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The Music Group presents Bjorn Again
Agency presents The John Lennon Songbook alist.com.au presents Umbilical Brothers The Distraction Australian Global Entertainment presents The Proms A Musical Spectacular Details correct as of 24.01.2023 - for all shows and updates please visit our webpage www.orange.nsw.gov.au/theatre • 2023 season brochure and membership is open for purchase. Please contact the box office for more information. Bookings: 02 6393 8111 www.orange.nsw.gov.au/theatre
Premier Entertainment presents Frankie Valli and The Beach Boys
Saturday 4 February at 8pmSaturday 11 February at 2pmSaturday 18 February at 7.30pm Saturday 11 March at 8pm Friday 24 February at 8pm — STARTS ON PAGE 23 FREE A Gathering of Uncertainties: a stunning new
opens at the
on February 4. ❚ Waking Men, installed at Messums Gallery, Wiltshire
Orange Civic Theatre
bronze sculpture
acclaimed UK artist Laurence Edwards
Orange Regional Gallery

reception@oclife.com.au www.orangecitylife.com.au www.facebook.com/orangecitylife

Thank you to our Sponsors:

Orange City Life is grateful to the following sponsors for their ongoing support over many years. These sponsorships, among others things, have enabled us to bring our readers a lot more enjoyment to our publications than would otherwise be possible. In return, we ask you to please support them as often as you’re able.


Well, the verdict is in: Orange people love their Middletons ice blocks.

And so they should, they are delicious! Since the story went online it’s been shared around the socials and drawn an outpouring of nostalgia and love for the traditional iced confections — and the family that has been making them for the past 40 years.

Writing the story, it got me thinking about my hometown’s own unique and much-loved delicacy, mock chicken. You can look out for a yarn on some of the surprisingly interesting history around its creation in a future edition.

School holidays are almost at an end, so I hope all you kids (and teachers) are making the most of your final days. The sta here at Orange City Life will be taking advantage of the public holiday for Australia Day, so the o ce will be closed Thursday, January 26, but we’ll be back rested and eager to hear from you all on Friday.

Until then!

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Australia Day entertainment BnB Made Easy enquiries@orangepropertyplus.com.au www.orangepropertyplus.com.au 02 6361 4155 1/202 Anson Street Orange Whether your Investment Property is vacant or currently leased, you can make the switch to OPM+ now. Making the switch is free & easy, with no hidden fees, only exceptional service. Our Agency is property management focused with 40+ years Real Estate Industry, knowledge, training & experience. NOT BIGGER, BETTER! WED TO SAT 4PM-8PM 0401 072 027 Check our Facebook for the Menu 37 William Street ORANGE Ph 6362 8611 Pauls @ CoCos DINE IN OR TAKEWAY Pizzas ~ Wings ~ Pasta ~ Chips ~ DimSim CoCo’s CAFE Closed Public Holidays 6362 8611 Delicious! catering available, eat take way. Portuguese chicken Salad wraps Poached Eggs and yogurt Berry muesli Black Bean Vegetable Burger with Sweet Potato Crisp Pumpkin Fetta Tart Sweet potato fish cake with seeded pumpkin fetta salad MEAL DEAL $50 2 Pizzas, Barramundi Bits & 1.25 litre Soft Drink 20 24
Jonathan Roe

Finally, a place to call home

It was a housewarming party with a di erence, but after three long years, local not-for-profit youth service, Veritas House, unveiled their newly renovated two-bedroom flat, a future home for many young people in need.

“It’s been a big project,” Acting CEO of Veritas House, Narelle Stocks, said of the new transition property.

It was in December 2018 that Veritas House first launched its fundraising appeal with the goal of purchasing a property in Orange to combat the desperate shortage of a ordable properties for vulnerable young people.

Three years on — through bushfires, flooding and a global pandemic — Veritas House were able to purchase a unit in August 2022, thanks to $280,000 in generous donations from individuals and local businesses.

On Monday, following four months of renovations, Veritas House employees and board members celebrated as they showed supporters and the media their newly renovated flat, which will be used to help young people escaping homelessness get the life skills and allimportant rental reference in order to find more permanent accommodation.

“So they’ll be here for six to nine months, depending on their individual circumstances — We’ve got two young people ready to transition in as soon as the o cial proceedings finish,” Narelle said on Monday.

“So they’ve been in temporary accommodation and been working with the team for some time

to get their Centrelink in place and to support them to be ready to live independently.

“I think it’s a little surreal for them at the moment, to be honest, “ Narelle continued.

“It’s been a challenging time for them both and so I think just how beautiful the property is, will exceed their expectations and there’ll be a little bit of shock that it’s truly their place that they can call home.”

The past four months have seen quite an overhaul to the apartment, with energy e cient installed, lighting and electrical upgrades, new heating, repainting and new furnishings.

“The rental market is incredibly hard and expensive and it’s just, you know, impossible to get a ordable housing so to be able to o er something that is just so lovely is exciting,” Narelle said.

That they have been able to undertake such extensive work is due to the support of the Newcastle Permanent Charitable Foundation, which contributed $60,000 to the renovation.

“We are unbelievably so proud to be able to walk through the property today and see the incredible hard work that they have put into this,” said Newcastle Permanent Charitable Foundation executive o cer,

Carly Bush on Monday.

One of our key focus areas of the Charitable Foundation is young people. And so to be able to partner with Veritas House and see the work that they do in supporting young people — and obviously, with the housing crisis at the moment — it was an absolute no-brainer for us to be able to support them.”

With an average of 50 young people accessing crisis accommodation at the Veritas House youth refuge in Orange each year, and no end in sight to the current rental crisis, there is still the need to do more,” Narelle said.

“Our supported independent living program, in the last 12 months, applied for 69 properties on behalf of young people and managed to get five of these,” Narelle said.

And that’s just one of our services. There are six that each deliver programs like that across our agency, so the need is incredibly great.

“While this will be incredible for two young people in the next couple of weeks, we still have a waiting list on our books of young people who can’t get similar properties. So we’ll keep fundraising and we’ll keep advocating for young people to government, that something needs to be done to address the shortfall of social and a ordable housing across the region.”

...The rental market is incredibly hard and expensive and it’s just, you know, impossible to get a ordable housing so to be able to o er something that is just so lovely is exciting...
Veritas House Acting CEO Narelle Stocks, with Newcastle Permanent Charitable Foundation Chair Jennifer Leslie and Executive O cer Carly Bush in the newly renovated transitional youth flat.

Bulky waste collection begins Monday

Residents living west of Anson Street should place any larger waste items out this Sunday, January 29, to take advantage of Council’s bulky waste collection.

As in previous years, Council’s waste contractor, JR Richards and Sons, will use the ‘Week A/ Week B’ yellowbin recycling collection calendar to coordinate the bulky waste collection.

Residents living west of Anson Street are part of ‘Week A’, while those who live east of Anson Street are in ‘Week B’ and must wait until Sunday, February 12 to put their waste out for collection. Anson Street residents on both sides of the street are considered part of ‘Week B’ as are those living in Spring Hill, Lucknow and Clifton Grove.

Council said waste would be collected by three trucks to maximise recycling, so your items may be collected at di erent times.

Waste material should be placed neatly next to the edge of the curb in three piles: white goods, scrap metal and general bulky waste.

More information and a list of frequently asked questions can be found on Orange City Council’s website.

Men urged to enjoy the water safely this Australia day

Alcohol and being male double the risk factors

Royal Life Saving NSW/ACT is urging double caution around water this Australia Day public holiday, warning men in particular to know their limits and avoid taking unnecessary risks.

Craig Roberts, General Manager of Drowning Prevention Royal Life Saving NSW/ ACT, said three of the major contributing factors to drowning fatalities are gender, alcohol and location, with alcohol contributing to 35 percent of all public holiday drowning incidents.

Already this summer, 17 people have died in NSW and 43 nationally, with 77 percent of the drowning toll being men swimming in open waterways.

“In general, alcohol is a factor in 16 percent of drowning deaths. On a public holiday that rate jumps to 35 per cent, so this time of year we’re asking people to double their precaution, Mr Roberts said.

“Men in particular need to know their limits when it comes to alcohol consumption in, on and around our waterways.

“Alcohol a ects everyone di erently. This means no amount of alcohol can be said to be safe for everyone. Even small amounts of alcohol can a ect the ability to judge your physical limitations and to react.”

He said being able to judge physical limitations is particularly important in open waterways.

“Over the past 10 years including this summer, most drowning deaths in men have occurred at inland waterways. Rivers and creeks account for 33 percent of deaths, more than any other location,” Mr Roberts said.

“The message is simple: let’s keep each other safe around the water. Whether you’re fishing, boating, swimming, paddling or playing on shore, have fun, and stay safe around the water.

Simple tips to keeping each other safe this public holiday:

• Know your limits and avoid taking risks

• Check the conditions before you head out

• Wear a lifejacket when on the water

• Supervise children at all times

Inaugural Roundnet Country Championships today

This Australia Day Public Holiday Orange is hosting the first-ever Roundnet Country Championships.

Also known by the commercial name Spikeball, the growing sport involves a small, round trampoline-like net that players bounce a ball back and forth to each other, with a point scored when your opponents fail to get the ball back on the net.

A casual Sunday league got underway in Orange last year, with keen local players hoping to grow interest in the sport.

Play gets underway in the 2v2 (two players a side) competition in Sir Jack Brabham Park at 9am today, Thursday, January 26.

Australia Day around the Central West

Picked up your copy of OC Life early and looking to see what’s on this Australia Day around the district?

In Orange, the o cial Australia Day festivities kick o in Cook Park from 8am, Thursday, January 26, with a barbecue breakfast, followed by the o cial award ceremony at 9am.

Stick around and enjoy the live music, good food, and market stalls in the park.

Blayney’s celebrations also begin at 8am with a free barbecue breakfast at Heritage thanks to Blayney Rotary and then the award ceremony kicks o at 8.30am.

Molong’s Australia Day celebrations centre around the Dr. Ross Memorial Park where there will be a damper competition, children’s activities and entertainment, lunch and an afternoon of cricket. Or just up the road at the Freemasons Hotel you can try your luck at the yabby races.

Club Millthorpe will be celebrating the day with live music from the Millthumpers from 1pm, yabby races and free social bowls all day. Get there at 12pm to enjoy a barbecue lunch.

The Greenhouse of Orange rooftop will no doubt be a popular Australia Day destination, with live music on the lawn from midday, food and drink specials, and barbecue prawn pizza and smoked Aussie lamb ribs on the menu.

You’ll find more of what’s happening this Australia Day in our entertainment guide on page 20.


Celebrating 61 years of inspiring YOUNG COUNTRY WOMEN

It has been a country show institution for 61 years, and next week Orange will host a score of young women from Bourke to Blayney to contest the Zone 6 Final of the Land Sydney Royal Agshows NSW Young Woman 2023 competition.

Previously known as the Showgirl competition the Orange Show Society is preparing for the upcoming glamourous night at the Orange Ex-Services’ Club on February 4, which will see aspiring rural show ambassadors judged on their rural knowledge, community participation, ambition and more — all for a chance to be crowned at the 2023 Royal Sydney Easter Show in April.

Orange’s representative, Rebecca Blandford has been involved in the local show society for a number of years, but this is the first time she has decided to take the plunge and apply.

With a vast range of networking and selfdevelopment opportunities available in the program, Rebecca’s keen to encourage other young women to get involved.

“The skills and opportunities that you can take from this program anywhere with you – whether or not it be your personal life or career, or implementing it back into the local community are fantastic,” she said.

Personal development might be an important part of the program, but friendships are forged and great memories are made, she added.

“I’ve been fortunate enough to have made a really solid friendship,” Rebecca said of her experience in the competition.

But Jaci has confidence Orange will soon see someone place in Sydney again.

Zone 6 finalists will take part in panel interviews throughout their day in Orange, then enjoy lunch in an e ort to showcase their social skills and have the opportunity to network with other like-minded individuals. Finally, they will enjoy an evening dinner with supporters and members of the public, with the results being revealed at the end of the night.

“We’re expecting at least 200 people to be coming from out of the area to support this,

so it’s quite a big event and tickets are still available,” Jaci said.

Judges choose finalists based on eight sections which include: general knowledge, rural knowledge, ambition and goals, volunteer and community participation, personality, confidence, personal presentations, and presentation ceremony interview.

The Zone 6 Final of the Land Sydney Royal Agshows NSW Young Woman 2023 competition will take place at the Orange Ex-Services’ Club on February 4 at 6pm.

If you would like to show your support for Rebecca or any of the young finalists, tickets can be purchased at www.123tix.com.au

Finalist coordinator, Jaci Norris said Orange has performed well in the past although she admits it has been a few years since a local made the finals. Local contender for the Land Sydney Royal Agshows NSW Young Woman 2023 competition, Rebecca Blandford. Orange is hosting the Zone 6 Finals at the Orange Ex-Services’ Club on February 4.
ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 26 — FEBRUARY 1, 2023 7 Robin Hood Hotel, 30 Burrendong Way ORANGE • BOOK YOUR FUNCTIONS • 6363 1999 www.robinhoodhotelorange.com.au info@robinhoodhotelorange.com.au Many more specials available in store. Specials available from the 26/01/23 until 01/02/23 or while stocks last. THE ROBIN HOOD HOTEL SUPPORTS THE RESPONSIBLE SERVICE OF ALCOHOL. MON & TUES:10am — 8pm WEDNESDAY: 10am — 9pm THURS & Fri: 10am — 10pm SATURDAY: 10am — 10pm SUNDAY: 10am — 8pm BOTTLESHOP TRADING HOURS TOOHEYS EXTRA DRY 24 pack stubbies TOOHEYS NEW 30 pack cans MORTIMERS Autumn Series ROSS HILL Family Series ASAHI SUPER DRY 24 pack stubbies XXXX GOLD 30 pack cans $4699 CTN $5499 CTN $4999 CTN $4999 CTN $1699 EACH $2299 EACH All day Dining every day from 11:30am Book your table online robinhoodhotelorange.com.auor call 6363 1999 MONDAY - $20 SURF AND TURF NIGHT 250gm Rump steak, cooked to your liking and topped with grilled prawn skewer, served with chips and salad TUESDAY - $18 PIZZA AND PASTA NIGHT Choose from a selection of 3 pizzas and 3 pastas, selection changes weekly. WEDNESDAY - $18 LOADED SCHNITZEL NIGHT Crumbed chicken schnitzel with any of our toppers, served with chips and salad THURSDAY - $18 T-BONE NIGHT 300gm T-Bone, cooked to your liking and served with chips and salad MONDAY - $20 SURF AND TURF NIGHT 250gm Rump Steak, cooked to your liking and topped with grilled prawn skewer, served with chips and salad. TUESDAY - $18 PIZZA AND PASTA NIGHT Choose from a selection of 3 pizzas and 3 pastas, selection changes weekly. WEDNESDAY - $18 LOADED SCHNITZEL NIGHT Crumbed chicken schnitzel with any of our toppers, served with chips and salad. THURSDAY - $18 T-BONE NIGHT 300gm T-Bone, cooked to your liking and served with chips and salad.

brand-new volunteer-run podcast set to launch in April looks to provide tools and information for young people about their mental health.

The podcast, In My Head, is being produced by local mental health youth support service, Headspace Orange, which secured funding from the Department of Communities and Justice through the Regional Youth Radio program in 2022.

Run by Headspace’s Youth Reference Group –a team of volunteers who are passionate about breaking the stigma around mental health – the podcast will feature special guest speakers from the local community, who are qualified in mental health, to share their knowledge and pass on valuable information.

Headspace Community Awareness O cer, Emma Crisp is excited about the range of people who are getting involved.

“We’re going to have our Clinical Team Lead jump onto an episode of the podcast and answer questions. I’m hoping it can be used as a tool for young people, and that clinicians can refer them to it,” Emma said

“But I also hope that parents and family and friends that are supporting a young person will listen to it as well,” she continued, “and then they can get a di erent perspective on what that person is experiencing.”

Participants of the podcast will be sharing their stories, and guest clinical specialists will talk about strategies to help listeners cope with their own mental health issues.

“It will be a mix of everything,” Youth Reference Group member, Tivarna Johnson, explained.

“We’ll be talking about our lived experience of mental health, and we’ll be talking about things that people might be experiencing in the community, cultural awareness, LGBTQIA+ and where to go to get support if you need it.

“We want to cover all bases. I think spreading awareness in the community, and letting people know they’re not alone would be the best outcome from the podcast,” Tivarna concluded.

The Headspace team recently undertook an extensive three-day training program, delivered by Media for Millenials, which covered all aspects of podcast creation – planning shows, interviewing skills, equipment maintenance, hosting, editing and advertising.

In My Head will be available on Spotify and Itunes from late April. It will originally run as a six-episode pilot series.

The group hopes that after releasing the pilot episodes it will encourage other young members of the community to get involved in the Youth Reference Group and will be able to continue and participate in the podcast.

Tall tales and cold beer…

This year’s Banjo Paterson Australian Poetry Festival is looking to draw out local storytellers with the addition of a new Yarn Spinning Competition at the Metropolitan Hotel.

In order to give local raconteurs a chance to fine tune their tall tales, the Metro is hosting two practice nights ahead of the big event on Friday, February 24.

“On the 3rd and the 10th [of February], they can book a spot, get up, do their little five-minute talk and we’ll have prizes at the end,” said Metropolitan Hotel owner and Rotary Club of Orange Member, Joanne Murphy.

