PhotoNews Photo News Central West
tel: 02 6361 3575
MAY 26–june 1, 2011
TEAM WORK! As the old saying goes ‘many hands make light work’ and the staff at Wangarang recently made this saying a reality! Jeremie Zelukovic, Gilbert Meurant, Damien Barrett and Matthew Lawson are just four of the 25 staff members who have spent the past 18 months preparing 12,500 bottles of Printhie wines that will be used on Qantas flights all over the world! What a fantastic achievement! It really shows that if we all pitch in and help each other we can achieve amazing things! Read more about this special story inside this week’s Photo News!
May 26–June 1, 2011 Central West Photo News
from the
Hi friends!
with Bob Holland
This week we have something a little bit unusual for you in Photo News. Following a request from a reader, we decided to publish a rather comprehensive program guide for several of the local radio stations. It’s taken a bit of work but I think it’s been worth it. It’s just a one off and we won’t be doing this regularly but I do think many readers will find the information very useful while others will find it just interesting. One thing we discovered though, there’s a lot on local radio that we didn’t even know about. Check it out. My Food for Thought column last week on the Showground issue appears to have struck a chord with some readers. I received a couple of letters during the week which say what a lot of other people may also be thinking. They’re on our Letters page and they’re worth reading. If you’d like to comment on this or anything else, don’t be afraid to shoot me off a letter or email. It’s good to hear what other people are thinking about local issues etc. We’re still getting good feedback about our special “Orange’s great” issue over Easter. Several people have told of sending copies to friends while others have used it to “sell” Orange for one reason or another. If you missed it, you can still see it online on our website www.myphotonews. On that note, if anyone is interested in seeing a copy of the Dubbo Photo News, it’s also on line in full each week at
Until next week, happy reading!
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GUEST SPEAKER: All guests enjoyed a special address from Chief Inspector Gary Raymond at the official launch of the Red Shield Appeal.
It’s our turn to help the salvos!
The annual Red Shield Appeal will be held this Sunday, May 29th, and it was officially launched at a luncheon last Friday at the Orange City Bowling Club. By ZANNA MUNRO Numerous people from the local community including local school captains, local businesses and the media were invited to kick off the biggest money event on The salvation Army calendar. The luncheon was sponsored by Westpac and also the club’s in house restaurant Angelo’s by the Greens. All guests were treated to a complimentary two course meal and enjoyed an address from the special guest speaker Chief Inspector Gary raymond Apm, oAm (retired).
ht g i r W y n o l T a c n i o l Jo he w” t o r h o S f e m i ht c n u “L
Chairman of the red shield Committee, Tony rodd, said the lunch had two main agendas. “We have auction items to raise money for the appeal, so we will be encouraging people to bid on the items or donate a cheque, and we are also trying to publicise the event and raise awareness for volunteers. “We need around 400 volunteers to cover all the houses in orange, so we have invited the school captains along so they can hopefully drum up their mates to help.” Tony said that volunteering is one of the most rewarding things you can do and he encouraged
Hope you enjoy what we believe is another great issue of Photo News this week as much as we enjoyed putting it together for you.
everyone to help out this sunday. “The salvation Army is helping every single day of the week so we hope to supply them with some funds to continue that. “The meeting place next sunday is the salvation Army Hall in Kite street anytime from 9 o’clock. If people could come in groups of four that would be great and then they can have their own little team.” If you would like to volunteer or would like any more information feel free to call The Salvation Army office on 6362 1870 or Tony on 0437 990 322.
Weekdays 12 noon to 3pm on
• Great music, lots of laughs and much more •Local issues, local guests • 2EL Shopping Show 1-2pm Thursdays (Sponsored by Photo News) • The Gardening Show 1-1.30 pm Fridays with Reg Kidd • Regional roundups with local Mayors from Orange, Bathurst, Cowra, Blayney, Cabonne
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Central West Photo News May 26–June 1, 2011
Off the wall By NICOLE HACKING
When I was a kid one of my favourite Top 40 songs was Walk Right In, by Dr Hook. This was not just because of the catchy tune, but the lyric “Everybody’s talkin’ ‘bout a new way of walking...” “A new way of walking!” thought I, imagining all sorts of crazy things. I was put in mind of the high-stepped prances of John Cleese in Monty Python’s Ministry of Silly Walks. What could the new one be? I couldn’t wait to find out and adopt it for myself. Fast forward to the present day and the new walk never was confirmed. However, having been bent over a computer for many years since, I do know I need to look at my posture. I am constantly being pulled up by well meaning friends for my rounded shoulders and slumped spine. If I am not careful, I will end up a hunchbacked old crone.
Apparently, the key to good posture is mindfulness. Like training for anything, you have to practise - and practise a lot. You must practise until it becomes second nature. Then again, this would do more harm than good if you were practising the wrong thing. So, what is good posture for walking? Although many people think it is to simply “stand up straight”, this is not strictly true. Good posture is more about trying to keep the natural S-curve of the back in balance so that it experiences the least strain. This improves circulation and breathing, boosts the nervous system, enhances exercise performance and can accelerate healing from injury. So, still on course with Dr Hook, what should be our ‘new way of walking’? Here is an exercise to show how good walking posture should feel: • Stand next to a wall with your heels touching the wall and knees straight. • Make your buttocks touch the wall. • Make your shoulders touch the wall. Do not flatten them fully against the wall, but square them and have them touch the wall at one level. • Make the back of your head, with your chin level, touch the wall. • Raise your hand and tuck it between the wall and the small of your back. If there is a lot of space it shows that you have too much S-curve. Reduce it a little by drawing the small of your back closer to the wall. • Hold this posture for a minute. • Now step away from the wall and try to maintain this posture while walking around. Try it - and behold the difference in both the way you feel and the way people treat you. Then all we have to do is spread the word. The good Doctor would be proud.
My nickname... Izo Something I’m definitely doing in the next 12 months is... buying a panda The best thing about living in Orange is... the people If I was stuck on a deserted island the 3 items I would take are... Kane, lemons and pasta I love cooking... pasta My favourite ice cream flavour is... banana
Isobel Coady-Jiear
‘I am constantly being pulled up by well-meaning friends...’
I’d be lost without... Lucy If you could have one super power what would it be? Be able to fly In 5 years time I want to be... at an art school near the beach My signature/favourite perfume is... DKNY
LUNCH WORKS with movie ticket
One food you would never give up is... pasta
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May 26–June 1, 2011 Central West Photo News
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Central West Photo News May 26–June 1, 2011
TEAM WORK: Just a handful of the staff at Wangarang who have been involved with helping local wineries.
Wangarang’s wine work! The team at Wangarang are a dedicated hard working bunch of people helping out our community in many areas such as commercial cleaning and gardening and over the past 18 months they have entered another field of work; helping out local wineries! By ZANNA MUNRO Wangarang have been working closely with numerous local winemakers including Printhie, angullong and Cumulus wines. The work has involved de-labelling wine bottles and relabelling them with the appropriate labels for international markets. The staff first soak the bottles to remove the original label, the bottles are then cleaned dried and relabelled with the appropriate new or additional labelling, then the wine bottles are repacked into cases and returned to the winery for distribution. Wangarang general Manager, David Thomas,
said the work is perfect for his employees. “The labour type work suits the employees; it’s very good for them.” One of the largest projects Wangarang have been involved with has been for Orange Printhie wines and has involved the relabelling of wines for distribution on Qantas international aircraft. “about 25 staff members have been involved in sticking labels onto the wine bottles that said ‘this is Qantas wine. “They have just finished 17 pallets which is 12,500 bottles of wine,” David said. Wangarang’s Communications and Development Manager, Jayson Hanrahan, was
Young runners from Millthorpe Public School at their recent cross country.
stoked that his workers had the opportunity to take part in the wine work. “It’s a great thing for us; we need profitable work as we don’t receive much funding. “It gives the guys on the floor something to do and it’s a great partnership we have with the wineries and we would like to see more of it. “It gives them more independence and they are learning while they work. They just love coming here, we have one guy from Cowra who travels here every day; that’s a four hour bus trip every day but he just loves it!” Well done to all the hard working people at Wangarang; what an amazing team effort!
Athletes from Bathurst and Orange near the finish line at the Scots School event.
Young runners crossing country Tis The season for cross country’s with the pounding sound of young feet on rough ground recently heard throughout the district. The “heartbreak hill” of Macquarie Woods was recently the venue for both the Millthorpe Public school carnival and the heritage schools district event for infants and primary children, which included Blayney, Carcoar and Mandurama schools. and the scots school at Bathurst also recently hosted students from scots, stannies, all saints Bathurst, orange anglican school, and Kinross Wolaroi for their district event.
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Central West Photo News May 26–June 1, 2011
Up, Up, and away: a section of the School’s new pre-fab library being lowered into place.
Ab-fab library for growing school
Ready, set...GO! XC
Great athletics and house pride was on display at st Mary’s school running carnival recently. the students got into the spirit of things by singing chants and wearing their house colours with pride! it was an impressive site to see how fast the budding athletes motored around the track! the competitors also showed great sportsmanship by shaking hands and congratulating each other after each race.
By chris Bennetts
Redevelopment of Millthorpe Public School continues with a new pre-fabricated library recently delivered to the school. The new library building, delivered in prefabricated sections on seven giant flat-bed trucks, is now located on the site of the demolished 1950s weather shed at the growing school. Children and teachers watched on excitedly as a giant crane positioned the sections on the site. The existing library will become the School’s new computer room with the current computer room, located in the original 19th century blue stone school building, to become an expanded staff room for the school now numbering more than 200 pupils.
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May 26–June 1, 2011 Central West Photo News
Grace – God’s great gift to us We get confused believing that God helps those who help themselves. We start to think that even if we desire God’s forgiveness we have to do something to deserve it. Most world religions are similar in this way. They all tell us we are not God and not good enough to live with God. They’re right. The problem is when they start to tell us what we can do to change this situation. Christianity alone says you can’t do anything, no amount of going to church, giving money or helping people is going to save you from the fact that you are not God and are not good enough to live with God. Christianity alone insists that we are saved entirely by God’s grace and mercy. The bible says,“It is by grace you have been saved...this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.” How liberating! We don’t have to keep striving to be good enough. Don’t be confused—you’re never going to make it! If you want to know God’s love you must understand His grace.
It’s rollin’ around again! It’s that time of the year again; time to finalise your entries for the 6th annual Yeoval Mulga Bill Bicycle Festival!
By ZANNA MUNRO THere are Heaps of creative competitions you can enter, so why not get involved in this family fun packed weekend! artist, poets and photographers are being encouraged to get their entries in now! another fun category is the Wacky Bike construction competition which is already proving popular. people of all ages are invited to enter and build a wacky bike that is rideable, has brakes or you may decorate your bike with
streamers, balloons and or signs. all entrants will also be part of the festival street parade with awards for best wacky bike, best dressed bike and best overall entrant. registration is now open for the Yeoval Mulga Bill Bicycle Festival social bike ride, a casual family riding experience through the country region of Yeoval to Wellington a total of 64km return ride with various turning points, ride the distance you are comfortable riding. everyone is invited to experience the
historical country charm of local produce and crafts, bric-a-brac, vintage collectables and more at the Yeoval Mulga Bill Bicycle Festival which is on the weekend of 29th–31st July.. If you are interested in having a stall or being part of the festival call Melanie on 0419 141 930 or email info@mulgabillbicyclefestival. If you would like to enter any of their fantastic competitions or to find out more information about each category visit their website
30-50% OFF
Special occassion dressing, casual wear accessories and more!
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Faith, Fun & Fellowship Coffee & Dessert Night Bring a friend along to hear April Parnwell talk about doing life with the Holy Spirit at... The Mountain Tea House Mt Canobolas Road Orange
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By Pauline Haydon
Faith, Fun and Fellowship Nights Proudly sponsored by The Mountain Teahouse and Christian Women’s Committee.
New stock arriving daily
May 26–June 1, 2011 Central West Photo News
in CaSe You miSSed it
South orange for development
ChemiCalS CauSe exploding watermelonS Fields of exploding watermelons are creating havoc in China with farmers overdosing their crops with growth chemicals. About 20 farmers around Danyang city in Jiangsu province have been affected, losing up to 45 hectares of melon, China Central Television said in an investigative report. The broadcaster described the watermelons as “land mines” and said they were exploding by the hectare in the Danyang area. Prices during the past year have prompted many farmers to jump into the watermelon market. All of those with exploding melons apparently were first-time users of the growth accelerator forchlorfenuron. One farmer ended up with three hectares of ruined fruit and told CCTV that seeing his crop splitting open was like a knife cutting his heart. “I came out and counted 80 (burst watermelons) but by the afternoon it was 100. Two days later I didn’t bother to count anymore,” the farmer said.
in in
Orange’s development in the future is likely to be to the south with thousands of land lots available for residential growth after Orange City Council approved the rezoning of privatelyowned farmland. Council recently voted in favour of an amendment to the draft local environment plan (LEP) to reclassify 655 hectares of farmland for low-density housing. If approved by the NSW Department of Planning, the rezoning would make up to 7500 lots available for housing in south Orange. This figure though does not take into account land where environmental factors or existing dwellings could prevent housing development. The land adjoins Department of Primary Industries owned land that has been earmarked for sale, and is currently under State Government consideration for residential and retail development.
Our Women at Work this week is the wonderful cook at Courallie Park Child Development Centre who prepares nutritious meals every day for those happy little busy bees in childcare Name Louise Delarue Age 45 Status Married What’s your job? Cook at Courallie Park Child Development Centre What are your hobbies? Reading and cooking What is your favourite movie? The Notebook, and Chocolate What is your idea of the perfect date?
Somebody else to cook me dinner and going to the movies What’s your dream job? To be a teacher in a pre-kinder class, at Courallie What would your best friend describe you as? Kind and supportive If you could meet any famous female, who would it be? Lady Diana If you could have any super power what would it be and why? Teleportation—love
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to go places, but hate to travel If you could change one thing about the world what would it be? That manners and the elderly are important, and people should respect them What’s your most embarrassing moment? Mounting the medium strip while driving What’s the best thing about men? How they can fix things, and see the positive side of life What’s the worst thing about men? Snoring Where do you want to be in 10 years time? Living a simple life
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May 26–June 1, 2011 Central West Photo News
letters to the editor Send your letters to; ‘Letters’—Suite 3, 241 Lords Place Orange NSW 2800 or email
Food For thoUGht
Letters will be published at our discretion and may be edited for space reasons.
CONCERNs I share your concern at the goings on about moving the Showground and Trotting track to Towac Park. It makes sense to me to have these things using shared facilities and there is much more chance to attract Government funding for a multi-use facility. The thing that worries me is how are you ever going to get these Councillors to agree on anything? There is a lot of spite between several people on council and they need to stop for a minute and check what their responsibility is to Orange. We even have Councillors suing each other for making nasty comments...what sort of a joke is this at our expense? Angie Raymond
WHY AM I HERE? No doubt you have seen the recent publicity about our squabbling Councillors, which makes me wonder if these people are there to look after their own personal interests or are they in there for the good of Orange? These are supposed to be our civic “leaders’ but it is obvious that the council is full of factions and the sooner we have an election and prune out the lot of them the better off Orange will be. Time to grow up folks! Ask yourself “why am I here?” Josh Ryan
sTOP THE RACIsM On Monday this week I walked into the car park entrance to the Metro Plaza to get my lunch. There was an Indian worker going about his job moving about 20 trolleys through the doorway to Coles. In front of him stood two young females with their babies in prams - both of whom were oblivious to what this man was trying to do, so he stopped and asked politely if they would mind moving. One of the girls looked up and moved straight away whilst the other continued texting on her mobile phone for a few seconds before looking up at the man to say “You could always move around us – besides we own this country not you”. I was very saddened by this and made a point of telling him so. He was merely trying to do his job and sought a little cooperation – it would have been very difficult for him to avoid where the girls were standing as they were right in the middle of the entrance and everybody had to walk around them. One of these girls just couldn’t care less and later I saw her standing in front of a trolley turned on its side outside the entrance to the Metro as if she had actually put it like that. We have a long way to go in terms of tolerance and acceptance of others if this is the attitude of some of our young folk! Thumbs down to the Girl and Thumbs up to the Worker for not reacting to her racist rudeness and ignorance. Tony S
There are a number of Issues ThaT play on The mInds of Those Who Choose To lIve In The “CounTry” buT The one ThaT sTICks In my CraW more Than mosT Is The Way ThaT We are progressIvely losIng our ‘loCal’ medIa servICes. In faCT, IT seems To me ThaT IT may noT be Too long before There WIll be no loCal medIa To Talk of aT all. The days when the local paper was the local paper, the local radio station was the local radio station and the local television station at least felt like it was predominately local have well and truly passed us by. Of course here in Orange, Photo News and the local community radio station 107.5 are the exceptions but today most of the mainstream media outlets are owned by people or corporations who seem more interested in building media empires and making profit than worrying about what communities like Orange would expect, like or want from their local media. Unless I miss my guess completely, people in regional cities and towns still like the idea of having their own local newspaper and local radio station. By local, I mean the community feels a sense of pride and ownership in them, they are produced locally and the content is highly relevant to the local area and
ing about anything other than what could be regarded as “local” news or issues. We’ve done good without them before and we can do so again. And local television almost doesn’t exist anymore. The only so called local content is the news and that is often broadcast from far away. The only way anything from the country gets exposure on television these days is if one of the lifestyle or current affair type shows decides to do a story. In my view, “networking” our local media will ultimately hold Orange back. Good sense says that a newspaper or radio station that is owned locally and that has local interests at its heart will always do more for their community than one that is owned by a corporation. How can any individual or corporation who owns multiple newspapers, radio or television stations across the country, including major networks in Capital cities,
“NetworkiNg” our local media will ultimately hold oraNge back” reflects the views, lifestyle and attitudes of local people. Today, most regional daily newspapers include news and stories from around the region, the state, the nation and the world. Why…when most are covered elsewhere? Our mainstream commercial radio stations now have only a portion of each days programming that features local presenters. For example, until recently, many regional radio stations such as 2DU in Dubbo had their own local “talkback” or music programs through the day and both were enormously popular. Now regional listeners have no choice. It’s Ray Hadley, Alan Jones, John Laws or someone else broadcasting from anywhere but the local area and talk-
possibly have a place like Orange’s interests at heart. To think otherwise is fanciful. In our case, I’d love to see Orange again with its own first class truly local newspaper and its own first class truly local radio station. If the community agrees with me, I don’t see why we shouldn’t lobby for it. It’s our town, our community and I think it’s high time we stood up and told the media magnates that building their empires and profits is OK but please do it without forcing too much of the ‘city’ onto us. There may be enough smog down there for all of us, but I for one would be happy to see it stay where it is so that we can at least enjoy the ‘local’ clean air up here for a bit longer.
It’s been suggested that Council’s budget for road funding be increased. What has Council’s road budget over the last few years been and how does it compare with other Councils? In September last year Council considered a report on the condition of the city’s roads and voted to increase the road budget by $500,000 for the current financial and add an additional $500,000 to the 2011/12 budget. The Draft Management Plan was debated earlier this month setting out expenditure for the next 12 months. The funding allocated in the Draft Management Plan for roads was a prominent topic at that Council meeting. Staff provided a report to that meeting suggesting an additional $800,000 over and above the $500,000 indicated above. Instead of the $800,000 Council resolved to add $1.1 million to the roads budget. Excluding work on North Orange Bypass, the Draft Management Plan for 2011/12 includes $4.49 million covering road maintenance, rehabilitation and resealing. This figure for the financial year 2010/11 year was $3.24 million and for the 2009/10 year was $2.7 million. Orange has 438 kilometres of sealed roads and 56 kilometres of unsealed roads, for a total of 494 kilometres. By comparison Dubbo has 737 kilometres of sealed roads and 491 kilometres of unsealed roads, for a total of 1228 kilometres. Bathurst has 714 kilometres of sealed roads and 540 kilometres of unsealed roads, for a total of 1254 kilometres. The current draft management plan roads budgets for Bathurst and Dubbo are $4 million and $6.37 million respectively. Council realises there is still considerable work to be done on the road network. Within increased resources, the road conditions are improving. Council retains some flexibility to respond to certain issues as they arise. An asset management plan is currently being developed to determine maintenance needs of the city’s infrastructure, including the road network.
Got a question for Council? Send your questions to Suite 3, 241 Lords Place Orange NSW 2800 or email
What’s hot this week For all your hair styling needs see the team at Rhonda’s
Cha s d i K
lla’s e r b Cuddly r Um e t c a Ho r
Front: Brooke Cooper, Rita Torrisi, Rachael Zegzula
t Wate
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Back: Julia Ryan, Maria Bray, Alfina Meade, Charity Ryan and Chole Porch
Shop 12-14, Orange Arcade Phone 6362 7276
Independent local business takes on the ‘BIG names’ in steel Orange Steel has gone from strength to strength as they help local people with their steel needs, and have fast made a name for themselves for great value for money and flexible personalised services. Concreters, Welders, Engineering Firms, people on the land and steel work enthusiasts are finding that the range of products, price and personalised service help them get the job done faster and for a lower cost. The Manager of Orange Steel, Steve Goode, says that “The feedback has been tremendous, our clients really appreciate that we are local and independent. This means we can make decisions quickly, have access to a broad range of products and maintain our competitive prices.”
“At the risk of sounding old, I think our customers appreciate that our team have a combined 120 years of experience in steel. Sometimes you just need an answer to a steel question; if we can’t tell you the answer I don’t know who can.” Orange Steel’s stock holding is large and diverse with all popular items ready for immediate delivery. Being local and part of the community is very important to Orange Steel. If you’re looking for a steel supplier who can treat you like a valued customer, call into Orange Steel located at 13 -15 Peisley Street. Call Steve and the team to get the best value for money steel products and solutions on 6362 7060.
NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS Product Range Includes: • Pipe and RHS (1st and Downgrade) • Steel Sections, Sheet & Plate • Tube and Line Pipe • Roof, Wall Cladding and Purlins • Reinforcing Mesh and Accessories • Handy Mesh • Aluminium Sections, Sheet and Plate • Domestic and Rural Fencing
Locally Owned and Operated 13/15 Peisley Street • Ph 6362 7060
Angas Rural Fencing Products Available at Orange Steel
Lysaght Products Proudly Supplied by Orange Steel
May 26–June 1, 2011 Central West Photo News
magnificentwheels Words by Anthony Bratovich • photos by Chris Bennetts
Includes Freight to Orange
Includes Freight to Orange
GONZO 1937
Plymouth tutor Gonzo gets its name from a lucky charm; a Gonzo toy that Martin found once whilst looking around a junk yard. Since then the connection grew and that’s how the car became known as Gonzo, with the little toy taking permanent residence in the car. The vehicle originated as a family car, which served as paddock basher for the kids to learn to drive in. It eventually retired and sat in a farmers tip until Martin found it. 5 years of heavy TLC turned the rusted out shell into the new old car it is today. The 1937 Plymouth Tutor was recreated with help from mates and friends and has a LT1 ’86 Chevy under the hood with a turbo 700 gearbox. Amongst many adjustments and work, the roof has been chopped; giving it a sleek look. The rear wheels boast independent suspension from a commodore, and the front are from a Torana. The interior is made up from BQ statesman parts and is air-conditioned, meaning that this good looking old shell rolls around in cool comfort and is a great drive.
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• 2,500 kg (5,511 lbs) maximum lift capacity • 5.75 m (18 ft 10 in) maximum lift height • 3.44 m (11 ft 3 in) maximum forward reach
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For further information, please contact your local distributor or the Genie Industries sales office listed. Product specifications are subject to change without notice or obligation. The photographs and drawings in this brochure a purposes only. Refer to the appropriate Operator’s Manual for instructions on the proper use of this equipment. Failure to follow the appropriate Operator’s Manual when using our equipment or to otherwise act irresponsib serious injury or death. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. The only warranty applicable is the standard written warranty applicable to the particular product and sale. Genie makes no other warran implied. Products and services listed may be trademarks, service marks or trade-names of TEREX Corporation and/or its subsidiaries in the USA and other countries and all rights are reserved. Copyright © 2006 Genie Indust is a Registered Trademark of Genie Industries, Inc. in the USA and many other countries. Genie is a TEREX Company. 06/06. Part No. B108016AUS
Winter energy efficiency tips from Essential Energy Essential Energy has a few handy hints to warm yourself this winter, while at the same time conserving energy. Why not try some of these in your home?
Water heating: – Save power by insulating the first couple of metres of outlet pipes from your hot water system – Remember – showers tend to use less hot water than baths – Fill jugs and kettles from the cold water tap as filling from the hot water tap actually uses more energy
Home heating: – Draw curtains at night to keep the cold air out and warm air in – Keep doors and windows closed and seal off draughts
– Insulate your ceiling to reduce heat loss in winter – Turn off your heaters when you’re not using them
– Try a lower setting on your heater, or use a thermostat-controlled heater – Try keeping warm with a jumper rather than turning up the heater – Keep the heater to a comfort level of 18–21 degrees Celsius
Clothes dryers: – Remove as much water as you can from your washing before using the dryer – Don’t overload your dryer – and don’t over-dry your washing For more information on Essential Energy’s winter energy efficiency hints and tips, please visit your local Essential Service Centre at 187 Summer Street Orange, call 13 23 91 or visit
May 26–June 1, 2011 Central West Photo News
LOOK AT US NOW! The Central West Business Enterprise Centre has relocated to their new premises at 124 Summer Street in Orange. These new facilities will expand the services offered by the BEC including serviced offices, hot desks and virtual office space to assist new and emerging businesses.
124 Summer Street, Phone: 6362 0448
BATHURST: 5/123 Howick Street, Phone: 6332 1077 MUDGEE:
4/47-55 Market Street, Phone: 6372 2568
Central West Photo News May 26–June 1, 2011
500 Business Cards Single sided
Double sided
inc GST
inc GST
$88 $132
Do the walk of life: Students from St Mary’s participate in Walk Safely to School Day
School walk off!
Celloglaze one side on 350gsm art board Does not include artwork ($77.00 per hour if required)
Last week Primary School kids across the nation went out walking! By CHRIS BENNETTS It was all part of ‘walk safely to school Day’ which is an annual event that encourages primary school children to walk and commute safely to school. It is a Community Event which
aims to promote road safety, Health, public transport and the Environment. Mrs Maher of st Marys primary school organised a walk around the playground to recognise the day. “It’s all about being healthy, safe and enjoying
Full Colour
each other’s company,” she said. “the kids are walking in their peer groups, which are a mix of students from kindergarten to year 6. It’s great because the older students interact with the younger ones, and they look out for them.”
WIN $50, $100 or MORE!
If supplying own artwork, please check our artwork requirements on our website, or call our studio on 6362 7500 Approx 10 working days please advise if shorter timeframe is required.
ORANGE CITY COUNCIL australia’s colour city
Simply listen to the Shopping Show on 2EL Radio 1089AM between 1 and 2 each Thursday for your chance to WIN! Have this ad ready to call 6360 0089 when Tony Wright says to call
To keep the Orange community informed of development activity in the City, notice is
To keep thehereby Orange community informeddevelopment of development activityhave in the City, notice is hereby given given that the following applications been made to Council during the period Monday, 16 May 2011 to Friday, 20made May 2011. that the following development applications have been to Council during the period Monday, 16 May 2011 to Friday, 20 May 2011. In accordance with section 12 of the Local Government Act, the applications may be In accordance with section 12 of the Local Government Act, the applications may be inspected at inspected at the Customer Service counter of the Civic Centre (ground floor), Byng Street, the Customer Service counter of office the Civic Centre (ground floor), Byng Street, Orange during normal Orange during normal hours. office hours. Because these applications are not specified as specified “advertised under an environmental Because these applications are not as development” “advertised development” under an environmental planning instrument, there is no processon provided for submissions on planning instrument, there is no formal process provided forformal submissions the proposed developments. the proposed developments.
DA/CDC No DA 161/2011(1) DA 162/2011(1) DA 163/2011(1) DA 165/2011(1) DA 102/2010(2) DA 166/2011(1)
Today’s Cash to Splash business is.....
DA 167/2011(1) DA 168/2011(1)
Proposed Development
Lot 101 DP 1055066 10 Summer Street, Orange Lot 1 DP 1154642 47 Leewood Drive, Orange Lot 1 DP 197845 19 Kite Street, Orange Lot 405 DP 712625 3 Cameron Place, Orange Lot 80 DP 1077737 Colliers Avenue, Orange Lot 808 DP 1109938 20 Quinlan Run, Orange Lot 58 DP 875976 11 Magnolia Way, Orange Lot 510 DP 713661 44 Wise Road, Springside
Dual Occupancy (alterations and additions to existing facade) Subdivision (two lot industrial) Alterations & Additions to Dwelling Subdivision (three lot strata) Modification of Development Consent - Subdivision (five lot industrial) Dwelling and Attached Garage Shed with Attached Carport Alterations to Dwelling (garage conversion)
PhotoNews Central West
Local businesses invited to a very special seminar
May 26–June 1, 2011 Central West Photo News
How fantastic would it be to have ideal customers? Many businesses spend thousands of dollars a year trying to attract customers to their business without knowing who their ideal customers are! Hillary Tea or coffee? Tea When I win Lotto I will… share it with my family The song which makes me turn off the radio is… Jet Plane My silliest moment I’ll never live down is… when I squashed the sausages, when I was frightened by fireworks What makes me happy is… I’m always happy! My ultimate holiday destination is to visit… Botswana with… my family If I could buy anything right now, it would be… no idea! I wouldn’t be caught wearing.... I don’t care what I wear If I was a song, I would be… Oh Happy Day
KEy NOTE SPEaKEr: local businesses are invited to a special seminar with robert Gerrish
I cannot stand eating… tripe The animal which scares me most is… snakes
The Terrigal 230
When I was a kid, I used to always get in trouble for…I was a good child
This package built on your choice of land
Display home Open Each Weekend 10am-4pm 3 Murray Ave, Wentworth Estate, Orange
• • • • • • •
The Business enTerprise CenTre (BeC) invites local businesses to a special luncheon seminar to discover this very issue with key note speaker robert Gerrish. robert Gerrish was only the second coach in Australia to attain the international Coach Federation credential of Professional Certified Coach. While he continues to consult, coach and present at networking events and conferences, his more dominant role these days is as founding partner and Director of “important stuff” in his business called Flying solo. Flying solo is Australia’s solo and micro business community, boasting a membership of more than 35,000 Australian businesses and welcoming in excess of 80,000 unique visitors a month. robert’s presentation is on “how To surround Yourself With ideal Clients” getting businesses to imagine a micro business where every customer was wonderful: Customers who value your work; behave just the way you like; pay your bills on time and to cap it all, spread the news of your wonderfulness to others! sounds impossible? robert Gerrish of Flying solo doesn’t think so! The BeC are offering local businesses a special opportunity to take part in this 45 minute hands on presentation. robert will work with you to clarify and recognise an ideal client, design the right approach to get their attention, enrol others in your pursuit of ideal clients and make the best use of social media to support your efforts. using case histories and practical exercises to heighten learning, how to surround Yourself with ideal Clients will give you renewed energy and focus in your marketing efforts and reinvigorate your love of your work. This seminar will be held this Wednesday, June 1st at the Orange ex-services Club from 12 noon. A light lunch is included in the $33 registration fee, to book your place call the BeC on 6362 0448 or call into their new offices at 124 summer street.
Pool receives warm support An “extraordinary act of generosity” from the Manildra Group has seen it offer to meet the full cost of providing solar heating for the Manildra Swimming Pool. The MAnilDrA-BAseD flour manufacturer will provide $30,000 for the installation of solar heat gatherers, insulation blankets and blanket rollers to extend the swimming season at the pool. “i can’t stress enough how much Cabonne Council appreciates this amazing gift from the Manildra Group to the people of Manildra,” Cabonne Mayor Bob Dowling said. low water temperatures have restricted the swimming season at Manildra and the local pool committee had identified this as one of the biggest issues they faced. “When the pool committee and a representative of swimming nsW sought some sponsorship, Mr John Brunner from Manildra Group simply said: ‘We’ll pay for it’,” Mr Dowling said. “i’m staggered but absolutely delighted. This is a fantastic outcome for all pool users and Manildra families.”
The Terrigal 230 includes as standard: • • • • •
Council fees & site cost allowance Service connections inc. water tank & pump Triple hung feature windows Glazed entry door Stone surface kitchen benchtops with 40mm deep edges Vacuum formed doors in choice of 12 designs & metallic, gloss or matt finish Hettich soft closing system on all kitchen and vanity drawers & doors Stone & glass-look splashbacks Stainless steel appliances including dishwasher, microwave & canopy rangehood Stone top custom vanities with choice of square or round china semi-recessed bowls Choice of marble or glass feature tiles Light fittings
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Phone Toll Free: 1800 550 103 • Fusion Health represents the ancient wisdom of Chinese medicine transformed into modern herbal medicine. See the full range of 37 Fusion Health formulas at your local health food store.
