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Bookings: 02 6393 8111 www.orange.nsw.gov.au/theatre Orange Civic Theatre Details correct as of 18.03.2024 - for all shows and updates please visit our webpage www.orange.nsw.gov.au/theatre • 2024 season brochure and membership is open for purchase. Please contact the box office for more information. Coast to Coast Events RUNNING IN THE SHADOWS Saturday 23 March at 8pm That Science Gang presents YOU ARE A DOUGHNUT Monday 8 April at 6pm alist.com.au presents ANH DO Tuesday 9 April at 7.30pm The Flying Fruit Fly Circus presents TEMPO Friday 12 April at 7.30pm Soft Tread Promotions presents THE WHARF REVUE Friday 19 & Saturday 20 April at 8pm ORANGE PROPERTY MARKET — STARTS ON PAGE 23 In the weeks leading up to Anzac Day, banners will be erected along Summer Street, each bearing the image and name of an Orange serviceman killed in action. ‘The Local Fallen’ campaign has been created by Orange City Council in partnership with the City of Orange RSL sub-branch, and will continue to honour the more than 200 locals killed during conflicts, giving each their own banner over the next few years. Honouring our fallen soldiers MARCH 21 — 27, 2024 FREE EVERY THURSDAY
2 ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 21 — 27, 2024

I’m writing this from my dining room table as I have found myself needing to stay home to look after my five-year-old daughter. She’s not sick or anything, but due to a shortage of early childhood educators, we have lost a day a week of care and had to make other arrangements. It’s tough to manage when both my wife and myself work full-time and I know there are many other families that struggle to get adequate childcare arrangements. I don’t know what the answer is, but I do know that early childhood educators do a demanding job and are worth every cent they are paid (and a lot more)!

My daughter is currently sitting next to me writing and colouring in her own “newspaper” and when I told her I’m writing a piece for the “real” newspaper, she asked to help. So here is the important summary of Evie’s news of the week: First she would like to tell you about our dog “Teddy” a miniature Border Collie. Teddy is so happy and adorable, Evie says, and she would also like to know your favourite animal? Pink and sparkly purple are her favourite colours. And I can dance and do ballet pretty well, she says, adding that pedalling her bike is one of her favourite things to do. Soon it is Easter, she exclaims, before explaining that it’s the chocolate eggs and the Easter Bunny she likes the most.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 21— 27, 2024 3 Thank you to our Sponsors: Orange City Life is grateful to the following sponsors for their ongoing support over many years. These sponsorships, among other things, have enabled us to bring our readers a lot more enjoyment to our publications than would otherwise be possible. In return, we ask you to please support them as often as you’re able. Spirit WE CAPTURE THE OF ORANGE Suite 3/241 Lords Place ORANGE 02 6361 3575 reception@oclife.com.au www.orangecitylife.com.au www.facebook.com/orangecitylife EDITOR’S note Find some treasure in Millthorpe... Orange’s multicultural community strut their stu ... enquiries@orangepropertyplus.com.au www.orangepropertyplus.com.au 02 6361 4155 1/202 Anson Street Orange 40+ years Real Estate Industry Knowledge, Training and Experience Making the switch is free & easy, with no hidden fees, only exceptional service. Family owned and operated Personal, yet Professional Not Bigger, BETTER! WED TO SAT 4PM-8PM 0401 072 027 Check our Facebook for the Menu 37 William Street ORANGE Ph 6362 8611 Pauls @ CoCos DINE IN OR TAKEWAY Pizzas ~ Wings ~ Pasta ~ Chips ~ DimSim CoCo’s CAFE Closed Public Holidays 6362 8611 Delicious! catering available, eat take way. Portuguese chicken Salad wraps Poached Eggs and yogurt Berry muesli Black Bean Vegetable Burger with Sweet Potato Crisp Pumpkin Fetta Tart Sweet potato fish cake with seeded pumpkin fetta salad MEAL DEAL $50 2 Pizzas, Barramundi Bits & 1.25 litre Soft Drink 7 20 Until next week! Jono and Evie C tents It’s hard to believe that Easter is just around the corner and almost a third of the year gone already. As always there is plenty going on around our city as you will see inside.

The colourful stories behind COL’S COLLECTION

“I found a coin, an Israeli 5 Mils — I’ve still got it! — but that was the start,” says Col Davidson, as to how he first began the rather unusual collection that now fills the front lounge room of his Orange home.

Looking around at the rather eclectic selection of assorted knives, tools, and trinkets made of shells, beads and bones filling display cabinets, one would not immediately make the connection that this is a “coin collection” of sorts.

Col, who’s now 81, began collecting coins when he was just six years old, a passion he has pursued ever since. But it was a gift from his wife, says Col, that set him pursuing his particularly niche interest in the currency collecting world.

Col jokes that the little ingot from his wife was probably the most expensive gift he ever received because it has cost him a fortune since buying pieces to add to his collection.

But in truth, he says, the collection has mostly paid for itself as over the years he has managed to buy, sell and trade to get the items he’s been after — even if it took him writing hundreds of letters to all corners of the globe.

...These ‘primitive’ monies… many of them have marvellous stories; you know, they’ll have been made by a god or you had to have them for marriage...

“In the 1960s, coins from the mint were getting a bit expensive and my wife bought me a little brass ingot from Vietnam, called ‘boat money’. It was very interesting and was over 100 years old and used as money over there... so that’s how I started collecting ‘primitive’ monies or money substitutes,” he explains.

“Today, I’d say I’ve got about two thousand items. They range from an eight-foot-long spear, a drum that weighs 19 kilos, down to little beads that you almost need a magnifying glass to see… lots of different funny things.”

“I started corresponding with a number of locals from the various islands and I’d send them money and they’d send me artefacts,” he explains.

“These ‘primitive’ monies… many of them have marvellous stories; you know, they’ll have been made by a god or you had to have them for marriage… In Indonesian New Guinea, traders came in and started buying up a certain type of bead and it ended up so the young men weren’t able to marry because they weren’t able to get enough of these beads for the bride price and it actually interfered with the tribe’s prosperity. There are lots of stories like that.”

Strangely enough, there are a number of prized pieces in Col’s collection that actually have an Orange connection.

“In 1981, I met the elderly widow of a

chap who was a school teacher in Orange and, in 1923, he went to a little island of Papua New Guinea called Dobu, teaching the kids there at the mission school,” says Col, who had no idea of the link to Orange at the time.

“There was an advert that she was trying to sell these artefacts and I was one of the very few people who were interested, and went along and I bought a reasonable lot of them and got the story.

“Her son actually wrote a little selfpublished book on the topic as well… I was asking for information from him, I wrote to him and he sent me out this little book on him.”

The teacher in question, says Col, was named John Willis Dixon. In 1923, then a 24-year-old teacher at Orange Public School, Dixon was successful in his application to the Board of Mission of the Methodist Church to work as a teacher in an overseas posting. In October 1923, he sailed from Sydney bound for Dobu where he spent the next two years and acquired the items now in Col’s collection.

John Dixon is said to have had a particular gift for language, Col says, and was given the name “E da Kena Dobu” by the locals, which means “He speaks Dobuan like a Dobuan”.

While teaching in Dobu, John Dixon felt the call to the ministry and returned to Sydney for training. But in 1929 he headed back to Papua New Guinea, to Salamo on Fergusson Island as a Methodist minister. While there he met

a young school teacher named Olive Fielding who he married in 1931. Salamo remained home for the couple for the next decade before the education needs of their children called them back to Australia.

In 1946, John Dixon was elected the State Secretary for the Overseas Mission of the Methodist Church and carried on this work in Australia until he died in 1958.

“lt’s a story that caught my interest, especially because it relates to the items in the collection,” says Col, who likes to collect as many details and stories as he can about the pieces in his collection

“Yes, I’ve got some very good stories! I’ve got some that were collected by a sailor on one of the ships of Burn Philp before 1900; he was going through islands in the South Seas and picking up nice items.

“Got another from a sea captain that was over on Russell Island, and I’ve got another one from a missionary priest, he got me some lovely items from an island in the Louisiades and more from a lovely German lady in a trading post in Kundiawa!”

This weekend Col will have items from his collection, including those collected by John Dixon, on display at the Orange Coin and Stamp Club Expo. The Expo is being held at the Orange High School Hall, from 9am to 4pm on Saturday and Sunday, March 23–24.

4 ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 21 — 27, 2024 Community LiFE
Col Davidson with some of his collection Former Orange Public School teacher John Willis Dixon pictured on Dobu Island in 1924. A few of the items collected by John Dixon on Dobu and now part of the collection of Col Davidson.

‘The Local Fallen’ campaign has been created by Orange City Council in partnership with the City of Orange RSL sub-branch, which has compiled the information on the deceased servicemen.

More than 200 people from Orange have been killed during foreign wars and each will be honoured with their own banner over the next few years.

Along with the street banners, an A3 framed version of each banner will also be presented to family members.

The information and images of the deceased servicemen will be published in a booklet and presented on a new heritage section of Orange City Council’s website: https://www.orange. nsw.gov.au/local-fallen

Assistant Minister for Veterans’ A airs, Matt Thistlethwaite was in Orange on Friday evening for the launch of the campaign.

Mr Thistlewaite said he believes it is a project that will be replicated in towns and cities all over Australia.

“These new banners unveiled today put a face and a story to those who served and died. They take the names from the memorials and bring them and their remarkable bravery to life,” he said.

“In the lead up to Anzac Day, these banners will be that visual reminder of what your community lost, what those

families lost and what our nation lost. They’ll put a face to the fallen and bring their bravery and service into our lives. So that we can never forget the price that they and their families paid so that we can live in freedom.”

Orange has a long history of military service, City of Orange RSL sub-branch president Chris Colvin said, starting prior with the small contingent of men who volunteered to go to the Sudan in 1885, right through to the men and women serving in our armed forces today.

He said these banners are but a small tribute to the more than 200 who made the ultimate sacrifice and never returned home.

“On Anzac Day and every other commemorative service, we say The Ode. The first line: ‘They shall not grow old’,” Mr Colvin said.

“These gentlemen, they will not grow old. And we will not forget them. We will remember them.”

Orange City Council decided to support ‘The Local Fallen’ campaign in July 2023, following a motion from Cr Kevin Du y.

“The willingness of these men to serve our country in times of war should never be forgotten,” Cr Du y said.

“The sight of these banners in the weeks around Anzac Day will be very important for the families of these men. When young people walk down Summer Street on Anzac Day this year they will see these banners and the many connections these names still have to the city today.”

The 40 street banners will be installed on the Summer Street banner poles from Monday, March 25.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 21— 27, 2024 5 Community LiFE The VicToria hoTel 336 Summer St, Orange | Tel 6362 6386 WHAT’S ON AT THE VIC... POKER TUESDAY from 7pm SATURDAY from 3.30pm Registration on arrival Registration on arrival J&M BISTRO SATURDAY 23RD MARCH 4PM HIGH ROLLER POKER TRIVIA AFTERNOON EVERY SUNDAY 3PM - 5PM NOW OPEN WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY LUNCH 12PM-2.30PM DINNER FROM 6PM SUNDAY 24TH MARCH 2PM - 5PM FREE ENTRY Mick Vawdon Get the best deals on Hand Knitted and Crochet Outfits & Sets ...Plus much Much More ! OPEN Monday - Sunday 8am - 5pm CLOSED Tuesday & Thursday Mornings 0407 408 543 23 Beasley Road Lucknow Lots of Hand Knitted Jumpers Baby Towels ,Face and Bibs Sets Crochet Milk Jug Covers Crochet 4 ply Cotton Knitted & Crochet Baby Toys Variety of Jewelry Premi Baby Wear Belmont Cottage Street banners putting a face to our fallen soldiers In the weeks leading up to Anzac Day, 40 banners will be erected along Summer Street, each bearing the image and name of an Orange serviceman killed in action.
Orange Deputy Mayor Gerald Power, Federal Member for Calare Andrew Gee, City of Orange RSL sub-branch president Chris Colvin, and Assistant Minister for Veterans’ A airs Matt Thistlethwaite.

Civic Theatre, that serve as a clock.

Here’s how it will work:


Over a 24-hour period, a di erent bee specimen appears and slowly rotates for each hour.

These extraordinary images include 11 native bee species and the European honeybee. Each was photographed by the artist from the vast Insect and Mite Collection located at the NSW DPI Biosecurity Unit in Orange. Each image is assembled from up to 200 separate photographs using macro-photographic equipment.

the Central West of NSW alongside leading dancers from across Australia. Local production team Little Image Co filmed the dancers in the Orange Civic Theatre in late2023.

Timekeeping: if you look closely, you will see a brighter dot around the rim of the bottom screen indicating the passing of the minutes.

Artist Zanny Begg and Curator Peter Gillespie, alongside Scientific Collections, Biosecurity Collections, Primary Industries, and the Department of Regional NSW will be in attendance at the event, with a discussion taking place in the Gallery Theatre prior to the o cial launch.

and crucial for food production in our region. She also highlights the diversity, variety and beauty of the bee species that surround us.

Scientific research shows that bees communicate with each other through dance-like movements when they return to the hive, sharing important information such as the direction and distance to food sources.

The project consists of two screens outside of Orange

Timekeeping: if you look closely, you will see a brighter dot around the rim of the top screen indicating the current hour.


The dancers in the lower screen present a creative response to the bee in the top screen. The movements and costumes were choreographed to echo and interpret the movement, colours and pattern of that bee.

The dancers include young and emerging dancers from

The event will also include a dance performance by Central West dancer Maddie Tratt who features in the Dancing with Bees project.

This free event will be held from 7–9pm at Orange Regional Gallery on Wednesday, March 27. Bookings via Eventbrite are essential.

6 ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 21 — 27, 2024 Community LiFE www.hansenoptom.com.au Did you know that unclaimed optical health fund benefits don’t roll over into next year? TIMEIS RUNNING OUT! CLAIM YOUR BENEFITS BEFORE 31 DECEMBER Eyecare Plus Parkes Hansen Optometrists Eyecare Plus Orange Hansen Optometrists 170 Summer Street Orange NSW 2800 (02) 6362 2222 www.hansenoptom.com that unclaimed optical benefits don’t roll over TIMEIS RUNNING OUT! YOUR BENEFITS DECEMBER www.hansenoptom.com Did you know that unclaimed optical health fund benefits don’t roll over into next year? TIMEIS RUNNING OUT! CLAIM YOUR BENEFITS BEFORE 31 DECEMBER Eyecare Plus Parkes Hansen Optometrists 267A Clarinda Street Parkes NSW 2870 Eyecare Plus Orange Hansen Optometrists 170 Summer Street Orange NSW 2800 www.hansenoptom.com Make a bee-line for this launch performance T he public launch of Orange’s newest art installation is happening on March 27, with a special performance from one of the featured artists. Dancing with Bees is an artwork by Zanny Begg that invites viewers to “reconsider our fragile ecosystem and notions of time through dance and the use of visually striking imagery of local bee species”, curators say. Through this artwork Zanny Begg reminds us that bees are a vital, and fragile part of our ecosystem
Artist Zanny Begg pictured looking through the vast Insect and Mite Collection at the NSW DPI Biosecurity Unit in Orange The two screens, part of the Dancing with Bees artwork, are now in place outside the Orange Civic Theatre. The public launch of the art installation will take place on March 27.

Diana’s got a million stories to sell

Step inside Diana O’Dea’s Just Imagine Collections in the picturesque village of Millthorpe and you will find a treasure trove of antiques, collectables and stories that span the globe.

“Now, if you were a collector you would gravitate immediately to this shelf, because that’s Clarice Cli , ” explains Diana, indicating a shelf to the right of her showroom loaded with tea cups, saucers and a brightly painted vase.

“Clarice Cli is the bee’s knees of English china! She caused an absolute riot in the ‘20s when the owner of the business divorced his wife — which was unheard of — and married her,” Diana continues.

“And she ran his workshop with 28 women and made him millions and millions of dollars with this type of thing!”

Diana puts down the vase and moves onto another cabinet, full of ceramics.

“This is Mr Moorcroft, who was another very famous potter… This is all Murano from Venice and they are Royal Doulton figurines,” she continues.

“And then we have Worcester, which is one of the oldest potteries in England, beautiful, fine work… This is Royal Crown Derby, that’s 1880 and just look at the work on that! That’s all gold, gilded, beautiful, and absolutely stunning!”

