Central West Photonews - November 4

Page 1



PhotoNews Photo Central West

tEl: 02 6361 3575

NOVEMBER 4–10, 2010

grow your mo! This month is Movember which means men from all around Orange and the world will be growing moustaches to raise funds for prostate cancer and men’s depression.

To get local gentlemen started, and give them some inspiration we spoke to Michael Gryllis who owns one of Orange’s most famous moustaches! Michael has donned this mo for most of his life, excluding when he shaved it off in 2000 to

raise funds for cancer research. He’s had this one since then, and says that he tidies it up every morning without fail.

“You’ve got to be patient, shave around it every day and drink good red wine!” he said. Michael uses imported moustache wax from the USA and beeswax from England to give his mo the signature twisted ends. See inside for more information on the Photo News Movember team!




It’s time to


November 4–10, 2010 Central West Photo News

from the

with Bob Holland

Hi friends!

Christmas is fast creeping up on us and it won’t be long before the decorations start to come out and Santa makes his annual pilgrimage to Orange again. Of course the Christmas season and the better weather also means there’ll be lots of things to do in the lead up so keep watching Photo News for information about many of the activities coming up. On that note, keep an eye out for the Cobb & Co. Lives on Celebration to be held in Molong on Saturday December 4. It’s shaping up to be a great family event. Our latest Fifty Plus Extra appears in this issue and even if you’re not over 50, there’s is still plenty of great reading in there that younger readers will enjoy. This weekend we’re also publishing a special Bathurst Photo News which will be distributed to all homes in Bathurst. We’re doing this for a number of reasons but one of these is to see if someone in Bathurst is interested in starting a Photo News down there. The Bathurst issue focuses entirely on Bathurst and anyone who would like to see it can do so on our website www.myphotonews.com.au Don’t forget, you can be a part of Photo News and there are so many ways for that to happen. Whether you’d like to add your name to our Birthday File, have a photographer come to your party or event, or like to appear in one of our regular features, it’s so easy, just give us a call on 6361 3575.

Until next week, cheers and go well!  bob@cwpn.com.au

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Helping the community: SES Orange branch volunteers, Amanda Aitken, Harley Bruem, Graham Osborne and Sophie Stapleton are encouraging you to wear the colour orange to work or school on Wednesday, November 10 to support the State Emergency Services.


It’s another big issue of Photo News this week with plenty to keep everyone entertained. Hope you enjoy it.

Show your support and wear Orange! By GRACE JOHNS STarTing Sunday, november 7, it’s State emergency Services Week, an event organised to thank our SeS volunteers that are on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week. To show your support you can participate by wearing the colour orange to work or school on Wednesday, november 10.

The SeS operates all over nSW and australia with more than 10,000 volunteers giving up their time to assist communities during floods, storms and other emergencies. These SeS volunteers do their jobs for no reason other than their love to help the community, and they deserve a big ‘thankyou’ from us! SeS Week is also held to encourage others to get involved in emergency service volunteering. not

Enrolling Now!

only do you get to help your community when it’s in need, but you also get to learn new skills and meet new passionate people like yourself. The SeS can find a job for anyone no matter their abilities! if you’d like to get involved in the SeS then log on to www.ses.nsw.gov.au and click on the ‘volunteers’ link. and remember; show your support for the SeS by wearing orange this Wednesday, november 10!

Father Robert farewells parishioners Participate & Achieve


Beloved local clergyman, The reverend robert myers from the Blayney anglican Parish is moving on after six years in the region. as well as serving christ church, at Blayney, Fr robert also travelled regularly for services at churches within the parish including millthorpe, carcoar, newbridge, mandurama, Barry, Trunkey creek, and lucknow. Fr robert maintained an unstinting good humour and kindly manner throughout his six years in the Parish and often attended a number of services on the one Sunday. His enthusiasm, quick wit, and pastoral care will be missed by all parishioners in the Blayney Parish. St marks at millthorpe will farewell Fr robert with a service on Sunday, november 7 at 9.30am with a farewell luncheon at rosemary and Peter amos’ property on Sunday, november 28. all present and former parishioners are also invited to a farewell service for Fr robert at christ church, Blayney on Sunday, november 14 at 9.30am. other services throughout the Parish will be cancelled on this day. Fr robert will be taking up duties in the anglican Parish of Bellarine,

Father Robert Myers; unstinting good humour and kindly manner. near geelong, victoria in the new year after a short holiday. For more information on Fr robert’s farewell, contact The reverend Shirley lewis on 6368 7260 or rosemary amos on 6366 3152.

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Central West Photo News November 4–10, 2010

Kitchen Wizardry


By BoB Holland Last week I overheard someone talking about the myriad of kitchen appliances and gadgets that are available today and it started me thinking. In our house alone we have about 200 gadgets or appliances but the legendary one, that’s the ‘must have one’ that we’ve had for over 20 years and used about twice is our pasta maker. My wife took an Italian cooking class back there when and of course everyone who took the class had to have their own pasta maker. After trying it a couple times it was all too hard and it’s still in the cupboard, somewhere. It certainly makes great pasta but you have to bolt it to a table and because it requires a fair degree of pressure to turn the handle, the whole table moves as you roll out the pasta. Because of this, the most we’ve got out of it is the belly laughs we enjoy every time we remind ourselves of that time and those good old early days in our marriage of over 40 years.

many of the innovative additions proved to be either useless or totally unnecessary


Since then there’s been the breadmaker, the poached egg maker, the donut maker, the juicer, the wok, the omelette maker and any number of other equally interesting yet useless appliances. Talking to my staff this week they tell me they all have any number of appliances in their cupboards that have hardly ever been used. One mentioned a boiled egg maker, another an egg poacher, another something they saw on TV recently that automatically stirs a mixture in a pot. My wife tells me there’s now a gizmo that you can push into a lemon to get the juice out but this one you leave in the lemon and it has a cap of some sort that allows you to leave it in there and extract more juice later. I guess someone who uses lemons often might want one of these. It’s quite amazing isn’t it just how all these kitchen gadgets are so appealing when they are selling or demonstrating them yet when you get to use them yourself, you often simply revert back to the old way of doing things. I know someone who renovated their kitchen a few years ago and in the process put every ‘gee whizz’ modern and expensive appliance into the new kitchen from the stove to the fridge to the microwave to the paper towel dispenser and more. In the fullness of time many of the innovative additions proved to be either useless or totally unnecessary. Despite all this, there have been some appliances that we really couldn’t live without. Three cheers for the electric frypan, the toaster, electric jug, microwave and egg flip.

This week’s Page 3 girl is Ashleigh Daly, she enjoys dancing the night the away with friends! I am a... Bartender and waitress My dream career is... to work in childcare Many people don’t know that I...love to go dancing When I was young I wanted to... be a dancer My favourite book, movie and song

is... The Twilight Series, You Used to Hold Me by Calvin Harris, Get him to the Greek The last time I laughed so much I cried was... when Kari tried telling a funny story, then laughed for half an hour and forgot the story! My idea of the perfect date is… on the beach with Adam It annoys me when... people can’t drive I love it when... me and Steph muck around at work I’m really scared of...sharks and spiders In the movie of my life I would be

played by... Lauren Conrad It’s not trendy but I like... wearing boys trackies and my hoodie I’m always being asked... are you busy, when do you work? The qualities I like in a man are... their cuddles and humour The qualities I dislike in a man are... disorganised, bad temper and they never understand girls In 10 years time I want to be… married with a family and to own my house and car.




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 bob@cwpn.com.au

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November 4–10, 2010 Central West Photo News

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Central West Photo News November 4–10, 2010



Get out of the bin and into the film industry! By GRACE JOHNS If you’re aged between 15 and 25-years-old and have an interest in film then listen up! On November 8-10, Orange will be hosting the national touring education film programme, In the Bin and you’re invited to attend! In the Bin has been coming to Orange every year for some time now, and according to all who participate in it, it’s a great opportunity to learn about film, get a chance to use pro gear and also to have a lot of fun while you’re at it. The free programme goes for three days, where participants will learn about short film, plan a short film of their own, shoot their film and then edit it, all as part of a group activity. The short films created, as well as others from around Australia will then be shown at the In the Bin film festival on the afternoon of November 10 and the entire community are welcome to watch the finished products. Festival director Jed Cahill said that the aim was to give the community the highest standard of a short film

Literally: Previous attendees of the In the Bin short film programme, Elly Whiley, Alex Hulak and Jonathan Bentell are encouraging youth to participate in the workshops this year festival and education in Australia and the world. “We provide all equipment needed and tour instructors are always around to help when needed. We believe in letting the students make all the creative decisions in the making of their films,” he said. Previous attendee of In the Bin, Alex Hulak, told Photo News that he enjoyed working with pro equipment and software as part of In the Bin. “It’s a bunch of fun and Jed is a cool guy. Get to it!” he said. Workshop numbers for this are strictly limited so make sure you get in quick. Four groups will be

formed and participants will shoot their film as a team with equal participation and all will hold credit as the director. If you’d like to participate in In the Bin then give Lynda Bowtell a call on 0419 445 618 or consult your school. Anyone aged from 15 to 25-years old can be involved and everyone is sure to learn something from the experience. If you can’t take part in this great experience then make sure you don’t miss the showing of films on November 10 in the Botanic Gardens, the time of which is yet to be confirmed.

The Spring Merge Holiday Activity program is currently underway with sixty young people guaranteed some fun during the school holiday period. The program has been made possible through support from Orange City Council, Newcrest Cadia Valley Operations, Department of Justice and Attorney General’s Department and Housing NSW. The program is being facilitated by Orange City Council staff, with support from a range of government and non government services, with the aim of providing positive recreational experiences for targeted children and young people who will visit some of the cities most beautiful venues during the school holiday period. Activities include a visit to the Orange Botanic Gardens, Adventure Playground, Odeon Cinemas and the Blayney indoor pool facility, as well as activities including touch football and a Waste to Art activity at the Environmental Learning Facility.


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Central West Photo News November 4–10, 2010

A house for a mouse By GRACE JOHNS Have a look at tHese! Year 9 and 10 students from the Canobolas Rural technology High school recently completed a project for their Building and Construction course and the results are these great mini houses! they may not actually be made for mice, but these houses which are built to scale are also functional with solar powered lights and fans! Building and Construction students had to build an eco-friendly house, showing several stages of the building process including the floor level, framing and trusses, brick veneer, lining board and furniture. Building an eco friendly house meant, that each model had to have roofing and guttering which could capture water into a tank and solar panels, which then would feed energy into batteries to power lighting and cooling in the form of ceiling fans. then it was up to the students to put their own personal spin on their house, with some students thinking of a house plan from scratch and others replicating their own house in miniature form. these scale models are built to show all levels of the process, and they’re quite a sight indeed. Year 10 student eli Cameron built his scale model based on his own house and was very proud of his finished work. “I loved doing it, I was driven from day one,” he said. these houses and others from Canobolas students will be on display this week at the orange City Council chambers on the corner of Byng st and lords Place. The exhibition is finishing up on Tuesday, November 9, so make sure you get in quick and check these out!

Eli Cameron with his replica of his home

Jason Tom with his scale model house

Reece Bennett shows his eco-friendly house

Mark Bersolto with his two story model house


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November 4–10, 2010 Central West Photo News

Languages and a wrathful God By Nick Milham During a conversation in India (in English), I asked my colleagues whether they would speak Hindi if I wasn’t there. The answer - “Possibly, but more likely Punjabi” led to a discussion of local dialects so distinctly different as to virtually be other languages. And that is only a microcosm of the world: the numbers vary with the source, but it seems that globally there are at least 2,700 languages and 7,000 dialects. Diversity is interesting, enjoyable and sometimes very amusing, but when accurate understanding is essential, variations in language and accent can be extremely frustrating and even dangerous. The desirability of a common universal tongue seems evident. In fact, the Bible says mankind had one once, and records the current diversity as being an ancient expression of God’s wrathful judgment on the pride of man (“The Lord confused the language of the whole world”, Genesis 11:9). Other aspects of the judgment that we all face are far more terrible than merely having difficulty communicating with our neighbours, but God freely offers mercy and eternal comfort to those who trust in his Son, Jesus

Ride for awareness: John Armstrong will be riding around Moulder Park in his human powered vehicle to raise support and awareness of Autism Spectrum Disorder


Riding for rural understanding By GRACE JOHNS


STuDIES SHOw that 1 in 160 Australians have a form of autism, yet little know much about the disorder and in some areas there is not much support for someone diagnosed with it. A Central west couple are trying to do something about that by holding several rides for rural autism understanding. John Armstrong and his wife Marianne, some years ago struggled with the behaviour and ‘quirkiness’ of their eldest child, Jackson. After several trips to doctors and specialists they finally discovered he had high functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder (commonly known as autism). “This blew us away; we didn’t know where to turn to or what to do. Thankfully, over a period of time, we developed some support systems and

found the assistance we needed to begin to develop the tools to give Jackson the best chance to reach his full potential,” John said. Autism is a disorder that can affect someone’s social interaction abilities and communication. Those with autism often have restricted and repetitive interests, activities and behaviours. Early intervention, specialised education and structured support can help develop an individual’s skills and with the help and support of family, friends and communities, those with autism can achieve a good quality of life. unfortunately, not everyone has access to the support they need. John and Marianne found that they could find professional assistance; they just had to drive to find it. “Support systems in Orange are very good, but

out further it can get pretty isolated,” John said. To highlight each of these support systems and to alert people in the Central west of the needs of people with autism – and to introduce people to what autism is, John will ride a human powered vehicle around venues in the Central west, clocking up 1000km in total! John will be riding in Orange on Monday, November 8 from 8am to 5pm at Moulder Park and is encouraging locals to come along and show their support. Promotional material will be available so head along too if you’d like to learn more about autism. If you can’t make it but would like to show your support, you can donate to Aspect (Autism Spectrum NSw) by logging on to www.gofundraise.com.au/RevJArmstrong.

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Central West Photo News November 4–10, 2010

Mobile tea strainer: Chris Bennetts is expecting a slow start but thinks he’ll come home strong

Crumb catcher: Ben McGarity said that it took him 34 years to grow the one he had, so he hopes it grows back quickly

Tache: Andrew McArdle said, “I’m like a good old English stayer. Growth won’t be an issue and I’ll win this!”

Chris Kittler looks forward to be having a new exciting moustache in his life

Bring on the whiskers!


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By GRACE JOHNS It’s that tIme of year again, gentlemen; the time to put away your shaving cream and your razors and grow your mo! movember is an international initiative that encourages men all around the world to grow moustaches to raise funds and awareness for men’s health, specifically prostate cancer and men’s depression. this year Photo News will be participating with four of our manly staff members taking the plunge and growing a mo this month. sales manager andrew mcardle, production manger Ben mcGarity, sales consultant Chris Kittler and photographer/writer Chris Bennetts have already started working on their soup strainers after starting on November 1 clean shaven. team captain andrew mcardle said that he would like to encourage everyone to get on board and either donate or grow their own mo. “It’s a very worthwhile cause. this is an area of men’s health that needs to be promoted and publicised,” andrew said. If you’d like to get on board then log on to www.movember.com to sign up and get more information, or if you would like to sponsor the Photo News team then go to http://au.movember.com/mospace/837688/ or search for ‘team Photo News’ on the movember website. Keep an eye out through the month as we keep you informed with our progress! this really is a worthy cause, so sign up, whether it be to raise funds or just for the love of moustaches!

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November 4–10, 2010 Central West Photo News

That rocks! What’s hot on the music charts

Mixed week for the Aussies HOMEGROWN acts have had mixed success on the ARIA charts this week. Zoe Badwi has just hung onto a place in the singles chart, slipping from ninth to 10th, while John Farnham’s new album Jack has slipped one place this week. On the up side, Angus and Julia Stone’s Down The Way album has enjoyed a another rise, from ninth to sixth place this week.

Australian singles chart 1 (2) Only Girl (in The World) – Rihanna 2 (1) Just The Way You Are – Bruno Mars 3 (3) Just A Dream – Nelly 4 (4) Raise Your Glass – P!nk 5 (5) Cooler Than Me – Mike Posner 6 (15) Like A – G6 Far East Movement Feat. Cataracs & Dev 7 (6) Dynamite – Taio Cruz 8 (7) F U – Cee-Lo Green 9 (11) Barbra Streisand – Duck Sauce 10 (9) Freefallin’ – Zoe Badwi

Australian albums chart 1 (1) Come Around Sundown – Kings Of Leon 2 (-) Triple J’s Like A Version – 6 Various 3 (2) Jack – John Farnham 4 (-) Fly Me To The Moon...the Great American Songbook: Volume V – Rod Stewart 5 (6) For Your Entertainment – Adam Lambert 6 (9) Down The Way – Angus & Julia Stone 7 (10) Teenage Dream – Katy Perry 8 (7) Doo-wops & Hooligans – Bruno Mars 9 (4) Recovery – Eminem 10 (5) Science & Faith – The Script

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Our Men at Work this week is Aldo Belmonte, who is living his dream job, and once broke his hip! Status Married What’s your job? Owner/manager What are your hobbies? Ten pin bowling, squash and being a handyman What’s the best movie you’ve seen recently? Inception What is your idea of the perfect first

date? On a beach What’s your dream job? I have it! What would your best mate describe you as? Honest and loyal If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be? Pasta What three bands would you like to see live in concert? Pink Floyd, U2 and Led Zeppelin In the movie of your life, who would play you? John Travolta If you could have any superpower what would it be and why? To read

minds, so I don’t get into trouble when I forget to do something What’s your worst injury, how did you get it? I broke my hip, when I fell off a horse and cart, and the cart rolled over me. I was three years old, and spent a year in hospital. What qualities do you like in a woman? Lovely personality What qualities do you dislike in a woman? Women that never smile Where do you want to be in 10 years time? Spending more time with my wife travelling

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Central West Photo News November 4–10, 2010

Cabonne Council’s Engineering and Technical Services Director Rob Staples points out plans for a $700,000 upgrade to Burrendong Way.

Upgrade tour for Burrendong

Millthorpe Public School Girls soccer team; beaten in the finals of the Statewide PSSA Knockout comp.

Millthorpe girls do village proud By david dixon the GiAnt-KiLLinG Millthorpe Public school Girls Soccer team finally met their match in the finals of the statewide Public schools sports Association (PssA) Knockout. A convey of parents, teachers, and supporters travelled to Speers Point near Lake Macquarie for the State finals of the Knockout which pitched the best four girls public school teams in the state against each other. the Millthorpe girls, drilled by tough taskmaster Mary Gardiner, put in a sterling effort against the strong Manly West school from northern sydney.

By david dixon

Despite competing in the finals against some of the largest schools in the state, the Millthorpe girls stuck with the Manly team, only going down 1–0 in a tightlyfought semi-final. The team then played a consolation final as the Manly West team were beaten by eventual winners Wauchope Public School in the final. “Millthorpe were competing against far larger schools of 600–700 students and did exceptionally well,” Principal Jo Jackett said. “in the end we came fourth in the state out of 402 public schools that entered the competition, it was a fantastic effort,” Ms Jackett added.

A tour of CAbonne’s eAstern shires this week by Councillors included the site of a $700,000 upgrade to burrendong Way. the dangerous section of road at Clergate, between the Mulyan and Centofanti roads intersections, will be rebuilt following consistent approaches to the state Government by residents and former Mayor Kevin Duffy. nsW roads Minister David borger recently allocated an additional $410,000 on top of $300,000 in “black spot” funding for the project. the work will involve lowering the crest on the approaches to the intersections to improve sight distance; reconfiguring the intersections; widening the road and installing wire rope barriers. Other locations viewed by Councillors on the first stage of their eastern area tour included Mullion Creek hall improvements, Clergate reserve, ophir reserve, the Mulyan Creek causeway on Kangaroobie Lane and Canobolas road.

Call for appliCations

Community Support Grants How can Orange Credit Union help your club, charity, organisation or event? For over 45 years Orange Credit Union has been supporting our local Orange and surrounding communities through sponsorships, donations and financial service. Orange Credit Union is now accepting applications for community support projects and events that deliver direct benefit to Orange and the surrounding districts. Being a 100%, locally member-owned financial institution, we’re proud to have the opportunity to inject a large portion of our surplus profits back into our community. Substantial grants are now available for funding in the following areas: Sport & Leisure, Law & Order, Education, Medical, Banking & Finance Services, Welfare, and Environment. For a Sponsorship Application Form and details of Sponsorship and Donation Eligibility Guidelines, log on to www.orangecu.com.au

Applications for support will NOT be considered under the following criteria: • To cover operating or administrative costs • Any group that represents a conflict of interest for Orange Credit Union • The promotion of religious beliefs • Individual participation in an activity or event • Any group which is a commercial business whose sole purpose is for financial gain Please note: Applications for support will only be accepted during the “call for applications” period. Applications close: 22 November 2010

288 Summer St (bottom block), Orange Ph 02 6362 4466 www.orangecu.com.au ABN 34087650477 AFSL 240768


November 4–10, 2010 Central West Photo News


Kinross opens its doors


Melinda Gostini Name When I woke up this morning my first thought was… got to get ready for work My most hated household chore is... ironing My favourite song at the moment is… Billionaire by Bruno Mars My favourite food is… silverside and mashed potatoes One thing I miss about being a kid is… the mystery and adventure of life I just can’t resist… going out with friends My favourite invention in my lifetime is… the mobile phone My three most cherished items are… phone, car, smokes If I could buy anything right now, it would be… a new car I wouldn’t be caught wearing....some of the tops I tried on this morning! If today was the best day of my life it would be because… I was content with my job, and just was happy One day I will… complete travelling Australia

Art on display: Students participating in the Scientia programme; Eloise Coleman, Mella Niven, Sophie Fenton, Eva Bloomfield, Will Hallelly and up the back, Rosanna Flatau will be showing their works at this year’s Kinross Wolaroi School Open Day on Saturday. By GRACE JOHNS You’ve heard about Kinross Wolaroi School, you’ve seen the big gates, but have you ever actually gone inside? If you haven’t, then your opportunity is here! Whether you have children or you’re just interested in the school – everyone is invited to the Kinross Wolaroi open day on Saturday, November 6. Kinross will open its gates to all locals to showcase their facilities and the fantastic work of all their students. this will be Kinross’s 30th open day which means it’s going to be bigger and better than ever, with tonnes of displays and

performances all throughout the day. vanessa hannan from Kinross said that all areas of the school will be open and staff and students will be available for tours and to speak to. “What’s great is that you can come and talk to the kids – let them show you the school and they’ll tell you what it’s really like!” vanessa said. entertainment will include music, a fashion parade from textile students, performance poetry, science shows, a cadet and music parade, as well as an archive display in the library. one display that isn’t to be missed is the artwork from students participating in the school’s ‘Scientia’ programme. the Scientia programme sees students of all



ages working on projects at home with help from mentors in school time. this term’s project was art and there are some truly amazing works on display! the day will kick off at 8.30am with an early morning tea with the parents and students of Year 7 2010, that all visitors are welcome to attend. Festivities will go on all throughout the day and finish up around 2.30pm with the cadet and music parade on the main oval. the open day will be held at the main campus of Kinross at 59-67 bathurst road. Make sure you get there and learn all about one of orange’s schools!

K E A Vi d e o



DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS (NOT BEING DESIGNATED OR ADVERTISED DEVELOPMENT) To keep the Orange community informed of development activity in the City, notice is hereby

Monday, to Friday, 29 October given that25 theOctober following 2010 development applications have been made to Council during the

period Monday, 25 October 2010 to Friday, 29 October 2010 . In accordance with section 12 of the Local Government Act, the applications may be inspected at the Customer Service counter of the Civic Centre (ground floor), Byng Street, Orange during normal office hours. Because these applications are not specified as “advertised development” under an environmental planning instrument, there is no formal process provided for submissions on the proposed developments. DA/CDC No

CDC 186/2010(1) DA 328/2010(1) DA 329/2010(1) DA 330/2010(1) DA 331/2010(1) DA 332/2010(1) CDC 188/2010(1) DA 333/2010(1) DA 334/2010(1) DA 335/2010(1) DA 293/2009(3) DA 34/2010(2) DA 336/2010(1) DA 337/2010(1) DA 338/2010(1)


314 Anson Street 78 Ophir Road 60-62 William Street 21 Farrell Road 77 March Street

Proposed Development

Alterations to Dwelling, Deck and Pergola Garage/Rumpus Room Warehouse and Ancillary Shop (change of use) Alterations and Additions to Dwelling Dwelling and Attached Garage and Rainwater Tanks (three 3,000 litres) 27 Byng Street Alterations & Additions to Dwelling and Attached Garage 15 Byng Street Dwelling Additions and Alterations (conservatory and well construction) 40 Discovery Drive Subdivision (two lot residential) 12 Elwin Drive Industry (unit complex) 18 Discovery Drive Garage 145-147 Woodward Street Modification of DA 293/2009(2) - Shop (fruit and vegetable) 150 McLachlan Street Modification of DA 34/2010(1) - Business Premises (post office - temporary collection point) 9 Green Lane Covered Deck Footpath outside 191-193 Peisley Street Restaurant (outdoor eating area) Endeavour Oval - 84 Woodward Street Recreation Facility (ancillary lighting)


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KEA Video Producers

101 Glenroi Ave Orange 6360 4662


Central West Photo News November 4–10, 2010








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November 4–10, 2010 Central West Photo News

Hi, Welcome to my column where I will be offering beauty tips and skin care advice.

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Orange Central 6361 3133 Bathurst Chase 6334 3533 www.beautytalk.com.au

Business The Garden Planners

Kate Turner loves travelling, gardening and spending time with family & friends

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What do you consider your greatest achievement at work? Building a successful small business from scratch &

What do you love most about the Central West? Friendly people, great food & wine, and the beautiful seasons





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Central West Photo News November 4–10, 2010

Pat on the Back


words and Picture by Chris Bennetts

Maddison, 5 What is your favourite food? Chips, nuggets and pizza What do you want to be when you grow up? A skeleton If you could make me dinner, what would you make? Chicken, pasta, spring rolls and ice cream

Everyone’s a winner: Students will benefit from the community’s generosity.


Why did the chicken cross the road? He should look both ways

Good sports: Staff at Coles dressed as their favourite sporting identity

New equipment for our schools shoppers have been dropping off their dockets at the supermarket, which have now been divided evenly between all the schools in the region. Representatives from our schools attended a morning tea at Coles, where they were presented with the collected vouchers. Janelle hewitt from Coles said it has been a great community effort.

The Future of Technology A casual discussion The Future of Technology ; casual discussion over a FREE breakfast & coffee. over aA FREE breakfast & coffee

To find out how technology will help shape your business, please join me for breakfast, juice or coffee and an informative address.

“The community really got involved so we were able to collect lots of vouchers for the schools. we want to say a big thank you to everyone for participating.” staff at Coles got into the spirit of the occasion by dressing up as their favourite sporting identity! The students enjoyed fantastic morning tea and also received free gift packs.

How old is a grown up? 34 What is your favourite TV show, and why? ABC for Kids on 2 Who is your favourite superhero, and why? Buzz Lightyear If you could be any animal what would you be and why? A frog How do you know when you’re in love? Kisses and cuddles What’s something mummy and daddy always say to you? We love you, have a good day What makes a person a good friend? She is always nice Who is your best friend in the whole world, and why? Olivia What is a holiday? Going to Canada Are brothers or sisters better, and why? Sisters What’s the naughtiest thing you’ve done? Talk back to mum

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This week’s pat on the back goes to the whole Orange community for helping local schools get new sporting equipment through Coles supermarket’s ‘sports for schools’ Program. The program involved collecting Coles shopping dockets which were then redeemed for sporting equipment and professional coaching sessions for a school.

If you had a million dollars, what would you buy? A Toy Story game

On hand will also be Telstra Business Specialists

Who can explain and demonstrate the products, services and

information you need to optimise productivity and stay ahead of your


On hand will also be Telstra Business Specialists, Who can explain and Wednesday 17th November 2010 demonstrate the products, services and information you need to optimise Anytime between 7:15am - 8:45am productivity and stay ahead of your competitors. Coffee on Byng

Details: 113 Byng Street, Orange ( next to the Police Station)

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To find out how technology willcompetitors. help shape your business, please join me for breakfast and an informative address.

Wednesday 17th November 2010 • Anytime between 6:45am – 8:00am Coffee on Byng113 Byng Street, Orange ( next to the Police Station)

One lucky business will also WIN the very latest 42Mb Ultimate Mobile Device. This Telstra Mobile Broadband Device is the fastest in Australia. The Ultimate device makes business a breeze!

One lucky business will also WIN the very latest It can: 42Mb Ultimate Device. Telstra Mobile • Mobile Download largeThis files at client sites Broadband•Device is the fastest in Australia. TMB and conduct business in Access Business Applications whenThe on location near Ultimate device will bereal ontime display along with other • Access high quality web conferencing and seamless VPN future technologies such as; smart phones, video conferencing and Business Phone Systems. You have to be in it, to win it ~ The TMB Ultimate device will be on

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November 4–10, 2010 Central West Photo News



New look brings back the old By JOHN MILLER

One of the three heritage buildings on the southern side of the middle block of Summer Street has just been given a facelift with a splendid new paint job. The Palmers Building, which provides a wonderful facade to the Centrepoint Arcade and creates an impressive heritage streetscape when combined with the Post Office and the Myer store, has been painted in heritage colours to replicate a previous look. The Australian Joint Stock Bank was first established to the east of the original single-storey Post Office in 1876 and the building has stood like a sentinel in a prime position ever since. The present Post Office was opened on February 10, 1880. The main photo shows the building in the mid 1970s while the smaller photo shows the building in 1900.

Ben Lanser Business Wear Applications and Management Systems (WAMS) What is your official title? Services Manager What is one thing your business is well known for? Providing a service to the mining community How long have you lived in the Central West? All my life What are your hobbies or interests? Golf and models How long have you been the boss? Six months How many members of staff do you employ? Four What is the most popular product or service you sell? Wear tiles What is your favourite Central West business? Bills Beans What do you love most about the Central West? The weather If you had the power, what would you change in the Central West? The roads

Mine and Museum Open Day Sunday 14 November 2010

NEWCREST MINING LIMITED Cadia gold nugget 1885 on display at Golden Memories Museum

Cadia Valley Operations and Millthorpe’s Golden Memorie s Museum are hosting a joint open day. Ste p back in time at the Golden Memories Museum and see the exciting gold rush exhibit. This uniqu e exhibit features rare and historical objects including a model of a gold nugget found at Cadia in 188 5 and the gold washing cradle used by Lister and Tom in 1851. Visit one of Australia’s largest gold mines on a two-hour gu ided bus trip. All buses for the mine op en day will leave from Millth orpe and visitors will see: • An operating open pit mine • A display of specialised mini ng machines • A tour of surface mining op erations IMPORTANT INFORMATION

• Visitors must wear long trousers and enclosed shoes (i.e. no shorts, skirts, ¾ pants, sandals, thongs etc). • All visitors must abide by a ZERO alcohol and drug limit. • Entry to the mine for the open day is strictly via the buses provided from Millthorpe.


Tickets must be presented for entry on the buses and will be available from the: • Blayney Visitor Information Centre from 16 October. Open 7 days, 10am – 4pm. Ph: 6368 3534. • Orange Visitor Information Centre from 30 October. Open 7 days, 9am – 5pm. Ph: 1800 069 466. • Post Office Lane in Orange from 9am – 12noon on Saturday 23 Octo ber, 30 October, 6 November and 13 November. Tickets are a gold coin donation, with proceeds going to the Golden Memorie s Museum and Diabetes Australia – Blayney Bran ch.

For more information, contact Alison Hamilton on 6392 2317 or alison.hamilton@newcrest.com.au


Central West Photo News November 4–10, 2010


happy birthday Nov 4: Sean “P. Diddy” Combs, 41, rapper. Matthew McConaughey, 41, actor, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days. Jeff Probst, 48, Survivor host. Loretta Swit, 73, played “Hot Lips” Houlihan Matthew McConaughey on TV’s M*A*S*H. Curtis Stone, 35, Australian born celebrity chef. Tony Abbott, 53, federal opposition leader. Nov 5: Bryan Adams, 51, singer, Summer of ‘69. Art Garfunkel, 69, second half of Simon & Garfunkel, Bridge Over Troubled Water. Kate DeAraugo, 25, 2005 Australian Idol winner. Nov 6: Ethan Hawke, 40, star of Dead Poets Society. Sally Field, 64, actress. George Young, 63, guitarist, The Easybeats. Rebecca Romijn, 38, played Mystique in the XMen films. Jon Hume, 27, guitarist for Evermore, Light Surrounding You. Nov 7: Mark Philippoussis, 34, tennis Delta Goodrem player. Joni Mitchell, 67, singer, Both Sides Now. Mike Goldman, 38, Big Brother co-host. Matt Corby, 20, 2007 Australian Idol contestant. Nov 8: Guus Hiddink, 64, former soccer coach. Brett Lee, 34, cricketer. Tara Reid, 35, actress. Bonnie Raitt, 61, singer, songwriter. Jack Osbourne, 25, son of Ozzy. Nov 9: Delta Goodrem, 26, singer, Born to Try. Luke Covell, 29, Cronulla Shark. Nick Lachey, 37, Jessica Simpson’s ex. Nov 10: Allan Moffat, 71, four-time Bathurst race winner. Tim Rice, 66, lyricist, Evita. Jessica Tovey, 23, played Belle on Home and Away. Chris Joannou, 31, Silverchair guitarist. Ricki-Lee Coulter, 25, Australian Idol co-host. Chris Lilley, 36, comedian, We Can Be Heroes and Jessica Tovey Summer Heights High.

This week’s pet is Jeff, a cheeky terrier who loves his young owner, and who almost made it to the meat department inside Coles How did you get your name? It was a compromise between The Silver Bullet, and Mr Jeff To what do you attribute your good looks? Cuteness To what do you attribute your wonderful temperament? Lots of exercise and cuddles Town or farm? Farm What’s your job around the yard? Barking What’s the best thing your owner does? Feeds me and takes me for lots of walks What’s the worst thing your owner does? Make me go in the car for drives What’s the naughtiest thing you’ve ever done? I ran away from my sitter, and was found 24 hours later, inside Coles - I was found in the veggie department, on my way to the meat! What’s the best thing you’ve ever done? Make Tobias happy Who is your best friend? Max and Gizmo, the next door neighbour dogs What is your favourite treat? Schmacko’s What would be your ultimate animal career? Rat catcher

it’s all about you catering All About You Catering owned and operated by Kate Jones, centrally located in Orange. Kate has recently sold her successful local business after 8 years to continue her passion with food. With this new calling, Kate has found herself enjoying the new change of pace, and has just launched her catering business at the very successful Taste Orange Night Market on McNamara. All About You Catering offers all business needs, specialising in Morning and Afternoon teas and luncheons. Private functions in your own home including dinner parties, birthdays or any occasion. Kate can tailor a menu to suit your needs. The food prepared by All About You Catering speaks for itself with mouth watering Portuguese tarts to indulgent dark chocolate pear and pistachio cake. Plus a range of savouries prepared to your liking. For that busy family life and hustle and bustle, Kate can prepare dinner on the go, delivered to you. All About You Catering has many options available Cakes and Deserts are certainly Kate’s speciality and are to die for. For a Morning tea at work or a special desert to take to friends and family functions. Indulge your self today and Phone Kate.

