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Push for preservation funds ahead of Duntryleague sesquicentenary

The magnificent Duntryleague mansion has been an Orange landmark for nearly 150 years, but there is now a new push for funds to see the heritage-listed building restored and preserved for generations to come.


Constructed in 1876 for pioneering storekeeper and pastoralist James Dalton, Duntryleague was one of the finest colonial homes ever built in the period. Purchased by the Orange Golf Club in 1935, today the mansion is used as a 14-bedroom accommodation house.

“This is a very important building in terms of the history of our country,” Chair of the Duntryleague Mansion Foundation, John Cook, said.

The Duntryleague Mansion Foundation was founded with the sole aim of raising funds to restore and preserve the heritage building and grounds at Duntryleague. They have set themselves a goal to have major restoration work completed in time for the 150th anniversary of the building in 2026.

But donations and grants are vital for the Foundation to reach the estimated $6 million to complete the proposed schedule of works, which includes restoring the first-floor verandah, installing a lift inside the mansion, re-painting, re-carpeting and other upgrades and refurbishments.

Work on the mansion has been broken into stages, with costs ranging from $100,000 to $1,500,000. The goal of the restoration is not to make the building a museum, but rather to take a heritage approach while making it meet modern needs.

“There are some that must be done in order, however, there are other stages that can be done at any time if someone would like to focus on that particular area,” Mr Cook said.

“There are also room refurbishments planned with costs ranging from $5,000 to $50,000.”

Room refurbishment has already begun on the northern wing with rooms 2, 3, 4 and 5 completed. Plans are now being drawn up for room 1 and the hallway.

While the Foundation generates generous philanthropic support, its task is difficult and the Board works tirelessly to get support and help from the Federal and State Government, local Councils and the community in general, Mr Cook said.

“We know there are a lot of people out there who have the financial means to fund all or part of the $6 million project, we just need to identify them and make sure they are comfortable with what we are doing and that we are doing it professionally,” he said.

Recent works, funded by the New South Wales government, highlight a proven track record of the Foundation managing and completing projects to a high standard, Mr Cook said.

“The repairs to the Porte Cochere and part of the verandah are there for all to see. A big thank you to Phil Donato. His support and passion for our project and the community, in general, has been fabulous.” he added.

“We have some extremely passionate people associated with our Foundation, many of which are not members of the golf club. They just want to preserve this particularly important part of our history and our heritage.”

For Duntryleague Mansion Foundation members John Dalton and Robert Bruce, the building has a special significance, being both descendants of James Dalton.

“It’s quite an honour to be involved with this project,” Robert said. “My grandfather and great-grandfather James — who built the building — all lived here and it’s all messed in with our family history. I guess I’m very happy and very proud to be part of restoring or maintaining that family history.”

“Obviously, it’s part of the tradition of the Dalton family,” John continued, “but the main point of it now is that it’s become part of Orange’s heritage and the story of the settlement of Orange in the development of Orange and as a major centre here in the central west.”

The Duntryleague mansion is open to the General Public and regular tours are conducted by Foundation volunteers.

The next scheduled tour is set down for this Saturday, February 19 at 11am. The tour costs $10 per person and includes information booklets on the Mansion and the Dalton Family. Book you place online at www. duntryleague.com.au. Lunch bookings for after the tour can also be made online or by calling 6362 3466.

If you would like to contribute to the restoration of Duntryleague, Tax Deductible donations of any size are greatly appreciated and can be made online through the Australian Sports Foundation https://asf.org.au/projects/ duntryleague/duntryleague-mansionfoundation/

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