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Bookings: 02 6393 8111 www.orange.nsw.gov.au/theatre Orange Civic Theatre Details correct as of 8.04.2024 - for all shows and updates please visit our webpage www.orange.nsw.gov.au/theatre • 2024 season brochure and membership is open for purchase. Please contact the box office for more information. The Flying Fruit Fly Circus presents TEMPO Friday 12 April at 7.30pm Soft Tread Promotions presents THE WHARF REVUE Friday 19 & Saturday 20 April at 8pm Orange Anglican Grammar School presents SEUSSICAL THE MUSICAL 3-4 May at various times Orange Theatre Company presents THE ADDAMS FAMILY 10–18 May at various times Grand Kyiv Ballet presents FOREST SONG AND DON QUIXOTE Tuesday 21 May at 7.30pm APRIL 11 — 17, 2024 ORANGE PROPERTY MARKET — STARTS ON PAGE 25 NSWCHSSA Secondary Basketball Girls Championships Orange PCYC hosted the NSW Combined High Schools Sports Association Secondary Girls Basketball Championships on April 3-5. See inside for more. FREE EVERY THURSDAY
2 ORANGE CITY LIFE | April 11 — 17, 2024

Last issue, I raved about the weather we’d enjoyed the previous weekend, but I can’t say the same this week! While we really did need the rain (and we got plenty!) it certainly wasn’t the start to FOOD Week the organising committee were hoping for. Still, the wet conditions did not appear to dull people’s enthusiasm as I heard great things about the Night Markets and the relocated Sampson Street Long Lunch. I took the opportunity to drop by the Hotel Canobolas on Saturday for their opening event for FOOD Week. It was a great afternoon with some amazing food and I look forward to attending more events in their revamped first-floor Summer Street Bar.

It has barely topped 10 degrees outside as I write this on Tuesday and it’s got me thinking once more about more ways to improve comfort and e ciency in my home. Last year, with a thermal imaging camera and a caulking gun in hand, I spent some time hunting down air leaks. It was quite a revelation to see all the places cold air can get into your home but also to see how e ective simple remedies like caulking around window frames and properly weather stripping doors can be. I have a number of further improvements to work on when I get a chance and I might even write about what di erence it has made in a future issue.

As always, there’s plenty on in and around Orange, as you’ll see inside. Youth Week kicks o tomorrow with the Express Yourself! art exhibition from 6pm in the CWA Hall in Robertson Park, and there are daily activities until next Friday, April 19. Orange’s delayed Harmony Day celebrations will take place on Saturday, April 13, with all the action happening in the South Court from 3pm to 7pm. And, of course, FOOD Week continues with numerous events around the region. It all concludes on Sunday with the Producers Market and Brunch in Cook Park. Thankfully the weather is looking much brighter this weekend, so it would be well worth making the most of the morning.

School Holidays are just about here and so inside we have gathered together all the things that are happening over the next few weeks so you can keep the kids entertained. You’ll find that on page 24.

And don’t forget the 152nd Orange Show coming up on Saturday, April 27!

ORANGE CITY LIFE | April 11 — 17, 2024 3 Thank you to our Sponsors: Orange City Life is grateful to the following sponsors for their ongoing support over many years. These sponsorships,
other things, have enabled us to bring our readers a lot more enjoyment to our publications than
otherwise be possible. In return, we ask you to please support them as often as you’re able. Spirit WE CAPTURE THE OF ORANGE Suite 3/241 Lords Place ORANGE 02 6361 3575 reception@oclife.com.au www.orangecitylife.com.au www.facebook.com/orangecitylife EDITOR’S note Night Markets 2024 Tempt your tastebuds at Leaf Cafe our feature restaurant in this week’s “Let’s Feast”... enquiries@orangepropertyplus.com.au www.orangepropertyplus.com.au 02 6361 4155 1/202 Anson Street Orange Whether your Investment Property is vacant or currently leased, you can make the switch to OPM+ now. Making the switch is free & easy, with no hidden fees, only exceptional service. Our Agency is property management focused with 40+ years Real Estate Industry, knowledge, training & experience. NOT BIGGER, BETTER! WED TO SAT 4PM-8PM 0401 072 027 Check our Facebook for the Menu 37 William Street ORANGE Ph 6362 8611 Pauls @ CoCos DINE IN OR TAKEWAY Pizzas ~ Wings ~ Pasta ~ Chips ~ DimSim CoCo’s CAFE Closed Public Holidays 6362 8611 Delicious! catering available, eat take way. Portuguese chicken Salad wraps Poached Eggs and yogurt Berry muesli Black Bean Vegetable Burger with Sweet Potato Crisp Pumpkin Fetta Tart Sweet potato fish cake with seeded pumpkin fetta salad MEAL DEAL $50 2 Pizzas, Barramundi Bits & 1.25 litre Soft Drink 16 20 Jonathan Roe C tents

Ben’s 40-year love of miniature

Since he was eight, Ben De Gabriel has always loved model engineering. He loves how simple yet complex the technology is. He drove his first steam locomotive when he was eight. Now 40 years later, Ben is the president of the Australian Association of Live Steamers, as well as the local Orange Society of Model Engineers, and he gets to share his love of the old technology with his community.

The Orange Society of Model Engineers has been running miniature live steam trains in Matthews Park for over 45 years. It’s a group of like-minded men and women who enjoy the specialty of model engineering.

“And that’s all sorts of di erent facets,” Ben explained. “It’s not just locomotives, it’s anything railway, engineering, we have members who are into stationary engines, clocks, sailing, all sorts of other things.”

With members predominantly into miniature railway,

the society holds an open day at Matthews Park once a month, where both little kids and ‘big’ kids (adults) can get involved.

“You can almost think of the Orange Miniature Railway almost like the original Men’s Shed before Men’s Sheds ever existed,” Ben said.

“I think that’s a really important part of being in the club. It’s not just about engineering… it’s a really good bunch of, in this particular case, blokes that look out for one another, and support each other.”

Ben’s 40 years in model engineering has seen the highs and lows of the craft. He’s seen the old technology fall in and out of interest, and new technologies try and take over.

“For people who are physically building engines… yes there’s lots of changes. There’s all sorts of new technologies that come along from laser-cutting and all sorts of wonderful CNC machines,” Ben said.

But it’s the passion for the “old school” skills that has


kept Ben coming back after four decades.

“The hobby is still predominantly made up of old skills,” he said. “These are skills that have been passed on from generation to generation of people. So I think it’s really important because without these clubs… these skills for engineering, actually would be lost. So it’s very important that we pass them down to others as well.

“We have a couple of junior members in the club, and we encourage them to come along and learn the skills.”

Ben learnt his model engineering skills from the people around him, since he was eight years old. He explained that, generally, members have learnt the skill from their parents or family members, but for him, it was from being a member of the local model engineering society.

“My parents weren’t involved at all or anything like that. It was just one of those things I got involved in at a very young age, and I’m still a member today.

“It’s not something you build in no time.”

4 ORANGE CITY LIFE | April 11 — 17, 2024 Community LiFE
Second Mouse Cheese Company
Doug Dagg Farmer Doug’s Gourmet Potatoes
Edellen flowers from CARGO alison “the strawberry lady”
Robin Marshall JUST HOMEGROWN; Relish, Chutney, Sauces, Jams
Molly’s Grove Olive Oil Produce FOURJAY FARM
The Hairy Farmer Fruit and Veg
Melissa Young PRIMAL ALTERNATIVES by Melissa Y. Gluten free products, grain free products, eg bread, premixes
McLachlan St Orange
The weekly markets, held in the courtyard next to Bills Beans is an opportunity for local growers and producers to bring their freshest produce every week. COME and JOIN US Foodies of Orange enjoy a delicious day out at the Orange Producers Markets every Saturday. EVERY
8AM- 1PM 148
East Orange
— By Emily Middleton — Matthews Park holds monthly miniature locomotive rides for $3 per person. Held on the second Saturday of each month, the next train day will be held this Saturday, April 13.


Events organised by young people, for young people, will be the basis of Youth Week celebrations in Orange, kickstarting April 12. With activities being held until April 19, organisers are encouraging young people aged 12-24 to take part in celebrating the theme ‘Express. Empower. Get Loud!’

Orange City Council Services Policy Committee Chair Cr Mel McDonell said the annual event was about celebrating young people and their contribution to their communities.

“Youth Week provides young people with an opportunity to express themselves, express their views and act on the issues that a ect their life,” Cr McDonell said.

“Last year in Orange around 500 people took part in Youth Week activities. It was a great success.”

The Orange Harmony Festival, set to be held this weekend in South Court, will be celebrating the Colour City’s diverse, multicultural community.

Harmony Day actually falls on March 21 to coincide with International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. But in Orange, Harmony Day will be held on Saturday, April 13, to coincide with the end of Ramadan and the beginning of the school holidays.

A range of events will be held from 3pm through to the early evening, including a number of cultural performances, dances, market stalls, as well as various food and sweet treats.

Making the trip from Sydney for the occasion, the Latin jazz groups ALLY and Caribe will take centre stage during the evening, encouraging everyone to participate as they step through a number of classic Latin dance styles.

They are considered two of Australia’s finest Latin jazz outfits, and they have joined forces for an all-star band, alongside Brazilian slam poet Dai Moret, and Orange’s very own Stan Alexander.

“Dai very cheekily said to me, ‘Well I think there’s nothing that you can throw at me that I haven’t done before’, and I thought, that’s just fabulous,” ALLY and Caribe band leader Gai Bryant said.

“We’re doing a couple of numbers with Dai Moret, and then the rest of our set will be just trying to get people up to dance and participate and enjoy and get into

having an experience of dancing and being communal.”

The respective groups have been together for over 10 years, and it won’t be their first time in Orange. In the early months of 2021, when performances were allowed back in theatres, Caribe performed at the Orange Regional Conservatorium.

“It was an amazing night because we were actually allowed to perform to an audience, but no one was allowed to get up and dance,” Gai explained of those Covid-restricted times.

Performing to a full auditorium, the audience enjoyed every minute of Cuban jazz rhythm.

“I think it was just so unexpected for people, they didn’t really know what we were going to do and what it was going to sound like,” Gai said.

“It was such a great feeling, it was really, really fantastic.”

Hoping to bring this same feeling to this weekend’s performance, ALLY and Caribe are looking forward to being part of Orange’s Harmony Festival. With many other performances across many di erent cultures, Gai is really looking forward to seeing all the di erent talents and cultures come to life.

“It just sounds so intriguing, I can’t wait,” she said.

Orange’s Harmony Festival is a free event held on Saturday, April 13, from 3–7pm in the Orange Civic South Court, Byng Street.

Kick-starting the week will be the ‘Express Yourself!’ Art exhibition being held from 6pm on Friday, April 12, at the CWA hall in Robertson Park. Young people are invited to submit an artwork related to the theme, with the winning artist to receive a $250 gift voucher.

A Blind Soccer competition will be held from 10am on Monday, April 15, at Canobolas Rural Technology High School, with a barbecue and prizes to be won. It is hosted by Ability Dreaming, which empowers people who are vision-impaired, by creating awareness and breaking down barriers.

“Fitness and sport will also be a big part of the program this year, as we know the positive impact of physical activity on mental health. It’s a great opportunity for young people to challenge themselves, but most of all it’s about having fun,” Cr McDonell said.

A skateboard competition will be held at the John Lomas Skate Park from 2pm on Monday, 15 April, while young people can participate in the ‘Ultimate Warrior Fitness Challenge’ at Anytime Fitness on Tuesday, 16 April, with six challenges to complete and prizes to be won.

The next day, Wednesday, April 17, ‘F.E.A.R – The Fearlessly Empower Amazing Race’, will be held in Orange CBD where young people will navigate around with challenging tasks to compete. The winning group at the finish line will receive a $500 gift voucher.

On Thursday, April 18, young people will be able to put their knowledge to the test during the Brain Battle Royal, starting at 6pm in the CWA Hall Robertson Park.

A Godzilla vs. Kong movie night will conclude Youth Week on Friday, April 19, from 8.30pm at the Odeon 5 Cinema.

For more information on all of the Youth Week events, visit https:// www.orange.nsw.gov.au/young-people/?tab=youth-week

ORANGE CITY LIFE | April 11 — 17, 2024 5 Community LiFE The VicToria hoTel 336 SUMMER ST, ORANGE Tel 6362 6386 WHAT’S ON AT THE VIC... THE VICTORIA HOTEL ORANGE HAS A GREAT INCENTIVE PACKAGE TO OPERATE IT’S BUSY HOTEL BISTRO Lease arrangements are highly negotiable making this a great opportunity for any cook/ chef looking to get into business for themselves. The Victoria Hotel bistro has been recently renovated and has a strong client base. The bistro includes a well-equipped kitchen. Private function room, on-site parking, and great potential to offer takeaway options. ENQUIRE NOW CRAIG WRIGHT - VICTORIA HOTEL PH 6362 6386 EMAIL VICTORIAHOTEL_ORANGE@HOTMAIL.COM CALL IN 334-336 SUMMER ST, ORANGE 12TH FEBRUARY 7.30PM - LATE FREE ENTRY OPEN MIC AT THE VIC Join us at the Vic for our coin... TWO- UP GAMES 25TH APRIL FROM 2PM ANZAC DAY
H m y Day c ebr ns Col r C y S urday

A good life…

“We are not rich, but rich in here!” says Catalina Mastronardi, sitting next to her husband of 64 years, Guglielmo Mastronardi, in the packing shed of their Borenore farm and orchard.

Both born and raised in central Italy, Catalina (Lina or just “Nonna”) and Guglielmo (“Bill”) have spent their entire married life here in Orange. Together, from very little, they worked to buy and grow the small farm they call home. It is where they raised their five children and with a lot of hard work forged a new life, half a world away from the place they were born.

But to hear Guglielmo tell his story, the decision to immigrate to Australia was made almost on a whim.

“I was just about 19-and-a-half and that’s the time you got to go to the army,” says Guglielmo, who has a remarkable memory for details and appears much younger than his 92 years.

“One day, one of my friends he said, ‘I read on a board down in the town, whoever wants to go to Australia to make an application for it.’

“I said, ‘You want to go?’ He said, ‘Yes.’ So I go… I had no chance to go anywhere, my parents couldn’t a ord to send me out and they’d kept me home working, so I said, ‘Yes, I will go.”

Landing in Australia on August 1, 1952, Guglielmo and other new arrivals were sent from Sydney to Greta, near Maitland, the site of a former soldier training camp transformed into a migrant reception and training centre.

“We stayed there for a couple of months and then one by one they find you a job and send you out to work,” recalls Guglielmo, whose first employment in Australia was at Bankstown Airport.

“But the work was for ten weeks, so then at Christmas time we just had another week in January and then that was it — unemployment,” he says.

Picking up bits and pieces of work here and there, Guglielmo then literally walked into a job at the Hallstrom Refrigerator Factory in the North Sydney suburb of Willoughby.

“One day I walked down the main road there,” he says, “and there was a watchman at the front of the door there. He said, ‘Are you looking for a job?’ I said, ‘Yeah.’ He said, ‘Alright, I’ll take you to the o ce. When do you want to

6 ORANGE CITY LIFE | April 11 — 17, 2024 Community LiFE
...We are not rich, but rich in here...

start?’ ‘Now!’ So I stayed down there for two years.”

Having visited a cousin who lived in Orange, Guglielmo decided to get out of Sydney and organised to take a job at the Emmco factory.

But in 1960, after eight years in Australia, he decided it was time to see Italy once more. It was on this trip home that he met and married Lina.

“Six months later, Guglielmo set o for Australia once more, this time with his new bride in tow.

“I was excited because I’d never been anywhere,” says Lina. “But I was only 18 when I married him and I hadn’t been anywhere at all, not even around Italy, so I was excited to see another place.”

When she was young, Lina said she had always wanted to go to the US, where she had uncles and cousins. But of life in Australia, she knew very little.

“But I said, why not? I’m young. We can do it — and I trusted him,” says Lina.

“He had been here eight years already, so I said a man like that is to be trusted to look after me…

“And my Dad, well my Dad said to me, If he doesn’t… then I will walk to Australia and bash him up for you!” she adds with a laugh.

“But it was good and I have trusted him ever since… We’ve been married for 64 years this year!”

In Orange, Guglielmo returned to work at the Emmco factory but says after a few years he was looking for a change. It was then he saw the small farm at Borenore advertised for sale and in July

1965, he and Lina moved out to their new home.

“There was nothing much here, there was a little shed here and a little house and not enough water,” says Guglielmo, who struggled at times to make ends meet in his farming venture.

“It was a bit hard to learn to do it all and at one stage I couldn’t make enough money to pay it back and to live on, so I started to work outside, working this [the farm] in my spare time,” he continues.

“But Lina, she said to me, ‘How about I go look for a job?’ She said whoever finds a job first will go and work and she got a job first!”

“I must have been prettier than you maybe,” says Lina, whose job was at Stan’s Fish Shop in Summer Street.

“They were like brothers to me, those fellas… and their wives, it was like a family, but then they sold the business and went back to Greece for good, so I went to look at the hospital for a job.”

Lina says she was willing to wash dishes or do whatever needed to be done, but it just so happened that the perfect opportunity had arisen.

“The boss there said there is a lady who is retiring soon and would you like to cook? I said, ‘I love cooking! It is the love of my life!’,” recalls Lina, with a smile.

“So I was there for 40 years. It was good. It was hard work sometimes but we were younger then. That’s how we went on, with my job helping them, I bought them a spray cart, I bought them a tractor.”

In the years that followed, with son Steve joining them, the Mastronardis were able to expand their enterprise, purchasing a neighbouring property where they still grow a variety of fruits and vegetables.

It has not always been easy, but it has been a good life, says Lina, who recalls fondly her visits back to see family and proudly shows o the imported Italian furniture her husband bought for her.

“It has been a very productive life,” she says. “Exciting, sad at times when you lose family when you are far away, but it has been a good life. A lot of hard work, but a good life.”

ORANGE CITY LIFE | April 11 — 17, 2024 7 Community LiFE CATEGORY EARLY BIRD Corporate Hospitality SOLD OUT Grandstand SOLD OUT General Admission Adult (16+ years) $45 General Admission Child (5 - 15 years) $30 General Admission Toddler (Under 4) Free Concession $25 Family (2 Adults & 2 Children OR 1 Adult & 3 Children) $95 SATURDAY 20 APRIL CARRINGTON PARK, BATHURST GATES OPEN: 12.15PM | NRL KICK-OFF: 3PM TICKETS ON SALE NOW AT 123TIX.COM.AU BATHURST.NSW.GOV.AU

Memories by Ned


After leaving school I embarked on a five-year gap year, a couple of years at Jackerooing, a year at professional kangaroo shooting, and some time as a rigger, putting up windmills. As I was riding my bike uptown for an interview for a job in a bank I thought of Clancy not suiting the office and his vision of sunlit plains… and the comeback walkabout spirit got me.