Kate Jones - All About You Catering Phone: 0437 621 908 • Email katejones7@bigpond.com


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November 4–10, 2010 Central West Photo News

25 % 25 THIS WEEKEND % 20 % 20 % 15 % 15 % OFF


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*Valid: Sat 6 & Sun 7 Nov 10. One voucher per item. Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer.



*Valid: Sat 6 & Sun 7 Nov 10. One voucher per item. Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer.











*Valid: Sat 6 & Sun 7 Nov 10. One voucher per item. Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer.



*Valid: Sat 6 & Sun 7 Nov 10. One voucher per item. Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer.



*Valid: Sat 6 & Sun 7 Nov 10. One voucher per item. Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer.

253 MCLACHLAN ST, ORANGE. PH. 6362 4477 Sat 6 Nov 9am – 4pm • Sun 7 Nov 9am – 4pm

*DISCLAIMER: Limit to one voucher per item. One voucher sheet per person. 25% off discount only applies to products under $50. Cash and major credit cards only. Floor stock only. No phone orders, no lay-by, no gift vouchers/gift cards, no rainchecks. Personal shopping only. N Not applicable to trade any other offer. This quantity purchases or already discounted items. Valid Saturday 6 & Sunday 7 November 2010. Not to be used in conjunction with a offer is only available at Petries Mitre 10 Mudgee, Bathurst & Orange and Brennan’s Mitre 10 Dubbo.


Central West Photo News November 4–10, 2010

Bling in your spring at Blayney

Weber ® Q™ Barbecues. Gas barbecues like no other

Want some bling in your spring? Come to Blayney this weekend, November 6–7. This is because St Joseph’s Primary School is holding a major fundraising event, the “Spring Bling” Garden Display Weekend. The event covers 10 Blayney–Kings Plains gardens on display from 10–4pm. Gardens will be $3 each or go a Garden Passport costing only $10 for the lot. Also, children 15 years and under will be free for the event. Tickets will be available at each garden or from Blayney Newsagency. Morning and afternoon teas, market and garden stalls, and a barbecue lunch will also be available. A raffle including bikes, motel stays-away, and gardening goods, will all help raise money for the School’s internet equipment. A number of local sponsors are supporting this important fund-raising event. For more information, contact Louise Hamer on 6368 1137 or email: hamerearthmoving@bigpond.com

John Quinlan Spas & Pools

133-137 Kite Street, Orange Phone: 6362 9066



our e c n rie elf Expe or Yours ol f o h c S

Open Day Timetable: » 8:30am: Parents of Year 7 2010 Early Morning tea - Join us for an early coffee and a chat with many of the KWS staff and 2011 student leaders » 9:40am: Principal Mr Kennelly gives a welcoming address - Brian Kennelly gives an address in the Derek Pigot Auditorium » 9:50am: Music - A stunning musical performance by our own students from the main stage » 10am : Fashion Parade - One of our most popular events, as both male and female students model textiles creations from Year 9-12 classes » 10:15am : Morning Tea - Sensational! Our Food Technology and Hospitality students show their skills with freshly prepared culinary delights » 10:30am: Open Day tours commence - leaving from outside the main office all day » 11am: English ‘Performance Poetry’ in Room 81 - Our students will show you why they love their English lessons » 11:30am and 12:30pm: Special Science shows in the labs - These demonstrations will leave Mythbusters in their dust! » Served from 12 noon: Lunch in the main dining room - Adults $12, Children $8 » 2:15pm: Cadet and Music Parade - The KWS Cadet Corps, Marching Band, Pipes and Drums all perform on the main oval.

Open Day is our opportunity to showcase outstanding facilities, spacious grounds and the fantastic work of all our students. All areas of the school are open with displays, events and performances to view. Meet current members of the KWS community, and take a tour guided by our student leaders. Additional Features of the Day: » Archives Display in the library – celebrating 125 years of the history of our school » Art ‘Scientia’ displays in the Prep School – a simply amazing display by the students involved in the Scientia programme » Parent Groups –The KWS Rugby Club, Friends of Music, Boat Club, P & F and Football Club will ready for a chat about their areas of passion.

Saturday 6 November 2010 Main Campus: 59-67 Bathurst Road Orange PLC Campus: 63-97 Coronation Drive Orange


November 4–10, 2010 Central West Photo News

Orange Country Fair and Wool Expo

The Marsden Memorial Rural History Centre Inc. Invites you to

‘Ye Olde Country Fair Day’ Sunday 7 November

bringing rural life, history and people together for a great family friendly day out! Free jumping castles, free face painting, free Merry-go-round and animal nursery • Plenty of other activities at low cost

Rural Fair Sheep dogs Sheep Shearing (comp) Light Horse Draught Horse Vintage Tractors Vintage Engines Bush Fire Brigades State Emergency Services Vintage Orchard Machinery Print Display Car Boot Sale Vintage Trucks Commercial Stands

Food Stands History Stands Plaiting Riding for the Disabled Saddlery Education Working Dog Studs Sheep Studs Bee Keeping Animal Nursery Commercial Stands Vintage Cars Yard Dog Displays Mining display Wool Expo Commercial Fleece Comp.

Sheep industry information Blade Shearing Wool Handling Knitting Spinning Fashion Displays (Wool) Commercial Stands (Wool) History Stands (Wool) Antique Shearing Machinery Antique Wool Presses Sheep AND MUCH MORE..

Adults $8 • Children $5, Children under 3 Free Family pass: Two adults and up to five children $20 9am to 5.00pm - Orange Showground, Leeds Parade, Orange

ORANGE CITY COUNCIL australia’s colour city


Central West Photo News November 4–10, 2010

snapshot Words and portrait by David Dixon

Orange local Emma Cunial forgoes the usual

A commemorative photo of Pope John Paul II praying at Mary MacKillop’s tomb on Howard Chapman’s restored prie dieux.

Howard Chapman: “It was a nice experience in my life, a nice interlude doing a nice job with nice people.”

Howard polished and buffed Mary’s road to Sainthood Howard Chapman takes pride in the small part he played in Mary MacKillop’s road to sainthood — and he’s not even Catholic!


not a Catholic. Christian principles, ‘yes’, having to go to a place on a Sunday, ‘no’,” he explains. Howard’s part in the Mary MacKillop story involved a builder friend; Howard’s love of timber; and the 1995 visit by Pope John Paul II. “We used to have a specialised industrial cleaning business, chemical, jet sprays, hi-pressure hoses,” Howard explains. “We were down living in the Hawkesbury in 1995 and the Sisters of St Joseph (Mary MacKillop’s order) were getting the area where Mary MacKillop’s tomb is at St Joseph’s Church in North Sydney fitted-out. They built a story of her life in the rooms.” It was then that the builder working on the displays and restoration was approached by the Sisters who needed someone with specialist skills.

“The Sisters asked the builder if knew anybody who was any good at restoring timber, and the builder pointed his finger at me.” Howard described his expertise in wood as nothing more than a “half-baked hobby” which he picked up after working on a piece of Jarrah after coming to Australia from England. “They wanted me to restore a prie dieux (a prayer desk) and a chair in Mary MacKillop’s tomb. “They were both in pretty manky condition and they asked me if I could make them good and I said ‘yeah’,” he said. “They also had one-room set-up as Mary MacKillop’s bedroom and the architect asked me if I could make it look old and I did, I made it look like an old classroom.” Howard said antiquing the floor involved a series of oils, waxes, dies, stains, and polishing, while the

prie dieux and chair were stripped back, buffed it came up really beautiful,” Howard said proudly. up, and stained. Watching the canonisation of St Mary MacKillop Howard was working against time, completing his recently by Pope Benedict XVI at St Peter’s Basilica tasks just a week before the Pope’s January 1995 in Rome, Howard takes some small pride in the part he played many year’s ago. visit and these were the chair and prie dieux that“It was nice to have had a part in it. I admire the Pope John Paul II used in praying at Mary MacKillop’s tomb during the beatification (first stage woman for what she’s done and the life that’s she’s to Sainthood) of the Sisters of St Joseph of the lived, the selflessness of her attitude.” Sacred Heart co-founder. Operating the Orange “Town and Around” web“Afterwards, I had two brass plaques inlaid in site with his wife Pam, the experience appears to be the chair saying this is where the Pope sat, and a world away, but Howard still has fond memories in the prie dieux saying, this is where he prayed.” of the two weeks he spent working with the Sisters. While working with the Sisters, Howard also no“Working down there on the job with the nuns, I ticed a large cross-cut slab of red gum sitting in have never come across a group of women with the corner of the chapel. such a great collective sense of humour… we used “They were given it as a gift, and they asked meopentothis laugh quite a bit,” he said. weekend 11am - 3 pm ‘what can we do with it?’.” “It was a nice experience in my life, a nice interlude doing a nice job with nice people,” he said. “So I made a nice reception coffee table out of it,


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November 4–10, 2010 Central West Photo News

Maxwell Thomas Wilkie Born 24/10/10 Weight 3170g Parents Emily and Luke Wilkie of Orange Siblings First child

Scarlett-Rose Jane Dinsmore

Grandparents Janet and Keith Wilkie of Orange, Julie and John Yoemans of Bathurst, James Baker of Sutton Forrest, and Bev Baker of Sydney

Born 25/10/10 Weight 2430g Parents Melissa Presley-Dinsmore and Adrian Dinsmore of Orange Siblings First child Grandparents Mim and Brian Dinsmore of Orange, Debbi and Ron Presley of Cowra Great grandparents John and Yvonne Bell of Oak Flats

Daniel Rourke Born 21/10/10 Weight 3100g Parents Sarah and Patrick Rourke of Orange Siblings First child Grandparents Robyn and Peter Robinson, Monica and John Rourke, all of Sydney

Taylah Joy-Anne Newman

Great Grandparents Gwen Robinson of Sydney, Robert Millner of W.A.

Born 27/10/10 Weight 3640g Parents Terri and Aaron Newman of Orange Siblings Jamie (9yrs), Lachlan (4yrs) Grandparents Allen and Barbara Wicks of Forest Reefs, Eddie and Rose Newman of Mandurama

Kiara Terri-Anne Maureen Kelly Born 27/10/10 Weight 2780g Parents Kara Kelly of Bourke Siblings First child Grandparents Tracey Kelly and Jason Franis of Enngonia, Colleen and Dudley Shillingsworth of Orange

Charlotte Rose Mills Born 27/10/10 Weight 4110g Parent Kylie Thiel of Orange Siblings First child Grandparents Kathy Thiel of Brewarrina Great Grandparents Ruth and Bob Mills of Parkes, Jan Brodin of Tottenham

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Bev’s needlecraft a lifetime passion Needlework is coming back, but for Bev Feeney, it never went away.

Beautiful embroidery a passion for Bev Feeney.

Learning to knit as a child in New Zealand, her daughter now runs a knitting group in far-off China. “I’ve been knitting from when I was about seven, my mum taught me embroidery. My mother and aunties were all embroiderers. Coming off a farm in New Zealand, that’s all you really know,” she said. She explains that needlework has been passed down the generations between the women in her family.

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“I was also taught by my grandmother, it’s just a generational thing,” she said. Bev is always working on some needlecraft, currently creating an intricate and beautiful tapestry to be framed as an heirloom. She loves the intricacy and patience required for such complex work. “See this weave? You have to count every one of these tiny threads.” “My daughter lives in China, I skyped her the other night and she asked me what I was

doing working so late and I showed her and she said ‘Mum, you’re so insane’.” Daughter Sara, in Asia for her husband’s geologist consulting work, has now started her own embroidery group. “It’s just a group of expats who get together and do knitting. They have a group from one generation to another, it’s something we all do,” Bev said. Working at Fabulous Fringing in Orange, Bev gets the chance to meet the increasing numbers of women who share her own passion, including lifetime knitters Patricia Bassett and Yvonne Paton. “I’ve been doing it for 60-years, I just love knitting,” Patricia said. “It’s just something we’ve always done. When we’re heading off on holidays, we just pull-up and start to knit,” Yvonne, who has knitted for 40-years, said. Working at Bloomfield Hospital for more than 20 years, Bev believes that needlecraft offers a wonderful sense of continuity and achievement. “It’s therapeutic and very relaxing and it’s as good as any exercise. You get a real sense of achievement once something is finished and framed,” she said. Her knitting passion even extended to her duties at the Hospital. “I used to help out with the patients and give them a hand to complete their work,” she said. But fellow workmates were not immune from Bev’s passion for all things needlework. “I knitted lots of jumpers and baby shawls out there, I was always giving them out as gifts,” she said.

needlework — the new yoga • The Ancient Egyptians were skilled embroiderers and embroidery was also practiced by ancient Mediterranean peoples. • The earliest known examples of knitting have been found in Egypt and cover a range of items, including complex colourful wool fragments and indigo blue and white cotton stockings, which have been dated between the 11th and 14th centuries BC. • In medieval Europe, court garments, ecclesiastical vestments, and altar cloths were embroidered in rich colours and ornate designs often copied from Persian models and enhanced with pearls and gold and silver threads. • The earliest known knitted items in Europe were made by Muslim knitters employed by Spanish Christian royal families. • Men were the first to knit for an occupation.


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November2010 2010• fiftyplusextra • fiftyplusextra25 3 November



Interviews with over 50s about their pet hates invariably include the response: “new technology”. When it comes to technology, I’m what “techxperts” call a “lagger”. I do not Tweet, Skype, e-date, or have a Facebook profile. Like most over 50s, however, I do use email, the internet for news and research, and place the occasional opinion on comment pages. In a society where technology now seems to be the most important criteria for defining ourselves, social commentators have developed a range of personality types to define technology-users. There are the “early adopters”, the people that will be the first to buy any new, fashionable technological innovation the moment that it becomes available. Following the early adopters comes the “early majority”. After a technology is proven to be useful or “cool”, there's a massive wave of people that then adopt it unquestioningly. After the early adopters, on the downhill slope, as it were, is a group called the “late majority”. These people tend to wait for a new technology or a trend to prove itself before adopting it. They may like the idea of the technology, but are more careful about what technologies they adopt. The “laggers”, like myself, are the tail-end of the adoption curve. Laggers fight tooth and nail before adopting new technology. These are often older people who would rather do calculations on paper rather than use a computer. Even when the technology proves useful, laggers are slow to adopt, and when they do, it is usually out of necessity. Many older people feel that the world is now moving so fast that new technology is adopted and promoted without any relevant analysis of its benefits or social impact. They look at the bewildering array of fad terms, technologies, and social

movements based around this new, forced intimacy and wonder whether those adopting it have given a second thought as to its relevance or impact on how they relate to the world. Growing up in a time when conspicuous consumption or “keeping up with the Joneses” was frowned upon as status-seeking, it’s now strange to live in a society where this sort of escalating gadget-race is the only option. We now adopt technology because it is new and because youth-oriented advertising is basically saying that, if you don’t have this item, if you’re not tech-savvy, you’re gone, you’re an embarrassment. This pressure has placed a huge social expectation on people to consume (funny that) vast amounts of resources through adopting new technology at a time when environmentalists believe that excessive consumption is having a deleterious effect on our planet that could be irreversible. Downsides of the new technology include less social (“real” as opposed to “virtual”) interaction with our fellow humans, increased social violence with the young aping graphic computer games, increased use of finite resources, online gambling addictions, and social isolation. This concern isn’t like the “new-fangled contraption” suspicions of former generations. This is a concern with how things like Closed Circuit recording of our public lives is eroding our privacy; the impact of constant bombardment of information and stimulation on developing brains; and the erosion of real news and policy debates to the level of trivia and gossip. At a time when an airheaded media invention like Lady Gaga is the most viewed entity in the world, we should all be very afraid. Maybe there should be a new term for those poor souls who are even behind the “laggers” in technology take-up, the “stop the world, I want to get off-ers”. These are people who think that we’re moving too fast with too little thought for how it is impacting on our planet, our society, and our very souls.


Sara Storer Supported by Greg Storer



Vision Australia at work


Out of Africa


Houston, we have a problem!

30 SHOPPING KNOW HOW This month it’s pools, dishwashers and feeling great

31 GOLDEN GIRL This month’s Golden Girl is a spritely 80+

33 PUZZLE PAGE More challenging fun from our friends at Lovatt’s


37 SOCIAL SENIOR More smiling faces to enjoy

40 A LIGHT HEARTED LOOK AT LIFE Not so light hearted this month!

41 FIFTy PLUS HUmOUR More great laughs to exercise your funny bone

42 PROFILE David Dixon meets a real ‘poster girl’

DIY websites


30 minutes with James Wynne


Central West


Is technology the tail wagging the modern dog?

Central West Photo News Fifty Plus Extra is published by Orange Photo News Pty. Ltd. (ABN 28 126 968 287). Suite 3 241 Lords Place. Orange NSW, 2800. Phone: (02) 6361 3575 Fax: (02) 6361 3494 Email: fiftyplusextra@cwpn.com.au Proprietors: Bob Holland, Jackie Holland Editor: Bob Holland Production: Ben McGarity Advertising: Andrew McArdle

General disclaimer: Whilst every care is taken in preparing this publication, we cannot be held responsible for errors or omissions. The Publisher accepts no responsibility for letters, notices and other material contributed for publication. The submitter accepts full responsibility for material warrants that it is accurate and indemnifies the publisher against any claim or action. All advertisers including those placing display, classified or advertorial material, warrant that such material is true and accurate and meets all applicable laws and indemnifies the publisher against all liabilities that may arise from the publication of such material. Opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher. The editor, Bob Holland accepts responsibility for election comment. Articles contain information of a general nature – readers should always seek professional advice relevant to their particular circumstances. Complaints: Central West Photo News has a policy of correcting mistakes promptly. If you have a complaint about published material, contact us in writing. If the matter remains unresolved, you may wish to contact the Australian Press Council. © Copyright 2009 Orange Photo News Pty Ltd. Copyright in all material – including photographs and ads – is held by Orange Photo News Pty Ltd or its providers and must not be reproduced in any form without prior written permission from the Publisher. Printed for the publisher MPD, Unit E1, 46-62 Maddox Street, Alexandria NSW 2015.

Sunday 14th November Doors open 7pm show starts 8pm tickets: $28 Adults $20 Children (under 14yrs)

Contact the Club 6362 2666 No kindness is ever wasted.

26 fiftyplusextra• November • November2010 2010 4 fiftyplusextra

vision australia internet service opens

Canowindra recently opened an innovative broadband kiosk internet service for seniors. Cabonne’s Home and Community Care (HACC) Coordinator Debbie Young said the service aimed to help seniors in the community become better connected, enabling them to discover new social experiences on the web and stay in touch online with family and friends. The kiosk has two computers with broadband access and is in the HACC offices in Gaskill Street, Canowindra. Pictured above, Cabonne Council’s Home and Community Care Coordinator Debbie Young with Councillor Ian Gosper at the free internet kiosk which opened recently in Canowindra.

Low-Vision Advisor at the Vision Australia Orange Office, Kimberley Rogers. Inset: Large print computers are one of the major services provided by Vision Australia to its clients.

Office on sight

older Workers soUGht for shortaGes

Vision Australia’s Orange office at the corner of Anson and Kite Street provides a number of referred and freely available services for the vision-impaired for a large part of NSW. oU did Y


The State Government said recently that it was essential to bring older workers back into the workforce if future labour requirements were to be met. Minister for Ageing, Peter Primrose, made the comments at the launch of a paper on Employment and retention strategies of older workers. The discussion paper, which was prepared by the Office for Ageing on behalf of the NSW Ministerial Advisory Committee on Ageing, recommended that further work was needed to: • promote increased employment and retention strategies for older people; • generate a community awareness campaign to educate and encourage employers to recruit and retain older people; • develop strategies that are appropriate for private sector employers and public sector employers; and • develop a suite of resource information for employers on the benefits of employing older workers. Mr Primrose said the report highlighted the skills and experience older workers could bring to the workforce, as well as changing demographic trends. “Governments work with the business community in identifying barriers to workforce participation, to create organisational and cultural change and promote the benefits of mature workers,” he said.

myth: Computer use can damage the eyes. Fact: According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, computer use won't harm the eyes. However, when using a computer for long periods of time, the eyes blink less than normal (like they do when reading or performing other close work). This makes the eyes dry, which may lead to a feeling of eyestrain or fatigue. So make sure you take frequent breaks from Internet surfing.

The noble secret of laughing at oneself is the greatest humour of all.

“This is a regional office for Vision Australia and services all of western NSW,” Low-Vision Advisor Kimberley Rogers explained. Vision Australia is the nation’s leading provider of blindness and low-vision services and was created from a merger of the Royal Blind Society, Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind, Royal Blind Foundation Queensland and Seeing Eye Dogs Australia. There are 300,000 Australians who are blind or have low vision. With an increasing ageing population, this number will grow to around 600,000 by 2020. This means that while today 25 people a day learn they will lose their sight, in 10 year’s time 80 people per day will receive the same news. Vision Australia is aiming to meet this challenge by increasing its free services to reach 30 per cent more clients over the next three years.

Most of Vision Australia’s services are offered free of charge, meaning that each year they must raise nearly $100 million to deliver their services. Vision Australia’s mission is described as a partnership between people who are blind, sighted or have low vision, united by a passion to ensure that those who are blind or have low vision will have access to and fully participate in every part of life they choose. It is estimated that more than 80 per cent of their clients are over 50 with the number of vision impaired growing as the population ages. Services include optometrists, ophthalmologists, large print newspapers and books, large print computers, large print internet services, talking newspapers, referrals to other agencies and advice for making your home vision-impaired friendly. Call Vision Australia on 1300 84 74 66 or visit www.visionaustralia.org for more information.

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November 2010 • fiftyplusextra November 2010 • fiftyplusextra275

vision australia

WorkinG keeps memorY memor Y lonGer lonGer

Local artist Margot Spark’s work “The Far Away Place”

calendar showcases sight-impaired artists A work by local vision-impaired artist Margot Spark features on the cover of an important annual publication for a major Australian charity.

The 2011 large print calendar featuring the work, “The Far Away Place” by local artist Margot Spark.

Local artist Margot Spark

Vision Australia’s 2011 large print calendar is one of the major fundraisers for the national agency which provides support for the visionimpaired throughout Australia. Margot’s acrylic on canvas work, “The Far Away Place” features on the cover, and for the month of March for the calendar. “The large print calendars are one of Vision Australia’s most popular merchandise sellers,” Vision Australia’s National Fundraising Manager Jo-Anne Reeves said. “They are fantastic revenue-raisers for Vision Australia with all proceeds raised through their sale going straight back to providing services for people who are blind or have low vision.” Ms Reeves said that the calendars are also a great way for their clients to showcase their artistic talents and show that despite low vision, they are capable of producing high-quality art. “With so many of our clients with low vision, the large print format meets their needs, unlike most other calendars commercially available,” she said. The 12-month calendar includes watercolours, acrylics, mixed media, fabric woven through wire, pen on paper, and quilting, all completed by individuals with low or impaired vision. “While the calendars are of a very highstandard, they are only $10 each, making them extremely affordable and perfect as gifts for family and friends,” Ms Reeves said. The calendars are available by calling 1300 84 74 66 or at: www.visionaustralia.org

Working longer could be the key to retaining a good memory, a landmark 20-year study carried out worldwide has found. The study found that individuals from countries with older retirement ages performed better in a memory test to recall ten common nouns. The long-term study found that people from countries where workers often remain in employment till their late sixties such as Americans, British, and Australians performed far better than from countries where people retire in their late fifties such as Italy, Spain and Greece. The test involved remembering ten nouns, and then having to recall those words ten minutes later. The Australians, Brits, and Americans could recall on average from between seven to nine words each, while those from the early-retiring countries could only recall on average from between two and five words. The study suggests that continuing to remain in the workforce could have longterm benefits in keeping individuals intellectually-alert.


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fiftyplusextra• November • November 2010 628fiftyplusextra 2010

Around the traps

fS BRIe Rent fReeze welcomed

National Seniors Australia (NSA) has welcomed the NSW Government’s move to quarantine single rate pensioners’ in public housing until the 2011 NSW Budget is handed down. NSA manager for NSW, Paul Versteege, said the move by the NSW Government to freeze the rent increase for single rate pensioners in public housing was a move in the right direction. “I also fully support the NSW Government’s move urging the Federal Government to find ways to assist the 190,000 pensioners in NSW who live in private rentals. “In the light of a NSW state election next year, I am keen for the NSW Opposition to clarify its policy publically on the pensioner rent freeze,” Mr Versteege said. “Pensioners in private rentals are at the mercy of landlords. We have anecdotal evidence of rents being increased as soon as a pension increase comes through translating to a financial gain for the landlord and not for the pensioner for whom it was intended,” he said. Concerns over loss of funds for community housing as a result of the rental freeze also highlighted the need for a review of cost of living increases for pensioners combined with rent increases in the private and public sector, Mr Versteege said.

Gardening provides many genuine health, emotional, and intellectual benefits for the over 50s.

HOT STONE RELAXATION MASSAGE 7 reasons to experience a HOT STONE massage with Penny at FREE SPIRIT.... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Penny is passionate about providing services to the very high standard you deserve. Hot stone therapy provides a much deeper sense of relaxation than regular massage. You will experience a dramatic increase in blood and lymph circulation. Penny uses naturally formed volcanic basalt stones, which hold an energetic signature of the earth. You will feel completely relaxed knowing Penny is fully qualified to perform your treatment. Free spirit leaves you feeling de-stressed, up-lifted and at ease. A Hot stone massage at FREE SPIRIT is the perfect way to beat the winter blues, and you simply deserve the best!

Try a relaxing HoT STone MaSSage Soon! Call Penny today on 5310 6430 176 Kite Street, Orange It’s not the difference between people that is the trouble, it’s the indifference.

Get out and garden, for your mind, health, and intellect With the return of the beautiful spring weather, now is the time for older gardeners to get out in the garden and get your hands dirty. Gardening provides a number of genuine health, emotional and spiritual benefits for the over 50s including improved intellectual alertness, higher levels of optimism, and better health outcomes. A recent study showed that gardening, particularly for over 50s, was directly linked to improved memory and higher scores in intelligence testing. Particular benefits for over 50s of gardening include: • Increased levels of physical activity, mobility and flexibility. • Encourages use of all motor skills — walking, reaching and bending — through activities such as planting seeds and taking cuttings. • Improves endurance and strength. • Helps prevent diseases like osteoporosis. • Reduces stress levels and promotes relaxation. • Provides stimulation and interest in nature and the outdoors.

Recently retiring after 16 years as the coordinator of Council’s Home and Community Care Services (HACCS), based in Canowindra, Merlene James received a special presentation from Cabonne Council. Presenting her with a plaque and bouquet of flowers, Mayor Bob Dowling said Mrs James had given outstanding leadership of the service, which provides high-quality support to help maintain the independent lifestyles of the frail aged and young people with disabilities. Ms James is pictured, being congratulated by Cabonne Mayor Bob Dowling (left) and Canowindra Councillor Kevin Walker.

• Improves well-being as a result of social interaction. • Provides nutritious, home-grown produce. Safety tips for older gardeners • Treat any cuts, bruises or insect bites immediately. • Take care in the use of power tools. • Ensure that paths and walkways are flat and non-slip. • Warm-up before gardening and take frequent rest breaks. • Prevent sun exposure by working in the garden early in the morning or late in the day. • Wear a hat and apply sunscreen frequently. • Drink water or juice, and avoid alcohol. • Wear protective shoes, lightweight comfortable clothes that cover exposed skin, a hat and gardening gloves. • Store garden equipment safely.

Farewell Merlene James

November 2010 • fiftyplusextra November 2010 • fiftyplusextra297

Around the traps

GrAndpArents As primAry cArers Raising funds and awareness of heart disease in Australia; Jim and Mary Norman with Patricia Gills of West Wyalong.

HeA rt FAct s

Cardiovascular disease is the term used for heart, stroke and blood vessel diseases. It is the leading cause of death in Australia, accounting for one third of all deaths in Australia in 2006.

Group’s big heart for helping others Jim Norman is living proof that you can have a full and happy life following a heart attack. Local President of the Heart Support-Australia, Orange Branch, he devotes his life to helping those who have suffered a heart attack like himself. Currently the local branch is raising funds for a young woman with a serious heart condition. “It’s a local girl who needs a heart transplant, but because there are so few of these, in the meantime we’re raising funds for an oxygen concentrator for her,” he said. “This is so she can stay at home without having to be in hospital,” he explained. The local branch comprises about 30 people all over 50 who meet regularly for support, information, and education about heart conditions. “We provide encouragement for those who have suffered some sort of heart event,” Jim says. The group encourages regular exercise and is involved with a walking group that meets regularly at the Gosling Creek Reserve. “We volunteer at the Community Health Centre for helping with cardio-pulmonary patients and we also do hospi-

tal visiting for those who have suffered a heart event.” The group’s message is that, a heart attack is the start of a new phase of your life, not the end. “You can live a long and healthy life after a heart attack. You can live for 20, 30 years after a heart event,” Jim said. Suffering two heart attacks, in 1997 and 2001, Jim says that support group members are living proof of how lifestyle changes and support can help. “We’ve got members that are in their late eighties, we’ve got a 90-year-old,” he said. Heart Support-Australia provides help for more than two million Australians and their families and is the only national heart support organisation of its kind. “We’d like to think we’d be out of a job, but that’s not possible,” Jim said. For more information on Heart Support-Australia, in Orange call 6362 1893, 6362 3292 or 6362 5483.

Cardiovascular disease is one of Australia's largest health problems. Despite improvements over the last few decades, it remains one of the biggest burdens on our economy. Lifestyle changes can have an impact on your chances of suffering or surviving a heart attack, these include eating healthy, exercise, reducing alcohol, and keeping your anger under control.

A report detailing the issues faced by grandparents who are full-time carers for their grandchildren was recently released by the Council on the Ageing (COTA) NSW. The report, “Listening to Grandparents”, found that the number of families in which grandparents were the primary caregivers was increasing. These primary caregiver grandparents often faced major upheaval in their lives and severe financial and emotional strain. The report found that these grandparents, who have taken the role out of a deep sense of duty and care, suffer financially, emotionally, and spiritually. The Australian Bureau of Statistics estimated there were more than 22,500 grandparentheaded families in 2003, but this number is thought to have increased. A Grandparent Forum hosted by COTA NSW and the Ministerial Advisory Committee on Ageing, in 2008 found that these grandparents reported feeling invisible, undeserving, voiceless, and socially-isolated within the community. Recent Government changes allows for grandparents informally looking after a child to make a statutory declaration that they are responsible for their regular care.



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Words are like a prescription dosage: more is not necessarily better.

30 November 2010 2010 8 fiftyplusextra •• November

Shopping know how

Pools, Dishwashers and feeling great Each month FiftyPlus Extra will provide our readers with a shopping guide about things to consider when buying a service or goods.

magna — the new age in PoolS anD SPaS Gabby Quinlan John Quinlan Spas and Pools The new age in pools and spas for the over 50’s has arrived; Magna Pools. These pools have a number of health and practical benefits and are ideal for older swimmers, Gabby Quinlan believes. “We’ve still got chlorine, salt, and magna pool chlorination,” Gabby said. “Magna pools use minerals instead of salt. These are great for people with eczema, allergies, psoriasis, sensitive skin, and burns,” she said. “This is a lot more natural and there is less backwashing (filtration) required,” she said. Gabby explained that with magnesium as the cleaning agent, Magna pools are also good for your health. “You only absorb as much magnesium as the body requires. Magnesium is good for the skin, for your bones and it’s great for saving water — there’s no smell, no taste, and it helps with rehabilitation and recuperation,” she said. She said a Magna pool is like having a health spa in your backyard: “Magna pools have also been found to decrease muscle tension,” she said.

As well as the health benefits that swimming offers older people, Gabby said they are also a great social focus for the family: “They’re great for grandkids when they come over,” she said. Operating since the early 1980’s, she said that Quinlan Pools can design pools and spas for those with health issues. “We’ve done pools for people with limited mobility, we’ve designed for people who can walk straight into the pool without steps or ladders,’ she said. “We recently designed a spa-pool for a lady with bad knees so that the spa jets can spray straight on her knees as she sits,” she said. Pools either come in pre-fabricated fiberglass or purpose-designed concrete. “We do the paving, the fencing, the landscaping…We do all the council plans, the building specifications, we do everything,” she said. “We sell above-ground pools as well, but remember all pools over 300mm (one foot depth) must have a pool fence around them now. That’s the law,” she said.

DiShwaShing cleaner, more eFFicient Simone Symons, Retravision

The days of dishwashers doing a second-rate cleaning job compared to hand washing are over, Simone Symons from Orange Retravision believes. A modern dishwasher will wash better, more efficiently, and at hotter temperatures than you can stand, she said. “For those who have never had a dishwasher, a good dishwasher will do a better job than you can. “A dishwasher will run hotter than your hands can stand, at around 65 degrees centigrade. While your hands can only stand about 45 degrees.” She said that the stories about high water and power useage are also largely a thing of the past with all models now water and energy rated. “A modern dishwasher will only use from about seven and half litres to 17.8 litres, you use less than a conventional sink at 28 litres,” Simone explained. Confidence is contagious.

There is also more variety than ever before with the “one-size-fits-all white kitchen appliance look” now definitely a thing of the past. “We now have smaller ones that are only 45 cm wide. You can use ones that are a single draw or a double, you can even get a benchtop one,” she said. Brands range from imported, to New Zealand and Australian products, to the very best German brands with prices ranging from about $500 up to $3,500. They also range in capacity from 12 to 14 to 16 place-settings and come in either white, stainless steel, or integrated finishes that are out of view for the traditional kitchen look. “Before you buy, have a fitting making sure that your space is measured and whether it’s going into an existing cupboard or a space set aside for the dishwasher,” Simone said. “Once it is installed, make sure you put a dishwasher cleaner through it once a month at the minimum to clean it,” she said.

Bec Fairgrieve: “A pretty standard goal for older people is to lose weight and to get fit, that’s generally what they’re aiming for.”

