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The Royal Czech Ballet present Sleeping Beauty Thursday 21 September at 7.30pm Entertainment Consulting presents The Two of Us Marina Prior and David Hobson Friday 25 August at 8pm PYT Fairfield & In Wild presents The Hen House Saturday 16 September at 8pm HIT Productions presents The Sunshine Club Tuesday 22 August at 7.30pm Bell Shakespeare presents Twelfth Night Friday 28 & Saturday 29 July at 7.30pm Bookings: 02 6393 8111 www.orange.nsw.gov.au/theatre Orange Civic Theatre Details correct as of 18.07.2023 - for all shows and updates please visit our webpage www.orange.nsw.gov.au/theatre • 2023 season brochure and membership is open for purchase. Please contact the box office for more information. JULY 20 — 26, 2023 ORANGE PROPERTY MARKET — STARTS ON PAGE 25 FREE Bellissimo! Junior Masterchefs in the making got hands-on in the Orange Ex-Services’ Club kitchen during the school holiday picking up tips and tricks during a pizza masterclass from Chef Danny Evans.
2 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JULY 20 — 26, 2023

School’s back for another term! I hope all you kids survived your first day back at school and all you parents got through the holidays unscathed. It was touch-and-go at times in my household! Getting ready to head out the door on Tuesday morning I looked up to find my two boys half-dressed for school and locked in some sort of gladiatorial combat with a rubber knife. I think a little time apart during the day might do them some good.

Recently, I’ve found myself diving into the history of the western districts and have been working through the 13 volumes of local history produced by the sadly long-defunct historical society of my hometown of Bourke. While I’ve looked through them before and even used them to write stories over the years, these last few days I’ve come to really appreciate the incredible amount of work that was put into this collection. We are spoiled these days by our ready access to information through online archives like Trove, but the information in these volumes, the first created in the 1960s, was often transcribed by hand by a few volunteers who spent countless hours in the Mitchell Library in Sydney. It is an amazing resource!

All this to say that I have great admiration for the people who do this work in small towns and in cities all over Australia. The small group of volunteers that make up our own Orange and District Historical Society do an amazing job; their digitisation of the historical photo archive of our daily contemporary being just one example. Also too, the oral social history collected by Helen McAnulty and shared in our magazine in her ‘History Talking’ column. It can often be tedious and thankless work, but it is vital to preserving history for future generations. Hats off to you all!

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JULY 20 — 26, 2023 3
Orange City Life is grateful to the following sponsors for their ongoing support over many years. These sponsorships, among others things, have enabled us to bring our readers a lot more enjoyment to our publications than would otherwise be possible. In return, we ask you to please support them as often as you’re able. Spirit WE CAPTURE THE OF ORANGE Suite 3/241 Lords Place ORANGE 02 6361 3575 reception@oclife.com.au www.orangecitylife.com.au www.facebook.com/orangecitylife EDITOR’S note Let’s Feast @ The YOUR DINING DIRECTORY NAME The Barrel 146 Bathurst Road, Orange (Ibis Motel) Peter’s Fried Chicken Nile Street Café The Middle Coffee Shop Level 3 Orange Central Square Shopping Centre Coco’s Café 37 William Street, Orange Eat Botanic 302 Hill Street, Orange (next to adventure playground) Café Latte Uniting Church, 217 Anson Street, Orange Treat your taste buds to our “Let’s Feast” dining guide... A great night, for a fantastic charity.. enquiries@orangepropertyplus.com.au www.orangepropertyplus.com.au 02 6361 4155 1/202 Anson Street Orange Whether your Investment Property is vacant or currently leased, you can make the switch to OPM+ now. Making the switch is free & easy, with no hidden fees, only exceptional service. Our Agency is property management focused with 40+ years Real Estate Industry, knowledge, training & experience. NOT BIGGER, BETTER! WED TO SAT 4PM-8PM 0401 072 027 Check our Facebook for the Menu 37 William Street ORANGE | Ph 6362 8611 Pauls @ CoCos DINE IN OR TAKEWAY Pizzas ~ Wings ~ Pasta ~ Chips ~ DimSim CoCo’s CAFE Closed Public Holidays 6362 8611 Delicious! catering available, eat in or take way. Portuguese chicken Salad wraps Poached Eggs and yogurt Berry muesli Black Bean Vegetable Burger with Sweet Potato Crisp Pumpkin Fetta Tart Sweet potato fish cake with seeded pumpkin fetta salad MEAL DEAL $50 2 Pizzas, Barramundi Bits & 1.25 litre Soft Drink 21 22
Thank you to our Sponsors:
Jonathan Roe


seen an increase in families needing help, Ed said, especially given the greater understanding of the mental impact on veterans.

n July 29, local war widows, veterans and legatees, will bear a torch through the streets of Orange to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Legacy. One of Australia’s oldest and most trusted charities, Legacy is dedicated to supporting the families of veterans who have given their life or health to this country.

The charity was formed following the horrors of the First World War, but its role is just as important today as it was then, Orange Legacy president Ed Furze said.

“I’ve been involved with Legacy now about four years,” Ed said. “My fatherin-law started in Legacy before me, and he was a prisoner of war in Germany. My father was not in legacy, but he was also a returned serviceman and I see it as a very worthy cause.”

The prolonged conflict in Afghanistan, which was Australia’s longest war, has

O“Legacy is helping those who’ve returned who have either been damaged physically or mentally, which appears to be a much growing area of concern,” he said. “It is a great worthy cause to be involved in.”

The Legacy Centenary Torch Relay started out in Pozières, France on April 23. It has since travelled to Menin Gate, Belgium, London, Western Australia, South Australia, Northern Territory, Queensland and northern NSW.

The torch will arrive in Orange on July 29, where 20 locals will carry it from the Botanic Gardens to Robertson Park and Legacy House. The route will take the torch down Hill Street to Mathews Avenue, past Bletchington Public School, turn onto Peisley then Margaret Streets, crossing the railway line and passing the Romani Barracks. Then turning onto McLachlan, Dalton, Nile and March Streets, it will be carried past the memorial in Newman Park to William Street, Dalton Street, then Anson Street to the Orange Memorial Hall, and along Byng Street to Robertson Park where a cauldron will be lit.

The relay will begin from the Botanic

Gardens at 10am and the torch is expected to arrive in Robertson Park at about midday. Following the lighting of the cauldron, there will also be an unveiling of a plaque at the nearby Legacy House to commemorate the 100th anniversary.

“Being 100 years, I think it is a time to come together and realise that Legacy is still here and it’s time to waive the banner high,” Ed said, encouraging people to come out and support the torch carriers on the day, but also consider giving

financial support to Legacy.

“It is a fundraising event. We’re always in need of some funds to help get us by and I guess this really is just reiterating the point of Legacy and for a lot of young people who may well not have any idea what legacy is about,” he said. “So it’s a time for celebration, but also renewal.”

From Orange, the Legacy Centenary Torch will head to Forbes, continuing its journey to all 45 Legacy Clubs, before finishing at the founding home of Legacy in Melbourne on October 13.

4 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JULY 20 — 26, 2023 Community LiFE
It is a symbol of service, sacrifice and of a promise kept for 100 years.
For more information on the relay or to find out how you can support Legacy, visit www.legacytorchrelay.com.au
Nora Bridges and Margaret Sutton will be proudly carrying the Centenary Torch in Orange on July 29.


Running across two weekends from August 4–13, this year’s Winter Fire Festival program is all about showcasing Orange and the villages of Blayney and Cabonne at their wintery best.

“The Winter Fire Festival is our region’s antidote to the cold and is the opportunity to celebrate all the good things about our Winter season and the fun to be had!” Orange360 General Manager, Ned Sweetapple said.

“Frosted mornings and sprinklings of snow are followed by bright sunshine days and crisp clear nights… Indulging in Hearty warming meals, sipping cold climate wine and artisan drinks around the bonfire, sharing stories, music, dance and laughter

with friends and strangers under starry crystal-clear skies.”

And getting the festival started once again is an event the whole family can enjoy — the Millthorpe Fire Fair. From 5pm, August 4, stroll the historic Millthorpe Village and sample some of the best wines, beers and food from our region, soaking up the vibe with live music and fireworks at around 8.30pm. Tickets are just $10 per person for adults with kids’ entry by gold coin donation on the day.

Then on Saturday, August 5, the festival heads to Eugowra for an afternoon with friends and family along the Mandagery Creek. Be warmed by the crackling fire as you take in local artisan food including woodfired pizza and low and slow meat. There will be live music and also a jumping castle, face painting and tasty food options

for the kids so bring the family and enjoy a cosy Saturday afternoon at Woodfired Eugowra, 12pm–7pm

Or stop by the Orange Regional Gallery 6pm-7.30pm Saturday, August 5 for an exclusive screening of Inferno – the awardwinning docudrama short film that follows the horrific 2018 bushfire that ravaged Mount Canobolas and the volunteer firefighters who fought against it. Meet local filmmaker, Samuel Rodwell at a postscreening Q&A hosted by cameraman, Nick Lee, followed by drinks and canapes.

Close out the first weekend of the festival with an afternoon of fun and live entertainment at the Railway Hotel in Spring Hill where they are hosting a “Spring Hill’s Got Talent” open mic.

Enjoy a beer, mulled wine or cider by the

fire while listening to local musicians from around the region, from 4pm–6pm.

And there’s more music to enjoy from the Handpicked House Band at the Canobolas Dance Hall on Thursday, August 10. Enjoy delicious woodfired pizzas and beverages from See Saw Wines and Gordon Hills Estate, while one of the region’s hottest bands serves up a selection of fiery songs from artists including Bruce Springsteen, Adele, Billy Joel, Jimmy Hendrix, Alicia Keys, James Taylor, Garth Brooks and many more!

Other festival highlights include a Winter Wonderland themed party at the Union Bank, Arancia Pizza Masterclass at Ross Hill Wines, Fire and Blues of the Ridge, a traditional Wassail celebration at Small Acres Cyder, steam train rides and much more.

To view the ll program and book tickets visit: www.orange360.com.au/Events/Orange-Winter-Fire-Festival

The hottest winter celebration of the year, the Orange Region Winter Fire Festival is just weeks away!

“It’s all about giving love to people, le ing them know that people care”

In the bright, sunlit living area of Cancer Care Western NSW’s Western Care Lodge, Jan Savage points out the newly installed plaque in recognition of their latest donation – $10,000 from the 2023 Tour De Cure, a three-day charity bike ride held in the Blue Mountains.

Around the room, other plaques adorn the walls, each recognising donations, big and small, that have assisted Cancer Care Western NSW’s mission to provide vital, a ordable accommodation to people having cancer treatment here at Orange Hospital.

Built thanks to an enormous community fundraising drive, the 22-room self-care facility has welcomed more than 4,500 guests since opening in November 2011. Most come from small, remote communities; their stay for treatment often seven weeks or longer.

“It is important to us at the service to let everyone know the critical importance of ongoing support funding,” says Jan. “A lot of the country people that we’ve had come here have never been outside their town… they’ve been in a tight community and they’re

dislocated from family, pets, community and they’re coming somewhere strange and it’s something unknown… but they come and stay here and it’s really a home away from home.”

Before The Lodge was built, the only option for many patients coming to Orange for cancer treatment was to stay in a motel, which can be an expensive and lonely experience.

“I’ve been there, done that myself,” says Jan, who has had to find accommodation in Sydney herself while seeking treatment.

“It’s a very costly exercise, but it’s not only about the cost; it’s the dislocation from your family and the communities you are used to being in.

“Here they have a communal area where they can actually meet and have social interaction with other patients and carers. And that’s a really important part of the journey as well, being able to communicate with other people, have a laugh, share meals together, just really enjoy life and realise that they’re not alone.”

And it’s not just the company and friendships found inside The Lodge that gives comfort to those staying there, says Jan, but also the support from the wider community that makes their stay possible.

“Their stay is enriched by knowing that people care, and are continually making the e ort to support those undergoing life-saving intervention. To know that so many people care, so many that will never use the facility, means so very much,” she says, referring to the unwavering support they’ve received from businesses and individuals here in Orange and beyond.

“It’s all about giving love to people, letting them know that people care and that even though we are a large community here that we’ve got a heart and that’s what it’s about.”

Since Cancer Care Western NSW was set up in 2007, they have raised over $5.7 million. Along with building and operating the Western Care Lodge, they also provided $350,000 in seed funding for the Clinical Cancer Trials at the Orange Health Service.


Lease arrangements are highly negotiable making this a great opportunity for any cook/ chef looking to get into business for themselves.

The Victoria Hotel bistro has been recently renovated and has a strong client base. The bistro includes a well-equipped kitchen. Private function room, on-site parking, and great potential to offer takeaway options.

Registration on arrival

TUESDAY from 7pm

SATU RDAY from 3.30pm

6 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JULY 20 — 26, 2023 Community LiFE The VicToria hoTel 336 SUMMER ST, ORANGE Tel 6362 6386 WHAT’S ON AT THE VIC... BISTRO Daily Specials
WEDNESDAYSATURDAY Lunch 12 - 2pm Dinner 6 - 9pm
...being able to communicate with other people, have a laugh, share meals together, just really enjoy life and realise that they’re not alone...
Western Care Lodge manager Sue Vaughan and regional nding and marketing coordinator Jan Savage.

Cumnock community pitches in to save its GENERAL STORE

After three uncertain years, Cumnock’s General Store has new owners — its own customers!

More than just “a shop”, the heritage-listed General Store has been the heart of the small township since it was founded more than 140 years ago in 1882. In recent years, it has fulfilled multiple needs for the community, serving as a post o ce, hardware store, petrol station and cafe — a one-stop shop for a cup of co ee, a great feed and a friendly chat.

But after long-time owners Peg and Paula Rudd put the business on the market, looking to move on to their next chapter in their lives, the future of the store was in doubt. For two years, this vital community business sat on the market until a group of dedicated locals decided they’d take matters into their own hands.

“We’re a community where we have a lot of elderly people, young families — people who are just so reliant

on it. We don’t have a pub, we don’t really have any other meeting places,” Cumnock local Sarah Haynes said.

“We thought if we could get everyone involved, we should be able to ensure that this will be sustained for future generations.”

Sarah is a member of Cumnock’s Long White Lunch committee, a group who’ve worked tirelessly over the years to raise money for community causes with their annual luncheon. The committee decided to come up with a plan to buy the store as a community-owned asset. They set about asking residents to contribute $1000 for a “membership” in the business, with a goal of raising $160,000 by May 2023.

“In the end, I think we had over 180 memberships… which is great!” Sarah said.

Contracts have now been signed and settlement should be complete by October, if all goes to plan, she added.

Sarah said the store plays such an important role in the life of the town that its loss would have been unthinkable.

“Not only is it providing services to our community, it’s also just as much a wellbeing thing for our community,” she explained.

Going forward, the newly formed General Store Cumnock committee has big plans for the town’s historic store, which will now be operated as a not-for-profit community-owned business.

In time, Sarah said the committee are hoping to expand the services of the General Store, but rest assured it will remain the heart of the Cumnock community.

“Not only do we want to maintain what it’s already doing, but we really want to make it a destination. We want to make it a place where people want to work, and to create opportunities for younger generations,” Sarah said.

The General Store Cumnock committee are currently on the lookout for a new store manager, with expressions of interest in the position closing on July 31.