Diana continues her commentary as she moves around the showroom, pointing out mantle clocks from Germany, a 19th century bronze, Isle of White crystal, antique ruby glass sets, a mechanical tin money box, and a pair of bottles painted with an Australian bush scene.

“I think they are fascinating!” says Diana. “Now the bottles are from the turn of the

century, they were Irish bottles, and you can see by the painting that they are very, very early – 1910 I’d say, maybe earlier — but I just think the colours in them are fabulous... they are real Australiana!”

Diana’s journey into the world of antiques and collectables began some 50 years ago, when she ran a party plan business, selling jute products she imported from Bangladesh, along with glass plant starters and dried flowers from the south coast.

“I’d tell them all about where they came from, which people in those days had never heard of places like Bangladesh. They thought it was just amazing and found it so interesting,” recalls Diana, who one day decided to sell a few things at her local market in Kirribilli.

“It was the most amazing market! You could buy everything from a silver thimble to the most exotic thing in my day. And Thomas, my partner, thought it was the most fabulous scene to be able to set up a table and sell all this stu to people. So that was the beginning of markets, and then we

did nine markets a month!” says Diana.

“Thomas would get up, at half past five of a Saturday morning and he’d go o with a couple hundred dollars and go around all these garage sales until he’d spent his money. Oh, we bought and sold all sorts of fabulous things in those days! Markets now just don’t interest me much anymore because so much of it’s just new stu from overseas.”

It was at one Saturday market, that Diana and Thomas met Kate Hudson, a retired history and English teacher with a wealth of knowledge on antiques and collectables.

“Kate was such an interesting person and her father had been an auctioneer in Newcastle and she had night classes on antiques running at Willoughby school. And so that really began our passion for all things old and learning about them — because you never ever finish learning in this world,” says Diana, who eventually went on to become a licensed antique dealer.

With Kate’s encouragement, Diana and Thomas began selling in antique centres all through Sydney, which then led to them joining the antique fairs circuit running from southern Victoria to the Queensland Gold Coast.

“We did 20 a year and I couldn’t even tell you the amount of interesting stu we used to sell,” says Diana.

“We made so many wonderful friends and I only retired from that since I came here six years ago. I just decided I had had it with this galloping around fairs.”

Stepping behind the front counter, Diana waves her hand over countless pieces of antique and custom-made rings, earrings, pendants, broaches and more.

“These opal rings, I had them made because I used to trade in gems,” she says, before picking out another stunning ring and launching into a story.

“That’s an aquamarine, it’s about nineand-a-half carats and nine out of ten women who step foot in here say, ‘Oh, I love that!’ It was made by Park Lane Jewellers in Sydney in the late 60s – you just can’t get that any more… And this here, have a look in the sunlight!”

Just Imagine Collections is having a huge shop-wide clearance sale starting Friday, March 22, and running through until Easter Monday, April 1. There will be 50 per cent o all ceramics, which include Clarice Cli , signed Moorcroft, Royal Doulton, Royal Crown Derby and too many more to mention.

There will be large discounts on glassware, handcrafted jewellery, gems and lots of other specially priced items.

Just Imagine Collections is located at 18 Pym Street, Millthorpe.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 21— 27, 2024 7 Just Imagine Collections Phone 0400 300 273 18 Pym Street, Millthorpe (Wheelchair Access) 20% OFF ALL Precious and Vintage 20th Century jewellery, fine vintage batic material. Glassware includes Murano, Barvarian, French, Crystal, English Medina and more. 50% OFF ALL Collectables include china, Royal Dalton, Royal Crown Derby, Charlotte Rheed, Moorcroft, Clarice Cliff and a variety of others. Original 100% cotton girls dresses, tutus, layered skirts and ballet costumes and a variety of other items. OPEN FRIDAY - SUNDAY 10AM - 4PM MASSIVE CLEARANCE SALE Just Imagine Collections trades in antiques and collectables
Proud Regional Business

Renting a church office could be the answer to your prayers

With an increasing number of Australians packing up and making the move from capital cities to the regions, the demand for remote working options in Orange is only increasing.

The latest Regional Movers Index quarterly report, produced by the Regional Australia Institute in partnership with the Commonwealth Bank, found that 36 per cent of people who moved from capital cities in 2023 made regional NSW their new home. A number of movers are using the ‘tree change’ and move to online workspaces as an opportunity for a change in lifestyle.

However a recent Swinburne University survey found almost half of the participants indicated that they were struggling with the ‘blurring’ of the boundary between work and home life.

“More than two-in-five (41 per cent) found distractions at home to be a challenge, whilst more than one-third had

trouble switching o after work (37 per cent) and staying motivated (34 per cent),” the ‘Key working from home trends emerging from COVID-19’ report to the Fair Work Commission found.

Combating this, Orange has seen an increase in coworking spaces, with a number of businesses such as CoWork Orange, Hive, and SWOTO, o ering desks, meeting rooms and whole o ces for hire with the assurance of no at-home distractions.

Seeing the need and with room to spare a local church has also recently begun o ering o ces for hire.

While a church may not be your first thought when it comes to a co-working space, Orange Uniting Church Reverend Andrew Cunningham said it was a way they could make better use of their facilities.

“We have o ces at the church, which are very underutilised. And like a lot of organisations, we could do with a little bit more income,” Andrew said.

Aware of other places around town doing similar things,

Andrew says the Uniting Church’s co-working space will be on a much smaller scale.

“We have three o ces that we thought, let’s see if we can use them a bit di erently. And we’re right in the heart of town… right in the CBD with parking on-site and a cafe on site,” he said.

“Working from home has a lot of advantages, but sometimes if you need a quiet space to get away from your family, but you don’t want to rent an o ce for the whole week or a whole year, then it’s definitely helpful. I’m aware that people need that sort of space.”

The o ces at Orange Uniting Church opened to the public this month, and Andrew is welcoming anyone who is looking for an alternative o ce space. It has just been freshly renovated for the case, and with a number of events already utilising the church building, Andrew says it’s a bustling area.

For more information or to book, contact Andrew Cunningham on 0435354872

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ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 21— 27, 2024 9

Old-fashioned fun for all ages at Orange Family Easter Festival

Robertson Park will come alive this Sunday with the return of the muchloved Orange Family Easter Festival.

Coordinated by a combined group of local churches, the Orange Family Easter Festival has been running for over 30 years, providing an annual fun afternoon of activities for all ages, while celebrating the Christian message of Easter.

“It’s been running since 1990 so it is a very well-known and popular festival in the centre of Orange,” Orange Church of Christ pastor, and chair of the festival organising committee, Jon Baker said.

Getting underway at 12pm on Sunday, March 24, Jon said there will be live music and plenty of entertainment to please all the family — and it is all free!

“We’ll have a main stage with di erent acts performing throughout the afternoon. We’ve got bouncy castles, we’ve got the scouts with high-wire that people can climb on… a big craft tent and a tent for woodworking where kids can bang nails into things. We have a chillout van where kids can play giant games and ‘drive’ the Kombi van,” Jon said.

“And we have parachutes, giant bubbles, sack races… so it is really an ‘old-fashioned’ in a sense, family festival where whole families can come together and all

River Movement: described as a unique “genre-blurring fusion of rap and folk” with live freestyles and lyrics rich in spiritual depth, see River Movement perform at the Orange Family Easter Festival on Sunday, March 24.

generations can enjoy something.”

Along with the fun and games, there will be a free sausage sizzle along with free hot cross buns, fairy floss, tea, co ee and more.

As well as being a fun day out, Jon said the festival is a way for local Christians to share the message of Easter beyond the church pews.

“It is about sharing a message of hope and joy and new life… helping people understand the message of Easter beyond the Easter Bunny and Easter eggs,” Jon said.

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“We deliberately provide everything for free because we believe God’s gift to us is free and God’s love for us is free, and we share our faith in a very gentle manner… we get all sorts of people coming along and some people just come for a free sausage sizzle which is fine and some people come for the whole afternoon and share in the message and just are really encouraged that we want to share that message of hope outside of the church buildings.”

The Orange Family Easter Festival takes place in Robertson Park on Sunday, March 24, 12–3pm. All are welcome.


NAME: Connor

YEAR: 10

Connor is a hardworking, humble student, who values kindness and perseverance. He sees Sheahan as a caring, inclusive environment, with a vast array of opportunities and facilities to enhance both his, and other student’s skills.

While displaying the school values of Compassion, Courage, Hope and Belonging, Connor supports others in his teams and continues to put in extra effort to achieve highly in all areas.

Connor has a passion for sport, specifically athletics, soccer and cricket. His major achievements include reaching a national level for athletics and achieving a silver medal in the NSW All Schools Triathlon for the Sheahan team. Connor hopes to be a House Captain and the Year 12 Sports Captain and has the goal of making the Olympic team for athletics.

Connor aims to get even more involved in school activities, and to put in extra effort to achieve high academic results. He believes these goals can be accomplished due to the large number of events and opportunities Sheahan has to offer, along with helpful teachers who give him courage to reach out of his comfort zone.

10 ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 21 — 27, 2024 Community LiFE APPLICATION PACKS are available from the Administration Office APPLICATIONS close 12 April. James Sheahan CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL ORANGE 6362 1422 | www.jschs.catholic.edu.au | jschs@bth.catholic.edu.au

The Churches of Orange present

Easter Family Festival




Main Stage PROGRAM


Program Includes short interviews with Gavin Brett from 1035FM Radio, Steve Peterson from Orange City Council, Kate Young from Salvation Army and short readings from the Word on life

Continuous Activities:

12.00 noon Welcome and Big Phatt Jazz Band from Orange Conservatorium

Activities to participate in happening all the time: All free. Art and craft, Scouts low rope bridge and crate stacking, Jumping Castles, a merry-go-round, Kids Karpentry, Jaffa Smasher, giant hookey board, giant puzzles to complete, face painting, stilts and getta boards and giant connect 4 and giant snakes and ladders, hockey boards and balloon sculpting. A prayer space to pray and write your prayer for our community or your family or yourself.

River Movement Band


12.25pm Centre Games 1. Eg. Giant bubbles or Parachute or Sack races or apple on a spoon, water bomb volley ball + other

12.40pm Puppet Show Part 1

12.50pm River Movement Band from Gold Coast

1.10pm Centre Games 2

1.30pm Karen Pierce: Country Singer

1.50pm Puppet Show Part 2

2.00pm River Movement Band


Interview Kate Young –Salvation Army

2.20pm River Movement Band 2.30pm

Centre Games 3 3.00pm

Festival close

Eats and refreshments: ALL FREE... BBQ, tea, coffee, cordial, biscuits, hot cross buns, apples, fairy floss. And a café area to sit under the shade.

Celebrating Jesus!


ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 21— 27, 2024 11

While Bob Katter and I held a press conference to discuss our proposed Bill which would wind back the dominance of the two supermarkets and give farmers and consumers a better deal, we were rudely and aggressively yelled at by a National Party Senator.

Unfortunately, he kept bellowing out nasty and spiteful comments while Bob and I were trying to talk. Instead of listening and engaging with us about how we can give farmers and customers a fair go, he was more interested in yelling personal insults.


After being interrupted no less than six times, Bob had had enough, and gave the Senator a piece of his mind. Too right I say. The major parties just don’t like it when independents come up with legislation that they don’t have the courage or the conviction to put before the Parliament themselves.

What has not been reported is that about fifteen minutes later, after the inquiry resumed, this same National Party Senator came out on to the sidewalk and in front of my staff and a Prime 7 News journalist, disgracefully started yelling and shouting at me again. What is wrong with these people?


Unfortunately, this nasty behaviour from the National Party is nothing new.

In recent times we’ve seen a senior National Party member send a package carrying an insulting message to my home using a fake name and address. My family was shaken by the whole disgusting episode. This person has refused to step down from their senior position. The party leadership has hardly said a word about it. Now, we’ve seen nasty and personal insults hurled at Bob and I during a press conference.

What’s the theme here? Hatred and nastiness.


One of the reasons I left the National Party is because it’s a far cry from the party I grew up with.

Believe it or not, I handed out National Party stickers at school and I even waited outside my local council chambers to meet Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen!

Back in those days the party would have had tens of thousands of members in NSW alone.

Nowadays they would be lucky to have 2,000 members across the entire state.


These went

TJust a few weeks ago, the once mighty Wellington branch folded. Sadly, a once great party has become a nasty, spiteful machine that is intolerant of anyone who doesn’t brainlessly tow their precious party line and do or say what they demand.


Bob and I will not be silenced.

With our Bill, we are going into bat for farmers and consumers and when it comes time to vote in Parliament, we will see who has the courage of their convictions.

Rest assured, no matter what ugly insults they sling at us next, Bob will continue to speak his mind, and so will I!

his week in Parliament I continued my fight against the price gouging of the supermarket giants.

Next week, Bob Katter and the Independents are putting into Parliament legislation that would cut back the market share of the supermarket giants and limit the profits they could charge. Farmers and consumers need a fair go. Here’s part of my speech that I gave earlier this week:

“We want the National Party, the Liberal Party and the Labor Party — all parties — to not just hold press conferences and talk about taking action. We want them to actually vote in favour of this gamechanging legislation. If you’re not prepared to back up your big talk with a vote in Parliament, it’s all about hot air and porkies.

We want the major parties to back up their words with deeds. Stop talking the talk and start walking the walk. We want everyone to vote for the Reducing Supermarket Dominance Bill and help get those supermarket snouts out of the tough.

Our farmers deserve nothing less. Consumers deserve nothing less. I would urge all members of this House to get behind our game-changing legislation brought to you by the Independents and the crossbench”

12 ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 21 — 27, 2024 For regular updates and news, follow me on Facebook and Instagram @andrewgeecalare Authorised by Andrew Gee MP, Suite 1/179A Anson Street, Orange, NSW 2800. ALL MAJOR PARTIES NEED TO WALK THE WALK AND TAME THE SUPERMARKET HOGS!
1/179A Anson Street PO Box 673 ORANGE NSW 2800 (02) 6361 7138 andrew.gee.mp@aph.gov.au www.andrewgeemp.com.au ORANGE ELECTORATE OFFICE For regular updates and news, follow me on Facebook and Instagram @andrewgeecalare Authorised by Andrew Gee MP, Suite 1/179A Anson Street, Orange, NSW 2800. Andrew GEE MP INDEPENDENT FEDERAL MEMBER FOR CALARE Your Country Your Voice PRESS CONFERENCE RUDELY INTERRUPTED BY NATIONAL PARTY SENATOR
Bob with Bernard Hall at his orchard
Bob with Molly at Orange Ex-Servies
St Patrick's Day bake
week, the kind students from Anson St School dropped over some cupcakes from their
down a treat with a mug of Irish Breakfast tea - to be sure to be sure!
had been busy baking up a storm to raise money for a new stereo for their school! Well done to all involved!
The students
ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 21— 27, 2024 13 For regular updates and news, follow me on Facebook and Instagram @andrewgeecalare Authorised by Andrew Gee MP, Suite 1/179A Anson Street, Orange, NSW 2800. MAKING MUSIC AT BATHURST HERITAGE TRADES TRAIL! REDEDICATION OF BLAYNEY’S BOER WAR MEMORIAL 1/179A Anson Street PO Box 673 ORANGE NSW 2800 (02) 6361 7138 andrew.gee.mp@aph.gov.au www.andrewgeemp.com.au ORANGE ELECTORATE OFFICE For regular updates and news, follow me on Facebook and Instagram @andrewgeecalare Authorised by Andrew Gee MP, Suite 1/179A Anson Street, Orange, NSW 2800. Andrew GEE MP INDEPENDENT FEDERAL MEMBER FOR CALARE Your Country Your Voice Recently, it was an honour to attend the rededication of the Boer War Memorial at Blayney. The memorial, which was first dedicated in 1907, has been beautifully restored and reinstated in Carrington Park near the Memorial Gates. Dedicated members of the Blayney Shire Local & Family History Group Inc have put an extraordinary amount of work into making sure that the names and stories of the 123 veterans from Blayney who served in the Boer War (18991902) will always be remembered. Thank you for undertaking this vital task of remembrance which will ensure that the service and sacrifice of our Boer War veterans will never be forgotten. After the service it was a privilege to have a chat with Scalley Radburn, who kindly showed me some personal items passed down to him by a family relative who fought in the Boer War, including a war diary, a prayer book and a campaign belt. Thank you to the Blayney Shire Local and Family History Group Inc and Blayney Shire Council for all of your hard work on this very important project. This week in Parliament I gave a speech thanking the members of the Blayney Shire and the Family History Group and many others for their extraordinary efforts. DON’T FORGET TOMORROW... CLASSIC CARS IN EUGOWRA! Many classic cars were damaged in the storms and floods of November 2022. Since then, a huge amount of work has gone bringing these classics back to life... and it’s time all that hard yakka was celebrated with a classic car show! Join us on Friday 22 March for an official unveiling of these re-restored beauties! Locals are encouraged to give their classic a shine and be part of the fun! I’m taking my ‘62 Falcon ute! Friday 22nd March 2024 • Eugowra CBD 5pm - 7pm (unveilings at 6pm)
really enjoyed catching up with Orange violin and stringed instrument maker Peter Reid at the Bathurst Heritage Trades Trail last weekend!
14 ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 21 — 27, 2024 Community LiFE
Betteanne Bryant with Doug and Pat Swayne
SPORTSCAM Orange City Bowling Club Raising funds for “Give Me Change for Kids” — PHOTOS BY HENRY DEROOY”
Yoka Smit with Meg Burrell


Public art to transform laneway

The laneway between the Orange Central Square car park and Summer Street is set to receive a makeover with a new public artwork by Daniel Templeman, which will be lit up from Wednesday, March 27

Templeman has created over 15 largescale commissions across Australia, from Perth to Melbourne to Townsville, and recently at the Olympic Sports Park, Suzhou, China. He is known for creating artworks that transform urban spaces and engage us as viewers.

