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Details correct as of 10.01.2023 - for all shows and updates please visit our webpage www.orange.nsw.gov.au/theatre • 2023 season brochure and membership is open for purchase. Please contact the box office for more information. alist.com.au presents Umbilical Brothers The Distraction Australian Global Entertainment presents The Proms A Musical Spectacular The Music Group presents Bjorn Again Premier Entertainment presents Frankie Valli and The Beach Boys The Harbour Agency presents The John Lennon Songbook Saturday 4 February at 8pmSaturday 11 February at 2pm Friday 24 February at 8pmSaturday 11 March at 8pm Saturday 18 February at 7.30pm Bookings: 02 6393 8111 www.orange.nsw.gov.au/theatre Orange Civic Theatre — STARTS ON PAGE 25 FREE Speedcubing a hit in Orange! Growing in popularity the world over, Speedcubing, competitive Rubik’s cube solving, came to Orange this past week, with 58 people taking part in a competition on January 8 at the Orange Ex-Services’ Club.
2 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 12 — 18, 2023

Suite 3/241 Lords Place ORANGE

02 6361 3575

reception@oclife.com.au www.orangecitylife.com.au www.facebook.com/orangecitylife

Thank you to our Sponsors:

Orange City Life is grateful to the following sponsors for their ongoing support over many years. These sponsorships, among others things, have enabled us to bring our readers a lot more enjoyment to our publications than would otherwise be possible. In return, we ask you to please support them as often as you’re able.


We’re back! As always, the holidays seem to fly by, but it was a great break to get away from the office for a few weeks, see family, and take in some ocean views… and even better that we’ve finally had a little bit of summer weather! I even managed to tick off a few jobs that had to be done around the house and got a little reading in. A successful holiday in my opinion.

I must admit, it was a little bit of a shock getting back to it here in the OC Life office last week, but we are all looking forward to the year ahead and sharing with you all the stories and people and events that make our city a great place to live!

Remember, we are always keen to hear from you, our readers, about what you would like Orange City Life to be. Got any story ideas, feedback, suggestions, ‘Thumbs’, interesting photos — send them in! Need a social photographer? Give us a call.

We see this as being your community magazine and we couldn’t do it without your input.

Here’s to a great year ahead!

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 12 — 18, 2023 3
Open Day at the Con 4 on the 4Loor still rockin’ it STYLE SHEET 02 6361 4155 enquiries@orangepropertyplus.com.au www.orangepropertyplus.com.au 1/202 Anson Street Orange Our results do the talking… We can say without a doubt that Orange Property Plus is the best Real Estate Company we have ever dealt with!!! They definitely have a passion for what they do. Their professionalism, knowledge, honesty, integrity, and hard work are very much appreciated and respected. John has gone over and above to assist us in the Lease and Sale of our property. We can’t speak highly enough of Orange Property Plus as our Real Estate Agent. We would highly recommend them to manage your Rental or the Sale of your property. Thank you, John and Team! Charel & Adele Vorster WED TO SAT 4PM-8PM 0401 072 027 Check our Facebook for the Menu 37 William Street ORANGE Ph 6362 8611 Pauls @ CoCos DINE IN OR TAKEWAY Pizzas ~ Wings ~ Pasta ~ Chips ~ DimSim CoCo’s CAFE Monday Friday 6.30 4.00pm Saturday 7am 1pm Closed Public Holidays 6362 8611 Delicious! home cooked meals, all day breakfast and catering available, eat in or take way. Portuguese chicken Salad wraps Poached Eggs and yogurt Berry muesli Black Bean Vegetable Burger with Sweet Potato Crisp Pumpkin Fetta Tart Sweet potato fish cake with seeded pumpkin fetta salad MEAL DEAL $50 2 Pizzas, Barramundi Bits & 1.25 litre Soft Drink 09 20
Jonathan Roe

New look Mount Canobolas summit now open

The summit of Mount Canobolas is back open to the visiting public after undergoing a $2.94 million redevelopment to improve facilities.

The summit facilities were first built back in 1974 and were, frankly, in a tired state and overdue for an upgrade.

According to National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) Area Manager, Fiona Buchanan, the redevelopment will ensure they can sustainably manage the ever-increasing numbers of people coming to enjoy this spectacular reserve.

“We know taking a trip to the summit is a favourite pastime of locals and visitors alike, attracting around 75,000 visitors annually, peaking during the COVID-19 pandemic at around 200,000 visits,” Ms Buchanan said.

“The completion of works means the incredible views are now more accessible for everyone.”

The summit has a new lookout, new accessible amenities and pathways, cultural interpretation and educational signage, and a new visitor car park that includes two accessible car parks and two bus bays.

It also features a stunning ground mosaic based on the work of local Aboriginal artist, Mick Crook.

“The summit upgrade follows on from recent improvements to the Walls lookout and Towac picnic area, including new picnic tables and upgraded car parks,” Ms Buchanan said.

“Our improvements are ongoing. The next project will be the $350,000 upgrade of the Federal Falls walk set to be completed next year.”

4 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 12 — 18, 2023 Community LIFE
For more information on visiting the area, go to nationalparks.nsw.gov.au

Fast-tracked $500M for roadrain-ravaged repair

As any motorist will know, local and regional roads across the state have suffered greatly from the extreme weather events of the past year.

In response, the NSW Government has fast-tracked the opening of applications for its $500 million Regional and Local Roads Repair Program.

Minister for Metropolitan Roads Natalie Ward said they have made it possible for councils to apply earlier for their slice of $500 million in NSW Government funding to get urgent road repairs underway.

“Our priority is to make sure NSW roads are in the best condition possible so tradies and truckies can work and families can make their way home from holidays safely,” Mrs Ward said.

“All 128 councils are eligible for a one-off payment to help them fix roads that have been damaged by successive severe weather events throughout 2022.”

Applications opened Wednesday, January 11 and the Government has said it will ensure money starts to drop into council bank accounts within weeks so repairs can get underway as soon as possible.

Councils need to make an application to Transport for NSW, which will allocate the funds based on total kilometres of roads managed in each local government area.

The funding split will provide $280 million for rural and regional councils and $220 million for councils in Greater Sydney and outer metropolitan areas.

$1.25m grant for Adventure playground revamp

Orange kids will soon have a brand new Adventure Playground to explore thanks to a $1,256,000 investment from the NSW Government’s Resources for Regions program.

National’s MLC, Sam Farraway, made the announcement on Saturday, January 7, joining Orange Mayor Jason Hamling and Councillor Tony Milleto at the much-loved, but nowaged, Adventure Playground.

“I’ve got first dibs on going down the new slide!” joked Mr Farraway on social media.

Built in 2002, more than 1200 Orange

residents contributed to the timber playground’s construction, but it is now showing signs of deterioration.

In November last year, Council engaged consultants Civille Pty Ltd to develop a new concept master plan for the playground and held a public consultation day to hear from the community what improvements they would like to see made at the popular playground. They also sought feedback through their ‘Your Say’ online portal.

It was estimated then that upgrades would cost between $1.5-2 million.

Bulky waste collection starts January 30

Local residents will have an opportunity to dispose of larger waste items from January 30 when Council’s bulky waste collection gets underway.

As in previous years, Council’s waste contractor, JR Richards and Sons, will use the ‘Week A/ Week B’ yellow-bin recycling collection calendar to coordinate the bulky waste collection.

Residents living west of Anson Street are part of ‘Week A’ and should place their waste out on Sunday, January 29, while those who live east of Anson Street are in ‘Week B’ should place their bulky waste out on Sunday, February 12.

Anson Street residents are all part of ‘Week B’ and so should put their bulky waste out on February 12, as should those living in Spring Hill, Lucknow and Clifton Grove.

Council said waste would be collected by three trucks to maximise recycling and material should be placed neatly next to the edge of the curb in three piles: white goods, scrap metal and general bulky waste.

Council is mailing out a brochure outlining the dates of the collection, how it works and items that will be accepted and materials that will not be collected.

More information and a list of frequently asked questions can be found on Orange City Council’s website.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 12 — 18, 2023 5 Community BRIEFS
The Spot Eye Hover Fly caught in flight by photographer Shane Lear at Molong.

Push for Palliative recognises dedication of founding members

Three caring local volunteers have been recognized for their dedication to Orange’s Push for Palliative movement with the awarding of Life Memberships to the organisation.

r Jann Porges, Sister Mary Trainor and Peter Brown, who were all founding members, were presented with their awards at the organisation’s recent annual general meeting.

Push for Palliative President Jenny Hazelton said Jan Porges’ experience as the former Superintendent of Orange Base Hospital has proved invaluable in the quest for dedicated palliative care beds for Orange.

“This has been such a lovely gesture from the committee,” said Dr Porges.

Sr Mary Trainor, who has a long history and passion for pastoral care, has made an enormous contribution to Orange Push for Palliative according to Mrs Hazelton.

“This is such a lovely surprise,” said Sr. Mary in response to receiving the honour.

“But palliative care is an issue which affects everyone in our

community,” she added.

Mr Brown, who was responsible for all the governance and compliance issues associated with setting up Orange Push for Palliative, said he was also surprised by the recognition.

“It is very humbling and such an honour,” he said.

Now that Orange Hospital has a dedicated area for the provision of in-patient palliative care, Mrs Hazelton said Orange Push for Palliative is

moving into a new phase to work towards a goal of a dedicated hospice for the city.

“While the unit at Orange Hospital is for the few days at end of life, there is a pressing need for a hospice facility to provide a range of services for both patients and families who require respite,” Mrs Hazelton said.

“Our group will in the near future be calling on the community to increase our membership to help bring our vision to fruition.”

6 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 12 — 18, 2023 Community LIFE The VicToria hoTel 336 Summer St, Orange | Tel 6362 6386 WHAT’S ON AT THE VIC... POKER TUESDAY from 7pm SATURDAY from 3.30pm Registration on arrival Registration on arrival BISTRO Daily Specials WEDNESDAYSATURDAY Lunch 12 - 2pm Dinner 6 - 9pm Book your Functions & Special Events! with our Menu Packs to suit your needs FRIDAY 13TH JANUARY 8PM - LATE FREE ENTRY ROCK ME! KARAOKE WITH CHARLIE SATURDAY 14TH JANUARY 8PM - LATE FREE ENTRY
Dr Jann Porges, Orange Push for Palliative President Jenny Hazelton, Sister Mary Trainor, and Peter Brown.

There’s still a future in ‘real’ movies reckons Mal

Our growing consumption of online music and movies has claimed iconic Australian music and movie retailer, Sanity. The decades-old retail chain, Sanity, has long been a fixture in malls and high streets around Australia, but last week they last week that the continuing shift to digital music and movie consumption has finally forced them to close all their remaining bricks-and-mortar stores.

But the DVD is still far from dead, believes Reel Memories’ Mal MacDonald, who’s been in the home entertainment and movie memorabilia business for 49 years.

He said it’s just the latest technological change in the everchanging way we’ve watched movies at home.

“Back in ‘74, it was all home projection, people would buy a film,” Mal said, referring to actual photographic film on a reel, before going through the list of formats he has dealt with in his time

“So it’s gone from Cinefilm, reel-toreel, 16 Millimetre, Super8 Sound, then Beta came along, VHS — if you blinked,


you missed laserdisc, remember the 12-inch discs, which had little microdots the laser would scan just like the frames on a film? It was the forerunner of the DVDs we have?

“And how many types of DVDs have we got,” he continued. “There’s the standard DVD, which I sell heaps of here, there’s Blu-Ray and there’s about two others.”

The move to online streaming can be convenient, admits Mal, but some may be left behind.

“This is where it comes down to the crunch, because a lot of elderly people haven’t got computers. What are they to do?” he said.

But more importantly, relying on an

This has long been the case with each move to new home entertainment technology, and a large part of Mal’s business is sourcing films that have fallen through the cracks and failed to transition to DVD or a streaming service.

“That’s happened and that’s happening with a lot of the stuff. When you look back at the old catalogues, which I’ve kept, and you see what came out on VHS which now you can’t find on DVD, a lot of it still hasn’t been released, Mal said, but it is something

that he is working on..

“I deal with a big company back in Sydney and they ask my suggestion for titles, so I’ve given them pages of all these titles. I’m having a field day because they’re releasing stuff, some of the titles you can’t find anywhere —you won’t find them on streamers,” Mal said.

“There’s still probably hundreds of titles I’ve given him, which I’d love to see on DVD. But what he has released, I’m having a field day with here, because a lot of that stuff is not up on streaming.

“A lot of it, people will only find it at Reel Memories, where the memories remain real!”

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 12 — 18, 2023 7 Community LIFE
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online provider for access to your favourite film or television series comes with the risk that it could be removed and then be simply unavailable.

Newcrest Digs Deep for Flood-Affected Communities

Newcrest Mining’s Cadia Valley Operations (Cadia) continues to recognise the widespread and ongoing impact of recent flooding across Central West communities.

In support, Newcrest is donating $150,000 through the Newcrest Sustainability Fund to Rural Aid and a further $150,000 to the Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal (FRRR) to deliver on-theground relief to affected local communities. Newcrest is working closely with Rural Aid and FRRR to ensure the funds go to the most appropriate disaster relief and recovery efforts.

Rural Aid will use the funding for debit cards with loaded limits for eligible primary producers, as well as for the provision of clean drinking water and livestock fodder. Once the immediate

response has been deemed to be met, any remaining funds will be used to support a mental health counsellor in the local area.

The FRRR will direct Newcrest’s donation to their Prepare and Recover Program, which supports not-for-profit organisations such as men’s sheds, neighbourhood centres, hall committees, and school P&Cs.

In addition to this financial assistance, volunteers from Cadia’s workforce travelled to Eugowra, Manildra and Molong Cudal to assist with the cleanup of private residences, aged care units and preschool. Cadia’s

fixed plant electrical team also donated their time to re-wire the Eugowra Newsagency and Supermarket, which was able to re-open earlier this month. A GIVIT fundraising page has also been established for Cadia employees wishing to make a financial contribution. Cadia will match these funds, dollar-fordollar, through its Community Partnership Program.

Cadia’s General Manager, Aaron Brannigan, said Newcrest would continue to support communities across the Central West that have been severely impacted by devastating floods.

“It has been inspiring how our neighbouring communities, who are doing it incredibly tough, continue to show immense courage and resilience,” Mr Brannigan said.

“While we know there’s still a long road to recovery, the Newcrest team hopes that this financial assistance and volunteering support will give these communities the support they need to start rebuilding.”

First of all, Happy New Year from the team at Blackwell Short. We hope you enjoyed the Christmas period and are ready for whatever 2023 brings with it.

No doubt you are full of the best intentions and resolutions which always come with a New Year. So we have something to add to the top of your Resolutions List – “Make an appointment at Blackwell Short to discuss my Will’’. Not the most glamorous resolution but an essential one all the same.

Having a Will gives clear direction from you about what you want to happen to your assets when you die. Having a straight forward, legally valid and up to date Will is the best way to help ensure that your assets are distributed to your loved ones according to your wishes. Despite promising certain family members particular assets such as your house or shares when you die, that doesn’t mean anything if you haven’t formalised it in a Will

If youpassaway without a Will, that is known as dying intestate and your assets would be distributed to certain people according to a formula set out by the Succession Act 2006 (NSW). This distribution becomes complicated if youhave a blended family, such as children from a previous marriage or a new partner whilst still being legally married to your ex-spouse. Therefore it is much better for all involved if you have a Will which clearly sets out your intentions taking into account your family structure, rather than unintentionally excluding someone because they are not an ‘eligible person’ according to the intestate formula.

You may already have a Will in place, but keep in mind it is important to do a regular review to make sure it is still current and in line with your wishes.

We know that the thought of preparing a Will can be overwhelming, but it is one of thebest things you can do for your loved ones so they have one less thing to worry about during what will be a very difficult time.

If youneed any assistance with your Estate Planning, please contact one ofour Wills and Estates Team solicitors, Geraldine, Deirdre or George for an appointment at Blackwell Short on 02 6393 9200 or bsl.reception@blackwellshort.com.au.

8 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 12 — 18, 2023 What’s Happening at CADIA Thisarticledoesnotconstitutelegaladviceandprovidesgeneralinformationonly.
Cadia’s General Manager, Aaron Brannigan, is pictured with Rural Aid CEO, John Warlters at the fodder drop in Forbes just before Christmas.

Orange Con open day for budding junior musos

The Junior Music Open Day on Wednesday, January 18, features a range of introductory classes for kids aged 8 and under.

The benefits of music education in early years are undeniable, said Early Childhood Music Class instructor, Carmel Follent, whose classes are open to children aged up to five years and even to babies.