Consequently, I came back home, and apprenticed to a carpenter in a building firm. I had always liked working with my hands and building things. The pay was miserable, but I had squirreled away enough money to last me a couple of years. Best move I ever made.

After a couple of years, I was approached to take over the cottage-building section.

I think it was because of my previous work experience and my higher school education.

My job was to find out what the client wanted, discuss kitchen layouts, powerpoint locations, cupboards, colour, etc. Draw up plans and specifications, make copies and present them along with a small administration fee to the council. These plans and specifications were approved at the next council meeting.

My next job was to organise all the required building materials, timber for the chippie, bricks for the brickie, pipes for the plumber and so on, give plans for doors, windows, and cupboards to the joinery shop, and organise all this with the yardmen and carrier.

The timber was from the local sawmill on the slopes of the Weddin Range: beautiful cypress pine, a lovely timber to work with; doors, windows, joinery, and cupboards

were Oregon pine or maple; with jarrah for window and door sills; bricks from the local brickworks; sand and gravel from the local quarry, and joinery from our workshop.

With four or five cottages being built at the same time and new work coming in, it was a very satisfying job.

Two- or three-bedroom cottages (either fibro, weatherboard or brick veneer) would take from four to six weeks from setting out to handing over keys, and usually came to about £5,000 to £7,000.

While I loved the hustle and bustle, I missed the camaraderie of the job, the camaraderie of the tools, the sending out of new apprentices for stripped paint or a left-handed screwdriver. Or to have him jib when asked for a chalk line or straight edge. No sales tax or GST to worry about. I liked the town work. We could show off and wolf whistle the pretty office girls passing by…

a lot of fun. Fixing roof battens and finding you could not move because someone had nailed your nail bag to the rafter, or getting even by putting grease on his hammer face.

Did I tell you the story of the American tourist arriving at Dublin Airport? He was accosted by an Irish salesman who offered to sell him an invaluable Irish artifact – the skull of the famous Irish warrior Bryan Boru. The American declined. Twelve months later, on another trip to Ireland, he was spotted by the same salesman who again offered Bryan Boru’s skull for sale. The American said, “You tried to sell me Bryan Boru’s skull last year, this one is much, much smaller.” The salesman replied: “That’s true, sir, but you see this is himself when he was a boy.”

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Regards Ned
ORANGE CITY LIFE | April 11 — 17, 2024 9 UP TO 40% OFF STONELITE POTS 213 McLachlan Street, Orange | Phone: 6362 3191 | www.thomsonsgardencentre.com.au OVER 10,000 POTS BEST PRICE OPEN 7 DAYS 8:30am — 5:30pm SALE OVER10,000 POTS JUST ARRIVED FROM$12.95 WINE BARRELS NEWRANGE SALE SALE INSTOCK BIRDFEEDER$29.95 TEAK GARDENBENCHES OVER 10,000 POTS TEAK BENCHES AND DAY BEDS


As I sit at my desk, I can see the trees outside my window starting to develop their autumn cloaks. For this reason, autumn is probably my favourite season. The days are crisp and cool, with impossibly blue skies; and as the garden starts slowing down, its true colours begin to reveal themselves. It’s actually a good time to plant trees as the soil begins to cool. It’s also the right time to pop brassicas, peas, broad beans, and beets into your veggie patch.

Writing an article on autumn colour is quite tricky as there are so many plants that provide beautiful colour and everyone will have their favourites and their own opinions. So, I’ve decided to focus on the trees that I think are a must for the Orange region. They are in no particular order:

Liquidambar (Liquidambar styraciflua –family Altingiaceae). In autumn the foliage is a mass of brilliant red, deep purples, browns, and yellows, sometimes on the same tree all at once. Growing to 20m (or more if happy) with a spreading habit, this is a big tree best suited to large gardens and parks. Although, there are dwarf varieties if space is at a premium. It has an extensive root system so do not plant near paths, pipes, or your house. The conkers, when they mature and fall o are a shocking pest underfoot, but also provide a myriad of opportunities for kids’ art and craft activities. It is a perfect shade tree during summer. Preferring full sun and a free-draining (slightly acidic) soil they are fully frost- and drought-hardy.

Pin Oak (Quercus Palustris – family Fagaceae). This beautiful tree is often used as a streetscape tree as it is pollutiontolerant and fast-growing. It is native to North America but there is a cultivar called ‘Freefall’ which was bred in Canberra, Australia. It can grow to 20m in the right conditions. The foliage held on horizontal

Our magnificent city of colour

branching turns a brilliant red which fades to a muddy brown which then tends to hang on the tree for a long time. There is a columnar variety called ‘Green Pillar’. They are frost-, snow- and drought-hardy which is why about 300 have recently been planted as avenue trees on either side of the highway between Bathurst and Raglan.

Nyssa, Tupelo, Black Tupelo, Sour Gum (Nyssa Sylvatica – family Nyssaceae). In its native habitat of the rich and moist woodlands of America, it can grow to a staggering 30m but I’ve rarely seen one grow to this size in Australia. It has beautiful horizontal branching with vivid scarlet and yellow/orange foliage during autumn. If you have a little space, consider it as a specimen tree. It is moderately drought hardy and fully frost hardy. It prefers full sun to semi-shade and can cope with wet feet. It needs little pruning because of the stunning horizontal branching. Kids love climbing this tree.

Japanese Maple (Acer palmatum – family Sapindaceae). You really can’t go past a

maple. Japanese Maples are the ones you are most likely to see around Orange, but there are around 100 species to choose from. It’s my go-to tree for autumn colour. Native mainly to Asia, as the common name implies, it is a small-to-medium-sized tree, growing to around 10m making it the perfect specimen tree for your garden. There are also dwarf varieties, many with a weeping habit. Take the advice of your local nursery for the one best suited to the space you have available. One of my favourites is the Lipstick Maple. It is one of the larger maples growing to 12-15m with stunning autumn foliage. It looks fabulous planted either side of a long driveway. Be aware though that most maples prefer protection from western sun despite preferring full sun. Weird, huh? It will tolerate a bit of shade but won’t provide as much autumn colour in full shade. It thrives in deep, free draining soil, rich in organic matter. They are fully frosthardy and moderately drought-tolerant once established. Its roots are non-invasive.

Pistachio (Pistacia chinensis – family Anacardiaceae). Another gorgeous tree for autumn colour. It is a medium-sized tree making it perfect as a specimen tree. In its native habitat it can grow to 25m but like the Nyssa, I’ve never seen one reach this height in our region. It produces show-stopping orange and red leaves in autumn. It is moderately drought-hardy and can tolerate poor soils. It is fully frost-hardy. It grows quickly in full sun and will tolerate a little shade. Note that it is not the edible pistachio, Pistacia vera, so don’t go eating the seeds. However, if well-tended, you could give the edible species a go.

Claret Ash (Fraxinus angustifolia ‘raywoodii’ – family Oleaceae). Claret Ash is a very popular tree. You’ll find them in every second street around Orange. Fast growing, they are drought- and frost-hardy and prefer full sun. Bred in South Australia, they will tolerate most conditions but prefers a rich moist soil, so water regularly if conditions are dry. Its roots can be somewhat invasive. Sadly, it is prone to crown dieback so not considered particularly long-lived. Regular pruning of a ected branches might prolong its life. Growing to 10-20m, it is ideal for medium-sized gardens or parks or as a streetscape tree.

Other trees to consider include the Oak (Quercus) species, of which Scarlet Oak is particularly beautiful; Pyrus species such as Bradford or Chanticleer; and Manchurian, Golden Ash, Golden Elm and some Prunus species.

I urge you to take a drive around our streets and appreciate the beautiful colour starting to show itself. Excellent suppliers of trees for autumn colour include Thomson’s Garden Centre, Millthorpe Nursery, Crookwell Nursery and Winterhill Tree Farm.

Caro Webster is a passionate gardener, author, award-winning blogger, and committee member of the Friends of the Orange Botanic Gardens.

For more information on the work of the Friends, you can follow them on Facebook @OrangeFOBG

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Everyone Belongs: Harmony Day set to celebrate our multicultural community

Come to the Civic Square South Court this Saturday 13 April for Harmony Day, celebrating multiculturalism in our community and highlighting the theme Everyone Belongs.

Harmony Day is a chance to recognise our diversity by bringing together Australians from different backgrounds in the spirit of inclusiveness, respect and belonging for everyone.

Orange City Council Services Policy Committee Chair, Cr Mel McDonell is looking forward to the event.

“Thes annual celebration attracts hundreds of people and is always a really fun afternoon for the whole family, as we acknowledge our diversity and the significant contribution of Australians from all different backgrounds,” Cr McDonell said.

The event will feature entertainment by Latin group Ally, African circus and dance performer Lucky Lartey, circus performer Justin Buchta, Bhangra dancers and

African drummers. There will also be performances by local groups, Shimmy Sistas Belly Dance and Doves n Dimes dance group, as well as a multicultural fashion parade.

Cr McDonell said a highlight of the event was always the wide variety of delicious food from a range of different cultures, including Indigenous, Indonesian, Sri Lankan, Ukranian and Filipino food.

“I love walking around the food stalls

on Harmony Day to smell the delicious diversity of foods from all around the world. It’s the perfect opportunity to travel without leaving Orange,” Cr McDonell said. There will also be free activities for children such as face painting, craft and a jumping castle, while cultural stalls will have items for sale and information sharing.

Harmony Day will be held in the South Court from 3pm to 7pm and is funded by Multicultural NSW and Orange City Council.

People who attend these sessions will learn about the roles of councillor and mayor, the challenges of being a councillor and the importance of diverse representation on council. Understand the role of Local Government, expectations and commitments, meeting procedures and support available for prospective candidates.

For more information or to register your interest in attending email council@ orange.nsw.gov.au or contact Orange City Council on 6393 8000.

12 ORANGE CITY LIFE | April 11 — 17, 2024 YOUR LOCAL COUNCIL AT WORK www.orange.nsw.gov.au Find us on social media @ Orange City Council Prospective Councillor Information Session for Women INTERESTED IN BECOMING A COUNCILLOR? Come along to a free session with Local Government NSW to find out what’s involved. SESSION 10am – 1pm, Saturday 13 April 2024 LOCATION Civic Centre Building Cnr Lords Place and Byng Street 1st Floor Council Chamber CATERING Light refreshments will be provided. WHAT YOU WILL LEARN •What being a Councillor is all about. •Are there pre-requisites to be a Councillor. •Understanding Local Government and how it all fits. •Campaigning and getting elected. FOR MORE INFORMATION, OR TO RSVP council@orange.nsw.gov.au or 02 6393 8000 www.orange.nsw.gov.au Are you interested in becoming a Councillor on Orange City Council? Join in upcoming candidate information sessions to find out more about what is involved in joining your council, ahead of the local government elections in September. A session for women interested in becoming a Councillor will be held at Orange Civic Centre from 10am to 1pm on Saturday 13 April, hosted by the Australian Local Government Women’s Association (ALGWA). Hear from women in local government including Forbes Mayor Phyllis Miller OAM, ALGWA NSW Secretary Cr Julie Griffith AM of Blacktown City Council, ALGWA NSW Treasurer
A session for any
will be held at Orange Civic Centre from 5.30pm to 9pm on Thursday 2 May with mayoral mentor, former Lismore Mayor Jenny Dowell.
and past president Cassandra Coleman of Lithgow Council, and ALGWA NSW Country Vice President Cr Leigh Bowden of Cootamundra Gundagai Regional Council.
prospective Councillors


Penrith Panthers Vs Wests Tigers in Bathurst, April 20

Penrith Panthers and Wests Tigers will clash for the second straight year in Bathurst on Saturday, April 20, and thanks to Bathurst Regional Council you and your family could be there to watch all the action!

Orange City Life has four family passes to give away to the Central West fixture. Four (4) lucky winners will each receive a family pass to see topflight rugby league action in Bathurst.

To enter, simply ‘find the footy’ hidden somewhere in the pages of this magazine, scan the QR code, enter your contact details, and let us know what page. You can also email your entries to reception@oclife.com.au or drop them into the OC Life o ce by 12 noon on Monday, April 15. We will notify the lucky winners who can then share the good news with their friends and family.

The April 20 match headlines a huge week of events put on by Bathurst Regional Council, Bathurst Panthers and Penrith Panthers.

On Thursday, April 18 the annual Westfund Play

Like a Panther Clinic will be held from 4pm to 5.30pm.

This event regularly sees juniors aged five to 13 from across the Group 10 region flock to George Park, Bathurst to learn skills and drills from NRL development sta and club volunteers. The clinic will finish with a visit from Penrith Panthers players. Registration is a must on the Bathurst Regional Council website.

Later that evening, Panthers will hold a meet and greet with the whole squad from 6.30pm at Bathurst Panthers Leagues Club. It’s a chance to get an autograph of your favourite player.

On Friday, April 19, the Bathurst Panthers Sportsman’s Lunch is on at Bathurst Panthers. Doors open at 12.30pm for a 1pm start. This twocourse dining experience will also feature Penrith coach Ivan Cleary and two members of the NRL Squad, among other dignitaries. Tickets are $90 per person and are available through 123Tix. Bathurst NRL 2024 tickets are also available through 123Tix.

If you are an adult at higher risk of severe illness or are 65 years and over, a free COVID-19 vaccine is recommended for you every 6 to 12 months.


Find the footy hidden somewhere in the pages of this magazine and let us know what page for your chance to win a family pass to see Panthers take on West Tigers in Bathurst on April 20.

To enter, simply scan the QR code. Or you can email your answer along with your name and contact details to reception@oclife.com.au, or drop them into the o ce by 12 noon on Monday, April 15.

We will notify the lucky winners by phone.

Speak to your doctor or pharmacist about what is best for you.

For more information on getting your free COVID vaccination, including how to book, visit nsw.gov.au/vaccination

ORANGE CITY LIFE | April 11 — 17, 2024 13 Community LiFE
COVID-19 vaccination is your best protection against serious illness
I’ve had my COVID-19 vaccination




The Cumnock General Store is set to install a new commercial kitchen, transforming the innovative and community-owned store, after receiving $124,899.00 in funding from the Cadia Legacy Fund.

The Cadia Legacy Fund works

in partnership with community representatives to develop and deliver strategic projects which will leave a legacy on the local region (within Blayney, Cabonne or Orange LGA’s) while Cadia continues to operate, and as it reaches mine closure.

Cumnock General Store representative, Hannah Schulz said “We are thrilled to have the Cadia Legacy Fund supporting our long-term vision of community sustainability. The installation of a commercial kitchen

will greatly improve our retail scope, tourism opportunities and business potential, and we can’t wait to see these big plans turn into reality”.

Cadia General Manager, Tom Lukeman, said Cadia was proud to be supporting the community-driven initiative.

“It has been inspiring to see the Cumnock community rally together to purchase and reinvigorate The Cumnock General Store.

“They have already demonstrated the importance of the store to the local community and we are excited to support the second phase of their project with the addition of a commercial kitchen which will help support tourism within the town,” Tom added.

The Cumnock General Store kitchen refurbishments are scheduled to be completed later this year.

(L to R) – Amanda Schulz, Nicole Morris, Sarah Haynes, Phil Dodds, Bernadette Veljkovic and Tom Lukeman outside The Cumnock General Store.

$14 million for highway upgrades between Lithgow and Orange

√ Bat/hail netting funding for local orchardists

√ $1.2 million for CCTV in Orange, Bathurst and Wellington

√ 47 mobile phone towers and base stations across Calare

The news that a government review has recommended that the Food and Grocery Code of Conduct should be made mandatory, and that breaches should be met with fines upwards of $10 million or 10% of a company’s turnover just seems like more hot air from the major parties.

The Code of Conduct is a dud. Making it mandatory will have no effect whatsoever. If it was effective, we wouldn’t be having endless inquiries to tell us what we already know – that farmers and consumers are being ripped off. I don’t think these latest proposals will have much effect at all.

During the last sitting of Parliament, all of the major

parties had the opportunity to vote for the Reducing Supermarket Dominance Bill introduced by Bob Katter and the independents that would wind back the market share of the supermarket giants and limit the markups they could put on items like fruit and vegies.

None of them supported it – proving once again that there is often a lot of talk in Canberra but not a lot of action.

For all the nasty, personal insults thrown at Bob Katter and I during our recent press conference in Orange when we were trying to discuss this issue, there has been no meaningful action by the National, Liberal or Labor parties. And they just don’t like it when they get called out on their hypocrisy.

Is it any wonder that people get cynical with political parties and politics?


The wet weather and venue change didn’t dampen spirits at the Orange FOOD Week Night Markets last week! What a massive crowd and huge success!

It was terrific to catch up with some of our local winemakers - Ben and Heidi Crossing and James Sweetapple!

The Parliamentary Inquiry into the Response of Insurers to the Storm and Flood event of November 2022 is well underway. By the end of this week, there will have been 12 public hearings which aim to put the behaviour of insurers under the microscope, and highlight the experiences of policyholders before, during and after making claims.

I pushed hard to get this inquiry set up, and even raised it in Question Time by asking the Prime Minister whether he would back my calls to get the investigation off the ground.


Earlier this year, I questioned the CEO of QBE Insurance Australia, Ms Sue Houghton, about the company’s treatment of a gym owner in Molong, Ms Elkurdi of Downtown Fitness, who had to wait four months after the storm and floods to receive a hydrology report – drastically holding up the claims process. I pressed Ms Houghton on whether insurance companies really understand what businesspeople and homeowners are going through and what the delays really mean.

Mr Gee: It took about a month to get a hydrology assessor in to the premises. The hydrologist came on 12 December. The storm and floods hit on 13 and 14 November. There was a delay there. I’ve seen the report. It’s one and a half pages. It took three months to get that report drafted and sent to Ms Elkurdi’s solicitor. It’s not really very satisfactory, is it?

Ms Houghton: It’s not, I agree with you; it took too long to get that report. Once the hydrologist had visited, to then receive the report, to share it and then to make a decision on the back of it took too long in that case.

Mr Gee: The impact it had on someone like Ms Elkurdi is she had to close her business but still had to meet financial commitments on the gym equipment, which had been destroyed. A four-month delay just to get a hydrology report, which was basically holding up claims, has a huge impact on businessowners like her, because they can’t move on. They’re waiting on this claim to be processed, but they can’t because a simple thing like a hydrology report isn’t prepared in a timely manner.

