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Ben Maiorana Entertainment presents Queen Bohemian Rhapsody Thursday 6 July at 8pm MICF Roadshow presents Melbourne International Comedy Festival Saturday 24 June at 8pm Kidgell Entertainment presents Luke Kidgell Thursday 8 June at 6pm Base Entertainment presents Celtic Illusion Saturday 17 June at 7.30pm CDP Kids presents Mr Stink Tuesday 6 June at 6pm Bookings: 02 6393 8111 www.orange.nsw.gov.au/theatre Orange Civic Theatre Details correct as of 30.05.2023 - for all shows and updates please visit our webpage www.orange.nsw.gov.au/theatre • 2023 season brochure and membership is open for purchase. Please contact the box office for more information. JUNE 1 — 7, 2023 ORANGE PROPERTY MARKET — STARTS ON PAGE 29 FREE
2 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 1 — 7, 2023

Thank you to our Sponsors:

Orange City Life is grateful to the following sponsors for their ongoing support over many years. These sponsorships, among others things, have enabled us to bring our readers a lot more enjoyment to our publications than would otherwise be possible. In return, we ask you to please support them as often as you’re able.

I’d like to start by giving a shout-out to all the single parents out there — it’s a tough gig! With my wife out of town for a few days this past week, I found myself briefly the sole ‘provider of biscuits’, ‘cleaner of biscuit crumbs’, ‘gatherer of discarded clothing’ and ‘preparer of meals that don’t get eaten.’ It’s hard enough when there are two people to shoulder the load, but just relentless when solo!

And speaking of parenting, we are glad to have ‘The Good-Enough Parent’ Emily Thompson fighting fit and back with another column this week ( page 26) and we extend our deepest sympathies for her loss!

Celebrations for the 100th anniversary of the Astley Cup are almost upon us. This week, I caught up with Astley Cup tennis stars, the Gerbach family. Darren, Alison and Anthony are believed to be the only trio of siblings to have been members of the same Astley Cup team and they all have fond memories of the unique and long-running high school sport competition. You can read more on page 5.

And our favourite Spanish chef Ruben Lopez Mesa has launched an Australia-wide competition to find the best ‘tapa’. Think you might have what it takes? Check out Ruben’s Home Cooking column on page 24.

Until next week!

Jonathan Roe

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 1 — 7, 2023 3
Spirit WE CAPTURE THE OF ORANGE Suite 3/241 Lords Place ORANGE 02 6361 3575 reception@oclife.com.au www.orangecitylife.com.au www.facebook.com/orangecitylife EDITOR’S note Great entertainment line-up at The Metro Could this be your dream home? John Brennan Director | Real Estate Agent Jessica Brennan Property Manager Georgie Huggins Property Officer Holly Broekhuizen Property Officer | Administration Support ‘Your Next Right Move!’ Allison Brennan Director | Licensee In Charge 02 6361 4155 enquiries@orangepropertyplus.com.au www.orangepropertyplus.com.au 1/202 Anson Street Orange WED TO SAT 4PM-8PM 0401 072 027 Check our Facebook for the Menu 37 William Street ORANGE | Ph 6362 8611 Pauls @ CoCos DINE IN OR TAKEWAY Pizzas ~ Wings ~ Pasta ~ Chips ~ DimSim CoCo’s CAFE Closed Public Holidays 6362 8611 Delicious! catering available, eat in or take way. Portuguese chicken Salad wraps Poached Eggs and yogurt Berry muesli Black Bean Vegetable Burger with Sweet Potato Crisp Pumpkin Fetta Tart Sweet potato fish cake with seeded pumpkin fetta salad MEAL DEAL $50 2 Pizzas, Barramundi Bits & 1.25 litre Soft Drink 21 32

Flame of Hope and Reconciliation

Following the end of the commemoration service, Cr Power, Uncle Les Powell and former Orange councillor Chris Gryllis walked a small miners’ lantern to the Orange Civic Square for a ceremonial lighting of the ‘Flame of Hope and Reconciliation’.

Conceived by Chris Gryllis and inspired by the Olympic Torch Relay, the ‘Flame of Hope and Reconciliation’ is a symbol of bringing Indigenous and nonIndigenous Australians together. The ‘Flame of Hope and Reconciliation’ has remained lit throughout Reconciliation Week and it is hoped the idea might be taken up by communities all around Australia.

Reflect on the past, act in the present for a better future: Sorry Day commemorations in Orange

Sorry Day is both a day to be celebrated and a day to reflect on the mistakes of the past, Orange Deputy Mayor Gerald Power told the crowd at National Sorry Day Commemorations in Orange on Friday, May 26.

Braving bitterly cold and damp weather, a large crowd gathered outside the Orange Civic Centre in Byng Street on Friday for the local commemoration service, which marked the anniversary of the ‘Bringing Them Home’ report being tabled in federal parliament. The report, tabled in 1997, revealed the extent of forced removals of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children from their families – now known as ‘The Stolen Generations’.

Following the raising of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags outside the Civic Centre, the Commemoration Service was relocated out of the elements, inside the

Civic Theatre foyer.

“The ‘Bringing Them Home’ report actually tabulates the impact on First Nation people, that are even here present today, that are even here present at this point of time around Australia,” Cr Power said to the crowd inside.

“So today is a significant day: We celebrate that there is a Sorry Day, but at the same time, reflect on the trauma that has been caused.”

Cr Power said he still can’t believe it was so difficult for our political leaders to say ‘sorry’, to admit mistakes had been made in the past.

And he reminded the crowd that just as actions in the past affect us today, our

actions today will also affect those in the future.

“We need to understand our decisions now affect these little ones,” he said. “So, we must be careful. We must tread lightly, with our words and our actions and our deeds and especially with policies…”

Following Cr Powell at the podium, Uncle Les Powell said reconciliation has still got a long way to go, citing the disproportionately high incarceration rate of Indigenous Australians as just one example.

“There’s something wrong with that picture,” Uncle Les said. “So when we look at our community, that’s got to change — and those things we’ve got to change, we can only do it by walking together, loving one another, respecting one another.”

To make real change for the future, we can’t stay focused on the past, Uncle Les said, but rather look at what each of us can change here in the present.

“What do I change today, will determine my future,” he said. “So yes, we need to bring people to account. Yes, we need to remember what’s happened, but at the end of the day we need to live in the present… knowing that today is a day that I can create change, knowing today is a day I can shake somebody’s hand, knowing if I’ve got unforgiveness or bitterness towards anybody I can walk up and say, ‘Brother, forgive me’.

“That’s true reconciliation. True reconciliation starts within. It starts with us.”

4 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 1 — 7, 2023 Community LiFE

Love of Astley Cup a lifelong affair for Gersbach siblings

“That spirit of the Astley Cup is the main thing; it goes through your veins, no matter how much you played you know, no matter what year you represented. It’s always a reference for someone, ‘Oh did you play Astley Cup?’ It’s that important,” says local tennis coach and former Astley Cup competitor, Darren Gersbach.

This month marks the 100th year of the Astley Cup, the unique multi-sports triangular competition between Dubbo College (formerly Dubbo High School), Bathurst High School and Orange High Schools.

Founded in 1923, and played nearly every year since, it is the longest-running sporting competition of its kind in Australia.

Darren, his sister Alison and younger brother Anthony all competed in the Astley Cup and it’s believed they are the

only trio of siblings to represent their school in the same team for two years in a row (1982-83) in the competition’s long history.

All three siblings played tennis for the Orange High School team, and Darren and Alison still coach professionally. Darren also played rugby league in his final two years at school.

But he says there is something unique about the Astley Cup that grabbed him from his very first outing.

“For me, it was that team atmosphere because, of course, tennis is a solo sport,” says Darren. “The entire two schools surrounding all the courts and having the chants like it’s the Aussie Open, you know!”

The youngest member of the team in that first year, Darren was taken under the wing of the two team captains.

“The teachers told them to look after this

young bloke Darren, take him around all the events and get what the actual ‘Cup feel’ was,” recalls Darren.

“I went to the debate, every single thing with the captains… it was actually a great feeling for me and that just got me instilled in the spirit of it.”

It’s that team spirit that gets you hooked on the Astley Cup, agrees Anthony.

“Everyone would come and watch the tennis because we were always first, then you’d go to each sport… and the bus ride, on the way home everyone was chanting all the way back if we won, it was really good,” he says.

And for many of those competing it is the biggest crowd that they will ever play in front of, says Darren.

“All the sports have got the whole school there around watching them, they’ve got their banners and it’s a nice big spotlight

for all the kids,” says Darren, who has remained involved over the years as his own children have gone through high school.

And the Astley Cup has also sparked lifelong friendships, says Alison.

“I’m still best friends with a girl from Dubbo,” she says. “We met through Astley Cup and we are best buddies to this day!”

On Friday, June 16, former Astley Cup competitors will be coming together to rekindle old friendships and relive past glories at Centenary Dinner to celebrate 100 years of Astley Cup.

The Centenary Dinner is being held in the Coral Sea Room at the Orange ExServices’ Club. Tickets are $80, including a three-course meal and entertainment, and can be purchased from www.123tix.com. au or by phoning the Orange Ex-Services’ Club on (02)63622666.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 1 — 7, 2023 5 Community LiFE
Darren Gerbach, Alison Seib (nee Gersbach), and Anthony Gersbach: It’s believed they are the only trio of siblings to represent their school in the same team for two years in a row (198283) in the competition’s 100-year history. A newspaper clipping featuring the story of the three Gerbach siblings competing in 1983.

A f ty club spons ship at’s ge ing wins on and o e field

It all started over a quiet beer in a pub, says Orange United Warriors’ Vice President Kurt Beahan of the sponsorship deal between the rugby league club and the civil construction and mining services company AWCON.

Chatting with a mate, who worked for AWCON at the time, Kurt reached out to the company through his role as Aboriginal education engagement coordinator with TAFE NSW.

“Through TAFE my position is about opportunities for the Aboriginal community and linkage to local employers and trying to increase Aboriginal participation or employment within their organisations,” Kurt said.

The programs they were able to put in place delivered job opportunities locally and were a boon for AWCON, in finding employees. So much so, that the company has adopted a similar approach in other states.

With a relationship in place, Kurt brought up the idea of sponsoring the Warriors, a rugby league team with a

unique focus on community.

“For us, any player that considers coming to our club, we’re very open and very honest about it — If you come to us, it’s about you, It’s about our community and it’s about everybody else within the club, it’s not about money,” Kurt said. “If it’s money that you’re after, then it’s probably not the club for you. This is more about connection with community and that family club spirit.”

This winter is only the fourth rugby league season for the Warriors, although the idea that sparked it goes back a decade to the founding of the Orange United sports club.

It was at a school holiday basketball clinic, that founding member Jason French decided there needed to be more opportunities for low-income Indigenous and non-Indigenous kids to play regular competition sports. From three junior basketball teams, the club has

grown and now regularly fields teams of all ages across six sports: netball, basketball, touch football, soccer, hockey and rugby league.

“It’s giving these kids, and sometimes parents, an opportunity, which they may not have ever received previously,” Jason said.

“We look at basically supporting them through education and even parents through employment. And Kurt’s done that quite successfully, especially with the rugby league guys over the years.”

Jason said there are a number of team members who were unemployed when they joined the club four years ago, but have been supported through training and apprenticeships to find employment.

“And we do that within our other sports as well,” Jason said. “Just looking at

opportunities where we can support families overcome barriers they may be facing at that point of time in their life.”

AWCON managing director Paul Montagliani said it has been a pleasure to partner with Orange United and support their role in the community.

“It has just been a great opportunity with Kurt and the team to be a part of this,” he said. “We look forward to going forward and continuing with the partnership for years to come.”

In recognition of their partnership with Orange United Warrior, AWCON recently unveiled new artwork for their fleet vehicles Designed by Mitchell Groat, the artwork, titled Yanhanha Nguranggu (“Going Home” in Wiradjuri language) depicts the outline of Mount Canobolas and the local totem, the platypus.

6 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 1 — 7, 2023 Community LiFE The VicToria hoTel 336 Summer St, Orange | Tel 6362 6386 WHAT’S ON AT THE VIC... POKER TUESDAY from 7pm SATU RDAY from 3.30pm Registration on arrival Registration on arrival BISTRO Daily Specials WEDNESDAYSATURDAY Lunch 12 - 2pm Dinner 6 - 9pm Book your Functions & Special Events! with our Menu Packs to suit your needs SATURDAY 3RD JUNE 8.30PM - LATE FREE ENTRY Ph 5835 7999 | Shop 2/ 30 – 32 Sale St (opposite Spilt Milk) SHONA 0458 512 808 ROXY 0458 706 785 FOR BOOKING CALL Nurse Linda Carnovale FREE CONSULT will be in the Salon 9th & 10th June OR BOOK ONLINE www.replenishco.com.au • Anti-Wrinkle injections • Dermal Fillers • Lip Enhancements • Cheek and jawline definition • Sunken tear trough treatments • Collagen stimulation- including both injections and PDO threads. • Skin rejuvenation, including face, necks, décolleté and hands • Hyperhidrosis - treatment for under arm sweating WHS TRAINING **Safework NSW Approved **HSReps 5 DAY COURSE 26, 27, 28th JUNE AND 4, 5th JULY 8.50am til - 4.15pm, daily For further details and an enrolment form, contact us. View our Training Calendar on www.middwest.net. CALL US TO DISCUSS YOUR WHS TRAINING NEEDS. MIDD-WEST RISK MANAGEMENT ORANGE - BATHURST - DUBBO Phone: 0418 435 250 Email: admin@middwest.net
Kurt Beahan, AWCON managing director Paul Montagliani, artist Mitchell Groat, and Orange United founding member Jason French
ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 1 — 7, 2023 7 PH: 6360 2249 | orange@pcycnsw.org.au | www.pcycnsw.org.au | Anzac Park, Seymour St ORANGE facebook.com/pcycorange GYM AND FITNESS Gym & Fitness open day Saturday 3rd June 8am -12.30pm FREE ENTRY TO THE GYM AND FREE ENTRY TO ALL CLASSES CLASS TIMETABLE 8.15am Ride 9am Circle 9.30am Boxing 10.30am Boot camp 11.30am Zumba For all your supplement needs Jimmy from Pump it fitness will be here to help SPECIAL MEMBERSHIP OFF ER $5 FOR THE FIRST MONTH! THEN $10 PER WEEK DIRECT DEBIT! No lock in contract cancel with 30 days notice. Free 6 month membership raffled on the day

Brenda Stace Chat has exhibited all over the world, but this June the Cowra-based artist will launch her first local exhibition at Rosnay Wines Cellar Door in Canowindra.

Primarily a painter and sculptor, Brenda has exhibited her work in countries such as Germany and South Korea, and earned international acclaim.

An alumnus of the College of Fine Arts in Sydney, Brenda was mentored by the Art Gallery of NSW’s Bill Wright, who motivated her to travel to the USA to attend the New York Studio School. There, she received tutelage from the Dean, renowned Australian artist William Wright AM, and attended lectures from the likes of Lee Krasner (best known as the wife of Jackson Pollock but an extraordinary abstract expressionist artist in her own right), pioneering video artist Nam June Paik, and abstract expressionist painter George McNeil.

Brenda’s works have also been exhibited in Sydney at the S.H. Ervin Gallery – Salon des Refuses in 2012 and are held in the collections of both BHP and Western Power.

Outside the world of fine art, Brenda has spent much of her career in the animation industry.

From her first job as an assistant animator in 1975, Brenda has gone on to work on notable productions such as the pioneering live-action/animated feature Who Framed Roger Rabbit, long-running children’s television staple, Sesame Street and spent three years as the Overseas Animation Director for Mike Judge’s popular animated sitcom, King of the Hill.

While King of the Hill went on to win two Emmy Awards and was included in Time


Did you know your cat or dog is considered to be a “senior” at 7 years of age? Or that your pet’s food and exercise requirements change dramatically between the ages of 5 and 9? Older pets can bring us so much joy but they need a little extra love and care, to keep them fit and healthy and enjoying their “senior” years!

Your senior dog will be calmer and more in tune with the routine of the household. An older cat will be less keen to climb the curtains, and more likely to spend the day in a sunny spot watching the world go by. Your pet ages approximately 7 years for every 1 of our human years, so regular health check-ups become more important as the years go by.

Pets are living longer these days, thanks to improved medications, and vaccinations which protect them from disease. With increased age, your pet may become less active. This might be part of the normal ageing process, but it is important that your pet is checked regularly by a vet to ensure that he or she isn’t suffering from underlying medical problems.

It’s important to monitor your pet’s food and water intake (plus what comes out of the other end!) as any change in thirst or appetite can be an early sign of conditions like kidney disease or diabetes. It’s also a good idea to monitor your pet’s weight,

as sudden weight loss is an alert to bring your pet to the Vet. If your pet is overweight, he or she has an increased risk of joint pain or arthritis. Did you know that Mulberry Lane Vet Hospital offers your pet free weigh-ins and nutrition advice? Just come and see one of our friendly nurses. The correct balance of nutrients is essential for staying healthier for longer. Your senior pet’s diet needs to be correct for his or her life stage and for any medical condition, so switching to a specialist pet food can make a big difference to your pet’s wellbeing. Talk to any of our team about how to introduce a new pet food, which will suit the needs of your senior cat or dog.

Early detection helps treatment! At Mulberry Lane Vet Hospital we can analyse a small blood sample from your senior pet to check on kidney, liver and thyroid function, and give the right care before more serious illness develops. Take advantage of our $50 off a Senior Blood Test offer this month to give your older pet “gold standard” care. Does your cat not groom herself as she used to, or have trouble using the litter tray? Has your dog changed his eating or sleeping habits, or seem more tired than usual? Does he fall behind on walks or have new lumps or bumps on his skin? Make an appointment with Dr Judith and her team at Mulberry Lane Vet Hospital for a FREE senior pet check-up this month. We look forward to seeing you soon!

magazine’s 2007 list of “The 100 Greatest TV Shows of All Time,” Brenda said she wasn’t initially a fan.

“Having spent most of my career in classical animation, I certainly wasn’t the target audience for King of the Hill, but I was offered the job and said, ‘Yes’,” Brenda recalled.

“The first thing I did was read the script and I thought, this is brilliant! I had a great deal of respect for it once I was engaged.”

Now living in a magnificently renovated tin shed down by the railway tracks in Cowra, Brenda has been focusing more on her own art; painting as well as creating stunning wall-hanging sculptures from the “carcasses” of old pianos.

“For me, that’s just such a terrible crime,” Brenda said, referring to the discarding and neglect of old pianos. “Because when you open them up there’s a cornucopia of stories in there! It’s just such a reference to time and it’s full of the most marvellous wood and metal.”

For her exhibition opening at Rosnay Wines Cellar Door on Saturday, June 3, Brenda spent time camping and painting out amongst the ancient landscapes of Lake Mungo in far western NSW. A trip that echoes previous solo camps to the Pilbara in Western Australia which resulted in works that won her the Pilbara Art Award in 2004. Brenda’s exhibition opens 6pm Saturday, June 3, at Rosnay Wines Cellar Door, Canowindra, and will run for the month of June.