For FitneSS, Set goalS anD Stick to them Bec Fairgrieve, Fitness Perfection

thinking of getting fit? Set goals and stick to them is the best approach, Bec Fairgrieve believes. “The first thing to do is to get a clearance from your doctor and then come and see a trainer,” the Fitness Perfection Personal Trainer and Fitness Instructor explained. She said this is particularly important for anyone suffering chronic health conditions like high blood pressure or diabetes. “We try and encourage people to get a fitness plan. We can design a program for you to be out on the floor and getting fit,” she said. The first step to this is a client profile and medical history. “We have to learn about family history, injuries, sporting history, we have to work around that program and what goals to achieve,” she said. “A pretty standard goal for older people is to lose weight and to get fit, that’s generally what they’re aiming for.” Bec said that fitness programs are tailored towards each individual to ensure that they get the best results from their exercise plan. “We then write up a program around these goals, we then take their measurements to target their goals.” “If they haven’t exercised for some time, we start them at low impact. This covers cardio (aerobic) and resistance (weight) training,” Bec said. A popular class for the over 50’s is the ‘Revitalise Class’ but there are other suitable classes encompassing aerobics, weight training, dancing, and aquarobics. “We call it exercise for the ‘Young at Heart’ - one week they might do aerobics, another week, resistance weight training.” “The main aim of these programs is to suit their capabilities and to avoid injuries,” she said. Every four to six weeks, the plan can be reviewed to see how clients are going and how happy they are with their results. Exercise in the heated pools is particularly suited for those who have limited mobility. “Aquarobics are good for people with arthritis or joint problems, it’s recommended,” Bec said.

November November2010 2010• fiftyplusextra • fiftyplusextra31 9

Golden Girl

Brie f



love of GardeninG for over 50s at ramBle The benefits of gardening — nature, health, exercise and the creation of beautiful living things — was on display at the recent Garden Ramble in Millthorpe. The sixth Garden Ramble raised more than $7000 for the beautification of the village and included 10 gardens on display, stalls, live music, plants, arts and crafts for sale, auctions and raffles. With the vast majority of gardens on display produced by over 50s, it’s no coincidence that a recent study showed that older people who garden enjoy improved intellectual alertness and concentration skills. “I think as you get older, you get more time to appreciate nature and you get the opportunity to enjoy the things around you,” Garden Ramble Coordinator Gwen Webster said. “That’s why the Garden Ramble is so good, you get out and appreciate the beauty of these gardens and of gardening,” she said.

Selling copies of the recently-completed St Marks Church, Millthorpe Parish History, Erica Byrne and Clarice Dickson.

this week’s Golden Girl is ruth Wiggins who was born in dunedin, new zealand and is married to John. family Two daughters working with Australian Volunteers International (AVI) in Solomon Islands, and a son who is a paramedic in Sydney hobbies and interests Patchwork, reading, gardening,

getting together with friends happy memory Meeting my husband John for the first time on a boat in the Solomons name someone you admire Caleb, a biblical character who was

adventurous in old age What’s the best thing since sliced bread? Bedside light if you could change one thing today, what would it be? Peace instead of war

Gardener Kevin O’Leary with son Peter’s unique display of bonsai at the Millthorpe Garden Ramble.

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32 fiftyplusextra fiftyplusextra••November November2010 2010 10

30 minutes with... Words and picture by David Dixon

James Wynne Renaissance man James Wynne, former frontman and co-founder of 1970s pop group “The Flying Circus” (remember “La La”, “Hayride”, “Run Run Run”?) still plays live performances, paints, and is building a miniature working steam engine. He tells us about record companies, desert islands, and half-built yachts. What’s the most surprising thing you’ve ever learnt? “That we still haven’t learnt from our mistakes; I mean governments and things. All the public knows this, but when it comes to wars, we still haven’t learnt a thing, we’ve got more chance of blowing everything up than ever.” What’s the one thing from your misspent youth you’d like back again? “The money! (laughs) We didn’t keep an eye on things and we were cleaned up by so many agents, management, record companies. “The deals that you got in those days were just pathetic and if you didn’t like it, they’d just tell you to go elsewhere. “The record companies would have an empty studio, and then they’d tell you later they’d charged you $12,000 to record there.”

strangest job you’ve ever had? “I’ve had a lot of them. — women’s shoe manufacturer. I used to make women’s shoes at one time. In the back of St Peter’s (Sydney) in the early 1960s after school. “I got talked into it, I hated it, it was awful, depressing.”

“No, never, which disappoints me; makes me believe the paranormal world is a bit of hooey. Millions of people claim to see these things, but I believe in science.” one thing in your life you can’t do Without, you’d require for your survival on a desert island?

place you’d live, if not millthorpe? “Florence, it’d be nice, maybe.”

“Food, of course, and I’d have to have my acoustic guitar.”

big is best, or more is less?

Which musician do you Wish you had been, Which painter do you Wish you could paint like?

“Less is best because the fella that I bought the big yacht from a few years’ ago said ‘be careful what you wish for, for one-day it might come true.’ “He put his whole life into this boat and never got it finished and I had to finish it.” ever had a paranormal experience, déjà vu, knoWn something Was going to happen, seen a ghost, or been abducted by aliens?

“Musicians, there’s just so many. I guess I wish that I could have been Roger McGuinn (lead singer with 1960s rock group, “The Byrds”). “I paint like Sir Arthur Streeton. That would have been nice, to be Arthur Streeton.”

Save for retirement - ‘I am not kidding’ Spare a thought for the fledgling savings of Generation Y, the members of population who have entered the workforce within the past 10 years or so.

Scott also quotes US-based chairman and chief executive of the Vanguard Group Bill McNabb about how the fund manager is testing ways to more effectively reach younger investors, including with more blogs and a Facebook page.

Many are still carrying heavy student debts and are the younger members of a society that tends to be heavy users of credit cards. Journalist Mark Scott, writing in Bloomberg Newsweek, addresses the challenge of encouraging Generation Y to develop a savings habit for life. In his article – headed Gen Y’s Empty Piggy Bank – Scott includes a telling interview with a 27-year-old who is having trouble getting into an investment frame of mind. “Just the idea of [saving for retirement] feels overwhelming,” she tells Scott. “My fear of doing something wrong, or not doing enough, sort of paralyses me.”


No matter how the message is carried, McNabb says it is basically the same: Become a disciplined saver as earlier as possible in life. And he suggests emphasising this to Generation Y by adding the words, “I am not kidding”.

~Peter Roan holds the Certified Financial Planner* designation and LRS® designation and also is a SMSF Specialist AdvisorTM (SPAA) within Roan Financial Group.

In Australia, the biggest beneficiaries of compulsory super are, of course, those who will receive SG contributions throughout their working lives.

Roan Financial Group is a holder of a Australian Financial Services License. For more information, please call our office on 63618100.

Yet, our compulsory super system takes no account of interrupted working lives – caused by bringing up families, perhaps unexpected unemployment or perhaps having to retire early because of poor health. There are plenty of powerful reasons, including the possibility of interrupted careers, to begin voluntarily savings for retirement as soon as possible – even for a person who is not expecting to retire for another 40 years.

Disclaimer: All representation and information contained in this editorial are made in good faith and are believed to be correct at time of preparation. This editorial is of a general nature and it does not purport to be specific investment advice. Individual needs or other considerations have not been taken into account, thus information contained herein should not be relied upon as a substitute for personal advice. Source: Smart Investing, Vanguard Investments Australia


~The CFP mark and the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER designation are certification marks owned outside the US by the Financial Planning Standards Board Ltd. Financial Planning Association of Australia Limited is the marks licensing authority for the CFP Marks in Australia, through agreement with FPSB. The LRS ®mark and Life Risk Specialist designation is owned by the Financial Planning Association of Australia Ltd. TM



are marks owned by the SMSF Professionals’ Association of Australia Limited (SPAA) and are awarded to individuals who successfully comply with all the initial and ongoing accrediation requirements of the SPAA Professional Standards Committee.

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Level 1, Suite 2/179A Anson Street


You never learn anything talking. You only learn when you ask questions.

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FILE: Sudoku - Level 3 - 1030 © Lovatts Publishing Group 2009

November November 2010 2010 •• fiftyplusextra fiftyplusextra 33 11

the puzzle page

Solutions on page 40

double take

6 2


To solve a Sudoku puzzle, every number from 1 to 9 must appear in:

s fiftyplu a i triv



4  Each of the nine


6 7

1. Princess Aurora features in which 1959 Disney film?

8 9

[advertising space] 11

3. If you are convicted ‘in absentia’, you are what?


3 2 8 8 2 4 6 1 6 3 2 4 7 8 3 3. Try Lee's makeover (7) 8pet - or chisel? (11) 1 9 4. Choppers chopped up 5. Fresh vigour and a couple of South Pacific islands (3,7) 5 8. Male moray is very polite (7) 6 5 2

12. When trapped in barrel, Eva tends to rise up (7)

vertical columns  Each of5the nine 13. Distil base mixture made more secure (10) horizontal rows  Each of the nine 3 x 3 boxes Down Remember no number 1. Deep archers mention outbound planes (10) can occur more than once in any row, column 2. What an accountant uses to make the bed (11) or box.


2. Michelangelo and Donatello both sculpted which Israeli king?

straiGht clUes



4. Which city's airport is named ‘Suvarnabhumi’? 13

5. In which year did Lady Diana Spencer marry Prince Charles? 6. Which word can mean 'nonsense' or be an American sausage?

tackle either set of these clues 8- you 7 1 9 can 5 even mix and match them, because the 4 5 3 7 6 solutions are the same for both sets

7. What is the offspring of a camel called?

crYptic clUes

8. Which A-League football team plays in a light green, dark green and white strip? 9. Which sport was at the centre of the 1993 comedy Cool Runnings? 10.How many PMs have there been from Hawke to Gillard, inclusive?

3 2 1 9 8 3 2 4 Across 9 1 7 6 1. Out of one's mind to sit about in breeze (10) 4 5 6 1 6. City level is elsewhere associated with barber and 2 7 3 8 oranges (7) 7. On one's guard? Perhaps later (5) 1 4 8 3 9. Sort of wave, it goes back before lad does 6 9(5) 5 2

4 5 8 2 6 9 7

10. Chapel open for inside characters who flee to wed (5) 11. Back in flat, Otto combined figure (5)

Across 1. Very worried (10) 6. Spanish port (7) 7. On the ball (5) 4 (5) 69. Of2sea3phases 10. Run off to marry (5) 2 9 8 1 11. Whole amount (5) 6 5 7 8 12. Lift (7) 1 7 6(10) 9 13. Steadied




_________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________



Copyright © Lovatts Publications

Fill the grid so that e column, every row a every 3x3 box conta digits 1 to 9.


_________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________


7 3

Rating: 35+ EXCELLENT

_________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________

_________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________

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7 8

7 3 8 5

a headache. Dealer, Delver, Elated, Evader, Leader, Teared, Alerted, Altered, Finally his nurse, fearing that the man might be suffering from Averted, Related, Treadle, Valeted, Ravelled


Fill the grid so that every column, every row and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.


2 4 4 4 3 4 1 5 2 Bumpy ride 53 A man who had just undergone a very complicated operation 3 1 9 8 Dale, Dare, Dart, Date, kept Deal, Dear, Deer, Dell, Drat, Lade, Lard, complaining about a bump on his head and a terrible Lead, Read, Reed, Teed, Alder, Since Dealt, Delta, Delve, Deter, Eared, headache. his operation had been an intestinal one, k 6 8 2 c there was no earthly reason why he should be complaining of i Elder, Evade, Ladle, Rated, Raved, Trade, Tread, Treed, Veldt, Advert, U Q a

7 8

Fill the grid so that every column, every row and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.


8 5

some post-operative shock, spoke to the doctor about it. The doctor assured the nurse, "Don't worry about a thing. He word: TRAVELLED really does have a bump on his head. About halfway through the operation we ran out of anaesthetic."

4 6

6 8


5. Auckland is there (3,7) 8. Socially refined (7)

Your aim is to create as many PHOTO NEWS 50+ EXTRA DOUBLE 027- (Blank G grid) words of 4 letters or more PhotoNewsDouble027.blank.eps using the given letters once © Lovatts Publications 28/9/10 - Artist - JT

only but always including the centre letter. Do not use proper names, plurals or foreign words. See if you can find the 9-letter word using up all letters.

Copyright © Lovatts Publications

3 4 2 5 CONDITIONS OF USE: Down 7 8 9 3 This puzzle is provided for single use only. 1. Deviations (10) Lovatts logo and copyright information must 5 1 9 program not 42. Bookkeeping (11)be removed, however you’re free to edit all other components using the supplied .eps 7 6 2(hair) (7) 53. Redesign file. For further information, please contact Katrina Keppie in our Syndication Department: 8 rotors (11)syndication@lovattspuzzles.com 3 4 with 14. Aircraft



2 8 7 26 4 419 83 4 11 35

9 85 8 2 4 2 6 45 59 9 1 5 4 1 9 21 8 51 5 3 8 2 9 9 3 7 8 86 6



4 6

7 6 4 3

Money is the best substitute there is for credit.


34 2010 12 fiftyplusextra fiftyplusextra •• November November 2010

the net advantage with Nicole Hacking

fs e i r B

The Canobolas 4WD Club are hosting the annual Toperi 4WD Challenge, at Borenore over the weekend of the 27th and 28th of November (8am to 7pm each day). There are some 40 teams from all over the state with over 80 heavily modified 4WD vehicles taking on incredible obstacle courses and time trials for large sums of cash! Held at Toperi Park, Borenore (follow the signs from Forbes Road). Adults are $15 for a day, and school-aged children are free, tickets available at the gate. Great day out for families and 4WD enthusiasts - raising money for Prostate Cancer research. For further information contact Greg Simpson on 0415 641 343.

An introduction to HtML http://www.w3schools.com/ html/html_intro.asp tHe History of HtML http://www.ironspider.ca/ webdesign101/htmlhistory.htm WebLogs - A History And perspective http://www.rebeccablood.net/ essays/weblog_history.html stArting A bLog http://weblogs.about.com/od/ startingablog/u/ StartingABlog.htm

Books pubLisHing A bLog WitH bLogger Castro, E (2009). 2nd edition. PeachPit Press, USA. 192 pages. ISBN: 9780321637529

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So far in ‘The Net Advantage’ we have talked about the development of the net, how to surf the net and how to stay safe on the net. The net is now your oyster and a world of information is at your fingertips. But, what if you want to create your own website to provide information for others? How do you do it? Once upon a time creating a website was a tricky business. Firstly, you needed to know HyperText

with a free weblog, or ‘blog’. These are ostensibly a type of online diary but can contain any sort of information or commentary you like. You might decide to focus on a particular subject (say, politics or gardening) or perhaps you want to report on your travels. Blogs are also interactive, allowing visitors to the site to leave comments and messages. Indeed, many businesses and clubs now use blogs as part of their public relations. The first step is to choose your free blogging software or blog ‘host’. There are a variety of free buildyour-own-weblog providers online,

the good news is that you don’t have to be fluent in html to create your own website Markup Language (HTML), a system for annotating web text. Just as editors ‘mark up’ raw manuscripts with marginal notes and symbols corresponding to various print instructions, HTML contains the ‘instructions’ behind all basic websites. It consists of keywords surrounded by angled brackets, each prescribing how the webpage will be presented. Like a raw manuscript turned into a book, the mark up is also not visible in the enduser version of the document. Early versions of HTML were very basic, providing just a rudimentary website of headings and paragraphs and the ability to link using hypertext. Over time, however, markup language evolved to become much more complex and flexible, opening up countless web design possibilities. But never fear. The good news is that you don’t have to be fluent in HTML to create your own website. In fact, the only reason I mention it at all is to give a little background. These days you can completely skip the learning curve and build a great website using many simple ‘do it yourself’ tools. Probably the easiest place to start is

including Wordpress, Blogger, TypePad, Moveable Type, and LiveJournal. Next, create an account. As part of this process, you’ll need to choose a domain name (the unique address identifier for the site) and blog theme (a template for the visual appearance). You will also have options to customise other preferences such as who can comment. Finally, hit the ‘create post’ button. This will bring up user-friendly form in which you can enter your information. Various associated buttons also allow you to add links to other sites, pictures, and film footage, whatever you want. Hit ‘publish’ and your entry will be posted to your webpage - all without glimpsing a jot of HTML. The host program takes care of that for you, behind the scenes. Nevertheless, although you have the power to regulate your blog, for complete ownership you will need to create your own website. In future issues of 50+ Extra we will discuss how to do this, as well as how to entice visitors to your site. Meanwhile, do feel free to visit me at http://australosquilla. blogspot.com

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November 2010 • fiftyplusextra 13 35

nic’s travels with Nicole Hacking

etosha national park PICTURE: CONTRIBUTED

it’s a well known fact that australia has a distinct lack of native placental mammals – particularly large herbivores – compared to other countries. With the exception of the rumoured ‘lithgow panther’, this means we also lack large carnivores (on land, at least). so where do you go if you want to experience large game in the wild? Why africa, of course. in particular, etosha national park.

Etosha National Park is in northern Namibia (formerly known as South West Africa) and nowhere else on earth does such a grand range of wildlife exist in such ruthless conditions. The park is enormous; covering more than 20,000 square km, but it is dominated by a vast and usually inhospitable mineral salt pan. This pan was originally a lake fed by the Kunene River, however thousands of years ago the river changed course and the lake dried up. Now it only fills during seasonal rains and even then for just a short time. Still, at this time it draws in thousands of wading birds, including flamingos. During the driest months of June to November, the pan forms a vast, parched, strangely beautiful silvery-white flat. It shimmers for miles to the baked horizon like an alien land. Around the periphery, however, are a series of permanent waterholes and these attract huge numbers of big game wildlife from the surrounding savannah, thorn scrub and Mopane bushland. Over one hundred mammal species live at Etosha – including zebra, elephant, giraffe, wilde-

beest, springbok, gemsbok, kudu, impala and endangered species such as the black rhino – and the waterholes are like magnets drawing them all in to drink. This creates a fantastic opportunity for us to witness them at close range. But don’t think this means you have to rough it in the Namibian desert. Etosha National Park has three well established rest camps (Okaukuejo, Halali and Namutoni) and each includes very pleasant self-catered accommodation as well as more rustic tent sites. Each rest camp is set alongside a waterhole so you don’t really have to do anything if you don’t want to - the wildlife comes to you. I had the great fortune to stay in a ‘rondavel’ (small round chalet) at Okaukuejo in the southern region of the park. This camp houses the Etosha Ecological Institute and also boasts a restaurant, souvenir shop, small general store, swimming pool and museum. Nearby a stone tower provides stupendous views to the far distant mountains, but what really impressed me was the proximity of the

waterhole. Behind a sturdy fence, it was just 50 meters from where we slept and, best of all, was floodlit at night. I can’t tell you the amount of wildlife we saw there, all from the comfort of our camp chairs, cold beers in hand. After spending the day exploring the massive salt pan and park, it seemed incongruous that Etosha’s wild beasts would go about their business so unassumingly on our doorstep, but so it was. The animals came and went, often with several species arriving to quench their thirst at once. They rarely took notice of us at all. During the day the waterhole was dominated by zebra, springbok, eland, oryx, kudu and the slow comical routine of giraffes splaying to drink. Several elephant groups moseyed in to sup and spurt water, obviously enjoying the dusty mud. Meanwhile, black-backed jackals trotted here and there, passing dirty hyenas who skulked at the edges like corner shop hoodlums. The bird life was also second to none. Later at night a black rhinoceros appeared from the shadows, her calf by her side. Later

still, a lion roared from the inky blackness to announce a successful kill. You couldn’t help but get in touch with your inner David Attenborough. During the rainy summer months the animals move away from the campsite waterholes and on to the grassy plains. This is also the lambing and calving season and enormous herds of herbivorous game roam Etosha’s savannah, closely followed by various predators. This is Mother Nature at her best and on a massive scale. Etosha National Park is open to day visitors but it would be impossible to fully appreciate the park in less than three. This is a place to not only explore, but to sit and soak in, and it is worth taking the time to do both. Be sure to pack summer clothes, but don’t forget to take something warm for those cool desert evenings watching classic Namibian sunsets turn to infinite stars. For more information visit www.etoshanationalpark.co.za

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36 14 fiftyplusextra fiftyplusextra •• November November 2010 2010

poet's corner SHARING Written by Dulcie McLean, 28/10/10 Here’s one for me and one for you. I like these lollies – d’you like them too? My mummy said that I have to give To my friends that I am playing wiv. She says that I should always share, But I really fink it isn’t fair! What if I had a nawful cold, Or getting some snacks? I don’t get told It’s not fair from my point of view To give away what I want to keep And keep what’s awful! It makes me weep!

DREAmTImE OF THE mURRAy Written by Margaret Douglass - 1995 Dreamtime of the Murray is of distance, time and water People, happy, gathering beneath the red gum trees – With fish and fowl, food galore, laughter fun and fire Ancient people lived to blend in Dreamtime, with respect. White men came in a rush To harness all that water – Chopped the trees to farm with ease Oblivious to the slaughter Paddle steamers rushed about Along the ancient waters – “Forget the birds and fish and mud” Was the message to her daughters! The yellow ochre cliffs looked on Amazed, disturbed and frowning – What madness had attacked the land To create all this clowning! The River Spirits closed their ranks, Withdrew their beneficial nectar – Shut down their mighty Providence And gave the folks a lecture “Now Dreamtime doesn’t work like that, Its people need to share – To have respect, to prize the land, Especially the water!” What’s this got to do with me? You say From a thousand miles away – Teach yourself and loved ones To live the Dreamtime way

coffee Break with Nicole Hacking

Whistle stop It was the first day of my first full-time job in the United Kingdom. I had completed the usual Aussie rite of working day hours as a temp and night hours in a smoky pub and had at last secured ‘proper’ employment managing an office.

The place ran quite differently from all the other offices I had worked in. A small family-run manufacturing company, it was messy and chaotic and, unlike the government and educational institutions of my experience, they all wore jeans and sneakers - comfort wear - as they went about their day making tools, machining parts and driving forklifts. I was particularly charmed that each morning we all had to ‘punch in’ using an awesome retro clock card machine that had apparently been garnered from a skip. In a strange flashback, the whole place suddenly reminded me of my friend’s dad’s motorcycle shop in 1973. It wasn’t a bad first day. The invoicing system was all over the place and I had no idea about… well… anything really, but was sure I would pick it up as I went along. My office was right in the middle of the shop floor where the people were rambunctious and friendly, cursing and swearing, laughing and smoking (as was permitted at the time). Some of them were Polish and I couldn’t understand a single word they said, nor they me though it didn’t take us long to adopt the international language of pointing. But, Houston, we had a problem. And, for me, it was a big one. Houston, we had a whistler. A loud whistler who whistled above the shop floor radio and to a completely

But, houston, we had a problem. and, for me, it was a big one.houston, we had a whistler. different tune. A whistler who had no idea he was whistling! As soon as I heard it my blood ran cold and I felt a twitch begin in my eye. Like fingernails down a blackboard, I cringed and shrunk back. A whistler! Oh NO! I tried really, really hard to concentrate on what I was doing but, when one eyeball started to actually turn inward, I politely mentioned it to the girl who was teaching me the ropes. “Oh, that’s Wal,” she said. “He’s been here ever since I have [ten years] and he’s always done that. Sometimes he does Christmas tunes”. Another particularly discordant trill ran down my spine. “But… ummm… don’t the other guys find it distracting?” I asked. “Oh yes,” she continued. “We used to tell him all the time but we’ve given up now. He would stop for a minute but then forget and start again. You wait until you meet Pete – he’s even worse”. Something in my head fell off a cliff: NOOOOOooooo...!!! I wasn’t sure what to do. Of all the

challenges of a new job, this was by far the biggest. Like the torture of a dripping tap, the sound made me sick and crazy. In the end, the only thing I could do was to try my best to wear it. Fortunately, over time, I struck up a rapport with Wal so that I could make a joke of it and ask him to stop - but the girl had been right: he didn’t realise he was doing it and would soon start again. As a form of therapy, I began announcing Wal’s musical repertoire to Fundy each night upon arriving home. Some days I would testify that he had done an on-repeat rendition of “Ob-la-di ob-la-da”, other days it would be “Rock around the clock”. One day it was an unmelodious “Scarborough Fair”, then it would be an off-tune theme from Star Wars complete with beginning beat. Each night Fundy would wait for my bulletin and we would have a little laugh over it. But then I was banned from bringing it home because Wal had started whistling “Camp Granada”. “What’s Camp Granada?” queried Fundy as he unpacked the shopping. “You know,” I said, beginning to sing, “Hello Muddah, hello Faddah, here I am at Camp Granada…” I got into trouble after that because Fundy did indeed know it and it got stuck in his head for three days.

through the years with John Miller

humble beginnings for freemasons hotel The Freemasons Hotel is one of Molong’s landmarks, with the impressive double-storey building sitting on the corner of the Mitchell Highway and Bank Street, the town’s main street, and in full view of most passers-by. This early postcard of the Freemasons was supplied by Gloria Jaeger and possibly dates from the 1880s. It was taken when H Francis was the proprietor and there are possibly some people standing in the doorway, along with a little dog on the footpath outside.

A good leader is one who takes more than his share of the blame and less than his share of the credit.

While the hotel itself was a humble single-storey structure, the flagpole at the front would have been very visible to passers-by in the 19th Century. The large double-storey building on the far right also has Freemasons painted as a sign at the top while there also appears to be some decorations strung between the trees and along the verandah. The hotel was originally erected in the 1850s and was demolished in 1911 to make way for the present structure.

The site for a permanent village of Molong was gazetted in 1850 and the first land sales took place in 1856 following which a number of buildings were erected, including hotels and churches. The municipality was constituted in 1878, the railway reached the town in 1886, the hospital was built in 1887 and the Town Hall in 1888. Molong is a word of the Wiradjuri nation meaning ‘many rocks’ or ‘place of many rocks’.

November November2010 2010••fiftyplusextra fiftyplusextra 37 15

social senior

Doreen Baker, Marion Murray and Joan McClain relaxing with a drink at the Hotel Orange

Janet, Shirley, Pat and Gloria enjoying each other’s company, after a nice game of bingo

U3A Pencil drawing ins tructor Lyn Atkins assisting Judy O’Meag er

Gordon Hunt, fi


a drawin g for his

daughte r, as par

t of a pre sent

Maria Hart with her be autiful penci at the Senio l drawings, r Citizens ce ntre

vely g on her lo jic workin re g class S in e w d il ra h d Brun the U3A f o rt a p a drawings,

Gordon Sloan and Kay Gorringe working together on a master piece God comforts the disturbed and disturbs the comfortable.

16 38 fiftyplusextra • November 2010

Social senior

Joy Chellas, Lola Gallagher, Rhonda Shepherd and Beryl Armitt from the Ladies Social Tennis on Tuesdays, at Totally Tennis

ey Smit and Daffn b o B rs e memb ck Barber New staff McCorma f o s e u g a colle

Alison Whil ey, Dianne Apps, Julie for a hit with Todd, Tina the racquet, Watts waitin at Totally Te g nnis

by elcomed h, being w

Jasmin Bond and Sandra Woolley from Greentree’s Gourmet Preserves, exhibiting their delights

oods at ing his g y la p is d Estate, of Jaro Jill Jaro Lear t e ers Mark the Farm

Give the birds crumbs; God gives you loaves – English Proverb.

Rachel, Ross, Lin da together at the Fa (of W.A .) and Ja cqui F RO rmers M arkets N T Mati sse a

nd Dem ii

, spendin g a morn


November November2010 2010• •fiftyplusextra fiftyplusextra 39 17

Social senior

Isabel, Susan, and Laurence Mockler of Toogoolah Winery, and Richard Thomas of Mayfield, browsing the Farmers Market

Jack and Anna de Baar of Waru Organic Farm , with their stall of organ ic treasures

Terry and Pamela Brown enjoying the sites of Orange, and the local Farmers Market

nitting ephard k h S n a Jo d allace an Wits Yvonne W morning, at Knit , ie v il g O y a y d c n n o Na aM ladies on with the

Doreen Brennan, Claire McKinnon and Betty Spargo from Knit Wits, making beautiful blankets for the needy

up a storm, ry all knitting en H tty Be ll, net Wadde ell Alice Smith, Ja ning tea as w a spot of mor ng yi while enjo

Jean Beileiter, Mavis McMill en

, and Joyce D eger who cont ri

bute blankets to

Wrapped with Love

rk, ndy wo vely ha lo ir e th of example with an th e o v r o T with L d Bev rapped argo an Betty Sp ontributed to W c which is Even the woodpecker owes his success to the fact that he uses his head and keeps pecking away until he finishes the job he starts.

40 fiftyplusextra • November 2010 18

a light-hearted view of life

with Jill & Jan

Brie f


post christmas shenanigans


up a plate, she said with a sigh… I just had to have them. They were unpriced, so I looked around “these all have different numbers, I will have to put them through for a shop assistant. NO ONE WANTED TO SERVE ME! one by one. That could take a long time. Are you sure that you The only shop wasso that Fill assistant the grid every really want them?”. That was just talking to her boyfriend on the column, every tooand much for me. phone and kept me waiting for row every I3x3 box the to give her question I pretended ten whole minutes. started to contains a lot of thought, then said… “you lose my cool!digits Whenever I tried to 1 to 9. are absolutely right, I don’t really catch her eye, she would quickly look away. Finally, I stood right in want them” (of course I did…. desperately, but knew if I stayed front of her. When she smiled, I another minute, I would commit a smiled, when she nodded, I nodmurder). “I will leave them for you ded, until I completely unnerved to put back on the shelf and on her and she hung up. Monday morning, I will speak to Turning to me, she said… your supervisor about your lack of "You orright?" That made my blood boil. “Well, customer service skills.” But I took no pleasure in that… that depends,” I replied. for I believe that the problem “If you mean, am I physically most likely was at management well, the answer is ‘no.’ I am so level, and that she had not had angry at being ignored for ten any customer service training. minutes, I could have a seizure.” I no longer buy at that shop, “If you mean, am I in full possession of my mind…that may be a where I had been a customer for many, many years. matter of some conjecture, but if When I started my working life, you mean…am I being attended I remember being told, “there is to, I would have to say, that in the no trick in luring customers to absence of any other staff, I am business… the trick is in keeping not.” them there - right or wrong… the “Waddya want then?” she customer is always right.” asked. During my invisible period, I had been stacking on the miniscule Until next time, Jill counter in front of her, the 24 YourI aim is to to create many pieces wanted buy. as Picking

9 8 4 2 4 8 9 6 5 2 1 5 4 3 4 5 9 1 5 9 3 2 2 WHEEL 8 9WORDS 3 7 4 1 8 T R 3 E 6 puzzle Lsolutions Hi, I’m Jill Jan had plenty to say last month about the day-to-day events that caused her great frustration, all of which led me to air my grievances about companies that insist on treating customers with contempt. I got so steamed up on this subject that she refused to include my comments in her column. She’s on holidays right now, so here is my chance to share with you a personal experience. I was in Sydney. The post Christmas sales were on. I rushed in early, hoping that some glass plates and drinking glasses I had seen a few days before would be in the sale. Sapphire blue they were, with a lime and apricot design on one side. They oozed relaxed summer living, under a vine-covered pergola, on a lazy Sunday afternoon.




doUBle take





words of 4 letters or more using the given letters once only but always including the centre letter. Do not use proper names, plurals or foreign words. See if you can find the 9-letter word using up all letters. 9-LETTER WORD


I S T R A UGH T 1 5 3 4 2 15 GOOD 35+ EXCELLENT 25 VERY GOOD P E E N 6 9_________ 7 5 1 _________ _________ _________ R_________ S E V_________ I L L E _________ _________ 4 2 8 7 3 L E_________ R T I W _________ _________ _________ 8 7_________ 2 6 9 A_________ Y G_________ C Z _________ I D_________ A L E_________ L O P E _________ 3 6_________ 4 2 5 S_________ E N_________ P A _________ _________ 5 1 9 3 8 H_________ T_________ O T A L _________ _________ 2 8 6 9 4 L E_________ V A T E_________ E A _________ _________ 9 4_________ 1 8 7 E_________ E_________ R N _________ 7 3 5 1 6 S T A B I L I S E D

6 8 9 1 7 4 5 3 2

7 4 1 5 9 2 3 6 8

9 2 6 3 8 7 1 5 4

8 3 5 4 1 6 7 2 9

RARE OPPORTUNITy TO SEE ALL THE mONEy IN THE WORLD! Euro, yen, won, pound… these days you tend to only see these words on TV screens but now currency from all around the world is on display at the Royal Australian Mint (the Mint), Canberra. Following the successful Mint Directors Conference (MDC), a new temporary display has been installed at the Royal Australian Mint with donated coins from many of the countries that were represented at MDC 2010. “These coins are actually the best of their collection and were submitted in the MDC 2010 Coin Awards which was announced during the conference,” said Royal Australian Mint Chief Executive Officer Ross MacDiarmid. With both the obverse and reverse on show, visitors are able to get a close-up view of what goes into the pockets of those all around the world. “Even if you have never been overseas before, this is a great opportunity to brush up on your global currency but also compare techniques and styles of other country’s currency – even I am blown away by some of them,” said Mr MacDiarmid. “And visitors can really compare whether our 12-sided 50 cent coin really is one of the largest in the world!” Titled “The World In Your Pocket”, the display features coins from over 20 countries including Norway, Kazakhstan, Singapore, Austria and Canada and will run until the end of January. For more information on “The World In Your Pocket” please visit www.ramint.gov.au

ht g i r ny W al o T Join the loc ow” for me Sh ti h c n “Lu

Weekdays 12 noon to 3pm on

Wheel Words Dale, Dare, Dart, Date, Deal, Dear, Deer, Dell, Drat, Lade, Lard, Lead, Read, Reed, Teed, Alder, Dealt, Delta, Delve, Deter, Eared, Elder, Evade, Ladle, Rated, Raved, Trade, Tread, Treed, Veldt, Advert, Dealer, Delver, Elated, Evader, Leader, Teared, Alerted, Altered, Averted, Related, Treadle, Valeted, Ravelled Nine-letter word: TRAVELLED

WS 50+ EXTRA fiftY plUs trivia 1.Sleeping Beauty 2. David Sudoku007.pdf

3. Not present 4. Bangkok 5. 1981 6. Baloney 7. Calf 8. North Queensland Fury 9. Bobsleigh 10. 5

Before you decide to give someone a piece of your mind, be sure you can get by with what you have left. blications 28/09/2010

• Great music, lots of laughs and much more •Local issues, local guests • 2EL Shopping Show 1-2pm Thursdays (Sponsored by Photo News) • Regional roundups with local Mayors from Orange, Bathurst, Cowra, Blayney, Cabonne

Tune in Today - 1089 aM

November November 2010 2010 •• fiftyplusextra fiftyplusextra 41 19

Fifty plus humour

WHAt’s on in noVeMBeR? November 4 — December 8

BuyeR BeWARe

JoKe oF tHe MontH

Yesterday, while in the supermarket, I saw a man and a woman wrapped in a barcode. I asked, "Are you two an item?"

