beautifu l sighton a grey day’
Orange City Life reader Jane Heard sent us this photo of the stunning floral display in Cook Park on what was a wet weekend day. “It was a beautiful sight on such a grey day, and thought I would share it,” Jane wrote to us. We agreed and decided to share it with you all!
2 ORANGE CITY LIFE | OCTOBER 13 — 19, 2022
Thank you to our Sponsors:
Orange City Life is grateful to the following sponsors for their ongoing support over many years. These sponsorships, among others things, have enabled us to bring our readers a lot more enjoyment to our publications than would otherwise be possible. In return, we ask you to please support them as often as you’re able.
Thank you for once again picking up our little magazine! We all work hard to get it to you each week
we hope you continue to enjoy it!
It’s hard to believe we are almost halfway through October already, but the
on display makes it all very real. I don’t know about you, but something feels wrong, living here in Australia and planning for Christmas when we’re barely left winter behind.
There’s still lots happening in and around Orange and I’m sure there’ll be plenty of people to get out as the weather warms – I certainly am!
We heard that our local RSPCA shelter just might have had inquiries about the beautiful one-year-old BullMasti crossbreed “Melba” who featured on our cover last week. Here’s hoping she’s found herself a good home, but we will let you know for sure.
And if you are looking for a special four-legged friend, why don’t you get in touch with the Orange shelter; you may just nd your perfect companion.
Until next week,
Rain no deterrent for young entrepreneur Thomas...
ORANGE CITY LIFE | OCTOBER 13 — 19, 2022 3
General disclaimer: Whilst every care is taken in preparing this publication, we cannot be held responsible for errors or omissions. The publisher accepts no responsibility for letters, notices and other material contributed for publication. The submitter accepts full responsibility for material, warrants that it is accurate, and indemnifies the publisher against any claim or action. All advertisers, including those placing display and classified or advertorial material, warrant that such material is true and accurate and meets all applicable laws and indemnifies the publisher against all liabilities that may arise from the publication of such material. Opinions expressed in the publication are not necessarily those of the publisher. Senior Journalist, David Dixon, accepts responsibility for election comment. Articles contain information of a general nature – readers should always seek professional advice relevant to their particular circumstances. Complaints: Orange City Life has a policy of correcting mistakes promptly. If you have a complaint about published material, contact us in writing. If the matter remains unresolved, you may wish to contact the Australian Press Council. © Copyright 2022 Orange City Life Pty Ltd. Copyright in all material – including photographs and ads – is held by Orange City Life Pty Ltd or its providers and must not be reproduced in any form without prior written permission from the Publisher. Printed for the publisher at the News Print Centre, 26-52 Hume Highway, Chullora 2190. Published by Orange City Life Pty Ltd ABN 14 649 575 333 Spirit WE CAPTURE THE OF ORANGE Suite 3/241 Lords Place ORANGE 02 6361 3575
increasing amount
Christmas merchandise
Are you shopping for your dream home? Don’t miss this week’s “Open Houses” 02 6361 4155 1/202 Anson Street Orange Whether your Investment Property is vacant or currently leased, you can make the switch to OPM+ now. Making the switch is free & easy, with no hidden fees, only exceptional service. Our Agency is property management focused with 40+ years Real Estate Industry, knowledge, training & experience. NOT BIGGER, BETTER! WED TO SAT 4PM-8PM 0401 072 027 Check our Facebook for the Menu 37 William Street ORANGE | Ph 6362 8611 Pauls @ CoCos DINE IN OR TAKEWAY Pizzas ~ Wings ~ Pasta ~ Chips ~ DimSim CoCo’s CAFE Monday to Friday 6.30 – 4.00pm Saturday 7am – 1pm Closed Public Holidays 37 William Street ORANGE Ph 6362 8611 Delicious! Best known for their delicious fresh food burgers, coffee and yummy desserts. With both daily & weekly specials they have something to tickle your taste buds. CoCo’s offers a wide range of gluten free, home cooked meals, all day breakfast and catering available, eat in or take way. Portuguese chicken Salad wraps Poached Eggswith Avo smash and yogurt Berry muesli Black Bean Vegetable Burger with Sweet Potato Crisp Pumpkin Fetta Tart Sweet potato fish cake with seeded pumpkin fetta salad GET OUR MEAL DEAL $50 2 Pizzas, Barramundi Bits & 1.25 litre Soft Drink PAGE 8 PAGE 37 Contents
Sobriety and happiness go hand in hand for Marianne
Marianne Olk doesn’t remember ever having a healthy relationship with alcohol. Finally coming to terms with her addiction at the age of 38, she says the years since have been the best of her life and she is now on a mission to help others on their journey to sobriety.
“I always felt that I needed to drink more than everybody else,” says Marianne. “It’s like kind of all or nothing, always, from a really young age.”
A chef by trade, Marianne says that even as a 16-year-old apprentice, drinking and getting drunk was just a normal part of the hospitality industry culture, but for her, alcohol soon became all-consuming.
“I was a functioning alcoholic for a really long time. I held down a full-time job. I had three kids. We had a five-acre hobby farm — all that sort of stuff… then there just came a point where I felt like I needed to drink all the time,” she says.
“I felt like I needed to drink alone. I felt like I needed to hide alcohol because I was embarrassed about drinking more than everybody else and it’s just… it’s an illness.”
Even being hospitalised following a vehicle accident didn’t slow down her drinking for very long.
“My blood alcohol level was .23, which is
very high range, but because my body had built up such a resistance to alcohol, I could act normal under the influence of alcohol,” recalls Marianne.
“Basically, I didn’t drink for five months, but I was a nutcase… and the day I went to court I decided I was going to drink again because I just couldn’t stand feeling like that in my head and I probably went on about another 12-month bender.”
But then one day, she says, it was like a switch clicked into place and she came to the realisation that the drinking had to end.
“It was either give up drinking or I was gonna die, pretty much,” she says. “And I was very, very fortunate to have the support of my friends and family and I did a detox and rehab program and I haven’t had a drink since.”
Thirteen years later, Marianne is happier and healthier than she has ever been.
Working in mental health and about to complete her training as a registered nurse, she is determined to help others in their own battle with the bottle.
“I basically just want to help people… I just want to make people aware that it’s no shame in admitting that you have a problem with alcohol — and there is help out there,” she says.
“I have nothing against drinking. I just want to help people who develop alcohol use disorder — and there’s quite a lot of people in Australia that probably have that issue.
“There’s just people who just shouldn’t drink and I wish I had realised earlier, but it took me
that long, and that’s okay.”
Marianne has spent the last two years writing a book — Me, My Drunk and I: Coming to terms with the reasons why you shouldn’t drink and finding your true happiness — in which she shares some of her own stories along with self-help strategies to help others on the journey to sobriety.
“You can’t just give up drinking and think everything’s gonna be okay because it doesn’t work like that,” says Marianne.
“It’s taken a really long time of working on myself, working on my self-esteem, the shame and stigma attached to people who have a drinking problem…
“I’ve had to change my whole life. I lost 20 kilos. Before I didn’t exercise; now I exercise, I eat healthy… People just don’t realise that it can have a really detrimental effect on your mental health if you just stop drinking, but you don’t do anything else to change life in a holistic way.”
Marianne will be launching Me, My Drunk and I at the Orange City Library next Thursday, October 20 at 5.30pm.
You can register for the event by visiting, but if you would like to remain anonymous, that’s okay too, Marianne says.
“It’s for people who feel like they need help,” she says. “I’m not trying to flog books, if they want to buy them, that’s good…if you want to just come along and have a chat, I’m completely open to it.”
4 ORANGE CITY LIFE | OCTOBER 13 — 19, 2022 OCLife | community life
...It was either give updrinking or I was gonna die, pretty much...
Hemp, new tech and live music at
The Australian National Field Days are readying for a bumper crowd at this year’s three-day event starting next Thursday, October 20.
Australia’s oldest annual agricultural exhibition, the ANFD, is preparing to make a big return after its two most recent COVID-cancelled years.
“So this is actually the 69th eld day, yet 71 years the event’s been going,” Australian National Field Days Manager, Jayne West, explained.
Before the global pandemic upturned our lives, Jayne said, there had only been one other occasion that had halted the three-day annual event.
“There was another time when they had a big storm and they missed one day, because power lines were down overnight… but the event went ahead for
the rst two days,” Jayne said, immensely relieved to see Field Days back at their Borenore base.
“We’re a non-pro t organisation,” she added. “So not to be able to have funding coming in… not being able to run events, or anything at all to generate income, was really tough on the committee and the event itself. So, it’s good to be back!”
Exhibitors have also been enthusiastic about the Field Days’ return and more than 500 had booked their place when Orange City Life spoke to Jayne last week.
But Jayne said the phones have been ringing “o the hook” these past few weeks.
“In the last two weeks, there’s been a rush like I’ve never seen of late bookings from new companies that we’ve never had before. So that’s really exciting for us,” Jayne said.
“Things like fencing equipment, drones obviously is a big one…. we’ve had some of our livestock exhibitors go bigger in sites
because they bring in more crushers, more panels, more gates and things. We’ve had some feed companies come on… tanks have been big.
“We always have our general interests, so plants and socks and re pits and gardening equipment. We’ve also got children’s entertainment: camel rides and the petting zoo… So there’s a little bit of everything, for everyone. We try to cater for everyone in the family.”
The Feature Exhibit of the Field Days this year is hemp, Jayne said, with the Australian Industrial Hemp Alliance keen to generate more interest in this versatile crop.
“We’re talking about hemp that’s used in building blocks, hemp that’s used in ropes, clothing, your medicines, your lip balms and cosmetics,” she said.
“We’re also talking about hemp being used for stock feed… it’s a new crop to this area and these guys are keen to get farmers on board.”
A new addition to the eld days schedule this year, is a Friday night concert giving exhibitors and the public the opportunity to meet and mingle in a more relaxed atmosphere.
“We’ve been given some money by Newcrest Mining to host a concert on the Friday night,” Jayne said.
“So we’re gonna have the Mickey Pye band playing from 5–8pm on Friday and, if you’re in here for the day, your ticket covers that concert that night.”
Another change for this year is that all tickets must be purchased online.
“We will have one cash gate, so we’re promoting online to buy your tickets before the event,” Jayne said, adding that ticket sales have been strong already.
The Field Days will also be running a courtesy bus, which will depart the Orange Visitors Information Centre each day of the event at 9am, 10am, and 11am and return, departing from the “Blue” car park at 3pm, 4pm, and 5pm.
ORANGE CITY LIFE | OCTOBER 13 — 19, 2022 5 community life | OCLife ENROLLING NOW for Kinder 2023. Bletchington Public School 02 6362 3422 Matthews Ave ORANGE NSW 2800 Kinder orientation dates: Monday 14 November until Friday 25 November 2022
To purchase tickets or for more information, visit
On your bikes, ladies! Spring Social Ride puts the focus on women’s health
Local cycling clubs have partnered to put on a free Spring Social Ride for women of all ages and abilities on Sunday, October 23.
No matter your ability, nor your bike type, the Orange Cycle Club, Orange Mountain Bike Club and Orange Bicycle Users Group are encouraging you to dust o your bike and join them for a social, fun day out.
Starting and nishing at the Bloom eld Country Club, women will have their choice of two ride options: one, along quiet roads and cycle paths suited for road or hybrid bikes, or a more challenging gravel ride suited to hybrid, gravel or mountain bikes.
“It doesn’t matter if it’s been a while since you last rode a bike, as long as you have one and a helmet, there will be people to help and assist you along the way”, said Sue Bonar, Orange Cycle Club coach and ride leader with the Orange Bicycle Users Group.
“We're just getting women out to
have some fun and meet some other women,” Sue said. “And, with the clubs, providing information about opportunities that can help them, like supported rides, to help them keep riding.”
A liated with the national cycling promotional body Ride Nation’s “She Ride” program, the idea is to encourage more women to take up cycling and provide a support network to keep them on the roads and cycle paths.
“We have run some programs for women over many years and we just wanted the opportunity to touch base with women who’ve participated in previous programs as well as opened it up to new women that are interested in taking up cycling,” Sue said.
“It's supported, it's showing women where good places to ride, linking up with other women, riding together… social connections.”
Prior to the ride, Sue said club members will conduct a guided bike safety check, making sure the women's bikes are safe, and showing them how to do that for themselves.
And on their return to the Country Club, there will be complimentary refreshments and an information session focusing on women’s health.
Given that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, riders are also being asked to wear something Pink in support.
“We've got a dietitian and a physio joining us and we'll be providing some women's health speci c information,” Sue said, adding that there will be a ra e and opportunity to donate to breast cancer charity, the McGrath foundation.
All women over the age of 18 are invited to take part in the Spring Social Ride starting at the Bloom eld Country Club at 10am on Sunday, October 23.
To register, simply visit and search for “Orange” to nd the event link.
Or scan the QR code here:
‘Think before you throw’: letter campaign to curb recycling contamination
The alarming amount of recycling ending up in land ll due to contamination has seen Orange City Council launch a new education campaign.
Contamination occurs when non-recyclable products or substances end up in the yellow recycling bins. This has the potential to ruin an entire batch of recycling and poses a health and safety risk to workers.
In an e ort to lower contamination rates, Council has launched an education campaign on recycling for residents and will issue letters to residents who repeatedly contaminate their recycling bins.
A fourth contamination notice may even result in residents having their recycling bin, warned Council.
The best way to ght against recycling contamination was by educating residents and informing them about the process, said Orange City Council Environmental Sustainability Policy chair, David Mallard.
‘’Residents don’t aim to contaminate and ruin a whole batch, but they can if not properly informed. By recycling, residents are doing their part for the community and the environment,”
Cr Mallard explains.
“The letters sent to residents are friendly reminders and aim to educate residents on recycling and how to avoid contamination.”
Council wishes to remind residents that recycling bins only accept household items such as aerosols, aluminium or steel cans, paper and cardboard, glass bottles and jars, and plastic bottles. All food and liquids must be emptied from containers.
Nappies, plastic bags, textiles, toys or disposable co ee cups can contaminate recycling and cause it all to end up in land ll.
If you are unsure about what can be put in the yellow recycling bin, visit Council’s website or call the Council Waste Hotline on 1300 725 415.
6 ORANGE CITY LIFE | OCTOBER 13 — 19, 2022 OCLife | community life WED TO SAT 4PM-8PM 0401 072 027 Check our Facebook for the Menu 37 William Street ORANGE | Ph 6362 8611 Pauls @ CoCos DINE IN OR TAKEWAY Pizzas ~ Wings ~ Pasta ~ Chips ~ DimSim CoCo’s CAFE TRADING HOURS Monday to Friday 6.30 – 4.00pm Saturday 7am – 1pm Closed Public Holidays 37 William Street ORANGE Ph 6362 8611 Delicious! Best known for their delicious fresh food burgers, coffee and yummy desserts. With both daily & weekly specials they have something to tickle your taste buds. CoCo’s offers a wide range of gluten free, home cooked meals, all day breakfast and catering available, eat in or take way. Portuguese chicken Salad wraps Poached Eggswith Avo smash and yogurt Berry muesli Black Bean Vegetable Burger with a Sweet Potato Crisp Pumpkin Fetta Tart Sweet potato fish cake with seeded pumpkin fetta salad GET OUR APP SAVE TIME ORDER ONLINE MEAL DEAL $50 2 Pizzas, Barramundi Bits & 1.25 litre Soft Drink 1/256 Anson Street, Orange NSW 2800 02 6360 1884 Hear the difference YOUR LOCAL INDEPENDENT HEARING CENTRE KAY MCINTOSH AUDIOLOGIST • Diagnostic Hearing Assessment • Excellent Hearing Aid Fittings • Superior level of client service • Valuable ongoing support • Latest technology • All manufacturers • Private and Australian Government Hearing Services Program clients • Employment / Pilot Testing ALL STAFF COVID19 VACCINATED You can use your PARENTS VOUCHERS
Musical launch a tribute TO PRIEST AND SCHOLAR, FR TIM
Musical tribute to a much-loved Blayney Parish priest saw the launch of a special CD at Church of the Immaculate Conception at Carcoar last Friday.
Father Tim Cahill died in January last year after a long struggle with cancer, but left behind a wonderful legacy at the historic 1870 church — a beautiful, fully restored original pipe organ.
A classical music collection that was inspired by Fr Tim, was unveiled at the service with organists and choristers from the Bathurst Diocese performing a number of wonderful hymns for the two-dozen attendees.
“This wonderful collection of music, A Song For Mary, is a tting tribute to Fr Tim and all that he contributed to the parish, not just with his pastoral care, but culturally and socially,” lifelong friend and colleague, Fr Paul Devitt said.
Raised in Wellington and trained at the St Patrick’s College Seminary at Manly (along with former Prime Minister, Tony Abbott), Fr Tim had a lifelong love of learning, culture, travel, theology, as well as being an epicurean who loved ne food and wine.
At a time when many small country parishes are seeking to save costs by removing traditional features such as pews, organs, and religious icons, Fr Tim spearheaded the campaign to restore the church with the purchase of traditional pews from other parishes, and rehabilitating the unique pipe organ.
Built in 1890 by English manufacturer Alfred Kirkland, this is the only organ of its make in Australia still in its original condition.
“It’s also the only one of these organs that was put together on-site, in Carcoar, so it was essentially built here,” Fr Devitt said after the service.
“We then had it restored by Campbell Hargreaves of Melbourne, who did a fantastic job… you only have to listen to it, to
know that,” he added.
Although another of Kirkland’s organs still exists in Western Australia, this has been altered over the years during repair and maintenance work.
“This one here is basically in its original condition, right down to the hand pump for the bellows,” Fr Paul added.
This CD is the rst time that the 2014 restored organ has been used for recording songs, sounding much as it would have done after its construction. This is because the organ is one of only two still existing in NSW that is still totally mechanical with its original hand-blowing apparatus.
As well as traditional Gregorian chants, A Song For Mary also contains works by Johann Sebastian Bach, George Handel, Mozart, along with a number of traditional Psalms and carols.
The inclusion of several “Marian” hymns, recognises that the 150-year-old church has St Mary as its patron and is also a shrine to her.
Dedication on the CD cover described Fr Tim as: “a multilingual historian and musician who happily advised and argued the ner points of and corrected pronunciation of Latin, Italian, and French phonetics.”
Special mention in the notes, also went to Pastor de Lasala (OAM) for his work in mastering the nal recordings and for obtaining funding support from the Organ Historical Trust of Australia.
Consultant for the restoration, Pastor de Lasala went as far as contacting two historical churches in England to obtain photos of almost identical organs to help in the rehabilitation project.
“This CD is a tribute to Fr Tim who worked very hard to restore this organ through the many fundraising concerts he organised and which he took part,” Pastor de Lasala said in explanatory notes with the CD.
“Thanks are also due to a host of donors and supporters whose e orts resulted in an age-worn organ given a new lease of life for the next century,” he concluded.