ORANGE CITY LIFE | JULY 20 — 26, 2023 7 Community LiFE THE
ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The AGM will incorporate a Special Resolution. To RSVP or get further detail, email: info@orangeshowsociety.org.au To have your say, become a member: www.orangeshowsociety.org.au/2023-2024-membership AT 3PM, ELF BUILDING, ORANGE SHOWGROUND 10% off all Services for Seniors Open Monday - Friday Brooke Cooper HAIR DESIGN Call 0432 647 514 MARCH STREET ORANGE
Cumnock’s heritage-listed General Store has been bought by the local community, who want to ensure it remains the heart of the small township for generations to come. Pictured are some of the dedicated locals behind the purchase: Sally Morse, Hilary Rookyard, Kelly Gibson, Belinda Keniry, Sarah Haynes, Philip Dodds, Hannah Schulz and Amanda Schulz

“Double, double, toil and trouble; Fire burn and cauldron bubble.”

The three witches may have been stirring up a stew of wicked spells for Shakespeare’s ‘Macbeth’ but their brewing pot certainly bore more than a little resemblance to the boiling copper over which housewives slaved over in the days before the advent of the washing machine.

Today we might find the loading of the machine, the trundling of the clothes to the line and the task of ironing it all a bit too much in our busy lives, but when the Oral History Group began to recall the washing days that occurred in their childhoods, there was a collective groan.

Washing day stood out as the busiest time of the week.

In those days the washing was all done by hand.

Laundries were built at the back of the house or at the end of the verandah with cement floors with two tubs and a copper boiler in the corner.

Some were heated by a woodchip fire or gas, and filled with water from a tank or a well.

But first the group, whose age di erences spanned three decades, discussed the washing that had to be done.

Sisters Monica and Dorothea came from a family of eight children and lived “way out in the bush”.

“We didn’t change our clothes a lot,” said Monica. ”Only about once a week.”

Clothes had to be looked after carefully. There were “Sunday best” and school clothes and work clothes, with a couple of sets of underwear.

Dennis remembered that his father was a great believer in flannel underwear and he and his children wore them all the time.

As well as clothes, there was bed linen. You might be lucky enough to have two sheets on your bed, but some had to make do with only one. In any case, only one sheet was washed at a time.

But before anything, quite often the soap had to be made first… by hand! There were few commercial washing soaps compared with the huge varieties available in today’s supermarkets.

And for large families it was certainly cheaper to make your own.

“It was a mixture of animal fat and caustic soda and perhaps something else,” Dorothea remembered. “Mum would boil up the fat, mix in the soda and put it into trays to cool and set, and later cut it up.”

Tom remembered how the making of soap in the copper left it brilliantly clean and shiny: “The copper was the lifeblood of our family,” he said. “It was used to make pickles, tomato sauce, to boil up rabbits, food for the dogs,

and to bathe the occasional kid Mum could catch on washday.”

Everyone agreed that washday was allconsuming.

Dad quite often got up early to light the fire, the kids rounded up the dirty clothes and Mum – with her wooden copper stick and scrubbing board – presided over it all. “The copper stick was most important,” said Jeanne. “If it was mislaid there was no way to lift the heavy steaming clothes and sheets out of boiling water.”

After boiling came the blueing and starching.

A little cake of Reckitt’s Blue was added to the rinsing water to make the clothes whiter, and starch was needed to sti en collars and tablecloths.

Tom remembered that, during the war in the Philippines, an enthusiastic local laundress did the washing for the troops. “She starched everything… handkerchiefs, socks –everything!” Tom told us.

Harry, whose mother died when he was eleven, used to help his dad wring out the sheets, one person on each end twisting a di erent way. They were hung on the wire clothes line and propped up with a forked clothes prop.

As Frank noted: ”If a kid knocked down the prop and all the washing fell in the dirt it was

a disaster!”

Especially in Orange in the winter, it was often di cult to dry the washing.

“Once we had eleven straight days of rain,” said Monica. “We tried to dry clothes all over the house, even in the oven!”

That wasn’t the end, though. There was still all the ironing to do… shirts, collars, tablecloths, sheets and pillow cases, doilies, and all sorts of knick-knacks that decorated the house.

At first irons had to be heated in front of the fire or on top of the fuel stove.

Later there were petrol irons that sometimes alarmingly caught fire and, finally, the electric iron.

The electric iron took some getting used to as Diana related.

“When my aunt ironed she always wore rubber boots for fear of being electrocuted.”

They were busy times and no wonder women didn’t have time to go out of the house to find work. There was always plenty to do at home!

As Dorothea summed up: “There was no need to go to the gym. In those days housework gave you as much bending, stretching, lifting weights and walking as you would ever need.”

8 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JULY 20 — 26, 2023 HISTORY TALKING with HELEN McANULTY MON-FRI 7.30am - 4.30pm PH 0422 522 445 295 SUMMER STREET PORTUGUESE CHILLI CHICKEN SPECIAL BURGER WITH CHIPS STRE WED TO SAT 4PM-8PM 0401 072 027 Check our Facebook for the Menu 37 William Street ORANGE | Ph 6362 8611 Pauls @ CoCos DINE IN OR TAKEWAY Pizzas ~ Wings ~ Pasta ~ Chips ~ DimSim CoCo’s CAFE TRADING HOURS Monday to Friday 6.30 – 4.00pm Saturday 7am – 1pm Closed Public Holidays www.cocosorange.com.au 37 William Street ORANGE Ph 6362 8611 Delicious! Best known for their delicious fresh food burgers, coffee and yummy desserts. With both daily & weekly specials they have something to tickle your taste buds. CoCo’s offers a wide range of gluten free, home cooked meals, all day breakfast and catering available, eat in or take way. Portuguese chicken Salad wraps Poached Eggs with Avo smash and yogurt Berry muesli Black Bean Vegetable Burger with Sweet Potato Crisp Pumpkin Fetta Tart Sweet potato fish cake with seeded pumpkin fetta salad GET OUR APP MEAL DEAL $50 2 Pizzas, Barramundi Bits & 1.25 litre Soft Drink WASHING DAY
– Shakespeare’s ‘Macbeth’
ORANGE CITY LIFE | JULY 20 — 26, 2023 9 WE HAVE THREE 2 BEDROOM VILLAS AVAILABLE NOW DON’T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY TO CALL OAK TREE HOME Visit our retirement village for a private tour today, located at 109 Ploughmans Lane, Orange OPEN MONDAY TO FRIDAY 10AM – 2PM • Spacious, 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom + 1 powder room villas • Freshly refurbished • Single individual garage • Private outdoor patio and garden Contact Village Manager Marc on 0417 432 401 today for more information.


Rescue your retirement

MONDAY, JULY 24, 2023

Are you a retiree or nearing retirement? (Or perhaps you know someone in that boat?)

If so, you’ve spent your entire working life hoping to get to this point… the point in your life when you can a ord to stop working. And what’s happening around the world right now is the perfect catalyst to make sure you are doing everything you can to ensure your money is going to last the distance.

There are a few key things to get right when it comes to managing your retirement savings:

It’s important to have your money in low-fee products. When we look under the hood, people are often gobsmacked by just how much they are paying in fees on their retirement savings and how much they can save by switching to a new provider (or using the lower cost options already available to them).

How you have your money invested, known

HOSPITAL bring your overweight, he or she arthritis. Did Hospital offers advice? Just nurses. essential for senior pet’s diet stage and for to a specialist to your pet’s about how will suit the Mulberry Lane blood sample kidney, liver and care before advantage of this month to care. she used to, Has your dog habits, or seem behind on on his skin? and her for a FREE look forward

as asset allocation, is of huge importance in retirement. Let me start by stressing that you don’t have to have all your money invested the same way. This simple fact is something that is often not understood by many people and, once they do understand this, then the decision-making process becomes a lot clearer.

When it comes to how you invest your retirement savings, the key is to invest the right money in the right investments for the right time-frame. Money can be assigned for short-term, medium-term and long-term needs, and then invested accordingly. A sound investment strategy based on some logic and reason gives retirement savings the ability to deal with the ups and downs which will inevitably occur.

Next up is diversification. We all know the saying “don’t put all your eggs in one basket” and, when it comes to your retirement savings, diversification is the ultimate risk-management tool. It is actually

very simple to implement.

The last thing to point out is that the greatest fear for retirees is running out of money. It might sound obvious, but not running out of money simply boils down to living within your means. But we don’t know what we don’t know, and for many retirees they can find themselves in a situation where they are spending too much and are on the path to running out of money. In some cases, people can a ord to spend more and are depriving themselves of a better lifestyle, for fear of running out of money.

That’s where doing financial modelling based on reasonable assumptions can empower retirees to spend a sustainable amount of money each year.

The list of things above are critical to financial success in retirement. Get those things right and it becomes a lot easier to pass the “sleep at night” test throughout retirement.

If you want to learn some of the things you can do to put yourself in the driver’s seat when it comes to getting the most out of your retirement savings, then I’m holding a FREE ‘Retirement Rescue’ seminar on Monday, July 24, at 6.30 pm at the Orange Ex-Services Club. Get the facts, be empowered, do the best for you and your family. Simply scan the QR code and book yourself a seat, or give me a call on 0411 484 464.

Cheers, Daniel

10 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JULY 20 — 26, 2023
294 Lords Place, Orange OPEN MON-SAT mulberrylanevet.com.au
passion is caring for your pet” MULBERRY LANE VET HOSPITAL An ASAV accredited “Hospital of Excellence” TELEPHONE 6360 3071 s Your pet can enjoy BOTH these special offers, one appointment per household, not valid with any other offer. Phone for appointment or book online. Expires 31st July FREE SENIOR PET CHECK UP for your dog or cat age 7+yrs (age 5+yrs for giant breeds like Great Dane or St. Bernard) $50 OFF A SENIOR PET BLOOD ANALYSIS
OLD is your BEST FRIEND? FREE EVENT RETIREMENT RESCUE A SPECIAL EVENT FOR RETIREES AND PRE-RETIREES IN ORANGE Come and learn how combining smart money strategies with low fees is making a difference of thousands of dollars a year to the lives of many people in Orange. MONDAY 24 JULY 6.30 PM TO 7.30 PM ORANGE EX-SERVICES CLUB Daniel McGregor (1253135) and Wealth Train (1258202) are authorised representatives of Independent Financial Advice and Education AFSL 520963 Scan the QR code to book your seat or call 0411 484 464
If you’d like to fi nd out more about how INDEPENDENT fi nancial advice could help you manage cash fl ow, pay off the mortgage faster, get the most out of super and invest wisely, then get in touch on 0411 484 464 or head to wealthtrain.com.au. This advice may not be suitable to you because it contains general advice which does not take into consideration any of your personal circumstances. All strategies and information provided are general advice only. DANIEL MCGREGOR AND WEALTH TRAIN ARE AUTHORISED REPRESENTATIVES OF INDEPENDENT FINANCIAL ADVICE & EDUCATION AFSL 520963

‘Four Dogs Missing’

— The debut novel putting Mudgee’s wine country on the map

Looking for a crime-thriller that matches perfectly with a glass of vintage red?

Rhys Gard’s debut novel, Four Dogs Missing, hits all the right notes.

Set in the nearby Mudgee wine region, the story follows Oliver — an intense, creative and introspective winemaker.

When Oliver’s estranged twin-brother turns up at his door bearing a mysterious invitation the quiet and fulfilling life the winemaker had built for himself is thrown into turmoil.

Oliver finds himself the prime suspect in a murder investigation and is forced to try find the killer before someone he loves is killed.

Previously having worked as a wine writer, chef and restaurateur, Rhys always knew he wanted to write a novel, but the problem was finding the time to do so.

Then when his restaurant was forced to close during the lockdowns a few years ago, he suddenly had the opportunity to follow his dream.

“I was still working as a chef, and we were only doing takeaways, so it was the first time in a long time that I found myself with enough time,” Rhys said, who also made the most of his newly found downtime to read huge amounts of crime fiction.

“I always have, but I was just tearing through the books. I love the pace, the suspense, that up-late-atnight feeling. I love that as a reader, so I thought I’d try to emulate that as a writer,” he explained.

“What inspired me to write, as well, was wanting to write something a little bit unique, something I’d want to pick up at a bookshop.”

In Four Dogs Missing, Rhys made use of his extensive knowledge of the wine industry for the setting and plot of the novel.

“There’s a lot of crime books out there, but I don’t know any about winemakers or that are set in wine country as a location,” he said.

“So that was something I was interested in exploring



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and that’s basically what inspired me to get started.”

Rhys is currently in the process of planning a Central West book tour, and is looking forward to visiting the Orange wine region — which actually features in his novel.

“The main character has a friend who is a winemaker in Orange. So, I’ll definitely be coming to Orange.”


Foodies of Orange enjoyed a delicious day out at the Orange Producers Markets every Saturday. The weekly markets, held in the courtyard next to Bills Beans is an opportunity for local growers and producers to bring their freshest produce every week.



148 McLachlan st Orange (Bills beans East Orange courtyard)

Will Kloosterman PRODUCE FROM ORANGE. Fruit and Veg, Cheese

Peter Lacis Blueberries

Brian and Lorraine Swift BURRAGREEN FRESH; vegetables, honey, preserves from Mullion Creek BURRAGREEN FRESH

Melissa Young PRIMAL ALTERNATIVES by Melissa Y. Gluten free products, grain free products, eg bread, premixes

Doug Dagg Farmer Doug’s Gourmet Potatoes

Robin Marshall JUST HOMEGROWN; Relish, Chutney, Sauces, Jams

12 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JULY 20 — 26, 2023
Community LiFE

There are some fantastic Australian Government grant opportunities currently available in our region, which may be of interest to you or your organisation. You never know if you don’t apply!

Rapid Response Referendum Grants are now open to community groups and not-forprofit organisations undertaking initiatives that elevate and amplify First Nations voices and leadership within the Yes campaign, and enable accessibility of information about the upcoming Referendum process. A short expression of interest must be submitted before a grant nomination can be executed. Individual applicants can apply for between $2,500 and $15,000, until funds are exhausted.

The Australian Government has announced the first round of the Growing Regions Program under the 2023-24 Federal Budget, which will provide large-scale funding for capital-expenditure projects across Australia’s regional, rural, and remote areas. Individual applicants can apply for between $500,000 to $15 million, depending on the entity type. Before an application can be submitted, organisations must submit their expression of interest to the Department of Infrastructure by Tuesday 1 August 2023.

The Regional Arts Fund (RAF) Project Grants are available for regional or remote artists, art workers, audiences, and communities undertaking high-quality arts projects. Applicants can apply for up to $30,000 for projects with a focus on any area of creative practice, multiple art forms or cross-disciplinary practice. Applications close Monday 14 August 2023.

If you need any further information or require a letter of support, please don’t hesitate to contact my office at andrew. gee.mp@aph.gov.au.


Following the strong success of the first Voice information evening in Orange, The Orange Region Voice Working Group is hosting a number of upcoming Voice information sessions.

It’s a great opportunity to get the info you need and have your questions answered on the Indigenous Voice to Parliament.

• Session 1: Tuesday 25 July at 6pm, at Orange High School, Wiradjuri Country. Register for session 1tinyurl.com/voiceinfo-1

• Session 2: Wednesday 26 July at 10am, at Orange City Council, Wiradjuri Country Register for session 2 - tinyurl.com/



• Session 3: Sunday 30 July at 3pm, at Orange High School, Wiradjuri Country. Register for session 3 - tinyurl.com/ voice-info-3

• Session 4: Tuesday 1 August at 6pm, online webinar Register for session 4 - tinyurl.com/ voice-info-4

You can also sign up for the Orange Region Voice supporter mailing list here: tinyurl.com/ supporter-sign-up.