A BeAR in tHeRe Two biologists are out in the field following the tracks of a radio-collared grizzly bear. All of a sudden, the bear crashes out of the brush and heads right for them. The men scramble up the nearest tree, but the bear starts climbing after them. To the surprise of his colleague, the first biologist starts taking off his heavy leather hiking boots and pulls a pair of sleek running shoes from his back-pack. The second biologist gives him a puzzled look and says, “What in the world are you doing?” The first biologist replies, “I figure when the bear gets close to us, we’ll jump down and make a run for it.” The second guy says, “Are you crazy? We both know you can’t outrun a full-grown grizzly bear.” The first guy says, “I don’t have to outrun the bear, I only have to outrun you!”

soFt dAtA Doctors tell us there are over seven million people who are overweight. These, of course, are just round figures.

Saturday 13/November 14 Dragon Boat Regatta, Lake Canobolas. Details from Melanie on 0428 488 197.


Saturday 13/November 14 Millthorpe Goldrush Weekend. Millthorpe Museum. Info from Richard Wooley 0428 488 197.

Q: What does the dentist of the year get? A: A little plaque.

coFFee connoisseuR Customer: “Waiter, this coffee tastes like dirt!” Waiter: “Yes sir, that’s because it was ground this morning.”

tAsty tReAt

Line decLine

Q: Why did the termite eat a sofa and two chairs? A: It had a suite tooth.

A man was given the job of painting the white lines down the middle of a highway. On his first day he painted six kilometres; the next day three kilometres; the following day just a few hundred metres. When the foreman asked the man why he kept painting less each day, he replied “I keep getting farther away from the paint can.”

At seA There were two ships. One had red paint, one had blue paint. They collided. At last report, the survivors were marooned.

Hot to tRot “It’s just too hot to wear clothes today,” said Jack as he stepped out of the shower. “Honey, what do you think the neighbours would think if I mowed the lawn like this?” His wife replied, “Probably that I married you for your money.”

Sunday November 14 Cadia Gold Mine Open Day. Information from Orange Visitor Centre 1800 069 466. Sunday November 14 Mountain Cruizers Car Club. Charity Car, Bike and Hot Rod Show, Wallerawang Primary School. Vintage cars, hot rods and bikes. For more info. Contact Todd Nytirai on 0439 044 773 or www.pinky.com.au Saturday November 20 Rose Show. 1pm – 5pm St Barnabas Church Hall Orange. More information from Graeme Hamilton 6362 6285.

Rope in A rope walks into a bar and says, “Barkeep, I’ll have a beer.” But the bartender replies, “I’m sorry, we don’t serve ropes in here.” Frustrated the rope walks out. Once outside, however, he has an idea. He ties himself up and loosens his ends, frizzling them so they look older. He then walks back into the bar and says, “Barkeep, I’ll have a beer.” The barkeep says, “Aren’t you that same rope that came in here earlier?” To which the rope replies, “Nope, I’m a frayed knot.”

Every Friday Dinner at The Borenore Store. Enjoy a different menu each week. The Borenore Store, 595 Borenore Road, Borenore. Bookings essential on 6365 2261.

Sunday November 21 City of Orange Brass Band, recital, 1pm, Cook Park. Info from George Godkin on 0408 618 957. Saturday November 27 Senior’s Christmas Party, Manildra Bowling Club, 2pm. Bookings essential on 6364 5001.

MuRpHy’s LAWs oF coMputing  When computing, whatever

happens, behave as though you meant it to happen.

 When you get to the point

where you really understand your computer, it’s probably obsolete.

 The first place to look for

information is in the section of the manual where you least expect to find it.

When the going gets tough, upgrade.

 For every action, there is an

equal and opposite malfunction.

 He who laughs last probably made a back-up.

 A complex system that does not work is invariably found to have evolved from a simpler system that worked just fine.

 The number one cause of

computer problems is computer solutions.

 A computer program will

always do what you tell it to do, but rarely what you want to do.

Sunday November 28 Celebrate Lithgow. The culmination of a week of celebrations in Lithgow’s main street. Amusements, stalls, wood chopping, street buskers, local bands and more. Contact Lithgow Business Association for more details on 0400 698 240. Saturday December 4 Cobb & Co Lives On Celebration. Molong 9am – 5pm. Celebrate the colourful history of Australia while enjoying re-enactments, costumes, stalls, displays and rides in a genuine Cobb & Co coach. Information from Colin Moss 6365 1381 or maracol22@ bigpond.com

club news

University of the Third Age NORMAL CLASSES CONTiNUE EACh WEEk. LAST CLASSES ON FRiDAy 19Th NOv. hERE’S WhAT iS SPECiAL FOR NOvEMBER 5th Nov Friday – L & L – Delta Dogs – speaker Debbie Coleman SCC 8th Nov Monday – Travel – come and be surprised at what has been organized SCC 9th Nov Tuesday – Art Appreciation – 2pm Orange Art Gallery 10th Nov Wednesday – Course Leaders Morning Tea – 10.30am SCC. Note: Crosswords and Discussion Group cancelled this day only.

12th Nov Friday – Social – 10am at Orange Pekoe next to Harvey Norman. Bookings essential –tickets available from Faith Williams 6361 3840

• Enrolment Day for 2011 Thursday 3rd February 2011

15th Nov Monday – Trivia Morning – 10am SCC

• Classes for 2011 Start on 21st February 2011

19th Nov Friday – End of Term 4 General Meeting – 10am SCC followed by our end of year party at Bloomfield Country Club 12.30 pm. Bookings essential by 12th Nov. Tickets ($25) available from Doreen Sherring 6362 9727 22nd Nov Monday – Planning Meeting – 10am SCC. All Reminder: All members are encouraged to attend the general meeting starting at 10am at the Senior Citizens Centre (Nov 19th). your input is invaluable. The committee needs to know your ideas and concerns for your U3A to be meaningful and to grow. COMiNG UP Don’t forget our Planning Meeting on 22nd Nov 10am. We are always looking for new courses we can offer. Do you know anyone who would be willing to lead a course (short or long) or would be willing to speak to us on an interesting topic? Would you like the Monday Forum to continue? Come on the 22nd Nov and tell us your thoughts.

• Open Day Wednesday 9th February 2011

Christmas is around the corner and people will be asking you “What would you like for Christmas?” For a gift that keeps on giving, Gift Certificates for Orange U3A 2011 are available from the secretary. Maybe your family would like to give you a membership or you may be looking for the perfect gift for a friend. $35 for a single or $60 for a couple. For a year’s worth of fun and learning, it’s a bargain.

For more information Contact the Secretary Cecily Butcher 6362 6818 or President Jean Penrose 6365 1415 Gardening is the purest of human pleasure.

42 20 fiftyplusextra fiftyplusextra••November November2010 2010


painter margot inspired by far away places Painter, sculptor, student, and grandmother, Margot Spark has become the poster-girl for Vision Australia, literally. Her acrylic masterpiece, “The Far Away Place” has been selected as the cover painting for the charity’s 2011 large print calendar. “I’m legally blind, I can see, but it’s like looking through 2–3 layers of gladwrap, and I have no peripheral vision,” Margot explained. Margot is a public face of Vision Australia, an amalgamation of the various State Royal Blind Society’s, and appears in much of their local media work. Despite being vision-impaired and diabetic for 40 years, Margot still keeps up a busy schedule. “I’ve been in their ads. I do a bit of their marketing, television, different things, I also talk to groups of people about their work,” she said. “They’re the largest supplier of help to the vision-impaired in Australia; I’m a very strong supporter. I’ve been involved many, many years,” she said. Margot has always had a love of painting and has refused to let a little thing like diabetes and blindness stop her. “All my life, I’ve always had a passion for painting. Ever since I lost my sight, I’ve had

to use different tones of colour and styles of painting.” With Margot’s low vision, she uses a number of bright and strong colours, which also enables her to form a unique, obscured texture on the canvas. This intriguing technique has been incorporated in “The Far Away Place”. The artwork features the bold colours of the outback that Margot loves so dearly. “I’ve visited a lot of the outback, Alice Springs, Western Queensland, South Australia and also tropical Far North Queensland,” she said. Not one to let the grass grow under her feet, Margot and her husband Anthony ran a bed and breakfast, “Beethoven’s”, at Tamworth for years, before moving to Orange for her daughter Heidi who runs “Angulong Wines.” Before this, Margot and Anthony enjoyed a number of trips to some of Australia’s most beautiful and remote locations. “Since retiring we’ve been to places many people could only dream about,” says Margot. “We came here three year’s ago, before that, we travelled around Australia for five years in


a caravan. We love the outback, but when it came time to settle down again, here we are!” she said. “We came to help the family, to look after the grandchildren… I’m always available,” she said. As well as paintings, Margot also creates clay sculptures and believes you are never too old to learn. “I’ve gone back to school to TAFE, in an effort to finish a Fine Arts course, I’ve got two year’s to go,” she said. Having to carefully manage her diabetes, Margot also has one of the first “medical alert dogs” in NSW, her poodle, Lulu.

“These dogs are trained to recognise the smell when your blood sugar is low and to do everything they can to rouse you, to get you up and your eyes open. It doesn’t take much to get an orange from the fridge,” she said. Painting remains Margot’s first passion and she normally has two to three works going at one time. “You’ve got to allow the paint to dry, that sort of thing, I’m working on one now, ‘The Lonely Camel’,” she said.“ I love to paint. It must be the therapeutic feeling of happiness. It’s the tranquillity, the peace. I always use acrylics, I’m far too messy to work with oils,” she said.


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Central West Photo News November 4–10, 2010


with Paul Tierney

With Samantha Talbot

Muscles are relative

7 weeks to go! This week I’d like to share with you a couple of recipes for Christmas drinks that I love. The first being a home-made version of the popular liqueur called ‘Baileys’ - think of it as the Aussie version of the American ‘egg nog’ drink. The other being a non-alcoholic punch that friends served last year on Christmas Day. So refreshing and easy!

Home-made version of ‘Baileys’ Liqueur

Fruity Punch


• 1125ml bottle of lemon soft drink (i.e. ‘Lift’ or ‘Solo’) • 1125ml bottle of ginger ale • 2 litres of apple juice • Fresh Mint leaves (torn)


1 can of sweetened condensed milk 1 egg 1 tsp of instant coffee 1 tsp of chocolate essence 1 cup (250ml) of whiskey (any type) 300ml cream



Beat all ingredients (except cream) together until well mixed. Then add cream and beat together – but for no longer than 1 & ½ minutes – DO NOT overbeat cream! Chill before serving. MMMMMmmmmmmm !!!

43IN School’s

Countdown to

• • • • • •


Combine all ingredients in a large jug and stir well. For extra taste, add fresh slices of orange, lemons or limes.


Freeze individual grapes or strawberries and add to the drink when serving – these, along with the usual ice cubes, help to keep the drink icy cold and are yummy to eat when the glass is empty!

NEXT WEEK: Xmas ‘silly sTuff’ – joKEs & Trivia

Since taking over the role in Development at my school, I’d caught those nasty habits of too many hours slaving at the desk, running around like a chook with my head cut off, and I had the worst eating habits imaginable. I was downing a lot of junk food, drinking up to 10 coffees a day, with 2 sugars each, and eating a biscuit (or two) with every cup. The side effects of all of this were poor sleep, headaches, and a view in the mirror that was less than impressive. I’m a vertically challenged guy, so it didn’t take long before the few kegs I’d put around the middle made a difference. So I decided to do something about it. A total ‘cold turkey’ on food and lifestyle was called for – and I’m now 6 months into a regime of no junk, plenty of salad and fruit, and only alcohol on the weekends (well … almost). I’d always been active outside of work, playing football and touch, running and the like – but this wasn’t offsetting the damage I’d done. So I made the effort and got myself down to the weights room in our gym every lunchtime – sit-ups, push-ups, crunches and chin-ups, weights, punching bag, more weights, treadmill, and even more weights. Things were going great; I thought I was Arnold Schwarzenegger. But I missed a lunch session one day with a meeting, and decided to go after school … what a mistake. The rugby players, rowers and other general he-men from Years 9 through 12 were in

there doing their thing. I quickly found out that my sessions were ridiculously lame compared to what the kids were doing. They were impressed that I was actually in the weights room and having a go, but I knew they were giving me sideways glances as I ‘pumped’ my ridiculously small amounts of iron, compared to the loads on the end of their barbells (and the reps they did). I eventually found that going in there while the other kids were working out was more of a learning experience and less of an embarrassment as time went on. They were good with their advice, helpful through setting examples in determination, and were always happy to show-off in front of the old guy, which spurred me on to attempt to keep up with their frenetic pace. By the end of August, I’d lost 8 kilos, and I’ve kept it off so far. I’ve become ‘weights buddies’ with a few of the kids who frequent the room, and they even let me put the 80s music on the iPod dock sometimes. The envy I have for their feats of muscularity (not to mention their six-packs and pecs) are still there. But I’m happy in the knowledge that their reasons for working out – big pythons and impressing girls – are different to mine – not dying of a heart attack. Yep, the size of the muscles is relative I reckon, but it’s good to share something outside of the classroom with these guys, too.

Paul Tierney is the Director of Development and a mathematics teacher at an Orange School.

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November 4–10, 2010 Central West Photo News email photonews@cwpn.com.au mail Suite 3, 241 Lords Place Orange NSW 2800 tel 6361 3575 fax 6361 3494

your photos, your say


The Thumbs

 Thumbs down

to people that speed, especially in town. A reader was recently trying to cross in her car at an intersection, and although there were no cars coming in either direction, by the time she had got to the middle of the road a car had already appeared and almost crashed into her because they were going so fast!

WINNERS ThiS WEEk’S fivE WEEkLy WiNNErS iN Our BiG PhOTO NEWS SPriNG ShOPPiNG SPrEE PrOMOTiON arE – K. Banks (Orange) Craig Iffland (Orange) Merve Wilkie (Orange) June Wicks (Mullion Creek) Wendy Reed (Orange) Congratulations folks, you’ve each won a $100 shopping voucher.

Thumbs up to the  person who found and then handed in a lost wallet recently to Orange Police. A lady advised us that she’d lost it at Greengate last Thursday, October 21 and was delighted when the Police turned up the next morning to return it. She sends many thanks to the honest person!

 Thumbs down to the owners of noisy barking dogs who do not take action to curb the impact your pet has on fellow neighbours in your area.

To find out how to claim your prize, call Samantha, our Director of First Impressions at Photo News on 6361 3575. Watch Photo News next week for our next five weekly winners.

Characters on Parade St Joseph’s primary school Orange recently held a dress up parade for a belated celebration of Book Week! Students got into the spirit of Book Week by dressing up as their favourite book character and parading in front of the school. Mrs Bishhenden was the MC of the parade, and she kept a tight rein on proceedings as the ‘Wicked Witch of the Central West’. Photo News was at the parade and spotted some familiar characters, including a number of Harry Potters, a few Men from Snowy River and we were even lucky enough to find Where’s Wally!


Thumbs up to  Bunnings who made the arch and donated pot plants and flowers to assist in decorating the venue for the recent Canobolas High School Debutante Ball.

Photo contributed

Thumbs up to On The .  Ball who recently took the

Photo: JContributed

time to make the effort to find a customer’s preferred formal gown for her son’s wedding. She tells us they went above and beyond the call of duty to find what she wanted. SMS YOUR THUMBS

0422 396 717 Standard SMS rates apply.

Like to give a Thumbs up or Thumbs Down? Email reception@cwpn.com.au or call 6361 3575

Administration Jackie Holland

Writer/Photographer Janelle Armytage

Director of First Impressions Writer/Photographer Writer/Photographer Samantha Talbot Janelle Armytage Armytage Janelle

Photographer Photographer Sales Consultant Photographer Photographer ChrisHoward TrudgettChris Trudgett Chris Trudgett Trudgett Chris Peter

Sharna Hatton

Photographer Photographer Photographer Sales Consultant Photographer Chris Trudgett Trudgett ChrisBayada TrudgettChris Chris Trudgett Matt

Writer/Photographer Chris Bennetts

Motivational Engineer MotivationalEngineer Engineer Motivational Photographer Motivational Motivational Engineer PhotographerEngineer Motivational Motivational Motivational Engineer Motivational Engineer Engineer Motivational Engineer Engineer Photographer Photographer Motivational PhotographerEngineer Photographer Photographer Smiley Smiley Smiley Kiki HopcraftSmiley Smiley Smiley Smiley Kiki Hopcraft Jodi Towns Towns Smiley Smiley Kiki Hopcraft Smiley JodiHopcraft Towns Jodie TownsSmiley Kiki Jodi


Central West Photo News November 4–10, 2010

your yourphotos, photos,your yoursay say

Bandana Day Orange Anglican Grammar School recently celebrated Bandana Day, an event held to raise funds for CANTEEN – an Australian organization for young people living with cancer. OAGS raised money by selling cakes that had been baked by their Year 7 students!

Spring, Glorious Spring Thanks to Joan Brown who contributed this lovely picture of the spring blossoms. ‘Isn’t it gorgeous? Spring colour at its best’ she said.


contributed by Joan brown

A reader recently sent us this photo of a tiny Uniting Church she saw at Bodalla on the South Coast. She said that from a distance she thought it was a public toilet! What a sight!

Does Orange need even more events like Wine Week?

Text us on 0422 396 717 and don’t forget to leave your name if you want it mentioned. Standard SMS rates apply.

We’d love to see you at hairX! airX

truck repairs

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November 4–10, 2010 Central West Photo News




Advertising signs

with Bob Holland Storeowners should check out the small banner type signs available for instore or shop window advertising that are produced by Westlink Print. For just $99 you get a good sized colourful banner sign, complete with the stand ready to stand in your store or window. With one of these and a good message you’re sure to drum up a lot of business.




BArk Blowing

Spreading woodchip mulch onto decent sized garden is now a lot easier thanks to a new business called Eco Scape. Essentially, these people spread woodchips quickly and efficiently using a truck and blower system. If you have a big garden or area that you need to mulch with woodchips, call and find out what Eco Scape can do. Number is 0400 244 456.

! eBecc A is back working in a r k c A lips me B cca Phil m. welco er Reb e s b e a Mu s e r to d is d ff ir o a e h l a im G t c c ade an IN P nown lo r taking hey’s Ar k e a P e ll ft L e a O n W in H air salo

Pick A PAir

If you’ve had it in mind to buy a pair of La-Z-boy chairs, now’s a good time to think more seriously about it. Bobeldyk’s Furniture One is having a sale where you buy one and the second one is half price. Visit Bobeldyk’s in Endsleigh Ave to check it all out.

Boot BArgAins

Baxter Western Boots are just $149 at Central West Workwear in Orange Central at the moment. That’s a cool $30 off. Hear more on the 2EL Shopping Show Thursday at 1pm. Tune to 1089AM



local t Bella H ack . popular udrins a ow that she’s b K e ir u S d e n k in s Bella Ha r jo e s ha tom mers to to r s e u Rebecca her former cus c id s r con rme let ming fo esser to keen to to welco r a great hairdr d r a w r looks fo oking fo Rebecca vites anyone lo 1 8484. t. in n o call 636 re at m e and als ly t t p x e im s n , ca heir h Reb ec her for t ment wit t in o p p an a To make









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Central West Photo News November 4–10, 2010

New Veterinary Hospital Opens In Orange!

ital Vet Hosp e n a L y r ulber ets arney’s M ll animals and p C h it d u , rats, a Dr J or all sm bits, guinea pigs f n e p o , rab is now ogs, cats d fe. g in d nd wildli a inclu s d ir e all b rets, ill provid w s ic mice, fer n om, li ulting ro uipped c s q n e o y c ll g u f d The s includin sound, dental an e ic v r e s ry , ultra Veterina tre, X-ray a e h t g ry operatin s. Veterina ie e it n il a c L a f y l r ulber critica team at M iding friendly e h t d n prov Judith a . rward to o f k ing care o v lo lo d ic n n a li 071 e C al servic 02 63603 n n io o s t s n e e f pro ointm m.au r an app o f g nevet.co in la r y r e r s e a lb le P mu ception@ Email re

Judith Carney qualified as a vet from Cambridge in 1985. Judith has developed a particular interest in diagnostic imaging and has gained Membership of the Australian College of Veterinary Scientists in Radiology. Judith loves her work as a vet, especially intensive care. She is excited about running Mulberry Lane Veterinary Clinic, which will be a friendly small animal clinic, taking time to take care of you and your pet. Judith lives on a small acreage with her husband and two girls, her pedigree herefords, her dog Bailey, rabbit Tyler and budgie Hudini. To relax she plays the saxophone for the ORC jazz band, symphonic wind ensemble and walks her dog.

My name is Jenna Harris and I am currently studying Veterinary Nursing at TAFE. I have always had a love for animals and have a special soft spot for horses. I enjoy looking after all types of animals and am interested in breeding. My pets include a St Bernard ‘Heifer’, a Cockatiel ‘Reggie’ and an array of goldfish. I love being active and keeping myself busy, in my spare time I like to play sport including touch football, netball, horse riding and water skiing. I also enjoy reading and cooking yummy treats!

Tori Anderson is a Cert IV qualified veterinary nurse with 4 years experience in the animal care industry and has attended continuing education courses such as parasitology, anaesthesia and intensive care, clinical pathology and pain management to further her knowledge. Tori is friendly, outgoing and caring and will take extra special care of your pets whilst in her care. Surgical nursing and intensive care are some of Tori’s special interests along with meeting and greeting clients. Tori looks forward to working with you and your pets

My name is Amie and I was born in the United Kingdom. I moved out to Australia with my family in 2007 & have not looked back since. I am currently a student of Veterinary Nursing at TAFE & enjoy every minute of it. I enjoy spending time with my friends & family, playing tennis & taking my two dogs, Missy & Luda to the beach when I am in Newcastle. My goals are to complete my Veterinary Nursing certificate with flying colours & move on to my Diploma.

13 Moulder Street (cnr Mulberry Lane) Orange Phone 6360 3071 www.mulberrylanevet.com.au


November 4–10, 2010 Central West Photo News


Words and portrait by Donna Stedman

1994 Heritage Nostalgia

it e v a h o t d a h t s u Ij Someone just got a new toy, and what a toy it is. Peter Ezzy has always loved motorbikes and has always wanted a Harley. So when he heard that a friend was selling his, and also heard that it was one piece of spiffy machinery, he asked him to send a photo and one photo is all it took for Peter to fall in love and say “I just had to have it”. Peter has been told that only 500 of these bikes were released in Australia and the 1994 model scored the white and silver duco. She is a much loved and pampered addition to the family, Peter only gets her out on sunny days and would never ride her in the rain. She has a state of the art tracking system and an out of this world security system that Peter is still trying to get the hang of. Peter is a very proud owner and this Harley is sure to be well looked after, she is a very regal looking bike and I’m sure Peter is envied by many, well on sunny days at least.

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The old man was a witness in a burglary trial. The defence lawyer asks Sam, “Did you see my client commit this burglary?” “Yes,” said Sam , “I saw him plainly take the goods.” The lawyer asks Sam again, “Sam, this happened at night. Are you sure you saw my client commit this crime?” “Yes” says Sam, “I saw him do it.” Then the lawyer asks Sam, “Sam listen, you are 80 years old and your eyesight probably is bad. Just how far can you see at night?” Sam says, “I can see the moon, how far is that?”

City of Orange Swimming Club

Competitive Swimming Starts Here! At The City of Orange Swim Club Inc., our aim is to provide a safe, secure and happy environment for swimmers, coaches, parents and staff where all swim school members are respected and encouraged to perform to their potential. We encourage all our members to compete. This involvement can be at Club, Regional, State or National level. We also encourage all members to enjoy swimming as a sport and to embrace being part of the City of Orange Swim Club and its team of athletes, coaches, parents, helpers and committee members. The City of Orange Swim Club caters for all ages that have successfully completed a recognised Learn to Swim program. We run under the umbrella of the Mountains and Plains District Swimming and are governed by NSW Swimming Australia. The club trains at the Orange Aquatic Centre in the summer months and moves to the Fitness Perfection indoor facility during winter.

All Ages Ca

tered For

The City of Orange Swim Club coaching co-ordinator and professionally accredited coach John Davies leads a team of dedicated instructors including Paul Bertrams, John Miller & Dave Norris. Their combined experience, expertise and unique hands’ on approach lays down a strong foundation at the grass roots level where it all starts. John’s attention to technique development through a progression of skills has produced School, District & Regional Age champions, including NSW Country, State, National Age and Australian representative swimmers. Our club strives to ensure you learn from your experiences in the sport of swimming, regardless of whether you end up swimming for Australia or whether you simply swim for fitness.

The sport of swimming encourages healthy competition, and at training you will begin to learn about swimming etiquette and how much fun the sport can be. As a swimmer you will learn about health, enjoyment, determination, motivation, satisfaction and confidence, both in and out of the water. You will also enjoy being part of a team while striving for personal goals. The 2010/11 summer season is in full swing with the initiation of a gym for dry land training in combination with water sessions. The gym is fully equipped with various workout and weight stations and includes a Vasa Trainer Pro. This is the ultimate training tool for swim specific strength and overall endurance. This apparatus also improves and perfects technique, and it is so versatile that athletes of any age or ability will benefit. The recent acquisition of an underwater video camera to be utilized as a teaching and coaching tool will allow our expert coaches to analyse recorded information and assist in the development of correct technique. A trial period is available for prospective club members to personally visit our training sessions and observe the first rate amenities the City of Orange Swim Club has to offer. Membership numbers will be limited for the 2010/11 so register early to avoid disappointment. For further information including registration for the 2010/11 season please contact:Kim Draper: 0408 458 021 - kim.draper@colourcity.com or Kelly Nagle: 0428 635 606 - kelly@naglebros.com.au Swimming is a skill for life and at the City of Orange Swim Club you will enjoy both the social and competitive side of swimming and we look forward to enjoying your development and achievements with you.

The City of Orange Swim Club would like to acknowledge and wholeheartedly thank the following businesses for their sponsorship and support for the 2010/11 season: Staff Recruitment Group - Mitsibishi Motors - West Orange Motors - Retravision - Electrolux • Alfio’s Pizzeria• Allan Davis Refrigeration & Electrical Pty Ltd • Auto One • Camera House • Coco’s • Colour City Painting • FJ & SG Ostini Wholesale Greengate Pool Centre • John Swadling Orange Automatics • John Zelukovic Smash Repairs M & J Butchery • McSigns • Nagle Bros Transport • Orange Aquatic Centre/Orange City Council Orange Motor Trimmers • Parkview Hotel • S B Smash Repairs • Sainsbury’s Orange Motor Group Shane Cantrill’s Sportscene • Stone Memorials • Taberner’s Glass • Transcut • Trimech Mechanical


50TALK Physio

with Fiona Conn


November 4–10, 2010 Central West Photo News


on the FRONTLINE Words and portrait by Kiki Hopcraft

Cramps and stitches are uncomfortable and can disrupt training. There is very little scientific reason as to the cause of these but studies have shown that there are some things you can do to ease the pain.

Cramps are a sudden and painful contraction of the muscle that most commonly occur in the muscles that are being used for running. They can last for a few seconds or several minutes. We do know that cramps are more likely to occur in tired muscles and ones that are already in a shortened position. Therefore it is advised that the runner: • maintain good stretching habits • Increase the strength of the muscles in the legs • Increase aerobic fitness • Allow adequate recovery and rest for muscles after hard training • Be careful of increasing the speed and intensity at the end of the training period as the muscles are fatigued • Wear appropriate footwear and comfortable clothing If cramping occurs the runner should consider resting and stretching of the muscle. Massage and icing the area can also assist with stopping the spasm and pain.

Stitches are a short stabbing pain usually felt

in the side or the anterior shoulder. Stitches usually pass in a few minutes. Sometimes you can continue to exercise through these but often the runner has to stop the exercise.

Lee-Ann Kervin SES Deputy Team Leader

Kim Stevens Local SES Controller

Lee-Ann has been a part of the SES for 3 years and gets great satisfaction when all the training she has done pays off. “Anyone can do it; you can be a girl on a chainsaw and do this job”. Lee-Ann said that working as a team who are able to use all their skill as a collective group, particularly during a recent flood rescue at Canobolas, makes her feel really proud to be a part of the local SES. .

Kim has been involved with the SES for over 40 years and he has been in the Orange SES since the 70’s. What is important to Kim is to see the amount of young people now joining the organisation, which is building a good community spirit. It also allows the older members of the SES to pass on their knowledge and skills, and see them come alive in the younger generation. The variety of people and the variety of skills that they can bring to the SES is amazing, providing a wide range of community support.

Again scientists are unsure of the cause. However physiotherapists often have good success by releasing the iliopsoas muscle interiorly, with deep soft tissue massage. This lends to the theory that the stitch is caused by a tight or shortened iliopsoas muscle or fibrous tissue of the abdominal muscle.

Rach Stevens SES Rescue Team Leader “I love everything about the SES”. Rach is an SES leader with real passion, who enjoys the community interaction, particularly working with the Canobolas SES Cadets, which has been running for 3 years. The cadetship program provides a grounding point for community youngsters aged 14 - 16y.o, to be inspired to volunteer and help later in life. It helps build their community spirit and their sense of achievement. Rach is also very proud of their local unit, which is a very close-knit group of friends.

Interestingly, often the patients that have stitches in the anterior shoulder have a kyphotic posture or tight pectoral muscles. It would be worthwhile if you are afflicted by this to see your physiotherapist for postural corrective exercises, mobilisation and stretching of the pectorals.

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Central West Photo News November 4–10, 2010

Bethany’s Big Surprise Pictures by KIKI HOPCRAFT Bethany Gosper enjoyed a special surprise on Saturday, October 16 as over 40 of her close family and friends came together at the Robin Hood to wish her a very special 60th birthday. Guests travelled from Gosford, Parkes, Molong and Manildra to join in the celebrations, and enjoyed a nice long dinner, followed by some scrumptious cake!

Emma marks 18 Years


Pictures by KIKI HOPCRAFT It might have been a day of wild, sago snow, but that didn’t put Emma Rodwell off celebrating her 18th birthday. Family, friends and work colleagues snuggled around the fire to wish Emma the very best, for a wonderful night of good cheer. Guests travelled from as far as Queensland to make the night special, with everyone set to enjoy the celebrations. Happy Birthday Emma!

With John Carpenter


Eric, Julianne, and Alice Middleton

Alice Middleton, Emma Rodwell, Hayley Middleton


Bethany and friends

EvEry Saturday MOrning FrOM 9am

Emma, Sue, Stephen and Josh Rodwell Erin, Jill Stewart, Bethany Gosper, Courtney and George Stewart

Free LegaL CLiniC EvEry Saturday (excluding long weekends and public holiday periods) WhEn: 9:00am to 11:00am (15 minute time intervals) Strictly: no appointments, First in First Served basis (best to be early)

Emma Rodwell, Mark Davis, Josh Rodwell, Hayley Thomas

WhErE: Our office (top of escalator Orange Arcade) Bring: all information relevant to your issue

Wendy Hallinan, Colleen Gibson, Bethany, Dot Duncan, Anne and Own Murray

advicE: The advice provided is preliminary only and in some cases may require research and advice. Some may be referred to appropriate advisors within or outside our firm.

Bethany with camping friends

Emma with her family

Pretty as a Princess

Our sOlicitOrs are apprOachable, cOmmunicate in plain language and are pleased tO help where we can.

With John Carpenter


your single oFFiCe

Melissa Ryan was looking like a princess as she celebrated her 30th birthday on Saturday, October 16 at the Ex Services Club in Orange. Guests travelled from far and wide, from Queensland, Sydney, Parkes and Bathurst to celebrate Melissa’s special night. To top it all off, Melissa had a very special cake made for her in Sydney, which certainly was the icing on the cake, for the night.

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John Carpenter

orange  02 6360 3055 Melissa and Kim Reilly, who have been friends since childhood

Melissa and her Mumma

Melissa and friends

Business  •  elder  •  Family  ProPerty  •  litigation


Inaugural Canobolas Rural Technology High School Debutante Ball 2010 Pictures and details CONTRIBUTED

November 4–10, 2010 Central West Photo News

Drew’s Special Night Pictures by KIKI HOPCRAFT The music was pumping as Drew Bleakley celebrated his 30th birthday on Friday, October 15 at the Newstead Bowling Club. Family and friends travelled from as far as Gosford and Canberra to make the night memorable, and they were all set to enjoy a great night and to party on, and to wish Drew a very happy birthday.

On Friday, October 15th 2010, Canobolas Rural Technology High School held their Inaugural Debutante Ball. Guest of Honour was The Right Honourable Mr Russell Turner, Member for Orange and Guest of Honour Mrs Penny Chandler, Head of Home Economics at the high school. The event was held at the Orange City Bowling Club. Debs, partners, family and friends danced the evening away to sounds of local ‘All Star Band’. The ball was coordinated by Canobolas Teacher, Cathryn Pankhurst, and assisted by her mother, Mrs Wendy Pankhurst. An amazing evening was had by all.

Olivia Buckerfield & Tristen Pankhurst

Matty O’Donnell sporting a new hair style, just for Drew

Megan Kerr & Ky Harrison

Mel Furner, Stacey Peters and Lisa Rangott

CRTHS Debutante Ball 2010

Drew with family

Ashleigh Smith & Christopher Bennett

Courtney Dunn & Jordan Giblett

Gavin Shute & Tahlee Szaszkow

Drew with family and friends

Meaghan Thompson & Robbie Fienne


Teigan Fliedner & Andrew Pollard

Katie van Daalen & Brad Wilkie

OXO in full swing



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Central West Photo News November 4–10, 2010

Fibre, food and fun! Pictures by KIKI HOPCRAFT The Australian National Field Day Art Exhibition held their opening on Saturday, October 16 at the James Hardie Pavilion. The exhibition this year has been supported for the first time by OCU, who have donated $2,000 towards prizes, which include a People’s choice, and a Packer’s choice. There are 164 artworks on display, all for sale, and will be exhibited during the ANFD. The criteria this year was fibre, food and fun, and has provided the platform for many wonderful artworks, from all ages across the region.

Melissa Lazarou and Phil Gersbach OCU Marketing Manager Noelle Cornish, Lending Manager Geoff Potts

Member for Orange, Russell Turner and Mayor John Davis

Kay Gorringe and Mary Nixon

Admin Manager Jayne West, ANFD Chairman Andrew Jaffray, and Committee Member Bruce Carroll

Nicki, Jodie, Jacky, and Danielle Burns

Celebration’s official launch Pictures by BOB HOLLAND Organisers of the ‘Cobb & Co Lives On Celebration’, to be held in Molong during December, held the official launch for the event in the Old Coach House building in Molong on October 16. Guests were treated to a good time of socialising, some Cobb & Co memorabilia and a little history about Cobb & Co in Molong.

Local member for Calare John Cobb and his wife Lisa with Colin Moss

Purple Coloured Glasses for Lisa Pictures by KIKI HOPCRAFT Lisa Byrnes was seeing purple on Friday, October 22nd as her guests celebrated her 40th birthday at the Newstead Bowling Club by dressing in her favourite colour. Family and friends travelled from as far as Lawson, Bathurst, Singleton and Coonamble. An 80’s music disco livened up the night, as well as ‘Lisa Trivia’ followed by some great live music by Amber Cashel.

