Bookings: 02 6393 8111 Orange Civic Theatre THIS IS CORRECT AS OF 15.11.2022 - FOR ALL SHOWS AND UPDATES PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBPAGE WWW.ORANGE.NSW.GOV.AU/THEATRE > 2022 SEASON BROCHURE AND MEMBERSHIP IS OPEN FOR PURCHASE. PLEASE CONTACT THE BOX OFFICE FOR MORE INFORMATION 25 – 27 November | Various Times Cinderella Pantomime ORANGE THEATRE COMPANY Wednesday 7 December at 7.30pm A Celtic Christmas PACE LIVE Saturday 4 February at 8.00pm Umbilical Brothers The Distraction ALIST.COM.AU Saturday 11 March at 8pm Frankie Valli & the Beach Boys Show PREMIER ENTERTAINMENT Saturday 15 April at 2pm & 8pm The Robertson Brothers 1960’s Variety TV Show NOVEMBER 17 — 23, 2022 ORANGE PROPERTY MARKET — STARTS ON PAGE 31 FREE It’s been a big year for Orange’s Contemporary Homes who’ve brought home a huge haul of regional and state honours from the Master Builders Association of NSW 2022 Excellence in Housing Awards. See our 11-page feature beginning on page 19.
02 6361 3575
Thank you to our Sponsors:
Orange City Life is grateful to the following sponsors for their ongoing support over many years. These sponsorships, among others things, have enabled us to bring our readers a lot more enjoyment to our publications than would otherwise be possible. In return, we ask you to please support them as often as you’re able.
Sad scenes around the district this past week with devastating �ooding impacting so many people, with so many homes and businesses lost.
And with the vast amount of water in the river systems, and seemingly endless rain at the moment, it’s not over yet. As always, we should be incredibly thankful for all the hardworking volunteers of the SES, who really must be stretched at the moment given the scale of �ooding all across the state.
It is going to take a long time for many of these communities to recover, but in the short term there are many people in need of help. We understand the Orange Ex-Services Club has set up a Flood Donation Hub, just as they did when Lismore was a�ected.
For anyone wanting a way to help, the club is accepting the following items:
• Coles/Woolworths vouchers for groceries
• Harvey Norman/Kmart/BigW vouchers to help buy clothing and household items
• New bedding (still in packaging): blankets, pillows, sleeping bags
• Dignity female packs, toiletry supplies and toilet paper
• Baby supplies
• Cleaning packs and products
• Bottled drinking water
All donations can be delivered to the Orange Ex-Services’ Club reception in Anson Street. Cash donations will also be accepted and used for purchasing gift cards and vouchers.
We’ll try to keep you informed of any other ways you can help in future issues.
Jonathan Roe
Suite 3/241 Lords Place ORANGE
What’s happening in “Entertainment” this week... 02 6361 4155 1/202 Anson Street Orange 40+ years Real Estate Industry Knowledge, Training and Experience Making the switch is free & easy, with no hidden fees, only exceptional service. Family owned and operated Personal, yet Professional Not Bigger, BETTER! WED TO SAT 4PM-8PM 0401 072 027 Check our Facebook for the Menu 37 William Street ORANGE | Ph 6362 8611 Pauls @ CoCos DINE IN OR TAKEWAY Pizzas ~ Wings ~ Pasta ~ Chips ~ DimSim CoCo’s CAFE TRADING HOURS 37 William Street ORANGE Ph 6362 8611 Delicious! burgers, coffee and yummy desserts. With both daily weekly specials they have something tickle your taste buds. Portuguese chicken Salad wraps Poached Eggs with Avo smash and yogurt Berry muesli Black Bean Vegetable Burger with Sweet Potato Crisp Pumpkin Fetta Tart Sweet potato fish cake with seeded pumpkin fetta salad MEAL DEAL $50 2 Pizzas, Barramundi Bits & 1.25 litre Soft Drink 16 49
Super fundraiser for the Swim Rainbow Club
Lest We Forget
Damp weather no deterrent to Remembrance Day crowd
Light rain falling on Friday morning did not deter more than 100 people from attending the local Remembrance Day service at the cenotaph in Robertson Park.
Marking the anniversary of the armistice that ended hostilities in the First World War, Orange RSL Sub-Branch President, Chris Colvin, said the 11th of November is a day of solemn importance.
“Remembrance Day to me is as important as Anzac Day,” Mr Colvin said. “And I was impressed with the number of people there, I would say between 100 to 150… It was a wonderful service and good to see younger people involved,” he added, referring to the contribution of students from Orange High School, who gave the commemorative address and recited the poems “In Flanders Fields” and “We Shall Keep the Faith”.
“I think those students from Orange High really do a wonderful job for us, and I mean I do ask a lot… What a wonderful contribution to the community that school does.
Mr Colvin said it is also pleasing to see the next generation of ‘diggers’ becoming more involved in these services.
“We are seeing a lot of younger veterans coming and not just being a part of the service and disappearing afterwards, but actually coming up to the club and having sandwiches with us,” he said.
Businesses and homes in the small town of Molong have been devastated by flash flooding in the early hours of November 14, after almost 100 millimetres of rain fell in just six hours.
Owner of Molong’s popular hotel, The Freemasons, Kim Stojanov, said it was a traumatic night.
“It’s honestly been so devastating and I have no idea how Molong is going to recover from this.”
“By 1am the whole town was inundated. Every business has been devastated. It’s been a total write off for Molong,” she said.
The intensity and speed of the events left many community members needing rescuing by SES and police.
“There were people trapped in caravans and houses that needed to be rescued,” Kim said. Houses have been destroyed. It was pretty ferocious!
“It was going down the Mitchell Highway at a really fast pace -– like nothing anyone has seen before — and that’s why people couldn’t get out.
Its ripped walls apart, it was smashing windows in the mainstreet. There’s been livestock lost. There was even a shipping container floating down the road!”
In a true testimony to Aussies banding together in the face of disaster, Kim said offers of help had been coming in from all over.
“Everyone in the community is out and also from afar – I’ve had so many messages from people wanting to come and help, even from Cairns, Brisbane, Wollongong and Sydney.
“But at this stage, we’ve just got to clear everything and just get it dry and assess during the week and hope no more rain comes – that’s my biggest fear at the moment.”
4 ORANGE CITY LIFE | NOVEMBER 17 — 23, 2022 Community LIFE
10am - 11am: Kids classes with Jennifer Lacey. If you've been wanting to get your kids into art, here's your chance to check it out SUNDAY SAT19ANDSUN20NOVEMBER TheOrangeArtSocietyInc.gallerywillbeopentothepublic,withartdemonstrationsthroughouttheweekend SATURDAY 12pm-3.30pm:WandaDriscoll demonstatingAlcoholInksonYupo(synthetic)paper : David Mason demonstrating acrylic landscape painting 10am - 12.30pm: Ink and wash demonstrations with Kaye Partridge, Tony Kennedy & Glen Southwood. This is hands on, with all materials supplied, so come along and try your hand, and take home what you make 12.30 - 3pm :‘Sketchbook Look’ - show and tell. Come along and check out our local artists' sketchbooks It is very interesting to see how other sketchbooks look and to get some fresh new inspiration for your own art. Feel free to bring your own sketchbooks in (and even take some time out to have a sketch) Sketchbooks are a very easy inexpensive and very portable way to get started in art and creativity, and very relaxing! Come & see how we do it! OrangeArtSocietyGallery-OppositeHarrisFarmMarketsintheWooliesCarpark Followusonfacebookforthelatestnews,
Ben Cooke and Barry Bettles, National Service veterans 1954-59
Heartbreaking scenes as major flooding devastates central west
It has been a tough week for many in the central west with heavy, widespread rain on Sunday night leading to dangerous flash flooding and leaving whole communities inundated by water.
On Sunday night and into the early hours of Monday morning, there were widespread falls of over 120mm of rain across the Central West, causing major flooding at Bathurst, Cowra, Canowindra, Eugowra, Molong and other surrounding communities.
A wall of water swept through Molong on Monday morning, devastating homes and main street businesses. An Australian Defence Force helicopter was brought in to assist with a number of rescues, including retrieving people trapped in flood water.
It took little time for the Belubula River to burst its banks at Canowindra, forcing a fast evacuation of low-lying residents. When the sun rose it showed the town’s main street covered by water.
There were heartbreaking scenes in Eugowra, where fast rising floodwaters engulfed the town, catching most residents off-guard. By Monday afternoon, NSW SES had 11 helicopters in the air and crews had responded to more than 140 flood rescues. They reported that one in five of Eugowra’s 779 residents had been rescued by either helicopter or boat, many from the roof of their home.
At Woodstock, NSW SES were called to assist six vehicles in flood water after a bridge washed away.
With the flood peak making its way down the street, Forbes residents were being ordered to evacuate by Tuesday morning.
Those in flood affected areas are also urged to register their movements using the Red Cross’ Register.Find.Reunite website –
To stay up to date on all the last flood warnings visit and nsw/warnings for severe weather warnings.
ORANGE CITY LIFE | NOVEMBER 17 — 23, 2022 5 Community LIFE Santa Photos with a professional dog friendly setting and photographer SATURDAY 19TH NOV 10 - 4PM SUNDAY 20TH NOV 10 - 4PM Come down when it suits you and we’ll slot you in... Or call on the day to see what time would be best to show up. Ph: 6363 1005 All the pup treats ...Santa cookies, raindeer poo, candy canes, pup stockings, bon bons, advent calendars and so much more! $45 digital and printed copy of the best photo Dogs, kids and pawrents all welcome... Book an exact time with the link on our website
Canowindra from the air on Monday, photo courtesy Farmpix Photography
Above and below flooding at Eugowra, photos courtesy of Andrew Gee
Lights, Camera, Arcadia!
Arcadia, Orange’s very own film production company has been around for a mere five years, but they’ve had nothing but success since.
Relocating three years ago, the Arcadia team are excited to be in Orange and soon to be filming in the central west.
“It’s been a dream of ours to film here,” founding partner and head of distribution and marketing, Alexandra Burke said.
Beginning production in Orange next year, While the men are away will be the first television series to be made by Arcadia, who are eager to make the most of our beautiful scenery and local talent.
“While the men are off fighting in WWII, the people who have been excluded from power suddenly find themselves running the show,” Alexandra explains, describing the series as a queer, revisionistic, historical dramedy.
“Two Women’s Land Army recruits from Sydney arrive in the country and undergo a heady course in race relations, rural politics, spirituality, sex, and personal growth - oh, and farming.”
With a variety of prestigious International film festival awards, their science fiction film 2067 — which can be watched on Netflix — reached number two on iTunes in the United States.
The Arcadia team credit the success to great storytelling.
“We always talk about things that we really care about like climate change and mental health, but at the end of the day, we just really want them to be entertaining and for people to be able to sit down and have a great ride,”
Founding partner and producer,
Lisa Shaunessy said.
“The film and television industry is always a challenge because it’s always a moving feast,” Lisa continued. “What I really love about our company is we’ve always wanted to tell stories that haven’t been told before.”
“The streaming platforms that are coming in has changed a lot,” Alexandra added. “It has hurt some sides of the industry, but what it has allowed us to do is bring diverse stories in a way that prove that you don’t need to use the same actors and the same stories over and over again.”
Head of production and a producer for Arcadia, Bec Janek is also behind Orange Open Air which brings movie lovers together to enjoy films at
outdoor screenings.
Orange Open Air has also run screenwriting and directing workshops with locals and Bec said they’re excited to continue nurturing local, budding filmmakers.
The three wonderful ladies encourage everyone to get out and watch their new horror-comedy movie, Sissy, which recently premiered locally with a special screening and Q&A at the Odeon 5 Cinema.
“Go and watch Sissy – it’s a Muriel’s Wedding with a Tarantino ending!” Alexandra said, “It’s very cool, a lot of fun!”
For more information and all of Arcadia’s past and upcoming projects, visit
6 ORANGE CITY LIFE | NOVEMBER 17 — 23, 2022 Community LIFE
Remembering the railway fettler of Huntley
On the 11th day of the 11th month all across the world, people stop to commemorate the armistice that ended the horrific hostilities of the First World War.
For life-long Huntley resident Alexandra Rezko, the day has a more personal meaning.
Alexandra and her family were victims of another war. Her father, Mikolaj Rezko, was born in Belorussia and served in the Polish Army until taken prisoner by the Germans in the early months of the Second World War. When the conflict ended, Europe was in turmoil with millions of people torn from their homes by the war.
With a young family in tow, Mikolaj set off across the world to make a new life.
“I came as a 4-year-old and landed on the 11th of the 11th. 1949 and I can remember the Harbour,” Alexandra says, walking along the tree-lined road from her home at Huntley towards the railway line.
From Sydney, the Rezkos were sent out to a migrant camp at Parkes, a repurposed former RAAF base.
“I can remember in Parkes we had our first Christmas there,” Alexandra says.
“We spent about 12 months there finding out where we could live.”
Mikolaj, who had got a job as a railway fettler, soon took matters into his own hands and the Rezko family made their way to Huntley, where they would make a home in their new county.
“He found this abandoned shack, and said, ‘I’ll have that’. He was sick and tired of being in camp after camp,” recalls Alexandra.
“It was originally a shop by the railways. It was just two rooms, no bathroom, we had no electricity, absolutely nothing, and so my father added to it with whatever he found in the environment.
“He added those windows at the front,” Alexandra says, pointing out the small annex at the front of the now abandoned house. “That was my room.”
Arriving in the depths of winter, the
“When we first came it was freezing cold. It was June, snow everywhere and we went there,” Alexandra says, indicating towards the neighbouring property. “They gave us warmth because we had nothing, absolutely nothing, and they gave us warmth.
“There was one over there,” she continues, pointing in a different direction. “We didn’t have any electricity so the lady there said hop over and do some washing.”
The Ironmongers, who ran an orchard on the other side of the railway line, were particularly good to the family, Alexandra says.
“Mr Ironmonger, he was across the road… he came from England and was an ambulance officer and he looked after us. When my mother was very ill, Charlie knew how to do things as he was an ambulance officer.”
Running a Sunday school for local children out of the family home, it was here that Alexandra first learnt English
“Remember, we couldn’t speak a word of English when we arrived and I really learnt by going to Sunday School. I learnt through the Bible and that set me up for life, the morals we learnt.”
Although they had very little, it didn’t matter to her father, Alexandra says. He had found contentment in his work and life in the small community.
“My father was not materialistic, he liked it out here and he was happy here… He was a fettler here for 33 years and, as I said, the railway looked after him. They provided a little block of land where he could have his cow; he loved it.
“When we came it was little better than a cow shed, but we never complained. We had it tough, but my father said, ‘Well, we’ve found peace here and that’s what we should be grateful for’.
ORANGE CITY LIFE | NOVEMBER 17 — 23, 2022 7 Community LIFE The VicToria hoTel 336 Summer St, Orange | Tel 6362 6386 WHAT’S ON AT THE VIC... BISTRO OPEN Come in & try our New Menu... WEDNESDAYSATURDAY Lunch 12 - 2pm Dinner 6 - 9pm Book your Functions & Special Events! with our Menu Packs to suit your needs POKER TUESDAY from 7pm SATURDAY from 3.30pm Registration on arrival Registration on arrival TERRY LOVETTS ROCK & ROLL DISCO SATURDAY 19TH NOVEMBER 8PM - LATE FREE ENTRY
small Huntley community immediately stepped in to welcome them.
“The war in Europe, he’d left that behind. That’s what I liked about my Dad, he never talked about the war, he said, ‘we are in a new country, we just have to move on’. And that was the thing I learnt from him.”
Walking with Alexandra along the railway line, she continues to give snippets of stories: neighbours, who lived where; catching the train to school in Spring Hill; trees she’s watched grow from saplings; trees where she scattered her mother and younger brother’s ashes... It’s a fleeting glimpse into a life, experiences and a period of history that’s fading away, but Alexandra is doing her best to keep the memory alive.
“I’ve just put up little things in remembrance. I’m just trying to educate the people around here about
the story of Huntley,” she says, of the hand-painted signs detailing parts of the family history adorning the site of their old family home.
“It really has been a journey. It hasn’t been easy, it’s been tough, it’s been blood sweat and tears, but I’m thankful that I’m still here and I appreciate what’s left and I just want to make sure that we preserve what we have.”
In 2019, on the 70th anniversary of the Rezko’s arrival in Australia, she began planting trees to mark the occasion and as a way to leave a lasting legacy in her much-loved Huntley.
“When I’m dead and gone, when I drop off my perch, what I want to leave behind is my story and the environment — I’ve planted a lot of trees in memory of it all, a lot of wattle and I’ve looked after
the place,” she says.
“I’m planning for my end in a sense. I don’t know how long I’ve got, but I’m planning for my ending and I look back on my story and I just want... once I go, if I don’t tell the story, no one will know.
“I just love it here, and you can see why, it’s nature’s paradise. People say sell it and make a million, but I’m not interested in that. While I still have my facilities I’ll stay here; I’d like to die here to be truthful,” Alexandra says with conviction.
“It is a beautiful place and I know every nook, every cranny, every leaf, every stone, every sleeper, every barn. This is where I live and this is where I want to live.
“Australia took us in, Orange welcomed us, but Huntley nurtured us.”
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8 ORANGE CITY LIFE | NOVEMBER 17 — 23, 2022 Community LIFE
...We’ve found peace here and that’s what we should be grateful for...
ORANGE CITY LIFE | NOVEMBER 17 — 23, 2022 9 Hello santa’s arrival! Saturday 26 November Join Santa and all his friends for Santa’s arrival parade in Summer Street! 10.00AM
Putting people first wins Orange doggie daycare national award
Local dog owners can now boast their pets are getting the best care in the country, with Orange’s Diesel and Blue Doggie Daycare winning the 2022 Australian Achiever Award in the ‘Animal & Pet Services & Supplies’ category.
Owner Danielle Haase said she has entered the awards every year since she founded the business in 2019, and has previously won two state awards.
For Danielle, it’s less about prestige than getting an unbiased insight into how she can improve her business and
be better for her customers.
“I’ve entered these awards since we started because they are an excellent benchmark,” Danielle said.
“They interview your customers, so it’s got nothing to do with you and they benchmark you under 10 or 11 categories.”
The final score is given as a percentage, with anything above 80 per cent regarded as exceptional.
“This year we got 99.1 per cent for customer service which is the best we’ve
done!” Danielle said.
“I’ve always worked hard on customer service, because I think that, in this town, what sets you apart is excellent customer service. I’m constantly mentoring, encouraging, training the staff about customer service — it’s my number one thing.”
Customers agree with Diesel and Blue getting glowing reviews online.
“If we get a four or less than a fivestar review, I’m the first on the phone to ring the customer and say what can we
do better?” explains Danielle, who not only runs a doggie daycare but offers grooming, a dog taxi service to take animals to and from their facility and an annual Santa photo shoot for customers and their pooches.
“I think it’s really important to just be open with your customers and that they know we’re doing the absolute best we can at all times,” Danielle said.
“We’re not complacent… If something does go wrong then we’re the first to admit it and fix it.”
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10 ORANGE CITY LIFE | NOVEMBER 17 — 23, 2022 Community LIFE HOSPITAL 294 Lords Place, Orange | OPEN MON-SAT | “Our passion is caring for your pet” MULBERRY LANE VET HOSPITAL An ASAV accredited “Hospital of Excellence” TELEPHONE 6360 3071 s s Choose ONE of these very special offers for your pet! Free flea/tick/worm treatments available while stocks last. Not valid with any other offers, one voucher per household. RING FOR AN APPOINTMENT OR BOOK ONLINE PROTECT YOUR PET OR OR OR FREEFREEFREEFREE DENTAL CHECK-UP for your dog, cat or rabbit plus $50 off any dental treatment for your puppy FIRST HEARTWORM PREVENTION INJECTION FLEA AND TICK TREATMENT for your dog at vaccination time. FLEA AND WORM TREATMENT for your cat at vaccination time.