It’s wonderful to see that works are underway on Stage 4 of the Southern Feeder Road Project, from Anson Street to Shiralee Road!

As Orange continues to grow and thrive, it’s important that local infrastructure not only keeps pace, but is built to meet the needs our city will have in generations to come.

Lately I’ve been out and about in the electorate with ‘Ida’ my 1965 Viscount caravan.

Wherever Ida goes, people just love sharing their own stories of caravanning in a much simpler time! If you see Ida out and about, give us a toot!

There’s a lot of miles yet to be travelled for this grand old caravan.

The Southern Feeder Road project will cut congestion along some of Orange’s busiest streets, make travelling through Orange safer, easier, and quicker, and improve the safety and efficiency of freight movement for our region’s agricultural businesses and mining operations.

The former Federal Government committed about $13 million to the entire Southern Feeder Road project, and this work progress is very encouraging to see!


It was great to see Orange-local Phoebe Litchfield help bring home the 2023 Women’s Ashes!

Australia retained the Ashes after beating England in Southampton by a thrilling three runs. Nail-biting stuff!

Over the past few weeks, it’s been wonderful to watch Phoebe make her test debut, play against some of the world’s best cricketers, and represent Orange and the Central West on the world stage!

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JULY 20 — 26, 2023 13 For regular updates and news, follow me on Facebook and Instagram @andrewgeecalare Authorised by Andrew Gee MP, Suite 1/179A Anson Street, Orange, NSW 2800. GRANTS! GRANTS! GRANTS! IDA THE CARAVAN 1/179A Anson Street PO Box 673 ORANGE 2800 (02) 6361 7138 andrew.gee.mp@aph.gov.au www.andrewgeemp.com.au ORANGE ELECTORATE OFFICE Andrew GEE MP INDEPENDENT FEDERAL MEMBER FOR CALARE Your Country Your Voice RUNS ON THE BOARD FOR ORANGE √ $54.8 million for the new CSU medical school and research centre √ $34.8 million for Dixons Long Point Crossing √ $54 million in water security pipelines around the Central West √ $1.9 million for The Orchard crisis accommodation centre √ $2 billion for Great Western Highway upgrade √ $3.8 million for the raising of Suma Park dam wall at Orange √ Federal Regional Investment Corporation established and based in Orange √ $12 million for the Southern Feeder Road project √ Dept of Infrastructure branch moved to Orange √ $2 million for the Forest Road Bridge duplication √ $14.7 million for Mission Australia’s Benjamin Short Grove Aged Care facility √ $100,000 for new stadium seating at Wade Park √ $3 million for a second radiotherapy unit at Orange Health Service √ $10 million for the Orange Conservatorium & Planetarium √ 24 hour rescue helicopter service for Orange and region √ $14 million for highway upgrades between Lithgow and Orange √ Bat/hail netting funding for local orchardists √ $1.2 million for CCTV in Orange, Bathurst and Wellington √ 47 mobile phone towers and base stations across Calare For regular updates and news, follow me on Facebook and Instagram @andrewgeecalare Authorised by Andrew Gee MP, Suite 1/179A Anson Street, Orange, NSW 2800. remington
Want to add your face to our Voice feature? Email mp@aph.gov.auandrew.gee.
I’m Mayor Jason Hamling, and I’m supporting an Indigenous Voice to Parliament. Andrew at the corner of Shiralee Road and Park Road


It was school holiday fun good enough to eat!

On Thursday, July 13, “Mini Masterchefs” were treated to a Pizza Masterclass from Orange Ex-Services Club’s executive chef Danny Evans! The children loved making their pizzas from scratch, and got creative with all sorts of topping combinations, although pepperoni was certainly a popular option. There were round pizzas, square pizzas and even love hearts — I mean who doesn’t love pizza!

From Lake Canobolas to the Gulf of Thailand: Two Colour City Dragons prepare for world champs this August

Two members of our local Colour City Dragon Boat Club are preparing to paddle against the best in the sport when they head to Pattaya, Thailand, for the World Dragon Boat Racing Championships on August 7 – 13.

The Dragons’ Estella Ferri and Kerry Madden have been selected to be part of Australia’s national dragon boating team, the Auroras. Estella has been named Captain for the Seniors A team (40 years and over) while Kerry has been selected for the Senior C squad (60 years and over).

Since their selection in January, the pair have become training mates, keeping each other accountable during both water sessions and gym workouts.

Estella has also been travelling to Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane for training sessions with the rest of the Australian Team.

“I feel incredibly privileged, it’s a huge honour, I’m really proud, and aim to support the team to get some medals in Thailand,” Estella said of

being named Captain for the national team.

“The Coach is very knowledgeable, so with my background, I can give support emotionally, and with visualisation and positive thinking, being aware of breath and working together as a team,” she said.

“So both the emotional and physical aspects for the team is taken care of.”

Kerry too, is excited to have been selected and said it was something she never expected.

She said she loves the feeling of getting into a boat with a team hungry to do their best.

“I just love to dragon boat,” Kerry said. “You work in a team to do a race. With one heart. One Soul. One team. One goal. That’s the Auroras motto. It's amazing! Never in a million years I ever thought I would make the team.

A Go Fund Me page has been set up to support the Aurora paddlers in their quest for victory in Thailand: tinyurl.com/ColourCityAuroras

14 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JULY 20 — 26, 2023 Community LiFE
Estella Ferri and Kerry Madden have been selected to be part of Australia’s national dragon boating team, the Auroras, and will compete at the World Dragon Boat Racing Championships in Pattaya, Thailand on August 7 – 13. Jack and Amelia Clark Orange Ex-Services Club’s executive chef Danny Evans training up the next generation of Masterchefs. Oli and Charlie Shirvington
ORANGE CITY LIFE | JULY 20 — 26, 2023 15

OCLife Scene

The OCLife scene of recent parties, concerts, celebrations and events


Happy 80th Birthday to Elizabeth Piggott! About 65 guests joined Elizabeth for her birthday celebration which was held on Saturday, July 15 in the CWA Hall in Robertson Park. It was not the first big occasion Elizabeth has celebrated in the CWA Hall. In 1967, it was also the venue of her wedding reception! Guests travelled from as far as Newcastle, Finley, Gunnedah, Young, Wagga Wagga, and Dubbo. All five of Elizabeth’s children were in attendance at the milestone celebration, along with seven of her twelve grandchildren.

16 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JULY 20 — 26, 2023
Social SCENE
Helen Hinley and Cathie Murphy Joyce Carman and Lorraine Conolly John and Gayl Schmich Elizabeth with her children (back) Anthony Piggott, Kathryn Piggott, Scott Piggott, Susan Piggott (front) Elizabeth Piggott and Michelle Vaughan Elizabeth and her grandchildren: (back) Maddi Piggott, Lily-Anne Hellier, Max Vaughan, Hugh Vaughan, and Ryan Piggott (front) Sam Piggott, Elizabeth Piggott, and Emma Piggott Elizabeth with two of her bridesmaids: Cathie Murphy, Elizabeth Piggott and Bernadette Carman Cathie and Burnie Murphy with John and Jo Fitzgerald Michael Schmich, Bill Kearney and Carolyn Kearney
ORANGE CITY LIFE | JULY 20 — 26, 2023 17 ODEON 5 MOVIE CLUB - $20 PER YEAR, AND ALL MOVIES (EX 3D) ARE THEN DISCOUNTED TIMES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE • BOOKINGS RECOMMENDED Parking available at rear, enter March or Byng Streets • ALL CINEMAS HAVE WHEELCHAIR ACCESS 43 WILLIAM ST ORANGE • 6362 0213 (ADMIN) SUBSCRIBE AT WWW.ODEON5.COM.AU TO HAVE PROGRAMME EMAILED WEEKLY. *HEARING/VISUAL IMPAIRED EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE Programme for Thurs 20th - 26th July 2023 redeem your vouchers for Odegift cards. ������ only redeem voucher per ORDER TICKETS ONLINE WWW.ODEON5.COM.AU FOR MORE INFO CONTACT CINEMA 129 MINS INSIDIOUS THE RED DOOR THUR, FRI, SUN, MON, TUE, WED 8.30 SAT 9.30 124 MINS SPIDER-MAN ACROSS THE SPIDE-VERSE DAILY 11.00 THUR, FRI, MON, TUE, WED 2.00 155 MINS $10 TIX 118 MINS NO HARD FEELINGS 102 MINS Thurs 20 th 10.30 *, 2.30, 5.00, 7.00 Fri 21 st 10.30, 2.30, 5.00, 7.00 Sat 22 nd 11.00, 2.30, 5.00, 7.15 Sun 23 rd 11.00, 2.30, 5.00, 7.00 Mon 24 th 10.30, 2.30, 5.00, 7.00 Tues 25 th 10.30, 2.30, 5.00, 7.00 Wed 26 th 10.30, 2.30, 5.00, 7.00 OPPENHEIMER 195 MINS 102 MINS Thurs 20 th 1.00 *, 4.30 *, 7.30 Fri 21 st 12.45 *, 4.15 *, 7.30 Sat 22 nd 3.00 * Sun 23 rd 1.00 *, 4.30 *, 7.30 Mon 24 th 12.45 *, 4.15 *, 7.30 Tues 25 th 12.45 *, 4.15 *, 7.30 Wed 26 th 12.45 *, 4.15 *, 7.30 MISSION IMPOSSIBLE DEAD RECKONING 178 MINS TRANSFORMERS THUR, FRI, SUN, MON, TUE, WED 10.00*, 4.45 SAT 4.45 143 MINS RISE OF THE BEASTS
THUR 10.30*, 1.30, 7.45* FRI, MON, TUE, WED 10.00, 1.30, 7.45* SAT 10.00, 11.45*, 7.30 SUN 12.30, 7.30* 169 MINS AND THE DIAL OF DESTINY PHOTO ID REQUIRED LAST CHANCE ELEMENTAL SAT 2.00 SUN 10.00, 2.00 124 MINS NEW NEW ADULTS ONLY SESSION 18+ FRIDAY 8.00 Thur 20 th 10.00, 1.00, 3.30, 6.00, 8.30 Fri 21 st 10.00, 12.30, 3.00, 5.30, 8.00* Sat 22 nd 10.30, 1.00, 3.30, 7.00, 8.30 Sun 23 rd 10.30, 1.00, 3.30, 6.00, 8.30 Mon 24 th 10.30, 1.00, 3.30, 6.00, 8.30 Tues25 th 10.30, 1.00, 3.30, 6.00, 8.30 Wed 26 th 10.30, 1.00, 3.30, 6.00, 8.30 SENIOR MOVIE THURS 10.30 SENIOR MOVIE THURS 10.30 THE LITTLE MERMAID SAT 1.30 150 MINS LAST CHANCE CATS IN THE MUSEUM SAT 10.00 94 MINS $10 TIX $10 TIX

Catch Australia’s leading musical theatre and opera artists in Orange this August

The Two of Us — Marina Prior and David Hobson

After four back-to-back years of selling out more than 180 shows around the country, soprano and tenor powerhouse legends of musical theatre and opera, Marina Prior and David Hobson, are bringing their show, The Two of Us, to Orange Civic Theatre on August 25.

The Two Of Us is an up close and personal show featuring brand new songs, back-stage and life stories, as well as all the classics from their vast repertoire spanning 35 years.

Accompanied by renowned pianist David Cameron, this two-hour intimate performance features classics from productions such as The Phantom of The Opera, Cats, 9 TO 5 The Musical, Evita, Les Miserables, West Side Story, Guys and Dolls Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and La Boheme, to name but a few, as well as favourites from their awardwinning albums.

This is definitely a show not to be missed!

See The Two of Us at the Orange Civic Theatre on Friday, August 25, 8pm. Tickets at Ticketek or call 6393 8111.

Thursday July 20

Birdie Noshery

The Cicada Club, 6.30pm

Friday July 21

Orange Civic Theatre

Little Shop of Horrors, 7.30pm

The Greenhouse

Kent Eastwood, 7pm

what’s on
The Cicada Club

funny, and electrifying”: The Hen House explore the dignity and comedy of the female working-class experience

Coming to the Orange Civic Theatre this September, The Hen House, is a new music theatre comedy weaving extraordinary, humorous, and tragic stories of female migrant factory workers in Western Sydney with live, loud original music that’s a nod towards Australian pub-rock bands of the time. It’s 1976. Sherbet’s Howzat is No.1 on the Charts. Industries are booming, and it’s migrant women who are cashing in. Pavica, a young Croatian mother is dressed in her crisp white uniform, smiling proudly on the production line, elbows deep in chicken carcasses, loving her job and her new Australian life. Mila, however, does NOT love her job. For her, this factory is a hell house. Mila is hellbent on taking this chicken business, and ripping it to bits. Pavica and Mila are best friends and need each other to survive this strange feathery world of work. But it might also be the very thing that completely drives them apart.

Created and performed by dynamic sister-duo Josipa Draisma and Mara Knezevic, The Hen House is a fierce and funny migrant story that pays homage to the stories of European migration in the 60s and 70s and explores the dignity and comedy of the female working-class experience. A fierce, funny, and electrifying experience, The Hen House elevates diverse women’s voices as powerful and hugely significant to Australia’s social and economic history

See the Hen House at Orange Civic Theatre on Saturday, September 16. Tickets at Ticketek or call 6393 8111.


22 Orange Civic Theatre


Coming Up

July 27

Canobolas Dance Hall

Song of Lennon and McCartney

July 28-29

Orange Civic Theatre Twelfth Night

July 29

Club Millthorpe Christmas in July

August 4-13

Orange Winter Fire Festival

August 4

Millthorpe Fire Fair

Orange Showground Dogs
Corner Store Gallery Studio Sessions –Sarah Humphreys Kent Eastwood Lional Robinson
Shop of Horrors 1pm and 7.30pm
Robinson, 7pm
Palms Canowindra
Palms Canowindra Twilight Markets, 4pm Sunday July 23
in the Park, 10am



“You only get 18 summers with your children,” according to an awful parenting show I watched recently as if FOMO would be enough to make us all suddenly love every moment with our kids.

Here’s the truth. They grow up too quickly. The years fly by, and once a moment is over, it’s gone forever. But these are all GOOD THINGS. Of course, I miss snuggly babies and the pre-teen years when they actually liked their parents, but these girls of mine are slowly growing into the most incredible future adults and it’s such a privilege to witness. And as someone who had a sick premature baby that never ever slept, I really will not miss the awful struggle of her newborn stage.

As such, I’ve loved having them home for the holidays. I’ve loved having Miss Nine spend special time away with her grandparents, and I’ve loved taking them back to school this week! There are lots of reasons why parents might love this week, and none of them are because they are bad people who don’t appreciate time with their kids. I can particularly relate to parents who have had to work during the holidays and to those who have neurodivergent children who thrive with routine. I also relate to those who have children who say things like, “I spy with my little eye something starting with A...and the ‘A’ turns out to be ‘accident’

“Where is there an accident?” Miss Nine asked her sister.

“You were the accident,” Miss 14 explained.

It was at this point on Monday, I suggested they both pop their uniforms on just to make sure they still fit.

In reality, I thought seeing them in uniform might give me the psychological boost I needed to get through the last 16 hours of holidays. Unfortunately, this was also the moment Miss Nine announced that her tights and shoes no longer fit, but this would be an excellent opportunity to see if her Harry Potter cloak-of-invisibility actually worked.

