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The Music Group presents Bjorn Again
Agency presents The John
alist.com.au presents Umbilical Brothers The Distraction Australian Global Entertainment presents The Proms A Musical Spectacular Details correct as of 16.01.2023 - for all shows and updates please visit our webpage www.orange.nsw.gov.au/theatre • 2023 season brochure and membership is open for purchase. Please contact the box office for more information. Bookings: 02 6393 8111 www.orange.nsw.gov.au/theatre
Premier Entertainment presents Frankie Valli and The Beach Boys
Lennon Songbook
Saturday 4 February at 8pmSaturday 11 February at 2pmSaturday 18 February at 7.30pm Saturday 11 March at 8pm Friday 24 February at 8pm — STARTS ON PAGE 23 FREE Close Encounters of the Green Kind A young volunteer has a close encounter with ‘Yoda’ the green tree frog, during Kym the Reptile Man’s school holiday show at the Orange City Centre last week.
Orange Civic Theatre
2 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 19 — 25, 2023

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Orange City Life is grateful to the following sponsors for their ongoing support over many years. These sponsorships, among others things, have enabled us to bring our readers a lot more enjoyment to our publications than would otherwise be possible. In return, we ask you to please support them as often as you’re able.


Issue number two for the year, and it’s starting to feel like there’s a little more life around the town as people return to work from their holidays. It certainly makes chasing stories easier, when you actually are able to get in contact with people rather than just receiving ‘out of o�ce messages’ in your inbox.

I’ve been absolutely loving the weather we’ve been having these past couple of weeks! Warm, sunny days and mild nights; near perfect in my opinion!

Perfect weather for a Middleton’s ice block too! I’m embarrassed to admit, I only had my �rst this week, but I’ve been making up for lost time in the days since. I got to sit down with the Middletons and have a chat about their muchloved traditional ice block business and how recent publicity has seen a rush of people seeking out their popular (and very tasty!) selection of ice blocks.

The Banjo Paterson Australian Poetry Festival is also fast approaching. It’s been interesting to see bush poetry gaining popularity around the country, and by all reports, there’s strong interest in the festival events this year. Chatting with organiser, Len Banks, he advised people to book a spot at their preferred event to avoid missing out.

Our o�ce will be closed for the Australia Day public holiday on Thursday, January 26, but you will still �nd your free issue of OC Life in the stands as normal!

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 19 — 25, 2023 3
Suite 3/241 Lords Place ORANGE 02 6361 3575
Women’s footy action... Out and about at The Greenhouse enquiries@orangepropertyplus.com.au www.orangepropertyplus.com.au 02 6361 4155 1/202 Anson Street Orange 40+ years Real Estate Industry Knowledge, Training and Experience Making the switch is free & easy, with no hidden fees, only exceptional service. Family owned and operated Personal, yet Professional Not Bigger, BETTER! WED TO SAT 4PM-8PM 0401 072 027 Check our Facebook for the Menu 37 William Street ORANGE Ph 6362 8611 Pauls @ CoCos DINE IN OR TAKEWAY Pizzas ~ Wings ~ Pasta ~ Chips ~ DimSim CoCo’s CAFE Monday Friday 6.30 4.00pm Saturday 7am 1pm Closed Public Holidays 6362 8611 Delicious! CoCo’s offers wide range of gluten free, home cooked meals, all day breakfast and catering available, eat take way. Portuguese chicken Salad wraps Poached Eggs and yogurt Berry muesli Black Bean Vegetable Burger with Sweet Potato Crisp Pumpkin Fetta Tart Sweet potato fish cake with seeded pumpkin fetta salad MEAL DEAL $50 2 Pizzas, Barramundi Bits & 1.25 litre Soft Drink 14 18 Until next week!
Jonathan Roe

Growing appetite for Orange’s iconic summer treats

For Marie Middleton, the summer brings with it a routine she has lived out for the past 40 years, ever since she bought the local ice block business from founder Max Muir.

“We filled the freezers there this morning and we will probably work again tomorrow,” Marie says, gesturing to the small factory building in the backyard of her Hill Street home.

“We haven’t missed a day for a while,” adds husband, Dick Middleton, who joined his wife in the business in the 1990s.

“It’s the heat that brings them in mainly; in the summertime it’s go all the time… and then in the winter time, you’re probably making once a month,” Marie continues.

“We try to, now, see if we can really work ourselves well through the week and have Saturday and Sunday off, because you need a bit of a break.”

The ice blocks are made today, just as they always have been. The ingredients are measured and mixed by hand in the small backyard factory, poured into moulds which are then placed into a brine tank, where the below-zero liquid quickly freezes the treats.

Sold unwrapped individually or in bags of 40, the water or milk-based ice blocks come in flavours such as lime, orange, raspberry, cola, blackcurrant, lemonade, pineapple, chocolate, caramel, strawberry, banana, vanilla, coconut, mango and spearmint.

“We haven’t changed it at all,” says Marie, “When we took it over from Max, we today still have the same flavours that he had… Well, we’ve got rockmelon, mango and

blueberry now that probably wasn’t in there when Max had them, but they’re beautiful flavours.

“We tried coffee, but coffee wasn’t a hit, so it just went by the wayside. We don’t sell something that’s not going to be liked by the people.”

Far from just being ‘liked’, Middleton’s ice blocks are a nostalgic obsession for generations of Orange locals and former residents, who make a pilgrimage down the Middleton’s driveway whenever they are back in town.

“Yeah, it’s many generations have grown up with these, many,” says Marie. “You get people coming back now that remember buying the ice blocks for a tuppence! And then they’ve got their kids and their grandchildren, they’re all coming back, it’s incredible.

“And we’ve had people come and get them and take them far away from here,” continues Marie, who assures us that the bags of ice blocks can travel surprisingly far wrapped up in paper or even a doona.

The Middleton’s even had a customer who organised for a bag of the ice blocks to be shipped to Brisbane for her 60th birthday party. The theme of the party was ‘memories’, explains Marie, and for this women, her fondest memories of her childhood in Orange were of Middleton’s ice blocks.

“A lady came here and bought a bag of ice blocks, took them to the airport and they flew them up to Brisbane! So she bought a bag of ice blocks for $20 at the time and paid $86 or something to have them arrive there frozen,” Marie says.

When Marie took over the business in 1984,

she says there were something like 45 local corner stores that they supplied with their ice blocks. Today, there are just five, but surprisingly they are still selling just as many as they ever have.

“They are stronger now than I’ve ever seen it!” says Dick. The people here a couple weeks ago… It was all day!”

The Middleton’s have seen sales boom this month after a story was published on the news website, Guardian Australia.

“That was a big day, they were coming up and down here all day,” says Dick. “It wasn’t one or two — bloody hundreds of them!”

“It wasn’t hundreds,” corrects Marie, “but they were coming down well and truly… a couple came here on that day — they were

just holidaying in Orange — and they had a niece or nephew over in San Francisco who’s said, ‘You’re in Orange. You’ve got to go and see Middleton’s go and check them out.’ And a lot of people said, ‘Oh, we’ve been in Orange for 12 months or been in Orange for a couple years and we didn’t know you’re here.

“We gave a lot of ice blocks away on that day, just samples, and they all went out the driveway liking our ice blocks.”

Fortuitously, the timing of the story being published brought Middleton’s ice blocks to the attention of the numerous visiting cricket squads attending the recent Western NSW Junior Cricket Carnivals.

“They’re all from Sydney and all over and a lot of these people read about it in the Guardian Australia and they’re in Orange, so they came to Middleton’s to see what the article was about and bought bags of ice blocks to take back to the kids playing cricket — it was a hot week,” says Marie.

“So it’s incredible… and I didn’t even know about the Guardian Australia, I didn’t even know it existed!”

Next year will be Marie’s 40th year in the ice block business, but she has no plans to hang up the tools and retire just yet.

“Oh, we’d get lynched if we stopped anytime soon! But it just remains to be seen how long we can actually cope and go on with it,” she says, whose son Glen also works with her and Dick in the business.

“He’s annoying us here every day, which is a wonderful thing,” says Marie fondly. “So the answer to that is: one day, down the track, probably we’ll have to, but at the moment, definitely not!”

4 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 19 — 25, 2023 Community LIFE
The secret’s out! Middleton’s Ice blocks have been a summer staple in the Colour City for more than 75 years, but recent national attention has seen a growing appetite from further afield for the traditional icy treats. Marie and Dick Middleton with son Glen

Australia’s best bards and yarners to battle it out in the Colour City

Bush poets and storytellers from all around Australia are preparing to make the trek to Orange next month for the 10th annual Banjo Paterson Australian Poetry Festival.

Kicking off on February 17, this year’s festival program is packed full of opportunities for poets, performers and storytellers of all abilities to get up and entertain, Organising Committee Chair and Rotary Club of Orange member, Len Banks, said.

But a real treat for poetry lovers this year is the inclusion of the National Bush Poetry Performance Championship. Hosted by the Australian Bush Poets Association, this highly entertaining performance competition draws poets from around the country, each reciting four poems: an original humorous, original serious, a contemporary poem (post-1950), and a traditional (pre-1950) poem.

“It’s a very good opportunity for us because it will attract the best bush poets from around Australia,” Len said, adding that due to COVID it’s now been quite a

few years since they have been able to hold the national competition.

“And they’re all keen to get into it now, having not been able to travel for the last couple of years, so it’ll be good!”

For young budding poets, or those who are not interested in entering the national competition, Len said there are plenty of other opportunities to perform their favourite poem or original verse.

“On Saturday, February 25, we’ve got the youth competition and then also an open competition, which is for those adults who are not entering the national championship. So it gives people who feel that they’re not up to the standard of the national champions a chance to enter a poetry competition,” Len said.

“Again, that’s original poetry, in both the youth and the open competition, so its people perform their own poems, which is really quite entertaining.”

Poems can be about (almost) any topic, he added.

“So long as it’s family-friendly. Banjo and all the Australian poets, they wrote about their life and what they experienced.

“So we tell kids to write about your pets, or your holiday, or your sport, or whatever interests you!

On top of that, there are a number of ‘walk-up’ performance opportunities for poets throughout the festival, as well as the popular Poetry Brawl at Molong’s Freemasons Hotel on Saturday, February 18, Wrath of Grapes at Heifer Station on Wednesday, February 22, and the inaugural ‘Cargo Cup’ poetry competition at the Cargo Inn on Saturday, February 25.

Make sure you book ahead for those events, Len advised.

A new addition to the festival line-up this year is a yarn spinning or storytelling

competition, which gives the raconteurs a chance to ‘hold court’ at the Metropolitan Hotel on Friday, February 24.

“There will be a five-minute time limit, and again, any topic as long as it’s familyfriendly; just pretend that you’re talking around a campfire, or over the dinner table, or at the bar telling a yarn,” Len said

For those interested in participating, or watching, there will be two Friday night practice run events at the Metro on February 3 and February 10.

“It’s a chance to test it out, let people practice and stir a bit of interest — there should be some entertaining sort of stories to come out of that!”

The 2023 Banjo Paterson Australian Poetry Festival takes place from Saturday, February 17 until Sunday, February 26.

For the full program of events, visit: www.orange360.com.au

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 19 — 25, 2023 5 Community LIFE

Small town revving for a big day out

Cumnock’s now annual Muscle Car and Bike Showis being held on February 25, from 10am to 2pm. It’s the third year the show has been held in the village and in previous years the event has brought travellers from all over the region to experience the country vibes and take in the beautiful cars.

Organisers of the event, Baden Hart and his wife Dee have always had a passion for all things motor-related, and they were excited to share their passion with the town.

“I’ve got three brothers and all of us were just really into motorbikes, cars, and speedboats from a very young age,” Baden said.

“Mum and dad had a passion for cars, motorbikes and boats as well, so that’s

where it came from. We just always grew up around it — always working in the shed, doing stu with our hands, fixing cars and lawnmowers. Just motors. It was a hobby I guess, from a very young age, and I just never grew out of it!”

Baden clearly remembers his first-ever car, a Holden Tarana, that he got for his 17th birthday.

“The first thing I did was pull it apart and put it back together!” he said.

“I don’t have a favourite car. I like all sorts of cars. I’m a Holden person, but then again I’m bringing three Ford utes [to the Cumnock show]. I just like nice cars.”

Baden’s keen to see a lot of new cars and bikes exhibiting year, and is hoping that events like this will inspire people to dust o their old vehicles left sitting in the garage and get them out into the

world again.

“It’s not about how much money you’ve spent on your cars – if it’s your passion, your pride and joy, then bring it along. It doesn’t have to be a $100,000 vehicle,” he said.

Putting together their own car show was not something Baden and Dee had ever done before, but the event has been a roaring success these past two years.

“The first one we had took about six weeks to organise and it just skyrocketed from there!” Baden said.

“Four hundred people turned up! Unfortunately, COVID a ected the second one — and there were other events on the same weekend — but we’re expecting a big turnout this year.”

In past years, the event has been held

in the carpark of the local Bowling Club, but this year there’s a change to a larger and more shady venue – the Cumnock showground.

“There’ll be a barbeque on, ice cream truck and face painting for the kids — we really want it to be family-friendly,” Baden said.

“It’s just going to be a fun, family-friendly event. It only goes for four hours. It’s just a quick come out, show your car o , catch up with people kind of event.

“We want people to come out to visit the town. We want them to come out and see that it’s not just a town o the back road. Drive through the town, go to the store or the Bowling Club, have a look at the place, do the ‘Animals on Bikes’ [paddock art] tour and just enjoy yourself,” Baden enthused.

Delicious cakes

6 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 19 — 25, 2023 Community LIFE You can use your PARENTS VOUCHERS
“Where our customers are the heart of the community”
A decadent range of cakes and desserts that will tempt the sweetest of tooths
If you’re interested in bringing a vehicle to the show, contact Baden Hart on 0401 828 199.
It’s a small country village with a population of just 500 people, but this February Cumnock is preparing to host one big motor show!

A quick look at Australia Day around the Central West

We’ve taken the burden o you, and compiled a list of events to choose from in Orange and around our wonderful surrounding villages to help you get the most out of your public holiday.

Australia Day Award ceremonies will be conducted in most towns around the area, it’s our annual opportunity to shine a light on the many unsung heroes in our local community.

In Orange, the o cial Australia Day festivities kick o in Cook Park from 8am with a barbecue breakfast, followed by the o cial award ceremony at 9am.

Stick around and enjoy the live music, good food, and market stalls.

Blayney will hold celebrations at Heritage

Park from 8am with a free barbecue breakfast from Blayney Rotary and then the award ceremony kicks o at 8.30am.

Club Millthorpe will be celebrating the day with live music from the Millthumpers from 1pm, yabby races and free social bowls all day. Get there at 12pm to enjoy a barbecue lunch.

Molong’s Australia Day celebrations centre around the Dr. Ross Memorial Park where there will be a damper competition, children’s activities and entertainment, lunch and an afternoon of cricket. Or just up the road at the Freemasons Hotel you can try your luck at the yabby races.

Enjoy a day of fun and excitement with the Lachlan Valley Railway and travel at a leisurely pace from Orange to the small town of Manildra on one of their historic trains. During your visit to the “Gem of the

West” stop by the famous Amusu Theatre for the showing of a classic Aussie short film or enjoy lunch at The Royal Hotel.

Australia Day award ceremonies will also be held in Borenore, Cargo, Canowindra, Cumnock, Cudal, Eugowra, Manildra, Molong, Mullion Creek, and Yeoval.

Don’t forget to get in quick and nominate the people you believe deserve to be recognised for their e orts.

At Cumnock, the party gets underway a day early on January 25 with an Australianthemed dress-up trivia night at the Cumnock Bowling Club. Prizes will be given for best dressed, as well as the trivia champions.

Whatever your interests are, there’s an event for everyone. So grab your families, get out and enjoy this beautiful country of ours!