“We’ve known it for millennia; every

culture enjoys music and has dancing and music and creativity as a core part of their culture… it’s a very primal thing to enjoy music and you don’t find a child who doesn’t enjoy music and doesn’t respond to it,” Carmel said.

“What I love about the classes is that we have fun and engagement through music that develops children’s sense of well-being, motor skills, connection and relationships with their parents and with others. That, for me, is the highlight; to see all these kids, and mums and dads,

enjoying music and each other.”

As well as Carmel’s Early Childhood Music Class, there will be introductory classes to the ukulele, violin, group singing, woodwind instruments (Toots, Doods And Jsax), and brass instruments (pBuzz).

“It’s a come-and-try, have-ago day to see what goes on in the class,” Carmel said. “On the open day they can expect to meet a variety of teachers, they can be enjoying

instruments, singing songs, and moving to traditional and modern music in a positive, encouraging, fun environment.”

The Junior Music Open Day will be held at the Orange Regional Conservatorium (73A Hill Street, Orange) on Wednesday, January 18, from 10am–12pm. Be sure to sign up quickly, as spaces are very limited. For details and book your place, visit www.orangecon.org.au

Visits to the vet are not just for when your pet is sick. We can work together all year round to protect your pet from dental pain and from viruses, bacteria and parasites. This is especially important in the warmer months when parasites thrive. Regular checkups and our very special offers make protecting your pet so easy –we help keep your pets as happy and healthy as they can be!

Fleas cause skin and health problems to our pets and can spread into our homes. Worms damage the health of cats and dogs, causing loss of weight, diarrhoea, loss of energy, anaemia and can affect humans. This has become a bumper summer for paralysis ticks. These nasty bloodsucking parasites are widespread across coastal NSW and its essential that if your pet is travelling outside Orange, then he or she is protected from ticks which suck blood, while secreting a toxin which affects the nervous system of your pet and can be fatal. Even if your pet doesn’t travel out of the Central West, tick protection is a wise idea as the parasites are spreading across the state. This month your dog receives a FREE flea and tick treatment when he or she visits for a vaccination. Cats are not left out –kitties receive a FREE flea and worm treatment at vaccination time!

Cracked stained teeth? Smelly dog breath? There are well known links between poor dental hygiene and bad health in our pets, but they can not tell us when they’re suffering. Regular dental checkups are vital for the overall health of pets and to protect them from the pain of bad teeth. If any dental treatment is required, a gentle anaesthetic is given which allows our experienced vets to probe and examine each tooth, and xray if needed. In January, your dog, cat or rabbit can have a FREE dental check up, plus $50 off any dental treatment which might be required.

Just one bite from an infected mosquito is all it takes to infect your dog with heartworm. Tiny larvae are injected from the bite into your dog’s bloodstream where they grow into adult worms in the heart and lungs. Heartworm used to be restricted to the warmer areas of the country but new research has found it in feral dogs and foxes in the Central West. Cases have been reported in Orange. Dogs can be protected with a range of treatments – chews, tablets, spotons or a course of injections followed by an annual booster injection. Your new puppy can have the first Heartworm protection injection FOR FREE! We will plan the course of injections for you and send convenient reminders.

Remember that if your dog or cat is going to boarding kennels, doggydaycare or the cattery this summer, you will be asked to show proof of vaccinations. Please don’t leave it until the last minute - phone for an appointment or book online and choose ONE of these very special offers for your pet! We look forward to seeing you soon!

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 12 — 18, 2023 9 Community LIFE Vets corner with MULBERRY LANE VET HOSPITAL 294 Lords Place, Orange | OPEN MON-SAT | mulberrylanevet.com.au “Our passion is caring for your pet” MULBERRY LANE VET HOSPITAL An ASAV accredited “Hospital of Excellence” TELEPHONE 6360 3071 s s Choose ONE of these very special offers for your pet! Free flea/tick/worm treatments available while stocks last. Not valid with any other offers, one voucher per household. (Exp. 05Feb23) RING FOR AN APPOINTMENT OR BOOK ONLINE PROTECT YOUR PET OR OR OR FREEFREEFREEFREE DENTAL CHECK-UP for your dog, cat or rabbit plus $50 off any dental treatment for your puppy FIRST HEARTWORM PREVENTION INJECTION FLEA AND TICK TREATMENT for your dog at vaccination time. FLEA AND WORM TREATMENT for your cat at vaccination time.
The Orange Regional Conservatorium of Music is opening its doors to our littlest locals next week, giving budding young musicians a taste of what’s on offer at ‘the Con’.

The goodenough parent

Happy New Year!

I thought about making some resolutions for 2023, but as we saw in the New Year quite unwell with COVID, my only wish was for survival. Not just surviving the acute illness but also all the overwhelming bad stuff we’ve been through on top of it the last three years. If all you’ve done is survive what life has thrown at you, then I think you’re doing great.

A women’s publication I write for is promoting the idea of a “Word of the Year”: Something inspirational, aspirational and (most importantly) Instagramable, if you add a sparkle filter to it. The other writers were throwing out suggestions such as ‘family’, ‘self’, ‘focus’ and ‘heal’ as their words. By mid-morning all I had was ‘coffee’, ‘sleep-in’ and “Hey Siri, what’s the opposite of clusterf*#%?” (Siri

answered ‘resolve’, ‘sort out’ or ‘adjust’ but none of those words are me AT ALL! But Siri also helpfully informed me that the technical term for ‘opposite’ in this case is ‘antonym’, so look out for how smart I’ll sound when I use that in next week’s column!)

But still, COVID survival calls for celebration, and I do have to admit to being in a much better headspace this week, having put that all behind us. So, I think it’s time I got back on the nota-resolution-but-focus-on-thepositives mentality.

Here’s my list of things that are wonderful right now:

• The weather is gorgeous. I mean, I washed all the sheets this morning and they’ll be put straight back on the beds tonight. Means I don’t even have to pretend to try and fold fitted sheets today! Yay!

• The kids are on holiday and are still in their post-Christmas fun phase. They got Lego for Christmas and are busy adding a noodle shop, water park, and eco-community lot to ‘Lego city’ (previously known as our dining room table). They haven’t claimed to be bored once!

• There was very little incriminating evidence in the writing booklet Miss Eight brought home from school at the end of last year. My drinking was only mentioned once and Menulog just four times. I’m calling that a win.

• Miss Eight didn’t receive any new musical instruments for Christmas and (so far) the longest time spent playing the harmonica in one day has topped out at two hours and thirteen minutes. Also, they’ll be away ALL next week and I know I’ll desperately miss

the whirlwind of noise that is their existence.

• A butterfly landed on my ear while drinking coffee on the sunlit balcony in a serene moment with my beautiful husband this morning. Now, not being a fan of insects that fly at my face, I reacted by screeching, hurling my coffee over the fence and slapping myself around the ears… But, if I hadn’t done that, what a stunning Hallmark-style moment, hey?

So there it is; my reminder that it’s been a rough few years, but look at us making it through everything anyway! There’s even a chance that this year might be better than last year — I reckon we’re due!

10 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 12 — 18, 2023 Lifestyle FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT ORANGE.ORG.AU CALLDANIELON0411484464 TOBOOKYOURFREEINITIAL APPOINTMENTORHEADTO WEALTHTRAIN.COM.AU TRULY INDEPENDENT Financial Advice Changes Lives MoreandmorepeopleinOrangeare enjoyingthebenefitsof INDEPENDENT financialadvice... Shouldyoubeoneofthem? DanielMcGregor (1253135) andWealthTrain (1258202) areauthorisedrepresentativesof IndependentFinancialAdviceandEducationAFSL520963
Happy 2023 xxx Em
ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 12 — 18, 2023 11 OrangeCityBowlingClub You can now find us on 61-89 Warrendine Street Orange 02 63 622 533 Website: ocbc.org.au trading hours MONDAY 3pm – 8pm TUESDAY 11am – 8pm Management reserves the right to alter trading hours on any given day WEDNESDAY 11am – 9pm THURSDAY 11am – 9pm FRIDAY 11am – 12am SATURDAY 11am – 12am SUNDAY 11am – 9pm Open Tues—Sun From 11.30am til dark $5 per person SEE MAIN BAR TO PAY AND GET EQUIPMENT Closed Mondays for maintenance FOR 18 HOLES CHILDREN UNDER 5 PLAY FREE ALL ENQUIRIES AND BOOKINGS PLEASE CALL 6362 2533 TUESDAY – Sunday $5 per person DAY AND NIGHT $2000 IT PACKAGE $2000 TRAVEL VOUCHER $2000 RELAXATION PACKAGE $2000 GARDEN PACKAGE $2000 OUTDOOR PACKAGE WIN BIG IN OUR RAFFLES NIGHT FRIDAY EVERY FRIDAY TICKETS SOLD AT 7PM FOR 8PM DRAW What you can win: x 20 Gift vouchers at $50 each x2 $50 Keno vouchers x2 $30 Keno vouchers $3 MIDDIES x2 TRADIE MEAT VOUCHERS $4 SCHOONERSx2 $25 TRADIE BAR VOUCHERS HAPPY HOUR 5PM TO 6PM members badge draw Got something to celebrate? Weddings Engagement Parties Birthday Parties Anniversaries Fundraisers Presentation Nights Christmas Parties Baby Showers Christenings Funeral Wakes CALL KIRSTY WHATEVER YOU'RE CELEBRATING WE CAN HELP HelloGiveawaySummer $600! Member must be present for the Draw Tournament concludes by 1pm to allow players to travel home for weekend competition TUESDAY FEBRUARY 28 TO FRIDAY MARCH 3, 2023 GOLDEN EAGLE CLASSIC PAIRS CITY OF ORANGE BOWLS AUSTRALIA TIER 3 RANKING EVENT MAJOR SPONSOR RESTAURANT COMING SOON $20,000 PRIZE MONEY

Fruits of friendship:

PNG Acting High Commissioner makes unofficial visit to “Sister City” Orange

unofficial visit to the Colour City late last month, but has vowed it won’t be his last.

Since 1985, Orange City Council has had a Sister City relationship with Mount Hagen in the Papua New Guinea highlands.

For Mr Tameo, who has served in Australia for the past seven years, the overnight visit to Orange came due to an invitation from former councillor, Chris Gryllis, a strong advocate of the Sister Cities program.

“Chris is a good friend of Papua New Guinea and in his former capacity as councilman,” Mr Tameo told Orange

City Life last week.

“Orange City and a city in Papua New Guinea (PNG) called Mount Hagan are sister cities and he has been actively involved and had good relations… with, particularly, the leaders and the people of that province.

“And he’s always saying that you better come to our city, so I was able to make it during Christmas.”

Spending the night here just prior to New Year’s Eve, Mr Tameo and his family took the opportunity to visit a local cherry farm, where many Pacific

Islanders from Tonga and Vanuatu are working under the Australian Labour Mobility Program.

Mr Tameo spoke with the owner of the possibility of workers from PNG also working in the Orange region.

“We really enjoyed the trip... I told Chris, this is one of the most beautiful cities in Australia,” Mr Tameo said.

“But you know, we really want to strengthen our Sister City relations with Orange in the future… In PNG, we need a lot of support from developed countries, developed towns, on

how town councils are managed and provide services and so on,” he continued, in reference to the past assistance Orange City Council has provided Mt Hagen in design and management of waste management, sanitation, traffic, pedestrian plans and governance.

“So we really need a lot of learning to do and I hope I come to your city at some point in time in a more official capacity and talk with the Mayor and everybody else about how we can strengthen relations between PNG and Orange City,” Mr Tameo concluded.

12 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 12 — 18, 2023 Community LIFE
Papua New Guinea Acting High Commissioner, Mr Sakias Tameo made an From left to right Tokaina Tameo, Mrs Mary Tameo, Lapa-Nong Tameo, and Mr Sakias Tameo.


Orange residents can dispose of unwanted large household items when Orange City Council holds its annual bulky waste collection at the end of this month.

The collection will commence on 30 January 2023 for all residences in the Orange local government area.

Orange Environmental Sustainability Community Committee Chair, Councillor David Mallard encouraged residents in the Orange LGA, which includes Spring Hill, Clifton Grove and Lucknow, to make use of the annual pick-up.

“This is an opportunity for residents to remove larger items from their households they might not otherwise have the means to dispose of,” Cr Mallard said.

As in previous years, Council’s waste contractor JR Richards and Sons will use the ‘Week A / Week B’ yellow-bin recycling collection calendar to coordinate the bulky waste collection, which is based on residents’ location in relation to Anson Street.

Residents living west of Anson Street are

part of Week A and should place their waste out on Sunday 29 January, while those who live east of Anson Street are in Week B should place their bulky waste out on Sunday 12 February. Those who live on Anson Street are part of Week B and should put their bulky waste out on Sunday 12 February, as should those living in Spring Hill, Lucknow and Clifton Grove.

Waste will be collected by three trucks to maximise recycling so material should be placed neatly next to the edge of the curb in three piles: whitegoods, scrap metal and

general bulky waste.

“Many of these items are recyclable and wherever possible they will be kept out of landfill, enabling them to be made into new products, maximising the life of these valuable resources and protecting our environment,” Cr Mallard said.

More information about the bulky waste collection and a list of frequently asked questions can be found on Orange City Council’s website at www.orange.nsw. gov.au/bins-collection/.


There are loads of fun activities available for children to enjoy at Orange City Council’s facilities these school holidays.

Orange City Council’s Services Policy Committee Chair Mel McDonell said the programs catered for a broad range of interests and ages.

“There is something for everyone in Council’s school holiday program this year. It’s great to see such a variety of activities to meet everyone’s needs,” Cr McDonell said.

‘’We recommend people book to make sure they don’t miss out,’’ Cr McDonell said.

ORANGE YOUTH HUB has a busy schedule, from pool tournaments, baseketball and touch football to excursions, indoor golf and baking. Young people can also drop in and hang out at the centre on weekdays from 12pm to 8pm. Council’s Youth Services is also hosting activities at Orange Aquatic Centre.

ORANGE CITY LIBRARY has a range of activities including lego, recycled paper and an anniversary screening of the Princess Bride, as well as its kids’ Summer Read program, where children are encouraged to read The Right Way to Rock by Nat Amoore and join in activities

at the library.

ORANGE REGIONAL MUSEUM will host two free family tours of its exhibition Enemy Aliens: The Denera Boys in Orange, 1941, as well as children’s activities based on the exhibition, including sketch workshops.

ORANGE REGIONAL GALLERY  will run a series of colourful creative workshops inspired by their current exhibitions Idris Murphy: Backblocks and Martin Coyte: Before you know.

For details of all activities, visit the events calendar on Council’s website at www. orange.nsw.gov.au/events/.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 12 — 18, 2023 13 www.orange.nsw.gov.au | Find us on social media @ Orange City Council YOUR LOCAL
CLEAN UP: Dispose of unwanted large household items with Council’s bulky waste collection. s

Duncan Logan appointed coach for Barnies

2023 Western Premier League campaign

Logan, who captained the side last season, takes over the role of Western Premier League coach from Josh Ward, who will remain with the premier league side as a player and advisor.

Logan said Ward would help him transition fully into the coaching role.

“It’s all exciting, it’s new to me, I still haven’t had to be too involved in a coaching role before, so it’s good, I’ll be learning with the players, and hopefully we’ll build on a good season this year,” Logan said.

Logan has been with the club for several years and has played three

seasons in the new Western Premier League, with Barnies finishing each year consistently in finals contention.

He also won a number of welldeserved accolades in the closing stages of the 2022 season, with a team Player of the Week award, and Best Community Goal of the Week award from Football Australia.

Logan paid tribute to Josh Ward for getting the side into finals and looks forward to drawing on Ward’s extensive coaching and playing experience.

“I think it was definitely our best season so far in the WPL and we’re hoping to build again next season, so

it’s exciting,” Logan said.

Ward said he was unable to commit fully to the coaching role going forward but would instead remain part of the playing group and pull on the boots when he could.

“He’s a good head to have around,” said Logan.

“He’s got lots of experience, both as a player and a coach, and yeah, he’s still going to be around the group, so hopefully we’ll get him on the pitch and he’s going to give me some advice coaching-wise as well.”

The club’s 2023 season preparations get underway on Sunday, January 15,

a training run

Logan encourages any interested local footballers to come along and try out for the club’s WPL, A and B-grade sides.

“It’s open to everyone, so hopefully we get lots of new faces here, you know, and we’re not scared to give young players a crack either, so it’s really open to everyone if you think it’s for you then come along,” he said.

“We’re looking for the club to build, not just in WPL, but A grade and B grade as well - build a club culture and have a good year as a club.”