Our last back-to-school juggle was lunch boxes. Like many parents, I am currently attempting to feed my children cheaply and healthily. This was working well until Miss Nine’s week-long sugar and fried food binge at the beach with her grandparents.

My multigrain salad roll was met with a look of absolute horror.

“I’m NOT LIKE YOU,” she explained loudly.

“My body doesn’t get energy from vegetables, I NEED SUGAR,” she raged, clearly still coming down from the sugar high. I simply kissed her forehead and explained that’s lunch. Eventually, she ate it and was much calmer for the rest of the day.

Miss 14, who has been an amazing eater since the second she started solids, has been loving our diet overhaul — provided I throw some trendy ingredients in. Her smoothies NEED fresh raspberries, chia seeds and a bamboo straw, and salads NEED sunflower seeds, rocket and a white bowl in natural light, for obvious Instagram purposes.

Tuesday morning finally arrived and they both packed their delicious-looking bento boxes, got dressed on time and even posed for a photo for me.

“Hurry up and take the photo so I can stop smiling,” Miss 14 says, as apparently being within two feet of her sister requires scowling. I still managed to snap three acceptably nice pictures.

After dealing with the horror of drop off (the other parents at our school don’t respect the sanctity of the speedy ‘kiss and drop’ and actually get out of their cars!! I’ve complained but the principal refuses to install a second, faster ‘kiss and drop’ for disorganised late parents like myself), I make it to work, happy, but with a tiny twinge of “I wish the holidays went longer, I miss them already!”


The easiest cheese spread ever!

What about if I told you that you can make cheese at home with no fuss? Would you believe me? Well, keep reading and let me show you just how easy it can be!

Today I’m going to teach you how to make labneh, the delicious Lebanese spreadable that’s so good, once you start making it you’ll be using it on everything: as a dip, in salads, in your wraps, with your entrees, in sandwiches, as a side with lamb, in little balls coated with crunchy bits on top, et cetera.

If you’re not already familiar with labneh, it’s a soft cheese made by straining yogurt to remove the whey. It has a thick, spreadable texture similar to soft goat cheese or cream cheese and, thanks to its yogurt base, the flavour is rich and tangy. Chef tip? I absolutely love mixing it with a little local honey — delicious!

Why do I like this recipe? Besides being easy and economical, it can be eaten for brekkie, as a snack at any time of the day, as an after-school tea treat, or add a Middle Eastern flavour to your lunch or dinner.

And making labneh is so easy it can be done by any member of the family; all you need is a good quality tub of Greek yoghurt, a strainer and time!

I really hope you embrace the new homemade spread in your household. Give my recipe a try; you’ll see how easy and delicious it is!

Homemade labneh sanga with local honey and fresh thyme.


Greek yoghurt


Local honey

Pinch fresh thyme

Rye bread

Method to make labneh:

1. Line a deep bowl with a cheesecloth or muslin or even a clean tea towel.

2. Stir the Greek yoghurt with a pinch of salt and pour into the cloth.

3. Bring the edges together, form a tight bundle and tie firmly with a string. Hang the bundle over a bowl.

4. Leave the yoghurt to drain for 24-36 hours in the fridge.

5. After this time much of the liquid should have been lost and the yoghurt will turn thick and quite dry; the centre may still be creamy.

6. Put it in a container, it will be ready to use.

7. To make the rye sandwich: get a couple of slices of rye bread. Spread the labneh, then the honey, and finish it by adding a pinch of fresh thyme. Serve it cold. Enjoy!

Note: labneh can be served either with savoury or sweet dishes – the options are endless. If you need some inspiration check out a few recipes by Ottolenghi, you’ll see plenty of ideas serving suggestions there.

20 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JULY 20 — 26, 2023
@atableof10 | @eat_spanish | @rubenlopezmesa

Let’s Feast @ The Mills

The Mills

The Mills Cafe is a popular local eatery that boasts one of the most extensive menus in Orange.

The Mills has everything you expect from a cafe: great coffee, delicious smoothies and milkshakes and all your hot breakfast favourites. And with breakfast available all day, you can stop by anytime for a delicious Bacon and Egg Roll, Hash Browns, French Toast, Eggs Benedict or the yummy Avocado and Feta Smash.

At lunch or dinner, you are truly spoiled for choice: there’s a wide range of Burgers to choose from; Fish and Chips plus other takeaway favourites; a carvery with a selection of Roast Beef, Pork, Lamb, and Chicken; FreshMade Sandwiches and Salads… it truly is endless!

Available from 10am daily, the Mills also offers a full Asian menu with favourites like Sweet and Sour Pork, Curry Beef, Satay Lamb, Honey Chicken, Thai Massaman Curry and more. Pizza and sushi are just about the only things you won’t find on The Mills menu!

Looking for somewhere for an afternoon coffee? The espresso machine at The Mills is running all day, from open until last order at 7.45pm. Open six days (7am–8pm Tuesday to Saturday; 8am–3pm, 5pm–8pm Sunday and Public holidays)The Mills Cafe is licensed and has indoor and outdoor seating available. You will also find them on Menulog for home delivery! The Mills Café is located at.. The


ORANGE CITY LIFE | JULY 20 — 26, 2023 21
NAME ADDRESS BOOKINGS The Barrel 146 Bathurst Road, Orange (Ibis Motel) 6362 6033 Peter’s Fried Chicken 105 Glenroi Avenue, Orange 0491 729 910 Nile Street Café 49 Nile Street, Orange 6363 199 The Middle Coffee Shop Level 3 Orange Central Square Shopping Centre 0400 191 475 Coco’s Café 37 William Street, Orange 6362 8611 Eat Botanic 302 Hill Street, Orange (next to adventure playground) 6361 0005 Café Latte Uniting Church, 217 Anson Street, Orange 6363 1855
Mills 1/179 Byng
Orange 6360 3606
22 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JULY 20 — 26, 2023
Social SCENE
James Grant and Geoff Rice Sharon Taylor and Suzie Wilkins Brigid Keary, Carine Miller and Maddie Fisher Russell and Marianne Pankhurst Craig and Melissa Wright, Shannon and Will Cain with Ashley and Scott Gosper Jordan Grosvenor with David and Renee Thompson Antonella and James King, Kylie and Neil Gill with Dean and Kylie Watts



Ronald McDonald House Charities Central West Gala Winter Ball was a hit! The Orange Function Centre was transformed into a glittering ballroom for the annual fundraiser on Saturday, July 15, with guests treated to delicious food prepared by some of the best chefs in Orange.

A major fundraiser for Ronald McDonald House Charity Central West, this year’s ball and charity auction raised an astounding $200,000. The money will be used to support the running of the accommodation house at Bloomfield, which is “home away from home” for seriously ill children and their families who are being treated at the Orange hospital.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JULY 20 — 26, 2023 23 Social SCENE
David Howe and Hayler Wheeler Dominique and Chris Hutchinson Geoff and Renee Rice Carolyn Meadows, Luita Aichinger and Karen Bryant Melissa Prescott and Justeen Priest Grant and Chezzi Denyer, Elisha and Tim Leahey, Suzie and James Grant with Ronald McDonald House Charities Central West executive officer, Rebecca Walsh
24 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JULY 20 — 26, 2023 ON SALE FROM WEDNESDAY 19 TH JULY UNTIL TUESDAY 25 TH JULY 2023 Specials available from Wednesday 19/07/23 until Tuesday 25/07/23 or while stocks last. Retail quantities only. No trade supplied. We reserve the right to correct printing errors. Pictures used for illustration purposes only. IGA Liquor supports the responsible service of alcohol. Tobacco and alcohol not sold to under 18’s. 210 PEISLEY STREET, ORANGE NSW 2800 | 6362 7233 OPEN 7 DAYS: MON TO SAT 6AM-9PM | SUNDAY 7AM TO 8PM WWW.IGA.COM.AU 82 SUMMER ST, ORANGE NSW 2800 | 6362 0775 OPEN 7 DAYS: MON TO SAT 7AM-9PM | SUNDAY 8AM TO 8PM WWW.IGA.COM.AU IGANS13190_190723 Serving suggestion Steggles Whole Family Roast Chicken $5 kg $5 ea 2kg PACK Australian Brushed Potatoes 2kg $2.50 per kg Coca-Cola, Sprite, Fanta or Mount Franklin Sparkling Water 10x375mL Selected Varieties $2.57 per Litre Moccona Freeze Dried Coffee 400g Selected Varieties $4.88 per 100g Perfect Italiano Shredded or Grated Cheese 450g Selected Varieties $15.56 per kg Devondale Spreadable Butter 500g Selected Varieties $1.20 per 100g Whiskas Favourites Wet Cat Food 12x85g Selected Varieties 93¢ per 100g SAVE $6.45 $965 ea SAVE $8.50 $1950 ea $7 ea SAVE $2 $6 ea SAVE $1.50 $950 ea SAVE $2.50 Coca-Cola, Sprite, Fanta or Mount Franklin Lightly Sparkling 1.25 Litre Selected Varieties $1.42 per Litre SAVE $1.08 $177 ea The Natural Chip Co. Chips 175g Selected Varieties $1.34 per 100g Colgate Total Toothpaste 115g Selected Varieties $2.83 per 100g $235 ea $325 ea Uncle Tobys Traditional or Quick Oats 500g 45¢ per 100g Cadbury Favourites 520-570g Selected Varieties Cadbury, Pascall, Sour Patch Kids or The Natural Confectionery Co. Bags 160-300g Selected Varieties $225 ea $11 ea $2 ea

3 EMMAVILLE STREET, ORANGE Offers a Range of Features!


spacious home is situated on an 820sqm block and offers a range of features that make it ideal for families or as an investment property. The house
For climate control,
storage options.
in North Orange, this property offers a desirable combination
convenience, and space. Whether you’re looking for
family home or an investment opportunity, this home is definitely worth considering. • 4 bedrooms all with built in robes, master with walk in robe • Light filled living spaces • Central gas heating, wood fire and reverse cycle split system • Rear yard access on both sides of the house • Huge shed with power, providing parking or storage for a caravan or boat • Additional double lock up garage with internal access Contact us today to schedule a viewing. If you would like to obtain a copy of the draft contract of sale, more information or arrange an inspection please do not hesitate to contact Katie Christpherson on 0400 637 559 Disclaimer: All information contained herein is gathered from sources we believe reliable. We have no reason to doubt its accuracy, however we cannot guarantee it. PROPERTY OF THE WEEK BROUGHT TO YOU BY ELDERS EMMS MOONEY JANELLE BRUNNER t. 0411 139 848 KATIE CHRISTOPHERSON t.0400 637 559
boasts four good-sized
all with built-in
and the master bedroom includes an ensuite and a walk-in robe. The living spaces are filled with natural light, creating a bright and inviting atmosphere.
is equipped with central gas heating, a wood fire, and a reverse cycle split system, ensuring comfort throughout the year. The property also offers the convenience of rear yard access on both sides of the house, making it easy to manoeuvre vehicles or access the backyard. One of the
features of this property is the spacious shed, which is equipped with power. This shed provides ample parking or storage space for a caravan, boat, or other large items. In addition to the shed, there is an additional double lock-up garage with internal access, providing even more
of comfort,

OPEN Saturday 10.30am - 11.00am

154 Sieben Drive Orange

Great home in popular Bel Air

Positioned in the sought after area, close to childcare, sporting fields and playgrounds, Boasting a large block there’s room for a caravan, Freshly renovated, the brand-new kitchen is stylish with a generous island bench and sleek new cabinetry. Its combination with a large family room. All bedrooms have built-ins while the family bathroom has a full-sized bath and separate toilet. The space adjacent to the master bedroom is perfect for formal dining or study or offers a potential space for an ensuite or dressing room.

For Sale $710,000 View Saturday, 10.30am - 11.00am Scott

3 Agate Street Orange

Five bright and beautiful bedrooms in North Orange

Within an easy drive of Bunnings, North Orange Shops, The Botanic Gardens, the Adventure Playground and Waratah sporting grounds. This lovely home has been designed with livability in mind. The pleasing neutral palette and nine foot ceilings emphasize the light and airy feel of this lovely home. Offering plenty of space , this generous home includes a formal lounge/dining room adjoining the lightfilled foyer. which could also be used as a media room.


11.30am - 12.00pm

21 Cossack Close Orange

Stunning Views

Welcome to this beautiful family home located in cul de sac on the Northern outskirts of town. Approximately a 10 minute drive to North Orange with its great amenities, you can have the best of both worlds with this semi rural lifestyle property. An absolute gem, offering an idyllic family lifestyle with plenty of space to grow and create memories, it is a rare opportunity. The contemporary and attractive kitchen boasts generous proportions and a lovely aspect with its views to the surrounding countryside.

26 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JULY 20 — 26, 2023 Ph 0428 650 675 Address 24 Sale Street, Orange scottmunro.ljhooker.com.au Email scott.munro@ljhooker.com.au website ww.orange.ljhooker.com.au VICTORIA MUNRO SCOTT MUNRO FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED 311 a b c a b c a b c For Sale $750,000 View By Appointment Scott Munro 0428 650 675 Orange 24 Sale Street, Orange 170 Farnham Road Stuart Town Where Can You Get 208 Acres for $750,000 with a House & 100% Grazing property ? This two bedroom home is situated on 208* acres of undulating land suitable for mixed grazing. Watered by a creek and two good-sized dams, the property is well-fenced and secure. Situated in a quiet and private location, it offers the capacity to return income as a grazing block. Less than 10 minutes from Stuart Town. The property is a short drive to the recreational features of Lake Mookerawa. An approximate 4o-minute drive to Orange. YOU TOO COULD HAVE YOUR HOME WITH ONE OF THESE BANNERS Strong quality enquiry is leading to excellent sales outcomes Call LJ Hooker Orange for your free Market Appraisal LJHOOKER
SOLD SOLD 521 a b c a b c a b c For
View Saturday,
Scott Munro
Orange 24
Sale $820,000
0428 650 675
Sale Street, Orange
422 a b c a b c a b c
View By Appointment Scott Munro 0428
Orange 24 Sale Street, Orange
Saturday 11.30am - 12.00pm
Contact Agent
650 675
412 a b c a b c a b c
Munro 0428 650 675 Orange 24 Sale Street, Orange

Introducing an Exquisite Family Home for Your Dream Living!

Discover the perfect blend of elegance and comfort in this remarkable residence. Located in a desirable neighbourhood, and designed with family comfort in mind, this residence offers ample space to accommodate all your needs. Four generous bedrooms, three living areas, an extra kitchenette. Whether you’re a growing family or seeking a spacious sanctuary, this home is the perfect place to create lasting memories. Act now and make this stunning residence yours.

For Sale $980,000-$999,000

Janelle Brunner 0411 139 848

Katie Christopherson 0400 637 559 eldersem.com.au

Looking for an exceptional investment opportunity? This unit offers great potential for rental income or long-term growth, making it an ideal addition to your property portfolio. Alternatively, it’s the perfect first home for those looking to enter the property market with style and ease. Impeccable 3 br, 2-bathroom modern unit, perfectly positioned just minutes from shops, schools and cafes. Situated in a quiet cul-de-sac, this private townhouse is the epitome of comfort and convenience.