May 26–June 1, 2011 Central West Photo News
Toby Maison Rapley Born 18/05/11 Weight 3270g Parents Kelly Mitchell and Colin Rapley of Orange Siblings Kyal (15yrs), Tyler (13yrs), Emily (9yrs) and Dustin (4yrs)
Liam Erle Cashman
Grandparents Di and Paul Rousel of Dubbo, Raewyn Mitchell of Orange, Jim Mitchell of Foster
Born 11/05/11 Weight 2960g
Great Grandparents Ellie and Peter Hamond of Orange
Parents Rachel and Danny Cashman of Cumnock Siblings Breanna (3yrs) Grandparents Erle and Bev Stockdale of Willowtree, Garry and Marie Cashman of Nundle Great Grandparents Tiny Stockdale of Willowtree, Doss Wark of Tamworth
Gracie Lee Middleton Born 22/5/2011 Weight 3430g Parents Kayla Murphy and Jack Middleton of Orange Siblings Christian Middleton (22 months) Grandparents Tracey and Les Matson, Julianne Boys and Mark Middleton Great Grandparents Ron and June Boys, Barbara Middleton
Harrison Baddock Born 21/5/2011 Weight 3500g Parents Katie Hartsorn and Beau Baddock of Orange
Lacey Hettie Wasil
Grandparents John Reynolds of Orange, Cheryl and Warren Hartsorn of Woonona, Kate and Glen Baddock of Penrith
Born 21/5/2011
Great Grandparents June Watson and Joan Reynolds, both of Cowra
Weight 2250g Parents Janeen Toner-Wasil and Adrian Wasil of Orange Siblings Samuel (15yrs) Grandparents Greg and Jan Toner of Orange, Ed and the late Hettie Wasil of Orange BREASTFEEDING Great Grandparents Bob and Reimy DeBoer of Hallidays Point brought to you weekly by the
FACTS Sourced from
brought to you weekly by the
There is no need to avoid any specific foods while you are breastfeeding. A well balanced diet is the key. Advertising space supported with a smile by
PhotoNews Central West
Orange Baby Kingdom
Orange Baby Kingdom supply an extensive range of the latest, most practical & high quality products on the market. These include products from such respectable suppliers as: Safe-n-Sound, Phil & Teds, Bebe Care, Boori and King Parrot, Childcare, Steelcraft and Grotime.
Also, they can easily order in additional products to suit your needs. Orange Baby Kingdom can provide: • Personalised nursery packages • Extended Lay-By facility • Free pram assembly • Free delivery for larger items within Orange • Advice on the new car restraint laws including the mandatory standards. • Correct harnessing for your childs age and weight
There is also a lift available for your convenience!
Upstairs @ 239 Summer Street Orange NSW Ph. 6362 1486 •
May 26–June 1, 2011 Central West Photo News
to do list
There are many unique events scheduled for this weekend; there sure is something on offer for everyone in Orange. So rug up, get out and enjoy it all!
Ease yourself into the weekend with a relaxing evening on Friday; the Winter’s Eve Ensembles Concert is being held at the Orange Regional Conservatorium from 6:30PM and tickets are available at the door. Kick off your Saturday morning with a class at the gym! You can exercise in a warm environment, it’ll be lots of fun and you will feel fantastic after!
Rian Perry, Jonte Handebo, Greta Seymour and Fletcher White with some of the prizes for the quiz night.
Live curious quiz night! Put your thinking caps on and get ready for a great night out! By ZANNA MUNRO If you haven’t caught up with your friends for a while stop making excuses and do it this weekend! Why not head to Orange Pekoe it’s a great place to catch up and their chai tea and scones are a must! If you would like something mentioned in our Weekender column, call or email Zanna on 6361 3575 or at least a week before you want the information to appear in Photo News.
Borenore PuBlic School presents a national Geographic channel live curious Quiz night and it’s sure to be a fantastic evening that will get your brain ticking while raising money for the school. Borenore Public School entered a competition run through the national Geographic channel and their 25 word entry obviously impressed the judges; they were selected to host the event!
“A quiz master from the national Geographic channel is coming and they have provided lots of fantastic prizes for us too,” Deb Guisard from Borenore Public School said. There sure are lots of fantastic prizes up for grabs including push bikes and a chance to Win a great holiday package. “The winning table will win a major prize on the night plus the chance to enter a draw for a travel prize worth $15,000 to the northern Territory,” Deb revealed.
As well as having the chance to score some fabulous prizes the night is sure to be lots of fun! “All the questions for the night have been provided by the Quiz Master and there will be physical challenges too,” Deb revealed. A silent auction will also be held on the night with all proceeds going to the school. Deb said they are currently focusing on updating their technology; “we will be raising money for new computers for the school.” The Quiz night will be held at the orange ex Services club on June 18th from 6:30 PM. Tickets are $15 each or $120 for a table of 8, and include a light supper, they need to be purchased before the event and are available by calling Shelley on 0413 638 797.
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Central West Photo News May 26–June 1, 2011
This week’s pet is a pooch that, back in his heyday, ran as many as 21 kilometers with his marathon-runner owner! These days he still enjoys long walks and a good belly rub. Owners Name: Jarvis Family Pet’s name: Elvis Pet’s breed: Golden Retriever How did you get your name? When I was a pup, I used to have an ‘Elvis’ style lock of hair on my forehead
To what do you attribute your good looks? My parents were show dogs, so I guess it just rubbed off
What is your favourite food? Cheese and rice
To what do you attribute your wonderful temperament? I’m a Golden Retriever, so I was born this way
What is something that makes your family special? Mummy has a special bracelet
Town or farm? Town
What makes a person a good friend? Play babies together
What’s your job around the yard? Sleeping, and making sure no strangers enter the yard
Who is your best friend in the whole world, and why? Rhian
What’s the best thing your owner does? Takes me running, and for long walks
What is a holiday? Playing on the sand
What’s the worst thing your owner does? Leaves me at home when she goes to the runners club
Are brothers or sisters better? Stuart, my brother What is the naughtiest thing you’ve ever done? Hitting the wall PICTURE: CENTRAL WEST PHOTO NEWS/KIKI HOPCRAFT
What’s the naughtiest thing you’ve ever done? When I was a pup, I used to chew on shoes What’s the best thing you’ve ever done? Keep my owner fit and healthy Who is your best friend? Banjo the dog and Sylvester the cat What is your favourite treat? Everything- I love food! What would be your ultimate animal career? A personal trainer
noMinate a Pet!
0422 396 717
If you were the mummy or daddy, what would you do? Clean up Why do we have money? To pay What do you want to be when you grow up? A mum How old is a grown up? 2 What is something your mummy or daddy is really good at? Washing up Why do we have a belly button? Because we have a tummy What is your favourite TV show and why? Dora
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Country Furniture Warehouse 76 Summer St (opp. Fire Station), Orange 6361 1022
Jeremy Partridge Business: Beaurepaires What is your official title? Store Manager What is one thing your business is well known for? Tyres Wheels and Batteries How long have you been the boss? 4 Years How many members of staff do you employ? 4 How long have you lived in the Central West? 16 months What are your hobbies or interests? Golf, Football and Cars What is your favourite Central West business? The Robin Hood What do you love most about the Central West? The Weather If you had the power, what would you change in the Central West? Fix the Roads! What should people be more aware of? The condition of their Tyres What is your goal for the year? To have the happiest customers What is a service or product that the general public are unaware of, that you offer? Agricultural tyres and alloy wheels.
May 26–June 1, 2011 Central West Photo News
timewarp with John Miller
Times have changed for taxi industry Last week’s timewarp dealt with the early history of taxicabs in Orange and this week we continue the theme, illustrated by this photo of an early Orange taxi, tC 3179. For more than 50 years until early 2005 there were two ways of getting a cab in Orange -radio and non-radio. Non-radio taxicab drivers answered a phone in a box set up on what is now the bottom rank near robertson park, which was a problem for guests at the Royal Hotel until a flashing orange light was fitted to replace the very loud bell. the last of the non-radio cabs joined the radio co-op in 1989.and in 2004 the cities of Bathurst, Dubbo and Orange agreed to set up the Country Call Centre which began taking
calls in February 2005. it now operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week, every day of the year. it tracks more than 120 taxis anywhere in australia via Gps and each of those cabs are fitted with security cameras as well as radios. the call centre deals with work received from the phone, internet, sms and the easy Call system where you don’t even need to talk to an operator. all taxis in Orange are now equipped with not only the radio but the most modern computer dispatch system that alerts the drivers of work by ringing their mobile when they are out of their car, security cameras with night vision inside and out, Gps tracking and job location, eFtpOs and they still
take cash, just like the old days. Now one phone number, 131 008, caters for all jobs, not only for Orange but also Bathurst, Dubbo, Queanbeyan, Griffith, Ballina (part time), Camden and picton in Nsw as well as portland, swan Hill (part time) and mildura (part time) in Victoria, and alice springs in the Northern territory. Calls are distributed to drivers from the modern computerised dispatch centre in peisley street where 18 employees, including five full-timers, answer 1,256,000 calls a year. if anyone has photos of old taxicabs in Orange, Bob Curran would love to have a copy. they can be emailed to r46curran@
such as cappuccinos, coffees, hot chocolates, lasagna, beef or chicken nachos as well as finger food platters for groups OPEN EVERY DAY FROM Monday 9.30am Tuesday 3.00pm Wednesday 10.00am Thursday 11.00am Friday 11.00am Saturday 9.30am Sunday 11.00am School Holidays - Open from 11.00am every day
Central West Photo News May 26–June 1, 2011
the entertainers
Words & Portrait by Chris bennetts
Annie are you okay? Are you okay Annie?
Orange metal juggernaut ‘DeprivatiOn’ are set tO unleash their highly anticipateD Debut album ‘amalgam’ On the wOrlD.
It’s been a long time coming for fans of the renowned Orange band, but drummer Albie Bevan said it will be worth the wait. “Amalgam is the culmination of five years hard work and dedication,” he said. “I’m proud of the way we’ve collaborated together, we’ve worked closely with our producer Darren ‘jENK’ Jenkins and also our graphic designer Michael Morphett at ‘m:29 Creative’ to get all elements of this album right.” “We really went into hiding so we could iron out the creases; we wanted this album to be as
good as possible.” Amalgam was produced and recorded at the revered ‘The Grove studios’, which can boast such clients as Silverchair, Grinspoon and The Butterfly Effect. Albie said the recording sessions have captured all the vicious elements that Deprivation is known for. “It’s got the fast and heavy, it’s got the melodic, it’s got the slow clean bits, it’s really a mish mash of a lot of the things we listen to. And I wouldn’t say this album is just for metal heads,
NOMINATE AN ENTERTAINER! What’s hot on the music charts
Rumours fly gain for Fleetwood Mac LEGENDARY rockers Fleetwood Mac have made a shock return to the Australian music charts, with their highest-selling record Rumours re-emerging at number two on the albums chart, 34 years after its original release. The surprise comeback follows the Australian premiere of a Fleetwood Mac-inspired episode of Glee, which aired on Network Ten last Wednesday night.
Australian singles chart 1 (1) Party Rock Anthem – LMFAO/Bennet/GoonRock 2 (2) Give Me Everything – Pitbull/Ne-Yo, Afrojack/Nayer 3 (7) Rolling In The Deep – Adele 4 (3) Price Tag – Jessie J feat. B.o.B 5 (4) Sweat (Guetta Remix) – Snoop Dogg Vs. Guetta 6 (9) Own This Club – Marvin Priest 7 (5) On The Floor – Jennifer Lopez feat. Pitbull 8 (19) California King Bed – Rihanna 9 (8) The Lazy Song – Bruno Mars 10 (6) Where Them Girls At – David Guetta feat. Nicki Minaj & Flo Rida
Australian albums chart 1 (1) 21 – Adele 2 (-) Rumours – Fleetwood Mac 3 (2) Roy – Damien Leith 4 (7) This Modern Glitch – The Wombats 5 (6) Wasting Light – Foo Fighters 6 (4) Doo-wops & Hooligans – Bruno Mars 7 (8) Teenage Dream – Katy Perry 8 (15) Who You Are – Jessie J 9 (-) Give Till It’s Gone – Ben Harper 10 (19) Loud – Rihanna
with inspector dan
That rocks!
if you appreciate good music you’ll appreciate this album.” “Recording this album has been the experience of a lifetime and we are extremely proud of it. We just can’t wait to get it out there and start touring it. It’s time to be recognised.” Deprivation will officially launch the album at Club Venom in Sydney this weekend. You can find out more information via their Facebook and Myspace. ‘Amalgam’ will be on the shelves next week, and you can get your copy at Aftershock records.
0422 396 717
TOILET HUMOUR As the saying goes if you don’t do it, you die. And while statistics supporting this particular theory are sketchy at best, what’s even more confusing is when we try to analyse why anybody would try to hold in waste products to the point where it might have lethal repercussions? But who am I to knock these fads, I never had a skateboard or one of them fancy schmancy toothbrushes either. But going to the toilet can be a little dull, so I’ve concocted a few simple games to while away the hours we all spend spending a penny on the potty.
Games as we know them are evolving at a rapid pace. Australia’s Team Bondi together with Rockstar are up there on the cutting edge with LA Noire. LA Noire puts you in the (gum) shoes of detective Cole Phelps as you rise through the ranks of the LAPD in 1940’s Los Angeles. You’ll need a keen eye and even keener intuition to guide you through the 20+ hours Noire has on offer. Those expecting another GTA or Red Dead Redemption will most likely be disappointed here. Noire is still technically an open world game—but the focus lies on exquisite storytelling and weaponry of the cerebral kind. In short, there is not a lot to do outside the main missions. However, there are around 40 smaller “cases” and a few collectibles on offer. As Phelps, you’ll be tasked with visiting crime scenes and scouring for clues, talking to witnesses, tracking down and eventually apprehending prime suspects. Your decisions will mean the difference between nabbing the right suspect, falsely accusing an innocent or watching a murderer walk free. The Motionscan™ technology developed by Team Bondi is breathtaking. All characters in the game are portrayed by known actors. Every nuance of facial expression is captured beautifully—allowing the player to detect whether a witness is lying or telling the truth. LA Noire utilises a rich tapestry of engaging storylines, great characters and a living, breathing world capturing the essence of classic noire cinematography. If you want to fall into another life for a little while—and give your brain a great workout while you’re at it—You should visit the dark city of angels this weekend. Rating:
BaTTLEsHIps Take and decorate 3 or 4 cupcake liner papers, I always make mine Spanish Galleons but pirate ships are always popular with the kids, place in your toilet and I’ll let you connect the dots how to play. ‘’Take that Barbossa!’’ spacE sHUTTLEcOck Re-enact favourite space TV series with just a few feathers and the air freshener, the only limit is your imagination as your various craft whoosh throughout the pine scented W.C galaxy. Set phasers to fun! NOTEpapER Everyone in the house is going to visit the littlest room in the aforementioned house at some point in the day so why not use the roll to convey messages to the family. ‘’Need milk’’ is a common one or ‘’Record Glee for me please’’ is another. ‘’I see you’’ or ‘’Look behind you’’ are fun ones and the best way to start any Mothers Day morning is with a ‘’Wee love you Mum’’ toilet tissue message. Make your lavatory motto ‘’The fun never stops till the seat drops’’.
Ssssssscrabble dabble doooo!
Words With Friends is the super addictive equivalent of Scrabble™ that has swept the smart phone app market. The ads can be annoying, but with updates that include the ability to find friends on social networking services it has the addiction power of Angry Birds. PhotoNews tip: add up your potential word points before hitting ‘play’- it will help you win games! Rating:
May 26–June 1, 2011 Central West Photo News
READERFORUM Did you go to the Orange Show? What else would you like to see at the show? KArleNe DAvIS ‘I went to the show with four kids and they enjoyed it. However, they do need more rides for the kids, and a wider selection of food for the adults besides Dagwood dogs and chips. It would be nice to see the fireworks a bitter earlier in the night, and be able to purchase bulk tickets to be used for multiple rides - not just one or two. ‘
‘I’m used to the Dubbo show, so I was disappointed with the lack of rides, and the state of the pavilions. I spoke to some of the Carnival people, and they said they were being limited to the size of their displays. It was $10 just for the jumping castle! I will probably go to the Dubbo Show next year instead. For the price and what was available, there wasn’t any real value.’
tIM WeSt “I didn’t go to the Orange Show, I went to the Bathurst Show instead; and have been going with family for some years. The Bathurst Show feels more organized, with a better location, and with lots of attractions for the little kids to enjoy.’
Construction Induction Training (White Card) Every Saturday • Training conducted for a minimum of 1 person, to a maximum of 20
Our Men at Work this week is a friendly fellow that works out at Cadia, is a bit of a workaholic, and believes in the need to stress less Name? Anthony Hatfield Age? 26 Status? Just came out of a 3 yr relationship What’s your job? Machine operator What do u like to do when you knock off work? Eating dinner while watching TV What animal would best describe you and why? A bear- because I’m big and cuddly like a bear
What’s your dream job? I already have it working in the mines What would your best mate describe you as? A workaholic who’s mad as a cut snake What’s your life motto? ‘If you’re not living on the edge, you’re taking up too much room’ and ‘Stress less, you live longer’ Who is the funniest person you know? A couple of good blokes I work with, Ditto and Stu
0422 396 717
Best car ever made? 1967 Shelby GT 500 What is the best song to drive to? Any song that has a good beat to it Sunday’s are made for? Spending good quality time with family If you had the choice, what food would you never eat again? Fruit What is the thing you cook best? My camembert filled crumbed chicken with garlic and white wine risotto How would you describe yourself in 3 words? up front, crazy and workaholic
Automotive And
Darren Barrett mArine ServiceS
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Authorised Service Centre
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open this weekend 11am - 3 pm
Groups & Dinner anytime | Bookings Essential
open this weekend 11am - 3 pm Heritage Accommodation & Vineyard
154 Peabody Road, Molong. Phone 6364 2160
Central West Photo News May 26–June 1, 2011
snapshot Words and portrait by david dixon
Feeding 500 a day is Martin’s miracle Trained aT some of ausTralia’s besT resTauranTs, marTin Van bockom maas neVer ThoughT he’d end up serVing 500 meals a day To hungry locals. “Never, ever in my wildest dreams did I think I would work in a place that served so many meals; I’ve worked in busy places before, but never this,” Martin says. Head Chef of Friar Tuck’s at the Robin Hood Hotel, Martin says the key to running a smooth operation is the Boy Scout’s motto: “Be prepared”. “It doesn’t matter if you’re a builder or a chef; it’s all in the preparation. Service is only three hours a day, the rest is prepping: ordering, peeling vegetables, cooking, getting sauces ready, that’s most of our day.” And it is a busy day for Martin, putting in up to 60 hour weeks, often the first to arrive and the last to leave. Yet Martin, originally from near the town of Gouda in Holland, only got into the food business by chance.
“I didn’t really decide, I got sucked in. At 17 I just wanted to have beers with my mates and my mum said: ‘if you want to have beers, you’ve got to pay for it’ so I got a job as a kitchen hand and it started from there.” Coming to Australia at 21, Martin was trained at such well-known Canberra eateries as Ottoman under Executive Chef Sherif Kaya and at Atlantic. “Most of my training came from those two restaurants,” he says. Meeting his wife Georgina through work, they decided to move back to her base in the Central West. “My wife’s family grew up at Molong – she used to be the manager of a restaurant in Canberra and I was working with her there,” he says. Martin’s own culinary tastes tend towards light and fresh authentic cuisines: “I’m a great fan of Japanese cuisine; I love sushi and the freshness
Traditional Italian Cuisine In a pleasant atmosphere
and simplicity of Mediterranean cuisine.” Looking at making some changes to the bistro menu, he says though that you have to give people the food that they enjoy. “You need to take baby steps; a lot of our clientele like steak and chips…There’s no use fixing it if it ain’t broke. The place runs fine as it is. The customers are happy, and they keep coming back.” So happy in fact that it is not uncommon for a Saturday night crowd to be 50-deep lining up to order the Robin Hood’s traditional bistro fair of steaks, pasta, seafood, roasts, and curries. “The worst thing that can happen is that the supplies don’t come through. We order shiploads of chips, vegetables, potatoes, and mincemeat. “Once you start doing 2000 meals a week, you’re buying on a whole different level,” he explains.
But the pressure for Martin is part of the pleasure in his work, supervising a staff of 15 from senior chefs down to kitchen hands. “I like the rush of a Friday and Saturday night. You’ve got to be organised and be able to prioritise in getting everything done in a very small period of time. The good thing is that we get this every Saturday so the juniors get used to it.” “We’ve got a big clock in there and I keep an eye on being able to deliver on time so that I can get pretty pushy with the staff,” he says. Big sellers for the bistro are the Angus beef steaks, rack of lamb, traditional Indian curries, grills and seafood. With three children though, Martin is happy to leave the cooking at home to his wife. “I’m lucky she’s a pretty good cook and she does that,” he says.
1ST BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS It’s been 12 months since we moved into our lovely new premises and we would like for you to join us for a little celebration!
Bookings & Takeaway available
Bookings and Takeaway Available “Celebrating 30 years of business” Joe Sciuto - Proprietor Joe Sciuto - Proprietor
Ph: 02 6362 6720 Fax: 02 6361 2905 193 Lords Place, Orange
Friday 3rd June 2011 at 5.30pm at Blayney Motors Come down and enjoy a BBQ and help us celebrate 1 year!!
38 Water Street Blayney • 6368 2745
May 26–June 1, 2011 Central West Photo News email mail Suite 3, 241 Lords Place Orange NSW 2800 tel 6361 3575 fax 6361 3494
your photos, your say
The Thumbs
Thumbs up to Daren and Michael at K-Mart Tyre and Auto for their helpful service, which is always above and beyond expectations.
Thumbs down to
the thoughtless man who had some unkind things to say to a grieving daughter following the funeral of her mother in Manildra recently. His timing was very bad.
Thumbs up to the lady who found and delivered a lost wallet intact AND would not take anything in return, many thanks from the grateful owner. Thumbs up to John at Orange Tile House from a customer for his great customer service and expertise.
Winter has arrived!
Bruno Betkowski caught the first signs of winter on the tops of Mount Canobolas.
Thumbs down to
people who pick price tags off items in charity stores in an effort to obtain a lesser price. Not only are you stealing but you are also taking away from people doing it tough.
Thumbs up everyone who performed at last Fridays’ “Song Titles Unplugged.” We have some very talented songwriters in Orange and surrounds!
Photo contributed
Thumbs up to Neil Gill at Wednesday night trivia at the nobby. Always a great time — great tunes too! SMS YOUR THUMBS
0422 396 717 Standard SMS rates apply.
Like to give a Thumbs up or Thumbs Down? Email or call 6361 3575
Snoopin’ skippies!
80 candles for Tony Congratulations to Tony Ruggiero, who recently celebrated his 80th Birthday! In his 80 years, Tony has been a farmer, a soccer coach for De La Salle and travelled back and forth to Italy to see his family. Happy Birthday Tony!
Photographer Sales Manager Chris Trudgett
Chief of Administration Administration Jackie Holland Jackie Holland
Photographer Writer/Photographer Chris Trudgett Janelle Armytage
Photographer Writer/Photographer Writer/Photographer Writer/Photographer Chris Trudgett Chris Bennetts Janelle Armytage Janelle Armytage Janelle Armytage
Motivational PhotographerEngineer Smiley Kiki Hopcraft
Zanna Munro
Motivational PhotographerEngineer Smiley Jodi Towns
Friendly Aussie kangaroos greeted Bruno Betkowski on a frosty morning. He took a sneaky photo through the window so he didn’t disturb the visitors.
Sharna Hatton
Motivational Engineer Smiley
Photographer Photographer Photographer Photographer Photographer Photographer Photographer Photographer Sales Consultant Sales Consultant Chris Trudgett Chris Trudgett Trudgett Chris Trudgett Chris Trudgett Chris Trudgett Chris Trudgett Chris Trudgett Matt Bayada Anthony Bratovich Chris
Motivational PhotographerEngineer Smiley Kiki Hopcraft
Photographer Photographer Photographer Photographer Sales Consultant Chris Trudgett Trudgett Chris TrudgettMurphy Chris Chris Trudgett Rebecca
Motivational Engineer Motivational Motivational Engineer Motivational Engineer Engineer Motivational Engineer Motivational Engineer Photographer Director of First Impressions Motivational Engineer Motivational Engineer Motivational Engineer Motivational Engineer Photographer Photographer Motivational Engineer Motivational Engineer Motivational Engineer Photographer Photographer Photographer Photographer Photographer Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley Kiki Hopcraft Smiley Bridget HealeySmiley Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley Kiki Hopcraft Jodi Towns Smiley Smiley Smiley Kiki Hopcraft Jodi Towns Kiki Hopcraft Jodi Towns Jodi Towns
Central West Photo News May 26–June 1, 2011
your yourphotos, photos,your your say The Birthday File HAPPY BIRTHDAY to these locals who are celebrating shortly –
Morning tea, for you, for me! Ashcroft’s IGA are making shopping that much more enjoyable by offering a free morning tea! Anyone is invited to enjoy a nice cuppa and a few bickies from 10 AM to 12noon every Thursday. Nerida Noon said the morning tea is just a way of thanking customers. “We like to put our customers first, and to make their shopping experience as enjoyable as possible. It’s also a great chance to have a chat and get feedback to see what we can improve on,” she said. Sounds great to us!
MAY 18
Jane Tranter (belated)
MAY 26
Tony Healey
MAY 26
Bevan Trew
MAY 27
Bryan Trow-Lennard
MAY 27
Jackie Holland
MAY 29
Ayden Kind
MAY 29
Caitlin Brown
MAY 29
Brianna Layton
Nominate your friends and family! To add names to the Birthday File call Jackie on 6361 3575 or email
Why not let everyone know? Give us a call on 6361 3575 or send an email to and we’ll place your special date here in our anniversary listing.
Oh the flame trees.... Not many leaves are left on Orange’s trees, so Joan Brown thought she would take a picture Contributed by John Miller while she could in the late afternoon, with the sun shining through.
replACement trAnsponDer keys AnD entry remotes From $90
Happy Birthday Helen! Helen Townesend celebrated her 64th birthday by lunching with family and friends at the ExService Club recently. “I’m 64 I don’t mind who knows it!” Helen smiled. Caption: Bonnie and Stanley Thomas, Sue Randall and Helen Townesend celebrate at the club.
For most Cars,Garage Doors & Home Alarms
Midstate Master Locksmiths
Lic. No. 409434453
301 summer st, orange
6362 8575
News and Happenings FrOM OrANgE City COuNCiL
26 MAy 2011
Hot line Orange City Council has a 24-hour hot line that residents can call at any time 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
the number is 1300 650 511. Council welcomes calls on any issue that relates to Council facilities, infrastructure, services or polices. While the 1300 number is a 24-hour service, outside business hours it is focused on emergency issues that need immediate action. Where possible, issues of a general nature are more readily dealt with during business hours on the same 1300 number.
Draft ManageMent Plan 2011/12
Parental Survey Orange City Council has launched a parenting survey to better understand the needs of families in Orange. The purpose of the survey was to seek from parents their experiences, knowledge and ideas about parenting. Some of the questions ask about where they get their parenting education and information, and what their expectation is about learning how to be a parent. The survey can be found at orangeparentingsurvey It takes approximately five minutes to complete. The results will be useful in informing the Community Strategic Plan development and helping focus any particular program development or advocacy for parenting information, information development or access to education. A link to the survey can also be found on the Council website at
Orange City Council has released the 2011/12 Draft Management Plan. The $126 million draft budget includes $86.4 million in operational expenditure and $39.7 million in capital expenditure. The Draft Management Plan was considered at an Extraordinary Meeting of Council on Wednesday 4 May. The plan is on public exhibition and open for comment until 5pm on 3 June 2011. Submissions need to be made in writing to General Manager, PO Box 35, Orange, NSW 2800. Submissions can also be made by email to council@ To be considered a formal submission the author must include their name and address. Submissions can be made public and available to the media as part of the consideration of the Management Plan. The Draft Management Plan’s key projects include: • North Orange Bypass • Stage 6 of the Narrambla Business Park • A $732,550 drainage construction program • $785,290 in Airport developments • The tendering process for the Euchareena Road Waste Facility • Water main and meter replacement valued at $519,480 • Sewer mains renewal of $763,700 The draft budget also includes $250,000 made available, subject to a reasonable contribution from user groups, to commence a program of asset renewal at the Showground. The draft budget includes: • General rates increase of 2.8 per cent as recently announced by IPART • Central Business District rate increased 2.8 per cent as recently announced by IPART • The residential water rate availability charge increased from $170.15 to $185.20 per assessment • The residential sewer charge increased from $333.80 to $337.15 • The water consumption charge increased from $1.60 to $1.70 per kilolitre for the first 450KL and to $2.55 per kilolitre for the remainder • Household kerb side garbage collection increased from $163.30 to $176.70 per year • Household recycle charge increased from $55.00 to $56.65 per assessment
ORANGE CITY COUNCIL australia’s colour city
The combined impact of rate increases would add $94.35 per year or $1.81 per week to an average residential household, which has an average rate and uses the average water consumption each year. This amount ($94.35) comprises - Rates $36.40, Water Availability charge $15.05, Water Usage $25.00, Household/Recycle charge $15.05 and Sewer Availability charge $3.35. As indicated, the above relates to an average household. Single households may not use any more than 80KL of water per year which would reduce the above by $17.00. The consolidated debt service ratio for the 2009/2010 year was 7.62 per cent, the projected for 2010/2011 is 6.30 per cent and 4.09 per cent for the 2011/2012 year. Electricity is provided at a 20 per cent increase across Council sites, this accounts for approximately $480,000 additional expenditure. The projected net operating cost for the Aquatic Centre including the new indoor facility (before renewals and capital expenditure) is $865,670 for year 1. The proposed entry fee of $4.00 per child/adult is consistent with average charges currently paid at various other comparable Council centres. Under the Draft Management Plan a snapshot of the net expenditure result is: • Library - $1.3 million or $82.59 per rate assessment • Cook Park - $445,610 or $26.65 per rate assessment • Customer Service - $351,440 or $21.02 per rate assessment • Road Maintenance - $1.67 million or $100.31 per rate assessment • Road Rehabilitation - $4.22 million or $258.88 per rate assessment • Cemetery - $116,270 or $6.95 per rate assessment • Lake Canobolas - $244,260 or $14.61 per rate assessment • Tourism Development and Information - $204,250 or $12.22 per rate assessment • Ageing and Disability Services - $75,680 or $4.53 per rate assessment • Youth Services - $181,090 or $10.83 per rate assessment.
Civic Centre Cnr Byng St and Lords Place, Mail: PO Box 35 Orange NSW 2800 Office Hours: 8.15am to 5pm Monday to Friday Office Tel: 02 6393 8000 • Office Fax: 02 6393 8199 After hours and emergencies: 1300 650 511 Email: Website:
Central West Photo News May 26–June 1, 2011
class of the week
1st Year Chemistry Workshop with David Hughes and Dr Igor Novak Pictures by KIKI HOPCRAFT
Class of the Week is a little special this week, with our first University class being featured. All students are special- no matter what age, so PhotoNews dropped in to CSU and caught up with the 1st Year Chemistry Workshop. This class is run for students studying Pharmacy, Dentistry, Education and Clinical Science, who may like to enhance their knowledge in the area. The students were busy working through equations, and have been studying hard for their exams which start at the beginning of June.
with Paul Tierney
Having a say in things … Most of you know that underneath my batman costume lurks a maths teacher. Long before my lovely wife came along; my first love was mathematics – I know that to some of you that sounds sad, but I can’t change it. I love doing the maths puzzles in the paper every day, and every kind of statistic that exists provides wonderful fascination. (I don’t even care if you are laughing at me as you read this, by the way). As I moved across from mathematics, rugby, and pastoral care at my place of work, and into ‘Development’, I have begun to appreciate a whole new side of the importance and rationale behind treating the students and teenagers of today as reallive-adult thinkers. Last weekend, I ventured to Dubbo for a promotional expo. We go to quite a few of these expo’s over the course of a year – and spend time alongside a lot of other schools, spruiking the benefits that we offer in education. Prospective families come to the expo’s to compare and contrast the schools, and to listen to those in attendance speak about educational matters, as we try to offer some advice about all things ‘schoolie’. A really interesting trend has occurred over the past three years, though. An ever increasing number of the kids who join their parents at the type of functions are the ones who ask all of the questions. In my day, you just went to the school that your parents told you to go to – whether it was around the corner, or far away, that’s just the way it was. But today, the students are having a HUGE say in where they go, what they do, and how it is done. On the weekend, I was happily grilled (by the preteens and teenagers) on matters such as homework as assignment policies, anti-bullying procedures, sporting options, subject elective offerings, HSC results, social occasions and cultural opportunities. PHEW! The kids kept us really busy with their insightful enquiries over the two days of the expo! The parents did their share of grilling too, but it was really impressive to see and hear how interested the students were in the things available at the schools on show. Student’s nowadays are having a real say in their education – and I’m really glad that they do. No longer are the kids a bunch of shrinking violets when it comes to where they’ll attend school, what subjects they’ll do, and what’s most important to them. It’s a bit like parent-teacher night in the modern era, with the kids coming along to see the teachers, too and engage in the banter. I love it! It’s all about them anyway, so why shouldn’t they be involved in all of these things? So, trying to ‘bluff’ the adults with educational fluff is no longer an option, because the kids are so wise to all that’s going on, they don’t miss a trick.