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 19 — 25, 2023 7 Community LIFE The VicToria hoTel 336 Summer St, Orange | Tel 6362 6386 WHAT’S ON AT THE VIC... POKER TUESDAY from 7pm SATURDAY from 3.30pm Registration on arrival Registration on arrival SATURDAY 21ST JANUARY 8PM–LATE TERRY LOVETTS ROCK & ROLL DISCO FREE ENTRY THURSDAY 26TH JANUARY 2PM - 5PM BEER GARDEN THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY HUGE LIVE MUSIC AUSTRALIA DAY WEEKEND WED TO SAT 4PM-8PM 0401 072 027 Check our Facebook for the Menu 37 William Street ORANGE | Ph 6362 8611 Pauls @ CoCos DINE IN OR TAKEWAY Pizzas ~ Wings ~ Pasta ~ Chips ~ DimSim CoCo’s CAFE TRADING HOURS Monday to Friday 6.30 – 4.00pm Saturday 7am – 1pm Closed Public Holidays www.cocosorange.com.au 37 William Street ORANGE Ph 6362 8611 Delicious! Best known for their delicious fresh food burgers, coffee and yummy desserts. With both daily & weekly specials they have something to tickle your taste buds. CoCo’s offers a wide range of gluten free, home cooked meals, all day breakfast and catering available, eat in or take way. Portuguese chicken Salad wraps Poached Eggs with Avo smash and yogurt Berry muesli Black Bean Vegetable Burger with Sweet Potato Crisp Pumpkin Fetta Tart Sweet potato fish cake with seeded pumpkin fetta salad GET OUR APP SAVE TIME ORDER ONLINE MEAL DEAL $50 2 Pizzas, Barramundi Bits & 1.25 litre Soft Drink www.orangehearingcentre.com.au 1/256 Anson Street, Orange NSW 2800 02 6360 1884 Hear the difference YOUR LOCAL INDEPENDENT HEARING CENTRE KAY MCINTOSH AUDIOLOGIST • Diagnostic Hearing Assessment • Excellent Hearing Aid Fittings • Superior level of client service • Valuable ongoing support • Latest technology • All manufacturers • Private and Australian Government Hearing Services Program clients • Employment / Pilot Testing ALL STAFF COVID19 VACCINATED
Trains, trivia and yabby races…
Wondering how to spend your Australia Day?


“When I was a kid, I had three older brothers and they always would bring animals home and I just ended up following that passion. “As I got older, my older brother and myself, we'd go out in the bush catching snakes during the summer time and we'd bring them back home — Mum, would hit the roof!” he recalls with a laugh.

From chasing snakes and lizards in the Central Coast bushland, Kym has turned his obsession with reptiles and amphibians into a full-time career, today travelling all over the state with his animals and giving anywhere up to 500 shows in a year.

“I've been doing displays for about 18 years, I started off when my son was a baby and I couldn't stand in front of a crowd to save my life!” says Kym, which is hard to believe if you see him perform today.

With quickfire jokes and banter Kym captivates his audiences with ease, and has people of all ages laughing throughout his well-polished performance.

But it’s about more than just entertainment for Kym, who sees it as a way to get people thinking differently about the environment we live in — and think differently about snakes in particular.

“I just want to break down those stereotypical images we have that snakes are vicious animals, or that ‘the only good snake's a dead snake’,” says Kym.

“It's not true, they serve a purpose and as you get older you learn more about their welfare, their habitats and then you learn about the destruction of their habitats and so it took me on a path of conservation.

“It became more about wanting to make people aware of the wildlife that we have, that we need to appreciate it, and give people an opportunity to see that these animals are not aggressive as they have been portrayed to be.

“So that's basically what I want to get out to people and schools and childcare centres and shopping centres… I want to try and change that mindset with the younger generation, because that's where our future lies — with them.”

8 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 19 — 25, 2023 Community LIFE
“I grew up with reptiles,” explains Kym Beckton, better known by his working handle ‘Kym the Reptile Man’.
ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 19 — 25, 2023 9 Community LIFE
...I just want to break down those stereotypical images we have that snakes are vicious animals...


Orange City Council will celebrate the older people in our community by hosting 12 days of events for the 2023 NSW Seniors Festival from 1-12 February. The NSW Seniors Festival is the largest celebration of its kind in the southern hemisphere and the theme for this year is ‘Celebrate Together’.

Orange City Council’s Services Policy Committee Chair, Cr Mel McDonell said the festival was a chance for older people to have a great time, try something new and meet new people at a range of events.

“This is a great opportunity for us all to celebrate the huge contributions older people have made, and continue to make, to our local community,” Cr McDonell said.

Orange City Council received funding from the NSW Government Department of Communities and Justice to host the event.

Council’s Community Services team has a bumper program of free or discounted

activities planned for seniors and their carers to enjoy, including high tea, guided walks, cooking demonstrations, music, dance and trivia, as well as a bus trip to Canberra’s National Museum of Australia.

A highlight of the event will be the official launch of the Seniors Village Hub, which offers a range of programs that aim to increase wellness and reduce social isolation often experienced by people as they get older.

“I encourage all Orange seniors to get out there and enjoy the activities on offer, and connect with others in a fun and supportive environment,” Cr McDonell said.

See the program for Seniors Festival activities in Orange below or on the council website at www.orange.nsw.gov. au/older-people/events/. For more information or to book your spot for an event contact the Community Services Centre on 6393 8600

10 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 19 — 25, 2023 www.orange.nsw.gov.au | Find us on social media @ Orange City Council YOUR
Seniors can enjoy a guided tour of Cook Park as part of the Seniors Festival in February. s
ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 19 — 25, 2023 11

Major reno to put croquet court ‘on the level’

Orange City Croquet Club’s Hill Street facilities will soon be at an all-new ‘level’ thanks to a major renovation of their eastern turf court.

Over the past few days, club members and local trades have removed the turf surface, laser-levelled the court, and re-laid the grass once more.

“A court renovation is designed to take the low spots and the high spots out of the croquet court to allow balls to run true,” croquet club lawn committee member, John Mills said on Monday.

“It is a project we’ve been looking at for some time; we managed to get some [Australian Government] Stronger

Communities funding to help us fund the project. They’re doing $6,000 and the club is putting in the balance of the project, which is something over $13,000.”

He said the next six weeks would be about reestablishing and topdressing the grass court, which should hopefully be ready for play in autumn.

“Probably the end of March, but a lot depends on the weather,” John said. “And hopefully, at the end of that, we’ll have a court that runs true!”

Until then, club play will continue on the western court (which was renovated and levelled in 2016), John said, adding that the greatly improved standard of their facilities means they can attract a higher standard of competition to future tournaments.

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12 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 19 — 25, 2023 Community LIFE HOSPITAL 294 Lords Place, Orange | OPEN MON-SAT | mulberrylanevet.com.au “Our passion is caring for your pet” MULBERRY LANE VET HOSPITAL An ASAV accredited “Hospital of Excellence” TELEPHONE 6360 3071 s s Choose ONE of these very special offers for your pet! Free flea/tick/worm treatments available while stocks last. Not valid with any other offers, one voucher per household. (Exp. 05Feb23) RING FOR AN APPOINTMENT OR BOOK ONLINE PROTECT YOUR PET OR OR OR FREEFREEFREEFREE DENTAL CHECK-UP for your dog, cat or rabbit plus $50 off any dental treatment for your puppy FIRST HEARTWORM PREVENTION INJECTION FLEA AND TICK TREATMENT for your dog at vaccination time. FLEA AND WORM TREATMENT for your cat at vaccination time.
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John Mills overseeing the renovation and re-levelling of the Orange City Croquet Club court in Hill Street.
ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 19 — 25, 2023 13 ON SALE FROM WEDNESDAY 18 TH JANUARY UNTIL TUESDAY 24 TH JANUARY 2023 Specials available from Wednesday 18/01/23 until Tuesday 24/01/23 or while stocks last. Retail quantities only. No trade supplied. We reserve the right to correct printing errors. Pictures used for illustration purposes only. IGA Liquor supports the responsible service of alcohol. Tobacco and alcohol not sold to under 18’s. 210 PEISLEY STREET, ORANGE NSW 2800 | 6362 7233 OPEN 7 DAYS: MON TO SAT 6AM-9PM | SUNDAY 7AM TO 8PM WWW.IGA.COM.AU 82 SUMMER ST, ORANGE NSW 2800 | 6362 0775 OPEN 7 DAYS: MON TO SAT 7AM-9PM | SUNDAY 8AM TO 8PM WWW.IGA.COM.AU IGANS13018_180123 Sanitarium Up & Go 6x250mL Selected Varieties $3.50 per Litre $525 ea Pringles Chips 119-134g Selected Varieties $6 ea $250 ea Beef Rump Steak Australian Connoisseur Gourmet Ice Cream 1 Litre Selected Varieties 60¢ per 100mL Darrell Lea Chocolate Block 160-180g Selected Varieties Sanitarium Weet-Bix 575g 37¢ per 100g Biozet Attack Laundry Liquid 2 Litre or Powder 2kg *excludes Low Prices Every Day $250 ea $210 ea $850 ea $2240 ea $27ea $1195 ea Australian White Seedless Grapes $25 kg CELEBRATE SHOP SHO Local! Summer , $5 kg Bega Cheese Block, Slices, Grated or Bar-B-Cubes 500g Selected Varieties $17 per kg Supercoat Smart Blend Dry Dog Food 6.7-7kg Selected Varieties Huggies Nappies or Nappy Pants 46-108 Pack Selected Varieties MasterFoods Tomato or Barbecue Sauce 475-500mL Selected Varieties Coca-Cola 30x375mL Selected Varieties $2.24 per Litre $2525 ea $160 ea

Women’s Rugby League

14 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 19 — 25, 2023

Countryside chicken fideuá on a frypan


100ml olive oil

400 g chicken thighs, chopped small 200g snow peas, chopped in 1/2 3 garlic cloves, chopped finely 1 tsp Spanish sweet paprika

1 pinch of local sa ron

2 tomatoes, freshly grated 300g Angel hair pasta 900 ml chicken stock Fresh thyme

Lemon wedges Seasoning to taste

Suggestions: served with freshly made aioli (See Orange City Life issue August 25 — 31, 2022 for recipe)


Countryside chicken fideuá in a frypan

Now, one of the most common questions I have had from so many of you is: how can you make paella in a normal frypan, for two people, with everyday and economical ingredients available at an Australian supermarket? Well fideuá is going to be your answer. But what is it?

Well, fideuá is a traditional seafood dish originally from the coast of Valencia. It is very similar to paella (same flavours actually), but instead of rice, you use pasta noodles. We call these noodles ‘fideos’ and purists prefer to use the

‘number 4 fideos’ to achieve the perfect result. Unfortunately, we can’t find them here, so I’m going to show you how to make this recipe using angel hair pasta instead, which is available in any supermarket. I know that many of you are not so keen on seafood, so I’m going to prepare a chicken version of it here, even though it is not traditional in Spain.

All the steps to the right are the same that I use when making a Valencian paella and we can use local ingredients like olive oil, garlic, sa ron, chicken, etc..

1. Place the olive oil in the frying pan on high heat. In a separate saucepan, add the chicken stock and heat to a simmer. 2. When hot, add the chicken and cook it until you get a golden-brown colour and remove (don’t turn it too much, let it be). 3. Reduce the heat, then add the snow peas and cook for 5 minutes until caramelised and remove. 4. Still on low heat, add the garlic and cook it for a minute or so until it starts changing colour.

5. Add the smoked paprika, stirring it constantly to avoid it getting stuck to the bottom and burning. 6. Add the sa ron and keep stirring for 30 seconds. 7. Add the grated tomato and cook it with the spices and garlic until it starts getting brown. Reduce slowly as much as possible. 8. Add the angel hair pasta now, along with the chicken, and snow peas and mix it all together. 11. Add the boiling chicken stock 12. Spread everything out evenly (it all must be under the liquid). And let it reduce on high heat. When you start seeing the pasta, turn the heat down to a simmer. 13. Cook it until there’s no liquid and you start hearing the pasta getting crispy at the bottom. 14. You can finish it o by placing the fresh thyme on top. 15. Let it rest for 5 minutes! Serve with a lemon wedge and freshly made aioli.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 19 — 25, 2023 15
you need answered? Any suggestions on what topic Ruben should tackle next? Get in touch with us at OCLife or with Ruben directly @rubenlopezmesa @atableof10 @eat_spanish @rubenlopezmesa
Got a cooking question
Hola! Before I start telling you all about the next Spanish recipe, I’d like to thank you all for your Christmas messages. Thank you for
a try,
you make my day every time you contact me with your
giving Spanish gastronomy

Roy Martin

Where were you born?


was born in Huntley

What is your favourite childhood memory?

I still remember how Dad and Mum used to set up the horse and sulky, and we went into town. And I used to go out with my Dad along this long stretch and we’d set up rabbit traps, and we’d catch rabbits — lots and lots of rabbits! — and go into town and sell them.

Where did you go to school?

I started o , in Kindergarten, at one that’s not there anymore. It’s now the Woolworths carpark. I was knee-high to a grasshopper! Then I went to, I think, junior school… there was a cruel man there, with a cane, and one day I took his cane o him and whipped him! That was it; I left. My Uncles came and got me and I went out to the shearing sheds and did a bit of wool pressing. That was a good job — and good, good money!

What were some other good jobs you’ve had?

The best job I ever had was, I went out

to Barrett’s. They used to have a truck, a big truck — a fridge mobile. And I got the job driving trucks and I loved it. I used to go out to Molong, Cumnock, Yeoval, Bathurst, other places, right up to shops that wanted to take frozen stu . I was with Barrett’s for a long time. It was unbelievable.

I see by your shirt you’re a fan of the V8 Supercars, do you have a favourite car that you’ve owned?

The best car I ever owned was a Mercedes. Then I had trucks, mainly.

Tell me a bit about your family.

My wife’s name was Mavis. We ended up moving to Manly and we had a son. When my son was born I was so proud! He’s the father of my three grandkids. They live in Adelaide now.

What do you do for fun?

Occasionally, I go downtown. You gotta go sometimes; you can’t just sit around like a zombie!

What are you most proud of?

My son. He’s got a great job.

Congratulations on your recent publication. Such an interesting collection of articles, puzzles and stories. The items by Bob Holland were also interesting and inspirational. Keep up the good work.

– John Benfield

Thumbs up to the new Seniors Happy Life magazine. So much great and enjoyable reading. It’s really quite refreshing to be able to now buy a magazine like this.

– Text form anonymous reader

Congratulations on Seniors Happy Life. Well done!

– Ramon Williams

My name is Meryl Ward and I am a Recreational Activities Officer in Aged Care, and I have just been reading through your magazine (large print) and I want to congratulate you on such a wonderful newspaper. This is a fantastic idea and truly a godsend especially for residents in facilities. Again, Congratulations!

– Meryl Ward

Thank you to all those who have had a hand in the production and distribution of this amazing newspaper. I have thoroughly enjoyed this positive, humorous, respectful and educational publication. I have encouraged many people within our Village to read and enjoy - you will not be disappointed.

– Ian

Congratulations on your pilot issue. I look forward to reading the first issue which I understand is due for publication in February. Best wishes for Seniors Happy Life during 2023.

– John Walker

Hello Bob and other members of the Seniors Happy Life team. I was interested to receive and read a copy of Seniors Happy Life, I found it quite impressive.  You were correct when you said on page 2, “I’ll bet you’ve never seen anything like it before!” Most of the general newspapers and magazines targeted at older Australians are essentially commercial advertising. It was clear from your introductory article on pages 2 and 3 that this is not the case with Seniors Happy Life. Thanks to you and your colleagues for the great amount of thought and effort that has gone into producing Seniors Happy Life. I wish you the greatest success in your endeavours.

– Tom Slocum

SPOKEN! Pick up your copy from: Orange City Centre Newsagency Greengate Newsagency Ashcrofts IGA stores
$4 40 pages of inspiring stories, laughs, puzzles, nostalgia, spectacular photos, LARGE PRINT and more! ONLY 100% ENJOYMENT with no business advertising
This week, Orange City Life’s Michelle Peters sat down for a chat with Wontama resident, 84-year-old Roy Henry Martin.

The goodenough parent


For Christmas, our beautiful neighbours gifted Miss Eight a flower press. She was thrilled with this, because she adores picking roses for everyone from the bush near her swing set, and some of our loveliest time together is spent crafting.

So she picked a dozen stunning roses, and in true youngest child style hands them to me along with the kit and turns to leave. I told her I’d help her, but she had to stay. She looked at me with a pained expression, instructions in hand, and said, “but I don’t know hoooooooooow to dry flowers.”

Helpfully, I point out that she can simply read the instructions she’s holding. She looks around for someone to do it for her like her Dad (at golf) or Miss 14 (out walking the dog) but sadly she slowly realises she’s out of luck and will have to do it herself.

After reading the instructions she starts by tightening the wingnut in an attempt to get it o .

“Lefty loosey, righty tighty,” I say cheerfully.

This is met with a withering glare and the announcement that I am obviously wrong. She knows more than me.

“See mum? It’s righty-loosey, I’m undoing it,” she explains, as she tightens the flower press closed.

“Oh,” she says sadly, “these screws must be wrong.”

This is the point I suggest a break to call Grandma and see what she’s up to for the week (and maybe suggest a visit from her granddaughters). Grandma answers and lovingly invites the girls to stay, but only until Sunday because Miss Eight needs to be back for swimming intensives on the Monday. Having scheduled this myself, I have nobody else to blame and accept these terms.

Miss Eight is thrilled because, due to COVID, she hasn’t seen any family for Christmas yet and assures me there’s probably a mountain of presents waiting for her, and can we leave now? I send her o to pack and break the news to our homebody/just-got-a-new-gaming-PC-forChristmas Miss 14 that she is going away for a week.