Mr Gee: The hydrologist’s report is 1½ pages long. It’s not War and Peace. I’m just wondering why someone couldn’t pick up the phone from QBE to this hydrologist and say, ‘We have a business owner who’s devastated in Molong. We need to get this claim moving. We’d like your report on the double.’ Does that happen at QBE? What’s the story there?

Ms Houghton: It does happen. We look at the file and can see contact is made throughout the process, but it wasn’t effective enough in actually getting that report and being received by this customer. There were definite delays, which are not what we aspire to…


On Tuesday the 7th of May, the Parliamentary Inquiry into the Response of Insurers to the Storm and Flood event of November 2022 will have a public hearing in Molong to hear local stories. On Wednesday 8 May, the inquiry will listen to the experiences of people from the Canowindra/Eugowra area.

If you have an insurance experience that you would like told from the November 2022 floods, we’d like to hear from you. Please attend the hearing!

Please give my office a call on 6361 7138. This is our chance to tell our local stories and hopefully bring some lasting change to this industry.

We need to put a spotlight on this issue, so please give us a call and have your voice heard!

The submissions portal and the online survey remain open.

To complete the survey, scan the QR code or head to: www.aph.gov.au/ floodinsurance

Ms Houghton: Yes, I agree with you. It does impact small businesses. I’m really well aware of that. It’s not what we would strive to do… It’s not acceptable for people to have to wait for long periods for a report for them to be paid. I understand that’s a big impact on small business.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | April 11 — 17, 2024 15
regular updates and news, follow me on Facebook and Instagram @andrewgeecalare Authorised by Andrew Gee MP, Suite 1/179A Anson Street, Orange, NSW 2800.
STORM AND FLOOD INSURANCE INQUIRY UPDATE TOUGH TALK ON SUPERMARKETS HOT AIR FROM THE MAJOR PARTIES 1/179A Anson Street PO Box 673 ORANGE NSW 2800 (02) 6361 7138 andrew.gee.mp@aph.gov.au www.andrewgeemp.com.au ORANGE ELECTORATE OFFICE For regular updates and news, follow me on Facebook and Instagram @andrewgeecalare Authorised by Andrew Gee MP, Suite 1/179A Anson Street, Orange, NSW 2800. Andrew GEE MP INDEPENDENT FEDERAL MEMBER FOR CALARE Your Country Your Voice RUNS ON THE BOARD FOR ORANGE √ Bill for a 2 year foreign home buyer ban introduced to Parliament √ $50 million for storm and flood recovery in the Central West √ Secured the Parliamentary Inquiry into the Disaster Response of Insurers √ $54.8 million for the new CSU medical school and research centre √ $54 million in water security pipelines around the Central West √ $1.9 million for The Orchard crisis accommodation centre √ $3.8 million for the raising of Suma Park dam wall at Orange √ Federal Regional Investment Corporation established and based in Orange √ $12 million for the Southern Feeder Road project √ Dept of Infrastructure branch moved to Orange √ $2 million for the Forest Road Bridge duplication √ $14.7 million for Mission Australia’s Benjamin Short Grove Aged Care facility √ $100,000 for new stadium seating at Wade Park √ $3 million for a second radiotherapy unit at Orange Health Service √ $10 million for the Orange Conservatorium & Planetarium √ 24 hour rescue helicopter service for Orange and region
Bob with Molly at Orange Ex-Servies


Friday’s heavy rain didn’t stop Orange Food Week from getting o to a cracking start despite the relocation of the Night Markets to the Naylor Pavilion at the Orange Showground.

The pavilion was packed with enthusiastic food lovers, their umbrellas adding to the colourful spectacle. Despite the downpour outside, the weather did little to dampen the spirits of the attendees, who enjoyed the gourmet delights and exquisite wines on o er.

16 ORANGE CITY LIFE | April 11 — 17, 2024 Social SCENE
Photos by CEC TILBURG Grace Shortis, Penny Haynes, Elizabeth Argue and Sophie Hine Carolyn and Bruce Hilsabeck Stephanie and Will Archer Barbara Simpson with granddaughter Georgie Brad and Hayley McKenzie, with Megan Delmar Sally Johnson and Lindsey Stewart, with Ellie and Alec in front The Benjamin-Little Family Sally and Sophie Mason Fauzzie and Ellie
ORANGE CITY LIFE | April 11 — 17, 2024 17 ON SALE FROM WEDNESDAY 10 TH APRIL UNTIL TUESDAY 16 TH APRIL 2024 Specials available from Wednesday 10/04/24 until Tuesday 16/04/24 or while stocks last. Retail quantities only. No trade supplied. We reserve the right to correct printing errors. Pictures used for illustration purposes only. IGA Liquor supports the responsible service of alcohol. Tobacco and alcohol not sold to under 18’s. 210 PEISLEY STREET, ORANGE NSW 2800 | 6362 7233 OPEN 7 DAYS: MON TO SAT 6AM-9PM | SUNDAY 7AM TO 8PM | WWW.IGA.COM.AU 82 SUMMER ST, ORANGE NSW 2800 | 6362 0775 OPEN 7 DAYS: MON TO SAT 7AM-9PM | SUNDAY 8AM TO 8PM | WWW.IGA.COM.AU IGANS13462_100424 Serving Suggestion Hot PRICE! Smith's Thinly Cut or Oven Baked 130-175g Selected Varieties Bulla Creamy Classics Ice Cream 4 Pack Selected Varieties OMO Laundry Liquid 2 Litre, Powder 2kg or 3 in 1 Capsules 28 Pack Selected Varieties Rexona Advanced Protection Antiperspirant Spray 220mL Selected Varieties ^excludes Travel Size & Low Prices Every Day $2.16 per 100mL $240 ea $475 ea $14 ea $475 ea 50% Off Rexona^ Powerade or Powerade Active Water 600mL Selected Varieties $3.50 per Litre Arnott's Cream Biscuits 200-250g Selected Varieties Campbell's Chunky or Country Ladle Canned Soup 495-505g Selected Varieties 45¢ per 100g Heinz Beanz or Spaghetti 300g Selected Varieties 47¢ per 100g $210 ea $2 ea $225 ea $140 ea Primo Short Cut Rindless Bacon 750g $12 per kg Bega Cheese Slices 500g Selected Varieties $20 per kg Supercoat Smart Blend Dry Dog Food 6.7-7kg Selected Varieties $9ea SAVE $7.80 $10 ea hot buy $2150 ea SAVE $14.50 Western Star Spreadable 500g Selected Varieties $1.20 per 100g $6 ea Hot buy BEEF BLADE ROAST Australian $12 kg Australian Kent Pumpkin $150 kg e


Orange PCYC opened its doors on Saturday, April 6, giving locals a chance to try a whole range of free “taster” classes of what the PCYC has to o er, everything from fitness and boxing to guitar lessons and gymnastics.

CROSS purposes



His name is a tongue twister, but chances are you’ve seen Cillian Murphy. In recent years, the talented actor has reached superstardom portraying nihilistic characters.

In Oppenheimer, Murphy plays a physicist developing the nuclear bomb. In Peaky Blinders, he’s a gangster called Tommy Shelby – a traumatised WW1 veteran who takes a razor to gangsters, politicians and bystanders in the way of his thirst for power. No, he’s not the villain – he’s the leading man.

Hollywood loves darkness and hopelessness. When facing death, Tommy will quote a Christina Rossetti poem In the Bleak Midwinter. He says: “Death’s just the end of a game. No justice. No hope. Just nothingness.”

Peaky Blinder philosophy might make gripping television, but how about life? Hopelessness is not natural to us. We don’t teach it to kids, and we medicate it in ourselves. It’s not just that we want meaning. Every day our experience tells us our choices do matter. But doesn’t death take the wind out of all that? It turns out Rossetti’s poem has more than one line. “In the bleak midwinter a stable place su ced, the Lord God Almighty, Jesus Christ.” Jesus’ bombshell is hope beyond death. And it isn’t Hollywood.

18 ORANGE CITY LIFE | April 11 — 17, 2024 Social SCENE

AED Community Training EVENT Sri Lankan

Join us for a pivotal AED Community Training session, featuring Greg Page from Heart of the Nation, hosted by yours truly. The event will be held on Friday, May 3rd, 2024, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM at the Orange Ex-Services Club. Attendance requires prior registration, so please contact us at orange@parliament. nsw.gov.au or call 02 6362 5199 to secure your spot.

The Physical Disability Council NSW


Recently, I participated remotely with colleagues from the NSW Parliament’s Law and Safety Committee in conducting public

New Year

Leadership Day at St Mary’s

I had the honour of joining Cara Denman, a local entrepreneur and sports coach, and Abbi Francis, an alumni leader from James Sheahan Catholic High, as panellists on Leadership Day at St. Mary's for the Year 6 students. Thanks to St. Mary’s for nurturing these young minds who are set to be our next generation of leaders. Their enthusiasm and insightful questions were truly inspiring.

It was a pleasure to engage with Annabel Smith and Kelley Temple of the Physical Disability Council NSW, an organisation representing over a million individuals with physical disabilities. Their insights on the challenges faced by local residents with disabilities were enlightening. I am committed to supporting their efforts to secure necessary government assistance for these individuals. hearings on the regulation and compliance of vaping and E-cigarettes within NSW. I extend my gratitude to all the witnesses who contributed their valuable insights to aid

It was a privilege to participate in the vibrant celebrations of the Sri Lankan New Year with the Orange Sri Lankan community. This festive occasion marks the joyful conclusion of the harvest and the hopeful beginnings of a new season.


Our highly sought-after Seniors Legal Diaries are back in stock for a short time thanks to a generous donation from a colleague. If you missed your chance previously, make sure to visit or contact my office soon to claim your diary before they're all gone again.

Valentina Mogilin, who passed away at 88, leaves a lasting legacy in Orange. Along with her husband and children she embraced Australia as her new home in 1972, deeply appreciating its tranquillity and beauty. In Orange, she dedicated herself to education and community support. Her life, marked by gratitude and service, enriched Orange’s multicultural tapestry, touching many lives and leaving behind a large, loving family. Vale

ORANGE CITY LIFE | April 11 — 17, 2024 19 Authorised by Philip Donato MP, Member for Orange. Funded using parliamentary entitlements
Phil DONATO MP State Member for
this crucial inquiry, helping shape our legislative response to these issues.
Valentina Mogilin

Let’s Feast @ Leaf Cafe

Delicious breakfast classics with that Leaf Cafe twist!

Centrally located in the heart of the Orange CBD, Leaf Cafe’s all-day menu full of deliciously comforting breakfast classics will have you coming back for more.

Leaf Cafe prides itself on serving only the freshest of the freshest ingredients and when it comes to a dish as simple as Smashed Avocado on Toast that makes all the difference. Served with ripe tomatoes and just a hint of chilli, one bite of this satisfying Aussie favourite and you’ll be hooked!

There is no better way to start your day than with Leaf Cafe’s traditional ham and cheese omelette. Delightfully fluffy eggs, folded over premium ham and melted cheese, there is a reason it is known as the “King of Breakfasts”. Want to add something else? No problem! At Leaf Cafe, you get the Royal treatment.

The Leaf Cafe Benedict deftly combines a perfectly poached egg, fresh avocado and corn salsa, and sauteed spinach with the refined tang of their highquality hollandaise sauce.

Served on a soft-toasted Brioche bun with your choice of salmon, bacon, or halloumi, it is an exquisite harmony of deliciousness.

Or why not treat yourself to something sweeter like Leaf Cafe’s indulgent French Toast?

There’s something magical about the crispy edges and soft, custard-like centre of this delicious creation that will make you want to savour every moment. Matched with mascarpone, rhubarb, ripe seasonal berries and real Belgian chocolate on the side, it’s a deliciously naughty breakfast or tasty treat any time of the day.

Leaf Cafe Orange is open seven days a week from 8.30am to 4.30pm daily.


Shop 8, Orange City Centre, Orange

0493 235 619

20 ORANGE CITY LIFE | April 11 — 17, 2024
ORANGE CITY LIFE | April 11 — 17, 2024 21 Let’s Feast TUES-SAT: 7.00am to 8.00pm | SUN: 8am-3pm; 5pm-8pm FIND US ON FACEBOOK Call: 6360 3606 hotel canobolas The Pride of the Region OPEN 7 DAYS 12pm -9pm hotelcanobolas.com.au Call: 6362 4995 ORANGE EX-SERVICES CLUB OPEN 7 DAYS LUNCH: 12pm-2pm | DINNER: 5.30pm-8.30pm www.oesc.com.au Call: 6362 2666 The Ophir Hotel A relaxed, family-friendly pub, bar and restaurant OPEN 7 DAYS LUNCH: 11.30am-2.30pm | DINNER: 5pm-8.30pm www.ophirhotel.com.au Call: 6362 4995 Win... Fill in the coupon below, to go in the draw for your chance to win a voucher to the “Let’s Feast venue” of your choice. To the value of $75. Winner announced each month Name: Phone: Let’s Feast Venue:....................................................................... The Mills Cafe Dine-ins, take-outs, delivery and catering avaliable Proudly supporting our local community for over 70 Years Send to reception@oclife.com.au or drop in to the office at 241 Lords Place Alfio’s Pizzeria LUNCH Tues-Fri: 11.30am-2.00pm DINNERTues-Thurs 6pm-10pm Fri-Sat: 6pm til late www.alfiosrestaurant.com.au Takeaway from 5pm Tues-Sat Call: 6362 6720 Award- winning Italian Food, Producing locally in Orange for the last 50 Years - My Family Since 1986 making a difference Cafe Latte Mon-Fri: 5.00am to 5.00pm SATURDAY: 5am-2pm www.cafelatteorange.com.au Call: 6363 1855 Raku Izakaya THE FIRST MODERN JAPANESE CUISINE IN ORANGE OPEN LUNCH Tues-Sat: 11.30am-2.30pm DINNER Thurs: 5.30pm-9.30pm Fri-Sat: 6pm-10pm Open Mondays in the middle of May for lunch & dinner rakuizakaya.com.au Call: 0478 759 050

WHAT’S ON March-April


May 17

This May, Never Ending 80’s presents “The Battle Of The Millenium!” Eighties v Noughties.

Does the best music of all time only come from the 80s? Or did a new millennium bring pop hits worthy of challenging the greatest decade ever?

Find out at the Orange Ex-Services Club on May 17!

Will it be Madonna or Pink, Bon Jovi or Robbie Williams, INXS or The Killers, Cyndi Lauper or Britney Spears, Prince or Justin Timberlake, Whitney Houston or Beyoncé, Queen or Lady Gaga.

Head along and party like it’s 1989 or... 2009, while the hottest band in the land plays the biggest hits of both decades live!

Witness The Battle Of The Millenium! Eighties v Noughties at the Orange Ex-Services’ Club on Friday, May 17. Doors and bar open 7pm, show begins at 8pm.


Taylor Swift party in Blayney to kick-off school holiday


Flying Fruit Fly Circus present Tempo APRIL 12

Tempo, the latest production from the Flying Fruit Fly Circus features an extraordinary ensemble of young performers aged between 12 and 18 who not only possess dazzling circus skills, but also play instruments!

Shifting between striking aerial acts and highly choreographed acrobatic chaos, Tempo draws heavily on the traditional knockabout humour of the Flying Fruit Fly Circus – a trademark of the company over many years. Magic, slapstick, juggling, balancing, acrobatics, and aerials tumble in, out and around the concert grand piano.

With no dialogue and plenty of gasp-inducing action, Tempo appeals to every age and is suitable, or perhaps essential, for all families.

Se Tempo at Orange Civic Theatre on Friday, April 12, 7.30pm.

Tickets at Ticketek or call 6393 8111.

Whether you missed out on tickets, or still on the Taylor Swift Eras Tour high, Blayney is putting on a party that’s not to be missed.

“Tay-Tay” may not be able to make it to regional NSW this time around, but dedicated fans are bringing Blayney the next best thing: a Taylor Swift-themed party at the Blayney Golf Club on Saturday, April 20.

Blayney’s Tay-Tay Eras Party follows just a day after the release of Taylor Swift’s newest album The Tortured Poets Department.

The evening will kickstart from 4pm with a local DJ set playing all things Shake It O , Cruel Summer and Blank Space.

There’ll even be a dress-up parade for ‘Swifities’ (the nickname for Taylor Swift fans) to strut their stu .

“Curly hair and cowboy boots? Or sequins with heels, red lipstick, big bangs, and style to burn; dress-up as your favourite ‘Tay-Tay’ era and sing along to all her incredible songs,” event organiser Kellie Chapman said.

Taylor Swift has been named this generation’s Beatles, and she has even broken their record for

most weeks on Billboard 200’s top 10 in the last 60 years. Taylor Swift’s 16 top 10 albums have logged a combined 384 weeks at the top of the charts, surpassing The Beatles’ 382.

“The idea came about after hearing so many friends say that they were unable to get tickets to her sold-out concerts this year,” Kellie — a huge fan of the American artist herself — said.

“So I decided to bring ‘Tay-Tay to Blay-Blay’, as a fun way for her fans of all ages, to celebrate her special place in popular culture.”

Helping keep costs down so that every fan can attend, there are no restrictions on attendees bringing their own food.

“I encourage everyone to pack a picnic and we’ll have snacks and glow sticks available to purchase; it’s going to be a really fun evening and a great way to kick-o the school holidays,” Kellie said.

Tay-Tay Eras Party will be held on Saturday, April 20, starting from 4pm at Blayney Golf Club. Tickets are available online at Eventbrite: $20 for adults and $5 for children.

Call Kellie on 0474 739 332 for more information.

22 ORANGE CITY LIFE | April 11 — 17, 2024

A play fit for a queen!

When Queen Mary was asked what she would like for her 80th birthday, she requested a new story from one of her favourite writers, Agatha Christie.

Who could say no to the queen? Agatha happily obliged and created Three Blind Mice. This would then become the longest-running show of any kind, now known as The Mousetrap, set to come to Orange Civic Theatre for the first time in June.

Three Blind Mice started as a radio play that derived from a real-life news story in 1945. The news was a case that shocked the nation, about two brothers abused in foster care, one of whom died as a result. It later resulted in the changing of the laws surrounding foster care.

The radio play was first broadcast on the BBC in 1947. Agatha then adapted the 30-minute radio play to a short story, published in Cosmopolitan magazine in 1948, and later in the 1950 US collection Three Blind Mice and Other Stories

The short story version was never published in the UK on Christie’s insistence that it should not clash with the 1952 stage adaptation, famously renamed The Mousetrap. As long as the adaptation ran in London’s West End (as it has for over 70 years) the short story wasn’t to be published.