Paul Tierney is the Director of Development and a mathematics teacher at an Orange School.
INVITE US ALONG If you’d like a PhotoNews Photographer to come along and take pictures at your party or celebration, call us on 6361 3575 We require 48 hours notice. Get in early during holiday period!
3/241 Lords Place, Orange
May 26–June 1, 2011 Central West Photo News
People like me who swear by their Clean Air toilet air freshener might have discovered that refills are no longer stocked by local supermarkets. Don’t stress, I have obtained a supply from the manufacturer and they are available from the Photo News office for $3.50 a can. Our address is Suite 3/241 Lords Place near Darryl Grant Cycles.
It’s time for the Curves Food Drive promotion again and that means you can join Curves for half price when you throw a can of food into the food drive basket. Some conditions apply so check with the girls for the full details.
CRAYOLA 3D CHALk C Here is great fun for both big kids and small: Crayola 3D Pavement Chalk. Every stick has two specifically paired colours to be used together to create a 3D effect. Don the special 3D glasses (included) and watch your artwork lift, dip and separate before your very eyes. Great for teaching kids about dimensionality – and hopscotch has never been so futuristic! When the day is done, simply wait for rain or wash away. Available at newsagencies and toyshops, for best results draw on black asphalt or dark pavement.
ROyAL DOULTON fIgURINES Quinn’s Jewellers now has Royal Doulton Figurines in store with Heart Figurines for $69.95 and the Pretty Ladies Collection at $259 each. They’re beautiful so at least call in to admire them.
LEAVES EVERywhERE If you need your house gutters cleared of leaves and/or you want to have gutter guards installed to stop the problem in future, call Bart at Had Gutter Full on 0412 067 841.
fRESh pRODUCE Have you tried Fresh on Woodward for your fresh vegies and fruit yet? The word I have it’s great and without the parking hassles. There’s also a popular local butcher right next door.
BREAST SCREEN Breast Screen NSW is again reminding ladies about the importance of having a regular breast screen test. The tests are free and it’s just a matter of calling 13 20 50 for an appointment. Don’t brush this off ladies, it’s really important.
20% Off pOTS
The scones, cream and jam at the Mountain Tea House almost melt in your mouth. Try them sometime.
Thomson’s Garden Centre has pushed their normal boundaries by offering a first time ever 20% off their range of pots. There’s a zillion to choose from so call in and go potty.
with Bob Holland
A blessing as we brace for winter, Blackmores Cold Combat is a supplement designed to assist in the treatment of colds and flu. Each tablet contains a standardised extract of the Indian/Sri Lankan herb Andrographis paniculata - a herb long used to treat general microbial infections and immune deficiencies, and credited with helping to stop the spread of influenza in India during the 1919 epidemic. Even better, it is reportedly effective against symptoms even if the treatment starts several days after the onset of a cold. Available from pharmacies, use only as directed.
Whether you’re planning a wedding, organising your next function and want to please your guests an office luncheon or celebrating a 21st birthday; with mouth watering, flavoursome finger food one thing is for sure you don’t have to stress about call into Red Chill Deli! They have meat, cheese, the catering! antipasto, fruit, sushi and gourmet sandwiches Ayoma and the team from Red Chill Deli are available and can provide hot and cold dishes. passionate about making your event special and They use only the best quality ingredients so your will go out of their way to provide perfect catering guests are sure to be very impressed! Galso keep your belly warm this INwill just for you! RedP Chilli PDeli O SHwinter They can create cakes for any occasion including with their wonderful range of homemade weddings, anniversaries and birthdays. Every soups including delicious flavours like chicken customer is spoilt for choice with chocolate, and corn, goulash and pumpkin soup. caramel and white mud available as well as fruit Whatever your next event is, one thing is for sure butter cakes, in fact Ayoma will make any sort of your first stop should be Red Chilli Deli! Conveniently cake just to make sure all her customers are happy. located at 36B Sale Street Orange, phone Red Chill Deli also has fantastic platters 6360 1166. available! If you want to take some stress out of
Have you ever been to the Christian Lending Library? Take the leisurely drive down Cecil Road and you are sure to be surprised and impressed! You will be greeted by their friendly and caring volunteers and an amazing range of books, CDs, DVD and even reference books that you can borrow! Everything is free and a great long loan is available. You are welcome to borrow up to six of their DVD’s and videos for one month, you can loan three of their music CDs and tapes for up to one month and you can borrow up to eight books and OPP SH audio books for a month. Volunteer Manager, Carol Haines, invites everyone from the local community to visit the library. “I have been running the library for 21 years; I employ 12 staff volunteers who come from all the different church groups in Orange. “The staff can provide support to people depending what they are going through in their life, we welcome everyone to come and talk and have a cup of tea. We can provide books, support and information to people who are dealing with things like depression or anger or even if they want to just come and talk they are most welcome.” The newest aspect to the lending library is their counselling service. Carol has graduated with an Advanced Diploma in Counselling and Family Therapy. She is a Lifeline trained counsellor and a trained nurse. Call out, meet the lovely volunteers, and see their fabulous range at the Christian Lending Library, open Tuesday, Thursday and Fridays at 560 Cecil Road, phone 6362 2391.
Central West Photo News May 26–June 1, 2011
New floor ideas for high traffic areas
Carpet was king, but now a range of new flooring technologies are challenging its supremacy. “There’s so many products out there now for your flooring needs, it’s simply a matter of choosing the one you want,” Wayne Rosser from Bel Air Carpet Choice explained. He said that the days of choosing between only carpet or lino (linoleum) are now over with a range of new flooring types for high traffic areas. “People still like carpet for living rooms and bedrooms, but they’re looking at other options for high traffic areas like kitchens, dining rooms,and hallways,” he said. The range of floortypes now available include vinyl, vinyl tiles, traditional timber, timber veneers, bamboo veneers, and laminated floors. “In a new house nowadays it may be 50/50. Carpet is still the biggest item but they now know whether they’re going to put vinyls, floating timber, or laminate floors in their high traffic areas.” Wayne says that new imported bamboo floating floors are also becoming increasingly popular because of their hard-wearing surface. Floating floors that involve panels of interlocking wood or other veneers that are laid over a wood or concrete base without glues, tacks, or pinning are increasingly the choice of home renovators. “Floating floors are very popular now. They float on the floor because of their own weight. They’re not fixed to the ground in any way and you can walk on them straight away. They won’t shrink or warp,” Wayne said. Prices range from $20 for traditional vinyl to $190 a square metre for the best Australian hardwood jarrah floors. Wayne said that the biggest pitfall is to choose a floor covering that’s too light for your lifestyle and which marks easily. Making sure that different floor types are visually compatible is another issue to remember. “It’s very important to choose carefully or you could end up with anything,” he says.
develop your owN masterpiece with a New look Hair colouring and styling is now not just for the girls; Generation X and Y men are now getting in on the act. Up to a third of Younique Hair’s clients are now young men wanting more than a straight cut, owner Rebecca Marsh estimates. “Men are now open to new suggestions; mostly blokes under 30. Years ago; if we mentioned colours or a style, they’d be freaking out.” But women wanting something different are still a major part of this busy salon’s core business. Rebecca says that changing your hairstyle however, is much more than just picking the latest fashion out of a ‘Vogue’ magazine. “You’ll get someone come in and say; ‘I want the Princess Kate look’…I’m a big believer in creating a person’s own look, creating their own masterpiece,” she says. Choosing a new look for your hair should be based on such factors as type of hair, facial shape, direction of growth, your figure, and your lifestyle. “For instance, don’t get a bob if you’re a fuller figure; or a high maintenance style if you’re very active.” She says one of the biggest mistakes people make is to get quick colours from their local supermarket: “we’re always fixing up their mistakes,” she says. “Build a good rapport with your hairdresser; interpretation is one of the hardest things in hairdressing. I’ve been a hairdresser for 16 years and what they want and what they say can be two different things,” Rebecca says. “That’s where the relationship comes in: they understand your hair.” And, she says, if your hair is not suited to the latest style, don’t worry, in a few years it will be. “Curls are coming back in, they call them ‘Hollywood curls’; with hair, history always repeats itself,” Rebecca says.
Luke Taylor at Bel Air Carpet Choice, new floorings challenging the supremacy of carpet.
Rebecca Marsh at Younique Hair; Develop a good understanding with your hairdresser
Looking for answers to your health concerns? HeAdAcHes • Tiredness • sTress GenerAL WeLLBeinG • insomniA
Natures Answer A Better Way of Life
Our Services Include: Chi-Reflexology Electro Magnetic Therapy Nutritional Advice Nutritional Cleansing
More than 18 years ago, chronic fatigue put Gail Worthington on the path to seeking good health which she achieved through a range of vitamin and mineral supplements made from natural whole foods, not synthetics. The results she gained from these products gave her the passion to help others achieve good health. Seeing the difference these products made to Gail’s life encouraged Brian down the same path. Five years ago, he gave away the corporate world to follow a holistic therapy path. He has completed certificates I, II and III in Reflexology and recently completed Chi-Reflexology to Diploma level. A unique natural therapy, Chi-Reflexology is based on an understanding of the Chinese philosophy including, but not exclusively, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and the application of this knowledge to the science of reflexology. These aspects have been combined with an holistic perspective of the four levels of existence, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual, the principals of the Chinese philosophy including TCM, Chinese acupressure and the theory and practice of reflexology. The techniques sedate, stimulate and balance the chi of the receiver encouraging, rather than making, the body activate its unique healing potential. It’s the receiver who heals, not the reflexologist or reflexology. Chi-reflexology does not heal – it helps.
For more information, call today Brian Worthington Therapist
375 Anson street, orange Ph: 0407 709 035 • 6369 0198
Help the body heal itself
Central West Photo News May 26–June 1, 2011
•doM wears indigo floral shirt, viktoria and woods striPe knit, sass and bide cord jeans, vintage cowboy boots. •Meredith wears indigo Polka dot shirt, kinghaM jones jacket, sass and bide jeans •kate wears toteM shift dress, MesoP tights and knit. Pigeonhole earings.
doM wears sass and bide striPe knit and cord jeans, seMPre di suede boots
PhotograPhy by chris bennetts • Models: Meredith, doM and kate. iglou is located at 200 anson street, orange.
Meredith (centre) wears shilla jacket, viktoria and woods knit, sass and bide stretch deniM jeans.
kate wears indigo red dress, MesoP tights and knit
May 26–June 1, 2011 Central West Photo News
on the FRONTLINE Words and portrait by Chris Bennetts
Tim Ryan Firefighter Photo News recently visited the Orange Fire Station where Permanent Firefighter Tim Ryan gave us an exclusive tour of a purpose built semi trailer. The truck is used for training activities and includes an inbuilt maze where firies have to make their crawl through a challenging obstacle course in complete darkness. After seeing the maze we have a new appreciation for the difficult work and the incredible skills our firies have. DUTIES: Community activities, fire fighting and rescues. WHAT DO YOU LIKE BEST ABOUT YOUR JOB: Community participation WHAT IS YOUR MOST SATISFYING MEMORY: Having somebody say thankyou for helping them out.
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It was interesting to watch how the temperature fluctuated last Wednesday morning (18th) on the Elders Weather website. Generally one would expect the temperature to go down and up again in an orderly manner at that time of the morning, but check this out –
3am 3.21 3.30 4.00 4.30 5.00 5.30 6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30 7.39 7.44 8.00 8.05 8.30
3.2 2.7 1.9 1.2 2.2 2.6 1.1 -0.7 1.8 0.7 3.2 3.0 3.2 4.2 4.7 6.2
Fascinating eh what?
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55 Sale Street, Orange Phone 6362 1814 Mon – Fri 7am-6pm, Sat 7am-2pm
May 26–June 1, 2011 Central West Photo News A few weeks back a lady rang Photo News to ask if we could publish the program details for local radio stations as well as television stations. To do this on a regular basis is not possible but it did get us thinking. We felt that it could be helpful for many of our readers if we published the program line-ups for our local radio stations, even if it was only once. Of course programs can change fairly often but for those interested, here is a run down of local programming as it appears on the various websites.
2GZ 105.1 FM
Monday - Friday Time Presenter 12am-3am
Christian Argenti
3am-6am 6am-9am 9am-11am 11am-12pm 12pm-4pm
Neil Gill Ray Hadley Alan Jones Lyndon Smith
Dan and Ken
7pm-10pm 10pm-12am
Fyona Smith Christian Argenti
Scott Sattler and Spida Everitt
2EL 1089 AM
Talk back the night - covers the issues and news stories of the day Widest variety of music Neil Gill for breakfast - local Ray Hadley Show - Talkback radio Alan Jones - Talkback radio Afternoons with Lyndon Smith music and commentary The Dan and Ken Show - music and commentary School of Rock - rock music of all time Talk back the night - covers the issues and news stories of the day The home straight - sports
12am-7pm 7am-8am 8am-6pm 6pm-12am
Widest Variety of Music Top 10 things to do Widest Variety of Music The Party Mix - Music
12am-7pm 7am-8am 8am-9am
Dr John D’Arcy Ross Greenwood
Troy Thompson
Widest Variety of Music Top 10 things to do Money Matters - Finance/money news program The Younger You - Health and wellbeing/detoxing/weight loss/fashion/ skin etc. Widest Variety of Music The Barbie - songs for the BBQ Talk back the night - covers the issues and news stories of the day
10am-6pm 6pm-10pm 10pm-12am
Christian Argenti
STAR FM 105.9 Monday - Thursday Time Presenter 12am-6am
Sarah Maree
6am-10am 10am-12pm 12pm-4pm 4pm-6pm 6pm-7pm
Chris and Browny Dan JK/JackLaurence Fifi and Jules Kyle and Jackie O
7pm-11pm 11pm -12am
Renee and Timmy Bec Dent
Truck radio - traffic nationwide/request songs Breaky show 10 in a row - music without ads JK’s Workday On your drive home- talk show/music Hour of Power - highlights from inter views with the biggest celebrities in Australia The Hit List - top pop music/celeb goss Interviews - local/national/international acts
Friday same as Monday - Thursday with these changes 4am-6pm 7pm-8pm
Saturday 12am-1am 1am-2pm 2pm-6pm
12am-1am 1am-3am 3am-2pm 2pm-6pm 6pm-7pm 7pm-9pm 9pm-12am
Hamish and Andy - talk/music/humour Big K’s Download - 5 most download ed songs plus music Darren Kerry/Tim Torque The Revolution - DJ’s Music/interviews prizes Hamish and Andy Big K
Darren Kerry/Tim Torque The Revolution - DJ’s Music/interviews Hit Music Weekend - latest hits Take 40 Australia - countdown top 40 hits Party People - Music Party People - music Ministry of Sound - music Hit Music Weekend - latest hits Andrew G/Natalie Perez Hot Hits live from LA - countdown hotest hits from LA Big K Big K’s Download - 5 most download ed songs plus music Marty and Jess Social twits - celeb entertainment Hit Music Weekend - latest hits
Monday - Friday Time Presenter
12am-5am 5am-9am 9am-12pm 12pm-3pm
Gary Stewart Grant Goldman John Laws Tony Wright
Graeme Hughes and Mark Geyer Graeme Gilbert
Thursday 1pm-2pm
Saturday 12am-4am 4am-6am 6am-8am 8am-12pm 12pm-1pm 1pm-5pm 5pm-6pm 6pm-12am
12am-4am 4am-6am 6am-8am 8am-12pm 12pm-6pm 6pm-12am
Tony Wright and Bob Holland
Don Burke Poppy Savakis Ben Ikin Graeme Hughes and Mark Geyer Craig Hutchinson Carter Edwards
Various Poppy Savakis Carter Edwards
Talk overnight Goldie’s Breakfast Show John Laws Morning Show Local Lunch Show - Music, Local news, interviews Talkin’ Sport Talk Tonight The 2EL/Photo News Shopping Show local shopping news and competitions Classic Hits The Fishing Show Burke’s Backyard Straight Talk Off the Bench (NRL) Talkin’ Sport AFL Today Carter Edwards Country Classic Hits The Fishing Show The Golf Show Sunday Session Straight Talk Carter Edwards Country
ABC (CENTRAL WEST) 549 AM or 107.1 FM Cent West Slopes Monday - Friday Time Presenter 12am 2am
Nightlife - talk radio/current affairs Overnight weekdays - variety topics
6am 8am 8.30am 11am
Tony Delroy Trevor Chappell and Rodd Quinn Brooke Daniels Peter Cave Angela Owens Richard Fidler
12pm 1pm 2pm 4pm 6pm 7pm 10pm
Michael Condon Eleanor Hall Fiona Wylie Bonita Brown Mark Colvin Robbie Buck Tony Delroy
Trevor Chappell Overnight weekdays - variety topics and Rodd Quinn Scott Levi The Big Fish - Fishing news Brooke Daniels Saturday Breakfast - local chats/ music/news Elizabeth Jackson Saturday AM - current affairs Brooke Daniels Saturday Breakfast - local chats/ music/news Phillip Clark Weekends - gardening talkback, Chef’s challenge and more Simon Thurtell and Saturday Grandstand - Sport Karen Tighe Felicity Urguhart Saturday Night Country - music
Saturday 5am 6am 8am 8.30am 11am 12pm 10pm
Breakfast AM - Current affairs Morning - local chats/music/news Conversations - world issues conversations Country Hour The World Today - world news Statewide Afternoons - Regional news Statewide Drive - daily events PM - Current issues Evenings - discussion/music/laughs Nightlife - talk radio/current affairs
2am Rodd Quinn Overnight weekdays - variety topics 5.30am Ian McNamara Australia All Over - FAussie talk 10am Helen Clare Sunday Mornings - news and views 6.30pm James O’Loghlin Saundays - quirky news/good company 9pm John Cleary Sunday Nights - issues/chats 9.30pm Rhianna Patrick Speaking out - culture/lifestyles
Other ABC Stations
ABC National -104.3 FM CentralTablelands or 96.7 FM Bathurst ABC Triple J - 101.9 FM ABC Classis FM - 102.7 Central Tablelands ABC News Radio - 106.3 FM Central West Slopes or 98.3 FM Bathurst
Central West Photo News May 26–June 1, 2011
RHEMA FM 103.5
2MCE 94.7 FM
2:00 am 5:00 am 5:30 am 6:00 am 6:45 am 7:00 am 7:15 am 7:30 am 8:00 am 8:20 am 9:00 am 10:00 am 11:00 am 12 Noon 1:00 pm 1:05 pm 1:30 pm 2:00 pm 3:00 pm 5.05pm 6:05 pm 7:05 pm 7:30 pm 8:00 pm 9:00 pm 9:30 pm Overnight
Focus On The Family with Dr James Dobson Enjoying Everyday Life with Joyce Meyer Keys To Successful Living with Derek Prince Devotions with Arthur Gilmour The Breakfast Program (Various Local Announcers) National, Local News & Weather Keys To Successful Living with Derek Prince Christian News followed at 7:50 am by The Word 4 Today National, Local News & Weather Creation Moments & Real Family Life (Repeated throughout the day) Enjoying Everyday Life with Joyce Meyer *The Morning Program (Tuesday to Thursday) Focus On The Family with Dr James Dobson National, Local News & Weather 66/40 with Chuck Missler National, Local News & Weather Light & Life with The Salvation Army (Wednesday) The Word 4 Today Bridges For Peace (Thursdays) Prayer Time with Don McDonald (Monday) Irish Hour: Phil with Alan & Caroline Morrison (Wed) *5:05 pm Geoff Langdon (Tuesday) Family Life Today (Family Life Australia) Focus On The Family with Dr James Dobson Gospel Country with Les Roberts (Tuesday) *20 The Countdown Magazine (Friday) Enjoying Everyday Life with Joyce Meyer (Monday to Thursday) *8:30pm on Tuesdays 66/40 with Chuck Missler Keys To Successful Living with Derek Prince Easy Listening Music
6:30am 7:00am 7:30am 8:20am 9:00am 11:00am 1:30pm 3:00pm 6:00pm 7PM Overnight
Devotions with Arthur Gilmour Face to Face Focus on the Family Weekend Magazine The Word for Today Children’s Radio Theatre (Focus on the Family) Soul 2 Soul Light & Life with The Salvation Army (Repeat) 20 The Countdown Magazine Reality Zone THE YOUTH HOUR Easy Listening Music
6:30 am 8:00 am 9:00 am 10:00 am 11:00 am 1:00 pm 2:00 pm 3:00 pm 7:00 pm 8:30 pm 9:00 pm 10:00 pm Overnight
Devotions With Arthur Gilmour followed by Traditional Music until 8:00 am Let My People Think with Ravi Zacharias Communication (George and Rita Galieh) The Word 4 Today Crossway Church Service (Repeated 9:00 pm) Face to Face (Repeat) Gospel Country with Les Roberts (Repeat) Soul 2 Soul (Repeat) Communication (George and Rita Galieh) Let My People Think with Ravi Zacharias Crossway Church Service (Repeat) Hour Of Decision with Billy Graham Inspirational & Easy Listening Music
7am 9am 11am
Breakfast with Andy Wheeler Morning Music with Graham Pascoe Melodies & Memories with Marcia Bonham 12pm Talking Newspaper 1pm All Oz Lunchbox 1:30pm Sahaja Meditation with Christel & Kelly Alt Great Music across the afternoon 3:30pm Homepage(repeat) 4pm Beat Cafe with Josh 6pm Momentum with Tim, Bec & Kate 7pm African & Reggae Music with Christopher Mutale 8pm Free Association with Martin 10pm Overnight BBC
TUESDAY 7am 9am 11am
Breakfast with John O’Connell Morning Music with Marg Hargans Sentimental Journey with Laurence Wardman 12pm Talking Newspaper 1pm All Oz Lunch Box 1:30pm The Pram’s Album Show with Mal Kiely 3:30pm Cinemascape 4pm Beat Cafe with Kate 6pm Philippiniana with Nita Meacham 7pm Forgotten Tracks with Phil Ross 8pm Great Sounds of Music with Judy & John 10am The Love Shack with Vita & Sam 12am Overnight BBC
7am 9am 11am 12pm 1pm 1:30pm 4pm 6pm 7pm 9pm 10pm 12am
Breakfast with Ross Larsen Morning Music with Barb T Deadly Sounds Talking Newspaper All Oz Lunch Box Wednesday Country with Kath Beat Cafe with The Hoodlums Pinoy Aussie The Laundromat with Greg Fahey Sounds Live Radio with Mal, Michelle, Mark and Keith Queer Rad Show with Meg and Dobsy Overnight BBC
THURSDAY 7am 9am 11am
Breakfast with Jeff Cox Morning Music with Terry Fatseas Music, Media and Manusripts with Richard Baillie 12pm Talking Newspaper 1pm All Oz Lunchbox 1:30pm Great Music across the afternoon 3:30pm Never Talk Politics (current affairs)
10pm 12am
Beat Cafe with Noni Night Moods with Cheryl D (jazz) Jazz Notes with Henry and Geoff All the Worlds with Rob alternating with Out of India with Keith Club Beats with Rolly Z Overnight BBC
FRIDAY 7am 9am 11am 12pm 1pm 1:30pm 2pm 2:30pm 3pm 4pm 6pm 10am 12am
Breakfast with Richard Baillie Morning Music with Al McCartan Good Health with Kathy Alexis Talking Newspaper All Oz Lunchbox Never Talk Politics (rpt) Overdrive (motoring news) Homepage (IT news) Aria Countdown (produced by Adam) Beat Cafe Table 11 with Ryan & Conagh Friday Rock with Ross,Adam,Kathy and Darren The Jury with Zac, Jack and Hamish Overnight Great Programs from the Community Radio Network
SATURDAY 7am 9am 10am 12pm 2pm 4pm 6pm 10pm
Breakfast with David Winter Sports Central Morning Music with Alan One of the Folk with Bathurst Folk Club Cowboys and Outlaws with Wayne Hockings The Roaring Silence with Dak & Laurence Saturday Night Jukebox (live request program) with Bob, Adam, Jeff, Brian, and David Overnight Great Programs from the Community Radio Network
SUNDAY 7am 9am 12pm 2pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 10am 2am
Breakfast with David Winter Ronnie Mac’s Sentimental Journey Come All Ye with Bruce Cameron Country Music Club with John & Chris Australian Made with Ryan Latin American Program with Eduardo The Connection with Roger Hargraves Here it Comes Again with Jeff Motorsport F1 with Zak Overnight BBC
SKY SPORTS RADIO 106.7FM Daily TAB Race broadcasts Big sports breakfast from 5.30am Sports Sunday from 7am and more
4pm 6pm 7pm 8pm
May 26–June 1, 2011 Central West Photo News
National Service Annual Dinner
Tim and Lisa do it all
On Saturday 14th May, men from the 13th Battalion Ex National Service of 1954 gathered at the Fair Dinkum Restaurant for their Annual get together. The friends shared stories over lunch and next year they will be celebrating 10 years of attending their annual reunion.
Tim Pearson and Lisa Horton had three special reasons to celebrate recently; their recent engagement and both of the couples’ 21st birthdays. Fifty family and friends gathered to mark the three special events. Guests travelled from Queensland, Tamworth, Canberra and the Gold Coast for one big party to help them celebrate.
Blake, Kathy Horton, Tim Pearson, Lisa and Larry Horton
Ben Cook, Ted Cain
Tim Pearson and Lisa Horton
John Curry, Ron Currey
Fiona, Tim Pearson, Lisa Horton and Peter Pearson
Dave Cox, Geoff Cunningham, Maxwell John Baker
Lisa Horton, Tim and Noeline Pearson
Zoey, Gary Heather, Kathy and Blake Horton
Everyone enjoying Lunch
Emily’s 21st Oscar night Pictures by DONNA STEDMAN Emily Boaden celebrated her 21st with 70 family and friends in the Kakoda room at the ExServices Club on Saturday, May 14. The theme of the night was “The Oscars”. A friend of Emily’s made a beautiful topper for her birthday cake.
Bec Treacy, Emily Boaden and Lauren Dover
Benjamin Strudwick, Emily and Will Boaden
Hannah, Howard Boaden, Benjamin Strudwick, Emily, Will, Robyn Boaden, Greg and Kylie Strudwick
Jessie Kate and Emily Boaden
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Emily Boaden and Edith Blandford
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work casual & team wear
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Central West Photo News May 26–June 1, 2011
Scrumptious Morning Tea
Pictures by KIKI HOPCRAFT Every month, on the second Friday, the ladies from the Anglican Women’s Australia, Holy Trinity in Orange, put on a morning tea that is just overflowing with scrumptious delights. For only $5, the ladies invite anyone and everyone of the public to come and enjoy a cup of Devonshire Tea, all they can eat from the home baked goodies, and some lovely company. Even in winter, the hall at Holy Trinity is snug as a bug, and well worth coming out to join in, and relax the morning away!
With John Carpenter Lyn Atkins, John Jones and Deacon Norma Jones
Joan Shepherd, Betty Mawbey, Mavis McMillen, Lyn Atkins and Joyce Deger
Free LegaL CLiniC EvEry Saturday (excluding long weekends and public holiday periods) WhEn: 9:00am to 11:00am (15 minute time intervals) Strictly: no appointments, First in First Served basis (best to be early) WhErE: Our office (top of escalator Orange Arcade) Bring: all information relevant to your issue
Lovely home cooked food on offer
Elaine Penhall and Dorothy Brown
Marj Marshell helping John Rog with a lovely cup of tea
advicE: The advice provided is preliminary only and in some cases may require research and advice. Some may be referred to appropriate advisors within or outside our firm. Our sOlicitOrs are apprOachable, cOmmunicate in plain language and are pleased tO help where we can.
Ashlea Celebrates Big Pictures by KIKI HOPCRAFT It was a big night for Ashlea Parkes on Friday 13th of May, as she celebrated her 18th birthday at the Great Western Hotel. Over 45 guests travelled from Gosford, Dubbo and the local area to be with Ashlea as she marked this milestone, enjoying a great night out, and having a laugh or two. Ashlea was surrounded by family, friends and work colleagues as she partied through the night.
Ashlea with friends and family
Geoff, Ashlea, Ben and Trina Parkes
Jess King and Ashlea
the girls of Younique Hair, Bec, Karina, Ash and Kylie
Maegan Hanling, Ashley and Tiarne Parkes
Big 80th for Tony
. TickeTs available aT blackwell shorT lawyers
Pictures by DONNA STEDMAN Over fifty family and friends gathered in the Skylight room at the Orange City Bowling Club on Saturday, May 14 to celebrate the 80th birthday of Tony Ruggiero. Guests travelled from Sydney and the South Coast to help Tony mark the occassion with daughter Jenny organising a magnificent birthday cake in the shape of Italy.
drawn 25th JulY, 2011
With John Carpenter
your single oFFiCe Kelly, Hope and Bridgette Ruggiero
Mario and Kate Rochelli
ConveyanCing serviCe • Buy / sell Property • Commercial leasing
Anthony Short
• loan document advice • new & updated Wills
Jenny Hanna, Rita, Tony Ruggiero, Sandra McCarthy, Helen Mitchell
• Working with executors George Blackwell
Suite 34, Level 1, Orange Arcade, 142-146 Summer Street Orange Email: Fax: 02 6360 2888
John Carpenter
orange 02 6360 3055 Jenny, John Hanna, Rita, Tony Ruggiero, Geoff, Sandra McCarthy, Helen and Peter Mitchell
Rita and Tony Ruggiero
Rita and Tony Ruggiero with their grandchildren Lauren, Isabella, Tyler, Cameron, Kaelan and Gian
Business • elder • Family ProPerty • litigation
May 26–June 1, 2011 Central West Photo News
Orange Show! Pictures by LETITIA BLOOMFIELD
The Cha Cha
Having fun on the rides
Having fun on the rides
Doging the Dogem cars
Doging the dogem cars
Enjoying the ride!
Enjoying a nice Pony ride
Are you game? The mega drop!
The ticket masters
Hold on to your hats
Prize winning Bull
Miss Junior Orange Showgirl
Wendy and Roy Sharp rugged up and enjoying the show
Enjoying an Icecream at the show
Are ewe enjoying the show?
All smiles after winning a toy
Central West Photo News May 26–June 1, 2011
All part of the show: An officer from the Presidential Guard tosses his rifle during a ceremony to celebrate Krasnodar Region Day in the southern Russian city of Stavropol on Saturday. Photo: REUtERS/EDUaRD KoRniYEnKo
High dive: England’s Gary Hunt competes in the final of the Red Bull Cliff Diving World Series 2011 at Vouliagmeni lake southeast of Athens on the weekend. Photo: REUtERS/YioRgoS KaRahaliS
Look ma, no hands! Mohammad Alishan performs a stunt as he drives a car on the walls of a “Well of Death” at a fair in Srinagar, India this week. It looks like a tough way to make a living. Photo: REUtERS/FaYaZ Kabli
Do you like my hat? A Hong Kong businessman poses in his floral hat during media day at the Chelsea Flower Show 2011, in London on Monday. Photo: REUtERS/lUKE macgREgoR
What they’re wearing in... Malta: A model presents a creation by Bulgarian designer Vassil Petriiski and Maltese body artist Justin Brincat at the Malta Fashion Awards 2011 on the weekend. Photo: REUtERS/DaRRin Zammit lUPi
LIQUOR SPECIALS Premium Cleanskin Beer 31.99/case Pearsons Point 750ml red/ white 6.99/bottle Trout Bay Sauvignon Blanc (NZ) 11.99/bottle Black Scot 700ml scotch 23.99
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trivia test
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Whose debut album was called Charcoal Lane? FILE: Sudoku - Level 3 - 1030
23 Group 2009 © Lovatts Publishing
Who am I?
tq299 PN_20110526
FILE: Sudoku - Level 3 - 1030 © Lovatts Publishing Group 2009 © Lovatts Publications -
Trivia Test answers (299) 1 Tasmania, 2 jazz, 3 tree, 4 About a Boy, 5 Australian Labor Party, 6 light air, 7 South America, 8 Serena Williams, 9 a drawing showing individual parts of an object still in their relative position, 10 Archie Roach’s. I am a sportsperson, born
Puzzle number 30.
Brought to you by
HOW TO PLAY in 1971 in Cohuna, Victoria. At 14, I was awarded To solve a Sudoku puzzle, an AFL scholarship but number from 1 to 9 every must appear in: instead was quickly wooed by golf. I turned Each of the nine professional in 1992, vertical columns HOW TO PLAY joining the PGA Tour inEach of the nine 1996. Career highlightshorizontal rows Tonine solve a Sudoku puzzle, Each of the include nine PGA Tour wins. My first wife was3 x 3 boxes every number from 1 to 9 Remember no number killed in 1998. I now live must appear in: can and occur more than with my second wife once in any row, column four children in Florida. Each of the nine or box.