“The Rotary Club are organising the Banjo Paterson Festival and we said we’d put on an event and the best fit for the pub was a yarn telling and spinning competition,” explained Joanne, “because obviously, years ago, that’s where all the yarn were spun.”

Anyone is welcome to get up and tell a story at the two Friday night practice runs, Joanne said, but the stories have to be family-friendly and no longer than five minutes.

“And it can’t be a poem,” she added. “It is more… a funny yarn, like they used to do around a campfire or in a pub, just an enjoyable friendly tale to bring a bit of fun and laughter into the pub.”

Depending on the amount of interest, the yarn spinning could be held in either the front or upstairs, Joanne said.

“We’re hoping we can have it upstairs, if we get heaps of people, we’ll put it upstairs on the balcony – it’ll be great!

“There will be live music afterwards, they can have dinner while they are here, a couple of drinks and enjoy the atmosphere.

“It is trying to bring back that local atmosphere — and some of the characters we’ve got in town, if they can come and bring a presentation, it will be fun!”

Prizes will be given on all three nights, as voted by the audience, Joanne said. And if there is a lot of interest, she is keen to make yarn spinning a regular night at the Metro.

“We’d like to put it on once a month and then, by the time next year rolls around, we’ll have some experts!

Any storytellers looking to book a place should call the Metropolitan Hotel on 63621353.

The 2023 Banjo Paterson Australian Poetry Festival takes place from Saturday, February 17 until Sunday, February 26.

For the full program of events, visit: www.orange360.com.au

8 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 26 — FEBRUARY 1, 2023 Community LiFE www.orangehearingcentre.com.au 1/256 Anson Street, Orange NSW 2800 02 6360 1884 Hear the difference YOUR LOCAL INDEPENDENT HEARING CENTRE KAY MCINTOSH AUDIOLOGIST • Diagnostic Hearing Assessment • Excellent Hearing Aid Fittings • Superior level of client service • Valuable ongoing support • Latest technology • All manufacturers • Private and Australian Government Hearing Services Program clients • Employment / Pilot Testing ALL STAFF COVID19 VACCINATED SORE TIRED PAINFUL FEET? SEE A PODIATRIST TODAY PODIATRIST Patrick Raftery 121 Sale St Orange 6362 1453 Book your appointment now PENSIONER RATES AVAILABLE Home Visits by Appointment only Visiting Cowra & Canowindra MEDICARE REFERRALS VETERAN AFFAIRS REFERRALS ACCEPTED You can use your PARENTS VOUCHERS ORANGE YOUTH PODCAST In My Head coming to your earbuds this April
Raconteurs get a chance to regale at the Metro ahead of new Banjo Fest comp
Tivarna Johnson, Emma Crisp, Bo Lang and Toby Betts
ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 26 — FEBRUARY 1, 2023 9 OrangeCityBowlingClub You can now find us on 61-89 Warrendine Street Orange 02 63 622 533 Website: ocbc.org.au JUSTIN LANDERS SATURDAY 4TH FEBRUARY 7.30PM - LATE LIVE ENTERTAINMENT trading hours MONDAY 3pm – 8pm TUESDAY 11am – 8pm Management reserves the right to alter trading hours on any given day WEDNESDAY 11am – 9pm THURSDAY 11am – 9pm FRIDAY 11am – 12am SATURDAY 11am – 12am SUNDAY 11am – 9pm Open Tues—Sun From 11.30am til dark $5 per person FOR 18 HOLES CHILDREN UNDER 5 PLAY FREE ALL ENQUIRIES AND BOOKINGS PLEASE CALL 6362 2533 TUESDAY – Sunday $5 per person DAY AND NIGHT Hello Summer Giveaway $2000 IT PACKAGE $2000 TRAVEL VOUCHER $2000 RELAXATION PACKAGE $2000 GARDEN PACKAGE $2000 OUTDOOR PACKAGE WIN BIG IN OUR RAFFLES NIGHT FRIDAY EVERY FRIDAY TICKETS SOLD AT 7PM FOR 8PM DRAW What you can win: x 20 Gift vouchers at $50 each x2 $50 Keno vouchers x2 $30 Keno vouchers $3 MIDDIES x2 TRADIE MEAT VOUCHERS $4 SCHOONERSx2 $25 TRADIE BAR VOUCHERS HAPPY HOUR 5PM TO 6PM members badge draw Got something to celebrate? Weddings Engagement Parties Birthday Parties Anniversaries Fundraisers Presentation Nights Christmas Parties Baby Showers Christenings Funeral Wakes CALL KIRSTY WHATEVER YOU'RE CELEBRATING WE CAN HELP $800! Member must be present for the Draw Tournament concludes by 1pm to allow players to travel home for weekend competition TUESDAY FEBRUARY 28 TO FRIDAY MARCH 3, 2023 GOLDEN EAGLE CLASSIC PAIRS CITY OF ORANGE BOWLS AUSTRALIA TIER 3 RANKING EVENT MAJOR SPONSOR $20,000 PRIZE MONEY LAST CHANCE DRAWN FEBRUARY SPORTSMAN DINNER Guest Speaker Steve "Blocker" Roach 2 COURSE DINNER TICKETS $100 Bookings essential Ph 6362 2533 1ST MARCH NOW OPEN TUESDAY - SUNDAY DINE IN or TAKE AWAY LUNCH 12 - 2.pm ~ DINNER 5 - 8.30pm Asian & Australian Cuisine Ph 6362 2617
10 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 26 — FEBRUARY 1, 2023 Community LiFE 132 KITE STREET ORANGE PHONE 6369 1513 www.danmarjewellery.com.au New Year Clearance Sale Selected new jewellery reduced by 30% Diamond gold rings, gemstone gold rings earrings, bangles, bracelets. Great opportunity to get in early for Valentines Day! No layby available on sales items. Until February 14th or while stocks last OPEN 7 DAYS ORANGE GROVE CELEBRATES THE CHINESE NEW YEAR Residents and sta from the Orange Grove Care Community celebrated Chinese New Year with enthusiasm this week. Team members from Orange Grove prepared traditional Chinese dances, and residents learned some Chinese words and embraced the culture and great food as well. Geni’O’Reegan Chinese New Year - Orange Grove residents and team members Tony and team members - Chinese New Year Orange Grove Care community team members



people can socialise, participate in inclusive activities or simply enjoy a cuppa and rest while they’re out and about,” Cr Power said.

The Seniors Village Hub was established with almost $250,000 funding from the Australian Government Department of Social Services.

and games, as well as one-off information sessions regarding issues affecting older people.

“The steering committee is looking forward to a successful year in 2023 and is always looking for more ways to provide seniors with fun activities that contribute to positive mental and physical health,” Cr Power said.

Older people from across the region are invited to celebrate the official launch of the Seniors Village Hub at 11am on Wednesday 8 February as part of the 2023 Seniors Festival.

Orange Deputy Mayor Gerald Power said more than 130 people had become members of the hub since it opened and encouraged more seniors to give it a try.

“The hub is a welcoming place where older

The hub, which is located at 77 Kite Street, aims to increase wellness and reduce loneliness and isolation experienced by older people living in Orange, Blayney and Cabonne, and caters for residents aged 55 and over, and Indigenous residents over 50.

It hosts a variety of activities including tai chi, chair yoga, art, technology

Special guest speaker at the launch will be author and host of the popular 100 Not Out podcast Marcus Pearce.

The event is free to attend, however, space is limited so registration is essential by booking tickets. Head to Council’s website to book or contact 6393 8600 for more information.


Wednesday 1 February SENIORS FESTIVAL LAUNCH HIGH TEA 2.30pm – 4.00pm CWA Hall, Robertson Park, Byng Street

Thursday 2 February GUIDED WALK OF COOK PARK 9.00am – 10.00am Meet your Guide at the Summer Street entrance

Thursday 2 February INDONESIAN COOKING DEMONSTRATION WITH KEDAI FI FI 2.00pm – 3.00pm Seniors Village Hub, 77 Kite Street

Friday 3 February INFORMATION EXPO AND BARBECUE 12.00 noon – 2.00pm Seniors Village Hub, 77 Kite Street


Wednesday 8 February SENIORS VILLAGE HUB LAUNCH 11.00am – 1.00pm

guest speaker Marcus Pearce, presenter of the podcast ‘100 Not Out’ which includes hundreds of interviews with some of the world’s happiest and longest-lived people. Morning tea included. Seniors Village Hub, 77 Kite Street

Thursday 9 February 10.00am – 11.00am IT STARTS WITH YOU – A DEMENTIA FRIENDLY COMMUNITY presented by Dementia Australia Seniors Village Hub, 77 Kite Street

Thursday 9 February


SENIORS DANCE ‘TROUBLE WITH JOHNNY’ PERFORMING LIVE 2.00pm – 4.00pm $15 per person or $25 per couple

Light refreshments included Orange Ex-Services Club, Coral Sea Room, Anson Street

Friday 10 February

TRIVIA 10.00am – 12 noon

Light refreshments included Orange City Library, Byng Street

Saturday 11 February

BUS TRIP TO NATIONAL MUSEUM OF AUSTRALIA, CANBERRA Depart: 7.00am Return: 7.00pm Community Services Centre, 286 Lords Place $50

All events are free, unless a cost is specified. To book please phone 6393 8600.


Payment is required when booking. Cancellations made after 1 February 2023 will not be refunded.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 26 — FEBRUARY 1, 2023 11 www.orange.nsw.gov.au | Find us on social media @ Orange City Council
morning tea
GUIDED BIRD WALK With Friends of the Orange Botanic Gardens 8.30am – 9.30am
MOVIE AND MORNING TEA AT THE HISTORIC AMUSU THEATRE, MANILDRA Screening ‘Ticket to Paradise’ Depart: 9.30am Return: 1.30pm Community Services Centre, 286 Lords Place $12 Includes transport, Movie Museum, movie and
DEMONSTRATION WITH JACKI JASPRIZZA 1.00pm – 3.00pm Seniors Village Hub, 77 Kite Street
Monday 6 February HEALTHY COOKING
10.00am – 12 noon
Light refreshments included Seniors Village Hub, 77 Kite Street
Author and host of the popular 100 Not Out podcast Marcus Pearce will be guest speaker at the Seniors Village Hub launch.


Idecided to make our last week of holidays special. Partly, because I love my children and will miss them when school goes back, but mostly because of a BuzzFeed quiz I did for “writing research” (Epic procrastination, but I mean who doesn’t want to find out what kind of mum they are, based on breakfast-in-bed choices?) Anyway, it told me I’m “fun”, so a week of fun it is!

Now, when I say fun, I mean old-school fun. Like, camping out in the backyard, playing Sega all afternoon and having a watermelon seed-spitting competition. Unfortunately, I no longer have a Sega to show o my “Alex Kidd” prowess, watermelon these days is not only seedless but also prohibitively expensive, and my 42-year-old back isn’t a fan of sleeping on the ground.

So instead, I decided to revisit my school holidays and give the kids a taste of life in 1991.

Apparently, it’s now illegal to drop two children o at the aquatic centre for the day with only sunscreen, a towel and 60c for an ice block and a call from the payphone in the car park when they’re ready to be picked up. So, fruit art it is!

“Special morning tea time!” I call out as I place a fruit platter in front of my unsuspecting family.

“What’s special about this?” ask the ungrateful children.

I explain it’s a fun competition, and whoever makes the best fruit face on their plate wins. We’ll take photos and ask the grandparents to judge.

“But what do we win?” Miss Eight demands to know and my first mistake is to answer her, instead of just shooting her a look of silent disapproval. My second is to announce that she and I will make a certificate in our craft time later in the

afternoon. Although disappointed by the lack of a cash prize, she’s reasonably happy with that and immediately claims all of the blueberries, ensuring her eventual win.

Using my laptop, we design a certificate with a gold trophy on it. Miss Eight accepts it as her due, but lets me know I better have a real gold trophy next time.

“Now, it’s time for… ah, table pong!” I announce next, placing plastic cups on the dining table and handing out ping pong balls.

“Mum, isn’t this just beer pong?” asks Miss 14. I ask her how she knows what that is. “Netflix,” both kids reply in unison and I make a quick mental note to go through their viewing histories later.

“There’s no beer in this version,” I assure them. “Make that clear if you write about this at school, okay?”

The beer pong is an absolute hit.

Lastly, we head out to explore the new playgrounds in Orange and quickly decide that the jungle-themed Larance Park is lovely. A small but fun playground, seats in the shade and plentiful trees for an epic game of hide and seek mean even Miss 14 has some fun.

In the car on the drive home, I silently congratulate myself on organising a wonderful family time for all. Even despite the lack of “actual gold trophies” handed to me for my parenting these holidays, knowing that — because of me — we will head into this year refreshed and happy is all the reward I nee…

“Mum,” says Miss Eight, interrupting my train of lovely thoughts. “We still have our annual holiday baking to do this weekend and I was thinking…”

Unfortunately, I know exactly what she’s going to suggest, having spied her flipping through my Mum’s old cake book while watching Bluey earlier this week. Oh,

12 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 26 — FEBRUARY 1, 2023 OCL LiFESTYLE CALLDANIELON0411484464 TOBOOKYOURFREEINITIAL APPOINTMENTORHEADTO WEALTHTRAIN.COM.AU TRULY INDEPENDENT Financial Advice Changes Lives MoreandmorepeopleinOrangeare enjoyingthebenefitsof INDEPENDENT financialadvice... Shouldyoubeoneofthem? DanielMcGregor (1253135) andWealthTrain (1258202) areauthorisedrepresentativesof IndependentFinancialAdviceandEducationAFSL520963
ENOUGH Parent The last week of the HOLIDAYS
What Kid’s Say! How old is a grown up? Ummmmm If you could be any animal what would you be and why? A cheetah, because they’re the fastest animal on the planet! What would you like to be when you grow up? A venom collector. What is your favourite food? Sausages. What is your favourite movie? The Bad Guys.
Age: 6
Name: Freddie

HAPPY Australia Day

One Giant Leap for Parkes

Joined the team One Giant Leap Australia at Parkes today to see how their camp was going and learn more about their program. Linking students with industry and education through innovation. A creative STEM camp developing skills for the future. It was a lot of fun and the kids were having a great time learning how to build robots and space buggies, plants to grow in space, virtual reality technology, examining space suits (that have actually been worn in space) and listening to astronauts talk. A very informative and educational camp for kids interested in science and space. Thanks for coming to Parkes One Giant Leap Australia and educating our kids.

and out about

at their regular Sunday morning spot at Lake Endeavour, due to the rain, still getting together and planning their next regatta and Masters event in Parkes late March 2023.

I’ve long advocated for cancer prevention, funding and support. I appreciate the great work Cancer Council NSW do for our community, and it was great to catch up with Fiona Markwick to discuss Cancer Council’s focus and provide my input.

Dropped in to catch up with Narelle and Tony at the Railway Hotel in Spring Hill, and sample a cappuccino from their new coffee cart. They’re up-skilling young locals who are the baristas, and doing a fantastic job.

While touring the electorate I dropped into the Telegraph Hotel at Molong and was nice to see some familiar faces. It’s really great to see this and other local businesses bouncing back after the floods. Remember, Support Local!.

Caught up with the Parkes crew, who busy fixing local roads. Thanks fellas, appreciate your work in restoring our roads - it’s going to be a big job.

Batting for O’Brien

Back in Orange

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 26 — FEBRUARY 1, 2023 13 Orange Electorate Office | 123 Byng Street, Orange NSW 2800 | Telephone 6362 5199 Authorised by Philip Donato MP, Member for Orange, 123 Byng Street Orange NSW 2800
For nearly A QUARTER CENTURY the O’Brien Centre has served the Orange community a place of tranquillity and support for those living with mental illness, along with and their families and carers. With the threat of the land being sold and the Centre being locked out without a suitable place to go to, I’ve gone into bat for them, seeking the land be gifted to them, or at least be provided a long-term lease to ensure the volunteer-led organisation and their clients continuation of the service. We expect the Government’s
in the coming days.
State Member for Orange
I am looking forward to celebrating it with our community. I’ll be out and about today, so if you see me please come say hi. Let’s all celebrate being Aussies, whatever our heritage is and the great country we call home. Have a bonza day! Cheers Phil. Greyhound
owners and breeders have my full support - the families and fraternity of this traditional sport are salt-of-the-earth and would give
the shirts off their own backs if you needed. I joined with “a few” of the local greyhound community at Wade Park, the site of Orange’s historic track and shared some nostalgia. I’m supporting the establishment of a new greyhound racing track in Orange, and Centre of Excellence. There’s a fantastic opportunity to see a track placed here and restore Orange as greyhound HQ in the Central West and beyond. Great to see support for this. I’ve met with representatives of the Greyhound Breeders Owners & Trainers Association about the possibility of the new Orange track and facility, and gave it my unreserved support.
be in
GET THE GREYHOUNDS It was great to
attendance at Duntryleague Golf Club to welcome the participants for the 13th West Orange Motors Duntryleague Classic. A three-day annual tournament attracting over 180 players and their partners from not only Orange but from all eastern Australian states. Injecting thousands of dollars into the local economy. An iconic event on the Orange sports calendar. Thank you to all the sponsors and the hardworking committee for supporting this event. It was great to catch-up with some of the Parkes Dragon Boat Club members enjoying a coffee this morning in Parkes. Although not

Syke’s back to adjudicate popular poetry brawl

Award-winning poet and writer, Robyn Sykes is returning to judge next month’s Molong Poetry Brawl — one of the popular highlights of the Banjo Paterson Australian Poetry Festival.

