SEPTEMBER 8— 14, 2022 | SPIRIT OF ORANGE | FREE EVERY THURSDAY Find conversation tips at September 8 is R U OK? Day — A reminder to us all, to look out for signs that your family member, friend, or workmate, might be struggling with life and to ask the simple question: ‘are you okay?’ This could be the start of a life-changing conversation. For tips on how to spot the signs of someone struggling, and to get the conversation started, visit:

Bookings: 02 6393 8111 Orange Civic Theatre THIS IS CORRECT AS OF 5.9.2022 - FOR ALL SHOWS AND UPDATES PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBPAGE WWW.ORANGE.NSW.GOV.AU/THEATRE > 2022 SEASON BROCHURE AND MEMBERSHIP IS OPEN FOR PURCHASE. PLEASE CONTACT THE BOX OFFICE FOR MORE INFORMATION Friday 16 September at 8pm Matchbox 20 Show ROBBIE MORTIMER Saturday 10 September at 8pm Jane Eyre SHAKE & STIR THEATRE CO Saturday 24 September at 8pm INXS Show PREMIER ENTERTAINMENT Friday 23 September at 7.30pm Girls on Tap KYM HALPIN THEATRICAL Friday 30 September at 8pm The AndalusianGuitar PACO LARA ORANGE PROPERTY MARKET YOUR GUIDE TO THE BEST PROPERTIES AND BEST AGENTS AROUND THE REGION. — STARTS ON PAGE 31 SEPTEMBER 8— 14, 2022 | SPIRIT OF ORANGE | FREE EVERY THURSDAY Bloomfield Junior Rugby League Club’s Under 15s charged home to victory over Dubbo’s St Johns Blue in extra time to secure their spot in the grand final. “Bloomfield runs into the Grand Final”


Now in the hands of the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, the majestic old Toorale homestead on the Warrego River, is in the process of being restored, and I was lucky enough to get a sneak peek inside at the incredible work that’s being done. In the not-too-distant future, I was told it will be open to visitors and work is planned to open public access to the shearing shed and wool scour. Toorale, and the neighbouring Gundabooka National Park, are well worth a visit, particularly in spring and after good winter rains. The rivers were flowing and the plains were a carpet of wildflowers — alive with mobs of emus and kangaroos and scores of black cockatoos making a racket overhead.


EDITOR’S note Jono! Until next week, Bill celebrates his big 100... Plenty of weekend sport action... 6361 4155 1/202 Anson Street Orange Whether your Investment Property is vacant or currently leased, you can make the switch to OPM+ now. Making the switch is free & easy, with no hidden fees, only exceptional service. Our Agency is property management focused with 40+ years Real Estate Industry, knowledge, training & experience. NOT BIGGER, BETTER! WED TO SAT 4PM-8PM 0401 072 027 Check our Facebook for the Menu 37 William Street ORANGE | Ph 6362 8611 Pauls @ CoCos DINE IN OR TAKEWAY Pizzas ~ Wings ~ Pasta ~ Chips ~ DimSim CoCo’s CAFE TRADING HOURS Monday to Friday 6.30 – 4.00pm Saturday 7am 1pm Closed Public Holidays Ph 6362 8611 Delicious! Best known for their delicious fresh food burgers, coffee and yummy desserts. With both daily & weekly specials they have something to tickle your taste buds. CoCo’s offers a wide range of gluten free, home cooked meals, all day breakfast and catering available, eat in or take way. Portuguese chicken Salad wraps Poached Eggswith Avo smash and Berryyogurtmuesli Black Bean Vegetable Burger with a Sweet Potato Crisp Pumpkin Fetta Tart Sweet potato fish cake with seeded pumpkin fetta salad MEAL DEAL $50 2 Pizzas, Barramundi Bits & 1.25 litre Soft Drink 4410starts

Thank you to our Sponsors: Orange City Life is grateful to the following sponsors for their ongoing support over many years. These sponsorships, among others things, have enabled us to bring our readers a lot more enjoyment to our publications than would otherwise be possible. In return, we ask you to please support them as often as you’re able.
I took the opportunity, this past weekend, to make a long-overdue trip back out west to my hometown of Bourke where they held a weekend of activities to mark 100 years since the death of Australian writer and poet, Henry Lawson.
A contemporary of Orange’s own Banjo Paterson, Lawson’s work has personally always held more of an appeal for me. While he spent less than a year tramping around Bourke, back in 1892 and 1893, it was an experience that marked Lawson and his writing for the rest of his somewhat tragic life. The landscapes and people that populate his stories, are still instantly recognisable to me reading them today, 130 years after he walked the tracks west of the Darling River. It was a great weekend, a highlight for me was getting back to “Toorale”, the famous station once owned by Sir Samuel McCaughey, where Lawson worked in the shearing sheds, serving to inspire “The Boss’s Boots” amongst other works.
Complaints: Orange City Life has a policy of correcting mistakes promptly. If you have a complaint about published material, contact us in writing. If the matter remains unresolved, you may wish to contact the Australian Press Council. © Copyright 2022 Orange City Life Pty Ltd. Copyright in all material – including photographs and ads – is held by Orange City Life Pty Ltd or its providers and must not be reproduced in any form without prior written permission from the Publisher. Printed for the publisher at the News Print Centre, 26-52 Hume Highway, Chullora 2190. Published by Orange City Life Pty Ltd ABN 14 649 575 333 Spirit WE CAPTURE THE OF ORANGE Suite 3/241 Lords Place ORANGE 02 6361

General disclaimer: Whilst every care is taken in preparing this publication, we cannot be held responsible for errors or omissions. The publisher accepts no responsibility for letters, notices and other material contributed for publication. The submitter accepts full responsibility for material, warrants that it is accurate, and indemnifies the publisher against any claim or action. All advertisers, including those placing display and classified or advertorial material, warrant that such material is true and accurate and meets all applicable laws and indemnifies the publisher against all liabilities that may arise from the publication of such material. Opinions expressed in the publication are not necessarily those of the publisher. Senior Journalist, David Dixon, accepts responsibility for election comment. Articles contain information of a general nature – readers should always seek professional advice relevant to their particular circumstances.

Evie, herself, was unaware of the pic’s existence until the family were contacted by Orange City Life. Pandemic lockdowns of recent years have also limited regular family visits to the Central Tablelands. “I don’t think she ever saw the magazine herself, though Ged’s mother kept a copy,” she added. “Ged and I were both born and raised in the country ourselves, and we love going to Orange.“Wenormally visit every Easter and Christmas, twice a year, but we haven’t for some while, obviously not in the COVID times,” she said.
OCLife | community life 6 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 8 — 14, 2022


“We were in the park and Evie was kicking through all the leaves and the photographer asked if she could take a shot,” Selena added.
With strong family ties to the Colour City, she’s living with her family at Camden Haven near Port Macquarie, and her mum, Selena, recalls that time well. “Yeah, I remember it. She was there with her little brother, Eric,” Selena remembers. “We were living in Lakewood (mid-north coast) and visiting my husband Ged’s parents, Jan and Richard.
Evie, now 15 and in Year 10 at the local Camden Haven High School, doesn’t recall the time that the pic was taken, but does have years of fond memories of our region. “Not until the other day, until Dad said, ‘you had your pic taken for a magazine in Orange’, and they showed it to me,” she said. “Every time we went to Orange, I would say, Evie (Evangelena) Millgate’s love of nature shone at an early age. The Central West Photo News cover pic from May 2009, was taken by photographer Grace Johns.
Evie still loves nature and countrythe life
Evie featured on the cover of one of our original issues in May 2009 as a two-year-old kicking the leaves in Cook Park, pictured by staff photographer, Grace Johns. The idyllic pic and cover also ran more recently in the July 28, Orange City Life story on our “Thumbs” column (page 10-11), begging the question — where is little Evie now?
Evangelena Millgate has always loved the country life.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 8 — 14, 2022 7 community life | OCLife 25% spring Discount Pensioners & First home buyers Conveyancing Wills & Estates Disputes -Driving offences Commercial & Business Suite 4,Level 2,296 Summer St, nick@ngthomaslaw.comOrange0426191422The VicToria hoTel 336 Summer St, Orange | Tel 6362 6386 WHAT’S ON AT THE VIC... NOWBISTROOPEN Daily Specials WEDNESDAYSATURDAY Lunch 12 - 2pm Dinner 6 - 9pm Book your Functions & Special Events! with our Menu Packs to suit your needs POKERTUESDAY from 7pm Registration on arrival SATURDAY from 3.30pm Registration on arrival SAT 10TH SEPT 8PM TILL LATE FREE ROLLLOVETTSTERRYENTRYROCK&DISCO

With a family background in the bush, it’s also where she sees her future.
“I do a lot of agriculture and I love animals and stuff, that’s what I really enjoy doing. “I’m thinking, maybe of going into being a vet or something else in agriculture,” she explained.
“I also came back to Orange City Life, working as a social photographer, afterwards” she added. It was then that she turned to her interest in saving the natural world, not just photographing it.
Former photographer and writer, Grace Johns, has moved from taking shots of nature, to protecting it.

“Every time I go, I can’t believe how beautiful it is,” she enthused.
“I remember loving playing in the leaves at Cook Park when I was a kid, so we wanted someone enjoying that,” she explained of the pic of little Evie Millgate. Her time at Central West Photo News, she explains, provided the practical skills and experience to take her photography further.
“I ended up going to uni to get a Bachelor of Environmental Science and Management at the University of Newcastle, where I graduated with distinction and was awarded the College Medal,” she said proudly. “Now, I have just started a position with NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service,” Grace concluded.
Grace Johns always had a keen eye for nature, and now she’s working to preserve it.
“I studied photography after I left OC Life, and did have my own business doing wedding photography, etc.

Evie’s lifelong love of nature and the environment is shown in her choice of studies and interests at school.

“I worked there for three years, I started first as a receptionist and then trained as a photographer-writer,” she said.
“Definitely, it was such an amazing experience, going from school and then becoming a photographer there, I really appreciated it,” she added.
Now living in inner-western Sydney, she recently completed a degree in the natural sciences with the aim of pursuing her other great passion, environmental studies.
Grace was the CWPN staffers who snapped the pic of young Evangelena Millgate for our cover of May 21, 2009 that recently featured in an article on our “Thumbs” column that ran in the mag in late July.
One of the wonderful photographerwriters whose works have adorned Orange City Life and its predecessor, Central West Photo News, she still appreciates the opportunities that the Colour City’s only independently owned magazine gave her.
“My grandfather worked on a farm and he’s still out there, he used to drive Eric and I — he is 13 now — out on the farm… we’re very closely knit,” Evie said. “I do horse riding and cattle shows with the school. I would like to go into the country and have horses and cattle and everything.”
Grace’s journey from snapping to protecting our environment

Evie’s otherwise a busy young lady with a hectic schedule, returning from a sporting competition in the days before her interview with Orange City Life “I do footy, I play both league tag, and touch as well. I play netball and ‘physical culture’ also,” she said of the amalgam sport that combines jazz, ballet, and contemporary aerobic dance with exercise. “I was away doing a physical culture comp, which I really enjoy. I’ve been doing that, since I was three, 12 years now,” she concluded.
‘Dad, can’t we go to the trees?’, I always loved the leaves falling in the autumn,” she said. Although raised on the State’s subtropical midnorth coast, she has long had a deep affection for the Colour City. “Although it’s a bit chilly, I like going to see my family, my grandparents.
“As for the cover photo, I don’t remember that exact day too vividly, but there were a lot of occasions, where I went for a walk in Cook Park, looking for someone having a nice time to take their photo!
Central West Photo News was predecessor to Orange City Life with our name change nearly a decade ago. Evie showingMillgatecattle as part of her studies in school: ...I do a lot of agriculture and I love animals and stu , that’s what I really enjoy doing...

Join our free seminar on the grounds for disputing a will “It’s Not Fair!”

OCLife | community life 8 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 8 — 14, 2022 •Does a will have to be fair? •How quickly do you have to act? •Who can contest a will? What to do if you believe a will does not properly provide for you P: 02 5318 2045 Suite 10, Level 2, 296-298 Summer St,
With schools now reopened and accessible once more, the Rotary Club of Orange North recently held a demonstration evening at Duntryleague to make local high schools aware of the simulator and how it can be used to promote safer driving habits. “We can modify the way the ‘vehicle’ operates,” John said. “For instance, we can show students, particularly, how the vehicle would operate under the conditions of having drunk quite a big amount of alcohol.”
John said the simulator can be used for more than 50 different scenarios, but they have chosen to focus on the driver safety issues of drink-driving and distraction due to mobile phone use — two of the major causes of death and injury on NSW roads.
Rotarian John McKenzie demonstrates the use of their safer driving simulator
“We had seen a similar one in operation with another Rotary club, further south, and we thought it was such a great idea that we would like to get one ourselves — which we’ve done,” Rotarian and driving simulator project coordinator, John McKenzie said. “But then, not long after that happened, everything got locked down and we haven’t been able to get into the schools since.”
A delightful geometric rainbow with Argyle Pink Diamonds and a cast of Yellow Champagne and White Diamonds

The driving simulator is highly portable and quick to set up, as Orange City Life witnessed last Thursday (September 1). The multiple displays and the feel of the gearstick, pedals, and steering wheel make for an accurate and immersive driving experience, John said.

A hi-tech tool helping students learn safer driving practices, is finally hitting the “road” after COVID restrictions saw the project garaged for the past two years.Aninitiative of the Rotary Club of Orange North, the “Peter Darley Safer Driving Simulator” provides users with a realistic driving experience and allows them to experience the perils of poor driving behaviour “firsthand”.Named for the late Peter Darley, a committed Rotarian and tireless community volunteer, the simulator was purchased more than two years ago, but COVID restrictions have stopped the North Orange Rotarians from accessing local schools.
Already garnering interest from the high school representative who attended the demonstration evening, the Rotary Club of Orange North and hoping to make contact with more schools around the region.
LS please call Heather on 5318 2045 or email

The Rotary Club of North Orange was able to purchase the simulator and trailer for transport, thanks mostly to a $22,770 grant from the NSW Government’s Community Building Partnership.
Any school or community organisation interested in putting the driving simulator to use, can contact Peter Gilbank on 0429 159 200.
“We want to try and focus, at this initial stage, on the schools in and just around Orange to Molong, Blayney and maybe even just a little further than that, but that area to begin with,” John said.
“The graphics are very clear; it is quite realistic and it makes it just a bit more like the real thing. It has all the controls a normal car does, it behaves just like a vehicle except for the feel of the vehicle travelling,” John said.
Rotary’s safer driving simulator finally hits the road
Legal To attend

He explained that the simulator adds reaction delays and changes the way the steering handles to mimic the effects of alcohol on the body.
WHEN? FRIDAY 16 September at 3pm WHERE? Level 2 Summer296-298Street Tea & Coffee provided OPEN 7 DAYS Shop 3 | 132 Kite Street Orange. Phone 6369 1513

Dare to Dazzle!

“Council allows us to work from here, though, and Orange Ex-Services’ Club and Cadia Mines have also been very generous.” She says that, while the Centre is community-funded, it is expected to be run to the highest standards of financial probity and duty-of-care “it’s very nickel and dime, hand-to-mouth, I’m too scared to look at the bank statements sometimes.
“Andrew Stoner (former NSW Deputy Premier) said when he came here, ‘every dollar spent here, is $5 saved in government funding,’.”

“But I actually work for Bowen Residents Action Group, and we have to operate to a gold standard of care and insurance and accountability.” Despite her struggles to keep the Centre going, she believes that it provides an invaluable service to the local community.Sheisnow seeing the children of those who were teenagers when she first started the Centre in the mid-noughties, and wonders how much longer she will continue.“I’mthere now, I wonder, ‘can I afford to keep up?’, sometimes we can’t even afford a loaf of bread!”
Good news for anyone thinking of helping her out though, the centre is now a registered charity for taxation purposes.Thecentre’s latest initiative is a Wednesday Kids Club, providing craft and art for more than 50 local littlies.
“We also have 141 kids doing our homework program, that’s great,” Paula said. “This is for local families, they’ve got three or four children, and they’ve got to do homework or assignments and it’s difficult for them.”
The Centre is a focal point of the local community and far more than just somewhere kids can meet and do schoolwork.“It’snotjust a safe and comfortable environment for children to do some learning,” Paula said. “I’ve been here 14 years, and it’s for everyone… for adults as well as children, for those looking for online jobs, for printing, and ordering online.”
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Sometimes, Paula Townsend finds it hard to find the money for a loaf of bread, let alone the biblical fishes from the “Miracle on the Mount”. Manager of newTechnologyCommunityBowenCentre,PaulaTownsend:taxdeductibilitycouldbelightatendoffundingtunnel.

Heart and soul of the Bowen Community Technology Centre — which provides vital computer and community support for hundreds of kids and adults in the area — she keeps this vital asset running on hope and charity.

“We need more money, it’s just so difficult finding funding at the moment,” she explained. “If I did get some money, it’d probably go into consolidated revenue… for stationary, afternoon teas, wages, insurance, cleaning. If I had $38,000, I could make that last over 12 months. “When we first started, there was the ‘Work for the Dole’ program run by groups like Mission Australia, now I’ve got to go and find funding wherever I can.” In these tough times, Paula acknowledges the help over a number of years that has kept the Centre running.

Some recent good news though came the way of the Centre and its supporters — donations are now tax deductible.“Fourweeks ago today, we got declared a deductible gift recipient, we can now offer receipts for tax purposes to anyone who donates to us. “But it will still be very tight, I certainly don’t throw anything out!”
Paula’s fishes-andloaves Bowen “miracle”; is now tax deductible!
ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 8 — 14, 2022 9 community life | OCLife 60HillStreetOrange|POBox26|DX3014|0263939200||
Still committed after a decade and a half in charge, she said that keeping the Centre going, is tougher now than she ever remembers.

OCLife | community life 10 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 8 — 14, 2022 Ph 5835 7999 | Shop 2/ 30 – 32 Sale St (opposite Spilt Milk) SHONA 0458 512 808 ROXY 0458 706 785 FOR BOOKING CALL Nurse Linda Carnovale FREE CONSULT will be in the Salon 9th & 10th September OR BOOK ONLINE • Anti-Wrinkle injections • Dermal Fillers • Lip Enhancements • Cheek and jawline definition • Sunken tear trough treatments • Collagen stimulation- including both injections and PDO threads. • Skin rejuvenation, including face, necks, décolleté and hands • Hyperhidrosis - treatment for under arm sweating We NEED Volunteers To answer calls for Lifeline Orange Do you have a spare 3 hrs per week? Is it time for you to give back? Do YOU have what it takes? Nationally recognised Virtual Training for Phase 1 is over a six week period of two evenings per week commencing 24th Oct Virtual INFORMATION Evening Session MONDAY 10TH OCT @ 6PM HELP US SUPPORT OTHERS IN CRISIS Call Vanessa to find out more 1300 798 Lifeline Australia RTO 88036 SORE PAINFULTIREDFEET? SEE A PODIATRIST TODAY PODIATRIST Patrick Raftery 121 Sale St Orange 6362 1453 Book your appointmentPENSIONERnowRATESAVAILABLE Home Visits Appointmentbyonly Visiting Cowra & Canowindra MEDICARE REFERRALS VETERAN AFFAIRS REFERRALS ACCEPTED A century for Bill Connolly!