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Wise words...
CENTRAL WEST PHOTO NEWS horizontal rows “I have heard are Each of the nine Handy Who Cross 13A there[advertising space] am I? troubles of more than 3 x 3 boxes CentralWestHandy13Ablank.pdf oneStuart kind. Some come I am Remember no number © Lovatts Publications 25/02/2010 from ahead and some Appleby Photo: ReuteRs/ come from behind. can occurRating: more than Daniel But Munoz I’ve bought a big once in any row, column bat. I’m all ready you or box. see. Now my troubles Puzzle number 1.
Starting with the seven-letter word, drop a letter, rearrange if necessary, and form a six-letter word. Continue in this manner until you reach the lone letter at the bottom. Your solution may differ from ours.
8 6
3 8
3 2 5 72 8 3 1 9 5 2 4
5 2
6 2
9 4 1 2
Stepdown solution 285 Rancher, archer, carer, rear, are, re, e.
3 2 7 8 3 8Solutions on Classifieds Page 1 9 5 5 2
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The ‘Hogster’ you’re looking for looks exactly like this one:
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3 2 8 2 4 1 6 4 vertical columns 8 Each of the nine
See bottom of this page for answers
are going to have troubles with me!” — Dr. Seuss
1. Large wine bottle 2. Cut (timber) 3. Massage 4. Approached 5. One-off 6. Tempt 10. Strong taste 11. Jot 12. Fearful respect 13. Bill rejection 14. Smallest of litter 15. Hurries 16. Gentle wave 17. Fantasised 18. Farewell (3-3) 19. Fabricator 20. Retrenches (staff)
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Grabowsky Trio?
What is an “exploded view”?
See bottom of this page for answers
What sort of plant is a black bean?
Which film, starring Hugh Grant, also starred Toni Collette?
Who am I?
Which sportsperson said: “I’m really exciting, I smile a lot, I win a lot and I’m really sexy”?
Which political party was formed in 1891?
Where did the plant lantana originate?
Find our Face in the Crowd and you could win an Entertainers Pack from D’Aquino’s valued at $150 which could include wine, beer and/ or snack foods. Somewhere in this edition of Central West Photo News you’ll find the face shown above. Once you’ve found it, write the page number and location on the back of an envelope along with your name, address and daytime contact number. Send it in to: Face in the Crowd, Central West Photo News, Suite 3, 241 Lords Place, Orange NSW 2800. You can also email an entry to One entry per person per week please. Entries close at the end of the month. All entries received during the month go into one big draw. The first correct entry drawn wins the prize. Entrants must be over the age of 18, photo ID required. D’Aquino’s and Central West Photo News support the responsible service and consumption of alcohol.
1. Neglected 5. Flying saucers (1,1,2) 7. Once again 8. Studied closely 9. Capped 12. Negative 15. Reduce in worth 19. On the whole 21. Round-backed whale 22. Cudgel 23. Mentally sound 24. Wearisome
What is a wind on the Beaufort scale force 1 to 3 called?
Where did the plant lantana originate?
What is a wind on the Beaufort scale force 1 to 3 called?
Which sportsperson said: “I’m really exciting, I smile a lot, I win a lot and I’m really sexy”?
Which political party was formed in 1891?
What is an “exploded view”?
Which film, starring Hugh Grant, also starred Toni Collette?
I am a sportsperson, born in 1971 in Cohuna, Victoria. At 14, I was awarded an AFL scholarship but instead was quickly wooed by golf. I turned professional in 1992, joining the PGA Tour in 1996. Career highlights include nine PGA Tour wins. My first wife was killed in 1998. I now live with my second wife and four children in Florida.
What sort of plant is a black bean?
Whose debut album was called Charcoal Lane?
Face in the Crowd
Stepdown solution Rancher, archer, carer, rear, are, re, e.
What sort of music do you associate with the Paul Grabowsky Trio?
tq299 PN_20110526 Who am I? I am Stuart Appleby
Photo: ReuteRs/ Daniel Munoz
In which state is the Coal River Valley wine-growing area?
Trivia Test answers (299) 1 Tasmania, 2 jazz, 3 tree, 4 About a Boy, 5 Australian Labor Party, 6 light air, 7 South America, 8 Serena Williams, 9 a drawing showing individual parts of an object still in their relative position, 10 Archie Roach’s.
The most comprehensive FREE TV guide in the Central West
FRIDAY May 27 6.00 ABC News Breakfast. (CC) 28654718 9.00 News. (CC) 8805 9.30 Business Today. (CC) 1992 10.00 My Place. (Final, R, CC) 39973 10.25 Writers On Writing. (R, CC) 2960282 10.50 Ace Day Jobs. (R, CC) 9742027 11.00 Catalyst. (R, CC) 8669 11.30 One Plus One. (CC) 1756 12.00 Midday Report. (CC) 2485 12.30 Midsomer Murders. (M, R, CC) 4151282 2.10 World’s Greenest Homes. (R, CC) 110027 3.05 Children’s Programs. 12177422 6.05 6.30 7.00 7.30 8.00 8.30
Mr Bean. (R, CC) 2944756 Message Stick: Red Dust. (CC) 4282 News. (CC) 843 7.30 NSW. (CC) 114 Collectors. (CC) 517 Thorne. (M, CC) After two women are murdered near a train station, different modus operandi of the killers suggest they are separate incidents.
6.00 Sunrise. (CC) 81359440 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG, CC) 1782973 11.30 News. (CC) 2379
12.00 MOVIE: M*A*S*H. (M, 70, R) Donald Sutherland, Elliott Gould, Sally Kellerman. Dr Oz. (PG) 26737 Toybox. (P, R, CC) 4195 It’s Academic. (C, CC) 5824 News At 4.30. (CC) 75089 Deal Or No Deal. (CC) 3447
6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30 8.30
PRIME7 News. (CC) 4176 News. (CC) 2195 Home And Away. (PG, CC) 9466 Better Homes And Gardens. (CC) 7602 MOVIE: Love Actually. (M, 03, R, CC) A series of interlocking vignettes exploring love and romance in modern-day Britain through the eyes of eight, very different, couples in the weeks before Christmas. Hugh Grant, Alan Rickman, Keira Knightley, Colin Firth, Bill Nighy. 56902008
10.35 Lateline. (CC) 8358669 11.15 Home Time. (M, R, CC) A woman returns to her family home, a decade after she left it to find her place in the world. 6962307 11.45 Rage. (M) 55007553
2.30 3.30 4.00 4.30 5.30
11.20 Football. (CC) AFL. Round 10. Melbourne v Carlton. From the MCG.
6.00 Today. (CC) 22827060 9.00 Kerri-Anne. (PG, CC) 9068195 11.00 News. (CC) 296602 11.30 Alive And Cooking. (R) 206089 12.00 Ellen. (PG, R, CC) 742466 1.00 The View. (PG, CC) 751114 2.00 Days Of Our Lives. (PG, CC) 722602 3.00 Entertainment Tonight. (CC) 689398 3.30 Hi-5. (P, R, CC) 682485 4.00 Kitchen Whiz. (C, CC) 683114 4.30 News. (CC) 198621 5.30 Hot Seat. (CC) 982945 6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30
News. (CC) 532404 WIN News. (CC) 687553 A Current Affair. (CC) 329379 Rugby League. (CC) NRL. Round 12. Sea Eagles v Broncos. From Suncorp Stadium, Brisbane. 555992 9.30 Rugby League. (CC) NRL. Round 12. Bulldogs v Titans. From Suncorp Stadium, Brisbane. 284027 11.30 Between The Lines. (PG, R, CC) 12.30 1.00 2.50 3.50 4.00
2.35 Home Shopping. 24821886
6.00 Early News. (CC) 906602 7.00 Toasted TV. (CC) 384466 8.00 Totally Wild. (C, CC) 852282 8.30 Wurrawhy. (P, R, CC) 213379 9.00 News. (CC) 364602 10.00 The Circle. (PG, CC) 3105027 12.00 Dr Phil. (PG, CC) 740008 1.00 Oprah. (PG, R, CC) 759756 2.00 Ready Steady Cook. (PG, R, CC) 720244 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG, CC) 670640 3.30 Infomercials. (PG, R, CC) 680027 4.00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield. (CC) 681756 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful. (CC) 887391 5.00 News. (CC) 278447 6.30 6.30 With George Negus. (CC) 487535 7.00 The 7PM Project. (PG, CC) 310621 7.30 MasterChef Australia. (CC) In the MasterClass, Gary makes a veal osso bucco with cannellini beans. 935114 9.00 Oprah: The Final Episode. (PG, CC) 480089
10.00 Law & Order. (M, CC) 479973 11.00 6.30 With George Negus. (R, CC) 732242
11.30 News. (CC) 182783
WIN News. (CC) 4972916 MOVIE: The Lost. (AV15+, 09) 7280461 Spyforce. (PG, R) 8216409 WIN Presents. (R) 1840157 Entertainment Tonight. (R, CC)
12.00 12.30 1.25 5.00 5.30
Sports Tonight. (CC) 847913 Letterman. (PG) 1040003 Infomercials. (PG, R) 51539206 Bayless Conley. (PG) 8492041 Jesse Duplantis. (PG) 8402428
4.30 GMA. (CC) 8777664
6.00 WorldWatch. 80661640 10.20 French News. 97151263 11.00 Hindi News. 3607060 11.30 Arabic News. 3617447 12.00 Russian News. 3618176 12.30 Turkish News. 1665447 1.00 Food Lovers’ Guide To Australia. (R, CC) 1666176 1.30 Insight. (R, CC) 7144114 2.30 Journos: Mark. (PG, R, CC) 1678911 3.00 Living Black. (R, CC) 1679640 3.30 Letters And Numbers. (R, CC) 1689027 4.00 The Journal. (CC) 1680756 4.30 PBS NewsHour. (CC) 9561398 5.30 Global Village. (CC) (France) 1732379 6.00 6.30 7.30 8.30
Letters And Numbers. (CC) 1733008 World News Australia. (CC) 9541534 Coast. (CC) (UK) 4387805 As It Happened: Killer Subs In Pearl Harbor. (CC) (US) 9755355 9.30 World News Australia. (CC) 8774282 10.05 Indie Sex: Censored. (MA15+, R, CC) (UK) 31035553 11.20 MOVIE: Female. (MA15+, 05, R) Kyoko Hasegawa, Eri Ishida, Mitsuko Ishii. (Japan) 30036911 1.25 2.00 2.55 5.00 5.05 5.40
Entourage. (M, R) (US) 36123916 South Park. (M, R, CC) (US) 20102138 WeatherWatch Overnight. 44813374 WeatherWatch & Music. 74637616 Korean News. 94048577 Japanese News. 64345954
6.00 Children’s Programs. 2.45 The Hive. (R, CC) 2.55 64 Zoo Lane. (R, CC) 3.05 Arthur. (R, CC) 3.30 Hilltop Hospital. (R) 3.40 The Mr Men Show. (R, CC) 3.50 Peppa Pig. (R, CC) 4.00 The Hoobs. (R) 4.30 Play School. (R, CC) 5.00 Grandpa In My Pocket. (CC) 5.15 Thomas And Friends. (R, CC) 5.25 Little Princess. (CC) 5.40 Hana’s Helpline. (R, CC) 5.50 Timmy Time. (R, CC) 6.00 The Mole Sisters. (R, CC) 6.15 Rupert Bear: Follow The Magic. (R, CC) 6.30 In The Night Garden. (R, CC) 7.00 Spicks And Specks. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 Chopper Rescue. (PG, R, CC) 8.00 Wild Rides: Mongolian Cowboy. (PG, CC) 8.30 Sanctuary. (PG, CC) 9.15 Riese. (CC) 9.30 The Tudors. (CC) 10.20 The Wire. (MA15+, R, CC) 12.15 Code Geass. (M, R, CC) 12.40 Important Things With Demetri Martin. (PG, R, CC) 1.05 FM. (M, R, CC) 1.25 Close.
6.00 Raggs. (R, CC) 6.30 Flipper. (PG, R) 7.30 The Martha Stewart Show. 8.30 Sons And Daughters. (R, CC) 9.00 Home And Away: The Early Years. (R, CC) 9.30 Shortland Street. (PG) 10.00 Coronation Street. (PG) 10.30 Emmerdale. (PG) 11.00 Hollyoaks. (PG) 11.30 Deal Or No Deal. (R, CC) 12.00 Desperate Housewives. (M, R, CC) 1.00 Grey’s Anatomy. (M, R, CC) 2.00 Murphy Brown. (PG, R, CC) 2.30 Welcome Back, Kotter. (PG, R) 3.00 MOVIE: The Competition. (PG, 80, R) 6.00 Bargain Hunt. (R) 7.00 Harry’s Practice. (R, CC) 7.30 Are You Being Served? (PG, R) 8.45 Escape To The Country. 9.45 60 Minute Makeover. 10.45 Living In The Sun. (PG) 12.00 MOVIE: Camp. (M, 03) 2.10 MOVIE: The Falcon Strikes Back. (b/w, PG, 43, R) 3.30 Room For Improvement. (R, CC) 4.00 Coronation Street. (PG, R) 4.30 Emmerdale. (PG, R) 5.00 The World Around Us. (R)
6.00 Bratz. (PG) 6.30 Holly’s Heroes. (PG, R, CC) 7.00 Deadly. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 The Secret Saturdays. (PG, R) 8.00 Ben 10. (R) 8.30 Holly’s Heroes. (PG, R, CC) 9.00 The Flintstones. (R) 9.30 I Dream Of Jeannie. (R) 10.00 Bewitched. (R) 10.30 Entertainment Tonight. (R, CC) 11.00 TMZ. 11.30 Married With Children. (PG, R) 12.00 Here’s Lucy. (R) 12.30 Spin City. (PG, R, CC) 1.00 The Hills. (PG, R) 2.00 The Dukes Of Hazzard. (PG) 3.00 Just Shoot Me! (PG, R) 3.30 The Secret Saturdays. (PG, R) 4.00 Kids’ WB. 4.05 Ben 10. (R) 4.30 Here’s Lucy. (R) 5.00 I Dream Of Jeannie. (R) 5.30 Bewitched. (R) 6.00 MOVIE: Scooby-Doo Meets The Boo Brothers. (G, 87) 8.00 MOVIE: She’s The Man. (PG, 06, R, CC) 10.00 MOVIE: The Last Boy Scout. (AV15+, 91, R, CC) 12.10 Fringe. (M, R, CC) 2.00 The Vampire Diaries. (AV15+, R) 4.00 Just Shoot Me! (PG, R) 4.30 TMZ. (R) 5.00 Married With Children. (PG, R) 5.30 The Flintstones. (R)
6.00 Baseball. MLB. Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim v Oakland Athletics. Continued. 8.30 This Week In Baseball. (PG, R) 9.00 ATP World Tour Uncovered. (R) 9.30 Real NBA. (R) 10.00 NBA Tip-Off. 10.30 Basketball. NBA Playoffs. Eastern Conference Finals Series. Game 5. Chicago Bulls v Miami Heat. 1.30 The Game Plan: NRL. (R) 2.30 The Game Plan: AFL. (R) 3.30 Omnisport. 4.00 Escape With ET. 4.30 Emergency Search & Rescue. (PG, R) 5.00 The WWE Experience. (PG) 6.00 Bondi Rescue. (PG, CC) 6.30 Emergency Search & Rescue. (PG) 7.00 Airline. (PG) 7.30 Megastructures Breakdown. (PG) 8.30 MOVIE: True Lies. (M, 94, R, CC) 11.00 Sports Tonight. 11.30 UFC: Resolution. (M) 1.30 Drag Racing. ANDRA Pro Series. Top Fuel. Nitro Champs. Replay. 2.30 Omnisport. (R) 3.00 Baseball. MLB. Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim v Oakland Athletics. Replay. 5.30 Rally World. (R)
6.00 WorldWatch. 6.00 Cycling. UCI World Tour. Giro d’Italia. Daily highlights. From Italy. 6.30 Catherine’s Roman Holiday. (Final) (Ireland) 7.30 More Than A Fiesta. (Argentina) 8.00 So Frenchy, So Chic. (Final, PG, R) 8.30 Crossings: Olivia Lum. (Singapore) 9.30 MOVIE: Trivial Matters. (M, 07, R) A collection of seven vignettes revolving around hapless men and their failures in understanding the women in their lives. Fai-hung Chan, Kristal Tin, Angela Baby. (Hong Kong) 11.15 MOVIE: The Myth. (M, 05, R, CC) An adventurous archaeologist, haunted by dreams of life as a general in the Qin dynasty, is asked to locate the tomb of China’s first emperor. Jackie Chan, Heeseon Kim, Tony Leung Ka Fai. (Hong Kong) 1.20 WeatherWatch Overnight. 5.00 WeatherWatch & Music.
6.00 Children’s Programs. 11.50 Backyard Science. (CC) 12.05 BTN Extra. (CC) 12.20 Survive This. (R, CC) 12.45 A World Of Wonders. (R, CC) 1.00 Monk. (R) 1.10 League Of Super Evil. (R, CC) 1.35 Dex Hamilton: Alien Entomologist. (R, CC) 2.00 The Wannabes. (R, CC) 2.25 The Latest Buzz. (R, CC) 2.55 Stormworld. (R, CC) 3.25 Connor Undercover. (R, CC) 3.55 Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab. (CC) 4.20 News On 3 Update. (CC) 4.25 Summer In Transylvania. (CC) 4.50 Sally Bollywood. (CC) 5.05 The Jungle Book. (R, CC) 5.15 Almost Naked Animals. (New series, CC) 5.30 Star Wars: The Clone Wars. (CC) 5.55 Bugged. (R) 6.00 Total Drama Action. (R, CC) 6.25 Deadly 60. (CC) 6.55 News On 3. (CC) 7.05 The Slammer. (CC) 7.35 Stoked. (R, CC) 8.00 Stay Tuned. 8.30 Degrassi: The Next Generation. (PG, R, CC) 9.00 Close.
6.00 The Six Million Dollar Man. (PG, R) 7.00 The Virginian. (PG, R) 8.30 McHale’s Navy. (PG, R) 9.00 NBC Today. (R, CC) 11.00 Quincy M.E. (PG, R) 12.00 MOVIE: Brannigan. (M, 75, R) 2.30 Beach Patrol. (PG, R) 3.00 Hercules: The Legendary Journeys. (PG, R) 4.00 Malcolm And Eddie. (PG, R) 4.30 Newsradio. (PG, R) 5.00 The Drew Carey Show. (PG, R, CC) 5.30 According To Jim. (PG, R, CC) 6.30 My Wife And Kids. (PG, R, CC) 7.00 That ’70s Show. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 Gene Simmons Family Jewels. (PG) 8.30 Football. (CC) AFL. Round 10. Melbourne v Carlton. From the MCG. 11.45 Blue Mountains Wonderland. (R) 12.50 The Sopranos. (AV15+, R, CC) 2.00 Quincy M.E. (M, R) 4.00 Hercules: The Legendary Journeys. (PG, R) 5.00 McHale’s Navy. (PG, R) 5.30 Home Shopping.
6.00 Today. (CC) 9.00 Alive And Cooking. (R) 9.30 The Zoo. (R) 10.00 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 11.00 Murder, She Wrote. (PG, R) 12.00 MOVIE: Duel In The Jungle. (PG, 54, R) 2.00 The World’s Smallest Man And Me. (PG, R) 3.00 McLeod’s Daughters. (PG, R, CC) 4.00 Jo Frost: Extreme Parental Guidance. (PG, R) 5.00 Ellen. (PG, R, CC) 6.00 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 7.00 The Zoo. (R) 7.30 To Be Advised. 8.30 MOVIE: Million Dollar Baby. (M, 04, R, CC) Clint Eastwood, Hilary Swank, Morgan Freeman. 11.15 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 11.45 Conan. (M) 12.40 Psychic TV. (New series, PG) 1.40 MOVIE: Carolina. (M, 03, R) 3.35 MOVIE: More Than Meets The Eye: The Joan Brock Story. (PG, 03, R, CC) Based on a true story. Carey Lowell, Dylan Walsh, Jennifer Pisana. 5.30 Adventures In Rainbow Country. (R)
6.00 JAG. (PG, R) 7.00 MacGyver. (PG, R) 8.00 The Brady Bunch. (R) 8.30 Neighbours. (R, CC) 9.00 Touched By An Angel. (PG, R) 10.00 7th Heaven. (R) 11.00 The Love Boat. (PG, R) 12.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG, R) 1.00 JAG. (PG, R) 2.00 MacGyver. (PG, R) 3.00 Cheers. (PG, R) 3.30 Roseanne. (PG, R) 4.00 Family Ties. (PG, R) 4.30 Mork And Mindy. (PG, R) 5.00 Happy Days. (PG, R) 5.30 The Brady Bunch. (R) 6.00 Sabrina, The Teenage Witch. (PG, R, CC) 6.30 Neighbours. (CC) 7.00 Everybody Loves Raymond. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 So You Think You Can Dance. 9.30 Sex And The City. (MA15+, R) 10.05 Sex And The City. (M, R) 10.40 The Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson. (PG) 11.30 Cheers. (PG, R) 12.00 Roseanne. (PG, R) 12.30 Sabrina, The Teenage Witch. (PG, R, CC) 1.00 Mork And Mindy. (PG, R) 1.30 Happy Days. (PG, R) 2.00 The Love Boat. (PG, R) 3.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG, R) 4.00 Touched By An Angel. (PG, R) 5.00 7th Heaven. (R)
6.00 ABC News Breakfast. (CC) 9.00 News. (CC) 9.30 Business Today. (CC) 10.00 News. (CC) 12.00 Midday Report. (CC) 12.30 Newsline With Jim Middleton. (R) 1.00 News. (CC) 2.00 Midday Report. (CC) 2.30 One Plus One. (R, CC) 3.00 Afternoon Live. 5.30 Capital Hill. (CC) 6.00 The Drum. (CC) 6.45 The Quarters. (R) 7.00 News. (CC) 7.30 Contact Sport. (CC) 8.00 News. (CC) 8.30 One Plus One. (R, CC) 9.00 The World. (CC) 10.00 The Drum. (R, CC) 10.45 The Quarters. (R) 11.00 News. 11.30 Capital Hill. (CC) 12.00 News. 12.15 Lateline. (R, CC) 1.00 BBC World News. 1.30 Contact Sport. (CC) 2.00 BBC World News: The Hub. (CC) 2.30 The World This Week. (R, CC) 3.00 Lateline. (R, CC) 3.40 The Quarters. (R, CC) 4.15 The Drum. (R, CC) 5.00 Q&A. (R, CC)
CLASSIFICATIONS: (P) For preschoolers (C) Children’s programs (G) General viewing (PG) Parental guidance (M) Mature audiences (MA15+) Mature adults only (AV15+) Mature audiences: contains adult violence (M) (MA15+) and (AV15+) CONSUMER ADVICE: (a) adult themes (h) horror (Sx) sex scenes (d) drug references, (l) language, (m) medical procedures (n) nudity (v) violence (w) war (CC) Closed Captions (WS) widescreen Programs subject to late change by stations.
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SATURDAY May 28 6.00 Rage. (PG) 40576645 11.00 Willie’s Wonky Chocolate Factory. (R, CC) 13577 12.00 Collectors. (R, CC) 7577 12.30 Australian Story. (R, CC) 2206 1.00 Foreign Correspondent. (R, CC) 3935 1.30 The Trophy Room. (PG, R, CC) 6022 2.00 Pilot Guides. (PG, R, CC) 37157 3.00 Rugby Union. Shute Shield. Round 9. Sydney University v Randwick. From University Oval No. 1. 55138 5.00 Bowls. Moama International Tri Series. Men’s Singles. Australia v Scotland. 95157
6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30 8.15
Can We Help? (CC) 9577 Gardening Australia. (CC) 7596 News. (CC) 461 Doctor Who. (PG, CC) 55732 Doctor Who: Confidential Cutdown. (CC) 2075683 8.30 Outcasts. (New series, M, CC) 29190
9.30 A Quiet Word With Shaun Micallef. (M, CC) 596 10.00 Graham Norton. (R, CC) 96664 10.45 Durham County. (MA15+, R, CC) Superintendent of the Durham police precinct, Mike Sweeney finds himself on a new task force investigating gruesome murders of two young drug runners.
6.00 Handy Manny. (R) 1022 6.30 Stitch! 9041 7.00 Weekend Sunrise. (CC) 9083799 9.00 Saturday Disney. (CC) 9063935 11.00 Castaway. (C, CC) 9886 11.30 Legend Of Enyo. (C, R, CC) 9645 12.00 V8 Xtra. (CC) 8454 12.30 Motor Racing. (CC) V8 Utes. Round 2. From Barbagallo Raceway, Perth. 86935 1.30 Extraordinary Dogs. 1225 2.00 Mary Poppins: Behind The Scenes. 2954 2.30 MOVIE: The Lizzie McGuire Movie. (G, 03, R, CC) 51848 4.30 Mercurio’s Menu. (CC) 55041 5.30 Sydney Weekender. 6751
6.00 Diego! (R) 880683 6.30 Dora. (R) 865374 7.00 Weekend Today. (CC) 9015003 9.00 KerriAnne. (CC) 9035867 11.00 Kids’ WB. 379312 11.05 Ben 10. 9405515 11.30 Scooby-Doo! 238206 12.00 Dennis & Gnasher. (C, R, CC) 239935 12.30 GASP! (C, CC) 690022 1.00 G2G. (C, R, CC) 691751 1.30 The Saddle Club. (C, R, CC) 601138 2.00 Stormworld. (C, R, CC) 602867 2.30 MOVIE: Cat Ballou. (G, 65, R) 833935 4.30 Postcards International. (R) 856136 5.00 News. (CC) 647175 5.30 Discover Downunder. 497652
6.00 News. (CC) 7480 6.30 Secret Mediterranean. (CC) 42577 7.30 MOVIE: The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement. (G, 04, R, CC) Anne Hathaway, Julie Andrews, Hector Elizondo, Heather Matarazzo, Chris Pine.
6.00 News. (CC) 856181 6.30 Australia’s Funniest Home Videos. (PG, CC) 117374 7.30 MOVIE: Inkheart. (PG, 07, CC) Brendan Fraser, Andy Serkis, Eliza Bennett.
9.50 MOVIE: Shall We Dance? (PG, 04, R, CC) A disillusioned businessman experiences the joy of life when he signs up for ballroom dancing lessons. 81823138 12.05 MOVIE: Hey Hey It’s Esther Blueburger. (M, 08, R, CC) Danielle Catanzariti, Keisha Castle-Hughes, Toni Collette. 3535542 2.10 Home Shopping. 21903610
11.40 Rage. (M) 48216041
9.40 MOVIE: Crocodile Dundee. (M, 86, R, CC) An American reporter goes to the Australian Outback to meet an eccentric tour guide and invites him to New York City. 5161044
6.00 Toasted TV. (CC) 830848 8.30 Me And My Monsters. (C, CC) 245596 9.00 Scope. (C, CC) 246225 9.30 K-9. (C, R, CC) 249312 10.00 Hit List TV. (PG) 3172799 12.00 Landed Music. (PG, CC) 237577 12.30 The Hit (PG) 698664 1.00 Infomercials. (PG, R) 699393 1.30 Hook, Line And Sinker. (PG, CC) 692480 2.00 Football. (CC) AFL. Round 10. North Melbourne v Sydney. From Etihad Stadium, Melbourne. 31786022 5.00 News. (CC) 447157 5.30 Jamie’s Thirty Minute Meals. (R, CC) 297634
6.00 WorldWatch. 18063312 9.30 Greek News. 2403732 10.20 French News. 97128935 11.00 Hindi News. 3674732 11.30 Arabic News. 3684119 12.00 Russian News. 3685848 12.30 Turkish News. 1632119 1.00 Sanremo Song Festival. (PG) (Italy) 9556577 3.00 Eye Over Prague. (Czech Republic) 9526225 4.00 Eating Art: Selling Food. (PG, R) (UK) 1657428 4.30 PBS NewsHour. (CC) 9521770 5.30 Who Do You Think You Are? Esther Rantzen. (PG, R, CC) (UK) 9507190
6.00 6.30 7.30 8.30 9.30
Evening News. (CC) 847193 Bondi Vet. (PG, R, CC) 115916 Oprah. (PG, CC) 884409 Hawaii Five-0. (M, R, CC) 413935 White Collar. (Final, M, CC) Neal is finally given the opportunity to confront Kate’s killer. 419119 10.30 Football. (CC) AFL. Round 10. Gold Coast Suns v Geelong. From Metricon Stadium, Carrara, Queensland. 6312393 1.00 Friday Night Lights. (M, R) 9643523
11.50 MOVIE: The Main Event. (M, 79, R)
2.00 4.00 4.30 5.00
1.55 MOVIE: Homeless To Harvard. (M, 03, R, CC) 89004639 3.35 Antiques Roadshow. (R) 1422146 4.05 Danoz Direct. 7767368 4.30 Newstyle Direct. 8397542 5.00 Creflo A Dollar. (PG) 8398271 5.30 Skippy. (R) 8471558
6.30 7.30 8.30 9.20
World News Australia. (CC) 9518206 Monster Moves. (CC) (UK) 4354577 Iron Chef. (R, CC) (Japan) 5123913 RocKwiz. (PG, R, CC) Singer-songwriter Dan Sultan joins the lead singer of Killing Heidi, Ella Hooper, to celebrate the 100th episode of this music quiz show. 9574954
10.05 murundak: songs of freedom. (M, CC) 6404393
11.35 SOS. (PG) 3299291
Infomercials. (PG, R) 4457184 Bayless Conley. 4899639 It Is Written. (PG) 8395184 Hour Of Power. 9159523
12.35 Life’s A Zoo. (M) (Canada) 33531813 1.05 Drawn Together. (MA15+, R, CC) (US) 28133184
1.35 WeatherWatch Overnight. 39896455 4.15 Soccer. UEFA Champions League. Final. Barcelona v Manchester United. From Wembley Stadium, London. 12900417
6.00 Children’s Programs. 1.55 Driver Dan’s Story Train. (R, CC) 2.10 Roary The Racing Car. (R, CC) 2.20 Fireman Sam. (R) 2.35 Octonauts. (R, CC) 2.45 The Hive. (R, CC) 2.55 64 Zoo Lane. (R, CC) 3.05 Arthur. (R, CC) 3.30 Hilltop Hospital. (R) 3.40 The Mr Men Show. (R, CC) 3.50 Peppa Pig. (R, CC) 4.00 The Hoobs. (R) 4.30 Caillou. (R, CC) 4.55 Pingu. (R) 5.00 Grandpa In My Pocket. (CC) 5.15 Thomas And Friends. (R, CC) 5.25 Little Princess. (CC) 5.40 Hana’s Helpline. (R, CC) 5.50 Timmy Time. (R, CC) 6.00 The Mole Sisters. (R, CC) 6.15 Rupert Bear: Follow The Magic. (R, CC) 6.30 In The Night Garden. (R, CC) 7.00 Dog Whisperer With Cesar Millan. (CC) 7.30 Meet The Natives USA: The OC People. (CC) 8.30 MOVIE: Come Back To The Five And Dime, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean. (M, 82, CC) 10.20 MOVIE: Fool For Love. (M, 85, CC) 12.00 What Price Fame? Fan-Tasia. (M, R, CC) 12.55 Underdog. (M, R, CC) 1.40 Close.