For Sale Contact Agent

Katie Christopherson 0400 637 559

Janelle Brunner 0411 139 848 eldersem.com.au

4 Grace Rise, Orange

Exceed your Every Expectation

• Convenient location that will make every day feel like a dream

• Modern four bedroom home, generous ensuite and walk-in robe in master bedroom

• Flexible floor plan with multiple living zones

• Large, open plan lounge and dining connecting to kitchen

• Private outdoor entertaining area, north-east facing rear yard with side access

4 A 2 B 2 C

For Sale Guide $690,000-$710,000

Inspection By Appointment

Katie Christopherson 0400 637 559

Janelle Brunner 0411 139 848 eldersem.com.au

• 4 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, main with walk through robe

• 3 multiple living spaces for relaxation, entertainment, or work

• Double garage with internal access, workshop and storage, solar panels

• North Orange neighbourhood, close to shopping, sporting and schools

For Sale Contact Agent

Inspection By Appointment

Janelle Brunner 0411 139 848

Katie Christopherson 0400 637 559 eldersem.com.au

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JULY 20 — 26, 2023 27
33 Scarborough Street, Orange
1/11 Warrigal Place, Orange Exceptional Investment Opportunity!
Dream Home!
76 Molloy Drive, Orange 4 A 2 B 2 C Dream Life,

318 Lords Place, Orange $799,000 - $849,000

Beautiful built and set up for entertaining. Great all electric kitchen, induction cooktop. Views from every room – landscapes, trees, garden, no neighbours’ houses visible. House has 4 beds, three bathrooms, three lounge areas (one used as pool room with table). Brick veneer, corrugated roof, 6.5kW micro-inverter solar panels to cut electricity costs.

• Reverse cycle air conditioning throughout, wood burning heater in one lounge, plus large gas fireplace in the main lounge.

• Lots of large windows to let in the winter sun and give every room a view. Double glazing in the newer section.

• American style barn with two internal stables, concrete floor, power, and water connected. Separate two stables in

addition with day yards. Water troughs in each paddock.

• Chook run – not quite fox proof as it is but well set up..

• Double garage , concrete floor and power, with attached double carport.

• Good dam, never dry in the drought, full of yabbies. Two rainwater tanks total 170,000 litres.

0414 418 232,

• Lovely lawns, trees, hedges, and garden area.

• Plus 5.4ha ((13.4 acres) for space, privacy, couple of horses or sheep. Just tops this property off. Plus, lots more to discover.


• Less than 10km to hospital, less than 15km to Orange and less than 5km to airport.

43 5.4 ha 4 Orange Property MARKET
property, great
everything in it!
comes with

This lovely property three-bedroom duplex at 318 Lords Place has been well-maintained by the current owner and presents beautifully. Currently run as an Airbnb, the property is showing a good return (net return last year was 4.64%), but would also make for an ideal place for you to call home. From the great facade to the polished floorboards and period features, there is a lot to love about this property.

This is a home with great street appeal, established gardens front and rear, and only a short stroll to Robertson Park and the Orange CBD.

Not only is this a stunning property, but everything is included in the sale: furniture, white goods, appliances — the lot! Walk in, walk out — everything is there for you to start your new CBD lifestyle or hit the ground running as a serviced property. Figures are available regarding AirBnB income.

Contact selling agent Chris Tyack of Blowes Real Estate on 0438 258 590.

ResidentialBlockThissizablevacantblockissituatedinadesirablelocationinMillthorpe surroundedbyestablishedhomesandgardensandisconvenientlylocatedclosetoshops, Millthorpeprimaryschool,cafes,restaurantsandtheCBD.ZonedRU5-VillagezoneinBlayney Shire,itwillsurelybeindemand.Thisisoneforthefamilylookingtobuildnowasrarelyare blocksofferedthesedaysintheestablishedareasofMillthorpe.Timetoget thehouseplans outandcontactyourbuildertomakethestartonbuildingthehouseofyourdreams.

11 Ningoola Way, Orange

With this address, surrounded by great homes and established trees and gardens, you would have to say that the “location” box is well and truly ticked. Set in a popular west Orange location, you will find many parks, a local preschool, oval and Duntryleague Golf course plus easy access to the CBD. From here, it’s all about having a vision and bringing the home in line with your own plans.

Covered outdoor entertaining area.Double garage with internal access

or SOLDtoauction priortoauction


facing secure private backyard

SOLD pri

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JULY 20 — 26, 2023 29
22.07.23onsite ifnotsoldprior 892m2 Size FORSALE TomCampbell 0459022477 Contact $580,000 Price Size 1,012sqm 119 Peisley Street Orange NSW 2800 02 6362 4755 www.awn.net LIVESTOCK &PROPERTY 13 William Street, Millthorpe NSW 2798 A delightful elevated block overlooking the sought after and historic village of Millthorpe and the perfect chance to build your dream home in a family friendly street. With a total of 1012sqm* this block has ‘views for miles’ taking in the surrounding countryside all the way to Mount Canobolas. One of the very last chances to secure a parcel of vacant land in William Street and certainly the most elevated of those that remain. Close to all the amenities that Millthorpe has on offer including doctors, chemist, supermarket, restaurants, pubs, cafes, specialty shopping, and Millthorpe Public School. Elevated Millthorpe Opportunity MarieFox 0412166132 Contact Approximately * FORSALE AUCTION Extensive living areas including formal lounge, dining area, sunroom, office or sitting room Good sized bedrooms two with built-ins Kitchen in the centre of the home with access to the living areas Second toilet in the laundry Well fenced north
'Avoca' 304 Norah Creek Road, Molong TomCampbell 0459022477 Contact ForthcomingAuction ifnotsoldprior Price Size 508Haor1254Acres A well appointed 508* hectare, 1254* acre mixed farming property northwest of Molong featuring a Hardiplank clad home, functional shedding, excellent sheep and cattle yards, and abundant water. The comfortable home has and open plan kitchen dining and living area with floating timber flooring, 4 internal bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, R/C A/C, and a slow combustion wood heater. Rural infrastructure is ideal for a property of this size and includes a dual purpose shearing shed and workshop, hayshed, sheep and cattle yards, good access to water, and 4 silos for a total of 144* tonnes. Water is a feature with 2 solar powered stock and domestic bores and 15 dams. Soils range from heavier clay based loams to sandy loams and pastures are mainly native supported by a good recent super history. Approximately * $490,000 Price Size 1,121m2
MarieFox 0412166132 Contact all
Auction Orange Property MARKET
If you want central, and you want classy, then this is just the property for you!
There are three neat bedrooms and a good-sized living area that has a light and airy feel. There are many original features including two stunning period fireplaces and picture rails throughout, while the combined kitchen/dining room and bathroom have been tastefully renovated.

Build Your Dream Home - Creek Frontage - 5 minutes to Orange SALE

Lot 200,201,202 4536 Mitchell Highway, Lucknow NSW

This expansive property offers an excellent opportunity for those seeking to build their dream home or capitalize on a prime investment in a highly soughtafter location.

Situated along the esteemed Mitchell Highway, the property benefits from excellent road frontage, ensuring convenient access to nearby towns, amenities, and transport links.

The property features a level topography, which makes it ideal for construction, minimizing the need for extensive earthworks.

The vacant land is ready for you to bring your architectural plans to life and start building your dream home.

Nature enthusiasts will appreciate the picturesque surroundings, with scenic views of the rolling countryside and access to Summer hill creek and the opportunity to create a landscaped oasis that embraces the beauty of the local flora and fauna.



Individual Sale - Contact Agent

James Taylor

0457 792 800 0423 658 101

Emma Chapman

Ray White Townsend Real Estate


30 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JULY 20 — 26, 2023 Ray White Townsend Real Estate 203 Lords Place, Orange NSW raywhitetre.com 02 6362 4016


Desirable West Orange Location

30 George Weily Place, Orange NSW

Set on 876 square meters within sought-after West Orange, this property combines elegance, comfort, and convenience.

The modern kitchen is a chef's delight, featuring ample counter space, gas cook top and sleek cabinetry. Whether you're preparing gourmet meals or casual meals, this kitchen is sure to inspire your inner chef.

Outside, the backyard is a haven for relaxation and entertainment complete with an additional large shed. The covered patio area is perfect for hosting barbecues or enjoying alfresco dining while the low-maintenance yard provides ample space for outdoor activities.


Modern Family Home in a Popular Location!

56 Glasson Drive, Orange NSW

Industrial Shed on 1 Acre AUCTION

Lot 1035 Henry Parkes Way, Manildra NSW

This property spans approximately one acre, providing a generous amount of land for your industrial operations. The expansive size offers flexibility for a range of business activities and future development potential.

The shed is ideal for storage, manufacturing, or as a workshop. With abundant floor space and high ceilings, it can easily accommodate large machinery, equipment, or inventory.

Situated in Manildra, NSW, this property benefits from its strategic location within close proximity to major transportation routes. Easy access to highways and roads ensures efficient transportation of goods and convenient connectivity to neighbouring towns and cities.


Open Saturday 22nd July 10:00am - 10:30am

Emma Chapman

Contact Agent 0423 658 101

James Taylor 0457 792 800

Ray White Townsend Real Estate raywhitetre.com

This stunning residence presents a perfect blend of modern comfort and timeless elegance. With its spacious layout, four bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a two-car garage, this home offers an exceptional living experience for families seeking both style and functionality.

The master suite is a private retreat, complete with a generous bedroom, a walk-in closet, and an en-suite bathroom.

Three additional bedrooms offer comfortable accommodation for family members or can be transformed into home offices or hobby spaces to suit your needs. The second bathroom is tastefully appointed and conveniently located to serve the remaining bedrooms.


375 Acre Lifestyle Property SALE

Stagecoach Road, Orange NSW



Friday 4th August 23,

Kurt Adams

132 Kite Street, Orange 0428 747 050

James Taylor 0457 792 800

Ray White Townsend

Real Estate raywhitetre.com

A desirable 152 ha (375 acre) property presenting as a blank canvas in the picturesque Emu Swamp area with ample scope for further improvements and production.

This property is high-quality grazing land, with productive soils and great water security. The vast majority of "Stagecoach Park" is usable as grazing country with a solid carrying capacity as well as pasture development, currently 35ha sown to wheat.

Scattered with beautiful timber offering plenty of shade and shelter for livestock grazing, stock proof fencing and excellent water security with 3 dams and frontage to Emu Swamp Creek.

Open Saturday 22nd July 10:00am - 10:30am

James Taylor

Contact Agent 0457 792 800

Ray White Townsend Real Estate raywhitetre.com


Kurt Adams

Contact Agent 0428 747 050

Emma Chapman 0423 658 101

Ray White Townsend

Real Estate raywhitetre.com

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JULY 20 — 26, 2023 31
203 Lords Place, Orange NSW raywhitetre.com 02 6362 4016
Ray White Townsend Real Estate


Rarely, do opportunities like this come along!

Units, 1, 2 & 3/230 McLachlan Street

The entire complex of three, freestanding Brick units sit on a 1,560 square metre block less than 200 metres from the Alpine Stores and an easy 6 block walk to the centre of town is being offered for sale as a whole.

Currently, the complex is grossing $44,460 p.a. with Unit 1 having been updated with a new kitchen, new floor coverings and a split-system air-conditioner.

Units 2 & 3 are in good order and with reasonable renovations in the future, income will only increase dramatically. This complex has been under the current ownership for the past fifteen years and is being offered for sale purely to re-focus investment funds and the owners portfolio.


Don't Miss Your Opportunity SALE

9 Edward Place, Molong NSW

Quiet, well placed, close to Schools, Park facilities and a short drive to shops, this 708sqm block of land is situated at the top end of Molong. Molong is a short 30min drive to Orange and the gateway to the Central West. You can find yourself in Dubbo, Forbes, Wellington and even taking in the sights and delights of Parkes, all within an hour or so's drive. Becoming part of an ever-growing Molong community is just one of many reasons to snap this land up.



Wade Clarke $225,000 - $245,000 0427 668 800

Ray White Molong Real Estate raywhitetre.com


Contact Agent Stephen Townsend 0427 631 957

Ray White Townsend Real Estate raywhitetre.com

Three Bedroom Development Consent Approved!

6 Templar Street, Lyndhurst NSW

Positioned in the peaceful town of Lyndhurst with a total area of 809 square meters, this vacant block presents an excellent opportunity to build your new home.

With a development consent already approved for a three-bedroom home, what are you waiting for?

The land is flat and ready to build on, making it a fantastic investment opportunity. This property is located in a quiet street, surrounded by wellmaintained homes, and within close proximity to the local school, café and Lyndhurst Hotel.

Sale Emma Chapman $115,000 0423 658 101 Ray White Townsend Real Estate raywhitetre.com

32 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JULY 20 — 26, 2023
203 Lords Place, Orange NSW raywhitetre.com 02 6362 4016
Ray White Townsend
Orange NSW

Make the Right Choice for your Investment Property Because its our Business

Alisha has always been quick to get back to me and has sorted any issues out for us incredibly fast in a incredibly polite and approachable manner. The house needed a new hot water heater (not desperately) and it was organised and installed within a week. Incredibly happy.

The team is super responsive and efficient when dealing with any issues!

Ana and the team have been fantastic. They found us a new tenant that we are very happy with, and the tenant is happy to. The property is looked after and anything amiss is attended to quickly and efficiently. Heartily recommend the team at Ray White Townsend! - Guy

We have been renting through this Townsend realestate since 2017, in that time we have always had a great experience. They are always quick to help with any issues we may have. When our last rental went on the market Ana went above and beyond to help us find a new home suitable for our family. I would highly recommend Ana, Kathie and all the team!

All of our dealings with Analea have been amazing, from the very start of looking for a property, through to singing the lease, especially as we went through this process whilst interstate. then after moving in, any issues or concerns have been promptly attended too, which resulted in a more than satisfactory resolution, she has even leaped all obstacles to help and assist where possible.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JULY 20 — 26, 2023 33 Ray White Townsend Real Estate 203 Lords Place, Orange NSW raywhitetre.com 02 6362 4016
"Attentive and efficient communication and management of property. "
"We have a very professional, competent and easy to deal with property manager Alisha. We wouldn't be able to manage our investment property without her"
- Janette
Do You want a Property Manager you can trust to manage your investment property, see what others have to say...
Give us a call at our Orange, Blayney or Molong Office to see how easy it is for you.

Top tips for pruning roses THE AVID GARDENER…

Rose pruning season is one of the biggest jobs in winter – and my favourite, says Henrietta Hood from The Avid Gardener, who is here to give our readers a few tips on how and when to prune roses in Orange.

In our cool climate, we recommend holding o pruning until August/September. The reason for doing this is that whilst roses are super robust, our winters are fraught with frost and new growth will inevitably be a ected. Roses can withstand the damage, but instead of putting energy into strong growth and lots of flowers, the plant will be putting most of its energy into recovering from the frost.

Here are our top tips for getting the most out of your gorgeous roses.


AIM FOR A VASE-SHAPED BUSH. Remove any inwardfacing and crossing branches. Remove diseased, damaged and dead wood. Cut back to an outward-facing bud on young growth.

CLEAR AROUND THE BASE OF THE ROSE. Remove fallen leaves and rose cuttings as these can harbour diseases.

PRUNE HARD. Don’t be afraid to cut back hard. This will encourage more growth and flowers.

FERTILISE. We like to use Neutrog Sudden Impact for Roses. This will set your roses up well for the growing season as well as encouraging more blooms.

DO NOT COMPOST CUTTINGS. This may spread pests and disease. Put them in the bin or burn them in your fire pit. MULCH with organic sugar cane or equivalent. This will help keep soil temperatures even, keep moisture in, and suppress weeds while also adding important organic matter as the mulch breaks down.