14 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 12 — 18, 2023 Community LIFE www.orangehearingcentre.com.au 1/256 Anson Street, Orange NSW 2800 02 6360 1884 Hear the difference YOUR LOCAL INDEPENDENT HEARING CENTRE KAY MCINTOSH AUDIOLOGIST • Diagnostic Hearing Assessment • Excellent Hearing Aid Fittings • Superior level of client service • Valuable ongoing support • Latest technology • All manufacturers • Private and Australian Government Hearing Services Program clients • Employment / Pilot Testing ALL STAFF COVID19 VACCINATED SORE TIRED PAINFUL FEET? SEE A PODIATRIST TODAY PODIATRIST Patrick Raftery 121 Sale St Orange 6362 1453 Book your appointment now PENSIONER RATES AVAILABLE Home Visits by Appointment only Visiting Cowra & Canowindra MEDICARE REFERRALS VETERAN AFFAIRS REFERRALS ACCEPTED “Where our customers are the heart of the community” Take time to discover the vast array of goodness in our gourmet pantry section gourmet pantry
at Sir Jack Brabham Park from 4pm, with pre-season senior grades trial and There has been a ‘Changing of the Guard’ ahead of Barnstoneworth United Football Club’s 2023 season, with midfielder and defender Duncan Logan appointed head coach.

Step 1 – ‘Pick the olives’

Start by picking your olives with family and friends. Choose the best-looking ones and put them all in big buckets. Have fun! These will be memories that your family won’t forget!

Step 2- ‘Wash and sort the olives’

Once your olives are picked from the tree, wash them well and remove any really damaged olives you missed while picking. A little bird pecked is fine, but if they are starting to rot then take those out. You want to see the flesh in perfect condition.

Step 3- ‘Cut or crushed? Soaking the olives’

Now here’s the step that will determine how long you need to cure your olives. You can either choose to slit your olives or leave them whole. Slitting each olive will allow the water and salt to penetrate it faster and remove the bitterness. If you leave them whole, they’ll need to sit in the brine a lot longer. To slit the olives, use a sharp knife to cut a little slit into each olive. Alternatively, you can carefully ‘crush’ your olives with a heavy object such as a meat tenderizer or a flat stone. Crush them enough to just break the skin but not to completely flatten the olives.

My family olives recipe

If you start thinking about Spanish food and tapas, you may at some point visualise a plate of olives. And that is because in the Mediterranean we absolutely love olives! Both for eating or for the wonderful olive oil. I won’t talk about olive oil today, because it deserves a whole section for it. But I am going to explain a few basics about olives.

Are there different types of olives?

First of all, I’d like you to think of Olives as if they were grapes. Just as different types of grapes, when crushed and fermented, give you different types of wine, well, it’s the same with the olives.

There are nearly 300 different varieties of olives grown in Spain. In fact, Andalucia, in the south, is the largest olive-growing area on Earth. The most common varieties are Picual, Hojiblanca, Manzanilla and Arbequina. And guess what? Orange NSW has the perfect weather conditions for growing olive trees.

I visit a lot of houses in town with my private dining business and I have come across so many customers who own olive trees but don’t know what to do with the olives once they are ready.

So, as I have promised them, I’m going to share here publicly my family recipe on curing olives from scratch.

It requires a lot of time, but anyone can do it at home. In my family, it became a tradition to have all the different generations involved in the process, from the beginning to the end.

I had never realised how important those intergenerational family lessons were until I found myself on the other side of the world sharing the same lessons and passed-on knowledge with my daughter (hoping that one day she carries that information to her descendants).

A lot of people have asked me if olives are good for you and the answer is, yes!

In fact, they are very high in vitamin E and other powerful antioxidants. Studies show that they are good for the heart and may help protect against osteoporosis and cancer.

But, here it is. My family recipe for all of you to tray and maybe teach your own children some day: ‘Aceitunas guisadas’:

Now it’s time to soak the olives in plain water for one month (until they are not bitter), changing the water daily (yep, every single day. From now on they are like your new pet!) Keep the olives completely submerged in the water (use an upside down plate with a weight to hold them under).

Step 4- ‘How to cure my olives?’

After soaking them in water, it is time to ‘cook’ your olives in brine. You can make a simple brine solution using a ratio of 1 part salt to 10 parts water. Use unprocessed salts such as rock salt or sea salt. Cover the olives with the brine in a bucket, jar or container with a lid. Again, make sure the olives are again completely submerged. I put mine in a bucket and an upside- down plate works to hold them down. Loosely seal the jar or container with a lid. You may need to open it every couple of days for the first week to release some of the gases. If you crush or cut your olives they may only need to sit in the brine for one to two months depending on your taste. But, if you have left them whole, they can sit in the brine for six months or longer.

Step 5- ‘Wash them really well and time to add flavours!’

Time to remove all that saltiness! Wash them a few times, changing the water. Your olives are now cured, but we need to make them ‘restaurant-quality.’ In order to do so: add a LOT OF GARLIC, crushed, CITRUS peels of lemons and/or oranges, plus HERBS like rosemary, bay leaves, thyme, oregano. And then top it up with EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL.

Remember! Olives like this can be stored in a sealed jar for up to a few months in a cool dark place or refrigerator. Once opened, use them that week.

Step 6- ‘How to use them?’

Well, use them either as an appetiser, in salads, or even in fancy cocktails! It’s totally up to you. But, if I could make a suggestion, try one way we do it in expensive restaurants and serve them WARM. Yep, that’s right! Using either a microwave, or in a frying pan, warm your olives in order to release all those flavours and aromatics, plus the olive oil. Trust me, it will be a life-changing moment!


Ruben Lopez Mesa

Got a cooking question you need answered? Any suggestions on what topic Ruben should tackle next? Get in touch with us at OCLife or with Ruben directly @rubenlopezmesa

@atableof10 @eat_spanish @rubenlopezmesa

School holiday fun at the PCYC

Orange PCYC has been helping kids keep busy this school holidays with a range of fun activities to enjoy while their parents are back to work. Basketball, futsal and gymnastics are just a few of the many things to keep your young ones entertained, all while they make wonderful friends and great memories!

Congratulations on your recent publication. Such an interesting collection of articles, puzzles and stories. The items by Bob Holland were also interesting and inspirational. Keep up the good work.

– John Benfield

Thumbs up to the new Seniors Happy Life magazine. So much great and enjoyable reading. It’s really quite refreshing to be able to now buy a magazine like this.

– Text form anonymous reader

Congratulations on Seniors Happy Life. Well done!

– Ramon Williams

My name is Meryl Ward and I am a Recreational Activities Officer in Aged Care, and I have just been reading through your magazine (large print) and I want to congratulate you on such a wonderful newspaper. This is a fantastic idea and truly a godsend especially for residents in facilities. Again, Congratulations!

– Meryl Ward

Thank you to all those who have had a hand in the production and distribution of this amazing newspaper. I have thoroughly enjoyed this positive, humorous, respectful and educational publication. I have encouraged many people within our Village to read and enjoy - you will not be disappointed.

– Ian

Congratulations on your pilot issue. I look forward to reading the first issue which I understand is due for publication in February. Best wishes for Seniors Happy Life during 2023.

– John Walker

Hello Bob and other members of the Seniors Happy Life team. I was interested to receive and read a copy of Seniors Happy Life, I found it quite impressive.  You were correct when you said on page 2, “I’ll bet you’ve never seen anything like it before!” Most of the general newspapers and magazines targeted at older Australians are essentially commercial advertising. It was clear from your introductory article on pages 2 and 3 that this is not the case with Seniors Happy Life. Thanks to you and your colleagues for the great amount of thought and effort that has gone into producing Seniors Happy Life. I wish you the greatest success in your endeavours.

– Tom Slocum

Pick up your copy from: Orange City Centre Newsagency Greengate Newsagency Ashcrofts IGA stores
$4 40 pages of inspiring stories, laughs, puzzles, nostalgia, spectacular photos, LARGE PRINT and more! ONLY 100% ENJOYMENT with no business advertising
Emily Howarth, Peyton Baust, and Walter Howarth N’kylih Parkes, Gemma South and Haylie South Isabelle White and Milly White Brendan Ferguson and Jonah White Clancy Coutts and Mikhaela Coutts

Speedcubing a hit in Orange!

We may not be seeing Rubik’s cubes used in Olympic events just yet, but competitions known as speedcubing seem to be gaining traction in Australia.

Speedcubing is where people try to solve different types of Rubik’s cubes in the fastest possible time with the quickest competitors moving up in rounds until they reach the final.

Orange hosted its own competition on Sunday, January 8 at the Orange Ex-Services’ Club. It’s the second tournament of its kind in the Colour City, with 58 people in attendance.

Locals stepped up to the challenge, joining competitors from as far as Queensland and Melbourne.

The best time during the Orange tournament was taken by the New South Wales champion ‘cuber’, Bryan Eng with an impressive time of 6.54 seconds.

Organiser of the event, John Cook, said tournaments create a sense of community and he had fond memories of he and his children competing together.

While no locals placed this time around, Bryan assured us they will be back and he hopes to see more people from the Central West take up the speedcubing challenge. “I like Orange, it’s a nice place. It’s great to bring the competition here,” he enthused.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 12 — 18, 2023 17 Community LIFE
Delegates: Peri Le Dain, Ruby Van Vliet, Bryan Eng and Patrick Kleverlaan Kathy, Jacob and Isaac Shem with Dylan, Cooper, Caroline and Alex Lai (all from Sydney) Kosel & Lucas Otsu (from Brisbane) one of the talented sub 10 second competitors Wynter Towner, Elle Towner and Julia Barnes

MEMORIES by ned School Days......

It was a lovely Spring afternoon in 1936; through the open window came the faint smell of trees in full blossom, the gentle hum of bees and the sound of a blackbird in full song. In the distance was the faint rumble of a freight train with a whistle at the level crossing. In the background was the murmur of a class learning their tables, it sounded like a soft “rhubarb, rhubarb” over and over.

It was one of those rare moments in life when God’s in his Heaven and the world is a wonderful place. I was woken from my reverie by the teacher’s gentle voice: “It’s called wool-gathering, Ned. We all get it from time to time but, unfortunately, it won’t finish your essay.”

When I started school at the age of about 6, I knew my 12 times tables and the alphabet. I could write my name and most words. I could read simple stories. I did not have the advantage of Daycare, Kindergarten or Pre School, but I had a wonderful teacher, her name was Mum. In our house,

great emphasis was placed on good manners, particularly table manners, (you know, keep your feet on the floor when reaching for the salt, etc…). I also knew about money: two farthings = one halfpenny, two halfpennies = one penny, three pennies = one threepenny piece, six pennies = one sixpence, 12 pennies = one shilling, two shillings = two bob, five shillings = one crown, 10 shillings = a ten-shilling note, 20 shillings = one pound, 21 shillings = a Guinea, then onto five-pound and 10-pound notes.

At first, it was hard to add up a column of pounds, shillings and pence but we soon became good at it.

I must tell you we were all ordinary average pupils, most of us left school at about 13 to work on the family farms or take up apprenticeships. We were literate in math, long division and multiplication, fractions and decimals, we could add up long columns of numbers and had a basic knowledge of geometry. In Geography, we knew all the countries and most of their capitals from Patagonia to

Iceland. We knew all the areas of tropical jungle savannas, forests and deserts. History from Egyptian, Greek, Roman to the present day. We were versed in business, banking, meeting procedures and the stock exchange. We were told how to spot a scam and how to budget. We could write letters both personal and business and we could read any book that was thrown at us.

I would have liked to leave school at this time but my parents insisted I was to go on to higher education. But, the basics learned in those six years have been the foundation for a successful life.

Of course, school was not all academic learning. Teacher would take us out on excursions to study nature – trees, insects and ants. One day, he arrived with a cutting board, scalpel and forceps and proceeded to dissect a dead rabbit to show us the vascular, digestive and pulmonary and muscular systems. I have never seen such rapt attention.

We also knew what caused a thunderstorm and rain. If we were left on our own, out would come our pocket knives to carve our entrails in the desk.

One day a new Curate came along to give us religious instruction – we did not like him as he was a pompous little man who treated us like children. Some of the older boys decided to pull his leg and asked him, “If God could do anything, could he make a stone that was too heavy for him to lift by Himself?”

It worked, he spent the whole lesson giving us a complicated highly theological answer. It was quite cruel of us but we had a lot of fun at his expense.

We learned that six years, that was all required for a successful life. It all came down to a good teacher and a sensible curriculum

18 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 12 — 18, 2023
Regards, Ned

This philosophical thought was displayed in a coffee shop I visited recently, and the idea was pursued further by the Oral History Group this month when we discussed the ambitions we had when young and whether our dreams had materialised.

Post-war Australia in the late 1940s and 1950s was a time of resettlement and a desire for a continuation of a calmer, safer life after the turmoil of World War 2.

The men returning from war had to be absorbed into the workforce and most women who had held down jobs returned to domestic duties.

There was also a different attitude to education emerging.

The horizons of many returned men had broadened and the Commonwealth Reconstruction Training Scheme gave many an opportunity to further their education.

Many, who had never considered tertiary education, were now able to attend university and gain degrees in areas that, before the war, would have been quite out of their reach.

As one of our group said: “Just to get a job was all you wanted in and just after the Depression.”

This didn’t stop us from dreaming though and Rosemary thought she would like to become a ballet dancer... which of course didn’t happen.

Some of our group, though, did achieve what they had always really wanted.

“I knew quite early that I wanted to become a nurse,” said Joan. “No one influenced me although my sister, who was five years older, was not allowed by our parents because at that time nursing wasn’t considered socially acceptable.”

Rosemary agreed.

“When my early ambition of ballet dancing came to nothing I began nursing in a country hospital in South



Australia although nurses did have a reputation of having loose morals. Matrons became very strict later and standards were very high.”

Before university fees were abolished by the Whitlam government in 1974, higher education was generally restricted to people who could afford it.

As well, the attitude to the education of women in those days was quite different.

It was expected that when a woman married and had children she would automatically leave the workforce and stay home.

It is not surprising that the dreams of girls to go into professions were very likely to come to nothing as it was considered by many parents that higher education for a girl was a waste of time, and the money could much better be spent on her brothers who would spend their lives in the workforce.

As a consequence, almost the only occupations girls were encouraged to follow were those where scholarships were offered, like teaching.

Nursing was also a popular choice because trainees were given full board and lodging.

“I had always wanted to be a teacher,” said Elma, “probably because I had so much respect for the teacher I had as a child, and I enjoyed every minute of it.”

Leslye, who grew up in Moree, told

us feelingly: “My only ambition was to get out of the place so I went nursing and lasted six weeks before coming back home. I had a series of jobs— legal secretary, police force and finally became an enrolled nurse.”

Obviously, it was different for the men in our group, but as John pointed out we were taught the work ethic and if we trained for a certain job we were expected to remain in it for the rest of our lives.

“I had no idea of what I wanted to do but when I was about 14 I developed an interest in wildlife and realised that the responsibility of the land rested on the landholders, so I went to Agriculture College and later worked for the Department of Primary Industries which I thoroughly enjoyed.”

Tim’s future was more or less assured by his childhood growing up on a property and the only thing he ever wanted to do was to be on the land.

“I joined a Stock Agent and worked in the back country managing properties. You only went to town every three months and had to become proficient in all sorts of things because you were so far from help.

“When we did go to town we would get in touch with the local hospital matron and enquire if any of the nurses would like to go out. It was all above board and very respectable but was a great source of company for lonely

young men.”

Reg was also a bushman who grew up in the war years and worked with horses.

“My ambition was to be a vet but there was no possibility of that. Still, I learned a lot on the job doing the work I wanted to do.”

“My father had a garage,” Dick told us, “and I was in a workshop surrounded by motors from a very early age, so I really wanted only to work with anything that had a motor.

“In our day you did what was available and you did it for the rest of your life. I was also interested in flying and became an instructor.”

Stuart, like all of us, went into a career that was available at the time and his was in the Public Service with the Department of Public Works. “I ended up in Industrial Relations,” he said.

“I have no regrets as you did what was offered at the time and stuck with it.”

Pat’s early dream was to be a hairdresser but settled for retailing, as did Bronwyn. While Monica, who had Italian and French parents, was very interested in food preparation.

Always in our discussions is the realisation that although we compare the way we used to live with the way the world is today, we understand that the needs of the community have changed enormously with the advent of the microchip and the advance of technology.

