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HIT Productions presents The Sunshine Club Tuesday 22 August at 7.30pm Bell Shakespeare presents Twelfth Night Friday 28 & Saturday 29 July at 7.30pm Kinross Wolaroi presents Little Shop of Horrors Friday 21 July at 7.30pm & Saturday 22 July at 1pm & 7.30pm RIX Management presents Marcia Hines Still Shining Saturday 8 July at 7.30pm & Sunday 9 July at 2pm Ben Maiorana Entertainment presents Queen Bohemian Rhapsody Thursday 6 July at 8pm Bookings: 02 6393 8111 www.orange.nsw.gov.au/theatre Orange Civic Theatre Details correct as of 27.06.2023 - for all shows and updates please visit our webpage www.orange.nsw.gov.au/theatre • 2023 season brochure and membership is open for purchase. Please contact the box office for more information. JUNE 29 — JULY 5, 2023 ORANGE PROPERTY MARKET — STARTS ON PAGE 33 FREE
It’s a show that has captivated audiences of all ages around the world and this week it was Orange’s turn as Orange Christian School students brought to life Roald Dahl’s Matilda The Musical. See more photos inside on page 22.
It’s Show Time!

School holidays are just about upon us and inside you will find a few details of what’s going on around Orange to keep the kids busy over the next two weeks. And, thanks to a number of our advertisers, we also have a whole bunch of giveaways for you! We have movie tickets from the Odeon 5 Cinema, a minigolf family pass from Orange City Bowling Club, two $60 vouchers to Orange Tenpin Bowl and a family bundle to the Bathurst Winter Festival, which includes ride passes and ice skating! Find out how you can win on page 24.

Congratulations to Orange High School on their 2023 Astley Cup win! A nice achievement to do so in the 100th anniversary year of the competition. Inside this week, we have a little reminiscence from former Orange High School teacher Max Dews. Max was a teacher at OHS from 1962-1986 and Sports Master for seven years during that period. Now in his 80s, Max has written a few memories of his involvement with the Astley Cup, which you can read on page 6.

As always, keep sending in your “Thumbs”, your “Hatches” and your suggestions. Orange City Life is here to be the voice of the Orange community, so let us know what’s going on in your patch of the Colour City, what you want to read and what we can do better.

Until next week!

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 29 — JULY 5, 2023 3 Thank you to our Sponsors: Orange City Life is grateful to the following sponsors for their ongoing support over many years. These sponsorships, among others things, have enabled us to bring our readers a lot more enjoyment to our publications than would otherwise be possible. In return, we ask you to please support them as often as you’re able. Spirit WE CAPTURE THE OF ORANGE Suite 3/241 Lords Place ORANGE 02 6361 3575 reception@oclife.com.au www.orangecitylife.com.au www.facebook.com/orangecitylife EDITOR’S note Don’t miss our special feature “Enrol Now” Healthy lunchbox options with Ruben STYLE SHEET 02 6361 4155 enquiries@orangepropertyplus.com.au www.orangepropertyplus.com.au 1/202 Anson Street Orange Perhaps it’s time to make your next right move. So give us a call at OPM+ today! Are YOU happy with your current Managing Agent? Are YOUR calls being returned? Are YOU kept informed regarding your property? Are YOUR requests attended to? Are YOU made to feel that your business is important? WED TO SAT 4PM-8PM 0401 072 027 Check our Facebook for the Menu 37 William Street ORANGE | Ph 6362 8611 Pauls @ CoCos DINE IN OR TAKEWAY Pizzas ~ Wings ~ Pasta ~ Chips ~ DimSim CoCo’s CAFE Closed Public Holidays 6362 8611 Delicious! catering available, eat in or take way. Portuguese chicken Salad wraps Poached Eggs and yogurt Berry muesli Black Bean Vegetable Burger with Sweet Potato Crisp Pumpkin Fetta Tart Sweet potato fish cake with seeded pumpkin fetta salad MEAL DEAL $50 2 Pizzas, Barramundi Bits & 1.25 litre Soft Drink 15-21 28
Jonathan Roe


Richard Cummins



When Richard Cummins marched out the drawbridge gate onto the esplanade of Edinburgh Castle as a young 18-yearold school piper back in 1973, he never imagined that 50 years later he would once more be returning to take part in the worldfamous Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo.

“It was very exciting! It was my first time overseas for a start,” recalls Richard of his 1973 trip to Scotland with the Scots College Pipes and Drums band.

“We stayed in Edinburgh Castle,” he continues, “which we thought was going to be exciting, but it was pretty much the same as the boarding school: inside there was a bed, a locker and a chair – that was it!”

Richard, now a chartered accountant based in Orange, has long had fond memories of that trip with his school band and was thrilled when, 50 years on, the opportunity to return to the Tattoo arose.

Richard has been selected to play with the Scots College Old Boys Pipes and Drums, who will be part of the massed pipes and drums at the 2023 Edinburgh Military Tattoo, August 4–26.

“I feel thrilled that I was in the band back then and now I’m in the Old Boys band, 50 years later! I actually never thought something like that would happen,” says Richard, who is one of four band members who took part in the 1973 Tattoo.

The Scots Old Boys Pipes and Drums have been rehearsing weekly, with Richard either travelling to Sydney for the practice or taking part via Zoom. The band will also be in Edinburgh for a week prior to the Tattoo

to train and drill with the pipes and drums bands from Scotland and all over the world who will be taking part.

“The whole exercise goes for about a month,” says Richard. “Also, as well as the Tattoo, we’re actually performing in three Highland gatherings in Scotland: one in Sterling, one in Perth, and we’re going to be playing in the Pipe Band World Championships in Glasgow. So that’ll be a wonderful experience, regardless of the result.”

Richard developed a love for the bagpipes at an early age, his father having also been part of the pipes and drums band when he attended Scots College.

“When I was a kid in Moree I used to march behind him,” recalls Richard. “I just liked them. And then when I went away to school I had the opportunity to learn.”

But not everybody is as fond of the sound of bagpipes in the morning, as Richard found out early in his music career.

“When I was learning the pipes, I played them in the backyard and neighbours would scream out and tell me to shut up,” says Richard.

“My friend, who lived next door, used to throw oranges at me and he got me in the head once! So you’ve got to be brave when you’re learning because there’s a bit of abuse that can come your way!”

But it has now been 56 years since Richard first picked up the bagpipes, and his enjoyment of the iconic Scottish instrument has never waned in that time.

“I’ve always played. I play in the Scots College Old Boys Pipe Band every year on Anzac Day and have been doing so for decades. When I was a student, I used to take them everywhere,” says Richard.

“Learning them was a wonderful decision for me, it’s taken me places and I’ve met people that I wouldn’t have otherwise met.

So I’m very grateful that I made the effort.”

4 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 29 — JULY 5, 2023 Community LiFE The VicToria hoTel 336 Summer St, Orange | Tel 6362 6386 WHAT’S ON AT THE VIC... POKER TUESDAY from 7pm SATU RDAY from 3.30pm Registration on arrival Registration on arrival BISTRO Daily Specials SATURDAY 1ST JULY 8.30PM - LATE FREE ENTRY WEDNESDAY - SATURDAY Lunch 12 - 2pm | Dinner 6 - 9pm Join us Sunday for Breakfast - Brunch 10.30am - 1.30pm
Richard Piper in 1973, just prior to performing in the 1973 Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo. Local piper Richard Cummins is returning to Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo 50 years after he first took part with his school band. He pictured with the Qantas carry-on bag given as a souvenir of that trip.

Today’s the day!


If you are reading this “hot off the press” on the morning of Thursday, June 29 you still have time to get to Robertson Park where the Orange Lions Club will be unearthing the time capsule they buried there 50 years ago to the day!

The time capsule was a fundraising project for the club, which, back in 1973, invited locals to people to send a message or items of interest into the future by purchasing an envelope, which would be buried sealed in the time capsule and only revealed in half a century’s time on June 29, 2023 — today!

At 1O.30am Orange City Council will be assisting the Lions Club to dig up the time capsule and see if its contents have survived the decades underground. The capsule itself was made from a copperalloy tube from a water heater, brazed shut and then placed in a concrete pipe and sealed.

One of those watching the unearthing with anticipation will be former Orange Lions Club president, Geoff Newham, who buried it with his own hands five decades ago.

Geoff is reasonably confident that their handiwork will have kept the capsule contents intact, which means he’ll get to read the message sent into the future by his younger self

“I think there’s a letter to my kids,” Geoff said, struggling to recall. “And I think there’s some notes like a 10 shilling note, a two dollar note, which it was back in those days, and maybe a five-pound note and maybe a couple of coins in there as well…

“But 50 years ago… I really can’t remember what we actually wrote or put in there. Time will tell when it opens up and everything’s in good nick and I’ll have a look and say, fancy that!”

Following its unearthing, the time capsule will be taken to the helicopter hangar at 1 Redmond Place Orange, where the envelopes will be available for collection

Enrolments for Year 11, 2024


Wednesday 19 July 2023, 7.00pm in Mercy Hall


CLOSE Thursday 27 July 2023

Application packs for new students are available from the Administration office, or from the information evening. We are taking applications for all other years.

from 10am to 3pm on July 1. Envelopes will only be handed to the owner, or next of kin should the owner be deceased, and to ensure they get to the correct person, proof of relationship will be required.

“Not everyone will still have their receipt (card) as proof of ownership, so arrangements are being made to get the envelope to the next of kin, as long as they have proof of the relationship,” President of Orange Lions Club, Debbie Butwell, said.

Orange Lions Club will retain unclaimed envelopes for sixty days (60 days), after which time they will be passed to the Orange City Library for digitisation and preservation.

Members of the Orange Lions Club are asking that cardholders make contact with the Club by emailing the club at olc. timecapsule@gmail.com stating name on card; card number; claimants name, claimants email and phone number.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 29 — JULY 5, 2023 5 Community LiFE 6362 1422 | www.jschs.catholic.edu.au | jschs@bth.catholic.edu.au
Orange Lions Club members with the giant rocket-shaped time capsule they used for publicity in March 1973. The real time capsule being dug up today in Robertson Park was inside the one pictured. Project chairman Jim Moore (standing at left), Geoff Newham (front, kneeling), and Robert Dunesny. At right are Orange Lions Club president Ted Evans and club member Don Mearns. Photograph courtesy of the Orange and District Historical Society.

‘Teamwork, camaraderie, purpose and fair play’

Astley Cup memories from former Orange High Sports Master, Max Dews

Orange teams lined up against Bathurst. All members were hoping for a longawaited but elusive victory. Each contest was very hotly contested. Comments such as ‘She’s travelled’, ‘He’s offside’, ‘Foul’, ‘Sticks’ and ‘Fair go Ref’ were heard loudly and clearly. Finally, when points were tallied, Orange emerged victorious! What followed, I believe, is unique in the history of state schools’ sport. The buses carrying the victors were greeted with loud applause from a huge crowd lining Summer Street with streamers, balloons, whistles and signs which created an electrifying atmosphere unparalleled to this day. At the victory assembly, the Boss was greeted with the traditional war cry…’Three for Leo. Rah Rah Rah!’

In 1966 Orange High School’s success continued under the leadership of captains Roger Bilton and Roslea Oates. Both were inspirational individuals who led by example setting high standards in training discipline and enthusiasm. Teams and spectators alike were kept on their toes by the recently formed cheer squad whose war cries, dance moves and streamers added another dimension. To summarise, 1966 was a great year which consolidated previous successes.

displayed speed and accuracy which left their opponents bewildered. As in other years, OHS team members gave of their best both on the sporting fields and in the intangible realm of school spirit and tradition.

In February 1964, the Principal of Orange High, Leo O’Sullivan, called me to his office (which was an extremely rare event) where he then asked me to become Sports Master. At this point, in a rare show of emotion, Leo stressed the fact that Orange High School had not won the Astley Cup since 1955 and to do so was to be my top priority. I resolved to work hard to achieve the desired outcome. The big man seemed pleased and so

the sports mistress and I, together with many interested staff members, ensured that all sports - rugby league, hockey, tennis, netball and athletics had good coaches, regular training times and lots of encouragement. In that year all teams performed well but the cup was won by the very well-established Dubbo outfit.

What a great year 1965 was in the history of Orange High School! Under the capable leadership of school captains, Kerry Easie and Elizabeth Spurway, we determined our future path to victory. Following our success against Dubbo,

In 1967 Orange High School completed a treble. All teams performed very well with the rugby league, hockey and netball proving unstoppable. Some individuals are worthy of mention. These include Roger Bilton for his inspirational leadership and Ray Murray whose bursts of speed helped demoralise opponents. Others who come to mind include Greg Hill for his splendid mile run victory against tough competition and Roslea Oates who capped Astley Cup success by being selected as Captain of an Australian junior hockey team. In netball, Wendy Griffith and Diane Baker

Success continued in 1968 under the leadership of stalwarts Anthony Reid and Susan Maloney. That year was the last year of success under my tenure as sports master and I have often reflected on the elements of success in such a hotly contested competition. The school population and the wider community must be behind the teams’ efforts. Leo O’Sullivan was always supportive as were staff members, both teaching and ancillary. Coaches such as Elsie Lancaster (Netball), Geoff Simpson (Rugby League) and Richard Gray (Hockey) demonstrated unswerving commitment. Importantly, all competing students gave of their very best. All present at the 100 years celebration, would agree that participation has great benefits including a sense of teamwork, camaraderie, purpose and fair play. Friendships were forged and endured between individual and family groups. The Bilton and Gleeson families are great examples of this where, decades later, their friendships continue. In conclusion, ‘Those were the days my friend. We thought they’d never end.’

Cheers and best wishes, Max Dews Orange High School Teacher 1962 – 1986, Sports Master 1964 – 1970

The 1965 Astley Cup Team

6 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 29 — JULY 5, 2023 Community LiFE
Are you having a party or a social event you would like to see pictured in OCLife? reception@oclife.com.au book a social photographer
ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 29 — JULY 5, 2023 7 You can now find us on 61-89 Warrendine Street Orange 02 63 622 533 Website: ocbc.org.au trading hours MONDAY 3pm – 8pm TUESDAY 11am – 8pm Management reserves the right to alter trading hours on any given day WEDNESDAY 11am – 9pm THURSDAY 11am – 9pm FRIDAY 11am – 12am SATURDAY 11am – 12am SUNDAY 11am – 9pm NOW OPEN Asian & Australian Cuisine Ph 6362 2617 DINE IN or TAKE AWAY LUNCH 12 - 2pm DINNER 5 - 8.30pm TUESDAY - SUNDAY Open Tues—Sun From 11.30am til dark $5 per person SEE MAIN BAR TO PAY AND GET EQUIPMENT Closed Mondays for maintenance FOR 18 HOLES CHILDREN UNDER 5 PLAY FREE open 7 days DAY AND NIGHT ALL ENQUIRIES AND BOOKINGS PLEASE CALL 6362 2533 Got something to celebrate? Weddings Engagement Parties Birthday Parties Anniversaries Fundraisers Presentation Nights Christmas Parties Baby Showers Christenings Funeral Wakes WHATEVER YOU'RE CELEBRATING WE CAN HELP RAFFLES NIGHT FRIDAY EVERY FRIDAY TICKETS SOLD AT 7PM FOR 8PM DRAW What you can win: x 20 Gift vouchers at $50 each x2 $50 Keno vouchers x2 $30 Keno vouchers $4 MIDDIES x2 TRADIE MEAT VOUCHERS $5 SCHOONERS x2 $25 TRADIE BAR VOUCHERS HAPPY HOUR 5PM TO 6PM members badge draw MEMBERS BADGE DRAW NOW TWICE A WEEK, FRIDAY 8PM AND SUNDAY 2PM If not won, will jackpot by $200 pw until it reaches $5000 If $5000 draw not claimed, there will be 5 x $1000 at the following Badge Draw that must be won by attending members. OrangeCity BowlingClub HAPPY HOUR JUST GOT HAPPIER! thurs, fri and sun 4pm-6pm with FREE on-premise member raffles 6pm Sundays Just swipe your card between 4pm-6pm Sundays to win CLUB MEMBERSHIP FEES ARE DUE Renew today at reception during open hours or online via our website at OCBC.ORG.AU ..." Music from then 'til now' saturday 8th July 7pm to late school holiday fun! $5 per person FREE COMMUNITY EVENT SEMINARS.. • Dementia Australia Information Stand Carer Wellness Program Understanding Dementia • It Starts With You Mild Cognitive Impairment Communication and Dementia • Activities at Home Understanding Younger Onset Dementia EDIE for Family Carers • Understanding Changes in Behaviour BRAIN HUB 17-20 july VARIOUS TIMES $900!

Our accountants and tax agents help you navigate things while we all tighten our belts. Get the right advice and maximise your return. We specialise in tax returns –face to face or remotely, we’ll save you time and money.


With the National Rugby League’s annual Beanie for Brain Cancer Round happening this weekend, Orange Ex-Service’s Club have thrown their support behind the cause and are urging the community to join them in the fight to tackle brain cancer.

The NRL Beanie Round urges fans to buy one of the Mark Hughes Foundation beanies at NRL matches, online or in retail outlets, with the money supporting the Mark Hughes Foundation to fund brain cancer research and patient support.

