Central West Photo News - July 14, 2011

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PhotoNews Photo News Central West

teL: 02 6361 3575

Get the rhythm

of life! They say that dancing is the quickest shortcut to happiness, so why not find time to have a boogie this week! Anne Emmanuel just couldn’t stop herself from dancing at an energetic African Drumming workshop last week. The workshops were part of Refugee Week celebrations, which highlighted the contribution refugees make to the community! See more pictures from the drumming workshop in this week’s Photo News!



JULY 14–20, 2011


July 14–20, 2011 Central West Photo News

FROM THE EDITOR WITH BOB HOLLAND Hi friends Let’s start this week on a humourous note. Regular readers of my Page 3 column will recall a few weeks back I wrote about The Black Bra Monster after a black bra went missing in our house. Despite looking everywhere and I mean everywhere, it couldn’t be found. Well I can now report, much to my wife’s amazement, that while rummaging through some old and forgotten clothes last week, what did she find? Yes, that missing black bra. How it got there is anybody’s guess. Sorry monster! Listeners to the 2EL/Photo News Shopping Show on Radio 1089 this Thursday from 1pm will have the chance to win $250 in our Cash to Splash competition. The prize has jackpotted over the last few weeks so tune in for your chance to win.


Orange has moved into 3rd position in our bid to win the Austar Carnival in October. We’ve still got a lot of ground to make up on Nowra and Port Macquarie but we are at least going in the right direction. Log onto www.austar.com. au and follow the prompts to vote. Don’t forget you can vote once a day and each time you vote you have the chance to win one of 10 x $50 shopping vouchers from Coles. There are 10 vouchers to be won each week until voting closes on August 8. My family headed off to Neville last Saturday for their Kite Flying Day but alas it looked like it could have been the coldest and most miserable day in Neville’s history, much worse than the weather that we left back in Orange when we set off. I really felt for the organizers but still want to acknowledge and applaud the effort. I’m sure next time it’ll be a huge success. It’s winter, it’s cold and much of the news we’re hearing is quite dis-heartening… but in the middle of all that, you still have the warmth, friendliness and encouragement that’s found in Photo News to brighten your week. Enjoy! Until next week, happy reading!  bob@cwpn.com.au

COOKING UP A STORM: Acting Team Leader from the MERIT Program, Deanne Healey cooking a BBQ during Drug Action Week.

Taking action against drugs! Drugs and alcohol have the potential to drastically impact people’s lives, health and mind and the 2011 Drug Action Week (DAW) is an initiative to raise awareness of the effects and also the treatment options that are available in the local community.

By ZANNA MUNRO To mark DaW the magistrates Early referral Into Treatment (mErIT) Program held a free barbeque in Byng Street to spread the word against drug use. “This is our contribution to Drug action Week, we have lots of people on hand if people want to chat and we have sample bags with lots of helpful information. The event wouldn’t have occurred without the generous donations from local businesses, we are extremely grateful to them for their generosity,” acting Team Leader from the mErIT Program, Deanne Healey explained. Deanne said that DaW has been running for many years and hopes the 2011 event is as successful as it has been

in previous years. “Currently in its 15th year, the event aims to provide a clear message to the community that treatment for alcohol and other drugs is effective. “The aim of this event is to inform the community about a wide range of treatment options available to people whose lives have been affected by drug or alcohol use and generally raising awareness of drug and alcohol abuse,” Deanne explained. If you or anyone you know is suffering from drug or alcohol abuse, there are many lovely people in our local community who can, and want to help you. Don’t delay, take action today, for more information visit www. drugactionweek.org.au

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Central West Photo News July 14–20, 2011

Why bother?


By BoB holland I’ve received a bit of feedback following a column I wrote a couple of weeks back about the local tourist accommodation issue. One call I took this week was from a developer who just wanted to explain some of the things that would be developers face in this modern age. This chap wanted to remain anonymous but he was very pleasant and although I sensed his frustration, he certainly didn’t sound like someone with an axe to grind. I found what he had to say both interesting and disturbing. Essentially what he said was that the hurdles local developers have to overcome these days when dealing with local councils leaves many developers wondering “why bother?” Although he cited many examples of the things developers face, let me just touch on some of his comments. Currently, he has two developments that have been going through the processes for well over 12 months each. One of these involved an initial investment of around $2 million. He said council costs and charges run into thousands every time they require something. He mentioned something about having to also pay between $2000 and $30,000 for each block or unit within a development. His point here was that the costs just go up and up during the development stage so the longer it takes to get things to the point where a return on investment is possible, the level of debt and cost to finance the project can be humungus.

he could have put his money in a bank and earned more than that for doing nothing He doesn’t blame councils but says the way the laws are these days, legislation is so tight that councils are scared to do almost anything. Developers have to also pass something called a $50 million test which I think must be some sort of insurance that ensures councils aren’t liable if things go pear-shaped. He also said that banks too have changed their policies and introduced huge new requirements which have also slowed things down. One developer he knows has a project going where millions of dollars are tied up and even if he can sell the blocks of land for $135,000 each, which is a reasonable price I’m told, his profit overall will be around $7,000 a block. In his case this represents about a 5% return on his multimillion dollar and extremely frustrating investment. You can understand why he too is asking “why bother” when he could have put his money in a bank and earned more than that for doing nothing. I asked my caller ‘so what’s the answer?’ His reply– “In the past Councils have claimed they can turn Development Applications around in a matter of weeks, if that can ever be done things would be much better.” In terms of progress, this story makes you wonder where this is all going to lead us, doesn’t it?

Stacie Nelson This week’s page 3 girl is Stacie Nelson. Stacie recently moved to Orange from Penrith! If I was stuck on a deserted island the 3 items I would take are... Straightener, my phone and my car My most treasured piece of clothing is... my trackies I love cooking... chocolate cake so I can

My nickname... Stace Something I’m definitely doing in the next 12 months is... moving to Sydney and going on a cruise The best thing about living in Orange is... the people! NOMINATE A PAGE 3 GIRL

Brides Maids


eat the mix The qualities I like in a man are... honesty, humour and good looks  The qualities I dislike in a man are... lying and cheaters If I could travel to any place it’d be... Europe


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July 14–20, 2011 Central West Photo News


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Central West Photo News July 14–20, 2011

Photo News’ talent search


Diabetes Awareness Week July 10–16

Local performers will later this year have the unique opportunity to perform and showcase their talent at the Orange Civic Theatre. By ZANNA MUNRO The concerT will be held on the 6th of november and organiser Bridget healey is searching for orange’s best talent. “I am looking for people who want to perform but haven’t really been given the chance before. “If you enjoy gymnastics or juggling, dramatic acts, dancing or music I want to hear from you! I am looking for a range of acts from big bands and dance groups to duets and solos, from all age groups.” Bridget will hold auditions prior to the event but for the moment she

Local performers; Dancer Emily Goodwin, Actor Joel Beldham, Singer and organiser Bridget Healey and Cellist Katherine Moses.

wants to hear from people who are keen to take to the stage. “I want to get a feel for the type of talent that orange has to offer, I need people to contact me soon because without the performers we won’t have a concert!” The event is sure to be a hit with local performers and it will also be a hit with orange residents as the audience is in for a real treat! “It will be held on the Sunday afternoon and we encourage people of all ages to come along; there will be something for everyone to enjoy.” If you are interested in being part of this unique and exciting concert please call Bridget at Photo news on 6361 3575

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Diabetes Australia celebrates National Diabetes Awareness Week every year in order to raise awareness of diabetes in Australia. Over 1 million Australians have been diagnosed with diabetes and it is the fastest growing chronic disease. (Diabetes Facts. 2011, Barclay A) Diabetes is a chronic disease if not treated and managed well, and can lead to serious complications such as eye and nerve damage, kidney and cardiovascular disease. Diabetic eye complications often happen with fluctuating or long term elevated blood glucose levels or BGLs. Early diabetic eye changes often have no significant ocular signs or symptoms in the early stages so regular eye exams are very important to examine the retina and its blood vessels. Uncontrolled diabetic retinopathy can lead to a devastating loss of vision or even blindness. The small blood vessels in the retina are damaged in diabetic retinopathy. The blood vessels become weak and can leak fluid and blood. The macula, which is the central part of the retina responsible for sharp vision can also swell due to leaking capillaries, leading to loss of Young Eyes Optometrists vision. 247 Summer St, including Orange 2800 A healthy lifestyle regular exercise telephone 02 6362 6666 blood pressure and healthy diet and controlling and cholesterol is vitalEyes for successful manageYoung Optometrists ment of diabetes and thus reduces the risk of 247 Summer St, Orange 2800 complications.

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Central West Photo News July 14–20, 2011



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The students of the PCYC music programs showcased their progress in a midyear concert recently. By CHRIS BENNETTS


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Parents and friends were treated to a jolly good hour’s entertainment from students of piano, recorder and violin! students ranged in age from 5 to 74, which proves that you can learn to play music at any stage of life! five talented students, sam Palmer, eric driver, Holly Gutterson, Lizzie Bowmer and nadyn Mills were also presented with music scholarships proudly donated by Landers Music, future2, the Quota club, and Gwenda Garde Violin scholarships. another highlight of the concert was a performance from ‘fantastic family Violins’, which showcased the joy and benefits of family members learning to play together. the concert was also an opportunity for the PCYC to thank sponsors and volunteers who made the music programs possible. if anyone would like to help out with the PCYC music programs, contact robin thompson on 6360 2249.

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July 14–20, 2011 Central West Photo News

Hearing God among so many voices By Paul Meeth Today people are shouting to us from all sides. Messages come so thick and fast that we have little time to think or sort out the rubbish and keep what we actually need to hear. Our daily diet of political commentary is mostly rumour and guesswork, the latest breathless medical announcement might save someone’s life in 10 years, and advertisements tell us about things we don’t need or shouldn’t buy. Back in 1971, I watched an already old black and white documentary called ‘So Many Voices’ in which people were bewildered by thefloodof messages they received each day. Forty years on the problem is far worse. Is anything at all worth listening to and taking seriously or is it all just the roar of today’s traffic and the noise of the moment? God has spoken, but have you heard? The Bible says the word of the Lord lasts forever, and any word that lasts forever has to be worth listening to. God still speaks, calling people to himself through Jesus Christ his son.

Census time

With less than a month out from Census night Orange residents are being reminded that they will need to complete the 2011 Census on Tuesday August 9 By ZANNA MUNRO The CenSuS OF POPuLaTIOn and hOuSInG is completed by the australian Bureau of Statistics once every five years and this year’s Census marks a special milestone; 100 years of national census taking in australia. every household and person in australia will

need to answer the Census questions either on paper or online through eCensus. new South Wales Census director, Mark harding admits the 2011 Census will impact every community in australia. “The Census lights the way forward for planning infrastructure and services that you use everyday like roads, schools, hospitals and

o na



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public transport.” You can expect to receive your Census form after July 29, when 8200 Census collectors will take to the street to deliver more than 4 million forms to nSW’s 3.1 million homes. The collectors will then return on august 10 to collect the completed forms, for more information on the 2011 Census visit www.abs.gov.au/census.

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July 14–20, 2011 Central West Photo News

READERFORUM Did you watch the State of Origin match? Why/Why not?

cody Murray ‘I support QLD. I watched the whole game by myself. I like seeing the tackles and crashes.’

Miranda Walsh

in Rachel Biggers in

Our Women in business this week is a young lady that produces gorgeous, unique gifts to give to that special someone- at any time of the year.

Mary, KiM and Zach Warren

Business Flowers that Amaze Position Owner What is the purpose of your business? To provide the Central West with gorgeous and unique gifts, for all

‘Yes, we did watch the game. It “We love all foods— was disappointing for NSW to everything and anything lose, but it was a good farewell at any time of year.” for Darren Lockyer.’

occasions. My family consists of… my son and I What is your favourite product or service that you offer? The chocolate bouquets


ORANGE CITY COUNCIL australia’s colour city

Community Forum An Orange City Council Community Forum and Question Time will be held in the Civic Centre Theatre Forum, Byng Street from 6.30pm on Thursday 14 July 2011. The hour long Community Forums and Question Times will be held on the second Thursday of every month. The question time session will provide an opportunity for residents to ask questions of Councillors and staff about Council issues. Responses will be provided at the time or taken on notice and followed up. Where possible members of the public are asked to register and outline their questions 2 days prior to the meeting so, if necessary responses can be researched and provided on the night. For more information and to register questions for the Community Forums visit www.orange.nsw. gov.au and click on Community Forums under Our Council. Question registration forms are also available at the Civic Centre in Byng Street.

Customer enquiries and after hours Ph 1300 650 511 Fax 6393 8199 Civic Centre, ORANGE NSW 2800 www.orange.nsw.gov.au council@orange.nsw.gov.au G Styles GENERAL MANAGER

If I had more time in the day, I would… socialise more If you could send flowers to three people, anywhere in the world, who would they be? My mum, my godmother Julie and my late Nan What is it that you enjoy, about having your own business? The freedom of working my own hours.



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July 14–20, 2011 Central West Photo News

letters to the editor Send your letters to; ‘Letters’—Suite 3, 241 Lords Place Orange NSW 2800 or email bob@cwpn.com.au Letters will be published at our discretion and may be edited for space reasons.

Re: SHORT STORY I read Neville Smith’s short story with interest (CWPN June 23). Though after reading it, I was sad to see he felt it necessary to lampoon the Christian religion; and yet in contrast he seemed attracted to Paul’s theology in Colossians. Neville drew a sad picture, a pitiful minister; a feeble sort of a man, one who only seemed devoted to his books more than to life and his feeble congregations a sad and lonely human being who finally left life’s theatre with no heritage for anyone to remember. All that life initially seemed to hold and promise, in the end completely fruitless; at least in this story cast in sad negativity and without hope. Is there a sequel to this I wonder? We are all here waiting for God to break in; or is it human utopia that is beckoning on Smith’s horizon? Perhaps he too is between the devil and the deep blue sea. I ran into a quote from Rabbit in John Updike’s “Rabbit is rich” that might be moot comment here: “Laugh at ministers all you want, they have the words we need to hear, the ones the dead have spoken.” Rein Zeilstra

send in your letters. we’d loVe to hear FroM you!

Food For thoUGht


with BoB holland

For something different, I thought this piece from a reader would rattle a few cages. If you’re my age, you’ll relate to it oh so well but if you’re young I really don’t know what you’ll make of it. It is however, certainly food for thought. It’s called The Good Old Days. CoNGRATUlATIoNS to all my friends who were born in the 1930’s, 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and early 70’s! First, we survived being born to mothers who smoked and/or drank while they carried us and lived in houses made of asbestos. They took aspirin, ate blue cheese, raw egg products, loads of bacon and processed meat, tuna from a can, and didn’t get tested for diabetes or cervical cancer. Then after that trauma, our baby cots were covered with bright coloured lead-based paints. We had no childproof lids on medicine bottles, doors or cabinets and when we rode our bikes, we had no helmets or shoes, not to mention, the risks we took hitchhiking. As children, we drank water from the garden hose and NoT from a bottle. Take away food was limited to fish and chips, no pizza shops, McDonalds, KFC or Subway. Even though all the shops closed at 6.00pm and didn’t open on the weekends, somehow we didn’t starve to death! We shared one soft drink with four friends, from one bottle and No oNE actually died from this. We could collect old drink bottles and cash them in at the corner store and buy Toffees, Gobstoppers, Bubble Gum and some bangers to blow up frogs with. We ate cupcakes, white bread and real butter and drank soft drinks with sugar in it, but we weren’t overweight because...... WE WERE AlWAYS oUTSIDE PlAYING!! We would leave home in the morning and play all day, as long as we were back when the streetlights came on. No one was able to reach us all day. And we were o.K. We would spend hours building our gocarts out of old prams and then ride down the hill, only to find out we forgot the brakes. We built tree houses and dens and played in riverbeds with matchbox cars. We did not have Playstations, Nintendo Wii , X-boxes, no video games at all, no 999 channels on SKY, no video/DVD films, no

mobile phones, no personal computers, no Internet or Internet chat rooms..........WE HAD FRIENDS and we went outside and found them! We fell out of trees, got cut, broke bones and teeth and there were no lawsuits from these accidents. only girls had pierced ears! We ate worms and mud pies made from dirt, and the worms did not live in us forever. You could only buy Easter Eggs and Hot Cross Buns at Easter time... We were given air guns and catapults for our 10th birthdays. We rode bikes or walked to a friend’s house and knocked on the door or rang the bell, or just yelled for them! Mum didn’t have to go to work to help dad make ends meet! RUGBY and CRICKET had try-outs and not everyone made the team. Those who didn’t had to learn to deal with disappointment. Imagine that!! Getting into the team

no one was aBle to reach us all day. and we were o.K.


was based on MERIT. our teachers used to hit us with canes and gym shoes and bullies always ruled the playground at school. The idea of a parent bailing us out if we broke the law was unheard of, they actually sided with the law! our parents didn’t invent names for their kids like ‘Kiora’ and ‘Blade’ and ‘Ridge’ and ‘Vanilla’. We had freedom, failure, success and responsibility, and we learned HoW To DEAl WITH IT All! CoNGRATUlATIoNS! You might want to share this with others who have had the luck to grow up as kids, before the lawyers and the government regulated our lives for our own good. And while you’re at it, tell it to your kids so they will know how brave their parents were.

For appointments: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat call 6391 5900 (The Wellness House) Qualifications: Bachelor of Science (Chiropractic) 2001, Masters of Chiropractic 2003, Certified Applied Kinesiology 2007, Webster Certified 2007, Neuro Emotional Technique (NET), member of CAA, member of ICAK, member of ICPA.

Send your questions to Suite 3, 241 Lords Place Orange NSW 2800 or email bob@cwpn.com.au

at our SMSF Seminar

Seminars are to be held at the following locations at 6pm


Got a question for Council?

Self Managed Superannuation

The presentation will cover the basics of SMSFs, the advantages including acquiring property & borrowing within a SMSF. A local Real Estate Agent will also discuss the local property market, recent trends & current prices.

Matthew Brady

The NSW Local Government Act 1993 requires Council to elect a Mayor in September every year. At that time, the Deputy Mayor and committee chairs are also elected. The city’s 12 Councillors vote in this election and it can be by ballot or show of hands. The mayoral term under this method is one year. Election of the Mayor from and by Councillors is similar to how the office of the Prime Minister and NSW Premier are elected. In both cases, the Prime Minister and Premier are elected to Parliament and subsequently they are elected by other members of parliament to these positions. Under the Local Government Act, a Mayor can also be popularly elected. Of the 152 Councils in NSW, 30 have a popularly elected Mayor. In these 30 Council’s the Mayor is elected by voters at the general local government election, which is held every four years in September. In these elections, there is a ballot for a Mayor and a separate ballot electing Councillors. The Mayoral term under this method is four years. The role and powers of the Mayor are not affected by the method of election, as both methods are legal under the Act. To change from a Councillor elected to a popularly elected Mayor a referendum is required. The current Orange City Council has resolved to hold a referendum on the matter at the general local government election in September 2012. Voting in a referendum is compulsory for all electors on the roll and the result is binding on the Council. If the referendum is passed, the result takes effect at the next Council general election. This means that if the referendum is passed to popularly elect a mayor that will occur in Orange at the election in 2016. The Local Government Act requires that the Deputy Mayor be elected by and from Councillors. There is no provision for direct election of the Deputy Mayor. The Deputy Mayor will continue to be elected each September for a one-year term.

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When does the next Mayoral election take place and what happens with that? Why is the Mayoral election held at a different time to general Council elections? Also, when is the next general Council election due to be held?

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Central West Photo News July 14–20, 2011

The beat of a drum! Words & Pics by CHRIS BENNETTS

The captivating sounds of Africa could be heard right here in Orange last week! As part of Refugee Week celebrations, exciting and energetic African Drumming and Singing workshops were held at the Regional Conservatorium. This year’s event featured Valanga Khoza, a Melbourne based musician, storyteller and performer, who himself experienced life as a South African refugee. The Migrant Support Service, a project of Orange City Council, was awarded a $4000 grant from the Department of Immigration and Citizenship which went towards Refugee Week activities. The main focus of the week was to highlight the contributions refugees make to the Orange community. The Workshops were a school holiday hit.... with some people unable to contain their smiles and dancing!






6362 8282




July 14–20, 2011 Central West Photo News



Barry Wicks Business Orange City Tyres What is your official title? Owner What is one thing your business is well known for? Great customer service How long have you lived in the Central West? All my life What are your hobbies or interests? Fishing and drag racing How long have you been the boss? Eight years How many members of staff do you employ? Three What is the most popular product or service you sell? Tyre repairs, while you wait What is your favourite Central West business? Kelly’s Drive Thru What do you love most about the Central West? The people If you had the power, what would you change in the Central West? The weather- to have more summer

Hall built as memorial to WWI The Memorial Hall is sandwiched between the Orange Ex-Services Club and the former Town Hall in Anson Street. It was erected in 1921 and 1922 as a memorial to those who served in World War I from 1914 to 1918. It was opened on Anzac Day 1922 by Major General Neville Howse, later to become Sir. The hall became a meeting place

for returned servicemen who formed a sub-branch of the Returned Soldiers, Sailors and Airman’s Imperial League, known in the community as the RSL. Before the establishment of the ExServices Club in the late 1940s, the returned servicemen met at the rear of the Memorial Hall and were served drinks through a servery in the rear wall which was affectionately known

as ‘the hole in the wall’. This photo was taken in about 1950 and shows a field gun at the front of the hall as well as the buildings to the left that pre-date the Ex-Services Club. The photo was supplied by Helen Merchant. The Memorial Hall now houses the RSL’s memorial shrine and museum and is well worth a visit.


Central West Photo News July 14–20, 2011

crossculture words by ZANNA MUNro • portrAit by ZANNA MUNro


EMBROIDERED BEANIES Beat the Chilly Weather with Acrylic Beanie with Peak! Embroidered with up to 5000 stitches!

tock. S d e t i m i L


Navy Charcoal

Sudan Celebrates!

Peter Akot grew uP in SudAn but left there in 1987 And moved to ethioPiA before moving bAck to SudAn in 1991, he then lived in A refugee cAmP in kAkumA before moving to AuStrAliA

Peter moved to Sydney in June 2004 before relocating to Orange with his wife and two children in December last year. He admits he is much happier living in Australia and was relieved to have fled the war zone he used to live in. “It’s very different living in Australia we were living in fear in Sudan, it’s more peaceful here, there are no wars in Australia but there was a war in Sudan.” Although Peter and his family have only been living in Orange for six months he is well settled and is enjoying his new country lifestyle. “Orange is good, it’s a quiet place, we can live in peace,” he smiled.

Peace is definitely something that Peter and his family were searching for. The civil war has been raging in Sudan for more than 50 years and over the past 21 years many Sudanese citizens have fled their country as refugees because they feared for their lives as well as their families; over 2 million people died in Southern Sudan during the war. But this year marks an exciting time for South Sudan as a referendum held in January resulted in South Sudan being separated into a new country effective from the 9th of July. Peter encourages everyone to join him and the Orange Sudanese community to celebrate this new freedom at the South Sudan


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Independence Day on Saturday. “It will be a celebration because we have got our country that we have fought for for over 50 years. “We were brought to Australia because of the war and we also want to thank those who have stood with us during the war.” The Independence Day celebrations will feature a host of exciting events including a performance from the Sydney Sudanese dancers, a civic welcome from Mayor Davis and a presentation in languages by visiting South Sudanese leaders. The celebrations will kick off at 3pm this Saturday, July 16th, at Kenna Hall.

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celebrAting their freedom: Peter Akot encourages everyone to come along to the South Sudan Independence Day celebrations this Saturday.


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July 14–20, 2011 Central West Photo News


Sam morgan When I woke up this morning, my first thought was… get the kids ready My most hated household chore is… washing If I was 16 again, I would go back and … pay attention at school What language would you like to learn? French My favourite restaurant is… Lolli Redini To relax and unwind, I like to… spend time with friends One thing I miss about being a kid is … not having consequences I just can’t resist… lollies My favourite invention in my life time is… Wrap Me Up for babies My three most cherished items are… my children, my bed, my husband If today was the best day of my life it would be because… I’m happy A fashion I wish that would come back is… the sport styles pants, with the snap buttons up the sides (from 90’s)

PRACTICAL LESSONS: Students from Yarrawong Children’s Centre practising ‘get down low and go go go’ with local Fireman Dean

Firies visit Yarrawong The children from Yarrawong Children’s Centre recently had an exciting afternoon, which involved a visit from our local firies. Photo Contributed The sTaff recognises The need to equip children with the knowledge and skills to help them in the event of a fire emergency and practice their procedures and evacuation each month. This involves children learning how to leave the building and meet at their designated meeting spot quickly and calmly.

To further their understanding on what to do in a real fire the orange fire Brigade were invited to visit Yarrawong. Local firies informed the children about good and bad fires and spoke to them about what they needed to do if they heard a smoke alarm. fireman dean then dressed in his fire fighting equipment and the children were

ORANGE CITY COUNCIL australia’s colour city

amazed that every part of his body was covered to stop him getting burnt, he then spoke to everyone in a muffled voice with his mask and air tank on. The children then participated in practical learning activities, they all practised ‘get down low and go go go’ and they also learnt to ‘stop, drop and roll’ if their clothes caught on fire. The afternoon wrapped up with flashing lights and sirens and children practising the emergency 000 phone number. The well informed youngsters excitedly passed on the information to their parents and reminded them to check that their smoke alarms were installed and working hard.

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To keep the community informed of development activity in the City, notice is hereby given thatOrange the following development applications have been made to Council during the period Monday, 4 that the following development applications have been made to Council during the period Monday, 4 July 2011 to July 2011 to Friday, 8 July 2011. Friday, 8 July 2011. In accordance with section 12 of the Local Government Act, the applications may be inspected at the

Customer of the Civic Centre (ground Byng Street, Orange normalatoffice In accordance with Service sectioncounter 12 of the Local Government Act,floor), the applications may beduring inspected the Customer hours. of the Civic Centre (ground floor), Byng Street, Orange during normal office hours. Service counter Because these applications are not specified as “advertised development” under an environmental planning Because these applications are not specified as “advertised development” under an environmental instrument, there isinstrument, no formal process submissions on for the submissions proposed developments. planning there is provided no formalforprocess provided on the proposed

Simply listen to the Shopping Show on 2EL Radio 1089AM between 1 and 2 each Thursday for your chance to WIN! Have this ad ready to call 6360 0089 when Tony Wright says to call




Proposed Development

CDC 131/2011(1)

Lot 220 DP 1165610 30 Lombardy Way, Orange

Dwelling and Attached Garage

CDC 132/2011(1)

Lot 9 DP 244949 6 Markham Avenue, Orange

Alterations & Additions to Dwelling

DA 223/2011(1)

Lot 1 DP 1048865 4 Clinton Street, Orange

Alterations & Additions to Dwelling; Demolition (existing garage); Garage and Attached Carport (new construction)

DA 224/2011(1)

Lot 201 DP 1129581 11 Lombardy Way, Orange

Dwelling and Attached Garage

DA 113/2011(2)

Lot 18 Section 11 DP 6662 17 Peisley Street, Orange

Modification of Development Consent - Vehicle Repair Station (alterations and additions to existing building) and Advertisement

DA 225/2011(1)

Lot 124 DP 1164996 4 Callistemon Place, Orange

Dwelling and Attached Garage

DA 226/2011(1)

Lot 87 DP 1005548 Shop 144 - Orange Central Shopping Centre - 229-237 Summer Street, Orange

Shop (fitout)

CDC 134/2011(1)

Lot 113 P 842253 15 Seymour Street, Orange

Alterations & Additions to Dwelling

DA 227/2011(1)

Lot 105 DP 11032778 38 Farrell Road, Orange

Outbuilding (cubby house/dog kennel)

DA 228/2011(1)

Lot 86 DP 792268 11 Corporation Place, Orange

Industry (two warehouses)

Today’s Cash to Splash business is.....

Salvation Army AUTOBARN Family Store

PhotoNews Central West


Learn some fabulous new ties, how to store, tips on fabrics, wearing for maximum impact, bring you own scarves we will show you which ones work

1 hour


Mini accessory workshop

We look at shape size and colour, when to wear how much to wear and much more

1 hour


Hem line s workshop

The correct hem line makes a world of difference, hem lines for skirts, pants and jacket are covered for each individual in this class

1 hour


Learn the tricks of layering for winter and summer learn to utilise the clothes in your wardrobe and layer like a professional!