8 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 1 — 7, 2023 Community LiFE
294 Lords Place, Orange | OPEN MON-SAT mulberrylanevet.com.au “Our passion is caring for your pet” MULBERRY LANE VET HOSPITAL An ASAV accredited “Hospital of Excellence” TELEPHONE 6360 3071 s s Your pet can enjoy BOTH these special offers, one appointment per household, not valid with any other offer. Phone for appointment or book online. Expires 31st July
UP for your dog or cat age 7+yrs (age 5+yrs for giant breeds like Great Dane or St. Bernard) $50 OFF A SENIOR PET BLOOD ANALYSIS
From NYC to the ancient Lake Mungo: acclaimed artist and animator Brenda Stace Chat holds first central west exhibition
Photo credit: Kent Johnson
ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 1 — 7, 2023 9 You can now find us on 61-89 Warrendine Street Orange 02 63 622 533 Website: ocbc.org.au trading hours MONDAY 3pm – 8pm TUESDAY 11am – 8pm Management reserves the right to alter trading hours on any given day WEDNESDAY 11am – 9pm THURSDAY 11am – 9pm FRIDAY 11am – 12am SATURDAY 11am – 12am SUNDAY 11am – 9pm NOW OPEN Asian & Australian Cuisine Ph 6362 2617 DINE IN or TAKE AWAY LUNCH 12 - 2pm DINNER 5 - 8.30pm TUESDAY - SUNDAY Open Tues—Sun From 11.30am til dark $5 per person SEE MAIN BAR TO PAY AND GET EQUIPMENT Closed Mondays for maintenance FOR 18 HOLES CHILDREN UNDER 5 PLAY FREE open 7 days $5 per person DAY AND NIGHT ALL ENQUIRIES AND BOOKINGS PLEASE CALL 6362 2533 Got something to celebrate? Weddings Engagement Parties Birthday Parties Anniversaries Fundraisers Presentation Nights Christmas Parties Baby Showers Christenings Funeral Wakes WHATEVER YOU'RE CELEBRATING WE CAN HELP RAFFLES FRIDAYNIGHT EVERY FRIDAY TICKETS SOLD AT 7PM FOR 8PM DRAW What you can win: x 20 Gift vouchers at $50 each x2 $50 Keno vouchers x2 $30 Keno vouchers $4 MIDDIES x2 TRADIE MEAT VOUCHERS $5 SCHOONERSx2 $25 TRADIE BAR VOUCHERS HAPPY HOUR 5PM TO 6PM members badge draw $1000! Member must be present for the Draw justin landers OrangeCity BowlingClub Book your tickets NOW for Friday 17th June 2023 saturday 3rd june HAPPY HOUR JUST GOT HAPPIER! thurs, fri and sun 4pm-6pm with FREE on-premise member raffles 6pm Sundays Just swipe your card between 4pm-6pm Sundays to win 7:30Pm sunday 4 june 4pm proceeds to central west flood appeal LIVE ENTERTAINMENT

Conservatorium and planetarium goes to tender

Building works expected to begin this year

Orange’s new conservatorium and planetarium building is another step closer with the project going out to tender this week.

Orange City Council has invited a shortlist of preferred contractors to submit tenders for the $25 million project. The shortlist was prepared after they sought “expressions of interest” from suitably qualified contractors in December, 2022.

The development, which will be built in the Civic Square North Court, off March Street, includes a 3535 square-metre building which will contain: a250-seat auditorium; a 64-seat planetarium auditorium; 40 practice rooms, ensemble rooms and rehearsal spaces; front-of-house facilities including foyer, bar, kitchen, ticket office and amenities; back-of-house facilities comprising loading dock, stores, performer amenities and plant; office space, amenities and ancillary spaces

The project has received $10 million in funding from the Australian Government and $5 million from the NSW Government. Orange City Council will contribute $10 million towards the development.

Tenders close on July 3 and it is expected that construction will begin by the end of the year and take about 18 months.

Orange Regional Conservatorium has also recently launched a fundraising campaign to fit out the building. Under the theme “Music Within” the Conservatorium is looking to raise $1.5 million to purchase seats, sound and lighting equipment, and other items.

You can read more about the campaign by visiting orangecon.org.au/music-within.

The responsibilities of the role are, but are not limited to:

• Assisting and responding to constituent matters across the electorate of Calare.

• Liaising with relevant Departments, Agencies and Opposition Offices on behalf of constituents regarding matters relating to the responsibilities of the Federal Government.

• Preparing representations on behalf of the Member.

• Data entry and database management.

• Attending community events in the Electorate as required.

• General administrative tasks within the Electorate Office.

• Occasional travel within the Electorate of Calare and interstate travel to Canberra during Parliamentary sitting weeks.

• Other duties as required.

Applicants should possess the following skills and experience:

• Excellent oral and written communication skills and experience in producing targeted communications for a variety of audiences.

• Outstanding interpersonal skills.

• Excellent attention to detail and record keeping.

• Ability to self-manage and delegate.

• Well-developed organisational ability and time management skills.

• Ability to work independently and cohesively as part of a small team.

• An understanding of the Australian system of government and parliamentary processes.

• Well-developed IT skills including Microsoft Office.

• Preparedness to work overtime and on weekends when required.

Job details:

The position is offered under the Members of Parliament (Staff) Act 1984 and conditions are outlined in the Commonwealth Members of Parliament Staff Enterprise Agreement 2020-23.

• A commencing salary between $69,170 and $80,757 will be negotiated depending on experience and relevant skills.

• An optional additional allowance may be considered in recognition of, and as compensation for, reasonable additional hours of work.

• Relocation assistance, studies assistance and paid study leave may also be available (subject to eligibility requirements).

• An employer superannuation contribution of 15.4% will be payable.

A probationary period of three months will apply and may be subject to extension.

Applications should be forwarded to andrew.gee.mp@aph.gov.au and include a resume with the names of two referees and a cover letter addressing the relevant skills and experience required for the role.

Applications close on Friday 30 June 2023. For further information please contact andrew.gee.mp@aph.gov.au.

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are invited for the ongoing full-time position of Electorate Officer (EOB)
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Help break the cycle of homelessness Veritas House Winter Ball — August 12

Veritas House is appealing to the Orange business community for support as they announce their major fundraising event, the Winter Ball, will be held at Bathurst Goldfields on Saturday, August 12.

For the past 40 years, Veritas House has been there for our vulnerable young people and today they are one of the region’s largest providers of foster care and youth homelessness services.

But access to affordable housing in our region continues to be the greatest barrier facing young people that Veritas House supports, which is why they are fundraising to be able to provide transitional housing to help break the cycle of homelessness.

All proceeds from this year’s Winter Ball will go towards Veritas’ Transitional Housing Appeal, which last year enabled them to purchase a two-bedroom flat here in Orange.

But more money is needed for Veritas to own the property outright, Veritas House CEO, Jody Pearce said.

Jody said Veritas have been grateful for the generous support from the Orange business community in the past and they are hoping this support continues as they prepare the Winer Ball in the weeks ahead.

“In order to achieve our fundraising goal, we’re asking businesses in the Orange community to consider what they might be able to donate towards the night,” Jody said.

“Either financially through sponsorship or through donations of vouchers or items that we can use for raffles, auctions and lucky envelopes – every donation, large and small will make a huge difference.”

Due to the number of charity Balls held in Orange, Jody said they made the decision to hold the Winter Ball at Goldfields Bathurst last year, but were overwhelmed by the number of Orange residents who attended and the support they received from Orange businesses.

“Given the impact our new property is already making on the lives of two local young people who had been homeless for some time prior to moving into the flat in February, we are hopeful that Orange residents will get behind our event again this year,” she said.

Local telecommunications service provider Peak Connect, a long-term partner of Veritas House, has come on board as this year’s Platinum sponsor for the Ball. Verto and See Saw Wines have joined as Silver sponsors, and Ross Hill Wines as Bronze sponsor.

“We’re particularly grateful to Jeff Peak for his incredibly generous ongoing commitment to Veritas; and to See Saw Wines and Ross Hill Wines for their support again this year which will see every table of 10 provided with a bottle of prosecco, chardonnay and shiraz, which makes the ticket price of $130 great value and will hopefully see us sellout the event again this year and reach our fundraising goal,” Jody said.

To sponsor or donate items contact Narelle or Gina on 6361 8099 or email contact@ veritashouse.org.au.

Tickets for the Ball are on sale now for $130 per head at veritashouse.org.au and include See Saw and Ross Hill wines, a three-course dinner and live music, led by local musician Kyle Manning.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 1 — 7, 2023 11 Community LiFE

Michelle Peters:

Geocaching is the ultimate treasure hunt!

Have you ever wanted to embark on an exciting adventure that combines exploration, technology and the thrill of finding hidden treasure?

Then look no further than geocaching, the worldwide scavenger hunt. The concept is simple: grab your smartphone, download the Geocache app, put your location in and caches will magically appear on your screen. Use the online clue, and GPS navigation to find the cache, and most importantly, have fun — and be safe!

Whether you’re in a new town or city, geocaching offers an interactive experience for all ages, allowing you to discover sights often missed by the average traveller.

My daughters and I have made it a tradition to indulge in geocaching whenever we can, especially during road trips. While it may occasionally extend our travel times as we eagerly stop and explore along the way, the memories we create are priceless.

To date, I’m not sure who has more fun, and it certainly brings out the competitive side in all of us as we scramble around desperately trying to be the first to find the treasure.

Geocaches come in various levels of difficulty, from easy to hard, and are often cleverly camouflaged. False rocks or other “natural” items are often placed with hidden caches underneath, and unveiling these hidden treasures feels like a real triumph.

Caches are the “hidden treasure” of geocaching: a waterproof container containing a logbook that each person signs upon finding it, and usually a small trinket you can take. However, it’s essential to remember the golden rule of geocaching: if you take something, you must leave something of equal value in return. It’s a small gesture that keeps the spirit of the game alive.

Geocaches are found outdoors and can involve long hikes. Sometimes they can even be found in unusual locations, such as in lakes, or high up in trees or near cliffs. It’s important, however, to exercise caution and only attempt to locate caches that are safe for you and your family.

Some caches involve doing a little detective work, prompting you to gather information that must be entered into the app to unlock the clue to your next destination. In doing so, you not only uncover hidden treasures but also gain insight into the rich history of the town or city you’re exploring.

Now, you may wonder about the curious looks you receive when you’re digging around a signpost, or even up a tree. Fear not, we in the geocaching community have a term for those who don’t quite understand our passion: “muggles.” Pay them no mind and embrace the camaraderie that comes with being a part of this vibrant community.

With approximately 80,000 geocaches scattered throughout Australia, and an abundance of remarkable ones in our own local area, the opportunities for adventure are endless. So why wait? Visit www. geocaching.com for more information, and start your geocaching journey today.

Loli and Rosie Eiseman on our Geocaching adventures

It was wonderful to attend the official opening of the Zig Zag Railway last week! It was smiles all around among the young to the young at heart, first time riders and Zig Zag veterans, locals and visitors.

There were screams and whistles of delight as the loco pulled into the first tunnel. And at the end of the journey, when the train pulled back into the station, the carriages erupted with applause.

On the Bells Line of Road, people had pulled over and were out of their cars to record the historic moment as the train passed by.

It was like an old friend had returned to remind us of the simple pleasures of a bygone era.

Riding the rails really brings home how much sheer hard work has gone into this reconstruction and re-opening. It’s

a massive undertaking with a huge number of moving parts. And today it came together perfectly.

I really enjoyed sharing the opening experience with members of the Clarence and Dargan communities. And of course Aunty Helen and Aunty Sharon who generously carried out the smoking ceremony.

Acting CEO Daniel Zolfel, Lee Wiggins and the whole team of volunteers have achieved something truly momentous. Today they united thousands of people in happiness. Memories were made that will last generations - and it will be the same with every train that departs the station into the future. It’s a mightily impressive legacy their work will leave.

Welcome back Zig Zag Railway! It was a day we will never forget!

I’m enjoying being able to speak freely on the vitally important issues affecting our region and our country.

The Indigenous Voice to Parliament is a case in point. The National Party didn’t want me to speak out on this crucially significant proposal.

After the Nationals had put out their position opposing the Voice, and after I had put out my statement supporting it, Nationals leader David Littleproud spoke to me on the phone and very clearly stated that he didn’t want me doing any national media on the Voice.

If that’s not muzzling debate and the freedom to speak your mind, I don’t know what is.

Yet the party was still out there in the national media trumpeting their “unanimous” position on “no”.

The National Party is not the party I grew up with. It’s run by an ever-shrinking circle of people and has lost touch with its once mighty base and our communities.

People are sick of machine politicians who just parrot the party line. I would never have been able to speak out as freely on issues such as the Voice and the party’s failures on disaster relief had I stayed a member.

I have no regrets whatsoever.

Congratulations to the team at Cudal Community Children’s Centre on their wildly successful Winter Ball last weekend!

It was a top notch country night with plenty of great tunes, food and great times!

It’s a terrific centre, and the committee did an outstanding job to bring the community together to support it. Thank you Cudal!

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 1 — 7, 2023 13 For regular updates and news, follow me on Facebook and Instagram @andrewgeecalare Authorised by Andrew Gee MP, Suite 1/179A Anson Street, Orange, NSW 2800. INDEPENDENCE MEANS NOT PARROTING THE PARTY LINE WELCOME BACK ZIG ZAG RAILWAY! CUDAL WINTER BALL A SUCCESS! 1/179A Anson Street PO Box 673 ORANGE 2800 (02) 6361 7138 andrew.gee.mp@aph.gov.au www.andrewgeemp.com.au ORANGE ELECTORATE OFFICE Andrew GEE MP INDEPENDENT FEDERAL MEMBER FOR CALARE Your Country Your Voice RUNS ON THE BOARD FOR ORANGE √ $54.8 million for the new CSU medical school and research centre √ $34.8 million for Dixons Long Point Crossing √ $54 million in water security pipelines around the Central West √ $1.9 million for The Orchard crisis accommodation centre √ $2 billion for Great Western Highway upgrade √ $3.8 million for the raising of Suma Park dam wall at Orange √ Federal Regional Investment Corporation established and based in Orange √ $12 million for the Southern Feeder Road project √ Dept of Infrastructure branch moved to Orange √ $2 million for the Forest Road Bridge duplication √ $14.7 million for Mission Australia’s Benjamin Short Grove Aged Care facility √ $100,000 for new stadium seating at Wade Park √ $3 million for a second radiotherapy unit at Orange Health Service √ $10 million for the Orange Conservatorium & Planetarium √ 24 hour rescue helicopter service for Orange and region √ $14 million for highway upgrades between Lithgow and Orange √ Bat/hail netting funding for local orchardists √ $1.2 million for CCTV in Orange, Bathurst and Wellington √ 47 mobile phone towers and base stations across Calare For regular updates and news, follow me on Facebook and Instagram @andrewgeecalare Authorised by Andrew Gee MP, Suite 1/179A Anson Street, Orange, NSW 2800.
Andrew with Dan and the crew from Zig Zag Railway, and Aunty Sharon Riley Andrew with President of the CCCC Committee Jennifer Wood and event organiser Tammy Whiteman


The Super Easy Way To Make More Money

There are lots of ways we can make money. We can work for it, we can work longer hours to make more money or get a new job that pays more money. We can save money and invest it to make money. We can borrow money to invest, however, that comes with added risk as the loan will need to be repaid. But there is one way to make more money that is so easy and sitting right under everyone’s noses, yet most people are going through their working lives letting the opportunity pass them by!

What is it?

Your superannuation.

Super… you might think it’s boring, you might think it doesn’t matter, some people even get the idea in their head that it’s some kind of government conspiracy, but the reality is that super is the easiest way

you can make more money for yourself. For starters, as of 1 July this year, 11% of your pay will be getting sent to a super fund and getting invested. So, even if you pay no attention and do nothing, the government is ensuring something’s automatically happening for your future benefit. 11% of your pay getting invested every year and the growth on those investments over time, is why super already works to a certain extent.

But… what if you did pay attention and did do a few things to supercharge your super?

What if you are in a fund charging you higher fees than you need to pay? Avoiding paying high fees is one of the easiest ways to boost your return over time, yet most people don’t know how to work out what fees they are REALLY paying and super statements don’t always make it easy to find the true level of fees.

I’m constantly amazed by the level of fees some people are paying to their super fund, and for many people, it’s not until they come and have a chat that they find out the true story.

Now, imagine on top of making sure you were paying low fees, you also invested a little more smartly than just the default option your super fund puts you in. Super funds have to invest members money somehow, so for those who choose not to do anything, most funds simply have a one-size-fits-all option. But with a little bit of education and advice, you can get your super working harder to get higher returns over time.

And then imagine that you understand and took advantage of the tax benefits of making extra contributions to super. It is money for jam for those who know how the system works! You get to pay less tax while

at the same time creating more wealth for yourself.

I don’t work for a super fund, I don’t work for a big financial services company, I’m a 100% independent financial adviser. I have no incentive to be talking up super other than because it works! And the opportunity for you to take advantage of the system is right there waiting for you.

So, if you’re in any doubt about how much you might be missing out on (and most of the same concepts apply regardless of your age), don’t let any more time pass you by. Give me a call for a free initial chat, and let’s see how super easy it might be for you to make more money.

Just how big a difference these things can make may surprise you… and your future self will thank you!



Fine estate, period, and costume jewellery. Gold, silver, precious gems, and oriental items.

Antique, Jewellery & COLLECTABLES Fair

European and Australian Colonial furniture, plus fine porcelain, crystal, and unique decorator pieces

Collectables and curios to tempt everyone!

Exclusive Preview Friday 16th June 5.30pm – 7.30pm

Fine estate, period, and costume jewellery. Gold, silver, precious gems, and oriental items. European and Australian Colonial furniture, plus fine procelain, crystal, and unique decorator pieces. Collectables and curious to tempt everyone!

Saturday 17th June 9.30am – 5pm ($10)

Exclusive Preview Friday 16th June 5.30pm - 7.30pm

Saturday 17th June 9.30am - 5pm ($10)

Sunday 18th June 9.30am – 4pm ($10)

Sunday 18th June 9.30am - 4pm ($10)

Orange Function Centre, Eyles St. Orange.

Orange Function Centre, Eyles St, Orange.

VIP Preview Including drinks & canapes $30

VIP Preview including drinks & canapes $30

Scan the code below for Exclusive Preview Night Tickets

Scan the code below for the Exclusive Preview Night Tickets

14 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 1 — 7, 2023
Cheers, Daniel
If you’d like to fi nd out more about how INDEPENDENT fi nancial advice could help you manage cash fl ow, pay off the mortgage faster, get the most out of super and invest wisely, then get in touch on 0411 484 464 or head to wealthtrain.com.au. This advice may not be suitable to you because it contains general advice which does not take into consideration any of your personal circumstances. All strategies and information provided are general advice only. DANIEL MCGREGOR AND WEALTH TRAIN ARE AUTHORISED REPRESENTATIVES OF INDEPENDENT FINANCIAL ADVICE & EDUCATION AFSL 520963
Proudly supporting women and families in Orange and our international community. Follow us... 39th Annual Zonta Club of Orange
Proudly supporting women and families in Orange and our international community.
39th Annual Zonta Club of Orange

•Providing companionship to enhance the quality of life for our clients.

•Light domestic duties, assisting with personal care and medication supports.

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•No experience required, full training provided.

•Competitive hourly rates and generous travel allowance.

• Attractive performance incentives including ongoing professional development.

• Rewarding role in a supportive and positive team environment.

•Flexible hours, including a tailored roster to your level of experience and availability.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 1 — 7, 2023 15 LiFE

Inner Wheel Minhi on the lookout for new members

Incoming president of the Inner Wheel Club of Orange Minhi, Melissah Quinn is encouraging more women to come and experience the club for themselves.

When Melissah joined nine years ago, she was a full-time mother looking for something to do, just for herself, and that’s when she discovered the then only recently founded Inner Wheel Club of Orange Minhi. She’s now been a member for nine years, just one year short of the ten years the club has been running — an anniversary they will celebrate this month.

Closely associated with the Inner Wheel Club of Orange, the Inner Wheel Club of Orange Minhi is more aimed at younger women.

“Minhi is the Wiradjuri word for little sister,” Melissah explained. “We’re like their little sisters.”

The two local clubs share the same objectives, helping people locally, nationally and internationally through fundraising for a number of different charities.

But more than just charitable activities, the Inner Wheel Club of Orange Minhi offers

members friendship and a way to build community, Melissah said.

“Fundraising is important to the Inner Wheel, but our objective of Inner Wheel is not really to raise money, it’s actually friendship,” Melissah said.

Members of the club engage in regular social activities such as musical bingo, trivia nights, trips to the cinema, dinners out and bowling, just to name a few.

But in order to maintain the club, they really need new members, Melissah said.

“We’d like more people to come and join in on the fun — you don’t have to come to

every meeting, you just have to try to give what you can.”

The Inner Wheel Club of Orange Minhi meet on the first Tuesday of every month (although their June meeting has been pushed back to Tuesday, June 13).

Members meet for dinner at the Robin Hood Hotel at 6pm, with the meeting starting at 7pm.

