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Jessica Brennan


Huggins Property Officer

Getting good feedback from our readers is always rewarding as quite a bit of work goes into putting this magazine together each week. It has been gratifying these past few days to have had quite a few people make a point of telling us they like what we do.

Here we have another edition of Orange City Life for you to enjoy and I hope you haven’t had too much trouble picking up your weekly copy. With the Queen’s memorial public holiday falling on our publishing day, there might be a few delays with our distribution, but we don’t anticipate it to be too much of an issue. You can always come and grab a copy from the Orange City Life o ces in Lords Place – we also keep a limited number of back issues.

Like many other businesses today Orange City Life will be closed for the public holiday, but will reopen on Friday, September 23.



Orange City Life is grateful to the following sponsors for their ongoing support over many years. These sponsorships, among others things, have enabled us to bring our readers a lot more enjoyment to our publications than would otherwise be possible. In return, we ask you to please support them as often as you’re able.

Holly Broekhuizen

But we are also open to new ideas. If there is something that you think we should be including, not including, or perhaps doing di erently — let us know!

C General disclaimer: Whilst every care is taken in preparing this publication, we cannot be held responsible for errors or omissions. The publisher accepts no responsibility for letters, notices and other material contributed for publication. The submitter accepts full responsibility for material, warrants that it is accurate, and indemnifies the publisher against any claim or action. All advertisers, including those placing display and classified or advertorial material, warrant that such material is true and accurate and meets all applicable laws and indemnifies the publisher against all liabilities that may arise from the publication of such material. Opinions expressed in the publication are not necessarily those of the publisher. Senior Journalist, David Dixon, accepts responsibility for election comment. Articles contain information of a general nature – readers should always seek professional advice relevant to their particular circumstances. Complaints: Orange City Life has a policy of correcting mistakes promptly. If you have a complaint about published material, contact us in writing. If the matter remains unresolved, you may wish to contact the Australian Press Council. © Copyright 2022 Orange City Life Pty Ltd. Copyright in all material – including photographs and ads – is held by Orange City Life Pty Ltd or its providers and must not be reproduced in any form without prior written permission from the Publisher. Printed for the publisher at the News Print Centre, 26-52 Hume Highway, Chullora 2190. Published by Orange City Life Pty Ltd ABN 14 649 575 333 Spirit WE CAPTURE THE OF ORANGE Suite 3/241 Lords Place ORANGE 02 6361 www.facebook.com/orangecitylifewww.orangecitylife.com.aureception@oclife.com.au3575


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next week, Who made the grandfinal? What’s on in entertainment... John Brennan Director | Real Estate Agent

Property Officer | Administration Support ‘Your Next Right Move!’ Allison Brennan Director | Licensee In Charge 02 6361 1/202www.orangepropertyplus.com.auenquiries@orangepropertyplus.com.au4155AnsonStreetOrange WED TO SAT 4PM-8PM 0401 072 027 Check our Facebook for the Menu 37 William Street ORANGE | Ph 6362 8611 Pauls @ CoCos DINE IN OR TAKEWAY Pizzas ~ Wings ~ Pasta ~ Chips ~ DimSim CoCo’s CAFE Monday to Friday 6.30 – 4.00pm Saturday 7am – 1pm Closed Public Holidays 37www.cocosorange.com.auWilliamStreetORANGE Ph 6362 8611 Delicious! Best known for their delicious fresh food burgers, coffee and yummy desserts. With both daily & weekly specials they have something to tickle your taste buds. CoCo’s offers a wide range of gluten free, home cooked meals, all day breakfast and catering available, eat in or take way. Portuguese chicken Salad wraps Poached Eggswith Avo smash and Berryyogurtmuesli Black Bean Vegetable Burger with Sweet Potato Crisp Pumpkin Fetta Tart Sweet potato fish cake with seeded pumpkin fetta salad GET OUR MEAL DEAL $50 2 Pizzas, Barramundi Bits & 1.25 litre Soft Drink ontents PAGES 22-23 PAGE 26


Property Manager

Cr Jeff Whitton said that, for Australians of his age, their relationship with the monarchy was of a very personal nature.

“In the late 1960s, my Mum wrote a poem to the Queen, and so many months later, she got a ‘thank you’ letter.”

The recent passing of Queen Elizabeth II, after more than 70 splendid years on the throne, has brought out the closet monarchist in many of us.

The letter and photograph are currently part of the Civic Centre foyer display which includes a desk for locals to write condolence messages from Australians which are to be sent to Buckingham Palace.

“It’s not just she’s the Monarch, we’ve lost such a good person as well,” she added.

“My mum was an avid royalist, I did this on her behalf,” the local realtor said.

John Stevenson made the pilgrimage down to Orange Council to sign a condolence letter for the recent passing of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, very much in honour of his Mum.

“One more thing, all Mum’s life, she hung a portrait of the Queen in our home, that’s how much she thought of her.”

Orange City Councillor, Jeff Whitton signing a Condolence letter in the Civic Centre as the signed portrait of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip cast an approving Royal eye over proceedings.


4 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 22 — 28, 2022 OCLife | community life

“It did yeah, she’s been the Queen for all of our lifetimes. On Friday, when I heard, I felt a little bit deflated.

Meredie Wright, said that the passing of the Monarch after so long, had a strangely personal impact on her.

The cover note addressed from the Royal’s yacht, Britannia, states the photograph is “for Orange Town Hall” and addressed to “His Worship the Mayor of Orange”, at the time of the visit, Alderman Ronald Thomas.

John revealed that his mother paid the much-admired Monarch, who led the British Isles and Commonwealth for more than 70 years, the ultimate tribute.

“When I was a young fellow, my grandmothers and great grandmothers, all they did was talk about her, it was part of their lives,” he added.

Orange Council is no different, going back through the archives to find a thank you letter and signed portrait of Her Majesty and Prince Philip sent to the Colour City immediately after their visit here in Showing1970.an admirable promptitude, the letter and photograph were sent on May 2, 1970, only two days after their April 30 visit, which notably included a tour of the Email whitegoods manufacturing plant.

“It’s a pretty prominent event, and it’s only right that we should acknowledge it with due respect,” he added.


His mother was a long-time Orange City Councillor, one-time Deputy Mayor, and part-time poet, Margaret Stevenson (AO).

ROYAL PUNCTUALITY — thank you note and portrait on display of Queen’s 1970 visit

“The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh greatly enjoyed seeing Orange and much appreciated the very warm welcome given to them,” it ends.

“My sister Libby, who is Mum’s eldest daughter, she’s actually named after the Queen as well.

“Most definitely, for me and my generation, the Queen was more like an extended part of the family.

Local Meredie Wright signs a condolence card for Queen Elizabeth II with Mayor, Councillor Jason Hamling: “It’s not just she’s the Monarch, we’ve lost such a good person as well,” Meredie said.

With Leone Healy, she was also the first woman elected to Orange Council, later serving eight terms over 35 years and being awarded the Order of Australia Medal in 1991 for services to local government.

Orange Mayor, Councillor Jason Hamling in his official response said: “While Queen Elizabeth was a monarch, we shouldn’t forget she was also a mum, grandmother and

John Stevenson made the pilgrimage down to Orange Council to sign a condolence letter for the recent passing of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, very much in honour of his Mum, former deputy mayor, Stevenson,Margaret(AO).

The office of the local Federal Member, Andrew Gee, has also had a steady stream of locals dropping in to sign the Condolence cards. The cards can be written and signed at the local member’s office on the corner of Anson and Kite Streets,Bothcondolence books are open until close of business this Friday, September 23. Condolence forms are also available online from the Prime Minister’s office at: www.pmc.gov.au/condolence-form

Margaret Stevenson was a well-known public figure in Orange up until her death in 2006 through both her own real estate agency and also teaching sales at Orange TAFE.

great-grandmother.“Byallaccounts,she was an extraordinary human being and leader who lived and led through an extraordinary period in our history. It seemed at times she would be with usHeforever.”added that the condolence cards are a way for the community to add personal tributes and sympathy to the Royal family.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 22 — 28, 2022 5 community life | OCLife

Australia’s National Day of Mourning for Queen Elizabeth II being held today, Thursday September 22, is one such custom that most of us were probably unaware existed, until it was declared by Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese lastResponseweek. to the public holiday has been mixed for local retailers, with Orange Mayor, Councillor Jason Hamling suggesting Local Government was caught on the hop by the declaration.“Itwaspretty short notice, it would have been better if we’d known it was coming up,” Cr Hamling said.

...Wendy Gorton from Peter Fisher Real Estate, as with other local realtors talked to, said they’ll be closed for the day...

“It will be interesting to see what happens, my sister is living in London at the moment, she’s in the middle of everything,” she added.

Federal members of Parliament provide a free photograph of the official Head of State of Australia to residents in their electorate at anyThetime.Orange

If you’re thinking you’d like an official portrait of Queen Elizabeth II, it’s not too late.

“But it’s a prominent event, so you can understand the importance of the day to so many in the community,” heTheadded.response from retailers seems to mirror that of some of our other less-recognised public holidays — government, banks, realtors, and schools all shutting, some retailers are doing limited hours or closed altogether, while larger supermarket chains are continuing to operate.


Having had the same Monarch for 70 years, traditions that haven’t been commemorated for decades, have made a sudden return.

“Yes, I’m quite happy, I like the Queen, I think it’s a nice and respectful thing to

office of current Federal Member, Andrew Gee told Orange City Life that, while stocks are running low, they still retain a handful of the Queen’s last official portraits, which measure about 30cm wide by 45cm high.

it’s the right thing to do. It doesn’t bother us, it’s just another day out of the o ce,” Tom Sheehan from Williams Machin said in agreement.

Tracey Zylstra from the Iris Patch, said that she will probably open a short time and sta the shop herself. “I’ll wait and see, it’s just me. I admired the Queen as an individual and the day o doesn’t bother me,” she concluded.

Ice-cream parlour, Spilt Milk, which normally does good trade on public holidays, is also operating on the day with their normal hours.

.....Ric Pasquali from doCameraOrangeHouse,saidtheywouldbeclosingandthefamilymaysomethingtocommemoratetheday...

Retailers mixed reaction to National Day of Mourning

“She was a lady who should be looked up to for her values, values that are very important in today’s world.”

“We have ordered some more but, with the demand of other electorates around Australia, we don’t actually know when they will arrive,” a staffer said.

family in Britain during these historic times.

Zylstra...Traceyfrom the Iris Patch, said that she will probably open a short time...

“We’re always open public holidays, we’ll probably be busy,” Paige Brogden said, adding excitedly that she has

With a range of official duties for the new King over the coming months, official portraits of Charles III, may not be available for some time.

Official stillElizabethportraitsphotoofII,available

Ric Pasquali from Orange Camera House, said they would be closing and the family may do something to commemorate the day, such as watching the National Memorial Service at Parliament House in Canberra from 11am.“I’lltreat it out of respect, that’s what it’s designed for.

Wendy Gorton from Peter Fisher Real Estate, as with other local realtors talked to, said they’ll be closed for the day, adding that the holiday from the government, is a nice gesture.

“In a personal sense, she’s been a great monarch who you can really admire for what she’s done,” he added.

“I wouldn’t say I’m a republican, but I’m not a royalist either, indi erence, probably. I just feel like she’s not that relevant.“I’llmake the best of it, we can be a bit more flexible… I’ll probably open and just work myself for the day,” she said.

Long-time local clothing retailer, Mel Gregory, wasn’t over-the-moon with the declaration.

“We’ll be closing Thursday, but open Friday, no one has asked for the extra day o .

...We’re shutting, it’s the right thing to do. It doesn’t bother us, it’s just another day out of the office,” Tom Sheehan from Williams Machin...

“This is how technology can work together to save lives,” he said.

“Greg’s application is the missing piece in the puzzle. Our collaboration is critical in ensuring that people know where they can find one.”

“We’ve got a number of AEDs located around town, at Gosling Creek, the Aquatic Centre, Lake Canobolas, and we’re committed to installing them in more public places,” he added.

“We’re promoting where our AED’s are and, with ‘Heart of the Nation’, how to locate them, because the more AEDS we have, the more lives we can save,” Orange Mayor,

“Where our customers are the heart of the community”

6 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 22 — 28, 2022 OCLife | community life We NEED Volunteers To answer calls for Lifeline Orange Do you have a spare 3 hrs per week? Is it time for you to give back? Do YOU have what it takes? Nationally recognised Virtual Training for Phase 1 is over a six week period of two evenings per week commencing 24th Oct Virtual INFORMATION Evening Session MONDAY 10TH OCT @ 6PM HELP US SUPPORT OTHERS IN CRISIS Call Vanessa to find out more 1300 798 training@lifelinecentralwest.org.au258 Lifeline Australia RTO 88036 We are located at shop 27-28 The Orange Arcade 146 Summer St Orange ( near the Harris Farm exit) CURED ORANGE, NSW Handcrafted Artisan European Charcuterie... Cured Orange is the Central West’s authentic taste of European charcuterie with an extensive range complementing the outstanding food and wine region. Stefan Birmili showcases the perfect blend of artisanal craftsmanship with the best Australian meats & shares his knowledge with hands on, face to face Masterclasses. For class details and dates please see our website www.curedorange.com.au Teambuilding and group bookings welcome, please contact us for more details. INSTORE SAUSAGE MASTERCLASSESMAKING

Councillor Jason Hamling said.

While Council is promoting locations of all its AEDs and is vowing to purchase more, Page’s charity provides an app to show first-aiders where the nearest AED is, while also promoting communities to pool their resources and buy one for their street.

“Because having an AED, and knowing how

“My life was saved because of bystanders who knew how to do CPR and the fact that there was an AED nearby when I went into cardiac arrest — and people knew where it was,” Page said.

“By registering your AED with us, and displaying a ‘Heart of the Nation’ sticker on the front door or window of your business, people will know where to find an AED when it is Pageneeded.”alsopromoted a new scheme whereby people in a street or suburb, can pitch in and purchase a community AED which is located centrally and available for everyone to use.

five years ago, just like every other Saturday, the last thing I remember is saying ‘it’s going to be a tough day’.

Boosting defibrillators lifting locals chances in lottery of life


Because, Hamson testified, despite all the warning signs we’re asked to look out for, heart attacks can come at you out of the blue.“Itwas

See more ww.heartofthenation.com.au/at:

to use them, greatly increases your chance of survival,” he added.

Councillor Je Whitton saw the need for Council to promote the location of all AEDS at its public and sports facilities.

“Having an AED within three minutes of someone, can increase survival rates by at least 200 to 300 per cent.

A heart attack survivor himself two years ago, Page, says that quickly finding where the defibrillators are located in an emergency, is a key to an individual’s “chain of“Isurvival”.applaud Orange Council on getting in contact with me and encouraging the purchase of AEDs,” he said.

“I forwarded a motion, to put together a program to educate ratepayers on where AEDs are located in Orange,” he explained.

“We were playing CSU, fortunately, they had with them a retired nurse and a student nurse, and they took charge… they asked for the AED to be brought out and they worked on me for 30 minutes,” he added.

Teaming up with original “Yellow” Wiggle, Greg Page and his “Heart of the Nation” organisation, they aim to ensure that life-saving AEDS are always on-hand and everyone knows where they are located.

Take time to discover the vast array ofgoodness in our gourmet pantry section pantry draw literally saved former rugby coach Steve Hamson’s life.

He said that further funding for more of the units should be “reasonably attainable” as they are now available for a few thousand dollars each, with the Heart of the Nation app a key component in Council’s plans.

Promoting AED’s (heart defibrillators) to save lives, from left, former Wiggle, Greg Page; Orange Mayor, Councillor Jason Hamling; Cr Jeff Whitton; and heart-attack survivor, Steve Hamson.

phone app is a great way of finding, at a second’s notice, where the nearest available AED is during an emergency.

“AEDs are an essential part of the ‘chain of survival’ of heart attack su erers; making sure they’re accessible, and that people know how to locate, find, and use one,” he added.Headded that his “Heart of the Nation”

A new initiative to highlight the location of electronic heart starters — Automated External Defibrillators (AEDS) — around the Colour City, aims to o er all heart attack su erers, the same luck of the draw.

Su ering a major heart attack after refereeing a reserves game at Orange City rugby club’s home ground, “Pride Park” at Waratahs five years ago, two medics playing with the CSU rugby team, kept him alive until help arrived.

— DAVID DIXON — Luck of the footy


Orange CBD is set to come alive this weekend with more than 20 free music gigs popping up in pubs, cafes, and other venues throughout the City and surrounds.

The full festival program is available at: www.orange.nsw.gov.au/live-and-local

“And it’s all free too!” Paul said. “You can go along on Saturday to the Royal, or on Sunday to Canobolas and just see continuous music — there will be a new act every hour!”

Orange is partnering with Council to put on the feast of music this weekend.

“We’re all organised and ready to go,” Paul Kelly, president of not-for-profit community music organisation, JAM Orange,Createdexplained.tosupport and develop local music talent, JAM

This weekend’s Orange Micro Music Festival, made possible through grant funding from Live Music O ce NSW’s Live and Local program and with the support of Orange City Council, will see a range of local bands and solo acts performing free gigs over Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.Theprogram of events is spread around well-known music destinations, such as the Royal Hotel, Victoria Hotel, and Hotel Canobolas, as well as first-time venues including Harley and Hem Cafe in Byng Street.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 22 — 28, 2022 7 community life | OCLife The VicToria hoTel 336 Summer St, Orange | Tel 6362 6386 WHAT’S ON AT THE VIc... BLUELANDERSJUSTINDUDESSUEDE POKERTUESDAY from 7pm SATURDAY from 3.30pm Registration on arrival 23RDFRIDAYSEPTEMBER8PM-11PMSATURDAY24THSEPTEMBER8.30PM-LATEFREE ENTRY FREE ENTRY SUMMERNEWMENU Coming Soon $3000 gtd $30 buy-in (60K) $30 lifeline (40k) $30 add-on (60K) 29TH4PMOCTOBERSTARTLive and LocaL Music Festival Registration on the day 3pm

“We have big gigs at the Victoria Hotel, the Lord Anson, the Railway Hotel at Spring Hill, almost a half-day of continuous music at Hotel Canobolas on Sunday 25th, and also at the Royal Hotel on Saturday 24th,” Paul said.

“There’s plenty of opportunities to see great music — and quite varied music too. It will range from solo artists playing acoustic music to bands doing rock and roll and everything inArtistsbetween!”performing over the weekend include Bear Gillan, the Cicada Club, James Sutherland, Vivian Evans, Chloe Swannell, Fig Jam, Neil Gill, the Town Hall String Band, Ado Hadson, Darren Smith, Nerida Cuddy, The Dougies, Blue

Suede Dudes, Chloe Swannell, Chloe and Jason Roweth, and many more.

Micro Music Festival set to rock the Orange

The micro-festival is the last in a series of events designed to boost the local music industry and build connections between performers, venues and producers.

Paul hopes that events like this will encourage more local venues to put on live music in the future.

“The intention of the exercise is to encourage venues that might not ordinarily put their hands up to have live music in their venues, to see that live music can be beneficial to their business,” he concluded.

fundraising outing using his musical abilities for a good cause. Between March 2017 to March 2020, Murray also toured Australia giving more than 400 public performances for Lifeline, raising a total of $71,000 for the phone counselling service.

causes.“Education is the key to a better future,” he said. “Talking about The Smith Family; this organisation is an independent charity helping disadvantaged Australian children and young people to get the most out of their education, so they can create better futures for themselves.”

who has had profound hearing loss since shortly after birth, first picked up a guitar. An avid martial artist for more than three decades, Murray is not one to do things by“Forhalves.12months, every single night for four to seven hours, I’d be practising,”

“I like to use my energy as much as possible to help others — this has been my passion for many years,” Murray said.

But Murray said he considers it a privilege to be able to help these great

Travelling all on his own dollar, Murray is touring the country giving classical guitar performances in shopping centres and other public spaces — essentially busking — but instead, every dollar is going to help The Smith Family provide educational support for disadvantaged children.

And indeed, this is far from his first

It was about 15 years ago that Murray,

With just his guitar, campervan and passion to help others, retired microbiologist and classical guitarist, Murray Mandel, has embarked on a two-and-a-half-year fundraising campaign for The Smith Family.

8 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 22 — 28, 2022 OCLife | community life Applications open for ‘Our Voice, Our Region’ Regional FundingInvestmentYouthProgramisnowavailableforprojectsthatwillimprove the lives and wellbeing of young people in regional NSW. $40 million in funding is available to local councils, not-forprofit organisations and Local Aboriginal Land Councils who are delivering projects that genuinely reflect the needs and aspirations of regional young people in NSW. Grants of up to $3 million are on offer. Applications close 4 October 2022. For more information about eligibility and the Program Guidelines, go nsw.gov.au/regionalyouthinvestmentprogramto: LUCKNOW SKIN SHOP & BOOT BARN You can shop online @ lucknowskinshop.com.au Mitchell Hwy, Lucknow 6365 5330 arriving...summerNewaccessories

Shoppers at North Orange may have already caught one of Murray’s performances on a recent Wednesday. He returns tomorrow, Friday, September 23 from 10–3pm, with more performances planned for Saturday and Saturday.