Happy Birthday to William (Bill) Connolly who turned 100 years old lastBill,week.who has been a resident of Orange Grove Nursing Home for the past 12 months, was born on August 30, 1922, and was the first baby baptised in the Uniting (formerly Methodist) Church on Burrendong Way at March, north of Orange. His parents, Thompson and Stella Connolly (née Griffith) owned an orchard, dairy and mixed farming enterprise called ‘Maryvalle’, situated at the end of what is now known as Connolly’s Lane, March. Bill grew up here with his younger siblings Allan, Maxwell, and Gwen, who are now all deceased.Bill’sfirstschooling years were spent in the small school rooms at March and later at Orange Public School. As a child, he used to ride his pushbike from March into school and back each day.

After completing his schooling, Bill went to work for his parents on the familyAcquiringfarm.a neighbouring property in the early 1950s, Bill planted more orchards over the following years. He married Betty Rayner in October 1947 and the couple moved into a newly-built home on Kangaroobie Road, where they raised two boys, Ross and Richard.
Bill and Catherine Connolly. Extended family, (standing) Christopher Connolly, Leonie Connolly, David Connolly, and Thompson Connolly; (sitting) Catherine Glenn, Bill, Catherine Connolly, and Richard Connolly.Bill being congratulated in person by Andrew Gee on reaching the big 100.

Bill’s wedding photo, he married Betty Rayner in October, 1947. Ross Connolly, Dad Bill, and Catherine Connolly.

Bill and Betty lived on the orchard/ farm until their retirement in 1984, when they sold up and moved into Kooronga Ave, Orange. Both Bill and Betty remained active members of their church community, attending services at March regularly, which Bill still likes to do even today. They both enjoyed their garden and Bill took much pride in supplying home-grown vegetables to most of the family. Betty passed away in 2020. Today, Bill has eight grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 8 — 14, 2022 11 Michael Paddison 0414 447 467 Sue 0414Barber635526 Tisha Ataria 0428 777 651 contemporary homes LANDEDJUST BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME. PREMIUMLANDFORSALE Are you looking to buy premium land in forContactOrange?ustodaymoreinformation... Lot 16 Ploughmans Lane 880m2 Lot 17 Ploughmans Lane 877m2 Lot 138 Applebox St 504m2 Lot 195 Wollemi St Lot521m2194 Wollemi StLot521m2401 Charlotte St 581.3m2 Lot 405 Milne Street Lot789.2m2193Wollemi St Lot521m2159 Wollemi St 521m2 HOUSE & PACKAGESLANDAVAILABLENOW

A century on, the Country Women’s Association of NSW (CWA) is still fighting for “urgent” improvements to birthing services in the bush

CWA is still fighting for maternity care, a century since their founding

OCLife | community life 12 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 8 — 14, 2022 Ray Pickard, Bathurst Observatory Research Facility RodAstronomers:Somerville, Orange Planetarium Tina Leaman Keshara, Education Resource Developer: Murriyang Wiradjuri Project Special Guest Speaker Trevor Leaman PhD Researcher on the Wiradjuri Cultural Astronomy Project and Director of Dark Skies Downunder Food available: BBQ and popcorn stand as well as bush tucker food from Indigenous Cultural Adventures What to bring: A picnic rug and warm clothes Charles Sturt Orange Campus, Leeds Parade Park in carparks 1, 2, or 3 and follow the signs University).(AustralianPRV12018Identification:ProviderTEQSA-UniversitySturtCharles2022© M1502.00005F.Provider:CRICOS FREE EVENT Date: Thursday 15th September Time: 5:00pm-8:00pm 2022 Charles Sturt University Orange campus invites you to attend GIVE SOFTBALL AGOTHIS SUMMER (FridayEvening)&A-Grade,B-GradeSoftball-Under16yrs,Modball-Under13yrsTeeball-B-5-7yearsTeeball-A-8-9yearseveryone:WehavesomethingforC-GradeNEWREGOSJUNIORGETA FREEGLOVE SCANTHEQRCODEORCONTACTUSTO...PamKelly-0419013951HeathWilliams-0417892889Email-bletchington.softball@gmail.comFacebook-BletchingtonSoftballClub REGISTERTODAY!!! GIVE SOFTBALL AGOTHIS SUMMER SCANTHEQR(FridayEvening)&A-Grade,B-GradeSoftball-Under16yrs,Modball-Under13yrsTeeball-B-5-7yearsTeeball-A-8-9yearseveryone:WehavesomethingforC-GradeCODEORCONTACTUSTO... REGISTERTODAY!!! Facebook-BletchingtonSoftballClubEmail-bletchington.softball@gmail.comHeathWilliams-0417892889PamKelly-0419013951 GIVE SOFTBALL AGOTHIS SUMMER (FridayEvening)&A-Grade,B-GradeSoftball-Under16yrs,Modball-Under13yrsTeeball-B-5-7yearsTeeball-A-8-9yearseveryone:WehavesomethingforC-GradeNEWREGOSJUNIORGETA FREEGLOVE SCANTHEQRCODEORCONTACTUSTO...PamKelly-0419013951HeathWilliams-0417892889Email-bletchington.softball@gmail.comFacebook-BletchingtonSoftballClub REGISTERTODAY!!! GIVE SOFTBALL AGOTHIS SUMMER SCANTHEQR(FridayEvening)&A-Grade,B-GradeSoftball-Under16yrs,Modball-Under13yrsTeeball-B-5-7yearsTeeball-A-8-9yearseveryone:WehavesomethingforC-GradeCODEORCONTACTUSTO... REGISTERTODAY!!! Facebook-BletchingtonSoftballClubEmail-bletchington.softball@gmail.comHeathWilliams-0417892889PamKelly-0419013951 GIVE SOFTBALL AGOTHIS SUMMER (FridayEvening)&A-Grade,B-GradeSoftball-Under16yrs,Modball-Under13yrsTeeball-B-5-7yearsTeeball-A-8-9yearseveryone:WehavesomethingforC-GradeNEWREGOSJUNIORGETA FREEGLOVE SCANTHEQRCODEORCONTACTUSTO...PamKelly-0419013951HeathWilliams-0417892889Email-bletchington.softball@gmail.comFacebook-BletchingtonSoftballClub REGISTERTODAY!!! GIVE SOFTBALL AGOTHIS SUMMER SCANTHEQR(FridayEvening)&A-Grade,B-GradeSoftball-Under16yrs,Modball-Under13yrsTeeball-B-5-7yearsTeeball-A-8-9yearseveryone:WehavesomethingforC-GradeCODEORCONTACTUSTO... REGISTERTODAY!!! Facebook-BletchingtonSoftballClubEmail-bletchington.softball@gmail.comHeathWilliams-0417892889PamKelly-0419013951 GIVE SOFTBALL AGOTHIS SUMMER (FridayEvening)&A-Grade,B-GradeSoftball-Under16yrs,Modball-Under13yrsTeeball-B-5-7yearsTeeball-A-8-9yearseveryone:WehavesomethingforC-GradeNEWREGOSJUNIORGETA FREEGLOVE SCANTHEQRCODEORCONTACTUSTO...PamKelly-0419013951HeathWilliams-0417892889Email-bletchington.softball@gmail.comFacebook-BletchingtonSoftballClub REGISTERTODAY!!! GIVE SOFTBALL AGOTHIS SUMMER GIVE SOFTBALL AGOTHIS SUMMER (FridayEvening)&A-Grade,B-GradeSoftball-Under16yrs,Modball-Under13yrsTeeball-B-5-7yearsTeeball-A-8-9yearseveryone:WehavesomethingforC-Grade (FridayEvening)&A-Grade,B-GradeSoftball-Under16yrs,Modball-Under13yrsTeeball-B-5-7yearsTeeball-A-8-9yearseveryone:WehavesomethingforC-Grade NEW REGOSJUNIORGETA FREEGLOVESCANTHEQRCODEORCONTACTUSTO... SCANTHEQRCODEORCONTACTUSTO... REGISTERTODAY!!! REGISTERTODAY!!! Facebook-BletchingtonSoftballClubEmail-bletchington.softball@gmail.comHeathWilliams-0417892889PamKelly-0419013951 Facebook-BletchingtonSoftballClubEmail-bletchington.softball@gmail.comHeathWilliams-0417892889PamKelly-0419013951

Improving rural maternity services is the focus of the CWA’s annual Awareness Week campaign, which is running up until Saturday, September 10. “It seems fitting that, in the CWA of NSW’s centenary year, we’re continuing the advocacy around urgent improvements to maternal and antenatal care for country residents,” Deborah said. “We’re simply asking for the same levels of care citybased people expect, and we don’t think equity is too much to ask.
During the lead-up to Awareness Week, the CWA Orange branch met with antenatal clinic representatives and also made a donation to Ronald McDonald House which hosts large numbers of expectant mothers identified as having high-risk pregnancies.
The need for maternity services for country NSW, is just as critical an issue today, as when the CWA was first formed in NSW in 1922, Orange branch president, Deborah Marr said. She said that the closure of dozens of hospital birthing units around the state, has forced many women to travel far from home to have their babies or, in some cases, having to give birth without any adequate support and facilities.These,she said, are some of the harrowing stories that have emerged from the findings of a NSW Parliamentary inquiry into rural and regional health that was released earlier this year. “Just because you choose to live outside our major cities, doesn’t mean you should have to tolerate a lower standard of medical care and support,” Deborah said. “Expectant mothers and new mothers should feel safe and supported but, what we heard during and after the inquiry, was that this is far from the case for those living in rural and regional areas of our state.”

“Those living in rural and regional NSW, pay the same taxes as everyone else and your postcode shouldn’t dictate the standard of basic healthcare requirements.”

OrangeCityBowlingClub 61-89 Warrendine Street Orange 02 63 622 533 Website: TRADIES RAFFLES SOLD FROM 5PM - DRAWN AT 6PM 2 X $25 bar vouchers PLUS 2 X $20 MEAT TRAYS MEMBERSBADGEDRAWAT$800! Member must be present for the Draw CityBowlingClub FRIDAY NIGHT RAFFLES Free Coaching for Bowls Beginners and Novices Please check our website for all Covid Restrictions Open Tues—Sun From 11.30am til dark $5 per person SEE MAIN BAR TO PAY AND GET EQUIPMENT Closed Mondays for maintenance Monday – Sunday $5 per person OFFICE OPENS 8AM DURING SCHOOL HOLIDAYS RAFFLEMAIN 20 x VOUCHERS$50 HAPPYHOUR friday nights 5PM-6PM ORANGE CITY MENS RAFFLE EVERY FRIDAY 6-7.30pmNIGHT 4 x $20 Gift Vouchers MONDAY 3pm – 8pm TUESDAY 11am – 9pm WEDNESDAY 11am – 9pm THURSDAY 11am – 9pm Management reserves the right to alter trading hours on any given daytradingnewhours FRIDAY 11am – 12pm SATURDAY 11am – 12pm SUNDAY 11am – 9pm MAGGIESBytheGreen Come and meet CHEF ANKIT and taste his fantastic New Menu open now DINNERLUNCH LADIES 100CLUB RAFFLE every Friday Night HOI is like Bingo, only we use playing cards instead! All equipment needed to play is provided by The Club. AND it only costs $2.50 per board, with most people playing 4 boards. Half time raffle with over $160 worth of prizes. $480 worth of prizes weekly join us every Thursday for HOI Open to members and guests. Come Join Us! 10.30AM ARRIVAL FOR AN 11AM START, UNTIL 1.30PM MONDAYEVERY WEDNESDAY&FROM5PMDANCINGLINE Got something to celebrate? Weddings | Engagement Parties Birthday Parties | Anniversaries Fundraisers | Presentation Nights Christmas Parties | Baby Showers Christenings | Funeral Wakes Whatever you're celebrating we can help SOLD FROM 6.30PM DRAWN AT 7.30PM Visitorswelcome.. SUNDAY BOWLSSOCIAL REGISTRATION10:30AMFOR11AMSTART BOOKINGSCHRISTMASFUNCTIONSNOWOPEN CALL KIRSTY SATURDAY12THNOVEMBER strictly limited seats Tickets $69pp Stage Show & 3 Course Meal 25th September, 10am held in the Skylight MEETINGINFORMATIONroomMembersForOnlyTuesday-Sunday 12-2pm Thursday-Saturday 5.30-8pm POSTPONED

However long-time campaigner and Orange Planetarium Inc President, Rod Somerville, said that the fanfare for the State Government’s $5 million announcement, also guarantees achievement of the 20-year campaign for the astronomicalArchitecturalfacility.plans for the facility, should therefore see tenders going out for this exciting project before Christmas, Rod added.
“With the final funding for the Conservatorium, that also completes funding for the planetarium,” RodPlanetariumsexplained. are typically domed buildings whose internal walls feature projections of astronomical bodies including galaxies, stars, moons, and planets, with presentations to
Previous announcements for the $20 million project included a $10 million grant from the Australian Government and Orange Council allocating $5 million towards the project.

Coral Sea Room, Orange Ex-Services Club 231–243 Anson Street, Orange 10amThursday12pm29th September 2022 email by 26th September 2022 02

“We’re part of the same project as the Con, any funding for them is also for us, it’s all or nothing.
Architect’s plans for planetarium to see tenders soon in the works
6885 6407 E: W:
OCLife | community life 14 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 8 — 14, 2022 Meet some of our friendly clients and staff, and enjoy a delicious complimentary morning tea. Learn about in home aged care and disability services and chat with our care managers to discover how D.A.N.S. Inhome Care can help you or your loved one not just live at home, but thrive at home.
The recent announcement of funding for our new conservatorium of music, saw the adjoining planetarium project getting barely a mention.
With patience being a virtue in his long campaign for the planetarium, it is unlikely that actual work will have started by next year’s 20th anniversary, he said. “It was May 2003, when I first sat down with a friend — I’d only just recently moved into town six months earlier — and thought, ‘wouldn’t it be a good idea to do this?’,” Rod said.
He said that the emphasis on the Conservatorium project in the Civic Centre Northcourt, only reflects the funding partition of the “They’rework.(the Conservatorium) the major stakeholder with 80 per cent of the funding.
Once Council gets the plans, they can put them out for tender for work to start,” Rod said. “Personally, I’m hopeful, they can be put out to tender in the next few months,” he said.
ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 8 — 14, 2022 15 community life | OCLife
Author Bio: Dr Christopher Hayward is a GP in Orange and Lecturer in Rural Health at the University of Sydney School of Rural Health.

“For many, many, many, years, I made a living out of presenting astronomical information in an educational setting,” Rod said.
cinema-style seated viewers. The 11-metre, 74-seat planetarium — to be one of the most advanced in the country — will also be available for other simulations ranging from other sciences to the arts, from mining to physics, Rod added. He said that, while the recent funding announcement concentrated almost totally on the benefits to the Colour City of the Conservatorium of Music, the Planetarium offers many of its own positives for the local economy.Headded that the joint nature of the two projects was part of its appeal to funding bodies including not just the NSW Government, but Orange Council and the Federal Government.“Wehaven’t thought of ourselves as an afterthought, we’ve been trying to get this built for 19 “Aboutyears.five years ago, we were contacted by the Conservatorium to get a new facility. They, like us, were struggling to get the money, so we decided to join forces,” he explained.
“We’re not as big or requiring as much money, but we certainly are a major component,” he said excitedly. He added that the high-tech resource could be one of the great facilities of its kind throughout Australia and a genuine tourism attraction. “We’ll have something to rival those in Brisbane, Perth, and Melbourne.”
few years has seen our region face many challenges. From droughts and floods to mouse plagues and lockdowns, we have all experienced traumatic events. As we reflect on our own response to these events it’s worth checking in on your family, colleagues, and friends.
“I have university degrees from Macquarie University and went into public education.
Every day is a good day to ask, ‘are you ok?’ Are you ok? Those three simple words, when asked, can make a life changing difference. If you have a feeling that something is not quite right with a friend, ask them “are you ok?” If something challenging has occurred to a colleague, ask them “are you ok?” If you notice a change in how a family member is acting, ask them “are you ok?” If you are sleeping poorly or finding it hard relax, ask yourself “are you ok?” More than one in five Australians will experience a mental illness every year. Eight Australians die from suicide every day, and six out of eight of these deaths are men. As a nation we have come a long way in our understanding of mental illness, and we have addressed many of the plentywebsiteconversationdon’tworried“aretimelyRSeptembertoencouragethathelp.justtheconfidenceareaskingpeopleOnediscussingstillDespitesurroundingmisconceptionsmentalhealth.this,thereisoftenstigmaaroundmentalhealth.oftheprimaryreasonsshyawayfromabouthowothersfeelingisthelackoftorespondtoanswer.Don’tworry,askingthequestioncanBysimplyshowingyoucareyoumayatimelieraccesshelp.8isNationalUOK?Day.Thisisaremindertoaskyouok?”IfyouareaboutsomeonebutknowhowtostartatheRUOK?( to help. This could be as simple as following these four steps; Ask. Listen. Encourage Action. Check In. Ask – Be relaxed, friendly and concerned in your Listenapproach.–Don’t interrupt or rush the getavailableManyandChecktohelpingitEncourageconversation.Action––Stayintouchcheckinregularly.moreresourcesaretohelpifthingstough.Simplyjump and check out any of the following: • Mental Health Line 1800 011 511 13 11 14 • •’tforgetask,“areyouok?”

“Now we basically have the money, we’re just waiting for the architects to finish the plans.
“The whole reason that we joined together; this gave us a size that more attracted funding for both projects together,” he added.
At the announcement of the $20 million conservatorium of music/planetarium project in 2020, Orange Planetarium Inc President, Rod Somerville; then Councillor Russell Turner; Conservatorium Manager, Donna Riles; and former Orange Mayor, Cr Reg Kidd.

A trained astronomer, it will be then that staff are likely to be sought for the facility: “They will need full-time staff, we can then turn our attention to the running of the facility,” he said.
Finalisation of the funding, however, means it’s now “all systems go” for design and tendering of the work with final outlines to soon be forwarded to Council’s Conservatorium and Planetarium Committee.

Amy is particularly proud of her team who she says have delivered exceptional customer service, even through the difficult circumstances of the last few“They’veyears. achieved so much as a team and as individuals over the last 12 months,” said Amy.
“Throughout the pandemic, we focused on the fact that it wasn’t going to last forever. We worked on what we could control, which is how we leave our guests feeling after their stay with us, because they will return if we always focus on delivering an effortless experience.”
“Back then I wasn’t just a first-time business owner, it was also my first time in Orange,” said Amy, who grew up in the regional twin-cities of Alburywere business owners so I’d always wanted it for myself, and the opportunity here in Orange was just what I wanted because I knew I’d love the lifestyle here.” Amy says collaborating with other local businesses has been the key to her success in Orange.
“Small business success in country towns comes down to earning local trust and respect. The first thing I did when I arrived here was to start building those relationships,” she said Quest Orange partners with a local day spa for in-room massage packages and the minibar is stocked with local produce.
Quest Orange business owner Amy van de Ven won the Franchisee of the Year NSW/ACT prize at the August 2022 Quest Conference in Cairns
OCLife | community life 16 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 8 — 14, 2022
Orange’s Amy van de Ven wins gong at Quest Conference
The award is recognition for her “exceptional local support and her team’s dedication to making guest staysSelectedeffortless.”asthe franchisee in 2019, Amy says it was her dream to own her own business.
Quest Orange business owner Amy van de Ven has been named Franchisee of the Year NSW/ACT at the 2022 Quest Conference.


Men's Health
I joined 2nd Orange Scouts to announce their success in securing $30,000 as part of the NSW Gov’s Community Building Partnership grant program, in which I supported for a new kitchen for their hall in Kite St. The hall is used by the local scouts, cubs and venturers, and is also hired-out for functions with money generated being reinvested into programs for the children. I am always happy to support organisations like Scouts that instil important values such as leadership, teamwork, discipline and other important life skills in our next generation.

