of our high-tech age, bookshops still have an appeal that no electronic seller can replicate. “It was hyped as online buying destroying bookshops but if that was the case, there’d be no future for any retail,” he says.


June 23–29, 2011 Central West Photo News


timewarp with John Miller

Gary MorGan Business Hire-A-Hubby Your official title Owner Name one thing that your business is well known for Prompt and efficient service How long have you lived in the Central West? Almost all my life, 44yrs Hobbies or interests? Bowls and Woodwork How long have you been the boss? Five years Number of staff Four Most popular product or service you sell All and any of our household handyman services Favourite Central West business Whitey’s Pies What do you love most about the Central West? That it is 300km from Sydney


Snow falls and cold, bleak weather help contribute to the lifestyle enjoyed by residents of Orange and district with Mt Canobolas playing a big part in bringing this weather. It may be icy cold and sometimes disrupts normal daily life but it still causes a lot of excitement, even for those who have lived in the

The Terrigal 230





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district for many years. While it can be argued that we don’t have as many falls and that they are not as heavy as they used to be, there is barely a winter that goes by without at least one fall of snow and it can also snow in autumn and spring, with many locals able to recall that it snowed on

Christmas Day one year. This great photo supplied by Helen Merchant shows the aftermath of a heavy snow fall in about 1950 in Peisley Street, including a faithful pooch waiting for his master to return from a visit to one of the shops on the western side of the street.

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PhotoNews Central West

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Central West Photo News June 23–29, 2011

HOWIGETMYKICKS words by zanna munro • photos contributed DESIGN PRINT PROMOTION

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This Week PhoTo NeWs CaughT uP WiTh The bubbly JaCiNTa graham Who is PassioNaTe abouT musiC aNd beiNg oN The sTage! Jacinta moved to the Central West in 2005 and recently joined Orange Theatre Company. She recently played Elsa Schraeder in The Sound of Music, which was her first show on the Orange stage but she has been involved with theatre work for 25 years! “I love being on stage and I really enjoy the learning process of each role and becoming different characters,” she smiled. Jacinta knew from an early age where her real passion was and admitted it was her parents who pushed her in the right direction. “I was one of those kids that put shows on for my parents, so then they took me to a junior drama class.” Jacinta was certainly a busy young girl, and her co curricula activities as a child highlight that she had the drive from a young age to make it to the stage, and with hard work and dedication she has made her dreams come true. “I did dancing as a child too, I did jazz and tap for about 8 years “I was one of those kids that played every instrument under the sun but I always found singing easy.” Singing and music is what Jacinta enjoys most now and she admits what she feels from singing is just amazing! “Music just lifts me it’s always been part of my family and who I am; I love that music can reach inside your soul, if you are feeling down it can really pick you up.” Thanks for sharing your story with Photo News Jacinta, you really highlight that with hard work, passion and determination all our dreams can come true!



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plus a CaN of pepsi/sChweppes driNk for oNly ly $5.50



To keep Orange community informed of development activity in the City,City, notice is hereby given Tothe keep the Orange community informed of development activity in the notice is hereby given that the following development applications have been made to Council during the period Friday, 10 10 that the following development applications have been made to Council during the period Friday, June 2011 Friday, 17 June 2011. June to 2011 to Friday, 17 June 2011. In accordance with section of the Local Government Act, theapplications applicationsmay may be be inspected inspected at In accordance with section 12 of12the Local Government Act, the atthe Customer Servicecounter counterofofthe theCivic Civic Centre Centre (ground during normal office the Customer Service (ground floor), floor),Byng ByngStreet, Street,Orange Orange during normal hours. office hours. Because applications arespecified not specified as “advertised development” under an environmental Because these these applications are not as “advertised development” under an environmental planning instrument, there is no formal process provided for submissions on the proposed planning instrument, there is no formal process provided for submissions on the proposed developments. developments. DA/CDC No


Proposed Development

DA 193/2011(1)

Lot 338 DP 884174 37 Amana Circuit, Orange

Garden Shed

DA 194/2011(1)

Lot 11 DP 825795 68 Kite Street, Orange

Rainwater Tank (inground - 5,000 litres)

DA 195/2011(1)

Lot 1 DP 1028865 172-174 Summer Street, Orange

Shop (alterations to existing), Restaurant and Outdoor Eating Area

DA 196/2011(1)

Lot 34 DP 261423 8 Maxime Place, Orange


DA 197/2011(1)

Lot 230 DP 720596 Bloomfield Hospital site - 1502 Forest Road, Orange

Subdivision (two lots)

DA 198/2011(1)

Lot 57 DP 750387 77 Blunt Road, Huntley

Alterations & Additions to Dwelling; and Outbuilding

DA 66/2011(2)

Lot 63 DP 1161714 19 Beech Crescent, Orange

Modification of Consent - Dwelling and Attached Garage

DA 200/2011(1)

Lots 555 and 556 DP 1161802 39 and 41 Diamond Drive, Orange

Subdivision (three lot residential)

DA 201/2011(1)

Lot 43 DP 1161714 4 Karri Close, Orange


DA 202/2011(1)

Lot 325 DP 1107220 27 Moonstone Drive, Orange

Shed and Rainwater Tank (30,000 litres)

OPEN EVERY DAY OF SCHOOL HOLIDAYS FROM 11.00 AM www.orangebusiness.com.au


June 23–29, 2011 Central West Photo News


youngentrepreneur Words and Portrait by Chris bennetts

Tegan DaviDson When I woke up this morning my first thought was… what to wear? My most hated household chore is… packing the dishwasher If I was 16 again, I would go back and … I am 16! What language would you like to learn? Chinese My favourite restaurant is… anything Italian To relax and unwind, I like to… hop on Facebook One thing I miss about being a kid is … playing with dolls I just can’t resist… clothes My favourite invention in my lifetime is… Facebook My three most cherished items are… my phone, iPod and clothes If today was the best day of my life it would be because… I was rich A fashion I wish that would come back is… I’m pretty happy with fashion as it is

Pause & Effect Creative w


on timber furniture Queen Bedroom Suite √ Queen bed



√ Tall Boy √ 2 Bedsides √ Australian Made body contour mattress Products may vary to images shown

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WhEn JamEs saundErs sTarTEd his graPhic dEsign businEss ‘Pause and effect creative’, hE did so WiTh a sTrong idEology of qualiTy.

“The name ‘Pause and Effect’ is actually inspired by my reaction against the pressure in the design industry to be quick and cheap, which can often lead to poor results,” James said. “I like to pause and think of the best direction for each individual client, then work to achieve the best result for their business.” James has been at the helm of ‘Pause and Effect Creative’ for the past 1 ½ years, during which time he has built a strong client base, including Bills Beans. He specialises in many forms of graphic design, including publication/magazine design, catalogues, logos, web design, and packaging. James believes dealing with his clients with a personal edge is invaluable. “I work closely with a client to achieve the most modern, vibrant and aesthetically pleasing design whilst taking into account the business’ established style,” he said. James has this advice to any young entrepreneurs looking to kick start a business. “Don’t despise the day of small beginnings, everyone has to start somewhere so try and look at the bigger picture. It’s also important to keep up to date with the technology concerning your business, but on the same hand don’t rely on technology too much...for example I love my iMac, but I still put a lot of value in a pen and paper.” You can check out James’ work at www.pauseandeffected.com

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Central West Photo News June 23–29, 2011

the entertainers



Ziggy played..............guitar


NARA SUTHERLAND N A R A’ S M u S I C A L S TA R B E G A N I T S A S C E N T AT H O M E they began to perform acoustic ‘new country’ shows at community events such as Harmony day. “We share a connection when we play together; we know what each other are going to do so that’s pretty special.” The Sutherlands began to travel around the state playing shows, even making it as far as the Tamworth Country Music Festival. “We played at Tamworth and were chosen to perform on a special radio broadcast, so that was a big deal for us! It was great to get


That rocks! What’s hot on the music charts

Lilley’s S.mouse cracks top 40

COMEDIAN Chris Lilley’s newest creation S.mouse has made an appearance in the Australian Top 40 music list. The fictional US teenage rapper debuted at number 37 with Slap My Elbow in this week’s ARIA singles charts. Meanwhile, Australian Idol winner Stan Walker sneaks into the top 10 for the first time with his catchy single Loud.

Australian singles chart 1 (1) Party Rock Anthem – LMFAO Feat. Lauren Bennet & GoonRock 2 (2) Give Me Everything – Pitbull/Ne-Yo/Afrojack/Nayer 3 (4) Someone Like You – Adele 4 (3) Rolling In The Deep – Adele 5 (5) Don’t Wanna Go Home – Jason Derulo 6 (6) Last Friday Night – Katy Perry 7 (7) We Run The Night – Havana Brown 8 (8) Own This Club – Marvin Priest 9 (18) Loud – Stan Walker 10 (11) Nobody’s Perfect – Jessie J

Australian albums chart 1 (1) 21 – Adele 2 (-) Little Hell – City And Colour 3 (2) Born This Way – Lady Gaga 4 (3) Seeker Lover Keeper – Seeker Lover Keeper 5 (7) Who You Are – Jessie J 6 (5) Glee: The Music – Volume 6 – Glee Cast 7 (8) Doo-wops & Hooligans – Bruno Mars 8 (10) 19 – Adele 9 (9) Wasting Light – Foo Fighters 10 (4) Suck It And See – Arctic Monkeys


Nara said the house was full of music when she and her brother Jacob and sister Atahlia were growing up. “Dad was always singing and playing guitar for us. He always seemed to have a guitar in his lap and we would sit around and listen to him.” This early influence rubbed off on Nara, and she began singing when she was eight. “I found that music gave me a way to express myself. When I couldn’t put things into words, music was able to do that for me,” she said. She soon teamed up with her siblings and

recognition!” Nara recently started doing her own shows, performing original acoustic ballads. She has no plans to stop making music. “I will always pursue my music career and hope to cut a CD soon,” she said. “I have to thank mum and dad for all their support, they organise us and take us around to play these shows, we wouldn’t be where we are without them.” You can check out Nara’s amazing talent on YouTube, by searching for Nara Sutherland.

Reality Bites From ‘The Osbournes’ to ‘The Kardashians’ and back again, we all love to watch people we may have vaguely heard of going about their daily routine with a couple of dozen TV crew members trailing behind to catch all the entertainment gold. Sarcastic much? Who me? Or should I say, Whom I? No, I shouldn’t, I was right the first time but don’t get me started on Grammar-isms. There’s loads and loads of reality programs flooding our televisions day and night seemingly without relent but what does that tell you? It tells you there are people like them and we should make some more! But with so many we need a edge, something to set our shows apart from the pack. Let’s think outside the box, then put everything back into the box just like Mum said or no watching ‘Khloe and Kourtney’ young man: the tallest loseRs: Really tall Geeks have a chance to win Star Wars collectables by decreasing their height by any non-surgical method e.g starvation, jumping off roofs or heavy hats of some type. CaRpet MeN: We follow a team of cheeky young carpet layers in their work-a-day lives but there’s always a surprise twist in every show that I can’t tell......ok, it’s silverfish shhhh. UNdeRCoveR MotheR: A real life Mom is kidnapped and replaced with a lookalike police detective, she then collects information on the family concerning waste recycling infringements climaxing in the entire family being arrested, real life drama people. But this is just the tip of the reality show iceberg, hey that’s another one! ‘Iceberg Watch’ it’s topical and apt, see how easy it is? See you on TV...I hope.

My girlfriend thought I’d be bored and I agreed, I’m not one for ballet and prefer films starring Steven Seagal or with ‘VENGENCE’ somewhere in the title. So day dreaming of explosions and war, we settled in to Black Swan (buy now on DVD). We were both wrong! I’ve always admired the work of Darren Aronofsky, and Natalie Portman from an early age has managed to bring a unique sophistication and intelligence to her characters. Black Swan is a perfectly crafted exploration into the desperate pursuit of perfection, and the descent into madness such desperation and drive can cause. Set amidst a production of ‘Swan Lake’ by a renowned New York Ballet Company, a lead dancer (Winona Ryder) is judged too old by her company director and forced into retirement. Now a younger, hungrier dancer must undertake both a physical and mental transformation as she dares to fill her former hero’s ballet slippers. Much should be said about Vincent Cassel as company director whose methods are simultaneously barbaric, cruel and somewhat justifiable to create a performance that at all costs must be believable. It is a horror rarely seen by us, the audience. Mila Kunis (who we cannot be BM certain is friend or foe) and Barbara Hershey (a neurotic stage mother) are both captivating. It is also shocking to witness the gruelling training which is as much disfiguring as it is mind altering. So as the credits rolled, my girlfriend asked if I was entertained. I was speechless, stunned by Black Swan, and Steven Seagal was the last thing on my mind. Rating:

  

Neil Kent


Another addictive and fun game

pICtureKA IphoNe │$1.19 oN ItuNeS

Pictureka is an instant hit from the moment you open this app. Placing the excitement of the similarly titled board game into your palm, it combines the thrill of finding items against the clock with the competition of playing with your friends. The real gem of this game is the music. As you play you are immersed by the sounds of barking dogs, flushing toilets, belching bearded men and pinballs hitting buzzers. And that’s just the start, with the soundtracks designed to help build intensity as you struggle to beat the clock to find items in the mess of images. Grab a friend, enjoy the board game graphics and don’t forget to chant ‘Pictureka’! Rating:

  



June 23–29, 2011 Central West Photo News


Allyson Tilston’s terrific work


to do list Almost one month of winter down; two to go! While most people complain about winter we really should embrace it and be fortunate that we can experience four distinct seasons in Orange. There are many things that we can enjoy in winter that we can’t experience in other seasons so let’s celebrate the great winter activities on offer this weekend! Why not organise a board game night at home with friends and family; the chilly weather is the only time you will get away with being comfy in your uggies and pjs! Board games are a great way to switch off from our busy lives while connecting with friends and family.

Allyson TilsTon hAs been A member of The orAnge roTAry Club for five yeArs And will soon sTep up The rAnks when she is induCTed As presidenT.


Even though it might be chilly outside there are still lots of fun ways you can stay active! Why not go Ten Pin Bowling! You’ll have a great time and you might even amaze yourself at just how talented you are with the bowling ball! Sometimes the cold weather is a great excuse to enjoy some me time! Why not take some time out this weekend enjoy a good book in front of the fire or listen to some soothing meditation music!

If you would like something mentioned in our Weekender column, call or email Zanna on 6361 3575 or zanna@cwpn.com.au at least a week before you want the information to appear in Photo News.

STEPPING UP: Allyson Tilston will soon be inducted as President of the Orange Rotary Club.

Although she has only been a member for five years her family has made a strong contribution to Rotary and she fondly remembers the contributions her father made to the Rotary Club of Orange North. Allyson admits she is looking forward to the challenge of leading the Orange Rotary Club into its 80th year. “I’m honoured to be working with such a great group of people and I’m looking forward to achieving lots of great things in the coming year.” Many people see Rotary only for its community service but it is a lot more than this. Members and their families receive many benefits including fellowship, personal development, friendships and the satisfaction of contributing to the benefit of others. Allyson invites community minded men and women who are interested in being part of the activities and achievements of Rotary to become a member of the Orange Rotary Club. Photo News would like to congratulate Allyson on her new appointment and we wish her all the best in her new role.

PhotoNews Central West

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To advertise your clearance

Massive clearance on all books. Most books $2 - $5 Summer Centre - 0414 321 247

$2 and $5


Shop 2/175 Dalton Street - 6362 0011

specials in Photo News, call 6361 3575


Central West Photo News June 23–29, 2011




This week’s pet has a big name for a wee little pup that will one day grow up to be a very, very big boy! To fulfill his insatiable appetite, this pup loves to consume anything and everything—except for tomatoes.

AlyssA , 4 What is your favourite movie? Tinkerbelle, Save the Day

Owner Name: Elle Radford

What do you like to sleep with? Lots of cuddle toys

Pets breed: Bull Mastiff x Bull Arab x Wolfhound x Great Dane How did you get your name? Because I’m going to be a big boy

What makes you cranky? Charch messing up the play room

To what do you attribute your good looks? Mummy and Daddy To what do you attribute your wonderful temperament? My owner

What is your favourite thing to wear? A dress

Town or farm? Town

Do you have a secret? It’s about fairies

What’s your job around the yard? To dig everything up

If you were a superhero, who would you be? Tinkerbelle

What’s the best thing your owner does? Bath me once a week and spoil me

How do cartoons get on TV? By Dad pressing the remote

What’s the worst thing your owner does? Rouse on me when I wee inside- oops! What’s the naughtiest thing you’ve ever done? Ripped up my owners special bracelet from Thailand


What does Mummy/Daddy do at work? Work on the computer

What’s the best thing you’ve ever done? Cuddling up to my owner when she’s sad Who is your best friend? Buster my toy rabbit What is your favourite treat? Everything, except for tomatoes What would be your ultimate animal career? A professional landscaper, who digs holes all day

What is your favourite book? Dr Seuss What makes a fire red and orange? Because it might burn you How do stars get in the sky? By the moon Why do grownups drink coffee and tea? Because they like it What is the best present you have ever received? Love books What’s your favourite thing to do at home? Play with Playdoh


Lend a Hand at the Strand


Life WiThouT Barriers (LWB) is a naTionaL noT-for-profiT organisaTion supporTing vuLneraBLe peopLe They offer their clients out of home care and provide services for disabled people on a number of levels. Orange currently runs a Day Care Activity Centre for disabled people and a group home for disabled adolescent young people who can no longer live at home. All children need a place to call home; they need guidance and a place where they feel they belong so LWB are currently searching for caring families, single people and couples who desire to make a difference in the life of a young person between the ages of 8 to 16. Through no fault of their own they are unable to live with family, but they need a sense of family to become the very best they can be. These young people have a range of challenging behaviours they need to overcome on their road to adulthood and independence. It would be a very rewarding experience to take care of someone less fortunate and be able to make such a positive impact on their life. A small team of supportive professionals from LWB work closely with carers and purchase services from local professionals to further support carers when needed. A generous tax-free remuneration is available to carers as well. If you would like to be involved with an extremely rewarding opportunity, call into the LWB Orange office at 55 Kite Street or call them on 6394 9700.


Like to help?



Monday-Fri day 9.00am to 4.00pm Saturday: 9.00am to1 2pm FAMILY STORE 311 SUMMER STREET, ORANGE TEL: 6361 3578


June 23–29, 2011 Central West Photo News

Proudly built by...

Mike Crowley & Associates Congratulations to Gerald, Shelley & the Team at Climate King / Solarco Best Wishes for a great future at your new expanded premises.


Congratulations to Climate King & Solarco

from the Team at

Chris would like to take this opportunity to wish Gerald, Shelley, Wes and staff best wishes with your move...

Coaching: not just for sports Chris Morrison, ActionCOACH is proud to be associated with the growth of Climate King & Solarco over the past 2.5 years and I look forward to working together for continuing success.

Mike Crowley & Associates Advisers to Business

65 Sale St Orange • 6362 9436

63 Sale Street Orange - 6369 0200

M & S Mastronardi Electrical Services Wishes all the team at Climate King & Solarco all the best for their move! For prompt service Domestic and Rural Installation, Maintenance & Repairs

4 Wickham Close, Orange Mobile: 0418 609 543 Fax: 6369 0070

Congratulates the team from Climate King & Solarco on their new building...

SignS - StickerS Printing 276 Peisley Street OrAnge Phone 6363 1242 Mobile 0418 635 103

email rodney@thestickershop.net.au

The staff at TLE Orange would like to wish Gerald and all the team at Climate King & Solarco all the best with the move into their new premises.

62 William Street, Orange PhOne 6362 3200


June 23–29, 2011 Central West Photo News


In case yOu MIsseD It

What’s neW, pussycat? Japanese inventors have come up with a gadget that combines the country’s fascination with cuteness and its penchant for experimental high-tech — brainwavecontrolled cat’s ears! The fluffy headwear claims to be able to read users’ brain activity so that the ears perk-up when they concentrate and then flop down again to lay flat against the head when users enter a relaxed state of mind. “We were exploring new ways of communicating and we thought it would be interesting to use brainwaves,” said a spokesperson for the creator, Neurowear. “Because the sensors must be attached to the head, we tried to come up with something cute and catchy,” the spokesperson said.

Orange & District Softball Association Inc. Disability Program for 10+ years of age

Sundays - 10.00am 21st August to 11th September Saturdays - 12.00pm 22nd October to 10th December Registrations close: Friday the 5th August $5 per week payable weekly or up-front For more info and registration forms contact:

Craig Myers 0429 623 252 Marcus Showell 6362 6623

Dale Allen Our Men at Work this week is a young Trainee Chef from Café Latte, who can cook a mean Bacon and Egg Roll, and loves Lamborghinis Age 16 Status Single What’s your job? Trainee Chef What do you like to do when you knock of work? Go home and sit down What animal would describe you best? Bear What’s your dream job? Chef

What would your best mate describe you as? Good bloke What would you spend your last $10 on? Bible The funniest person I know is… Ben Castellaro The best car ever made is… a Lamborghini

What is the best song to drive to? Danger Wild Man by Devil Wears Prada Sundays are made for... Chillin out How many women does it take to change a light bulb? 30 If you had the choice, what food would you never eat again? Asparagus The thing I cook best is... Bacon and Egg Roll What is your favourite clothing label? Drop Dead

Registrations available at

Sport & Recreation, McNamara Lane, Orange


$25 Remedial Massages 1 hour

• sleeping • adhd • anxiety • bed wetting • chronic ear infections • concentration • coordination • headaches

Matthew Brady

55 Bathurst Road Orange 6391 5900 Mon - Sat Claimable on health funds Research supported - Evidence based



Advanced Massage College Australia is currently running a Diploma Course in Orange. To help students gain further experience, the College is offering Student Massages for just $25 per hour during course sessions. These massages are conducted under professional supervision, they are remedial massages and will treat problems including stress.

LIQUOR SPECIALS Premium Cleanskin Beer 31.99/case Pearsons Point 750ml red/ white 6.99/bottle Trout Bay Sauvignon Blanc (NZ) 11.99/bottle Black Scot 700ml scotch 23.99

If you would like a $25 Student Massage, here are the times available:

Saturday July 16th 9.30am or 1.30pm A limited number is available so please call 6365 3003 to book.

129 Bathurst Road, Orange Shop 10, 1 Wark Parade, Bathurst 126 Percy Street, Wellington


Central West Photo News June 23–29, 2011

snapshot Words and portrait by david dixon

Helping “man of the forest” changes Meredith’s life WantIng somethIng dIfferent for a holIday, meredIth myott ended up spendIng fIve lIfe-changIng Weeks helpIng save the endangered orangutans of Borneo.

“It’s the greatest thing I’ve ever done, it changed my perspective, it’s given me the greatest sense of awareness, it was extraordinary,” she enthuses. And it all came about with Meredith deciding to take a break with a difference from her work as a massage therapist at Spine Alive in Orange. “I was talking to my best mate about annual leave, and we decided we wanted to give something back, we Googled and came up with this and it resonated, and I thought ‘let’s go to Borneo’,” she explains. Meredith and her buddy Belinda Ferguson then spent the next five weeks at the Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation’s idyllic Samboja Lodge located in a 2000-hectare regenerated rainforest on the Indonesian/Malaysian Island. The Foundation works to rehabilitate and return to the wild orangutans displaced because of illegal timber logging, coal mining, palm oil plantations, and the illegal pet trade. “The situation is dire, it’s extreme, but there’s no simple solutions, there’s no infrastructure, no education, and the community gets no pressure from outside influences,” Meredith explains. “I think the people in the coal mines think…’I’ve got to feed my family’, that’s their perspective…they’re incredibly poor but they are also so generous in spirit,” she says. The Foundation works with overseas volunteers and the local community, an experience that Meredith found inspiring, but there is little money for buying more forest for the rehabilitated orangutans. “The people on the ground are receiving so little and they need so much…we’re working hand in hand with these communities who embraced us… the only thing they’re lacking is education, we went to the local school and they need so much,” she said. Meredith’s work along with eight other foreign volunteers ranged from building platforms in the forest for the orangutans, planting trees, repairs to the enclosures, and educating the local population. The work has re-awakened Meredith’s love of nature, first discovered as a child before she joined the Wilderness Society at 16. “Doing this program has brought it all back to me, I was in Year Six and I remember standing in

front of the class with palm cards talking about the Amazon… I realise now I’ve always had a connection with nature,” she says. As well as caring for 224 orangutans at the Samboja Lodge, the Foundation has also saved 34 sun bears, some with their limbs amputated, rescued from local restaurants where their paws are used in a local soup. “Day by day it was very confronting,” she says. But Meredith believes that conservation groups like the Foundation can make a difference and that orangutans — the most threatened of the giant apes — can be saved from extinction in the wild. “I’m ever optimistic; you have to be optimistic to initiate change. You have to temper that with realism, but you can’t say ‘I’m going to give up’.” Meredith says that the experience has given her a new perspective on how interconnected we all are as people. “Would I go back, yes, in a heartbeat, maybe next year. It exceeded my expectations to be around so many inspirational, visionary people. I’m still buoyant,” she says. Meredith says that for future holidays, resorts, beaches, and restaurants will have to be given a miss. You wouldn’t think that five weeks would change you so much; I’ll never have a normal holiday again,” she says.

Meredith Myott: Helping save orangutans a life-changing experience.

orangutan fact file The word “orangutan” comes from the Malay words “oran” (man) and “(h)utan” (forest) meaning “man of the forest”.

Orangutans are the only exclusively Asian great ape; the world’s largest arboreal (tree-living) animals; and among the most intelligent primates. Native to Indonesia and Malaysia, orangutans are currently found only in rainforests on the islands of Borneo and Sumatra

There are only two surviving species, both of which are endangered: the Bornean Orangutan and the critically-endangered Sumatran Orangutan. The species is threatened by deforestation through illegal logging, establishment of palm oil plantations, the illegal pet trade, and the encroachment of industries like mining operations into forests.

anyone interested in helping can go to: www. thegreatprojects.com, or email meredith myott at: lunalove77@hotmail.com.


June 23–29, 2011 Central West Photo News email photonews@cwpn.com.au mail Suite 3, 241 Lords Place Orange NSW 2800 tel 6361 3575 fax 6361 3494

your photos, your say


The Thumbs

Under 16 girl’s football 2011 Country Cup winners!!

Thumbs up to Darryl  Grant (Cycles) for his sponsorship and support of local triathletes and young bike riders. Our caller says he does a lot for young riders that goes unnoticed.

Thumbs up to the staff at Jax Tyres from a lady reader who said that yet again another great experience when she recently had her tyres checked. Thumbs up to  Community Radio Station 107.5FM for the great music they play each and every day. It’s refreshing to be able to listen to something other than shock jocks ranting and raving, something they refer to as modern music or endless talk back radio shows. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Orange’s Under 16 girl’s football team were awarded their first win in the Football NSW’s country cup on the long weekend. They had a 4-1 victory in the final, beating a determined Wagga team to secure the cup. Last year the girls were runners-up losing out on a goal count back, but this year’s team, were totally committed to bring home the cup, and they did with much pride and celebration! Well done girls!

Thumbs up to Thel  Dion Boutique Shoes for the best shoe shop experience in the Central West and excellent customer service.

Thumbs up to the staff at Hog’s Breath cafe for making Ray’s Birthday very special. You were wonderful! Thumbs up to the Taxi  driver who helped me find

Photo contributed

where and how to stow my trolley in a local supermarket carpark. Thumbs up to the  kind person who found a reader’s lost debit card in a local carpark and returned it to Coles Supermarket. A huge thankyou!


0422 396 717 Standard SMS rates apply.