18ct gold
Danielle Haase and her award-winning team at Diesel and Blue Doggie Daycare
ORANGE CITY LIFE | NOVEMBER 17 — 23, 2022 11 OrangeCityBowlingClub You can now find us on 61-89 Warrendine Street Orange 02 63 622 533 Website: M A I N RAFFLE SOLD FROM 6.30PM DRAWN AT 7.30PM 20 x $50 VOUCHERS MEMBERS BADGE DRAW AT $500! Member must be present for the Draw HAPPY HOUR LADIES 100CLUB RAFFLE TRADIES RAFFLES SOLD FROM 5PM DRAWN AT 6PM 2 X $25 bar vouchers PLUS 2 X $20 MEAT TRAYS friday nights 5PM-6PM ORANGE CITY MENS RAFFLE 4 x $20 Gift Vouchers trading hours MONDAY 3pm – 8pm TUESDAY 11am – 9pm Management reserves the right to alter trading hours on any given day WEDNESDAY 11am – 9pm THURSDAY 11am – 9pm FRIDAY 11am – 12pm SATURDAY 11am – 12pm SUNDAY 11am – 9pm every friday night Every Friday Night 6-7.30pm FRIDAY NIGHT RAFFLES 10TH DECEMBER 8PM-10PM TICKETS $35 Hello Summer Giveaway COMMENCING TUE 1ST NOV 5 GREAT PRIZES TOTAL VALUE $10K WIN BIG IN OUR Visitors welcome.. BOWLS REGISTRATION 10:30AM FOR 11AM START EVERY MONDAY & WEDNESDAY FROM 5PM LINE DANCING Free Coaching for Bowls Beginners Please check our website for all Covid Restrictions Open Tues—Sun From 11.30am til dark $5 per person SEE MAIN BAR TO PAY AND GET EQUIPMENT Closed Mondays for maintenance Monday – Sunday $5 per person OFFICE OPENS 8AM DURING SCHOOL HOLIDAYS SUNDAY SOCIAL Absolute beginner line DAncing lessons CONTACT KAYLENE ON 0418 864 985 TO BOOK NOTICE TO ELIGIBLE VOTING MEMBERS OF OCBC The Annual General Meeting of the Orange City Bowling Club Ltd. WILL BE HELD ON SUNDAY 11TH DECEMBER 2022 9:30AM IN THE SKYLIGHT ROOM AT ORANGE CITY BOWLING CLUB Further details can be found on the OCBC website: LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Got something to celebrate? Weddings | Engagement Parties Birthday Parties | Anniversaries Fundraisers | Presentation Nights Christmas Parties | Baby Showers Christenings | Funeral Wakes WHATEVER YOU'RE CELEBRATING WE CAN HELP CALL KIRSTY CHRISTMAS FUNCTIONS BOOKINGS NOW OPEN bistro open now LUNCH dinner Tuesday-Sunday 12-2pm Thursday-Saturday 5.30-8pm the $480 WORTH OF PRIZES WEEKLY JOIN US EVERY THURSDAY FOR HOI Open to members and guests. HOI is like Bingo, only we use playing cards instead! 10.30AM ARRIVAL FOR AN 11AM START, UNTIL 1.30PM All equipment needed to play is provided by The Club. AND it only costs $2.50 per board, with most people playing 4 boards. HALF TIME RAFFLE WITH OVER $160 WORTH OF PRIZES. ORANGE cOLOUR cITY LINE DANcERS MONDAY 10TH-14TH NOVEMBER 5PM FOR 1 HOUR - 6 LESSONS FOR $50 Orange Social Dance Group The classes start at 6:00PM to 8:45PM beginner’s classes start at 6:00PM to 6:45PM
Cadia Celebrates NAIDOC Week
NAIDOC Week is celebrated nationally, not only in Indigenous communities, but by Australians from all walks of life. This year’s theme is Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up! for systemic change and to rally around our Indigenous communities. Cadia’s General Manager, Aaron Brannigan, said NAIDOC Week is a chance to recognise and celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
“Cadia is proud to support Indigenous partners, initiatives and programs that continue to improve outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people,” Mr. Brannigan said.
“Cadia has a long-standing and cooperative relationship with the local Indigenous community and each year we continue to build on that. Cadia’s Indigenous Buddy program has been hugely successful as well as our partnership with the Clontarf Foundation.”
As part of celebrations at Cadia, a morning tea was held to launch an artwork by Aboriginal artist, Sandon
Gibbs-O’Neill, which will feature on the new Cadia website, due to be launched in the next month. The artwork, titled Community on Wiradjuri, draws inspiration from the three rivers on Wiradjuri country – the Wambool (Macquarie), the Kalari (Lachlan) and the Murrumbidgee.
Along with the unveiling of Sandon’s artwork, a polo t-shirt for Cadia employees to show their support was highlighted. The shirt was designed by local Wiradjuri artist, Luke Penrith and will become a permanent fixture in the Newcrest clothing options for new and existing employees.
Cadia was also the major sponsor of this year’s NAIDOC Community Awards. Other current Indigenous initiatives at Cadia:
• Indigenous Buddy Program. Cadia’s Indigenous Buddy Program connects Indigenous buddies with young indigenous people at site, or indigenous people who are new to mining.
Indigenous buddies provide coaching and support on a range of professional-,
social- and cultural matters. Focus areas may include providing advice on adapting to work at a large and complex mine site, speaking up and communicating with Supervisors, or navigating cultural concerns. Cadia’s Indigenous Buddies can also play a valuable role in working with Cadia’s Senior Leadership Team to provide education and guidance on cultural sensitivities. The program helps create a more inclusive workplace for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
• Indigenous Tertiary Scholarships and Apprenticeship considerations. Cadia currently offers one tertiary scholarship per year to support local Indigenous students in their university studies. The scholarship is restricted to Indigenous students living in Orange, Blayney or Cabonne Local Government Areas and provides $9,000 per year. The scholarship was first awarded in 2015 and Cadia currently supports two Indigenous students through this program. Cadia also encourages Indigenous candidates as part of its annual apprenticeship program. In 2021, Cadia welcomed two Indigenous apprentices to the program.
• Bowen Brekkie Club. Cadia currently provides annual funding towards the Bowen Brekkie Club and has supported this project since it commenced in 2006. The Brekkie Club provides breakfast to students once a week to support children that may be marginalised through difficult socio-economic circumstances. Bowen Public School has 55% Indigenous students (My Schools website, 2021).
• Clontarf Foundation. In 2019, Cadia announced a partnership with the Clontarf Foundation to support the Canobolas Rural Technology High School Academy. The $50,000 per annum partnership not only provides necessary financial support for the program, but it also provides access to Cadia and its employment opportunities for around 150 of Clontarf’s aspiring students. This has included educational tours, jobready advice, access to work experience and apprenticeships, as well as the commencement of a mentoring program with the workforce.
• Orange Aboriginal Medical Service. Through its Community Partnership Program, Cadia has provided ongoing support towards the development and growth of the Orange Aboriginal Medical Service (OAMS). The vision of OAMS is to lead in the delivery of culturally sensitive, holistic, and professional health care for Aboriginal people and the wider community. Most Aboriginal people in Orange currently utilise the service, which is helping to ‘Close the Gap’ in Indigenous health. Since 2009, Cadia has donated more than $200,000 towards the development and expansion of the service.
This article is Part 2 of 2. If you missed Part 1, you will find it in last fortnight’s edition of OCL!
Residential Care Contract/ Agreement or Retirement Village contract - shouldI consult my lawyer before I sign it?
Yes, the contract/ agreement is like anyother contract. It is a legal agreement which sets out the terms and conditions of the care facility as well as your rights and responsibilities.
With Retirement Villages, an understanding of the type of legal title and occupancy for the property; whether you own or lease the unit, ongoing service charges and maintenance is vital. When the unit is sold in the future, it is important to know what fees and charges will apply.
Issues to discuss with your solicitor about the Aged Care Accommodation contract may include the financial structure of payments (upfront, daily or mixture); how any refund of accommodation bond is made to your estate after you die (whether a Grant of Probate is required); knowing your rights and understanding the levels of care to be provided to you including whether you can be moved around within the facility without prior consent by you.
After my death, does my estate get any money back? It depends on the contract you enter. It is important to obtain the proper legal advice before signing the contract, so you know what your estate will receive after you die.
If a lump sum has been paid to the care facility, the care provider must refund the lump sum balance less any allowable amounts which have been deducted over the period in which you have been in care.
If you require any assistance with your Estate Planning or if you have a friend or family member who you think could benefit from our assistance, please contact one of our Wills and Estates Team solicitors, Geraldine, Deirdre or George for an appointment at Blackwell Short on 02 6393 9200 or
12 ORANGE CITY LIFE | NOVEMBER 17 — 23, 2022
MovingintoResidentialCare-Part2 60HillStreetOrange|POBox26|DX3014|0263939200|| SPONSORED CONTENT
What’s Happening at CADIA
Newcrest Mining’s Cadia Valley Operations has held a celebration to recognise the contribution Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people make to the local community and the mining industry.
(L-R) Cadia Indigenous Buddy, Lawrence Fogg, Sandon Gibbs-O’Neill, Cadia’s General Manager, Aaron Brannigan and Orange Aboriginal Medical Service CEO, Jamie Newman.
√ $54.8 million for the new CSU medical school and research centre √ $34.8 million for Dixons Long Point Crossing √ $54 million in water security pipelines around the Central West √ $1.9 million for The Orchard crisis accommodation centre √ $2 billion for Great Western Highway upgrade √ $3.8 million for the raising of Suma Park dam wall at Orange √ Federal Regional Investment Corporation established and based in Orange √ $12 million for the Southern Feeder Road project
√ Dept of Infrastructure branch moved to Orange √ $2 million for the Forest Road Bridge duplication √ $14.7 million for Mission Australia’s Benjamin Short Grove Aged Care facility √ $100,000 for new stadium seating at Wade Park √ $3 million for a second radiotherapy unit at Orange Health Service √ $10 million for the Orange Conservatorium & Planetarium √ 24 hour rescue helicopter service for Orange and region
√ $14 million for highway upgrades between Lithgow and Orange
√ Bat/hail netting funding for local orchardists
√ $1.2 million for CCTV in Orange, Bathurst and Wellington
√ 42 mobile phone towers and base stations across Calare
Just when we thought the people of the Central West had been through enough devastation and hardship, our region is now in the midst of a once in a lifetime flood emergency. The floods have been absolutely devastating and heartbreaking. All around our region, people have lost homes and livelihoods and the rebuilding process is going to take years. Without a doubt, we will need a full suite of disaster assistance in this area. One business in Cudal suffered inventory losses of $300,000 - $400,000. We are going to need enormous help from the community and both levels of government. The police officers who worked in Lismore during the flooding in Northern NSW earlier this year have told me that the devastation in Eugowra is on the same level as that.
As we do best in times of hardship, our communities come together and help each other out. Men and women from the SES, the RFS, Fire and Rescue, the ADF, the Ambos and the Rapid Relief Team, all working around the clock to help keep us all safe, rescue those in the direct line of the rising waters, put their lives on the line to save others, provide food and shelter and a helping hand to clean what’s left of shops and homes. We cannot thank you enough. We honour your service and kindness during these tough times. So, thank you for the selfless service you have given this week.
It’ll be weeks before the full extent of the damage in known in Eugowra, where one in every five residents was rescued by boat or helicopter. It’s hard to fathom the severity of the damage without seeing it for yourself. It’s heartbreaking. Truly devastating. Our neighbours will need help for a long, long time to get through this. The rebuilding process is going to be particularly difficult in Eugowra because many people could not afford the astronomical flood insurance premiums ($30,000 - $40,000 per annum) and so it is going to be a long and difficult rebuilding process. But with the help of our communities, I know that we will get through. The situation in Eugowra has been made particularly difficult because mobile communications have been down, and it’s been very hard for
In Molong, shop owners and residents banded together to clean up that town, after the apocalyptic aftermath of the damage caused by the swollen Molong Creek was realised. Shop after shop sodden with brown, muddy water lines and damaged stock. Heartbroken owners and locals worked for days to clear out the ruined contents.
Thank you to everyone who pulled on their wellies and gloves and rolled up their sleeves to help their neighbours in Molong. I saw many of you there on Monday, helping to sweep shops and carry out goods that survived the rising water levels. Your community spirit and selflessness are recognised and deeply appreciated.
A donation hub has been established at the Orange Ex-Services’ Club to support all the flood ravaged communities in our region. The Club is accepting supermarket vouchers for groceries, department store vouchers to help victims replace household and personal items, new bedding and sleeping bags, as well as toiletry and dignity packs, baby supplies, cleaning products, bottled water and cash donations. Thank you to the folks at the Ex-Services’ Club for organising this much needed hub!
In the days, weeks, and months to come, we will stand by you. We just need assistance from both levels of government on the double.
It was terrific to catch up with the Orange Emulators Golden Oldies Rugby Club for their Christmas party on Saturday night! The Golden Oldies are back after a long break due to COVID-19 and they are in great form.
The Emulators not only play over 35’s rugby but they organise a lot of social trips and gatherings. They are always looking for new members. I’ve been known to run out for them on occasions myself and I’ve always been very glad for the nip of port beforehand!
I recently had to pleasure of attending the 90th birthday party of Cudal’s Merle Parrish!
David officially clocked off last week after about 20 years in the job.
In that time he developed innovative and trailblazing approaches to firefighting, hazard reduction burning and community engagement.
He supported his firies on the ground to the hilt, backing their judgment and also their units with all the resources he could muster. He pushed back against unnecessary red tape.
As a local member I was always confident that he and his hardworking team could handle whatever was thrown at us.
David can look back with great pride on the lives and properties he saved and also the firefighting methods he introduced. He leaves a lasting legacy and on behalf of a grateful community I would like thank Superintendant David Hoadley for all he has done for us!
Merle is a CWA and MasterChef legend and the author of a best selling cookbook.
Merle and her peach blossom cake shot to fame after being featured on national TV.
Happy Birthday Merle and thank you for all your wonderful work for our communities over so many years! We really appreciate it!
ORANGE CITY LIFE | NOVEMBER 17 — 23, 2022 13 Andrew GEE MP FEDERAL MEMBER FOR CALARE Your Country Your Voice 1/179A Anson Street PO Box 673 Orange NSW 2800 (02) 6361 7138 For regular updates and news, follow me on Facebook and Instagram @andrewgeecalare Authorised by Andrew Gee MP Suite 1/179A Anson Street Orange, NSW 2800.
A firefighter
have always looked up to and held in the highest regard is Superintendant David Hoadley, Manager of the Canobolas Zone of the RFS.
friends and relatives to check in on loved ones.
14 ORANGE CITY LIFE | NOVEMBER 17 — 23, 2022 Community LIFE LUCKNOW SKIN SHOP & BOOT BARN You can shop online @ Mitchell Hwy, Lucknow 6365 5330 New summer accessories arriving... INVITES YOU TO A FREE COMMUNITY EVENT A Christmas Festival of Nine Lessons & Carols 4PM – 5PM SUNDAY 4 DECEMBER Get into the Christmas spirit with this traditional Christmas carols service in the English tradition. Bring the whole family to sing along as we celebrate the story of Christmas through readings and best-loved Christmas carols, led by the Kinross Wolaroi choirs and orchestra. ALL WELCOME – SAVE THE DATE! Holy Trinity Anglican Church Cnr Anson & Byng Streets, Orange | | 02 6392 0300 Clear skies for total LUNAR ECLIPSE
The next total lunar eclipse will
Star gazers across the central west enjoyed the striking sight of the total lunar eclipse last Tuesday, November 8. Blessed with a clear sky (very much a rarity of late) people were able to look on with awe as the Earth’s shadow crept across the craggy surface of our celestial neighbour turning the moon a ruddy red colour, what’s often referred to as
March, 2025.
The Orange Adventure Playground has been much loved by the residents of Orange for 20 years, receiving an average of 400 visitors a day.
More than 1200 Orange residents contributed to the playground’s construction, however, in recent years the timber playground has begun to show signs of deterioration.
Orange City Council is calling on the community to share what improvements
they would like to see made at the Orange Adventure Playground to guide future upgrades to the play facility.
Council has engaged consultants Civille Pty Ltd to develop a new concept master plan for upgrades to the playground.
Orange Sport and Recreation Community Committee Chair Tammy Greenhalgh said the Orange Adventure Playground has provided years of
FAMILY FAVOURITE: The Orange Adventure Playground has provided years of enjoyment for the families of the Orange region. s
enjoyment for the children, families and carers of the Orange region.
“It’s exciting to have this opportunity to look at the playground after 20 years and think about what we like about the current facility and the wider precinct, and what we would like to see there in future,” Cr Greenhalgh said.
“So many service organisations and community members were devoted to making
the playground a reality 20 years ago, and I hope we can all show that same amount of dedication towards creating an exciting, special play space we can enjoy for many more years.”
Anyone interested in contributing their feedback on the Orange Adventure Playground should visit to complete a survey and
share their ideas.
A public consultation day will be held at the Orange Adventure Playground on Saturday 26 November, for residents to share their opinions in person.
The consultants will also discuss ideas with service groups, schools, preschools and the original playground committee.
The consultants are keen to hear from anyone who would like to be involved in the design of the
playground and are excited to work with the community to create a space that provides as much enjoyment for the next generations of children as the current playground has.
Draft concept designs for an upgraded playground will be brought back to the community for further feedback early in the new year, and could inform future budget discussions.
Start-up business owners looking to take the next step towards a retail presence in the central business district are invited to apply for Orange City Council’s Retail Pod Project.
Installed kerbside in McNamara Street as part of the Future City initiative, the pods are two converted shipping containers offering home-based and part-time businesses the chance to try a ‘pop-up’ short-term retail space in the city centre, in a bid to transition into a commercially viable retail business.
An initiative of Orange City Council, the pod project is managed by Central West Business HQ as part of the Orange Hub Business Transition program. The program aims to combat a declining independent retail sector, as well as the impact of COVID-19, by rebuilding and rejuvenating the CBD economy.
The pods are available to lease for three to six months, with subsidised rent, training and mentoring to build the owner’s business knowledge, gain face-toface retail experience and
complement their existing online marketing.
Orange Mayor Jason Hamling said four homebased businesses had occupied the pods since they were installed in McNamara Lane 12 months ago as part of Future City upgrades in the street.
“The Future City upgrades in McNamara Street turned an otherwise overlooked part of the CBD into a vibrant, attractive space with public art, festoon lighting, more trees and road and footpath improvements making it an area where people want
to spend more time,” Cr Hamling said.
“The retail pods are a vital part of this plan by encouraging people to come into the street, see what’s new and support the
economy of the area.”
Business owners interested in setting up shop in a McNamara Street retail pod should visit the Biz HQ website at
to home or farm-based businesses, part-time or start-up businesses who do not have a retail premises in Orange and intend to sell products.
ORANGE CITY LIFE | NOVEMBER 17 — 23, 2022 15 | Find us on social media @ Orange City Council
POP-UP: AMILY FAVOURITE: Orange City Council’s retail pods offer home-based and part-time businesses the chance to try a short-term retail space in the central business district.
Swim the Rainbow Club is a wonderful program that teaches children with disabilities to feel confident and free in the water. The program, open to children up to 17 years of age, also gives an opportunity to socialise and offers support for parents and carers.
Children from the club have already received first and second place in Sydney and will be back in December to compete.
On Sunday December 11 at 9.30am the Club will be having a Super Fun Fundraising Morning at Orange Tenpin Bowl.
Swim the Rainbow Club manager, Libby
McCulloch said it will be a fun-filled day with bowling, challenges, games and prizes.
“We’re hoping to be able to fund more transport so the children are able to have more opportunities,’ Libby said of the club’s fundraising goal.
“We also just want to involve the general public — we’re an organisation that people aren’t really aware of.”
Tickets to the Super Fun Fundraising Morning are $20 and need to be purchased before the day. Half of all proceeds go to Swim the Rainbow Club.
TheOrangeArtSocietyInc.galleryandartrooms willbeopentothepublicandmembers,withart demonstrationsthroughouttheweekend
All art, all weekend at Orange Art Society
Grab your paint brushes and pencils and make your way down to the Orange Art Society this Saturday and Sunday as they open their doors to the public for an activity packed weekend.
from12pmon wewillhaveWandaDriscolldemonstating AlcoholInksonYupo(synthetic)paper,and DavidMasondemonstratingacrylic landscapepainting
Materials are supplied so there’s no need to bring anything - besides your imagination!