I met with Heather Biega and Casey Ryan of PWM Advice in Orange. These ladies wanted to do something to raise more funding for prostate cancer research, which is underfunded considering it is the cancer of highest incidence. I applaud their initiative and I will proudly support them as they organise a local fundraiser. Let us all get behind this great cause. Fellas, don’t wait for symptoms to get tested, these days testing is simple and non-invasive so visit your GP and ask for a blood test - it’s that simple. It could save your life. Ladies, the blokes in your lives could benefit from your encouragement, so please give them a gentle nudge to go get tested.

I also caught-up with teachers and support staff of the Independent Education Union Australia NSW/ACT Branch to discuss their concerns affecting their profession. It goes without saying, but the teaching profession, regardless of school plays a pivotal role in the educational outcomes and futures of our children. There is presently a teacher shortage crisis. This is directly affecting our children and impacting the profession. The government must urgently address these issues to ensure ongoing recruitment and retention, and I will continue to champion for better wage and work conditions for our regional educational workforce.
It is great to be attending our country shows again after a Covid inflicted hiatus and I have recently had the pleasure of attending the 112th Trundle Show and the Bedgerabong Show and talking with locals. The weather might have been a bit wet but that didn’t deter the locals from attending the events. Country shows provide an opportunity for local schools, farmers and the community to showcase their talents, local produce, livestock and much more. But most importantly however, it brings local communities together.

Orange Scouts2nd
As a champion of mental health, particularly men’s mental health, it excites me to announce the upcoming mental health program run by Orange based mental health training consultant and popular local Jamie Stedman. Jamie has teamed-up with a number of local businesses namely, The Agrestic Grocer, Inland Digital, Kennards Hire and Orange Real Estate and will be facilitating a 4 session program starting on October 9 at The Agrestic Grocer called “ Beyond The BS.” The programs will consist of casual conversations for men that provide critical information to ensure men are taking care of their mental health and supporting their mates. Jamie has an array of vast lived experiences and background and aims to provide an informative, accessible and cost effective service available to the public covering a range of topics and coping strategies. Although this initial program is aimed at men, Jamie intends also running programs for women in the near future. The program is proudly supported by local businesses who were happy to jump on board to address this community issue. Well done to those and thank you. Tickets are $15 a session and can be purchased on the Agrestic Grocer Website moving beyond the bs
Authorised by Philip Donato MP, Member for Orange. Funded using parliamentary entitlements.

Mr Perfect bbq Where: Cook Park, Orange – Near the entrance of the corner of Kite and Clinton Streets. When: Sunday 11th Septmeber 2022 Time: 11am to 2pm. mens mental health bbq Reminder this Sunday

Orange Electorate Office | 123 Byng Street, Orange NSW 2800 | Telephone 6362 5199

Cheers, Phil��
Awarness grant success for

Phil DONATO MP State Member for Donato’sOrangeDiary

18 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 8 — 14, 2022 OCLife | community life
Any suggestions on what topic Ruben should tackle next? Get in touch with us at OC Life or with Ruben directly @rubenlopezmesa @rubenlopezmesa@eat_spanish@atableof10
Why is storing our food in the right place in a refrigerator such a big deal, you’re wondering?
Are You Okay?
The first thing to look out for is the ‘best before’ or ‘use by’ dates on packaged foods and get strict with them. Check any storage instructions such as ‘keep refrigerated’ or ‘use within three days of opening’ as the use by/best before dates only apply to unopened food that is stored correctly. Remember to check each product as there might be foods, like sauces or jams, that you used to store in the pantry in the past, but that now need refrigeration as they have less sugar or salt for health reasons.
Question:Reader’s How do you store food correctly in refrigerator?your
Well, safety mainly! But also by keeping your fridge organised, means you’ll spend less time digging around a messy fridge and you will get more use from your weekly grocery buy. This means you’ll also spend less money every week — winning! Here are some easy tips to organise your fridge like a pro: First, what does not need to be put in the fridge? You don’t have to put bananas, honey, potatoes, or tomatoes. It’s not the best way to store them, so keep them in a fruit bowl or in your pantry, which means you’ll get more space in the fridge! Remember ‘FIFO’ There is a golden rule in hospitality about storing food called ‘FIFO’, which is an acronym for ‘first in, first out’. Basically, it’s the habit of always using the oldest products first! For example, I bought eggs last Monday, but only used a few of them. But today, I needed more in order to make a Spanish omelette, so I’m buying more. But which ones do I use first? Easy –always use the ones from Monday… and if you need more for your recipe, top it up with the ones you just bought. What temperature should I set my fridge?
Fruit: All fresh fruit, including tomatoes, should be stored outside of the fridge for better quality and washed just before you eat them. Excess fruit can be stewed and frozen and berries ‘blanched’ by dipping briefly into boiling water, then cold water, and frozen on metal trays. Eggs: Eggs should be stored in the refrigerator and in the carton they came in to stop them picking up odours in the fridge and so you know the best before date.
Dairy: Dairy products like milk, yoghurt and cheese should be refrigerated and used by their best before or use by date. Milk and hard cheeses can be frozen, but it may affect the quality. Grated cheese can freeze better.
Bread: Bread should be stored out of the fridge or it will dry out. Sliced bread can be frozen and you can defrost and use slices, as you need them. Cook in bulk and freeze Bulk cooking meals like soups, stews, curries and casseroles is a good way to use up excess food. Make sure you divide the cooked food into smaller containers as soon as it stops steaming and refrigerate or freeze. Refrigerated cooked dishes or leftovers should be used or frozen within two to three days (or 24 hours, if you are pregnant, elderly or have a poor immune system because of the risk of Listeria food Alwayspoisoning.)reheatfood to 75 degrees Celsius, check with a meat thermometer, or use the reheat function on your microwave following any prompts such as stirring the food. Remember, if the food you are eating is supposed to be hot, it must be hot! Frozen food will last a long time in your freezer, but not forever. It’s a good idea to label it with the date it was frozen so you use the oldest first. And, again, always reheat food properly! I hope these tips will make you think about how you store your food and help give your fridge a little bit more structure. Make the time to give your fridge a good clean-up — check all the dates, put things in their right place and leave space between what you have. You’ll see how with a bit of organisation, you’ll have more room and waste Happyless.storing!
We have received a question from a reader about storing food correctly in the fridge, so here I’ll try to explain from a professional point of view — but in an easy way that’s relevant to home cooking. First things first — storing food the wrong way, or for longer than it should be, means that it can go off and then will not be safe to eat. Please, next time you open your fridge, take this into consideration, especially with the warmer months ahead.
Vegetables: should be stored in the vegetable crisper at the bottom of the fridge — with the exception of potatoes, which do best in a cool, dry cupboard. Don’t eat potatoes that have started to sprout as they can produce toxins that aren’t destroyed by cooking. You can use wilted veggies for soup or stock or add to casseroles.
The enoughgood-parent with Emily Thompson COOKING with RUBEN LOPEZ MESA

Today is RUOK Day… and this year, my answer is, no. Over the course of the pandemic, I developed anxiety; it started as an average amount of worry that I seemed to share with everyone as we tried to make sense of the rapidly changing world around us. But slowly, over two-and-a-half years, it became an overwhelming emotion that was getting in the way of So,living.Istarted seeing a psychologist. Let me tell you, this was the best decision I’ve ever made in my life. Although I had a severe, but brief experience of post-natal depression after Miss Eight was born, I’ve mostly been fortunate enough to not have any significant mental health struggles. That was until May, when I cancelled a hairdressing appointment, because I just couldn’t bring myself to interact with another person that day. I realised I needed some help. I got help through hubby’s work program — Newcrest Mining provides psychological assistance for spouses — and I was able to start talking to a counsellor. Almost immediately, I felt changed. I wasn’t cured after my first session, although I did feel lighter. Three months later, and not only am I in a better headspace, but I’ve now also got tools to ensure I don’t spiral back down. I’m even getting back to the resilient me who can see the funny side of things. Lucky, because Miss Eight has been home for three days with a cold and she has spent the last five hours trying to convince me, we should all move to the Cook Islands so she can have coconut bongo drums. Yesterday, my counsellor was unable to see me due to COVID and missed our session. I’ve been really honest with the girls about what my anxiety is and what the psychologist is doing to help, so naturally, Miss Eight felt completely qualified to take over my mental health treatment. She called me from her room on her iPad, demanded I address her as “Dr Eight” and repeatedly asked, “So what’s wrong with you?” She then found absolute glee in torturing me with my well-known fear of mice.
Meat and poultry: Store any fresh meat or poultry in your fridge where it can’t drip onto other foods (usually the lower shelf) and use or freeze before its use by date or three days if it is unpackaged.
Got a cooking question you need answered?
Miss Eight: “What do you hate more than anything in this Me:world?”“Peas. They’re disgusting.” Miss Eight: “Okay…..what is your biggest fear?” Me: “Well, I guess it’s probably something bad happening to my Missfamily.”Eight: *eyes narrowed, focused on me* “I want you to say it. Say, ‘mice’.” (This is why eight-year-olds should never be in charge of exposure therapy). She then ended the session with a guided relaxation led by her “Meditation Barbie.” Today, if you do ask people if they are okay, be prepared for a few “no” answers, and follow the toolkit on the RUOK website on how to help. And if you aren’t okay, then please let today be the day you reach out to those around you and ask for help. There is professional help available. And, while I don’t recommend letting your eightyear-old counsel you, Meditation Barbie was actually pretty great in a pinch. Lots of love to everyone today, Em xxx If you or someone you know needs support, there is help at 131114hand. — Lifeline, 1300 224 636 — Beyond Blue, 1300 789 978 — MensLine Australia, 1800 551 800 — Kids Helpline, 1800 184 527 — LGBTI,
Well, your fridge should be between 1–4C in order to store food safely and your freezer at minus 18C or below. How long can I keep food in the fridge?
Do you have a cooking question that you would like answered? Get in touch!

2013 OSSA SpectacularSchoolsMamma Mia, Not Another Musical Central West Libraries is progressively adding new material to the website, with new additions including the Orange Civic Theatre Collection, Banjo Paterson Writing Award Winners and the mayors of Orange. The Orange & District Historical Society, with support from Orange City Library, is working to digitise more of the Central Western Daily’s negative collection, which dates from 1955 to 2000, to make it accessible to all. Recollect Central West is at https://centralwest.recollect. YOUR
“Residents are telling us how efficient and convenient this system is, that they can go online anytime and find out how much water they’re using,” Cr Evans said. “The rollout isn’t going to happen overnight. We are slowly but surely installing more smart water meters across town, and this year more than ever will be Wheninstalled.’’the program began in 2018, the primary goal for the Council was to identify water leaks and encourage residents to consume water more efficiently. “Our community was very conscious about water use during drought but when the weather brings months of rain they can lose that focus. The smart meters are a great tool to help boost awareness of how we use water all year round,” Cr Evans said. Since the first release across Orange in 2020, 650 homes and businesses have had smart meters installed. The rollout began with Orange’s top 250 water users, mostly commercial and industrial properties. About 400
“Everyone is encouraged to register with the site, become a member and start contributing photos, stories and memories about the Central West.”
s CLEVER: The new smart meters being rolled out across Orange enable residents to keep track of their water use online.

residential properties have also benefited from smart Whenmeters.a smart meter is installed, the property owner receives a letter from the Council to inform them. Residents can sign up for an online account on the MyH20 website where they can access their water consumption information.
The Recollect Central West website has only been up and running for six months but has already been visited more than half a million times. This History Week, Central West Libraries is celebrating the success of the website, which was established to capture and share the history, heritage and stories of our region. It provides easy online access to a rich store of heritage material relating to the Central West, its people, places and events, and encourages the region’s residents to contribute their own material to the site, which fits in with the History Week theme ‘Hands on History’. The free community resource contains significant items from Central West Libraries’ local history collections including images, publications, photographs and maps, as well as a growing selection of the Central Western Daily newspaper’s negative collection, which was donated to the Orange & District Historical Society. Since it was launched in March, the collection has grown to include 7558 items, including 767 documents and 6646 Orangephotographs.CityCouncil’s Services Policy Committee Chair, Cr Mel McDonell says the online resource is continually evolving as new material is added and more people share information relating to items on the site. “Recollect Central West has been a popular and unique historical resource for the community, especially those interested in our social history, heritage and family history.

HANDS ON HISTORY: Recollect Central West has received more than half a million hits in the first six months of operation. s SMART WATER METERS

The 10 most viewed subjects are: 1. CWD Negatives 2. Orange & District Historical Society 3. Tourist Hotel 4. Construction of Orange Olympic Pool 5. Summer Street 6. Emmco Cadet Engineer 7. Maps and Plans 8. Celebrating Orange 75 years of Orange as a city and 175 years of Orange as a village 9. Read@yourlibrary 10. Orange Small Schools Association presents
Council is running a free tour of Orange’s Resource Recovery TheCentres.tour will visit both the Ophir Road (Orange) and Euchareena Road (Molong) facilities, and attendees will see firsthand how waste is processed, including household garbage, recycling and food and garden organics. The tour will run from 9am to 12:30pm on Saturday 8 October Visit2022.Eventbrite to book your free tickets.
The water meter replacement program is free for residents. It will be progressively rolled out citywide across the next five years.
Two thousand more smart water meters will be installed by Orange City Council this financial year, the most to be installed since the rollout of the new equipment began 18 months ago. The smart meters, connected by digital technology, help households save money by allowing residents to track their water usage Infrastructureonline. Policy Committee Chair Cr Jack Evans welcomed the rollout of the new smart meters.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 8 — 14, 2022 19 | Find us on social media @ Orange City Council w DO YOU WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT WHERE YOUR WASTE GOES?

Painter Kay Gorringe presents her donated work to ra e winner Carmel Hanrahan. At the farewell luncheon at Anything Grows, for local charitable group, Orange Court Support: Thelma Livermore, Monica Knight, and Nea Campbell.

OCLife | community life 20 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 8 — 14, 2022 LUCKNOW SKIN SHOP & BOOT BARN You can shop online @ Mitchell Hwy, Lucknow 6365 5330 arriving...summerNewaccessories CALLDANIELON0411484464 TOBOOKYOURFREEINITIAL APPOINTMENTORHEADTO WEALTHTRAIN.COM.AU TRULY INDEPENDENT Financial Advice Changes Lives MoreandmorepeopleinOrangeare enjoyingthebenefitsof INDEPENDENT financialadvice... Shouldyoubeoneofthem? DanielMcGregor (1253135) andWealthTrain (1258202) areauthorisedrepresentativesof IndependentFinancialAdviceandEducationAFSL520963

Orange Court Support volunteers at their farewell lunch: Brenda O’Neil, Heather Cummins, Jenn DeDoncker, and Bronwyn Ryan.

Farewellfundraiseslunch for one very holidayspecial

The farewell luncheon for local charitable group, Orange Court Support, raised nearly $400 to send a child with an incarcerated parent away for one very special holiday. Nearly 20 people attended the luncheon for the non-denominational Christian-based group that for nearly 20 years provided a friendly face, a hot tea or coffee, and a bikkie, for those making a Monday appearance at Orange Court. The farewell lunch, held at Anything Grows, included the raffling of a Kay Gorringe original painting, which raised more than $360. The work was won by OCC founding member, CarmelConvenor,Hanrahan.HelenHart, said that it was now up to younger Christians to “reinvent and reimagine the vital service” as part of their commitment to the Gospel.

Happy Birthday Kathy and thank you for your enormous contribution to our region and for having me to this wonderful celebration!
I am incredibly disappointed that the Federal Government has announced that the fuel tax excise holiday will end on September 28. Earlier this year, in an effort to relieve cost of living pressures, the previous Federal Government halved the fuel excise by 22 cents per litre. This was always due to end late September as it was hoped that fuel prices would have settled by that date.
I was delighted to catch up with Group members last week and present them with $13,000 grant to create a new sensory garden at the Molong Multi Purpose Service (MPS).

The Molong Advancement Group (MAG) is a community organisation that strives to help Molong, and the greater Cabonne community, thrive. There is no doubt its next undertaking will certainly do that!

Given that the prices are still high, and are still having a devastating effect on our country communities, I believe a continuation of this relief is vital. That is why I have been calling on the current government to continue the holiday beyond the end of this month.
I will continue to do all I can to ease the cost of living pressure for people living in the bush. It’s a huge issue affecting all our Thecommunities.newgovernment now has to explain to our communities why their fuel bills will rise by 22 cents per litre at the end of the month.



It was a pleasure to attend a grant announcement for a new colonnade of trees at the Stuart Town Recreation Reserve last week. Under the previous Coalition Government, The Stuart Town Advancement Association received $6,000 through the Planting trees for the Queen’s Jubilee program. The program was developed to mark the Jubilee (70 years of service) of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, through community tree planting events across Australia. Thanks to the funding, members of the Association will plant two rows of maple trees at the Reserve, creating a colourful and leafy pathway from the War Memorial Gates to the walking track. Once mature, a natural arch made of red bark and lovely large green leavesthat will turn gold in Autumn - will connect the two sections of the Reserve. The trees will also provide much needed shade and shelter from the summer heat, and help create habitat and a natural food source for local wildlife. The trees will be a fitting tribute to the men and women from the Stuart Town area who have served our nation in uniform.
It was an honour to join the Connolly clan on Tuesday to celebrate Bill Connolly’s 100th trip around the sun! Bill was born on the 30th of August 1922 to Thompson and Stella Connolly (nee Griffith). He grew up on an orchard, dairy and mixed farming enterprise just outside of Orange called ‘Maryvale,’ and worked the land with his wife Betty and two sons, Ross and Richard, until retirement. Last week I shared a chat and a slice of birthday cake with Bill and his lovely family and friends, who had gathered to toast Bill’s ten tremendous decades - a whopping 36,525 days! Bill has eight grandchildren, and nine Thankgreat-grandchildren.youtothegreat staff at Orange Grove Care Community who organised a beautiful afternoon spread for the special event! Happy 100th Birthday, Bill!
A 22 cent increase in petrol prices will be a major blow to rural communities, households and businesses right now, especially because country residents must drive longer distances and don’t have access to public transport options like our city counterparts.
On Saturday it was great to be back in Molong for the 90th birthday celebrations of Kathy Burns at Molong RSL Club.