6.00 Raggs. (R, CC) 6.30 Flipper. (PG, R) 7.30 Avenger Penguins. (R) 8.00 Power Rangers. (PG, R) 9.00 Better Homes And Gardens. (R, CC) 10.00 The Great Outdoors. (R, CC) 11.00 Queensland Weekender. (R) 11.30 Out Of The Blue. (R) 12.00 Desert Island Chefs. (R) 12.30 A House In. (R) 1.00 Passport To The Sun. (PG) 1.30 Weekend Kitchen. 5.00 No Leave, No Life. (R, CC) 5.30 Man About The House. (PG, R) 6.00 Mind Your Language. (PG, R) 6.30 Born And Bred. (PG) 7.30 Heartbeat. (PG, R, CC) 8.40 Inspector Morse In Australia. (M, R, CC) 11.00 That’s My Boy. (PG) 11.30 Please Sir! (PG, R) 12.30 The Knock. (M, R) 1.30 Man About The House. (PG, R) 2.00 Passport To The Sun. (PG, R) 2.30 Room For Improvement. (R, CC) 3.00 Friends For Dinner. (R) 3.30 Back To Basics With Nick Nairn. (R) 4.00 The Hairy Bikers Ride Again. (R) (UK) 4.30 Follow That Tomato. (R) 5.00 Danny By The Sea. (R) 5.30 Land Of Plenty. (R)
6.00 Thunderbirds. (R) 7.00 Kids’ WB Saturday. 7.05 The Flintstones. (R) 7.30 The Marvelous Misadventures Of Flapjack. (R) 8.00 Looney Tunes Classics. (R) 8.30 Camp Lazlo. (R) 9.00 Sym-Bionic Titan. (PG, R) 9.30 Batman: The Brave And The Bold. (R) 10.00 Generator Rex. (PG) 10.30 Ben 10: Alien Force. (R) 11.00 I Dream Of Jeannie. (R) 12.00 Bewitched. (R) 1.00 Married With Children. (PG, R) 2.00 Here’s Lucy. (R) 3.00 Green Acres. (R) 3.30 Spin City. (PG, R, CC) 4.30 The Dukes Of Hazzard. (PG, R) 5.30 Wipeout USA. (PG, R) 6.30 Top Gear. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 Two And A Half Men. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 MOVIE: Spider-Man 3. (M, 07, R, CC) Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst, James Franco, Topher Grace. 11.30 South Park. (M, R) 12.00 Survivor: Redemption Island. (PG, R, CC) 3.00 Wipeout USA. (PG, R) 4.00 The Dukes Of Hazzard. (PG, R) 5.00 Cribs. (R) 5.30 Green Acres. (R)
6.00 Rally World. (R) 6.30 Motor Racing. NASCAR Nationwide Series. Race 12. John Deere Dealers 250. Highlights. 7.30 Basketball. NBA Playoffs. Eastern Conference Finals Series. Game 5. Chicago Bulls v Miami Heat. Replay. 9.30 Baseball. MLB. Atlanta Braves v Cincinnati Reds. 12.30 World Of Free Sports. (PG, R) 1.00 Pro Bull Riding. 2.00 Football. (CC) AFL. Round 10. North Melbourne v Sydney. 5.00 Le Mans 24 Hour Official Film 2010. (R) 6.00 Motor Racing. FIA World Rally Championship. Round 6. Day 1. Highlights. 6.30 Before The Game. (PG, CC) 7.00 iFish. (R) 7.30 The WWE Experience. (PG, R) 8.30 UFC All Access. (PG, R) 8.55 UFC Countdown. (M, R) 9.50 Motor Racing. Formula 1. Race 6. Monaco Grand Prix. Qualifying. 11.10 Football. (CC) AFL. Round 10. Gold Coast Suns v Geelong. 1.40 Omnisport. (R) 2.00 Motor Racing. FIA World Rally Championship. Round 6. Day 1. Highlights. 2.30 Motor Racing. Rolex Sports Car Series. Race 4. Bosch Engineering 250. Replay. 5.30 ATP World Tour Uncovered. (R)
6.00 WorldWatch. 6.00 Cycling. UCI World Tour. Giro d’Italia. Daily highlights. From Italy. 6.35 The Hairy Bikers’ Food Tour Of Britain. (R) (UK) 7.30 Find My Family. (PG) (Netherlands) 8.30 The Day Before: Fendi By Karl Lagerfeld. (France) 9.30 MOVIE: Tornado. (M, 06) After four years in Oklahoma studying twisters, a meteorologist returns home to Berlin and recognises warning signs of an unprecedented storm threatening to devastate the city. Matthias Koeberlin, Mina Tander, Sascha Göpel. (Germany) 11.40 Cycling. UCI World Tour. Giro d’Italia. Stage 20. Verbania to Sestriere. From Italy. 2.00 WeatherWatch Overnight. 5.00 WeatherWatch & Music. 5.05 Korean News. 5.40 Japanese News.
6.00 Children’s Programs. 8.20 Best Ed. (R, CC) 8.35 Prank Patrol. (R, CC) 9.05 Good Game: SP. (PG, CC) 9.25 Erky Perky. (R, CC) 9.35 The Pinky & Perky Show. (R, CC) 9.50 I.N.K: Invisible Network Of Kids. (R, CC) 10.15 Kid Vs Kat. (R, CC) 10.30 Stoked. (R, CC) 10.55 6Teen. (R, CC) 11.45 Spellbinder. (Final, R, CC) 1.30 Outback 8. (R, CC) 1.55 Yakkity Yak. (R, CC) 2.10 Sea Princesses. (R, CC) 2.35 Round The Twist. (R, CC) 3.00 Dance Academy. (R, CC) 3.30 Lizzie McGuire. (R, CC) 4.00 Oggy And The Cockroaches. (R, CC) 4.15 Best Ed. (R, CC) 4.30 Stay Tuned. (R) 5.00 Escape From Scorpion Island. (R, CC) 5.35 League Of Super Evil. (R, CC) 6.00 Stoked. (R, CC) 6.25 Oggy And The Cockroaches. (R, CC) 6.35 Prank Patrol. (R, CC) 7.00 Serious Ocean. (R, CC) 7.30 Good Game: SP. (R, CC) 7.50 The Tribe. (R, CC) 9.10 Close.
6.00 Football. (CC) AFL. Round 10. Melbourne v Carlton. Replay. From the MCG. 8.30 McHale’s Navy. (PG, R) 9.00 NBC Today. (R, CC) 11.00 Quincy M.E. (PG, R) 12.00 Zoom TV. 12.30 Fifth Gear. (PG, R) 1.30 Motor Racing. (PG, CC) V8 Supercars. Carrera Cup. 2.00 Motor Racing. (CC) V8 Supercars. Australian GT Championship. Clipsal 500. Replay. From Adelaide. 2.30 Fifth Gear. (R) 3.00 American Hot Rod. (PG, R) 4.00 Monster Garage. (PG, R) 5.00 The Drew Carey Show. (PG, R, CC) 5.30 According To Jim. (R, CC) 6.30 Megastructures: Built From Disaster: Tunnels. (New series, PG) 7.30 Air Crash Investigations. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 Air Crash Investigations. (M, R, CC) 9.30 Unsolved Mysteries. (M, R) 12.30 Cops, Cars And Superstars. (M) 1.00 The Event. (M, CC) 2.00 The Sopranos. (MA15+, R, CC) 3.00 American Hot Rod. (PG, R) 4.00 Quincy M.E. (PG, R)
6.00 MOVIE: Duel In The Jungle. (PG, 54, R) 8.00 MOVIE: The Truth About Women. (PG, 57, R) 10.10 MOVIE: Roberta. (b/w, G, 35) 12.25 The Story Of Gilbert And Sullivan. (53) 2.45 MOVIE: None But The Brave. (PG, 65, R) 5.00 Getaway. (PG, CC) 6.00 The Nanny. (PG, R) 6.30 As Time Goes By. (PG, R) 7.35 As Time Goes By. (R) 8.45 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation. (M, R, CC) 9.45 CSI: Miami. (M, R, CC) 10.40 CSI: NY. (M, R, CC) 11.35 Conan. (M) 12.30 Psychic TV. (PG) 1.30 MOVIE: None But The Brave. (PG, 65, R) A Japanese army platoon and a group of US soldiers, stranded on a South Pacific island, arrange a temporary truce. Frank Sinatra, Clint Walker, Tatsuya Mihashi. 3.30 MOVIE: Roberta. (b/w, G, 35, R) 5.35 Discover Downunder. (R)
6.00 JAG. (PG, R) 7.00 MacGyver. (PG, R) 8.00 The Brady Bunch. (R) 8.30 Everybody Loves Raymond. (PG, R, CC) 9.00 Touched By An Angel. (PG, R) 10.00 7th Heaven. (R) 11.00 The Love Boat. (PG, R) 12.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG, R) 1.00 JAG. (PG, R) 2.00 MacGyver. (PG, R) 3.00 Cheers. (PG, R) 3.30 Roseanne. (PG, R) 4.00 Family Ties. (PG, R) 4.30 Mork And Mindy. (PG, R) 5.00 Happy Days. (PG, R) 5.30 The Brady Bunch. (R) 6.00 Sabrina, The Teenage Witch. (PG, R, CC) 6.30 Everybody Loves Raymond. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 So You Think You Can Dance. 8.30 The Biggest Loser US. (PG) 10.30 90210. 11.30 Cheers. (PG, R) 12.00 Roseanne. (PG, R) 12.30 Sabrina, The Teenage Witch. (PG, R, CC) 1.00 Mork And Mindy. (PG, R) 1.30 Happy Days. (PG, R) 2.00 The Love Boat. (PG, R) 3.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG, R) 4.00 Touched By An Angel. (PG, R) 5.00 7th Heaven. (R)
6.00 7.30 NT. (R, CC) 6.30 Behind The News. (CC) 7.00 News. (CC) 7.30 Contact Sport. (CC) 7.55 News. (CC) 8.45 The Quarters. (CC) 9.00 News. (CC) 9.45 The Quarters. (R) 10.00 News. (R, CC) 10.30 7.30 ACT. (CC) 11.00 News. (CC) 11.30 7.30 Victoria. (CC) 12.00 News. (CC) 12.30 7.30 Select. (R, CC) 1.00 Big Ideas. (PG, R) 2.00 News. (CC) 2.30 7.30 Queensland. (R, CC) 3.00 News. (CC) 3.30 Foreign Correspondent Return Ticket. (R, CC) 4.00 News. (CC) 4.30 Behind The News. (R) 5.00 News. (CC) 5.30 One Plus One. (R, CC) 6.00 News. (CC) 6.30 Australian Story. (R, CC) 7.00 News. (CC) 7.30 The World This Week. (R, CC) 8.00 Four Corners. (R, CC) 8.45 The Quarters. (R, CC) 9.00 News. (CC) 9.30 State To State. (CC) 10.00 News. (CC) 10.30 7.30 Select. (R, CC) 11.00 News. 11.30 Foreign Correspondent Return Ticket. (R, CC) 12.00 Big Ideas. (PG, R, CC) 1.00 One Plus One. 1.30 7.30 WA. (CC) 2.00 BBC World News. (R) 2.30 7.30 Victoria. (R, CC) 3.00 BBC World News. 3.30 7.30 Tasmania. (R, CC) 4.00 Late News.
CLASSIFICATIONS: (P) For preschoolers (C) Children’s programs (G) General viewing (PG) Parental guidance (M) Mature audiences (MA15+) Mature adults only (AV15+) Mature audiences: contains adult violence (M) (MA15+) and (AV15+) CONSUMER ADVICE: (a) adult themes (h) horror (Sx) sex scenes (d) drug references, (l) language, (m) medical procedures (n) nudity (v) violence (w) war (CC) Closed Captions (WS) widescreen Programs subject to late change by stations.
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SUNDAY May 29 6.00 Rage. 9349 6.30 Children’s Programs. 5407542 9.00 Insiders. (CC) 64097 10.00 Business. (CC) 2829 10.30 Offsiders. (CC) 8264287 11.05 Focus. (CC) 9724287 11.30 Praise. (CC) 8436 12.00 Landline. (CC) 15707 1.00 Jail Birds. (R, CC) 2469 1.30 Message Stick. (R, CC) 3726 2.00 Invasion Of The Crocodiles. (CC) 28271 3.00 A Tall Long Faced Tale. (PG, CC) 1923287 4.10 Art Spiegelman. (PG, CC) 2589233 5.00 Art Nation. (CC) 5165 5.30 Mr Bean: Animated. (R) 55368 5.45 Doctor Who. (PG, R, CC) 7239894
6.00 Garner Ted Armstrong. 1436 6.30 Life Today With James Robison. (PG) 9455 7.00 Weekend Sunrise. (CC) 33139417 10.00 The Amazing Race. (PG, R, CC) 10788 11.00 MOVIE: Gone Fishin’. (PG, 97, R) 8233356 1.00 Football. (CC) AFL. Round 10. Adelaide v Brisbane Lions. From AAMI Stadium. 39707726 4.00 What’s Up Down Under. (CC) 2504 4.30 Journey Through The Valley Of The Kings. (PG, R, CC) 55813 5.30 Mercurio’s Menu. (CC) 6165
6.00 Go, Diego! Go! (R) 732610 6.30 Dora The Explorer. (R) 820829 7.00 Weekend Today. (CC) 31345417 10.00 Wide World Of Sports. (CC) 268610 11.00 The NRL Sunday Footy Show. 639184 12.00 The Sunday Roast. (PG) 633900 1.00 Cybershack. (PG) 550078 1.30 Postcards Australia. (CC) 553165 2.00 In Their Footsteps. (PG, R, CC) 620436 3.00 Between The Lines. (PG, R, CC) 239310 4.00 Rugby League. NRL. Round 12. St George Illawarra Dragons v Wests Tigers. From WIN Jubilee Oval, Sydney. 309338
6.30 Chris Humfrey’s Wild Life. (Final, CC)
6.00 News. (CC) 7894 6.30 Dancing With The Stars. (CC) 522900 8.30 Downton Abbey. (New series, PG, CC) Follows the lives of an upper-class British family and their servants during the dying days of the Edwardian era. 741417 10.00 Castle. (M, R, CC) Castle and Beckett try to piece together events that led to the death of a teenager, whose body was found floating in a rowboat in a Central Park lake. 18368
6.00 6.30 7.30 8.30 9.30 10.30 11.25 12.20
News. (CC) 250578 In Their Footsteps. (PG, CC) 184261 60 Minutes. (CC) 738894 The Mentalist. (M, CC) 374610 The Mentalist. (M, R, CC) 370894 CSI: Miami. (M, R, CC) 638436 The Guardian. (M) 9735981 Rugby League. Super League. Round 15. Leeds Rhinos v Warrington Wolves. From Headingley Carnegie Stadium, Leeds, England. 9675127
Evening News. (CC) 923900 Merlin. (PG, CC) 984243 MasterChef Australia. (PG, CC) 893320 Hawaii Five-0. (M, CC) Danny gets an unexpected visit from his little brother, Matt, a fun-loving Wall Street broker who is hiding a dark secret. 371523 10.00 Motor Racing. (CC) Formula 1. Race 6. Monaco Grand Prix. From Circuit de Monaco, Monte Carlo. 5322252 12.05 The Hit (PG, R) 972214
6.00 Thalassa: Russia Claims The North Pole. (CC) (France) 1697252 6.30 World News Australia. (CC) 9412078 7.30 Who Do You Think You Are? Bruce Forsyth. (CC) (UK) 4258349 8.30 Dateline. (CC) 2309879 9.30 Cutting Edge: Amnesty! When They Are All Free. (M, CC) (UK) 6063542 10.35 MOVIE: 2 Become 1. (M, 06, R, CC) Miriam Yeung, Richie Jen, Jo Kuk. (Hong Kong) 11562875
11.55 Order In The House. (CC) 1575542 1.00 MOVIE: Sherlock Holmes: Dressed To Kill. (PG, 46, R, CC) 3119585 2.15 Fakes. (PG, R, CC) 2330837 3.00 Fakes. (M, R, CC) 8738818 4.00 The Bill. (PG, R, CC) 8747566 5.00 Art Nation. (R, CC) 9956030 5.30 The Cook And The Chef. (R, CC) 9933189
11.00 Beyond The Darklands: Camilleri And Beckett. (M, R, CC) 92320 11.59 Football. AFL. Round 10. Collingwood v West Coast. From the MCG. 465660436 3.00 Home Shopping. 21015856 5.30 Early News. (CC) 1663653
2.20 2.30 3.30 4.00 5.00 5.30
WIN Presents. (R) 1901634 The Baron. (PG, R) 9138030 Danoz Direct. 4850740 GMA: Sunday Edition. (CC) 9124837 News. (CC) 8365943 Today. (CC) 8368030
12.30 Infomercials. (PG, R) 81694295 4.00 Enjoying Everyday Life With Joyce Meyer. (PG) 4859011 4.30 Kenneth Copeland. (PG) 8362856 5.00 Life Today With James Robison. (PG)
12.15 MOVIE: Under The Bombs. (M, 07, R) Nada Abou Farhat, Georges Khabbaz, Bshara Atallah. (France) 27693837 2.05 WeatherWatch Overnight. 50903011 5.00 WeatherWatch & Music. 81786540 5.05 Korean News. 94902721 5.40 Japanese News. 64216498
6.00 Children’s Programs. 3.50 Peppa Pig. (R, CC) 4.00 The Hoobs. (R) 4.30 Caillou. (R, CC) 4.55 Pingu. (R) 5.00 Grandpa In My Pocket. (CC) 5.15 Thomas And Friends. (R, CC) 5.25 Little Princess. (CC) 5.40 Hana’s Helpline. (R, CC) 5.50 Timmy Time. (R, CC) 6.05 The Mole Sisters. (R, CC) 6.15 Rupert Bear: Follow The Magic. (R, CC) 6.30 In The Night Garden. (R, CC) 7.00 At The Movies. (R, CC) 7.30 Art Race. (PG, CC) 8.00 Design For Life. (PG, R, CC) 8.50 Artscape: Hannah Gadsby – The NGV Story Pt 1. (R, CC) 9.20 Art Nation. (R, CC) 9.45 The Gradual Demise Of Phillipa Finch. (R, CC) 9.50 Gavin & Stacey. (PG, R, CC) 10.20 The Graham Norton Show. (R, CC) 11.05 Hornblower. (M, R, CC) 12.50 The Rat Pack. (PG, R, CC) 1.20 Live From Abbey Road. (PG, R, CC) 2.05 Close.
6.00 Home And Away Catch-Up. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 Ugly Betty. (PG, R, CC) 9.30 Flipper. (R) 10.30 Full House. (R) 10.55 MOVIE: The Great Scout & Cathouse Thursday. (PG, 76, R) 1.15 MOVIE: The End Of The Affair. (PG, 55, R) 3.30 MOVIE: Sense And Sensibility. (G, 95, R) 6.30 Fawlty Towers. (PG, R, CC) 7.10 Are You Being Served? (PG, R) 7.45 The Savoy. (PG) 8.45 Escape To The Country. 9.45 60 Minute Makeover. 10.45 The Hairy Bikers’ Cookbook. (R) (UK) 11.30 10 Years Younger. (PG, R) 12.00 Rhodes Across India. 1.00 MOVIE: Sense And Sensibility. (G, 95, R) The last will and testament of a 19th-century aristocrat causes rifts in the lives of his family. Kate Winslet, Emma Thompson, Hugh Grant. 4.00 The World Around Us. (R) 5.00 Room For Improvement. (R, CC) 5.30 Home Shopping.
6.00 Thunderbirds. (R) 7.00 Kids’ WB Sunday. 7.05 The Flintstones. (R) 7.30 The Marvelous Misadventures Of Flapjack. (R) 8.00 Looney Tunes Classics. 8.30 Camp Lazlo. (R) 9.00 Sym-Bionic Titan. (PG, R) 9.30 Batman: The Brave And The Bold. (R) 10.00 Generator Rex. (PG, R) 10.30 Ben 10: Alien Force. (R) 11.00 Top Cat. (R) 11.30 Wacky Races. (R) 12.00 The City. (PG) 12.30 Eclipse Music TV. (PG) 1.00 Married With Children. (PG, R) 2.00 Here’s Lucy. (R) 3.00 Green Acres. (R) 3.30 Spin City. (PG, R, CC) 4.30 Hellcats. (PG, R) 5.30 Community. (PG) 6.30 The Big Bang Theory. (PG, R, CC) 7.00 The Middle. (PG, CC) 7.30 Top Gear. (PG, R, CC) 9.00 Two And A Half Men. (M, R, CC) 9.30 MOVIE: Lethal Weapon 4. (M, 98, R, CC) 12.00 Community. (PG, R) 1.00 Reno 911! (M, R) 2.00 Home Shopping. 4.00 Charlie’s Angels. (PG, R) 5.00 Top Cat. (R) 5.30 Green Acres. (R)
6.00 Emergency Search & Rescue. (PG, R) 6.30 Motor Racing. NASCAR Sprint Cup. Race 12. Coca-Cola 600. Qualifying. 7.50 World Of Free Sports. (PG) 8.20 Snowboarding. TTR World Tour. 8.50 Pro Bull Riding. (PG) 9.50 Save Point. (PG) 10.00 To Be Advised. 11.00 Basketball. NBA Playoffs. Eastern Conference Finals. Game 6. Miami Heat v Chicago Bulls. 2.00 Drag Racing. ANDRA Pro Series. Top Doorslammer. Nitro Champs. 3.00 Motor Racing. FIA World Rally Championship. Round 6. Day 2. Highlights. 3.30 Omnisport. 4.00 Airline. (PG, R) 5.30 iFish. 6.00 The Final Siren. 7.00 Extreme Fishing With Robson Green. (PG, R) 8.00 Black Gold. (PG) 9.00 Formula 1 Pre-Race Show. 10.00 Motor Racing. Formula 1. Race 6. Monaco Grand Prix. 12.05 To Be Advised. 1.05 Motor Racing. FIA World Rally Championship. Round 6. Day 2. Highlights. 1.35 Basketball. NBA Playoffs. Eastern Conference Finals. Game 6. Miami Heat v Chicago Bulls. Replay. 4.30 Omnisport. (R) 5.00 Surfing. Margaret River Pro. Replay.
6.00 WorldWatch. 6.00 Cycling. UCI World Tour. Giro d’Italia. Daily highlights. From Italy. 6.35 The Hairy Bikers’ Food Tour Of Britain. (UK) 7.30 Ninja Warrior. (Japan) 8.00 Unbeatable Banzuke. (Japan) 8.30 The Phone: Netherlands. (M) (Netherlands) 9.20 Skippers. 9.50 MOVIE: Ca$h. (M, 08, R) A suave Parisian con man decides to avenge the death of his brother by crafting a complex sting operation against the person responsible. Jean Dujardin, Jean Reno, Valeria Golino. (France) 11.35 Cycling. UCI World Tour. Giro d’Italia. Final stage. From Milano, Italy. 1.55 WeatherWatch Overnight. 5.00 WeatherWatch & Music.
6.00 Children’s Programs. 7.35 Almost Naked Animals. (R, CC) 7.50 Kid Vs Kat. (R, CC) 8.00 The Super Hero Squad Show. (R, CC) 8.30 Stoked. (R, CC) 8.55 Total Drama Action. (R, CC) 9.25 The Avengers. (R, CC) 10.10 Freefonix. (Final, CC) 11.00 Rush TV. (R, CC) 11.25 Good Game: SP. (R, CC) 11.45 Backyard Science. (R, CC) 12.00 Stay Tuned. (R) 12.30 Go Lingo! (R, CC) 12.55 CJ The DJ. (R, CC) 1.05 Erky Perky. (R, CC) 1.20 I.N.K. Invisible Network Of Kids. (R, CC) 1.45 Kid Vs Kat. (R, CC) 2.00 M.I. High. (R, CC) 2.50 Ship To Shore. (R, CC) 3.40 Dead Gorgeous. (R, CC) 4.35 Escape From Scorpion Island. (R, CC) 5.00 My Place. (R, CC) 5.25 Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab. (CC) 5.35 Prank Patrol International. (R, CC) 6.00 Dani’s House. (R, CC) 6.30 Trapped! (R, CC) 7.00 Jinx. (R, CC) 7.25 The Wannabes. (R, CC) 8.10 Majority Rules. (R, CC) 9.00 Close.
6.00 The Six Million Dollar Man. (PG, R) 7.00 The Virginian. (PG, R) 8.30 McHale’s Navy. (PG, R) 9.00 Beach Patrol. (PG, R) 9.30 V8 Xtra. (CC) 10.00 AFL Game Day. (PG) 11.00 Quincy M.E. (PG, R) 12.00 American Hot Rod. (PG, R) 1.00 Monster Garage. (PG, R) 2.00 Fifth Gear. (PG, R) 3.00 American Hot Rod. (PG, R) 4.00 Monster Garage. (PG, R) 5.00 The Drew Carey Show. (PG, R, CC) 5.30 According To Jim. (R, CC) 6.30 American Dad! (PG, R, CC) 7.30 Mighty Structures: Millau Bridge. 8.30 MOVIE: Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo. (MA15+, 99, R, CC) Rob Schneider, William Forsythe, Eddie Griffin, Arija Bareikis. 10.30 MOVIE: So I Married An Axe Murderer. (M, 93, R) 12.30 Crime Invasion. (M) 1.00 Spy School. (PG) 2.00 American Hot Rod. (PG, R) 4.00 The Six Million Dollar Man. (PG, R) 5.00 Quincy M.E. (PG, R)
6.00 It Is Written. (PG) 6.30 MOVIE: The Frightened City. (b/w, PG, 61, R) 8.30 The Nanny. (PG, R) 9.00 The Avengers. (PG, R) 9.55 MOVIE: King Richard And The Crusaders. (G, 54, R) 12.15 MOVIE: Northwest Passage. (PG, 40, R) 2.55 MOVIE: The Nun’s Story. (G, 59, R) 6.00 The Nanny. (PG, R) 6.30 Antiques Roadshow. (CC) 7.30 As Time Goes By. (PG, R) 8.30 MOVIE: Gran Torino. (M, 08, CC) A disgruntled Korean War veteran sets out to reform a teenage neighbour who tried to steal his prized possession. Clint Eastwood, Bee Vang, Christopher Carley. 11.00 Biography: Serial Killers: The BTK Killer Speaks. (M) 12.00 MOVIE: Loot. (M, 72, R) 2.00 Home Shopping. 4.30 Joyce Meyer. (PG) 5.00 Adventures In Rainbow Country. (R) 5.30 Today. (CC)
6.00 JAG. (PG, R) 7.00 MacGyver. (PG, R) 8.00 The Brady Bunch. (R) 8.30 Everybody Loves Raymond. (PG, R, CC) 9.00 Touched By An Angel. (PG, R) 10.00 7th Heaven. (R) 11.00 The Love Boat. (PG, R) 12.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG, R) 1.00 JAG. (PG, R) 2.00 MacGyver. (PG, R) 3.00 Cheers. (PG, R) 3.30 Roseanne. (PG, R) 4.00 Family Ties. (PG, R) 4.30 Mork And Mindy. (PG, R) 5.00 Happy Days. (PG, R) 5.30 The Brady Bunch. (R) 6.00 Sabrina, The Teenage Witch. (PG, R, CC) 6.30 Everybody Loves Raymond. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 America’s Next Top Model. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 MOVIE: Sahara. (PG, 05, R, CC) Matthew McConaughey, Penélope Cruz, Steve Zahn. 10.45 Smallville. (AV15+) 11.40 Cheers. (PG, R) 12.05 Roseanne. (PG, R) 12.35 Sabrina, The Teenage Witch. (PG, R, CC) 1.00 Mork And Mindy. (PG, R) 1.30 Happy Days. (PG, R) 2.00 The Love Boat. (PG, R) 3.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG, R) 4.00 Touched By An Angel. (PG, R) 5.00 7th Heaven. (R)
6.00 7.30 Tasmania. (R, CC) 6.30 Behind The News. (R) 7.00 News. (CC) 7.30 The World This Week. (R, CC) 8.00 News. (CC) 9.00 Insiders. (CC) 10.00 News. (CC) 10.30 7.30 WA. (R, CC) 11.00 News. (CC) 11.30 7.30 SA. (R, CC) 12.00 News. (CC) 12.30 Offsiders. (R, CC) 1.00 Big Ideas. (PG) 2.00 News. (CC) 2.30 7.30 NSW. (R, CC) 3.00 News. (CC) 3.30 Australian Story Classics. (R, CC) 4.00 News. (CC) 4.30 Behind The News. (R) 5.00 News. (CC) 5.30 Inside Business. (R, CC) 6.00 News. (CC) 6.30 Foreign Correspondent. (R, CC) 7.00 News. (CC) 7.30 One Plus One. (R, CC) 8.00 Insiders. (R, CC) 9.00 News. (CC) 9.30 Asia Pacific Focus. (R, CC) 10.00 News. (CC) 10.30 The World This Week. (R, CC) 11.00 News. 11.30 Australian Story. (CC) 12.00 Landline. (R, CC) 1.00 Big Ideas. (PG, R) 2.00 BBC World News. 2.30 7.30 ACT. (R, CC) 3.00 BBC World News. 3.30 7.30 SA. (R, CC) 4.00 Big Ideas. (PG, R) 5.00 News. (CC) 5.15 The Quarters. (R) 5.30 Asia Pacific Focus. (R, CC)
7.00 News. (CC) 707 7.30 The Great Rift: Africa’s Wild Heart: Grass. (CC) Part 3 of 3. 52691 8.20 Inside The Great Rift: Grass. (CC) Part 3 of 3. 2978726 8.30 Miniseries: The Kennedys. (PG, 11, CC) Part 2 of 4. 7154287 9.55 Compass. (CC) 2752287 10.55 The Street. (Final, M, R, CC) 7828726
6.00 Mass. 730252 6.30 Hillsong. 748271 7.00 Totally Wild. 749900 7.30 Elephant Princess. 822287 8.00 Hook, Line And Sinker. (CC) 727788 8.30 Great Australian Doorstep. (CC) 188875 9.00 School Of Rock. 262436 10.00 Hit List TV. (PG) 3069271 12.00 No Ordinary Journey. (PG, R) 631542 1.00 MOVIE: Imaginary Playmate. (06) 785558 3.00 The Doctors. (PG) 565232 4.00 Meet The Press. (CC) 565900 4.30 The Bolt Report. (CC) 928455 5.00 News. (CC) 929184 5.30 Thirty Minute Meals. (R, CC) 922271 6.00 6.30 7.30 9.00
5.30 Benny Hinn. (PG) 8366672
4.15 Soccer. UEFA Champions League. Final. Barcelona v Manchester United. Continued. 12900417 7.00 WorldWatch. 88610441 10.30 Football Asia. 3577875 11.00 Soccer. UEFA Champions League. Final. Barcelona v Manchester United. Highlights. 7094165 12.00 FIFA Futbol Mundial. (UK) 3572320 12.30 Speedweek. 1339733 2.00 WorldWatch. 5228720 3.30 Feast India. (Final, R, CC) 1543271 4.00 Little Mosque On The Prairie. (R) (Canada) 1544900 4.30 Living Black. (CC) 1692707 5.00 Cycling Central. 9400233
CLASSIFICATIONS: (P) For preschoolers (C) Children’s programs (G) General viewing (PG) Parental guidance (M) Mature audiences (MA15+) Mature adults only (AV15+) Mature audiences: contains adult violence (M) (MA15+) and (AV15+) CONSUMER ADVICE: (a) adult themes (h) horror (Sx) sex scenes (d) drug references, (l) language, (m) medical procedures (n) nudity (v) violence (w) war (CC) Closed Captions (WS) widescreen Programs subject to late change by stations.
