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Kinross Wolaroi School presents Tut Tut The Musical Wed 13 and Thu 14 September at 6.30pm Base Entertainment Presents Spellbound Saturday 7 October at 7.30pm Soweto Gospel Choir presents HOPE Thursday 28 September at 8pm The Royal Czech Ballet present Sleeping Beauty Thursday 21 September at 7.30pm PYT Fairfield & In Wild presents The Hen House Saturday 16 September at 8pm Bookings: 02 6393 8111 www.orange.nsw.gov.au/theatre Orange Civic Theatre Details correct as of 4.09.2023 - for all shows and updates please visit our webpage www.orange.nsw.gov.au/theatre • 2023 season brochure and membership is open for purchase. Please contact the box office for more information. SOLD OUT SEPTEMBER 7 — 13, 2023 FREE ORANGE PROPERTY MARKET — STARTS ON PAGE 27 That’s Superb! Students from Spring Hill Public School took part in a special art project to celebrate Biodiversity Month and the wonder of Australia’s unique native birdlife. The students worked with professional chalk artists to create the pictured mural of a �ock of Superb Parrots on the South Court steps.

It’s hard to believe as I write this on Tuesday, a beautiful spring afternoon with the sunshine streaming in my office window, that the word “snow” is there on the forecast for Friday. Just when you think it’s safe to pack away your winter coats we get a quick reminder that the cold weather is not done with us yet.

This week I had the pleasure of chatting with Aldo and Marissa Belmonte, who celebrated 40 years since they opened the doors of Orange Tenpin Bowl. It’s an amazing story and impressive that they had the vision and drive to make it all work. Congratulations again and we look forward to many more years ahead!

Best wishes as well to Phillip and Michelle Stivens who have handed over the reins of Heifer Station Wines, the business they built from the ground up over many years. The Stivens hosted a truly fantastic farewell festival on the cellar door grounds on Saturday and a very good time was had by all! All the best for the future!

And a belated Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there. I hope you enjoyed the day and got spoiled by your children. I’m not one to boast but, in my opinion, you won’t be able to top this adorable little gift eagerly presented to me by a very proud four-year-old…

Enjoy the week ahead — but keep those jackets handy!

ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 7 — 13, 2023 3 Thank you to our Sponsors: Orange City Life is grateful to the following sponsors for their ongoing support over many years. These sponsorships, among others things, have enabled us to bring our readers a lot more enjoyment to our publications than would otherwise be possible. In return, we ask you to please support them as often as you’re able. Spirit WE CAPTURE THE OF ORANGE Suite 3/241 Lords Place ORANGE 02 6361 3575 reception@oclife.com.au www.orangecitylife.com.au www.facebook.com/orangecitylife EDITOR’S note Proud Orange Business - D & T Rustic Party Hire Betty Confetti hits the library... STYLE SHEET 02 6361 4155 enquiries@orangepropertyplus.com.au www.orangepropertyplus.com.au 1/202 Anson Street Orange Perhaps it’s time to make your next right move. So give us a call at OPM+ today! Are YOU happy with your current Managing Agent? Are YOUR calls being returned? Are YOU kept informed regarding your property? Are YOUR requests attended to? Are YOU made to feel that your business is important? WED TO SAT 4PM-8PM 0401 072 027 Check our Facebook for the Menu 37 William Street ORANGE | Ph 6362 8611 Pauls @ CoCos DINE IN OR TAKEWAY Pizzas ~ Wings ~ Pasta ~ Chips ~ DimSim CoCo’s CAFE Closed Public Holidays 6362 8611 Delicious! catering available, eat in or take way. Portuguese chicken Salad wraps Poached Eggs and yogurt Berry muesli Black Bean Vegetable Burger with Sweet Potato Crisp Pumpkin Fetta Tart Sweet potato fish cake with seeded pumpkin fetta salad MEAL DEAL $50 2 Pizzas, Barramundi Bits & 1.25 litre Soft Drink 11 25 Jonathan Roe Contents
4 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 7 — 13, 2023 Community LiFE The VicToria hoTel 336 Summer St, Orange | Tel 6362 6386 WHAT’S ON AT THE VIC... POKER TUESDAY from 7pm SATU RDAY from 3.30pm Registration on arrival Registration on arrival SATURDAY 9th SEPTEMBER 8.30PM - LATE FREE ENTRY J&M BISTRO OPENING WEDNESDAY 27TH SEPT TONI & LENNY Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Saturday Lunch 12pm - 2.30pm Dinner from 6pm Sunday Lunch 12 - 2.30pm Perfect strike! Marisa and Aldo celebrate 40 years of Orange Tenpin Bowl

On Saturday, September 2, Aldo and Marisa celebrated the 40th anniversary of Orange Tenpin Bowl. But hearing them tell the story of how it all began, it is amazing that it happened at all.

“We were home at our house and we had a whole group of us and it was miserably cold,” recalls Marisa, who was just newly married to Aldo at the time.

“And everyone says, Gosh, we wish there was something here that we could all go to… Someone called out — we can’t recall who it was — but it was a general consensus that it would be good if there was a bowling alley here.”

After everyone left, the young couple began to talk excitedly about the idea. They had both been dreaming of a business they could do together and this seemed an ideal opportunity.

“We couldn’t sleep!” recalls Aldo.

“No, we couldn’t,” says Marisa, “We thought, maybe this is what we need to do. So that’s what we did!”

Despite having only bowled once before in their lives, Aldo and Marissa began pursuing the idea, quickly discovering that it was not going to be cheap.

“We don’t class this as work,” says Aldo Belmonte, sitting alongside his wife Marisa in the bowling alley they built and have operated together for the past four decades.

“So 40 years ago, this was just over a million dollars to put together… a million dollars! Forty years ago, it’s a lot of money!” says Aldo, whose Italian-born parents showed incredible faith in their son and his bride, despite never having set foot in a bowling centre in their lives.

“They became the collateral,” he continues, “Our home, their home, their cars, our undies, our bloody shirts! Everything became collateral to the bank!”

But Marissa says they were never apprehensive about such a large investment as they were all confident in their ability to make it work.

“They had faith in their son, I suppose, they had faith in us… We can’t really recall the conversation with my father-in-law but we do know they were ‘all in’ right from the word go,” she says.

“And what surprises me is that we weren’t frightened, not ever. We weren’t anxious. We just thought, well, we are all hard workers, we’ll just get in and do it!”

Aldo was 25 and Marissa not yet 21 when they opened the doors of Orange Tenpin Bowl, and it was not long after that their first child (and future world champion bowler) Jason Belmonte, was born.

“What did the accountant say? Hold off having a family for a while, but it was too

late!” laughs Aldo.

Marissa says they just made it work, with Jason growing up alongside them in the bowling centre.

“I never found it hard. I was young. You can do anything when you’re young — you can survive on two hours’ sleep if you need to!” she says, “But he was a great baby. He slept really well. He ate really well. He was here all the time with us…. in a way it was a good family lifestyle.

“And we never looked back. It was busy, it was seven days and when I say seven days a week it was from 8.30 in the morning to 11 o’clock, midnight…”

“And then we cleaned after that! We’d stay back and do all the cleaning,” adds Aldo.

Another challenge they faced bringing a bowling alley to Orange was that few of their early customers knew how to bowl.

“We had to teach people how,” says Marissa. “We had to score for them. They’d bring us this sheet, their piece of paper with the score on it, and we’d have to add up the scores.”

Technology has made things much easier in that regard, says Aldo, who does not miss the days of physically installing ‘bumpers’ in lanes, nor replacing globes and fans in the old manual scoring projector units.

“It has come a long, long way, the technology for bowling,” says Aldo. “We now have LED walls and we have imaging on the lanes. So at a kids’ birthday party, jet fighters and unicorns chase the ball down the lane while they’re actually bowling.”

And then there’s the Specto tracking system which gives accurate feedback on the speed and rotations of the ball, used by the local league bowlers to train for competitions.

While many things have changed over the past 40 years, it’s evident that Aldo and Marissa’s love of what they do has never waned.

“There’s never been a day we’re not happy to walk through those doors,” says Marissa.

“We love the interaction we have with people, whether they’re visitors, locals, it doesn’t matter from what walk of life we all come from, everyone’s treated the same here.

“We enjoy people, we really do! And we love the industry. We love bowling. We love that it’s such an inclusive thing for people to do.

“We’re very thankful that the community has embraced us and I think it’s nice that we have a facility that locals can be proud of… and we plan to keep doing that!”

ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 7 — 13, 2023 5 Community LiFE

NSW first sees canine companions join Orange Hospital ED

Two new paw-fect faces have joined the team at Orange Health Service’s emergency department, and it’s safe to say they are fetching more than just smiles.

English Springer Spaniel “Ben” and Labrador Retriever “Freyja” have taken to their new role as Support and Wellness dogs within the Orange Hospital ED with enthusiasm.

Orange Health Service Director of Emergency Medicine, Dr Greg Button, initiated the program which is a first in NSW. “After COVID-19 and the effect it had on

our team and speaking with our staff we believed this was the perfect time to trial our staff wellness dog program”, Dr Button said.

“We really wanted to do this for our emergency department staff, who work incredibly hard in challenging situations. The dogs are here to provide support, lend an ear to scratch or a friend to take for a walk. It enables our staff to get out of the clinical setting and have a well-deserved a break when needed.”

The dogs are not in the clinical setting, and the program is based off a similar program that has been running for several years at the Royal Melbourne Hospital Emergency Department.

“So far we have received an overwhelmingly positive response from our staff,” Dr Button said.

“We are currently doing a three-month trial and if it all goes well, we plan to expand it to have dogs here every day for the staff,” Dr Button said.

Ben is a 10-year-old English Springer Spaniel that has extensive training in obedience and behavioural skills. He loves to interact with people, thrives on affection, and his favourite thing to do is play ball.

Freyja is an almost two-year-old Labrador and has undergone basic obedience training. She loves walks, playing ‘tug of war’, receiving lots of cuddles and treats.

6 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 7 — 13, 2023 Community LiFE
...The dogs are here to provide support, lend an ear to scratch or a friend to take for a walk....

Walking into 2 Fat Ladies in Lucknow, makes you feel instantly at home. With friendly smiles and a warm welcome, you will want to spend the day – and some people do! Setting up the store nearly fifteen years ago, the business has grown from strength to strength. People come from far and wide to shop and attend the workshops that are run regularly. They range from ‘Travelling Light’ (how to pack only carry-on luggage wherever you travel), to a ‘Scarf ’ workshop where you learn how to tie scarves in different ways. Twice a year Helen also lays on a large-scale fashion parade to showcase new fashion ranges and labels.

Helen is drawn to Australian made brands, which reflect the ethos of her store. A strong believer in shopping local her shop is filled with beautiful clothing and accessories to make you feel fabulous. Helen is able to source unique and unusual products, and stocks everything in her large range of clothing from size 8 to 22, stunning, yet comfortable shoes, and a remarkable travel range.

Helen herself is bright and colourful, just like the products she stocks. As one customer said ‘Helen just lights up the room when she’s around’.

Helen, Jackie and the girls will go out of their way to find you just what you need. ‘We have a strong reputation in being able to seek out unique and unusual designs. Here at 2 Fat Ladies, we want you to go home knowing you have bought the right product for you. We are honest and will help you choose what suits you best’.


PHONE 0435 432 977


2 Fat Ladies presents their...

Spring Fashion Parade


16th September at 1pm


New season clothes & accessories from Hammock and Vine, Threadz, Two TTs, Orientique, beautiful Linen from Blueberry, Wd Designs & many other brands. Lots of cottons and linens for Spring and Summer.


Including a glass of Champagne, chocolates, coffee and cake on arrival.

GOODY BAGS AND LUCKY DOOR PRIZE. So gather your friends for what is always an afternoon of fun & laughter.

BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL 0435 432 977 find us on Facebook



CWA draws attention to ADHD

As a woman who was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in adulthood, I couldn’t have imagined the relief I felt when I found out all my ‘quirks’ had a reason for being there.

I was humbled and surprised to learn that constantly having to fidget with what’s in front of me was not an urge neurotypical people have to fight against every day, nor the constant stream of thoughts in my head narrating every minute detail. You mean my inability to concentrate on tasks, and di culty to stay organised, wasn’t a common chore people faced?

Neurodiversity is still something of a taboo topic. But it’s something that a ects a lot of Australians.

“There are an estimated 1.5 million Australians with ADHD, many of whom are dealing with significant costs related to both diagnosis and treatment,” said CWA of NSW President Joy Beames.

There is already di culty when it comes to diagnosis and treatment of ADHD, with lots

of misdiagnosis especially when it comes to young girls. But with the added challenge of being situated in regional Australia? Some could relate it to pulling teeth.

I personally was diagnosed o cially one year ago today. I am still on a waitlist to get further help and I am still in a virtual line for an appointment to start treatment. But doctors in regional NSW say that this is typical.

This year’s annual CWA of NSW awareness week is centred around neurodiversity and challenges related to diagnosis and treatment in regional areas. With an increase in the number of adults being diagnosed with ADHD and the subsequent impact on diagnosis and treatment services and support, the CWA of NSW wants to highlight the need for urgent changes to the current system.

The 2023 campaign will run from September 3-9, and will focus on neurodiversity,

which includes ADHD, autism, dyslexia, and Tourette syndrome. The campaign has a particular emphasis on the growing number of adult women who are being diagnosed with ADHD and the challenges

they face around diagnosis, and accessing suitable and a ordable treatment options –especially in remote, rural and regional NSW.

“The association sees that increased awareness and understanding of these conditions is vital in shaping community perception, increasing funding into research, and encouraging strategies to make diagnosis faster and more accessible, whilst reducing the financial burden,” said Mrs Beames.

The issue was raised at the CWA of NSW’s annual State Conference in Bathurst in May, when a motion was supported asking “governments to investigate ways to reduce the costs of diagnosing and treating adult ADHD”, with a number of branch members relating their own experiences of recent diagnosis and the challenges they had encountered.

Following this, NSW CWA made a submission to a federal senate inquiry into the “barriers to consistent, timely and best practice assessment of ADHD and support services for people with ADHD”, which is due to report this month.

This year, the CWA of NSW is partnering with the national ADHD Foundation, a not-for-profit organisation committed to providing help and support to people living with or supporting someone with ADHD, and ultimately “working to improve the lives of people with ADHD”.

A director of the ADHD Foundation Christopher Ouizeman said ADHD could have a lifelong e ect, significantly impacting a person’s ability to achieve educational aspirations, workplace satisfaction, social and relationship happiness.

From my own experience, this statement couldn’t ring truer. Hours staring at blank pages trying to start assignments, overanalysing intricate details of conversations had with loved ones, all could be quietened with the right treatment and support.

Mr Ouizeman said the economic impact of ine ective recognition and treatment for those with ADHD was estimated at more than $20 billion, related to lower productivity, health, education, and justice costs because of the reduced quality of life for the individual. The “supply and demand equation” related to an ADHD diagnosis

was completely unbalanced currently, Mr Ouizeman said, with demand exceeding supply “by a factor of 10”.

Dympna Brbich, chairman of the ADHD Foundation said the foundation’s national ADHD Helpline in Australia indicated there were more adults being diagnosed and that there is a spike in the demand for its services from the 30- to 50-year-olds, many of whom were women who had been overlooked in their younger years.

“ADHD is not currently treated in the public system and private psychiatrists are overloaded and many have closed their books to new patients. Therefore, this situation is putting increased pressure on people struggling to obtain an assessment and/or diagnosis in the first place. At the same time, of the small cohort of psychiatrists who are trained in this field, an increasing number have their books closed, are retired or reaching that stage, leaving many of those who are diagnosed without a continuing practitioner who can prescribe their medication,” she said.

President Mrs Beames said the CWA was holding a webinar during Awareness Week on the issue, hearing from advocates and women who had only been recently diagnosed with ADHD, and the challenges they faced being diagnosed as an adult.

“This is something people have for their whole life, and as a nation we have to get better at helping those with neurodiverse conditions, because currently too many people are su ering from extensive delays and exorbitant costs that only increases the strain on their mental and physical health. This is particularly so in rural and regional NSW where health services are already under pressure,” she said.

“This Awareness Week we want to highlight these issues and urge governments at all levels to look to new and improved ways of addressing, and supporting those with, neurodiverse conditions. We hope the current Senate inquiry into the issue will also help progress these much-needed changes. In addition, we want to boost awareness of neurodiversity, and ADHD, and through greater awareness, reshape perceptions and build a greater acceptance of the potential di erences in people with a neurodiverse condition.”

8 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 7 — 13, 2023 Community LiFE Country Women’s Association of NSW Become a member of this organisation and help improve the world we live in Join through www.cwaofnsw.org.au Phone 02: 9358 2923 CWA Orange branch Meets on first Thursday of the month at 5pm for 5.30pm CWA Hall, Robertson Park corner of Byng Street and Lords Place, Orange (enter via Byng Street) Enquiries: 0425 334 154 Email orangecwasecretary@gmail.com Facebook: CWA Orange Branch CWA Brand and Style Guide Template Logo *Make sure you use the correct logo at high enough resolution and have obtained permission use. Colours Primary CMYK: 100, 66, 0, 20 RGB: 0, 84, 150 PMS: 286 CMYK: 59, 0, 6, 0 RGB: 80, 200, 232 PMS: 2985 CMYK: 0, 30, 100, 0 RGB: 255, 179, 0 PMS: 130 Black, white and shades of grey can be used as secondary colours. Fonts Primary Font: Century Gothic (or TexGyreAdventor) abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 123456789 Secondary Fonts Arial abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 123456789 OR Calibri abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Full Colour Black & White Blue & White WED TO SAT 4PM-8PM 0401 072 027 Check our Facebook for the Menu 37 William Street ORANGE | Ph 6362 8611 Pauls @ CoCos DINE IN OR TAKEWAY Pizzas ~ Wings ~ Pasta ~ Chips ~ DimSim CoCo’s CAFE TRADING HOURS Monday to Friday 6.30 – 4.00pm Saturday 7am – 1pm Closed Public Holidays www.cocosorange.com.au 37 William Street ORANGE Ph 6362 8611 Delicious! Best known for their delicious fresh food burgers, coffee and yummy desserts. With both daily & weekly specials they have something to tickle your taste buds. CoCo’s offers a wide range of gluten free, home cooked meals, all day breakfast and catering available, eat in or take way. Portuguese chicken Salad wraps Poached Eggs with Avo smash and yogurt Berry muesli Black Bean Vegetable Burger with a Sweet Potato Crisp Pumpkin Fetta Tart Sweet potato fish cake with seeded pumpkin fetta salad GET OUR APP SAVE TIME ORDER ONLINE MEAL DEAL $50
Pizzas, Barramundi Bits & 1.25 litre Soft Drink
our customers are the heart of the community” Take time to discover the vast array of goodness in our gourmet pantry section gourmet pantry

Motorcycle club fundraising providing timely support for Anglicare’s Emergency Relief survive

Local motorcycle club United Riders are setting o on their annual dice run this Saturday, September 9, with this year’s route taking in Woodstock, Eugowra and Cudal.