“But, you get to take the dog!” I cheer her up by announcing, while simultaneously getting out of a week of solo feeding duties.

Miss Eight returns with a bag packed with sleepwear, undies, shorts, a twirly dress, four socks that don’t match, no shirts and a bow, nine arrows, a “decorate your own jewellery box” and her harmonica.

“Good packing!” I say as I add actual clothes. “Your grandparents are going to LOVE your music! Remember not to shoot your sister”. She looks concerned at the amount of room I’m wasting with sensible clothing choices and suggests a bigger bag, or a second bag for her present haul. We have a quick chat to manage her expectations and remind her that less is more, family is the true gift and gratitude for what you do get is important.

All of this is wasted on her because the second she arrives she is smothered in kisses and handed a bag of presents as big as her. “Thank you so, so much! And here are the presents I chose just for you guys,” says Miss Eight, handing over the gifts that I have carefully chosen and wrapped, so there is absolutely no way she knows what they are).

We gratefully leave them to it and head home for a week of peace and quiet… But not before Miss Eight gives us strict instructions about her drying flowers. As usual, she’s somehow conned us into doing it all for her while she spends the week guzzling ice cream at the beach.


New Year, Same Story

Happy New Year to all of you readers out there. I trust you have had a refreshing break over the holiday season. As we enter a new year, I wonder how you are feeling. Is the lethargy of the holidays still hanging on? Or perhaps you are feeling excited about the new opportunities that 2023 will bring. Perhaps you are feeling anxious about what lies ahead. But will this year be any di erent to the last for you personally? Certainly, there will be many changes and challenges that will no doubt happen on a local or global scale. But for you personally, is it a matter of new year, same story? It can be easy to find yourself in a rut. The same patterns and routines bog you down. The issues and di cult circumstances from 2022 still linger in the air. Does that mean that there is no chance of a change in the year to come for you? In a way, each new year o ers a fresh start of sorts. A chance to hit the reset button in our minds. But what does a reset look like? We make new year’s resolutions, and for the first couple of weeks we seem to be going well, but by about now the shine has gone and the momentum has died. Come February these resolutions are shelved until next January. So what might a fresh start look like this year? Maybe this is a moment where you can reassess or think through those questions about life that niggle in the back of your mind. A chance to confront those existential questions that you find yourself thinking about at night when you can’t sleep. Maybe you want to explore life’s big questions. That is what this column is about; a chance to pause and think about these sorts of questions. To think about life from another perspective. To give yourself a chance to think about things from a di erent perspective. You may not always agree with what I say and that is okay. So as we embark on a new year where it may feel like the same story, I’d like to o er this word of advice to you. In our ever-changing world where it can be hard to know if there is any constant that we can rely or hope on, ‘Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever’ (Hebrews 13:8). You may wonder what that might mean for you, but for me, this means that no matter what each new year brings, with all its ups and downs, I can have hope and peace through it all because of Jesus. It is a new year, but it is the same story – Jesus remains a constant. Maybe this is the year that you begin to ask questions about our life and times. I hope that as you do, you will find rest in the one who gives it. So I look forward to a new year of writing and I am excited for the journey that we can take together.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 19 — 25, 2023 17

Summertime at the Greenhouse of Orange

18 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 19 — 25, 2023 Social SCENE
Katrina Massey and Alex Batho Sonia and Milan Falvey, Tina Gould and Lee-anne Wheeldon Mitch Thirkettle and Katie McFawn Harry Taylor and Connor Dawson Graham and Leeanne Batho Beth, Barbara (in front), Ian, Rachel and Nick Masling Taeler, Tom and Mia Batho — CEC TILBURG — What better way to spend a hot summer afternoon than listening to live music while enjoying a cold drink and a tasty meal with family and friends. Orange City Life couldn’t resist stopping by the Greenhouse of Orange on Saturday, January 14, to take in the sunshine and atmosphere of the popular rooftop venue.


A new exhibition opening at The Corner Store Gallery this weekend showcases a unique partnership between local musicians and visual artists.

Born out of the COVID lockdowns, While the World Waits saw Arts OutWest commission 15 Central West songwriters to each write a track reflecting their experiences of 2020.

eleased as a compilation album, visual artists were then asked to use the music as a jumping-o point and inspiration resulting in an exhibition of new work from 20 artists, each responding to one or more tracks, titles or words on the album.

Opening with an informal networking event this Saturday, January 21, 2 – 4pm, at The Corner Store Gallery, the While the World Waits exhibition features work in a range of mediums: painting, sculpture, drawing, ceramics, moving image, animation, photography, glass and textiles.

“It was just a really, really clever and creative and inclusive way of involving musicians and songwriters. I felt like it was something that started with great momentum and just kept growing,” said Canowindra musician, Nerida Cuddy, whose song ‘Virtual Folk Club’ has been brought to life in a drawing by Orange artist Heather Valance.

Nerida extended her gratitude to Arts OutWest for this incredible way to support artists during what was a di cult time.

“I think Arts OutWest were really creative, and thoughtful about what they could do to really help during the COVID time and so to be approached and asked to be a part of a project when everything was shut down was a really great thing,” Nerida said.

Artists featured in the exhibition include: Gus Armstrong (Rylstone), Laura Baker (Blayney), Helen Carpenter (Grenfell), Steven Cavanagh (Hill End), Gemma Clipsham (Bathurst), Bev Coe (Condobolin), Heather Dunn (Bathurst), Lise Edwards

(Lithgow), Harrie Fasher (Portland), Robert Hirschmann (Portland), Cate McCarthy (Yetholme), Hugh McKinnon (Orange), Christine McMillan (Kandos), Shani Nottingham (Cowra), Timothy Seager (Bathurst), Henry Simmons and the River Yarners (Bathurst), Bridget Thomas (Bathurst), Jane Tonks (Orange), Heather Vallance (Orange), Stephan de Wit (Parkes).

While the World Waits will remain on exhibition at The Corner Store Gallery until Sunday, February 5. Opening hours are 10am – 4pm Thursday to Saturday, and 10am – 1pm on Sundays.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 19 — 25, 2023 19 Let us entertain you OPEN 7 DAYS | 107 BYNG STREET | 6362 1353 | WWW.THEMETROPOLITANHOTELORANGE.COM.AU PROUD TO BE A PUB Every FRIDAY / SATURDAY AT 8PM Live Music ✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴ Free Entry the awesome sunday roast SUNDAY ROAST THE AWESOME + roast veg ROAST SUBJECT TO CHANGE EACH SUNDAYGROUND FLOOR ONLY $18 Banjo Paterson Festival Yarn Telling / Spinning Competition Practice Run 3rd &10th February 7pm Finals 24th February 2023 CALL NOW TO BOOK FOR ENTRY OR DINNER 6362 1353 PRIZES JUDGED BY AUDIENCE WIN VOUCHERS / MERCHANDISE Family Friendly ~ Food & Drinks ~ Live Music FREE ENTRY
To find out more about the
exhibition, visit: https://artsoutwest.org.au/pf/while-the-world-waits-regional-exhibition/
Canowindra musician, Nerida Cuddy, whose song ‘Virtual Folk Club’ has been brought to life by Orange artist Heather Valance for the While the World Waits exhibition opening this Satruday, January 21.

What’s happening

Friday January 20

Orange Ex-Services’ Club

Dallas Webb live

Greenhouse Orange

Gary Johns in the Piano Bar from 6pm Jet Set live on the lawn from 6pm

Australia Day, January 26

Victoria Hotel

Justin Landers in the beer garden from 2pm - 5pm


The Greenhouse


Jack Daintith live on the lawn from 12pm


Wednesday January 25

Cumnock Bowling Club

Australia themed Trivia and dress-up night

Thursday January 26

Cumnock Bowling Club

Award presentations and morning tea

Freemasons Hotel Molong Australia Day Yabby Races

Borenore Public School

Award Presentations and morning tea

Cargo Village Green

Official party attending, award presentations and cutting of Australia Day cake

Cudal Community Centre

Guest speaker, Peter Worsley OAM and award presentations

Eugowra Showground

Community barbecue, award presentations and kids’ activities

Victoria Hotel

Justin Landers in the beer garden from 2pm - 5pm

Saturday January 21

Metropolitan Hotel

Live music every Saturday from 8pm

Victoria Hotel Terry Lovett’s Rock and Roll Disco from 8pm

The Blind Pig Live and Local - Lueth Ajak from 8pm

Greenhouse Orange

James Sutherland live on the lawn from 12pm Lionel in the Piano Bar from 12pm Barrabas live on the lawn from 7pm

Sunday January 22

Greenhouse Orange

Jack Daintith live on the lawn from 12pm Musical bingo on the lawn from 12pm Gabe in the Piano Bar from 6pm

20 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 19 — 25, 2023

The Lennon Songbook in Concert

John Lennon was the voice of a generation whose songs and albums remain as poignant and relevant today as they were half a century ago.

For the past 30 years, John Waters has explored and honoured his relationship with Lennon’s music with co-creator and musical director Stewart D’Arrietta.

This February at the Orange Civic Theatre, Waters and D’Arrietta are back with the fabulous Liverpool Band, bringing you the latest instalment of their hugely successful interpretation of Lennon’s music — The John Lennon Songbook.

London born, Waters, spent his teenage years as a singer and bass-player in blues band, The Riot, before travelling to Australia, where he landed the lead role in the Sydney production, Hair. From

that moment he was thrown into the world of acting and appeared in a variety of movies and television series.

It was in 1992 that Waters and D’Arrietta, a renowned pianist and composer, came up with the idea of Looking Through a Glass Onion, later renamed Lennon: Through a Glass Onion, as a theatrical interpretation of John Lennon’s life and music.

With an intimate take on classic hits, including the Imagine album favourites, come and experience the latest evolution of this iconic showThe Lennon Songbook in Concert.

It’s Lennon like you’ve never heard before. All the songs you love, and even some you didn’t know you did, in a dynamic show for all the generations.

See The Lennon Songbook in Concert at Orange Civic Theatre, Saturday, February 18, 7.30pm. Tickets viaTicketek or call 6393 8111

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 19 — 25, 2023 21
Let us entertain you



CANTAR WOMEN’S CHOIR meets at the Church of Christ, every Monday from 7.30pm - 9:15pm. Enquiries: Margaret 02 6369 1333.

EVERUPWARD CRAFT GROUP holds craft groups at Everupward Church, every Monday morning from 9.00am - 12.00pm. Enquiries: Mary 02 6361 0514.

OLD TIME ACOUSTIC JAM SESSION is held at The Blind Pig Sound Lounge & Bar, last Sunday of every month from 4.00pm. Enquiries: Kenneth 0408 619 235.

ORANGE ART SOCIETY INC. meets at the Orange Cultural Centre, every Monday from 10.00am. Enquiries: David 0407 627 092.

ORANGE CROCHET / KNITTING GROUP meets in the bistro at the Orange Ex-Services Club, every Saturday from 12.00pm - 3.00pm and every Tuesday 10.00am -12.00pm. Enquiries: Karen 0419 616 251.

ORANGE LACEMAKERS meet at the front of the Orange Cultural Centre, each Wednesday from 1.00pm. Enquiries: Sandy 02 6362 7938.

ORANGE MALE VOICE CHOIR meets at Orange Regional Conservatorium, every Monday from 7:15pm – 9:15pm. Enquiries: David 02 6362 8218.

ORANGE OLD TIME DANCERS meet at the Senior Citizens & Pensioners Centre, every Tuesday from 7.00pm - 9:30pm. Enquiries: Alan 0407 062 979.

ORANGE SOCIAL DANCE GROUP meets at the Orange City Bowling Club, every Thursday from 6.00pm. Enquiries: Audrey 02 6362 0068 or Richard 02 6361 7718.

ORANGE SPINNERS & HANDCRAFT meets at the Orange Cultural Centre, every Thursday from 10.00am - 2.00pm.

THE CANOBOLAS HIGHLAND PIPE BAND meets at Legacy House, every Wednesday from 7.00pm. Beginners are welcome. Enquiries: Zoe 0421 379 423.

THE COME TOGETHER CHOIR meets at the Orange Regional Conservatorium, every Tuesday from 10.00am - 12.00pm. Enquiries: Vicky 02 6361 8156 or 0424 008 350.

ORANGE COLOUR CITY LINE DANCERS meet at the Orange City Bowling Club every Monday from 5pm till 7.30pm and Wednesday from 5pm until 8pm.

CITY OF ORANGE BRASS BAND, 62-64 Endsleigh Ave, Orange. Players of all levels and enquiries welcome. Enquiries: 0491 707 979. Facebook and www.cityoforangebrassband.com.au


INNER WHEEL CLUB OF ORANGE meets at Duntryleague, every second Monday of the month from 1:30pm. Enquiries: Tricia 0410 600 869 or iiw.au.orange@gmail.com

THE ORANGE SUB BRANCH OF THE NAVAL ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA meets at 11am on the third Sunday of every month at the Orange RSL Enquiries: Barry 0407 259 2756 or Peter 0438 413 531 or bcynical24@bigpond. com or peter.furguson12@hotmail.com


Golf Club, on the second and fourth Thursday of every month from 6:30pm Enquiries/Membership: Pat 0407 217 600

ORANGE COIN AND STAMP CLUB meets at the Orange Community Centre, on the last Tuesday of every month from 7.30pm. Enquiries: Howard 02 6362 2368 or 0427 107 554.

ORANGE LADIES PROBUS CLUB Meets every 4th Wednesday of the month. 10:00am to 12:00pm Duntryleague Club. Enquires: Marlies 0418 440 512

IONIAN CLUB OF ORANGE (Women new to Orange) meets at Duntryleague, every second Thursday of the month, from 11.00am. Enquiries: Helen 0417 749 152.

ORANGE LEGACY CLUB o ce hours are 10.00am - 3.00pm Tuesdays to Thursdays at 58 McNamara Street, Orange. Enquiries: 02 6362 1205

ORANGE BRIDGE CLUB. Enquiries: Murray 0418 206 485.

BRIDGE LESSONS from 1.00pm - 3.00pm, every Wednesday. Enquiries: Chris 02 6362 3029 or Dorothy 02 6362 8218.

ORANGE CANOBOLAS LIONS CLUB meets at Duntryleague Golf Club, on the first and third Tuesday of every month from 6:30pm Enquiries: Lisa 0419 641 282.

ORANGE CAMERA CLUB meets on the first and third Tuesday of every month at the Senior Citizens Centre, from 7.30pm. Enquiries: orangecameraclub@gmail.com

ORANGE EVENING VIEW CLUB meets at the Orange Ex-Services Club, on the last Thursday of the month from 6:30pm for a 7:00pm start. Enquiries: Anne 0478 124 276

ORANGE LAPIDARY & MINERAL CLUB INC meets at the Orange Cultural Society, every Wednesday from 9.00am - 12.00pm & 7.00pm - 9.00pm. Enquiries: Kathy 0437 917 074.

ORANGE COIN AND STAMP CLUB meets at the Orange Community Centre, on the last Tuesday of every month from 7.30pm. Enquiries: Howard 02 6362 2368.

ROTARY CLUB OF ORANGE meets at the Ambassador,every Monday from 6.00pm for dinner. Enquiries: Len 0428 459 117 or contact@rotarycluboforange.org.au.

SCRABBLE CLUB MEETS at Giyalang Ganya, Community Services Building on the first and third Sunday of each month from 2.00pm. Enquiries: Audrey 02 6362 0068.

SOUTHERN CROSS STREET CRUISERS is a family oriented car club that would like to welcome any new enquiries for membership. Enquiries: Jason 0431 456 889 or Mick 0427 856 427 .

THE EUCHRE CARD CLUB meets at the Orange Ex-Services Club, every Wednesday from 7:30pm. Enquiries: 02 6362 2666.

ZONTA CLUB OF ORANGE INC. meets at Lord Anson Hotel, every second Tuesday of the month from 6.30pm. Enquiries: Frances 0407 952 675.

ORANGE BIRD SOCIETY meets at the Senior Citizens Centre, on the third Wednesday of every month from 7:30pm. Tony 0409 912 370 or 02 6365 8441.

THE ULYSSES CLUB OF ORANGE conducts weekly motorbike rides, leaving the Railway car-park, Peisley Street, on Wednesdays from 9.30am. Social dinners are held on the second Friday of every month. Enquiries: Lee 0414 881 178.

ORANGE BASIC DOG OBEDIENCE meets every Sunday during school terms at Waratahs 8.45am -10am. BYO dog, lead, treats and patience. Enquiries via Orange Basic Dog Obedience Facebook page.


Meets the first Friday of every month at 11.00am. May-Sep (Orange Ex-Services Club) Oct-Apr (Local Gardens) Enquiries: Vicki 02 6362 1257


THE AMUSU THEATRE in Manildra has regular movie screenings. The Movie Museum is open every weekend by appointment. Enquiries: Joan 0418 452 902.