On Saturday morning, children can explore their artistic side with local artist Jennifer Lacey from 10 - 11am.
from10am-11am isourkidsclasseswithJenniferLacey Ifyou'vebeenwantingtogetyourkidsinto art,here'syourchancetocheckitout from10am-12.30pm InkandwashdemonstrationswithKaye Partridge,TonyKennedyandGlen Southwood.Thisishandson,withall materialssupplied,socomealongandtry yourhand,andtakehomewhatyoumake
Then from 12pm, Wanda Driscoll will be demonstrating alcohol inks on synthetic paper, and David Mason, local landscape artist will give you a masterclass in acrylic landscape painting.
On Sunday morning, there will be ink and wash demonstrations from the trio of artists, Kaye Partridge, Tony Kennedy and Glen Southwood.
from12.30-3pm ‘SketchbookLook’-showandtell Pleasebringyoursketchbookstoshow,and taketheopportunitytohavealookatothers’ Itisveryinterestingtoseehowother sketchbookslookandtogetsomefreshnew inspirationforyourownart
And there’s also an opportunity to bring along your own sketchbook for a little “show and tell” and a peek at what other creatives have been up to.
OrangeArtSocietyGallery OppositeHarrisFarmMarketsintheWooliesCarpark
“It’s the perfect opportunity to find out about all the many activities we offer,” Life-long art lover and longtime member of the Orange Art Society, Kaye Partridge said.
The Orange Art Society is an inclusive environment that caters to all budding artists, no matter their experience, she added, encouraging anyone with an interest in art to come in any time for a cuppa and a chat.
“It’s a great way for people to mix with others who love art,” she said.
The Orange Art Society is located opposite Harris Farm Market in the Woolworths Carpark. If the flags are out, you’re welcome to walk right in.
16 ORANGE CITY LIFE | NOVEMBER 17 — 23, 2022 Community LIFE 1/256 Anson Street, Orange NSW 2800 02 6360 1884 Hear the difference YOUR LOCAL INDEPENDENT HEARING CENTRE KAY MCINTOSH AUDIOLOGIST • Diagnostic Hearing Assessment • Excellent Hearing Aid Fittings • Superior level of client service • Valuable ongoing support • Latest technology • All manufacturers • Private and Australian Government Hearing Services Program clients • Employment / Pilot Testing ALL STAFF COVID19 VACCINATED WED TO SAT 4PM-8PM 0401 072 027 Check our Facebook for the Menu 37 William Street ORANGE | Ph 6362 8611 Pauls @ CoCos DINE IN OR TAKEWAY Pizzas ~ Wings ~ Pasta ~ Chips ~ DimSim CoCo’s CAFE TRADING HOURS Monday to Friday 6.30 – 4.00pm Saturday 7am – 1pm Closed Public Holidays 37 William Street ORANGE Ph 6362 8611 Delicious! Best known for their delicious fresh food burgers, coffee and yummy desserts. With both daily & weekly specials they have something to tickle your taste buds. CoCo’s offers a wide range of gluten free, home cooked meals, all day breakfast and catering available, eat in or take way. Portuguese chicken Salad wraps Poached Eggs with Avo smash and yogurt Berry muesli Black Bean Vegetable Burger with a Sweet Potato Crisp Pumpkin Fetta Tart Sweet potato fish cake with seeded pumpkin fetta salad GET OUR APP SAVE TIME ORDER ONLINE MEAL DEAL $50 2 Pizzas, Barramundi Bits & 1.25 litre Soft Drink You can use your PARENTS VOUCHERS
FROM POOL LANES TO BOWLING LANES, SWIM THE RAINBOW CLUB’S SUPER FUN FUNDRAISER To purchase tickets contact Libby on 0427 622 670 or Melissa on 0400 458 901
Phil DONATO MP State Member for Orange
sports parliament in
While at Parliament I caught up with representatives and players from Western Sydney Wanderers, who’ve made big strides in promoting and growing W-League as well as the sport overall with free development clinics.
It was also great to kick-off a day in Parliament with a game of touch. City MPs -V- Country MPs, and we came out on top!
Donato’s Diary
I introduced the Public Health Amendment (Registered Nurses in Nursing Homes) Bill 2020 to the Legislative Assembly, which was subsequently debated. This is the second time I’ve brought forth such a bill, which essentially reinstates legislation which once existed, mandating a minimum number of registered nurses in nursing homes around the clock and providing a safety net in the event federal legislation is ever repealed again. The NSW Liberal National Government voted against both bills. It’s now quite clear that the aged and frail residents of nursing homes are out of sight and out of mind. They’ve dismissed the deficits of care that were exposed at the Aged Care Royal Commission, the Regional Health Inquiry, and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Thanks to my Upper House colleague Mark Banasiak for first introducing this bill, and to those MPs who care enough about our aged and frail nursing home residents to support the bill. Supporting this bill would not have created work for them, instead it would have been an insurance measure against the future repeal of federal legislation, which is what has happened before.
I recently had the pleasure of catching up with committee members of the United Hospitals of NSW Inc. Bloomfield Branch. More commonly known as the Bloomfield Hospital Auxiliary, the branch is celebrating their 40th anniversary. The members have volunteered countless hours over the past four decades to raise money which has been directed towards equipment, furnishings, gifts and supplies to support the hospital and benefit the care of patients. Like many volunteer-based organisations, the Bloomfield Hospital Auxiliary are gradually losing members, which worsened during the pandemic. Currently the Auxiliary is operating with the help of just 14 members. The Auxiliary are seeking those interested to join as members to help continue the fantastic work they do to benefit the hospital and patients. Annual membership is just a $5 annual fee, which is less than the cost of a cup of coffee nowadays! The Auxiliary meet at 12:30pm on the second Wednesday of each month at the Barwon building at Bloomfield. For those who are interested in joining and helping out, please contact branch Secretary, Sister Mary Trainor by phone on 6362 1662.
The past two weeks
I also reminded the Parliament about the flooding in Forbes and other communities in the Lachlan Valley. I also noted the efforts of the volunteer and professional emergency services in responding to the needs of the community. I am still working with the Government to have financial assistance availed to those businesses in need, and trying to get money coming back into the town to help keep businesses going. While out in Molong earlier this week to inspect the flood damage following the weekends torrential downpour, I saw many shops and local businesses impacted and homes damaged. This was one the largest flood events in recent memory. My heart goes out to those impacted by this as the clean-up and rebuild commences. With Christmas only 6 weeks away many businesses were gearing up for a busy retail period. Now this! If my office can assist in any way please reach-out via phone on 63625199 or email orange@
ORANGE CITY LIFE | NOVEMBER 17 — 23, 2022 17 OrangeElectorateOffice|123ByngStreet,OrangeNSW2800|Telephone63625199 Authorised by Philip Donato MP, Member for Orange. Funded using parliamentary entitlements.
have been seen me spilt my time between flood affected areas in my electorate and Parliament NSW in Sydney.
in Parliament I delivered a notice of motion regarding the container deposit scheme and wine bottles. There's been a lack of consultation from the EPA with the wine industry. The wine industry, the bulk of which are regionally-based, is bearing financial impost due to lack of consideration.
Cheers, Phil��
The goodenough parent
with Emily Thompson Christmas “to do” list...
Christmas AKA the disparity of gendered unpaid labour, unfathomable mental load and the crushing weight of societal expectations.
So, I don’t mean to alarm anyone, but it’s only four-ish weeks until Christmas!
I know this will probably come as a shock to you because yesterday felt like mid-July outside and your body’s internal clock has you convinced there are six months left. But, no!
Originally, I was going to compare mum’s and dad’s Christmas to-do lists, but I only have 600 words and mum’s to-do list would need far more pages than this magazine allows, which is, frankly, just too depressing.
So, instead, here are a few suggestions on how all you mums can turn those ‘’to-dos’ into ‘to-don’ts’ and do less this Christmas.
1. Invest in a graphic design app or employ a freelancer from “Fiverr” to remove yourself from all of those invites to endof-year school, work, and sports club presentations, parties, assemblies etc. For example: ‘Dear Good-enough Dad, Please join us for our annual Girl Guides presentation evening and Daddy/daughter BBQ. No spouses allowed.’
2. Make a pact with your friends not to buy presents for each other’s children and instead kidnap those friends for a weekly café/restaurant/bar catch-up with all the money and time you’re saving. I don’t know about you, but I need this more than my kids need toys.
3. Do you have particularly young, messy, or forgetful children? Consider rewrapping something they already own, but haven’t seen all year. For Miss Eight, this would work for 89 per cent of her toys. Including, but not limited to, the robotic redback spider she put in my shoe in January that I con�scated in anger, the Barbie mermaid trapped behind the bathtub (we’ll get you to your magical island one day) and every item of clothing in her “�oor-drobe”.
4. Avoid shopping centres by arranging “Click and Collects” and “accidentally” putting them in your partner’s name. This is their job now.
5. Declare an “Eco Christmas”. Use gift bags and paper shopping bags you already have instead of spending hours buying and wrapping gifts with themed paper. Only put up solar lights to save the environment (your e�ort, your time, and your January power bill). Christmas cards? Forget it, waste of paper. Embrace giving and receiving experiences instead of clutter. Cook a meal for your neighbour, take your nephew to the zoo, and ask your mum to take the kids to a show at the Civic Theatre. It will save your kid’s toy room from looking like an episode of hoarders, the environment from additional plastic waste, and reduce fossil fuel use in shipping.
6. Create new traditions and abandon old ones. If you have to wrap presents, put on some carols and make use of the unpaid labour you created i.e. the teenager lurking in your home. Potluck Christmas lunch consisting of salads and pre-prepared protein. It’s Australia, please step away from the oven.
7. Lastly, do what my friends and I have been discussing for three years now; �y to Tahiti for the week. This is 100 per cent my plan for next year.
So in conclusion, cut yourself all the slack, do less, breathe more and keep an eye out for cheap �ight deals to Tahiti!
Guess what? The fact that the weather is getting nicer and warmer doesn’t mean we can keep enjoying food in a bowl. In fact, one of the biggest food traditions back in Spain is cold soups like Salmorejo, Ajo blanco and Gazpacho.
You may not believe this story, but back when I studied Commercial Cookery at TAFE, one of the only Spanish recipes in my student cookbook was a Gazpacho (I really hope that has changed in the last decade!). And what is worse... the recipe and the method were totally incorrect! Incorrect, to the point that it didn’t make sense and was quite embarrassing actually. If any of my teachers or classmates are reading this they will remember that day because I ended up doing a demo in front of the whole class (with a massive heavy accent – I wonder what they actually understood from me that day! Haha!).
That moment really made me realise that Spanish food was totally unknown and undervalued in this country! And that there are still a lot of stereotypes and clichés about it. That was the moment I made the decision to help others in Australia see the beautiful diversity of our traditional Spanish recipes, home cooking, and the zero-waste approach we were taught by our mothers and grandmas.
So after 13 years living and working here and seeing a lot of food information in the Australian media about Spanish food, my advice is to please don’t believe everything you read or watch in the trendy food magazines. Unfortunately, of all the food writers I follow (and I follow a lot of them) there are just two that are always spot-on with their facts when it comes to Spanish food and culture!
So now, let me help you understand why we do eat cold soups when it is hot: First, because they are really healthy; because they use a lot of excess seasonal produce; and finally because they are delicious!
All these cold soups are traditionally from the south of Spain where it gets much hotter, but obviously, they have travelled across to other regions.
But what is it? Conceptually a Gazpacho can be a vegetarian juice (super healthy and refreshing after a whole day at the beach or in the fields) or one of the most refreshing ways to start a meal as soup eaten with a spoon. A ‘liquid salad’ I called it the other day, as I was trying to explain to a customer what it was.
It also uses the amazing technique of using leftover bread to thicken the soup, something I wrote about here in Orange City Life a couple of weeks ago.
I remember on really scorching summer days in Madrid, where I’m from, I used to love having a jar or bottle filled with really cold gazpacho to drink at all times.
My personal tip? Always get the best produce you can and enjoy taking a bottle of gazpacho to work or to the gym. You’ll be the envy of your friends!
- 1 kg ripe tomatoes
- 170 g cucumber
- 150 g capsicum
- 80 g Spanish onion
- 2 g garlic cloves (remove the stem inside)
- 85 g Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- 30 g sherry vinegar - 25 g salt
- 75 g white sourdough (this is the thickening agent) - 250 g water - 3 g cumin (optional)
- Rinse the tomatoes well, remove the stems, and cut them into chunky pieces.
- Rinse capsicums, remove seeds, and cut them into pieces.
- Peel the cucumber and chop it into big pieces.
- Place all vegetables + water + bread + vinegar + salt in a container or a glass bowl. Cover and leave it macerating overnight!
- The following day, transfer to a blender or food processor, add the cumin (optional) and blend at maximum speed until smooth in texture.
- Then turn down the speed to medium and drizzle the Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
- Strain through a fine sieve and add salt to taste.
- Keep in the fridge in a water jar or in a 2L soft drink bottle until serving.
Grandma’s tips:
· If you are going to serve it as a cold soup in a bowl, add small diced veggies as a garnish or even with croutons from your leftover bread.
· For a completely smooth result, make sure you strain it through a sieve, ‘restaurant quality’ they call it.
· BTW don’t worry if the gazpacho separates when in the fridge. This is normal! You just need to give it a good stir or shake before serving.
18 ORANGE CITY LIFE | NOVEMBER 17 — 23, 2022 Lifestyle
Got a cooking question you need answered? Any suggestions on
@atableof10 @eat_spanish @rubenlopezmesa
what topic Ruben should tackle next? Get in touch with
at OC Life or with Ruben directly @rubenlopezmesa
SOUPS: Gazpacho
Big haul of industry honours for local builder
Orange’s Contemporary Homes has been named Residential Builder of 2022 at the Western Regions Excellence in Building Awards held in Orange last month.
Taking out the Master Builders Association’s major award for the year comes on top three other industry gongs for 2022: Best Contract Home $600,000-$700,000 (The Contemporary Farmhouse); Best Kitchen (The Mt Vista Project); and Best Bathroom (The Palm Cove).
It’s a significant win for Contemporary Homes directors Michael and Kelli Paddison and Ken and Sue Barber, and follows their five-award haul at the 2021 awards.
“We’ve won best bathroom again, two years running now, and best kitchen again two years running, so that’s a pretty big accolade,” Michael Paddison said.
“But to win the Western Region Residential builder of the year… it’s a big award and something that we are pretty humbled by and pretty excited by.”
Contemporary Homes has been growing as a company over the past few years, Michael said, who was appreciative that all their hard work had been
recognised by the industry.
“It doesn’t happen by fluke. It is something we’ve worked towards for many, many years,” he said.
“I constantly tell my team how good they are, and I know how good they are, but for them to get recognition from their peers and the MBA of what they are achieving in the industry is such a good accolade.”
But there is always more that can be done, Michael said.
“We are quite humbled, but not taking it for granted or sitting back on our laurels by any means. It actually gives me more motivation to push,” he said.
“We’re continually trying to improve the way we do things and challenge ourselves to find ways to achieve a better result for, ultimately, our clients, the new homeowner.
“And that really excites me. I love the process, I love the building game, and I love the end results.
“The best part of my job is walking clients through their dream home, showing them all the things they dreamed about and saved for for years, and seeing it all become a reality. It’s a pretty good job!”
ORANGE CITY LIFE | NOVEMBER 17 — 23, 2022 19
award winning contemporary homes
What makes Contemporary Homes award winning
Since we first started trading 13 years ago, I’ve insisted on bringing together a team of the best,” Michael said.
Being named the Western Regions Residential Builder of the Year doesn’t just happen by chance, says Contemporary Homes director, Michael Paddison.
More than just innovative design that’s perfectly matched to your lifestyle, and more than just the quality and materials and fixtures, it is the team behind Contemporary Homes that makes the real difference, he said.
“Since we first started trading 13 years ago, I’ve insisted on bringing together a team of the best,” Michael said.
20 ORANGE CITY LIFE | NOVEMBER 17 — 23, 2022
award winning contemporary homes
“And when you have the best team, they all hold each other to account, they all step it up to the next level and the quality in our homes is so high because of that.”
Come and see for yourself. Michael said, inviting anyone to come and inspect their two award-winning Shiralee Road display homes.
“Come through and judge us on our quality,” he said. “Come and see how good they are and what you can expect when you build with Contemporary Homes.
“And it doesn’t matter what your budget is, whether you are spending $100,000 or a million with us, the quality of the end result is the same. It will be the same suppliers, and the same tradesmen that built these award-winning homes, that will build you your dream home.”
Master Builders Association of NSW 2022 Excellence in Housing State Awards
We struck gold when we chose to build with Contemporary Homes. They are the complete package. Michael and Kelli and all their team are absolute professionals with a passion for what they do, which shows in the homes they build. From the start to the handing over the keys to our beautiful new home, they consulted with us throughout the design, selection and building process. They deliver what they promisequality, beauty, and liveability. We recommend Contemporary Homes to everyone and would definitely build with them again!”
- Susi and Dave
Contemporary Homes were invited to attend the Master Builders Association of NSW 2022 Excellence in Housing State Awards night at Ross Hill, in Paramatta where the gala event was held. We were successful in achieving 3 awards.
• Best display home in NSW (The Claremont 32) in it’s category,
• Overall finalist for The Palm Cove in Best Display Home in it’s category
• And overall finalist for display home of the year.
It has been a massive year for Contemporary homes, and we are proud of the entire team and their efforts they put into every home. We are beyond grateful for the recognition that the State Master Builders Association and the Western Regions Master Builders Association have given us over the past 12 months, we are extremely humbled.
If you would like to see what a multi-award-winning home looks like, come down to visit our display homes and friendly team today.
ORANGE CITY LIFE | NOVEMBER 17 — 23, 2022 21
22 ORANGE CITY LIFE | NOVEMBER 17 — 23, 2022 award winning contemporary homes Congratulations Contemporary Homes s High Grade Timber Roof Trusses and House Frames s Suppliers of All Ancillary Items s Timber Bearers - Joists and Flooring Materials 6331 3977 7 Wembley Place, KELSO Congratulations to the team at Contemporary Homes for being the winners of 4 Master Builder Association Excellence in Building Awards. Congratulations to Contemporary Homes have been named the winners of 4 Master Builder Association Building Awards in Excellence. Choices Flooring are proud to be associated as one of the suppliers to Contemporary Homes and join in the celebrations Contemporary Homes are now receiving. The floor you’ve been searching for 170 Dalton St, Orange | 6361 7575 | CARPENTER, COLLINS & CRAIG A DIVISION OF CRAIG & RHODES 11 McNamara Street ORANGE 6363 1111 Carpenter Collins & Craig are consulting surveyors and civil designers, serving the Central West community since 1947, and are proud to be associated with Michael and the team from Contemporary Homes and wish to congratulate them on an award well deserved. Congratulations to the whole team on their much deserved Master Builder Association Excellence in Building Awards – it is a pleasure to be part of their commitment to supporting local, family businesses. Petries Mitre 10 is a proud supplier partner of Contemporary homes.
award winning contemporary homes
Best Contract Home
$600,000 -$700,000 for The Contemporary Farmhouse
This masterfully designed home combines rural family living with modern conveniences and has timeless elegance throughout.
Upon entry, the towering 4.3m raked ceilings, spanning the full length of the home make a striking statement, and is artfully complemented by the skyscraping
into the alfresco.
In the kitchen, shaker style cabinetry has been integrated with classic elements throughout, along with a Calcutta marble herringbone splashback.
Large raked windows flood the home with light and make the most of the spectacular views. Great care was taken that no northern sun was sacrificed and that all living areas benefit from ample natural light.
The corner coupled windows of the main bathroom allow sweeping views of the rural property from the luxurious freestanding bath.
We are proud to say that our home was built by the best! Contemporary Homes are highly reputable and was a no brainer for our choice of builder for a custom design house and our first build! Michael and Kelli have incredible insight and understood our requests completely. Both were transparent and dependable from the very beginning. The quality of workmanship is outstanding, the effort is clearly evident throughout our home. Without hesitation we highly recommend Contemporary Homes!
The design for this kitchen is luxurious flow blending from the elegant shaker style cabinetry, up to the timeless Calcutta Marble herringbone splashback.
