3 minute read
New village link bike trail unlocks 900 kilometres of cycling adventure
from OCLife20230504
Anewly developed cycling trail linking Guerie to Manildra and Molong could prove to be a real drawcard for the booming bicycling tourism market.
The new 100-kilometre cycling route follows quite rural roads and links Guerie, located between Dubbo and Wellington, to Yeoval, Cumnock, Manildra and Molong.

More importantly, this new trail brings together the popular Central West Cycling Trail, radiating from Mudgee, with the Orange and Villages Bicycle Trail, expanding the mapped riding routes to more than 900 kilometres.
More and more bicycle riders are seeking these sorts of regional and rural riding experiences, says Ed Henry, a member of the local cycling group, the Orange Treadlies, who have helped map and road test the new trail.
“Regional bike riding is a very attractive leisure pastime in other parts of Australia, particularly Victoria, South Australia, and Tasmania,” Ed said.
“But the Central West has been a bit short on these multi-day rides that are attractive to a fair proportion of bike riders from the
Autumn is here! It’s a beautiful time of year to be in glorious, colourful Orange. But the cooler nights can trigger the first signs of a painful condition in our pets.

Arthritis affects many pets - the figures are surprisingly high. Around one in five dogs and one in three cats suffer from this painful condition. Arthritis is caused in pets just as in humans, when damage to a joint causes inflammation and pain. The movement of the joint is restricted and the pain can become constant for your furry friend. Arthritis is made worse by injury, by age or by general wear and tear. But it’s not just a condition that affects elderly animals - some breeds of dog are more prone to arthritis, and any overweight pet is at risk. Pets can’t tell us how they are feeling, so what signs should a caring owner look for?
Have you noticed your dog looks sore in the morning? Is he reluctant to walk or play? Has their behaviour changed – perhaps he or she might be snappy when touched. An arthritic dog may limp, show stiffness or have difficulty getting upstairs or into the car. Jumping on to the couch might be hard work. If your dog is showing some or all of these symptoms, then a check up with one of the friendly vets at Mulberry Lane Vet Hospital is definitely needed.

In cats it’s much harder to detect the early signs capital cities, the urban bike riders that want to get out into the bush.”

It was just over a year ago that the Orange Treadlies, in partnership with Orange360 launched the Orange and Villages Bicycle Trail, 360 kilometres of trails that link Orange to villages in the Cabonne and Blayney Shires, of arthritis. Cats are very good at hiding pain, so it is important to keep a close eye on their behaviour. A cat in pain may sit in a hunched up position, or hide away. He or she might spend less time playing and more time asleep than usual. She may be hesitant to jump on or off the furniture, or be reluctant to climb stairs. Cats usually keep themselves very clean, so matted fur or a decrease in grooming is not a good sign.
Realising that just 100 kilometres separated this route from Mudgee’s Central West Cycle Trail, the two cycling groups cooperated to develop the new link route, which Ed believes will see more and more people get out of the cities and explore the central west on two wheels.
The good news is that there are many treatments for the pain of arthritis, and your pet can have his or her life transformed. Anti-inflammatories, pain medication and changing your pet’s diet to one formulated to help with joint health, can all make a big difference. Supplements like 4-Cyte make a delicious treat which also benefits joints. Of course, keeping your pet at a healthy weight is a great way to improve his or her health – and not just for arthritis! This month, your cat, dog or rabbit can come to Mulberry Lane Vet Hospital for a FREE ATHRITIS CHECK UP and get advice about the best diet and treatment to help. Our reception area is stocked with everything your pets might need – a full range of quality pet food including special diets for pets with arthritis, dietary supplements for better joint health, treats to help maintain healthy teeth, and flea/worm treatments. Plus friendly advice for you and your pet - we look forward to seeing you soon!
“It’s been a good joint project, the two bike riding organisations working together to put together a trail that helps bike riders and bike riding visitors to come into our regions,” Ed said.
“What we’re doing, to some degree, is catching up with organised routes that have been tried and tested in other parts of Australia. The Central West has been a bit of a desert and we’re playing catch-up.”
The new route complements the Orange and Villages Trail ( OVBT) which is outlined here: Orange360. com.au/Things-to-do/Cycling