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Cheering their house to victory

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There was no shortage of barrackers at De La Salle School’s annual sports carnival in April 1958. This week’s photo shows boys from Aquinas House cheering their team to victory. Aquinas won the Western Cinemas Shield for the inter-house competition.

Photo courtesy CWD Negative Collection, Orange and District Historical Society.


The society holds a working day at Heritage Cottage (148 March Street) each Wednesday from 1 February from 10.30am to 4pm (with a lunch break from 1 –1.30pm). Members are available to answer inquiries at this time.

Galaxies and a Telescope

With Lydia Smith

Have you caught up with the new images sent from the amazing James Webb Space Telescope? If you haven’t, do yourself a favour and check them out; they are absolutely stunning.

Clusters of stars, swirling clouds of dust, glorious colours and shapes! Our universe is far more mysterious and beautiful than we had ever imagined.

I’m reminded of the words of a classic Christian song: When I in awesome wonder

Consider all the works Your hands have made; I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder, Your power throughout the universe displayed. Then sings my soul, my Saviour God to You

How great You are! How great You are!

All of creation speaks to the incredible power of our Creator God. From sprouting seeds to the far galaxies, his nature and character ring out! And even more amazing is that the author of all this splendour chose to become a human being and share our joys and su ering. When Jesus calms a storm or heals an illness we see the creative power of God at work, but in his su ering and death, we see also see a God willing to do whatever it takes to show his love and mercy to us. How great he is!

You can use your PARENTS VOUCHERS

A HUGE THUMBS UP to Hannah from PRP Diagnostic Orange. What a delightful radiographer! So diligent, respectful, and kind. Thank you for your care!

A MASSIVE THUMBS UP and thank you to everyone at Orange City Bowling Club for the gift and well wishes on my retirement from the club. Rhonda, Joanne, Tony F, the board, and members, you made my years there fun with the banter amongst us all. I will see most of you on the greens again!

A BIG THUMBS DOWN to all the people who walk their dogs but do not pick up the dog poo that is left behind. Apparently, they expect the other residents to do that for them. Please take a bag with you and clean it up.

THUMBS UP to Scarr

Entertainment for the cool DJ beats at the Orange Aquatic Centre over the school holidays.

THUMBS UP to the young boy scout who o ered to carry a heavy box of drinks to my car on Australia Day. It made me feel so good to see this thoughtfulness and community spirit in the up-and-coming generation.

THUMBS DOWN to a local aged care centre that had no kitchen sta on Australia Day and left nursing sta managing the meals. What are residents paying for? It’s not the first time it’s happened — not happy at all!

THUMBS UP to the thumbs down (January 26) regarding sweet chilli sauce. What is the obsession with adding chilli to absolutely everything when it is not advertised in the product? Not everyone likes it and not everyone can tolerate it. If it’s not asked for, don’t add it!

A BIG THUMBS UP to Peter and Janine, who helped my father after a fall in the car park of the Peisley Street IGA on December 17. Your kindness was very much appreciated.

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