2 hours

Scarf tying workshop

How to layer your clothing with style


The Worksho ps will be available b y appointment weekdays an d times are as follows : • 10-11 am • 1-2 pm • 6-7 pm • 6-8 pm (two hour cou rses)

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Central West Photo News July 14–20, 2011

the entertainers



Cool guys don’t look at explosions...

cars 2 NOW sHOWING aT cINEMas │ DIsNEY/PIXar│raTED G

“Blues music is a feeling more than anything else” passionate about playing and listening to the blues,” Ray explained. “Blues music is a feeling more than anything else, it comes from the heart, it was born as an expression of heartache, loss and slavery... but blues has also spread out into genres including dance and rock.” The Roadhouse Rebels consistently entertain audiences by performing hits by such blues greats as Robert Johnson, Lightnin’ Hopkins, and Muddy Waters. You can next catch the Roadhouse Rebels on Saturday 23rd July, when the Orange Blues


That rocks!

What’s hot on the music charts

Hillsong beats out Beyonce, Gaga

BEYONCE and Lady Gaga may lay claim to some of the biggest audiences worldwide, but Australia’s Hillsong Church has bumped off both pop powerhouses to score a top three berth on the ARIA albums chart. Their latest album God Is Able debuted at number three this week, entering ahead of Beyonce’s 4 and Lady Gaga’s Born This Way.

Australian singles chart

1 (1) Someone Like You – Adele 2 (2) Party Rock Anthem – LMFAO feat. Lauren Bennet & GoonRock 3 (3) Jar Of Hearts – Christina Perri 4 (5) Rolling In The Deep – Adele 5 (4) Give Me Everything – Pitbull/Ne-Yo/Afrojack/Nayer 6 (6) Last Friday Night – Katy Perry 7 (7) Don’t Wanna Go Home – Jason Derulo 8 (9) Marry You – Bruno Mars 9 (8) We Run The Night – Havana Brown 10 (10) Own This Club – Marvin Priest

Australian albums chart 1 (1) 21 – Adele 2 (3) Sorry For Party Rocking – LMFAO 3 (-) God Is Able – Hillsong Live 4 (2) 4 – Beyonce 5 (6) Born This Way – Lady Gaga 6 (9) 19 – Adele 7 (8) Doo-wops & Hooligans – Bruno Mars 8 (5) Hell: The Sequel – Bad Meets Evil 9 (4) Bon Iver – Bon Iver 10 (10) Seeker Lover Keeper – Seeker Lover Keeper


The Roadhouse Rebels are a four piece blues band based in Orange, but its members hail from all corners of the Central West. Guitarist Paul Bawden is from Cowra, drummer Mark Schultz is from Lithgow, bass player Lyle Blair is from Canowindra and piano player and vocalist Ray Vanderby is from Orange. The band formed in 2008 when Ray formed the Orange Blues Club. Being a blues musician with four albums under his belt, Ray wanted to put together a band that would strengthen the blues pub scene. “We love performing together because we’re

Club presents an evening of authentic Blues music at the Victoria Hotel. As well as seeing the band perform, an all out Blues Supersession Jam will be held at around 10pm when musicians are invited on stage for a big blues jam. “People should come and see what all the fuss is about! If you’re a musician young or old and would like to play some blues, bring your instrument and play either solo or sit in with the band playing 12 bar blues,” Ray said. For more information visit the club’s website www.orangebluesclub.com

ONe cOuNtRy fOR Old meN Dear South Sudan Thanks for the inspiration, hope it works out, love the flag. Best wishes, Dan. For the rest of you, Welcome to Dan-o-topia! I’m declaring my own sovereign nation for a 5km radius around my 3 bed, 1 bathroom palace where I slouch benevolently on my flower patterned couch/throne of power. I will be a harsh but fair ruler and you will love me just like we loved Liz the Second in the old days or P.D.L.T. (Pre Dan Lame-o Times) Here’s but a few new laws: 1. No more nodding or shaking your head. It’s thumbs up or down, two thumbs for state functions. 2. All new biscuits are to be personally approved by me. And the old ones are to be re-named e.g Dan Fingers, Iced Dan-Dans, Dim-Dans and Spicy Dan Rolls. 3. Drive properly. That is good advice in or out of this new nation. 4. Drugs and alcohol are forbidden, spinning till dizzy is the new crazy fad, pubs will have designated spinning areas inside and outside for spin-smokers. 5. Details, details. the cOAt Of ARms: Two budgies squabbling over a millet spray. stAte dRiNK: Raspberry diet cola in a Vegemite or Kraft cheese spread jar. NAtiONAl ANthem: Anything by ABBA except ‘Fernando’ stAte flOweR: A sunflower with a smiley face stuck on. OuR mOttOs: ‘’Group hug!’’ and ‘’How’s the go going?’’ Bring me your thonged and track suited, your balding and bloated for tomorrow we begin life anew in a brave new world.

After the emotional triumph of Wall-E, Up, and Toy Story 3 Pixar lets the top down when they take a leisurely Sunday drive in the action-spy genre with their latest mini masterpiece. Their trademarks of adorable characters, colourful locations and age-defying humour are all on show and it’s these vibrant touches that make a Pixar film so immediately identifiable. To begin with I was wary, the first film was so self contained a sequel seemed unnecessary. But I needn’t have wished this film a pit stop as it roars into first place by moving the characters into a faster paced, more adult story and letting them run wild. This time around the hopeless but lovable tow truck, Mater, takes centre stage. Unwittingly caught up in a plan to control the world’s oil, he finds himself becoming the best, if not the most unusual undercover agent working for her majesty’s secret service. From here this globe-trotting adventure burns rubber into full throttle. The action scenes sizzle along at break-neck speed. Fire chases our tail as we weave through an oil refinery; we hold on tight as bad guys close in from the sky. It’s a thrill ride that matches any summer blockbuster; even Bond will realise that it’s time BM for an oil change. Perfectly used are the celebrity voices who greatly enhance these highly marketable characters making the film grossly endearing. Quite simply, it’s a pleasure to gaze at this gorgeous film. These school holidays the starting line is crowded with fierce competition, but Pixar prove once again that they are still kings of the road! Rating:

 

Neil Kent


suPEr 15 ruGbY GraND FINal suNcOrP sTaDIuM

A night of match ups and records, the Super 15 Grand Final began with fireworks and ended with the town painted red. A record Australian crowd and a record first Super rugby Grand Final win was only matched by the performance of key players. It was a night where the script played out to plan, with the key matchup between Cooper v Carter a demonstration of elite rugby. Club rugby hero’s Tapuai and Robinson took to the highest stage and with the voices of 50,000 fans and the will of the Rugby Gods kept their more experience opponents at bay. With the last 14 years being champion years for the Crusaders, the Reds had the bar set high and showed that exciting, athletic, passionate rugby can outplay a classy line-up. For a fan of the Reds it was a great night, and for an Australian Rugby fan even better! Rating:




July 14–20, 2011 Central West Photo News


We are half way through winter already and Orange has certainly been blessed with some great weather this season. If you love snow, you got it and if you love sunshine, you got that too! Whatever weather conditions are in store this weekend, make sure you get out and enjoy what’s on offer in our beautiful colour city. We sure do have some talented local artists in Orange and this weekend you have the opportunity to once again view some of their fantastic work. Phil Jeffery, Sally Watson and Heather Pike have their works on show at the Wentworth Gallery Restaurant at Wentworth Golf Club until the end of July. Are you a budgerigar lover? Well you are in luck this weekend because there is a Budgerigar Show on at the Orange Showground. Head out there from 7AM on Saturday, feel free to call Matthew on 0419 225 948 if you would like any more info. Have you been to France before? Have you ever indulged in French cuisine? Well you can right here in Orange this weekend! The Union Bank are hosting a French Sunday Supper including canapés, two courses and French wine, bookings are essential email functions@unionbank.com.au If you would like something mentioned in our Weekender column, call or email Zanna on 6361 3575 or zanna@cwpn.com.au at least a week before you want the information to appear in Photo News.

Shooting for gold! Orange rimfire Benchrest shOOter geOff Knight will represent Orange and australia this mOnth at the wOrld rimfire Benchrest champiOnships in the usa! geoff has only been target shooting for three years but has used his retirement time to perfect his skills. At every opportunity and in all conditions, he shoots at the Orange Rimfire range to hone his skills. “Rimfire shooting is very much a matter of judgement as both wind and atmospheric conditions affect the trajectory of the small bullet and it is essential that you are able to read such changes to hit a target the size of a match head at up to 100 metres,” Geoff revealed.


on timber furniture

Geoff will compete in two divisions in the USA using two of his ultra competitive, custom made .22lr rifles which he has finely tuned to both State and National competitions throughout Australia over the past two years. Geoff is very fortunate and grateful to have a local business on board for sponsorship; Peter and Toni Roan from Roan Financial have supported him since he started competing seriously. “Roan Financial has been fantastic and I definitely wouldn’t have achieved the

high level of proficiency without them. It is wonderful to have the support of a major Orange business like Roan Financial and I just hope that I can repay them with a sound performance at the World Championships.” Geoff admitted that he is very proud to be representing Australia but is just as humbled to be representing Orange. “I am excited about representing Australia but to be honest I am probably just as excited about representing Orange and adding to the growing list of Australian representatives from this great sporting city, it would be wonderful to come home with a medal for Orange.” We are sure you will bring us back a medal, from everyone at Photo News good luck Geoff!

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Central West Photo News July 14–20, 2011

Reggie the Bullmastiff



This week’s pet is a very big boy who once ate all the T-Bone steaks intended for dinner, and is just born with natural killer looks

Noah, 3½ What is your favourite food? ‘Wocky’, lolly

Owner Name: Hannah and Jared How did you get your name? After Reggie from the movie ‘All About The Benjamin’s’

What is something that makes your family special? Playing

To what do you attribute your good looks? I’m a bullmastiff; we are all good looking, and my owners of course To what do you attribute your wonderful nature? Because Nanna Lana gives me lots of cuddles and attention

What’s something mummy and daddy always says to you? Mummy calls me Buddy

Town or farm? Farm

What makes a person a good friend? Fun

What’s your job around the yard? To make a mess of everything I can

Who is your best friend in the whole world, and why? Monte the cat

What’s the best thing your owner does? Takes me for a ride on his truck

What is a holiday? Go to the kids

What’s the worst thing your owner does? Makes me sleep outside

Are brothers or sisters better? Sisters

What’s the naughtiest thing you’ve ever done? Ate all the t-bone steaks that were for dinner

What’s the naughtiest thing you’ve ever done? Drew on the walls PICTURE: CENTRAL WEST PHOTO NEWS/KIKI HOPCRAFT

What’s the best thing you’ve ever done? Went swimming at the beach Who is your best friend? Doot the Labrador What is your favourite treat? McDonalds What would be your ultimate animal career? Lap dog


to help shape our community for future challenges …. do you have something to contribute?”

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Keen to make a difference to the community you live in and its future? Be part of the Futures Workshop Monday 25 July, 2011 from 9.30—4.30 pm Blayney Guide and Scout Hall. Hosted by the Blayney Shire Council - shaping your Shire’s future.

Who is your favourite pet? Monte Why do we have money? Play with money What do you want to be when you grow up? Build and be on TV How old is a grown up? 9 What is something your mummy or daddy is really good at? Mummy is funny Why do we have a belly button? To tickle What is your favourite TV show and why? Buzz and Woody

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July 14–20, 2011 Central West Photo News

Hayley Louise Hodges Born 27/6/11 Weight 4100g Parents Kylie Shelker and Shane Hodges of Orange

Jude John Christopher Marriage

Grandparents Karen Hodges of Wellington, Wendy King of Forbes and Wayne Shelker of Forbes

Born 3/07/11 Weight 4090g Parents Bernadette and Adrian Marriage of Orange Siblings Sinead (17yrs), Bede (3yrs) Grandparents Garry Marriage, Maureen Williams both of Orange, Tony William of Grafton, Bev Hanna and Trevor Fardell of Forster Great Grandparents Glad Hanna of Hay


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Summer McGoldrick Born 7/07/11 Weight 3860g Parents Bobby-Lee Taylor and Peter McGoldrick of Spring Hill Siblings Jack (2yrs) Grandparents Helen and Trevor Taylor of Broken Hill, Sue and Terry McGoldrick of Coonabarabran

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PhotoNews Central West

Spilstead & DeHaan Wedding

photos contributed by family

Jay Spilstead and Heidi DeHaan were married on the 1st of July, at Wentworth NSW. They said their vows on the verandah of the Wentworth Courthouse followed by photos at the Perry Sandhills and on the Darling River. Heidi’s maid of honour was Jay’s sister Kristianne Ingeman and Jay’s best man was his best friend Timothy Comiskey. Guests travelled to Wentworth from Italy, Toowoomba, Perth and Orange. Jay and Heidi met 15yrs ago and dated through yr 12. Jay then pursued a career with the army and they lost contact. After 2 ½ yrs, Jay and Heidi reunited and in November 2010, Jay proposed. The couple are planning to make their home in Orange NSW.


Central West Photo News July 14–20, 2011

class of the week


The “Rules” I’ve said it often enough over the 90 columns I have written for PhotoNews, and it’s also pretty obvious, but I’ll say it again—I’m a bit old school. That doesn’t mean I don’t listen to modern music, have a Twitter account and eat sushi, but it does mean that I have a fancy for things like clean shaven faces, politeness, pants pulled up, chain of command (for want of a better phrase) and respect for your elders—just to name a few things.

Stage 3- Yrs 5/6 Brown with Mrs Hilton Brown Pictures by KIKI HOPCRAFT

Stage 3, Years 5 and 6 at Molong Central have been focusing on Australian landforms and landmarks; using Google Earth and looking at landscapes in Art to compare and contrast our unique terrain with other countries. A favourite activity recently completed by the children included the study of the human face, and the ability to distort and manipulate shapes. Creating artworks that accentuated particular aspects of fellow class mates facial features, the children enjoyed mixing imagination with reality. These seniors primary students have also been putting fine tuning their leadership skills, in preparation of the Peer Support program.

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I was pleasantly impressed last week when the producers of MasterChef kicked one of the contestants off the show for not playing by “The Rules”. His indiscretion was to have smuggled a mobile phone in with him, and then he used this phone to stay in contact with the outside world, as well as have the potential to gain an unfair advantage ahead of challenges. How did he get busted? Well, like most rule breakers, he couldn’t leave well enough alone – he posted an entry on his Facebook page, or something similar. I’m sure, in this day and age of OHS, benefit of the doubt, human rights, and so on, plenty of people will come to the defence of this guy for his tiny act of irrationality. But he signed a contract, he broke it, so he’s out. That should be the end of it. The bit on the TV show that I didn’t like was the fact that they needed to justify their decision to chuck him out by getting testimonials from a pile of the other contestants for sensationalism. It’s only an opinion by me, but I don’t reckon there’s enough of that sort of stuff in the world anymore, so it was pleasing to see someone who actually did something wrong get penalised for it (like when the High Court judge went to jail for lying about a traffic offence). I do wonder what would have happened if the infraction had been made by the most marketable, most ‘good looking’ or most popular contestant – would the result have been the same? I do hope that the school students of our nation have taken heed of this case of action-consequence, because that’s what the REAL world is like in many cases. One of the best ways for kids to learn about cause and effect is to get a part-time job. I’ll devote a whole to this next week, but if you stay out late on a Friday night, don’t turn up for work at your part-time job on Saturday – you’ll lose it. Many kids only learn this the hard way, and that’s a shame. So thanks MasterChef for showing me that there’s just a little bit left of what I believe in our world – commitment, honour, disclosure, integrity, honesty, and playing ‘by the rules’. If that’s old school, then so be it.

Paul Tierney is the Director of Development and a maths teacher at an Orange school

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July 14–20, 2011 Central West Photo News

WIN TICKETS! Are you a fan of Creedence Clearwater Revival? Then you simply cannot miss ‘Creedence Clearwater Recycled’ when they hit Orange tomorrow night! (Friday 15th July). The band continually stun and excite audiences wherever they play, and are totally dedicated to upholding the pureness and spirit of CCR’s timeless music. Never could a band re-capture the sound, the voice, and the unforgettable songs that were Creedence Clearwater Revival... Until Now! Thanks to the Orange Ex Services club, Photo News has two double passes to giveaway! To win, simply be one of the first to call Bridget on 63613575 at 4pm sharp on Thursday 14th of July and sing your favourite Creedence song! * conditions apply those attending need to be a member. become a member or bring a member with them

Our Men at Work this week is an employee from Leading Edge Computers, who can not only fix your computer, but can also eat some very weird things- you never know when that can come in handy! Age 27 Status Married What’s your job? Senior IT Technician, Leading Edge Computers The best sporting moment ever, was when… the last time the Wallabies won the world cup My favourite holiday destination is… Port Douglas

I am always fixing… computers and technology … around the home Three names I am known by… Yeomo, Big Ben and Real Ben In another life I would be… a computer technician—I just can’t get away from it If I could trade places with anyone (dead or alive) for a week it would be… Mark Webber

The weirdest thing I have ever eaten is… a tablespoon of sugared Bonox- Yes, it was bad What three bands would you like to see live in concert? Tool, Pendulum, Perfect Circle In the movie of your life, who would play you? Brad Pitt The theme song for my life would be… Computer Camp Love My favourite team is… ACT Brumbies If I could travel through time, I would… be the Doctor I wish I owned… the Tardis


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Ben Yeomans


Central West Photo News July 14–20, 2011

snapshot Words and portrait by david dixon

Anni helping make colour city a rainbow nation For orange’s ebullient migrant support oFFicer anni gallagher, there’s no “i” in “We” Whether it’s helping organise cooking classes for Thai, Laotian and African migrants, finding work for Sudanese refugees with law degrees, or organising African traditional music concerts for Refugee Week, she does it all with tireless enthusiasm and infectious good cheer. “She’s as much of a wizard as Harry Potter; she has really generated a high-profile for the service. She’s a professional relationship builder, that’s what she is,” Orange Migrant Support Service colleague Sally Taylor says. “It’s very much a social justice role and I support what Anni’s doing.” Anni however describes her role in far more prosaic terms. “My job is connecting newly-arrived immigrants into the community to help them settle and feel at home,” she says. Many attribute her mercurial efforts as one of the reasons why Orange has proven far more seamless at settling refugees and immigrants than many other country centres. These groups include traumatised refugees fleeing the civil war in the Sudan; Coptic Christians from the Middle East; to Thai, Laotian, and Filipino families who have moved to Orange. “Orange has got a very proactive community development team, that’s a credit and there’s a long history of that,” Anni says.

“People come for different reasons; there’s skilled migrants, secondary settlement for refugees, and migrants that have families here. With the support networks and schools here; it’s a good lifestyle,” she says. One of her great successes has been with African refugee groups from war-hit Sudan. These include disparate groups from the Nuba Mountains, Dinka’s and families from the troubled Darfur region. Many of these arrivals, she says, do not access support services simply because they do not know they are here. “A lot of immigrants may not have those connections in their country of origin, they don’t have those services and they don’t know that they exist,” she says. Anni’s enthusiasm last year led to a three-year $60,000 funding agreement from the Federal Government’s Settlement Grants program to help migrants settle in Orange. Another success has been her drive to get refugee groups trained to act as mentors for new arrivals to the Colour City. “We started a mentoring program where we train volunteers and then link the volunteers to newly-arrived migrant refugees with low-level English,” she says. Growing up in a multicultural African, Asian and Anglo-Saxon community in Gloucester, England has imbued Anni with a

strong sense of social inclusion. “I’ve always had a strong interest in social justice, in working as an advocate. I’m always working from a social justice perspective,” she says. Starting with the service soon after its establishment in 2004, she provides outreach to regions as far as Parkes, Forbes and Cabonne. “I work specifically with refugee families, the fun part of my job is helping people come together,” she says. “It’s about justice and equity. It’s community education and it’s not just for the migrants, it’s for the wider community,” she says, while answering questions during a recent shopping centre concert promoting drumming and singing workshops by South African musician Valanga Khoza. “How nice is this? I could sit and listen to this all day,” she says.

African traditional musician Valanga Khoza and migrant support officer Anni Gallagher.

Orange Migrant Support Services Migrant Support Contact Provide information, referral and assistance to newly-arrived and socially-isolated migrants living in Orange with outreach services to Cabonne, Forbes and Parkes. Anni Gallagher 79-81 Kite Street, Orange. Ph: 6393 8625 Fax: 6393 8604 Mob: 0409 458 156 Email: agallagher@orange.nsw.gov.au

For all your indoor plant hire needs Naturally... Michael Curran

Ph 6362 1145

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Multicultural Mothers Morning Group (MMM)

Orange Filipino/Australian Cultural Club

Network meetings are held at the Community Information and Services Centre, 79-81 Kite Street, Orange.

This group practices traditional Filipino dances and songs and performs regularly in Orange.

Contact: Ms Seini Fosio on 6361 4883

President: Julie Egea ph: 6362 2851 Vice President: Jovie Bargwanna ph: 6362 9460.


July 14–20, 2011 Central West Photo News email photonews@cwpn.com.au mail Suite 3, 241 Lords Place Orange NSW 2800 tel 6361 3575 fax 6361 3494

your photos, your say


The Thumbs Thumbs up to the  Energiser Cafe in the Wellness Centre. The food is great and well worth the price.

Thumbs up to the staff and management of IGA store Orange for the care and courtesy they show to all their customers. A pleasure to shop there! Thumbs up to the  chap out walking last week

 Thumbs down to

grown men that intimidate, swear and yell at young female referees during a soccer match, behaviour like this is disgraceful and very unsportsmanlike.


who was spotted picking up litter in Woodward Street as he walked. Well done and a great example to the rest of us if we love our city.

Alien Life? Warren Rodis sent in this awesome photo taken at Abecrombie Caves. Turn the pic on it’s side for the best effect. What can you see?

Thumbs up to the  man who found a phone in Woolworth’s car park and returned it to the owner— much appreciated. Thumbs up to the  Orange Police who assisted a lady in finding her stolen handbag, the police found the thief and the bag was returned with everything intact. She was extremely grateful to the police and very impressed with the job they did.

Photo contributed


0422 396 717 Standard SMS rates apply.

Like to give a Thumbs up or Thumbs Down? Email reception@cwpn.com.au or call 6361 3575


Blooming in Winter

Local Man, Derek Cassidy took this photo of a possum looking very comfortable and snug in a tree in Cook Park in the cold weather. This hole in the tree is the possum’s usual place of abode.

Bruno Betkowski was out nice and early when he noticed his Wattle trees flowering in the middle of Winter!

Photographer Sales Manager Chris Trudgett

Chief of Administration Administration Jackie Holland Jackie Holland

Photographer Writer/Photographer Chris Trudgett Janelle Armytage

Photographer Writer/Photographer Writer/Photographer Writer/Photographer Chris Trudgett Chris Bennetts Janelle Armytage Janelle Armytage Janelle Armytage

Zanna Munro

Annabel Wooding


Motivational PhotographerEngineer Smiley Kiki Hopcraft

Motivational PhotographerEngineer Smiley Jodi Towns

Motivational Engineer Smiley

Photographer Photographer Photographer Photographer Photographer Photographer Photographer Photographer Sales Consultant Sales Consultant Chris Trudgett Chris Trudgett Trudgett Chris Trudgett Chris Trudgett Chris Trudgett Chris Trudgett Chris Trudgett Matt Bayada Anthony Bratovich Chris

Motivational PhotographerEngineer Smiley Kiki Hopcraft

Photographer Photographer Photographer Photographer Sales Consultant Chris Trudgett Trudgett Chris TrudgettMurphy Chris Chris Trudgett Rebecca

Motivational Engineer Motivational Motivational Engineer Motivational Engineer Engineer Motivational Engineer Motivational Engineer Photographer Director of First Impressions Motivational Engineer Motivational Engineer Motivational Engineer Motivational Engineer Photographer Photographer Motivational Engineer Motivational Engineer Motivational Engineer Photographer Photographer Photographer Photographer Photographer Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley Kiki Hopcraft Smiley Bridget HealeySmiley Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley Kiki Hopcraft Jodi Towns Smiley Smiley Smiley Kiki Hopcraft Jodi Towns Kiki Hopcraft Jodi Towns Jodi Towns


Central West Photo News July 14–20, 2011

your yourphotos, photos,your your say

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to these locals who are celebrating shortly: JULY 15 JULY 15 JULY 15 JULY 16 JULY 17 JULY 18 JULY 19 JULY 19 JULY 19 JULY 20

Elliot Tom Trudy Wilson Matthew Lancaster Emily D’Aquino Kieran Selwood Scott Halls Blake Arrowsmith Don Mcconnell Julie Pattison Oliver Jones

NomiNate your frieNds aNd family! To add names to the Birthday File call Bridget on 6361 3575 or email birthdayfile@cwpn.com.au


Come on Spring time!

We had some great entries for our double pass giveaways. The two below were the pick of the bunch. Congratulations! Rebecca Whiteley writes: My SUPER 8 BRIDESMAIDS and I need a night out. So we’ll TRANSFORM ourselves, KUNG FU PANDA style, into ninjas of the night, swiftly jump into our CARS, 2 of them, to meet MR POPPER, the PENGUINS and HARRY, to party the night away. We’re hoping we won’t be too HUNGOVER in the morning!

Just a little something to help fight the Winter blues. Malcolm Johns sent us this pic of Doris the sheep with newborn twin lambs – Lois and Isabella, born last Spring!

Kellie Harder writes: I would like to win the double pass because I am a huge movie buff, especially George Clooney and have written a little story for you. One Fine Day, Michael Clayton, THe Good German, Fantastic Mr Fox and Batman and Robin came to Orange riding on The Perfect Storm. The asked me to be The Peacemaker between the Ocean’s Thirteen to which I replied that might be skating on The Thin Red Line. Alas I was able to help them and they took a hot air balloon Up in The Air and Out of Sight and out of the water and they wished me Good Night and Good Luck with my story to win. Congratulations ladies! Simply drop into the Photo News office in Lords Place to pick up your double passes!

replACement trAnsponDer keys AnD entry remotes From $90



Congrats Tess! Men’s Shed A program run through the Orange Men’s shed was recently awarded in the 2011 Western NSW Local Health District Health Awards. The ‘Promoting Health —Through Men’s Sheds’ was a winner in Category 1 of the awards. The award was recently presented at the Men’s Shed in Lucknow by Mayor John Davis.

On the 30th April, Tess Steventon graduated From the University of Newcastle, gaining first class honors in Bachelor of Occupational Therapy. After 4 years of hard work, Tess is now working in Sydney in Pediatrics, looking after children with autism, and disabilities. Tess grew up in Orange and attended Orange High School. Congratulations Tess and we wish you all the best for the future!



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July 14–20, 2011 Central West Photo News







6 wEEkS fOR $84

Curves has a super slimming offer going at the moment. Check their ad on page34 for details.





This is the title of a pretty good action movie starring Denzel Washington available now at the video shops.

wIN $250


or 2 fo

r $45

We’re giving you the chance to win $250 cash on today’s Shopping Show. Tune in to 2EL 1089AM from 1pm today, have your copy of Photo News with you and you could be our big winner.


Don’t forget that one quick and effective way to generate some cash is to check around your garage or house to see what unwanted items you have and then advertise them for sale. One option is to advertise in our Photo News classifieds where it costs just $1 a word to advertise. Bargain!

Meal deals

The Mountain Tea House has some more tempting deals for us this month. Bacon and eggs with chunky toast for $11.50 and Veggie Burger and chips for $14.50 are just two. It’s nice there.


Lander Music has no interest ever deals going on violins at the moment. Prices start from just $14 per week so if you’re thinking about it, drop into Landers and check it all out.










Angel’s Clothing in Summer Street is selling fur jackets for $25 each or 2 for $45 at the moment. Certainly the right weather for a deal like that.


RJ’s Driving School is keen to hear from anyone wanting to learn how to drive. Check their ad in our classifieds if you’re thinking about it.


Anyone interested in hearing about how to operate their own self managed super fund should book in for a seminar later this month. It’s being put on by the Morse Group at the Ex-Services Club on July 26 and you can reserve your seat by phoning Kira on 6339 9200.