ORANGE CITY LIFE | OCTOBER 13 — 19, 2022 7 community life | OCLife Where our customers are the heart of the community ASHCROFT’S Our range of ready made soups are worth trying... They’re delicious! Delicious Soups “Where our customers are the heart of the community” Our range of ready made soups areworth tryng.. they’re delicious! Delicious Soups SORE TIRED PAINFUL FEET? SEE A PODIATRIST TODAY PODIATRIST Patrick Raftery 121 Sale St Orange 6362 1453 Book your appointment now PENSIONER RATES AVAILABLE Home Visits by Appointment only Visiting Cowra & Canowindra MEDICARE REFERRALS VETERAN AFFAIRS REFERRALS ACCEPTED The VicToria hoTel 336 Summer St, Orange | Tel 6362 6386 WHAT’S ON AT THE VIc... POKER TUESDAY from 7pm SATURDAY from 3.30pm Registration on arrivalTHIS SUNDAY 2ND OCTOBER $3000 gtd $30 buy-in (60K) $30 lifeline (40k) $30 add-on (60K) 29TH OCTOBER 4PM START Registration on the day 3pm SUNDAY 2ND OCTOBER FREE ENTRY 8PM-LATE FRIDAY 14 OCTOBER Pete Naylor FREE ENTRY 8.30PM-LATE SATURDAY 15 OCTOBER melbourne cup 3 Course Luncheon & Entertainment Limited Bookings
Launch of a CD at Carcoar’s Church of the Immaculate Conception was in honour of much-loved Blayney Parish priest, Fr Tim Cahill.
Young entrepreneur Thomas Karrasch wasn’t going to let a little inclement weather rain on his parade.
Orange City Life spotted 10-year-old Thomas selling his homemade wooden wares on what was a very soggy Wednesday morning last week.
Seemingly unphased by the steady falling rain, Thomas had hung his shingle on the front fence of his grandparent’s Woodward Street home, laying out an assortment of wooden toy boats, walking sticks and woodworking tools under a large umbrella.
“I’m doing a woodwork shop, where I’m selling toys, these boats that I made… walking sticks,” Thomas said, explaining that he made them with his grandfather in his workshop.
“I made $47,” he continued, although that had been the previous day, during much kinder weather conditions.
“He’s always building or thinking,” Grandmother Helen said. “During these school holidays, Thomas designed a swimming pool for our back garden… he
Rain no deterrent for entrepreneurial Thomas
paced it all out and put timber down to mark the size of the pool, and put a diving board on one end.”
During another school holiday, she said, Thomas had designed his own cubby house, working out what timber and
materials he’d need and estimating the building costs.
Then, with Grandpa Roger (a retired architect) they’d “submitted” the plans to be approved by Council.”
Hearing all this, Orange City Life asked
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whether Thomas had aspirations to go into the building trade, or perhaps become an architect like his grandfather?
“No, I’m going to be a dietician and, hopefully, an Olympic mogulist [snow skiing],” Thomas said.
“Yeah, he just won… he’d entered a race for 11’s and under and he only just turned 10,” Helen said.
“I was the youngest there and I was nine,” Thomas said.
“I think he has Olympic aspirations as his father was an Olympian,” Helen explained.
In fact, Haimish Karrasch was a dual Olympian rower at the 1996 Athens and 2000 Sydney games, and eight-time Australian national champion.
“So he’s very sporty, loves sport,” she continued.
So why become a dietician?
“It helps mental health and other people’s health. If they are having trouble picking the right food for what health they need, I could help when I’m a dietician,” Thomas answered thoughtfully, pausing before continuing a little more pragmatically:
“And it makes a lot of money.”
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ORANGE CITY LIFE | OCTOBER 13 — 19, 2022 9
The goodenough parent
with Emily Thompson Good-enough
Most of the time I proudly stand “good enough”. You know, loving my children, having a successful career and still managing to produce meals and clean clothes when needed. But there are de nitely moments when I feel like I’m falling short.
This morning is Miss Eight’s rst proper swimming lesson. That alone is enough to make me feel guilty, but having lessons cancelled during lockdown combined with our decision to keep her away until she could be vaccinated means she’s missed formal lessons until now.
We have decided to also put her in the wonderful school-based lessons. The instructions from the school said to send them wearing swimmers underneath uniforms in the morning, and add a towel and clothes to change into in a plastic bag. So I did, placing them in a reusable shopping bag.
Unfortunately at drop-o this morning I quickly realised that all the other kids had a “swimming bag” in beautiful colours and patterns and Miss Eight had a Coles bag with her name on it in pink sharpie. Now, I am a huge fan of the “reduce and reuse” part of sustainability and there’s a good chance that even HAD I known about the “swimming bag” thing I still might have chosen this option rather than bring more plastic into the world. But driving away this morning I felt like I’d let her down.
I’ve also been dreading the return to “term routine” after a two-week break with “Fun Dad” home every day. It’s been lots of late nights, screen time and fun little outings. Last week, Miss 13 and I even escaped for a night to a local hotel (thank you family vouchers!) while Miss Eight stayed home with Dad. They ordered in kebabs and stayed up until 1am watching movies, so it’s been a hard few days getting into a decent bedtime routine again.
Let me be very clear about this. I, like most mums, don’t enjoy being the boring rule enforcer. I’d love to be the fun parent too, but as I still work from home and Dad starts early, mornings fall to me, so enforcing bedtimes also falls to me. I don’t even know how I got the job of making sure they eat enough vitamins to not die from scurvy, but here we are.
And, sometimes this love-based rule enforcement comes out as nagging.
It came to a head this morning as I nagged them to put shoes on so they wouldn’t be late for school as I made sure that lunch and library bags and after-school activities were sorted but then packed THE WRONG SWIMMING BAG!
Still, the kids were excited because Daddy said he’d take them both to play golf after school and so, as I drove o , I decided that happy and healthy kids were okay — I was never going to win them all.
However, this afternoon Miss Eight was showing me her library book and mentioned it had stayed dry because her shopping bag kept swimmers and towels separate while her friend got a wet book and I felt pretty good!
Then, reading the Pikachu book she’d chosen together we had a ball nding all the hiding Pokemon. As Dad walked in, Miss Eight excitedly showed him the book. “What’s a Pikachu?” he asked, and I watched the expression on her face change from shock, to horror, to disappointment. Sure, “Fun Dad” is fun, but “Reads a book every single night, nagging Mum” would never need to ask that. And that’s good enough for me.
Tale of two World Cups
— minnow Socceroos and dominant Kangaroos
With nalisation of our major domestic football codes’ 2022 seasons now behind us, footy fans’ attention now turns to two very di erent World Cups.
Football (soccer) fans are eagerly awaiting Australia’s appearance at next month’s FIFA World Cup in Qatar following our near-miracle quali cation in beating solid South American competitors, Peru in a penalty shoot-out.
The 22nd iteration of sports’ biggest show — that now assuredly dwarfs the Olympic Games in viewership and genuine interest — will see Australia play in Group D against current title holders, France, as well as Denmark, and Tunisia.
With France ranked fourth in world rankings; Denmark, 10th; and Tunisia 30th; Australia’s 39th ranking suggests we’ll do well to get out of the “Group” stage.
Especially when one considers that our current cohort of Socceroos, who are not exactly a golden crop, only just snuck into the 32-match event with their last-ditch “win” against Peru.
While all Australians got behind our rst appearance in 32 years in the 2006 tournament with players like Harry Kewell, Mark Viduka, Mark Schwarzer, and Tim Cahill getting us within a few minutes of beating the mighty Italians in the Group of 16, no one really expects such heroics this tournament.
A couple of honourable draws and maybe a lucky win, would be about the best that most football fans would be expecting from the Aussies in this most competitive of world sports.
In its 21 competitions since it rst ran in 1930, seven nations have won it and, at this year’s event, any of the world’s top dozen sides have a realistic chance. (fourtimes winner Germany, has a World Ranking of 11!)
The same goes for next year’s Rugby World Cup in which half a dozen countries have realistic chances of winning. This tournament, which has only had nine championships since its rst in 1987, has had four winners; New Zealand, Australia, England, and South Africa.
In the “other” World Cup starting in a few days’ time, however, most genuine rugby league fans would
be celebrating hardest, if Australia did not win the tournament at all!
Because, for many, the term “international rugby league” is an oxymoron.
While English sides (often playing as Great Britain) dominated the sport up until the 1960s, winning a series in Australia as late as 1971 and a World Cup in 1972, the Australian side, playing as the Kangaroos, have conquered all since.
With the rst Rugby League World Cup tournament held in 1954 in France, Australia have subsequently won 11 out of the 15 events decided, New Zealand winning their only title in 2008 at Lang Park.
Such a shock was this result (34–20 to the Kiwis), that Australian coach Ricky Stuart openly accused the (Australian) head of the tournament, on the eld after the game, and in front of telecast camera crews, of xing the result to engender interest in the event!
With England’s much hoped for, but never realised, return to the top of the sport that they themselves invented, organisers have this time gone for a very liberal view of eligibility.
While players have previously had to “commit” to which country they wish to represent in the tournament at least a year previously, for this event in England, even current State of Origin players have been allowed to represent the nations of their ancestors.
This has meant that almost every team, from Greece, Ireland, Italy, Lebanon, Samoa, Cook Islands, Tonga, and Scotland, all have a smattering of Aussies who play in the NRL.
The aim is to give “The Greatest Game of All” a genuine air of international competition which it has lacked for nearly 50 years but for which it seriously yearns.
Having someone knock o the Kangaroos, even most Australian supporters believe, may be the only way to achieve this.
However, looking at the young and hugely talented side that coach Mal Meninga has assembled for Australia’s defence of the title, rugby league fans may have to wait another few years before they see any real competition to the Kangaroos.
10 ORANGE CITY LIFE | OCTOBER 13 — 19, 2022 OCLife | community life
New venue and Christmas plans for cancer carers’ support group
all need
diagnosed with anaplastic thyroid cancer last November with a number of complications since then, the group has been a godsend.
Local support group for carers of those with cancer, here4U, are this year holding their inaugural yuletide get-together for those living with, but not having, the disease.
The event will be discussed at an upcoming meeting of the group, which has had a change of venue for their next get-together.
The group hold monthly co ee mornings with the current meet being held at local co ee shop, Kate Jones at 119 (Moulder Street) next Thursday, October 20 at 10am.
For organiser, Ro (Rosemary) Sheardown, whose husband Keith was
“The support from the others in the group, it’s been quite inspiring, just to be able to get together and talk openly, is such a relief,” she said.
“They’re just wonderful, delightful people. With my husband, I simply don’t get out that much, but this is a chance to talk to others in the same situation as yourself,” Ro added.
Caring for someone with cancer, she says, is a duty for which many are called, but for which most of us have no background or training.
While psychological services, counselling, and support groups for those with cancer are undeniably better now than even 20 or 30 years ago, that is not the case for those living with, but not having, the disease.
“There is the sense, that we should be doing something, but no one knows what that is… I feel so useless, it’s a sense of powerlessness.
“You feel so guilty sometimes, but you don’t really know what for. It’s so utterly frustrating.”
The meetings, she says, are designed to o er empathy and emotional support which, in these troubled times, have made all the di erence.
“It’s given me something to focus on that’s good… a sense of hope in which we can support each other.
“That’s the beauty of this group, we’re not burdening each other, because it’s a burden that we all share.”
Lifting each other’s spirits is another central role, with tentative plans for a small yuletide event in the works.
“Just a Christmas party, something for us to look forward to and celebrate.
“In the end, it could be just a few drinks
Here 4U founder Ro (Rosemary) Sheardown, describes support from the group as “quite inspiring”.
in the pub. Even that would be something just to cheer our spirits.”
The event would also o er the chance to celebrate in a traditional way for people who often, by the nature of their caring role, can be socially isolated.
“I’m quite a positive person, a ‘people person’, that’s the loneliness of this, you’re doing it yourself.
“That’s why this whole thing is important to me, it gives me a purpose,” she said.
Meetings of Here4U are on the third Thursday of each month with the next get-together on Thursday, October 20 at Kates Jones, located at 119 Moulder Street from 10–12 noon. For more information, call Ro Sheardown on 0407 784 750.
ORANGE CITY LIFE | OCTOBER 13 — 19, 2022 11 community life | OCLife Give a Stunning Christmas Gift Layby Now NOWINSTORE OPEN 7 DAYS 132 Kite Street, Orange. Phone 6369 1513 Find us at ORANGE CITY CENTRE 22-28OCTOBER DOORS $180 each OR 2 for $350 SIGNS $30 each OR 2 $50 Sometimes, we
something to cheer us up. What better way then, than hosting your rst Chrissie Party?
Girls triumph in Orange Junior Chess Tournament
Almost a third of players at the recent Orange Junior Chess Tournament, were rst-timers who had never competed in a major contest before, a gure which bodes well for the event’s future.
Two girls were also the highest ranked players at the tournament, both winning seven matches each.
Wet, wintry weekend did not dent numbers for the event — the fouryearly major “over-the-board” junior tournament for western NSW.
“We had a total of 11 new players who had never competed before at a major tournament, which is fantastic!”, event organiser, Bevan Clouston said.
“It’s good to see new players, we’re consistently getting 10 or 12 new players each tournament, a good sign for chess in the region,” he added.
The eight-game timed matches games played under tournament rules, saw a series of close results with a tie-breaker needed to determine the eventual winner
between the two top players.
Chamathsara Mendis and Sarayu Prakashbabu had both won seven games each, with opponent ratings used for a countback decision seeing Chamathsara declared the ultimate winner. Third place in the opens, went to James Fowler with six out of eight wins.
The highest-rated 12 years and under player, was Jackson Munns with six wins; with the best 10 years and under performer being Jack Duggan with four
Welcome to Orange
wins and a stalemate out of eight games.
Winner of the under-eights section was Patrick Moore with a total of 4.5 wins.
Player chess ratings — a progressive number that rises with the higher level that a player performs and impacted by these most-recent results — will be on the NSW Junior Chess league website ( in the next few days.
The next Orange Junior Chess Tournament will be held during the January 2023 school holidays.
LUNCH FOR NEW RESIDENTS For more information, please contact Orange City Council (02) 6393 8000. RSVP ESSENTIAL via or scan the QR code to book your free ticket For all new residents of Orange - a fantastic opportunity to meet new people, learn more about your new home and be officially welcomed to the Orange community
OCLife | community life
your skin and bring out your beauty Remodel
This new injectable treatment remodels and rejuvenates skin, creating optimal conditions for preventing and counteracting the skin ageing process.
Bioremodulator is an injectable skin remodelling treatment containing one of the highest concentrations of Hyaluronic Acid (HA) on the market. It is, specially formulated for people whose skin lacks volume and elasticity.
Rather than just plumping and filling wrinkles, the slow-releasing of HA stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. This in turn improves skin tone, hydration, and the appearance of fine lines. Leaving a natural lasting result.
HA is hydrophilic, meaning it draws and holds water from your body. Therefore, Bioremodulator acts as a hydrator rather than a filler. This makes it fantastic for those with tired, dull-looking skin; transforming it into firm and luminous skin. This effect takes place within 3-5 days of treatment.
Over the next few weeks, collagen and elastin production is stimulated, producing a secondary effect of skin tightening. This is useful because levels of collagen, elastin, and Hyaluronic Acid in the skin rapidly decline from the age of 30, resulting in signs of ageing such as fine lines, wrinkles, and lacklustre skin. Bioremodulator acts to reverse some of these changes.
The maximum effect of Bioremodulator is usually seen 2 to 3 months after the second treatment.
Bioremodulator is injected just below the skin’s surface over a recommended 2 sessions 4 weeks apart. Upon injection, it disperses quickly beneath the skin to improve hydration without any need for massage or the risk of leaving lumps or nodules. Bioremodulator is absorbed within a 2 cm radius of its injection site, therefore, approximately 10 injection points in total are needed to treat the full face.
A single course of Bioremodulator makes the skin glow, fine lines may disappear and you may notice smoother and tighter skin. A course of two treatments can be repeated every six months as needed to maintain the results or as recommended during your consultation.
The downtime following a Bioremodulator treatment is minimal, and you should be able to return to normal ‘light’ daily activities immediately after your procedure. However, we recommend that you avoid physically strenuous activities and sports on the first day after the treatment, and minimise going to the sauna or having steamy baths for the first few days. You should also avoid intense sun or UV light exposure for the first few days after treatment.
We encourage a complimentary follow-up appointment 2 weeks post-treatment to discuss your tailored treatment results.
Book in your complimentary consultation with our Registered Nurses at Laser Clinics Australia Orange. 6788 1204
The Bioremodulator
treatment is revolutionary to Australia, it has been around in Europe since 2015 and only TGA approved here in Australia August 2022.
Can the irreplaceable be replaced? Time will tell.
I’m always getting in strife for being too black and white. Truth be told, I’m jet black and snowy white, to be more precise. I’ve spent my life, especially my working life, working to see shades of grey, but I’ve always been pushing that barrow uphill. Old dogs. I’m sure this is the reason that I have absolutely no tolerance at all for self-centred and arrogant people, which probably accounts for my dislike of many of the social media in uencers around at present (and the whole premise of ‘pro t through shameless self-promotion’). Yes, I know, I need to get over myself, because things aren’t going to change.
Last week, I was writing about how cheating in chess has changed the game forever. No longer a ‘gentleman’s game’, the lengths players are (allegedly) going to for a win seem simply unbelievable –but they’re real. One of the other games for gentlemen, now we should rightly be saying ‘for people’, is tennis. I started my obsession with tennis just as Laver, Rochey, and Rosewall were bowing out, and a guy named Borg was just coming on the scene. I instantly had a man crush on him. He was quiet, humble, grateful, and of course ridiculously skilful. Six French Opens and ve Wimbledons had the 11-year-old me cheering loudly at the TV in the middle of the night as they telecast the matches live from overseas. Apart from having a hero to cheer for, I had a villain to dislike as well. McEnroe was everything Borg wasn’t. Flashy, arrogant, rude, petulant, loud, destructive. I cheered almost as loudly when he lost or got point penalties (which was a lot) as I did when Bjorn won. I was crushed when Borg retired, sadly thinking all the new players would be just like McEnroe.
Thank heavens I was wrong. How lucky we have been over the past two decades to have two ne role models for our children to grow up with in Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal. I’ve already used the words above, but I’ll say them
again and add – humble, grateful, respectful, understanding, and mindful of the enormous in uence they have over young people and the future of society. They honour the game, its past players, the history and traditions of the tournaments they play in, and are ercely yet modestly proud of their achievements. They stoically buck the trend of the ever-increasing number of racquet smashing, time wasting, injury timeout calling, umpire abusing, insulthurling players who think they’re above common decency because they can hit a ball. I won’t watch them, no matter how ‘good’ they are, especially the Aussie one who falls into this category, who I won’t give air to by naming. I simply cannot believe that tennis, on the whole, thinks it’s okay for a player to smash a racquet to smithereens on the court – it should be an instant disquali cation and a suspension from a couple of tournaments. I’ll be xing that when I’m PM for a day, for sure.
And now, Roger is gone. I could watch replays of him playing Rafa, all day every day. Poetry, promoting the game on and o the court. I hope the legacy that he has left, and you can throw ‘our’ Ash Barty in with himcan throw ‘our’ Ash Barty in with him , in unashamedly being the good people of the sport isn’t for nothing. The retirement of Rafa the Spanish legend will be just around the corner also. No more funny post-match interviews in his broken English, no more dgeting, and no more ghtto-the-death matches with his good mate Roger. I’m crossing my ngers that some more good eggs come along – but I’m skeptical. Irreplaceable?