ORANGE CITY LIFE | NOVEMBER 17 — 23, 2022 23
24 ORANGE CITY LIFE | NOVEMBER 17 — 23, 2022 award winning contemporary homes Congratulations to the team at Contemporary Homes on your amazing achievement. It is a pleasure working with you on such quality-built homes. We wish you every success and look forward to continuing to work alongside you in the future. 60 Peisley Street Orange e. w. Specialising in all things glass, and so much more! Call in and see the friendly team today! Pool FencesSplash BacksShowerscreens & Mirrors BETTY BETS YOU CAN DO BETTER AT BETTA! Weily’s Betta Home Living 43 William St, ORANGE | Tel. 6362 1523 | Congratulations to the Contemporary Homes team for winning 4 Master Builder Association Building Awards in Excellence Outstanding result! Congratulations to Contemporary Homes for winning the Master Builder Association Excellence in Building Awards. BRETT AND JASMIN SOAMES 63316444 Envirowest Consulting Pty Ltd Envirowest Consulting would like to congratulate Contemporary Homes on winning four Master Builder Association Excellence in Building Awards, including 2022 residential builder of the year.We are proud to provide quality geotechnical services to helpContemporary Homes achieve such outstanding recognition. Envirowest Consulting is client-focused and committed to technical excellence. Our experienced and professional team work to the highest industry and Australian standards to delivergeotechnical, environmental and asbestos services and advice. Contact us on 02 63614954 or Environmental Geotechnical Asbestos Services Envirowest Consulting provides soil testing and reports for site classifications and on-site wastewater systems. Envirowest Consulting would like to congratulate CONTEMPORARY HOMES on winning four Master Builder Association Excellence in Building Awards, including 2022 residential builder of the year. We are proud to provide quality geotechnical services to help Contemporary Homes achieve such outstanding recognition. We are located at 9 Cameron Place, Orange. Contact us on 6361 4954 or
award winning contemporary homes
The cabinetry is a bespoke French Navy design, custommade by local cabinet makers, Kitpro Kitchens. In the ceiling above, an extravagant Velux skylight spills abundant natural light into the room, illuminating timber accents and highlighting key features.
Rural oak Laminex overhead cabinetry and open shelves give a mid-tone warm woodgrain feel, while the cleverly concealed LED strip light feature casts light upon the workspace and gifts the owners with a moody setting.
Maintaining the feel of luxury, the gloss Essastone benchtop also brings in a cooler-toned element. Concealed by two grand pivot doors is a generous walk-in pantry. The pivot doors have been custom-made with the identical dark navy finish to blend in seamlessly with the cabinetry. Complementing this opulent kitchen space, the owners have selected Fisher & Paykel appliances.
Featuring state-of-the-art Fisher & Paykel appliances.
Contemporary Kitchens
This feature-rich kitchen has been designed around practicality and efficiency and takes inspiration from the sweeping mountain views captured from the front of the home.
ORANGE CITY LIFE | NOVEMBER 17 — 23, 2022 25
26 ORANGE CITY LIFE | NOVEMBER 17 — 23, 2022 award winning contemporary homes 10 Little Brunswick St, ORANGE. T. 02 6361 3033 Congratulations Contemporary Homes on your well-deserved success. The team at Tilston are so pleased to see you accomplishing great things and we are so grateful to be a part of it. We provide a complete range of services that include supplying and installation of plasterboard and cornices Congratulations to the team at Contemporary Homes, their professionalism and attention to detail is 2nd to none! 6362 3633 16 Ash St Orange are Registered Certifiers serving the Orange Region / Regional NSW and provide Certification Services for Contemporary Homes. We congratulate The Team @ Contemporary Homes on their multiple awards and their commitment to supporting local business. 337 SUMMER STREET ORANGE t. 6361 0831 WWW.PROCERT.COM.AU PTY LTD Contemporary Homes Congratulations #ichosebeaumonts Orange 268-274 Peisley Street Ph: 02 6362 6868 Locally owned and operated Winners of four Master Builder Association Excellence in Building Awards including 2022 Residential Builder of the Year!
award winning contemporary homes
The custom-made floating vanity, with a dark Absolute Matte by Laminex face, is cleverly partnered with an Essastone Fino Vento top to counterbalance the moody colouring.
The handmade Trin basin, sourced locally from Naked Concrete Co, has been paired with Mier Tiger Bronze tapware to keep the feel of luxury flowing. Above the basin, the Remer Sphere backlit bronze framed mirror gives off a soft, radiant glow.
Connecting the wet areas is a recessed niche that offers practical storage space for both shower and bath areas.
The 1700mm freestanding bath was carefully selected for its curves which balance the angular, vivid teal hexagonal tile, included as a demonstration of the skills and craftsmanship of our tiler.
Completing this award-winning bathroom is a separate, full-functioning powder room, with matched cabinetry, basin, and tapware. Above the vanity, an oval Remer backlit mirror is positioned next to two decorative pendant lights, casting mood lighting throughout the generously proportioned space, finished with a striking wallpaper that hints at an animal wonderland.
Contemporary Bathrooms
The inspiration for this stunning bathroom started with the lavish white freestanding bath replicating a luxe penthouse feel.
ORANGE CITY LIFE | NOVEMBER 17 — 23, 2022 27
28 ORANGE CITY LIFE | NOVEMBER 17 — 23, 2022 Michael Paddison 0414 447 467 Tisha Ataria 0428 777 651 contemporary homes HOUSE & LAND PACKAGES AVAILABLE NOW This warm family home defines comfortable living with its large open plan spaces and amazing outstretched view of the rural countryside from the comfort of your own home. On entering this home, you will be greeted by high level finishes and inclusions throughout. CLAREMONT 32 4222 This premium block of land is located in one of Oranges most desirable estates surrounded by quality homes in a quiet neighbourhood. Providing a generous block size of 789.2m2 allowing you to build your dream home and still have a spacious yard with the possibility of extending the alfresco or building a new shed. BRONTE 4222 $399,000 - This 789.2m2 block is in the increasingly popular - Robindale Downs, overlooking the UNI and harbouring widespread views of the rural countryside - Construction due to commence early 2023, with a build time of 20 weeks - Come down to display homes at 128 Shiralee Road, Orange 2800 to discuss our standard plans or a custom build that suits your lifestyle and budget LOT 405 MILNE STREET $759,990 Lot 138 Applebox Drive ORANGE This well thought out design offers a spacious open plan with an easy flow living. The northern sun is entering through the entertainment area leading into the dining and kitchen. HAMILTON MKII 322 THE LINDEN Contact the award winning team, today for more information... $989,000 $894,900
ORANGE CITY LIFE | NOVEMBER 17 — 23, 2022 29 Michael Paddison 0414 447 467 Tisha Ataria 0428 777 651 contemporary homes VISIT OUR DISPLAY HOMES TODAY @ 128 SHIRALEE ROAD, ORANGE These homes will awaken your imagination The
this home
freestanding round
CLAREMONT 32 PALM COVE Introducing the Claremont 32. The influence for this house is set out to be a timeless family home with a consistent theme of warmth and natural elements throughout. This beautiful home offers a relaxed lifestyle, spacious living, and comfort, using the right blend and balance of materials, textures, and colours to achieve exactly how it was envisioned. Take the first step to your dream home today... VISIT 128 SHIRALEE RD Wednesday - Friday 10am to 5.30pm Saturday 10am to 2pm Take Woodward Street, over the railway line and continue to Shiralee Estate.
inspiration for
started with
lavish white,
cast stone bath and a sample A4 piece of wallpaper that gave a vision of an animal wonderland scenery – from there came the rest of the Palm Cove, with a Penthouse
feel and a focus on the magnificent indoor living that seamlessly transitions into the outdoor.
30 ORANGE CITY LIFE | NOVEMBER 17 — 23, 2022 ON SALE FROM WEDNESDAY 16 TH NOVEMBER UNTIL TUESDAY 22 ND NOVEMBER 2022 Specials available from Wednesday 16/11/22 until Tuesday 22/11/22 or while stocks last. Retail quantities only. No trade supplied. We reserve the right to correct printing errors. Pictures used for illustration purposes only. IGA Liquor supports the responsible service of alcohol. Tobacco and alcohol not sold to under 18’s. 210 PEISLEY STREET, ORANGE NSW 2800 | 6362 7233 OPEN 7 DAYS: MON TO SAT 6AM-9PM | SUNDAY 7AM TO 8PM WWW.IGA.COM.AU 82 SUMMER ST, ORANGE NSW 2800 | 6362 0775 OPEN 7 DAYS: MON TO SAT 7AM-9PM | SUNDAY 8AM TO 8PM WWW.IGA.COM.AU IGANS12987_161122 $540 ea Red Rock Deli Chips 150-165g Selected Varieties Ferrero Rocher Gift Box 200g $3.50 per 100g Arnott's Shapes 130-190g Selected Varieties Greenseas Tuna 95g Selected Varieties $11.58 per kg Kirks 10x375mL Selected Varieties $1.44 per Litre Peters Maxibon 4 Pack Selected Varieties Pantene Pro-V Shampoo or Conditioner 375mL Selected Varieties *excludes Travel Size $1.20 per 100mL Australian Bananas Pepsi or Solo 1.25 Litre Selected Varieties $1.08 per Litre $175 ea $110 ea $474 ea $450 ea PRICE! 12 kg $275 ea $135 ea $225 ea Pa Pro Pr r or 37 3 Bega Farmers’ Tasty Cheese Block 1kg $11 per kg Oral-B Pro Health Advanced 110g Selected Varieties *excludes Refills & Power Brushes $2.05 per 100g kg $2 $11ea SAVE $2.90 $7ea Australian Boned & Rolled Pork Loin Roast better than half price 50% Off Pantene* better than half price 50% Off ORAL B*
Prestige Property in Popular Location
This peaceful haven is positioned in Bel-air Heights, boasting the best of the iconic blue-ribbon atmosphere of Orange.
Truly a gem of diamond quality, the grand exterior is complimented by beautiful landscaped gardens and a generous 1,141 sqm block with backyard access via a carport adjoining the double garage.
Enjoy the sunset with drinks and friends from the comfort of the fully enclosed outdoor entertaining room whilst the kids take full advantage of the large fully enclosed backyard!
Three of the four bedrooms have access to the stunning front balcony, perfect for that first morning coffee. All 4 of the bedrooms have built-ins as well as ceiling fans and the master bedroom features a lovely ensuite with a large shower. The main bathroom is perfect for the whole family with plenty of space and there is an additional toilet and shower downstairs.
Combined gas and electric heating will ensure that you are cosy throughout the long winter months and there are multiple light filled living areas to allow everyone their own space to enjoy all that this home has to offer. Inspections by appointment only.
296/298 Summer Street Commercial Property FOR SALE Contact Agent
the heart of Orange
LJ Hooker Orange is pleased to present 296/298 Summer Street, Orange to the market. Located on Orange’s main arterial road, which is the feeder to the Mitchell Highway, this investment is in a prime location with high exposure in the prosperous and elegant inland city of Orange. This modern, quality building has been extensively fitted out and is currently leased by a good mix of tenants. Situated in the lower block of Summer Street, the substantial three storey structure boasts contemporary architecture, with functional and light-filled spaces that offer an attractive working environment within the CBD. Well maintained, it offers a secure return on its investment.
296/298 will be offered for sale by private treaty. For further details, or to organise an exclusive inspection please contact Scott Munro of LJ Hooker Orange.
32 ORANGE CITY LIFE | NOVEMBER 17 — 23, 2022 $570 PER WEEK 34 Monett Place Orange FOR LEASE $580 PER WEEK 23 Woodward Street Orange FOR LEASE 313 a b c a b c a b c 522 a b c a b c a b c LEASED LEASED Ph 0428 650 675 Address 24 Sale Street, Orange
MUNRO VICTORIA MUNRO Email website Great opportunity for first home buyers! 2 Flood Street Cudal FOR SALE $495,000 This well-built, two story home is in a quiet location on a large 1170m corner block, which also allows for side access to the back yard. The home features three good sized bedrooms, two bathrooms and multiple living spaces including a massive downstairs rumpus area which is currently being used as an extra living room but which would easily convert into another bedroom, games room or gym. 321 a b c a b c a b c AS A SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER WE ARE OFFERING 1 MONTH FREE MANAGEMENT FEES FOR ALL NEW LANDLORDS - LIMITED TIME ONLY ! FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED RESIDENTIALBLOCK TO BUILD ONCOMMERCIALRURAL PROPERTY 34 Orchard Grove Road 12 Norton Street Eugowra 38 Kinghorn Lane Orange 5 acres at Lyndhurst x2 9 acres at Cargo Building block at Cargo “The Old Vic Inn” Canowindra 20 Edward Street Orange 2/211 Peisley Street Orange 71-75 Summer Street Orange 7 William Street Orange 8 Little Brunswick Street Orange 1146 Davys Plains Road, Cudal (13 acres) Mercadool Road, Walgett (2844 acres) PROPERTY MANAGEMENT LJ HOOKER Need a New Property Management ? Go with the strength LJ Hooker Property Management team Tranquil and lovelywith extra income 38 Kinghorn Lane Huntley FOR SALE $1.15m This almost 2.5 acres offers a lifestyle so close to town while boasting uninterrupted views of Spring Hill, Mount Canobolas and the beautiful local countryside of Huntley as it is surrounded by a large rural property, so you are guaranteed peace and quiet. The charming older 4 bedroom homestead is set in lovely landscaped gardens and with its open fireplace and split system AC, provides year round comfort. The large living spaces and ornate ceilings epitomise classic design and craftsmanship, while the kitchen is well designed and light-filled. 422 a b c a b c a b c Modern office and retail space
ORANGE CITY LIFE | NOVEMBER 17 — 23, 2022 33
34 ORANGE CITY LIFE | NOVEMBER 17 — 23, 2022 Auction Friday 16th December, 10.30am The Auction Centre Bathurst 287 Beaumah Road, Orange - Performance and lifestyle
AUCTION Agents Kurt Adams 0428 747 050 Michael Kennedy 0428 243 222 Open By Appointment 18 Sale Street Orange NSW 02 6362 0211 Ray White Emms Mooney
‘Paloma’ is a well-presented & maintained 47-hectare* property, superbly located in a highly sought-after area known for its productivity, high rainfall & desirable lifestyle. ‘Paloma’ presents a valuable opportunity to secure a productive parcel of land whilst enjoying the rural lifestyle. 2 larges sheds, 1 with power. Easy to manage top shelf grazing country, with rich basalt soils. Well maintained, comfortable 18-year-old, 4 BR, 2 bathroom home with multiple living areas. Water is a feature with town water, 3 dams, 1 spring-fed & 50,000L* rainwater storage tank. Subdivided into 4 paddocks with excellent fencing, steel cattle yards & ramp. Established pastures with a carrying capacity of 50-80 steers dependent on seasonal conditions.
4 Spring Terrace Road, Spring Terrace - Positioned to Excite
‘Locarno’ offers the ideal rural lifestyle for those seeking a productive 43Ha* (106ac*) parcel of land. A rare find, in a tightly held location, with an array of quality structural improvements, abundance of excellent quality water and a stunning outlook to Mount Canobolas makes ‘Locarno’ stand out as your exciting new venture. 106ac* well maintained, productive & mostly arable land with rich, highly fertile basalt soils.
Friday 9th December, 10.30am
The Auction Centre Bathurst
Open By Appointment Agents
Kurt Adams 0428 747 050 Michael Kennedy 0428 243 222
111 Spring Hill Road, Spring Hill - Magnificent Lifestyle Block
Sitting comfortably on 5 acres and 15 minutes from Orange CBD, this magnificent lifestyle block is not to be missed. This stunning homestead epitomises sophisticated country style. Everywhere you look, this beautiful property just exudes simple understated elegance. Relaxed easy living with stunning rural views. Once you arrive, you’ll never want to leave!
Friday 16th December, 10.30am
The Auction Centre Bathurst
Open Saturday 19th November, 10am - 10.45am
Michael Kennedy 0428 243 222 Kurt Adams 0428 747 050
ORANGE CITY LIFE | NOVEMBER 17 — 23, 2022 35
18 Sale Street Orange NSW 02 6362 0211 Ray White
Emms Mooney
36 ORANGE CITY LIFE | NOVEMBER 17 — 23, 2022 Auction
December, 10.30am 152 William Street, Bathurst Presenting a low-maintenance home perfect for owner occupiers and investors alike. Boasting 3 bedrooms, all with built-in robes, a generous-sized lounge room at the front and an open-plan kitchen that overlooks the dining room. 833m2* block with an established rear yard, large undercover entertaining area. Ducted heating and reverse cycle unit in the kitchen. Secure rear yard with garden shed and ouble lockup garage. AUCTION Open Saturday 19th November 10.30am - 11am Agents
Taylor 0457 792 800 Brooke Tonkin
541 12 Kable Place, Orange - Quiet Cul-De-Sac 18 Sale Street Orange NSW 02 6362 0211 Ray White Emms Mooney Auction
16th December, 10.30am 152 William Street, Bathurst 61a Sampson Street, Orange - It’s All About The Location Situated in a quiet street and only a short walk to town, is 15 Charles Street, Blayney. A comfortable Besser block home with a north-facing view. 5-bedrooms, ensuite in master & reverse cycle in two bedrooms. • Open plan living, kitchen & dining • Securely fenced yard, double bay shed & side access AUCTION Open Saturday 19th November 11.15am - 11.45am Agents
Taylor 0457 792 800 Lucy Nell 0400 726 897
Friday 9th
0400 286
Giles Road, Orange
Lot 6/741 Forest Reefs Road, Forest Reef
ORANGE CITY LIFE | NOVEMBER 17 — 23, 2022 37 Sale Contact Agent 15 Osman Street, Blayney - Endless Potential If you are looking for a good size family home filled with character and charm in a lovely leafy street, then look no more! Conveniently located within a short stroll to IGA, Primary and Secondary School, parklands and sporting oval. Set on a good size 1669sqm* block of land, you will be pleasantly surprised on what this home has to offer. 3 generous sized bedrooms, and an extra study or office. Woodfire & electric heating. SALE Open Saturday 19th November 10am - 10.30am Agents
243 222 18 Sale Street Orange NSW 02 6362 0211 Ray White Emms Mooney
Lucy Nell 0400 726 897 James Taylor 0457 792 800 66
“Leighton“ is located in a sought-after district with excellent & secure water & Gosling Creek frontage, just 10kms* from the thriving regional centre of Orange with sealed road access. 50ha* that boasts rich, fertile, basalt, open country with reliable rainfall, shade & shelter. Pastures are exceptional. Auction Friday 2nd December, 10.30am Open By Appointment Michael Kennedy 0428
Picture the setting of your new dream home on Lot 6 “Mayville Estate”, Forest Reefs, just a short 5-minute drive to Millthorpe, 15 minutes to Blayney and 20 minutes to Orange. This 5-acre* block is now registered and ready to build your dream home on. Sale Contact Agent Open By Appointment James Taylor 0457792 800
2 other bedrooms have built in robes. The large kitchen/dining room has tiled flooring, gas cooktop, under bench oven, breakfast bar, under floor heating and opens onto the covered outdoor alfresco area. The comfortable lounge room has a northerly aspect and the home has ducted gas heating throughout, secure back yard and internal garage access.
These affordable cottages located in East Orange have seen many new owners come along in recent years who are renovationg them and calling them home. This one sits on a small manageable block with two large bedrooms and an open plan style lounge/dining/kitchen space. The central bathroom has a shower over bath and there is a sepearate toilet. You can call this property home and put your own twist on it or you could purchase as an investment with an estimated rental of around $280PW.