Elaina and Laurie Neville with Marj Bollinger Best friends Leanne Hovey and Lisa

Ian Gosper, Colin Moss, Amber Pacey with Cabonne Mayor Rob Dowling

Paul Mullins, Margaret Philipson, Alex Dowling, Mark Oates

The birthday girl and Amber Cashel

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Sean, Jamie, Lisa and Danielle Byrnes

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The most comprehensive FREE TV guide in the Central West

FRIDAY November 5 6.00 Children’s Programs.

43257673 10.00 Numbers Count. (R) 57766 10.15 BTN. (R, CC) 2958582 10.30 Hazards, Disasters And Survival. (R, CC) 6974582

10.45 Real Chinese. (R, CC) 4164747 11.00 Penguin Island. (Final, R, CC) 5259 11.30 The New Inventors. (R, CC) 5018 12.00 Midday Report. (CC) 6747 12.30 Enough Rope With Andrew Denton. (PG, R, CC) 10037 1.30 Lilies. (PG, R, CC) 29785 2.30 Spicks And Specks. (PG, R, CC) 5535360 3.00 Children’s Programs. 57054143

6.00 Sunrise. (CC) 66601389 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG, CC) 3113389 11.30 News. (CC) 2292 12.00 Movie: The Kindness Of ★ Strangers. (M, 06, R, CC) 16342389 3.00 Medical Emergency. (PG, R, CC) 5679 3.30 Toybox. (P, CC) 8766 4.00 Spit It Out. (C, CC) 9495 4.30 News At 4.30. (CC) 3360 5.00 M*A*S*H. (R) 1389 5.30 Deal Or No Deal. (CC) 4476

6.00 Meerkat Manor: Three Degrees Of Separation. (CC) 1259 6.30 Can We Help? (CC) 9650 7.00 News. (CC) 785 7.30 Stateline. (CC) 376 8.00 Collectors. (CC) 969 8.30 Luther. (M, CC) 95495 9.25 Identity. (New series, M, CC) A police unit that fights identity thieves pursues a murderer who ruins people’s lives in a fit of vengeful pique. 5274650 10.15 Lateline. (CC) 3595785 11.00 The Gruen Transfer. (M, R, CC) 1495 11.30 Rage. (M) 80869414

6.00 Prime News. (CC) 5105 6.30 News. (CC) 3124 7.00 Home And Away. (PG, CC) 1501 7.30 Better Homes And Gardens. (CC) 6037 8.30 Movie: Indiana Jones ★ And The Raiders Of The Lost Ark. (M, 81, R, CC) 2623327 11.00 Movie: Jaws: The ★ Revenge. (M, 87, R)

6.00 ABC News Breakfast. (CC) 9.00 Children’s Programs. 6.00 Planet Food. (R, CC) 6.25 Scrapheap Challenge. (R, CC) 7.15 The Daily Show With Jon Stewart. (PG, CC) 7.35 The Colbert Report. (PG, CC) 8.00 Rude Boy Food. (CC) 8.25 Girl Friday. (CC) 8.30 Life On Mars. (M, R, CC) While trying to work out the cause of his hallucinations, Sam intervenes after a man tries to hang himself in prison. 9.30 Breaking Bad. (M, CC) In the wake of the good news about his cancer treatments, Walt has an argument with his brother-in-law, Hank, before focusing his attention on trying to make things right at home. 10.20 Later…With Jools Holland. (CC) 11.20 Franz Ferdinand: Darts Of Pleasure. (R, CC) 12.10 Planet Rock Profiles: Al Green. (R, CC) 12.35 The Royal Today. (PG, R) 1.00 Travel Oz. (R, CC) 1.35 Close.

6.00 Children’s Programs. 11.20 Letterbox. (R) 11.45 Backyard Science. (R, CC) 12.00 BTN Extra. (CC) 12.15 Creature Features. (R, CC) 12.45 Rush TV. (R, CC) 1.10 Bernard. (R) 1.20 Spliced! (R, CC) 1.45 Majority Rules. (R, CC) 2.15 Kaitangata Twitch. (R, CC) 2.45 Jinx. (R, CC) 3.10 Blue Water High. (R, CC) 3.35 Round The Twist. (R, CC) 4.00 Mortified. (R, CC) 4.25 News On 3. (CC) 4.30 Bugged. 4.40 Oggy And The Cockroaches. (R, CC) 5.05 CJ The DJ. (R, CC) 5.15 Monk. 5.20 The Pinky & Perky Show. (R, CC) 5.35 Dex Hamilton: Alien Entomologist. (R, CC) 6.00 Total Drama Island. (R, CC) 6.25 Escape From Scorpion Island. (CC) 6.55 News On 3. (CC) 7.10 Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab. (CC) 7.35 The Wannabes. (R, CC) 8.05 Connor Undercover. (R, CC) 8.25 Aisling’s Diary. (R) 8.30 Sweat. (R) Noodle meets a beautiful art student and decides art school has a lot more going for it than a sporting career. 9.00 Close.


12.50 Movie: Monster. ★ (AV15+, 03, R, CC) 42591457

3.00 Home Shopping. 14059902

11.30 Daily. (PG) 721292 12.00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG, CC) 532495 1.00 Entertainment Tonight. (CC) 102143 1.30 Hi-5. (P, CC) 105230 2.00 Cricket. One-Day International. Game 2. Australia v Sri Lanka. From the SCG. 57707308

6.00 Japanese News. 9109679 6.15 Chinese News. 24507358 6.45 Soccer. UEFA Europa League. Liverpool v Napoli. 34659037 9.10 WorldWatch. 40856259 1.30 Insight. (R, CC) 9904476 2.30 Italian News. 1520969 3.00 Living Black. (R, CC) 1521698 3.30 Letters And Numbers. (R, CC) 1524785 4.00 The Journal. (CC) 1525414 4.30 PBS NewsHour. (CC) 3202230 5.30 Global Village: The Geiranger Fjord/Bagan’s Fair. (R) (Germany, France) 4522698

6.00 Early News. (CC) 725143 7.00 Toasted TV. 181785 8.00 Totally Wild. (C, CC) 368747 8.30 Puzzle Play. (P, R, CC) 738582 9.00 News. (CC) 161921 10.00 The Circle. (PG, CC) 1864785 12.00 Dr Phil. (PG, R, CC) 530037 1.00 Oprah. (PG, R, CC) 549785 2.00 Ready Steady Cook. (PG, CC) 543501 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG, CC) 180921 3.30 Infomercials. (PG, R, CC) 190308 4.00 Huey’s Kitchen. (CC) 191037 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful. (CC) 556940 5.00 News. (CC) 996679

6.00 Children’s Programs. 7.40 Flipper. (PG, R) 8.30 Sons And Daughters. (R) 9.00 Home And Away: The Early Years. (R) 9.30 Shortland Street. (PG) 10.00 Coronation Street. (PG) 10.30 Emmerdale. (PG) 11.00 Hollyoaks. (PG) 12.00 All My Children. (PG) 1.00 The Martha Stewart Show. 2.00 Essence Of Emeril. (R) 2.30 Movie: Battle Of The Coral Sea. (PG, 59, R) 4.30 Murphy Brown. (PG, R, CC) 5.00 Head Of The Class. (PG, R) 5.30 Growing Pains. (PG, R)

6.00 Codename. (R) 6.30 Shaggy & Scooby-Doo Get A Clue! (R) 7.00 Marine Boy. (R) 7.30 The Batman. (R) 8.00 Class Of 3000. (R) 8.30 The Flintstones. (R) 9.00 The Scooby Doo Show. (R) 9.30 Jeannie. (R) 10.00 Bewitched. (R) 10.30 Ent. Tonight. (R, CC) 11.00 TMZ. 11.30 Get Smart. (R) 12.00 Here’s Lucy. (R) 12.30 Seinfeld. (PG, R) 1.00 Starsky & Hutch. (M) 3.00 Just Shoot Me! (PG, R) 3.30 Class Of 3000. (R) 4.00 Ben 10. (R) 4.30 Here’s Lucy. 5.00 Jeannie. (R) 5.30 Bewitched. (R)

6.00 News. (CC) 560143 6.30 WIN News. (CC) 545834 7.00 Cricket. (CC) One-Day International. Game 2. Australia v Sri Lanka. From the SCG. 17922747 10.00 Movie: Hostage. 05, R, CC) Bruce ★ (M, Willis, Kevin Pollak, Jonathan Tucker. 4634698 12.20 WIN News. (CC) 856631 12.50 Movie: Hard Ground. 03) Burt Reynolds, ★ (M, Seth Peterson. 66176186 2.30 Movie: The Driver. (M, Ryan O’Neal, Bruce ★ 78) Dern. 1616612 4.30 GMA. (CC) 6348896

6.00 Letters And Numbers. (CC) 4523327 6.30 World News Australia. (CC) 3299766 7.30 James May’s Toy Stories. (R) (UK) 3726124 8.30 As It Happened: The Polish Battle Of Britain. (CC) (UK) 6010921 9.30 World News Australia. (CC) 7013785 10.05 My Big Breasts And Me. (M, R) (UK) 52696037 11.10 Movie: The Weakness Of The Bolshevik. (AV15+, 03, R) (Spain) 39727037 12.55 Movie: The Housekeeper. (M, 02, R) (France) 19642186 2.30 WorldWatch. 40254728

6.00 The Simpsons. (R) 568785 6.30 Neighbours. (CC) 543476 7.00 The 7PM Project. (PG, CC) 584698 7.30 Junior MasterChef. (CC) 377495 8.30 NCIS. (M, R, CC) 928143 9.30 Law & Order: SVU. (M, R, CC) 924327 10.30 Go Girls. (M) 915679 11.30 News. (CC) 547292 12.00 Sports Tonight. (CC)

6.00 Movie: Hannah Cyrus: ★ Montana/Miley Best Of Both Worlds Concert Tour. (G, 08, R) 7.30 In The Bush With Malcolm Douglas. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 Escape To The Country. (R) 9.45 60 Minute Makeover. 10.45 How Not To Decorate. (M, R) 11.45 Movie: Iron Eagle. (M, ★ 86, R) Louis Gossett Jnr, Jason Gedrick. 2.00 Airline USA. (PG, R) 2.30 Australian Open Tennis Classic.

6.00 Movie: Scooby-Doo! In My Mummy? ★ Where’s (G, 05, R, CC) 7.30 Movie: Doc Hollywood. 91, R, CC) Michael J. ★ (PG, Fox, Julie Warner. 9.40 Movie: Dirty Rotten (PG, 88, R) ★ Scoundrels. Steve Martin. 12.00 Movie: Captivity. ★ (AV15+, 07) Elisha Cuthbert, Daniel Gillies. 1.45 Sex Shop. (MA15+, R) 2.15 Starsky & Hutch. (M, R) 4.05 Just Shoot Me! (PG, R) 4.30 TMZ. (R) 5.00 Get Smart. (R) 5.30 The Flintstones. (R)

6.00 ABC News Breakfast. (CC) 9.00 News. (CC) 9.30 Business Today. (CC) 10.00 News. (CC) 12.00 Midday Report. (CC) 12.30 Landline Extra. (R, CC) 1.00 News. (CC) 2.00 Midday Report. (CC) 2.30 One Plus One. 3.00 Afternoon Live. 5.30 Capital Hill. 6.00 News. 6.05 The Drum. 6.45 The Quarters. (R) 7.00 News. (CC) 7.30 Victorian State Election 2010: The Leaders’ Debate. (CC) 8.30 One Plus One. (R, CC) 9.00 The World. (CC) 10.00 News. (CC) 10.30 Capital Hill. (R) 11.00 News. (CC) 11.30 Landline Extra. (R, CC) 12.00 News. 12.05 The Drum. (R) 12.45 The Quarters. (R) 1.00 BBC News: Impact Asia. 1.30 Australia Network News. 2.00 BBC World News: The Hub. 2.30 Foreign Correspondent. (R, CC) 3.00 Lateline. (R, CC) 3.40 The Quarters. (R) 4.15 The Drum. (R) 5.00 Q&A. (R, CC)

6.00 WorldWatch. 6.00 Global Village: Tsodilo, Botswana/Jaguars Of The Yucatan. (R) (Germany, France) 6.30 Sarah Wiener In Italy. (New series) 7.30 Pickles. (R) (Israel) 8.30 Hot Cities: Meltdown! Explores the issue of water security, a pressing issue in the face of climate change. If average global temperatures rise by only a few degrees most of the world’s glaciers will all but disappear, leading to floods and severe water shortages for millions of people. (UK) 9.30 Movie: Ran. (85, R) An ★ ageing feudal lord unleashes a power struggle among his three sons when he abdicates. Tatsuya Nakadai, Akira Terao, Jinpachi Nezu, Daisuke Ryû. (Japan) 12.20 Movie: Mephisto. (81) ★ Klaus Maria Brandauer, Krystyna Janda, Ildikó Bánság. (Germany, Hungary, Austria) 2.50 WorldWatch.

6.00 Baseball. MLB. World Series. Game 6. San Francisco Giants v Texas Rangers. Replay. 9.00 Transworld Sport. 10.00 Overtime. (R) 11.00 Basketball. NBA. Chicago Bulls v New York Knicks. From United Center, Chicago, Illinois. 1.30 Basketball. NBA. Portland Trail Blazers v Oklahoma City Thunder. From Rose Garden, Portland, Oregon. 4.00 Omnisport. 4.30 NFL Total Access. 5.30 Escape With ET. (R) 6.00 Pat Callinan’s 4x4 Adventures. (R) 7.00 iFish. (R) 7.30 Sports Tonight. 8.00 Basketball. NBL. Round 4. Townsville Crocodiles v Perth Wildcats. From Townsville Entertainment Centre, Townsville. 10.00 Drag Racing. ANDRA Pro Series. Rocket Allstars. From Sydney Dragway. 11.00 Baseball. MLB. World Series. Game 7. San Francisco Giants v Texas Rangers. 2.00 Sports Tonight Late. (CC) 2.30 Omnisport. (R) 3.00 Arsenal TV. (R)

6.00 Wagon Train. (PG, R) 7.00 The Virginian. (PG, R) 8.30 McHale’s Navy. (PG, R) 9.00 NBC Today. (R, CC) 11.00 Carpoolers. (PG, R) 12.00 Gene Simmons Family Jewels. (PG, R) 1.00 Quincy M.E. (PG, R) 2.00 Magnum, P.I. (M, R) 3.00 The Rockford Files. (PG, R) 4.00 Knight Rider. (PG, R) 5.00 The ATeam. (PG, R) 6.00 Monster Garage. (PG) 7.00 That ’70s Show. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 The Boneyard: Demolition. (PG) 8.30 Ax Men. (M) Rygaard’s greenhorn fights to keep his job. Jimmy heads into uncharted waters, which could cost him. Dustin Dethlefs encounters a deadly scenario. 9.30 Movie: Walking Tall. (M, R, CC) The Rock, ★ 04, Johnny Knoxville. 11.30 Crank Yankers. (M, R, CC) 11.55 Quincy M.E. (PG, R) 12.50 Wagon Train. (PG, R) 1.45 Magnum, P.I. (M, R) 2.40 The Rockford Files. (PG, R) 3.40 Knight Rider. (PG, R) 4.35 The A-Team. (PG, R) 5.30 Deal Or No Deal. (R)

6.00 Today. (CC) 9.00 Alive And Cooking. 9.30 The Zoo. (R, CC) 10.00 The Nanny. (PG, R) 10.30 Movie: It Shouldn’t Happen To A Vet. (G, 79) 12.30 ’Til Death. (PG, R) 1.00 The New Adventures Of Old Christine. (PG, R) 1.30 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 2.00 Cricket. One-Day International. Game 2. Australia v Sri Lanka. Afternoon Session. From the SCG. 6.00 News. (CC) 6.30 WIN News. (CC) 7.00 Cricket. (CC) One-Day International. Game 2. Australia v Sri Lanka. Evening Session. 10.00 Movie: Passenger 57. 92, R, CC) Wesley ★ (M, Snipes, Bruce Payne, Tom Sizemore, Alex Datcher, Elizabeth Hurley, Bruce Greenwood. 11.45 Friends. (PG, R, CC) Ross’s new girlfriend seems perfect until he visits her house. 12.15 The Nanny. (PG, R) 12.45 Movie: Let’s Be Happy. 57, R) Vera-Ellen, Tony ★ (G, Martin, Robert Flemyng. 2.50 Movie: One Million Years (PG, 66, R) Raquel ★ B.C. Welch, Percy Herbert. 4.45 Dangerman. (PG, R) 5.45 GEM Presents. (PG, R)

6.00 Today. (CC) 21663105 9.00 Kerri-Anne. (PG, CC) 3857853

11.00 Alive And Cooking. (R) 728105


12.30 Letterman. (PG) 3414129 1.30 Infomercials. (PG, R) 49457709

5.00 Religious Programs. 9091588

CLASSIFICATIONS: (P) For preschoolers (C) Children’s programs (G) General viewing (PG) Parental guidance (M) Mature audiences (MA15+) Mature adults only (AV15+) Mature audiences: contains adult violence (M) (MA15+) and (AV15+) CONSUMER ADVICE: (a) adult themes (h) horror (Sx) sex scenes (d) drug references, (l) language, (m) medical procedures (n) nudity (v) violence (w) war (CC) Closed Captions (WS) widescreen Programs subject to late change by stations.


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When my mother was called for jury duty, she felt confident of her ability to answer the questions asked of prospective jurors. As a young attorney, I had filled her in on what to expect. Asked about the occupations of family members, Mum answered, “My son is a lawyer.” As a follow-up, she was asked if she had ever used the services of an attorney. “Only to mow my lawn” she said. ****** The woman applying for a job in a lemon orchard seemed way too qualified. “Look Miss,” said the foreman, “have you any actual experience in picking lemons?” “Well... as a matter if fact, yes !” she replied. “I’ve been divorced three times.”

SATURDAY November 6 6.00 Saturday Club. 68051 7.00 Sunrise. (CC) 5102970 9.00 Saturday Disney. (CC)

6.00 Rage. (PG) 60094902 11.00 Poh’s Kitchen. (R, CC) 4815 11.30 Message Stick: Ruby Hunter – A Precious Woman. (R, CC) 7902 12.00 Stateline. (R, CC) 8631 12.30 Australian Story: The Farmer Wants A Life. (R, CC) 1148 1.00 Basketball. WNBL. Round 5. Dandenong Rangers v Logan Thunder. 580916 3.00 Soccer. W-League. Week 1. Brisbane Roar v Sydney FC. 11780 5.00 Bowls. Australian Indoor Championships. Women’s First Semi-Final. 88341


11.00 Horse Racing. Melbourne Cup Carnival. Stakes Day. Featuring the Group 1 Emirates Stakes (1600m). From Flemington Racecourse. Coverage of “family day” features a look at what happens off the track, including kids’ fashions on the field. 65130273 5.30 Sydney Weekender. 6322

6.00 Annabel Langbein: The Free Range Cook. (CC) 7157 6.30 Gardening Australia. (CC) 8896 7.00 News. (CC) 877 7.30 New Tricks. (PG, CC) 57148

8.25 News Update. (CC) 5960438

8.30 Spooks. (M, CC) 21032 9.30 News Update. (CC) 77631 9.35 Michael McIntyre’s Comedy Roadshow. (M, CC) 9982544 10.25 Ashes To Ashes. (M, R, CC) 3413693 11.20 Rage. (M) 48729728

6.00 Children’s Programs. 6.00 At The Movies. (PG, R) 6.30 How Do They Do It? Excavators/London Sewerage System/Car Tyres. (R, CC) 6.55 Scrapheap Challenge. (R, CC) 7.45 Republic Of Doyle. (New series, PG, CC) 8.30 Movie: WUSA. (M, 70, A penniless drifter ★ CC) causes chaos when he becomes an announcer for a right-wing radio station. Paul Newman, Joanne Woodward. 10.20 Movie: Sherlock And The ★ Holmes Woman In Green. (M, 45, CC) Basil Rathbone, Nigel Bruce, Hillary Brooke. 11.30 Betty Churcher With John Olsen: An Unstoppable Force. (R, CC) 12.00 Once A Soldier: Not Forgotten. (R, CC) 12.30 1 Giant Leap: What About Me: The Journey. (R, CC) 12.55 The Mysterious Death Of Cleopatra. (PG, R, CC) 1.50 Close.

6.00 News. (CC) 7051 6.30 Movie: Toy Story. (G, R, CC) Voices of Tom ★ 95, Hanks, Tim Allen. 1115631 8.10 Movie: Toy Story 2. (G, R, CC) Buzz Lightyear ★ 99, and his friends try to rescue Woody after he is stolen by an obsessive toy collector. 3265761 10.10 Movie: I, Robot. (M, 04, CC) Will Smith, Bridget ★ R, Moynahan. 3103525 12.35 Movie: Confessions Of Dangerous Mind. ★ A(MA15+, 02, R) 63779674 3.00 Home Shopping. 14026674

6.00 Class Of The Titans. (R, CC) 6.20 Wolverine And The X-Men. (R, CC) 6.45 Iron Man: Armored Adventures. (R, CC) 7.05 The Super Hero Squad Show. (R, CC) 7.35 Lizzie McGuire. (R, CC) 8.00 CJ The DJ. (R, CC) 8.15 Best Ed. (R, CC) 8.35 Outback 8. (R, CC) 9.00 Trapped! (R, CC) 9.30 Escape From Scorpion Island. (R, CC) 11.40 Blue Water High. (R, CC) 2.15 Flipper And Lopaka. (CC) 2.40 Round The Twist. (R, CC) 3.05 Chuck Finn. (R, CC) 3.35 Lizzie McGuire. (R, CC) 4.00 CJ The DJ. (R, CC) 4.15 Best Ed. (R, CC) 4.30 Barney’s Barrier Reef. (R, CC) 5.00 Trapped! (R, CC) 5.30 My Goldfish Is Evil. (R, CC) 5.55 Pat And Stan. (R, CC) 6.00 Total Drama Island. (R, CC) 6.30 Outback 8. (R, CC) 7.00 Rush TV. (CC) 7.25 Good Game: SP. (CC) 7.45 The Tribe. (R, CC) 9.10 Close.

6.00 Toasted TV. 841709 8.30 Wormwood. (C, R, CC) 601983 9.00 Scope. (C, CC) 602612 9.30 H2O. (C, R, CC) 612099 10.00 Hit List TV. (PG) 1831457 12.00 Landed Music. (PG, CC) 693964 12.30 Infomercial. (PG, R, CC) 683457 1.00 Jamie At Home. (R) 233916 1.30 Everybody Hates Chris. (PG) 497877 2.30 Delivering The Pandas Pt 1. (PG) 491693 3.30 From The Ground Up. 873273 4.30 Making Tracks. 412051 5.00 News. (CC) 413780 5.30 Sports Tonight. (CC) 423167

6.00 The Book Place. (R) 6.30 Ying Yang Yo! (R) 7.00 Home And Away Catch-Up. (PG, R, CC) 9.20 Better Homes And Gardens. (R, CC) 10.15 The Great Outdoors. (R, CC) 11.10 Monster House. (PG, R) 12.10 Street Cafe. (PG, R) (UK) 12.40 Saturday Disney. (CC) 2.40 Movie: Moby Dick. (G, 56, R) Gregory Peck, Richard Basehart. 5.00 The Great Australian Doorstep. 5.30 Man About The House. (PG, R)

6.00 Thunderbirds. (R) 7.00 Kids’ WB Saturday. 7.05 My Gym Partner’s A Monkey. (R) 7.30 Foster’s Home. (R) 8.00 Squirrel Boy. (R) 8.30 Class Of 3000. (R) 9.00 The Secret Saturdays. 9.30 Ben 10. (R) 10.00 The Flintstones. (R) 10.30 Top Cat. 11.00 Jeannie. (R) 12.00 Bewitched. (R) 1.00 Get Smart. (R) 2.00 Here’s Lucy. (R) 2.30 Green Acres. 3.00 Seinfeld. (PG, R) 4.00 Hogan’s Heroes. (R) 4.30 Star Trek. (PG, R) 5.30 Unnatural History. (New series, PG)

12.50 Rugby League. Four Nations. England v Papua New Guinea. 7118397 2.50 Music TV. (PG) 5493026 3.50 WIN Presents. (R) 8312842 4.00 Danoz Direct. 4645282 5.00 Creflo A Dollar. 7463216 5.30 Fishing Australia. (R, CC) 7466303

6.30 World News Australia. (CC) 3266438 7.30 Big, Bigger, Biggest: Bridge. (CC) Part 1 of 4. (UK) 3793896 8.30 Iron Chef. (CC) (Japan) 4046235 9.20 The Ricky Gervais Show. (New series, M, CC) 3747896 9.45 Comedy School. (New series, M, CC) Part 1 of 4. 4633186 10.15 Akmal: Live & Uncensored. (CC) 3979709 11.20 SOS. (MA15+) 7386254 12.20 Drawn Together. (M, R, CC) (US) 9624378 12.45 Knot At Home. (M, R) 53126262 1.20 WorldWatch. 66696484

6.00 The Simpsons. (PG, R, CC) 424896 6.30 Movie: Fantastic Four: Of The Silver ★ Rise Surfer. (PG, 07, R) 341490 8.30 Movie: Miami Vice. (M, R, CC) Jamie Foxx, ★ 06, Colin Farrell. 84008896 11.10 Movie: The Hills Have ★ Eyes 2. (AV15+, 07, CC)

6.00 Love Thy Neighbour. (PG, R) 6.30 Doctor Finlay. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 Heartbeat. (PG, R, CC) Aidensfield appears to be undergoing a crime wave when a series of burglaries are reported. 9.40 Cracker. (M, CC) 12.50 Man About The House. (PG, R) 1.20 Love Thy Neighbour. (PG, R) 1.50 Airline USA. (PG, R) 2.20 Australian Open Tennis Classic. Baghdatis v Nalbandian. Replay.

6.30 Movie: Zoom. (PG, 06) Allen, Courteney Cox, ★ Tim Chevy Chase. 8.25 Movie: The ★ Benchwarmers. (PG, 06, R) Three nerdy friends form a three-man baseball team against local youngsters. 10.10 Movie: Child’s Play. (M, Catherine Hicks, ★ 88) Chris Sarandon. 12.00 Movie: Queen Of Outer ★ Space. (PG, 58) Zsa Zsa Gabor, Eric Fleming. 1.40 Movie: Twin Falls Idaho. (M, 99, R) 4.00 Star Trek: Original Series. (PG, R) 5.00 Top Cat. (R) 5.30 The Flintstones. (R)

6.00 Stateline. (R, CC) 6.30 Behind The News. 7.00 News. (CC) 7.30 Contact Sport. (CC) 8.00 News. (CC) 8.45 The Quarters. (R) 9.00 News. (CC) 9.45 The Quarters. (R) 10.00 One Plus One. (R, CC) 10.30 Stateline. (R, CC) 11.00 News. (CC) 11.30 Landline Extra. (R, CC) 12.00 News. (CC) 12.30 7.30 Select. 1.00 Big Ideas. 2.00 Four Corners. (R, CC) 2.45 The Quarters. (R) 3.00 Stateline. (R, CC) 3.30 Foreign Correspondent Return Ticket. (R, CC) 4.00 News. (CC) 4.30 Behind The News. (R) 5.00 News. (CC) 5.30 One Plus One. (R, CC) 6.00 News. (CC) 6.30 Australian Story. (R, CC) 7.00 News. (CC) 7.30 7.30 Select. (R) 8.00 Q&A. (R, CC) 9.00 The World. (CC) 9.30 Landline Extra. (R, CC) 10.00 News. (CC) 10.30 Stateline Select. (R) 11.00 News. (CC) 11.30 Australian Story Classics. (R, CC) 12.00 Big Ideas. 1.00 BBC World News. 1.30 Landline Extra. (CC, R) 3.00 BBC World News. 3.30 Stateline. (R, CC) 5.00 Big Ideas. (R, CC)

6.00 WorldWatch. 6.00 Here Comes The Neighbourhood. (R, CC) 6.30 Taste Takes Off. (New Zealand) 7.00 Soccer. UEFA Europa League. PAOK v Villarreal. From Toumba Stadium, Thessaloniki. 8.30 Who Do You Think You Are? Jack Thompson. (PG, R, CC) Iconic Australian actor Jack Thompson travels from Sydney to Ireland in search of his family roots. 9.30 Movie: Cyrano De (G, 90, R) A ★ Bergerac. man sensitive about his unattractive appearance, agrees to help a fellow soldier woo the woman they both love. Gérard Depardieu, Anne Brochet, Vincent Perez. (France) 11.55 Movie: The Double Life Veronique. (M, 91, R) ★ Of Irène Jacob, Halina Gryglaszewska, Kalina Jedrusik. (France) 1.40 WeatherWatch Overnight. 5.00 WeatherWatch & Music. 5.05 Korean News. 5.40 Japanese News.

6.00 Bundesliga Weekly Highlights. (R) 7.00 Basketball. NBA. Chicago Bulls v New York Knicks. Replay. 9.00 Basketball. NBA. Portland Trail Blazers v Oklahoma City Thunder. Replay. 11.00 Basketball. NBL. Round 4. Townsville Crocodiles v Perth Wildcats. Replay. 1.00 NFL Total Access. (R) 2.00 MVP Presents: America’s Game. 3.00 Omnisport. 3.30 Rally World. (R) 4.00 Sports Unlimited. (PG, R) 5.00 The WWE Experience. (R) 6.00 MVP. (PG, R) 6.30 Manly Surf. (PG, R) 7.00 Sports Tonight. 7.30 Motor Racing. Prelude To The Dream. Replay. From Eldora Speedway, Rossburg, Ohio. 10.00 The Rise And Rise Of Australian Rugby. (R) 11.00 Motorcycle Racing. Isle Of Man TT. Qualifying. Replay. 12.00 Motorcycle Racing. MotoGP. Round 18. Valencian Grand Prix. Qualifying. 1.05 Motor Racing. NASCAR Sprint Cup. Race 34. AAA Texas 500. Qualifying. 1.55 Motor Racing. Rolex Sports Car Series. Race 5. Memorial Day Classic. Highlights. 2.50 Motor Racing. Formula 1. Round 18. Brazilian Grand Prix. Qualifying. 4.10 Motor Racing. NASCAR Nationwide Series. Race 33. O’Reilly Auto Parts Challenge.

6.00 Wagon Train. (PG, R) 7.00 The Virginian. (PG, R) 8.30 McHale’s Navy. (PG, R) 9.00 The Boneyard. (PG, R) 10.00 NBC Today. (R, CC) 12.00 Motor Racing. (CC) Mini Challenge. Round 6. Highlights. 12.30 Motor Racing. (CC) Formula Ford. Round 6. From Surfers Paradise Street Circuit, Queensland. 1.00 Quincy M.E. (PG, R) 2.00 Magnum, P.I. (PG, R) 3.00 The Rockford Files. (PG, R) 4.00 Knight Rider. (PG, R) 5.00 The ATeam. (PG, R) 6.00 Million Dollar Catch. (PG) 6.30 Mighty Ships: HDMS Absalon. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 Air Crash Investigations: Flying Blind. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 Mega Disasters: Mega Freeze. (PG) 9.30 The Universe: Mars – The Red Planet. (PG) 10.30 Movie: Ringer. (MA15+, ★ 96) Shannon Whirry, Timothy Bottoms. 12.45 Wagon Train. (PG, R) 1.45 McHale’s Navy. (PG, R) 2.15 Magnum, P.I. (PG, R) 3.15 The Rockford Files. (PG, R) 4.15 Knight Rider. (PG, R) 5.15 The A-Team. (PG, R)

6.00 Movie: It Shouldn’t Happen To A Vet. (G, 79, R) 8.00 Movie: West Of Zanzibar. (G, 54) 10.00 Movie: Go To Blazes. (G, 62, R) 11.45 Movie: Prisoners Of The Casbah. (G, 53, R) 1.20 Movie: A Stolen Life. (PG, 46) 3.35 Movie: Beau Brummell. (G, 54, R, CC) 6.00 The Nanny. (PG, R) 6.30 Rugby League. Four Nations. New Zealand v Australia. From Eden Park, Auckland, New Zealand. 8.30 Movie: A Few Good (M, 92) Two lawyers ★ Men. defend two US marines accused of murdering a fellow serviceman. Tom Cruise, Jack Nicholson, Demi Moore. 10.40 Movie: Where Eagles ★ Dare. (PG, 68, R, CC) British commandos mount a daring mission to rescue an American general being held prisoner in an SS fortress. 1.50 Movie: Beau Brummell. 54, R, CC) Stewart ★ (G, Granger, Elizabeth Taylor, Peter Ustinov. 4.05 Movie: West Of (G, 54, R) ★ Zanzibar. Anthony Steel, Sheila Sim, William Simmons.

6.00 Go, Diego! Go! (R, CC) 237322 6.30 Dora The Explorer. (R, CC) 245341 7.00 Weekend Today: Saturday. (CC) 3804761 9.00 Saturday Kerri-Anne. (CC) 584772 10.00 Children’s Programs. 48906322 1.30 Lab Rats Challenge. (C, R, CC) 283411 2.00 Movie: The Wackiest Ship In The Army. (G, 60, R, CC) 919815 4.00 Home Cooked! With Julie Goodwin. 738326 4.30 Postcards Australia. 421709 5.00 Australia’s Funniest Home Videos. (PG, CC) 861438

6.00 WorldWatch. 81720780 7.35 Italian News. 1736964 8.05 Filipino News. 53695780 8.40 Spanish News. 17562167 9.30 Greek News. 3432235 10.20 French News. 15771457 11.00 Hindi News. 1923544 11.30 Arabic News. 1926631 12.00 Russian News. 1994032 12.30 Turkish News. 1577877 1.00 Le Nozze Di Figaro. (R) (Germany) 58147544 4.30 PBS NewsHour. (CC) 3279902 5.30 MythBusters: Myth Evolution. (R, CC) (US)

6.00 News. (CC) 426254 6.30 Rugby League. Four Nations. New Zealand v Australia. 350148 8.30 Hey Hey It’s Saturday. (PG, CC) 216099 10.30 Movie: Wedding ★ Crashers. (M, 05, R, CC)




12.55 Video Hits. (R) 2468552 1.15 Rugby Union. Wales v Australia. 85332129 3.30 Infomercials. (PG, R) 8169378

4.00 Religious Programs. 1597533

CLASSIFICATIONS: (P) For preschoolers (C) Children’s programs (G) General viewing (PG) Parental guidance (M) Mature audiences (MA15+) Mature adults only (AV15+) Mature audiences: contains adult violence (M) (MA15+) and (AV15+) CONSUMER ADVICE: (a) adult themes (h) horror (Sx) sex scenes (d) drug references, (l) language, (m) medical procedures (n) nudity (v) violence (w) war (CC) Closed Captions (WS) widescreen Programs subject to late change by stations.