Orange Ex-Service’s Club CEO, Nathan Whiteside has grabbed 200 of the Mark Hughes Foundation beanies, sending $2500 straight to the foundation, and the club will be giving them away to members this weekend.

“This weekend is the NRL beanie for

brain cancer round and here at OESC we are doing our part to raise awareness and much-needed donations for the Mark Hughes Foundation,” Nathan said.

OESC will have donation boxes in the club all weekend and they are encouraging everyone to grab beanie online at the Mark Hughes Foundation website (www. markhughesfoundation.com.au) or look for them at Lowes and participating IGA stores.

Or, if you are visiting the Club from Thursday, June 29, grab their “Perfect Plate” competition dish — the delicious Cowra lamb shank at the Diggers restaurant and you’ll get a beanie courtesy of OESC.

“Come down and try the dish and, if you can, make a small donation to help tackle brain cancer,” Nathan added.


8 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 29 — JULY 5, 2023 Community LiFE We do your return, and email you a copy. Sign it from your phone! 2 Feeling the squeeze? ? Call, email, text or We’ll ask questions, answer any of yours and get to work.
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Join Orange Ex-Services’
and grab a
for a good cause
this weekend!

Phil DONATO MP State Member for Orange



I would like to express my gratitude to Superintendent Brendan Gorman, who made a surprise visit to my office and presented me with a Certificate of Service from the NSW Police Force. This recognition marks the culmination of my 22-year career in law enforcement. In 2016, I transitioned from "the job" to serve as the elected State Member for the Orange constituency. During my policing career there were unique and unrivalled experiences, as well as many fond memories, too. I met and worked with some wonderful people - many of whom remain close and loyal friends to this day. I’ll now proudly hang this framed certificate in my parliamentary office.


During a recent visit to Orange, Minister Crakanthorp and I had the opportunity to tour Canobolas High School and meet with Principal Brett Blaker and his dedicated team of educators. The school has established valuable connections with local registered training operators and employers, creating a pathway for students to pursue trades and related employment to transition to after school. The Minister and I were particularly impressed and keen to learn more about by the school's supportive transition program, designed to assist students who choose to pursue further education in the workplace. Given the pressing demand for skilled workers and tradespeople, its great to see options available so that not every student is required to complete their Higher School Certificate (HSC) or attend university. I commend Brett Blaker for his forward-thinking leadership and his role as a mentor to both staff and students, as it has significantly contributed to the school's success and the accomplishments of its students.

On the Move

A tri-school sporting event like no other. Held annually between Orange High, Bathurst High and Dubbo High Schools, covering a variety of sporting events. The Astley Cup is so much more than just a trophy however, it has become an unrivalled tradition and spirit that lives strong in these school communities, current and former students and staff. It was great listening to some of the stories of events relived, chants sung, matches won and lost, bus tours had and the special bond that sport can bring. Good luck Orange High this week against old rivals Bathurst. Our whole community is cheering you on.

Young Leaders

In the beginning of the month, I, along with other members of Parliament, had the privilege of addressing students who had gathered at the Parliament of NSW for the annual Secondary Student Leadership Program of 2023. I would like to take this moment to acknowledge and commend the attendance of 14 students and their respective schools at the parliament. I eagerly anticipate hearing about their future endeavours and successes.

Will Thomas & Mia Fitzsimmons - Molong Central School

Hugh Thompson & Greta Bourne - Kinross Wolaroi School

Lucy Smith & Nathaniel Scanlan - Yeoval Central School

Harry Budd & Alice Bridger - Trundle Central School

Leah Troy & Oliver Etley - Canowindra Public School

Tony Gibson & Jyothis Jo Jo - James Sheahan Catholic High

Zoe Pabis & Quentin Waever - Peak Hill Central School


Biggest Morning Tea and Red Apple Day

Speaker of the Legislative Assembly the Hon. Greg Piper MP hosted the annual Biggest Morning Tea event in the Parliament of NSW. I am only too happy to support this initiative to fundraise for vital funds to make a big difference for those impacted by cancer. My good friend and colleague Roy Butler MP were also proudly wearing our Red Apple Day ribbons, advocating for bowel cancer awareness month. Bowel cancer is Australia’s second deadliest cancer, claiming the lives of more than 100 Aussies every weekbut it’s one of the most treatable of cancers, when detected early. Please, if you receive your government funded and supplied bowel cancer test kit in the mail, do it!…it isn’t difficult and it could save your life.

Please be informed that our office will be relocating to a new address at 194A LORDS PLACE, ORANGE

During this transition period, there may be intermittent accessibility to the office, phone and email as we undertake the move and set up our new location. Please note that the intermittent accessibility is temporary, and

I had the honour of formally recognising in Parliament of NSW the many accomplishments of Parkes' living legend, Mr John Pizzaro OAM. I I look forward to meeting John again soon, to formally a present him with a certificate endorsed with the Hansard record.

we aim to resume regular operations from Monday, July 10th 2023. We kindly request your patience and understanding during this time. Our team is working diligently to ensure a smooth transition and minimal disruption to our services. Once we are fully operational at our new premises, we will continue to provide the same level of dedicated service and support that you expect

from us. We appreciate your continued support and encourage you to reach out to us via phone or email if you require any assistance or have any questions. Please note for all urgent matters during this time contact the relevant organisation or department directly.

Thank you for your understanding.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 29 — JULY 5, 2023 9 OrangeElectorateOffice|194ALordsPlaceOrangeNSW2800|Telephone63625199 Authorised by Philip Donato MP, Member for Orange. Funded using parliamentary entitlements. 123 Byng Street Orange NSW 2800 – Printed by Orange City Life, Suite 3/241 Lords Place, Orange NSW 2800.
Mr John Pizzaro OAM Sunday 2 JULY July Mr Perfect is on this SUNDAY 2ND JULY 2023 at Cook Park, corner of Kite and Clinton Streets. perfect mr

Grand final tickets and VIP Everest race day pass up for grabs in Bloomfield Hospital Auxiliary’s giant annual raffle!

Bloomfield Hospital Auxiliary are now selling tickets for their giant annual raffle and they truly have some massive prizes up for grabs!

This year’s lucky first prize winner will be on their way to the NRL Grand Final on October 1, with two Premier Grandstand Tickets plus a night’s accommodation in Sydney.

The runner-up will have to make do with a day at Royal Randwick with VIP Tickets to “the world’s richest race on turf” The Everest on October 14. The prize also includes a night’s accommodation.

You’ll see tickets being sold at various businesses around the Central West and they will be available for purchase up until the draw on Wednesday, September 13.

The Bloomfield Hospital Auxiliary has been supporting patients and staff of the hospital for more than 40 years, holding fundraisers like the giant raffle to be able to provide whatever they need at the time.

But the Auxiliary has struggled for members in recent years and they would like more people to be aware of what they do and, more importantly, get involved.

“People don’t know who we are. We’re a body created to raise funds for the patients at Bloomfield Hospital wards and in the community,” Bloomfield Hospital Auxiliary President Tania O’Donohue said.

“We were established,” continued Sister Mary Trainor, a chaplain at the hospital for more than two decades, and ‘a guiding light’ within the Auxiliary, “to provide for the rehabilitation, comfort, wellbeing and reintegration into society for the people in the hospital, and for those who were mentally ill in the community.”

Sr Mary the Bloomfield Hospital Auxiliary plays a vital role in the community.

“If there was no Auxiliary, the mentally ill people would just not have their needs met,” she said.

Over the years, the auxiliary has paid for everything from a fish pond, sensory

garden, and pool tables, to boxing bags, bicycles, PlayStations and chocolate eggs every Easter.

“We look at any reasonable request,” Sr Mary said.

But sadly, numbers are dwindling and they really need more people to get involved.

Applications are invited for the ongoing full-time position of Electorate Officer (EOB) to fill a new staffing allocation in the Office of the Hon Andrew Gee MP, based in the Member’s Calare Electorate Office in Orange, NSW.

The responsibilities of the role are, but are not limited to:

• Assisting and responding to constituent matters across the electorate of Calare.

• Liaising with relevant Departments, Agencies and Opposition Offices on behalf of constituents regarding matters relating to the responsibilities of the Federal Government.

• Preparing representations on behalf of the Member.

• Data entry and database management.

• Attending community events in the Electorate as required.

• General administrative tasks within the Electorate Office.

• Occasional travel within the Electorate of Calare and interstate travel to Canberra during Parliamentary sitting weeks.

• Other duties as required.

Applicants should possess the following skills and experience:

• Excellent oral and written communication skills and experience in producing targeted communications for a variety of audiences.

• Outstanding interpersonal skills.

• Excellent attention to detail and record keeping.

• Ability to self-manage and delegate.

• Well-developed organisational ability and time management skills.

• Ability to work independently and cohesively as part of a small team.

• An understanding of the Australian system of government and parliamentary processes.

• Well-developed IT skills including Microsoft Office.

• Preparedness to work overtime and on weekends when required.

Job details:

The position is offered under the Members of Parliament (Staff) Act 1984 and conditions are outlined in the Commonwealth Members of Parliament Staff Enterprise Agreement 2020-23.

• A commencing salary between $69,170 and $80,757 will be negotiated depending on experience and relevant skills.

• An optional additional allowance may be considered in recognition of, and as compensation for, reasonable additional hours of work.

• Relocation assistance, studies assistance and paid study leave may also be available (subject to eligibility requirements).

• An employer superannuation contribution of 15.4% will be payable. A probationary period of three months will apply and may be subject to extension.

Applications should be forwarded to andrew.gee.mp@aph.gov.au and include a resume with the names of two referees and a cover letter addressing the relevant skills and experience required for the role.

Applications close on Friday 30 June 2023. For further information please contact andrew.gee.mp@aph.gov.au.

“There are only five active members, so we’re looking for a few more. You can be as committed as you like – do as little or as much as you’d like,” Tania said.

“Basically we’d just like people to come to a monthly meeting, if that’s possible,” Sr Mary added.

Annual membership is just five dollars. To become a member or for further information contact Sister Mary Trainor on mary.trainor@mercy.org.au

As well as the giant annual raffle the Auxiliary is also hosting two upcoming fundraisers.

On Saturday, July 8, in conjunction with Odeon 5 Cinema, they will be hosting a screening of the new animated film, Cats in the Museum. It’s school holiday family fun for a good cause and just $12.50 a ticket.

Then on Friday, August 11 they will host a trivia night at the Waratahs Sports Club at 7.30pm, with prizes awarded on the night. For more information or to book for either activity contact Tania on 0434 429 183.

10 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 29 — JULY 5, 2023 Community LiFE Call for an appointment today 6360 1735 24 McNamara Street, Orange admin@advanceat.com.au reception@advanceat.com.au www.advanceaccountinggroup.com.au
ELECTORATE OFFICER (EOB) - HON ANDREW GEE MP Private Advertiser Government - Federal (Government & Defence) FULL TIME • $69,170 – $80,757 per year
Frances Carney and Sister Mary Trainor

Veritas House expands its services supporting young people

Local communitybased not-for-profit organisation, Veritas House has been awarded a contract by the Australian Government through the Local Jobs Program to establish and deliver a world-first initiative designed to achieve vocational outcomes for local young people who have experienced trauma.

Trauma-Informed Individual Placement and Support aims to help at least 180 young people aged 16-24 who are in Out-of-Home Care or experiencing homelessness to find paid employment. Veritas will deliver the program in partnership with Orygen, Australia’s centre of excellence in youth mental health, who will undertake research to evaluate of the effectiveness of the

initiative, the results of which could inform supported employment programs for young people experiencing homelessness nationally and internationally.

“Veritas has been supporting homeless young people in our region for more than 40 years, and children and young people in Out-of-Home Care since 2013, so we know the barriers to education and employment faced by young people who have experienced trauma,” said Veritas House CEO, Jody Pearce.

most disadvantaged and vulnerable young people in Central Western NSW,” said Jody.

to the principles of the IPS model.

“We are excited about the opportunity to partner with Orygen whose vocational recovery team have been implementing IPS trials since 2005 and offering modified versions of IPS in headspace centres since 2016 and researching and supporting the implementation of trauma-informed care in youth mental health services since 2012,” said Jody.

“The Trauma-Informed IPS initiative places the employment preferences and strengths of the young person at the heart of how it identifies, seeks out, obtains and maintains employment for participants, and we are confident that this targeted, individualised and supported approach will deliver employment outcomes for some of the

Individual Placement Support is a strengths-based and person-centred model of education and employment support for individuals experiencing mental ill-health which has shown remarkable success internationally and in Australian trials, with average employment outcomes around three times higher than other employment service models. The recent establishment of a clinical team at Veritas House, comprising registered psychologists and occupational therapists ensures young people will have easy access to a range of assessment and therapeutic services, while the involvement of Orygen will ensure the program is supported by evidence-based training and implementation support to ensure employment mentors are adhering

“We are over the moon that the Australian Government has recognised the need to deliver a different model of employment supports for young people who have experienced trauma, and our staff are looking forward to engaging with local businesses to encourage them to support employment opportunities for local young people over the next two years.” For further information about the Trauma-Informed IPS program visit veritashouse.org.au/ti-ips/.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 29 — JULY 5, 2023 11 Community LiFE

When The Dog is One of Your Favourite Humans

Ifirst met Daisy (who was at this point unnamed) on the tarmac at the local airport in Orange when she was just 8 weeks old. The outrageously cute red cattle dog pup had been flown down from her birth town of Tenterfield. Such a wee little thing, slightly terrified, yet immediately reassured as soon as I cuddled her close on the short drive home. Upon arrival, she promptly did a wee on the kitchen floor before attaching herself to my then three-year-old son. It was he who decided she was as cute as a daisy, and so the name stuck.

Daisy was an explorer, getting her nose into everything and anything. I soon found myself spending weekends filling in holes, blocking off exit points and generally trying to convince her to not be such a pest. She was there when I dug in the garden, she was there when I lay in the sun, and she was there whenever I felt disconnected from the world. Always, she brought me back to the present moment with those golden eyes, filled with unyielding love.  She coughed one Tuesday morning, and I thought nothing of it. I had just mowed

the lawn and, as always, she was as close as she could be to me, even with the mower roaring. She was never fearful of such things, as she seemed to match her energy with mine (I’m convinced this is the case for all dogs). Naively, I assumed her cough was because she had a piece of grass stuck in the back of her throat. But the cough persisted. By Friday, we took her to the vets. They were worried she’d been poisoned, so standard tests and X-rays ensued. I knew she hadn’t been poisoned as our other dog, Goldie, was fine.

When I returned to the vets that afternoon to pick her up, I was informed that Daisy had a cancerous tumour that was pushing on her throat. I was dumbfounded. Aside from her cough, she had been fine just the day before, running after the ball like a puppy, despite her 11 years of age. At home, I broke the news to the rest of the family, and while there was still a glimmer of hope, we all prepared to say goodbye.

Why is that so bloody hard? I have heard people say it’s “just” a dog, but anyone with a beloved pet knows there’s no “just” about it – they’re a huge, bonding part of

the family. They give so freely, so willingly of their love that we just take it for granted. And then they’re gone. On Sunday morning I knew the time had come. Her breathing had become laboured, she was not eating or moving, and she was exhausted simply from trying to give us even more of her love. We each spent some quality time with her before I took her to the vet.

That day I did have a moment of pure rage – a European Wasp was buzzing about trying to get in the back door as I was taking Daisy out, and I flipped out good and proper. Completely lost it,

swearing profanities at the wasp. I was furious that it, a pointless pest, would get to live while an animal that adds so much to the world was about to die. The wasp, of course, was unfazed by my outburst.

The vet was amazing, she gave Daisy a sedative to allow her to rest so we could say goodbye, and as I stared deep into her eyes, I full and proper ugly cried, with shoulder-shaking sobs I simply did not expect. Finally, my bestie was gone, taken way too early at 11 human years but giving me and my family all her love. What a gift.

12 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 29 — JULY 5, 2023 Community LiFE



It is truly extraordinary that the National Party has taken seven months to publicly mention the plight of storm and flood-hit communities in the Central West.

From the party that claims to represent regional Australia, this is disgraceful and deeply insulting to the people of our area who’ve lost so much.

We’ve had the devastating storms and floods of November last year, then the Hill End bushfires, and through it all the National Party has been invisible to our disaster-hit communities.

Since the day of the flood disaster, neither David Littleproud nor his shadow cabinet ministers have set foot in Eugowra or the disaster-hit Cabonne shire. The National Party neglect of our communities is appalling.

It’s been seven months of silence from The Nationals. Seven months of having the chance to help, but choosing not to. Seven months of playing politics, instead of helping devastated residents pick up the pieces.


Seven months on from the November 2022 floods, devastated communities in Cabonne and Wellington are being held back from moving on, ineligible for several disaster recovery funding programs.

To help our hardworking country communities come back stronger, the State and Federal Government must open up these recovery funding programs to disaster-hit areas in the Central West.

Community Assets Program

In January, the Federal and NSW Governments announced the $70 million Community Assets Program to enable flood-hit areas to repair damaged community infrastructure.

Here’s the kicker – it’s only available to council areas hit by floods in February and June 2022 –not November, when those massive storms hit Cabonne and Wellington.