MurrayBeginningsaid.this fundraising tour on August 10, Murray has already given 38 performances and so-far raised a total of $6,760.50. After his final local show at North Orange Shopping Centre on Sunday, Murray moves on to Dubbo and then travels further afield in NSW, southern Queensland, and Victoria over the next two years.

“I like to use my energy as much as possible to help others,” says guitarist and Murrayfundraiser,volunteerMandel.

musicalMurray’smission to disadvantagedhelp kids

ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 22 — 28, 2022 9 Michael Paddison 0414 447 467 Sue 0414Barber635526 Tisha Ataria 0428 777 651 contemporaryhomes.net.au info@contemporaryhomes.net.au contemporary homes LANDEDJUST BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME. PREMIUMLANDFORSALE Are you looking to buy premium land in forContactOrange?ustodaymoreinformation... Lot 16 Ploughmans Lane 880m2 Lot 17 Ploughmans Lane 877m2 Lot 138 Applebox St 504m2 Lot 195 Wollemi St Lot521m2194 Wollemi StLot521m2401 Charlotte St 581.3m2 Lot 405 Milne Street Lot789.2m2193Wollemi St Lot521m2159 Wollemi St 521m2 HOUSE & PACKAGESLANDAVAILABLENOW

“The world of in-home care can often seem daunting in the first instance, and we understand our clients may not know where to begin – so we are here to help.”

D.A.N.S. sta are committed to understanding clients’ individual needs to provide a tailored program that ensures they get the high standard of care they deserve.

10 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 22 — 28, 2022 OCLife | community life Meet some of our friendly clients and staff, and enjoy a delicious complimentary morning tea. Learn about in home aged care and disability services and chat with our care managers to discover how D.A.N.S. Inhome Care can help you or your loved one not just live at home, but thrive at home. Coral Sea Room, Orange Ex-Services Club 231–243 Anson Street, Orange 10amThursday12pm29th September 2022 FREE MORNINGINFORMATIONTEA Please RSVP via phone or email by 26th September 2022 P: 02 6885 6407 E: admin@dans-1st.com.au W: dansinhomecare.com.au

Supporting aged care and disability clients to live their best independent life at home in Orange is a key focus for the organisation.

opportunity to learn about D.A.N.S. services, meet other D.A.N.S. clients, and chat to D.A.N.S.’s friendly sta about options to change home care providers.

The event will o er attendees an

“Knowing your loved one is happy, healthy, and well supported by our professional, friendly team means you can rest easy – we are a team that truly cares,” Jacqui said.


There’s nothing quite like seeing your loved one flourish in the comfort of their own home, cared for by a professional, personable team – and that’s exactly what you too can enjoy when you engage D.A.N.S. for their premium services.

“Sometimes it just takes the fresh perspective of a new provider to improve the day-to-day life of your loved one, and we are thrilled to be able to provide committed care to clients in Orange and around the Central West.”Thepremium in-home aged care and disability care services o ered by D.A.N.S. will be the theme of an Information Morning Tea, being held at the Orange Ex-Services Club on 29 September.

“Everyonesaid. is welcome to come along and chat with our care managers, and discover how D.A.N.S Inhome Care could help you or your loved ones not just live at home, but thrive at home.

The D.A.N.S. team is known for its reliability, and often welcomes new clients whose prior care situation was not working for them.

Disability & Aged Nursing Service (D.A.N.S. Inhome Care) is a home care provider with a di erence: it’s long established, and Western NSW owned and operated, with local sta


appreciate when they contact D.A.N.S. sta .

“When you need a reliable solution for in-home care in Orange, our team will be available and ready to support you.”

“You could say local is in our DNA,” she smiled.“Talking to local people with local knowledge is something our clients really

For 20 years and counting, D.A.N.S. Inhome Care has been delivering quality in-home care to many families across the Central West.

D.A.N.S. Director, Jacqui Martel, is passionate about delivering a premium care service to clients, and has been leading the D.A.N.S. Inhome Care team since 2014.

“Nothing makes us happier than knowing we are able to deliver a change for the better for those who need our care, making a world of di erence to both our client and their family,” Jacqui smiled.

InhomeD.A.N.S.Care has care in its DNA

“D.A.N.S. is proud to have firmly established roots in the Central West,” Jacqui explained.

A delicious complimentary morning tea, giveaways and a ra e will be just some of the added bonuses available at the event.

“Our friendly team is dedicated to delivering a range of premium care services with kindness and compassion, all under the expert direction of our Registered Nurses.”

“We’d love to see as many new faces as possible at our Information Morning Tea,” Jacqui

Attendees can register for the event up until 26 September, by phoning 02 6885 6407 or emailing admin@dans-1st.com.au.


“This new project explores this commitment and assesses the impact on the employment of tradeswomen, particularly trades that support mining such as those in electro-technology and automotive.”

The project begins with the launch of the ‘Women in Mining’ Survey which can be accessed by contacting Dr Bridges. For more information about this project and to participate please contact Dr Donna Bridges via dbridges@csu.edu.au

12 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 22 — 28, 2022 NOWINSTORE OPEN 7 www.danmarjewellery.com.auDAYS132 Kite Street, Orange. Phone 6369 1513 Designed by and hand crafted by our master jeweller Paddy B Limited edition of only one of each. High quality jewellery for discerning owners CALLDANIELON0411484464 TOBOOKYOURFREEINITIAL APPOINTMENTORHEADTO WEALTHTRAIN.COM.AU TRULY INDEPENDENT Financial Advice Changes Lives MoreandmorepeopleinOrangeareenjoyingthebenefitsofINDEPENDENTfinancialadvice...Shouldyoubeoneofthem? DanielMcGregor (1253135) andWealthTrain (1258202) areauthorisedrepresentativesof IndependentFinancialAdviceandEducationAFSL520963 OCLife | what’s happening at Cadia SPONSORED CONTENT


The Women in Trades team at Charles Sturt have found

Newcrest Mining’s Cadia Valley Operations (Cadia) have approved funding through their Cadia Cares program to support the University to undertake the valuable research.

“Diversity and Inclusion is a core part of our 2025 Newcrest Strategy and continues to be a priority at Cadia, as we ensure the workplace is culturally accepting and inclusive of all aspects of diversity,” said Mr Brannigan.

“The mining industry is a significant employer in regional areas and has shown commitment to increasing gender parity in its ranks.

that many employers are seeking further guidance on how to attract female workers.

Senior Lecturer in sociology in the Charles Sturt School of Social Work and Arts, Dr Donna Bridges, said, “Our research shows that women leave rural and regional areas to seek work much more so than men and there are indications that the mining industry has a role in reversing thisAssociatetrend”.

Cadia General Manager Mr Aaron Brannigan said the new project will provide valuable outcomes to the whole mining“Throughsector.our

Professor Larissa Bamberry in the Charles Sturt School of Business and Director of the Regional Work and Organisational Resilience Research Group at the University believes the perception that the regions o er women few opportunities is a problem for the sustainability of regional and rural Australia.

While government plans include skills and training initiatives for tradeswomen, the Charles Sturt Women in Trades team say that these are not enough to retain women in the roles once training is complete.

Charles Sturt University academics are commencing research to understand the role of the mining industry in providing women with opportunities to train and work in rural and regional areas in Australia.

Flexibility in the workplace is one way that the mining industry is currently focusing on retaining women.

The focus of the current project is to support women to achieve opportunities to train and work in the mining industry in regional areas and contribute to the vibrant sustainability of regional Australia.

Cadia Cares program, we are proud to support the research project being conducted by Charles Sturt University which will provide an understanding of how the mining industry can attract more women into skilled trades in regional and rural areas and help shape career pathways and opportunities within the industry,” heCurrentlysaid. tradeswomen only make up about one to three per cent of all tradespeople and the industry remains heavily male dominated.

“Our research shows that further support for women and employers is needed to strengthen these initiatives and the mining industry has the resources to contribute,” Dr Bridges said.

“Women leaving the regions weakens communities and compromises regional development,” Professor Bamberry said.

The NSW and Victorian governments aim to increase numbers of tradeswomen in the construction and building industries and have set ambitious targets for employers.

...As well as teaching full body strength and conditioning bodywork workouts, I am particularly passionate about teaching people how to maintain strength and mobility as they age, which I do through my ‘Strength for Boomers’ classes.

Orange’s Movement Evolution Studio, is dedicated to helping you restore mobility, improve stability, and move your body as it was meant to.

Make the move to better health and wellbeing

Veronica.”Matteospecialises in teaching full-body strength and conditioning using kettlebells and Animal Flow — bodyweight workouts that combine animal-type movements with yoga principles and improve mobility and overall strength.Anexperienced exercise specialist for seniors, Matteo is particularly passionate about teaching people how to maintain strength and mobility as we age, which he does through his twice-weekly ‘Strength for Boomers’ classes.


...I teach people how to meditate, change perspective, and how to find that joy within themselves and feel good in their body...

Studio Two: 173 Lords Place 0423 932 move@movementevolution.studio724

Yoga teacher, Madison Sutherland leads classes in their stunning new dedicated yoga studio in Lords Place. A vinyasa yoga teacher, Madison has also trained in Yin Yoga and Restorative Yoga, and is currently under the mentorship of Jivamukti Yoga Scholar, Dean Galip.“Yoga

recognised for her work within the fitness Industry. In 2017, she was named the Biomechanics Method, Corrective Exercise Specialist of the Year.

“Normal rehab programs, normal gym programs don’t fix that, they might fix the problem area, but they don’t fix everything else around it,” she adds.

Movement and postural neurology are at the core of all the classes o ered at her studio.

is a 5,000-year-old practice created to help people master the mind and become peaceful and joyful and content on a daily basis, no matter what’s going on in life, which I feel the modern world really, really needs,” says Madison“Iteach

Movement Evolution Studio


“There’s a lot of pain that we can spare, if we can just get the message across to enough people.”

Yoga teacher Madison Sutherland...

Studio One: McNamara Street (opposite Aldi car park)

“I’m trying to teach people to live a better life. To be in control of their body. To feel like they understand how they work and they can get better and get stronger,” says Matteo.

Movement Evolution Studio has a timetable of more than 60 weekly classes catering for kids right through to Boomers. They o er casual visits, longer memberships, fitness passports, live streaming, and much more. the full timetable and more information, visit:

“Movement and postural neurology are at the core of all the classes offered at the studio”.

“It’s more than just, ‘I can do a wheel pose’. It’s more than that. It’s you walking out of the room and suddenly the sun feels better on the skin and life feels better.”

“Like every guy does when they go to the gym, they start lifting weights… I did a fair bit of that too trying to look good, right?” says Matteo. “But then I started learning about the human body, how everything is connected, biomechanics, how the body works at a deeper level, and so I changed my approach to training completely — and I definitely got that from

Strength and Group Fitness instructor, Matteo Cadenazzi

people how to meditate, change perspective, and how to find that joy within themselves and feel good in their body and also emotionally — it starts to change your life.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 22 — 28, 2022 13 Proud Orange business | OCLifeSPONSORED CONTENT

“It shouldn’t hurt to get stronger,” says Movement Evolution Studio founder, Veronica Sutherland, explaining a key philosophy behind her method of physical training.Anexperienced group fitness, yoga, and pilates instructor, Veronica’s whole approach to movement and fitness changed when she found herself with chronic injuries.

“I had a hideous back injury, and I thought, how could that be?” says Veronica. “And it led me to study with internationally renowned spine professor, Dr Stuart McGill and, then I found the Academy of Applied Movement Neurology in the UK and I studied biomechanics and corrective exercise, and I started to redesign all of my classes.”


Under this exercise methodology, all movement is approached from a neurological perspective with the body treated as a holistic“Theresystem.arelittle adjustments that your nervous system makes all day, every day, on account of the fact the ankle you broke in 1983, is still tight or you had your arm in a sling, it changes the way you move,” she says.

Now an accredited Movement and Postural Neurologist with more than 25 years’ experience, Veronica has been nationally

Recently opening a second premises in Lords Place, Movement Evolution Studio now o ers an expanded timetable of more than 60 classes each week, from yoga and pilates to new kettlebell-based strength and conditioning classes and Animal Flow bodyweight workouts.

Strength and group fitness instructor, Matteo Cadenazzi, is also a passionate exponent of Movement Evolution Studio’s training philosophy. A martial artist from a young age and a keen snowboarder, Matteo was mentored by Veronica as he studied to become a personal trainer.

You should be in contact with your tax/financial advisor in the early stages to ensure the correct purchasing entity is used and the GST treatment is correct particularly in instances where the purchase is for business or investment purposes (for example investment trust or self-managed super fund etc).

Are you paying a deposit with cash or deposit bond? Will the vendor accept a 5% deposit?

You should consider matters of property quality such as obtaining a building and pest inspection report, obtaining a Final Occupation Certificate from the vendor if they hold one,electrical/plumbing/contamination/geotechnical(soil volatility etc) and survey reports (boundaries identified and encroachments noted) where applicable.

Please ensure the property has its own unimpeded access to a public road or if viaa neighbouring privatelyowned property then there is a legally acceptable agreement in place that can be relied upon for future access.

at Lifeline is making a real di erence in the lives of people who reach out to us at a time of their greatest need,” Ms Robinson said.

If so then these are some of the things that you should be thinking of to assist in the process:

“Many people struggle at some time in their life and, often, all they need is someone to talk to, to feel heard and understood,” Ms Smith said.

Please do not hesitate to approach Blackwell Short Lawyers for your legal requirements.

“We want to connect with, perhaps, recently retired people in Orange, who may be considering a way they can give back to their community.”

Lesley Smith is one retired professional who came forward earlier this year and trained to become a crisis supporter.

She said it was during her career in vocational education, where she saw first-hand how the right support at the right time, can be life-changing.

AreyouconsideringBuyingaHomeorBlockofLand?not. 60HillStreetOrange|POBox26|0263939200|bsl.reception@blackwellshort.com.au|www.blackwellshort.com.au

Once you have found the ideal home or block of land, whether via an agent or direct with thevendor (Seller) you should contact your solicitor early in the process (which may include during the negotiation process) so that the proposed sale of land contract may be carefully considered for any particular legal issues that may need to be dealt with early (for example planning issues, easements or restrictions on the use of land etc).

Ms Robinson said all they need to have is a spare three hours per week and a desire to give back to the“Anyonecommunity.whovolunteers

Fellow Lifeline Crisis Supporter, Janice Harris, actively encourages residents to come forward and find out more about becoming a Lifeline volunteer.“Therewas a time when I would have considered becoming a Lifeline crisis supporter just too challenging but, I have to say, it is one of the most rewarding things I have done in my life,” Ms Harris said.“The fantastic training system and support during a shift really empowers you to know you are doing your best to support anyone who calls,” she continued.“Connecting with a caller, listening to their concerns, and finding ways to support them through their crisis, is extremely fulfilling.”

Retirees are three spare hours a week can be Lifeline Central West CEO, Steph believes.Robinson,

You should work with the agent and your solicitor to understand precisely what is included in the sale price and what is excluded


“Many callers face loneliness and isolation and just need someone who will listen and treat them with respect and empathy.”

making a difference at Lifeline If you would like to find out more about becoming a Lifeline Central West volunteer, call Vanessa on 1300 798 258 or email: training@lifelinecentralwest.org.au. Just

14 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 22 — 28, 2022 OCLife | community life Thisarticledoesnotconstitutelegaladviceandprovidesgeneralinformationonly.


The approval of your finance must be an early consideration. Please also ensure the timing of moving and booking removalists etc is actioned as soon as practicable.

You should work with your solicitor and local council to enquire on matters such as zoning, building requirements, development control plans, water catchment zone restrictions, heritage issues, proposed developments in the vicinity, utility installations, flood related controls, tree orders, proposed roads or widening, scenic area restrictions on building materials, discussions as to your intended use of the property and if that use is permitted or

At a time when the rising cost of living is seeing record numbers of people seeking help, Lifeline Central West is putting out the call to Orange residents to consider volunteering for the 24-hour crisis hotline.

The local arm of the phone counselling service, is now hoping to draw on the wealth of life experience in our community to lend a helping hand to people in need.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 22 — 28, 2022 15 OrangeCityBowlingClub 61-89 Warrendine Street Orange 02 63 622 533 Website: ocbc.org.au TRADIES RAFFLES SOLD FROM 5PM - DRAWN AT 6PM 2 X $25 bar vouchers PLUS 2 X $20 MEAT TRAYS MEMBERSBADGEDRAWAT$1,000! Member must be present for the Draw CityBowlingClub FRIDAY NIGHT RAFFLES Free Coaching for Bowls Beginners and Novices Please check our website www.ocbc.org.au for all Covid Restrictions Open Tues—Sun From 11.30am til dark $5 per person SEE MAIN BAR TO PAY AND GET EQUIPMENT Closed Mondays for maintenance Monday – Sunday $5 per person OFFICE OPENS 8AM DURING SCHOOL HOLIDAYS RAFFLEMAIN 20 x VOUCHERS$50 HAPPYHOUR friday nights 5PM-6PM ORANGE CITY MENS RAFFLE EVERY FRIDAY 6-7.30pmNIGHT 4 x $20 Gift Vouchers MONDAY 3pm – 8pm TUESDAY 11am – 9pm WEDNESDAY 11am – 9pm THURSDAY 11am – 9pm Management reserves the right to alter trading hours on any given daytradingnewhours FRIDAY 11am – 12pm SATURDAY 11am – 12pm SUNDAY 11am – 9pm MAGGIESBytheGreen Come and meet CHEF ANKIT and taste his fantastic New Menu open now DINNERLUNCH LADIES 100CLUB RAFFLE every Friday Night HOI is like Bingo, only we use playing cards instead! All equipment needed to play is provided by The Club. AND it only costs $2.50 per board, with most people playing 4 boards. Half time raffle with over $160 worth of prizes. $480 worth of prizes weekly join us every Thursday for HOI Open to members and guests. Come Join Us! 10.30AM ARRIVAL FOR AN 11AM START, UNTIL 1.30PM MONDAYEVERY WEDNESDAY&FROM5PM DANCINGLINE Got something to celebrate? Weddings | Engagement Parties Birthday Parties | Anniversaries Fundraisers | Presentation Nights Christmas Parties | Baby Showers Christenings | Funeral Wakes Whatever you're celebrating we can help SOLD FROM 6.30PM DRAWN AT 7.30PM Visitorswelcome.. SUNDAY BOWLSSOCIAL REGISTRATION 10:30AM FOR 11AM START BOOKINGSCHRISTMASFUNCTIONSNOWOPEN CALL KIRSTY SATURDAY12THNOVEMBER LIMITED TICKETS AVAILABLE Tickets $69pp Stage Show & 3 Course Meal Tuesday-Sunday 12-2pm Thursday-Saturday 5.30-8pm THEY CALL BRUCEME SATURDAY 1ST 8PM-11PMOCTOBER LIVE ENTERTAINMENT

His experience mirrored that of local rugby coach, Steve Hamson, who survived because trainee medics were available as well as an AED.

“This chain of survival is making sure they’re accessible to locate, fund one, and use one,” he added.

The group took its unusual title from a stage name that the Rolling Stones used to occasionally perform under. The name, “Cockroaches”, was a cheeky pun on their chief rivals amongst fans worldwide, The Beatles; whose own band name was in honour of their hero, “Buddy Holly and the Crickets”.TwoofThe

first a fan, then a roadie, and eventually an occasional performer himself, with The Cockroaches.

He now works promoting his not-for-profit “Heart of the Nation” which encourages people to download an app that lists all publicly available AEDS in the local area in case of an emergency.“You’vegot to talk to your family, talk to your friends, and download the app.”


Later studying teaching at Macquarie University with friend Anthony, Page and Field originally conceived of The Wiggles as a course performance assignment — along with fellow student and Orange local, Murray Cook.

Retiring in the mid-2000s due to fainting spells and related health issues, he made a short return as the Yellow Wiggle, before he, Murray Cook, and Je Fatt, announced their retirement from the group.

And it all started with a rock group playing the backblocks of Sydney in the early 1980s.

Using his profile as a founding member of “The Beatles of kids entertainment” a national television film crew were on hand in Orange for the app promotion with Orange Council, filming for their annual broadcast health special, ‘The World’s largest CPR Class’.”

“Steve survived, I survived, because we were in the right place at the right time,” he said.

Su ering a serious heart attack in his final Wiggles performance after a bushfire relief concert with the reformed original members in 2020, his life was saved by a nurse who had been a lifelong Wiggles fan and who had immediate access to a heart defibrillator.


“The Cockroaches” were a hugely successful Australian pop group during the vibrant pub rock scene of the 1980s.

His website also promotes communities banding together to buy units which would then be available for everyone in the local area to use in case of an emergency.