THE COMMITTEE OF ADFAS ORANGE & DISTRICT holds lectures at 6:30pm once a month in the main auditorium at the Orange Regional Cons. Enquiries: Anne 02 6361 3923.


ORANGE DISTRICT GIRL GUIDES meet at 365 Peisley Street, on a weekly basis, during School Terms. The units meet Mon - Wed from 5pm -6.30pm. Enquiries: Yvonne 0412 736 700.

THE MINIATURE RAILWAY PUBLIC RUNNING DAY takes place on the second Saturday every month at Matthews Park, Corner of Moulder Street & Anson Street, from 1pm4pm. Enquiries: Shane 0414 887 005

ORANGE STORYTIME is held at the Orange City Library, every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday during school terms from 11.00am. Storytime and Craft. Bookings are essential. Enquiries: 02 6393 8132 or library@cwl.nsw. gov.au or eventbrite.com.au.

3RD ORANGE SCOUT GROUP. Meeting dates for Joeys, Cubs, Scouts, Venturer & older ages call for details. 3 Icely Road Orange. Enquiries: Scouts NSW, 1800 SCOUTS (726887)


BLAYNEY SMOKING CESSATION CLINIC at the Blayney MPS. By appointment only. Enquiries: Pam 02 6368 9000.

CHAIR YOGA for those who can’t get on the floor, meets Mondays at the Senior Citizens & Pensioners Centre, from 10:20am for a 10.30 start, until 11:30am. Enquiries: Kerrie 0418 235 495.

ORANGE TABLE TENNIS meets every Tuesday from 6:30pm at the Canobolas High School Recreational Hall, 142 Icely Road. Enquiries: Mark 0468 308 705.

THE O’BRIEN CENTRE at Bloomfield Hospital has activities each Thursday during school terms, from 10.00am - 2.00pm. $5.00 for the day. Enquiries: Je 0423 277 788.

TAI-CHI CLASSES Wednesdays at 6.00pm Enquiries: Tony 0409 285 807

CENTRAL WEST MEDIATION meets second Saturday of every month at Senior Citizens Hall 8:30am - 10:00am Enquires: 02 4315 2763


ORANGE COIN AND STAMP FAIR is held on the first Saturday of every month at the Orange Cultural Centre. Enquiries: Howard 02 6362 2368.

ORANGE FARMERS MARKET is on the second Saturday of every month, at Northcourt, corner of Peisley Street and March Streets (October to May), and the Naylor Pavilion, Orange Showground, Leeds Parade from (June to September). Gold coin upon entry.

Enquiries: Holly 0418 654 226.

BLAYNEY ROTARY MARKET is held on the third Sunday of every month at CentrePoint Sport and Leisure Centre, Corner of Osman and Church Street, Blayney, rain, hail or shine from 8:30am.

Enquiries: rcblayney@gmail.com

COWRA COMMUNITY MARKETS is held on the third Saturday of every month at Sid Kallas Oval, from 8am until noon. Phone 0473 346 046 for more information.

CUMNOCK MARKET Is held on the third Saturday of every month from 9.00 a.m. to 12 noon at Crossroads Park Cumnock (opposite General Store) Enquiries: Pat Gilmour – 6367 7270


FOODCARE ORANGE is open Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday from 10.30am1.00pm and Thursday from 4.30pm - 6.00pm, at 142 March Street. Enquiries: 0447 577 884

ORANGE CAKE DECORATORS GUILD meets the second Saturday of every month at 1.00pm at the Senior Citizens & Pensioners Centre, 77 Kite Street. Enquiries: Janelle 0438 618 483 or 0427 659 194.


Tuesday & Friday from 9.00am - 12.00pm at Orange RSL Sub-Branch (next to the Orange Ex Services Club). Enquiries: (02) 6362 1735

RAILWAYS RETIREES meet the last Friday of every month, at the Orange City Bowling Club, at 12.00pm. Enquiries: Lindsay 02 6362 5959.

VIETNAM VETERANS meet every Friday from 10am - 1pm at the Orange Ex-Services Club. Enquiries: Lindsay 02 6362 5959.

ORANGE TOASTMASTERS meets every second & fourth Monday of the month from 6:45pm for 7.00pm - 9.00pm, at the Orange Ex-Services Club. Enquiries: 0439 568 752.

THE META-COACH FOUNDATION (MCF) Orange Chapter meets on the first Wednesday each month at Shop 15 / 212 Anson Street from 6.00pm - 8.00pm. Enquiries: Shawn 0439 194 323.

ORANGE BRANCH OF RSPCA meets quarterly from 7pm at Orange City Bowling Club. All interested parties are welcome to attend. Enquiries: 02 6362 6171 or orangesupportergroup@rspcansw.org.au

ORANGE RESIDENTS AND RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION meets the first Wednesday of each month at 7pm at the Orange Ex-Services Club. Enquiries: orra2800@gmail.com


BORENORE / NASHDALE MENS’ SHED meets every Tuesday from 9.30am, at the Orange National Field Days site, Borenore. Enquiries: Max 0418 498 708.

ENVIRONMENTALLY CONCERNED CITIZENS of Orange (ECCO) meets on the 4th Wednesday of each month, 7.30pm at the Environmental Learning Facility. Enquires: Neil 0419 224 461.

FRIENDS OF THE ORANGE BOTANIC GARDENS run a guided bird walk at the Orange Botanic Gardens, on the first Sunday of every month from 8:30am.

ORANGE WOMEN’S SHED meets every Friday at 9:30am - 1:00pm at Riverside Centre, Forest Road, Orange. Enquiries: 0439 609 849 or orangewsinc@gmail.com

ORANGE MEN’S SHED meets every Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday from 9.30am3.00pm, now at the Lucknow shed venue. Enquiries: Alan 0475 250 779.

ORANGE TROUT ACCLIMATISATION SOCIETY meets the third Tuesday of every month from 7.00pm at Orange Ex-Services Club, in the Boronia Room. Enquiries: Barry 02 6362 0096 or 0427 620 096.

ORANGE & DISTRICT 40+ SOCIAL GROUP meets every Tuesday at Orange Ex-Services Club, from 7.00pm. Enquiries: Brett 0427 462 887.

ORANGE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY meets the first Wednesday each month from 1:30pm. Enquiries: Janet 0427 450 346.

ORANGE WOODWORKERS ASSOCIATION INC. meets every Wednesday from 8:30am - 3.00pm, on the second & fourth Sunday of every month at the Old Coach House. Enquiries: Chris 0407 129 934.

THE CENTRAL WEST AMATEUR RADIO GROUP meets on the first Sunday of each month, except for January. Due to COVID 19, we have been meeting on air. Enquiries: Garry 0413 358 037 or arcwg@hotmail.com.au.

HEARTS & HANDS - CAFE CHAT. A place to meet others & practice spoken english, meets twice a month on Mondays at St James Presbyterian Church Matthews Ave, Orange. Enquiries: Margaret 0428 835 866 or Vicky 0401 292 335


ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS ORANGE meets at the rear of Kenna Hall, 84 Hill Street, from 5.00pm Sundays, and from 7.00pm Monday & Tuesday. We also have meetings from 6.30pm - 8.00pm Thursdays at The Leisure Centre Bloomfield. Enq: Graham 0447 839 026.

AL-ANON FAMILY GROUP ORANGE meets every Monday 6.00pm - 7.00pm at St. Barnabas Church Hall. Enquiries: 1300 252 666.

ORANGE SENIORS CITIZENS & PENSIONERS groups meet regularly. Various classes are held. Enquiries: 02 6362 6592.

THE ORANGE PARKINSON’S DISEASE SUPPORT GROUP meets fourth Wednesday each month, 10.00am - 12.00pm at Giyalang Ganya, Community Services Building. Enquiries: Bernie 0434 504 414.

RED CROSS CLUB MEETINGS currently on seasonal recess. For any enquiries please call 0498 815 229.

ORANGE STROKE SUPPORT GROUP meets on the third Monday of every month from 10.30 am - 12.00pm at the Giyalang Ganya, Community Services Building. Please call before attending the group. Enquiries: Michelle on 1300 650 594 or info@strokensw.org.au.

ORANGE PROSTATE CANCER GROUP Meets 3rd Tuesday of the month (Except January & December) at Cafe Connect 107 Prince Street, Orange at 6pm Enquiries: Ray 6362 5257 or Charlie 6361 1830

THE COMPASSIONATE FRIENDS (BEREAVED PARENTS) meet every third Thursday of the month at the Orange City Council Community Service Centre, 286 Lords Place, from 7.00pm to 8.30pm (odd mths). Every third Sunday 1.30-3.30pm, Duntryleague (even mths) Enquiries: Donna 0419 357 431 and Tammy 0417 482 688.


ORANGE GROW GROUP (Mental Wellbeing Programs) meets every Friday from 1pm-3pm at the Orange City Council Community Service Centre, 286 Lords Pl, Orange. Enquiries: 1800 558 268.

LIFELINE provides all Australians experiencing a personal crisis with access to online, phone and face-to-face crisis support and suicide prevention services. Enquiries: 13 11 14 Email: info@lifelinecentralwest.org.au.

HEADSPACE ORANGE is a youth-friendly FREE service for anyone aged between 12 and 25 years who are having a tough time. Enquiries 02 6369 9300, or email hs.orange@marathonhealth.com.au

ORANGE REGIONAL SUICIDE PREVENTION Networks, Berevement Group. Have you lost a son / daughter to suicide?. Do you need support or someone to talk to?

Enquiries: 02 6369 2030.

Register: Jane.Passer@health.nsw.gov.au

LIKEMIND ORANGE, STRIDE MENTAL HEALTH, 122-124 Kite Street. LikeMind is an innovative mental health service providing a ‘one-stop’ hub o ering support for all adults with mental health concerns, under one roof. No referral required.

Enquiries: 02 6311 1700.

LIKEMIND ORANGE hosts a free Mindfulness group with an experienced facilitator on Mondays during school terms. 9:30am –10:45am. Enquiries: 02 6311 1700 .

OPEN ARMS & ST JOHN OF GOD HOSPITAL, RICHMOND holds a free workplace trauma PTSD support group at Legacy House, 58 McNamara St, Orange on the second Wednesday of the month from 10am – 1pm. Also a group for family members available. Enquiries: 0439 048 344 or sean.fitzgerald@dva.gov.au

22 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 19 — 25, 2023
reception@oclife.com.au Are you part of a club? Have an upcoming meeting you’d like to share...

Blue Ribbon Sophistication in the Heart of Orange

This fabulous unit is situated in one of Orange’s best locations on leafy Warrendine Street, just across the road from the lovely walking paths in Moulder Park. The CBD is just a short stroll away and the unit is at the back of the complex, meaning it is private and whisper quiet.

The property has undergone a full renovation to the highest specs, with new flooring, lighting, paint and a fabulous kitchen and bathroom. The three bedrooms are all a great size and have built-in robes & large windows facing out to the lovely backyard. The living area features plantation shutters and has a split system to ensure year-round comfort and takes full advantage of the northerly aspect. Glass doors lead out to the enclosed deck, perfect for an afternoon beverage & barbecue.

The backyard is bathed in sun and is the perfect size for easy maintenance but also for those who like to potter in the garden, with raised garden beds and a good-sized shed.

The single car garage has internal access and features an additional room which is perfect for a workshop, hobby room or could be converted into a fourth bedroom.

Properties of this calibre and in such a fabulous location do not come up often, so make sure to call to book an inspection today, as this one won’t last long!

24 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 19 — 25, 2023 StephenTownsend| Principal KathieTownsend| Co-Principal EmmaChapman|RealEstate Agent ToriWood|SalesAssociate Meet our Sales Team ORANGE BLAYNEY NEWLISTING NEWLISTING NEWLISTING 'TopOaks'655StapletonsRoad,Boomey|185.55arces|ContactAgent|Agent:StephenTownsend0427631957 'Karina'343StrathmoreLane,Molong|3bedroomcottage-233.66arces|ContactAgent|Agents:Stephen Townsend0427631957 'Montauban'121ShepherdsRoad,SpringCreek|3Bed2Bath2Car|ContactAgent|Agent:Stephen Townsend0427631 957 NoraMcNamara|Licensed RealEstateAgent NEWLISTING 6FloodStreet,Cudal|4Bed2Bath3Car|$350,000|Agent:EmmaChapman0423658101
ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 19 — 25, 2023 25 StephenTownsend| Principal KathieTownsend| Co-Principal EmmaChapman|RealEstate Agent ToriWood|SalesAssociate Meet our Sales Team ORANGE BLAYNEY NEWLISTING NEWLISTING 15GanooStreet,Yeoval|3Bed1Bath2Car|$125,000|Agent:StephenTownsend0427631957 5SullivanCircuit,Orange|4Bed2Bath2Car|ContactAgent|Agents:NoraMcNamara0431320230&Emma Chapman0423658101 10/16WarrendineStreet,Orange|3Bed1Bath1Car|ContactAgent|Agent:NoraMcNamara0431320230 NoraMcNamara|Licensed RealEstateAgent NEWLISTING 1/198ByngStreet,Orange|2Bed1Bath1Car|ContactAgent|Agent:StephenTownsend0427631957 NEWLISTING

Take Control of Your Money in 2023

A survey of Australians by Finder last month found that more than 4 in 5 (83%) people say they have set financial goals for 2023.

etting goals is really important! Sadly, the reality for most people is that after setting financial goals, they then don’t put a plan in place to achieve them. This likely leads to them failing to achieve the set goals, which leads to discouragement. Over time, the failure to put in place a financial plan early on, costs people the financial freedom they could have achieved.

In many ways, I see the job of a financial adviser as being to awaken people to the costs of inaction. The longer people take to start implementing a solid financial plan, the harder and harder it gets to play catch up. I’ve been lucky enough to work with thousands of people over almost two decades of being a financial adviser. In that time, I’ve noticed there are certain things that have usually held people back when it comes to taking control of their money:

Most people simply don’t know how to get started when it comes to things financial. There is just too much information and there are too many options.

A lot of people prefer to just hope things will work out over time. Hope is not a plan!

Many of us get stuck in the struggles of our day-to-day existence, trying to juggle work, family and social lives. It’s easy to delay putting in place strategies for long-term financial success.

People often focus on saving rather than investing. While saving is the important first step, the biggest investment mistake is not investing.

Often, people fear investing. Many of us are scared of losing money, meaning that fear can override what are sensible investment strategies and lead us to not take action (Hint: there’s crazy, silly investing that has a high likelihood of

failure, and then there’s sensible investing… the get rich slowly plan).

While some people are paralysed with fear of making a mistake, others are overconfident, believing they know what they’re doing. Sometimes they are working on incomplete information (or completely wrong information) that is taking them in the wrong direction.

These are some of the things that I’ve found have prevented people from being more financially successful.

A financial adviser can guide you through these hurdles and mental barriers and help you come up with a plan that suits you. At the end of the day, it’s your money and it’s your life, so it is up to you how you choose to handle your finances. If you feel you’ve been treading water when it comes to money, perhaps feel you haven’t achieved as much as you should have, or

are unsure of whether or not you are on the right track, then investing in financial advice is something that can pay handsome dividends.

One of the common new year’s resolutions people have is to get better with money. If you want to take control of your money in 2023, then book yourself in for a free initial meeting and find out how a financial plan can make a world of difference to your financial future.

My job is providing truly independent financial advice to help my clients make informed financial decisions and put them on the path to financial freedom. If that’s the path you’d like to be on, let’s have a chat and see what we can do to improve your financial fitness.