His upcoming artwork for the laneway in the CBD, Aperture, will consist of a unique series of ceiling-mounted geometric forms with an LED lighting component.

Through the artwork, Templeman will invite us to explore the way the geometric patterns and colours shift as we move along the laneway.

Using unique materials, the LED lights in the suspended structures filter through a honeycomb-like structure and a specially

formulated film that changes the colour of the light in response to our particular viewpoint. Someone standing two metres away from us will see deep violet where we see a bright blue, and it will change as we move.

The geometric angles and relationships also create new patterns and overlapping structures depending on our line of sight. This public artwork aims to create a sense of wonder and delight for pedestrians passing through the laneway.

Join us on Wednesday, March 27, at 7pm in the cultural precinct, for the o cial launch of both the laneway and Dancing with Bees public art projects. The evening will include a dance performance by local dancers Paityn Klaare and Lylah Maunder followed by a viewing of both projects.

The laneway project is proudly funded by the NSW Government and Orange City Council.

For detailed information and bookings for the events please visit Orange Regional Gallery’s website www.orange.nsw.gov.au/ gallery

are available from the Administration Office from Wednesday 13 March 2024.


will be open from Wednesday, 13 March 2024 and will close Friday, 12 April 2024.

Late applications may be subject to a waiting list.

We are taking applications for all other year groups.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 21— 27, 2024 15

New Orange City first grade coach

Greg Lee honing a professional edge to Lions’ passion

With the start of the Central West rugby season just around the corner, Orange City Rugby Club’s new first grade coach Greg Lee is looking to “take things up a notch” and hone a professional edge to the Lion’s squad.

Greg brings a wealth of rugby coaching experience to Orange City, recently relocating to Orange from Sydney’s northern beaches, where he’d coached at Newport and Warringah rugby clubs.

“Rugby is a big part of my life,” said Greg. “I’ve played since I was five. Retired in my mid 30s. Missed the game too much and I didn’t want to sort of have any seasons o , so immediately after I finished playing I went into coaching, ”

Greg grew up at Coogee in Sydney’s eastern suburbs where he played junior rugby, before moving into colts and grade

rugby with Randwick.

“Then I decided that it was time to maybe hang up the boots but I got convinced by a mate, who said ‘why don’t you come and play local community rugby?’,” said Greg, who went on to play and then begin coaching at Waverley.

“I ended up spending about 20 years there I guess,” he said. “Even prior to retiring I was always helping out. So I would coach a colt’s team or assisting with juniors… So I always had [coaching] in me but I guess being a teacher it comes a little bit naturally.”

Joining Orange City Rugby Club was a natural fit, said Greg, who had friends encourage him to reach out to the club.

“There was a little bit of bias. I did speak to both clubs, but friends from Sydney said, if you go out to Orange you might want to go to City,” he said.

“And one of the big things for me was

just making sure that my values and my philosophies were aligned with the club and I just think that City were able to provide that and that’s where it aligned.”

Looking ahead at the 2024 season, Greg says Orange City have been through a bit of a rebuilding phase over the last few years and so it is time for the club to take the next step.

“The previous coach came on board when they weren’t doing well and I think he’s done a really good job realigning everything here and getting a little bit of passion back, because sometimes it’s hard to break a losing streak especially after having a lot of success,” Greg said.

“I think what [the club] saw was an opportunity for someone that had some experience — and especially in Sydney rugby — to bring more of a professional edge to the club and just take it up a couple of notches I guess.”

Orange City Rugby Club President Chris

At Footrix Podiatry you will find everything you need to know about feet

Whittaker said it has been a privilege to welcome Greg to the club.

“Greg comes to us with a huge amount of prior rugby experience,” he said.

“He’s coached a couple of Shute Shield clubs in Sydney and taken a number of representative teams to various carnivals over the years. He’s got a good rugby IQ and we’re really pleased and proud to have him.”

With the season set to kick o on April 20, Chris said they are optimistic of their chances, but it will be a tough competition.

“Bathurst is going to be extremely tough,” Chris said. “They’re celebrating 150 years of rugby in Bathurst this year… they’ve won the last two Blowes Cup premierships and I think they’ll be a standout favourite for the season.

“But we saw a lot of good competition last year and the other clubs are going to give it their all and I hope that it’ll be close and competitive.”

16 ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 21 — 27, 2024 Community LiFE Where our customers are the heart of the community ASHCROFT’S Our range of ready made soups are worth trying... They’re delicious! Delicious Soups “Where our customers are the heart of the community” Our range of ready made soups are worth tryng.. they’re delicious! Delicious Soups w 6360 3255 w 268 ANSON STREET ORANGE w FOOTRIXPODIATRY@HOTMAIL.COM Specialising in the treatment of... 3 Children and Diabetics 3 Nails and Callus 3 Ingrown Toenails 3 Biomechanics and Orthotics
ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 21— 27, 2024 17 Bring your artwork to the OCLife o ce Suite 3/241 Lords Place or email to reception@oclife.com.au by Tuesday, March 25, 3pm. All prizes to be collected by Thursday 4pm, March 28. Prizes for first place winner in each age group, plus runner ups. NAME: _________________________________________Ph:_______________ Age: 3-7 8-12 Proudly Sponsored by Proudly Sponsored by Easter Colouring In Competition

WHAT’S ON March-April

The Orange Regional Conservatorium (ORC) presents “All Creatures Great and Small” an evening where music meets the animal kingdom.

Presented by the ORC’s diverse ensembles, this concert is a tribute to the wonderful world of animals, expressed through music.

From the majestic strides of elephants to the delicate flutter of butterflies, talented ORC students will bring to life the essence of creatures both big and small through their instruments and voices. The repertoire includes a range of styles, from classical masterpieces evoking the grace of swans to contemporary compositions that capture the mischievous spirit of foxes.

Experience “All Creatures Great and Small” at the Orange Regional Conservatorium, 73A Hill Street, on Saturday, March 23, 5pm. Visit orangecon.org.au/events for tickets and more information.

Saturday, APRIL 6

O the Tracks returns to the Victoria Hotel on April 6 with an all-metal line-up that’s not for the faint hearted.

Opening the night is Orange-based band, Stone Sovereign, a clash of melodic Death metal and fantasy.

Second on the bill is Dubbo’s Whisperhead, a band that combines heavy groove ri s, crushing breakdowns, haunting melodies and desperate screams to create a modern alternative metal sound with a touch of numetal influence.

Following them is another local band, Infested Entrails, just good oldfashioned Aussie Death Metal!

Headlining the April band showcase is Deprivation. Formed in Orange but now Canberra-based, Deprivation have gathered many influences over the years from thrash, melodic metal, metal core and most of all groove metal to make the niche sound they are known for.

Last year, Deprivation had their biggest gig to date, winning a nationwide “battle of the bands” to score a coveted spot at the Wacken Open Air 2023 festival in Germany, sharing the stage with legends of the genre such as Iron Maiden, Megadeth, Killswitch Engage and Anthrax.

O the Tracks returns to the Victoria Hotel on April 6. Entry is free. Music kicks o at 8pm.

“Running In The Shadows”

The Australian Fleetwood Mac Show

Rouge The Musical.

Jarrod will be joined on stage by his former music teacher and founder of HDA Orange and Central West, Rachael Brooking.

Head down to the Victoria Hotel this Sunday, March 24, for an afternoon of live music. Mick Vawdon will be keeping hotel punters entertained in the beer garden from 2–5pm.

They’ve sold more than one hundred million albums worldwide and been inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame – Fleetwood Mac’s songs are part of international music history.

Now, the Internationally acclaimed The Australian Fleetwood Mac Show “Running In The Shadows” is heading to the Civic Theatre to pay homage to the superstar band.

The six-piece rock band explore Fleetwood Mac’s extensive back catalogue, covering all the classic ballads, blues and rock songs from their fivedecade-plus career.

The Running In The Shadows show covers the best

Concert for a Cause takes place at the Performing Arts Centre at James Sheahan High School, 6pm on Saturday, March 23.

Tickets can be purchased from Curves Orange, 129 Kite Street, or 123tix.com.au

of Fleetwood Mac’s career. From the early hits from the music of Peter Green, through to the Rumours album era, spanning up to Tango In The Night and even some of Stevie Nicks’ solo material, there is something for every Fleetwood Mac fan to enjoy.

Audience members who have seen The Australian Fleetwood Mac show in the past have found it hard to believe they were not experiencing the real deal on stage.

Don’t miss The Australian Fleetwood Mac Show “Running In The Shadows” as they explore the iconic music of Fleetwood Mac. See them at the Orange Civic Theatre, 8pm on Saturday, March 23. Tickets at Ticketek or call 6393 8111.

18 ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 21 — 27, 2024
23 6
Deprivation headline
Off the Tracks at the Vic

‘Blow the Speakers’:

Orange’s own rising country music star, Robbie Mortimer, is set to release a new high-energy, country rock single, encapsulating the nostalgia of his upbringing.

‘Blow The Speakers’ will be released on Friday, March 22, and after two-and-ahalf years without a new single, Robbie is thrilled to be back with a bang.

“It’s been a fair bit of a journey to get to where I am going now, but I’m really proud of it all, it’s been a lot of hard work,” he said.

Throughout Robbie’s hiatus, he could be found diving headfirst into his career. Getting to know the ins and outs of the

New single from Orange’s Robbie Mortimer

music industry, Robbie also got to know himself a bit better.

“I’ve kind of gone away and written as many songs as I could, and I took some time to find out a little bit about myself and the industry,” he said.

“I literally locked myself in the tower... I honed into the craft and just learnt a lot to launch out with new sounds and a new song, and a new whole wave of music that I really like and that I really care about.”

Robbie’s new track is almost an ode to that ability music has to take you back in time. He says he’s always loved the idea that a song can remind you of a person or a place, and hopes his single expresses this.

“The nostalgia that we find in music and how it makes us feel something… my whole attitude to it is, if you get that feeling, turn it up loud enough to blow the speakers!”

Sticking with the theme, Robbie’s father Peter Mortimer, a former professional rugby league player, makes a cameo appearance in the ‘Blow The Speakers’ music video, and is seen selling a car to his son.

Behind the scenes, Robbie says it may have been a reluctant appearance, but having his father appear was a big part of the feeling he wanted to capture.

“My family has a big responsibility for who I am as a person,” Robbie said. “I want to include all the people that have been along this journey with me to the

next step of my career as well.”

His new single isn’t Robbie’s only victory of the year. After a successful few stints performing at a PBR (Professional Bull Riders) events, Robbie has been invited back as a touring half-time performer for the Australian PBR season. The country rock feel of his music is exactly what their spectators are looking for.

“They’re people that really love the music that I kind of sing. So it’s an incredible opportunity for me to firstly see Australia and secondly, to sing songs that I wrote in my small town of Orange,” Robbie said.

Robbie’s new single comes out on March 22 and is available on all streaming services.

You are a doughnut

April 8

“You are a doughnut.” Have you ever been told that?

It’s true though! You are a great big fleshy lump with a remarkable hole running all the way through your middle - your digestive system.

That’s at least how the creators of the family show “You are a doughnut” describe it.

From the creators of “The Alphabet of Awesome Science”, biology teachers Oesoph A. Gus and Dewey Dean embark on an utterly brilliant all-singing, all-dancing (and all-clowning!) exploration of every twisting

tube and remarkable organ — with sketches, songs, and sensational science.

Some would say it’s educational!

Along the way you’ll encounter a frenzy of enzyme-powered ping pong balls, sing along with a rainbow collection of poop puppets, and witness the weirdest poetry performance you’ve ever seen.

It’s a little bit gross — and a ‘hole’ lotta fun! You might even learn something!

See “You are a doughnut” at the Orange Civic Theatre on Monday April 8, 6pm. Tickets at Ticketek or call 6393 8111.



Photos by

Orange-born Miss Galaxy Australia hopeful, Ashlyn Narayan, held a Multicultural Fashion Show at the CWA Hall on Saturday, March 16, with locals strutting the catwalk in traditional cultural dress.

Ashlyn, who is in her final year studying medical science student at the University of Canberra, is a national finalist in the 2024 Miss Galaxy Australia quest. More than just wearing the tiara, Miss Galaxy Australia inspires women to be the best version of themselves and a big part of that is giving back to the community.

All the money raised at Saturday’s fashion show is being donated to the youth mental health organisation, Batyr Australia.

The winner of the 2024 Miss Galaxy Australia quest will be decided at an event held in Sydney, May 1–4.

20 ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 21 — 27, 2024 Social SCENE
Harrison, Sharlyn and Ashlyn Narayan with Sanjita Sood Appu, Sruthi, Aadhya and Jyothi Alexandra Rezko, Usha and Janet Spring Hannah Besgrove, Grace Pereira, Ashlyn Narayan and Cjhay Besgrove Kushamita Gurung, Sanu Mager and Kamala Lama Ricky Alogo and Hannah Cooke

The Super Easy Way To Make More MONEY

There are lots of ways we can make money. We can work for it, we can work longer hours to make more

What is it?

Your superannuation.

Super… you might think it’s boring, you might think it doesn’t matter, some people even get the idea in their head that it’s some kind of government conspiracy, but the reality is that super is the easiest way you can make more money for yourself.

For starters, 11% of your pay will be getting sent to a super fund and getting invested. So, even if you pay no attention and do nothing, the government is ensuring something’s automatcially happening for

your future benefit. 11% of your pay getting invested every year and the growth on those investments over time, is why super already works to a certain extent.

But… what if you did pay attention and did do a few things to supercharge your super?

What if you are in a fund charging you higher fees than you need to pay? Avoiding paying high fees is one of the easiest ways to boost your return over time, yet most people don’t know how to work out what fees they are REALLY paying and super statements don’t always make it easy to find the true level of fees.

I’m constantly amazed by the level of fees some people are paying to their super fund, and for many people, it’s not until they come and have a chat that they find out the true story.

Now, imagine on top of making sure you were paying low fees, you also invested a little more smartly than just the default option your super fund puts you in. Super funds have to invest members money somehow, so for those who choose not to do anything, most funds simply have a one-size-fits-all

option. But with a little bit of education and advice, you can get your super working harder to get higher returns over time. And then imagine that you understand and took advantage of the tax benefits of making extra contributions to super. It is money for jam for those who know how the system works! You get to pay less tax while at the same time creating more wealth for yourself.

I don’t work for a super fund, I don’t work for a big financial services company, I’m a 100% independent financial adviser. I have no incentive to be talking up super other than because it works! And the opportunity for you to take advantage of the system is right there waiting for you.

Is now the time you decide to start taking both your superannuation and retirement planning seriously? Book a free initial appointment, and let’s see what we can do to harness your untapped super power!

Just how big a di erence you can make may surprise you (a lot!)… and your future self will thank you!