Despite Cabonne suffering storm and flood damage on par with the Northern Rivers, the local council is not eligible to apply for the grants of up to $7.5 million to fix key community facilities like playgrounds, sports fields and parks.

It’s now been months since I first called this out. It’s time to fix it.

Resilient Housing Package

The NSW Government expects to issue about 1,100 buy-back offers for residents in the

Northen Rivers.

To add insult to injury, the NSW National Party could’ve activated a full suite of disaster measures before the state election but failed to do so. Why wasn’t David Littleproud demanding the NSW Nationals take action? It would be a joke if the hurt and heartbreak wasn’t so real.

Through all of this, the federal Nationals sat silent and were content to leave our residents to their pain and anguish while they jetted around other parts of Australia. They’ve been missing in action on the Hill End bushfires too.

I believe this type of insincere charade is exactly why more and more Australians are turning away from the major parties. It’s truly bizarre that the Nationals think they can play the public for mugs and expect nobody to notice.

Our residents know exactly who has been here on the ground working for them and who hasn’t. They see through the political spin.

The Nationals’ seven months of silence shows they only offer a hand when it suits them. They have no shame.


Last week, it was fantastic to attend the Western NSW Business Awards!

gong of 2023 Western NSW Business of the Year!

With many communities in Cabonne bearing the same level of destruction, it’s outrageous that a similar scheme has not been put in place to help flood-hit locals move forward.

This scheme would give hope and provide some confidence to hundreds of homeowners in Eugowra, Molong, Cudal and Canowindra who lost everything in the devastating flood. They need and deserve all the help they can get.

More funding needed for rain-bombed infrastructure

I recently inspected the Nyrang Creek Bridge between Eugowra and Canowindra. It is still a wreck. A lack of funding to get the job done means that in country NSW in 2023, we’re forced to close roads rather than fork out to fix them.

There have been several accidents over the past few months at that crossing, including a recent, tragic fatality. The situation is clearly urgent.

We need more funding to truly future-proof our regional infrastructure. Moreover, we need to not just replace a bridge like-for-like, but to build one which will support our communities well into the future, that can survive future storm events.

All of these support measures for our storm and flood hit communities could have been switched on by the previous NSW Government, including the National Party, but weren’t. The new state government needs to get this assistance moving because the disaster-hit residents of our region are being treated like second-class citizens.

Our residents pay their taxes like everyone else and are entitled to the same support as other parts of the nation.

The Awards celebrate business excellence, highlighting the hard work, dedication and innovation of businesses in the bush!

A big congratulations to Peita, Rob and the team at Clever Cookie Academy, which took home the top


It was wonderful to see local legend Phoebe Litchfield opening the batting on her test debut at the Women’s Ashes!

Phoebe is now the 183rd woman to play a Test for Australia!

Congratulations Pheobe!

After a fantastic five-day test, Australia bagged an 89-run victory. The team will need to win just two of the six white-ball fixtures to keep the Ashes!

The business also bagged the Excellence in Small Business Award, and the Excellence in Innovation Award!

Congratulations Rob and Peita!

Stay tuned, as next week we will bring you more Orange-based winners from the Western NSW Business Awards.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 29 — JULY 5, 2023 13 For regular updates and news, follow me on Facebook and Instagram @andrewgeecalare Authorised by Andrew Gee MP, Suite 1/179A Anson Street, Orange, NSW 2800. 1/179A Anson Street PO Box 673 ORANGE 2800 (02) 6361 7138 andrew.gee.mp@aph.gov.au www.andrewgeemp.com.au ORANGE ELECTORATE OFFICE
Your Country Your Voice For regular updates and news, follow me on Facebook and Instagram @andrewgeecalare Authorised by Andrew Gee MP, Suite 1/179A Anson Street, Orange, NSW 2800.
Phoebe with Teammate Kim Garth Andrew with Phil Donato MP and Rob and Peita Mages

What we did in our HOLIDAYS

We all know that Australia is a long way from most of the rest of the world.

We are certainly made aware of this when we arrive on the other side of it, jet-lagged and weary after a very long flight.

In spite of being so far away, we are among the most travelled people in the world with more than half of us owning a passport.

Travel has become much easier, faster and certainly less expensive than ever before.

It wasn’t always like this.

When the Orange Oral History group gathered some time ago we remembered the holidays we had when we were young…

We didn’t travel in luxury.

Some of us went by train, which could be exciting with steam and cinders in the eye if you put your head out the window, and the wonderful feeling of rushing through tunnels, as Pat remembered of a trip to Sydney.

“I was thrilled with the whole thing!” she said.

Some of us travelled in Dad’s car, not always reliable and inclined to boil when going up Victoria Pass towing a caravan. Without the constraint of seatbelts, children were able to move around the back seat quite freely, fighting, pinching and generally complaining about how long

the journey was taking, while through the open windows a hot blast of air blew all over them.

It was often a choice between the wind or Dad’s cigarette smoke.

It was all such great fun!

Dick went by car to Manly for a family holiday. As they left for home his father’s foot slipped off the clutch and split the reverse gear.

“He decided to continue home,” said Dick, “but all the way we had to look for spots to stop where we didn’t have to reverse.”

“We hired a caravan and halfway up Victoria Pass the car started to boil and we had to stop every five minutes while it cooled down,” Richard told us.

Rosemary accompanied her American mother to visit her grandparents in 1947.

“We went in a ‘bride ship’, she said. “It was carrying women who had married GI soldiers to their new homes in America.

“There were thirty-two passengers to a cabin and we had storms which caused broken legs, and occasionally had the excitement of people jumping overboard. I thought it was great!”

John, who grew up in England, set off for his first holiday as a teenager with three friends and without the eagle eyes of their parents.

“We had visions of smoking and drinking without any supervision,” he said, “but we ended up at Butlin’s holiday camp. These were family-orientated venues, which were very popular during the thirties and forties. but not great for what we had wanted to do.”

Most of our group had to be content with camping.

Elma’s husband was very efficient at erecting the tent, but apparently not quite so good at attaching the trailer that held it.

“I was driving through the mountains on the way to Batemans Bay when the trailer suddenly came off, which was quite alarming!”

The weather was always a problem when camping.

My own family once set off on a beautiful balmy day to camp at Tea Gardens. We erected our tent, cooked dinner over the campfire and settled down for the night in great contentment.

A few hours later, we were hit by a southerly buster which blew our tent from its moorings and we spent the rest of the night holding it up.

Six of our group really should be encouraged to go camping again because they have all demonstrated an amazing ability to bring on the rain and may possibly be able to end droughts.

“We went with another family to camp near the Darling River,” said Monica. “Of course as soon as the tent was up it pelted down and we were covered in mud from head to foot.”

Barbara and Jeff both had tents swamped with water, Dick was soaked on a motorbike, while Bronwyn and Glenna were completely washed out.

Dot and her husband, Frank, camped with their children near Broken Hill. They were warned that if it rained they would have great difficulty getting out again because of the mud which was like glue.

“There wasn’t a cloud in the sky,” said Dot, “and we would be there for only one night. What could possibly go wrong?”

At 2am, the skies opened and they were in a panic to leave.

“Have you ever tried to pack a wet tent in a hurry?” Dot asked us.

But it is Karilyn who seems to be really able to make it rain.

“I grew up in New Zealand,” she said. “My father bought an acre of wild pig-infested land at the top of the South Island where we camped.

“My mother hated it. One afternoon my girlfriend and I cooked up a magic spell with spiders and beetles on the stove, then we forgot about it. That night a tremendous storm broke and we were blamed!

“Years later I did a rain dance and another terrible storm broke over Auckland. My fault again of course!”

Frank who is 93 and has enjoyed a lot of holidays, summed up: “Once you would go to Central Station to see people off to the mountains. Next, you would go to the wharf to see people off overseas. Now you go to the Airport.”

Delicious Soups

14 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 29 — JULY 5, 2023 HISTORY TALKING with HELEN MCNULTY WED TO SAT 4PM-8PM 0401 072 027 Check our Facebook for the Menu 37 William Street ORANGE | Ph 6362 8611 Pauls @ CoCos DINE IN OR TAKEWAY Pizzas ~ Wings ~ Pasta ~ Chips ~ DimSim CoCo’s CAFE TRADING HOURS Monday to Friday 6.30 – 4.00pm Saturday 7am – 1pm Closed Public Holidays www.cocosorange.com.au 37 William Street ORANGE Ph 6362 8611 Delicious! Best known for their delicious fresh food burgers, coffee and yummy desserts. With both daily & weekly specials they have something to tickle your taste buds. CoCo’s offers a wide range of gluten free, home cooked meals, all day breakfast and catering available, eat in or take way. Portuguese chicken Salad wraps Poached Eggs with Avo smash and yogurt Berry muesli Black Bean Vegetable Burger with Sweet Potato Crisp Pumpkin Fetta Tart Sweet potato fish cake with seeded pumpkin fetta salad GET OUR APP SAVE TIME ORDER ONLINE MEAL DEAL $50 2 Pizzas, Barramundi Bits & 1.25 litre Soft Drink Where our customers are the heart of the community ASHCROFT’S Our range of ready made soups are worth trying... They’re delicious! Delicious Soups “Where our customers are the heart of the community”
range of ready made soups are worth tryng.. they’re delicious!


Your child’s school years provide them not only with a foundation for life-long learning, but play an important role in their social and emotional development, helping them on their way to becoming kind, giving and contributing members of the community.

As the new school year approaches, take a look at how these local schools, big and small, can help set your child on the road to success.

to School Opportunities in 2023:
‘Strong Start’ Sessions begin August 22
Kindergarten Orientation begins November 6
Kindergarten Parent information Session on Wednesday November 1 Join us to: Establish a strong foundation for your child to begin their learning journey. Become familiar with our school, staff and Kindergarten routines. For more information: https://bletchingt-p.schools.nsw.gov.au/ or call our school office on 6362 3422.

Borenore Public School is a small school with an enrolment of students between the ages of five and twelve from Kindergarten to Year 6.

The school is family oriented with parents participating in many of the day to day school activities alongside the students. A friendly community atmosphere enables the students to work cooperatively on a variety of projects. A feature of the school is the attitude of helpfulness to others, displayed particularly by the older children to the younger ones. Staff and the school community strive to provide a positive learning environment for all students,

based on realising each child’s individual potential for learning.

There is a strong commitment to positive outcomes being achieved by all students, in the knowledge that self-esteem about learning will establish education as a lifelong process. Students are able to mix freely in recreational activities, regardless of age and gender, with a tolerance of individual differences and interests. The small school environment provides a meeting point for the community, with social and fundraising activities contributing positively to both the school’s needs and the feeling of community cohesion.

Enrolling now in all classes
Choose a local school with small class
Beautiful Rural
with all students and staff
Education BORENORE PUBLIC SCHOOL 1243 The Escort Way, Borenore NSW 2800 Taking enrolments in all years from Kindergarten to Year 6 Ph: (02) 6365 2262 E: borenore-p.school@det.nsw.gov.au We now have a newly established bus run to and from Orange
sizes •
Setting •
Staff •
Facilities •
Environment The SMALL school that’s

The Best in Village Education

Millthorpe Public School is the only school in the picturesque village of Millthorpe. The enrolment of approximately 250 students comes from families who live within the village and surrounding farms. The community is proud of its school and village with both noted for their beauty and historical significance. Engagement between staff, parents and the wider community is regarded as a vital component for our success and is highly valued by all.

Our vision is to ensure all students are successful learners who are confident, creative and well-informed citizens. We provide evidence-based literacy and numeracy programs implemented by quality teachers. Academic achievement and expectations are high in all aspects of

school life with student achievement above national averages. Student wellbeing is a high priority, achieved through providing a safe, inclusive and engaging environment, appropriate to the student’s stages of

development. In 2020, our school was identified as an Ambassador School for our ongoing excellence and success with quality teaching and learning, student wellbeing and attendance.

Our Village School, Painting Big Futures

A balance of academic, cultural and sporting opportunities are provided to students through our rich co-curricular initiatives. Millthorpe Public School provides opportunity for a range of enrichment activities such as music education, chess, debating, ballet and sport advancement. Our school provides Special Religious and Ethics Educations weekly. Before and After School Care, provided by Aspire OSHC, is available daily.

In 2023 our school received a major infrastructure upgrade with a brand new learning hub and library. All learning spaces have the latest technology and provide a calm and collaborative environment for learners. In 2024 Millthorpe Public School will offer an extended transition program for children in the year before they begin school.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 29 — JULY 5, 2023 17 Enrol Now SPECIAL FEATURE MILLTHORPE PUBLIC SCHOOL Park Street, Millthorpe NSW 2798 Taking enrolments in all years from Kindergarten to Year 6 Ph: 02 6366 3104 E: millthorpe-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au Enrolments for 2024 are now open...
z Quality literacy and numeracy programs to support all learners z Caring, highly qualified teachers and staff supported by a dynamic community z Cultural and sporting opportunities z Rich co-curricular program including music, band, chess, debating, dance and sport Enrol Now SPECIAL

Committed to your child’s education

Canobolas Rural Technology High School is a proud comprehensive high school that provides learning opportunities to all students.

Our school is a friendly school with wonderful opportunities for all students. It offers a broad range of educational, sporting and cultural subjects with a proud tradition of success and achievement across all areas. We have good facilities with large sporting and playing fields. We provide many additional opportunities for students such as excursions - sporting and academic, student leadership, wood and metal technology, computing, art, music, drama and an excellent agriculture program.

I welcome all parents into our school community and I would like to

encourage you to become involved in any of the parent groups that form part of our school. We value your support, expertise and commitment to the welfare of our students. The strongest schools are those who are committed to a two way partnership between the home and school. We have an active P&C and parents and caregivers are able to support their child's education in many ways. Some parents assist as volunteers in our canteen or as mentors and classroom volunteers, directly helping students to improve their learning. Please do not hesitate to contact the school for more information about the opportunities that are on offer. The school phone number is (02) 6362 1677 or please email canobolas-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au

NOW TAKING 2024 ENROLMENTS (02) 6362 1677 canobolas-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au

Enrol now for 2024

Spring Hill Public School is a stimulating learning environment where all students are provided with a wide array of learning opportunities that create resilient, respectful and responsible learners. Our whole school community and staff are committed to developing students who always strive to achieve and perform to their very best in all areas of school life.

• A school where everyone is included and encouraged with:

• Experienced, passionate & enthusiastic teachers

• State of the art technology & dedicated Robotics Program

• Small class sizes and vertical integration for high potential and gifted students

• Diverse & Inclusive Curriculum

• “Spring Hill Sparklers” transition to school program

• Before & After School Care

• Whole school Learn to Swim program in Terms 1 & 4 Put a spring into your childs step by enrolling them into Spring Hill Public School when looking for the best for your child.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 29 — JULY 5, 2023 19 Enrol
For further information contact Ph: 6365 5259 All local and non local enrolment enquiries welcome SMALL SCHOOL...
Opportunities Enrol Now SPECIAL

Why send your child to Calare you ask?

Calare is an innovative primary school situated in Wentworth Lane Orange. Our school has a comprehensive and dynamic curriculum including:

- Passionate staff who smile and are upskilled with quality professional learning regularly

- An innovative enrichment class which incorporates Coding technology

- Latest appropriate technology immersed across the whole school K-6

- A state of the art Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden program complete with egg laying chooks

- Dynamic Creative and Performing Arts, including Band, Dance, Choirs and an Art Studio

- Exceptional PSSA Sporting teams including Rugby Union, Rugby League, Touch Footy, Basketball, Netball, Softball and Soccer

- Inclusive Cross Country, Jog-a-thons, Running Festivals, Swimming and Athletics Carnivals

- Specialised opportunities such as a Tennis Team

- Brain stretching Debating teams and Public Speaking opportunities

- An active Student Representative Council building leadership skills

- Wonderful Wellbeing Programs – The Resilience Project, Positive Behaviour for Learning with the values Considerate Proud Safe with our Lizard Mascot “Yindy” who helps teach Social Skills and Kids Shed mentored by ‘Rotary Men’s Shed’ elders

- A very affordable Canteen open every day with hot lunch orders and friendly staff

- Three support classes and specialised

learning support programs including a Speech Therapy program led by Karen Trengove from Learn 2 Communicate

- A Sensory Gym to ensure students are at their optimal zone of alertness for learning

- An outstanding Pre-school attached to our school run by Live Better ensuring school readiness in Kindergarten

- The convenience of Before and After School Care every day run by Orange City Council

- A daily brain feeding ‘Breakfast for Champions’ program supported by Foodbank

- Fortnightly stage assemblies where parents and community are invited and always welcome!

- A huge, grassy playground to grow great kids in spaces where they flourish!

20 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 29 — JULY 5, 2023 Enrol Now SPECIAL FEATURE Call to arrange a visit and a tour– we’re just up the road from Elephant Park!
ENROL NOW FOR 2024 For further enquiries Phone: 6362 3699 Visit our website calare-p.schools.nsw.gov.au

Manildra Public School is a focus for a pleasant rural community. Good community spirit is evidenced by a large number of active local associations and sporting facilities.

"Encouraging dedication, care and committment"

Many organisations assist with teaching/learning programs. Most students live within the town boundaries. Three buses convey the remaining 30% from rural areas.

Enrol Now

the individual differences and interests of each child.