Around 100 motorcycles are expected to take part in the charity ride this year, which will be raising much-needed funds for Anglicare’s Emergency Relief service in the Central West.

“This year we reached out to Anglicare to support them and their crisis relief team, to raise funds for them in the Orange and Bathurst region,” United Riders club member David “Wal” Walter.

“And with a particular focus on lunch at Eugowra which was most hit by the floods and stops at Cudal. Our aim is to collect as many prizes as we can, run ra es throughout the day and pour the funds into Anglicare’s crisis relief team,” Wal said.

United Riders connection to Anglicare came through late chaplain Barry “Baz” Porter, the previous Emergency Relief Coordinator for Anglicare NSW West, who tragically passed away in October of last year.

As a member of the God’s Squad, a Christian motorcycle club, Baz shared a connection with local riders.

“He always used to be in touch with a lot of di erent bike organisations and he used to be a port of call for us, as far as counselling or anything of that nature,” Wal said.

Dallas Holmes, who took over from Baz as Emergency Relief Coordinator for Anglicare NSW West, said the fundraiser could not have come at a better time.

“There has been a dramatic increase in need among people seeking assistance due to various factors including the extremely high cost of living, homelessness, disability, trauma,

mental health, domestic and family violence and addiction,” Dallas said.

The dice run charity ride is open to any rider who wants to take part, Wal said.

“Yes, we’re starting from Spring Hill Hotel, which has breakfast available from 9am in the morning and we’ll ‘stands up’ at 10am,” he said Riders will head to Woodstock which will be the first stop, where they will hold ra es and give out prizes. From Woodstock, they will travel to Eugowra for lunch at the Eugowra Bowling Club. The next stop will be at Cudal and then it is back to Orange for more ra es, prizes and dinner.

To find out more you can contact United Riders MC at united.social.13@gmail.com or by phoning 0448912361.

To learn more about Anglicare Emergency Relief services in Central West NSW visit www.anglicare.com.au

CROSS purposes


As someone who has spent all of their working life with teenagers, I’ve gradually come to hold the following position: It’s getting harder and harder to be a teenager. Pre-social media, my best trick as a year coordinator was to let disagreements between two of my students “cool overnight”. After hearing out their issues, I’d know that “sleeping on it” would do almost all the work necessary for them to see eye-toeye the next day, as they couldn’t carry on the argument. These days arguments enter “escalation time” as issues simmer all night via social media. By this point, even the best teacher in the world stands little chance of breaking through and bringing peace. It’s also getting harder and harder to consider Christianity.

As a Christian, I can’t help but see a striking congruence. Our world is a surging sea of ideas and, increasingly, in opposition to the Christian faith. In Mark’s gospel, Jesus broke through the noise and chaos and brought immediate calm to a raging sea and panicking disciples in a small boat. Perhaps you feel like you’re drowning in this noise. If so, Jesus remains the great peace bringer and the ultimate teacher.

10 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 7 — 13, 2023 Community LiFE
...Our aim is to collect as many prizes as we can, run ra es throughout the day and pour the funds into Anglicare’s crisis relief team...

Reclaimed timber party hire brin

Planning a backyard get-together, or the wedding of your dreams? Forget about those plastic chairs and trestles!

Orange’s D&T Rustic Party Hire o ers a range of handcrafted recycled timber benches, tables, stools and low-lying picnic trestles that will really make your day something special.

D&T Rustic Party Hire is a new local hire business created by Darren and Tina Hanchard. Originally from Dubbo, Darren and Tina have made a new home for themselves here in Orange and saw the potential for a side business that o ers people something a little di erent for their party or event.

“I was at my daughter-in-law’s hen’s party, and it was a big picnic setting, you know with low tables and pillows. It was just a really di erent atmosphere and that’s what gave us the idea,” Tina explained.

And doing a little research, Darren said they realised there wasn’t anyone else locally doing what they had in mind.

“Everyone’s got the fold-up plastic chairs or aluminium chairs and trestles, but we thought timber would be great out here and that it would really stand out nicely,” Darren said. Looking around they found a Cessnockbased furniture maker who had exactly what they were looking for: beautifully crafted seating benches, stools and trestle tables all made from reclaimed and recycled timber.

“He gets his materials from old buildings; wall cladding and a lot of cypress flooring. He pulls all the staples and nails out of it and sands it all up and makes these terrific benches and trestle tables out of them,” Darren said.

D&T Rustic Party Hire o ers a number of di erent packages to suit your event.

There’s the “Bench Seat Package” with 12 timber bench seats (for up to 48 people) that’ll bring rustic charm to your outdoor wedding or christening.

For your backyard family get-together,

there’s the “Barrel Package” that includes two wine barrels with eight stools, two half-barrels for ice and drinks, and two fire pits.

Then in the “Picnic Packages” your options include a mix of outdoor rugs with cushions, along with high and low trestle tables — perfect for a hen’s party or summer outing with friends.

“We make preparing for your event simple. We bring it to you, we set it up, and we collect it all the next day,” Darren said.

“And with something like bench seating for weddings, I’ll even relocate them. You may want seating out at a winery, say, and then have a do somewhere, I’ll collect the bench seats again and then relocate them to your other venue, if you require. It’s just part of the service we’d like to o er.

“We just want to give people something a bit di erent and hopefully it makes their backyard event or their special day something to remember!”

ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 7 — 13, 2023 11 Proud Orange BUSINESS
a li le rustic charm to your special day
Look for D & T Rustic Party Hire on Facebook, @rustic_party_hire_orange on Instagram, where you will find links to their packages, pricing along with terms and conditions. Or give Darren and Tina a call on 0447290467.
...We make preparing for your event simple. We bring it to you, we set it up, and we collect it all the next day...

million for the Forest Road Bridge duplication

√ $14.7 million for Mission Australia’s Benjamin Short Grove Aged Care facility

√ $100,000 for new stadium seating at Wade Park

√ $3 million for a second radiotherapy unit at Orange Health Service

√ $10 million for the Orange Conservatorium & Planetarium

√ 24 hour rescue helicopter service for Orange and region

√ $14 million for highway upgrades between Lithgow and Orange

√ Bat/hail netting funding for local orchardists

√ $1.2 million for CCTV in Orange, Bathurst and Wellington

√ 47 mobile phone towers and base stations across Calare


Thisweek in Parliament, I moved a motion calling on the state and federal governments to activate the full suite of disaster assistance to our flood and fire ravaged communities.

Ten months ago, the residents of Eugowra, Molong, Canowindra, Cudal, Manildra, Wellington and many places in between had their lives changed forever when unprecedented storms unleashed horrifying amounts of water across our region. Ten months on, and the hurt, pain and sense of loss is just as raw. While the support from our

fellow residents of the Central West and our fellow Australians around the nation has been extraordinary, unfortunately the same cannot be said about funding assistance provided by governments.

We have still not received the same level of support that the Northern Rivers has been given. This vital support for our region needs to be rolled out without further unforgiveable delay. Our residents are being treated as second-class citizens, and this cannot be allowed to stand. To see the full speech, head to my Facebook page.

The stories of our disaster-hit residents, eager to pick themselves up and fight on after the storms and floods, only to face cruel insurance companies, must be heard.

From long delays in claims processing to widespread knockbacks, it has taken a massive toll on our region.

Change needs to come from this. That’s why I called for a parliamentary inquiry into the insurers’ response to these natural disasters. I got the inquiry I wanted and it’s now open for submissions. If you would like to share with the inquiry committee your experience with flood insurance in Australia in 2022, you can take an online survey via the QR code, or make a written submission by 31 October 2023.


This week at Parliament, I asked the Prime Minister whether his government would build a river crossing at Dixons Long Point between Orange and Mudgee.

I waited for years to get this project moving and it was underway until the current federal government stopped it.

I’m very disappointed with the answer that the PM and the Minister for Transport and Infrastructure gave.

I specifically asked whether the government would support the project, and whether the $27.8 million that was already sitting in the kitty could be used for work on the existing crossing. There was no answer to either.

Instead, the Minister for Transport and Infrastructure sadly started having a go at the Opposition for cost overruns on infrastructure projects. As the Minister knows, with skyrocketing inflation and interest rates, there isn’t an infrastructure project in the country which hasn’t needed additional funding to cover rising costs of building materials such as concrete.


Congratulations to the St Vincent de Paul Society in Orange for raising more than $6000 at the recent Vinnies Community Sleepout!

The funds will go towards supporting the weekly Vinnies food van service. Run by a dedicated group of hardworking volunteers, the van provides

sandwiches, snacks, and drinks to residents in need.

The Vinnies Sleepout was held at the Orange Uniting Church, with locals braving freezing winter temperatures to raise funds for local homelessness services.

Well done to all involved in this great initiative!

Nobody is interested in petty politicking. We just want results.

Even if the government did not contribute another cent to the project, the $27.8 million that was there sitting in the bank could have been used for road improvements or even a basic crossing over the Macquarie River. Instead the government has opted to snatch away the money and redistribute it over the Great Dividing Range.

This week I met with the State Minister for Regional Transport and Roads and she made it clear that because of the condition of the NSW government finances, there is no immediate cash available for this project.

I won’t be letting this go. We have come too far. There has been too much work to turn back now. I will keep raising this issue in parliament, and I will continue pointing out that we have seen a lot of budgeted infrastructure money snatched away from our area and being taken across the sandstone curtain. We are yet to see very much come back the other way.

I just don’t think this is good enough.

You can see the question and answer on my Facebook page.


The fight for the $75,000 Special Disaster Grants for bushfire-hit Hill End area farmers continues.

Following his recent visit to the Central West, NSW Minister for Emergency Services, Jihad Dib, has agreed to reopen the previously closed book on this vital support.

In response to my calls to get these grants to our fire-hit farmers, Mr Dib said to local media this week that he

has “asked the NSW Reconstruction Authority to review the data and engage with the Hill End community to determine if they are eligible for additional Government support.” So it’s fingers crossed that we can get this crucial disaster assistance rolling soon.

Our disaster-hit communities often feel forgotten and we need to make sure nobody is left behind.

12 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 7 — 13, 2023 For regular updates and news, follow me on Facebook and Instagram @andrewgeecalare Authorised by Andrew Gee MP, Suite 1/179A Anson Street, Orange, NSW 2800. SHARE YOUR EXPERIENCE ON FLOOD INSURANCE IN AUSTRALIA 1/179A Anson Street PO Box 673 ORANGE 2800 (02) 6361 7138 andrew.gee.mp@aph.gov.au www.andrewgeemp.com.au ORANGE ELECTORATE OFFICE For regular updates and news, follow me on Facebook and Instagram @andrewgeecalare Authorised by Andrew Gee MP, Suite 1/179A Anson Street, Orange, NSW 2800. remington Andrew GEE MP INDEPENDENT FEDERAL MEMBER FOR CALARE Your Country Your Voice RUNS ON THE BOARD FOR ORANGE √ $54.8 million for the new CSU medical school and research centre √ $34.8 million for Dixons Long Point Crossing √ $54 million in water security pipelines around the Central West √ $1.9 million for The Orchard crisis accommodation centre √ $2 billion for Great Western Highway upgrade √ $3.8 million for the raising of Suma Park dam wall at Orange √ Federal Regional Investment Corporation established and based in Orange √ $12 million for the Southern Feeder Road project √ Dept of Infrastructure branch moved to Orange √ $2
Andrew with Josh Bleyerveen, Bev Rankin and Keith Dowling Andrew with farmers Max and Ralph Price and local relief co-ordinator Penny Hundy


It’s hard to believe, but Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are not recognised in our nation’s founding document. This wrong must be made right. The Voice provides that recognition in a meaningful way.

The aim of the Voice is to get better outcomes for Indigenous Australians by ensuring they have a say on issues that affect them. For example in housing, education, health and jobs.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have lower


life expectancy, higher suicide rates, higher infant mortality rates, and worse educational outcomes than non-Indigenous Australians. The gap isn’t closing, and despite wellintentioned governments, the current approach isn’t working.

In the modern, prosperous Australia of 2023, how can this be acceptable?

We need to change it up. The Voice is about listening and getting positive, tangible outcomes in communities around Australia.


We do, but like governments, individual parliamentarians come and go, and they represent parties. The Voice would be independent and be above partisan party politics. Having it in the Constitution provides independence, consistency, and continuity.


Yes. A host of constitutional law experts and organisations have given the Voice the tick of approval as being legally and constitutionally sound, including:

• Former High Court Chief Justice Robert French

• Former High Court Justice Kenneth Hayne

• Leading constitutional law barrister Bret Walker SC

• Leading constitutional law professors

• The Solicitor General of Australia

• New South Wales Bar Association

• The Law Society of New South Wales

• The Law Council of Australia

• The University of Sydney Law School

• Flinders University Law school

• The University of New South Wales

• Adelaide Law School

• University of Queensland constitutional lawyers

• Gilbert & Tobin Lawyers


No. Myth busted. There is no veto. This means it would have no power to overrule Parliament, and any advice it gives would be non-binding.


No. Myth Busted. The Voice can’t and won’t introduce bills or run programs. It will be subject to the rules set for it by Parliament.

won’t have the power to ban anything. These wild claims are ludicrous.


Members of the Voice will be chosen by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and serve for a fixed period. It will include Indigenous Australians from every state and territory, the Torres Strait Islands and representatives from the regions and remote communities. It will be subject to the rules made for it by Parliament.


Because our Constitution provides the broad framework for governing our country and we leave it to our elected representatives via the Parliament to pass legislation about details such as rules.

For example, in 1901 the Constitution gave the Australian Government the power to set up a High Court and other courts. It wasn’t until 1903 that Parliament established the High Court through legislation. Then

in 1975 the Parliament set up the Family Court through legislation. Another example is that in 1901 the Constitution gave the Commonwealth the power over currency but left it to the Parliament to work out things like what the notes are and what they look like. In 1910 a law about notes was passed. Banknotes finally got issued in 1913. The Voice will be set up by the Parliament and subject to its rules.



busted. It’s an advisory body folks! The Voice would not be able to force the Parliament to do anything it doesn’t want to do. The veggie garden is quite safe.


o. Myth busted. The Voice does not give any group any special rights. It’s an advisory body that doesn’t give any rights to anyone. This has been confirmed by eminent constitutional lawyers and former High Court judges.




o. Not at all. Myth busted.

Unlike the proposed Voice, the NIAA is not independent of government, it’s part of the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet. Only 22% of its staff are Indigenous. It can be abolished at the stroke of a pen. It can’t give advice to the Parliament.

Oh and the NIAA doesn’t have a $30 billion budget (another myth busted there on the way through).

ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 7 — 13, 2023 13 For regular updates and news, follow me on Facebook and Instagram @andrewgeecalare Authorised by Andrew Gee MP, Suite 1/179A Anson Street, Orange, NSW 2800. 1/179A Anson Street PO Box 673 ORANGE 2800 (02) 6361 7138 andrew.gee.mp@aph.gov.au www.andrewgeemp.com.au ORANGE ELECTORATE OFFICE Andrew GEE MP INDEPENDENT FEDERAL MEMBER FOR CALARE Your Country Your Voice For regular updates and news, follow me on Facebook and Instagram @andrewgeecalare Authorised by Andrew Gee MP, Suite 1/179A Anson Street, Orange, NSW 2800. remington VOICE Q&A On the 14th of October this year, Australians will be asked to have their say in a referendum about whether to change the Constitution to establish an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice. The Voice would give advice to the Australian Parliament and Government on matters that affect the lives of Indigenous Australians. WHAT IS THE VOICE? No. Myth busted. Leading constitutional law barrister Bret Walker SC has described claims the Voice would lead to endless court challenges and the “gumming up” of the wheels of government as “nonsense” and “too silly for words”. It’s an advisory body that will be subject to the rules Parliament makes for it. It
an Indigenous
to add your face to our Voice feature?
Another whacky myth
I’m Michael Newman from Orange, and
Voice to Parliament. Want
Email mp@aph.gov.auandrew.gee.


CHANGED TRAFFIC CONDITIONS for Newcrest Orange Challenge this Sunday, September 10

The 2023 Newcrest Orange Challenge gets underway for its fifth year on Sunday, September 10 and motorists are being advised of changed tra c conditions for the event.

About 700 riders will take part in the cycling event this year, which starts and finishes in Orange, travelling through Cargo, Canowindra, Mandurama, Forest Reefs and elsewhere in the region. Tra c changes have been put in place for the safety of riders and other road users.

Coronation Drive and Cargo Road

A full road closure will be in place from 6.30 to 9am on Coronation Drive and Cargo Road on Sunday, September 10.

One lane will open to westbound tra c, between 9am and 1.30pm. Vehicles will be able to exit Cargo Road at all intersecting roads and driveways while giving way to bike riders.

The road will remain closed to eastbound tra c during this time, reopening to all tra c from 1.30pm. Detours will be in place via The Escort Way for travel

between Orange and Cudal.

Bowen Park Road

Bowan Park Road between Cargo Road and Davys Plains Road will be closed between 7am and 10am. The road will reopen to all tra c after 10am. Event organisers advise people to allow extra time travelling to their destination due to the changed road conditions.

Full details of updated road closures for the full length of the ride can be found by scanning the QR code.

What is e-mental health?

E-mental health - the use of digital and online technologies to support mental health – can provide helpful support for people living in rural and regional Australia. These programs, typically delivered online or via smartphone app, can be self-directed or guided by an online clinician. They are suitable for people experiencing mild to moderate depression or anxiety symptoms.

What is available?

E-mental health encompasses a wide range of services including online counselling, mindfulness and meditation, virtual support groups, and self-help resources. A useful resource for finding a program suitable for you is the government’s Head to Health website (headtohealth.gov.au).

Who do they help?

Many of these programs have been developed and tested in Australia, and have demonstrated effectiveness in the management of mild to moderate depression or anxiety.

Why are they useful for rural areas?