Before it opened, Agatha Christie gave the rights to The Mousetrap to her nine-year-old grandson Mathew Prichard without any idea that it would become a huge record-breaking phenomenon.

The Mousetrap opened on November 25, 1952. The late Deryck Guyler provided the pre-recorded voice of the newsreader in the first act and the same recording is still used today.

But it’s not just its history that makes this play so intriguing: because you don’t just watch this play… you solve it.

As news spreads of a murder in London, a group of seven strangers find themselves snowed-in at a remote

Orange Theatre Company presents The Addams Family between May 10 and May 18

countryside guesthouse. When a police sergeant arrives, the guests discover – to their horror – that a killer is in their midst! One by one, the suspicious characters reveal their sordid pasts. Which one is the murderer? Who will be their next victim? Can you solve this world-famous mystery for yourself?

For over 70 years, Agatha Christie’s The Mousetrap has kept millions of people from every corner of the globe on the edge of their seats. This year, the production is touring Australia’s regions, after its success in the big cities last year.

Produced by John Frost for Crossroads Live Australia and Shake & Stir Theatre Co, The Mousetrap will be directed by Australia’s Robyn Nevin with costume design and associate set design by Isabel Hudson and lighting design by Trudy Dalgleish.

The Mousetrap will showcase at Orange Civic Theatre from June 27 - June 30. Tickets are already selling quickly, jump onto Orange Civic Theatre’s website to find out more.

It’s a witty classic that has stood the test of time, The Addams Family is a comical feast that embraces the wackiness in every family.

The new musical comedy, presented by Orange Theatre Company, features an original story, and it’s every father’s nightmare: Wednesday Addams, the ultimate princess of darkness, has grown up and fallen in love with a sweet, smart young man from a respectable family—a man her parents have never met.

And if that wasn’t upsetting enough, Wednesday confides in her father and begs him not to tell her mother. Now, Gomez Addams must do something he’s never done before– keep a secret from his beloved wife, Morticia.

Everything will change for the whole family on the fateful night they host a dinner for Wednesday’s “normal” boyfriend and his parents.

The Orange Theatre Company’s production of The Addams Family will be brought to life (or death) at the Orange Civic Theatre between May 10 and May 18. Tickets at Ticketek or call 63938111.

PHOTOS: Brian Geach

What’s on this school holidays

Whether you’re looking for activities to do as a family, or for the kids to have some time away from home making new friends, there’s truly something for everyone these school holidays.

If you’re stuck for ideas, we’ve compiled a number of activities you can take part in the next few weeks:

Why not pay a visit to Orange Regional Museum?

FREE — Open 9am until 4pm daily.

The Orange Regional Museum is currently showcasing an exhibition on the history of our local fire brigade. There’s plenty to explore and learn for kids of all ages, with a number of other exhibitions and displays as well.

Why not engage in some old-school fun at the cinema and bowling alley?

Orange Tenpin Bowl is open seven days a week, from 9am, with snacks available lane-side. There’s no extra charge for lightweight bowling balls, ramps or bumpers, so the kids can have a fair chance when up against mum or dad. Odeon 5 Cinemas are open all holidays with multiple showings of a number of kid-friendly movies.

Sunday, April 14

Musical Bingo

FREE — 3pm

Held at The Greenhouse of Orange, this event is kicking off the Orange Ex-Services’ Club KidsFest 2024 extravaganza. This special kids edition for the school holidays has exciting prizes to be won, and will be a super-fun family-friendly afternoon on the Greenhouse lawn.

Book your table now at https://www.oesc.com. au/kidsfest

Monday, April 15

NBA 2K Basketball Tournament

FREE — 12 noon-4pm

Held at Orange Youth Hub, the hub is open from 12 noon-4pm weekdays during the school holidays, and is a great place for school-aged kids to get together and utilise the basketball court and various other activities.

For more information, contact Youth Hub Project Leader Ethan Bereyne on 0438 811 641.

Junior Golf Clinic

$10 — 9:30am, 11:15am, 12:30pm

Held at Wentworth Golf Club, and hosted by Orange Ex-Services’ Club, come and join in a fun-filled day of swinging, putting, and mastering the art of golf. In this junior clinic, you will learn the golf basics and techniques from our very own Wenty Golf Pro and will be guaranteed fun for all ages.

PCYC School Holidays

$55 per day

For Kindy-to-Year 6 students, activities this day include T-Ball, parkour, and painting. Kids are to bring a water bottle, lunch, morning tea, afternoon tea and enclosed shoes.

To book, ring (02) 6360 2249.

Tuesday, April 16

Build-A-Bear workshop

$20 — 11:30am & 12:15pm

Held at The Greenhouse of Orange, this event is back by popular demand, hosted by the Orange Ex-Services’ Club. Immerse yourself in the joy of building a bear, as you choose from a delightful array of cuddly creatures, each waiting to become your new best friend. Our stufflers workshop is a magical journey of creativity and

companionship, where every child (and child at heart) gets to stuff, fluff, and personalize their furry friend.

Book tickets at: https://www.oesc.com.au/kidsfest

PCYC School Holidays

$55 per day + $10 for Ten-Pin bowling

For Kindy-to-Year 6 students, activities this day include yoga, ten-pin bowling, and futsal. Kids are to bring a water bottle, lunch, morning tea, afternoon tea and enclosed shoes.

To book, ring (02) 6360 2249

Wednesday, April 17

Ten Pin Bowling at Orange Youth Hub

FREE — 12 noon-4pm

Kids are welcome to come along and enjoy tenpin bowling with the Orange Youth Hub. Chocolate Bingo

FREE — 11:30am

Held at Orange’s Ex-Services Club Coral Room, everyone is welcome to indulge in a sweet twist on the classic game of Bingo. Bring the kids for an afternoon of laughter, fun and excitement as they eagerly anticipate winning delightful chocolate prizes.

Book your spot at: https://www.oesc.com.au/ kidsfest

PCYC School Holidays

$55 per day

For Kindy-to-Year 6 students, activities this day include a two-hour multisports workshop, twohour gymnastics workshop, and a disco party. Kids are to bring a water bottle, lunch, morning tea, afternoon tea and enclosed shoes.

To book, ring (02) 6360 2249

Thursday, April 18

Sculptures by the Bush in Blayney FREE — Anytime

Open to have a look around Blayney Shire from April 12 until May 5, the school holiday period is a great time to hop in the car and have a drive around the region, looking at the locally-made sculptures.

There are three categories that can be found: Hay Bale Art Challenge, Farm Art Challenge, and Scarecrow Challenge. The People’s Choice Award voting kickstarts April 17, and a map with the different displays can be found on the Blayney Shire Council website.

Taylor Swift Show

$20 — 2pm

Held at the Orange Ex-Services Club Coral Room, get ready to dance and sing along to the hit songs of Taylor Swift in this fun and interactive school holiday show. The Taylor Swift Tribute show features her biggest hits from Shake It Off, Love Story, Trouble, Belong to Me and many more, with a live band to bring you the full concert experience!

Book your tickets at: https://www.oesc.com.au/kidsfest

PCYC School Holidays

$55 per day

For Kindy-to-Year 6 students, activities this day include Trivia, Minute to WinIt games, and basketball. Kids are to bring a water bottle, lunch, morning tea, afternoon tea and enclosed shoes. To book, ring (02) 6360 2249

Friday, April 19

Odeon 5 Cinemas with Orange Youth Hub FREE — 12 noon-4pm

Movie projection at the cinema with the Orange Youth Hub

To register or for more information, contact Youth Hub Project Leader Ethan Bereyne on 0438 811 641

Sandwizard Art

$10 — 11:30am

Held at the Greenhouse kids pavilion, join us for our Sandwizard Sand Art session and create your very own masterpiece using different coloured sands. With no scissors or glue required, SandWizard is an activity that everyone can enjoy.

Book your tickets at: https://www.oesc.com.au/kidsfest

PCYC School Holidays

$55 per day + $10 for Laser Tag

For Kindy-to-Year 6 students, activities this day include cooking, laser tag, and frisbee. Kids are to bring a water bottle, lunch, morning tea, afternoon tea and enclosed shoes. To book, ring (02) 6360 2249.

Saturday, April 20

Fancy a trip to the botanical gardens?


Open daily from 7:30am until dusk

Pack a picnic or maybe even a BBQ lunch and enjoy the playground facilities or a stroll around the blooming Orange Botanic Gardens. It’s the ideal place to enjoy the scenery and even let the kids go wild on the huge playground.

Sunday, April 21

LBB Resin Art youth workshops

$50, or FREE if using Creative Kids Voucher

LBB Resin Art is hosting a number of workshops on Sunday, April 21, from resin craft to polymer clay. 12 noon: Polymer Clay Kids Workshop

3pm: Resin Paddle Kids Workshop

Location TBA. Visit www.LBBResin.com.au for details or to book.

Musical Bingo

FREE — 3pm

Held at The Greenhouse Orange, this special kids edition for the school holidays has exciting prizes to be won, and will be a super fun familyfriendly afternoon on the Greenhouse lawn. Book your table now at https://www.oesc.com.au/kidsfest

Monday, April 22

DIY Construction: Rugby League Passing Target Board

FREE — 12 noon-4pm

Keen rugby league players, or anyone who just likes DIY, are welcome to this construction workshop for a passing target board. Once built, the proud new owners can practice their passing for hours on end.

To register or for more information, contact Youth Hub Project Leader Ethan Bereyne on 0438 811 641

PCYC School Holidays

$55 per day

For Kindy-to-Year 6 students, activities this day include an obstacle course, gymnastics, and boxing. Kids are to bring a water bottle, lunch, morning tea, afternoon tea and enclosed shoes. To book, ring (02) 6360 2249.

Tuesday, April 23

Orange City Library School Holiday Heritage Walk

FREE — 10am - 11:30am

Join Local Studies Librarian Ruth as she takes you on a tour of an Orange City you’ve never seen before. Designed for families, and children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult. Wear a hat and a jacket and bring a drink bottle, as you’ll be following along a heritage trail starting at Orange City Library and traveling over two historic city blocks. Learn what Orange looked like when it was first settled, and what changes some of our heritage buildings have undergone over time.

Bookings are essential and spaces are limited.

Contact Orange Library for more information.

Paint a masterpiece

$10 — 11:30am

Held at The Greenhouse kids pavilion, unleash your inner artist at the ‘Paint a Masterpiece’ session. Whether you’re a seasoned painter or picking up a brush for the first time, join us and create your artwork.

Book your ticket now at https://www.oesc.com.au/kidsfest

PCYC School Holidays

$55 per day + $10 for Ten-pin bowling

For Kindy-to-Year 6 students, activities this day include Anzac Day craft, ten-pin bowling, and cricket. Kids are to bring a water bottle, lunch, morning tea, afternoon tea and enclosed shoes. To book, ring (02) 6360 2249.

Wednesday, April 24

Colour Run at Elephant park and BBQ Lunch FREE

10am - 12 noon

A colour run like you’ve never seen it before with the Orange Youth Hub in Elephant Park. Ending with a bbq lunch. Make sure to register by contacting Youth Hub Project Leader Ethan Bereyne on 0438 811 641.

ANZAC Biscuit Baking

$10 — 10:30am, 11:15am, 12:00 noon, 12:45pm

Held at The Greenhouse kids pavilion, join in for a hands-on experience where children learn to mix, roll, and bake these traditional treats. Led by our expert chef, kids will love the process of making and eating their delicious creations. Book your ticket now at https://www.oesc.com. au/kidsfest

PCYC School Holidays

$55 per day

For Kindy-to-Year 6 students, activities this day include a two-hour multi–sports workshop, twohour gymnastics workshop, and a disco party. Kids are to bring a water bottle, lunch, morning tea, afternoon tea and enclosed shoes. To book, ring (02) 6360 2249.

Thursday, April 25

Why not pay a visit to Orange Regional Museum today? Or, engage in some old-school fun at the cinema and bowling alley?

Friday, April 26

Paintball Hartley, Orange Youth Hub FREE — 11am - 2pm

Love a bit of paintball? This is definitely an event for the adventurous kids looking for something a bit more active.

To register or for more information, contact Youth Hub Project Leader Ethan Bereyne on 0438 811 641.

Library School Holidays Travel Bugs and MiniBeasts - Orange Library

FREE — 1.45pm - 3pm

For ages 5+, join in a fun, hands-on, interactive workshop on the importance of ‘mini-beasts’ and their life cycles within food webs and ecosystems at the library. Real live bugs! Take a close look at the mini-beasts’ external physical features and unique adaptations. Questions on mini-beasts and everything entomological will be answered and all workshops come with a hands-on experience not to be forgotten!

Children under 12 must be signed in and out by an adult, and children six-and-under must be accompanied by an adult for the duration of the activity.

Family Fun Day

$10 — 10am

Held at the Orange Ex-Services Club Country Club, join in for the last KidsFest event with a day of wholesome family fun. Get ready to bounce around in our exciting jumping castle, race to the finish line in sack races, and showcase your athletic prowess in various ball games. Test your balance and coordination in the classic egg-andspoon races, and kick off your shoes for some laid-back barefoot bowls.

Book your tickets now at https://www.oesc.com.au/kidsfest

PCYC School Holidays

$55 per day + $10 for Laser Tag

For Kindy-to-Year 6 students, activities this day include cooking, laser tag, and Bingo. Kids are to bring a water bottle, lunch, morning tea, afternoon tea and enclosed shoes.

To book, ring (02) 6360 2249.

24 ORANGE CITY LIFE | April 11 — 17, 2024



t. 0457 792 800


Revised Price $760,000-$800,00

Kentucky Pine - A Tranquil Retreat for Outdoor Enthusiasts

Discover the perfect blend of comfort and countryside charm with this stunning 3-bedroom home nestled on 4825SQM of picturesque land, just 5 minutes from Orange. Ideal for those who relish the great outdoors, this property offers a unique lifestyle opportunity with the added bonus of 22 dog kennels and 3 expansive grass dog runs and 2 pup whelping yards.

Key Features: Immerse yourself in the warmth of this well-appointed 3-bedroom home, offering a spacious and inviting retreat for families or anyone seeking a relaxed lifestyle.

Enjoy the freedom and space provided by the generous 4825SQM lot surrounding the residence. Perfect for gardening, recreational activities, or simply soaking in the serenity of rural living.

Conveniently located just 5 minutes drive from Orange, residents can experience the tranquillity of rural living without sacrificing accessibility to amenities, shops, and cultural attractions.

Dog lovers' paradise- The property features a remarkable setup for dog enthusiasts with 22 fully equipped kennels and 3 purpose-built grass dog runs. Whether you're a professional breeder or simply passionate about canine companionship, this unique addition sets this property apart.

Embrace the beauty of the outdoors with ample space for entertaining family and friends. From barbecues to starlit gatherings, the expansive yard provides endless opportunities for outdoor enjoyment.

Revel in the beauty of the surrounding landscape, offering stunning views and a sense of peace that can only be found in the heart of the countryside.

2 Beasley Road is not just a home; it's a lifestyle. Whether you're a nature lover, a dog enthusiast, or someone seeking a retreat from the hustle and bustle, this property offers a rare opportunity to live your ideal lifestyle in Lucknow. Schedule a viewing today and make this haven your own.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | April 11 — 17, 2024 25

Riverside Retreat

10 Stoke Lane, Carcoar NSW

Nestled along the tranquil banks of the Belubula River, 10 Stoke Lane offers a serene retreat in the picturesque township of Carcoar. This charming residence presents an idyllic blend of comfort, style, and natural beauty, promising a lifestyle of relaxed sophistication.

Upon arrival, a sense of tranquillity envelopes you as the property's lush greenery and scenic vistas welcome you home. Situated on a generous plot, this residence boasts a prime position, with its backyard gently sloping towards the serene waters of the Belubula River, providing a private oasis for relaxation and recreation.

The residence comprises three generously sized bedrooms, including a luxurious master suite complete with a private ensuite bathroom. Each bedroom offers a peaceful retreat, adorned with plush carpeting, built-in storage, and large windows framing tranquil views of the surrounding landscape.

Charming Haven

18 Johnston Crescent, Blayney NSW

A charming haven for family living nestled in a peaceful neighbourhood. This inviting residence offers the perfect blend of comfort, space, and convenience, ensuring a lifestyle of ease and enjoyment.

First living area, bathed in natural light, provides an ideal space for relaxation and entertainment.

The home comprises four generously sized bedrooms, each offering plush carpeting, built-in wardrobes, and an abundance of natural light. The master bedroom, complete with an ensuite bathroom, provides a peaceful retreat for relaxation and rejuvenation after a long day.

Additional features of this remarkable property include a double garage with internal access, ducted heating and cooling for year-round comfort, and a convenient laundry room


Sophistication and timeless elegance

21 Piggott Place, Blayney NSW

Step inside to be greeted by expansive living spaces that effortlessly blend style with functionality.

Two separate living areas offer versatility and comfort, providing ample room for relaxation, entertainment, and everyday living.

Indulge your cinematic fantasies in the dedicated theatre room, where movie nights are elevated to an unforgettable experience.

The heart of the home is a well equipped kitchen that will delight the culinary connoisseur within. Equipped with premium appliances, ample storage, and sleek countertops, this culinary haven makes meal preparation a joy. The expansive master suite is a sanctuary of relaxation, boasting a spacious layout, walk-in robe, and lavish ensuite bathroom.

Sale Contact Agent

Open for Inspection

Saturday 13th April ‘24 10:30am- 11:00am

James Taylor 0457 792 800

Ray White Townsend

Real Estate raywhitetre.com

Heritage Haven

Nestled within the historic township of Blayney, 40-42 Adelaide Street stands as an exquisite testament to timeless elegance and grandeur. This distinguished residence, steeped in history, occupies a commanding presence on an expansive 3162 square meter allotment, offering a rare opportunity to own a piece of heritage in a picturesque setting.

The interior showcases a seamless blend of period features and modern comforts, with ornate cornices, soaring ceilings, and polished timber floorboards evoking a sense of grandeur and opulence.

The residence comprises six generously sized bedrooms, providing ample accommodation for family members and guests alike.

Set amidst beautifully landscaped gardens and shaded by mature trees, the property welcomes you with a sense of nostalgia and refinement.