Cockroaches band members were keyboardist Je Fatt and guitarist Anthony Field, whose brother John was also the lead singer, and later became a Wiggles songwriter.Pagewas

16 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 22 — 28, 2022 OCLife | community life WED TO SAT 4PM-8PM 0401 072 027 Check our Facebook for the Menu 37 William Street ORANGE | Ph 6362 8611 Pauls @ CoCos DINE IN OR TAKEWAY Pizzas ~ Wings ~ Pasta ~ Chips ~ DimSim CoCo’s CAFE TRADING HOURS Monday to Friday 6.30 – 4.00pm Saturday 7am – 1pm Closed Public Holidays 37www.cocosorange.com.auWilliamStreetORANGE Ph 6362 8611 Delicious! Best known for their delicious fresh food burgers, coffee and yummy desserts. With both daily & weekly specials they have something to tickle your taste buds. CoCo’s offers a wide range of gluten free, home cooked meals, all day breakfast and catering available, eat in or take way. Portuguese chicken Salad wraps Poached Eggswith Avo smash and Berryyogurtmuesli Black Bean Vegetable Burger with a Sweet Potato Crisp Pumpkin Fetta Tart Sweet potato fish cake with seeded pumpkin fetta salad GETAPPOUR MEAL DEAL $50 2 Pizzas, Barramundi Bits & 1.25 litre Soft Drink

Children’s performer to heart health advocate for Yellow Wiggle, Greg

Former Wiggle, Greg Page’s life journey has taken him from idle pub rock fan, rock and roll roadie, trainee teacher, children’s performing star, to heart health advocate.

That same old “Wiggles”

“Communities can band together and buy an AED. You can also download an app on your watch that notifies family if you’ve su ered an attack and there’s no heartbeat.”

“Yes, I did see them often, that’s how we first became friends… and they were a great live band, absolutely,” Greg enthused to Orange City Life this week.

Page was in Orange recently promoting his “Heart of the Nation” phone app showing people where portable heart defibrillators (AEDs) are located in their community for emergencies.Hisownstory, however, starts with an Aussie rock group using a Rolling Stones alias; facetiously named after the Beatles; in honour of Buddy Holly… sort of.

With rain falling around our region recently it is hard to imagine there doubt That to announce a new round of funding the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund. Available to community-based organisations, the Community Impact Program invites applications for grants between $200,000 and $500,000 to strengthen community networks, capabilities and facilities that support drought preparedness. Successful applicants will also be able to access tailored leadership development support for their communities. For more information, and to apply, please visit www.agriculture.gov.au/fdf

that dry days will come again.

The building was devastated by a fire in June 2019, forcing the group to temporarily relocate to an empty building on the Bloomfield campus.

For our Year 12 students, this has been their final week of school.

is no


√ 24 hour rescue helicopter service for Orange and region $14 million for highway upgrades between Lithgow and Orange Bat/hail netting funding for orchardistslocal

If you would like to pay your respects to the Queen, Books of Condolences are currently available to sign at our Orange and Bathurst electorate offices. These condolence books will be sent to Canberra on Friday 30 September, before being mailed to Buckingham Palace. Condolences can also be left online by visiting www.pmc.gov.au

a time when we might be in drought but


During this sad time, we thank and salute her Majesty for her seven decades of unwavering and resolute service to the Commonwealth, and the international community of nations. She was a truly exceptional leader.

so much

We had a BBQ to remember, chowing down on crocodile and kangaroo sausages kindly cooked up by Orange Deputy Mayor, Gerald Power.

Today’s lunch was a chance for Orange Men’s Shed members to mark half a year back at their historic base - on the highway at Lucknow.

We also toasted Orange Men’s Shed member Norm Thomas, who sadly passed away recently at the age of 92.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 22 — 28, 2022 17 Andrew GEE MP FEDERAL MEMBER FOR CALARE YourYourCountryVoice 1/179A Anson Street PO Box 673 Orange NSW 2800 (02) 6361 www.andrewgeemp.com.auandrew.gee.mp@aph.gov.au7138 For regular updates and news, follow me on Facebook and Instagram @andrewgeecalare ORANGE ELECTORATE OFFICE Authorised by Andrew Gee MP Suite 1/179A Anson Street Orange, NSW 2800. RUNS ON THEORANGEFORBOARD √ $54.8 million for the new CSU medical school and centreresearch √ $34.8 million for Dixons Long CrossingPoint √ $54 million in water security pipelines around the WestCentral √ $1.9 million for The Orchard accommodationcrisiscentre √ $2 billion for Great WesternupgradeHighway √ $3.8 million for the raising of Suma Park dam wall at Orange √ Federal establishedCorporationInvestmentRegionalandbasedinOrange √ $12 million for the Southern Feeder Road project √ Dept InfrastructureofbranchmovedtoOrange √ $2 million for the Forest Road duplicationBridge √ $14.7 million for Mission Australia’s Benjamin Short Grove Aged Care facility √ $100,000 for new stadium seating at Wade Park √ $3 million for a second radiotherapy unit at Orange Health Service √ $10 million for the ConservatoriumOrange & Planetarium

Last weekend our local RFS brigades held a “GET READY DAY” at Bunnings Orange.

Plan and prepare. Discuss what your household will do in the event of a bushfire. Get your property ready. Have a bushfire survival plan.

is why I am pleased

If you’d like to stop by to work on a project, or simply to have a cup of tea and a chat, the group meets Monday to Wednesdays from 9.30am

Many graduation ceremonies will be held soon and I hope they are a fitting celebration of all their hard work.

√ 42 mobile phone towers base stations across Calare

to 3pm, with new members welcome to swing by any time, or for more information you can call 0475 250 779.

Our communities are mourning the extraordinarily sad loss of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. I am honoured to be attending the National Memorial Service for Her Majesty in Canberra on 22 September where I will be representing the entire Calare electorate. I will also speak to the Condolence Motion in the House of Representatives the next day and relay some of our wonderful local memories from when Queen Elizabeth visited our region.


√ $1.2 million for CCTV in BathurstOrange,andWellington

While it is forecast to be a wet summer, the RFS wants to remind us that we can’t be complacent. There’s a lot of undergrowth out there and grass fires move quickly.


I wish all our Year 12 students the best of luck for your HSC, and future endeavours. With a new chapter in your lives about to commence, congratulations on reaching this significant milestone!

Thanks Geoff Selwood for supervising! (He’s got a gammy leg at the moment, his mobility is a bit challenged, and he’ll be really pleased to see this photo!)



It was great to join members of the Orange Men’s Shed for lunch recently, as the group celebrated their return to the Lucknow School of Arts site!

The students of 2022 have showed such resilience to get this far. With COVID-19 interrupting almost two years of study, I think they are now ready to take on anything!

A huge thank you also to all the teachers, staff, parents and carers who have worked so hard to give these students an incredible GOODfoundation.LUCK YEAR 12!


Pictured: Left - The Queen touring the Email refrigerator factoryin Edward Street, Orange. Right - Leaving a tribute in our Book of Condolence.

“I like the visual aspect of them… I’m a cat person and my collection — I collect Australian stamps and I collect cat stamps,” Audrey said, showing Orange City Life several books filled with feline-themed stamps.

Stamp collecting is a hobby that has given joy to millions and Orange Stamp Club youth coordinator, Audrey Ferris wants to introduce the hobby to a new generation.

geography and culture of other countries. There’s no right or wrong way to enjoy the hobby!“It’sjust an interesting and fun thing to do, basically,” she said.

Stamp collecting is a hobby that has given joy to millions of people worldwide, from kings, world leaders, and rock stars, to boys and girls of all backgrounds.

This school holidays, Orange Stamp Club is hoping to introduce a new generation to the delights of this popular pastime.

A hobby that’s t for a king (or a Queen!)

18 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 22 — 28, 2022 OCLife | community life RECRUITMENTNIGHT HaveyoualwayswantedtoworkatTheGreenhouse? Lookingforafunplacetoworkwithagreatteam? TheGreenhouseofOrangewouldliketoinviteallinterested individualstoourRecruitmentNight!Don'tstress...Thiswillbe alaidbackmeetandgreetwithsomeofourteamandachance togetsomeinfoonwhatbeingapartoftheGHcrewthis Summerwillbeallabout. /THEGREENHOUSEOFORANGE TUESDAY27.9.22 ComemeettheGHteam,indulgeinsomeofour famousWoodFiredPizzaandhaveanexclusive sneakpeekofthenewGreenhouserenovations. JoinusatTheGreenhouseofOrangeon ARRIVEANYTIMEFROM5:30PM-7:00PM SCANTOREGISTER

Some collectors focus on a particular country or historical period, while others go for subject matter, shape or even colour.

“I remember a great deal of competition, between my brother and I, as to how many we had and how many we were going to acquire and all that sort of stu ,” Audrey said.

Audrey is organising a “Fun and Games Afternoon” on Tuesday, October 4 to try and inspire young locals to take up the much-loved pastime. The afternoon will be held at the Senior Citizens Hall and is open to children aged eight and above (as well as parents and grandparents!). There will be stamprelated games, like stamp bingo and memory, afternoon teas provided and kids will learn about stamps and how to start their own collection.

Club youth coordinator, Audrey Ferris, remembers first collecting stamps about 75 years ago when she was a child.

Rock stars John Lennon and Freddy Mercury were also known to have loved collecting stamps.Anaccessible and relatively inexpensive hobby, there are many di erent ways of building a stamp collection, Audrey said.

But stamps can also o er a window into the past, she said, to give an insight into the

For bookings or more information, call Audrey on 6362 0068.

It is a hobby that’s captivated many, many people over the past two centuries. The late Queen Elizabeth II was known to be an avid stamp collector and her grandfather, King George V, was believed to have had one of the largest stamp collections in the world.

Leeds BookingsParade).areessential and places are limited. Visit Council’s events calendar to book your spot gov.au/events/https://www.orange.nsw.at LET’S GET OUR SCRAP SORTED! COMMUNITY ASKED ABOUT PLANS TO REVITALISE LORDS PLACE

“While counting the number of parking spaces is one way of looking at this challenge, it makes more sense to count the number of times a day a driver can park there.”

“While there’ll be fewer parking spaces, having 15-minute and 30-minute zones means it will


The proposal for Lords Place South is currently on exhibition for community comment.

a potential customer parks right outside and stays for a short time, or parks further up the road and can stay for a longer time, what businesses want to see is more customers and these new arrangements are aimed at delivering just

Thekerbside.workshop will lift

bin by explaining how to correctly and effectively use the service to help divert waste from landfill.

Learn more about the processes involved in turning this waste into a valuable resource and how this is benefitting local farmers and

Under the current parking arrangements there are 603 parking opportunities across a nine-hour day in the block of Lords Place between Kite and Summer streets.


The workshop will be delivered by Council’s waste education partner, take place at the Learning Orange via

Residents have until 28 September to have their say at meetingbyresponseAplace.gov.au/big-plans-for-lords-https://yoursay.orange.nsw.reportonthecommunitywillbeconsideredOrangeCityCouncilatitsinOctober. COUNCILLOCAL AT WORK to discover exactly how much waste we away each what happens to the the

Under the proposed changes to introduce half-hour time limits for angle parking and 15 minutes for parallel parking, there will be 792 parking opportunities across

be more likely drivers who want to pop in for a quick visit will find a spot. If we want to stay longer, we’ll learn to park just up the road. And yes, there will still be three dedicated parking spaces for people with a disability,’ Cr Hamling said.

that,” Orange Mayor Jason Hamling said.

week and

EnviroCom Australia and will

the materials beyond

lid on the food organics and garden organics (FOGO)


Showground (entry


“This is not about parking. It’s about whether or not we want to make the switch from a car focus to a people-focussed street, to create a place for meeting in our beautiful town .”

Orange City Council’s proposed package of redesigned parking spaces and timed parking zones in Lords Place south aims to deliver a better level of service and more parking Proposedopportunities.changes to parking times in Lord Place south will add close to 200 parking opportunities a day to the Thestreet.new mix of short-stay, medium-stay and longstay parking measures was designed by consultants GHD and would be implemented along with a proposed major upgrade to transform Lords Place south into a ‘place for “Whethermeeting’.

GHD also found the line marking of car spaces in nearby streets would improve parking efficiencies and deliver an additional 43 spaces.

Facility at

The new parking arrangements also include introducing twohour parking in the Ophir Car Park in the spaces directly fronting Kite Street and Lords Place (38 spaces including two spaces for the mobility impaired), and reintroducing paid all-day parking to the remaining spaces in the Ophir Car Park (179 spaces – paid parking was suspended during the pandemic). If the plan is adopted the reintroduction of paid parking will not occur until early 2023.

a nine-hour day in Lords Place between Summer and Kite streets. The 30-minute limit mirrors the arrangements in Summer Street.

Food and garden waste accounts for almost half of the waste material that ends up in an average Australian household’s redlidded general waste bin. Not only does it take up limited landfill space, but it creates greenhouse gases when it breaks down. Let’s get our scrap sorted! Learn about the benefits of diverting food and garden waste from landfill at a free sustainability workshop from 5.30pm to 7pm on Wednesday 28 September. Join this free workshop

“Over the years we’ve got used to shop owners and their staff parking outside their business. Now we’re a growing, busy city and we all need to adjust to new approaches that share the available parking spaces between all the people who want to use them.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 22 — 28, 2022 19 www.orange.nsw.gov.au | Find us on social media @ Orange City Council w A PLAN TO COMMENT.FORISCLIFTONFACILITIESCOMMUNITYUPGRADEAROUNDGROVEONDISPLAYCOMMUNITY The plans include proposals for orange.nsw.gov.au/.atSayCityviewedThe7beGroveTheimprovements.andHut,upgradesBanjoasnewmaintenancedevelopment,futureroutineandprojectssuchbeautificationofPatersonWay,totheMudrevegetationbridlepathdraftCliftonMasterplanwillonexhibitionuntilOctober2022.plancanbeonOrangeCouncil’sYourOrangesitehttps://yoursay. IN BRIEF

heart’s content, though newcomers will not be left

Kids getting back in thesaddle for this weekend’sMinikhana event.

The day o ers the first opportunity that dirt-bikers get at Orange’s old paceway trotting track on the Colour City’s eastern edge, which they’d eventually like to take over for the growing sport.

Orange’s first dirt bike minikhana event looks like it’s going ahead this weekend.

“This has been a long time in the planning, and it’s all free; for the June event, it was going to be $30 for insurance, but that’s now all covered,” Chip explained.

Those with bikes, he said, can ride to their

The come-and-ride day is also the first o cial event under the Minikhana Activation Program run by Motorcycling Australia with benefits for everyone.

“This should, pretty much, weatherproof the day for all the events.”

Four local kids recently booked in at Morris Motorcycles for the free day which, organiser Chip Howitt, says should now be safe from yet another wet weekend.

“If they book the demo bikes, we guarantee an hour in total training; comprising three 20-minute sessions,” he said.Other attractions will include exhibitors including local motorcycle, kart, automobile, and trailer dealers, and Orange Kart Club also having a “Come & Try Day” at the adjacent kart track.

For more information, go to: www.canobolasmc.org.au/new-minikhana-date/ or call Chip Howitt on 0422 233 616.

From left, young Hudsonand Mum Alicia Price;Dad Michael Jones withdaughter Elizabeth andMum VictoriaJones;Michelle-KnightongirlsEllahandChung,andMum,JaneYelland.

Wet weather cancelled their inaugural e ort in early June, but Canobolas Motorcycle Club have now taken steps to weather-proof the festival.

20 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 22 — 28, 2022 OCLife | community life www.orangehearingcentre.com.au 1/256 Anson Street, Orange NSW 2800 02 6360 1884 Hear the difference YOUR LOCAL HEARINGINDEPENDENTCENTRE KAYAUDIOLOGISTMCINTOSH • Diagnostic Hearing Assessment • Excellent Hearing Aid Fittings • Superior level of client service • Valuable ongoing support • Latest technology • All manufacturers • Private and ProgramGovernmentAustralianHearingServicesclients • Employment / Pilot Testing ALL STAFF COVID19 VACCINATED SORE PAINFULTIREDFEET? SEE A PODIATRIST TODAY PODIATRIST Patrick Raftery 121 Sale St Orange 6362 1453 Book your appointmentPENSIONERnowRATESAVAILABLE Home Visits Appointmentbyonly Visiting Cowra & Canowindra MEDICARE REFERRALS VETERAN AFFAIRS REFERRALS ACCEPTED You can use your PARENTS VOUCHERS

Free Minikhana event for dirt bike kids Saturday — ain, hail, or shine

The Saturday, September 24 try-out incorporates a range of formats for firsttimers to more experienced riders aged from four to 16 years, he said.

“There’ll be eight di erent events, from a clover grid set-up, two slalom grids at which each of these we can run multiple events.

“We’re also having 50-metre-long lanes for accelerating and braking competition… we want to showcase the site for a future permanent base for the club,” he added.

Success of the day could be the first step in Orange having one of the State’s premier motorsports facilities.

“We’ve again been able to hire demo bikes from Motorcycling NSW, for kids to have a go, and it’s all free.

“We’ll have all of the minikhana events on the main straight and, on the grass track inside, we’ll have the flat terrain events, so that they’re riding around the track without jumps,” Chip explained.

“Just get into the bike shops or go online to register, just come on in and sit on a few bikes and book in for a demo bike ride.”

Those without bikes who have never ridden before can also come to the party under a deal with the NSW representative body for the sport.

“We’llout.beregistering riders from 8am with events starting from 9am. If they’ve got their own bikes, they can ride all day.

“Just bring your minibikes, your gear, and a parent, and you can ride all day.”

Many of the volunteers were on deck from 8am in the morning to 10pm at night, co-ordinating the event, helping backstage with performers, writing certificates and reports

Let’s not wait for a fatality before something is done.

Early Education day of

I understand that it’s been wet, and there are natural water springs under some parts of the road, but how long do we need to wait till it’s repaired?

city eistedfodorangeof Volunteers

If you would like to leave a condolence message, the Orange Electorate office has a book which can be signed or messages of condolences can be recorded online via links on the Australian Government Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet website.

There can be no greater privilege then being trusted to care for, educate and nurture our children in a safe, secure, happy environment. This government needs to ensure that our early learning educational sector is appropriately supported, remunerated, and resourced. Our children’s future is dependent on this.

Following a fire that was lit by vandals approximately three years ago, the beautiful old building has been restored to its former glory and the gents have been able to move back in and return to business as usual.

This dedicated group of volunteers were part of a morning, afternoon, and evening roster while the competition ran over a period of four weeks at the Orange Civic Theatre, Orange Regional Conservatorium and Orange Function Centre.

orange mens shed returns to lucknow HolePotCENTRAL

Not just by a shovel of gravel/bitumen mix either!

The visit coincided with early educators across Australia banding together for a Day of Action to highlight the importance of early education in our community and the significant role educators play in a young child’s learning and development in our communities.

for adjudicators and helping with the many other aspects associated with the mammoth event which attracts performers from across the state as well as the ACT.

It was great to have all three levels of government on hand for a get together BBQ at the renovated and restored Orange Mens Shed in Lucknow.

These complaints are nothing new but with the recent rains have become increasingly troublesome.

After the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, I attended NSW Government House last week to sign the official condolence book on behalf of the communities of the Orange electorate. There was amazing display of flowers outside the fence to Government House, proof of how many adored and appreciated her.


So important for mens mental health and well-being. Keep up the great work Orange Mens Shed.

The Queen

ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 22 — 28, 2022 21 Orange Electorate Office | 123 Byng Street, Orange NSW 2800 | Telephone 6362 5199 Authorised by Philip Donato MP, Member for Orange. Funded using parliamentary entitlements.

Some volunteers even took leave from work to ensure more than 400 shifts were fully covered so children and young people could compete.

Feedback from the committee is that year after year in the 40 year history of the event, many competitors go on to take up a professional career in music, dance or drama on some of the finest stages and concert halls in Australia and indeed the Thanksworld.must also go to Orange City Council and the Regional Conservatorium for their support every year, as well as local business and individuals who donate for prizes.


State Member for Orange

Complaints of tyre being punctured, wheels and suspension being damaged are just the tip of the iceberg. This road, linking Orange, Cargo, Canowindra, Cowra and beyond see literally thousands of vehicle movements each day. It’s narrow with hardly any shoulder, and there is real concern of potential serious accidents if these pot holes and general state of the road are not repaired soon. I have made numerous representations to both Cabonne Council and Minister for Regional Transport Sam Farraway.

It’s a Council Rd, but council rely on state government funding to fix and repair them.

I would like to give a shout out to the amazing volunteers from the City of Orange Eisteddfod who have worked tirelessly to ensure the success of the annual competition which concluded recently.

I have received numerous complaints from members of the public in relation to the extremely poor state of roads in the electorate, in particular Cargo Road.

I enjoyed spending time with staff and students of Orange Preschool Kindergarten and check-out their great facility and meet some of their happy students.

The Orange Mens Shed meet every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 9am to 3pm and provide a great outlet for men to gather and socialise - and maybe make something!! If not morning tea, lunch and the company is worth going for alone.



During that time, an extraordinary 5,000 plus competitors took to the stage for music, theatre and dance encouraged by the Eisteddfod’s motto of ‘Grow Through Performance’, to help foster a love of their commitment to the arts.