Peter Browne’s new gallery studio is another reason for you to visit Molong soon. Painting with Vegemite is probably something all kids have done at one time or another, whether they wanted to or not. In artist Peter Browne’s case however, he does it intentionally. Among other claims to fame, he’s also known as the Vegemite painter. Peter and his wife Lia, also an artist, recently took their work to a new level by opening a Gallery Studio in Molong in the premises previously known as Café Molong. Apart from seeing some great artworks, one interesting aspect of the new studio is while you’re there, you could get the chance to watch Peter work as he creates one of his pieces. Peter’s paintings always include a quirky twist such as artworks titled “Koala Shearers”, a painting featuring a swagman with a laptop.







It’s also a good time to visit Molong is the Molong Yarn Market. Unlike the new Peter Browne Gallery, Molong’s Yarn Market will have been around for 40 years next year. It’s one of those places where locals form an association to create a whole range of craft items to combine their hobbies, with business and tourism. Members in Molong come from NSW and as far away as Queensland and Victoria. New members are always welcome and there are always lots of activities going on. For example, every 3rd Saturday of the month, there are spinning, knitting, weaving and crocheting demonstrations and workshops where everyone is welcome




and morning and afternoon tea is enjoyed. For visitors, there’s lots to see and buy including alpaca wool items, homemade/ fresh jams, biscuits, slices, local honey, local olive oil, homemade chocolates, The Yarn Market Cookbook, locally made crafts; weaving, woodwork, toys, crochet, paintings, greeting cards, knitting for all the family. When next you visit Molong, plan to see the Molong Yarn Market for sure.

Central West Photo News July 14–20, 2011

Midday Melodies

s r e k c a r C s a m t s i Chr SHOW



July 14–20, 2011 Central West Photo News

When it’s time to say enough is enough to

Starperformer words & portrait by david dixon

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95 Woodward Street ORANGE. Tel. 6362 7899 James sheahan year 11 half-yearly exams award winners, from left, andrew hopkins, sarah scott-mclean, lachlan wood, Georgina williams, naomi blissett, and Glenn cardinio.

Quiet achievers of the scholarly kind

CatCh of the


Monique Miller, age 4, with her very first catch—a lovely little flathead caught at Moruya heads

Canobolas Caravan & Marine Centre with Photo News is giving you a chance to show off your fishing photos. Every Catch of the Week winner receives a FREE Bassman Spinnerbaits lure of their choice.

Send in your photos for a chance to win a Bassman Spinnerbaits lure. It doesn’t have to be a giant fish, it could be a funny photo, a strange catch, or just a nice picture! Email to ccmc@bigpond.net.au or drop in to the Marine Centre for your chance to win! Don’t forget our loyalty card! For every 10 lures purchased over $10 each you receive 1 free lure to the value of $17

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In a medIa world where celebrIty easIly trIumphs substance, scholars are socIety’s quIet achIevers.

But it was quiet scholarship that was recently recognised at the James Sheahan Catholic High School Year 11 Half-Yearly Exams awards ceremony. “It’s good to acknowledge these kids, sometimes those who achieve academically don’t get acknowledged,” the school’s Year 11 Coordinator Kerry Denney says. In a school famous for producing top-line footballers such as Darren Britt and Daniel Mortimer, the school is now placing an increasing emphasis on pursuits of the mind as well as the sporting fields. “There was a necessity to build up our academia… that if you’re academic, it’s something to be proud of,” Kerry says. The awards ceremonies also act as an incentive and an example for other students: “The younger children realise that you can achieve in all sorts of different ways. Whatever your talent, it needs to be recognised,” Kerry says. In a city with near full-employment and adjacent to one of the world’s most prosperous gold mines, she says that academic results still count. “It’s still extremely competitive at the mines… You’ve got kids that want to go out and drive a truck and those that want to go out and be an engineer,” she says. Student Naomi Blissett believes

that awards in subjects including Music, Biology, Maths, and Studies of Religion provides important recognition and motivation: “You do get a bit of a buzz out of it; it encourages you to do better,” she says. Georgina Williams, award-winner in Religion, Biology and Maths, agrees: “I think it’s good, it encourages you to keep that position at the end of the year.” Lachlan Wood who achieved in Physics, Chemistry, Maths and Japanese said: “It’s good to see where you’ve come and to try and get the same spot next time round.” For Glenn Cardinio who topped the Year in a range of subjects including Extension Maths, Physics, English, Legal Studies, and Economics, the awards provide a brief sojourn from a rigorous study regime: “You get your two minutes of happiness, but you can’t get complacent.” The students individually don’t resent a society that rates the “achievements” of monosyllabic pop stars and bubble-headed soap actors of more importance than those of doctors, scientists, and researchers. “Not really. But it has to be that way, no-one really cares,” Sarah Scott-Mclean says.


Central West Photo News July 14–20, 2011



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Angela took up photography to satisfy her natural curiosity with the world. “I’m a sticky-beak... and I’m always curious. I’m also a bit of a perfectionist, so photography allows me to be all these at once!” Angela said she draws inspiration from other photographers, particularly renowned photographer Barb Uil. “Her photographs are A-MAZING. She has the most unique way of seeing the world and capturing it from a child’s point of view. Her images are always so fresh and whimsical. They are pure magic.” “The internet is full of amazing photographers who take the time to share their work with others. I spend many hours reading and looking through others work, studying these photographers has found me head in the direction of children portraiture.” Angela thinks the key to great children photography is to be relaxed. “I try not to take things too seriously, I want to get out there and have fun. I also strive to learn and grow with my photography.” “Photography will always be part of my life, I will never stop learning.” You can see more of Angela’s beautiful work by searching ‘Angela Solling Photography’ on Facebook, or on her blog at www.angelasollingphotography. blogspot.com

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July 14–20, 2011 Central West Photo News

Canobolas Public School Fundraiser Pictures by Letitia Bloomfield The pins were falling on Sunday 26th June as people enjoyed a few games at the Orange Ten Pin Bowl. The purpose of the event was to raise funds for Canobolas Public School; there were also prizes and raffles to be won. It was a great day of family fun!

Matilda and Bridget Starr, Ellie West, Georgia Sippel FRONT – Sophie Starr

Action Shot

Brett Mahlo, Cedar Morgan

Harry and Tom West

Action shot

Training hard at Darryl Grant Cycles Pictures by Letitia Bloomfield On Wednesday 29th June a motivated group of bike riders enjoyed a bike ride at Darryl Grants Cycle Shop. Because of Winter and it being so dark and cold, Darryl Grant hosts a mid week training session right in the middle of his shop. Everyone brings their own bike and rides on the virtual reality trainers. Its a great way of getting in a good workout without having to go outside in the cold.

Mason Manwaring, Rodney Farrell, Ian Reed

Steve Martin

Rodney Farrell

David Vanchik


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Mason Manwaring

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Central West Photo News July 14–20, 2011

A Happy 70th for Mary


Pictures by Letitia Bloomfield On Saturday 25th June, family and friends gathered at the Moresby Room of the Orange Ex Services Club to help Mary Jolley Celebrate her 70th Birthday. Everyone sat down to have a meal and a chat with guests coming all the way from Sydney and Goulburn.

With John Carpenter Birthday Girl Mary Jolley

Campbell Schubert, Yvonne Schubert and Alison Davis

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Phyl and Peter Carter, Norma Wright

Mary with her Nephews and Musician Joe

Mary with her Daughters and Grandkids

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Goodbye Dave and Katherine Pictures and words by DONNA STEDMAN Dave Swain and Katherine Horgan were given a big send off for their next adventure, moving to Melbourne to manage a motel. Upstairs at the Parkview was packed with family and friends on Saturday, June 25, wishing the lovely couple all the best for the future.

Sophie, Kate, Elise, April, Katherine, Kate and Lauren

Katherine Horgan and Dave Swain

Katherine and friends

more well wishers


Roger and Cathy Laughton

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Matthew’s 21st

drawn 25th JulY, 2011

Pictures and words by DONNA STEDMAN Matthew Morrison celebrated his 21st at the Royal Hotel in Orange on Saturday, June 25. Family and friends were on hand to wish Matthew a happy birthday. Matthew’s Aunt, Uncle and cousins travelled from New Zealand to join in the celebration as well.

With John Carpenter

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Matthew and family

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John Carpenter

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Matthew and the girls

Matthew and mates

Business  •  elder  •  Family  ProPerty  •  litigation


July 14–20, 2011 Central West Photo News

Happy Birthday Jacqueline Pictures and words by DONNA STEDMAN Jacqueline Hanrahan celebrated her 50th birthday at home on Saturday, June 25 with family, the evening was made all the more special with Jacqueline’s sister, Shayne travelling from Queensland to help her celebrate.

Well wishers

David Frizzel, Shayne Wilcox and Jacqueline Hanrahan

Laura, Jacqueline and Greg Hanrahan with (front) Sophie Carter

Dee Stephens, Evelyn Burns, Jacqueline Hanrahan and Julie Jackson

Ageless Clinics Excitement Photography by KIKI HOPCRAFT Dr Jeremy Cumpston arrived to an eager crowd of ladies on Tuesday 28th of June, at the Curves Gym. Dr Cumpston was present as part of the Ageless Clinics demonstration, giving the ladies information on the Fraxel Laser skin rejuvenation treatment. The ladies enjoyed nibblies and a glass of bubbles while getting ready for the big demonstration.

Dr Jeremy Cumpston

Emma Dresser, Mary Crombie

Alison Humphries and Cheryl McDonald

Janelle Witschi

Kristine Maclean, Melissa Johnston, Bambi Romanow

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Central West Photo News July 14–20, 2011


Cowboy: Wade Sumpter of Colorado falls on the ground while trying to wrestle a steer in the steer wrestling event during the Calgary Stampede rodeo in Calgary, Alberta, Canada on July 10. Photo: REUtERS/todd KoRol

A picture of serenity: Buddhist monks walk on a road in Stok, 20km north of Leh, in Indian-administered Kashmir. The Buddhist-dominated Ladakh region, situated at a height of 3505 metres, is famous among tourists for its monasteries, landscapes, mountains and rich cultural heritage. Photo: REUtERS/FAyAz KAbli

Show off! An artist performs before the start of the ninth stage of the Tour de France 2011 cycling race from Issoire to Saint-Flour, July 10. Photo: REUtERS/PAScAl RoSSignol

Stop, go: The space shuttle Atlantis STS-135 lifts off from Kennedy Space Centre in Cape Canaveral, Florida, on July 8. Photo: REUtERS/Scott AUdEttE

Grace: Children stretch during a ballet lesson at a dancing school in Hefei, Anhui province, China on July 9. Photo: REUtERS/StRingER

INVITE US ALONG If you’d like a PhotoNews Photographer to come along and take pictures at your party or celebration, call us on 6361 3575 We require 48 hours notice. Get in early during holiday period!

3/241 Lords Place, Orange


trivia test 1. What is a


2. In what year did


4. What’s an







5. When did the


band Split Enz break up?

6. Why is the



marsupial frog so called?


11 12



7. What is the

1. Obstinate folk (3-5) 5. Streak in cheese 7. Compulsion 8. Erupted (6,2) 9. Neighbourhood residents 12. Poorer 15. Best (approximation) 19. Driver, ... Piquet 21. Power generation unit 22. Loosen 23. Licentious 24. Glue


capital of Wales?





8. What is a ziff?



9. What is

ascorbic acid also known as?



10. What is a wait-

a-while? FILE: Sudoku - Level 3 - 1030

23 Group 2009 © Lovatts Publishing

See bottom of this page for answers

tq306 PN_20110714

Who am I?


FILE: Sudoku - Level 3 - 1030 © Lovatts Publishing Group 2009 © Lovatts Publications - www.lovatts.com.au

Trivia Test answers (306) 1 triangular pyramid, 2 1982, 3 tin, 4 female inheritor, 5 1984, 6 the male has two pouches Brought to you by in which it carries tadpoles, 7 Cardiff, 8 a short beard, 9 I amC,an10 American vitamin a plant with singer prickly bornthatin catch 1966.onI clothing. come stems HOW TO PLAY from a famous musical family. I made my first To solve appearance on stage in a Sudoku puzzle, every number from 1 to 9 1974. I had a regular role mustGood appear in: on the TV comedy  Each of the nine Times. I released my vertical columns self-titled debut album HOW TO PLAY  Each of the nine in 1982, followed later horizontal rows by albums Control and Tonine solve a Sudoku puzzle,  IEach Rhythm Nation 1814. had of the 3 x 3 boxes every number from 1 to 9 an infamous wardrobe Remember no number malfunction in 2004. My must appear in: can occur more than most famous brother once in any row, column was Michael. or box.  Each of the nine


Wise words... CENTRAL WEST PHOTO NEWS horizontal rows  Each of the nine Handy Cross 13A [advertising space] You can give 3 x 3 boxes Who CentralWestHandy13Ablank.pdf without loving but am I? Remember no number © Lovattsyou Publications cannot love 25/02/2010 I am Janet can occurRating: more than without giving. Jackson once in any row, column God takes care of or box. our living when we take care of His business.

Puzzle number 1.


Starting with the seven-letter word, drop a letter, rearrange if necessary, and form a six-letter word. Continue in this manner until you reach the lone letter at the bottom. Your solution may differ from ours.



8 6

3 8

3 2 5 72 8 3 1 9 5 2 4


5 2


6 2

9 4 1 2







Stepdown solution 292 stems that catch on clothing. Tackles, cleats, steal, last, sat, vitamin at, t. C, 10 a plant with prickly 7 Cardiff, 8 a short beard, 9 in which it carries tadpoles, 6 the male has two pouches tin, 4 female inheritor, 5 1984, 1 triangular pyramid, 2 1982, 3 Trivia Test answers (306)



3 2 7 8 3 8Solutions on Classifieds Page 1 9 5 5 2


lucky winners to each receive a Steak Dinner for two from the Hog’s Breath Cafe in Orange.

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6 Win a Steak Dinner!

8 6 2 3




10. What is a wait-

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What you have to do is find him! When you do, write your name, address and contact number on the back of an envelope along with the page number where you found ‘Hogster’.

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3 2 8 2 4 1 6 4 vertical columns 8  Each of the nine

See bottom of this page for answers

6 2

Puzzle number 30.

1. Large whisky 2. Dog-like predator 3. Gaps 4. Disappear, make oneself ... 5. Steered off course 6. Child 10. Soft drink 11. Ancient harp 12. Louse egg 13. Margin 14. Popular garden flower 15. Standard 16. Refunded 17. Instrumental composition 18. Put into cipher 19. Nick 20. Praises highly

Find our Face in the Crowd and you could win an Entertainers Pack from D’Aquino’s valued at $150 which could include wine, beer and/ or snack foods. Somewhere in this edition of Central West Photo News you’ll find the face shown above. Once you’ve found it, write the page number and location on the back of an envelope along with your name, address and daytime contact number. Send it in to: Face in the Crowd, Central West Photo News, Suite 3, 241 Lords Place, Orange NSW 2800. You can also email an entry to competitions@cwpn.com.au. One entry per person per week please. Entries close at the end of the month. All entries received during the month go into one big draw. The first correct entry drawn wins the prize. Entrants must be over the age of 18, photo ID required. D’Aquino’s and Central West Photo News support the responsible service and consumption of alcohol.

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also known as? Get your Party ascorbic acid

JumPinG! 8. 9. What is

What is a ziff?

• Mechanical Bull • Juke Boxes Wales? capital of • Jumping Castles 7. What is the • Costume Hire • FrozensoCocktail/ called? marsupial frog Slush Machines 6. much Why is the and more!break up?

band Split Enz

5. When did the

inheritrix? Talinga 4. What’s an anniversary? ParTy Hire

Who am I?



I am an American singer born in 1966. I come from a famous musical family. I made my first appearance on stage in 1974. I had a regular role on the TV comedy Good Times. I released my self-titled debut album in 1982, followed later by albums Control and Rhythm Nation 1814. I had an infamous wardrobe malfunction in 2004. My most famous brother was Michael.

symbol of a 10th wedding anniversary?

Stepdown solution 292 Tackles, cleats, steal, last, sat, at, t

3. What is the

Face in the Crowd

Who am I? I am Janet Jackson

Argentina invade the Falkland Islands?

10th wedding

symbol of201 a 0431 577

3. What is the


Islands? the Falkland Argentina invade

The most comprehensive FREE TV guide in the Central West

FRIDAY July 15 6.00 ABC News Breakfast. (CC) 78905009 9.00 News. (CC) 9573 9.30 Business Today. (CC) 2660 10.00 Architects Of Change. (Final, R, CC) 57573 11.00 Catalyst. (R, CC) 6009 11.30 One Plus One. (CC) 9196 12.00 Midday Report. (CC) 7775 12.30 Midsomer Murders. (PG, R, CC) 3915825 2.10 World’s Greenest Homes. (R, CC) 2054134 3.00 Children’s Programs. 85940863

6.00 6.50 7.00 7.30 8.00 8.30

Time Team. (R, CC) 69775 Minuscule. (R) 1386080 News. (CC) 689 7.30 NSW. (CC) 660 Collectors. (CC) 573 Silent Witness. (Series return, M, CC) When the team investigate three suspicious deaths in one night in the same hospital ward, it appears that the staff may be behind the murders. 34660 9.30 Hustle. (PG, CC) 30844

10.30 Lateline. (CC) 85196 11.10 Beautiful People. (M, R, CC)

6.00 Sunrise. (CC) 72205680 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG, CC) 8421680 11.30 News. (CC) 4399 12.00 MOVIE: Eddie’s Million Dollar Cook-Off. (G, 03, R) 256573 2.00 Dive Olly Dive! (C, CC) 6738 2.30 Sea Princesses. (C, R, CC) 4757 3.00 It’s Academic. (C, R, CC) 5486 3.30 Toybox. (P, R, CC) 8573 4.00 Spit It Out. (C, CC) 9202 4.30 News At 4.30. (CC) 53221 5.30 Deal Or No Deal. (CC) 5467 6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30

PRIME7 News. (CC) 6196 News. (CC) 4115 Home And Away. (PG, CC) 2414 Better Homes And Gardens. (CC) 3202

8.30 MOVIE: State Of Play. (M, 09, CC) After two seemingly unrelated deaths occur within a short period of time, a reporter suspects the crimes are part of a larger conspiracy. Russell Crowe, Rachel McAdams, Ben Affleck. 59461028 11.15 Football. (CC) AFL. Round 17. Adelaide v Essendon. From AAMI Stadium, Adelaide. 30042776 2.30 Home Shopping. 92701603


11.45 Rage. (M) 18071486 5.00 Rage. (PG) 8574332

6.00 Today. (CC) 60239793 9.00 Kerri-Anne. (PG, CC) 6144776 11.00 News. (CC) 663134 11.30 Alive And Cooking. (R) 666221 12.00 Ellen. (PG, R, CC) 162080 1.00 The View. (PG, CC) 188028 2.00 Days Of Our Lives. (PG, CC) 182844 3.00 Entertainment Tonight. (CC) 876950 3.30 Hi-5. (P, R, CC) 643739 4.00 Kitchen Whiz. (C, CC) 293298 4.30 News. (CC) 558863 5.30 Hot Seat. (CC) 477399 6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30

News. (CC) 478028 WIN News. (CC) 486047 A Current Affair. (CC) 758641 Rugby League. (CC) NRL. Round 19. Warriors v Bulldogs. From Mt Smart Stadium, Auckland, New Zealand. 906486

9.30 Rugby League. (CC) NRL. Round 19. Broncos v Titans. From Suncorp Stadium, Brisbane. 604641 11.30 WIN News. (CC) 480863 12.00 MOVIE: Bronco Billy. (M, 80, R) 2118535

2.15 MOVIE: Defending Our Kids: The Julie Posey Story. (M, 03, R, CC) 1822581

4.00 Ent. Tonight. (R, CC) 1318500 4.30 GMA. (CC) 9505603

6.00 Early News. (CC) 366844 7.00 Toasted TV. (CC) 720028 8.00 Totally Wild. (C, R, CC) 205134 8.30 Wurrawhy. (P, CC) 640283 9.00 News. (CC) 733592 10.00 The Circle. (PG, CC) 6689738 12.00 Dr Phil. (PG, CC) 193950 1.00 Oprah. (PG, CC) 179370 2.00 Ready Steady Cook. (PG, CC) 180486 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG, CC) 893432 3.30 Infomercials. (PG, R, CC) 148509 4.00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield. (CC) 598680 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful. (CC) 464825 5.00 News. (CC) 638689

6.00 WorldWatch. 3680028 7.30 Cycling. (CC) Tour de France. Daily update. From France. 81632738 7.45 WorldWatch. 19724370 11.30 Arabic News. 3894979 12.00 Russian News. 3855080 12.30 Turkish News. 9145931 1.00 Italian News. 9146660 1.30 Inside The Bombay Railway: Pressure. (PG, R, CC) (UK) 6854979 2.30 The Nest. (PG, R, CC) 6825467 3.30 Angels In New York. (R, CC) 9136283 4.00 The Journal. (CC) 9137912 4.30 PBS NewsHour. (CC) 2154573 5.30 Global Village. (R, CC) (UK) 1797221

6.30 6.30 With George Negus. (CC) 484689 7.00 The 7PM Project. (PG, CC) 756283 7.30 MasterChef Australia. (CC) The top eight contestants head to The Big Apple, where they get the chance to cook up a storm in one of the world’s most famous cities. 362028 9.00 To Be Advised. 833931 11.00 Can Of Worms. (M, R, CC) 820467 12.00 6.30 With George Negus. (R, CC)

6.00 Cycling. (CC) Tour de France. Daily update. From France. 1798950 6.30 World News Australia. (CC) 2141009 7.30 Coast: Hull To London. (CC) (UK)


12.30 1.00 1.55 5.00 5.30

Sports Tonight. (CC) 1497061 Letterman. (PG) 4348603 Infomercials. (PG) 53442055 Bayless Conley. (PG, R) 4117719 Jesse Duplantis Ministries. (PG) 4110806


8.30 As It Happened: Busting The Berlin Wall – Fall. (PG, R, CC) Part 2 of 2. A look at events surrounding the tearing down of the Berlin Wall. (Germany) 9099486

9.30 World News Australia. (CC) 7227405 10.00 Cycling. (CC) Tour de France. Stage 13. Pau to Lourdes. 152km mountain stage. From France. 27290134 2.00 WeatherWatch Overnight. 94749516 5.00 WeatherWatch & Music. 95445719 5.05 Korean News. 62130069 5.40 Japanese News. 75373901

6.00 Children’s Programs. 3.05 Babar. (R, CC) 3.30 Mopatop’s Shop. (R) 3.40 Laura’s Star. (R) 3.50 Rastamouse. 4.00 Hurray For Huckle! (R, CC) 4.30 Play School. (R, CC) 5.00 Peppa Pig. (R, CC) 5.15 Octonauts. (R, CC) 5.25 The Hive. (CC) 5.30 Bert And Ernie’s Great Adventures. (R, CC) 5.40 Wibbly Pig. (R, CC) 5.50 Timmy Time. (R, CC) 6.05 Miffy And Friends. (R) 6.10 Penelope. (R, CC) 6.15 Humf. (R, CC) 6.30 In The Night Garden. (R, CC) 7.00 Spicks And Specks. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 Last Chance To See: Komodo Dragon. (R, CC) 8.30 Sanctuary. (CC) 9.15 Riese. (CC) 9.30 The Tudors. (M, CC) 10.30 Crownies. (M, R, CC) 12.20 Code Geass. (M, R, CC) 12.45 Important Things With Demetri Martin. (PG, R, CC) 1.10 The Office. (M, R, CC) 1.40 Close.

6.00 Raggs. (R, CC) 6.30 Flipper. (PG, R) 7.30 The Martha Stewart Show. 8.30 Sons And Daughters. (R, CC) 9.00 Home And Away: The Early Years. (R, CC) 9.30 Shortland Street. (PG) 10.00 Coronation Street. (PG) 10.30 Emmerdale. (PG) 11.00 Hollyoaks. (PG) 11.30 Deal Or No Deal. (R, CC) 12.00 Hart To Hart. (PG, R) 1.00 Head Of The Class. (PG, R) 1.30 Welcome Back, Kotter. (PG, R) 2.00 Murphy Brown. (PG, R, CC) 2.30 Valerie. (R) 3.00 Perfect Strangers. (R) 3.30 Night Court. (PG, R) 4.00 Columbo. (PG, R) 6.00 Bargain Hunt. 7.00 Harry’s Practice. (R) 7.30 Are You Being Served? (PG, R) 8.45 Escape To The Country. 9.45 60 Minute Makeover. 10.45 Living In The Sun. (PG) 12.00 MOVIE: The Charge Of The Light Brigade. (M, 68, R) 2.30 Medical Rookies. (PG, R, CC) 3.00 Hart To Hart. (PG, R) 4.00 Coronation Street. (PG, R) 4.30 Emmerdale. (PG, R) 5.00 The World Around Us. (R)

6.00 Tamagotchi! (R) 6.30 Kamen Rider: Dragon Knight. (PG, R) 7.00 Deadly. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 The Secret Saturdays. (PG, R) 8.00 Ben 10. (PG, R) 8.30 Kamen Rider: Dragon Knight. (PG, R) 9.00 The Flintstones. (R) 9.30 I Dream Of Jeannie. (R) 10.00 Bewitched. (R) 10.30 Entertainment Tonight. (R, CC) 11.00 TMZ. 11.30 Married With Children. (PG, R) 12.00 Here’s Lucy. (R) 12.30 Spin City. (PG, R, CC) 1.00 The Hills. (PG, R) 2.00 The Dukes Of Hazzard. (PG) 3.00 Just Shoot Me! (PG, R) 3.30 The Secret Saturdays. (PG, R) 4.00 Kids’ WB. (PG) 4.05 Ben 10. (PG, R) 4.30 Here’s Lucy. (R) 5.00 I Dream Of Jeannie. (R) 5.30 Bewitched. (R) 6.00 MOVIE: Scooby-Doo In Arabian Nights. (G, 94) 7.30 MOVIE: Shrek The Third. (PG, 07, R, CC) 9.30 MOVIE: Never Back Down. (M, 08) 11.50 South Park. (M, R) (US) 12.20 Fringe. (M, R) 2.20 Reno 911! (M, R) 3.50 Go! Filler. (PG, R) 4.00 Unnatural History. (PG, R) 5.00 The Hills. (PG, R) 5.30 Tamagotchi! (R)

6.00 Netball. World Championships. Semi-final. Replay. 8.00 The Game Plan: NRL. (R) 9.00 Baseball. MLB. Toronto Blue Jays v New York Yankees. 12.00 Baseball. MLB. San Diego Padres v San Francisco Giants. 3.00 WNBA Action. (R) 3.30 Omnisport. 4.00 Extreme Dreams. (PG, R) 4.30 Airline. (PG, R) 5.00 Guerrilla Gardeners. (PG, CC) 5.30 iFish Catch Of The Day. (R) 6.00 Bondi Rescue. (PG, R, CC) 6.30 Extreme Dreams. (PG) 7.00 Airline. (PG) 7.30 Megastructures: Concrete. (PG) 8.30 MOVIE: The Saint. (M, 97, CC) Val Kilmer, Elisabeth Shue, Rade Serbedzija. 10.50 Sports Tonight. 11.20 UFC Unleashed. (M, R) 12.20 Black Gold. (PG, R, CC) 1.20 Extreme Dreams. (PG, R) 1.50 Omnisport. (R) 2.00 Golf. OneAsia Tour. Indonesia Open. Second round.

6.00 WorldWatch. 6.00 Global Village: Transcendental Education. (R, CC) (UK) 6.30 Come Dine With Me: Greece. (Greece) 7.30 New York: In Sunshine And Shadow (18651898). (PG) (US) 8.30 Cycling. (CC) Tour de France. Daily update. From France. 9.00 MOVIE: Lost In Beijing. (MA15+, 07, R) A migrant worker tries to exact revenge on his wife’s boss after the man sexually assaults her. Tony Leung Ka Fai, Bingbing Fan, Dawei Tong. (China) 10.55 MOVIE: The Eye. (MA15+, 02, R) After a girl receives a corneal transplant to restore her sight, she is haunted by visions. Lee Sin-Je, Lawrence Chou, Chutcha Rujinanon. (Hong Kong) 12.40 WeatherWatch Overnight. 5.00 WeatherWatch & Music.