“Come along to our June meeting, and see what we’re all about!” Melissah said. For more information or to join the Inner Wheel Club of Orange Minhi contact Melissah Quinn on 0408 169 335.

Our accountants and tax agents help you navigate things while we all tighten our belts. Get the right advice and maximise your return. We specialise in tax returns –face to face or remotely, we’ll save you time and money. maddenpartners.com.au

16 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 1 — 7, 2023 Community LiFE We do your return, and email you a copy. Sign it from your phone! 2 Feeling the squeeze? ? Call, email, text or We’ll ask questions, answer any of yours and get to work. 1 You’re done! We deduct our fee, deposit the balance into your account. Now get yourself a real cuppa! 3 Get the most out of your tax. 6361 0735 @maddenpartners james@maddenpartners.com.au

Phil DONATO MP State Member for Orange


I have been busy in Sydney with Parliament sitting weeks and meeting with the incoming ministers. I delivered a speech in the NSW Parliament to highlight the devastation and despair that remains in the flood-impacted communities across the Orange electorate.

Six months on, many people are still displaced from the devastating floods at Eugowra, Molong, Forbes, Parkes, Canowindra, and Cudal. I asked Premier Minns what ongoing support his government will provide to these impacted communities to help get them back into their homes and businesses. I also raised the need to learn from these events and do what is necessary to mitigate the impact from the inevitable future flood events. I've recommended a review be undertaken and I will continue to champion for these communities. Cheers,


My team and I had the privilege of attending the 6th annual Housing Plus White Tie Ball. Since its inception, the event has raised close to $400,000. This year, with over 350 people in attendance, $88,000 was raised to support the crisis facility, The Orchard, to support women and children escaping domestic violence. I made a Notice of Motion in Parliament to formally recognise Housing Plus’s efforts. Pics courtesy of Central Western Daily.

It was a privilege to join with the Hon. Tara Moriarty MLC, Minister for Agriculture and Regional NSW, for a tour of Orange based DPI Agricultural Institute and Biosecurity Collection Station, Weeds Research and more. This facility is seeing world class agricultural biosecurity research being conducted in our own backyard.


Since 2010 the Hidden Treasures Honour Roll has acknowledged over 1000 rural women for their tireless work and dedication to their communities. Hidden Treasures is a way to honour and say thanks to women who give their time and energy to help others. Now is your chance to nominate an extraordinary woman in your community! To find out more or to nominate visit https://www.nsw.gov.au/women-nsw/ rural-womens-network/hidden-treasures-nominations?

HAVE YOUR SAY... Palliative Care Week


The NSW Government is inviting your feedback and contribution regarding essential services in regional communities. Many regional NSW communities have a shortage of key workers including teachers, healthcare workers and police, to name a few. The government is now seeking feedback from regional communities to help them understand your local experiences. They’ll use your feedback to try and help improve programs and support regional essential services. I would encourage you to have your say at https:// www.haveyoursay.nsw.gov.au/supportingregional-essential-services?

Some great conversations and friendships have been formed over the last 2 years that we have been holding these. COME ALONG TO THE JUNE MR PERFECT BBQ THIS SUNDAY 4TH JUNE 2023 AT COOK PARK, ORANGE FROM 11:30AM TILL 2PM.

During Palliative Care Week, Push for Palliative screened the film "Live the Life You Please," advocating for accessible end-of-life options. Despite my absence, I met with Premier Chris Minns and Health Minister Ryan Park to emphasize more palliative care beds and a hospice in Orange. Minister Park pledged to visit Orange promptly. I collaborate closely with Push for Palliative to secure designated beds and a 12-bed Hospice for palliative individuals, families needing respite, and younger patients under 65. Palliative care remains a priority for our community.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 1 — 7, 2023 17 OrangeElectorateOffice|123ByngStreet,OrangeNSW2800|Telephone63625199 Authorised by Philip Donato MP, Member for Orange. Funded using parliamentary entitlements. 123 Byng Street Orange NSW 2800 – Printed by Orange City Life, Suite 3/241 Lords Place, Orange NSW 2800.


“By rock and ridge and riverside

The Western Mail has gone

Across the great Blue Mountains Range To take that letter on.”

AB Paterson (“The Travelling Post Office”)

hen Banjo Paterson wrote these words, he caught the romance and excitement of not only the railway, but also the travelling post office.

When the formidable Great Dividing Range was conquered in 1813, the way to the west in NSW was opened and colonists began to develop itchy feet.

By the time gold was discovered in 1851, the population was moving away from the city and desperately needed cheap convenient transport, and it came in the shape of the railway system.

Since the 1850s when the first line connected Parramatta to Sydney, trains have played a large part in the lives of Australians, both in Sydney and the bush.

W“I spent a good deal of my childhood travelling by train to school”, one member of the Oral History group told me. “A school friend lived near a little siding and the mailbags were dropped off and collected there every day.”

The delivery and transport of mail has always been carried out with remarkable initiative and variety.

With the expansion of intercolonial railways, it was decided by the government that the use of rail was the fastest and most reliable way to operate the service.

Special mail vans were attached to trains and Post Office employees sorted the mail en route, ensuring prompt delivery as soon as the train reached its destination.

Letters could be posted at a city terminal right up to the mail train’s evening departure, and by the time it reached its destination the following morning, the

mail had been sorted, stamped and ready for delivery.

The postal workers operated in a specially fitted carriage, working the “up and down” shift of a two-way journey.

The trains quite often had their own letter boxes so that letters could be posted along the line.

Veronica worked in a tiny post office in Forest Reefs in 1954.

“The mail bag arrived on the train at Millthorpe and was sorted there into a bag for Forest Reefs,” she said. “I sorted it again and put the Beneree mail into a bag to be delivered on horseback.”

John was born and spent most of his life in the Trundle and Condobolin districts. He was also one who spent a lot of time travelling on trains to school in Sydney and later, as a farmer, transporting grain and stock.

John’s grandfather was the overseer in charge of travelling post offices and operated from his office on the south side of Sydney’s Central Railway Station.

“Every so often my grandfather would catch a different mail train to oversee the men at their work, spend the day at the local post office in the town at the terminus and return the next night,” said John.

The trains operated seven days a week, which always meant as quick a service as possible.

The trains carrying Mail, parcels and some passengers were the backbone of the postal service for many years, but, with the expansion of road and air transport, the days of travelling post offices were numbered and they ceased altogether in 1984.

Proud sponsors of OCLife’s “Volunteer of the Month” Award

Supporting the local community...


Orange City Council is asking residents to share what they value most about the city’s green spaces to help develop an ‘Urban Forest Strategy’ for the Orange local government area.

Council has appointed consultants Active Green Services to produce the strategy, which looks at all trees, plants and areas of greenery in the city, how best to protect them and what we should focus on in future.

Council’s Environmental Sustainability Policy Committee Chair David Mallard said Orange’s

reputation as the Colour City plays a significant role in attracting tourism, businesses and residents to Orange.

“There is growing community understanding of the importance of trees, the natural environment and open space in the economic, cultural, physical and mental wellbeing of the community,” Cr Mallard said.

Council commissioned a study in 2022 to determine the extent of tree coverage over the region. The Orange urban area was found to have tree coverage of 17.3 per

cent, while Lucknow village had coverage of 7 per cent and Spring Hill village had 4.9 per cent tree cover.

Cr Mallard said the next step was to develop a strategy that focused on protecting and enhancing our existing green spaces, and where to prioritise the planting of new trees and plants for the greatest benefit.

“The strategy will address elements such as streetscapes, parks and open spaces, tree preservation, biodiversity and habitat, the effects of climate change, reducing air

pollution and maximising water sensitive urban design. The draft strategy will include a target for tree coverage,” Cr Mallard said.

“To make sure we get it right, we want as many people as possible to share their opinions to help us shape the plan’s vision, objectives and actions.”

Members of the community can have their say by completing an online survey and sharing their ideas on the YourSay Orange site at https://yoursay.orange.nsw.gov. au/orange-urban-forest-strategy.


Meals on Wheels is celebrating 60 years of delivering meals in Orange.

The first meals were delivered in Orange on 10 June 1963 and its ongoing service has been made possible by hundreds of volunteers. A morning tea will be held to thank the current volunteers who are involved in the program, which is part of Orange City Council’s Choices at Home service.

Orange City Council Services Committee Chair, Cr Mel McDonell has congratulated the volunteer teams who deliver meals in Orange.

“Choices at Home has about 80 volunteers doing an amazing job delivering about 450 meals a week, enabling frail older people and people living with disability

to maintain their independence at home,” Cr McDonell said.

“But it is much more than just a meal. The program is a fantastic way to prevent loneliness and support people in need. A friendly smile, a chat, a meal and knowing somebody will drop by to say hello, can make all the difference.”

Ninety-four-year-old Edna Sharp has been volunteering with Meals on Wheels since it began in Orange in 1963.

“I’ve been doing Meals on Wheels since it started 60 years ago, and I don’t plan on stopping anytime soon,” Mrs Sharp said.

“I got into Meals on Wheels through the Uniting Church and, back in the day, I used to take my little baby

girl along with me to deliver meals. Now, even my sister and both my daughters are part of the program.”

“I’ve made so many friendships over the years and gathered tonnes of hilarious stories. You know, in the early days, the meals weren’t frozen, so we would dish them up right at the client’s house. Let me tell you, it could get tricky. One time, I had this pot of soup in the back of my car, driving all around Orange, and guess what? The soup decided to make a break for it and spilled everywhere. What a mess!”

Choices at Home offers a range of services to help frail older people or those living with a disability maintain their quality of life while living at home.

Contact Choices at Home on 6393 8968 to find out more about their services, or becoming a volunteer, or visit 144 March Street between 8.30am and 4.30pm Monday to Friday.

Meals on Wheels NSW is partially subsidised by the Australian Government’s Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP).

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 1 — 7, 2023 19 www.orange.nsw.gov.au | Find us on social media @ Orange City Council YOUR LOCAL COUNCIL AT WORK
The ‘Colour City’ is well-known for its tree-lined streets. s Edna Sharpe has been delivering Meals on Wheels for 60 years. s

OCLife Scene

The OCLife scene of recent parties, concerts, celebrations and events


It was all smiles at the Orange Seniors Village Hub last Thursday, May 25, as members, friends and guests pitched in to support the Cancer Council’s Biggest Morning Tea fundraiser. Those who attended indulged in the assortment of cakes, tea and coffee and other tasty treats on offer, all while knowing it was for a good cause.

20 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 1 — 7, 2023 Social SCENE
Ann O’Neill and Diane Gillette Sue Roughton with Moira Johns Claire Portass, Bev Brown and Yvonne Daniel Pat Swain, Kathy Fisher, Shirl McDonald, Jane Barwick and Kay Brackenridge Vicki Isaacs, Violet Symons, Kareena Isaacs and Beryl Eno The Tai Chi Group At back from left to right: Heather Hutchnance and Maureen Reader. Seated in front, left to right: Robyn Chappel, Robyn Taylor, Maria Donato and Carol Goodwin Thelma Roweth and Jenny Lowe Orange Seniors Village Hub Project Leader Sam Vennard with Meg Burrell

Extra-long line-up of live music at the Metro this King’s Long Weekend

This King’s Long Weekend, the Metropolitan Hotel is putting on an extra-long line-up of live, local music, with five acts playing over five nights.

Getting the holiday weekend started on Thursday, is seasoned musician Mick Vawdon, who will be playing a mix of old classics and new hits.

Then on Friday, solo artist Paul Bergagnin keeps the party going, before handing things over to Chris Hanson, who’ll be singing old

favourites with a twist!

On Sunday, catch up-and-coming Orange country pop artist Anthea Basha, who’s been making waves since releasing her debut single “Heartbreakin’ It In” earlier this year.

Jamie Cooper will then close out a huge weekend of entertainment taking you on a ride from the 70s through to the 80s.

So head on down to the Metro June 8–12 and enjoy live music from some of the best performers in the Central West!

Jamie C p An ea Basha
C Ha on
Mick Vawdon


June 2

Corner Store Gallery

Studio Sessions – Javier and Rocky, 6pm

The Sydney Symphony performs Beethoven, 7.30pm


Beloved musical treasure Marcia Hines in Orange, July 8–9

Australia’s beloved musical treasure, Marcia Hines is performing two shows at the Orange Civic Theatre this July.

With a career spanning five decades, Marcia has released 22 albums, selling 2.6 million copies, and has garnered countless chart-topping singles and multi-platinum records globally.

For her 50th Anniversary Concert Hour, Marcia is returning to regional Australia; accompanied by her musicians and production crew, each performance will be a celebration of the extraordinary output of this legendary musical talent.

From the early days of ‘Fire and Rain’ to the Discotheque album and all the way through to

4 on the 4loor, 8.30pm

the 2022 release of ‘The Gospel According to Marcia’, every show will encapsulate Marcia’s extraordinary vocal range and recording career. Since moving to Australia from Boston at just 16 to star in the production of Hair, Marcia has been an integral part of the Australian music and entertainment industry, continuing to reinvent herself and set new industry benchmarks. From ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’ to ‘Queen of Pop’ to ‘Australian Idol’, induction into the ARIA Hall of Fame in 2007 and an Order of Australia in 2009, this extraordinary woman has been an inspiration to women and Australians everywhere. See Marcia Hines at the Orange Civic Theatre on July 8–9. Ticket at Ticketek or call 6393 8111.


‘Mr Stink stank. He also stunk. And if it was correct English to say he stinked, then he stinked as well…’ David Walliams’ award-winning book comes to life on stage for children, aged 6 to 12, and the young at heart. Come experience this touching, twisted and hilarious, and very smelly tale live on stage at the Orange Civic Theatre this Tuesday, June 6 at 6pm — but hold on to your nose! Ticket at Ticketek or phone 63938111.

Coming Events

June 8

Orange Civic Theatre Luke Kidgell

June 9-11

Orange Winter Jazz Festival

June 10

Orange Ex-Services Club

Orange Brick Show 2023

June 12

Molong Molong Village Markets

June 17

Orange City Bowling Club

Sydney Hotshots

Orange Civic Theatre Celtic Illusion

Orange Regional Conservatorium

Choral Gala

June 18

Club Millthorpe Acoustic Sunday

Orange Regional Conservatorium

Orange Youth Orchestra Concerto Concert

Rise Up choral concert, 2pm

Orange Civic Theatre
The Greenhouse Robbie Mortimer from
Saturday June 3
Greenhouse Clancy Pye from 7pm Orange City Bowling Club Justin Landers, 7.30pm
Sunday June 4 Orange City Bowling Club

Melbourne country folk duo Great Aunt creating a buzz in Millthorpe

Melbourne country folk duo Great Aunt will grace the stage of Millthorpe’s long running original music venue

Acoustic Sunday at Club Millthorpe on June 18.

There’s a buzz about Great Aunt; theirs is a joyous and eclectic approach to making music. Raw and austere, simple and bold; full of stomping feet and clapping hands, chants and harmonies, whispered words and soulful lament - that’s the music of Great Aunt.

Listen, and you’ll hear tales of joy and grief, whiskey and wine, gratitude and purpose-seeking.

Together, songwriters and mutil-instrumentalists Megan Bird and Chelsea Allen draw inspiration from the traditions of old-time, bluegrass and gospel music, and their diverse backgrounds in punk and jazz, to craft modern musical stories. The instrumentation and arrangements are bare and bold: using only various combinations of mandolin, guitar, or resonator with

double bass and percussion, and the elegant voices of Bird and Allen in joyful harmony.

The duo has delighted audiences at some of Australia’s finest music and arts festivals, including Woodford Folk Festival, Blue Mountains Music Festival, Yackandandah Folk Festival, Deni Ute Muster, The GAS, Wintermoon, Healesville Music Festival, Fleurieu Folk Festival, and Newport Folk Festival, amongst others.

They have shared stages with notable acts including The Weeping Willows (AUS), Smith and Jones (AUS), Mary Flower (USA), Jessye DeSilva (USA), Paisley Fields (USA), Wiley Gaby (USA), The Belle Miners (CAN), The Ocelots (IRE), and more.

Experience Great Aunt live at Club Millthorpe, Elliot Street, Millthorpe, on June 18, 2.45pm–5pm.

Purchase your ticket at tickets at www.stickytickets.com.au/WHLUQ

Australia’s biggest comedy festival is hitting the road for a huge 25th year!

Featuring the best and brightest of the 2023 Melbourne International Comedy Festival, they’re bringing the funny to you! Get ready for a stellar line-up with Roadshow favourites alongside the most talked-about breakthrough stars of the moment, together in one jam-packed show that’s sure to leave the whole nation laughing.

So, get some mates together, book your tickets and head out for a much needed comedy fix when the Roadshow hits Orange!

*Performances often contain coarse language, adult themes, sexual references and material that may offend. The show is recommended for people aged 15 years or older. Smoke Machine/Hazer may be used during this performance.

Catch the 2023 Melbourne International Comedy Festival at the Orange Civic Theatre on Saturday, June 24 at 8pm. Ticket at Ticketek or call 6393 8111


Celebrate all things tapas this June 12-16

Search on for the best tapas in Australia!

June is the beginning of winter in Australia when we look forward to eating delicious warming soups, stews and broths — especially in Orange. But June is also when we celebrate all things tapas on World Tapas Day, June 15, although in Australia this year we are making it a week-long celebration from June 12-16.

Tapas, as you may know, is one of the most important ways of eating in Spain. It is definitely a celebration of our culture, friends and delicious food. I see a lot of misunderstanding about what tapas are here in Australia, so allow me to share with you what they are for me. A ‘tapa’ is a portion of food served, usually for free in

the South of Madrid, to go along with your drink. We LOVE going out for ‘cañas’ (a 150-ish ml glass of really cold beer) from bar to bar. Sometimes we drink one of those beers, pay and move on to another establishment, doing a ‘bar crawl’ we could call it. But other times we stay in the same bar and drink more than one, socializing with friends either for lunch or dinner.

As you see, drinking is a big part of our culture too, however, we always eat tapas

with our consumption, and that’s why the whole experience becomes more ‘family friendly’ and enjoyable. We actually can’t drink without eating! This is interesting because after traveling and living overseas for so many years I’ve realized how different it is from other cultures. For us food is always first, then we drink.

As an aside, there are many theories about the origins of Tapas, but I will narrow it down by saying that historically bars used to cover the glasses of sherry in order to keep the flies out. The phrase “to cover” translates into Spanish as “tapar”, hence the word tapas.

Australia started learning about Spanish food and culture thanks to the migration of Spanish in the 60s, escaping the horrors of the Civil War. The first migrants arrived in 1966 and soon they started creating ways of socialising in the Spanish way, founding the Basque Gure Txoko Club in 1966 in Sydney, followed by the Spanish Clubs in Sydney and Melbourne. Many other restaurants and bars opened in the 80s and 90s. However, most Australians didn’t know about Spanish food until 2003, when celebrity chef Frank Camorra opened the super well-known Melbourne Tapas bar called MoVida. To put this in context, in my humble opinion, this was the starting point where Aussies finally got their eyes on Spanish products, combinations of flavours, different wine varieties, et cetera.

His most famous tapa, the ‘Cantabrian anchovy with smoked tomato sorbet’ was a declaration of his intentions, hinting at what was to come in the next decades. I had the privilege of working with Frank and having him as my mentor. I can tell you that opening and making trendy tapas bars in Australia and overseas hasn’t been easy for him. That’s why the Spanish and Aussie

communities owe Frank so much for what he did!

Since 2009, I’ve had the dream of seeing people cook Spanish food at home once per week at home, and I reckon that the first step is understanding Spanish products and being able to fill up our pantries with Spanish flavours. The options nowadays are limitless in supermarkets and online, from incredible fish and seafood tins (the best in the world!), great smallgoods and cheese, spices like pimentón or saffron, awesome quality pulses, vegetables, unique varieties of rice — and more!

So this week I’d like to ask you, my readers to join me and celebrate Spanish food and culture here in Australia. The association EAT SPANISH, which I am a part of, is organising an online contest to find the best tapa in Australia! The competition is open to anyone in Australia and I would love to see Orange represented.