The highly competitive poetry brawl is a battle between bush poets, although the exact di erence between poetry and bush poetry seems to be one of much contention.

Robyn was kind enough to explain the definition that she has adopted.

“It’s a traditional rhyming verse, that’s about Australia or the Australian way of life, so it’s a very broad definition,” Robyn explained.

So, what exactly is our judge going to be looking for?

The thrill of a good bush poem is about far more than just the subject matter, she said, it’s about the journey it can take you on, the way it grips and moves you.

“I’m looking for someone who connects to their audience. So, their subject matter needs to be something the audience identifies with,” Robyn said.

“When you’ve written a good poem, you can see that the audience are enthralled — they’re right there in the palm of your hand. And a good performer will always know if they’ve got their audience, or they don’t.”

Of course, as competitive as it is, it’s not all serious. Poetry brawls are about having fun and creating a great atmosphere between performers and the audience.

“A poetry brawl is usually a bit of a party

atmosphere, so usually there’s a lot of humour,” Robyn said.

“It doesn’t mean you can’t do a serious poem though; I actually find that people like to have a mix.”

Poems are limited to one minute and must be original. This year, the poems must all use the phrase “been there before.” Participants can recite, rap or sing their poem, either by themselves or with a group.

Now back for her third year judging the competition, Robyn fondly reminisced about the community spirit she witnessed on her first visit to Molong.

“I really have a very special place in my heart for the Molong Poetry Brawl, because it seemed as though the whole community had come out to celebrate,” she recalled.

And in the wake of last year’s destructive flooding, Robyn believes events like this have the ability to heal a community.

“Molong has had a di cult year with floods and things, and I think the arts have a really great way of healing. I hope everyone comes out and feels the community spirit lift!” she said.

The Molong Poetry Brawl takes place at the Freemasons Hotel, Molong on Saturday, February 18 from 7pm. Bookings are essential.

For more information or to register for the event call Jude Taylor on 0405 021 265.

14 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 26 — FEBRUARY 1, 2023 Community LiFE “Where our customers are the heart of the community” Our extensive range of gourmet cheeses will really tempt your taste buds gourmet cheese WED TO SAT 4PM-8PM 0401 072 027 Check our Facebook for the Menu 37 William Street ORANGE | Ph 6362 8611 Pauls @ CoCos DINE IN OR TAKEWAY Pizzas ~ Wings ~ Pasta ~ Chips ~ DimSim CoCo’s CAFE TRADING HOURS Monday to Friday 6.30 – 4.00pm Saturday 7am – 1pm Closed Public Holidays www.cocosorange.com.au 37 William Street ORANGE Ph 6362 8611 Delicious! Best known for their delicious fresh food burgers, coffee and yummy desserts. With both daily & weekly specials they have something to tickle your taste buds. CoCo’s offers a wide range of gluten free, home cooked meals, all day breakfast and catering available, eat in or take way. Portuguese chicken Salad wraps Poached Eggs with Avo smash and yogurt Berry muesli Black Bean Vegetable Burger with a Sweet Potato Crisp Pumpkin Fetta Tart Sweet potato fish cake with seeded pumpkin fetta salad GET OUR APP SAVE TIME ORDER ONLINE MEAL DEAL $50 2 Pizzas, Barramundi Bits & 1.25 litre Soft Drink
Photo taken by Margaret Rhodes

The Ottolenghi way

I’m pretty sure you started 2023 with some new goals in mind, whether it be developing healthy habits, getting started on that big project or learning new skills. Guess what? You are not alone! In fact, many people use the New Year in order to make positive changes and achieve a better quality of life.

A lot of people have been telling me they want to learn how to cook the basics, to feel more confident in the kitchen and to enjoy clean and healthy habits. My response to them is always the same: “Vegetables, nuts/seeds and pulses are the answers you seek!”. In fact, with just combinations of those ingredients you could basically write a trendy cooking book (I’m not kidding).

If you have the time, I recommend you to go to the library or go buy the delicious cookbook called SIMPLE by Yotam Ottolenghi (named cookbook of the year by The New York Times in 2018).

Who is Ottolenghi you may be thinking? Well, he is an Israeli-born chef, restaurateur and author of several super well-known bestselling cookbooks. In fact, if we, in the western world, are aware of recipes like shakshuka, za’atar,

dukkah, etc. it is because of him.

His commitment to championing vegetables — as well as more unusual ingredients, such as freshly toasted spices, seeds and nuts — has led to what many people call “The Ottolenghi e ect”. In fact, his way of doing things has become so iconic worldwide, that nowadays his style has become a visual brand. Burnt cauliflower, caramelised pumpkin; crispy Brussels sprouts didn’t figure in the Aussie food scene until he made them trendy a few years ago. And from there, there has been an unstoppable growing love a air for vegetables and salads.

Many people have said to me that, thanks to him, they have discovered a new appreciation for raw vegetables and the combination of textures, acidity and freshness of herbs.

Whatever your palate, whatever your likes or dislikes are, or even your level of confidence in the kitchen, follow these rules below to make delicious summery lunches and dinners:

1. You need to see veggies di erently: try to taste raw vegetables. The leaf of Brussels sprouts, for example; eaten raw, it is not much di erent from cabbage.

2. Please do burn your veggies, but leave them crunchy: as I have explained in the past, there is a golden rule: ‘no colour, no flavour’.

3. Discover the wonderful world of seeds and nuts: they will add crunchiness and nuttiness to your preparations.

4. Play around with di erent pulses: they will give you heaps of textures and colours. For example chickpeas, beans of any size or colour, edamame, lentils, etc.

5. Acidity is the key: whether it’s aged vinegar or freshly squeezed citrus do not be shy of using acidity. Your tastebuds will enjoy that!

6. Need something to fill you up? Then use the huge range of couscous, barley, buckwheat, quinoa, and other grains that will make you feel as if you ate a bull (but are much healthier!)

7. Toast your spices: there is nothing like using freshly toasted spice seeds and then grounding them in the mortar and pestle. Make small batches, so you use them fresh all the time.

8. Achieve freshness through herbs: this is, for me, the key to summery salads. Choose whatever types of herbs you like and combine as many as you can. Trust me, the more herbs, the better!

9. Extra Virgin Olive Oil is the healthy fat to choose; Mediterranean vibes and good for your gut!

10. Greek yoghurt is the creamy sauce that will WOW you every single time you use it on your salads.

As you can see, I’m not giving you an exact recipe this week because this is about giving you the tools and understanding, so you can make your own delicious, healthy and super-fresh salads.

Follow this way and begin an incredibly amazing life-long journey of loving seasonal and local vegetables.

Got a cooking question you need answered? Any suggestions on what topic Ruben should tackle next? Get in touch with us at OCLife or with Ruben directly @rubenlopezmesa

@atableof10 @eat_spanish @rubenlopezmesa
Hope you enjoy the trip! Please don’t forget to tag me with your creations.


It was 60 years ago today,

Following their nuptials, Moira and Noel made their home in Geelong before moving to Cargo in 1984, where they bought and operated the Cargo General Store for the next ten years. Moira and John have three children — Wayne, Ashley and Sally (Thornberry). The couple moved to Orange to live in 2012.

Happy 60th wedding anniversary!



Another public holiday is upon us. With Australia Day falling on a Thursday this year, the prospect of an extra-long weekend before school starts back is an opportunity too good to miss. How are you spending January 26 this year? With the weather looking great, perhaps you might be going camping with the rest of Australia. Maybe you will be exploring our great region that is putting on a smorgasbord of events. But what about the day itself? How are you thinking through the significance of January 26 in our national identity? Over the past few years, we have been having a national conversation about how we commemorate the arrival of European settlers to these shores. I think it is good that we are having a conversation about this. I long for the day when we can truly rest, reflect, and celebrate who we are as a nation. That together, as one nation, we can recognise who we are and honestly reflect on our past, and collectively look to the future. Are we there? I think it’s fair to say that the answer is no. A couple of weeks ago, Stan Grant published an opinion piece for the ABC, which confronted what he called ‘Australia’s problem with history.’ He was writing in response to his experience in the United States of America and reflecting on how our two nations have confronted our past. It was a fascinating exploration of identity and how we come to terms with who we are as a nation. So, how do we come to terms with who we are? How do we continue looking forward

and moving forward together as a nation in light of all that has gone before us? This is a di cult question to answer. There are many di erent ideas and views on what would be best for our nation. One of those is the place of January 26 in our national calendar. I’m not going to enter into the debate around what day is best for us to celebrate our national holiday. I do want to suggest, however, the attitude that we take into these conversations. With any conversation, listening is so important. Listening and understanding what the other person is saying without making assumptions of motives. If we could do this well at a national level, I believe that our dialogue around Australia Day can progress in a positive direction. As I reflect on this, I have been reminded about something that the Apostle Paul wrote in Romans 12:9: ‘Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.’

If we were able to love with a love like this as a nation that truly seeks to listen, understand, and work together for the good of our nation, I am excited to see what could happen. For me, this ability to love is shaped by the love of God shown through Jesus, who has reconciled me to God. And this act of reconciliation is one that has shaped who I am. Perhaps this love and act of reconciliation is the very love that can truly help us think through and walk together in love through our conversation about how and when we celebrate our national holiday.

Community LiFE
on January 26, 1963, that a young Moira Dunn of Mandagery said “I do” and so married Noel Johns of Geelong, Victoria, at the Holy Family Church in Parkes.
ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 26 — FEBRUARY 1, 2023 17 TIMES with ANGUS GIBB ON SALE FROM WEDNESDAY 25 TH JANUARY UNTIL TUESDAY 31 ST JANUARY 2023 Specials available from Wednesday 25/01/23 until Tuesday 31/01/23 or while stocks last. Retail quantities only. No trade supplied. We reserve the right to correct printing errors. Pictures used for illustration purposes only. IGA Liquor supports the responsible service of alcohol. Tobacco and alcohol not sold to under 18’s. 210 PEISLEY STREET, ORANGE NSW 2800 | 6362 7233 OPEN 7 DAYS: MON TO SAT 6AM-9PM | SUNDAY 7AM TO 8PM WWW.IGA.COM.AU 82 SUMMER ST, ORANGE NSW 2800 | 6362 0775 OPEN 7 DAYS: MON TO SAT 7AM-9PM | SUNDAY 8AM TO 8PM WWW.IGA.COM.AU IGANS13020_250123 Kellogg's Nutri-Grain 290g or Sultana Bran 420g Streets Magnum Ice Cream Stick 4-6 Pack Selected Varieties Rexona Advanced Protection Spray 220mL Selected Varieties *excludes Travel Size & Low Prices Every Day $1.93 per 100mL $335 ea $425 ea $525 ea Serving suggestion Beef T-Bone Steak Australian $29 kg Hot PRICE! gnnum u ack ck c arietties ie i s S S $ Cadbury, Pascall or The Natural Confectionery Co. Bag 150-300g Selected Varieties $2 ea $1950 ea Primo Short Cut Rindless Bacon 750g $11 per kg Moccona Freeze Dried Coffee 400g Selected Varieties $4.88 per 100g Purina Felix Wet Cat Food 12x85g Selected Varieties $1.03 per 100g Devondale Spreadable Butter 500g Selected Varieties $1.20 per 100g Coca-Cola 24x375mL Selected Varieties $2.30 per Litre Golden Circle Fruit Drink 6x250mL Selected Varieties $2.20 per Litre $330 ea $2070 ea $6 ea $1050 ea $825 ea

OCLife Scene

The OCLife scene of recent parties, concerts, celebrations and events


While the World Waits, a new exhibition showcasing a unique partnership between local musicians and visual artists, was officially opened at The Corner Store Gallery on Saturday. Initiated by Arts OutWest, the exhibition features new work from 20 artists, each responding to a track from a local musician.

While the World Waits remain on exhibition at The Corner Store Gallery until Sunday, February 5. Opening hours are 10am – 4pm Thursday to Saturday, and 10am – 1pm on Sundays.

Jane and Joel Tonks Nerida Cuddy with Patrick Coomey Gracey Denham-Jones and Sophy Jones Christine McMillan with Ted and Oscar Lipani Jenna Prestwidge, Madi Young, Ash Mickle and Ellie Carey-Speirs Arts Out West – Maryanne Jaques, Madi Young (Gallery Owner), Steven Cavanagh (Curator), Christine McMillan and Patrick Coomey Sam Gersbach, Eliza, Hugh, Will and Sharyn McKinnon Gracey Denham-Jones

A Gathering of Uncertainties:

New gallery space draws exhibition by leading UK sculptor Laurence Edwards

eveloped in partnership with UK art centre, Messums Wiltshire, A Gathering of Uncertainties presents the culmination of 10 years’ work by Edwards and is the first comprehensive survey of his work to be shown in Australia.

One of the few sculptors who casts his own work, Edwards is fascinated by human anatomy and his large sculptures express the power and versatility of bronze.

“It’s really exciting,” Orange Regional Gallery Director, Brad Hammond said.

“Laurence Edwards is one of the leading

sculptors in the UK, and so I’m thrilled that our audiences will have a chance to see his work — in the flesh, so to speak.

“There’s nothing like seeing the original work, so if we can bring work like that to our region, it’s a big part of what we want to do in future.”

While the Orange Regional Gallery’s main focus is showing and supporting Australian artists, Brad said the recent extension to the gallery means they can also attract significant exhibitions of work from international artists.

“Since we reopened we’ve had a really rich range of exhibitions in our program and this is our second exhibition by a major international artist that we’ve been able to bring to Orange because

of our extension to the gallery,” he said, referring to last year’s exhibition ‘I Am Not Me, the Horse is Not Mine’ by renowned South African artist William Kentridge.

“That, in itself, I think is significant. As a regional gallery, we’re able to host — amongst supporting local and regional artists — we’re also able to host wellknown artists of this calibre…

“It brings a lot of people to Orange to see these exhibitions and also provides great content for our local audiences and supporters.”

Laurence Edwards is also travelling over for the exhibition opening and will give a presentation at the exhibition opening night, 5.30pm on Friday, February 3. His address will be followed by the o cial

opening, at 6pm, by Messum Wiltshire director, Johnny Messum.

At 11am on Saturday, February 4, Edwards will join journalist and arts commentator Fiona Gruber at the gallery for a conversation about the exhibition and his process.

This will be followed by a screening of Yoxman – While the Whole World Changes Tune, a documentary following Edwards as he undertakes the creation of a monumental 26-foot figure for the Su olk landscape.

Bookings for all events can be made through Orange Regional Gallery’s events calendar at /www.orange.nsw.gov.au/ gallery/whats-on

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 26 — FEBRUARY 1, 2023 19 Let us Entertain YOU OPEN 7 DAYS | 107 BYNG STREET | 6362 1353 | WWW.THEMETROPOLITANHOTELORANGE.COM.AU PLEASE RING FOR BOOKINGS PROUD TO BE A PUB with the purchase of a beverage Every FRIDAY / SATURDAY AT 8PM Live Music ✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴ Free Entry the awesome sunday roast SUNDAY ROAST THE AWESOME + roast veg ROAST SUBJECT TO CHANGE EACH SUNDAYGROUND FLOOR ONLY $18 Banjo Paterson Festival Yarn Telling / Spinning Competition Practice Run 3rd &10th February 7pm Finals 24th February 2023 CALL NOW TO BOOK FOR ENTRY OR DINNER 6362 1353 PRIZES JUDGED BY AUDIENCE WIN VOUCHERS / MERCHANDISE Family Friendly ~ Food & Drinks ~ Live Music FREE ENTRY MC FOR THE NIGHT ANDREW BAGADA D
An exhibition of bronze sculptures by internationally acclaimed British artist, Laurence Edwards will be on display at the Orange Regional Gallery from February 4 to April 16. Laurence Edwards - Walking Men, Bronze, 2018--2022


Thursday January 26

Cumnock Bowling Club

Award presentations and morning tea 8am–9.30am

Freemasons Hotel Molong

Australia Day Yabby Races from 4pm

Borenore Public School

Award Presentations and morning tea 11am– 2pm

Cargo Village Green

Official party attending, award presentations and cutting of Australia Day cake 10.30am–12pm

Cudal Community Centre

Guest speaker, Peter Worsley OAM and award presentations 9.30–10am

Eugowra Showground

Community barbecue, award presentations and kids’ activities 1– 6pm

Victoria Hotel

Justin Landers in the beer garden from 2pm

Ophir Hotel

Australia Day at the Ophir from 11.30am

Greenhouse Orange

Audio Vixen on the lawn from 12pm


Friday February 3

Ophir Hotel Megan Woods Live

Saturday February 4

Redmond Oval, Millthorpe Millfest

Orange Civic Theatre

The Distraction by The Umbilical Brothers

Orange Country Club Jack Daintith Live

Blind Pig Live and local - an evening with Craig Atkins

Orange City Bowling Club Monster Garage Sale

Sunday February 5

Parkview Hotel Beers for Queers

Sunday February 9

Molong Campdraft Grounds Tom Curtain’s Nothin’s Gonna Stop Us Now Tour

Friday February 10

Orange Showground A Night in Nashville

Blind Pig Live and local with Austen Logan

Factory Espresso Comedy Night Dilruk Jayasinha & Dave Thornton

Friday January 27

Tom Curtain from 6.30pm @ Blayney Showground

Friday January 27

Blayney Showground Indoor Equestrian Centre

Tom Curtain’s Nothin’s Gonna Stop Us Now Tour from 6.30pm

Orange Ex-Services Club

Neil Gill from 6pm

Ophir Hotel

Austen Logan Live from 7pm Greenhouse Orange

Natalie Carboni in the Piano Bar from 6pm Audio Vixen on the lawn from 7pm

Saturday January 28

Orange Country Club

Neil Gill Live from 6pm Club Millthorpe Open Mic from 7pm

The Blind Pig

Live and Local - Aaron Oldaker from 8pm Greenhouse Orange Clancy Pye from 12pm

Natalie Carboni in the Piano Bar from 6pm Mak & Shar on the lawn from 7pm

Orange Country Club Neil Gill from 6pm

Sunday January 29

Ophir Hotel

Justin Landers Live from 12pm Greenhouse Orange

Brad Myers from 12pm Musical Bingo on the lawn from 3pm

Natalie Carboni in the Piano Bar from 6pm

Saturday January 28

Agrestic Grocer

Kingswood Live from 7pm

Australia Day, January 26 Victoria Hotel Justin Landers in the beer garden from 2pm

New ways to get more from the Orange Chamber Music Festival this March 9-12

The Orange Chamber Music Festival returns in March 2023, with an expanded program of events featuring over 60 artists and ensembles from all over Australia.