It is well know, that early education is a major key in providing children with the best possible head start to when they commence school - not only in the learning space, but importantly enhancing and development of social skills.

Under 16s Grand Final

Front L-R: Sadie May, Sebastian Benton, Will Corben, Marco Mileto, Edwin Tollemache, Harrison King, Nate Lee (missing are Aiden Hutabarat and Rohan Gardoll).

7:22 am: Sunlight streams through the loungeroom windows for the first time in weeks. I ask both girls to throw me their uniforms, so we can take advantage of a gloriously sunny day and make a dent in the 70 loads of washing that need doing. Miss Eight watches me add every item of school uniform she owns to the machine, with a big smile spreading across her face.

She gives me the standard ‘what would you know, idiot’ look before explaining it’s probably a different viral strain and that COVID protocols at school mean that even if she tests negative, she needs to stay home until symptom-free. She adds a Zoolander ‘black lung’ cough for effect. I give up and send her back to bed, telling her to stay until at least 7.30am.

with Emily Thompson

8:16 am: I briefly consider making good on my oft-used threat to send a child to school in PJs, before realising I just don’t care enough and graciously accept that I’ve lost this round. So I introduce a very healthy Miss Eight to her chore for the day: tidying her bedroom. Checkmate dude. I settle into a day of working from home, lining up snacks and drinks the kids can grab without bothering me.

ODFA’s big Grand Finals Saturday

CYMS Green will take confidence that the major semi was a close 2-0 loss and they held Rebels to a 0-0 draw not that long ago. Everything points to a close U16s Grand Final, between players who know each other very well, many of them having been teammates in various Orange rep teams over the years.

Front L-R: Hugo Parker, Gydion Dally, Sebastian Kittler, Peter Arantz, Adam Thomas, and Nehemiah Milson (Missing is Daniel Woelk).

CYMS Green U15s

Back L-R: Logan Fitzgerald, Jon Francis (coach), Sam Doulin, Liam Baker, Jack Vanes, Dom Belmonte, Paddy Gray, Will Wilson, and Koby Reid

U16 Waratah Rebels

The sickie

Middle L-R: Toby Sunderland, Bailey Marr, Ben Francis, Ned Cummins, and Aiden Barnes.

7:08 am: Miss 13 wakes me from my usual Chris Hemsworth dream to let me know she’s still got a runny nose and would like to stay home again. I let her know that’s fine and that she should go back to bed (so I can get back to Chris).

Front L-R: Isaac Lee and Harry Harry.

CYMS Green U15s vs Barnstoneworth United U14s.

Back L-R: Talen Collison, Toby Gee, Isabelle Castvan, Gabe Weaver, Will Hoskins, Charlie Jones, and Patrick Nightingale.

“Didn’ttoo. you have this cold last week and pass it on to your sister?” I ask.

Waratah Rebels vs CYMS Green.

CYMS U16 Green:

“Not a problem!” I reply.

7:10 am: Far too excited to sleep, Miss Eight wakes me up by dropping a tomato on my face. I ask if practising juggling with crazy expensive produce next to my bed is what she SHOULD be doing. “Yes, of course,” she replies, dumbfounded by the question. She tells me to throw the tomato back in once she gets her rhythm going.

7:09 am: Miss Eight wakes me approximately two seconds after I get back to sleep to let me know she has a runny nose

The big weekend has finally arrived for local junior soccer stars with all the grand finals for Orange and District Junior Football Association (Under 12s–16s) kicking off this Saturday, September 24, at Sir Jack Brabham Park.

Back L-R: Ryan McNeil, Thomas Frecklington, Connor Muir, Campbell McCloskey, Toby Peterson, Garrett Dunbar, Jett Gill, Cameron Ross, and Brock Anderson

BringFabulous.onthe spring holidays!

22 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 22 — 28, 2022 OCLife | community life

Late afternoon, finally: Poor Miss 13 has slept for most of the day but actually looks better. Meanwhile, Miss Eight has tidied an area of floor approximately 25 square centimetres in size. Better than I expected! I call it a day and send a quick message, thanking my work for their patience and flexibility today. I get a message back saying that today was fine, but I am needed for long hours in person all next week.

Under 15s Grand Final

Waratah Rebels go into the Championship decider as favourites, after not losing a game this season and only drawing twice. They are also on a high after a good showing against their Sydney opposition in Sunday’s “Champion of Champions” game.

Each team has had a big win against the other this season, so spectators can look forward to an exciting attacking confrontation.

Then, finally having the time to open emails from school, I discover Tuesday is an Open Classroom, Book Week Parade, Book Fair and barbecue; Thursday is a public holiday for the Queen, and Friday is the end-of-term Award Assembly.

The enoughgood-parent

7:24-8:15 am (the time it takes Miss Eight to consume breakfast that isn’t McDonalds… Yet, she can down a strawberry shake, hash brown, and two bacon and egg muffins, in under four minutes!?!): We sit down to a breakfast of freshly made smoothies, with crazy-expensive fruit as a treat for my poor little sick chickens. Suddenly, I realise I haven’t heard Miss Eight cough once in the last hour. “Are you sure you’re sick enough to stay home,” I ask “Actually,suspiciously.I’m feeling much better,” comes her happy reply. “I could absolutely go to school… except, now I can’t.” I ask her what she means, and explain there’s still plenty of time to get her to school. “Yes… but all of my uniforms are in the wash,” she replies with a smirk.

Barnstoneworth United U14s

Back L-R: Hayden Spedding, Liam Faul, Keegan Willis, Angus Summerton, Will Styles, Riley Allen, and Harrison Coleman.

Front L-R: Mitchell Brooks, Matthew de Pijper, Charlie Swift, Harry Gray, Alex Wilson (missing are Hannah Reilly and Noah Symons).

Both teams go into this weekend’s grand final on a high note, each having defeated Premiership winners Barnstoneworth Rangers in the past week. CYMS Green were the first team through to the grand final winning a tight penalty shootout. If Barnstoneworth United U14s get the win, it will be a huge achievement for this young team, playing up a year into the Under 15s, especially with skillful goalkeeper Charlie Swift’s appearance on the field in doubt after an injury in the semi-final.

Lying in front: Toby Holmes and Zavier Felice (missing is Calvin Musendeki)

Both of these teams scored a lot of goals over the season, so a high-scoring shootout is not out of the question on Saturday.

Lying in front: Sam Brown and Patrick Blair.

This will be another top-of-the-table match after CYMS Gold were the Premiership winners and standout U13s team this season.

Millthorpe then earned their spot with a big win in the final over the fourth-placed team to set up a rematch and are looking for revenge in the Championship game.

U14 Waratah Rebels


Middle L-R: Stella Ross, Max Horne, Lachlan Coutts, Cameron McLean, and Rory McIntosh.

Back L-R: Dave Dillon (manager/ coach), Sam McConnachie, Oliver Bennet, Toby Jackson, Harry Tom, Henry Morgan, Billy Rollin, Hunter Kearins, and Ian Bennett (coach).

Orange Anglican Grammar School (OAGS) vs CYMS Gold.

Millthorpe Tigers U14s


Front L-R: Millie White, Liam Postma, Hayden Hyde, Angus Kermode, Cameron Ingham

Front(Coach).L-R: Menphis Diduszko, Reece Edgerton, Blake Durack, Luke Prevett, Jayden Grevink, and Luca Edwards (missing is George Hawke).

Back L-R: Laschè Tandy, Ebony Doherty, Claudia Ryan, Felix Lenton, Hayden Blowes, Josh Hazelton, Thomas Chung, and Will Whiteley.

Under 13s Grand Final

Front L-R: George Curry, Olivia Tom, Milly Peterson, Hazel Ostini, Rebecca Kemp, Roy Dillon, and Nate Houghton (missing are Billy Bowden and Sam Rollin).

OAGS were the Premiership winners in a close competition, that saw CYMS finish in third place. These teams have played each other twice this year with a win for each. Amazingly, both matches ended with a 5-2 scoreline. Saturday’s Grand Final will be a battle between the season’s overall best, up against the in-form CYMS eager to claim the U12s Championship.

U13s Barnstoneworth United

Back L-R: Angus Jeffery, Ollie Nunn, Phoebe Johnston, Tom French, Sam Knox, Paddy Frew, Lucas Vickery, Adam Pawsey, Riley Davis, Deron Jose, and Craig Edgerton

Under 12s Grand Final

CYMS Gold U13s

Front L-R: Archer Bingham, Hugo Czyzewski, Spencer Price, Lewis Moore, and Finn Czyzewski.

Back L-R: Lochlan Thwaites, Zander Hainsworth, Matt Crump, Abel Tom, (coach Andrew Dickinson standing behind), Toby Dickinson, Isaac Churchland, and Vaughn Bieniek.


Front L-R: Arthur Maclean, Angus Obrien, Declan Miller, and Charlie Lynch.

Back L-R: Jack Bingham, Tully Fraser, Mitchell Glasson, Billy Hogben, Jacob Bird, Jake Hurst, Lachlan Wirth, Harry Richards, and Connor Bennett.

CYMS Gold Barnstoneworthvs United

After numerous close battles between the two sides, Barnies know that it won’t take much to overturn CYMS’ recent dominance. These teams and coaches know each other well and the season’s results will count for little if Barnies can get the all-important first goal on Saturday.

Front L-R: Tonde Rukundu, Jordan Robinson, Lewis Burford, and Abhi Biju.

Under 14s Grand Final Waratah Rebels vs Millthorpe Tigers

Back L-R: Isabelle Stedman, Andrew Obrien (Manager), Louis O’Brien, Jenson Dickerson, Simran Dhatt, Grace Hosie, and Wez Miller (Coach)

Back: Andrew Dickinson (coach)

Waratah Rebels finished second in the Premiership race to Millthorpe Tigers, but overturned this in the major semi-final winning 2-1 to be the first team into the grand final.


Sandra Schmich and Kristine Maclean

Robbie Mortimer and band had the audience dancing in the aisles at their Matchbox 20 show at the Orange Civic Theatre on Friday, September 16. The tribute show has been a popular one over the last few years and Friday’s concert drew a large crowd of locals and others who’d travelled just for the event.

Sally and Adam Begaud

Robbie rocks the Civic Theatre!

Amy Carey-Speirs, Alana Cantrill and Chonnie Webb


Matthew and Tearna Cobham


Liz Edwards, Alex M and Wendal Edwards

Keryn Delaney, Nathan Lamont, and Alison O’Brien

Cameron Pyne and Ana Gracas

Kim, Flora and Dela Mortimer

Kym Burrows, Maddie Fisher and Ally Murphy

Seventeen sailors, 600 miles and 7000 gallons of rum: the little-known journey that changed the course of Australian history

Calcutta — what would he know about the First Nations people? But he managed to, successfully, negotiate his way through, which is almost unbelievable at thisWhentime.”William Clark and his crew arrived in Sydney, they had seen more of the Australian continent than any other European colonist.

“I think the problem has been we’ve never cherished our history. And some of it has been very bad, but that doesn’t matter, we need to get there and we need to talk it over, we know where we came from and what we did,” he says.

While the story of William Clark and the is still largely unknown to most Australians today, Adam says there is a growing interest and appreciation for our own history; both the good and the bad.


At its heart, Three Sheets to the Wind,

“They actually found Bass Strait and when they got to Sydney, they told everyone, and guess who they told: Matthew Flinders and George Bass,” says Adam.“They

The bestselling author of The Ship that Never Was, and The Ghost and the Bounty Hunter, Adam will be at Orange City Library on Thursday, September 29, to launch his latest book Three Sheets to the Wind: Why a motley crew of merchant seamen walked 600 miles to save 7,000 gallons of rum.


“Rum,” says Adam, “became the greatest instrument of corruption in Sydney in the 1790s and so it’s a story about… the nature of the civilisation that occurred within Sydney in the first 10 years, and what sort of civilisations did the men walking along the coast meet.”

ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 22 — 28, 2022 entertainment | OCLife OPEN 7 DAYS | 107 BYNG STREET | 6362 1353 | WWW.THEMETROPOLITANHOTELORANGE.COM.AU PROUD TO BE A PUB EVERY FRIDAY / SATURDAY AT 8PM FREE ENRTY Live Music ✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴ FRIDAY 23RD Chloe SATURDAY 24TH Amber Cashel new menu coming soon t-bone + chips & veg or chips & salad15 WEDNESDAY Tuesdayrump + chips & veg or chips & salad$15

“Clarke was from Scotland, by way of

For Australians, there has long been a ‘cultural cringe’ when it comes to our own history, but there is a rich treasure trove waiting to be rediscovered, says Sydney-based writer and journalist, Adam Courtney.

also saw the first seams of coal in Australia and the first seals… Why didn’t we give Clark any credit? He’s been completely forgotten and yet he found these very important things for the country.”Clark’scargo of rum was also considered to be of great importance to the fledgling colony, which is another

“I’ve always wanted to do stories about great adventures,” says Adam, who also happens to be the son of popular Australian novelist, Bryce Courtenay.

“But not just great adventures per se, ones that had a meaning in the history.”

theme Adam explores in his book.

Hear Adam Courtney tell the incredible true story of William Clark and the wreck of the Sydney Cove at Orange City Library on Thursday, September 29 from 5.30–7pm. your place online via the Central West Libraries website www.cwl.nsw.gov.au or call the Orange Library on 6393 8132.

The book tells of the 1796 voyage by rum-laden merchant ship Sydney Cove to the colony of New South Wales. Running aground north of what was then known as Van Dieman’s Land, cargo master William Clark and 16 of his crew made the stupendous 600-mile (nearly 1000km) journey overland to Sydney to get help.

is the story of an incredible trek through the then completely unknown Australian bush, but it brings to light much broader themes.“It’salso a story about first contact,” continues Adam. “You have to remember, when these guys were walking through the bush, not knowing absolutely anything about this country that they’ve marooned on...The people of Sydney hadn’t been past the Blue Mountains! They hadn’t been past Parramatta; hadn’t been past the Hawkesbury!“Andsuddenly, these 17 sailors have 600 miles of unknown terrain in front of them… So it’s a story about first contact more than anything, because how do they get through? How do they make the 600-mile journey? It’s because they had to learn to deal with people who are totally di erent to themselves.

“We are now beginning to rediscover, 200 years late, all these great stories that give this richness to our history… and it’s a treasure trove for people such as myself!”

26 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 22 — 28, 2022 OCLife | entertainment Coming events... SEPTEMBER 30 Orange Civic Theatre — The Andalusian Guitar Orange Wine Festival — Night Market The Blind Pig — BIRDEE with Fergo Factory Espresso Comedy — Sam Simmons and Damian Callinan OCTOBER 14-23 Orange Civic Theatre —The Wedding Singer OCTOBER 21 Agrestic Grocer — Sarah Leete OCTOBER 27 Orange Civic Theatre — Edward the Emu OCTOBER 29 Orange Open Gardens on what's SEPTEMBER Live & Local Micro Music Fest FRIDAY September 23 Birdie — Javier Rocha, 5–8pm Carriers Arms Hotel — Bear Gillan, 6–8pm Victoria Hotel — Blue Suede Dudes, 8–11pm Lord Anson Hotel — Cicada Club, 8.30–10.30pm SATURDAY September 24 Harley And Hem — Ado Hadson, Darren Smith, Nile10am–1pmStreet Café — Chris Hansen, 11am Reds: Choose Colour — Nerida Cuddy , 1–3pm Royal Hotel — (Showcase), 12—6pm Featuring: James Sutherland, Vivian Evans, Chloe Swannell, Fig Jam, Neil Gill, and the Town Hall String SUNDAYBand.September 25 Railway Hotel, Spring Hill — Plus One, 2pm To 5pm Hotel Canobolas — (Showcase), 1pm–7pm Featuring: Eli Stanford, Mel Moore, Ross Gilbert, Bear Gillan, Matt Arthur, and The Dougies FRIDAY September 23 Metropolitan Hotel Chloe Swannell live from 8pm Orange Civic Theatre Girls on Tap, 7.30pm SATURDAY September 24 Orange Civic Theatre INXS Show, 8pm Metropolitan Hotel Amber Cashel live from 8pm Victoria Hotel Justin Landers, 8pm – Late

As luck would have it, Julia is about to be married to a Wall Street shark, and, unless Robbie can pull-off the performance of a decade, the girl of his dreams will be gone forever.

Expect conversations that veer from love to work, from celebrities to feminism, and back again. Plus some (ill-judged) singing and dancing and a smattering of unscripted joy.

lt’s hit after massive hit, brought to you by one of Australia’s most successful vocal trios, the internationally-renowned Williams Brothers who will be supported by their very own award-winning band, The Shy Guys.

The Wedding Singer — a musical comedy

The Show is a non-stop journey through the greatest songs from the greatest performers of all time: Elvis, Buddy Holly, Chuck Berry, Roy Orbison, The Bee Gees, The Beatles, The Monkees, The Everly Brothers, Little Richard, Del Shannon, Jerry Lee Lewis, and Australia’s Johnny O’Keefe. It will have audiences dancing in the aisles!

For the first time in Australia, celebrate all the classic No. 1 hits from the greatest rock ‘n’ roll legends of the 50s and 60s.

Orange Civic Theatre, Friday, October 7 at 8pm. Tickets at Ticketek or call 6393 8111

the heart, Robbie makes every wedding as disastrous as his own. Enter Julia, a winsome waitress who wins his affection.

Orange Civic Theatre, Friday, October 14–October 23. Tickets at Ticketek or call 6393 8111.

It’s 1985, and rock star wannabe, Robbie Hart, is New Jersey’s favourite wedding singer. He’s the life of the party, until his own fiancée leaves him at the Shotaltar.through

Twist & Shout – a salute to that old-time rock ‘n roll

Australia’s biggest female-led podcast, Mamamia Out Loud, is coming live to the stage for the first time since 2019.

This is the show that all rock ‘n’ roll fans have been waiting for!

Let the Orange Theatre Company take you back to a time when hair was big, greed was good, collars were up, and a wedding singer might just be the coolest guy in the room.

Based on the hit 1998 Adam Sandler movie, The Wedding Singer’s sparkling new score does for the ‘80s what Hairspray did for the ‘60s. Just say ‘yes’ to the most romantic musical in twenty years!

Mamamia Out Loud Live On Tour

Mia Freedman, Jessie Stephens, and Holly Wainwright lead a comedy show that takes all the elements the audience love about Out Loud — the honesty, the intimacy, the opinions and the laughs — and turns them up to 11.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 22 — 28, 2022 27 entertainment | OCLife

Experience Mamamia Out Loud live at Orange Civic Theatre, Thursday, October 6 at 7pm. Tickets at Ticketek or call 6393 8111

Donna Hall, Ethan Taylor-Hall and Karen Taylor


Joy Ritchie and Virginia DeSantis

Monique and Roslyn Hooper


The Ortega family scene

Combined Youth Orchestras in Concert

Kate Rose and Marion Rollin


Eleazar, Steve, Jodi and Reuben Armytage

Merrin Heilman, Donna Riles, Bri Folkes, Lewis Folkes and Oskar Folkes

Mim Eaton and Elizabeth Croft

The Orange Regional Conservatorium hosted the Sydney Your Orchestra on Saturday, September 17, who joined the Orange Youth Orchestra for a day of workshops and afternoon concert. There were approximately 80 students involved in the weekend concert, ranging in age from 12 to 18 years.

Dorothy Noble and Euan Greer

Spoiler alert! Be careful, there’s a spoiler in here…

<Spoiler coming, stop reading now if you haven’t but still plan to watch “House of the Dragon”>. Like many, I’m currently enthralled (infatuated) with the TV series, House of the Dragon, where the King’s blinding obsession for a male heir ultimately led to his wife dying during childbirth, and the child shortly after, all because of a tradition that only a boy can rule. Charlotte’s chances of being Queen are slim, but at least she has a chance.

Vale Queen Elizabeth. A good egg. Only time will tell if all the hard work you did was worth it…

As a trivia bu , I know the mainstream facts about England’s Royal Family, but these past two weeks have seen my word power go through the roof in this area. Bloodlines, historical facts, traditions and protocols, I’m sure we have all certainly learned a lot. For example, the Queen’s image faced right on our coins, but King Charles will face left, they swap it over each time, go

With four children, I’m sure that back in the ‘80s, Queen Elizabeth had high hopes of the Monarchy becoming even stronger upon her passing. Indeed, when Charles and Di married back in 1981, all things pointed this way, but, that soon turned to, well, you know. Cut to this decade, and I think the new King may have it up against him (for him and one of his brothers) racking up scandals to make a rugby league “Mad Monday” look positively tame.


by order of the ‘Act of Settlement’ from 1701. Dodgy. That’s now changed, thank goodness, and we see Princess Charlotte as currently third in line to the throne. This will change when/if Prince George has kids.

When purchased by the Federal and NSW Governments in 2008, the size of the property was just shy of a quarter-million acres.