While our choice of career did not always follow our dreams and our lives would seem incredibly boring to the younger generation, in many ways we were fortunate that we didn’t have to make the difficult decisions faced by people today.

knew the path we had to tread and we don’t seem to have deviated much along the way.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 12 — 18, 2023 19
WED TO SAT 4PM-8PM 0401 072 027 Check our Facebook for the Menu 37 William Street ORANGE | Ph 6362 8611 Pauls @ CoCos DINE IN OR TAKEWAY Pizzas ~ Wings ~ Pasta ~ Chips ~ DimSim CoCo’s CAFE TRADING HOURS Monday to Friday 6.30 – 4.00pm Saturday 7am – 1pm Closed Public Holidays www.cocosorange.com.au 37 William Street ORANGE Ph 6362 8611 Delicious! Best known for their delicious fresh food burgers, coffee and yummy desserts. With both daily & weekly specials they have something to tickle your taste buds. CoCo’s offers a wide range of gluten free, home cooked meals, all day breakfast and catering available, eat in or take way. Portuguese chicken Salad wraps Poached Eggs with Avo smash and yogurt Berry muesli Black Bean Vegetable Burger with a Sweet Potato Crisp Pumpkin Fetta Tart Sweet potato fish cake with seeded pumpkin fetta salad GET OUR APP SAVE TIME ORDER ONLINE MEAL DEAL $50 2 Pizzas, Barramundi Bits & 1.25 litre Soft Drink You can use your PARENTS VOUCHERS
“We create our tomorrows by what we dream today”

rockin’ it at 4 on the 4loor

Orange’s long-running monthly showcase of musical acts, 4 on the 4loor, kicked off 2023 with a bang at the Victoria Hotel on Saturday, January 7. Catch the next 4 on the 4loor line-up at the Vic on Saturday, February 4.

20 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 12 — 18, 2023 SocialSCENE
Dwayne Pipe and Jason Bennett The Shindig Kickers Vicky Frost and Connie Dean Andrew Pansini and George Olsen Kellie Ahern and Angela Reynolds Wild Bill Skewy and the Carrington Event Kathy Hadson, Dee George and Cameron George

Umbilical Brothers’ mind-bending new show: The Distraction

The Umbilical Brothers are coming to Orange on Saturday, February 4 with their brand-new show –The Distraction.

Do you love staring at screens? Are you staring at a screen right now? You should get out to this hilarious show that has an enormous screen smack-bang in the middle of it.

The Umbilicals take the energy of live performance and the spectacle of cinema and smashes them together into a new show performed simultaneously on stage and on the big screen. It’s like nothing you’ve ever seen, and nothing they’ve ever done,

and it will blow your mind way more literally than you are expecting. The Distraction: enabling your screen addiction.

With an international reputation for comedy that has taken them to over 40 different countries, the much-loved Australian pair mix humour with backbreaking physicality and boundless energy to amaze the audience and create a whole new theatre experience.

Unbelievable human performances meets special effects wizardry. It feels so much like magic, you’ll want to burn them at the stake!

Accolade’s galore for local theatre troupe

Following a highly acclaimed and sold-out season at the historic Carcoar courthouse, Orange-based theatre company Pinnacle Players’ production of Agatha Christie’s Witness For The Prosecution has been honoured with three recognitions at the 2022 Combined Area Theatre (CAT) Awards.

Lead actors Sadie Steele, Nick Geoghegan and Adam Ryder all received Recognitions of Excellence for their portrayals of Romaine Vole, Leonard Vole and Sir Wilfred Robards, respectively.

“Our leading trio were well deserving of these accolades. They kept the audience guessing right to the very end,” said Pinnacle Players producer, Peter Young.

“This is a testament to their hard work, dedication and talent. I have to give credit to Janice Harris for directing the entire cast with aplomb.”

Given the overwhelming success of the 2022 production in its unique historic setting inside the historic Carcoar Courthouse, a return season of Agatha Christie’s Witness For The Prosecution is planned for 2023, along with a yet-to-beannounced production.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 12 — 18, 2023 21 OPEN 7 DAYS | 107 BYNG STREET | 6362 1353 | WWW.THEMETROPOLITANHOTELORANGE.COM.AU PROUD TO BE A PUB with the purchase Every FRIDAY / SATURDAY AT 8PM Live Music ✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴ Free Entry chicken schnitzels, parma’s or godfather saturdays SATURDAYS + mash & veg or chips & veg SAUCE: DIANE, MUSHROOM, PEPPER OR GRAVY $15 FRIDAYS SEAFOOD BITES CHICKEN WINGS OR served with CHIPS ground floor only fridays SERVED WITH CHIPS $15 chicken wings seafood bites or with the purchase of a beverage the awesome sunday roast SUNDAY ROAST THE AWESOME + roast veg ROAST SUBJECT TO CHANGE EACH SUNDAYGROUND FLOOR ONLY $15 Entertainment
See this new mind-bending comedy performance at Orange Civic Theatre, 8pm Saturday, February 4. Tickets at Ticketek or call 6393 8111.

Friday January 13

The Greenhouse

Barrabas live 7-10pm

Metropolitan Hotel

Live music every Friday night from 8pm

Victoria Hotel Karaoke from 8pm

Orange Ex Services Club Dallas Webb from 8pm


The Greenhouse Barrabas live 7-10pm



Victoria Hotel

5 o’clock Shadow from 8pm


Friday January 20

The Blind Pig Karaoke/Open Mic

Saturday January 21

The Blind Pig Live and Local - Lueth Ajak

Wednesday January 25

Cumnock Bowling Club Australia themed Trivia and dress-up night

Thursday January 26

•Cumnock Bowling Club Award presentations and morning tea

•Freemasons Hotel Molong Australia Day Yabby Races

•Borenore Public School Award Presentations and morning tea

•Cargo Village Green Official party attending, award presentations

• Cudal Community Centre Guest speaker, Peter Worsley OAM and award presentations

• Eugowra Showground Community BBQ Award Presentations and kids activities











Saturday January 14

Metropolitan Hotel

Live music every Friday night from 8pm Club Millthorpe Karaoke from 7:30pm

Ophir Hotel

The Ophir’s Summer of Karaoke 7-11:30pm

Victoria Hotel

5 o’clock Shadow from 8pm

The Greenhouse

Brad Myers on the lawn from 12pm

Kent Eastwood in the Piano Bar from 6pm Audio Vixen on the lawn from 7pm

Sunday January 15


Neil Gill on the lawn from 12pm

Musical bingo at from 3pm

Kent Eastwood in the Piano Bar from 6pm

22 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 12 — 18, 2023 Entertainment WHAT’S HAPPENING

Scotland’s The Paul McKenna Band headline Festival of Small Halls lineup

The Festival of Small Halls returns to the Bloomfield Hall this January, with Scotland’s The Paul McKenna Band headlining the bill.

Described by the New York Times as “the best folk band to have come out of Scotland in the last twenty years” and the “best band of their generation” by UK music magazine The Living Tradition, they are sure to draw a crowd to the always popular touring festival.

Long ranked among Scotland’s finest younger singers and songwriters, Paul McKenna is armed with a powerful yet intensely emotive voice and passionate social conscience, often expressed through his songs, a combination that’s brought frequent comparisons to the great Dick Gaughan.

Next on the lineup is singer-songwriter Emily Lubitz, best known as the flame-haired frontwoman for Melbourne folk/pop outfit and festival darlings, Tinpan Orange. A seasoned musician and a charismatic performer, she has performed on some of the world’s biggest stages and collaborated with the likes of Paul

Kelly, Martha Wainwright and Clare Bowditch.

“Lubitz’s voice soars with an ethereal grace, velvet cloaked and celestial with a subtle humorous twist to the lyrics and yet there is a steely strength that seems to evoke underground Parisian bars with a whiff of Gauloise, a tang of Absinthe and a delicate bacchanalian decadence,” writes Backseat Mafia’s Arun Kendall of Lubitz’ performance.

Closing out the bill is Orange’s own reggae and Latin music influenced duo, The Wave. Led by dynamic lead singer and guitarist, Javier Rocha, and supported by Sam Betts on bass the duo’s intention is to spread a message of awareness to people through the Wave of music, peace and love.

Presented by JAM Orange, in liaison with Woodfordia Inc. The Festival of Small Halls has built a strong reputation for bringing some of the best international and national touring artists to the region and is always popular with Central West audiences.

The Festival of Small Halls returns to the Bloomfield Hall on Saturday, January 28. The concert kicks off at 7pm, doors open at 6pm.

Tickets are $25 and available from Landers Music, Orange or at www.festivalofsmallhalls.com Food and refreshments will be available.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 12 — 18, 2023 23 Entertainment
“Best band of their generation”
24 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 12 — 18, 2023 ON SALE FROM WEDNESDAY 11 TH JANUARY UNTIL TUESDAY 17TH JANUARY 2023 Specials available from Wednesday 11/01/23 until Tuesday 17/01/23 or while stocks last. Retail quantities only. No trade supplied. We reserve the right to correct printing errors. Pictures used for illustration purposes only. IGA Liquor supports the responsible service of alcohol. Tobacco and alcohol not sold to under 18’s. 210 PEISLEY STREET, ORANGE NSW 2800 | 6362 7233 OPEN 7 DAYS: MON TO SAT 6AM-9PM | SUNDAY 7AM TO 8PM WWW.IGA.COM.AU 82 SUMMER ST, ORANGE NSW 2800 | 6362 0775 OPEN 7 DAYS: MON TO SAT 7AM-9PM | SUNDAY 8AM TO 8PM WWW.IGA.COM.AU IGANS13013_110123 Hot PRICE! Nescafé Coffee Sachets 6-10 Pack Selected Varieties Arnott's Shapes 130-190g Selected Varieties $350 ea $175 ea SunRice Medium Grain White or Brown Rice 5kg 18¢ per 100g $9ea ter th half pric $4 Yell� Nectarines $2070 ea Coca-Cola 24x375mL Selected Varieties $2.30 per Litre kg Australian Uncle Tobys Muesli Bars 6 Pack Selected Varieties $1.35 per 100g Pepsi or Solo 1.25 Litre Selected Varieties $1.08 per Litre Peters Drumstick 4-6 Pack Selected Varieties Bulla Creamy Classics Ice Cream 4 Pack Selected Varieties Finish Ultimate Pro Dishwashing Tablets 32 Pack or 0% 34 Pack Selected Varieties Perfect Italiano Grated Cheese 450g Selected Varieties $15.56 per kg $250 ea $135 ea $475 ea $450 ea $24 ea $7 ea Heinz Beanz or Spaghetti 300g Selected Varieties 50¢ per 100g $150 ea Nes Ne caffé Sachet et Sel e ect ec e SAVE $1 SAVE $2




A thoughtfully designed plan with tiled flowing living areas include a dining room and family room which both open to the eye-catching kitchen with a colourful glass splashback, island bench, gas stove top and a walk-in food pantry.

The main bedroom is of extra proportions and features a roomy ensuite with spa bath and walk in robes.

In addition to the living areas is a private home theatre room and a separate activities area ideal for children’s playroom or for adults alike.

A breezy alfresco area has a natural look Jarrah timer lined ceiling and glorious views to Mt Canobolas.

Other of the many features include a double garage with internal access, central heating and a cosy gas log fire in the family room.

you have been longing for extra space and extra rooms then don’t go past this stunning four bedroom home that has 311.6 m2 in area (including porch & alfresco) for the whole family to enjoy in style.
John Stevenson t. 0417 887 738 9 JAPONICA PLACE, ORANGE YOUR ALL LOCAL PROPERTY GUIDE View it online at www.orangecitylife.com.au OPEN FOR INSPECTION THIS SATURDAY 14 JANUARY, 11:00-11:30AM 4 22 $950,000
Set on an elevated 926.6 m2 block in a quiet cul-de-sac just a few minutes stroll to the Orange Botanic Gardens. Make your move to a much more comfortable lifestyle today.

Can’t keep plants alive?

indoor plants thrive!

“I just can’t keep plants alive” is the often-heard lament of the selflabelled “black thumb”, but it’s really not rocket science, say avid indoor plant collectors Kellie Wood and Paul Lawson.

Orange City Life first met Kellie and Paul in early 2022 at the McNamara Street pop-up store for their houseplant business, Style by Leaf. While still working towards a permanent nursery and retail space, today Style By Leaf offers a comprehensive plant rental and maintenance service; supplying, watering and caring for plants in commercial, and even residential premises, for a weekly fee.

Orange City Life sat down with Kellie and Paul who kindly agreed to share their expertise to help you get your indoor plants to thrive and look their best.

What would you say are the main reasons most people’s house plants fail to thrive?

There’s a couple of things, but it’s pretty simple: drainage, lots of light,

and then not overwatering. If you don’t have good drainage or lots of light, it’s gonna be a hard road ahead basically.

So how do you ensure your plants have enough drainage?

The grow pot that you place inside your decorative pot needs to have all those drainage holes at the bottom so the water can go right through to prevent root rot, which causes a lot of death in plants, and it comes down to the potting mix you use as well. Many standard potting mixes get too gluggy and you don’t get the drainage you need.

So what potting mix do you recommend for better drainage?

We mix four parts potting mix, two parts perlite, one part vermiculite, and one part peat moss, and the plants seem to thrive with that. We did try a couple of different things with charcoal and sand, which works quite well, but this seemed to be the best and it works for a broad range of plants. It provides a combination of good drainage and water retention

so you don’t have to water as often. Overwatering you said was another common reason for indoor plants failing to thrive. How do you know when and how much to water?

We use a water metre and make sure to get a reading from the bottom of the pot. You can look at a plant and see that the top looks dry, but often the bottom is wet and that’s when you get overwatering and problems. A water metre takes the guesswork out of it.

We also check water levels on the same day every week, so we water every Friday. If you check your water levels every week and the water only if they need it, then there’s less chance of overwatering.

Neglect is better than over-fussing over plants, we would say. It’s better to let them dry all the way out and then water, rather than just watering every few days and giving them way too much.

Thanks, Paul and Kellie for your time!