Established in 2019 the Orange Chamber Music Festival (OCMF) has quickly cemented its place as the premier Art Music event of the Central West.

“We are delighted to present our audience with the full Orange experience,” Festival Director Carmen Nieves said of this year’s festival, which takes place March 9-12.

“The highest quality in performances covering a diverse range from baroque to contemporary Australian music, paired with the very best of our local produce, hospitality and cultural assets.”

This year, there are new ticketing options available with three di erent festival passes, each providing access to a range of di erent performances and experiences.

Single event tickets can also be purchased for select events, giving people an opportunity to sample the concert series without committing to a full festival pass.

The 2023 festival will also see the launch of the Lunch+ Concert series: three curated fine dining experiences accompanied by live music in intimate and unique local venues.

The Victoria Hotel is hosting a huge four-day line-up of live music this Australia Day weekend, with bands playing from the Thursday public holiday right through to Sunday.

Kicking things o this afternoon (Thursday, January 26) is well-known local singer/songwriter Justin Landers who will be performing his heartfelt country-style music from 2-5pm

On Friday, January 27, Pete Naylor, takes the reins performing from 8pm.

Then, acoustic duo, Toni and Lenny, will keep things rocking on Saturday, January 28, again starting at 8pm.

Wrapping up this massive weekend, the ShinDig Kickers Duo will be out in the beautiful beer garden between 2-5pm on Sunday, January 29.

Vic Hotel publican, Craig Wright,

live music.

Huge Australia Day weekend at the Vic Festival of Small Halls this Saturday

For the full 2023 Orange Chamber Music Festival Program or to purchase tickets, visit: www.ocmf.com.au

The always popular Festival of Small Halls returns to the Bloomfield Hall this Saturday night.

This year’s travelling festival line-up includes Scotland’s The Paul McKenna Band (described by the New York Times as “the best folk band to have come out of Scotland in the last twenty years”), singer-songwriter Emily Lubitz, and Orange’s own reggae and Latin music influenced duo, The Wave.

Presented by JAM Orange, in liaison with Woodfordia Inc., The Festival of Small Halls kicks o at Bloomfield Hall this Saturday, January 28, at 7pm. Doors open at 6pm.

Tickets are $25 and available from Landers Music, Orange or at www.festivalofsmallhalls.com Food and refreshments will be available.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 26 — FEBRUARY 1, 2023 21 Let us Entertain YOU
“We’ve got a range of artists and songs. It’s going to be a good, Aussie weekend for Aussie rock… come down for a couple beers, some good tunes and good company!”
says it will be an exciting weekend of
22 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 26 — FEBRUARY 1, 2023 ODEON 5 MOVIE CLUB - $20 PER YEAR, AND ALL MOVIES (EX 3D) ARE THEN DISCOUNTED TIMES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE • BOOKINGS RECOMMENDED Parking available at rear, enter March or Byng Streets • ALL CINEMAS HAVE WHEELCHAIR ACCESS 43 WILLIAM ST ORANGE • 6362 0213 (ADMIN) SUBSCRIBE AT WWW.ODEON5.COM.AU TO HAVE PROGRAMME EMAILED WEEKLY. *HEARING/VISUAL IMPAIRED EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE Programme for Thurs 26th JAN to Wed 1st Feb 2023 redeem your vouchers for Odegift cards. ������ only redeem voucher per ORDER TICKETS ONLINE WWW.ODEON5.COM.AU 102 MINS Thurs 26 th 3.00, 7.00 Fri 27 th 3.00, 7.00 Sat 28 th 3.00, 7.00 Sun 29 th 3.00, 7.00 Mon 30 th 3.00, 7.00 Tues 31 st 11.00, 3.00, 7.00 Wed 1 st 11.00, 3.00, 7.00 204 MINS BABYLON THURS-MON 2.45, 5.00, 8.00 TUES-WED 3.00, 5.30, 7.45 MEGAN 120 MINS THURS-MON 12.30, 5.15 TUES 10.45, 5.00, 7.45 WED 10.45, 5.00 A MAN CALLED OTTO 141 MINS THURS-MON 10.15, 12.30, 3.00 TUES 12.30 PUSS IN BOOTS THE LAST WISH 117 MINS THURS-MON 10.00 THE AMAZING MAURICE 108 MINS THURS-MON 3.00, 8.00 TUES-WED 1.30, 7.45 OPERATION FORTUNE 129 MINS RUSE DE GUERRE 102 MINS 207 MINS AVATAR THE WAY OF WATER 3d 2d Thurs 26 th 11.00 *, 7.00 * 3.00 * Fri 27 th 11.00 *, 7.00 * 3.00 * Sat 28 th 11.00 *, 7.00 * 3.00 * Sun 29 th 11.00 *, 7.00 * 3.00 * Mon 30 th 11.00 *, 7.00 * 3.00 * Tues 31 st 11.00 *, 7.00 * 3.00 * Wed 1 st 11.00 *, 7.00 * 3.00 * MRS HARRIS GOES TO PARIS WED 10.30 130 MINS 124 MINS THURS-MON 10.00, 12.30 TUES 10.00 LYLE, LYLE, CROCODILE 120 MINS THURS-MON 10.15 BIG TRIP 2 SPECIAL DELIVERY 105 MINS WED FEB 1ST @ 10.30 $10 TIX $10 TIX ADULTS AT KIDS PRICES ADULTS AT KIDS PRICES SENIOR MOVIE MORNINGS ARE BACK Choose Mrs Harris or What’s Love Got To Do With It? Including: sandwiches, tea, coffee, & cakes following films SENIORS MOVIE WEDNESDAY 10.30 SENIORS MOVIE WHAT’S LOVE GOT TO DO WITH IT? Thurs 26 th 12.15, 5.30, 7.30 Fri 27 th 12.15, 5.30, 7.30 Sat 28 th 12.15, 5.30, 7.30 Sun 29 th 12.15, 5.30, 7.30 Mon 30 th 12.15, 5.30, 7.30 Tues 31 st 10.00, 12.15, 2.45, 5.15 Wed 1 st 1.30, 4.30, 7.00 $15 FOR TICKET/LUNCH, REGULAR PRICING FOR JUST FILM.
ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 26 — FEBRUARY 1, 2023 23 ORANGE PROPERTY MARKET BEST PROPERTIES BEST AGENTS FOR THIS WEEK’S LATEST LISTINGS www.orangecitylife.com.au YOUR OWN PRIVATE OASIS AWAITS... A stunning property on a 1888.3sqm freehold in a spectacular location. This home has so much appeal and offers something for the whole family with resort style living and understated opulence being the standouts, 27 Plumb Street is certainly worthy of your inspection. Features include; • Arriving at the property the immediate street appeal draws the eye, lavish manicured gardens and a wrap-around verandah are fine features • Upon entry you are greeted by the polished timber floorboards, high ceilings and ornate cornice • Master-built kitchen, with all modern necessities • Huge rumpus room fitted with a wood fireplace and a generous-sized separate living room, both open up onto the wrap-around verandah • The oversized master suite is gorgeous, bathing in natural light and featuring fitted built-in wardrobe and ensuite • Main bathroom features a large spa bath, shower a single stone top vanity • The three remaining bedrooms are all of generous size, all with BIR’s • Ducted reverse cycle throughout • Large covered alfresco area provides an amazing space to entertain all year round with a separate pitched roof pavilion complimenting a 10x2m inground swimming pool, all complimented by the immaculate established gardens • An enormous 12x8m lock-up garage with enough room for 4 cars or to store your caravan and or boat, loads of storage space, and enough room to add a mezzanine level Landsize: 1888.3sqm Rates: $1904.19 Disclaimer: All information contained herein is gathered from sources we believe reliable. We have no reason to doubt its accuracy, however, we cannot guarantee it. THE SANDS 27 Plumb Street, Blayney PROPERTY OF THE WEEK BROUGHT TO YOU BY RAY WHITE EMMS MOONEY 4 24 LUCY NELL t. 0400 726 897 JAMES TAYLOR t. 0457 792 800

Hard road to success for BnB Made Easy

Four years ago, Orange City Life caught up with local PE teacher Tim Mortimer who’d started a side-hustle managing short-term rental properties in Orange. Quite a bit has happened in the world since then, but throughout it all Tim managed to grow BnB Made Easy into a company that today manages more than 130 properties across the region.

eah, last time, we had three or four properties, it was a new idea and I would have been still teaching at the same time,” says Tim, from his March Street o ce.

When Orange City Life met up with Tim in February 2019, it was while he was personally cleaning and preparing a property for guests.

“We just kept growing and I then needed a couple of employees and by September, I made a decision, as a teacher, that I wasn’t going to continue, I would take a year o to go into the business.”

Just weeks after stepping out on his own, the COVID-19 pandemic brought the world to a grinding halt.

“Which was obviously hard for everyone, but we were a highly impacted industry in that sense. So just getting through all the challenges there,” he says, shaking his head at the memory.

I couldn’t even go back to teaching because school was closed as well. So it was scary.”

But it was the second lockdown that really hit his business hard. The period between had seen a boom in tourism to Orange and many other regional areas as, with international borders still closed, people looked for escapes closer to home.

“It was just a year of intense travel, which was really good to catch up a little bit,” says Tim.

“Then the second lockdown was tough because we had more employees, larger wages to pay and still no travel so it was just eating into our savings, so there were a few harder decisions and conversations to be had, but the government support was really good at that time.”

It was during this period, Tim says, that they really looked at working on the business and trying new ways to grow their revenue.

Book Orange was one such venture. Tim launching his own online accommodation booking platform alongside the short-term property management business.

“It means that 100 per cent of the booking revenue stays in the town or the region, whereas if you book through a booking platform, it goes overseas,” says Tim, who still believes in the idea, but couldn’t

commit the time needed to it when his core business was expanding.

“It wasn’t very viable as a business model alongside a very busy BnB Made Easy growth stage,” he says.

“We’ve expanded into Bathurst and Dubbo at the same time and currently manage 130 properties or so in the region. So yeah, it’s a big operation.”

BnB Made Easy still o ers direct online booking for all their properties, but Tim said their focus is on maintaining a high standard of visitor experience and keeping people coming back to Orange.

“We managed bookings in and out of the property, maintain homes to a very high standard, get really good reviews, which ensures future bookings and at the right rate for the time, so keep the occupancy up,” says Tim, who also now has five employees located in the Philippines so he can o er 24-hour service.

“It just enhances the guests’ stay and makes them leave wanting to come back, tell their friends about the great stay and how e cient it was.

“We’re also marketing to all of our past guests as well,” Tim continues, “As the

business has grown, we’ve created a marketing department in our business, which is focusing on guest retention and analysing data, so we find out why they’re coming, whether it’s family, whether it’s business, whether it’s wine or leisure or health, how many people there are in their group, how much they’re paying for what property per bedroom. Analysing data is becoming valuable in being able to attract people back to the region.”

At the moment, COVID and inflation are having an impact on travel to Orange, says Tim, with people being less willing to book accommodation too far ahead.

But he remains positive about the future growth of tourism in the region.

“It’ll take a while to swing back, a couple of big events for people to miss out on to realise they have the book out in advance… and once the economy settles down a little bit then people will be more comfortable spending again,” says Tim.

“Definitely though, there are still people travelling to the region as a tourist and still taking up short-term accommodation and really enjoying it — and enjoying the service that we provide if they stay in one of our homes!”

24 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 26 — FEBRUARY 1, 2023 Orange Property MARKET A UCTION Auction Venue Sat 4th March 11am Quest Orange (crn Kite St & McNamara Ln) Brian Cullinane 0418 637 338 Ultimate Dress Circle Location 100 Ha or Approx. 250 Prime Acres • Inclose proximity to Molong (10 km) & Orange CBD (25 km) • Building approval available – sealed road to entrance • Magnificent home sites commanding expansive, north facing rural/river views • Originally timbered with yellow & white box – ample paddock shade remaining • Subdivided into six paddocks – all bordered by aesthetically pleasing tree lines • Well-watered by four dams anda spring fed creek • Capable of fattening/breeding or otherrural pursuits ‘Riverview’ isIndeed a Rare Find 'Riverview' L ot 101 Strathmore Lane, Molong NSW 2866 AWNLivestock & Property 119 Peisley Street, Orange 02 6362 4755 www.awn.net Contact

19a Hamer Street, Orange

Only minutes to town, we offer the public a rare opportunity to purchase not one but two properties on the same lot, 19a Hamer Street, Orange. This unique investment opportunity features mirror imaging 2 x two bedroom townhouses with no Strata fees!

• The potential return of $3,500 per month if Air BnB’d

Auction Friday 17th February, 10.30am

Open Saturday 28th January, 10am - 10.30am

James Taylor 0457 792 800

111 Spring Hill Road, Spring Hill

Sitting comfortably on 5acres* and 15 minutes from Orange CBD, this magnificent lifestyle block is not to be missed. This stunning homestead epitomises sophisticated country style. Everywhere you look, this beautiful property just exudes simple understated elegance.

Sale 1,150,000- $1,250,000

Kurt Adams 0428 747 050

10 Summer Street, Orange

Opportunity awaits at this perfect CBD location to secure a strong investment. 3 x two-bedroom units each with plenty to offer for either a short-term stay, rental or Air BnB. 1 x 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom unit and 2 x 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom units

• The potential return of $6,000 per month if Air BnB’d

Auction Friday 17th February, 10.30am

Open Saturday 28th January, 9.30am - 10am

James Taylor 0457 792 800

4 Spring Terrace Road, Orange

‘Locarno’ offers the ideal rural lifestyle for those seeking a productive 43Ha* (106ac*) parcel of land. A rare find, in a tightly held location, with an array of quality structural improvements, abundant of excellent quality water and a stunning outlook to Mount Canobolas makes ‘Locarno’ stand out as your exciting new venture.

Sale $1,800,000 - $1,900,000

Kurt Adams 0428 747 050

Open By Appointment
18 Sale Street Orange NSW raywhiteemc.com 02
0211 Ray White Emms Mooney
Open By Appointment


& alfresco) for the whole family to enjoy in style.

A thoughtfully designed plan with tiled flowing living areas include a dining room and family room which both open to the eye-catching kitchen with a colourful glass splashback, island bench, gas stove top and a walk-in food pantry.

The main bedroom is of extra proportions and features a roomy ensuite with spa bath and walk in robes.

In addition to the living areas is a private home theatre room and a separate activities area ideal for children’s playroom or for adults alike.

A breezy alfresco area has a

26 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 26 — FEBRUARY 1, 2023 FOR SALE 1A CYPRESS STREET, ORANGE EASY LIVING $595,000 This attractive little home packs a mighty big punch that hits you the minute you enter. Beautifully and freshly renovated throughout with two bedrooms (both with built-in wardrobes) the main bedroom has direct access to the three way bathroom. There is a split-air conditioner separate lounge room and gas central heating throughout. The separate kitchen is complete with dishwasher, gas cooktop and pantry and adjoins the tiled dining room. A large north facing outdoor pergola for entertaining outdoors, even in winter. UNDER CONTRACT CHRIS OR JOHN ON 6362 5999 A new development consisting of two and three bedroom villa units and town houses. Designed for your security and peace of mind. A heated indoor communal swimming pool for your enjoyment. NOW SELLING ‘KINROSS MEWS’ 99 BATHURST ROAD, ORANGE A BETTER LIFESTYLE AWAITS YOU HERE IN THIS NEW GATED COMPLEX FOR SALE 16 FOX AVENUE, ORANGE RIGHT ACROSS FROM THE SCHOOL A fantastic family location in a small, quiet and leafy street around a one minute walk to Bletchington School’s main gate. With 3 bedrooms, this home is well presented both inside and outside with the living areas featuring a separate loungeroom with gas heating, a bright and an airy family room with wall to wall built in storage and reverse cycle air-conditioning. Other features include a double garage and workshop, garden shed and a rainwater tank. OPEN HOUSE SAT 28th JANUARY 11.30am - 12.00pm FOR SALE 9 JAPONICA PLACE, ORANGE STYLE AND SPACE OPEN HOUSE SAT 28th JANUARY 11.00am - 11.30am
you have been longing for extra space and extra rooms then don’t go past this stunning four bedroom home that has 311.6 m2 in area (including porch
natural look Jarrah timer lined ceiling and
glorious views to Mt Canobolas.
double garage with internal access, central
cosy gas
Other of the many features include a
heating and a
log fire in the family room. Set on an elevated 926.6 m2 block in a quiet cul-de-sac just a few minutes stroll to the Orange Botanic Gardens.
IF YOU WOULD LIKE YOUR PROPERTY WITH NO MARKETING COSTS If you’re looking for a spacious unit with the convenience of inner city living, then don’t look past this opportunity. This two story residence enjoys a north facing open plan living area with new carpets and freshly painted lounge / dining room that has electric heating and a handy storage closet. The main bathroom has been freshly renovated and there is a second toilet downstairs. There is internal access to the garage and a private paved courtyard and garden at the rear with a covered outdoor area. It’s so easy to walk to town, you may get rid of your car! $550,000 FOR SALE 9/198 BYNG STRE ET, ORANGE VERY CENTRAL 3 BEDROOM UNIT OM OPEN HOUSE SAT 28th JANUARY 10.00am - 10.30am FOR SALE 12 OAK STREET, ORANGE ARGUABLY, ONE OF THE MOST SOUGHT AFTER STREETS IN ORANGE UNDER CONTRACT ENORMOUS POTENTIAL Split level brick veneer home with 3 bedrooms. Double carport, workshop and garden sheds in large back yard with rear access. Lovely tree lined street outlook from front patio. $700,000 OPEN HOUSE SAT 28th JANUARY 12.00pm - 1.00pm
Make your move to a much more comfortable lifestyle today.