26 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 19 — 25, 2023 LET’S TALK MONEY with DANIEL MCGREGOR PH 02 6362 6966 37 SALE STREET, ORANGE WWW.WILLIAMSMACHIN.COM.AU Marty Lyden 0404 070 391 marty@williamsmachin.com.au Katie Christopherson 0400 637 559 katie@williamsmachin.com.au Kathleen servicedapartments@williamsmachin.com.au Natalie Gow 0407 213 073 propertymanagement@williamsmachin.com.au CONTACT US FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS SALES SERVICED PROPERTIES RENTALS If you’d like to find out more about how INDEPENDENT financial advice could help you manage cash flow, pay off the mortgage faster, get the most out of super and invest wisely, then get in touch on 0411 484 464 or head to wealthtrain.com.au. This advice may not be suitable to you because it contains general advice which does not take into consideration any of your personal circumstances. All strategies and information provided are general advice only. DANIEL MCGREGOR AND WEALTH TRAIN ARE AUTHORISED REPRESENTATIVES OF INDEPENDENT FINANCIAL ADVICE & EDUCATION AFSL 520963 S
ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 19 — 25, 2023 27 119 Peisley Street Orange NSW 2800 02 6362 4755 www.awn.net LIVESTOCK &PROPERTY
28 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 19 — 25, 2023 39 SALE STREET, ORANGE | 6363 1000 | PFISHER.COM.AU ALL PROPERTIES CAN BE VIEWED BY PRIVATE INSPECTION OR VIDEO CALL, JUST CONTACT THE AGENT. ALL INSPECTIONS WILL BE CONDUCTED UNDER STRICT HEALTH GUIDELINES. LARGE FAMILY HOME Here’s the ideal family home with an abundance of space throughout including 4 generous sized bedrooms all with built in wardrobes, formal lounge and dining at one end and another rumpus and family area at the other end. The large kitchen has plenty of bench space to cater for large and busy families, recent upgrades include new carpet in most of the house, new bath & vanity in the main bathroom, new ducted gas heating unit, and new shower screen in the ensuite bathroom. There’s a lovely big pergola area to entertain and relax under whilst taking in views over the surrounding countryside, the large carport will accommodate the tallest of vehicles and caravans and the double shed is equipped with power, bench & woodfire. Bring the family and see for yourself all the features in this ideal large family home. CONTACT: ADAM SAVAGE 0419 232 416 6 SOPHIE DRIVE PRICE GUIDE: $839,000-$869,000 4 2 2 VALUE FOR MONEY With views for miles, this split level home is one of the best on offer for value in Orange. It is a spacious semi detached home with three bedrooms, with an ensuite, walk in robe and balcony off the main plus a good sized family bathroom and separate toilet. The home is not without a bit of an x-factor with the funky and modern kitchen on the lower level. There are two generous living spaces, and you’ll love the views over green fields from the living room and main bedroom balcony. Central gas heating, a single garage with internal access and an easily managed terraced backyard round off this surprising home. Investors and owner occupiers alike had better get in fast! CONTACT: CHRIS MASON 0438 629 417 14A EMILY PLACE $589,000 3 2 1 PERFECT PARNOO Here is an opportunity to buy a home that is a little bit French Provincial, a little bit Hamptons and whole lot of WOW. 6 Parnoo Place is framed by beautiful, colourful gardens that are manicured and landscaped and nestled in a quiet cul-de-sac in one of Orange’s most sought after locations. Offering four bedrooms and a gorgeous renovation, this home is a real showstopper. Upon entry you are met with a stunning kitchen offering everything the home-chef could possibly desire; including beautiful shaker cabinetry, a huge island bench with wine fridge, heaps of drawers, modern appliances and walk-in pantry. Upstairs are three bedrooms and two of the loveliest bathrooms you have ever seen. You’ll love the herringbone rustic tiles, feature walls and black tapware. There is a second living area with access to a separate courtyard and there is a third toilet off the laundry. Outside, you can sit underneath the wisteria and take in the private garden oasis. The 6.6kw solar panel system is an added bonus. CONTACT:
0421 360 948 6 PARNOO PLACE PRICE GUIDE: $950,000-$980,000 4 2 2 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 21 JANUARY 10.15-10.45 TRADITIONAL BRICK WITH PLENTY OF POTENTIAL This traditional brick bungalow with many original features of the era in which it was built offers plenty of potential to make a sweet and cosy home for someone. There is a brick fireplace in the lounge room plus high ceilings, decorative cornices and lovely timber floors. There are 3 bedrooms and an eat in kitchen, compact bathroom plus a second toilet off the laundry. With some planning and hard work, it would be possible to achieve an appealing blend of new and old. On a great sized block of 847.3 sqm there is access and room for a shed and space for outdoor living to be added, or perhaps extend the house into the yard. Currently tenanted until May 2023 it also presents an investment opportunity worth considering. CONTACT: JACOB EVANS 0428 130 789 22 SPRING STREET $699,000 3 1.5 0 NEW LISTING NEW PRICE OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 21 JANUARY 11.00-11.30 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 21 JANUARY 10.30-11.00
ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 19 — 25, 2023 29 39 SALE STREET, ORANGE | 6363 1000 | PFISHER.COM.AU ALL PROPERTIES CAN BE VIEWED BY PRIVATE INSPECTION OR VIDEO CALL, JUST CONTACT THE AGENT. ALL INSPECTIONS WILL BE CONDUCTED UNDER STRICT HEALTH GUIDELINES. 12 SMITH STREET, MOLONG $629,000 3 1 3 IMMACULATE INSIDE AND OUT You would be hard pressed to find a home more immaculate than this one that is much loved and cared for by its owners. Set on a 930 sqm block in a quiet street, this attractive brick home with a fantastic three bay shed is a real winner. The interior is fresh and modern with a lovely neutral colour palette. The kitchen is a stylish black and white with stainless steel appliances and the updated bathroom has a nice feeling of luxury with its big shower and vanity. There are three bedrooms, two of which have builtins, and there is central heating plus a cosy wood fire. Outside is neat as a pin with a covered patio, lots of green manicured lawn and a concrete driveway all the way up to the big shed. This is a property that you could just move into and live without needing to do anything at all except enjoy your new home. CONTACT: JACOB EVANS 0428 130 789 6 BOWEN PLACE $589,000 3 1 1 DON’T BE A RENT SLAVE Located in a quiet cul-de-sac is this three-bedroom, one bathroom home that has a lot to offer, especially if you’re a family looking for their first home. The lounge room is a lovely suntrap as it is north facing. You’ll love the neat and tidy kitchen and the renovated three-way bathroom. All the bedrooms have built-ins, and the garage has been converted into a home gym. There’s a split system air-conditioner to keep you comfortable or you around, and a huge backyard that is private, great for pets and kids to play in. Would make a wonderful first home or add to your investment portfolio. CONTACT: MICHAEL WRIGHT 0421 360 948 NEW LISTING NEW LISTING OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 21 JANUARY 10.15-10.45 READY TO LIVE OR LEASE OUT NOW Set at the back of a small complex of only 6 units this property is ready to either live in or lease out now. There’s a modern kitchen flowing out onto the dining and lounge area with a R/C System and solar to keep power bills down. The modern bathroom has a shower, bath and separate toilet. The main bedroom is a very generous size with a built in and the second bedroom also has a built-in wardrobe. The low maintenance backyard is fully fenced and has a private entrance from the garage into the backyard and laundry area. This unit is ready to move in and enjoy straight away. CONTACT: ADAM SAVAGE 0419 232 416 5/1 BLETCHINGTON STREET PRICE RANGE $419,000 - $439,000 2 1 1 COULD THIS BE YOUR DREAM HOME? This spacious family home is perfect for the buyer looking for a low maintenance lifestyle in an attractive area close to the gorgeous Botanic Gardens and North Orange Shopping Centre. The spectacular gardens are a botanical delight themselves having been established over many years and designed to be easy care as well as beautiful. The home is stylish with a formal lounge and lovely open plan living that both open onto the covered al fresco area that overlooks the inground pool and is perfect for entertaining with blinds and fans added. There are four great sized bedrooms with the master suite having an ensuite and walk-in robe and there is a three-way bathroom with spa bath perfect for unwinding at the end of the day. Every corner of the block has been utilised to its best advantage including rear yard access at the side with space for a trailer or caravan, a BBQ area and garden shed. The inground pool will delight and there is a handy powder room nearby. CONTACT: CHRIS MASON 0438 629 417 21 ROSELAWN DRIVE $859,000 4 2.5 2
30 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 19 — 25, 2023 39 SALE STREET, ORANGE | 6363 1000 | PFISHER.COM.AU ALL PROPERTIES CAN BE VIEWED BY PRIVATE INSPECTION OR VIDEO CALL, JUST CONTACT THE AGENT. ALL INSPECTIONS WILL BE CONDUCTED UNDER STRICT HEALTH GUIDELINES. If you’re tired of looking at the same old cookie-cutters, then this is the home for you. Located in the lovely village of Cargo, this eclectically sweet home, set on two usable acres, offers great value. The land is currently set-up for horses but can easily be converted to other uses. Additional features of the home include a wood fire, town water connection and split system air conditioning. Offering all this value at such an affordable sale price, it won’t last long. CONTACT: MICHAEL WRIGHT 0421 360 948 10 FORBES STREET CARGO $690,000 3 1 3 Renovated and ready to live in, the hard work is done with a lovely new kitchen complete with a wine fridge, dishwasher, gas cooktop and plenty of bench space. Both bathrooms have been tastefully renovated. Hardwood flooring and tiles provide versatility and ducted heating takes care of the cooler months. Good fencing, 2 garden sheds and lock up garage add to this great all-round package. Located in the popular Calare area - this home is the perfect property for a young family to move straight in. CONTACT: ADAM SAVAGE 0419 232 416 5 WARATAH AVE $660,000 4 2 1 Set on 1,871sqm with established gardens, this modern brick home is perfectly formed with three spacious living areas including a formal lounge, huge rumpus room and a family area in the open plan living. An added bonus is the sunroom. The galley kitchen is stylish and comfort is assured in the four good sized bedrooms, the main with an ensuite. Outdoor living is also covered with a timber deck plus a covered patio. The backyard is quite a delight with plenty of room, park-like views and fire pit area. CONTACT: JACOB EVANS 0428 130 789 13 WILLIAM STREET, MOLONG $679,000 4 2 1 This beautiful 5-acre property is just 10 minutes from Orange, offering an exceptional list of inclusions. The fully renovated home boasts four bedrooms, three living areas, a huge kitchen with modern appliances, solar panels and reverse cycle ducted air conditioning. You’ll enjoy a ‘garden to plate’ lifestyle with a small orchard, veggie patches and chook yards. Water is abundant with a 120,000L concrete tank and a water-quality tested bore with pump to the tank. There is a huge 10.5m x 7m shed with three phase power, electric fences, garden shed and so much more. CONTACT: MICHAEL WRIGHT 0421 360 948 255 PHOENIX MINE RD LUCKNOW $1,549,000 4 2 5 This stylish two-bedroom townhouse offers privacy and style. It’s a lovely suntrap with the alfresco area, master bedroom and the loungeroom facing north. The kitchen is white, bright and fresh boasting stone benchtops, soft closing doors and modern appliances. Both bedrooms are spacious with builtin wardrobes. There is a fully enclosed yard which is easy maintenance and ready for a special touch. Perfect for the downsizer, investor or first home; you’ll want to see this one. CONTACT: MICHAEL WRIGHT 0421 360 948 1/24 EMMAVILLE STREET $529,000 2 1 1 This exceptional home located close to town, showcases a naturally bright open plan living/kitchen/dining area that opens onto the north facing timber deck with a lovely outlook over the hills beyond. The kitchen has stainless steel appliances, lots of storage and a big pantry. The bedrooms are generous sized with the main bedroom having a walk-in robe and ensuite. Both bathrooms are well appointed and there is a separate toilet. There is internal access to the double garage and solar panels on the roof to help keep the bills at bay. CONTACT: JACOB EVANS 0428 130 789 74 HILL STREET, MOLONG 3 2 2 $569,000 DREAM HOME DELIGHT Nestled in one of Orange’s most desired cul-de-sacs, this lovely home has been recently updated. Surrounded by established gardens and with the Coogal Wetlands behind, the home has been designed to bring the outside in from every window. It will easily accommodate the whole family with four bedrooms, the main with an ensuite, a formal lounge room and a spacious open plan living area with windows galore opening onto the outdoor living zone that wraps around the back and side of the house. The terraced gardens are a delight and have easy access to the walking paths around the wetlands. The garage is double in size but is currently used as one car space plus
is a
as well. It could
be converted
offer make this a dream home come true. CONTACT: CHRIS MASON 0438 629 417 30 GOLDFINCH WAY PRICE GUIDE: $900,000-$950,000 4 2.5 1.5 170 SPRING VALE LANE, MOLONG CONTACT AGENT 3 2 3
3 bay
a workshop
back to
double garage.
courtyards, pretty gardens
attractive home with flexible floorplan combined with the excellent location
wonderful lifestyle on
This property is, in a word, stunning. 33 hectares of nature lovers’ paradise. This off-grid home is
by a beautiful garden and unique bushland. Positioned on a hill
overlooking neighbouring
views to Mt
this eco-friendly home has much to offer. Including quality finishes throughout, with a hand crafted stone wall around the fireplace in the open plan lounge, kitchen and dining area. This well designed home offers amazing and efficient warmth through a wet back recycled water heater system spreading the heat throughout the house. There are three spacious bedrooms, one of which could be an office. There are two bathrooms, powder room and big laundry. The features outside
impressive from the elevated deck perfect for entertaining whilst enjoying the view,
solar panels,
garage and hobby sized vineyard and olive grove. The historic Sydney train carriage with a wood fire, toilet, timber deck and water tank has many possible uses.
ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 19 — 25, 2023 31 39 SALE STREET, ORANGE | 6363 1000 | PFISHER.COM.AU ALL PROPERTIES CAN BE VIEWED BY PRIVATE INSPECTION OR VIDEO CALL, JUST CONTACT THE AGENT. ALL INSPECTIONS WILL BE CONDUCTED UNDER STRICT HEALTH GUIDELINES. DELIGHTFUL RENOVATION There’s been a lot of building activity over the recent months at 18 Prince Street, the delightful renovation is now complete and what a renovation. The property has been completely renovated from front to back, inside and out, including an on-trend kitchen flowing to an open plan dining and snug area with French double doors leading out to the spacious yard and double shed. The luxurious and spacious new bathroom includes a bath, shower, toilet, vanity, and there’s also another handy second toilet adjacent to the European laundry. All 3 bedrooms and the lounge area have been fully renovated. Other major upgrades include complete new electrical wiring throughout, new plumbing to kitchen, laundry, bathroom and toilet, new paint and window furnishings throughout. This gorgeous home is ready right now for you to move into. CONTACT: ADAM SAVAGE 0419 232 416 18 PRINCE STREET PRICE GUIDE: $950,000-$1,050,000 3 1.5 2 The home is located in stylish East Orange and is only a short walk to Cafés and schools. The kitchen has been lovingly renovated with a timeless neutral palette. Both bedrooms are generous with plenty of storage. Gas heaters sit amongst the lovely mantles and there is a reverse-cycle air conditioner to keep you comfortable. The yard has a lovely pergola for entertaining. Currently set up as short-term rental accommodation the property would appeal to the astute investor. There are also plans drawn up to convert the garage into a granny flat with its own access. CONTACT: MICHAEL WRIGHT 0421 360 948 42 SPRING STREET $690,000 2 1 2 Located in South Orange is this four-bedroom home which offers loads for the family. The home boasts two living areas, four bedrooms, a separate sunroom and a mudroom with access from the garage. In the heart of the home is a renovated kitchen with modern appliances. There is a gas heater and a reverse cycle air conditioner. The garage is large with extra-high ceilings if you wanted to add a mezzanine. There is excellent rear-yard access to the big and secure yard with plenty of room for extra sheds. CONTACT: MICHAEL WRIGHT 0421 360 948 15 ANSON STREET PRICE GUIDE: $660,000-$680,000 4 1 2 This home is perfect for a first home buyer or investor. The big jobs have been done but there is still potential to add your own finishing touches. The large lounge room and dining area show off big windows letting in lots of light. There are two bedrooms plus an extra room to use as you please. The home has two toilets and showers which is unusual in a house this size. You also have a sunroom and utility area to use as extra living space. The backyard has a great shed with a covered patio area down the side offering a shady spot to sit in summer. CONTACT: JACOB EVANS 0428 130 789 33 NORTH STREET $409,000 2 2 1 This attractive home is tucked away in an excellent location. There is little work to be done to the light filled home with an updated kitchen, laundry and modern bathroom. The lounge is generously sized and there are four spacious bedrooms with built-ins plus a flexible space that could be a mudroom or office. The garage has a large workshop space and the back yard is a wonderfully usable space. Zoned for Orange High and Orange Public Schools and just a short trip to town. CONTACT: CHRIS MASON 0438 629 417 7 SEPIK PLACE PRICE GUIDE: $649,000-$669,000 4 1 1 Located in the very popular Calare area, this home has fantastic views. Step inside and you’ll find upstairs 3 spacious bedrooms, the main with an updated ensuite and a walk-in robe. There are 2 large living areas, dining room, spacious kitchen with new vinyl flooring and all heated by a ducted gas system plus a large woodfire. Downstairs with another large bedroom and bathroom, kitchenette and living area - ideal for teenagers, extended family or potentially extra income. CONTACT: ADAM SAVAGE 0419 232 416 20 MAPLE AVENUE 4 3 2 This neat home is bigger than you think with four bedrooms plus a granny flat with living area, bathroom. The main home is bright and airy with a lovely open plan living area with timber floors and updated kitchen. The bathroom has lovely modern fittings and there is not too much more to do. There is a big shed with a storeroom in the backyard which has good access and lots of space on the 765.1 sqm block. The water tanks and solar panels are a real bonus too. CONTACT: CHRIS MASON 0438 629 417 20 FRANKLIN ROAD 5 2 2 $829,000 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 21 JANUARY 11.00-11.30 16 WIRRUNA AVENUE CONTACT AGENT 5 3 2 FEELS LIKE HOME This beautiful home, in the much sought after Wirruna Avenue, is a total dream package. Fully and tastefully renovated from top to bottom, inside and out you can move in with nothing to do but enjoy the luxury on offer. You will love the sense of space and the gorgeous flooring through the living areas adds a real feeling of warmth. There are high end finishes and features used throughout and no expense has been spared in creating this stunner. With multiple living areas, five bedrooms, or four and an office if you prefer, three luxurious bathrooms and a wonderful kitchen and dining space your family will want for nothing more. Surrounded by leafy trees and gardens the backyard is a private oasis with a timber deck perfect for outdoor dining and relaxation. This is not just a house, it will truly feel like a home for those lucky enough to live in it. Come and see it for yourself. CONTACT: JACOB EVANS 0428 130 789 PRICE GUIDE: $649,000-$669,000 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 21 JANUARY 9.30-10.00 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 21 JANUARY 12.30-1.00 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 21 JANUARY 11.15-11.45 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 21 JANUARY 9.30-10.00

Helping young people get a start is just good business

As any small business owner in Orange knows, getting the right sta is vitally important and only getting more and more challenging in the current environment.