26 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 12 — 18, 2023 Orange Property Market PH 02 6362 6966 37 SALE STREET, ORANGE WWW.WILLIAMSMACHIN.COM.AU Marty Lyden 0404 070 391 marty@williamsmachin.com.au Katie Christopherson 0400 637 559 katie@williamsmachin.com.au Kathleen servicedapartments@williamsmachin.com.au Natalie Gow 0407 213 073 propertymanagement@williamsmachin.com.au CONTACT US FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS SALES SERVICED PROPERTIES RENTALS
Here’s a few expert tips to help
You can find out more about Paul and Kellie’s business Style by Leaf by visiting
or check out some of their stunning plant collection on Instagram @style.by.leaf
ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 12 — 18, 2023 27 CHRIS OR JOHN ON 6362 5999 If you’re looking for a spacious unit with the convenience of inner city living, then don’t look past this opportunity. This two story residence enjoys a north facing open plan living area with new carpets and freshly painted lounge / dining room that has electric heating and a handy storage closet. The main bathroom has been freshly renovated and there is a second toilet downstairs. There is internal access to the garage and a private paved courtyard and garden at the rear with a covered outdoor area. It’s so easy to walk to town, you may get rid of your car! $550,000 FOR SALE 9/198 BYNG STRE ET, ORANGE VERY CENTRAL 3 BEDROOM UNIT A new development consisting of two and three bedroom villa units and town houses. Designed for your security and peace of mind. A heated indoor communal swimming pool for your enjoyment. OPEN HOUSE SAT 14th JANUARY 12.00pm - 1.00pm NOW SELLING ‘KINROSS MEWS’ 99 BATHURST ROAD, ORANGE A BETTER LIFESTYLE AWAITS YOU HERE IN THIS NEW GATED COMPLEX OM YOU CAN INPSECT WITH SHORT NOTICE FOR SALE RIGHT ACROSS FROM THE SCHOOL 16 FOX AVENUE, ORANGE A fantastic family location in a small, quiet and leafy street around a one minute walk to Bletchington School’s main gate. With 3 bedrooms, this home is well presented both inside and outside with the living areas featuring a separate loungeroom with gas heating, a bright and an airy family room with wall to wall built in storage and reverse cycle air-conditioning. Other features include a double garage and workshop, garden shed and a rainwater tank. OPEN HOUSE SAT 14th JANUARY 11.30am - 12.00pm ENORMOUS POTENTIAL Split level brick veneer home with 3 bedrooms. Double carport, workshop and garden sheds in large back yard with rear access. Lovely tree lined street outlook from front patio. $700,000
HOUSE SAT 14th JANUARY 10.00am - 10.30am
you have been longing for extra space and extra rooms then don’t go past this stunning four bedroom home that has 311.6 m2 in area (including porch & alfresco) for the whole family to enjoy in style.
thoughtfully designed plan with tiled flowing living areas include a dining room and family room which both open to the eye-catching kitchen with a colourful glass splashback, island bench, gas stove top and a walk-in food pantry.
main bedroom is of extra proportions and features a roomy ensuite with spa bath and walk
in robes.
living areas is a private home theatre room and
separate activities area
for children’s
In addition to the
playroom or for adults alike.
timer lined ceiling and
A breezy alfresco area has a natural look Jarrah
glorious views to Mt Canobolas.
features include a double garage with internal access, central heating and
cosy gas log
m2 block in a quiet cul-de-sac just a few minutes
much more comfortable lifestyle today.
Other of the many
fire in the family room. Set on an elevated 926.6
stroll to the Orange Botanic Gardens. Make your move to a
big punch
This attractive little home
a mighty
that hits
the minute you enter.
Beautifully and freshly renovated throughout with two bedrooms (both with built-in wardrobes) the main bedroom has direct access to the three way bathroom.
There is a split-air conditioner separate lounge room and gas central heating throughout. The separate kitchen is complete with dishwasher,
cooktop and pantry and adjoins the tiled dining room.
A large north facing outdoor pergola for
outdoors, even in winter.
and also
Located across from Calare Public School
walk to Orange High School. Don’t miss out on this work saver.
28 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 12 — 18, 2023 Cornerblockwith2xroadaccesses Landareaapprox.1,406Ha,buildingareaapprox.1,620m² 2gantrycranes ZonedGeneralIndustrial OfferedwithVacantPossession Formoreinformationorforaninspection,contactGaryBlowes 0418635248|gary@blowesre.com.au Celebrating50yearsinrealestatein2022 CnrLordsPlandKiteSt,Orange 0263621233 2-4ASHSTREET,ORANGE Auctiononsite11am23/02/2022 BLOWESRE.COM.AU cnr lords place + kite street 02 6362 1233 Cornerblockwith2xroadaccesses Landareaapprox.1,406Ha,buildingareaapprox.1,620m² 2gantrycranes ZonedGeneralIndustrial OfferedwithVacantPossession Formoreinformationorforaninspection,contactGaryBlowes 0418635248|gary@blowesre.com.au Celebrating50yearsinrealestatein2022 CnrLordsPlandKiteSt,Orange 0263621233 2-4ASHSTREET,ORANGE Auctiononsite11am23/02/2022 BLOWESRE.COM.AU cnr lords place + kite street 02 6362 1233 Celebrating 50 years in real estate in 2022 GARY BLOWES Director 0418 635 248 Commercial Sales + Leasing CHRIS TYACK 0438 258 590 Residential Sales Manager MARG LONGHURST 0499 013 427 Sales Co-ordinator SHARISSA GILL 0477 063 857 Property Manager ABIGAIL PALMER 6362 1233 Office Manager 4 2 2 You will be impressed with this fully renovated property located very close to the new DPI and a short walk to town. Not only has it been fully renovated but electrical plumbing and drainage has also been replaced. • Complete renovation by quality licensed local builder • Three bedrooms, two with built in robes and master with en-suite • Fantastic open plan living/dining/kitchen with loads of natural light • Open plan living features modern tiling, storage and feature flame effect gas heater • Modern kitchen with stone bench tops and huge walk in pantry, all with great storage • Computer nook, ducted heating and cooling throughout and alarm system • All new electrical, plumbing, drainage, garage and turf 118 Margaret Street, orange $849,000 CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590 3 2 1 This great property has just been FULLY renovated and is located in one of the most tightly held locations in Orange which is Westlea. Only an inspection will confirm the high quality renovation of this property. • Four bedrooms, master with en-suite and all bedrooms have built in robes • Both bathrooms have beautiful floor to ceiling tiles and stone bench tops • Main bathroom has a bath and shower, separate toilet, also toilet in the laundry • Great new modern kitchen with stone bench tops and soft close cabinetry
Great storage in the hallway, laundry and living area, ducted heating and cooling • New floor coverings, new paint, new lights, new blinds, new everything! • Attached drive through double garage, secure back yard, Orange High zoned • Generous 833sqm block in a great location, would suit new home buyer 40 Kooronga avenue, orange CONTACT AGENT CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590 OPEN HOUSE Saturday 14th 9.45am - 10.15am GREAT LOCATION, READY TO MOVE IN! Don’t miss the opportunity to move quickly on this new to market brick veneer 4 bedroom home located in a sought after location. The elevated property has views towards Mt Canobolas and features 4 bedrooms with the master having en-suite, walk in robe and under floor heating, 2 other bedrooms have built in robes. The large kitchen/dining room has tiled flooring, gas cooktop, under bench oven, breakfast bar, under floor heating and opens onto the covered outdoor alfresco area. The comfortable lounge room has a northerly aspect and the home has ducted gas heating throughout, secure back yard and internal garage access. 14 Windamingle Place, orange $739,000 CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590 4 2 2 OPEN HOUSE Saturday 14th 10.30am - 11.00am This modern unit complex ticks a lot of boxes and is so close to many services and amenities. A regretful sale for the owners but a great opportunity for a purchaser as a live in property or as an investment. • Three bedrooms, master with walk in robe and direct access to bathroom. • Open plan styled Lounge/Dining/Kitchen area with A/C plus ducted gas heating throughout • Kitchen has gas cooktop, electric oven, dishwasher, double sink and pantry • Back patio has been fully enclosed and has its own air conditioner • Double attached garage with panel lift door and internal access • Secure private yard with small lawn area and small storage shed 4/88 Kenna Street, orange $650,000 - $699,000 CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590 OPEN HOUSE Saturday 14th 10.30am - 11.00am OPEN HOUSE Saturday 14th 11.15am - 11.45am REDUCED PRICE
ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 12 — 18, 2023 29 Cornerblockwith2xroadaccesses Landareaapprox.1,406Ha,buildingareaapprox.1,620m² 2gantrycranes ZonedGeneralIndustrial OfferedwithVacantPossession Formoreinformationorforaninspection,contactGaryBlowes 0418635248|gary@blowesre.com.au Celebrating50yearsinrealestatein2022 CnrLordsPlandKiteSt,Orange 0263621233 2-4ASHSTREET,ORANGE Auctiononsite11am23/02/2022 BLOWESRE.COM.AU cnr lords place + kite street 02 6362 1233 Celebrating 50 years in real estate in 2022 Cornerblockwith2xroadaccesses Landareaapprox.1,406Ha,buildingareaapprox.1,620m² 2gantrycranes ZonedGeneralIndustrial OfferedwithVacantPossession Formoreinformationorforaninspection,contactGaryBlowes 0418635248|gary@blowesre.com.au Celebrating50yearsinrealestatein2022 CnrLordsPlandKiteSt,Orange 0263621233 2-4ASHSTREET,ORANGE Auctiononsite11am23/02/2022 BLOWESRE.COM.AU cnr lords place + kite street 02 6362 1233 Celebrating 50 years in real estate in 2022 GARY BLOWES Director 0418 635 248 Commercial Sales + Leasing CHRIS TYACK 0438 258 590 Residential Sales Manager MARG LONGHURST 0499 013 427 Sales Co-ordinator SHARISSA GILL 0477 063 857 Property Manager ABIGAIL PALMER 6362 1233 Office Manager This former neighbourhood corner store has had no expense spared by the owners in transforming it into a modern five bedroom family home, with its central location and attention to detail, it will tick all the boxes for the discerning purchaser! • Beautiful north facing, open plan style living, dining, and kitchen with polished concrete floor; the galley style kitchen has modern joinery and appliances • The cosy loungeroom with a feature fireplace is a great space to relax in • You will love the master bedroom with modern timber ceiling fan, USB and TV ports, WIR, ultra-modern ensuite with floor-to-ceiling tiles, underfloor heating and heated towel rails • The other four generous bedrooms also come with modern timber ceiling fans, plus USB and TV ports • The central main bathroom has a luxurious bath and shower, as well as underfloor heating and heated towel rails 51 prince street, orange CONTACT AGENT CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590 5 2 2 RARE CBD DEVELOPMENT SITE FLEXIBLE B6 ZONING - REGISTERED ON 3 TITLES The location of 184 Byng Street, Orange also benefits being located alongside the main western rail corridor. This position will enhance any new development (STCA); as the site will not be constrained to the effect of being ‘boxed in’. With an enormous 61.0 metre* northern frontage to enhance natural light, 184 Byng Street, Orange is by far the largest undeveloped ‘mixed-use’ site in the Orange CBD. 184 byng street, orange CONTACT Gary Blowes 0418 635 248 The lovely unit in popular Sampson street is waiting for a new owner to care for as the previous owner has. With its nice facade facing the street it looks more like a small house than a unit and you will be impressed with what it has to offer. • Decorative brick construction with tile roof and private rear yard • Good size open plan living/kitchen/dining rooms, security grills to windows • Two bedrooms with built in robes both close to the bathroom • Bathroom has bath, shower, vanity and separate toilet next door • Kitchen has ample bench space and free standing 600mm oven • Attached single garage with access into the property • Enclosed sitting room, excellent rear yard with storage and water tank 1/129 Sampson street, orange $550,000 CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590 2 1 1 BE IMPRESSED, AS NEW FOUR BED This lovely home will impress and would suit the first home buyer or a growing family. • Master bedroom with en-suite and walk in robe • Three other bedrooms all with built in robes • Open plan family/kitchen/dining opening onto covered alfresco • Modern kitchen with stone bench tops and soft close furniture • Central bathroom with bath and shower, separate toilet • Internal access from garage, ducted gas heating throughout and split A/C 22 Turquoise Way, orange $795,000 CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590 4 2 2 OPEN HOUSE Saturday 14th 11.15am - 11.45am OPEN HOUSE Saturday 14th 12.15pm - 12.45pm UNDER OFFER CONTACT AGENT FIRST OPEN
130 789
orchard, veggie patches and chook yards. Water is abundant with a 120,000L concrete tank and a water-quality tested bore with pump to the tank. There is a reticulated sprinkler system for the lawn and plenty of taps to supply the gardens. There is a huge 10.5m x 7m shed with three phase power, electric fences to the paddock, garden shed and so much more. From the enclosed sunroom there are beautiful views. CONTACT: MICHAEL WRIGHT 0421 360 948 255 PHOENIX MINE ROAD LUCKNOW $1,549,000 4 2 5 STYLISH AND TRENDY IN FLAWLESS CONDITION They do not make homes like this anymore! This solid cavity brick home has been renovated to a high standard whilst maintaining all its features that make 1960 art-deco homes so special. You’ll adore the high ceilings, the picture rails, decorative cornicing and polished floorboards. The home is perfectly located in stylish East Orange and is only a short walk to Cafés and schools. The kitchen and formal dining room have lovely northerly windows and skylight, with the kitchen lovingly renovated with a timeless neutral palette. Both bedrooms are generous with plenty of storage. Gas heaters sit amongst the lovely mantles and there is a reverse-cycle air conditioner to keep you comfortable. The yard has a lovely pergola for entertaining. Currently set up as short-term rental accommodation the property would appeal to the astute investor. As it is on a corner block, there are plans drawn up to convert the garage into a granny flat with its own access. CONTACT: MICHAEL WRIGHT 0421 360 948 42 SPRING STREET $690,000 2 1 2 NEW LISTING NEW LISTING OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 14 JANUARY 9.30-10.00 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 14 JANUARY 10.15-10.45 DREAM HOME DELIGHT Nestled in one of Orange’s most desired cul-de-sacs, this lovely home has been recently updated. Surrounded by established gardens and with the Coogal Wetlands behind, the home has been designed to bring the outside in from every window. It will easily accommodate the whole family with four bedrooms, the main with an ensuite, a formal lounge room and a spacious open plan living area with windows galore opening onto the outdoor living zone that wraps around the back and side of the house. The terraced gardens are a delight and have easy access to the walking paths around the wetlands. The garage is double in size but is currently used as one car space plus a workshop and there is a toilet as well. It could easily be converted back to a double garage. The landscaping, private courtyards, pretty gardens and attractive home with flexible floorplan combined with the excellent location and wonderful lifestyle on offer make this a dream home come true. CONTACT: CHRIS MASON 0438 629 417 30 GOLDFINCH WAY PRICE GUIDE: $900,000-$950,000 4 2.5 1.5 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 14 JANUARY 11.00-11.30 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 14 JANUARY 1.00-1.30
A STUNNING SLICE OF PARADISE This property is, in a word, stunning. 33 hectares of nature lovers’ paradise. This off-grid home is surrounded by a beautiful garden and unique bushland. Positioned on a hill overlooking neighbouring farms with views to Mt Canobolas, this eco-friendly home has much to offer. Including quality finishes throughout, with a hand crafted stone wall around the fireplace in the open plan lounge, kitchen and dining area. This well designed home offers amazing and efficient warmth through a wet back recycled water heater system spreading the heat throughout the house. There are three spacious bedrooms, one of which could be an office. There are two bathrooms, powder room and big laundry. The features outside are impressive from the elevated deck perfect for entertaining whilst enjoying the view, to solar panels, 3 bay garage and hobby sized vineyard and olive grove. The historic Sydney train carriage with a wood fire, toilet, timber deck and water tank has many possible uses. CONTACT: JACOB EVANS 0428
wish to decrease
stress levels and live a more sustainable lifestyle, then look no further than this beautiful 5-acre property just 10 minutes from Orange. This property offers an exceptional list of inclusions and ticks the box for everyone in the family. The home is fully renovated and boasts four bedrooms, three north-facing living areas, a huge kitchen with modern appliances and beautifully finished bathrooms. There are solar panels and reverse cycle ducted air conditioning which can all be controlled by an app on the phone. You’ll enjoy a ‘garden to plate’ lifestyle, with a small
ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 12 — 18, 2023 31 39 SALE STREET, ORANGE | 6363 1000 | PFISHER.COM.AU ALL PROPERTIES CAN BE VIEWED BY PRIVATE INSPECTION OR VIDEO CALL, JUST CONTACT THE AGENT. ALL INSPECTIONS WILL BE CONDUCTED UNDER STRICT HEALTH GUIDELINES. 16 WIRRUNA AVENUE CONTACT AGENT 5 3 2 FEELS LIKE HOME This beautiful home, in the much sought after Wirruna Avenue, is a total dream package. Fully and tastefully renovated from top to bottom, inside and out you can move in with nothing to do but enjoy the luxury on offer. You will love the sense of space and the gorgeous flooring through the living areas adds a real feeling of warmth. There are high end finishes and features used throughout and no expense has been spared in creating this stunner. With multiple living areas, five bedrooms, or four and an office if you prefer, three luxurious bathrooms and a wonderful kitchen and dining space your family will want for nothing more. Surrounded by leafy trees and gardens the backyard is a private oasis with a timber deck perfect for outdoor dining and relaxation. This is not just a house, it will truly feel like a home for those lucky enough to live in it. Come and see it for yourself. CONTACT: JACOB EVANS 0428 130 789 7/253 LONE PINE AVENUE PRICE RANGE $429,000-$449,000 2 1 1 EASY LIVING Here’s a spacious 2 bedroom unit in East Orange ready to go now. Both bedrooms are a good size each with a built in wardrobe, the bathroom has a bath, shower with a separate toilet. The kitchen is well appointed with good bench space and plenty of cupboards, both kitchen and dining are light and airy and look over the backyard. The large laundry gives you rear yard access to a paved and small lawn area ideal for a garden or vegie patch or your pet. Internal access from the garage CONTACT: ADAM SAVAGE 0419 232 416 5 JONES STREET CARCOAR CONTACT AGENT VACANT LAND IN HISTORIC VILLAGE With elevated views over the historic village of Carcoar and only 10 minutes west of Blayney is this 4047sqm (1 acre) block, Carcoar is described as ‘the town that Time forgot’. It is saturated in charm and has an abundance of old buildings, nestled in a picturesque river valley. It seems untouched since 1901 yet there is so much to discover in the surrounding villages, boutique shops and lovely country pub. This vacant land allows you the opportunity to build your forever home and have a lifestyle you’ve always dreamed about. There is space enough for extra sheds, room for animals and plenty of land for the kids to run around. Living here is the opportunity to escape the stress of modern life whilst still being close enough to the big hubs of the Central West. CONTACT: MICHAEL WRIGHT 0421 360 948 LIVE A TRUE COUNTRY LIFESTYLE Only 10 minutes east of Orange and close to Mayfield vineyard; this private and hard to find 10 acre building block is ready for your long-awaited dream home and country lifestyle. The block already has single phase power located close to an excellent building site with northerly aspect, as well as a large farm dam - a perfect water supply for your new garden. The block is flat and easy to build on and the land is very fertile. It is well fenced around the boundary. Surrounded by farmland, not in a rural subdivision, its uniqueness will be sought after. Inspections easily arranged. CONTACT: MICHAEL WRIGHT 0421 360 948 LOT 1 STAGECOACH ROAD $689,000 NEW LISTING NEW LISTING NEW LISTING NEW LISTING OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 14 JANUARY 11.00-11.30
32 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 12 — 18, 2023 39 SALE STREET, ORANGE | 6363 1000 | PFISHER.COM.AU ALL PROPERTIES CAN BE VIEWED BY PRIVATE INSPECTION OR VIDEO CALL, JUST CONTACT THE AGENT. ALL INSPECTIONS WILL BE CONDUCTED UNDER STRICT HEALTH GUIDELINES. READY TO LIVE OR LEASE OUT NOW Set at the back of a small complex of only 6 units this property is ready to either live in or lease out now. There’s a modern kitchen flowing out onto the dining and lounge area with a R/C System and solar to keep power bills down. The modern bathroom has a shower, bath and separate toilet. The main bedroom is a very generous size with a built in and the second bedroom also has a built-in wardrobe. The low maintenance backyard is fully fenced and has a private entrance from the garage into the backyard and laundry area. This unit is ready to move in and enjoy straight away. CONTACT: ADAM SAVAGE 0419 232 416 5/1 BLETCHINGTON STREET PRICE RANGE $419,000 - $439,000 2 1 1 NO COOKIE-CUTTERS HERE If you’re sick and tired of looking at the same old cookie-cutters, then this is the home for you. Located in the lovely village of Cargo is this eclectically sweet home on 2 acres. Perfect for those looking for life in the quiet lane whilst still being in town, it is centrally located just a short walk from the Cargo shop, café and pub. The home has three bedrooms all with built-ins, a huge kitchen/dining area, large living room and a mudroom. The bathroom is sweetly renovated with penny tiles and shiplap panelling. Outside is a great shed/workshop and plenty of flat, usable land that is currently set-up for horses but can easily be converted to other uses. However, for the horses there’s a 20x40m sand/treadlite mix arena, stable with day yard with adjoining shelter and a 20ft shipping container with saddle and bridle racks. One of the biggest perks of living in Cargo is access to the 2 commons which locals can use as they need for livestock, bike riding and walking. CONTACT: MICHAEL WRIGHT 0421 360 948 10 FORBES STREET CARGO $690,000 3 1 3 This property is all about space – the land, the shed and the house. On 11.3 acres there is a massive shed and the house is much bigger than it looks with plenty of room for the whole family. The country kitchen with walk-in pantry is flanked by a dining area and family area. There is also a huge loungeroom with study nook, large main bedroom with ensuite, three more generous bedrooms plus a room with a walk-in cupboard that could be a fifth bedroom or office. CONTACT: JACOB EVANS 0428 130 789 5145 HENRY PARKES WAY, MANILDRA $750,000 Located on the north side of Orange, this large family home has plenty to please with many bedrooms and living areas, plus a dedicated office area. All 5 bedrooms have built-in-wardrobes, and the main bedroom has an ensuite bathroom. The living areas are well designed with a rumpus and lounge area at the front and another family room at the back plenty of room to spread out. There’s room to park a caravan or boat beside the driveway and easy access to the back pergola area and backyard. CONTACT: ADAM SAVAGE 0419 232 416 6 LISTER DRIVE $849,000 5 2 2 Set on 1,871sqm with established gardens, this modern brick home is perfectly formed with three spacious living areas including a formal lounge, huge rumpus room and a family area in the open plan living. An added bonus is the sunroom. The galley kitchen is stylish and comfort is assured in the four good sized bedrooms, the main with an ensuite. Outdoor living is also covered with a timber deck plus a covered patio. The backyard is quite a delight with plenty of room, park-like views and fire pit area. CONTACT: JACOB EVANS 0428 130 789 13 WILLIAM STREET, MOLONG $679,000 4 2 1 This spacious family home is perfect for the buyer looking for a low maintenance lifestyle. The spectacular gardens are easy care and beautiful. The home is stylish with a formal lounge, open plan living and covered al fresco area. There are four bedrooms with the main having an ensuite and walk-in robe. Every nook and cranny of the block has been utilised including side access with space for a trailer or caravan, a BBQ area and garden shed. The inground pool will delight come summer and there is a powder room nearby. CONTACT: CHRIS MASON 0438 629 417 21 ROSELAWN DRIVE 4 2.5 2 Molong is a well-established town located 20 minutes from Orange with a vibrant community. Well-serviced by schools, healthcare, shops and boutiques, restaurants, cafes and pubs. These 2 blocks have elevated views in an alreadyestablished quiet area, have full town services available and are ready to build on in early 2023. They are within walking distance to Molong Central School. There are 3 and 4 bedroom house and land packages available, including cost of build and timeframes, upon request. 2A is 936 sqm in size and 2b is 893 sqm in size. CONTACT: MICHAEL WRIGHT 0421 360 948 2A & 2B MCARDLE STREET, MOLONG CONTACT AGENT Building your home here will have you feeling like you are living in the bush with a feeling of seclusion and privacy rarely experienced in town. The block is tucked away in its own little pocket on 1.47ha with nicely distanced neighbours and with lots of established vegetation adding interest. You can pick the best spot to build your ideal home and happily live a rural-like lifestyle in the thriving town of Molong. CONTACT: JACOB EVANS 0428 130 789 LOT 102 HILL STREET, MOLONG $380,000 $859,000 NEW LISTING NEW LISTING OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 14 JANUARY 2.30-3.30 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 14 JANUARY 10.15-10.45 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 14 JANUARY12.00-12.30 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 14 JANUARY11.00-11.30
ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 12 — 18, 2023 33 39 SALE STREET, ORANGE | 6363 1000 | PFISHER.COM.AU ALL PROPERTIES CAN BE VIEWED BY PRIVATE INSPECTION OR VIDEO CALL, JUST CONTACT THE AGENT. ALL INSPECTIONS WILL BE CONDUCTED UNDER STRICT HEALTH GUIDELINES. STILL HAVEN’T FOUND WHAT YOU’RE LOOKING FOR? Situated in a quiet street surrounded by a nature reserve and walkways is this lovely three-bedroom home. The kitchen/dining is sunshine filled, with northerly sun streaming through lighting up the entire living area. There are three bedrooms all waith built-in wardrobes and a three-way bathroom which has been beautifully renovated in recent years. The house sits amongst established gardens and there is a wonderful timber deck, perfect for entertaining. You’ll love the outlook onto the nature reserve, perfect for sitting enjoying a cuppa and something to read. Additional features include carport, zoning to Orange Public School and Orange High School and woodfire heating. CONTACT: MICHAEL WRIGHT 0421 360 948 1 RAWLE AVENUE $589,000 3 1 1 NICE HOME, GREAT SHED This home, with its tastefully updated kitchen and bathroom, is perfect for a first home buyer or investor. The big jobs have been done and there is still potential to tweak the floor plan and undertake some more modernising to add your own finishing touches. The lounge room and dining area is pretty with big windows letting in lots of light, a ceiling rose, bright white paint and attractive flooring. There are two bedrooms plus an extra room that could be for storage or converted to a third bedroom. The home has two toilets and showers which is unusual in a house this size. You also have a sunroom and utility area to use as extra living space should you wish. The block is a very manageable 493 sqm in size and the backyard has a great shed with a covered patio area down the side offering a shady spot to sit in summer. CONTACT: JACOB EVANS 0428 130 789 33 NORTH STREET $409,000 2 2 1 Looks are deceiving for this family home. The master bedroom features a fully renovated ensuite and walk-in wardrobe. The bedrooms are enormous and could double as a second living area. In the heart of everything is a combustion wood heater and two additional split systems. There is a lovely feeling of space towards the back of the home due to its elevated position which is framed by a stunning elm tree, allowing for winter sun and summer shade. You’ll love the elevated deck and the yard is low maintenance, with great side access. CONTACT: MICHAEL WRIGHT 0421 360 948 68 ICELY ROAD $699,000 4 2 6 Tucked away amongst other quality homes, the street appeal of this lovely home can’t be denied. Inside, the north facing living areas feature polished timber floors and large windows. The functional kitchen is a light filled space that makes the most of its northeast aspect. There is a lounge room, family room, dining room and a study nook. There are four generous bedrooms, one of which is upstairs and would be a great retreat. The back yard is private and has a pizza oven and double car accommodation plus workshop. CONTACT: JACOB EVANS 0428 130 789 114 MARGARET STREET $715,000 4 1 2 This fantastic home feels like you own a secret, tucked away on a huge 1072sqm block in a quiet cul-de-sac. This four-bedroom home with ensuite and second living area offers an affordable start into the property market. All bedrooms have built-ins, with the second of the bedrooms boasting access to the renovated three-way bathroom. The master bedroom is generous in size with ensuite and walk-in robe. There is also a second living area which is bright and airy. The yard is secure and private. CONTACT: MICHAEL WRIGHT 0421 360 948 2 CRINOLINE STREET $669,000 4 2 2 This split level home is a spacious semi-detached home with three bedrooms, with an ensuite, walk in robe and balcony off the main plus a good sized family bathroom. The home is not without a bit of an x-factor with the funky kitchen on the lower level. There are two living spaces and you’ll love the views from the living room and main bedroom balcony. Central gas heating, single garage with internal access and an easily managed backyard round off this surprising home. CONTACT: CHRIS MASON 0438 629 417 14A EMILY PLACE $589,000 3 2 1 This attractive home is tucked away in an excellent location. There is little work to be done to the light filled home with an updated kitchen, laundry and modern bathroom. The lounge is generously sized and there are four spacious bedrooms with built-ins plus a flexible space that could be a mudroom or office. The garage has a large workshop space and the back yard is a wonderfully usable space. Zoned for Orange High and Orange Public Schools and just a short trip to town. CONTACT: CHRIS MASON 0438 629 417 7 SEPIK PLACE PRICE GUIDE: $649,000-$669,000 4 1 1 This neat home is bigger than you think with four bedrooms plus a granny flat with living area, bathroom. The main home is bright and airy with a lovely open plan living area with timber floors and updated kitchen. The bathroom has lovely modern fittings and there is not too much more to do. There is a big shed with a storeroom in the backyard which has good access and lots of space on the 765.1 sqm block. The water tanks and solar panels are a real bonus too. CONTACT: CHRIS MASON 0438 629 417 20 FRANKLIN ROAD 5 2 2 PRICE GUIDE: $629,000-$649,000 NEW LISTING NEW LISTING OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 14 JANUARY 11.00-11.30 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 14 JANUARY 12.00-12.30 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 14 JANUARY10.15-10.45 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 14 JANUARY11.45-12.15 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 14 JANUARY 12.45-1.15 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 14 JANUARY 9.30-10.00