34 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JULY 20 — 26, 2023 103 Prince is a one of a kind development in the heart of Orange. Thoughtful architecture and lush green communal spaces complement the region's unique energy. Choose between interior colour schemes that are inspired by the beauty of the changing seasons, and benefit from country living with cosmopolitan amenities and convenience at your doorstep. 50% ALREADY SOLD VIEWS OF MOUNT CANOBOLAS MULTI-FUNCTIONAL LIVING SPACES REGISTER OR CALL FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT 103PRINCE.COM.AU BEN SMALL : 0407 646 803 SPACIOUS APARTMENTS + LUXURIOUS TOWNHOUSES DISPLAY SUITE : 242 SUMMER ST, ORANGE NSW
Orange Property MARKET
a www.theavidgardener.com.au



Expertly built by one of Orange’s lifelong builders is this impressive four bedroom home. You will be impressed as soon as you walk in the front door with the old world look featuring pressed metal, picture rails and beautiful floor tiles.

• 4 bedrooms, 3 with BIR and the main with ensuite and WIR

• Open plan kitchen/dining/family which opens onto the covered alfresco

• Beautiful kitchen with stone tops, soft close furniture, 900mm cooker and walk in pantry

• 3 way bathroom with lovely tiling a feature and bath for the kids

• Ducted heating throughout, attached garage with indoor access, fully fenced

7 tempest way, orange $949,000

CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590

OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY 22nd 10.30am - 11.00am


This great brick veneer property has a lot going for it, and it would be a great place to call home or purchase as an investment property.

Located in a very low traffic area on the southern side of the Distributor Road, you are close to shops, parks and more.

• Three bedrooms, master has walk in robe and ensuite, others have built-ins.

• Good size north facing lounge room with big windows that let in loads of light

• Open plan kitchen/dining area which adjoins the lounge room

137 edward street, orange

$729,000 3 1

CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590


This lovely property has the classic late Federation/Inter-war facade and features 3 bedrooms all with pressed metal ceilings along with the hallway and formal lounge room, it has just had a full re-paint internally with light modern colours and looks nice and fresh. You will love the eat in kitchen which is in good condition, and the extension at the rear of the house features the second living area and the federation style bathroom with a great claw foot bath and also a shower. Edward Street has seen lots of new owners in recent years moving in and restoring these lovely homes, this property would also be a great Air BnB.

• Beautiful classic old world facade

• Plenty of scope for renovation or extension

• Walking distance to restaurants and CBD

• Only 800m to the CBD

• Surrounded by similar lovely homes

• Good size block at around 613sqm

• Has just been fully repainted internally

OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY 22nd 11.15am - 11.45am


This central terrace cottage has been in the same family for around 55 years and is looking for new owners. The property dates to the 19th century and features 3 bedrooms, lounge, open plan kitchen/ dining and a second comfortable living area at the rear. You will love the modern kitchen with soft close furniture, dishwasher, gas cooktop and under bench oven, and it looks great sitting on the beautiful timber floating floor. Call for an inspection, you will love its charm.

• With only around a 450m walk to the CBD, DPI and many other attractions, you could ditch the car.

38A AMANA CIRCUIT, orange $625,000

CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590

• Attached double garage with internal access, ducted gas heating, secure rear yard

OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY 22nd 12.15pm - 12.45pm


This 877sqm block is ready to build on and is located in a new stylish West Orange location.

• Easterly views towards Westlea and Ploughmans Wetlands

• All town services connected including underground power

• Orange High school zoning and a short drive to the CBD

• Quiet location at the end of a cul de sac

93 sale street, orange

CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590

• Very private rear yard, approximately 404m² block and Torrens title.

• Attached large single garage with auto door and entry into house, second toilet.

• Two of the bedrooms are large as is the kitchen and dining rooms.


Good size level blocks are getting harder to find, this great block of 749.5sqm is ready and waiting to be built on.

Close to North Orange shopping centre, child care facilities and parks and gardens, you cannot go wrong.

• One of the newest released subdivisions in Orange



• Ready to build on

Landareaapprox.1,406Ha,buildingareaapprox.1,620m² 2gantrycranes

Landareaapprox.1,406Ha,buildingareaapprox.1,620m² 2gantrycranes

• Close to Duntryleague and Wentworth golf clubs

• North facing level block close to Nth Orange shopping

• Walk to Waratahs, Orange Botanic Gardens and more

ZonedGeneralIndustrial OfferedwithVacantPossession

ZonedGeneralIndustrial OfferedwithVacantPossession

7 Yackerboon Place, orange


CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590

24 Platinum parade, orange


CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590

Formoreinformationorforaninspection,contactGaryBlowes 0418635248|gary@blowesre.com.au Celebrating50yearsinrealestatein2022

Formoreinformationorforaninspection,contactGaryBlowes 0418635248|gary@blowesre.com.au Celebrating50yearsinrealestatein2022


ORANGE CITY LIFE | JULY 20 — 26, 2023 35
CnrLordsPlandKiteSt,Orange 0263621233 2-4ASHSTREET,ORANGE Auctiononsite11am23/02/2022
cnr lords place + kite street 02 6362 1233
CnrLordsPlandKiteSt,Orange 0263621233 2-4ASHSTREET,ORANGE Auctiononsite11am23/02/2022 BLOWESRE.COM.AU cnr lords place + kite street 02 6362 1233
4 2 2
2 2
1 1
$799,000 3

39 SALE STREET, ORANGE | 6363 1000


Fresh as a Daisy

There is so much to love about this bright and airy home, it is freshly painted with new flooring throughout. Featuring a great kitchen/ dining/living with the added bonus of an office or playroom and a lovely big undercover deck. Simply a superb property and simply perfect as a first home or an investment.

Scan QR Code to see all Open House Times

Neat And Tidy Unit

This neat unit is located in the popular West Orange area and is also a comfortable walk to the CBD. Featuring modern appliances, neutral colours, an updated kitchen, reverse cycle system, low maintenance backyard and good-sized bedrooms with built in wardrobes. Currently tenanted to 12/23’ with fantastic tenants that would like to stay.

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Stylish, Comfortable and Versatile

This exceptional property offers a harmonious blend of style, comfort, and versatility. This perfect family home captures abundant natural light all year round, the sunlit living room feels spacious and the new kitchen is a dream. Plus, there is a bonus one bedroom studio downstairs. Don’t miss out on this stylish living opportunity.

Scan QR Code to see all Open House Times

Packing a Punch

For its size, this semi-detached home really packs a punch with its well-designed floorplan and lots of great features. The kitchen and dining area has plenty of room, there’s a bright lounge room, two bathrooms and a single garage with internal access. An easy investment or perfect home for someone.

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36 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JULY 20 — 26, 2023
Contact: Adam Savage 0419 232 416
$419,000-$439,000 211 10/1-7 HARTAS LANE
Price Guide:
Contact: Michael Wright 0421 360 948 Price: $639,000 311 70 MATTHEWS AVENUE NEW
Contact: Chris Mason 0438 629 417
$699,000 421 1 MAPLE AVENUE
Contact: Jacob Evans 0428 130 789
$595,000 321 26B WINTER

Immaculate Inside

You would be hard pressed to find a home more immaculate than this one. Set on a 930 sqm block in a quiet street, this attractive brick home with a fantastic three bay shed is a real winner. All you have to do is move in and enjoy.

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This property offers a spacious three bedroom home on a sprawling one acre lot. This house boasts a large kitchen, nice bathroom and back covered deck areas perfect for outdoor living. Don’t miss the chance to experience the perfect blend of tranquillity and convenience in a friendly country town.

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Fresh off the back of an extensive renovation is this fabulous family home that offers the perfect solution for those looking for a home which is versatile and rich in individuality. It is a rare find and really lends itself to multi-generational living or those looking for a big bang on their investment.

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More Than Meets the Eye

In a lovely street, around the corner from Bletchington School, this home has a few nice surprises, like two living areas, that you wouldn’t normally expect in a property at this price point. Outside is a double garage, with an adjoining workshop/storage/studio plus there’s another versatile shed, water tank and low maintenance yard. Contact:

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ORANGE CITY LIFE | JULY 20 — 26, 2023 37
Contact: Jacob Evans 0428 130 789 Price: $575,000 313 12 SMITH STREET, MOLONG
Adam Savage 0419 232 416
Guide: $549,000
$569,000 312 16 FOX AVENUE
FIND! Multiple Living Zones
Michael Wright 0421 360 948
Guide: $780,000-$799,000 653 24 SEYMOUR STREET
to Move In!
Contact: Chris Mason 0438 629 417 Price: $449,000 311 LOT 4, 101 OLD ORANGE ROAD, MANILDRA NEW PRICE




A Beautiful Lifestyle Awaits

Situated in the blue-ribbon location of Borenore, this sensational seven-acre property is just 10 minutes from Orange. The home sits pretty as a picture, elevated with rolling views back towards Mt Canobolas and the acreage borders two travelling stock reserves. It’s rare such opportunities arrive within this price-point.

Scan QR Code to see all Open House Times

Contact: Michael Wright 0421 360 948

Price Guide: $990,000-$1,089,000

Nice Home, Great Shed

This home, with its tastefully updated kitchen and bathroom, is perfect for a first home buyer or investor. The big jobs inside have been done and the block is a very manageable 493 sqm in size. The backyard has a great shed with a covered patio area offering a shady spot to sit in summer.

Scan QR Code to see all Open House Times


Contact: Jacob Evans 0428 130 789

Price: $399,000



Grand Design, Grand Proportions

This impressive home is set on 2621m2 of beautifully private manicured grounds with outstanding district views. For those luxurious lifestyle lovers searching for a relaxing retreat, this beautifully maintained home, in the premier Wentworth Estate, might just be it. If you’ve been looking for a really special home the wait is over.

Scan QR Code to see all Open House Times

Contact: Adam Savage 0419 232 416

Price: Contact Agent

Surprise Package

This home is a true surprise package – both in size and with its fresh new interior. The home has been nicely updated and features lovely modern touches that make it feel like new. There is certainly no work needed inside and it’s bigger than you might think with four bedrooms and two bathrooms.

Scan QR Code to see all Open House Times

Contact: Jacob Evans 0428 130 789

Price Guide: $570,000-$620,000

38 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JULY 20 — 26, 2023

This sweet cottage in Calare with brand new carpet and fresh paint will make a lovely first home or investment. The home boasts high ceilings, ducted gas heating, a lovely big kitchen and generous sized bedrooms. There is also a double shed with power, lighting, and automatic door. Zoned for Calare Public and Orange High School.

This 2,023 sqm block is a great size and is ready to build on. It has ample room for a home and big shed with plenty of space around, so you don’t feel like you’re hemmed in. Located close to the town centre with services ready and waiting.

13 Miller Street, Mullion Creek

Price Guide: $790,000-$810,000

Contact: Michael Wright 0421 360 948

If you’re looking to build your dream home, look no further than this superb one-acre block on the outskirts of Manildra. Power and town water connections run along the front boundary streamlining the process of establishing connections for your future home. This property offers an opportunity to create your own private sanctuary.

1564 Lower Lewis Ponds Road

Price: $499,000

Retreat From the World

424 The Countryside is Calling

Located on just over an acre in Mullion Creek, this garden oasis property is ready to be your sanctuary. The front faces north, meaning you can enjoy a light-filled home all year round and there is an entertaining area, a fire pit and a four car garage.

Just 20 km from Orange, increasingly rare parcels of land like this are seldom on offer. Set amongst the rolling hills of the area and just a hop, skip and a jump from Lewis Ponds Creek, this 5 acre block with building permission is ready for your new home.

This gorgeous home has it all, it’s been meticulously maintained and presents like new. You feel welcome instantly as you enter with the high ceilings, lovely neutral colour palette, spacious rooms and quality inclusions throughout setting the tone. Move in and put your feet up, there won’t be any work to do!


Price: $215,000

Contact: Michael Wright 0421 360 948

Big, Flat Block Ready to Go

Nestled away in the quiet country town of Cargo, this 2,000 m² block is flat and ready to build on. The property has town water available and power at the front gate. Leave your car at home as the property is within easy walking distance to the local amenities.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JULY 20 — 26, 2023 39 39 SALE STREET, ORANGE | 6363 1000 | PFISHER.COM.AU
QR Code to see all Open House Times
Get Out of The Rental Cycle
Contact: Michael Wright 0421 360 948 Price: $549,000 312 11 KENNA STREET
Sized Block
176 King Street, Molong Price: $230,000 Contact: Jacob Evans 0428 130 789
Country Living Awaits
Lot 3, 101 Old Orange Road, Manildra Price: $199,000 Contact: Chris Mason 0438 629 417
Belmore Street, Cargo
Contact: Jacob Evans 0428 130 789
Good as New
25 Robinson Court Price: Contact Agent Contact: Adam Savage 0419 232 416 422 NEW LISTING
Right In
at the
with BBQ area, this is a great investment if you’re looking
or invest. Contact: Michael Wright 0421 360 948 211 4/9 AMANGU CLOSE Scan QR Code to see all Open House Times Price: $469,000
end of a quiet
in a well-maintained complex, this two-bedroom unit ticks all
boxes. With
generous lounge room, modern kitchen, dining room
private backyard
to downsize


Friday, 21 July 2023 from 10.30am

We are very proud and excited to announce that Peter Fisher Real Estate is opening a branch office in the lovely town of Molong.


We will be in the heart of Molong at 42 Bank Street and will be holding a GRAND OPENING celebration on Friday, 21 July 2023 from 10.30 am. We hope you will join us as we usher in a new era for Peter Fisher.

We look forward to meeting the people of the Molong community and as a truly independent and local agency can’t wait to provide our real estate knowledge and expertise to residents.

Part of the service provided will be Property Management and we will bring with us our many years of management skills to best look after the investment properties in Molong and find excellent tenants. We will, of course, also work closely with sellers and buyers of residential, rural and commercial properties in Molong and the surrounding areas.

We hope to see you at the opening where you can meet the Team and we can get to know you a little.

40 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JULY 20 — 26, 2023 42 BANK STREET, MOLONG | 6363 1000 | PFISHER.COM.AU
us for a free sausage sizzle and lots of giveaways





Backing onto a Council reserve this good sized block enjoys a lovely outlook for you to build your new dream home on.

Situated in the popular Northern Gardens Estate and is in easy reach to the North Orange Shopping precinct. Land size is 802 m $320,000



Plentiful concrete hardstand surrounds the building for parking and storage as well as other handy out buildings.

Total floor area including Warehouse, Office/Amenities & Mezzanine Storage is 1,075 M2 CONTACT OUR OFFICE FOR FURTHER DETAILS




Attractive building just freshly painted throughout. 4 offices plus large reception room.

Modern kitchen and 2 bathrooms, one for disability access. 6 on site car spaces including 2 under cover.

Located in a popular walk-through arcade.

Ideal for small office , retail or hair /beauty salon

Plentiful natural light and reverse cycle air conditioning.

Floor area: 34m2



Approx. 300 m2 of floor space in this well presented commercial shop in Summer Street. Currently set up as an office complex this premises would also be ideal as a retail shop. Has good staff amenities and reverse cycle air conditioning though out.