All you have to do is channel your creativity to make an authentic tapa, using Spanish products and Spanish techniques, and send in a photo and detailed recipe. It is an opportunity to win awesome prizes and claim the title of Best Tapa in Australia! Check it out by visiting eatspanish.com. au or search for ‘Eat Spanish’ on Facebook and Instagram.

NOTE: Tapas, I believe, must always be made with Spanish products and Spanish techniques. Let me clarify this. Not everything served in small portions here in Australia should be called ‘tapas’. I personally encourage you not to do it. There are plenty of English words we can use for that like nibbles, morsels... you name it! I believe it is time we, the professional chefs in Australia, draw a line and speak up about it.

24 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 1 — 7, 2023
@eat_spanish @rubenlopezmesa
Got a cooking question you need
Any suggestions on what topic Ruben should tackle next? Get in touch with us at OCLife or with Ruben directly @rubenlopezmesa
OC Life’s favourite chef, Ruben Lopez Mesa and the association ‘Eat Spanish’ are celebrating World Tapas Day with a national contest to find the best tapa in Australia!



CANTAR WOMEN’S CHOIR meets at the Church of Christ, every Monday from 7.30pm - 9:15pm. Enquiries: Margaret 02 6369 1333.

EVERUPWARD CRAFT GROUP holds craft groups at Everupward Church, every Monday morning from 9.00am - 12.00pm.

Enquiries: Mary 02 6361 0514.

OLD TIME ACOUSTIC JAM SESSION is held at The Blind Pig Sound Lounge & Bar, last Sunday of every month from 4.00pm.

Enquiries: Kenneth 0408 619 235.

ORANGE ART SOCIETY INC. meets at the Orange Cultural Centre, every Monday from 10.00am. Enquiries: David 0407 627 092.

ORANGE CROCHET / KNITTING GROUP meets in the bistro at the Orange Ex-Services Club, every Saturday from 12.00pm - 3.00pm and every Tuesday 10.00am -12.00pm.

Enquiries: Karen 0419 616 251.

ORANGE LACEMAKERS meet at the front of the Orange Cultural Centre, each Wednesday from 1.00pm.

Enquiries: Sandy 02 6362 7938.

ORANGE MALE VOICE CHOIR meets at Orange Regional Conservatorium, every Monday from 7:15pm – 9:15pm.

Enquiries: David 02 6362 8218.

ORANGE OLD TIME DANCERS meet at the Senior Citizens & Pensioners Centre, every Tuesday from 7.00pm - 9:30pm.

Enquiries: Alan 0407 062 979.

ORANGE SOCIAL DANCE GROUP meets at the Orange City Bowling Club, every Thursday from 6.00pm. Enquiries: Audrey 02 6362 0068 or Richard 02 6361 7718.

ORANGE SPINNERS & HANDCRAFT meets at the Orange Cultural Centre, every Thursday from 10.00am - 2.00pm. Enquiries:Clivia

Frieden 0412 303 025

THE CANOBOLAS HIGHLAND PIPE BAND meets at Legacy House, every Wednesday from 7.00pm. Beginners are welcome. Enquiries: Zoe 0421 379 423.

THE COME TOGETHER CHOIR meets at the Orange Regional Conservatorium, every Tuesday from 10.00am - 12.00pm. Enquiries: Vicky 02 6361 8156 or 0424 008 350.

ORANGE COLOUR CITY LINE DANCERS meet at the Orange City Bowling Club every Monday from 5pm till 7.30pm and Wednesday from 5pm until 8pm.

CITY OF ORANGE BRASS BAND, 62-64 Endsleigh Ave, Orange. Players of all levels welcome. Enquiries: 0491 707 979. www.cityoforangebrassband.com.au


INNER WHEEL CLUB OF ORANGE meets at Duntryleague, every second Monday of the month from 1:30pm. Enquiries: Tricia 0410 600 869 or iiw.au.orange@gmail.com

THE ORANGE SUB BRANCH OF THE NAVAL ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA meets at 11am on the third Sunday of every month at the Orange RSL Enquiries: Barry 0407 259 2756 or Peter 0438 413 531 or bcynical24@bigpond. com or peter.furguson12@hotmail.com

ORANGE LIONS CLUB MEET AT DUNTRYLEAGUE Golf Club, on the second and fourth Thursday of every month from 6:30pm. Enquiries/Membership: Pat 0407 217 600

ORANGE COIN AND STAMP CLUB meets at the Orange Community Centre, on the last Tuesday of every month from 7.30pm. Enquiries: Howard 02 6362 2368 or 0427 107 554.


Meets every 4th Wednesday of the month. 10:00am to 12:00pm Duntryleague Club.

Enquires: Marlies 0418 440 512

IONIAN CLUB OF ORANGE (Women new to Orange) meets at Duntryleague, every second Thursday of the month, from 11.00am.

Enquiries: Helen 0417 749 152.

ORANGE LEGACY CLUB o ce hours are 10.00am - 3.00pm Tuesdays to Thursdays at 58 McNamara Street, Orange.

Enquiries: 02 6362 1205


Enquiries: Marg 0438 658 318

SUPERVISED PLAY from 1.00pm - 3.00pm, every Wednesday. Enquiries: Chris 02 6362 3029 or Dorothy 02 6362 8218.

ORANGE CANOBOLAS LIONS CLUB meets at Duntryleague Golf Club, on the first and third Tuesday of every month from 6:30pm

Enquiries: Lisa 0419 641 282.

ORANGE CAMERA CLUB meets on the first and third Tuesday of every month at the Senior Citizens Centre, from 7.30pm.

Enquiries: orangecameraclub@gmail.com

ORANGE EVENING VIEW CLUB meets at the Orange Ex-Services Club, on the last Thursday of the month from 6:30pm for a 7:00pm start. Enquiries: Anne 0478 124 276

ORANGE LAPIDARY & MINERAL CLUB INC meets at the Orange Cultural Society, every Wednesday from 9.00am - 12.00pm & 7.00pm - 9.00pm.

Enquiries: Kathy 0437 917 074.

ORANGE COIN AND STAMP CLUB meets at the Orange Community Centre, on the last Tuesday of every month from 7.30pm.

Enquiries: Howard 02 6362 2368.

ROTARY CLUB OF ORANGE meets at the Ambassador,every Monday from 6.00pm for dinner. Enquiries: Len 0428 459 117 or contact@rotarycluboforange.org.au.

SCRABBLE CLUB MEETS at Giyalang Ganya, Community Services Building on the first and third Sunday of each month from 2.00pm.

Enquiries: Audrey 02 6362 0068.

SOUTHERN CROSS STREET CRUISERS is a family oriented car club that would like to welcome any new enquiries for membership.

Enquiries: Jason 0431 456 889 or Mick 0427 856 427 .

THE EUCHRE CARD CLUB meets at the Orange Ex-Services Club, every Wednesday from 7:30pm.

Enquiries: 02 6362 2666.

ZONTA CLUB OF ORANGE INC. meets at Lord Anson Hotel, every second Tuesday of the month from 6.30pm.

Enquiries: Frances 0407 952 675.

ORANGE BIRD SOCIETY meets at the Senior Citizens Centre, on the third Wednesday of every month from 7:30pm.

Tony 0409 912 370 or 02 6365 8441.

THE ULYSSES CLUB OF ORANGE conducts weekly motorbike rides, leaving the Railway car-park, Peisley Street, on Wednesdays from 9.30am. Social dinners are held on the second Friday of every month.

Enquiries: Lee 0414 881 178.

ORANGE BASIC DOG OBEDIENCE meets every Sunday during school terms at Waratahs 8.45am -10am. BYO dog, lead, treats and patience. Enquiries via Orange Basic Dog Obedience Facebook page.


Meets the first Friday of every month at 11.00am. May-Sep (Orange Ex-Services Club) Oct-Apr (Local Gardens)

Enquiries: Vicki 02 6362 1257


THE AMUSU THEATRE in Manildra has regular movie screenings. The Movie Museum is open every weekend by appointment. Enquiries: Joan 0418 452 902.

THE COMMITTEE OF ADFAS ORANGE & DISTRICT holds lectures at 6:30pm once a month in the main auditorium at the Orange Regional Cons.

Enquiries: Anne 02 6361 3923.


ORANGE DISTRICT GIRL GUIDES meet at 365 Peisley Street, on a weekly basis, during School Terms. The units meet Mon - Wed from 5pm -6.30pm.

Enquiries: Yvonne 0412 736 700.


DAY takes place on the second Saturday every month at Matthews Park, Corner of Moulder Street & Anson Street, from 1pm4pm. Enquiries: Shane 0414 887 005

ORANGE STORYTIME is held at the Orange City Library, every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday during school terms from 11.00am. Storytime and Craft. Bookings are essential. Enquiries: 02 6393 8132 or library@cwl.nsw. gov.au or eventbrite.com.au.

3RD ORANGE SCOUT GROUP. Meeting dates for Joeys, Cubs, Scouts, Venturer & older ages call for details. 3 Icely Road Orange. Enquiries: Scouts NSW, 1800 SCOUTS (726887)


BLAYNEY SMOKING CESSATION CLINIC at the Blayney MPS. By appointment only. Enquiries: Pam 02 6368 9000.

CHAIR YOGA for those who can’t get on the floor, meets Mondays at the Senior Citizens & Pensioners Centre, from 10:20am for a 10.30 start, until 11:30am.

Enquiries: Kerrie 0418 235 495.

ORANGE TABLE TENNIS meets every Tuesday from 6:30pm at the Canobolas High School Recreational Hall, 142 Icely Road. Enquiries: Mark 0468 308 705.

THE O’BRIEN CENTRE at Bloomfield Hospital has activities each Thursday during school terms, from 10.00am - 2.00pm. $5.00 for the day. Enquiries: Je 0423 277 788.

TAI-CHI CLASSES Wednesdays at 6.00pm

Enquiries: Tony 0409 285 807

CENTRAL WEST MEDIATION meets second Saturday of every month at Senior Citizens Hall 8:30am - 10:00am Enquires: 02 4315 2763

TIBETAN BUDDHISM holds a teaching and meditation day the last Sunday of each month 9:30am - 3pm. Sessions are held at the Centre on Tuesdays & Thursdays from 5:30pm, at the Senior Citizens & Pensioners Centre, 77 Kite St, Orange.

Enquiries: Rose 0403 295 556.


ORANGE COIN AND STAMP FAIR is held on the first Saturday of every month at the Orange Cultural Centre.

Enquiries: Howard 02 6362 2368.

ORANGE FARMERS MARKET is on the second Saturday of every month, at Northcourt, corner of Peisley Street and March Streets (October to May), and the Naylor Pavilion, Orange Showground, Leeds Parade from (June to September). Gold coin upon entry. Enquiries: Holly 0418 654 226.

BLAYNEY ROTARY MARKET is held on the third Sunday of every month at CentrePoint Sport and Leisure Centre, Corner of Osman and Church Street, Blayney, rain, hail or shine from 8:30am.

Enquiries: rcblayney@gmail.com

COWRA COMMUNITY MARKETS is held on the third Saturday of every month at Sid Kallas Oval, from 8am until noon. Phone 0473 346 046 for more information.

CUMNOCK MARKET Is held on the third Saturday of every month from 9.00 a.m. to 12 noon at Crossroads Park Cumnock

(opposite General Store)

Enquiries: Pat Gilmour – 6367 7270


FOODCARE ORANGE is open Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday from 10.30am1.00pm and Thursday from 4.30pm - 6.00pm, at 142 March Street. Enquiries: 0447 577 884

ORANGE CAKE DECORATORS GUILD meets the second Saturday of every month at 1.00pm at the Senior Citizens & Pensioners Centre, 77 Kite Street. Enquiries: Janelle 0438 618 483 or 0427 659 194.


Tuesday & Friday from 9.00am - 12.00pm at Orange RSL Sub-Branch (next to the Orange Ex Services Club). Enquiries: (02) 6362 1735

RAILWAYS RETIREES meet the last Friday of every month, at the Orange City Bowling Club, at 12.00pm. Enquiries: Lindsay 02 6362 5959.

VIETNAM VETERANS meet every Friday from 10am - 1pm at the Orange Ex-Services Club.

Enquiries: Lindsay 02 6362 5959.

ORANGE TOASTMASTERS meets every second & fourth Monday of the month from 6:45pm for 7.00pm - 9.00pm, at the Orange Ex-Services Club. Enquiries: 0439 568 752. THE META-COACH FOUNDATION (MCF) Orange Chapter meets on the first Wednesday each month at Shop 15 / 212 Anson Street from 6.00pm - 8.00pm.

Enquiries: Shawn 0439 194 323.

ORANGE BRANCH OF RSPCA meets quarterly from 7pm at Orange City Bowling Club. All interested parties are welcome to attend. Enquiries: 02 6362 6171 or orangesupportergroup@rspcansw.org.au

ORANGE RESIDENTS AND RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION meets the first Wednesday of each month at 7pm at the Orange Ex-Services Club. Enquiries: orra2800@gmail.com


BORENORE / NASHDALE MENS’ SHED meets every Tuesday from 9.30am, at the Orange National Field Days site, Borenore. Enquiries: Max 0418 498 708.

ENVIRONMENTALLY CONCERNED CITIZENS of Orange (ECCO) meets on the 4th Wednesday of each month, 7.30pm at the Environmental Learning Facility.

Enquires: Neil 0419 224 461.

FRIENDS OF THE ORANGE BOTANIC GARDENS run a guided bird walk at the Orange Botanic Gardens, on the first Sunday of every month from 8:30am.

ORANGE WOMEN’S SHED meets three mornings a week at Riverside Centre, Forest Road, Orange. Enquiries: 0439 609 849 or orangewsinc@gmail.com

ORANGE MEN’S SHED meets every Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday from 9.30am3.00pm, now at the Lucknow shed venue.

Enquiries: Alan 0475 250 779.


SOCIETY meets the third Tuesday of every month from 7.00pm at Orange Ex-Services Club, in the Boronia Room. Enquiries: Barry 02 6362 0096 or 0427 620 096.

ORANGE & DISTRICT 40+ SOCIAL GROUP meets every Tuesday at Orange Ex-Services Club, from 7.00pm.

Enquiries: Brett 0427 462 887.

ORANGE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY meets the first Wednesday each month from 1:30pm.

Enquiries: Janet 0427 450 346.


INC. meets every Wednesday from 8:30am - 3.00pm, on the second & fourth Sunday of every month at the Old Coach House.

Enquiries: Chris 0407 129 934.

THE CENTRAL WEST AMATEUR RADIO GROUP meets on the first Sunday of each month, except for January. Due to COVID 19, we have been meeting on air. Enquiries: Garry 0413 358 037 or arcwg@hotmail.com.au.

HEARTS & HANDS - CAFE CHAT. A place to meet others & practice spoken english, meets twice a month on Mondays at St James Presbyterian Church Matthews Ave, Orange. Enquiries: Margaret 0428 835 866 or Vicky 0401 292 335


ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS ORANGE meets at the rear of Kenna Hall, 84 Hill Street, from 5.00pm Sundays, and from 7.00pm Monday & Tuesday. We also have meetings from 6.30pm - 8.00pm Thursdays at The Leisure Centre Bloomfield. Enq: Graham 0447 839 026.

AL-ANON FAMILY GROUP ORANGE meets every Monday 6.00pm - 7.00pm at St. Barnabas Church Hall. Enq: 1300 252 666. ORANGE SENIORS CITIZENS & PENSIONERS groups meet regularly. Various classes are held. Enquiries: 02 6362 6592.


SUPPORT GROUP meets fourth Wednesday each month, 10.00am - 12.00pm at Giyalang Ganya, Community Services Building. Enquiries: Bernie 0434 504 414.

RED CROSS CLUB MEETINGS currently on seasonal recess. Enquiries 0498 815 229.

ORANGE STROKE SUPPORT GROUP meets on the third Monday of every month from 10.30 am - 12.00pm at the Giyalang Ganya, Community Services Building. Please call before attending the group. Enquiries: Michelle on 1300 650 594 or info@strokensw.org.au.


Meets 3rd Tuesday of the month (Except January & December) at Cafe Connect 107 Prince Street, Orange at 6pm Enq: Ray 6362 5257 or Charlie 6361 1830

THE COMPASSIONATE FRIENDS (BEREAVED PARENTS) meet every third Thursday of the month at the Orange City Council Community Service Centre, 286 Lords Place, from 7.00pm to 8.30pm (odd mths). Every third Sunday 1.30-3.30pm, Duntryleague (even mths) Enq: Donna 0419 357 431 or Tammy 0417 482 688.



ORANGE GROW GROUP (Mental Wellbeing Programs) meets every Friday from 1pm-3pm at the Orange City Council Community Service Centre, 286 Lords Pl, Orange. Enquiries: 1800 558 268.

LIFELINE provides all Australians experiencing a personal crisis with access to online, phone and face-to-face crisis support and suicide prevention services. Enq: 13 11 14 Email: info@lifelinecentralwest.org.au.

HEADSPACE ORANGE is a youth-friendly FREE service for anyone aged between 12 and 25 years who are having a tough time. Enquiries 02 6369 9300, or email hs.orange@marathonhealth.com.au

ORANGE REGIONAL SUICIDE PREVENTION Networks, Berevement Group. Have you lost a son / daughter to suicide?. Do you need support? Enq: 02 6369 2030.

Register: Jane.Passer@health.nsw.gov.au

LIKEMIND ORANGE, STRIDE MENTAL HEALTH, 122-124 Kite Street. LikeMind is an innovative mental health service providing a ‘one-stop’ hub o ering support for all adults with mental health concerns, under one roof. No referral required. Enquiries: 02 6311 1700.

LIKEMIND ORANGE hosts a free Mindfulness group with an experienced facilitator on Mondays during school terms. 9:30am –10:45am. Enquiries: 02 6311 1700 .

OPEN ARMS & ST JOHN OF GOD HOSPITAL, RICHMOND holds a free workplace trauma PTSD support group at Legacy House, 58 McNamara St, Orange on the second Wednesday of the month from 10am – 1pm. Also a group for family members available. 0439 048 344 or sean.fitzgerald@dva.gov.au

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 1 — 7, 2023 25
club? Have
to share...
you part
an upcoming meeting you’d like



I’m working really hard on being less grumpy this week. But it is hard.

Hard, because I’m a parent in 2023 and Miss Eight has learned how to move in “Slow-mo” which has been just wonderful for our mornings. But even so, it was all going okay and I was able to keep my cool — until the absolute unthinkable happened: our coffee machine died.

Now, it was old. We’d bought it for ourselves as a moving-in present when we bought our house 12 years ago. But, we still weren’t prepared to lose such a beloved household hero right now. I mean, come on.

We went through the stages of grief. First denial, where we actually drove to the coffee repair shop in Bathurst to get it fixed. As we set our 12-year-old Breville manual machine on his counter, he asked if this was a joke. In a panic, we pretended we were seeking repairs instead of just replacing it because we are environmental activists, fighting against a throwaway society (We’re just poor). Leaving the machine with him, we drove back to Orange while working through the second stage of grief which is anger. I don’t know if you’ve driven to Bathurst recently, but it was not a fun drive in the rain, behind a cattle truck!

Bargaining is next. I’ve heard this is where you start trying to make deals with God or yourself in exchange for the life you are grieving, but by this stage, we’d been without coffee for two days and lacked the strength or cognitive ability to bargain so we slid straight into stage four: depression.

Luckily for us, winter started sometime in April and the grey, bleak coldness of this past week has been perfect for a spot of self-indulgent melancholy. So, I stare bleakly out the window into the drizzle beyond and feel incredibly sorry for myself. Unfortunately, my wallowing is interrupted by an unwelcome ray of sunlight breaking through the clouds producing a poorly timed, but stunningly beautiful rainbow.

“GO AWAY!” I shout at it. Unfortunately, my unhinged behaviour was witnessed by at least one neighbour.

I give myself one full hour of moping before moving on to the final stage of grief. This is meant to be acceptance, but instead, I chose to settle for “distracting myself with things that aren’t as good as coffee from my machine or favourite café, but I can afford and honestly, they’ll do!” My best friend helpfully points out that Woollies currently has Nescafe Tim Tam mocha sachets at half price, which cheers me up immensely… but not as much as Tuesday’s announcement of free coffee at Macca! “Get ready quickly – now slow-mo!” I announce, attempting the impossible. “We need to stop at Maccas on the way to school!”.