But did you know Australia’s largest notfor-profit specialist employment services provider is right here on our very own doorstep?

OCTEC has been delivering training and employment services to young people in Orange for the past 47 years. Now with more than 270 service locations across eastern Australia and five major programs, OCTEC still hasn’t lost sight of its hometown roots, working with local employers like Smoking Brothers’ Ben and David Allcock to get young people a start

in the workforce.

Twin brothers and qualified chefs, Ben and David Allcock, run the popular Lords Place restaurant and takeaway, Elwood’s Eatery, along with Ben’s wife, Ellie.

Over the years they have employed numerous young people through OCTEC’s Workforce Australia Transition to Work program – an employment program for 15 to 24-year-olds who are looking for employment, including apprenticeships and traineeships, or to connect with ongoing training and education.

It’s been a winning partnership and one that is set to continue well into the future.

“Most of the time (Workforce Australia Transition to Work Participants) have a better attitude and are ready to work,” said Ben Allcock, who was particularly

appreciative of the support OCTEC provides for training.

“They mean that we don’t need people to always hit the ground running on day one. There really is that flexibility that we can get the guys in for a good month or two and really their job is to just learn our business,” he said.

“Sta ng has become extremely hard now. It’s not just hospitality, it’s a broad factor. The more help that’s out there to help you find great sta like Michael, the better,” Ben continued, referring to employee and former Transition to Workforce participant, Michael Bloomfield.

National Program Manager, Charissa Mossop, said that OCTEC’s Transition to Work team (based in the Lands O ce Building on Kite Street) has really valued

“Ben is brilliant to work with as an employer. He appreciates what Transition to Work o ers, as well as how it can work for him and potential sta . In return, we benefit from working with an employer who knows what they want and sees the potential in our participants,” Ms Mossop said.

“We appreciate forging long-term relationships with local businesses. We are able to adapt to meet business needs as they change, with the COVID pandemic having a considerable impact on how business is done.”

She said anyone interested in learning more about the Workforce Australia

Transition to Work program can contact the team on 6363 1975.

Our philosophy is simple: To look after your property as if it were our own

32 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 19 — 25, 2023 Orange Property Market 39 SALE STREET, ORANGE | 6363 1000 | PFISHER.COM.AU PETER FISHER Property Management TEAM Our goal is to maximise your return through: 3 Expert knowledge 3 A proactive approach 3 Strong communication 3 Comprehensive marketing campaign 3 Problem solving 3 Continuous improvement 3 Streamlined processes using specialised technology 3 Dedication to maximising your asset
We believe that experience, knowledge and communication are the most important elements of successfully managing an investment property.
For a list of available rental properties scan here: 6363 1000
the partnership with Smoking Brothers.
Smoking Brothers co-owner, Ben Allcock, with employee and former Transition to Workforce participant, Michael Bloomfield, and OCTEC National Program Manager Charissa Mossop.

27 Plumb Street, Blayeny - Your Private Oasis Awaits

A stunning property on a 1888.3sqm freehold in a spectacular location. This home has so much appeal and offers something for the whole family. Lavish manicured gardens and a wrap-around verandah are fine features

• Large covered alfresco area provides an amazing space to entertain all year round

• 10x2m inground swimming pool

• An enormous 12x8m lock-up garage with enough room for 4 cars or to store your caravan and or boat, loads of storage space


James Taylor 0457 792800 Lucy Nell 0400 726 897

19a Hamer Street, Orange

Only minutes to town, we offer the public a rare opportunity to purchase not one but two properties on the same lot, 19a Hamer Street, Orange. This unique investment opportunity features mirror imaging 2 x two bedroom townhouses with no Strata fees!

• The potential return of $3,500 per month if Air BnB’d

Auction Friday 17th February, 10.30am

Open Thursday 19th January, 5.30pm - 6pm

James Taylor 0457 792 800

10 Summer Street, Orange

Opportunity awaits at this perfect CBD location to secure a strong investment. 3 x two-bedroom units each with plenty to offer for either a short-term stay, rental or Air BnB. 1 x 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom unit and 2 x 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom units

• The potential return of $6,000 per month if Air BnB’d

Auction Friday 17th February, 10.30am

Open Thursday 19th January, 5pm - 5.30pm

James Taylor 0457 792 800

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 19 — 25, 2023 33
Sale Contact Agent
By Appointment
18 Sale Street Orange NSW raywhiteemc.com 02 6362 0211
White Emms







Other of the many features include a double garage with internal access, central heating and a cosy gas log fire in the family room.

Set on an elevated 926.6 m2 block in a quiet cul-de-sac just a few minutes stroll to the Orange Botanic Gardens.

Make your move to a much more comfortable lifestyle today.

34 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 19 — 25, 2023 FOR SALE 1A CYPRESS STREET, ORANGE EASY LIVING $595,000 This attractive little home packs a mighty big punch that hits you the minute you enter. Beautifully and freshly renovated throughout with two bedrooms (both with built-in wardrobes) the main bedroom has direct access to the three way bathroom. There is a split-air conditioner separate lounge room and gas central heating throughout. The separate kitchen is complete with dishwasher, gas cooktop and pantry and adjoins the tiled dining room. A large north facing outdoor pergola for entertaining outdoors, even in winter. UNDER CONTRACT CHRIS OR JOHN ON 6362 5999 A new development consisting of two and three bedroom villa units and town houses. Designed for your security and peace of mind. A heated indoor communal swimming pool for your enjoyment. OPEN HOUSE SAT 21st JANUARY 12.00pm - 1.00pm NOW SELLING ‘KINROSS MEWS’ 99 BATHURST ROAD, ORANGE A BETTER LIFESTYLE AWAITS YOU HERE IN THIS NEW GATED COMPLEX FOR SALE 16 FOX AVENUE, ORANGE RIGHT ACROSS FROM THE SCHOOL A fantastic family location in a small, quiet and leafy street around a one minute walk to Bletchington School’s main gate. With 3 bedrooms, this home is well presented both inside and outside with the living areas featuring a separate loungeroom with gas heating, a bright and an airy family room with wall to wall built in storage and reverse cycle air-conditioning. Other features include a double garage and workshop, garden shed and a rainwater tank. OPEN HOUSE SAT 21st JANUARY 11.30am - 12.00pm ENORMOUS POTENTIAL Split level brick veneer home with 3 bedrooms. Double carport, workshop and garden sheds in large back yard with rear access. Lovely tree lined street outlook from front patio. $700,000 OPEN HOUSE SAT 21st JANUARY
10.00am - 10.30am
HOUSE SAT 21st JANUARY 11.00am - 11.30am
you have been longing for extra space and extra rooms then don’t go past this stunning four bedroom home that has 311.6 m2 in area (including porch & alfresco) for the whole family to enjoy in style.
thoughtfully designed plan with tiled flowing living areas include a dining room and family room which both open to the eye-catching kitchen with a colourful glass splashback, island bench, gas stove top and a walk-in food pantry.
The main bedroom is of extra proportions and features a roomy ensuite with spa bath and walk in robes.
addition to the living areas is a private home theatre room and a separate activities area ideal for children’s playroom or for adults alike.
breezy alfresco area has a natural look Jarrah timer lined ceiling and glorious views to Mt
you’re looking for a spacious unit with the convenience of inner city living, then don’t look past this opportunity.
enjoys a north facing open plan living area with new carpets and freshly painted lounge / dining room that has electric heating and a handy storage closet. The main bathroom has been freshly renovated and there is a second toilet downstairs. There is internal access to the garage and a private paved courtyard and garden at the rear with a covered outdoor area. It’s so easy to walk to town, you may get rid of your car! $550,000 FOR SALE 9/198 BYNG STRE ET, ORANGE VERY CENTRAL 3 BEDROOM UNIT OM OPEN HOUSE SAT 21st JANUARY 1.00pm - 1.30pm Refurbished with new carpets and freshly painted throughout this home is located in a quiet street within easy walking distance to the new DPI building and handy to the CBD too. All bedrooms have built-in wardrobes and there is a big sunroom as well. FOR LEASE 11 THOMAS STREET, ORANGE CENTRAL THREE BEDROOM HOME WITH DOUBLE GARARGE/WORKSHOP RENT $550 PER WEEK
This two story residence

Great start for the first home buyer at Cudal

with its convenience store, coffee shop, playgrounds, bowling club and great community feel. It is located 38km from the large city of Orange via The Escort Way and approximately 15 kms (a less than 14 minute drive) to Manildra Mill with its large employment opportunities. There is a school bus to Orange.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 19 — 25, 2023 35 28 Seymour Street Orange CONTACT AGENT 311 a b c a b c a b c Ph 0428 650 675 Address 24 Sale Street, Orange scottmunro.ljhooker.com.au Email scott.munro@ljhooker.com.au website ww.orange.ljhooker.com.au FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED BLOCK TO BUILD ON 5 acres at Lyndhurst x2 at $300,000 each 9 acres at Cargo at $420,000 Building block 2600m2 at Cargo at $200,000 NOW IS THE BEST TIME TO BUY AN INVESTMENT PROPErTy! This classic home has been faultlessly renovated so there’s nothing for you to do- just move in and enjoy the open living spaces, contemporary colour scheme and design and beautifully landscaped garden with its attractive al fresco area.You will be amazed by this home! Stylish and sophisticated on Seymour Allow us LJ Hooker to help Begin , Build and Consolidate your property portfolio Call us today ! - Guarantee returns - The Orange rental market remains buoyant - Property remains a strong investment Why ?
SCOTT MUNRO 1 Church Street Cudal FOR SALE $450,000 311 a b c a b c a b c Adjacent to a town common, this older style home is set on a huge and elevated 6069sq metre block in the charming village of Cudal
Five bright and beautiful bedrooms in North Orange 3 Agate
The Botanic
This lovely home has been designed with livability in mind. The pleasing neutral palette and nine foot ceilings emphasize the light and airy feel of this lovely home. Offering plenty of space , this generous home includes a formal lounge/dining room adjoining the lightfilled foyer. which could also be used as a media room. The landscaped backyard has established, low maintenance 521 a b c a b c a b c Great opportunity for first home buyers! Cudal FOR SALE $495,000
an easy drive of Bunnings,
Orange Shops,
Adventure Playground
321 a b c a b c a b c FOR SALE $900 per acre Mixed farming agricultural enterprise. 2844 Acres, border with River and Creek. There is also a 4 bay garage, 3 stand shearing shed, 1 set of sheep yards and shearers’ quarters. 1195 Mercadool Road Walgett FOR SALE 1855 Acres $1300 per acre Near North Parkes The four bedroom homestead has a lovely sunroom, kitchen, and entertaining area with rear verandah perfect for entertaining or unwinding. Both bathrooms are modern while the living areas are light-filled and generous. The property is located approximately 30 kms from Parkes, 14kms approx from North Parkes Mine. 3633 Bogan Road Goonumbla “Coraki” 223 Farnham Road Stuart Town 142 Acres FOR SALE $850,000 This 142 (approx) acre block on the outskirts of Stuart Town boasts a permanent spring-fed creek and views to the surrounding central west countryside. The undulating country is mostly lighter soils and would be suitable for grazing due to its good shade and secure fencing. It has been pasture improved with rye grass, phalaris and a mixture of clover. All of it is arable with light timber. 25 inches annual rainfall. It offers a carrying capacity of 140 sheep or 40 cattle. Approximately 5kms to Stuart Town with its hotel, soon to open convenience store, primary school and school bus to either Wellington or Orange, this block is also located approximately 45 minutes from Lake Burrendong with its skiing, fishing and other recreational activities.suitable for Hobby Farm - Vineyard It is approximately 60kms from Orange. Lifestyle block with building entitlement ALL OFFERS CONSIDERED UNDER OFFER UNDEROFFER
This well-built, two story home is in a quiet location on a large 1170m corner block, which also allows for
access to the back
The home features three good sized bedrooms, two bathrooms and multiple living spaces including a massive downstairs rumpus area which is currently being used as an extra living room but which would easily convert into another bedroom, games room or gym.

This great property has just been FULLY renovated and is located in one of the most tightly held locations in Orange which is Westlea. Only an inspection will confirm the high quality renovation of this property.

• Four bedrooms, master with en-suite and all bedrooms have built in robes

• Both bathrooms have beautiful floor to ceiling tiles and stone bench tops

• Main bathroom has a bath and shower, separate toilet, also toilet in the laundry

• Great new modern kitchen with stone bench tops and soft close cabinetry

• Great storage in the hallway, laundry and living area, ducted heating and cooling

• New floor coverings, new paint, new lights, new blinds, new everything!