6.00 Children’s Programs. 11.50 Backyard Science. (R, CC) 12.05 BTN Extra. (CC) 12.20 In Real Life. (R, CC) 12.45 A World Of Wonders. (R, CC) 1.00 Erky Perky. (R, CC) 1.15 I.N.K. Invisible Network Of Kids. (R, CC) 1.45 Total Drama Island. (R, CC) 2.10 The Legend Of Dick And Dom. (R, CC) 2.40 Majority Rules. (R, CC) 3.00 Ship To Shore. (R, CC) 3.25 Connor Undercover. (R, CC) 3.50 Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab. (R, CC) 4.20 News On 3 Update. (CC) 4.25 Young Dracula. 4.55 The Pinky & Perky Show. (R, CC) 5.05 The Jungle Book. (R, CC) 5.20 Kid Vs Kat. 5.30 Deltora Quest. (CC) 6.00 Rated A For Awesome. (New series, CC) 6.15 Almost Naked Animals. (R, CC) 6.25 Horrible Histories. (CC) 6.55 News On 3. (CC) 7.10 Star Wars: The Clone Wars. (R, CC) 7.35 The Assistants. (CC) 8.00 Stay Tuned. 8.30 Degrassi: The Next Generation. (R, CC) 9.00 Close.

6.00 The Six Million Dollar Man. (PG, R) 7.00 The Virginian. (PG, R) 8.30 Adam 12. (PG, R) 9.00 NBC Today. (R, CC) 11.00 Quantum Leap. (PG, R) 12.00 Quincy M.E. (PG, R) 1.00 The Rockford Files. (PG, R) 2.00 Malcolm And Eddie. (PG, R) 2.30 Newsradio. (PG, R) 3.00 Xena: Warrior Princess. (PG, R) 4.00 Hercules: The Legendary Journeys. (PG, R) 5.00 The Drew Carey Show. (PG, R, CC) 5.30 According To Jim. (R) 6.30 My Wife And Kids. (PG, R, CC) 7.00 That ’70s Show. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 Pimp My Ride. (PG, CC) 8.30 My Name Is Earl. (PG, CC) 9.30 MOVIE: DOA: Dead Or Alive. (M, 06, CC) Jaime Pressly, Devon Aoki, Sarah Carter. 11.30 Club Reps. (MA15+, R) 12.30 Malcolm And Eddie. (PG, R) 1.00 The Six Million Dollar Man. (PG, R) 2.00 Quantum Leap. (PG, R) 3.00 Xena: Warrior Princess. (PG, R) 4.00 The Rockford Files. (PG, R) 5.00 Adam 12. (PG, R) 5.30 Home Shopping.

6.00 Today. (CC) 9.00 Alive And Cooking. (R) 9.30 The Zoo. (R) 10.00 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 11.00 Murder, She Wrote. (PG) 12.00 MOVIE: We Joined The Navy. (G, 63, R) 2.00 Wife Swap USA. (PG, R) 3.00 McLeod’s Daughters. (PG, R, CC) 4.00 The Block. (PG, R, CC) 5.00 The Golden Girls. (PG) 6.00 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 7.00 The Zoo. (R) 7.30 Hot In Cleveland. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 MOVIE: The Hurricane. (M, 99, R, CC) When a promising boxer is wrongly imprisoned for murder, his only hope lies with a group of supporters who fight for justice on his behalf. Denzel Washington, John Hannah, Vicellous Reon Shannon. 11.30 Conan. (M) 12.30 Psychic TV. (PG) 2.00 MOVIE: Rasputin: The Mad Monk. (M, 66, R) Christopher Lee, Barbara Shelley, Richard Pasco. 3.45 MOVIE: Man About The House. (PG, 74, R) 5.30 Friends. (PG, R, CC)

6.00 JAG. (PG, R) 7.00 MacGyver. (PG, R) 8.00 The Brady Bunch. (R) 8.30 Neighbours. (R, CC) 9.00 Touched By An Angel. (PG, R) 10.00 7th Heaven. (R, CC) 11.00 The Love Boat. (PG, R) 12.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG, R) 1.00 JAG. (PG, R) 2.00 MacGyver. (PG, R) 3.00 Cheers. (PG, R) 3.30 Roseanne. (PG, R) 4.00 Family Ties. (PG, R) 4.30 Mork And Mindy. (PG, R) 5.00 Happy Days. (R) 5.30 The Brady Bunch. (R) 6.00 Sabrina, The Teenage Witch. (R) 6.30 Neighbours. (CC) 7.00 Everybody Loves Raymond. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 The Glee Project. (New series, PG) 9.30 Sex And The City. (MA15+, R) 10.40 America’s Next Top Model. (PG, R, CC) 11.40 The Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson. (PG) 12.30 Sabrina, The Teenage Witch. (R) 1.00 Mork And Mindy. (PG, R) 1.30 Happy Days. (R) 2.00 The Love Boat. (PG, R) 3.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG, R) 4.00 Touched By An Angel. (PG, R) 5.00 7th Heaven. (R, CC)

6.00 ABC News Breakfast. (CC) 9.00 News. (CC) 9.30 Business Today. (R, CC) 10.00 News. (CC) 12.30 Newsline With Jim Middleton. (R) 1.00 News. (CC) 2.00 News. (CC) 2.30 One Plus One. (R, CC) 3.00 Afternoon Live. 5.30 Capital Hill. (CC) 6.00 The Drum. (CC) 6.45 The Quarters. (R) 7.00 News. (CC) 7.30 Contact Sport. (CC) 8.00 News. (CC) 8.30 One Plus One. (R, CC) 9.00 The World. (CC) 10.00 The Drum. (R, CC) 10.45 The Quarters. (R) 11.00 News. 11.30 Capital Hill. (CC) 12.00 News. 12.20 Lateline. (R, CC) 1.00 BBC World News. 1.30 Contact Sport. (CC) 2.00 BBC World News: The Hub. (CC) 2.30 The World This Week. (R, CC) 3.00 Lateline. (R, CC) 3.40 The Quarters. (R, CC) 4.15 The Drum. (R, CC) 5.00 Q&A. (R, CC)

CLASSIFICATIONS: (P) For preschoolers (C) Children’s programs (G) General viewing (PG) Parental guidance (M) Mature audiences (MA15+) Mature adults only (AV15+) Mature audiences: contains adult violence (M) (MA15+) and (AV15+) CONSUMER ADVICE: (a) adult themes (h) horror (Sx) sex scenes (d) drug references, (l) language, (m) medical procedures (n) nudity (v) violence (w) war (CC) Closed Captions (WS) widescreen Programs subject to late change by stations.

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SATURDAY July 16 6.00 Rage. 82843622 10.00 Rage. (PG) 22603 11.00 Big Chef Takes On Little Chef. (R, CC) 91719 12.00 Collectors. (R, CC) 2887 12.30 Australian Story. (R, CC) 2622 1.00 Foreign Correspondent. (R, CC) 3351 1.30 Two In The Top End. (PG, R, CC) 7910 2.00 Treks In A Wild World: Trekking In Gabon. (R, CC) 54852 2.25 Space Odyssey. (R) 2272210 3.00 Rugby Union. Shute Shield. Round 15. 28210 5.00 Bowls. Moama International Tri Series. Mixed Triples. Scotland v England. 59719

6.00 Handy Manny. (R) 2500 6.30 Stitch! 3149 7.00 Weekend Sunrise. (CC) 5219887 9.00 Disney. (CC) 5222351 11.00 Possum’s Club. 6974 11.30 Enyo. (C, R, CC) 9061 12.00 Castaway. (C, CC) 6090 12.30 V8 Xtra. (CC) 1697 1.00 Motor Racing. (PG, CC) V8 Supercars. Fujitsu Series. Townsville 400. Round 3. 65806 2.00 Marie Claire: Under The Cover. (PG) 6142 2.30 MOVIE: Sixteen Candles. (PG, 84, R, CC) 31264 4.30 What’s Up Down Under. (CC) 2351 5.00 Guide To The Good Life. 7852 5.30 Sydney Weekender. 7239

6.00 Go, Diego! Go! (R) 226245 6.30 Dora. (R) 234264 7.00 Weekend Today. (CC) 6028784 9.00 Kerri-Anne. (CC) 6111448 11.00 Kids’ WB. 633326 11.05 Ben 10. 8114968 11.30 Scooby-Doo! 681158 12.00 Wakkaville. (C, CC) 682887 12.30 GASP! (C, CC) 492512 1.00 Lockie Leonard. (C, CC) 603531 1.30 A Gurls Wurld. (C, CC) 958608 2.00 The Saddle Club. (C, R, CC) 508167 2.30 MOVIE: Hotel Paradiso. (PG, 66, R, CC) 293177 4.30 Fishing. (CC) 407158 5.00 News. (CC) 408887 5.30 Discover Downunder. 401974

6.00 James Martin’s Champagne. (R, CC)

6.00 News. (CC) 8968 6.30 MOVIE: Nim’s Island. (PG, 08, R, CC) After her marine biologist father goes missing from their tropical island home, an 11-year-old girl seeks help from the agoraphobic author of her favourite adventure novels. 550595 8.30 MOVIE: Gladiator. (M, 00, R, CC) A successful Roman general, betrayed and imprisoned by Caesar’s heir, seeks revenge. 42903429

6.00 News. (CC) 402603 6.30 Australia’s Funniest Home Videos. (PG, CC) 586264 7.30 The Block Unlocked. (PG, CC) 616239 8.00 MOVIE: Secondhand Lions. (PG, 03, R, CC) A sensitive boy is sent by his mother to stay with his two eccentric Texan uncles. 6427697 10.15 MOVIE: Ghosts Of Girlfriends Past. (M, 09, CC) Matthew McConaughey, Jennifer Garner, Emma Stone. 4844245

10.25 The Graham Norton Show. (Final, R, CC) 7281326 11.15 Doctor Who. (PG, R, CC) 427516 12.00 Rage. (M) 84960253 5.00 Rage. (PG) 8478104

11.40 MOVIE: Species III. (AV15+, 04, R, CC) The offspring of a deadly alien tries to mate with humans while being pursued by the military. Sunny Mabrey, Natasha Henstridge, Robin Dunne. 4127622 2.00 Home Shopping. 96664123

12.25 MOVIE: Punch-Drunk Love. (M, 02, R, CC) 9822388 2.15 MOVIE: The King And Queen Of Moonlight Bay. (PG, 03, R, CC) 7035388 3.55 WIN Presents. (R) 4700253 4.05 Danoz Direct. 4453475 4.30 Newstyle Direct. 4005920 5.00 Creflo A Dollar. 4013949 5.30 Skippy. 4016036

10.40 Football. (CC) AFL. Round 17. Melbourne v Port Adelaide. From TIO Stadium, Darwin. 6653910 1.10 Infomercials. (PG, R) 19311659 4.00 Bayless Conley. 1383814 4.30 It Is Written. (PG) 4003562 5.00 Hour Of Power. 1111543

10.00 Cycling. (CC) Tour de France. Stage 14. Saint-Gaudens to Plateau de Beille. 168km mountain stage. 27267806 2.00 WeatherWatch Overnight. 94642659 4.45 Soccer. Copa América. First quarterfinal. From Estadio Mario Alberto Kempes, Córdoba, Argentina. 22109938

6.00 Children’s Programs. 4.00 Hurray For Huckle! (R, CC) 4.30 Florrie’s Dragons. (R, CC) 4.40 Dibo The Gift Dragon. (R, CC) 4.50 Connie The Cow. (R) 5.00 Peppa Pig. (R, CC) 5.15 Octonauts. (R, CC) 5.25 The Hive. (CC) 5.30 Bert And Ernie’s Great Adventures. (R, CC) 5.40 Wibbly Pig. (R, CC) 5.50 Timmy Time. (R, CC) 6.05 Miffy And Friends. (R) 6.10 Penelope. (R, CC) 6.15 Humf. (R, CC) 6.30 In The Night Garden. (R, CC) 7.00 Monkey Thieves. (CC) 7.30 The Great Food Truck Race. (Final, CC) 8.15 At The Movies Shortcuts. (PG, CC) 8.30 MOVIE: New York, New York. (PG, 77, CC) A romance develops between a cocky saxophone player and an independent singer. Robert De Niro, Liza Minnelli, Lionel Stander, Barry Primus. 11.15 MOVIE: Stepping Out. (PG, 91, CC) 1.00 Make ’Em Laugh: The Funny Business Of America. (M, R, CC) 1.55 Close.

6.00 Raggs. (R, CC) 6.30 Flipper. (PG, R) 7.30 The Wind In The Willows. (R) 8.00 Power Rangers. (PG, R) 9.00 Better Homes And Gardens. (R, CC) 10.00 The Great Outdoors. (R, CC) 11.00 Queensland Weekender. (R) 11.30 Out Of The Blue. (R) 12.00 A House In. (R) 12.30 Passport To The Sun. (PG) 1.00 Desert Island Chefs. (R) 1.30 Weekend Kitchen. (PG, R) 5.00 The Great Australian Doorstep. 5.30 Man About The House. (PG, R) 6.00 Mind Your Language. (PG, R) 6.30 Born And Bred. (PG) 7.30 Heartbeat. (PG, R, CC) 8.40 Inspector Morse. (M, R, CC) 11.00 That’s My Boy. (PG) 11.30 Please Sir! (PG, R) 12.00 Minder. (PG, R) 1.00 Medical Rookies. (PG, R, CC) 1.30 Passport To The Sun. (PG, R) 2.00 Man About The House. (PG, R) 2.30 Leyland Brothers’ World. (R) 3.30 Floyd’s India. (R) 4.00 Friends For Dinner. (R) 4.30 Winter Nosh. (PG, R) 5.00 Follow That Tomato. (R) 5.30 Costa Del Nosh. (R)

6.00 Thunderbirds. (R) 7.00 Kids’ WB Saturday. 7.05 The Flintstones. (R) 7.30 The Marvelous Misadventures Of Flapjack. (R) 8.00 Looney Tunes Classics. 8.30 Camp Lazlo. (R) 9.00 Sym-Bionic Titan. (PG, R) 9.30 Batman: The Brave And The Bold. (PG, R) 10.00 Generator Rex. (PG, R) 10.30 Ben 10: Alien Force. (PG, R) 11.00 I Dream Of Jeannie. (R) 12.00 Bewitched. (R) 1.00 Married With Children. (PG, R) 2.00 Here’s Lucy. (R) 3.00 Green Acres. (R) 3.30 Spin City. (PG, R, CC) 4.30 The Dukes Of Hazzard. (PG, R) 5.30 Wipeout. (PG, R, CC) 6.30 Top Gear. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 Two And A Half Men. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 MOVIE: Under Siege. (M, 92, R, CC) Steven Seagal, Tommy Lee Jones, Gary Busey. 10.35 MOVIE: Executive Decision. (M, 96, R, CC) 1.15 The Vampire Diaries. (M, R) 2.10 Wipeout. (PG, R, CC) 3.00 Unnatural History. (PG, R) 5.00 The Hills. (PG, R) 5.30 Tamagotchi! (R)

6.00 Netball. World Championships. Final. Replay. 8.00 Motor Racing. British Touring Car Championship. Race 5. Replay. 9.00 Motorcycle Racing. Isle Of Man TT. Superbike Race. Replay. 10.05 Pro Bull Riding. 11.05 World Of Free Sports. (PG) 11.35 Drive. (PG) 12.00 Ironman. 1.00 The WWE Experience. (PG, R) 2.00 Omnisport. 2.30 Extreme Dreams. (PG, R) 4.00 Airline. (PG, R) 5.00 Bondi Rescue. (PG, R, CC) 5.30 iFish. 6.30 The WWE Experience. (PG) 7.30 Everest: Beyond The Limit. (PG, R) 8.30 An Idiot Abroad: China. (M, R) 9.30 Motorcycle Racing. MotoGP. Race 9. German Grand Prix. Qualifying. 11.10 UFC. Cheick Kongo v Pat Barry. Rick “Horror” Story v Charlie Brenneman. Matt Mitrione v Christian Morecraft. Replay. 1.30 Omnisport. (R) 2.00 Golf. OneAsia Tour. Indonesia Open. Third round.

6.00 WorldWatch. 6.00 The Wine Lovers’ Guide To Australia. (R) 6.35 The Hairy Bikers’ Food Tour Of Britain. (R) (UK) 7.30 Find My Family. (Netherlands) 8.30 Cycling. (CC) Tour de France. Daily update. From France. 9.00 MOVIE: Narco: The Secret Adventures Of Gustave Klopp. (M, 04, R) A narcoleptic man, who daydreams about being a superhero, starts a career as a comic-book illustrator. Guillaume Canet, Zabou Breitman, Benoît Poelvoorde. (France) 10.55 MOVIE: Drowning Ghost. (MA15+, 04, R) While researching a Swedish boarding school’s grisly past, a student meets an avenging ghost. Rebecka Hemse, Jenny Ulving, Jesper Salén. (Sweden) 12.45 WeatherWatch Overnight. 5.00 WeatherWatch & Music. 5.05 Korean News. 5.40 Japanese News.

6.00 Children’s Programs. 7.35 Lizzie McGuire. (R, CC) 8.05 Oggy And The Cockroaches. (R, CC) 8.20 Best Ed. (R, CC) 8.35 Trapped! (R, CC) 9.05 Good Game: SP. (CC) 9.30 Erky Perky. (R, CC) 9.45 Almost Naked Animals. (R, CC) 10.00 I.N.K: Invisible Network Of Kids. (R, CC) 10.20 Bugged. (R) 10.30 Stoked. (R, CC) 10.55 6Teen. (R, CC) 11.50 Animalia. (CC) 1.55 Yakkity Yak. (R, CC) 2.10 Sumo Mouse. (R, CC) 2.35 Parallax. (R, CC) 3.00 Dance Academy. (R, CC) 3.30 Lizzie McGuire. (R, CC) 4.00 Oggy And The Cockroaches. (R, CC) 4.15 Best Ed. (R, CC) 4.30 Stay Tuned. (R) 5.00 Escape From Scorpion Island. (R, CC) 5.30 League Of Super Evil. (R, CC) 6.00 Stoked. (R, CC) 6.20 Oggy And The Cockroaches. (R, CC) 6.30 The Slammer. (R, CC) 7.00 Deadly 60. (R, CC) 7.30 Good Game: SP. (R, CC) 8.00 The Tribe. (R, CC) 9.15 Close.

6.00 Football. (CC) AFL. Round 17. Adelaide v Essendon. Replay. From AAMI Stadium, Adelaide. 8.30 Adam 12. (PG, R) 9.00 NBC Today. (R, CC) 11.00 Quantum Leap. (PG, R) 12.00 Racing Green. (R) 12.30 Fifth Gear. (PG) 1.00 Zoom TV. 1.30 Great Grand Prix Racing Heroes. (R) 2.30 Fifth Gear. (PG) 3.30 American Hot Rod. (PG, R) 4.30 Monster Garage. (PG, R) 5.30 According To Jim. (R, CC) 6.30 Seconds From Disaster: Plane Crash In Queens/Plane Crash In The Potomac. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 Air Crash Investigations. (PG, R, CC) 9.30 Unsolved Mysteries. (M, R) 12.30 Racing Green. (R) 1.00 Great Grand Prix Racing Heroes. (R) 2.00 American Hot Rod. (PG, R) 3.00 Xena: Warrior Princess. (M, R) 4.00 Quincy M.E. (M, R) 5.00 Quantum Leap. (PG, R)

6.00 MOVIE: We Joined The Navy. (G, 63, R) 8.00 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 MOVIE: Elizabeth Of Ladymead. (G, 48, R) 10.35 MOVIE: Jezebel. (b/w, PG, 38, R) 12.50 MOVIE: How The West Was Won. (G, 62, R, CC) 3.50 MOVIE: Key Largo. (b/w, PG, 48, R) 6.00 The Golden Girls. (PG) 6.30 Antiques Roadshow. (CC) 7.30 Secret Dealers. (PG) 8.30 CSI: NY. (M, CC) 9.30 CSI: Miami. (M, R, CC) 10.30 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation. (M, R, CC) 11.25 Conan. (M) 12.20 Psychic TV. (PG) 1.50 MOVIE: Britannia Hospital. (M, 82, R) After an African dictator is given lavish, private care at a British hospital, citizens protest for a better public health system. Leonard Rossiter, Brian Pettifer, John Moffatt. 4.00 MOVIE: Derby Day. (G, 52, R) 5.35 Discover Downunder. (R)

6.00 JAG. (PG, R) 7.00 MacGyver. (PG, R) 8.00 The Brady Bunch. (R) 8.30 Everybody Loves Raymond. (PG, R, CC) 9.00 Touched By An Angel. (PG, R) 10.00 7th Heaven. (R, CC) 11.00 The Love Boat. (PG, R) 12.30 Diagnosis Murder. (PG, R) 1.30 JAG. (PG, R) 2.30 MacGyver. (PG, R) 3.30 Cheers. (PG, R) 4.00 Roseanne. (PG, R) 4.30 Family Ties. (PG, R) 5.00 Happy Days. (R) 5.30 The Brady Bunch. (R) 6.00 Sabrina, The Teenage Witch. (R) 6.30 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R, CC) 7.30 Frasier. (PG, R) 8.00 Everybody Loves Raymond. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 The Biggest Loser US. (PG) 10.30 90210. (PG) 11.30 Cheers. (PG, R) 12.00 Roseanne. (PG, R) 12.30 Sabrina, The Teenage Witch. (R) 1.00 Happy Days. (R) 1.30 The Love Boat. (PG, R) 3.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG, R) 4.00 Touched By An Angel. (PG, R) 5.00 7th Heaven. (R, CC)

6.00 7.30 NT. (R, CC) 6.30 Behind The News. (CC) 7.00 News. (CC) 7.30 Contact Sport. (CC) 8.00 News. (CC) 8.45 The Quarters. (CC) 9.00 News. (CC) 9.45 The Quarters. (R) 10.00 News. (R, CC) 10.30 7.30 ACT. (CC) 11.00 News. (CC) 11.30 7.30 Victoria. (CC) 12.00 News. (CC) 12.30 7.30 Select. (R, CC) 1.00 Big Ideas. (PG, R) 2.00 News. (CC) 2.30 7.30 Queensland. (R, CC) 3.00 News. (CC) 3.30 Foreign Correspondent Return Ticket. (CC) 4.00 News. (CC) 4.30 Behind The News. (R) 5.00 News. (CC) 5.30 One Plus One. (R, CC) 6.00 News. (CC) 6.30 Australian Story. (R, CC) 7.00 News. (CC) 7.30 The World This Week. (R, CC) 8.00 Four Corners. (R, CC) 8.45 The Quarters. (R, CC) 9.00 News. (CC) 9.30 State To State. (CC) 10.00 News. (CC) 10.30 7.30 Select. (R, CC) 11.00 News. 11.30 Foreign Correspondent Return Ticket. (CC) 12.00 Big Ideas. (PG, R, CC) 1.00 One Plus One. 1.30 7.30 WA. (CC) 2.00 BBC World News. (R) 2.30 7.30 Victoria. (R, CC) 3.00 BBC World News. 3.30 7.30 Tasmania. (R, CC) 4.00 7.30 NT. (R, CC) 4.30 Late News.

6.30 7.00 7.30 8.20


Gardening Australia. (CC) 6264 News. (CC) 993 Kingdom. (PG, R, CC) 43351 Sneak Peek: Crownies. (PG, R, CC) 7735581

8.30 New Tricks. (PG, R, CC) 88448 9.25 Outcasts. (Final, CC) Julius Berger reveals a devastating secret about Fleur. 8872790

6.00 Toasted TV. (CC) 283790 8.30 Me And My Monsters. (C, CC) 698448 9.00 Scope. (C, CC) 699177 9.30 The Elephant Princess. (C, CC) 692264 10.00 Hit List TV. (PG) 6576210 12.00 Landed Music. (PG) 680429 12.30 The Hit Rater. com. (PG) 853054 1.00 Infomercials. (PG, R, CC) 980087 2.00 Football. (CC) AFL. Round 17. Carlton v Collingwood. From the MCG. 53648351 5.00 News. (CC) 406429 5.30 Jamie’s Thirty Minute Meals. (R, CC) 409516

6.00 WorldWatch. 3577500 7.30 Cycling. (CC) Tour de France. Daily update. From France. 81529210 7.45 WorldWatch. 23877055 12.30 Turkish News. 9112603 1.00 Toscanini: In His Own Words. (PG, R) (France) 2829413 2.05 A Russian Resurrection. (R) 2471239 2.35 The Hidden Life Of Masterpieces: Leonardo da Vinci. (France) 50807887 3.30 In Their Own Words: British Novelists: The Age Of Anxiety (19451969). (PG) (UK) 2127429 4.30 PBS NewsHour. (CC) 2121245 5.30 Food Safari. (R, CC) 1764993

6.00 Evening News. (CC) 400245 6.30 Expedition Impossible. (New series, CC) 584806 7.30 Talkin’ ’Bout Your Generation. (PG, R, CC) 140871 8.30 MOVIE: Mission: Impossible. (M, 96, R, CC) A secret agent sets out to discover who doublecrossed him and killed his colleagues. Tom Cruise, Jon Voight, Emmanuelle Beart, Henry Czerny.

6.00 Cycling. (CC) Tour de France. Daily update. From France. 1765622 6.30 World News Australia. (CC) 2038581 7.30 Richard Hammond’s Engineering Connections: Taipei Tower. (R, CC) Part 4 of 4. (UK) 9763448 8.30 Iron Chef. (R, CC) (Japan) 7876158 9.20 RocKwiz. (PG, R, CC) Music quiz show, featuring performances from 2003 triple j Unearthed winner Sophie Koh and The Church frontman Steve Kilbey. 22980603


CLASSIFICATIONS: (P) For preschoolers (C) Children’s programs (G) General viewing (PG) Parental guidance (M) Mature audiences (MA15+) Mature adults only (AV15+) Mature audiences: contains adult violence (M) (MA15+) and (AV15+) CONSUMER ADVICE: (a) adult themes (h) horror (Sx) sex scenes (d) drug references, (l) language, (m) medical procedures (n) nudity (v) violence (w) war (CC) Closed Captions (WS) widescreen Programs subject to late change by stations.