26 ORANGE CITY LIFE | April 11 — 17, 2024 Ray White Townsend Real Estate 203 Lords Place, Orange NSW raywhitetre.com 02 6362 4016
Sale Contact Agent Open for Inspection Saturday 13th April ‘24 9:30am - 10:00am James Taylor 0457
Ray White Townsend Real
792 800
Sale $850,000
Saturday 13th April ‘24
Emma Chapman 0423 658 101
White Townsend
Estate raywhitetre.com
SALE 40 Adelaide Street, Blayney NSW
Sale Contact
By Appointment James Taylor 0457 792 800 Ray White Townsend Real Estate
Agent Open for Inspection


"Billys Gully" - Your Gateway to Rural Bliss

with beautiful views


Kurt Adams 0428 747 050 Stephen Townsend 0427 631 957 Ray White Townsend

Estate raywhitetre.com


Prime Agricultural Land Offering Versatile Farming Opportunities

‘Highfield East’ 170 Kurrajong Road , Cudal NSW

"Highfield East" is an outstanding 296-acre (119 hectares) mixed farming property, presenting a high level of agricultural performance and is suitable for cattle, sheep and cropping.

Well serviced with rich soils, secure water, and cultivation opportunities. Meets all requirements for building entitlement and power runs through the property.

"Highfield East" is a highly productive, attractive vacant block and offers the opportunity to continue a successful farming operation.



Auction Thursday 9th May ‘24

Orange NSW

Open for Inspection

By Appointment

Kurt Adams 0428 747 050

Ray White Townsend

Real Estate raywhitetre.com

First Time Offered in 68 Years!

‘Avondale’ 306 Cowriga Road, Orange NSW

“Avondale" offers a unique opportunity to invest in prime agricultural and lifestyle real estate in the heart of the Central Tablelands. Boasting heavy, rich red Basalt soils, this 273.5-acre property is renowned for its breeding and fattening capabilities.

"Avondale" provides a well-maintained double-brick homestead, dating back to around the 1890's. With 5 bedrooms and 1 office, this residence offers both historical charm and modern comfort.

Infrastructure is abundant on the property, with machinery sheds, hay sheds, and cattle yards, facilitating efficient farming operations.

Auction Thursday 9th May ‘24

Orange NSW

Open for Inspection

By Appointment

Kurt Adams 0428 747 050

Stephen Townsend

0427 631 957

Ray White Townsend

Real Estate raywhitetre.com

ORANGE CITY LIFE | April 11 — 17, 2024 27 Ray White Townsend Real Estate 203 Lords Place, Orange NSW raywhitetre.com 02 6362 4016 5547 Burrendong Way, Stuart Town NSW Sitting 6 minutes just out of Stuart Town, this 2-acre (approx.) property is ready for those looking for a lifestyle change. Whether you are looking at a lifestyle block, weekend getaway or living off grid, opportunities like this don't come around too often. With the services of Orange and Molong only about 40 minutes away, enjoy the quieter life while having all amenities at your fingertips. Featuring a Dam and an Established Shed as well as being fully fenced, with your touch and creativity, the lifestyle and opportunities you could create on this unique block of land are endless. Lifestyle Block Auction Thursday 9th May ‘24 Orange NSW Open for Inspection By Appointment Wade Clarke 0427 668 800 Ray White Townsend Real Estate raywhitetre.com AUCTION Rural “Billys Gully” 127 Adair Drive, Orange NSW 101-hectare farm with soft rolling hill and undulating basalt grazing Predominately open grazing country, with plenty of shade and shelter trees Fully fenced with quality waratah fencing, sub-divided into 3 paddocks Power pole with transformer connected to the boundary Well-watered with four dams Numerous building sites
9th May ‘24 Orange NSW Open for Inspection By Appointment
28 ORANGE CITY LIFE | April 11 — 17, 2024 Creative Heading info.orange@prd.com.au PRD.com.au/orange Orange 0428 650 675 Proudly Family Owned & Operated Scott & Victoria Munro Sell, Buy, Rent & Lease Smarter LEASED LEASED LEASED LEASED LEASED LEASED LEASED LEASED LEASED LEASED LEASED LEASED LEASED LEASED LEASED LEASED LEASED LEASED LEASED 2 2 3 3 Ibis Crescent, Orange This two storey house boasts spaciousness and lots of living options. The downstairs area features formal lounge with light-filled bay window, formal dining area, large kitchen with open plan rumpus area. The backyard offers a handy shed, covered back area and is securely fenced. Huge 5 Bedroom, 3 Bathroom House In Enviable Location $640pw 3 2 3 FOR LEASE 109 Woodward Street, Orange This family home offers two separate living areas, a roomy dining area with the option for a study nook adjacent and light and airy kitchen. The three bedrooms are generous that can accommodate queen size beds, while the large master bedroom has an ensuite. The single garage has internal access and there is also a third toilet for convenience. The nicely landscaped backyard is perfect for entertaining with an alfresco area amongst feature plantings, The near level yard also has vehicle access to the double garage which could also be used as a workshop. Great Family Home $550pw Are you worried that your current property manager outsources their property management to an overseas company? All our data stays here in Australia. When we say family owned and locally operated, that’s what we mean! Need a change? It’s easy. Get in touch with us. PRD Property Management Family owned and run with over 38 years of business experience. Thinking of changing property managers? It’s free! JUST LEASED Orange Property MARKET 3 Beds | 1 Bath | 1 Cars 13 Havachat Place Orange FOR SALE $575,000 CHRIS GRYLLIS REAL ESTATE Agent: John Stevenson 0417 887 738 Family Friendly Location on a Big Block

With a mile of potential, this 3 bedroom brick veneer home is situated at the end of a quiet cul de sac and is just waiting for some new Owners to make it shine again.

The living area here has gas heating and a split air conditioner which includes a lounge room, dining area and kitchen with pantry.

There is a single attached garage and a large, covered storage area at the back.

Situated on a large 935 m2 block with a gate for access to Council parkland behind. It’s an easy stroll from here to the Robin Hood Hotel and a quick drive into town too.

Inspect today and let us know what you think.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | April 11 — 17, 2024 29 Located in the popular and dynamic village of Millthorpe this property offers a prime retail space and residential studio. This unique opportunity presents the potential of a dual income. Retail Space • Approx. 100 sqm floor space. Split system heating and cooling • Current tenant in place • Large open space perfect for a variety of ventures Studio residence • Kitchenette and recently updated bathroom. Split system heating and cooling. Off street parking • Open plan layout. Outdoor area with built in pizza oven FOR SALE 19 Pym Street, Millthorpe Utilities Tom Campbell 0459 022 477 Contact $750,000 Price 1 Bed I 1 Bath Nestled in a prime central location, this stunning property offers everything you've been searching for in your next home. This residence is sure to impress even the most discerning buyers. Three large bedrooms with built-in robes for ample storage space. Formal lounge area. Separate dining room seamlessly adjoining an outdoor covered living area. Large modern kitchen equipped with plenty of storage. Fully renovated bathroom for a touch of luxury. Freshly painted throughout Three split systems ensuring year-round comfort, along with a cozy wood heater Double lockup garage with internal access for added convenience and security. Covered second outdoor entertaining area. Ideal for first-time homebuyers, those looking to downsize, or savvy investors seeking a lucrative opportunity. 133 Woodward Street, Orange $648,000 3 Bed I 1 Bath I 2 Car 119 Peisley Street Orange NSW 2800 02 6362 4755 www.awn.net LIVESTOCK & PROPERTY Marie Fox 0412 166 132 Contact FOR SALE Price Utilities OPEN Saturday 13.4.24 10.00 - 10.30am Located in a family friendly quiet cul-d-sac in West Orange this home is sure to impress. Nearby you will find parks, playgrounds, childcare centres, shops, and walkways. Generous master bedroom with built-ins. Galley kitchen with huge storage and bench space Four generous living areas, room for all the family North facing sunroom engulfed by natural light and warmth. Separate formal lounge and family room with split system The fourth living area would be great for those with hobbies, or for a children’s room. Plenty of vehicle accommodation FOR SALE 16 El Paso Place, Orange Utilities OPEN Marie Fox 0412 166 132 Contact $598,000 Price 3 Bed I 1 Bath I 4 Car Saturday 13.4.24 10.45 - 11.15am Located just 30 km from Parkes, 70 km from Orange and just a stones throw away from Lake Endeavour. Consisting of 320 acres of undulating country from heavy loam country to rising ridges of granite and basalt, divided in 3 paddocks and serviced by 5 dams. "Lakeside" has incredible views, and with a building entitlement, you could build your dream home to take in the breathtaking scenery, or just have that weekend escape. Lake Endeavour is quite literally next door with plenty for the lifestyle enthusiast. "Lakeside" offers a chance to purchase your first farm, or just run some stock to supplement your income. Why not enjoy both? Call today to arrange an inspection. $920,000 FOR SALE ‘’Lakeside’ Lake Endeavour Rd, Parkes Greg Miller 0448 433 317 Contact Price $479,000 FOR SALE Marie Fox 0412 166 132 Contact Price Utilities Located with easy access to schools, parks, cafes, shops and the Aquatic centre and a seamless commute to the CBD making your work or leisure trips a breeze. Nestled in a quiet and wellmaintained complex, features include. • Sun-filled open plan living areas • Two generous bedrooms, each boasting built-in wardrobes for ample storage space. • Split systems both upstairs and down stairs • Fully fenced courtyard. Attached lock-up garage with internal and courtyard access. 4/67 Kenna Street, Orange 2 Bed I 1 Bath 1 Car Escape the hustle and bustle and embrace the tranquil charm of country living with this piece of real estate. Approximately 5 acres of vacant land is now available, inviting you to build your dream home and immerse yourself in the idyllic country lifestyle. Design and construct your perfect home on this 5-acre canvas, offering ample space for your vision to come to life. Enjoy the rolling countryside from the elevated slopes of the land. The panoramic views create a picturesque backdrop that changes with the seasons, providing a stunning image for your daily life. $215,000 Tom Campbell 0459 022 477 Contact Price FOR SALE 71 Old Orange Road, Manildra Size 1,121 m2 FOR SALE Set on a 2023sqm parcel of land is a weatherboard and fibro home situated in a quiet part of Cudal that and has recently undergone an extensive renovation but still retains much of its rustic charm. Two main bedrooms and one sleepout, double carport, a single bathroom, an open plan kitchen and dining area, an adjoining living room with slow combustion wood heater, as well beautiful wide timber floorboards, and 11 foot high ceilings. A large outdoor area at the rear of the home. Other features include a garden shed, a 5000 gallon concrete rainwater tank, town water connection, new stock and domestic bore, enviro septic tank, and a tidy garden. 52 Toogong Street, Cudal Tom Campbell 0459 022 477 Contact $390,000 Price Utilities 3 Bed I 1 Bath I 2 Car Orange Property MARKET
30 ORANGE CITY LIFE | April 11 — 17, 2024 22 Buna Street, Orange 55 Kenna Street, Orange 158 Darcy Brown Place, Orange 11 Grove Street, Spring Hill PRICE GUIDE $570,000- $600,000 OPEN Saturday 13th April; 10:15 - 10:45am PRICE GUIDE $640,000-$660,000 OPEN Saturday 13th April; 11:45 - 12:15pm PRICE GUIDE $1,200,000 OPEN Saturday 13th April; 11:00 - 11:30am PRICE GUIDE $330,000 OPEN Saturday 13th April; 11:00 - 11:30am PRICE GUIDE $1,650,000- $1,750,000 OPEN Saturday 13th April; 12:00 12:30pm PRICE GUIDE $775,000- $800,000 OPEN Saturday 13th April; 10:00 - 10:30am NEW LISTING NEW LISTING ASH BROWN 0417 663 687 BIANCA SCIUTO 0400 481 893 SIMONE FOGARTY 0420 984 565 JODIE KIND 0434 092 601 CONNOR ANDREWS 0474 452 329 OFFICE 02 6362 9560 52 Anson Street, Orange 250 Byng Street, Orange 186 Charles Booth Way, Millthorpe 101 Richards Lane, Millthorpe 1630 Icely Road, Orange 16 Morobe Place, Orange 25 Riddell Street, Molong PRICE GUIDE $1,299,000 OPEN Saturday 13th April; 12:00 - 12:30pm PRICE GUIDE $499,000 OPEN Saturday 13th April; 10:00 - 10:30am PRICE GUIDE $1,000,000-$1,100,000 OPEN Saturday 13th April; 12:30- 1:00pm PRICE GUIDE $620,000 OPEN Saturday 13th April; 9:30 - 10:00am PRICE GUIDE $600,000 OPEN Friday 12th April; 5:00 - 5:30pm AGENCY ONE ORANGE Scan the QR code for all our open homes PRICE GUIDE $575,000 - $595,000 OPEN Saturday 13th April; 1:00 - 1:30pm 8 Candlebark Crescent, Orange

tall fescue turf for all to play on.

The fabulous location here allows easy and quick access to the Orange Botanic Gardens, the Adventure Playground Centre and the North Orange Shopping complex.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | April 11 — 17, 2024 31 COMMERCIAL FOR LEASE COMMERCIAL FOR LEASE FOR SALE IF YOU WOULD LIKE YOUR PROPERTY DEAL WITH THE LOCALS WITH LONG EXPERIENCE IN REAL ESTATE – NO SALE NO COST ! CALL NOW, CHRIS 0417 626 361 or John 0417 887 738 COMMERCIAL FOR LEASE FOR SALE YOU DESERVE THIS ONE 73 STEVENSON WAY, ORANGE With everything that sparkles, shimmers and shines this brand new four bedroom brick veneer home is ready your family to move straight into with no frustrating waiting around for one to be built ! The home is spread over two levels with the airy and light filled open plan living area having plentiful windows that captures a lovely outlook over the reserve at the back. All four bedrooms here have built in wardrobes and the two beautifully appointed bathrooms are sure to please. The kitchen is the centerpiece of the home and features a gas cooktop stove, a dishwasher and a large walk-in food pantry with space for the fridge. Some of the other many features here include a central reverse cycle air conditioning throughout, a double garage with internal access and a covered alfresco area with views to enjoy while you entertain. Set on an elevated 875 m2 block it’s fully fenced and there is established green
PRICE $875,000 OPEN HOUSE SAT 13th APRIL 11.00am - 11.30am Building approx. 2,100 m2 Wide full height sliding access doors into the warehouse with high roof clearance Air conditioned offices with excellent amenities for staff Extensive yard area surrounding the shed Rent: $120,000 PA + GST & Outgoings
located within an easy walk to North Orange Shopping Centre, the Botanic Gardens and the Adventure Playground. Enjoys glorious views towards Mt Canobolas and is ready to build you dream home on. Land Size: 753.5 m2 BUILDING BLOCK WITH A BEAUTIFUL OUTLOOK $435,000 LAND FOR SALE With a mile of potential, this 3 bedroom brick veneer home is situated at the end of a quiet cul de sac and is just waiting for some new Owners to make it shine again. The living area here has gas heating and a split air conditioner which includes a lounge room, dining area and kitchen with pantry. There is a single attached garage and a large, covered storage area at the back. Situated on a large 935 m2 block with a gate for access to Council parkland behind. It’s an easy stroll from here to the Robin Hood Hotel and quick drive into town too. Inspect today and let us know what you think. FAMILY FRIENDLY LOCATION ON A BIG BLOCK 13 HAVACHAT PLACE, ORANGE NEW PRICE $575,000 OPEN HOUSE SAT 13th APRIL 12.00pm - 12.30pm CONTACT OUR OFFICE FOR FURTHER DETAILS A fantastic corner location in the ever growing and popular Narrambla Business Park that’s within site of the Northern Distributor Road. Featuring a spacious showroom and reception area, 5 offices, boardroom/meeting room, kitchen/ meals room and staff amenities. The warehouse area has natural lighting, good access to the outside hardstand area and a mezzanine level. The yard is easily accessible and for larger vehicles there is a handy drive through so no need for turning around or reversing ! Plentiful concrete hardstand surrounds the building for parking and storage as well as other handy out buildings. Total floor area including Warehouse, Office/Amenities & Mezzanine Storage is 1,075 M2 MODERN WAREHOUSE IN PREMIER LOCATION Building approx. 2,500 m2 Multiple roller door access Extensive offices and staff amenities On-site parking plus hardstand area Rent: $120,000 PA + GST & Outgoings LARGE SHED IN BLAYNEY
32 ORANGE CITY LIFE | April 11 — 17, 2024 39 SALE ST, ORANGE | 42 BANK STREET, MOLONG | 6363 1000 | PFISHER.COM.AU Scan QR Code to see all Open House Times Timeless Elegant Limestone Cottage Nestled on a sprawling 5033 square metre block, this property offers the perfect blend of privacy and convenience. Beautiful timber floorboards are throughout the cottage with carpet tiles in place in the bedrooms for some added warmth, these can be retained or could also be removed to expose the original boards underneath. Contact: Jacob Evans 0428 130 789 Price: $699,000 104 MARKET STREET, MOLONG 31 8 Scan QR Code to see all Open House Times Elegance and Functionality in A Flourishing Neighbourhood Nestled in a prime location just 2km from the CBD, this charming residence is the epitome of tranquillity and modern comfort. Meticulously renovated from top to bottom, flooded with natural light, this home boasts high ceilings, original sash windows, newly polished timber floors. With its excellent position in a family-friendly cul de sac, you’ll delight in a leisurely stroll to Calare Public School, Orange High School, Elephant Park and Endeavour Oval. Contact: Hugh Britton 0419 436 399 Price: $619,000 311 1 MCKAY CRESCENT NEW PRICE Scan QR Code to see all Open House Times Much Loved Family Home The property has been very well cared for inside and out and the overall presentation is excellent. The kitchen is well appointed with plenty of cupboards, a new electric stove and overlooks the spacious 1012m2 backyard containing a large double shed, another garden shed and still plenty of room left over to build your dream shed, create a vegie garden and let the kids and pets run. Contact: Adam Savage 0419 232 416 Price: $549,000 312 7 WAKEFORD STREET NEW LISTING Scan QR Code to see all Open House Times Could be What You’re Looking For Within easy walking distance to the North Orange shopping centre, the Adventure Playground and Waratah sports grounds, this neat and tidy home will surprise you. The generous open plan kitchen, dining and lounge room area faces north and opens onto a sunny, private entertaining area. This could be the home you’ve been looking for. Contact: Michael Wright 0421 360 948 Price: $739,000 422 8 DIAMOND DRIVE
ORANGE CITY LIFE | April 11 — 17, 2024 33 39 SALE ST, ORANGE | 42 BANK STREET, MOLONG | 6363 1000 | PFISHER.COM.AU Scan QR Code to see all Open House Times You’ll Want to Stay Forever Positioned behind neatly trimmed privacy hedges and built with a rural vista in mind, this house is a true stunner. Set on approximately 19 acres this property offers outstanding features and will satisfy your craving for luxury living in a rural setting. It is also perfectly equipped for the horse lovers. Contact: Jacob Evans 0428 130 789 Price Guide: $1,950,000 - $2,100,000 460 CADIA ROAD 42 10 Scan QR Code to see all Open House Times Central Living Here’s the perfect all round downsizer home on it’s own title. All 3 bedrooms have built in wardrobes, the main bedroom adjoining the spacious bathroom allowing plenty of room to move around freely. Lock up garage with internal access, low maintenance garden and yard, and a garden shed round out this lovely easy living home. Contact: Adam Savage 0419 232 416 Price Guide: $569,000 - $589,000 311 2A MOULDER STREET NEW LISTING Scan QR Code to see all Open House Times Quaint Home, Impressive Shed! Discover comfort and convenience at this charming property, featuring three bedrooms with built-in robes, a single bathroom with separate toilet, and a single lockup garage. Highlighted is an extra-large double bay shed with a higher roller door and in walking distance to the Robin Hood. Contact: Chris Mason 0438 629 417 Price: $649,000 314 4 ALBERT STREET Scan QR Code to see all Open House Times Golden Opportunity! Close to the Orange Aquatic Centre, OPS and James Sheehan High School, this 3-bedroom family home also boasts a spacious backyard. There is a bonus second living area, a renovated bathroom, large main bedroom, split system air conditioner and natural gas heater. Contact: Michael Wright 0421 360 948 Price: $539,000 311 3 GOLDEN PLACE NEW PRICE
34 ORANGE CITY LIFE | April 11 — 17, 2024 39 SALE ST, ORANGE | 42 BANK STREET, MOLONG | 6363 1000 | PFISHER.COM.AU Nest or Invest Here You could not find a more perfect starting point for jumping onto the property ladder as owner or investor than this tidy house. In a great area with popular schools within walking distance, it offers a neat and comfortable home. Properties in the Calare area don’t usually 39 Wentworth Lane Price: $595,000 Contact: Jacob Evans 0428 130 789 311 This charming 2-bedroom, 1-bathroom house is the perfect place to call home. Original features throughout; are well complemented by a modern kitchen with bi-fold windows that overlook the peaceful yard. located just 2 blocks from the heart of the CBD, it’s an easy walk to nearby parks, shops, and restaurants. This property offers the perfect balance of convenience and tranquillity. 132 March Street Price: $749,000 Contact: Michael Wright 0421 360 948 211 for DIY projects or storage. 27 Kiewa Street Manildra Price:$335,000 Contact: Chris Mason 0438 629 417 212 36 Boree Street Cudal Price: $329,000 Contact: Hugh Britton 0419 436 399 311 Scan QR Code to see all Open House Times A Wonderful Forever Home Welcome to your dream home nestled on a generous 2.9 hectares of peaceful country surrounds yet only a short drive from the many amenities of Orange. This gorgeous home is bright and spacious with ample space for all the family. A rare opportunity to embrace a tranquil lifestyle in a peaceful setting on the edge of town. Jacob Evans 0428 130 789 Price Guide: Contact Agent 42 10 20 GORMAN ROAD Hugh Britton 0419 436 399 Guaranteed to put a smile on your face Surrounded by established trees and gardens, this 3-bedroom homestead is comfortable and roomy. The semi open plan living area has a split system air-conditioner and wood fire to keep you comfortable year-round. The kitchen has plenty of prep and storage space, plus a cafe style bench for the kids to sit at. 2557 The Escort Way Price Guide: $895,000-$925,000 Contact: Michael Wright 0421 360 948 314 Scan QR Code to see all Open House Times Charming Potential Nestled at the top of Molong, this property offers a basic yet promising home with solid bones.Featuring three bedrooms with built-in robes and a main bathroom, it blends comfort with functionality. The spacious living room, double car garage, and landscaped backyard with a garden shed await your personal touch. Contact: Chris Mason 0438 629 417 Price Guide: $499,000-$529,000 312 13 SHANNON STREET, MOLONG Central, Solid and Affordable Ideally located in the Warrendine area and only a short walk to the nearby Aquatic Centre, Bowling Club and great parks. This is a solid home with three bedrooms, two living areas and a renovated kitchen. Make sure you put this on your list to inspect as it won’t disappoint. 44 Gardiner Road Price: $629,000 Contact: Adam Savage 0419 232 416 311