At Manildra Public School we promote the concepts of inclusiveness, social development, dedication to academic improvement and achievement, enthusiastic involvement in sporting contests and continual growth of the human spirit.

For more Information:


0263 645 055

Pupils are friendly and caring. A great majority come from interested and supportive families. School grounds are planned for appearance and function. Gardens and lawns are neatly kept. Play areas are well set out and equipped for both structured and creative play.

We are creating for the pupils and staff a supportive environment in which it is fun to work, learn and live. Our goals of high achievement are balanced by a realisation of

Our goals are to see each child show real progress each semester. We have a passion for technology and look to continue to develop these skills for each student. Each classroom has the latest educational technology where both teachers and students are hands-on and work interactively.

“We believe that all students should taste success”

Our school is a large school site with ample space to play and grow. We have two large playgrounds. the “top” playground has two fixed playground equipment area where students can climb, swing, slide, jump and move.

These areas allow children to develop essential motor skills. This area also has a field for playing games and sports. Our “lower” playground has a soccer field, a basketball and netball asphalt, and 2 tennis courts.

Physical Education and sport are important aspects of life at Manildra PS. Students participate in whole school sport every Friday and are involved in a number of sporting carnivals throughout the year.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 29 — JULY 5, 2023 21 KINDERGARTEN TRANSITION PROGRAM Encouraging dedication, care and commitment Talk to us today to book into our Kindergarten Transition Program in Term 4 e: manildra-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au t: 02 6364 5055 KINDERGARTEN TRANSITION PROGRAM Encouraging dedication, care and commitment Talk to us today to book into our Kindergarten Transition Program in Term 4 e: manildra-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au t: 02 6364 5055 Encouraging dedication, care and commitment Talk to us today to book into our Kindergarten Transition Program in Term 4 e: manildra-p.scholl@det.nsw.edu.au | t. 02 6364 5055 At Manildra Public School we strongly believe that this program is an integral part of helping your child transition easily and happily into school life. Children will attend Fridays commencing 20 October 2023 for 6 weeks. By the end of our Transition Program, your child will feel comfortable and ready to start Kindergarten. We look forward to welcoming you as part of the Manildra Public School community. Enrol Now SPECIAL FEATURE ENROLMENTS
Come and be a part of the Manildra School community SPECIAL FEATURE


Orange Christian School performs Roald Dahl’s Matilda the Musical! Orange Christian School secondary students held a special matinee performance of the multi-award-winning Matilda the Musical” on Thursday, June 22. The performance was a final dress rehearsal for the young cast and was watched by 400 students invited from surrounding primary schools as well as 32 residents of the Unting Wontama residential aged care facility. Inspired by the twisted genius of Roald Dahl, with original songs by Tim Minchin, Roald Dahl’s Matilda The Musical has is one of the most wildly popular musicals on Broadway at the moment, and Orange Christian School will be able to boast that they were one of the last schools in Australia to perform it as from June 30, the licensing rights for the musical are being revoked for schools and local theatre companies

22 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 29 — JULY 5, 2023 Social SCENE


The region’s school students have produced more than 1800 self-portraits for the 2023 SPARKE project, developed by Orange Regional Gallery, Orange Regional Museum and the SPARKE network of local public primary schools.

In its fourth year, the annual SPARKE program invites local public primary school students to participate in the cultural life of the city by creating a largescale art installation and participating in associated learning programs.

I Am Me, asked children to create a self-portrait that captured their special

interests and abilities, as well as the important friendships and family connections that help shape their identity.

Orange City Council Services Policy Committee Chair, Cr Mel McDonell said the exhibition, which was installed last week, received so many self-portraits it had to be displayed in three locations across the cultural precinct at Orange Regional Gallery, Orange Regional Museum and Orange City Library.

“Every available space has been filled with these delightful self-portraits, which offer a fantastic insight into the young artists’

individual interests and imaginations,” Cr McDonell said.

“While each piece is unique, they’ve come together to create a monumental installation that celebrates the students’ exuberance and creativity, and I encourage everyone to come along and see it for themselves.”

A video featuring interviews with some of the students is also screening in the exhibition space upstairs at Orange Regional Gallery.

Schools involved in the project are: Anson Street School, Blayney Public School,

Bletchington Public School, Borenore Public School, Bowen Public School, Calare Public School, Clergate Public School, Glenroi Heights Public School, Millthorpe Public School, Molong Central School, Mullion Creek Public School, Nashdale Public School, Orange Public School, Spring Terrace Public School and Stuart Town Public School.

The installation will be displayed until 13 August. A celebratory event will be held at the Gallery at 6pm on Friday 6 August in conjunction with the opening of the HERE/NOW community exhibition.


The laneway that connects the Orange Central Square Shopping Centre car park and Summer Street is set to be upgraded, cleaning up what is currently a rundown connection point for many Orange residents and visitors.

A light installation will be installed on the ceiling of the laneway, making the laneway a safer and more attractive place. The project is about visual improvements but also focuses on discouraging antisocial activity and improving safety.

The project will be funded by Orange City Council and the NSW Government’s Infrastructure Grant for Arts and Culture with both parties contributing $100,000 to the project.

Charter Hall, the operator of the Orange Central Square Shopping Centre, is also contributing by preparing and cleaning the space to give the project a blank canvas.

Orange City Council’s Employment and Economic Development Policy Committee Chair Tony Mileto looks forward to seeing the laneway improved.

“This upgrade will make the laneway a safe place for people to walk through,

improve entrances to businesses and will make the area more attractive overall,” Cr Mileto said.

Orange City Council’s Services Policy Committee Chair Melanie McDonell looks forward to making the space a more attractive place that people will want to visit.

“Rather than install the plain coloured, standard lights on the ceiling to make the laneway safer, we want to use the opportunity to be bold. It will go from a dingy place to be avoided to one that encourages people to pass through,” Cr McDonell said.

Two designs, by artists are Joel Adler and Daniel Templeman, have been shortlisted by Council’s Public Art Panel. Charter Hall worked closely with Council to select the concept designs.

United Dance Project owner Leesa Chaseling welcomes the project that will transform the laneway.

“We have so many families with small children come to classes every week, always having to dodge mess and rubbish, while looking at walls covered in graffiti,” Leesa said.

“This lighting installation will create a safe and inviting place for our families, the local residents and tourists visiting and shopping in Orange.” Council is asking the community for their views. Orange residents can have their say through an online survey that shows each of the 2 detailed designs. The online

survey is open until 5pm on Tuesday 25 July 2023 and can be found at http://yoursay. orange.nsw.gov.au/laneway-upgrade

The successful concept will move to detailed design and fabrication in September with installation set to be finished by the end of March 2024.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 29 — JULY 5, 2023 23 www.orange.nsw.gov.au | Find us on social media @ Orange City Council YOUR LOCAL COUNCIL
SAFETY UPGRADE: Orange Regional Gallery Director Bradley Hammond, Orange Central Square Shopping Centre Manager Dana Irving, United Dance Project owner Leesa Chaseling and Orange Councillor Tony Mileto. ‘I AM ME’ features more than 1800 self-portraits created by local public primary school students. s

School Holiday Giveaways

Entries close 12.30pm Tuesday, winners will be notified by phone.

Blockbuster competitions and giveaways to help you make the most out of your school holidays!

Looking for ideas to keep the kids busy this school holidays? Well, there’s plenty going on in and around Orange these next two weeks.

The Orange PCYC has a full weekday program of fun activities to please kids from kinder to year six. You can check out their program below.

For the musically minded, the Orange Regional Conservatorium of Music is running a week of winter workshops, July 2–7, along with a Junior Music Morning giving kids aged 5–8 a chance to try out a range of instruments in a round robin format. See more on page 25.

And Orange City Council has a whole range of exciting things planned this holidays, from museum tours, to crafty activities, movie screenings and Minecraft mornings!

You can find all Orange City Council’s school holiday activities at www.orange. nsw.gov.au/school-holidays

Let’s go to the movies! Odeon 5 ticket giveaway

Thanks to Mitzi and the team at Odeon 5 we will be giving away two family passes (2 x 4 tickets) and two double passes (2 x 2 tickets) over the next two weeks!

For your chance to win either a family pass or a double pass, we’re going to play a little game called “What am I watching?”

We’ll give you the date, and session time of a movie we will be watching at the Odeon 5 Cinema this week. All you have to do is check the session listings on the back page of this magazine and tell us the name of the movie that’s on at that time on that particular day. Got it?

So, this week we’ll be seeing a movie at the Odeon 5 Cinema on Monday, July 3 at 1.15pm. What am I watching?

Send your entries to reception@ oclife.com.au, message us on Facebook, or drop them into the office by 12pm Tuesday, July 4.

Win a family bundle to the Bathurst Winter Festival!

The Bathurst Winter Festival kicks off this Saturday, July 1 and promises to be 16 days of fun for all ages!

Held across Kings Parade and Machattie Park in the heart of Bathurst’s CBD, you can expect stunning light shows, live music, an outdoor ice rink, and show rides in the Winter Playground!

Thanks to Bathurst Regional Council we have a family bundle to give away to one lucky winner. The bundle includes: two (2) family ride passes (each valid to the Kaleidoscope mirror maze or the ferris wheel), and one (1) family ice skating pass (2 adults and 2 children or 1 adult and 3 children) valid for Kids Day on Wednesday, July 12. Hidden on the pages of this magazine you will find a number of snowflakes (like the one pictured on this page). Count them all, tell us how many there are before 12pm Tuesday, July 4. If you’re right, there’s more than a snowflake’s chance that you and your family will be on your way to the Bathurst Winter Festival this school holidays!

One Pinny, double the prizes!

This week we have not one but two $60 vouchers for Orange Tenpin Bowl to give away in our popular “Find Pinny” competition which means there’s twice the chance that you and the family will be bowling for free this school holidays!

Just as we do every week, we have hidden a small version of “Pinny” somewhere in this issue of OC Life. It could be anywhere.

To enter, simply find him, write your name, and phone number on the back of an envelope, along with the page number you found him on, emails are also welcome at reception@oclife.com.au.

Put in an entry and we’ll draw two winners from among the correct entries.

Win a mini golf family pass!

Our friends at Orange City Bowling Club have a mini golf family pass to give away!

Simply message us your contact details with the phrase “I want to play mini golf!” to go into the draw for one family pass (two (2) adults and three (3) children) which means free mini golf for up to five people.

Send your entries to reception@oclife.com.au, message us on Facebook, or drop them into the office by 12pm Tuesday, July 4.

Open daily from 11am until sunset every day these holidays, Orange City Bowling Club’s 18- hole mini golf course is affordable fun for all with prices kept at just $5 per person and children under five free. See staff at the main to pay and collect your putter and golf balls. Groups of 10 or more are advised to book ahead by contacting Orange City Bowling Club on 63622533.


tea. Must wear enclosed footwear. * $10 extra for tenpin bowling.

$50 per day AGES: Kinder - year 6 TIME: 8:30am-5:30pm Please bring a water bottle, morning tea, lunch and afternoon




An introduction SINGING , UKULELE , PBUZZ and VIOLIN in a round-robin style, try each instrument, learn the basics and meet our teachers.





NOËMI NADELMANN Performance Masterclass





MUSIC CAREER PATHWAYS with Prof. Roger Benedict, Online



Essential for all AMEB exam students. Expert instruction covering every aspect of your exam from ORC tutor Stephanie Li.


ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 29 — JULY 5, 2023 25

Beloved musical treasure Marcia Hines in Orange, July 8–9

Australia’s beloved musical treasure, Marcia Hines is performing two shows at the Orange Civic Theatre this July.

With a career spanning five decades, Marcia has released 22 albums, selling 2.6 million copies, and has garnered countless charttopping singles and multi-platinum records globally.

For her 50th Anniversary Concert Hour, Marcia is returning to regional Australia; accompanied by her musicians and production crew, each performance will be a celebration of the extraordinary output of this legendary musical talent.

From the early days of ‘Fire and Rain’ to the Discotheque album and all the way through to the 2022 release of ‘The Gospel According

to Marcia’, every show will encapsulate Marcia’s extraordinary vocal range and recording career.

Since moving to Australia from Boston at just 16 to star in the production of Hair, Marcia has been an integral part of the Australian music and entertainment industry, continuing to reinvent herself and set new industry benchmarks. From ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’ to ‘Queen of Pop’ to ‘Australian Idol’, induction into the ARIA Hall of Fame in 2007 and an Order of Australia in 2009, this extraordinary woman has been an inspiration to women and Australians everywhere.

See Marcia Hines at the Orange Civic Theatre on July 8–9. Ticket at Ticketek or call 6393 8111.

acclaimed comedy musical Little

Kinross Wolaroi School is preparing to entertain audiences at the Orange Civic Theatre on Friday, July 21 and Saturday, 22 with their rendition of the horror comedy rock musical Little Shop of Horrors.

During a total eclipse, the meek and dejected flower shop assistant Seymour Krelborn stumbles across a new breed of plant, which he affectionately names ‘Audrey II’ – after his co-worker crush for whom he pines. Little does he know that this strange and unusual plant will develop a soulful R&B voice, a potty mouth and an unquenchable

thirst for human flesh and blood!

As Audrey II grows bigger and meaner, the carnivorous plant promises limitless fame and fortune to the down and out Seymour, as long as he continues providing a fresh supply of blood and human bodies for the increasingly bloodthirsty plant.

Just when it’s too late, Seymour discovers Audrey II’s extra-terrestrial origins and true intentions towards world domination!

See this critically acclaimed musical at Orange Civic Theatre, July 21–22. Tickets at Ticketek or call 6393 8111.

26 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 29 — JULY 5, 2023 ENTERTAINMENT EMBRACE THE CHILL & IGNITE YOUR SPIRIT AT THE BATHURST WINTER FESTIVAL Illuminations | McDonald’s Bathurst Ice Rink | Ferris Wheel | Kaleidoscope BATHURST WINTER FESTIVAL 1 - 16 JULY 2023 Armada Bathurst Opening Night | Saturday 1 | Kings Parade Charles Sturt University Brew and Bite | Friday 7 | 4pm - 9pm and Saturday 8 | 12noon - 9pm WWW.BATHURSTWINTERFESTIVAL.COM.AU BATHURSTWINTERFESTIVAL
Kinross cast performs critically
Shop of Horrors next month!

What’s on around the region

Thursday June 29

Canobolas Dance Hall

Stevie Wonder VS Prince – Handpicked 6pm

Friday June 30

Orange Regional Conservatorium

The Americas |The Pan-American Highway


Orange Ex Services Northcott

Kent Eastwood 7pm Greenhouse Cocktail Bar

Lionel Robinson 7pm

Saturday July 1

The Victoria Hotel 4 on the 4loor 8.30pm

Canowindra Services Club

Tania Kernaghan and Jason Owen 8pm Greenhouse Cocktail Bar

Clancy Pye 7pm

July 1-16

Bathurst Winter Festival

Bell Shakespeare presents Twelfth Night A fresh retelling of the Bard’s riotous romantic comedy

Bell Shakespeare’s fresh retelling of Shakespeare’s romantic comedy Twelfth Night is a dark collision of hidden identities and unrequited love.

Viola is shipwrecked and believes her twin Sebastian has been lost to the ocean. Washed up in a strange new land, determined to survive, Viola disguises herself as a man named Cesario and finds work with Duke Orsino, only to fall head over heels in love with him.

But Orsino is in love with Olivia, who – grieving for her brother – refuses all offers of romance. Until, that is, she meets ‘Cesario’ for the first time. A whirlwind of passion ensues, leaving no one unaffected, not even Olivia’s prudish housekeeper Malvolia.

Featuring all-new music by Sarah Blasko, Twelfth Night ultimately asks us to find light in the darkness.

See Bell Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night at the Orange Civic Theatre 7.30pm Friday, July 28 and Saturday, July 29. Tickets at Ticketek or call 6393 8111.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 29 — JULY 5, 2023 27 PROUD TO BE A PUB OPEN 7 DAYS 107 BYNG STREET 6362 1353 WWW.THEMETROPOLITANHOTELORANGE.COM.AU ESCAPE THE COLD! Why not drop in and enjoy the best pub wood fire in Orange ENTERTAINMENT THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY Live beer month Hahn Super Dry Range ON TAP AND TAKEAWAY of the 18 ESCAPE THE COLD! Why not drop in and enjoy the best pub wood fire in Orange
Kent Eastwood Lionel Robinson Clancy Pye




I watched a show about parenting techniques this week. Not deliberately, obviously, but I was tucked up into my doona with a cup of tea and the remote rolled off the couch and onto the floor. I tried everything humanly possible to change the channel, mind you. I searched the app store to try and use my phone as a remote. I spent eight minutes trying to think of an excuse to call Miss 14 out to the loungeroom, so I could, at the end casually add, “Oh, can you please just pass me the remote on your way back to your room?” I even uncurled one leg from my warm doona cocoon to somehow channel a “foot-based remote retrieval” Pilates move I haven’t done since 2004. Alas, I was stuck.