Great start for the first home buyer at Cudal

Adjacent to a town common, this older style home is set on a huge and elevated 6069sq metre block in the charming village of Cudal with its convenience store, coffee shop, playgrounds, bowling club and great community feel. It is located 38km from the large city of Orange via The Escort Way and approximately 15 kms (a less than 14 minute drive) to Manildra Mill with its large employment opportunities. There is a school bus to Orange.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 26 — FEBRUARY 1, 2023 27 FOR SALE 1855 Acres $1300 per acre Near North Parkes The four bedroom homestead has a lovely sunroom, kitchen, and entertaining area with rear verandah perfect for entertaining or unwinding. Both bathrooms are modern while the living areas are light-filled and generous. The property is located approximately 30 kms from Parkes, 14kms approx from North Parkes Mine. The very well equipped three stand woolshed is functional and well-designed. A good set of sheep yards behind the woolshed with another set of sheep yards adjoining a laneway. Two good-sized machinery sheds, hayshed, water tanks and silos all add to the capacity of this holding. The stock proof fencing is in good repair and the property is divided into 16 paddocks with good shade. 3633 Bogan Road Goonumbla “Coraki” 28 Seymour Street Orange CONTACT AGENT 311 a b c a b c a b c Ph 0428 650 675 Address 24 Sale Street, Orange scottmunro.ljhooker.com.au Email scott.munro@ljhooker.com.au website ww.orange.ljhooker.com.au FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED BLOCK TO BUILD ON 5 acres at Lyndhurst x2 at $300,000 each 9 acres at Cargo at $420,000 Building block 2600m2 at Cargo at $200,000 NOW IS THE BEST TIME TO BUY AN INVESTMENT PROPErTy! This classic home has been faultlessly renovated so there’s nothing for you to do- just move in and enjoy the open living spaces, contemporary colour scheme and design and beautifully landscaped garden with its attractive al fresco area.You will be amazed by this home! Stylish and sophisticated on Seymour Allow us LJ Hooker to help Begin , Build and Consolidate your property portfolio Call us today ! - Guarantee returns - The Orange rental market remains buoyant - Property remains a strong investment Why ? VICTORIA MUNRO SCOTT MUNRO 1 Church Street Cudal FOR
SALE $450,000
a b c a b c a b c
Great rental or first home 34 Orchard Grove Road Orange FOR SALE $569,000 This four bedroom home has potential as first home buyers or it would make a great rental with solid returns. The modern kitchen is functional and light-filled and adjoins a great family area with views to the handy undercover area. The family bathroom has a separate toilet for convenience while the living area is spacious and light-filled. 411 a b c a b c a b c Great opportunity for first home buyers!
FOR SALE $495,000
two story home is in a quiet location on a large 1170m corner block, which also allows for side access
or gym. 321 a b c a b c a b c 223 Farnham Road Stuart Town 142 Acres FOR SALE $850,000 This 142 (approx) acre block on the outskirts of Stuart Town boasts a permanent spring-fed creek and views to the surrounding central west countryside. The undulating country is mostly lighter soils and would be suitable for grazing due to its good shade and secure fencing. It has been pasture improved with rye grass, phalaris and a mixture of clover. All of it is arable with light timber. 25 inches annual rainfall. It offers a carrying capacity of 140 sheep or 40
its hotel, soon to open
this block is also located approximately
from Lake Burrendong
recreational activities.suitable for Hobby
It is approximately 60kms from
This well-built,
to the back yard. The home features three good sized bedrooms, two bathrooms and multiple living spaces including a massive downstairs rumpus area which is currently being used as an extra living room but which
into another
games room
cattle. Approximately 5kms to Stuart Town with
convenience store, primary school
to either Wellington or Orange,
45 minutes
with its skiing, fishing and other
Farm - Vineyard
Orange. Lifestyle block
building entitlement

WRIGHT 0421 360 948

28 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 26 — FEBRUARY 1, 2023 39 SALE STREET, ORANGE | 6363 1000 | PFISHER.COM.AU ALL PROPERTIES CAN BE VIEWED BY PRIVATE INSPECTION OR VIDEO CALL, JUST CONTACT THE AGENT. ALL INSPECTIONS WILL BE CONDUCTED UNDER STRICT HEALTH GUIDELINES. GARDEN TO PLATE If you wish to decrease your stress levels and live a more sustainable lifestyle, then look no further than this beautiful 5-acre property just 10 minutes from Orange. This property offers an exceptional list of inclusions and ticks the box for everyone in the family. The home is fully renovated and boasts four bedrooms, three north-facing living areas, a huge kitchen with modern appliances and beautifully finished bathrooms. There are solar panels and reverse cycle ducted air conditioning which can all be controlled by an app on the phone. You’ll enjoy a ‘garden to plate’ lifestyle, with a small orchard, veggie patches and chook yards. Water is abundant with a 120,000L concrete tank and a water-quality tested bore with pump to the tank. There is a reticulated sprinkler system for the lawn and plenty of taps to supply the gardens. There is a huge 10.5m x 7m shed with three phase power, electric fences to the paddock, garden shed and so much more. From the enclosed sunroom there are beautiful views. CONTACT: MICHAEL
255 PHOENIX MINE ROAD LUCKNOW $1,549,000 4 2 5
416 10 CLAREMONT WAY CONTACT AGENT 4 3 5 GREAT VALUE COUNTRY LIVING This weatherboard home with expansive wrap around verandah is a
perfectly positioned within the town limits of Manildra and sits on just
of land,
paddocks. Inside boasts a flexible floor plan with five bedrooms, one of
home office. The
with the timber kitchen and a cosy
bedroom and living areas. There is a
a bit of land, and the house is on town water and sewer
of scope to update the house to your liking and the block is very usable, perhaps you could add a pony or a couple of sheep to really live the country life. CONTACT: CHRIS MASON 0438 629 417 14 ORANGE ROAD, MANILDRA $499,000 5 1 2 NEW LISTING 16 WIRRUNA AVENUE CONTACT AGENT 5 3 2 FEELS LIKE HOME This beautiful home, in the much sought after Wirruna Avenue, is a total dream package. Fully and tastefully renovated from top to bottom, inside and out you can move in with nothing to do but enjoy the luxury on offer. You will love the sense of space and the gorgeous flooring through the living areas adds a real feeling of warmth. There are high end finishes and features used throughout and no expense has been spared in creating this stunner. With multiple living areas, five bedrooms, or four and an office if you prefer, three luxurious bathrooms and a wonderful kitchen and dining space your family will want for nothing more. Surrounded by leafy trees and gardens the backyard is a private oasis with a timber deck perfect for outdoor dining and relaxation. This is not just a house, it will truly feel like a home for those lucky enough to live in it. Come and see it for yourself. CONTACT: JACOB EVANS 0428 130 789 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 28 JANUARY 9.30-10.00
GRAND DESIGN, GRAND PROPORTIONS This impressive home is set on 2621m2 of beautifully private manicured grounds with outstanding district views. For those luxurious lifestyle lovers searching for a relaxing retreat, this beautifully maintained home might just be it. The home is located in a quiet cul-de-sac in the premier Wentworth Estate and positioned high on the block it captures 180 degree views from many of the spacious rooms and from the expansive covered outdoor entertaining area and patio.
This home is perfectly configured for large families or inter-generational living with multiple formal and casual living areas,
or 5 bedrooms,
bathrooms, dual ducted heating/cooling systems, triple attached garage and another double garage. If
been looking for a really special home the wait is over - call me for a private inspection today.
ADAM SAVAGE 0419 232
great example of a country
over 2 acres
divided into two
be used for a
continues through
wood fire for those colder months. There is also a split system in the main
and workshop, always a
with a bore on site also. There is plenty
ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 26 — FEBRUARY 1, 2023 29 39 SALE STREET, ORANGE | 6363 1000 | PFISHER.COM.AU ALL PROPERTIES CAN BE VIEWED BY PRIVATE INSPECTION OR VIDEO CALL, JUST CONTACT THE AGENT. ALL INSPECTIONS WILL BE CONDUCTED UNDER STRICT HEALTH GUIDELINES. 20 MAPLE AVENUE $829,000 4 3 2 CALARE AREA Located in the very popular Calare area at the top of Maple Avenue, this home has fantastic views looking back over Orange and the district. Step inside and you’ll find upstairs 3 spacious bedrooms, the main with an updated ensuite and a walk in robe, while the main bathroom has a large spa bath, shower and toilet. There are 2 large living areas, dining room, spacious kitchen with new vinyl flooring and all heated by a ducted gas system plus a large woodfire. Downstairs is a nice surprise with another large bedroom and bathroom, kitchenette and a large living area - ideal for teenagers, extended family or potentially extra income. This handy location makes walking to zoned Calare Public School and Orange High School a breeze. CONTACT: ADAM SAVAGE 0419 232 416 SITTING PRETTY This unassuming three bedroom home sits prettily on it’s corner block and is actually quite elevated with lovely views from the back. Inside it is split level with a peaceful and calming colour palette. You will love the naturally bright open plan living/kitchen/dining area that opens
the north
deck that has a lovely
over the
has stainless
appliances, lots of storage and a big pantry. The bedrooms are a good size with the
robe and ensuite. Both bathrooms are well appointed and there is a separate
There is
access to the
garage and solar panels on the roof to help keep the bills at bay. Not too far from
of town, this would be a
first home or perfect for someone who wants a compact home with all the mod cons. CONTACT: JACOB EVANS 0428 130 789 74 HILL STREET, MOLONG $569,000 3 2 2 NO COOKIE-CUTTERS HERE If you’re sick and tired of looking at the same old cookie-cutters, then this is the home for you. Located in the lovely village of Cargo is this eclectically sweet home on 2 acres. Perfect for those looking for life in the quiet lane whilst still being in town, it is centrally located just a short walk from the Cargo shop, café and pub. The home has three bedrooms all with built-ins, a huge kitchen/dining area, large living room and a mudroom. The bathroom is sweetly renovated with penny tiles and shiplap panelling. Outside is a great shed/workshop and plenty of flat, usable land that is currently set-up for horses but can easily be converted to other uses. However, for the horses there’s a 20x40m sand/treadlite mix arena, stable with day yard with adjoining shelter and a 20ft shipping container with saddle and bridle racks. One of the biggest perks of living in Cargo is
10 FORBES STREET CARGO $690,000 3 1 3
facing timber
hills beyond. The kitchen
main bedroom having
access to the 2 commons which locals can use as they need for livestock, bike riding and walking. CONTACT: MICHAEL WRIGHT 0421 360 948
A STUNNING SLICE OF PARADISE This property is, in a word, stunning. 33 hectares of nature lovers’ paradise. This off-grid home is surrounded by a beautiful garden and unique bushland. Positioned on a hill overlooking neighbouring farms with views to Mt Canobolas, this eco-friendly home has much to offer. Including quality finishes throughout, with a hand crafted stone wall around the fireplace in the open plan lounge, kitchen and dining area. This well designed home offers amazing and efficient warmth through a wet back recycled water heater system spreading the heat throughout the house. There are three spacious bedrooms, one of which could be an office. There are two bathrooms, powder room and big laundry. The features outside are impressive from the elevated deck perfect for entertaining whilst enjoying the view, to solar panels, 3 bay garage and hobby sized vineyard and olive grove. The historic Sydney train carriage with a wood fire, toilet, timber deck and water tank has many possible uses. CONTACT: JACOB EVANS 0428 130
30 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 26 — FEBRUARY 1, 2023 39 SALE STREET, ORANGE | 6363 1000 | PFISHER.COM.AU ALL PROPERTIES CAN BE VIEWED BY PRIVATE INSPECTION OR VIDEO CALL, JUST CONTACT THE AGENT. ALL INSPECTIONS WILL BE CONDUCTED UNDER STRICT HEALTH GUIDELINES. Here is an opportunity to buy a home that has a lot of WOW! Offering four bedrooms, a stunning kitchen offering everything the home-chef could possibly desire. Upstairs are three bedrooms and two of the loveliest bathrooms. Outside, you can sit underneath the wisteria and take in the private garden oasis. The 6.6kw solar panel system is an added bonus. Don’t miss out on this one! CONTACT: MICHAEL WRIGHT 0421 360 948 6 PARNOO PLACE PRICE GUIDE: $950,000-$980,000 4 2 2 Ready and waiting for your dream home to be built to your needs, this 781.5 sqm elevated block may be just right for you. In a new estate, this block is well priced in the market. The North Orange location offers an appealing lifestyle being close to local shops, Botanic Gardens and Adventure Playground. There is easy access to all the town services you will need, and building can commence as soon as your plans are finalised, and the DA is approved. CONTACT: CHRIS MASON 0438 629 417 59 STEVENSON WAY $399,000 This traditional brick bungalow on a large 847.3sqm block offers plenty of potential to make a sweet and cosy home. Featuring a brick fireplace in the lounge room, high ceilings, decorative cornices and lovely timber floors. There are 3 bedrooms and an eat in kitchen, compact bathroom plus a second toilet off the laundry. With some planning, it would be possible to achieve an appealing blend of new and old. Currently tenanted until May 2023 it also presents an investment opportunity. CONTACT: JACOB EVANS 0428 130 789 22 SPRING STREET $699,000 3 1.5 0 Molong is a well-established town located 20 minutes from Orange with a vibrant community. Well-serviced by schools, healthcare, shops and boutiques, restaurants, cafes and pubs. These 2 blocks have elevated views in an alreadyestablished quiet area, have full town services available and are ready to build on in early 2023. They are within walking distance to Molong Central School. There are 3 and 4 bedroom house and land packages available, including cost of build and timeframes, upon request. 2A is 936 sqm in size and 2b is 893 sqm in size. CONTACT: MICHAEL WRIGHT 0421 360 948 2A & 2B MCARDLE STREET, MOLONG $250,000 EACH It is large enough for a four-bedroom, two-bathroom home and enjoys elevated views back towards Mt Canobolas. 506 sqm in size it is situated in a brand-new estate close to the North Orange shops, childcare centre, Charles Sturt University and the Adventure Playground and Botanic Gardens. All in all, a great block to build your new home on. CONTACT: MICHAEL WRIGHT 0421 360 948 LOT 341 CANOBOLAS VIEWS ESTATE $270,000 This home offers loads for the family, boasting two living areas, four bedrooms, a separate sunroom, a mudroom with access from the garage and a large, secure backyard with rear-yard access. In the heart of the home is a renovated kitchen with modern appliances. There is a gas heater and a reverse cycle air conditioner. The garage is large with extrahigh ceilings if you wanted to add a mezzanine. CONTACT: MICHAEL WRIGHT 0421 360 948 15 ANSON STREET 4 1 2 PRICE GUIDE: $660,000-$680,000 DOWNSIZE WITH PRIVACY AND STYLE Located amongst a private complex is this stylish two-bedroom townhouse which offers privacy and style. It’s a lovely suntrap with the alfresco area, master bedroom and the loungeroom facing north. The kitchen is white, bright and fresh boasting stone benchtops, soft closing doors and modern appliances. Both bedrooms are spacious with built-in wardrobes. The complex contains only six freestanding townhouses, mainly owner-occupied. There is a fully enclosed yard which is easy maintenance and ready for a special touch. Perfect for the downsizer, investor or first home; you’ll want to see this one. CONTACT: MICHAEL WRIGHT 0421 360 948 1/24 EMMAVILLE STREET $529,000 2 1 1 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 28 JANUARY 12.30-1.00 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 28 JANUARY 10.15-10.45 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 28 JANUARY 11.00-11.30 NICE HOME, GREAT SHED This home, with its tastefully updated kitchen and bathroom, is perfect for a first home buyer or investor. The big jobs have been done and there is still potential to tweak the floor plan and undertake some more modernising to add your own finishing touches. The lounge room and dining area is pretty with big windows letting in lots of light, a ceiling rose, bright white paint and attractive flooring. There are two bedrooms plus an extra room that could be for storage or converted to a third bedroom. The home has two toilets and showers which is unusual in a house this size. You also have a sunroom and utility area to use as extra living space should you wish. The block is a very manageable 493 sqm in size and the backyard has a great shed with a covered patio area down the side offering a shady spot to sit in summer. CONTACT: JACOB EVANS 0428 130 789 33 NORTH STREET $409,000 2 2 1 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 28 JANUARY 11.45-12.15 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 28 JANUARY 11.45-12.15
ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 26 — FEBRUARY 1, 2023 31 39 SALE STREET, ORANGE | 6363 1000 | PFISHER.COM.AU ALL PROPERTIES CAN BE VIEWED BY PRIVATE INSPECTION OR VIDEO CALL, JUST CONTACT THE AGENT. ALL INSPECTIONS WILL BE CONDUCTED UNDER STRICT HEALTH GUIDELINES. WELCOME HOME This attractive brick home with pretty trees and gardens is quietly tucked away in an excellent location not far from James Sheahan High School. There is little work to be done to the light filled home with an updated kitchen, laundry and modern bathroom with a convenient 2nd toilet ready and waiting. The lounge is generously sized with big windows overlooking the front garden. There are four spacious bedrooms with built-ins plus a flexible space that could be a mudroom or office or used for storage. The home will be warm and cosy come winter with central gas heating. The garage has a large workshop space at the back and the back yard is neat as a pin and is a wonderfully flat and usable space. Zoned for Orange High and Orange Public Schools plus not too far from the Anson Street TAFE Campus and just a short trip to town, this home will not last long. Don’t miss it! CONTACT: CHRIS MASON 0438 629 417 7 SEPIK PLACE PRICE GUIDE: $649,000-$669,000 4 1 1
be used
and stainless steel and
of room
a dining table to gather
the main with an ensuite. Outdoor living is also covered with a timber deck plus a covered patio. The backyard is quite a delight with plenty of room for the kids to run and play and for the adults to enjoy the park-like view or the dedicated fire pit area. Not too far from town and with many lovely features inside and out this home is certainly worth viewing. CONTACT: JACOB EVANS 0428 130 789 13 WILLIAM STREET, MOLONG $679,000 4 2 1 It is large enough for a four-bedroom, two-bathroom home with attached granny flat. Potential combined rental of $820 p/w. 450sqm in size it is situated in a brand-new estate close to the North Orange shops, childcare centre, Charles Sturt University and the Adventure Playground and Botanic Gardens. All in all, a great block to build your new home on. CONTACT: MICHAEL WRIGHT 0421 360 948 LOT 340 CANOBOLAS VIEWS ESTATE $290,000 Just 20 km from Orange, increasingly rare parcels of land like this are seldom on offer. Set amongst the rolling hills of the area and close to Lewis Ponds Creek, this 5 acre block with building permission is ready for your new home. It is the perfect opportunity to create a country dream home embracing the surrounding views and the rural lifestyle on offer. There is power available nearby or you could build completely off grid. CONTACT: JACOB EVANS 0428 130 789 1564 LOWER LEWIS PONDS ROAD $499,000 Set on a 930 sqm block, this attractive brick home with a fantastic three bay shed is a real winner. The interior is fresh and modern, the kitchen is a stylish black and white with stainless steel appliances. There are three bedrooms, two with built-ins, central heating and a cosy wood fire. Outside is neat as a pin with a covered patio, lots of green manicured lawn and a concrete driveway all the way up to the big shed. This is a property that you could just move into and enjoy your new home. CONTACT: JACOB EVANS 0428 130 789 12 SMITH STREET, MOLONG $629,000 3 1 3 This property is all about space – the land, the shed and the house. On 11.3 acres there is a massive shed and the house is much bigger than it looks with plenty of room for the whole family. The country kitchen with walk-in pantry is flanked by a dining area and family area. There is also a huge loungeroom with study nook, large main bedroom with ensuite, three more generous bedrooms plus a room with a walk-in cupboard that could be a fifth bedroom or office. CONTACT: JACOB EVANS 0428 130 789 5145 HENRY PARKES WAY, MANILDRA $750,000 5 2 6 Located in a quiet cul-de-sac is this three-bedroom, one bathroom home that has a lot to offer. The north facing lounge room is a lovely suntrap, you’ll love the neat and tidy kitchen and the renovated three-way bathroom. All the bedrooms have built-ins, and the garage has been converted into a home gym. There’s a split system air-conditioner to keep you comfortable all year round, and a huge private backyard, great for pets and kids to play in. Would make a wonderful first home or add to your investment portfolio. CONTACT: MICHAEL WRIGHT 0421 360 948 6 BOWEN PLACE 3 1 1 $589,000 This split level home is a spacious semi-detached home with three bedrooms, with an ensuite, walk in robe and balcony off the main plus a good sized family bathroom. The home is not without a bit of an x-factor with the funky kitchen on the lower level. There are two living spaces and you’ll love the views from the living room and main bedroom balcony. Central gas heating, single garage with internal access and an easily managed backyard round off this surprising home. CONTACT: CHRIS MASON 0438 629 417 14A EMILY PLACE PRICE GUIDE: $569,000-$589,000 3 2 1 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 28 JANUARY 11.00-11.30
on a great sized block of
with established trees and gardens and lovely green spaces, this modern brick home is perfectly formed for family living.
wanting for space with three spacious living areas including a formal lounge, a huge rumpus/games room and a family area in the open plan living. An added bonus is the sunroom which could
for multiple purposes. The galley kitchen is a stylish black
the family for
Comfort is assured in the
good sized bedrooms,