Just for closure – the top ve players of the ‘People’s Game’ over the last 60 years in my books? … Rafa, Roger, Bjorn, Rod Laver, and Ste Graf. True Gentlemen and Ladies.
I really don’t like to think that we have enough rain but, sometimes, I think we’re certainly there.
I am thankful for the rain, but I am also very aware that for our farmers and others also living in ood-prone areas, the rains have moved from being something that gives life and sustains, to something that is now bringing devastation.
It’s funny how we can go from one extreme to the other so quickly. I still remember driving into Orange for the rst time almost three years ago now.
It was hot, dry and dusty. The e ects of the drought were seen everywhere. I remember seeing a ock of sheep that were looking gaunt and thin and dams that were bone dry.
To top it o , during my rst afternoon here, a huge dust storm blew through. That almost seems like a distant memory now.
From the sodden lawns to the widespread oods, there is an abundance of water everywhere. As a result of this, we have seen the landscape transformed.
As Spring has come and the rains continue, we see all sorts of transformations going on.
You only need to look out the window at the green grass, or the full dams to see
that water gives life. But no matter how much or how little rain we get, we will always need to keep on drinking.
We need to re ll our drink bottles. We get parched and long for more. All of us know that we need water for life, but why do we keep getting thirsty?
There is a part of the Bible where Jesus uses our need for water to speak about who he is and what he had come to do. In the Gospel of John, in 4:13-14 Jesus spoke with a woman who was drawing water from a well and said this: “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”
What Jesus is saying here, is that, while we need water for life, we will always need more. We nd that our thirst will never be truly quenched because something is missing.
Our lives are never truly satis ed. We are never truly content as we drink from the well of our own longings for success, happiness, ful lment or love.
We will always be found needing another drink. But the hope that Jesus o ers is that those who drink from the living water, the good news that Jesus saves, will never be thirsty again. In Jesus, you can drink deeply and be satis ed.
He alone has water for life and he has promised that those who drink deeply from the gospel will have true life that lasts forever. Understanding this and drinking from this well radically changed who I am and I am so grateful.
14 ORANGE CITY LIFE | OCTOBER 13 — 19, 2022
It was great to be able to catch up with Brett Hazzard from the Orange Football Association to announce an $11,500 grant for the new electronic scoreboard on Bernie Stedman Oval at Sir Jack Brabham Park.
The addition of the scoreboard now provides a professional game experience for this field particularly in the lead up to the local grand finals.
Football (soccer) is an extremely popular sport in Orange with several hundred players registered across all age groups. It is encouraging to see there will be a women’s competition running throughout the summer.
The scoreboard, on the southern end of the oval was made possible with co-contributors, Orange Ex-Services Club, Orange and District Football Association and Orange City Council. Sir Jack Brabham Park in Orange is a wonderful facility which is used by a variety of sports, and I congratulate Orange City Council on the way it maintains this area in peak condition for sportspeople of this city, year round.
I would like to take this opportunity during our annual Wine Festival to congratulate all our local vignerons who contribute so much not only to the vibrancy of our community but to the economy of Orange.
I appreciate how much hard work you all put into your vineyards year-round and it has been wonderful to watch the growth of our local industry over the years. Thank you too to all those who have put so much effort into the organising of the festival which continues throughout the month and provides a platform for our local vignerons to showcase their wines.
State Member for Orange
Cargo Road Notice of Motion
Last Parliament sitting week I presented a Notice of Motion calling the state government’s attention to the deteriorating situation with roads in this area, and in particular Cargo Road.
Over the past few months I have made numerous representations about the road to the Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Sam Farraway, as well as Cabonne Council and the responses have so far failed to remedy the situation.
The issues of poor roads and road safety on Cargo Road has been ongoing for decades and Cabonne Council has estimated it will need $10 million for repairs. This is a challenge for smaller councils such as Cabonne, as they only have a finite budget to manage the expanse of roads in their area.
While recent rain events have exacerbated the deterioration of our regional roads, the reality is that in the past the government has taken a city centric approach to road upgrades, with rural areas being forced to take a back seat to road upgrades, while metropolitan areas take the lion’s share of road funding.
For the first time in two years, young people will be sitting down to do a handwritten HSC exam with the first paper to be English on October 12, with exams concluding on November 4.
I wish you all our HSC students the best and would like you to keep in mind there are always many options and pathways for you to pursue your career goals into the future.
On the eve of the start of Mental Health Awareness Month in October, on Wednesday September 29, I delivered a Notice of Motion in the NSW Parliament calling on the NSW Government and Western Area Local Health District to establish a Safe Haven in Orange.
A Safe Haven will provide an important location for people in our community who are struggling with mental health issues, and suicidal ideation.
Safe Haven centres have on hand specially trained suicide prevention staff as well as peer workers who can provide that all important support at a time when someone is experiencing a mental health crisis.
These centres have proved to be
safe haven needed for orange flood response
a game changer in other parts of Australia for people who are struggling with their mental health and may be thinking of suicide.
If you or your organisation could benefit from a comprehensive Mental Health Handbook I have prepared and published, I encourage you to call in to my office in Byng Street. Multiple copies are available for organisations.
If you or anyone you know needs support please call Beyond Blue 24/7 on 1300 224 636, Lifeline on 13 11 14 (text support 0477 13 11 14)
, or the Suicide Call Back Service 24/7 on 1300 659 647. If you feel you are unable to talk to someone personally support services have text services available.
I popped into the Orange, Molong and Canowindra SES HQs over the weekend to drop-off some morning tea and see how the volunteers were going and thank them for the work they are doing for our communities. Please follow instructions, stay out of flood waters and keep safe.
ORANGE CITY LIFE | OCTOBER 13 — 19, 2022 15 Orange Electorate Office | 123 Byng Street, Orange NSW 2800 | Telephone 6362 5199 Authorised by Philip Donato MP, Member for Orange. Funded using parliamentary entitlements.
congratulations to our Good luck New Electronic Scoreboard for Orange and District Football Association
Weekend workshops the “icing on the cake”
Local and visiting cake decorators took part in a special “Cake Expo” on Saturday October 8, hosted by the Orange Cake Decorators Guild.
Four class demonstrators from the National Cake Decorators Guild led the group through a series of workshops, teaching and demonstrating a variety of fondant and piping techniques. The class demonstrators had come from West Wyalong, Goolagong and Sydney, while Orange participants were joined by other cake enthusiasts from Parkes and Bathurst.
All enjoyed the opportunity to learn and practice a range of new techniques! The Orange Cake Decorators Guild meets on the second Saturday of the month; anyone wanting more information can contact Janelle on 0438618483.
16 ORANGE CITY LIFE | OCTOBER 13 — 19, 2022
Group demonstration
Group demonstration
State Executive: Cathy Trice (Treasurer), Joy Eagles (Life Member) Sandra Davies (Vice President), Elizabeth Ivory (President)
Some sample work
Belinda Colby and Bec Lynch
Beryl Hicks and Deb Whiley Allison McGothigan and Gai Crannis
Kath Swansbra and Bev Rowe Janelle Roarty Calder and Keira Roarty
for new stadium seating at Wade Park
million for a second radiotherapy
at Orange Health
the Orange
24 hour rescue helicopter service for Orange and region
$14 million for highway upgrades between Lithgow and Orange
Bat/hail netting funding for local orchardists
million for
in Orange, Bathurst and Wellington
42 mobile phone towers and base stations across Calare
The 2022 Great Race has wrapped up, with Red Bull Ampol Racing raising the Peter Brock trophy this year! Congratulations to Shane van Gisbergen and co-driver Garth Tander on their second win in three years.
The duo delivered a Holden victory in the manufacturer’s last battle in the Bathurst 1000. Sadly, this is the last year of the Holdens, as the curtain comes down on the great rivalry with Ford. The Commodore will be replaced by the Chevrolet Camaro next year.
It was a wet start and there were plenty of thrills and spills, with six safety car deployments in the first 57 laps, and another two safety cars in the closing stages of the rally.
Well done to all the very hard working staff at Bathurst Regional Council for being outstanding hosts and organisers! It was a great day of racing!
The HSC kicks off this week, and I’d like to wish all students sitting the exams the very best of luck. You’re almost there and we are with you!
The final exam period can be a difficult and stressful time for students, parents and carers, so I hope everyone has as smooth a run as possible over the next few weeks.
The reality is that, in this day and age, there are many ways to get into the course or line of work that you are aiming for, and lots of time to figure it out.
It’s important to remember that while the HSC is a milestone, it’s not the be-all and end-all, or a defining moment of life. Hang in there and stay calm. You’ve got this and we look forward to celebrating with you all on the other side!
Pictured - Andrew with last year’s Year 11 Ten-4-Ten students. The Ten-4-Ten mentoring program is an initiative organised by Regional Development Australia (RDA) Central West. These students will be commencing their HSC this week.
After months of wild wet weather, roads across Calare are pockmarked with potholes and it’s only set to get worse!
Not only are potholes an incredibly dangerous issue that need to be tackled immediately, the road damage is also hitting our back pockets by puncturing tyres and bending wheel rims, and creating a roads funding crisis for many local council areas.
The impact of the relentless rainfall is particularly being felt in country areas like ours, where local councils manage extremely large road networks. There is simply no way local councils can afford the costs of the road repairs, nor do they have the capacity in their workforce to do so. They need urgent help and it should be provided by both State and Federal Governments.
I think the upcoming Federal Budget is the place to do it as there’s no better time for the government to step up with more funding.
It’s not just a question of costs and economics. Damaged roads put lives at stake, which makes this issue urgent. We have a wet summer forecast, so this issue is only going to get more acute.
State governments across Australia also have a vital role to play in assisting local governments deal with this issue. Their help is needed too.
The road crews of many of our local councils are stretched and exhausted. Patching is the best many councils can do right now, but this is not sustainable. Funding is urgently needed to make these roads safe again. This needs to be a national priority that crosses party lines. I call on the Federal Government to lead the way and commit to greater roads funding for the safety of road users around Australia. Our local councils need immediate assistance!
On Saturday I stopped by the Orange City Library to check out its second Library Lovers’ Sale where older and surplus books were sold for $1 with all proceeds going to the Lismore Library.
An enormous $2,308.20 was raised on the day which is a wonderful outcome!
Lismore is still recovering from the devastating floods and the donation coming from Orange through this terrific initiative will undoubtedly be hugely appreciated.
I chatted to a number of book lovers on Saturday who were delighted to have the opportunity to expand their own libraries at affordable prices, while helping a very worthy cause.
Congratulations to Orange City Library for putting the Library Lovers’ Book Sale together.
ORANGE CITY LIFE | OCTOBER 13 — 19, 2022 17 Andrew GEE MP FEDERAL MEMBER FOR CALARE Your Country Your Voice 1/179A Anson Street PO Box 673 Orange NSW 2800 (02) 6361 7138 For regular updates and news, follow me on Facebook and Instagram @andrewgeecalare ORANGE ELECTORATE OFFICE Authorised by Andrew Gee MP Suite 1/179A Anson Street Orange, NSW 2800.
THE BOARD FOR ORANGE √ $54.8 million for the new CSU medical school and research centre √ $34.8 million for Dixons Long Point Crossing √ $54 million in water security pipelines around the Central West √ $1.9 million for The Orchard crisis accommodation centre √ $2 billion for Great Western Highway upgrade √ $3.8 million for the raising of Suma
dam wall at Orange √ Federal Regional Investment Corporation established and based in Orange √ $12 million for the Southern Feeder
project √ Dept of Infrastructure branch moved to Orange √ $2 million for the Forest Road Bridge duplication √ $14.7 million for Mission Australia’s Benjamin Short
Aged Care facility √ $100,000
√ $3
Service √ $10
Conservatorium & Planetarium √
√ $1.2
Pictured left: Andrew with Central West Triple M radio presenter, Neil Gill and Bathurst Cr Graeme Hanger.
Friday October
The Blind Pig
Agrestic Grocer
18 ORANGE CITY LIFE | OCTOBER 13 — 19, 2022 OCLife | entertainment Coming events... OCTOBER 20-22 Australian National Field Days - 8am-5pm OCTOBER 21 Agrestic Grocer — Sarah Leete ‘Girl Next Door’ single launch OCTOBER22 Orange Regional Conservatorium — Drawing Breath Molong Showground — Molong Colour Run OCTOBER 25 The Agrestic Grocer - Ruby REWIND MonkeyBiz Tribute Show OCTOBER 27 Orange Civic Theatre — Edward the Emu 6-7pm OCTOBER 28 Orange Ex-Services Club — Drag Queen Bingo with Timberlina OCTOBER 29 Orange Open Gardens Orange Civic Theatre — Arj Barker Comes Clean 8pm Carriers Arms Hotel — Late Slice @ Carriers Arms on what's OCTOBER
14 Victoria
Pete Naylor, 8pm til late Metropolitan
Live music at the Metro every Friday from 8pm
Live & Local: Brad White starting from 9pm Saturday
15 Orange
Conservatorium Sydney Conservatorium of Music Composers Concert from 5pm Metropolitan
Live music at the Metro, every Saturday from 8pm Orange Regional Gallery Histoire Du Tango Live from 8pm Cumnock Markets Cumnock Markets Family Fun Day 9am-3pm Tuesday
18 The
Ruby REWIND MonkeyBiz Tribute Show 6-10pm October 14-23 | Orange Civic Theatre —The Wedding Singer (multiple performances)
Life’s g d today
— James Mortimer launches debut album
After a decade of playing alongside brother Robbie, James Mortimer is stepping out front of stage and singing to his own tune.
“Life is Good Today” is the snappy title of James’ 13-track debut album that was recorded at Orange’s Dotted Eight Studio under his performing name, James Keith.
Originally written with younger brother Robbie Mortimer in mind, James said the songs changed to be more personal in nature after deciding he would go ahead and record them himself.
“One of the good things, when I decided to do it myself, I wrote some personal songs about my kids and about growing up in Orange and when we were kids and so I have made it more of a personal album about my life and growing up out in the country,” James said.
“And they are all positive songs too… There seems to be a lot of negativity around these days, and I like to focus on what’s good so all these songs have a really good positive message in them.”
Joining James in the recording studio were long-time bandmates Alvie Bevan and Quinn Luxford.
“Two of the best local musicians!” James said. “They’re in the bands I play with, so they know me, they know my style, they know my life and music and they came and recorded their parts on the album and we ended up with 13 songs that, honestly, I couldn’t be more proud of!”
While the rst single from Life is Good Today will be released on Friday, October 28, James’ actual album launch will be this Friday, October 14 at the family winery, Mortimers Wines.
“It will start at 6pm and I’ve got Darren Smith, another local musician, he’s going to help me out, he’s going to be the support act,” James said.
Supported by his ve-piece band, James will perform all 13 tracks from Life is Good Today along with a few other big hits.
sunday roast
ORANGE CITY LIFE | OCTOBER 13 — 19, 2022 19 entertainment | OCLife OPEN 7 DAYS | 107 BYNG STREET | 6362 1353 | WWW.THEMETROPOLITANHOTELORANGE.COM.AU PROUD TO BE A PUB EVERY FRIDAY / SATURDAY AT 8PM FREE ENRTY Live Music ✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴ ✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴ FRIDAY 14TH Toni & Lenny SATURDAY 15TH 5 O’Clock Shadow new menu coming soon SATURDAYS GODFATHER & FLYING PIG SCHNITZEL saturday + chips & veg or chips & salad$15 the awesome
For more information and for tickets to James Keith’s debut album launch for Life is Good Today, visit:
Good music, good vibes at The Blind Pig
20 ORANGE CITY LIFE | OCTOBER 13 — 19, 2022
Steve Kilbey rocking the night away last Saturday, the 8th with covers from Australian rock band The Church.
Steve Kilbey John Vandenburg with Steve Kilbey
Bernie Novotny, Ann-Marie Coyte and Kerry Taberner
Maureen, Craig and Lois
Royce, Kelly and Harry
Stew and Teish Vidler
Mick Pendlehill and Tally May Sandrine Forbes and Christin Kovac
Kellie Ferguson and Glyn Jones
Beloved picture b k Edward the Emu comes alive on the Orange stage
A brand-new take on the much-loved tale, Edward the Emu, is coming to the Orange Civic Theatre stage this October.
More than an adaptation, this is a unique imagining of two beloved picture books, Edward the Emu and Edwina the Emu, combining the plights of both emus in one heartfelt, clever and funny new tale that is sure to delight both children and parents alike.
Edward is bored with his lot. Being the only emu at the zoo has left him feeling glum and under the impression that the grass is greener in everyone else’s enclosure. Maybe being a seal, or a lion, or a snake might be a better option in life for a lonely
bird? Convinced that the other creatures are more popular, Edward breaks ranks and goes to nd the fun and along the way, nds Edwina!
We follow the emus as they hilariously navigate their own feathered existential crises, seeking to nd their place in the world. Meanwhile, unaware of the birds’ internal worlds, their human keepers are in hot pursuit in order to restore order to the zoo.
With exceptional, world-class puppet creation and inventive storytelling, the emus’ journey of high jinks and tenderness leads them to discover that the best thing you can be is… you.
Electro-4loor bill for the Vic this Saturday
Long-running live music showcase 4 on the 4loor returns to the Victoria Hotel for the second time this month on October 15, with an electronic lineup: J.Lo-Hobo, Implexive, Man’s Best Friend, Plants Aligned, and girls on saké.
Jace Bishop wants to show people that making electronic music can be more than just sitting at a computer keyboard.
Performing and making music under the name Implexive, Jace is making his second live appearance at the 4 on the 4loor this Saturday.
“My rst gig was last month at the 4loor, it was good! I had most of my friends there so I had a lot of
support,” 19-year-old Jace said.
A self-taught musician, Jace was just 14 when he started playing around with an old keyboard he’d discovered in the garage.
“I’ve always liked listening to music, but I’d never realised that I actually want to make it… it was probably about Year 8, I did music at school and that got me into it,”
Jace said, who started out by imitating the electronic artists he was listening to at the time.
“I listened to that stu a lot and I’d try to gure out what the notes were and learn how to play it by ear.
“Later, started recording — I had a free version of FL Studio and, because it was free, I wasn’t able to save anything I did. So I’d have to leave the computer open for like a whole week because I didn’t want
to lose what I had,” he recalled.
“So the music I made back then wasn’t great, but that’s how it started.”
Mostly relying on platforms like YouTube and Spotify to get his music out to the public, Jace is relishing these opportunities to perform live at 4 on the 4loor.
“I’d love to tour! I love to perform live because people listen to most electronic music and think no one performs this, they just put it into a computer and it does it all,” he said.
“I like to show people that you can actually perform it live… not a lot of electronic producers do, but there are a few I listen to.
“A big one, as in live performing electronic music, would be Heywire, he’s what inspired me to do this live stu .”
See Edward and Edwina’s story unfold at the Orange Civic Theatre on Thursday, October 27. Tickets at Ticketek or call 6393 8111.