“Yippee!” shouts Miss Eight. “I’m getting a Big Mac.”

I decide not to tell them that all we are getting is coffee — and only for myself — once I see how quickly they magically find hats and shoes when lulled by false promises. Plus, tantrums are easier to deal with when they’re both strapped into car seats and I can turn the music up to drown out the complaints.

After coffee — glorious coffee! — and a shocking life lesson for my children about not always getting what they want served to them, I head to school drop-off.

“I can’t BELIEVE you did that” glares Miss Eight.

“That’s because you’re in denial. It’s just the first stage of grief,” I helpfully point out. “Try and work through to acceptance by pick-up time, please!”


Here we have highlights from the Orange Eagles' last home game in their Spalding Waratah Youth League campaign, where they clinched victory in an overtime thriller against Moss Vale Magic.

Playing in front of a supportive home crowd at the Orange PCYC on May 20, the Eagles were down seven points at half time, but clawed their way back to have scores level with the full-time whistle blew. Keeping their momentum going into extra time, the young Eagles took home the win 84–80 over Moss Vale. The Orange Eagles play at home again this weekend.

26 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 1 — 7, 2023


Playing at their home ground at Redmond Oval on Saturday, May 28, the Under 8s Millthorpe Growl put up a determined defence against the Cougars’ pressing attack, but it was ultimately the young Orange side that walked away with the win at full time.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 1 — 7, 2023 27
WED TO SAT 4PM-8PM 0401 072 027 Check our Facebook for the Menu 37 William Street ORANGE | Ph 6362 8611 Pauls @ CoCos DINE IN OR TAKEWAY Pizzas ~ Wings ~ Pasta ~ Chips ~ DimSim CoCo’s CAFE TRADING HOURS Monday to Friday 6.30 – 4.00pm Saturday 7am – 1pm Closed Public Holidays www.cocosorange.com.au 37 William Street ORANGE Ph 6362 8611 Delicious! Best known for their delicious fresh food burgers, coffee and yummy desserts. With both daily & weekly specials they have something to tickle your taste buds. CoCo’s offers a wide range of gluten free, home cooked meals, all day breakfast and catering available, eat in or take way. Portuguese chicken Salad wraps Poached Eggs with Avo smash and yogurt Berry muesli Black Bean Vegetable Burger with a Sweet Potato Crisp Pumpkin Fetta Tart Sweet potato fish cake with seeded pumpkin fetta salad GET OUR APP MEAL DEAL $50 2 Pizzas, Barramundi Bits & 1.25 litre Soft Drink “Where our customers are the heart of the community” See, feel and taste the freshness of our fruit and vegies... many sourced locally fruit and vegies
28 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 1 — 7, 2023 ON SALE FROM WEDNESDAY 31ST MAY UNTIL TUESDAY 6 TH JUNE 2023 Specials available from Wednesday 31/05/23 until Tuesday 06/06/23 or while stocks last. Retail quantities only. No trade supplied. We reserve the right to correct printing errors. Pictures used for illustration purposes only. IGA Liquor supports the responsible service of alcohol. Tobacco and alcohol not sold to under 18’s. 210 PEISLEY STREET, ORANGE NSW 2800 | 6362 7233 OPEN 7 DAYS: MON TO SAT 6AM-9PM | SUNDAY 7AM TO 8PM WWW.IGA.COM.AU 82 SUMMER ST, ORANGE NSW 2800 | 6362 0775 OPEN 7 DAYS: MON TO SAT 7AM-9PM | SUNDAY 8AM TO 8PM WWW.IGA.COM.AU IGANS13136_310523 Tamar Valley Kids Greek Yoghurt 110g Selected Varieties $1.32 per 100g Dine Wet Cat Food 7x85g Selected Varieties $1.01 per 100g Cheer Cheese Slices 500g Selected Varieties $19.40 per kg $970 ea SAVE $1.30 SAVE 95¢ $145 ea SAVE $3 $6 ea BEEF T-BONE STEAK Australian Serving suggestion gestion $28 kg Hot PRICE! Cadbury Medium Bar, Roll, Fry’s or Toblerone 30-60g Selected Varieties Smith’s Chips 90-170g Selected Varieties Finish Ultimate Pro Dishwasher Tabs 32-34 Pack Selected Varieties *excludes Low Price Every Day Kirks 10x375mL Selected Varieties $1.73 per Litre $650 ea SAVE $1.10 90¢ea Better than half price $24 ea 50% OFF FINISH DISHWASHING TABLETS* $240 ea Greenseas Tuna 95g Selected Varieties $13.68 per kg Pantene Pro-V Shampoo or Conditioner 375mL Selected Varieties $1.33 per 100mL M&M's, Maltesers or Skittles Bag 120-200g Selected Varieties Schmackos Strapz or Stix Value Pack 500g Selected Varieties $1.50 per 100g $250 ea $750 ea $130 ea $5 ea C B To Se



Features include; • Kids Retreat • Back to base security system • Double garage • Built-in BBQ kitchen and alfresco area overlooking the vineyard • 2 electric Davey pumps • 120 000 litre garden rainwater tank - water supply topped up from large irrigation dam • 165 000 litre rainwater tank for main homestead and additional accommodation LOFT HOUSE ACCOMMODATION
property also offers an additional income stream in its stand-alone - two-bedroom luxurious, New York style loft accommodation
Features include; • Smart TV • Philippe Cheminee wood fire • SMEG appliances + Nespresso coffee machine • Timber outdoor setting • Weber BBQ • Firepit PROPERTY OF THE WEEK BROUGHT TO YOU BY ELDERS EMMS MOONEY CHRIS MALONE t. 0401 968 447 AUCTION 23RD OF JUNE 2023 THE AUCTION CENTRE - 152 WILLIAM STREET BATHURST STEWART MURPHY t. 0427 363 118
views over Heifer Station vineyard and out to Mt Canobolas, this near new country inspired home is stunning! With exceptional finishes and amenities, the 4 spacious bedroom home features double glazed windows, ducted gas heating and reverse cycle heating/cooling, solar panels and a superb double-sided Philippe Cheminee wood fire. Enjoy views from every aspect on the large timber veranda that completes this home.
that is the perfect
away location for
& friends. With mountain and vineyard views the bespoke interiors have been lovingly styled with impeccable attention to detail, all furniture and styling is included with the sale.
30 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 1 — 7, 2023 NEW LISTING NEW LISTING NEW LISTING NEW LISTING AUCTION PRICEGUIDE $950,000-$975,000 OPEN Saturday3rdJune;1:00-1:30pm ASHBROWN0417663687 NEW LISTING Suite 7, Level 2, Centrepoint Arcade 230 Summer St, Orange PH. 6362 9560 PRICEGUIDE $680,000-$720,000 OPEN Saturday3rdJune;10:00-10:30am ASHBROWN0417663687 AGENCY ONE ORANGE 114MclachlanStreet,Orange 29AllenbyRoad,Orange 137-145MolongRoad,Orange 7MilneStreet,Orange 258ByngStreet,Orange 3 3 3 3 5 1 1 1 2 2 21 2 2 PRICEGUIDE ContactAgent OPEN Saturday3rdJune;11:30-12:00pm JENSTOJANOVIC0499261682 PRICEGUIDE ContactAgent OPEN Saturday3rdJune;1:00-1:30pm BIANCASCIUTO 0400481893 AUCTION 24/06/2023;On-siteat 02:00PM OPEN ByApointment ASHBROWN0417663687 PRICEGUIDE ContactAgent OPEN Saturday3rdJune;11:00-11:30am ASHBROWN0417663687 15DiscoveryDrive,Orange 4 22

6 Bundella Close, Molong, NSW I Prime Commercial Opportunity

A very rare opportunity exists to purchase an 1,811*sqm of commercial land complete with 924*sqm shed and office space. The 3 existing sheds/offices are all able to be run independently of each other, offering a multitude of income streams. Main shed • 713*m2 (including mezzanine) + 111*m2 of office space

• 3 separate offices fitted with split system air conditioning

• Full kitchen amenities as well as full bathroom with shower/laundry/toilet

• Mezzanine storage has load rated flooring with forklift access

Second shed • 127*m2 (including mezzanine) + 50*m2 of office space

• Lunchroom/kitchenette area + mezzanine above office/kitchen/bathroom area

Third shed • 72*m2 + 11*m2 of office space + office is fitted with air conditioning

All sheds have had new electric roller doors installed and are less than 12 months old. Situated in the CBD of Molong, this property provides plenty of parking and space for truck access and the potential for further development to the block.

Auction Friday 23rd June, 10:30am

Venue 152 William St, Bathurst

Ben Redfern 0457 770 062

Hedley Eccleston 0447 715 829 eldersem.com.au * Approx.

‘HEIFER STATION’ Orange, NSW I Escape to the Vineyard - Income, Lifestyle and Growth

• 53 ha property, including 24 ha of vines, with extra area for future planting

• Award winning tourism destination, unique wine tasting cellar door experience

• Inspired country-style homestead, plus boutique farm stay

• Further growth potential for onsite restaurant, farmstays, weddings/functions, wholesale & export wines

• Retirement dictates sale

Auction Friday 23rd June, 10:30am

Venue 152 William St, Bathurst

Stewart Murphy 0427 363 118 eldersem.com.au

* Approx.

Chris Malone 0401 968 447 Ray White Rural NSW

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 1 — 7, 2023 31


32 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 1 — 7, 2023 PH 02 6362 6966 37 SALE STREET, ORANGE WWW.WILLIAMSMACHIN.COM.AU 8 SAWYER STREET, BARRY This large 4 bedroom home is located in the village of Barry. With only a short drive to Blayney. Four generous size bedrooms, all with builtins CONTACT: TOM SHEEHAN 0414 418 232, tom@williamsmachin.com.au FOR SALE $780,000 - $820,000 • Main bedroom has ensuite • Open plan kitchen, dining and lounge room • Office space with entry internally or externally • Large 2nd lounge room/adults retreat • 2 x wood fire places • Split system reverse cycle air conditioner • Front and rear veranda • Large shed at the back • Water tanks • Dog yard • Established gardens Orange Property MARKET Stunning English-style grand country home hits the market
a pretty spectacular house,”
AWN Orange Real Estate rural selling agent Tom Campbell of the truly stunning “Waldegrave Park”. “Waldegrave Park” 37 Burns Road, Waldegrave, NSW 4–6 bedroom modern English manor house on 650 prime acres 22 km from Orange

A first-class 650-acre (263.05ha) grazing property in the productive rolling basalt hills south of Orange, “Waldegrave Park” features one of the most striking residences to hit the Orange real estate market.

Built around 1998 and last sold eight years ago, this home is a modern English country manor, set in delightful, wellmaintained grounds that even include a walled formal garden. The large two-storey stone home has 11-foot ceilings, four to six bedrooms, three bathrooms, and multiple living rooms.

“I’d challenge you to travel far and wide and find another home like that; you just don’t get too many homes like that, certainly in this part of the world,” Mr Campbell said.

Nor do properties of this size in such desirable country come to market very often, he said.

Located five kilometres from Forrest Reefs, 15 kilometres from Millthorpe, and 22 kilometres from Orange, around 70 per cent of the 263 ha are arable with productive red basalt soils, excellent stands of timber, and numerous planted tree lots. It is very well suited to a cattle and sheep grazing operation, Mr Campbell said.

“It is 650 very productive acres,” Mr Campbell said. “It is very well watered, you’ve got a couple of bores on the place, good dams, the fences are good, it is a pretty spectacular property that will hopefully attract the right clientele and achieve a good result.”

As well as the grand main residence, “Waldegrave Park” has another comfortable four-bedroom two-bathroom home on the property. Other infrastructure includes three large steel frame machinery sheds, a hayshed, steel sheepyards, substantial steel cattle yards, strong fencing with livestock laneways, and abundant water with two bores, 15 dams, creek frontage, and reliable annual rainfall.

“From an agricultural point of view, it is certainly very nice country, like any of that country in that part of the world,” Mr Campbell said.

“But in terms of the house and the grounds it is pretty spectacular and hopefully appealing to people.”

If not sold prior, “Waldegrave Park,” 37 Burns Road, Waldegrave, will go to auction on July 1, at Quest Orange, located at the corner of Kite Street and McNamara Lane.

For more information contact: Tom Campbell on 0459 022 477, or Lindsay Fryer on 0428 104 132.

AWN Orange

119 Peisley Street, Orange, NSW 2800





Street, Orange NSW 2800

EastOrangecommercialopportunitylocatedattheFiveWaysofferingexcellentbusinessexposure,forsale withvacantpossession. Highwayfrontage,B6EnterpriseCorridorzoning,with196sqmfloorspaceandon-siteandstreetparking available. Showroom,office,andboardroompotentialwithbreakoutareas,dualtoiletamenities,dualkitchenette facilities,andreversecycleair-conditioning.



A first class 650* acre property located among the rolling basalt hills south of Orange with productive basalt soils, good water, and excellent rural infrastructure.

The main residence is a modern English style homestead surrounded by an established garden and features 11* foot ceilings, 4-6 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, multiple living rooms, and 2 separate solar systems.

A second comfortable 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom brick veneer cottage is also located on the property.

Rural infrastructure includes 3 large steel frame machinery sheds, hayshed, steel sheepyards, substantial steel cattle yards, strong fencing with livestock laneways, and abundant water via 2 bores, 15 dams, creek frontage, and reliable annual rainfall.

Sub-divided into 26 paddocks and approx. 70%* arable with productive red basalt soils, excellent stands of timber, numerous planted tree lots, well suited to a cattle and sheep grazing operation, and estimated at 4 to 4.5 DSE per acre.

Set ina desirable location 5km* from ForestReefs, 15km* from Millthorpe, 22km* from Orange, 56km* from Bathurst, 254km* from Sydney, 279km* from Canberra.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 1 — 7, 2023 33
Street Orange NSW 2800 02 6362 4755 www.awn.net
Seperate entrances provide potential for dual business occupancy, and Summer St East offers convenient on-street parking. A single car detached lockable garage, and secure fenced backyard provide extra parking and storage options. Located in a developing business precinct and well suited to a range of business ventures. TomCampbell 0459022477 Contact $870,000+G.S.T Price Size 196sqm TomCampbell 0459022477 Contact 1stJuly2023-10AM TheQuest CnrKiteSt& McNamaraLn,Orange Auction Approximately * Approximately * Orange Property MARKET


The Project You Have Been Looking Forward For!

32 Maxwell Avenue, Orange NSW

3-bedroom, 1-bathroom home that exudes potential and charm, ideal for those seeking a project or a sound investment.

Featuring a sizable and impressive shed that awaits your creative vision, providing ample space for storage and/or workshop.

Situated in a desirable neighbourhood, 32 Maxwell Avenue offers you the convenience of local amenities, including schools and parks.

Whether you are a seasoned renovator or a firsttime buyer with a vision, 32 Maxwell Avenue is your canvas for a remarkable transformation.

Impressive Quality Home on Acreage AUCTION


The Perfect Family Haven SALE

56 Centennial Crescent, Orange NSW

Large approx. 3000sqm block of land with plenty of space for outdoor activities and gardening.

Spacious 4-bedroom house with multiple living areas and ample natural light.

Modern kitchen with stainless steel appliances, gas cooktop, and ample storage space.

Three modern bathrooms, including a main bathroom with a separate shower and bathtub, and an ensuite in the master bedroom.

Built-in wardrobes in all bedrooms, providing ample storage space.

Ducted air conditioning throughout the house for year-round comfort.

Ducted vacuum system throughout.

James Taylor

Contact Agent 0457 792 800

Jemma Bridge 0409 846 146

Ray White Townsend Real Estate raywhitetre.com

44 Strachan Road, Orange NSW 15km* to Orange, 7km* to Millthorpe, 47km* to Bathurst and 250km* to Sydney.

4 bedrooms, all of generous proportions and built in wardrobes, master with walk in and ensuite

Two modern bathrooms, with a practical floor plan completed with quality fixtures and fittings including a freestanding bath with epic rural views.

The modern and well appointed gourmet kitchen is ideal for the eager cook and is highlighted with high quality Smeg appliances wanted in any new home and plenty of storage. The servery window is something you didn’t know you needed, but it’s the walk in pantry that will certainly delight most.




Contact Agent 0428 747 050

Kurt Adams

James Taylor 0457 792 800

Ray White Townsend Real Estate raywhitetre.com

28 Olympic Drive, Orange NSW

The interior boasts an open and airy floor plan, with plenty of natural light flooding the space. The large living room provides a great space for family movie nights, or morning coffee looking out to the uninterrupted view of Mount Canobolas. The kitchen is a chef's dream, with gas cooking, plenty of counter space and ample storage, It is perfect for preparing delicious meals for large gatherings or intimate family dinners. The bedrooms are generously sized and offer plenty of storage space for all of your belongings. The master bedroom is a true retreat, complete with a generous sized ensuite and a large walk-in robe.

Emma Chapman

Friday 23rd June 23 Orange, NSW 0423 658 101

Kurt Adams 0428 747 050

Ray White Townsend Real Estate raywhitetre.com

Spacious Entertainer's Home in Great Location


Contact Agent 0431 320 230

Nora McNamara

Ray White Townsend

Real Estate raywhitetre.com

34 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 1 — 7, 2023
203 Lords Place, Orange NSW raywhitetre.com 02 6362 4016
Ray White Townsend


Move In Ready

109 Lone Pine Avenue, Orange NSW

This fantastic four-bedroom home is in a convenient location near schools, parks and shops, perfect for families or investors looking for space, comfort, and convenience.

As you step inside, you'll be greeted by a warm and inviting atmosphere, new carpet, and a fresh coat of paint.

The living room is perfect for relaxing or entertaining guests, with a reverse cycle air conditioner and plenty of space for seating.

The kitchen is complete with electric cooking and ample space with the dining area ideal for family meals, and easy access to the backyard.

Other features of this home include a large garage

Build Your Dream Home! SALE

115 Clearview Crescent, Orange NSW

10 Acres of Serene Countryside SALE

28 Floods Lane, Canowindra NSW

Escape the hustle and bustle of the city and experience the tranquility of 10 acres and a picturesque countryside.

The cabin features two bedrooms, a cosy living room with a wood fireplace and a sliding door that opens up to the large, covered deck providing stunning views of the surrounding landscape.

The property also includes 7kw Solar panels and two batteries with 20 kw worth of storage. This property is ideal for those seeking a private and peaceful retreat, yet still close to amenities. It's located just a short drive from shops, restaurants, and other conveniences, making it the perfect blend of country living and modern convenience.



Emma Chapman

$420,000 - $450,000 0423 658 101

Ray White Townsend

Real Estate raywhitetre.com

A fantastic opportunity to create your dream home on this spacious vacant block of land measuring 755sqm.

This property is situated in a quiet street surrounded by other quality homes and offers a peaceful and private setting.

With a generous frontage of approximately 20 meters, this property allows for multiple design options and ample space for parking.

This property represents a rare opportunity to secure a large parcel of land in a highly soughtafter location. Don't miss out on the chance to build your dream home in this idyllic setting.

Rural SALE

Superb Home on Quality Acreage

'Tralee' 487 Stapletons Road, Boomey NSW

Contact Agent James Taylor 0457 792 800 Ray White Townsend Real Estate raywhitetre.com


Contact Agent Emma Chapman 0423 658 101

Ray White Townsend Real Estate raywhitetre.com

Situated 19 kilometres North of Molong and 48 kilometres North-West of the City of Orange and just over four hours' drive from Sydney.

A 30-minute drive gets you Stuart Town and Mookerawa Reserve fronting Burrendong Dam and Dubbo is just over an hour to the North-West. The residence has only just been extensively renovated and remodeled and now features the possibility of three, four or five bedrooms.

"Tralee" is exceptionally well watered with over 100,000 litres of rainwater storage, riparian rights from the 600 metre frontage to the Bell River, two dams plus a stock & domestic bore.