Kathy and her late husband Noel lived in Mumbil for many years until Kathy recently moved to Molong. Noel was a Korean War Veteran.
ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 8 — 14, 2022 21 Andrew GEE MP FEDERAL MEMBER FOR CALARE YourYourCountryVoice 1/179A Anson Street PO Box 673 Orange NSW 2800 (02) 6361 For regular updates and news, follow me on Facebook and Instagram @andrewgeecalare ORANGE ELECTORATE OFFICE Authorised by Andrew Gee MP Suite 1/179A Anson Street Orange, NSW 2800. RUNS ON THEORANGEFORBOARD √ $54.8 million for the new CSU medical school and centreresearch √ $34.8 million for Dixons Long CrossingPoint √ $54 million in water security pipelines around the WestCentral √ $1.9 million for The Orchard accommodationcrisiscentre √ $2 billion for Great WesternupgradeHighway √ $3.8 million for the raising of Suma Park dam wall at Orange √ Federal establishedCorporationInvestmentRegionalandbasedinOrange √ $12 million for the Southern Feeder Road project √ Dept InfrastructureofbranchmovedtoOrange √ $2 million for the Forest Road duplicationBridge √ $14.7 million for Mission Australia’s Benjamin Short Grove Aged Care facility √ $100,000 for new stadium seating at Wade Park √ $3 million for a second radiotherapy unit at Orange Health Service √ $10 million for the ConservatoriumOrange & Planetarium √ 24 hour rescue helicopter service for Orange and region √ $14 million for highway upgrades between Lithgow and Orange √ Bat/hail netting funding for orchardistslocal √ $1.2 million for CCTV in BathurstOrange,andWellington √ 42 mobile phone towers and base stations across Calare HAPPY 100 TH BIRTHDAY BILL CONNOLLY!
Molong’s MPS includes 24 hour emergency care, inpatient beds, residential aged care and staff accommodation so there are many people who will benefit from this new development. Congratulations to MAG for their successful application! I can’t wait to visit the garden when it is complete.
Kathy was joined by her many friends and also family members from all over Australia.
Awarded under the previous Coalition Government’s Stronger Communities Programme, the funding will be used to develop a garden that provides a therapeutic and inclusive space for members of the community to relax in and invigorate their senses.
With the theme “Central West Unmasked”, Director of RDA Central West, Wayne Sunderland, said the competition is a wonderful platform to highlight everything that is special about our region.
OCLife | community life 22 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 8 — 14, 2022 We are located at shop 27-28 The Orange Arcade 146 Summer St Orange ( near the Harris Farm exit) CURED ORANGE, NSW Handcrafted Artisan European Charcuterie... Cured Orange is the Central West’s authentic taste of European charcuterie with an extensive range complementing the outstanding food and wine region. Stefan Birmili showcases the perfect blend of artisanal craftsmanship with the best Australian meats & shares his knowledge with hands on, face to face Masterclasses. For class details and dates please see our website Teambuilding and group bookings welcome, please contact us for more details.

“Unmask” hidden gems of the central west

The competition is free to enter (entrants can submit up to four photographs) and open to photographers of all abilities, with a junior category for under 18s.
First place will receive $300 and a Fujifilm Instax Mini 11 camera; second place will receive $200; and two ‘special mention’ entries will receive a FujiFilm Instax Mini 11 Photo Kit.
You can use your PARENTS VOUCHERS

“The Central West has so much to offer, and the ‘Central West is Best’ photography competition is a great way to capture what you love most about your community,” Wayne said.“We want you to show the world what an amazing place the Central West is to live in and visit — this could be through an image of a place, person or an event, and entries also don’t need to be current.”
Entries are now open until 5pm Friday, September 30. More information, including how to enter, can be found on the RDA Central West website at:

Entries are now open for the 2022 Regional Development Australia Central West (RDA Central West) photographic competition.Photographers this year are encouraged to “capture the true essence and hidden gems of their hometowns” for this year’s competition.

He added that the relatively warm nights and lack of heavy frosts this winter and the requirement for frost chill for some stone fruits to set, could see flowering problems, particularly for local cherries.
“All the models worldwide, except the BOM (Australian Bureau of Meteorology) are calling another La Nina for the season ahead,” the Forest Reefs grazier said. “The BOM, they’ve called ‘an alert’, which makes it a high probability that it will reoccur,” he added. After three years of above-average rain following four years of drought, he said that experiencing enough dry weather to plant crops, has been the challenge for farmers in 2022.
Swings could be of a good thing…
The continuing wet conditions are particularly hard on ovine breeds, that normally require areas cleared of wet ground, to thrive.
Enjoying some late-winter sun in Cook Park with her daughter, Mackenzie (aged 5), Jodie Collison was certainly looking forward to spring.

June was our coldest month, with an average maximum of only 8.90C, more than 1.5 below our average, with August our wettest month, registering 156.2mm of rainfall.
Recently attending a biosecurity conference, he said that increased State Government funding is being pledged to control feral species such as wild pigs, possible carriers for foot-and-mouth, whose introduction from islands to our north, could devastate our grazing industries.
“If it stays wet at harvest time — from late November to Christmas — the struggle will be getting the crops harvested.”Themild,wet winter is also impacting local sheep and cattle grazing with so-called “green pick” providing plenty of feed, but very little substance.
The BOM forecasts are based around the likely reemergence of the La Niña wet weather cycle that has predominated since early 2020.
“It will be interesting to see when they’re flowering, because it’s been such a mild winter for frosts.
Sometimes, you can have too much of a good thing. With forecasts of a cool, wet spring and return of the La Nina (wet cycle) weather phase, rain could be the spoiler for local agriculture in the season ahead, local farming representative, Bruce Reynolds believes.
The BOM, in its latest forecast, says that September to November rainfall is likely to be above average for the eastern two-thirds of Australia.

“For some cherry varieties, particularly, they may not flower or pollinate that well,” he said.
In the background still for local agriculture, he said, are biosecurity threats from foot-and-mouth disease and an outbreak on the mid-north coast of the exotic bee pest, Varroa mites.
“Definitely, it’s been a terrible winter, I haven’t known a winter like it,” Jodie said with some vehemence, as she pushed a happy Mackenzie on the swing set.
This, however, has followed on from two previous wet winters and below-average summers with cool autumns, giving a sense that the region has been seemingly wet and cloudy most days.
Spread of the disease to the Central Tablelands, would not just impact honey production, but a range of cropping and orcharding industries that rely on bees for “Fingerspollination.crossed;they’ve got it circled. Central Tablelands apiarists are watching closely at what’s happening in the Hunter Valley.
Blossoms pink, forecasts blue, for another La Nina, late 2022

too much
As typically during a La Nina cycle, while maximum daytime temperatures are generally below average, minimum nighttime temperatures tend to be above average due to the increased cloud cover.
The same efforts, he added, are being put into controlling Varroa mite with a quarantine area around the Central and mid-North Coast and Hunter Valley after its escape from Port Newcastle in June.
“Pastures currently have very little nutritional value, just because they’re so full of water,” Bruce said. “Despite the growth, there’s not much condition, and a lot of farmers are looking at putting their stock on hay to supplement feed,” he added.
24 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 8 — 14, 2022 OCLife | community life
“Control of wild European bee populations, currently underway, could be the key to its control,” Bruce concluded.
The BOM believes that there is at least a 70 per cent chance of La Niña reforming late in 2022, with four of their seven active computer models suggesting that the threshold for the event is likely to be met by mid-spring.
“This had led to foot abscesses, overshot hooves, and sore feet.”
“From the cropping point of view, some farmers didn’t get their crops in, because their fields were just so“Therewaterloggedweresome crop losses because they didn’t get to plant, and some that did, they have brown sections of their paddocks where the crops just drowned.”Findingdry spells for harvesting will be the next hurdle, he added. “The sub-soil moisture is very, very good, depending on how you look at it, getting some sunshine will be the challenge,” he said.
Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) is pretty sure that we’re in for a wet, cool spring.
The forecast adds that this likelihood of persistent, soaking rains for much of NSW, is greater than 80 per cent.September is also likely to be the wettest month with rain forecast in the Central Tablelands for much of the nextSeptemberweek. to November maximum temperatures are also likely to be cooler than the median across much of southernUnusuallyAustralia.coolmaximum temperatures — in the coolest 20 per cent of all September to November periods from 1981–2018 — are at least two times more likely than average across much of the State, they say.
“Foot issues are another challenge, particularly for sheep, because they can’t get any dry ground.
The BOM forecasts all contain a verified level of certainty, the agency says, with the accuracy rated high to very high, for both the maximum temperature outlooks and the minimum temperature outlooks.
While statistically, this assessment hasn’t been quite true, winter 2022 certainly has had its share of bleakly cold and wet spells. Like most of southern Australia, Orange’s weather is dominated by either the El Nino (dry cycle) or La Nina, (wet cycle) with this winter definitely in the latter category.Thishas led to generally higher-than-usual rainfall, with cool days matched to mild nights. Winter rainfall totalled more than 280mm, nearly a foot on the old scale, with average maximum temperatures just below average at about 100C and minimums right on average.
ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 8 — 14, 2022 entertainment | OCLife OPEN 7 DAYS | 107 BYNG STREET | 6362 1353 | WWW.THEMETROPOLITANHOTELORANGE.COM.AU PROUD TO BE A PUB the sundayawesomeroast SUNDAY ROAST 15 THE AWESOME + RoAstED VEg + roast veg ROAST SUBJECT TO CHANGE EACH SUNDAY - GROUND FLOOR ONLY Every FRIDAY / SATURDAY AT 8PM Live Music ✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴ t-bone $15 + chips & veg or chips & salad$15 Free Entry new menu coming soon Be transported to southern Spain with virtuoso flamenco guitarist, Paco Lara performing with his amazing ensemble and also with guest flamenco dancer, Deya Miranda Giner — for one night only at Orange Civic Theatre on Friday, September 30. Paco Lara boasts a distinguished career in Europe, Asia, and Latin America with recent success at the Sydney Opera House’s 2021 Adelaide Guitar Festival. His current national tour is supporting his solo album, The Andalusian Guitar which has cemented Lara’s flamenco flair at the top of the Australian music scene. The show promises hints of traditional flamenco, themes from The Andalusian Guitar album, and some of the greatest guitar classics of all times from composers such as Paco de Lucía and Joaquín Rodrigo, all performed with the characteristic and unmistakable sound of JerezMusic(Spain).ofother styles will also be included in the program, like the beautiful ‘Cavatina’ from the film The Deer Hunter and a ‘Waltzing Matilda’ — in flamenco style!With the show also featuring Deya Miranda Giner (flamenco dancer), Byron Mark (percussion and piano), and Carlito Akam (second guitar), this is an experience not to be missed!

The Andal i Guit Show

Orange Civic Theatre, 8pm Friday, September 30. Tickets at Ticketek or call 6393 8111.


OCLife | entertainment 26 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 8 — 14, 2022 Coming events... on what's AUGUST SEPTEMBER 16 Orange Civic Theatre — Robbie Mortimer’s Matchbox 20 tribute Orange Regional Conservatorium — Harold OrangeSEPTEMBERGretten23CivicTheatre — Girls on Tap SEPTEMBER 24 Orange Civic Theatre — INXS Show SEPTEMBER 30 Orange Civic Theatre — The Andalusian Guitar Orange Wine Festival — Night Market SATURDAY September 10 Metropolitan Hotel Live music at the Metro, every Saturday from 8pm Victoria Hotel Terry Lovett’s Rock N Roll Disco, 8.30pm Ophir Hotel Austen Logan live from 7pm SUNDAY September 11 Cudal Show Cudal Showground, 125 Davy’s Plains Road, 9am–3pm Ophir Hotel Austen Logan live 12 noon to 3pm FRIDAY September 9 Metropolitan Hotel Live music at the Metro every Friday from 8pm Ophir Hotel Mickey Pye live from 7pm SATURDAY September 10 Orange Farmers Markets Naylor Pavillion, Leeds Parade, 8.30am – 12 noon. Gold coin entry Orange Civic Theatre Jane Eyre, 8pm SATURDAY SEPT 24 Orange Civic INXSTheatreSHOW

It’s a show that will leave you wanting more!
“Live Baby Live” is Australia’s leading INXS tribute show, honouring one of the most iconic bands in Aussie rock music history.Frontman Simon Kennedy is a naturalborn performer with his tribute to Michael Hutchence leaving you wanting more. Simon will have the audience engaged from the first song with his charm and charisma as he is joined by six exceptional musicians who bring life to the music you know and love. This is a show that promises to take you on a musical journey with hit after hit such as ‘Never Tear Us Apart’, ‘Original Sin’, ‘Don’t Change’, ‘Need You Tonight’, ‘Devil Inside’ and more.

Popular local favourite, Robbie Mortimer and band bring you the songs of iconic 1990s American rock band, Matchbox 20.
“Live Baby Live — The INXS Tribute Show” brings you the music that captivated and defined a generation and will take you back in time to when INXS conquered the musical world. MatchboxtheperformsMortimerbestof20

“Live Baby Live” — the ultimate INXS experience! Robbie
ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 8 — 14, 2022 27 entertainment | OCLife
After eight sold-out Ruby Tuesday (Agrestic Grocer) appearances, Robbie is bringing his Matchbox 20 show to the Orange Civic Theatre stage on Friday, September 16.
Orange Civic Theatre, 8pm Friday, September 16. Tickets at Ticketek or call 6393 8111 Orange Civic Theatre, 8pm Saturday, September 24. Tickets at Ticketek or call 6393 8111.
Robbie, accompanied by his band will perform a captivating show highlighting the best of the best Matchbox 20 hits, from well-known ballads such as ‘3am’ and ‘Bright Lights’ to the upbeat, feel-good anthems they are so well known for, including ‘Real World’, ‘Long Day’ and ‘Disease’.
Nathan and Cheri Donlan Wendy and Rodney Reid Amanda and Michael Collins Marlene Hodgins and Rose Cox

Patricia and Tugi Sola Isaac Power and Gerald Power Megan Rodd, Tammy Hewitt and Mardi Cameron

OCLife | social scene 28 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 8 — 14, 2022 The Beatnix at Orange Ex-Services’ Club — PHOTOS BY HENRY DEROOY — The world’s longest running Beatles tribute act, The Beatnix, entertained the crowd at Orange Ex-Services’ Club on Saturday night.

Paul and Jane Aldrich with Peter Golland Jacqui and Jimmy Abra



PaulTIERNEY across the globe. In the last 12 months, they’ve opened 150 new stores, with a whopping 95 new shops in China — they know where their bread will be buttered. No doubt China will outstrip Germany and the USA as the top market in the next few years. The price of an average Lego set is about $115, according to the info I’ve read, so it’s not a cheap investment to give a kid a box in their Santa sack each year. Lego is mostly made of a plastic styrene that comes from crude oil, but a couple of years ago they started making Lego pieces, like the trees and bushes, from sugarcane. They’re hoping to make a full move to production from sustainable materials by 2030 and they’re also starting to use recycled materials. That would put them ahead of the game because I don’t think the world is too far away from banning construction of things like toys from non-sustainable materials.There’s11 Legoland theme parks across the globe, and they’re building four new ones in China alone over the next couple of years. There’s one in Florida… and if I get to journey to the States sometime soon as planned, you can bet it’ll be on the bucket list. Not bad for a company that started in Denmark at the end of the Great Depression. I do wish they’d put a warning on the boxes that says ‘footwear should be worn at all times during Lego play’ … my eyes well up with tears of agony just thinking about stepping on a Lego piece. I think I cried as much when I once stepped on a Lego piece as a dad, as I did when my knee was wrecked. Now I’ve got the bug again –- I think I’m going back up into the roof to get the big tub and have a play… and I’ll keep my shoes on too.
The most popular toy on the planet still hurts We’ve got a nice big space in the roof of our house — extra storage for some of those things that don’t get used very often. My lovely wife, would say much of the stuff stored up, there doesn’t ever get used, and that it only takes one look in the roof cavity to fuel her “You’re such a hoarder” statement. You never know when you might need something, right? I hopped up in the roof last week in a search for an old photo, and stumbled upon a huge plastic tub of Lego. The tub is chock full of the bricks, plus all manner of the ‘themed’ pieces and kits that allow you to build specific things like rockets, castles and the like.
The Lego company makes billions of bricks every year and they’ve been the world’s biggest selling toy manufacturer for a long time. There are some seriously cool stats about the legend that is Lego, and it’s hard to believe the little interlocking plastic bricks have such an impact on our world. The toy industry is worth almost $100 Billion worldwide annually, and Lego accounts for over 8 per cent of this market on its own. Astonishing. The biggest selling kits are the City, Technic, Bionicle and Star Wars-themed boxes, and more adults are purchasing kits for themselves and becoming obsessed every year. Indeed, the Gold Logie winner this year was the guy who hosts the high-rating prime time TV show ‘Lego Masters’. Lego employs about 20,000 people worldwide, with more than 800 stores
A Walk in the Bush
I reckon the stuff in that tub would be worth thousands. There hasn’t been a pirate ship or a Millenium Falcon constructed for many a year, but giving it away or selling it would be parting with just too many memories. Hopefully, the day will come when I’m a grandad and it’ll bring a new set of memories.
Last weekend, we did the Federal Falls walk. Until now, I had never had a chance to do the walk, and I was a little dubious as to how the kids would cope, but they each did an amazing job. It was great to be out in the bush again.
I grew up in Tasmania in a family that loved the outdoors. I spent many weekends out in the bush and climbing mountains. The changing seasons of life have meant that bushwalking has not been something I have been able to do lately at all. But as we started off on the track, I found myself immediately filled with the mixed sense of calm and anticipation that I would always feel at the start of a walk. The smell of the bush, the sound of the trees, the thud of my boots were so wonderful, and it filled my mind with many wonderful memories. As we walked along the path there were moments of good conversation with the kids, lots of games of ‘I spy’ and lollies to keep them going. Then we reached the falls. They did not disappoint. They truly are beautiful. If you have not had a chance to see them, you really should. As we all sat down to look at the waterfall and eat our morning tea, there was a great sense of satisfaction that we had made it to ourAsdestination.weturnedto head back to the car, we knew we were in for a bit of a slog, but we made it. There is always that moment in the walk where you find yourself wondering, why on earth you decided to go on this walk, in the first place.Itisusually about halfway through a difficult section of the track. We had a couple of those moments, but we managed to push through. All the tiredness melted away the moment we saw the picnic tables peeking through the trees which signalled the end of our adventure. When we reached the car, we all felt a deep sense of satisfaction. We had finished. I was so proud of each of the kids, who had done such a wonderful job. The next day I was sitting in church and thinking about the journeys that we all take in life and how our little walk in the bush was a reflection ofTherethis. are times when life gets hard. There are times when life takes your breath away. There are times when you may feel like giving up. But the journey shapes who we are. There are people who walk part of the journey with us and encourage us. But where is the destination?Whereareyou hoping to get to? What gives you confidence in reaching the destination? These are big questions that each of us needs to grapple with at some point in our life. For me, the message of the Gospel gives hope of our arrival at a destination, encouragement to walk the journey, and someone who walks beside me every step I take. It is not some sort of wishful thinking or therapeutic methodology, but my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 8 — 14, 2022 31 ORANGE PROPERTY MARKET BEST PROPERTIES BEST AGENTS FOR THIS WEEK’S LATEST LISTINGS This centrally located property is only two blocks from Cook Park and five blocks to the CBD. The property boasts three north facing living areas that are interconnected, the lounge alone is an impressive 7.5 x 4.3m and it joins the dining which joins a casual sitting area just of the kitchen. The four bedrooms are very spacious and all have built in robes with the master also having and en-suite. The property has been in the same ownership for a very long time and has beautiful gardens and some very impressive trees all siting on a huge 1,159sqm (approx.) block. Other features are double attached garage with internal access, ducted A/C, Orange High school zone and close to Duntryleague and Elephant Park. CHRIS TYACK t. 0438 258 590 167 WOODWARD STREET, ORANGE PROPERTY OF THE WEEK BROUGHT TO YOU BY BLOWES REAL ESTATE 4 21 $990,000 - $1,049,000 OPEN FOR INSPECTION THIS SATURDAY 10 SEPT, 11:00-11:30AM