This home has huge development potential (STCA) with its large 1518m2 block and ideal 6-metre-wide side access to the backyard. The property is big enough for a second dwelling or units. Alternatively, this solid three-bedroom house, with its open plan kitchen, dining/living area and wide verandahs front and back could be the ideal family home.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | April 11 — 17, 2024 35 39 SALE ST, ORANGE | 42 BANK STREET, MOLONG | 6363 1000 | PFISHER.COM.AU Scan QR Code to see all Open House Times Ideal 1st Home Or Investment If you’re looking for an affordable first home or investment property then look at 198 Spring Street. Located on the corner and high side of the street this home provides district and tree lined views. There’s a lovely new kitchen with electric oven, gas cooktop and range hood plus plenty of bench and cupboard space. This property allows you or your tenants to move in and enjoy straight away. Contact: Adam Savage 0419 232 416 Price: $399,000 310 198 SPRING STREET Warrendine Area The house has 3 bedrooms all with built in wardrobes, a bathroom with bath, shower and separate toilet. There is vehicle access into the backyard, a garden shed and nice pergola area to sit, relax under and take in the rural outlook over the backyard. This is ideal for the first home buyer or investor. 2 Alison Place Price: $629,000 Contact: Adam Savage 0419 232 416 44 Park Street Price: $580,000 Contact: Jacob Evans 0428 130 789 Value Packed This home needs to be inspected to fully appreciate what’s on offer. Step inside and be amazed by the lovely condition and presentation of the property. The lovely large kitchen is well equipped and the huge lounge/family area overlooks the lovely pool and cabana area. It’s all here and ready for the new owner. 9 Elsham Avenue Price: $599,000 Contact: Adam Savage 0419 232 416 424 Scan QR Code to see all Open House Times An Opportunity Awaits The block offers a unique opportunity with three road frontage access points. Ideally located close to the Northern Distributor with services and utilities already within easy proximity there is great scope for an impressive return on investment limited only by your imagination. Close to schools, sporting amenities and with easy access to the Northern Distributor, this is an investors dream. Contact: Jacob Evans 0428 130 789 Expressions of Interest 313 DALTON STREET 31 0 NEW LISTING
In the Heart of Central Orange
of Orange in one of its finest streets, this beautiful home will capture your heart. The only thing more perfect than the location is the home itself which is a fine example of the historic homes that grace the older streets of Orange and are much sought after by discerning buyers. 48 Byng Street Hugh Britton 0419 436 399 Chris Mason 0438 629 417 with extra living areas, there is plenty of room to grow and is an affordable entry into the rural lifestyle market. 97 Beasley Road Lucknow Price Guide: $895,000-$935,000 Contact: Michael Wright 0421 360 948
Set in the heart
218 Huge 1518m2 Block
Kearneys Drive Price Guide:$749,000 - $779,000 Contact: Adam Savage 0419 232 416 313
36 ORANGE CITY LIFE | April 11 — 17, 2024 PETER FISHER Property Management
goal is to maximise your return through: 3 Expert knowledge 3 A proactive approach 3 Strong communication 3 Comprehensive marketing campaign 3 Problem solving 3 Continuous improvement 3 Streamlined processes using specialised technology 3 Dedication to maximising your asset
believe that experience, knowledge and communication are the most important elements of successfully managing an investment property. Our philosophy is simple: To look after your property as if it were our own 39 SALE ST, ORANGE | 42 BANK STREET, MOLONG | 6363 1000 | PFISHER.COM.AU For a list of available rental properties scan here: 6363 1000 NOWINMOLONG OPEN INSPECTIONS with ORANGE PROPERTY MARKET for more details on these great properties scan the qr code to go directly to our website 9.30 – 10.00 2 Alexander Street 4 2 2 $749,000 - $779,000 9.30 – 10.00 4 Albert Street 3 1 4 $649,000 9.30 – 10.00 2a Moulder Street 3 1 1 $569,000 - $589,000 9.30 – 10.00 97 Beasley Road 2 1 8 $895,000-$935,000 10.15 – 10.45 7/96-98 Anson Street 2 1 1 $479,000 10.15 – 10.45 2 Alison Place 3 1 1 $629,000 10.15 – 10.45 44 Park Street 2 1 1 $580,000 10.15 – 10.45 3 Golden Place 3 1 1 $539,000 10.45 – 11.30 1 McKay Crescent 3 1 1 $619,000 11.00 – 11.30 33 North Street 2 2 1 $360,000 11.00 – 11.30 44 Gardiner Road 3 1 1 $629,000 11.15 – 11.45 36 Carcoar Street, Spring Hill 4 2 4 $799,000 11.45 – 12.15 7 Wakeford Street 3 1 2 $549,000 11.45 – 12.15 6 Moresby Street 3 1 0 $385,000 11.45 – 12.15 132 March Street 2 1 1 $749,000 12.30 – 1.00 198 Spring Street 3 1 0 $399,000 1.15 – 1.45 4 Kearneys Drive 3 1 3 $749,000 - $779,000 10.00-10.30 46A Franklin Road 4 2 2 $ 729,000.00 10.15-10.45 45 Torulosa Way 3 1 2 $550,000 - $585,000 10.45-11.15 12 Kaleno Way 3 2 3 $ 799,000.00 11.30-12.00 32 Buckland Drive 4 2 2 $1,000,000 - $1,100,000 11.45-12.15 78 Sieben Drive 4 2 2 $ 827,000.00 12.45-1.15 36 Maple Crescent, Blayney 4 2 2 $ 729,000.00 10.00 - 10.30 133 Woodward Street, Orange 3 1 2 $648,000 10.45 - 11.15 16 El Paso Place, Orange 3 1 4 $598,000 Formal lounge with fireplace and patterned ornate ceiling. Seperate dining room with wine cupboard to store your wines. Eat in kitchen, plenty of bench space and storage. Family room where the family can gather to watch their favourite Office ideal if you work from home or for those who want to close working on their latest hobby. Outdoor covered entertaining area and workshop/gym. Original cellar This Federation home was the original homestead for the area. The home for and well maintained and offers many features of houses of this era fireplace, lead light windows and ornate patterned ceilings. Agent declares an interest 53 Kenna Street, Orange FOR SALE FOR SALE LIVESTOCK & PROPERTY Marie Fox 0412 166 132 Contact $895,000 Price Utilities 4 Bed I 2 Bath I 2 Car OPEN Saturday 25.11.23 11.15 - 11.45am A renovated modern kitchen with quality inclusions. Great storage and plenty of bench space Formal lounge and separate dining room, family room, theatre room and teenager’s retreat Large bedrooms, all with built-ins, the fourth bedroom could be used as a study. Gas heater and a cosy wood heater Covered outdoor entertaining area.Fully enclosed yard which is very private and a shed ideal as a workshop or gym. If you are looking for that central location and want plenty of space for the growing family than this is the one you MUST inspect. Such a great location, close to schools, Aquatic Centre, restaurants, and only two blocks to the CBD Power is connected and there are numerous spots that would be home. Currently destocked of livestock but providing a mix of grazing (approx. bush country (approx. 30%) with some country potentially suitab Watered via dual frontage to the semipermanent Manildra Creek permanent waterholes in a dry time and 2 reliable dams. A property ideal as a first time or add on agricultural enterprise, or recreational and lifestyle pursuits. An ideal rural lifestyle property situated 11km west of Manildra in Central on 228 hectares, or 563 acres, and spread over 5 lots. Call today to arrange your inspection….. FOR SALE 273 Bocobra Road, Manildra Residential BlockThis sizable vacant block is situated in a desirable location in Millthorpe surrounded by established homes and gardens and is conveniently located close to shops, Millthorpe primary school, cafes, restaurants and the CBD. Zoned RU5-Village zone in Blayney Shire, it will surely be in demand. This is one for the family looking to build now as rarely are blocks offered these days in the established areas of Millthorpe. Time to get the house plans out and contact your builder to make the start on building the house of your dreams. Marie Fox 0412 166 132 Contact $450,000 Price Size 1,121 m2 Approx. 1 Pitt Street, Millthorpe FOR SALE
ORANGE CITY LIFE | April 11 — 17, 2024 37 ‘The Homestead’ 1 Homestead Close, Orange NSW 5 A 2 B 2 C Exudes Charm and Character I 2* HA (5* AC)
park-like grounds.
family games rm,
exposed rafters in family room
Lge kit
stone b/tops, island bench & dining
Lge o/dr entertaining area o/looking 5 ac of gardens
Town mains water & lge u/g concrete rainwater tank Sale $1,600,000 View By Appointment Katie Christopherson 0400 637 559 Ben Redfern 0457 770 062 eldersem.com.au * Approx. ‘Jireh’ 501 Packham Drive, Molong NSW 3 A 1 B 3 C
North Easterly
into Molong • Steelcattle yards, older style shearing shed. Auction Friday 3rd May, 10:30am Venue 152 William Street, Bathurst Ben Redfern 0457 770 062 Katie Christopherson 0400 637 559 eldersem.com.au * Approx. find your dream home today... 9:30 - 10:00 16 Morobe Place 3 1 2 $ 620,000.00 10:00 - 10:30 11 Grove Street, Springhill 7 2 2 $775,000 - $800,000 10:00 - 10:30 250 Byng Street 3 1 1 $ 499,000.00 10:15 - 10:45 52 Anson Street 3 1 1 $570,000 - $600,000 11:00 - 11:30 22 Buna Street 3 1 1 $ 330,000.00 11:00 - 11:30 61 Coronation Drive 4 3 2 $875,000 - $925,000 11:00 - 11:30 101 Richards Lane, Millthorpe 5 2 2 $ 1,200,000.00 11:45 - 12:15 55 Kenna Street 3 1 1 $640,000-$660,000 12:00 - 12:30 186 Charles Booth Way, Millthorpe 4 2 5 $ 1,299,000.00 12:30 - 1:00 1630 Icely Road 5 2 3 $1,000,000 - $1,100,000 1:00 - 1:30 8 Candlebark Crescent 3 1 1 $575,000 - $595,000 1:30 – 2:00 5 Gregory Place 4 2 2 $775,000- $800,000 10.00 - 10.30am 21 Piggott Place, Blayney 5 2 2 $850,000 9.30 - 10.00am 10 Stoke Lane Carcoar 3 2 2 Contact Agent 10.30 - 11.00am 18 Johnston Crescent Blayney 4 2 2 Contact Agent 11.00 - 11.30am 73 Stevenson Way Orange 4 2 2 $875,000 12.00 - 12.30pm 13 Havachat Place Orange 3 1 1 $575,000 Turners Vineyard Function and Convention Centre nestled amongst the grapevines overlooking the hills of the beautiful Lucknow Valley. Turners Vineyard Function and Convention Centre is located scenic 31/2 hours drive west of Sydney. Situated only 5kms out of Orange, this complex consists of Function Centre, an A-la-Carte Restaurant and Vineyard Café. Lucknow Valley Room is the main function Auditorium; an elegantly appointed area, which offers the versatility of being able to be used as ballroom or conference area with the capacity to hold functions for up to 450 people. This area can also be sub divided into two separate function areas depending on your requirements. The Vineyard Bar and Grill has beautifully appointed bar which overlooks the vineyard, the Restaurant seats up to 120 people with walk in wine cellar. Coffee Shop with outdoor balcony area, capturing the beautiful viess. Seats up to 100 people. FOR LEASE TURNERS VINEYARD FUNCTION AND CONVENTION CENTRE Mt. Canobolas Turners Vineyard Function and Convention Centre Turners Vineyard Function and Convention Centre nestled amongst the grapevines overlooking the hills of the beautiful Lucknow Valley. Turners Vineyard Function and Convention Centre is located a hours drive west of Sydney. Situated only 5kms out of Orange, this complex consists of a Function Centre, an A-la-Carte Restaurant and Vineyard Café. MitchellHighwaytoOrange FOR LEASE Orange City Centre CHRIS GRYLLIS m: 0417 626 361 JOHN STEVENSON m: 0417 887 738 Email: info@chrisgryllisrealestate.com.au Personal Service & Attention Since 1974 COMMERCIAL HOMES RURAL INDUSTRIALS CHRIS GRYLLIS REAL ESTATE Wiradjuri Country 74 MCNAMARA STREET ORANGE NSW 2800 www.chrisgryllisrealestate.com.au For further information: COMMERCIAL FOR LEASECOMMERCIAL FOR LEASE COMMERCIAL FOR LEASE COMMERCIAL FOR LEASECOMMERCIAL FOR LEASE COMMERCIAL FOR LEASE Don’t miss out on securing this spacious shop of around 120 m2 in floor area that is positioned in the busy core of Orange’s CBD in Summer Street. On-site parking• Available now. $880 PER WEEK + GST & OUTGOINGS IDEAL LOCATION FOR RETAIL SHOP OR OFFICE A fantastic location in busy Summer Street. Glass frontage ideal for the gaze of passing foot traffic. On site car parking. Total floor area approx. 100 m2 that includes storage and amenities. To become available soon. $38,000 P.A. + GST RETAIL SHOP In heart of Orange’s CBD Re-locate or start your new business in the beautifully restored complex. A number of small ground floor shops and 1st/2nd floor offices available. For further details please visit our website www.chrisgryllisrealestate.com.au CENTREPOINT ARCADE Approx. 300 m2 of floor space in this well presented commercial shop in Summer Street. Currently set up as an office complex this premises would also be ideal as retail shop. Has good staff amenities and reverse cycle air conditioning though out. RENT: $90,000 P.A. + GST & OUTGOINGS SUMMER STREET LOCATION BANJO PATERSON AUSTRALIAN POETRY FESTIVAL ORANGE NSW 12th-20th FEB 2022 Events held at Yeoval, Molong, Orange Civic Centre South Court, Stuart Town, Heifer Station Wines, Orange Ex Services Club, Banjo Paterson Park, Robertson Park, Orange Regional Conservatorium, Strawhouse Wines, the Orange Showground and in schools around the district. Full program online www.orange360.com.au RENT: $57,500 P.A. + GST & OUTGOINGS A popular precinct on Summer Street surrounded by a variety of businesses and new hotel complex to commence construction soon nearby. The main area downstairs is complimented by further space on the first floor. Rear laneway access for secure on-site parking for staff. Total floor area (ground floor & first floor) approx. 200 m2. THE PERFECT RESTAURANT OR CAFÉ VENUE – UPSTAIRS/DOWNSTAIRS RENT: $1,400 PER MONTH + GST & SOME OUTGOINGS Has its own amenities. Great main street exposure Affordable Available now START OFF YOUR BUSINESS FROM HERE PROUDLY SUPPORTED BY CHRIS GRYLLIS REAL ESTATE Surrounded by a variety of commercial enterprises are these last remaining blocks in the prestigious Gateway Business Park positioned with easy access to the Mitchell Hwy at entrance to Orange. The blocks are zoned B6 Enterprise Corridor and are level and ready to develop for your successful business or investment. Land sizes available from 2,045 m to 3,559 m Please contact our office for further details. BLUE RIBBON COMMERCIAL LAND TO BUILD ON PRICES RANGE FROM $510,000 + GST TO $925,000 + GST
Step into a world of timeless elegance and historical significance with this extraordinary five-bedroom double brick residence, nestled amidst 5 acres of meticulously maintained
• Spacious fml lnge,
• Pitched ceiling with
Views Welcome to ‘Jireh’ comprising 85 acres just 5 km from the centre of Molong. Offering outstanding North Easterly views, the outlook must be seen to be appreciated. • 85*acres of agricultural and bush land. • 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom home. • An easy 30 min drive to Orange or only 5 mins



Last week, from April 3–5 the NSWCHSSA Secondary Basketball Girls Championships electrified the Orange PCYC courts as teams from across the state converged for three days of intense competition. Among them was the formidable Western Girls Team, comprising four players from Dubbo College Senior Campus, one from Orange, three from West Wyalong, one from Mudgee, and one from Lithgow. The team was coached by Brett Murphy from Mudgee High School.