A King Parrot Alisterus scapularis (male)

Curved beak. The breast and belly are red, wings are dark-green with a pale-green band. The tail feathers are blue. The male King Parrot is the only Australian parrot with a completely red head.

B Green Rosella Platycercus caledonicus (male)

Curved beak. The upperparts are dark, mottled green and black, in contrast with the yellow head, neck and underbody. When flying the bright yellow body is obvious. There are distinct blue cheek patches, a red band across the forehead, and blue shoulder patches.

C Superb Parrot Polytelis swainsonii (male)

Curved beak, usually coral red. It has a slender long-tail and yellow eye. Forehead & throat are yellow with red crescent separating the throat from a grass-green breast.

Birds are highly individual in their migration: some migrate and some are resident in the one location, especially where there is a good food supply. They nest in hollows of Eucalypts (dead and living) and are known to breed in the Orange area. Listed as a Vulnerable Species under the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Act. At risk of habitat loss, road strike (when feeding on spilt grain) and competition for resources- food and hollows.

SOLUTION... I am the Superb Parrot Polytelis swainsonii (male) Females are plainer, duller green, lightly washed blue-grey on cheeks, underside of tail is black with pinkish marks. The flight of Superb Parrots is swift, slipping (moving sideways), with back-angled wings and long slim tail.

34 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 12 — 18, 2023 Field Naturalist QUIZ 39 SALE STREET, ORANGE | 6363 1000 | PFISHER.COM.AU PETER FISHER Property Management TEAM Our goal is to maximise your return through: 3 Expert knowledge 3 A proactive approach 3 Strong communication 3 Comprehensive marketing campaign 3 Problem solving 3 Continuous improvement 3 Streamlined processes using specialised technology 3 Dedication to maximising your asset We
and communication
investment property.
For a list of available rental properties scan here: 6363 1000 WHAT AM I?
believe that experience, knowledge
are the most important elements of successfully managing an
Our philosophy is simple: To look after your property as if it were our own

Church Street

a b c a b c a b c

FOR SALE $450,000

Great start for the first home buyer at Cudal

Adjacent to a town common, this older style home is set on a huge and elevated 6069sq metre block in the charming village of Cudal with its convenience store, coffee shop, playgrounds, bowling club and great community feel. It is located 38km from the large city of Orange via The Escort Way and approximately 15 kms (a less than 14 minute drive) to Manildra Mill with its large employment opportunities. There is a school bus to Orange.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 12 — 18, 2023 35 28 Seymour Street Orange CONTACT AGENT 311 a b c a b c a b c Ph 0428 650 675 Address 24 Sale Street, Orange scottmunro.ljhooker.com.au Email scott.munro@ljhooker.com.au website ww.orange.ljhooker.com.au FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED BLOCK TO BUILD ON 5 acres at Lyndhurst x2 at $300,000 each 9 acres at Cargo at $420,000 Building block 2600m2 at Cargo at $200,000 LANDLORDS, NOT HAPPY WITH HOW YOUR CURRENT PROPErTy MANAGER IS LOOKING AFTER YOUR INVESTMENT PROPErTy ? This classic home has been faultlessly renovated so there’s nothing for you to do- just move in and enjoy the open living spaces, contemporary colour scheme and design and beautifully landscaped garden with its attractive al fresco area.You will be amazed by this home! Stylish and sophisticated on Seymour Are you getting a full property report every 3 months on your property investment? Are you getting enough feedback from your agent? I will give you the information to make an informed decision on your rental property investment. This is a conversation you cannot afford not to have in a market such as Orange. Licensee and Owner Scott Munro will personally look after your most important investment.
Five bright and beautiful bedrooms in North Orange 3 Agate Street Orange CONTACT AGENT Within an easy drive of Bunnings, North Orange Shops, The Botanic Gardens, the Adventure Playground and Waratah sporting grounds. This lovely home has been designed with livability in mind. The pleasing neutral palette and nine foot ceilings emphasize the light and airy feel of this lovely home. Offering plenty of space , this generous home includes a formal lounge/dining room adjoining the lightfilled foyer. which could also be used as a media room. The landscaped backyard has established, low maintenance 521 a b c a b c a b c SATURDAY 10.00 - 10.30am OPEN HOUSE Great opportunity for first home buyers! Cudal FOR SALE $495,000
321 a b c a b c a b c FOR SALE $900 per acre Mixed farming agricultural enterprise. 2844 Acres, border with River and Creek. There is also a 4 bay garage, 3 stand shearing shed, 1 set of sheep yards and shearers’ quarters. 1195 Mercadool Road Walgett SATURDAY 11.00 - 11.30am OPEN HOUSE FOR SALE 1855 Acres $1300 per acre Near North Parkes The four bedroom homestead has a lovely sunroom, kitchen, and entertaining area with rear verandah perfect for entertaining or unwinding. Both bathrooms are modern while the living areas are light-filled and generous. The property is located approximately 30 kms from Parkes, 14kms approx from North Parkes Mine. 3633 Bogan Road Goonumbla “Coraki” 223 Farnham Road Stuart Town 142 Acres FOR SALE $850,000 This 142 (approx) acre block on the outskirts of Stuart Town boasts a permanent spring-fed creek and views to the surrounding central west countryside. The undulating country is mostly lighter soils and would be suitable for grazing due to its good shade and secure fencing. It has been pasture improved with rye grass, phalaris and a mixture of clover. All of it is arable with light timber. 25 inches annual rainfall. It offers a carrying capacity of 140 sheep or 40 cattle. Approximately 5kms to Stuart Town with its hotel, soon to open convenience store, primary school and school bus to either Wellington or Orange, this block is also located approximately 45 minutes from Lake Burrendong with its skiing, fishing and other recreational activities.suitable for Hobby Farm - Vineyard It is approximately 60kms from Orange. Lifestyle block with building entitlement ALL OFFERS CONSIDERED
This well-built, two story home is in a quiet location on a large 1170m corner block, which also allows for side access to the back yard. The home features three good sized bedrooms, two bathrooms and multiple living spaces including a massive downstairs rumpus area which is currently being used as an extra living room but which would easily convert into another bedroom, games room or gym.

123 Bradleys Road, Orange

‘Tamarang’ is a simply stunning home, blissfully set on 9 acres*, beautifully envisaged by Source Architects. Showcasing a sleek contemporary design with a focus on form and function, this property has been completed with premium finishes highlighted by natural materials adding warmth and texture.

Auction Forthcoming Auction

Open By Appointment

Kurt Adams 0428 747 050

111 Spring Hill Road, Spring Hill

Sitting comfortably on 5acres* and 15 minutes from Orange CBD, this magnificent lifestyle block is not to be missed. This stunning homestead epitomises sophisticated country style. Everywhere you look, this beautiful property just exudes simple understated elegance.

