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CANTAR WOMEN’S CHOIR meets at the Church of Christ, every Monday from 7.30pm - 9:15pm. Enquiries: Margaret 02 6369 1333.

EVERUPWARD CRAFT GROUP holds craft groups at Everupward Church, every Monday morning from 9.00am - 12.00pm. Enquiries: Mary 02 6361 0514.

OLD TIME ACOUSTIC JAM SESSION is held at The Blind Pig Sound Lounge & Bar, last Sunday of every month from 4.00pm. Enquiries: Kenneth 0408 619 235.

ORANGE ART SOCIETY INC. meets at the Orange Cultural Centre, every Monday from 10.00am. Enquiries: David 0407 627 092.

ORANGE CROCHET / KNITTING GROUP meets in the bistro at the Orange Ex-Services Club, every Saturday from 12.00pm - 3.00pm and every Tuesday 10.00am -12.00pm. Enquiries: Karen 0419 616 251.

ORANGE LACEMAKERS meet at the front of the Orange Cultural Centre, each Wednesday from 1.00pm.

Enquiries: Sandy 02 6362 7938.

ORANGE MALE VOICE CHOIR meets at Orange Regional Conservatorium, every Monday from 7:15pm – 9:15pm. Enquiries: David 02 6362 8218.

ORANGE OLD TIME DANCERS meet at the Senior Citizens & Pensioners Centre, every Tuesday from 7.00pm - 9:30pm. Enquiries: Alan 0407 062 979.

ORANGE SOCIAL DANCE GROUP meets at the Orange City Bowling Club, every Thursday from 6.00pm. Enquiries: Audrey 02 6362 0068 or Richard 02 6361 7718.

ORANGE SPINNERS & HANDCRAFT meets at the Orange Cultural Centre, every Thursday from 10.00am - 2.00pm.

THE CANOBOLAS HIGHLAND PIPE BAND meets at Legacy House, every Wednesday from 7.00pm. Beginners are welcome. Enquiries: Zoe 0421 379 423.

THE COME TOGETHER CHOIR meets at the Orange Regional Conservatorium, every Tuesday from 10.00am - 12.00pm. Enquiries: Vicky 02 6361 8156 or 0424 008 350.

ORANGE COLOUR CITY LINE DANCERS meet at the Orange City Bowling Club every Monday from 5pm till 7.30pm and Wednesday from 5pm until 8pm.

CITY OF ORANGE BRASS BAND, 62-64 Endsleigh Ave, Orange. Players of all levels and enquiries welcome. Enquiries: 0491 707 979. Facebook and www.cityoforangebrassband.com.au


INNER WHEEL CLUB OF ORANGE meets at Duntryleague, every second Monday of the month from 1:30pm. Enquiries: Tricia 0410 600 869 or iiw.au.orange@gmail.com

THE ORANGE SUB BRANCH OF THE NAVAL ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA meets at 11am on the third Sunday of every month at the Orange RSL Enquiries: Barry 0407 259 2756 or Peter 0438 413 531 or bcynical24@bigpond. com or peter.furguson12@hotmail.com


Golf Club, on the second and fourth Thursday of every month from 6:30pm Enquiries/Membership: Pat 0407 217 600

ORANGE COIN AND STAMP CLUB meets at the Orange Community Centre, on the last Tuesday of every month from 7.30pm. Enquiries: Howard 02 6362 2368 or 0427 107 554.


Meets every 4th Wednesday of the month. 10:00am to 12:00pm Duntryleague Club.

Enquires: Marlies 0418 440 512

IONIAN CLUB OF ORANGE (Women new to Orange) meets at Duntryleague, every second Thursday of the month, from 11.00am.

Enquiries: Helen 0417 749 152.

ORANGE LEGACY CLUB o ce hours are 10.00am - 3.00pm Tuesdays to Thursdays at 58 McNamara Street, Orange.

Enquiries: 02 6362 1205


Enquiries: Murray 0418 206 485.

BRIDGE LESSONS from 1.00pm - 3.00pm, every Wednesday.

Enquiries: Chris 02 6362 3029 or Dorothy 02 6362 8218.

ORANGE CANOBOLAS LIONS CLUB meets at Duntryleague Golf Club, on the first and third Tuesday of every month from 6:30pm

Enquiries: Lisa 0419 641 282.

ORANGE CAMERA CLUB meets on the first and third Tuesday of every month at the Senior Citizens Centre, from 7.30pm.

Enquiries: orangecameraclub@gmail.com

ORANGE EVENING VIEW CLUB meets at the Orange Ex-Services Club, on the last Thursday of the month from 6:30pm for a 7:00pm start. Enquiries: Anne 0478 124 276

ORANGE LAPIDARY & MINERAL CLUB INC meets at the Orange Cultural Society, every Wednesday from 9.00am - 12.00pm & 7.00pm - 9.00pm.