The Western girls dominated the court, leading the pack up until the final quarter.

But, despite their valiant e orts, the Western girls’ opponent, Sydney North, managed to snatch victory in the dying moments of the game to finish with a score of 42-36. Despite the close defeat, the Western Girls Team showcased remarkable skill, determination, and sportsmanship throughout the tournament, ultimately securing a commendable 6th place in the state rankings. (Orange player Sophie Harvey is wearing the No. 10)

38 ORANGE CITY LIFE | April 11 — 17, 2024 SPORTS CAM
ORANGE CITY LIFE | April 11 — 17, 2024 39

I Love IGA: Pam Quirk

Loony Lotto: Margaret Lane

Find Pinny: Amanda H

Face in the Crowd: Vicki Martin

Call into the OCLife o ce to collect your prize

I love IGA

We have a $50 gift voucher to give away each week from Ashcroft’s Supa IGA.

To enter, simply tell us your name and contact phone and what product is featured in the small Ashcroft’s Supa IGA ad featured in this issue of OCLife. Face

Win a $50 gift voucher at Cheeky Barista Cafe

We have two vouchers to give away per month, be on the lookout in our April 4 issue for the face in the crowd. Meanwhile checkout their specials on page 6 of this week’s magazine.

Find Pinny

We have a voucher for Orange Tenpin Bowl valued at $60 to give away each week, so the family can go bowling!

Each week we’ll hide a small version of “Pinny” (pictured) somewhere in OCLife. It could be anywhere. To enter, simply find him, write your name and phone number on the back of an envelope, along with the page number you found him on, and send in...

Looney Lotto

Win a voucher to the value of $20, to use at Coco’s Cafe or Paul’s @ Coco’s

TO WIN: If you have a personal or business phone number with these 4 numbers appearing in any order within it, put in an entry and we’ll draw a winner from among all correct entries each week.


with Angus Gibb

One thing I really enjoy about being a part of a band is the creative process. The time that we spend together practicing, arranging, jamming and working out how we want something to sound. It is always a great process and something that I really love. When I bring something to the band to play, there is also a sense of trepidation as my own insecurities make me wonder if the piece of music that I’ve written is actually any good. There is the sense of anxiety as I hold out for the first time, this music that may have not been heard by anyone else but me. As we share in this process, though, there is always a special moment when someone brings something to that piece which just adds the secret sauce and takes the song to another level. When it all comes together, it really is pure joy. To see the idea of what was in my head be realised in more ways than I can imagine is not just a source of joy, but is also very humbling. As I have been thinking and reflecting on this idea, it has made me appreciate all the more deeply, the importance of working together. As human beings we are deeply relational. We are made for community and a big way we see this play out is in the way we work together. When we come together with a common purpose and focus, we can achieve a lot. That, as we bring to the table our own experiences and skills and mix them together

with those from others, the process can produce remarkable results. But what is it that can get in the way of us working together? I believe the answer is pride. It is the pride that makes us think we don’t need any input from others. Or perhaps we fear that what we have will be taken away or in the end be completely unrecognisable. Pride can really have awful consequences. In The Bible (Proverbs 29:33) it says: ‘Pride brings a person low, but the lowly in spirit gain honour.’ The answer to pride is found in humility. In letting go of our own wants and desires and selfishness, and humbly listening to others. For me, this means moving to this place where I can listen to the input of others. Often it is in those moments of humility that we see the true beauty of working together. It is there that we see the goodness of sharing together with a common purpose. For the creative process, it is key. Perhaps there is space for you to think about this idea of humility and pride and an opportunity to think through where you can perhaps learn the path of humility as you share and create with others. For anyone interested in seeing the end result of the creative process, you might like to come on down to the Orange Farmers Markets this Saturday, April 13 and hear Townhall Stringband perform some original music. It will certainly be another lesson in humility for me.

40 ORANGE CITY LIFE | April 11 — 17, 2024
Deliver or post entries to: Orange City Life Suite 3/241 Lords Place, Orange or Email: reception@oclife.com.au and mark each entry with the competition name, your name and phone number. Entries close 12 noon Tuesday. WED TO SAT 4PM-8PM 0401 072 027 Check our Facebook for the Menu 37 William Street ORANGE | Ph 6362 8611 Pauls @ CoCos DINE IN OR TAKEWAY Pizzas ~ Wings ~ Pasta ~ Chips ~ DimSim CoCo’s CAFE Monday to Friday 6.30 – 4.00pm Saturday 7am 1pm Closed Public Holidays www.cocosorange.com.au 37 William Street ORANGE Ph 6362 8611 Delicious! Best known for their delicious fresh food burgers, coffee and yummy desserts. With both daily weekly specials they have something to tickle your taste buds. CoCo’s offers wide range of gluten free, home cooked meals, all day breakfast and catering available, eat in or take way. Portuguese chicken Salad wraps Poached Eggs with Avo smash and yogurt Berry muesli Black Bean Vegetable Burger with a Sweet Potato Crisp Pumpkin Fetta Tart Sweet potato fish cake with seeded pumpkin fetta salad MEAL DEAL $50 2 Pizzas, Barramundi Bits & 1.25 litre Soft Drink
in the Crowd
OCL ife
reception@oclife.com.au Try your luck today and be a WINNER
Congratulations to last week’s winners

Orange City Christian MEN’S BREAKFAST


$20 Pay on Entry Cash or Card Duntryleague Orange

Guest Speaker:

Daniel Willis Global Operations Manager GAFCON at this month’s Orange City Christian Men’s Breakfast on Saturday, April 20, at the Duntryleague Golf Club.

The monthly event is about enabling men to connect around some fun, fellowship and sharing of life and faith over a very tasty breakfast, in a wonderful setting.

RSVP by phone or SMS your name and those you want to come along with by 7pm Wednesday, 17 April, to: Michael Middleton on 0418 435 250; or Mal Rankin on 0427 200 453.

Please inform us of any dietary requirements.

The Novel Project Writing Seminar with Graeme Simsion Samaritans

International bestselling author Graeme Simsion is bringing his well-loved Novel Project Writing Seminar to Orange this weekend.

Graeme is the New Zealand-born author of The Rosie Project series, which has sold over six million copies in 42 different languages. He has many other international bestsellers too, including The Best of Adam Sharp and the Two Steps series, which he wrote with his partner Anne Buist.

Migrating to Australia at the age of 12, he garnered material in his time before leaving for a short story he’d write fifty years later: Like it Was Yesterday

Throughout Graeme’s life, his many experiences have often later been reflected in his books.

Bringing this knowledge and life experience to Orange, Graeme will be presenting his popular seminar ‘The Novel Project: A Step-by-Step Guide to your Novel, Memoir or Biography’.

Graeme has a track record of getting it done, as he covered the entire writing process, from premise to proofreading.

Participants of the seminar will learn:

• How to plan the writing process, so they start every day knowing what to do it and how to do it, with confidence that they’re making progress towards a completed manuscript

• How to take control of their creativity

• How to create credible, complex characters

• How to structure their novel using proven storytelling principles

• How to deal with crises and problems, including writer’s block

• How to work with beta readers and editors.

The event is supported by Collins Booksellers, Orange. Graeme will refer to his book The Novel Project throughout this seminar, and Collins will have copies of it for sale on the day for $30 each.

Don’t forget your pen and paper!

The Novel Project Writing Seminar with Graeme Simsion is being held on Saturday, April 13, at Orange City Library, 2:00-3.30pm.

Call Orange City Library 6393 8132 to book your spot.

Online Booking link: https://tinyurl.com/ NovelProjectOrange2024

Purse ChristmasOperationChild working bee is starting up again on Saturday 13th April 10am to 2pm, Kenna Hall. We will be making items for shoeboxes and covering shoeboxes.

Please bring your own lunch. Morning Tea provided. For further information call Robyn on 0427 653 431

Author Talk: Anne Buist and Graeme Simsion

After you learn to write your novel project, a talk with Graeme and his novelist wife Anne Buist is guaranteed to pique your interest.

Anne Buist and Graeme Simsion are both novelists: Graeme’s The Rosie Project series has sold over six million copies in forty languages and won ABIA book of the year Anne’s five crime novels have been published in Australia and overseas, and their first joint effort, Two Steps Forward, a story of walking and renewal, was an international bestseller, sold to fourteen countries with movie rights optioned in the US.

Their latest novel is The Glass House, set in an acute psychiatric ward: your favourite medical drama with a psych twist, illuminated by Anne’s 35 years’ experience as a psychiatrist and Graeme’s deft handling of weighty topics.

They’ll talk about their books, writing as a couple, and their mission to visit every bookshop in Australia. And (almost) anything you want to ask them.

The event is supported by Collins Booksellers, Orange. Copies of Anne Buist and Graeme Simson’s books will be available for sales and signings on the day.

Author Talk: Meet Anne Buist and Graeme Simsion will be held at Orange City Library, Saturday, April 13, 3.30–5.30pm For bookings please call Orange City Library on 6393 8132. Or book online: https://tinyurl.com/ horTalkAnneGraemeOrange2024

ORANGE CITY LIFE | April 11 — 17, 2024 41 YOUR SPACE Have something of interest to share? reception@oclife.com.au

Race Track Car Wash (Orange) is looking for a new team member (One or two days per a week).

The position involves customer service, keeping the site clean and tidy, and some repairs and maintenance. The position would be ideal for a semi-retired/retired, active, enthusiastic, well presented, practical person. Please talk to staff on site for further information or call 02 6361 8338.

Gone are the days we used to share, But in our hearts she is always there, thoughts of the years we all spent together hold memories that will last forever

Loved and Remembered always Mum and Family

44 ORANGE CITY LIFE | April 11 — 17, 2024 CLASSIFIEDS 6361 3575 Philippa Mitchell Professional Bra Fitter By Appointment Mob: 0499 991 650 Bras for all women through every stage of life Your wig and topper specialist is available for a one on one private consulting. Please call Maddie Fisher on 0431 353 800 for an appointment or more information. BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Contact Corina Kenny: 0408 199 502 Let’s talk beauty 0437 211 614 0417 904 328 Awesome THAI MASSAGE Thai Traditional Massage Swedish Massage Deep Tissue Massage Warm Coconut Oil Massage Thai Remedial Massage + Hot Stones Neck, Back, Head and Shoulders BLOCKED EARS? Specialist Clinicians - Gentle - No syringing - All Ages MICRO-SUCTION WAX REMOVAL CLINIC Visiting MAY 28th, 29th, 30th & 31st Pinnacle Dermatology. 272 Anson St, Orange contact@ear2ear.com.au 0455 629 905 training public notices public notices garage sale position vacant CENTREPOINT ARCADE Shop 4, 226 – 232 Summer St 0419 979 773 REEL Memories • DVD’S Cult & Classic • Die Cast Model Cars etc • LP Records/45’s • Movie Posters etc • DVD Packages made up for Rental Libraries (Conditions apply) REEL MEMORIES PROUDLY SPONSORED BY Norman J.
NORMAN PENHALL ORANGE & DISTRICT vvv 6361 7777 or 6362 3751 Office & Chapel, 31-35 William Street, Orange Fond Memories
Alison GAil HAyden
your loved ones in
Penhall Funerals
memory of
25.6.1960~13.4.2015 Remember
James Sheahan Catholic High School HSIE Teacher Part time 0.8 FTE Temporary Position Commence by negotiation – 23 September 2022 Applications are invited for the above positions from suitably qualified teachers who demonstrate a sincere commitment to the aims and philosophy of Catholic education and possess appropriate teaching qualifications. Further details of this position, including the selection criteria may be obtained by contacting the Executive Assistant on (02) 6362 1422. A valid Working with Children Check Number is required for this position and must be provided at the time of application. Closing date: Friday 20 May 2022 at 10.00am The Catholic Education Diocese of Bathurst is an equal opportunity employer. James Sheahan Catholic High School POSITIONS AVAILABLE
Mathematics Teacher – 0.8FTE Temporary. Term 2, 2024 (or by negotiation) through to the end of Term 4 2024. • Ongoing casual teaching positions Come and be a part of our amazing learning community. Further details can be obtained from our website: jschs.catholic.edu.au go to Contact Us, Employment, or call 6362 1422. The Catholic Education Diocese of Bathurst is an equal opportunity employer. for sale HOMERENOVATION Wecanhelpyou: Increasethevalueofyourhome Renovateyourbathroomorkitchen Buildanoutdoorkitchen CreateadedicatedspaceforWFH Buildapergola Buildadeckforentertaining Andmuchmore!Justaskus! 0404612120 Lic.No.192680C www.repairsandrenos.com.au TRADES&SERVICES Phone Lara 0422 313 785 “Clifford” Gorgeous Cavoodle ready for his new family Vacc & Mchip Ready 15/04/24 $POA Breeder no B000851222 Call Victor w 0455 299 043 PICTURE FRAMING Shop 18, 212 Anson St Plaza Orange saucedesign.com.au/framing garage sale Saturday 8am, 4 Onyx Place, North Orange Solid timber slat Queen Bed with Head Board and Mattress, Chest of Draws, Hall Stand, Desk, Carpet, Ceiling Lights, Duffle Bag and Lots More. All Must be Sold FLOWER POTS VARIOUS SIZES PH: 6362 8992 A wide range of quality garden tools, including shovels, pruning saws, rakes, mattocks, hand-weeding tools and more. Only $15 each. Contact Paul on 0457 777 306 Maltese Shih Tzu 6 puppies for sale 1 female, 5 male 8 weeks old (DOB 23/01) BIN: 0014684367649 Parents have good temperament and are healthy. All puppies will be sold m/chip, vaccinated and vet checked. Ready for their forever home 0404 244 464
ORANGE CITY LIFE | April 11 — 17, 2024 45 experienced builder SpecialiSing in... •Renovations • Kitchens • Restorations •General Maintenance G A & r l bruce Lic. No. 203054C Phone Geoff on 0427 422 816 E robynandbruceg@bigpond.com BLIND SHUTTERS & AWNINGS HIGH QUALITY AT AN AFFORDABLE PRICE Most products carry a 5 - 25yr warranty BUDGET BLINDS & AWNINGS A local Orange business est. 2012 servicing the Central West Call Milissa for a free measure & quote 02 6369 0173 or 0437 10 60 60 www.bbao.com.au - info@bbao.com.au ELECTRICIAN DANIEL BLANDFORD 0413 077 156 Insured and LIC NO. 248674C DOMESTIC ✔ INDUSTRIAL ✔ COMMERCIAL ✔ DATA ✔ “Call me when being reliable matters” CLASSIFIEDS 6361 3575 MOWING CALL PETER - 0487 139 983 Pressure Cleaning FREE QUOTE The best results for all outdoor surfaces n Driveways n Pathways n Housewashing n BBQ Areas n Pool Areas 0404 077 324 • From small to large jobs – one room to full house • Internal and External • New homes or repaints • Maintenance Call Glenn 0467 599 668 ghbpaintingmaintenance@gmail.com GHB PAINTING & Maintenance Lic. 330255C TRADES&SERVICES TRADES&SERVICES TRADES&SERVICES FAST RELIABLE SERVICE Over 25 years experience • Domestic • Rural • Commercial • New installations or maintenance Call Scott 0407 414 609 scott@sdselectrical.com.au TRADES&SERVICES ORANGE 23 Cameron Place ORANGE 0418 869 897 GARDENER HANDYMAN Weeding, Pruning, Lopping, Mowing, Waste Removals, Small Carpentry, Plumbing, Brick Paving and more. 10% Snr & Pensioner Discount 0475 063 589 APIA CONCRETE CONTRACTORS • EST. 1985 • LIC. NO. 4906C TONY - 0457 072 234 CONCRETING - FENCINGRETAINING WALLS ALL WORK FULLY GUARANTEED Pensioner Rates • Reliable • Great Quality 99A MOULDER STREET ORANGE OPEN MONDAY - FRIDAY 8-5PM ORANGE TYRE SHOP ph: 6062 3995 TYRES FOR ALL MAKES CARS 4WD PLUS WHEEL ALIGNMENTS ALL MECHANICAL REPAIRS 3 Same Day Rego Checks  3 Caravans 3 Cars 3 Trailers 3 4WDs Brakes & Steering Log Book Service Still Free Every Thursday J K ADAMS ROOFING Call Jeff 0407 151 419 • Roof repairs Tile,Tin or Slate • Re-guttering and fascia • Re-roofing • Quality Leaf Screening Systems 40YRS EXPERIENCE LIC. 159748C Gutters & Gardens • Gutter Cleaning • Mowing • Pruning • Weeding Ph Chris: 0427 393 827 Daniel Tyack Building & Construction 0417 272 331 daniel.tyack1@bigpond.com • Bathroom Renovations • Renovations and all your Building Needs Lic. No. 390469c • Undercover • Safe clean secure dog kennels for boarding use. • Individual exercise yards. Dog B&B Shangri La Amaroo Rd Molong 6366 8789 0447 468 789 PETS&LIVESTOCK Find us on facebook: Dans Firewood “Providing the Central West with Premium Pure Split Ironbark” 0421 752 439 Give Dan’s a call now: FIREWOOD z FREE Delivery in Orange, Molong, Nashdale, Borenore, Cudal, Cargo, Clergate, Manildra. z Sold in 2 cubic metre lots, can deliver 2, 4, 6 or 12 cubes in a single delivery. z Bagged ironbark & pine kindling available. 0421 861 262 • From one wall to full house • New houses to repaints • Free quotes • Fully licensed and insured • Interior and Exterior • Specialising in Restora�on • Dulux Accredited 0417 313 494 Call Malcolm: www.malhandyman.com.au MAL’S HANDYMAN SERVICES Specializing in General Home Maintenance You can trust us for prompt & quality work 0447 002 193 LIC. No. 4558 We treat them all! COMPLETE EXTERNAL SPIDER TREATMENT House Exterior, Fences, Garden Sheds, Clothes Line etc! 25 Years Experience Eagle Eye Termite and Pest Control $199 Call Craig on 0428 423 770 Free Delivery BEST BURNING WOOD White, Yellow, Red Box and Ironbark You wont get much better wood than this 0438 437 508 LOCAL EXPERTS FOR • Plantation Shutters • Roller Shutters • Outdoor Blinds & Awnings • Indoor Blinds • Verishades • Security doors & Screens Call Brock... E. sunstopper@outlook.com W. sunstopper.net.au
46 ORANGE CITY LIFE | April 11 — 17, 2024
ACROSS 1 Skin on the head (5) 4 Commonsensical (9) 9 Roof’s projecting edges (5) 10 Power cells (9) 11 Collusive syndicate (6) 12 Nullify (8) 14 Informal bulletin (10) 15 Capture (3) 17 Melody (3) 19 Sorcerers (10) 23 Soon (8) 24 Thief (6) 26 Large powerful sea monster (9) 27 Sun-dried brick (5) 28 Speaks to (9) 29 Finished (5) DOWN 1 Offensive odour (6) 2 Unfavourable (7) 3 Own (7) 4 A precious stone (4) 5 Exercises (10) 6 Mistakenly (2,5) 7 Instruction (7) 8 Plastic unit containing audio or visual tape (8) 13 Linen (10) 16 Spanish headscarf (8) 18 Distant (7) 19 Hub for military planes (7) 20 Quarantine (7) 21 Forbidden (7) 22 Ally (6) 25 Singles (4) SOLUTION No. 133 WORDFIT 9-LETTER 3 LETTERS ADO APE ATE BEE ERA FEW FOE GAL ICE IFS IRE IRK KEN MOP NEE NIT OLD ORE PRO ROW SUE TIP VIA 4 LETTERS ABLE ALSO ARTS CAST CENT DANK EVIL ICON JETS OFFS PERT SANG SOLE WEPT WOOD 5 LETTERS ACORN AHEAD ALLOT AORTA ARISE ASHEN BALDS BASIC BUFFS CLASS COSTS COVES CRANE CRASH EATEN ENSUE FAIRY FINAL FLEES GREAT HALES HARSH HERDS IDEAL JAUNT NAVEL OPENS OUSTS OVENS ROAST ROTOR SCENT SELLS SLEET SLYER SMART SMELT STAKE STEER STRUT SWIRL TIGER TREAT ULTRA USUAL VIRAL 6 LETTERS CASINO ERECTS IRONIC STRINE 7 LETTERS COASTER ENIGMAS FOCUSED POSTAGE ROOSTER ROWBOAT 8 LETTERS FRESHEST NARRATOR ROMANTIC TIRESOME 11 LETTERS DIFFERENCES NECESSITATE No. 223 CROSSWORD N I I V S NE T E Using the nine letters in the grid, how many words of four letters or more can you list? The centre letter must be included and each letter may only be used once. No colloquial or foreign words. No capitalised nouns, apostrophes or plural words ending in “s”. Each number corresponds to a letter of the alphabet. Two have been filled in for you, can you work out the rest? Can you find all the words listed? The leftover letters will spell out a secret message. To solve a Sudoku puzzle, every number from 1 to 9 must appear in: each of the nine vertical columns, each of the nine horizontal rows and each of the nine 3 x 3 boxes. Remember, no number can occur more than once in any row, column or box. 10 words: Good 15 words: Very good 21 words: Excellent Today’s Aim: envies, even, evens, event, INTENSIVE, invent, invents, invest, invite, invitee, invites, seven, sieve, vein, vent, vents, vest, vets, vies, vine, visit CODEWORD: 1 = R, 2 = T, 3 = D, 4 = B, 5 = S, 6 = U, 7 = C, 8 = F, 9 = H, 10 = G, 11 = L, 12 = P, 13 = W, 14 = E, 15 = K, 16 = A, 17 = O, 18 = M, 19 = N, 20 = I, 21 = Z, 22 = J, 23 = V, 24 = X, 25 = Q, 26 = Y No. 173 CODEWORD WORD SEARCH SUDOKU 32 51 31 86 12 57 36 4 62 41 53 85 42 98 21 78 5 EASY 24 1 56 69 1 43 9 2937 3 8 6891 78 2 MEDIUM 962451378 185927634 528639147 413786529 294163785 641278953 857392416 376845291 739514862 EASY MEDIUM 326945781 759381246 873659412 597813624 682497153 945128367 418276539 134562978 261734895 SOLUTION SOLUTION SOLUTION SOLUTIONS ACMI ATTICA BENDIGO BRAE CRICKET CUISINE CULTURE EMBLA FED SQUARE FOOTBALL GRAMPIANS GUNAI HEIDE LANEWAYS LORNE MAMAK MARKETS MELBOURNE MULTI CULTURAL MURRAY MUSIC OTWAYS RMIT SCIENCE–WORKS SKYDECK TENNIS TONKA TOWN HALL TRAMS YARRA VALLEY YOUTH 1. Which United States Department of Health and Human Services agency is abbreviated as the FDA? 2. Where was Australia’s first uranium mine? 3. Which plant family does lavender come from? 4. What is apophenia? 5. What are the three official languages of the landlocked European country Luxembourg? 6. Which country was Sam Neill (pictured) born in? 7. In which Australian state is the town of Wonglepong found? 8. Who was the Emperor of Japan during World War II? 9. What was the first synthetic fabric used in clothing? 10. In which year was the first Australian of the Year awarded? QUICK QUIZ ANSWERS: 1. The Food and Drug Administration 2. Radium Hill 3. Lamiaceae (mint) 4. The tendency to see patterns in random events 5. German, French and Luxembourgish 6. Northern Ireland 7. Queensland 8. Hirohito 9. Rayon 10. 1960 PUZZLES PUZZLES AND PAGINATION © 1204 1 14 2 15 3 16 4 17 5 18 6 19 7 20 8 21 9 22 10 23 11 24 12 25 Q 13 26 Y No. 223 No. 223 No. 133 SECRET MESSAGE: Raining one minute and sunny the next envies, even, evens, event, INTENSIVE, invent, invents, invest, invite, invitee, invites, seven, sieve, vein, vent, vents, vest, vets, vies, vine, visit