Cheers, Daniel

ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 21— 27, 2024 21 Proudly funded by LET’S TALK MONEY with DANIEL MCGREGOR If you’d like to fi nd out more about how INDEPENDENT fi nancial advice could help you manage cash fl ow, pay off the mortgage faster, get the most out of super and invest wisely, then get in touch on 0411 484 464 or head to wealthtrain.com.au. This advice may not be suitable to you because it contains general advice which does not take into consideration any of your personal circumstances. All strategies and information provided are general advice only. DANIEL MCGREGOR AND WEALTH TRAIN ARE AUTHORISED REPRESENTATIVES OF INDEPENDENT FINANCIAL ADVICE & EDUCATION AFSL 520963
or get
that pays more
save money and invest it to make money. We can borrow money to invest, however that comes with added risk as the loan will need to be repaid. But there is one way to make more money that is so easy and sitting right under everyone’s noses, yet most people are going through their working lives letting the opportunity pass them by!
a new job
money. We can
22 ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 21 — 27, 2024 IGANS13436_200324 ON SALE FROM WEDNESDAY 20 TH MARCH UNTIL TUESDAY 26 TH MARCH 2024 Specials available from Wednesday 20/03/24 until Tuesday 26/03/24 or while stocks last. Retail quantities only. No trade supplied. We reserve the right to correct printing errors. Pictures used for illustration purposes only. IGA Liquor supports the responsible service of alcohol. Tobacco and alcohol not sold to under 18’s. Easter savers Serving suggestion 210 PEISLEY STREET, ORANGE NSW 2800 | 6362 7233 OPEN 7 DAYS: MON TO SAT 6AM-9PM SUNDAY 7AM TO 8PM WWW.IGA.COM.AU 82 SUMMER ST, ORANGE NSW 2800 | 6362 0775 OPEN 7 DAYS: MON TO SAT 7AM-9PM | SUNDAY 8AM TO 8PM WWW.IGA.COM.AU Cadbury Dairy Milk or Red Tulip Hollow Hunting Eggs 204g $2.94 per 100g Coca‑Cola 24x375mL Selected Varieties $2.57 per Litre Devondale Spreadable Butter 500g Selected Varieties $1.20 per 100g Sorbent Silky White Toilet Rolls 24 Pack 28¢ per 100 sheets $2310 ea SAVE $15.40 $24 kg BEEF PORTERHOUSE STEAK Australian Hot Price $480 ea SAVE 50¢ Community Co Baby Potatoes with Herb Butter 400g $12 per kg SAVE $4 $6 ea GREAT FOR EASTER SAVE $1.50 $6 ea Per Roll 50 ¢ SAVE $6 $12 ea The Natural Chip Co. Chips 150‑175g Selected Varieties $250 $275 ea ea Arnott's Tim Tam Chocolate Biscuits 165‑200g Selected Varieties ^excludes Value Pack $250 ea 50% Off Arnott's Tim Tam^ Darrell Lea or Life Savers Share Pack 150‑280g or Block 160‑180g Selected Varieties Sanitarium Weet‑Bix 575g 38¢ per 100g $550 ea Birds Eye Oven Bake Fish Fillets 425g Selected Varieties $14.12 per kg $6 ea Bulla Creamy Classics Ice Cream 2 Litre Selected Varieties 28¢ per 100mL Dynamo Professional Laundry Liquid 2 Litre Selected Varieties ^excludes Low Prices Every Day $7.25 per Litre 50% Off DYNAMO^ $1450 ea Red Bull Energy Drink 4x250mL Selected Varieties $5.98 per Litre $598 ea $220 ea
ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 21— 27, 2024 23 ORANGE PROPERTY MARKET BEST PROPERTIES BEST AGENTS FOR THIS WEEK’S LATEST LISTINGS www.orangecitylife.com.au “Nodnallac” - Location, Lifestyle & Opportunities A rare opportunity to acquire ‘Nodnallac’, a central property with extensive opportunities, held in the same family for four generations. Set on 145.66* picturesque acres between Orange and Bathurst - both rural centres with current populations of more than 40,000, you will find this idyllic country home, nestled amongst a beautiful established garden setting. Land holding - 58.95 Hectares (145.66 Acres). • Zoning RU1 - Primary Production (minimum lot size 250 acres). • 3 hours from Sydney CBD, located on the Mitchell Highway 23*km to Bathurst, 33*km to Orange, 17*km to Millthorpe and 18*km to Blayney with sealed road frontage. • Gently rolling country suited to crops, finishing sheep/cattle & hay production. • The original homestead was built in the 1950’s by Don Callan - in which the property is named after - with original features such as hand cut exposed beams in the garage. • Handmade convict bricks are a feature in the lounge to support the wood fireplace. • The Homestead features three bedrooms all with built in robes, 1.5 bathrooms, a kitchen and an expanded living and large entertainment area. • Windmill and five water tanks with three troughs. • Three stock dams. • Steel cattle yards. • Timber frame two stand woolshed with attached lockable storage shed. • Lockable workshop approx. 200 square meters. • Cool room. • Well-fenced main paddocks, holding paddocks & boundary fence. Disclaimer: All information contained herein is gathered from sources we believe reliable. We have no reason to doubt its accuracy, however, we cannot guarantee it. PROPERTY OF THE WEEK BROUGHT TO YOU BY ELDERS EMMS MOONEY HUGH GOODING t. 0439 000 639 AUCTION - FRIDAY 19TH APRIL FROM 10:30AM 2439 MITCHELL HIGHWAY, VITTORIA 3 12
24 ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 21 — 27, 2024 Orange Property MARKET W elcome to your dream home in the heart of convenience. Strategically located with easy access to schools, parks, cafes, shops and the Aquatic centre and a seamless commute to the CBD making your work or leisure trips a breeze. Nestled in a quiet and well-maintained complex you can escape the hustle and bustle without compromising on accessibility. Thoughtfully designed to provide a comfortable and cozy retreat after a long day, features include. 2 Beds | 1 Bath | 1 Cars 119 Allambie Road STUART TOWN For Sale $ 730,000 4/67 Kenna Street AWN REAL ESTATE Agent: Marie Fox 0412 166 132 Nest or Invest PETER FISHER Property Management Our goal is to maximise your return through: 3 Expert knowledge 3 A proactive approach 3 Strong communication 3 Comprehensive marketing campaign 3 Problem solving 3 Continuous improvement 3 Streamlined processes using specialised technology 3 Dedication to maximising your asset We believe that experience, knowledge and communication are the most important elements of successfully managing an investment property. Our philosophy is simple: To look after your property as if it were our own 39 SALE ST, ORANGE | 42 BANK STREET, MOLONG | 6363 1000 | PFISHER.COM.AU For a list of available rental properties scan here: 6363 1000 NOWINMOLONG

• Well-designed layout, that maximises space and functionality.

• Sun-filled open plan living areas that create a warm and inviting atmosphere.

• Two generous bedrooms, each boasting built-in wardrobes for ample storage space.

• Split systems both upstairs and down stairs makes for year-round comfort.

• Second toilet downstairs for added convenience, ensuring ease of use for both residents and guests.

• Fully fenced courtyard, providing a private outdoor space, perfect for gatherings or enjoying a peaceful moment.

• Attached lock-up garage with internal and courtyard access

• Secure and friendly community atmosphere within the complex.

Orange Property MARKET

...Nestled in a quiet and well-maintained complex you can escape the hustle and bustle...

Whether you are looking for your first home or an investment property don’t miss the chance to inspect this free-standing central townhouse. Embrace the convenience and comfort it has to o er.

Rates $507 Per Quarter

Strata $415 Per Quarter

‘Nodnallac’ 2439 Mitchell Hwy, Vittoria, NSW I Location, Lifestyle & Opportunities I 58.95 HA 145 AC*

• 3 hours from Sydney CBD, 23*km to Bathurst, 33*km to Orange, 18*km to Blayney & 17*km to Millthorpe.

• Gently rolling country suited to crops, finishing sheep/cattle & hay production in recent months.

• Central location with extensive opportunities, held in the same family for four generations.

• Homestead circa 1950’s set in established gardens, three bedrooms and 1.5 bathrooms

• Well-fenced main paddocks, holding paddocks & boundary.

• Woolshed, cattle yards, workshop, windmill, and multiple water tanks.

Auction Friday 19th April, 10:30am

Venue 152 William St, Bathurst

Hugh Gooding 0439 000 639

Lucy Nell 0400 726 897

eldersem.com.au * Approx.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 21— 27, 2024 25


Nestled in a prime location just 2km from the CBD,

QR Code to see all Open House Times
Position Position
charming 2-bedroom,
the perfect place to
home. Original features
bi-fold windows
overlook the peaceful yard. located
2 blocks
the heart of the CBD, it’s an
nearby parks, shops, and restaurants. This property offers the perfect balance of convenience and tranquillity.Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to own a piece of Orange real estate!
Michael Wright 0421 360 948
QR Code to see all Open House Times
Opportunity Awaits
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Northern Distributor, this is an investors dream. Contact: Jacob Evans 0428 130 789 Price Guide: Contact Agent
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to the
in A
this charming residence is the epitome of tranquillity and modern comfort. Meticulously renovated from top to bottom, flooded with natural light, this home boasts high ceilings, original sash windows, newly polished timber floors. With its excellent position in a family-friendly cul de sac, you’ll delight in a leisurely stroll to Calare Public School, Orange High School, Elephant Park and Endeavour Oval. Contact: Hugh Britton 0419 436 399 Price: $635,000 311 1 MCKAY CRESCENT NEW LISTING NEW LISTING Scan QR Code to see all Open House Times Tranquil Luxury with Unmatched Views
to 916 Lower Lewis Ponds Road; a tranquil haven under 20 minutes from the CBD. The home has a large open plan living and dining area with high raked ceilings and the 3.87 ha has unmatched views over Ophir and beyond. Experience the serenity of rural living at its finest. Contact: Chris Mason 0438 629 417 Price: $1,200,000-$1,250,000 424 916 LOWER LEWIS PONDS ROAD
ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 21— 27, 2024 27 39 SALE ST, ORANGE | 42 BANK STREET, MOLONG | 6363 1000 | PFISHER.COM.AU Scan QR Code to see all Open House Times You’ll Want to Stay Forever Positioned behind neatly trimmed privacy hedges and built with a rural vista in mind, this house is a true stunner. Set on approximately 19 acres this property offers outstanding features and will satisfy your craving for luxury living in a rural setting. It is also perfectly equipped for the horse lovers. Contact: Jacob Evans 0428 130 789 Price Guide: $1,950,000 - $2,100,000 460 CADIA ROAD 42 10 Scan QR Code to see all Open House Times Quiet Country Life In a wonderfully private setting on over half an acre (2,023sqm), this cottage in Cudal might be just right for you if you’re looking for a quiet country lifestyle. There is new flooring, carpet, fresh paint and the kitchen has been renovated. This could be your chance to enjoy country life at an affordable price. Contact: Hugh Britton 0419 436 399 Price: $329,000 311 36 BOREE STREET CUDAL Scan QR Code to see all Open House Times South Orange Within walking distance to James Sheahan High School, only a few minutes drive to Leewood Estate, the Health Services or an easy commute to the Mine. All 3 bedrooms have built-in wardrobes. Garage, carport, rear yard access and two 2 sheds round out this great starter or investment home. Contact: Adam Savage 0419 232 416 Price: $589,000 312
GOROKA PLACE Scan QR Code to see all Open House Times Golden Opportunity! Close to the Orange Aquatic Centre, OPS and James Sheehan High School, this 3-bedroom family home also boasts a spacious backyard. There is a bonus second living area, a renovated bathroom, large main bedroom, split system air conditioner and natural gas heater. Contact: Michael Wright 0421 360 948 Price: $569,000 311



Flexibility, Liveability and Affordability






In the Heart of Central Orange




Cosy East Orange Cottage



This cosy cottage is very much loved by its owners and is nicely tucked away in the East Orange precinct. The updated cottage feels warm and inviting and the real hero is the big double shed with high roller doors, woodfire plus shower and toilet. There is nothing that needs doing except to move in and enjoy.


28 ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 21 — 27, 2024 Scan QR Code to see all Open House Times
a rare gem nestled in the sought-after inner North Orange location this sizable block of land spans 1.76 hectares and comes complete with an existing house ripe for development and backs on to the Orange Botanic Gardens. Whether you envision a luxury estate or a boutique residential community, this blank canvas awaits your creative touch. Contact: Jacob Evans 0428 130 789 Price Guide: Expressions of Interest 91 NORTHERN DISTRIBUTOR ROAD 31 1 39 SALE ST, ORANGE | 42 BANK STREET, MOLONG | 6363 1000 | PFISHER.COM.AU
Chip Location
Attention Investors and Developers! Presenting
the potential of this
70 years,
its original owner
National Avenue Price Guide: Contact Agent Contact: Chris Mason 0438 629 417
family home loved for almost
located in a
location, with
of a
shed. This classic residence, crafted in 1955 by
builder, is a living testament to an era long past when things were built to last. 16
Family Home with A View
in the charming town of Molong, this delightful family home, which has been nicely updated throughout, offers the perfect blend of modern convenience and serene country town living. Boasting elevated views and a host of appealing features, this property will capture your heart. Come and see what this home has to offer.
Watson Street, Price: $585,000 Contact: Jacob Evans 0428 130 789
2 bedrooms and one bathroom at one end
the house and another 3 bedrooms, or an office
second bathroom
inside and you’ll be pleasantly surprised at what this charming home has to offer. The flexible
suits multigenerational families with
and a
Cox Avenue Price Guide: $649,000 -$689,000 Contact: Adam Savage 0419 232 416
Carcoar Street Spring Hill Price Range: $799,000
$829,000 Contact: Chris Mason 0438 629 417
Street Price Guide: $629,000-$649,000
Adam Savage
0419 232 416
Byng Street Price: $1,860,000 Hugh Britton 0419 436 399 Chris Mason 0438 629 417
Scan QR Code to see all Open House Times Perfect Family Home for Work
Set in the heart of Orange in one of its finest streets, this beautiful home will capture your heart. The only thing more perfect than the location is the home itself which is a fine example of the historic homes that grace the older streets of Orange and are much sought after by discerning buyers. Play
Michael Wright 0421 360 948 Price Guide: $980,000- $1,030,000
Located in a quiet cul-de-sac and boasting northerly living areas, this 4-bedroom, 3-bathroom, home offers much more than meets the eye. Featuring a spacious kitchen with excellent storage that is well complimented by the paved entertaining area, overlooking the landscaped gardens and spa pool.This has been a wonderful family home, and now’s your opportunity to create your own memories.


Warrendine Area

Set in a quiet cul-de-sac in the Warrendine area, this home has an established garden at the front which provides great privacy from the street. The house has 3 bedrooms all with built in wardrobes, a bathroom with bath, shower and separate toilet. There is vehicle access into the backyard, a garden shed and nice pergola area to sit, relax under and take in the rural outlook over the backyard. This is ideal for the first home buyer or investor.

Scan QR Code to see all Open House Times

120 Sampson Street




An Opportunity Awaits You

As you cross the huge front verandah and enter the spacious lounge room with its cute bay windows, it becomes obvious that this house is bigger inside than you might think. The house is set on a huge block of 2,023 sqm and there are four bedrooms, generous kitchen, two bathrooms plus big sheds.

Scan QR Code to see all Open House Times


Development Potential Close to the CBD

Contact: Michael Wright 0421 360 948 313

Only 4 blocks from the CBD, and even closer to the new DPI state office and Byng St cafe, this 3 bedroom home on a quarter acre block is ripe for renovation and development. The home itself is in need of a full renovation. It has 2 large bedroom’s, one smaller bedroom, combined kitchen and dining room, bathroom with a separate toilet, main lounge room and smaller second living area.

3 Kingfisher Court

Price: $899,000

Contact: Michael Wright 0421 360 948

A True Hidden Gem

This home in the coveted Bel-Air area is a true hidden gem. Perfect for families, it is tucked away in a quiet cul-de-sac. You will love the space available and the timber features adding character and interest. There is an abundance of living space and a gorgeous, sunny paved patio. You will love it.

92 Gidley Street Molong


Contact: Jacob Evans 0428 130 789

Lovely Home with Fantastic Views

3 1.5 3

This home has the most amazing elevated entertaining deck with gorgeous views. The covered and partly enclosed area is huge with plenty of space for relaxing. The home is lovely with a modern kitchen, dining area and lounge room. Not too far from the town centre, there is plenty to recommend this home to buyers.