Enquiries: Kathy 0437 917 074.

ORANGE COIN AND STAMP CLUB meets at the Orange Community Centre, on the last Tuesday of every month from 7.30pm.

Enquiries: Howard 02 6362 2368.

ROTARY CLUB OF ORANGE meets at the Ambassador,every Monday from 6.00pm for dinner. Enquiries: Len 0428 459 117 or contact@rotarycluboforange.org.au.

SCRABBLE CLUB MEETS at Giyalang Ganya, Community Services Building on the first and third Sunday of each month from 2.00pm. Enquiries: Audrey 02 6362 0068.

SOUTHERN CROSS STREET CRUISERS is a family oriented car club that would like to welcome any new enquiries for membership.

Enquiries: Jason 0431 456 889 or Mick 0427 856 427 .

THE EUCHRE CARD CLUB meets at the Orange Ex-Services Club, every Wednesday from 7:30pm.

Enquiries: 02 6362 2666.

ZONTA CLUB OF ORANGE INC. meets at Lord Anson Hotel, every second Tuesday of the month from 6.30pm.

Enquiries: Frances 0407 952 675.

ORANGE BIRD SOCIETY meets at the Senior Citizens Centre, on the third Wednesday of every month from 7:30pm. Tony 0409 912 370 or 02 6365 8441.

THE ULYSSES CLUB OF ORANGE conducts weekly motorbike rides, leaving the Railway car-park, Peisley Street, on Wednesdays from 9.30am. Social dinners are held on the second Friday of every month.

Enquiries: Lee 0414 881 178.

ORANGE BASIC DOG OBEDIENCE meets every Sunday during school terms at Waratahs 8.45am -10am. BYO dog, lead, treats and patience. Enquiries via Orange Basic Dog Obedience Facebook page.


Meets the first Friday of every month at 11.00am. May-Sep (Orange Ex-Services Club) Oct-Apr (Local Gardens)

Enquiries: Vicki 02 6362 1257


THE AMUSU THEATRE in Manildra has regular movie screenings. The Movie Museum is open every weekend by appointment. Enquiries: Joan 0418 452 902.

THE COMMITTEE OF ADFAS ORANGE & DISTRICT holds lectures at 6:30pm once a month in the main auditorium at the Orange Regional Cons. Enquiries: Anne 02 6361 3923.

For The Kids

ORANGE DISTRICT GIRL GUIDES meet at 365 Peisley Street, on a weekly basis, during School Terms. The units meet Mon - Wed from 5pm -6.30pm. Enquiries: Yvonne 0412 736 700.


DAY takes place on the second Saturday every month at Matthews Park, Corner of Moulder Street & Anson Street, from 1pm4pm. Enquiries: Shane 0414 887 005

ORANGE STORYTIME is held at the Orange City Library, every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday during school terms from 11.00am. Storytime and Craft. Bookings are essential. Enquiries: 02 6393 8132 or library@cwl.nsw. gov.au or eventbrite.com.au.

3RD ORANGE SCOUT GROUP. Meeting dates for Joeys, Cubs, Scouts, Venturer & older ages call for details. 3 Icely Road Orange. Enquiries: Scouts NSW, 1800 SCOUTS (726887)


BLAYNEY SMOKING CESSATION CLINIC at the Blayney MPS. By appointment only. Enquiries: Pam 02 6368 9000. CHAIR YOGA for those who can’t get on the floor, meets Mondays at the Senior Citizens & Pensioners Centre, from 10:20am for a 10.30 start, until 11:30am.

Enquiries: Kerrie 0418 235 495.

ORANGE TABLE TENNIS meets every Tuesday from 6:30pm at the Canobolas High School Recreational Hall, 142 Icely Road. Enquiries: Mark 0468 308 705.

THE O’BRIEN CENTRE at Bloomfield Hospital has activities each Thursday during school terms, from 10.00am - 2.00pm. $5.00 for the day. Enquiries: Je 0423 277 788.

TAI-CHI CLASSES Wednesdays at 6.00pm Enquiries: Tony 0409 285 807

CENTRAL WEST MEDIATION meets second Saturday of every month at Senior Citizens Hall 8:30am - 10:00am Enquires: 02 4315 2763


ORANGE COIN AND STAMP FAIR is held on the first Saturday of every month at the Orange Cultural Centre.

Enquiries: Howard 02 6362 2368.

ORANGE FARMERS MARKET is on the second Saturday of every month, at Northcourt, corner of Peisley Street and March Streets (October to May), and the Naylor Pavilion, Orange Showground, Leeds Parade from (June to September). Gold coin upon entry.

Enquiries: Holly 0418 654 226.