These services help fill the gaps in accessing timely and affordable mental health care for local communities. They do this by being

accessible by anyone with a smartphone, they are private and flexible in location and timing, and cost-effective - with many being free or low-cost.

How do they fit in to current services?

They are a good way to seek initial help for a mental health issue while waiting for an appointment with a health professional, or if you are curious about how these services might help you. Most do not need a referral from a doctor or psychologist, and can be used at any stage of treatment for mild to moderate symptoms.

Examples of e-mental health services

MoodGYM (moodgym.com.au)

THIS WAY UP (thiswayup.org.au)

ReachOut (au.reachout.com)

E-mental health can provide general support for the mental health challenges faced by rural Australians that might be triggered by drought, flood or fluctuating farming conditions and prices. These services can make it easier for many of us to access quality mental health care, no matter where we live or work.

If you are concerned about yourself or someone else talk to a GP or health professional or reach out for help:

Beyond Blue: 1300 22 46 36

Lifeline: 13 11 14

Mental Health Line: 1800 011 511

Black Dog Institute: blackdoginstitue. com.au

Dr Paul Roth is a local GP and Lecturer at The University of Sydney School of Rural Health in Dubbo.

14 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 7 — 13, 2023 Community LiFE



Orange City Council has launched a community survey to help guide the future of the city.

The survey aims to discover how satisfied the Orange community is with Council services and facilities, as well as finding out on what is important to the community.

Asking residents how often they use Council’s services and facilities and how satisfied they are with them, is a requirement of the NSW

Government’s Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework for all councils in NSW. The results will feed into how councils deliver services into the future.

The costs of conducting the independent survey are being shared with three other members of the Central West Joint Organisation. Weddin, Oberon and Cowra councils will conduct simultaneous surveys. Orange Deputy Mayor Gerald Power

encouraged residents to get involved to help the Council plan for the future. “We want to know, for example, how often residents might use the Orange Aquatic Centre, how important it is to them and how satisfied they are with it. We will also do this for childcare, parks and open spaces, waste services, roads and cultural services like the Orange City Library,” Cr Power said.

“The survey will also look into

community safety, local identity, liveability and how you would like to learn about Council activities.”

The survey is being undertaken by Woolcott Research and Engagement. It will be a mixture of randomly selected phone surveys and an online survey.

The online survey can be found at https://yoursay.orange.nsw.gov. au/community-survey-2023

ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 7 — 13, 2023 15 www.orange.nsw.gov.au | Find us on social media @ Orange City Council YOUR LOCAL COUNCIL AT WORK

Become A Financial Master Chef

Imagine you wanted to make the greatest dish you’ll ever serve in your life… what would you need to make sure it was a success? You would need a recipe, high quality ingredients and time.

Cooking up a successful financial future needs exactly the same things.

RECIPE: Just like the classic dishes we all know and love, there are time-tested and proven ways to manage money that will deliver results for anyone prepared to follow the recipe. When it comes to money, most people are throwing all their ingredients in a bowl and hoping they somehow come together. Are you following a recipe when it

comes to managing your money?

HIGH QUALITY INGREDIENTS: Watch any ‘foodie’ show on TV or go to any nice restaurant in town and you’ll see they often use only a few ingredients, just great quality ones treated with the respect they deserve. You’ve got the starting ingredient when it comes to money – an income. The next step is to find some savings (even if it’s just a little to get started), then mix in a high quality super fund, smart and diversified investments, value-for-money mortgage and insurances and all of a sudden you have the best ingredients to start putting together your recipe. How confident are you that

your ingredients are worthy of what you’re wanting to serve up later in life for you and your family?

TIME: You’ll no doubt have seen how cooking shows on TV use time pressure to make things dramatic, “5, 4, 3, 2, 1!”. If you had one chance to cook for your life, how much time and preparation would you put into it? Your financial future is no di erent. The sooner you start working on this, the better. The more time you have to prepare and work with, the better your results will be. Most Australians wake up at 55 and the alarm bells go o . That’s why most people who get financial advice are 55 or over. My

mission to work with as many people as possible in their 30s and 40s in particular, because they have the time to use the recipe and the ingredients and create a dish worthy of a financial master chef. How long will you wait before you get cracking?

The point is that when it comes to cooking, if we want to cook well we follow the process that works. When it comes to money, common sense often goes out the window whilst fear, ignorance and procrastination stop people getting the results they deserve.

16 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 7 — 13, 2023 Doyoubanklocal? Credit eligibility, terms and conditions, fees and charges apply. AFSL/Australian Credit Licence 240768 orangecu.com.au Whetheryou’relookingtobuyyour dreamhome,refinanceforabetter rateorventureintoproperty investment,we’vegotthelocal expertiseandtoolstoguideyou everystepoftheway. Visitusonlineorinbranchtodayto makeyourdreamsreality. bank local 122nd Cudal Show Tickets available at 123tix.com.au MARKET STALLS • MUSIC • STUNT BIKES SUNDAY 1O SEPTEMBER 9AM4PM CUDAL SHOWGROUND 125 Davys Plains Road Come join us for a fun family day out. Bucking Bronco,Jumping Castle, Farm Dog Jumping, Horse Show, Fairy La La, Food, Pavilion Entries, Petting Zoo, Vintage Engines and Much More! LET’S TALK MONEY with DANIEL MCGREGOR If you’d like to fi nd out more about how INDEPENDENT fi nancial advice could help you manage cash fl ow, pay off the mortgage faster, get the most out of super and invest wisely, then get in touch on 0411 484 464 or head to wealthtrain.com.au. This advice may not be suitable to you because it contains general advice which does not take into consideration any of your personal circumstances. All strategies and information provided are general advice only. DANIEL MCGREGOR AND WEALTH TRAIN ARE AUTHORISED REPRESENTATIVES OF INDEPENDENT FINANCIAL ADVICE & EDUCATION AFSL 520963
Cheers, Daniel


PHOTOS BY Cec Tilburg

It’s finals time for Orange netballers!

Orange City Life photographer Cec Tilburg was courtside at the Orange PCYC on Saturday to catch all the action of the Junior Divisions Finals Round One.

In the U10s Red Division OPS Eagles defeated Life Studio Gems, while in the Blue Division, Hawks Forefront were too strong for United.

In the Under 15s, Hawks Turbo Fire Solutions won over the Kinross Firebirds, while Hawks John Davis Motors came out on top over OHS Junior A.

The winning teams have now secured their places in the grand finals which will be played on Saturday, September 16.


Interactive digital installation celebrates the wonder of Australia’s unique birdlife

18 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 7 — 13, 2023 Community LiFE

A touring digital installation that celebrates the wonder of Australia’s unique birdlife will be a feature of the Civic Square South Court this spring.

Located outside the Orange Regional Museum, the ‘Birds of Australia STORYBOX — a two-metrehigh cube faced with hi-resolution LED displays — was unveiled on Friday, September 1 coinciding with the change of season.

The interactive multimedia installation is a presentation of the Australian Museum, bringing to life the iconic 19th-century bird illustrations of English ornithologist John Gould and his wife Elizabeth, together with First Nations storytelling and insights into the challenges facing many of Australia’s native birds today.

“They’re utilising this incredible technology to uncover the story of Gould’s Birds of Australia,” said Orange Regional Museum manager Mary-Liz Andrews, referring to the famous 19th Century illustrated book.

“I actually didn’t realise until we started looking at this project that all those fabulous and famous illustrations from Gould’s were by Elizabeth,” she continued.

“So they look at that, but they’re also kind of unpacking some of the First Nations’ knowledge around bird life and other aspects of bird life in Australia, including the endangered species and protecting endangered species.”

The Birds of Australia STORYBOX traces the Goulds’ journey as they travelled across NSW in the 1800s on one of the most significant birding expeditions in history.

You can use your mobile phone to interact with the illustrations and hear First Nations stories, bird calls, complete activities, and learn about current habitat pressures facing many of the birds featured in Gould’s collection and what you can do to help endangered birds in your area.

“Some of the panels duplicate across, but then sometimes it actually will wrap around, so you can sit anywhere around the box and watch the story unfold,” Mary-Liz explained.

“You can also interact with it, so if you scan the QR code that’s on the introduction panel here, you can interact with it.

“You can do exercises like colouring in the birds

yourself with your finger… you can highlight birds and make noises with them and you can learn more about birds through that portal, as well as on your own phone.”

The digital installation coincides with Biodiversity Month, which is held in September each year to promote the importance of connecting with, and caring for nature in all its diversity.

On Friday, September 1, Students from Spring Hill Public School worked with professional chalk artists from ZEST Events International to create a chalk mural of a flock of Superb Parrots on the South Court steps.

The art-making event was organised by the Orange Regional Museum along with Local Land Services.

At the Orange Regional Museum this Friday, September 8, Dr Ross Crates, a Postdoctoral fellow with the Di cult Bird Research Group at the Australian National University, will present his research investigating the dynamics, monitoring and conservation genomics of the Regent Honeyeater. The talk will be held from 6pm-8pm. Tickets cost $15 and can be booked via Eventbrite.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 7 — 13, 2023 19 Community LiFE Affordable,local andindependent financialadvice RETIREMENT READY THEBESTRETIREMENTLIFESTYLE ISENJOYEDBYTHOSEWHO PLANNEDAHEAD NOWISTHETIMETOGET CALLDANIELON 0411484464 TOBOOKYOURFREE INITIALAPPOINTMENT ORHEADTO WEALTHTRAIN.COM.AU DanielMcGregor(1253135)andWealthTrain(1258202)areauthorisedrepresentativesof IndependentFinancialAdviceandEducationAFSL520963 294 Lords Place, Orange | OPEN MON-SAT 8.30 to 6 mulberrylanevet.com.au “Our passion is caring for your pet” MULBERRY LANE VET HOSPITAL An ASAV accredited “Hospital of Excellence” TELEPHONE 6360 3071 s s Any pre-anaesthetic blood tests, Xrays or extractions extra, one voucher per household subject to demand, offer expires 30/9/23. Phone now for an appointment. FREE DENTAL CHECK UP FOR YOUR PET DENTAL CARE PACKAGE FOR YOUR DOG, CAT OR RABBIT Full dental assessment, anaesthetic and IV fluids, scale and polish FOR ONLY $400. ITS DENTAL CARE MONTH PLUS
...utilising this incredible technology to uncover the story of Gould’s Birds of Australia...


It was a farewell festival to remember! Heifer Station Wines founders Phillip and Michelle Stivens held a ‘last hurrah’ on Saturday, September 2, before handing over the popular local winery to its new owners. A soldout event, the crowd enjoyed spectacular spring weather, great food and fantastic entertainment from Robbie Mortimer and Gabemusic.

Social SCENE
PHOTOS BY HENRY DEROOY Jena, Pheobe, Lillie, Paige, Rachel, Carrie and Tailor Ben, Zoe and Maddy Gabe Middleton, Justin Buchta with Lyn and Terry Middleton Danica Bunch and Mike Duncan Stephen and Kylie Ford, the Hoffmann Family and Casey Wendbar with Nat McClymont and Bek Byrne Ellie Rutter, Courtney Wiltshire and Matilda Hubbent Phillip and Michelle Stivens Shae, Harrison and Phil Emily Mann, Chewy Thuaux and Petah Armstrong

Let’s Feast @ Pellegrini’s Italian

When it comes to soulful culinary experiences, it’s no secret that Italian cuisine has a special place in our hearts. If you’re looking to transport your taste buds straight to an evening in Roma, one place stands out above the rest: Pellegrini’s Italian.

Tucked away in the centre of Orange, Pellegrini’s Italian is a unique blend of high-end and casual dining that aims to bring alive the passion and joy of Italian cuisine to the Central West.

The menu showcases all of the classics you love, from wood-fired pizza to homemade gnocchi, preserving the traditional Italian flavours and ingredients with a modern Australian twist, made using fresh, locally sourced produce to create mouth-watering dishes in-house, daily.

Pair your meal with our carefully curated wine and cocktail list, featuring many local winemakers, for the ultimate Italian experience.


NAME ADDRESS BOOKINGS THE ROYAL HOTEL 232 Lords Place, Orange 6362 1855 NEW GOLDEN BOWL 199 Lords Place, Orange 5311 1880 OPHIR HOTEL 84 Glenroi Avenue, Orange 6362 4995 LEAF CAFE ORANGE Shop 8, Orange City Centre, Orange 0493 235 619 PARKVIEW HOTEL 281 Summer Street, Orange 6361 7014 THE BARREL RESTAURANT Ibis Styles - 146 Bathurst Road, Orange 6362 6033 HOTEL CANOBOLAS 248 Summer Street, Orange 6362 2444 PELLEGRINI’S The Village on Summer Street 5319 0176


Friday, 15 September 2023

6:30 pm 7:30 pm

Orange Regional Conservatorium

Following the runaway success of The Silk Road series, join the Orange Regional Conservatorium sta on their latest adventure, The Americas!

Let ORC sta take you from south to north, along continental America to explore the rich musical heritage and breadth of cultures within.

On the Appalachian Trail is the third concert in the 2023 Chamber Music Series.

It will be performed at the Orange Regional Conservatorium – 73A Hill Street, Orange – on Friday, September 15. Doors open at 6pm for a 6.30pm start. Purchase your tickets at www.orangecon.org.au. All tickets include a glass of See Saw wine upon arrival. You are also invited to attend the open rehearsal at 1pm, September 15, which costs just $10 at the door.

OCLife What’s


Upcoming concerts and events...


September 14

JAM Orange Open Mic at The Blind Pig

September 15

Orange Ex-Services’ Club

– The Vallies LIVE

Orange Regional Conservatorium — The Americas: On the Appalachian Trail

September 16

Orange Civic Theatre

— The Hen House

CWA Hall — Middle Eastern Night

Movie Night

My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3, 7pm. Tickets $25 from Collins Booksellers or cash at the door.


Metropolitan Hotel

Live music at the metro every Friday from 8pm

Orange Regional Museum

ORM Talks: Dr Ross Crates – The Regent Honeyeater, 6pm – 8pm

Orange Civic Theatre

Matt Arthur Album Launch: “Then and Now”, 6.30pm


Victoria Hotel

Toni & Lenny, 8pm til late.

Metropolitan Hotel

Live music at the Metro every Saturday from 8pm


Royal Hotel

Jam Orange presents The Cicada Club, 2pm

September 17

Club Millthorpe Acoustic Sunday

September 23–24

Old Errowanbang Woolshed Open Day weekend

September 29–October 29

Orange Wine Festival 2023

22 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 7 — 13, 2023 Entertainment LiFE
September 7 RSPCA Fundraiser


10 – OCTOBER 6

Orange Art Society’s feature artist this September is Anne Ind-Howarth.

A registered nurse working in mental health, Anne Ind-Howarth has taken up art as a hobby, and actively pursues it in her o -hours.

“I find pushing paint around the canvas, in an expressive way, reduces the tensions of everyday life,” says Anne, who also particularly enjoys working with charcoal and graphite.

Anne specialises in figurative works but has recently been branching out into still life using acrylics.

Anne has been a member of the Orange Art Society for a number of years and has regularly exhibited and sold her works in the society’s gallery.

Anne’s work will be on exhibition in the Orange Art Society Gallery (located in the Cultural Centre, accessed via the Woolworth’s car park opposite Harris Farm) from September 10 to October 6.

All are welcome to attend the o cial opening at 2.30pm on Saturday, September 17. Entry is free.

Sci-Fi Author Greg Mutton Talks Self-Publishing and Launches new book, Reunion

Science Fiction author Greg Mutton will be sharing his tips and insights on writing and the self-publishing journey at the Orange Library on Thursday, September 7, at 5.30pm.

Greg’s current series Chronicle of the 12th Realm is an action, adventure and romance story that spans the galaxy. It follows the Abraham family, a wealthy industrial and agricultural dynasty with their interstellar headquarters located at Lucknow. The Orange/Dubbo area is central to the stories and the old mining area around Lucknow is one of the reasons the family has prospered. Meet Greg at Orange City Library as he introduces his epic science fiction series. Bookings via Eventbrite. All Welcome.

Banjo Writing Awards Winner

Kamille Roach launches latest book Pine Creek, set in the Central West

Banjo Paterson Writing Award 2013 Short Story winner Kamille Roach, will launch her novel Pine Creek at Orange Library on Tuesday, September 12, at 5.30pm.

Kamille won the competition with her short story ‘Pilbara Ash’ and the judge remarked on her beautiful descriptive language evoking a wonderful sense of loss. Now Kamille, originally from Bathurst, has turned her attention to publishing her second novel, Pine Creek, set in the Central Tablelands.

Inspired by the intense environment of drought-stricken New South Wales during the eighties’ AIDS epidemic, Pine Creek centres around a family in crisis, and the mysterious death of a boy rumoured to be gay.

Meet Kamille Roach at Orange Library on Tuesday, September 12, at 5.30pm. Bookings via Eventbrite

ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 7 — 13, 2023 23 Entertainment LiFE



Instead of home-readers our school now does a reading quest… a grid of reading challenges to be completed over four weeks. This is brilliant. It’s less work for parents and breaks up the monotony of reading the same type of book to the same parent four nights a week for the kids. However, today we reached “read to an adult as they prepare dinner” and can I just say wtf? Trying to sneak carrots into their dinner per the “healthy swap” program you bully me with on the school app is challenging enough without also juggling “Mum, are you listening? Are you listening? Are you listening? Mum, are you listening?”

I certainly hope that next term’s grid involves “read to an adult as they rage at their gaming console” or “read to parent B as they hide in the toilet while parent A cooks dinner, helps with homework and slowly goes insane”. I’d also accept “read the pizza menu (in your head!) and orderin while your parent has a bath in silence. Pizza Hut delivers booze FYI”.

But no.

Miss Nine: “They were complete opponents.”

Me: “Opposites.”

Miss Nine: “It’s opponents.”

Me: “Spell it out.”

Miss Nine: “Why?”

Me: “To learn.”

Miss Nine: “Uggghhh. FIIIIIINE. O. P. P. O. S. I…”

Me: “Opposites.”


Me: “Sorry. Go.”

Miss Nine: “O. P. P. O. S. I. T. E. S”

Me: “Opposites.”

Miss Nine: “Is that CARROT?????”

This is thankfully the point hubby’s round finishes and he pulls his headphones off one ear and asks Miss Nine what’s wrong. She takes her book to him, sits in his lap and lovingly ticks off “Read snuggled up with someone you love”. A quick vent in my group chat has one friend pointing out it doesn’t specify what she’s supposed to be reading in the kitchen as I cook dinner and suggests either a chart detailing why Mum is so incredible or a sign telling children to get out of the kitchen.