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MONDAY May 30 6.00 ABC News Breakfast. (CC) 28585634 9.00 News. (CC) 2479 9.30 Business Today. (CC) 5566 10.00 Backyard Science. (R, CC) 75189 10.25 Atoms Alive. (R, CC) 6566566 10.40 Postcards From Bangladesh. (R, CC) 9684059 10.50 Mosaic: Eyes On The World. (R, CC) 9673943 11.00 Landline. (R, CC) 86011 12.00 Midday Report. (CC) 6059 12.30 Monarch Of The Glen. (R, CC) 98856 1.30 Cheese Slices. (R, CC) 9740 2.00 Parliament Question Time. (CC) 4639769 3.05 Children’s Programs. 49026158 6.05 6.30 7.00 7.30 8.00 8.30 9.15 9.35 10.30 11.05 11.35
Mr Bean. (R, CC) 2875672 Message Stick. (CC) 6634 News. (CC) 653 7.30. (CC) 924 Australian Story. (CC) 837 Four Corners. (CC) 19566 Media Watch. (CC) 5130856 Q&A. (CC) 9608634 Lateline. (CC) 75769 Lateline Business. (R, CC) 3900289 MDA. (PG, R, CC) 461547
6.00 Sunrise. (CC) 18208176 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG, CC) 1620189 11.30 News. (CC) 8455 12.00 MOVIE: Jane Doe: Yes, I Remember It Well. (M, 06, R) Lea Thompson, Joe Penny, William R. Moses. 719092 2.00 Dr Oz. (PG) 45276 3.00 Medical Emergency. (PG, R, CC) 1092 3.30 Toybox. (P, R, CC) 1479 4.00 It’s Academic. (C, CC) 2108 4.30 News At 4.30. (CC) 11295 5.30 Deal Or No Deal. (CC) 2189 6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30
PRIME7 News. (CC) 3818 News. (CC) 1837 Home And Away. (PG, CC) 7856 No Ordinary Family. (PG, CC) Jim discovers the cause of some recent earthquakes. 6108 8.30 The Amazing Race Australia. (PG, CC) The 10 remaining teams head to Hong Kong. Hosted by Grant Bowler. 60547
9.30 Brothers & Sisters. (M, CC) 74363
6.00 Today. (CC) 22765276 9.00 Kerri-Anne. (PG, CC) 9999011 11.00 News. (CC) 133943 11.30 Alive And Cooking. (R) 136030 12.00 Ellen. (PG, CC) 665127 1.00 The View. (PG, CC) 641547 2.00 Days Of Our Lives. (PG, CC) 645363 3.00 Entertainment Tonight. (CC) 595769 3.30 Hi-5. (P, R, CC) 598856 4.00 Kitchen Whiz. (C, CC) 599585 4.30 News. (CC) 299932 5.30 Hot Seat. (CC) 956856 6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30 8.00 8.30
6.00 Early News. (CC) 843943 7.00 Toasted TV. (CC) 207127 8.00 Totally Wild. (C, CC) 775943 8.30 Wurrawhy. (P, R, CC) 110092 9.00 News. (CC) 287363 10.00 The Circle. (PG, CC) 3036943 12.00 Dr Phil. (PG, CC) 663769 1.00 Oprah. (PG, CC) 649189 2.00 Ready Steady Cook. (PG, R, CC) 643905 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG, CC) 586011 3.30 Infomercials. (PG, R, CC) 596498 4.00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield. (CC) 597127 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful. (CC) 943382 5.00 News. (CC) 191108
News. (CC) 957585 WIN News. (CC) 932276 A Current Affair. (CC) 228450 The Big Bang Theory. (PG, CC) 227721 Come Fly With Me. (PG, CC) 224634 Rescue Special Ops. (Series return, M, CC) 185566 10.30 CSI: Miami. (M, R, CC) 319301 11.30 The New Adventures Of Old Christine. (PG) 936092 12.00 WIN News. (CC) 989702
6.30 7.00 7.30 8.30 9.30
6.30 With George Negus. (CC) 930818 The 7PM Project. (PG, CC) 226092 MasterChef Australia. (CC) 751363 Offspring. (M, CC) 304479 House. (M, CC) As Masters prepares for her last day as a medical student, House surprises everyone by revealing an opening in his team. 393363 10.30 6.30 With George Negus. (R, CC) 11.00 News/Sports Tonight. (CC) 935363
6.00 WorldWatch. 18934856 9.30 Greek News. 2374276 10.20 French News. 97099479 11.00 Hindi News. 3545276 11.30 Arabic News. 3548363 12.00 Russian News. 3549092 12.30 Turkish News. 1596363 1.00 Food Lovers’ Guide To Australia. (R, CC) 1597092 1.30 Dateline. (R, CC) 7075030 2.30 Insight. (R, CC) 7053818 3.30 Letters And Numbers. (R, CC) 1510943 4.00 The Journal. (CC) 1511672 4.30 FIFA Futbol Mundial. (UK) 1669479 5.00 The Crew. 1660108 5.30 Living Black. (R, CC) 1663295 6.00 Letters And Numbers. (CC) 1664924 6.30 World News Australia. (CC) 9472450 7.30 MythBusters: Viral Myths. (PG, R, CC) (US) 4218721 8.30 Man Vs Wild: Shooting Survival. (CC) (US) 8463061 9.30 World News Australia. (CC) 2472672 10.00 South Park. (M, CC) (US) 2479585 10.30 Cast Offs. (New series, M) (UK) 6709635 11.30 The World Game. (R) 2429629 12.30 Living Black. (R, CC) 5137967
12.30 The Clinic. (PG, CC) 1935257 1.25 Parliament. (R, CC) 69433412 2.30 Bloodlines. (R, CC) 5237851 3.00 Bowls. Moama International Tri Series. Mixed Triples. Australia v England. Replay. 8798290 4.00 The Bill. (PG, R, CC) 8714238 5.00 Travel Oz. (R, CC) 9923702 5.30 The Cook And The Chef. (R, CC) 9993561
11.30 My Big Friggin’ Wedding. (M) The issue of the pre nup continues to plague Megin. Alyssa and Tyler’s anniversary celebration hits a sour note. 79295 12.30 Home Shopping. 66128580 5.30 Early News. (CC) 1630325
12.30 Super Rugby Extra Time. 9686238 1.30 Tennis. French Open. Highlights. From Roland Garros, Paris. 9680054 2.30 Entertainment Tonight. (R, CC) 4823696 3.00 Danoz Direct. 4824325 3.30 GMA. (CC) 8699832 5.00 News. (CC) 8332615 5.30 Today. (CC) 8335702
11.30 12.25 1.25 4.00 4.30 5.00 5.30
Letterman. (PG) 368818 Ally McBeal. (M, R) 2384054 Infomercials. (PG, R) 30636528 Joyce Meyer. (PG) 4826783 Kenneth Copeland. (PG) 8339528 James Robison. (PG) 8330257 Benny Hinn. (PG) 8333344
1.00 MOVIE: Hostage. (AV15+, 05, R) Stathis Papadopoulos, Theodora Tzimou, Yannis Stankoglou. (Greece) 27887783 2.45 WeatherWatch Overnight. 44764054 5.00 WeatherWatch & Music. 15081752 5.05 Korean News. 94979493 5.40 Japanese News. 64276870
6.00 Children’s Programs. 2.35 Octonauts. (R, CC) 2.45 The Hive. (R, CC) 2.55 64 Zoo Lane. (R, CC) 3.05 Arthur. (R, CC) 3.30 Hilltop Hospital. (R, CC) 3.40 The Mr Men Show. (R, CC) 3.50 Peppa Pig. (R, CC) 4.00 The Hoobs. (R) 4.30 Play School. (R, CC) 5.00 Grandpa In My Pocket. (R, CC) 5.15 Thomas And Friends. (R, CC) 5.25 Little Princess. (CC) 5.40 Hana’s Helpline. (R, CC) 5.50 Timmy Time. (R, CC) 6.05 The Mole Sisters. (R, CC) 6.15 Rupert Bear: Follow The Magic. (R, CC) 6.30 In The Night Garden. (R, CC) 7.00 Spicks And Specks. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 The Urban Chef. (R, CC) 8.00 Absolutely Fabulous. (PG, R, CC) 8.35 Swingtown. (CC) 9.30 Deadwood. (MA15+, CC) 10.20 Miniseries: The Kennedys. (PG, 11, R, CC) 11.45 Being Erica. (Final, PG, R, CC) 12.30 Live From Abbey Road. (Final, R, CC) 1.15 Close.
6.00 Raggs. (R, CC) 6.30 Flipper. (PG, R) 7.30 The Martha Stewart Show. 8.30 Sons And Daughters. (R, CC) 9.00 Home And Away: The Early Years. (R, CC) 9.30 Shortland Street. (PG) 10.00 Coronation Street. (PG) 10.30 Emmerdale. (PG) 11.00 Hollyoaks. (PG) 11.30 Deal Or No Deal. (R, CC) 12.00 Desperate Housewives. (M, R, CC) 1.00 Grey’s Anatomy. (M, R, CC) 2.00 Murphy Brown. (PG, R, CC) 2.30 Welcome Back, Kotter. (PG, R) 3.00 Perfect Strangers. (R) 3.30 Growing Pains. (PG, R) 4.00 MOVIE: The First Time. (PG, 52, R) 6.00 Bargain Hunt. 7.00 Harry’s Practice. (R, CC) 7.30 Heartbeat. (PG, R, CC) 8.40 MOVIE: The Cinder Path. (M, 94, R, CC) 12.00 The Sweeney. (M, R) 1.00 MOVIE: Badman’s Territory. (b/w, PG, 46, R) 2.40 Room For Improvement. (R, CC) 3.05 Dr Oz. (PG, R) 4.00 Coronation Street. (PG, R) 4.30 Emmerdale. (PG, R) 5.00 The World Around Us. (R)
6.00 Children’s Programs. 9.00 The Flintstones. (R) 9.30 I Dream Of Jeannie. (R) 10.00 Bewitched. (R) 10.30 Entertainment Tonight. (R, CC) 11.00 TMZ. 11.30 Married With Children. (PG, R) 12.00 Here’s Lucy. (R) 12.30 The Middle. (PG, R, CC) 1.00 Community. (PG, R) 2.00 Hellcats. (PG, R) 3.00 Just Shoot Me! (PG, R) 3.30 The Secret Saturdays. (PG) 4.00 Kids’ WB. 4.05 Ben 10. (R) 4.30 Here’s Lucy. (R) 5.00 I Dream Of Jeannie. (R) 5.30 Bewitched. (R) 6.00 Two And A Half Men. (PG, R, CC) 7.00 Australia’s Funniest Home Videos. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 Truckers. 8.30 Top Gear. (PG, R, CC) 9.30 Two And A Half Men. (M, R, CC) 10.00 Come Fly With Me. (M, R, CC) 10.40 Little Britain. (M) 12.00 Pushing Daisies. (M) 1.00 Hellcats. (PG, R) 2.00 Home Shopping. 4.00 Just Shoot Me! (PG, R) 4.30 TMZ. (R) 5.00 Married With Children. (PG, R) 5.30 The Flintstones. (R)
6.00 Emergency Search & Rescue. (PG, R) 6.30 Airline. (PG, R) 7.00 GOAL! 7.30 NASCAR Countdown. 8.00 Motor Racing. NASCAR Sprint Cup. Race 12. Coca-Cola 600. 1.00 Motor Racing. FIA World Rally Championship. Round 6. Power Stage. 2.00 Motor Racing. FIA World Rally Championship. Round 6. Day 3. Highlights. 2.30 iFish. (R) 3.00 Real NBA. 3.30 Omnisport. 4.00 Escape With ET. (R) 4.30 Emergency Search & Rescue. (PG, R) 5.00 Airline. (PG, R) 5.30 Big Cat Diary. (PG) 6.00 Bondi Rescue. (PG, CC) 6.30 Emergency Search & Rescue. (PG) 7.00 Airline. (PG) 7.30 Cops. (PG) 8.30 An Idiot Abroad: Jordan. (M) 9.30 One Week At A Time: NRL. 10.30 Sports Tonight. 11.00 One Week At A Time: AFL. 12.00 Motor Racing. FIA World Rally Championship. Round 6. Day 3. Highlights. 12.30 ATP World Tour Uncovered. (R) 1.00 Omnisport. (R) 1.30 Basketball. NBA Classics. 1985. New Jersey Nets v New York Knicks. Replay. 3.30 Superboats. Australian Championship. Round 1. Replay. 4.00 Motor Racing. Rolex Sports Car Series. Race 5. Memorial Day Classic.
6.00 WorldWatch. 6.00 Cycling. UCI World Tour. Giro d’Italia. Daily highlights. From Italy. 6.30 Come Dine With Me: Greece. (Greece) 7.30 Hot Cities: Climate Bites. (R) (UK) 8.30 The Future Of Food. (R, CC) (UK) 9.30 The World Game. 10.30 MOVIE: The Iron Ladies. (M, 00, R) The true story of a Thai male volleyball team consisting mostly of gays, transvestites and transsexuals that competed in the national championships in 1996. Jesdaporn Pholdee, Sahaphap Tor, Chaicharn Nimpulsawasdi, Ekachai Buranapanit. (Thailand) 12.20 WeatherWatch Overnight. 5.00 WeatherWatch & Music.
6.00 Children’s Programs. 10.55 Escape From Scorpion Island. (R, CC) 11.25 Go Lingo! (CC) 11.50 Backyard Science. (CC) 12.05 BTN Extra. (CC) 12.20 Survive This. (R, CC) 12.45 A World Of Wonders. (R, CC) 1.00 Monk. (R) 1.10 League Of Super Evil. (R, CC) 1.35 Dex Hamilton: Alien Entomologist. (R, CC) 2.00 The Wannabes. (R, CC) 2.25 The Latest Buzz. (R, CC) 2.55 Stormworld. (R, CC) 3.25 Connor Undercover. (R, CC) 3.50 Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab. (CC) 4.20 News On 3 Update. (CC) 4.25 Summer In Transylvania. (CC) 4.50 Sally Bollywood. (CC) 5.05 The Jungle Book. (R, CC) 5.15 Almost Naked Animals. (CC) 5.30 Star Wars: The Clone Wars. (CC) 5.55 Bugged. (R) 6.00 Total Drama Action. (R, CC) 6.25 Deadly 60. (CC) 6.55 News On 3. (CC) 7.05 The Slammer. (R, CC) 7.35 Stoked. (R, CC) 8.30 Degrassi: The Next Generation. (R, CC) 9.00 Close.
6.00 The Six Million Dollar Man. (PG, R) 7.00 The Virginian. (Final, PG, R) 8.30 McHale’s Navy. (PG, R) 9.00 NBC Today. (R, CC) 10.00 NBC Meet The Press. (R, CC) 11.00 Quincy M.E. (PG, R) 12.00 Magnum, P.I. (PG, R) 1.00 Airwolf. (PG, R) 2.00 Xena: Warrior Princess. (PG, R) 3.00 Hercules: The Legendary Journeys. (PG, R) 4.00 Malcolm And Eddie. (PG, R) 4.30 Newsradio. (PG, R) 5.00 The Drew Carey Show. (PG, R, CC) 5.30 According To Jim. (R, CC) 6.30 My Wife And Kids. (R, CC) 7.00 That ’70s Show. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 How I Met Your Mother. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 Family Guy. (M, R, CC) 9.00 American Dad! (M, R, CC) 9.30 Family Guy. (M, R, CC) 10.30 My Name Is Earl. (PG, R, CC) 11.00 Scrubs. (PG, R, CC) 12.00 The Sopranos. (AV15+, R, CC) 1.00 Magnum, P.I. (PG, R) 2.00 Airwolf. (PG, R) 3.00 Quincy M.E. (PG, R) 4.00 Hercules: The Legendary Journeys. (PG, R) 5.00 McHale’s Navy. (PG, R) 5.30 Home Shopping.
6.00 Today. (CC) 9.00 Alive And Cooking. (R) 9.30 The Zoo. (R) 10.00 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 11.00 Murder, She Wrote. (PG, R) 12.00 MOVIE: Jesse Stone: Sea Change. (M, 07, R) 1.50 GEM Presents. (PG, R) 2.00 Damages. (M) 3.00 McLeod’s Daughters. (PG, R, CC) 4.00 Antiques Roadshow. (R, CC) 5.00 Ellen. (PG, R, CC) 6.00 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 7.00 The Zoo. (R) 7.30 David Attenborough’s Madagascar: Lost Worlds. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 Bermuda Triangle Exposed. (PG, R, CC) 9.30 Kitchen Nightmares USA: J Willy’s Bar & Grille. (MA15+, R, CC) 10.30 Wife Swap USA. (PG, R) 11.30 The Big C. (M, R) 12.00 Murder, She Wrote. (PG, R) 1.00 McLeod’s Daughters. (PG, R, CC) 2.00 Home Shopping. 4.30 Enjoying Everyday Life With Joyce Meyer. (PG) 5.00 Adventures In Rainbow Country. (R) 5.30 Today. (CC)
6.00 JAG. (PG, R) 7.00 MacGyver. (PG, R) 8.00 The Brady Bunch. (R) 8.30 Neighbours. (R, CC) 9.00 Touched By An Angel. (PG, R) 10.00 7th Heaven. (PG, R) 11.00 The Love Boat. (PG, R) 12.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG, R) 1.00 JAG. (PG, R) 2.00 MacGyver. (PG, R) 3.00 Cheers. (PG, R) 3.30 Roseanne. (PG, R) 4.00 Family Ties. (PG, R) 4.30 Mork And Mindy. (PG, R) 5.00 Happy Days. (PG, R) 5.30 The Brady Bunch. (R) 6.00 Sabrina, The Teenage Witch. (PG, R, CC) 6.30 Neighbours. (CC) 7.00 Everybody Loves Raymond. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 Futurama. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 Supernatural. (M) 9.30 Dexter. (MA15+, R) 10.40 The Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson. (PG) 11.30 Cheers. (PG, R) 12.00 Roseanne. (PG, R) 12.30 Sabrina, The Teenage Witch. (PG, R, CC) 1.00 Mork And Mindy. (PG, R) 1.30 Happy Days. (PG, R) 2.00 The Love Boat. (PG, R) 3.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG, R) 4.00 Touched By An Angel. (PG, R) 5.00 7th Heaven. (PG, R)
6.00 ABC News Breakfast. (CC) 9.00 News. (CC) 9.30 Business Today. (R, CC) 10.00 News. (CC) 12.00 Midday Report. (CC) 12.30 Inside Business. (R, CC) 1.00 News. (CC) 2.00 Question Time: The House of Representatives. (CC) 3.30 Afternoon Live. (R) 5.30 Capital Hill. (R, CC) 5.45 The Quarters. (R) 6.00 The Drum. (CC) 6.45 The Quarters. 7.00 News. (CC) 7.30 7.30. (CC) 8.00 News. (CC) 8.30 Lateline Business. (CC) 9.00 The World. (R, CC) 9.35 Q&A. (CC) 10.30 News. 11.00 The Drum. (R, CC) 11.45 The Quarters. (R) 12.00 News. 12.20 Lateline. (R, CC) 1.00 BBC World News. (R) 1.30 Lateline Business. (R, CC) 2.00 BBC World News: The Hub. (R, CC) 2.30 7.30. (R, CC) 3.00 Lateline. (R, CC) 3.35 Lateline Business. (R, CC) 4.00 The Quarters. (R) 4.15 The Drum. 5.00 News. (CC) 5.15 The Quarters. (R) 5.30 Newsline With Jim Middleton. (R)
CLASSIFICATIONS: (P) For preschoolers (C) Children’s programs (G) General viewing (PG) Parental guidance (M) Mature audiences (MA15+) Mature adults only (AV15+) Mature audiences: contains adult violence (M) (MA15+) and (AV15+) CONSUMER ADVICE: (a) adult themes (h) horror (Sx) sex scenes (d) drug references, (l) language, (m) medical procedures (n) nudity (v) violence (w) war (CC) Closed Captions (WS) widescreen Programs subject to late change by stations.
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A little girl was talking to her teacher about whales. The teacher said it was physically impossible for a whale to swallow a human because even though it was a very large mammal its throat was very small. The little girl stated that Jonah was swallowed by a whale. Irritated, the teacher reiterated that a whale could not swallow a human; it was physically impossible. The little girl said, “When I get to heaven I will ask Jonah”. The teacher asked, “What if Jonah went to hell?” The little girl replied, “Then you ask him” **** A little girl climbed into her grandfather’s lap and studied his white, balding head. She ran her fingers along the deep wrinkles and road mapped his face and neck. “Did God make you?”, she asked. Yes” he answered. “Did God make me, to?” she wondered. “Yes”, he replied. “Well, she shrugged, “don’t you think he’s doing a better job now than he used to?”
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TUESDAY May 31 6.00 ABC News Breakfast. (CC) 28552306 9.00 News. (CC) 4431 9.30 Business Today. (CC) 4290 10.00 Behind The News. (CC) 48851 10.25 What I Wrote. (R, CC) 8558899 10.30 Magic Of Making. (R, CC) 2103126 10.35 Designers. (R, CC) 7135702 10.55 Ace Day Jobs. (R, CC) 8531122 11.00 Big Ideas. (PG, CC) 57325 12.00 Midday Report. (CC) 5783 12.30 Time Team. (R, CC) 52870 1.30 Meerkat Manor. (R, CC) 9344 2.00 Parliament Question Time. (CC) 4699141 3.05 Children’s Programs. 87826770 6.05 6.30 7.00 7.30 8.00 8.30 9.25 9.55 10.25 11.00
Mr Bean. (R, CC) 2842344 Message Stick. (CC) 6832 News. (CC) 899 7.30. (CC) 870 Foreign Correspondent. (CC) 783 My Family’s Crazy Gap Year: The Tregembos. (PG, CC) 44054 QI. (CC) 816257 Artscape. (PG, CC) 895764 Lateline. (CC) 126696 Lateline Business. (R, CC) 8677
6.00 Sunrise. (CC) 42503388 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG, CC) 1680561 11.30 News. (CC) 2967 12.00 MOVIE: Mystery Woman: In The Shadows. (M, 07, R, CC) Kellie Martin, Clarence Williams III. 749851 2.00 Dr Oz. (PG) 32528 3.00 Medical Emergency. (PG, R, CC) 4306 3.30 Toybox. (P, R, CC) 7493 4.00 It’s Academic. (C, CC) 8122 4.30 News At 4.30. (CC) 75219 5.30 Deal Or No Deal. (CC) 2783
6.00 Today. (CC) 22732948 9.00 Kerri-Anne. (PG, CC) 9966783 11.00 News. (CC) 149122 11.30 Alive And Cooking. (R) 159509 12.00 Ellen. (PG, CC) 688696 1.00 The View. (PG, CC) 697344 2.00 Days Of Our Lives. (PG, CC) 668832 3.00 Entertainment Tonight. (CC) 518238 3.30 Hi-5. (P, R, CC) 511325 4.00 Kitchen Whiz. (C, CC) 512054 4.30 News. (CC) 504621 5.30 Hot Seat. (CC) 979325
6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30 9.00
PRIME7 News. (CC) 3412 News. (CC) 1431 Home And Away. (PG, CC) 2764 Australia’s Got Talent. (CC) 81832 Winners & Losers. (PG, CC) After Bec suffers a breakdown, Jenny and Mrs Gross step forward to support her, but it is Matt she really wants to see. 25290 10.00 Parenthood. (M, CC) Adam and Kristina have an unexpected meeting with the principal of Max’s school. 54702
6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30 8.00
News. (CC) 970054 WIN News. (CC) 988073 A Current Affair. (CC) 274257 Customs. (PG, CC) 273528 AFP: Australian Federal Police: Unexploded Ordnance/Operation Curia. (PG, CC) 263141 8.30 Sea Patrol: Damage Control. (M, CC) 124073
10.30 Kitchen Nightmares USA. (MA15+, CC) 332870
6.00 Early News. (CC) 842832 7.00 Toasted TV. (CC) 239344 8.00 Totally Wild. (C, CC) 798412 8.30 Wurrawhy. (P, R, CC) 166899 9.00 News. (CC) 219580 10.00 The Circle. (PG, CC) 3003615 12.00 Dr Phil. (PG, CC) 686238 1.00 Oprah. (PG, CC) 695986 2.00 Ready Steady Cook. (PG, R, CC) 699702 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG, CC) 509580 3.30 Infomercials. (PG, R, CC) 519967 4.00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield. (CC) 510696 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful. (CC) 966851 5.00 News. (CC) 719764 6.30 7.00 7.30 8.00 8.30
6.30 With George Negus. (CC) 986615 The 7PM Project. (PG, CC) 272899 MasterChef Australia. (CC) 264870 Bondi Vet. (PG, CC) 261783 NCIS. (Final, M, CC) Team members’ lives are in jeopardy as they continue their pursuit of the Port-to-Port killer. 327948 9.30 NCIS: Los Angeles. (M, CC) 316832 10.30 6.30 With George Negus. (R, CC) 240290
11.00 News/Sports Tonight. (CC) 958832
6.00 WorldWatch. 80576528 10.20 French News. 97059851 11.00 Hindi News. 3512948 11.30 Arabic News. 3515035 12.00 Russian News. 3516764 12.30 Turkish News. 1563035 1.00 MOVIE: The Station Agent. (M, 03, R, CC) (US) 7687162 2.35 Voice Messages. (PG, R) (Spain) 5866035 3.00 Living Black. (R, CC) 1584528 3.30 Letters And Numbers. (R, CC) 1587615 4.00 The Journal. (CC) 1588344 4.30 PBS NewsHour. (CC) 9469986 5.30 Global Village. (R, CC) (France) 1630967 6.00 6.30 7.30 8.30
Letters And Numbers. (CC) 1631696 World News Australia. (CC) 9449122 Insight. (CC) 4285493 Into The Universe With Stephen Hawking: Time Travel. (CC) Part 2 of 4. (UK) 4404603 9.30 World News Australia. (CC) 2449344 10.00 Hot Docs: Lucky. (CC) (US) 3576509 11.45 MOVIE: Sons. (MA15+, 06, R) Ingrid Bolsø Berdal, Christin Borge, Anna Bache-Wiig. (Norway) 80329306
11.30 Four Corners. (R, CC) 60677 12.15 Media Watch. (R, CC) 1479468 12.30 Parliament. (R, CC) 4001975 1.30 MOVIE: I Know Where I’m Going! (b/w, 45, R) 2689710 3.00 Big Ideas. (PG, R, CC) 1178082 4.00 The Bill. (PG, R, CC) 9178802 5.00 Talking Heads. (R, CC) 5993352 5.30 The Cook And The Chef. (R, CC) 5903739
11.00 Cougar Town. (M, CC) 7108 11.30 Keeping Up With The Kardashians. (M) 9219 12.00 The Philanthropist. (M, R) 40555 1.00 Home Shopping. 74293081 5.30 Early News. (CC) 5816401
11.30 The New Adventures Of Old Christine. (PG) 959561 12.00 WIN News. (CC) 855791 12.30 Tennis. French Open. Highlights. 3764536 1.30 Entertainment Tonight. (R, CC) 9631555 2.00 Matlock Police. (M) 8256826 3.00 Danoz Direct. 9618604 3.30 GMA. (CC) 4078246 5.00 News. (CC) 3314826 5.30 Today. (CC) 3317913
11.30 12.25 1.25 4.00 4.30 5.00 5.30
Letterman. (PG) 917344 Ally McBeal. (M, R) 9194371 Infomercials. (PG, R) 59499420 Joyce Meyer. (PG) 9610062 Kenneth Copeland. (PG) 3311739 James Robison. (PG) 3312468 Benny Hinn. (PG) 3315555
1.35 The Operation: Surgery Live: Heart. (MA15+, R, CC) (UK) 34995913 2.50 WeatherWatch Overnight. 44337389 5.00 WeatherWatch & Music. 63458517 5.05 Korean News. 41386265 5.40 Japanese News. 11062352
6.00 Children’s Programs. 4.30 Play School. (R, CC) 5.00 Grandpa In My Pocket. (R, CC) 5.15 Thomas And Friends. (R, CC) 5.25 Little Princess. (CC) 5.40 Hana’s Helpline. (R, CC) 5.50 Timmy Time. (R, CC) 6.05 The Mole Sisters. (R, CC) 6.15 Rupert Bear: Follow The Magic. (R, CC) 6.30 In The Night Garden. (R, CC) 7.00 Spicks And Specks. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 Dirty Jobs: Chicken Sexer, Beer Making, Oyster Harvesting. (R, CC) 8.30 Good Game. (CC) 9.00 The Warehouse Comedy Festival. (M, CC) 9.30 Sanctuary. (PG, R, CC) 10.15 Angry Boys. (M, R, CC) 10.45 Arrested Development. (M, CC) 11.15 Ideal. (M, R, CC) 11.45 The Warehouse Comedy Festival. (M, R, CC) 12.15 The Whitest Kids U Know. (MA15+, R, CC) 12.40 Billable Hours. (M, R, CC) 1.05 Songbook: Phil Collins. (R, CC) 1.50 Close.
6.00 Raggs. (R, CC) 6.30 Flipper. (R) 7.30 The Martha Stewart Show. 8.30 Sons And Daughters. (R, CC) 9.00 Home And Away: The Early Years. (R, CC) 9.30 Shortland Street. (PG) 10.00 Coronation Street. (PG) 10.30 Emmerdale. (PG) 11.00 Hollyoaks. (PG) 11.30 Deal Or No Deal. (R, CC) 12.00 Desperate Housewives. (M, R, CC) 1.00 Grey’s Anatomy. (M, R, CC) 2.00 Murphy Brown. (PG, R, CC) 2.30 Welcome Back, Kotter. (PG, R) 3.00 Perfect Strangers. (R) 3.30 Growing Pains. (PG, R) 4.00 MOVIE: You Must Be Joking! (G, 65, R) 6.00 Bargain Hunt. 7.00 Harry’s Practice. (R, CC) 7.30 Are You Being Served? (PG, R) 8.10 One Foot In The Grave. (PG, CC) 8.50 Lewis. (Final, M, R, CC) 11.00 That’s My Boy. (PG) 11.30 Hale And Pace. (M, R) 12.00 Minder. (PG, R) 1.00 MOVIE: The Iron Major. (b/w, G, 43, R) 2.40 Room For Improvement. (R, CC) 3.05 Dr Oz. (PG, R) 4.00 Coronation Street. (PG, R) 4.30 Emmerdale. (PG, R) 5.00 Room For Improvement. (R, CC) 5.30 Home Shopping.
6.00 Children’s Programs. 8.30 Holly’s Heroes. (Final, PG, R, CC) 9.00 The Flintstones. (R) 9.30 I Dream Of Jeannie. (R) 10.00 Bewitched. (R) 10.30 Entertainment Tonight. (R, CC) 11.00 TMZ. 11.30 Married With Children. (PG, R) 12.00 Here’s Lucy. (R) 12.30 Spin City. (PG, R, CC) 1.00 Seinfeld. (PG, R) 2.00 Charlie’s Angels. (PG, R) 3.00 Just Shoot Me! (PG, R) 3.30 The Secret Saturdays. (PG, R) 4.00 Kids’ WB. 4.05 Ben 10. (R) 4.30 Here’s Lucy. (R) 5.00 I Dream Of Jeannie. (R) 5.30 Bewitched. (R) 6.00 Two And A Half Men. (PG, R, CC) 7.00 Australia’s Funniest Home Videos. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 The Big Bang Theory. (PG, R, CC) 8.00 Two And A Half Men. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 Two And A Half Men. (M, R, CC) 9.00 MOVIE: Sex And The City. (MA15+, 08, R, CC) 12.00 Eclipse Music TV. (PG) 12.30 Reno 911! (M, R) 1.30 Seinfeld. (PG, R) 2.00 Home Shopping. 4.00 Just Shoot Me! (PG, R) 4.30 TMZ. (R) 5.00 Married With Children. (PG, R) 5.30 The Flintstones. (R)
6.00 Motor Racing. Rolex Sports Car Series. Race 5. Memorial Day Classic. Continued. 8.00 Triathlon. ITU World Championship Series. Round 1. Women’s Race. Replay. 10.00 NBA Tip-Off. 10.30 Basketball. NBA Playoffs. Eastern Conference Finals. Game 7. Chicago Bulls v Miami Heat. 1.30 One Week At A Time: NRL. (R) 2.30 One Week At A Time: AFL. (R) 3.30 Omnisport. 4.00 Escape With ET. (R) 4.30 Emergency Search & Rescue. (PG, R) 5.00 Airline. (PG, R) 5.30 Big Cat Diary. (PG) 6.00 Bondi Rescue. (PG, CC) 6.30 Emergency Search & Rescue. (PG) 7.00 Airline. (PG) 7.30 Ice Road Truckers. (PG) 8.30 Cops: Adults Only. (M) 9.30 RPM. 10.30 Sports Tonight. 11.00 Motor Racing. Formula 1. Race 6. Monaco Grand Prix. Replay. 1.00 Omnisport. (R) 1.30 Basketball. NBA Classics. 1998 Finals. Game 5. Utah Jazz v Chicago Bulls. Replay. 3.30 Netball. ANZ Championship. Grand Final. Firebirds v Mystics. Replay.
6.00 WorldWatch. 6.00 Global Village: Kallawaya – Son Of Lightning Pt 1. (R, CC) (France) 6.30 Come Dine With Me: Greece. (Greece) 7.30 Lost Worlds: Life Under Napoleon – The Conqueror. (R) (Germany) 8.30 As It Happened: Rendezvous With Death – Kennedy And Castro. (R, CC) (Germany) 9.30 MOVIE: Her Whole Life Ahead Of Her. (M, 08, R) When a university graduate, turned telemarketer, meets an impassioned labour union representative she reveals her company’s unfair practices to him. Isabella Ragonese, Massimo Ghini, Valerio Mastandrea. (Italy) 11.35 MOVIE: Paradise. (M, 03, R, CC) While writing a story about a murder in Stockholm, a journalist finds links to a shelter for abused women. Helena Bergström, Suzanna Dilber, Georgi Staykov. (Sweden) 1.35 WeatherWatch Overnight. 5.00 WeatherWatch & Music.
6.00 Children’s Programs. 10.55 Escape From Scorpion Island. (R, CC) 11.25 Go Lingo! (CC) 11.50 Backyard Science. (CC) 12.05 BTN Extra. (CC) 12.20 Survive This. (R, CC) 12.45 A World Of Wonders. (R, CC) 1.00 Monk. (R) 1.10 League Of Super Evil. (R, CC) 1.35 Dex Hamilton: Alien Entomologist. (R, CC) 2.00 The Wannabes. (R, CC) 2.25 The Latest Buzz. (R, CC) 2.55 Stormworld. (R, CC) 3.25 Connor Undercover. (R, CC) 3.50 Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab. (CC) 4.20 News On 3 Update. (CC) 4.25 Summer In Transylvania. (CC) 4.50 Sally Bollywood. (CC) 5.05 The Jungle Book. (R, CC) 5.15 Almost Naked Animals. (CC) 5.30 Star Wars: The Clone Wars. (CC) 5.55 Bugged. (R) 6.00 Total Drama Action. (R, CC) 6.25 Deadly 60. (CC) 6.55 News On 3. (CC) 7.05 The Slammer. (Final, R, CC) 7.35 Stoked. (R, CC) 8.30 Degrassi: The Next Generation. (PG, R, CC) 9.00 Close.