38 ORANGE CITY LIFE | NOVEMBER 17 — 23, 2022 Formoreinformationorforaninspection,contactGaryBlowes 0418635248| Celebrating50yearsinrealestatein2022 CnrLordsPlandKiteSt,Orange 0263621233 2-4ASHSTREET,ORANGE Auctiononsite11am23/02/2022 BLOWESRE.COM.AU cnr lords place + kite street 02 6362 1233 Celebrating 50 years in real estate in 2022 This large block of 1,804sqm (LOT 110) is registered and ready to build on. The block is only 3klms to the CBD, close to Wentworth and Duntryleague golf clubs and Ploughman’s wetlands. Compare similar size blocks nearby and you will see that this is a reasonable price for a block this close to town with ALL town services and concrete layback already in place. New exciting sub-division close to town All town services connected • All other blocks sold to mostly owner occupiers 251 CARGO ROAD, orange $549,000 CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590 GREAT LOCATION, READY TO MOVE IN! Don’t miss the opportunity to move quickly on this new to market brick veneer 4 bedroom home located in a sought after location. The elevated property has views towards Mt Canobolas and features 4 bedrooms with the master having en-suite, walk in robe and under floor heating,
14 Windamingle Place, orange
CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590 4 2 2 OPEN HOUSE
19th 10.30am - 11.00am
2 1 1 OPEN HOUSE Saturday 19th 11.30am - 12.00Pm REDUCED PRICE Secure your future with this lovely elevated block right on the edge of town and only 3klms to the CBD. The land has all town services including underground power and is 863sqm in size and has a 20m frontage. Walk to the two nearby golf courses or take a walk through the Ploughmans Wetlands just a one minute walk away. Zoned for Orange High School and once building starts will be surrounded by new modern homes. • Sought after West Orange location • All town services connected Reasonably quite street, no through traffic 13 Yackerboon Place, orange $520,000 - $540,000 CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590 191-193 Peisley St, orange • Freehold only • Quality long-standing tenant • Long-term lease in place with option to renew ContaCt the exClusive listing agents to arrange an inspeCtion or to obtain an information memorandum. FOR SALE $1.4 MILLION (GST EXEMPT) CONTACT Gary Blowes 0418 635 248 or Margaret Longhurst 0499 013 427 ZONED B3 COMMERCIAL | CENTRAL CBD LOCATION
26 moresby Street, orange
CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590
ORANGE CITY LIFE | NOVEMBER 17 — 23, 2022 39 Cornerblockwith2xroadaccesses Landareaapprox.1,406Ha,buildingareaapprox.1,620m² 2gantrycranes ZonedGeneralIndustrial OfferedwithVacantPossession Formoreinformationorforaninspection,contactGaryBlowes 0418635248| Celebrating50yearsinrealestatein2022 CnrLordsPlandKiteSt,Orange 0263621233 2-4ASHSTREET,ORANGE Auctiononsite11am23/02/2022 BLOWESRE.COM.AU cnr lords place + kite street 02 6362 1233 Celebrating 50 years in real estate in 2022 GARY BLOWES Director 0418 635 248 Commercial Sales + Leasing CHRIS TYACK 0438 258 590 Residential Sales Manager MARG LONGHURST 0499 013 427 Sales Co-ordinator SHARISSA GILL 0477 063 857 Property Manager ABIGAIL PALMER 6362 1233 Office Manager
The Dalton family were early pioneers of Orange and built many grand homes including Duntryleague and beautiful Galbally House located in sought after Byng Street and sitting on an impressive 3,998sqm block. This outstanding property built to exacting standards between 1917 and 1918 has only had three owners. It is time for the current custodians to move on and Galbally House is waiting for new owners to love and enjoy as a family home or explore other possibilities perhaps a sub-division or maybe a commercial venture (both subject to council approval) • Absolute prime location in central Orange on a near acre of land • The current owners have meticulously maintained the originality • Magnificent examples of ornate plaster ceilings and lead light windows • Approximately 454 sqm internally plus verandahs of 208 sqm • Double garage, tool sheds and an out-house a further 51 sqm • Beautiful gardens with mature trees and full size lawn tennis court CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590 EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST 8 3 3 2 ASH St, orange Situated in a prime location in Orange’s main industrial precinct, this warehouse is leased by a global logistics provider with a long-term lease in place, and is surrounded by established national businesses. •2 mins to Southern Feeder Road •600m to Fitness Centre •17 min to Orange Regional Airport •1.8km to Orange Aquatic Centre •4 min to Orange CBD •Surrounded by National businesses •Corner block with dual access, approx. 6,400m² • Total building size appox. Size: 1,620m² across existing freestanding tenanted warehouse, office and amenities •IM available on request CONTACT Gary Blowes 0418 635 248 AUCTION ON SITE 14TH DECEMBER NEW LISTING NEW LISTING
60 byng
40 ORANGE CITY LIFE | NOVEMBER 17 — 23, 2022 39 SALE STREET, ORANGE | 6363 1000 | PFISHER.COM.AU ALL PROPERTIES CAN BE VIEWED BY PRIVATE INSPECTION OR VIDEO CALL, JUST CONTACT THE AGENT. ALL INSPECTIONS WILL BE CONDUCTED UNDER STRICT HEALTH GUIDELINES. TICKING ALL THE BOXES This home is the perfect example of the quintessential four bedroom, two bathroom, two car garage home. It has two living areas that are light-filled and provide plenty of room for everyone to relax in comfort. The kitchen has all the mod cons and a handy breakfast bar for a quick meal on the go. The master bedroom ticks boxes with its walk-in robe and ensuite and the other three bedrooms are all comfortably sized and have built-ins. There is a fresh and functional main bathroom, and the toilet is conveniently separate to that. The backyard is private and secure with a sunny patio. Being located in such a nice area with great school zoning and proximity to nearby walking paths, this home functions wonderfully as both a family home or a solid addition to your investment portfolio. CONTACT: CHRIS MASON 0438 629 417 29 MCCARRON PLACE $749,000 4 2 2 SELF SUFFICIENT HOME PUNCHING WELL ABOVE ITS WEIGHT Set on a large 918 sqm block is this marvellous home which offers tons for the investor, first homeowner or downsizer. You enter through a lovely sunroom into the main living area which has a gas fireplace, ceiling fan and other lovely features such as decorative cornicing and high ceilings. Other features of the home include a renovated bathroom, wine cellar, carport and built-in wardrobes in the master and second bedroom. Flooded with northern sun is a delightful, combined kitchen/dining which leads out to a sweet alfresco area and laundry with second toilet. For those wanting some self-sufficiency in town this home punches well above its weight. Electricity is offset by solar panels, there are chook yards, garden sheds, veggie patches and room for composting. Additionally, there is a converted garage, ideal for working from home and there is access to the backyard via rear-lane access. You’ll be incredibly impressed with this lovely home. CONTACT: MICHAEL WRIGHT 0421 360 948 60 COX AVENUE $620,000 3 1 2 A HOME OF GENEROUS PROPORTIONS This grand home stands elevated in one of Orange’s most prestigious estates. A home of generous proportions, it boasts two living areas, a formal dining and third study area/library. There is a luxurious feel that comes from the expansive living areas, detailed archways and sweet doll-house style windows. There is a stunning top-of-the-line kitchen with stone bench tops, high-end appliances, and large island with waterfall edges. Appliances include a built-in microwave steamer, oven and 90mm gas cooktop and walk-in pantry. Upstairs, there are five enormous bedrooms with built-in wardrobes. Outside, the lovely alfresco area is perfect for entertaining amongst the established country garden. You’ll love that it is a short walk from Wentworth and Duntryleague Golf courses and is surrounded by some lovely walking trails and parks. Additional bonuses include a third toilet downstairs, zoning for Calare Public and Orange High, gas wood-look fire and big linen cupboard. CONTACT: MICHAEL WRIGHT 0421 360 948 2 THOOPARA PLACE $1,179,000 5 2 2 DELIGHTFUL RENOVATION There’s been a lot of building activity over the recent months at 18 Prince Street, the delightful renovation is now complete and what a renovation. The property has been completely renovated from front to back, inside and out, including an on-trend kitchen flowing to an open plan dining and snug area with French double doors leading out to the spacious yard and double shed. The luxurious and spacious new bathroom includes a bath, shower, toilet, vanity, and there’s also another handy second toilet adjacent to the European laundry. All 3 bedrooms and the lounge area have been fully renovated. Other major upgrades include complete new electrical wiring throughout, new plumbing to kitchen, laundry, bathroom and toilet, new paint and window furnishings throughout. This gorgeous home is ready right now for you to move into. CONTACT: ADAM SAVAGE 0419 232 416 18 PRINCE STREET PRICE GUIDE: $1,100,000-$1,200,000 3 1.5 2 NEW LISTING NEW LISTING NEW PRICE OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 19 NOVEMBER 11.00-11.30 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 19 NOVEMBER 12.15-12.45 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 19 NOVEMBER 12.00-12.30
COME FALL IN LOVE Tucked away amongst other quality homes in an attractive block between Sale and Hill Streets, the
SAVAGE 0419 232 416
ORANGE CITY LIFE | NOVEMBER 17 — 23, 2022 41 39 SALE STREET, ORANGE | 6363 1000 | PFISHER.COM.AU ALL PROPERTIES CAN BE VIEWED BY PRIVATE INSPECTION OR VIDEO CALL, JUST CONTACT THE AGENT. ALL INSPECTIONS WILL BE CONDUCTED UNDER STRICT HEALTH GUIDELINES. BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME WITH ELEVATED VISTAS Molong is a well-established rural town located 20 minutes from Orange with a vibrant community. Well-serviced by schools, healthcare, shops and boutiques, restaurants, cafes and pubs. These 2 blocks have elevated views in an already-established quiet area, full town services available - water, power and sewer and are ready to build on in early 2023. They are within walking distance to Molong Central School. There are 3 and 4 bedroom house and land packages available, including cost of build and timeframes upon request. 2A is 936 sqm in size and 2b is 893 sqm in size. CONTACT: MICHAEL WRIGHT 0421 360 948 2A & 2B MCARDLE STREET, MOLONG $300,000 EACH 12A BOTANIC WAY $599,000 3 1 2 NICE NORTH ORANGE Close to the North Orange shopping hub, the Botanic Gardens and with a kid’s playground just down the road, this low maintenance home is perfect for downsizers, first home buyers or an investment opportunity not to be missed. The spacious open plan living area, with plenty of room for a TV zone and a dining table, also boasts an access door direct from the garage so you’re inside nice and dry whatever the weather. There is also a sliding door out to the grass courtyard that provides usable outdoor space without too much upkeep. The kitchen has stainless steel appliances, there are three bedrooms all with built-ins and the home is warmed by central gas heating in the cooler months. Surrounded by other quality homes in a friendly neighbourhood, this nice and tidy home is worth a look. Inspections are easily arranged. CONTACT:
5 CARRINGTON PLACE PRICE GUIDE: $849,000 - $869,000 4 2 2
CHRIS MASON 0438 629 417
BEL-AIR AREA Set in a very sought after street in the Bel-Air subdivision, this spacious home is in a quiet cul-de-sac amongst other quality homes with great neighbours. High ceilings and the perfect northern aspect provide great natural light and Winter sunshine in the open plan kitchen/dining/family room as well as the separate lounge area. The 4 seasons are taken care off with your choice of either ducted gas heating or another electric heating/cooling system. The master sized bedroom has a walk in robe and ensuite, the other 3 bedrooms all have built in wardrobes. Other great features of this home include level throughout, brand new internal painting, fantastic cupboards, a large laundry, power to one garden shed, a carport for the caravan or boat, another garden shed and an18 panel solar system. This is a must inspect property.
street appeal of this lovely home can’t be denied. Inside, the north facing living areas feature polished timber floors and large windows that welcome the sun. The functional kitchen with a double drawer dishwasher and 900mm cooktop is a light filled space that makes the most of its northeast aspect and elevated position. There is a lounge room plus a family room, a dining room with plenty of space for a family-sized table and a great little study nook. There are four generous bedrooms, one of which is upstairs and would be a great parents’ or teenage retreat. The home has ducted gas heating and 2 split system air conditioners. The back yard is private and fully enclosed and has a pizza oven and double car accommodation plus workshop. Within walking distance of Bletchington School, the DPI and Hill Street Grab’n’Go, this is a great home in a great location. Come see it, you might just fall in love. CONTACT: JACOB EVANS 0428 130 789
this home has a
If you’re
0419 232 416 10 KUMALI CIRCUIT $949,000 4 2 2
and have easy access
is double in size but is currently used as one car space plus a workshop and there is a toilet as well. It could easily be converted back to a double garage. The landscaping, private courtyards, pretty gardens and attractive home with flexible floorplan combined with the excellent location and wonderful lifestyle on offer make this a dream home come true. CONTACT: CHRIS MASON 0438 629 417 30 GOLDFINCH WAY CONTACT AGENT 4 2.5 1.5 NEW LISTING OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 19 NOVEMBER 11.30-12.00 OPEN HOMES: THURS 17 NOV 5.00-6.00 | SATURDAY 19 NOVEMBER 12.00-12.30 20 FRANKLIN ROAD PRICE GUIDE: $660,000-$680,000 5 2 2 FOUR BEDROOMS PLUS A GRANNY FLAT This neat and tidy home is bigger than you think with four bedrooms plus a granny flat with big living area, bathroom, bedroom and plumbing ready to easily add a kitchenette to make it totally self-sufficient. The main home is bright and airy with a lovely open plan living area with timber floors and an updated kitchen. The bathroom has lovely modern fittings and there is not too much more to do to put your own stamp on the home. There is a big shed with a storeroom in the backyard which has good access and lots of space remaining on the 765.1 sqm block. The water tanks and solar panels are a real bonus too. Close to the pool and not far from town this home is really well positioned and has a lot to offer. CONTACT: CHRIS MASON 0438 629 417 LOOK NO FURTHER – NEST OR INVEST This wonderfully neat brick veneer unit with a lovely parkland view over the back fence is set in a quiet complex not far from town. The unit is a great size and has a welldesigned and functional floorplan with a cosy lounge room and well-appointed kitchen and dining area overlooking the backyard and beyond. A rarity in units like these, there are three good sized bedrooms with a built-in wardrobe in the main. Homely features like reverse cycle ducted system, easy to maintain timber-look floor and exposed brick walls give the unit a warm feeling. There is a neat and tidy bathroom and a handy separate toilet to round out the package. Currently vacant with an expected rental range of $370-$400 per week it is ready to go whether you choose to live in it or invest. CONTACT: CHRIS MASON 0438 629 417 8/87 GARDINER ROAD $449,000 3 1 1 NEW LISTING UNDER OFFER
of wonderful Westlea – an established green belt of Orange surrounded by quality homes and beautiful established trees and gardens, it’s no wonder this area is highly sought after.10 Kumali Circuit sits on a spacious 1212m2 block encased by mature trees and gardens providing the perfect privacy backdrop. The house itself is architecturally designed with character aplenty including high raked ceilings, exposed timber beams, large brick open fireplace in the lounge area, floor to ceiling windows, dormer windows, generous room
verandah running the length on the northern side. Overall,
real sense
spaciousness throughout.
looking for
house with some personality and potential,
I would highly recommend an inspection of 10 Kumali Circuit.
DREAM HOME DELIGHT Nestled in one of Orange’s most desired cul-de-sacs, this lovely home has been recently
updated. Surrounded by
established gardens and with the Coogal Wetlands behind, the home has been designed to bring the outside in from every window. It will easily accommodate the whole family with four bedrooms, the main with an ensuite, a formal lounge room and a spacious open plan living area with windows galore opening onto the outdoor living zone that wraps around the back and side of the house. The terraced gardens are
to the walking paths around the wetlands.
ORANGE CITY LIFE | NOVEMBER 17 — 23, 2022 43 39 SALE STREET, ORANGE | 6363 1000 | PFISHER.COM.AU ALL PROPERTIES CAN BE VIEWED BY PRIVATE INSPECTION OR VIDEO CALL, JUST CONTACT THE AGENT. ALL INSPECTIONS WILL BE CONDUCTED UNDER STRICT HEALTH GUIDELINES. Just 20 km from Orange, increasingly rare parcels of land like this are seldom on offer. Set amongst the rolling hills of the area and close to Lewis Ponds Creek, this 5 acre block with building permission is ready for your new home. It is the perfect opportunity to create a country dream home that embraces the block, the surrounding views and the rural lifestyle on offer. There is power available nearby or you could build completely off grid and cut down on your expenses. CONTACT: JACOB EVANS 0428 130 789 1564 LOWER LEWIS PONDS ROAD $499,000 This block of land is in a brand new estate in sought after West Orange. Adjoining the Poplars Estate and surrounded by other good sized blocks, this offers a wonderful opportunity to build your very own home perfect for your style and needs. 914.4 sqm in size, the block is fairly level and has the advantage of the best northerly aspect of all the blocks meaning you will have a gorgeously sunny north facing backyard. All town services are available and registration is done. It’s ready to go! CONTACT: JACOB EVANS 0428 130 789 6 GEORGIA OAK AVENUE $550,000 Only five minutes from Millthorpe, 15 minutes from Orange and 20 minutes to Blayney, this rare 5-acre block offers great value for money. Offering elevated views around the surrounding countryside, sealed road, threephase power of the gate, dam and established trees for shade and shelter, the only thing missing is your imagination. Inspections easily arranged. CONTACT: MICHAEL WRIGHT 0421 360 948 36 BUESNEL LANE, MILLTHORPE $695,000 This spacious family home is perfect for the buyer looking for a low maintenance lifestyle. The spectacular gardens are easy care and beautiful. The home is stylish with a formal lounge, open plan living and covered al fresco area. There are four bedrooms with the main having an ensuite and walk-in robe. Every nook and cranny of the block has been utilised including side access with space for a trailer or caravan, a BBQ area and garden shed. The inground pool will delight come summer and there is a powder room nearby. CONTACT: CHRIS MASON 0438 629 417 21 ROSELAWN DRIVE $859,000 4 2.5 2 This cute cottage has a charm all of its own. You will love the original features of the cosy lounge room. The interior is white and bright with high ceilings and nice flooring throughout the living and bedroom areas. There are two good sized bedrooms with built-ins and a sunroom. The kitchen is modern with great storage. Outside has been recently painted and to the side and back of the 658 sqm block there is a double carport, workshop and a generous backyard CONTACT: JACOB EVANS 0428 130 789 35 WELLINGTON STREET, MOLONG $399,000 2 1 2 Located on the north side of Orange, this large family home has plenty to please with many bedrooms and living areas, plus a dedicated office area. All 5 bedrooms have built-in-wardrobes, and the main bedroom has an ensuite bathroom. The living areas are well designed with a rumpus and lounge area at the front and another family room at the back plenty of room to spread out. There’s room to park a caravan or boat beside the driveway and easy access to the back pergola area and backyard. CONTACT: ADAM SAVAGE 0419 232 416 6 LISTER DRIVE $849,000 5 2 2 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 19 NOVEMBER 9.30-10.00 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 19 NOVEMBER 10.15-10.45 GREAT SOUTH ORANGE GEM Located close to the hospital, Cadia and schools in wonderful South Orange is this fantastic four-bedroom home which offers loads for the family. The home boasts two living areas, four bedrooms (three of which have built-ins), a separate sunroom and a mudroom with access from the garage. In
CONTACT: MICHAEL WRIGHT 0421 360 948 15 ANSON STREET PRICE GUIDE: $670,000-$690,000 4 1 2 2 CRINOLINE STREET AUCTION PRICE GUIDE: $670,000-$700,000 AUCTION: SATURDAY, 19 NOV 11AM ON SITE 4 2 2 GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY Coming up for sale for the first time in 26 years is this fantastic home. You will feel like you own a secret, tucked away on a huge 1072sqm block in a quiet cul-de-sac. This four-bedroom home with ensuite and second living area offers a great and affordable start into the property market. There are four bedrooms all with built-in wardrobes, with the second of the bedrooms boasting access to the renovated three-way bathroom. The master bedroom is generous in size with its own ensuite and walk-in wardrobe. There is also a generous second living area which is bright and airy featuring northerly aspect and is a sun-lovers dream. The yard is secure and private and perfect for children and pets. It’s ready for you to add your special touch to, the bones of this home are fabulous, and the potential is endless. This property is being sold as part of a Deceased Estate. Register your interest today. CONTACT: MICHAEL WRIGHT 0421 360 948 AUCTION NEW LISTING OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 19 NOVEMBR 12.45-1.15 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 19 NOVEMBR 10.15-10.45
the heart of the home is a lovely, renovated kitchen with modern appliances and dishwasher. There is a gas heater to warm the home and a reverse cycle air conditioner also. The garage is large with extra-high ceilings if
wanted to add a mezzanine for extra storage. There is excellent rear-yard access to the big and secure yard with plenty of room for extra shedding on the Southern side. This home is ready for a new chapter, and the bones are here, it’s just ready for your imagination.
A recipe for home-cooked success Sweet Treats Connection looking for new owner
Handy in the kitchen? Like the idea of being your own boss? Popular baked goods business Sweet Treats Connection is in need of a person with the drive to take it to the next level.
Founded by Kerrie Ford seven years ago, Sweet Treats Connection’s indulgent sweets and desserts have almost a cult following and are much sought-after at our local market days.