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SUNDAY November 7 6.00 Rage. 4571 6.30 Children’s Programs. 3006858 9.00 Insiders. 80674 10.00 Inside Business. 8945 10.30 Offsiders. 2656 11.00 Focus. 1465 11.30 Praise. 4552 12.00 Landline. 46262 1.00 Gardening Australia. (R) 8113 1.30 Message Stick. 1200 2.00 Travel Oz. (R) 2129 2.30 Darwin’s Brave New World. (R) 67755 3.30 The Fallen Vampire. (PG, R) 87804 4.20 Entanglement Theory. (R) 4546200 4.30 Theatreland. (R) 1668 5.00 First Tuesday Book Club. (R) 2397 5.30 Art Nation. 5484 6.00 At The Movies. (PG, R) 6113 6.30 Mother And Son. (R) 1804 7.00 News. 397 7.30 Last Chance To See. (PG) 9705 8.30 News. (CC) 46674 8.35 Poirot. (M, CC) 561674 10.15 Compass. (CC) 508216 10.45 War Oratorio. (M, R, CC) 245804 12.05 Movie: Rembrandt. (PG, 36, R) 9122717 1.40 Movie: The Little Minister. (34, R, CC) 3018779 3.30 Artists At Work. (R, CC) 3456953 4.00 First Tuesday Book Club. (R, CC) 3457682 4.30 Shortland Street. (PG) 4423392 4.50 Treasure Hunt. (R, CC) 7580069 5.00 Something In The Air. (R, CC) 6530243 5.30 Gardening Australia. (R) 6533330

6.00 Children’s Programs. 6.00 Francesco’s Mediterranean Voyage: Istanbul. (Final, R, CC) 6.30 First Tuesday Book Club With Jennifer Byrne. (R, CC) 7.00 Art Nation. (R, CC) 7.30 The Real Cabaret. (CC) 8.15 Will Time Tell? (R) 8.30 Theatreland: Waiting In The Wings. (CC) With over 100 performances of Waiting for Godot under their belts so far, strain is beginning to show in the actors’ voices. 8.55 A Poet’s Guide To Britain. (CC) Owen Sheers explores the life and work of poet Matthew Arnold and discovers what drove the artist to write his bleak classic Dover Beach. 9.30 Absolutely Fabulous. (PG, R, CC) 10.00 The Office. (M, R, CC) 10.30 Gimme, Gimme, Gimme. (M, R, CC) 11.00 Radio 1’s Big Weekend 2009. (R, CC) 12.55 Beautiful Noise. (R, CC) 1.55 Close. 5.30 The Cook And The Chef. (R, CC)

6.00 Garner Ted Armstrong. 1755 6.30 Life Today With James Robison. (PG) 2674 7.00 Weekend Sunrise. (CC) 56514842 10.00 Kochie’s Business Builders. (CC) 4303 10.30 India With Sanjeev Bhaskar: Bombay Dreams. (PG, R) 52303 11.30 V8 Xtra. (CC) 6610 12.00 Spit It Out. (C, CC) 2629113 1.05 Movie: Nancy Drew. (PG, 02, R, CC) 7899755 3.00 Movie: Serendipity. (PG, 01, R, CC) 13587 5.00 Three In A Bed. (PG) 75216 6.00 News. (CC) 3397 6.30 Sunday Night. (CC) 74533

7.30 The X Factor. (PG, CC) 7939

8.30 Bones. (M, CC) 45007 9.30 Castle. (M, R, CC) 34991 10.30 Air Crash Investigations: Sight Unseen. (PG, R, CC) 58571

11.30 That ’70s Show. (PG, R, CC) 2804 12.00 Room For Improvement. (R) 8953 12.30 Home Shopping.

6.00 Go, Diego! Go! (R, CC) 941723 6.30 Dora The Explorer. (R, CC) 391084 7.00 Weekend Today. (CC) 89645129 10.00 Wide World Of Sports. 925129 11.00 Surfing. Billabong Pro Jeffreys Bay. Highlights. From South Africa. 285533 12.00 Cybershack. (PG) 402113 12.30 Out Of The Blue. 945858 1.00 Cricket. Twenty20 Challenge. Highlights. 205397 2.00 Cricket. (CC) OneDay International. Game 3. Australia v Sri Lanka. Afternoon Session. 57661552

6.00 WorldWatch. 10.30 UEFA Europa League Highlights. 1999587 11.00 Soccer. UEFA Champions League. Highlights. 9887755 12.00 UEFA Champions League Magazine. 1898804 12.30 Speedweek. 3467842 2.00 Alive And Kicking: Queenstown. (Final, PG, R, CC) 1476194 2.30 Behind The Dracula Legend. (PG, R, CC) (Austria) 9879736 3.30 China’s Great Wall. (PG, R, CC) (Germany) 3242858 4.30 Living Black. (CC) 4482026 5.00 Cycling Central. 3158465

6.00 News. (CC) 217007 6.30 Cricket. (CC) One-Day International. Australia v Sri Lanka. 34765465 10.00 Movie: Firewall. (M, 06, CC) Harrison Ford, Paul ★ R, Bettany. 3805823 12.10 Movie: Half Past Dead. 02, R, CC) Steven ★ (M, Seagal, Ja Rule. 4958330 2.00 Spyforce. (PG, R)

6.00 Thalassa: Fishing For The Future. (CC) (France) 4487571 6.30 World News Australia. (CC) 3153910 7.30 A History Of Scotland. (CC) Part 3 of 5. (UK)


6.00 The Book Place. (R) 6.25 Yin Yang Yo! (R) 6.50 Count Duckula. (R) 7.15 Flipper. (PG, R) 8.05 ALF. (R) 8.30 Full House. (R) 9.00 Ugly Betty. (PG, R, CC) 10.00 Movie: Solomon And (PG, 59, R) Yul ★ Sheba. Brynner, Gina Lollobrigida, George Sanders. 1.00 Movie: Red River. (PG, ★ 48, R) John Wayne, Montgomery Clift. 3.40 Movie: Airport ‘77. (PG, R) Jack Lemmon, ★ 77, Christopher Lee.

6.00 Children’s Programs. 8.00 Shaggy & Scooby-Doo Get A Clue! (R) 8.30 Tom And Jerry Tales. (R) 9.00 The Grim Adventures. (R) 9.30 Ben 10. (R) 10.00 The Batman. (R) 10.30 Legion Of Super Heroes. (PG, R) 11.00 Wacky Races. 11.30 The Scooby Doo Show. 12.00 The Hills. (PG, R) 12.30 Eclipse Music TV. (PG, R) 1.00 Cribs. (PG) 1.30 Here’s Lucy. 2.30 Hogan’s Heroes. (R) 3.30 Green Acres. 4.30 Star Trek: Original Series. (PG) 5.30 Wipeout. (PG, R, CC) 6.30 Top Gear. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 The Big Bang Theory. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 The Middle. (PG) 9.00 The Middle. (PG, R) 9.30 Movie: The Last Boy (M, 91, R, CC) ★ Scout. Bruce Willis, Damon Wayans, Chelsea Field. 11.40 South Park. (M, R) 12.10 Movie: The Real (M, 03, R) ★ Cancun. Laura Ramsey, Alan Taylor, Paul Malbry. 2.00 Home Shopping. 4.00 Star Trek: Original Series. (PG, R) 5.00 Here’s Lucy. (R)

6.00 It Is Written. 6.30 Movie: The Railway Children. (G, 70, R) 8.40 Movie: Don’t Go Near The Water. (G, 57) 11.00 Movie: Five Golden Dragons. (PG, 67) 1.00 The Nanny. (PG, R) 1.30 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 2.00 Cricket. OneDay International. Game 3. Australia v Sri Lanka. Afternoon Session. From the Gabba, Brisbane. 6.00 News. (CC) 6.30 Cricket. One-Day International. Game 3. Australia v Sri Lanka. Evening Session. From the Gabba, Brisbane. 10.00 Movie: Shattered Glass. 03, R, CC) A promising ★ (M, journalist fakes his facts and sources in an effort to promote his career. Hayden Christensen, Chloë Sevigny. 12.00 Movie: Five Golden (PG, 67, R) ★ Dragons. While travelling through Hong Kong, a tourist accidentally stumbles into the middle of a meeting between a crime gang and the mob. 2.00 Home Shopping. 5.00 Adventures In Rainbow Country. (R) 5.30 Today. (CC)

3.00 F Troop. (R) 8128021 3.30 Danoz Direct. 8138408 4.00 Good Morning America. (CC) 8940494 5.00 News. (CC) 7367088 5.30 Today. (CC) 7360175

8.30 Dateline. (CC) 6981465 9.30 Mad Men. (Final, M, CC) (US) 6987649 10.30 Movie: Days And ★ Clouds. (M, 07, R) (Italy) 73777945 12.35 The Wehrmacht: To The Bitter End. (M, R, CC) (Germany) 26005427 1.35 WorldWatch. 30713205

8.30 The 24th Annual ARIA Music Awards. 698674 10.30 Cops. (M, R) 662533 11.30 M’cycle Racing. MotoGP. Valencian GP. 3645674 1.15 M’cycle Racing. Moto2 and 125cc. Highlights. 1519576 2.00 Formula 1 Pre-Race Show. 7523243 2.50 Motor Racing. Formula 1. Brazilian GP. 90747595 5.00 Religious Programs. 6140412

6.00 Playing Tricks. (PG, R) 6.30 Movie: D3: The Mighty (PG, 96, R, CC) ★ Ducks. Emilio Estevez, Heidi Kling. 8.30 The Xtra Factor. (PG, CC) 9.30 Movie: Down And Out Beverly Hills. (M, 86, ★ In R) Bette Midler, Richard Dreyfus, Nick Nolte. 11.40 Movie: Desperately Susan. (M, 85, ★ Seeking R) Madonna, Rosanna Arquette, Aidan Quinn. 1.45 Australian Open Tennis Classic. Final, 2006. Federer v Baghdatis. Replay. 5.00 Home Shopping.

6.00 Stateline. (R, CC) 6.30 Behind The News. 7.00 News. (CC) 7.30 Talking Heads. (R, CC) 8.00 News. (CC) 9.00 Insiders. (CC) 10.00 News. (CC) 10.30 Stateline. (R, CC) 11.00 News. (CC) 11.30 Stateline. (R, CC) 12.00 News. (CC) 12.30 Offsiders. (R, CC) 1.00 Big Ideas. 2.00 Landline. (R, CC) 3.00 Stateline. (R, CC) 3.30 Australian Story Classics: The Wombat Boy. (R, CC) 4.00 News. 4.30 Behind The News. (R) 5.00 News. (CC) 5.30 Inside Business. (R, CC) 6.00 News. 6.30 Foreign Correspondent. (R, CC) 7.00 News. (CC) 7.30 One Plus One. (R, CC) 8.00 Insiders. (R, CC) 9.00 The World. (CC) 9.30 Focus. (R, CC) 10.00 News. (CC) 10.30 The World This Week. (R) 11.00 News. (CC) 11.30 Foreign Correspondent Return Ticket. (R, CC) 12.00 Big Ideas. 1.00 BBC World News. 1.30 Stateline. (R, CC) 2.00 Big Ideas. (R, CC) 3.00 BBC World News. 3.30 Stateline. (R, CC) 4.00 News. 5.15 The Quarters. (R) 5.30 Focus. (R, CC)

6.00 Japanese News. 6.15 Hong Kong News. 6.35 Chinese News. 7.05 German News. 7.35 Italian News. 8.05 Filipino News. 8.40 Spanish News. 9.30 Greek News. 10.20 French News. 11.00 Hindi News. 11.30 Arabic News. 12.00 Russian News. 12.30 Turkish News. 1.00 Dutch News. 1.30 Maltese News. 2.00 Latin American News. 2.30 Portuguese News. 3.00 Hungarian News. 3.30 Indonesian News. 3.55 Croatian News. 4.30 Serbian News. 5.05 Macedonian News. 5.35 Urdu News. 6.00 ADbc. (CC) 6.30 The Hairy Bikers’ Food Tour Of Britain. (New series) (UK) 7.30 Ninja Warrior. (Japan) 8.00 Unbeatable Banzuke. (Japan) 8.30 The Hottest Place On Earth. (R, CC) Part 1 of 3. (UK) 9.30 Movie: Downfall. ★ (AV15+, 04, R) Bruno Ganz, Alexandra Maria Lara, Juliane Köhler. (Germany) 12.10 Movie: Cosy Dens. (PG, R) Michael Beran, ★ 99, Miroslav Donutil, Simona Stasová. (Czech Republic) 2.15 WorldWatch.

6.00 Motor Racing. NASCAR Nationwide Series. Race 33. O’Reilly Auto Parts Challenge. Continued. 6.30 Motor Racing. Race Of Champions 2009. Highlights. 7.00 ATP World Tour Uncovered. (R) 7.30 Soccer. Bundesliga. Matchday 11. Borussia Mönchengladbach v Bayern Munich. 9.30 Soccer. Serie A. Matchday 10. Bologna v Lecce. 11.30 Rugby Union. Spring Tour. Wales v Australia. 1.45 MVP. (PG, R) 2.00 Surf Lifesaving. Coolangatta Gold. 5.00 iFish. 5.30 Sports Tonight. 6.00 Basketball. NBL. Round 4. Melbourne Tigers v Wollongong Hawks. 8.00 Motor Racing. Formula 1. Round 18. Brazilian Grand Prix. Qualifying. Replay. 8.50 Motorcycle Racing. 125cc. Round 17. Valencian Grand Prix. 10.00 Motorcycle Racing. Moto2. Round 17. Valencian Grand Prix. 11.30 Motorcycle Racing. MotoGP. Round 18. Valencian Grand Prix. 1.15 Motor Racing. NASCAR Sprint Cup. Race 34. AAA Texas 500. Happy Hour. 2.00 Formula 1 Pre-Race Show. 2.50 Motor Racing. Formula 1. Round 18. Brazilian Grand Prix. 5.00 Gridiron. NFL. Week 9. Atlanta Falcons v Tampa Bay Buccaneers.

6.00 The A-Team. (PG, R) 6.15 Wagon Train. (PG, R) 7.15 Air Crash Investigations: Flying Blind. (PG, R, CC) 8.20 Mega Disasters: Mega Freeze. (PG, R) 9.20 The Universe. (PG, R) 10.20 Mighty Ships: HDMS Absalon. (PG, R, CC) 11.30 Movie: Blues Brothers 2000. (PG, 98, R) 2.00 Magnum, P.I. (PG, R) 3.00 The Rockford Files. (PG, R) 4.00 Knight Rider. (PG, R) 5.00 The A-Team. (PG, R) 6.00 That ’70s Show. (PG, R, CC) 6.30 How I Met Your Mother. (PG, R, CC) 7.00 Scrubs. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 Highway Patrol: Hellraising Driver. (PG, R, CC) 8.00 Destroyed In Seconds. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 Damage Control. (M, CC) 9.00 Movie: American Pie ★ Presents: The Naked Mile. (MA15+, 06, CC) 11.00 Last Comic Standing. (M) 11.55 Lost. (M, R, CC) 12.50 Wagon Train. (PG, R) 1.45 Magnum, P.I. (PG, R) 2.40 The Rockford Files. (PG, R) 3.40 Knight Rider. (PG, R) 4.35 The A-Team. (PG, R) 5.30 Deal Or No Deal. (R)



5.30 News. (CC) 2284934

6.00 Trapped! (R, CC) 6.30 Lizzie McGuire. (R, CC) 7.00 CJ The DJ. (R, CC) 7.15 Best Ed. (R, CC) 7.30 The Super Hero Squad Show. (R, CC) 7.55 The Pinky & Perky Show. (R, CC) 8.10 King Arthur’s Disasters. (R, CC) 8.35 Edgar And Ellen. (R, CC) 8.55 Total Drama Island. (R, CC) 9.20 Shaolin Wuzang. (R, CC) 10.05 Wolverine And The X-Men. (R, CC) 10.55 Rush TV. (R, CC) 11.20 Good Game: SP. (R, CC) 11.35 Totally Wild. (R, CC) 12.00 Deadly 60. (R, CC) 12.30 Barney’s Barrier Reef. (R, CC) 1.00 Erky Perky. (R, CC) 1.10 The Pinky & Perky Show. (R, CC) 1.25 Spliced! (R, CC) 1.50 Kid Vs Kat. (R, CC) 2.00 Connor Undercover. (R, CC) 2.45 The Genie From Down Under. (R) 3.40 My Place. (R, CC) 4.30 Class Of The Titans. (R, CC) 4.55 Iron Man: Armored Adventures. (R, CC) 5.15 Good Game: SP. (R, CC) 5.35 Rush TV. (R, CC) 6.00 Spliced! (R, CC) 6.25 Blue Water High. (R, CC) 6.50 Escape From Scorpion Island. (R, CC) 9.05 Close.

6.00 Mass For You At Home. 741705 6.30 Hillsong. 123674 7.00 Animalia. (C, R, CC) 124303 7.30 Totally Wild. (C, R, CC) 591002 8.00 Meet The Press. (Final, CC) 141561 8.30 The Hit Rater.com. 581674 9.00 The Benchwarmers Oz Made. 849755 10.00 Hit List TV. (PG) 1808129 12.00 iFish. 287991 1.00 Escape With ET. 203939 2.00 Surf Lifesaving. Coolangatta Gold. 96018804 5.00 News. (CC) 204533 5.30 Sports Tonight. (CC)


6.00 The Simpsons. (PG, R, CC) 215649 6.30 Modern Family. (PG, R, CC) 223668 7.00 Modern Family. (PG, CC) 222804

7.30 Junior MasterChef. (CC) 341769

CLASSIFICATIONS: (P) For preschoolers (C) Children’s programs (G) General viewing (PG) Parental guidance (M) Mature audiences (MA15+) Mature adults only (AV15+) Mature audiences: contains adult violence (M) (MA15+) and (AV15+) CONSUMER ADVICE: (a) adult themes (h) horror (Sx) sex scenes (d) drug references, (l) language, (m) medical procedures (n) nudity (v) violence (w) war (CC) Closed Captions (WS) widescreen Programs subject to late change by stations.

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trivia test

1. Which is the correct spelling: library, libery or libary?

2. The Indians who

live in the Coffs Harbour-Woolgoolga area follow which religion?

Face in the Crowd


3. Moths, Sabots and

Lasers are types of what?

4. What do the letters


ESP stand for?







5. In which state is the Diamantina River?



6. Who directed the

Australian film Rabbit-Proof Fence?


7. Is foolscap smaller



or larger than A4 paper?





8. Which Australian

swimmer won four gold medals at the 1998 Commonwealth Games?




18 19


9. What do lollipop people do?


10. Who starred as


Rafferty in the Seven Network’s Rafferty’s FILE: Rules? Sudoku - Level 3 - 1030

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FILE: Sudoku - Level 3 - 1030 © Lovatts Publishing Group 2009 © Lovatts Publications - www.lovatts.com.au

Trivia Test answers (270) 1 library, 2 Sikhism, 3 small sailing boats, 4 extrasensory perception, 5 Queensland, 6 Phil Noyce, Brought to you by 7 larger, 8 Ian Thorpe, 9 help school kids cross the road, 10 Rating: John Wood. HOW TO PLAY I am an American actor born in 1966. I originally To solve a Sudoku puzzle, intended on becoming a every number from 1 to 9 lawyer. I had early roles must appear in: in The Wonder Years  Each of the nine and as a lawyer cumvertical columns vigilante in NYPD Blue. I of the nine HOW TO PLAY  Each was cast in the Steven horizontal rows Tonine solve a Sudoku puzzle, Spielberg mini-series  Each of the Band of Brothers. I am3 x 3 boxes every number from 1 to 9 Remember no number best known as Ross must appear in: can occur more than Geller from the TV once in any row, column series Friends. or box.  Each of the nine




as much as our I am David perfections. Schwimmer

If you’re going to be able to look back on something and laugh about it, you might as well laugh about it now.

Puzzle number 1.

can occurRating: more than once in any row, column or box. Puzzle number: CW009.

Puzzle number 30.

1. Underground stems 2. Lodge deeply 3. Bury 4. Handy implement 5. Dessert, ... split 6. Missing 10. Saintly glow 11. Europe’s tallest volcano 12. Donkey 13. Loose flesh 14. On top of 15. Roman XXX 16. Struck with horns 17. Athens natives 18. Land enclosed by water 19. Oral sense 20. Dark yellow pigment

Find our Face in the Crowd and you could win an Entertainers Pack from D’Aquino’s valued at $150 which could include wine, beer and/ or snack foods. Somewhere in this edition of Central West Photo News you’ll find the face shown above. Once you’ve found it, write the page number and location on the back of an envelope along with your name, address and daytime contact number. Send it in to: Face in the Crowd, Central West Photo News, Suite 3, 241 Lords Place, Orange NSW 2800. You can also email an entry to competitions@cwpn.com.au. One entry per person per week please. Entries close at the end of the month. All entries received during the month go into one big draw. The first correct entry drawn wins the prize. Entrants must be over the age of 18, photo ID required. D’Aquino’s and Central West Photo News support the responsible service and consumption of alcohol.

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Fill the grid so that every column, every row and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.

Starting with the seven-letter word, drop a letter, rearrange if necessary, and form a six-letter word. Continue in this manner until you reach the lone letter at the bottom. Your solution may differ from ours.









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3 2 8 7 8 2 4 1 61 3 4 672 3 vertical columns 8 5  Each of the nine Wise words... horizontal rows 8 5 CENTRAL WEST PHOTO NEWS To accept ourselves[advertising as  Each of the nine 5 Handy Cross 13A space] we are means to value 3 x 3 boxes Who CentralWestHandy13Ablank.pdf our imperfections 6 5 29 1 am I? Remember no number © Lovatts Publications 25/02/2010 See bottom of this page for answers

1. Very high (of building) 5. Alpha, …, gamma 7. Lamp part, light ... 8. Neatness 9. Library user 12. Blameworthy (2,5) 15. Drink sachets (3,4) 19. Steak cuts (1-5) 21. Noisy snakes 22. Exercise ring, ... hoop 23. 36 inches 24. Impaled

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4 See bottom of this page for answers


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The Birthday File

Stepdown solutions 256 Strains, trains, stair, star, rat, at, t

BIRTHDAY to these locals 6HAPPY who are celebrating shortly – NOV 5

Ben McGarity


Keagan Pain

NOV 10

Barry & Mary McArdle

3 8Solutions on Classifieds Page 1 9 2 4 9 5 3 7 8 1 6 6 8 55 1 9 2 3 7 4 3 7 1 4 8 6 2 9 5 5 2 17 96 43 89 21 54 65 38 72

Wedding Aniversary

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5 8 9 7 1 6 2 3 4 Nominate your friends and family! To add names 1 2 9 8 space] 7 6 4 5 3[advertising to the Birthday File call 3 2 1 9 4 8 6 5 7 Jackie on 6361 3575 or email birthdayfile@cwpn.com.au 8 3 2 4 5 9 1 7 6 8 5 2 7 6 3 1 4 9 9 1 7 6 8 3 4 2 5 www.lovattspuzzles.com Rating: Can you find Hogster? If you can you Don’t put anything in the envelope then 5D 1 I8 2 7 9 4 6 3 CONDITIONS OF USE: NN ER could win 3 it to 1 2 7 8 9 send 5 6prize. 4a great This puzzle is provided for single use only.9 2 6 3 4 8S7 5 1 Each week we’ll hide a small version of Find Hogster Lovatts logo and copyright information must for t 5o 1 9 2 8 9 News not be removed, however you’re free to editt4o3 7 6 w 4 5 1 Photo 6 ‘Hogster’ 7 3 the Hog’s2Breath Cafe 8mascot b all other components using the supplied .eps e somewhere in the paper. It could be in 3/241 Lords Place w on 1 4 8 3 9 5 7 6 2 file. For further information, please contact an ad, among the photos, in a story or Orange 2800 Katrina Keppie in our Syndication Department: anywhere.6 9 5 2 7 1 3 4 At8 the end of eachsyndication@lovattspuzzles.com month we’ll draw two

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people do?

The ‘Hogster’ you’re looking for looks exactly like this one:

9. What do lollipop

Geller from the TV series Friends.

5 8 9 7 1 6 2 3 4 8 1 2 9each month’s 3announce 7 6 4 5We’ll winners in Photo News. CENTRAL WEST PHOTO NEWS 2 1 9 4 8 6 5 7 3 CentralWestSudoku038.pdf 3 2 4 5 9 1 7 6 8 Moderate © Lovatts Publications 28/10/2010

puzzle & quiz solutions


lucky winners to each receive a Steak Dinner for two from the Hog’s Breath Cafe in Orange.

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Copyright © Lovatts Publications

Who starred as Rafferty in the Seven Network’s Rafferty’s Rules?

What you have to do is find him! When you do, write your name, address and contact number on the back of an envelope along with the page number where you found ‘Hogster’.


Who am I? tq270 PN_20101104 I am David Trivia Test answers (270) 1 Schwimmer library, 2 Sikhism, 3 small sailing boats, 4 extrasensory perception, 5 Queensland, 6 Phil Noyce, Stepdown solution 7 larger, 8 Ian Thorpe, 9 help Strains, trains, stair, star, rat, at, t. school kids cross the road, 10 John Wood.

6 Win a Steak Dinner!

MONDAY November 8 6.00 Children’s Programs. 70106309 10.00 For The Juniors. (R, CC) 67381 10.15 Naturally Australia. (R, CC) 2896798 10.30 Neue Freunde. (R) 6804779 10.40 Food For Thought. (R, CC) 9523066 11.00 Landline. (R, CC) 88175 12.00 Midday Report. (CC) 4427 12.30 The Forsyte Saga. (M, R, CC) 50392 1.30 Planet Food. (R, CC) 4066 2.00 Waterloo Road. (PG, CC) 2742311 3.00 Children’s Programs. 57992359

6.00 Sunrise. (CC) 66532205 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG, CC) 3044205 11.30 News. (CC) 2412 12.00 A Touch Of Frost. (M, R, CC) 875476 2.00 All Saints. (M, R, CC) 39311

3.00 Medical Emergency. (PG, R, CC) 1069 3.30 Toybox. (P, CC) 4156 4.00 Spit It Out. (C, CC) 5885 4.30 News At 4.30. (CC) 7088 5.00 M*A*S*H. (R) 8717 5.30 Deal Or No Deal. (CC) 8576

6.00 Travel Oz. 5359 6.30 Talking Heads. 3750 7.00 News. 717 7.30 7.30 Report. 208 8.00 Australian Story. 601 8.30 Four Corners. (Final) 96363 9.20 Media Watch. (Final) 2773866 9.35 Q&A. (Final) 3027392 10.35 Lateline. 8305175 11.35 638 Ways To Kill Castro. (MA15+) 1284446 12.50 The Clinic. (M) 6539828 1.45 Movie: So This Is New York. (48) 4958016 3.00 Bowls. Australian Indoor C’ships. Replay. 6406248 4.00 The Cook And The Chef. 3424354 4.30 Shortland. 4490064 4.50 Treasure Hunt. 7540441 5.00 Something In The Air. 6507915 5.30 Gardening Australia. 6500002

6.00 ABC News Breakfast. (CC) 9.00 Children’s Programs. 6.00 Collectors. (R, CC) 6.25 Scrapheap Challenge. (R, CC) 7.15 The Daily Show Global Edition. (PG, CC) 7.40 The Colbert Report Global Edition. (PG, CC) 8.05 The Goodies. (R, CC) 8.35 Good Game. (CC) 9.05 Pure Pwnage. (CC) 9.30 The IT Crowd. (PG, R, CC) Jen finds herself in the firing line when she is tricked into attending a work luncheon with the new officer in charge of redundancies. 9.55 Torchwood. (M, R, CC) 10.40 Torchwood Declassified. (PG, R, CC) 11.00 Blade Of The Immortal. (CC) 11.25 triple j presents. (M, CC) 11.55 Soundtrack To My Life: Crowded House. (R, CC) 12.20 London Live. (PG, R, CC) 12.50 The Royal Today. (PG, R, CC) 1.10 Travel Oz. (R, CC) 1.45 Close. 5.30 The Cook And The Chef. (R, CC)

6.00 Prime News. (CC) 9205 6.30 News. (CC) 7224 7.00 Home And Away. (PG, CC) 6953 7.30 The X Factor. (PG) 6175 8.30 Criminal Minds. (M, CC) 74446

9.30 Criminal Minds. (M, R, CC) 63330 10.30 Our Lives: Sleep Walkers. (M) 54682 11.30 That ’70s Show. (PG, R, CC) 1040 12.00 Momma’s Boys. (PG, R) 86118

1.00 Home Shopping. 92554828

5.30 News. (CC) 2251606

6.00 Children’s Programs. 11.45 Backyard Science. (R, CC) 12.00 BTN Extra. (CC) 12.15 Creature Features. (R, CC) 12.45 Rush TV. (R, CC) 1.10 Bernard. (R) 1.20 Spliced! (R, CC) 1.45 Majority Rules. (R, CC) 2.15 Kaitangata Twitch. (R, CC) 2.45 Jinx. (R, CC) 3.10 Blue Water High. (R, CC) 3.35 Round The Twist. (R, CC) 4.00 Mortified. (R, CC) 4.25 News On 3. (CC) 4.30 Bugged. 4.40 Oggy And The Cockroaches. (R, CC) 5.05 CJ The DJ. (R, CC) 5.15 Monk. 5.20 The Pinky & Perky Show. (R, CC) 5.35 Dex Hamilton: Alien Entomologist. (R, CC) 6.00 Total Drama Island. (Final, R, CC) 6.25 Escape From Scorpion Island. (CC) 6.55 News On 3. (CC) 7.05 Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab. (CC) 7.35 The Wannabes. (R, CC) 8.05 Connor Undercover. (R, CC) 8.25 Aisling’s Diary. (R) 8.30 Sweat. (R) Sandy is sure she’s pregnant and has to decide whether she wants to have the baby and give up her career, or have a termination. 9.00 Close.

6.00 Today. (CC) 21594021 9.00 Kerri-Anne. (PG, CC) 3795069 11.00 Alive And Cooking. (R) 371798 11.30 Daily. (PG) 374885 12.00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG, CC) 185088 1.00 The View. (PG, CC) 161408 2.00 Days Of Our Lives. (PG, CC) 165224 3.00 Entertainment Tonight. (CC) 726224 3.30 Hi-5. (P, CC) 729311 4.00 Pyramid. (C, CC) 720040 4.30 News. (CC) 178663 5.00 Antiques Roadshow. (CC) 179392 5.30 Hot Seat. (CC) 189779

6.00 WorldWatch. 45295408 11.00 Hindi News. 1894088 11.30 Arabic News. 1897175 12.00 Russian News. 1865576 12.30 Turkish News. 1431021 1.00 Food Lovers’ Guide To Australia. (R, CC) 1432750 1.30 Dateline. (R, CC) 9835392 2.30 Insight. (R, CC) 9846408 3.30 Letters And Numbers. (R, CC) 1455601 4.00 The Journal. (CC) 1456330 4.30 FIFA Futbol Mundial. (UK) 4459798 5.00 The Crew. 4450427 5.30 Living Black. (R, CC) 4453514

6.00 News. (CC) 336750 7.00 Toasted TV. 792392 8.00 Totally Wild. (C, CC) 902682 8.30 Puzzle Play. (P, R, CC) 381175 9.00 News. (CC) 712156 10.00 The Circle. (PG, CC) 1795601 12.00 Dr Phil. (PG, R, CC) 176330 1.00 The Oprah Winfrey Show. (PG, R, CC) 152750 2.00 Ready Steady Cook. (PG, CC) 163866 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG, CC) 724866 3.30 Infomercial. (PG, R, CC) 727953 4.00 Huey’s Kitchen. (CC) 728682 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful. (CC) 176205 5.00 News. (CC) 523224

6.00 The Book Place. (R) 6.30 To Be Advised. 7.30 Flipper. (PG, R) 8.30 Sons And Daughters. (R) 9.00 Home And Away: The Early Years. (R) 9.30 Shortland Street. (PG) 10.00 Coronation Street. (PG) 10.30 Emmerdale. (PG) 11.00 Hollyoaks. (PG) 12.00 All My Children. (PG) 1.00 The Martha Stewart Show. 2.00 Essence Of Emeril. (R) 2.30 To Be Advised. 3.30 To Be Advised. 4.30 Murphy Brown. (PG, R, CC) 5.00 Head Of The Class. (PG, R) 5.30 Growing Pains. (PG, R)

6.00 Children’s Programs. 8.30 The Flintstones. (R) 9.00 The Scooby Doo Show. (R) 9.30 I Dream Of Jeannie. (R) 10.00 Bewitched. (R) 10.30 Entertainment Tonight. (R, CC) 11.00 TMZ. 11.30 Get Smart. (R) 12.00 Here’s Lucy. (R) 12.30 Seinfeld. (PG, R) 1.00 Green Acres. (R) 2.00 Hogan’s Heroes. (R) 3.00 Just Shoot Me! (PG, R) 3.30 Class Of 3000. (R) 4.00 Ben 10: Alien Force. (R) 4.30 Here’s Lucy. (R) 5.00 I Dream Of Jeannie. (R) 5.30 Bewitched. (R)

6.00 News. (CC) 180408 6.30 WIN News. (CC) 198427 7.00 A Current Affair. (CC) 113601 7.30 Two And A Half Men. (M, CC) 112972 8.00 Two And A Half Men. (PG, R, CC) 119885 8.30 The Mentalist. (M) 557156 9.30 CSI: Miami. (M) 546040 10.30 True CSI: Cold Blood. (AV15+) 537392 11.30 ’Til Death. (PG) 192243 12.00 WIN News. (CC) 600539 12.30 Ellen. (PG, R, CC) 9722593 1.30 Entertainment Tonight. (R, CC) 8118644 2.00 Homicide. (b/w, M, R) 6645462 3.00 Danoz Direct. 8195793 3.30 GMA. (CC) 6260064 5.00 News. (CC) 7327460 5.30 Today. (CC) 7337847

6.00 Letters And Numbers. (CC) 4454243 6.30 World News Australia. (CC) 3120682 7.30 MythBusters. (R, CC) (US) 3657040 8.30 Man Vs Wild: Sahara. (PG, R, CC) 6958137 9.30 World News Australia. (CC) 8034156 10.00 Shameless. (MA15+, CC) (UK) 6946392 11.00 Entourage. (M) 4441779 11.30 The World Game. (R) 6967885 12.30 Living Black. (R, CC) 1566199 1.00 Movie: 12:08 East Of Bucharest. (M, 06, R) (Romania) 16999538 2.35 WorldWatch. 40176996

6.00 The Simpsons. (R, CC) 6.30 Neighbours. (CC) 196069 7.00 The 7PM Project. (PG, CC) 111243 7.30 Junior MasterChef. (CC) 911330 8.30 Undercover Boss Australia. (PG, CC) 555798 9.30 Good News Week. (M, CC) 5025392 10.40 News/Sports Tonight. (CC) 3870494 11.25 Letterman. (PG) 398576 12.10 Swingtown. (M) 4854793 1.10 Video Hits Up-Late. (PG, R) 6916422 1.30 Infomercial. (PG) 63311557 4.00 Religious Programs. 1531977

6.00 Wedding Planner. (PG, R) 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.00 George And Mildred. (PG, R) 7.30 Heartbeat. (PG, R) 8.30 The Xtra Factor. (PG, CC) 9.30 Movie: I Love You To (M, 90, R) Kevin ★ Death. Kline, Tracey Ullman. 11.30 Last Man Standing. (M, R, CC) 12.30 George And Mildred. (PG, R) 1.00 Airline USA. (PG, R) 1.30 Australian Open Tennis Classic. Semi-final, 2005. Hewitt v Roddick. 5.00 Home Shopping.