Like to give a Thumbs up or Thumbs Down? Email reception@cwpn.com.au or call 6361 3575

Bronze recognition for Ex-Servies! The Orange Ex Services Club was recently presented with a Bronze Partner Recognition Award as part of the NSW Government Sustainability Advantage Program. The Hon. Robyn Parker MP, Minister for the Environment and Heritage presented the award at a special presentation in Sydney. “These businesses and organisations are leaders in each of their sectors, successfully bringing sustainability into their operations, engaging staff and customers in improving environmental performance and achieving solid water, energy, waste and cost savings,” Ms Parker said.

Photographer Writer/Photographer Writer/Photographer Writer/Photographer Chris Trudgett Chris Bennetts Janelle Armytage Janelle Armytage Janelle Armytage

Zanna Munro

Sharna Hatton


Motivational PhotographerEngineer Smiley Kiki Hopcraft

Motivational PhotographerEngineer Smiley Jodi Towns

Lee MacKenzie sent in this picture of her Daughter, Lexi walking her cat Nikk.

Photographer Sales Manager Chris Trudgett

Chief of Administration Administration Jackie Holland Jackie Holland

Photographer Writer/Photographer Chris Trudgett Janelle Armytage

Walkin’ the cat

Motivational Engineer Smiley

Photographer Photographer Photographer Photographer Photographer Photographer Photographer Photographer Sales Consultant Sales Consultant Chris Trudgett Chris Trudgett Trudgett Chris Trudgett Chris Trudgett Chris Trudgett Chris Trudgett Chris Trudgett Matt Bayada Anthony Bratovich Chris

Motivational PhotographerEngineer Smiley Kiki Hopcraft

Photographer Photographer Photographer Photographer Sales Consultant Chris Trudgett Trudgett Chris TrudgettMurphy Chris Chris Trudgett Rebecca

Motivational Engineer Motivational Motivational Engineer Motivational Engineer Engineer Motivational Engineer Motivational Engineer Photographer Director of First Impressions Motivational Engineer Motivational Engineer Motivational Engineer Motivational Engineer Photographer Photographer Motivational Engineer Motivational Engineer Motivational Engineer Photographer Photographer Photographer Photographer Photographer Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley Kiki Hopcraft Smiley Bridget HealeySmiley Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley Kiki Hopcraft Jodi Towns Smiley Smiley Smiley Kiki Hopcraft Jodi Towns Kiki Hopcraft Jodi Towns Jodi Towns


Central West Photo News June 23–29, 2011

your yourphotos, photos,your your say The Birthday File HAPPY BIRTHDAY to these locals who are celebrating shortly – june 23 jun 23 jun 23 jun 24 jun 25 jun 26 jun 26 jun 26 jun 27 jun 27 jun 28 jun 28 jun 28

ebony-Rose bony-Rose Smith Teearna Tipper Lucy Ward Bec Langham Camilla Whittington Kayla DeRooy David Farnsworth Christie Brandie Alesha Miller Amelia Skrtic Wayne Miller Chloe Smith unn Brodie nunn

nominate your friends and family! To add names to the Birthday File call Jackie on 6361 3575 or email birthdayfile@cwpn.com.au


AT-TRACT-ING ATTENTION! A Photo News reader sent in some snaps from the Wellington Tractor Exhibition at the Wellington Show. There were a record number of entries this year, with 20 tractors ranging in age from 1923 to 1964 models. The champion tractor was a 1957 International AW7 owned and restored by Robert Jarvis. The tractor section is a relatively new section at the Wellington Show which has grown exponentially. Organisers are hoping for a bigger and better exhibition of tractors at the 2012 Wellington Show!


Why not let everyone know? Give us a call on 6361 3575 or send an email to reception@cwpn.com.au and we’ll place your special date here in our anniversary listing.

The long ride... Darren Ellwood recently called in to Photo News on his way from Wellington to Sydney on his push bike! Darren featured in Photo News earlier this year because he has taken part in numerous bike rides to raise awareness for Hepatitis C. Darren is self funding the charitable awareness campaign and asked for any donations to be sent to Hepatitis NSW. Well done Darren that’s a mighty effort riding all the way to Sydney we hope you were successful in raising awareness!



replACement trAnsponDer keys AnD entry remotes From $90




Here comes a Hercules

For most Cars,Garage Doors & Home Alarms

Terry Ballhause was recently out feeding his horses when he spotted a Hercules aircraft doing ‘touch and goes’ at the Orange airport. Lucky he had his camera with him so he could share the special moment with us all. Thanks for bringing your snaps in to Photo News Terry!

Midstate Master Locksmiths

A relaxing night out! Enjoying a night out at ProvVista Pizza Restaurant were (back) Kevin and Jay (middle) Carol and Judy (front) Libby and Silvia.


Lic. No. 409434453

301 summer st, orange

6362 8575




@PCYC Orange





COST: $17 per session or $30 entire day

COST: $17 per session or $30 entire day

3rd Child half price for session fee Full price on extra cost activities MORNING SESSION: 8.30am - 1pm AFTERNOON SESSION: 1pm - 5.30pm

EC= extra cost, this is the cost of the activity on top of session rate. BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL PRIOR TO DAY OF CHILD ATTENDING. FULL PAYMENT MUST BE MADE AT TIME OF BOOKING. HOURS: are strictly 8.30am - 5.30pm, with pickup & drop off STRICTLY from the PCYC. Please provide your child with lunch, drinks, a hat and a sunscreen each day. Fully enclosed sports shoes must be worn each day. PCYC takes cash or cheque only. Please phone 6360 2249 for further details, please note NO phone bookings taken. Excursion fees vary and are payable on top of the session/daily fee. All children attending must be current members of the PCYC and must be attending school. (NOT PRE KINDER) We cater for children up to approx 12-13 years on age.


Get to know you, colouring, garden time, start the holiday challenge puzzle, games. Court play, in club movie.

3rd Child half price for session fee Full price on extra cost activities

MORNING SESSION: 8.30am - 1pm AFTERNOON SESSION: 1pm - 5.30pm EC= extra cost, this is the cost of the activity on top of session rate. BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL PRIOR TO DAY OF CHILD ATTENDING. FULL PAYMENT MUST BE MADE AT TIME OF BOOKING. HOURS: are strictly 8.30am - 5.30pm, with pickup & drop off STRICTLY from the PCYC. Please provide your child with lunch, drinks, a hat and a sunscreen each day. Fully enclosed sports shoes must be worn each day. PCYC takes cash or cheque only. Please phone 6360 2249 for further details, please note NO phone bookings taken. Excursion fees vary and are payable on top of the session/daily fee. All children attending must be current members of the PCYC and must be attending school. (NOT PRE KINDER) We cater for children up to approx 12-13 years on age.


Court play, sing star, celebrity head. In club movie, buzz.

Tuesday 5th

Tuesday 12th

Wednesday 6th

Wednesday 13th



9.15am Ten Pin Bowling EC $12 Gymnastics, sing star, buzz, garden time. Colouring/ drawing competition, puzzles, court play, cooking biscuits - roll out the dough, cut with a variety of cookie cutters, cook then decorate! Mini Olympics, Celebrity Head.

Thursday 7th M A

Trivia, minute to win it games and challenges, puzzles Indoor Hockey, basketball and general ball skills for the younger kids. Craft - card making.

Friday 8th M A

Celebrity head, team challenges, court play. In club movie and pop corn!

2-10 Seymour Street ///


9.15am Movies EC $10 Mr Poppers Penguin Gymnastics, court time, puzzles, games. Tri Sports competition - indoor hockey, futsal and basketball. Minute to win it games, Balloon sculpting learn how to make different shapes!

Thursday 14th M A

Craft & Plant - this involves painting/ decorating a terra-cotta pot then planting seeds in it EC $3, court play. Buzz, court/ outdoor play & more craft.

Friday 15th M A

Court play, obstacle course. 1.15pm Ten Pin Bowling EC $12, in club movie

6360 2249 /// www.pcycnsw.org/orange

Central West Photo News June 23–29, 2011

class of the week




with Paul Tierney

Out of School ‘Lessons’ While there are those of us who fully believe the world revolves around a pencil, a calculator and a mathematics textbook, it’s certainly not like that for lots of others. The term ‘school’ is a very generic word that loosely means ‘an institution designed for the teaching of students’. Now, I know that there’d be plenty of teenagers who would heartily agree with the fact that I’ve used the word ‘institution’ in my definition to describe school. Lots of kids that I know live not just for the grind of the 9 to 3 life of classroom lessons, but for the other ‘lessons’ that they learn each and every week. Some of the best teachers around do all of their instruction outside of normal classroom times (and many even dedicate time to this education process for free). I would find it very hard to believe that every single kid in the Central West didn’t have at least one ‘outside of the classroom’ activity going on each week. These can range from things like Speech and Drama, to horse riding classes, music tutorials, volunteer fire fighting, dancing lessons, to an almost infinite number of Saturday sporting ventures. Extra activities like these are the ones kids sign up for —attendance isn’t compulsory, they want to be there. It must be hard for students to focus in the afternoon lessons of a school day sometimes, when there’s something like an awesome karate lesson happening from 4pm. No wonder they can’t keep their minds on the job! When the kids of 2011 start rattling off what they get up to as extras in their lives, it’s enough to make you get tired just listening to them. That’s another grand thing about living west of the mountains, too—places in the country survive on their sense of community and involvement, and this rubs off quickly on the kids. Sure, Facebook and the Playstation still play a role in their lives, but the amount of time they spend outdoors, or following their real passions appears to be waaaay greater than their city counterparts. I absolutely marvel at the coaches, teachers and instructors of all of the non-school activities—sure, some of them get paid for their services, but so many of them do it for nothing, and the hours they put in passing on skills to their charges should see them get medals. I think for a lot of these activities it’s all about ‘giving back’. I’m guessing here, but I reckon that Michelle the rep hockey coach, or Miss Maryanne the ballet teacher, or Greeny the rugby coach, or Alexander the chess guru all benefitted from generous time-giving adults when they were kids, and now they go the extra mile just because of what they fondly remember from their childhood. Plus, they genuinely love the smiles on the kids faces. Getting the most out of kids is one of the main aims of the finest ‘teachers’—and much of the best work occurs outside of the classroom. Bravo to all of you who educate young minds in your out-of-the-classroom passions, you are amazing.

Courallie Park Child Development Centre— Bunyip Room Pictures by KIKI HOPCRAFT This busy little class has been learning, exploring and developing their skills through a wonderful range of activities and play stations located throughout their room. Some of their favourite activities have included sensory discovery activities such as playing with lovely runny ‘goop’, measuring and weighing seeds and helping to cook and serve food. Patterning with shapes, name writing, creative art and imaginative role playing are also some of the other wonderful parts of a little Bunyips day!

Paul Tierney is the Director of Development and a mathematics teacher at an Orange School.

KIDS speak q


How do you make your mum or dad smile?


Spring Terrace

EvElyn • 5 CLASS: Kinder

‘By doing what they say. i put my lunchbox on the bench after school. And i made daddy a card for his birthday—he loved that.’

Ethan • 5

RachEl •5

vincEnt • 5


CLASS: Kinder


‘i help them around the house a bit. Sometimes i am a good boy, and i go to sleep all by myself.’

‘i play Hide and Seek with my brother. i also give my mum and dad a kiss and hug when i go to bed.’

‘i play computer games. Sometimes i draw my mum and dad a picturei used to do that more at pre-school when i went there.’


June 23–29, 2011 Central West Photo News




50% Off

Ladies! Arcade Impressions is into their Winter Sale and that means 50% off all winter stock. Consider yourself told.


Best Buy Pharmacy is offering 20% off all cosmetic and skin care products right now. That’s a serious saving so jump in before it ends on June 28.

28% Off

Lander’s Music is right in the middle of their Progressive Sale and that’s good news because today you’ll save 28% on your purchases. If you can’t get into Lander’s until tomorrow, there’s good news and bad news. Good news is the discount goes up to 29% but the bad news could be that the item you wanted has already gone. The sale ends Saturday at 30% off.


If you’re considering a swimming pool for Summer, it will pay for you to talk to Quinlan Pool and BBQ Centre now. Do a deal now, get everything in place so that come that first hot day of Summer you’ll be ready to jump into your new pool.


Orange Occasional Child Care Cottage offers child care for parents who need time without the kids to catch up with friends, attend appointments and so on. It’s a great service and the people there are keen to help. Call 6393 8670 for details.


Today’s Cash to Splash prize on the 2EL /Photo News Shopping Show has jackpotted to $150. Tune in to 1089AM around 1.15 for your chance to win.


One of Orange’s popular eating places is La Colline - Racine Cafe at Nashdale. For a treat, try their light lunches on a Thursday or Friday for under $20. For a more serious dining experience, plan to have an evening meal there soon.


G Are you looking to build a sensational new home but youIN don’t PP SHO want to break the bank balance? Are you looking for a trustworthy family run business to take care of your every need? Well Bell River Homes is the answer you have been looking for!


Bell Rives Homes (BRH) is a family owned and run business with over 16 years experience in quality steel framed building construction in both urban and rural environments. BRH are currently constructing a new home in Wentworth. It’s the amazing Hampton 330 four beds with study and will showcase their brand new standard offerings including stone bench tops. Hettich soft closing doors and draws and exciting new style vanities.

BRH also have some exciting news; they are expanding into the Sydney region with a new display home about to begin construction Western Sydney. This has exceptional benefits for regional NSW G IN in P P buyers as we are offering packages in Orange for the same price O SH I/2 pRICE as Sydney buyers, value that has never been able to be achieved in If your pet is due for a heartworm test, book to have it the country regions before. done now at Mulberry Lane Vet Clinic. Two reasons – one is if you get it wrong your pet could die and the If you would like to experience the BRH benefits call in and see the second is right now, you’ll pay half the normal price for friendly family team at 25 Leewood Drive or call them on 63 911 811. the test at Mulberry Lane.

with Bob Holland






re Ringland, Dr Malithi, Joanne BRIGHT SMILES: Rob Hochstadt , Cla y Lee from Hill Street Dental Surger



When is the last time you had your teeth checked? Oral health is something that often goes unnoticed but it can lead to mouth diseases and other nasties if you don’t regularly visit your dentist! With the amazing Hill Street Dental Surgery in the heart of Orange there is no need to delay your dentist visit anymore! If you are looking for a basic check up or need emergency treatment Hill Street Dental Surgery can help! Maybe you are looking to brighten your smile with glowing white teeth; their full mouth bleaching kits are your answer! For just $350 amazing results can be achieved G in less than one week. OPPIN H S Dr Joanne Lee’s practice is also proud to announce a wonderful new member to their team; Dr Malithi. New patients are currently being welcomed with open arms and they have no waiting time for emergency patients. Don’t forget they also accept teen Medicare dental vouchers. To make an appointment call 6362 4322 or call in and visit the brightly smiling staff at 61 Hill Street.






Mr K Formal Wear & Wedding attireSHOPP Boo Radley • Yarra Trail • Aero Handbags, scarves and jewellery


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June 23–29, 2011 Central West Photo News

Eli Jon Selwood Born 12/5/2011 Weight 4020g Parents Kieran and Amanda Selwood

Danni-Lee Jacqueline Dennis

Siblings Emelia (4 ½ yrs) Grandparents Gordan and Leonie Selwood of Orange, Margaret Loyns of Orange and Charlie and Pat Gill of Kandos

Parents Chelsea Dennis of Bourke

Great Grandparents Joan Wynne of Bathurst

Grandparents Regina Dennis of Bourke and Robert Morris of Lightning Ridge

Born 07/06/11 Weight 3420g Siblings First child

Meeka Rose Jaye- Clark Born 08/06/11 Weight 3230g

Kya Louise Kjoller

Parents Kelly Jaye and Danny Clark of Orange

Born 06/06/11 Weight 3350g

Siblings First child Grandparents Allison and Peter Jaye of Orange, Cathy and Jim Clark of Bathurst

Parents Tameeka Owers and Jay Kjoller of Orange

Grandparents Yvonne Jaye of Orange, Carmel Morris of Bathurst

Grandparents Karlie Irwin, Michael Kjoller, William Owers and Robyn Miller, all of Orange, Melinda Jovanovic of Townsville

Siblings First child

Matthew Daniel Shepherd Born 08/06/11 Weight 3720g Parents Michelle and Tim Shepherd of Orange

Alice Rose Harvey

Siblings First child Grandparents Elywn and (late) Elrene Phillips of Four Mile Creek, (late) Roy and (late) Stella Shepherd of Orange

Born 06/06/11 Weight 3280g Parents Dianne and Andrew Harvey of Orange BREASTFEEDING Siblings Sophie (4yrs), Laura (2yrs) brought to you weekly by the


Grandparents Colin and Sue Mudie of Parkes, Greg and Helen Harvey of Orange Great-Grandparents Nan Manchester, Nan Fewings both of Orange

Sourced from www.breastfeeding.asn.com.au



brought to you weekly by the

Babies will enjoy being breastfed and cuddled. Lots of loving attention will not ‘spoil’ them.

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Central West Photo News June 23–29, 2011




Written by Aaron Sorkin

Orange Civic Theatre th, th th July 8 9 , 10 2011 Before the movie came the Broadway Play Under License from Dominie Drama

Phone Ticketek 6393 8111


June 23–29, 2011 Central West Photo News


with Chris Benno

Nickname: Tomothy What do you do? I operate steam trains at Zig Zag Railway. I love it; Zig Zag is my second home. Why trains? It’s hard to explain, steam trains are like a living beast in a strange way. Sometimes it’s impossible to get the things to go, but I like the challenge. I also do photography.

What are you listening to? I listen to pretty much everything, but my favourite song at the moment is ‘We run the night’. What are your thoughts on sharks? I like sharks. They can be rather quaint and then... BAM! They gotcha! Favourite letter? I like the combination of LMNOP. It sounds cool.


What’s your favourite season? Definitely winter, I love the cold and rugging up. I enjoy being in the outdoors... my grandfathers farm is probably my favourite place.

I think it’s fair to say that there are good points and bad points to pretty much everything. Sadly, in Orange we saw the dark side of the social media world with that whole gossip group thing. Now I don’t know too much about it, but from what I’ve heard it was the absolute pits. As humanoids I don’t think we’ve fully grasped the power that social media gives us. We’re still pretty new to the game seeing that it’s only really been around for 5 or 6 years. That’s not very long at all in the grand scheme of things, so we’re probably still in the honeymoon period and working out how things work. It’s been said before, but we need to realise that social media is like a big amplifier... whatever you say has the potential to reach an untold number of people at the click of the fingers. That’s incredibly powerful, and like anything powerful... it can be absolutely wonderful or it can be devastating. On the wonderful side, we are able to share information, art, communicate with loved ones and discover all manner of things. It can be incredibly inspiring. Personally, it has done wonders for me in terms of venturing into the realms of the ‘photographer’. I used to put everyday snaps online which would get encouraging comments, so I thought ‘yea, righto... I think I’ll pursue photography’. It’s probably fair to say I wouldn’t be in this job without social media. We all know the bad points and dangers of the beast. I think what makes it extra dangerous is that the perpetrators of evil are able to stay pretty much inconspicuous, which is perfect for cowardly bullies. I don’t think social media is going anywhere soon, and bullying is something humans have struggled with since the dawn of time, so it’s up to us to work out how the two things stay as far away from each other as possible. I think a good rule of thumb is- if you wouldn’t say it to someone’s actual face, you probably shouldn’t say it at all. Anyway thanks for the lecture. I probably should have become a school teacher. Yours in type, Benno

INVITE US ALONG If you’d like a PhotoNews Photographer to come along and take pictures at your party or celebration, call us on 6361 3575 Please give us at least a few days notice

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Central West Photo News June 23–29, 2011


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Central West Photo News June 23–29, 2011


The Vicar’s Children

They were his progeny, his creations. He looked at them. All in their correct places. No movement, no disputes all in harmony with each other. There they were, all carefully arranged with their subject matter all clearly shown in the outer cover. Old Testament topics numbered in accordance with the books of the Bible and then those from the New Testament commencing with a new set of numbers relating to the source from which they came. Here in these words were the expressions of his soul, his very being. All that permeated his thoughts his hopes and sadly his failures. He was the last of his family, the last male with the name of Velvin. He came from a long family line where female children proliferated and males were rare. Now he was the last.


is wife had passed away some time before, not from any visible disease or dramatic fight with cancer or the like. She just seemed to fade away as through her inability to produce another male Velvin or for that matter any other children seemed to be too much of a burden, too much of a failure on her part to make life worth living. She gave up in her desire to live to old age and the love and affection she had hoped for in her younger life. The smiles and gentleness she hoped from the grandchildren that would surround her but that dream had faded with the passing years and the realization that there would be no little feet to fill the dainty bootees she had made long ago. It had never occurred to her that it may not have been her fault, after all her husband was a man and men had certain strengths. The blight of being a barren woman had haunted her down the years. Now he, that is the Rev. John Velvin, was left with just his spiritual children. The knowledge that he was the last and with no son to carry on the name or even a daughter to include it in hyphenated form in her married title, depressed him enormously. He had given thought to marrying again but now late in life how would he ever persuade a lady of childbearing age to marry him and even if such a soul could be found who was to say that a child would come from the union and even more unlikely a son. No parent or Father could have caressed their child more lovingly than when the Rev. ran his fingers so gently over the rows of volumes so carefully arrayed in their correct order in their own special book case. They were the sermons and prayers that he had delivered over the years from so many pulpits in so many small churches. While he contemplated and searched his faith for just the correct words to express his beliefs, he had but a thin reedy voice that became a squeak if he tried to give expression to his most heartfelt feelings. Yet his thoughts and beliefs so passionately held and beautifully rendered onto the page never seemed to have the effect the Vicar hoped for in their final delivery to the few who ever

heard them. In the hands of a more gifted speaker the carefully chosen words and clarity of thought would have kept spellbound a much larger congregation than he ever confronted. This problem was not helped by his tall, thin, angular appearance, indeed he seemed to be constantly apologizing for his lack of charisma in ordinary daily contacts. He was now coming to the end of a long and undistinguished career as a vicar always in the smallest and most impoverished of parishes. Parishes so poor that their vicar received the barest of stipends and the sparse congregation felt the need to help out with contributions of pumpkins and faded shirts now too small for growing sons. The Reverend sought solace in the words that he had written in his sermons although he had not composed anything new for some years. He felt a sense of guilt when he attempted to put new words to paper as though he was betraying his children from another time another life it seemed. Now he just retrieved words from previous sermons delivered in other parishes with just a few alterations to accommodate his present circumstances. He felt sure that his children knew and understood the reasons behind his actions. With no family distractions he had devoted his whole life to the study of the scriptures and particularly studied the letters from Paul and treasured most of all Paul’s letter to the Colossians. In those few pages, which he almost knew from memory, he saw the truth of the Christian ethos. However the mention of slavery in those few lines troubled him. Never confident of his own worth either as a man of God or of his place in society, he believed his lack of family experiences made him a less than adequate person to comment on those family matters brought to his attention. At these times he quoted this letter from Paul whenever he sought solutions to domestic problems experienced by members of his congregation. Never endowed with robust physical health, in recent times and particularly since the passing of his wife, the Vicar found it more and more difficult to carry out his duties to


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the members of his scattered parish. He knew that retirement was fast overtaking him a thought that caused him great distress. More than ever he sought comfort between the covers of his spiritual children. To the Vicar they were as much a part of his life as any human children could ever be. They represented his reproductive output. He approached retirement with apprehension bordering on dismay. When the time came for him to leave his last parish all that he could show for his many years of ministry were his treasured children in their revered bookcases.

This problem was noT helped by his Tall, Thin, angular appearance, indeed he seemed To be consTanTly apologizing for his lack of charisma in ordinary daily conTacTs. The thought that troubled him most was what would become of them, the only tangible indication that he has ever lived in this world. In the small country hospital Dr. Adams, accompanied by the duty Nursing Sister, examined the frail body of the tall angular man on the bed before him. It was the Dr. who broke the silence. “I would suggest that you contact his family he is fading quickly!” “He had no family, no next of kin. I have checked already.” “None at all, no nephews, cousins, nobody?” “No, nobody. He was, possibly still is, a minister of the church. The only contacts in his personal details are members of his church. I am puzzled because for some days now, even though he has been drifting in and out of consciousness, he keeps saying, almost pleading for me to ‘look after my children’. I have made all possible enquiries and he has no children.” “Poor man.” The Dr. said, slowly, sadly shaking his head.

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June 23–29, 2011 Central West Photo News

Photos contributed by Donna Stedman



Central West Photo News June 23–29, 2011

FEATURE Words by Nicole HackiNg

Let the poor boy have a Smartie, i thought...

Organic foods: Yes or no? I have a friend who I love very much, but every time she says the word ‘organic’ I want to stick pins in my eyes. It’s not that I am against organic produce— quite the opposite, in fact— but she bandies the word about in every facet of her life and in every second sentence. It’s enough to drive me insane.

I am sure she wasn’t always this obsessed. As a matter of fact I can pinpoint the onset of the mania quite obviously to the birth of her first child. From that moment on, everything had to be organic. Whether it was the food he ate, the soap he used or the cotton pyjamas the little guy wore, if it wasn’t certified organic it was out. So much so that, on his second birthday, instead of a colourful indulgence of hot dogs and lollies like every other kid, poor Andrew was inducted with organic carrot sticks, organic hummus and unsweetened organic apple juice. My friend then produced a lumpen, grey, seedy mass from her oven and declared it an organic cake. Let the poor boy have a Smartie, I thought, remembering the psychedelic preservative-laden and sugar-loaded exuberances of kids’ parties past. At least let him have some fairy bread. Instead I kept my Snakes in my bag and my mouth shut. Happy Birthday indeed. Perhaps my friend is an extreme example and, of course, not all organic produce is chunky and grey. In fact, you can’t argue that most of it is bursting with colour, flavour and amazing goodness. Still, it does seem that the idea of ‘organic’ is enough to bring out the obsessive in even the most benign personality. You could even go so far as to say that certain types of people claim organic produce like iron filings claim a magnet. For example: The Pious: The Pious buy organic food in the belief that this will somehow save the oceans/atmosphere/orang-utans. Without doing any research whatsoever, they set about an organic market like suburban superheros, determined that their conscientious consumerism will save the world. By not buying any ‘conventional food’, they wash their hands of the problems of pesticides and preservatives and it won’t be their fault if the world barrels into a plague-ridden apocalypse devoid of all natural light. However, although they’ll happily spend $50 on organic sprout juice, they won’t plant a tree in their back yard or restrict the use of their clothes dryer.

The healTh NuT: The Health Nut knows everything there is to know about preservatives and additives and, between marathons and yoga classes, isn’t afraid to tell you about them. Purity is the name of their game and organic food is their means to win. Had a cup of non-organic tea today? Well *sniff* it wouldn’t happen on their watch. Health Nuts are a favourite of logo designers because they’ll buy anything that looks like it has been approved by a leaf.

The afraid: They’ve seen Oprah, they’ve watched The View, they know that belly fat is bad and chemicals are worse. Organic stuff doesn’t have chemicals and food without toxins doesn’t have calories, so they’ll take their time wandering the streets to source it by the bucket load. Meanwhile, they’ll leave their petrol-guzzling 4WDs double-parked and still running so they can retreat to their mansion post-haste in the event of a terrorist attack. The eliTe: Organic is fashionable and there is nothing the Elite loves more than to know that their organic food is more organic than yours. Sometimes disguised as a Pious type or a Health Nut, they can’t wait to have you over for dinner so they can tell you that the organic sheep cheese on their organic clay platter was sourced from ancient Bedouin nomads and aged in a cave. Put some in your mouth and you’ll find they also can’t wait to tell you how much money they spent on it. We should also appreciate that, according to Newton’s Third Law of Physics, everything has an equal and opposite. In other words, there are also those who are repelled by organic food. Introducing: The aNTi. To these guys, organic produce is just normal produce covered in expensive mud. Fortunately for them it doesn’t matter anyway because health is for hippies and the heart ward. The Anti just want what is quick and tasty and cheap. If it contains stuff that is not good for them, well, that is the fault of the government. Last but not least, there are the rest of us: The Middle MeN. The Balanced. We like to watch the seasons come and go, we know that a lack of preservatives means fresher tastier food - and we like fresh, tasty food. We buy organic when we can because it offers us this and we appreciate it. It helps that organic pastures have less impact on the environment and it helps that there are health benefits associated with less pesticides and preservatives; but we’ve also eaten non-organic food for years and are not dead yet. The increase in organic produce at our green grocers and supermarkets suits us because it gives us more choice, and choice is what life is all about. As for my friend, time has gone by and her son has grown into a great little kid. He is off at school and to parks with friends and she has every right to be proud of her parenting. In fact, although I wasn’t there to witness it, I believe he once even ate some take away. With his refined young tastes and ‘organic’ upbringing I wonder what he thought of that. I wonder if he had a ‘mental moment’ as the E-numbers hit his unsuspecting system and, for better or worse, if he liked it. Either way, I’m still keeping quiet on the Snakes until his 21st.