THUMBS DOWN to the driver in the black Jeep on Tuesday morning near the library who was so close to reversing into my car.

THUMBS UP and Thank you to Dr Josh Serov [our newest Paediatrician here in Orange] for bringing your expertise to the Central West. I was very grateful to have my son seen by you today. You will be an asset to our community.

THUMBS UP for the great service from Lounges Plus in organising a new bed in a hurry before Easter. Great service!

THUMBS UP to the older sta member at McDonald’s Orange. Good service and I enjoyed their co ee.

THUMBS UP for the beautiful colouring-in drawings done by my talented grandchildren. They brighten my day.

THUMBS UP to Lisa and other sta at Chemist Warehouse. Pleasant and helpful. Thank you.

THUMBS UP to Joe at Blayney Smash Repairs for good old-fashioned country customer service. We are very happy we found him to do our job.

THUMBS UP to the young boy who promptly got o his push bike and picked up the give way sign after seeing a car smash into it at the corner of Dalton and Peisley Streets and then drive on. He lay it carefully along the centre road partition out the road of other vehicles. I was very glad to see such a thoughtful young man! Also after calling Orange City Council, the sign was promptly removed and red hat installed.

BIG THUMBS UP to Orange Indoor Tennis Club for their Thursday evening Pickleball Group — not too serious but heaps of fun. Good for fitness too.

A MASSIVE THUMBS UP to the rest of the local heroes from Cudal who weren’t nominated for their bravery during the floods. Who went out risking themselves to help their fellow Cudalians. Well Done.

THUMBS UP to Priceline Pharmacy. Thank you for your wonderful service and to all the kind and friendly girls there.

THUMBS UP to Orange Hospital, particularly Dr Matt Fitzpatrick and nurses Kiara (?), Georgia, and Lachie, for nursing me back to health from low blood pressure. They were all very thorough and very compassionate.

THUMBS UP to Matt at the Country Club for always looking out for the elderly. He’s an absolute diamond and an asset to the club and everyone who goes there. Matt goes above and beyond to help everyone there.

THUMBS UP to the amazing Sound Squad singers who performed at Ruby Tuesday at The Agrestic Grocer. Very entertaining, along with yummy food. An amazing fundraiser! A wonderful time had by all!

GIGANTIC THUMBS UP to Orange City Council for the Bee Clock. Tourists flocking to see it day and evening. Modern, scientific and an artistic addition to our cultural heritage.

THUMBS UP to IGA Summer Street for their kindness and consideration for members of our aging community. Many aging people experience limitations to their mobility but would not classify themselves as “disabled”. Even under the best of circumstances, life can be di cult when transporting shopping from store to vehicle, add in factors such as pain from aging bones, waning strength and the need to often use walking aids and one really appreciates designated parking in close proximity to shops. IGA obviously acknowledges the needs of many in this group and I, for one, am very grateful.

THUMBS DOWN to OCC for allowing the showground to become an annex for the caravan park and for allowing campers to reside there for weeks on end and then watch as campers leave to do wheelies in the muddy areas of the showground.

THUMBS UP to OMG Orange for trying their hardest to accomodate all clients during a busy morning waiting for the courtesy bus.

BUT A BIG THUMBS DOWN to the woman whose rudeness to the sta & air of entitlement was shocking. The sta were trying their hardest & we all have work to go to as well, maybe better organise your own schedule?!

THUMBS UP to Orange City Council for installing the multipurpose sports court at the Old Netball Courts Anson Street. Great to see so many families and the young citizens of Orange using this wonderful facility. Maybe a couple more of these courts could be built in di erent parts of Orange. Looking forward to seeing what the Council has planned for the rest of the old netball courts!!!

ORANGE CITY LIFE | April 11 — 17, 2024 47 THUMBS EMAIL: reception@oclife.com.au | FACEBOOK: inbox “orangecitylife” | SMS 0459 022 084 this is a text only number standard SMS rates apply The Thumbs represent thoughts and opinions of readers and do not necessarily reflect those of Orange City Life. Every care is taken not to publish thumbs that are considered derogatory or defamatory in nature . Please note that thumbs may be edited for clarity, space or legal reasons. Published by Orange City Life Pty Ltd ABN 14 649 575 333 General disclaimer: Whilst every care is taken in preparing this publication, we cannot be held responsible for errors or omissions. The publisher accepts no responsibility for letters, notices and other material contributed for publication. The submitter accepts full responsibility for material, warrants that it is accurate, and indemnifies the publisher against any claim or action. All advertisers, including those placing display and classified or advertorial material, warrant that such material is true and accurate and meets all applicable laws and indemnifies the publisher against all liabilities that may arise from the publication of such material. Opinions expressed in the publication are not necessarily those of the publisher. Senior Journalist, Jonathan Roe, accepts responsibility for election comment. Articles contain information of a general nature – readers should always seek professional advice relevant to their particular circumstances. Complaints: Orange City Life has a policy of correcting mistakes promptly. If you have a complaint about published material, contact us in writing. If the matter remains unresolved, you may wish to contact the Australian Press Council. © Copyright 2024 Orange City Life Pty Ltd. Copyright in all material – including photographs and ads – is held by Orange City Life Pty Ltd or its providers and must not be reproduced in any form without prior written permission from the Publisher. Printed for the publisher at the News Print Centre, 26-52 Hume Highway, Chullora 2190.
SORE TIRED PAINFUL FEET? SEE A PODIATRIST TODAY PODIATRIST Patrick Raftery 121 Sale St Orange 6362 1453 Book your appointment now PENSIONER RATES AVAILABLE Home Visits by Appointment only Visiting Cowra & Canowindra MEDICARE REFERRALS VETERAN AFFAIRS REFERRALS ACCEPTED “Where our customers are the heart of the community” A decadent range of cakes and desserts that will tempt the sweetest of tooths Delicious cakes WED TO SAT 4PM-8PM 0401 072 027 Check our Facebook for the Menu 37 William Street ORANGE | Ph 6362 8611 Pauls @ CoCos DINE IN OR TAKEWAY Pizzas ~ Wings ~ Pasta ~ Chips ~ DimSim CoCo’s CAFE TRADING HOURS Monday to Friday 6.30 – 4.00pm Saturday 7am – 1pm Closed Public Holidays www.cocosorange.com.au 37 William Street ORANGE Ph 6362 8611 Delicious! Best known for their delicious fresh food burgers, coffee and yummy desserts. With both daily & weekly specials they have something to tickle your taste buds. CoCo’s offers a wide range of gluten free, home cooked meals, all day breakfast and catering available, eat in or take way. Portuguese chicken Salad wraps Poached Eggs with Avo smash and yogurt Berry muesli Black Bean Vegetable Burger with a Sweet Potato Crisp Pumpkin Fetta Tart Sweet potato fish cake with seeded pumpkin fetta salad GET OUR APP SAVE TIME ORDER ONLINE MEAL DEAL $50 2 Pizzas, Barramundi Bits & 1.25 litre Soft Drink


TIMES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE • BOOKINGS RECOMMENDED Parking available at rear, enter March or Byng Streets • ALL CINEMAS HAVE WHEELCHAIR ACCESS 43 WILLIAM ST ORANGE • 6362 0213 (ADMIN) SUBSCRIBE AT WWW.ODEON5.COM.AU TO HAVE PROGRAMME EMAILED WEEKLY. *HEARING/VISUAL IMPAIRED EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE Programme for Thurs 11th - 17th April 2024 ODEON 5 MOVIE CLUB - $20 PER YEAR, AND ALL MOVIES (EX 3D) ARE THEN DISCOUNTED WWW.ODEON5.COM.AU *Use of our caption reading device. The goose-neck device sits in the cup holder. THUR 11 11.45 FRI 12 7.30 SAT 13 7.30 SUN 14 7.30 MON 15 7.30 TUES 16 7.00 WED 17 7.30 181 MINS DUNE PART 2 THUR 11 10.00, 12.30, 6.00* FRI 12 10.00, 12.30, 6.00 SAT 13 10.00, 12.30, 6.00 SUN 14 10.00, 12.30, 6.00 MON 15 10.00, 12.30, 6.00 TUES 16 10.00, 12.30, 6.00 WED 17 12.30, 3.30*, 6.00 130 MINS GHOSTBUSTERS FROZEN EMPIRE THUR 11 3.30*, 6.00*, 8.30 FRI 12 3.30*, 5.30*, 8.30 SAT 13 3.30*, 5.30*, 8.30 SUN 14 3.30*, 5.30*, 8.00* MON 15 3.30*, 5.30*, 8.30 TUES 16 3.30*, 5.30*, 8.30 WED 17 10.00, 5.30*, 8.00* 130 MINS GODZILLA V KONG THE NEW EMPIRE THUR 11 10.15 FRI 12 10.15 SAT 13 10.15 SUN 14 12.45 MON 15 10.15 TUES 16 10.15 WED 17 10.15* 115 MINS
PHOTO ID REQUIRED THUR 11 10.00, 3.00 FRI 12 10.30, 3.00 SAT 13 12.45, 3.00 SUN 14 10.30, 3.00 MON 15 10.30, 3.00 TUES 16 12.15, 2.30 WED 17 10.30, 3.00 97 MINS TIGER'S APPRENTICE THUR 11 1.45*, 4.00*, 6.00 FRI 12 10.00*, 12.30*, 3.00*, 6.00 SAT 13 10.00*, 12.30*, 3.00*, 6.00 SUN 14 10.00*, 12.30*, 3.00*, 6.00 MON 15 10.00*, 12.30*, 3.00*, 6.00 TUES 16 10.00*, 12.30*, 3.00*, 6.00 WED 17 10.00*, 12.30*, 3.00*, 6.00 109 MINS KUNG FU PANDA 4 THUR 11 3.00, 8.30* FRI 12 3.00, 8.30* SAT 13 3.00, 8.30* SUN 14 3.00, 8.30* MON 15 3.00, 8.30* TUES 16 3.00, 8.30* WED 17 5.00, 8.30* 134 MINS THE FIRST OMEN PHOTO ID REQUIRED THUR 11 5.00, 8.30 FRI 12 5.00, 8.15 SAT 13 5.00, 8.00 SUN 14 5.00, 8.30 MON 15 5.00, 8.00 TUES 16 4.30, 8.00 WED 17 3.00, 8.30 128 MINS MONKEY MAN PHOTO ID REQUIRED THUR 11 12.45, 3.15, 6.00 FRI 12 12.45, 3.15, 6.00 SAT 13 12.45, 3.15, 6.00 SUN 14 10.00, 12.45, 6.00 MON 15 12.45, 3.15, 6.00 TUES 16 12.45, 3.15, 6.00 WED 17 10.00, 12.45, 6.00 137 MINS BACK TO BLACK PHOTO ID REQUIRED LAST CHANCE MARATHON THUR 11 11.45 FRI 12 12.45 SAT 13 10.30 SUN 14 12.45 MON 15 12.45 TUES 16 10.00 WED 17 12.45 100 MINS RICHARD THE STORK AND THE MYSTERY OF THE GREAT JEWEL NEW NEW THUR 11 10.15*, 12.45, 8.15 FRI 12 10.15*, 12.45, 8.15 SAT 13 10.15*, 12.45, 8.15 SUN 14 10.15*, 3.15, 8.15 MON 15 10.15*, 12.45, 8.15 TUES 16 10.15*, 12.45, 8.15 WED 17 12.45, 3.15, 8.15 124 MINS CIVIL WAR PHOTO ID REQUIRED NEW LAST CHANCE ADULTS AT KIDS PRICE Coming Soon..

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