47 Nubrigyn Street


Price: $399,000 Contact: Michael Wright 0421 360 948


Packed with Potential


This is the type of property that is packed with potential as a first home or investment property with good rental prospects. All it needs is some TLC to update and freshen it up. Set at a price that presents an affordable opportunity to enter the market, this property is worth

44 Gardiner Road

Price: $629,000

Contact: Adam Savage 0419 232 416

31 10 Central, Solid and Affordable


422 for extra storage.

Ideally located in the Warrendine area and only a short walk to the nearby Aquatic Centre, Bowling Club and great parks. This is a solid home with three bedrooms, two living areas and a renovated kitchen. Make sure you put this on your list to inspect as it won’t disappoint.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 21— 27, 2024 29
Adam Savage 0419 232 416 Price: $629,000
Moresby Street Price:$385,000
Jacob Evans
0428 130 789
Contact: Jacob Evans 0428 130
Price Guide: $650,000 – Offers invited
42 3
30 ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 21 — 27, 2024 Simply Organized FOR SALE NEW LISTING NEW LISTING NEW LISTING NEW LISTING PRICE GUIDE $775,000 - $800,000 OPEN Saturday 23rd March 2024; 2:00 - 2:30PM ASH BROWN 0417 663 687 PRICE GUIDE $775,000- $800,000 OPEN Saturday 23rd March 2024; 10:30 - 11:00am ASH BROWN 0417 663 687 NEW LISTING Suite 7, Level 2, Centrepoint Arcade 230 Summer St, Orange PH. 6362 9560 AGENCY ONE ORANGE 1 Silverdown Way, Orange 74 Pittman Drive, Browns Creek 11 Grove Street, Spring Hill 5 Gregory Place, Orange 8 Candlebark Crescent, Orange 8 3 74 3 1 2 22 4 1 2 PRICE GUIDE $900,000- $935,000 OPEN By appointment SIMONE FOGARTY 0420 984 565 PRICE GUIDE $575,000 - $595,000 OPEN Saturday 23rd March 2024; 10:00 -10:30am ASH BROWN 0417 663 687 PRICE GUIDE $630,000 OPEN By Appointment BIANCA SCIUTO 0400 481 893 PRICE GUIDE $1,600,000 - $1,650,000 OPEN By Appointment ASH BROWN 0417 663 687 18 Diamond Drive, Orange 4 34 LAND: 960m2 LAND: 415 m2 LAND: 1037 m2 LAND: 696 m2 LAND: 5.5 Acres LAND: 2978 m2

With a mile of potential, this 3 bedroom brick veneer home is situated at the end of a quiet cul de sac and is just waiting for some new Owners to make it shine again.

The living area here has gas heating and a split air conditioner which includes a lounge room, dining area and kitchen with pantry.

There is a single attached garage and a large, covered storage area at the back.

Situated on a large 935 m2 block with a gate for access to Council parkland behind. It’s an easy stroll from here to the Robin Hood Hotel and quick drive into town too.

Inspect today and let us know what you think.

Conveniently located within an easy walk to North Orange Shopping Centre, the Botanic Gardens and the Adventure Playground.

Enjoys glorious views towards Mt Canobolas and is ready to build you dream home on.


Situated in a prominent location adjoining a large Council carpark.

Contemporary design open plan work area with multiple work stations as well as three individual private offices and a separate front reception area.

Excellent staff amenities spacious modern eat in kitchen.

Floor area approx. 250 m2

spread over two levels with the airy and light filled open plan living area having plentiful windows that captures a lovely outlook over the reserve at the back.

All four bedrooms here have built in wardrobes and the two beautifully appointed bathrooms are sure to please.

The kitchen is the centerpiece of the home and features a gas cooktop stove, a dishwasher and a large walk-in food pantry with space for the fridge.

Some of the other many features here include a central reverse cycle air conditioning throughout, a double garage with internal access and a covered alfresco area with views to enjoy while you entertain.

Set on an elevated 875 m2 block it’s fully fenced and there is established green tall fescue turf for all to play on. The fabulous location here allows easy and quick access to the Orange Botanic Gardens, the Adventure Playground Centre and the North Orange Shopping complex.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 21— 27, 2024 31 COMMERCIAL FOR LEASE COMMERCIAL FOR LEASE FOR SALE IF YOU WOULD LIKE YOUR PROPERTY DEAL WITH THE LOCALS WITH LONG EXPERIENCE IN REAL ESTATE – NO SALE NO COST ! CALL NOW, CHRIS 0417 626 361 or John 0417 887 738 COMMERCIAL FOR LEASE FOR SALE Let your business be seen from the Mitchel Hwy at the entrance to Orange. Spacious and light filled showroom. The warehouse has high ceiling and rear roller door access from street for deliveries. Mezzanine level for extra storage. Good staff amenities including shower. Some off street parking directly in front of premises. RENT: 69,000 PA + GST & Outgoings HIGHWAY EXPOSURESHOWROOM & WAREHOUSE This open plan design would ideally suit a multitude of businesses including offices, beautician, gym and retail. Situated with rear direct access to an undercover Council carpark as well as front access from Lords Place. Floor area of approx. 320m2 Owner will renovate the premises to meet the requirements of an approved Tenant as well as up-date the external appearance. A FANTASTIC LOCATION YOU DESERVE THIS ONE 73 STEVENSON WAY, ORANGE With everything that sparkles, shimmers and shines this brand new four bedroom brick veneer home is ready your family to move straight into with no frustrating waiting around for one to be built ! The home is
NEW PRICE $875,000 OPEN HOUSE SAT 23rd MARCH 11.00am - 11.30am
Size: 753.5 m2 BUILDING
32 ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 21 — 27, 2024 Creative Heading info.orange@prd.com.au PRD.com.au/orange Orange 0428 650 675 Proudly Family Owned & Operated Scott & Victoria Munro Sell, Buy, Rent & Lease Smarter PRD Property Management Family owned and run with over 38 years of business experience. Thinking of changing property managers? It’s free! Come in and have a chat at our office 24 Sale Street or call Scott or Victoria about how we can look after your investment for you. Manage Smarter with PRD. View by appointment 20 Burgoon Lane, Molong This 277 * Acre (112 Ha) Farm Has Been In The Same Family Since 1929 And Offers Gently Undulating, Cleared And Totally Arable Land With Productive Soil, Appropriate Tree Cover For Stock And A Good Mixture Of Perennial Grasses. Improvements Include, A Three Bedroom Older Style Homestead Well Situated To Provide Sweeping Views Of The Surrounding Countryside, 12 Fenced Paddocks, 10 Dams, Grain Shed, 8t Silo And Cattle Yards With Ramp. Securely Fenced Into 12 Paddocks With Three Dams, A Silo, Two Stand Shearing Shed With Yards, The Opportunity To Undertake A Variety Of Agricultural Endeavours Such As Cattle, Sheep, Cereal Cropping Or With Expansion Of The Existing Dams, Even An Orchard Is Feasible. Additionally, There Is Good Bore Water In The Area; The Potential Is Unlimited. FOR SALE BRAND NEW LISTING 1 1 3 Productive And Arable Farm At Molong- Ready For Its Next Owner $1,650,000 3 1 1 View Sat 23 March, 11-11.30am 109 Spring Street, Orange Set at the front of this huge block, this tidy three bedroom home boasts plenty of space including formal dining, open plan living/ kitchen area, good sized family or lounge room and a massive games/rumpus room at the rear of the house. Its livability continues with a lovely alfresco area that overlooks the established plantings. You could simply buy this and enjoy the expansive backyard where backyard cricket would be easily accommodated. Really good opportunity; two blocks for the price of one! All offers considered $649,000 FOR SALE VIEW SATURDAY 11-11.30AM View by appointment 119 Allambie Road, Stuart Town This elegant home is situated to capture views of the undulating countryside. Featuring two generous separate living areas, one of which is sunken with a corner bar and ample light from the bay window, you will love this home’s privacy and space. This home’s livability continues into the open plan design of the dining room which is cleverly combined with the family and bright kitchen space. FOR SALE BRAND NEW LISTING 4 2 3 Fantastic Homestead, Fantastic 14 Acre* Lifestyle Block At Stuart Town $730,000 PRICE ADJUSTED OPEN INSPECTIONS with ORANGE PROPERTY MARKET for more details on these great properties scan the qr code to go directly to our website 10:00-10:30 10/14-16 Burrendong Way 2 1 1 $315,000 - $325,000 10:00- 10:30 8 Candlebark Crescent 3 1 1 $575,000 - $595,000 10:30-11:00 5 Gregory Place 4 2 2 $775,000- $800,000 10:45-1:15 15 Emerald Street 4 2 2 $780,000 - $820,000 11:15-11:45 3 Lisbon Circuit 4 2 2 $820,000 - $840,000  11:30-12:00 48 Molloy Drive 4 2 2 $750,000 - $785,000  11:30-12:00 29 Balmoral Drive 3 2 1 Contact Agent 11:45-12:15 71 Icely Road 5 2 2 $760,000 - $800,000 11:45-11:15 22 Buna Street 3 1 1 $365,000-$390,000 12:15-12:45 55 Kenna Street 3 1 1 Contact Agent 12:30-1:00 1630 Icely Road 5 2 3 $1,000,000 - $1,100,000 1:30-2:00 25 Riddell Street, Molong 3 1 - $600,000 2:00-2:30 11 Grove Street, Spring Hill 7 2 2 $775,000 - $800,000 9.30-10.00 16 National Avenue 4 2 6 Contact Agent 9.30-10.00 97 Beasley Road 2 1 8 $895,000-$935,000 9.30- 10.00 12 Downey Crescent 4 2 2 $729,000 - $749,000 10.15-10.45 3 Golden Place 3 1 1 $569,000 10.15-10.45 59 Autumn Street 2 1 3 $629,000-$649,000 10.30 – 11.00 36 Carcoar Street, Spring Hill 4 2 4 $799,000 - $829,000 11.00-11.30 2 Alexander Street 4 2 2 $749,000 - $779,000 11.00-11.30 61 Cox Avenue 5 2 0 $649,000 -$689,000 11.00-11.30 132 March Street 2 1 1 $790,000 11.45-12.15 44 Park Street 2 1 1 $580,000 11.45-12.15 2 Wattlebird Place 4 3 2 $980,000- $1,030,000 11.45-12.15 5 Goroka Place 3 1 2 $589,000 11.45-12.15 916 Lower Lewis Ponds Road 4 2 4 $1,200,000 - $1,250,000 12.30-1.00 44 Gardiner Road 3 1 1 $629,000 12.30-1.00 10 Summer Street 6 4 3 $1,650,000-$1,750,000 12.30 – 1.00 9/99 Bathurst Road 3 2 2 $680,000 1.00 – 2.00 1 McKay Crescent 3 1 1 $635,000 1.15-1.45 2 Alison Place 3 1 1 $629,000 1.15 – 1.45 33 North Street 2 2 1 $360,000 2.00 – 2.30 6 Moresby Street 3 1 0 $385,000 2.45 – 3.15 39 Wentworth Lane 3 1 1 $625,000


12.00 - 12.30 4/67

Hoynes Circuit, Blayney 4 2 2 $ 699,000.00 1.15-1.45 21/98 Kenna Street 2 1 1 $440,000 - $460,000

ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 21— 27, 2024 33 119 Peisley Street Orange NSW 2800 02 6362 4755 www.awn.net LIVESTOCK & PROPERTY Marie Fox 0412 166 132 Contact $ 680,000 Price Utilities 2 Bed I 1 Bath I 1 Car FOR SALE Gumnut” is a productive 53.8 acre property just to the north of Blayney and the perfect small farm on which to build your dream home. Features of the property include fertile basalt soils, excellent water security, good fencing, and a building entitlement. Lock-up shed with concrete flooring, a solid set of steel cattle yards, and planted tree lines which offer shelter for livestock Set on a quiet country road 3.5km from the Blayney CBD which offers excellent amenities for a town of its size including primary and secondary schools. An excellent opportunity to secure a quality rural lifestyle property 136 Greghamstown Road, Blayney Tom Campbell 0459 022 477 Contact $875,000 Price FOR SALE One of the most iconic landmarks in the sought after Millthorpe area of the Central Tablelands of NSW.The guesthouse has many amazing and historic features including multiple living spaces, a functional kitchen and breakfast room, independent owners’ accommodation which has its own bedroom, lounge, and bathroom, four large bedrooms three of which have ensuites and the king room has a large modern bathroom adjacent. Set on a total 1985*sqm of land over 3 separate titles the art studio, cottage, and framing studio. Rich in beauty and history ‘Rosebank’ is filled with luxury and comfort and the perfect muse for all things inspirational. 'Rosebank' 38-40 Victoria Street, Millthorpe Tom Campbell 0459 022 477 Contact Contact Agent Price A spacious and modern brick veneer country homestead, with 3 to 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, multiple living areas, abundant natural light, and delightful views of the garden from every room. This elegant home coupled with a productive and well appointed 115* acre rural property in a sought after location will ensure you can savour the joys of peaceful country living. Set in a highly desirable location 16km* from the Orange CBD, this is more than just a home - it's a country lifestyle opportunity in a highly desirable area close to one of the most popular regional centres in NSW. Don't miss the opportunity to make this stunning property yours! Contact us today to schedule an inspection and start living the life you deserve. Utilities 3-5 Bed I 2 Bath I 2+ Car FOR SALE 127 Orchard Road, Springside Tom Campbell 0459 022 477 Contact Contact Agent Price Located in a family friendly quiet cul-d-sac in West Orange this home is sure to impress. Nearby you will find parks, playgrounds, childcare centres, shops, and walkways. Generous master bedroom with built-ins. Galley kitchen with huge storage and bench space Four generous living areas, room for all the family North facing sunroom engulfed by natural light and warmth. Separate formal lounge and family room with split system . The fourth living area would be great for those with hobbies, or for a children’s room. Plenty of vehicle accommodation FOR SALE 16 El Paso Place, Orange Marie Fox 0412 166 132 Contact $598,000 Price Utilities 3 Bed 1 Bath I 4 Car Utilities 7 Bed I 7 Bath I 4+ Car Located in the popular and dynamic village of Millthorpe this property offers a prime retail space and residential studio. This unique opportunity presents the potential of a dual income. Retail Space • Approx. 100 sqm floor space. Split system heating and cooling • Current tenant in place • Large open space perfect for a variety of ventures Studio residence • Kitchenette and recently updated bathroom. Split system heating and cooling. Off street parking • Open plan layout. Outdoor area with built in pizza oven FOR SALE 19 Pym Street, Millthorpe Utilities Tom Campbell 0459 022 477 Contact $750,000 Price 1 Bed I 1 Bath Welcome to your dream home in the heart of convenience. Strategically located with easy access to schools, parks, cafes, shops and the Aquatic centre and a seamless commute to the CBD making your work or leisure trips a breeze. Well-designed layout, that maximises space and functionality. • Sun-filled open plan living areas that create a warm and inviting atmosphere. • Two generous bedrooms, each boasting built-in wardrobes for ample storage space. • Split systems both upstairs and down stairs makes for year-round comfort. • Second toilet downstairs for added convenience • Fully fenced courtyard, providing a private outdoor space • Attached lock-up garage with internal and courtyard access • Secure and friendly community atmosphere within the complex. Marie Fox 0412 166 132 Contact FOR SALE 4/67 Kenna Street, Orange $479,000 Price Utilities 2 Bed I 1 Bath I 1 Car NEW PRICE NEW LISTING OPENSaturday 23.3.24 12.00 - 12.30pm OPEN Saturday 23.3.24 10.30 - 11.00am OPEN Saturday 24.2.24 11.00 - 11.30am OPEN Saturday 23.3.24 11.15 - 11.45am Don’t be slow to inspect this cottage, when you do, your heart will melt. Fully renovated the home is situated in a very central location close, to shops, schools, cafes and restaurants, art gallery parks and there is easy access to the CBD. Northeast facing kitchen. Plenty of storage and bench space. The bathroom has been tastefully renovated The formal lounge room is a central area to gather, or a quiet get away to sit and read. Large bedrooms, with the main having a dressing area There is a lock-up garage and workshop 4 Autumn Street, Orange FOR SALE find your dream home today... 9.30 - 10.00 2 Beasley Lucknow 3 1 4 $760,000 - $800,000 11.00 - 11.30 141 Forest Reef Road Millthorpe 4 2 8 AUCTION 12.00 - 12.30 12 Matthews Avenue Orange 3 1 1 Contact Agent 11.00 - 11.30 109 Spring Street Orange 3 1 1 $699,000 11.00 - 11.30am 73 Stevenson Way Orange 4 2 2 $875,000 12.00 - 12.30pm 13 Havachat Place Orange 3 1 1 $599,000 Turners Vineyard Function and Convention Centre nestled amongst the grapevines overlooking the hills of the beautiful Lucknow Valley. Turners Vineyard Function and Convention Centre is located scenic 31/2 hours drive west of Sydney. Situated only 5kms out of Orange, this complex consists of Function Lucknow Valley Room is the main function Auditorium; an elegantly appointed area, which offers the versatility of being able to be used as ballroom or conference area with The Vineyard Bar and Grill has beautifully appointed bar which overlooks the vineyard, the Restaurant seats up to 120 people with walk in wine cellar. FOR LEASE TURNERS VINEYARD FUNCTION AND CONVENTION CENTRE Turners Vineyard Function and Convention Centre Turners Vineyard Function and Convention Centre nestled amongst the grapevines overlooking the hills of the beautiful Lucknow Valley. Turners Vineyard Function and Convention Centre is located a hours drive west of Sydney. Situated only 5kms out of Orange, this complex consists of a Function Centre, an A-la-Carte Restaurant and Vineyard Café. MitchellHighwaytoOrange CHRIS GRYLLIS Personal Service & Attention Since 1974 OMMERCIAL HOMES RURAL INDUSTRIALS CHRIS GRYLLIS REAL ESTATE 74 MCNAMARA STREET ORANGE NSW 2800 www.chrisgryllisrealestate.com.au For further information: COMMERCIAL FOR LEASECOMMERCIAL FOR LEASE COMMERCIAL FOR LEASE COMMERCIAL FOR LEASECOMMERCIAL FOR LEASE COMMERCIAL FOR LEASE Don’t miss out on securing this spacious shop of around 120 m2 in floor area that is positioned in the busy core of Orange’s CBD in Summer Street. On-site parking• Available now. $880 PER WEEK + GST & OUTGOINGS IDEAL LOCATION FOR RETAIL SHOP OR OFFICE A fantastic location in busy Summer Street. Glass frontage ideal for the gaze of passing foot traffic. On site car parking. Total floor area approx. 100 m2 that includes storage and amenities. To become available soon. $38,000 P.A. + GST RETAIL SHOP In heart of Orange’s CBD Re-locate or start your new business in the beautifully restored complex. A number of small ground floor shops and 1st/2nd floor offices available. For further details please visit our website www.chrisgryllisrealestate.com.au CENTREPOINT ARCADE Approx. 300 m2 of floor space in this well presented commercial shop in Summer Street. Currently set up as an office complex this premises would also be ideal as retail shop. Has good staff amenities and reverse cycle air conditioning though out. RENT: $90,000 P.A. + GST & OUTGOINGS SUMMER STREET LOCATION BANJO PATERSON AUSTRALIAN Events held at Yeoval, Molong, Orange Civic Centre South Court, Stuart Town, Heifer Station Wines, Orange Ex Services Club, Banjo Paterson Park, Robertson Park, Orange Regional Conservatorium, Strawhouse Wines, the Full program online www.orange360.com.au PROUDLY SUPPORTED BY CHRIS GRYLLIS REAL ESTATE Surrounded by a variety of commercial enterprises are these last remaining blocks in the prestigious Gateway Business Park positioned with easy access to the Mitchell Hwy at entrance to Orange. The blocks are zoned B6 Enterprise Corridor and are level and ready to develop for your successful business or investment. Land sizes available from 2,045 m to 3,559 m Please contact our office for further details. BLUE RIBBON COMMERCIAL LAND TO BUILD ON PRICES RANGE FROM $510,000 + GST TO $925,000 + GST 10.15-10.45 46A Franklin Road 4 2 2 $ 729,000.00 10.45-11.15 163 Clinton Street 4 1 1 $ 629,000.00 11.00-11.30 16 Bluett Close, Forest Reefs 4 2 7 Offers over $1,300,000 11.00-11.30 45 Torulosa Way 3 1 2 $550,000 - $585,000 11.30-12.00 78 Sieben Drive 4 2 2 $ 835,000.00 11.45-12.15 89 Edward Street 3 1 $ 720,000.00 12.00-12.30 36 Maple Crescent, Blayney 4 2 2 $ 729,000.00 12.15 - 12.45 32 Buckland Crescent 4 2 2 $1,000,000 - $1,100,000 12.30-1.00 22 Kurim Avenue 3 1 1 $350,000 - $370,000 12.45-1.15 20
Street, Orange 2
10.30 - 11.00
1 1
- 11.45 16 El Paso
1 4 $598,000
Formal lounge with fireplace and patterned ornate ceiling. Seperate dining room with wine cupboard to store your wines. Eat in kitchen, plenty of bench space and storage. Family room where the family can gather to watch their favourite shows. Office ideal if you work from home or for those who want to close the door after working on their latest hobby. Outdoor covered entertaining area and workshop/gym. Original cellar This Federation home was the original homestead for the area. The home has been cared for and well maintained and offers many features of houses of this era including a fireplace, lead light windows and ornate patterned ceilings. Agent declares an interest 53 Kenna Street, Orange FOR SALE FOR SALE 119 Peisley Street Orange NSW 2800 02 6362 4755 www.awn.net LIVESTOCK & PROPERTY Marie Fox 0412 166 132 Contact $795,000 Price Utilities 3 Bed 2 Bath 1 Car OPEN Saturday 25.11.23 12.00 - 12.30pm Marie Fox 0412 166 132 Contact $895,000 Price Utilities 4 Bed 2 Bath 2 Car OPEN Saturday 25.11.23 11.15 - 11.45am A renovated modern kitchen with quality inclusions. Great storage and plenty of bench space Formal lounge and separate dining room, family room, theatre room and teenager’s retreat Large bedrooms, all with built-ins, the fourth bedroom could be used as a study. Gas heater and a cosy wood heater Covered outdoor entertaining area.Fully enclosed yard which is very private and a shed ideal as a workshop or gym. If you are looking for that central location and want plenty of space for the growing family than this is the one you MUST inspect. Such a great location, close to schools, Aquatic Centre, restaurants, and only two blocks to the CBD Power is connected and there are numerous spots that would be deal to build a home. Currently destocked of livestock but providing a mix of grazing (approx. 70%) and bush country (approx. 30%) with some country potentially suitable to cropping. Watered via dual frontage to the semipermanent Manildra Creek that goes back to permanent waterholes in a dry time and 2 reliable dams. A property ideal as a first time or add on agricultural enterprise, or to be enjoyed for recreational and lifestyle pursuits. An ideal rural lifestyle property situated 11km west of Manildra in Central West NSW set on 228 hectares, or 563 acres, and spread over 5 lots. Call today to arrange your inspection….. NEW PRICE Tom Campbell 0459 022 477 Contact $860,000 Price FOR SALE 273 Bocobra Road, Manildra Residential BlockThis sizable vacant block is situated in a desirable location in Millthorpe surrounded by established homes and gardens and is conveniently located close to shops, Millthorpe primary school, cafes, restaurants and the CBD. Zoned RU5-Village zone in Blayney Shire, it will surely be in demand. This is one for the family looking to build now as rarely are blocks offered these days in the established areas of Millthorpe. Time to get the house plans out and contact your builder to make the start on building the house of your dreams. Marie Fox 0412 166 132 Contact $450,000 Price Size 1,121 m2 Approx. 1 Pitt Street, Millthorpe FOR SALE
Orange 2 1 1 $479,000


A Serene Escape

58 Strachan Road, Orange NSW

Welcome to "Kunari", where a charming home awaits amidst beautiful established gardens. This inviting property offers a serene escape with its lush surroundings and ample space for outdoor enjoyment, nestled on eight and a half acres of stunning countryside. This wonderful home boasts four bedrooms, providing ample space for your family or guests. Two newly renovated bathrooms that offer modern comfort, while the renovated laundry adds convenience to your daily routine.

The kitchen, a focal point of the home, boasts modern elegance, ample counter space, and quality appliances, making it a delight to prepare meals.

A bore, reticulated to all paddocks, ensures a constant water supply for both your gardens and livestock, while 5kw of solar panels provide sustainable energy to power your home.

Sale Contact Agent



Exceptional Rural Living

141 Forest Reefs Road, Millthorpe NSW

By Appointment Only

Emma Chapman 0423 658 101

Ray White Townsend

Real Estate raywhitetre.com


Investors or first home buyers!

12 Matthews Avenue, Orange NSW

Nestled within close proximity to Orange's vibrant CBD this inviting three-bedroom brick home offers a perfect blend of comfort and convenience.

The timeless appeal of its classic brick façade welcomes you to a well-maintained property that effortlessly combines urban living with a peaceful residential atmosphere set on 641 square meters.

The living room serves as a comfortable retreat, seamlessly connecting to an adjoining dining area, making it ideal for both relaxation and entertaining.

The updated kitchen features modern appliances, ample counter space, and storage, making meal preparation a delightful experience.

Three generously sized bedrooms provide comfortable sanctuaries for family members or guests, each with large windows and ample wardrobe space.


Contact Agent


Saturday 23rd March 24'


Emma Chapman 0423 658 101

Ray White Townsend

Real Estate raywhitetre.com

Welcome to 141 Forest Reefs Road, Millthorpe - a welldesigned, spacious 4-bedroom, 2-bathroom home, located on a picturesque 5-acre parcel of land within walking distance of the historic township of Millthorpe. 5-acre Lifestyle property

Ducted reverse-cycle air conditioning for additional heating and cooling

Water security with connection to Town Water, and 94,000L rainwater combined storage

Two 3-Bay sheds with power and lighting

Drive through access suitable for Caravan, Motorhome or boat

The smaller shed is 9m x 7m with single phase power.

Two of the 3 roller doors are remote controlled, with a clearance height of 2.2m, and high-bay LED lighting.

Auction Thursday 18th April ‘24 from 10:30am Orange NSW

Open Saturday 23rd March ‘24


James Taylor 0457 792 800

Kurt Adams 0428 747 050

Ray White Townsend

Real Estate raywhitetre.com


The choice is yours!

Land For Sale in Geraldton Street & William Maker Drive, Orange NSW

With ten vacant residential building blocks ranging in size from 514 square metres up to 1,784 square metres this subdivision has a lot to offer the new home builder.

Six blocks front onto Geraldton Street, four front William Maker Drive and three blocks share a boundary with a public reserve and ecologically significant woodland. Head over to our website for a full price list and further information!

Sale Contact Agent

Open By Appointment Only

Stephen Townsend 0427 631 957

Ray White Bathurst raywhitetre.com

34 ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 21 — 27, 2024 Ray White Townsend Real Estate 203 Lords Place, Orange NSW raywhitetre.com 02 6362 4016


"Billys Gully" - Your Gateway to Rural Bliss

“Billys Gully” 127 Adair Drive, Orange NSW

101-hectare farm with soft rolling hill and undulating basalt grazing

Predominately open grazing country, with plenty of shade and shelter trees

Fully fenced with quality waratah fencing, sub-divided into 3 paddocks

Power pole with transformer connected to the boundary

Well-watered with four dams

Numerous building sites with beautiful views

"Billys Gully" offers a productive and tranquil lifestyle located in the heart of the Orange region


Auction Thursday 18th April ‘24

Orange NSW


By Appointment Only

Kurt Adams 0428 747 050

Stephen Townsend 0427 631 957

Ray White Townsend

Real Estate raywhitetre.com

Prime Agricultural Land Offering Versatile Farming Opportunities

‘Highfield East’ 170 Kurrajong Road , Cudal NSW

"Highfield East" is an outstanding 296-acre (119 hectares) mixed farming property, presenting a high level of agricultural performance and is suitable for cattle, sheep and cropping.

Well serviced with rich soils, secure water, and cultivation opportunities. Meets all requirements for building entitlement and power runs through the property.

"Highfield East" is a highly productive, attractive vacant block and offers the opportunity to continue a successful farming operation.


Thursday 18th April ‘24

Orange NSW


By Appointment Only

Kurt Adams 0428 747 050

Ray White Townsend

Real Estate raywhitetre.com

Rural 433 Long Point Road , Mullion Creek NSW

An absolute Must to See!

20kms from the outskirts of Orange and just 4.33km from Mullion Creek features a 4.98 hectare meticulously maintained property.

The topography is slightly sloping with granite based soils and surrounded by lush expansive pine trees. The land is a blank canvas to make it your own!

Suitable for many lifestyle pursuits.

The residence comprises of 4 spacious bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and a 2 car garage with an attached 2 car space carport with an established driveway which stretches from the front gate to the fully fenced residence.


Sale Price Guide$1,050,000 - $1,100,000


By Appointment Only

Kurt Adams 0428 747 050

Ray White Townsend

Real Estate raywhitetre.com

Superb Locality, Enjoyable Lifestyle

‘Koolawong’ 2442 Burrendong Way, Orange NSW

"Koolawong" is an exceptional parcel with excellent access and locality just 24kms north of Orange and 40minutes to Burrendong Dam offering the idyllic rural lifestyle

Sitting on 16.34 Ha (40 acres) the four bedroom, one bathroom family home presents as a delightful, neat and tidy open plan living, with a slow combustion woodfire, reverse cycle air conditioner and large rooms highlighted with superb vistas. Approximately 90% of land would be descried as arable.

Sale $1,350,000


By Appointment Only

Kurt Adams 0428 747 050

Ray White Townsend

Real Estate raywhitetre.com

ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 21— 27, 2024 35 Ray White Townsend Real Estate 203 Lords Place, Orange NSW raywhitetre.com 02 6362 4016


Loony Lotto:

Find Pinny: James Anderson

Concert for a Cause: Jennifer Sams

I love IGA

We have


Face in the Crowd

Win a $50 gift voucher at Cheeky Barista Cafe

We have two vouchers to give away per month, Somewhere in this edition of

City Life, you’ll find this face. To enter, simply write your name and address on the back of an envelope, along with the page number you found the face on or email us an entry.

Find Pinny

We have a voucher for Orange Tenpin Bowl valued at $60 to give away each week, so the family can go bowling!

Each week we’ll hide a small version of “Pinny” (pictured) somewhere in OCLife. It could be anywhere. To enter, simply find him, write your name and phone number on the back of an envelope, along with the page number you found him on, and send in...

Looney Lotto

Win a voucher to the value of $20, to use at Coco’s Cafe or Paul’s @ Coco’s TO WIN: If you have a personal or business phone number with these 4 numbers appearing in any order within it, put in an entry and we’ll draw a winner from among all correct entries each week.

LIFEandTIMES with Angus Gibb


I love my lawns. They are not very spectacular and there are plenty of weeds scattered throughout, but I love seeing the beautiful green carpet out the front and back of our house. When we first moved here, Orange was on the back of the drought and our yard looked dead and dry. I do not need to say how much things have changed. But what is it that I love about my lawn? It is that I get to tend to it. I get to cut it. I take pride in getting the edges nice and neat. I take pride in mowing nice and evenly. Part of the satisfaction of a lawn is that sense of visible accomplishment after spending a couple of hours mowing. It really is a great feeling to sit down in the middle of a freshly cut lawn on a warm afternoon. I also enjoy the challenge. When the cape weed is in full swing, I scour the grass like a hawk searching for its prey. When I notice the slightest hint of a prickle, I pounce. But the feeling of satisfaction and joy that comes from tending and mowing the lawns never lasts. I know that at this time of the year, it will only be a matter of days before the dandelions shoot up and the edges look scrappy again. Friday (mowing-day at our house) will roll around again and it will be time to get to it again. It is a neverending cycle that will continue all my days. I also must admit, that about two thirds through the

mowing process, I begin to get fed-up. It takes time to manoeuvre around the trampoline and swing set. It takes time to stay on top of the grass when I could be doing other things. As one drought has ended and we enjoy the lush greenery all around us, part of me wonders how long it will last. A day will come again when the grass withers. What was once lush and green will become dead and barren once more. The grass will wither, and my lawnmower will sit idle in the shed. The Bible uses grass as a metaphor for our lives and how changeable they can be. In Isaiah 40:6b-8 it says: “All people are like grass, and all their faithfulness is like the flowers of the field. The grass withers and the flowers fall because the breath of the Lord blows on them. Surely the people are grass. The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever.” What does Isaiah mean by this? That, just like my lawns will never be truly perfect, weedfree and drought-resistant, our lives too are fleeting. We face all sorts of troubles and pressures in our lives. Just as the grass withers and fades, so do we. But the one thing that remains constant, that you can build your life on is God’s word. When I am sitting there on my freshly cut lawn, I find myself reflecting on this.