June 23–29, 2011 Central West Photo News


IN CasE you MIssED It

magwheels Words & pictures by cHris beNNetts

Just a short story... A poor Filipino blacksmith’s son who stands less than 60 centimetres (two feet) tall was recently declared the world’s shortest man by Guinness World Records on his 18th birthday. The title was bestowed on Junrey Balawing in Sindangan in the southern Philippines, with his parents, villagers and officials showering the coastal town’s newly-famous resident with a feast of roasted pigs and seafood, cake, balloons and cash gifts. Balawing measured 59 cm (23.5 inches) during the ceremony attended by about 100 villagers and journalists at the town hall. Guinness World Records representative Craig Glenday presented Balawing with official recognition of his status as the shortest adult man in the world, with the framed certificate nearly reaching the ears of the standing recipient.

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“There were only 138 ever made, and there is none in Australia,” Dave said. Queen Victoria inspired the naming of the car, because the sweeping style of the rear end of the car was styled on the Queens dresses at the time. “I started building it in 1996, so there have been many hours in the shed! A lot of it is handmade and it also has some reproduction parts from Rod Zelukovic,” explained Dave. “The Vicky turns heads wherever it goes, especially at car shows,” said Dave. “It made its debut at the 2010 MotorX show in Sydney, and it was classed in the top 65 in Australia. It’s won quite a few prizes at various car shows since then, and I plan to put it in a few more yet!” Dave’s not finished restoring cars... he’s got another one in the works so watch this space! “I’m in the process of building a ’33 pick up to match it!”



PhotoNews Central West

m a C s t r o p S

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June 23–29, 2011 Central West Photo News

Atwork Photos by Chris bennetts

West Link Print Ivan Littlewood Owner

Brian Ferrier Printing Machinist

I oversee the day to day running of the business along with my brother Justin. We are committed to keeping every facet of printing in-house, so we keep locals in jobs. We are constantly diversifying and keeping up with the latest technology, such as the large format die-cutting press which allows us to cut out shapes for things like presentation folders and stickers. We also have a new mail centre which automates insertion of letters and docs in various envelopes, which gives customers discounts on their mailing rates. I enjoy every day at Westlink, we work hard to make customers happy!”

“I operate the full Colour printing press to make things such as brochures, posters and magazines. I also do a lot of other jobs around the place including embossing, gold foiling letterheads and guillotining. That’s the great part of my job- the variety that each day and each client brings. I could operate 5 different machines in one day so it never gets boring.”

Jodie Geach

Buddy Egea

Sales & Promotion Manager “My job is customer service, promotion and sales. We can brand anything from pens, stress balls, key rings and clothing, so I like to work closely with clients to find the right promotional solution for their needs. Westlink is a fun place to work; we have a good bunch of people who all get along which makes it a great environment!”

Finishing Production Manager “My main job is to basically bind and finish things such as magazines and books. It’s a great job and something I never thought I would do when I finished school; It’s something different within the printing trade. Its great working at Westlink, they treat me well and I treat them well. Everyone gets along, which is great!”

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June 23–29, 2011 Central West Photo News


Central West Photo News June 23–29, 2011

Women’s Masters Softball


Pictures CONTRIBUTED The Hotel Orange Women’s Masters team from Orange have done it again – they proved that you don’t have to be on top of the ladder to have a great time. The Women’s Masters team were looking great in their new uniforms when they ventured out of Orange recently to attend the Campbelltown Masters weekend in May and had a great time once again.

With John Carpenter

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With John Carpenter

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June 23–29, 2011 Central West Photo News

Michael’s meeting not what he expected Pictures by DONNA STEDMAN Michael Bowtell was all set to attend an important meeting upstairs at the Parkview on Saturday, June 11. Instead, he walked into his surprise 50th birthday party, complete with 40 family and friends, some that had travelled from Melbourne, Sydney and Wollongong. Michael was having a great time enjoying his ‘meeting’.

Chris, Lynda, Michael and Jono Bowtell

Michael and Lynda Bowtell

Party guests

Cassie O’Connor, Michael Bowtell, Sue May, Peter Bowtell Party guests

Alf’s big birthday bash Pictures by DONNA STEDMAN Alf Parker celebrated his 50th birthday with 80 family and friends on Saturday, June 11 at the Occidental Hotel. Alf’s mum, Mary and fiancé, Di organized the big do with great success, everyone was having a great time.

Di Madex and Alf Parker

Alf and family

Uey Kadic, Alf Parker and Ronny Gibbs

Brian Kind and Steven Parker

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Central West Photo News June 23–29, 2011

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June 23–29, 2011 Central West Photo News

Phillip Whalan, Michael Sanville, James Walters, Stephanie Baker

Josh Mahon, Connie Maloney, Daniel Sadler

Fraser Mulvaney, Mark Andrew and Garry Ozols

State of Origin fever hits Orange Pictures by LETITIA BLOOMFIELD It was the battle of the blues versus maroons across Orange, with excited patrons out supporting their teams at the Hotel Orange, Hotel Canobolas and Ex Services Club.

Teresa Brakenridge

Tommy Tiffin- Ryan, Hannah Truloff

Rachael Simpson, Craig Hort

Stephen and Barton

Al Sun, Neil Raines, Evan Kew, Frank Debao from Dubbo

Dave Roberts, Michael Johnson

Lee Gilmour, Isla Johns

Dudley Howarth, Keith Warrender,


Central West Photo News June 23–29, 2011


High riders: Visitors ride a merry-go-round at an amusement park in the German city Kalkar on Monday. Photo: REUtERS/ina FaSSbEndER

Sleeping like a baby: A child sleeps in a hammock along the roadside in Noida, located in India’s northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. A team of Swiss and French scientists this week published a study suggesting the rocking motion of a hammock improves sleep quality and helps people get to sleep faster. Photo: REUtERS/PaRivaRtan ShaRMa

Best dressed: Roxy, a Rottweiler-Labrador cross, sits in the judging enclosure before winning the “Best Dressed Victorian on Six Legs” category at the Dashing Dog Show at Kensington Palace in London on the weekend. Photo: REUtERS/LUkE MacGREGoR

 Hat parade: Visitors view creations by Japanese hat designer Akio Hirata at an exhibition in Tokyo on Sunday. The 86-year-old hat designer’s exhibition features about 3000 white hats. Photo: REUtERS/kiM kyUnG-hoon

ht g i r W y n o T al c n i o l o J ” e h w t o r Sh fo e m ti h c n “Lu

 Flooded: A girl puts on her boots near a flooded tunnel in Wuhan, Hubei province, China on the weekend. Days of rain last week resulted in deaths in several Chinese provinces, local media reported. Photo: REUtERS

Weekdays 12 noon to 3pm on

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trivia test






FILE: Sudoku - Level 3 - 1030 © Lovatts Publishing Group 2009 © Lovatts Publications - www.lovatts.com.au

Starting with the seven-letter word, drop a letter, rearrange if necessary, and form a six-letter word. Continue in this manner until you reach the lone letter at the bottom. Your solution may differ from ours.


puzzle quiz289solutions Stepdown & solution Tingles, tinges, singe, sign, sin, in, n.



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lucky winners to each receive a Steak Dinner for two from the Hog’s Breath Cafe in Orange.

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The ‘Hogster’ you’re looking for looks exactly like this one:

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How many zeros are there in a trillion?





5 2

6 2

The hairy-nosed wombat is the faunal emblem of which state?

9 4 1 2


What is another name for a baobab?

3 8

3 2 5 72 8 3 1 9 5 2 4

6 Win a Steak Dinner!

8 6 2 3




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Puzzle number: CW009.

What you have to do is find him! When you do, write your name, address and contact number on the back of an envelope along with the page number where you found ‘Hogster’.


Mel Gibson plays an Australian journalist in which film?

Puzzle number 1.



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Who am I?

Wise words...

CENTRAL WEST PHOTO NEWS horizontal rows God loves us not [advertising space]  Each of the nine Handy Who Cross 13A because of who we 3 x 3 boxes CentralWestHandy13Ablank.pdf am I? but because of are, I am Mark Remember no number © Lovatts Publications 25/02/2010 who he is. Zuckerberg can occurRating: more than Photo: ReuteRs once in any row, column Service is not serve-us or box.




3 2 8 2 4 1 6 4 vertical columns 8  Each of the nine

See bottom of this page for answers




6 2

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Brought to you by

HOW TO PLAY At the age of 12, I created an instant messaging To solve a Sudoku puzzle, program called ‘Zucknet’. every number from 1 to 9 must appear in: I attended Harvard University and developed  Each of the nine software that was vertical columns HOW TO PLAY popular with fellow  Each of the nine students. I started myhorizontal rows Tonine solve a Sudoku puzzle,  Each of the own social networking site in 2004. I was the3 x 3 boxes every number from 1 to 9 no number inspiration behindRemember the film must appear in: canI am occur more than The Social Network. once in any row, column the founder of Facebook.  Each of the nine or box.

For all you do, his blood’s for you

Puzzle number 30.

1. French tropical island 2. Mythical story 3. Lead-in 4. Road grit 5. Cultivating (ground) 6. Director, ... Hitchcock 10. Bone photo (1-3) 11. Protest march 12. Media promotions 13. Tiny amount 14. Insensible 15. Beverage server 16. Jived 17. Gives way 18. Unfasten (brooch) 19. Quoted 20. Scrapes (leaves)

Who released an album called Hepfidelity?

Who am I?

Trivia Test answers (303) 1 12, 2 South Australia, 3 bottle tree, 4 The Year of Living Dangerously, 5 Diesel, 6 snake, 7 foxtrot, 8 nowhere, it’s slang for hard work, 9 Robert Borbidge, 10 David Malouf.



23 Group 2009 © Lovatts Publishing tq303 PN_20110623

18 19

Who wrote the novel Harland’s Half FILE: Sudoku - Level 3 - 1030 Acre? See bottom of this page for answers





What sort of creature is a copperhead?



Find our Face in the Crowd and you could win an Entertainers Pack from D’Aquino’s valued at $150 which could include wine, beer and/ or snack foods. Somewhere in this edition of Central West Photo News you’ll find the face shown above. Once you’ve found it, write the page number and location on the back of an envelope along with your name, address and daytime contact number. Send it in to: Face in the Crowd, Central West Photo News, Suite 3, 241 Lords Place, Orange NSW 2800. You can also email an entry to competitions@cwpn.com.au. One entry per person per week please. Entries close at the end of the month. All entries received during the month go into one big draw. The first correct entry drawn wins the prize. Entrants must be over the age of 18, photo ID required. D’Aquino’s and Central West Photo News support the responsible service and consumption of alcohol.


Who was Queensland premier before Peter Beattie?


1. Petty 5. Hawaiian garb, ... skirt 7. Thyme or sage 8. Exchange (5-3) 9. Dinner jacket 12. Straightened 15. Gigolos (3,4) 19. Element in charcoal 21. Brochure 22. Bump off 23. Heavy thump 24. Duck & weave

Which word represents “f” in the phonetic alphabet?


Which word represents “f” in the phonetic alphabet?





Where can you buy elbow grease?


Where can you buy elbow grease?


What sort of creature is a copperhead?






Who released an album called Hepfidelity?






Who was Queensland premier before Peter Beattie?



At the age of 12, I created an instant messaging program called ‘Zucknet’. I attended Harvard University and developed software that was popular with fellow students. I started my own social networking site in 2004. I was the inspiration behind the film The Social Network. I am the founder of Facebook.

Mel Gibson plays an Australian journalist in which film?



Who wrote the novel Harland’s Half Acre?

What is another name for a baobab?

tq303 PN_20110623


Face in the Crowd

Stepdown solution 91 Tingles, tinges, single, sign, sin, in, n

The hairy-nosed wombat is the faunal emblem of which state?

Who am I? I am Mark Zuckerberg


Photo: ReuteRs

How many zeros are there in a trillion?

Trivia Test answers (303) 1 12, 2 South Australia, 3 bottle tree, 4 The Year of Living Dangerously, 5 Diesel, 6 snake, 7 foxtrot, 8 nowhere, it’s slang for hard work, 9 Robert Borbidge, 10 David Malouf.


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The most comprehensive FREE TV guide in the Central West

FRIDAY June 24 6.00 ABC News Breakfast. (CC) 64354665 9.00 News. (CC) 3989 9.30 Business Today. (CC) 6076 10.00 Noah & Saskia. (R, CC) 13521 10.25 Behind The News Specials. (R, CC) 5427927 10.35 Conversations With Australian Artists. (PG, R, CC) 6173057 11.00 Catalyst. (PG, R, CC) 6453 11.30 One Plus One. (CC) 9540 12.00 Midday Report. (CC) 7569 12.30 Midsomer Murders. (M, R, CC) 8055540 2.10 World’s Greenest Homes. (R, CC) 282434 3.05 Children’s Programs. 89039347 6.00 Time Team: The Isle Of Mull. (R, CC) 6.50 7.00 7.30 8.00


Minuscule: Ants. (R) 8074569 News. (CC) 873 7.30 NSW. (CC) 144 Collectors. (CC) Meet Clayton Bjelan, a collector who has been obsessed with Garfield since childhood. 647 8.30 Taggart. (M, CC) 67569 9.20 Hustle. (PG, CC) 2060521 10.20 Lateline. (CC) 1570076

6.00 Sunrise. (CC) 95887366 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG, CC) 6411618 11.30 News. (CC) 1415 12.00 Miniseries: Pandemic. (M, 07, R, CC) 984786

2.00 Dr Oz. (PG) 60958 3.00 Medical Emergency. (PG, R, CC) 3.30 4.00 4.30 5.30


Toybox. (P, R, CC) 6569 It’s Academic. (C, CC) 7298 News At 4.30. (CC) 40989 Deal Or No Deal. (CC) 8521

6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30

PRIME7 News. (CC) 9250 News. (CC) 4569 Home And Away. (PG, CC) 4540 Better Homes And Gardens. (CC) Tips on how to get more room. 9076 8.30 MOVIE: Bouquet Of Barbed Wire. (M, 10, CC) A British family is torn apart after their daughter returns from university and announces she is pregnant and has married an American. Trevor Eve, Hermione Norris, Imogen Poots. 3332182

6.00 Today. (CC) 90171960 9.00 Kerri-Anne. (PG, CC) 3471453 11.00 News. (CC) 391347 11.30 Alive And Cooking. (CC) 394434 12.00 Ellen. (PG, R, CC) 830811 1.00 The View. (PG, CC) 816231 2.00 Days Of Our Lives. (PG, CC) 827347 3.00 Entertainment Tonight. (CC) 746873 3.30 Hi-5. (P, R, CC) 749960 4.00 Kitchen Whiz. (C, CC) 757989 4.30 News. (CC) 286076 5.30 Hot Seat. (CC) 107960 6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30

News. (CC) 115989 WIN News. (CC) 123908 A Current Affair. (CC) 419182 Rugby League. (CC) NRL. Round 16. Wests Tigers v Canterbury Bulldogs. From Campbelltown Stadium, New South Wales. 650637 9.30 Rugby League. (CC) NRL. Round 16. South Sydney Rabbitohs v Brisbane Broncos. From nib Stadium, Perth.

6.00 Early News. (CC) 343427 7.00 Toasted TV. (CC) 920873 7.30 Wurrawhy. (P, R, CC) 923960 8.00 Totally Wild. (C, CC) 931989 8.30 Wurrawhy. (P, R, CC) 301724 9.00 News. (CC) 469347 10.00 The Circle. (PG, CC) 3057279 12.00 Dr Phil. (PG, CC) 838453 1.00 Oprah. (PG, CC) 814873 2.00 Ready Steady Cook. (PG, CC) 825989 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG, CC) 744415 3.30 Infomercials. (PG) 747502 4.00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield. (CC) 748231 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful. (CC) 101786 5.00 News. (CC) 375540 6.30 7.00 7.30 9.00

6.30 With George Negus. (CC) 114250 The 7PM Project. (PG, CC) 417724 MasterChef Australia. (CC) 122601 Burn Notice. (Series return, M, CC) After one of his former clients hires an assassin to kill a kidnapper, Michael steps in before his revenge claims the lives of innocents. 578434 10.00 Law & Order. (M, CC) 574618 11.00 6.30 With George Negus. (R, CC)



11.00 Tennis. Wimbledon. Day 5. From The All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, London, England. 82792724 4.00 Football. (CC) AFL. Round 14. Hawthorn v Essendon. From the MCG. 5880729

11.30 WIN News. (CC) 127724 12.00 MOVIE: Flight Of Fury. (AV15+, 07)

6.00 Children’s Programs. 4.00 The Hoobs. (R) 4.30 Play School. (R, CC) 5.00 Pingu. (R) 5.05 Peppa Pig. (R, CC) 5.15 Octonauts. (R, CC) 5.25 The Hive. (R, CC) 5.30 Bert And Ernie’s Great Adventures. (R, CC) 5.40 Wibbly Pig. (R, CC) 5.50 Timmy Time. (R, CC) 6.05 Miffy And Friends. (R) 6.10 Penelope. (R, CC) 6.15 Rupert Bear: Follow The Magic. (R, CC) 6.30 In The Night Garden. (R, CC) 7.00 Spicks And Specks. (R, CC) 7.30 Last Chance To See: Amazonian Manatee. (R, CC) 8.30 Sanctuary. (M, CC) 9.15 Riese. (CC) 9.30 The Tudors. (M, CC) 10.20 The Wire. (MA15+, R, CC) 11.15 The Wire. (M, R, CC) 12.15 Code Geass. (M, R, CC) 12.45 Important Things With Demetri Martin. (PG, R, CC) 1.05 The Office. (M, R, CC) 1.35 Close.

6.00 Raggs. (R, CC) 6.30 Flipper. (PG, R) 7.30 The Martha Stewart Show. 8.30 Sons And Daughters. (R, CC) 9.00 Home And Away: The Early Years. (R, CC) 9.30 Shortland Street. (PG) 10.00 Coronation Street. (PG) 10.30 Emmerdale. (PG) 11.00 Hollyoaks. (PG) 11.30 Deal Or No Deal. (R, CC) 12.00 Hart To Hart. (PG, R) 1.00 Grey’s Anatomy. (M, R, CC) 2.00 Murphy Brown. (PG, R, CC) 2.30 Valerie. (R) 3.00 Perfect Strangers. (R) 3.30 MOVIE: Sitting Bull. (PG, 54, R) 6.00 Bargain Hunt. 7.00 Some Mothers Do ’Ave ’Em. (R, CC) 7.45 Are You Being Served? (PG, R) 9.00 Tennis. Wimbledon. Day 5. From the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, London. 11.00 Escape To The Country. (R) 12.15 Minder. (PG, R) 1.20 Australia’s Wild Secrets. (R) 1.50 The Australians. (PG, R) 2.15 Leyland Brothers’ World. (R) 3.10 Dr Oz. (PG, R) 4.00 Coronation Street. (PG, R) 4.30 Emmerdale. (PG, R) 5.00 The World Around Us. (R)

6.00 Bratz. (PG) 6.30 Kamen Rider: Dragon Knight. (PG, R) 7.00 Deadly. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 The Secret Saturdays. (PG, R) 8.00 Ben 10. (PG, R) 8.30 Kamen Rider: Dragon Knight. (PG, R) 9.00 The Flintstones. (R) 9.30 I Dream Of Jeannie. (R) 10.00 Bewitched. (R) 10.30 Entertainment Tonight. (R, CC) 11.00 TMZ. 11.30 Married With Children. (PG, R) 12.00 Here’s Lucy. (R) 12.30 Spin City. (PG, R, CC) 1.00 The Hills. (PG, R) 2.00 Unnatural History. (PG, R) 3.00 Just Shoot Me! (PG, R) 3.30 The Secret Saturdays. (PG, R) 4.00 Kids’ WB. (PG) 4.05 Ben 10. (PG, R) 4.30 Here’s Lucy. (R) 5.00 I Dream Of Jeannie. (R) 5.30 Bewitched. (R) 6.00 MOVIE: Scooby-Doo. (PG, 02, R, CC) 7.50 MOVIE: Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire. (PG, 05, R, CC) Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Rupert Grint. 11.10 South Park. (MA15+, R) (US) 12.00 Fringe. (M, R) 2.00 Reno 911! (M, R) 4.00 Charlie’s Angels. (PG, R) 5.00 Cribs UK. (PG, R) 5.30 Tamagotchi! (R)

6.00 Triathlon. ITU World Championship Series. Round 3. Women’s Race. Replay. 8.30 Extreme Dreams. (PG, R) 9.00 Motor Racing. FIA World Rally Championship. Round 7. Acropolis Rally of Greece. Day 2. Highlights. 9.30 iFish. (R) 10.00 Baseball. MLB. Kansas City Royals v Arizona Diamondbacks. 1.00 Real NBA. (R) 1.30 The Game Plan: NRL. (R) 2.30 The Game Plan: AFL. (R) 3.30 Omnisport. 4.00 Extreme Dreams. (PG, R) 4.30 Airline. (PG, R) 5.00 Dr Danger. (PG) 5.30 iFish Catch Of The Day. (R) 6.00 Bondi Rescue: Bali. (PG, CC) 6.30 Extreme Dreams. (PG) 7.00 Airline. (PG) 7.30 MOVIE: Field Of Dreams. (PG, 89, CC) 9.45 Motorcycle Racing. MotoGP. Race 7. Dutch TT. Qualifying. 11.10 Basketball. YouYi Friendship Series. Game 1. Australia v China. 1.10 Omnisport. 1.40 Baseball. MLB. Kansas City Royals v Arizona Diamondbacks. Replay. 4.00 Netball. Second Test. Silver Ferns v Australian Diamonds. Replay.

6.00 WorldWatch. 6.00 Global Village: Indonesia. (R, CC) (France) 6.30 Come Dine With Me: Greece. (Greece) 7.30 Wiseguys: Italian Americans In Film. (PG, R, CC) (US) 8.30 Welcome To Lagos. (R, CC) (UK) 9.30 Go Back To Where You Came From. (M, R, CC) 10.30 MOVIE: Journey From The Fall. (M, 06, R, CC) Imprisoned in a communist re-education camp in Vietnam, following the fall of Saigon, a man urges his family to make the risky boat ride to the US without him. Kieu Chinh, Diem Lien, Long Nguyen. (US) 12.40 MOVIE: Ring. (MA15+, 98, R) A journalist researching a story about a cursed video, whose viewers die exactly one week later, finds her own life in danger when she watches the tape. Nanako Matsushima, Hiroyuki Sanada, Miki Nakatani. (Japan) 3.00 WeatherWatch Overnight. 5.00 WeatherWatch & Music.

6.00 Children’s Programs. 11.50 Backyard Science. (CC) 12.05 BTN Extra. (CC) 12.20 Survive This. (Final, R, CC) 12.45 A World Of Wonders. (R, CC) 1.00 Erky Perky. (R, CC) 1.15 Spliced! (R, CC) 1.45 Jibber Jabber. (R, CC) 2.10 The Legend Of Dick And Dom. (R, CC) 2.40 The Latest Buzz. (R, CC) 3.00 Stormworld. (R, CC) 3.25 Connor Undercover. (R, CC) 3.50 Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab. (R, CC) 4.20 News On 3 Update. (CC) 4.25 Young Dracula. (R, CC) 4.55 Sally Bollywood. (CC) 5.05 The Jungle Book. (R, CC) 5.20 Almost Naked Animals. (CC) 5.30 Deltora Quest. (CC) 5.55 Monk. (R) 6.00 Total Drama World Tour. (R, CC) 6.25 Horrible Histories. (CC) 6.55 News On 3. (CC) 7.10 Star Wars: The Clone Wars. (R, CC) 7.35 The Assistants. (PG, CC) 8.00 Stay Tuned. 8.30 Degrassi: The Next Generation. (PG, R, CC) 9.00 Close.

6.00 The Six Million Dollar Man. (PG, R) 7.00 The Men From Shiloh. (PG, R) 8.30 McHale’s Navy. (PG, R) 9.00 NBC Today. (R, CC) 11.00 Quantum Leap. (PG, R) 12.00 MOVIE: The Mechanic. (M, 72, R) 2.00 Xena: Warrior Princess. (PG, R) 3.00 Hercules: The Legendary Journeys. (PG, R) 4.00 Malcolm And Eddie. (PG, R) 4.30 Newsradio. (PG, R) 5.00 The Drew Carey Show. (PG, R, CC) 5.30 According To Jim. (PG, R, CC) 6.30 My Wife And Kids. (PG, R, CC) 7.00 That ’70s Show. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 Football. (CC) AFL. Round 14. Hawthorn v Essendon. From the MCG. 10.30 MOVIE: Urban Legends: Bloody Mary. (AV15+, 05, R, CC) Kate Mara, Robert Vito, Tina Lifford. 12.30 Cops, Cars And Superstars. (M) 1.00 The Six Million Dollar Man. (PG, R) 2.00 Quantum Leap. (PG, R) 3.00 Xena: Warrior Princess. (PG, R) 4.00 Hercules: The Legendary Journeys. (PG, R) 5.00 McHale’s Navy. (PG, R) 5.30 Home Shopping.