I decide the problem isn’t her quest, it’s a lack of one for the rest of us. I set Miss 14 a month of challenges including “walk past sister without punching her”, “hang towel up in bathroom instead of dropping on floor”, “return all 18 cups and glasses to kitchen” and “say one nice thing to one family member once this week”. I immediately realise the last one is asking too much and change it to once this fortnight, before settling on once this month. Baby steps. But for me? While I could possibly be slightly more patient with everyone, I hardly think my excessive yelling is my fault, so I decide to focus on positive reinforcement. I make myself a challenging yet sparkly, floral quest utilising Miss Nine’s craft drawers with options such as “read a report on scurvy in the First Fleet without openly giggling at “vidamen defishinseas”, “reply to a work email without any passive aggression”, “eat dark chocolate BECAUSE antioxidants”, “get pap smear (reward yourself with delicious coffee)(this quest is not suitable for use as the social media story about quests)”, and “don’t swear at Bailey’s dad at kiss-and-drop despite the fact he never indicates and often speeds in the school zone oh my god he’s such a d$#&”.

As usual, no one is particularly impressed with my brilliance so I spend my remaining free time doing my secret quest “add carrots to dinner every night”. If anyone has a carbonara recipe with carrots, please let me know!

What if I told you that regardless of your age, your cooking facilities, or your skills, you can make the best of all desserts at home? Well, make sure you keep this recipe handy because it’s going to change your life. Today I’m going to show you how to make a dessert that is gluten-free, that permits any flavour you like, and that can have any shape you want. I’m talking about the famous panna cotta.

But what are they? Simply, a dairy dessert that thickens thanks to gelatine. (‘Panna cotta’ means ‘cooked cream’ in Italian.) The traditional version was made with cream, sugar, vanilla and gelatine. Visually we all remember the classic dessert that looked like a flan, and I’m sure many of you have found yourself shaking the plate in restaurants to see how it wobbles.

A reader asked me this week what is the di erence between powdered gelatine and leaf gelatine? The easy answer is: they are the same. However, you need to use di erent amounts of it and in a di erent way. But don’t worry too much – you will always see how to use it on the back of your jar or box. Follow the instructions, it’s very easy.

What do I personally prefer? Leaf gelatine always! I found it more professional. Many years ago they were hard to find in supermarkets, but nowadays they are everywhere.

There are di erent types of leaf gelatine, depending on the strength. The ones that I‘ve bought here in town are ‘titanium strength’ and are really easy to use. You just need to make sure you mix your dairy with flavours in a saucepan: warm it up until all the flavours are dissolved, and add the amount of leaves it tells you (NEVER BOIL the mix) and let it set in the fridge. My ratio is 250ml of warmed liquid per one sheet of titanium.

Important note: gelatine contains an average of 86 per cent of animal protein. There is a gelatine substitute for vegetarians called agar-agar, which has similar properties to normal gelatine but comes from seaweed.

Now let’s think about the texture of our recipe. Remember that this dessert traditionally was made with cream. Some would say must be made 100 per cent with cream, others 50 per cent cream and 50 per cent milk, to make it lighter. Then consider what flavouring you are going to add to your dairy. Why is it important? Because, for example, with just sugar and vanilla the flavourings won’t a ect the texture of your panna cotta. However, if you use chocolate, it will a ect your texture a little.

In today’s recipe I’m going to make a 100 per cent milk panna cotta (no cream whatsoever) with 50 per cent milk chocolate and 50 per cent dark chocolate (no sugar either). Why? Because I want to create an economical and healthier version of the classic, playing with the idea of just milk and chocolate. And serving it with some frozen raspberries that I have in the freezer. But what about the shape Rubén? Do I need to get those cylindrical moulds to look like the ones in restaurants? No, you don’t. The mix of milk, flavours and gelatine will set in any container. My personal tip: always protect whatever containers you are going to use with plastic wrap/cling film, then pour the mix on top (like that, it will be really easy to unmould it). In this case, I’m going to make a rectangular one by using a Chinese takeaway container because we all probably have one at home.


Chocolate Panna Cotta with raspberries (my way).


500ml of milk, warmed in a saucepan. 60g milk chocolate, chopped small. 60g dark chocolate, chopped small.

2 gelatine leaves

To serve: a quenelle of ice cream or raspberries.


1. Measure all ingredients.

2. Turn the saucepan to low heat and add the milk and the chocolate.

3. Stir everything until well combined (don’t let it go to boiling).

4. Add the gelatine and stir.

5. Protect your takeaway container with cling film.

6. Pour your mixture on top of it.

7. Let it sit in the fridge until set.

8. When set, unfold. Slice and serve.

9. Add a bit of raspberry ice cream or fresh raspberries for a bit of tang.

@atableof10 | @eat_spanish | @rubenlopezmesa
e easiest dessert e r!



Locals enjoyed a little late-night lock-in at the library on Saturday, September 2 for the latest Library Up Late Event – Drag Bingo.

Hosted by the fabulous Betty Confetti it was an evening of fun and frivolity among the bookshelves.

Lizy Barclay, Steph Preston, Betty Confetti, Lucy Dixon, and Cassie Buckland Rennie Johns, Caitlin Byrne, and Kristie Parish Jemima Pestell and Mel McDonnell Tegan Broome and Kellie Tom Jess Buchanan, Elizabeth Buchanan, and Bradley Rachel Morton, Michelle Morton, Bella Woodroffe, and Laura Primrose Donna Cahill, Betty Confetti, and Chirie Grant
26 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 7 — 13, 2023 ON SALE FROM WEDNESDAY 6 TH SEPTEMBER UNTIL TUESDAY 12 TH SEPTEMBER 2023 Specials available from Wednesday 06/09/23 until Tuesday 12/09/23 or while stocks last. Retail quantities only. No trade supplied. We reserve the right to correct printing errors. Pictures used for illustration purposes only. IGA Liquor supports the responsible service of alcohol. Tobacco and alcohol not sold to under 18’s. 210 PEISLEY STREET, ORANGE NSW 2800 | 6362 7233 OPEN 7 DAYS: MON TO SAT 6AM-9PM | SUNDAY 7AM TO 8PM WWW.IGA.COM.AU 82 SUMMER ST, ORANGE NSW 2800 | 6362 0775 OPEN 7 DAYS: MON TO SAT 7AM-9PM | SUNDAY 8AM TO 8PM WWW.IGA.COM.AU IGANS13254_060923 Hot PRICE! STRAWBERRIES 250G Australian 2 $4for $8 per kg Single Sell $2.50 Pantene Pro‑V Shampoo or Conditioner 375mL Selected Varieties ^excludes Travel Size $1.33 per 100mL SAVE $5 $5 ea 50% Off PANTENE SHAMPOO OR CONDITIONER^ Kirks 10x375mL Selected Varieties $1.73 per Litre SAVE $6.50 $650 ea Arnott's Shapes 130‑190g Selected Varieties SAVE $2 $2 ea Mars Medium Bar or M&M's 35‑56g Selected Varieties SAVE $1.20 $1 ea Better than half price Oral‑B Pro Health Toothpaste 110g Selected Varieties ^excludes Refills, Low Prices Every Day & Whitening Emulsion $2.73 per 100g SAVE $3 $3 ea 50% Off Oral B^ Four'N Twenty Pies 4 Pack Selected Varieties 94¢ per 100g SAVE $4.40 $660 ea Perfect Italiano Grated or Shredded Cheese 450g Selected Varieties $16.67 per kg $750 ea SAVE $2 Gatorade or Gatorade G Active 600mL Selected Varieties $3.28 per Litre SAVE $2.03 $197 ea Peters Maxibon 4 Pack Selected Varieties 85¢ per 100mL SAVE $4.75 $475 ea Ben’s Original Rice 240‑250g Selected Varieties $240 ea SAVE $1.60 Primo Stackers 45‑57g Selected Varieties $3 ea SAVE $1.25 Whiskas Dry Cat Food 800g Selected Varieties 56¢ per 100g $450 ea SAVE $2.50


A tree lined driveway leads to this impressive property, occupying 58 (approx.) picturesque acres of top-quality grazing country running onto the Belubular River. What you’ll quickly discover is that there are two separate residences on the property - the spacious main house and a two-bedroom cottage. In addition, you will find various sheds with ample storage, several varying sized paddocks, abundant water supply and excellent infrastructure in place, placing you well on your way to keeping livestock.


Built to capture light, this home blends gracefully into its hilltop position, while maintaining valued privacy. Spacious living, sitting and lounge areas provide several zones for the large of families. The kitchen is an entertainer’s dream with ample storage and walk in pantry. High ceilings and never-ending picture windows, cozy nooks and expansive outdoor covered entertaining areas - this home caters for everyone. An amazing garden set up, with all sorts of flowering plants, including fruit and nut trees, vegetables, and greenhouse.

A second, two-bedroom cottage is invisible from the house, privately sited with its own driveway. Perfect for teenage retreat, Airbnb or guests, it Includes full size kitchen and bathroom and a detached lock up garage.

28 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 7 — 13, 2023 AUCTION Cornerblockwith2xroadaccesses Landareaapprox.1,406Ha,buildingareaapprox.1,620m² 2gantrycranes ZonedGeneralIndustrial OfferedwithVacantPossession Formoreinformationorforaninspection,contactGaryBlowes 0418635248|gary@blowesre.com.au Celebrating50yearsinrealestatein2022 CnrLordsPlandKiteSt,Orange 0263621233 2-4ASHSTREET,ORANGE Auctiononsite11am23/02/2022 BLOWESRE.COM.AU cnr lords place + kite street 02 6362 1233 Celebrating over 50 years in real estate 1 Camellia Place, orange 2 2 1 CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590 $689,000 OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY 9th 10.30am - 11.00am This modern brick veneer residence is close to completion and is located in a quite street with minimal traffic. The property is on its own title on a manageable 371sqm block and has all the Mod Cons that you would expect in a new home. The location of the property is great with no through traffic, just a destination point for owners and visitors. • North facing living areas flooded with natural light • Two bedrooms, master has built ins and fully tiled NEARING COMPLETION, WELL APPOINTED! • Two bedrooms, master has built ins and fully tiled en-suite • Open plan kitchen/dining/living, plus lounge or 3rd bedroom • Galley style kitchen, stone benchtops, soft close furnishings • Beautifully tiled bathrooms, main bathroom has bath and shower • Ducted gas throughout, Split A/C, 6.6kw solar array, attached garage 186A Anson Street, orange CONTACT Gary Blowes 0418 635 248 Margaret Longhurst 0499 01 3427 THE PROPERTY The property is centrally located in the best commercial location in Orange’s CBD. The property is described as Lot 10 in DP 619386, having an approximate land area of 359.1 square metres, and is separated into two shops. Both shops are both currently leased with a new lease in place for Shop 2. ZONING Zoned Commercial Centre IMPROVEMENTS The property is approximately 160 square metres of building, excluding the upstairs space. The property has 6 car spaces serviced by a Right of Way from the adjoining property. AUCTION 29 SEPTEMBER 11.00AM HIVE ORANGE, MCNAMARA STREET, ORANGE auction Orange Property MARKET Just under 5 acres with stunning views on the outskirts of Orange! 21 Cossack Close Orange

Sitting on almost 5 acres with stunning views, this newly listed home boasts four spacious bedrooms, all with built-in robes –ample room for a growing family or for hosting guests.

The master bedroom is a true retreat, featuring a well-designed ensuite bathroom for added privacy and convenience.

The large family bathroom is well-appointed and features modern fixtures and fittings, while the laundry offers ample bench space and even more storage.

The property also includes a free-standing double garage, perfect for families with multiple cars or those who need a little extra space for hobbies or equipment.

But the standout feature of this property is the stunning views. Imagine yourself waking up looking out to majestic peaks in the distance, or enjoying a cup of coffee on the north-facing verandah or while relaxing in the gazebo,



enjoying the established gardens

The land area of this property is an impressive 19,986 square metres (just shy of 5 acres) providing plenty of outdoor space for children to play and explore.

Well fenced, this space would also suit a tradie who needs a place for a large shed and there’s even room for a horse or two.

This property presents a fantastic opportunity for outdoor-loving families wanting a little extra space. More than just a house; it’s a place where your family can grow and thrive. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to make this beautiful property your new family home, call agent Scott Munro of LJ Hooker Orange on 0428 650 675.

• 100 acres

• Attractive tree-lined drive leads to excellent country garden.

• Mature trees, bore water for irrigating the garden, 4 beds, 2 baths, 2 living areas, electric kitchen, study, great verandas.

• Suited to run cattle, sheep, horses. There is a large 12m x 12m shed, with power and a shearing floor in one corner.

• Small set of cattle yards with ramp.

• Easy block to drive around with privacy to the house and great views from the back.

• Dams and a good bore provide for drought water security.

• Plus a big underground rainwater tank for the house.

• Mobile phone reception and NBN Satellite for quality internet connection.

• Fenced into 7 paddocks for easy stock control.

CONTACT: JIM MAHER 0428 637 339, sales@williamsmachin.com.au

Orange Property MARKET Orange Property MARKET
30 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 7 — 13, 2023 NEW LISTING NEW LISTING NEW LISTING NEW LISTING NEW LISTING PRICE $535,000 OPEN Saturday9thSeptember;10:15-10:45AM SIMONEFOGARTY 0420984565 NEW LISTING Suite 7, Level 2, Centrepoint Arcade 230 Summer St, Orange PH. 6362 9560 PRICE $845,000-$875,000 OPEN Saturday9thSeptember;12:30-1:00PM ASHBROWN 0417663687 JODIEKIND 0434092601 AGENCY ONE ORANGE 111FranklinRoad,Orange 351AnsonStreet,Orange 23JamesSheahanDrive,Orange 1CallawaStreet,Orange 115PhillipStreet,Orange 3 3 3 3 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 PRICEGUIDE ContactAgent OPEN ByAppointment BIANCASCIUTO 0400481893 PRICEGUIDE $630,000to $650,000 OPEN ByAppointment JENSTOJANOVIC 0499261682 PRICEGUIDE $575,000-$600,000 OPEN Saturday9thSeptember;10:45-11:15am ASHBROWN 0417663687 JODIEKIND 0434092601 PRICE $650,000 OPEN Saturday9thSeptember;11:45-12:15am ENSTOJANOVIC 0499261682 13MangowaClose,Orange 4 31 AUCTION LAND:803m2 LAND:793m2 LAND:820m2 LAND:799m2 LAND:620m2 LAND:688m2



Front reception/showroom, separate office area and good staff amenities.

Warehouse has high roller door access to front.

Four on-site car spaces.

Total floor area including office, warehouse & mezzanine is approx. 290 m2


Bright and airy offices on the ground floor and mezzanine level, both with own entrances.

Open plan warehouse with high ceilings and roller door access. 3 undercover car spaces at front.

Total area including offices, mezzanine level and warehouse is approx. 397 m2



ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 7 — 13, 2023 31 COMMERCIAL FOR LEASE COMMERCIAL FOR LEASE LAND FOR SALE COMMERCIAL FOR LEASE IF YOU WOULD LIKE YOUR PROPERTY DEAL WITH THE LOCALS WITH LONG EXPERIENCE IN REAL ESTATE – NO SALE NO COST ! CALL NOW, CHRIS 0417 626 361 or John 0417 887 738 COMMERCIAL FOR LEASE LAND FOR SALE COMMERCIAL FOR LEASE FOR SALE BEAUTFUL ELEVATED BLOCK Backing onto a Council reserve this good sized block enjoys a lovely outlook for you to build your new dream home on. Situated in the popular Northern Gardens Estate and is in easy reach to the North Orange Shopping precinct. Land size is 802 m $320,000 MODERN WAREHOUSE IN PREMIER LOCATION A fantastic corner location in the ever growing and popular Narrambla Business Park that’s within site of the Northern Distributor Road. Featuring a spacious showroom and reception area, 5 offices, boardroom/meeting room, kitchen/ meals room and staff amenities. The warehouse area has natural lighting, good access to the outside hardstand area and a mezzanine level. The yard is easily accessible and for larger vehicles there is a handy drive through so no need for turning around or reversing ! Plentiful concrete hardstand surrounds the building for parking and storage as well as other handy out buildings. Total floor area including Warehouse, Office/Amenities & Mezzanine Storage is 1,075 M2 CONTACT OUR OFFICE FOR FURTHER DETAILS THIS SPACE IS RESERVED FOR YOUR HOME IF YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY PLEASE CALL OUR OFFICE ON 6362 5999 FOR SALE A LARGE BUILDING BLOCK WITH A LOVELY OUTLOOK Located in the popular Northern Gardens Estate this 871.5 m2 block would be ideal if you’re looking for a lifestyle that needs a bit more space. This elevated block offers views and is positioned to capture the sun and summer breezes. Just a short drive to the North Orange Shopping Precinct, the Botanic Gardens and the Orange Adventure Playground. $350,000
+ GST Prime location in busy Summer Street. Bonus on-site parking. Long term Lease available. Will be coming available soon. RETAIL SHOP IN THE HEART OF THE CBD

Contemporary Living at its Finest

Located in popular Shiralee Estate and currently rented to a great tenant on a long lease (until Aug 2024) at $780/week, this newly built home offers contemporary living at its finest. With the quintessential four bedrooms, two bathrooms and two car garage this home has plenty of space for the growing family.

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Lovely Home with Fantastic Views

This home has the most amazing elevated entertaining deck with gorgeous views. The covered and partly enclosed area is huge with plenty of space for relaxing. The home is lovely with a modern kitchen, dining area and lounge room. Not too far from the town centre, there is plenty to recommend this home to buyers.

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Embrace Comfort and Style

This brilliant home with space for the whole family is tucked away on a battle-axe block in a handy North Orange setting. This appealing residence embodies contemporary elegance in a tranquil setting with lovely modern features inside and out. Make this modern family home your own, embracing the perfect blend of comfort and style it offers

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What Dreams Are Made Of

Perched behind a white picket fence is this charming, classic Millthorpe cottage. Built in the 1880’s and surrounded by a cottage garden, you’ll love the peace and serenity. The beautiful lounge room boasts polished timber floors, timber-clad walls and pressed metal feature behind the wood fire and the timber kitchen is lovely.