6.00 The Six Million Dollar Man. (PG, R) 7.00 The Men From Shiloh. (PG, R) 8.30 McHale’s Navy. (PG, R) 9.00 NBC Today. (R, CC) 11.00 Quincy M.E. (PG, R) 12.00 Magnum, P.I. (PG, R) 1.00 Airwolf. (PG, R) 2.00 Xena: Warrior Princess. (PG, R) 3.00 Hercules: The Legendary Journeys. (PG, R) 4.00 Malcolm And Eddie. (PG, R) 4.30 Newsradio. (PG, R) 5.00 The Drew Carey Show. (PG, R, CC) 5.30 According To Jim. (R, CC) 6.30 My Wife And Kids. (R, CC) 7.00 That ’70s Show. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 How I Met Your Mother. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 Family Guy. (M, R, CC) 9.00 American Dad! (M, CC) 9.30 Family Guy. (M, CC) 10.00 Eastbound & Down. (New series, MA15+) 10.30 My Name Is Earl. (PG, R, CC) 11.00 Scrubs. (PG, R, CC) 12.00 The Sopranos. (AV15+, R, CC) 1.00 Magnum, P.I. (PG, R) 2.00 Airwolf. (PG, R) 3.00 Quincy M.E. (PG, R) 4.00 Hercules: The Legendary Journeys. (PG, R) 5.00 Xena: Warrior Princess. (PG, R)
6.00 Today. (CC) 9.00 Alive And Cooking. (R) 9.30 The Zoo. (R) 10.00 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 11.00 Murder, She Wrote. (PG, R) 12.00 MOVIE: The Alice. (M, 04, R, CC) 2.00 Damages. (M) 3.00 McLeod’s Daughters. (PG, R, CC) 4.00 Bermuda Triangle Exposed. (PG, R, CC) 5.00 Ellen. (PG, R, CC) 6.00 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 7.00 The Zoo. (R) 7.30 David Attenborough’s The Greatest Wildlife Show On Earth. (R, CC) 8.30 Secret Dealers. (PG) 9.30 The Closer. (M) 10.30 Rizzoli & Isles. (M, R) 11.30 Without A Trace. (M, CC) 12.30 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 1.00 The Closer. (M, R) 2.00 Home Shopping. 4.30 Joyce Meyer. (PG) 5.00 Adventures In Rainbow Country. (R) 5.30 Today. (CC)
6.00 JAG. (PG, R) 7.00 MacGyver. (PG, R) 8.00 The Brady Bunch. (R) 8.30 Neighbours. (R, CC) 9.00 Touched By An Angel. (PG, R) 10.00 7th Heaven. (PG, R) 11.00 The Love Boat. (PG, R) 12.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG, R) 1.00 JAG. (PG, R) 2.00 MacGyver. (PG, R) 3.00 Cheers. (PG, R) 3.30 Roseanne. (PG, R) 4.00 Family Ties. (PG, R) 4.30 Mork And Mindy. (PG, R) 5.00 Happy Days. (PG, R) 5.30 The Brady Bunch. (R) 6.00 Sabrina, The Teenage Witch. (PG, R, CC) 6.30 Neighbours. (CC) 7.00 Everybody Loves Raymond. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 The Simpsons. (PG, R, CC) 8.00 Futurama. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 The Office. (PG) 9.00 Frasier. (PG, R) 9.30 Nurse Jackie. (M) 10.05 Californication. (MA15+, R, CC) 10.40 The Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson. (PG) 11.30 Cheers. (PG, R) 12.00 Roseanne. (PG, R) 12.30 Sabrina, The Teenage Witch. (PG, R, CC) 1.00 Mork And Mindy. (PG, R) 1.30 Happy Days. (PG, R) 2.00 The Love Boat. (PG, R) 3.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG, R) 4.00 Touched By An Angel. (PG, R) 5.00 7th Heaven. (PG, R)
6.00 ABC News Breakfast. (CC) 9.00 News. (CC) 9.30 Business Today. (CC) 10.00 News. (CC) 12.00 Midday Report. (CC) 12.30 Newsline With Jim Middleton. (R) 1.00 News. (CC) 2.00 Question Time: The House of Representatives. (CC) 3.30 Afternoon Live. 5.30 Capital Hill. (R, CC) 5.45 The Quarters. (CC) 6.00 The Drum. (CC) 6.45 The Quarters. (R) 7.00 News. (CC) 7.30 7.30. (CC) 8.00 News. (CC) 8.30 Lateline Business. (R, CC) 9.00 The World. (CC) 10.00 The Drum. (R, CC) 10.45 The Quarters. (R) 11.00 News. 11.30 Newsline With Jim Middleton. (R) 12.00 News. 12.20 Lateline. (R, CC) 1.00 BBC World News. (R) 1.30 Lateline Business. (R, CC) 2.00 BBC World News: The Hub. (R, CC) 2.30 7.30. (R, CC) 3.00 Lateline. (CC) 3.35 Lateline Business. (R, CC) 4.00 News. 4.05 The Quarters. (R) 4.15 The Drum. (R, CC) 5.00 News. (CC) 5.15 The Quarters. (R) 5.30 Newsline With Jim Middleton. (R)
CLASSIFICATIONS: (P) For preschoolers (C) Children’s programs (G) General viewing (PG) Parental guidance (M) Mature audiences (MA15+) Mature adults only (AV15+) Mature audiences: contains adult violence (M) (MA15+) and (AV15+) CONSUMER ADVICE: (a) adult themes (h) horror (Sx) sex scenes (d) drug references, (l) language, (m) medical procedures (n) nudity (v) violence (w) war (CC) Closed Captions (WS) widescreen Programs subject to late change by stations.
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WEDNESDAY June 1 6.00 ABC News Breakfast. (CC) 47906389 9.00 News. (CC) 4820 9.30 Business Today. (CC) 9997 10.00 For The Juniors. (R, CC) 43352 10.15 Cyberchase. (R, CC) 9128802 10.35 Behind The News. (R, CC) 6891401 11.00 Big Ideas. (PG, CC) 56642 12.00 Midday Report. (CC) 1772 12.30 National Press Club Address. (CC) 35159 1.30 Everest ER. (R, CC) 5333 2.00 Parliament Question Time. (CC) 1927178 3.05 Children’s Programs. 89757791 6.05 6.30 7.00 7.30 8.00 8.30 9.00 9.30 10.00 10.25 11.00
6.00 Sunrise. (CC) 95505710 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG, CC) 6139062 11.30 News. (CC) 1284 12.00 MOVIE: Miracle On The I-880. (M, 93) Rubén Blades, Len Cariou, David Morse. 655468
2.00 3.00 3.30 4.00 4.30 5.30
Dr Oz. (PG) 23497 Medical Emergency. (PG, R, CC) 3623 Toybox. (P, R, CC) 6710 It’s Academic. (C, CC) 4739 News At 4.30. (CC) 74536 Deal Or No Deal. (CC) 8772
6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30
PRIME7 News. (CC) 9401 News. (CC) 7420 Home And Away. (PG, CC) 1081 Highway Patrol. (Series return, PG, CC)
6.00 Today. (CC) 90806604 9.00 Kerri-Anne. (PG, CC) 3106197 11.00 News. (CC) 384569 11.30 Alive And Cooking. (R) 134046 12.00 Ellen. (PG, CC) 587913 1.00 The View. (PG, CC) 563333 2.00 Days Of Our Lives. (PG, CC) 574449 3.00 Entertainment Tonight. (CC) 417555 3.30 Hi-5. (P, R, CC) 410642 4.00 The Saddle Club. (R, CC) 411371 4.30 News. (CC) 940468 5.30 Hot Seat. (CC) 878642 News. (CC) 879371 WIN News. (CC) 854062 A Current Affair. (CC) 140246 Polar Bear: Spy On The Ice. (PG, CC)
8.00 World’s Deadliest Roads. (New series, PG, CC) 7265 8.30 Criminal Minds. (M, CC) Prentiss goes missing pursuing her old nemesis. 32536 9.30 Criminal Minds. (M, R, CC) 21420 10.30 Detroit 1-8-7. (M, CC) 12772
8.30 9.30 10.30 11.30
RPA. (PG, CC) 228623 BIG. (PG, CC) 224807 Embarrassing Bodies. (M, CC) 215159 The New Adventures Of Old Christine. (PG) 865178 12.00 WIN News. (CC) 804685
11.00 News/Sports Tonight. (CC) 864449
11.30 Clever Monkeys. (R, CC) 60623 12.20 Parliament Question Time. (R, CC) 3255314 1.20 MOVIE: Flight From Glory. (b/w, PG, 37, R, CC) 9343550 2.30 The Cook And The Chef. (Final, R, CC) 4289260 3.00 Big Ideas. (PG, R, CC) 5473294 4.00 The Bill. (PG, R, CC) 3473014 5.00 National Press Club Address. (R, CC) 9873050
11.30 My Name Is Earl. (PG, R, CC) Earl goes to the top of his list to cross off number one, but in order to do that, he must part with all of his lottery winnings. 8536 12.00 Style By Jury. (PG, R) 3444 12.30 Home Shopping. 11961192 5.30 Early News. (CC) 5883173
12.30 1.00 2.00 2.30 3.30 5.00 5.30
11.30 12.25 1.25 4.00 4.30 5.00 5.30
12.30 MOVIE: King’s Game. (M, 04, R) Anders W. Berthelsen, Søren Pilmark, Nastja Arcel. (Denmark) 56059531 2.25 WeatherWatch Overnight. 66893821 5.00 WeatherWatch & Music. 63425289 5.05 Korean News. 41353937 5.40 Japanese News. 11039024
6.00 Children’s Programs. 3.05 Arthur. (R, CC) 3.30 Mopatop’s Shop. (R) 3.40 The Mr Men Show. (R, CC) 3.50 Peppa Pig. (R, CC) 4.00 The Hoobs. (R) 4.30 Play School. (R, CC) 5.00 Grandpa In My Pocket. (R, CC) 5.15 Thomas And Friends. (R, CC) 5.25 Little Princess. (CC) 5.40 Hana’s Helpline. (R, CC) 5.50 Timmy Time. (R, CC) 6.05 The Mole Sisters. (R, CC) 6.15 Rupert Bear: Follow The Magic. (R, CC) 6.30 In The Night Garden. (R, CC) 7.00 Spicks And Specks. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 World’s Toughest Driving Tests. (New series, PG, CC) 8.30 Stacey Dooley Investigates: Kids For Sale. (PG, R, CC) 9.30 Am I Normal? (New series, M, CC) 10.30 Raising Sextuplets. (CC) 11.15 6 Going On 60. (R, CC) 12.10 The Kitchen Job. (R, CC) 12.55 Songbook: Gary Kemp. (R, CC) 1.40 Close.
6.00 Raggs. (R, CC) 6.30 Flipper. (PG, R) 7.30 The Martha Stewart Show. 8.30 Sons And Daughters. (R, CC) 9.00 Home And Away: The Early Years. (R, CC) 9.30 Shortland Street. (PG) 10.00 Coronation Street. (PG) 10.30 Emmerdale. (PG) 11.00 Hollyoaks. (PG) 11.30 Deal Or No Deal. (R, CC) 12.00 Desperate Housewives. (M, R, CC) 1.00 Grey’s Anatomy. (M, R, CC) 2.00 Murphy Brown. (PG, R, CC) 2.30 Welcome Back, Kotter. (PG, R) 3.00 Perfect Strangers. (R) 3.30 Growing Pains. (PG, R) 4.00 MOVIE: Father Is A Bachelor. (G, 50, R) 6.00 Bargain Hunt. 7.00 Harry’s Practice. (R, CC) 7.30 Heartbeat. (PG, R, CC) 8.40 Pie In The Sky. (PG, CC) 9.45 Jonathan Creek. (M, R, CC) 10.45 On The Buses. (b/w, PG, R) 11.15 Murphy’s Law. (M) 12.15 Room For Improvement. (R, CC) 1.00 Coronation Street. (PG, R) 1.30 Emmerdale. (PG, R) 2.00 Home Shopping. 4.00 Dr Oz. (PG, R) 5.00 The World Around Us. (R)
6.00 Bratz. (PG) 6.30 Holly’s Heroes. (PG, R, CC) 7.00 Deadly. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 The Secret Saturdays. (PG, R) 8.00 Ben 10. (R) 8.30 Kamen Rider: Dragon Knight. (PG, R) 9.00 The Flintstones. (R) 9.30 I Dream Of Jeannie. (R) 10.00 Bewitched. (R) 10.30 Entertainment Tonight. (R, CC) 11.00 TMZ. 11.30 Married With Children. (PG, R) 12.00 Here’s Lucy. (R) 12.30 Spin City. (PG, R, CC) 1.00 Seinfeld. (PG, R) 2.00 Charlie’s Angels. (PG, R) 3.00 Just Shoot Me! (PG, R) 3.30 The Secret Saturdays. (PG, R) 4.00 Kids’ WB. 4.05 Ben 10. (R) 4.30 Here’s Lucy. (R) 5.00 I Dream Of Jeannie. (R) 5.30 Bewitched. (R) 6.00 Two And A Half Men. (PG, R, CC) 7.00 Australia’s Funniest Home Videos. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 The Big Bang Theory. (PG, R, CC) 8.00 Two And A Half Men. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 Fringe. (M) 9.30 Spartacus: Gods Of The Arena. (AV15+) 10.30 Nikita. (AV15+) 11.30 South Park. (MA15+, R) 12.00 V. (M, R, CC) 1.00 Seinfeld. (PG, R) 2.00 Home Shopping. 4.00 Just Shoot Me! (PG, R) 4.30 TMZ. (R) 5.00 Married With Children. (PG, R) 5.30 The Flintstones. (R)
6.00 Emergency Search & Rescue. (PG, R) 6.30 Airline. (PG, R) 7.00 Basketball. NBA Playoffs. Eastern Conference Finals. Game 7. Chicago Bulls v Miami Heat. Replay. 9.00 Baseball. MLB. Cincinnati Reds v Milwaukee Brewers. 12.00 This Week In Baseball. (PG) 12.30 Motor Racing. NASCAR Nationwide Series. Race 13. Top Gear 300. Highlights. 1.30 Motor Racing. NASCAR Sprint Cup. Race 12. Coca-Cola 600. Highlights. 2.30 RPM. (R) 3.30 Omnisport. 4.00 Escape With ET. (R) 4.30 Emergency Search & Rescue. (PG, R) 5.00 Airline. (PG, R) 5.30 Big Cat Diary. (PG) 6.00 Bondi Rescue. (PG, CC) 6.30 Emergency Search & Rescue. (PG) 7.00 Airline. (PG) 7.30 Long Way Round. (PG) 8.30 Cops: Adults Only. (M) 9.30 Sons Of Anarchy. (AV15+) 10.30 Sports Tonight. 11.00 Emergency Search & Rescue. (PG, R) 1.00 Omnisport. (R) 1.30 Basketball. NBA Classics. 2007 Eastern Conference Finals. Game 5. Cleveland Cavaliers v Detroit Pistons. Replay. 3.30 Baseball. MLB. Cincinnati Reds v Milwaukee Brewers. Replay.
6.00 WorldWatch. 6.00 Global Village: Kallawaya – Son Of Lightning Pt 2. (R, CC) (France) 6.30 Come Dine With Me: Greece. (Greece) 7.30 Dateline. (R, CC) 8.30 Obama’s War. (US) 9.35 MOVIE: Masquerades. (PG, 08) A self-important Algerian man lies to his neighbours about his narcoleptic sister’s engagement to a wealthy Frenchman. Lyès Salem, Sarah Reguieg, Mohamed Bouchaïb. (France, Algeria) 11.15 MOVIE: Kebab Connection. (M, 04, R, CC) The son of Turkish immigrants, an aspiring kung-fu movie director, is disowned by his family when he gets a German girl pregnant. Denis Moschitto, Nora Tschirner, Emanuel Bettencourt. (Germany) 12.55 WeatherWatch Overnight. 5.00 WeatherWatch & Music.
6.00 Children’s Programs. 12.05 BTN Extra. (CC) 12.20 Survive This. (R, CC) 12.45 A World Of Wonders. (R, CC) 1.00 Monk. (R) 1.10 League Of Super Evil. (R, CC) 1.35 Dex Hamilton: Alien Entomologist. (R, CC) 2.00 The Wannabes. (Final, R, CC) 2.25 The Latest Buzz. (R, CC) 2.55 Stormworld. (R, CC) 3.25 Connor Undercover. (R, CC) 3.50 Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab. (R, CC) 4.20 News On 3 Update. (CC) 4.25 Summer In Transylvania. (CC) 4.50 Sally Bollywood. (CC) 5.05 The Jungle Book. (R, CC) 5.15 Almost Naked Animals. (CC) 5.30 Star Wars: The Clone Wars. (CC) 5.55 Bugged. (R) 6.00 Total Drama Action. (R, CC) 6.25 Deadly 60. (CC) 6.55 News On 3. (CC) 7.05 The Legend Of Dick And Dom. (Series return, CC) 7.35 Stoked. (R, CC) 8.30 Degrassi: The Next Generation. (R, CC) 9.00 Close.
6.00 The Six Million Dollar Man. (PG, R) 7.00 The Men From Shiloh. (PG, R) 8.30 McHale’s Navy. (PG, R) 9.00 NBC Today. (R, CC) 11.00 Quincy M.E. (PG, R) 12.00 Magnum, P.I. (PG, R) 1.00 Airwolf. (M, R) 2.00 Xena: Warrior Princess. (PG, R) 3.00 Hercules: The Legendary Journeys. (PG, R) 4.00 Malcolm And Eddie. (PG, R) 4.30 Newsradio. (PG, R) 5.00 The Drew Carey Show. (PG, R, CC) 5.30 According To Jim. (R, CC) 6.30 My Wife And Kids. (R, CC) 7.00 That ’70s Show. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 How I Met Your Mother. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 Jersey Shore. (M) 9.30 MOVIE: Wild Things. (AV15+, 98, R) 11.30 Rude Tube. (M) 12.00 The Sopranos. (AV15+, R, CC) 1.00 Magnum, P.I. (PG, R) 2.00 Home Shopping. 4.00 Airwolf. (M, R) 5.00 McHale’s Navy. (PG, R) 5.30 Home Shopping.
6.00 Today. (CC) 9.00 Alive And Cooking. (R) 9.30 The Zoo. (R) 10.00 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 11.00 Murder, She Wrote. (PG, R) 12.00 MOVIE: Mystery Woman. (M, 03, R, CC) 2.00 Damages. (M) 3.00 McLeod’s Daughters. (PG, R, CC) 4.00 Secret Dealers. (PG, R) 5.00 Ellen. (PG, R, CC) 6.00 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 7.00 The Zoo. (R) 7.30 Antiques Roadshow. (R, CC) 8.30 The World’s Fattest Pet And Me. (PG) 9.30 Jailhouse Girls. (Final, M) 10.30 How Clean Is Your House? (PG) 11.30 Conan. (M) 12.30 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 1.00 Jailhouse Girls. (M, R) 2.00 Home Shopping. 4.30 Enjoying Everyday Life With Joyce Meyer. (PG) 5.00 Adventures In Rainbow Country. (R) 5.30 Today. (CC)
6.00 JAG. (PG, R) 7.00 MacGyver. (PG, R) 8.00 The Brady Bunch. (R) 8.30 Neighbours. (R, CC) 9.00 Touched By An Angel. (PG, R) 10.00 7th Heaven. (PG, R) 11.00 The Love Boat. (PG, R) 12.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG, R) 1.00 JAG. (PG, R) 2.00 MacGyver. (PG, R) 3.00 Cheers. (PG, R) 3.30 Roseanne. (PG, R) 4.00 Family Ties. (PG, R) 4.30 Mork And Mindy. (PG, R) 5.00 Happy Days. (PG, R) 5.30 The Brady Bunch. (R) 6.00 Sabrina, The Teenage Witch. (PG, R, CC) 6.30 Neighbours. (CC) 7.00 Everybody Loves Raymond. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 The Simpsons. (PG, R, CC) 8.00 Futurama. (PG, R) 8.30 The Simpsons. (PG, R, CC) 9.00 Futurama. (PG, R) 9.30 The Cleveland Show. (M) 10.00 King Of The Hill. (PG, R) 10.30 The Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson. (PG) 11.30 Cheers. (PG, R) 12.00 Roseanne. (PG, R) 12.30 Sabrina, The Teenage Witch. (PG, R, CC) 1.00 Mork And Mindy. (PG, R) 1.30 Happy Days. (PG, R) 2.00 The Love Boat. (PG, R) 3.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG, R) 4.00 Touched By An Angel. (PG, R) 5.00 7th Heaven. (PG, R)
6.00 ABC News Breakfast. (CC) 9.00 News. (CC) 9.30 Business Today. (R, CC) 10.00 News. (CC) 12.00 Midday Report. (CC) 12.30 National Press Club Address. (R, CC) 1.30 News. (CC) 2.00 Question Time: The House of Representatives. (CC) 3.30 Afternoon Live. (R) 5.30 Capital Hill. (R, CC) 5.45 The Quarters. (CC) 6.00 The Drum. (CC) 6.45 The Quarters. (R) 7.00 News. (CC) 7.30 7.30. (CC) 8.00 News. (CC) 8.30 Lateline Business. (R, CC) 9.00 The World. (R, CC) 10.00 The Drum. (R, CC) 10.45 The Quarters. (R) 11.00 News. 11.30 Newsline With Jim Middleton. (R) 12.00 News. 12.20 Lateline. (R, CC) 1.00 BBC World News. 1.30 Lateline Business. (R, CC) 2.00 BBC World News: The Hub. (R, CC) 2.30 7.30. (R, CC) 3.00 Lateline. (R, CC) 3.35 Lateline Business. (R, CC) 4.00 News. 4.05 The Quarters. (R) 4.15 The Drum. (R, CC) 5.00 News. (CC) 5.15 The Quarters. (R) 5.30 Newsline With Jim Middleton. (R)
Eclipse Music TV. (PG) 9697111 Tennis. French Open. Highlights. 3734395 Newstyle Direct. 9609956 Danoz Direct. 8224227 GMA. (CC) 4045918 News. (CC) 3381598 Today. (CC) 3384685
6.30 With George Negus. (CC) 852604 The 7PM Project. (PG, CC) 148888 MasterChef Australia. (CC) 680449 Glee. (PG, CC) 226265 The Defenders. (New series, M, CC) A pair of Las Vegas lawyers with an eclectic client list tackle all manner of legal issues. 222449 10.30 6.30 With George Negus. (R, CC)
8.30 East West 101. (Final, M, CC) Two Bosnian youths are shot dead while fishing. 9706536 9.30 World News Australia. (CC) 3303913 10.05 MOVIE: Heartbeat Detector. (M, 07, R) Mathieu Amalric, Michael Lonsdale, Jean-Pierre Kalfon. (France) 36135046
6.30 7.00 7.30 8.30 9.30
6.00 WorldWatch. 55476826 11.00 Hindi News. 8550449 11.30 Arabic News. 8553536 12.00 Russian News. 8554265 12.30 Turkish News. 7225807 1.00 MOVIE: Caterina In The City. (M, 03, R) (Italy) 5790997 2.50 Fat Lucas. (PG, R) (France) 18414739 3.00 Parent Rescue: Good Days Bad Days. (R, CC) 7206772 3.30 Letters And Numbers. (R, CC) 7216159 4.00 The Journal. (CC) 7217888 4.30 PBS NewsHour. (CC) 2666081 5.30 Global Village. (R, CC) (France)
Mr Bean. (R, CC) 6670994 Message Stick. (CC) 2449 News. (CC) 88 7.30. (CC) 59 The New Inventors. (CC) 72 Spicks And Specks. (PG, CC) 1 Angry Boys. (CC) 52 Hungry Beast. (CC) 23 At The Movies. (CC) 17197 Lateline. (CC) 458843 Lateline Business. (R, CC) 7994
6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30
6.00 Early News. (CC) 758449 7.00 Toasted TV. (CC) 105333 8.00 Totally Wild. (C, CC) 664401 8.30 Wurrawhy. (P, R, CC) 934848 9.00 News. (CC) 125197 10.00 The Circle. (PG, CC) 3775623 12.00 Dr Phil. (PG, CC) 585555 1.00 Oprah. (PG, CC) 561975 2.00 Ready Steady Cook. (PG, R, CC) 565791 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG, CC) 415197 3.30 Infomercials. (PG, R, CC) 418284 4.00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield. (CC) 419913 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful. (CC) 872468 5.00 News. (CC) 618081
Letterman. (PG) 883333 Ally McBeal. (M, R) 9161043 Infomercials. (PG, R) 59466192 Joyce Meyer. (PG) 9687734 Kenneth Copeland. (PG) 3371111 James Robison. (PG) 3372840 Benny Hinn. (PG) 3382227
6.00 Letters And Numbers. (CC) 2725505 6.30 World News Australia. (CC) 7210371 7.35 Inspector Rex. (PG, R, CC) (Austria) 52642284
CLASSIFICATIONS: (P) For preschoolers (C) Children’s programs (G) General viewing (PG) Parental guidance (M) Mature audiences (MA15+) Mature adults only (AV15+) Mature audiences: contains adult violence (M) (MA15+) and (AV15+) CONSUMER ADVICE: (a) adult themes (h) horror (Sx) sex scenes (d) drug references, (l) language, (m) medical procedures (n) nudity (v) violence (w) war (CC) Closed Captions (WS) widescreen Programs subject to late change by stations.
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THURSDAY June 2 6.00 ABC News Breakfast. (CC) 85706901 9.00 News. (CC) 4463 9.30 Business Today. (CC) 7550 10.00 Real Chinese. (R, CC) 63555 10.15 Being French. (R, CC) 18910024 10.50 Me Voila! (R) 2351444 11.00 Ancient Megastructures. (R, CC) 20043 12.00 Midday Report. (CC) 8043 12.30 The Prisoner. (PG, R, CC) 9325802 1.25 Lead Balloon. (PG, R, CC) 4065260 2.00 Parliament Question Time. (CC) 1987550 3.05 Children’s Programs. 89724463 6.05 6.30 7.00 7.30 8.00 8.30
Mr Bean. (R, CC) 6647666 Message Stick. (CC) 8640 News. (CC) 63 7.30. (CC) 34 Catalyst. (CC) 47 On Trial: Proof Or Truth. (CC) Part 1 of 5. 29376 9.30 Outback Kids. (MA15+, CC) Part 3 of 3. 18260 10.30 Lateline. (CC) 88821 11.05 Lateline Business. (R, CC) 8431289
6.00 Sunrise. (CC) 95572482 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG, CC) 6106734 11.30 News. (CC) 9289 12.00 MOVIE: Nora Roberts’ Carolina Moon. (M, 07, R) Claire Forlani, Oliver Hudson, Josie Davis. 664734 2.00 Dr Oz. (PG) 72918 3.00 Medical Emergency. (PG, R, CC) 4956 3.30 Toybox. (P, R, CC) 7043 4.00 It’s Academic. (C, CC) 5444 4.30 News At 4.30. (CC) 48937 5.30 Deal Or No Deal. (CC) 6395 6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30 8.00
PRIME7 News. (CC) 7024 News. (CC) 5043 Home And Away. (PG, CC) 6376 How I Met Your Mother. (PG, CC) 5647 How I Met Your Mother. (PG, R, CC) 5260
8.30 Grey’s Anatomy. (M, CC) Richard tries to get Derek and Meredith to accept Adele into their Alzheimer’s trial. 13227 9.30 Desperate Housewives. (M, CC) 61181 10.30 Private Practice. (M, CC) 93463
6.00 Today. (CC) 90873376 9.00 Kerri-Anne. (PG, CC) 3173869 11.00 News. (CC) 944145 11.30 Alive And Cooking. (R) 794622 12.00 Ellen. (PG, CC) 510869 1.00 The View. (PG, CC) 596289 2.00 Days Of Our Lives. (PG, CC) 590005 3.00 Entertainment Tonight. (CC) 433111 3.30 Hi-5. (P, R, CC) 443598 4.00 Kitchen Whiz. (C, CC) 444227 4.30 News. (CC) 966024 5.30 Hot Seat. (CC) 894208 6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30 8.00 8.30 9.30 11.15 11.45 1.30
6.00 Early News. (CC) 798685 7.00 Toasted TV. (CC) 129531 8.00 Scope. (C, R, CC) 611937 8.30 Wurrawhy. (P, R, CC) 594424 9.00 News. (CC) 149395 10.00 The Circle. (PG, CC) 3742395 12.00 Dr Phil. (PG, CC) 501111 1.00 Oprah. (PG, CC) 587531 2.00 Ready Steady Cook. (PG, R, CC) 598647 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG, CC) 431753 3.30 Infomercials. (PG, R, CC) 434840 4.00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield. (CC) 442869 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful. (CC) 881734 5.00 News. (CC) 864460
News. (CC) 895937 WIN News. (CC) 803956 A Current Affair. (CC) 180482 RBT. (PG, CC) 189753 Getaway. (PG, CC) 186666 Between The Lines. (PG, CC) 251579 The NRL Footy Show. (M, CC) 1370376 WIN News. (CC) 1988956 The AFL Footy Show. (M, CC) 7598043 Tennis. French Open. Highlights. From Roland Garros, Paris. 3702796
2.30 Entertainment Tonight. (R, CC)
6.00 WorldWatch. 86881537 9.30 Greek News. 7439685 10.20 French News. 75773537 11.00 Hindi News. 8510821 11.30 Arabic News. 8520208 12.00 Russian News. 8521937 12.30 Turkish News. 7292579 1.00 Food Lovers’ Guide To Australia. (R, CC) 7293208 1.30 Don Matteo. (PG, R) (Italy) 6020173 2.30 Dateline. (R, CC) 6031289 3.30 Letters And Numbers. (R, CC) 7276531 4.00 The Journal. (CC) 7277260 4.30 PBS NewsHour. (CC) 2633753 5.30 Global Village. (R, CC) (France) 7470258
6.30 7.00 7.30 8.30
6.30 With George Negus. (CC) 801598 The 7PM Project. (PG, CC) 188024 MasterChef Australia. (CC) 620685 The Good Wife. (Final, M, CC) Alicia and Kalinda put their differences aside to defend a client accused of murder.
9.30 10.30 11.00 11.30
Law & Order: SVU. (M, CC) 248005 6.30 With George Negus. (R, CC) 196043 News/Sports Tonight. (CC) 806043 Letterman. (PG) 213550
9.30 World News Australia. (CC) 3370685 10.05 MOVIE: Shadows. (MA15+, 07, R) Borce Nacev, Vesna Stanojevska, Sabina Ajrula-Tozija. (Macedonia) 78535622
12.25 12.55 1.55 4.00 4.30 5.00 5.30
Video Hits Presents. (PG) 693319 The Starter Wife. (M, R, CC) 4117086 Infomercials. (PG, R) 69372319 Joyce Meyer. (PG) 9654406 Kenneth Copeland. (PG) 3348883 James Robison. (PG) 3349512 Benny Hinn. (PG) 3359999
12.20 MOVIE: The Method. (M, 05, R) Eduardo Noriega, Najwa Nimri, Eduard Fernández. (Spain) 9023883 2.20 WeatherWatch Overnight. 20126999 5.00 WeatherWatch & Music. 63485661 5.05 Korean News. 41320609 5.40 Japanese News. 11006796
6.00 6.30 7.30 8.00
Letters And Numbers. (CC) 6020717 World News Australia. (CC) 2620289 Italian Food Safari. (R, CC) 6522260 Lyndey And Blair’s Taste Of Greece. (CC) 6529173 8.30 Heston’s Feasts. (R, CC) (UK) 9773208
11.35 Live From Abbey Road. (M, R, CC) 928208 12.25 Parliament. (R, CC) 3221357 1.25 MOVIE: The Wrong Arm Of The Law. (b/w, G, 63, R, CC) 49720512 3.10 Arctic Exposure. (R, CC) 2612628 4.00 The Bill. (PG, R, CC) 7778226 5.00 Can We Help? (R, CC) 5937796 5.30 The New Inventors. (R, CC) 5930883
11.30 30 Rock. (M, R, CC) Jack fends off a threat to his job. Kenneth volunteers at an animal shelter. 6531 12.00 Heroes. (M, R, CC) 79609 1.00 Home Shopping. 74237425 5.30 Early News. (CC) 5850845
6.00 Children’s Programs. 3.05 Arthur. (R, CC) 3.30 Mopatop’s Shop. (R) 3.40 The Mr Men Show. (R, CC) 3.50 Peppa Pig. (R, CC) 4.00 The Hoobs. (R) 4.30 Play School. (R, CC) 5.00 Grandpa In My Pocket. (R, CC) 5.15 Thomas And Friends. (R, CC) 5.25 The Hive. (R, CC) 5.30 Bert And Ernie’s Great Adventures. (R, CC) 5.40 Hana’s Helpline. (R, CC) 5.50 Timmy Time. (R, CC) 6.05 The Mole Sisters. (R, CC) 6.15 Rupert Bear: Follow The Magic. (R, CC) 6.30 In The Night Garden. (R, CC) 7.00 Spicks And Specks. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 The Marngrook Footy Show. (PG, CC) 8.30 Arrested Development. (CC) 9.00 Peep Show. (CC) 9.30 The Graham Norton Show. (CC) 10.15 Hungry Beast. (R, CC) 10.45 Later…With Jools Holland. (CC) 11.45 The Marngrook Footy Show. (PG, R, CC) 12.45 Songbook: Mick Hucknall. (M, R, CC) 1.35 Close.