RENT: $90,000 P.A. + GST & OUTGOINGS


ORANGE CITY LIFE | JULY 20 — 26, 2023 41
A new development consisting of two and three bedroom villa units and town houses. Designed for your security and peace of mind. A heated indoor communal swimming pool for your enjoyment. MEWS’ A
A fantastic corner location in the ever growing and popular Narrambla Business Park that’s within site of the Northern Distributor Road. Featuring a spacious showroom and reception area, 5 offices, boardroom/meeting room, kitchen/ meals room and staff amenities. The warehouse area has natural lighting, good access to the outside hardstand area and a mezzanine level. The yard is easily accessible and for larger vehicles there is a handy drive through so no need for turning around or reversing !



for more details on these great properties scan the qr code to go directly to our website

42 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JULY 20 — 26, 2023
10:00-10:30 53 Woodward Street 3 2 2 $600,000 - $625,000 11:00-11:30 299 Nancarrow Lane, Nashdale 4 2 5 $1,650,000 - $1,750,000 11:30-12:00 136 Edward Street 4 1 - $575,000 12:15-12:45 27 Diamond Drivee 4 2 2 Contact Agent 9.30-10.00 1 Etna Street 3 1 1 $ 660,000.00 10.00- 10.30 73 Clinton Street 3 1 1 AUCTION 10.00-10.30 13 Newport Street 4 2 2 $720,000 - $750,000 10.45-11.15 54 Cecil Road 3 1 1 $575,000 - $610,000 10.45-11.15 29 Kent Avenue 5 3 3 $ 849,000.00 11.00-11.30 101 Gardiner Road 2 2 1 $ 699,000.00 11.30-12.00 14/18 Warrendine Street 3 1 1 $ 572,000.00 11.30-12.00 29 Lawson Crescent 3 1 2 $ 565,000.00 11.45-12.15 2 Albion Place 4 2 2 $780,000 - $810,000 12.15-12.45 526 Hill Street 3 1 6 $ 729,000.00 12.15-12.45 14 Webb Street 4 2 2 $820,000 - $850,000 12.30-1.00 11 Cianfrano Place 4 1 2 $700,000 - $735,000 1.00-1.30 24 Frederica Street 3 1 4 $560,000 - $589,000 1.15-1.45 32 Anson Street 6 2 2 $815,000 - $845,000 10.15-10.45 1 Maple Avenue 4 2 1 $699,000 10.15-10.45 70 Matthews Avenue 3 1 1 $639,000 10.15-10.45 10/1-7 Hartas Lane 2 1 1 $419,000-$439,000 11.00-11.30 16 Fox Avenue 3 1 2 $549,000-$569,000 11.45-12.15 4/9 Amangu Close 2 1 1 $469,000 12.45-1.15 1553 Amaroo Rd, Borenore 4 2 6 $990,000-$1,089,000 1.45-2.15 13 Miller St, Mullion Creek 4 2 4 $790,000-$810,000 DON’T MISS THIS WEEK’S OPENS YOUR DREAM HOME COULD BE HERE... 11.30 - 12.00 3 Agate Street 5 2 2 $860,000 10.30 - 11.00 154 Sieben Drive 4 1 2 $710,000 10.00 - 10.30 30 George Weily Place 4 2 4 Contact Agent 10.45 - 11.15 15 Sullivan Circuit 4 2 2 AUCTION 10.00 - 10.30 56 Glasson Drive 4 2 2 Contact Agent Ray White Townsend Real Estate 203 Lords Place, Orange NSW raywhitetre.com 02 6362 4016 White Townsend Real Estate Orange NSW raywhitetre.com 02 6362 4016 10.30 - 11.00 7 Tempest Way 4 2 5 $949,000 11.15 - 11.45 137 Edward Street 3 1 1 $729,000 12.15 - 12.45 38 a Amana Circuit 3 2 2 $625,000
ORANGE CITY LIFE | JULY 20 — 26, 2023 43 FOR SALE FOR SALE NEW LISTING FOR SALE NEW LISTING PRICEGUIDE $569,000 OPEN ByAppointment ASHBROWN 0417663687 NEW LISTING Suite 7, Level 2, Centrepoint Arcade 230 Summer St, Orange PH. 6362 9560 PRICEGUIDE $600,000-$625,000 OPEN Saturday22ndJuly;10:00-10:30am ASHBROWN 0417663687 AGENCY ONE ORANGE 53WoodwardStreet,Orange 17TilstonWay,Orange 27DiamondDrive,Orange 5/24EmmavilleStreet 136EdwardStreet,Orange 3 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 PRICEGUIDE $1,650,000-$1,750,000 OPEN Saturday22ndJuly;11:00-11:30am ASHBROWN 0417663687 PRICEGUIDE $575,000 OPEN Saturday22ndJuly;11:30-12:00pm SIMONEFOGARTY 0423597934 PRICE$769,000 OPEN ByAppointment JENSTOJANOVIC0499261682 PRICE$760,000-$770,000 OPEN Saturday22ndJuly;12:15-12:45pm SIMONEFOGARTY0423597934 299NancarrowLane,Nashdale 4 25



After successfully competing alongside more than 230 school children in the Central Western Group CWA Public Speaking Competition for Schools held in Orange at the end of May, two local primary school students continued their success in the Inter-Group Competition.

Anna Clunas of Orange Public School placed first in the Years 5/6 section and Janagan Kandeepan of Kinross Wolaroi placed second in Years 3/4.

Held at Narromine on June 19, the Inter-Group competition saw those who had placed first or second in their year group at the Central Western Group level compete against the top students from the Oxley and Far Western CWA Groups. Congratulations and well done Anna and Janagan!

It’s been a busy year for the Orange Lions Club!

We at Orange Lions allocate our funds carefully and not always in response to a request for help: We see a need and act.

We send a small percentage of our funds overseas, this year to the International Lions Foundation, who return it to us in the form of grants for disaster funding, and also to the Lions Club of Kyiv, who are supporting displaced and vulnerable residents with food packages.

A slightly larger percentage is allocated to Foundations in the key Lions areas of disaster relief, eyesight, environment, diabetes awareness, hunger and humanitarian works.

One of these, the Australian Lions Foundation, supported our purchase of a paediatric endoscope for the Children’s ward with a grant of $10,998. But the greatest percentage of our funds are dispersed locally.

This year we allocated $10,500 to flood relief for Eugowra, Molong, and Cudal with further funds dispersed to local organisations including: Give Me Change for Kids; Vinnies Van and Café; FoodCare Orange; Orange Men’s Shed; Riding for the Disabled Orange; Headspace Orange, Kaleidoscope program; and Orange Push for Palliative Care.

In all, 2022/23 saw the Orange Lions Club donate $39,294 to our various causes, with an additional allocation of

$50,000 to Ronald McDonald House for an outdoor playground. As I said, a busy year and a very fulfilling one.

And we would love you to consider joining us. Fifty years ago, men were joining Lions in their 30s. Today, our membership is mostly made up of men and women in their 60s, 70s and 80s. We would love to have younger people join us and bring fresh ideas and projects.

We are open to anyone who has an interest in lending a hand. If you are interested, or would like to know more, please contact Debbie on 0458283286.


The Orange Evening VIEW Club returned in February 2023 to elect this year’s committee and since then we have had our monthly dinner meetings at the Orange Ex-Services Club on the last Thursday of each month.

MARCH In March, we had a wonderful fashion parade to show off some winter outfits from Blue Illusion and modelled by a few of our members — Helen Corby, Beryl Pearce, Julianne Grant, Rohanne Tiefel and Ann-Maree Davis.

APRIL Our guest speaker in April was Kate Roth of Whiteley Ironside and Shillington Lawyers who spoke on the necessity of having an up-to-date Will, plus informing us of the need for a Power of Attorney and an Enduring Guardianship.

MAY Our May dinner meeting was all about celebrating the 42nd birthday of the club with pass-the-parcel games, fun photos and cake.

JUNE Our guest in June was the delightful Kelly Rimmer –the owner of the Collins book shop in Summer Street. Kelly is a prolific author of romance fiction and historical fiction.

JULY Our next dinner meeting will be held on Thursday, July 27. If you’re interested in joining us as a guest, please contact Michelle Holland on 0401 693 297.

VIEW (Voices, Interests and Education of Woman) is a women’s volunteer organisation with 14,000 members across Australia exclusively supporting The Smith Family’s work.

VIEW’s support network helps women build lasting friendships, empowered and connected by the common purpose to support The Smith Family and make a difference to Australian children experiencing disadvantage.

44 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JULY 20 — 26, 2023 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JULY 13 — 19, 2023
YOUR SPACE Have something of interest to share?
s Janagan Kandeepan placed second in the Year 3/4 section at the CWA Inter-Group Public Speaking Competition. s Anna Clunas placed first in the Year 5/6 section at the Inter-Group Public Speaking Competition in Narromine. Anna is pictured with Central Western Group CWA President Mrs Bev Worrall.


Congratulations to last week’s winners

FACE IN THE CROWD: Irene Bartimote

FIND PINNY: Maree Knobbs

I love IGA - IS BACK!

I LOVE IGA: Betty Pinkstone

LOONY LOTTO: Sienna Belmonte


We have a $50 gift voucher to give away each week from Ashcroft’s Supa IGA.

To enter, simply tell us your name and contact phone and what product is featured in the small Ashcroft’s Supa IGA ad featured in this issue of OCLife.

Face in the Crowd

Win a $50 gift voucher at Cheeky Barista Cafe

We have two vouchers to give away per month, be on the lookout in our July 27 issue for the face in the crowd. Meanwhile checkout their specials on page 8 of this week’s magazine.

Find Pinny

We have a voucher for Orange Tenpin Bowl valued at $60 to give away each week, so the family can go bowling!

Each week we’ll hide a small version of “Pinny” (pictured) somewhere in OCLife. It could be anywhere. To enter, simply find him, write your name and phone number on the back of an envelope, along with the page number you found him on, and send in...

Looney Lotto

Win a voucher to the value of $20, to use at Coco’s Cafe or Paul’s @ Coco’s

TO WIN: If you have a personal or business phone number with these 4 numbers appearing in any order within it, put in an entry and we’ll draw a winner from among all correct entries each week.

Last weekend I was able to tick something o my bucket list: I got to sail around Sydney Harbour in a tall ship. Having lived in Sydney for a few years and been on many a ferry, the ride on the harbour was not all that di erent to what you’d experience heading over to Manly or up the river to Balmain. But I have always wanted to sail on a tall ship.

Ever since I was young, I have had a fascination with tall ships. I grew up captivated by the history of the might of the British Navy during the Napoleonic wars… fuelled by the mini-series ‘Hornblower’ starring a young Ioan Gru udd as the protagonist, Horatio Hornblower. My love of tall ships grew even more when I was young when a fleet of tall ships visited Hobart one summer and we travelled down to see them.

There was a sense of mysticism for me as we pulled away from the wharf. To my disappointment (but not to my surprise) the sound of the engine roared to life and chugged us round the harbour. We did turn the engine o at one point and drop the sails, but there was barely any wind so we just kind of drifted around aimlessly. You see, often we can build something up so much in our minds, that the experience we want becomes almost unattainable. We romanticise what we think it will be like to experience something and we think that – if I can just

do this one thing or tick this one experience o my bucket list – then I will be able to feel a sense of fulfillment that I wouldn’t necessarily have had otherwise.

For me, I did that with my two-hour ride on a tall ship. Don’t get me wrong, it was a great experience. Sydney Harbour is truly spectacular, no matter how many times you see it. But what I had built up in my mind did not match my expectations.