36 ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 21 — 27, 2024 Deliver or post entries to: Orange City Life Suite 3/241 Lords Place, Orange or Email: reception@oclife.com.au and mark each entry with the competition name, your name and phone number. Entries close 12 noon Tuesday. WED TO SAT 4PM-8PM 0401 072 027 Check our Facebook for the Menu 37 William Street ORANGE | Ph 6362 8611 Pauls @ CoCos DINE IN OR TAKEWAY Pizzas ~ Wings ~ Pasta ~ Chips ~ DimSim CoCo’s CAFE TRADING HOURS Monday to Friday 6.30 4.00pm Saturday 7am – 1pm Closed Public Holidays 37 William Street ORANGE Ph 6362 8611 Delicious! burgers, coffee and yummy desserts. With both daily & weekly specials they have something to tickle your taste buds. CoCo’s offers a wide range of gluten free, home cooked meals, all day breakfast and catering available, eat in or take way. Portuguese chicken Salad wraps Poached Eggs with Avo smash and yogurt Berry muesli Black Bean Vegetable Burger with a Sweet Potato Crisp Pumpkin Fetta Tart Sweet potato fish cake with seeded pumpkin fetta salad GET OUR APP MEAL DEAL $50 2 Pizzas, Barramundi Bits & 1.25 litre Soft Drink Congratulations to last week’s winners
IGA: Stephen Lang
Call into the OCLife o ce to collect your prize
each week
a $50 gift voucher to give away
from Ashcroft’s Supa IGA.
enter, simply tell us your name and contact phone and what product is featured in the small Ashcroft’s Supa IGA ad featured in this issue of OCLife.
OCL ifeCOMPETITIONS reception@oclife.com.au Try
your luck today and be a

Kids Talk Sam, 7 years old

✫ Who is your favourite teacher? Miss West, she takes us to the computers so we can use them.

✫ What is your favourite thing to do once you get home from school?

Annoy my brother, he’s nine.

✫ What is something your parents always say to you? Stop annoying your brother!

✫ If you were the principal of your school for a day, what is the first thing you'd do? Make the kids make all the adults do the work.

CWA Central Western Group The Land Cookery Competition

The CWA Central Western Group The Land Cookery Competition saw an increase in entries in 2024, with local cooks whipping up everything from Boiled Fruit Cakes to Ginger Flu Sponges.

“Our judge Kristyne Rybak from Narromine Branch was very generous with her comments during the judging giving lots of reasons why certain problems occur and how to rectify them for next time,” CWA Central Western Group publicity o cer Christine McIlvain said.

“Often it was because the oven

✫ What is your favourite toy? Probably my Nerf gun. I shoot my brother with it, that’s pretty much how I annoy him. Kids talk

✫ What is your favourite food? Spaghetti Bolognaise. Either Dad or Mum cook it.

✫ What do you want to be when you grow up? A motorbike rider. I ride my motorbike a lot.

✫ If you could open a shop, what would it sell? Food!

✫ If you made the rules at your house, what is the first rule you would make? Let me boss around everyone.

✫ What's the coolest thing you've ever done? Probably the first crash I did on my motorbike.

was too hot and the cake didn’t cook evenly. Apparently patience is part of cooking as well.”

The Land Cookery competition is open to the general public as well as CWA members but must be entered through a local branch.

“If you’re interested speak to someone in your local branch,” Christine said.

Pictured is Jenny McRae, a junior member of Millthorpe Branch and winner of the Junior Decorated Cupcake Section for competitors 12 years and under. Well done Jenny!


Cottage Wonders

Japanese wind flowers Eriocapitella (syn. Anemone) x hybrida

A member of the Ranunculaceae family, these beautiful plants originated in Asia; specifically China. They are a clumping plant with small corms and “maple-like” leaves. The flowers sit well above the leaves that form mainly at the base of the plant. The slender stems which hold the flowers aloft, can sometimes reach up to a metre in height. Aptly named, the flowers sway and tilt in the vaguest of breezes.

Note that this species can be confused with Anemone hupehensis. Easy to do as they are very similar, with the only real di erence being that the latter often has colours of a richer hue.

This showy plant begins flowering in late summer and continues throughout autumn with the first severe frost knocking them for six. However, this doesn’t matter much as they are herbaceous and die back completely in winter anyway. I’d suggest that once the plant has finished flowering, cut it back to the base and mulch well. It will start its regrowth in late spring.

Wind Flowers are drought tolerant. They prefer a semi-shaded spot in the garden with rich, well-drained soil but will do well in full sun if kept well mulched and watered. They appreciate being lifted and divided (take a corm with each division) every few years. They have a shallow rooting habit, so you won’t find yourself having to dig too hard. If they have been planted in deep shade, don’t both with lifting; just leave them to their own devices. However, if in shade, you might find that they tend to search for the sun so can become tall and will quite often lean under their own weight. Consider transplanting them to a sunnier spot if this is the case.

When replanting, fuss over them for a bit (mulch, water and fertilizer) until they are established, and growth has recommenced.

Ranging in colour from white through to deep magenta, they make a good border plant, suit cottage gardens beautifully but can also be a good foil in a formal garden. They look stunning left to naturalise if you have the space. They also make a sweet cut flower.

This plant is not edible so don’t ingest and watch your pets don’t try to have a chomp on it either.

Only a completely di erent note, how good have the figs been this season? If you don’t grow your own, you’ll find them at their best right now at many of our local producers, supermarkets, and other markets. Buy local whenever you can. Here’s my simple recipe for some fig jam:


You will need:

1kg of Genoa, (Black figs) Any variety will do if you can’t get your hands on these, but they make a jam of a glorious colour)

1 and a half cups of sugar

The juice and skin of two good-sized lemons (Meyer lemons are preferable given their juiciness)

Wash the figs well and chop into quarters. Put into a deep saucepan.

Squeeze the juice of the lemons into the pan making sure you remove the pips.

Add the lemon skins into the saucepan. I never bother zesting or using only the rinds, instead I just pop them straight into the pot.

Add the sugar.

Cook on a medium heat until sugar has melted, and everything is starting to dissolve. Turn the heat down to low and continue to simmer for at least 40 minutes, stirring regularly to ensure the mixture doesn’t stick to the bottom of the pan. Squash the figs with the back of your spoon as you go.

Once reduced and syrupy, place a teaspoonful on a small dish into the fridge until completely cooled. The mixture should be sticky and hold its shape. Taste. If you feel it needs a bit more lemon or a bit more sugar or cooking time, add and keep reducing slowly.

Once you are happy, take it o the heat, cool completely, remove the lemon skins and then spoon into sterilised glass jars. It should yield around 3-4 medium-sized jars.

Caro Webster is a passionate gardener, author, award-winning blogger, and committee member of the Friends of the Orange Botanic Gardens.

For more information on the work of the Friends, you can follow them on Facebook @OrangeFOBG

ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 21— 27, 2024 37

17 to 19 year olds in gap year required for casual positions in a garden related retail outlet. Applicants will need to be reliable and have good communication skills. Business operates seven days and hours are rostered and flexible. The work will include maintaining shop displays, sales and unpacking stock. Some heavy lifting is involved so the applicant needs to be fit and strong and have the ability to follow correct lifting procedures.

Resumes to be emailed to: sales@greenwest.net.au

PROUDLY SPONSORED BY Norman J. Penhall Funerals ORANGE & DISTRICT 6361 7777 or 6362 3751 Office & Chapel, 31-35 William Street, Orange REMEMBER YOUR LOVED ONES HERE IN Fond Memories Thanks to Norman J. Penhall Funerals Gail Elizabeth Lamers 16.6.1949 ~ 21.3.2023 Nothing could be more beautiful, Than the memories we have of you, To us they’re very precious Because they are of you. Sadly missed by husband Leo, Michael, Bradley and all of her family and friends James Sheahan Catholic High School HSIE Teacher Part time 0.8 FTE Temporary Position Commence by negotiation – 23 September 2022 Applications are invited for the above positions from suitably qualified teachers who demonstrate a sincere commitment to the aims and philosophy of Catholic education and possess appropriate teaching qualifications. Further details of this position, including the selection criteria may be obtained by contacting the Executive Assistant on (02) 6362 1422. A valid Working with Children Check Number is required for this position and must be provided at the time of application. Closing date: Friday 20 May 2022 at 10.00am The Catholic Education Diocese of Bathurst is an equal opportunity employer. James Sheahan Catholic High School POSITIONS AVAILABLE • Maths Teacher – 0.8FTE Temporary. Term 2 2024 through to the end of Term 4 2024. • Ongoing casual teaching positions Come and be a part of our amazing learning community. Further details can be obtained from our website: jschs.catholic.edu.au go to Contact Us, Employment, or call 6362 1422. The Catholic Education Diocese of Bathurst is an equal opportunity employer. Philippa Mitchell Professional Bra Fitter By Appointment Mob: 0499 991 650 Bras for all women through every stage of life Your wig and topper specialist is available for a one on one private consulting. Please call Maddie Fisher on 0431 353 800 for an appointment or more information. BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Contact Corina Kenny: 0408 199 502 Let’s talk beauty 0437 211 614 0417 904 328 Awesome THAI MASSAGE Thai Traditional Massage Swedish Massage Deep Tissue Massage Warm Coconut Oil Massage Thai Remedial Massage + Hot Stones Neck, Back, Head and Shoulders Call Victor w 0455 299 043 PICTURE FRAMING Shop 18, 212 Anson St Plaza Orange saucedesign.com.au/framing BLOCKED EARS? Specialist Clinicians - Gentle - No syringing - All Ages MICRO-SUCTION WAX REMOVAL CLINIC Visiting APRIL 9th, 10th and 11th Pinnacle Dermatology. 272 Anson St, Orange contact@ear2ear.com.au 0455 629 905 public notices public notices CENTREPOINT ARCADE Shop 4, 226 – 232 Summer St 0419 979 773 REEL Memories • DVD’S Cult & Classic • Die Cast Model Cars etc • LP Records/45’s • Movie Posters etc • DVD Packages made up for Rental Libraries (Conditions apply) REEL MEMORIES Orange Coin & Stamp Club Inc. EXPO 2024 SATURDAY 23rd March, 2024 9am to 4pm SUNDAY 24th March, 2024 9am to 2pm at the Orange High School Hall Woodward Street, Orange Interstate & NSW dealers BUYING & SELLING Admission $2 Information phone 0403 398 545 Thinking of you on your Birthday Anne Gorham (nee Baker) 21.3.1956 ~ 17.01.2024 Today should have been so different... Missing you Loving you Celebrating you Happy Birthday Dear Friend Much loved and sadly missed by all for sale EVERYTHING REDUCED TO CLEAR • 2 x Victa 4 Stroke Push Mowers ..........$200ea • 1 Chainsaw .....................................................$150 • 1 Ryobi Chainsaw with battery and charger ...........................................................$100 • 1 Blower..........................................................$150 • 1 Whipper Snipper ......................................$200 • Hedge Trimmer Combination Kit with 5 attachments ....................................$600 • 1 Garden Wheelbarrow ................................. $50 • 1 Steel Crowbar .............................................. $30 • 2 Mattocks ..................................................$30 ea • 1 Broom .............................................................$25 • 2 Grass Rakes .............................................$15 ea • 1 Shovel ............................................................ $20 • 1 Garden Spade ...............................................$25 • 1 Ryobi Battery Hand Hedger with charger and battery ............................. $50 • 1 Garden Fork ................................................... $15 • All Garden Hand Tools .............................$10 ea • Loppers, Saws and clippers ..............$20 each CASH SALE ONLY Contact Paul 0457 777 306
ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 21— 27, 2024 41 Backyard fencing • Supply and Fit FREE QUOTES Call Barry 0488 289 892 7 Days Lic. No. 36578 BLIND SHUTTERS & AWNINGS HIGH QUALITY AT AN AFFORDABLE PRICE Most products carry a 5 - 25yr warranty BUDGET BLINDS & AWNINGS A local Orange business est. 2012 servicing the Central West Call Milissa for a free measure & quote 02 6369 0173 or 0437 10 60 60 www.bbao.com.au - info@bbao.com.au HOMERENOVATION Wecanhelpyou: Increasethevalueofyourhome Renovateyourbathroomorkitchen Buildanoutdoorkitchen CreateadedicatedspaceforWFH Buildapergola Buildadeckforentertaining Andmuchmore!Justaskus! 0404612120 Lic.No.192680C www.repairsandrenos.com.au CLASSIFIEDS 6361 3575 LUCERNE HAY SMALL BALES $13 SUITABLE FOR MULCH HAVING A PARTY? WE ALSO HIRE FREE DELIVERY PHONE 0488 289 892 MOWING CALL PETER - 0487 139 983 Pressure Cleaning FREE QUOTE The best results for all outdoor surfaces n Driveways n Pathways n Housewashing n BBQ Areas n Pool Areas 0404 077 324 • From small to large jobs – one room to full house • Internal and External • New homes or repaints • Maintenance Call Glenn 0467 599 668 ghbpaintingmaintenance@gmail.com GHB PAINTING & Maintenance Lic. 330255C ALL SEASON HOME & GARDEN SERVICES Lawn Mowing , Hedge Trimming Call Tony 0427 009 415 training for sale TRADES&SERVICES TRADES&SERVICES Lic. No. 000108242 24/7 LOCKSMITH SERVICE SERVICING ORANGE & THE CENTRAL WEST 0459 262 818 JESSE KRAMER 0421 861 262 • From one wall to full house • New houses to repaints • Free quotes • Fully licensed and insured • Interior and Exterior • Specialising in Restora�on • Dulux Accredited FAST RELIABLE SERVICE Over 25 years experience • Domestic • Rural • Commercial • New installations or maintenance Call Scott 0407 414 609 scott@sdselectrical.com.au SALE • 1 Stihl Brushcutter in working order $50 • Atom Lawn Edger Honda Power 4 stroke GX25 motor ....................................... $300 • Large Wooden Chest $50 • Galvanised Shelving portable $100 • Electric Guitar with pedals and Ampli er $250 Call Fred 0409 308 026 Phone Lara 0422 313 785 “Arthur” Gorgeous Cavoodle ready for his new family Easter weekend! Vacc & Mchip $POA Breeder no B000851222 garage sale Saturday 23rd March 8am - 2.30pm Something for everyone 3 Valencia Dr, Orange Saturday 30th March 7am start 19 Lawson Crescent ESTATE SALE - EVERYTHING MUST GO Retro/Vintage items, Household tems, Garden Tools, Clothes and Furniture 5YR OLD AUSTRALIAN BEALE PIANO AND STOOL As new, Mahoghany finish $600 *************************** 100YR OLD MANTLE CLOCK with gold plated trim, comes with full instructions. *************************** Very large collection of piano music, including learners, ladies choir albums and single songs with sheet music. Collection of Royal Family books all in good order. CALL VAL PH: 0432 203 749 TRADES&SERVICES ORANGE 23 Cameron Place ORANGE 0418 869 897 0417 313 494 Call Malcolm: www.malhandyman.com.au MAL’S HANDYMAN SERVICES Specializing in General Home Maintenance You can trust us for prompt & quality work GARDENER HANDYMAN Weeding, Pruning, Lopping, Mowing, Waste Removals, Small Carpentry, Plumbing, Brick Paving and more. 10% Snr & Pensioner Discount 0475 063 589 APIA CONCRETE CONTRACTORS • EST. 1985 • LIC. NO. 4906C TONY - 0457 072 234 CONCRETING - FENCINGRETAINING WALLS ALL WORK FULLY GUARANTEED Pensioner Rates • Reliable • Great Quality 99A MOULDER STREET ORANGE OPEN MONDAY - FRIDAY 8-5PM ORANGE TYRE SHOP ph: 6062 3995 TYRES FOR ALL MAKES CARS 4WD PLUS WHEEL ALIGNMENTS ALL MECHANICAL REPAIRS 3 Same Day Rego Checks  3 Caravans 3 Cars 3 Trailers 3 4WDs Brakes & Steering Log Book Service Still Free Every Thursday