Forced to give the show my full attention, I lasted four minutes before loudly announcing there were jelly cakes in the fridge and then suggesting to the seagull children who swarmed in that we watch Bluey together. Because this show, in my opinion, was judgemental garbage. I discovered in those four minutes that people who complain about school holidays being hard, “don’t actually like their children.” I love my children, I like my children, and I enjoy time with them. But juggling work/ meetings/deadlines is hard enough in a normal week. Throw in 24 hours a day of hungry children who need time with you without letting that impact your work performance… You can’t. It is impossible. How do other people without extended family cope? How do you ever stop feeling guilty? Why are we out of yoghurt and rice crackers already?!?

How should you raise your own children? I propose this: you should do whatever works for your family without making any snide remarks about the family next to you, and at the end of the day focus on a “win”.

This morning I was a ‘Tiger Mum’ at breakfast. In the show, the tiger parents were of Asian descent, focused on high achievements with musical instruments and placed constant pressure on their kids. Good to see the show producers not leaning into stereotypes. My “tigerness” was demonstrated by how quickly I devoured vegemite toast while growling about lost jumpers.

At work I was an ‘Attachment Mum’. In the show, attachment parents co-sleep, and co-live with their children in a lovely, reassuring child-centric way that only briefly suggested they were codependent emotionally unstable adults. I attached myself to both my computer and the coffee machine and sent Miss 14 two texts enquiring, “Sup?”

Dinner time is when I truly shone as a “Free-range Mum”. In the show, the free-range parents allowed children to discover their own boundaries, explore the world around them and find their own limits while all the other parents mouthed the word “neglect” at each other. I handed each child a plate and let them “free-range” hunt through the fridge for suitable leftovers. “Are there still jelly cakes?” Miss Nine asked.

I then finished on a high, by texting our group chat about my “win” for the day. My win for today? Not only was Miss Nine thankfully misheard when she stood in front of her class and announced “It’s my birthday, now sing for me peasants!” But Miss 14 has graciously accepted her peasant stature as deemed by the birthday girl today. I wonder if I can push it and ask her to pop the kettle on? Never perfect, but always good enough. Time for tea and birthday cake xxx.

Feeding the future

I know today's topic is going to be triggering for many. However, I believe we should put it on the table and talk about it in order to solve one of the biggest health concerns I see in this town: I´m talking about school lunches and the benefit of that for our kid's future.

As we all know, food is the fuel they need in order to be able to be active, concentrate properly and control their energy levels. Have you ever seen a kid after a birthday party celebration? Yep, that's what a lot of party food does to them. Off their faces with saturated fats and sugars! And guess what? It's fine as a one-off, for a special day and even as a 'sometimes food' choice. But if we stop for a second and think about it, we can and must question ourselves: do we want to see our kids every day like that?

I was amazed by the number of comments I had after I posted this photo of my daughter's lunch box on my socials. Let me start by saying that we are all far from perfect, in fact, we all are in this together. We have the same economic pressures, lack of time, and a dilemma that most of you can relate to: what should I put in my children's lunch box that is easy, affordable, healthy, that they enjoy and won’t just go to waste>

And I'm aware that for some families it's a big struggle to send anything nowadays. I hear and see you guys! That's why, I'd like to raise this issue today to see how we can make it a priority. Treating it seriously and understanding that there are many different points of view to consider.

1. Remember we don't have to spend heaps of money to buy groceries. There are options out there for you to choose. Don't stress, be wise.

2. Create a system and stick to it. For me, it's about having the space in my fridge, designated especially for my daughter's lunch box. I organise everything in takeaway containers, which are all the same size and remind me when I have to get something to top it up.

3. What should we all get and pack, based on national health recommendations? Four to five servings of veggies, two of fruit and one sandwich.

4. Remember most of the time kids don't have the opportunity to put their food in the fridge or have access to microwaves to heat it up at school. That's why we need to think about the type of food that won't make our kids sick due to the bacteria that grows between 5 and 60 degrees.

As an example, this week I went to one the most affordable Aussie supermarkets and I bought the following products for the week, all for under $20:

Baby tomatoes $ 3

Carrots $ 1.49

Snow Peas $5.99

Bag capsicums $3.99

Baby cucumbers $2.49

Grapes $3.49

Every day I personally like to put chopped veggies in one side of the lunch box, a piece of fruit in another and a sambo with rye bread in the third one. Doing that, I offer different flavours, textures and colours in my kid's lunch box. Following the recommended intake of fruit and vegetables in Australia. And creating a habit of snacking on healthy stuff if they are peckish!

I was talking with a Greek friend of mine here in town, who told me that their kids take home-cooked meals in a thermos, helping her with her cost of living, but also building a connection to their cultural background. I don't know about you, but I find that quite impressive! However, if you are challenged by that idea, stick to the basics, knowing that we can all do a bit better for our kids. I see many families bringing bags of fast food for their kids at 9am and I have to tell you that it breaks my heart.

As I said before, we are all far from being perfect, but together we should all try to do better by them. I dream of seeing all Aussie schools with home-cooked meals in their canteen instead of so much processed stuff (I know right? Keep dreaming you must be thinking right now!) but imagine being able to offer our kids soups and casseroles in winter, and fresh and healthy stuff in warmer seasons. Imagine how easy it would be to see ALL canteens in Orange full of free and accessible local fruit for our kids. Why shouldn’t we prioritise collecting and eating apples from our local orchards as a school food project?

So yep! I believe food-education programs should be a must here in Orange. We live in a town considered the “Food Bowl of NSW” and by taking a local and seasonal approach to our cooking, normalising humble recipes and making use of local products, we could offer something better for our kids and help them make better food choices in the future.

What do you think? Get in contact with me through my socials and let me know your thoughts.

28 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 29 — JULY 5, 2023
@atableof10 | @eat_spanish | @rubenlopezmesa

Let’s Feast @

Welcome to The Middle Coffee Shop!

New owners Natalie Reid and Chantelle Davies take great pride in using only the best and freshest local produce.

Enjoy their lusciously silky coffee or indulge in a decadent iced chocolate along with one of their freshly made sandwiches, salads, wraps, or their popular bacon and egg roll. At the Middle Coffee Shop, you’ll find a delicious assortment of homemade sweets, including tasty cakes, biscuits, slices, lamingtons, banana bread, fruit loaf, croissants and pies.

And why not let them take the hassle out of organising your next special event or work function and pre-order catering boxes from The Middle Coffee Shop.

Make sure to show your loyalty coffee card every time you visit as not only does completing the card mean you can claim a complimentary cup, but you also go into a draw to win an additional seven free coffees!

Conveniently located at the top of the escalators, Level 3 of the Orange Central Square shopping centre, The Middle Coffee Shop is your destination for delectable coffee and treats.

For all inquiries or to place an order, call 0400 191 475.

NAME ADDRESS BOOKINGS Café Latte Uniting Church, 217 Anson Street, Orange 6363 1855 Coco’s Café 37 William Street, Orange 6362 8611 Eat Botanic 302 Hill Street, Orange (next to adventure playground) 6361 0005 The Mills 1/179 Byng Street, Orange 6360 3606 The Barrel 146 Bathurst Road, Orange (Ibis Motel) 6362 6033 Peter’s Fried Chicken 105 Glenroi Avenue, Orange 0491 729 910 Nile Street Café 49 Nile Street, Orange 6363 199


Things got a little bit spicy at Nashdale on Friday night, June 23, with the local CWA hosting their popular annual curry night. Nashdale locals and others from Orange and surrounding areas flocked to the Nashdale Hall, eager to sample the CWA ladies’ delicious curries. A great family event, the kids enjoyed following up their tasty meal with an ice block treat.

Barry and Ann celebrate 60 years of marriage

Congratulations to Ann and Barry Burcher who celebrate their 60th Wedding Anniversary today! Ann and Barry were married on June 29, 1963 at St Joseph’s church here in Orange.

The happy couple will be celebrating the remarkable milestone with their family this weekend.

Bob and Moira McFadyen Holly Wright, Jenny and Michael Mullins Charlotte and Georgia McDonell. Michelle Goss and Carla Evans John Ackery and Kate O’Loughlin Ian Hatcherly and Clair Whelan Barbara and Craig Hayhow Ros Barkey and Isabelle Britt


The dance floor was alive with colourful characters at the Orange City Bowling Club on Saturday, June 24, for the Orange Social Dance Group’s Fancy Dress Winter Dance.

Orange Social Dance Group members came dressed as their favourite fictional character, and danced the night away to the music of Barry’s Country Vogue.


Orange City Women’s Bowling Club hosted 86 bowlers from around the region for their annual Gala Day on Tuesday, June 20. Teams came from Bathurst, Millthorpe, Manildra, Molong, Cowra, Orange Ex-Services’ Club and Orange City. It was a social day with lots of fun, friendship and a tasty lunch provided by the Orange club members.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 29 — JULY 5, 2023 31 Social SCENE
Jean Kennedy from Orange and Roby Adams from Majellan Bowling Club in Bathurst. Gala Day winners from Orange City Bowling Club: Sue Moore, Sue Brown and Gail Pringle. Judy Davis from Majellan Bowling Club in Bathurst. Roslyn McGroder from Orange and Kathy Nelson from Cowra Karen Rodwell from Manildra and Jenny MacDougall from Orange City Sheryl Jenkins from Orange and Betsy Thornberry from Majellan Bowling Club, Bathurst. Rob Alexander, Cathie Slattery, Evelyn Trainor, Kevin Anderson, Marzenka Leszczynska and Grahame Chapman Graham Smith (Mr Elvis) and Benky Chung Mike and Bev O’Brien Audrey Ferris and Warren Oprey Ray Martin
32 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 29 — JULY 5, 2023 Mars, M&M's or Skittles Fun Size Pack 132‑192g Selected Varieties ON SALE FROM WEDNESDAY 28 TH JUNE UNTIL TUESDAY 4 TH JULY 2023 Specials available from Wednesday 28/06/23 until Tuesday 04/07/23 or while stocks last. Retail quantities only. No trade supplied. We reserve the right to correct printing errors. Pictures used for illustration purposes only. IGA Liquor supports the responsible service of alcohol. Tobacco and alcohol not sold to under 18’s. 210 PEISLEY STREET, ORANGE NSW 2800 | 6362 7233 OPEN 7 DAYS: MON TO SAT 6AM-9PM | SUNDAY 7AM TO 8PM WWW.IGA.COM.AU 82 SUMMER ST, ORANGE NSW 2800 | 6362 0775 OPEN 7 DAYS: MON TO SAT 7AM-9PM | SUNDAY 8AM TO 8PM WWW.IGA.COM.AU IGANS13160_280623 Serving suggestion Australian $28 kg BEEF T-BONE STEAK 50% Off REXONA* Coca‑Cola 24x375mL Selected Varieties $2.44 per Litre $22 ea SAVE $14.70 Primo Stackers 45‑57g Selected Varieties Whiskas Favourites Wet Cat Food 12x85g Selected Varieties 93¢ per 100g $950 ea SAVE $2.50 $3 ea SAVE $1.25 Hot PRICE! Kellogg's Cereals 435‑700g Selected Varieties SPC Baked Beans or Spaghetti 420‑425g Selected Varieties 26¢ per 100g Cadbury or Pascall Share Bag 110‑185g Selected Varieties $450 ea $110 ea $250 ea Uncle Tobys Rolled Oats Quick Sachets 8‑10 Pack Selected Varieties Bulla Creamy Classics Ice Cream Sticks, Cone or Sandwich 4 Pack Selected Varieties Rexona Advanced Protection Antiperspirant Spray 220mL Selected Varieties *excludes Travel Size & Low Prices Every Day $1.93 per 100mL Allen’s Medium Bag 140‑200g Selected Varieties Pepsi, Solo or Schweppes Infused Natural Water 10x375mL Selected Varieties $2.20 per Litre $425 ea $315 ea $450 ea $825 ea $2 ea
ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 29 — JULY 5, 2023 33 ORANGE PROPERTY MARKET BEST PROPERTIES BEST AGENTS FOR THIS WEEK’S LATEST LISTINGS www.orangecitylife.com.au PROPERTY OF THE WEEK BROUGHT TO YOU BY WILLIAMS MACHIN This large 4 bedroom home is located in the village of Barry. With only a 10 min drive to Blayney. 40 minutes to Orange. 40 minutes to Bathurst. Nicole Anderson t. 0401 284 320 8 SAWYER STREET, ORANGE $780,000 - $820,000 4 22
home features: Four generous size bedrooms, all with built-ins Main bedroom has ensuite Open plan kitchen, dining and lounge room • Office space with entry internally or externally Large 2nd lounge room/adults retreat 2 x wood fire places • 4 x Split system reverse cycle air conditioner • Front and rear veranda Large 14 x 5 shed Garden shed with cement floor • Water tanks Dog yard with cement paths and flooring plus own water tank Established gardens

11 Ningoola Way, Orange

With this address, surrounded by great homes and established trees and gardens, you would have to say that the “location” box is well and truly ticked. Set in a popular west Orange location, you will find many parks, a local preschool, oval and Duntryleague Golf course plus easy access to the CBD. From here, it’s all about having a vision and bringing the home in line with your own plans.

Covered outdoor entertaining area.Double garage with internal access


34 22.07.23 onsite if not sold prior Size 892m2 Open Sat 1st July 11.30 - 12.00pm FOR SALE Tom Campbell 0459 022 477 Contact $580,000 Price Size 1,012 sqm 119 Peisley Street Orange NSW 2800 02 6362 4755 www.awn.net LIVESTOCK & PROPERTY 13 William Street, Millthorpe NSW 2798 A delightful elevated block overlooking the sought after and historic village of Millthorpe and the perfect chance to build your dream home in a family friendly street. With a total of 1012sqm* this block has ‘views for miles’ taking in the surrounding countryside all the way to Mount Canobolas. One of the very last chances to secure a parcel of vacant land in William Street and certainly the most elevated of those that remain. Close to all the amenities that Millthorpe has on offer including doctors, chemist, supermarket, restaurants, pubs, cafes, specialty shopping, and Millthorpe Public School. Elevated Millthorpe Opportunity Tom Campbell 0459 022 477 Contact 1st July 2023 - 10AM The Quest Cnr Kite St & McNamara Ln, Orange Auction Approximately * Approximately * AUCTION AUCTION Extensive living areas including formal lounge, dining area, sunroom, office or sitting room Good sized bedrooms two with built-ins Kitchen in the centre of the home with access to the living areas Second toilet in the laundry Well fenced north facing secure private backyard
Marie Fox 0412 166 132 Contact Auction FORTHCOMING AUCTION
304 Norah Creek Road, Molong Tom Campbell 0459 022 477 Contact Forthcoming Auction if not sold prior Price Size 508 Ha or 1254 Acres A well appointed 508* hectare, 1254* acre mixed farming property northwest of Molong featuring a Hardiplank clad home, functional shedding, excellent sheep and cattle yards, and abundant water. The comfortable home has and open plan kitchen dining and living area with floating timber flooring, 4 internal bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, R/C A/C, and a slow combustion wood heater. Rural infrastructure is ideal for a property of this size and includes a dual purpose shearing shed and workshop, hayshed, sheep and cattle yards, good access to water, and 4 silos for a total of 144* tonnes. Water is a feature with 2 solar powered stock and domestic bores and 15 dams. Soils range from heavier clay based loams to sandy loams and pastures are mainly native supported by a good recent super history. Approximately * Orange Property MARKET 80-room motel proposed for old Tip Top bakery site

Council approval is being sought for the redevelopment of the former Tip Top Bakery site on the corner of March and Peisley Streets to build a new 80-room motel.

The development application, put out for public comment last week, proposes building an 80-room multi-building motel, named Orange Hotel in documents, with the main reception building including a guest-only breakfast bar, commercial kitchen, business centre and amenities.

The reception building and entry to the motel would be from March Street, with the rooms arranged in a U-shape around the western, Northern and Eastern boundaries of the former bakery site. Most of the rooms would be single-storey, however, the plans include five two-storey suites on the northern end of the building. The rest of the rooms would be a mix of double rooms, queen rooms, king rooms and king spa rooms.

The development has provisions for 81 parking spaces.

The development application, submitted by “Peisley Street Developments Pty Ltd, will be on public exhibition until Thursday, 6 July 2023. The exhibition documents are available for viewing online at: www.orange.nsw.gov.au/planning-news/developmentapplications-on-exhibition

Written submission must be received by Council by 5pm, Thursday, July 6, 2023.

• Seven individual titles

• A Dam

• Beautiful views

RODD STREET, CARCOAR FOR SALE $850,000 CONTACT: NICOLE ANDERSON 0401 284 320, nicole@williamsmachin.com.au
3.5 acres in the gorgeous historical town of Carcoar. Located only 45 minutes from Orange or Bathurst, 10 minutes from Blayney. Walking distance to Carcoar town itself. 7 blocks with individual titles. One block has a good size dam. House sites with good views.
• Water at the boundary
Electricity across the road
2 apple trees, 2 plumb trees and a pear tree
Orange Property MARKET



This generous property would suit almost everyone because of its great list of features. If you want a 4 or 5 bedroom home with 2 or 3 living areas on a big block with great views and the biggest storage area I have ever seen, then this could be the home for you.