6.00 6.30 7.30 8.30 9.30 10.30

6.00 ABC News Breakfast. (CC) 9.00 News. (CC) 9.30 Business Today. (CC) 10.00 News. (CC) 12.00 Midday Report. (CC) 12.30 Inside Business. (R, CC) 1.00 News. (CC) 2.00 Midday Report. (CC) 2.30 Talking Heads. (R, CC) 3.00 Afternoon Live. 5.30 7.30 Select. (R) 6.00 News. 6.05 The Drum. 6.45 The Quarters. (R) 7.00 News. (CC) 7.30 The 7.30 Report. (CC) 8.00 News. (CC) 8.30 Lateline Business. (CC) 9.00 The World. (CC) 10.00 News. (CC) 10.30 Newsline. (CC) 11.00 News. (CC) 11.30 The 7.30 Report. (R, CC) 12.00 News. 12.05 The Drum. (R) 12.45 The Quarters. (R) 1.00 BBC News: Impact Asia. 1.30 Australia Network News. 2.00 BBC World News: The Hub. 2.30 The 7.30 Report. (R, CC) 3.00 Lateline. (R, CC) 3.35 Lateline Business. (R, CC) 4.00 News. 4.05 The Quarters. (R) 4.20 The Drum. (R) 5.00 News. 5.15 The Quarters. (R) 5.30 Newsline. (R, CC)

6.00 WorldWatch. 6.00 Living Black. (R, CC) 6.30 Eating Art: Selling Food. (PG) (UK) 7.00 At The Table With. (R) (Canada) 7.30 Light Fantastic: Let There Be Light. (PG, R, CC) (UK) 8.30 Humanimal: The RunIn With Wolves. (PG, R, CC) Explores the relationship between wolves and humans, including a look at the long history of hostility between the species. (France) 9.30 The World Game. Soccer news, features, and match results, as well as player and club profiles from around the world. Panellists include Les Murray, Craig Foster, David Basheer, Mariana Rudan, Vitor Sobral and Scott McIntyre. 10.30 Movie: The (b/w, ★ Pornographers. MA15+, 66, R) Sumiko Sakamoto, Keiko Sagawa, Shoichi Ozawa. (Japan) 12.50 WeatherWatch Overnight. 5.00 WeatherWatch & Music.

6.00 Gridiron. NFL. Week 9. Atlanta Falcons v Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Continued. 8.15 Gridiron. NFL. Week 9. Philadelphia Eagles v Indianapolis Colts. 11.20 Motorcycle Racing. MotoGP. Round 18. Valencian Grand Prix. Replay. 12.20 Gridiron. NFL. Week 9. Green Bay Packers v Dallas Cowboys. 3.30 Omnisport. 4.00 Soccer. Serie A. Matchday 10. Lazio v Roma. 6.00 Real NBA. 6.30 Motor Racing. Formula 1. Round 18. Brazilian Grand Prix. Replay. From Autódromo José Carlos Pace, Sao Paulo, Brazil. 8.30 World Football News. 9.30 Sports Tonight. 10.00 The Pro Shop. 11.00 Golf. Australian PGA Tour. WA Open. Highlights. 1.00 Sports Tonight Late. (CC) 1.15 Omnisport. (R) 1.45 Motor Racing. NASCAR Nationwide Series. Race 33. O’Reilly Auto Parts Challenge. Highlights. 2.45 WRC Shakedown. 3.15 Sports Unlimited. (PG, R) 4.15 Transworld Sport. (R) 5.15 ATP World Tour Uncovered. (R) 5.45 Omnisport. (R)

6.00 Wagon Train. (PG, R) 7.00 The Virginian. (PG, R) 8.30 McHale’s Navy. (PG, R) 9.00 NBC Today. (R, CC) 10.00 NBC Meet The Press. (R, CC) 11.00 Highway Patrol: Hellraising Driver. (PG, R, CC) 11.30 Destroyed In Seconds. (PG, R, CC) 12.00 Movie: Ghost Voyage. (M, 08, R) 2.00 Magnum, P.I. (PG, R) 3.00 The Rockford Files. (PG, R) 4.00 Knight Rider. (PG, R) 5.00 The ATeam. (PG, R) 6.00 Monster Garage. (PG, R) 7.00 That ’70s Show. (PG, R) 7.30 Fifth Gear. (PG) 8.00 Whacked Out Sports. (PG, CC) 8.30 Family Guy. (PG, R, CC) Chris runs away to South America after being subjected to a school initiation. 9.00 American Dad! (PG, R, CC) 9.30 30 Rock. (PG, R, CC) 10.30 Boston Legal. (M, R, CC) 11.30 Parks And Recreation. (M) 11.55 Lost. (M, R, CC) 12.50 Wagon Train. (PG, R) 1.45 Magnum, P.I. (PG, R) 2.40 The Rockford Files. (PG, R) 3.40 Knight Rider. (PG, R) 4.35 The A-Team. (PG, R) 5.30 Deal Or No Deal. (R)

6.00 Today. (CC) 9.00 Alive And Cooking. 9.30 The Zoo. (R, CC) 10.00 The Nanny. (PG, R) 10.30 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 11.00 Murder, She Wrote. (PG) 1.00 The Avengers. (PG, R) 2.00 Sea Patrol. (M, R, CC) 3.00 McLeod’s Daughters. (PG, R, CC) 4.00 Getaway. (PG, R, CC) 5.00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG, R, CC) 6.00 The Nanny. (PG, R) 6.30 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 7.00 The Zoo. (R, CC) 7.30 Animal Emergency. (R, CC) 8.00 Airport. (R, CC) 8.30 Movie: Monster-In(M, 05, R, CC) A ★ Law. woman faces opposition from her obnoxious future mother-in-law who is determined to prevent her son’s wedding. Jennifer Lopez, Jane Fonda, Michael Vartan. 10.40 The Mentalist. (M, R, CC) 11.40 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 12.05 The Nanny. (PG, R) 12.30 Animal Emergency. (R, CC) 1.00 Airport. (R, CC) 1.30 Adventures In Rainbow Country. (R) 2.00 Home Shopping. 5.00 The Garden Gurus. (R) 5.30 Today. (CC)


11.00 11.30 12.30 1.00 2.00 4.00 4.30 5.00 5.30

The Flintstones. (R) Total Wipeout UK. (PG, R) Hellcats. (PG) The Vampire Diaries. (M) Ladette To Lady. (MA15+) Two And A Half Men. (M, R, CC) Two And A Half Men. (PG, R, CC) Gossip Girl. (M) Seinfeld. (PG, R) The Vampire Diaries. (M, R) Home Shopping. Just Shoot Me! (PG, R) TMZ. (R) Get Smart. (R) The Flintstones. (R)

CLASSIFICATIONS: (P) For preschoolers (C) Children’s programs (G) General viewing (PG) Parental guidance (M) Mature audiences (MA15+) Mature adults only (AV15+) Mature audiences: contains adult violence (M) (MA15+) and (AV15+) CONSUMER ADVICE: (a) adult themes (h) horror (Sx) sex scenes (d) drug references, (l) language, (m) medical procedures (n) nudity (v) violence (w) war (CC) Closed Captions (WS) widescreen Programs subject to late change by stations.

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TUESDAY November 9 6.00 Children’s Programs. 18906921 10.00 Behind The News. (CC) 5129 10.30 The Dame Joan Memorial Service. 462248

12.00 Midday Report. (CC) 5985

12.30 National Press Club Address. (CC) 61335 1.30 The Einstein Factor. (R, CC) 6354 2.00 Waterloo Road. (PG, CC) 2719083

3.00 Children’s Programs.

6.00 Sunrise. (CC) 66509977 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG, CC) 3011977 11.30 News. (CC) 9118 12.00 Movie: Volcano: Fire On The Mountain. (PG, 97, R, CC) 949847 2.00 All Saints. (M, R, CC) 59002 3.00 Medical Emergency. (PG, R, CC) 3915 3.30 Toybox. (P, CC) 6002 4.00 Spit It Out. (C, CC) 7731 4.30 News At 4.30. (CC) 6606 5.00 M*A*S*H. (R) 7335 5.30 Deal Or No Deal. (CC)


6.00 WorldWatch. 45255880 11.00 Hindi News. 1854460 11.30 Arabic News. 1864847 12.00 Russian News. 1832248 12.30 Turkish News. 1408793 1.00 Movie: The Station Agent. (M, 03, R) (US) 4630793 2.40 Andheri. (PG, R) (India) 16561847 3.00 Living Black. (R, CC) 1429286 3.30 Letters And Numbers. (R, CC) 1422373 4.00 The Journal. (CC) 1423002 4.30 PBS NewsHour. (CC) 3117118 5.30 Global Village: Visions Of France – Riviera Pt 1. (US) 4420286

6.00 Early News. (CC) 209151 7.00 Toasted TV. 689373 8.00 Totally Wild. (C, CC) 882373 8.30 Puzzle Play. (P, R, CC) 252118 9.00 News. (CC) 676809 10.00 The Circle. (PG, CC) 1762373 12.00 Dr Phil. (PG, R, CC) 656183 1.00 The Oprah Winfrey Show. (PG, R, CC) 656903 2.00 Ready Steady Cook. (PG, CC) 551539 3.00 Judge Judy. (CC) 604557 3.30 Infomercial. (PG, R, CC) 607644 4.00 Huey’s Kitchen. (CC) 608373 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful. (CC) 955606 5.00 News. (CC) 403915

6.00 The Book Place. (R) 6.30 To Be Advised. 7.30 Flipper. (PG, R) 8.30 Sons And Daughters. (R) 9.00 Home And Away: The Early Years. (R) 9.30 Shortland Street. (PG) 10.00 Coronation Street. (PG) 10.30 Emmerdale. (PG) 11.00 Hollyoaks. (PG) 12.00 All My Children. (PG) 1.00 The Martha Stewart Show. 2.00 Essence Of Emeril. (R) 2.30 To Be Advised. 4.30 Murphy Brown. (PG, R, CC) 5.00 Head Of The Class. (PG, R) 5.30 Growing Pains. (PG, R)

6.00 News. (CC) 600719 6.30 WIN News. (CC) 555480 7.00 A Current Affair. (CC) 204444 7.30 The National IQ Test. (PG, CC) 856083 9.30 Survivor: Nicaragua. (PG, CC) 400793 10.30 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares Revisits. (M, R, CC) 424373 11.30 ’Til Death. (PG) 450016 12.00 WIN News. (CC) 846010 12.30 Ellen. (PG, R, CC) 8071805 1.30 Ent. Tonight. (R, CC) 8185316 2.00 Division 4. (b/w, M, R) 5994774 3.00 Danoz Direct. 8099565 3.30 GMA. (CC) 6164836 5.00 News. (CC) 7394132 5.30 Today. (CC) 7304519

6.00 Letters And Numbers. (CC) 4421915 6.30 World News Australia. (CC) 3197354 7.30 Why Do Viruses Kill? (PG, CC) (UK) 3624712 8.30 The Virtual Revolution. (CC) Part 4 of 4. 6925809 9.30 World News Australia. (CC) 8001828 10.00 Hot Docs: Chevolution. (M, CC) (Mexico) 8535441 11.40 Movie: Go In Peace, (AV15+, 08, R) ★ Jamil. (Denmark) 39633644 1.15 Angels Of Rio. (M) (France) 64418565 2.25 WorldWatch. 98842126

6.00 The Simpsons. (R, CC) 905101 6.30 Neighbours. (CC) 355462 7.00 The 7PM Project. (PG, CC) 882646 7.30 Talkin’ ’Bout Your Generation. (PG) 868793 8.30 NCIS. (M, CC) 402151 9.30 NCIS: Los Angeles. (M, R, CC) 408335 10.30 News. (CC) 588286 11.15 Letterman. (PG) 287915 12.00 Law & Order. (M, R, CC)

6.00 Wedding Planner. (PG, R) 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.00 George And Mildred. (PG, R) 7.30 Fawlty Towers. (PG, R) 8.10 Vicar Of Dibley. (PG, R) 8.45 Keeping Up Appearances. (PG, R, CC) 9.25 Porridge. (PG, R, CC) 10.00 Benidorm. (M, CC) 10.30 Not Going Out. (M, CC) 11.10 Sopranos. (MA15+, R, CC) 12.10 The Professionals. (M, R) 1.10 George And Mildred. (R) 1.35 Airline USA. (PG, R) 2.00 Australian Open Tennis Classic. Final, 2007. 5.00 Home Shopping.

12.00 12.30 1.00 2.00 4.00 4.30 5.00 5.30

6.00 ABC News Breakfast. (CC) 9.00 News. (CC) 9.30 Business Today. (CC) 10.00 News. (CC) 12.00 Midday Report. (CC) 12.30 National Press Club Address. 1.30 News. (CC) 2.00 Midday Report. (CC) 2.30 7.30 Select. (R) 3.00 Afternoon Live. 5.30 Stateline Select. 6.00 News. 6.05 The Drum. 6.45 The Quarters. (R) 7.00 News. (CC) 7.30 The 7.30 Report. (CC) 8.00 News. (CC) 8.30 Lateline Business. (CC) 9.00 The World. (CC) 10.00 News. (CC) 10.30 Newsline. (CC) 11.00 News. (CC) 11.30 The 7.30 Report. (R, CC) 12.00 News. 12.05 The Drum. (R) 12.45 The Quarters. (R) 1.00 BBC News. 1.30 Australia Network News. 2.00 BBC World News. 2.30 The 7.30 Report. (R, CC) 3.00 Lateline. (R, CC) 3.35 Lateline Business. (R, CC) 4.00 News. 4.05 The Quarters. (R) 4.20 The Drum. (R) 5.00 News. 5.15 The Quarters. (R) 5.30 Newsline.

6.00 French News. 6.40 Indonesian News. 7.05 Russian News. 7.35 Polish News. 8.05 Dutch News. 8.30 Macedonian News. 9.05 Croatian News. 9.40 Serbian News. 10.10 Korean News. 10.45 Japanese News. 11.20 Hong Kong News. 11.40 Chinese News. 12.10 Portuguese News. 12.40 Italian News. 1.10 German News. 1.40 Spanish News. 2.30 Filipino News. 3.05 Greek News. 4.00 Polish News. 4.25 Turkish News. 4.55 Arabic News. 5.30 Hindi News. 6.00 Global Village: Visions Of England Pt 1. (R) (US) 6.30 At The Table With. (R) (Canada) 7.00 Eating Art: Square Meals. (R) (UK) 7.30 Lost Worlds: Civilisations – The Gardens Of Babel. (R, CC) (France) 8.30 As It Happened: Living With The Enemy – Hunger And Hope. (R, CC) Part 2 of 4. (Germany) 9.30 Movie: The Edge Of (M, 07) ★ Heaven. (Germany) 11.40 Movie: 20 Centimetres. 05, R) Mónica ★ (MA15+, Cervera. (Spain) 1.35 WorldWatch.

6.00 Bundesliga Highlights. 7.00 World Football News. (R) 8.00 Gridiron. NFL. Week 9. Falcons v Buccaneers. Replay. 10.30 Real NBA. (R) 11.00 Basketball. NBL. Round 4. Melbourne Tigers v Wollongong Hawks. Replay. 1.00 iFish. (R) 1.30 Escape With ET. (R) 2.00 Pat Callinan’s 4x4 Adventures. (R) 3.00 Omnisport. 3.30 Golf Central. 4.00 Motor Racing. NASCAR Sprint Cup. Race 34. AAA Texas 500. Highlights. 5.00 Motorcycle Racing. 125cc and Moto2. Round 17. Valencian Grand Prix. Highlights. 5.45 Motorcycle Racing. MotoGP. Round 18. Valencian Grand Prix. Replay. 6.45 MotoGP FIM World Championship Award Ceremony. 7.30 Andrew Bogut Presents NBA Primetime. 9.30 Sports Tonight. 10.00 Liverpool TV. 1.00 Sports Tonight Late. (CC) 1.15 Surf Lifesaving. Coolangatta Gold. Replay. From the Gold Coast. 4.10 Omnisport. (R) 4.35 Soccer. Serie A. Matchday 10. Bologna v Lecce. Replay.

6.00 Wagon Train. (PG, R) 7.00 The Virginian. (PG, R) 8.30 McHale’s Navy. (PG, R) 9.00 NBC Today. (R, CC) 11.00 Carpoolers. (PG, R) 12.00 Miami Vice. (M, R) 2.00 Magnum, P.I. (M, R) 3.00 The Rockford Files. (PG, R) 4.00 Knight Rider. (PG, R) 5.00 The ATeam. (PG, R) 6.00 Monster Garage. (PG, R) 7.00 That ’70s Show. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 How I Met Your Mother. (PG, R, CC) 8.00 Scrubs. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 Family Guy. (M, R, CC) After a controversial mishap occurs during a live broadcast, the FCC begins to censor all of Peter’s favourite television shows. 9.00 American Dad! (PG, R, CC) 9.30 My Name Is Earl. (PG, R, CC) 10.30 Punk’d. (M, R, CC) 11.30 Nitro Circus. (M, R) 11.55 Miami Vice. (M, R) 12.45 Wagon Train. (PG, R) 1.45 Magnum, P.I. (M, R) 2.40 The Rockford Files. (PG, R) 3.40 Knight Rider. (PG, R) 4.35 The A-Team. (PG, R) 5.30 Deal Or No Deal. (R)

6.00 Today. (CC) 9.00 Alive And Cooking. 9.30 The Zoo. (R, CC) 10.00 The Nanny. (PG, R) 10.30 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 11.00 Murder, She Wrote. (PG) 12.00 Movie: We Joined The Navy. (G, 62, R) 2.00 Sea Patrol. (M, R, CC) 3.00 McLeod’s Daughters. (PG, R, CC) 4.00 Wife Swap USA. (PG) 5.00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG, R, CC) 6.00 The Nanny. (PG, R) 6.30 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 7.00 The Zoo. (R, CC) 7.30 Secret Millionaire. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 Law & Order. (M) A shooting in the lobby of a luxury hotel leaves one guest dead and exposes a clerk’s high-stakes scam. 9.30 The Closer. (M, CC) Brenda must decide how to handle a missing teen case when the evidence brings to light the boy’s horrific past. 11.30 Conan. (New series, M) 12.30 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 1.00 Law & Order. (M, R) 2.00 Home Shopping. 5.00 Adventures In Rainbow Country. (R) 5.30 Today. (CC)


6.00 The Choir. (R) 20064 7.00 News. 809 7.30 The 7.30 Report. 880 8.00 Foreign Correspondent. (Final) 793 8.30 An African Journey. (PG) 85977 9.30 QI. (M) 644 10.00 A Quiet Word With Carrie Fisher. 557 10.30 Lateline. 2461642 11.35 Four Corners. (Final, R) 6118557 12.20 Media Watch. (Final, R) 5359229 12.35 Chaser’s War. (M, R) 1266497 1.00 Movie: The Mark Of Zorro. (PG, 20) 2467107 2.30 SET. (R) 3316381 3.00 Big Ideas. (R) 6393720 4.00 Good Game. (M, R) 3328126 4.30 Shortland Street. (PG) 6573958 5.00 Something In The Air. (R) 6574687 5.30 Gardening Australia. (R) 6577774

6.00 Prime News. (CC) 1151 6.30 News. (CC) 9170 7.00 Home And Away. (PG, CC) 5199 7.30 Iron Chef Australia. (PG, CC) 4199 8.30 Packed To The Rafters. (PG, CC) 78199 9.30 Parenthood. (PG) 67083 10.30 Keeping Up With The Kardashians. (M) 3118 11.00 Olivia Lee. (M) 1915 11.30 That ’70s Show. (PG, R, CC) 2606 12.00 Mercy. (M, R, CC) 93381 1.00 Home Shopping.

6.00 ABC News Breakfast. (CC) 9.00 Children’s Programs. 6.00 Dolce Vito: Dream Restaurant. (Final, CC) 6.25 Scrapheap Challenge. (R, CC) 7.15 The Daily Show With Jon Stewart. (PG, CC) 7.35 The Colbert Report. (PG, CC) 8.05 Black Books. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 Criminal Justice. (Final, M, R, CC) The challenges and politics of the criminal justice system are seen through the eyes of Juliet Miller, a woman charged with the attempted murder of her abusive husband. 9.30 United States Of Tara. (M, R, CC) Max’s violent outburst comes back to haunt him. 10.30 Teachers. (M, R, CC) 11.30 Billable Hours. (M, R, CC) 11.55 The Beast. (M, R, CC) 12.40 The Royal Today. (PG, R, CC) 1.00 Travel Oz. (R, CC) 1.35 Close. 5.30 The Cook And The Chef. (R, CC)

6.00 Children’s Programs. 11.45 Backyard Science. (R, CC) 12.00 BTN Extra. (CC) 12.15 Creature Features. (R, CC) 12.45 Rush TV. (R, CC) 1.10 Bernard. (R) 1.20 Spliced! (R, CC) 1.45 Majority Rules. (R, CC) 2.15 Kaitangata Twitch. (R, CC) 2.45 Jinx. (R, CC) 3.10 Blue Water High. (R, CC) 3.35 Round The Twist. (R, CC) 4.00 Mortified. (R, CC) 4.25 News On 3. (CC) 4.30 Bugged. 4.40 Oggy And The Cockroaches. (R, CC) 5.05 CJ The DJ. (R, CC) 5.15 Monk. 5.20 The Pinky & Perky Show. (R, CC) 5.35 Dex Hamilton: Alien Entomologist. (R, CC) 6.00 Total Drama Island. (R, CC) 6.25 Escape From Scorpion Island. (CC) 6.55 News On 3. (CC) 7.05 Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab. (CC) 7.35 The Wannabes. (R, CC) 8.05 Connor Undercover. (R, CC) 8.25 Aisling’s Diary. (R) 8.30 Sweat. (Final, R) Tom takes the gold and Noodle is awarded the silver in the Nationals, but a positive drug test changes everything. 9.00 Close.


5.30 News. (CC) 2155478

6.00 Children’s Programs. 8.00 Class Of 3000. (R) 8.30 The Flintstones. (R) 9.00 The Scooby Doo Show. (R) 9.30 I Dream Of Jeannie. (R) 10.00 Bewitched. (R) 10.30 Entertainment Tonight. (R, CC) 11.00 TMZ. 11.30 Get Smart. (R) 12.00 Here’s Lucy. (R) 12.30 Seinfeld. (PG, R) 1.00 Charlie’s Angels. (PG, R) 2.00 Hellcats. (PG, R) 3.00 Just Shoot Me! (PG, R) 3.30 Class Of 3000. (R) 4.00 Ben 10. (R) 4.30 Here’s Lucy. (R) 5.00 I Dream Of Jeannie. (R) 5.30 Bewitched. (R)

6.00 Today. (CC) 21561793 9.00 Kerri-Anne. (PG, CC) 3755441 11.00 Alive And Cooking. (R) 235441 11.30 Daily. (PG) 245828 12.00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG, CC) 856101 1.00 The View. (PG, CC) 856921 2.00 Days Of Our Lives. (PG, CC) 751557 3.00 Entertainment Tonight. (CC) 606915 3.30 Hi-5. (P, CC) 609002 4.00 Pyramid. (C, CC) 600731 4.30 News. (CC) 155624 5.00 Antiques Roadshow. (CC) 705183 5.30 Hot Seat. (CC) 555660


1.00 Infomercial. (PG) 39038749

4.00 Religious Programs. 1435749

6.00 6.30 7.30 8.30 9.30

The Flintstones. (R) Total Wipeout UK. (PG, R) Drop Dead Diva. (PG) The Big Bang Theory. (PG, R, CC) Movie: The Punisher. (AV15+, 04, R, CC) A man becomes a crime-fighting vigilante after his family is murdered by thugs. Charlie’s Angels. (PG, R) Big Bang Theory. (PG, R) Drop Dead Diva. (PG, R) Home Shopping. Just Shoot Me! (PG, R) TMZ. (R) Get Smart. (R) The Flintstones. (R)

CLASSIFICATIONS: (P) For preschoolers (C) Children’s programs (G) General viewing (PG) Parental guidance (M) Mature audiences (MA15+) Mature adults only (AV15+) Mature audiences: contains adult violence (M) (MA15+) and (AV15+) CONSUMER ADVICE: (a) adult themes (h) horror (Sx) sex scenes (d) drug references, (l) language, (m) medical procedures (n) nudity (v) violence (w) war (CC) Closed Captions (WS) widescreen Programs subject to late change by stations.

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WEDNESDAY November 10 6.00 Children’s Programs. 87255233 10.00 Count Us In. (R) 37403 10.15 Atoms Of Fire. (R, CC) 2750942 10.30 Behind The News. (R, CC) 6777671 10.50 Australians. (R, CC) 9478519 11.00 Big Ideas. (CC) 95229 12.00 Midday Report. (CC) 6861 12.30 National Press Club Address. (CC) 90774 1.30 Talking Heads. (R, CC) 5300 2.00 Waterloo Road. (M, CC) 2613855 3.00 Children’s Programs. 57929403

6.00 Sunrise. (CC) 66403749 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG, CC) 3915749 11.30 News. (CC) 3478 12.00 Movie: Can’t Be Heaven. (PG, 00, R) 716010 2.00 All Saints. (M, R, CC) 73565

3.00 Medical Emergency. (PG, R, CC) 6923 3.30 Toybox. (P, CC) 9010 4.00 Spit It Out. (C, CC) 7039 4.30 News At 4.30. (CC) 4590 5.00 M*A*S*H. (R) 2519 5.30 Deal Or No Deal. (CC) 9478

6.00 Café Asia. 2861 6.30 Poh’s Kitchen. 4652 7.00 News. 229 7.30 7.30 Report. 300 8.00 QI (PG, CC). 213 8.30 Librarians. (M) 584 9.00 IT Crowd. (Final, M) 565 9.30 We Can Be Heroes. (M, R) 836 10.00 At The Movies. (PG) 749 10.30 Lateline. 6766854 11.35 Party Animals. (M, R) 212768 12.30 Movie: The Squeaker. (PG, 37, R) 2426850 2.00 Big Ideas. (R) 6399904 3.00 National Press Club Address. (R) 6360492 4.00 Catalyst. (R) 3395898 4.30 Shortland. 4361508 4.50 Treasure Hunt. (R) 7411985 5.00 Something In The Air. (R) 6478459 5.30 Gardening Australia. (R) 6471546

6.00 Prime News. (CC) 4687 6.30 News. (CC) 8126 7.00 Home And Away. (PG, CC) 9403 7.30 Border Security. (PG, CC) 8774 8.00 The Force. (PG, CC) 5687 8.30 City Homicide. (M) 81590 9.30 City Homicide. (M, R, CC) 87774 10.30 Breakout. (M, CC) 1181300 11.40 Suburban Secrets. (M)

6.00 ABC News Breakfast. (CC) 9.00 Children’s Programs. 6.00 Stop. Rewind: Cars Faster Faster. (CC) 6.25 Scrapheap Challenge. (R, CC) 7.15 The Daily Show With Jon Stewart. (PG, CC) 7.35 The Colbert Report. (PG, CC) 8.00 Jimmy’s Food Factory. From The Fridge. (CC) 8.30 Great Ormond Street. (CC) Part 3 of 3. Follows doctors of the Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children in England. Focuses on the renal department which treats patients for a condition that has no complete cure. 9.30 True Stories: Casino. (CC) Part 1 of 5. 10.20 Le Cirque: A Table In Heaven. (M, R, CC) 11.15 The Baby Borrowers. (M, R, CC) 12.05 No Way San Jose: Cocktails In Costa Rica. (PG, R, CC) 12.35 The Royal Today. (PG, R) 1.00 Travel Oz. (R, CC) 1.30 Close. 5.30 The Cook And The Chef. (R, CC)

6.00 Children’s Programs. 12.45 Rush TV. (R, CC) 1.10 Bernard. (R) 1.20 Spliced! (R, CC) 1.45 Majority Rules. (R, CC) 2.15 Kaitangata Twitch. (R, CC) 2.45 Jinx. (R, CC) 3.10 Blue Water High. (R, CC) 3.35 Round The Twist. (R, CC) 4.00 Mortified. (R, CC) 4.25 News On 3. (CC) 4.30 Bugged. 4.40 Oggy And The Cockroaches. (R, CC) 5.05 CJ The DJ. (R, CC) 5.15 Monk. 5.20 The Pinky & Perky Show. (R, CC) 5.35 Dex Hamilton: Alien Entomologist. (R, CC) 6.00 Total Drama Island. (R, CC) 6.25 Escape From Scorpion Island. (CC) 6.55 News On 3. (CC) 7.05 Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab. (CC) 7.35 The Wannabes. (R, CC) 8.05 Connor Undercover. (R, CC) 8.25 Aisling’s Diary. (R) 8.35 Degrassi: The Next Generation. (R, CC) After months of flirting via email, 12-year-old Emma’s new love interest, Jordan, is going to be in town. Coincidentally, it’s the same night as her mother’s high-school reunion. 9.00 Close.


12.05 Room For Improvement. (R, CC) 91121 12.30 Home Shopping. 87805169

5.30 News. (CC) 2115850

6.00 Today. (CC) 21465565 9.00 Kerri-Anne. (PG, CC) 3659213 11.00 Alive And Cooking. (R) 115132 11.30 Daily. (PG) 125519 12.00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG, CC) 912132 1.00 The View. (PG, CC) 825652 2.00 Days Of Our Lives. (PG, CC) 836768 3.00 Entertainment Tonight. (CC) 579316 3.30 Hi-5. (P, CC) 572403 4.00 The Saddle Club. (C, R, CC) 573132 4.30 News. (CC) 938045 5.00 Antiques Roadshow. (CC) 939774 5.30 Hot Seat. (CC)

6.00 WorldWatch. 49786229 11.30 Arabic News. 1831519 12.00 Russian News. 1729720 12.30 Turkish News. 1302565 1.00 Movie: 20 30 40. (M, 04, R) (Taiwan) 2196584 3.00 Classical Destinations: Moscow & Switzerland (Rachmaninov). (R, CC) 1496958 3.30 Letters And Numbers. (R, CC) 1499045 4.00 The Journal. (CC) 1490774 4.30 PBS NewsHour. (CC) 3177590 5.30 Global Village: Visions Of France – Riviera Pt 2. (US) 4497958

6.00 News. (CC) 196132 7.00 Toasted TV. 552774 8.00 Totally Wild. (C, CC) 755774 8.30 Puzzle Play. (P, R, CC) 863251 9.00 News. (CC) 469010 10.00 The Circle. (PG, CC) 1739045 12.00 Dr Phil. (PG, R, CC) 910774 1.00 Oprah. (PG, R, CC) 823294 2.00 Ready Steady Cook. (PG, CC) 827010 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG, CC) 577958 3.30 Infomercial. (PG, R, CC) 570045 4.00 Huey’s Kitchen. (CC) 571774 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful. (CC) 936687 5.00 News. (CC) 296126

6.00 Children’s Programs. 7.40 Flipper. (PG, R) 8.30 Sons And Daughters. (R) 9.00 Home And Away: The Early Years. (R) 9.30 Shortland Street. (PG) 10.00 Coronation Street. (PG) 10.30 Emmerdale. (PG) 11.00 Hollyoaks. (PG) 12.00 All My Children. (PG) 1.00 The Martha Stewart Show. 2.00 Essence Of Emeril. (R) 2.30 Movie: Separate Tables. (PG, 58, R) 4.30 Murphy Brown. (PG, R, CC) 5.00 Head Of The Class. (PG, R) 5.30 Growing Pains. (PG, R)

News. (CC) 933590 WIN News. (CC) 845381 A Current Affair. 877855 The Block. (PG) 660652 The Big Bang Theory. (M, CC) 865010 The Big Bang Theory. (PG, R, CC) 960519 RPA. (PG, CC) 200294 Embarrassing Bodies. (M) 397774 ’Til Death. (PG) 856497 WIN News. (CC) 527411 Ellen. (PG, R, CC) 2376017 Ent. Tonight. (R) 8089188 Danoz Direct. 1627256 GMA. (CC) 6131508 News. (CC) 7298904 Today. (CC) 7291091

6.00 Letters And Numbers. (CC) 4498687 6.30 World News Australia. (CC) 8301294 7.35 Inspector Rex. (PG, R, CC) (Austria) 14232565 8.30 The Fabric Of A Dream. (PG, R, CC) 6812381 9.30 World News Australia. (CC) 7988045 10.05 Anna Pihl. (M, CC) (Denmark) 44794316 10.55 Movie: Holy Lola. (M, ★ 04, R) Jacques Gamblin, Isabelle Carré, Bruno Putzulu. (France)

6.00 The Simpsons. (R, CC)

6.00 Wedding Planner. (PG, R) 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.00 George And Mildred. (PG, R) 7.30 Heartbeat. (PG, R) 8.30 Movie: Calendar Girls. 03, R, CC) Helen ★ (PG, Mirren, Julie Walters, Linda Bassett. 10.45 Wycliffe. (M, R) 11.50 The Professionals. (M, R) 12.50 George And Mildred. (PG, R) 1.20 Airline USA. (PG, R) 2.00 Home Shopping. 4.00 Leyland Brothers’ World. (R) 5.00 Home Shopping.