Spring in bloom out west

The uncommonly wet winter has seen an explosion in wildflowers all over the semi-arid western plains of NSW. The images here were captured by Jono Roe on a recent trip to the Toorale National Park, west of Bourke. Toorale Station, which encompasses the confluence of the Warrego and Darling Rivers, was formerly owned by pioneering pastoralists Sir Samuel Wilson and Sir Samuel McCaughey. In 1894, over a quarter of a million sheep were shorn at Toorale and the neighbouring Dunlop run, which together occupied over a million acres of land.



As hundreds of thousands of people streamed past the co n of Her Majesty to pay their final respects, it was necessary to put a ‘rule’ in place that said: “no selfies with the co n as you walk past”. Sheesh, some people. The ten of thousands of rotting bits of bread outside the palace also called for another ‘rule’ of “Flowers are OK, but no more Paddington Bears with marmalade sandwiches to be left at the gates of the palace.” I’m betting the Queen would have chuckled at that.Monarchist or republican, I hope this National Day of Mourning is given the respect and honour it deserves. It’s a four-day Aussie Rules Grand Final weekend in Melbourne, so the cynic in me is skeptical, as well as it being the start of school holidays in NSW — again, the cynic in me believes many will hit the skies, the beaches, and the dam a day or two early. Is this really ‘honouring’ the day of mourning? Or just mourning in a true Aussie way?

Herfigure.Majesty’s co n is lead-lined and was made over 30 years ago. She will lay in the King George VI memorial vault as opposed to underground, so the need for the casket to be lead-lined and airtight is paramount. Eight, rather than six pallbearers were needed because of the weight. My research also improved my knowledge of the line of succession — once upon a time, Princess Anne was third in line to the throne (behind Elizabeth and big bro’ Charles), but then, when Andrew and Edward were born, she got bumped down to fifth,

It may “o cially” be spring, but we certainly haven’t had much of a taste of it yet here in Orange. Further west, though, it is a di erent story.

This wonderful magazine is published on a Thursday, so, it’s more than likely you’re reading this at the dining room table, co ee or beer in hand, on our ‘one-o ’ public holiday to mourn the loss of Queen Elizabeth II. I’ve been writing this column since 2009, and made no secret of the fact that I’m much more of a republican than a monarchist. That doesn’t mean I am not paying respect to the incredible work and lifelong dedication of Her Majesty. It’s pretty safe to say things will never be the same.

30 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 22 — 28, 2022 ON SALE SEPTEMBERWEDNESDAYFROM21STUNTILTUESDAY27THSEPTEMBER2022 Specials available from Wednesday 21/09/22 until Tuesday 27/09/22 or while stocks last. Retail quantities only. No trade supplied. We reserve the right to correct printing errors. Pictures used for illustration purposes only. IGA Liquor supports the responsible service of alcohol. Tobacco and alcohol not sold to under 18’s. 210 PEISLEY STREET, ORANGE NSW 2800 | 6362 7233 OPEN 7 DAYS: MON TO SAT 6AM-9PM | SUNDAY 7AM TO 8PM WWW.IGA.COM.AU 82 SUMMER ST, ORANGE NSW 2800 | 6362 0775 OPEN 7 DAYS: MON TO SAT 7AM-9PM | SUNDAY 8AM TO 8PM WWW.IGA.COM.AU IGANS12942_210922 $5 ea $525 ea$250 ea $250 ea $565 ea $135 ea Streets Magnum Ice Cream 4-6 Pack Selected Varieties Mars or M&M’s Fun Size VarietiesSelected132-192gPack Pepsi or Solo 1.25 SelectedLitre Varieties $1.08 per Litre Nutri-GrainKellogg’s 765g 65¢ per 100g Red Bull Energy Drink Selected4x250mLVarieties $5.65 per Litre Heinz Seriously Good Aioli or Mayonnaise 295mL Selected Varieties 85¢ per 100mL $250 ea Darrell Lea or Lindt SelectedBlockChocolate80-180gVarieties Hot PRICE! a 65g Four’N Twenty Meat Pies 4 Pack Selected Varieties 75¢ per 100g Schweppes Infused Natural Mineral Water Selected10x375mLVarieties $2 per Litre Primo SmokedWoodShort Cut Rindless Bacon 750g $11 per kg Serving Suggestion BeefAustralianT-BoneSteak $29 kg $525 ea SAVE $2.25 $750 ea SAVE $8 $825 ea SAVE $7.40 ea

ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 22 — 28, 2022 31 ORANGE PROPERTY MARKET BEST PROPERTIES BEST AGENTS FOR THIS WEEK’S LATEST LISTINGS www.orangecitylife.com.au Endless Potential... Located a short 5-minute walk to Nile St Cafe is this surprising 3-bedroom family home. Spacious open plan living area with a ceiling fan and reverse cycle air conditioner. Flowing into the spacious kitchen area with ample storage and electric cooking. From there you have the laundry with an additional shower. At the rear of the home you will find the potential 4th bedroom or study. Outside at the entrance of the home, you will find a ramp for easy access and a fully enclosed yard with rear lane access perfect for a trailer or caravan. This family home has plenty of potential and is ready for you to move in. • 626m2* Block • Fully fenced yard • Electric cooking and ample of storage • Underfloor ducted heating • 3-bedrooms plus study or 4th bedroom • Spa bath in the main bathroom • 5-minute walk to Nile Street Café Rates: $2442.37pa LandSize: 626.03sqm JAMES TAYLOR t. 0457 792 800 BROOKE TONKIN t. 0400 286 541 94 NILE STREET, ORANGE PROPERTY OF THE WEEK BROUGHT TO YOU BY RAY WHITE EMMS MOONEY FRIDAYAUCTION7TH OCTOBER, 10.30AM The Auction Centre | 152 William Street, Bathurst

32 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 22 — 28, 2022 Auction Friday 21st October, 10.30am The Auction Centre Bathurst 20-22 Evergreen Lane, Orange- Evergreen by Name, Evergreen by Nature Situated south of Orange in a favourable location, with easy access to the Orange Hospital & Airport • 32ha* (79ac*) of fertile arable land, ideal for cropping & grazing with productive red basalts soils • 4 bay machinery shed, 2 stand woolshed & sheep yards with a 250 head capacity • Contemporary 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath home with spectacular outlooks & a separate 3 bedroom cottage AUCTION Open By Appointment Agents Kurt Adams 0428 747 050 Michael Kennedy 0428 243 222 Sale Contact Agent 15 Charles Street, Orange - More than meets the eye Situated in a quiet street and only a short walk to town, is 15 Charles Street, Blayney. A comfortable Besser block home with a north-facing view. 5-bedrooms, ensuite in master & reverse cycle in two bedrooms. • Open plan living, kitchen & dining • Securely fenced yard, double bay shed & side access SALE Open Saturday 24th September 9.30am - 10am Agents Lucy Nell 0400 726 897 James Taylor 0457 792 800 18 Sale Street Orange NSW raywhiteemc.com 02 6362 0211 Ray White Emms Mooney


James Taylor 0457 792 800 NSW raywhiteemc.com 6362


Nell 0400 726 897

72 Cudal Street, Mandildra

Located a short 5-minute walk to Nile St Cafe is this surprising 3-bedroom family home. With an open plan living area, spacious kitchen with ample storage, and potential 4th bedroom or study. Fully enclosed yard with rear lane access perfect for a trailer or caravan.

18 Sale Street Orange


James Graham Road, Blayney - Laid-back Lifestyle

Immaculate presentation, practical floorplan, & high-quality features throughout make this family house a home. You will enjoy a more relaxed lifestyle without any compromises to your convenience. This newly built home sits on an idyllic 10 acres* which allows you to fulfill every dream that has ever entered your mind when it comes to how you want to live and what you want in and around your home.

94 Nile Street, Orange

Auction Friday 7th October, 10.30am

Open Saturday 24th September, 9.30am - 10am

0211 Ray White Emms Mooney AUCTIONAUCTION

Open Saturday 24th September 10.15am - 10.45am

James Taylor 0457 792 800

• Spacious living areas, with a wood fire in the family room. Bathroom with a single vanity, and a shower

Sale Contact Agent

Situated in Manildra and on the banks of the Mandagery Creek. This original 3-bedroom home is on a decent 695sqm* block and will tick the box for those looking for affordable space.

Open Saturday 24th September, 10.30am - 11am


Taylor 0457 792 800 18

Auction Friday 7th October, 10.30am


34 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 22 — 28, 2022 IF YOU WOULD LIKE YOUR PROPERTY CHRIS OR JOHN ON 6362 5999 NOW SELLING ‘KINROSS MEWS’ 99 BATHURST ROAD, ORANGE A BETTER LIFESTYLE AWAITS YOU HERE IN THIS NEW GATED COMPLEX A new development consisting of two and three bedroom villa units and town houses. Designed for your security and peace of mind. A heated indoor communal swimming pool for your enjoyment. ATTRACTIVE OFFICES OPPOSITE ORANGE CITY COUNCIL PRECINCT Floor area approx. 180 m2 Available now RENT: $70,000 PER ANNUM+ GST COMMERCIAL FOR LEASE COMMERCIAL FOR LEASE OPEN HOUSE SAT 24th 12.00pmSEPTEMBER-1.00pm FOR SALE 9/198 BYNG STREET VERY CENTRAL 3 BEDROOM UNIT Attractive office complex conveniently located just of Summer ApproximatelyStreet.120 m2 in floor area consisting of 4 separate office rooms, a spacious light filled reception area, kitchen/ meals room and air conditioning throughout. Available now. GROUND FLOOR OFFICE WITH PARK OUTLOOK RENT: $40,000 PER ANNUM + GST If you’re looking for a spacious unit with the convenience of inner city living, then don’t look past this Thisopportunity.twostory residence enjoys a north facing open plan living area with new carpets and freshly painted lounge / dining room that has electric heating and a handy storage closet. The main bathroom has been freshly renovated and there is a second toilet downstairs. There is internal access to the garage and a private paved courtyard and garden at the rear with a covered outdoor area. It’s so easy to walk to town, you may get rid of your car! FOR SALE 12 OAK STREET, ORANGE ARGUABLY, ONE OF THE MOST SOUGHT AFTER STREETS IN ORANGE ENORMOUS POTENTIAL Split level brick veneer home with 3 bedrooms. Double carport, workshop and garden sheds in large back yard with rear access. Lovely tree lined street outlook from front patio. $550,000 CONTACT OUR OFFICE FOR FURTHER DETAILS FOR SALE BEAUTFUL ELEVATED BLOCK Backing onto a Council reserve this good sized block enjoys a lovely outlook for you to build your new dream home on. Situated in the popular Northern Gardens Estate and is in easy reach to the North Orange Shopping precinct. Land size is 801.5 m2 CONTACT OUR OFFICE FOR FURTHER DETAILS Approx. 200m2 in area that includes separate offices, reception area and board room. Has 8 on-site car park spaces for the convenience of your staff and customers. Air conditioning throughout and compactus included. OFFICE COMPLEX IN QUIET CBD LOCATION RENT: $50,000 PA + GST & OUTGOINGS Approx. 300 m2 of floor space in this well presented commercial shop in Summer Street. Currently set up as an office complex this premises would also be ideal as a retail shop. Has good staff amenities and reverse cycle air conditioning though out. POPULAR SUNNY SIDE OF THE STREET CONTACT OUR OFFICE FOR MORE DETAILS COMMERCIAL FOR LEASECOMMERCIAL FOR LEASE OPEN HOUSE SAT 24th 11.30amSEPTEMBER-12.00pm OPEN HOUSE SAT 24th 11.00amSEPTEMBER-11.30am

ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 22 — 28, 2022 35 PLEASE GET IN TOUCH WITH US WE HAVE LONG AND SHORT TERM CORPORATE TENANTS LOOKING FOR FURNISHED PROPERTIES... LOOKING TO LEASE YOUR PROPERTY? PH 02 6362 6966 37 SALE STREET, WWW.WILLIAMSMACHIN.COM.AUORANGE 379 ANSON STREET, ORANGE 412 • Freshly renovated interior • 4 bedrooms with built-ins Polished timber floor, ducted heating and cooling CONTACT Marty Lyden 0404 070 CONTACTmarty@williamsmachin.com.au391AGENT FOR SALEFOR SALE 155 HILL STREET, ORANGE 321 CONTACT AGENT • Brand new, low maintenance • 900mm oven, plantation shutters, 6.6kw solar • Central location, fully fenced, covered pergola CONTACT Marty Lyden 0404 070 marty@williamsmachin.com.au391 OPEN this Saturday 1.15 – 1.45pm FOR SALE 6 SWEET HEART DRIVE, ORANGE • Brand new executive family home • Vaulted ceilings, quality high end fittings • North facing living areas • 801m2, rural views to Mt Canobolas 422 CONTACT AGENT CONTACT Marty Lyden 0404 070 marty@williamsmachin.com.au391 4 GRACE RISE, ORANGE • Modern family home with light filled interior • Multiple living areas, flexible floorplan • Enclosed rear yard with side access, room for boat or trailer • Great investment opportunity • New carpet, updated kitchen • Bedroom with built in and ensuite $740,00 - $780,000 $150,000 - $165,000 52211 CONTACT Marty Lyden 0404 070 marty@williamsmachin.com.au391 CONTACT Marty Lyden 0404 070 marty@williamsmachin.com.au391 17/124 MARGARET STREET, ORANGE3 TERRAGONG STREET BLAYNEY • Solid family home in a great location • Generous open plan living • Ducted heating throughout Large double shed with toilet 312 $570,000 - $600,000 CONTACT Marty Lyden 0404 070 marty@williamsmachin.com.au391 FOR SALEFOR SALEFOR SALE OPEN this Saturday 10.15 – 10.45am OPEN this Saturday 11.45 – 12.15pm OPEN this Saturday 12.30 – 1.00pm OPEN this Saturday 9.00 - 9.30am

36 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 22 — 28, 2022 39 SALE STREET, ORANGE | 6363 1000 | PFISHER.COM.AU ALL PROPERTIES CAN BE VIEWED BY PRIVATE INSPECTION OR VIDEO CALL, JUST CONTACT THE AGENT. ALL INSPECTIONS WILL BE CONDUCTED UNDER STRICT HEALTH GUIDELINES. SO SOLID If you fancy a “Swiss Chalet” style home, then make sure you inspect this unique home. Solid throughout and a very well built home including a big living room, separate dining area, kitchen with new flooring, plus a large main bedroom with ensuite all downstairs. Wander upstairs and you will find 2 spacious loft bedrooms with large dormer windows and plenty of natural light flooding in. The property has 2 R/C systems for year round comfort. The huge carport area can house 4 cars, there’s also a back shed for housing all your other bits and pieces. Whether you are a first home buyer or an investor this is an affordable way to break into real estate in the Orange market. Inspections are easily arranged. CONTACT: ADAM SAVAGE 0419 232 416 5 ELSHAM AVENUE $529,000 3 2 4 COME FALL IN LOVE Tucked away amongst other quality homes in an attractive block between Sale and Hill Streets, the street appeal of this lovely home can’t be denied. Inside, the north facing living areas feature polished timber floors and large windows that welcome the sun. The functional kitchen with a double drawer dishwasher and 900mm cooktop is a light filled space that makes the most of its northeast aspect and elevated position. There is a lounge room plus a family room, a dining room with plenty of space for a family-sized table and a great little study nook. There are four generous bedrooms, one of which is upstairs and would be a great parents’ or teenage retreat. The home has ducted gas heating and 2 split system air conditioners. The back yard is private and fully enclosed and has a pizza oven and double car accommodation plus workshop. Within walking distance of Bletchington School, the DPI and Hill Street Grab’n’Go, this is a great home in a great location. Come see it, you might just fall in love. CONTACT: JACOB EVANS 0428 130 789 114 MARGARET STREET $715,000 4 1 2 A TRULY LOVED HOME Located in one of Orange’s loveliest cul-de-sacs, nestled amongst a beautiful country garden is this large four-bedroom home. Boasting multiple living areas and a huge sunroom off the back of the home, there is space in the home for everyone plus some. The sunroom is perfect for enjoying the north-westerly aspect, making it a perfect hangout in Orange’s long winter months. Generous in size, there are four bedrooms with built-in wardrobes, with the master boasting an ensuite and easterly aspect. Outside the garden is maintained by multiple water tanks, drip irrigation systems and greenhouses. It’s a lovely spot to enjoy a spring day where you can enjoy the privacy and vibrant colours an established garden brings. Additional bonus features of the home include ducted reverse cycle heating and cooling, 22 solar panels and zoning for Calare Public and Orange High. CONTACT: MICHAEL WRIGHT 0421 360 948 9 MURRABA CLOSE $745,000 4 2 2 BRAND NEW AND BEAUTIFUL This brand new house has just been completed and is waiting for its new owner to move in and make it a home. It is a gorgeous property outside and in with an attractive façade, low maintenance landscaping and beautiful finishes throughout evoking a bit of that very popular Hamptons vibe. With neutral tones and spacious rooms that are light and airy with high ceilings and big windows, this home is truly warm and inviting. There is a media room, a sitting room or office plus an open plan living area leading to the covered patio. The kitchen, with its walkin pantry, stainless steel appliances, island bench and pretty blue tiles adding a delightful pop of colour, will impress even the fussiest of cooks. There are four great bedrooms – the master with a luxurious ensuite and walk-in robe and a practical family bathroom with separate toilet. The compact block size and easily maintainable yard means you will have plenty of free time on the weekends to enjoy your new home with friends and family. This home offers so much more than you think, and inspections are invited and easily arranged. CONTACT: JACOB EVANS 0428 130 789 49 STEVENSON WAY PRICE $799,000-$849,000GUIDE:4 2 2 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 24 SEPTEMBER 11.45-12.15 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 24 SEPTEMBER 11.00-11.30 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 24 SEPTEMBER 1.15-1.45 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 24 SEPTEMBER 9.30-10.00 LISTINGNEW LISTINGNEW PRICENEW

ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 22 — 28, 2022 37 39 SALE STREET, ORANGE | 6363 1000 | PFISHER.COM.AU ALL PROPERTIES CAN BE VIEWED BY PRIVATE INSPECTION OR VIDEO CALL, JUST CONTACT THE AGENT. ALL INSPECTIONS WILL BE CONDUCTED UNDER STRICT HEALTH GUIDELINES. WELL AND TRULY #1 1 Stirling Avenue has an enviable location directly across the road from Wentworth Golf Club. This very appealing home has so much to offer, light and spacious, with open plan dining/living/ lounge with uninterrupted views across the tree lined golf course. It’s like living in a resort! 4 bedrooms, plus an office, separate family room and another huge entertaining area allowing all family members to escape to their own private zone. A self-contained studio has its own separate entrance with a living area, 5th bedroom and bathroom perfect for a granny flat, home business, or Air BNB opportunity. Bring the whole family and inspect 1 Stirling Avenue, very likely it will be voted by the whole family as their #1! CONTACT: ADAM SAVAGE 0419 232 416 1 STIRLING AVENUE PRICE GUIDE: $1,075,000 - $1,150,000 5 3 2 CALARE AREA Located in the very popular Calare area at the top of Maple Avenue, this home has fantastic views looking back over Orange and the district. Step inside and you’ll find upstairs 3 spacious bedrooms, the main with an updated ensuite and a walk in robe, while the main bathroom has a large spa bath, shower and toilet. There are 2 large living areas, dining room, spacious kitchen with new vinyl flooring and all heated by a ducted gas system plus a large woodfire. Downstairs is a nice surprise with another large bedroom and bathroom, kitchenette and a large living area - ideal for teenagers, extended family or potentially extra income. This handy location makes walking to zoned Calare Public School and Orange High School a breeze. CONTACT: ADAM SAVAGE 0419 232 416 20 MAPLE AVENUE $849,000 4 3 2 HOUSE AND GRANNY FLAT Set in the very popular Cook Park precinct this much-loved family home has been in the one family for approximately 60 years. Currently set up on one side of the house with 3 bedrooms, a modern bathroom and living areas, while on the other side is a 1 bedroom fully self-contained granny flat that is currently leased out. The flexible floor plan allows for a dual income property or easily converts back to a conventional 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom home. This mid-century modern home has many endearing features including raked ceilings, exposed timber beams, floor to ceiling picture windows, a sunken lounge room, but most importantly a sense of soul and homeliness. Don’t miss this golden opportunity to make this gem your next home. CONTACT: ADAM SAVAGE 0419 232 416 25 MOULDER STREET $769,000 4 2 1 SPACIOUS 4 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE Offering great value for money, this spacious four-bedroom townhouse is located in a quiet complex of eight. It’s within walking distance of Perry Oval, local shops and close to Bletchington School and just a 3-minute drive to town. The townhouse is spread over two levels and the space is sure to delight you. Downstairs is a large lounge and dining area with a spacious and functional kitchen. The secure single garage has internal access to the laundry which has a handy second toilet and access to the grassed courtyard at the rear. Upstairs there are four bedrooms, three with built-ins and a very generous main bedroom with a big walk-in robe. The bathroom has a shower and bath and there is a separate toilet. With a bit of cosmetic updating to add your own personal touch, it would be easy to make this your new home, or it could be a valuable addition to your property portfolio. CONTACT: MICHAEL WRIGHT 0421 360 948 4/155-159 SAMPSON STREET PRICE $445,000-$465,000GUIDE:4 1.5 1 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 24 SEPTEMBER 2.00-2.30 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 24 SEPTEMBER 12.30-1.00 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 24 SEPTEMBER 1.15-1.45 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 24 SEPTEMBER 11.45-12.15 LISTINGNEWNEWLISTING