ORANGE CITY LIFE | OCTOBER 13 — 19, 2022 21 entertainment | OCLife
22 ORANGE CITY LIFE | OCTOBER 13 — 19, 2022 ON SALE FROM WEDNESDAY 12 TH OCTOBER UNTIL TUESDAY 18 TH OCTOBER 2022 Specials available from Wednesday 12/10/22 until Tuesday 18/10/22 or while stocks last. Retail quantities only. No trade supplied. We reserve the right to correct printing errors. Pictures used for illustration purposes only. IGA Liquor supports the responsible service of alcohol. Tobacco and alcohol not sold to under 18’s. 210 PEISLEY STREET, ORANGE NSW 2800 | 6362 7233 OPEN 7 DAYS: MON TO SAT 6AM-9PM | SUNDAY 7AM TO 8PM WWW.IGA.COM.AU 82 SUMMER ST, ORANGE NSW 2800 | 6362 0775 OPEN 7 DAYS: MON TO SAT 7AM-9PM | SUNDAY 8AM TO 8PM WWW.IGA.COM.AU IGANS12952_121022 $2 ea $375 ea $110 ea $450 ea$375 ea $182 ea Dove Anti-Perspirant Deodorant 220-254mL Selected Varieties *excludes Travel Size & Low Prices Every Day Cadbury, Pascall or The Natural Confectionery Co. Bags 150-300g Selected Varieties Morning Fresh Dishwashing Liquid 900mL Selected Varieties 50¢ per 100mL Greenseas Tuna 95g Selected Varieties $11.58 per kg Powerade 600mL Selected Varieties $3.03 per Litre Nescafé Coffee Sachets 6-10 Pack Selected Varieties $350 ea Old El Paso Dinner Kit 290-520g Selected Varieties Serving Suggestion Australian Beef Porterhouse Steak $29 kg 50% Off DOVE* Hot PRICE! M D L S 5 Peters Drumstick or Family Variety 24 Pack Selected Varieties Zooper Dooper 24 Pack Selected Varieties 19¢ per 100mL Bega Cheese Block, Grated or Bar-B-Cubes 500g Selected Varieties $15 per kg$325 ea Hot Buy! $750 ea SAVE $1 $20 ea SAVE $12.30 ea
‘Wallendoon’ is superbly located on 10.05 ha (or approx. 25 acres)of highly productive and picturesque land – bordering the quiet and historic village of Cudal and 38km to the progressive city of Orange via The Escort Way With an authentic Canadian design and steeped in history (Circa 1900) the iconic ‘Wallendoon’ homestead is amongst the district’s finest Exterior cladding with 200 mm Canadian Cyprus weatherboards and decorative wood scalloping have combined to fashion a home radiating timeless elegance, individual character, warmth and style Guests are welcomed by an iconic ‘yesteryear’ circular driveway –surrounded by mature trees, well planned, established gardens plus scenic views over both the village and Boree Creek Step into this unique and grandeur home with its fastidiously preserved original features and you will be captivated by an atmosphere of old world charm An inspection of ‘Wallendoon’ will enable you to fully appreciate the significant characteristics of this truly outstanding home and rural lifestyle package. FOR AUCTION IF NOT SOLD PRIOR For further details and a full IM please call Brian Cullinane on 0418 637 338 (phone contact preferred) Brian Cullinane t. 0418 637 338 ‘WALLENDOON’ MERGA STREET, CUDAL AUCTION 19th November 11am Venue TBA PROPERTY OF THE WEEK BROUGHT TO YOU BY AWN LIVESTOCK & PROPERTY ORANGE 5 14
24 ORANGE CITY LIFE 14 1 With just over an acre of land fronting the Davys Plains and right on the edge of Cargo this 4,387 square metre block is fully fenced and has town water & electricity nearby and available. With a gentle slope to the East this block embraces the early morning sun and turns it back on the hot summer afternoon sun. With plenty of space to build your forever home plus sheds & gardens, all a good invigorating walk to the Cargo community store, the kids can even ride their bikes to Cargo Public School Stephen Townsend 0427631 957 “A LITTLE GEM” 2020 DAVYS PLAINS ROAD, CARGO Found in the fantastic town of Lyndhurst, this manageable sized block offers outstanding easterly views. Within an easy stroll of the village centre, parks, Lyndhurst Public School and an abundance of tranquil scenery, this is a wonderful opportunity to design and build your dream home (STCA*) and establish a relaxed and community-spirited country lifestyle. LOT 9 & 10 6563, MID WESTERN HIGHWAY LYNDHURST Emma Chapman 0423 658 101 Situated in East Orange with an abundance of potential, 49 Park Street is the perfect property for an investor or a family looking to add their personal touch. Positioned directly across from Bowen Public, this family residence boasts a functional floorplan comprising of four good sized bedrooms with built -ins, a central kitchen with an adjacent dining area and light-filled living area. This property presents a superb opportunity for families to buy into a very convenient location. 49 PARK STREET, ORANGE Quality and style combine in this stunning home located in the popular Ploughman's Hill Estate. From the moment you walk through the front door, you will be bathed in light with the house having a perfect northerly aspect. The generous master bedroom features a $180,000 $340,000 Sitting on a 784m2 block, this beautiful home has space for a large family with four bedrooms & three living areas ,as well as a second toilet. The front living area features glass sliding doors leading out to the charming North facing Balcony, perfect for a breakfast coffee and then out to the undercover alfresco area in the back yard for evening drinks by sunset. This home has it all! This lovely property has been recently updated with new paint, lighting & carpet throughout so all you need to do is gather your brood and move in! Stephen Townsend 0427 631 957 Nora McNamara 0431 320 230Contact Agent $750,000 - $760,000 1 TODD PLACE, ORANGE You will find this beautiful North facing brick home perfectly positioned in a quiet cul-de-sac within Bel-Air Estate. With neat and tidy interiors framed by a secure yard and patio for outdoor entertaining. This wonderful home features two living areas, one bathroom and kitchen complete with gas cook top and electric oven. Comprising of three bedrooms complete with built in wardrobes and a single lock up garage with internal access,. POTENTIAL IN PARK STREET 3 LISBON CIRCUIT, ORANGE QUIET CUL-DE-SAC LIVING! COUNTRY VIEWS! 24 1 24 2 LUXE LIFESTYLE IN PLOUGHMAN'S HILL ESTATE Open Home Saturday 12:30pm 13 1 Nora McNamara 0431 320 230 Open Home Saturday 11:30am NEW LISTING NEW LISTING Open Home Saturday 10:45am Open Home Saturday 12:15pm
Leading regional customerowned bank, Orange Credit Union today launched a new Savings guide compiled with the help of prominent locals, employees and the community who have shared their saving experiences to help others.
Chief Executive Officer, Andrew de Graaff said with cost of living pressures on the rise, there is no better time to learn from others and share insights to help people make the most of their money.
“I’m delighted to launch the special first edition of ‘Our Little Orange Book of Savings Tips’ as the ‘go-to’ guide for saving money. This project is the result of many conversations by our team with the community over the past two years to uncover the best savings tips in the region,” Mr de Graaff said.
“As we grow and develop throughout life, our financial needs and priorities change and so do our money goals. What works for now, may not work for later and what works for some, may not work for others but, it’s important to share experiences, learning as we go.”
“It’s no surprise that the number
one Financial Fitness goal across the Central West region is to save money. Whether it’s saving for a deposit on a home loan, new car, paying off debt, planning for a holiday or something special, we all could do with a little know-how to reach our goal.”
“It’s time to take charge of your financial future and Your Team Orange is here to help. Our founding mission is to help people help themselves and each other. We are backing locals and we want locals to back each other too,” Mr de Graaff said.
Orange Credit Union has introduced #ThriftyThursdays and is inviting the community to join the Orange Credit Union Facebook community page and share their savings tips every Thursday.
‘Our Little Orange Book of Savings Tips’ is available as a free download via our website or at an upcoming community event such as the Australian National Field Days.
There are many ways Your Team Orange can help with your banking and borrowing. Get in touch.
ORANGE CITY LIFE | OCTOBER 13 — 19, 2022 25 orangeproperty market | OCLife AUCTION Auction Contact Saturday 19th Nov 11am (if not sold prior) Venue: TBA Brian Cullinane 041863733 8 Scan to view our property listing Stately Country Living ‘Wallendoon’ is superbly located o 10.05ha (or approx. 25 acres) of highly productive and picturesque land – bordering the quiet and historic village of Cudal and 38 km to the progressive city of Orange via The Escort Way With an authentic Canadian design and steeped in history (Circa 1900) the iconic ‘Wallendoon’ homestead is fashioned to radiate timeless elegance, individual character, warmth and style – and is amongst the district’s finest Guests are welcomed by an iconic ‘yesteryear’ circular driveway – surrounded by mature trees, well planned, established gardens plus scenic views over both the village and Boree Creek Step into this unique and grandeur home with its fastidiously preserved original features and you will be captivated by an atmosphere of old world charm An inspection of ‘Wallendoon’ will enable you to fully appreciate the significant characteristics of this truly outstanding home and rural lifestyle package
Merga Street, Cudal 02 6362 4755
Little Orange Book of Savings Tips’ reveals the best savings tips across the Central West region MEDIA RELEASE 11 October 2022 ‘Our Little Orange Book of Savings savings tips across the Central Leading regional customer owned bank, Orange compiled with the help of prominent locals, employees saving experiences to help others. Chief Executive Officer, Andrew de Graaff said with better time to learn from others and share insights “I’m delighted to launch the special first edition of ‘go to’ guide for saving money. This project is the community over the past two years to uncover the “As we grow and develop throughout life, our financial money goals. What works for now, may not work others but, it’s important to share experiences, learning
26 ORANGE CITY LIFE | OCTOBER 13 — 19, 2022 Ph 0428 650 675 Address 24 Sale Street, Orange LJ HOOKER FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED Tranquil and lovely- with extra income This almost 2.5 acres offers a lifestyle so close to town while boasting uninterrupted views of Spring Hill, Mount Canobolas and the beautiful local countryside of Huntley as it is surrounded by a large rural property, so you are guaranteed peace and quiet. The charming older 4 bedroom homestead is set in lovely landscaped gardens and with its open fireplace and split system AC, provides year round comfort. The large living spaces and ornate ceilings epitomise classic design and craftsmanship, while the kitchen is well designed and light-filled. 38 Kinghorn Lane, Huntley 422 a b ac b ac b c FOR SALE $1.15m SATURDAY 10.00 - 10.30am OPEN HOUSE OPEN HOUSE SCOTT MUNROVICTORIA MUNRO MAKE THE SWITCH TO LJHooker Property Management We do 3 monthly reports making sure your property is being looked after It is easy to make the switch! Email website RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES FOR SALE 34 Orchard Grove Road 12 Norton Street Eugowra 38 Kinghorn Lane Orange BLOCKS TO BUILD ON 5 acres at Lyndhurst x2 9 acres at Cargo Building block at Cargo COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES “The Old Vic Inn” Canowindra 20 Edward Street Orange 2/211 Peisley Street Orange 71-75 Summer Street Orange 7 William Street Orange 8 Little Brunswick Street Orange
FOR SALE 1146 Davys Plains Road, Cudal (13 acres) 1487 Longs Corner Road, Canowindra (250 acres) Mercadool Road, Walgett (2844 acres) 3/96-98 Anson Street, Orange PRICE GUIDE $539,000 OWNER IS COMMITTED TO SELL $410,000 31 a b ac b ac b c312 Norton Street Eugowra FOR SALE Great first home buyers’ or step into the market This solid three bedroom family home is situated on a huge block and boasts a lovely bushland setting with room for a cricket match and plenty of space for a boat, caravan or kids to run. There’s not a penny to spend, move in as is or put your own personal touches on this well-built home. $620 PER WEEK 31 a b ac b ac b c334 Monett Place Orange FOR LEASE Available Now! Great House in a Quiet Location
ORANGE CITY LIFE | OCTOBER 13 — 19, 2022 27 Cornerblockwith2xroadaccesses Landareaapprox.1,406Ha,buildingareaapprox.1,620m² 2gantrycranes ZonedGeneralIndustrial OfferedwithVacantPossession Formoreinformationorforaninspection,contactGaryBlowes 0418635248| Celebrating50yearsinrealestatein2022 CnrLordsPlandKiteSt,Orange 0263621233 2-4ASHSTREET,ORANGE Auctiononsite11am23/02/2022 BLOWESRE.COM.AU cnr lords place + kite street 02 6362 1233 Celebrating 50 years in real estate in 2022 GARY BLOWES Director 0418 635 248 Commercial Sales + Leasing CHRIS TYACK 0438 258 590 Residential Sales Manager MARG LONGHURST 0499 013 427 Sales Co-ordinator SHARISSA GILL 0477 063 857 Property Manager ABIGAIL PALMER 6362 1233 Office Manager These affordable cottages located in East Orange have seen many new owners come along in recent years who are renovationg them and calling them home. This one sits on a small manageable block with two large bedrooms and an open plan style lounge/dining/kitchen space. The central bathroom has a shower over bath and there is a sepearate toilet. You can call this property home and put your own twist on it or you could purchase as an investment with an estimated rental of around $280PW. 26 moresby Street, orange $385,000CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590 2 1 1 OPEN HOUSE Saturday 15th 11.15am - 11.45am This centrally located property is only two blocks from Cook Park and five blocks to the CBD. The property boasts three north facing living areas that are interconnected, the lounge alone is an impressive 7.5 x 4.3m and it joins the dining which joins a casual sitting area just of the kitchen. The four bedrooms are very spacious and all have built in robes with the master also having and en-suite. The property has been in the same ownership for a very long time and has beautiful gardens and some very impressive trees all siting on a huge 1,159sqm (approx.) block. Other features are double attached garage with internal access, ducted A/C, Orange High school zone and close to Duntryleague and Elephant Park. 167 Woodward Street, orange $999,000 - $1,049,000CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590 4 2 1 OPEN HOUSE Saturday 15th 10.30am - 11.00am After 50 years, it’s time for the owner to move on and pass this family home onto new owners. Situated close to the CBD of Orange and in the school catchment for Orange Primary and Orange High School this quaint cottage has three good sized bedrooms, a pleasant central lounge with reverse cycle A/C and central eat in kitchen. The bathroom has a bath, shower and toilet, a separate laundry and there is a great sunroom at the rear of the house overlooking a well maintained fully enclosed garden. There have been some additional measures put in place for an older person, such as handrails in the bathroom and a ramp at the rear of the house. Medical practitioners take note – this block in Peisley Street is becoming a hub for medical based businesses and the property has heaps of room for a carpark, this property would be well suited to medical or health related business (subject to council approval) or even a second dwelling (subject to council approval). 79 Peisley Street, orange $695,000CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590 3 1 2 191-193 peisley street, orange CONTACT Gary Blowes 0418 635 248 or Margaret Longhurst 0499 013 427 • Freehold only • Quality long-standing tenant • Long-term lease in place with option to renew ContaCt the exClusive listing agents to arrange an inspeCtion or to obtain an information memorandum. FOR SALE $1.4 MILLION (GST EXEMPT) ZONED B3 COMMERCIAL | CENTRAL CBD LOCATION
28 ORANGE CITY LIFE | OCTOBER 13 — 19, 2022 Auction Friday 21st October, 10.30am The Auction Centre Bathurst 20-22 Evergreen Lane, Orange- Evergreen by Name, Evergreen by Nature Situated south of Orange in a favourable location, with easy access to the Orange Hospital & Airport • 32ha* (79ac*) of fertile arable land, ideal for cropping & grazing with productive red basalts soils • 4 bay machinery shed, 2 stand woolshed & sheep yards with a 250 head capacity • Contemporary 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath home with spectacular outlooks & a separate 3 bedroom cottage AUCTION Open By Appointment Agents Kurt Adams 0428 747 050 Michael Kennedy 0428 243 222 18 Sale Street Orange NSW 02 6362 0211
White Emms Mooney Auction Friday 21st October, 10.30am The Auction Centre Bathurst Situated only walking distance to town is a property not to be overlooked. Sitting on a 572m2* block there is plenty of potential for an investor, renovator or first home buyer looking for the challenge to create something new out of something old. Comprising 3-bedrooms, all well sized, separate dining & living area. • At the rear of the home you can use it as a sunroom, study or even another living space! Open Saturday 15th October 11am - 11.30am Agents Lucy Nell 0400 726 897 James Taylor 0457 792 800 11 Marsden Street, Blayney - Renovators Take Note AUCTION
ORANGE CITY LIFE | OCTOBER 13 — 19, 2022 29 Auction Friday 18th November, 10.30am 152 William Street, bathurst Located in the quiet village of Carcoar this stunning 3.57ha* (8.8ac*) property has views like no other. 260km* Sydney & 40min* Bathurst, Orange & Cowra. The perfect secluded & private retreat benefitting from a spacious kitchen & open plan dining & living. Entertainer’s area complete with a brick pizza oven. • 2 water tanks, 3 bay garage, carport, wood fire, split systems, ceiling fans & underfloor heating. Open Saturday 15th October 12pm - 12.30pm Agents Lucy Nell 0400 726 897 James Taylor 0457 792 800 180 Mt Macquarie Road, Carcoar - Luxury Living with 360o Views AUCTION 18 Sale Street Orange NSW 02 6362 0211
White Emms Mooney Auction Friday 18th November, 10.30am 152 William Street, bathurst • ‘Blair Athol’ stands tall as the landmark Victorian estate in Australia’s most historic inland city • A 7 year back-to-bare-bones restoration has returned ‘Blair Athol’ to her original 1892 glory • ‘Blair Athol’ is a truly grand 19th Century mansion equipped for elegant 21st Century living • Wherever the world takes you, you will always come home to ‘Blair Athol’ Open By Appointment Agents Lucy Nell 0400 726 897 Andrew Crauford 0417 416 205 281 Keppel Street, Bathurst - Australia’s Most Elegant Provincial Mansion AUCTION
NOW “Winora” has been fully renovated to a standard that really resonates with the period of the home. There are three large bedrooms with built-in robes with the master showcasing walkin robe and stunning ensuite complete with underfloor heating. A large dining and lounge area with new flooring. Off the lounge is a charming country kitchen which overlooks the surrounding countryside and farmland. This is your opportunity to live self-sufficiently with the property showcasing what it means to live sustainably and affordably. There are 24 solar panels with lithium battery, 32000L water tank, chook yards, well with irrigation to the garden, orchard, and veggie patch. There is a large alfresco area with roll-down blinds for the winter months, 4 person-spa, and ceiling fans. There is also a workshop which has a bar and pizza oven in the back. Winora is bound to get plenty of interest, come and fall in love today.
