2 minute read


“Style is about being yourself.” – Oscar de la Renta

Everyone’s idea of retirement is unique. The type of retirement you’re looking forward to is all about you and that means retirement is about a lot more than money.


In saying that, money is a pretty vital element though! How much you have in retirement savings, how you choose to invest them, the fees you pay and how much you spend each year are going to determine how long your retirement savings will last.

So, if you want to retire in the style that suits you, it’s vital that you make well-informed decisions about your money, both in the leadup as well as throughout your retirement.

Are you getting close to retirement or recently retired?

If so, you’ve spent your entire working life hoping to get to this point… the point in your life when you can a ord to stop working.

You may have a problem though, and you many not even be aware of it.

I’m seeing people every week who are getting stung with high fees, invested in expensive products and have gaps in their strategies.

I’m on a mission to show people in Orange how they can get more out of their retirement savings. Why is this important? Because money doesn’t buy you stu , it buys you choices.

When it comes to how people are saving for and managing their retirement savings, many people have started thinking there has to be something better.

Depending on the circumstances, there’s a reasonable chance they could be right!

This is my battle cry to get every retiree or pre-retiree in Orange to make sure they are getting the outcomes they deserve with their retirement savings.

Why a battle cry? Because every week I am seeing people close to or in retirement who can save thousands of dollars a year by using better products and strategies to get improved results for their retirement savings.

It’s a battle cry because I want everyone to simply ask the question, “Compared to what?” when they consider whether they are getting good results.

Your money is yours, so it’s entirely up to you what you choose to do with it. What I’m finding though, is that for most people, once the shroud of mystery is removed when it comes to what their options are, there are pretty powerful actions people can take that will make a substantial di erence going forward.

If you want to learn some of the things you can do to put yourself in the driver’s seat when it comes to getting the most out of your retirement savings, then I’m holding a FREE ‘Retire in Style’ seminar on Monday, March 13 at 6.30 pm at the Orange Ex-Services Club. Get the facts, be empowered, do the best for you and your family. Simply scan the QR code and book yourself a seat, or give me a call on 0411 484 464.

If you’ve read this far then I hope to see you there!




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