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39 SALE ST, ORANGE | 42 BANK STREET, MOLONG | 6363 1000 |
Chris Mason 0438 629 417
Agent 422 15
Contact: Jacob Evans 0428 130 789
$569,000 3 1.5 3
Chris Mason 0438 629 417
$839,000 422
Contact: Michael & Ashleigh 0421 360 948
$629,000 311

Fully Renovated and Full of Value

Completely rebuilt from the ground up is this great starter home. All three bedrooms have built-ins and new carpet and the kitchen, bathroom and timber deck are all brand new. This is a perfect home for those buying on a budget or investors looking to get in at the right price.

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Your Next Chapter Begins Here

Start your next chapter in this beautiful setting. Begin and end each day surrounded by pristine rural views that will soothe the soul. This home on 80 very productive acres is the epitome of peace and tranquillity, while still enjoying easy access to the amenities offered in nearby Orange.

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ONE PARK – Mid-Century Masterpiece

Discover the captivating world of architectural marvels and refined hospitality at One Park Lane Orange. This extraordinary property combines the timeless elegance of mid-century design with modern amenities, offering a unique opportunity for those seeking a luxurious retreat or a charming family home.

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Price: Contact Agent

Modern and Fresh

Tucked away behind a colourful garden on a low maintenance block, this pretty home has a lovely appeal. Inside has calming tones and a modern freshness to its open plan living, private bedrooms, galley kitchen and enclosed patio room. In its own little pocket of town, this home may be just what you’re looking for.

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Contact: Michael & Ashleigh 0421 360 948
$485,000 311 62 CHURCHILL AVENUE
Contact: Jacob Evans 0428 130 789 Expressions of Interest: Close 3.10.23 at 1.00 pm 4 2.5 10
Contact: Chris Mason 0438 629 417
Contact: Jacob Evans 0428 130 789 Price: $720,000 422


Nestled in a quiet street in the family friendly North Orange area, this exceptional home seamlessly merges contemporary design with familyoriented functionality. Showcasing an array of exceptional features, this home offers the perfect blend of elegance and practicality. You truly won’t want for anything else in a lovely home like this.


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This gorgeous home has it all, it’s been meticulously maintained and presents like new. You feel welcome instantly as you enter with the high ceilings, lovely neutral colour palette, spacious rooms and quality inclusions throughout setting the tone. Move in and put your feet up, there won’t be any work to do!


This sweet property, on a big block, has a country town charm all of its own. The façade of the house will make you think of a rustic log cabin and the inside is as neat as a pin with four spacious bedrooms, cosy lounge and updated kitchen. Could be the treechange you’ve been searching for.

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what a home should feel like. Perfect for a large family or entertaining it really is something very special.


For its size, this semi-detached home really packs a punch with its well-designed floorplan and lots of great features. The kitchen and dining area has plenty of room, there’s a bright lounge room, two bathrooms and a single garage with internal access. An easy investment or perfect home for someone.

Walk Right In

Located at the end of a quiet cul-de-sac in a well-maintained complex, this two-bedroom unit ticks all the boxes. With a generous lounge room, modern kitchen, dining room and private backyard with BBQ area, this is a great investment if you’re looking to downsize or invest.

Welcome to this delightful 2-bedroom cottage in the heart of East Orange. This inviting property offers a comfortable and convenient lifestyle, boasting open plan living dining area with polished floorboards, a spacious one car garage and workshop with side access, topped off with a lovely sunlit north facing courtyard.

Ready to Build on Now

Here’s an affordable 744m2 block of land in an established culde-sac that’s ready to start building on now. Capitalise on the views over Orange and towards Mt Canobolas. Full services available including power, water & sewer. There are few blocks available in Orange in this price range so get your plans ready.

6363 1000
Country Charm
Contact: Jacob Evans 0428 130 789
$465,000 411 63
As Good as New
25 Robinson Court Price Guide: Contact Agent Contact: Adam Savage 0419 232 416 422
Modern Living
Contact: Chris Mason 0438 629 417
Guide: $850,000-$880,000 8 JASPER STREET
a Punch
26B Winter Street Price: $579,000 Contact: Jacob Evans 0428 130 789 321
53 South Street, Molong Contact Agent Contact: Jacob Evans 0428 130 789
as a Button
17 Lucas Street Price Guide: $400,000-$429,000 Contact: Chris Mason 0438 629 417 211
4/9 Amangu Close Price: $449,000 Contact: Michael & Ashleigh 0421 360 948 211
60 Orchard Grove Road Price Guide: $220,000-$240,000 Contact: Adam Savage 0419 232 416 422 NEW PRICE

39 SALE ST, ORANGE | 42 BANK STREET, MOLONG | 6363 1000 |

Lovingly Maintained Home

This well-cared for spacious home opposite parkland reserve, is blessed with panoramic views from the rear across the town district and tree-lined surrounds. Fantastic value for the generous block size and prime locale, if you can see yourself living in the highly soughtafter Green Lane precinct, don’t hesitate.

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This substantial building is a combination of residential and commercial, nestled in a busy pocket of Orange. There are five residential units and three commercial shops, all currently rented to long-term tenants. The potential yield for the astute investor is very positive and it is well worth considering this property as an attractive investment option.


A Versatile Floor Plan for Modern Living

A home in a desirable location with space for the whole family on a large block? Look no further than this spectacularly spacious home on 1148 square metres, superbly located in a quiet cul-desac. Featuring a flexible floorplan, the home can be turned into whatever you wish.

Surprisingly Spacious

This surprisingly spacious unit is a rare find with a simple and practical layout plus three bedrooms and two bathrooms. With a living and dining area that can easily be zoned into usable spaces and well-appointed kitchen, this would make a lovely first home or retirement option or a good investment.

6 Panpande Crescent Price Guide: $899,000-$929,000

Contact: Adam Savage 0419 232 416

Much Loved Family Home

On the market for the first time, this lovely home in a quiet culde-sac in the leafy Wiare subdivision, is a true family home that has been meticulously maintained and very much loved. The home is light, bright and full of fabulous features from the multiple, spacious living areas to the fantastic elevated views on offer.

4469 Mitchell Highway Molong

Price: $1,450,000

Contact: Jacob Evans 0428 130 789

Ready to Move In!

This property offers a spacious three bedroom home on a sprawling one acre lot. This house boasts a large kitchen, nice bathroom and back covered deck areas perfect for outdoor living. Don’t miss the chance to experience the perfect blend of tranquillity and convenience in a friendly country town.


Properties like this 100 acre parcel of land don’t often come along. This property with its usable arable land, Molong Creek frontage, classic farmhouse with verandah plus plenty of additional infrastructure offers an enticing combination of lifestyle and small scale farming. Create that rural lifestyle you’ve always dreamed of.

Serene Country Living Awaits

If you’re looking to build your dream home, look no further than this superb one-acre block on the outskirts of Manildra. Power and town water connections run along the front boundary streamlining the process of establishing connections for your future home. This property offers an opportunity to create your own private sanctuary.

3, 101 Old Orange Road, Manildra
Contact: Chris Mason 0438 629 417
Price: $199,000
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to see all Open House Times
for the Astute Investor
Contact: Chris Mason 0438 629 417 Price Guide: Contact Agent 150 CLINTON STREET 10 55
Contact: Adam Savage 0419 232 416 Price Guide: $795,000-$830,000 4 2.5 1 14 PARK LANE
101 Old Orange Road Manildra Price: $439,000 Contact: Chris Mason 0438 629 417 311
2 Bimble Close Price: $885,000 Contact: Michael & Ashleigh 0421 360 948 522
Contact: Jacob Evans 0428 130 789 321 NEW PRICE
9/211 Hill Street
Guide: $570,000-$590,000
36 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 7 — 13, 2023 PETER FISHER Property Management Our goal is to maximise your return through: 3 Expert knowledge 3 A proactive approach 3 Strong communication 3 Comprehensive marketing campaign 3 Problem solving 3 Continuous improvement 3 Streamlined processes using specialised technology 3 Dedication to maximising your asset We believe that experience, knowledge and communication are the most important elements of successfully managing an investment property. Our philosophy is simple: To look after your property as if it were our own 39 SALE ST, ORANGE | 42 BANK STREET, MOLONG | 6363 1000 | PFISHER.COM.AU For a list of available rental properties scan here: 6363 1000 NOWINMOLONG WHAT’S HAPPENING @ OCU Understanding the ‘Fixed rate cli ’ and its impact on you.

In a world where financial landscapes are constantly shifting, it’s crucial to stay wellinformed about your home loan. At Orange Credit Union, we’re excited to o er you a free ‘Home Loan Health Check’ conducted by a specialist lender.

You might have heard the term ‘fixed rate cli ’ making waves in the media recently. This term refers to the sudden increase in mortgage interest rates that occurs at the conclusion of a fixed-term period. This unforeseen rise could catch homeowners o guard, causing financial stress and uncertainty.

Lending Manager, Phillip Chant, emphasizes the significance of understanding rate cli s and the potential

impact they can have on your financial well-being. Phillip suggests a proactive approach: “It’s important to firstly be aware of your existing rate, and when it is going to change. Then get in contact with your current financial institution to explore the options available.” There’s a possibility they might be able to negotiate a better rate for when the fixed period ends, or o er a product switch where an o set or redraw might be of benefit.”

But don’t worry, there’s no need to navigate this alone. Phillip encourages homeowners to shop around and consider their options: “Take a look at what other banks are o ering, and what features or benefits you’re looking for in a loan. Lenders will be able to advise

on ‘not unsuitable’ products for your circumstances, however, it is ultimately your decision on what will work for you.”

At Orange Credit Union, we’ve developed tools to make managing your home loan repayments easier. Our members can use our online mortgage repayment calculator to see how adjustments to their loan amount, term, or interest rate can a ect their repayments. Additionally, we o er budgeting tools to help you take a comprehensive look at your financial situation.

If you want to stay updated on the latest banking and borrowing interest rates, simply visit orangecu.com.au. To take advantage of our ‘Home Loan Health Check,’ reach out to Team Orange today at 6362 4466.


ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 7 — 13, 2023 37 322 a b c a b c a b c NEW TO MARKET 422 a b c a b c a b c 411 a b c a b c a b c Ph 0428 650 675 Address 24 Sale Street, Orange scottmunro.ljhooker.com.au Email orange@ljhooker.com.au website www.orange.ljhooker.com.au VICTORIA MUNRO SCOTT MUNRO FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED SELL THIS SPRING!!!! WE NEED MORE LISTINGS!!! 21 Cossack Close Orange Stunning Views Welcome to this beautiful family home located in cul de sac on the Northern outskirts of town. Approximately a 10 minute drive to North Orange with its great amenities, you can have the best of both worlds with this semi rural lifestyle property. For Sale $550,000 View By Appointment Scott Munro 0428 650 675 Orange 24 Sale Street, Orange For Sale $1,800,000 View By Appointment Scott Munro 0428 650 675 Orange 24 Sale Street, Orange 5 Churchill Ave Orange Renovator’s Dream Classic 20s bungalow. Four bedroom, 1 bathroom double brick home on 631 m2 block. 3 good sized bedrooms in original part of the home, large addition offers scope for family room. NEW 13 North Street Orange Tidy 4 bedroom, 1 bathroom house Off street parking. Freshly renovated. Available September 4 2023 For LEASE $400 PER WEEK View By Appointment Scott Munro 0428 650 675 Orange 24 Sale Street, Orange WIN $5,000 towards your utility bills* Book a free property appraisal WIN 1 of 7 $1,000 home improvement vouchers* Book a free property appraisal For Sale $830,000 View Saturday 10.30-11am Scott Munro 0428 650 675 Orange 24 Sale Street, Orange 1 Wiruna Avenue Orange Great Family Home or Solid Investment This solid brick home is in a great handy location, close to Orange High School. Featuring a light-filled loungeroom and open plan living area, the house leads through to a lovely timber
with butler’s
...It’s important to firstly be aware of your existing rate, and when it is going to change. Then get in contact with your current financial institution to explore the options available...


The Perfect Family Haven

56 Centennial Cresent, Orange NSW

Introducing 56 Centennial Crescent, Located in the Borrodell area, a magnificent 4- bedroom, 3bathroom home nestled in the highly sought-after Poplar's estate of Orange

This exquisite property boasts a modern design and exceptional finishes, providing a luxurious and comfortable living experience

Large approx. 3000sqm block of land with plenty of space for outdoor activities and gardening

Modern kitchen with stainless steel appliances, gas cooktop, and ample storage space

Three modern bathrooms, including a main bathroom with a separate shower and bathtub, and an ensuite in the master bedroom


Exquisite Living with Backyard Serenity

69 Diamond Drive, Orange NSW





By Appointment Only

James Taylor 0457 792 800

Ray White Townsend

Real Estate raywhitetre.com

Modern Family Home in a Popular Location!

56 Glasson Drive, Orange NSW

This stunning residence presents a perfect blend of modern comfort and timeless elegance. With its spacious layout, four bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a two-car garage, this home offers an exceptional living experience for families seeking both style and functionality. The master suite is a private retreat, complete with a generous bedroom, a walk-in closet, and an en-suite bathroom.

Three additional bedrooms offer comfortable accommodation for family members or can be transformed into home offices or hobby spaces to suit your needs. The second bathroom is tastefully appointed and conveniently located to serve the remaining bedrooms.

Sale Contact Agent Open

Saturday 9th September 10:00am - 10:30am

James Taylor 0457 792 800

Ray White Townsend

Real Estate raywhitetre.com

4 Generous sized bedrooms, all with Built in wardrobes and the main with an ensuite and walk in wardrobe

Large, light-soaked open plan living area with a second loungeroom.

Kitchen with ample storage and stainless-steel appliances

2 car garage with remote roller door and drive through access to the backyard

Large 794SQM block neatly landscaped backing onto Waratah Sports club

The modern design and thoughtfully chosen finishes create an inviting atmosphere for both relaxation and entertainment

Investment Opportunity SALE

1/222 Dalton Street, Orange NSW

Having a great tenant in place saves you the effort of finding one yourself and you can start generating rental income from day one.

The unit is situated in a prime location, just a short distance from the town centre.

This property has two good sized bedrooms, a large bathroom, separate laundry and a lock up garage with access into the backyard, the living room is filled with Northern sunlight and the kitchen is neat and tidy.

This property offers easy access to various amenities, such as shops, restaurants, schools, and public transportation.

Ray White Townsend




Open By Appointment Only

James Taylor 0457 792 800

Ray White Townsend

Real Estate raywhitetre.com

Sale $330,000

Open By Appointment Only

Nora McNamara 0431 320 230

Ray White Townsend

Real Estate raywhitetre.com

203 Lords Place, Orange NSW raywhitetre.com 02 6362 4016


Build Your Dream Home!

115 Clearview Crescent, Orange NSW

A fantastic opportunity to create your dream home on this spacious vacant block of land measuring 755SQM.

Located in a highly desirable area, this property is situated in a quiet street surrounded by other quality homes and offers a peaceful and private setting.

The block is mostly level, providing a blank canvas for you to design and build your dream home with ease.

With a generous frontage of approximately 20 meters, this property allows for multiple design options and ample space for parking.


Build Your Dream Home!

Lot 200,201,202 4536 Mitchell Highway, Lucknow NSW


Industrial Shed on 1 Acre

Lot 1035 Henry Parkes Way, Manildra NSW

This property spans approximately one acre, providing a generous amount of land for your industrial operations. The expansive size offers flexibility for a range of business activities and future development potential.

The shed is ideal for storage, manufacturing, or as a workshop. With abundant floor space and high ceilings, it can easily accommodate large machinery, equipment, or inventory.

Situated in Manildra, NSW, this property benefits from its strategic location within close proximity to major transportation routes. Easy access to highways and roads ensures efficient transportation of goods and convenient connectivity to neighbouring towns and cities.


$425,000 - $445,000


By Appointment Only

James Taylor 0457 792 800

Ray White Townsend Real Estate raywhitetre.com

The property features a level topography, which makes it ideal for construction, minimizing the need for extensive earthworks.

The vacant land is ready for you to bring your architectural plans to life and start building your dream home. Situated along the esteemed Mitchell Highway, the property benefits from excellent road frontage, ensuring convenient access to nearby towns, amenities, and transport links.

Lucknow offers a peaceful rural setting while remaining within easy reach of essential services, schools, shopping centres, and recreational facilities.

For Individual Sale Only


375 Acre Lifestyle Property SALE

Stagecoach Road, Orange NSW


792 800

Emma Chapman 0423 658 101

Ray White Townsend Real Estate raywhitetre.com

Sale $499,000

Open By Appointment Only

Kurt Adams 0428 747 050

James Taylor 0457 792 800

Ray White Townsend Real Estate raywhitetre.com

A desirable 152 ha (375 acre) property presenting as a blank canvas in the picturesque Emu Swamp area with ample scope for further improvements and production.

This property is high-quality grazing land, with productive soils and great water security. The vast majority of "Stagecoach Park" is usable as grazing country with a solid carrying capacity as well as pasture development, currently 35ha sown to wheat.

Scattered with beautiful timber offering plenty of shade and shelter for livestock grazing, stock proof fencing and excellent water security with 3 dams and frontage to Emu Swamp Creek.

Sale Contact Agent Open By Appointment Only

Kurt Adams 0428 747 050

Emma Chapman 0423 658 101

Ray White Townsend Real Estate raywhitetre.com

203 Lords Place, Orange NSW raywhitetre.com 02 6362 4016
Ray White Townsend Real Estate
Agent Open
Appointment Only James Taylor 0457


Warm & Inviting Family Home!

6 Tumulla Place, Blayney NSW

This home features an exciting opportunity for new home owners, investers or for families looking to downsize or upgrade.

Featuring 4 generously sized bedrooms and a renovated modern bathroom.

With multiple living areas the home features an open plan space and ample storage space in the kitchen.

Adding to the generous size of this home the laundry is second to none with an expectational amount of storage and counter space. Featuring an outdoor deck, a second shed and garden shed as well as a large backyard, this home has it all!


Quiet cul-de-sac Living

30 Polona Street, Blayney NSW


Charming Home

5 Oldham Place, Blayney NSW

Nestled in the picturesque town of Blayney, New South Wales, this neat and tidy 3-bedroom home offers the perfect blend of modern comfort and charm.

Positioned on a generous block of 732sqm, providing ample space for outdoor activities, the backyard offers a private oasis complete with a large, covered patio, perfect for entertaining guests.

The modern kitchen has a generous amount of bench space and surrounding storage that offers both functionality and style, inspiring culinary creativity for creating delightful family meals or hosting gatherings.

With tenants currently in place at $420 per week


Contact Agent


Saturday 9th September

12:15pm - 12:45pm

James Taylor 0457 792 800

Ray White Townsend Real Estate raywhitetre.com

Don't miss the opportunity to own a lovely 3bedroom home in a quiet cul de sac set on 894 square meters.