My Day, My Job

What made you get into real estate?

I started in real estate, probably 15 years ago. I started as a receptionist at Orange Real Estate when it was owned by the Bradford’s. I worked in reception for about two or three years, then I moved into property management while I was there. And I did a little bit of property management when I worked at Century 21. But after doing property management for a number of years, I decided that even though I liked the industry, I wanted to take a little bit of pressure o myself and go back into the sales/admin role.

Can you describe your typical, working day?

Always very busy. There’s always something to do. I answer the phones and greet people as they come in. I help put

together market appraisals for the sales team. I help the marketing team by putting together the brochures and window cards. I type up the internet ads. I put up the photos and do any editing that needs to be done. If there’s any videos that have been taken, I do the editing for them too. Mail and banking. I look over contracts and make sure the sales files are all in order and compliant. I do any letters that need to be to the vendors and buyers. I do the social media side of it as well. So, any place you see on the AWN Orange Facebook and Instagram site are probably done by me.

And where do you like to go when you’re not working?

I like to go out to dinner with friends, and trivia nights at the Canobolas. When it’s my daughter and me it’s always the Robin Hood.

Our philosophy is simple: To look after your property as if it were our own

32 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 26 — FEBRUARY 1, 2023 39 SALE STREET, ORANGE | 6363 1000 | PFISHER.COM.AU PETER FISHER Property Management TEAM Our goal is to maximise your return through: 3 Expert knowledge 3 A proactive approach 3 Strong communication 3 Comprehensive marketing campaign 3 Problem solving 3 Continuous improvement 3 Streamlined processes using specialised technology 3 Dedication to maximising your asset
We believe that experience, knowledge and communication are the most important elements of successfully managing an investment property.
For a list of available rental properties scan here: 6363 1000 Orange Property MARKET
ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 26 — FEBRUARY 1, 2023 33 Suite 7, Level 2, Centrepoint Arcade 230 Summer St, Orange PH. 6362 9560 PRICEGUIDE $450,000-$475,000 OPEN Saturday28thofJanuary;11:00-11:30am ASHBROWN 0417663687 PRICE ContactAgent OPEN Saturday28thofJanuary;12:00-12:30pm ASHBROWN 0417663687 PRICEGUIDE $325,000-$345,000 OPEN Saturday28thofJanuary;11:00-11:30am SIMONEFOGARTY 0417663687 PRICE $649,000 OPEN Saturday28thofJanuary;11:00-11:30am CAMERONFOLEY 0429775680 PRICEGUIDE $405,000each JENSTOJANOVIC 0499261682 AGENCY ONE ORANGE 1/228McLachlanStreet,Orange 50OlympicDrive,Orange 3GaremaRoad,Orange 39CoronationDrive,Orange Lot407&408,MilneStreet,Orange NEW LISTING NEW LISTING NEW LISTING NEW LISTING 3 4 2 3 594M2 2 2 1 1 2 4 1 3 PRICE $595,000 OPEN Callagentforinspection JENSTOJANOVIC 0499261682 9MeekStreet,Blayney 4 22

This centrally located property is only two blocks from Cook Park and five blocks to the CBD. The property boasts three north facing living areas that are interconnected,

34 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 26 — FEBRUARY 1, 2023 26 MORESBY Street, orange AUCTION Cornerblockwith2xroadaccesses Landareaapprox.1,406Ha,buildingareaapprox.1,620m² 2gantrycranes ZonedGeneralIndustrial OfferedwithVacantPossession Formoreinformationorforaninspection,contactGaryBlowes 0418635248|gary@blowesre.com.au Celebrating50yearsinrealestatein2022 CnrLordsPlandKiteSt,Orange 0263621233 2-4ASHSTREET,ORANGE Auctiononsite11am23/02/2022 BLOWESRE.COM.AU cnr lords place + kite street 02 6362 1233 AUCTION Cornerblockwith2xroadaccesses Landareaapprox.1,406Ha,buildingareaapprox.1,620m² 2gantrycranes ZonedGeneralIndustrial OfferedwithVacantPossession Formoreinformationorforaninspection,contactGaryBlowes 0418635248|gary@blowesre.com.au Celebrating50yearsinrealestatein2022 CnrLordsPlandKiteSt,Orange 0263621233 2-4ASHSTREET,ORANGE Auctiononsite11am23/02/2022 BLOWESRE.COM.AU cnr lords place + kite street 02 6362 1233 This modern unit complex ticks a lot of boxes and is so close to many services and amenities. A regretful sale for the owners but a great opportunity for a purchaser as a live in property or as an investment. • Three bedrooms, master with walk in robe and direct access to bathroom. • Open plan styled Lounge/Dining/Kitchen area with A/C plus ducted gas heating throughout • Kitchen has gas cooktop, electric oven, dishwasher, double sink and pantry • Back patio has been fully enclosed and has its own air conditioner • Double attached garage with panel lift door and internal access • Secure private yard with small lawn area and small storage shed 4/88 Kenna Street, orange CONTACT AGENT CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590 3 1 2 OPEN HOUSE Saturday 28th 10.30am - 11.00am You will be impressed with this fully renovated property located very close to the new DPI and a short walk to town. Not only has it been fully renovated but electrical plumbing and drainage has also been replaced.
Complete renovation by quality licensed local builder
Three bedrooms, two with built in robes and master with en-suite
Fantastic open plan living/dining/kitchen
of natural light
gas heater
Open plan living features modern tiling, storage and feature flame effect
Modern kitchen with stone bench tops and huge walk in pantry, all with great
Computer nook, ducted heating throughout and alarm system
plumbing, drainage, garage and turf 118 Margaret Street, orange CONTACT AGENT
258 590 3 2 1 OPEN HOUSE Saturday 28th 11.30am - 12.00pm BE IMPRESSED, AS NEW FOUR BED
lovely home will impress and would suit the first home buyer or a growing family.
All new electrical,
Tyack 0438
Master bedroom with en-suite and walk in robe
Three other bedrooms all with built in robes Open plan family/kitchen/dining opening onto covered alfresco
Modern kitchen with stone bench tops and soft close furniture Central bathroom with bath and shower, separate toilet
• Internal access from garage, ducted gas heating throughout and split A/C 22 Turquoise Way, orange $795,000 CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590 4 2 2
the lounge alone is an
7.5 x 4.3m and it joins the dining
kitchen. The
with internal access, ducted
167 Woodward Street, orange $999,000 - $1,049,000 CONTACT Chris
258 590 4 2 1 Secure your future with this lovely elevated block right on the edge of town and only 3klms to the CBD. The land has all town services including underground power and is 863sqm in size and has a 20m frontage. Walk to the two nearby golf courses or take a walk through the Ploughmans Wetlands just a one minute walk away. Zoned for Orange High School and once building starts will be surrounded by new modern homes. 13 Yackerboon Street, orange $520,000 - $540,000 CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590 SOLD
a casual
area just of the
four bedrooms are very spacious and all have built in robes with the master also having and en-suite. The property has been in the same ownership for a very long time and has beautiful gardens and some very impressive trees all siting on a huge 1,159sqm (approx.) block. Other features are double attached garage
A/C, Orange High
Elephant Park.
Tyack 0438

or for future use as an elegant private residence.

Zoned B3 Commercial Core, allowing for a variety of uses, the brown brick cottage abounds in period charm with a bullnose verandah, turned timber posts, and a timber French door. Inside, the double hung sash windows with tinted glass, coloured leadlight glazing to the entrance door, and a marble fireplace are all charming hallmarks of the era.

Standing proud in the heart of the city’s restaurant precinct and just 150m from Summer Street and the CBD, the property was meticulously refurbished and established as Lolli Redini in 2001. Being sold as-is with a fully equipped commercial

kitchen, “on premises” liquor licence, and furniture and fittings offered by negotiation, it’s now time for new custodians to take over the reins. Alternatively, you could renovate and reconfigure with exciting potential for use as a family residence, two flats, medical centre, wellness centre, office space, or café to name a few (STCA).

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 26 — FEBRUARY 1, 2023 35 AUCTION Cornerblockwith2xroadaccesses Landareaapprox.1,406Ha,buildingareaapprox.1,620m² 2gantrycranes ZonedGeneralIndustrial OfferedwithVacantPossession Formoreinformationorforaninspection,contactGaryBlowes 0418635248|gary@blowesre.com.au Celebrating50yearsinrealestatein2022 CnrLordsPlandKiteSt,Orange 0263621233 Auctiononsite11am23/02/2022 BLOWESRE.COM.AU cnr lords place + kite street 02 6362 1233 Celebrating 50 years in real estate in 2022 AUCTION Cornerblockwith2xroadaccesses Landareaapprox.1,406Ha,buildingareaapprox.1,620m² 2gantrycranes ZonedGeneralIndustrial OfferedwithVacantPossession Formoreinformationorforaninspection,contactGaryBlowes 0418635248|gary@blowesre.com.au Celebrating50yearsinrealestatein2022 CnrLordsPlandKiteSt,Orange 0263621233 Auctiononsite11am23/02/2022 BLOWESRE.COM.AU cnr lords place + kite street 02 6362 1233 GARY BLOWES Director 0418 635 248 Commercial Sales + Leasing CHRIS TYACK 0438 258 590 Residential Sales Manager MARG LONGHURST 0499 013 427 Sales Co-ordinator SHARISSA GILL 0477 063 857 Property Manager ABIGAIL PALMER 6362 1233 Office Manager LOLLI REDINI 48 Sale Street, ORANGE At a glimpse, 48 Sale Street is immediately recognisable as the celebrated hatted restaurant Lolli Redini. One of a pair of sideby-side Victorian era properties owned by the pioneering Hawke family, the address is a beacon of Orange history offered to astute investors and visionary business owners,
measurements and areas provided are approximate and should
CONTACT Gary Blowes 0418 635 248 or Margaret Longhurst 0499 013 427 AUCTION TIME: 11:00 AM DATE: 24/02/2023 VENUE: ONSITE
Selling in conjunction with Professionals Orange * All
relied on as absolute.
36 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 26 — FEBRUARY 1, 2023 StephenTownsend| Principal KathieTownsend| Co-Principal NoraMcNamara|LicensedReal EstateAgent EmmaChapman|Real EstateAgent ToriWood|SalesAssociate Meet our Sales Team ORANGE BLAYNEY NEWLISTING NEWLISTING NEWLISTING 8LindenAvenue,Orange|4bed2bath2car|$1,500,000|Agent:EmmaChapman0423658101 NEWLISTING 'Karina'343StrathmoreLane,Molong|3bedroomcottage-233.66arces|ContactAgent|Agents:Shephen Townsend0427631957 'Montauban'121ShepherdsRoad,SpringCreek|3Bed2Bath2Car|ContactAgent|Agent:Stephen Townsend0427631957 'TopOaks'StapletonsRoad,Boomey|185.55arces|ContactAgent|Agent:StephenTownsend0427631957
ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 26 — FEBRUARY 1, 2023 37 StephenTownsend| Principal KathieTownsend| Co-Principal NoraMcNamara|LicensedReal EstateAgent EmmaChapman|Real EstateAgent ToriWood|SalesAssociate Meet our Sales Team ORANGE BLAYNEY 10/16WarrendineStreet,Orange|3Bed1Bath1Car|ContactAgent|Agent:NoraMcNamara0431320230 REBUILD OPPORTUNITY! NEWLISTING INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY 55RiddellStreet,Molong|3bed1bath1car|$425,000-$450,000| Agent:StephenTownsend0427631957 15GanooStreet,Yeoval|3bed1bath2car|$125,000| Agent:StephenTownsend0427631957 NEWLISTING NEWLISTING 5SullivanCircuit,Orange|4bed2bath2car|ContactAgent| Agent:EmmaChapman0423658101&NoraMcNamara0431320230 LARGEFAMILYHOME 6FloodStreet,Cudal|4Bed2Bath3Car|$350,000|Agent: EmmaChapman0423658101 1/198ByngStreet,Orange|2Bed1Bath1Car|ContactAgent|Agent:StephenTownsend0427631957 10/16WarrendineStreet,Orange|3Bed1Bath1Car|ContactAgent|Agent:NoraMcNamara0431320230

PoP-uP cellar door Puts

They’ve been growing wine grapes in Orange for the past 30 years, but next week will see the opening of See Saw Wines first-ever cellar door.