• Four bedrooms, master with ensuite and walk-in robe, others with built-in robes

• Three separate living areas, or could be two living areas with 5th bedroom Galley style kitchen with 900mm cooker overlooking the open plan style living

• Central three way bathroom with bath and shower, ducted gas heating and cooling

• Huge covered outdoor alfresco area with great views towards Suma Park Dam

• Massive workshop/storage area under house, around 135sqm, with concrete floor and toilet

• Other features include, solar panels,

OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY 1st 9.30am - 10.00am



CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590

137 edward


CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590


This lovely property has the classic late Federation/Inter-war facade and features 3 bedrooms all with pressed metal ceilings along with the hallway and formal lounge room, it has just had a full re-paint internally with light modern colours and looks nice and fresh. You will love the eat in kitchen which is in good condition, and the extension at the rear of the house features the second living area and the federation style bathroom with a great claw foot bath and also a shower. Edward Street has seen lots of new owners in recent years moving in and restoring these lovely homes, this property would also be a great Air BnB.

• Beautiful classic old world facade

• Plenty of scope for renovation or extension

• Walking distance to restaurants and CBD

OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY 1st 10.30am - 11.00am


This great brick veneer property has a lot going for it, and it would be a great place to call home or purchase as an investment property.

Located in a very low traffic area on the southern side of the Distributor Road, you are close to shops, parks and more.



You will be impressed just as impressed with the lovely home as I was when I first saw it. The owners are retiring and want to downsize, so here is your chance to purchase this great property that the owners have put so much into.

• Four bedrooms, 3 with built in robes, master with ensuite

• Three bedrooms, master has walk in robe and ensuite, others have built-ins.


• Good size north facing lounge room with big windows that let in loads of light

• Open plan kitchen/dining area which adjoins the lounge room

• Attached double garage with internal access, ducted gas heating, secure rear yard

OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY 1st 11.30am - 12.00pm


This great 2.0 Ha (5 acre) block is ready to build on and has a sealed driveway right to the property. The block has got bore water available on site, three phase power, and rural fencing including gates. The lovely block is only a very short drive to Millthorpe and Orange and is one of 14 surrounded by farmland.

• Registered and ready to build on

• Communal bore water installed on the block


$899,000 4 2 2

CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590

• Three living areas, all warm, inviting and very comfortable

• Modern main bathroom with bath and shower and modern ensuite

• Spacious kitchen with soft close furniture, breakfast bar, dishwasher

• Recent installation of new terracotta roof and luxaflex shutters throughout

• Orange High school zone, 916sqm block (approx), walk to town and Cook Park

• Ducted gas heating through floor, wood heater and big A/C split system

OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY 1st 12.30pm - 1.00pm


Attention investors and first home owners, here is a great opportunity to secure one or two affordable residential building blocks. 245 Phillip Street Orange is 448.70sq and 245A Phillip Street Orange is 460.7sqm. The blocks are right next to each other and the location is relatively close to town with public transport close by. See GJ Gardner Homes’ website for a suggested house design. Call for more information.

• Close to town centre

Corner block with 2x road accesses

• Three phase power

• Buy one and build

• Build on both, keep one for rent

2 gantry cranes

Zoned General Industrial

• Fully fenced with gates

Land area approx. 1,406Ha, building area approx. 1,620m²

• Only 7 minute drive to Millthorpe

• Sealed road to front gate

Offered with Vacant Possession



• All town services https://www.gjgardner.com.au/ house-land-packages/new-southwales/102-245-phillip-st https://www.gjgardner.com.au/ house-land-packages/new-southwales/103-245a-phillip-st

CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590

For more information or for an inspection, contact Gary Blowes 0418 635 248 | gary@blowesre.com.au Celebrating

CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590

Selling in conjunction with Peter Fisher Real Estate

36 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 29 — JULY 5, 2023
50 years in real estate in 2022 Cnr Lords Pl and Kite St, Orange 02 6362 1233
cnr lords place + kite street 02 6362 1233
in real estate in 2022 Cnr Lords Pl and Kite St, Orange 02 6362 1233
BLOWESRE.COM.AU cnr lords place + kite street 02 6362 1233
onsite 11am 23/02/2022
3 2 2
PHILLIP STREET, orange $279,000 each
245 & 245A
$729,000 3 1 1
CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258
$799,000 4 2 5
19 madison way, orange


Desirable West Orange Location

30 George Weily Place, Orange NSW

Set on 876 square meters within sought-after West Orange, this property combines elegance, comfort, and convenience.

The modern kitchen is a chef's delight, featuring ample counter space, gas cook top and sleek cabinetry. Whether you're preparing gourmet meals or casual meals, this kitchen is sure to inspire your inner chef.

Outside, the backyard is a haven for relaxation and entertainment complete with an additional large shed. The covered patio area is perfect for hosting barbecues or enjoying alfresco dining while the low-maintenance yard provides ample space for outdoor activities.


Productive Vacant Lifestyle Block

Henry Parkes Way, Manilda NSW



Contact Agent 0423 658 101

Emma Chapman

James Taylor 0457 792 800

Ray White Townsend Real Estate raywhitetre.com

Spacious Entertainer's Home in Great Location

28 Olympic Drive, Orange NSW

The interior boasts an open and airy floor plan, with plenty of natural light flooding the space. The large living room provides a great space for family movie nights, or morning coffee looking out to the uninterrupted view of Mount Canobolas.

The kitchen is a chef's dream, with gas cooking, plenty of counter space and ample storage, It is perfect for preparing delicious meals for large gatherings or intimate family dinners.

The bedrooms are generously sized and offer plenty of storage space for all of your belongings. The master bedroom is a true retreat, complete with a generous sized ensuite and a large walk-in robe.


Spanning across 51.8 hectares, this vacant property provides both space and productivity. Superbly located to convenient services, 4km to Manildra and 30 minutes to Orange.

75% arable with heavy red basalt soils

Scattered shade and shelter highlighted with Box and Kurrajong timber.

2 dams and a bore site

Fenced into four paddocks. With picturesque views, which can be enjoyed from various vistas highlighted with cleared, open and productive land that will provide a steady income.

The Perfect Family Haven SALE

56 Centennial Crescent, Orange NSW

Auction Friday 30th June '23

132 Kite Street, Orange

Kurt Adams 0428 747 050

Emma Chapman 0423 658 101

Ray White Townsend

Real Estate raywhitetre.com


Nora McNamara

Contact Agent 0431 320 230

Ray White Townsend Real Estate raywhitetre.com

Introducing 56 Centennial Crescent, Located in the Borrodell area, a magnificent 4- bedroom, 3bathroom home nestled in the highly sought-after Poplar's estate of Orange.

Large approx. 3000sqm block of land with plenty of space for outdoor activities and gardening. Modern kitchen with stainless steel appliances, gas cooktop, and ample storage space.

Three modern bathrooms, including a main bathroom with a separate shower and bathtub, and an ensuite in the master bedroom. Ducted air conditioning throughout the house for year-round comfort and a ducted vacuum system throughout.

Kurt Adams $1,150,000 0428 747 050

James Taylor 0457 792 800

Ray White Townsend Real Estate raywhitetre.com

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 29 — JULY 5, 2023 37
203 Lords Place, Orange NSW raywhitetre.com 02 6362 4016
Ray White Townsend Real Estate

The Project You Have Been Looking Forward For! SALE

32 Maxwell Avenue, Orange NSW

3-bedroom, 1-bathroom home that exudes potential and charm, ideal for those seeking a project or a sound investment.

Featuring a sizable and impressive shed that awaits your creative vision, providing ample space for storage and/or workshop.

Situated in a desirable neighbourhood, 32 Maxwell Avenue offers you the convenience of local amenities, including schools and parks.

Whether you are a seasoned renovator or a firsttime buyer with a vision, 32 Maxwell Avenue is your canvas for a remarkable transformation.

Family Sized Modern Home

42 Honeyman Drive, Orange NSW

The Perfect Family Haven SALE

15 Raphael Street, Blayney NSW

This neatly kept four-bedroom property is situated in a prime location on 889 square meters, just a stone's throw away from both primary and secondary schools and the Blayney town centre. Boasting a modern interior and a large backyard complete with double garage and rear access, this home is perfect for those looking for convenience and comfort.

The modern kitchen is well-appointed creating a great space for entertaining guests and preparing meals, the kitchen is complete with gas cooktop, ample storage, and a window overlooking the backyard.



James Taylor

Contact Agent 0457 792 800 Jemma Bridge 0409 846 146

Ray White Townsend Real Estate raywhitetre.com

This beautiful property boasts a spacious 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom layout, complete with a double garage, offering both comfort and convenience for you and your family.

The open-plan living area provides a seamless flow between the living room, dining area, and kitchen, creating a perfect space for entertaining guests or enjoying quality family time.

The kitchen features modern appliances, ample countertop space, and plenty of storage options.

The master bedroom comes with an ensuite bathroom, providing a private oasis where you can relax and unwind. The remaining bedrooms share a well-appointed bathroom, ensuring comfort and convenience for all.

Rural SALE

Superb Home on Quality Acreage

'Tralee' 487 Stapletons Road, Boomey NSW


Emma Chapman $520,000 0423 658 101

Ray White Townsend

Real Estate raywhitetre.com

Situated 19 kilometres North of Molong and 48 kilometres North-West of the City of Orange and just over four hours' drive from Sydney.

A 30-minute drive gets you Stuart Town and Mookerawa Reserve fronting Burrendong Dam and Dubbo is just over an hour to the North-West.

The residence has only just been extensively renovated and remodeled and now features the possibility of three, four or five bedrooms.

"Tralee" is exceptionally well watered with over 100,000 litres of rainwater storage, riparian rights from the 600 metre frontage to the Bell River, two dams plus a stock & domestic bore.

The Bell River is stunning stream and is considered as good a permanent watercourse that you'll find anywhere on the Central Tablelands.

James Taylor

Contact Agent 0457 792 800

Ray White Townsend Real Estate raywhitetre.com


$1,700,000$1,750,000 0427 631 957

Stephen Townsend

Ray White Townsend

Real Estate raywhitetre.com

38 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 29 — JULY 5, 2023
White Townsend Real Estate 203 Lords Place, Orange NSW raywhitetre.com 02 6362 4016

Make the Right Choice for your Investment Property

"The company is professionally run with customer oriented goals.My property manager Analia Bevan always goes above and beyond to help with any “if there is “ issues. I will definately recommend them to anyone"

The team is super responsive and efficient when dealing with any issues!

"Excellent communication & updates between us & our tenants. Maintenance/ repairs reported in a timely fashion so we can attend to them promptly for the comfort & wellbeing of our tenants and the good care of our property as well"

Nothing is too much trouble for Amanda - answering all our questions, helping to find us a tenant for our rental and providing a wonderful professional service. Amanda is always available to speak to when needed. Amanda is very thorough and knowledgeable. We would have no hesitation in recommending Amanda and Ray White Townsend Real Estate.

Very happy with Alisha Staines. She returns phone calls and emails straight away. Anything that needs to be done at our house is actioned straight away.

Alisha was very helpful in assisting my wife and I to secure our Orange Rental from the start to finish

"Alisha has always been quick to get back to me and has sorted any issues out for us incredibly fast in a incredibly polite and approachable manner. The house needed a new hot water heater (not desperately) and it was organised and installed within a week. Incredibly happy"

We have been renting through this Townsend realestate since 2017, in that time we have always had a great experience. They are always quick to help with any issues we may have. When our last rental went on the market Ana went above and beyond to help us find a new home suitable for our family. I would highly recommend Ana, Kathie and all the team!

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 29 — JULY 5, 2023 39 Ray White Townsend Real Estate 203 Lords Place, Orange NSW raywhitetre.com 02 6362 4016
Because its our Business Do You want a Property Manager you can trust to manage your investment property, see what others have to say...
Give us a call at our Orange, Blayney or Molong Office to see how easy it is for you.




154 Sieben Drive Orange

412 a b c a b c a b c

FOR SALE $710,000

Great home in popular Bel Air

Positioned in the sought after area, close to childcare, sporting fields and playgrounds, this four bedroom, 1 bathroom home boasts easy living in Bel Air. Its established gardens offer both green spaces and privacy. Boasting a large block whose exterior space is split on two levels, there’s room for a caravan, or extra space for the kids and then more options on the elevated level with its established screened plantings. Freshly renovated, the brand new kitchen is stylish with a generous island bench and sleek new cabinetry. Its combination with a large family room makes this a very attractive area. All bedrooms are well proportioned with built-ins while the family bathroom has a full sized bath and separate toilet. The space adjacent to the master bedroom is perfect for formal dining or study or offers a potential space for an ensuite or dressing room.

170 Farnham Road Farnham FOR

Where Can You Get 208 Acres for $750,000 with a House & 100% Grazing property ?

This two bedroom home is situated on 208* acres of undulating land suitable for mixed grazing. Watered by a creek and two good-sized dams, the property is well-fenced and secure. Situated in a quiet and private location, it offers the capacity to return income as a grazing block. Less than 10 minutes from Stuart Town. The property is a short drive to the recreational features of Lake Mookerawa. An approximate 4o-minute drive to Orange, this farmhouse is perfect for those looking for a peaceful and secluded living space while still being less than an hour’s drive from Orange. The property is also around 45 minutes from Lake Burrendong with its myriad water activities including skiing and fishing and is around 30 minutes to Wellington.


131 Nashdale Lane

21 a b c a b c a b c

FOR LEASE $550pw

Fully Furnished, Tastefully Renovated Executive Cottage

Private and secluded, this delightful cottage boasts uninterrupted views of the surrounding countryside. Set within a large property, this lovely home has been tastefully updated to complement the polished floorboards and take advantage of the open countryside. Featuring two good sized bedrooms with storage, a modern kitchen with dishwasher, breakfast bar and open plan living, this cottage is perfect for those seeking a secluded way of life that is only 7kms from Orange’s CBD.


3 Agate Street Orange

521 a b c a b c a b c

FOR SALE $820,000

Five bright and beautiful bedrooms in North Orange

Within an easy drive of Bunnings, North Orange Shops, The Botanic Gardens, the Adventure Playground and Waratah sporting grounds. This lovely home has been designed with livability in mind. The pleasing neutral palette and nine foot ceilings emphasize the light and airy feel of this lovely home. Offering plenty of space , this generous home includes a formal lounge/dining room adjoining the lightfilled foyer. which could also be used as a media room.

SATURDAY 11.30 - 12.00pm

1/4 Parker Place

a b

212 a b c a b c

c FOR LEASE $450pw

Peace and Quiet So Close to Town.

You’ll Feel Immediately at home

This charming unit has been updated and excellently maintained. Featuring modern, attractive kitchen, new bathroom and pleasant outdoor area, this unit is only minutes away from the CBD. The neutral colour palette will please everyone while the original polished floorboards add ambience and charm. The two split systems long with gas heating will ensure you are comfortable from season to season.Situated in a a cul de sac with street-proud neighbours, this easy to care for unit offers the perfect home.

40 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 29 — JULY 5, 2023
311 a b c a b c a b c
0428 650
Address 24 Sale Street, Orange scottmunro.ljhooker.com.au Email scott.munro@ljhooker.com.au website ww.orange.ljhooker.com.au
recommend Scott Munro in selling property, knowing he is working for you. Veronica Caton LJ HOOKER - YOUR PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST A compassionate, down to earth,career -driven person, Scott sets the nerves and pressure of moving at ease, with his willingness to go the extra mile for his clients. If you are looking for a rental or to sell your house , Scott is the man to help you reach your home goals. I highly recommend Scott Munro for your next big move .I am a satisfied customer. Kimberley Bell, Orange New Rental 28 Glenroi Avenue Orange This tidy three-bedroom home has been renovated with a modern kitchen with stainless steel appliances, fresh paint throughout, and a large garage with workshop space along with a carport. It also features a lovely, updated bathroom with separate toilet. Gas heating, air conditioning and ceiling fans guarantee your comfort. Private and secure back yard also add to its appeal. 311 a b c a b c a b c FOR LEASE $460pw SATURDAY 10.30 - 11.00am OPEN HOUSE LEASED
MUNRO SCOTT MUNRO The experience selling our properties with LJHooker Orange was very professional. The quality of time and effort exceeded my expectations. Highly
ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 29 — JULY 5, 2023 41 FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE PRICE GUIDE Contact Agent OPEN Saturday 1st July; 10:00-10:30am ASH BROWN 0417 663 687 FOR SALE Suite 7, Level 2, Centrepoint Arcade 230 Summer St, Orange PH. 6362 9560 PRICE GUIDE $569,000 OPEN Saturday 1st July; 11:00-11:30am ASH BROWN 0417 663 687 AGENCY ONE ORANGE 5/24 Emmaville Street, Orange 74 Pittman Drive, Browns Creek 22 Nile Street, Orange 17 Tilston Way, Orange 2 8 4 2 2 3 2 1 2 2 1 1 PRICE GUIDE Contact Agent OPEN Saturday 1st July; 10:00-10:30am JEN STOJANOVIC 0499 261 682 PRICE GUIDE Contact Agent OPEN By Appointment JEN STOJANOVIC 0499 261 682 PRICE Contact Agent OPEN Saturday 1st July; 2:30-3:00pm BIANCA SCIUTO 0400 481 893 15 Discovery Drive, Orange 4 22 FREE EVENT! Date: Tuesday July 18th 2023 Time: 5:30pm Venue: Gladstone Hotel, 71 Byng Street, Orange NSW 2800 RSVP Essential! Bianca Scuito on 0400 481 893 ONE MORE DREAM LAND AND HOME PACKAGE INFORMATION NIGHT AGENCY ONE ORANGE


Sanctuary Found

As the weather cools, homes like this that offer a north-eastern suntrap in the main living areas are in high demand. So much roomier then most two-bedders and with a private, low maintenance yard this lovely home is perfect for the first home buyer, investor or downsizer.