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SUNDAY July 17 6.00 Rage. 6659 6.30 Children’s Programs. 3912098 9.00 Insiders. (CC) 37307 10.00 Inside Business. (CC) 8475 10.30 Offsiders. (CC) 9622415 11.05 Focus. (CC) 2564982 11.30 Praise. (R, CC) 7982 12.00 Landline. (CC) 97765 1.00 7.30 NSW. (R, CC) 1123 1.30 Message Stick. (CC) 1982 2.00 Nature’s Great Events. (R, CC) 77901 3.00 Typeface. (PG, CC) 57123 4.00 Morin Khuur. (PG, CC) 7799746 5.00 Art Nation. (CC) 1901 5.30 Mr Bean: Animated. (R) 93758 5.45 Robin Hood. (PG, R, CC) 8746185 6.30 7.00 7.30 8.20

Dance Academy. (R, CC) 3956 News. (CC) 369 Grand Designs. (CC) 36833 Sneak Peek: Crownies. (PG, R, CC) 7702253

8.30 Midsomer Murders. (Series return, M, CC) Midsomer’s new DCI tackles a spiralling death toll in the wake of the untimely demise of a local DJ at a girls boarding school. 73123 10.00 Compass. (CC) 807

6.00 Garner Ted Armstrong. 7272 6.30 Life Today With James Robison. (PG) 5291 7.00 Weekend Sunrise. (CC) 21045765 10.00 Dive Olly Dive! (C, CC) 9098 10.30 Sea Princesses. (C, R, CC) 7017 11.00 MOVIE: Slap Shot 3: The Junior League. (PG, 08, R) 5292475 1.00 Football. AFL. Round 17. Sydney v Fremantle. From the SCG. 96887253 4.00 Eye Of The Leopard. (PG, R, CC) 48794 5.00 Mercurio’s Menu. (R, CC) 9814 5.30 Mercurio’s Menu. (CC) 2901

6.00 News. (CC) 3630 6.30 Sunday Night. (Series return, CC) 24307 7.30 Great Migrations: Born To Move. (New series, PG, CC) 2043185 8.40 Downton Abbey. (Final, PG, CC) Cora’s news throws Matthew’s future into jeopardy and makes Mary question the proposal. 790123 10.10 Castle. (M, R, CC) 2392307 11.05 Police Under Fire: In The Line Of Duty: Manhunt. (M, R, CC) 7587475

6.00 Go, Diego! Go! (R) 170630 6.30 Dora The Explorer. (R) 195949 7.00 Weekend Today. (CC) 29540017 10.00 Wide World Of Sports. (CC) 606630 11.00 The NRL Sunday Footy Show. 990384 12.00 The Sunday Roast. (PG) 3624272 1.15 Boots ’N’ All Special. (PG) 279901 1.45 Rugby Union. Test Match. Australia v Samoa. From ANZ Stadium, Sydney. 7227456 4.00 Rugby League. NRL. Round 19. Newcastle Knights v Manly Sea Eagles. From Ausgrid Stadium, New South Wales. 401388 6.00 6.30 7.30 8.30 9.30 10.30 11.25 12.20

News. (CC) 370678 The Block. (PG, CC) 414611 60 Minutes. (CC) 176814 The Mentalist. (M, CC) 712630 The Mentalist. (M, R, CC) 718814 CSI: Miami. (M, R, CC) 363956 The Guardian. (M) 7704185 Rugby League. Super League. Round 22. Leeds Rhinos v Hull FC. From Headingley Carnegie Stadium, Leeds, England. 1122437

10.30 Strictly Speaking. (CC) 388 11.00 Foyle’s War. (M, R, CC) 8506814 12.35 Grand Designs. (R, CC) 2491079 1.30 Cricket In The ’50s: Discovering New Boundaries. (R, CC) 1661944 2.30 Wire In The Blood. (M, R, CC) 1316532 4.00 The Bill. (PG, R, CC) 8434760 5.00 Art Nation. (R, CC) 1464050 5.30 The New Inventors. (R, CC) 1474437

11.59 Football. AFL. Round 17. Brisbane Lions v Geelong. From the Gabba. 467584949 3.00 NBC Today. (CC) 1990925 4.00 NBC Meet The Press. (CC) 1909673 5.00 Sunrise Extra. (CC) 6673963 5.30 Early News. (CC) 6676050

2.20 WIN Presents. (PG, R) 1300708 2.30 Primetime: Crime: Frosty Girls. (M, R)

6.00 Children’s Programs. 3.05 Babar. (R, CC) 3.30 Mopatop’s Shop. (R) 3.40 Laura’s Star. (R) 3.50 Rastamouse. (R) 4.00 Hurray For Huckle! (R, CC) 4.30 Florrie’s Dragons. (R, CC) 4.40 Dibo The Gift Dragon. (R, CC) 4.50 Connie The Cow. (R) 5.00 Peppa Pig. (R, CC) 5.15 Octonauts. (R, CC) 5.25 The Hive. (CC) 5.30 Bert And Ernie’s Great Adventures. (R, CC) 5.40 Wibbly Pig. (R, CC) 5.50 Timmy Time. (R, CC) 6.05 Miffy And Friends. (R) 6.10 Penelope. (R, CC) 6.15 Humf. (R, CC) 6.30 In The Night Garden. (R, CC) 7.00 At The Movies. (R, CC) 7.30 The Choir: Unsung Town. (Series return, PG, CC) 8.30 triple j’s One Night Stand 2011. (CC) 10.00 Art Nation. (R, CC) 10.30 The Graham Norton Show. (M, R, CC) 11.15 Gavin & Stacey. (R, CC) 11.50 Stereophonics: Rewind. (MA15+, R, CC) 1.30 Beautiful Noise. (R, CC) 2.25 Close.

6.00 Home And Away Catch-Up. (PG, R, CC) 8.25 Ugly Betty. (PG, R, CC) 9.20 Flipper. (PG, R) 10.20 Destination Ski. 10.45 Nick’s Bistro. (PG) 11.15 MOVIE: Sunny Side Of The Street. (G, 51, R) 12.45 MOVIE: Pocketful Of Miracles. (G, 61, R) 3.40 MOVIE: Close Encounters Of The Third Kind. (PG, 77, R) 6.30 Marie Claire: Under The Cover. (PG) 7.00 Are You Being Served? (PG, R) 7.40 Royal Upstairs Downstairs. 8.15 The Lakes. 8.45 Escape To The Country. 9.45 60 Minute Makeover. 10.45 The Hairy Bikers’ Cookbook. (R) 11.30 Living In The Sun. (PG) 12.30 MOVIE: Close Encounters Of The Third Kind. (PG, 77, R) 3.15 The Australians. (PG, R) 4.10 Medical Rookies. (PG, R, CC) 4.35 The World Around Us. (R) 5.30 Home Shopping.

6.00 Children’s Programs. 7.35 Almost Naked Animals. (R, CC) 7.50 Kid Vs Kat. (R, CC) 8.00 The Super Hero Squad Show. (R, CC) 8.30 Stoked. (R, CC) 8.55 Total Drama World Tour. (R, CC) 9.20 Star Wars: The Clone Wars. (R, CC) 10.10 Prank Patrol. (R, CC) 10.35 The Legend Of Dick And Dom. (R, CC) 11.05 Rush TV. (R, CC) 11.30 Good Game: SP. (R, CC) 12.00 Stay Tuned. (R) 12.25 Go Lingo! (R, CC) 12.55 CJ The DJ. (R, CC) 1.05 Erky Perky. (R, CC) 1.20 I.N.K. Invisible Network Of Kids. (R, CC) 1.45 M.I. High. (R, CC) 2.45 Ship To Shore. (R, CC) 3.35 Half Moon Investigations. (R, CC) 4.30 Escape From Scorpion Island. (R, CC) 5.00 My Place. (CC) 5.30 Prank Patrol International. (R, CC) 6.00 The Legend Of Dick And Dom. (R, CC) 6.30 Horrible Histories. (R, CC) 7.00 Trapped! (R, CC) 7.30 The Avengers. (R, CC) 7.50 Vampire Knight. (PG, R, CC) 8.40 Black Panther. (PG, R, CC) 9.05 Close.

6.00 The Six Million Dollar Man. (PG, R) 7.00 The Virginian. (PG, R) 8.30 Adam 12. (PG, R) 9.00 Man V Food. (New series, PG) 9.30 V8 Xtra. (R, CC) 10.00 AFL Game Day. (PG) 11.00 Quantum Leap. (PG, R) 12.00 Racing Green. (R) 12.30 Fifth Gear. (PG) 1.00 Great Grand Prix Racing Heroes. (R) 2.00 Monster Garage. (PG, R) 3.00 Fifth Gear. (PG) 3.30 American Hot Rod. (PG, R) 4.30 Monster Garage. (PG, R) 5.30 According To Jim. (R, CC) 6.30 MythBusters. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 Mighty Structures: Black Gold. 8.30 MOVIE: Universal Soldier. (M, 92, R) 10.45 MOVIE: Midnight Blue. (MA15+, 97, R) 12.45 Strikeforce. (M, R) 1.10 Adam 12. (PG, R) 1.30 Racing Green. (R) 2.00 Great Grand Prix Racing Heroes. (R) 3.00 American Hot Rod. (PG, R) 4.00 The Six Million Dollar Man. (PG, R) 5.00 Quantum Leap. (PG, R)

6.00 Mass. 178272 6.30 Hillsong. 186291 7.00 Totally Wild. (C, R, CC) 187920 7.30 Pearlie. (C, R, CC) 197307 8.00 Hook, Line And Sinker. (R, CC) 198036 8.30 Great Australian Doorstep. (CC) 542833 9.00 School Of Rock. 600456 10.00 Hit List TV. (PG) 6543982 12.00 ANDRA C’ship. 190302 1.00 Worst Week. (PG, CC) 190122 2.00 Food For The Future. 101618 3.00 Losing It. (PG) 420272 4.00 Meet The Press. (CC) 987982 4.30 Bolt Report. (CC) 366475 5.00 News. (CC) 367104 5.30 Thirty Minute Meals. (R, CC) 360291

6.00 Soccer. Copa América. First quarter-final. Continued. 22109938 7.30 Cycling. (CC) Tour de France. Daily update. From France. 81596982 7.45 Soccer. Copa América. Second quarterfinal. 17488017 10.30 Football Asia. 3754307 11.00 Soccer. FIFA Women’s World Cup. Semifinals. Highlights. From Germany. 6797630 12.00 Futbol Mundial. (UK) 3726524 12.30 Speedweek. 5933678 2.00 WorldWatch. 7508727 4.00 Dutch News. 9008456 4.30 Portuguese News. 1664949 5.00 Cycling Central. 2033036

6.00 Evening News. (CC) 361920 6.30 Merlin. (PG, CC) 412253 7.30 MasterChef Australia. (CC) The contestants must cook for His Holiness, the Dalai Lama. 174456 8.30 MOVIE: Die Hard 4.0. (M, 07, R, CC) Detective John McClane is assigned to capture a computer hacker, but instead matches wits with a terrorist intent on paralysing the US capital using the internet. Bruce Willis, Justin Long. 75473776

6.00 Cycling. (CC) Tour de France. Daily highlights. From France. 1669494 6.30 World News Australia. (CC) 2005253 7.30 Who Do You Think You Are? Rupert Everett. (Final, CC) (UK) 9650920 8.30 Dateline. (CC) 9953630 9.30 The King Of Calls. (M, CC) Follows the day-to-day operations of a call centre in the Indian city of Hyderabad as the staff try to sell advertising in the American Yellow Pages. (Denmark) 7198949

11.05 Motorcycle Racing. MotoGP. Race 9. German Grand Prix. 3037814 1.05 Infomercials. (PG, R) 19382147 4.00 Joyce Meyer. (PG) 1350586 4.30 Kenneth Copeland. (PG) 4070234 5.00 James Robison. (PG) 4071963 5.30 Benny Hinn. (PG) 4074050

10.00 Cycling. (CC) Tour de France. Stage 15. Limoux to Montpellier. 192km flat stage. From France. 27161678 2.00 WeatherWatch Overnight. 9057147 4.00 Soccer. FIFA Women’s World Cup. Final. From the Commerzbank-Arena, Frankfurt, Germany. 9037383

6.00 Thunderbirds. (R) 7.00 Kids’ WB Sunday. 7.05 The Flintstones. (R) 7.30 The Marvelous Misadventures Of Flapjack. (R) 8.00 Looney Tunes Classics. 8.30 Camp Lazlo. (R) 9.00 Sym-Bionic Titan. (PG, R) 9.30 Batman: The Brave And The Bold. (PG, R) 10.00 Generator Rex. (PG, R) 10.30 Ben 10: Alien Force. (PG, R) 11.00 Power Rangers Samurai. (New series, PG) 11.30 Wacky Races. (R) 12.00 The City. (PG) 12.30 Eclipse Music TV. (PG) 1.00 Manly Surf. (PG) 1.30 Live At The Chapel Presents. (PG, R) 2.00 Here’s Lucy. (R) 3.00 Green Acres. (R) 3.30 Spin City. (PG, R, CC) 4.30 Hellcats. (PG) 5.30 Community. (PG) 6.30 Top Gear. (PG, R, CC) 8.00 The Big Bang Theory. (PG, R, CC) 9.00 Two And A Half Men. (M, R, CC) 9.30 MOVIE: Assassins. (M, 95, R, CC) 12.00 Community. (PG, R) 1.00 Ladette To Lady. (M, R, CC) 2.00 Home Shopping. 4.00 Just Shoot Me! (PG, R) 4.30 TMZ. (R) 5.00 Married With Children. (PG, R) 5.30 The Flintstones. (R)

6.00 MLB. Rays v Red Sox. 9.00 Ironman. Replay. 10.05 Pro Bull Riding. 11.05 World Of Free Sports. (PG) 11.35 Snowboarding. TTR World Tour. Replay. 12.00 Motor Racing. NASCAR Sprint Cup. Race 19. Lenox Industrial Tools 301. Qualifying. 1.00 World Rally Championship Mid Season Review. (PG) 2.00 Motorcycle Racing. Isle Of Man TT. Sidecar. Race 1. 3.00 Superboats. Australian Offshore Championship. Round 2. 3.30 Omnisport. 4.00 Airline. (PG, R) 5.30 iFish. 6.00 iFish Catch Of The Day. (R) 6.30 Extreme Dreams. (PG) 6.55 Motorcycle Racing. 125cc. Race 9. German Grand Prix. 8.00 Motorcycle Racing. Moto2. Race 9. German Grand Prix. 9.30 Motorcycle Racing. MotoGP. Race 9. German Grand Prix. 11.15 First Descent. (M, R) 1.30 Omnisport. (R) 2.00 NASCAR Countdown. 3.00 Motor Racing. NASCAR Sprint Cup. Race 19. Lenox Industrial Tools 301.

6.00 WorldWatch. 6.00 At The Table With. (Canada) 6.35 Singapore Flavours. (R) (Singapore) 7.30 Ninja Warrior. (Japan) 8.00 Unbeatable Banzuke. (Japan) 8.30 Cycling. (CC) Tour de France. Daily highlights. From France. 9.00 Soccer. FIFA Women’s World Cup. Highlights. From Germany. 9.30 MOVIE: The Spanish Apartment. (M, 02, R, CC) An economics student receives an initiation to life when he moves into a Barcelona apartment building full of international students. Romain Duris, Judith Godrèche, Audrey Tautou. (France) 11.35 Kurt Wallander. (MA15+, R) (Sweden) 1.15 WeatherWatch Overnight. 5.00 WeatherWatch & Music.

6.00 It Is Written. (PG) 6.30 MOVIE: The Small Back Room. (b/w, PG, 49, R) 8.45 MOVIE: Cage Of Gold. (b/w, PG, 50) 10.30 MOVIE: The Valley Of Gwangi. (PG, 69) 12.30 MOVIE: The Harvey Girls. (G, 46, R) 2.30 Getaway. (PG, R, CC) 3.00 MOVIE: The Green Berets. (PG, 68, R) 6.00 The Golden Girls. (PG) 6.30 Antiques Roadshow. (CC) 7.30 As Time Goes By. (R) 8.30 MOVIE: Heat. (M, 95, R, CC) A decorated yet troubled detective pursues an equally devious master criminal across Los Angeles. Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, Val Kilmer, Jon Voight. 11.55 MOVIE: Up Pompeii. (M, 71, R) 1.35 The Golden Girls. (PG, R) 2.00 Home Shopping. 4.30 Enjoying Everyday Life With Joyce Meyer. (PG) 5.00 Adventures In Rainbow Country. (R) 5.30 Today. (CC)

6.00 JAG. (PG, R) 7.00 MacGyver. (PG, R) 8.00 The Brady Bunch. (R) 8.30 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R, CC) 9.00 Touched By An Angel. (PG, R) 10.00 7th Heaven. (R, CC) 11.00 The Love Boat. (PG, R) 12.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG, R) 1.00 JAG. (PG, R) 2.00 MacGyver. (PG, R) 3.00 The King Of Queens. (PG, R) 3.30 Cheers. (PG, R) 4.00 Roseanne. (PG, R) 4.30 Family Ties. (PG, R) 5.00 Happy Days. (R) 5.30 The Brady Bunch. (R) 6.00 Sabrina, The Teenage Witch. (R) 6.30 Everybody Loves Raymond. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 The Simpsons. (R, CC) 8.00 Futurama. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 MOVIE: The Naked Gun: From The Files Of Police Squad! (M, 88, R, CC) 10.15 Smallville. (M) 11.05 Family Ties. (PG, R) 11.30 Cheers. (PG, R) 12.00 Roseanne. (PG, R) 12.30 Sabrina, The Teenage Witch. (R) 1.00 The King Of Queens. (PG, R) 1.30 Happy Days. (R) 2.00 The Love Boat. (PG, R) 3.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG, R) 4.00 Touched By An Angel. (PG, R) 5.00 7th Heaven. (R, CC)

6.00 7.30 Tasmania. (R, CC) 6.30 BTN. (R) 7.00 News. (CC) 7.30 The World This Week. (R, CC) 8.00 News. (CC) 9.00 Insiders. (CC) 10.00 News. (CC) 10.30 7.30 WA. (R, CC) 11.00 News. (CC) 11.30 7.30 SA. (R, CC) 12.00 News. (CC) 12.30 Offsiders. (R, CC) 1.00 Big Ideas. (PG) 2.00 News. (CC) 2.30 7.30 NSW. (R, CC) 3.00 News. (CC) 3.30 Australian Story Classics. (CC) 4.00 News. (CC) 4.30 BTM. (R) 5.00 News. (CC) 5.30 Inside Business. (R, CC) 6.00 News. (CC) 6.30 Foreign Correspondent. (R, CC) 7.00 News. (CC) 7.30 One Plus One. (R, CC) 8.00 Insiders. (R, CC) 9.00 News. (CC) 9.30 Tonic. (R, CC) 10.00 News. (CC) 10.30 The World This Week. (R, CC) 11.00 News. 11.30 Australian Story Classics. (CC) 12.00 Landline. (R, CC) 1.00 Big Ideas. (PG, R) 2.00 BBC World News. 2.30 7.30 ACT. (R, CC) 3.00 BBC World News. 3.30 7.30 SA. (R, CC) 4.00 Big Ideas. (PG, R) 5.00 News. (CC) 5.15 The Quarters. (R) 5.30 Asia Pacific Focus. (R, CC)

3.30 4.00 5.00 5.30


Danoz Direct. 1351215 GMA: Sunday Edition. (CC) 1186857 News. (CC) 4073321 Today. (CC) 4083708

CLASSIFICATIONS: (P) For preschoolers (C) Children’s programs (G) General viewing (PG) Parental guidance (M) Mature audiences (MA15+) Mature adults only (AV15+) Mature audiences: contains adult violence (M) (MA15+) and (AV15+) CONSUMER ADVICE: (a) adult themes (h) horror (Sx) sex scenes (d) drug references, (l) language, (m) medical procedures (n) nudity (v) violence (w) war (CC) Closed Captions (WS) widescreen Programs subject to late change by stations.

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MONDAY July 18 6.00 ABC News Breakfast. (CC) 78836925 9.00 News. (CC) 4437 9.30 Business Today. (CC) 4296 10.00 Human Journey. (R, CC) 73925 11.00 Landline. (R, CC) 51789 12.00 Midday Report. (CC) 5789 12.30 Monarch Of The Glen. (R, CC) 56234 1.30 Cheese Slices. (R, CC) 4234 2.00 Poirot. (PG, R, CC) 2830505 3.05 Children’s Programs. 22711906

6.00 6.50 7.00 7.30 8.00 8.30 9.15 9.35 10.30 11.05 11.35

Time Team. (CC) 68895 Minuscule. (R) 1224296 News. (CC) 673 7.30. (CC) 944 Australian Story. (CC) 857 Four Corners. (CC) 68296 Media Watch. (CC) 3205876 Q&A. (CC) 5006944 Lateline. (CC) 42895 Lateline Business. (R, CC) 6816505 Brideshead Revisited. (R, CC) 801925

6.00 Sunrise. (CC) 17512836 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG, CC) 5370316 11.30 News. (CC) 7857 12.00 MOVIE: Glass House: The Good Mother. (M, 06, R) Angie Harmon, Joel Gretsch, Jordan Hinson. 159470 2.00 Dr Oz. (PG) 46334 3.00 Last Chance Surgery. (PG, R, CC) 6586 3.30 Toybox. (P, R, CC) 9673 4.00 Spit It Out. (C, CC) 9942 4.30 News At 4.30. (CC) 60925 5.30 Deal Or No Deal. (CC) 4963 6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30

PRIME7 News. (CC) 5692 News. (CC) 2893 Home And Away. (PG, CC) 7654 Border Security: Australia’s Front Line. (PG, R, CC) 6925 8.00 Crash Investigation Unit. (PG, CC) 6166

8.30 The Amazing Race Australia. (PG, CC) 44963 9.30 Bones. (M, R, CC) 40147 10.30 Teen Wolf. (M, CC) 31499

6.00 Today. (CC) 97188429 9.00 Kerri-Anne. (PG, CC) 6075692 11.00 News. (CC) 566031 11.30 Alive And Cooking. (R) 576418 12.00 Ellen. (PG, R, CC) 500465 1.00 The View. (PG, CC) 205073 2.00 Days Of Our Lives. (PG, CC) 100609 3.00 Entertainment Tonight. (CC) 926499 3.30 Hi-5. (P, R, CC) 929586 4.00 Kitchen Whiz. (C, CC) 920215 4.30 News. (CC) 468050 5.30 Hot Seat. (CC) 370296 6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30 8.30 9.30 10.30 11.30

6.00 Early News. (CC) 283321 7.00 Toasted TV. (CC) 647505 8.00 Totally Wild. (C, CC) 106673 8.30 Wurrawhy. (P, CC) 583708 9.00 News. (CC) 627741 10.00 The Circle. (PG, CC) 6510654 12.00 Dr Phil. (PG, CC) 300447 1.00 Oprah. (PG, CC) 505005 2.00 Ready Steady Cook. (PG, CC) 405091 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG, CC) 917741 3.30 Infomercials. (PG, R, CC) 927128 4.00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield. (CC) 928857 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful. (CC) 390050 5.00 News. (CC) 555166 6.30 7.00 7.30 8.30 9.30

6.00 Soccer. FIFA Women’s World Cup. Final. Continued. 60888050 7.05 German News. 39614128 7.30 Cycling. (CC) Tour de France. Daily update. From France. 81563654 7.45 Soccer. Copa América. Fourth quarter-final. 17455789 10.20 WorldWatch. 71304895 1.30 Dateline. (R, CC) 6785895 2.30 WorldWatch. 6756383 3.30 Chinese News. 9074499 4.00 The Journal. (CC) 9075128 4.30 Futbol Mundial. (R) (UK) 1624321 5.00 The Crew. (R) 1625050 5.30 Global Village. (R, CC) (UK) 1635437

News. (CC) 371925 WIN News. (CC) 389944 A Current Affair. (CC) 682418 The Block. (PG, CC) 124079 Rescue Special Ops. (M, CC) 753505 CSI: Miami. (M, CC) 759789 CSI: Miami. (M, R, CC) 733741 Secret Diary Of A Call Girl. (MA15+, R, CC) 383760 12.00 Golf. British Open. Highlights. From Royal St George’s Golf Club, England. 699971

6.30 With George Negus. (CC) 387586 The 7PM Project. (PG, CC) 673760 MasterChef Australia. (CC) 115321 Can Of Worms. (M, CC) 751147 Law & Order: Criminal Intent. (M, CC) After a computer hacker is killed, Goren and Eames uncover a dangerous rivalry between two defence contractors specialising in cyber-warfare. 740031 10.30 6.30 With George Negus. (R, CC) 698079 11.00 News/Sports Tonight. (CC) 382031

6.00 Cycling. (CC) Tour de France. Daily highlights. From France. 1636166 6.30 World News Australia. (CC) 2072925 7.30 MythBusters: Motorcycle Flip. (PG, R, CC) (US) 9627692 8.30 Man Vs Wild. (PG, R, CC) (US) 9920302 9.30 World News Australia. (CC) 7158321 10.00 Flight Of The Conchords. (M, R, CC)

12.30 MOVIE: Infernal Affairs. (M, 02, R) Tony Leung, Andy Lau, Anthony Wong. (Hong Kong) 48091548 2.15 WeatherWatch Overnight. 98099703 5.00 WeatherWatch & Music. 95376635 5.05 Korean News. 88296655 5.40 Japanese News. 36209267

Letterman. (PG) 708296 The Cleaner. 5420744 Infomercials. (PG, R) 18602364 Joyce Meyer. (PG) 1327258 Kenneth Copeland. (PG) 4047906 James Robison. (PG) 4048635 Benny Hinn. (PG) 4041722


10.30 Skins. (MA15+, R, CC) (UK) 9940166 11.30 The World Game. (R) 9939050

12.30 The Clinic. (CC) 9438451 1.25 Time Team. (R, CC) 1545364 2.15 Challenge, Change, Faith. (R, CC) 5813258 3.00 Bowls. Moama International Tri Series. Men’s Pairs. Australia v Scotland. Replay. 8329884 4.00 The Bill. (PG, R, CC) 8401432 5.00 First Tuesday Book Club. (PG, R, CC) 1431722 5.30 New Inventors. (R, CC) 1441109

11.30 My Big Friggin’ Wedding. (M) Determined to ensure her big day is not ruined, Tammy goes on a rampage, taking on not only the co-ordinator but the MC as well. 20383 12.30 Home Shopping. 62445987 5.30 Early News. (CC) 6643722

1.00 Rugby League. Super League. Round 22. Crusaders RL v Castleford Tigers. Highlights. 8656548 2.00 Matlock Police. (M, R) 1166093 3.00 Danoz Direct. 1245600 3.30 GMA. (CC) 9354971 5.00 News. (CC) 4040093 5.30 Today. (CC) 4043180

11.30 12.25 1.25 4.00 4.30 5.00 5.30

6.00 Children’s Programs. 2.50 Willa’s Wild Life. (R, CC) 3.05 Babar. (R, CC) 3.30 Mopatop’s Shop. (R) 3.40 Laura’s Star. (R) 3.50 Rastamouse. (R) 4.00 Hurray For Huckle! (R, CC) 4.30 Play School. (R, CC) 5.00 Peppa Pig. (R, CC) 5.15 Octonauts. (R, CC) 5.25 The Hive. (CC) 5.30 Bert And Ernie’s Great Adventures. (R, CC) 5.40 Wibbly Pig. (R, CC) 5.50 Timmy Time. (R, CC) 6.05 Miffy And Friends. (R) 6.10 Penelope. (R, CC) 6.15 Humf. (R, CC) 6.30 In The Night Garden. (R, CC) 7.00 Spicks And Specks. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 Cook Yourself Thin. (New series, CC) 8.00 Miranda. (Series return, CC) 8.35 Swingtown. (Final, M, CC) 9.30 Deadwood. (CC) 10.20 Ashes To Ashes. (M, R, CC) 11.15 The Beast. (M, R, CC) 12.00 Gimme, Gimme, Gimme. (M, R, CC) 12.35 Beautiful Noise. (R, CC) 1.35 Close.

6.00 Raggs. (R, CC) 6.30 Flipper. (PG, R) 7.30 The Martha Stewart Show. 8.30 Sons And Daughters. (R, CC) 9.00 Home And Away: The Early Years. (R, CC) 9.30 Shortland Street. (PG) 10.00 Coronation Street. (PG) 10.30 Emmerdale. (PG) 11.00 Hollyoaks. (Final, PG) 11.30 Deal Or No Deal. (R, CC) 12.00 Hart To Hart. (PG, R) 1.00 Head Of The Class. (PG, R) 1.30 Welcome Back, Kotter. (PG, R) 2.00 Murphy Brown. (PG, R, CC) 2.30 Valerie. (R) 3.00 Perfect Strangers. (R) 3.30 Night Court. (PG, R) 4.00 MOVIE: Geronimo. (PG, 62, R) 6.00 Bargain Hunt. 7.00 Harry’s Practice. (R) 7.30 Heartbeat. (PG, R, CC) 8.40 MOVIE: The Gambling Man. (M, 95) 12.00 The Sweeney. (PG, R) 1.00 MOVIE: The Saint Meets The Tiger. (b/w, PG, 43, R) 2.30 Hart To Hart. (PG, R) 3.30 Designing Women. (PG, R) 4.00 Coronation Street. (PG, R) 4.30 Emmerdale. (PG, R) 5.00 The World Around Us. (R)

6.00 Children’s Programs. 8.30 Kamen Rider: Dragon Knight. (PG, R) 9.00 The Flintstones. (R) 9.30 I Dream Of Jeannie. (R) 10.00 Bewitched. (R) 10.30 Entertainment Tonight. (R, CC) 11.00 TMZ. 11.30 Married With Children. (PG, R) 12.00 Here’s Lucy. (R) 12.30 Green Acres. (R) 1.00 Community. (PG, R) 2.00 Hellcats. (PG, R) 3.00 Just Shoot Me! (PG, R) 3.30 The Secret Saturdays. (PG, R) 4.00 Kids’ WB. (PG) 4.05 Ben 10. (PG, R) 4.30 Here’s Lucy. (R) 5.00 I Dream Of Jeannie. (R) 5.30 Bewitched. (R) 6.00 Seinfeld. (PG, R) 6.30 Two And A Half Men. (PG, R, CC) 7.00 Australia’s Funniest Home Videos. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 Top Gear. (PG, R, CC) 9.00 Two And A Half Men. (M, R, CC) 9.30 MOVIE: Fight Club. (AV15+, 99, R, CC) 12.10 Hellcats. (PG, R) 1.00 Ladette To Lady. (M, R, CC) 2.00 Home Shopping. 4.00 Just Shoot Me! (PG, R) 4.30 TMZ. (R) 5.00 Married With Children. (PG, R) 5.30 The Flintstones. (R)

6.00 Motor Racing. NASCAR Sprint Cup. Race 19. Lenox Industrial Tools 301. Continued. 6.30 Golf. OneAsia Tour. Indonesia Open. Final round. 9.30 Football. (CC) AFL. Round 17. Carlton v Collingwood. 12.00 ATP World Tour Uncovered. (R) 12.30 Triathlon. ITU World Championship Series. Round 4. Men’s Race. 3.00 Omnisport. 3.30 Extreme Dreams. (PG, R) 4.30 Airline. (PG, R) 5.00 Guerrilla Gardeners. (PG, CC) 5.30 iFish Catch Of The Day. (R) 6.00 Bondi Rescue. (PG, R, CC) 6.30 Extreme Dreams. (PG) 7.00 Airline. (PG) 7.30 Cops. (PG) 8.30 24. (M) 9.30 One Week At A Time: NRL. 10.30 Sports Tonight. 11.00 Motorcycle Racing. MotoGP. Race 9. German Grand Prix. Replay. 1.00 One Week At A Time: AFL. 2.00 Omnisport. (R) 2.30 Baseball. MLB. Tampa Bay Rays v Boston Red Sox. Replay. 5.00 Omnisport. (R) 5.30 Soccer. FA Cup Classics.