• Attached drive through double garage, secure back yard, Orange High zoned

36 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 19 — 25, 2023 This 877sqm block is ready to build on and is located in a new stylish West Orange location. • Easterly views towards Westlea and Ploughmans Wetlands • All town services connected including underground power • Orange High school zoning and a short drive to the CBD • Quiet location at the end of a cul de sac • Ready to build on • Close to Duntyleague and Wentworth golf clubs • Orange High school zoned • Quiet location 7 Yackerboon Street, orange $489,000 CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590 AUCTION Cornerblockwith2xroadaccesses Landareaapprox.1,406Ha,buildingareaapprox.1,620m² 2gantrycranes ZonedGeneralIndustrial OfferedwithVacantPossession Formoreinformationorforaninspection,contactGaryBlowes 0418635248|gary@blowesre.com.au Celebrating50yearsinrealestatein2022 CnrLordsPlandKiteSt,Orange 0263621233 2-4ASHSTREET,ORANGE Auctiononsite11am23/02/2022 BLOWESRE.COM.AU cnr lords place + kite street 02 6362 1233 AUCTION Cornerblockwith2xroadaccesses Landareaapprox.1,406Ha,buildingareaapprox.1,620m² 2gantrycranes ZonedGeneralIndustrial OfferedwithVacantPossession Formoreinformationorforaninspection,contactGaryBlowes 0418635248|gary@blowesre.com.au Celebrating50yearsinrealestatein2022 CnrLordsPlandKiteSt,Orange 0263621233 2-4ASHSTREET,ORANGE Auctiononsite11am23/02/2022 BLOWESRE.COM.AU cnr lords place + kite street 02 6362 1233 This modern unit complex ticks a lot of boxes and is so close to many services and amenities. A regretful sale for the owners but a great opportunity for a purchaser as a live in property or as an investment. • Three bedrooms, master with walk in robe and direct access to bathroom. • Open plan styled Lounge/Dining/Kitchen area with A/C plus ducted gas heating throughout • Kitchen has gas cooktop, electric oven, dishwasher, double sink and pantry • Back patio has been fully enclosed and has its own air conditioner • Double attached garage with panel lift door and internal access • Secure private yard with small lawn area and small storage shed 4/88 Kenna Street, orange CONTACT AGENT CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590 3 1 2 GREAT LOCATION,
Don’t miss the opportunity to move quickly on this new to market brick veneer 4 bedroom home located in a sought after location. The elevated property has views
and features 4
walk in robe and
floor heating, 2
gas heating throughout, secure back yard and
14 Windamingle Place, orange $719,000 CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590 4 2 2 You will be impressed with this fully renovated property located very close to the new DPI and a short walk to town. Not only has it been fully renovated but electrical plumbing and drainage has also been replaced.
towards Mt Canobolas
bedrooms with
master having en-suite,
other bedrooms have built in robes. The large kitchen/dining room has tiled flooring,
cooktop, under bench oven, breakfast bar, under
opens onto the covered outdoor alfresco area. The comfortable lounge room has a northerly aspect and the home has ducted
Complete renovation by quality licensed local builder
Three bedrooms, two with built in robes and master with en-suite
Fantastic open
plan living/dining/kitchen with loads of natural light
Open plan living features modern tiling, storage and feature flame effect gas heater
Modern kitchen with stone bench tops and huge walk in pantry, all with great storage
Computer nook, ducted heating and cooling throughout and alarm system
3 2 1 4 2 2
All new electrical, plumbing, drainage, garage and turf 118 Margaret Street, orange
CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590
• Generous 833sqm block in a great location, would suit new home buyer 40 Kooronga avenue, orange CONTACT AGENT CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590 OPEN HOUSE Saturday 21st 10.30am - 11.00am OPEN HOUSE Saturday 21st 10.30am - 11.00am OPEN HOUSE Saturday 21st 11.15am - 11.45am OPEN HOUSE Saturday 21st 11.30am - 12.00pm BE IMPRESSED, AS NEW FOUR BED This lovely home will impress and would suit the first home buyer or a growing family. Master bedroom with en-suite and walk in robe • Three other bedrooms all with built in robes Open plan family/kitchen/dining opening onto covered alfresco • Modern kitchen with stone bench tops and soft close furniture Central bathroom with bath and shower, separate toilet • Internal access from garage, ducted gas heating throughout and split A/C 22 Turquoise Way, orange $795,000 CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590 4 2 2 REDUCED PRICE
ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 19 — 25, 2023 37 Cornerblockwith2xroadaccesses Landareaapprox.1,406Ha,buildingareaapprox.1,620m² 2gantrycranes ZonedGeneralIndustrial OfferedwithVacantPossession Formoreinformationorforaninspection,contactGaryBlowes 0418635248|gary@blowesre.com.au Celebrating50yearsinrealestatein2022 CnrLordsPlandKiteSt,Orange 0263621233 2-4ASHSTREET,ORANGE Auctiononsite11am23/02/2022 BLOWESRE.COM.AU cnr lords place + kite street 02 6362 1233 Celebrating 50 years in real estate in 2022 Cornerblockwith2xroadaccesses Landareaapprox.1,406Ha,buildingareaapprox.1,620m² 2gantrycranes ZonedGeneralIndustrial OfferedwithVacantPossession Formoreinformationorforaninspection,contactGaryBlowes 0418635248|gary@blowesre.com.au Celebrating50yearsinrealestatein2022 CnrLordsPlandKiteSt,Orange 0263621233 2-4ASHSTREET,ORANGE Auctiononsite11am23/02/2022 BLOWESRE.COM.AU cnr lords place + kite street 02 6362 1233 GARY BLOWES Director 0418 635 248 Commercial Sales + Leasing CHRIS TYACK 0438 258 590 Residential Sales Manager MARG LONGHURST 0499 013 427 Sales Co-ordinator SHARISSA GILL 0477 063 857 Property Manager ABIGAIL PALMER 6362 1233 Office Manager 191-193 Peisley Street, orange CONTACT Margaret Longhurst 0499 013 427 • Freehold only • Quality long-standing tenant • Long-term lease in place with option to renew ZONED B3 COMMERCIAL CENTRAL CBD LOCATION ContaCt the exClusive listing agents to arrange an inspeCtion or to obtain an information memorandum. FOR SALE $1.4 MILLION (GST EXEMPT) 207 MCLACHLAN ST, orange • Zoned Industrial • 2 x 470m² warehouses • 22 x mini storage sheds • Only 4 blocks to the CBD • High Occupancy Rate • Fully tenanted CONTACT Gary Blowes 0418 635 248 or Margaret Longhurst 0499 013 427 $1.95 MILLION AS A GOING CONCERN REDUCED PRICE


9.30-10.00 15 Anson Street 4 1 2 $660,000-$680,000 9.30-10.00 16 Wirruna Avenue 5 3 2 Contact Agent 10.15-10.45 6 Bowen place 3 1 1 $589,000 10.15-10.45 6 Sophie Drive 4 2 2 $839,000 -$869,000 10.30-11.00 22 Spring Street 3 1 0 $699,000 11.00-11.30 18 Prince Street 3 1 2 $965,000-$1,050,000 11.00-11.30 6 Parnoo Place 4 2 2 $950,000-$980,000 11.15-11.45 33 North Street 2 1 1 $409,000 11.45-12.15 1 Rawle Avenue 3 1 1 $589,000

12.30-1.00 20 Maple Avenue 4 3 2 $829,000 1.15-1.45 1/24 Emmaville Street 2 1 1 $529,000 2.30-3.00 10 Forbes Street, Cargo 3 1 3 $690,000

10.00-10.30 161 Spring Street 3 1 2 $439,000.00 10.00-10.30 148C Sampson Street 3 1 1 $599,000-$629,000 10.15-10.45 7/36 Autumn Street 2 1 2 $500,000-$539,000 10.45-11.15 47 Sundew Circuit 4 2 2 CONTACT AGENT 10.45-11.15 89 Edward Street 3 1 0 AUCTION 11.00-11.30 90 William Maker Drive 5 2 2 $935,000-$965,000 11.30-12.00 46 Tynan Street 3 1 3 $529,000 11.45-12.15 15 Benelong Place 3 1 1 $589,000 12.30-1.00 129 Gardiner Road 3 2 1 $670,000

for more details on these great properties scan the qr code




38 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 19 — 25, 2023
2 Contact Agent
11.30 -
16 Fox Avenue 3 1 1 Contact Agent 12.00 -
99 Bathurst Road Contact Agent 10.00 -
12 Oak Street 3 1 1 $700,000 1.00 - 1.30pm 9/198 Byng Street 3 1 1 $550,000 11.00 - 11.30am 9 Japonica Place 4 2 2 $950,000 10:00am 5 Sullivan Circuit, Orange 4 2
10:45am 10/16 Warrendine Street 3 1 1 Contact Agent 11:30am 1/198 Byng Street, Orange 2 1 1 Contact Agent
11.30 - 12.00pm 40 Kooronga Avenue 4 2 2 Contact Agent 10.30 - 11.00am 14 Windamingle Place 4 2 2 $719,000 10.30 - 11.00am 4/88 Kenna Street 3 2 1 Contact Agent 11.15 - 11.45am 118 Margaret Street 3 2 1 $849,000 www.orangecitylife.com.au/real-estate
ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 19 — 25, 2023 39 Orange Property Market bringing you the best property listings from the best agents in the region. FREE every Thursday in print and online Find your dream home today... SCAN ME

Quick Crossword Quiz


1 With regards to the university, what did RMIT used to stand for?

2 President Joe Biden was born in which US state?

3 See What You Made Me Do is a 2020 non-fiction book written by which Australian journalist?

4 What type of fruit was the heaviest recorded fruit, at more than 1000 kilograms?

5 The two Australian pigeon species that have an erect crest are the crested pigeon and what other species?

6 Which podcast won Podcast of the Year at the 2020 Australian Podcast Awards?

7 Abbi Jacobson and Ilana Glazer (pictured) star in which US TV comedy?

8 Do emperor penguins live in the Arctic or Antarctica?

9 The Richter scale was developed by which US seismologist?

10 Which city has the highest population density in the world?

1 Well pleased (9) 6 Japanese mountain (4) 10 Disrespect (coll.) (3) 11 Formal statement about another’s character (11) 12 Former US first lady, –Obama (8) 13 Counterreply (6) 14 Bird’s home (4) 15 Showing symptoms of a high temperature (7) 20 Wariness (7) 21 Festivity (4) 25 Positive (6) 26 Being admitted to a church (8) 28 Prioritising material possessions (11) 29 Prefix meaning new (3) 30 Divine beings (4) 31 People living together in communities (9)

No. 067

DOWN 1 Lees (8) 2 Case that sets a precedent (4,4) 3 Person who looks after children (6) 4 Bankrupt (9) 5 Speaker’s platform (4) 7 Accord (6) 8 Water-surrounded land (6) 9 Supervisors (7) 16 Pathological self-admirer (9) 17 Morbidly repellent (7) 18 Capital of Finland (8) 19 Useless person or thing (4,4) 22 A spice (6) 23 Subsided (6) 24 Filibuster (6) 27 God of war (4)

tiles of letters into the blank jigsaw below to create four six-letter words going across and down. Wordfind

No. 067 Edgeword Place each of




40 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 19 — 25, 2023
Sudoku No. 067 684 63 617 3 876 825 9 62 71 3 729 946 8 Fill in the blank cells using the numbers from 1 to 9. Each number can only appear once in each row, column and 3x3 block Using the
how many words
T S T M A NE E T 21 words: Good 31 words: Very good 42 words: Excellent Today’s Focus: 9-Letter Reference: Macquarie Dictionary Sat 2512 No. 067 No. 067
Insert each number from 1 to
+ × = 34 × ÷ + –+ = 12 + + –+ × = 16 = = = 30 11 12
nine letters in the grid,
of four letters or more can you list? The centre letter must be included and each letter may only be used once. No colloquial or foreign words. No capitalised nouns, apostrophes or plural words ending in “s”.
9 in the shaded squares
solve all the horizontal and vertical equations. Multiplication and division are performed before addition and subtraction.
No. 067
There may be more than one possible answer. There may be more than one possible answer.
Drop Down the
Starting with the seven-letter word, drop a letter and form a six-letter word. Continue in this manner until you reach the single letter at the bottom. You can rearrange the letters in each step, if necessary. BATH
E V S M R S O E L O Y A S Insert the missing letters to make 10 words – five reading across the grid and five
Solutions QUICK CROSSWORD SUDOKU 129536847 697142583 261783495 348297156 832659714 784965321 576814932 415378269 953421678 9-LETTER amen, enema, mane, mans, manse, mast, mate, mates, mats, matt, matte, matts, mean, meanest, means, meant, meat, meet, meets, mesa, mesne, mete, metes, name, names, same, seam, seamen, seem, semen, stamen, STATEMENT, steam, stem, tame, tames, tamest, team, teams, teem, teems, TESTAMENT QUIZ 1. Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology 2. Pennsylvania 3. Jess Hill 4. Pumpkin 5. Spinifex pigeon 6. Birds Eye View 7. Broad City 8. Antarctica 9. Charles F. Richter 10. Manila (The Philippines) WORDFIND 5x5 Secret message: Many parts of Blighty PUzzLESANDPAGINATION © PAGEMASTERS P TY LTD | pagemasters.com E A V E S S M R K S P O R E A L L O W Y E A R S DROPDOWN DWINDLE WINDED DINED DIED DID ID D EDGEWORD PIGEON, PINKER, ONSETS, ERUPTS CROSSMATH 3 + × 7 9 = 34 × ÷ + 8 –+ 1 5 = 12 + + –6 + × 4 2 = 16 = = 30 11 12 D D W I N D L E 200123 Dubbo & Orange PUZZLES…. PUZZLES…. PUZZLES….
Theme: English Counties
No. 067 5x5
reading down.


“Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.”

Do you know all the lines? Come and relive this cinema cult classic at Orange City Library this afternoon (Thursday, January 19) at 5pm.

Based on the novel by William Goldman, The Princess Bride is a homage to the fairytale genre. It’s a perfect blend of humour, wit, action, fantasy, and romance and a story within a story.

Released in 1987, fans have been quoting it, practising their fencing, and building up a

tolerance to iocane powder ever since.

Orange City Library invites you to come enjoy all the magic of The Princess Bride on the big screen at the back of the library.

Feel free to dress up, and bring a picnic blanket or beanbag — although chairs will be provided.

Want popcorn and ice cream too? As you wish! There will also be prizes for the best costumes.

This movie is rated PG. Bookings are essential as spaces are limited.

6393 8132.

If your New Year’s resolution is to try a new sport and meet new people, then why not give dragonboating a go!

Colour City Dragons are holding a “Come and Try Dragonboating” day at Lake Canobolas, 9.30am Saturday, January 21.

It is your chance to experience what it is like to get outdoors and into a dragonboat, paddling to the beat of a drum, Colour City Dragons President John Moss said.

It’s a lot of fun, he said, and local club members have represented the club at regional, state and national levels.

“Dragonboating is a fast and furious paddle-driven water sport that is all about fun, fitness, teamwork and family,” John said.

“We regularly attend regattas with events coming up in Canberra, Sydney, Parkes and Forbes. It is a competitive sport and we’ve had club members represent the Western Region, NSW and Australia.

John said the club have all the equipment you will need, such as paddles and life vests, but please wear covered footwear and clothes that you don’t mind getting wet.

“Come and enjoy a paddle on the lake,” he urged, adding that they will be hosting other opportunities to come and have a go regularly at the end of each month.

“See you on Saturday morning. Just look for the orange club shirts,” John concluded.

For more information about the Come and Try Dragonboating sessions, please contact Colour City Dragons President John Moss on 0417 894 411.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 19 — 25, 2023 41 YOUR SPACE reception@oclife.com.au Have something of interest to share? Deliver or post entries to: Orange City Life Suite 3/241 Lords Place, Orange or Email: reception@oclife.com.au and mark each entry with the competition name, your name and phone number. Entries close 12 noon Tuesday. Try your luck with OCLife Competitions We have a voucher for Orange Tenpin Bowl valued at $60 to give away each week, so the family can go bowling! Each week we’ll hide a small version of "Pinny" (pictured) somewhere in OC Life. It could be anywhere. To enter, simply find him, write your name and phone number on the back of an envelope, along with the page number you found him on, and send in... We have a $50 gift voucher to give away each week from Ashcroft’s Supa IGA. To enter, simply tell us your name and contact phone and what product features in the small Ashcroft’s Supa IGA ad in this issue of OC Life. Find Pinny LAST WEEK’S WINNER: LYNNE MIDDLETON i love iga looney lotto LAST WEEK’S WINNER: ALISON MCGOTHIGAN LAST WEEK’S WINNER: MAREE MARKS PLEASE NOTE: YOU NEED 1 X 2, 1 X 7 X 3, AND 1 X 1 TO WIN THIS WEEK DELIVER OR POST ENTRIES TO “LOONEY LOTTO” TO WIN: If you have a personal or business phone number with these 4 numbers appearing in any order within it, put in an entry and we’ll draw a winner from among all correct entries each week. WIN A GIFT VOUCHER FOR COFFEE AND CAKE, THANKS TO COCO'S 2731 WED TO SAT 4PM-8PM 0401 072 027 Check our Facebook for the Menu 37 William Street ORANGE | Ph 6362 8611 Pauls @ CoCos DINE IN OR TAKEWAY Pizzas ~ Wings ~ Pasta ~ Chips ~ DimSim CoCo’s CAFE Delicious! burgers, coffee and yummy desserts. CoCo’s offers wide range gluten free, Salad wraps Berry muesli Black Bean Vegetable Burger seeded pumpkin fetta salad MEAL DEAL $50 2 Pizzas, Barramundi Bits & 1.25 litre Soft Drink
Why not make Dragonboating your New Year’s resolution?
You can book your seat via Eventbrite or call Orange City Library on
of The Princess
at the Library
Wish… Anniversary screening

position vacant


Your chance to play a vital role in the future of Calare

Key duties and responsibilities:

• Oversee day to day management of the electorate office.

• Manage all office budgets.

• Oversee administrative arrangements for staff, including rosters, leave, training, travel and other claims.

• Work alongside the Federal Member to manage his diary and appointments, and act as the first point of contact for constituent and stakeholder meetings.

• Make and oversee all travel arrangements for the Federal Member.

• First point of contact for Ministerial and Parliamentary Services, IT, security and other service providers.

• Induction of new team members.

• Plan and assist with the running of electorate office events.

• Prepare for and participate in regular team meetings and other shared office duties.

• Further tasks complementing the requirements of the office.

Selection criteria:

• Experience as an Office Manager and/or Executive Assistant, including the ability to manage office administration and finances.

• Excellent communication and organisational skills, with close attention to detail and emphasis on good time management.

• Strong office IT literacy – including Microsoft Office and Adobe.

• Familiarity with PEMS, ParlICT and other Parliamentary platforms preferred, but not required.

• Capacity to work both independently and cooperatively as part of a team.

• Ability to manage an extensive range of stakeholders, including external providers.

• An enthusiastic, positive, flexible, and peopleorientated approach to work.

• Well-developed critical thinking skills.

Job details:

This position is offered on a full-time basis under the Members of Parliament (Staff) Act 1984 and conditions are outlined in the Commonwealth Members of Parliament Staff Enterprise Agreement 2020-23.

A commencing salary will be paid commensurate with experience and an optional allowance will be payable in recognition of, and as compensation for, overtime.

A probationary period of three months will apply.