ORANGE’S BEST KEPT SECRET “Valhalla,” is a character filled period home in a central, sought-after location. Charming Rosemary Lane is known for its neighbourly feel, just minutes’ walk from the CBD. “Valhalla” is being offered publicly to the market for the first time in 60 years - this opportunity is as good as it gets! With a sundrenched north to rear aspect, “Valhalla” is nestled on a large 1012m2 garden sanctuary. With ornamental and fruit trees, a potting shed and chook yard - you’ll feel like you’re on acreage, right in the heart of town. Enter through the elaborate central hallway and enjoy the period features of high pressed metal ceilings, polished floorboards, fireplaces and double hung windows. There are two generous bedrooms both with BIW’s, updated dining and living, modern kitchen and renovated bathroom. The single level layout presents an opportunity to enrich the character with your own style, and there is abundant opportunity given the structure large block AGENT


If you’re looking for a brilliant family home, then look no further! This elevated home located in a quiet cul-de-sac has everything your family needs and more. You enter onto the main level of the home which has not only a generous living area but an open plan kitchen/ dining and formal dining area. The kitchen is spacious and boasts a double oven, electric cooktop, and plenty of storage. Upstairs, are four spacious bedrooms all with built-in robes, with the master having gorgeous views across Orange and an ensuite. On the bottom level there is a rumpus room with direct access to the large double garage and backyard. Leading from the dining area is access to a great backyard, which features not only an undercover deck, but a paved area for the fire pit and plenty of room for the children to play. There is ducted reverse-cycle throughout the home and a woodfire heater. 6 Kamdell is not only a perfect family home, but it is the perfect family lifestyle. CONTACT: MICHAEL WRIGHT 0421 360 948 6 KAMDELL PLACE $868,000 4 3 2 NORTH ORANGE This modern quality built Abacus home ticks virtually all the boxes for a young active family or investors alike. With 4 large bedrooms, the main and bedroom two have walk in robes, while the other 2 have built in wardrobes. You’ll love the heart of the home with its open plan and spacious kitchen/dining/ family area with a sitting room on one side and a beautiful big sunroom on the other side - providing both space and a private zone for every family member. Features of this well-kept home include an Alfresco area, brand new carpet throughout, a new 6 star gas ducted heating system, a R/C system in the sunroom, amplimesh screens front and back, a 22,500 litre water tank, rear yard access for a vehicle, and an easy low maintenance garden. All set-in popular north Orange with parks and shopping centres nearby. CONTACT: ADAM SAVAGE 0419 232 416 23 CATANIA STREET PRICE GUIDE: $849,000 - $869,000 4 2 2 THE COUNTRYSIDE IS CALLING Just 20 km from Orange, increasingly rare parcels of land like this are seldom on offer. Set amongst the rolling hills of the area and just a hop, skip and a jump from Lewis Ponds Creek, this 5 acre block with building permission is ready for your new home. It is the perfect opportunity to create a country dream home that embraces the block, the surrounding views and the rural lifestyle on offer. There is power available nearby or you could build completely off grid and cut down on your day to day living expenses. It is well worth the time to see it for yourself, so call to book an inspection. CONTACT: JACOB EVANS 0428 130 789 1564 LOWER LEWIS PONDS ROAD $499,000 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 24 SEPTEMBER 10.15-10.45 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 24 SEPTEMBER 11.00-11.30 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 24 SEPTEMBER 12.30-1.00 LISTINGNEW LISTINGNEWNEWLISTINGLISTINGNEW





to expand


2 1 0

ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 22 — 28, 2022 39 39 SALE STREET, ORANGE | 6363 1000 | PFISHER.COM.AU ALL PROPERTIES CAN BE VIEWED BY PRIVATE INSPECTION OR VIDEO CALL, JUST CONTACT THE AGENT. ALL INSPECTIONS WILL BE CONDUCTED UNDER STRICT HEALTH GUIDELINES. EASY LIVING This near new home, built in 2018 on a 2,023 sqm block, is in perfect condition. With a wonderfully neutral but warm colour palette, the home is light and spacious with a very practical floorplan designed for easy family living. The main bedroom with a walk-in robe and ensuite is a private retreat located away from the other three bedrooms which all have built-in robes. There is a media room perfect for movie nights and the open plan living area has plenty of room for a second family area, a big dining table and the kitchen is a cook’s delight with lots of bench space and a huge walk-in pantry. There is a double garage with workshop and internal access to the house plus a great shed out the back. With the covered al fresco area, central heating and the 6.5KW solar panel system there is not much more you could want in a home. Inspections are easily arranged, and we invite you to see for yourself. CONTACT: JACOB EVANS 0428 130 789 174 KING STREET, MOLONG $750,000 4 2 3 LIFE IN THE QUIET LANE If you’re looking for a great start into the property market, then look no further than 2 Newport Street. Located in North Orange, close to Waratah’s Sporting Ground, North Orange shops, Medical Centre and surrounded by walking trails and playgrounds; this home will check all the boxes for the growing family. The home has a lovely open-plan kitchen and dining area with access to undercover alfresco area, making it a perfect place to relax during Orange’s beautiful Spring afternoons. The master has a walk-in robe and spacious ensuite and the other three bedrooms all have built-ins. There is rear-yard access and there is plenty of room to run around on the 683sqm block which is secure with good fencing. Other great features include, ducted gas heating, quiet street, internal access from the double garage and zoning to Bletchington Public School. Come see this home, it’s the spot to be in! CONTACT: MICHAEL WRIGHT 0421 360 948 2 NEWPORT STREET $745,000 4 2 2 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 24 SEPTEMBER 10.15-10.45 LISTINGNEW LISTINGNEW A four bedroom home under $400,000 is almost non-existent in Orange these days and is sure to attract some interest. Tucked away on a battle axe block, this home will surprise you with what it offers. It’s cosy lounge and dining area together with the functional kitchen plus four good sized bedrooms, bathroom and separate toilet make for a comfy home. There is sunny yard space front and rear with room for off street parking and a play area for the kids. The estimated rental range is $390-$410/week. CONTACT: CHRIS MASON 0438 629 417 185 SPRING STREET PRICE $369,000-$389,000GUIDE:4 1 0 This home is the perfect example of the quintessential four bedroom, two bathroom, two car garage home. It has two living areas and the kitchen has all the mod cons. The master bedroom ticks boxes with its walk-in robe and ensuite and the other three bedrooms have built-ins. There is a functional main bathroom and separate toilet. The backyard is private with a sunny patio. Being in such a nice area with great school zoning, this home functions wonderfully as a family home or addition to your investment portfolio. CONTACT: CHRIS MASON 0438 629 417 29 MCCARRON PLACE $779,000 4 2 2 This spacious family home is perfect for the buyer looking for a low maintenance lifestyle. The spectacular gardens are easy care and beautiful. The home is stylish with a formal lounge, open plan living and covered al fresco area. There are four bedrooms with the main having an ensuite and walk-in robe. Every nook and cranny of the block has been utilised including side access with space for a trailer or caravan, a BBQ area and garden shed. The inground pool will delight come summer and there is a powder room nearby. CONTACT: CHRIS MASON 0438 629 417 21 ROSELAWN DRIVE $859,000 4 2.5 2 This grand home stands elevated in one of Orange’s most prestigious estates. A home of generous proportions, it boasts two living areas, a formal dining and third study/library. There is a luxurious feel that comes from the expansive living areas, detailed archways and sweet windows. There is a stunning topof-the-line kitchen with walk-in pantry. Upstairs, there are five bedrooms with built-in wardrobes. Outside, the lovely alfresco area is sheltered amongst the country garden. Additional bonuses include a third toilet, gas log fire and big linen cupboard. CONTACT: MICHAEL WRIGHT 0421 360 948 2 THOOPARA PL PRICE $1,250,000-$1,295,000GUIDE:5 2 2 This solid three bedroom home has a lot to offer. The lounge room is spacious and light as is the north facing kitchen. The three bedrooms are well portioned and the bathroom and laundry are in good order. The dedicated office is a real bonus. The polished timber floorboards and timber windows add real character and the heating and cooling covers all seasons with a split system air conditioning. The home is on a 752.5 sqm (approx.) block with a private yard and the garage has been converted into an entertainment area. CONTACT: JACOB EVANS 0428 130 789 11 BURRENDONG WAY $579,000 3 1 0 This is a modern home with a compact footprint but surprising in size and features. Only a few years old, this is the perfect low maintenance home for a young family or a downsizing couple. There are two living areas and a lovely kitchen. The kitchen/dining/family area is the perfect space to gather and opens onto the covered patio and north facing backyard. There are four comfortable bedrooms all with built-in robes and the main bedroom has an ensuite. Climate control is easy with ducted gas heating and a split system. CONTACT: CHRIS MASON 0438 629 417 9 NEWPORT STREET PRICE $680,000-$720,000GUIDE:4 2 1 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 24 SEPTEMBER 10.15-10.45

40 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 22 — 28, 2022 AUCTION Cornerblockwith2xroadaccesses Landareaapprox.1,406Ha,buildingareaapprox.1,620m² 2gantrycranes ZonedGeneralIndustrial OfferedwithVacantPossession Formoreinformationorforaninspection,contactGaryBlowes 0418635248|gary@blowesre.com.au Celebrating50yearsinrealestatein2022 CnrLordsPlandKiteSt,Orange 0263621233 2-4ASHSTREET,ORANGE Auctiononsite11am23/02/2022 BLOWESRE.COM.AU cnr lords place + kite street 02 6362 1233 Celebrating 50 years in real estate in 2022 GARY BLOWES Director 0418 635 248 Commercial Sales + Leasing CHRIS TYACK 0438 258 590 Residential Sales Manager MARG LONGHURST 0499 013 427 Sales Co-ordinator SHARISSA GILL 0477 063 857 Property Manager ABIGAIL PALMER 6362 1233 Office Manager ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A PROPERTY MANAGER TO TAKE CARE OF YOUR INVESTMENT PROPERTY? Choosing the right agent to look after your investment property can be stressful, but we’re here to take that stress away! GIVE OUR TEAM A CALL TO BOOK A NO-OBLIGATION, FREE MARKET APPRAISAL FOR YOUR PROPERTY. ○ Offering years of experience ○ One dedicated Property Manager ○ Know who your’re dealing with every time ○ Thorough Tenant screening ○ High attention to detail “Working for you since 1972”

ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 22 — 28, 2022 41 Cornerblockwith2xroadaccesses Landareaapprox.1,406Ha,buildingareaapprox.1,620m² 2gantrycranes ZonedGeneralIndustrial OfferedwithVacantPossession Formoreinformationorforaninspection,contactGaryBlowes 0418635248|gary@blowesre.com.au Celebrating50yearsinrealestatein2022 CnrLordsPlandKiteSt,Orange 0263621233 2-4ASHSTREET,ORANGE Auctiononsite11am23/02/2022 BLOWESRE.COM.AU cnr lords place + kite street 02 6362 1233 Celebrating 50 years in real estate in 2022 GARY BLOWES Director 0418 635 248 Commercial Sales + Leasing CHRIS TYACK 0438 258 590 Residential Sales Manager MARG LONGHURST 0499 013 427 Sales Co-ordinator SHARISSA GILL 0477 063 857 Property Manager ABIGAIL PALMER 6362 1233 Office Manager This large block of 1,804sqm (LOT 110) is about to be registered and then can be built on. The block is only 3klms to the CBD, close to Wentworth and Duntryleague golf clubs and Ploughmans wetlands. Compare similar size blocks nearby and you will see that this is a reasonable price for a block this close to town with ALL town services and concrete layback already in place. New exciting sub-division close to town • All town services connected • All other blocks sold to mostly owner occupiers 251 CARGO ROAD, orange $595,000CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590 Secure your future with this lovely elevated block right on the edge of town and only 3klms to the CBD. The land has all town services including underground power and is 863sqm in size and has a 20m frontage. Walk to the two nearby golf courses or take a walk through the Ploughmans Wetlands just a one minute walk away. Zoned for Orange High School and once building starts will be surrounded by new modern homes. Sought after West Orange location All town services connected • Reasonably quite street, no through traffic 13 Yackerboon Place, orange $520,000 - $540,000CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590 This centrally located property is only two blocks from Cook Park and five blocks to the CBD. The property boasts three north facing living areas that are interconnected, the lounge alone is an impressive 7.5 x 4.3m and it joins the dining which joins a casual sitting area just of the kitchen. The four bedrooms are very spacious and all have built in robes with the master also having and en-suite. The property has been in the same ownership for a very long time and has beautiful gardens and some very impressive trees all siting on a huge 1,159sqm (approx.) block. Other features are double attached garage with internal access, ducted A/C, Orange High school zone and close to Duntryleague and Elephant Park. 167 Woodward Street, orange $999,000 - $1,049,000CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590 4 2 1 CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590 OPEN HOUSE Saturday 24th 11.00 - 11.30am new listing21 1 $385,00026 Moresby STREET, orange OPEN HOUSE Saturday 24th 11.45 - 12.15pm FIRSTOPEN

“For us, providing our clients with access to a network of livestock agents and buyers across rural Australia is important, but so is ensuring that, in the process, we don’t compromise on the quality of the service that we provide our clients,” Mr Fryer said.

and professionalism,” he continued.

FOR SALE $1.15 million

“Nothing should change – same principles, same sta , same address, same services – with the added benefit of AWN bringing many additional advantages to

“I know that, with AWN, we will be able to put a big tick in both boxes for all our clients.

Orange livestock and property agency, McCarron Cullinane, has joined the growing network of agri-services business, AWN.

42 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 22 — 28, 2022 OCLife | community life Ph 0428 650 675 | scottmunro.ljhooker.com.au | Email scott.munro@ljhooker.com.au OPEN HOUSES THIS WEEKEND LJ HOOKER ORANGE BRAND NEW TO THE MARKET 34 Orchard Grove Road Orange FOR SALE $620,000 3/96-98 Anson Street Orange SATURDAY 10.00 - 10.30am OPEN HOUSE PRICE GUIDE $550,000-$570,000 ALL OFFERS CONSIDERED

AWN, formerly Australian Wool Network, recently acquired the well-known local business, which celebrated 50 years in Orange this year and will now continue on as an AWN-branded branch.

Branch manager, Lindsay Fryer said that the team is excited to join the AWN network.

all who participate.”

An Entertainer’s and garden-lover’s delight

“Our sta will be moving forward with us under the AWN banner, and we are all excited about the opportunities that AWN will o er ourAWNclients.general

“The exceptional growth and reputation of McCarron Cullinane over the past fifty years is due to our tremendous team, hard work,

589 Cadia Road offers a little over two acres of beautiful established gardens and a fully renovated 4 bedroom home, boasting 2 new bathrooms, roomy modern kitchen and spacious living areas. Three outdoor entertaining areas are surrounded by the enchanting gardens that wind down hidden paths. There are plenty of outbuildings including a huge 3 bay shed, chookyard, dog pens and impressive veggie garden. So close to town yet no neighbours in your line of sight. Call Scott today.

“The team are highly regarded in the region, having serviced the Orange area for fifty years, and their client first approach is an excellent fit with AWN,” Mr Weaver said.


Founding partner, Brian Cullinane, said he is pleased to see the business he began with Ken McCarron in 1972 taking its next step to support their clients.

“The team will continue to provide clients with all the same services, including access to the Carcoar livestock exchange but with the added advantage of access to a network of agents across rural Australia.”

“McCarron Cullinane was founded on the principles of total reliability, honesty, service to clients, a comprehensive understanding of the industry and extensive local knowledge,” Mr Cullinane said.

manager of livestock and property, Peter Weaver, said he was pleased to welcome the agency to AWN.

This acquisition of McCarron Cullinane is the latest in a series of expansion activities for the Australian-owned agribusiness. AWN has acquired a number of livestock and property agencies across rural Australia in recent years, including Parkes-based Langlands Hanlon, now known as AWN Langlands Hanlon, as it expands across rural Australia.


McCarron Cullinane joins AWN

The team from AWN Orange, formerly McCarron Cullinane, in the saleyards this past week.

ORANGE CITY LIFE 14 1 Whether you're looking to build a family home (STCA) or to secure an investment for the future, this is one that holds great potential. An exceptional opportunity that does not come around often, set on over 1 acre (4,307.2 sqm) this block is positioned conveniently close to local amenities being only a short distance from Lyndhurst town centre. This prime parcel of land is perfect for those seeking a tree-change with a serene country lifestyle opportunity. Emma Chapman 0423 658 101 YOUR PEACEFUL COUNTRY LIFESTYLE AWAITS LOTS 3, 4 & 5 6563, MID WESTERN HIGHWAY LYNDHURST Found in the fantastic town of Lyndhurst, this manageable sized block offers outstanding easterly views. Within an easy stroll of the village centre, parks, Lyndhurst Public School and an abundance of tranquil scenery, this is a wonderful opportunity to design and build your dream home (STCA*) and establish a relaxed and community-spirited countryLOTSlifestyle.9& 10 6563, MID WESTERN HIGHWAY LYNDHURST Emma Chapman 0423 658 101 Situated in East Orange with an abundance of potential, 49 Park Street is the perfect property for an investor or a family looking to add their personal touch. Positioned directly across from Bowen Public, this family residence boasts a functional floorplan com prising of four good sized bedrooms with built-ins, a central kitchen with an adjacent dining area and light-filled living area. This property 49 PARK STREET, ORANGE Positioned on a large corner block, this brick home is perfect for the astute investor or first home buyer. Within walking distance $180,000to, $190,000 all the boxes! The property has recently been painted and features open-plan living and dining encompassing high ceilings, a gas heater, and updated vinyl flooring, which flows into the low-maintenance kitchen with electric cooking and an abundance of cupboard space. There are three good-sized bedrooms, main bathroom featuring a shower over a long tub, plus carport that offers rear yard access into the North-facing secure backyard. Stephen Townsend 0427 631 957 Stephen Townsend 0427 631 957Contact Agent $425,000 'WHILEY PARK' 75 WHILEY ROAD, SPRINGHILL Located right on the edge of the village of Spring Hill is this wonderful versatile property comprising 58.99 hectares (145.77 Acres) of classic Central Tablelands grazing country with world class views in every direction. Only 20 minutes to Orange with a sealed road to the property's' front gate, this property truly provides the ideal foundations for a peaceful and convenient lifestyle along with the ability to generate a genuine income. POTENTIAL IN PARK STREET 38 ORANGE ROAD, BLAYNEYListing!NewLIFESTYLEOR GENUINE INCOME - THE CHOICE IS YOURS! COUNTRY VIEWS! 13 1 13 1 OpenSaturdayHome10:00am SUBDIVISION POTENTIAL ! (STCA) Listing!New Listing!New Open OpenSaturdayHome11:00amHomeSaturday11:00am

Keen to increase their club numbers this season, Heath said the club has multiple teams in every division from Tee Ball-B (for

Seniors tennis tournament draws record entries

44 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 22 — 28, 2022 SPORTS CAM with HENRY DEROOY sport@oclife.com.au


Hitting your way to summer fun!

“As a club, we have something for everyone, we welcome new players. Each year, people that have never played the sport register, meet new people, join a team, and they have a Oneball!”more thing, all new junior members, get a free club hat and a free mitt, Heath added.

Despite the ever looming threat of rain, the Orange Ex Services’ Tennis Club’s 30-plus seniors tournament went o without any disruptions to play over the weekend.

The two-day annual tournament, held September 17-18, attracted 65 entries, with players travelling from Sydney, Canberra and elsewhere to compete.

Heath encouraged anyone interested in playing to pop out to the ‘Come and Try Day’ this Saturday at Jack Brabham Oval which runs from 10.30–12.30pm.

“You can meet some of our players and committee members, have a throw, hit a few balls, and finish up with some fun on the jumping castle and a sausage sandwich,” he concluded.

Bletchington Softball Club is especially enthused, hoping to boost their junior ranks after the di culties of the last two COVIDa ected seasons.

— Free and mitts for new junior tee ball sign-ups


To help promote this exciting game to newcomers, the club this Saturday, September 24, are holding a ‘Come and Try Day’ at Jack Brabham Oval for potential new recruits wanting to see what the sport is all about.“Overall, we have been able to hold steady numbers over the past few years, which is really pleasing as COVID-19 certainly challenged all sports,” Club President, Health Williams said.

It was the biggest seniors tournament they’ve held at the club, said tournament director, Chrissie Kjoller.

Saturday saw players compete in a Men’s and Women’s American Round Robin tournament, with doubles competitions taking place on the Sunday.

With winter sports wrapping up around the city and a hint of warmer weather in the air, local softballers and tee-ballers are excited by the approaching start of the new season.