Blayney offers a peaceful lifestyle while still providing easy access to essential amenities such as local schools, shops, parks, and medical facilities, all within a short distance.

The living spaces are thoughtfully designed to accommodate both relaxation and entertainment. The property boasts three generously sized bedrooms all with built-in wardrobes, a fantastic kitchen set off the main living area, separate family retreat, secure parking, and a reverse cycle air conditioner.

Sale $545,000

Open Saturday 9th September 1:45pm - 2:15pm

Emma Chapman 0423 658 101

Ray White Townsend Real Estate raywhitetre.com


Located in the heart of Blayney

12 Frape Street, Blayney NSW

Sale $475,000

Open Saturday 9th September 1:00pm - 1:30pm

Emma Chapman 0423 658 101

Ray White Townsend

Real Estate raywhitetre.com

This inviting 2-bedroom, 1-bathroom home presents a wonderful opportunity for first-time buyers, downsizers, or those seeking a quaint retreat.

The living area is bathed in natural light streaming through large windows, creating an inviting ambiance that makes you feel right at home.

The two bedrooms are comfortable and offer a peaceful retreat at the end of the day. Each room is thoughtfully designed with plenty of room for relaxation or study.

Outside, the backyard provides a private oasis where you can unwind, entertain, or simply bask in the tranquillity of your surroundings.

Ray White Townsend



Contact Agent Open

Saturday 9th September 11:30am - 12:00pm

James Taylor 0457 792 800

Ray White Townsend Real Estate raywhitetre.com

203 Lords Place, Orange NSW raywhitetre.com 02 6362 4016


Endless Opportunities!

62 Olive Street, Mandurama NSW

This property presents an excellent opportunity to own a freshly renovated 3-bedroom, 1-bathroom home nestled in the heart of Mandurama.

The sleek and stylish bathroom features contemporary finishes and offers a spa-like atmosphere, perfect for unwinding after a long day.

Garden Space: The property sits on a generously sized block, offering plenty of space for outdoor activities, gardening, or even the potential to expand in the future.

Situated on Olive Street, this home enjoys the best of both worlds - a serene residential neighbourhood and close proximity to local amenities, schools and parks.


Captivating Duplex with Endless Potential

18-20 Riddell Street, Molong NSW


Contact Agent Open By Appointment Only James Taylor 0457 792 800

Ray White Townsend Real Estate raywhitetre.com

Attention Investors and First Home Buyers SALE

69A Molong Street, Molong NSW

This charming little three-bedroom home is situated in a peaceful and quiet street, making it a perfect location for families or anyone who prefers a tranquil environment.

The current owners have already taken care of the renovations, so there's no need for the new owners to worry about any major remodeling.

The kitchen has been updated, giving it a modern and fresh look and there is fresh paint throughout. The kitchen is thoughtfully designed to combine with the dining area, creating a pleasant and open space. With its northerly aspect, the kitchen and dining area are bathed in sunlight, providing a warm and welcoming atmosphere.

Sale Contact Agent Open

By Appointment Only

Nora McNamara 0431 320 230

Ray White Townsend Real Estate raywhitetre.com

Both units boast three well-proportioned bedrooms, ensuring comfortable accommodation for residents.

Nestled on an expansive 1,132sqm block, each unit enjoys the luxury of its own secure backyard area.

The secure off-street parking and the three-bay garage offer convenience and ample storage for vehicles.

Take advantage of the flexibility to reside in one side of the duplex while renting out the other, or capitalise on the potential for two tenancies, generating a substantial weekly return of up to $750.


2020 Davys Plains Road, Cargo NSW

With just over an acre of land fronting the Davys Plains and right on the edge of Cargo this 4,387 square metre block is fully fenced and has town water & electricity nearby and available With plenty of space to build your forever home plus sheds & gardens, all a good invigorating walk to the Cargo community store, Cargo Inn, the kids can even ride their bikes to Cargo Public School Cargo is a highly regarded village with great community spirit and is an easy commute to Orange, Canowindra and surrounding towns

Well priced, interested parties are encouraged to enquire to secure this little gem


Contact Agent Open By Appointment Only

Wade Clarke 0427 668 800

Ray White Molong Real Estate raywhitetre.com

Sale $275,000 Open By Appointment Only

James Taylor 0457 792 800

Ray White Townsend Real Estate raywhitetre.com

203 Lords Place, Orange NSW raywhitetre.com 02 6362 4016
Ray White Townsend
"A Little Gem"

Make the Right Choice for your Investment Property Because its our Business

Do You want a Property Manager you can trust to manage your investment property, see what others have to say...

I've been renting a property managed by Alisha Staines and Ray White Townsend Real Estate for a few years now, and I couldn't be happier with their service. From the start, Alisha has been incredibly friendly, responsive, and accommodating, making the rental process smooth and stress-free. Whenever I've had questions or concerns, Alisha has been quick to address them and provide helpful solutions. She's also been great at keeping me informed about any upcoming inspections or maintenance work, so I always know what to expect. Ray White Townsend Real Estate as a whole has been equally fantastic. They have a great selection of rental properties, and their website is easy to navigate and use. The leasing process was straightforward, and the team was incredibly helpful and professional throughout. All in all, I highly recommend Alisha Staines and Ray White Townsend Real Estate to anyone looking for a great rental experience. They truly care about their clients and go above and beyond to provide exceptional service.

We have been renting through Ray White Townsend real-estate since 2017, in that time we have always had a great experience. They are always quick to help with any issues we may have. When our last rental went on the market Ana went above and beyond to help us find a new home suitable for our family. I would highly recommend Ana, Kathie and all the team!

Nothing is too much trouble for Amanda - answering all our questions, helping to find us a tenant for our rental and providing a wonderful professional service. Amanda is always available to speak to when needed. Amanda is very thorough and knowledgeable. We would have no hesitation in recommending Amanda and Ray White Townsend Real Estate.

The company is professionally run with customer-oriented goals. My property manager Analea Bevan always goes above and beyond to help with any “if there is “issues. I will definitely recommend them to anyone.

Alisha has always been quick to get back to me and has sorted any issues out for us incredibly fast in an incredibly polite and approachable manner. The house needed a new hot water heater (not desperately), and it was organized and installed within a week. Incredibly happy.

Give us a call at our Orange, Blayney or Molong Office to see how easy it is for you.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 7 — 13, 2023 43 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JANUARY 19 — 25, 2023 39 Orange Property Market bringing you the best property listings from the best agents in the region. FREE every Thursday in print and online Find your dream home today... SCAN ME

4 Bundella Close, Molong, NSW

Fantastic Business Opportunity Awaits

793*sqm of land complete with a 264*sqm shed with an adj. residence/office space. Large lettable floor area & office space. Key feature of this land & shed space is the fact that it is not situated in the Molong Flood Zone.

• Mezzanine level, wrapping around the shed providing extra storage or workspace.

• 3 Sep rooms/office, 1 with plumbing and A/C.

• 4 off-street, car spaces at the front

• 4.2-meter Electric Roller door with awning

‘Bullen Basin’ 4166 Freemantle Road, Bathurst NSW

Mixed Farming and Lifestyle

Remarkable 2,226* acre property in the Central Tablelands, offering a perfect blend of mixed grazing & natural beauty. 45 mins from Bathurst & Orange, & approx 3.5 hours from Sydney, providing easy access to city while still offering an escape into nature.

• Permanent spring runs through the property

• 23 paddocks, 14 dams &bhigh-capacity bore

• All-weather direct road access

• Excellent stock proof fencing and large livestock yards

Hedley Eccleston 0447 715 829 Ben Redfern 0457 770 062


Friday 15th Sep, 10:30am Venue 152 William St, Bathurst Ben Redfern 0457 770 062 Hedley Eccleston 0447 715 829 eldersem.com.au * Approx. Auction Friday 15th Sep, 10:30am Venue 152 William St, Bathurst
with ORANGE PROPERTY MARKET for more details on these great properties scan the qr code to go directly to our website 9:30 - 10:00 27 Diamond Drive 4 2 2 $760,000 - $770,000 9:30 - 10:00 43 Honeyman Drive 4 2 2 $625000 - $645000 10:15 - 10:45 33 Molloy Drive 4 2 2 Contact Agent 10:15 - 10:45 1 Callawa Street 4 1 2 $535,000 10:45 - 11:15 351 Anson Street 3 1 1 $575,000 - $600,000 11:30 -12:00 4 Viola Place 3 2 2 $680,000 11:30 - 12:00 64 Main Street, Cudal 5 2 2 AUCTION 11:45 - 12:15 23 James Sheahan Drive 3 1 1 Contact Agent 12:15 - 12:45 18 Lombardy Way 4 2 2 Contact Agent 12:30 - 1:00 111 Franklin Road 3 2 3 $845,000- $875,000 1:00 - 1:30 41 Yarawini Drive 4 2 2 $780,000  1:45 -2:15 1/139 Sieben Drive 3 1 1 $500,000 - $550,000  1:45 - 2:15 2/139 Sieben Drive 2 2 1 $450,000 - $475,000 2:30 - 3:00 49 Lisbon Circuit 5 2 3 $1,275,000 - $1,325,000 9.30-10.00 17 Lucas Street 2 1 1 $400,000-$429,000 9.30-10.00 9/211 Hill Street 3 2 1 $570,000-$590,000 10.15-10.45 10 Patmos Place 4 2 2 $839,000 10.15-10.45 62 Churchill Avenue 3 1 1 $485,000 10.15-10.45 25 Robinson Court 4 2 2 Contact Agent 10.15-10.45 26B Winter Street 3 2 1 $579,000 11.00-11.30 8 Jasper Street 4 2 2 $850,000-$880,000 11.00-11.30 4/9 Amangu Close 2 1 1 $449,000 11.00-11.30 14 Park Lane 4 2 1 $795,000-$830,000 11.00-11.30 2A Miriam Drive 4 2 2 $790,000-$830,000 11.45-12.15 2 Bimble Close 5 2 2 $885,000 11.45-12.15 6 Panpande Crescent 5 3 2 $899,000-$929,000 12.00-12.30 46 Kearl Road, Springside 4 2 10 Expressions of Interest 12.45-1.15 17 Unwin Street, Millthorpe 3 1 1 $629,000

of a central location close to schools, parks, Aquatic centre, shops and easy access to the CBD.

Here is your opportunity to invest in a piece of history and make it into your future. This is bound to be popular so make your appointment to inspect, you wont be disappointed.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 7 — 13, 2023 45 FOR SALE Tom Campbell 0459 022 477 Contact $580,000 Price Size 1,012 sqm 13 William Street, Millthorpe NSW 2798 A delightful elevated block overlooking the sought after and historic village of Millthorpe and the perfect chance to build your dream home in a family friendly street. With a total of 1012sqm* this block has ‘views for miles’ taking in the surrounding countryside all the way to Mount Canobolas. One of the very last chances to secure a parcel of vacant land in William Street and certainly the most elevated of those that remain. Close to all the amenities that Millthorpe has on offer including doctors, chemist, supermarket, restaurants, pubs, cafes, specialty shopping, and Millthorpe Public School. Elevated Millthorpe Opportunity Approximately * 119 Peisley Street Orange NSW 2800 02 6362 4755 www.awn.net A renovated modern kitchen with quality inclusions. Great storage and plenty of bench space Formal lounge and separate dining room, family room, theatre room and teenager’s retreat Large bedrooms, all with built-ins, the fourth bedroom could be used as a study. Gas heater and a cosy wood heater Covered outdoor entertaining area.Fully enclosed yard which is very private and a shed ideal as a workshop or gym. If you are looking for that central location and want plenty of space for the growing family than this is the one you MUST inspect. Such a great location, close to schools, Aquatic Centre,restaurants, and only two blocks to the CBD 92 Warrendine Street, Orange Marie Fox 0412 166 132 Contact $950,000 Price Utilities 3 bed I 2 Bath I 2 Car OPEN Saturday 9.9.23 11.15 - 11.45am FOR SALE FOR SALE Marie Fox 0412 166 132 Contact Formal lounge with fireplace and patterned ornate ceiling. Formal dining room with wine cupboard to store your favourite wines. Eat in kitchen, plenty of bench space and storage. Family room where the family can gather to watch their favourite shows. Office ideal if you work from home or for those who want to close the door after working on their latest hobby. Outdoor covered entertaining area and workshop/gym Original cellar once used as the milk separating shed.
Federation home was the original homestead for the area.
in the late 1800’s
home was
the winnings
racehorses, Stepwell
“Brookwell”. The home has
offers many features of houses of this era including a fireplace, lead light windows and ornate patterned ceilings. Enjoy the benefits
of two
been cared
and well maintained and
$860,000 - $880,000 Price Utilities 3 bed I 2 Bath I 1 Car OPEN Saturday 9.9.23 10.30 - 11.00am 53 Kenna Street, Orange For more information & photos 9.30 - 10.00 43 Melaleuca Way 5 2 2 $750,000 - $825,000 9.30 - 10.00 526 Hill Street 3 1 6 $ 719,000.00 10.15-10.45 101 Gardiner Road 2 2 1 $ 699,000.00 11.00-11.30 112 Anson Street 3 1 2 $ 695,000.00 11.15-11.45 3/19 Moonstone Drive 3 2 2 $550,000 - $560,000 11.45-12.15 14/18 Warrendine Street 3 1 1 $ 563,000.00 12.00-12.30 89 Edward Street 3 1 $ 789,000.00 12.30-1.00 10 Legacy Avenue 3 1 1 $545,000 - $575,000 12.45-1.15 24 Frederica Street 3 1 4 $ 549,000.00 1.15-1.45 44B William Maker Drive 3 1 1 $ 569,000.00 1.00 - 1.30 5 Oldham Place, Blayney  3 1 1 Contact Agent 1.45 - 2.15 30 Polona Street, Blayney  3 1 1 Contact Agent 10.00 - 10.30 56 Glasson Drive Orange 4 3 2 Contact Agent 11.30 - 12.00 12 Frape Street, Blayney 2 1 Contact Agent 12.15 - 1.45 6 Tumulla Place, Blayney 3 1 2 Contact Agent 10.30 -11.00 1 Wiruna Avenue 3 2 2 $830,000 10.30 - 11.00 53 Kenna Street 3 2 1 $860,000 - $880,000 11.15 - 11.45 92 Warrendine Street 4 2 2 $950,000 AUCTION Celebrating50yearsinrealestatein2022 CnrLordsPlandKiteSt,Orange 0263621233 2-4ASHSTREET,ORANGE Auctiononsite11am23/02/2022 cnr lords place + kite street 02 6362 1233 Celebrating over 50 years in real estate BEAUTIFUL, AND BRAND SPANKING NEW! Expertly built by one of Orange’s lifelong builders is this impressive four bedroom home. You will be impressed as soon as you walk in the front door with the old world look featuring pressed metal, • 4 bedrooms, 3 with BIR and the main with • Open plan kitchen/dining/family which opens • Beautiful kitchen with stone tops, soft close furniture, 900mm cooker and walk in pantry • 3 way bathroom with lovely tiling a feature and • Ducted heating throughout, attached garage OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY 2nd 12.15pm - 12.45pm 2 2 1 1 Camellia Place, orange $689,000 CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590 NEARING COMPLETION, WELL APPOINTED! This modern brick veneer residence is close to completion and is located in a quite street with minimal traffic. The property is on its own title on a manageable 371sqm block and has all the Mod Cons that you would expect in a new home. The location of the property is great with no through traffic, just a destination point for owners and visitors. North facing living areas flooded with natural light Two bedrooms, master has built ins and fully tiled en-suite Open plan kitchen/dining/living, plus lounge or 3rd bedroom Galley style kitchen, stone benchtops, soft close furnishings This very well-kept brick veneer home in Matthews Avenue has been lovingly cared for and is spacious at approximately 228sqm under roof. The property has three good size bedrooms with the master having built in robes, the central 3 way Bathroom has shower, bath, and separate toilet. The lounge room is very cosy and there is plenty of room in the kitchen with casual dining and also formal dining. The oversized attached double garage has access into the house, and the back yard, as well as a second toilet which is handy when working outside. Other features of the property are the ramp at the rear of the house and grab rails in the shower and toilet to aid people 3 2 2 38a Amana Circuit, orange $625,000 CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590 FIRST HOUSE OR GREAT INVESTMENT! This great brick veneer property has a lot going for it, and it would be a great place to call home or purchase as an investment property. Located in a very low traffic area on the southern side of the Distributor Road, you are close to shops, parks and more. Three bedrooms, master has walk in robe and ensuite, others have built-ins. Good size north facing lounge room with big windows that let in loads of light Open plan kitchen/dining area which adjoins the lounge room Attached double garage with internal access, ducted gas heating, secure rear yard UNDER OFFER NEW LISTING A first class 650* acre property located among the rolling basalt hills south of Orange 'WaldegravePark'37BurnRoad,OrangeNSW2800 NEWLISTING $590,000 Size 809.3m2 Open Sat17thJune 10.00-10.30am FORSALE TomCampbell 0459022477 Contact $870,000+G.S.T Price Size 196sqm 119 Peisley Street Orange NSW 2800 02 6362 4755 www.awn.net LIVESTOCK &PROPERTY 2 William Street, Orange NSW 2800 EastOrangecommercialopportunitylocatedattheFiveWaysofferingexcellent businessexposure,forsalewithvacantpossession. Highwayfrontage,B6EnterpriseCorridorzoning,with196sqmfloorspaceandon-site andstreetparkingavailable. Showroom,office,andboardroompotentialwithbreakoutareas,dualtoiletamenities, dualkitchenettefacilities,andreversecycleair-conditioning. “FiveWaysCommercialOpportunity” TomCampbell 0459022477 Contact 1stJuly2023-10AM TheQuest CnrKiteSt& McNamaraLn,Orange Auction Approximately * Approximately * AUCTION FORSALE The quaint cottage offers opportunities galore. Situated in a popular east Orange location, close to restaurants, schools, parks and easy access to the CBD, Large lounge adjacent to a closed in verandah Eat in kitchen with plenty of bench space and storage. The third bedroom could be used as a separate dining room. Toilet separate to the bathroom. The 810m2 block is well fenced and would be suitable as a development block (subject to council approval) This cottage would be ideal for those looking for a first home to escape the rental market or the handyman wanting a new project. Properties like this are always in demand especially at this price. 236 Byng Street, Orange MarieFox 0412166132 Contact Price FORSALE Here is your opportunity to acquire an idyllic lifestyle block only 18kms from Orange. The level 2.58Ha block of parklike lawns and gardens is fully fenced and divided into four paddocks. The quality built home provides a family friendly floor plan with 4 generous bedrooms, study, main bathroom and ensuite, plus children’s retreat, casual and formal living areas, and a fully enclosed outdoor entertaining area. The massive six bay shed is bound to be popular with buyers needing storage for surplus vehicles or those wanting a good workshop area. Plenty of water security with a fully equipped bore and 25,000 rainwater tank. This property is sure to tick all the boxes for you and your family. Don’t delay on booking your inspection. 27 Dog Trap Lane, Forest Reefs MarieFox 0412166132 Contact ContactAgent Price Size 2.58Ha Open Sat17thJune 11.00-11.30am find your dream home today... 322 a b c a b c a b c 422 a b c a b c a b c 411 a b c a b c a b c Ph 0428 650 675 Address 24 Sale Street, Orange scottmunro.ljhooker.com.au Email orange@ljhooker.com.au website www.orange.ljhooker.com.au 21 Cossack Close Orange Stunning Views Welcome to this beautiful family home located in cul de sac on the Northern outskirts of town. Approximately a 10 minute drive to North Orange with its great amenities, you can have the best of both worlds with this semi rural lifestyle property. For Sale $550,000 View By Appointment Scott Munro 0428 650 675 Orange 24 Sale Street, Orange For Sale $1,800,000 View By Appointment Scott Munro 0428 650 675 Orange 24 Sale Street, Orange 5 Churchill Ave Orange Renovator’s Dream Classic 20s bungalow. Four bedroom, 1 bathroom double brick home on 631 m2 block. 3 good sized bedrooms in original part of the home, large addition offers scope for family room. NEW 13 North Street Orange Tidy 4 bedroom, 1 bathroom house Off street parking. Freshly renovated. Available September 4 2023 For LEASE $400 PER WEEK View By Appointment Scott Munro 0428 650 675 Orange 24 Sale Street, Orange WIN $5,000 towards your utility bills* Book a free property appraisal WIN 1 of 7 $1,000 home improvement vouchers* Book a free property appraisal For Sale $830,000 View Saturday 10.30-11am Scott Munro 0428 650 675 Orange 24 Sale Street, Orange 1 Wiruna Avenue Orange Great Family Home or Solid Investment This solid brick home is in a great handy location, close to Orange High School. Featuring a light-filled loungeroom and open plan living area, the house leads through to a lovely timber kitchen with butler’s pantry.
46 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 7 — 13, 2023 This will help you do that New issue out 1ST of each month $4 from newsagents WWW. SENIORS HAPPY LIFE .COM.AU For “Specially Priced” Personal subscriptions, Gift subscriptions, Sample packs or Bulk orders for Aged Care facilities or Retirement Villages, go to: SeniorsHappyLifeSeniorsHapSeniorsHappyLife