COULD THIS BE YOUR DREAM HOME? This spacious family home is perfect for the buyer looking for a low maintenance lifestyle in an attractive area close to the gorgeous Botanic Gardens and North Orange Shopping Centre. The spectacular gardens are a botanical delight themselves having been established over many years and designed to be easy care as well as beautiful. The home is stylish with a formal lounge and lovely open plan living that both open onto the covered al fresco area that overlooks the inground pool and is perfect for entertaining with blinds and fans added. There are four great
sized bedrooms with the master suite having an ensuite and walk-in robe and there is a three-way bathroom with spa bath perfect for unwinding at the end of the day. Every corner of the block has been utilised to its best advantage including rear yard access at the side with space for a trailer or caravan, a BBQ area and garden shed. The inground pool will delight and there is a handy powder room nearby. CONTACT: CHRIS MASON 0438 629 417 21 ROSELAWN DRIVE $859,000 4 2.5 2 WELL AND TRULY #1 1 Stirling Avenue has an enviable location directly across the road from Wentworth Golf Club. This very appealing home has so much to offer, light and spacious, with open plan dining/living/ lounge with uninterrupted views across the tree lined golf course. It’s like living in a resort! 4 bedrooms, plus an office, separate family room and another huge entertaining area allowing all family members to escape to their own private zone. A self-contained studio has its own separate entrance with a living area, 5th bedroom and bathroom perfect for a granny flat, home business, or Air BNB opportunity. Bring the whole family and inspect 1 Stirling Avenue, very likely it will be voted by the whole family as their #1! CONTACT: ADAM SAVAGE 0419 232 416 1 STIRLING AVENUE $1,075,000 5 3 2 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 15 OCTOBER 1.15-1.45 BRAND NEW AND BEAUTIFUL This brand new house has just been completed and is waiting for its new owner to move in and make it a home. It is a gorgeous property outside and in with an attractive façade, low maintenance landscaping and beautiful finishes throughout evoking a bit of that very popular Hamptons vibe. With neutral tones and spacious rooms that are light and airy with high ceilings and big windows, this home is truly warm and inviting. There is a media room, a sitting room or office plus an open plan living area leading to the covered patio. The kitchen, with its walkin pantry, stainless steel appliances, island bench and pretty blue tiles adding a delightful pop of colour, will impress even the fussiest of cooks. There are four great bedrooms – the master with a luxurious ensuite and walk-in robe and a practical family bathroom with separate toilet. The compact block size and easily maintainable yard means you will have plenty of free time on the weekends to enjoy your new home with friends and family. This home offers so much more than you think, and inspections are invited and easily arranged. CONTACT: JACOB EVANS 0428 130 789 49 STEVENSON WAY PRICE GUIDE: $799,000-$849,000 4 2 2 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 15 OCTOBER 9.30-10.00
Inside, the north facing living areas feature polished timber floors and large windows that welcome the sun. The functional kitchen with a double drawer dishwasher and 900mm cooktop is a light filled space that makes the most of its northeast aspect and elevated position. There is a lounge room plus a family room, a dining room with plenty of space for a family-sized table and a great little study nook. There are four generous bedrooms, one of which is upstairs and would be a great parents’ or teenage retreat. The home has ducted gas heating and 2 split system air conditioners. The back yard is private and fully enclosed and has a pizza oven and double car accommodation plus workshop.
this lovely home can’t
walking distance of Bletchington School, the DPI and Hill Street Grab’n’Go, this is a great home in a great location. Come see it, you might just fall in love.
ORANGE CITY LIFE | OCTOBER 13 — 19, 2022 31 39 SALE STREET, ORANGE | 6363 1000 | PFISHER.COM.AU ALL PROPERTIES CAN BE VIEWED BY PRIVATE INSPECTION OR VIDEO CALL, JUST CONTACT THE AGENT. ALL INSPECTIONS WILL BE CONDUCTED UNDER STRICT HEALTH GUIDELINES. A BEAUTIFUL HOME WITH THE BEST OF INCLUSIONS Here is a unique opportunity to own a large, modern and beautiful family home which offers the very best in inclusions. Situated at the end of a quiet culde-sac with a reserve backing it, you’ll love the privacy and security a home like this brings. There is four large bedrooms, with the master located at the rear of the home offering a stunning ensuite and walk-in wardrobe. The living area is open plan, with lovely kitchen starring in the heart of the home. There is a media room also which would also make a great office or playroom. The living area is a suntrap boasting north-easterly aspect making it a beautiful space to spend time in. Additional features include ducted reverse-cycle air conditioning, ceiling fans, walk-in pantry, undercover alfresco area as well as school zoning to Orange Public School and Orange High. There is walking trails and parks surrounding the area and it is a quick walk to the Agrestic Grocer and childcare. CONTACT: MICHAEL WRIGHT 0421 360 948 4 TILSTON WAY $829,000 4 2 2 COME FALL IN LOVE Tucked away amongst other quality homes in an attractive block between Sale
Hill Streets, the street appeal of
be denied.
CONTACT: JACOB EVANS 0428 130 789 114 MARGARET STREET $715,000 4 1 2
in the
popular Cook Park
home has been in the one family for approximately 60 years. Currently set up on one side of the house with 3 bedrooms, a modern bathroom and living areas, while on the other side is a 1 bedroom fully self-contained granny flat that is currently leased out. The flexible floor plan allows for a dual income property or easily converts back to a conventional 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom home. This mid-century modern home has many endearing features including raked ceilings, exposed timber beams, floor to ceiling picture windows, a sunken lounge room, but most importantly a sense of soul and homeliness. Don’t miss this golden opportunity to make this gem your next home. CONTACT: ADAM SAVAGE 0419 232 416 25 MOULDER STREET $769,000 4 2 1 TICKING ALL THE BOXES This neat and tidy home is the perfect example of the quintessential four bedroom, two bathroom, two car garage home. It has two living areas that are light-filled and provide plenty of room for everyone to spread out and relax in comfort. The kitchen has all the mod cons and a handy breakfast bar for a quick meal on the go. The master bedroom ticks boxes with its walk-in robe and ensuite and the other three bedrooms are all comfortably sized and have built-ins. There is a fresh and functional main bathroom, and the toilet is conveniently separate to that. The backyard is private and secure with a sunny patio. Being located in such a nice area with great school zoning and proximity to nearby walking paths, this home functions wonderfully as both a family home or a solid addition to your investment portfolio. There is a lot to recommend this property so come and see for yourself. CONTACT: CHRIS MASON 0438 629 417 29 MCCARRON PLACE $759,000 4 2 2 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 15 OCTOBER, 10.15-10.45 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 15 OCTOBER, 11.00-11.30 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 15 OCT 10.15-10.45 NEW PRICE
This grand home stands elevated in one of Orange’s most prestigious estates. A home of generous
and large island with
a built-in microwave steamer,
gas cooktop and walk-in pantry.
the lovely alfresco area is perfect
there are five enormous bedrooms with built-in wardrobes.
32 ORANGE CITY LIFE | OCTOBER 13 — 19, 2022 39 SALE STREET, ORANGE | 6363 1000 | PFISHER.COM.AU ALL PROPERTIES CAN BE VIEWED BY PRIVATE INSPECTION OR VIDEO CALL, JUST CONTACT THE AGENT. ALL INSPECTIONS WILL BE CONDUCTED UNDER STRICT HEALTH GUIDELINES. SO SOLID If you fancy a “Swiss Chalet” style home, then make sure you inspect this unique home. Solid throughout and a very well built home including a big living room, updated kitchen with new flooring, plus a large main bedroom with ensuite all downstairs. Wander upstairs and you will find 2 spacious loft bedrooms with raked ceilings, large dormer windows that let fantastic natural light in and another study/living area. The property has 2 R/C systems for year round comfort. The huge carport area can house 4 cars easily, there’s also a back shed for housing all your other bits and pieces. Whether you are a first home buyer or an investor this is an affordable way to break into real estate in the Orange market. Inspections are easily arranged. CONTACT: ADAM SAVAGE 0419 232 416 5 ELSHAM AVENUE $529,000 3 2 4 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 15 OCTOBER 10.15-10.45
proportions, it boasts two
areas, a formal
and third study
There is
luxurious feel that comes from the expansive living areas, detailed archways and sweet doll-house
windows. There is
kitchen with stone
waterfall edges.
oven and 90mm
for entertaining amongst the established country garden. You’ll love that it is a short walk from Wentworth and Duntryleague Golf courses and is surrounded by some lovely walking trails and parks. Additional bonuses include a third toilet downstairs, zoning for Calare Public and Orange High, gas wood-look fire and big linen cupboard. CONTACT: MICHAEL WRIGHT 0421 360 948 2 THOOPARA PLACE $1,250,000 5 2 2 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 15 OCTOBER 12.30-1.00 This elevated home has everything you need. Showcasing a generous living area and an open plan kitchen/dining area. The kitchen boasts a double oven, electric cooktop, and plenty of storage. Upstairs, are four spacious bedrooms with built-in robes. On the bottom level there is a rumpus room with direct access to the large double garage and backyard, featuring a private undercover deck and a paved area for the fire pit. If you’re looking for a brilliant family home look no further! CONTACT: MICHAEL WRIGHT 0421 360 948 6 KAMDELL PLACE $849,000 4 3 2 Renovated and ready to live in, the hard work is done with a lovely new kitchen complete with a wine fridge, dishwasher, gas cooktop and plenty of bench space. Both bathrooms have been tastefully renovated. Hardwood flooring and tiles provide versatility and ducted heating takes care of the cooler months. Good fencing, 2 garden sheds and lock up garage add to this great all-round package. Located in the popular Calare area - this home is the perfect property for a young family to move straight in. CONTACT: ADAM SAVAGE 0419 232 416 5 WARATAH AVENUE $699,000 4 2 1 This solid three bedroom home has a lot to offer. The lounge room is spacious and light as is the north facing kitchen. The three bedrooms are well portioned and the bathroom and laundry are in good order. The dedicated office is a real bonus. The polished timber floorboards and timber windows add real character and the heating and cooling covers all seasons with a split system air conditioning. The home is on a 752.5 sqm (approx.) block with a private yard and the garage has been converted into an entertainment area. CONTACT: JACOB EVANS 0428 130 789 11 BURRENDONG WAY $579,000 3 1 0 Seclusion and privacy top the list when it comes to this lovely home. On a huge 1,872 sqm block, the home has a classic verandah and big picture windows. Spacious living areas including formal lounge and dining and open plan living area. The kitchen is an inviting space in which to cook. The master bedroom has a walk-in robe and ensuite. The remaining three bedrooms are all a good size with built-in robes. Outside, there’s plenty of space, a timber deck and single shed. CONTACT: JACOB EVANS 0428 130 789 79 HILL ST, MOLONG PRICE GUIDE: $670,000-$700,000 4 2 1 This is a modern home with a compact footprint but surprising in size and features. Only a few years old, this is the perfect low maintenance home for a young family or a downsizing couple. There are two living areas and a lovely kitchen. The kitchen/dining/family area is the perfect space to gather and opens onto the covered patio and north facing backyard. There are four comfortable bedrooms all with built-in robes and the main bedroom has an ensuite. Climate control is easy with ducted gas heating and a split system. CONTACT: CHRIS MASON 0438 629 417 9 NEWPORT STREET $679,000 4 2 1 A four bedroom home under $400,000 is almost non-existent in Orange these days and is sure to attract some interest. Tucked away on a battle axe block, this home will surprise you with what it offers. It’s cosy lounge and dining area together with the functional kitchen plus four good sized bedrooms, bathroom and separate toilet make for a comfy home. There is sunny yard space front and rear with room for off street parking and a play area for the kids. The estimated rental range is $390-$410/week. CONTACT: CHRIS MASON 0438 629 417 185 SPRING STREET PRICE GUIDE: $369,000-$389,000 4 1 0 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 15 OCTOBER 11.45-12.15 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 15 OCTOBER 9.30-10.00 OPEN HOMES: THURSDAY 13 OCTOBER 1.30-2.00
PERFECT SUN-SOAKED DOWNSIZER Saturated in natural sunlight, this home is perfect for the person looking for something level, spacious and easy to maintain. It has all the perks of a mod build, being
alfresco area, making it a perfect place
heating, quiet street,
beautiful Spring afternoons.
a walk-in robe and
ORANGE CITY LIFE | OCTOBER 13 — 19, 2022 33 39 SALE STREET, ORANGE | 6363 1000 | PFISHER.COM.AU ALL PROPERTIES CAN BE VIEWED BY PRIVATE INSPECTION OR VIDEO CALL, JUST CONTACT THE AGENT. ALL INSPECTIONS WILL BE CONDUCTED UNDER STRICT HEALTH GUIDELINES. Located in the very popular Calare area, this home has fantastic views. Step inside and you’ll find upstairs 3 spacious bedrooms, the main with an updated ensuite and a walk-in robe. There are 2 large living areas, dining room, spacious kitchen with new vinyl flooring and all heated by a ducted gas system plus a large woodfire. Downstairs with another large bedroom and bathroom, kitchenette and living area - ideal for teenagers, extended family or potentially extra income. CONTACT: ADAM SAVAGE 0419 232 416 20 MAPLE AVENUE $849,000 4 3 2 Looks are deceiving for this family home. The master bedroom features a brandnew fully renovated ensuite and a walk-in wardrobe. All of the bedrooms are enormous or can double as a second living area. In the heart of everything is a combustion wood heater and there are two additional split systems for added comfort. There is a lovely feeling of space towards the back of the home due to its elevated position which is also framed by a stunning elm tree, allowing for beautiful westerly sun. CONTACT: MICHAEL WRIGHT 0421 360 948 68 ICELY ROAD $745,000 4 2 6 This block of land is in a brand new estate in sought after West Orange. Adjoining the Poplars Estate and surrounded by other good sized blocks, this offers a wonderful opportunity to build your very own home perfect for your style and needs. 914.4 sqm in size, the block is fairly level and has the advantage of the best northerly aspect of all the blocks meaning you will have a gorgeously sunny north facing backyard. All town services are available and registration is done. It’s ready to go! CONTACT: JACOB EVANS 0428 130 789 6 GEORGIA OAK AVENUE $550,000 Ready and waiting for your dream home to be built to your needs and personal style, this 781.5 sqm elevated block with water views to the dam behind may be just right for you. In a new estate, this block is well priced in the market. The North Orange location offers an appealing lifestyle being close to local shops as well as the Botanic Gardens and Adventure Playground and their nearby café. There is easy access to all the town services you will need, and building can commence as soon as your plans are finalised, and the DA is approved. CONTACT: CHRIS MASON 0438 629 417 59 STEVENSON WAY $429,000 This level block is ready to build on at your earliest convenience. There is an option to purchase with an approved DA for a house the same as the lovely one next door at No. 49, which is available for a walk-through. Alternatively, you can build your dream home to your own plan. On a very manageable 540sqm, weekend maintenance will be at a minimum leaving you free to enjoy the features of your new home. This blank canvas offers the perfect starting point for a brand-new home plus a great lifestyle. CONTACT: JACOB EVANS 0428 130 789 49A STEVENSON WAY PRICE GUIDE: $310,000-$340,000 This subdivision is an extension of an already established and highly desirable area of Orange. The block on offer is a 464sqm level block, which is registered and ready for building. You’ll love being able to build within close proximity of town, schools and day-care. Zoned for Calare Public School and Orange High School. If you’re looking to build, this is one to walk over! CONTACT: MICHAEL WRIGHT 0421 360 948 34A TURNER CRESCENT $329,000 NEW PRICE LIFE IN THE QUIET LANE If you’re looking for a great start into the property market, then look no further than 2 Newport Street. Located in North Orange, close to Waratah’s Sporting Ground, North Orange shops, Medical Centre and surrounded by walking trails and playgrounds; this home will check all the boxes for the growing family. The home has a lovely open-plan kitchen and dining area with access
to relax
The master has
spacious ensuite and the other three bedrooms all have built-ins. There is rear-yard access and there is plenty of room to run around on the 683sqm block which is secure with good fencing. Other great features include, ducted gas
internal access from the double garage and zoning to Bletchington Public School. Come see this home, it’s the spot to be in! CONTACT: MICHAEL WRIGHT 0421 360 948 2 NEWPORT STREET $745,000 4 2 2 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 15 OCTOBER 11.00-11.30 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 15 OCTOBER 12.30-1.00 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 15 OCTOBER 11.45-12.15
only 5 years old. A lot of thought has gone into the layout allowing for space everywhere, such as a double garage, ducted gas heating, north-facing living area, large master bedroom with a walk-in robe and ensuite as well as three-quarter windows to ensure the home is a real sun trap. The kitchen is sleek and modern with a huge island bench at the heart, making it a lovely place for guests to sit whilst entertaining. There are modern appliances including a 900mm oven and gas cooking. Outside, the yard is easy to maintain and really is a black canvas to those with a green thumb. A bonus is the home’s close proximity to North Orange shops, medical centre, nature reserve and playgrounds. If you’re looking for a home that just ‘feels right’, then look no further. CONTACT: MICHAEL WRIGHT 0421 360 948 12 DIMBOOLA WAY $719,000 3 2 2 OPEN HOMES: THURSDAY 13 OCTOBER 12.45-1.15
34 ORANGE CITY LIFE | OCTOBER 13 — 19, 2022 9/103 EDWARD STREET, ORANGE • Built in wardrobe in main bedroom. • Combined lounge & dining. • Single lock up garage. CONTACT NATALIE GOW 0407 213 073 FOR LEASE 211 • Low maintenance enclosed yard. • Sorry, no pets. • Quiet well maintained complex. $400 PER WEEK 2/103 EDWARD STREET, ORANGE • Built in wardrobe in main bedroom. • Combined lounge & dining. • Single lock up garage. CONTACT NATALIE GOW 0407 213 073 FOR LEASE 211 • Low maintenance enclosed yard. • Sorry, no pets. • Quiet well maintained complex. $400 PER WEEK PH 02 6362 6966 37 SALE STREET, ORANGE WWW.WILLIAMSMACHIN.COM.AU 6 SWEET HEART DRIVE, ORANGE • Brand new executive family home • Vaulted ceilings, quality high end fittings • North facing living areas • 801m2, rural views to Mt Canobolas CONTACT Marty Lyden 0404 070 391 422 $1,300,000 FOR SALE 60 VALENCIA DRIVE, ORANGE • Large family home in West Orange • 2300sqm of land with rear yard access • Entertainers dream with swimming pool • Multiple living zones, room for the whole family • Open plan kitchen & dining opening onto alfresco area CONTACT Marty Lyden 0404 070 391 533 $1,500,000 FOR SALE 4 GRACE RISE, ORANGE Modern family home with light filled interior Multiple living areas, flexible floorplan • Enclosed rear yard with side access, room for boat or trailer 522 $740,00 - $780,000 CONTACT Marty Lyden 0404 070 391 FOR SALE 155 HILL STREET, ORANGE • Brand new, low maintenance • 900mm oven, plantation shutters, 6.6kw solar • Central location, fully fenced, covered pergola 321 $690,000 - $740,000 CONTACT Marty Lyden 0404 070 391 FOR SALE OPEN this Saturday 11:00 – 11:30am OPEN this Saturday 12.45 – 1.15pm OPEN this Saturday 11.45 – 12.15pm
ORANGE CITY LIFE | OCTOBER 13 — 19, 2022 35 IF YOU WOULD LIKE YOUR PROPERTY CHRIS OR JOHN ON 6362 5999 NOW SELLING ‘KINROSS MEWS’ 99 BATHURST ROAD, ORANGE A BETTER LIFESTYLE AWAITS YOU HERE IN THIS NEW GATED COMPLEX A new development consisting of two and three bedroom villa units and town houses. Designed for your security and peace of mind. A heated indoor communal swimming pool for your enjoyment. OPEN HOUSE SAT 15th OCTOBER 12.00pm - 1.00pm
SALE 9/198 BYNG STREET VERY CENTRAL 3 BEDROOM UNIT If you’re looking for a spacious unit with the convenience of inner city living, then don’t look past this opportunity. This two story residence enjoys a north facing open plan living area with new carpets and freshly painted lounge / dining room that has electric heating and a handy storage closet. The main bathroom has been freshly renovated and there is a second toilet downstairs. There is internal access to the garage and a private paved courtyard and garden at the rear with a covered outdoor area. It’s so easy to walk to town, you may get rid of your car!