6.00 ABC News Breakfast. (CC) 9.00 News. (CC) 9.30 Business Today. (CC) 10.00 News. (CC) 12.00 Midday Report. (CC) 12.30 National Press Club Address. (CC) 1.30 News. (CC) 2.00 Midday Report. (CC) 2.30 Stateline Select. (R) 3.00 Afternoon Live. 5.30 Landline Extra. (R, CC) 6.00 News. 6.05 The Drum. 6.45 The Quarters. (R) 7.00 News. (CC) 7.30 The 7.30 Report. (CC) 8.00 News. (CC) 8.30 Lateline Business. (CC) 9.00 The World. (CC) 10.00 News. (CC) 10.30 Newsline. (CC) 11.00 News. (CC) 11.30 The 7.30 Report. (R, CC) 12.00 News. 12.05 The Drum. (R) 12.45 The Quarters. (R) 1.00 BBC News. 1.30 Australia Network News. 2.00 BBC World News. 2.30 The 7.30 Report. (R, CC) 3.00 Lateline. (R, CC) 3.35 Lateline Business. (R, CC) 4.00 News. 4.05 The Quarters. (R) 4.20 The Drum. (R) 5.00 News. 5.15 The Quarters. (R) 5.30 Newsline. (R, CC)

6.00 WorldWatch. 6.00 Global Village: Visions Of England Pt 2. (R) (US) 6.30 Made In Spain With José Andrés. (US) 7.00 Sarah Wiener’s Culinary Adventures. (France) 7.30 Dateline. (R, CC) 8.30 Black Chicks Talking. (M, R, CC) Leah Purcell interviews five indigenous women including Cilla Malone, Deborah Mailman, Kathryn Hay, Rosanna Angus and Tammy Williams, about what it means to be an Aboriginal in Australia today. 9.30 Movie: To Paint Or Love. (MA15+, ★ Make 05, R) An affluent, middle-aged couple’s uneventful lives are changed forever after they move to a house in the country and befriend an eccentric younger couple. (France) 11.15 Movie: Before Night ★ Falls. (AV15+, 00, R, CC) Javier Bardem, Olivier Martinez, Andrea Di Stefano, Johnny Depp, Michael Wincott. (Cuba) 1.30 WorldWatch.


6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30 8.30 9.00 9.30 10.30 11.30 12.00 12.30 1.30 2.00 3.30 5.00 5.30


1.10 WorldWatch. 66515565


6.30 Neighbours. (CC) 843923 7.00 The 7PM Project. (PG, CC) 875497 7.30 Glee. (PG, CC) 668294 8.30 The Good Wife. (M, CC) 202652

9.30 House. (M, CC) 208836 10.30 News/Sports Tonight. (CC) 379039 11.15 Overtime. 1728497 12.15 Letterman. (PG) 4724508 1.15 Video Hits. (PG, R) 8285898 1.25 Video Hits. (R) 30705898 1.30 Infomercial. (R) 63275701 4.00 Religious Programs. 1495121

6.00 Soccer. Serie A. Matchday 10. Bologna v Lecce. Continued Replay. From Stadio Renato Dall’Ara, Bologna, Italy. 6.30 Serie A Highlights Show. 7.00 The Pro Shop. (R) 8.00 Golf. Australian PGA Tour. WA Open. Highlights. From The Western Australian Golf Club, Perth. 10.00 Golf Central. (R) 10.30 NFL Total Access. 11.30 Basketball. NBA. Miami Heat v Utah Jazz. From American Airlines Arena, Miami, Florida. 2.00 Athletics. Chicago Marathon. 3.00 Omnisport. 3.30 Sports Unlimited. (PG) 4.30 Tread BMX. (PG, R) 5.00 TNA Xplosion. (PG) 6.00 Red Bull X Fighters. (R) 7.00 Pro Bull Riding. 8.00 Manly Surf. (PG) 8.30 Overtime. 9.30 Sports Tonight. 10.00 MVP. (PG) 10.30 Basketball. NBA. Miami Heat v Utah Jazz. Replay. 12.30 Sports Tonight Late. (CC) 12.45 Omnisport. (R) 1.15 Gridiron. NFL. Week 9. Green Bay Packers v Dallas Cowboys. Replay. 3.45 Soccer. Bundesliga. Matchday 11. Borussia Mönchengladbach v Bayern Munich. Replay. 5.45 Overtime. (R)

6.00 Wagon Train. (PG, R) 7.00 The Virginian. (PG, R) 8.30 McHale’s Navy. (PG, R) 9.00 NBC Today. (R, CC) 11.00 Carpoolers. (PG, R) 12.00 Miami Vice. (M, R) 2.00 Magnum, P.I. (PG, R) 3.00 The Rockford Files. (PG, R) 4.00 Knight Rider. (PG, R) 5.00 The ATeam. (PG, R) 6.00 Monster Garage. (PG, R) 7.00 That ’70s Show. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 How I Met Your Mother. (PG, R, CC) 8.00 Scrubs. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 Family Guy. (M, CC) Quagmire’s father makes an unexpected announcement. 9.00 American Dad! (M, CC) 9.30 My Name Is Earl. (PG, R, CC) After Richard Chubby dies, Little Chubby – a man more feared than his father – comes to town to take over the family business. 10.30 Chapelle’s Show. (MA15+, R, CC) 11.30 It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia. (M) 12.00 Miami Vice. (M, R) 2.00 Home Shopping. 4.00 Knight Rider. (PG, R) 5.00 The A-Team. (PG, R)

6.00 Children’s Programs. 8.30 The Flintstones. (R) 9.00 The Scooby Doo Show. (R) 9.30 I Dream Of Jeannie. (R) 10.00 Bewitched. (R) 10.30 Entertainment Tonight. (R, CC) 11.00 TMZ. 11.30 Get Smart. (R) 12.00 Here’s Lucy. (R) 12.30 Seinfeld. (PG, R) 1.00 Starsky & Hutch. (M, R) 2.00 Drop Dead Diva. (PG, R) 3.00 Just Shoot Me! (PG, R) 3.30 Class Of 3000. (R) 4.00 Ben 10: Alien Force. (R) 4.30 Here’s Lucy. 5.00 I Dream Of Jeannie. (R) 5.30 Bewitched. (R) 6.00 6.30 7.30 8.30 9.30

10.30 11.30 12.00 1.00 2.00 4.00 4.30 5.00 5.30

The Flintstones. (R) Total Wipeout UK. (PG, R) Wipeout USA. (PG) Human Target. (M) Fringe. (Series return, M) Olivia struggles to free herself from the alternate universe. The Big Bang Theory. (PG, R, CC) South Park. (M, R) Human Target. (M, R) Fringe. (M, R) Home Shopping. Just Shoot Me! (PG, R) TMZ. (R) Get Smart. (R) The Flintstones. (R)

6.00 Today. (CC) 9.00 Alive And Cooking. 9.30 The Zoo. (R, CC) 10.00 The Nanny. (PG, R) 10.30 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 11.00 Murder, She Wrote. (PG) 12.00 Movie: Out Of The Ashes. (M, 03, R, CC) 2.00 Sea Patrol. (M, R, CC) 3.00 McLeod’s Daughters. (PG, R, CC) 4.00 Secret Millionaire. (PG, R, CC) 5.00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG, R, CC) 6.00 The Nanny. (PG, R) 6.30 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 7.00 The Zoo. (R, CC) 7.30 Truth About Food. (PG) 8.30 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation. (M, R, CC) After a woman is run over by her own car in a parking garage, Nick discovers that the victim was an accountant for Kelly Gordon’s father, the man who abducted him. 9.30 The Big C. (M) 10.00 Weeds. (M) 10.30 Secret Diary Of A Call Girl. (MA15+) 11.00 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 11.30 Conan. (M) 12.30 Truth About Food. (PG) 1.30 The Nanny. (PG, R) 2.00 Home Shopping. 5.00 Adventures In Rainbow Country. (R) 5.30 Today. (CC)

CLASSIFICATIONS: (P) For preschoolers (C) Children’s programs (G) General viewing (PG) Parental guidance (M) Mature audiences (MA15+) Mature adults only (AV15+) Mature audiences: contains adult violence (M) (MA15+) and (AV15+) CONSUMER ADVICE: (a) adult themes (h) horror (Sx) sex scenes (d) drug references, (l) language, (m) medical procedures (n) nudity (v) violence (w) war (CC) Closed Captions (WS) widescreen Programs subject to late change by stations.

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THURSDAY November 11 6.00 Children’s Programs. 11550445 10.00 For The Juniors. (R, CC) 68256 10.15 Our Animals. (R) 9415362 10.20 Science Clips. (R, CC) 2724527 10.35 Being Me. (R, CC) 3241256 11.00 Planet Science. (CC) 64169 12.00 Midday Report. (CC) 5817 12.30 Robin Hood. (PG, R, CC)

6.00 Sunrise. (CC) 66463121 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG, CC) 3975121 11.30 News. (CC) 4072 12.00 Miniseries: The Day Of The Triffids. (M, 09, R, CC) 320275 2.00 All Saints. (M, R, CC) 25782

3.00 Medical Emergency. (PG, R, CC) 5169 3.30 Toybox. (P, CC) 8256 4.00 Spit It Out. (C, CC) 9985 4.30 News At 4.30. (CC) 1188 5.00 M*A*S*H. (R) 2817 5.30 Deal Or No Deal. (CC)


1.30 Collectors. (R, CC) 8508 2.00 Waterloo Road. (Final, M, CC) 2680527 3.00 Children’s Programs. 57823275

6.00 Today. (CC) 21432237 9.00 Kerri-Anne. (PG, CC) 3626985 11.00 Alive And Cooking. (R) 718701 11.30 Daily. (PG) 728188 12.00 Hi-5. (P, CC) 729817 12.30 Golf. Australian Masters. First round. From Victoria Golf Club, Melbourne. Since the first Australian Masters at Huntingdale in 1979, the annual presentation of the gold jacket to the champion has become a tradition in Australian golf. 59349411 5.30 Hot Seat. (CC) 540362


6.00 Galápagos. (R, CC) 19695 7.00 News. (CC) 121 7.30 7.30 Report. (CC) 492 8.00 Sleek Geeks. (Series return, CC) 633 8.30 Rake. (M, CC) 89430 9.30 Powderfinger: The Final Odyssey. (CC) 85614 10.30 Lateline. (CC) 5015166 11.35 Live At The Basement. (R, CC) 185169 12.30 Movie: A Farewell To Arms. (32, R, CC) 2493522 2.00 Movie: Break Of Hearts. (PG, 35, R) 2405367 3.30 Artists At Work. (PG, R, CC) 3354541 4.00 Can We Help? (R, CC) 3355270 4.30 Shortland. (PG) 4321980 4.50 Treasure Hunt. (R, CC) 7488657 5.00 Something In The Air. (R, CC) 6438831 5.30 Gardening Australia. (R) 6448218

6.00 Prime News. (CC) 6633 6.30 News. (CC) 1324 7.00 Home And Away. (PG, CC) 5091 7.30 The Amazing Race. (PG, CC) 4237 8.30 Beauty And The Geek Australia. (PG, CC) 42411 9.30 How I Met Your Mother. (PG, R, CC) 48695 10.30 30 Rock. (M, CC) 1922 11.00 Scrubs. (PG, R) 3169 11.30 Stag. (M) 5140 12.00 Ships Of The Desert. (R)

6.00 ABC News Breakfast. (CC) 9.00 Children’s Programs. 6.00 Poh’s Kitchen. (R, CC) 6.25 Scrapheap Challenge. (R, CC) 7.15 The Daily Show With Jon Stewart. (PG, CC) 7.35 The Colbert Report. (PG) 8.00 Mumbai Calling. (PG, R) 8.20 Like A Version. (CC) 8.30 School Of Comedy. (New series, CC) Sketch comedy series featuring children lampooning the world of adults. 8.55 Kids In The Hall. (CC) While a second murder raises questions about Crim’s guilt, Ricky’s own investigation yields two shocking discoveries. 9.30 The Graham Norton Show. (Series return, CC) 10.15 Father Ted. (PG, R, CC) 10.40 Little Miss Jocelyn. (PG, R, CC) 11.05 The Goodies. (R, CC) 11.35 A Journey Through American Music: Travelling Blues. (R, CC) 12.25 The Royal Today. (PG, R) 12.45 Travel Oz. (R, CC) 1.20 Close. 5.30 The Cook And The Chef. (R, CC)

6.00 Children’s Programs. 1.45 Majority Rules. (R, CC) 2.15 Kaitangata Twitch. (R, CC) 2.45 My Almost Famous Family. (R, CC) 3.10 Blue Water High. (R, CC) 3.35 Round The Twist. (R, CC) 4.00 Mortified. (R, CC) 4.25 News On 3. (CC) 4.30 Bugged. 4.40 Oggy And The Cockroaches. (R, CC) 5.05 CJ The DJ. (R, CC) 5.15 Monk. (Final) 5.20 The Pinky & Perky Show. (R, CC) 5.35 Dex Hamilton: Alien Entomologist. (R, CC) 6.00 Total Drama Action. (R, CC) 6.25 Escape From Scorpion Island. (CC) 6.55 News On 3. (CC) 7.05 Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab. (CC) 7.35 The Wannabes. (R, CC) 8.05 Connor Undercover. (R, CC) 8.25 Aisling’s Diary. (R) 8.35 Degrassi: The Next Generation. (PG, R, CC) Degrassi alumni re-unite again for laughs, tears, accusations and fist fights. Spike’s daughter Emma prepares to go to Degrassi herself and learns an important online lesson. 9.00 Close.


1.00 Home Shopping. 92485744

5.30 News. (CC) 2182522

6.00 WorldWatch. 49673701 11.30 Arabic News. 1728091 12.00 Russian News. 1796492 12.30 Turkish News. 1379237 1.00 Food Lovers’ Guide To Australia. (R, CC) 1370966 1.30 Maverick Mother. (M, R, CC) 9773508 2.30 Dateline. (R, CC) 9777324 3.30 Letters And Numbers. (R, CC) 1393817 4.00 The Journal. (CC) 1394546 4.30 PBS NewsHour. (CC) 3071362 5.30 Global Village: Merv – A Ruined City On The Silk Road/The Eton Of Africa. (R) (Germany, France) 4384430

6.00 6.30 7.00 7.30 8.30

News. (CC) 541091 WIN News. (CC) 526782 A Current Affair. 824701 Getaway. (PG, CC) 354527 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation. (M) 983053 Cops L.A.C. (M) 768966 ’Til Death. (PG) 537898 WIN News. (CC) 673164 Ellen. (PG, R, CC) 6671229 Ent. Tonight. (CC) 8049560 The Lost Tribes. (PG, R, CC) 3594198 Danoz Direct. 8033909 Good Morning America. (CC) 6191980 News. (CC) 7265676 Today. (CC) 7268763

6.00 Letters And Numbers. (CC) 4392459 6.30 World News Australia. (CC) 3068898 7.30 Tetsuya’s Pursuit Of Excellence. (R) 3595256 8.30 The Supersizers Go: Ancient Rome. (Final, CC) (UK) 6889053 9.30 World News Australia. (CC) 7882817 10.05 Movie: Chiko. (AV15+, Moritz Bleibtreu, ★ 08) Volkan Özcan. 55969782 11.45 Movie: Infernal Affairs 3. ★ (M, 03, R) (Hong Kong)

6.00 ABC News Breakfast. (CC) 9.00 News. (CC) 9.30 Business Today. (CC) 10.00 News. (CC) 12.00 Midday Report. (CC) 12.30 Catalyst. (R, CC) 1.00 News. (CC) 2.00 Midday Report. (CC) 2.30 Compass. (R, CC) 3.00 Afternoon Live. 5.30 The World This Week. 6.00 News. 6.05 The Drum. 6.45 The Quarters. (R) 7.00 News. (CC) 7.30 The 7.30 Report. (CC) 8.00 News. (CC) 8.30 Lateline Business. (CC) 9.00 The World. (CC) 10.00 News. (CC) 10.30 Newsline With Jim Middleton. (CC) 11.00 News. (CC) 11.30 The 7.30 Report. (R, CC) 12.00 News. 12.05 The Drum. (R) 12.45 The Quarters. (R) 1.00 BBC News. 1.30 Australia Network News. 2.00 BBC World News. 2.30 The 7.30 Report. (R, CC) 3.00 Lateline. (R, CC) 3.35 Lateline Business. (R, CC) 4.00 News. 4.05 The Quarters. (R) 4.20 The Drum. (R) 5.00 News. 5.15 The Quarters. (R) 5.30 Newsline. (R, CC)

6.00 WorldWatch. 11.40 Chinese News. 12.10 Portuguese News. 12.40 Italian News. 1.10 German News. 1.40 Spanish News. 2.30 Filipino News. 3.05 Greek News. 4.00 Polish News. 4.25 Turkish News. 4.55 Arabic News. 5.30 Hindi News. 6.00 Global Village: Liverpool/Maasai Businessmen. (R) (Germany, France) 6.30 Food Trip With Todd English. (US) 7.00 Made In Spain With José Andrés. (R) (US) 7.30 Obama And Me. (CC) (UK) 8.30 Rhythm Is It! (PG, R) A group of children and teenagers from 25 different nationalities dance to Stravinsky’s The Rite of Spring. (Germany) 9.35 Movie: Reykjavik★ Rotterdam. (MA15+, 08) Baltasar Kormákur, Lilja Nótt ?órarinsdóttir, Ingvar Eggert Sigurosson. (Iceland) 11.10 Movie: Sophie Scholl: Final Days. (M, 05, ★ The R, CC) Julia Jentsch, Fabian Hinrichs, Florian Stetter. (Germany) 1.15 WorldWatch.

9.30 11.30 12.00 12.30 1.30 2.00 3.00 3.30 5.00 5.30

6.00 Early News. (CC) 425614 7.00 Toasted TV. 872508 8.00 Scope. (C, R, CC) 336121 8.30 Puzzle Play. (P, R, CC) 795850 9.00 News. (CC) 885072 10.00 The Circle. (PG, CC) 1633817 12.00 Dr Phil. (PG, R, CC) 229492 1.00 Oprah. (M, R, CC) 238140 2.00 Ready Steady Cook. (PG, CC) 249256 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG, CC) 178169 3.30 Infomercial. (PG, R, CC) 171256 4.00 Huey’s Kitchen. (CC) 172985 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful. (CC) 544188 5.00 News. (CC) 616904

6.00 Children’s Programs. 7.40 Flipper. (PG, R) 8.30 Sons And Daughters. (R) 9.00 Home And Away: The Early Years. (R) 9.30 Shortland Street. (PG) 10.00 Coronation Street. (PG) 10.30 Emmerdale. (PG) 11.00 Hollyoaks. (PG) 12.00 All My Children. (PG) 1.00 The Martha Stewart Show. 2.00 Essence Of Emeril. (R) 2.30 Movie: Sound Off. (G, 52, R) 4.30 Murphy Brown. (PG, R, CC) 5.00 Head Of The Class. (PG, R) 5.30 Growing Pains. (PG, R)

6.00 Children’s Programs. 8.30 The Flintstones. (R) 9.00 The Scooby Doo Show. (R) 9.30 I Dream Of Jeannie. (R) 10.00 Bewitched. (R) 10.30 Entertainment Tonight. (R, CC) 11.00 TMZ. 11.30 Get Smart. (R) 12.00 Here’s Lucy. (R) 12.30 Seinfeld. (PG, R) 1.00 Wipeout USA. (PG, R) 2.00 Starsky & Hutch. (M, R) 3.00 Just Shoot Me! (PG, R) 3.30 Class Of 3000. (R) 4.00 Ben 10: Alien Force. (R) 4.30 Here’s Lucy. 5.00 I Dream Of Jeannie. (R) 5.30 Bewitched. (R)

6.00 The Simpsons. (R, CC) 549633 6.30 Neighbours. (CC) 524324 7.00 The 7PM Project. (PG, CC) 822343 7.30 Bondi Vet. (PG) 821614 8.00 Keeping Up With The Joneses. (PG, CC) 828527 8.30 Rush. (M, CC) 981695 9.30 Burn Notice. (M) 987879 10.30 News. (CC) 235140 11.15 Letterman. (PG) 941169 12.00 Law & Order: Criminal Intent. (M, R, CC) 722265 1.00 Infomercial. (PG, R)

6.00 Wedding Planner. (PG, R) 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.00 George And Mildred. (PG, R) 7.30 Movie: Nancy Drew. 02, R, CC) Maggie ★ (PG, Lawson, Jill Ritchie, Lauren Birkell. 9.15 Movie: Atonement. 07, R, CC) ★ (MA15+, Saoirse Ronan, Keira Knightley, James McAvoy. 11.40 The Professionals. (M, R) 12.40 Airline USA. (PG, R) 1.10 Australian Open Tennis Classic. Round 3, 2008. Hewitt v Baghdatis. 5.00 Home Shopping.

6.00 The Flintstones. (R) 6.30 Total Wipeout UK. (PG, R) 7.30 Top Gear. (PG, R, CC) James drives the controversial new BMW 1 Series hatchback. 8.30 Big Bang Theory. (PG, R) 9.00 Two And A Half Men. (M, R, CC) 9.30 Nikita. (AV15+) 10.30 The Listener. (PG) 12.30 Eclipse Music TV. (PG, R) 1.00 Nikita. (AV15+, R) 2.00 Home Shopping. 4.00 Just Shoot Me! (PG, R) 4.30 TMZ. (R) 5.00 Get Smart. (R) 5.30 The Flintstones. (R)

6.00 Wagon Train. (PG, R) 7.00 The Virginian. (PG, R) 8.30 McHale’s Navy. (PG, R) 9.00 NBC Today. (R, CC) 11.00 Carpoolers. (PG, R) 12.00 Miami Vice. (M, R) 2.00 Magnum, P.I. (PG, R) 3.00 The Rockford Files. (PG, R) 4.00 Knight Rider. (PG, R) 5.00 The ATeam. (PG, R) 6.00 Monster Garage. (PG, R) 7.00 That ’70s Show. (PG, R) 7.30 Gene Simmons Family Jewels. (PG) 8.30 Warehouse 13. (M) Pete and Myka take on a previous agent’s assignment after the man’s corpse is found in the basement of a St Louis police station. 9.30 Caprica. (M) A company rival confronts Daniel over the theft of a meta-cognitive processor. With Zoe’s avatar still out of reach, Clarice continues her false friendship with Amanda. 11.30 Crank Yankers. (MA15+, CC) 11.55 Miami Vice. (M, R) 1.45 Magnum, P.I. (PG, R) 2.40 The Rockford Files. (PG, R) 3.40 Knight Rider. (PG, R) 4.35 The A-Team. (PG, R) 5.30 Deal Or No Deal. (R)

6.00 Today. (CC) 9.00 Alive And Cooking. 9.30 The Zoo. (R, CC) 10.00 The Nanny. (PG, R) 10.30 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 11.00 Murder, She Wrote. (PG) 12.00 Movie: Tender Mercies. (PG, 83, R, CC) 2.00 Sea Patrol. (M, R, CC) 3.00 McLeod’s Daughters. (PG, R, CC) 4.00 To Be Advised. 5.00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG, CC) 6.00 The Nanny. (PG, R) 6.30 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 7.00 The Zoo. (R, CC) 7.30 How Clean Is Your House? (PG) 8.00 Neighbours At War. (PG) Feuding neighbours are assisted by mediators seeking a peaceful resolution to often tense situations. 8.30 Mary Queen Of Shops. (New series, M) 9.30 Amazing Medical Stories: Superhuman Giants/Face Blindness. (M, R, CC) 10.30 The F Word. (MA15+) 11.30 Conan. (M) 12.30 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 1.00 Mary Queen Of Shops. (M, R) 2.00 Home Shopping. 5.00 Adventures In Rainbow Country. (R) 5.30 Today. (CC)


4.00 Religious Programs.


1.50 WorldWatch. 39746324


6.00 Overtime. (R) 6.45 Soccer. Serie A. Matchday 11. Brescia v Juventus. From Stadio Mario Rigamonti, Brescia, Italy. 8.40 Arsenal TV. 11.30 Gridiron. NFL. Week 9. Philadelphia Eagles v Indianapolis Colts. Replay. From Lincoln Financial Field, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 2.00 MVP. (PG, R) 2.30 ATP World Tour Uncovered. 3.00 Omnisport. 3.30 Golf Central. 4.00 Golf. Singapore Open. First round. From Sentosa Golf Club, Singapore. 8.30 The WWE Experience. 9.30 Sports Tonight. 10.00 UFC Unleashed. (M, R) 11.00 Rugby Union. Spring Tour. Wales v Australia. Replay. From Millennium Stadium, Cardiff, Wales. 1.00 Sports Tonight Late. (CC) 1.15 WRC Shakedown. (R) 1.45 Omnisport. (R) 2.15 Golf Central. (R) 2.45 Bundesliga Weekly Highlights. (R) 3.45 Basketball. NBL. Round 4. Melbourne Tigers v Wollongong Hawks. Replay. From State Netball and Hockey Centre, Melbourne. 5.45 Omnisport. (R)

CLASSIFICATIONS: (P) For preschoolers (C) Children’s programs (G) General viewing (PG) Parental guidance (M) Mature audiences (MA15+) Mature adults only (AV15+) Mature audiences: contains adult violence (M) (MA15+) and (AV15+) CONSUMER ADVICE: (a) adult themes (h) horror (Sx) sex scenes (d) drug references, (l) language, (m) medical procedures (n) nudity (v) violence (w) war (CC) Closed Captions (WS) widescreen Programs subject to late change by stations.


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November 4–10, 2010 Central West Photo News

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Health fund recognised, to be available on weekdays and on call for growing healing centre. Post resumes to: Anula Healing 86a Lake Canobolas Road Nashdale NSW 2800

The Advanced Massage College, Dubbo will hold an Open Day on Saturday November 20th between 10am and 3pm in the Blue

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4 8 7 9 6 5 1 2 3

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Calare Public School will be holding a fete tomorrow Friday, November 5th from 4pm until 7pm in the school grounds, on the corner of Frost Street and Wentworth Lane, Orange. There will be heaps of stalls, food and activities for the whole family to enjoy. ‘Girls Night In’ Market Night - November 5th at Kenna Hall, 86 Hill Street from 6pm. Stalls include gifts, jewellery, homewares, clothing and more. Food and drink will be available to purchase on the night. Cost $10 entry includes a glass of pink champagne. Proceeds to Cancer Council Girls Night In. Tickets from At Home Country Store, Orange Arcade or limited tickets at the door. Enquiries call Nicole 6362 6008. The Orange Regional Gallery will be hosting the “Three Men and a Lady Out There” exhibition, which showcases art works from four local artists, Phil Heckenberg, Roberta Herben, Lindsay Nimmo and David Toombs and will show works that have been created at the O’Brien Centre. Official opening - Friday, November 5th at 3pm and will be on display at Orange Regional Gallery until Sunday, November 29th. The Orange Uniting Church will hold its annual Fete on Saturday, November 6th at 217 Anson Street commencing at 8.30am. Morning tea will be available along with the ever-popular BBQ. Their will be the usual well-stocked stalls along with a jumping castle. Official opening by Sister Mary Trainor will be at 10.45am. For info ph Val Bradley on 6362 7933 or 0409 225 578. The Lyndhurst Soldiers Memorial Hall and Village Committee will be holding their “Back to Lyndhurst Garland” - Saturday Nov 6th at the Lyndhurst Hall -10am to 6pm; and Sunday Nov 7th, at the Lyndhurst Oval from 8am to 3pm. Memorabilia, stalls, the launching of a ‘book of memories’ and a day out are planned. Sunday event Stall holders are welcome for the Sunday event. Info contact Mary on 6367 5139. The ‘Art amongst the flowers’ event is on Sunday, November 7th in the old Cobblers Cafe Garden (now the Paper Workshop) - 16 Victoria St, Millthorpe at 11am. All interested artists are welcome to attend. Please bring own art supplies. A light lunch will be provided, but bookings required. Info ph Tove Brown on 6366 3521. The Ladies Probus Club of Orange Inc. will hold their 25th Anniversary luncheon in the “Tobruk” Room of the Orange Ex-Services Club on Wednesday, November 10th. Lunch begins at 12 midday. Past and present members are welcome. For info ph Elma Woolfe on 6362 5068. The Orange Garden Club will meet on Friday, November 12th, from 11am at Barbara and Will Hawkes’ property - “Boakanon” Byng. Guest speaker will be a represtative from the “Organic Crop Protectors”. Bring along a your hat, a chair and lunch. Info ph Zena Clout on 6362 7807. St James Presbyterian Church will be holding a fashion parade on Saturday, November 13th at 2pm. A collection of Spring and Summer clothing will be on display (supplied by Prime Style Fashions) and for sale on the day. Admission is $6 which includes afternoon tea. For details ph. Rebecca Adams on 6365 0700. MEETING THIS WEEK Friday – November 5th – Vietnam Veterans meet at the Ex-Services Country Club between 10.30 – 12.30pm. All former and current Service personal are welcome. Ph Lindsay on 6362 5959. Friday - November 5th - Orange Amateur Radio Club - meet at the RAAF 29 Flight building, 64 Warrendine Street commencing at 7:30pm. If you’re an amateur radio enthusiast and are interested in more details, call Robert Alford on 0407 220 690. Saturday - November, 6th - Orange Cake Decorators Guild - 1pm - at the Cultural Centre, Sale Street. There will be a sugar craft and cake decorating demonstration. Details - Beryl Hicks on 6366 5015 or Debbie Whiley on 6365 9194.

Saturday - November 6th - Orange Coin and Stamp Club Inc. Fair is on in Quinn’s Arcade, Summer Street from 9am – 4pm. There are sales, valuations and advice given by club members. Enquires to Norm on 6362 3754. Sunday - November 7th - Rotary Club of Orange - Trash and Treasure Markets - from 8:00am to 12:00noon in the Kmart Car Park, Byng Street entrance. There is a variety of stalls including fruit, veggies, crafts, jewellery, books, bric-a-brac and much, much more. All proceeds raised go to support local charities. Monday - November 8th - Orange Arts Society and Gallery will meet at the rear of the Orange Cultural Centre, Sale Street, commencing at 10:00am. Info contact Neil Skinner on 6362 5729. Monday – November 8th – Rotary Club of Orange Calare – 12:45pm for a 1pm lunch at the Harrison Restaurant, 85 March Street Orange. Contact Graeme Eggleston 6362 7023. Monday - November 8th - Central Tablelands TPI and Social Welfare Club at Legacy House, MacNamara Street, Orange at 10.30am. The club is looking for new members and is open to all age groups. Current members are primarily pensioners. Info. call Phillip Holder on 6361 9468. Tuesday - November 9th, Wednesday 10th and Thursday 11th - Orange Seniors are open from 9:30am to 3pm. Info call Seniors on 6362 6592 or Ron Savage on 6362 7665 or 0414 627 665. Tuesday - November 9th and Wednesday 10th - The Orange Men’s Shed meets from 10am 3pm at the School of Arts Hall, Lucknow. For more details call 6361 2134. Tuesday - November 9th - Orange Diabetes Support Group will meet from 7:30pm at the HACC Centre, cnr. Lords Place and March Street. There are interesting speakers on all aspects of living with diabetes, so if you are newly diagnosed come along for support and practical advice. Enq. to Gerry on 6360 2215 (ah) or Elaine 6362 4565. Wednesday – November 10th – Orange Lacemakers – 1:30 - 4:30pm at the Cultural Centre, Sale Street. Contact Sandy on 6362 7938 or Bev on 6362 9540. Wednesday – November 10th – Camp Quality Trivia Night – 7:30pm at the Royal Hotel Orange. Contact Louise Eggleston on 6362 7023. Wednesday - November 10th - On Going a friendship group for 50 years and over - will hold their next meeting at the Church of Christ Hall, Burrendong Way & Rawle Avenue, Orange, commencing at 10am. Morning tea is provided with Guest speaker Gwenda Saddler speaking about her recent trip to China. Info contact John and Maureen Miller on 6362 6455. The Orange Bridge Club welcomes anyone who is interested in playing the game of bridge or would like to learn the game, to join our friendly club. Please contact Helen Britton on 6362 1138 or Jan De Jong on 6362 2040. For lessons contact Margaret Robinson on 6362 8241. OTHER DATES FOR THE DIARY Saturday November 6th – “Gold Rush” being shown at the Millthorpe Museum – for more information, phone 6366 3980. Saturday November 6th and Sunday 7th – 2010 Championship Dog Show – Wade Park. Enquiries to Helen on 0408 623 932. Sunday November 7th – Guided walks at the Orange Botanic Gardens – “Bird walk” at 8.30am. Hosted by Friends of the OBG. For more info ph Maureen on 6362 3706. Sunday November 7th – Spring Hill Community Car Boot Sale – Railway Hotel, Spring Hill at 10am. Fundraiser for the Spring Hill School. For enquires ph 6365 5558. Sunday November 7th – Marsden Country Fair & Wool Expo – Orange Showground. Enquiries to Kevin on 6360 2123 or Bruce on 0428 613 181. Sunday November 7th – Horse Show – Orange Showground. Enquiries to Lynlee on 6365 5381. Sunday November 7th – “Excess All Areas” Kevin Bloody Wilson show – Orange Civic Theatre at 8pm. Bookings -Ticketek on 6393 8111. Sunday November 7th – Mother/DaughterFather/Son – Family Cooking classes – Orange Regional Cooking School, 169 Hill St. Bookings/ enquiries to Lesley on ph 6361 3336. A listing in THE DIARY is free. Two weeks notice is required and placement is subject to available space. Please email brief details to reception@cwpn.com.au, fax 6361 3494, or phone Samantha on 6361 3575 during business hours.


November 4–10, 2010 Central West Photo News

1 2 e b to e ic N s a e ic w T FT Pictures by KIKI HOPCRA

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It’s V Girl Party Time!

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On Belmo Emily m McKellar, with ff, PriTour Samantha Ouwww.jasonbelmonte.com.au One afternoon, I was in Scrivener


the backyard hanging the laundry when an old, tiredlooking dog wandered into the yard. I could tell from his collar and well-fed belly that he had a home. But when I walked into the house, he followed me, sauntered down the hall and fell asleep in a corner. An hour later, he went to the door, and I let him out. The next day he was back. He resumed his position in the hallway and slept for an hour. This continued for several weeks. Curious, I pinned a note to his collar: “Every afternoon your dog comes to my house for a nap.” The next day he arrived with a different note pinned to his collar: “He lives in a home with ten children, he’s trying to catch up on his sleep.”

Hey hey Everyone, Well what a roller coaster of emotions it was this week. I am in Las Vegas competing at the season opener of the PBA tour, The World Series Of Bowling (WSOB). The WSOB consists of 5 events over 6 days & starting the season strongly is so important. There's a total of 60 games qualifying & if you make the cut in each event (the top 16 out of 256) you then have to play an extra 9 games for each final you make. Then on top of all that, the top 8 players over the entire week qualified for the WSOB final. That's a serious amount of bowling to do in 1 week. I was so confident, unfortunately the opening 2 events did not go as planned. I didn’t bowl great it looked like the WSOB finals was so far out of reach, I thought I had blown my chances to make the finals. I was not the happiest bowler, but some great words of encouragement frommy family helped me pull myself together & focus on the 3 events left. 3rd Event - 9th place (getting better) - 4th Event - 1st place (AMAZING) nipping at the toes of the top 8 players now. 5th Event - 4th place I had somehow caught the 400+ pins I was behind, to steal 8th position & the final spot for the World Championship finals. I can't tell you how overwhelmed I was. To come from so far behind, to not give up and to show myself that I truly am one of the best bowlers in the world was an amazing achievement & feeling. The finals for these events start next week, so wish me luck & I hope I have more great news for you then. Be good- CheersJason

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