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Price Guide: $590,000-$620,000

Modern Country Family Home

This grand family home, with its inviting modern country feel, welcomes you the moment you drive up to it. Situated on a generous block, this home feels warm, welcoming and exactly what a home should feel like. Perfect for a large family or entertaining it really is something very special.

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Nice Home, Great Shed

This home, with its tastefully updated kitchen and bathroom, is perfect for a first home buyer or investor. The big jobs inside have been done and the block is a very manageable 493 sqm in size. The backyard has a great shed with a covered patio area offering a shady spot to sit in summer.

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Price: $399,000

Happy Living Starts Here

Within easy walking distance of Bletchington School and backing onto Bletchington Oval, this well presented home is perfect for the growing family with large north facing lounge room, generous kitchen and dining area plus four bedrooms and three bathrooms. Huge backyard with garage with drive through access.

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42 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 29 — JULY 5, 2023
Michael Wright 0421 360 948
221 6
Contact: Jacob Evans 0428 130 789
Contact Agent 422 53
Contact: Jacob Evans 0428 130 789
Michael Wright 0421 360 948
Price Guide: $740,000-$760,000

Fantastic Street, Amazing Renovation

Ideally located in one of Orange’s secret streets and only four blocks to the Orange CBD. This unit has had an amazing make over including beautiful new kitchen, updated bathroom, fresh paint, new carpet and updated flooring and new lighting. It’s ready to live in and ideal for an investor or owner occupier.

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Packing a Punch

For its size, this semi-detached home really packs a punch with its well-designed floorplan and lots of great features. The kitchen and dining area has plenty of room, there’s a bright lounge room, two bathrooms and a single garage with internal access. An easy investment or perfect home for someone.

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4 bedroom, 2 bathroom renovated – under $650,000!

Renovated and ready to live in, the work has all been done with a lovely new kitchen and tastefully renovated bathrooms. Located in the Calare area within a few minutes’ walk to nearby schools - this home is the perfect property for a young family to move straight in and enjoy.

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Immaculate Inside and Out

You would be hard pressed to find a home more immaculate than this one. Set on a 930 sqm block in a quiet street, this attractive brick home with a fantastic three bay shed is a real winner. All you have to do is move in and enjoy.

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ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 29 — JULY 5, 2023 43
39 SALE STREET, ORANGE | 6363 1000 |
Contact: Adam Savage 0419 232 416
$599,000-$620,000 421 5 WARATAH AVENUE
Price Guide:
Contact: Jacob Evans 0428 130 789 Price: $595,000 321 26B WINTER STREET NEW LISTING
Contact: Adam Savage 0419 232 416 Price: $449,000 211 2/1A OAK STREET
Contact: Jacob Evans 0428 130 789 Price: $599,000 313 12

More Than Meets the Eye

In a lovely street, around the corner from Bletchington School, this home has a few nice surprises, like two living areas, that you wouldn’t normally expect in a property at this price point. Outside is a double garage, with an adjoining workshop/storage/studio plus there’s another versatile shed, water tank and low maintenance yard.

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A Beautiful Lifestyle Awaits

Situated in the blue-ribbon location of Borenore, this sensational seven-acre property is just 10 minutes from Orange. The home sits pretty as a picture, elevated with rolling views back towards Mt Canobolas and the acreage borders two travelling stock reserves. It’s rare such opportunities arrive within this price-point.

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Spick and Span

Here is a wonderful opportunity to own a very neat and tidy house with two living areas for under $500,000. You’ll love that is freshly painted with new carpet and a brand new kitchen. It’s bound to get a lot of interest at this price – inspections are easily arranged.

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Classic Country

The classic country wrap-around verandah on this lovely home is the perfect place to unwind after a hard day’s work and the house boasts a huge open plan kitchen, dining and living area at its heart. This property on 1,228 sqm is sure to appeal to a wide range of buyers.

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Contact: Adam Savage 0419 232 416 Price Guide: $549,000 - $569,000 312 16 FOX AVENUE
Contact: Michael Wright 0421 360 948
Guide: $1,050,000-$1,150,000 426 1553 AMAROO ROAD, BORENORE
Contact: Jacob Evans 0428 130 789
$615,000 422 18 BOOMEY STREET, MOLONG
Contact: Michael Wright 0421 360 948 Price: $449,000 311 43 MAXWELL AVENUE



Versatile Floor Plan for Modern Living

A home in a desirable location with space for the whole family on a large block? Look no further than this spectacularly spacious home on 1148 square metres, superbly located in a quiet cul-de-sac. Featuring a flexible floorplan, the home can be turned into whatever you wish.

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Large Block Ready for Building

If you have been waiting for the right block, in a rural setting, to build on, then this may be just what you are looking for. Set on the fringe of Cudal, this block is a very generous 2400sqm, allowing plenty of room for your dream home with plenty of space for extra sheds and extensive gardens.

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Come and

See it For Yourself

Located in one of Orange’s most popular areas, this huge house is all about the flexible space it offers. This home has character about it from its unique façade to the features included inside. This home is hard to put into words, you really must see it for yourself.

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Ripe For Renovation

Are you looking for a project that is ripe for renovation? This might be the ideal property for you. Located in the south-east Orange area, this house has 3 bedrooms, 2 living areas, 2 toilets, tandem garage and undercover area plus a series of sheds. If you’re serious about renovating, inspect this property.

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ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 29 — JULY 5, 2023 45
Contact: Jacob Evans 0428 130 789 Price Guide: $899,000 - $949,000 4 2.5 2
Contact: Jacob Evans 0428 130 789
Guide: $140,000 - $150,000
Contact: Michael Wright 0421 360 948 Price: $899,000 422
Contact: Adam Savage 0419 232 416 Price: $399,000 312

From the street, what you see is a quaint four-bedroom weatherboardclad cottage. And the eyes of hobbyists, tradies or car/bike enthusiasts will immediately be drawn to the large 6m x 12m garage/workshop down the side.

But the real potential in this property is in what you don’t see. That’s the massive size of this 1492 square metres block that runs deep down the back. There’s also possible scope for developers to take advantage of this massive East Orange block (subject to council approval) and make it into something far more grand.

A north-facing sunroom takes in views over the huge backyard and there’s gas-heating for days when the sun doesn’t do its job well enough. You’ll also spot lots of areas for renovation and putting your own stamp on this home.

This home is located close to primary schools, with the Alpine Shopping Centre just an easy 450m walk down the street if you need to grab some groceries, take-away food, or get a haircut.

Contact agent Chris Gryllis on 0417626361 or John Stevenson on 0417887738 of Chris Gryllis Real Estate


46 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 29 — JULY 5, 2023 Orange Property MARKET 39 SALE STREET, ORANGE | 6363 1000 | PFISHER.COM.AU PETER FISHER Property Management TEAM Our goal is to maximise your return through: 3 Expert knowledge 3 A proactive approach 3 Strong communication 3 Comprehensive marketing campaign 3 Problem solving 3 Continuous improvement 3 Streamlined processes using specialised technology 3 Dedication to maximising your asset We believe that experience, knowledge and communication are the most important elements of successfully managing an investment property. Our philosophy is simple: To look after your property as if it were our own
a list of available rental properties scan here: 6363 1000
today. Potential is a big word. Almost as big as this block! 217 Dalton Street, Orange $700,000



Backing onto a Council reserve this good sized block enjoys a lovely outlook for you to build your new dream home on.

Situated in the popular Northern Gardens Estate and is in easy reach to the North Orange Shopping precinct. Land size is 802 m $320,000


Attractive building just freshly painted throughout. 4 offices plus large reception room.


Modern kitchen and 2 bathrooms, one for disability access. 6 on site car spaces including 2 under cover.


Approx. 300 m2 of floor space in this well presented commercial shop in Summer Street. Currently set up as an office complex this premises would also be ideal as a retail shop. Has good staff amenities and reverse cycle air conditioning though out.

RENT: $90,000 P.A. + GST & OUTGOINGS

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 29 — JULY 5, 2023 47 COMMERCIAL FOR LEASE COMMERCIAL FOR LEASE IF YOU WOULD LIKE YOUR PROPERTY DEAL WITH THE LOCALS WITH LONG EXPERIENCE IN REAL ESTATE – NO SALE NO COST ! CALL NOW, CHRIS 0417 626 361 A new development consisting of two and three bedroom villa units and town houses. Designed for your security and peace of mind. A heated indoor communal swimming pool for your enjoyment. NOW SELLING ‘KINROSS MEWS’ 99 BATHURST ROAD, ORANGE A BETTER LIFESTYLE AWAITS YOU HERE IN THIS NEW GATED COMPLEX OPEN HOUSE SAT 1ST JULY 12.00pm - 1.00pm COMMERCIAL FOR LEASE RENT: $27,000 P.A. + GST A pleasant light and airy premises consisting of three separate offices plus a large open plan reception/ working area. Separate kitchen/staff room with your own private bathroom amenities . Very handy location with views over Robinson Park. FIRST FLOOR OFFICE SPACE – VERY CENTRAL RENT: $300 PER WEEK Located in a popular walk-through arcade. Ideal for small office , retail or hair /beauty salon Plentiful natural light and reverse cycle air conditioning. Floor area: 34m2 AN AFFORDABLE PREMISES TO SET UP YOUR OWN BUSINESS IN COMMERCIAL FOR LEASE RENOVATED OFFICES PERFECTLY

33 Scarborough Street, Orange I This Exquisite Family Home could be YOURS!

Discover the perfect blend of elegance and comfort in this remarkable residence. Nestled in a desirable neighbourhood, this beautiful house is now available for you to call home.

Designed with family comfort in mind, this residence offers ample space to accommodate all your needs. With four generous bedrooms, everyone can enjoy their own personal haven. The three living areas provide versatile spaces to entertain guests, there is even an extra kitchenette area for guest to utilise . The separate entry is perfect for hosting friends or relatives, granting them privacy and independence.

Whether you’re a growing family or seeking a spacious sanctuary, this house is the perfect place to create lasting memories. Act now and make this stunning residence yours.

For Sale $980,000-$999,000

Janelle Brunner 0411 139 848

Katie Christopherson 0400 637 559 eldersem.com.au

1/11 Warrigal Place, Orange I Exceptional Investment Opportunity!

Looking for an exceptional investment opportunity? This unit offers great potential for rental income or long-term growth, making it an ideal addition to your property portfolio. Alternatively, it’s the perfect first home for those looking to enter the property market with style and ease.

Discover this impeccable 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom modern unit, perfectly positioned just minutes from shops, schools and cafes. Situated in a quiet cul-de-sac, this private townhouse is the epitome of comfort and convenience.

• Modern kitchen with gas cooktop, ample bench and cupboard space, breakfast bar and stainless dishwasher

• Generously proportioned lounge area which includes split system air conditioner

• Currently returning a rent of $1,000 per week

For Sale Contact Agent

Katie Christopherson 0400 637 559

Janelle Brunner 0411 139 848 eldersem.com.au

48 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 29 — JULY 5, 2023
ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 29 — JULY 5, 2023 49 Emms Mooney Experience Janelle Brunner 0411 139 848 janelle.brunner@elders.com.au eldersem.com.au It’s the local knowledge. The kind you just can’t buy. Katie Christopherson 0400 637 559 katie.christopherson@elders.com.au Hedley Eccleston 0447 715 829 hedley.eccleston@elders.com.au 18 Sale Street, Orange

Fond Memories


We are currently looking for a motivated person to join our team as a

in our Orange location. We are seeking someone full-time.

Hours will be from 8.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday. Retail and paint experience is an advantage but not necessary as full training will be provided.

Contact Brian on 0490 832 001 or email brian@industrypaints.com.au


CLASSIFIEDS 6361 3575 To book your ads simply phone and use your credit card or call into our office at Suite 3, 241 Lords Place, ORANGE TRADES&SERVICES Contact David on 0402 259 891 orangeonfarmbutchers@outlook.com Find us on Facebook OrangeOnFarmButchers For all your home-kill needs, we come to you. • Fully qualified butcher • We can butcher to your requirements • Servicing Orange and surrounds • 24hr Emergency Service • Commercial & Residential Locks • Window Locks and Deadlocks • Master Keying and Restricted systems • Automotive and Computerised keys • Locally Owned and Operated for over 30 years Canobolas Locksmiths 169 March Street, Orange Call Ian: 0417 204 176 or Dale: 0417 491 936 keys4u@bigpond.com MASTER LICENSE NUMBER 407 966 923 24 Hour Mobile When you have lock Also deadlocks and houses and cars supplied 151 Peisley St, Orange 6369 1222 Canobolas Locksmiths keys4u@bigpond.com WE FIX LOCKS! NEW LOCATION WASP treatment From $150 25 years experience Call Craig... 0447 002 193 Eagle Eye Pest Control Lic. no. 4558 100%NESTELIMINATED GUARANTEED MOWING CALL PETER - 0487 139 983 • Gardening • Gutters • Pruning • Rubbish Removal public notices POSITION VACANT BLOCKED EARS? Specialist Clinicians - Gentle - No syringing - All Ages MICRO-SUCTION WAX REMOVAL CLINIC Visiting July 18th, 19th and 20th Pinnacle Dermatology. 272 Anson St, Orange contact@ear2ear.com.au 0455 629 905 0437 211 614 0417 904 328 Awesome THAI MASSAGE Thai Traditional Massage Swedish Massage Deep Tissue Massage Warm Coconut Oil Massage Thai Remedial Massage + Hot Stones Neck, Back, Head and Shoulders Call Victor w 0455 299 043 PICTURE FRAMING Shop 18, 212 Anson St Plaza Orange saucedesign.com.au/framing New & DesignerRecycledClothing Ph: 63600706 145 KITE STREET, ORANGE (THE OLD CINNABAR) OPEN TUES-FRI 10-5pm • SAT 10-3pm’ish Beautiful Designer Clothing, Shoes & Handbags. Frockwork has a Fabulous array of After Five Wear, Stunning Dresses for Weddings & Graduations. All Sizes & styles. J K ADAMS ROOFING Call Jeff 0407 151 419 • Roof repairs Tile,Tin or Slate • Re-guttering and fascia • Re-roofing • Quality Leaf Screening Systems 40YRS EXPERIENCE LIC. 159748C BLIND SHUTTERS & AWNINGS HIGH QUALITY AT AN AFFORDABLE PRICE Most products carry a 5 - 25yr warranty BUDGET BLINDS & AWNINGS A local Orange business est. 2012 servicing the Central West Call Milissa for a free measure & quote 02 6369 0173 or 0437 10 60 60 www.bbao.com.au - info@bbao.com.au
Thank you, Patricia Stedman rthur henry tedmAn 15.12.1937 - 10.6.2023 REMEMBER YOUR LOVED ONES HERE IN
Glen l inklater 19/1/1962 - 3/7/2022 One Year has passed Kitchen Bench Tops CLOSING DOWN SALE Save Save Save Dozens of colours All tops 3600 x 600 Open all week Ideal for laundry, office or shed Shed 2 - 20 Leewood Drive 0400 432 054
ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 29 — JULY 5, 2023 53 CLASSIFIEDS 6361 3575 To book your ads simply phone and use your credit card or call into our office at Suite 3, 241 Lords Place, ORANGE TRADES&SERVICES TRADES&SERVICES TRADES&SERVICES TRADES&SERVICES Homestyle Cooking & House Cleaning for the time poor person 0435 522 998 barbscleanandcook@gmail.com Barb’s Clean & Cook Service APIA CONCRETE CONTRACTORS • EST. 1985 • LIC. NO. 4906C TONY - 0457 072 234 CONCRETING - FENCINGRETAINING WALLS ALL WORK FULLY GUARANTEED Pensioner Rates • Reliable • Great Quality experienced builder SpecialiSing in... •Renovations • Kitchens • Restorations •General Maintenance G A & r l bruce Lic. No. 203054C Phone Geoff on 0427 422 816 E robynandbruceg@bigpond.com • Undercover • Safe clean secure dog kennels for boarding use. • Individual exercise yards. Dog B&B Shangri La Amaroo Rd Molong 6366 8789 0447 468 789 PETS&LIVESTOCK HOME RENOVATION We can help you: Increase the value of your home Renovate your bathroom or kitchen Build an outdoor kitchen Create a dedicated space for WFH Build a pergola Build a deck for entertaining And much more! Just ask us! 0404 612 120 Lic.No. 192680C www.repairsandrenos.com.au 0417 313 494 Call Malcolm: Specializing in general home and hobby farm maintenance You can trust us for prompt & quality work www.malhandyman.com.au MAL’S HANDYMAN SERVICES ORANGE 23 Cameron Place ORANGE 0418 869 897 FAST RELIABLE SERVICE Over 25 years experience • Domestic • Rural • Commercial • New installations or maintenance Call Scott 0407 414 609 scott@sdselectrical.com.au CONTACT USFORA FREEQUOTE TODAY! Tel: 6362 4695 0422 322 469 TOLL FREE: 1800 791 517 Email: cleaning@excellent.net.au www.excellentcarpetcleaning.com.au • Residential, End of Lease and Commercial Carpet Cleaning • Lounge and Upholstery Cleaning • Carpet Colour Repair • Mat and Rug Cleaning • Specialist Stain Removal • Fabric Protection • Carpet Stain Protection • Tile and Grout Cleaning • Mattress Cleaning • Pest Spray • Pet Treatment Community Diary FREE online Anywhere Skips “The mobile skip bin solution” We deliver. You fill. We empty. Fred Palmer 0447 966 838 Domestic Waste Specialist - Locally owned and operated, servicing Orange and surrounding areas Email: anywhereskips@gmail.com www.anywhereskips.com.au 0421 861 262 • From one wall to full house • New houses to repaints • Free quotes • Fully licensed and insured • Interior and Exterior • Specialising in Restora�on • Dulux Accredited Lawn Mowing & Rubbish Removal ORANGE AND SURROUNDS 0417 706 613 0428 423 770 Free Delivery BEST BURNING WOOD White, Yellow, Red Box and Ironbark BUY 2 LOADS AND GET A DISCOUNT ALL CONCRETING WORK 0478 161 537 • Also, Bathroom and Laundry renovations Call Josh on... “If you got a hole in the wall you know who to call” Drywall Plasterer and Carpenter • 35 YEARS EXPERIENCE • 0418 671 854 P & V Building Services Call Paul Lic. No. 77917C • From small to large jobs – one room to full house • Internal and External • New homes or repaints • Maintenance Call Glenn 0467 599 668 ghbpaintingmaintenance@gmail.com GHB PAINTING & Maintenance Lic. 330255C MJK Security • Security Risk assessments • CCTV • Intercoms 0434 088 699 E: mjksecurity@aapt.net.au MIL000103497

I Love IGA

We have a $50 gift voucher to give away each week from Ashcroft’s Supa IGA.