6.00 Today. (CC) 9.00 Alive And Cooking. (R) 9.30 The Zoo. (R) 10.00 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 11.00 Murder, She Wrote. (PG, R) 12.00 MOVIE: Our Miss Fred. (PG, 74, R) 2.00 Trust Me. (M) 3.00 McLeod’s Daughters. (PG, R, CC) 4.00 As Time Goes By. (R) 5.00 Ellen. (PG, R, CC) 6.00 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 7.00 The Zoo. (R) 7.30 Hot In Cleveland. (PG, R, CC) 8.00 Better With You. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 MOVIE: The Bone Collector. (M, 99, R, CC) A paralysed forensic expert works with an inexperienced female cop to catch a serial killer. Denzel Washington, Angelina Jolie, Queen Latifah, Michael Rooker, Mike McGlone. 11.00 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 11.30 Conan. (M) 12.30 Psychic TV. (PG) 1.30 MOVIE: A Kind Of Loving. (b/w, M, 62, R) 3.40 MOVIE: See Jane Date. (PG, 03, R, CC) 5.30 Adventures In Rainbow Country. (R)

6.00 JAG. (PG, R) 7.00 MacGyver. (PG, R) 8.00 The Brady Bunch. (R) 8.30 Neighbours. (R, CC) 9.00 Touched By An Angel. (PG, R) 10.00 7th Heaven. (PG, R) 11.00 The Love Boat. (PG, R) 12.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG, R) 1.00 JAG. (PG, R) 2.00 MacGyver. (PG, R) 3.00 Cheers. (PG, R) 3.30 Roseanne. (PG, R) 4.00 Family Ties. (PG, R) 4.30 Mork And Mindy. (PG, R) 5.00 Happy Days. (PG, R) 5.30 The Brady Bunch. (R) 6.00 Sabrina, The Teenage Witch. (R) 6.30 Neighbours. (CC) 7.00 Everybody Loves Raymond. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 So You Think You Can Dance. (PG) 9.30 Sex And The City. (MA15+, R) 10.05 Sex And The City. (M, R) 10.40 America’s Next Top Model. (PG, R, CC) 11.40 The Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson. (PG) 12.30 Sabrina, The Teenage Witch. (R) 1.00 Mork And Mindy. (PG, R) 1.30 Happy Days. (PG, R) 2.00 The Love Boat. (PG, R) 3.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG, R) 4.00 Touched By An Angel. (PG, R) 5.00 7th Heaven. (PG, R)

6.00 ABC News Breakfast. (CC) 9.00 News. (CC) 9.30 Business Today. (CC) 10.00 News. (CC) 12.00 Midday Report. (CC) 12.30 Newsline With Jim Middleton. (R) 1.00 News. (CC) 2.00 Midday Report. (CC) 2.30 One Plus One. (R, CC) 3.00 Afternoon Live. 5.30 Capital Hill. (CC) 6.00 The Drum. (CC) 6.45 The Quarters. (R) 7.00 News. (CC) 7.30 Contact Sport. (CC) 8.00 News. (CC) 8.30 One Plus One. (R, CC) 9.00 The World. (CC) 10.00 The Drum. (R, CC) 10.45 The Quarters. (R) 11.00 News. 11.30 Capital Hill. (CC) 12.00 News. 12.20 Lateline. (R, CC) 1.00 BBC World News. 1.30 Contact Sport. (CC) 2.00 BBC World News: The Hub. (CC) 2.30 The World This Week. (R, CC) 3.00 Lateline. (R, CC) 3.40 The Quarters. (R, CC) 4.15 The Drum. (R, CC) 5.00 Q&A. (R, CC)



4.00 Ent. Tonight. (R, CC) 9961748 4.30 GMA. (CC) 4329922

News. (CC) 125366 Sports Tonight. (CC) 146477 Letterman. (PG) 3004106 Infomercials. (PG, R) 76126361 Bayless Conley. (PG) 3654496 Jesse Duplantis. (PG) 3657583

6.00 Letters And Numbers. (CC) 9173881 6.30 World News Australia. (CC) 2928873 7.30 Coast: Galway To Arranmore Island. (CC) (UK) 3756908 8.30 As It Happened: Stalin’s Last Plot. (PG, CC) (France) 9071892 9.30 World News Australia. (CC) 3685569 10.05 What’s The Problem With Nudity? (M, R, CC) (UK) 1743521 11.05 MOVIE: Call Girl. (MA15+, 07, R) (Portugal) 81618095

11.00 Home Time. (M, R, CC) While Gaynor summons up the courage to run off again, Kelly turns 30. 30892 11.35 Rage. (MA15+) 72791057 5.00 Rage. (PG) 2726926

2.00 MOVIE: S.O.S. Titanic. (PG, 79, R)

11.30 12.00 12.30 1.30 5.00 5.30

6.00 Soccer. FIFA U-17 World Cup. Australia v Brazil. Continued. From Estadio Omnilife, Guadalajara, Mexico. 93406163 8.05 WorldWatch. 51109960 12.30 Turkish News. 7590163 1.00 Japanese News. 7383873 1.35 Hong Kong News. 88267453 1.55 Chinese News. 7551927 2.25 German News. 8944095 2.55 Italian News. 3728618 3.30 Letters And Numbers. (R, CC) 7581415 4.00 The Journal. (CC) 7582144 4.30 PBS NewsHour. (CC) 2948637 5.30 Global Village. (CC) (France) 8508362

1.30 2.00 3.00 5.00 5.05 5.40

Entourage. (MA15+, R) (US) 7961125 South Park. (M, R, CC) (US) 9112019 WeatherWatch Overnight. 3952309 WeatherWatch & Music. 63790545 Korean News. 41628293 Japanese News. 11304380

CLASSIFICATIONS: (P) For preschoolers (C) Children’s programs (G) General viewing (PG) Parental guidance (M) Mature audiences (MA15+) Mature adults only (AV15+) Mature audiences: contains adult violence (M) (MA15+) and (AV15+) CONSUMER ADVICE: (a) adult themes (h) horror (Sx) sex scenes (d) drug references, (l) language, (m) medical procedures (n) nudity (v) violence (w) war (CC) Closed Captions (WS) widescreen Programs subject to late change by stations.

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SATURDAY June 25 6.00 Rage. 34862212 11.00 Willie’s Chocolate Revolution. (R, CC) 96496 12.00 Collectors. (R, CC) 4212 12.30 Australian Story. (R, CC) 9361 1.00 Foreign Correspondent. (R, CC) 7390 1.30 The Trophy Room. (PG, R, CC) 2467 2.00 Medicine Men Go Wild. (PG, R, CC) 87748 3.00 Rugby Union. Shute Shield. Round 12. Northern Suburbs v Eastern Suburbs. 12019

5.00 Bowls. Moama International Tri Series. Men’s Singles. Scotland v England. 54496 6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30 8.25

6.00 Football. (CC) AFL. Round 14. Hawthorn v Essendon. Continued. From the MCG. 5477 6.30 Stitch! 3496 7.00 Weekend Sunrise. (CC) 1030944 9.00 Saturday Disney. (CC) 8400800 11.00 Possum’s Club. 5699 11.30 Legend Of Enyo. (C, R, CC) 5458 12.00 Castaway. (C, CC) 6187 12.30 That ’70s Show. (PG, R, CC) 52564 1.30 V8 Xtra. (CC) 339274 2.05 MOVIE: Bring It On: All Or Nothing. (PG, 06, R) 1859922 4.30 What’s Up Down Under. (CC) 5038 5.00 Guide To The Good Life. 6767 5.30 Sydney Weekender. 9854

6.00 Diego! 955187 6.30 Dora. 963106 7.00 Weekend Today. (CC) 3428361 9.00 Kerri-Anne. (CC) 3448125 11.05 Ben 10. (R) 1279361 11.30 Scooby-Doo! 327380 12.00 Dennis & Gnasher. (R, CC) 335309 12.30 GASP! (CC) 772816 1.00 Lockie Leonard. (CC) 773545 1.30 Saddle Club. (R, CC) 776632 2.00 Stormworld. (R, CC) 777361 2.30 MOVIE: Scooby-Doo And The Loch Ness Monster. (G, 04, R) 941125 4.00 Postcards. (R, CC) 797125 4.30 Fishing. (CC) 150670 5.00 News. (CC) 168699 5.30 Discover Downunder. 138458

6.00 Toasted TV. (CC) 929922 8.30 Me And My Monsters. (C, CC) 334670 9.00 Scope. (C, CC) 342699 9.30 K-9. (C, R, CC) 312458 10.00 Hit List TV. (PG) 3017651 12.00 Landed Music. (PG, CC) 326651 12.30 The Hit Rater.com. (PG) 770458 1.00 Infomercials. (PG) 771187 1.30 Hook, Line And Sinker. (CC) 774274 2.00 Football. (CC) AFL. Round 14. Gold Coast Suns v Western Bulldogs. From Metricon Stadium, Gold Coast. 22697458 5.00 News. (CC) 159941 5.30 Jamie’s Thirty Minute Meals. (R, CC) 512800

6.00 WorldWatch. 38205699 10.20 French News. 92121813 11.00 Hindi News. 8892477 11.30 Arabic News. 8895564 12.00 Russian News. 8896293 12.30 Turkish News. 7567835 1.00 Elektra. (PG, R) (Germany) 7893926 2.45 Jean-Luc: Cinema Godard. (PG, R) (France) 3445293 3.15 The Chopin Préludes. (R) 3570854 3.20 Paris: The Luminous Years. (US) 17434125 4.30 PBS NewsHour. (CC) 2915309 5.30 Who Do You Think You Are? Laurence LlewelynBowen. (R, CC) (UK) 2991729

6.00 News. (CC) 139187 6.30 Australia’s Funniest Home Videos. (PG, CC) 206458 7.30 The Block. (PG, CC) 458699 8.00 March Of The Dinosaurs. (PG, CC)

6.00 Evening News. (CC) 137729 6.30 Bondi Vet. (PG, R, CC) 145748 7.00 Football. (CC) AFL. Round 14. Sydney v Collingwood. From ANZ Stadium, Sydney. 11108941 10.30 Motorcycle Racing. (CC) MotoGP. Race 7. Dutch TT. From TT Circuit Assen, Netherlands. 689767 12.00 Motorcycle Racing. (CC) 125cc and Moto2. Race 7. Dutch TT. Highlights. From TT Circuit Assen, Netherlands.

6.30 World News Australia. (CC) 2995545 7.30 Richard Hammond’s Engineering Connections: Airbus A380. (R, CC) Part 1 of 4. (UK) 3716380 8.30 Iron Chef. (R, CC) (Japan) 2083421 9.20 RocKwiz. (M, R, CC) Music quiz show, featuring Jess Cornelius and Mike Rudd. Each performs one of their songs backed by the RocKwiz Orkestra, before combining for a duet at the end of the night. Hosted by Julia Zemiro. 1662496

Can We Help? (Final, CC) 5380 Gardening Australia. (CC) 9759 News. (CC) 748 Kingdom. (PG, R, CC) 49767 New Tricks. (PG, R, CC) Spies from the Ministry of Defence try to silence the UCOS team when they re-investigate the death of a British soldier. 686854 9.20 Outcasts. (M, CC) 2037293 10.20 Raw Comedy. (M, CC) 9596106 11.15 Graham Norton. (R, CC) 1035090

6.00 News. (CC) 6093 6.30 MOVIE: The Game Plan. (G, 07, R, CC) Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Madison Pettis, Kyra Sedgwick. 3869816 8.50 MOVIE: Land Of The Lost. (PG, 09, CC) A palaeontologist and his assistant stumble across a space-time vortex which sends them into a world inhabited by dinosaurs and bug-eyed lizard people. Will Ferrell, Danny McBride, Anna Friel. 72090458

12.05 Durham County. (MA15+, R, CC) Ivan turns the tables on Miro by planting evidence in his car. 6685997 12.55 Doctor Who. (PG, R, CC) 7501220 1.50 Rage. (MA15+) 69505423 5.00 Rage. (PG) 1075238

11.00 Tennis. Wimbledon. Day 6. From The All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, London, England. Hosted by Todd Woodbridge, with commentary from John Newcombe, Rennae Stubbs, Sam Smith and Geoff Masters. 82769496 4.00 Home Shopping. 5777201

2.00 MOVIE: Death In Venice. (PG, 71) Dirk Bogarde, Romolo Valli, Mark Burns, Nora Ricci. 85287666 4.30 New Style Direct. 3559997 5.00 Creflo A Dollar. (PG) 3550626 5.30 Skippy The Bush Kangaroo. (R)

6.00 Children’s Programs. 3.40 Igam Ogam. (R) 3.50 Rastamouse. 4.00 The Hoobs. (R) 4.30 Caillou. (R, CC) 5.00 Pingu. (R) 5.05 Peppa Pig. (R, CC) 5.15 Octonauts. (R, CC) 5.25 The Hive. (R, CC) 5.30 Bert And Ernie’s Great Adventures. (R, CC) 5.40 Wibbly Pig. (R, CC) 5.50 Timmy Time. (R, CC) 6.05 Miffy And Friends. (R) 6.10 Penelope. (R, CC) 6.15 Rupert Bear: Follow The Magic. (R, CC) 6.30 In The Night Garden. (R, CC) 7.00 Dog Whisperer With Cesar Millan. (CC) 7.30 The Great Food Truck Race. (CC) 8.10 Beached Az. (R, CC) 8.15 At The Movies Shortcuts. (CC) 8.30 MOVIE: Let No Man Write My Epitaph. (b/w, M, 60, CC) 10.15 MOVIE: Letter From An Unknown Woman. (b/w, G, 48, R, CC) 11.40 Make ’Em Laugh: The Funny Business Of America. (M, R, CC) 12.35 Monster Of The Milky Way. (R, CC) 1.25 Close.

6.00 Raggs. (R, CC) 6.30 Flipper. (PG, R) 7.30 Avenger Penguins. (R) 8.00 Power Rangers. (PG, R) 9.00 Better Homes And Gardens. (R, CC) 10.00 The Great Outdoors. (R, CC) 11.00 Queensland Weekender. (R) 11.30 Out Of The Blue. (R) 12.00 Tennis. Wimbledon. Highlights. From The All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, London, England. 1.00 Desert Island Chefs. (R) 1.30 Weekend Kitchen. (CC) 5.00 The Great Australian Doorstep. (Series return) 5.30 Man About The House. (PG, R) 6.00 Harry’s Practice. (R, CC) 6.15 Mind Your Language. (PG, R) 6.45 Born And Bred. (PG) 7.50 Heartbeat. (PG, R, CC) 9.00 Tennis. Wimbledon. Day 6. From the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, London. 11.00 That’s My Boy. (PG) 11.30 Please Sir! (PG, R) 12.30 Minder. (PG, R) 1.30 Australia’s Wild Secrets. (R) 2.00 The Australians. (PG, R) 2.30 The World Around Us. (R) 3.30 Off The Eaten Track. (R, CC) 4.00 Back To Basics With Nick Nairn. (R) 4.30 The Hairy Bikers Ride Again. (R) (UK) 5.00 Follow That Tomato. (R) 5.30 Danny By The Sea. (R)

6.00 Children’s Programs. 8.20 Best Ed. (R, CC) 8.35 Trapped! (R, CC) 9.05 Good Game: SP. (CC) 9.25 Erky Perky. (R, CC) 9.35 The Pinky & Perky Show. (R, CC) 9.50 I.N.K: Invisible Network Of Kids. (R, CC) 10.15 Kid Vs Kat. (R, CC) 10.30 Stoked. (R, CC) 10.55 6Teen. (R, CC) 11.40 Totally Wild. (Final, C, R, CC) 1.25 Flipper And Lopaka. (R, CC) 1.55 Yakkity Yak. (R, CC) 2.10 Sea Princesses. (Final, R, CC) 2.35 Parallax. (R, CC) 3.00 Dance Academy. (R, CC) 3.30 Lizzie McGuire. (R, CC) 4.00 Oggy And The Cockroaches. (R, CC) 4.15 Best Ed. (R, CC) 4.30 Stay Tuned. (R) 5.00 Escape From Scorpion Island. (R, CC) 5.35 League Of Super Evil. (R, CC) 6.00 Stoked. (R, CC) 6.20 Oggy And The Cockroaches. (R, CC) 6.30 The Slammer. (R, CC) 7.00 Deadly 60. (R, CC) 7.30 Good Game: SP. (R, CC) 7.50 The Tribe. (R, CC) 9.10 Close.

6.00 MOVIE: Marine Raiders. (b/w, PG, 44, R) 8.00 Whacked Out Sports. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 McHale’s Navy. (PG) 9.00 NBC Today. (R, CC) 11.00 Quantum Leap. (PG, R) 12.00 Zoom TV. 12.30 Fifth Gear. (PG) 1.00 Monster Garage. (PG, R) 2.00 American Hot Rod. (PG, R) 3.00 Motor Racing. (PG, CC) V8 Supercar Championship Series. Touring Car Masters. From Barbagallo Raceway, Western Australia. 3.30 Fifth Gear. (PG) 4.00 Monster Garage. (PG, R) 5.00 The Drew Carey Show. (PG, R, CC) 5.30 According To Jim. (PG, R, CC) 6.30 Seconds From Disaster. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 Air Crash Investigations: Who’s Flying The Plane?/Ocean Landing. (PG, R, CC) 9.30 MOVIE: Down Periscope. (M, 96, R, CC) 11.30 Club Reps. (MA15+, R) 12.30 Cops, Cars And Superstars. (M) 1.00 Quincy M.E. (M, R) 2.00 MOVIE: Marabunta. (PG, 98, R, CC) 4.00 American Hot Rod. (PG, R) 5.00 Quantum Leap. (PG, R)


10.00 MOVIE: Run Fatboy Run. (M, 07, R, CC) Simon Pegg, Thandie Newton, Hank Azaria, Dylan Moran. 397309 12.00 MOVIE: The Glass House. (AV15+, 01, R) 553775

12.30 MOVIE: What Lies Beneath. (M, 00, R, CC) Harrison Ford, Michelle Pfeiffer, Diana Scarwid, Miranda Otto. 5665978 2.55 Infomercials. (PG) 34026591 4.00 Bayless Conley. 9856862 4.30 It Is Written. (PG) 3557539 5.00 Hour Of Power. 8474220

10.05 MOVIE: Paris 36. (M, 08) (France)

6.00 Thunderbirds. (R) 7.00 Kids’ WB Saturday. 7.05 The Flintstones. (R) 7.30 The Marvelous Misadventures Of Flapjack. (R) 8.00 Looney Tunes Classics. 8.30 Camp Lazlo. (R) 9.00 Sym-Bionic Titan. (PG, R) 9.30 Batman: The Brave And The Bold. (PG) 10.00 Generator Rex. (PG, R) 10.30 Ben 10: Alien Force. (PG, R) 11.00 I Dream Of Jeannie. (R) 12.00 Bewitched. (R) 1.00 Married With Children. (PG, R) 2.00 Here’s Lucy. (R) 3.00 Green Acres. (R) 3.30 Spin City. (PG, R, CC) 4.30 Unnatural History. (PG, R) 5.30 Wipeout USA. (PG, R, CC) 6.30 Top Gear. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 Two And A Half Men. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 MOVIE: Transformers. (M, 07, R, CC) 11.30 South Park. (M, R) (US) 12.00 Nikita. (AV15+, R) 2.00 Wipeout. (PG, R, CC) 3.00 Charlie’s Angels. (PG, R) 5.00 Cribs UK. (PG, R) 5.30 Tamagotchi! (R)

6.00 NASCAR Nationwide Series. Race 15. Alliance Truck Parts 250. Highlights. 7.00 NASCAR Sprint Cup. Race 15. Heluva Good! Sour Cream Dips 400. Highlights. 8.00 Basketball. YouYi Friendship Series. Game 1. Australia v China. Replay. 10.05 Pro Bull Riding. 11.10 World Of Free Sports. (PG) 11.45 Save Point. (PG, R) 12.00 The WWE Experience. (PG, R) 1.00 Triathlon. Challenge Cairns. 2.00 WRC Access All Areas. 3.00 Extreme Dreams. (PG, R) 4.00 Dr Danger. (PG, R) 5.00 Airline. (PG, R) 6.00 iFish. (R) 6.30 The WWE Experience. (PG) 7.00 Extreme Dreams. 7.30 Team Hot Wheels. 7.55 Motorcycle Racing. 125cc. Race 7. Dutch TT. 9.00 Motorcycle Racing. Moto2. Race 7. Dutch TT. 10.30 Motorcycle Racing. (CC) MotoGP. Race 7. Dutch TT. 12.15 Formula 1. Race 8. Grand Prix of Europe. Qualifying. 1.25 RPM Moment. 1.30 Omnisport. 2.00 Motor Racing. Rolex Sports Car Series. Race 7. Rolex Sports Car Series 250. 4.30 FIA WRC. Round 7. Acropolis Rally of Greece. Day 3. Highlights. 5.00 Australian Rally C’ship. Round 2. Rally of Queensland. Replay.

6.00 WorldWatch. 6.00 The Wine Lovers’ Guide To Australia. (R, CC) 6.35 The Hairy Bikers’ Food Tour Of Britain. (R) (UK) 7.30 Find My Family. (PG) (Netherlands) 8.30 Welcome To Lagos. (M, R, CC) (UK) 9.30 Go Back To Where You Came From. (M, R, CC) 10.30 MOVIE: Cold Prey 2. (AV15+, 08) The lone survivor of a ruthless killer awakens in an apparently empty hospital, but quickly discovers she is not alone. Ingrid Bolsø Berdal, Marthe Snorresdotter Rovik, Kim Wifladt. (Norway) 12.10 MOVIE: Angel-A. (b/w, M, 05, R) A suicidal small-time crook, struggling with an overwhelming debt, encounters a mysterious woman who reignites his passion for life. Jamel Debbouze, Rie Rasmussen, Gilbert Melki. (France) 1.45 WeatherWatch Overnight. 5.00 WeatherWatch & Music. 5.05 Korean News. 5.40 Japanese News.

6.00 MOVIE: Our Miss Fred. (PG, 74, R) 8.00 MOVIE: Eureka Stockade. (b/w, G, 49) 10.10 MOVIE: The Winslow Boy. (b/w, G, 48, R) 12.30 The Avengers. (PG, R) 1.30 MOVIE: Jeremiah Johnson. (PG, 72, R, CC) 4.00 MOVIE: The Party. (G, 68, R) 6.00 The Golden Girls. (PG) 6.30 Antiques Roadshow. (R, CC) 7.30 Secret Dealers. (PG) 8.30 CSI: NY. (M, CC) 9.30 CSI: Miami. (M, R, CC) 10.30 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation. (M, R, CC) 11.25 Conan. (M) 12.20 Psychic TV. (PG) 1.20 MOVIE: Ryan’s Daughter. (M, 70) In the wake of the 1916 Easter Rising, a married woman in a small Irish village embarks on an affair with a troubled British officer. Robert Mitchum, Trevor Howard, John Mills. 5.00 Adventures In Rainbow Country. (R) 5.30 Discover Downunder. (R)

6.00 JAG. (PG, R) 7.00 MacGyver. (PG, R) 8.00 The Brady Bunch. (R) 8.30 Everybody Loves Raymond. (PG, R, CC) 9.00 Touched By An Angel. (PG, R) 10.00 7th Heaven. (R) 11.00 The Love Boat. (PG, R) 12.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG, R) 1.00 JAG. (PG, R) 2.00 MacGyver. (PG, R) 3.00 Cheers. (PG, R) 3.30 Roseanne. (PG, R) 4.00 Family Ties. (PG, R) 4.30 Mork And Mindy. (PG, R) 5.00 Happy Days. (PG, R) 5.30 The Brady Bunch. (R) 6.00 Sabrina, The Teenage Witch. (R) 6.30 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R, CC) 7.30 So You Think You Can Dance. 8.30 The Biggest Loser US. (PG) 10.30 90210. (PG) 11.30 Cheers. (PG, R) 12.00 Roseanne. (PG, R) 12.30 Sabrina, The Teenage Witch. (R) 1.00 Mork And Mindy. (PG, R) 1.30 Happy Days. (PG, R) 2.00 The Love Boat. (PG, R) 3.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG, R) 4.00 Touched By An Angel. (PG, R) 5.00 7th Heaven. (R)

6.00 7.30 NT. (R, CC) 6.30 Behind The News. (CC) 7.00 News. (CC) 7.30 Contact Sport. (CC) 8.00 News. (CC) 8.45 The Quarters. (CC) 9.00 News. (CC) 9.45 The Quarters. (R) 10.00 News. (R, CC) 10.30 7.30 ACT. (CC) 11.00 News. (CC) 11.30 7.30 Victoria. (CC) 12.00 News. (CC) 12.30 7.30 Select. (R, CC) 1.00 Big Ideas. (PG, R) 2.00 News. (CC) 2.30 7.30 Queensland. (R, CC) 3.00 News. (CC) 3.30 Foreign Correspondent Return Ticket. (CC) 4.00 News. (CC) 4.30 Behind The News. (R) 5.00 News. (CC) 5.30 One Plus One. (R, CC) 6.00 News. (CC) 6.30 Australian Story. (R, CC) 7.00 News. (CC) 7.30 The World This Week. (R, CC) 8.00 Four Corners. (R, CC) 8.45 The Quarters. (R, CC) 9.00 News. (CC) 9.30 State To State. (CC) 10.00 News. (CC) 10.30 7.30 Select. (R, CC) 11.00 News. 11.30 Foreign Correspondent Return Ticket. (CC) 12.00 Big Ideas. (PG, R, CC) 1.00 One Plus One. 1.30 7.30 WA. (CC) 2.00 BBC World News. (R) 2.30 7.30 Victoria. (R, CC) 3.00 BBC World News. 3.30 7.30 Tasmania. (R, CC) 4.00 7.30 NT. (R, CC) 4.30 Late News.



12.10 SOS. (M) 7729510 1.10 Life’s A Zoo. (M, R, CC) (Canada) 31777171

2.10 WeatherWatch Overnight. 20309220 5.00 WeatherWatch & Music. 9023171

CLASSIFICATIONS: (P) For preschoolers (C) Children’s programs (G) General viewing (PG) Parental guidance (M) Mature audiences (MA15+) Mature adults only (AV15+) Mature audiences: contains adult violence (M) (MA15+) and (AV15+) CONSUMER ADVICE: (a) adult themes (h) horror (Sx) sex scenes (d) drug references, (l) language, (m) medical procedures (n) nudity (v) violence (w) war (CC) Closed Captions (WS) widescreen Programs subject to late change by stations.