Sale Contact Agent

Open By Appointment

Kurt Adams 0428 747 050

1366 Amaroo Road, Borenore

‘Wylandra South’ is superbly located in a blue ribbon location just 13km* to the Orange. Boasting an outstanding 305 acres*, there’s an immediate sense of peace & privacy. Offering buyers a rare chance to secure a top-shelf grazing property in an area known for its fertility, high rainfall & reliability.

Auction Forthcoming Auction

Open By Appointment

Kurt Adams 0428 747 050


61a Sampson Street, Orange

There is so much to love about this property, but it’s the location that is the real winner. A neat & comfortable two-bedroom, one-bathroom home superbly positioned in the CBD, highlighted with the iconic & beautiful Cook Park directly opposite. Perfect for an investment, downsizers or first home.

Sale $1,050,000 - $1,150,000

Open By Appointment

James Taylor 0457 792 800

36 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 12 — 18, 2023
18 Sale Street Orange NSW raywhiteemc.com 02 6362 0211
White Emms Mooney AUCTION SALE
ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 12 — 18, 2023 37 StephenTownsend| Principal KathieTownsend| Co-Principal EmmaChapman|RealEstate Agent ToriWood|SalesAssociate Meet our Sales Team ORANGE BLAYNEY NEWLISTING NEWLISTING NEWLISTING INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY 10/16WarrendineStreet,Orange|3Bed1Bath1Car|ContactAgent|Agent:NoraMcNamara0431320230 5SullivanCircuit,Orange|4Bed2Bath2Car|ContactAgent|Agents:NoraMcNamara0431320230&Emma Chapman0423658101 1/198ByngStreet,Orange|2Bed1Bath1Car|ContactAgent|Agent:StephenTownsend0427631957 55RiddellStreet,Molong|3Bed1Bath1Car|$425,000-$450,000|Agent:StephenTownsend0427631957 NoraMcNamara|Licensed RealEstateAgent



9.30-10.00 20 Franklin Road 5 2 2 $629,000-$649,000 9.30-10.00 170 Spring Vale Ln, Molong 3 2 3 Contact Agent 10.15-10.45 42 Spring Street 2 1 1 $690,000 10.15-10.45 5/1 Bletchington Street 2 1 1 $419,000-$439,000 10.15-10.45 7 Sepik Place 4 1 1 $649,000 - $669,000 11.00-11.30 1 Rawle Avenue 3 1 1 $589,000 11.00-11.30 6 Lister Drive 5 2 2 $849,000 11.00-11.30 30 Goldfinch Way 4 2 2 $900,000-$950,000 11.00-11.30 16 Wirruna Avenue 5 3 2 Contact Agent 11.45-12.15 2 Crinoline Street 4 2 2 $669,000 12.00-12.30 21 Roselawn Drive 4 2 2 $859,000 12.00-12.30 33 North Street 2 2 1 $409,000 12.45-1.15 14A Emily Place 3 2 1 $589,000 1.00-1.30 255 Pheonix Mine Road 4 2 5 $1,549,000 2.30-3.30 10 Forbes Street, Cargo 3 1 3 $690,000 11.30 - 12.00pm 16 Fox Avenue 3 1 1 Contact Agent 12.00 - 1.00pm 99 Bathurst Road Contact Agent 10.00 - 10.30am 12 Oak Street 3 1 1 $700,000 1.00 - 1.30pm 1A Cypress Street 3 1 1 $595,000 11.00 - 11.30am 9Japonia Place 4 2 2 $950,000 10:00am 5 Sullivan Circuit, Orange 4 2 2 Contact Agent 10:45am 10/16 Warrendine Street 3 1 1 Contact Agent 11:30am 1/198 Byng Street, Orange 2 1 1 Contact Agent 1:00pm 55 Riddell Street, Molong 1 1 1 $425,000 - $450,000

10.00-10.30 161 Spring Street 3 1 2 $449,000 10.15-10.45 90 William Maker Drive 5 2 2 $935,000-$965,000 10.45-11.15 89 Edward Street 3 1 - Auction 10.45-11.15 46 Tynan Street 3 1 3 $529,000 11.00-11.30 15 Benelong Place 3 1 1 $589,000 11.30-12.00 148C Sampson Street 3 1 1 $599,000-$629,000 11.30-12.00 47 Sundew Circuit 4 2 2 Contact Agent 11.45-12.15 19 Taronga Avenue 3 1 1 $569,000 1.15-1.45 7/36 Autumn Street 2 1 2 $500,000-$539,000

for more details on these great properties scan the qr code

9.45 - 10.15am 40 Kooronga Avenue 4 2 2 Contact Agent 10.30 - 11.00am 14 Windamingle Place 4 2 2 $739,000 10.30 - 11.00am 4/88 Kenna Street 3 2 1 $650,000 - $699,000 11.15 - 11.45am 118 Margaret Street 3 2 1 $849,000 11.15 - 11.45am 1/129 Sampson Street 2 1 1 $550,000 12.15 - 12.45pm 22 Turquoise Way 4 2 2 $795,000 www.orangecitylife.com.au/real-estate

38 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 12 — 18, 2023

Lions Club Christmas raffle winners

The Orange Lions Club wish to inform our readers that they drew their Christmas raffle on December 17. The winning ticket numbers were: 19773, 16556 18361, 16066, 16679, 17901.

reception@oclife.com.au Have something of interest to share?

Please park in the space provided…

OrangeCityLifereader Gary Scovell snapped this serendipitous photo of a vehicle neatly fitting inside, and matching the colour of, the car-shaped blue outline at the Anson Street entrance to the Woolworths carpark.

Orange Bridge Club Christmas Party and Award Day

On Friday, December 16 Orange Bridge Club had its annual festive Christmas Party, attended by 82 club members. This was preceded by an award presentation for successful Bridge players in a number of categories. After the awards, a morning of Bridge was enjoyed by all, followed by a wonderful lunch and good cheer.

If anyone would like to learn Bridge, the Club is commencing beginners’ lessons on Wednesday afternoons from February 1 and Monday evenings from February 6.

Please contact either Dorothy Woodside on 6362 8218 or Christine Kershaw on 6362 3029 for more information.


To the editor, On behalf of JAM Orange, I am writing to thank the team at Orange City Life for their continued commitment to promote live music in the Orange area. [2022] has been a very busy and successful year for JAM Orange. As well as staging our regular Open Mic Nights and JAM Samplers, JAM Orange curated the inaugural three-day Orange Winter Jazz Festival, a weekend Live and Local Micro Festival and four afternoon concerts at the CWA Hall as part of our Spring to Summer Concert Series. Our most recent event, a bush dance and concert celebrating 40 years of performance by November Shorn bush band, raised $1500 for the local charity, Food Care. We are also anticipating healthy audience numbers when we host the return of the Festival of Small Halls at the Bloomfield Hall on 28 January 2023.

On all occasions OrangeCityLifehas generously provided space to keep their readers informed of upcoming music events as well as including features on local musicians. Orange is indeed fortunate to have such a valuable community resource. Well done Jonathan and the OrangeCityLifeteam!



sponsored by

We have a voucher for Orange Tenpin Bowl valued at $60 to give away each week, so the family can go bowling!

Each week we’ll hide a small version of "Pinny" (pictured) somewhere in OC Life. It could be anywhere. To enter, simply find him, write your name and phone number on the back of an envelope, along with the page number you found him on, emails are also welcome at reception@oclife.com.au

Put in an entry and we’ll draw a winner from among correct entries each week.



Jan 12: Bob Hewitt, Dubbo-born tennis player, now a convicted criminal in South Africa, 83. Je Bezos founder of Amazon, 59. Craig Parry, golfer, 57. Melanie Chisholm, Sporty Spice, 49. Hannah Gadsby, comedian, 45.

Jan 13: Paul Kelly, singer/songwriter, 68. Julia LouisDreyfus, US actress, 62. Trace Adkins, US country singer, 61. Patrick Dempsey, US actor, 57. Annie Jones, actress, 56. Mark Bosnich, soccer goalkeeper, 51. Orlando Bloom, British actor, 46. Liam Hemsworth, actor, 33.

Jan 14: Clarence Carter, US blues singer, 87. Faye Dunaway, US actress, 82. Graham Marsh, golfer, 79. Steven Soderbergh, US film writer-director, 60. Emily Watson, British actress, 56. LL Cool J, US rapper-actor, 55. Dave Grohl, US singer-musician, 54. Jason Bateman, US actor, 54. James Mathison, TV presenter, 45. Braith Anasta , footy player, 41. Caleb Followill, US singer-musician, 41.

Jan 15: Mario Van Peebles

US actor-director, 66. James Nesbitt, Irish actor, 58. Pitbull, rapper, born Armando Perez, 42. Greg Inglis, footy player, 36.

sponsored by

Jan 16: Lorraine Bayly, actress, Play School host, 86. Andrew Refshauge, former Labor politician, 74. John ‘Wacka’ Williams, former senator, 68. Sade, US singer, 64. Joel Fitzgibbon Labor politician, 61. James May, of Top Gear fame, 60. Mitch Fifield, federal politician, 56. Greg Page, of The Wiggles, 51. Kate Moss, English model, 49. John Hopoate, rugby league player, boxer, 49.

Jan 17: James Earl Jones, US actor, 92. Ita Buttrose, publisher/editor/ABC chair, 81. Steve Earle, US musician, 68. Jim Carrey, Canadian actor, 61. Michelle Obama , former US first lady, 59. Liz Ellis, netball player, 50. Chris Bowen, politician, 50. Leigh Whannell, screenwriter-actor, 46. Zooey Deschanel, US actress, 43. Rick Kelly, V8 Supercar driver, 40. Jack Vidgen, singer, 26.


Jan 18: Paul Keating , former prime minister, 79. Kevin Costner, US actor-director, 68. Stephen Conroy, former Labor senator, 60. Anthony Koutoufides, AFL player, 50. Damien Leith, singer, 47. Jason Segel, US actor, 43. Jack Miller, motorcycle racer, 28.

40 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 12 — 18, 2023 are you a WINNER? Orange City Life, Suite 3/241 Lords Place Orange or email reception@oclife.com.au and mark each entry with the competition name DELIVER OR POST ENTRIES TO... LOONEY LOTTO PLEASE NOTE: YOU NEED X 9, 1 X 8 X 3, AND 1 X 1 TO WIN THIS WEEK DELIVER OR POST ENTRIES TO “LOONEY LOTTO” TO WIN: If you have a personal or business phone number with these 4 numbers appearing in any order within it, put in an entry and we’ll draw a winner from among all correct entries each week. WIN A GIFT VOUCHER FOR COFFEE AND CAKE, THANKS TO COCO'S 9831 Begin with the letters in the first column and match them up to the letters in the second and third columns. eg CURR-AW-ONG Theme: Birds Build-a-Word solution 377 Currawong, ostrich, spoonbill, woodchat, flamingo, lyrebird, sandpiper, starling. © australianwordgames.com.au 377 CURR OS SPO WOO FLA LYR SAN STA ONB EBI MI RL DPI AW DC TR HAT ONG ING PER ICH ILL RD NGO Try your luck with one of our w kly competitions... WIN $50 A WEEK! I
have a $50 gift voucher to give away each week
from Ashcroft’s Supa IGA.
To enter, simply tell us your name and contact phone and what product features in the small Ashcroft’s Supa IGA ad in this issue of OC Life.
Paul Keating

Quick Crossword Quiz


1 Sibling (6) 4 One-storey house (8) 9 Belonging to them (5) 10 Maryland city (9) 11 Lassoed (5)

Painting of the countryside (9)

Water-rich vegetable (9)


No. 066

1 Is gluten a protein or a carbohydrate?

2 The domesticated cultivation of wheat began in 9600 BCE in which part of the world?

3 Which is the majority sect of Islam in Iraq: Sunni or Shia?

4 The 1954 film 12 Angry Men is set inside a what?

5 What is the highest legal court of appeal in the Australian court hierarchy?

6 In which film was the constitution of Australia referred to in terms of its ‘vibe’?

7 In which county of England is Windsor Castle (pictured)?

8 Who famously read out the wrong winner for Best Film at the 2017 Academy Awards?

9 Bonnie Elizabeth Parker was one of which infamous pair?

10 The Clyde River flows through which Scottish city?

Innumerable (6) 16 Female name (6) 18 Hushed words (8) 23 Common greeting question (3,3,3) 24 Make a speech (5) 26 Brief statements (9) 27 Florida city (5) 28 Claptrap (8) 29 Steal (6)

1 Characterised by satire (7) 2 Slumber (5) 3 Domain of an earl (7) 5 Area of hilly land (6) 6 Deny (7) 7 Doppelganger (4-5) 8 Time for leisure (7) 10 Beauty and the Beast heroine (5) 14 Female cleaner (9) 16 US president (1963-69) (7) 17 Recount (7) 19 Periods of 60 minutes (5) 20 He might have a carrot for a nose (7) 21 From Stockholm, say (7) 22 Song’s words (6) 25 Separated (5)


Using the nine letters in the grid, how many words of four letters or more can you list? The centre letter must be included and each letter may only be used once. No colloquial or foreign words. No capitalised nouns, apostrophes or plural words ending in “s”.


ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 12 — 18, 2023 41
Sudoku No. 066 27 46 78 56 43 59 18 15 4 72 39 87 5 43 69 Fill in the blank cells using the numbers from 1 to 9. Each number can only appear once in each row, column and 3x3 block
F V I A D TA I F 5 words: Good 7 words: Very good 10 words: Excellent Today’s
9-Letter Reference: Macquarie Dictionary Wed 2212 No.
No. 066
× + = 44 –× × –× = 1 + × × + –= 12 = = = 9 189 120
each number from 1 to 9 in the shaded squares to solve all the horizontal and vertical equations. Multiplication and division are performed before addition and subtraction.
No. 066
There may be more than one possible answer. There may be more than one possible answer. UD EL MO
Edgeword Place each of the tiles of letters into the blank
below to create
5x5 P W S G E N I E I E A G Y Insert the missing letters to make 10 words – five reading across the grid and five reading down. Solutions QUICK CROSSWORD SUDOKU 287435961 324758196 958216473 549167238 715629384 163974825 631892547 896341752 472583619 9-LETTER adit, AFFIDAVIT, aida, avid, daft, data, davit, diva, fiat, vita QUIZ 1. Protein 2. Levant (Middle East) 3. Shia (51 per cent) 4. Jury room 5. High Court of Australia 6. The Castle 7. Berkshire 8. Warren Beatty 9. Bonnie and Clyde 10. Glasgow WORDFIND 5x5 Secret message: Save the best for last PUzzLESANDPAGINATION © PAGEMASTERS P TY LTD | pagemasters.com P A W N S A G R E E N A V E D N E D A N G R Y DROPDOWN POWERED POWDER POWER ROPE ORE RE E EDGEWORD MORSEL, MOCKED, ELUDES, EDDIES CROSSMATH 2 × + 7 6 = 44 –× × 1 –× 3 4 = 1 + × × 8 + –9 5 = 12 = = 9 189 120 P E O W E R E D 130123 Dubbo & Orange PUZZLES…. PUZZLES…. PUZZLES….
Starting with the seven-letter word, drop a letter and form a six-letter word. Continue in this manner until you reach the single letter at the bottom. You can rearrange the letters in each step, if necessary.
DI CK ES ED RS No. 066
four six-letter words going across
No. 066

James Sheahan Catholic High School


CLUB Beginners’ Lessons


Lessons start Wednesday 1st February 1-3pm and Monday 6th February 7-9pm. $60 for 6 weekly lessons, including a copy of “Introduction to Bridge”. Contact Dorothy Woodside 63628218 or Christine Kershaw 63623029.