“It really was a huge success and we got lots of compliments on the day, which makes it all worthwhile,” she said, adding that she want to thank fellow organisers, Col Parsons and Kathy“AndPenrose.theladies on the canteen did a great job and deserve mention!”

kids 5–7 years up to C-Grade for those that want to have a bit of hit and giggle.

“We accept the ‘Active Kids’ vouchers, so it really does end up being a very low costing sport for parents to sign their kids up to,” heThesaid.season gets underway proper on Friday, October 7, for B-Grade (teen/adult competition) and then all junior divisions and other grades kick o on Saturday, October 8.

“One of the great things about softball, is there is no travel. Games are at the same place at the same times, each week,” Heath Tee-ballers go for an hour, and the senior games are only one-and-half hours, so people can plan their weekends around this,” he added.


Orange City Netball Club’s “Craig Harvey Mechanical” are the 2022 Division One champions.

City continued to extend their lead in the third quarter with several unanswered points. Buthe Vipers quickly struck back with 11 points through mesmerising play from the goal attack and shooter. By the end of the third quarter, the Vipers were back within nine points.Trialling

But, given the wet weather cancellation controversy, Waratahs advanced to the grand final due to their higher league ranking. Even though some finals games went ahead in this round, the YADS didn’t get a fair chance to play their vital preliminary final fixture.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 22 — 28, 2022 45 SPORT with ANTHONY BARBAGALLO | photos HENRY DEROOYsport@oclife.com.au

Despite Barnstoneworth’s positive start in last Saturday’s contest, the YADS surprisingly found themselves down 1-0 in the opening 10 minutes. Millthorpe scored the opener o a free kick that deflected o a YADS defender and into the net. But, from here on, the hosts failed to settle into the game’s high-tempo rhythm.

The Tigers will now face Waratah Athletic in the big dance this Saturday at Jack Brabham Park.

The minor premiers defeated Vipers by a comfortable 20-point margin, charging home to a 5030 victory in last Saturday’s grand final at the PCYC.

24-15 lead at the halftime whistle.

But despite the second-half improvement, the YADS lacked the final product in front of goal to put a dent in their opposition’s massive lead. In the end, Millthorpe cruised to a huge upset, punching their grand final ticket.

A first-half blitz by Millthorpe Tigers 2, helped them beat Barnies YADS 4-0 in the preliminary final and secure a spot in the C-Grade Tier 2 grand final.

Halfway through the first quarter, the minor premiers began to lift their attacking intensity and establish dominance in the middle of the court. As a result, the Lions pulled in front by five points, taking a 13-8 lead into the first break.

Even though they had planned to be fighting in this weekend’s big dance, the YADS can still be proud of their e orts this season.

35-26, the Vipers had 15 minutes left to salvage their chances of winning the grand prize. But City’s quick pace and e ective passing left the Vipers rattled, leading to some shooting errors and cheap interceptions.OrangeCity’s dynamism and clinical shooting guided them to a 20-point victory, claiming the local Division

With Barnies unable to string passes and build-up from the back, the Tigers quickly doubled their lead a couple of minutes later with an e ective counter-attack. Millthorpe’s right-winger dribbled past opposition defenders and struck a low shot into the right corner. Stunned by the 2-0 scoreline, things got worse for YADS when they conceded a third goal o a set-piece and some shaky defending inside their box.

In Saturday’s big dance, both sides started the contest with high intensity. Orange City scored the opening point, but the Vipers weren’t intimidated as they kept pressing on to match City’s aggressive attack through some well-built play and impressive equalising shots.

The Vipers responded well in the opening minutes of the second quarter through their improved defending and turnover rate, but they still couldn’t establish a consistent shooting rhythm. Orange City had a healthy

While Orange City had some tight tussles with the Vipers throughout the season, their composure and experience were key to an undefeated season. Will any team be able to beat Orange City Netball Club’s “Craig Harvey Mechanical” next season?

After the restart, Barnstoneworth YADS finally looked to have settled into the game. Needing to chase some quick goals, the red-and-whites started throwing more bodies forward to help the attack. With this riskier strategy, Barnies began to dominate in the midfield and wide areas to hold Millthorpe into their half.

Despite being the frontrunner for the C-Grade Tier 2 title, Barnies YADS’ first-half nightmare against Millthorpe was enough to end their 2022 campaign.

With some key recruitments in the o -season, expect Barnies YADS to be a major player for the third division premiership in 2023.

C-Grade Football Preliminary Finals: First-half nightmare ends Barnies’ run

One premiership with an unprecedented 16-game winning streak. Though the Vipers gallantly fought until the final whistle to make this grand final an exciting battle, City once again proved they were in a league of their own in 2022.

After beating the Vipers 50-32 in the qualifying final, Orange City and Vipers squared o for the second time in this year’s finals series. While the Vipers were out to seek vengeance, it would take something special to upset this well-drilled City side.

But the visitors didn’t want to settle for a 3-0 lead, their other wide attacker scoring a fourth goal on the stroke of halftime.Trailing4-0 at the break, the YADS needed a footballing miracle if they were going to produce a comeback in the next set of 45 minutes.

After beating Millthorpe in the first week of the finals series, Barnies YADS looked set on facing Waratahs in a grand final qualifier the following week.

While the YADS were frustrated with the setback, they had to quickly turn their attention back to the Milthorpe team they beat a couple of weeks ago. The depleted Barnies side was aiming to emulate that incredible 3-2 performance, but Milthorpe Tigers had other plans.



The U16 CYMS Green clinched a 4-3 win against Ex-Services Tigers U16s, confirming their spot in the grand final against Waratah Rebels. Good luck to all the grand finalists!

Waratah United punched their grand final ticket after edging out a 3-2 victory in extra-time against Cudal. United face Canobolas Rangers Pink for the trophy this weekend. Good luck to all the grand finalists!

Men’s Division One Final match-up between the Bulls and Trojans, the Bulls were victorious over the Trojans.



Club’s “Whittaker’s Contracting” claimed

Ex-Services comfortably beat Millthorpe Tigers (team 1) 3-0 to book a spot in the C-Grade Final. They will now battle it out with the Waratah Old Boys for silverware.



4th Division

Division 3: Old Ironsides thump Hawks Old Ironsides won the Division 3 premiership after cruising to a 48-13 victory against the Hawks. The Ironsides only lost one game in 2022 before claiming both the minor and major premiership.

Division 4: OAGS Smarties silverware

Orange’s Winter Basketball Competition wrapped up this week and OC Life photographer Henry DeRooy caught some of the action in Men’s and Women’s Division One finals on Monday night.

Senior Netball Grand Final Results

Sportspower Rap Gods defeated the Vipers 42-40 in a thrilling double extra time game to claim the Orange Toyota Women’s Division One

Basketball Finals

Division 2: OCNC Whittaker’s Contracting take down LS OrangeSportspowerCityNetball the Division 2 premiership defeating LS Sportspower 50-34. City secured minor and major silverware in 2022.

Orange CYMS cruised to a 2-0 win against Barnstoneworth United in last weekend’s preliminary final contest. The green-and-gold face Saints FC in this Saturday’s big dance.

Waratahs now know they will host Panorama FC in this Saturday’s Western Premier League grand final. Panorama clinched a 3-2 victory against Parkes Cobras in extra-time, booking their spot in the 2022 big dance. It looked like the Cobras were going to strike again with another penalty shootout, but a Panorama goal from the spot-kick was enough to seal the win for the Goats.


The Tahs have beaten the Bathurst side on two occasions this season, while Panorama defeated the Sky Blues back in Round 2. This weekend’s showdown kicks o at 3pm. Good luck to Waratahs!



Western Premier League

OAGS Smarties edged a 37-32 win against OCNC Mid West Multi Media to claim the Division 4 title. OCNC Mid West Multi Media, who eliminated the minor premiers, couldn’t conquer the competition’s major trophy.

Women’s Football

The U14 Barnies United side upset minor premiers Barnies Rangers U15s 1-0 in a Barnstoneworth derby. Barnies United will face the U15 CYMS Green in this Saturday’s grand final.



Waratah FC got the job done against Cowra Eagles with a 3-1 victory at Jack Brabham Park. Tahs FC will face Waratah United in an all-Sky Blues rivalry for the first division title.


Congratulations to all the champions!


The U13 Barnies United team booked their spot in the grand final after defeating CYMS Green 2-1 in the qualifier. With this victory, United take on CYMS Gold for the title.

Junior Orange Football Finals

to claim title

Senior Orange Football Finals Action

Last Saturday, Waratah “Blue” battled it out with Waratah “White” in a bid to secure a grand final date with Barnstoneworth. It was Waratah Blue who came out on top, claiming a comfortable 5-2 victory to secure their spot in this weekend’s Women’s Division grand final. Good luck to both sides fighting for the title!

Division 5: Orange United Ophirettes crowned champions Orange United Ophirettes claimed the Division 5 title, beating OCNC Orange Tenpin Bowl Tigers 44-30.


A relative latecomer to art, Jen’s interest had its beginnings in an adult education college in China, but it has only been in the last ten years that her love of painting has been reinvigorated.

Earlier this year, club members agreed to formally name the three club boats to recognise our local Wiradjuri culture.

• Ginday Manha (to have fun!)

The Club is always encouraging the local community to come and give dragon boating a try on Sunday mornings at the Lake.

Don’t forget this Saturday, September 24, a rare major peal will be rung at Holy Trinity Anglican Church to welcome the new rector to Orange.

The club asked Wiradjuri elder, Uncle Neil Ingram to assist in translating their suggested themes into Wiradjuri names:

Passion for andWiradjuriboating,dragonculture,PrideinSport

Uncle Neil performed a moving Welcome to Country and gum leaves were placed on the boats to represent a safe return to land.

Her subjects are mainly colourful birds, which she captures through her favourite medium, watercolour. Painting, for Jen, is a pleasant way to relax and reflect.

Members of the public are invited to listen to the peal which will be rung from 2pm, Saturday, September 24.

The naming ceremony took place on the western beach at Lake Canobolas with special guests including Orange Mayor Jason Hamling; Deputy Mayor Gerald Power; and Jason Fraser.

Friday, September 23 and Saturday, September 24, 10am to 2pm on both days at Kenna Hall, 84 Hill Street.

School Principal, Dr Andrew Parry, said the new facility provides a world-class base for Industrial Technology, and Design and Technology students at the school.

Club Chairperson, Darren Holdsworth, describes the dragon boat club as being “first and foremost, a true community group with all ages (11 and up), all genders, all beliefs, all abilities, making us a welcoming, diverse, and inclusive club”.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 22 — 28, 2022 47 YOUR SPACE reception@oclife.com.au Have something of interest to share?

Welcome bells ring this Saturday

New school technology centre opens at Kinross

Art is also in her family, and both Jen’s daughters are talented and accomplished artists.

This included an o cial “Naming of the Boats” ceremony and a “Come and Try” day which was supported by Pride in Sport.

“It’s a great way to spend a Sunday morning, there is no pressure, just enjoy the fresh air, a bit of exercise, and beautiful surroundings,” Darren said.

Images: Graham Schumann

All are welcome at the working bee which will be held to make items for the shoeboxes and pack shoeboxes. For more information contact Robyn Hicks on 0427653431

Local artist Jen Dong has chosen a unique way to celebrate her 89th birthday, officially launching an exhibition of her watercolour paintings at the Orange Art Society on September 25.

Considered the bell ringers equivalent of a marathon, a major peal involves bells being rung continuously in over 5,000 different sequences, without visual aids to guide the ringers, and typically takes three hours.

Born in 1933 in Tianjin, the seaport gateway to Beijing, Jen Dong (Chinese name, Dong Yuzhen) lived through the Japanese invasion and occupation during the Second World War as well as the civil war that followed, ending in 1949.

Kinross Wolaroi School recently o cially opened their new $2.5 million Technology Centre, holding an exhibition of HSC major works created in the new building.

• Gulbalanha Ngurra (meaning side-by-side at peace)

Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child working bee will be held on


Jen moved to Australia in 1993 and joined the Orange Art Society shortly after settling in Orange.

The official opening of the exhibition is being held at 2.30pm on September 25 to coincide with her 89th birthday, which is her 90th in the Chinese tradition.

Milestone birthdaymarked with art exhibition

The “Technology Centre for Metals and Engineering” boasts an industry standard fabrication workshop with MIG welders, cold saws, computer-controlled sheet metal guillotines and pan brake folders, and a new CNC plasma cutter.

For more information, go to their Facebook page: Pinnacle Dragons Orange Boat Club or, on Instagram: @orange_pinnacle_dragons

The best vantage point to hear the bells is said to be outside the church on the corner of Byng and Anson Streets.

Jen Dong’s work is currently on display at the Orange Art Society’s gallery, located in the Cultural Centre (access from Woolworths car park, opposite Harris Farm).

• Birdirbung (challenge)

Pinnacle Dragons Orange Boat Club recently combined a number of wonderful community initiatives at Lake Canobolas.

Opening the new technology centre at Kinross Wolaroi, local State Member, Phil Donato; School Principal, Dr Andrew Parry; and former Chair of the School Council, Christine McIntosh.

Sep 28: Brigitte Bardot, French actress, 88. Bob Carr, former NSW Premier, 75. Naomi Watts, actress, 54. Shane Webcke, footy player, 48. Stuart Clark , cricketer, 47. Hilary Du , US actress-singer, 35. 9safetyinspector,10palmof yourhand.


Sep 23: Julio Iglesias, Spanish crooner, 79. Eric Bogle, singer-songwriter, 78. Bruce Springsteen, ‘The Boss’, 73. Jason Alexander, George Costanza on Seinfeld, 63. Sarah Blasko, singer-songwriter, 46. Lote Tuqiri, league/union player, 43. Alyssa Sutherland, actress, 40. John Folau, rugby league player, 28.

Sep 26: Ian Chappell , cricketer, 79. Bryan Ferry British singer, 77. Linda Hamilton, US actress, 66. Andrew Bolt, columnist, The Bolt Report, 63. Steve Moneghetti, marathon runner, 60. Melissa Sue Anderson, Mary Ingalls on TV’s Little House on the Prairie, 60. Brett Climo, actor, 58. Daryl Beattie, motorcycle racer, 52. Serena Williams, US tennis player, 41.

Sep 27: Graham Richardson, politician turned political commentator, 73. John Marsden, author, 72. Ray Hadley, radio broadcaster, 68. Gwyneth Paltrow, US actress, 50. Avril Lavigne, Canadian singer, 38.

We have a voucher for Orange Tenpin Bowl valued at $60 to give away each week, so the family can go bowling!


Sep 24: Fiona Corke, Gail Robinson on Neighbours, 61. Collette Dinnigan, fashion designer, 57. Dean Canto, race car driver, 42. Ryan Briscoe, racing driver, 41.

To enter, simply find him, write your name and phone number on the back of an envelope, along with the page number you found him on, emails are also welcome at reception@oclife.com.au

sponsored by We have a $50 gift voucher to give away each week from Ashcroft’s Supa IGA. To enter, simply tell us your name and contact phone and what product features in the Ashcroft’s Supa IGA ad in this issue of OC Life. ENTRIES CLOSE EACH TUESDAY AT 12 NOON. sponsored by LOONEY LOTTO PLEASE NOTE: YOU NEED 1 X 7, 1 X 2 1 X 1, AND 1 X 8 TO WIN THIS WEEK DELIVER OR POST ENTRIES TO “LOONEY LOTTO” TO WIN: If you have a personal or business phone number with these 4 numbers appearing in any order within it, put in an entry and we’ll draw a winner from among all correct entries each week. WIN A GIFT VOUCHER FOR COFFEE AND CAKE, THANKS TO COCO'S 7218 Begin with the letters in the first column and match them up to the letters in the second and third columns. eg ANT-ELO-PE Theme: Animals Build-a-Word solution 363 Antelope, porcupine, giraffe,echidna, bandicoot, kangaroo, elephant, platypus. © australianwordgames.com.au 363 PORANTGIECBANKANELPLA CUPEPHRAFGATYHIDELODIC ROOOOTPUSNAPEINEANTFE


Each week we’ll hide a small version of "Pinny" (pictured) somewhere in OC Life. It could be anywhere.

Put in an entry and we’ll draw a winner from among correct entries each week.

BIRTHDAYS THIS WEEK WilliamsSerena TRIVIA TEST 1 Who is the author of “Schindler’s Ark”? 2 The meat-eating bulldog ant is found in which country? 3 In which US city is the Pentagon? 4 What does VCR stand for? 5 What does the word “Nullarbor” mean? 6 In shottionsport/recrea-whichisasplitused? 7 ontodid“backyard”WhoseweusedseeonTVaFridaynight? 8 What insect is the slang word for food? 9 What is Homer Simpson’s (pictured) occupation? 10 Where would you find your heartline? TQ653. SEE THE TV+ GUIDE FOR ANSWERS TRIVIA TEST ANSWERS #653 1 Thomas Keneally, 2 Australia, 3 Washington, 4 video cassette recorder, 5 no tree, 6 fishing, 7 Don Burke’s, 8 grub, 9 safety inspector, 10 palm of yourtosport/recrea-hand.seeonTV occupation? 10Wherewouldyoufindyour heartline? TQ653.SEETHETV+GUIDEFORANSWERS TRIVIATESTANSWERS#653 1ThomasKeneally,2Australia, 3Washington,4videocassetterecorder,5notree,6shing,fi7DonBurke’s, 8grub,

Sep 22: Kerri-Anne Kennerley, TV personality, 73. Debby Boone, US singer, 66. Nick Cave, singer-songwriter, 65. Joan Jett, rock singer, 64. Andrea Bocelli, Italian tenor, 64. Scott Baio, US TV actor, 62. Gladys Berejiklian, former NSW Premier, 52. Kate Ellis, politician, 45. Harry Kewell, soccer star, 44. Phil Waugh, rugby union player, 43. Billie Piper, British pop singer, actress, 40. Tom Felton, British actor, Draco Malfoy in the Harry Potter films, 35.

Sep 25: Robyn Nevin, actress, 80. Michael Douglas US actor, 78. Felicity Kendal, British actress, 76. Anson Williams, ‘Potsie’ on Happy Days, 73. Mark Hamill, Luke Skywalker in Star Wars, 71. Colin Friels, actor, 70. Heather Locklear, US actress, 61. Will Smith, US actor-singer, 54. Catherine Zeta-Jones, Welsh actress, 53. Robbie Mears, footy player, 48. Jessica Gomes, model, 37.

No. 050

6 What is unusual about the diet of a monophagous insect?

28 Shrink with fear (5)

4 Brings to life (8) Flow from (7)

Support for a column (8)

10 Happen (5)

5 US state (6)

3 Start of tennis point (5)




Starting with the seven-letter word, drop a letter and form a six-letter word. in this manner until you reach the single letter at the bottom. You can rearrange the




Today’s Reference:9-LetterFocus:Macquarie Dictionary Wed 2710 No. 050 No. 050Crossmath Insert each

3 In Nepal, what is Mount Everest known as?


5 Which 20th-century author’s notebooks were known as The Blue Octavo Notebooks?




10 In what year did the parliament of Western Samoa vote to simplify the country’s name to Samoa?


shaded squares to solve all the horizontal and vertical equations. subtraction.additionperformedandMultiplicationdivisionarebeforeand × + = 57 + ÷ + × = 5 × × × = 60 = = = 5 1 34 No. 050Drop

14 Abnormal conditions or infections (8)

8 Who was the secretary-generalfirst of the United Nations?

letters in each step, if necessary. There may be more than one possible answer.There may be more than one possible answer. LI BE DB DL AMER PL UG No. 050Edgeword Place each of the tiles of letters into the blank jigsaw below to create four six-letter words going across and down. Wordfind NORTHBRIDGEINDIANFREMANTLEBEACHHIGHGATEHOTHYDEPARKOCEANISOLATEDMATILDABAYSHARKSTIRLINGSUBIACOSUNNYSWANRIVERSWANVALLEY The leftover letters will spell out a secret message. Theme: Perth No. 0505x5 CFS AU AIE AE SSLInsert the missing letters to make 10 words – five reading across the grid and five reading down. SolutionsQUICKCROSSWORD SUDOKU 615738294 721643859 143876925 492561378 564987132 258394617 387429561 839215746 976152483 9-LETTER acute,cattle,celt,cleat,cleft, cult,cute,cutlet,eclat,facet,fact, fate,faucet,fault,feat,felt,flat, FLUCTUATE,flute,late,left,lute, tact,tactful,talc,tale,taut,teal, teat,tuft,tutu QUIZ 1.MarionSinclair2.1932 3.Sagarmatha4.12-14years 5.FranzKafka6.Iteatsonlyone kindoffood7.MickeyMouse 8.TrygveHalvdanLie9.Susan Barrantes10.1997 WORDFIND 5x5 Secretmessage: Farfromeverything PUzzLESANDPAGINATION © PAGEMASTERS P TY LTD | pagemasters.com ACFESAURRLARISEABLEDESLLS DROPDOWN WITCHEDITCHEDETHICITCHHITITTEDGEWORD BEDLAM,BEDBUG,UGLIER,AMPLER CROSSMATH 9 × + 8 6 = 57 + ÷ + 1 × 2 7 = 5 × 5 × × 3 4 = 60 = 5 1 34 WT I T C H E D 230922Dubbo & Orange PUZZLES…. PUZZLES…. PUZZLES….