Orange City Christian MEN’S BREAKFAST


$20 Pay on Entry Cash or Card

Duntryleague Orange

Monthly Men’s breakfast JIM MARTIN, RETIRED VET

will be the guest speaker at this month’s Orange City Christian Men’s Breakfast on Saturday, SEPTEMBER 16, at the Duntryleague Golf Club.

The monthly event is about enabling men to connect around some fun, fellowship and sharing of life and faith over a very tasty breakfast, in a wonderful setting.

RSVP by phone or SMS your name and those you want to come along with by 7pm Wednesday, 13 SEPTEMBER, to:

Michael Middleton on 0418 435 250; or Mal Rankin on 0427 200 453. Please inform us of any dietary requirements.

10am, Sunday 17th September. Orange Church of Christ

Cnr Burrendong Way/ Rawle Ave Orange

Call 6362 0878 for more details or visit #burrendongway on Facebook.

A children’s program will be includedplease book in www. karenkepertministry. com.au


A Middle Eastern Night of music, food and belly dance

The Dirty Janes Team launch

Tall Tales and Beeswax

Join the dynamic duo Athol Salter and Jane Crowley - who run Dirty Janes antique stores in Bowral, Canberra and soon Orange, at Orange City Library on September 14 for the launch of their book, Beeswax and Tall Tales

As an antique dealer, Athol Salter has peddled in other people’s stories for over sixty years. From humble beginnings in his Junque Shop in country New South Wales in the 1960s to Dirty Janes in the Southern Highlands, he has rummaged through ramshackle huts, dealt with dubious property from deceased estates and cleared grand country properties and crumbling mansions looking for pieces filled with stories to pass on. Beeswax and Tall Tales includes not just snippets from Athol’s hilarious and poignant life, but the stories told in the antiques he trades and the enchanting people he meets along the way – from farmhands, colourful eccentrics and Italian migrants to long-lost relatives, British squires and a charming cockatoo…

Jane Crowley has worked side by side with her father Athol Salter for most of her life. Her career in the world of antiques began in earnest at the age of eight, when she restored and sold her first piece, an Australian cedar clerk’s desk.

Since then, the two have attended auctions, cleared estates and sold more pieces of furniture than they could count. Their love of the hunt and for storytelling is only surpassed by the passion they have for their family and the businesses they began together, Dirty Janes, which is set to open in Orange in 2024.

Athol and Jane will be launching their book Tall Tales and Beeswax at Orange City Library on Thursday, September 14 at 5.30pm. Bookings via Eventbrite

Shimmy Sistas Bellydance in partnership with Orange CultureHub presents ‘A Night on the Nile’ — An evening of Middle Eastern dance, music and food, celebrating the richness of this ancient culture and the far-reaching influence it has had on dance throughout the world.

A night on the Nile will be held in the CWA Hall in Robertson Park on September 16. Also on show will be dances from Brazil, India and Latin America.

Tickets are only $10 and include a Middle Eastern tasting plate (both meat or vegetarian), Indian cuisine and Moroccan mint tea with Turkish and Indian desserts to follow. There will be ra es and prizes, so bring some loose change. There will be a best dressed and longest shimmy competition on the night. Limited numbers due to catering. Bookings essential through ‘Try Booking’ follow the QR code or contact Min on 0412829377.

Doors open at 6pm with entertainment starting at 6.15pm.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 7 — 13, 2023 47 YOUR SPACE reception@oclife.com.au Have something of interest to share? Tickets $25pp Includes afternoon tea following the movie Commencing at 1.00 pm, Sunday 10th September Odeon 5 Cinemas, 43 William Street, Orange Tickets on sale at Collins Bookseller, 230 Summer Street, Orange Phone: 02 6369 133 All funds raised stay local to support local cancer patients
www.karenkepertministry.com.au 10am, Sunday 17th September. Orange Church of Christ Cnr Burrendong Way / Rawle Avenue, Orange. Call 02 6362 0878 for more details or visit #burrendongway on Facebook. A children’s program will be included –please book in.



Quick Crossword


1 Famous painter (7)

5 Exaggeratedly enthusiastic (7)

9 Open area of commercial dealings (11)

10 Grade of proficiency (karate) (3)

11 Act of kindness (6)

12 Non-professional (7)

14 Prepare for publication (4)

No. 100


1 Mountain lion (4)

2 Flower (9)

3 Deal with (3,2)

4 Chance (11)

5 Indian state (3)

6 Slow escape of liquid (7)

7 Not affiliated with a major group (5)

1 What tool is more commonly used to refer to a socket wrench?

2 Who (pictured) played Tatiana Rusesabagina in Hotel Rwanda?

3 Is Lake Argyle a natural or artificial lake?

4 Who has appeared in Time magazine’s annual list of most influential people in the world the most times?

5 Who wrote the 1971 novel The Day of the Jackal?

6 Which is the richer source of vitamin A: a) egg b) mango c) broccoli leaf?

7 Ashkenazi Jews are those descended from medieval Jewish communities in which country?

8 What are the four stages of a butterfly’s life cycle?

9 Yerevan is the capital of which country?

10 What derogatory term is used to refer to the alien population in the film District 9?

15 Separate section added to a newspaper (10)

8 Machines for converting energy to electricity (10)

12 Meeting (11)

13 People who maintain websites (10)

16 Nature spirit (9)

18 Republic in northwest Africa (7)

21 Radiolocation (5)

23 Confectionery item (5)

24 Frivolously (4)

27 Pastry (3)


The leftover letters will spell out a secret message.

Sudoku No. 100

Fill in the blank cells using the numbers from 1 to 9. Each number can only appear once in each row, column and 3x3 block

58 96


7 231


No. 100 Edgeword

Drop Down

Insert the missing letters to make 10 words – five reading across the grid and five reading down.


Insert each number from 1 to 9 in the shaded squares to solve all the horizontal and vertical equations. Multiplication and division are performed before addition and subtraction.

No. 100

Place each of the tiles of letters into the blank jigsaw below to create four six-letter words going across and down.



956 2

8 4

68 41

No. 100

Starting with the seven-letter word, drop a letter and form a six-letter word. Continue in this manner until you reach the single letter at the bottom. You can rearrange the letters in each step, if necessary.


No. 100




There may be more than one possible answer.

There may be more than one possible answer.

Today’s Focus:

14 words: Good

21 words: Very good

28 words: Excellent


Using the nine letters in the grid, how many words of four letters or more can you list? The centre letter must be included and each letter may only be used once. No colloquial or foreign words. No capitalised nouns, apostrophes or plural words ending in “s”. N G


Reference: Macquarie Dictionary

17 Fanciful aversion to a new working week (10)
19 About (4) 20 Ragged and thin (7) 22 Hanging tuft of threads (6) 25 Finish (3) 26
for (11) 28 Family name (7) 29 Completely (7)
× + = 12 –+ × × + = 47 –÷ × × × = 126 = = = 0 4 140
Theme: Transportation
No. 100 5x5
Solutions QUICK CROSSWORD SUDOKU 489612573 526387194 215876439 762953841 893164257 638429715 351748926 174295368 947531682 9-LETTER gout, group, grout, grunt, input, outgo, outing, pour, pouring, pout, pouting, punt, rout, routing, ruin, ruing, rung, runt, tour, touring, trouping, turn, turnip, unit, unto, upon, uproot, UPROOTING QUIZ 1. Ratchet 2. Sophie Okonedo 3. Artificial 4. Xi Jinping 5. Frederick Forsyth 6. c) broccoli leaf 7. Germany 8. Egg, larva, pupa, adult 9. Armenia 10. Prawns WORDFIND 5X5 Secret message: Getting where you need to go PUZZLES AND PAGINATION © PAGEMASTERS PTY LTD | pagemasters.com G E A R S L E G A L O R A T E S I T E D S E E D S DROPDOWN RESPOND SNORED NOSED DOSE DOE DO O EDGEWORD UNWRAP, UNSURE, APPEND, REBIND CROSSMATH 8 × + 1 4 = 12 –+ × 2 × + 9 5 = 47 –÷ × 6 × × 3 7 = 126 = = 0 4 140 R O E S P O N D 080923 Dubbo & Orange

Congratulations to last week’s winners

I Love IGA: Betty Pinkstone

Loony Lotto: Noel Johns

Find Pinny: Renée Dempsey

I love IGA - IS BACK!

We have a $50 gift voucher to give away each week from Ashcroft’s Supa IGA.

To enter, simply tell us your name and contact phone and what product is featured in the SMALL Ashcroft’s Supa IGA ad of this issue of OCLife.

Face in the Crowd

Win a $50 gift voucher at Cheeky Barista Cafe

We have two vouchers to give away per month, Somewhere in this edition of Orange City Life, you’ll find this face. To enter, simply write your name and address on the back of an envelope, along with the page number you found the face on or email us an entry.

Find Pinny

We have a voucher for Orange Tenpin Bowl valued at $60 to give away each week, so the family can go bowling!

Each week we’ll hide a small version of “Pinny” (pictured) somewhere in OCLife. It could be anywhere. To enter, simply find him, write your name and phone number on the back of an envelope, along with the page number you found him on, and send in...

Looney Lotto

Win a voucher to the value of $20, to use at Coco’s Cafe or Paul’s @ Coco’s

TO WIN: If you have a personal or business phone number with these 4 numbers appearing in any order within it, put in an entry and we’ll draw a winner from among all correct entries each week.

Deliver or post entries to: Orange City Life Suite 3/241 Lords Place, Orange or Email: reception@oclife.com.au and mark each entry with the competition name, your name and phone number. Entries close 12 noon Tuesday.



I love Orange’s four distinct seasons. I love that you can tell what time of the year it is simply by looking out the window. While autumn is by far my favourite of the seasons, spring is a close second. Over the past few weeks, the streets around my home have been bursting with new life. The pink and white blossoms on the trees have been beautiful. The da odils have gone ballistic. The smell of the flowers and fresh cut grass on the breeze fills me with anticipation of the summer ahead. Those of us that su er with hay fever are starting to stock up on the antihistamines and tissues in anticipation of the onslaught of sneezes, runny noses and pu y eyes. New life is bursting all around us. Spring has always been associated with new life. Very soon we will see baby lambs frolicking near their mother. We will see the ducklings scurrying around Cook Park. We see families out and about as the warmer weather continues to push back against the (very mild) winter chill, and the summer sports are getting ready for a new season. It is a great time of year. New life is all around us. As we see it, it cannot help remind us of the goodness and blessing of new life. How do you feel about spring? Does it fill you with the same sense of anticipation or joy like it does to me? Perhaps you

are starting to stress about the state of your garden. But whatever this spring and coming summer bring, we know that it will not last long. Before we know it, we will be back in the cold and dark of winter again. It does not last. But the changing of the seasons is something to give thanks for and celebrate. And this is because of the new life that comes with every springtime. As a Christian, it is very hard not to see the goodness of God in the changing seasons and, especially, because of the new life that spring points to. The Bible addresses our desire to experience new life and enjoy it, in the words that Jesus spoke in the Gospel of John where he says: ‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me’ (John 14:6). What Jesus means by this is that he alone o ers new life to people who put their trust in him. He is the only way to this new life. He is the only truth that leads to this. The new life that he o ers is one that is forever. As I look around at the new life that comes with spring, I am reminded of this. It gives me hope for the future. Perhaps as you wander around and look with wonder at the new life that is blooming all around you, perhaps you might take the time to think about where life is truly found.

WED TO SAT 4PM-8PM 0401 072 027 Check our Facebook for the Menu 37 William Street ORANGE | Ph 6362 8611 Pauls @ CoCos DINE IN OR TAKEWAY Pizzas ~ Wings ~ Pasta ~ Chips ~ DimSim CoCo’s CAFE Monday to Friday 6.30 4.00pm Saturday 7am – 1pm Closed Public Holidays www.cocosorange.com.au 6362 8611 Delicious! Best known for their delicious fresh food burgers, coffee and yummy desserts. With both daily & weekly specials they have something to tickle your taste buds. CoCo’s offers a wide range of gluten free, home cooked meals, all day breakfast and catering available, eat in or take way. Portuguese chicken Salad wraps Poached Eggs with Avo smash and yogurt Berry muesli Black Bean Vegetable Burger with Sweet Potato Crisp Pumpkin Fetta Tart Sweet potato fish cake with seeded pumpkin fetta salad APP MEAL DEAL $50 2 Pizzas, Barramundi Bits & 1.25 litre Soft Drink
Call into the OCLife o ce to collect your prize
COMPETITIONS reception@oclife.com.au Try your luck today and be a WINNER MON-FRI 7.30am - 4.30pm PH 0422 522 445 295 SUMMER STREET CHICKEN SCHNITZEL WRAP WITH CHIPS SPECIAL PLEASE NOTE: YOU NEED 1 X 2, 1 X 1, X 5, AND 1 X 9 TO WIN THIS WEEK