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SUNDAY June 26 6.00 Rage. 7355 6.30 Children’s Programs. 5003626 9.00 Insiders. (CC) 15317 10.00 Business. (CC) 2881 10.30 Offsiders. (CC) 8225171 11.05 Focus. (CC) 4326404 11.30 Praise. (CC) 8688 12.00 Landline. (CC) 82065 1.00 7.30 NSW. (R, CC) 9751 1.30 Message Stick. (R, CC) 4828 2.00 Cheetah. (R, CC) 62201 3.00 In The Shadow Of Hollywood. (PG) 47775 3.55 Pacific Pulse. (CC) 5259084 4.30 The Pre-Raphaelites. (CC) 3930 5.00 Art Nation. (CC) 1959 5.30 Mr Bean: Animated. (R) 23355 5.40 Robin Hood. (PG, R, CC) 6756423 6.30 7.00 7.30 8.30

Dance Academy. (R, CC) 3794 News. (CC) 423 The Dolphins Of Shark Bay. (CC) 3539 Inspector George Gently. (M, CC)

10.00 11.00 11.30 12.30 1.35

Compass. (PG, CC) 78965 Strictly Speaking. (R, CC) 5539 The Street. (M, R, CC) 89930 Order In The House. (CC) 8763805 MOVIE: The Bigamist. (b/w, PG, 53, R, CC) 9611350


2.55 MOVIE: Maid’s Night Out. (b/w, G, 38, R) Joan Fontaine, Allan Lane, Hedda Hopper. 29281534 4.00 The Bill. (PG, R, CC) 3475814 5.00 Art Nation. (R, CC) 5106824 5.30 The New Inventors. (R, CC) 5109911

6.00 Garner Ted Armstrong. 2930 6.30 Life Today With James Robison. 7249 7.00 Weekend Sunrise. (CC) 55947794 10.00 World’s Strictest Parents. (PG, R, CC) 94336 11.00 MOVIE: Cocoon: The Return. (PG, 88, R) 1030713 1.30 That ’70s Show. (PG, R, CC) 8171 2.00 Football. (CC) AFL. Round 14. Carlton v West Coast. From Etihad Stadium, Melbourne. 40542510 5.00 Mercurio’s Menu. (R, CC) 8210 5.30 Mercurio’s Menu. (CC) 3387 6.00 News. (CC) 1626 6.30 Dancing With The Stars. (CC) 696775 8.30 Downton Abbey. (PG, CC) As the village prepares for the annual flower show, Isobel and Violet come into conflict over Violet’s reign as title holder of Best Bloom. 2181607 9.40 Castle. (M, R, CC) After a wealthy socialite is found dead inside a wall safe, the investigation leads Beckett to Castle’s showbiz world. 1454355 10.40 Police Under Fire: In The Line Of Duty: The Walsh Street Killings. (M, R, CC) 3578881 11.40 The First 48: Dead Sleep/Tag Team. (M) 7489355 12.40 Home Shopping. 11127756 5.30 Early News. (CC) 5029973

6.00 Go, Diego! Go! (R) 813775 6.30 Dora The Explorer. (R) 821794 7.00 Weekend Today. (CC) 50206688 10.00 Wide World Of Sports. (CC) 365713 11.00 The NRL Sunday Footy Show. 710249 12.00 The Sunday Roast. (PG) 714065 1.00 F Troop. (R) 633591 1.30 Getaway. (PG, CC) 643978 2.00 Wildfire. (PG) 794201 3.00 In Their Footsteps. (PG, R, CC) 181713 4.00 Rugby League. NRL. Round 16. Newcastle Knights v Sydney Roosters. From Ausgrid Stadium, New South Wales. 193317 6.00 6.30 7.30 8.30 9.30 10.30 11.25 12.20

2.20 2.30 3.30 4.00 5.00 5.30

6.00 Mass. 811317 6.30 Hillsong. 829336 7.00 Totally Wild. (R, CC) 820065 7.30 Elephant Princess. (R, CC) 823152 8.00 Hook, Line And Sinker. (R, CC) 824881 8.30 Great Australian Doorstep. (CC) 285978 9.00 School Of Rock. 369539 10.00 Hit List TV. (PG) 3911423 12.00 ANDRA C’ship. Nitro Champs. 712607 1.00 Student Body. (PG) 721355 2.00 MOVIE: Saving Sarah Cain. (PG, 07) 104423 4.00 Meet The Press. (CC) 655713 4.30 Bolt Report. (CC) 277030 5.00 News. (CC) 322189 5.30 Thirty Minute Meals. (R, CC) 172666

News. (CC) 922143 In Their Footsteps. (PG, CC) 173794 60 Minutes. (CC) 819959 The Mentalist. (M, CC) 455775 The Mentalist. (M, R, CC) 451959 CSI: Miami. (M, R, CC) 971997 The Guardian. (M) 6959404 Rugby League. Super League. Round 19. Warrington Wolves v St Helens. From Halliwell Jones Stadium, Warrington, England. 6282114

6.00 6.30 7.30 8.30

Evening News. (CC) 722125 Merlin. (PG, CC) 171336 MasterChef Australia. (CC) 800201 Hawaii Five-0. (M, CC) A renowned fashion photographer is murdered and Danny is keen to investigate when he learns he will have to interview a group of models in town for a sports magazine’s annual swimsuit cover shoot. 453317

9.30 NCIS. (M, R, CC) 442201

WIN Presents. (PG, R) 1791398 The Baron. (PG, R) 8460027 Danoz Direct. 9824263 GMA: Sunday Edition. (CC) 8449534 News. (CC) 3527398 Today. (CC) 3520485

10.30 Motor Racing. Formula 1. Race 8. Grand Prix of Europe. 4563997 12.40 Infomercials. (PG, R) 56587804 4.00 Joyce Meyer. (PG) 9823534 4.30 Kenneth Copeland. (PG) 3517911 5.00 James Robison. (PG) 3518640 5.30 Benny Hinn. (PG) 3528027

6.00 WorldWatch. 38192171 10.30 Football Asia. 8788220 11.00 Soccer. Copa Libertadores. Final. Second Leg. Santos v Peñarol. Highlights. From Pacaembu Stadium, São Paulo, Brazil. 6218336 12.00 FIFA Futbol Mundial. (UK) 8790065 12.30 Speedweek. 5420323 2.00 Generation Jihad. (PG, R, CC) (UK) 6209688 3.00 Berlin: Ruined Visions. (R, CC) (UK) 2807336 4.00 Raising Their Game: The Story Of The FIFA Women’s World Cup. (Germany) 2801152 5.00 Cycling Central. 2887572 6.00 Thalassa. (R, CC) (France) 2727305 6.30 World News Australia. (CC) 2899317 7.30 Who Do You Think You Are? Rupert Penry-Jones. (PG, CC) (UK) 3610152 8.30 Dateline. (CC) 9942336 9.30 How Long is A Piece Of String? (CC) (UK) 9931220 10.30 The Moving Earth. (R, CC) (Denmark) 9922572

11.30 MOVIE: The Wedding Day. (M, 05, R) (France) 4009862 1.00 NEWStopia. (M, R, CC) 7822282 1.30 Soccer. FIFA Women’s World Cup. Germany v Canada. 66035805 4.15 WeatherWatch Overnight. 64902058 5.00 WeatherWatch & Music. 63661089 5.05 Korean News. 41599737 5.40 Japanese News. 11275824

6.00 Children’s Programs. 3.40 Igam Ogam. (R) 3.50 Rastamouse. 4.00 The Hoobs. (R) 4.30 Caillou. (R, CC) 5.00 Pingu. (R) 5.05 Peppa Pig. (R, CC) 5.15 Octonauts. (R, CC) 5.25 The Hive. (R, CC) 5.30 Bert And Ernie’s Great Adventures. (R, CC) 5.40 Wibbly Pig. (R, CC) 5.50 Timmy Time. (R, CC) 6.05 Miffy And Friends. (R) 6.10 Penelope. (R, CC) 6.15 Humf. (R, CC) 6.30 In The Night Garden. (R, CC) 7.00 At The Movies. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 Art Race. (CC) 8.00 Design For Life. (PG, R, CC) 8.50 Artscape: Stephen Vitiello – Listening With Intent. (R, CC) 9.20 Art Nation. (R, CC) 9.50 Gavin & Stacey. (PG, R, CC) 10.20 The Graham Norton Show. (R, CC) 11.05 Hornblower. (M, R, CC) 12.45 Beautiful Noise. (R, CC) 1.45 Close.

6.00 Home And Away Catch-Up. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 Ugly Betty. (PG, R, CC) 9.30 Full House. (R) 10.00 Spirit Of Wimbledon. 10.30 Tennis. Wimbledon. Highlights. From The All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, London, England. 11.30 MOVIE: 7th Cavalry. (G, 56, R) 1.00 MOVIE: Reprisal! (PG, 56, R) 2.40 MOVIE: The Muppets Take Manhattan. (G, 84, R) 4.40 MOVIE: Brother Bear. (G, 03, R, CC) 6.30 Marie Claire: Under The Cover. (PG) 7.00 Fawlty Towers. (Final, PG, R, CC) 7.45 Royal Upstairs Downstairs. (PG) 8.25 The Lakes. 9.00 Escape To The Country. 10.00 60 Minute Makeover. 11.00 The Hairy Bikers’ Cookbook. (R) (UK) 11.40 Living In The Sun. (PG) 1.00 MOVIE: Allegheny Uprising. (b/w, G, 39, R) 2.45 MOVIE: George White’s Scandals. (b/w, 45, R) 4.40 The World Around Us. (R) 5.30 Home Shopping.

6.00 Thunderbirds. (R) 7.00 Kids’ WB Sunday. 7.05 The Flintstones. (R) 7.30 The Marvelous Misadventures Of Flapjack. (R) 8.00 Looney Tunes Classics. 8.30 Camp Lazlo. (R) 9.00 Sym-Bionic Titan. (PG, R) 9.30 Batman: The Brave And The Bold. (PG) 10.00 Generator Rex. (PG, R) 10.30 Ben 10: Alien Force. (PG, R) 11.00 Top Cat. (R) 11.30 Wacky Races. (R) 12.00 The City. (PG) 12.30 Eclipse Music TV. (PG) 1.00 Married With Children. (PG, R) 2.00 Here’s Lucy. (R) 3.00 Green Acres. (R) 3.30 Spin City. (PG, R, CC) 4.30 Hellcats. (PG) 5.30 Community. (PG) 6.30 The Big Bang Theory. (PG, R, CC) 7.00 The Middle. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 Top Gear. (PG, R, CC) 9.00 Two And A Half Men. (M, R, CC) 9.30 MOVIE: xXx. (M, 02, R, CC) 12.00 Community. (PG, R) 1.00 Reno 911! (M, R) 2.00 Home Shopping. 4.00 Just Shoot Me! (PG, R) 4.30 TMZ. (R) 5.00 Married With Children. (PG, R) 5.30 The Flintstones. (R)

6.00 Triathlon. ITU World C’ship Series. Round 3. Highlights. 7.00 WRC Access All Areas. (R) 8.00 Motorcycle Racing. (CC) MotoGP. Race 7. Dutch TT. Replay. 10.05 Pro Bull Riding. 11.10 World Of Free Sports. (PG) 11.45 Save Point. (PG, R) 12.00 Motorcycle Racing. Isle Of Man TT. Preview Show. 1.00 ANDRA Pro Series. Rocket Allstars. Nitro Champs. 2.00 NASCAR Sprint Cup. Race 16. Toyota/Save Mart 350. Qualifying. 3.30 Omnisport. 4.00 Airline. (PG, R) 5.30 iFish. 6.00 The Final Siren. 7.00 Extreme Fishing With Robson Green. (PG, R) 8.00 Black Gold. (PG, R) 9.00 Motor Racing. Formula 1. Race 8. Grand Prix of Europe. 12.00 Basketball. You Yi Friendship Series. Game 2. China v Australia. 2.00 Omnisport. (R) 2.30 ATP World Tour Uncovered. (R) 3.00 British Touring Car Championship. Race 4. Replay. 4.00 NASCAR Countdown. 5.00 NASCAR Sprint Cup. Race 16. Toyota/Save Mart 350.

6.00 WorldWatch. 6.00 At The Table With. (Canada) 6.35 Singapore Flavours. (R) (Singapore) 7.30 Ninja Warrior. (Japan) 8.00 Unbeatable Banzuke. (Japan) 8.30 The Phone: Netherlands. (M) (Netherlands) 9.30 MOVIE: Someone I Loved. (09) Hoping to help his daughter-in-law come to terms with her abandonment at the hands of his son, a man recounts his own affair with a woman two decades earlier. Daniel Auteuil, Marie-Josée Croze, Florence Loiret Caille. (France) 11.30 Kurt Wallander. (M, R) (Sweden) 1.10 WeatherWatch Overnight. 5.00 WeatherWatch & Music.

6.00 Children’s Programs. 7.50 Kid Vs Kat. (R, CC) 8.00 The Super Hero Squad Show. (R, CC) 8.30 Stoked. (R, CC) 8.55 Total Drama Action: CM. (R, CC) 9.25 Star Wars: The Clone Wars. (R, CC) 10.10 Prank Patrol. (R, CC) 10.35 The Legend Of Dick And Dom. (R, CC) 11.05 Rush TV. (R, CC) 11.30 Good Game: SP. (R, CC) 11.45 Backyard Science. (R, CC) 12.00 Stay Tuned. (R) 12.30 Go Lingo! (R, CC) 12.55 CJ The DJ. (R, CC) 1.05 Erky Perky. (R, CC) 1.20 I.N.K. Invisible Network Of Kids. (R, CC) 1.45 M.I. High. (R, CC) 2.45 Ship To Shore. (R, CC) 3.35 Half Moon Investigations. (R, CC) 4.30 Escape From Scorpion Island. (R, CC) 5.00 My Place. (CC) 5.25 Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab. (CC) 5.35 Prank Patrol International. (R, CC) 6.00 Dani’s House. (Final, R, CC) 6.30 Trapped! (R, CC) 7.00 Jinx. (Final, R, CC) 7.25 The Wannabes. (Final, R, CC) 8.10 Majority Rules. (Final, R, CC) 9.00 Close.

6.00 The Six Million Dollar Man. (PG, R) 7.00 The Men From Shiloh. (PG, R) 8.30 McHale’s Navy. (PG, R) 9.00 Whacked Out Sports. (PG, R, CC) 9.30 V8 Xtra. (R, CC) 10.00 AFL Game Day. (PG) 11.00 Quantum Leap. (PG, R) 12.00 American Hot Rod. (PG, R) 1.00 Monster Garage. (PG, R) 2.00 Fifth Gear. (PG) 3.00 American Hot Rod. (PG, R) 4.00 Monster Garage. (PG, R) 5.00 The Drew Carey Show. (PG, R, CC) 6.00 According To Jim. (PG, R, CC) 6.30 MythBusters: Impossible Heists Pt 2. (PG) 7.30 Mighty Structures: Ultimate Vegas Casino. 8.30 MOVIE: Rambo: First Blood Part II. (M, 85, R, CC) Sylvester Stallone, Richard Crenna, Charles Napier, Steven Berkoff. 10.30 MOVIE: Playback. (MA15+, 96, R) 12.30 World Famous For Dicking Around. (M) 1.30 Spy School. (PG) 2.00 American Hot Rod. (PG, R) 4.00 The Six Million Dollar Man. (PG, R) 5.00 Quantum Leap. (PG, R)

6.00 It Is Written. (PG) 6.30 MOVIE: The Fallen Idol. (b/w, G, 48, R) 8.30 MOVIE: Sailors Three. (b/w, G, 40) 10.25 The Golden Girls. (PG, R) 10.55 MOVIE: Seven Brides For Seven Brothers. (G, 54, R) 1.05 MOVIE: The Madwoman Of Chaillot. (G, 69, R) 3.45 MOVIE: Rebel Without A Cause. (PG, 55, R) 6.00 The Golden Girls. (PG) 6.30 Antiques Roadshow. (CC) 7.30 As Time Goes By. (R) 8.30 MOVIE: Any Given Sunday. (M, 99, R, CC) An ageing football coach struggles with his personal and professional life while trying to hold his team together. Al Pacino, Cameron Diaz, Dennis Quaid, Jamie Foxx. 11.30 The Golden Girls. (PG, R) 12.00 MOVIE: Accident. (M, 67, R) 2.00 Home Shopping. 4.30 Joyce Meyer. (PG) 5.00 Adventures In Rainbow Country. (R) 5.30 Today. (CC)

6.00 JAG. (PG, R) 7.00 MacGyver. (PG, R) 8.00 The Brady Bunch. (R) 8.30 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R, CC) 9.00 Touched By An Angel. (PG, R) 10.00 7th Heaven. (R) 11.00 The Love Boat. (PG, R) 12.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG, R) 1.00 JAG. (PG, R) 2.00 MacGyver. (PG, R) 3.00 Cheers. (PG, R) 3.30 Roseanne. (PG, R) 4.00 Family Ties. (PG, R) 4.30 Mork And Mindy. (PG, R) 5.00 Happy Days. (PG, R) 5.30 The Brady Bunch. (R) 6.00 Sabrina, The Teenage Witch. (R) 6.30 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R, CC) 7.00 Everybody Loves Raymond. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 The Simpsons. (R, CC) 8.00 Futurama. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 MOVIE: The Naked Gun 2 1/2: The Smell Of Fear. (M, 91, R, CC) 10.15 Smallville. (PG) 11.15 Cheers. (PG, R) 11.50 Roseanne. (PG, R) 12.25 Sabrina. (R) 12.55 Mork And Mindy. (PG, R) 1.25 Happy Days. (PG, R) 1.55 The Love Boat. (PG, R) 3.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG, R) 4.00 Touched By An Angel. (PG, R) 5.00 7th Heaven. (R)

6.00 7.30 Tasmania. (R, CC) 6.30 Behind The News. (R) 7.00 News. (CC) 7.30 The World This Week. (R, CC) 8.00 News. (CC) 9.00 Insiders. (CC) 10.00 News. (CC) 10.30 7.30 WA. (R, CC) 11.00 News. (CC) 11.30 7.30 SA. (R, CC) 12.00 News. (CC) 12.30 Offsiders. (R, CC) 1.00 Big Ideas. (PG) 2.00 News. (CC) 2.30 7.30 NSW. (R, CC) 3.00 News. (CC) 3.30 Australian Story Classics. (CC) 4.00 News. (CC) 4.30 Behind The News. (R) 5.00 News. (CC) 5.30 Inside Business. (R, CC) 6.00 News. (CC) 6.30 Foreign Correspondent. (R, CC) 7.00 News. (CC) 7.30 One Plus One. (R, CC) 8.00 Insiders. (R, CC) 9.00 News. (CC) 9.30 Tonic. (R, CC) 10.00 News. (CC) 10.30 The World This Week. (R, CC) 11.00 News. 11.30 Australian Story Classics. (CC) 12.00 Landline. (R, CC) 1.00 Big Ideas. (PG, R) 2.00 BBC World News. 2.30 7.30 ACT. (R, CC) 3.00 BBC World News. 3.30 7.30 SA. (R, CC) 4.00 Big Ideas. (PG, R) 5.00 News. (CC) 5.15 Late News.

CLASSIFICATIONS: (P) For preschoolers (C) Children’s programs (G) General viewing (PG) Parental guidance (M) Mature audiences (MA15+) Mature adults only (AV15+) Mature audiences: contains adult violence (M) (MA15+) and (AV15+) CONSUMER ADVICE: (a) adult themes (h) horror (Sx) sex scenes (d) drug references, (l) language, (m) medical procedures (n) nudity (v) violence (w) war (CC) Closed Captions (WS) widescreen Programs subject to late change by stations.

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MONDAY June 27 6.00 ABC News Breakfast. (CC) 66476071 9.00 News. (CC) 6060 9.30 Business Today. (CC) 6447 10.00 Backyard Science. (R, CC) 67756 10.25 Atoms Alive. (R, CC) 6104878 10.40 Mexico. (Final, R, CC) 6092114 11.00 Landline. (R, CC) 45350 12.00 Midday Report. (CC) 4440 12.30 Monarch Of The Glen. (PG, R, CC) 57195 1.30 Cheese Slices. (R, CC) 3911 2.00 Jeeves And Wooster. (PG, R, CC) 1123350 3.05 Children’s Programs. 89960263 6.00 6.50 7.00 7.30 8.00 8.30 9.15 9.35 10.30 11.05 11.35

Time Team. (R, CC) 54824 Minuscule. (R) 8905485 News. (CC) 398 7.30. (CC) 669 Australian Story. (CC) 282 Four Corners. (CC) 94843 Media Watch. (CC) 8835553 Q&A. (CC) 6489263 Lateline. (CC) 43756 Lateline Business. (R, CC) 8677089 MDA. (Final, PG, R, CC) 552089

6.00 Sunrise. (CC) 95718282 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG, CC) 6342534 11.30 News. (CC) 5794 12.00 MOVIE: Sudden Terror: The Hijacking Of School Bus #17. (M, 96, R) Maria Conchita Alonso, Marcy Walker. 817824 2.00 Dr Oz. (PG) 13263 3.00 Medical Emergency. (PG, R, CC) 9263 3.30 Toybox. (P, R, CC) 2350 4.00 It’s Academic. (C, CC) 3909 4.30 News At 4.30. (CC) 63244 5.30 Deal Or No Deal. (CC) 1602 6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30 8.30

PRIME7 News. (CC) 2331 News. (CC) 0 Home And Away. (PG, CC) 7621 No Ordinary Family. (PG, CC) 5485 The Amazing Race Australia. (PG, CC) The remaining teams try their hand at the spy game, but not all of them are as observant as they need to be. 45824 9.30 Air Crash Investigations: Cleared For Disaster. (PG, CC) 41008 10.30 Parking Wars. (PG) 5640

6.00 Today. (CC) 90019176 9.00 Kerri-Anne. (PG, CC) 3319669 11.00 News. (CC) 224485 11.30 Alive And Cooking. (CC) 294244 12.00 Ellen. (PG, R, CC) 730621 1.00 The View. (PG, CC) 756669 2.00 Days Of Our Lives. (PG, CC) 750485 3.00 Entertainment Tonight. (CC) 677553 3.30 Hi-5. (P, R, CC) 670640 4.00 Kitchen Whiz. (C, CC) 688669 4.30 News. (CC) 193176 5.30 Hot Seat. (CC) 437850 6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30 8.30

News. (CC) 582909 WIN News. (CC) 637058 A Current Affair. (CC) 317534 The Block. (PG, CC) 868843 Rescue Special Ops. (M, CC) 471331

9.30 CSI: Miami. (M, CC) 400843 10.30 CSI: Miami. (M, R, CC) 491195 11.30 The New Adventures Of Old Christine. (PG, R) 230574 12.00 Super Rugby Extra Time. 429596

6.00 Early News. (CC) 934485 7.00 Toasted TV. (CC) 372621 8.00 Totally Wild. (C, CC) 857737 8.30 Wurrawhy. (P, R, CC) 201534 9.00 News. (CC) 392485 10.00 The Circle. (PG, CC) 3988195 12.00 Dr Phil. (PG, CC) 738263 1.00 Oprah. (PG, CC) 747911 2.00 Ready Steady Cook. (PG, CC) 758027 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG, CC) 675195 3.30 Infomercials. (PG, R, CC) 678282 4.00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield. (CC) 679911 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful. (CC) 837896 5.00 News. (CC) 266602 6.30 7.00 7.30 8.30 9.30

6.30 With George Negus. (CC) 932440 The 7PM Project. (PG, CC) 315176 MasterChef Australia. (CC) 866485 Offspring. (M, CC) 479973 House. (Final, M, CC) The team treats a performance artist who wants to use House as an unwilling assistant in her latest endeavour. 408485 10.30 6.30 With George Negus. (R, CC)

6.00 WorldWatch. 88517669 8.45 Soccer. FIFA U-17 World Cup. Australia v Denmark. From Estadio Corregidora, Queretaro, Mexico. 27831553 11.00 WorldWatch. 4147640 1.00 Spanish News. 7439008 1.30 Dateline. (R, CC) 6266973 2.30 Greek News. 7441843 3.00 French News. 7419244 3.30 Letters And Numbers. (R, CC) 7412331 4.00 The Journal. (CC) 7413060 4.30 FIFA Futbol Mundial. (R) (UK) 5577422 5.00 The Crew. (R) 4127981 5.30 Global Village. (R, CC) (UK) 7472058 6.00 Letters And Numbers. (CC) 6022517 6.30 World News Australia. (CC) 2866089 7.30 MythBusters: Phonebook Friction. (PG, R, CC) (US) 3687824 8.30 Man Vs Wild: Belize. (PG, R, CC) (US) 9919008

11.00 News/Sports Tonight. (CC) 487535

9.30 World News Australia. (CC) 6788824 10.00 Flight Of The Conchords. (M, R, CC) (US) 6785737 10.30 Cast Offs. (M) (UK) 9999244 11.30 The World Game. (R) 9928756

11.30 12.25 1.25 4.00 4.30 5.00 5.30

12.30 MOVIE: American Splendor. (M, 03, R, CC) Paul Giamatti, Hope Davis, James Urbaniak. (US) 56287312 2.20 WeatherWatch Overnight. 20362799 5.00 WeatherWatch & Music. 63621461 5.05 Korean News. 41566409 5.40 Japanese News. 11242596


12.30 The Clinic. (M, CC) 1330799 1.25 MOVIE: Primrose Path. (b/w, PG, 40, R, CC) 90523225 3.00 Bowls. Moama International Tri Series. Mixed Triples. Australia v Scotland. Replay. 9770206 4.00 The Bill. (PG, R, CC) 7770026 5.00 First Tuesday Book Club. (PG, R, CC) 5173596 5.30 The New Inventors. (R, CC) 5176683

11.00 Tennis. Wimbledon. Day 7. From The All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, London, England. Hosted by Todd Woodbridge. 82623640 4.00 Home Shopping. 3930428 5.30 Early News. (CC) 5096645

1.00 Rugby League. Super League. Round 19. Warriors v Giants. Highlights. 3947867 2.00 Matlock Police. (M) 8429770 3.00 Danoz Direct. 9898848 3.30 GMA. (CC) 4241190 5.00 News. (CC) 3587770 5.30 Today. (CC) 3597157

Letterman. (PG) 459350 Ally McBeal. (M, R) 9374515 Infomercials. (PG, R) 59679664 Joyce Meyer. (PG) 9890206 Kenneth Copeland. (PG) 3584683 James Robison. (PG) 3585312 Benny Hinn. (PG) 3595799

6.00 Children’s Programs. 2.55 Hana’s Helpline. (R, CC) 3.05 Babar. (R, CC) 3.30 Mopatop’s Shop. (R) 3.40 Igam Ogam. (R) 3.50 Rastamouse. 4.00 The Hoobs. (R) 4.30 Play School. (R, CC) 5.00 Pingu. (R) 5.05 Peppa Pig. (R, CC) 5.15 Octonauts. (R, CC) 5.25 The Hive. (R, CC) 5.30 Bert And Ernie’s Great Adventures. (R, CC) 5.40 Wibbly Pig. (R, CC) 5.50 Timmy Time. (R, CC) 6.05 Miffy And Friends. (R) 6.10 Penelope. (R, CC) 6.15 Humf. (R, CC) 6.30 In The Night Garden. (R, CC) 7.00 Spicks And Specks. (R, CC) 7.30 The Urban Chef. (R, CC) 8.00 Miranda. (PG, R, CC) 8.35 Swingtown. (CC) 9.30 Deadwood. (CC) 10.20 Ashes To Ashes. (M, R, CC) 11.15 The Beast. (M, R, CC) 12.00 Gimme, Gimme, Gimme. (M, R, CC) 12.30 Beautiful Noise. (R, CC) 1.30 Close.

6.00 Raggs. (R, CC) 6.30 Flipper. (PG, R) 7.30 The Martha Stewart Show. 8.30 Sons And Daughters. (R, CC) 9.00 Home And Away: The Early Years. (R, CC) 9.30 Shortland Street. (PG) 10.00 Coronation Street. (PG) 10.30 Emmerdale. (PG) 11.00 Hollyoaks. (PG) 11.30 Deal Or No Deal. (R, CC) 12.00 Hart To Hart. (PG, R) 1.00 Head Of The Class. (PG, R) 1.30 Welcome Back, Kotter. (PG, R) 2.00 Murphy Brown. (PG, R, CC) 2.30 Valerie. (R) 3.00 Perfect Strangers. (R) 3.30 MOVIE: 3 Ninjas Knuckle Up. (PG, 95, R) 5.30 Harry’s Practice. (R, CC) 5.45 Bargain Hunt. 6.45 Heartbeat. (PG, R, CC) 7.50 Jonathan Creek. (M, R, CC) 9.00 Tennis. Wimbledon. Day 7. 11.00 The Gil Mayo Mysteries. (M, R, CC) 12.10 The Sweeney. (M, R) 1.15 Restaurant In Our Living Room. (PG, R) 2.10 Australia’s Wild Secrets. (R) 2.40 The Australians. (PG, R) 3.05 Dr Oz. (PG, R) 4.00 Coronation Street. (PG, R) 4.30 Emmerdale. (PG, R) 5.00 The World Around Us. (R)

6.00 Children’s Programs. 9.00 The Flintstones. (R) 9.30 I Dream Of Jeannie. (R) 10.00 Bewitched. (R) 10.30 Entertainment Tonight. (R, CC) 11.00 TMZ. 11.30 Married With Children. (PG, R) 12.00 Here’s Lucy. (R) 12.30 The Middle. (PG, R, CC) 1.00 Community. (PG, R) 2.00 Hellcats. (PG, R) 3.00 Just Shoot Me! (PG, R) 3.30 The Secret Saturdays. (PG, R) 4.00 Kids’ WB. (PG) 4.05 Ben 10. (PG, R) 4.30 Here’s Lucy. (R) 5.00 I Dream Of Jeannie. (R) 5.30 Bewitched. (R) 6.00 Seinfeld. (PG, R) 6.30 Two And A Half Men. (PG, R, CC) 7.00 Australia’s Funniest Home Videos. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 Truckers. (PG) 8.30 Top Gear. (PG, R, CC) 9.30 MOVIE: Anger Management. (M, 03, R, CC) 11.40 South Park. (MA15+, R) 12.10 Pushing Daisies. (M) 1.05 Hellcats. (PG, R) 2.00 Home Shopping. 4.00 Just Shoot Me! (PG, R) 4.30 TMZ. (R) 5.00 Married With Children. (PG, R) 5.30 The Flintstones. (R)

6.00 Motor Racing. NASCAR Sprint Cup. Race 16. Toyota/Save Mart 350. Continued. 8.30 Football. (CC) AFL. Round 14. Gold Coast Suns v Western Bulldogs. Replay. 11.00 UFC. 1.30 Motor Racing. Formula 1. Race 8. Grand Prix of Europe. Replay. 3.40 Omnisport. 4.00 Extreme Dreams. (R) 4.30 Airline. (PG, R) 5.00 Dr Danger. 5.30 iFish Catch Of The Day. (R) 6.00 Bondi Rescue: Bali. (PG) 6.30 Extreme Dreams. (PG) 7.00 Airline. (PG) 7.30 Cops. (PG) 8.30 An Idiot Abroad: Peru. (M) 9.30 One Week At A Time: NRL. 10.30 Sports Tonight. 10.40 UFC. Replay. 1.00 One Week At A Time: AFL. 2.00 Omnisport. (R) 2.30 Soccer. FA Cup Classics. 2001-02. Round 4. West Ham United v Chelsea. Highlights. 3.00 Triathlon. ITU World C’ship Series. Round 3. Women’s Race. Replay. 5.30 Omnisport. (R)

6.00 WorldWatch. 6.00 Global Village: Show Me The Money. (R, CC) (UK) 6.30 Come Dine With Me: Greece. (Greece) 7.35 Hot Cities: Counting The Cost. (R) (UK) 8.30 Rescue 117. (New series) (Ireland) 9.00 Soccer. FIFA Women’s World Cup. Highlights. From Germany. 9.30 The World Game. 10.30 MOVIE: Ran. (M, 85, R) An ageing feudal lord unleashes a power struggle among his three sons when he abdicates. Tatsuya Nakadai, Akira Terao, Jinpachi Nezu. (Japan) 1.20 WeatherWatch Overnight. 5.00 WeatherWatch & Music.