But Kerrie has decided it’s time to move on to other pursuits and has put the business up for sale. Not only is she selling all her commercial-grade cooking equipment, including two ovens, mixer, work benches, fridges and freezers, trays, pans, packaging – the lot, but she is providing her muchguarded recipes, training and business roadmap.
“It’s time for the next person to expand from where I’ve started, to take it on further,” Kerrie said.
“So I’m offering a highly detailed roadmap of all the workings of my business and
I’m offering training as well. I’ve got opportunities booked for next year already, and all the businesses I work with in Orange and my customers are very keen to meet the new Sweet Treats owner.”
Kerrie spent many years perfecting every one of her recipes and she has previously knocked back requests from top chefs keen to know her secrets.
“It feels a bit like I’m selling my baby,” Kerrie said. “But yes, there are a lot of recipes and some family recipes in there too that are just amazing.
“This would be a great opportunity for someone with cooking ability, passion and drive to be successful and look for new opportunities.”
If that sounds like you, give Kerrie a call on 0420910757.
Coming from a retail background, Sarah has transitioned seamlessly into her property management role at Peter Fisher. Always putting in 100% effort and believing that hard work achieves results, Sarah’s excellent communication skills and her efficiency, drive and diligence means that her ability to provide outstanding customer service to owners and tenants alike is a given. Sarah loves nothing more than finding the perfect tenant for a property and achieves great satisfaction in making that phone call to let someone know their application has been approved.
All the staff at Peter Fisher Real Estate have been excellent communicators and have made the role of landlord exceptionally simple for me resulting in a positive experience for all concerned. Thank you.
44 ORANGE CITY LIFE | NOVEMBER 17 — 23, 2022
MEET THE Property Management TEAM Our goal is to maximise your return through: 3 Expert knowledge 3 A proactive approach 3 Strong communication 3 Comprehensive marketing campaign 3 Problem solving 3 Continuous improvement 3 Streamlined processes using specialised technology 3 Dedication to maximising your asset
We believe that experience, knowledge and communication are the most important elements of successfully managing an investment property. Our philosophy is simple: To look after your property as if it were our own Orange Property Market
ORANGE CITY LIFE | NOVEMBER 17 — 23, 2022 45 IF YOU WOULD LIKE YOUR PROPERTY CHRIS OR JOHN ON 6362 5999 FOR SALE RIGHT ACROSS FROM THE SCHOOL 16 FOX AVENUE A fantastic family location in a small, quiet and leafy street around a one minute walk to Bletchinton School’s main gate. With 3 bedrooms, this home is well presented both inside and outside with the living areas featuring a separate loungeroom with gas heating, a bright and an airy family room with wall to wall built in storage and reverse cycle air-conditioning. Other features include a double garage and workshop, garden shed and a rainwater tank. A new development consisting of two and three bedroom villa units and town houses. Designed for your security and peace of mind. A heated indoor communal swimming pool for your enjoyment. $630,000 FOR SALE 247 LEEDS PARADE DEVELOPMENT SITE • 39,180 sq metres of vacant Industrial (IN1) zoned land. • An excellent location for storage units and warehousing (subject to Council DA). • Situated just off the Northern Distributor Road and adjoins Bunnings. FOR FURTHER DETAILS CONTACT CHRIS ON 0417 626 361 FOR SALE BEAUTFUL ELEVATED BLOCK Backing onto a Council reserve this good sized block enjoys a lovely outlook for you to build your new dream home on. Situated in the popular Northern Gardens Estate and is in easy reach to the North Orange Shopping precinct. Land size is 801.5 m2 CONTACT OUR OFFICE FOR FURTHER DETAILS OPEN HOUSE SAT 19th NOVEMBER 11.00am - 11.30am OPEN HOUSE SAT 19th NOVEMBER 12.00pm - 1.00pm FOR SALE 12 OAK STREET, ORANGE ARGUABLY, ONE OF THE MOST SOUGHT AFTER STREETS IN ORANGE ENORMOUS POTENTIAL Split level brick veneer home with 3 bedrooms. Double carport, workshop and garden sheds in large back yard with rear access. Lovely tree lined street outlook from front patio. CONTACT OUR OFFICE FOR FURTHER DETAILS If you’re looking for a spacious unit with the convenience of inner city living, then don’t look past this opportunity. This two story residence enjoys a north facing open plan living area with new carpets and freshly painted lounge / dining room that has electric heating and a handy storage closet. The main bathroom has been freshly renovated and there is a second toilet downstairs. There is internal access to the garage and a private paved courtyard and garden at the rear with a covered outdoor area. It’s so easy to walk to town, you may get rid of your car! $550,000 OPEN HOUSE SAT 19th NOVEMBER 11.30am - 12.00pm OPEN HOUSE SAT 19th NOVEMBER 10.00am - 10.30am NOW SELLING ‘KINROSS MEWS’ 99 BATHURST ROAD, ORANGE A BETTER LIFESTYLE AWAITS YOU HERE IN THIS NEW GATED COMPLEX FOR SALE 9/198 BYNG STREET VERY CENTRAL 3 BEDROOM UNIT
9.30-10.00 21 Roselawn Drive 4 2.5 2 $859,000 9.30-10.00 5 Elsham Avenue 3 2 4 $529,000 10.15-10.45 12A Botanic Way 2 1 2 $599,000 10.15-10.45 6 Lister Drive 5 2 2 $849,000 10.15-10.45 2 Crinoline Street 4 2 2 $670,000-$700,000 11.00-11.30 29 McCarron Place 4 2 2 $749,000 11.30-12.00 10 Kumali Circuit 4 2 2 $949,000 12.00-12.30 30 Goldfinch Way 4 2 2 Contact Agent 12.00-12.30 60 Cox Avenue 3 1 2 $620,000 12.15-12.45 18 Prince Street 3 1.5 2 $1,100,000-$1,200,000 12.45-1.15 14A Emily Place 3 2 1 $589,000 12.45-1.15 15 Anson Street 4 1 2 $670,000-$690,000
11.00 - 11.30am 16 Fox Avenue 3 1 1 $630,000 12.00 - 1.00pm 99 Bathurst Road Contact Agent
10.00 - 10.30am 12 Oak Street 3 1 1 Contact Agent
11.00 - 11.30am 9/198 Byng Street 3 1 1 $550,000
11.00 - 11.30am 15 Osman St, Blayney Contact Agent 10.00 - 10.30am 111 Spring Hill Road Spring Hill Contact Agent 10.30 - 11.00am 12 Kable Place Orange AUCTION 11.15 - 11.45am 61a Sampson Street Orange AUCTION
11.30 - 12.00pm 26 Moresby Street 2 1 1 $359,000 10.30 - 11.00am 14 Windamingle Pl 4 2 2 $739,000
11.00-12.00 188 Carbine Road, 5 2 4+ $1,950,000 Forest Reefs
10.00-10.30 5/190 McLachlan Street 2 1 1 $372,000 10.15-10.45 6 Thomas Brosnan Way 4 2 4 $660,000-$680,000 10.45-11.15 47 Sundew Circuit 4 2 2 Contact Agent 11.00-11.30 279 Byng Street 3 1 3 $630,000-$650,000 11.30-12.00 46 Tynan Street 3 1 3 $540,000 11.45-12.15 19 Taronga Avenue 3 1 1 $589,000
46 ORANGE CITY LIFE | NOVEMBER 17 — 23, 2022
Rescue Your Retirement
If so, you’ve spent your entire working life hoping to get to this point… the point in your life when you can afford to stop working.
You may have a problem though, and you may not even be aware of it. How confident are you that you are on the right track?
I’m seeing people every week who are getting stung with high fees, they’re invested in expensive products, and they have gaps in their retirement funding strategies.
I’m on a mission to show people in Orange just how destructive these things can be when it comes to making retirement savings last.
Lately, I’ve been finding I’m getting a lot of retirees, or those nearing retirement, calling me to get independent financial advice. And the reality is that many of them still have a lot of time to benefit from making changes.
The stories they’ve been hearing on the news and from friends have got them asking questions about just how much they are paying in fees on
their retirement savings wondering if they should be doing something differently when it comes to how their money is managed. After all, the biggest fear of retirees is running out of money. So, it pays to ask these questions!
This is my battle cry to get every retiree or pre-retiree in Orange to make sure they are getting the
outcomes they deserve with their retirement savings.
Many can make changes that equate to being thousands of dollars a year better off when it comes to fees, and also by getting modelling done to show them a sustainable spending level for retirement. Being on top of these things can be crucial to passing what I call ‘The Sleep at
Night’ test.
It’s worth asking a very simple question, “Compared to what?”. If you’re not sure how what you’re doing compares to the other options which are available, then perhaps there’s never been a more important time to review your options.
Your money is yours, so it’s entirely up to you what you choose to do with it. What I’m finding though, is that for most people there’s an opportunity to make meaningful and significant changes that are in their best interests.
Not only can they potentially save thousands of dollars a year in fees, but they can get their retirement savings set up with a structure they can actually understand, and that has science and logic behind it.
If this column has raised questions in your mind, then give me a call and let’s look at your options.
Cheers, Daniel
ORANGE CITY LIFE | NOVEMBER 17 — 23, 2022 47 LET’S TALK MONEY with DANIEL MCGREGOR OPEN $1,950,000 5 Bed I 2 Bath I 4 + Car Marie Fox 0412 166 132 S aturday 19th Nov 11.00am - 12.00pm Scan to view our property listing The house you will want to call home Set on approx. 2.5240 Ha this superb 433m2 home has been designed to take full advantage of the northern aspect and the brilliant views looking out towards Mt Canobolas. Built by a renowned local builder (Millthorpe Constructions), this property surpasses the standard for contemporary family living in a rural lifestyle setting. Vast open-plan living areas are at the heart of the home, and just in time for summer, they can be opened to the extensive outdoor entertaining area making the most of the magnificent views. Perfectly private and situated only 26km from Orange. Open plan kitchen, dining and family room with raked ceilings, separate theatre room/formal living room and rumpus room. Four generous sized bedrooms appointed with built-in robes, fifth Bedroom/Study with built-ins, spacious main bedroom with generous walk-in robe and modern ensuite. Ducted reverse cycle heating/cooling, wood heater and ceiling fans to the casual living area and alfresco area. 13KW solar capacity to assist with energy consumption, 9 x 15 metre shed with mezzanine floor, 3 phase power and carport.
solar panel pump, 2 bore tanks 22,500 litre each and 100,000 litre rainwater
'Brynvilla' 188 Carbine Road Forest Reefs 02 6362 4755 Utlities Price FOR SALE Contact If you’d like to fi nd out more about how INDEPENDENT fi nancial advice could help you manage cash fl ow, pay off the mortgage faster, get the most out of super and invest wisely, then get in touch on 0411 484 464 or head to This advice may not be suitable to you because it contains general advice which does not take into consideration any of your personal circumstances. All strategies and information provided are general advice only.
Well fenced to several
and automatic entrance gate. Water supply includes dam, bore with
AFSL 520963
Are you a retiree or nearing retirement? Or do you know someone in that boat?
Come on down to Cumnock Markets this Saturday.
Cumnock invites you to join them for their next market day on Saturday, November 19.
With stall holders producing delicious cakes, biscuits, jams, chutneys and pickles you’re sure to go home with something exquisite.
Homemade craft items are available, as well as local honey, woodcraft, plants and seedlings.
Stalls are able to fit undercover in the case of a rainy morning.
For a friendly chat and a delicious coffee or meal the Cumnock General store is situated opposite the markets and is open between 8:30 and 12:30pm.
Visitors, or anyone wishing to have a stall, can get further information from Pat Gilmour –6367 7270
The City of Orange RSL Sub-Branch would like to express our sincere thanks to the Canobolas Rural Technology High School for their wonderful support of our WW1 Veterans Cross Project.
The students gave up their free time to not only construct the 74 crosses but also painted them. The students also attended the Memorial Service on November 2 and took part in the service by reading out the names of our 96 veterans in unmarked graves. After the service, the school put on a very enjoyable light luncheon, prepared by the students for all the guests.
The Sub-Branch and the school were both supported with this project by Bunnings Warehouse Orange who supplied all the materials and Dulux who supplied the timber treatment and paint.
To all involved, thank you.
Chris Colvin President and Trustee City of Orange RSL Sub-Branch
Dragon Boating State Wide Open Day at Lake Canobolas
Come and try dragon boating with local club Colour City Dragons on Saturday, November 26 at Lake Canobolas.
Colour City Dragons Club President John Moss said the State Wide Open Day is a great way to introduce people to the sport and increase the sport’s profile.
“Meet at Lake Canobolas to try paddling, chat with our awesome members, discover their dragon boat journey and what keeps them coming to training, attending regattas and so excited to compete and addicted to the sport,” John said.
Dragon boating is a fast and furious paddle-driven water sport that originated in China more than 2,000 years ago.
The modern sport sees crews of up to 20 paddlers, plus a sweep and drummer, train and race in fibreglass boats with decorative Chinese dragon heads and tails.
Competitions, known as regattas are held across the State and all over the world.
Colour City Dragons member Estella Ferri will be competing as part of the Australian Auroras national team in the Asian Dragon Boat Championships to be held in Pattaya, Thailand this month.
Come along to the Open Day at Lake Canobolas on Saturday, November 26, 9.30 –11.30am and discover this fast-growing sport for all fitness levels and ages 11 and up. (You’ll spot the Colour City Dragons members wearing Orange shirts.
Have something of interest to share?
STEWARTJAMES DREW (pictured with proud big brother Xavier Drew)
02.11.2022 WEIGHT: 3230g
Theresa Drew and Sentosa Kirisome
Marilyn and Archie Drew, Merita and Magele Moe Kirisome
Eileen and Stewart (deceased) Sharpe
Cinderella is heading to the ball!
or the first time ever, Orange Theatre Co is bringing their hilarious rendition of Cinderella to Orange’s Civic Theatre stage. Packed with slapstick comedy, wordplay and magic the performance will be available to watch between November 25 and November 27.
Ugly Stepsisters, Tim Hewett and Eden Plaisted, sat down with Orange City Life to talk about their love of the Orange Theatre scene and their upcoming show.
“It truly becomes a second family,” Eden said. “When I moved to Orange with my brother three years ago to set up our sculpture business, 908 Art and Design, I felt an urge to get back up on the stage and strut my stuff again.”
“It just so happened that Lumiere came up in 2020, one of my dream roles, and now another bucket list goal – Gertrude, the prettiest of the ugly stepsisters,” he laughed.
Tim’s first production with Orange
Theatre Co. was HMS Pinafore back in 1999.
“We partied like it was 1999,” Tim said. “I somehow got cast as a lead in Oklahoma in 2000, playing a very handsome Will Parker. Since then, Sound of Music, Oliver and Jesus Christ Superstar, with gaps in between,” he continued.
Orange Theatre Co, Cinderella performance follows the original story, with its very own personality added. The Prince must marry – or his stipend will be cut off. Faced with this unfortunate turn of events, he reluctantly decides to hold a ball in order to find a bride. Cinderella desperately wants to attend in the hope she will catch the Prince’s eye and escape the clutches of her ugly, cruel and social climbing step-sisters and step-mother. But she is thwarted at every turn… That is, until her fairy-godmother puts in an appearance, works her magic and ensures a happy ending for (almost) everyone.
“The beauty about the long-standing traditions of British pantomimes is that
anything goes, so expect the unexpected,” Eden said.
“I mean it’s not every day you get to don a wig, bustle and heels as a man and sing your heart out. And Tim is a commanding six-foot-four man so, as a lady, he towers over the other characters. Very funny to see!”
Fresh talent will be hitting the stage too.
“We have so many young newbies in the cast of the show and they are loving the experience,” Eden said.
“Also this year we have been lucky enough to have the very talented Derek Metzger join the company. He recently moved to Orange after retiring from professional theatre and we could not be happier to share the stage with this legend. He truly is a walking masterclass in performance,” he added.
When asked if the pair felt prepared after the long hours of rehearsal, several times a week Eden said, “Prepared, yes. Excitement and nervousness kick in soon,
especially when we hit the theatre.”
In true theatrical style, Tim adds, “Prepared? This is theatre, darling!”
Guaranteed to make you laugh, the two Ugly Stepsisters say it’s a performance not to be missed.
“It’s genuinely funny. And I don’t pee in people’s pockets. It really is,” Tim said.
For those interested in getting involved with the Orange Theatre Co. you can find out more at
Or just come up to us after the show and we’ll be happy to chat,” Eden said. “Just mention that I was the prettiest of the stepsisters!”
Finally, the two extend their gratitude to the wonderful and talented director of the company, Wendy Campbell, and the whole team of Orange Theatre Company.
“What they provide for this community is priceless, and it’s all volunteered, and I have been lucky enough to have been involved,” Eden concluded.
ORANGE CITY LIFE | NOVEMBER 17 — 23, 2022 49 OPEN 7 DAYS | 107 BYNG STREET | 6362 1353 | WWW.THEMETROPOLITANHOTELORANGE.COM.AU PLEASE RING FOR BOOKINGS PROUD TO BE A PUB EVERY FRIDAY / SATURDAY AT 8PM FREE ENRTY Live Music ✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴ ✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴ FRIDAY 18TH Chris Hanson SATURDAY 19TH 5 O’clock Shadow FRIDAYS SEAFOOD BITES CHICKEN WINGS OR served with CHIPS ground floor only fridays SERVED WITH CHIPS $15 chicken wings seafood bites or t-bone tuesdays THURSDAYS + mash & veg or chips & veg SAUCE: DIANE, MUSHROOM, PEPPER OR GRAVY $18 with the purchase of a beverage scotch fillet wednesdays WEDNESDAYS SCOTCH FILLET COOKED TO YOUR LIKING WITH your choice of sauce + mash & veg or chips & veg SAUCE: DIANE, MUSHROOM, PEPPER OR GRAVY $18 with the purchase of a beverage with the purchase of beverage Cooked to your liking Cooked to your liking Entertainment
See the Orange Theatre Co’s Cinderella at the Orange Civic Theatre from Friday, November 25 to Sunday, November 27. Tickets at Ticketek or call 6393 8111
Friday November 18
Blayney Rotary Markets
Blayney Rotary Markets at Carrington Park from 8:30am
Metropolitan Hotel Chris Hansen from 8pm
Saturday November 19
Victoria Hotel
Terry Lovett’s Rock N Roll Disco from 8pm
Metropolitan Hotel
Live music from 5 O’Clock Shadow, 8pm
Orange Ex Services Club
Past and Present Hits - Dance the Night Away, from 7pm
November 25-27
Orange Theatre Company presents Cinderella November 26
Bloomfield Hall — November Shorn 40th Anniversary
Orange Regional Conservatorium - The Vintage| Adult Ensembles Concert December 3
Orange Ex-Services Club — Elton Jack - Dinner & Show December 4
Millthorpe Markets December 7
Orange Civic Theatre — A Celtic Christmas by A Taste of Ireland December 10
Orange City Bowling Club — Girls Night Out Hypnosis
50 ORANGE CITY LIFE | NOVEMBER 17 — 23, 2022 Entertainment WHAT’S HAPPENING
SUNDAY 20 NOVEMBER 2:30 Doors open 2pm Adults $40| Concession $35 ORC School Aged Students FREE Tickets available through ORC Admin and SUPPORTED BY: H ANDEL ODE FOR ST. CECILI A’S DAY CONDUCTED BY WILLIAM MOXEY PERFORMED BY THE ORANGE REGIONAL CONSERVATORIUM CHAMBER CHOIR & CHAMBER ORCHESTRA FEATURING SOLOISTS SOPHIA DUNCAN, JOSEPH TRUMBLE & SAMANTHA BARTHOLOMEUSZ SUNDAY 20 NOVEMBER 2:30 PM Doors open 2pm ORANGE REGIONAL CONSERVATORIUM PRESENTS Adults $40| Concession $35 ORC School Aged Students FREE Tickets available through ORC Admin and Sunday November 20 Orange Regional Conservatorium Handel| Ode for St. Cecilia’s Day, 2.30pm
Saturday November 19 Orange Rodeo at the Showgrounds from 4pm
Enda Kenny and Nerida Cuddy sunset performance at Rosnay
Central west music lovers are in for a treat this December with a rare local opportunity to catch a performance by Irish-born Australian singer/songwriter Enda Kenny, and Canowindra’s own Nerida Cuddy at the beautiful new Rosnay Cellar Door in Canowindra.