To enter, simply tell us your name and contact phone and what product is featured in the small Ashcroft’s Supa IGA ad of this issue of OCLife.


Looney Lotto

THE robus NOTES with Keith

Face in the Crowd


Win a $50 gift voucher at Cheeky Barista Cafe

We have two vouchers to give away per month, Somewhere in this edition of Orange City Life, you’ll find this face. To enter, simply write your name and address on the back of an envelope, along with the page number you found the face on or email us an entry.

Find Pinny

We have a voucher for Orange Tenpin Bowl valued at $60 to give away each week, so the family can go bowling!

Each week we’ll hide a small version of “Pinny” (pictured) somewhere in OCLife. It could be anywhere. To enter, simply find him, write your name and phone number on the back of an envelope, along with the page number you found him on, and send in...

Greetings from warm, sunny Darwin; I trust you are all warm and snug at home.

Winter or not, you can be sure of a warm welcome at Probus. come along and enjoy the Friendship and Fun of Probus by joining in the activities of tours to interesting places, and hear inspirational guest speakers.

We note with sadness the passing of Jack McDonald who was a longtime staunch contributor to Probus, and many other causes. President Chuck Frame suffered a serious accident in Sydney, but has now returned to Orange for continued treatment.

Guest speaker for June was Peter Windbauer. Peter is a lawyer who manages the LegalAid office in Orange with a staff of ten lawyers. Legal Aid is for people who do not have resources to help them in legal matters. It is basic to our system of justice that all people should have access to sound legal advice and representation before the court. LegalAid also offers mediation to keep people out of court.

Our guest speaker for July is the inspirational Dr Steve Petersen, who became a quadriplegic when hit by a car when riding his bicycle. He continues to practise medicine from his wheelchair at Orange Health Centre, and specialises in rehabilitation.

The bus trip to Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) at Dubbo was a great success, with a visit to the historic Old Gaol, and even time for morning tea at Wellington. The RFDS base is very well equipped and, with modern technology, can locate every plane at any time. The planes are fully equipped, almost to hospital standard. Think about joining our next trip to Lithgow and the restored Zig-Zag Railway.

So, come and join in the FUN and FRIENDSHIP of Probus at Orange Services Club,10am July 5.

54 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 29 — JULY 5, 2023 Better than a box of chocolates! Able to keep seniors entertained for days! More fun than most Jokes! WWW. SENIORS HAPPY LIFE .COM.AU SUPER MAGAZINE! Seniors Happy Life… a quiet and unassuming friend to help fight loneliness and isolation, control boredom in a single issue, and one, disguised to look like any other normal newspaper, fights a never-ending battle to provide dignity, self-esteem and recognition for seniors right across Australia. For “Specially Priced” Personal subscriptions, Gift subscriptions, Sample packs or Bulk orders for Aged Care facilities or Retirement Villages, go to: It’s a newspaper… It’s It’s a magazine… Seniors Happy Life! ISSUE SeniorsHappyLife NOWwithMORE: Puzzles!Nostalgia!Laughs! 100% ENJOYMENT 2023. GST SeniorsHappyLife 40Pagesof Nostalgia, Laughs, Puzzles, Stories, andotherstuff alltomakeyou FEELGOOD EVERY MONTH! In your local newsagency! LOOK! NEW issue In newsagents OCL ifeCOMPETITIONS reception@oclife.com.au Try your luck today and be a WINNER Congratulations to last week’s winners I LOVE IGA: Matt Kennedy Loony Lotto: Michael O’Mara Find Pinny: N M Gibson
Call into the OCLife office to collect your prize
a voucher to the value of $20, to use at Coco’s Cafe or Paul’s @ Coco’s TO WIN: If you have a personal or business phone number with these 4 numbers appearing in any order within it, put in an entry and we’ll draw a winner from among all correct entries each week. PLEASE NOTE: YOU NEED 1 X 3, 1 X 6, 1 X 5, AND 1 X 1 TO WIN THIS WEEK 3651 Deliver or post entries to: Orange City Life Suite 3/241 Lords Place, Orange or Email: reception@oclife.com.au and mark each entry with the competition name, your name and phone number. Entries close 12 noon Tuesday.
WED TO SAT 4PM-8PM 0401 072 027 Check our Facebook for the Menu 37 William Street ORANGE | Ph 6362 8611 Pauls @ CoCos DINE IN OR TAKEWAY Pizzas ~ Wings ~ Pasta ~ Chips ~ DimSim CoCo’s CAFE Monday to Friday 6.30 – 4.00pm Saturday 7am – 1pm Closed Public Holidays www.cocosorange.com.au 37 William Street ORANGE Ph 6362 8611 Delicious! Best known for their delicious fresh food burgers, coffee and yummy desserts. With both daily & weekly specials they have something to tickle your taste buds. CoCo’s offers wide range of gluten free, home cooked meals, all day breakfast and catering available, eat in or take way. Portuguese chicken Salad wraps Poached Eggs with Avo smash and yogurt Berry muesli Black Bean Vegetable Burger with Sweet Potato Crisp Pumpkin Fetta Tart Sweet potato fish cake with seeded pumpkin fetta salad MEAL DEAL $50 2 Pizzas, Barramundi Bits & 1.25 litre Soft Drink
MON-FRI 7.30am - 4.30pm PH 0422 522 445 295 SUMMER STREET

THUMBS DOWN to Orange City Council for not putting street names on some of the streets around Orange.

A HUGE THUMBS UP to Kylie from the service desk at North Orange Woolworths. This young lady went out of her way to thoroughly check for an item that was out of stock. Despite her best efforts, they didn’t have the item, but I really appreciate the kindness and wonderful customer service. Thank you, Kylie, for making an elderly lady feel like someone actually cared!

A BIG THUMBS UP to the three young female paramedics who transported me from my home to Orange Base on June 13th. And also to Doctor Rosie and Nurse Millie who attended to me whilst I was at ED. These five young women displayed exceptional professionalism and compassion to someone in need. Their dedication to their chosen careers and their patients was, to say the least, exemplary. To each and every one of you, thank you! Doctor Rosie, please stay on after your two years, you are exactly what Rural Communities need.

THUMBS DOWN to radio stations that keeps playing the same music over and over again with the same presenters.

THUMBS UP to Will Ryan of Will Concrete, Orange for an efficient and professional job building our new patio and paths.

THUMBS UP to Evie at Kathmandu. This young person served me earlier this month a gave me her tips on choosing puffer jackets and puffer coats. Her attention to detail and pleasant nature were wonderful. Your name badge may have said ‘trainee’ but your service said different! Well done.

THUMBS DOWN to Orange Swimming Pool not having a substitute Aqua instructor. We women (and man) love our aqua but will be unable to participate for two months as our wonderful regular instructor is away overseas.

THUMBS UP to JG Auto Used Car Sales in William Street. A while back I was looking to trade in my old car and upgrade to a safer, more reliable car. They matched me with the best little car I’ve ever owned at a good price.

THUMBS UP to one particular local courier for staying so in touch with the common man. You’re worth more coins –Hamish and Andy coins that is.

THUMBS UP to the employees of two local Orange businesses - Pillow Talk, and Odeon 5 Cinema (situated next door). At Pillow Talk recently, I experienced first-class professional advice from Lee, discussing furnishing design options and was very pleased with my purchases. Likewise, the Odeon Cinema’s seniors film morning, combined with a quality luncheon, was an enjoyable and generous initiative by the cinema for its local residents. A special thank you to Mitzi for her kindness and for providing such a great service. These are the types of experiences that make Orange, and rural towns, a great place to live.

THUMBS UP to Eleanor at Edit Aesthetics. Always so professional, yet kind and willing to sort a suitable appointment time.

THUMBS DOWN to the lowlife people slashing tyres at night. Complete cowards.

All advertisers, including those placing display and classified or advertorial material, warrant that such material is true and accurate and meets all applicable laws and indemnifies the publisher against all liabilities that may arise from the publication of such material. Opinions expressed in the publication are not necessarily those of the publisher. Senior Journalist, Jonathan Roe, accepts responsibility for election comment. Articles contain information of a general nature – readers should always seek professional advice relevant to their particular circumstances. Complaints: Orange City Life has a policy of correcting mistakes promptly. If you have a complaint about published material, contact us in writing. If the matter remains unresolved, you may wish to contact the Australian Press Council.

© Copyright 2023 Orange City Life Pty Ltd. Copyright in all material – including photographs and ads – is held by Orange City Life Pty Ltd or its providers and must not be reproduced in any form without prior written permission from the Publisher. Printed for the publisher at the News Print Centre, 26-52 Hume Highway, Chullora 2190. Published

Will kits or homemade DIY Wills can seem an easier and cheaper way of getting your affairs in order. Sometimes they do work. However, the laws surrounding wills and estates can be complex and there are many instances when home-made DIY wills and will-kits have gone wrong.

Estate planning is more than just making a Will. Estate planning takes many factors into account to provide you with the right advice as to how your wishes can be put into effect.

Estate planning also involves looking at other structures you may need prior to death like a Power of Attorney or Appointment of Enduring Guardians.

It is what the Will kits fail to ask or do which makes them inadequate: Will-kits do not sit with you and ask you about your family tree to flag up any possible family provisions claim; they are not able to assess your testamentary capacity or identify undue influence or duress over you to make a will; they do not seek instructions from you for contingency plans in the event of death or inability of your executors to act, they don’t ask about beneficiaries and they don’t provide you with advice in relation to the role of the executor and trustee of your will.

The words you use might be misinterpreted and ambiguous if not drafted properly. You risk not preparing a will properly or failing to express your intentions clearly. For example, with the words ‘my children’, do you mean biological children only or do you mean to include step-children too. The words used are important as legal terminology and common wording can have different meanings. The technical aspect of the signing and witnessing of your will needs to be done correctly to be valid.

It will cost your estate far more to rectify the inadequacies and failings of a DIY or will-kit document through the Supreme Court. So, while there will be an initial cost associated with having a solicitor prepare your Will; it can be a lot cheaper in the long run!

If you need any assistance with your Estate Planning, please contact one of our Wills and Estates Team solicitors, Geraldine, Deirdre or George for an appointment at Blackwell Short on 02 6393 9200 or bsl.reception@blackwellshort.com.au

This article does not constitute legal advice and provides general information only.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 29 — JULY 5, 2023 55
Do I need to use a Solicitor to make a Will? Will-kits are cheaper than Solicitors, aren't they? 60 Hill Street Orange | PO Box 26 | 02 6393 9200 | bsl.reception@blackwellshort.com.au | www.blackwellshort.com.au Geraldine Suttont Deirdre May THUMBS EMAIL: reception@oclife.com.au | FACEBOOK: inbox “orangecitylife” | SMS 0459 022 084 this is a text only number standard SMS rates apply
every care is taken in preparing this publication, we cannot be held responsible for errors or omissions. The publisher accepts no responsibility for letters, notices and other material contributed for publication. The submitter accepts full responsibility for material,
General disclaimer: Whilst
it is accurate, and indemnifies the publisher against any claim or action.
Orange City Life Pty Ltd ABN
14 649 575 333
The Thumbs represent thoughts and opinions of readers and do not necessarily reflect those of Orange City Life. Every care is taken not to publish thumbs that are considered derogatory or defamatory in nature . Please note that thumbs may be edited for clarity, space or legal reasons.


ODEON 5 MOVIE CLUB - $20 PER YEAR, AND ALL MOVIES (EX 3D) ARE THEN DISCOUNTED TIMES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE • BOOKINGS RECOMMENDED Parking available at rear, enter March or Byng Streets • ALL CINEMAS HAVE WHEELCHAIR ACCESS 43 WILLIAM ST ORANGE • 6362 0213 (ADMIN) SUBSCRIBE AT WWW.ODEON5.COM.AU TO HAVE PROGRAMME EMAILED WEEKLY. *HEARING/VISUAL IMPAIRED EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE Programme for Thurs 29th June - 5th July 2023 redeem your vouchers for Odegift cards. ������ only redeem ORDER TICKETS ONLINE WWW.ODEON5.COM.AU FOR MORE INFO CONTACT CINEMA 169 MINS Thurs 29 th 10.00 *, 1.15 *, 4.30 *, 7.45 * Fri 30 th 10.00 *, 1.15 *, 4.30 *, 7.45 * Sat 1 st 10.00 *, 1.15 *, 4.30 *, 7.45 * Sun 2 nd 10.00 *, 1.15 *, 4.30 *, 7.45 * Mon 3 rd 10.00 *, 1.15 *, 4.30 *, 7.45 * Tues 4 th 10.00 *, 1.15 *, 4.30 *, 7.45 * Wed 5 th 10.00 *, 1.15 *, 4.30 *, 7.45 * NEW 102 MINS Thurs 29 th 5.00, 8.15 Fri 30 th 5.00, 8.15 Sat 1 st 5.00, 8.15 Sun 2 nd 5.00, 8.15 Mon 3 rd 10.00, 5.00, 8.15 Tues 4 th 5.00, 8.15 Wed 5 th 5.00, 7.30
--- MINS THE 102 MINS Thurs 29 th 10.30, 1.00, 3.30 Fri 30 th 10.30, 1.00, 3.30 Sat 1 st 10.30, 1.00, 3.30 Sun 2 nd 10.30, 1.00, 3.30 Mon 3 rd 10.00, 1.00, 3.30 Tues 4 th 10.00, 1.00, 3.30 Wed 5 th 10.30, 1.00, 3.30 ELEMENTAL 124 MINS CATS IN THE MUSEUM DAILY 10.00 NEW INDIANA JONES AND THE DIAL OF DESTINY SUPER MARIO BROS THURS - TUES 10.00 107 MINS $10 TIX THE LITTLE MERMAID DAILY 12.00, 5.30 LAST WEEKS 150 MINS 102 MINS Thurs 29 th 11.00, 2.00, 8.00 Fri 30 th 11.00, 2.00, 8.00 Sat 1 st 11.00, 2.00, 8.00 Sun 2 nd 11.00, 2.00, 8.00 Mon 3 rd 2.00, 8.00 Tues 4 th 11.00, 2.00, 8.00 Wed 5 th 11.00, 2.00, 8.00 SPIDER-MAN 155 MINS ACROSS THE SPIDER-VERSE 102 MINS Thurs 29 th 12.15, 3.00, 5.45, 8.15 Fri 30 th 12.15, 3.00, 5.45, 8.15 Sat 1 st 12.15, 3.00, 5.45, 8.15 Sun 2 nd 12.15, 3.00, 5.45, 8.15 Mon 3 rd 12.15, 3.00, 5.45, 8.15 Tues 4 th 12.15, 3.00, 5.45, 8.15 Wed 5 th 10.00, 1.00, 4.00, 8.15 TRANS FORMERS RISE OF THE BEASTS 142 MINS 102 MINS Thurs 29 th 3.00, 6.00, 8.30 Fri 30 th 3.00, 6.00, 8.30 Sat 1 st 3.00, 6.00, 8.30 Sun 2 nd 3.00, 6.00, 8.30 Mon 3 rd 3.00, 6.00, 8.30 Tues 4 th 3.00, 6.00, 8.30 Wed 5 th 3.00, 6.00, 8.30 FEELINGS 118 MINS NO HARD PHOTO ID REQUIRED 94 MINS

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