32 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 8 — 14, 2022 Cornerblockwith2xroadaccesses Landareaapprox.1,406Ha,buildingareaapprox.1,620m² 2gantrycranes ZonedGeneralIndustrial OfferedwithVacantPossession Formoreinformationorforaninspection,contactGaryBlowes 0418635248| Celebrating50yearsinrealestatein2022 CnrLordsPlandKiteSt,Orange 0263621233 2-4ASHSTREET,ORANGE Auctiononsite11am23/02/2022 BLOWESRE.COM.AU cnr lords place + kite street 02 6362 1233 Celebrating 50 years in real estate in 2022 GARY BLOWES Director 0418 635 248 Commercial Sales + Leasing CHRIS TYACK 0438 258 590 Residential Sales Manager MARG LONGHURST 0499 013 427 Sales Co-ordinator SHARISSA GILL 0477 063 857 Property Manager ABIGAIL PALMER 6362 1233 Office Manager Secure your future with this lovely elevated block right on the edge of town and only 3klms to the CBD. The land has all town services including underground power and is 863sqm in size and has a 20m frontage. Walk to the two nearby golf courses or take a walk through the Ploughmans Wetlands just a one minute walk away. Zoned for Orange High School and once building starts will be surrounded by new modern homes. • Sought after West Orange location • All town services connected Reasonably quite street, no through traffic 13 Yackerboon Place, orange $520,000 - $540,000CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590 Well-maintained 3 bedroom home located in a quiet and desirable location. The property features two living areas, one at the front of the home and the second a large, north-facing open plan style kitchen, dining and family room with beautiful timber floating floor. The kitchen is modern and is the focal point of the open plan living area and has plenty of bench space, dishwasher and generous pantry. The 3 bedrooms all have built-in robes and ceiling fans and are central to the bathroom which also has a bath. You will fall in love with the covered outdoor alfresco area at the rear of the house which is fenced and overlooks the secure rear yard and single garage with carport and workshop. Other features include solar panels, dog yard, veggie patch and a generous block size of 811m². 15 victoria Street, orange $699,000CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590 3 1 1 PLENTY TO LOVE ABOUT THIS GREAT HOME This large block of 1,804sqm (LOT 110) is about to be registered and then can be built on. The block is only 3klms to the CBD, close to Wentworth and Duntryleague golf clubs and Ploughmans wetlands. Compare similar size blocks nearby and you will see that this is a reasonable price for a block this close to town with ALL town services and concrete layback already in place. • New exciting sub-division close to town All town services connected • All other blocks sold to mostly owner occupiers 251 CARGO ROAD, orange $595,000CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590 You must have a look at this little gem of a home with a HUGE shed and carport. • Great location just minutes’ drive to the CBD • Small manageable block of around 400sqm • Two or three bedrooms, one with built in robes • Central lounge room with cosy wood fire, A/C in hall way • Central kitchen combined with dining area • Sun room or office at the rear of house • Huge as new shed 7.4 x 3.7 and carport 5.5 x 3.7 189 Dalton Street, orange $489,000CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590 AFFORDABLE HOUSE AND SHED COMBO! 3 1 2 UNDER OFFER OPEN HOUSE Saturday 10th 11.45 - 12.15pm

ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 8 — 14, 2022 33 Cornerblockwith2xroadaccesses Landareaapprox.1,406Ha,buildingareaapprox.1,620m² 2gantrycranes ZonedGeneralIndustrial OfferedwithVacantPossession Formoreinformationorforaninspection,contactGaryBlowes 0418635248| Celebrating50yearsinrealestatein2022 CnrLordsPlandKiteSt,Orange 0263621233 2-4ASHSTREET,ORANGE Auctiononsite11am23/02/2022 BLOWESRE.COM.AU cnr lords place + kite street 02 6362 1233 Celebrating 50 years in real estate in 2022 GARY BLOWES Director 0418 635 248 Commercial Sales + Leasing CHRIS TYACK 0438 258 590 Residential Sales Manager MARG LONGHURST 0499 013 427 Sales Co-ordinator SHARISSA GILL 0477 063 857 Property Manager ABIGAIL PALMER 6362 1233 Office Manager GIVE US A CALL FOR FURTHER INFORMATION • Competitively priced for a secure complex • Great quality sheds 8 edward St,orange CONTACT Margaret Longhurst 0499 013 427 LEASINGNOW • Substantial land size (over 1,800m²) • Over 400m² building area, including shed, mezzanine and office space • Highly desirable location • Fully sealed site 23 Scott Place, orange CONTACT Gary Blowes 0418 635 248 or Margaret Longhurst 0499 013 427 • Freehold only • Quality long-standing tenant • Long-term lease in place with option to renew 191-193 PEISLEY STREET, orange CONTACT Gary Blowes 0418 635 248 or Margaret Longhurst 0499 013 427 CONTACT This great block approximately 2,079sqm in size is located close to the CBD in a busy area with other mixed commercial businesses and residential dwellings. The site has a DA approval for three ground-level shops ranging from 162m² to 297m², plus two residential units upstairs. Also included in this great design are 13 car parking spaces, delivery dock with covered delivery bay, staff amenities, 2 private garages and more. The site would also suit a residential development of units or building blocks and would be a great investment for a super fund or building company. The DA approval is current to August 2023, for more information and plans, please contact Chris Tyack on 0438 258 590. 260 McLachlan Street, ORANGE CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590 POA FOR SALE $1.4 MILLION (GST EXEMPT) ZONED B3 COMMERCIAL | CENTRAL CBD LOCATION ContaCt the exClusive listing agents to arrange an inspeCtion or to obtain an information memorandum. FOR SALE CONTACT AGENT

517 Browns Creek Road, Blayney

This luxurious family home is truly something that must be seen to be appreciated. Sitting proudly on 5ac* of manicured land, the home was constructed to take advantage of the extensive north-facing, mountainous views & to capture warmth from the sun, allowing rooms to be bathed in natural light. Sale $1,450,000 - $1,550,000 Open By Appointment Lucy Nell 0400 726 897 Sale Street Orange NSW 02 6362 White Mooney Castle Vista Way, Blayney Located approx. 30 minutes to Bathurst, 35 minutes to Orange & 3 hours to Sydney. Positioned in the newly established Highlands Estate of Blayney, this block offers amazing views & represents a fantastic opportunity to construct your new home. • 957m2* block, 2km* from Blayney CBD Sale $270,000 Open By Appointment Lucy Nell 0400 726 897
410 Moorilda Road, Barry “Fairview” is located in the historic Moorilda district, first settled in the 1820’s. Known for its high rainfall & carrying capacity, “Fairview” is a quality grazing property on 177 acres*. The soft rolling country has a stunning northerly aspect & a superb outlook extending to Mt Canobolas. Auction Friday 23rd September, 10.30am Open By Appointment Ben Redfern 0457 770 062 94 Nile Street, Orange Located a short 5-minute walk to Nile St Cafe is this surprising 3-bedroom family home. With an open plan living area, spacious kitchen with ample storage, and potential 4th bedroom or study. Fully enclosed yard with rear lane access perfect for a trailer or caravan. Auction Friday 7th October, 10.30am Open Saturday 10th September, 10am-10.30am James Taylor 0457 792 800

0211 Ray

ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 8 — 14, 2022 35 IF YOU WOULD LIKE YOUR PROPERTY CHRIS OR JOHN ON 6362 5999 NOW SELLING ‘KINROSS MEWS’ 99 BATHURST ROAD, ORANGE A BETTER LIFESTYLE AWAITS YOU HERE IN THIS NEW GATED COMPLEX A new development consisting of two and three bedroom villa units and town houses. Designed for your security and peace of mind. A heated indoor communal swimming pool for your enjoyment. ATTRACTIVE OFFICES OPPOSITE ORANGE CITY COUNCIL PRECINCT Floor area approx. 180 m2 Available now RENT: $70,000 PER ANNUM+ GST COMMERCIAL FOR LEASE COMMERCIAL FOR LEASE OPEN HOUSE SAT 10th 12.00pmSEPTEMBER-1.00pm FOR SALE 9/198 BYNG STREET VERY CENTRAL 3 BEDROOM UNIT Attractive office complex conveniently located just of Summer ApproximatelyStreet.120 m2 in floor area consisting of 4 separate office rooms, a spacious light filled reception area, kitchen/ meals room and air conditioning throughout. Available now. GROUND FLOOR OFFICE WITH PARK OUTLOOK RENT: $40,000 PER ANNUM + GST If you’re looking for a spacious unit with the convenience of inner city living, then don’t look past this Thisopportunity.twostory residence enjoys a north facing open plan living area with new carpets and freshly painted lounge / dining room that has electric heating and a handy storage closet. The main bathroom has been freshly renovated and there is a second toilet downstairs. There is internal access to the garage and a private paved courtyard and garden at the rear with a covered outdoor area. It’s so easy to walk to town, you may get rid of your car! FOR SALE 12 OAK STREET, ORANGE ARGUABLY, ONE OF THE MOST SOUGHT AFTER STREETS IN ORANGE ENORMOUS POTENTIAL Split level brick veneer home with 3 bedrooms. Double carport, workshop and garden sheds in large back yard with rear access. Lovely tree lined street outlook from front patio. $550,000 $780,000 TO $820,000 FOR SALE BEAUTFUL ELEVATED BLOCK Backing onto a Council reserve this good sized block enjoys a lovely outlook for you to build your new dream home on. Situated in the popular Northern Gardens Estate and is in easy reach to the North Orange Shopping precinct. Land size is 801.5 m2 $350,000 Approx. 200m2 in area that includes separate offices, reception area and board room. Has 8 on-site car park spaces for the convenience of your staff and customers. Air conditioning throughout and compactus included. OFFICE COMPLEX IN QUIET CBD LOCATION RENT: $50,000 PA + GST & OUTGOINGS Approx. 300 m2 of floor space in this well presented commercial shop in Summer Street. Currently set up as an office complex this premises would also be ideal as a retail shop. Has good staff amenities and reverse cycle air conditioning though out. POPULAR SUNNY SIDE OF THE STREET CONTACT OUR OFFICE FOR MORE DETAILS COMMERCIAL FOR LEASECOMMERCIAL FOR LEASE OPEN HOUSE SAT 10th 11.30amSEPTEMBER-12.00pm OPEN HOUSE SAT 10th 11.00amSEPTEMBER-11.30am reception area and and customers. LOCATION

36 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 8 — 14, 2022 4 MORESBY DRIVE ORANGE • Built in wardrobes to two bedrooms • Gas heating 311 $370 PER WEEK CONTACT NATALIE GOW 0407 213 073 FOR LEASE PLEASE GET IN TOUCH WITH US WE HAVE LONG AND SHORT TERM CORPORATE TENANTS LOOKING FOR FURNISHED PROPERTIES... LOOKING TO LEASE YOUR PROPERTY? PH 02 6362 6966 37 SALE STREET, WWW.WILLIAMSMACHIN.COM.AUORANGE 30C MORESBY STREET ORANGE Compact bedsitter Separate kitchen and bathroom Neat & Tidy. 11 $150 PER WEEK CONTACT NATALIE GOW 0407 213 073 285 LORDS PLACE ORANGE • Double brick home in premier location • Full of character and period features • Well maintained, with potential to extend 321 $850,000$875,000 CONTACT ROGER BURRELL 0438 017 416 FOR SALE OPEN this Saturday 12.00 – 12.30pm 6 SWEET HEART DRIVE ORANGE • Brand new executive family home • Vaulted ceilings, quality high end fittings • North facing living areas • 801m2, rural views to Mt Canobolas 422 CONTACTAGENT CONTACT ROGER BURRELL 0438 017 416 FOR SALE 4 GRACE RISE ORANGE • Modern family home with light filled interior • Multiple living areas, flexible floorplan • Enclosed rear yard with side access, room for boat or trailer 522 $740,00 $780,000CONTACT MARTY LYDEN 0404 070 391 FOR SALE 379 ANSON STREET ORANGE • Freshly renovated interior • 4 bedrooms with built-ins • Polished timber floor, ducted heating and cooling 412 $650,000$690,000 CONTACT MARTY LYDEN 0404 070 391 FOR SALE OPEN this Saturday 11.00 – 11.30am OPEN this Saturday 12.45 – 1.00pm OPEN BY APPOINTMENT • Enclosed rear yard • Garden shed FOR LEASE 155 HILL STREET ORANGE • Brand new, low maintenance • 900mm oven, plantation shutters, 6.6kw solar • Central location, fully fenced, covered pergola 321 CONTACT AGENT CONTACT MARTY LYDEN 0404 070 391 FOR SALE OPEN this Saturday 10.00 – 10.30am

Amy Viola performing Megan Legg, Judy White Vanessa Kelly & Anne HulakPaul Kelly, Robert

Ben Thomas, Katharine, Deborah &

Rod Dickson, Anne-Maree &

ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 8 — 14, 2022 37 social scene | OCLife Ph 0428 650 675 | | Email OPEN HOUSES THIS WEEKEND 34 Orchard Grove Road Orange7 Emily Place Orange3/96-98 Anson Street Orange SATURDAY 12.00 - 12.30pm SATURDAY 11.00 - 11.30am SATURDAY 10.00 - 10.30am OPEN HOUSE OPEN HOUSE OPEN HOUSE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT LEASED LEASED LEASED EXCELLENT PROPERTY MANAGEMENT MEANS HAPPY LANDLORDS AND HAPPY TENANTS Are you looking for a management of your property- look no further than LJ Hooker Orange - locally owned with the strength of Australia’s most recognised brand in real estate. The second of JAM Orange’s Spring/Summer Live Music Sessions was a big hit with the crowd who attended the CWA Hall on Sunday, September 4. Australian old-time country and folk group, Crow Mountain, were joined by local favourite Amy Viola, whose songs expressed both the fragility of life and the beauty to be found in our darkest moments. Next in the Sessions line-up on October 2 is the Chalkies who will be joined by the Cicada Club for what promises to be a blissful afternoon of cool jazz sounds. Spring/Summer sessions in Robertson Park — CEC TILBURG — Sean Volke, Philippa & Peter Stevens

38 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 8 — 14, 2022 39 SALE STREET, ORANGE | 6363 1000 | PFISHER.COM.AU ALL PROPERTIES CAN BE VIEWED BY PRIVATE INSPECTION OR VIDEO CALL, JUST CONTACT THE AGENT. ALL INSPECTIONS WILL BE CONDUCTED UNDER STRICT HEALTH GUIDELINES. A LOT TO OFFER This solid three bedroom home is just a short drive to Duntryleague Golf Course and the local shops and has a lot to offer. The lounge room is spacious and light as is the north facing kitchen. The three bedrooms are well portioned and the bathroom and laundry are in good order. The dedicated office is a real bonus too and perfect if you work from home. The polished timber floorboards and timber windows add real character and the heating and cooling covers all seasons with a split system air conditioning in the lounge room. The home is set on a 752.5 sqm (approx.) block with lovely established trees in the private yard and the garage has been converted into an entertainment area and is a great retreat. CONTACT: JACOB EVANS 0428 130 789 11 BURRENDONG WAY $579,000 3 1 0

today. CONTACT: MICHAEL WRIGHT 0421 360 948 2 THOOPARA PLACE PRICE $1,250,000-$1,295,000GUIDE:5 2 2 LISTINGNEW OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 10 SEPTEMBER 10.15-10.45OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 10 SEPTEMBER 11.00-11.30 LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT There is absolutely everything to love about this warm and inviting family home. Spacious, full of character and meticulously maintained. The many features and perfect presentation of this home are sure to delight the lucky new owner. 5 bedrooms, the main with a walk-in robe 4 with built in wardrobes, 2 dining rooms and 2 living rooms. The modern kitchen overlooks the undercover pergola and back yard, with its fernery, firepit area, and chook yard. There’s even a lock up shed for extra storage. the 2 bathrooms, and the laundry are also a modern design, with a 3rd toilet in the laundry. Heating and cooling are taken care of with 3 R/C systems throughout. This appealing and versatile home offers space for harmonious living for the whole family, inspect today, you’ll find it hard to leave. CONTACT: ADAM SAVAGE 0419 232 416 19 SEVILLE PARADE PRICE GUIDE: $829,000 - $859,000 5 2 2 READY FOR BUILDING! This subdivision is an extension of an already established and highly desirable area of Orange. The block on offer is a 464sqm level block, which is registered and ready for building. You’ll love being able to build within close proximity of town, schools and day-care. Zoned for Calare Public School and Orange High School. If you’re looking to build, this is one to walk over! CONTACT: MICHAEL WRIGHT 0421 360 948 34A TURNER CRESCENT $329,000

A HOME OF GENEROUS PROPORTIONS This grand home stands elevated in one of Orange’s most prestigious estates. A home of generous proportions, it boasts two living areas, a formal dining and third study area/library. There is a luxurious feel that comes from the expansive living areas, detailed archways and sweet doll-house style windows. There is a stunning top-of-the-line kitchen with stone bench tops, high-end appliances, and large island with waterfall edges. Appliances include a built-in microwave steamer, oven and 90mm gas cooktop. There is heaps of room in the walk-in pantry. Upstairs, there are five bedrooms, all of them enormous with built-in wardrobes. Outside, the lovely alfresco area is perfect for entertaining and is sheltered amongst the established country garden. You’ll love that it is a short walk from Wentworth and Duntryleague Golf courses and is surrounded by some lovely walking trails and parks. Additional bonuses include a third toilet downstairs, zoning for Calare Public and Orange High, gas wood-look fire and walk-in linen cupboard. an impressive home, your inspection


ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 8 — 14, 2022 39 39 SALE STREET, ORANGE | 6363 1000 | PFISHER.COM.AU ALL PROPERTIES CAN BE VIEWED BY PRIVATE INSPECTION OR VIDEO CALL, JUST CONTACT THE AGENT. ALL INSPECTIONS WILL BE CONDUCTED UNDER STRICT HEALTH GUIDELINES. WELL AND TRULY #1 1 Stirling Avenue has an enviable location directly across the road from Wentworth Golf Club. This very appealing home has so much to offer, light and spacious, with open plan dining/living/lounge with uninterrupted views across the tree lined golf course. It’s like living in a resort! 4 bedrooms, plus an office, separate family room and another huge entertaining area allowing all family members to escape to their own private zone. A self-contained studio has its own separate entrance with a living area, 5th bedroom and bathroom perfect for a granny flat, home business, or Air BNB opportunity. Bring the whole family and inspect 1 Stirling Avenue, very likely it will be voted by the whole family as their #1! CONTACT: ADAM SAVAGE 0419 232 416 1 STIRLING AVENUE PRICE GUIDE: $1,075,000 - $1,150,000 5 3 2 ALL RENOVATED & READY All renovated and ready to live in straight away without having to worry about any renovating. The hard work has all been done with a lovely new kitchen complete with a wine fridge, dishwasher, gas cooktop, and plenty of bench space for the whole family. Both bathrooms have been tastefully renovated, the second in the laundry. A combination of hardwood flooring and tiles throughout provide versatility and ducted heating takes care of the cooler months. Good fencing, 2 garden sheds and a lock up garage add to this great all-round package. Located in the popular Calare area within a few minutes’ walk to both Calare Public School or Orange High School - this home is the perfect property for a young family to move straight in and enjoy now. CONTACT: ADAM SAVAGE 0419 232 416 5 WARATAH AVENUE $699,000 4 2 1 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 10 SEPTEMBER 10.15-10.45 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 10 SEPTEMBER 11.00-11.30 REGISTERED AND READY TO BUILD This block of land is nicely placed in a brand new estate in a very sought after and popular part of West Orange. Adjoining the lovely Poplars Estate and surrounded by other quality and good sized blocks, this offers a wonderful opportunity to build your very own home perfect for your style and needs. A very decent 914.4 sqm in size, the block is fairly level and has the advantage of the best northerly aspect of all the blocks meaning you will have a gorgeously sunny north facing backyard once done and you will be the only ones to have that! It is a short drive to town, a pleasant walk to the nearby wetlands and zoned for excellent schools. All town services are ready and available and registration is done. It’s ready to go! Excellent blocks like this one are becoming increasingly difficult to find so take the chance to have a look at this one.