12 OAK STREET, ORANGE ARGUABLY, ONE OF THE MOST SOUGHT AFTER STREETS IN ORANGE ENORMOUS POTENTIAL Split level brick veneer home with 3 bedrooms. Double carport, workshop and garden sheds in large back yard with rear access. Lovely tree lined street outlook from front patio. $550,000 CONTACT OUR OFFICE FOR FURTHER DETAILS OPEN HOUSE SAT 15th OCTOBER 11.00am - 11.30am FOR SALE 247 LEEDS PARADE DEVELOPMENT SITE • 39,180 sq metres of vacant Industrial (IN1) zoned land. • An excellent location for storage units and warehousing (subject to Council DA). • Situated just off the Northern Distributor Road and adjoins Bunnings. FOR FURTHER DETAILS CONTACT CHRIS ON 0417 626 361
BEAUTFUL ELEVATED BLOCK Backing onto a Council reserve this good sized block enjoys a lovely outlook for you to build your new dream home on. Situated in the popular Northern Gardens Estate and is in easy reach to the North Orange Shopping precinct. Land size is 801.5 m2 CONTACT OUR OFFICE FOR FURTHER DETAILS OPEN HOUSE SAT 15th OCTOBER 11.30am - 12.00pm
Twas’ The Night Before Christmas
Fast forward a few short months and it will be!
Christmas is usually a joyous time of year. Sadly though, for many of us, there is often a huge hangover as a result of not saving money for Christmas and so much of the spending goes on the credit card, which of course then has to be repaid (with high interest if you can’t do it quickly).
There are just over ten weeks to set aside some money to make Christmas spending a whole lot less stressful than it might usually be. Doesn’t it feel
like to find out
much more enjoyable when you spend money guilt-free? Planning ahead for Christmas makes that entirely possible.
The starting point is setting a target for how much you’re willing to spend on Christmas. There are about five fortnights left between now and Christmas (most of us get paid fortnightly). If you divide your Christmas spending target by the number of pays left until Christmas, that’s how much you need to save each pay to relax with your family, knowing that your celebrations have been completely planned and paid for. You might even decide to set up a free online savings account… after all, “out of sight, out of mind” is a very useful
the most
tactic when it comes to saving money.
Put pen to paper (or a memo in your phone) and set the amount you want to spend on key things. For example, how much you want to set aside for food and drinks, how much for decorations, how much per child or per person on gifts. Setting these targets gives you a spending framework and everything gets easier from there.
As you’re saving money for Christmas, you might see the perfect gift for your child or loved one on sale. Great, buy it and put it away. You got it for less than full price, so you’re ahead. Keep a record of what you’ve bought, how much you paid and therefore, what you have left to spend. This self-discipline
cash flow,
will prevent you falling prey to the sales tactics of retailers… they want you to buy presents early, but then buy a whole lot more as Christmas approaches! The more you spend, the better they do.
Plan your Christmas spending now and when the ‘night before’ rolls around, you won’t be spending a second worrying about a Christmas spending hangover.
One last tip: Your tax refund can be a great boost to the Christmas savings account!
Cheers, Daniel
Longs Corner Road, Canowindra $Contact Agent
If you’d
more about how INDEPENDENT financial advice could help you manage
pay off the
faster, get
out of super and invest wisely, then get in touch on 0411 484 464 or head to This advice may not be suitable to you because it contains general advice which does not take into consideration any of your personal circumstances. All strategies and information provided are general advice only. DANIEL MCGREGOR AND WEALTH TRAIN ARE AUTHORISED REPRESENTATIVES OF INDEPENDENT FINANCIAL ADVICE & EDUCATION AFSL 520963
Open Houses
15.10.22 12.00 - 12.30pm 180 Macquarie Road
15.10.22 11.00 - 11.30am 11 Marsden Street, Blayney
15.10.22 11.00 - 11.30am 4 Grace Rise
15.10.22 11.45 - 12.15pm 6 Sweet Heart Drive
15.10.22 11.45 - 12.15pm 5 Waratah Avenue
15.10.22 10.15 - 10.45am Elsham Avenue
15.10.22 9.30 - 10.00pm 9 Newport Street
15.10.22 11.00 - 11.30am 25 Moulder Street
15.10.22 11.00 - 11.30am 2 Newport Street
15.10.22 10.15 - 10.45am 114 Margaret Street
15.10.22 12.00 - 12.30pm 185 Spring Street
15.10.22 12.30 - 1.00pm 2 Thoopara Place
15.10.22 10.15 - 10.45am 4 Tilston Way
15.10.22 10:00am 38 Orange Road, Blayney
15.10.22 10:45am 49 Park Street, Orange
15.10.22 11:30am 3 Lisbon Circuit, Orange
15.10.22 12:15pm 1 Todd place, Orange
15.10.22 12:30pm 31 Racecourse Road, Orange
15.10.22 11.15 - 11.45 am 26 Moresby Street
15.10.22 10.30 - 11.00 am 167 Woodward Street
15.10.22 11.30- 12.00 pm 9/198 Byng Street
2 4 Auction 18.11.22
1 2 Auction 21.10.22
2 2 $740,000 - $780,000
2 2 $1.3million
2 1 $699,000
2 4 $529,000
2 1 $679,000
2 1 $769,000
2 2 $745,000
1 2 $715,000
1 0 $369,000-$389,000
2 2 $1,250,000
2 2 $829,000
1 1 $525,000
1 1 $580,000 - $600,000
2 2 $939,000
1 1 Contact Agent
1 3 $750,000 to $760,000
1 1 $385,000
2 1 999,000 - 1,049,000
1 1 $550,000
15.10.22 12.00 - 1.00 pm 99 Bathurst Road Contact Agent
15.10.22 11.00 - 11.30 am 12 Oak Street
1 1 Contact Agent
ORANGE CITY LIFE | OCTOBER 13 — 19, 2022 37
For week 13 — 19 OCTOBER, 2022
During Prostate Cancer Month (September) our group showed our support by holding two information days — one at Bunnings and the other at the Village shopping centre. Through one of our group members we were able to speak to over 300 sta and contractors at Cadia mines, address a meeting of Orange City Council and had articles in the local media.
At our September meeting we learnt more about the wonderful work being carried out at the Cancer Research Unit at the Orange Hospital. A visitor, who we met at our information Day at Bunnings, shared with us his story of being diagnosed with prostate cancer and given just two years to live. He was invited to join a Cancer medication trial conducted by the unit, and now, seven years later, he was able to inform our group about his story.
Our guest speaker, Geo Selwood from the Rural Fire Service, informed the group about the new roadside re noti cation signs, the number of noti cations has been reduced to four and he explained each item and handed out coloured sheets.
Geo explained that the re season will be di erent this year due to the large amount of grass that has accumulated and with the wet conditions not allowing vehicles to get near the res. He warned us that these res travel very fast. The next topic he spoke about was something very new to the group — electric car crashes, the di erent dangers associated with them, and what you should and should not do if you come across an accident.
For our next meeting we will be having a talk and demonstration on the use of a De brillator and CPR. One day this knowledge may help to save a life. Our meetings are open to all residents to come along and learn; you may save a friend’s life.
Our next meeting will be at 6pm on Tuesday, October 18, At Café Connect (107 Prince Street, Orange).
For more information, get in touch with Ray on 63625257.
BORN: 24/09/2022 WEIGHT: 3610g
PARENTS: Tarah and Sean Toohey
SIBLINGS: Toby Toohey
Service NSW vans at Millthorpe, Blayney
payment by credit/debit cards or cheques.
The mobile van will be at Redmond Oval, 44 Park Street, Millthorpe on Wednesday, October 19 from 9–3pm, and at the Community Centre carpark at Blayney, on Thursday, October 20, also from 9–3pm.
For more information on their service locations or opening hours, go to:, or call Service NSW on 13 77 88.
Syphers of Orange and David & Cheryl Toohey of Blayney
Rotary aims to turn Orange GREEN! Samaritans Purse Operation Christmas Child workingb this Saturday
The three Rotary Clubs in Orange have joined forces with Landcare on a mission to turn Orange ‘green’.
Their ongoing tree-planting quest began early this month when around 35 Rotarians gathered at Kearney’s Drive with an initial planting target of 70 tubestock trees, which help enhance land draining.
By the end of the day, some 125 new trees were in place – all supplied by Landcare.
The volunteers were kept nourished by great barbecued food provided by John Templeman from the Orange Rotary Club.
Others who got their hands dirty were members of the Orange North Rotary Club and Rotary’s Daybreak Club, including club president Michelle Duncan.
“This is really a great start,” said Michelle. “Supporting the Environment is now an ‘Area of Focus’ for Rotary globally and this project will continue.”
Expect to see more activities turning Orange ‘green’ soon!
Samaritans Purse
Operation Christmas
Child are holding a working bee this Saturday, October 15, 10am to 2pm, at Kenna Hall. Come along and lend a hand making items for the shoe boxes.
For more information contact Robyn on 0427653431.
38 ORANGE CITY LIFE | OCTOBER 13 — 19, 2022 YOUR SPACE Have something of interest to share? SNSW_26849 01/03/22 This includes: driver licences, proof of identity documents, and Photo Card applications Driver Knowledge Tests Working With Children Checks • NDIS Worker Check birth, death and marriage certificates up to 70 government rebates and savings Dine & Discover NSW voucher applications. We’re coming
your community To help keep NSW safe, we’ve ensured our Mobile Service Centres follow COVID safe practices. NSW Government services will be available Visit or call 13 77 88 to check our schedule. Unfortunately, sometimes our routes change at short notice. Find us at: in Millthorpe on the 1st June from 9:00am 3:00pm. 44 Park Street, Millthorpe NSW 2798 Good news if you live in Millthorpe or Blayney and have Government business you need to talk to someone about. Service NSW’s mobile service centres are returning next week to both communities, o ering a range of NSW Government services. This includes: ● Driver licences, proof of identity documents; ● Photo Card applications; ● Driver Knowledge Tests; ● Working With Children Checks; ● NDIS Worker Check; ● Birth, death and marriage certi cates; ● Up to 70 government rebates and savings; ● Dine & Discover NSW voucher applications. However, note that these are cashless facilities and only accept
CANTAR WOMEN’S CHOIR meets at the Church of Christ, every Monday from 7.30pm - 9:15pm. Enquiries: Margaret 02 6369 1333.
EVERUPWARD CRAFT GROUP holds craft groups at Everupward Church, every Monday morning from 9.00am - 12.00pm. Enquiries: Mary 02 6361 0514.
OLD TIME ACOUSTIC JAM SESSION is held at The Blind Pig Sound Lounge & Bar, last Sunday of every month from 4.00pm. Enquiries: Kenneth 0408 619 235.
ORANGE ART SOCIETY INC. meets at the Orange Cultural Centre, every Monday from 10.00am. Enquiries: David 0407 627 092.
ORANGE CROCHET / KNITTING GROUP meets in the bistro at the Orange Ex-Services Club, every Saturday from 12.00pm - 3.00pm and every Tuesday 10.00am -12.00pm. Enquiries: Karen 0419 616 251.
ORANGE LACEMAKERS meet at the front of the Orange Cultural Centre, each Wednesday from 1.00pm. Enquiries: Sandy 02 6362 7938.
ORANGE MALE VOICE CHOIR meets at Orange Regional Conservatorium, every Monday from 7:15pm – 9:15pm. Enquiries: David 02 6362 8218.
ORANGE OLD TIME DANCERS meet at the Senior Citizens & Pensioners Centre, every Tuesday from 7.00pm - 9:30pm. Enquiries: Alan 0407 062 979.
ORANGE SOCIAL DANCE GROUP meets at the Orange City Bowling Club, every Thursday from 6.00pm. Enquiries: Audrey 02 6362 0068 or Richard 02 6361 7718.
ORANGE SPINNERS & HANDCRAFT meets at the Orange Cultural Centre, every Thursday from 10.00am - 2.00pm.
THE CANOBOLAS HIGHLAND PIPE BAND meets at Legacy House, every Wednesday from 7.00pm. Beginners are welcome. Enquiries: Zoe 0421 379 423.
THE COME TOGETHER CHOIR meets at the Orange Regional Conservatorium, every Tuesday from 10.00am - 12.00pm. Enquiries: Vicky 02 6361 8156 or 0424 008 350.
ORANGE COLOUR CITY LINE DANCERS meet at the Orange City Bowling Club every Monday from 5pm till 7.30pm and Wednesday from 5pm until 8pm.
CITY OF ORANGE BRASS BAND, 62-64 Endsleigh Ave, Orange. Players of all levels and enquiries welcome. Enquiries: 0491 707 979. Facebook and
INNER WHEEL CLUB OF ORANGE meets at Duntryleague, every second Monday of the month from 1:30pm. Enquiries: Tricia 0410 600 869 or
THE ORANGE SUB BRANCH OF THE NAVAL ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA meets at 11am on the third Sunday of every month at the Orange RSL Enquiries: Barry 0407 259 2756 or Peter 0438 413 531 or bcynical24@bigpond. com or
Golf Club, on the second and fourth Thursday of every month from 6:30pm Enquiries/Membership: Pat 0407 217 600
ORANGE COIN AND STAMP CLUB meets at the Orange Community Centre, on the last Tuesday of every month from 7.30pm. Enquiries: Howard 02 6362 2368 or 0427 107 554.
Meets every 4th Wednesday of the month. 10:00am to 12:00pm Duntryleague Club. Enquires: Marlies 0418 440 512
IONIAN CLUB OF ORANGE (Women new to Orange) meets at Duntryleague, every second Thursday of the month, from 11.00am. Enquiries: Helen 0417 749 152.
ORANGE LEGACY CLUB o ce hours are 10.00am - 3.00pm Tuesdays to Thursdays at 58 McNamara Street, Orange. Enquiries: 02 6362 1205
ORANGE BRIDGE CLUB. Enquiries: Murray 0418 206 485. BRIDGE LESSONS from 1.00pm - 3.00pm, every Wednesday. Enquiries: Chris 02 6362 3029 or Dorothy 02 6362 8218.
ORANGE CANOBOLAS LIONS CLUB meets at Duntryleague Golf Club, on the first and third Tuesday of every month from 6:30pm Enquiries: Lisa 0419 641 282.
ORANGE CAMERA CLUB meets on the first and third Tuesday of every month at the Senior Citizens Centre, from 7.30pm. Enquiries:
ORANGE EVENING VIEW CLUB meets at the Orange Ex-Services Club, on the last Thursday of the month from 6:30pm for a 7:00pm start. Enquiries: Anne 0478 124 276
ORANGE LAPIDARY & MINERAL CLUB INC meets at the Orange Cultural Society, every Wednesday from 9.00am - 12.00pm & 7.00pm - 9.00pm.
Enquiries: Kathy 0437 917 074.
ORANGE COIN AND STAMP CLUB meets at the Orange Community Centre, on the last Tuesday of every month from 7.30pm. Enquiries: Howard 02 6362 2368.
ROTARY CLUB OF ORANGE meets at the Ambassador,every Monday from 6.00pm for dinner. Enquiries: Len 0428 459 117 or
SCRABBLE CLUB MEETS at Giyalang Ganya, Community Services Building on the first and third Sunday of each month from 2.00pm. Enquiries: Audrey 02 6362 0068.
SOUTHERN CROSS STREET CRUISERS is a family oriented car club that would like to welcome any new enquiries for membership.
Enquiries: Jason 0431 456 889 or Mick 0427 856 427 .
THE EUCHRE CARD CLUB meets at the Orange Ex-Services Club, every Wednesday from 7:30pm. Enquiries: 02 6362 2666.
ZONTA CLUB OF ORANGE INC. meets at Lord Anson Hotel, every second Tuesday of the month , from 6.30pm. Enquiries: Frances 0407 952 675.
ORANGE BIRD SOCIETY meets at the Senior Citizens Centre, on the third Wednesday of every month from 7:30pm. Tony 0409 912 370 or 02 6365 8441.
THE ULYSSES CLUB OF ORANGE conducts weekly motorbike rides, leaving the Railway car-park, Peisley Street, on Wednesdays from 9.30am. Social dinners are held on the second Friday of every month. Enquiries: Lee 0414 881 178.
ORANGE BASIC DOG OBEDIENCE meets every Sunday during school terms at Waratahs 8.45am -10am. BYO dog, lead, treats and patience. Enquiries via Orange Basic Dog Obedience Facebook page.
Meets the first Friday of every month at 11.00am. May-Sep (Orange Ex-Services Club) Oct-Apr (Local Gardens) Enquiries: Vicki 02 6362 1257
THE AMUSU THEATRE in Manildra has regular movie screenings. The Movie Museum is open every weekend by appointment. Enquiries: Joan 0418 452 902.
THE COMMITTEE OF ADFAS ORANGE & DISTRICT holds lectures at 6:30pm once a month in the main auditorium at the Orange Regional Cons. Enquiries: Anne 02 6361 3923.
ORANGE DISTRICT GIRL GUIDES meet at 365 Peisley Street, on a weekly basis, during School Terms. The units meet Mon - Wed from 5pm -6.30pm. Enquiries: Yvonne 0412 736 700.
THE MINIATURE RAILWAY PUBLIC RUNNING DAY takes place on the second Saturday every month at Matthews Park, Corner of Moulder Street & Anson Street, from 1pm4pm. Enquiries: Shane 0414 887 005
ORANGE STORYTIME is held at the Orange City Library, every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday during school terms from 11.00am. Storytime and Craft. Bookings are essential. Enquiries: 02 6393 8132 or library@cwl.nsw. or
3RD ORANGE SCOUT GROUP. Meeting dates for Joeys, Cubs, Scouts, Venturer & older ages call for details. 3 Icely Road Orange. Enquiries: Scouts NSW, 1800 SCOUTS (726887)
BLAYNEY SMOKING CESSATION CLINIC at the Blayney MPS. By appointment only. Enquiries: Pam 02 6368 9000.
CHAIR YOGA for those who can’t get on the floor, meets Mondays at the Senior Citizens & Pensioners Centre, from 10:20am for a 10.30 start, until 11:30am. Enquiries: Kerrie 0418 235 495.
ORANGE TABLE TENNIS meets every Tuesday from 6:30pm at the Canobolas High School Recreational Hall, 142 Icely Road. Enquiries: Steve 0468 308 705.
THE O’BRIEN CENTRE at Bloomfield Hospital has activities each Thursday during school terms, from 10.00am - 2.00pm. $5.00 for the day. Enquiries: Je 0423 277 788.
TAI-CHI CLASSES Wednesdays at 6.00pm Enquiries: Tony 0409 285 807
CENTRAL WEST MEDIATION meets second Saturday of every month at Senior Citizens Hall 8:30am - 10:00am Enquires: 02 4315 2763
ORANGE COIN AND STAMP FAIR is held on the first Saturday of every month at the Orange Cultural Centre. Enquiries: Howard 02 6362 2368.