6.00 Children’s Programs. 10.55 Escape From Scorpion Island. (R, CC) 11.25 Go Lingo! (R, CC) 11.50 Backyard Science. (CC) 12.05 BTN Extra. (CC) 12.20 In Real Life. (R, CC) 12.45 A World Of Wonders. (R, CC) 1.00 Erky Perky. (R, CC) 1.15 Spliced! (R, CC) 1.45 Jibber Jabber. (R, CC) 2.10 The Legend Of Dick And Dom. (R, CC) 2.40 The Latest Buzz. (R, CC) 3.00 Stormworld. (R, CC) 3.25 Connor Undercover. (R, CC) 3.50 Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab. (R, CC) 4.20 News On 3 Update. (CC) 4.25 Young Dracula. (R, CC) 4.50 Sally Bollywood. (CC) 5.05 The Jungle Book. (R, CC) 5.20 Almost Naked Animals. (CC) 5.30 Deltora Quest. (CC) 5.55 Monk. (R) 6.00 Total Drama World Tour. (R, CC) 6.25 Horrible Histories. (CC) 6.55 News On 3. (CC) 7.10 Star Wars: The Clone Wars. (R, CC) 7.35 The Avengers. (R, CC) 8.30 Degrassi: The Next Generation. (PG, R, CC) 9.00 Close.

6.00 The Six Million Dollar Man. (PG, R) 7.00 The Men From Shiloh. (PG, R) 8.30 McHale’s Navy. (PG, R) 9.00 NBC Today. (R, CC) 10.00 NBC Meet The Press. (R, CC) 11.00 Quantum Leap. (PG, R) 12.00 Quincy M.E. (PG, R) 1.00 The Rockford Files. (PG, R) 2.00 Malcolm And Eddie. (PG, R) 2.30 Newsradio. (PG, R) 3.00 Xena: Warrior Princess. (PG, R) 4.00 Hercules: The Legendary Journeys. (PG, R) 5.00 The Drew Carey Show. (PG, R, CC) 6.00 According To Jim. (PG, R, CC) 6.30 My Wife And Kids. (PG, R, CC) 7.00 That ’70s Show. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 How I Met Your Mother. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 Family Guy. (M, R, CC) 9.00 American Dad! (M, R, CC) 9.30 Family Guy. (M, R, CC) 10.30 My Name Is Earl. (PG, R, CC) 11.00 Scrubs. (PG, R, CC) 12.00 The Prisoner. (M) 1.00 The Six Million Dollar Man. (PG, R) 2.00 Quantum Leap. (PG, R) 3.00 Quincy M.E. (PG, R) 4.00 Hercules: The Legendary Journeys. (PG, R) 5.00 McHale’s Navy. (PG, R) 5.30 Home Shopping.

6.00 Today. (CC) 9.00 Alive And Cooking. (R) 9.30 The Zoo. (R) 10.00 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 11.00 Murder, She Wrote. (PG, R) 12.00 MOVIE: Tarzan’s Three Challenges. (G, 63, R) 2.00 Trust Me. (PG) 3.00 McLeod’s Daughters. (PG, R, CC) 4.00 Antiques Roadshow. (R, CC) 5.00 Ellen. (PG, R, CC) 6.00 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 7.00 The Zoo. (R) 7.30 Baby Planet. (PG) 8.30 Polar Bear: Spy On The Ice. (PG, R, CC) 9.30 Kitchen Nightmares USA: Santé La Brea. (MA15+, R, CC) 10.30 Secret Diary Of A Call Girl. (Series return, MA15+) 11.00 The Big C. (M, R) 11.30 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 12.00 Murder, She Wrote. (PG, R) 1.00 McLeod’s Daughters. (PG, R, CC) 2.00 Home Shopping. 4.30 Enjoying Everyday Life With Joyce Meyer. (PG) 5.00 Adventures In Rainbow Country. (R) 5.30 Today. (CC)

6.00 JAG. (PG, R) 7.00 MacGyver. (PG, R) 8.00 The Brady Bunch. (R) 8.30 Neighbours. (R, CC) 9.00 Touched By An Angel. (PG, R) 10.00 7th Heaven. (R) 11.00 The Love Boat. (PG, R) 12.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG, R) 1.00 JAG. (PG, R) 2.00 MacGyver. (PG, R) 3.00 Cheers. (PG, R) 3.30 Roseanne. (PG, R) 4.00 Family Ties. (PG, R) 4.30 Mork And Mindy. (PG, R) 5.00 Happy Days. (PG, R) 5.30 The Brady Bunch. (R) 6.00 Sabrina, The Teenage Witch. (R) 6.30 Neighbours. (CC) 7.00 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R, CC) 7.30 Futurama. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 Supernatural. (M) 9.30 Supernatural. (AV15+) 10.30 The Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson. (PG) 11.30 Cheers. (PG, R) 12.00 Roseanne. (PG, R) 12.30 Sabrina, The Teenage Witch. (R) 1.00 Mork And Mindy. (PG, R) 1.30 Happy Days. (PG, R) 2.00 The Love Boat. (PG, R) 3.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG, R) 4.00 Touched By An Angel. (PG, R) 5.00 7th Heaven. (R)

6.00 ABC News Breakfast. (CC) 9.00 News. (CC) 9.30 Business Today. (R, CC) 10.00 News. (CC) 12.00 Midday Report. (CC) 12.30 Inside Business. (R, CC) 1.00 News. (CC) 2.00 Midday Report. (R, CC) 2.30 Asia Pacific Focus. (CC) 3.00 Afternoon Live. (R) 5.30 Capital Hill. (R, CC) 5.45 The Quarters. (R) 6.00 The Drum. (CC) 6.45 The Quarters. 7.00 News. (CC) 7.30 7.30. (CC) 8.00 News. (CC) 8.30 Lateline Business. (CC) 9.00 The World. (R, CC) 9.35 Q&A. (CC) 10.30 News. 11.00 The Drum. (R, CC) 11.45 The Quarters. (R) 12.00 News. 12.25 Lateline. (R, CC) 1.00 BBC World News. (R) 1.30 Lateline Business. (R, CC) 2.00 BBC World News: The Hub. (R, CC) 2.30 7.30. (R, CC) 3.00 Lateline. (R, CC) 3.35 Lateline Business. (R, CC) 4.05 The Quarters. (R) 4.20 The Drum. 5.00 News. (CC) 5.15 The Quarters. (R) 5.30 Newsline With Jim Middleton. (R)

CLASSIFICATIONS: (P) For preschoolers (C) Children’s programs (G) General viewing (PG) Parental guidance (M) Mature audiences (MA15+) Mature adults only (AV15+) Mature audiences: contains adult violence (M) (MA15+) and (AV15+) CONSUMER ADVICE: (a) adult themes (h) horror (Sx) sex scenes (d) drug references, (l) language, (m) medical procedures (n) nudity (v) violence (w) war (CC) Closed Captions (WS) widescreen Programs subject to late change by stations.


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A kangaroo kept getting out of his enclosure at the zoo. Knowing that he could hop high, the zoo officials put up a ten-foot fence. He was out the next morning, just roaming around the zoo. A twenty-foot fence was put up. Again he go out. When the fence was forty feet high, a camel in the next enclosure asked the kangaroo, “How high do you think theyll go?” The kangaroo said, “About a thousand feet, unless somebody locks the gate at night!” **** “A guy took his girlfriend to her first football game. Afterward he asked her how she liked the game.” I liked it, but I couldn’t understand why they were killing each other for 25 cents,” she said. “What do you mean?” he asked. “Well, everyone kept yelling, Get the quarter back!”

TUESDAY June 28 6.00 ABC News Breakfast. (CC) 39003913 9.00 News. (CC) 2409 9.30 Business Today. (CC) 5596 10.00 Behind The News. (CC) 31157 10.25 What I Wrote. (R, CC) 5325515 10.35 Designers. (R, CC) 6439409 10.50 Ace Day Jobs. (R, CC) 2564916 11.00 Big Ideas. (CC) 38301 12.00 Midday Report. (CC) 6461 12.30 Time Team. (R, CC) 5780645 1.35 Meerkat Manor. (R, CC) 946022 2.00 Jeeves And Wooster. (PG, R, CC) 1190022 3.05 Children’s Programs. 89937935 6.00 6.50 7.00 7.30 8.00 8.30 9.25 9.55 10.25 11.00 11.30

6.00 Sunrise. (CC) 95785954 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG, CC) 6319206 11.30 News. (CC) 8157 12.00 MOVIE: Mystery Woman: Vision Of A Murder. (M, 05, R) Kellie Martin, Nina Siemaszko. 840770 2.00 Dr Oz. (PG) 94954 3.00 Medical Emergency. (PG, R, CC) 7886 3.30 Toybox. (P, R, CC) 7645 4.00 It’s Academic. (C, CC) 8374 4.30 News At 4.30. (CC) 51225 5.30 Deal Or No Deal. (CC) 2935

Time Team. (R, CC) 26867 Minuscule. (R) 8972157 News. (CC) 645 7.30. (CC) 916 Foreign Correspondent. (CC) 157 The Young Ones. (CC) Part 3 of 5. 99190 QI. (PG, CC) 975190 Artscape. (PG, CC) 994225 Lateline. (CC) 481515 Lateline Business. (R, CC) 8225 Four Corners. (R, CC) 39393

6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30 9.00

PRIME7 News. (CC) 3664 News. (CC) 0 Home And Away. (PG, CC) 8954 Australia’s Got Talent. (CC) 83886 Winners & Losers. (M, CC) Seduced by the lure of popularity and acceptance, Jenny loses herself in Sean’s party world. 39026 10.00 How I Met Your Mother. (M, R, CC)

12.15 Media Watch. (R, CC) 1546184 12.30 The Young Ones. (R, CC) 1224184 1.20 MOVIE: The Good Die Young. (b/w, M, 54, R, CC) 44656252 3.00 Big Ideas. (R, CC) 3075418 4.00 The Bill. (PG, R, CC) 6029338 5.00 Talking Heads. (R, CC) 5077368 5.30 The New Inventors. (R, CC)

11.00 Tennis. Wimbledon. Day 8. Women’s singles quarter-finals. From The All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, London, England. 82690312 4.00 Home Shopping. 3827900 5.30 Early News. (CC) 5990417

6.00 Children’s Programs. 5.00 Pingu. (R) 5.05 Peppa Pig. (R, CC) 5.15 Octonauts. (R, CC) 5.25 The Hive. (R, CC) 5.30 Bert And Ernie’s Great Adventures. (R, CC) 5.40 Wibbly Pig. (R, CC) 5.50 Timmy Time. (R, CC) 6.05 Miffy And Friends. (R) 6.10 Penelope. (R, CC) 6.15 Humf. (R, CC) 6.30 In The Night Garden. (R, CC) 7.00 Spicks And Specks. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 Dirty Jobs. (R, CC) 8.30 Good Game. (CC) 9.00 Leigh Hart’s Mysterious Planet: Loch Ness. (CC) 9.30 Sanctuary. (M, R, CC) 10.15 Angry Boys. (R, CC) 10.40 Arrested Development. (PG, R, CC) 11.05 Ideal. (M, R, CC) 11.35 The Office. (M, R, CC) 12.10 Leigh Hart’s Mysterious Planet: Loch Ness. (R, CC) 12.40 Billable Hours. (M, R, CC) 1.00 Beautiful Noise. (R, CC) 1.55 Close.

6.00 Children’s Programs. 10.55 Escape From Scorpion Island. (R, CC) 11.25 Go Lingo! (R, CC) 11.50 Backyard Science. (R, CC) 12.05 BTN Extra. (CC) 12.20 In Real Life. (R, CC) 12.45 A World Of Wonders. (R, CC) 1.00 Erky Perky. (R, CC) 1.15 Spliced! (R, CC) 1.40 Jibber Jabber. (R, CC) 2.10 The Legend Of Dick And Dom. (R, CC) 2.40 The Latest Buzz. (R, CC) 3.00 Stormworld. (Final, R, CC) 3.25 Connor Undercover. (R, CC) 3.50 Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab. (R, CC) 4.20 News On 3 Update. (CC) 4.25 Young Dracula. (R, CC) 4.55 Sally Bollywood. (CC) 5.05 The Jungle Book. (R, CC) 5.20 Almost Naked Animals. (CC) 5.30 Deltora Quest. (CC) 5.55 Monk. (R) 6.00 Total Drama World Tour. (R, CC) 6.25 Horrible Histories. (R, CC) 6.55 News On 3. (CC) 7.10 Star Wars: The Clone Wars. (R, CC) 7.35 The Avengers. (R, CC) 8.30 Degrassi: The Next Generation. (R, CC) 9.00 Close.

6.00 Today. (CC) 90086848 9.00 Kerri-Anne. (PG, CC) 3379041 11.00 News. (CC) 224003 11.30 Alive And Cooking. (CC) 227190 12.00 Ellen. (PG, R, CC) 789515 1.00 The View. (PG, CC) 765935 2.00 Days Of Our Lives. (PG, CC) 769751 3.00 Entertainment Tonight. (CC) 617799 3.30 Hi-5. (P, R, CC) 610886 4.00 Kitchen Whiz. (C, CC) 611515 4.30 News. (CC) 126022 5.30 Hot Seat. (CC) 856136

6.00 Letters And Numbers. (CC) 4205089 6.30 World News Australia. (CC) 2826461 7.30 Into The Mind: Broken Brains. (PG, CC) Part 3 of 3. (UK) 3654596 8.30 Behind The Force. (M, CC) Part 1 of 3. Charts the investigation of three major crimes from the point of view of England’s Hampshire Constabulary. (UK) 9979480 9.30 World News Australia. (CC) 3583157 10.05 Hot Docs: GasLand. (PG, R, CC) (US)

11.30 The New Adventures Of Old Christine. (Final, PG) 497472 12.00 WIN News. (CC) 908691 12.30 20/20. (CC) 3831252 1.30 Entertainment Tonight. (R, CC) 9708271 2.00 Matlock Police. (M, R) 8323542 3.00 Danoz Direct. 9785320 3.30 GMA. (CC) 4145962 5.00 News. (CC) 3481542 5.30 Today. (CC) 3564829

11.30 12.25 1.20 4.00 4.30 5.00 5.30

12.00 MOVIE: Emma’s Bliss. (M, 06, R) (Germany) 6355320 1.45 Alter Ego. (MA15+, R, CC) 76136813 2.50 WeatherWatch Overnight. 85038175 5.00 WeatherWatch & Music. 63525233 5.05 Korean News. 41453981 5.40 Japanese News. 11146368

6.00 Raggs. (R, CC) 6.30 Flipper. (PG, R) 7.30 The Martha Stewart Show. 8.30 Sons And Daughters. (R, CC) 9.00 Home And Away: The Early Years. (R, CC) 9.30 Shortland Street. (PG) 10.00 Coronation Street. (PG) 10.30 Emmerdale. (PG) 11.00 Hollyoaks. (PG) 11.30 Deal Or No Deal. (R, CC) 12.00 Hart To Hart. (PG, R) 1.00 Head Of The Class. (PG, R) 1.30 Welcome Back, Kotter. (PG, R) 2.00 Murphy Brown. (PG, R, CC) 2.30 Valerie. (R) 3.00 Perfect Strangers. (R) 3.30 Night Court. (PG, R) 4.00 MOVIE: Leave It To Beaver. (G, 97, R) 6.00 Bargain Hunt. 7.00 Harry’s Practice. (R) 7.30 Keeping Up Appearances. (PG, R, CC) 8.10 MOVIE: Carry On Again Doctor. (PG, 69, R) 10.00 Tennis. Wimbledon. Day 8. Women’s singles quarter-finals. 11.00 The Good Life. (R) 11.30 Hale And Pace. (M, R) 12.00 Minder. (PG, R) 1.10 Restaurant In Our Living Room. (PG, R) 2.05 Australia’s Wild Secrets. (R) 2.30 The Australians. (PG, R) 3.00 Dr Oz. (PG, R) 4.00 Coronation Street. (PG, R) 4.30 Emmerdale. (PG, R) 5.00 Room For Improvement. (R, CC) 5.30 Home Shopping.

6.00 Children’s Programs. 8.30 Kamen Rider: Dragon Knight. (PG, R) 9.00 The Flintstones. (R) 9.30 I Dream Of Jeannie. (R) 10.00 Bewitched. (R) 10.30 Entertainment Tonight. (R, CC) 11.00 TMZ. 11.30 Married With Children. (PG, R) 12.00 Here’s Lucy. (R) 12.30 Spin City. (PG, R, CC) 1.00 Seinfeld. (PG, R) 2.00 Unnatural History. (PG, R) 3.00 Just Shoot Me! (PG, R) 3.30 The Secret Saturdays. (PG, R) 4.00 Kids’ WB. (PG) 4.05 Ben 10. (PG, R) 4.30 Here’s Lucy. (R) 5.00 I Dream Of Jeannie. (R) 5.30 Bewitched. (R) 6.00 Seinfeld. (PG, R) 6.30 Two And A Half Men. (PG, R, CC) 7.00 Australia’s Funniest Home Videos. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 Primeval. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 The Big Bang Theory. (PG, R, CC) 9.30 MOVIE: Ghost Rider. (M, 07, R) 12.00 Eclipse Music TV. (PG) 12.30 Reno 911! (M, R) 2.00 Home Shopping. 4.00 Just Shoot Me! (PG, R) 4.30 TMZ. (R) 5.00 Married With Children. (PG, R) 5.30 The Flintstones. (R)

6.00 Basketball. YouYi Friendship Series. Game 1. Australia v China. Replay. 8.00 Real NBA. 8.30 Football. (CC) AFL. Round 14. Sydney v Collingwood. Replay. 11.00 Motor Racing. NASCAR Sprint Cup. Race 16. Toyota/Save Mart 350. Replay. 1.30 One Week At A Time: NRL. (R) 2.30 One Week At A Time: AFL. (R) 3.30 Omnisport. 4.00 Extreme Dreams. (PG, R) 4.30 Airline. (PG, R) 5.00 Dr Danger. 5.30 iFish Catch Of The Day. (R) 6.00 Bondi Rescue. (PG, CC) 6.30 Extreme Dreams. (PG) 7.00 Airline. (PG) 7.30 Ice Road Truckers. (PG) 8.30 Cops: Adults Only. 9.30 MOVIE: Black Rain. (M, 89) Michael Douglas, Andy Garcia, Kate Capshaw. 12.00 Sports Tonight. 12.30 Team Hot Wheels. 1.00 Drag Racing. ANDRA Pro Series. Rocket Allstars. Nitro Champs. Replay. 2.00 Omnisport. (R) 2.30 Soccer. FA Cup Classics. 1998-99. Round 3. Preston North End v Arsenal. Highlights. 3.00 Arsenal TV.

6.00 WorldWatch. 6.00 Global Village: The Quest For The Gongs Pt 1. (R, CC) (France) 6.30 Come Dine With Me: Greece. (Greece) 7.30 Lost Worlds: Witches – Myth, Mystery And Truth: Witches’ Sabbath. (PG, R, CC) (Germany) 8.30 Rescue 117. (Ireland) 9.00 Soccer. FIFA Women’s World Cup. Highlights. From Germany. 9.30 MOVIE: Shall We Kiss? (PG, 07) After meeting by chance, two strangers discover they are attracted to each other despite being involved in relationships with other people. Julie Gayet, Michaël Cohen, Virginie Ledoyen. (France) 11.20 MOVIE: The Barbarian Invasions. (MA15+, 03, R, CC) A terminally ill, womanising history professor tries to find peace in his final days. Rémy Girard, Stéphane Rousseau. (Canada) 1.05 WeatherWatch Overnight. 5.00 WeatherWatch & Music.

6.00 The Six Million Dollar Man. (PG, R) 7.00 The Virginian. (PG, R) 8.30 McHale’s Navy. (PG, R) 9.00 NBC Today. (R, CC) 11.00 Quantum Leap. (PG, R) 12.00 Quincy M.E. (PG, R) 1.00 The Rockford Files. (PG, R) 2.00 Malcolm And Eddie. (PG, R) 2.30 Newsradio. (PG, R) 3.00 Xena: Warrior Princess. (PG, R) 4.00 Hercules: The Legendary Journeys. (PG, R) 5.00 The Drew Carey Show. (PG, R, CC) 6.00 According To Jim. (PG, R, CC) 6.30 My Wife And Kids. (PG, R, CC) 7.00 That ’70s Show. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 How I Met Your Mother. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 Family Guy. (M, R, CC) 9.00 American Dad! (M, CC) 9.30 Family Guy. (M, CC) 10.00 Family Guy. (M, R, CC) 10.30 Eastbound & Down. (MA15+, R) 11.00 Scrubs. (PG, R, CC) 12.00 The Prisoner. (M) 1.00 The Six Million Dollar Man. (PG, R) 2.00 Quantum Leap. (PG, R) 3.00 Quincy M.E. (PG, R) 4.00 Xena: Warrior Princess. (PG, R) 5.00 Hercules: The Legendary Journeys. (PG, R)

6.00 Today. (CC) 9.00 Alive And Cooking. (R) 9.30 The Zoo. (R) 10.00 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 11.00 Murder, She Wrote. (PG, R) 12.00 MOVIE: Spring And Port Wine. (PG, 70, R) 2.00 Trust Me. (PG) 3.00 McLeod’s Daughters. (PG, R, CC) 4.00 Baby Planet. (PG, R) 5.00 Ellen. (PG, R, CC) 6.00 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 7.00 The Zoo. (R) 7.30 To Be Advised. 9.30 The Closer. (M) 10.30 Rizzoli & Isles. (M) 11.30 Without A Trace. (Final, M, CC) 12.30 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 1.00 The Closer. (M, R) 2.00 Home Shopping. 4.30 Enjoying Everyday Life With Joyce Meyer. (PG) 5.00 Adventures In Rainbow Country. (R) 5.30 Today. (CC)

6.00 JAG. (PG, R) 7.00 MacGyver. (PG, R) 8.00 The Brady Bunch. (R) 8.30 Neighbours. (R, CC) 9.00 Touched By An Angel. (PG, R) 10.00 7th Heaven. (R) 11.00 The Love Boat. (PG, R) 12.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG, R) 1.00 JAG. (PG, R) 2.00 MacGyver. (PG, R) 3.00 Cheers. (PG, R) 3.30 Roseanne. (PG, R) 4.00 Family Ties. (PG, R) 4.30 Mork And Mindy. (PG, R) 5.00 Happy Days. (PG, R) 5.30 The Brady Bunch. (R) 6.00 Sabrina. (R) 6.30 Neighbours. (CC) 7.00 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R, CC) 7.30 The Simpsons. (R, CC) 8.00 Futurama. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 The Office. (PG) 9.00 Frasier. (PG, R) 9.30 Wilfred. (New series) 10.00 Californication. (MA15+, R) 10.35 The Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson. (PG) 11.30 Cheers. (PG, R) 12.00 Roseanne. (PG, R) 12.30 Sabrina. (R) 1.00 Mork And Mindy. (PG, R) 1.30 Happy Days. (PG, R) 2.00 The Love Boat. (PG, R) 3.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG, R) 4.00 Touched By An Angel. (PG, R) 5.00 7th Heaven. (R)

6.00 ABC News Breakfast. (CC) 9.00 News. (CC) 9.30 Business Today. (CC) 10.00 News. (CC) 12.00 Midday Report. (CC) 12.30 Newsline With Jim Middleton. (R) 1.00 News. (CC) 2.00 Midday Report. (CC) 2.30 Tonic. (R, CC) 3.00 Afternoon Live. 5.30 Capital Hill. (R, CC) 5.45 The Quarters. (CC) 6.00 The Drum. (CC) 6.45 The Quarters. (R) 7.00 News. (CC) 7.30 7.30. (CC) 8.00 News. (CC) 8.30 Lateline Business. (R, CC) 9.00 The World. (CC) 10.00 The Drum. (R, CC) 10.45 The Quarters. (R) 11.00 News. 11.30 Newsline With Jim Middleton. (R) 12.00 News. 12.25 Lateline. (R, CC) 1.00 BBC World News. (R) 1.30 Lateline Business. (R, CC) 2.00 BBC World News: The Hub. (R, CC) 2.30 7.30. (R, CC) 3.00 Lateline. (CC) 3.35 Lateline Business. (R, CC) 4.00 News. 4.05 The Quarters. (R) 4.15 The Drum. (R, CC) 5.00 News. (CC) 5.15 The Quarters. (R) 5.30 Newsline With Jim Middleton. (R)


News. (CC) 647175 WIN News. (CC) 745396 A Current Affair. (CC) 333190 The Block. (PG, CC) 332461 Come Fly With Me. (Final, PG, CC) 339374

8.30 Sea Patrol: Damage Control. (M, CC) 411577

9.30 CSI: Miami. (M, R, CC) 400461 10.30 Two And A Half Men. (M, R, CC) 424041


6.30 7.00 7.30 8.00 8.30 9.30

6.00 WorldWatch. 30188549 9.30 Greek News. 7642157 10.20 French News. 29070549 11.00 Hindi News. 8723393 11.30 Arabic News. 8726480 12.00 Russian News. 8734409 12.30 Turkish News. 7498751 1.00 MOVIE: The Maiden And The Wolves. (PG, 08, R) (France) 8582848 3.00 Journos: Luke. (PG, R, CC) 7486916 3.30 Letters And Numbers. (R, CC) 7489003 4.00 The Journal. (CC) 7480732 4.30 PBS NewsHour. (CC) 2846225 5.30 Global Village. (R, CC) (France) 5272670

6.30 With George Negus. (CC) 592206 The 7PM Project. (PG, CC) 331732 MasterChef Australia. (CC) 330003 Bondi Vet. (PG, CC) 337916 NCIS. (M, R, CC) 419119 NCIS: Los Angeles. (M, CC) After a rocket engine expert is killed, the team’s tech operator goes undercover for the first time. 408003 10.30 6.30 With George Negus. (R, CC) 349751 11.00 News/Sports Tonight. (CC) 847913

10.30 Cougar Town. (M, CC) 3645

6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30 8.00

6.00 Early News. (CC) 941393 7.00 Toasted TV. (CC) 305577 8.00 Totally Wild. (C, CC) 864645 8.30 Wurrawhy. (P, R, CC) 234480 9.00 News. (CC) 318041 10.00 The Circle. (PG, CC) 3955867 12.00 Dr Phil. (PG, CC) 787157 1.00 Oprah. (PG, CC) 763577 2.00 Ready Steady Cook. (PG, CC) 767393 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG, CC) 608041 3.30 Infomercials. (PG, R, CC) 618428 4.00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield. (CC) 619157 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful. (CC) 992062 5.00 News. (CC) 213138

Letterman. (PG) 499596 Ally McBeal. (M, R) 5500691 Infomercials. (PG, R) 10200184 Joyce Meyer. (PG) 9794078 Kenneth Copeland. (PG) 3488455 James Robison. (PG) 3489184 Benny Hinn. (PG) 3482271


CLASSIFICATIONS: (P) For preschoolers (C) Children’s programs (G) General viewing (PG) Parental guidance (M) Mature audiences (MA15+) Mature adults only (AV15+) Mature audiences: contains adult violence (M) (MA15+) and (AV15+) CONSUMER ADVICE: (a) adult themes (h) horror (Sx) sex scenes (d) drug references, (l) language, (m) medical procedures (n) nudity (v) violence (w) war (CC) Closed Captions (WS) widescreen Programs subject to late change by stations.