52 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 7 — 13, 2023 CLASSIFIEDS 6361 3575 positions vacant 0437 211 614 0417 904 328 Awesome THAI MASSAGE Thai Traditional Massage Swedish Massage Deep Tissue Massage Warm Coconut Oil Massage Thai Remedial Massage + Hot Stones Neck, Back, Head and Shoulders RK’S BOOKKEEPING For all your bookkeeping needs Please contact Rachel on 0409 851 089 or info.rksbookkeeping@gmail.com TRADES&SERVICES TRADES&SERVICES Philippa Mitchell Professional Bra Fitter By Appointment Mob: 0499 991 650 Bras for all women through every stage of life Your wig and topper specialist is available for a one on one private consulting. Please call Maddie Fisher on 0431 353 800 for an appointment or more information. BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Saturday 9th September 103 Byng Street, Orange 8am-11am Household items, rniture, glassware, objects, art, tools and books etc... WASP treatment From $150 25 years experience Call Craig... 0447 002 193 Eagle Eye Pest Control Lic. no. 4558 100%NESTELIMINATED GUARANTEED MOWING CALL PETER - 0487 139 983 Gardening Gutters • Pruning • Rubbish Removal Canteen Assistants Wanted Variety of shifts ranging from 8am-3pm School terms only Essential criteria: Paid working with children check Desirable criteria: Barista experience Position Commencing Term 4 Applications close 13th September 2023 Send Written applications with copy of resume to canobolas.r.techhighschool@pandcaffiliate.org.au WITH CANTEEN ASSISTANT AS THE SUBJECT. For more information, please contact Mel on the above email address. Gardening & Gutters • Mowing • Hedging • Pruning • Gutter Cleaning • Demolition Ph Chris: 0427 393 827 Lic. No. 000108242 24/7 LOCKSMITH SERVICE SERVICING ORANGE & THE CENTRAL WEST 0459 262 818 JESSE KRAMER 0421 861 262 • From one wall to full house • New houses to repaints • Free quotes • Fully licensed and insured • Interior and Exterior • Specialising in Restora�on • Dulux Accredited business for sale garage sale PROMOTIONAL BUSINESS • Trading for 15years repeat regular client base • Work from home to suit your hours • Develop the Social Media aspect of the business All enquiries 0417 619 971 public notices public notices BLOCKED EARS? Specialist Clinicians - Gentle - No syringing - All Ages MICRO-SUCTION WAX REMOVAL CLINIC Visiting September 19, 20 and 21 Pinnacle Dermatology. 272 Anson St, Orange contact@ear2ear.com.au 0455 629 905 Call Victor w 0455 299 043 PICTURE FRAMING Shop 18, 212 Anson St Plaza Orange saucedesign.com.au/framing CENTREPOINT ARCADE Shop 4, 226 – 232 Summer St 0419 979 773 REEL Memories • DVD’S Cult & Classic • Die Cast Model Cars etc • LP Records/45’s • Movie Posters etc • DVD Packages made up for Rental Libraries (Conditions apply) REEL MEMORIES James Sheahan Catholic High School HSIE Teacher Part time 0.8 FTE Temporary Position Commence by negotiation – 23 September 2022 Applications are invited for the above positions from suitably qualified teachers who demonstrate a sincere commitment to the aims and philosophy of Catholic education and possess appropriate teaching qualifications. Further details of this position, including the selection criteria may be obtained by contacting the Executive Assistant on (02) 6362 1422. A valid Working with Children Check Number is required for this position and must be provided at the time of application. Closing date: Friday 20 May 2022 at 10.00am The Catholic Education Diocese of Bathurst is an equal opportunity employer. James
AVAILABLE PERMANENT FULL-TIME • Religious Education Curriculum Coordinatorcommencing Term 1, 2024 • English Teacher – commencing Term 1, 2024 • Science/ Agriculture Teacher – commencing Term 1, 2024 • Science Teacher – commencing Term 1, 2024 TEMPORARY FULL-TIME • Japanese Teacher – Term 1, 2024 through to end of Term 4, 2024 • HSIE Teacher - Term 4, 2023 • TAS Teacher - Term 1, 2024 through to end of Term 2 , 2024 • English Teacher - Term 1, 2024 through to end of Term 4, 2024 • English teacher – Term 4, 2023 Come and be a part of our amazing learning community. Further details can be obtained from our website: jschs.catholic.edu.au go to Our School, Employment, or call 6362 1422. The Catholic Education Diocese of Bathurst is an equal opportunity employer. TRAINING Personal Coaching & Human Development Certified Short Courses Book now 0439 194 323 E: info@thecoachingcentre.com.au www.thecoachingcentre.com.au www.thecoachingcentre.com.au 0439 194 323 info@thecoachingcentre.com.au https://thecoachingcentre.com.au/event/unleashing-vitality/ For all Details UNLEASHING VITALITY Face to Face Learning 3 Day Certified Training November 19th -21st Have you found Pinny"? Details page 49
ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 7 — 13, 2023 53 CLASSIFIEDS 6361 3575 J K ADAMS ROOFING Call Jeff 0407 151 419 • Roof repairs Tile,Tin or Slate • Re-guttering and fascia • Re-roofing • Quality Leaf Screening Systems 40YRS EXPERIENCE LIC. 159748C For advertising that doesn’t break the budget, ask about our 10 week packages starting as low as $16 per week ADVERTISE HERE CALL 6361 3575 TRADES&SERVICES TRADES&SERVICES TRADES&SERVICES TRADES&SERVICES BLIND SHUTTERS & AWNINGS HIGH QUALITY AT AN AFFORDABLE PRICE Most products carry a 5 - 25yr warranty BUDGET BLINDS & AWNINGS A local Orange business est. 2012 servicing the Central West Call Milissa for a free measure & quote 02 6369 0173 or 0437 10 60 60 www.bbao.com.au - info@bbao.com.au • From small to large jobs – one room to full house • Internal and External • New homes or repaints • Maintenance Call Glenn 0467 599 668 ghbpaintingmaintenance@gmail.com GHB PAINTING & Maintenance Lic. 330255C experienced builder SpecialiSing in... •Renovations • Kitchens • Restorations •General Maintenance G A & r l bruce Lic. No. 203054C Phone Geoff on 0427 422 816 E robynandbruceg@bigpond.com FAST RELIABLE SERVICE Over 25 years experience • Domestic • Rural • Commercial • New installations or maintenance Call Scott 0407 414 609 scott@sdselectrical.com.au Sir Greenman “The Lawn Slayer” Lawn Mowing Service & More 0404 315 481 sirgreenman66@gmail.com Contact David on 0402 259 891 orangeonfarmbutchers@outlook.com Find us on Facebook OrangeOnFarmButchers For all your home-kill needs, we come to you. • Fully qualified butcher • We can butcher to your requirements • Servicing Orange and surrounds 0493 793 297 • Undercover • Safe clean secure dog kennels for boarding use. • Individual exercise yards. Dog B&B Shangri La Amaroo Rd Molong 6366 8789 0447 468 789 PETS&LIVESTOCK Lawn Mowing & Rubbish Removal ORANGE AND SURROUNDS 0417 706 613 HOMERENOVATION Wecanhelpyou: Increasethevalueofyourhome Renovateyourbathroomorkitchen Buildanoutdoorkitchen CreateadedicatedspaceforWFH Buildapergola Buildadeckforentertaining Andmuchmore!Justaskus! 0404612120 Lic.No.192680C www.repairsandrenos.com.au APIA CONCRETE CONTRACTORS • EST. 1985 • LIC. NO. 4906C TONY - 0457 072 234 CONCRETING - FENCINGRETAINING WALLS ALL WORK FULLY GUARANTEED Pensioner Rates • Reliable • Great Quality Anywhere Skips “The mobile skip bin solution” We deliver. You fill. We empty. Fred Palmer 0447 966 838 Domestic Waste Specialist - Locally owned and operated, servicing Orange and surrounding areas Email: anywhereskips@gmail.com www.anywhereskips.com.au • 24hr Emergency Service • Commercial & Residential Locks • Window Locks and Deadlocks • Master Keying and Restricted systems • Automotive and Computerised keys • Locally Owned and Operated for over 30 years Canobolas Locksmiths 169 March Street, Orange Call Ian: 0417 204 176 or Dale: 0417 491 936 keys4u@bigpond.com MASTER LICENSE NUMBER 407 966 923 24 Hour Mobile Service When you have lock problems – call us! Also deadlocks and window locks for houses and cars supplied and installed 151 Peisley St, Orange 6369 1222 or 0417 204 176 Canobolas Locksmiths keys4u@bigpond.com WE FIX LOCKS! NEW LOCATION 0417 313 494 Call Malcolm: Specializing in general home and hobby farm maintenance You can trust us for prompt & quality work www.malhandyman.com.au MAL’S HANDYMAN SERVICES ORANGE 23 Cameron Place ORANGE 0418 869 897

Fond Memories

In Loving Memory of Edith GracE Blandford


13.2.1931 ~ 8.9.2012

daniEl “ BlockEr” StEdman

20.5.93 - 9.9.20

Today, like many other days brings special thoughts of you of happy times we shared and caring things you used to do And once more, it’s a reminder that life’s road is sometimes rough because the time we shared just wasn’t long enough.

For you were someone special who was thought so highly of who’ll always be remembered with affection, warmth and love

So sending thoughts to heaven on the day you went away and hope you know you’re missed more than words could ever say.

Forever loved & never forgotten

Love always Dad, Mum, Amiee, Kyle, Amalie & Bailey XXXXXX

In Loving Memory of



13.2.1931 ~ 8.9.2012

Nothing could be more beautiful, Than the memories we have of you, To us they’re very precious Because they are of you.

Love from Mark, Jasmine and family Carolyn Davis


Twelve years have passed, since you went away Missing You

I treasure every moment you spent in my life with me.

I hoped to have you longer, but it wasn’t meant to be.

You left this world so suddently...

I think my heart went too.

I feel so lost and lonely and I cry from missing you.

I know you’re in a better place.

I know you’re happy there.

Time may pass and fade away, but memories of you will always stay. They grow more precious in our hearts, that we treasure every day

I know one day I’ll join you... But the wait is hard to bear.

My heart feels like it’s breaking, As I try to carry on.

You were my life, my everything... But now you have gone.

I pray that God will give me strength, until He calls me too.

Then what joy will fill my heart when I’m again with you!

Loved and Remembered each day

Love From Rodney


13.2.1931 ~ 8.9.2012

If roses grow in heaven, Lord pick a bunch for me, Place them in my Mother’s arms and tell her they’re from me. Tell her I love and miss her, and when she turns to smile Place a kiss upon her cheek, and hold her for a while. Because remembering her is easy, I do it every day. But there’s an ache whin my heart, that will never go away


13.2.1931 ~ 8.9.2012

I Miss You

I thought of you with love today, but that is nothing new. I thought about you yesterday, and the days before that too. I think of you in silence, I often speak your name. All I have are memories, and your picture in a frame. Your memory is my keepsake, with which I’ll never part. God has you in his keeping, I have you in my heart.

Loving you always, Jennifer

Patricia Ann Davies

14.2.1946 ~ 10.9.2014


Life is not measured by the years you lived. But by the love you gave and the things you did. Thank you for the beautiful

we miss your cheeky grin and sense of humour though parted, we will always be together Joined

Thanks to Norman J. Penhall Funerals ORANGE & DISTRICT 6361 7777 or 6362 3751 Office & Chapel, 31-35 William Street, Orange
In Loving Memory of Edith GracE Blandford In Loving Memory of Edith GracE Blandford Edith GracE
Sue and family.
love and memories “Forever in our Hearts”
Jason, Phillip and Families If I could visit heaven on this saddest day Maybe for a moment the pain would go away I’d put my arms around you and whisper words so true That living life without you is so very hard to do. Missing you deeply Love you always Forever in my heart, Nan daniEl “ BlockEr” StEdman
by the
- 9.9.20

THUMBS UP to all of the educators and teachers of Orange. The way in which you continue to care for and shape our little people is admirable with all of the challenges faced over the last couple of years. Know that you are seen and that you are incredibly appreciated!

BIG THUMBS UP and “thank you” to Krystle at Hertz Car Rental, Orange, for her outstanding service when I rented a car while mine was at the smash repairers. Her service was professional, friendly and courteous, and went over and above what was required. Krystle is an asset to the business.

BIG THUMBS UP to Cheryl, Greg and all the team at Absolute Auto Body in Byng Street for the service I received when having my car repaired following damage sustained in a supermarket car park. The service was professional, friendly and thorough. It went over and beyond what was expected and the finished job was first class. Thank you to all concerned.

BIG THUMBS UP to Jesse at the smoke shop in North Orange. His customer service skills are exceptional and he’s always ready to go that little bit extra for everyone. He’s always so friendly and happy… that business is so lucky to have him working there.

THUMBS UP to the superstars of Dudley Hospital’s Day Procedure Unit. Your professionalism and high-quality care is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

THUMBS DOWN to Orange City Council who spent our hard-earned money on the Lords Place disgrace, overpriced Christmas trees, overpriced street lights, and now a dumb clock.

THUMBS DOWN to the cyclist who cut across my car on Woodward Street and nearly clipped my car. You did not use your hands to indicate where you were going, which is the road rules.

THUMBS DOWN to Orange City Council for the condition of the road out to the airport. It’s becoming absolutely disgusting. The residents of Spring Hill must be fed up with the condition of the road. I know I am!

THUMBS UP to the sta at Orange Health Service who – despite being smashed with incoming patients to the ED – were fabulous. Huge thanks to Dr Seamus, Emma and Kate for tending to my injury. I sincerely appreciate your help, care and humour.

THUMBS UP and heartfelt thanks to Jane at Everley Jewellers who fixed the safety chain on my bracelet last week. Your friendly, e cient and prompt service was much appreciated. Your kind deed brightened my day!

THUMBS DOWN to the hoons on Molong Road and Woodward Street using the road as a racetrack and the police not fining them.

A BIG THUMBS DOWN to a local jewellery shop for the excessive cancellation fee they charged me when I wanted to change the ring I had previously put away on layby.

THUMBS UP Welcome back Jason to Woodward Street Quality Meats. The customers have missed your friendly chats and helpful service

THUMBS DOWN to the two red P-Platers constantly dragging each other at speed on Orchard Grove Road.

THUMBS UP to the beautiful lady who helped me with my trolley at the back of Coles on August 30. I had my arm in a sling and she then took my trolley back for me. Thank you so much, we need more people like you in the world.

THUMBS DOWN to the many people who leave their vehicles running while they are parked (and often not in the vehicle). Not only is it bad for the environment, it’s illegal.

THUMBS DOWN Why do some parts of town get weekly catalogues, when we in the Calare area have not had any catalogues for a few years? Christmas is coming, I hope someone will deliver catalogues to our area soon.

THUMBS UP to Bullets and Bits for their outstanding service and above-and-beyond attitude. What a team!

A HUGE THUMBS DOWN to those parents, coaches and random people in the crowd who can’t accept the referees’ and o cials’ decisions. What kind of example are you setting for the young kids playing the actual game?

A HUGE THUMBS UP to Orange Health Service. I recently attended Emergency and want to thank everyone who assisted me from Triage, X-ray, to the doctors who were all highly professional. What a fantastic health service we have here in Orange.

A HUGE THUMBS UP to the lovely lifeguard Hannah and the Orange Aquatic Centre. Her enthusiasm and eagerness to help everyone is a refreshing breath of air, and the little dances she does while lifeguarding keep us all entertained. We need more people like her!

THUMBS UP and a big thank you to the lovely family who found my dog Lexie and returned her to me. I am so grateful, your kindness will never be forgotten.

THUMBS DOWN to Orange City Council for the terrible state of the footpaths in front of the Red Cross shop in Anson Street.

THUMBS DOWN to Orange City Council for going to spend money on a bee clock. Spend the money on things we need like the Orange Showground, BMX track and toilets on the edge of Orange for people coming in and going out, and the free wood bank for pensioners. Keith Thomas Park could use some tables and chairs, barbeques, and toilets.

General disclaimer: Whilst every care is taken in preparing this publication, we cannot be held responsible for errors or omissions. The publisher accepts no responsibility for letters, notices and other material contributed for publication. The submitter accepts full responsibility for material, warrants that it is accurate, and indemnifies the publisher against any claim or action. All advertisers, including those placing display and classified or advertorial material, warrant that such material is true and accurate and meets all applicable laws and indemnifies the publisher against all liabilities that may arise from the publication of such material. Opinions expressed in the publication are not necessarily those of the publisher. Senior Journalist, Jonathan Roe, accepts responsibility for election comment. Articles contain information of a general nature – readers should always seek professional advice relevant to their particular circumstances.

Complaints: Orange City Life has a policy of correcting mistakes promptly. If you have a complaint about published material, contact us in writing. If the matter remains unresolved, you may wish to contact the Australian Press Council.

© Copyright 2023 Orange City Life Pty Ltd.

Copyright in all material – including photographs and ads – is held by Orange City Life Pty Ltd or its providers and must not be reproduced in any form without prior written permission from the Publisher. Printed for the publisher at the News Print Centre, 26-52 Hume Highway, Chullora 2190.

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Published by Orange City Life Pty Ltd ABN 14 649 575 333
ODEON 5 MOVIE CLUB - $20 PER YEAR, AND ALL MOVIES (EX 3D) ARE THEN DISCOUNTED TIMES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE • BOOKINGS RECOMMENDED Parking available at rear, enter March or Byng Streets • ALL CINEMAS HAVE WHEELCHAIR ACCESS 43 WILLIAM ST ORANGE • 6362 0213 (ADMIN) SUBSCRIBE AT WWW.ODEON5.COM.AU TO HAVE PROGRAMME EMAILED WEEKLY. *HEARING/VISUAL IMPAIRED EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE Programme for Thurs 7th - 13th September 2023 redeem your vouchers for OdeCinema gift cards. ������ only redeem ORDER TICKETS ONLINE WWW.ODEON5.COM.AU FOR MORE INFO CONTACT CINEMA EGO THE MICHAEL GUDINSKI STORY THUR, FRI, MON, TUE, WED 10.00 SAT 12.30 126 MINS T HE MIRACLE CLUB THUR 12.00 FRI, MON, TUE, WED 10.00 105 MINS OPPENHEIMER SUN 10.00 195 MINS LAST CHANCE LAST CHANCE JURASSIC PARK SUN 1.30 115 MINS 30th ANNIVERSARY NEW SOUND OF FREEDOM THUR, FRI, MON, TUE, WED 10.00, 8.00 SAT 10.00, 5.15 SUN 7.30 146 MINS 102 MINS THUR7th 10.00, 10.00**, 3.30, 5.45, 7.00 FRI 8 th 10.00, 3.30, 6.00, 8.45 SAT 9 th 10.00, 3.30, 6.00, 8.45 SUN10 th 10.00, 1.00, 6.00, 8.30 MON11 th 10.00, 3.30, 6.00, 8.30 TUE12 th 10.00, 3.30, 6.00, 8.30 WED13 th 10.00, 3.30, 6.00, 8.30 MY BIG FAT GREEK WEDDING 3 107 MINS 102 MINS THUR 7 th 12.45, 3.00, 5.30 FRI 8 th 12.45, 3.00, 5.30 SAT 9 th 10.00*, 12.45, 3.15, 6.00, 8.00 SUN10 th 10.00 *, 12.30 *, 3.00 *, 5.00 * MON11 th 12.45, 3.00, 5.30 TUE12 th 12.45, 3.00, 5.30 WED13 th 12.45, 3.00, 5.30 TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES MUTANT MAYHEM 114 MINS 102 MINS THUR 7 th 12.15 *, 3.00 *, 6.00 *, 8.30 * FRI 8th 12.15*, 3.00*, 6.00*, 8.30, 8.30* 18+ SAT 9 th 12.15 *, 3.00 *, 6.00 *, 8.30 * SUN10 th 12.30 *, 3.00 *, 5.30 *, 8.00 * MON11 th 12.15 *, 3.00 *, 6.00 *, 8.30 * TUE12 th 12.15 *, 3.00 *, 6.00 *, 8.30 * WED13 th 12.15 *, 3.00 *, 6.00 *, 8.30 * THE NUN II 125 MINS THE HAUNTED MANSION THUR, FRI, SAT, MON, TUE, WED 10.00, 12.45, 6.00 SUN 10.00, 3.15, 6.00 138 MINS ELEMENTAL SUN 10.00 124 MINS $10 TIX MEG 2 THE TRENCH SAT, MON, TUE, WED 8.30 131 MINS 102 MINS THUR 7 th 2.00, 4.30, 8.00 FRI 8 th 12.15, 3.00, 5.45 SAT 9 th 10.00, 2.45 SUN10 th 4.30, 7.00 MON11 th 12.15, 3.00, 5.45 TUE12 th 12.30, 3.00, 5.45 WED13 th 12.15, 3.00, 5.45 BARBIE 129 MINS NEW NEW NEW $10 TIX LAST WEEKS *Use of our caption reading device. The goose-neck device sits in the cup holder. THE EQUALIZER 3 THUR 12.30, 3.00, 8.45 FRI, MON, WED 12.30, 3.30, 8.30 TUE 12.30, 3.00, 8.30 SAT, SUN 12.30, 3.30, 8.15 124 MINS $10 TIX $10 TIX MUMS AND BUBS THURS 10.00** $10 TIX

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