6.00 WorldWatch. 6.00 Global Village: Running For Your Life. (R, CC) (UK) 6.30 Come Dine With Me: Greece. (Greece) 7.30 The Brain That Changes Itself. (R, CC) (Canada) 8.30 Cycling. (CC) Tour de France. Daily highlights. From France. 9.00 Big Fella. (M, R, CC) 9.30 The World Game. 10.30 MOVIE: Sun Valley. (M, 96, R) A mysterious swordsman arrives at an isolated inn awaiting the opportunity to avenge himself for an incident that occurred 20 years earlier. Fengyi Zhang, Zhenbo Chen, Kuei-Mei Yang. (China) 12.30 WeatherWatch Overnight. 5.00 WeatherWatch & Music.

6.00 Children’s Programs. 11.25 Go Lingo! (R, CC) 11.50 Backyard Science. (R, CC) 12.05 BTN Extra. (CC) 12.20 In Real Life. (R, CC) 12.45 A World Of Wonders. (R, CC) 1.00 Erky Perky. (R, CC) 1.15 I.N.K. Invisible Network Of Kids. (R, CC) 1.45 Total Drama Island. (R, CC) 2.10 The Legend Of Dick And Dom. (Final, R, CC) 2.40 Majority Rules. (R, CC) 3.00 Ship To Shore. (R, CC) 3.25 Connor Undercover. (R, CC) 3.50 Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab. (R, CC) 4.20 News On 3 Update. (CC) 4.25 Young Dracula. 4.55 The Pinky & Perky Show. (R, CC) 5.05 The Jungle Book. (R, CC) 5.20 Kid Vs Kat. 5.30 Deltora Quest. (CC) 6.00 Rated A For Awesome. (CC) 6.15 Almost Naked Animals. (R, CC) 6.25 Horrible Histories. (CC) 6.55 News On 3. (CC) 7.10 Star Wars: The Clone Wars. (R, CC) 7.35 Dex Hamilton: Alien Entomologist. (R, CC) 8.30 Degrassi: The Next Generation. (R, CC) 9.00 Close.

6.00 The Six Million Dollar Man. (PG, R) 7.00 The Virginian. (PG, R) 8.30 Adam 12. (PG, R) 9.00 NBC Today. (R, CC) 10.00 NBC Meet The Press. (R, CC) 11.00 Quantum Leap. (PG, R) 12.00 Quincy M.E. (PG, R) 1.00 The Rockford Files. (PG, R) 2.00 Malcolm And Eddie. (PG, R) 2.30 Newsradio. (PG, R) 3.00 Xena: Warrior Princess. (PG, R) 4.00 Hercules: The Legendary Journeys. (PG, R) 5.00 The Drew Carey Show. (PG, R, CC) 5.30 According To Jim. (R, CC) 6.30 My Wife And Kids. (PG, R, CC) 7.00 That ’70s Show. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 No Ordinary Family. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 Family Guy. (M, R, CC) 9.00 American Dad! (M, R, CC) 9.30 Family Guy. (M, R, CC) 10.30 My Name Is Earl. (PG, R, CC) 11.00 Scrubs. (PG, R, CC) 12.00 Malcolm And Eddie. (PG, R) 12.30 Newsradio. (PG, R) 1.00 The Six Million Dollar Man. (PG, R) 2.00 Quantum Leap. (PG, R) 3.00 Quincy M.E. (PG, R) 4.00 Hercules. (PG, R) 5.00 Adam 12. (PG, R) 5.30 Home Shopping.

6.00 Today. (CC) 9.00 Alive And Cooking. (R) 9.30 The Zoo. (R) 10.00 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 11.00 Murder, She Wrote. (PG) 12.00 RPA. (PG, R, CC) 1.00 The Golden Girls. (PG, R) 1.30 McLeod’s Daughters. (PG, R, CC) 2.30 The Block. (PG, R, CC) 5.00 The Block. (PG, R, CC) 6.00 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 7.00 The Zoo. (R) 7.30 Zoo Juniors. (PG) 8.00 Gorilla School. (PG) 8.30 Meet The Jackals. (PG, R) 9.30 Kitchen Nightmares USA. (MA15+, R, CC) 10.30 Secret Diary Of A Call Girl. (MA15+) 11.00 The Big C. (M, R) 11.30 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 12.30 Murder, She Wrote. (PG, R) 1.30 The Golden Girls. (PG, R) 2.00 Home Shopping. 4.30 Joyce Meyer. (PG) 5.00 Adventures In Rainbow Country. (R) 5.30 Today. (CC)

6.00 JAG. (PG, R) 7.00 MacGyver. (PG, R) 8.00 The Brady Bunch. (R) 8.30 Neighbours. (R, CC) 9.00 Touched By An Angel. (PG, R) 10.00 7th Heaven. (R, CC) 11.00 The Love Boat. (PG, R) 12.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG, R) 1.00 JAG. (PG, R) 2.00 MacGyver. (PG, R) 3.00 The King Of Queens. (PG, R) 3.30 Cheers. (PG, R) 4.00 Roseanne. (PG, R) 4.30 Family Ties. (PG, R) 5.00 Happy Days. (R) 5.30 The Brady Bunch. (R) 6.00 Sabrina, The Teenage Witch. (R) 6.30 Neighbours. (CC) 7.00 Everybody Loves Raymond. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 Futurama. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 Supernatural. (M) 9.30 Being Human. (MA15+) 10.30 The Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson. (PG) 11.30 Cheers. (PG, R) 12.00 Roseanne. (PG, R) 12.30 Sabrina, The Teenage Witch. (R) 1.00 The King Of Queens. (PG, R) 1.30 Happy Days. (R) 2.00 The Love Boat. (PG, R) 3.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG, R) 4.00 Touched By An Angel. (PG, R) 5.00 7th Heaven. (R, CC)

6.00 ABC News Breakfast. (CC) 9.00 News. (CC) 9.30 Business Today. (R, CC) 10.00 News. (CC) 12.30 Inside Business. (R, CC) 1.00 News. (CC) 2.30 Asia Pacific Focus. (R, CC) 3.00 Afternoon Live. (R) 5.30 Capital Hill. (R, CC) 5.45 The Quarters. (R) 6.00 The Drum. (CC) 6.45 The Quarters. 7.00 News. (CC) 7.30 7.30. (CC) 8.00 News. (CC) 8.30 Lateline Business. (CC) 9.00 The World. (R, CC) 9.35 Q&A. (CC) 10.30 News. 11.05 The Drum. (R, CC) 11.45 The Quarters. (CC) 12.00 News. 12.25 Lateline. (R, CC) 1.00 BBC World News. (R) 1.30 Lateline Business. (R, CC) 2.00 BBC World News: The Hub. (R, CC) 2.30 7.30. (R, CC) 3.00 Lateline. (R, CC) 3.35 Lateline Business. (R, CC) 4.05 The Quarters. (CC) 4.20 The Drum. (R) 5.00 News. (CC) 5.15 The Quarters. (R) 5.30 Newsline With Jim Middleton. (R)

CLASSIFICATIONS: (P) For preschoolers (C) Children’s programs (G) General viewing (PG) Parental guidance (M) Mature audiences (MA15+) Mature adults only (AV15+) Mature audiences: contains adult violence (M) (MA15+) and (AV15+) CONSUMER ADVICE: (a) adult themes (h) horror (Sx) sex scenes (d) drug references, (l) language, (m) medical procedures (n) nudity (v) violence (w) war (CC) Closed Captions (WS) widescreen Programs subject to late change by stations.

Weekdays 9am to 12noon

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TUESDAY July 19 6.00 ABC News Breakfast. (CC) 78730797 9.00 News. (CC) 5155 9.30 Business Today. (CC) 8242 10.00 Human Journey. (R, CC) 75155 11.00 Big Ideas. (CC) 17161 12.00 Midday Report. (CC) 2635 12.30 Time Team. (R, CC) 7319172 1.35 Meerkat Manor. (R, CC) 212635 2.00 Poirot. (PG, R, CC) 35513 3.00 Children’s Programs. 85848451

6.00 6.50 7.00 7.30 8.00 8.30 9.35 10.05 10.35 11.10

Time Team. (CC) 37797 Minuscule. (R) 1128068 News. (CC) 277 7.30. (CC) 548 Foreign Correspondent. (CC) 161 Wonders Of The Universe: Destiny. (CC) Part 1 of 4. 2091682 QI. (CC) 240074 Artscape. (CC) 703513 Lateline. (CC) 7406906 Lateline Business. (R, CC) 6882548

6.00 Sunrise. (CC) 78403628 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG, CC) 4629628 11.30 News. (CC) 9819 12.00 MOVIE: First Daughter. (M, 99, R) Mariel Hemingway, Doug Savant, Monica Keena, Gregory Harrison. 190345 2.00 Dr Oz. (PG) 85074 3.00 Last Chance Surgery. (PG, R, CC) 1258 3.30 Toybox. (P, R, CC) 4345 4.00 Spit It Out. (C, CC) 5074 4.30 News At 4.30. (CC) 62155 5.30 Deal Or No Deal. (CC) 9635 6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30 9.15

PRIME7 News. (CC) 5744 News. (CC) 2155 Home And Away. (PG, CC) 9426 Australia’s Got Talent. (CC) 3731364 Winners & Losers. (M, CC) Jenny struggles to keep a dark secret from her siblings concerning her mother’s health. Bec spends a weekend away with her mother. 3322161 10.15 How I Met Your Mother. (PG, R, CC) 9182345

11.40 Four Corners. (R, CC) 9002277 12.25 Media Watch. (R, CC) 4701391 12.40 Wings To Fly. (PG, R, CC) 4449643 1.40 Time Team. (R, CC) 4538339 2.30 Artscape. (PG, R, CC) 9530575 3.00 Big Ideas. (R, CC) 8396556 4.00 The Bill. (M, R, CC) 8305204 5.00 Talking Heads. (R, CC) 1335594 5.30 The New Inventors. (R, CC) 1338681

11.15 Keeping Up With The Kardashians. (M) 9678631 11.45 10 Years Younger Couples. (PG)

6.00 Children’s Programs. 4.30 Play School. (R, CC) 5.00 Peppa Pig. (R, CC) 5.15 Octonauts. (R, CC) 5.25 The Hive. (CC) 5.30 Bert And Ernie’s Great Adventures. (R, CC) 5.40 Wibbly Pig. (R, CC) 5.50 Timmy Time. (R, CC) 6.05 Miffy And Friends. (R) 6.10 Penelope. (R, CC) 6.15 Humf. (R, CC) 6.30 In The Night Garden. (R, CC) 7.00 Spicks And Specks. (R, CC) 7.30 Dirty Jobs. (R, CC) 8.30 Good Game. (CC) 9.00 Leigh Hart’s Mysterious Planet. (Final, CC) 9.30 Sanctuary. (R, CC) 10.15 Angry Boys. (R, CC) 10.45 Arrested Development. (R, CC) 11.05 The Office. (PG, R, CC) 11.40 Leigh Hart’s Mysterious Planet. (Final, R, CC) 12.10 The Whitest Kids U Know. (M, R, CC) 12.35 Billable Hours. (M, R, CC) 12.55 Beautiful Noise. (R, CC) 1.50 Close.

6.00 Children’s Programs. 11.25 Go Lingo! (R, CC) 11.50 Backyard Science. (R, CC) 12.05 BTN Extra. (CC) 12.20 In Real Life. (R, CC) 12.45 A World Of Wonders. (R, CC) 1.00 Erky Perky. (R, CC) 1.15 I.N.K. Invisible Network Of Kids. (R, CC) 1.45 Total Drama Island. (R, CC) 2.10 Big Babies. (R, CC) 2.25 Sally Bollywood. (R, CC) 2.40 Majority Rules. (R, CC) 3.00 Ship To Shore. (R, CC) 3.25 Connor Undercover. (Final, R, CC) 3.50 Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab. (R, CC) 4.20 News On 3 Update. (CC) 4.25 Young Dracula. 4.55 The Pinky & Perky Show. (R, CC) 5.05 The Jungle Book. (R, CC) 5.20 Kid Vs Kat. 5.30 Deltora Quest. (CC) 6.00 Rated A For Awesome. (CC) 6.15 Almost Naked Animals. (R, CC) 6.25 Horrible Histories. (CC) 6.55 News On 3. (CC) 7.10 Star Wars: The Clone Wars. (R, CC) 7.35 Dex Hamilton: Alien Entomologist. (R, CC) 8.30 Degrassi: The Next Generation. (PG, R, CC) 9.00 Close.

6.00 Today. (CC) 70932141 9.00 Kerri-Anne. (PG, CC) 6042364 11.00 News. (CC) 418068 11.30 Alive And Cooking. (R) 411155 12.00 Ellen. (PG, R, CC) 940242 1.00 The View. (PG, CC) 215190 2.00 Days Of Our Lives. (PG, CC) 110726 3.00 Entertainment Tonight. (CC) 870884 3.30 Hi-5. (P, R, CC) 873971 4.00 Kitchen Whiz. (C, CC) 874600 4.30 News. (CC) 303797 5.30 Hot Seat. (CC) 231971 6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30 8.00 8.30 10.00

News. (CC) 232600 WIN News. (CC) 320819 A Current Affair. (CC) 609703 The Block. (PG, CC) 608074 RBT. (PG, CC) 605987 Top Gear. (Series return, PG, CC) 126600 Worst Case Scenario. (New series, M, CC) 782635 10.30 Two And A Half Men. (M, R, CC) 11.30 Secret Diary Of A Call Girl. (MA15+, R, CC) 324635 12.00 WIN News. (CC) 275933 12.30 20/20. (CC) 8540933 1.30 Entertainment Tonight. (R, CC)

6.00 Early News. (CC) 217906 7.00 Toasted TV. (CC) 582242 8.00 Totally Wild. (C, CC) 130258 8.30 Wurrawhy. (P, CC) 591345 9.00 News. (CC) 675906 10.00 The Circle. (PG, CC) 6414426 12.00 Dr Phil. (PG, CC) 948884 1.00 Oprah. (PG, CC) 121612 2.00 Ready Steady Cook. (PG, CC) 910708 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG, CC) 878426 3.30 Infomercials. (PG, R, CC) 871513 4.00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield. (CC) 872242 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful. (CC) 235797 5.00 News. (CC) 572451 6.30 7.00 7.30 8.00 8.30 9.30

6.30 With George Negus. (CC) 311161 The 7PM Project. (PG, CC) 607345 MasterChef Australia. (CC) 606616 Bondi Vet. (PG, CC) 603529 NCIS. (M, R, CC) 785722 NCIS: Los Angeles. (Final, M, CC) 781906

10.30 6.30 With George Negus. (R, CC) 615364

11.00 News/Sports Tonight. (CC) 323906 11.30 Letterman. (PG) 669971

6.00 WorldWatch. 3588616 7.30 Cycling. (CC) Tour de France. Daily update. From France. 81467426 7.45 WorldWatch. 50694529 9.30 Greek News. 5755797 10.20 French News. 93834258 11.00 Hindi News. 3782180 11.30 Arabic News. 3792567 12.00 Russian News. 3697068 12.30 Turkish News. 9050819 1.00 Italian News. 9051548 1.30 MOVIE: Gandhi, My Father. (PG, 07, R) (India) 1509548 4.00 The Journal. (CC) 9962600 4.30 PBS NewsHour. (CC) 2052161 5.30 Global Village. (R, CC) (France) 1602109 6.00 Cycling. (CC) Tour de France. Daily highlights. From France. 1603838 6.30 World News Australia. (CC) 2976797 7.30 Miracle Cure? A Decade Of The Human Genome. (CC) (UK) 9694364 8.30 Behind The Force. (M, CC) Part 3 of 3. Charts the investigation of three major crimes from the point of view of England’s Hampshire Constabulary. (UK) 9997074

9.30 World News Australia. (CC) 7125093

2.00 Matlock Police. (M, R) 1060865 3.00 Danoz Direct. 1212372 3.30 GMA. (CC) 9321643 5.00 News. (CC) 4944865 5.30 Today. (CC) 4947952

12.25 The Cleaner. 4779056 1.25 Infomercials. (PG, R) 18506136 4.00 Enjoying Everyday Life With Joyce Meyer. (PG) 1214730 4.30 Kenneth Copeland. (PG) 4941778 5.00 James Robison. (PG) 4942407 5.30 Benny Hinn. (PG) 4945594

10.00 Cycling. (CC) Tour de France. Stage 16. Saint-Paul-Trois-Chateaux to Gap. 162km medium-mountain stage. 27198722 2.00 WeatherWatch Overnight. 94574204 5.00 WeatherWatch & Music. 95270407 5.05 Korean News. 37889317 5.40 Japanese News. 57995109

6.00 Raggs. (R, CC) 6.30 Flipper. (PG, R) 7.30 The Martha Stewart Show. 8.30 Sons And Daughters. (R, CC) 9.00 Home And Away: The Early Years. (R, CC) 9.30 Shortland Street. (PG) 10.00 Coronation Street. (PG) 10.30 Emmerdale. (PG) 11.00 Designing Women. (PG, R) 11.30 Deal Or No Deal. (R, CC) 12.00 Hart To Hart. (PG, R) 1.00 Head Of The Class. (PG, R) 1.30 Welcome Back, Kotter. (PG, R) 2.00 Murphy Brown. (PG, R, CC) 2.30 Valerie. (R) 3.00 Perfect Strangers. (R) 3.30 Night Court. (PG, R) 4.00 MOVIE: Mom’s Got A Date With A Vampire. (PG, 00, R) 6.00 Bargain Hunt. 7.00 Harry’s Practice. (R) 7.30 Keeping Up Appearances. (PG, R, CC) 8.10 Are You Being Served? (PG, R) 8.45 One Foot In The Grave. (PG, CC) 9.30 Jonathan Creek. (M, R, CC) 10.30 MOVIE: Carry On Dick. (M, 74, R) 12.20 Minder. (PG, R) 1.30 MOVIE: The Falcon And The Co-Eds. (b/w, PG, 43, R) 3.00 Hart To Hart. (PG, R) 4.00 Coronation Street. (PG, R) 4.30 Emmerdale. (PG, R) 5.00 Designing Women. (PG, R) 5.30 Home Shopping.

6.00 Children’s Programs. 9.30 I Dream Of Jeannie. (R) 10.00 Bewitched. (R) 10.30 Entertainment Tonight. (R, CC) 11.00 TMZ. 11.30 Married With Children. (PG, R) 12.00 Here’s Lucy. (R) 12.30 Spin City. (PG, R, CC) 1.00 Seinfeld. (PG, R) 2.00 Unnatural History. (PG, R) 3.00 Just Shoot Me! (PG, R) 3.30 The Secret Saturdays. (PG, R) 4.00 Kids’ WB. (PG) 4.05 Ben 10. (PG, R) 4.30 Here’s Lucy. (R) 5.00 I Dream Of Jeannie. (R) 5.30 Bewitched. (R) 6.00 Seinfeld. (PG, R) 6.30 Two And A Half Men. (PG, R, CC) 7.00 Australia’s Funniest Home Videos. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 Primeval. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 MOVIE: Teen Wolf Too. (M, 87) 10.30 MOVIE: South Park – Bigger, Longer And Uncut. (MA15+, 99, R, CC) 12.10 Eclipse Music TV. (PG) 12.35 Reno 911! (M, R) 1.00 Ladette To Lady. (M, R, CC) 2.00 Home Shopping. 4.00 Just Shoot Me! (PG, R) 4.30 TMZ. (R) 5.00 Married With Children. (PG, R) 5.30 The Flintstones. (R)

6.00 500 Great Goals. (R) 6.30 Motor Racing. NASCAR Sprint Cup. Race 1. Daytona 500. Highlights. 7.30 Pro Bull Riding. Replay. 8.30 WNBA Action. 9.00 Superboats. Australian Offshore Championship. Round 2. Replay. 9.30 Football. (CC) AFL. Round 17. Melbourne v Port Adelaide. 12.00 One Week At A Time: AFL. (R) 1.00 One Week At A Time: NRL. (R) 2.00 24. (M, R) 3.00 Omnisport. 3.30 Bondi Rescue. (PG, R, CC) 4.00 Extreme Dreams. (PG, R) 4.30 Airline. (PG, R) 5.00 Guerrilla Gardeners. (PG, CC) 5.30 iFish Catch Of The Day. (R) 6.00 Bondi Rescue. (PG, R, CC) 6.30 Extreme Dreams. (PG) 7.00 Airline. (PG) 7.30 Black Gold. (PG) 8.30 Cops: Adults Only. (M) 9.30 MOVIE: The Marine. (M, 06, R) 11.30 Sports Tonight. 12.00 Motor Racing. NASCAR Nationwide Series. Race 19. New England 200. Highlights. 1.00 Omnisport. (R) 1.30 World Rally Championship Mid Season Review. (PG, R) 2.30 Motor Racing. Sports Car Series. Race 8. Continental Tyre Sportscar Festival. Replay. 5.00 Omnisport. (R) 5.30 Soccer. FA Cup Classics.

6.00 WorldWatch. 6.00 Global Village: The Celestial Dance Of Bhutan Pt 1. (R, CC) (France) 6.30 Come Dine With Me: Greece. (Greece) 7.30 Lost Worlds: The Buddha. (US) 8.30 Cycling. (CC) Tour de France. Daily highlights. From France. 9.00 MOVIE: Live And Become. (M, 05, R) An Ethiopian Christian boy, who pretends to be a Jew in order to move to Israel, is tested by the locals’ racist attitudes. Moshe Abebe, Sirak M. Sabahat, Roni Hadar. (France) 11.30 MOVIE: Alexandria…New York. (M, 04, R) When an Egyptian film director returns to New York, he is reunited with a woman he loved years earlier. Mahmoud Hemeida, Youssra, Ahmed Yehia. (Egypt) 1.50 WeatherWatch Overnight. 5.00 WeatherWatch & Music.

6.00 The Six Million Dollar Man. (PG, R) 7.00 The Virginian. (PG, R) 8.30 Adam 12. (PG, R) 9.00 NBC Today. (R, CC) 11.00 Quantum Leap. (PG, R) 12.00 Quincy M.E. (PG, R) 1.00 The Rockford Files. (PG, R) 2.00 Malcolm And Eddie. (PG, R) 2.30 Newsradio. (PG, R) 3.00 Xena: Warrior Princess. (PG, R) 4.00 Hercules: The Legendary Journeys. (PG, R) 5.00 The Drew Carey Show. (PG, R, CC) 5.30 According To Jim. (PG, R, CC) 6.30 My Wife And Kids. (PG, R, CC) 7.00 That ’70s Show. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 How I Met Your Mother. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 Family Guy. (M, R, CC) 9.00 American Dad! (M, CC) 9.30 Family Guy. (M, R, CC) 10.30 My Name Is Earl. (PG, R, CC) 11.00 Scrubs. (PG, R, CC) 12.00 Malcolm And Eddie. (PG, R) 12.30 Newsradio. (PG, R) 1.00 The Six Million Dollar Man. (PG, R) 2.00 Quantum Leap. (PG, R) 3.00 Quincy M.E. (PG, R) 4.00 Xena: Warrior Princess. (PG, R) 5.00 Hercules. (PG, R)

6.00 Today. (CC) 9.00 Alive And Cooking. (R) 9.30 The Zoo. (R) 10.00 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 11.00 Murder, She Wrote. (PG) 12.00 MOVIE: Springfield Rifle. (PG, 52, R, CC) 2.00 RPA. (PG, R, CC) 3.00 McLeod’s Daughters. (PG, R, CC) 4.00 The Block. (PG, R, CC) 5.00 The Golden Girls. (PG) 6.00 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 7.00 The Zoo. (R) 7.30 Inside The Human Body: Creation. (PG, R, CC) 8.50 MOVIE: The Fugitive. (M, 93, R, CC) A man who is wrongly convicted of murdering his wife escapes from custody after a train accident and tries to find the real killer. 11.35 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 12.35 Murder, She Wrote. (PG, R) 1.30 The Golden Girls. (PG, R) 2.00 Home Shopping. 4.30 Joyce Meyer. (PG) 5.00 Adventures In Rainbow Country. (R) 5.30 Today. (CC)

6.00 JAG. (PG, R) 7.00 MacGyver. (PG, R) 8.00 The Brady Bunch. (R) 8.30 Neighbours. (R, CC) 9.00 Touched By An Angel. (PG, R) 10.00 7th Heaven. (R, CC) 11.00 The Love Boat. (PG, R) 12.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG, R) 1.00 JAG. (PG, R) 2.00 MacGyver. (PG, R) 3.00 The King Of Queens. (PG, R) 3.30 Cheers. (PG, R) 4.00 Roseanne. (PG, R) 4.30 Family Ties. (PG, R) 5.00 Happy Days. (R) 5.30 The Brady Bunch. (R) 6.00 Sabrina, The Teenage Witch. (R) 6.30 Neighbours. (CC) 7.00 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R, CC) 7.30 The Simpsons. (R, CC) 8.00 Futurama. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 The Office. (M) 9.00 The Office. (PG) 9.30 Wilfred. 10.00 Californication. (MA15+, R) 10.35 Craig Ferguson. (PG) 11.30 Cheers. (PG, R) 12.00 Roseanne. (PG, R) 12.30 Sabrina. (R) 1.00 The King Of Queens. (PG, R) 1.30 Happy Days. (R) 2.00 The Love Boat. (PG, R) 3.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG, R) 4.00 Touched By An Angel. (PG, R) 5.00 7th Heaven. (R, CC)

6.00 ABC News Breakfast. (CC) 9.00 News. (CC) 9.30 Business Today. (CC) 10.00 News. (CC) 12.30 Newsline With Jim Middleton. (R) 1.00 News. (CC) 2.30 Tonic. (R, CC) 3.00 Afternoon Live. 5.30 Capital Hill. (R, CC) 5.45 The Quarters. (CC) 6.00 The Drum. (CC) 6.45 The Quarters. (CC) 7.00 News. (CC) 7.30 7.30. (CC) 8.00 News. (CC) 8.30 Lateline Business. (R, CC) 9.00 The World. (CC) 10.05 The Drum. (R, CC) 10.45 The Quarters. (CC) 11.00 News. 11.30 Newsline With Jim Middleton. (R) 12.00 News. 12.25 Lateline. (R, CC) 1.00 BBC World News. (R) 1.30 Lateline Business. (R, CC) 2.00 BBC World News: The Hub. (R, CC) 2.30 7.30. (R, CC) 3.00 Lateline. (CC) 3.35 Lateline Business. (R, CC) 4.00 News. 4.05 The Quarters. (R) 4.20 The Drum. 5.00 News. (CC) 5.15 The Quarters. (R) 5.30 Newsline With Jim Middleton. (R)



1.00 Home Shopping. 41479339 5.30 Early News. (CC) 6547594

CLASSIFICATIONS: (P) For preschoolers (C) Children’s programs (G) General viewing (PG) Parental guidance (M) Mature audiences (MA15+) Mature adults only (AV15+) Mature audiences: contains adult violence (M) (MA15+) and (AV15+) CONSUMER ADVICE: (a) adult themes (h) horror (Sx) sex scenes (d) drug references, (l) language, (m) medical procedures (n) nudity (v) violence (w) war (CC) Closed Captions (WS) widescreen Programs subject to late change by stations.