6.00 Raggs. (R, CC) 6.30 Flipper. (R) 7.30 The Martha Stewart Show. 8.30 Sons And Daughters. (R, CC) 9.00 Home And Away: The Early Years. (R, CC) 9.30 Shortland Street. (PG) 10.00 Coronation Street. (PG) 10.30 Emmerdale. (PG) 11.00 Hollyoaks. (PG) 11.30 Deal Or No Deal. (R, CC) 12.00 Desperate Housewives. (M, R, CC) 1.00 Grey’s Anatomy. (M, R, CC) 2.00 Murphy Brown. (PG, R, CC) 2.30 Welcome Back, Kotter. (PG, R) 3.00 Perfect Strangers. (R) 3.30 Growing Pains. (PG, R) 4.00 Full House. (R) 4.30 Columbo. (PG, R) 6.00 Bargain Hunt. 7.00 Harry’s Practice. (R, CC) 7.30 Doc Martin. (PG, CC) 8.30 The Bill. (M, CC) 10.40 MOVIE: My Boy Jack. (M, 07, R, CC) 12.45 MOVIE: My Life With Caroline. (b/w, G, 41, R) 2.20 Leyland Brothers’ World. (R) 3.10 Dr Oz. (PG, R) 4.00 Coronation Street. (PG, R) 4.30 Emmerdale. (PG, R) 5.00 Room For Improvement. (R, CC) 5.30 Home Shopping.
6.00 Children’s Programs. 8.00 Ben 10. (R) 8.30 Kamen Rider: Dragon Knight. (PG, R) 9.00 The Flintstones. (R) 9.30 I Dream Of Jeannie. (R) 10.00 Bewitched. (R) 10.30 Entertainment Tonight. (R, CC) 11.00 TMZ. 11.30 Married With Children. (PG, R) 12.00 Here’s Lucy. (R) 12.30 Spin City. (PG, R, CC) 1.00 Seinfeld. (PG, R) 2.00 Charlie’s Angels. (PG, R) 3.00 Just Shoot Me! (PG, R) 3.30 The Secret Saturdays. (PG, R) 4.00 Kids’ WB. 4.05 Ben 10. (R) 4.30 Here’s Lucy. (R) 5.00 I Dream Of Jeannie. (R) 5.30 Bewitched. (R) 6.00 Two And A Half Men. (PG, R, CC) 7.00 Australia’s Funniest Home Videos. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 The Big Bang Theory. (PG, R, CC) 8.00 Two And A Half Men. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 MOVIE: Charlie’s Angels. (M, 00, R, CC) 10.35 MOVIE: Striptease. (MA15+, 96, R) 1.00 The Ultimate Fighter. (AV15+) 2.00 Home Shopping. 4.00 Just Shoot Me! (PG, R) 4.30 TMZ. (R) 5.00 Married With Children. (PG, R) 5.30 The Flintstones. (R)
6.00 Emergency Search & Rescue. (PG, R) 6.30 Airline. (PG, R) 7.00 GOAL! 7.30 Motor Racing. FIA World Rally Championship. Round 6. Day 3. Highlights. 8.00 Motor Racing. Rolex Sports Car Series. Race 5. Memorial Day Classic. Replay. 11.00 Basketball. NBA Classics. 2006 Finals. Game 6. Miami Heat v Dallas Mavericks. Replay. 1.00 Real NBA. (R) 1.30 Surfing. Margaret River Pro. Replay. 2.30 Ironman. 3.30 Omnisport. 4.00 Escape With ET. (R) 4.30 Emergency Search & Rescue. (PG, R) 5.00 Airline. (PG, R) 5.30 Big Cat Diary. 6.00 Bondi Rescue. (PG, CC) 6.30 Emergency Search & Rescue. (PG) 7.00 Airline. (PG) 7.30 Cops. (PG) 8.30 The Game Plan: NRL. 9.30 The Ultimate Fighter: Heavyweights. (M) 10.30 Sports Tonight. 11.00 The Game Plan: AFL. 12.00 Drag Racing. ANDRA Pro Series. Top Doorslammer. Nitro Champs. Replay. 1.00 Omnisport. (R) 1.30 Golf. OneAsia Tour. Nanshan China Masters. First round. 4.30 Motor Racing. FIA World Rally Championship. Round 6. Power Stage. Replay. 5.30 This Week In Baseball. (PG, R)
6.00 WorldWatch. 6.00 Global Village: Ta Peshala. (R, CC) (France) 6.30 Come Dine With Me: Greece. (Greece) 7.30 Insight. (R, CC) 8.30 Eye Over Prague. (R) (Czech Republic) 9.30 MOVIE: Nicotina. (AV15+, 03, R) A computer hacker teams with a pair of amateur criminals to strike a deal with a Russian mobster, involving the exchange of diamonds for access to Swiss bank accounts. Diego Luna, Lucas Crespi, Jesús Ochoa, Marta Beláustegui. (Mexico) 11.05 MOVIE: Kitchen Stories. (PG, 03, R) An observer, monitoring the kitchen habits of an elderly bachelor living in rural Norway, breaks the rules of the experiment when he befriends his subject. Joachim Calmeyer, Tomas Norström, Bjørn Floberg. (Norway, Sweden) 12.45 WeatherWatch Overnight. 5.00 WeatherWatch & Music.
6.00 Children’s Programs. 11.25 Go Lingo! (CC) 11.50 Backyard Science. (CC) 12.05 BTN Extra. (CC) 12.20 Survive This. (R, CC) 12.45 A World Of Wonders. (R, CC) 1.00 Monk. (R) 1.05 League Of Super Evil. (R, CC) 1.35 Dex Hamilton: Alien Entomologist. (R, CC) 2.00 The Legend Of Dick And Dom. (R, CC) 2.30 The Latest Buzz. (R, CC) 2.55 Stormworld. (R, CC) 3.25 Connor Undercover. (R, CC) 3.50 Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab. (R, CC) 4.20 News On 3 Update. (CC) 4.25 Summer In Transylvania. (CC) 4.50 Sally Bollywood. (CC) 5.05 The Jungle Book. (R, CC) 5.15 Almost Naked Animals. (CC) 5.30 Star Wars: The Clone Wars. (CC) 5.55 Bugged. (R) 6.00 Total Drama Action. (R, CC) 6.25 Deadly 60. (CC) 6.55 News On 3. (CC) 7.05 The Legend Of Dick And Dom. (CC) 7.35 Stoked. (R, CC) 8.30 Degrassi: The Next Generation. (PG, R, CC) 9.00 Close.
6.00 The Six Million Dollar Man. (PG, R) 7.00 The Men From Shiloh. (PG, R) 8.30 McHale’s Navy. (PG, R) 9.00 NBC Today. (R, CC) 11.00 Quincy M.E. (PG, R) 12.00 Magnum, P.I. (PG, R) 1.00 Airwolf. (M, R) 2.00 Xena: Warrior Princess. (PG, R) 3.00 Hercules: The Legendary Journeys. (PG, R) 4.00 Malcolm And Eddie. (PG, R) 4.30 Newsradio. (PG, R) 5.00 The Drew Carey Show. (PG, R, CC) 5.30 According To Jim. (R, CC) 6.30 My Wife And Kids. (R, CC) 7.00 That ’70s Show. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 Mighty Ships: Beluga Bremen. 8.30 Man Made Marvels: Singapore Marina Barrage. 9.30 Heliloggers. (MA15+) 10.30 Demolition Day. (New series) 11.30 Jacked: Auto Theft Task Force. (M) 12.00 The Sopranos. (MA15+, R, CC) 1.00 Magnum, P.I. (PG, R) 2.00 Airwolf. (M, R) 3.00 Quincy M.E. (PG, R) 4.00 Xena: Warrior Princess. (PG, R) 5.00 Hercules: The Legendary Journeys. (PG, R)
6.00 Today. (CC) 9.00 Alive And Cooking. (R) 9.30 The Zoo. (R) 10.00 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 11.00 Murder, She Wrote. (PG, R) 12.00 MOVIE: Heaven’s Pond. (M, 03, R) 2.00 Damages. (M) 3.00 McLeod’s Daughters. (PG, R, CC) 4.00 Antiques Roadshow. (R, CC) 5.00 Ellen. (PG, R, CC) 6.00 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 7.00 The Zoo. (R) 7.30 As Time Goes By. (PG, R) 8.30 Jo Frost: Extreme Parental Guidance. (PG) 9.30 Embarrassing Teenage Bodies. (M) 10.30 How To Have Sex After Marriage. (MA15+, R, CC) 11.30 Conan. (M) 12.30 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 1.00 Murder, She Wrote. (PG, R) 2.00 Home Shopping. 4.30 Joyce Meyer. (PG) 5.00 Adventures In Rainbow Country. (R) 5.30 Today. (CC)
6.00 JAG. (PG, R) 7.00 MacGyver. (PG, R) 8.00 The Brady Bunch. (R) 8.30 Neighbours. (R, CC) 9.00 Touched By An Angel. (PG, R) 10.00 7th Heaven. (R) 11.00 The Love Boat. (PG, R) 12.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG, R) 1.00 JAG. (PG, R) 2.00 MacGyver. (PG, R) 3.00 Cheers. (PG, R) 3.30 Roseanne. (PG, R) 4.00 Family Ties. (PG, R) 4.30 Mork And Mindy. (PG, R) 5.00 Happy Days. (PG, R) 5.30 The Brady Bunch. (R) 6.00 Sabrina, The Teenage Witch. (PG, R, CC) 6.30 Neighbours. (CC) 7.00 Everybody Loves Raymond. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 The Simpsons. (R, CC) 8.00 The Simpsons. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 SGU Stargate Universe. (M) 9.30 Star Trek: The Next Generation. (PG, R) 10.30 The Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson. (PG) 11.30 Cheers. (PG, R) 12.00 Roseanne. (PG, R) 12.30 Sabrina, The Teenage Witch. (PG, R, CC) 1.00 Mork And Mindy. (PG, R) 1.30 Happy Days. (PG, R) 2.00 The Love Boat. (PG, R) 3.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG, R) 4.00 Touched By An Angel. (PG, R) 5.00 7th Heaven. (R)
6.00 ABC News Breakfast. (CC) 9.00 News. (CC) 9.30 Business Today. (CC) 10.00 News. (CC) 12.00 Midday Report. (R, CC) 12.30 Newsline With Jim Middleton. (R) 1.00 News. (CC) 2.00 Question Time: The House of Representatives. (CC) 3.30 Afternoon Live. 5.30 Capital Hill. (CC) 5.45 The Quarters. (R, CC) 6.00 The Drum. (CC) 6.45 The Quarters. 7.00 News. (CC) 7.30 7.30. (CC) 8.00 News. (CC) 8.30 Lateline Business. (CC) 9.00 The World. (CC) 10.00 The Drum. (R, CC) 10.45 The Quarters. (R) 11.00 News. (CC) 11.30 Newsline With Jim Middleton. 12.00 News. 12.20 Lateline. (R, CC) 1.00 BBC World News. 1.30 Lateline Business. (CC) 2.00 BBC World News: The Hub. (CC) 2.30 7.30. (R, CC) 3.00 Lateline. (CC) 3.35 Lateline Business. (R, CC) 4.00 News. 4.05 The Quarters. (R) 4.15 The Drum. (R, CC) 5.00 News. 5.15 The Quarters. (R) 5.30 Newsline With Jim Middleton. (R)
3.00 3.30 5.00 5.30
Danoz Direct. 9652048 GMA. (CC) 4005390 News. (CC) 3341970 Today. (CC) 3351357
CLASSIFICATIONS: (P) For preschoolers (C) Children’s programs (G) General viewing (PG) Parental guidance (M) Mature audiences (MA15+) Mature adults only (AV15+) Mature audiences: contains adult violence (M) (MA15+) and (AV15+) CONSUMER ADVICE: (a) adult themes (h) horror (Sx) sex scenes (d) drug references, (l) language, (m) medical procedures (n) nudity (v) violence (w) war (CC) Closed Captions (WS) widescreen Programs subject to late change by stations.
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May 26–June 1, 2011 Central West Photo News
dAgger drAwn A Chinese mAn who sought treAtment for heAdAChes for four yeArs reCently disCovered he hAd hAd A 10Cm dAgger lodged in his skull. The man, identified only as Mr Ni, was stabbed in the lower right jaw when fighting off a robber four years ago. Afterwards he began to suffer from a variety of ailments. He took himself to hospital several times but none of the examinations found the cause of his symptoms. As well as frequent headaches, these included bleeding from the mouth, difficulty swallowing food and becoming hoarse. He sometimes also found himself talking nonsense. According to Sky News, doctors at last found the answer when he sought treatment for what he thought was an ear disease. They then operated to extract the rusty blade. “We checked his mouth, but no wound or scar was found. It is very strange as to how the blade got into his head,” said the deputy director of the hospital’s oral medicine unit. Doctors say Mr Ni escaped death because the blade missed vital blood vessels and important facial nerves. He is now recovering in hospital.
happy birthday May 26: Ernie Carroll, 82, aka Ossie Ostrich. Lenny Kravitz, 47, singer. Stevie Nicks, 63, Fleetwood Mac singer. Helena Bonham Carter, 45, actress. Josh Thomas, 24, Generation Y team captain on Talkin’ ‘Bout Your Generation. Pauline Hanson May 27: Pauline Hanson, 57, former politician. Todd Bridges, 46, played Willis on TV’s Diff’rent Strokes. Jamie Oliver, 36, TV chef. Wayne Carey, 40, controversial AFL player. Michael Hussey, 36, cricketer. Pat Cash, 46, tennis star. May 28: Kylie Minogue, 43, superstar. Jeff Fenech, 47, boxer. John Fogerty, 66, front man for Creedence Clearwater Revival. May 29: Pete Smith, 71, voice over man, famous for “Saaaale of the Century”. Myf Warhurst, 36, regular on TV’s Spicks & Specks. Jo Beth Taylor, 39, Hey Hey It’s Saturday. Melanie Jamie Oliver Brown, 35, Scary Spice. Noel Gallagher, 43, from Oasis. Melissa Etheridge, 49, singer. Natarsha Belling, 40, Channel Ten newsreader. May 30: Matt Maguire, 27, Aussie rules player. Peter Ellis, 65, Chief Supt Brownlow on TV’s The Bill. May 31: Tommy Emmanuel, 56, Australian guitarist. Colin Farrell, 35, actor, Daredevil. Brooke Shields, 46, actress. Sharon Gless, 68, played Cagney on TV’s Cagney & Lacey. Clint Eastwood, 81, acting legend. Jun 1: Colleen McCullough, 74, author, The Thorn Birds. Jason Donovan, 43, actor/singer. Adam Garcia, 38, actor, Coyote Ugly. Alanis Morissette, 37, singer. Ron Wood, 64, Rolling Stone. Kylie Minogue Morgan Freeman, 74, acting legend.
Proudly sponsored by ProvVista Woodfired Pizza, Summer Street, Orange. This week’s redaer recipe was sent in by Mrs Gwen Coulter. For her effort, Gwen wins a $50 gift voucher to spend at ProvVista Woodfired Pizza. Keep those recipes coming because each one we publish will win a similar prize. Send them to Reader Recipes, Photo News, Suite 3/241 Lords Place, Orange 2800 or email Bridget at
ruit sliCe QuiCk speCiAl f Ingredients 1 cup S.R. flour
and walnuts sultanas , or dates 375g mixed fruit , or Milk 1 tin of Condensed
and mix well. •Sift flour onto fruit well. it and flour and mix fru er ov ilk M d se •Pour Conden ce tin, approx. glad-baked lined sli or d se ea gr ll we a •Press into 28cm x 18cm. minutes or for about 30 to 40 en ov w slo e/ at er •Cook in mod when tested.
The two photos below contain six subtle differences. Can you find them all?
Answers: 1.Guitar on wall 2. Lava lamp 3.Buttons on drum-kit 4. Drumstick on snare 5. Piano keys 6.Object behind right shoulder
Central West Photo News May 26–June 1, 2011
PhotoNews Classifieds
Central West
Classified advertising closes 5pm each Monday. To book your ads phone 6361 3575 and use your credit card or call into our office at Suite 3, 241 Lords Place, Orange (behind Peter Mitchell Property Management) during business hours.
SCRAPBOOKING EXTRAVAGANZA Territory Manager - Orange This is a wonderful opportunity to join the NSW team managing sales of our world famous MARS products across both the Impulse & Grocery channels! As a Territory Manager in Orange you will be working with global super brands like Mars®, Snickers®, M&M’s® and Maltesers® - you will be set for success in this dynamic and challenging role. You will bring to our business your strong sales experience, energy and enthusiasm. You will be dedicated to your customers and have a great understanding of brand recognition, value the importance of building relationships and thrive in a growing and future driven environment. You will thrive in a sales environment where you will have the ability to achieve an extraordinary Mars Chocolate presence at all available sites.
High levels of communication, listening and problem solving skills
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Action and results oriented
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Applications close: 31/05/11 To apply visit quoting Ref No. NEW00421
for part-time and casual positions. Must be available to work weekends. Please send resume to Benson’s Cafe 2/240 Summer Street Orange 2800
s w e N o t o Ph st entral We
Discover traditional and digital scrapbooking techniques as well as photo storage solutions. Learn from experts, see what you can do with scrapbooking , see the latest scrapbooking accessories, share memories and more.
2011 commemorates 30 years since the Australian Rules football started in the Central West. So to celebrate this milestone the Orange Ex-Services AFL Tigers are holding a
If you’re ready for the next exciting step in your career, then we’d love to hear from you!
New and former scrapbookers are most welcome.
For more information contact your consultant or Jo Cannard on 0416 041 099
Ideally tertiary qualified, you will also be confident when being measured against the following key objectives: •
Creative Memories Consultants will be holding a Memoranza Scrapbooking Extravanganza at Orange City Bowling Club on Saturday May 28 between 10am and 10pm.
Looking for staff? Advertise your Positions Vacant in Photo News 6361 3575
You are invited to come and reminisce with past and current players about the Mighty Tigers
Tickets available from Willoughby’s Model Cars $50 per person for a 2 course meal Enquiries: Paul 02 6361 7696 (w) 6361 1271 (h) or Only 110 tickets are available so don’t delay in purchasing your ticket by 17th June 2011
Hairdressing - colour from $25 Facials, waxing, massage, body treatments, manicure & pedicure
Your first stop for best service at a fraction of Salon costs - 6360 2833
28th May 2011 ORANGE EX-SERVICES CLUB 7pm for 7.30pm Start $15 per person Entry FINGER FOOD SUPPLIED Please eat before attending. No food may be brought in due to State Health regulations regarding licensed premises.
Tickets at the door or pre-book at Willoughby’s Model Cars 6361 7696
For class times and venues go to
ZumbAtomic - Zumba for kids Mon & Wed Afternoons Call 0403 315 181 or 0423 932 724
Refreshing News! If you have a Clean Air dispenser in your loo and are having trouble buying refills, good news! Photo News has secured a quantity from the manufacturer and they are available from our office for $3.50 a can. Call into Central West Photo News Suite 3/241 Lords Place during office hours. With 79% of locals saying they pick Photo News up every week or regularly, is there a better place to advertise? For advertsing enquiries call 6361 3575 COURSES
WOODWORKING CLASSES Day & Evening Classes Clifton Grove Orange Mens & Ladies Groups
Phone Malcolm on 0417 471 527 Email:
Price on application Ph: 0427 318 582
ACCOMMODATION WANTED One or Two Bedroom Unit or room with meals For 6 to 12 months Phone 0417 843 658
PhotoNews Classifieds
May 26–June 1, 2011 Central West Photo News
Central West
Classified advertising closes 5pm each Monday. To book your ads phone 6361 3575 and use your credit card or call into our office at Suite 3, 241 Lords Place, Orange (behind Peter Mitchell Property Management) during business hours.
All new electric heater, BBQ plate, letterbox, vacuum, chairs, ladders, ladies dresses, shoes, coats, suitcases, seweing machine, storm pipe, kids bike, stroller. Phone 6362 7758
$15 per basket Ph: 0407 188 714
Kylie Selwood joins the team at Younique Hair!
Kylie brings great personal flair in style cuts and colour, and is taking bookings now.
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All your Knitting needs!
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Want to learn woodworking? See The Dovetail Joint ad on previous page
For farm fresh flowers call 0428 665 059 • 6366 5059
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PH: 0412 067 841
Brian: 0407 709 035
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Christinas Recycled Designer Clothing 0438 279 808 Christinas Recycled Designer Clothing
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0400 089 017
LIGHT INDUSTRIAL SHED 110 sq mtrs FOR SALE $97,000+gst Dan 0407 895 689
*conditions apply
Family Portraits
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PhotoNews Central West
MISSION STATEMENT To produce a newspaper that supports, encourages and brings out the best in people.
Professionally designed brochures, business cards, stationery and more...
Design & printing at great prices. Ask us for a quote! Phone Amy on 0417 208 994 or visit
28 William Street - 6360 4049 Try the best!
all school hems
Hems, repairs, zippers, alterations, Graduation, Evening and Bridal wear
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including Easter
CARPET OVERLOCKING Ring Luke on 6363 1452 or 0448 049 018
Massage Therapist Mon-Fri 8am-8pm
Mobile: 0418 205 322 Health Fund Accredited YES, we do photograph... • Weddings • Glamour Portraits • Family and Children Portraits • Sports & Events • Real Estate • Corporate Portraits and Commercial Ph 0419 693 975
Photo News Classified ads work!
Tile and Iron Roofs
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BUILT-IN WARDROBES Custom Made also Shower Screens Free quotes. Save $100’s!
Phone: Peter 0425 228 551
Central West Photo May 26–June 1, 2011 TRADES & News SERVICES
Hard to 62x50 $49 10/09/2007 11:48:48 AM
Sunday May 29th - Orange Model Aircraft Club - 1447 The Escort Way (Forbes Rd). Midmorning start, weather permitting. For more information phone Laurie Talbot 6362 0230 or 0411 202 170.
Plumbers, Gasfitters and Roofing Specialists Servicing Orange and Cabonne FREE QUOTES Gus 0427 270 084 L/no. 82435C Toby 042 8 525 114
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Male 9 weeks. Very cute! $100 Ph: 0422 313 785 or 6365 6118
Chartered Accountant SPECIALISING IN BUSINESS AND PERSONAL TAX RETURNS • GST & BAS • Bookkeeping Acrylic colour coating for tennis, • Quick Turn Around
ORANGE PET PARLOUR • Clipping • Grooming • Bathing All breeds welcome. Call Debbie
basketball, netball courts and
Phone 6360 4295sports surfaces. multipurpose
Phone (02) 6365 5381 Hydrobath
Ash’s Zip ‘n’ Clip Ash’s
Clipping Nails & Ears
Mobile Dog Grooming ‘n ’ Clip Zip
Mobile Dog Grooming Salon Pampering at Home
Hydrobath Salon pampering at home •
Clipping • Nails & Ears
Phone 0404 776 307
Phone Virginia or Allison 6362 0710 or mobile 0429 182 354
Mandurama District Tennis Club AGM 26th May 6pm at the Club Rooms. For enquiries call Mrs J Osborne 63674044 MEETING THIS WEEK
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Clergate Public School Trivia night fundraiser is on the 4th June at 6.30pm at the Orange Ex-Services Club. Tickets are $15 and include nibbles. Contact Penny Keegan for tickets on 6365 8566 or 0427 658 566.
Ongoing – 10am, A friendship group for 50 years and over, will meet at the Church of Christ Hall, Burrendong Way June 8th. Morning tea is provided. John Bransgrove is guest speaker and will share his experiences of his trip. For more info contact John and Maureen Miller on 6362 6455
Catering to your pets needs every time! • All pets catered for • • Professional, experienced • • More than 11 years in the industry • • Friendly, reliable staff •
CLEAN OR REPAIR Phone Kaleb 0400 489 680
Buying or Selling property?
Biggest Morning tea Thursday the 26th of May. You can hold your morning tea at home, at work or at school, or in your local town hall. The possibilities are endless. Hosting a morning tea is easy. Register at www.biggestmorningtea. or call 1300 65 65 85. Make your cup count! It doesn’t matter how big or small.
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St Barnabas Anglican Church is celebrating 40 years in their new building. Celebrations will be on the 28th of May with dinner at 6.30pm with guest Speaker Dr. Phillip Tracey, from Australian Arctic division. Tickets are $45p/p and available from St Barnabas Church or Willoughby’s Model Cars.
Family History Workshop. Join The Orange Family History group on the 26th May at 7pm until 9pm, in the Orange city library, Byng Street, Orange, when they present a workshop to help you find the information you need for your family history project. For bookings, call 6393 8132.
Ashlie Gardiner - 0429 124 255 Ashlie Gardiner 0429 124 255
Monday – May 30th - Rotary Club of Orange Calare – 1pm lunch at the Harrison Restaurant, 85 March Street Orange. Contact Fay Layton ph 6361 7080.
Bloomfield JRLFC (Junior Rugby League Football Club) is holding a ‘Girls Night In’ on May 28th at Club Newstead, Hill St Orange. The night starts at 6.30pm, Cost is $10, plus a plate of party food. There will be a few stalls to have a look at and a ‘Best Decorated Bra’ competition with great prizes. Pink Pj’s is the dress code for the night (optional of course). For further info, please call Julianne on 0429 020 672. All money raised will go towards The Cancer Council.
COMPUTER We’re here to help...
Monday –May 30th – Sahaja Meditation Free Classes – 7:30pm at the Home and Community Care Centre, 286 Lords Place Orange. Enquiries to Dave on 0439 000 396.
Thursday May 26th – Orange Spinners and Handcraft group – 10am – 2pm, Cultural centre Sale Street. Spinning wheels available for beginners and tuition can be provided. For enquiries call Suzan 63654324. Thursday May 26th - Orange Social Dance Group at the Orange City Bowling Club. Beginners from 7-8pm, General Dancing (Ballroom, Latin and Sequence) 8-10pm. Learn to Dance and have fun. Enquiries 6362 0068. Sunday May 29th - Rotary Club of Orange -Trash and Treasure Markets from 8:00am to 12:00noon in the Kmart Car Park, Byng Street entrance. There is a variety of stalls including fruit, veggies, crafts, jewellery, books, bric-abrac and much, much more. All proceeds raised go to support local charities.
Tuesday – May 31st – Orange & Districts 40+ Singles Social Group – 7pm at Orange Ex-Services Club. Contact Cathie on 6361 3602, Dean on 6361 4310 or Richard on 6365 1133. Tuesday – May 31st– Orange Coin & Stamp Club Inc. meeting at the Orange Community Information Centre, 79 – 81 Kite Street at 7.30pm. Enquiries to Norm 6362 3754. Wednesday – June 1st – Camp Quality Trivia Night – 7:30pm at the Royal Hotel Orange. Contact Louise Eggleston on 6362 7023. Wednesday – June 1st – Orange Lace makers – 1:30-4:30pm at the Cultural Centre, Sale St. Contact Sandy on 6362 7938 or Bev on 6362 9540. Wednesday – June 1st – Orange Men’s Probus Club in the Coral Sea Room of Orange ExServices Club at 10am. Contact Jim Heron on 6362 3547. Thursday- 2nd June- Blayney Floral Art and Garden Club - Members and any interested new members are advised that the next meeting will be held at the Anglican Church Hall, 11am. There will be a Plant Swap, followed by our 20th Anniversary Celebration. Please bring a ‘special’ lunch to share. Enquiries Ros MacRae on 6368 7284 Orange Seniors are open every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9:30am to 3pm. There is a two course cooked meal each day at 12noon for $6.00. Entertainment includes Scrabble, Bingo and Cards. There is also a Free Computer Kiosk available to members. Free computer classes for seniors in easy understandable stages for the beginner, also advanced classes are available. Chess is available Wednesday mornings 9.30am. To ensure your place in the classes, ring seniors on 6362 6592 or Lynn Edwards on 0413 001 634. Orange Men’s Shed meets each Tuesday and Wednesday from 10:00am until 3pm at the School of Arts Hall in Lucknow. For more details, call 6361 2134. Orange Bridge Club welcomes anyone who is interested in playing the game of bridge or would like to learn the game, to join our friendly club. Please contact Helen Britton on 6362 1138 or Jan De Jong on 6362 2040. For lessons, contact Margaret Robinson on 6362 8241. The Scrabble Club invites you to play Scrabble using the original rules and using the standard dictionary for reference. Scrabble is fun and helps keep your brain active. Meeting fortnightly on Sunday afternoons from 2-5pm. Beginners very welcome. Enquiries to Audrey on 6362 0068
A listing in THE DIARY is free. Two weeks notice is required and placement is subject to available space. Please email brief details to reception@cwpn., fax 6361 3494, or phone Bridget on 6361 3575 during business hours.
May 26–June 1, 2011 Central West Photo News
Robyn Cruises into 50! Pictures by LETITIA BLOO
Peter Pocknall her big 50th Birthday at the Robyn Roberts celebrated ssed up for the May. Friends and family dre th 14 y da tur Sa on n lio vil Pa n on her one partied on with Roby ery ev d an vis /El ise Cru of theme ay Robyn! Special Day! Happy Birthd
llie Garretty Margi Garretty, Robyn. Ca
Cruise Ship Party People
Robyn with Family
Narelle Gordon, Di Burre
Kenneth and Tess Walker
Shop 3/200 3/200 Anson Anson Street, Street, Orange Orange Shop Ph 6362 0146 ● Open 9.30-6pm 6 days days Ph 6362 0146 ● Open 9.30-6pm 6
Jason Roberts, Callie Garre
Elvis and Robyn the fish
A business man was interviewing applicants for the position of divisional manager. He devised a simple test to select the most suitable person for the job. He asked each applicant the question, “What is two and two?” The first interviewee was a journalist. His answer was “Twenty-two. “The second was a social worker. She said, “I don’t know the answer but I’m glad we had time to discuss this important question.” The third applicant was an engineer. He pulled out a slide rule and showed the answer to be between 3.999 and 4.001.The next person was a lawyer. He stated that in the case of Jenkins v Commissioner of Stamp Duties (Qld), two and two was proven to be four. The last applicant was an accountant. The business man asked him, “How much is two and two?” The accountant got up from his chair, went over to the door and closed it then came back and sat down. He leaned across the desk and said in a low voice, “How much do you want it to be?” He got the job.
On Tour with Belmo
Hey hey everyone, Last weekend I was in Florida. I was coaching in the most state of the art, sophisticated bowling training centre We would love if you would in the world, The Kegel Training Centre. It is become our facebook friend and once you request the completely decked out with sensors, cameras Orange Tenpin Bowl to oil pattern options, brand new lanes and so be your friend - we will send much more. The coaching staff that worked YOU a SUPER, SUPER there helped IAB run our class. I learnt so OFFER of a $5 GAME VOUCHER much from listening to these world class OUR WAY TO SAY THANKS FOR BEING OUR FRIEND coaches while they were helping us teach Valid until 30th June - MUST print off the voucher our class. After we ran a very successful clinic sent to your facebook wall on Mondays & Fridays the Kegel coaches then used all the cool ( Offer For Facebook Friends) technology to break down my game and 6362 5466 ORANGE TENPIN BOWL - Cnr Byng & Seymours Sts. helped me with a few weaknesses I never knew I had. With high tech video analysis, these amazing coaches used their knowledge PH: 6360 0661 of how our bodies work and showed me how piece of perfectness t ake your wardrbe beautiful Make your wardrobe beautiful at Belle Armoire I can use my body better to give maximum power and stability without losing accuracy. Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the best dressed of them all? Pretty exciting stuff! Now I have to use all Be in the running to win a $50 Belle Armoire voucher! Post a photo, on our facebook wall, of yourself wearing an outfit this info and practice as hard as I can to make these changes feel 'normal' so I can be an purchased from Belle Armoire and include your email address. The photo with the most 'likes' by 5pm each Friday in May will win even stronger player on tour. I am now a $50 Belle Armoire voucher + will be featured as our profile pic getting ready for our next clinic which is in Detroit. I will tell you all about it next week for the weekend! Be good - Cheers Belmo So ladies, get snapping and start liking.
“ Belle Armoire” It's French for 'beautiful wardrobe' and is a little piece of Parisian elegance on Lords Place. With a mix of emeing and established alian wom fashion labels and a small range f scrumptious children's wear, we know youl find thaperfect pi ce to make your belle armoire.
Belle Armoire - 215 Lords Place, Orange .