The Bell River is stunning stream and is considered as good a permanent watercourse that you'll find anywhere on the Central Tablelands.


$1,700,000$1,750,000 0427 631 957

Stephen Townsend

Ray White Townsend Real Estate raywhitetre.com

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 1 — 7, 2023 35 Ray White Townsend Real Estate 203 Lords Place, Orange NSW raywhitetre.com 02 6362 4016


154 Sieben Drive Orange

412 a b c a b c a b c

FOR SALE $710,000

Great home in popular Bel Air

Positioned in the sought after area, close to childcare, sporting fields and playgrounds, this four bedroom, 1 bathroom home boasts easy living in Bel Air. Its established gardens offer both green spaces and privacy. Boasting a large block whose exterior space is split on two levels, there’s room for a caravan, or extra space for the kids and then more options on the elevated level with its established screened plantings. Freshly renovated, the brand new kitchen is stylish with a generous island bench and sleek new cabinetry. Its combination with a large family room makes this a very attractive area.


This lovely home is situated on a generous 2023sqm block in the lovely village of Euchareena which is approximately 30 minutes to the main centre of Orange and around a 20 minute drive to Molong. The spacious home has four good-sized bedrooms all with built ins while you will adore the upstairs parents’ retreat with ensuite, walk in robe and balcony where you can relax and enjoy the peaceful surroundings. A lovely al fresco area gives you plenty of options for entertaining while the huge backyard has shady and established plantings.

3 Agate Street Orange

521 a b c a b c a b c

FOR SALE $860,000

Five bright and beautiful bedrooms in North Orange

Within an easy drive of Bunnings, North Orange Shops, The Botanic Gardens, the Adventure Playground and Waratah sporting grounds. This lovely home has been designed with livability in mind. The pleasing neutral palette and nine foot ceilings emphasize the light and airy feel of this lovely home. Offering plenty of space , this generous home includes a formal lounge/dining room adjoining the lightfilled foyer. which could also be used as a media room.

SATURDAY 11.00 - 11.30am

170 Farnham Road Farnham

Where Can You Get 208 Acres for $750,000 with a House & 100% Grazing property ?

This two bedroom home is situated on 208* acres of undulating land suitable for mixed grazing. Watered by a creek and two good-sized dams, the property is well-fenced and secure. Situated in a quiet and private location, it offers the capacity to return income as a grazing block. Less than 10 minutes from Stuart Town. The property is a short drive to the recreational features of Lake Mookerawa. An approximate 4o-minute drive to Orange, this farmhouse is perfect for those looking for a peaceful and secluded living space while still being less than an hour’s drive from Orange. The property is also around 45 minutes from Lake Burrendong with its myriad water activities including skiing and fishing and is around 30 minutes to Wellington.


311 a b c a b c a b c

FOR LEASE $460pw

This tidy three-bedroom home has been renovated with a modern kitchen with stainless steel appliances, fresh paint throughout, and a large garage with workshop space along with a carport. It also features a lovely, updated bathroom with separate toilet. Gas heating, air conditioning and ceiling fans guarantee your comfort. Provate and secure back yard also add to its appeal. Available June 3rd.

131 Nashdale Lane

522 a b c a b c a b c

FOR LEASE $1,300pw

Rare Opportunity to Lease Dress Circle Property at Nashdale Executive Cottage

This beautiful 5 bedroom, 2.5 bath homestead comes fully furnished with the option of leasing the house only or the two bedroom cottage also fully and tastefully furnished. Set on approximately 50 acres of carefully manicured gardens and picturesque, landscaped garden plantings, this amazing property will delight you with its spectacular views and seclusion yet proximity to Orange.

131 Nashdale Lane

21 a b c a b c a b c

FOR LEASE $550pw

Fully Furnished, Tastefully Renovated Executive Cottage

Private and secluded, this delightful cottage boasts uninterrupted views of the surrounding countryside. Set within a large property, this lovely home has been tastefully updated to complement the polished floorboards and take advantage of the open countryside. Featuring two good sized bedrooms with storage, a modern kitchen with dishwasher, breakfast bar and open plan living, this cottage is perfect for those seeking a secluded way of life that is only 7kms from Orange’s CBD.

36 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 1 — 7, 2023
10.30 - 11.00am OPEN HOUSE
OWNER COMMITTED ELSEWHERE Ph 0428 650 675 Address 24 Sale Street, Orange scottmunro.ljhooker.com.au Email scott.munro@ljhooker.com.au website ww.orange.ljhooker.com.au FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED
LJ Hooker’s inspections and subsequent reports are of a high standard and very thorough also.
c a b c a b c
FOR SALE $750,000 311 a b
Spacious family home in Euchareena Euchareena, NSW NEW PRICE CONTACT AGENT 422 a b c a b c a b c
New Rental
Glenroi Avenue Orange

needs a bit more space.

This elevated block offers views and is positioned to capture the sun and summer breezes. Just a short drive to the North Orange Shopping Precinct, the Botanic Gardens and the Orange Adventure Playground. $390,000


Located in a popular walk-through arcade.

Ideal for small office , retail or hair /beauty salon

Plentiful natural light and reverse cycle air conditioning. Floor area: 34m2



Refurbished with new carpets and freshly painted throughout, this home is located in a quiet small street within easy walking distance to the new Department of Primary Industries complex and very handy to the CBD of Orange too. The living areas include a separate lounge room and an open plan kitchen/dining room both with electric heating, as well as a North facing sunroom with separate outside access. There are three good sized bedrooms and all have built-in wardrobes.


ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 1 — 7, 2023 37 COMMERCIAL FOR LEASE FOR SALE 217 DALTON STREET FOUR BEDROOM HOME WITH GREAT POTENTIAL Just listed on the market so don’t miss out on the opportunity here. This neat clad home set on a huge 1,492 m2 block and is waiting for new Owners to renovate and make it theirs or for developers to take advantage of the land size (subject to Council approval). A large four car garage (6m x 12m) would be ideal for the hobbyist or for the car enthusiast alike. The location is close to Primary Schools and the Alpine Shopping Centre is an easy walk if you need to grab some milk, take away food or a haircut. $700,000 RESIDENTIAL FOR LEASE IF YOU WOULD LIKE YOUR PROPERTY DEAL WITH THE LOCALS WITH LONG EXPERIENCE IN REAL ESTATE – NO SALE NO COST ! CALL NOW, CHRIS 0417 626 361 A new development consisting of two and three bedroom villa units and town houses. Designed for your security and peace of mind. A heated indoor communal swimming pool for your enjoyment. NOW SELLING ‘KINROSS MEWS’ 99 BATHURST ROAD, ORANGE A BETTER LIFESTYLE AWAITS YOU HERE IN THIS NEW GATED COMPLEX OPEN HOUSE SAT 3RD JUNE 12.00pm - 1.00pm OPEN HOUSE SAT 3RD JUNE 11.00am - 11.30am COMMERCIAL FOR LEASE RENT: $27,000 P.A. + GST A pleasant light and airy premises consisting of three separate offices plus a large open plan reception/ working area. Separate kitchen/staff room with your own private bathroom amenities . Very handy location with views over Robinson Park. FIRST FLOOR OFFICE SPACE – VERY CENTRAL FOR SALE A LARGE BUILDING BLOCK WITH A LOVELY OUTLOOK Located in the popular Northern Gardens Estate this 871.5 m2 block would be ideal if you’re looking for a lifestyle that



A Versatile Floor Plan for Modern Living

A home in a desirable location with space for the whole family on a large block? Look no further than this spectacularly spacious home on 1148 square metres, superbly located in a quiet cul-de-sac. Featuring a flexible floorplan, the home can be turned into whatever you wish. Contact:

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Millthorpe Cottage

Set in the vibrant community of Millthorpe and perfectly positioned behind a charming cottage garden, there is so much to love about this sweet cottage. Dressed in a muted grey colour scheme and plantation shutters, this meticulously maintained home has a lovely feel from the moment you walk into it.

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Price Guide: $539,000-$569,000

Grand Design, Grand Proportions

This impressive home is set on 2621m2 of beautifully private manicured grounds with outstanding district views. For those luxurious lifestyle lovers searching for a relaxing retreat, this beautifully maintained home, in the premier Wentworth Estate, might just be it. If you’ve been looking for a really special home the wait is over.

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Price: Contact Agent

Surprisingly Spacious

This surprisingly spacious unit is a rare find with a simple and practical layout plus three bedrooms and two bathrooms. With a living and dining area that can easily be zoned into usable spaces and wellappointed kitchen, this would make a lovely first home or retirement option or a good investment. Contact:

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38 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 1 — 7, 2023
Michael Wright 0421 360 948
Contact: Adam Savage 0419 232 416
Contact: Michael Wright 0421 360 948
Jacob Evans 0428 130 789
$620,000 321
9/211 HILL

Quiet Street, Spacious Yard, Cosy 3 Bedroom Home

If you are looking for your first family home or fantastic investment opportunity, look no further than this home that offers a balanced blend of comfort and convenience. Located in a quiet cul-de-sac, not far from the amenities of North Orange, you’ll love the north facing lounge room and big backyard.

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Nestled in a quiet cul-de-sac this home is not to be looked past if you are looking for an investment, first home or downsizer. With three bedrooms, north facing lounge and terrific pergola and yard, this is a terrific opportunity to buy into the market at an affordable price point.

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4 bedroom, 2 bathroom renovated – under $650,000!

Renovated and ready to live in, the work has all been done with a lovely new kitchen and tastefully renovated bathrooms. Located in the Calare area within a few minutes’ walk to nearby schools - this home is the perfect property for a young family to move straight in and enjoy.

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Sun Trap

In a superb location, nestled at the end of the cul-de-sac, this generous home is perfect for the large family. You’ll be blown away by the multiple living zones and enjoy the wonderful inside/ outside living partitioned perfectly by the north-facing sunroom extending to the al fresco area and private backyard beyond.

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ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 1 — 7, 2023 39
A Great Start in a Quiet Cul-de-sac
Contact: Michael Wright 0421 360 948
Guide: $580,000-$600,000 312
Contact: Chris Mason 0438 629 417 Price: $669,000 312 36 COOMBES PLACE 39 SALE STREET, ORANGE | 6363 1000 | PFISHER.COM.AU
Contact: Michael Wright 0421 360 948 Price Guide: $599,000-$620,000 421 5 WARATAH AVENUE NEW LISTING NEW LISTING
Contact: Michael Wright 0421 360 948 Price: $769,000 422



A Beautiful Lifestyle Awaits

Situated in the blue-ribbon location of Borenore, this sensational seven-acre property is just 10 minutes from Orange. The home sits pretty as a picture, elevated with rolling views back towards Mt Canobolas and the acreage borders two travelling stock reserves. It’s rare such opportunities arrive within this price-point.

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33 North Street

Contact: Michael Wright 0421 360 948

Price Guide: $1,050,000-$1,150,000

Price: $399,000

Versatile in Nature

This is a great home with a flexible floorplan giving space, functionality and potential in one neat package. The layout allows for versatility to adapt to the nature of your lifestyle, ensuring there is ample space for everyone whether a growing family, a couple or an individual. Endless possibilities are on offer.

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Contact: Chris Mason 0438 629 417

Price: $529,000

Nice Home, Great Shed

Contact: Jacob Evans 0428 130 789 221

This home, with its tastefully updated kitchen and bathroom, is perfect for a first home buyer or investor. The big jobs inside have been done and the block is a very manageable 493 sqm in size. The backyard has a great shed with a covered patio area offering a shady spot to sit in summer.

12 Smith Street Molong Price: $599,000


Escape the Hustle and Bustle

“Ryedale” is a gorgeous character-filled home on a beautiful wide block in the heart of Spring Hill. This home is so pretty and has so much to offer someone wanting the peace and tranquillity of village living. You can truly make this your own hideaway from the hustle and bustle of life.

Premium West Orange Land

Are you looking for the perfect location to build your dream home? Look no further than this stunning vacant block located in beautiful West Orange. With an expansive area of 2,752 sqm, this elevated new development boasts breathtaking 360-degree views over Orange and the surrounding areas. Make your dreams a reality!


Spring Street Price: $699,000 Contact: Jacob Evans 0428 130 789

Plenty of Potential

170 Spring Vale Lane, Molong

Contact: Jacob Evans 0428 130 789

This property is, in a word, stunning. You will feel like you’re in your own slice of paradise in this gorgeous home surrounded by garden, bushland and farmlands. The views are spectacular and you will never tire of the peace and serenity that comes hand in hand with a property like this.

40 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 1 — 7, 2023
10 Lucknow Street, Spring Hill
Price: $750,000 Contact: Jacob Evans 0428 130 789 32
Kanzi Close
Chris Mason
Price: $749,000 Contact:
0438 629 417
This traditional brick bungalow with many original features, including timber floors, fireplace, high ceilings and decorative cornices, offers plenty of potential to make a sweet and cosy home for someone. With some planning and hard work, it would be possible to achieve an appealing blend of new and old. 3 1.5 0
Plenty of Potential
3 1.5 0
Price Guide:
Immaculate Inside and Out
You would be hard pressed to find a home more immaculate than this one. Set on a 930 sqm block in a quiet street, this attractive brick home with a fantastic three bay shed is a real winner. All you have to do is move in and enjoy.
Jacob Evans 0428 130 789

Come and See it For Yourself

Contact: Jacob Evans 0428 130 789 Price: $979,000 4 2.5 2 16 PANPANDE CRESCENT

43 Maxwell Avenue Price: $449,000 Contact: Michael Wright 0421 360 948 311

Spick and Span


Large Block Ready for Building

If you have been waiting for the right block, in a rural setting, to build on, then this may be just what you are looking for. Set on the fringe of Cudal, this block is a very generous 2400sqm, allowing plenty of room for your dream home with plenty of space for extra sheds and extensive gardens.

Do You Love to Entertain?

Contact: Michael Wright 0421 360 948 Price: $639,000 221 6 MESSINA STREET

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105 Forbes Road Price Guide: $595,000-$625,000 Contact: Jacob Evans 0428 130 789 321



what a home should feel like. Perfect for a large family or entertaining it really is something very special.


Price Guide: $220,000-$240,000 Contact: Adam Savage 0419 232 416

1564 Lower Lewis Ponds Road Price: $499,000 Contact: Jacob Evans 0428 130 789

Ready to Build on Now

The Countryside is Calling

8 Merga Street, Cudal
Jacob Evans
Price Guide: $140,000 - $150,000 Contact:
0428 130 789
53 South Street, Molong Contact Agent Contact: Jacob Evans 0428 130 789 422
Here’s an affordable 744m2 block of land in an established culde-sac that’s ready to start building on now. Capitalise on the views over Orange and towards Mt Canobolas. Full services available including power, water & sewer. There are few blocks available in Orange in this price range so get your plans ready. Orchard Grove Road
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Located in one of Orange’s most popular areas, this huge house is all about the flexible space it offers. This home has character about it from its unique façade to the features included inside. This home is hard to put into words, you really must see it for yourself.
As the weather cools, homes like this that offer a north-eastern suntrap in the main living areas are in high demand. So much roomier then most two-bedders and with a private, low maintenance yard this lovely home is perfect for the first home buyer, investor or downsizer.
Here is a wonderful opportunity to own a very neat and tidy house with two living areas for under $500,000. You’ll love that is freshly painted with new carpet and a brand new kitchen. It’s bound to get a lot of interest at this price – inspections are easily arranged.
This neatly packaged house is sure to delight the first time buyer, downsizer or investors alike. It is packed full of features for its size and being set in a great school zone in a sought after area you really can’t go wrong with a property like this.
Just 20 km from Orange, increasingly rare parcels of land like this are seldom on offer. Set amongst the rolling hills of the area and just a hop, skip and a jump from Lewis Ponds Creek, this 5 acre block with building permission is ready for your new home.
42 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 1 — 7, 2023 39 SALE STREET, ORANGE | 6363 1000 | PFISHER.COM.AU PETER FISHER Property Management TEAM Our goal is to maximise your return through: 3 Expert knowledge 3 A proactive approach 3 Strong communication 3 Comprehensive marketing campaign 3 Problem solving 3 Continuous improvement 3 Streamlined processes using specialised technology 3 Dedication to maximising your asset We believe that experience, knowledge and communication are the most important elements of successfully managing an investment property. Our philosophy is simple: To look after your property as if it were our own For a list of available rental properties scan here: 6363 1000 Orange Property MARKET Double brick, fully renovated, three blocks from the CBD! Whether you are a buyer looking for a new home or an investment property, this beautiful three-bedroom double brick home just three blocks from the CBD ticks all the right boxes!

Fully restored throughout, this double brick home o ers a blend of timeless appeal with modern comfort. It features bluestone foundations, original polished floorboards with parquetry inlays, and high ceilings throughout.

The combined kitchen and dining area includes an island breakfast bar, gas cooktop and quality modern appliances.

The home has gas heating and a reverse cycle air conditioner, plus there’s a wood combustion fire for a cosy ambience on those cool winter nights.

And you are bound to love the light-filled living room at the rear of the home which flows through French doors to the covered deck and established gardens.

“I feel like this is what a lot of our buyers are asking for, week to week,” says One Agency Orange director, Ash Brown.

“Double brick, close to town, fully renovated, good shed out the back — It’s one of those that ticks all those boxes and it’s not going to break the bank.”

The three bedrooms are all of a good size and there is a fullsized bath in one of the two bathrooms.

“To get two bathrooms is a bonus as well,” Ash said, adding that it is not always the case in properties of this age.

“And we’re finding that the B&B clients when they come up from Sydney to stay in these double bricks over the weekend are looking for two bathrooms because usually it’s two or three couples staying. So it’s appealing to the investors as well for B&Bs.

“We certainly have had a lot of investors look at it in the short time we’ve had it on, and they’re thinking this is perfect for B&B accommodation.”

For more information, contact Ash Brown at One Agency Orange on 0417 663 687.




• Heavy basalt soils

• High carrying capacity – estimate 5 (DSE)

• Potential for Grapes. (Close to an established award-winning vineyard)

• Extensive views to Mount Canobalas and the Wellington Ranges

• Good timber coverage in small cluster ideal for stock shading Pasture coverage exceptional Well-watered by four dams

• Power poles on-site along frontage perimeter 960 metre road frontage heightening possible subdivision potential (STCA)

Under 10km from the CBD of Orange, schools and retail

• Many areas around the property ideal for a housing envelope

For more information contact Gary Blowes 0418 635 248 or Margaret Longhurst 0499 013 427

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 1 — 7, 2023 43 AUCTION Cornerblockwith2xroadaccesses Landareaapprox.1,406Ha,buildingareaapprox.1,620m² 2gantrycranes ZonedGeneralIndustrial OfferedwithVacantPossession Formoreinformationorforaninspection,contactGaryBlowes 0418635248|gary@blowesre.com.au Celebrating50yearsinrealestatein2022 CnrLordsPlandKiteSt,Orange 0263621233 2-4ASHSTREET,ORANGE Auctiononsite11am23/02/2022 BLOWESRE.COM.AU cnr lords place + kite street
Celebrating over 50 years in real estate
02 6362 1233
Orange Property MARKET
272 Kangaroobie Lane

CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590


This is a regretful sale for the owners of this lovely three bedroom cottage, they have put so much into the property and have plans drawn up for an extension and then had to move to another city.

For sale is one of the original Westlea properties on a huge 904sqm (approx.) block of land, close to the town centre, Duntryleague and in the popular Orange

High school zone.

• 3 Large bedrooms, large lounge/family room, dining room, raised deck at rear of house

• Ducted gas heating throughout,

6.25KW (16 Panels) solar panels, A/C split system

• New Colorbond gutters and fascia’s, major electrical and plumbing upgrade

CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590


This lovely property has the classic late Federation/Inter-war facade and features 3 bedrooms all with pressed metal ceilings along with the hallway and formal lounge room. It has just had a full re-paint internally with light modern colours and looks nice and fresh. You will love the eat in kitchen and the rear extension featuring the second living area, as well as the federation style bathroom with a great claw foot bath plus shower.

Only 800m to the CBD and surrounded by similar lovely homes on an approx 613sqm block, don’t miss your opportunity on this one!

CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590


• 3 bedrooms, master with walk in robe and ensuite, others with built in robes

• All bedrooms have external remote controlled Block out shutters

• Large open plan kitchen/dining/family room which opens onto outdoor alfresco

• Well designed kitchen with dishwasher, corner pantry, breakfast bar and more

• Double garage with access into home, 3 way bathroom with bath and shower

• Ducted heating and cooling throughout, garden shed, tidy manageable yard

• Amazing views across the water to Waratahs, suit investor or buy and call it home

3rd 10.30am -


This beautifully presented property in lovely Millthorpe is a must to inspect. Located in a quiet street and only 280m from the centre of town, this property oozes style and character. The 920mm doors throughout make it disabled friendly, with access through the rear. There are plantation shutters throughout as well as ducted heating and cooling, plus both bathrooms boast underfloor heating. There is also a pull-down ladder to the loft in the ceiling for extra storage. The 5kw solar panels on roof, established gardens and studio at rear of garage just add that extra touch.


If you want central, and you want classy, then this could be the property you are looking for. This lovely property has been well maintained by the owner and presents beautifully. Currently run as an Airbnb, it is showing a good return and would also be a great property for you to call home. From the great facade to the polished floorboards and period features there is a lot to love about this home.

• Three bedrooms, good size living area, light and airy

• Great street appeal, established gardens front and rear

• Combined kitchen and dining, classy bathroom and ducted heating

• All furniture and appliances can be purchased with the property

The Mountain Tea House FOR LEASE

CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590


Here is your opportunity to lease your own café located at the base of beautiful Mt Canobolas, one of the most visited sites in the Central West.

The owners are prepared to offer generous rent incentives to energetic people to assist in establishing a viable business. Almost everything is available to walk in and start your new venture.

The Mountain Tea House seats approximately 65 inside and 65 outside and has in the past been a very popular place to visit in a tranquil setting and enjoy a meal or coffee and cake. Now that the top of the mountain has been sealed and upgraded, the visitor numbers have increased and a smart new operator can benefit from this.

Cornerblockwith2xroadaccesses Landareaapprox.1,406Ha,buildingareaapprox.1,620m² 2gantrycranes

Cornerblockwith2xroadaccesses Landareaapprox.1,406Ha,buildingareaapprox.1,620m² 2gantrycranes

ZonedGeneralIndustrial OfferedwithVacantPossession

Formoreinformationorforaninspection,contactGaryBlowes 0418635248|gary@blowesre.com.au


Celebrating50yearsinrealestatein2022 CnrLordsPlandKiteSt,Orange 0263621233 2-4ASHSTREET,ORANGE Auctiononsite11am23/02/2022 BLOWESRE.COM.AU cnr lords place + kite street 02 6362 1233 AUCTION
Celebrating50yearsinrealestatein2022 CnrLordsPlandKiteSt,Orange 0263621233 2-4ASHSTREET,ORANGE Auctiononsite11am23/02/2022 BLOWESRE.COM.AU cnr lords place + kite street 02 6362 1233 GARY BLOWES Director 0418 635 248 Commercial Sales + Leasing CHRIS TYACK 0438 258 590 Residential Sales Manager MARG LONGHURST 0499 013 427 Sales Co-ordinator SHARISSA GILL 0477 063 857 Property Manager ABIGAIL PALMER 6362 1233 Office Manager CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590 17 alkira way, orange $719,000 3 1 2
ZonedGeneralIndustrial OfferedwithVacantPossession Formoreinformationorforaninspection,contactGaryBlowes
258 590 137 edward street,
3 1 1 OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY 3rd 11.30am - 12.00pm
Tyack 0438
orange $749,000
3 2 2
29 Pilcher St, Millthorpe $1,095,000
3 1 1
318 lords place, orange $799,000 - $849,000
11.00am OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY 3rd 9.30am - 10.00am
9 bella vista, orange $669,000

Same low rates for owner-occupiers and investors.

Orange Credit Union offers the same low home loan rates for both investors and owneroccupiers so customers won’t be penalised with higher interest if they choose to rent out your property instead of living in it.

As a customer-owned bank, Orange Credit Union has a long, proud history of backing locals and this also extends to backing valued, loyal customers in times when they need it most, by putting profits back into products and services, including reducing interest rates.

OCU are excited to announce the reduction in interest rates across all fixed rate products, as well as Essential Low, Base Variable and Standard Variable products.

Interest rate changes can affect every household differently and budgets need to be adjusted and rebalanced along with the market. The days of staying with a mortgage provider for 25 years is no longer a reality for many home buyers and personal circumstances can change.

It’s important to explore the many options available such as mortgage offset, regular repayments, no fees for early repayments, no ongoing fees, considering split or fixed rate loans for repayment which could save thousands over time. Customers can use the online mortgage repayment calculator to see how adjusting their loan amount,

term or interest rate will impact them or help pay off their loan sooner.

To reward savvy savers, Orange Credit Union has also increased rates across savings accounts including Online Saver and Bonus Saver accounts, and the new Wealth Builder Term Deposit has one of the highest returns in the market at 4.75% for 12 months.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 1 — 7, 2023 45 Orange Property MARKET
To view the latest banking and borrowing interest rates, go to orangecu.com.au Talk to Team Orange today on 6362 4466 to arrange a ‘Home Loan Health Check’.



for more details on these great properties scan the qr code

for more details on these great properties scan the qr code to go directly to our website

46 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 1 — 7, 2023
10:00-10:30 114 McLachlan Street 3 1 2 $680,000 - $720,000 11:00-11:30 258 Byng Street 3 2 1 Contact Agent 12:00-12:30 2/29A McLachlan Street 3 2 1 Contact Agent 1:00-1:30 7 Milne Street 5 2 2 $950,000 - $975,000 10:00-10:30 22 Nile Street 2 1 1 Contact Agent 10:45-11:15 136 Edward Street 4 1 - $600,000 11:30-12:00 15 Discovery Drive 4 2 2 Contact Agent 11:30-12:00 1/25 Hughes Street 4 2 3 $1,200,000 - $1,300,000 12:15-12:45 Kanzi Close - Vacant Blocks - - - Contact Agent 1:00-1:30 29 Allenby Road, Orange 3 1 2 Contact Agent 9.30-10.00 14 Mahogany Court 2 2 1 $590,000.00 - $619,000.00 10-10.30 185 Clinton Street 3 1 1 $ 589,000.00 10.15-10.45 1 Etna Street 3 1 1 $ 660,000.00 10.45-11.15 39 Kurim Avenue 3 1 1 $ 399,000.00 11.00-11.30 11 Cianfrano Place 4 1 2 $700,000 - $735,000 11.30-12.00 3 Lyrebird Place 4 2 2 $770,000 - $790,000 11.45-12.15 129 Gardiner Road 3 2 1 AUCTION 9.30-10.00 43 Maxwell Avenue 3 1 1 $449,000 9.30-10.00 7A Garnet Street 3 2 2 $709,000-$729,000 10.15-10.45 68 Orchard Grove Road 4 1 1 $529,000 10.15-10.45 6 Messina Street 2 2 1 $639,000 11.00-11.30 5 Georgian Place 4 2 2 $769,000 11.00-11.30 5 Waratah Avenue 4 2 1 $599,000-$620,000 11.45-12.15 20 Lyrebird Place 4 2 2 $789,000-$829,000 12.00-12.30 16 Boomerang Rd, Millthorpe 2 1 0 $539,000-$569,000 11.30 - 12.00 3 Agate Street 5 2 2 $860,000 10.30 - 11.00 154 Sieben Drive 4 1 2 $710,00 12.00 - 1.00 99 Bathurst Road Contact Agent 11.00 - 11.30 217 Dalton Street 4 2 4 $700,000 11.30 - 12.00 137 Edward Street 3 1 1 $749,000 9.30 - 10.00 17 Alkira Way 3 1 2 $719,000 10.30 - 11.00 9 Bella Vista 3 2 2 $669,000 11.00 - 11.30 28 Olympic Drive 4 2 2 Contact Agent 11.30 - 12.00 15 Raphael St, Blayney 4 1 2 AUCTION 10.00 - 10.30 44 Strachan Rd Springhill 4 2 2 AUCTION 1.00 - 1.30 54 Hill Street, Molong 3 1 2 Contact Agent Ray White Townsend Real Estate 203 Lords Place, Orange NSW raywhitetre.com 02 6362 4016 Ray White Townsend Real Estate 203 Lords Place, Orange NSW raywhitetre.com 02 6362 4016

Special event screenings at Odeon 5 this June!


Monday, June 12


Thursday, June 8

Senior's Movie Morning returns 10.30am Thursday, June 8, with the choice of watching one of two films that will be screened simultaneously. Choose to watch either the British drama, Living, starring Bill Nighy or the hilarious comedy, 80 for Brady.

Stick around after the movie and enjoy wraps, cake, tea and coffee for just $15.


Saturday and Sunday, June 10–11

A star-studded concert celebrating the legendary Willie Nelson’s 90th Birthday recorded Live at The Hollywood Bowl on April 27–28, 2023.

Watch one of the biggest music events of the year, featuring once-in-a-lifetime performances and unforgettable collaborations. Screening at the Odeon 5 on Saturday, June 10, and Sunday, June 11!

This heartwarming documentary tells the story of a Warlpiri woman, Audrey, and her Sicilian partner Santo as they navigate through colonial systems to keep the children they care for together. The intimate footage filmed over 10 years in Mparntwe (Alice Springs), Yuendumu and Audrey’s Warlpiri country Mount Theo, showcases a heartwarming story about the power of kinship and family in what is known as Australia.

This is a demand screening, which requires that enough seats are presold by the deadline (Friday, June 2) to confirm the screening will proceed If there are not enough tickets sold, the screening is cancelled and no one is charged. (Only three tickets were needed to confirm the screening at time of printing)

Tickets are not available from the Odeon 5 box office and must be purchased by visiting au.demand.film

Community choirs

”Rise Up” for flood relief

Putting the turbulent years of the pandemic behind them, the Orange Male Voice Choir and Cantar Community Choir are coming together in song to raise funds for those impacted by flooding in the Central West.

Largely inactive these past few years due to the COVID-19 pandemic, both choirs are finally getting back on their feet and have decided to do what they can to help raise money for victims of last year’s devastating floods across the Central West.

This Sunday, June 4, the Orange Male Voice Choir and Cantar Community Choir will give a combined

performance at the Orange City Bowling Club, titled “Rise Up”, with all proceeds going to assist flood victims.

The two choirs will perform separately, before combining to sing a beautiful and varied program; a highlight being a medley of hits by The Seekers — a tribute to the late and much beloved Judith Durham.

‘Rise Up’ will be held at the Orange City Bowling Club on Sunday, June 4 from 2pm. Tickets can be purchased from the Club and include a light afternoon tea. Cash only.

For enquiries contact orangemvc@gmail.com

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 1 — 7, 2023 47 YOUR SPACE reception@oclife.com.au Have something of interest to share?


Quick Crossword Quiz


1 Deceptive movement (5)

4 Central American country (9)

8 Parcel out (5)

9 Provisional (9)

11 Crime being married to two people at once (6)

12 Puffed up (8)

14 Voters (10)

17 Lameness (10)


1 Pudgy (6)

2 Prohibited (7)

1 What do the films Gremlins It’saWonderful Lifeand LoveActuallyhave in common?

2 Gorgeous George was famous for which sport in the 1940s and 1950s?

3 On Christmas Eve and Day of what year did Cyclone Tracy devastate Darwin?

4 What was Patti Smith’s (pictured) 1975 debut album called?

5 What is a plantain?

6 What postal code did Canada Post assign for seasonal mail addressed to Santa Claus at the North Pole?

7 Actor Mark Wahlberg was a member of which 1990s hip-hop band?

8 What was the island of Kiritimati formerly known as?

9 Australian lizards of the genus Varanus are better known by which common name?

10 In the film Babe, Babe the pig sings what Christmas song?

21 League (8)

22 Comprehensive (6)

24 Bow (9)

25 False gods (5)

26 Bearing foliage throughout the year (9)

27 Abode of the dead (Grk) (5)

No. 086

3 Relating to the natural emblem of a clan or tribe (7)

4 Title (4)

5 Determination (7)

6 Shimmer (7)

7 Remedy (8)

10 Australian animal (8)

13 Leads an orchestra (8)

15 Divided (8)

16 Slanting (7)

17 Significance (7)

18 English explorer, Sir Walter — (7)

19 Forbidden (7)

20 Draws (6)

23 Uncharitable (4)


The leftover letters will spell out a secret message.

Theme: Metals & Alloys No.

Insert the missing letters to make 10 words – five reading across the grid and five reading down.


Insert each number from 1 to 9 in the shaded squares to solve all the horizontal and vertical equations.

No. 086

No. 086 Edgeword

Place each of the tiles of letters into the blank jigsaw below to create four six-letter words going across and down.

Drop Down

Sudoku No. 086

Fill in the blank cells using the numbers from 1 to 9. Each number can only appear once in each row, column and 3x3 block

3712 5 97 6 18

3 2681 8

46 57 3 19 73 4

No. 086

Starting with the seven-letter word, drop a letter and form a six-letter word. Continue in this manner until you reach the single letter at the bottom. You can rearrange the letters in each step, if necessary.


No. 086




There may be more than one possible answer.

There may be more than one possible answer.

Today’s Focus:

10 words: Good

15 words: Very good

20 words: Excellent


Using the nine letters in the grid, how many words of four letters or more can you list? The centre letter must be included and each letter may only be used once. No colloquial or foreign words. No capitalised nouns, apostrophes or plural words ending in “s”. P N


Reference: Macquarie Dictionary Wed 0203

48 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 1 — 7, 2023
Multiplication and division
addition and subtraction. × + = 60 × + + × + = 9 × × + × × = 90 = = = 216 9 16
are performed before
086 5x5
QUICK CROSSWORD SUDOKU 651483972 423678519 542836197 294765381 865941723 186597234 378129465 917352648 739214856 9-LETTER cogent, coming, COMPETING, coping, emoting, gemot, gnome, gnomic, gone, ingot, meting, moping, opting, pigeon, pigment, ping, tinge, toeing, tong, toping QUIZ 1. A Christmas-time setting 2. Professional wrestling 3. 1974 4. Horses 5. A green-skinned, banana-like fruit 6. H0H0H0 7. Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch 8. Christmas Island 9. Goanna 10. Jingle Bells WORDFIND 5x5 Secret message: Materials of the modern world PUzzLESANDPAGINATION © PAGEMASTERS P TY LTD | pagemasters.com P E A C H A N G R Y S T O O D T E N O R A R E N A DROPDOWN HARDIER HARDER RARED READ RED RE E EDGEWORD AMBUSH, AMPERE, SHAPED, RENTED CROSSMATH 4 × + 7 8 = 60 × + + 6 × + 1 3 = 9 × × + 9 × × 2 5 = 90 = 216 9 16 H E A R D I E R 020623 Dubbo & Orange

Congratulations to last week’s winners

Loony lotto: Margaret Livermore

Find Pinny: Mary Robinson

Call into the OCLife o ce to collect your prize Volunteer of the Month

We have a $100 gift voucher to give away each month from Ashcroft’s Supa IGA and their charity Let’s Make Better.

To enter, simply nominate a person you deem worthy of the award, along with details of their good deed, and they will be in the running to be rewarded with a $100 gift voucher from IGA. Send their contact details to the address below, or email us on reception@oclife.com.au “subject line - Volunteer of the Month”.

Face in the Crowd

Win a $50 gift voucher at Cheeky Barista Cafe

We have two vouchers to give away per month, Somewhere in this edition of Orange City Life, you’ll find this face.o enter, simply write your name and address on the back of an envelope, along with the page number you found the face on or email us an entry.

Find Pinny

We have a voucher for Orange Tenpin Bowl valued at $60 to give away each week, so the family can go bowling!

Each week we’ll hide a small version of “Pinny” (pictured) somewhere in OCLife. It could be anywhere. To enter, simply find him, write your name and phone number on the back of an envelope, along with the page number you found him on, and send in...

Looney Lotto

Win a voucher to the value of $20, to use at Coco’s Cafe or Paul’s @ Coco’s

TO WIN: If you have a personal or business phone number with these 4 numbers appearing in any order within it, put in an entry and we’ll draw a winner from among all correct entries each week.

Deliver or post entries to: Orange City Life Suite 3/241 Lords Place, Orange or Email: reception@oclife.com.au and mark each entry with the competition name, your name and phone number. Entries close 12 noon Tuesday.




I wonder if you have noticed the number of bands that are currently touring, or are planning on touring Australia this year? It is very cool, especially as many of them are playing a famous album from 20–30 years ago. It is a strange phenomenon, but I really like it. Just this week I heard that a band I used to listen to a lot when I was in high school, Evanescence (save your judgments for later), are playing in Sydney in August. They will be playing their hit debut album Fallen. When I heard the news, part of me wanted to get tickets straight away and be taken on a journey back to when I was younger and had more hair and pimples and loved listening to heavy rock in my bedroom. Whilst my musical tastes have certainly broadened since then, the music we used to listen to still holds a special place in our lives. Who are the artists that do that for you? Maybe it is from further back in time, from the 60s and 70s. Whoever the band or musician is, their songs hold a special place in our hearts and whenever we hear them, we are transported back to our memories of days gone by. The recent revival of the reunion tour is tapping into something inside each of us. A longing for a better time, or a di erent time and a search for something that will endure. A time when our lives perhaps looked and felt di erent. Or maybe a time when we were free of certain cares or responsibilities. If you have

been fortunate enough to go see one of your favourite bands play their hits from years ago, did it live up to the hype? Was it everything you wanted it to be? I remember reading reviews of the famous Led Zeppelin reunion show from 2007 and whilst everyone was excited to see this iconic band back on stage together, it was not the same. For example, the howling voice of frontman Robert Plant had lost its power and the songs had to be taken down a few steps to make them more singable. An amazing show, but not the same.

All these reunion shows reveal to us in a di erent way how fleeting our lives can be and how we long for something better. But where is ‘better’ found? I am reminded of a verse in Isaiah, and it is one that I find myself constantly reflecting on, and it is this: A voice says, ‘Cry out.’ And I said, ‘What shall I cry? All people are like grass and all their faithfulness is like the flowers of the field. The grass withers and the flowers fall, because the breath of the Lord blows on them. Surely the people are grass. The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever’. (Isaiah 40:6-8). While we may look backward for something better, it will never last. Talent, beauty, and memories all fade but Isaiah reminds me each day, that it is the word of the Lord that will endure forever and that is what gives me deep and lasting joy.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 1 — 7, 2023 49
WED TO SAT 4PM-8PM 0401 072 027 Check our Facebook for the Menu 37 William Street ORANGE | Ph 6362 8611 Pauls @ CoCos DINE IN OR TAKEWAY Pizzas ~ Wings ~ Pasta ~ Chips ~ DimSim CoCo’s CAFE Monday to Friday 6.30 4.00pm Saturday 7am – 1pm Closed Public Holidays www.cocosorange.com.au 6362 8611 Delicious! Best known for their delicious fresh food burgers, coffee and yummy desserts. With both daily & weekly specials they have something to tickle your taste buds. CoCo’s offers a wide range of gluten free, home cooked meals, all day breakfast and catering available, eat in or take way. Portuguese chicken Salad wraps Poached Eggs with Avo smash and yogurt Berry muesli Black Bean Vegetable Burger with Sweet Potato Crisp Pumpkin Fetta Tart Sweet potato fish cake with seeded pumpkin fetta salad APP MEAL DEAL $50 2 Pizzas, Barramundi Bits & 1.25 litre Soft Drink
OCL ifeCOMPETITIONS reception@oclife.com.au
Try your luck today and be a WINNER


Fond Memories


death notice

WILSON, Trevor George

07.10.1938 – 23.05.2023

Passed away peacefully at Orange Health Service after a short illness.

Partner of Sylvia and husband of Frances (deceased).

Much loved father and father-in-law of David (deceased), Gavin (deceased), Clint and Penny, Kin.

Grant & Kelly, Brianna, Larni.