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WEDNESDAY June 29 6.00 ABC News Breakfast. (CC) 78380525 9.00 News. (CC) 5726 9.30 Business Today. (CC) 8813 10.00 For The Juniors. (R, CC) 14252 10.15 Cyberchase. (R, CC) 6079338 10.35 Behind The News. (R, CC) 4084417 11.05 Big Ideas. (CC) 9886320 12.00 Midday Report. (CC) 6078 12.30 National Press Club Address. (CC) 13349 1.30 Betty Churcher With John Olsen: An Unstoppable Force. (R, CC) 2469 2.00 Jeeves And Wooster. (R, CC) 1094894 3.05 Children’s Programs. 89831707 6.00 6.50 7.00 7.30 8.00 8.30 9.00 9.30

Time Team. (R, CC) 27368 Minuscule. (R) 8949829 News. (CC) 320 7.30. (CC) 691 The New Inventors. (CC) 504 Spicks And Specks. (PG, CC) 875 Angry Boys. (CC) 184 Lawrence Leung’s Unbelievable: UFO. (CC) 455 10.00 At The Movies. (CC) 368 10.30 Lateline. (CC) 81558

6.00 Sunrise. (CC) 95689726 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG, CC) 6213078 11.30 News. (CC) 6962 12.00 MOVIE: McBride: Tune In For Murder. (M, 05, R, CC) 784788 2.00 Dr Oz. (PG) 79417 3.00 Medical Emergency. (Final, PG, R, CC) 1829

3.30 4.00 4.30 5.30

Toybox. (P, R, CC) 8788 It’s Academic. (C, CC) 9417 News At 4.30. (CC) 52726 Deal Or No Deal. (CC) 3078

6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30 8.00

PRIME7 News. (CC) 4707 News. (CC) 0 Home And Away. (PG, CC) 9097 Highway Patrol. (PG, CC) 8368 World’s Deadliest Roads. (PG, CC)

6.00 Today. (CC) 90973320 9.00 Kerri-Anne. (PG, CC) 3273813 11.00 News. (CC) 108639 11.30 Alive And Cooking. (CC) 101726 12.00 Ellen. (PG, R, CC) 630813 1.00 The View. (PG, CC) 616233 2.00 Days Of Our Lives. (PG, CC) 627349 3.00 Entertainment Tonight. (CC) 560455 3.30 Hi-5. (P, R, CC) 563542 4.00 The Saddle Club. (CC) 564271 4.30 News. (CC) 934928 5.30 Hot Seat. (CC) 921542 6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30 8.00 8.30 9.30

News. (CC) 922271 WIN News. (CC) 907962 A Current Affair. (CC) 293146 The Block. (PG, CC) 292417 The Big Bang Theory. (PG, R, CC) 395558 RPA. (PG, CC) 371523 Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition. (New series, PG, CC) 377707 10.30 Embarrassing Bodies. (MA15+, CC)


8.30 Criminal Minds. (M, CC) The team comes under Strauss’s scrutiny in the wake of Prentiss’s death. 10726 9.30 Criminal Minds. (M, R, CC) 68010 10.30 Parking Wars. (PG) 4788

6.00 Early News. (CC) 801349 7.00 Toasted TV. (CC) 272813 8.00 Totally Wild. (C, CC) 820829 8.30 Wurrawhy. (P, R, CC) 185788 9.00 News. (CC) 269349 10.00 The Circle. (PG, CC) 3859639 12.00 Dr Phil. (PG, CC) 638455 1.00 Oprah. (PG, CC) 614875 2.00 Ready Steady Cook. (PG, CC) 618691 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG, CC) 568097 3.30 Infomercials. (PG, R, CC) 561184 4.00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield. (CC) 562813 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful. (CC) 925368 5.00 News. (CC) 166894 6.30 7.00 7.30 8.30

6.30 With George Negus. (CC) 905504 The 7PM Project. (PG, CC) 291788 MasterChef Australia. (CC) 733349 Offspring. (M, CC) Nina hosts a dinner party at Patrick’s, where he charms the Proudmans. 379165 9.30 The Defenders. (M, CC) 375349 10.30 6.30 With George Negus. (R, CC) 209707

11.30 Balls Of Steel. (MA15+, R, CC) 918078

11.00 News/Sports Tonight. (CC) 917349 11.30 Letterman. (PG) 359542


6.00 WorldWatch. 13932261 9.30 Greek News. 7619829 10.20 French News. 60205731 11.00 Hindi News. 8627165 11.30 Arabic News. 8620252 12.00 Russian News. 8621981 12.30 Turkish News. 7392523 1.00 MOVIE: Mother Of Mine. (PG, 05, R) (Finland) 8479320 3.00 Journos: Hamish. (Final, PG, R, CC) 7380788 3.30 Letters And Numbers. (R, CC) 7383875 4.00 The Journal. (CC) 7384504 4.30 PBS NewsHour. (CC) 2740097 5.30 Global Village. (R, CC) (France) 4521982 6.00 6.30 7.35 8.30 9.30 10.00 11.45 1.15

Letters And Numbers. (CC) 3171441 World News Australia. (CC) 7467287 Inspector Rex. (PG, R) (Austria) 52719900 Victorian Pharmacy. (CC) Part 1 of 4. (UK) 9873252 World News Australia. (CC) 6659368 MOVIE: To Paint Or Make Love. (MA15+, 05, R) (France) 2412610 MOVIE: A Friend Of Mine. (M, 06, R) (Germany) 3663707 NEWStopia. (M, R) 34911818

11.05 Lateline Business. (R, CC) 8531233 11.35 Cuttlefish: The Brainy Bunch. (R, CC) 452271 12.30 MOVIE: Suddenly. (b/w, M, 54, R, CC) 8610769 1.45 MOVIE: Desperate. (b/w, PG, 47, R) 6032276 3.00 Big Ideas. (PG, R, CC) 6829130 4.00 The Bill. (M, R, CC) 3175634 4.55 National Press Club Address. (R, CC) 32639818

11.00 Tennis. Wimbledon. Day 9. Men’s singles quarter-finals. From The All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, London, England. 82594184 4.00 Home Shopping. 3894672 5.30 Early News. (CC) 5967189

12.00 WIN News. (CC) 931547 12.30 Eclipse Music TV. (PG) 9771127 1.00 Primetime: What Would You Do? (M, CC) 3801011 2.00 New Style Direct. 9776672 2.30 Danoz Direct. 9751363 3.00 Entertainment Tonight. (R, CC) 9752092 3.30 GMA. (CC) 4112634 5.00 News. (CC) 3458214 5.30 Today. (CC) 3451301

12.25 Ally McBeal. (M, R) 5577363 1.20 Infomercials. (PG, R) 10277856 4.00 Enjoying Everyday Life With Joyce Meyer. (PG) 9754450 4.30 Kenneth Copeland. (PG) 3455127 5.00 James Robison. (PG) 3456856 5.30 Benny Hinn. (PG) 3459943

1.45 Soccer. FIFA Women’s World Cup. Brazil v Australia. From Borussia-Park, Monchengladbach, Germany. 89940818 4.30 WeatherWatch Overnight. 2860740 5.00 WeatherWatch & Music. 63592905 5.05 Korean News. 41420653 5.40 Japanese News. 11106740

6.00 Children’s Programs. 3.05 Babar. (R, CC) 3.30 Mopatop’s Shop. (R) 3.40 Igam Ogam. (R) 3.50 Rastamouse. 4.00 The Hoobs. (R) 4.30 Play School. (R, CC) 5.00 Pingu. (R) 5.05 Peppa Pig. (R, CC) 5.15 Octonauts. (R, CC) 5.25 The Hive. (R, CC) 5.30 Bert And Ernie’s Great Adventures. (R, CC) 5.40 Wibbly Pig. (R, CC) 5.50 Timmy Time. (R, CC) 6.05 Miffy And Friends. (R) 6.10 Penelope. (R, CC) 6.15 Humf. (R, CC) 6.30 In The Night Garden. (R, CC) 7.00 Spicks And Specks. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 World’s Toughest Driving Tests. (CC) 8.30 The Seven Ages Of Drinking. (M, R, CC) 9.30 The True Story: Pirates Of The Caribbean. (New series, CC) 10.15 Blood, Sweat And Takeaways. (M, R, CC) 11.15 Superhuman: Super Strong. (PG, R, CC) 12.00 The Kitchen Job. (R, CC) 12.45 Beautiful Noise. (R, CC) 1.45 Close.

6.00 Raggs. (R, CC) 6.30 Flipper. (PG, R) 7.30 The Martha Stewart Show. 8.30 Sons And Daughters. (R, CC) 9.00 Home And Away: The Early Years. (R, CC) 9.30 Shortland Street. (PG) 10.00 Coronation Street. (PG) 10.30 Emmerdale. (PG) 11.00 Hollyoaks. (PG) 11.30 Deal Or No Deal. (R, CC) 12.00 Hart To Hart. (PG, R) 1.00 Head Of The Class. (PG, R) 1.30 Welcome Back, Kotter. (PG, R) 2.00 Murphy Brown. (PG, R, CC) 2.30 Valerie. (R) 3.00 Perfect Strangers. (R) 3.30 Night Court. (PG, R) 4.00 MOVIE: Now You See It. (G, 05, R) 6.00 Bargain Hunt. 7.00 Going Straight. (PG, CC) 7.45 Heartbeat. (PG, R, CC) 8.50 Pie In The Sky. (PG, CC) 10.00 Tennis. Wimbledon. Day 9. Men’s singles quarter-finals. From the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, London. 11.00 The Good Life. (R) 11.30 Hale And Pace. (M, R) 12.00 Minder. (PG, R) 1.10 Restaurant In Our Living Room. (PG, R) 2.05 Australia’s Wild Secrets. (R) 2.30 The Australians. (PG, R) 3.00 Dr Oz. (PG, R) 4.00 Coronation Street. (PG, R) 4.30 Emmerdale. (PG, R) 5.00 The World Around Us. (R)

6.00 Children’s Programs. 8.30 Kamen Rider: Dragon Knight. (PG, R) 9.00 The Flintstones. (R) 9.30 I Dream Of Jeannie. (R) 10.00 Bewitched. (R) 10.30 Entertainment Tonight. (R, CC) 11.00 TMZ. 11.30 Married With Children. (PG, R) 12.00 Here’s Lucy. (R) 12.30 Spin City. (PG, R, CC) 1.00 Seinfeld. (PG, R) 2.00 Unnatural History. (PG, R) 3.00 Just Shoot Me! (PG, R) 3.30 The Secret Saturdays. (PG, R) 4.00 Kids’ WB. (PG) 4.05 Ben 10. (PG, R) 4.30 Here’s Lucy. (R) 5.00 I Dream Of Jeannie. (R) 5.30 Bewitched. (R) 6.00 Seinfeld. (PG, R) 6.30 Two And A Half Men. (PG, R, CC) 7.00 Australia’s Funniest Home Videos. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 MOVIE: Teen Wolf. (PG, 85) 9.30 MOVIE: Harold & Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay. (MA15+, 08, R) 11.30 South Park. (MA15+, R) (US) 12.00 Spartacus: Blood And Sand. (AV15+, R) 2.00 Home Shopping. 4.00 Just Shoot Me! (PG, R) 4.30 TMZ. (R) 5.00 Married With Children. (PG, R) 5.30 The Flintstones. (R)

6.00 Basketball. You Yi Friendship Series. Game 2. China v Australia. Replay. 8.00 Triathlon. Challenge Cairns. Replay. 9.00 Baseball. MLB. Yankees v Brewers. 12.00 500 Great Goals. 12.30 WRC Access All Areas. (R) 1.30 Motor Racing. NASCAR Nationwide Series. Race 16. Bucyrus 200. Highlights. 2.30 Motor Racing. NASCAR Sprint Cup. Race 16. Toyota/Save Mart 350. Highlights. 3.30 Omnisport. 4.00 Extreme Dreams. (PG, R) 4.30 Airline. (PG, R) 5.00 Dr Danger. 5.30 iFish Catch Of The Day. (R) 6.00 Bondi Rescue. (PG) 6.30 Extreme Dreams. (PG) 7.00 Airline. (PG) 7.30 Long Way Round. (PG) 8.30 Cops: Adults Only. 9.30 Sons Of Anarchy. (AV15+) 10.30 RPM. 11.30 Sports Tonight. 12.00 Motorcycle Racing. (CC) MotoGP. Race 7. Dutch TT. Replay. 2.00 Omnisport. (R) 2.30 Soccer. FA Cup Classics. 2003-04. Round 5. Arsenal v Chelsea. 3.00 Baseball. MLB. New York Yankees v Milwaukee Brewers. Replay. 5.00 Baseball. MLB. Diamondbacks v Indians.

6.00 WorldWatch. 6.00 Global Village: The Quest For The Gongs Pt 2. (R, CC) (France) 6.30 Come Dine With Me: Greece. (Greece) 7.30 Dateline. (R, CC) 8.30 Rescue 117. (Ireland) 9.00 Soccer. FIFA Women’s World Cup. Highlights. From Germany. 9.30 MOVIE: City Of Life And Death. (b/w, AV15+, 09, CC) The bloody occupation of the Chinese city of Nanking by the Japanese army is seen through the eyes of some of its inhabitants. Hideo Nakaizumi, Ye Liu, Yunyuan Gao. (China) 11.50 MOVIE: The Circle. (PG, 00, R) A group of women struggle to live in the oppressively sexist society of contemporary Iran. Nargess Mamizadeh, Maryiam Palvin Almani, Mojgan Faramarzi. (Iran) 1.20 WeatherWatch Overnight. 5.00 WeatherWatch & Music.

6.00 Children’s Programs. 10.25 What Do You Know? (R, CC) 10.55 Escape From Scorpion Island. (R, CC) 11.25 Go Lingo! (R, CC) 11.50 Backyard Science. (R, CC) 12.05 BTN Extra. (CC) 12.20 In Real Life. (R, CC) 12.45 A World Of Wonders. (R, CC) 1.00 Erky Perky. (R, CC) 1.15 Spliced! (R, CC) 1.45 Jibber Jabber. (R, CC) 2.10 The Legend Of Dick And Dom. (R, CC) 2.40 The Latest Buzz. (R, CC) 3.25 Connor Undercover. (R, CC) 3.50 Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab. (R, CC) 4.20 News On 3 Update. (CC) 4.25 Young Dracula. (R, CC) 4.55 Sally Bollywood. (CC) 5.05 The Jungle Book. (R, CC) 5.20 Almost Naked Animals. (CC) 5.30 Deltora Quest. (CC) 5.55 Monk. (R) 6.00 Total Drama World Tour. (R, CC) 6.25 Horrible Histories. (R, CC) 6.55 News On 3. (CC) 7.10 Star Wars: The Clone Wars. (R, CC) 7.35 The Avengers. (R, CC) 8.30 Degrassi: The Next Generation. (R, CC) 9.00 Close.

6.00 The Six Million Dollar Man. (PG, R) 7.00 The Virginian. (PG, R) 8.30 McHale’s Navy. (PG, R) 9.00 NBC Today. (R, CC) 11.00 Quantum Leap. (PG, R) 12.00 Quincy M.E. (PG, R) 1.00 The Rockford Files. (PG, R) 2.00 Malcolm And Eddie. (PG, R) 2.30 Newsradio. (PG, R) 3.00 Xena: Warrior Princess. (PG, R) 4.00 Hercules: The Legendary Journeys. (PG, R) 5.00 The Drew Carey Show. (PG, R, CC) 6.00 According To Jim. (PG, R, CC) 6.30 My Wife And Kids. (PG, R, CC) 7.00 That ’70s Show. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 Pimp My Ride. (PG, CC) 8.30 MythBusters. (PG, R) 9.30 American Pickers. (New series, PG) 10.30 Hardcore Pawn. (New series, PG) 11.00 Monster Nation. (New series, PG) 12.00 The Prisoner. (M) 1.00 The Six Million Dollar Man. (PG, R) 2.00 Quantum Leap. (PG, R) 3.00 Quincy M.E. (PG, R) 4.00 Hercules: The Legendary Journeys. (PG, R) 5.00 McHale’s Navy. (PG, R) 5.30 Home Shopping.

6.00 Today. (CC) 9.00 Alive And Cooking. (R) 9.30 The Zoo. (R) 10.00 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 11.00 Murder, She Wrote. (PG, R) 12.00 MOVIE: Protocol. (PG, 84, R, CC) 2.00 Trust Me. (PG) 3.00 McLeod’s Daughters. (PG, R, CC) 4.00 BIG. (PG, R, CC) 5.00 Ellen. (PG, R, CC) 6.00 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 7.00 The Zoo. (R) 7.30 Hoarders. (PG, R) 8.30 Don’t Tell The Bride. (M) 9.30 First Love, Second Chance. (PG) 10.30 How Clean Is Your House? (PG) 11.30 Conan. (M) 12.30 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 1.00 Murder, She Wrote. (PG, R) 2.00 Home Shopping. 4.30 Enjoying Everyday Life With Joyce Meyer. (PG) 5.00 Adventures In Rainbow Country. (R) 5.30 Today. (CC)

6.00 JAG. (PG, R) 7.00 MacGyver. (PG, R) 8.00 The Brady Bunch. (R) 8.30 Neighbours. (R, CC) 9.00 Touched By An Angel. (PG, R) 10.00 7th Heaven. (PG, R) 11.00 The Love Boat. (PG, R) 12.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG, R) 1.00 JAG. (PG, R) 2.00 MacGyver. (PG, R) 3.00 Cheers. (PG, R) 3.30 Roseanne. (PG, R) 4.00 Family Ties. (PG, R) 4.30 Mork And Mindy. (PG, R) 5.00 Happy Days. (PG, R) 5.30 The Brady Bunch. (R) 6.00 Sabrina. (R) 6.30 Neighbours. (CC) 7.00 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R, CC) 7.30 The Simpsons. (PG, R, CC) 8.00 Futurama. (Series return) 8.30 The Simpsons. (R, CC) 9.00 Futurama. (PG, R, CC) 9.30 The Cleveland Show. (M) 10.00 King Of The Hill. (PG, R) 10.30 Craig Ferguson. (PG) 11.30 Cheers. (PG, R) 12.00 Roseanne. (PG, R) 12.30 Sabrina. (R) 1.00 Mork And Mindy. (PG, R) 1.30 Happy Days. (PG, R) 2.00 The Love Boat. (PG, R) 3.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG, R) 4.00 Touched By An Angel. (PG, R) 5.00 7th Heaven. (PG, R)

6.00 ABC News Breakfast. (CC) 9.00 News. (CC) 9.30 Business Today. (R, CC) 10.00 News. (CC) 12.00 Midday Report. (CC) 12.30 National Press Club Address. (CC) 1.30 News. (CC) 2.00 Midday Report. (CC) 2.30 State To State. (R, CC) 3.00 Afternoon Live. 5.30 Capital Hill. (CC) 5.45 The Quarters. (R, CC) 6.00 The Drum. (CC) 6.45 The Quarters. 7.00 News. (CC) 7.30 7.30. (CC) 8.00 News. (CC) 8.30 Lateline Business. (R, CC) 9.00 The World. (R, CC) 10.00 The Drum. (R, CC) 10.45 The Quarters. (R) 11.00 News. 11.30 Newsline With Jim Middleton. (R) 12.00 News. 12.25 Lateline. (R, CC) 1.00 BBC World News. 1.30 Lateline Business. (R, CC) 2.00 BBC World News: The Hub. (R, CC) 2.30 7.30. (R, CC) 3.00 Lateline. (R, CC) 3.35 Lateline Business. (R, CC) 4.00 News. 4.05 The Quarters. (R) 4.15 The Drum. (R, CC) 5.00 News. (CC) 5.15 The Quarters. (R) 5.30 Newsline With Jim Middleton. (R)

CLASSIFICATIONS: (P) For preschoolers (C) Children’s programs (G) General viewing (PG) Parental guidance (M) Mature audiences (MA15+) Mature adults only (AV15+) Mature audiences: contains adult violence (M) (MA15+) and (AV15+) CONSUMER ADVICE: (a) adult themes (h) horror (Sx) sex scenes (d) drug references, (l) language, (m) medical procedures (n) nudity (v) violence (w) war (CC) Closed Captions (WS) widescreen Programs subject to late change by stations.

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THURSDAY June 30 6.00 ABC News Breakfast. (CC) 32657437 9.00 News. (CC) 3721 9.30 Business Today. (CC) 3108 10.00 Real Chinese. (R, CC) 95943 10.15 Being Chinese. (R, CC) 18087740 10.50 Ace Day Jobs. (R, CC) 2428160 11.00 Ancient Megastructures. (Final, R, CC) 84653 12.00 Midday Report. (CC) 7301 12.30 Little Dorrit. (PG, R, CC) 9409818 1.25 Lead Balloon. (PG, R, CC) 4149276 2.00 Jeeves And Wooster. (PG, R, CC) 1061566 3.05 Children’s Programs. 89808479 6.00 6.50 7.00 7.30 8.00 8.30

6.00 Sunrise. (CC) 95656498 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG, CC) 6273450 11.30 News. (CC) 8547 12.00 MOVIE: Claire. (M, 07, R) Valerie Bertinelli, Sasha Pieterse, Ray Baker.

Time Team. (R, CC) 75721 Minuscule. (R) 8836301 News. (CC) 295 7.30. (CC) 566 Catalyst. (CC) 479 On Trial: DNA…DNA. (CC) Part 5 of 5.


2.00 3.00 3.30 4.00 4.30 5.30

Dr Oz. (PG) 43818 Last Chance Surgery. (PG, R, CC) 9634 Toybox. (P, R, CC) 2721 It’s Academic. (C, CC) 3450 News At 4.30. (CC) 19837 Deal Or No Deal. (CC) 3059

6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30

PRIME7 News. (CC) 4160 News. (CC) 0 Home And Away. (PG, CC) 5498 How I Met Your Mother. (PG, R, CC) 7450

8.30 Grey’s Anatomy. (M, CC) Personal and work pressures have Meredith on edge. Formal interviews for the position of chief resident begin. 68189 9.30 Desperate Housewives. (M, CC) 80301 10.30 Private Practice. (M, CC) 71653


9.30 Baker Boys: Inside The Surge. (M, CC) Part 4 of 4. 48092 10.25 Lateline. (CC) 192011 11.00 Lateline Business. (R, CC) 83905

6.00 Today. (CC) 90940092 9.00 Kerri-Anne. (PG, CC) 3240585 11.00 News. (CC) 131585 11.30 Alive And Cooking. (CC) 134672 12.00 Ellen. (PG, R, CC) 663769 1.00 The View. (PG, CC) 649189 2.00 Days Of Our Lives. (PG, CC) 643905 3.00 Entertainment Tonight. (CC) 586011 3.30 Hi-5. (P, R, CC) 596498 4.00 Kitchen Whiz. (C, CC) 597127 4.30 News. (CC) 181894 5.30 Hot Seat. (CC) 954498 6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30 8.30

6.00 Early News. (CC) 841585 7.00 Toasted TV. (CC) 205769 8.00 Scope. (C, R, CC) 773585 8.30 Wurrawhy. (P, R, CC) 118634 9.00 News. (CC) 285905 10.00 The Circle. (PG, CC) 3819011 12.00 Dr Phil. (PG, CC) 654011 1.00 Oprah. (PG, CC) 670059 2.00 Ready Steady Cook. (PG, CC) 641547 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG, CC) 584653 3.30 Infomercials. (PG, R, CC) 587740 4.00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield. (CC) 595769 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful. (CC) 941924 5.00 News. (CC) 182450

News. (CC) 955127 WIN News. (CC) 930818 A Current Affair. (CC) 226092 The Block. (PG, CC) 751363 Inside The Human Body. (M, CC) Discover how, minute by minute, from the very first breath to the very last, the human body survives and see what happens when it finally fails. 304479 9.30 The NRL Footy Show. (M, CC) 1447092 11.15 WIN News. (CC) 1055672

6.30 With George Negus. (CC) 921160 The 7PM Project. (PG, CC) 224634 MasterChef Australia. (CC) 759905 Law & Order: SVU. (M, CC) After Benson and Stabler find an abandoned baby, their investigation leads them to a nanny with a boyfriend who has something to hide. 395721 9.30 Law & Order: SVU. (M, R, CC) 391905 10.30 6.30 With George Negus. (R, CC) 232653 11.00 News/Sports Tonight. (CC) 933905

11.45 1.30 2.00 3.00 3.30 5.00 5.30

11.30 12.25 1.25 4.00 4.30 5.00 5.30

Letters And Numbers. (CC) 7476653 World News Australia. (CC) 2797905 French Food Safari. (CC) 6606276 Lyndey & Blair’s Taste Of Greece. (CC) 6603189 8.30 Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations. (PG, CC) Author and professional chef Anthony Bourdain heads to Colombia in search of the ultimate dining experience. (US) 9840924 9.30 World News Australia. (CC) 6619740

11.30 Tennis. (CC) Wimbledon. Day 10. Women’s singles and doubles semi-final. From The All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, London, England.

6.00 Children’s Programs. 3.05 Babar. (R, CC) 3.30 Mopatop’s Shop. (R) 3.40 Igam Ogam. (R) 3.50 Rastamouse. 4.00 The Hoobs. (R, CC) 4.30 Play School. (R, CC) 5.00 Pingu. (R) 5.05 Peppa Pig. (R, CC) 5.15 Octonauts. (R, CC) 5.25 The Hive. (R, CC) 5.30 Bert And Ernie’s Great Adventures. (R, CC) 5.40 Wibbly Pig. (R, CC) 5.50 Timmy Time. (R, CC) 6.05 Miffy And Friends. (R) 6.10 Penelope. (R, CC) 6.15 Humf. (R, CC) 6.30 In The Night Garden. (R, CC) 7.00 Spicks And Specks. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 The Marngrook Footy Show. (PG, CC) 8.30 Arrested Development. (CC) 9.00 Lawrence Leung’s Unbelievable: UFO. (R, CC) 9.30 The Graham Norton Show. (CC) 10.15 The Warehouse Comedy Festival. (M, R, CC) 10.50 Later…With Jools Holland. (Final, CC) 11.55 The Marngrook Footy Show. (PG, R, CC) 12.55 Beautiful Noise. (R, CC) 1.55 Close.