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WEDNESDAY July 20 6.00 ABC News Breakfast. (CC) 78707469 9.00 News. (CC) 4407 9.30 Business Today. (CC) 7594 10.00 Human Journey. (R, CC) 64865 11.00 Big Ideas. (PG, CC) 35339 12.00 Midday Report. (CC) 5759 12.30 National Press Club Address. (CC) 91876 1.30 Everest ER. (R, CC) 8440 2.00 Poirot. (PG, R, CC) 19391 3.00 Children’s Programs. 85742223

6.00 6.50 7.00 7.30 8.00 8.30 9.00 9.30

Time Team. (CC) 26407 Minuscule. (R) 1188440 News. (CC) 681 7.30. (CC) 952 The New Inventors. (CC) 865 Spicks And Specks. (CC) 136 Angry Boys. (CC) 29198 Lawrence Leung’s Unbelievable: The Experiment. (Final, M, CC) 488 10.00 At The Movies. (CC) 371 10.30 Lateline. (CC) 84469

6.00 Sunrise. (CC) 16203240 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG, CC) 2429240 11.30 News. (CC) 2933 12.00 MOVIE: McBride: Semper Fi. (M, 07, R) John Larroquette, Marta DuBois, Matt Lutz. 807420 2.00 Dr Oz. (PG) 87204 3.00 Last Chance Surgery. (PG, R, CC) 3020 3.30 Toybox. (P, R, CC) 3407 4.00 Spit It Out. (C, CC) 4136 4.30 News At 4.30. (CC) 53223 5.30 Deal Or No Deal. (CC) 4117 6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30 8.00 8.30 9.30

PRIME7 News. (CC) 5846 News. (CC) 3865 Home And Away. (PG, CC) 6556 Highway Patrol. (PG, CC) 5827 World’s Deadliest Roads. (PG, CC) 5440 Criminal Minds. (M, R, CC) 23925 Covert Affairs. (M, CC) It is Annie’s birthday and Joan skips the cake and instead sends her to Paris for her next mission to cultivate an asset who works at the Syrian Embassy. 23989

6.00 Today. (CC) 10160763 9.00 Kerri-Anne. (PG, CC) 6946136 11.00 News. (CC) 442643 11.30 Alive And Cooking. (R) 445730 12.00 Ellen. (PG, R, CC) 974827 1.00 The View. (PG, CC) 983575 2.00 Days Of Our Lives. (PG, CC) 987391 3.00 The Block. (PG, R, CC) 804469 3.30 Hi-5. (P, R, CC) 807556 4.00 The Saddle Club. (R, CC) 808285 4.30 News. (CC) 346020 5.30 Hot Seat. (CC) 265556 6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30 8.30 9.30 10.30

News. (CC) 266285 WIN News. (CC) 274204 A Current Affair. (CC) 577778 The Block. (PG, CC) 605579 Top Design. (PG, CC) 648865 RPA. (PG, CC) 644049 RPA: Where Are They Now? (PG, CC) 628001

11.30 Embarrassing Bodies. (M, CC) 624285

6.00 Early News. (CC) 152643 7.00 Toasted TV. (CC) 516827 8.00 Totally Wild. (C, CC) 205353 8.30 Wurrawhy. (P, CC) 452020 9.00 News. (CC) 529391 10.00 The Circle. (PG, CC) 6481198 12.00 Dr Phil. (PG, CC) 972469 1.00 Oprah. (PG, CC) 981117 2.00 Ready Steady Cook. (PG, CC) 985933 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG, CC) 835339 3.30 Infomercials. (PG, R, CC) 805198 4.00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield. (CC) 806827 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful. (CC) 285310 5.00 News. (CC) 433136 6.30 7.00 7.30 9.00

6.30 With George Negus. (CC) 272846 The 7PM Project. (PG, CC) 568020 MasterChef Australia. (CC) 158827 Offspring. (Final, M, CC) Nina makes an important decision about her love life. Billie and Mick try to defy the “Proudman Wedding Curse”. 645778 10.00 The Defenders. (M, CC) 634662 11.00 6.30 With George Negus. (R, CC) 277391

6.00 WorldWatch. 3482488 7.30 Cycling. (CC) Tour de France. Daily update. From France. 81434198 7.45 WorldWatch. 17319933 10.30 Soccer. Copa América. First semi-final. 1472440 1.00 Turkish News. 9948020 1.30 Italian News. 9958407 2.00 Hindi News. 9959136 2.30 Arabic News. 9934827 3.00 Russian News. 9935556 3.30 Here Comes The Neighbourhood. (R, CC) 9938643 4.00 The Journal. (CC) 9939372 4.30 PBS NewsHour. (CC) 2956933 5.30 Global Village. (R, CC) (France) 1599681 6.00 Cycling. (CC) Tour de France. Daily highlights. From France. 1590310 6.30 World News Australia. (CC) 5697681 7.35 Inspector Rex. (PG, R, CC) (Austria) 40222198

8.30 Victorian Pharmacy. (PG, CC) Part 4 of 4. Historian Ruth Goodman, Professor Nick Barber and student Tom Quick’s experiment to re-create an authentic 19th-century pharmacy concludes. (UK) 9891846 9.30 World News Australia. (CC) 7029865

12.30 Eclipse Music TV. (PG) 1208179

11.30 News/Sports Tonight. (CC) 276662

1.00 Primetime: What Would You Do? (M, CC) 8510792 2.00 Newstyle Direct. 1203624 2.30 Danoz Direct. 1288315 3.00 Entertainment Tonight. (R, CC) 1289044 3.30 GMA. (CC) 9398315 5.00 News. (CC) 4911537 5.30 Today. (CC) 4914624

12.00 12.55 1.55 4.00 4.30 5.00 5.30

Letterman. (PG) 865957 The Cleaner. 8861266 Infomercials. (PG, R) 14269470 Joyce Meyer. (PG) 1281402 Kenneth Copeland. (PG) 4901150 James Robison. (PG) 4919179 Benny Hinn. (PG) 4912266

10.00 Cycling. (CC) Tour de France. Stage 17. Gap to Pinerolo. 179km mountain stage. From France. 27092594 2.00 WeatherWatch Overnight. 94541976 5.00 WeatherWatch & Music. 95247179 5.05 Korean News. 61184529 5.40 Japanese News. 43358191

11.05 Lateline Business. (R, CC) 9657391 11.30 Wild China. (R, CC) 33759 12.25 Life At 1. (R, CC) 3962063 1.20 Time Team. (R, CC) 1491599 2.10 Teenage Kicks. (PG, R, CC) 1288421 3.00 Big Ideas. (R, CC) 8363228 4.00 The Bill. (M, R, CC) 3592112 4.55 National Press Club Address. (R, CC) 30372370

10.30 Detroit 1-8-7. (M, CC) 22339 11.30 Eastbound & Down. (MA15+, R)

6.00 Children’s Programs. 2.45 Pingu. (R) 2.50 Willa’s Wild Life. (R, CC) 3.05 Babar. (R, CC) 3.30 Mopatop’s Shop. (R) 3.40 Laura’s Star. (R) 3.50 Rastamouse. (R) 4.00 Hurray For Huckle! (R, CC) 4.30 Play School. (R, CC) 5.00 Peppa Pig. (R, CC) 5.15 Octonauts. (R, CC) 5.25 The Hive. (CC) 5.30 Bert And Ernie’s Great Adventures. (R, CC) 5.40 Wibbly Pig. (R, CC) 5.50 Timmy Time. (R, CC) 6.05 Miffy And Friends. (R) 6.10 Penelope. (R, CC) 6.15 Humf. (R, CC) 6.30 In The Night Garden. (R, CC) 7.00 Spicks And Specks. (R, CC) 7.30 Licence To Drill. (CC) 8.30 7 Ages Of Love. (CC) 9.30 The True Story: Jaws. (CC) 10.20 Maybe Baby. (M, R, CC) 11.20 Shrink Rap. (M, R, CC) 12.10 Breakbound. (PG, R, CC) 1.00 Beautiful Noise. (R, CC) 1.55 Close.

6.00 Raggs. (R, CC) 6.30 Flipper. (PG, R) 7.30 The Martha Stewart Show. 8.30 Sons And Daughters. (R, CC) 9.00 Home And Away: The Early Years. (R, CC) 9.30 Shortland Street. (PG) 10.00 Coronation Street. (PG) 10.30 Emmerdale. (PG) 11.00 Designing Women. (PG, R) 11.30 Deal Or No Deal. (R, CC) 12.00 Hart To Hart. (PG, R) 1.00 Head Of The Class. (PG, R) 1.30 Welcome Back, Kotter. (PG, R) 2.00 Murphy Brown. (PG, R, CC) 2.30 Valerie. (R) 3.00 MOVIE: Miracle. (PG, 04, R, CC) 6.00 Bargain Hunt. 7.00 Harry’s Practice. (R) 7.30 Heartbeat. (PG, R, CC) 8.40 Pie In The Sky. (PG) 9.45 Wallander. (Final, M, R, CC) 11.45 Murphy’s Law. (AV15+) 12.50 Coronation Street. (PG, R) 1.30 Emmerdale. (PG, R) 2.00 Home Shopping. 3.30 Room For Improvement. (R, CC) 4.00 The Australians. (PG, R) 5.00 The World Around Us. (R)

6.00 Children’s Programs. 8.30 Kamen Rider: Dragon Knight. (PG, R) 9.00 The Flintstones. (R) 9.30 I Dream Of Jeannie. (R) 10.00 Bewitched. (R) 10.30 Entertainment Tonight. (R, CC) 11.00 TMZ. 11.30 Married With Children. (PG, R) 12.00 Here’s Lucy. (R) 12.30 Spin City. (PG, R, CC) 1.00 Seinfeld. (PG, R) 2.00 Unnatural History. (PG, R) 3.00 Just Shoot Me! (PG, R) 3.30 The Secret Saturdays. (PG, R) 4.00 Kids’ WB. (PG) 4.05 Ben 10. (PG, R) 4.30 Here’s Lucy. (R) 5.00 I Dream Of Jeannie. (R) 5.30 Bewitched. (R) 6.00 Seinfeld. (PG, R) 6.30 Two And A Half Men. (PG, R, CC) 7.00 Australia’s Funniest Home Videos. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 Two And A Half Men. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 The Big Bang Theory. (PG, R, CC) 9.30 MOVIE: Bad Boys II. (AV15+, 03, R, CC) 12.20 Seinfeld. (PG, R) 12.50 Ladette To Lady. (M, R, CC) 1.50 Go! Filler. (PG, R) 2.00 Home Shopping. 4.00 Just Shoot Me! (PG, R) 4.30 TMZ. (R) 5.00 Married With Children. (PG, R) 5.30 The Flintstones. (R)

6.00 500 Great Goals. (R) 6.30 NASCAR Sprint Cup. Race 2. Subway Fresh Fit 500. Highlights. 7.30 Pro Bull Riding. Replay. 8.30 This Week In Baseball. (PG) 9.00 MLB. Mets v Cardinals. 12.00 NASCAR Nationwide Series. Race 19. New England 200. Highlights. 1.00 NASCAR Sprint Cup. Race 19. Lenox Industrial Tools 301. Highlights. 2.00 Motorcycle Racing. Isle Of Man TT. Sidecar. Race 1. Replay. 3.00 Omnisport. 3.30 Bondi Rescue. (PG, R, CC) 4.00 Extreme Dreams. (PG, R) 4.30 Airline. (PG, R) 5.00 Guerrilla Gardeners. (PG) 5.30 iFish Catch Of The Day. (R) 6.00 Bondi Rescue. (PG, R, CC) 6.30 Extreme Dreams. (PG) 7.00 Airline. (PG) 7.30 Twister Sisters. (New series, PG) 8.30 Cops: Adults Only. (M) 9.30 Sons Of Anarchy. (AV15+) 10.30 RPM. 11.30 Sports Tonight. 12.00 NASCAR Sprint Cup. Race 19. Lenox Industrial Tools 301. Highlights. 1.00 Omnisport. (R) 1.30 Golf. OneAsia Tour. Indonesia Open. Final round. Highlights. 2.30 MLB. Mets v Cardinals. Replay. 5.00 Omnisport. (R) 5.15 Soccer. FA Cup Classics. 5.45 MLB. Giants v Dodgers.

6.00 WorldWatch. 6.00 Global Village: The Celestial Dance Of Bhutan Pt 2. (R, CC) (France) 6.30 Come Dine With Me: Greece. (Greece) 7.30 Dateline. (R, CC) 8.30 Cycling. (CC) Tour de France. Daily highlights. From France. Hosted by Mike Tomalaris. 9.00 MOVIE: Jermal. (M, 08) After his mother’s death, a 12-year-old boy is sent to live with his estranged father who works as a supervisor on a fishing platform. Iqbal S. Manurung, Didi Petet, Yayu A.W. Unru. (Indonesia) 10.40 MOVIE: The World. (PG, 04, R) A dancer and her boyfriend move to a Beijing theme park designed around reproductions of famous landmarks. Tao Zhao, Taisheng Chen, Jue Jing. (China) 1.00 WeatherWatch Overnight. 5.00 WeatherWatch & Music.

6.00 Children’s Programs. 11.25 Go Lingo! (R, CC) 11.50 Backyard Science. (R, CC) 12.05 BTN Extra. (CC) 12.20 In Real Life. (R, CC) 12.45 A World Of Wonders. (R, CC) 1.00 Erky Perky. (R, CC) 1.15 I.N.K. Invisible Network Of Kids. (R, CC) 1.45 Total Drama Island. (R, CC) 2.10 Big Babies. (R, CC) 2.25 Sally Bollywood. (R, CC) 2.40 Majority Rules. (R, CC) 3.00 Ship To Shore. (R, CC) 3.25 Jinx. (R, CC) 3.50 Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab. (R, CC) 4.20 News On 3 Update. (CC) 4.25 Young Dracula. 4.55 The Pinky & Perky Show. (R, CC) 5.05 The Jungle Book. (R, CC) 5.20 Kid Vs Kat. 5.30 Deltora Quest. (CC) 6.00 Rated A For Awesome. (CC) 6.15 Almost Naked Animals. (R, CC) 6.25 Horrible Histories. (CC) 6.55 News On 3. (CC) 7.10 Star Wars: The Clone Wars. (R, CC) 7.35 Dex Hamilton: Alien Entomologist. (R, CC) 8.30 Degrassi: The Next Generation. (R, CC) 9.00 Close.

6.00 The Six Million Dollar Man. (PG, R) 7.00 The Virginian. (PG, R) 8.30 Adam 12. (PG, R) 9.00 NBC Today. (CC) 11.00 Quantum Leap. (PG, R) 12.00 Quincy M.E. (PG, R) 1.00 The Rockford Files. (PG, R) 2.00 Malcolm And Eddie. (PG, R) 2.30 Newsradio. (PG, R) 3.00 Xena: Warrior Princess. (PG, R) 4.00 Hercules: The Legendary Journeys. (PG, R) 5.00 The Drew Carey Show. (PG, R, CC) 5.30 According To Jim. (R, CC) 6.30 My Wife And Kids. (PG, R, CC) 7.00 That ’70s Show. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 Pimp My Ride. (PG, CC) 8.30 Smash Lab: Blast Proof House. (PG) 9.30 American Pickers. (PG) 10.30 Ax Men. (M) 11.30 Rude Tube. (M) 12.00 Malcolm And Eddie. (PG, R) 12.30 Newsradio. (PG, R) 1.00 The Six Million Dollar Man. (PG, R) 2.00 Home Shopping. 3.30 Room For Improvement. (R, CC) 4.00 Quantum Leap. (PG, R) 5.00 Adam 12. (PG, R) 5.30 Home Shopping.

6.00 Today. (CC) 9.00 Alive And Cooking. (R) 9.30 The Zoo. (R) 10.00 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 11.00 Murder, She Wrote. (PG) 12.00 MOVIE: Just Desserts. (G, 04, R) 2.00 RPA. (PG, R, CC) 3.00 McLeod’s Daughters. (PG, R, CC) 4.00 Meet The Jackals. (PG, R) 5.00 The Golden Girls. (PG) 6.00 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 7.00 The Zoo. (R) 7.30 Zoo Juniors. (PG) 8.00 Gorilla School. (PG) 8.30 David Attenborough’s Life Of Mammals: A Winning Design. (PG, R, CC) 9.30 The Closer. (M) 10.30 Rizzoli & Isles. (M) 11.30 Conan. (M) 12.30 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 1.00 The Closer. (M, R) 2.00 Home Shopping. 4.30 Joyce Meyer. (PG) 5.00 Adventures In Rainbow Country. (R) 5.30 Today. (CC)

6.00 JAG. (PG, R) 7.00 MacGyver. (PG, R) 8.00 The Brady Bunch. (R) 8.30 Neighbours. (R, CC) 9.00 Touched By An Angel. (PG, R) 10.00 7th Heaven. (R, CC) 11.00 The Love Boat. (PG, R) 12.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG, R) 1.00 JAG. (PG, R) 2.00 MacGyver. (PG, R) 3.00 The King Of Queens. (PG, R) 3.30 Cheers. (PG, R) 4.00 Roseanne. (PG, R) 4.30 Family Ties. (PG, R) 5.00 Happy Days. (R) 5.30 The Brady Bunch. (R) 6.00 Sabrina, The Teenage Witch. (R) 6.30 Neighbours. (CC) 7.00 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R, CC) 7.30 The Simpsons. (PG, R, CC) 8.00 Futurama. 8.30 The Simpsons. (PG, R, CC) 9.00 Futurama. (PG, R, CC) 9.30 The Cleveland Show. (M) 10.00 King Of The Hill. (PG, R) 10.30 The Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson. (PG) 11.30 Cheers. (PG, R) 12.00 Roseanne. (PG, R) 12.30 Sabrina, The Teenage Witch. (R) 1.00 The King Of Queens. (PG, R) 1.30 Happy Days. (R) 2.00 The Love Boat. (PG, R) 3.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG, R) 4.00 Touched By An Angel. (PG, R) 5.00 7th Heaven. (R, CC)

6.00 ABC News Breakfast. (CC) 9.00 News. (CC) 9.30 Business Today. (R, CC) 10.00 News. (CC) 12.30 National Press Club Address. (CC) 1.30 News. (CC) 2.30 State To State. (CC) 3.00 Afternoon Live. 5.30 Capital Hill. (CC) 5.45 The Quarters. (R, CC) 6.00 The Drum. (CC) 6.45 The Quarters. (CC) 7.00 News. (CC) 7.30 7.30. (CC) 8.00 News. (CC) 8.30 Lateline Business. (R, CC) 9.00 The World. (R, CC) 10.05 The Drum. (R, CC) 10.45 The Quarters. 11.30 Newsline With Jim Middleton. (R) 12.00 News. 12.25 Lateline. (R, CC) 1.00 BBC World News. 1.30 Lateline Business. (R, CC) 2.00 BBC World News: The Hub. (R, CC) 2.30 7.30. (R, CC) 3.00 Lateline. (R, CC) 3.35 Lateline Business. (R, CC) 4.00 News. 4.05 The Quarters. (CC) 4.20 The Drum. (R) 5.00 News. (CC) 5.15 The Quarters. (R) 5.30 Newsline With Jim Middleton. (R)


12.00 Style By Jury. (PG, R) 5938 12.30 Home Shopping. 62309131 5.30 Early News. (CC) 6514266

CLASSIFICATIONS: (P) For preschoolers (C) Children’s programs (G) General viewing (PG) Parental guidance (M) Mature audiences (MA15+) Mature adults only (AV15+) Mature audiences: contains adult violence (M) (MA15+) and (AV15+) CONSUMER ADVICE: (a) adult themes (h) horror (Sx) sex scenes (d) drug references, (l) language, (m) medical procedures (n) nudity (v) violence (w) war (CC) Closed Captions (WS) widescreen Programs subject to late change by stations.


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THURSDAY July 21 6.00 ABC News Breakfast. (CC) 78767841 9.00 News. (CC) 2889 9.30 Business Today. (CC) 5976 10.00 Human Journey. (R, CC) 39995 11.00 The Lost World Of Communism. (Final, PG, R, CC) 91711 12.00 Midday Report. (CC) 6841 12.30 Little Dorrit. (R, CC) 7280112 1.25 Lead Balloon. (PG, R, CC) 5861841 2.00 Poirot. (PG, R, CC) 2761421 3.05 Children’s Programs. 63165042

6.00 Sunrise. (CC) 40508452 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG, CC) 6724452 11.30 News. (CC) 6353 12.00 MOVIE: Paparazzi. (M, 04, R, CC) Cole Hauser, Tom Sizemore, Robin Tunney.

6.00 6.50 7.00 7.30 8.00 8.30 9.30

Time Team. (CC) 84247 Minuscule. (R) 1155112 News. (CC) 957 7.30. (CC) 228 Catalyst. (CC) 841 Crownies. (M, CC) 90044 Junior Doctors: Your Life in Their Hands. (CC) 61711 10.20 Lateline. (CC) 445773 10.55 Lateline Business. (R, CC) 6722112 11.25 Songbook. (R, CC) 9975773


2.00 3.00 3.30 4.00 4.30 5.30

Dr Oz. (PG) 43686 Last Chance Surgery. (PG, R, CC) 8792 Toybox. (P, R, CC) 8179 Spit It Out. (C, CC) 9808 News At 4.30. (CC) 19605 Deal Or No Deal. (CC) 3841

6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30

PRIME7 News. (CC) 4570 News. (CC) 9889 Home And Away. (PG, CC) 6150 The Vicar Of Dibley. (PG, R, CC)

6.00 Today. (CC) 38532565 9.00 Kerri-Anne. (PG, CC) 6913808 11.00 News. (CC) 490808 11.30 Alive And Cooking. (R) 493995 12.00 Ellen. (PG, R, CC) 922082 1.00 The View. (PG, CC) 908402 2.00 Days Of Our Lives. (PG, CC) 919518 3.00 Entertainment Tonight. (CC) 852624 3.30 Hi-5. (P, R, CC) 855711 4.00 Kitchen Whiz. (C, CC) 823112 4.30 News. (CC) 385537 5.30 Hot Seat. (CC) 213711 6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30 8.30

News. (CC) 281112 WIN News. (CC) 299131 A Current Affair. (CC) 585315 The Block. (PG, CC) 615696 Human Body: In The Womb – Fight For Life. (PG, CC) Follow four extraordinary pregnancies which faced seemingly insurmountable obstacles. 663792 9.30 The NRL Footy Show. (M, CC) 7366044 11.15 WIN News. (CC) 1599228 11.45 The AFL Footy Show. (M, CC) 1078470


8.40 Law & Order: Los Angeles. (New series, M, CC) Follow the detectives of the LAPD’s elite Robbery Homicide Division. 975889 10.40 Off The Map. (New series, M, CC) 7472599

6.30 7.00 7.30 8.30

6.30 With George Negus. (CC) 297773 The 7PM Project. (PG, CC) 583957 MasterChef Australia. (CC) 415678 Law & Order: SVU. (M, CC) District Attorney Casey Novak goes head-to-head with Joe Dekker in a sexual assault case which, for at least Joe, is personal. 661334 9.30 Law & Order: SVU. (M, R, CC) 667518 10.30 6.30 With George Negus. (R, CC) 591976

11.00 News/Sports Tonight. (CC) 209518

6.00 Children’s Programs. 4.00 Hurray For Huckle! (R, CC) 4.30 Play School. (R, CC) 5.00 Peppa Pig. (R, CC) 5.15 Octonauts. (R, CC) 5.25 The Hive. (CC) 5.30 Bert And Ernie’s Great Adventures. (R, CC) 5.40 Wibbly Pig. (R, CC) 5.50 Timmy Time. (R, CC) 6.05 Miffy And Friends. (R) 6.10 Penelope. (R, CC) 6.15 Humf. (R, CC) 6.30 In The Night Garden. (R, CC) 7.00 Spicks And Specks. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 The Marngrook Footy Show. (PG, CC) 8.30 Arrested Development. (CC) 9.00 Lawrence Leung’s Unbelievable: The Experiment. (Final, M, R, CC) 9.30 The Graham Norton Show. (Final, CC) 10.15 The Thick Of It. (CC) 10.45 London Live. (CC) 11.15 The Chaser’s War On Everything. (M, R, CC) 11.45 The Marngrook Footy Show. (PG, R, CC) 12.45 Beautiful Noise. (R, CC) 1.40 Close.

6.00 Raggs. (R, CC) 6.30 Flipper. (PG, R) 7.30 The Martha Stewart Show. 8.30 Sons And Daughters. (R, CC) 9.00 Home And Away: The Early Years. (R, CC) 9.30 Shortland Street. (PG) 10.00 Coronation Street. (PG) 10.30 Emmerdale. (PG) 11.00 Designing Women. (PG, R) 11.30 Deal Or No Deal. (R, CC) 12.00 Hart To Hart. (PG, R) 1.00 Head Of The Class. (PG, R) 1.30 Welcome Back, Kotter. (PG, R) 2.00 Murphy Brown. (PG, R, CC) 2.30 Valerie. (R) 3.00 Perfect Strangers. (R) 3.30 Night Court. (PG, R) 4.00 Columbo. (PG, R) 6.00 Bargain Hunt. 7.00 Harry’s Practice. (R) 7.30 Doc Martin. (PG) 8.30 The Bill. (M, R, CC) 9.40 MOVIE: Frost/Nixon. (M, 08, CC) 12.10 Minder. (PG, R) 1.15 MOVIE: Too Many Girls. (b/w, G, 40, R) 3.00 Hart To Hart. (PG, R) 4.00 Coronation Street. (PG, R) 4.30 Emmerdale. (PG, R) 5.00 Medical Rookies. (PG, R, CC) 5.30 Home Shopping.

6.00 Children’s Programs. 9.00 The Flintstones. (R) 9.30 I Dream Of Jeannie. (R) 10.00 Bewitched. (R) 10.30 Entertainment Tonight. (R, CC) 11.00 TMZ. 11.30 Married With Children. (PG, R) 12.00 Here’s Lucy. (R) 12.30 Spin City. (PG, R, CC) 1.00 Seinfeld. (PG, R) 2.00 Unnatural History. (PG, R) 3.00 Just Shoot Me! (PG, R) 3.30 The Secret Saturdays. (PG, R) 4.00 Kids’ WB. (PG) 4.05 Ben 10. (PG, R) 4.30 Here’s Lucy. (R) 5.00 I Dream Of Jeannie. (R) 5.30 Bewitched. (R) 6.00 Seinfeld. (PG, R) 6.30 Two And A Half Men. (PG, R, CC) 7.00 Australia’s Funniest Home Videos. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 Two And A Half Men. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 The Big Bang Theory. (PG, R, CC) 9.30 MOVIE: Blade II. (AV15+, 02, R) 11.50 Up Late. 12.20 Seinfeld. (PG, R) 12.50 Ladette To Lady. (M, R, CC) 1.50 Go! Filler. (PG, R) 2.00 Home Shopping. 4.00 Just Shoot Me! (PG, R) 4.30 TMZ. (R) 5.00 Married With Children. (PG, R) 5.30 The Flintstones. (R)

6.00 Baseball. MLB. San Francisco Giants v Los Angeles Dodgers. Continued. 9.00 Triathlon. ITU World Championship Series. Round 5. Women’s Race. 11.30 ATP World Tour Uncovered. 12.00 500 Great Goals. 12.30 iFish. (R) 1.00 World Rally Championship Mid Season Review. (PG, R) 2.00 RPM. (R) 3.00 Omnisport. 3.30 Bondi Rescue. (PG, R, CC) 4.00 Extreme Dreams. (PG, R) 4.30 Airline. (PG, R) 5.00 Guerrilla Gardeners. (PG) 5.30 iFish Catch Of The Day. (R) 6.00 Bondi Rescue. (PG, R, CC) 6.30 Extreme Dreams. (PG) 7.00 Airline. (PG) 7.30 Cops. (PG) 8.30 The Game Plan: NRL. 9.30 Breakout Kings. (M) 10.30 Sports Tonight. 11.00 The Ultimate Fighter: Heavyweights. (M) 12.00 Black Gold. (PG, R) 1.00 The Game Plan: AFL. 2.00 Omnisport. (R) 2.30 MLB. Giants v Dodgers. Replay. 5.00 Omnisport. (R) 5.30 Soccer. FA Cup Classics.