Performing in Australia since the late 1980s, Enda’s thoughtful, descriptive stories of his adoptive homeland have struck a chord with festival audiences all over Australia.
A multi-award-winning songwriter, he was twice the winner of the Port Fairy Folk Festival songwriting award.
Nerida Cuddy’s songs have connected her with people from all walks of life for over 25 years. A prolific writer, Nerida’s songs hold real emotional and narrative depth, living and breathing the landscape of rural Australia, where she has gladly made her home.
With warm vocals and humour, social conscience and story-telling style, Nerida enjoys resonance with folk audiences at festivals and gigs, and more recently, internationally through online folk clubs.
See Enda and Nerida perform at the new Rosnay Cellar Door as the sun sets over Canowindra valley. The concert will be held on December 3. Doors open at 7pm for a 7:30 start. Tickets are available via enda-kenny
There’ll be complimentary snacks and Rosnay wines available.
Catch Consentino tonight before he disappears!
Australia’s most successful magician, illusionist and escapologist Consentino will be appearing (and disappearing) in Orange tonight (Thursday, November 17).
Sure to excite and enthral, join Consentino as he warps your sense of reality, performs death defying escapes and boggles your mind with stage illusions.
Blending dance, magic and humorous audience participation his show is to keep everyone entertained from start to finish.
Orange Civic Theatre, 7.30pm, Tickets at Ticketek or call 6393 8111
fundraiser with
on the night. Tickets to the ‘Comedy for Cancer’ fundraiser are just $60 and include a
ORANGE CITY LIFE | NOVEMBER 17 — 23, 2022 51 Entertainment
November 26
Comedy for Cancer
Peter Berner and Tommy Dean
Comedy legends, Peter Berner and Tommy Dean, are bringing the laughs to a charity comedy night in support of our local Prostate Cancer Support Group. An initiative of the team at PWM Advice, ‘Comedy for Cancer’ is a fundraising night of good food, music, and stand-up comedy to be held at Factory Espresso on Saturday, November 26. There will also be music from local band ‘The Wave’, loads of raffle prizes to give away and a number of donated items to be raffled
drink on arrival, canapes, and entertainment. They can be purchased through, you can find the link at, or simply scan the QR code on this page.
Ruby Tuesday at the Agrestic Grocer
Orange Farmers Market
It was a rare, sunny day for
Markets on Saturday, November 10. A large crowd of locals and visitors soaked up the sun and made the most of the wide array of local produce, sweets and other goodies available. The next market will be held on December 10 at Northcourt from 8.30am to midday.
52 ORANGE CITY LIFE | NOVEMBER 17 — 23, 2022 Social SCENE
Orange Farmers
Sweet Treats Connection’s Kerrie Ford and Russell Spargo
Rachael Brooking and Tash Rossiter
Nick Jones and Alice Schofield
Franklin Road Preserves’ Richard Dowling.
Cath Thompson, handing out “Orange In Style and “Orange at your Service” 2023 Calendars
Sean Grabham and Olivia Ordynsky
Josefine Agland and Judy Agland
Martin Prestwidge, Robbie Robinson, Maryanne Rickards, Kim Rickards and Ruby
Paul Burge, Megan Woods, Peter Thoms and Hughie Brown
Nicole Downey, Linda Ogilvie and Sarah Jeffery
Brent Twaddle, Hayley Thomson and Andrew Greig
Sheridon Brown and Angus Pryse Jones
Dave and Rose Sale
Lee Read, Josh Maley, Gab Crump, Vicki Priest, Julienne Garvin and Cindy Cook
Always a popular night for locals, the Agrestic Grocer’s ‘Ruby Tuesday’ sees local or touring artists perform an entire classic album. Last Tuesday, November 8, approximately 60 people crowded into the cafe to hear Megan Woods perform Melissa Etheridge’s1988 debut self-titled album “Melissa Etheridge”, which earned Melissa her first Grammy Award nomination.
Supporting Megan on Tuesday were Pete Thoms on drums, Paul Burge on bass, and Hughie Brown on lead guitar.
10.30, 1.30, 4.30, 7.15 Fri 18
10.30, 1.30, 4.30, 7.15 Sat 19
10.30, 1.30, 4.30, 7.15 Sun 20
10.30, 4.00, 7.15 Mon 21
10.30, 1.30, 4.30, 7.15 Tues 22
10.30, 1.30, 4.30, 7.15
Wed 23 rd 10.30, 1.30, 4.30, 7.15
Thurs 17 th 10.30, 1.30, 4.30, 7.30
Fri 18 th 10.30, 1.30, 4.30, 7.30
Sat 19 th 1.30, 4.30, 7.30
Sun 20 th 1.30, 4.30, 7.30
Mon 21 st 10.30, 1.30, 4.30, 7.30
17 th
144 MINS
Wed 23 rd
140 MINS BLACK ADAM 102 MINS Thurs 17 th 10.00, 1.30, 7.45 Fri 18 th 10.00, 1.30, 7.45 Sat 19 th 1.30, 7.45 Sun 20 th 1.30, 7.45 Mon 21 st 10.00,
7.45 Tues 22 nd 10.00,
7.45 Wed 23 rd 1.30, 7.45 119 MINS ON THE LINE 102 MINS Thurs 17 th 10.45 *, 12.15, 2.45 Fri 18 th 10.45 *, 12.15, 2.45 Sat 19 th 10.45 *, 12.15, 2.45 Sun 20 th 10.45 *, 12.15, 2.45 Mon 21 st 10.45 *, 12.15, 2.45 Tues 22 nd 10.45 *, 12.15, 2.45 Wed 23 rd 10.00 *, 1.30, 3.30 130 MINS MRS HARRIS GOES TO SAT, SUN 10.00 PAWS OF FURY THE LEGEND OF HANK 117 MINS $10 TIX THUR, FRI, SAT, MON, TUE 5.15 SUN, WED 5.30 SMILE SAT, SUN 10.30 DC LEAGUE OF SUPERPETS 121 MINS $10 TIX Thurs 17 th 10.00, 1.45 *, 3.45, 5.30 *, 7.00 Fri 18 th 10.00, 1.45 *, 3.45, 5.30 *, 7.00 Sat 19 th 10.00, 1.45 *, 3.45, 5.30 *, 7.00 Sun 20 th 10.00, 1.45 *, 3.45, 5.30 *, 7.00 Mon 21 st 10.00, 1.45 *, 3.45, 5.30 *, 7.00 Tues 22 nd 10.00, 1.45 *, 3.45, 5.30 *, 7.00 Wed 23 rd 10.00, 12.15, 3.45, 6.00 *, 7.00 2022 SHOW PARIS 176 MINS 129 MINS
Tues 22 nd
1.30, 4.30, 7.30
10.30, 1.30, 4.30, 7.30
54 ORANGE CITY LIFE | NOVEMBER 17 — 23, 2022 Community LIFE are you a WINNER? Orange City Life, Suite 3/241 Lords Place Orange or email and mark each entry with the competition name DELIVER OR POST ENTRIES TO... I LOVE IGA MONIQUE ANDERSON LOONEY LOTTO IRENE BARTIMOTE FIND PINNY GORDON SOUTHWELL FACE IN THE CROWD MARGARET PATTON LOONEY LOTTO PLEASE NOTE: YOU NEED 1 X 9, X 2 , 1 X 7, AND 1 X 6 TO WIN THIS WEEK DELIVER OR POST ENTRIES TO “LOONEY LOTTO” TO WIN: If you have a personal or business phone number with these 4 numbers appearing in any order within it, put in an entry and we’ll draw a winner from among all correct entries each week. WIN A GIFT VOUCHER FOR COFFEE AND CAKE, THANKS TO COCO'S 3178 Try your luck with one of our w kly competitions... FIND "PINNY" AND WIN GIFT VOUCHER Each week we’ll hide a small version of "Pinny" (pictured) somewhere in OC Life. It could be anywhere. To enter, simply find him, write your name and phone number on the back of an envelope, along with the page number you found him on, emails are also welcome at Put in an entry and we’ll draw a winner from among correct entries each week. ENTRIES CLOSE 12.30PM TUESDAY EACH WEEK. sponsored by We have a voucher for Orange Tenpin Bowl valued at $60 to give away each week, so the family can go bowling! CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR WINNERS WIN $50 A WEEK! I LOVE IGA We have a $50 gift voucher to give away each week from Ashcroft’s Supa IGA. To enter, simply tell us your name and contact phone and what product features in the small Ashcroft’s Supa IGA ad in this issue of OC Life. ENTRIES CLOSE EACH TUESDAY AT 12 NOON. sponsored by WIN A $50 CHARCUTERIE TRAY sponsored by FACE IN THE CROWD We have two $50 platters from Cured Artisan Meats to give away each month. Be on the look out in next week’s Orange City Life, to find the face in the crowd, and you too can join the many lucky competition winners to enjoy one of these super delicious charcuterie trays. ENTRIES CLOSE 12.30PM TUESDAY EACH WEEK. FIND PINNY: Renee Dempsey LOONY LOTTO: Jessi Blowes I LOVE IGA: Ian Pell FACE IN THE CROWD: Terri Newman CALLDANIELON0411484464 TOBOOKYOURFREEINITIAL APPOINTMENTORHEADTO WEALTHTRAIN.COM.AU TRULY INDEPENDENT Financial Advice Changes Lives MoreandmorepeopleinOrangeare enjoyingthebenefitsof INDEPENDENT financialadvice... Shouldyoubeoneofthem? DanielMcGregor (1253135) andWealthTrain (1258202) areauthorisedrepresentativesof IndependentFinancialAdviceandEducationAFSL520963 CROSS purposes
We all put our hope in something. The bank to drop interest rates, the weather to improve, the boss to slow down the amount of work expected, the person you love to really love you back, this night’s sleep to be peaceful... Such hopes are uncertainties and yet they can become genuine expectations that lead to great disappointment or frustration when the hope is not realised. So, where is hope found? Hope is not a situation nor an
idea. Hope is a person.
any person, but Jesus
to us and
the full.
Where is hope found?
experience nor is it a good
Christ. He is a certainty. The one who comes
makes a commitment of hope
the promise of life to
they may
Interest rates may not go down, it
rain again, the work may pile up, your love may not be returned
take time to come. Even if all of these things were reversed
for a time but they cannot bring life. Jesus is who your hoping heart is searching for.
With Suellen Milham
Quick Crossword Quiz
1 Insects (7) 5 Recipe (7) 9 Transcribed (11) 10 Long, slippery fish (3) 11 Burn (6)
Software (7)
Nigh (4)
Conglomerate (10)
Aficionado (10)
1 Michael Stipe (pictured) is the frontman for which American rock band?
2 In Greek mythology, the griffin has the head and wings of an eagle and the body of what animal?
3 What fluid is secreted by the liver?
4 Lucky Day, Dusty Bottoms and Ned Nederlander were characters in which 1986 comedy?
5 Who performs the voice of Kyle Broflovski in the comedy series South Park?
6 Which chemical element has the symbol P?
7 The Vistula is the longest and one of the most important rivers in which European country?
8 Which English football club is also known as The Magpies and The Toon?
9 Sir Roy Grounds designed which Melbourne complex which began construction in 1973?
10 In which Spanish city did Bing Crosby die in 1977?
Daze (4) 20 Weapon (7)
Sweethearts (6)
Gamy (3) 26 Senile decay (11) 28 Late (7) 29 Equal; even —(7)
No. 058
DOWN 1 Ram (4) 2 Eager; anticipatory (9) 3 Depress (5) 4 US museum (11) 5 Excess (3) 6 Enmity (7) 7 Netizens (5) 8 Attraction (10) 12 Chart toppers (4-7) 13 Comprehended (10) 16 Break (9) 18 Blasphemous (7) 21 Rubbish (5) 23 State (5) 24 Tidings (4) 27 Churl (3)
Using the nine letters in the grid, how many words of four letters or more can you list? The centre letter must be included and each letter may only be used once. No colloquial or foreign words. No capitalised nouns, apostrophes or plural words ending in “s”.
ORANGE CITY LIFE | NOVEMBER 17 — 23, 2022 55
Sudoku No. 058 42 8 753 83 9 82 41 5 61 297 389 87 97 46 8 Fill in the blank cells using the numbers from 1 to 9. Each number can only appear once in each row, column and 3x3 block
N U T Q E TA I S 7 words: Good 11
Very good 14 words: Excellent Today’s
9-Letter Reference: Macquarie Dictionary Wed 2411 No. 058 No. 058 Crossmath Insert each number from 1 to 9 in the shaded squares to solve all the horizontal and vertical equations. Multiplication and division are performed before
and subtraction. = 3 ÷ + × ÷ × = 4 × × + ÷ × = 35 = = = 15 10 23 No. 058 Drop
Starting with the seven-letter word, drop a letter and form a six-letter word. Continue in this manner until you
the single letter
You can rearrange the letters in each step, if necessary. There may be more than one possible answer. There may be more than one possible answer. RI MA IG IO UD NE ST DI No. 058 Edgeword Place each of the tiles of letters into the blank jigsaw below to create four six-letter words going across and down. Wordfind BATHERS BUCKET BURN COAST FISH ICYPOLE PIER REEF SAND SANDCASTLE SHELL SHORE SPADE SUN SUNSCREEN SWIM THONGS TOWEL UMBRELLA WATER WAVE The leftover letters will spell out a secret message. Theme: The Beach No. 058 5x5 C E R A G E T A L E T R S Insert the missing letters to make 10 words – five reading across the grid and five reading down. Solutions QUICK CROSSWORD SUDOKU 541297386 178652934 485763291 829436175 694371852 216985743 763518429 352849617 937124568 9-LETTER antique, inquest, quaint, QUAINTEST, quasi, quest, quiet, quiets, quint, quintet, quite, sequin, squat, squint QUIZ 1. R.E.M 2. Lion 3. Bile 4. Three Amigos! 5. Matt Stone 6. Phosphorus 7. Poland 8. Newcastle United 9. The Arts Centre 10. Madrid WORDFIND 5x5 Secret message: Slip, Slop, Slap PUzzLESANDPAGINATI oN © PAGEMASTERS P TY LTD | C L E A R R A N G E E x T R A S L E E P T Y R E S DROPDOWN CoILING oILING LINGo LoNG LoG Go o EDGEWORD STUDIo, STIGMA, IoDINE, MARINE CROSSMATH 9 4 2 3 ÷ + × 3 ÷ × 6 8 4 × × + 5 ÷ × 1 7 35 = 15 10 23 C O O I L I N G 181122 Dubbo & Orange PUZZLES…. PUZZLES…. PUZZLES….
Lynee Sellwood
Went to Heaven 17.11.2017
Our Family Chain
We little knew that morning, That God would call your name, In life we loved you dearly, In death we do the same. It broke our hearts to lose you, But you did not go alone, For part of us went with you, The day God called you home. Our family chain is broken, And nothing seems the same. But as God calls us one by one, The chain will link again
Love Forever Beautiful Sweet Lynee �� Gary, Lisa, Mark, Tim, David, Christine, Mum and Dad
Greg’s family would like to thank everyone who sent flowers, cards, your comforting and expressions of sympathy after Greg’s passing in May this year. Please accept this as our personal thanks as many addresses are unknown. We would also like to thank the Doctors and Nurses in the intensive care unit for taking such great care of our beautiful Husband, Dad, father-in-law and Pop
I Thought of You with Love today
I thought of you with love today, but that is nothing new.
I thought about you yesterday, and the days before that too. I think of you in silence, I often speak your name. All I have are memories and a picture in a frame. Your memory is a keepsake, with which I’ll never part. God has you in His keeping, I have you in my heart.
Always with us Chris Shaz, Chris, Maddi & Kels.
Cherished memories of Christopher Charles Duff (Chris)
7.5.1965 ~ 17.11.2017
God called your name so softly Chris that only you could hear, and no one heard the footsteps of the angels drawing near. The golden gates stood open. God saw you needed rest. His garden must be beautiful as he only takes the best.
Five years have passed, but our love and thoughts are with you always Chris.
Love Mum and Dad ��
Stephen Fisher
7.12.1947 ~ 21.11.2018
There’s a face we shall remember A voice we shall all recall A memory to cherish forever, of one so dear to us all
To hear your voice, to see you smile
To sit and talk to you a while To be together in the same old way, Would be our dearest wish today.
Deeply missed Alwasys in our hearts Rest in peace
Bev, Robert, Donna, Jason, Steve, Belinda, Grandchildren, and Great-Grandchildren.