6.00 Raggs. (R, CC) 6.30 Flipper. (PG, R) 7.30 The Martha Stewart Show. 8.30 Sons And Daughters. (R, CC) 9.00 Home And Away: The Early Years. (R, CC) 9.30 Shortland Street. (PG) 10.00 Coronation Street. (PG) 10.30 Emmerdale. (PG) 11.00 Hollyoaks. (PG) 11.30 Deal Or No Deal. (R, CC) 12.00 Hart To Hart. (PG, R) 1.00 Head Of The Class. (PG, R) 1.30 Welcome Back, Kotter. (PG, R) 2.00 Murphy Brown. (PG, R, CC) 2.30 Valerie. (R) 3.00 Perfect Strangers. (R) 3.30 Night Court. (PG, R) 4.00 Growing Pains. (PG, R) 4.30 Columbo. (PG, R) 6.00 Bargain Hunt. 7.00 Some Mothers Do ’Ave ’Em. (PG, R, CC) 7.45 Doc Martin. (PG, CC) 8.45 The Bill. (M, R, CC) 10.00 Tennis. (CC) Wimbledon. Day 10. Women’s singles and doubles semi-finals. From the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, London. 11.30 MOVIE: Crash. (M, 04, R, CC) 2.00 Australia’s Wild Secrets. (R) 2.30 The Australians. (PG, R) 3.00 Dr Oz. (PG, R) 4.00 Coronation Street. (PG, R) 4.30 Emmerdale. (PG, R) 5.00 Room For Improvement. (R, CC) 5.30 Home Shopping.

6.00 Children’s Programs. 9.30 I Dream Of Jeannie. (R) 10.00 Bewitched. (R) 10.30 Ent. Tonight. (R, CC) 11.00 TMZ. 11.30 Married With Children. (PG, R) 12.00 Here’s Lucy. (R) 12.30 Spin City. (PG, R, CC) 1.00 Seinfeld. (PG, R) 2.00 Unnatural History. (PG, R) 3.00 Just Shoot Me! (PG, R) 3.30 The Secret Saturdays. (PG, R) 4.00 Kids’ WB. (PG) 4.05 Ben 10. (PG, R) 4.30 Here’s Lucy. (R) 5.00 I Dream Of Jeannie. (R) 5.30 Bewitched. (R) 6.00 Seinfeld. (PG, R) 6.30 Two And A Half Men. (PG, R, CC) 7.00 Australia’s Funniest Home Videos. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 The Big Bang Theory. (PG, R, CC) 8.00 Two And A Half Men. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 The Big Bang Theory. (PG, R, CC) 9.00 Two And A Half Men. (M, R, CC) 9.30 MOVIE: Dirty Dancing. (M, 87, R, CC) 11.30 Nikita. (AV15+) 12.30 V. (M, R, CC) 1.30 Seinfeld. (PG, R) 2.00 Home Shopping. 4.00 Just Shoot Me! (PG, R) 4.30 TMZ. (R) 5.00 Married With Children. (PG, R) 5.30 The Flintstones. (R)

6.00 Baseball. MLB. Diamondbacks v Indians. Continued. 8.30 This Week In Baseball. (PG) 9.00 ATP World Tour Uncovered. 9.30 British Touring Car C’ship. Race 4. Replay. 10.30 Motorcycle Racing. Isle of Man TT. Preview Show. Replay. 11.30 Drag Racing. ANDRA Pro Series. Rocket Allstars. Nitro Champs. Replay. 12.30 RPM. (R) 1.30 Triathlon. Challenge Cairns. Replay. 2.30 Triathlon. ITU World C’ship Series. Round 3. Highlights. 3.30 Omnisport. 4.00 Extreme Dreams. (PG, R) 4.30 Airline. (PG, R) 5.00 Dr Danger. 5.30 iFish Catch Of The Day. (R) 6.00 Bondi Rescue. (PG, CC) 6.30 Extreme Dreams. (PG) 7.00 Airline. (PG) 7.30 Cops. (PG) 8.30 The Game Plan: NRL. 9.30 The Ultimate Fighter: Heavyweights. (M) 10.30 Sports Tonight. 11.00 UFC Countdown. 12.00 The Game Plan: AFL. 1.00 NASCAR Sprint Cup. Race 16. Toyota/ Save Mart 350. Highlights. 2.00 Omnisport. (R) 2.30 Soccer. FA Cup Classics. 1998-99. Round 6. Chelsea v Manchester United. Highlights. 3.00 Baseball. MLB. Diamondbacks v Indians. Replay. 5.30 Omnisport. (R)

6.00 WorldWatch. 6.00 Global Village: Sacred Fishing In Entogo. (R, CC) (France) 6.30 Come Dine With Me: Greece. (Greece) 7.30 Tour de France 2010 Review. (France) 8.30 Rescue 117. (Ireland) 9.00 Soccer. FIFA Women’s World Cup. Highlights. From Germany. 9.30 MOVIE: Empty Nest. (PG, 08, R) After their children have grown up and left home, a middleaged couple try to redefine their relationship. Oscar Martínez, Cecilia Roth, Inés Efron. (Argentina) 11.05 MOVIE: Just Friends. (M, 05, R) A mildmannered computer technician becomes friends with a smooth-talking extrovert who drags him into the singles scene. Gérard Depardieu, Jean-Paul Rouve, Annie Girardot. (France) 12.55 WeatherWatch Overnight. 5.00 WeatherWatch & Music.

6.00 Children’s Programs. 10.55 Escape From Scorpion Island. (R, CC) 11.25 Go Lingo! (R, CC) 11.50 Backyard Science. (R, CC) 12.05 BTN Extra. (CC) 12.20 In Real Life. (R, CC) 12.45 A World Of Wonders. (R, CC) 1.00 Erky Perky. (R, CC) 1.15 Spliced! (R, CC) 1.45 Jibber Jabber. (R, CC) 2.10 The Legend Of Dick And Dom. (R, CC) 2.40 The Latest Buzz. (R, CC) 3.00 Ship To Shore. (R, CC) 3.25 Connor Undercover. (R, CC) 3.50 Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab. (R, CC) 4.20 News On 3 Update. (CC) 4.25 Young Dracula. (R, CC) 4.55 Sally Bollywood. (CC) 5.05 The Jungle Book. (R, CC) 5.20 Almost Naked Animals. (CC) 5.30 Deltora Quest. (CC) 5.55 Monk. (R) 6.00 Total Drama World Tour. (R, CC) 6.25 Horrible Histories. (R, CC) 6.55 News On 3. (CC) 7.10 Star Wars: The Clone Wars. (R, CC) 7.35 The Avengers. (R, CC) 8.30 Degrassi: The Next Generation. (R, CC) 9.00 Close.

6.00 The Six Million Dollar Man. (PG, R) 7.00 The Virginian. (PG, R) 8.30 McHale’s Navy. (PG, R) 9.00 NBC Today. (R, CC) 11.00 Quantum Leap. (PG, R) 12.00 Quincy M.E. (PG, R) 1.00 The Rockford Files. (PG, R) 2.00 Malcolm And Eddie. (PG, R) 2.30 Newsradio. (PG, R) 3.00 Xena: Warrior Princess. (PG, R) 4.00 Hercules: The Legendary Journeys. (PG, R) 5.00 The Drew Carey Show. (PG, R, CC) 6.00 According To Jim. (PG, R, CC) 6.30 My Wife And Kids. (PG, R, CC) 7.00 That ’70s Show. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 Swamp People. (PG) 8.30 MythBusters. (PG, R) 9.30 Heli-Loggers. (M) 10.30 Jacked: Auto Theft Task Force. (PG) 11.30 Demolition Day. 12.30 The Prisoner. (MA15+) 1.30 McHale’s Navy. (PG, R) 2.00 Quantum Leap. (PG, R) 3.00 Quincy M.E. (PG, R) 4.00 Xena: Warrior Princess. (PG, R) 5.00 Hercules: The Legendary Journeys. (PG, R)

6.00 Today. (CC) 9.00 Alive And Cooking. (R) 9.30 The Zoo. (R) 10.00 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 11.00 Murder, She Wrote. (PG, R) 12.00 MOVIE: The Memory Keeper’s Daughter. (PG, 08, R) 2.00 Trust Me. (PG) 3.00 McLeod’s Daughters. (PG, R, CC) 4.00 Hoarders. (PG, R) 5.00 Ellen. (PG, R, CC) 6.00 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 7.00 The Zoo. (R) 7.30 As Time Goes By. (R) 8.30 My Strange Addiction. (PG) 9.00 Bizarre ER. (M, R) 9.30 Embarrassing Bodies. (M, R, CC) 10.30 Wife Swap USA. (PG, R) 11.30 Conan. (M) 12.30 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 1.00 My Strange Addiction. (PG, R) 1.30 Bizarre ER. (M, R) 2.00 Home Shopping. 4.30 Enjoying Everyday Life With Joyce Meyer. (PG) 5.00 Adventures In Rainbow Country. (R) 5.30 Today. (CC)

6.00 JAG. (PG, R) 7.00 MacGyver. (PG, R) 8.00 The Brady Bunch. (R) 8.30 Neighbours. (R, CC) 9.00 Touched By An Angel. (PG, R) 10.00 7th Heaven. (R) 11.00 The Love Boat. (PG, R) 12.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG, R) 1.00 JAG. (PG, R) 2.00 MacGyver. (PG, R) 3.00 Cheers. (PG, R) 3.30 Roseanne. (PG, R) 4.00 Family Ties. (PG, R) 4.30 Mork And Mindy. (PG, R) 5.00 Happy Days. (PG, R) 5.30 The Brady Bunch. (R) 6.00 Sabrina, The Teenage Witch. (R) 6.30 Neighbours. (CC) 7.00 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R, CC) 7.30 The Simpsons. (R, CC) 8.00 The Simpsons. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 SGU Stargate Universe. (M) 9.30 Star Trek: The Next Generation. (PG, R) 10.30 Craig Ferguson. (PG) 11.30 Cheers. (PG, R) 12.00 Roseanne. (PG, R) 12.30 Sabrina. (R) 1.00 Mork And Mindy. (PG, R) 1.30 Happy Days. (PG, R) 2.00 The Love Boat. (PG, R) 3.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG, R) 4.00 Touched By An Angel. (PG, R) 5.00 7th Heaven. (R)

6.00 ABC News Breakfast. (CC) 9.00 News. (CC) 9.30 Business Today. (CC) 10.00 News. (CC) 12.00 Midday Report. (R, CC) 12.30 Newsline With Jim Middleton. (R) 1.00 News. (CC) 2.00 Midday Report. (CC) 2.30 Australian Story. (CC) 3.00 Afternoon Live. 5.30 Capital Hill. (CC) 5.45 The Quarters. (R, CC) 6.00 The Drum. (CC) 6.45 The Quarters. 7.00 News. (CC) 7.30 7.30. (CC) 8.00 News. (CC) 8.30 Lateline Business. (CC) 9.00 The World. (CC) 10.00 The Drum. (R, CC) 10.45 The Quarters. (R) 11.00 News. (CC) 11.30 Newsline With Jim Middleton. 12.00 News. 12.25 Lateline. (R, CC) 1.00 BBC World News. 1.30 Lateline Business. (CC) 2.00 BBC World News: The Hub. (CC) 2.30 7.30. (R, CC) 3.00 Lateline. (CC) 3.35 Lateline Business. (R, CC) 4.00 News. 4.05 The Quarters. (R) 4.15 The Drum. (R, CC) 5.00 News. 5.15 The Quarters. (R) 5.30 Newsline With Jim Middleton. (R)


Letterman. (PG) 359160 The Starter Wife. (M, R, CC) 2070028 Infomercials. (PG, R) 18139468 Joyce Meyer. (PG) 1847062 Kenneth Copeland. (PG) 4567710 James Robison. (PG) 4575739 Benny Hinn. (PG) 4578826

6.00 6.30 7.30 8.00

11.25 Live From Abbey Road. (M, R, CC) 1833634 12.15 MOVIE: Jamaica Inn. (b/w, PG, 39, R, CC) 9000517 2.05 MOVIE: The Son Of The Sheik. (b/w, PG, 26, R, CC) 3193623 3.15 To The Manor Bowen. (M, R, CC) 4503165 4.00 The Bill. (M, R, CC) 8938536 5.00 Can We Help? (R, CC) 1968826 5.30 The New Inventors. (R, CC) 1961913

4.00 Home Shopping. 5759642 5.30 Early News. (CC) 6170826

The AFL Footy Show. (M, CC) 7672059 Ent. Tonight. (R, CC) 1868555 20/20. (R, CC) 1693197 Danoz Direct. 1845604 GMA. (CC) 9954975 News. (CC) 4577197 Today. (CC) 4570284

6.30 7.00 7.30 8.30

6.00 WorldWatch. 47237473 9.30 Greek News. 7506301 10.20 French News. 36129473 11.00 Hindi News. 8694837 11.30 Arabic News. 8697924 12.00 Russian News. 8698653 12.30 Turkish News. 7369295 1.00 Food Lovers’ Guide To Australia. (R, CC) 7360924 1.30 Don Matteo. (PG, R) (Italy) 6104189 2.30 Dateline. (R, CC) 6108905 3.30 Letters And Numbers. (R, CC) 7350547 4.00 The Journal. (CC) 7351276 4.30 PBS NewsHour. (CC) 2717769 5.30 Global Village. (R) (France) 8826194

10.00 Kings Of Pastry. (R, CC) (US) 2485566 11.35 MOVIE: The Tiger Brigades. (AV15+, 06, R) (France) 45808189 1.50 WeatherWatch Overnight. 48885807 5.00 WeatherWatch & Music. 95803739 5.05 Korean News. 85180389 5.40 Japanese News. 67354951

CLASSIFICATIONS: (P) For preschoolers (C) Children’s programs (G) General viewing (PG) Parental guidance (M) Mature audiences (MA15+) Mature adults only (AV15+) Mature audiences: contains adult violence (M) (MA15+) and (AV15+) CONSUMER ADVICE: (a) adult themes (h) horror (Sx) sex scenes (d) drug references, (l) language, (m) medical procedures (n) nudity (v) violence (w) war (CC) Closed Captions (WS) widescreen Programs subject to late change by stations.

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June 23–29, 2011 Central West Photo News


Record Breaker SOME 400 pEOplE in WalES havE StrippEd nakEd and plungEd intO thE SEa in an attEMpt tO brEak thE WOrld rEcOrd fOr thE biggESt EvEr Skinny dip. the swimmers came from all over the uk to brave the chilly waters of the gower peninsula in Wales early yesterday. the existing record is believed to stand at 250 naked bathers in one location and organisers of this event plan to submit it to adjudicators at guinness World records in a bid to steal the title. alison powell, an online publishing editor who came up with the idea as a way of raising money for the Marie curie cancer care charity and the national trust, said it had gone “brilliantly”. She said: “it was amazing. it’s such a beautiful beach.” to break the record, the bathers had to wade into the water until it was up to their waists and stay there, shivering, for 10 minutes. rhossili beach was chosen as the site for the swim because it is long and reasonably hidden - sparing the blushes of the skinny dippers and anyone who passed by. One of the swimmers, Stephen clarke, described the experience as unforgettable. Writing on the event’s facebook page afterwards, he said: “Just back home and still grinning. What a awesome sight. it really is something that i will never forget. “i spoke to lots of people who were so ecstatic at taking part. as others have said, i can’t wait till next year.”

happy birthday Jun 23: Selma Blair, 39, actress, Cruel Intentions. Bryan Brown, 64, Aussie actor, Dirty Deeds. Gordon Bray, 62, rugby union commentator. Joel Edgerton, 37, actor, Star Wars II and III and The Secret Life of Us. Bryan Brown Jun 24: Raelene Boyle, 60, Olympic sprinter. Mick Fleetwood, 64, of Fleetwood Mac. Sherry Stringfield, 44, Dr Lewis on ER. Robbie McEwen, 39, Australian cyclist. Jun 25: Tim Finn, 59, Split Enz singer. George Michael, 48, Wham singer, Wake Me Up Before You Go Go. Mike Myers, 48, aka Austin Powers. Craig Johnston, 51, Aussie soccer star. June Lockhart, 86, the mum on TV’s Lost in Space. Ricky Gervais, 50, actor/ comedian, The Invention of Lying. Jun 26: Chris O’Donnell, 41, Robin in Batman Forever. Chris Isaak, 55, Ricky Gervais singer/songwriter. Gary Gilmour, 60, former Aussie test cricketer. Jun 27: John Eales, 41, former Wallabies captain. Trisha Yearwood, 52, country singer, How Do I Live. Tobey Maguire, 36, Spider-Man. Jun 28: John Cusack, 45, actor, played Eddie Thomas in America’s Sweethearts. Mel Brooks, 85, comedian, producer of The Producers. Jun 29: Colin Hay, 58, Men at Work lead singer. Mike Willesee, 69, former TV presenter. Matthew Bode, 32, AFL player with Adelaide. Fred Grandy, 63, played Gopher on TV’s The Love Boat. Chris Egan, 27, played Nick Smith in Home and Away. Matthew Bode, 32, Colin Hay Aussie rules player.

Proudly sponsored by ProvVista Woodfired Pizza, summer street, orange. Here’s a great winter warmer sent in to us by angela Gracic. For her effort, Angela wins a $50 gift voucher to spend at ProvVista Woodfired Pizza.


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Send them to reader recipes, photo news, Suite 3/241 lords place, Orange 2800 or email bridget at reception@cwpn.com.au

ouP PRawn Laksa s ingredients

cubes 4x Vegetable stock 12 Green Prawns 250g scallops 1 Cup of water 1Tbs peanut oil

lk 1 Can of coconut mi 1 Tbs brown sugar

te Red curry paste to tas Rice noodles sliced ½ Red pepper thinly Pinch of dry basil


g water wl, cover with boilin bo a in les od no e ric 1. Place the and set aside. inutes to soak. Drain and leave for 10 m Add the red curry over medium heat. k wo a in oil ce Pla 2. ck, bring to boil, minute. Stir in the sto paste and stir for 1 d simmer for 2 t milk and sugar an cook for 2 then add the coconu ns and scallops and aw pr n ee gr e th d minutes. Ad minutes. wls. Pour the between serving bo 3. Divide the noodles odles, dividing the seafood equally e no Lasaka soup over th chili and dried rnish with slices of Ga s. wl bo among the Basil.



The two photos below contain six subtle differences. Can you find fin them all?

Answers: 1.shoe colour 2. Knobs on guitar 3.horns on t-shirt logo 4. sticker on side of piano 5. items missing on shelf 6.tears in jeans.



PhotoNews Classifieds

Central West Photo News June 23–29, 2011


Central West

Classified advertising closes 5pm each Monday. To book your ads phone 6361 3575 and use your credit card or call into our office at Suite 3, 241 Lords Place, Orange (behind Peter Mitchell Property Management) during business hours.





$200. pool/air hockey table $320, left handed golf clubs and buggie $80. Ph: 6362 3991

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Central West Photo News is seeking expressions of interest from competent local photographers who are interested in providing Photo News with spectacular photos taken at local sporting events each week.

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2kg Angus Blade Steak 2kg Lamb Four Quarter Chops 2kg Premium Mince 2kg Thick Sausages 2kg Gourmet Rissoles

Successful applicant(s) will have a proven record for taking great sporting photos, have their own professional equipment, be well organised, accurate and computer savvy.

$80 Full Pack, $45 half Pack Phone orders 6362 2539

This is a contract position and will require the successful applicant(s) to be willing to work throughout weekends as needed. Expressions of Interest should be directed to: Includes Bob Holland Managing Director - Central West Photo News Suite 3/ 241 Lords Place Orange - 6361 3575 or bob@cwpn.com.au

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PhotoNews Classifieds

June 23–29, 2011 Central West Photo News

Central West

Classified advertising closes 5pm each Monday. To book your ads phone 6361 3575 and use your credit card or call into our office at Suite 3, 241 Lords Place, Orange (behind Peter Mitchell Property Management) during business hours.




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Central West Photo News June 23–29, 2011 TRADES & SERVICES



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Celebrate Zumba! Celebrate 1 year of Zumba in Orange on the 30th June at the Uniting Church in Anson Street, 6-8pm. Step into an alternate reality where everything glimmers and glows! Only rules are you have to wear white. Food and Drinks are provided. Ongoing - Next meeting for “Ongoing” - a friendship group for 50 years and over will be Wednesday, July 13th at the Church of Christ Hall, Burrendong Way & Rawle Avenue, Orange, commencing at 10am. Morning tea is provided and a morning of trivia is planned. For more info contact John and Maureen Miller on 6362 6455. Giant Garage and Craft Sale – Orange Uniting Church are holding a Giant sale on Saturday 25th June from 9am till 3pm, in the hall at the rear of Wesley Church, 217 Anson Street. A great variety of household items and craft items will be on sale. Morning tea and a light lunch will also be available. For more info contact Val on 6362 7933. Orange and District Poultry Club Annual Show – Come along on the 2nd July, at 11am to 3pm at the Orange Showground. There will be competitions of all the birds on show, with auctions and advice from experienced people. A BBQ will be available. The day will showcase Turkeys and various other breeds. So go along for a great family outing. For more info call Donna on 0411 767 625. Shopping Trip to the DFO’s, Canberra – The Orange Mountain View Club are raising funds by planning a trip to Canberra on the 23rd July. Cost is $55. The bus will depart from the Orange railway at 6am and return by 9.30pm. For more info contact Michelle Smith on 0407 266 386. MEETING THIS WEEK

Thursday June 23rd – Orange Spinners and Handcraft group – 10am – 2pm, Cultural Centre Sale Street. Spinning wheels available for beginners and tuition can be provided. For enquiries call Suzan 63654324. Thursday June 23rd - Orange Social Dance Group at the Orange City Bowling Club. Beginners from 7-8pm, General Dancing (Ballroom, Latin and Sequence) 8-10pm. Learn to Dance and have fun. Enquiries 6362 0068. Friday June 24th - Transport Association for retired employees 2pm at the Orange City Bowling Club. Guest speaker will be Kim Currie. For more information contact Pat on 6361 3331. Saturday June 25th – The Men’s Breakfast – 7.30am at the St Barnabas Anglican Parish Hall, cnr Dora and McLachlan Streets. Enquiries Alan Ridley 6362 7264 or Rev Gary Neville 6362 5349.

Sunday June 26th - Rotary Club of Orange -Trash and Treasure Markets from 8:00am to 12:00noon in the Kmart Car Park, Byng Street entrance. There is a variety of stalls including fruit, veggies, crafts, jewellery, books, bric-a-brac and much, much more. All proceeds raised go to support local charities. Monday June 27th – Orange Prostate Cancer Support group – 6pm at the new Hospital Oncology Unit. Guest speakers will be Dr. Graham Stevens, the Director of Radiation Oncology and Rod Hammond, Radiation Therapist. For more information contact Barry Moore 6362 0173. Monday June 27th – Sahaja Meditation Free Classes – 7:30pm at the Home and Community Care Centre, 286 Lords Place Orange. Enquiries to Dave on 0439 000 396. Monday June 27th - Rotary Club of Orange Calare – 1pm lunch at the Harrison Restaurant, 85 March Street Orange. Contact Fay Layton ph 6361 7080. Tuesday – June 28th – Orange & Districts 40+ Singles Social Group – 7pm at Orange Ex-Services Club. Contact Cathie on 6361 3602, Dean on 6361 4310 or Richard on 6365 1133. Wednesday – June 29th – Camp Quality Trivia Night – 7:30pm at the Royal Hotel Orange. Contact Louise Eggleston on 6362 7023. Wednesday – June 29th – Orange Lace makers – 1:30-4:30pm at the Cultural Centre, Sale St. Contact Sandy on 6362 7938 or Bev on 6362 9540. Orange Seniors are open every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9:30am to 3pm. There is a two course cooked meal each day at 12noon for $6.00. Entertainment includes Scrabble, Bingo and Cards. There is also a Free Computer Kiosk available to members. Free computer classes for seniors in easy understandable stages for the beginner, also advanced classes are available. Chess is available Wednesday mornings 9.30am. To ensure your place in the classes, ring seniors on 6362 6592 or Lynn Edwards on 0413 001 634. Orange Men’s Shed meets each Tuesday and Wednesday from 10:00am until 3pm at the School of Arts Hall in Lucknow. For more details, call 6361 2134. Orange Bridge Club welcomes anyone who is interested in playing the game of bridge or would like to learn the game, to join our friendly club. Please contact Helen Britton on 6362 1138 or Jan De Jong on 6362 2040. For lessons, contact Margaret Robinson on 6362 8241. The Scrabble Club invites you to play Scrabble using the original rules and using the standard dictionary for reference. Scrabble is fun and helps keep your brain active. Meeting fortnightly on Sunday afternoons from 2-5pm. Beginners very welcome. Enquiries to Audrey on 6362 0068. A listing in THE DIARY is free. Two weeks notice is required and placement is subject to available space. Please email brief details to reception@cwpn. com.au, fax 6361 3494, or phone Bridgett on 6361 3575 during business hours.


June 23–29, 2011 Central West Photo News

t s 1 2 r e h t a ’ s e d a r e u q Jessica mas Pictures and words by DO


ay, June 11 st at Kelly’s Hotel on Saturd 21 r he ed rat leb ce ley ad Jessica Br sks were the theme of the ma e rad ue sq Ma s. nd frie help Jessica with 40 family and Newcastle and Gosford to a, wr No m fro d lle ve tra ts night. Gues celebrate in style.


y Jessica and Graham Bradle

Angela Bradley Mark, Jessica, Alyce and

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FOUND IT! high winter 2 011

Shop 3/200 3/200 Anson Anson Street, Street, Orange Orange Shop Ph 6362 0146 ● Open 9.30-6pm 6 days days Ph 6362 0146 ● Open 9.30-6pm 6

A golfer, playing a round by himself, is about to tee off, and a greasy little salesman runs up to him, and yells, “Wait! Before you tee off, I have something really amazing to show you!” The golfer, annoyed, says, “What is it?” “Its a special golf ball,” says the salesman. “You can never lose it!” “Whattaya mean,” scoffs the golfer, “you can never lose it? What if you hit it into the water?” “No problem,” says the salesman. “It floats, and it detects where the shore is, and spins towards it.” “Well, what if you hit it into the woods?” “Easy,” says the salesman. “It emits a beeping sound, and you can find it with your eyes closed.” “Okay,” says the golfer, impressed. “But what if your round goes late and it gets dark?” “No problem, sir, this golf ball glows in the dark! Im telling you, you can never lose this golf ball!” The golfer buys it at once. “Just one question,” he says to the salesman. “Where did you get it?” “Ummm, I found it.”

Jessica Bradley and Jamie


Jessica and her cousins

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Hey hey everyone, Time really does fly by. Aria, Kimberly and I travelled to Sydney to celebrate my cousin Avonlea's 18th birthday. It was a great night with 215 Lords Place, Orange piece of perfectnes t ake your wardrbe beautiful . some amazing home cooking for my Nonna and Zia 6360 0661 . Annette. It then struck me, as I looked at Avonlea., Aria Spring and Summer are just around the is now 18 months old and I can’t help but remember corner! looking at Avonlea like she was just a little girl like Aria. Don’t miss out on With in a blink of an eye she is now 18. It makes me realise that it's important to slow down life a little and enjoy what you have. I also took Aria bowling the other day. Showed last seasons Summer range. her the 2 handed style and she loved it. Hard to believe I was the same age as her when I first started. Wonder if she There are gorgeous splashes of colour to will be better than her daddy. That would be so cool. I start your Spring / Summer wardrobe. have a few TV appearances to make in the next couple of Dresses, Skirts, Tops and Pants, all from weeks, then off to Texas for Bowl Expo. Going to be a fun your favourite labels including couple of week still next time - Be Good - Cheers Jason

Belle Armoire

“ Belle Armoire” It's French for 'beautiful wardrobe' and is a little piece of Parisian elegance on Lords Place. With a mix of emeing and established alian wom fashion labels and a small range f scrumptious children's wear, we know youl find thaperfec ce to make your belle armoire.

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Millie Loves Min, Valerie Tolosa, Finders Keepers, Honey and Beau, Kissin Cussin and more. One afternoon only

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