3 minute read
CosMedic Collective brings vitamin therapy to the central west
from OCLife20230622
Orange’s CosMedic Collective has become the first medical cosmetic clinic in the Central West to o er intravenous (IV) vitamin therapy, giving clients access to fast-acting, safe nutritional supplements tailored to suit their individual needs.
Looking good and feeling good go together, says Director of the CosMedic Collective, Kylie Duncan, who is passionate about the benefits of the IV vitamin therapy they’ve added alongside their other treatments.
A registered nurse with 13 years in the cosmetic space, Kylie founded the CosMedic Collective in 2021, seeing the need for a dedicated medical cosmetic clinic in Orange that brought health and beauty professionals under one roof. But until recently Kylie had resisted offering IV vitamin therapy as she wanted to assure herself that the treatment did offer real benefits for her clients.
“I really wanted to see the results on people and really look at the data around it before we offered something that just didn’t work,” says Kylie.
“And I’d resisted offering it here because my general principle is to eat well and you won’t need it. However, over the last few months, it’s become clear that some people, no matter how hard they try, are not going to get the nutrition that they need.”
First offering Vitamin B12 injections, Kylie says they discovered just how many people, particularly women, were deficient in Vitamin B12.
“So that set us down a path of looking at what else are people deficient in and how can we help” Kylie says.
“I have patients who are on chemotherapy and not everything they’re putting in their body is getting absorbed. We’ve got pregnant women who have severe morning sickness. Busy people who know they should eat well and exercise, but they’re just not getting the nutrition that they need.
“And with Covid and the flu season, viruses are really hitting people’s bodies really hard and they need extra supplementation to help them through.”
The advantage of IV Vitamin therapy is that it can deliver high doses of vitamin C, Vitamin B complex, zinc, magnesium and other things to fight winter illnesses more effectively than swallowing a handful of supplement capsules, says Kylie.
“We can put high concentrations of vitamins straight in and all the vitamins in the drip are water-soluble, so if your body doesn’t need it, it will pass through,” she says.
And it is not just people who are unwell that have found IV Vitamin Therapy beneficial, says Kylie.
“We’ve got a big wellness community here in Orange. We’ve got a lot of bodybuilders and people that really work on extreme fitness who are looking for that extra boost, just to keep themselves really well and at the top of their game,” she says.
“I had two guys come in last week, who were going to an IronMan event and we gave them magnesium and vitamin B and things like that to help them with muscle soreness.”
Vitamin D injections are another offering that Kylie believes will benefit many people.
“A lot of people take Vitamin D supplementation as they get older, Vitamin D levels go down, there’s a decline in bone density and they put themselves up at risk for things like osteoporosis,” she says.
“Vitamin D comes from exposure to the sun and we live in Orange, which can be a challenging place to get enough. Then you add people like miners and shift workers and there’s a lot of people who are probably vitamin D deficient.”
But safety is always the number one priority, says Kylie, and at the CosMedic Collective, you will only receive treatment from qualified medical professionals and only after a comprehensive assessment of your health history.
“We look at where they might be deficient and sometimes we send them for blood tests or get doctors’ permission if they’re going through certain treatment,” says Kylie, who encourages people to ask questions of them or their own doctor.
“If we don’t think it’s safe, we’re not going to do it,” she says. “We also pride ourselves that, if we don’t think the patient will benefit, we’re not going to do it.
“So with the IV therapies, if we think they’re not particularly deficient at anything, we’re not going to give them that — the same with our cosmetic procedures.”
We’re not afraid to refuse people treatment based on whether we think we can give them the best outcome. It is not for everyone, but it’s very safe and it’s very effective if it’s something that you need.”