I wonder if that is the same for you when you build up an experience? Perhaps it is revisiting a significant place from your childhood and it’s just not as big as you remembered? Or how you’d always wanted to visit somewhere, but when you finally did, it didn’t match the hype. God is not like that. In fact, he is everything you’d expect him to be and more, simply because of who he is and what he has done. Psalm 8:1 captures this when it says: ‘Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory in the heavens.’ By showing the world who he is, he gives everyone the opportunity to come to know him through his son. And that journey is worth embarking on because it leads to eternal life. For me, coming to faith in Jesus has been the ultimate experience in my life. It far outstrips any sort of experience that I found myself chasing, and you may just find that for yourself too.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JULY 20 — 26, 2023 45
Deliver or post entries to: Orange City Life Suite 3/241 Lords Place, Orange or Email: reception@oclife.com.au and mark each entry with the competition name, your name and phone number. Entries close 12 noon Tuesday. WED TO SAT 4PM-8PM 0401 072 027 Check our Facebook for the Menu 37 William Street ORANGE | Ph 6362 8611 Pauls @ CoCos DINE IN OR TAKEWAY Pizzas ~ Wings ~ Pasta ~ Chips ~ DimSim CoCo’s CAFE TRADING HOURS Monday to Friday 6.30 4.00pm Saturday 7am – 1pm Closed Public Holidays 37 William Street ORANGE Ph 6362 8611 Delicious! burgers, coffee and yummy desserts. With both daily & weekly specials they have something to tickle your taste buds. CoCo’s offers a wide range of gluten free, home cooked meals, all day breakfast and catering available, eat in or take way. Portuguese chicken Salad wraps Poached Eggs with Avo smash and yogurt Berry muesli Black Bean Vegetable Burger with Sweet Potato Crisp Pumpkin Fetta Tart Sweet potato fish cake with seeded pumpkin fetta salad GET OUR APP
DEAL $50 2 Pizzas, Barramundi Bits & 1.25 litre Soft Drink
reception@oclife.com.au Try your luck today and be a WINNER MON-FRI 7.30am - 4.30pm PH 0422 522 445 295 SUMMER STREET CHICKEN SCHNITZEL WRAP WITH CHIPS SPECIAL PLEASE NOTE: YOU NEED 1 X 8, 1 X 9, X 3, AND 1 X 6 TO WIN THIS WEEK
Call into the OCLife o ce to collect your prize
48 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JULY 20 — 26, 2023 CLASSIFIEDS 6361 3575 To book your ads simply phone and use your credit card or call into our o ce at Suite 3, 241 Lords Place, ORANGE TRADES&SERVICES TRADES&SERVICES HOMERENOVATION Wecanhelpyou: Increasethevalueofyourhome Renovateyourbathroomorkitchen Buildanoutdoorkitchen CreateadedicatedspaceforWFH Buildapergola Buildadeckforentertaining Andmuchmore!Justaskus! 0404612120 Lic.No.192680C www.repairsandrenos.com.au public notices public notices BLOCKED EARS? Specialist Clinicians - Gentle - No syringing - All Ages MICRO-SUCTION WAX REMOVAL CLINIC Visiting August 22, 23, 24 and 25 Pinnacle Dermatology. 272 Anson St, Orange contact@ear2ear.com.au 0455 629 905 0437 211 614 0417 904 328 Awesome THAI MASSAGE Thai Traditional Massage Swedish Massage Deep Tissue Massage Warm Coconut Oil Massage Thai Remedial Massage + Hot Stones Neck, Back, Head and Shoulders Philippa Mitchell Professional Bra Fitter By Appointment Mob: 0499 991 650 Bras for all women through every stage of life Call Victor w 0455 299 043 PICTURE FRAMING Shop 18, 212 Anson St Plaza Orange saucedesign.com.au/framing Anywhere Skips “The mobile skip bin solution” We deliver. You fill. We empty. Fred Palmer 0447 966 838 Domestic Waste Specialist - Locally owned and operated, servicing Orange and surrounding areas Email: anywhereskips@gmail.com www.anywhereskips.com.au 0421 861 262 • From one wall to full house • New houses to repaints • Free quotes • Fully licensed and insured • Interior and Exterior • Specialising in Restora�on • Dulux Accredited TRAINING agistment “If you got a hole in the wall you know who to call” Drywall Plasterer and Carpenter • 35 YEARS EXPERIENCE • 0418 671 854 P & V Building Services Call Paul Lic. No. 77917C PROUDLY SPONSORED BY Remember Your Loved Ones Here In Thanks to Norman J. Penhall Funerals Norman J. Penhall Funerals Norman Penhall ORANGE & DISTRICT 6361 7777 or 6362 3751 Office & Chapel, 31-35 William Street, Orange Fond Memories Remember your loved ones here in FOND MEMORIES thanks to Norman J. Penhall Funerals Fond Memories is a thoughtful and cost effective service from Orange City Life. Your message will be seen by up to 35,000 readers including on our website. Notices for our next issue close 12 noon on Monday. Cost starts at a low $25 For more information or to book, call 6361 3575. Personal Coaching & Human Development Certified Short Courses Book now 0439 194 323 E: info@thecoachingcentre.com.au www.thecoachingcentre.com.au www.thecoachingcentre.com.au 0439 194 323 info@thecoachingcentre.com.au https://thecoachingcentre.com.au/event/unleashing-vitality/ For all Details UNLEASHING VITALITY Face to Face Learning 3 Day Certified Training November 19th -21st CAN ANYONE HELP? Cattle Agistment URGENTLY REQUIRED For a number of quiet Angus Cows, property must have sound fencing and water pasture. CASH PAID IN ADVANCE PH: 0429 157 509 Orange Art Society Inc. NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Monday 7th August 10.00am at the Art Rooms ALL MEMBERS WELCOME
ORANGE CITY LIFE | JULY 20 — 26, 2023 49 CLASSIFIEDS 6361 3575 To book your ads simply phone and use your credit card or call into our o ce at Suite 3, 241 Lords Place, ORANGE TRADES&SERVICES TRADES&SERVICES TRADES&SERVICES TRADES&SERVICES Homestyle Cooking & House Cleaning for the time poor person 0435 522 998 barbscleanandcook@gmail.com Barb’s Clean & Cook Service APIA CONCRETE CONTRACTORS • EST. 1985 • LIC. NO. 4906C TONY - 0457 072 234 CONCRETING - FENCINGRETAINING WALLS ALL WORK FULLY GUARANTEED Pensioner Rates • Reliable • Great Quality experienced builder SpecialiSing in... •Renovations • Kitchens • Restorations •General Maintenance G A & r l bruce Lic. No. 203054C Phone Geoff on 0427 422 816 E robynandbruceg@bigpond.com • Undercover • Safe clean secure dog kennels for boarding use. • Individual exercise yards. Dog B&B Shangri La Amaroo Rd Molong 6366 8789 0447 468 789 0417 313 494 Call Malcolm: Specializing in general home and hobby farm maintenance You can trust us for prompt & quality work www.malhandyman.com.au MAL’S HANDYMAN SERVICES ORANGE 23 Cameron Place ORANGE 0418 869 897 FAST RELIABLE SERVICE Over 25 years experience • Domestic • Rural • Commercial • New installations or maintenance Call Scott 0407 414 609 scott@sdselectrical.com.au CONTACT USFORA FREEQUOTE TODAY! Tel: 6362 4695 0422 322 469 TOLL FREE: 1800 791 517 Email: cleaning@excellent.net.au www.excellentcarpetcleaning.com.au • Residential, End of Lease and Commercial Carpet Cleaning • Lounge and Upholstery Cleaning • Carpet Colour Repair • Mat and Rug Cleaning • Specialist Stain Removal • Fabric Protection • Carpet Stain Protection • Tile and Grout Cleaning • Mattress Cleaning • Pest Spray • Pet Treatment Lawn Mowing & Rubbish Removal ORANGE AND SURROUNDS 0417 706 613 RK’S BOOKKEEPING For all your bookkeeping needs Please contact Rachel on 0409 851 089 or info.rksbookkeeping@gmail.com Sir Greenman “The Lawn Slayer” Lawn Mowing Service & More 0404 315 481 sirgreenman66@gmail.com 0428 423 770 Free Delivery BEST BURNING WOOD White, Yellow, Red Box and Ironbark BUY 2 LOADS AND GET A DISCOUNT ALL CONCRETING WORK 0478 161 537 • Also, Bathroom and Laundry renovations Call Josh on... Residential - from one room to the whole house New houses to repaints, No job too big or too small Fully licenced and Insured Local family business 0448 600 095 upanddownpainting@gmail.com Lic. No. 340514c PAINTING UP& D WN • From small to large jobs – one room to full house • Internal and External • New homes or repaints • Maintenance Call Glenn 0467 599 668 ghbpaintingmaintenance@gmail.com GHB PAINTING & Maintenance Lic. 330255C Contact David on 0402 259 891 orangeonfarmbutchers@outlook.com Find us on Facebook OrangeOnFarmButchers For all your home-kill needs, we come to you. • Fully qualified butcher • We can butcher to your requirements • Servicing Orange and surrounds • 24hr Emergency Service • Commercial & Residential Locks • Window Locks and Deadlocks • Master Keying and Restricted systems • Automotive and Computerised keys • Locally Owned and Operated for over 30 years Canobolas Locksmiths 169 March Street, Orange Call Ian: 0417 204 176 or Dale: 0417 491 936 keys4u@bigpond.com MASTER LICENSE NUMBER 407 966 923 24 Hour Mobile Service When you have lock problems – call us! Also deadlocks and window locks for houses and cars supplied and installed 151 Peisley St, Orange 6369 1222 or 0417 204 176 Canobolas Locksmiths keys4u@bigpond.com WE FIX LOCKS! NEW LOCATION WASP treatment From $150 25 years experience Call Craig... 0447 002 193 Eagle Eye Pest Control Lic. no. 4558 100%NESTELIMINATED GUARANTEED MOWING CALL PETER - 0487 139 983 Gardening Gutters Pruning Rubbish Removal J K ADAMS ROOFING Call Jeff 0407 151 419 • Roof repairs Tile,Tin or Slate • Re-guttering and fascia • Re-roofing • Quality Leaf Screening Systems 40YRS EXPERIENCE LIC. 159748C BLIND SHUTTERS & AWNINGS HIGH QUALITY AT AN AFFORDABLE PRICE Most products carry a 5 - 25yr warranty BUDGET BLINDS & AWNINGS A local Orange business est. 2012 servicing the Central West Call Milissa for a free measure & quote 02 6369 0173 or 0437 10 60 60 www.bbao.com.au - info@bbao.com.au “Where our customers are the heart of the community” Our extensive range of gourmet cheeses will really tempt your taste buds gourmet cheese


Quick Crossword Quiz

1 For which 1999 film did

write The Great Beyond?

2 And which US entertainer is the film about?

3 True or false: bull sharks can tolerate both salt water and fresh water?

4 The Swiss food product Cenovis is similar to what Australian product?

5 What is the term for an infant cockroach?

6 What is the most abundant protein in the human body, constituting roughly 25 to 35 per cent?

7 Thessaloniki is the capital of which region of Greece?

8 Name the 2009 advice book for teens written by Kelly Osbourne (pictured).

9 What are the two primary ingredients of marzipan?

10 For which art movement is Émile Gallé known?



Theme: Insects

The leftover letters will spell out a secret message.

Sudoku No. 093

Fill in the blank cells using the numbers from 1 to 9. Each number can only appear once in each row, column and 3x3 block

2 346 726

No. 093 5x5

Insert the missing letters to make 10 words – five reading across the grid and five reading down.


Insert each number from 1 to 9 in the shaded squares to solve all the horizontal and vertical equations.

No. 093

No. 093 Edgeword

Place each of the tiles of letters into the blank jigsaw below to create four six-letter words going across and down.

Drop Down

No. 093

Starting with the seven-letter word, drop a letter and form a six-letter word. Continue in this manner until you reach the single letter at the bottom. You can rearrange the letters in each step, if necessary.


No. 093




There may be more than one possible answer.

There may be more than one possible answer.

Today’s Focus:

24 words: Good

36 words: Very good

49 words: Excellent



Using the nine letters in the grid, how many words of four letters or more can you list? The centre letter must be included and each letter may only be used once. No colloquial or foreign words. No capitalised nouns, apostrophes or plural words ending in “s”. A I

Reference: Macquarie Dictionary Sat 2603

50 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JULY 20 — 26, 2023
ACROSS 1 Division (6) 4 US state (8) 10 Social exclusion (9) 11 Cavalry sword (US) (5) 12 Web auction site (4) 13 Occurring before (abb) (4) 14 Shown (5) 16 Old stringed instrument (4) 17 Not required (8) 20 Lacking footwear (8) 22 Cicatrix (4) 25 Beneath (5) 26 Outer parts of the mouth (4) 28 Game console (4) 30 A second time (5) 31 Unduly prominent (9) 32 Weather (8) 33 During (6) DOWN 1 Oral (6) 2 Obsolete email service (7) 3 Crust formed over a cut (4) 5 Getting rid of (8) 6 Help (10) 7 Corrupt (7) 8 Sing to (8) 9 Fibber (4) 15 Choice (10) 18 Unbending (8) 19 Exert maximum effort (2,3,3) 21 Spread from the centre (7) 23 Reconstruct (7) 24 Save (6) 27 Kitchenware (4) 29 US island territory (4) No. 093
739 2 9862 81 368 673 94 2487
Multiplication and division are performed before addition and subtraction. × + = 16 × + + + + = 11 + –× × + = 26 = = = 26 0 19
QUICK CROSSWORD SUDOKU 271534689 795423816 817395462 539862174 384651297 423176958 648719325 162987543 956248731 9-LETTER airier, albeit, alibi, alit, arbiter, aril, artier, bail, bailer, bait, barite, bier, bile, bite, biter, brail, briar, brie, brier, brit, irate, IRRITABLE, lair, liar, liber, lira, lire, lite, litre, rail, rarebit, retail, retrial, rial, rile, rite, tail, tibia, tibiae, tibial, tier, tile, tiler, trail, trailer, trial, tribal, tribe, trier QUIZ 1. Man on the Moon 2. Andy Kaufman 3. True 4. Vegemite 5. Nymph 6. Collagen 7. Macedonia 8. Fierce 9. Sugar and almond meal 10. Art Nouveau WORDFIND 5x5 Secret message: Half of the world’s organisms PUzzLESANDPAGINATION © PAGEMASTERS P TY LTD | pagemasters.com R E C U T E L A N S C I R C A A T T A R P E E P S DROPDOWN UNDRESS NURSES NURSE RUES USE US S EDGEWORD SOOTHE, SOONER, HEMMED, ERASED CROSSMATH 9 × + 1 7 = 16 × + + 2 + + 5 4 = 11 + –× 8 × + 6 3 = 26 = 26 0 19 U S N D R E S S 210723 Dubbo & Orange


You win some, you lose some

After the New Year’s Gift big race on 1 January 1959, punters examined the photograph of the finish – and some didn’t look too happy. The winner, Amber Tip (7/2), won by half a neck from Nilot (6/4 on) and Multum in Parvo (7/1). A photo was called for all three placings. The horse’s owner was L V Barrett and trainer was Dick Cornish.


EMAIL: reception@oclife.com.au | FACEBOOK: inbox “orangecitylife” |

THUMBS UP to Neweys Drive-Thru

Cleaners for all the dry cleaning of Eugowra’s flood-a ected clothing last November following our devastating flood. How wonderful to get clothing back that we thought was lost.

THUMBS DOWN to the vandals of the fairy garden my grandchildren made at the base of our street tree some years ago and have continued to maintain it lovingly since. Last week, the garden was destroyed and their treasures stolen. This abhorrent behaviour has caused the many children who came to visit the fairies much sadness.

A BIG THUMBS UP to Narelle and Tony at the Railway Hotel, Spring Hill for making my birthday lunch such a memorable occasion. Everyone had such a lovely day; the meals were fantastic and I was so impressed and honoured to have my day made so special. Having live music was fantastic! Highly recommended!

THUMBS DOWN to Orange City Council and the developer for planning to squeeze five townhouses into a property on McLachlan Street.

THUMBS UP to the ‘thumbs up’ for the Diggers lunch specials, they are great. Also, thumbs up to the two older ladies who work at Diggers; they are lovely ladies and take the time to make everyone feel welcome. But thumbs down to the rude, demanding customers they have to deal with at times!

A BIG THUMBS UP to Maz and the team from Safe Hands who provide a hub for people to come play a few games of pool or table tennis, watch Netflix and enjoy safe surroundings. Great place, thanks guys!

THUMBS DOWN to the businesses in Orange who refuse to take a cash sale, card only, not good!

THUMBS UP to Fiona and all the wonderful people at Clifton Grove who washed load after load of muddy clothing. We will be forever grateful.

The Thumbs represent thoughts and opinions of readers and do not necessarily reflect those of Orange City Life. Every care is taken not to publish thumbs that are considered derogatory or defamatory in nature . Please note that thumbs may be edited for clarity, space or legal reasons.

without prior written permission from the Publisher. Printed for the publisher at the News Print Centre, 26-52 Hume Highway, Chullora 2190.

Published by Orange City Life Pty Ltd ABN 14 649 575 333

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JULY 20 — 26, 2023 51 Better than a box of chocolates! Able to keep seniors entertained for days! More fun than most Jokes! WWW. SENIORS HAPPY LIFE .COM.AU SUPER MAGAZINE! Seniors Happy Life… a quiet and unassuming friend to help fight loneliness and isolation, control boredom in a single issue, and one, disguised to look like any other normal newspaper, fights a never-ending battle to provide dignity, self-esteem and recognition for seniors right across Australia. For “Specially Priced” Personal subscriptions, Gift subscriptions, Sample packs or Bulk orders for Aged Care facilities or Retirement Villages, go to: It’s a newspaper… It’s It’s a magazine… Seniors Happy Life! 100%ENJOYMENT ISSUE SeniorssHappyLife HappyLife NOWwithMORE: Puzzles!Nostalgia!Laughs! 2023. SeniorsHappyLife 40Pagesof Nostalgia, Laughs, Puzzles, Stories, andotherstuff alltomakeyou FEELGOOD EVERY MONTH! In your local newsagency! LOOK! NEW issue In newsagents OCLife is currently looking for a delivery driver. This position would be perfect for someone wanting to earn extra cash, or a pensioner wanting to top their pension up. You must have a reliable utility vehicle/van fully insured and be willing to work every Thursday morning 1am-8am. Contact us on 6361 3575 General disclaimer: Whilst every care is taken in preparing this publication, we cannot be held responsible for errors or omissions. The publisher accepts no responsibility for letters, notices and other material contributed for publication. The submitter accepts full responsibility for material, warrants that it is accurate, and indemnifies the publisher against any claim or action. All advertisers, including those placing display and classified or advertorial material, warrant that such material is true and accurate and meets all applicable laws and indemnifies the publisher against all liabilities that may arise from the publication of such material. Opinions expressed in the publication are not necessarily those of the publisher. Senior Journalist, Jonathan Roe, accepts responsibility for election comment. Articles contain information of a general nature – readers should always seek professional advice relevant to their particular circumstances. Complaints: Orange City Life has a policy of correcting mistakes promptly. If you have a complaint about published material, contact us in writing. If the matter remains unresolved, you may wish to contact the Australian Press Council. © Copyright 2023 Orange City Life Pty Ltd. Copyright in all material – including photographs and ads – is held by Orange City Life Pty Ltd or its providers and must not be reproduced in any form
Photo courtesy of the CWD Negative Collection, Orange & District Historical Society. Volunteers meet each Wednesday at 148 March Street from 10.30am to 4pm when visitors are welcome to call in with inquiries.
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