20 Spacious and sumptuous (8) Requiring (7)


19 US president, Bill — (7) Come in (5)

Sudoku No. 050 15 294 749 14392 23 8 87 3 7 3 32 1 96 4 Fill in the blank cells using the numbers from 1 to 9. Each number can only appear once in each row, column and 3x3 block

Quick CrosswordQuiz

12 Nobel Prize-winning nun (6) Sketch (7)

2 Reduced (9)

17 Liberality (8)

7 More competent (5) Of the stomach (9) Employed (4) Release (9)

15 Time of the year (6) Entice (6)

24 Plaster ingredient (6) Heights (9)


2 And in what year was it written?

15 words: Good 23 words: Very good 31 words: Excellent number 1 9 the Down

16 Invigorating drug (9)


7 In 1928, Steamboat Willie was the first animated cartoon talking picture to star which character?

29 Roving adventurously (6) Iterated (8)

9 What was the name of Duchess of York Sarah Ferguson’s mother, who was killed in a car crash in 1998?



23 Divine beings (4) Provoke (5) Trudge (4)

4 What is the average lifespan of a meerkat (pictured)?

Using the nine letters in the grid, how many words of four letters or more can you list? The centre letter must be included and each letter may only be used once. No colloquial or foreign words. No capitalised nouns, apostrophes or plural words ending in “s”.

Forepart of a ship (4)

11 Emplaced (9)

1 Who wrote the Australian children’s classic Kookaburra Sits In The Old Gum Tree?




A service of celebration and thanksgiving for the life of Allan will be held at the Orange Funerals Chapel, 1 Cameron Place, Orange on Friday 23rd September, 2022 commencing at 12.00pm.


Passed away peacefully on the 16th September 2022. Loving Husband of Sue. Loving Father of Heath (deceased), Caleb and Jaclyn. Grandfather to Archie and Sammy. Cherished Brother of Doreen, Brenda, Naurelle and Eric (deceased). Remembered Cherished

72 years of age.

Relatives and Friends are respectfully invited to attend. Cameron Pl, Orange


Following the service, the cortege will proceed to the Orange City General Cemetery.

% 6360 1199 GAS HEATER - RINNAI AVENGER 25 LPG CONVECTION HEATER in good order, safer for kids (no external flames) $250 Phone: 0400 010 371 Orange Stamp Club “Fun and afternoon”Games For children 8 years + Indoor stamp related games 2-4pm 4th October 2022 Senior Citizens Hall Bookings and Enquiries Audrey 6362 0068 SEPTEMBER 25 SUNDAY ONLY - 9AM Household, camping, fishing, tools, lots more. MOVING AREA 161 WOODWARD ST, ORANGE PH: 0474 027 210

| SEPTEMBER 22 — 28, 2022 To book your ads simply phone and use your credit card or call into our office at Suite 3, 241 Lords Place, ORANGE CLASSIFIEDS CLOSE 12PM EACH FRIDAY • 24hr Emergency Service • Commercial & Residential Locks • Window Locks and Deadlocks • Master Keying and Restricted systems • Automotive and Computerised keys • Locally Owned and Operated for over 30 years Canobolas Locksmiths 169 March Street, Orange Call Ian: 0417 204 176 or Dale: 0417 491 936 keys4u@bigpond.com MASTER LICENSE NUMBER 407 966 923 24 Hour Mobile When you have lock Also deadlocks and window houses and cars supplied 151 Peisley St, Orange 6369 1222 Canobolas Locksmiths keys4u@bigpond.com WE FIX LOCKS!NEW 0421LOCATION861262 • From one wall to full house • New houses to repaints • Free quotes • Fully licensed and insured • Interior and Exterior • Specialising in Restora�on • Dulux Accredited 0447 002 193 LIC. No. 4558 We treat them all! COMPLETE EXTERNAL SPIDER TREATMENT House Exterior, Fences, Garden Sheds, Clothes Line etc! 25 Years Experience Eagle Eye Termite and Pest Control $199 CallCraigon PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES Philippa Mitchell Professional Bra Fitter By everywomenBrasMob:Appointment0499991650forallthroughstageoflife Call Victor PICTURE FRAMING saucedesign.com.au/framingShop New & DesignerRecycledClothingPh: 63600706 145 KITE STREET, ORANGE (THE OLD CINNABAR) OPEN TUES-FRI 10-5pm • SAT 10-3pm’ish Beautiful Designer Clothing, Shoes & Handbags. Frockwork has a Fabulous array of After Five Wear, Stunning Dresses for Weddings & Graduations. All Sizes & styles. GUITAR0458LESSONS096453$25 for half hour tuition TRADES&SERVICES PROUDLY SPONSORED BY Norman J. Penhall Funerals ORANGE & DISTRICT 6361 7777 or 6362 3751 Office & Chapel, 31-35 William Street, Orange Forever Colleen 6.5.1930 ~ 5.10.2018 Our precious memories keep you near As time pasts another year Treasured years we shared together Beautiful memories live forever Sadly missed and dearly loved Your families and Grand Children Sisters Ruth and Gail, Brother in law Paul and nieces and nephews Rest in Peace RonaldGarvinPatrick 07/12/53 – 26/09/12 RonaldGARVINPatrick 7.12.1953 ~ 26.09.2012 Beloved son of Margaret and Ron (deceased) Loved brother of Jennifer and Lynne Brother-in-law of Derek Adored Uncle of his nieces and nephews. Dearest Son it has been a long ten years since we lost you. It has left a gap in our hearts and lives, which can never be filled. Love Always Mum, Jenny and Lynne xxx Death Notice AllanSpicerBarry

ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 22 — 28, 2022 53 Lawn Mowing & Rubbish Removal ORANGE AND SURROUNDS 0417 706 613 CLASSIFIEDS 6361 3575 To book your ads simply phone and use your credit card or call into our office at Suite 3, 241 Lords Place, ORANGE CLASSIFIEDS CLOSE 12PM EACH FRIDAY ORANGE 23 Cameron Place ORANGE 0418 869 897 • From small to large jobs – one room to full house • Internal and External • New homes or repaints • CallMaintenanceGlenn 0467 599 668 ghbpaintingmaintenance@gmail.com &PAINTINGGHBMaintenance Lic. 330255C FAST RELIABLE SERVICE Over 25 years experience • Domestic • Rural • Commercial • New installations or maintenance Call Scott 0407 414 609 scott@sdselectrical.com.au BLIND SHUTTERS & AWNINGS HIGH QUALITY AT AN AFFORDABLE PRICE Most products carry a 5 - 25yr warranty BUDGET BLINDS & AWNINGS A local Orange business est. 2012 servicing the Central West Call Milissa for a free measure & quote 02 6369 0173 or 0437 10 60 60 www.bbao.com.au - info@bbao.com.au 0422 022 968 SABpainters@outlook.com IG-sabpainting22 3 Qualified Tradesmen 3 Free Quotes 3 Free Advice 3 Internal/External experienced builder SpecialiSing in... •Renovations • Kitchens • Restorations •General Maintenance G A & r l bruce Lic. No. 203054C Phone Geoff on 0427 422 816 E robynandbruceg@bigpond.com HorseCatteryKennelsagistment Dog DoggyWashDay Care Long term bookings info@springsideboarding.com.au www.springsideboarding.com.au 0438 270 374 • Undercover • Safe clean secure dog kennels for boarding use. • Individual exercise yards. Dog B&B Shangri La Amaroo Rd Molong 6366 8789 0447 468 789 Anywhere Skips “The mobile skip bin solution” We deliver. You fill. We empty. Fred Palmer 0447 966 838 Domestic Waste Specialist - Locally owned and operated, servicing Orange and surrounding areas Email: www.anywhereskips.com.auanywhereskips@gmail.com BUILDER For your: w Addition w New Home w Alteration or Heritage H 40 years experience H FOR ALL ENQUIRIES PHONE Max 0492 803 983 Lic: R79571 J K ADAMS ROOFING Call Jeff 0407 151 419 • Roof repairs Tile,Tin or Slate • Re-guttering and fascia • Re-roofing • Quality Leaf Screening Systems 40YRS EXPERIENCE LIC. 159748C Contact David on 0402 259 orangeonfarmbutchers@outlook.com891 Find us on Facebook OrangeOnFarmButchers For all your home-kill needs, we come to you. • Fully qualified butcher • We can butcher to your requirements • Servicing Orange and surrounds TRADES&SERVICESTRADES&SERVICES TRADES&SERVICES TRADES&SERVICESPETS&LIVESTOCK www.lindfieldgroup.com.au Call 6360 1136 Hot Water Systems Blocked Drains Leaking Taps Burst Pipes PLUMBING 0437 211 614 0417 904 328 Awesome THAI MASSAGE Thai Traditional Massage Swedish Massage Deep Tissue Massage Warm Coconut Oil Massage Thai Remedial Massage + Hot Stones Neck, Back, Head and Shoulders Discounts for pensioners and multiple bathrooms Reduced price for repeat business • Bathrooms • Showers • Patios • Laundry’s SAFER and NON-SLIP Tiled Floors WATERPROOFING w Bathroom Renovations w New Homes w Block Walls w Commercial and Residential Quality job at competitive rates Fully Licenced & Insured Work completed with a Warranty Certificate 0422 815 431 E: geoffshaz@gmail.comLicNo:271458C 0422 815 431 or 0428 614 178 Lic No: 271458 Call for quote Call James on james@green4lifeoz.com.au0428668754 • Solar Energy for your Home & Business • Experienced in-house Installers • Battery packages • Finance options available Helping Orange go Green CENTREPOINT ARCADE Shop 4, 226 – 232 Summer St 0419 979 773 REEL Memories • DVD’S Cult & Classic • Die Cast Cars etc • LP Records/45’s • Movie Posters etc • DVD Packages made up for Rental Libraries (Conditions apply) REEL MEMORIES 0417 313 494Call Malcolm: Specializing in general home and hobby farm maintenance You can trust us for prompt & quality work www.malhandyman.com.au SERVICESIRONING 0468 492 770 CALLMOWINGPETER0487139983 Gardening Gutters • Pruning • Rubbish Removal GEOFF GRANT | 0418 637 661 www.chemdryorange.com.au Locally owned and operated Orange and surroundings districts Deep-cleaning carbonation and proprietary products for Stains • High traffic patterns • Allergens • Pet Urine Do you have ELM LEAF BEETLES attacking your Elm Tree? 0421 480 750 call Douglas Arbor on Douglas Arbor has the solution to Elm Leaf Beetle Treatments


Sin – Really? Is that a thing?

Many think of sin as just a religious idea that we have all moved on from. But the truth is, if we don’t understand sin, we will never truly know ourselves. All of us, if we are honest, have to admit to doing things we hate to remember. We hurt others, sometimes in big ways. It’s then that our sin becomes painfully clear.

For some, guilt is a part of life. Some people are just plain broken by their wrongs. If the way we treat each other is at times so wrong, spare a thought for the way we treat God. Ignoring someone is one of the worst things we can do to a person. But this is how all of us treat God in some way. This is the heart of sin. If we could actually appreciate how we treat God, it would cause us the biggest guilt trip ever — which would be good news.


Why? Because God loves to welcome people who know they need forgiveness. It is only then that we realise we need God to forgive us and change us – which is what Jesus is all about.

TIME WARP with ORANGE AND DISTRIST HISTORICAL SOCIETY Photo courtesy CWD Negative Collection, Orange & District Historical Society. The society holds a working day at Heritage Cottage, 148 March Street, each Wednesday from 10.30am to 4pm (with a lunch break from 12-1.30pm). Members are available to answer enquiries at this time. With Greg Blanch 6361 3575 or email: tom@oclife.com.au CHEAPADS! Advertising packages from as little as $16 per week. Talk to the team today about our budget busting packages 6361 3575 or email: reception@oclife.com.au SERVICESIRONING 0468 492 770 CALLMOWINGPETER0487139983 Gardening Gutters Pruning Rubbish Removal FAST RELIABLE SERVICE Over 25 years experience • Domestic • Rural • Commercial • New installations or maintenance Call Scott 0407 414 609 scott@sdselectrical.com.au BUILDER For your: w Addition w New Home w Alteration or Heritage H 40 years experience H FOR ALL ENQUIRIES PHONE Max 0492 803 983 Lic: R79571 2cm $160advertona10 week plan That’s as little as $16 per week 3cm $230advertona10 week plan That’s as little as $23 per week 4cm $300advertona10 week plan That’s as little as $30 per week 5cm $380advertona10 week plan That’s as little as $38 per week

Western Stores hair clippers purposes

Sales of electrical hair-clippers surged at Orange’s Western Stores when the price of men’s haircuts increased from six shillings to seven shillings in August 1964. Here employee R McDonald demonstrates ‘do-it-yourself’ hair clippers to young Robert Hawkings and his mother. There was, however, resistance from some men and boys to having their hair cut by wives and mothers.

THUMBS UP to Tiffany and her staff at the Blayney and Villages Tourist Park who work tirelessly and are always friendly and helpful.

THUMBS UP to the Calare Domestic Violence group, you are doing great work and the community can see it. Keep on making a difference and don’t give up!

THUMBS UP to Lance and the Leaf Cafe team for their awesome and friendly customer service and amazing coffee.

THUMBS UP to “Helen A” at Petrie’s Mitre 10 for helping us find everything we needed to fix our small home projects. Personalised service at its best. By the way, the bath plug fit perfectly! We appreciate your service.

THUMBS UP to the Leaf Cafe for their support and promotion of R U Okay Day.

THUMBS UP to the amazing cast, crew, and staff at the Public Schools Orange Performing Arts Showcase last night. What a fantastic event, well-organised, and expertly executed! I can only imagine the hours of time and energy put in by the dedicated teachers and staff in planning, rehearsing, and running the show. My kid was performing, and he had a blast. Bravo!

THUMBS DOWN to the people who still insist on parking in the “Disabled” spot at Anytime Fitness.

THUMBS DOWN to a postie in east Orange who doesn’t push the mail right inside the box, especially on rainy days.

THUMBS DOWN to Orange Council for making a mess of Emu Swamp Road in a poor attempt at fixing the actual problem.

mature than my kitten counterparts. I am dignified and regal....and also love running around like crazy chasing toys.....ok maybe I am still working on the dignified thing. I can be a little uncertain at first however I PET of the week... Hello hello hello human. My name is Maggie and I am here trying to find the right forever home for myself, do you think you might be up to it? quickly become comfortable and make any home my own, which I would be happy to share with you of course. I do have some restrictions this is to make sure that the right home is found. My restrictions are, ○ Quiet home ○ Low tolerance to handling ○ Only animal ○ No children So come and give me a pat and see if I am the cat for you. I am only $200 to adopt, but the lifetime of love comes for free. Love Maggie xXx Adoption Application shelter/we-are/locations/shelters/orange-https://www.rspcansw.org.au/who-

THUMBS DOWN Ploughmans Wetlands Care Group and Orange City Council, are as silly as each other! Migratory birds from Asia, seriously? Fix the roads, forget temporary fencing. What an absolute joke!

THUMBS UP to the two ladies who do breakfast for the children at Calare School five days a week. am much more

THUMBS UP to the wonderful staff at Blooms Chemist for exceptional care, especially Melanie.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 22 — 28, 2022 55 THUMBS EMAIL: reception@oclife.com.au | FACEBOOK: inbox “orangecitylife” | SMS 0459 022 084 this is a text only number standard SMS rates apply The Thumbs represent thoughts and opinions of readers and do not necessarily reflect those of Orange City Life. Every care is taken not to publish thumbs that are considered derogatory or defamatory in nature . Please note that thumbs may be edited for clarity, space or legal reasons.

A BIG THUMBS DOWN to the thoughtless, careless, four-wheeldrivers leaving rubbish and destroying our beautiful nature reserves with their reckless driving by churning up and muddying the picnic areas near Mount Canobolas. Help keep Orange beautiful and pick up your rubbish when you leave, and have some respect for nature!

A BIG THUMBS UP to the President and Committee of the Spring Terrace School Bush Dance held on Saturday. What a wonderful event. The children are a credit to their parents and school. Great music, and the steak sandwiches, cakes, and slices were delicious.

THUMBS UP to John who played a delightful flute in the Hospital Chapel while our 98-year-old mother was undergoing surgery. Thank you.

A BIG THUMBS UP to the very kind young man who helped us with our two very full trolleys when we were walking from Coles out to the carpark. He helped us unpack the groceries into our car, returned our trollies to the trolley bay, then returned the coins back to us. I thanked you on the day, but now I am thanking you again. It was very much appreciated.

THUMBS UP To Phil Donato for hosting the barbecue for men’s mental health of a Sunday Morning at Cook Park. Whatever the weather, a good number turn up to stand around and talk while eating one of Phil’s fantastic sausage sandwiches, thank you Phil!

Introducing Maggie! Scan QR Code 71 William St, Orange NSW 6362 https://www.rspcansw.org.au6171 I am a wonderful cat who Came to the RSPCA for a second chance at finding my forever home. Being a cat, I

THUMBS UP a big thank you to all the staff on the fourth floor of the Bloomfield Medical Centre/Orange Private Hospital. An extremely kind and caring team. Your kindness was appreciated.

FOR MORE INFO CONTACT CINEMA ODEON 5 MOVIE CLUB - $20 PER YEAR, AND ALL MOVIES (EX 3D) ARE THEN DISCOUNTED TIMES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE • BOOKINGS RECOMMENDED Parking available at rear, enter March or Byng Streets • ALL CINEMAS HAVE WHEELCHAIR ACCESS 43 WILLIAM ST ORANGE • 6362 0213 (ADMIN) SUBSCRIBE AT WWW.ODEON5.COM.AU TO HAVE PROGRAMME EMAILED WEEKLY. *HEARING/VISUAL IMPAIRED EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE Programme for Thurs 22nd to Wed 28th September 2022 ONLINE BOOKING IS PREFERRED ACCEPTED HERE redeem your vouchers for OdeCinema gift cards. ������ only redeem PARENT VOUCHERS EXPIRING OCTOBER SAT, SUN 4.45 DAILY 10.00 150 MINS 102 MINS 102 MINS MINIONSTHERISEOFGRUMOONAGEDAYDREAM DAILY 10.30, 1.00, 3.30 PAWS OF FURY THE LEGEND OF HANK AVATAR 117 MINS $10TIX DAILY 10.00 THUR, MON, TUES, WED 5.00, 8.00 FRI 4.45, 8.00 SAT, SUN 8.00 ORPHANFIRSTKILL 115 MINS PHOTO ID REQUIRED MONSTERSLITTLE THUR, SAT, SUN, MON, TUES, WED 12.15, 8.30 FRI 12.15 DAILY 10.45, 6.15 THE CHILDRENRAILWAYRETURN AFTERHAPPYEVER 102 MINS Thurs 22 nd 3.15, 8.30 Fri 23 rd 3.15, 8.15 Sat 24 th 3.15, 8.30 Sun 25 th 3.15, 8.30 Mon 26 th 3.15, 8.30 Tues 27 th 3.15, 8.30 Wed 28 th 3.15, 8.30 103 MINS 102 MINS Thurs 22 nd 2.30, 5.30 Fri 23 rd 2.30, 5.30 Sat 24 th 2.30, 5.30 Sun 25 th 2.30, 5.30 Mon 26 th 2.30, 5.30 Tues 27 th 2.30, 5.30 Wed 28 th 2.30, 5.30 122 MINS FALL 102 MINS Thurs 22 nd 10.15, 1.00, 3.45, 6.00 Fri 23 rd 10.00, 12.30, 3.00, 6.00, 7.00 Sat 24 th 10.15, 1.00, 3.45, 6.00 Sun 25 th 10.15, 1.00, 3.45, 6.00 Mon 26 th 10.15, 1.00, 3.45, 6.00 Tues 27 th 10.15, 1.00, 3.45, 6.00 Wed 28 th 10.15, 1.00, 3.45, 6.00 121 MINS DC LEAGUE SUPERPETSOF 114 MINS 109 MINS BODIESBODIESBODIES DAILY 1.00 117 MINS 110 MINS 102 MINS Thurs 22 nd 12.30, 3.00, 5.30, 8.00 Fri 23 rd 12.30, 3.00, 5.30, 8.00 Sat 24 th 12.30, 3.00, 5.30, 8.00 Sun 25 th 12.30, 3.00, 5.30, 8.00 Mon 26 th 12.30, 3.00, 5.30, 8.00 Tues 27 th 12.30, 3.00, 5.30, 8.00 Wed 28 th 12.30, 3.00, 5.30, 8.00 119 MINS TICKET PARADISETO 2D FRI, SUN, TUES 7.30 3D THURS, SAT, MON, WED 7.30 REBORNCREEPERSJEEPERS PHOTO ID REQUIRED CTC

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