58 ORANGE CITY LIFE | NOVEMBER 17 — 23, 2022 CLASSIFIEDS 6361 3575 To book your ads simply phone and use your credit card or call into our office at Suite 3, 241 Lords Place, ORANGE CLASSIFIEDS CLOSE 12PM EACH FRIDAY THANK YOU FOND MEMORIES Philippa Mitchell Professional Bra Fitter By Appointment Mob: 0499 991 650 Bras for all BUSINESS FOR SALE TRAINING BUSINESS FOR SALE Len & Glennis are ready to retire after 30 years in business apple clothingEMBROIDERY & PRINT Includes equipment, stock, training & support Call Len 0412 778 796 Work Part-time or Full-Time. Suitable for one or two people. Contact Kerrie 0420910757 Sweet Treats Connection Extensive roadmap of all business systems Recipes Business Equipment Training and Support EXPRESSIONS OFINTEREST classifieds To book your ads phone 6361 3575 and use your credit card or call into our office at Suite 3, 241 Lords s Stibbard’s TV • VIDEO • ANTENNA SERVICES 0407 062 979 Supply and Install Digital antennas • extra outlets 6362 4766 % SPECIAL s s GOSPEL MEETINGS The Gospel meetings have moved and are now being held in the Lucknow Community Centre, Lucknow 4-5pm Sunday and in Tomato Plants 6 VARIETIES Plus other popular vegie plants 12 Brunswick St, Orange Enquiries 0427 63 1013 RACHEL $10 Past, TOPIARY • Creation • Low-hedge Design • Maintenance FREE QUOTE 0438 092 320 AND FOR SALE
PROUDLY SPONSORED BY Norman J. Penhall Funerals Norman Penhall ~ ORANGE & DISTRICT 6361 7777 or 6362 3751 Office & Chapel, 31-35 William Street, Orange REMEMBER YOUR LOVED ONES HERE IN Fond
Memories Chris Duff
ORANGE CITY LIFE | NOVEMBER 17 — 23, 2022 59 CLASSIFIEDS 6361 3575 To book your ads simply phone and use your credit card or call into our office at Suite 3, 241 Lords Place, ORANGE CLASSIFIEDS CLOSE 12PM EACH FRIDAY • From small to large jobs – one room to full house • Internal and External • New homes or repaints • Maintenance Call Glenn 0467 599 668 GHB PAINTING & Maintenance Lic. 330255C • 24hr Emergency Service • Commercial & Residential Locks • Window Locks and Deadlocks • Master Keying and Restricted systems • Automotive and Computerised keys • Locally Owned and Operated for over 30 years Canobolas Locksmiths 169 March Street, Orange Call Ian: 0417 204 176 or Dale: 0417 491 936 MASTER LICENSE NUMBER 407 966 923 24 Hour Mobile Service When you have lock problems – call us! Also deadlocks and window locks for houses and cars supplied and installed 151 Peisley St, Orange Canobolas Locksmiths WE FIX LOCKS! NEW 0421LOCATION 861 262 • From one wall to full house • New houses to repaints • Free quotes • Fully licensed and insured • Interior and Exterior • Specialising in Restora�on • Dulux Accredited Kennels Cattery Horse agistment Dog Wash Doggy Day Care Long term bookings 0438 270 374 BUILDER For your: w Addition w New Home w Alteration or Heritage H 40 years experience H FOR ALL ENQUIRIES PHONE Max 0492 803 983 Lic: R79571 TRADES&SERVICES TRADES&SERVICES TRADES&SERVICES TRADES&SERVICES 0417 313 494 Call Malcolm: Specializing in general home and hobby farm maintenance You can trust us for prompt & quality work PUBLIC NOTICES Call Victor w 0455 299 043 PICTURE FRAMING Shop 18, 212 Anson St Plaza Orange New & DesignerRecycledClothing Ph: 63600706 145 KITE STREET, ORANGE (THE OLD CINNABAR) OPEN TUES-FRI 10-5pm • SAT 10-3pm’ish Beautiful Designer Clothing, Shoes & Handbags. Frockwork has a Fabulous array of After Five Wear, Stunning Dresses for Weddings & Graduations. All Sizes & styles. MOWING CALL PETER 0487 139 983 Gardening Gutters Pruning Rubbish Removal GEOFF GRANT | 0418 637 661 Locally owned and operated - Orange and surroundings districts Deep-cleaning carbonation and proprietary products for Stains • High traffic patterns • Allergens • Pet Urine Contact David on 0402 259 891 Find us on Facebook OrangeOnFarmButchers For all your home-kill needs, we come to you. • Fully qualified butcher • We can butcher to your requirements • Servicing Orange and surrounds Residential - from one room to the whole house New houses to repaints, No job too big or too small Fully licenced and Insured Local family business 0448 600 095 Lic. No. 340514c PAINTING UP& D WN ORANGE 23 Cameron Place ORANGE 0418 869 897 FAST RELIABLE SERVICE Over 25 years experience • Domestic • Rural • Commercial • New installations or maintenance Call Scott 0407 414 609 J K ADAMS ROOFING Call Jeff 0407 151 419 • Roof repairs Tile,Tin or Slate • Re-guttering and fascia • Re-roofing • Quality Leaf Screening Systems 40YRS EXPERIENCE LIC. 159748C Orange Stamp and Coin Spring Fair 19th and 20th November Orange High School Woodward Street, Orange 9am to 3pm NSW, ACT Dealers in attendance Admission $2 Ph: Howard 0427 107 554 0437 211 614 0417 904 328 Awesome THAI MASSAGE Thai Traditional Massage Swedish Massage Deep Tissue Massage Warm Coconut Oil Massage Thai Remedial Massage + Hot Stones Neck, Back, Head and Shoulders IRONING SERVICES 0468 492 770 Call 6360 1136 24 HOURS 7 DAYS A WEEK PLUMBING Emergency Maintenance Plumbing Service Available Anywhere Skips “The mobile skip bin solution” We deliver. You fill. We empty. Fred Palmer 0447 966 838 Domestic Waste Specialist - Locally owned and operated, servicing Orange and surrounding areas Email:
60 ORANGE CITY LIFE | NOVEMBER 17 — 23, 2022 CLASSIFIEDS 6361 3575 To book your ads simply phone and use your credit card or call into our office at Suite 3, 241 Lords Place, ORANGE CLASSIFIEDS CLOSE 12PM EACH FRIDAY INDUSTRIAL COMPANY Are you Retired? Part Time Position 2 Days a week Office Worker /Stock Controller FULL TIME /PART TIME Send your resume to or phone 6369 1715 YOUR CAREER We are located at shop 27-28 The Orange Arcade 146 Summer St Orange ( near the Harris Farm exit) CURED ORANGE, NSW Handcrafted Artisan European Charcuterie... Cured Orange is the Central West’s authentic taste of European charcuterie with an extensive range complementing the outstanding food and wine region. Stefan Birmili showcases the perfect blend of artisanal craftsmanship with the best Australian meats & shares his knowledge with hands on, face to face Masterclasses. For class details and dates please see our website Teambuilding and group bookings welcome, please contact us for more details. INSTORE SAUSAGE MAKING MASTERCLASSES “Where our customers are the heart of the community” Take time to discover the vast array of goodness in our gourmet pantry section gourmet pantry FREE PICK-UP - FREE ONLINE STILL FREE EVERY THURSDAY 0422 022 968 IG-sabpainting22 3 Qualified Tradesmen 3 Free Quotes 3 Free Advice 3 Internal/External 0447 002 193 LIC. No. 4558 We treat them all! COMPLETE EXTERNAL SPIDER TREATMENT House Exterior, Fences, Garden Sheds, Clothes Line etc! 25 Years Experience Eagle Eye Termite and Pest Control $199 Call Craig on experienced builder SpecialiSing in... •Renovations • Kitchens • Restorations •General Maintenance G A & r l bruce Lic. No. 203054C Phone Geoff on 0427 422 816 E TRADES&SERVICES TRADES&SERVICES TRADES&SERVICES BLIND SHUTTERS & AWNINGS HIGH QUALITY AT AN AFFORDABLE PRICE Most products carry a 5 - 25yr warranty BUDGET BLINDS & AWNINGS A local Orange business est. 2012 servicing the Central West Call Milissa for a free measure & quote 02 6369 0173 or 0437 10 60 60 - Do you have ELM LEAF BEETLES attacking your Elm Tree? 0421 480 750 call Douglas Arbor on Douglas Arbor has the solution to Elm Leaf Beetle Treatments Lawn Mowing & Rubbish Removal ORANGE AND SURROUNDS 0417 706 613 CJ BRICKLAYING Bricklaying - Small jobs only Lic. No. 104973c Phone 0428 136 803 PETS&LIVESTOCK • Undercover • Safe clean secure dog kennels for boarding use. • Individual exercise yards. Dog B&B Shangri La Amaroo Rd Molong 6366 8789 0447 468 789 Need staff? Get results, advertise here... call Marg on 6361 3575 or email
We have positions available for cleaning staff in Orange NSW. Cleaning experience preferred but not necessary as training is provided. Must have drivers’ licence & own transport. This position will be a casual position to commence, with long term work available. Remuneration will be paid under the Cleaners Award 2020.
Resumes to be sent to:
James Sheahan Catholic High School
Teaching Positions available
• Temporary full-time English/ History/ RE Teacher, 27 January – 19 December 2023.
• Temporary full-time English Teacher, 27 January –30 June 2023
Our Manildra Mill, in central west NSW is the largest flour mill in Australia. This mill grinds wheats to produce a full range of flours, from low-protein biscuit flours and protein-enriched flours through to household and baker’s flours and specialty flours tailored to the needs of our customers, both domestically and in many export markets. The Manildra Group of Companies has a vacancy for an enthusiastic and motivated person to commence as a 1st year apprentice Fitter / Machinist in our Maintenance Department at the Manildra plant located in the Central West of NSW.
This is an exceptional opportunity to start on a career path that will lead you to obtaining a nationally recognized qualification in Certificate III in Mechanical Engineering.
The successful person to undertake this full-time role combining work and registered training to meet the qualification will need to be a motivated young person looking to commence as a first year apprentice with a genuine interest in a long term career as a Fitter.
The successful applicant must demonstrate the following:
Applications are invited for the above positions from suitably qualified teachers who demonstrate a sincere commitment to the aims and philosophy of Catholic education and possess appropriate teaching qualifications.
Further details of this position, including the selection criteria may be obtained by contacting the Executive Assistant on (02) 6362 1422.
Come and be a part of our amazing learning community. Further details can be obtained from our website: go to Our School, Employment, or call 6362 1422.
• Be a great team player and take initiative
• Have excellent communication skills
• Be a motivated individual with a desire to commit to a 4 year apprenticeship
• Commit to the study requirements while attending TAFE
• Have an understanding of WHS
A valid Working with Children Check Number is required for this position and must be provided at the time of application. Closing date: Friday 20 May 2022 at 10.00am
The Catholic Education Diocese of Bathurst is an equal opportunity employer.
The Catholic Education Diocese of Bathurst is an equal opportunity employer.
• Show a genuine passion and interest in maintaining and repairing machinery and the associated engineering tasks.
• Have a current driver’s license (Red P’s minimum)
In short, we are looking for the type of person who is willing to learn on the job, go the extra mile, be part of a team and is looking for more than just a job, but a longterm career. Enquiries should be addressed to: Will Cain – Ph: 02 6392 1245.
APPLY: Applications can be made directly through SEEK or emailed to the Human Resources Officer at
sugar and canola oil. We are currently seeking an experienced and skilled Storeperson for our Maintenance Department at Manildra Flour Mills, Manildra.
• Obtaining quotes from vendors, complete and send purchase orders for spare parts, tools, materials and equipment for the maintenance department.
• Receipt in all maintenance store items and accurately record inventory received into ERP system.
• Maintain all maintenance store areas to ensure optimal and effective systems and safety.
• Ensure parts, materials and consumables are available for preventative maintenance, breakdowns, projects and shutdown works as required.
• Maintain Material Safety Data Sheets and lubrication registers.
• Proficient computer skills in Microsoft Excel, email, web-based applications etc.
• Excellent time management skills, meticulous record keeping, logical and methodical thinking.
• Demonstrate pride and ownership of the store with a high level of integrity and professionalism.
• Highly developed communication skills with the ability to effectively communicate with all levels of staff.
• High level of flexibility in an always moving and dynamic workplace.
• Forklift license
• Understanding and aptitude in mechanical/electrical parts identification.
• Experience in computerised stores management systems or the computerised maintenance management system MEX.
APPLY: Applications can be made directly through SEEK or emailed to the Human Resources Officer at
Please note only applications which progress to interview will be contacted.
Please note only applications which progress to interview will be contacted.
ORANGE CITY LIFE | NOVEMBER 17 — 23, 2022 61 61 ORANGE CITY LIFE | NOVEMBER 10 — 16, 2022 CLASSIFIEDS 6361 3575 To book your ads simply phone and use your credit card or call into our office at Suite 3, 241 Lords Place, ORANGE CLASSIFIEDS CLOSE 12PM EACH FRIDAY
Group is a 100% privately owned Australian company with operations, offices and subsidiaries located throughout Australasia and North America. Manildra Group is an agribusiness involved in the production of wheat flour, bakery mixes, wheat starch, vital wheat gluten, glucose syrups, ethanol, animal nutrition, cane
James Sheahan Catholic High School HSIE Teacher Part time 0.8 FTE Temporary Position Commence by negotiation – 23 September 2022
MAINTENANCE ELECTRICIAN The Manildra Flour Mills is seeking a highly skilled maintenance electrician to complete preventive maintenance, breakdown repairs, fault finding, installation of new equipment, modifications to existing equipment and special projects. This is a shiftwork position and it is located at Manildra Flour Mills, Manildra. ESSENTIAL CRITERIA: • Electrical Trade qualification and Electrical license (Class A) • Previous experience in preventative maintenance and attending breakdowns • PLC hardware and software, ability to go online, fault finding • Motor control centers • Variable speed drives installation and configuration • SCADA / HMI applications • Electrical installation, maintenance and fault finding in an industrial ENVIRONMENT • Ability to plan and follow work schedule • Strong focus on safety • Ability to work alone and unsupervised • Drivers license DESIRABLE CRITERIA: • High voltage training • Knowledge of flour milling machinery and high-speed packaging equipment • Cert 4 in Hazardous Areas – Electrical. Experience with combustible dust Conditions of employment are in accordance with the appropriate Award and Enterprise Agreement.
Will Cain 02 63921245 Applications must be lodged via SEEK or by email to Human Resources Officer
Sun, Sun, Sun, Here it comes!
I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but mowing the lawn and keeping the outside areas of our property looking schmick have always been amongst my fave things to do. Whether it’s using the push mower, the whipper snipper, the big petrol hedge trimmer, the clippers, the pruners or the ride-on — once I’m in the zone, there’s no stopping. Doing the outside chores is very addictive and the sense of satisfaction and adrenaline rush I get when I stand outside and admire the postcard image that is a freshly manicured lawn and garden, it’s hard to describe. I find if I also do the outdoor jobs with lots of gusto, they double as fitness work, I love sweating it up.
Man oh man, we’ve been smashed with the rain over the past month, let alone talking about the cold snaps and the often ridiculous wind — which made getting out into the yard quite di cult. If you have those same feelings about yard work and the need to keep it neat that I have, then every time you looked out the window last month you felt guilty that things were so messy. The saying that goes ‘as boring as watching grass grow’ went out the window, because I reckon I was watching it grow in front of my eyes. There was definitely no need to ‘water in’ after I fertilised six weeks ago! The weeds in the garden have been growing and multiplying so fast, the dangers of ‘The Day of the Tri ds’ becoming a reality was on the cards!
No arguments please, just my opinion — October/November in the Central West is the finest time of the year. Yes, yes, I know plenty of you think the leaves and colours of Autumn make April in Orange the best time of the year, but I don’t think there is anything close to that feeling you
get when you look out the window and see a stunning spring morning. So, we will just have to agree to disagree. I’ve had a quick look on the weather app that I love, and whilst we’ve still got some rain ahead of us in the coming weeks, it appears the worst may be behind us. The monthly average for rain in Orange in November is 79mm, but we shattered that average in one single day when 91mm of rain fell in a single 12-hour period on November 2nd. Woah!
I mentioned being ‘in the zone’ in the first paragraph. Sunscreen on, earbuds in, hit play on a loud playlist, earmu s over the top and away we go. Whilst the ride-on is ten times faster than the push mower, the heart rate, sweat and fitness points earned by using the pushie is well worth it.
I love it when I’m mowing, weeding or trimming out the front and there’s someone else out there too. You’ll give them the nod, and they’ll return it, both of us knowing we’re in a kind-of secret club, where the guy/gal upstairs is watching and the more care we take with our property, the more good karma will come our way.
With a bit more rain to come, it’ll probably be close to Christmas before the grass actually slows down growing. That means plenty more mowing to come. I vividly (and sadly) recall the drought days of 2010, 2014 and 2019 when all we had was basically dirt and dust for a lawn, so there shouldn’t be any complaining that we were mowing twice a week. I’ll continue to embrace it, treat my lawns and garden with the love and care they deserve, and give old mate across a nod and a wave when he’s out doing the same.
‘Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are.’
This week is world nursery rhyme week. ‘Twinkle Twinkle’ is one of the rhymes that is being celebrated this week. It is a week that promotes the importance of nursery rhymes in early childhood development. One of the books our children loved to read when they were little was our book of nursery rhymes. I remember when we were first given this book, my wife and I were flooded with memories from our own childhoods as we repeated the same rhymes that our parents had said with us. Nursery rhymes are great. No matter what age you are, I am sure you can remember some of the rhymes that have stuck with you over the years. Nursery rhymes are great for children as they help develop language and literacy skills, numeracy skills as well as promote social interaction. At the church, we run a preschool group called ‘Pipsqueaks’ – maybe you have heard of it. It is a free program for preschoolers and their parents/carers. The program is built around nursery rhymes. Pipsqueaks has three goals: Real fun, real relationships,
real Jesus. We want everyone who comes along to have a lot of fun. It is such a joy to see children and parents interact with each other in the music and rhymes. We love seeing the children have fun together as they form friendships. We want it to be a space for people to connect with each other and build relationships. We love the wonderful sense of community that has been fostered here at Pipsqueaks as wonderful friendships have developed. As we do this, we also want to show who we are as followers of Jesus. We share a Bible story with the children each week and every couple of weeks we share a short ‘Think Spot’ where we share who we are and what it looks like to follow Jesus (very much like what I do here in these columns). We have a wonderful amount of fun as we meet each Tuesday and perhaps you might, or you know someone who might like to come along. We run every Tuesday during the school term from 9:30am - 11am. So, what nursery rhymes do you remember? Perhaps you have a favourite? Maybe this week, see if you can share that with a child this week and share in the joy of nursery rhymes. Here’s another of the rhymes that is being celebrated this week, maybe it will stay in your head all week like it has mine! One, two, three, four, five, once I caught a fish alive. Six, seven, eight, nine, ten, then I let it go again. Why did you let it go? Because it bit my finger so. Which finger did it bite? This little finger on my right.
62 ORANGE CITY LIFE | NOVEMBER 17 — 23, 2022
A MASSIVE THUMBS UP to Emerson from Pose Hair Design. She came out to the hospital to cut my father’s hair and nothing was a problem. Dad enjoyed the chat. He has been in hospital for over six weeks and now feels a lot better.
THE BIGGEST THUMBS UP to Larder and Home, Imperfectly Perfect Sugar Cookies, and Irwin’s Jumpy Castle Hire for making my children’s birthday party the most magical birthday yet! The pizzas at Larder and Home are the best woodfired pizzas I have had in Orange.
THUMBS UP to Damian from Bunnings for being so knowledgeable about hoses! You helped my Mum and I on the weekend and made the impossible possible! Thank you, you’re worth more money!
THUMBS DOWN to all the people who don’t like people who bet on the Melbourne Cup – do you think it’s the only race meeting of the year?
THUMBS UP to the thumbs down last week regarding “tap-only” payments for goods and services. How dare anybody dictate this when cash is legal tender? Where will this end? Will all transactions become electronic? I suspect it will adversely affect many, particularly the elderly for whom cash has been a tangible constant all their lives. I, for one, shall continue to use cash and shall not be patronising any business that chooses to discriminate on its use.
THUMBS UP to Bec and the prescriptions team at Life Pharmacy (formerly McCarthy’s). Recently I ran out of my cancer medication because my new script hadn’t arrived, so she immediately set about arranging an interim solution, chased the Sydney clinic to check the status, and kept me updated with phone messages at each step. Problem solved, and all done with a big smile on her face. Thanks!
A HUGE THUMBS UP to the Rotary Club of Orange Daybreak. Their hard work leading up to, and on the day, hosting Orange’s Biggest Garage Sale has not gone unnoticed. All have demonstrated the meaning of “service above self” and credit to the charities who will benefit from this great effort.
THUMBS DOWN to doctors’ surgeries that fail to tell patients that they’ve suddenly stopped bulk billing until you’re in the waiting room.
THUMBS DOWN There are a lot of things we don’t like about Council, but for someone to complain that they leave rubbish stuck in the bins… Interesting. Maybe you need to be reporting birds when they poop.
THUMBS UP to the person who found my wallet in Peisley street and handed it to the police on Thursday, November 3. All money and contents were intact, and they refused to take a reward. Good to see that there are still nice, honest people around.
THUMBS DOWN Yes, I agree with the comment on the tapand-go. There are some older generations who don’t have a card and only deal in cash and, to me, that’s discrimination. Come on shopkeepers, give the older generation that are still using cash a fairer go – surely it won’t hurt you to take their cash.
THUMBS DOWN to the person who complained about the street garbage drivers for not getting the rubbish that’s stuck to the bottom of the bins – this is not their job. If there is rubbish stuck to the bottom of your bin maybe rinse it out so there’s no muck for rubbish to stick to. Have some common sense.
THUMBS UP to the young employee at Red Rooster for giving me napkins to wipe my car door on October 31 at night.
General disclaimer: Whilst every care is taken in preparing this publication, we cannot be held responsible for errors or omissions. The publisher accepts no responsibility for letters, notices and other material contributed for publication. The submitter accepts full responsibility for material, warrants that it is accurate, and indemnifies the publisher against any claim or action. All advertisers, including those placing display and classified or advertorial material, warrant that such material is true and accurate and meets all applicable laws and indemnifies the publisher against all liabilities that may arise from the publication of such material. Opinions expressed in the publication are not necessarily those of the publisher. Senior Journalist, David Dixon, accepts responsibility for election comment. Articles contain information of a general nature – readers should always seek professional advice relevant to their particular circumstances. Complaints: Orange City Life has a policy of correcting mistakes promptly. If you have a complaint about published material, contact us in writing. If the matter remains unresolved, you may wish to contact the Australian Press Council. © Copyright 2022 Orange City Life Pty Ltd. Copyright in all material – including photographs and ads – is held by Orange City Life Pty Ltd or its providers and must not be reproduced in any form without prior written permission from the Publisher. Printed for the publisher at the News Print Centre, 26-52 Hume Highway, Chullora 2190.
by Orange City
Ltd ABN 14 649 575 333
Introducing REGI!
I am a very handsome, 4 year old boy who needs a quiet home with no other dogs or cats.
I like to be independent but I also like knowing that there is someone close by that I can cuddle with when needed.
I love playing with water and may make a mess of my water bowl now and then.
I have also been known to open doors using the handle, so I am quite smart and like to try things out.
I still like the usual cat toys and enjoy
playing with them. I also need a spot in the sun to lie in and watch the world go by.
Once I am taken home, I need to be kept indoors for three months so that I get to know my new home and my new family. If I am to go outdoors after that, I would prefer it’s in a safe cat enclosure.
I hope to meet you soon.
Love REGI xXx
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THUMBS UP to Scott Ridley for your kind donation of beautiful flowers to our Care Community at Orange Grove.
THUMBS UP to Jess at Asuria. She is the first employment person that actually cared about me and my disability. She worked hard and got me the job I really wanted.
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