BLAYNEY ROTARY MARKET is held on the third Sunday of every month at CentrePoint Sport and Leisure Centre, Corner of Osman and Church Street, Blayney, rain, hail or shine from 8:30am.

Enquiries: rcblayney@gmail.com

COWRA COMMUNITY MARKETS is held on the third Saturday of every month at Sid Kallas Oval, from 8am until noon.

Phone 0473 346 046 for more information.

CUMNOCK MARKET Is held on the third Saturday of every month from 9.00 a.m. to 12 noon at Crossroads Park Cumnock (opposite General Store)

Enquiries: Pat Gilmour – 6367 7270


FOODCARE ORANGE is open Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday from 10.30am1.00pm and Thursday from 4.30pm - 6.00pm, at 142 March Street. Enquiries: 0447 577 884

ORANGE CAKE DECORATORS GUILD meets the second Saturday of every month at 1.00pm at the Senior Citizens & Pensioners Centre, 77 Kite Street. Enquiries: Janelle 0438 618 483 or 0427 659 194.


Tuesday & Friday from 9.00am - 12.00pm at Orange RSL Sub-Branch (next to the Orange Ex Services Club). Enquiries: (02) 6362 1735

RAILWAYS RETIREES meet the last Friday of every month, at the Orange City Bowling Club, at 12.00pm. Enquiries: Lindsay 02 6362 5959.

VIETNAM VETERANS meet every Friday from 10am - 1pm at the Orange Ex-Services Club.

Enquiries: Lindsay 02 6362 5959.

ORANGE TOASTMASTERS meets every second & fourth Monday of the month from 6:45pm for 7.00pm - 9.00pm, at the Orange Ex-Services Club. Enquiries: 0439 568 752.


(MCF) Orange Chapter meets on the first Wednesday each month at Shop 15 / 212 Anson Street from 6.00pm - 8.00pm.

Enquiries: Shawn 0439 194 323.

ORANGE BRANCH OF RSPCA meets quarterly from 7pm at Orange City Bowling Club. All interested parties are welcome to attend. Enquiries: 02 6362 6171 or orangesupportergroup@rspcansw.org.au


ASSOCIATION meets the first Wednesday of each month at 7pm at the Orange Ex-Services Club. Enquiries: orra2800@gmail.com

Social Groups

BORENORE / NASHDALE MENS’ SHED meets every Tuesday from 9.30am, at the Orange National Field Days site, Borenore. Enquiries: Max 0418 498 708.


CITIZENS of Orange (ECCO) meets on the 4th Wednesday of each month, 7.30pm at the Environmental Learning Facility.

Enquires: Neil 0419 224 461.

FRIENDS OF THE ORANGE BOTANIC GARDENS run a guided bird walk at the Orange Botanic Gardens, on the first Sunday of every month from 8:30am.

ORANGE WOMEN’S SHED meets every Friday at 9:30am - 1:00pm at Riverside Centre, Forest Road, Orange. Enquiries: 0439 609 849 or orangewsinc@gmail.com

ORANGE MEN’S SHED meets every Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday from 9.30am3.00pm, now at the Lucknow shed venue.

Enquiries: Alan 0475 250 779.


SOCIETY meets the third Tuesday of every month from 7.00pm at Orange Ex-Services Club, in the Boronia Room. Enquiries: Barry 02 6362 0096 or 0427 620 096.

ORANGE & DISTRICT 40+ SOCIAL GROUP meets every Tuesday at Orange Ex-Services Club, from 7.00pm.

Enquiries: Brett 0427 462 887.

ORANGE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY meets the first Wednesday each month from 1:30pm.

Enquiries: Janet 0427 450 346.


INC. meets every Wednesday from 8:30am - 3.00pm, on the second & fourth Sunday of every month at the Old Coach House.

Enquiries: Chris 0407 129 934.

THE CENTRAL WEST AMATEUR RADIO GROUP meets on the first Sunday of each month, except for January. Due to COVID 19, we have been meeting on air.

Enquiries: Garry 0413 358 037 or arcwg@hotmail.com.au.

HEARTS & HANDS - CAFE CHAT. A place to meet others & practice spoken english, meets twice a month on Mondays at St James Presbyterian Church Matthews Ave, Orange. Enquiries: Margaret 0428 835 866 or Vicky 0401 292 335

Support Groups

ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS ORANGE meets at the rear of Kenna Hall, 84 Hill Street, from 5.00pm Sundays, and from 7.00pm Monday & Tuesday. We also have meetings from 6.30pm - 8.00pm Thursdays at The Leisure Centre Bloomfield. Enq: Graham 0447 839 026.

AL-ANON FAMILY GROUP ORANGE meets every Monday 6.00pm - 7.00pm at St. Barnabas Church Hall.

Enquiries: 1300 252 666.

ORANGE SENIORS CITIZENS & PENSIONERS groups meet regularly. Various classes are held. Enquiries: 02 6362 6592.

