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from OCLife20230727
This year has seen Bletchington Public School students represent in many swimming, athletics, cross country and sporting teams across the district, western and state.


In the first year of 2023 Bletchington Public School was represented by two teams at the Da Vinci Decathlon at Scots All Saints in Bathurst, an academic competition designed to challenge and stimulate the minds of school students, over 10 disciplines of engineering, mathematics and chess, code breaking, art and poetry, science, English, ideation, creative producers, cartography and legacy. The tasks were highly challenging and required strong skills in collaboration, time management, resilience and perseverance. Alongside competitors from both the public and private sector schools, our Year 5 and Year 6 teams performed admirably, with our Year 5 team coming away as the overall winners of the day! Our Year 5 Da Vinci Decathlon team is now set to compete at the next level of this competition at Knox Grammar School in Sydney.
2024 Kindergarten Enrolments.
We are ready to start welcoming our Kindergarten 2024 students, with our transition opportunities beginning soon. These sessions and visits are programmed to allow new students and families to become familiar with our school, getting to know kindergarten teachers and staff, routines, and expectations of learning.
• ‘Strong Start’ Library Sessions: Beginning August 22 2023, children enrolled to attend Kindergarten at Bletchington Public School in 2024 are invited to attend a story time session in our school library. These sessions will be run by two of our teachers, who will read to the children, with a focus on language and vocabulary and engage the children in simple maths activities. This is a 5-week program.
• Kindergarten Orientation Visits: During November 2023, each child enrolled to attend Bletchington Public School for Kindergarten in 2024 will visit our school for two days. These visits establish a solid foundation for children to begin their schooling and become familiar with the school, teachers, staff and routine of kindergarten.
• Kindergarten Parent Information Session: Bletchington Public School will be holding a Kindergarten 2024 Parent Information Session meeting on Wednesday November 1, 2023, which will include a tour of our newly refurbished Kindergarten learning spaces.

Kerry Ferguson’s dream is for Molong to have a thriving art community, like that in Orange. She is an artist who’s passionate about nature and natural themes, and is now ready to throw more love and energy at her art, because her work in agri-business has previously gotten in the way of pursuing her passion.

“I’ve decided to focus more on art now than I have a little while ago,” she said. She has exhibited occasionally in the past, and currently has work on display at the Threatened Species exhibition, Western Gallery, Wellington.
But she wants more… for herself and her fellow Molong artists. So she has kickstarted the Molong Art Group, which