44 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 19 — 25, 2023 Philippa Mitchell Professional Bra Fitter By Appointment Mob: 0499 991 650 www.thefittingstudio.com.au Bras for all women through every stage of life ANSON MEDICAL 298 Anson Street 6361 8448 www.ansonmedical.com.au • New patients welcome • Recently expanded rooms with more GPs • All GPs are FRACGP qualified • Medicare bulk billing for eligible patients Bulk-billing available for: • Pensioners • Health Care Card holders • DVA • Children 16 years & under • Full Time Students *Proof of eligibility is required LOOKING FOR A GP? CLASSIFIEDS 6361 3575 To book your ads simply phone and use your credit card or call into our o ce at Suite 3, 241 Lords Place, ORANGE PROUDLY SPONSORED BY Remember Your Loved Ones Here In Thanks to Norman J. Penhall Funerals Norman J. Penhall Funerals Norman Penhall ORANGE & DISTRICT 6361 7777 or 6362 3751 Office & Chapel, 31-35 William Street, Orange Fond Memories Remember your loved ones here in FOND MEMORIES thanks to Norman J. Penhall Funerals Fond Memories is a thoughtful and cost effective service from Orange City Life. Your message will be seen by up to 35,000 readers including on our website. Notices for our next issue close 12 noon on Monday. Cost starts at a low $25 For more information or to book, call 6361 3575.
Applications outlining details of experience and the names of two referees should be forwarded to andrew.gee.mp@aph.gov.au Applications close Tuesday 31 January 2023 Work Part-time or Full-Time. Suitable for one or two people. Contact Kerrie 0420910757 Sweet Treats Connection Extensive roadmap of all business systems Recipes Business Equipment Training and Support EXPRESSIONS OFINTEREST 1 x 3 metre platform ladder $550 ono Contact Paul 0457 777 306 1 x Henselite Lawn Bowls Carry Bag Holds 4 Bowls As New Condition $65 ono Contact Paul 0457 777 306 TRAINING BUSINESS FOR SALE FOR SALE LOST FOR SALE garage SALE Saturday and Sunday 21st & 22nd January from 8am to 3pm 1 Elizabeth Street, Orange Mechanical, Farm and Garden Tools, Handyman Tools, Collectables, Bric-a-Brac, Spoon Collection CASH ONLY Lost bracelet around Penhall’s Funeral Home, William Street. If found please call 6360 1007
Applications are invited for the full-time position of Office Manager (EOB) in the Orange office of the Hon. Andrew Gee MP, Independent Federal Member for Calare.
ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 19 — 25, 2023 45 • From small to large jobs – one room to full house • Internal and External • New homes or repaints • Maintenance Call Glenn 0467 599 668 ghbpaintingmaintenance@gmail.com GHB PAINTING & Maintenance Lic. 330255C • 24hr Emergency Service • Commercial & Residential Locks • Window Locks and Deadlocks • Master Keying and Restricted systems • Automotive and Computerised keys • Locally Owned and Operated for over 30 years Canobolas Locksmiths 169 March Street, Orange Call Ian: 0417 204 176 or Dale: 0417 491 936 keys4u@bigpond.com MASTER LICENSE NUMBER 407 966 923 24 Hour Mobile Service When you have lock problems – call us! Also deadlocks and window locks for houses and cars supplied and installed 151 Peisley St, Orange 6369 1222 or 0417 204 176 Canobolas Locksmiths keys4u@bigpond.com WE FIX LOCKS! NEW LOCATION • From one wall to full house • New houses to repaints • Free quotes • Fully licensed and insured • Interior and Exterior • Specialising in Restora�on • Dulux Accredited Call Victor w 0455 299 043 PICTURE FRAMING Shop 18, 212 Anson St Plaza Orange saucedesign.com.au/framing New & DesignerRecycledClothing Ph: 63600706 145 KITE STREET, ORANGE (THE OLD CINNABAR) OPEN TUES-FRI 10-5pm • SAT 10-3pm’ish Beautiful Designer Clothing, Shoes & Handbags. Frockwork has a Fabulous array of After Five Wear, Stunning Dresses for Weddings & Graduations. All Sizes & styles. ORANGE 23 Cameron Place ORANGE 0418 869 897 FAST RELIABLE SERVICE Over 25 years experience • Domestic • Rural • Commercial • New installations or maintenance Call Scott 0407 414 609 scott@sdselectrical.com.au J K ADAMS ROOFING Call Jeff 0407 151 419 • Roof repairs Tile,Tin or Slate • Re-guttering and fascia • Re-roofing • Quality Leaf Screening Systems 40YRS EXPERIENCE LIC. 159748C 0437 211 614 0417 904 328 Awesome THAI MASSAGE Thai Traditional Massage Swedish Massage Deep Tissue Massage Warm Coconut Oil Massage Thai Remedial Massage + Hot Stones Neck, Back, Head and Shoulders Anywhere Skips “The mobile skip bin solution” We deliver. You fill. We empty. Fred Palmer 0447 966 838 Domestic Waste Specialist - Locally owned and operated, servicing Orange and surrounding areas Email: anywhereskips@gmail.com www.anywhereskips.com.au WASP treatment From $150 25 years experience Call Craig... 0447 002 193 Eagle Eye Pest Control Lic. no. 4558 100%NESTELIMINATED GUARANTEED BLIND SHUTTERS & AWNINGS HIGH QUALITY AT AN AFFORDABLE PRICE Most products carry a 5 - 25yr warranty BUDGET BLINDS & AWNINGS A local Orange business est. 2012 servicing the Central West Call Milissa for a free measure & quote 02 6369 0173 or 0437 10 60 60 www.bbao.com.au - info@bbao.com.au ORANGE BRIDGE CLUB Beginners’ Lessons Lessons start Wednesday 1st February 1-3pm and Monday 6th February 7-9pm. $60 for 6 weekly lessons, including a copy of “Introduction to Bridge”. Contact Dorothy Woodside 63628218 or Christine Kershaw 63623029. CENTREPOINT ARCADE Shop 4, 226 – 232 Summer St 0419 979 773 REEL Memories • DVD’S Cult & Classic • Die Cast Model Cars etc • LP Records/45’s • Movie Posters etc • DVD Packages made up for Rental Libraries (Conditions apply) REEL MEMORIES CLASSIFIEDS 6361 3575 To book your ads simply phone and use your credit card or call into our o ce at Suite 3, 241 Lords Place, ORANGE PUBLIC NOTICES TRADES&SERVICES TRADES&SERVICES TRADES&SERVICES TRADES&SERVICES Orange City Bowling Club call 6362 0068 or 6361 7718 Ballroom and Latin style Sequence Dancing. Thursdays 6pm . Beginner’s classes commence Feb 9, 2023. Orange Social Dance Group • Grass Cutting • Lawn Clipping Removal • Hedge Trimming • Edge Trimming • Pruning • Leaf Blowing • High Pressure Water Cleaning 0409 454 489 • Pensioner Discounts • Fully insured • Free Quotes amannhismower@outlook.com Orange and surrounding areas Lawn Mowing & Rubbish Removal ORANGE AND SURROUNDS 0417 706 613 0497 257 633 Professional, reliable and trustworthy cleaning service Jack’s Snappy Cleaning Commercial & Domestic



The allure of steam engines

Twelve model train enthusiasts were in sooty paradise one day back in October 1957 when they visited Orange Railway Station. They got up close to the C-36 Class steam engine 3606 while district engineer J H Irwin (in hat) explained its workings. Nine of the visitors were from Sydney and three from Orange.

Photo courtesy CWD Negative Collection, Orange and District Historical Society.

The society holds a working day at Heritage Cottage (148 March Street) each Wednesday from 1 February from 10.30am to 4pm (with a lunch break from 1 –1.30pm). Members are available to answer inquiries at this time.

Awe and Wonder

There are so many things on this blue planet that make me marvel. The sheer height of the Andes that border my home in Chile, or our sweet new kittens. Things big and small give me cause to stop and wonder. In moments like these, a sense of amazement breaks through the mundane routines of everyday life. As we take in the beauty, vastness, detail or even terrible power of the world around us, we are prone to feeling small and insignificant. And yet the Bible reminds us that we are the pinnacle of God’s creation, made to reflect Him in the world. Despite our smallness, we are deeply loved and valued by our Creator. The wonder of creation can also drive us to a sense of deep thankfulness. We feel grateful for this moment, this fragile life on earth. It seems sad to feel grateful to no one in particular. It’s one of my great joys as a Christian to express my gratitude to the Creator and Sustainer of all things. I wrote this article after reading Psalm 8. Please take a moment to read it for yourself!

46 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 19 — 25, 2023
CROSS purposes
BUILDER For your: w Addition w New Home w Alteration or Heritage H 40 years experience H FOR ALL ENQUIRIES PHONE Max 0492 803 983 Lic: R79571 0417 313 494 Call Malcolm: Specializing in general home and hobby farm maintenance You can trust us for prompt & quality work www.malhandyman.com.au MAL’S HANDYMAN SERVICES MOWING CALL PETER - 0487 139 983 Gardening Gutters • Pruning • Rubbish Removal Residential - from one room to the whole house New houses to repaints, No job too big or too small Fully licenced and Insured Local family business 0448 600 095 upanddownpainting@gmail.com Lic. No. 340514c PAINTING UP& D WN www.lindfieldgroup.com.au Call 6360 1136 Hot Water Systems Blocked Drains Leaking Taps Burst Pipes PLUMBING experienced builder SpecialiSing in... •Renovations • Kitchens • Restorations •General Maintenance G A & r l bruce Lic. No. 203054C Phone Geoff on 0427 422 816 E robynandbruceg@bigpond.com • Undercover • Safe clean secure dog kennels for boarding use. • Individual exercise yards. Dog B&B Shangri La Amaroo Rd Molong 6366 8789 0447 468 789 TRADES&SERVICES TRADES&SERVICES PETS&LIVESTOCK CLASSIFIEDS 6361 3575 STILL FREE EVERY THURSDAY Contact David on 0402 259 891 orangeonfarmbutchers@outlook.com Find us on Facebook OrangeOnFarmButchers For all your home-kill needs, we come to you. • Fully qualified butcher • We can butcher to your requirements • Servicing Orange and surrounds


THUMBS UP On December 14, I had an accident at the school crossing on Sale Street. Thank you to everyone who came to my aid – the sta members, parents and the nurse who checked my skull. And thank you for the lovely card making sure I was okay and wishing me a Merry Christmas.

DOUBLE THUMBS UP to Dr Alex Elder’s surgery for their follow-up phone calls. Very caring and e cient. Thank you.

THUMBS UP to the Special Orders Team at Orange Bunnings for their relentless e orts to find a piece of outdoor furniture and have it delivered in-store. Really appreciate your e orts.

THUMBS UP to all the sta at Chemist Warehouse on Monday, January 9. I went in to buy some supplies and was approached by numerous sta o ering to lend me a hand. Everyone I encountered was polite, professional, and friendly. Well done team!

THUMBS UP to all the lovely ladies at the Molong BP. It’s so nice to stop in, in the morning, have a chat before work and have my co ee order remembered every time.

THUMBS UP to Orange City Council for the festoon lights down Summer Street and Christmas fairy lights around many of the trees in the CBD. They look great. It was lovely ending our Christmas lights drive.

THUMBS UP to the person who found the unstamped Christmas card that I dropped on the way to the post o ce and took the time and e ort to drive to my home and put the card in my mailbox so I could then post it. Thank you!

HUGE THUMBS UP to the Orange Health Service Dental Clinic. Thank you so much for lowering this nurse’s nervousness in having my tooth pulled once again.

DOUBLE THUMBS UP to the Metropolitan Hotel for their support of live music every weekend, with triple thanks to Scarrs Entertainment.

THUMBS UP to Cath in Medical Oncology. What a delight of a nurse you are. So diligent, respectful and kind. Thank you for your care!

THUMBS UP to Simon, one of the wardsmen at the hospital. So helpful and nothing is a bother. You’re a real credit to the hospital!

HUGE THUMBS UP and thanks to the sta at Orange Hospital. Every sta member I encountered during my stay, from the emergency department through to the surgical ward were great, competent, kind and e cient. Especially Grace and Lachlan! Thanks.

THUMBS UP to the people at table three dining at Hog’s Breath Café on December 19, 2022. My husband and I were celebrating our 30th wedding anniversary. When we went to pay our bill these thoughtful and lovely people had paid for our meal on leaving the restaurant before us! This beautiful gesture made me cry and has made me aware that there are people out there who truly care about others.

THUMBS UP to community nurses Katie, Sinead, Chelsea, Kylie, Kerrie, Virginia, Bryce, Gary, Dani, Olivia, Sally, Mei, Becky, Sue and Carmen for their kind and caring nature while attending to my mother’s wounds recently. It is reassuring to have such caring people while in a vulnerable situation!

General disclaimer: Whilst every care is taken in preparing this publication, we cannot be held responsible for errors or omissions. The publisher accepts no responsibility for letters, notices and other material contributed for publication. The submitter accepts full responsibility for material, warrants that it is accurate, and indemnifies the publisher against any claim or action. All advertisers, including those placing display and classified or advertorial material, warrant that such material is true and accurate and meets all applicable laws and indemnifies the publisher against all liabilities that may arise from the publication of such material. Opinions expressed in the publication are not necessarily those of the publisher. Senior Journalist, David Dixon, accepts responsibility for election comment. Articles contain information of a general nature – readers should always seek professional advice relevant to their particular circumstances. Complaints: Orange City Life has a policy of correcting mistakes promptly. If you have a complaint about published material, contact us in writing. If the matter remains unresolved, you may wish to contact the Australian Press Council.

© Copyright 2023 Orange City Life Pty Ltd. Copyright in all material – including photographs and ads – is held by Orange City Life Pty Ltd or its providers and must not be reproduced in any form without prior written permission from the Publisher. Printed for the publisher at the News Print Centre, 26-52 Hume Highway, Chullora 2190.

Published by Orange City Life Pty Ltd ABN 14 649 575 333

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 19 — 25, 2023 47
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The Thumbs represent thoughts and opinions of readers and do not necessarily reflect those of Orange City Life. Every care is taken not to publish thumbs that are considered derogatory or defamatory in nature . Please note that thumbs may be edited for clarity, space or legal reasons.
ODEON 5 MOVIE CLUB - $20 PER YEAR, AND ALL MOVIES (EX 3D) ARE THEN DISCOUNTED TIMES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE • BOOKINGS RECOMMENDED Parking available at rear, enter March or Byng Streets • ALL CINEMAS HAVE WHEELCHAIR ACCESS 43 WILLIAM ST ORANGE • 6362 0213 (ADMIN) SUBSCRIBE AT WWW.ODEON5.COM.AU TO HAVE PROGRAMME EMAILED WEEKLY. *HEARING/VISUAL IMPAIRED EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE Programme for Thurs 19th to Wed 25th Jan 2023 redeem your vouchers for OdeCinema gift cards. ������ only redeem ORDER TICKETS ONLINE WWW.ODEON5.COM.AU 102 MINS Thurs 19 th 2.30, 5.00, 8.00 Fri 20 th 12.15, 2.30, 5.00, 8.00 Sat 21 st 12.15, 2.30, 5.00, 8.00 Sun 22 nd 12.15, 2.30, 5.00, 8.00 Mon 23 rd 12.15, 2.30, 5.00, 8.00 Tues 24 th 12.15, 2.30, 5.00, 8.00 Wed 25 th 12.15, 2.30, 5.00, 8.00 120 MINS MEGAN THURS 10.00 FRI, SAT, SUN, MON, WED 10.15 TUES 12.15, 3.00 PUSS IN BOOTS THE LAST WISH 117 MINS THURS-TUES 12.45, 5.30, 7.30 WED 12.45, 5.30 A MAN CALLED OTTO 141 MINS THURS 12.15 FRI-WED 10.00 THE AMAZING MAURICE 108 MINS TUES 10.00 I WANNA DANCE WITH SOMEBODY 159 MINS THURS 10.15 STRANGE WORLD 117 MINS $10 TIX $10 TIX DAILY 3.15, 5.45, 8.15 OPERATION FORTUNE 129 MINS RUSE DE GUERRE 102 MINS 207 MINS AVATAR THE WAY OF WATER 3d 2d Thurs 19 th 11.00, 7.003.00 Fri 20 th 11.00, 7.003.00 Sat 21 st 11.00, 7.003.00 Sun 22 nd 11.00, 7.003.00 Mon 23 rd 11.00, 7.003.00 Tues 24 th 11.00, 7.003.00 Wed 25 th 11.00, 7.003.00 BABYLON BIG TRIP 2 DAILY 3.00, 7.00 DAILY 10.00 204 MINS 105 MINS SPECIAL DELIVERY $750 TIX DAILY 10.15, 12.45 LYLE, LYLE, CROCODILE 120 MINS PATHAAN WED 7.15 CTC 115 MINS HINDI ENGLISH SUBTITLES OPEN TO THE PUBLIC LAST CHANCE LAST CHANCE

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