52 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 1 — 7, 2023
your credit card
our o ce at Suite 3, 241
simply phone and use
or call into
PROUDLY SPONSORED BY Norman J. Penhall Funerals Norman Penhall ORANGE & DISTRICT vvv 6361 7777 or 6362 3751 Office & Chapel, 31-35 William Street, Orange
hear your voice, to see you smile, to sit and talk to you a while. To be together in the same old way, would be our dearest wish today.
Elizabeth Marshall
– 10.06.2007
Eileen Marshall
– 17.06.2000
Charles Marshall 04.10.1908 - 05.08.1968
Srejic 1928 ~ 2021
memory of our beautiful Mother She will be sadly missed by Her children, grandchildren and all the family Leslie Raymond Sherlock 18.07.1936 – 03.06.1999
Louise Sherlock 23.11.1939 – 07.06.2015
you always
Sharon & Don, Paul & Stacey, Dylan, Ryan, Lilliana
Don & Sharon, Paul & Stacey, Dylan, Ryan Lilliana. Barbara & Alan, Lisa, Summa, Aidan,
your: w Addition w New Home w Alteration or Heritage H 40 years experience H FOR ALL ENQUIRIES PHONE Max 0492 803 983 Lic: R79571
always Love
Loved “Pa” to Matthew and Emma. “Called to Rest, May His Dear Soul Rest In Peace In God’s Loving Care” A service for Trevor was held on Tuesday May 30, 2023. NORMAN J PENHALL FUNERALS AFDA, FDA of NSW 33 William Street, Orange Phone 63623751 TRAINING for sale for sale CLASSIC POCKET WATCH COLLECTION 80 Watches in 8 Cases plus watch info ************************************* OLD BOTTLES includes Marble, Torpedo, Schnapps, Salad Oil, Shear Tops. Over 100/unwashed CALL TREVOR PH: 0458 157 848 PUREBRED LABRADOR PUPPIES 1 Girl & 3 boys Microchipped* and vaccinated. Ready for their forever home now Contact 0429 656 101 or 0429 656 102 *Microchip numbers available on request public notices public notices BLOCKED EARS? Specialist Clinicians - Gentle - No syringing - All Ages MICRO-SUCTION WAX REMOVAL CLINIC Visiting June 13th, 14th, 15th and 16th Anson Medical Centre - 298 Anson St, Orange contact@ear2ear.com.au 0455 629 905 0437 211 614 0417 904 328 Awesome THAI MASSAGE Thai Traditional Massage Swedish Massage Deep Tissue Massage Warm Coconut Oil Massage Thai Remedial Massage + Hot Stones Neck, Back, Head and Shoulders Philippa Mitchell Professional Bra Fitter By Appointment Mob: 0499 991 650 www.thefittingstudio.com.au Bras for all women through every stage of life Call Victor w 0455 299 043 PICTURE FRAMING Shop 18, 212 Anson St Plaza Orange saucedesign.com.au/framing ANSON MEDICAL 298 Anson Street 6361 8448 www.ansonmedical.com.au • New patients welcome • Recently expanded rooms with more GPs • All GPs are FRACGP qualified Bulk-billing available for: • Pensioners • Health Care Card holders • DVA • Children 16 years & under *Proof of eligibility is required LOOKING FOR A GP? New & DesignerRecycledClothing Ph: 63600706 145 KITE STREET, ORANGE (THE OLD CINNABAR) OPEN TUES-FRI 10-5pm • SAT 10-3pm’ish Beautiful Designer Clothing, Shoes & Handbags. Frockwork has a Fabulous array of After Five Wear, Stunning Dresses for Weddings & Graduations. All Sizes & styles. TRADES&SERVICES CJ BRICKLAYING Bricklaying - Small jobs only Lic. No. 104973c Phone 0428 136 803 J K ADAMS ROOFING Call Jeff 0407 151 419 • Roof repairs Tile,Tin or Slate • Re-guttering and fascia • Re-roofing • Quality Leaf Screening Systems 40YRS EXPERIENCE LIC. 159748C Anywhere Skips “The mobile skip bin solution” We deliver. You fill. We empty. Fred Palmer 0447 966 838 Domestic Waste Specialist - Locally owned and operated, servicing Orange and surrounding areas Email: anywhereskips@gmail.com www.anywhereskips.com.au 0421 861 262 • From one wall to full house • New houses to repaints • Free quotes • Fully licensed and insured • Interior and Exterior • Specialising in Restora�on • Dulux Accredited
ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 1 — 7, 2023 53 CLASSIFIEDS 6361 3575 To book your ads simply phone and use your credit card or call into our o ce at Suite 3, 241 Lords Place, ORANGE TRADES&SERVICES TRADES&SERVICES TRADES&SERVICES TRADES&SERVICES Homestyle Cooking & House Cleaning for the time poor person 0435 522 998 barbscleanandcook@gmail.com Barb’s Clean & Cook Service Central West Mini Moves CALL RICHARD 0428 303 104 • Small to medium local moves • Facebook, Gumtree and Recycle Shop purchases delivered straight to you • Home, garage and under-house clean ups • Tip runs and always kind prices cwminmoves.com ABN and fully insured • Installations • Renovations • Repairs Residential & Commercial 30 plus years exp Quality works FREE quotations LECTRICIAN Licence EC36903 Phone Phil 0412 860 854 APIA CONCRETE CONTRACTORS • EST. 1985 • LIC. NO. 4906C FOR ALL YOUR CONCRETING, COLORBOND FENCING & RETAINING WALL’S NEEDS TONY - 0457 072 234 RELIABLE SERVICE - BEST RATE’S NO JOB TOO BIG OR SMALL [ ] experienced builder SpecialiSing in... •Renovations • Kitchens • Restorations •General Maintenance G A & r l bruce Lic. No. 203054C Phone Geoff on 0427 422 816 E robynandbruceg@bigpond.com • Undercover • Safe clean secure dog kennels for boarding use. • Individual exercise yards. Dog B&B Shangri La Amaroo Rd Molong 6366 8789 0447 468 789 Contact David on 0402 259 891 orangeonfarmbutchers@outlook.com Find us on Facebook OrangeOnFarmButchers For all your home-kill needs, we come to you. • Fully qualified butcher • We can butcher to your requirements • Servicing Orange and surrounds • 24hr Emergency Service • Commercial & Residential Locks • Window Locks and Deadlocks • Master Keying and Restricted systems • Automotive and Computerised keys • Locally Owned and Operated for over 30 years Canobolas Locksmiths 169 March Street, Orange Call Ian: 0417 204 176 or Dale: 0417 491 936 keys4u@bigpond.com MASTER LICENSE NUMBER 407 966 923 24 Hour Mobile Service When you have lock problems – call us! Also deadlocks and window locks for houses and cars supplied and installed 151 Peisley St, Orange 6369 1222 or 0417 204 176 Canobolas Locksmiths keys4u@bigpond.com WE FIX LOCKS! NEW LOCATION HOMERENOVATION Wecanhelpyou: Increasethevalueofyourhome Renovateyourbathroomorkitchen Buildanoutdoorkitchen CreateadedicatedspaceforWFH Buildapergola Buildadeckforentertaining Andmuchmore!Justaskus! 0404612120 Lic.No.192680C www.repairsandrenos.com.au 0417 313 494 Call Malcolm: Specializing in general home and hobby farm maintenance You can trust us for prompt & quality work www.malhandyman.com.au MAL’S HANDYMAN SERVICES WASP treatment From $150 25 years experience Call Craig... 0447 002 193 Eagle Eye Pest Control Lic. no. 4558 100%NESTELIMINATED GUARANTEED MOWING CALL PETER - 0487 139 983 • Gardening • Gutters • Pruning • Rubbish Removal ORANGE 23 Cameron Place ORANGE 0418 869 897 “If you got a hole in the wall you know who to call” Drywall Plasterer and Carpenter • 35 YEARS EXPERIENCE • 0418 671 854 P & V Building Services Call Paul Lic. No. 77917C FAST RELIABLE SERVICE Over 25 years experience • Domestic • Rural • Commercial • New installations or maintenance Call Scott 0407 414 609 scott@sdselectrical.com.au CONTACT USFORA FREEQUOTE TODAY! Tel: 6362 4695 0422 322 469 TOLL FREE: 1800 791 517 Email: cleaning@excellent.net.au www.excellentcarpetcleaning.com.au • Residential, End of Lease and Commercial Carpet Cleaning • Lounge and Upholstery Cleaning • Carpet Colour Repair • Mat and Rug Cleaning • Specialist Stain Removal • Fabric Protection • Carpet Stain Protection • Tile and Grout Cleaning • Mattress Cleaning • Pest Spray • Pet Treatment Gardening & Gutters • Mowing • Hedging • Pruning • Gutter Cleaning • Demolition Ph Chris: 0427 393 827 ALL CONCRETING WORK 0478 161 537 • Also, Bathroom and Laundry renovations Call Josh on... www.lindfieldgroup.com.au Call 6360 1136 Hot Water Systems Blocked Drains Leaking Taps Burst Pipes PLUMBING BLIND SHUTTERS & AWNINGS HIGH QUALITY AT AN AFFORDABLE PRICE Most products carry a 5 - 25yr warranty BUDGET BLINDS & AWNINGS A local Orange business est. 2012 servicing the Central West Call Milissa for a free measure & quote 02 6369 0173 or 0437 10 60 60 www.bbao.com.au - info@bbao.com.au • From small to large jobs – one room to full house • Internal and External • New homes or repaints • Maintenance Call Glenn 0467 599 668 ghbpaintingmaintenance@gmail.com GHB PAINTING & Maintenance Lic. 330255C

To order your SAMPLE PACK of three

Seniors Happy Life

Emmco factory an industry leader

Orange’s Emmco factory, which employed thousands of workers over 70 years, attracted many distinguished visitors. This week’s photo shows Federal MP Fred Daley (centre) and Labor candidate for Calare Bert Rygate (right), being welcomed by factory union stalwart Bill Denman in July 1958. Mr Daley said the factory was a prime example of a decentralised industry that former Primer Minister Ben Chifley had called for.

Photo courtesy CWD Negative Collection, Orange & District Historical Society. The society holds a working day at Heritage Cottage, 148 March Street, each Wednesday from 10.30am to 4pm (with a lunch break from 12.30-1.30pm). Members are available to answer enquiries at this time.



There were two blokes, John and Roger. John was really religious and Roger was anything but religious. However, one day Roger decided to go to church. When Roger walked in, John was standing up the front praying. He was telling God how good a bloke he was, rattling off the list of stuff that he religiously did for God. John thought he was a good man and was proud of it.

Roger heard all this, as he walked in. He already knew he was bad, but now he felt even worse. So he sat down up the back and hoped no one would notice him. Then he said to God under his breath, “Please God, forgive me because I am a very bad man. I am so bad I don’t know where to start.” He knew he was bad and was ashamed of it.

When Jesus told this story, he said that Roger went home forgiven by God while John went home condemned by God. Jesus’ point is simple, God welcomes and forgives humble sinners.

54 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 1 — 7, 2023 Community LiFE
for spirited Seniors and those living in aged care or retirement village facilities
issues with FREE postage If you haven’t yet discovered Seniors Happy Life, here’s your chance! Order a SAMPLE PACK for $12 and we’ll post issues 1, 2 and 3 to you for FREE That’s 120 pages of pure ENJOYMENT for just LATEST ISSUE IN NSW NEWSAGENTS NOW! GO TO: WWW.SENIORSHAPPY LIFE .COM.AU INSPIRING STORIES NOSTALGIA PUZZLES LAUGHS LARGE PRINT AND MUCH MORE! 100% ENJOYMENT ISSUE 2023.$4 GST Seniors Happy Life INSIDE: Stories,Laughs,Puzzles, Nostalgia,LARGE PRINT andmore... 100% ENJOYMENT ISSUE 2, 2023. $4 Seniors Happy Life NO ads, NO news, NO controversy Just 40 pages of PURE ENJOYMENT for Seniors ISSUE 2023. SeniorsHappyLife NOWwithMORE: Puzzles!Nostalgia!Laughs! TIME WARP with ORANGE AND DISTRICT HISTORICAL SOCIETY

THUMBS UP to my mystery Star Wars present gifter. It was a pleasure to share my Celebration adventures. May the Force be with you!

THUMBS UP to the Orange Buslines driver, who on his final weekend evening run, came across an 83-year-old man at Orange Train station who had just returned from medical (heart) appointments in Sydney, but became stranded with no way home to Canowindra. (He thought there was a bus he had missed). Well done to the driver for finishing his shift and driving the gentleman home that evening all the way to Canowindra in his own time and his own car. It would have been a freezing night locked outside the train station otherwise.

A HUGE THUMBS DOWN to whoever is doing the footpaths in Edward Street. Six weeks have gone and they are still fenced off. I’m sick of avoiding cars while I go for my walk.

THUMBS UP to the staff at Summer Street Vet for looking after three little guinea pigs for seven days and seven nights. The cost was minimal, they cut their nails, fed them, and cleaned them. I’m over the moon with their service!

THUMBS DOWN Why would anyone break into the Women’s Shed and steal our defibrillator? Well planned. Broke security fencing to get in. So, if you see a defibrillator for sale, contact Orange Women’s Shed.

THUMBS UP I would like to acknowledge Kurt and Joanne from Turtle TCG for their passion and patience with children during a recent Pokémon Trade Night. Kurt was wonderful, taking an interest in children’s collections and advising them on the value of their cards. No question was too silly and his knowledge and passion for Pokémon shone through. We look forward to many more events in the future.

A BIG THUMBS UP to Patrick, one of the personal trainers at Anytime Fitness Orange. I recently watched as Patrick supported a disabled young gentleman with his exercise program. Patrick’s skill, knowledge, empathy and professionalism were inspiring to watch and I am sure that both the young gentleman and his carer were appreciative of their time with him. And actually this is evident every time I see Patrick with his many clients. Patrick is a true ambassador for both Anytime Fitness and the profession he has chosen. Well done.

THUMBS UP for exceptional service and help. BCF is the place to go!! Ask for Tony who goes above and beyond to help his customers, and if the item is not on the shelf, he offers to order it, which he did for me. What a bloke!

A BIG THUMBS UP to Jenny Hazelton and her team at Orange Push For Palliative Care, for the documentary they put on at the Odeon, Live the Life You Please. It was very informative and a wonderful insight as to what is available if palliative care is needed from babies to seniors. Thank you.

THUMBS DOWN to the councillors who last week voted to destroy a remnant box eucalypt grassland in Maramba Road for a few more houses. Ninety-five per cent of this habitat has been destroyed. These Councillors seem determined to make it 100 per cent.

THUMBS UP and a grateful thanks to the “Earth Angels” who came to my aid when I had a bad fall whilst blowing leaves outside of my home. They picked me up and a sweet lady comforted me as I was a little shaken up. Blessings to all those who have care and concern for others.

THUMBS UP to Alison and Sean at the Orange library for helping an elderly gentleman update his NCC.

THUMBS UP to the man who regularly drops into Bowen Public School to give them a number of grocery gift vouchers to distribute among kids from families who are doing it tough. He remains anonymous but has become known at the school as ‘the gift voucher man.’

THUMBS DOWN to idiots who don’t know how to park and park people in.

THUMBS UP to the woman who runs Sippin’ Nutrition in Molong for her friendly attitude and for being so flexible with customers’ requests.

General disclaimer: Whilst every care is taken in preparing this publication, we cannot be held responsible for errors or omissions. The publisher accepts no responsibility for letters, notices and other material contributed for publication. The submitter accepts full responsibility for material, warrants that it is accurate, and indemnifies the publisher against any claim or action. All advertisers, including those placing display and classified or advertorial material, warrant that such material is true and accurate and meets all applicable laws and indemnifies the publisher against all liabilities that may arise from the publication of such material. Opinions expressed in the publication are not necessarily those of the publisher. Senior Journalist, Jonathan Roe, accepts responsibility for election comment. Articles contain information of a general nature – readers should always seek professional advice relevant to their particular circumstances. Complaints: Orange City Life has a policy of correcting mistakes promptly. If you have a complaint about published material, contact us in writing. If the matter remains unresolved, you may wish to contact the Australian Press Council.

© Copyright 2023 Orange City Life Pty Ltd. Copyright in all material – including photographs and ads – is held by Orange City Life Pty Ltd or its providers and must not be reproduced in any form without prior written permission from the Publisher. Printed for the publisher at the News Print

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 1 — 7, 2023 55 THUMBS EMAIL: reception@oclife.com.au | FACEBOOK: inbox “orangecitylife” | SMS 0459 022 084 this is a text only number standard SMS rates apply
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ODEON 5 MOVIE CLUB - $20 PER YEAR, AND ALL MOVIES (EX 3D) ARE THEN DISCOUNTED TIMES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE • BOOKINGS RECOMMENDED Parking available at rear, enter March or Byng Streets • ALL CINEMAS HAVE WHEELCHAIR ACCESS 43 WILLIAM ST ORANGE • 6362 0213 (ADMIN) SUBSCRIBE AT WWW.ODEON5.COM.AU TO HAVE PROGRAMME EMAILED WEEKLY. *HEARING/VISUAL IMPAIRED EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE Programme for Thurs 1st - 7th June 2023 redeem your vouchers for OdeCinema gift cards. ������ only redeem ORDER TICKETS ONLINE WWW.ODEON5.COM.AU 155 MINS 102 MINS Thurs 1 st 12.15, 5.00, 8.15 Fri 2 nd 12.15, 5.00, 8.15 Sat 3 rd 12.15, 5.00, 8.15 Sun 4 th 12.15, 5.00, 8.15 Mon 5 th 12.15, 5.00, 8.15 Tues 6 th 12.15, 5.00, 8.15 Wed 7 th 12.15, 5.00, 8.15 113 MINS THE BOOGEYMAN FOR MORE INFO CONTACT CINEMA Thurs 1 st 11.00, 2.00, 5.00, 8.00 Fri 2 nd 11.00, 2.00, 5.00, 8.00 Sat 3 rd 10.30, 1.30, 4.30, 7.30 Sun 4 th 10.30, 1.30, 4.30, 7.30 Mon 5 th 11.00, 2.00, 5.00, 8.00 Tues 6 th 11.00, 2.00, 5.00, 8.00 Wed 7 th 11.00, 2.00, 5.00, 8.00 102 MINS Thurs 1 st 11.00, 2.30 Fri 2 nd 10.30, 2.30 Sat 3 rd 10.15, 2.30 Sun 4 th 10.15, 2.30 Mon 5 th 10.30, 2.30 Tues 6 th 10.30, 2.30 Wed 7 th 10.30, 2.30 103 MINS
NEW NEW DAILY 10.30, 4.00 SAT, SUN 3.30 109 MINS JOHN FARNHAM FINDING THE VOICE GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY SUPER MARIO BROS BOOK CLUB THE NEXT CHAPTER RENFIELD 164 MINS DAILY 1.00, 7.15 SAT, SUN 12.30, 7.15 SAT, SUN 10.00 THURS, FRI, MON, TUE, WED 10.00 DAILY 6.00 107 MINS 123 MINS 108 MINS NEW $10 TIX $10 TIX LAST CHANCE 102 MINS Thurs 1 st 10.30, 12.45 *, 5.15 *, 8.00 * Fri 2 nd 10.30, 12.45 *, 5.15 *, 8.00 * Sat 3 rd 10.00 *, 1.00 *, 4.00 *, 7.00 * Sun 4 th 10.00 *, 1.00 *, 4.00 *, 7.00 * Mon 5 th 10.30, 12.45 *, 5.15 *, 8.00 * Tues 6 th 10.30, 12.45 *, 5.15 *, 8.00 * Wed 7 th 10.30, 12.45 *, 5.15 *, 8.00 * LITTLE MERMAID 150 MINS THE 102 MINS Thurs 1 st 1.30, 5.00, 7.45 Fri 2 nd 1.30, 5.00, 7.45 Sat 3 rd 10.45, 1.45, 4.45, 7.45 Sun 4 th 10.45, 1.45, 4.45, 7.45 Mon 5 th 1.30, 5.00, 7.45 Tues 6 th 1.30, 5.00, 7.45 Wed 7 th 1.30, 5.00, 7.45 156 MINS

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