Taking a two-year lease of the former Racine restaurant on Lake Canobolas Road, the “pop-up” cellar door will be the first retail sales space for Pip and Justin Jarrett’s well-known organic wine brand.

“Pip and Justin have been in the wine industry in Orange for 30 years and this is the first time we’ll be serving wine to customers directly,” said See Saw Wines’ events and marketing manager, and daughter, Alice Jarrett.

“We’ve obviously never had a personal presence or touch point with the community in Orange and so we’re pretty

excited to finally have that for See Saw.

“There are really exciting things happening in the tourism space in Orange and we’re really looking forward to being a part of it and building on what is already buzzing around the town.”

“It is really exciting,” said Justin Jarrett, who first planted grapes in Orange in 1995 and made his first wine four years later.

“We look back at the last 30 years and it’s the final piece in the puzzle. So, the vineyard, winery, and now the cellar door, where people can come and touch and feel what See Saw is all about.”

See Saw are describing the cellar door as a “pop-up” as the Jarretts have

plans to eventually build their own on their property “Balmoral” located off the Escort Way.

“We have a DA approved there,” said Alice. “So the plan is to go ahead with building our own cellar door but this opportunity came up and it was an exciting chance... there’s a brilliant loop of existing cellar doors and wineries around this Nashdale/Lake Canobolas area, so it’s a great opportunity for us to be part of that visitation circle.

The face of the new See Saw cellar door will be former chef, Matt Eustis, who grew up in the Adelaide Hills and has 15 years of experience in the kitchen.

“Having Matt, who’s got that hospitality

experience, has been brilliant,” said Alice. “He’s got exceptional experience and exciting food and wine pairing ideas. So I think yeah the next two years will be really exciting to see what we do.”

While there are no plans to offer restaurant dining at the cellar door, Alice said they will certainly look to offer food pairing with wine-tasting experiences and festival events.

“Also the opportunity to come and sit on the beautiful lawn area and enjoy wine by the glass and bottle, with cheese grazing boards and whatnot,” she added.

38 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 26 — FEBRUARY 1, 2023 PH 02 6362 6966 37 SALE STREET, ORANGE WWW.WILLIAMSMACHIN.COM.AU Marty Lyden 0404 070 391 marty@williamsmachin.com.au Katie Christopherson 0400 637 559 katie@williamsmachin.com.au Kathleen servicedapartments@williamsmachin.com.au Natalie Gow 0407 213 073 propertymanagement@williamsmachin.com.au CONTACT US FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS SALES SERVICED PROPERTIES RENTALS Orange Property MARKET
See Saw on the up
The See Saw cellar door opens Wednesday, February 1. See Saw cellar door manager Matt Eustis and events and marketing manager, Alice Jarrett, getting ready to celebrate the opening of the new tasting room on Lake Canobolas Road.



10:00 - 10:30 143 Sampson Street 4 1 2 $650,000-$700,000

10:30 - 11:00 22 Polona St, Blayney 3 1 1 Contact Agent

11:00 - 11:30 3 Garema Road 2 1 1 $325,000-$345,000

11:00 - 11:30 1/228 McLachlan Street 3 2 2 $450,000-$475,000

11:00 - 11:30 39 Coronation Drive 3 1 3 $649,000

11:15 - 11:45 50 Orange Rd, Blayney 3 1 2 Contact Agent

11:15 - 11:45 89 Kearneys Drive 4 2 2 $850,000-$875,000

12:00 - 12:30 18 Roseteague Way 4 2 2 $1,150,000 - 1,200,000

12:00 - 12:30 50 Olympic Drive 4 2 4 Contact Agent

12:00 - 12:30 102 Berrilee Road 6 4 6 $1,700,000 - $1,800,000

12:30 - 1:00 159 Clinton Street 3 1 2 Contact Agentv

1:00 - 1:30 41 Racecourse Road 4 3 2 Contact Agent

1:00 - 1:30 11 Spencer Lane 5 2 3 $2,125,000-$2,325,000

1:15 - 1:45 171 McLachlan Street 3 1 1 Contact Agent

2:00 - 2:30 5 Moad Place 3 1 1 Contact Agent

2:45 - 3:15 34 Paling Street 4 1 3 Contact Agent

16 Wirruna Avenue 5 3 2 Contact Agent
10.15-10.45 15 Anson Street 4 1 2 $660,000-$680,000 11.00-11.30 22 Spring Street 3 1 0 $699,000 11.00-11.30 6 Bowen Place 3 1 1 $589,000 11.45-12.15 33 North Street 2 2 1 $409,000 11.45-12.15 1/24 Emmaville Street 2 1 1 $529,000 12.30-1.00 6 Parnoo Place 4 2 2 $950,000-$980,000 11.30 - 12.00pm 16 Fox Avenue 3 1 1 Contact Agent 12.00 - 1.00pm 99 Bathurst Road Contact Agent 10.00 -10.30am 9/198 Byng Street 3 1 1 $550,000 11.00 - 11.30am 9 Japonica Place 4 2 2 $950,000
www.orangecitylife.com.au/real-estate for more details on these great properties scan the qr code
129 Gardiner Rd 3 2 1 $660,000
10.30 - 11.00am 4/88 Kenna Street 3 2 1 Contact Agent 11.15 - 11.45am 118 Margaret Street 3 2 1 $849,000
10.15- 10.45 89 Edward st 3 1 0 Auction 11-11.30

Quick Crossword Quiz



No. 068

1 Who topped the annual Forbes list of the world’s billionaires in 2022?

2 Who was Australia’s first Labor prime minister, as well as leading the world’s first Labor government?

3 Containing the busts of past prime ministers, where in Australia is Prime Ministers Avenue?

4 In what year did the Victorian gold rush begin?

5 What is the most populous state in the US?

6 Who recorded Manic Monday in 1986?

7 Siddhartha Gautama is the original name of which sacred figure?

8 Sully Prudhomme (pictured) was the first person to win which award?

9 Which Scandinavian capital’s name means ‘islet of logs’?

10 What is the largest species of rodent in the world?

1 Hides (5) 4 Relying on or exploiting others (9) 9 1970s band, — Lake and Palmer (7) 10 Of, or relating to, Tibet (7) 11 Custom (9) 12 Fad (5) 13 Duped (3) 14 Estimate of similarities (11) 16 Artistic representation of a person (11) 19 Idiot boxes (3) 20 Mindless (5) 22 Designers of goods and structures (9) 25 Runner (7) 26 Cleaning scoop (7) 27 An office-worker (9) 28 Waterlily (5)

1 Saccharine (5) 2 Native of Iceland (9) 3 Seaweed-wrapped rice (5) 4 Brand of microprocessor (7) 5 Domed building (7) 6 Contribute (9) 7 Popular aquarium fish (5) 8 Agreement (9) 13 Pleasure (9) 14 Relate in some way (9) 15 Immediately (2,3,4) 17 Inactivity (7) 18 Blasphemous (7) 21 A native people of Central America (5) 23 Of the nose (5) 24 Ships (5)


Drop Down




Sudoku No. 068 92 4 173 16 3 84 5 71 9 13 6 28 9 38 2 27 5 Fill in the blank cells using the numbers from 1 to 9. Each number can only appear once in each row, column and 3x3 block
E M P H E AE L R 10 words: Good 15 words: Very good 21 words: Excellent Today’s
9-Letter Reference: Macquarie Dictionary Wed 2912 No.
No. 068
Using the nine letters in the grid, how many words of four letters or more can you list? The centre letter must be included and each letter may only be used once. No colloquial or foreign words. No capitalised nouns, apostrophes or plural words ending in “s”.
+ × = 16 + × + + × = 19 + + × × + = 34 = = = 15 26 49
Insert each number from 1 to 9 in the shaded squares to solve all the horizontal and vertical equations. Multiplication and division are performed before addition and subtraction.
No. 068
There may be more than one possible answer. There may be more than one possible answer.
Starting with the seven-letter word, drop a letter and form a six-letter word. Continue in this manner until you reach the single letter at the bottom. You can rearrange the letters in each step, if necessary.
NS No. 068 Edgeword Place each of the tiles of letters into the blank jigsaw below to create four six-letter words going across and down. Wordfind AZALEA CARNATION CYCLAMEN DAFFODIL GARDENIA GERANIUM GLADIOLUS HIBISCUS HYDRANGEA JASMINE LILY MAGNOLIA SNAPDRAGON The leftover letters will spell out a secret message.
M L S P R T T A R E H N S Insert the missing letters to make 10 words –
Solutions QUICK CROSSWORD SUDOKU 962485317 518276934 785921643 847319256 273194568 134657892 351762489 496538721 629843175 9-LETTER ahem, ephemera, EPHEMERAL, hale, hamper, hare, harem, harm, harp, heal, healer, heap, hear, heel, heeler, helm, help, helper, hemp, here, rhea QUIZ 1. Elon Musk 2. Chris Watson 3. Ballarat 4. 1851 5. California 6. The Bangles 7. The Buddha 8. The Nobel Prize for Literature 9. Stockholm 10. Capybara WORDFIND 5x5 Secret message: Bouquet of beautiful blossoms PUzzLESANDPAGINATION © PAGEMASTERS P TY LTD | pagemasters.com M O L E S A P A R T T E T R A C R E R H A N D S DROPDOWN FIDDLER RIFLED RILED RIDE IRE RE E EDGEWORD FRUGAL, FRACAS, ALIGNS, ASPENS CROSSMATH 9 + × 7 1 = 16 + × + 2 + × 3 8 = 19 + + × 4 × + 5 6 = 34 = = 15 26 49 F E I D D L E R 270123 Dubbo & Orange PUZZLES…. PUZZLES….
Theme: Flowers No. 068 5x5
five reading across
five reading down.

Monster Garage Sale for a good cause

The Inner Wheel Club of Orange are holding a Monster Garage Sale fundraiser on Saturday, February 4!

The fundraiser will be held in the Skylight room at the Orange City Bowling Club from 8am - 2pm and there will be something for everyone. Items for sale range from small furniture, tools, garden accessories, baby items, fashion accessories, kitchen utensils, books, stationery, records, CDs, home decor and crockery, to manchester and toys.

Proceeds from the event will help Inner Wheel Club in their projects to provide water, health and sanitation in East Timor. For enquiries, contact Joy on 0427 381 016

Monday 30th January from 10am to 3pm at the Seniors Hub - enter via Woolies Carpark.

Welcome to the New Year, 2023 — may it be the best one yet.

We can all give thanks for the past year, challenging as it may have been at times, but we are kicking on with hope.

Australia is a great place to live; where else in the world could there be a sweeping change of government with major changes of policy, and no rebellious parades or discord on the streets?

It may at times seem di cult to succeed, but with your eye on the ball, your nose to the grindstone, hand on the wheel, and your finger out, great things can be achieved. It’s well worth the e ort.

I’ve had an interesting day, “chucking out“ (with a few callbacks) the collected paperwork of our Probus Club for 2022. I am amazed at the full year of activities we enjoyed in Probus. The basics of Probus, friendship, fun and fellowship are alive and well, and there are plans to keep that going.

Our Christmas party was most pleasant with a great Chrismassy dinner served by OSMC, with wives, partners and guests enjoying the good cheer. One

feature was the hilarious, dubious poem, presented by yours truly, who Rodney nominated Probus Poetry Laureate.

The January meeting will be over by the time you read this “Notes” (our friends at OCLife have earned their holiday), but there are plans for 2023.

Speakers include Ray Fowler who will speak on the amazing life of Dr Porsche in February; in March we have an “out of this world” talk by Raymond Haynes about his career in Astrophysics. Looking forward we have retired headmaster Michael Croke, and Dr Steve Petersen on managing disability.

Plans are in hand for the trip to the Bathurst Train Museum. With a visit to Royal Flying Doctor Service at Dubbo. A lunch and train trip to Stuart Town can be arranged at short notice. Suggestions are always welcome.

“It’s paradoxical that living a long life appeals to everyone, but getting old doesn’t appeal to anyone.”

Men’s Probus next meets Wednesday, February 1 at the Orange Services Memorial Club.

Enquiries to Phil 0411 117 390.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 26 — FEBRUARY 1, 2023 41 Deliver or post entries to: Orange City Life Suite 3/241 Lords Place, Orange or Email: reception@oclife.com.au and mark each entry with the competition name, your name and phone number. Entries close 12 noon Tuesday. Try your luck with OCLife Competitions We have a voucher for Orange Tenpin Bowl valued at $60 to give away each week, so the family can go bowling! Each week we’ll hide a small version of "Pinny" (pictured) somewhere in OC Life. It could be anywhere. To enter, simply find him, write your name and phone number on the back of an envelope, along with the page number you found him on, and send in... We have a $50 gift voucher to give away each week from Ashcroft’s Supa IGA. To enter, simply tell us your name and contact phone and what product features in the small Ashcroft’s Supa IGA ad in this issue of OC Life. Find Pinny LAST WEEK’S WINNER: BREANNA BURKE i love iga looney lotto LAST WEEK’S WINNER: B. A. GIBSON LAST WEEK’S WINNER: DAVID LANCASTER PLEASE NOTE: YOU NEED 1 X 6, 1 X 1, X 0, AND X 9 TO WIN THIS WEEK DELIVER OR POST ENTRIES TO “LOONEY LOTTO” TO WIN: If you have a personal or business phone number with these 4 numbers appearing in any order within it, put in an entry and we’ll draw a winner from among all correct entries each week. WIN A GIFT VOUCHER FOR COFFEE AND CAKE, THANKS TO COCO'S 6109 WED TO SAT 4PM-8PM 0401 072 027 Check our Facebook for the Menu 37 William Street ORANGE | Ph 6362 8611 Pauls @ CoCos DINE IN OR TAKEWAY Pizzas ~ Wings ~ Pasta ~ Chips ~ DimSim CoCo’s CAFE Delicious! burgers, coffee and yummy desserts. CoCo’s offers wide range gluten free, Salad wraps Berry muesli Black Bean Vegetable Burger seeded pumpkin fetta salad MEAL DEAL $50 2 Pizzas, Barramundi Bits & 1.25 litre Soft Drink YOUR SPACE reception@oclife.com.au Have something of interest to share? ORANGE U3A OPEN DAY
Classes start 13 Feb. Google Orange U3A for website!
Drop in to meet course leaders, have a chat and find out about U3As great program for Seniors this year! If you can’t make it info will be available at the U3A o ce at the Hub through the week.
THE robus NOTES Hatches REMI JACK REGAN Born: November 28, 2022
4350g Parents: Jake and Ashlee Regan Siblings: Ollie and Teddy Regan

Helen Jane lee (nell)

82 years of age

Passed away at Ascott Gardens, Orange on 22nd January 2023.

Loving sister to Nita, Shirley (both dec’d) Marlene, Roger and Brian. Cherished friend to many. Special thanks to the wonderful staff at Ascott Gardens especially Cedar Cottage for their wonderful care of Helen.

Will be missed by many

A celebration for the life and love of Nell will be held on Monday 30th January, 2023 at the Orange Funerals Chapel, 1 Cameron Place, Orange commencing at 1.30pm. Following the service, a private cremation will be held.

Relatives and Friends are respectfully invited to attend.

Key duties and responsibilities:

• Oversee day to day management of the electorate office.

• Manage all office budgets.

• Oversee administrative arrangements for staff, including rosters, leave, training, travel and other claims.

• Work alongside the Federal Member to manage his diary and appointments, and act as the first point of contact for constituent and stakeholder meetings.

• Make and oversee all travel arrangements for the Federal Member.

• First point of contact for Ministerial and Parliamentary Services, IT, security and other service providers.

• Induction of new team members.

• Plan and assist with the running of electorate office events.

• Prepare for and participate in regular team meetings and other shared office duties.

• Further tasks complementing the requirements of the office.

Selection criteria:

• Experience as an Office Manager and/or Executive Assistant, including the ability to manage office administration and finances.

• Excellent communication and organisational skills, with close attention to detail and emphasis on good time management.

• Strong office IT literacy – including Microsoft Office and Adobe.

• Familiarity with PEMS, ParlICT and other Parliamentary platforms preferred, but not required.

• Capacity to work both independently and cooperatively as part of a team.

• Ability to manage an extensive range of stakeholders, including external providers.

• An enthusiastic, positive, flexible, and peopleorientated approach to work.

• Well-developed critical thinking skills.

Job details:

This position is offered on a full-time basis under the Members of Parliament (Staff) Act 1984 and conditions are outlined in the Commonwealth Members of Parliament Staff Enterprise Agreement 2020-23.

A commencing salary will be paid commensurate with experience and an optional allowance will be payable in recognition of, and as compensation for, overtime.

A probationary period of three months will apply.