6.00 WorldWatch. 6.00 Global Village: The Bahrain Fort/Santeria In Cuba. (R, CC) (Germany, France) 6.30 Come Dine With Me: Greece. (Greece) 7.30 America: The Story Of The US: Rise Of A Superpower. (PG, R, CC) (US) 8.30 Cycling. (CC) Tour de France. Daily highlights. From France. Hosted by Mike Tomalaris. 9.00 MOVIE: Mediterranean Food. (09) Unable to choose between two suitors, a promising young chef takes one as her husband, and the other as her lover and mentor. Olivia Molina, Paco León, Alfonso Bassave. (Spain) 10.50 MOVIE: The Miracle Of Bern. (PG, 03, R) The father of a soccer-crazy 11-year-old struggles to adjust to life in postwar Germany after returning home from the Soviet Union. Peter Lohmeyer, Louis Klamroth, Sascha Göpel, Peter Franke. (Germany) 12.50 WeatherWatch Overnight. 5.00 WeatherWatch & Music.

6.00 Children’s Programs. 11.25 Go Lingo! (R, CC) 11.50 Backyard Science. (R, CC) 12.05 BTN Extra. (CC) 12.20 In Real Life. (R, CC) 12.45 A World Of Wonders. (R, CC) 1.00 Erky Perky. (R, CC) 1.15 I.N.K. Invisible Network Of Kids. (R, CC) 1.45 Total Drama Island. (R, CC) 2.10 Big Babies. (R, CC) 2.25 Sally Bollywood. (R, CC) 2.40 Majority Rules. (R, CC) 3.00 Ship To Shore. (R, CC) 3.25 Jinx. (R, CC) 3.50 Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab. (R, CC) 4.20 News On 3 Update. (CC) 4.25 Young Dracula. 4.55 The Pinky & Perky Show. (R, CC) 5.05 The Jungle Book. (R) 5.20 Kid Vs Kat. 5.30 Deltora Quest. (CC) 6.00 Rated A For Awesome. (CC) 6.15 Almost Naked Animals. (R, CC) 6.25 Horrible Histories. (CC) 6.55 News On 3. (CC) 7.10 Star Wars: The Clone Wars. (R, CC) 7.35 Dex Hamilton: Alien Entomologist. (R, CC) 8.30 Degrassi: The Next Generation. (R, CC) 9.00 Close.

6.00 The Six Million Dollar Man. (PG, R) 7.00 The Virginian. (PG, R) 8.30 Adam 12. (PG, R) 9.00 NBC Today. (R, CC) 11.00 Quantum Leap. (PG, R) 12.00 Quincy M.E. (PG, R) 1.00 The Rockford Files. (PG, R) 2.00 Malcolm And Eddie. (PG, R) 2.30 Newsradio. (PG, R) 3.00 Xena: Warrior Princess. (PG, R) 4.00 Hercules: The Legendary Journeys. (PG, R) 5.00 The Drew Carey Show. (PG, R, CC) 5.30 According To Jim. (R, CC) 6.30 My Wife And Kids. (PG, R, CC) 7.00 That ’70s Show. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 Swamp People. (PG) 8.30 MythBusters. (PG, R, CC) 9.30 Operation Repo. (M) 10.30 Jail. (M) 11.30 Final 24: Sid Vicious. (MA15+, R) 12.30 Newsradio. (PG, R) 1.00 The Six Million Dollar Man. (PG, R) 2.00 Quantum Leap. (PG, R) 3.00 Quincy M.E. (PG, R) 4.00 Xena: Warrior Princess. (PG, R) 5.00 Hercules: The Legendary Journeys. (PG, R)

6.00 Today. (CC) 9.00 Alive And Cooking. (R) 9.30 The Zoo. (R) 10.00 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 11.00 Murder, She Wrote. (PG) 12.00 MOVIE: Not Now, Comrade. (PG, 76, R) 2.00 RPA. (PG, R, CC) 3.00 McLeod’s Daughters. (PG, R, CC) 4.00 The Block. (PG, R, CC) 5.00 The Golden Girls. (PG) 6.00 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 7.00 The Zoo. (R) 7.30 As Time Goes By. (R) 8.30 My Strange Addiction. (PG) 9.00 Bizarre ER. (M, R) 9.30 Embarrassing Bodies. (MA15+, R, CC) 10.30 Wife Swap USA. (PG, R) 11.30 Conan. (M) 12.30 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 1.00 My Strange Addiction. (PG, R) 1.30 Bizarre ER. (M, R) 2.00 Home Shopping. 4.30 Joyce Meyer. (PG) 5.00 Adventures In Rainbow Country. (R) 5.30 Today. (CC)

6.00 JAG. (PG, R) 7.00 MacGyver. (PG, R) 8.00 The Brady Bunch. (R) 8.30 Neighbours. (R, CC) 9.00 Touched By An Angel. (PG, R) 10.00 7th Heaven. (R, CC) 11.00 The Love Boat. (PG, R) 12.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG, R) 1.00 JAG. (PG, R) 2.00 MacGyver. (PG, R) 3.00 The King Of Queens. (PG, R) 3.30 Cheers. (PG, R) 4.00 Roseanne. (PG, R) 4.30 Family Ties. (PG, R) 5.00 Happy Days. (R) 5.30 The Brady Bunch. (R) 6.00 Sabrina, The Teenage Witch. (R) 6.30 Neighbours. (CC) 7.00 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R, CC) 7.30 The Simpsons. (PG, R, CC) 8.00 The Simpsons. (R, CC) 8.30 SGU Stargate Universe. (M) 9.30 Star Trek: The Next Generation. (PG) 10.30 Craig Ferguson. (PG) 11.30 Cheers. (PG, R) 12.00 Roseanne. (PG, R) 12.30 Sabrina. (R) 1.00 The King Of Queens. (PG, R) 1.30 Happy Days. (R) 2.00 The Love Boat. (PG, R) 3.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG, R) 4.00 Touched By An Angel. (PG, R) 5.00 7th Heaven. (R, CC)

6.00 ABC News Breakfast. (CC) 9.00 News. (CC) 9.30 Business Today. (CC) 10.00 News. (CC) 12.30 Newsline With Jim Middleton. (R) 1.00 News. (CC) 2.30 Australian Story. (R, CC) 3.00 Afternoon Live. 5.30 Capital Hill. (CC) 5.45 The Quarters. (R, CC) 6.00 The Drum. (CC) 6.45 The Quarters. (CC) 7.00 News. (CC) 7.30 7.30. (CC) 8.00 News. (CC) 8.30 Lateline Business. (CC) 9.00 The World. (CC) 10.05 The Drum. (R, CC) 10.45 The Quarters. (CC) 11.00 News. (CC) 11.30 Newsline With Jim Middleton. 12.00 News. 12.25 Lateline. (R, CC) 1.00 BBC World News. 1.30 Lateline Business. (CC) 2.00 BBC World News: The Hub. (CC) 2.30 7.30. (R, CC) 3.00 Lateline. (CC) 3.35 Lateline Business. (R, CC) 4.00 News. 4.05 The Quarters. (CC) 4.20 The Drum. (R, CC) 4.55 ABC Open. (R, CC) 5.00 News. 5.15 The Quarters. (R) 5.30 Newsline With Jim Middleton. (R)


2.00 3.00 3.30 5.00 5.30

20/20. (R, CC) 1004209 Danoz Direct. 1256716 GMA. (CC) 9365087 News. (CC) 4988209 Today. (CC) 4981396

Letterman. (PG) 228402 Eureka. 6874880 Infomercials. (PG, R) 18533280 Joyce Meyer. (PG) 1258174 Kenneth Copeland. (PG) 4978822 James Robison. (PG) 4979551 Benny Hinn. (PG) 4989938

6.00 Cycling. (CC) Tour de France. Daily highlights. From France. 1567082 6.30 World News Australia. (CC) 2903841 7.30 French Food Safari. (CC) 7076773 8.00 Oz And James’s Big Wine Adventure. (PG, R, CC) 7073686 8.30 Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations. (PG, CC) Chef Anthony Bourdain samples the culinary delights of America’s capital city, Washington, DC. (US) 9868518 9.30 World News Australia. (CC) 7096537

11.35 Young, Dumb And Living Off Mum. (M) Forced to work on a farm for a day, the remaining layabouts find themselves forced to confront their many flaws.


11.30 12.25 1.25 4.00 4.30 5.00 5.30

6.00 WorldWatch. 3442860 7.30 Cycling. (CC) Tour de France. Daily update. From France. 81494570 7.45 WorldWatch. 17386605 10.30 Soccer. Copa América. Second semi-final. From Estadio Malvinas Argentinas, Mendoza, Argentina. 1449112 1.00 Turkish News. 9915792 1.30 Italian News. 9925179 2.00 Hindi News. 9926808 2.30 Dateline. (R, CC) 6694599 3.30 Russian News. 9905315 4.00 The Journal. (CC) 9906044 4.30 PBS NewsHour. (CC) 2923605 5.30 Global Village. (R, CC) (Germany, France) 1566353

12.25 Beyond The Backyard. (PG, R, CC) 3939735 1.20 Time Team. (R, CC) 1388071 2.10 Junior Doctors: Your Life in Their Hands. (R, CC) 6682358 3.10 To The Manor Bowen. (PG, R, CC) 4002464 4.00 The Bill. (M, R, CC) 8349648 5.00 Can We Help? (R, CC) 1379938 5.30 The New Inventors. (R, CC) 1372025

1.00 Home Shopping. 41406483 5.30 Early News. (CC) 6581938

1.30 Entertainment Tonight. (R, CC)

6.00 Early News. (CC) 193518 7.00 Toasted TV. (CC) 540402 8.00 Scope. (C, R, CC) 215470 8.30 Wurrawhy. (P, CC) 477957 9.00 News. (CC) 560266 10.00 The Circle. (PG, CC) 6441570 12.00 Dr Phil. (PG, CC) 920624 1.00 Oprah. (PG, CC) 906044 2.00 Ready Steady Cook. (PG, CC) 900860 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG, CC) 850266 3.30 Infomercials. (PG, R, CC) 853353 4.00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield. (CC) 854082 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful. (CC) 217537 5.00 News. (CC) 345650

10.00 Cycling. (CC) Tour de France. Stage 18. Pinerolo to Col du Galibier-Serre Chevalier. 200km mountain stage. 27069266 2.00 WeatherWatch Overnight. 94518648 5.00 WeatherWatch & Music. 95207551 5.05 Korean News. 44938241 5.40 Japanese News. 77653303

CLASSIFICATIONS: (P) For preschoolers (C) Children’s programs (G) General viewing (PG) Parental guidance (M) Mature audiences (MA15+) Mature adults only (AV15+) Mature audiences: contains adult violence (M) (MA15+) and (AV15+) CONSUMER ADVICE: (a) adult themes (h) horror (Sx) sex scenes (d) drug references, (l) language, (m) medical procedures (n) nudity (v) violence (w) war (CC) Closed Captions (WS) widescreen Programs subject to late change by stations.

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July 14–20, 2011 Central West Photo News


WEIRD NEWS Mankini Ban A BORAT-STYLE mankini is one of the first items deemed offensive and confiscated under plans by authorities at a British seaside village to eliminate lewd and loutish behaviour. Newquay, a popular coastal destination southwest of London, has introduced the ban on offensive clothing and possessions ahead of the 2011 summer party season, empowering police to use their discretion and confiscate items. In the first few days of the campaign, Britain’s Daily Telegraph reports that three men were told to hand over crude toys and clothing, including a mankini —the bright green one-piece male swimsuit made famous by Sacha Baron Cohen’s outrageous film character Borat. Twelve people have been asked to leave the township for disorderly behaviour, while eight have been arrested for alcohol-related offences and five 16-year-old girls have been sent home to their families for being intoxicated.

READERRECIPES Proudly sponsored by ProvVista Woodfired Pizza, summer street, orange. Here’s a great winter warmer sent in to us by sheree Loosz. For her effort, Sheree wins a $50 gift voucher to spend at ProvVista Woodfired Pizza.


And be in the running to win A $50 voucher At ProvvistA woodfired PizzA!

Send them to Reader Recipes, Photo News, Suite 3/241 Lords Place, Orange 2800 or email Bridget at reception@cwpn.com.au

P nd PuMPkin sou a L ti n Le d ie r r Cu Ingredients Dribble of oil 2x Onions, chopped crushed 5x Cloves of Garlic, Curry Powder 2-3 Tablespoons of Red Lentils 1 ½ Cups of Dried 3x Sticks of Celery Qld blue) , chopped (Kent of 1.75kg of Pumpkin le or Chicken stock 5x Cups of Vegetab


d garlic and cook heat, add Onion an m diu me er ov oil 1. Heat powder until soft. Stir in curry ck. Stir until well y, pumpkin and sto 2. Add Lentils, celer medium low. Cook boil, reduce heat to combined. Bring to g regularly until about 30mins, stirrin partially covered for der. pumpkin is just ten t if necessary. ea 3. Blend then reh date e and have at a later *Note, great to freez

Sourced from www.news.com.au

Jul 14: John Wood, 65, Blue Heelers star. John Blackman, 64, voice of Dickie Knee. Deborah Mailman, 39, actress. George Smith, 31, rugby player. Matthew Fox, 45, Jack on TV’s Lost. Anna Bligh, 51, Queensland Will Ferrell Premier. Wesley Dening, 28, 2004 Big Brother contestant. Jul 15: Linda Ronstadt, 65, country singer. Chris Taylor, 37, The Chaser. Brian Austin Green, 38, actor, Beverly Hills 90210, Forest Whitaker, 50, Oscarwinning actor, The Last King of Scotland. Jul 16: Will Ferrell, 44, funny guy, Blades of Glory. Don Burke, 64, green thumb. Margaret Court, 69, Aussie tennis champ. Adam Scott, 31, Aussie golfer. Kathryn Harby-Williams, 42, captained Australian netball team. Nelson Mandela Wendell Sailor, 37, rugby league and union player. Jul 17: David Hasselhoff, 59, The Hoff. Camilla, The Duchess of Cornwall, 64, second wife of Prince Charles. Matt Holmes, 35, Chris Blake in Sea Patrol. Jul 18: Nelson Mandela, 93, famous freedom advocate. Dennis Lillee, 62, legendary fast bowler. Tania Kernaghan, 43, country singer. Shaun Micallef, 49, comedian, hosts Talkin’ ‘Bout Your Generation. Jul 19: Brian May, 64, Queen guitarist. Catriona Rowntree, 40, Getaway reporter. Garth Nix, 48, author, Keys to the Kingdom. Jul 20: Hazel Hawke, 82, former wife of former PM. Tamsyn Lewis, 33, fast runner. Marcia Hines, 58, Australian Idol judge. Andrew Stockdale, 35, Shaun Micallef Wolfmother lead singer.



The two photos below contain eight subtle differences. Can you find them all?

Answers: 1. diamonds missing blue dress 2. Axe on wall—left 3. girl left—tattoo 4. girl—back 2nd left—necklace missing 5. girl-far right - socks 6. Pink balloon front 7. girl in front (snow white) ribbon colour 8. girl far right - necklace

happy birthday


u’s voices gns sletters s


Central West Photo News July 14–20, 2011

PhotoNews Classifieds Central West

Classified advertising closes 5pm each Monday. To book your ads phone 6361 3575 and use your credit card or call into our office at Suite 3, 241 Lords Place, Orange (behind Peter Mitchell Property Management) during business hours.


EXPERIENCED JOURNALIST The team who bring you Central West Photo News each week will soon be launching a new local news service in Orange. The new service will provide Orange with a fresh new approach to the way local news and issues are reported and offer local businesses and newsmakers an alternate means of getting news and information out to the local community. To achieve this, we are looking for an experienced journalist to join our team. The successful applicant will source and write local news stories for the new service. The position is a contract position so working hours and conditions are flexible. You will need to be a capable journalist, a self starter, able to organise yourself, have excellent communication skills, be computer competent, have a strong work ethic and be able to produce your work accurately and to meet deadlines. Excellent conditions and generous remuneration based on experience await the successful applicant. Send applications to:

Bob Holland Orange Photo News Pty Ltd Suite 3/ 241 Lords Place Orange 2800 or email bob@cwpn.com.au

When you have a POSITION VACANT advertise locally in Photo News. When you do, you’ll get more local readers, pay much lower advertising rates and get a better quality candidate. Call 6361 3575 PUBLIC NOTICES RUBY HILL EQUINE CENTRE


Kevin Wren and family

Orange Retravision Dr Michael Jones - PRP Diagnostic Imaging Alan & Chris Mulligan – Aussie Balloon Trek LJ Imaging Jeff D Photography Farmgate Butchery Orange Helicopters Orange Limousines Morse Group Accountants & Advisors Southern Cross Media Sportspower Orange Langley’s Coaches Dubbo The Edge Mobile Personal Training Australian Native Landscapes Blackwoods Sheer Radiance Gersbach Family Willoughby’s Model Cars & Football Jack Evans Workwear & Camping Noni B Orange Information Technology Training & Repairs Pete’s Car Wash Camera House Mills Gourmet Takeaway Oilsplus Regency Jewellers Mortimer Wines Garage World Continuous Call Team – 2GB Orange Heavy Towing Dani J’s Hair Factor Western Battery Company Country Rugby League Gloria Jean’s Coffee Loretta Thurtell Dhilla Stylist Franklins Supermarket Orange Orange Ten Pin Bowling Centre Scrumptious on Summer Cafe Woodward Street Meats Chemdry Carpet Cleaning Orange Mountain Wines Robin Hood Hotel Kliff’s Dry Cleaners Odeon Cinema Cafe Latte Jax Tyres Roberts Bakery Reece Plumbing Colleen McLean


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Business cards to product catalogues and everything in-between! Including signs and personal stationery Call Emma today on 0429 190 579 or email cinnabar@exemail.com.au


would like to acknowledge the following businesses and individuals for their extremely generous contribution towards Kevin’s Charity Fundraiser held recently:


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Kent’s Hardware Leo & Trish Wren Electrolux Carl Baron Lisa Tyack – The Body Shop Central Western Bearing & Engineering March Street Petfoods Ibis Wines Pigot, Miller, Wilson Tooheys Bistro Ceello Bridgestone Tyre Service Anula Healing Campbell’s Cash & Carry Cricket NSW/Mark Frecklington Ann & Michael Collins Century 21 Real Estate Orange Food in a Flash Ash’s Books Quinn’s Jewellers Oze Pharmacy Rick’s Engraving Hogan’s Pharmacy Canobolas Hotel David Dixon Travelscene Orange McArdles Space Age Carpet Cleaning Newey’s Drive Thru Cleaners Top Wash Goldfields Tavern Lucknow Greengate Newsagency The Cheesecake Shop Midstate Spares Classic Country Rose Jean Kennedy - Orange City Bowling Club Cudal-Cargo Lions Club Warwick Bradley Neil Gill Kerry Fischer

Clean Air

Air Freshener refills $3.50 each from Central West Photo News Suite 3/241 Lords Place


The Special Souvenir Edition of photos taken at the Titanic Ball is available from Summer Centre Newsagency or Central West Photo News Suite 3/241 Lords Place for $10 a copy. All proceeds go to the Ronald McDonald House project.


Also thanks to the many people who attended the Charity event and who participated in the raffle and also to the individuals who made private donations. We are extremely grateful to you all.

Phone 0407 188 714

This space proudly donated by


to acknowlege and support the efforts of all concerened.



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July 14–20, 2011 Central West Photo News

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Central West Photo News July 14–20, 2011 TRADES & SERVICES



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For safe and efficient heating have your chimney cleaned! Also: ask about our heating fire briquettes.


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Monday July 18th - Rotary Club of Orange Calare – 1pm lunch at the Harrison Restaurant, 85 March Street Orange. Contact Fay Layton ph 6361 7080.

COMING EVENTS Cudal Agricultural and Pastoral Society is holding a trivia night to raise funds for the 110th Annual Cudal Show. The night will be held at the Cudal Bowling Club on Saturday the 23rd of July starting at 7.30pm. Cost is $10 per head in tables of eight; you can book as a table or as individuals. BYO Nibbles to share on the night. Contact Cath Kearney on 02 63642433. Morse Group Accountants and Advisors are holding a SMSF Seminar on the 26th July at the Orange Ex-services Club, 21st July in Bathurst and 27th July in Oberon. Seats are limited, to secure a seat call Kira on 6339 9200. For more info visit www. morsegroup.com.au Cudal bowling Club are holding a Christmas in July on 31st July at 6-8pm. There will be a Traditional Christmas dinner with Chrissie decorations and pudding. Tickets are $22 Adults and $10 Kids. For more information, call 6364 2108 OR June on 6364 2070.

Chartered Accountant





Monday July 18th – Sahaja Meditation Free Classes – 7:30pm at the Home and Community Care Centre, 286 Lords Place Orange. Enquiries to Dave on 0439 000 396.

Monday July 18th – Live Life Well Class– 9:30am at the Manildra Golf Club. This is a free active and healthy group fitness class, circuit based exercises suitable for all ages and ability levels. For enquiries call Cheryn on 6392 3410 or email Craig at manildramatter@live.com Monday July 18th - The Orange Stroke Support Group welcomes anyone who has suffered from, or is supporting anyone who has been affected by a stroke. Meetings are at the Senior Citizens & Pensioners Centre, 77 Kite Street. Anyone interested in joining the group, or for more info, please contact Arthur Kinchela on 6361 0829 or 0423 587 971. Tuesday July 19th – Orange & Districts 40+ Singles Social Group – 7pm at Orange Ex-Services Club. Contact Cathie on 6361 3602, Dean on 6361 4310 or Richard on 6365 1133.

Ongoing - Next meeting for “Ongoing” - a friendship group for 50 years and over - will be Wednesday, July 27th at the Church of Christ Hall, Burrendong Way & Rawle Avenue, Orange, commencing at 10am. Gemma Bennett from Carewest will speak about Respite and Care link. For more info contact John and Maureen Miller on 6362 6455.

Tuesday July 19th - Orange Camera Club meets in the Senior Citizen’s Centre, off Woolworths car park, 7pm for a 7:30pm start. The club offers the opportunity to meet others with your passion for photography, share your experiences, gather information from guest speakers and participate in competitions. Please contact either John McNabb (President) on 6362 3286 or Renai McArdle (Secretary) 6361 2482 or email orangecameraclub@gmail.com or see www. orangecameraclub.webs.com

Shopping Trip to the DFO’s, Canberra – The Orange Mountain View Club are raising funds by planning a trip to Canberra on the 23rd July. Cost is $55. The bus will depart from the Orange railway at 6am and return by 9.30pm. For more info contact Michelle Smith on 0407 266 386.

Tuesday July 19th - The Orange Floral Art Club meets at 10am at the Orange Cultural Centre. The club is currently looking for more members. It’s a great social experience, you don’t even have to know anything about floral art to join. For more info ph Hazel Pryde on 6362 4079.

The Amusu Theatre in Manildra will hold their next screening July 17th at 1:30pm with the movie “Morning Glory” starring Diane Keaton and Harrison Ford. Costs are reasonable with a free afternoon tea after the movie. Tickets are $10 adults and $8 pensioners. For more information contact Joan 0418 452 902 or Lyn 6364 5081.

Wednesday July 20th – Camp Quality Trivia Night – 7:30pm at the Royal Hotel Orange. Contact Louise Eggleston on 6362 7023.

Orange City Library is having a reading session with Poetry Author Jane Williams followed by a Q & A session on digital publishing with David Reiter. Jane is a famous poet with well-known books such as “Outside Temple” and “City of Possibilities.” David is a well known author, cross-media artist and publisher including the short film “Nullarbor Song Cycle.”David will overview digital projects that you can create and highlight key issues with electronic publishing. Come along on Monday July 25th at 5.30pm at the Orange City Library, Byng St Orange. For booking and more information, call 6393 8132.

Wednesday – July 20th – Canobolas 4WD Club – 7pm at Kelly’s Hotel, Orange. Contact Greg on 0415 641 343 or visit www.canobolas4wd.com

MEETING THIS WEEK Thursday July 14th – Orange Spinners and Handcraft group – 10am – 2pm, Cultural Centre Sale Street. Spinning wheels available for beginners and tuition can be provided. For enquiries call Suzan 63654324.

Wednesday July 20th – Orange Lace makers – 1:304:30pm at the Cultural Centre, Sale St. Contact Sandy on 6362 7938 or Bev on 6362 9540.

Orange Seniors are open every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9:30am to 3pm. There is a two course cooked meal each day at 12noon for $6.00. Entertainment includes Scrabble, Bingo and Cards. There is also a Free Computer Kiosk available to members. Free computer classes for seniors in easy understandable stages for the beginner, also advanced classes are available. Chess is available Wednesday mornings 9.30am. To ensure your place in the classes, ring seniors on 6362 6592 or Lynn Edwards on 0413 001 634. Orange Men’s Shed meets each Tuesday and Wednesday from 10:00am until 3pm at the School of Arts Hall in Lucknow. For more details, call 6361 2134.

Thursday July 14th - Orange Social Dance Group at the Orange City Bowling Club. Beginners from 7-8pm, General Dancing (Ballroom, Latin and Sequence) 8-10pm. Learn to Dance and have fun. Enquiries 6362 0068.

Orange Bridge Club welcomes anyone who is interested in playing the game of bridge or would like to learn the game, to join our friendly club. Please contact Helen Britton on 6362 1138 or Jan De Jong on 6362 2040. For lessons, contact Margaret Robinson on 6362 8241.

Friday – July 15th - The Vietnam Veterans Peacekeepers’ Peacemakers Association of Australia, NSW Branch Inc, Central West branch meeting is held on the this Friday of at 10.45am followed by a barbeque at 12 noon. For more details phone Lindsay Wright on 02 6362 5959.

The Scrabble Club invites you to play Scrabble using the original rules and using the standard dictionary for reference. Scrabble is fun and helps keep your brain active. Meeting fortnightly on Sunday afternoons from 2-5pm. Beginners very welcome. Enquiries to Audrey on 6362 0068.

Saturday – July 16th – The Men’s Breakfast – 7.30am at the St Barnabas Anglican Parish Hall, cnr Dora and McLachlan Streets. Guest speaker will be Chuck Frame who will share his experiences on his visit to Turkey and Israel this year. For Enquiries phone the Parish on 6362 7729. Sunday July 17th - Rotary Club of Orange -Trash and Treasure Markets from 8:00am to 12:00noon in the Kmart Car Park, Byng Street entrance. There is a variety of stalls including fruit, veggies, crafts, jewel-

A listing in THE DIARY is free. Two weeks notice is required and placement is subject to available space. Please email brief details to reception@cwpn.com.au, fax 6361 3494, or phone Bridgett on 6361 3575 during business hours.


July 14–20, 2011 Central West Photo News

’s a it ik N d n a ’s a ir ll A t a Twice the fun Pictures and words by DO


thday ita and Allira Long’s 21st bir Nik in’s tw of me the us ety family and Animation was the fabulo b on Saturday, June 25. Nin Clu ing wl Bo y Cit ge an Or e, everyone was party at the and help the girls celebrat up ss dre to ort eff ve ssi ma friends made a . especially Allira and Nikita having a wonderful time,

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Kelly Dennis and Joshua

Allira and Nikita Long

Allira Long, Margaret Ke



Allira and Nikita with frie

The payless shoes girls



high winter 2 011

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Have you ever seen people campaigning for public office? Recently I went to see two candidates who had somehow scheduled simultaneous campaign rallies in the same park of my city. After a lengthy round of speeches, the candidates worked their way through the crowd -- shaking hands, kissing babies and beaming mightily. However, when without warning the skies opened and it began to rain, one of the candidates fled to take shelter in a nearby restaurant along with half a dozen regulars. But the other candidate continued to move through the crowd-shaking hands, kissing babies, etc. “That man’s persistent” I said to someone standing nearby. “Sure makes it easy to know who to vote for.” “Yep,” he agreed. “Sure can’t see myself casting a vote for a man who hasn’t the good sense to come in out of the rain.”

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Belle Armoire

Hi Everyone, Very happy as my beautiful wife Kimberly has joined me in the USA for the last week and 215 Lords Place, Orange will be attending the ESPY Awards with me. This will be 6360 0661 an amazing experience, imagine being in the same room as some of the best athletes in the world, and Kimberly and I will share the experience together. Next week I will be back Selected women's Winter clothing, home and will fill you in about the night. By the time stockings and shoes. you read this the night will be done and dusted and I will either have won the award or not but whatever the outcome I am proud and honoured to have being nominated. I would like to thank everyone that voted for me, the supoort All Winter children's wear, stockings, from everyone back at home means a great deal. Thanks heaps. leg warmers and shoes. Be good- Cheers Jason “ Belle Armoire” It's French for 'beautiful wardrobe' and is a little piece of Parisian elegance on Lords Place. With a mix of emeing and established alian wom fashion labels and a small range f scrumptious children's wear, we know youl find thaperfec ce to make your belle armoire.

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