CONTACT: CHRIS MASON 0438 629 417 29 10 SEPTEMBER 10.15-10.45
TICKING ALL THE BOXES This neat and tidy home is the perfect example of the quintessential four bedroom, two bathroom, two car garage home. It has two living areas that are light-filled and provide plenty of room for everyone to spread out and relax in comfort. The kitchen has all the mod cons and a handy breakfast bar for a quick meal on the go. The master bedroom ticks boxes with its walk-in robe and ensuite and the other three bedrooms are all comfortably sized and have built-ins. There is a fresh and functional main bathroom, and the toilet is conveniently separate to that. The backyard is private and secure with a sunny patio. Being located in such a nice area with great school zoning and proximity to nearby walking paths, this home functions wonderfully as both a family home or a solid addition to your investment portfolio. In fact, the home is currently leased until September to good tenants who would be happy to stay on. There is a lot to recommend this property so come and see for yourself.

A TRULY LOVED HOME Located in a one of Orange’s loveliest cul-de-sacs, nestled amongst a beautiful country garden is this large four-bedroom home. Boasting multiple living areas and a huge sunroom off the back of the home, there is space in the home for everyone plus some. The sunroom is perfect for enjoying the north-westerly aspect, making it a perfect hangout in Orange’s long winter months. Generous in size, there are four bedrooms with built-in wardrobes, with the master boasting an ensuite and easterly aspect. Outside the garden is maintained by multiple water tanks, drip irrigation systems and greenhouses. It’s a lovely spot to enjoy a spring day where you can enjoy the privacy and vibrant colours an established garden brings. Additional bonus features of the home include ducted reverse cycle heating and cooling, 22 solar panels and zoning for Calare Public and Orange High. WRIGHT 0421 360 948 cladding in some fresh paint, some new flooring and a bit of elbow and this would a great home that’s both to live in and to There is a big lounge room with a big gas heater for warmth, a dining area off the kitchen, three good sized bedrooms and a toilet separate to the bathroom. There is a secure shed on the property tucked behind a front fence and there is scope in the private backyard a nice deck for some outdoor living space. savvy
CLASSIC COUNTRY STYLE Seclusion and privacy top the list when it comes to this lovely family home. On a huge 1,872 sqm block and tucked away from any surrounding homes, you will love the serenity on offer here. The home is a gorgeous country style with a classic verandah spanning the front of the house and with big picture windows taking in the views of the yard on all sides. With spacious living areas including a more formal lounge and dining space and a lovely sunny open plan living area you will feel at home wherever you are in the house. The neutral-toned kitchen with loads of bench space and stainless steel appliances is an inviting space in which to cook hearty country fare for friends and family. The master bedroom is separate to the rest and has a walk-in robe and luxuriously spacious ensuite. The remaining three bedrooms are all a good size with built-in robes and offering plenty of space for the kids. The family bathroom is huge with a corner spa bath perfect for soaking your cares away. Outside, in addition to plenty of green space for the kids to run safely in all directions, there is a timber deck and a single shed. CONTACT: JACOB EVANS 0428 130 789
An estimated rent range of $350 to $370 per week adds the potential for some good long term returns for the
investor. CONTACT: CHRIS MASON 0438 629 417 58 LEURA ROAD $399,000 3 1 1 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 10 SEPTEMBER 11.00-11.30 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 10 SEPTEMBER 12.00-12.30

outside, add
PRICE $369,000-$389,000GUIDE:4 1 0

to add
easily become
AFFORDABLE STARTER HOME This starter home is a real find for a savvy first home buyer, downsizer or investor. A four bedroom home under $400,000 is almost non-existent in Orange these days and is sure to attract some interest. Tucked away on a battle axe block, this quirky home will surprise you with what it offers. Some TLC is needed but it’s cosy lounge and dining area, warmed in winter by the big wood fire with mantle, together with the functional kitchen with pantry plus it’s four good sized bedrooms, bathroom and separate toilet make for a very comfy home. There is sunny yard space both at the front and rear of the home with plenty of room for off street parking and a play area for the kids. Set at an affordable price point in a competitive market you won’t want to miss out. Inspections invited. CHRIS MASON 0438 629 417 185 STREET
grease inside
9 MURRABA CLOSE PRICE $730,000-$760,000GUIDE:4 2 2 LISTINGNEW START YOUR PROPERTY JOURNEY HERE Whether you’re looking for a first home or your first investment property, this home will get your foot on the property ladder at an affordable price point. Already sporting low maintenance

49 STEVENSON WAY PRICE $799,000-$849,000GUIDE:4 2 2 A BLANK



BRAND NEW AND BEAUTIFUL This brand new house has just been completed and is waiting for its new owner to move in and make it a home. It is a gorgeous property outside and in with an attractive façade, low maintenance landscaping and beautiful finishes throughout evoking a bit of that very popular Hamptons vibe. With neutral tones and spacious rooms that are light and airy with high ceilings and big windows, this home is truly warm and inviting. There is a media room, a sitting room or office plus an open plan living area leading to the covered patio. The kitchen, with its walk-in pantry, stainless steel appliances, island bench and pretty blue tiles adding a delightful pop of colour, will impress even the fussiest of cooks. There are four great bedrooms – the master with a luxurious ensuite and walk-in robe and a practical family bathroom with separate toilet. The compact block size and easily maintainable yard means you will have plenty of free time on the weekends to enjoy your new home with friends and family. This home offers so much more than you think, and inspections are invited and easily arranged. JACOB 0428 130 789 CANVAS WAITING FOR This level block, located not too far from the amenities of popular North Orange, is ready to build on at your earliest convenience. There is an approved DA for a house the same as the lovely one next door at 49 Stevenson Way, which is available for a walk-through should you need some inspiration and to get a feel for the floor plan. Alternatively, you can build to your dream home to your own plan. On a very manageable 540sqm, weekend garden maintenance will be at a minimum leaving you free to enjoy the features of your new home. This is a great chance to live in a growing area of town. nice would it be to take a leisurely stroll to the Botanic Gardens via the nearby café for a coffee? This blank canvas offers the perfect starting point for a brand-new home plus a great lifestyle, so come and see for yourself.
417 21 ROSELAWN DRIVE PRICE $870,000-$900,000GUIDE:4 2.5 2

COULD BE YOUR DREAM HOME? This spacious family home is perfect for the buyer looking for a low maintenance lifestyle in an attractive area close to the gorgeous Botanic Gardens and North Orange Shopping Centre. The spectacular gardens are a botanical delight themselves having been established over many years and designed to be easy care as well as beautiful. The home is stylish with a formal lounge and lovely open plan living that both open onto the covered al fresco area that overlooks the inground pool and is perfect for entertaining with blinds and fans added. There are four great sized bedrooms with the master suite having an ensuite and walk-in robe and there is a three-way bathroom with spa bath perfect for unwinding at the end of the day. Every nook and cranny of the substantial block has been utilised to its best advantage including rear yard access at the side with space for a trailer or caravan, a dedicated BBQ area and garden shed for storage. The inground pool will delight you come summer and there is a powder room nearby so there’s no traipsing of wet feet inside. CHRIS MASON 0438 629
68 ICELY ROAD $775,000 4 2 6
ALL WRAPPED UP WITH A RIBBON ON IT It looks like a sweet country cottage from the outside but looks are deceiving for this family home. Not only is this home close to Kinross Wolaroi School but it is also spacious and airy with something for everyone. The master bedroom is every parent’s dream, featuring a brand-new fully renovated ensuite and a ‘Kardashian-Level’ walk-in wardrobe. All of the bedrooms are enormous, able to accommodate large beds easily and can double as a second living area if required. In the heart of everything is a combustion wood heater which keeps the home toasty warm and there are two additional split systems for added comfort. There is a lovely feeling of space towards the back of the home due to its elevated position which is also framed by a stunning deciduous elm tree, allowing for beautiful westerly sun in winter and shades the home in the warmer summer months. You’ll love sitting out on the elevated deck enjoying your cuppa under the leafy canopy. The yard is very low maintenance, with great access down the side, and there is plenty of shedding for equipment, toys and cars.
42 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 8 — 14, 2022 Contact us|1800 411 766 NOW SELLING | DA APPROVED Set amongst a private landscaped oasis, Sovereign Park offers luxurious 1, 2 & 3 bedroom apartments and exclusive 4 bedroom Perfectlytownhomes.located within walking distance to Darby Street and Newcastle’s world renowned beaches. Artist impression only. Furniture and furnishings shown are not included and purchasers should rely on the contract for sale for inclusions.


THUMBS carbon copies
As Australia’s seventh largest city, it has all the major hallmarks of a big city but a much more intimate feel. Moving around is easy, getting to work, taking the kids to weekend sport or after school activities, or heading to the beach is simple, relaxed and stress free.
Sovereign Park comprises three low rise buildings and an elegant arc of Town Homes, surrounded by tropical gardens and manicured grasslands, fostering an active lifestyle and social connection amongst residents and friends. An exceptional selection of 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments or 4 bedroom townhomes exists for buyers to choose from, with completion anticipated in 2025. If you would like to know more about joining the Sovereign Park community, please contact Colliers.
Peaceful parkside living set amongst a private landscaped oasis
THUMBS City city”,,well.andthechairs,becomeatWoodwarddecommissionedalreadyCouncilnorthbarbecues,restBanjoMorebothinstead
Sovereign Park | 1800 411 766
Newcastle NSW is renowned for its world class beaches, exceptional dining experiences and a plethora of lifestyle opportunities all within walking distance of the everexpanding city which is recognised as Australia’s largest regional economy.

CALLDANIELON0411484464 TOBOOKYOURFREEINITIAL APPOINTMENTORHEADTO WEALTHTRAIN.COM.AU TRULY INDEPENDENT Financial Advice Changes Lives MoreandmorepeopleinOrangeare enjoyingthebenefitsof INDEPENDENT financialadvice... Shouldyoubeoneofthem? DanielMcGregor (1253135) andWealthTrain (1258202) areauthorisedrepresentativesof IndependentFinancialAdviceandEducationAFSL520963 46 JULY 29 — AUGUST 4, 2021 NECESSARILYTHEPUBLISHPLEASE SHOW Thinking of Painting, think Up&Down Painting... Call today for a no obligation free quote 0448 600 095 upanddownpainting@gmail.comPAINTING UPDWN & We’re not happy until you are. Residential - from one room to the whole house New houses to repaints, No job too big or too small Fully licenced and Insured Local family business Lic. No. 340514c Moreandmorepeoplein Orangeareenjoyingthe benefitsof independent financialadvice... shouldyoubeoneofthem? CALLDANIELON0411484464 TOBOOKYOURFREEINITIALAPPOINTMENT ORHEADTOWEALTHTRAIN.COM.AU DanielMcGregor (1253135) andWealthTrain (1258202) areauthorisedrepresentativesof IndependentFinancialAdviceandEducationAFSL520963 INDEPENDENT FINANCIAL ADVICE

Many of Newcastle’s most popular attractions are an easy stroll from The Hill. The picturesque King Edward Park with its historic rotunda and gardens are perfect for warm weather picnics, walking the dog and getting active outdoors. As are the much loved, The Obelisk, the city’s first navigational marker, Arcadia Park, a secret inner city green sanctuary and the grand Christ Church Cathedral and park.
Sovereign Park is the latest project by local developer Stronach Property. On the eve of 100 years of delivery in Newcastle, Stronach have created an opportunity to own a home in the leafy inner suburb of The Hill. A prestigious neighbourhood with charming Victorian architecture and pockets of green, it ticks all the lifestyle boxes with beaches, parks, restaurants and urban conveniences at your door.
Nearby is the Bogey Hole, a dreamy heritage listed ocean bath, Newcastle beach’s iconic surf breaks playing host to Australia’s biggest surf festival, Surfest, the Newcastle Memorial Walk, which offers stunning coastal views and is part of the longer Bathers Way Walk, Newcastle Tennis Club and Newcastle Beach with its art deco Ocean Baths. A longer stroll will take you to Nobby’s Lighthouse, the harbour breakwall and provide a stunning panoramic vista of the city.
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Sovereign Park is located in the highly sought after suburb, The Hill.

DATE TIME ADDRESS PRICE RANGE 10.9.2022 11.00 - 11.30 167 Woodward Street 4 2 1 $999,000 - 1,049,000 10.9.2022 11.45 - 12.15 15 Victoria Street 3 1 1 $699,000 10.09.2022 10am-10.30am 94 Nile Street 3 1 Auction 10.9.2022 10.15-10.45 49 Stevenson Way 4 2 2 $799,000-$849,000 10.9.2022 10.15-10.45 29 McCarron Place 4 2 2 $789,000 10.9.2022 10.15-10.45 2 Thoopara Place 5 2 2 $1,250,000-$1,295,000 10.9.2022 10.15-10.45 1 Stirling Avenue 5 3 2 $1,075,000 - $1,150,000 10.9.2022 11.00-11.30 21 Roselawn Drive 4 2 2 $870,000-$900,000 10.9.2022 11.00-11.30 11 Burrendong Way 3 1 0 $579,000 10.9.2022 11.00-11.30 9 Murraba Close 4 2 2 $730,000-$760,000 10.9.2022 11.00-11.30 5 Waratah Avenue 4 2 1 $699,000 10.9.2022 11.45-12.15 68 Icely Road 4 2 6 $775,000 10.9.2022 12.00-12.30 58 Leura Road 3 1 1 $399,000 10.9.2022 12.45-1.15 185 Spring Street 4 1 0 $369,000-$389,000 10.9.2022 11.00 - 11.30am 99 Bathurst Road $780,000 - $820,000 Open Houses For week 8—14 September, 2022

10.9.2022 12.00 - 1.00pm 12 Oak Street 3 1 1 Contact Agent 10.9.2022 11.30 - 12.00pm 9/198 Byng Street 3 1 1 $550,000 10.9.2022 10.00 - 10.30am 34 Orchard Grove Rd 4 1 1 $620,000 10.9.2022 11.00 - 11.30am 7 Emily Place 4 2 2 $790,00 - $820,000 10.9.2022 12.00 - 12.30pm 3/96-98 Anson Street 2 1 1 $570,000 10.9.2022 11:00am 11/16 Warrendine Street, Orange 3 2 1 Contact Agent 10.9.2022 11:00am 27 Rothery Street, Carcoar 3 1 3 Contact Agent 10.9.2022 11:45am 17 Goorawin Road, Orange 3 1 1 $425,000 10.9.2022 10:00am 49 Park Street, Orange 4 1 1 $620,000 10.9.2022 12:00pm 31 Racecourse Road, Orange 4 1 3 Contact Agent Open Houses For week 8— 14 September, 2022 DATE TIME ADDRESS PRICE RANGE


ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 8 — 14, 2022 45 Goodluck in the Grand Final Thank you to The Royal Hotel Orange - Our major sponsor and all our other sponsors! 1.Harry Wald 2.Koby 13.12.Jim11.Billy10.9.8.Beau6.Damian5.Daniel4.Harry3.LucianWhittyJordan-SmithKuklaAfoaChoppingHartleyConnorHadlowHarrisonMatthewsNell-captainBoneHughCoady-Jiear 14.Billy Morgan 15.Nate Davis 16.Matt Mckenna 17. Sam 24.23.Jacob22.Riley21.Joey20.19.18.JonahBlackburnTulevuKaiserWhanCurtisHeggsFarrDaneSwainLeviPoihakena-Jackson 2.Will 9.8.Oliver7.6.Jayden5.4.Sage3.RyanRobinsonBakerToledoBrandon-LeeCaughlanInnesRyverRobinsonJarickChayseKing 11.Jacobie O’Neill 12.Jy 19.18.Linkin17.16.Taj15.Connor14.Ajay13.HunterHughesMooneySaraTrevenaJordanTylerMillsteedHughesBronsonReed 1.Taj 2.CodyJordanHira Kau Kau 3.Seth Holmes 4.Nate 11.Trey10.9.8.Jack7.6.Mitchell5.AustinGillespieHurfordPowyerJakeNellGreenhalghJockSelwoodHunterMiddletonElwood 12.Tyler 21.Tully20.19.18.Renzo17.16.Rowan15.Lennie14.Aiden13.RavaiMilsteedTulevuSimpsonFrailIfflandRoryTatnellBurrellAidenStubbingsMitchellWilliamsonBrowne 1. Tamaiti Puata 10. Josh Gill UNDER 15 TIGERS 1. Harry 14. Billy UNDER 16 TIGERS 7. “ In Loving Memory of Harry Greenhalgh” 1. Taj Jordan 12. Tyler Milsteed UNDER 14 TIGERS

Drawing 2-2 with the Bulls in Round 22, Barnies expected this elimination contest to be physical and the red-and-whites were unlucky not to take the lead into halftime after Kenny McCall failed to convert his penalty kick.
OHS Hornets eliminate LIFE STUDIO after thrilling three-point win
Barnies march-on after knocking out Dubbo Bulls
As the bowler made a forlorn dive after the ball as it skidded into the rope, a commentator noted that another paceman had ruptured his ligament at the same spot on the field attempting a similar dive a few months before in an earlier series.

Finishing the regular season undefeated, the minor premiers were looking to extend their winning streak to 15 games. Despite some fight from the Vipers, the Lions were too powerful in the end.
In the U15s comp, the Bloomfield Tigers beat St Johns Blue in their grand final qualifier. The Tigers face St Johns Gold in this Saturday’s decider. Good luck to all the teams who will be playing for silverware this weekend!
Western Premier League Finals

The OHS Hornets move on to the preliminary final, where they will take on the Vipers this Saturday in a bid to qualify for the big dance.
But how often do you see in a match, someone effectively held by two, when a third man comes in seemingly only to show how committed he is to the team ethos.
Last Saturday, Wade Park hosted several Group 10 Junior Rugby League finals. Multiple age groups from Orange CYMS and Bloomfield Tigers enjoyed the special occasion with families supporting in the stands.
Already behind by 150 runs, I shook my head as one English fast-bowler fielding in the outer, attempted to chase down a ball racing to the boundary as if it was a rabbit with a £100 bill on its tail.