THE ORANGE PARKINSON’S DISEASE SUPPORT GROUP meets fourth Wednesday each month, 10.00am - 12.00pm at Giyalang Ganya, Community Services Building.

Enquiries: Bernie 0434 504 414.

RED CROSS CLUB MEETINGS currently on seasonal recess. For any enquiries please call 0498 815 229.

ORANGE STROKE SUPPORT GROUP meets on the third Monday of every month from 10.30 am - 12.00pm at the Giyalang Ganya, Community Services Building. Please call before attending the group. Enquiries: Michelle on 1300 650 594 or info@strokensw.org.au.


Meets 3rd Tuesday of the month (Except January & December) at Cafe Connect 107 Prince Street, Orange at 6pm Enquiries: Ray 6362 5257 or Charlie 6361 1830

THE COMPASSIONATE FRIENDS (BEREAVED PARENTS) meet every third Thursday of the month at the Orange City Council Community Service Centre, 286 Lords Place, from 7.00pm to 8.30pm (odd mths). Every third Sunday 1.30-3.30pm, Duntryleague (even mths)

Enquiries: Donna 0419 357 431 and Tammy 0417 482 688.

Mental Health Support

ORANGE GROW GROUP (Mental Wellbeing Programs) meets every Friday from 1pm-3pm at the Orange City Council Community Service Centre, 286 Lords Pl, Orange.

Enquiries: 1800 558 268.

LIFELINE provides all Australians experiencing a personal crisis with access to online, phone and face-to-face crisis support and suicide prevention services.

Enquiries: 13 11 14

Email: info@lifelinecentralwest.org.au.

HEADSPACE ORANGE is a youth-friendly FREE service for anyone aged between 12 and 25 years who are having a tough time.

Enquiries 02 6369 9300, or email hs.orange@marathonhealth.com.au

ORANGE REGIONAL SUICIDE PREVENTION Networks, Berevement Group. Have you lost a son / daughter to suicide?. Do you need support or someone to talk to?

Enquiries: 02 6369 2030.

Register: Jane.Passer@health.nsw.gov.au

LIKEMIND ORANGE, STRIDE MENTAL HEALTH, 122-124 Kite Street. LikeMind is an innovative mental health service providing a ‘one-stop’ hub o ering support for all adults with mental health concerns, under one roof. No referral required.

Enquiries: 02 6311 1700.

LIKEMIND ORANGE hosts a free Mindfulness group with an experienced facilitator on Mondays during school terms. 9:30am –10:45am. Enquiries: 02 6311 1700 .

OPEN ARMS & ST JOHN OF GOD HOSPITAL, RICHMOND holds a free workplace trauma PTSD support group at Legacy House, 58 McNamara St, Orange on the second Wednesday of the month from 10am – 1pm. Also a group for family members available. Enquiries: 0439 048 344 or sean.fitzgerald@dva.gov.au

Quick Crossword Quiz




1 Who (pictured) provided the voice of Tiana in the 2009 Disney film The Princess and the Frog?

2 During daylight saving time, how many hours behind Canberra is Perth?

3 What is ethology?

4 What is the men’s equivalent of the women’s Fed Cup in tennis?

5 Touareg tea, a type of mint tea, originates in which part of the world?

6 The Benelux is a union of which three countries?

7 To which religion does the set of ideas and practices known as dianetics belong?

8 Name Pink Floyd’s eighth studio album, released in 1973.

9 What does VOIP stand for?

10 What is the name of the traditional German loafshaped fruitcake powdered with icing sugar?




No. 069

Theme: Household Pets

The leftover letters will spell out a secret message.

Sudoku No. 069

Fill in the blank cells using the numbers from 1 to 9. Each number can only appear once in each row, column and 3x3 block

No. 069 5x5

Insert the missing letters to make 10 words – five reading across the grid and five reading down.


Insert each number from 1 to 9 in the shaded squares to solve all the horizontal and vertical equations. Multiplication and division are performed before addition and subtraction.

No. 069

No. 069 Edgeword

Place each of the tiles of letters into the blank jigsaw below to create four six-letter words going across and down.

Drop Down


61 74 82 4 62

16 6859

69 28 3 45 17

No. 069

Starting with the seven-letter word, drop a letter and form a six-letter word. Continue in this manner until you reach the single letter at the bottom. You can rearrange the letters in each step, if necessary.


No. 069




There may be more than one possible answer.

There may be more than one possible answer.

Today’s Focus:

21 words: Good

31 words: Very good

42 words: Excellent


Using the nine letters in the grid, how many words of four letters or more can you list? The centre letter must be included and each letter may only be used once. No colloquial or foreign words. No capitalised nouns, apostrophes or plural words ending in “s”. D E


Reference: Macquarie Dictionary Sat 0101

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