42 ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 21 — 27, 2024
ACROSS 1 Fish appendage (3) 3 Persistent (10) 10 Differing (7) 11 Of rocks, derived from magma or lava (7) 12 Harmful (9) 13 Squish (4) 15 Formal university attire (10) 17 Vaulted recess (4) 19 Old stringed instrument (4) 20 Chemical processes in the body (10) 23 Continent (4) 25 Conceptual (9) 27 Biased (7) 28 Everlasting (7) 29 Lameness (10) 30 School subject (abbr) (3) DOWN 1 Approvingly (10) 2 Compass direction (9) 4 Evening entertainment (9) 5 Parishioners (5) 6 Set of chromosomes in a gamete (6) 7 Gods (5) 8 Huff (4) 9 An illusion (6) 14 Thin noodle (10) 16 Mitigation (9) 18 Artworks (9) 21 Common Irish surname (1’5) 22 Gambling house (6) 24 Small piece (5) 25 Flooring tradesman (5) 26 Unsolicited email (4)
V I R O R OC S E Using the nine letters in the grid, how many words of four letters or more can you list? The centre letter must be included and each letter may only be used once. No colloquial or foreign words. No capitalised nouns, apostrophes or plural words ending in “s”. Each number corresponds to a letter of the alphabet. Two have been filled in for you, can you work out the rest? Can you find all the words listed? The leftover letters will spell out a secret message. To solve a Sudoku puzzle, every number from 1 to 9 must appear in: each of the nine vertical columns, each of the nine horizontal rows and each of the nine 3 x 3 boxes. Remember, no number can occur more than once in any row, column or box. 11 words: Good 17 words: Very good 23 words: Excellent Today’s Aim: core, corer, cores, CORROSIVE, cosier, cove, cover, covers, crosier, osier, over, rose, rosier, rover, roves, score, scorer, sore, sorer, verso, visor, voice, voices CODEWORD: 1 = L, 2 = W, 3 = I, 4 = U, 5 = G, 6 = Z, 7 = P, 8 = M, 9 = J, 10 = K, 11 = C, 12 = H, 13 = X, 14 = F, 15 = D, 16 = B, 17 = A, 18 = S, 19 = O, 20 = Q, 21 = T, 22 = V, 23 = R, 24 = E No. 170 CODEWORD WORD SEARCH SUDOKU 24 6 8167 52 8 49 5 64 2 4 567 1 8 476 3 27 3 16 4 EASY 763 7864 257 41 23 9 3 516 147 5 41 6 23 MEDIUM 759268413 573896241 284653197 348175962 862514379 935741826 126439758 491327685 617982534 EASY MEDIUM 137952846 481295673 523841769 264138957 375614298 948567321 859476132 692783514 716329485 SOLUTION SOLUTION SOLUTION SOLUTIONS ARID BALD BLISTERED CLAMMY CLEAN COARSE COLD DAMP DEEP DIRTY DOWNY DULL DUSTY ENCRUSTED EVEN FEATHERY FIRM FLAT FLEECY FLUFFY FROTHY GELATINOUS GLAZED GOOEY GRIMY HAIRY HARD HEATED INFLEXIBLE LAYERED LIMP MUSHY PADDED PARCHED PITTED RAGGED RUNNY SCORED SLEEK SOFT TOUGH WAVY WOOLLEN WOVEN 1. Which festive song is the No.1 bestselling single of all time? 2. The Bellagio, MGM Grand and Mirage casinos feature in which Steven Soderbergh film? 3. How many days were in an ancient Roman week? 4. What does it mean to be a polyglot? 5. Which of Jane Austen’s books was originally titled First Impressions? 6. Who were the winners of the first ever soccer World Cup in 1930? 7. What is the term ‘hi-fi’ short for? 8. For which supporting role was Cate Blanchett (pictured) awarded her first Academy Award? 9. In Norse mythology, Bragi is the god of what? 10. Which land mammal has the most powerful bite?
ANSWERS: 1. White Christmas (Bing Crosby) 2. Ocean’s Eleven 3. Eight 4. Fluent in multiple languages 5. Pride and Prejudice 6. Uruguay 7. High fidelity 8. Katharine Hepburn The( Aviator 9. Poetry 10. Hippopotamus PUZZLES | PUZZLES AND PAGINATION © 2203 1 14 2 15 3 16 4 17 5 18 6 19 7 20 8 21 9 22 10 23 11 24 12 25 N 13 26 Y No. 220 No. 220 No. 130 SECRET MESSAGE: The somatosensory system

CROSS purposes

MASSIVE THUMBS UP to Orange Post O ce, for helping me retrieve my package back after I stupidly had it addressed to the wrong company. They went above and beyond to help me out.

A BIG THUMBS UP to Jono and Marg at OC Life for all of their assistance in the marketing of the opening of my new craft shop. I couldn’t be happier with the service they provided me.

THUMBS UP and thank you so much to the kind person who gave me a ‘thumbs up’. Your kindness was greatly appreciated, you made my day!! Thank you from Ursula.

THUMBS DOWN to our supermarkets, also K-Mart and Big W for closing almost all the checkouts, forcing us to go through self-serve (even if we don’t want to). Personally, I refuse to use them and would rather leave my trolly with my purchases and go elsewhere. Meaning I have to re-shop and they have to return all items to their shelves. So we both lose! Just open the checkouts, please.

THUMBS DOWN to Orange City Council. I noticed the beautiful new kerb and guttering and footpaths going down on Clergate Road all the way out to Ralston Drive, but how many pedestrians will be using it out there? When you look at the shocking conditions of some of our footpaths in our city, surely our resources could be used in more populated areas and our footpaths fixed or replaced to make our citizens feel safer instead of just spray painting them with yellow paint.

THUMBS UP to the Orange City Council for putting in the footpath on the Northern Distributor Road, between the Adventure Playground and the tra c lights at North Orange Woolworths. The trees look great. I don’t know the cost, but at least it’s practical and will be used by many for years to come. Well done.

What comes to mind for you? Some historic European oil painting? The Mona Lisa perhaps, or Waterlilies by Monet.

One wintery day in a cold, grey city I stumbled into a small gallery. It was warm and friendly, with carpet and heating. But what warmed me most was the sudden buttery glow of a huge painting that filled a twostorey wall. There were even stairs to climb the life-size poplar trees. I was transported into a grassy field in the satisfying fade of summer. That was a masterpiece… an artwork that changed me completely the moment I saw it. Artistic power.

So, when I read that we are God’s masterpiece, created for his good purposes, I realised that we are made so intricately and well. Not to stun the world with our beauty (!) but to shine the artist’s purpose with the whole reach of our lives. It’s a purpose that elevates Jesus to the highest place and declares that we belong to God. This is how we

our purpose in life: by aligning ourselves to God and listening to his words in The Bible. This is how we become all we were

THUMBS DOWN for Orange City Council. Why do they continue to spend ratepayers’ money in ridiculous ways? The latest concoction is a tra c island in the middle of Ploughman’s Lane, which is already very narrow. One side of the island goes completely into the lane. This is nothing but a tra c hazard! Obviously, the point of it is to stop tra c from turning into the new street there, but let’s face it, it would be very minimal tra c turning there and a long straight to easily see if there is any oncoming tra c. Who invents these crazy ideas?

THUMBS DOWN to the rude sta I encountered at O ceworks – their unfriendliness and rude attitude are appalling. Very disappointing. Apart from their rude sta and their terrible service, they have some good stationery. **Surprising! I’d say we get more ‘Thumbs Up’ about O ceworks sta than nearly any other business - ED.

THUMBS DOWN to the Lord Anson Pub in Orange for closing and not contacting or refunding money to people who had booked upcoming events there. I had to find out by someone else telling me.

THUMBS UP to Orange Bridge Club members Dorothy, Anne and Bill for the free introduction class as a part of Seniors Week. Thank you also to the Orange Ex-Services Club for providing the venue.

THUMBS UP to the PCYC for getting Pickleball started in Orange. Hopefully more venues in Orange will set up indoor and outdoor Pickleball courts to accommodate the huge numbers of women, men and kids now showing interest in playing.

THUMBS UP to the ‘green thumbs’ and community members of Orange who support the Rotary Club of Orange North’s plant stall at the Farmer’s Markets on the second Saturday of every month. Your donation of shrubs, trees and seedlings as well as your purchases are very much appreciated by our Rotarians.

THUMBS DOWN to the local business that twice failed to find the photos I’d ordered online for local pick-up. I attempted a conversation to resolve the matter, although the middle of my sentences kept interrupting the start of the reps sentences.

THUMBS DOWN to cat owners. Keep them inside! They not only kill birds they dig and defecate in gardens and if you have ever come across one of their ‘presents’ you know what I mean! The smell is beyond revolting!

THUMBS UP and a big thank you to the committee of the recently held Central West Week of golf. An extremely well-run event and a huge achievement by a small dedicated group of volunteers.

MASSIVE THUMBS UP to the new head greenkeeper at Duntryleague. The course is immaculate and looked absolutely stunning on the tele for the women’s event last week.

THUMBS UP to Brock at Bridgestone service centre, he’s very helpful and his friendly service is always great, we will be continuing to get our cars and utes serviced there!

THUMBS UP to the Mullion, Clergate and March Fire Brigades for reacting so fast and keeping people and property safe.

TWO THUMBS UP to the Central West Week of Golf committee for organising over 200 golfers to come to our beautiful town for a week of golfing, which added a welcome boost to the economy in so many di erent areas. I know that our locally owned business had a great week with the influx of out-of-towners spending up. We are very grateful. Thank you for all your hard work in organising a wonderful annual event.

THUMBS UP to the sta at Life Pharmacy in the Summer Centre, always helpful and willing to help no matter the problem.

THUMBS UP to Orange Toyota for their e cient and lovely service. They explained clearly their inspection findings and reassured me that my car is still beautiful and working.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 21— 27, 2024 43 THUMBS EMAIL: reception@oclife.com.au | FACEBOOK: inbox “orangecitylife” | SMS 0459 022 084 this is a text only number standard SMS rates apply The Thumbs represent thoughts and opinions of readers and do not necessarily reflect those of Orange City Life. Every care is taken not to publish thumbs that are considered derogatory or defamatory in nature . Please note that thumbs may be edited for clarity, space or legal reasons. Published by Orange City Life Pty Ltd ABN 14 649 575 333 General disclaimer: Whilst every care is taken in preparing this publication, we cannot be held responsible for errors or omissions. The publisher accepts no responsibility for letters, notices and other material contributed for publication. The submitter accepts full responsibility for material, warrants that it is accurate, and indemnifies the publisher against any claim or action. All advertisers, including those placing display and classified or advertorial material, warrant that such material is true and accurate and meets all applicable laws and indemnifies the publisher against all liabilities that may arise from the publication of such material. Opinions expressed in the publication are not necessarily those of the publisher. Senior Journalist, Jonathan Roe, accepts responsibility for election comment. Articles contain information of a general nature – readers should always seek professional advice relevant to their particular circumstances. Complaints: Orange City Life has a policy of correcting mistakes promptly. If you have a complaint about published material, contact us in writing. If the matter remains unresolved, you may wish to contact the Australian Press Council. © Copyright 2023 Orange City Life Pty Ltd. Copyright in all material – including photographs and ads – is held by Orange City Life Pty Ltd or its providers and must not be reproduced in any form without prior written
be. MASTERPIECES WITH IRENE POTTIE CLASSIFIEDS TRADES&SERVICES TRADES&SERVICES J K ADAMS ROOFING Call Jeff 0407 151 419 • Roof repairs Tile,Tin or Slate • Re-guttering and fascia • Re-roofing • Quality Leaf Screening Systems 40YRS EXPERIENCE LIC. 159748C CLA Gutters & Windows • Gutter Cleaning • Window Cleaning Ph Chris: 0427 393 827 • Undercover • Safe clean secure dog kennels for boarding use. • Individual exercise yards. Dog B&B Shangri La Amaroo Rd Molong 6366 8789 0447 468 789 PETS&LIVESTOCK 0447 002 193 LIC. No. 4558 We treat them all! COMPLETE EXTERNAL SPIDER TREATMENT House Exterior, Fences, Garden Sheds, Clothes Line etc! 25 Years Experience Eagle Eye Termite and Pest Control $199 Call Craig on


THUR 21 10.00*, 12.30*, 5.45*, 8.15*

FRI 22 10.00*, 12.30*, 5.45*, 8.15*

SAT 23 10.00*, 12.45*, 5.30*, 8.00*

SUN 24 10.00*, 12.45*, 5.30*, 8.00*

MON 25 10.00*, 12.30*, 5.45*, 8.15*

TUES 26 10.00*, 12.30*, 5.45*, 8.15*

WED 27 10.00*, 12.30*, 5.45*, 8.15*


THUR 21 12.15, 3.00*, 8.15

FRI 22 12.15, 3.00*, 8.15

SAT 23 1.00, 3.15*, 8.15

SUN 24 10.15, 3.15*, 8.15

MON 25 10.00, 3.00*, 8.00

TUES 26 12.15, 3.00*, 5.45

WED 27 10.00, 2.30, 8.00

THUR 21 2.30, 6.00, 8.15 FRI 22 2.00, 6.00, 8.15, 8.15** 18+

SAT 23 4.45, 6.45, 8.45

SUN 24 4.45, 6.45, 8.45

MON 25 2.30, 6.00, 8.15

THUR 21 10.00, 6.00

FRI 22 10.00, 6.00

SAT 23 10.15, 6.00

SUN 24 10.15, 6.00

MON 25 12.15, 5.45

TUES 26 10.00, 8.00

TUES 26 2.30, 6.00, 8.15 WED 27 12.15, 6.00, 8.15

WED 27 3.00, 5.45

TIMES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE • BOOKINGS RECOMMENDED Parking available at rear, enter March or Byng Streets • ALL CINEMAS HAVE WHEELCHAIR ACCESS 43 WILLIAM ST ORANGE • 6362 0213 (ADMIN) SUBSCRIBE AT WWW.ODEON5.COM.AU TO HAVE PROGRAMME EMAILED WEEKLY. *HEARING/VISUAL IMPAIRED EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE Programme for Thurs 21st Feb - 27th March 2024 ODEON 5 MOVIE CLUB - $20 PER YEAR, AND ALL MOVIES (EX 3D) ARE THEN DISCOUNTED WWW.ODEON5.COM.AU THE HOLDOVERS THUR / MON / WED 12.45 FRI / TUES 1.15 148 MINS *Use of our caption reading device. The goose-neck device sits in the cup holder. ANATOMY OF A FALL THUR / SAT / SUN / MON / WED 4.30 FRI / TUES 10.00 167 MINS THUR 21 10.00*, 1.30*, 7.30 FRI 22 10.00*, 1.30*, 7.30 SAT 23 10.00, 1.15, 7.30 SUN 24 10.00, 1.15, 7.30 MON 25 10.00*, 1.30*, 7.30 TUES 26 10.00*, 1.30*, 7.30 WED 27 10.00*, 1.30*, 7.30 181 MINS DUNE PART 2 THUR 21 2.30 FRI 22 4.00 SAT 23 3.30 SUN 24 3.00 MON 25TUES 26 2.30 WED 27119 MINS DEMON SLAYER THUR 21 10.00, 12.15, 6.00 FRI 22 10.00, 12.00, 6.15 SAT 23 1.00, 6.00 SUN 24 12.45, 6.00 MON 25 10.00, 12.15, 6.00 TUES 26 10.00, 12.15, 6.00 WED 27 10.00, 12.15, 6.00 111 MINS THE GREAT ESCAPER THUR 21FRI 22SAT 23 10.00*, 2.30* SUN 24 10.00*, 2.30* MON 25 TUES 26 WED 27 109 MINS KUNG FU PANDA 4 THE TRUST FALL JULIAN ASSANGE SUN 3.15 143 MINS IMAGINARY THUR / SAT / SUN 8.15 FRI / WED 2.30 MON / TUES 8.00 119 MINS FORCE OF NATURE THE DRY 2 SAT 3.30 MON 2.30 WED 8.00* 127 MINS
130 MINS
118 MINS

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