In days of old, the main job of fast bowlers, especially those of express pace, was to terrify batsmen, take wickets, and generally give the fans what they came for — some old-fashioned aggression and combativeness.Therestofthe time, they wandered around the outer at fine leg or deep third man, and lazily threw back any balls that came in their general direction. They were not expected to be elite fielders diving and running down every express shot sent within 50 metres of them simply to save one or two runs on the scoreboard. Their captains certainly wouldn’t thank them for busting themselves, as prodigiously talented Welsh swing bowler Simon Jones did on the first session of the first day of a five-Test series in Australia a number of years ago. His attempt at a sliding pick-up in the covers, saw him prop his knee in the grass, dislocating it, putting him out of the game for months, thereby consigning England to another series thrashing.Thathewas
The U14 Bloomfield Tigers secured their spot in the grand final after taking down Lithgow Storm. They will take on the Mudgee Dragons for the trophy this weekend.
The U11 Orange CYMS Green battled it out with Bloomfield Tigers in a preliminary final derby clash.
the mainstay of England’s attack in their thrilling win against Australia a year later — their first Ashes series victory in nearly two decades — shows what a loss his effort to appear “desperate” in his fielding had been.
With not much on one recent weekend, I watched the rather sombre highlights package of the second day of the First Test between England and South Africa at Lords.
Orange City Netball Club Craig Harvey Mechanical book grand final spot
Barnstoneworth will host Parkes Cobras this Saturday, the latter having eliminated Bathurst ‘75 in a thrilling penalty shootout. The winner of this fixture will take on the loser of the WaratahsPanorama preliminary final clash.
Barnies finally broke the deadlock in the 60th minute when Kenny McCall’s low drive outside the 18-yard box, crept into the bottom corner of the net.
In the U13s competition, CYMS Green punched their grand final ticket after defeating Bloomfield Tigers. They will face the Bathurst Panthers in Mudgee this Saturday for the grand prize.
Seeing England in a frenzy throw away their first innings with typically hare-brained shot selection, the South Africans slowly caught and passed the MCC’s modest total with cool-headed hitting and an exemplary batting technique.
“Work rate” has become the obsession of these plethora of fitness, tackling, wrestling, and mind coaches who themselves are expected to justify their existence with constant reports, flow charts, KPI’s, and core goals.
The rise of huge coaching staffs for professional sports teams, and their reliance on statistical data and body tracking technology to show how hard players “performed” during the game, has led to the charade of players in all sports busting themselves at times that, objectively, achieves no goal. Only the most knowledgeable footy fan would remember Fred Pagano. He was a little-known second-rower for the Newtown Jets in the old NSW rugby league competition (NSWRL).
This has led to a whole new series of injuries for players who are held upright by two giants, when a third player hits them from behind, twisting their bodies into positions they are not designed for. Yet so many of these third man in tackles appear, to a former player, to be only stats-chasing efforts and a none-too-subtle way of showing how dedicated one is.
Barnstoneworth United defeated Dubbo Bulls 1-0 in last Saturday’s elimination final at Jack Brabham Park to advance to the next stage of the Western Premier League finals.
CYMS Green clinched the victory, beating their local rivals 22-18 to book a spot in this weekend’s U11s grand final in Mudgee. They will take on fellow team CYMS Gold in this Saturday’s showdown.
The Orange City Netball Club Craig Harvey Mechanical got the job done against Vipers in the major semi-final, winning 50-32 to secure their spot in the Division 1 grand final.
OCNC Craig Harvey Mechanical enjoy the bye this weekend, while the Vipers will need to refocus in preparation for their tricky clash with the OHS Hornets.
The U12 Bloomfield Tigers lost 20-4 against the Bathurst Panthers.
Division 1 Netball Finals Action
Fred, however, was the first rugby league player to regularly average 50 tackles a match in his short career. Now, players often top 70 hits per game, with three men tackling becoming the norm.
The OHS Hornets knocked out LIFE STUDIO in an exciting elimination final, beating their opponents 48-45. Given that these sides finished the regular season in third and fourth place, this do-or-die contest promised to be tight and was filled with plenty of drama. Despite bringing the fight to the former champions, LIFE STUDIO couldn’t get past their tough opponents.
Former league star Matt Rogers, who went to rugby in the late 1990s and returned to league five years later, said that the number of coaching staff he had to work with and the amount of team strategy meetings, drove him almost to distraction.“Itdidmy head in, to be honest,” he said later. you have a sporting story you would like to share with the community, we’d love to hear from you. contact Anthony at
Junior Rugby League Finals Action
Duncan Logan and Grant Koch put another fantastic display in the defence to grind-out a vital victory that propels United into the next round.
The same thing is apparent in most of our football codes, players frantically chasing opponents ten metres in front of them that they have no hope of catching.
Emus fought it out to the final whistle, but were held out by the resilient Bulldogs, who claimed their 13th premiership.
Despite a brave fight by the Emus, the Orange side suffered a heartbreaking 15-13 loss to Bathurst Bulldogs in last Saturday’s Blowes Cup grand final showdown at Ashwood Park. With both sides beating minor premiers Cowra Eagles in the lead-up to the grand final, there wasn’t much separating these teams on what was the biggest event of the Central West Rugby calendar. After finishing in second spot, the Bulldogs had the luxury of hosting the big dance on their home turf and in front of the blueand-yellow faithful. Although there was an overwhelming amount of Bulldogs supporters on the day, it was great to see a small sea of green in the stands to help cheer on the Orange Emus in their eighth consecutive title decider.Emussurprised their opponents with their aggressive and quick style of footy in the early stages of the first half. The visitors scored the opening try inside the first five minutes; Jamil Khalfan’s charge-down gifted Simon Uphill a chance to place the ball into an empty corner. Angus Roberts, whose kick crept in between the posts, successfully converted the try to give his side a 7-0 lead.
Putting their hosts under relentless pressure, Barnies could have taken the lead on three occasions, if it wasn’t for marginal offside runs.
In the opening minutes of the second half, Milthorpe capitalised on YADS’ complacency at the restart to halve the deficit. Barnies regrouped and pressed on with threatening counter-attacks. Through some crisp passing in the midfield and with the Milthorpe keeper off his line, Barnies’ Lachlan Burrows restored his side’s two-goal buffer, scrambling to a loose ball outside the 18-yard box and drilling his shot into the empty net. In the last 10 minutes of the game, Milthorpe changed tactics, hoping to score two quick goals and take the game into extra time. Barnies’ goalkeeper, Trevor Delbridge pulled off some mesmerising saves and his backline kept the Milthorpe forwards at bay. It looked like the YADS were going to finish the game comfortably, but the situation changed in the final five minutes when Milthorpe scored off some poor Barnstoneworth defending, setting up a tense finish. Although Milthorpe had a few chances to equalise, Barnies YADS held on to claim the win, which sees them book their place in this weekend’s preliminary final. Playercoach, Josh Towns, couldn’t have been any prouder with his side’s performance.“Afteratough start to the season, it’s great to see the boys find their groove out on the pitch. It was also pleasing to see us score some firsthalf goals, something we have been missing throughout the year,” Josh said.“One of our players, Liam Parton, warned us about the danger of going into halftime with a 2-0 lead. But I couldn’t be any prouder of how well the team responded after conceding early in the second half. Our aim now is to beat Waratahs and punch our ticket to the big dance,” Josh added.
With the Emus firing on all cylinders, the Bathurst Bulldogs struggled to construct any threatening attacks. The hosts’ flat movement and scrappy ball control resulted in cheap turnovers, which helped the visitors gain momentum going forward. In the 26th minute, Angus Roberts kicked a penalty goal to increase his team’s lead to 10-0.
Milthorpe’s defence held for most of the first half, but YADS finally scored in the 35th minute when their striker controlled an accurate cross and fired the ball into the net. But the visitors weren’t going to settle for a 1-0 lead and star playmaker, Lachlan Burrows, scored a sublime goal outside the 18-yard box to give his side a two-goal cushion on the stroke of halftime.

On Saturday, both teams played with high intensity right from the kick-off. But it was the YADS who began applying offensive pressure on Milthorpe, dominating in possession and pressing forward and keeping the opposition backline and goalkeeper rather busy. Using a “false nine” behind the striker, also allowed the Orange side to create more space and opportunities in the final third.
But the Bulldogs responded with a quick try on the cusp of halftime; a well-executed pass finding Justin Mobbs, who barged over the line to get the Bathurst side on the scoreboard.Thesecond half saw the tables turned, the Bulldogs lifting their game right from the restart. In the 52nd minute, Adam Plummer muscled past his opponents to score a try in the corner. But Kurt Weekes’ failed conversion attempt left the home side trailing 12-13.
Applying pressure on the Emus’ goal-line, the Bulldogs were awarded a penalty right in front of the posts. Kurt Weekes made sure of his kick to put the blue-and-yellow ahead for the first time in the game.
Barnies YADS secured their spot in the Orange and District Football C–Grade Tier 2 preliminary finals, edging out a compelling 3-2 victory against Millthorpe Tigers at Redmond Oval last Saturday. After a shaky start to the 2022 season, Barnstoneworth YADS have put together some fine performances in the latter stages of their claimed third place in the C-Grade Tier 2 standings after beating Canobolas Rangers Blue 1-0 in the last round, setting up the major semi-final encounter with Milthorpe.

The YADS will be riding with plenty of confidence going into this Saturday’s encounter with Waratah Athletic, knowing they have the assets to go all the way in this division.
The Emus continued to look sharper with the ball and it wasn’t long before they extended their lead to 13 points with another penalty goal in the 32nd minute.
Orange High defeated Life Studio 48-45 in a close game, with the OHS squad only taking the lead in the third quarter. victory means OHS will now face the Vipers for a spot in the grand finals.
Orange Netball Division 1 Finals


The family-friendly bush dance is a P&C fundraiser so they can purchase an industrial-sized worm farm able to cope with all of the school's organic and paper waste.

“It soon became clear, just to be with others who’ve “been there done that” lifted the spirits of everyone. The informal conversations covered a wide range of topics, many anecdotes, much laughter as those present began to realise they’re not alone.
BORN: 29/08/2022 WEIGHT: 2.82kg

LETTER TO THE EDITOR Keep watch on your backyard pool
Children under five are curious and fearless, and their love of water puts them at risk of drowning.
Ensure that you have a functioning and compliant pool fence and working gate as an additional barrier between young children and water for all those moments when life intervenes – the phone rings, the doorbell rings, another child needs your attention – can literally be life-saving. You can download a free home pool safety checklist here:,we’veallexperiencedalotmorewetweatherthanusual.TheNiñaconditionscanwashawaytopsoilandweakenfences.Checknofencepostshavecomeloosefromtheground.Makesuretheisstillself-closingandself-latching.Packpooltoysawaysotheyareanoverwhelmingtemptation.ItisalsoagoodtimetobrushuponCPRofsummer.Byspendingabitoftimecheckingthepoolfence,poolgateandthearoundthepoolissecure,includingnofurnitureorstructuresthatpeoplecanclimbtoaccessthepool,youcouldpreventatragedythisKeepWatchandprotectthelittlestmembersofyourfamily.
Justin Scarr Chief Executive Officer Royal Life Saving Society -

The inaugural meeting was held at Café Bloom in August with the next planned for Thursday, September 15.
The bush dance will be held this Saturday, September 10, between 3-8pm. Tickets are $20 for adults, $5 for children. Contact Bec on 0419 238 094, or email:
Orange Bridge Club now beginners’offeringlessons
Ever wanted to learn the intricacies of the great card game, Bridge? If you have, Bridge beginners’ lessons recently commenced at Orange Bridge Club on Monday and Wednesday afternoons. The cost is $60 for six weekly lessons, including a copy of “Introduction to Bridge” by internationally renowned Bridge player, Paul Marston. For more information or to register, contact Dorothy Woodside on 6362 8218 or Christine Kershaw on 0458 623 029.
“It was a meeting of exploration, learning how best to support each other, how to get through those ‘dark’ times,” group member Pearl Butcher said.

“If you feel you should be able to do more, feel guilty, or just feel tired and in need of a break, come along and meet others who feel just as you do,” Pearl said.The group meets next at 10am on Thursday, September 15, 1pm at Café Bloom, (Bloomfield Medical Centre). For more information, contact Ro Sheardown on 0407 784 750
students have been kicking up their heels in anticipation of their rst-ever community bush dance this Saturday.
When a loved one is diagnosed with cancer, it’s not just the patient that goes through hell, but those close to them as well.
SIBLING: Tully GRANDPARENTS: Sharyn and Graham Mitselburg; Jill and George Stewart GEORGIE MAY STEWARTDULCIE Hatches
Knowing all too well the toll it can take, Ro Sheardown formed HERE4U, a group for carers to meet others in similar situations and support each other.
Royal Life Saving Society – Australia is asking all owners of backyard pools to check their pool fences and pool gates as a matter of urgency.
For those loving and caring for cancer patients, we’re HERE4U

PARENTS: Emma and Court
ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 8 — 14, 2022 49 yourspace | OCLifeHave something of interest to share? Send to
Spring Terrace Public School
Tragically, every year in Australia we lose on average 22 young children to drowning, more than half of those drowning in backyard swimming pools. The majority are aged just one year old. We know that seven times the number of children who die, go to hospital after a non-fatal drowning incident. That is more than 150 children aged under five each year, some of whom will be left with life-limiting disabilities. While active supervision is the best protection against childhood drowning, no parent or caregiver can watch a young child 24 hours a day.

Spring Terrace Public ready to dance up a storm

gift voucher to give away

50 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 8 — 14, 2022 Sep 8: Dave Stewart, of the Eurythmics, 70. Paul Zanetti, political cartoonist, 61. James Packer, businessman, 55. Lachlan Murdoch, businessman, 51. Martin Freeman, English actor, 51. Nathan Hindmarsh, NRL player, 43. Pink , US singer, 43. Chris Judd, AFL player, 39. Matthew Dellavedova , basketball player, 32. Sep 9: Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, former Indonesian president, 73. Alexander Downer, former politician, 71. Hugh Grant, British actor, 62. Adam Sandler, US actor-comedian, 56. Natasha Stott Despoja , politician, 53. Rachel Hunter, NZ model-actress, 53. Henry Thomas, US actor, 51. Michael Bublé, Canadian singer, 47. Michelle Williams, US actress, 42. Shaun Johnson, footy player, 32. Shannon Boyd, footy player, 30. Sep 10: Lynda Stoner, TV actress, 69. Geo Jansz , TV chef, 64. Colin Firth, British actor, 62. William McInnes actor, 59. Jay Laga’aia , actor, Play School presenter, 59. Guy Ritchie, UK film director, 54. Ryan Phillippe, US actor, 48. James Graham, footy player, 37. Samantha Kerr, soccer player, 29. Sep 11: Renee Geyer, singer, 69. Moby, US DJ-musician, 57. Princess Akishino, Japanese Imperial Family, 56. Harry Connick Jr, US actor-singer, 55. Kate Bracks MasterChef winner, 48. Ludacris, rapper, 45. Ben Lee, singer/songwriter, 44. Chris Brown, TV veterinarian, 44. Jarrod Croker, footy player, 32. Sep 12: Linda Gray, US actress, 82. Rachel Ward, actress, 65. Nathan Bracken, cricketer, 45. Grant Denyer, TV personality, 45. Emmy Rossum, US singer-actor, 36. Sep 13: Marjorie Jackson-Nelson, Olympic athlete, 91. Kerry Stokes, businessman, 82. Jacqueline Bisset, English actress, 78. Randy Jones, from The Village People, 70. Anne Geddes, baby photographer, 66. Andrew Gee, Federal Member for Calare, 54. Shane Warne, cricketer, 53. Stella McCartney, British fashion designer, 51. Goran Ivanisevic , Croatian tennis player, 51. Fiona Apple, US singer-songwriter, 45. Ben Savage Cory on TV’s Boy Meets World, 42. Sep 14: Sam Neill, NZ-born actor, 75. Geraldine Brooks, author, 67. Kepler Wessels, South African cricketer, 65. Mark Riley, Seven Network political reporter, 62. Wes Carr, singer, 40.

4 What is wrong with the title of this Thomas Hardy novel: “Far from the Maddening Crowd”? A golden anniversary celebrates how many years of marriage? What is traditionally eaten on Shrove Tuesday? How many runs are scored in a maiden over in cricket? 8 Flowers?CarnivalbratescityQueenslandWhichcele-theof
9 Which cartoonist created the Ettamogah pub cartoons? 10 A euro is a type of which Australian animal? TQ651. SEE THE TV+ GUIDE FOR ANSWERS
Supa IGA ad in
TRIVIATESTANSWERS#651 1one,2styleofdress,3citizenband, 4itshouldbe“madding”,550years, 6pancakes,7none,8Toowoomba, 9KenMaynard,10kangaroo. in an a from among correct entries each week. CLOSE 12.30PM TUESDAY EACH WEEK. sponsored by We have a $50 each week from Ashcroft’s Supa IGA. simply tell us your name and contact phone what Ashcroft’s this of Life.
WEEK MichaelBublé


OVER $1,000 OF PRIZES TO BE WON EACH MONTH are you a WINNER? Orange City Life, Suite 3/241 Lords Place Orange or email and mark each entry with the competition name DELIVER OR POST ENTRIES TO... I LOVE IGA NOEL JOHNS LOONEY LOTTO TERRI NEWMAN FIND PINNY JESSICA MULLINS FACE IN THE CROWD LEONNE CONGRATULATIONSLANGBEIN TO OUR WINNERS FIND "PINNY"AND WIN GIFT VOUCHER WIN $50 A WEEK! I LOVE IGA We have a voucher for Orange Tenpin Bowl valued at $60 to give away each week, so the family can go bowling! Each week we’ll hide a small version of "Pinny" (pictured) somewhere in OC Life. It could be anywhere. To enter, simply find him, write your name and phone number on the back of an envelope, along with the page number you found him on, emails are also welcome at Put
To enter,
TEST 1 How

TRIVIA TEST ANSWERS #651 1 one, 2 style of dress, 3 citizen band, 4 it should be “madding”, 5 50 years, 6 pancakes, 7 none, 8 Toowoomba, 9 Ken Maynard, 10 kangaroo. 9Whichcartoonistcreatedthe Ettamogahpubcartoons? 10AeuroisatypeofwhichAustralian animal? TQ651.SEETHETV+GUIDEFORANSWERS

TRIVIA many humps does a dromedary camel have? What is an A-line? do the initials CB stand for in CB radio?
3 What

entry and we’ll draw

product features in the

ENTRIES CLOSE EACH TUESDAY AT 12 NOON. sponsored by LOONEY LOTTO PLEASE NOTE: YOU NEED 1 X 1, 1 X 3 , 1 X 4, AND 1 X 9 TO WIN THIS WEEK DELIVER OR POST ENTRIES TO “LOONEY LOTTO” TO WIN: If you have a personal or business phone number with these 4 numbers appearing in any order within it, put in an entry and we’ll draw a winner from among all correct entries each week. WIN A GIFT VOUCHER FOR COFFEE AND CAKE, THANKS TO COCO'S 1349 Begin with the letters in the first column and match them up to the letters in the second and third columns. eg AB-IGA-IL Theme: Girls’ names Build-a-Word solution 361 Abigail, Jennifer, Letitia, Penelope, Belinda, Roxanna, Julietta, Caroline. © 361 CARROXPENJENABLETBEJUL ELOITANIETIGAOLLINNI FERINEDATAPEIANAIL
Starting with the seven-letter word, drop a letter and form a six-letter word. Continue in this manner until you reach the single letter at the bottom. You can the in each step, if necessary. may be more than one possible answer.There may be more than one possible answer. each of six-letter going
ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 8 — 14, 2022 51 Quick CrosswordQuiz 1ACROSSDisappoint (4) 3 African island nation (10) 10 Sovereign (7) 11 Yield; submit (7) 12 Understandable (8) 13 Come in (5) 14 Clone (4) 15 Part of airport (10) 18 Taking something by force (10) 20 Laid bare (4) 21 Woody plants (5) 23 Cutting tool (8) 26 Hockey-like game (7) 27 Annoying (7) 28 The share in relation to the whole (10) 29 Ditch (4) 1DOWNNourish (4) 2 Extempore (9) 4 Contract (9) 5 Holding (5) 6 Very old (7) 7 Tally (5) 8 New South Wales electoral division (9) 9 Cedar or acacia, for example (4) 14 Romance (9) 16 Undergoing mental anguish (9) 17 Storehouse (9) 19 Accepting resistance (7)without 22 Mistake (5) 23 Vision (5) 24 Cause (4) No. 048 1 In what year did boxer Kostya Tszyu (pictured) win his first professional world title? 2 Which poem by Edgar Allan Poe begins ‘Take this kiss upon the brow!’? 3 What insect has the largest brain, relative to its size? 4 On the Richter scale, what magnitude might an earthquake be if it produced vibrations similar to that of a passing truck: two, three or four? 5 Where would you find the calcar bone in a mammal? 6 In 2007, which anniversary did the Cannes Film Festival celebrate? 7 In which constellation does the Sirius star reside? 8 Since Federation, how many double dissolutions of the Australian Parliament have there been? 9 Which officer is of the highest rank in the diplomatic service? 10 On which didUndergroundVelvetalbumthesongSweetJanefirstappear? Sudoku No. 048 43 81752 18 76 918 6 54 38 21 56 2 815 63