44 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 12 — 18, 2023 CLASSIFIEDS 6361 3575 To book your ads simply phone and use your credit card or call into our office at Suite 3, 241 Lords Place, ORANGE CLASSIFIEDS CLOSE 12PM EACH FRIDAY • 24hr Emergency Service • Commercial & Residential Locks • Window Locks and Deadlocks • Master Keying and Restricted systems • Automotive and Computerised keys • Locally Owned and Operated for over 30 years Canobolas Locksmiths 169 March Street, Orange Call Ian: 0417 204 176 or Dale: 0417 491 936 keys4u@bigpond.com MASTER LICENSE NUMBER 407 966 923 24 Hour Mobile When you have lock Also deadlocks and houses and cars supplied 151 Peisley St, Orange 6369 1222 Canobolas Locksmiths keys4u@bigpond.com WE FIX LOCKS! NEW 0421LOCATION 861 262 • From one wall to full house • New houses to repaints • Free quotes • Fully licensed and insured • Interior and Exterior • Specialising in Restora�on • Dulux Accredited TRADES&SERVICES PUBLIC NOTICES Philippa Mitchell Professional Bra Fitter By Appointment Mob: 0499 991 650 www.thefittingstudio.com.au Bras for all women through every stage of life Call Victor w 0455 299 043 PICTURE FRAMING Shop 18, 212 Anson St Plaza Orange saucedesign.com.au/framing New & DesignerRecycledClothing Ph: 63600706 145 KITE STREET, ORANGE (THE OLD CINNABAR) OPEN TUES-FRI 10-5pm • SAT 10-3pm’ish Beautiful Designer Clothing, Shoes & Handbags. Frockwork has a Fabulous array of After Five Wear, Stunning Dresses for Weddings & Graduations. All Sizes & styles. Contact David on 0402 259 891 orangeonfarmbutchers@outlook.com Find us on Facebook OrangeOnFarmButchers For all your home-kill needs, we come to you. • Fully qualified butcher • We can butcher to your requirements • Servicing Orange and surrounds FAST RELIABLE SERVICE Over 25 years experience • Domestic • Rural • Commercial • New installations or maintenance Call Scott 0407 414 609 scott@sdselectrical.com.au 0437 211 614 0417 904 328 Awesome THAI MASSAGE Thai Traditional Massage Swedish Massage Deep Tissue Massage Warm Coconut Oil Massage Thai Remedial Massage + Hot Stones Neck, Back, Head and Shoulders YOUR CAREER STILL FREE EVERY THURSDAY ANSON MEDICAL 298 Anson Street 6361 8448 www.ansonmedical.com.au • New patients welcome • Recently expanded rooms with more GPs • All GPs are FRACGP qualified • Medicare bulk billing for eligible patients Bulk-billing available for: • Pensioners • Health Care Card holders • DVA • Children 16 years & under • Full Time Students *Proof of eligibility is required LOOKING FOR A GP? TRAINING BUSINESS FOR SALE FOR SALE GARAGE SALES Work Part-time or Full-Time. Suitable for one or two people. Contact Kerrie 0420910757 Sweet Treats Connection Extensive roadmap of all business systems Recipes Business Equipment Training and Support EXPRESSIONS OFINTEREST WE ARE HIRING We are seeking a Advertising Sales professional with a passion for sales, a flair for outside the box thinking and exemplary people management skills. The ideal candidate will be a people person, with a love of communicating with our existing clients, as well as bringing new clientele on board and getting them desired results. What the role involves... • Providing sales support to our sales manager • Selling of special features • Management of our trades and services Successful candidates must have... • Good customer service skills • Their own car • Excellent teamwork skills • Strong computer and written skills If you think this could be you please send your resume to Annabel at... annabel@oclife.com.au James Sheahan Catholic High School HSIE Teacher Part time 0.8 FTE Temporary Position Commence by negotiation – 23 September 2022 Applications are invited for the above positions from suitably qualified teachers who demonstrate a sincere commitment to the aims and philosophy of Catholic education and possess appropriate teaching qualifications. Further details of this position, including the selection criteria may be obtained by contacting the Executive Assistant on (02) 6362 1422. A valid Working with Children Check Number is required for this position and must be provided at the time of application. Closing date: Friday 20 May 2022 at 10.00am The Catholic Education Diocese of Bathurst is an equal opportunity employer.
Teaching Position available Permanent full-time HSIE Teacher, commencing 27 January 2023 or by negotiation. Come and be a part of our amazing learning community. Further details can be obtained from our website: jschs.catholic.edu.au go to Our School, Employment. The Catholic Education Diocese of Bathurst is an equal opportunity employer. 1 x 3 metre platform ladder $550 ono Contact Paul 0457 777 306
1 x Henselite Lawn Bowls Carry Bag Holds 4 Bowls As New Condition $65 ono Contact Paul 0457 777 306 Saturday January 14th 8am - 2.30pm 361 Pinnacle Road, Orange Fencing, Garden Tools, Barrow’s, Sculpture, House Bric Bats, Farm Tools Saturday January 14th 10am - 4pm 10 Warrendine Street Plants, Books, Household, some deceased estate items

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ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 12 — 18, 2023 45 CLASSIFIEDS 6361 3575 To book your ads simply phone and use your credit card or call into our office at Suite 3, 241 Lords Place, ORANGE CLASSIFIEDS CLOSE 12PM EACH FRIDAY • From small to large jobs – one room to full house • Internal and External • New homes or repaints • Maintenance Call Glenn 0467 599 668 ghbpaintingmaintenance@gmail.com GHB PAINTING & Maintenance Lic. 330255C BUILDER For your: w Addition w New Home w Alteration or Heritage H 40 years experience H FOR ALL ENQUIRIES PHONE Max 0492 803 983 Lic: R79571 TRADES&SERVICES TRADES&SERVICES TRADES&SERVICES TRADES&SERVICES TRADES&SERVICES 0417 313 494 Call Malcolm: Specializing in general home and hobby farm maintenance You can trust us for prompt & quality work www.malhandyman.com.au MAL’S HANDYMAN SERVICES MOWING CALL PETER - 0487 139 983 • Gardening • Gutters • Pruning • Rubbish Removal Residential - from one room to the whole house New houses to repaints, No job too big or too small Fully licenced and Insured Local family business 0448 600 095 upanddownpainting@gmail.com Lic. No. 340514c PAINTING UP& D WN ORANGE 23 Cameron Place ORANGE 0418 869 897 J K ADAMS ROOFING Call Jeff 0407 151 419 • Roof repairs Tile,Tin or Slate • Re-guttering and fascia • Re-roofing • Quality Leaf Screening Systems 40YRS EXPERIENCE LIC. 159748C www.lindfieldgroup.com.au Call 6360 1136 24 HOURS 7 DAYS A WEEK PLUMBING Emergency Maintenance Plumbing Service Available Anywhere Skips “The mobile skip bin solution” We deliver. You fill. We empty. Fred Palmer 0447 966 838 Domestic Waste Specialist - Locally owned and operated, servicing Orange and surrounding areas Email: anywhereskips@gmail.com www.anywhereskips.com.au WASP treatment From $150 25 years experience Call Craig... 0447 002 193 Eagle Eye Pest Control Lic. no. 4558 100%NESTELIMINATED GUARANTEED experienced builder SpecialiSing in... •Renovations • Kitchens • Restorations •General Maintenance G A & r l bruce Lic. No. 203054C Phone Geoff on 0427 422 816 E robynandbruceg@bigpond.com Lawn Mowing & Rubbish Removal ORANGE AND SURROUNDS 0417 706 613 • Undercover • Safe clean secure dog kennels for boarding use. • Individual exercise yards. Dog B&B Shangri La Amaroo Rd Molong 6366 8789 0447 468 789 BLIND SHUTTERS & AWNINGS HIGH QUALITY AT AN AFFORDABLE PRICE Most products carry a 5 - 25yr warranty BUDGET BLINDS & AWNINGS A local Orange business est. 2012 servicing the Central West Call Milissa for a free measure & quote 02 6369 0173 or 0437 10 60 60 www.bbao.com.au - info@bbao.com.au 0497 257 633 Professional, reliable and trustworthy cleaning service Jack’s Snappy Cleaning Commercial & Domestic • Grass Cutting • Lawn Clipping Removal • Hedge Trimming • Edge Trimming • Pruning • Leaf Blowing • High Pressure Water Cleaning 0409 454 489 • Pensioner Discounts • Fully insured • Free Quotes amannhismower@outlook.com Orange and surrounding areas CENTREPOINT ARCADE Shop 4, 226 – 232 Summer St 0419 979 773 REEL Memories • DVD’S Cult & Classic • Die Cast Model Cars etc • LP Records/45’s • Movie Posters etc • DVD Packages made up for Rental Libraries (Conditions apply)
Published by Orange City Life Pty Ltd ABN 14 649 575 333

Smythe twins turn 91

It was a grand occasion when twins Tom and Elizabeth Smythe turned 91 in September 1957. Born in Canowindra in 1866, they had spent most of their younger days on the Lachlan, from Canowindra to Forbes. Orange Mayor Alderman Alan Ridley, visited the twins at their March Street home to congratulate them, and a party was held to celebrate their milestone. They had a sister also living in Orange, Mrs Crooks, of Glenroi.

Photo courtesy of the CWD Negative Collection, Orange & District Historical Society. The society holds a working day each Wednesday from 10.30am to 4pm at 148 March Street. Volunteers are available at that time to answer inquiries from the public.

CROSS purposes

Don’t you hate it when …

Here are some things I hate and I suspect you might too.

Don’t you hate it when people cut you off, not letting you speak?

Don’t you hate it when people treat you as if you are not in the room? Whether because they are too busy with technology, or just not interested.

Don’t you hate it when you go out of your way to help someone, and they fail to acknowledge that you actually did anything?

Don’t you hate it when people just ignore you, where it seems pretty clear you don’t matter to them? The way you feel, how you are treated, counts for nothing.

To be treated like this is to be treated with indifference.

Could it be that we treat God like that? He did so much for us. He has come into our world, lived in our suffering, died a horrendous death so that we could be forgiven. Could God have done more to reveal who he is more wonderfully, clearly and powerfully?

And yet, how do we respond? Largely, with indifference. Could this year be the year we decide to respond differently to the God who so freely loves us?

The Biggest
Loving and
Soul and always the
Our Eternal Love - We Miss You. Bret and your loving Family xxx
Memories Colin John Weekes (John) 15/09/1939 - 14/01/2021 My Darling John, The family chain is broken now And nothing seems the same, But as God takes us one by one, That chain will link again. Forever Loved, Lorraine, Wayne, Cindy, Kelly, Glenn & Families. Beverley Anne Murray 16.01.1955 - 13.01.2021 Aged 65 Years.
Kindest Nature, a
Brightest Star in Heaven.
Robert Francis
14.11.1933 - 9.01.2022 Time slips by And life goes on... But from our hearts You’re never gone. We think about you always, We talk about you too... We have so many memories, But we wish we still had you! A year has passed since you left us. We love and miss you every day. Margaret, Kathy, Paul, Mark and Families
But my
Craig Anthony Jones 3.03.1975 - 9.01.2019 Another year has passed my Son Since your wonderful soul was taken
sincere thoughts and love for you
never be mistaken
Love always Dad, Bella, Aunties, Uncles and Cousins

THUMBS UP to The Cantar Choir for their beautiful singing when they entertained the residents of Gosling Creek Aged Care at their Christmas Party. You were all amazing and we wish to thank you for taking time out of your busy lives to spend with us.

THUMBS DOWN to cafes that can’t make “extra hot” coffee. Why not check the temperature before serving it? How hard can it be?

A HUGE THUMBS UP to Dawn of the bakery in Woolworths North Orange. I was after a Celebration Cake prior to Christmas and couldn’t find any. Asking for her help she searched all possibilities within the store, and offered to ring me later if she was able to locate any. An hour later she rang to tell me the City store had three cakes waiting for me at the service desk. Genuinely helpful, thank you Dawn!

THUMBS DOWN to those smokers who continuously drop cigarette butts on footpaths and in gutters. Have a little respect and dispose of these things in the appropriate manner.

THUMBS UP to the residents of Philip Street East and Discovery Hill for their wonderful Christmas light displays. They were absolutely fantastic. Such a lot of time and effort had obviously been put into the displays and they looked beautiful. Congratulations and well done on the effort.

THUMBS UP to the person who found and returned a mobile phone at Mills Metalworks on Molong Road!

THUMBS UP to the Beekeepers Inn staff who went out of their way to help tradies working nearby.

THUMBS UP to all the staff at both Subways in Orange. Excellent service at both.

THUMBS UP to Kent’s Building. They go the extra steps to support all customers and tradies.

THUMBS UP to all the hardworking retail workers over the busy holiday period. It was greatly appreciated, especially by those of us who were out several times in the chaos. However, a huge thumbs down to those who push workers to their limits, asking the impossible.

THUMBS UP to the groundsman I saw working during the Christmas break, obviously preparing cricket pitches. These guys don’t get enough credit for the effort that goes into the sports fields in Orange.

THUMBS UP to JT for moving back to Orange after 25 years in Sydney. Great to have you back mate!

THUMBS UP to the “Hillbilly Tours” motorbike group for organising the motorcar, bike and truck show at Molong to help raise money for the floods. What a great group! They also ensured many people got to enjoy Christmas pudding and cakes with over 100 delivered to those in need.

A HUGE THUMBS UP up to Bec, Harry, Sara, Linky, Leesa and all the staff working the recent seafood night at Duntryleague. Beautiful food, beautiful service and a beautiful environment. We enjoyed our evening thoroughly! They are an asset to their environment!

THUMBS UP to the absolute champion who dropped my phone at the police station on Friday, January 6. Thank you!

THUMBS UP to OCC for the welcoming condition at Lake Canobolas over Christmas; the grass was cut and the beach clean. Also to the cafe for their quick service and happy service. Our visitors were impressed.

THUMBS UP to Collins Bookstore who very kindly donated a bag full of new release children’s books to a local family in need after the floods. A most generous and appreciated act of kindness.

THUMBS UP to National Parks for the work they have done to create the wonderful car park and viewing platform on Mount Canobolas; it is now a welcoming area.

HUGE THUMBS UP to Tony Fitzimmons, Gus Cooper and Ray Wilson you are all such a credit to the bowling club with all you do in your own time to help the workers, patrons and the club itself – your efforts do not go unnoticed.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 12 — 18, 2023 47
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The Thumbs represent thoughts and opinions of readers and do not necessarily reflect those of Orange City Life. Every care is taken not to publish thumbs that are considered derogatory or defamatory in nature . Please note that thumbs may be edited for clarity, space or legal reasons.
FOR MORE INFO CONTACT CINEMA ODEON 5 MOVIE CLUB - $20 PER YEAR, AND ALL MOVIES (EX 3D) ARE THEN DISCOUNTED TIMES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE • BOOKINGS RECOMMENDED Parking available at rear, enter March or Byng Streets • ALL CINEMAS HAVE WHEELCHAIR ACCESS 43 WILLIAM ST ORANGE • 6362 0213 (ADMIN) SUBSCRIBE AT WWW.ODEON5.COM.AU TO HAVE PROGRAMME EMAILED WEEKLY. *HEARING/VISUAL IMPAIRED EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE Programme for Thurs 12th to Wed 18th Jan 2023 redeem your vouchers for OdeCinema gift cards. ������ only redeem ORDER TICKETS ONLINE WWW.ODEON5.COM.AU 102 MINS Thurs 12 th 11.00, 2.30, 5.15, 8.30 Fri 13 th 11.00, 2.30, 5.15, 8.30 Sat 14 th 11.00, 2.30, 5.15, 8.30 Sun 15 th 11.00,
Mon 16 th 11.00,
Tues 17 th 11.00,
Wed 18 th 11.00,
120 MINS MEGAN DAILY 10.00, 12.00, 2.15 PUSS IN BOOTS THE LAST WISH 117 MINS DAILY 12.30, 5.30, 8.00 A MAN CALLED OTTO 141 MINS DAILY 10.00, 12.15 THE AMAZING MAURICE 108 MINS 102 MINS Thurs 12 th 3.15, 5.45, 8.15 Fri 13 th 3.15, 5.45, 8.15 Sat 14 th 3.15, 5.45, 8.15 Sun 15 th 3.15, 5.45, 8.15 Mon 16 th 3.15, 5.45, 8.15 Tues 17 th 3.15, 5.45, 8.15 Wed 18 th 3.15, 5.45, 8.15 129 MINS OPERATION FORTUNE RUSE DE GUERRE Thurs 12 th 4.30 Fri 13 th 4.30 Sat 14 th 4.30 Sun 15 th 4.30 Mon 16 th 4.30 Tues 17 th 4.30 Wed 18 th 4.30 3d Thurs 12 th 1.30 *, 7.30 * Fri 13 th 1.30 *, 7.30 * Sat 14 th 1.30 *, 7.30 * Sun 15 th 1.30 *, 7.30 * Mon 16 th 1.30 *, 7.30 * Tues 17 th 1.30 *, 7.30 * Wed 18 th 1.30 *, 7.30 * DAILY 10.00 MUMMIES 103 MINS DAILY 8.15 I WANNA DANCE WITH SOMEBODY 159 MINS DAILY 5.30* BLUEBACK 118 MINS DAILY 10.15, 12.45, 3.00 LYLE , LYLE , CROCODILE 120 MINS $10 TIX AVATAR THE WAY OF WATER 2d 207 MINS
2.30, 5.15, 8.30
2.30, 5.15, 8.30
2.30, 5.15, 8.30
2.30, 5.15, 8.30

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