ORANGE FARMERS MARKET is on the second Saturday of every month, at Northcourt, corner of Peisley Street and March Streets (October to May), and the Naylor Pavilion, Orange Showground, Leeds Parade from (June to September). Gold coin upon entry. Enquiries: Holly 0418 654 226.
BLAYNEY ROTARY MARKET is held on the third Sunday of every month at CentrePoint Sport and Leisure Centre, Corner of Osman and Church Street, Blayney, rain, hail or shine from 8:30am. Enquiries:
COWRA COMMUNITY MARKETS is held on the third Saturday of every month at Sid Kallas Oval, from 8am until noon. Phone 0473 346 046 for more information.
CUMNOCK MARKET Is held on the third Saturday of every month from 9.00 a.m. to 12 noon at Crossroads Park Cumnock (opposite General Store) Enquiries: Pat Gilmour – 6367 7270
FOODCARE ORANGE is open Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday from 10.30am1.00pm and Thursday from 4.30pm - 6.00pm, at 142 March Street. Enquiries: 0447 577 884
ORANGE CAKE DECORATORS GUILD meets the second Saturday of every month at 1.00pm at the Senior Citizens & Pensioners Centre, 77 Kite Street. Enquiries: Janelle 0438 618 483 or 0427 659 194.
Tuesday & Friday from 9.00am - 12.00pm at Orange RSL Sub-Branch (next to the Orange Ex Services Club). Enquiries: (02) 6362 1735
RAILWAYS RETIREES meet the last Friday of every month, at the Orange City Bowling Club, at 12.00pm. Enquiries: Lindsay 02 6362 5959.
VIETNAM VETERANS meet every Friday from 10am - 1pm at the Orange Ex-Services Club. Enquiries: Lindsay 02 6362 5959.
ORANGE TOASTMASTERS meets every second & fourth Monday of the month from 6:45pm for 7.00pm - 9.00pm, at the Orange Ex-Services Club. Enquiries: 0439 568 752.
THE META-COACH FOUNDATION (MCF) Orange Chapter meets on the first Wednesday each month at Shop 15 / 212 Anson Street from 6.00pm - 8.00pm. Enquiries: Shawn 0439 194 323.
ORANGE BRANCH OF RSPCA meets quarterly from 7pm at Orange City Bowling Club. All interested parties are welcome to attend. Enquiries: 02 6362 6171 or
BORENORE / NASHDALE MENS’ SHED meets every Tuesday from 9.30am, at the Orange National Field Days site, Borenore. Enquiries: Max 0418 498 708.
ENVIRONMENTALLY CONCERNED CITIZENS of Orange (ECCO) meets on the 4th Wednesday of each month, 7.30pm at the Environmental Learning Facility. Enquires: Neil 0419 224 461.
FRIENDS OF THE ORANGE BOTANIC GARDENS run a guided bird walk at the Orange Botanic Gardens, on the first Sunday of every month from 8:30am.
ORANGE WOMEN’S SHED meets every Friday at 9:30am - 1:00pm at Riverside Centre, Forest Road, Orange. Enquiries: 0439 609 849 or
ORANGE MEN’S SHED meets every Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday from 9.30am3.00pm, now at the Lucknow shed venue. Enquiries: Alan 0475 250 779.
SOCIETY meets the third Tuesday of every month from 7.00pm at Orange Ex-Services Club, in the Boronia Room. Enquiries: Barry 02 6362 0096 or 0427 620 096.
ORANGE & DISTRICT 40+ SOCIAL GROUP meets every Tuesday at Orange Ex-Services Club, from 7.00pm. Enquiries: Brett 0427 462 887.
ORANGE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY meets the first Wednesday each month from 1:30pm. Enquiries: Janet 0427 450 346.
ORANGE WOODWORKERS ASSOCIATION INC. meets every Wednesday from 8:30am - 3.00pm, on the second & fourth Sunday of every month at the Old Coach House. Enquiries: Chris 0407 129 934.
THE CENTRAL WEST AMATEUR RADIO GROUP meets on the first Sunday of each month, except for January. Due to COVID 19, we have been meeting on air. Enquiries: Garry 0413 358 037 or
HEARTS & HANDS - CAFE CHAT. A place to meet others & practice spoken english, meets twice a month on Mondays at St James Presbyterian Church Matthews Ave, Orange. Enquiries: Margaret 0428 835 866 or Vicky 0401 292 335
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS ORANGE meets at the rear of Kenna Hall, 84 Hill Street, from 5.00pm Sundays, and from 7.00pm Monday & Tuesday. We also have meetings from 6.30pm - 8.00pm Thursdays at The Leisure Centre Bloomfield. Enq: Graham 0447 839 026.
AL-ANON FAMILY GROUP ORANGE meets every Monday 6.00pm - 7.00pm at St. Barnabas Church Hall. Enquiries: 1300 252 666.
ORANGE SENIORS CITIZENS & PENSIONERS groups meet regularly. Various classes are held. Enquiries: 02 6362 6592.
THE ORANGE PARKINSON’S DISEASE SUPPORT GROUP meets fourth Wednesday each month, 10.00am - 12.00pm at Giyalang Ganya, Community Services Building. Enquiries: Bernie 0434 504 414.
RED CROSS CLUB MEETINGS currently on seasonal recess. For any enquiries please call 0498 815 229.
ORANGE STROKE SUPPORT GROUP meets on the third Monday of every month from 10.30 am - 12.00pm at the Giyalang Ganya, Community Services Building. Please call before attending the group. Enquiries: Michelle on 1300 650 594 or
ORANGE PROSTATE CANCER GROUP Meets 3rd Tuesday of the month (Except January & December) at Cafe Connect 107 Prince Street, Orange at 6pm Enquiries: Ray 6362 5257 or Charlie 6361 1830
THE COMPASSIONATE FRIENDS (BEREAVED PARENTS) meet every third Thursday of the month at the Orange City Council Community Service Centre, 286 Lords Place, from 7.00pm to 8.30pm (odd mths). Every third Sunday 1.30-3.30pm, Duntryleague (even mths) Enquiries: Donna 0419 357 431 and Tammy 0417 482 688.
ORANGE GROW GROUP (Mental Wellbeing Programs) meets every Friday from 1pm-3pm at the Orange City Council Community Service Centre, 286 Lords Pl, Orange. Enquiries: 1800 558 268.
LIFELINE provides all Australians experiencing a personal crisis with access to online, phone and face-to-face crisis support and suicide prevention services. Enquiries: 13 11 14 Email:
HEADSPACE ORANGE is a youth-friendly FREE service for anyone aged between 12 and 25 years who are having a tough time. Enquiries 02 6369 9300, or email
ORANGE REGIONAL SUICIDE PREVENTION Networks, Berevement Group. Have you lost a son / daughter to suicide?. Do you need support or someone to talk to?
Enquiries: 02 6369 2030. Register:
LIKEMIND ORANGE, STRIDE MENTAL HEALTH, 122-124 Kite Street. LikeMind is an innovative mental health service providing a ‘one-stop’ hub o ering support for all adults with mental health concerns, under one roof. No referral required. Enquiries: 02 6311 1700.
LIKEMIND ORANGE hosts a free Mindfulness group with an experienced facilitator on Mondays during school terms. 9:30am –10:45am. Enquiries: 02 6311 1700 .
OPEN ARMS & ST JOHN OF GOD HOSPITAL, RICHMOND holds a free workplace trauma PTSD support group at Legacy House, 58 McNamara St, Orange on the second Wednesday of the month from 10am – 1pm. Also a group for family members available. Enquiries: 0439 048 344 or
ORANGE CITY LIFE | OCTOBER 13 — 19, 2022 39
DIARY Are you part of a club? Have an upcoming meeting you’d like to share...
sponsored by
away each week from Ashcroft’s Supa IGA.
To enter, simply tell us your name and contact phone and what product features in the Ashcroft’s Supa IGA ad in this issue of OC Life.
Oct 13: Nana Mouskouri, Greek singer, 88. Paul Simon, US singer, 81. Sammy Hagar, rock singer, 75. Marie Osmond, entertainer, 63. Nancy Kerrigan, US figure skater, 52. Sacha Baron Cohen, actor, 51. Ian Thorpe, swimmer, 42. Ashanti, US singer, 42.
Oct 14: Ralph Lauren, designer, 83. Sir Cli Richard, British singer, 82. Laurie Lawrence, swimming coach, 81. Kate Grenville, author, 72. Wendy Machin, politician, 64. Steven Bradbury, gold medal speed skater, 49. Usher, singer, 44. Glenn Maxwell , cricketer, 34. Mia Wasikowska , actress, 33.
Oct 15: Peter Doherty, scientist, 82. Richard Carpenter, US musician of The Carpenters, 76. Steve Bracks, former Victorian Premier, 68. Sarah, Duchess of York, aka “Fergie”, 63. Keyshia Cole, US singer, 41. Paulini Curuenavuli Australian Idol singer, 40. Prince Christian of Denmark , young royal, 17.
Oct 16: Angela Lansbury actress, 97. Tim Robbins, actor, 64. Flea , musician, Red Hot Chili Peppers, 60. Tom Williams, TV presenter, 52.
Ryan “Fitzy” Fitzgerald, radio & TV personality, 47. John Mayer, singer, 45. Kristy Hinze, model, 43. Timana Tahu, rugby league/union player, 42. Pippa Black , actress, 40. Casey Stoner, motorcycle racer, 37.
Oct 17: Russell Gilbert , comedian, 63. Rhys Muldoon, actor, 57. Ernie Els, South African golfer, 53. Eminem, US rapper, 50. Wyclef Jean, Haitian-born rapper, 50. Johanna Griggs, TV presenter, 49. Dami Im, singer-songwriter, 34. Sophie Luck , actress, 33.
Oct 18: Roger Climpson, former Channel 7 newsreader, 90. Liz Burch, actress, 68. Martina Navratilova , Czech tennis player, 66. Jean-Claude Van Damme, Belgian actor, 62. Tony Lawler, former local politician, 61. Marina Prior, singer, 59. Mike Tindall , English rugby union player, 44. Nathan Hauritz , cricketer, 41. Zac Efron, US entertainer, 35.
Oct 19: Bronwyn Bishop, former politician, 80. John Lithgow, US actor, 77. Tiriel Mora , actor, The Castle, 64. Evander Holyfield, US heavyweight boxing champion, 60. Trey Parker, South Park animator, 53.
sponsored by
We have two $50 platters from Cured Artisan Meats to give away each month. Somewhere in this edition of Orange City Life, you’ll find this face. To enter, simply write your name and address on the back of an envelope, along with the page number you found the face on or email us an entry.
TO WIN: If you have a personal or business phone number with these 4 numbers appearing in any order within it, put in an entry and we’ll draw a winner from among all correct entries each week.
are Australia’s rugby union players called?
which year did Cyclone Tracy devastate Darwin?
sabin oral vaccine was used to fight which disease?
is the chemical symbol for arsenic?
Australian actor stars in the film “The Insider”?
was Australia’s first world champion surfboard rider?
is another name for the vegetable the aubergine?
Hill is closest to which capital city?
what part of your body would
wear a Tam O’Shanter?
Which is Australia’s largest freshwater fish?
Russell Crowe,
Midget Farrelly,
40 ORANGE CITY LIFE | OCTOBER 13 — 19, 2022
Ian Thorpe
TEST 1 What
2 In
3 The
4 What
5 Which
6 Who
7 What
8 Broken
9 On
4 As, 5
7 eggplant, 8 Adelaide, 9 head, 10 murray cod. youwearaTamO’Shanter? 10WhichisAustralia’slargestfreshwaterfish? TQ656.SEETHETV+GUIDEFORANSWERS TRIVIATESTANSWERS#656 1Wallabies,21974,3poliomyelitis, 4As,5RussellCrowe,6MidgetFarrelly, 7eggplant,8Adelaide,9head, 10murraycod. OVER $1,000 OF PRIZES TO BE WON EACH MONTH are you a WINNER? Orange City Life, Suite 3/241 Lords Place Orange or email and mark each entry with the competition name DELIVER OR POST ENTRIES TO... I LOVE IGA MARGARET LIVERMORE LOONEY LOTTO BETTY STEWART FIND PINNY LINDA PELL CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR WINNERS FIND "PINNY"AND WIN GIFT VOUCHER WIN $50 A WEEK! I LOVE IGA We have a voucher for Orange Tenpin Bowl valued at $60 to give away each week, so the family can go bowling! Each week we’ll hide a small version of "Pinny" (pictured) somewhere in OC Life. It could be anywhere. To enter, simply find him, write your name and phone number on the back of an envelope, along with the page number you found him on, emails are also welcome at Put in an entry and we’ll draw a winner from among correct entries each week. ENTRIES CLOSE 12.30PM TUESDAY EACH WEEK. sponsored by We have a $50 gift voucher to give
Quick Crossword
amounts (5)
of meeting (7)
particle (7)
artificial (7)
African country has
largest population?
what year was the video
Dark Souls released:
2009 or 2011?
who was the director behind Dark Souls?
Sun is a
of the following
youngest woman ever
serve in the US Congress,
old was Alexandria
she took
is the largest university in Australia?
is the only Australian
to have a completely
Norodom Sihamoni is the king of which Southeast Asian country?
islander (9)
island (4)
to plants (9)
often (7)
the midst of (7)
of information (9)
Lecher (5)
house politician (7)
words (5)
of acid (7)
direction (9)
that prey on others (9)
law enforcer (7)
island (6)
wet (5)
River mouth (5)
centre letter
each letter
only be used once.
ORANGE CITY LIFE | OCTOBER 13 — 19, 2022 41
Quiz ACROSS 1 Small
4 Superfluous (9) 9 Proceedings
10 Elementary
11 Not
12 Settle (7) 13 Mediterranean
15 Agreement (4) 17 Small
19 Tending
22 Corrected (7) 25 Radio
26 First (7) 27 In
28 Provider
DOWN 1 Effeminate (8) 2 Upper
3 Gloomy (9) 4 Consequential (9) 5 Giver (5) 6 Naming
7 Type
8 Dig (6) 14 Compass
15 Animals
16 Firebrand (8) 18 Local
20 Visible (2,5) 21 Polynesian
23 Less
No. 053 1 Which
2 In
3 And
4 The
Dish’ is located in which WA coastal town? 5 Midnight
companion novel to which 2005 YA novel? 6 Which
is not a brass instrument: cor anglais/English
flugelhorn or cornet? 7 The
office? 8 What
9 What
Sudoku No. 053 34 94513 17 5932 23 17 65 17 54 97 3698 Fill in the blank cells using the numbers from 1 to 9. Each number can only appear once in each row, column and 3x3 block Using the nine
grid, how
four letters or more can you list? The
must be included and
words. No capitalised nouns, apostrophes or plural words ending in “s”. T O A Y L UA R D 10 words: Good 15 words: Very good 21 words: Excellent Today’s Focus: 9-Letter Reference: Macquarie Dictionary Sat 0611 No. 053 No. 053Crossmath Insert each number from 1 to 9 in the shaded squares to solve all the horizontal and vertical equations. Multiplication and division are performed before addition and subtraction. + + = 14 + + × × × = 63 × + + = 8 = = = 13 3 39 No. 053Drop
Starting with the seven-letter word, drop a letter and form a six-letter word. Continue in this manner until you reach the single letter at the bottom. You can rearrange the letters in each step, if necessary. There may be more than one possible answer.There may be more than one possible answer. SH RE ED AD HAPU TE ST No. 053Edgeword Place each of the tiles of letters into the blank jigsaw below to create four six-letter words going across and down. Wordfind BANSHEE BELFAST BLARNEY COUNTY CüCHULAINN DUBLIN EIRE GAELIC GUINNESS HIBERNIA JOYCE KELLS NEWGRANGE SHAMROCK TUATHA ULSTER WHISKEY The leftover letters will spell out a secret message. Theme: Ireland No. 0535x5 T A T E U A E T A E E T A Insert the missing letters to make 10 words – five reading across the grid and five reading down. Solutions QUICKCROSSWORD SUDOKU 342816759 974258163 296583417 569437281 625371894 418792635 187925346 831649572 753164928 9-LETTER ADULATORY,aryl,dory,dourly, dray,duly,duty,lady,LAUDATORY, layout,outlay,royal,tardy,toady, today,tray,troy,truly,tyro,yard, your QUIZ 1.Nigeria2.20113.Hidetaka Miyazaki4.Carnarvon5.Twilight 6.Coranglais7.298.Monash University9.MaleAustralianking parrot10.Cambodia WORDFIND 5x5 Secretmessage: TheEmeraldIsle PUzzLESANDPAGINATION © PAGEMASTERS P TY LTD | T R A C T R E V U E A L E R T C A R E R E x T R A DROPDOWN BOILING OILING LINGO LOIN NIL IN NEDGEWORD REHASH, REPUTE, SHADED, TESTED CROSSMATH 8 + + 2 4 = 14 + + × 1 × × 7 9 = 63 × + 5 + 6 3 = 8 = 13 3 39 B N O I L I N G 141022Dubbo & Orange PUZZLES…. PUZZLES….