44 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 26 — FEBRUARY 1, 2023 Philippa Mitchell Professional Bra Fitter By Appointment Mob: 0499 991 650 www.thefittingstudio.com.au Bras for all women through every stage of life Call Victor w 0455 299 043 PICTURE FRAMING Shop 18, 212 Anson St Plaza Orange saucedesign.com.au/framing New & DesignerRecycledClothing Ph: 63600706 145 KITE STREET, ORANGE (THE OLD CINNABAR) OPEN TUES-FRI 10-5pm • SAT 10-3pm’ish Beautiful Designer Clothing, Shoes & Handbags. Frockwork has a Fabulous array of After Five Wear, Stunning Dresses for Weddings & Graduations. All Sizes & styles. ANSON MEDICAL 298 Anson Street 6361 8448 www.ansonmedical.com.au • New patients welcome • Recently expanded rooms with more GPs • All GPs are FRACGP qualified • Medicare bulk billing for eligible patients Bulk-billing available for: • Pensioners • Health Care Card holders • DVA • Children 16 years & under • Full Time Students *Proof of eligibility is required LOOKING FOR A GP? ALSO FREE ONLINE... CLASSIFIEDS 6361 3575 To book your ads simply phone and use your credit card or call into our o ce at Suite 3, 241 Lords Place, ORANGE PROUDLY SPONSORED BY Remember Your Loved Ones Here In Thanks to Norman J. Penhall Funerals Norman J. Penhall Funerals Norman Penhall ORANGE & DISTRICT 6361 7777 or 6362 3751 Office & Chapel, 31-35 William Street, Orange Fond Memories Remember your loved ones here in FOND MEMORIES thanks to Norman J. Penhall Funerals Fond Memories is a thoughtful Your message will be seen by up to 35,000 readers including on our website. Notices for our next issue close 12 noon on Monday. Cost starts at a low $25 For more information or to book, call 6361 3575.
PUBLIC NOTICES position vacant Orange City Bowling Club call 6362 0068 or 6361 7718 Ballroom and Latin style Sequence Dancing. Thursdays 6pm . Beginner’s classes commence Feb 9, 2023. Orange Social Dance Group
Your chance to play a vital role in the future of Calare
Applications outlining details of experience and the names of two referees should be forwarded to andrew.gee.mp@aph.gov.au Applications close Tuesday 31 January 2023 TRAINING LOST DEATH NOTICE wanted Lost bracelet around Penhall’s Funeral Home, William Street. If found please call 6360 1007 Older Shetland or Mini Pony for companion Phone 6365 9222 after 8pm or leave message
Applications are invited for the full-time position of Office Manager (EOB) in the Orange office of the Hon. Andrew Gee MP, Independent Federal Member for Calare.
1 Cameron Pl, Orange % 6360 1199 Remember your loved ones here in FOND MEMORIES Proudly sponsored by Norman J Penhall Funerals Costs start as low as $25 Book at OCLife, call 6361 3575
ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 26 — FEBRUARY 1, 2023 45 • From small to large jobs – one room to full house • Internal and External • New homes or repaints • Maintenance Call Glenn 0467 599 668 ghbpaintingmaintenance@gmail.com GHB PAINTING & Maintenance Lic. 330255C • 24hr Emergency Service • Commercial & Residential Locks • Window Locks and Deadlocks • Master Keying and Restricted systems • Automotive and Computerised keys • Locally Owned and Operated for over 30 years Canobolas Locksmiths 169 March Street, Orange Call Ian: 0417 204 176 or Dale: 0417 491 936 keys4u@bigpond.com MASTER LICENSE NUMBER 407 966 923 24 Hour Mobile Service When you have lock problems – call us! Also deadlocks and window locks for houses and cars supplied and installed 151 Peisley St, Orange 6369 1222 or 0417 204 176 Canobolas Locksmiths keys4u@bigpond.com WE FIX LOCKS! NEW 0421LOCATION 861 262 • From one wall to full house • New houses to repaints • Free quotes • Fully licensed and insured • Interior and Exterior • Specialising in Restora�on • Dulux Accredited ORANGE 23 Cameron Place ORANGE 0418 869 897 FAST RELIABLE SERVICE Over 25 years experience • Domestic • Rural • Commercial • New installations or maintenance Call Scott 0407 414 609 scott@sdselectrical.com.au J K ADAMS ROOFING Call Jeff 0407 151 419 • Roof repairs Tile,Tin or Slate • Re-guttering and fascia • Re-roofing • Quality Leaf Screening Systems 40YRS EXPERIENCE LIC. 159748C 0437 211 614 0417 904 328 Awesome THAI MASSAGE Thai Traditional Massage Swedish Massage Deep Tissue Massage Warm Coconut Oil Massage Thai Remedial Massage + Hot Stones Neck, Back, Head and Shoulders Anywhere Skips “The mobile skip bin solution” We deliver. You fill. We empty. Fred Palmer 0447 966 838 Domestic Waste Specialist - Locally owned and operated, servicing Orange and surrounding areas Email: anywhereskips@gmail.com www.anywhereskips.com.au BLIND SHUTTERS & AWNINGS HIGH QUALITY AT AN AFFORDABLE PRICE Most products carry a 5 - 25yr warranty BUDGET BLINDS & AWNINGS A local Orange business est. 2012 servicing the Central West Call Milissa for a free measure & quote 02 6369 0173 or 0437 10 60 60 www.bbao.com.au - info@bbao.com.au ORANGE BRIDGE CLUB Beginners’ Lessons Lessons start Wednesday 1st February 1-3pm and Monday 6th February 7-9pm. $60 for 6 weekly lessons, including a copy of “Introduction to Bridge”. Contact Dorothy Woodside 63628218 or Christine Kershaw 63623029. CENTREPOINT ARCADE Shop 4, 226 – 232 Summer St 0419 979 773 REEL Memories • DVD’S Cult & Classic • Die Cast Model Cars etc • LP Records/45’s • Movie Posters etc • DVD Packages made up for Rental Libraries (Conditions apply) REEL MEMORIES CLASSIFIEDS 6361 3575 To book your ads simply phone and use your credit card or call into our o ce at Suite 3, 241 Lords Place, ORANGE PUBLIC NOTICES TRADES&SERVICES TRADES&SERVICES TRADES&SERVICES TRADES&SERVICES • Grass Cutting • Lawn Clipping Removal • Hedge Trimming • Edge Trimming • Pruning • Leaf Blowing • High Pressure Water Cleaning 0409 454 489 • Pensioner Discounts • Fully insured • Free Quotes amannhismower@outlook.com Orange and surrounding areas Lawn Mowing & Rubbish Removal ORANGE AND SURROUNDS 0417 706 613 0497 257 633 Professional, reliable and trustworthy cleaning service Jack’s Snappy Cleaning Commercial & Domestic JAM Orange Inc. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Wednesday 15th February 2023 7.00pm Civic Centre Gallery – West Room Enquiries 0493-081-339 Jamorange2800@gmail.com 0417 313 494 Call Malcolm: Specializing in general home and hobby farm maintenance You can trust us for prompt & quality work www.malhandyman.com.au MAL’S HANDYMAN SERVICES Domestic Cleaning Reliable E cient Reasonable Rates Ph: 0478 728 779

All the fun of the fair


Photo courtesy CWD Negative Collection, Orange and

Society. The society holds a working day at Heritage Cottage (148 March Street) each Wednesday from 1 February from 10.30am to 4pm (with a lunch break from 1 –1.30pm). Members are available to answer inquiries at this time.

Many things in life never stay the same. The old disappears to be replaced by the new –fashions, leaders, cars and whatever else we want to add. The Bible tells us that even the heavens will ‘vanish like smoke’ and the Earth will ‘wear out like a garment’ (Isaiah 51:6), and God will ‘roll them up like a robe’ (Hebrews 1:12).

God made a beautiful world – in the beginning – but it has been marred by the e ects of disobedience. Now it is waiting to be restored and one day there will be a new Heaven and Earth, which will be great.

The Bible also says that people can become a new creation when they invite Christ to be an essential part of their lives (2 Corinthians 5:17). This is possible because of His death and resurrection and because God is unchanging and His faithfulness is unwavering and His rescue o er lasts forever. We can be thankful that God is sovereign over the universe, and when He does bring in a new Heaven and Earth, it will no longer be crippled by all that is vile. It will be a place where God’s people will delight in all His goodness.

CROSS purposes A New Creation
with Marion Haydon
BUILDER For your: w Addition w New Home w Alteration or Heritage H 40 years experience H FOR ALL ENQUIRIES PHONE Max 0492 803 983 Lic: R79571 MOWING CALL PETER - 0487 139 983 • Gardening • Gutters • Pruning • Rubbish Removal Residential - from one room to the whole house New houses to repaints, No job too big or too small Fully licenced and Insured Local family business 0448 600 095 upanddownpainting@gmail.com Lic. No. 340514c PAINTING UP& D WN www.lindfieldgroup.com.au Call 6360 1136 Hot Water Systems Blocked Drains Leaking Taps Burst Pipes PLUMBING experienced builder SpecialiSing in... •Renovations • Kitchens • Restorations •General Maintenance G A & r l bruce Lic. No. 203054C Phone Geoff on 0427 422 816 E robynandbruceg@bigpond.com • Undercover • Safe clean secure dog kennels for boarding use. • Individual exercise yards. Dog B&B Shangri La Amaroo Rd Molong 6366 8789 0447 468 789 TRADES&SERVICES TRADES&SERVICES PETS&LIVESTOCK CLASSIFIEDS 6361 3575 Contact David on 0402 259 891 orangeonfarmbutchers@outlook.com Find us on Facebook OrangeOnFarmButchers For all your home-kill needs, we come to you. • Fully qualified butcher • We can butcher to your requirements • Servicing Orange and surrounds FREE PICK-UP - FREE ONLINE STILL FREE EVERY THURSDAY WASP treatment From $150 25 years experience Call Craig... 0447 002 193 Eagle Eye Pest Control Lic. no. 4558 100%NESTELIMINATED GUARANTEED
youngsters couldn’t wait for the merry-go-round to be set up in Robertson Park for the Far West carnival in December 1957. Enjoying a ride on one of the ponies are Wayne Wardell, 5, of Summer Street and Richard Bargwanna, 6, and his brother John, 7, of McNamara Lane. The carnival was an annual feature in Orange for many years. District Historical


EMAIL: reception@oclife.com.au | FACEBOOK: inbox “orangecitylife” | SMS 0459 022 084 this is a text only number standard SMS rates apply

THUMBS DOWN to the TV stations playing tennis, when the guides say another show should be on.

THUMBS UP to the two Coles ladies who came to my assistance at the check-out on Monday. Your help was very much appreciated indeed!

THUMBS DOWN to the person who failed to clean the barbecue hot plate, leaving a filthy mess at Newman Park. Next time clean up after using this public facility.

THUMBS DOWN to a takeaway food venue that added a random ingredient to my burger (sweet chilli sauce) which I am highly allergic to. I live out of town, so I didn’t notice until I was home. Thank goodness I smelt the sauce before I bit into it, or it would have been a di erent story. I rang them and was told I’d receive a refund, which has not happened.

THUMBS UP to John Davis Mazda for making 2023 a lucky one.

THUMBS UP to Country Tree Services, who did a job for me at the beginning of November, last year. It was a fantastic experience and they did a great job. Thank you.

A BIG THUMBS DOWN to parents who put their children in cars to teach them, without knowing the road rules themselves. You are putting their lives and the lives of other motorists at risk. Be vigilant when you are teaching your children to drive or hire a professional.

THUMBS UP to all the sta members of Orange City Life Magazine, for producing such a great quality magazine, week after week. You all deserve a raise!

THUMBS UP for the teamwork from paramedics and Orange hospital emergency services when I fractured my wrist last Friday.

THUMBS UP to Garry at Autobarn on Sunday. Excellent customer service!

The Thumbs represent thoughts and opinions of readers and do not necessarily reflect those of Orange City Life. Every care is taken not to publish thumbs that are considered derogatory or defamatory in nature. Please note that thumbs may be edited for clarity, space or legal reasons.

General disclaimer: Whilst every care is taken in preparing this publication, we cannot be held responsible for errors or omissions. The publisher accepts no responsibility for letters, notices and other material contributed for publication. The submitter accepts full responsibility for material, warrants that it is accurate, and indemnifies the publisher against any claim or action. All advertisers, including those placing display and classified or advertorial material, warrant that such material is true and accurate and meets all applicable laws and indemnifies the publisher against all liabilities that may arise from the publication of such material. Opinions expressed in the publication are not necessarily those of the publisher. Senior Journalist, David Dixon, accepts responsibility for election comment. Articles contain information of a general nature – readers should always seek professional advice relevant to their particular circumstances. Complaints: Orange City Life has a policy of correcting mistakes promptly. If you have a complaint about published material, contact us in writing. If the matter remains unresolved, you may wish to contact the Australian Press Council.

© Copyright 2023 Orange City Life Pty Ltd. Copyright in all material – including photographs and ads – is held by Orange City Life Pty Ltd or its providers and must not be reproduced in any form without prior written permission from the Publisher. Printed for the publisher at the News Print Centre, 26-52 Hume Highway, Chullora 2190.

Asexecutor,you‘standintheshoes’ofthedeceasedpersonandsorttheirlegal,personalandfinancialaffairs. AnexecutoristhepersonappointedinaWilltoadministertheestate. Herearesomeofthequestionswearefrequentlyasked: Ihavebeenappointedexecutorinsomeone’sWill;whatdoIdo?

Dutytoarrangethefuneral,burialorcremation: Thisisoftenthefirstdutytofulfil.

Gatherintheassetsoftheestate: InNSW,anyapplicationtotheSupremeCourtrequiresaninventorylistingallthe assetsandliabilitiesaswellthevalues.Thisappliestoallassetsinthesolenameofthedeceasedpersonorassetsorin jointnames.

Payallexpensesandliabilities,taxationoftheestate: Prior todistributionoftheestatetothebeneficiaries,itisthe responsibilityoftheexecutortosettleallexpensesandliabilities.

DefendtheEstate: SometimesclaimsaremadeagainstanestateforFamilyProvisionsifthereisapersonwiththeview thattheyhadnotbeenadequatelyprovidedforinthetermsoftheWill.Theexecutorbecomesthedefendantonbehalfof theestate.

Dischargecontractualobligations: Ifsomeonedieshavingalreadyenteredintoacontracttosellorpurchaseproperty, itbecomestheresponsibilityoftheexecutortoadheretothetermsofthecontract.

DistributetheresidueoftheestateinaccordancewiththeWill: Itistheexecutor’sresponsibilitytodistributethe residueoftheestate,afterpaymentofallexpensesandliabilitiestothebeneficiariesin accordancewiththeWill.

Dutytoaccount: Courtscommonlycallthiskeepingproperaccountsandrecords.Keepingproperrecordsincluding receiptsandstatementsisessential.

Fiduciaryduties: Therearedutieswhichapplytotheentireestateadministrationwhenyouareanexecutorandrelateto thepositionoftrustandresponsibilitywhentakingcareofanotherperson’spropertyandfinances.Thisincludesactingin goodfaith,honestly,administeringtheestateinatimelymannerwithoutdelay;preservingtheestateandadministering theestateforthebenefitofitsbeneficiaries.

IfyouneedanyassistancewithyourEstatePlanning,pleasecontactoneofourWillsandEstatesTeamsolicitors,Geraldine, DeirdreorGeorgeforanappointmentatBlackwellShorton0263939200orbsl.reception@blackwellshort.com.au.


Published by Orange City Life Pty Ltd ABN 14 649 575 333

Have something on your mind? Or would like to offer someone or a local business, some praise for a job well done... We’d love to hear from you, send your Thumbs in to Michelle today...

Sleek, dark stainless steel meets smart technology in this Bottom Mount Fridge from Electrolux. The two independent fridge and freezer department work separately, ensuring no cross-contamination, while the MultiZone deli compartment traps odours to stop them leaking to other foods. The 5-Star energy rating will also provide peace of mind, while the fingerprint resistant finish keeps this fridge looking better for longer. 809655


145-litre interior size and switchable system, you can easily switch between freezer and refrigerator, ensuring convenience is at your fingertips. Equipped with a clean boundless door design, you will have ample storage capacity and versatile functionality. Maximise your space with ultrathin hinges and store even the smallest items with the adjustable wire rack. 827780



Designed for small and compact spaces given its small footprint. Humidity controlled crisper within this fridge, to keep your fruit and veggies crisp and fresh, and a quick-freeze function within the freezer. Easy to clean glass shelves make this a low maintenance and excellent fridge for the smaller household. 810450




Freeze all your favourite ice cream and veggies thanks to this upright freezer from Hisense. The variable Defrost controller and Frost Free technology stop the interior from getting too icy, while the twist ice maker allow you to enjoy a refreshing drink sooner. The vertical design is perfect for compact spaced, plus the white finish looks great in any kitchen. 823886

+ EXTENDED WARRANTY www.aircon8years.com.au conditions apply. YEARS WARRANTY REDEMPTION WHEN YOU SELECTED SPLIT SYSTEM AIR CONDITIONER. ENDS 15TH NOVEMBER ≈ WIN $ 500K TO REDEEM THE EXTENDED WARRANTY YOU MUST REGISTER YOUR PURCHASE AT WWW.AIRCON8YEARS.COM.AU, AND YOU WILL ALSO AUTOMATICALLY BE PART OF THE DRAW FOR A CHANCE TO FIND US ON FACEBOOK: WEILY’S BETTA HOME LIVING Weily’s Betta Home Living 43 William St, ORANGE | Tel. 6362 1523 www.betta.com.au HISENSE 75-INCH UHD 4K SMART TV The Hisense UHD 4K Series A7HAU TV features a 4K AI Upscaler that optimises picture quality and offers a premium viewing experience. Wide Colour Gamut generates over a billion shades and gradients for stunning image clarity and striking contrast. With high-end features such as Dolby Vision HDR and Dolby Atmos, it replicates the cinema experience at home. Game Mode Plus offers next-gen gaming with Auto Low Latency Mode (ALLM) and Variable Refresh Rate (VRR) that makes sure you’re always ahead of the game. 842649 $1,295 $1,999 ELECTROLUX 496 LITRE BOTTOM MOUNT REFRIGERATOR
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