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Reference:9-LetterFocus:Macquarie Dictionary Wed
RA ST VI ED SHOR RE AM No. 048Edgeword Place
Fill in the blank cells using the numbers from 1 to 9. Each number can only appear once in each row, column and 3x3 block
Using the nine letters in the grid, how many words of four letters or more can you list? The centre letter must be included and each letter may only be used once. No colloquial or foreign words. No capitalised nouns, apostrophes or plural words ending in “s”. L I V ME OB M A 15 words: Good 23 words: Very good 31 words: Excellent Today’s 2010 No. 048 No. 048 each number from 1 to 9 in the shaded squares to solve all the horizontal and vertical equations. 048
Drop Down
across and down. Wordfind APE CAPUCHIN CHIMPANZEE GORILLA HOWLER MACAQUE MANDRILL MARMOSET MONKEY ORANGUTAN PROBOSCIS RHESUS SIAMANG SIMIAN SQUIRREL TARSIER The leftover letters will spell out a secret message. Theme: Primates No. 0485x5 RSS RS AUE AI ASSInsert the missing letters to make 10 words – five reading across the grid and five reading down. SolutionsQUICKCROSSWORD SUDOKU 815436972 368175249 673918425 736259184 459823761 594362817 942781536 127694358 281547693 9-LETTER amble,balm,beam,biome,blame, embalm,emboli,iamb,imam, IMMOVABLE,lamb,lame,lemma, limb,limbo,lime,loam,mail, maim,male,mambo,meal,mile, milo,mime,mobile,moil,mole, movable,move,movie QUIZ 1.19952.ADreamWithinADream 3.Theant4.Three5.Theheel 6.60th7.CanisMajor8.Seven 9.Ambassador10.Loaded WORDFIND 5x5 Secretmessage: Alittletoofamiliar PUzzLESAND PAg INATION © PAg EMASTERS P TY LTD | ORSESARESEABUSENDIARATSYS DROPDOWN SKIPPEDSPIKEDSKIEDKIDSSKIISSEDGEWORD SHAMEDSTORED,RAREST,RAVISH, CROSSMATH 6 × + 5 8 46 × × 3 × + 7 2 17 ÷ ÷ 9 × + 1 4 13 = = 2 35 2 SS K I P P E D 090922Dubbo & Orange PUZZLES…. PUZZLES…. PUZZLES….
the tiles of letters into the blank jigsaw below to create four

Crossmath Insert
54 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 8 — 14, 2022 CLASSIFIEDS 6361 3575 PUBLIC NOTICES Philippa Mitchell Professional Bra Fitter By everywomenBrasMob:Appointment0499991650forallthroughstageoflife TRAININGPROPERTYCOMMERCIAL Breeder id. 2100083474. RPBA p 6523. Bin 600670712 johnson42orange@hotmail.comPhone:0404466881 King Charles Cavaliers $1800 - $2800 neg Chihuahuas $1000 - $1500 neg Cavoodles $1800 - $2800 neg Cavoodle $1800 - $2800 neg Two Tables — 8 Chair Dining Suite Imported from Malaysia EXCELLENT CONDITION Ph: 0417 822 759 $1,000 STILL FREE EVERY THURSDAY FOR SALE • 119.7 sqm commercial space • Currently consulting rooms • Large reception workspace/waiting area • Generous internal storage areas • Parking front of building. Disabled access & amenities • (Possible option addition 65.7sqm ground floor & 34.7sqm first floor) • Outgoings not included in rent Commercial lease $5,999/month Available October (earlier by negotiation) Call Now Meredith 0414617899 Centrally Located CBD Office Space Call Victor w 0455 299 043 PICTURE FRAMING Shop 18, 212 Anson St Plaza Orange New & DesignerRecycledClothingPh: 63600706 145 KITE STREET, ORANGE (THE OLD CINNABAR) OPEN TUES-FRI 10-5pm • SAT 10-3pm’ish Beautiful Designer Clothing, Shoes & Handbags. Frockwork has a Fabulous array of After Five Wear, Stunning Dresses for Weddings & Graduations. All Sizes & styles. ORANGE 23 Cameron Place ORANGE 0418 869 897 BLIND SHUTTERS & AWNINGS HIGH QUALITY AT AN AFFORDABLE PRICE Most products carry a 5 - 25yr warranty BUDGET BLINDS & AWNINGS A local Orange business est. 2012 servicing the Central West Call Milissa for a free measure & quote 02 6369 0173 or 0437 10 60 60 - 0422 022 968 IG-sabpainting22 3 Qualified Tradesmen 3 Free Quotes 3 Free Advice 3 Internal/External 99A MOULDER STREET ORANGE OPEN MONDAY - FRIDAY 8-5PM ORANGE TYRE SHOP ph: 6062 3995 TYRES FOR ALL MAKES CARS 4WD PLUS ALIGNMENTSWHEEL Anywhere Skips “The mobile skip bin solution” We deliver. You fill. We empty. Fred Palmer 0447 966 838 Domestic Waste Specialist - Locally owned and operated, servicing Orange and surrounding areas Email: TRADES&SERVICES TRADES&SERVICES GUITAR0458LESSONS096453$25 for half hour tuition Call MargaretHill... Death Notices NormanThomasClive 92 years of age Passed away peacefully on 31st August 2022. Dearly loved Husband of Teresa (deceased). Loving Father to Sharon & Stuart. Cherished Poppy to Ian. You will be missed In accordance with Norman’s wishes a private ceremony was held. 1 Cameron Pl, Orange % 6360 1199 SHARP, Harry 13.11.1926 – 2.09.2022 Passed away at Maples Floor, Clancy Weston Lodge, Orange, formerly of Banksia Street, Orange. Dearly beloved husband of Pat (deceased). Much loved father and father-in-law to John and Jenny Sharp, Nerida Black and Tony (deceased), Mal and Donna Sharp, Trisha and Wayne Streatfeild. Adored grandfather to Ben, Fiona, Sam, Adam, Jake, Jess, Jenna, Brooke, Ellie, Lauren, Kathryn and loved great grandfather to 22. “Rest in Peace, Ever Remembered” Family and friends are kindly invited to attend a Funeral Service to be held at Orange Uniting Church, Anson Street, Orange on Monday 12 September 2022 at 11.00am At the conclusion of the service the cortege will proceed to the Canobolas Gardens Crematorium, Lone Pine Avenue, Orange. NORMAN J PENHALL FUNERALS AFDA, FDA of NSW 33 William Street, Orange Phone 63623751 Robert Michael Fahy 1.6.1969 ~ 2.8.2022 We would like to extend our sincere thanks for the love, support, condoliness, flowers, cards, calls we have received following the sad loss of our dearly loved son, father, partner, brother, uncle, nephew, cousin. Special thanks to Rab’s lifelong mates and Orange Tigers. Honour and respect is so appreciated. Nora Bridges and Fahy Family With anks

ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 8 — 14, 2022 55 Lawn Mowing & Rubbish Removal ORANGE AND SURROUNDS 0417 706 613 Residential - from one room to the whole house New houses to repaints, No job too big or too small Fully licenced and Insured Local family business 0448 600 095 Lic. No. 340514c PAINTING UP& D WN Get advertisingwithresultsyourdollar CLASSIFIEDS 6361 3575 To book your ads simply phone and use your credit card or call into our office at Suite 3, 241 Lords Place, ORANGE CLASSIFIEDS CLOSE 12PM EACH FRIDAY • From small to large jobs – one room to full house • Internal and External • New homes or repaints • CallMaintenanceGlenn 0467 599 668 &PAINTINGGHBMaintenance Lic. 330255C FAST RELIABLE SERVICE Over 25 years experience • Domestic • Rural • Commercial • New installations or maintenance Call Scott 0407 414 609 • 24hr Emergency Service • Commercial & Residential Locks • Window Locks and Deadlocks • Master Keying and Restricted systems • Automotive and Computerised keys • Locally Owned and Operated for over 30 years Canobolas Locksmiths 169 March Street, Orange Call Ian: 0417 204 176 or Dale: 0417 491 936 MASTER LICENSE NUMBER 407 966 923 24 Hour Mobile Service When you have lock problems – call us! Also deadlocks and window locks for houses and cars supplied and installed 151 Peisley St, Orange 6369 1222 or 0417 204 176 Canobolas Locksmiths WE FIX LOCKS!NEW LOCATION 0421 861 262 • From one wall to full house • New houses to repaints • Free quotes • Fully licensed and insured • Interior and Exterior • Specialising in Restora�on • Dulux Accredited experienced builder SpecialiSing in... •Renovations • Kitchens • Restorations •General Maintenance G A & r l bruce Lic. No. 203054C Phone Geoff on 0427 422 816 E HorseCatteryKennelsagistment Dog DoggyWashDay Care Long term bookings 0438 270 374 • Undercover • Safe clean secure dog kennels for boarding use. • Individual exercise yards. Dog B&B Shangri La Amaroo Rd Molong 6366 8789 0447 468 789 0447 002 193 LIC. No. 4558 We treat them all! COMPLETE EXTERNAL SPIDER TREATMENT House Exterior, Fences, Garden Sheds, Clothes Line etc! 25 Years Experience Eagle Eye Termite and Pest Control $199 CallCraigon BUILDER For your: w Addition w New Home w Alteration or Heritage H 40 years experience H FOR ALL ENQUIRIES PHONE Max 0492 803 983 Lic: R79571 J K ADAMS ROOFING Call Jeff 0407 151 419 • Roof repairs Tile,Tin or Slate • Re-guttering and fascia • Re-roofing • Quality Leaf Screening Systems 40YRS EXPERIENCE LIC. 159748C Contact David on 0402 259 orangeonfarmbutchers@outlook.com891 Find us on Facebook OrangeOnFarmButchers For all your home-kill needs, we come to you. • Fully qualified butcher • We can butcher to your requirements • Servicing Orange and surrounds TRADES&SERVICESTRADES&SERVICES TRADES&SERVICES TRADES&SERVICESPETS& Call 6360 1136 Hot Water Systems Blocked Drains Leaking Taps Burst Pipes PLUMBING 0437 211 614 0417 904 328 Awesome THAI MASSAGE Thai Traditional Massage Swedish Massage Deep Tissue Massage Warm Coconut Oil Massage Thai Remedial Massage + Hot Stones Neck, Back, Head and Shoulders Discounts for pensioners and multiple bathrooms Reduced price for repeat business • Bathrooms • Showers • Patios • Laundry’s SAFER and NON-SLIP Tiled Floors WATERPROOFING w Bathroom Renovations w New Homes w Block Walls w Commercial and Residential Quality job at competitive rates Fully Licenced & Insured Work completed with a Warranty Certificate 0422 815 431 E: geoffshaz@gmail.comLicNo:271458C 0422 815 431 or 0428 614 178 Lic No: 271458 Call for quote Call James on • Solar Energy for your Home & Business • Experienced in-house Installers • Battery packages • Finance options available Helping Orange go Green CENTREPOINT ARCADE Shop 4, 226 – 232 Summer St 0419 979 773 REEL Memories • DVD’S Cult & Classic • Die Cast Cars etc • LP Records/45’s • Movie Posters etc • DVD Packages made up for Rental Libraries (Conditions apply) REEL MEMORIES 0417 313 494Call Malcolm: Specializing in general home and hobby farm maintenance You can trust us for prompt & quality work SERVICESIRONING 0468 492 770

56 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 8 — 14, 2022 Thanks to Norman J. Penhall Funerals ORANGE & DISTRICT 6361 7777 or 6362 3751 Office & Chapel, 31-35 William Street, Orange If tears could build a staircase and memories a lane I’d walk right up to heaven And bring you back again It broke our hearts to lose you but you didn’t go alone For part of us went with you The day God called you home Forever in our Hearts Deeply Missed “Nan” Rest in Peace Charmain Elliot 15.03.1968 ~ 05.09.2008 In loving memory of Charmain From her loving family Always loved and very much missed The golden gates stood open God saw you needed rest His garden must be beautiful He only takes the best Loved and Missed by her family Les, Karen, Carmel, Toni, Paul and Families Eleven years have passed, since you went away A picture of you I carry in my heart I close my eyes to see it when the world gets dark. A memory of you I carry in my soul I wrap it close around me when the nights get cold. If you ask how I am, I’d say just fine But the truth is if you could read my mind Not a day goes by that I don’t think of you. Loved and Remembered each day From Rodney Carolyn Davis 07.09.2011

WED TO SAT 4PM-8PM 0401 072 027 Check our Facebook for the Menu 37 William Street ORANGE | Ph 6362 8611 Pauls @ CoCos DINE IN OR TAKEWAY Pizzas ~ Wings ~ Pasta ~ Chips ~ DimSim CoCo’s CAFE TRADING HOURS Monday to Friday 6.30 – 4.00pm Saturday 7am – 1pm Closed Public Holidays Ph 6362 8611 Delicious! Best known for their delicious fresh food burgers, coffee and yummy desserts. With both daily & weekly specials they have something to tickle your taste buds. CoCo’s offers a wide range of gluten free, home cooked meals, all day breakfast and catering available, eat in or take way. Portuguese chicken Salad wraps Poached Eggswith Avo smash and Berryyogurtmuesli Black Bean Vegetable Burger with Sweet Potato Crisp Pumpkin Fetta Tart Sweet potato fish cake with seeded pumpkin fetta salad GETAPPOUR MEAL DEAL $50 2 Pizzas, Barramundi Bits & 1.25 litre Soft Drink 1/256 Anson Street, Orange NSW 2800 02 6360 1884 Hear the difference YOUR LOCAL HEARINGINDEPENDENTCENTRE KAYAUDIOLOGISTMCINTOSH • Diagnostic Hearing Assessment • Excellent Hearing Aid Fittings • Superior level of client service • Valuable ongoing support • Latest technology • All manufacturers • Private and ProgramGovernmentAustralianHearingServicesclients • Employment / Pilot Testing ALL STAFF COVID19 VACCINATED “Where our customers are the heart of the community” Our extensive range of gourmet cheeseswill really tempt your taste buds gourmet cheese Fond Memories Thanks to Norman J. Penhall Funerals ORANGE & DISTRICT Cecily Orrock A valued and loyal volunteer of The Red Cross Store in Orange. Your happy smile, your little chats, the good times we spent with you, will be missed, especially on Thursdays. Rest in Peace In Loving Memory of Edith GracE Blandford When13.2.1931(Mumma)~8.9.2012youleftus,myworldfellapart.ButGodcallyoutobeanangel, I look forward to when we can dance and hug again. Loving you Jenniferforever In Loving Memory of Edith GracE Blandford (Mumma) You left us memoriesbeautiful Your love is still our guide though we cannot see you your always by our side. Mark, Jasmine and family In Loving Memory of Edith GracE Blandford andyouyourYour13.2.1931(Mumma)~8.9.2012lifewasablessing,memoryatreasure,arelovedbeyondwordsmissedbeyondmeasure. Sue and family. In Loving Memory of Edith GracE Blandford Time13.2.1931(Mumma)~8.9.2012changesmanythings,butneverthesadnessthisdaybrings.Aslongaslifeandmemorieslastyouwillliveforeverinourhearts Forever loved and cherished Robyn Howard and Family

If you ask about injustice, everyone has a “me too” story. There’s always national news about corruption and abuse, but in my own life I’ve seen people backstab their way into promotions, and guys who cut corners make more than honest tradesmen. We say: “What goes around, comes around”, but in reality… sometimes it doesn’t. Abusers walk free everyday, and the phone scammers that stole $36 million dollars from Australians last year seem untouchable. It’s not right. I’m not surprised when people ask me: “You believe in God. Why does he let people get away with this?”, because the Bible never ignores what life is really like. In the book of Habakkuk a man challenges God: “Why do you tolerate wrongdoing?”. It’s a heartfelt question. God’s answer is that in the long run, he won’t. However it looks now, the Hitlers and jerk-bosses of the world don’t get away with it, because in the end God will set things right. It’s up to us to trust that he will. If you find that a hard ask, me too. It’s easier to be angry. The alternative is to find out if the God who sent Jesus is worth trusting.



THUMBS DOWN to casual hospitality employees who call in with random excuses not to work at the last minute, and then play the victim when they are not rostered on in the future.
THUMBS DOWN to the bureaucrat who banned the Orange Court Support Group from operating. A heartless decision.
Scan QR Code 71 William St, Orange NSW 6362
FACEBOOK: inbox “orangecitylife” | SMS 0459 022 084 this is a text only number RATES
thumbs HUGETHUMBS UP to the staff at Orange Health Service. As an anaesthetic nurse going through the theatre system for my own operation, I would like to express my gratitude to my work colleagues for their professionalism in treating me as a patient. Thank you to the admission girls — Rachel and Alison; the theatre staff — Jane, Julie, Gabby, Ming, and Tim; the recovery staff — Skye and Jo. I greatly appreciate your care, thank you.
THUMBS UP to the amazing staff at Lifeblood Donor Centre. I recently gave blood for the first time there, and I can’t rate the caring staff highly enough. They made the whole process easy and pain-free. I will be back!

I am a wonderful cat who sadly ended up at the RSPCA For a second chance at my forever home. Being a cat, I am much more mature than my kitten counterparts. I am dignified and regal....and also love running around like crazy chasing toys.....ok maybe I am still working on the dignified thing. I can be a little uncertain at first however I

• Fresh
THUMBS UP to the lovely lady and gents from Autobarn for replacing a headlight bulb in my Rav4 last month. Great job! From a ‘little old lady’, thank you!
THUMBS DOWN to the gas meter reader who failed to close the side gate properly. My dog escaped, spent two nights sleeping rough and scared, and was then hit and seriously concussed by a car. Leave gates as you find them.
Introducing Tella!
PET of the week... “Hello hello hello human. My name is Tella and I am a 6 year old Domestic long Hair Male who is here trying to find the right forever home for myself, do you think you might be up to it? quickly become comfortable and make any home my own, which I would be happy to share with you of course. In my new home I will need some necessities... I am currently in foster care awaiting my forever home. Please contact the shelter if you would like to meet me.
• Toys •
THUMBS DOWN to the lightfingered person who spied a brown paper bag from the butcher sitting on a car bonnet at North Orange shops, and thought they would help themselves to it while the owner ducked away for a coffee. No doubt they hoped for a juicy steak or big leg of lamb in the bag they stole, but THUMBS UP to the look on their face when they opened the bag and found only dog bones.
THUMBS UP to Dawn and Shelley who ensured that they stayed with my dog after an accident.
Love Tella xXx Adoption Application shelter/we-are/locations/shelters/orange- at all all times food A brush A soft bed for my naps A scratching post
• Fresh
THUMBS UP to the staff at Orange Vet Hospital for getting out of bed really early Sunday morning to help my dog.
THUMBS UP to Jess at BP Summer Street for her great service. She always has a smile on her face to brighten-up people’s day.

THUMBS UP to the very kind lady who found my driver’s licence in the gutter in Larela Circuit recently. She went out of her way to bring it to my home in Bel Air. I hope you are reading this, Claire, as I am so appreciative to have it back. I hope something lovely will happen to you soon. Thank you so much!
THUMBS DOWN to all local councils for the disgusting state of our roads, surely they have a duty of care for all road users. Maybe, if our rural roadsides were graded, that would help get water off the roads helping to stop potholes from forming. Enough excuses, fix our roads so that we can drive safely.

Show us your THUMBS — EMAIL: |
THUMBS UP to Lee from Pillow Talk Orange. We came into Pillow Talk looking for things to style our bathroom, and we were very impressed with Lee’s extensive knowledge of the items in the store and her fantastic customer service