Tomato Plants
44 ORANGE CITY LIFE | OCTOBER 13 — 19, 2022 CLASSIFIEDS 6361 3575 To book your ads simply phone and use your credit card or call into our office at Suite 3, 241 Lords Place, ORANGE CLASSIFIEDS CLOSE 12PM EACH FRIDAY 0447 002 193 LIC. No. 4558 We treat them all! COMPLETE EXTERNAL SPIDER TREATMENT House Exterior, Fences, Garden Sheds, Clothes Line etc! 25 Years Experience Eagle Eye Termite and Pest Control $199 CallCraigon Call 6360 1136 Hot Water Systems Blocked Drains Leaking Taps PLUMBING CENTREPOINT ARCADE Shop 4, 226 – 232 Summer St 0419 979 773 REEL Memories • DVD’S Cult & Classic REEL MEMORIES PUBLIC NOTICES Philippa Mitchell Professional Bra Fitter By Appointment Mob: 0499 991 650 Bras for all women through every stage of life Call Victor w 0455 299 043 PICTURE 145 KITE STREET, ORANGE (THE OLD CINNABAR) OPEN TUES-FRI 10-5pm • SAT 10-3pm’ish Weddings & Graduations. All Sizes & styles. 40 OCTOBER 8–14, 2015 classifieds To book your ads phone 6361 3575 and use your credit card or call into our office at Suite 3, 241 Lords s s skills for industry... from industry (02) 63 622 502 49 Leewood Drive Orange HIGH RISK WORK LICeNCe TRAINING IN ORANGe. Forklift • Working at Heights • EWP • Crane • Rigging • Dogging • Scaff olding skills for industry... from industry Stibbard’s TV • VIDEO • ANTENNA SERVICES 0407 062 979 Supply and Install Digital antennas • extra outlets 6362 4766% SPECIAL Call New & Recycled Designer Clothing 111 Endsleigh Avenue (up from Canobolas Holden) Ph: 6360 0706 • 0401 401 073 Tues - Fri 10-5pm • Sat 10-2pm CLOSED MONDAYS s ANITA GROCERY STORE Largest as Ia N s tore IN o ra N ge for • Asian • African • Indian • Pakistani • Nepalese • Fijian • Tongan • Filipino • Sri Lankan • Bangladeshi and Island Groceries Specialising in • Indian Authentic Basmati Rice • African Maize Meal 97 gL eN ro I ave, ora N ge OPEN 7 DAYS T. 6369 1975 M. 0431046713 e. s NEED IMAGES OF ORANGE? Hundreds of quality images available for Walls, Websites etc. Purchase Instantly Online Go to GOSPEL MEETINGS The Gospel meetings have moved and are now being held in the Lucknow Community Centre, Lucknow 4-5pm Sunday and in The Orange Cultural Centre, in the Harris Farm Carpark (entrance Sale St) Tuesday 7-8pm. We present, freely, the life and docture of Jesus, using the Bible only. Everyone is Welcome. Enquiries 0479 976 750 Leadership and Management Coaching Programs Group & Team Coaching Leadership Training & Skills Development Communicating Effectively And Professionally Ph: 0439194323 or E: PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL HUMAN DEVELOPMENT
6 VARIETIES Plus other popular vegie plants 12 Brunswick St, Orange Enquiries 0427 63 1013 RACHEL $10 Past, Enq: TOPIARY • Creation • Low-hedge Design • Maintenance FREE QUOTE 0438 092 320 ORANGE AND ADVERTISE HERE TO REACH OVER 35,000 OCL READERS Call 6361 3575 GUITAR LESSONS 0458 096 453 $25 for half hour tuition Call Margaret Hill... TRADES&SERVICES TRADES&SERVICES GARAGE SALES BUSINESS FOR SALE FOR SALE PROUDLY SPONSORED BY Remember Your Loved Ones Here In Thanks to Norman J. Penhall Funerals Norman J. Penhall Funerals Norman Penhall ORANGE & DISTRICT 6361 7777 or 6362 3751 Office & Chapel, 31-35 William Street, Orange Fond Memories Remember your loved ones here in FOND MEMORIES thanks to Norman J. Penhall Funerals Fond Memories is a thoughtful and cost effective service from Orange City Life. Your message will be seen by up to 35,000 readers including on our website. Notices for our next issue close 12 noon on Monday. Cost starts at a low $26 For more information or to book, call 6361 3575. BOOKS FOR SALE MOST BY TOP AUTHORS Maps, Travel Books, Old Cameras, Photo Frames, CD & DVD & VHS Cassette Tapes 5 SARAN PLACE ORANGE FROM 8.30am SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15 SATURDAY 15th OCTOBER 9am to 5pm 37 CLYBURN ST CANOWINDRA Household goods, Antique Bed & gates, retro furniture, garden tools, collectable tools, some jewellery. Lots of goodies CASH ONLY TRAINING BUSINESS FOR SALE Len & Glennis are ready to retire after 30 years in business apple clothingEMBROIDERY & PRINT Includes equipment, stock, training & support Call Len 0412 778 796 Cavoodle puppies Beautiful family pets raised in a loving knowledgeable home. Breeder no B000851222 Ph: 0422313785 $2800
ORANGE CITY LIFE | OCTOBER 13 — 19, 2022 45 Lawn Mowing & Rubbish Removal ORANGE AND SURROUNDS 0417 706 613 CLASSIFIEDS 6361 3575 To book your ads simply phone and use your credit card or call into our office at Suite 3, 241 Lords Place, ORANGE CLASSIFIEDS CLOSE 12PM EACH FRIDAY ORANGE 23 Cameron Place ORANGE 0418 869 897 • From small to large jobs – one room to full house • Internal and External • New homes or repaints • Maintenance Call Glenn 0467 599 668 GHB PAINTING & Maintenance Lic. 330255C FAST RELIABLE SERVICE Over 25 years experience • Domestic • Rural • Commercial • New installations or maintenance Call Scott 0407 414 609 • 24hr Emergency Service • Commercial & Residential Locks • Window Locks and Deadlocks • Master Keying and Restricted systems • Automotive and Computerised keys • Locally Owned and Operated for over 30 years Canobolas Locksmiths 169 March Street, Orange Call Ian: 0417 204 176 or Dale: 0417 491 936 MASTER LICENSE NUMBER 407 966 923 24 Hour Mobile Service When you have lock problems – call us! Also deadlocks and window locks for houses and cars supplied and installed 151 Peisley St, Orange 6369 1222 or 0417 204 176 Canobolas Locksmiths WE FIX LOCKS!NEW LOCATION BLIND SHUTTERS & AWNINGS HIGH QUALITY AT AN AFFORDABLE PRICE Most products carry a 5 - 25yr warranty BUDGET BLINDS & AWNINGS A local Orange business est. 2012 servicing the Central West Call Milissa for a free measure & quote 02 6369 0173 or 0437 10 60 60 - 0421 861 262 • From one wall to full house • New houses to repaints • Free quotes • Fully licensed and insured • Interior and Exterior • Specialising in Restora�on • Dulux Accredited 0422 022 968 IG-sabpainting22 3 Qualified Tradesmen 3 Free Quotes 3 Free Advice 3 Internal/External experienced builder SpecialiSing in... •Renovations • Kitchens • Restorations •General Maintenance G A & r l bruce Lic. No. 203054C Phone Geoff on 0427 422 816 E Kennels Cattery Horse agistment Dog Wash Doggy Day Care Long term bookings 0438 270 374 • Undercover • Safe clean secure dog kennels for boarding use. • Individual exercise yards. Dog B&B Shangri La Amaroo Rd Molong 6366 8789 0447 468 789 Anywhere Skips “The mobile skip bin solution” We deliver. You fill. We empty. Fred Palmer 0447 966 838 Domestic Waste Specialist - Locally owned and operated, servicing Orange and surrounding areas Email: BUILDER For your: w Addition w New Home w Alteration or Heritage H 40 years experience H FOR ALL ENQUIRIES PHONE Max 0492 803 983 Lic: R79571 J K ADAMS ROOFING Call Jeff 0407 151 419 • Roof repairs Tile,Tin or Slate • Re-guttering and fascia • Re-roofing • Quality Leaf Screening Systems 40YRS EXPERIENCE LIC. 159748C TRADES&SERVICESTRADES&SERVICES TRADES&SERVICES TRADES&SERVICES PETS&LIVESTOCK 0437 211 614 0417 904 328 Awesome THAI MASSAGE Thai Traditional Massage Swedish Massage Deep Tissue Massage Warm Coconut Oil Massage Thai Remedial Massage + Hot Stones Neck, Back, Head and Shoulders Discounts for pensioners and multiple bathrooms Reduced price for repeat business • Bathrooms • Showers • Patios • Laundry’s SAFER NON-SLIP Tiled Floors WATERPROOFING w Bathroom Renovations w New Homes w Block Walls w Commercial and Residential Quality job at competitive rates Fully Licenced & Insured Work completed with a Warranty Certificate 0422 815 431 E: Lic No: 271458C 0422 815 431 or 0428 614 178 Lic No: 271458 Call for quote Call James on 0428668754 • Solar Energy for your Home & Business • Experienced in-house Installers • Battery packages • Finance options available Helping Orange go Green 0417 313 494Call Malcolm: Specializing in general home and hobby farm maintenance You can trust us for prompt & quality work MOWING CALL PETER 0487 139 983 • Gardening • Gutters • Pruning • Rubbish Removal GEOFF GRANT | 0418 637 661 Locally owned and operated Orange and surroundings districts Deep-cleaning carbonation and proprietary products for Stains • High traffic patterns • Allergens • Pet Urine Do you have ELM LEAF BEETLES attacking your Elm Tree? 0421 480 750 call Douglas Arbor on Douglas Arbor has the solution to Elm Leaf Beetle Treatments Residential - from one room to the whole house New houses to repaints, No job too big or too small Fully licenced and Insured Local family business 0448 600 095 Lic. No. 340514c PAINTING UP& D WN CJ BRICKLAYING Bricklaying - Small jobs only Lic. No. 104973c Phone 0428 136 803
Queen of the Cherry Blossom CROSS purposes
No one tells you that pain is so lonely. When you are suffering through a bad time, because of poor physical health, relationship breakdown or family troubles, you can start to feel very isolated. Even when great people come alongside to support you, encourage you, and help you, at the end of the day – and particularly in the soul-destroying sleepless hours of the night – your suffering seems to be yours alone.
Christians believe that they are never alone, because Jesus promises to always be with us, always listening, always comforting, and he has shared in our suffering. He knows exactly what it’s like to feel pain, betrayal and loneliness. He is able to pour his love and grace into our messy lives because he has walked where we have walked.
As the song goes:
“Never alone, is now our cry
A huge crowd of about 10,000 people crowded into Robertson Park on 5 October 1957 to see Janet Duff crowned Cherry Blossom Queen. Janet and the other finalists raised more than £4500 between them to be donated to the Orange Olympic Pool Fund.
The Cherry Blossom Festival was held in Orange for many years to celebrate the fruit which meant so much to the local economy. Janet is pictured with the runners-up Nerida Crossman, Mary Siggers and Norma Davies.
In joy, in grief, in lonely sin.
Never alone, for Christ is ours
He lives in us, we live in him.”
And for those who don’t yet know Jesus – understand that he sees you and your pain. Look to him – he is waiting to give you the peace and comfort that only he can.
46 ORANGE CITY LIFE | OCTOBER 13 — 19, 2022
Photo courtesy CWD Negative Collection, Orange & District Historical Society. Society volunteers meet
each Wednesday at 148 March
from 10.30am to 4pm.
are welcome to call in with any inquiries at this time.
With Lydia Smith
Are you having a party or a social event you would like to see pictured in OCLife? book a social photographer
THUMBS UP to all the people and their dogs who made the most of the wonderful weather over the long weekend and visited Lake Canobolas. It really made you feel good, watching the children playing on the sand, and the water pouring over the wall in wonderful colours…
THUMBS DOWN to Orange City Council for not providing adequate toilets in convenient positions at Lake Canobolas.
THUMBS UP to Hannah and Nicole at the Tony Leahey Service Department. They are always friendly and e cient.
THUMBS DOWN to the tradespeople who do not respond to voice messages or texts. Surely a response of “not interested” or “unavailable” would be good manners.
THUMBS DOWN to our medical services in the Central West. Our doctors and nurses are stretched and stressed. You don’t want to leave a big city and come to live the country life. It will probably kill you.
THUMBS UP A very ironic Thumbs up and huge and massive “congratulations” to Cabonne Council. “Thanks” to your outstanding ine ciency, my wife is now an expert at replacing blown tyres on her car after hitting your six-inch deep potholes on Burrendong Way near Mullion Creek, and I have successfully quali ed as an ace rally driver, with my ability to dodge and weave my way around the hundreds of traps you have set in the road for us. It’s not often that you outdo Orange City Council, but you have excelled in this lack of road repairs. On ya, boys!
THUMBS DOWN to the people at the airport, who are taking their time in coming and going, and make a lot of racket doing it.
THUMBS UP A big “thumbs up” to Liz who, for 13 years, each Thursday delivered community newspapers, including Orange City Life magazine to residents of Westlea in every kind of weather. Liz built up a rapport with residents and will be sadly missed by many. She also often did extra acts of kindness for the elderly residents. Well done, Liz!
THUMBS DOWN to people who view childcare centres as venues where children are “just minded”. Sta have completed university degrees or TAFE diplomas and certi cates. Their knowledge and experience is invaluable, and they are often the rst to recognise developmental and learning issues in young children that leads to early intervention.
THUMBS UP to all the kind people who came to my aid at the Orange City Centre during a medical episode. A special thanks to the pharmacist and rst aid o cer.
A HUGETHUMBS UP to two amazing people who came to my Mum’s aid, when she accidentally locked her keys in her car. Country town kindness at its best with the young man from Molong IGA trying to open the car then phoning NRMA and Tina, after hearing there would be a three-hour wait, driving my mum to Manildra and back to get her spare key. These lovely people went out of their way to help an elderly lady. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your kindness was much appreciated.
THUMBS UP to Molong and Rylstone paramedics, Jaqui and Kat, for attending to my husband in Manildra on Monday morning. Your warm, caring, and professional manner was much appreciated. You’re a credit to your profession. Thanks so much.
THUMBS UP Also, thumbs up to the abovementioned young girl at Sanity, for apologising to the other customers for being there to see this outburst. You’re a great worker.
THUMBS DOWN to Orange City Council for erecting a ashing sign to promote Wine Week that was adjacent to the pedestrian crossing in Byng Street that requires ashlights to make it safe. The sign distracted from the crossing.
THUMBS DOWN on Sunday to the lady being rude and yelling at the young girl at “Sanity”. I feel sorry for the young girl just doing her job and trying to help the customers.
THUMBS UP to the lovely people who let me catch the rst taxi from the Orange Train Station on Tuesday. I know that once you get o the XPT, you just want to get home, so thanks once again. I did make it to the hospital in time to shower and start my shift on time.
THUMBS UP to Laser Plumbing Orange. I needed some new xtures put in urgently and, even though the plumbers were busy, the administration ladies moved my job forward. Thank you so much for the empathy and kindness shown, and for your quick and e cient service.
THUMBS UP to Orange Hospital for a quick and easy visit to the fracture clinic on Friday, October 7.
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THUMBS continue weekends. family.
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THUMBS said I stole dare you!
thoughts and opinions of readers and do not necessarily reflect those of Orange City Life. Every care is taken not to publish thumbs that are considered derogatory or defamatory in nature. Please note that thumbs may be edited for clarity, space or legal reasons.
Services clinic for frontline Thumbs their own
don’t dispose them on it is still
ORANGE CITY LIFE | OCTOBER 13 — 19, 2022 47 CALLDANIELON0411484464 TOBOOKYOURFREEINITIAL APPOINTMENTORHEADTO WEALTHTRAIN.COM.AU TRULY INDEPENDENT Financial Advice Changes Lives MoreandmorepeopleinOrangeare enjoyingthebenefitsof INDEPENDENT financialadvice... Shouldyoubeoneofthem? DanielMcGregor (1253135) andWealthTrain (1258202) areauthorisedrepresentativesof IndependentFinancialAdviceandEducationAFSL520963 46 JULY 29 — AUGUST 4, 2021 THE NECESSARILY PUBLISH PLEASE SHOW Thinking of Painting, think Up&Down Painting... Call today for a no obligation free quote 0448 600 095 upanddownpainting@gmail.comPAINTING UP D WN & We’re not happy until you are. Residential - from one room to the whole house New houses to repaints, No job too big or too small Fully licenced and Insured Local family business Lic. No. 340514c Moreandmorepeoplein Orangeareenjoyingthe benefitsof independent financialadvice... shouldyoubeoneofthem? CALLDANIELON0411484464 TOBOOKYOURFREEINITIALAPPOINTMENT ORHEADTOWEALTHTRAIN.COM.AU DanielMcGregor (1253135) andWealthTrain (1258202) areauthorisedrepresentativesof IndependentFinancialAdviceandEducationAFSL520963
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FOR MORE INFO CONTACT CINEMA ODEON 5 MOVIE CLUB - $20 PER YEAR, AND ALL MOVIES (EX 3D) ARE THEN DISCOUNTED TIMES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE • BOOKINGS RECOMMENDED Parking available at rear, enter March or Byng Streets • ALL CINEMAS HAVE WHEELCHAIR ACCESS 43 WILLIAM ST ORANGE • 6362 0213 (ADMIN) SUBSCRIBE AT WWW.ODEON5.COM.AU TO HAVE PROGRAMME EMAILED WEEKLY. *HEARING/VISUAL IMPAIRED EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE Programme for Thurs 13th to Wed 19th Oct 2022 redeem your vouchers for OdeCinema gift cards. ������ only redeem ORDER TICKETS ONLINE WWW.ODEON5.COM.AU 102 MINS Thurs 13 th 12.00, 2.30, 5.00, 7.45 Fri 14 th 12.00, 2.30, 5.00, 7.45 Sat 15 th 12.30, 3.00, 5.30, 8.00 Sun 16 th 12.00, 2.30, 5.00, 7.45 Mon 17 th 12.00, 2.30, 5.00, 7.45 Tues 18 th 12.00, 2.30, 5.00, 7.45 Wed 19 th 12.00, 2.30, 5.00, 7.45 102 MINS Thurs 13 th 10.00, 1.00, 4.00, 7.00 Fri 14 th 10.00, 1.00, 4.00, 7.00 Sat 15 th 10.00, 1.00, 4.00, 7.00 Sun 16 th 1.00, 4.00, 7.00 Mon 17 th 10.00, 1.00, 4.00, 7.00 Tues 18 th 10.00, 1.00, 4.00, 7.00 Wed 19 th 10.00, 1.00, 4.00, 7.00 102 MINS Thurs 13 th 10.30, 1.15, 5.00, 7.15 Fri 14 th 10.30, 1.15, 5.00, 7.15 Sat 15 th 10.00, 12.30, 8.00 * Sun 16 th 10.30, 1.15, 5.15, 7.15 Mon 17 th 10.30, 1.15, 5.00, 7.15 Tues 18 th 10.30, 1.15, 5.00, 7.15 Wed 19 th 10.30, 1.15, 5.00, 7.15 129 MINS SMILE SAT 7.15 TOP GUN MAVERICK 146 MINS $10 TIX HALLOWEEN ENDS DON’T WORRY DARLING 126 MINS 138 MINS 102 MINS Thurs 13 th 10.00, 1.30 *, 4.00 *, 6.30 * Fri 14 th 10.00, 1.30 *, 4.00 *, 6.30 * Sat 15 th 3.30 *, 5.45 * Sun 16 th 2.15 *, 4.30 * Mon 17 th 10.00, 1.30 *, 4.00 *, 6.30 * Tues 18 th 10.00, 1.30 *, 4.00 *, 6.30 * Wed 19 th 10.00, 1.30 *, 4.00 *, 6.30 * 119 MINS TICKET TO PARADISE SAT 1.30 SUN 10.00* 94 MINS DISNEY FILM FESTIVAL 101 DALMATIONS SUN 6.45 WED 11.00* 129 MINS FILM SOCIETY OFFICIAL COMPETITION All Welcome... FALL THUR, FRI, MON, TUE, WED 12.15 SUN 12.00* 122 MINS SAT 12.00 LITTLE MONSTERS $10 TIX 102 MINS SAT 10.30*, 3.00 SUN 10.30 PAWS OF FURY THE LEGEND OF HANK 117 MINS SAT, SUN 10.00 102 MINS MINIONS THE RISE OF GRU $10 TIX $10 TIX $10 TIX THUR, FRI, MON, TUE WED 2.30, 7.30 SAT 5.30, 7.45 SUN 3.00, 7.45 WOGBOYS FOREVER 124 MINS SAT 10.00, 2.00 SUN 10.00, 12.30 DC LEAGUE OF SUPERPETS 121 MINS THUR, FRI, MON, TUE, WED 10.00 SEE HOW THEY RUN 113 MINS THUR, FRI, MON, TUE 10.30*, 4.00 SUN, WED 4.00 SAT 4.30 AMSTERDAM 149 MINS